Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240707 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240707

it's in reaction to the leak of the u.s. supreme court draft decision that would overturn roe vs. wade. so far, most protests that fox has witnessed has been peaceful. this was the scene outside of justice roberts' home on saturday. >> you don't care people die! >> harris: the activists seem mad chanting "pro life is a lie, you don't care if people die." near images of coat hangers chalked on the streets. protesters marched to justice kavanaugh's house screaming "we will not go back" and they targeted catholic churches. this was the disturbing scene on the steps of a historic catholic church in new york city. [beep] >> i'm killing the baby. >> ♪ thank god for abortion ♪ ♪ thank god for abortion ♪ ♪ thank god ♪ >> harris: vial, obnoxious, disgusting. that's outside of the house of worship. things got more disturbing and frightening here, actually in wisconsin where police are investigating what they say looks like an arson attack at a pro life offices. vandals tossed a homemade bomb, what we call a molotov cocktail and it burned a lot along with the chilling warning scrawled in graffiti they left behind. if abortions aren't safe, then you aren't either. that seems pretty clear. at the same time, the pro choice group ruth sentas issued this threat. stop your rosaries and prayer, we will remain outraged after this weekend. keep praying. we'll be burning the eucharist to show our disgust for the abuse that catholic churches have condoned for centuries. their desperation stinks to high heaven because they don't have a debate point. the democrats were in control under barack obama. if they wanted to codify anything, why didn't they do this then? >> because, as you spoke with will cain about an hour ago, they know this is a political loser. they've seen what has happened in the past when people have hopped on this issue and it doesn't work out well. so they're looking at the situation right now and saying, we want to score some political points with the far left base but we also don't want to put anything in stone yet. chuck schumer, allegedly, is planning on doing that exact same thing on wednesday. putting this in stone. i think it's a horrible decision. and as will cain pointed out, that number 7% of democrats say they're galvanized by this. 9% of republicans say. that's bigger for republicans. >> harris: that margin says what senator graham said, this isn't necessarily going to move the needle for democrats in november. here's another question for you, emily. in terms of the politics of this in the moment, this does not solve inflation for democrats. this does not solve the border crisis. this is not even garnering itself as a shiny object but for the people who, and that's from you, you caught me. for the people that want to burn stuff down. >> emily: that's right. it's their attempt at a shell game, but as you're both pointing out, it won't work. my biggest issue with this in addition to the knee jerk horror, obviously of what we've been seeing is the argument by the left there was somehow this attack on democracy by the supreme court justices ruling in the way that they did or in the draft way that they did, right, because what's the actual war on democracy happening? what's the actual onslaught? last time i checked, the supreme court, the judiciary is what guarantees the rights that the constitution promises us and if this draft is published, then that restores power and vote back to the people which is the definition of democracy. and you cannot tell me that if it was the right or the right wing as the left says, if they are the ones harassing in places of worship and camping out on judges' front doors you can't tell me that the media and far left wouldn't have an absolute meltdown. it's totally hypocritical and antithetical to democracy. >> harris: i want to talk to you about that sort of acceptance, almost thirst on the left. tolerance of its own pain. the setting things on fire. the summer of 2020 after the death of george floyd, the murder of george floyd. the tolerance of it. wiping away those crimes, you know, setting up banks to -- banks of cash for people to tap into if they get arrested as violent protesters outside of the veil of a peaceful protest thing. >> kayleigh: that's a great point. she had to condone violence at any time at any city at any moment, exaggerated, of course. that's what you had to do at press secretary that they're getting away with condoning unlawful behavior. it is unlawful to protest in front of justices' homes. they're not condemning it. talk about burning the body of christ. think about that. that is what they say when they're talking about burning the eucharist. and our president is catholic. one would think that -- above whatever politics you are, that that would so grate at his soul that it would compel him to say something but he's not. when you hear a protester say i'm killing the babies as the groups march on a catholic church, god killed his son, why can't i? is what one of the protesters said. sorry, no, humanity's sin killed jesus christ that came to save humanity. that's what the protester says. you have this on msnbc just listen. >> i would like to find out who the leaker is so i could make sweet love to that person because that person is a hero to me. ok? and if the leaker, a lot of people saying it could be a conservative, if the leaker is a republican and if i get pregnant during our lovemaking i will joyfully abort our fetus and let them know. >> harris: he thinks he's about to get lucky? that's disgusting. >> kayleigh: i don't know. i don't have anger for these protesters, i have sadness and remorse for them. they're very, very lost when you can say something like that with joy at the thought of killing a child. yeah. >> harris: kennedy? >> ewwww, the whole thing, who do people think they're convincing? that's what i don't understand. we talked about this last week, this has become such an emotional argument. when you're in the realm of emotion, you're not able to have rational thought or conversation. and if you really want to change people's minds, you have to move the discussion to a more rational place. and, you know, people who are talking gleefully about abortion, it's disheartening and it's irresponsible. but there are ways of having this conversation that are more technical and nuanced and sensitive but they seem totally incapable of that. that is one aspect that is just the pure emotionalism but the other is something that you touched on and that's, you know, the political ramifications of this debate we're having right now aren't just about abortion. it's what we are not talking about. and what we are not talking about are things that are incredibly threatening to our country and to our sovereignty and all these other aspects that are so critical right now and it seems as though this administration is delighted to have this grand distraction even though it has gone to a very inhumane place. >> harris: i want to play this from the senate minority leader chuck schumer. majority leader chuck schumer right now speaking on abortion on the steps of the supreme court. this is back in march. watch. >> i want to tell you, i want to tell you, kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price! >> harris: sounds like a celebration to me, kennedy. i mean, that's, todd? >> this is part of that concept that jonathan turley has been talking about. if you don't like the results of something, get violent. granted, you said in your introduction that the protest looks thus far according to fox have not been violent. it's this notion of rise up, create this mob rule that you're seeing and when somebody like chuck schumer basically does a veiled threat against justices and again, he wasn't specifically threatening. it was a veiled threat. >> harris: we saw this with maxine watters in the house, right, after the murder of george floyd. get up in their faces! i mean, we've seen this. and it's not ok! and you say well, fox has only seen peaceful. yes, that's what our cameras have seen. well, that molotov cocktail was not peaceful. just because we weren't standing there and only saw the aftermath. >> it's part of this overall concept that the end justifies a means. that's not how a civilized society works. we have laws in place to prevent what we are seeing yet this is -- >> harris: what is the end that they want? you know they want to mandate behavior by force. >> they will not rest and that's that the end justifies the means. but the end is changing people's behavior through force. through threats. that is fascism and that is, unfortunately, the ultimate aim and that's why it's so ironic that, you know, a loosely termed organization supposedly anti-fascist but using fascist tactics to scare people into changing their behavior. >> harris: that's what happens when you don't have a dictionary. >> i argue, todd, i don't think those threats are veiled at all. i think they're overt and obvious but the difference is they're coming from the left. so the media portrays it as veiled, right, they give a pass to that and say they don't really mean it. come on now. if someone on the right has said anything even close to that, that's all of a sudden prosecutorable and people are in prison currently for that after what happened in january. >> harris: i still can't get past what you said. it is illegal to protest outside a u.s. supreme court justice's house. anything can happen, too, on top of that. all right? we'll move on. coming up, the baby formula shortage now a national crisis. so how do the wealthiest most advanced and most prosperous nation on earth end up in a situation where so many parents are working -- worrying about feeding their youngest children? if you're a veteran, own your home, and need cash, call newday usa. i'm tatiana, here to say you can get an average of $60,000 with the newday 100 cash out loan. that's at least 25% more cash than you get at a bank. it lowers your payments by an average of $600 a month, too. with today's soaring home values, the time to turn your equity into cash is right now. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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they don't make breast milk and don't make formula or anything that could be part of the solution. you know what they make? they make pulpit. they make pulpit. they can stand from the bully pulpit and they can amplify pressure to get an answer. we saw president trump do this with the vaccine. amplify that pulpit. make it happen. can we do an operation warp feed my baby? >> kayleigh: that's a really good idea. operation warp feed my baby, necessary 12 states, kennedy, is happening rapidly. have 40% or higher out of stock rates target, c.v. s., walgreens and places that you go to get formula. >> kennedy: yes and these companies are saying there is enough formula out there but for some reason, it's concentrated in different parts of the country and not necessarily where people need it most. and where people need it is in their own pharmacy or own target when they go at 10:00 at night because they're almost out of baby food and, you know, of course, we remember hoarding things like paper products, toilet paper and paper towels during the pandemic. you have no other choice. you have no other choice. you cannot give your baby solid food or milk out of a carton when they are an infant. and it's terrifying. you know, think of new parents. you're scared that you're going to wreck your baby with the slightest thing. imagine having that anxiety compounded by not being able to deliver your baby basic formula and you're absolutely right, there's so many kids out there who have special dietary needs and whether you can't go and get it, it feels like we're living in a third world country. >> kayleigh: to that point, emily, this is a mother that said her son had special dietary needs. if this doesn't get fixed soon, i don't know how my son will survive. her 5-year-old son john has set severe form of a digestive and immune disease triggered by a response to food antigens. good for bid if a family member of president biden's or jeff bezos or someone influential had one of these diseases, this crisis wouldn't have made it to day two. >> emily: she's absolutely right. this is the united states of america and baby formula is scarce? and this president isn't doing anything about it? he promised on the campaign trail, we're going to fix every problem! well, our babies need food now. it's absolutely reprehensible and i frankly don't understand why there's been zero accountability by the media for this president of all the promises he made because now, it's getting really real and there were certain things that happened during the pandemic that obviously we were all banded together in a global pandemic. we were all going through it, right? but scarcity is a real thing. and scarcity right now has become prevalent in all walks of our life. so for this administration who also touts the importance of the housing market and underserved communities, the like, there's a shortage of homes and cars and appliances and baby formula. manufacturers are now averaging 100 day waits for their materials and that's why we're starting to see it in our works and computers and the like. but when you have mothers who cannot put food in their children's stomachs because of their special needs or any needs, it is about time that someone held this president accountable because absolutely right, it's under his purview. >> harris: i'm sorry. forgive me. i thought of something. we'll have to do this ourselves, right, they're not going to do this for us. they've already proven that. i'm not sure if they like women all that much. i mean it. because they can't even understand how critical this is to all of us and kennedy, our girls are older but we've all been there. >> kennedy: yes. never forget that feeling. >> harris: there will be church programs and local programs, look for your local programs. there will be moms who will pump. there will be. and it may not be enough for everybody, but my god, if we could still and we can't, we would do it. we would band together and do what this administration that hires a lot of women, but apparently, those women don't want to talk. >> kayleigh: harris talks about this in compassionate terms and i believe the american people will come together on this. it's befuddling when you look at the chief of staff who had 19 tweets about how great the economy is. 19 tweets. it doesn't feel that way for parents out there. maybe he needs to fix the problem. i remember when mark meadows did everything he had to solve the drug prices. maybe he needs to take a page from the trump playbook. >> todd: just juxtapose these last two blocks, right, the abortion block in a block and this discussion here about moms trying to do the fundamental thing and feed their child. i've had friends whose wives have gone through this. oftentimes they can breast-feed only a few weeks and then at some point, they can't because of pain or because of other reasons. think of the pressure that that mother feels to try to provide nourishment, life to that child, yet this individual, this mother is not getting any help from this administration. instead, what are they doing? they're tacitly saying go do your abortion protests because that's ok. that's what the focus should be. that's sad. that is sad. and i look at the women in my life. and i think if they ever had to go through that, i would be beyond livid and that's what we're going through right now in this society. >> kayleigh: great point. off to twitter and on to baby formula, please, for everyone. up next, russia's space chief threatens elon musk for providing satellite internet to ukrainians and musk lights up twitter with his response. when tired, achy feet make your whole body want to stop, it's dr. scholl's time. our insoles are designed with unique massaging gel waves, for all-day comfort and energy. find your relief in store or online. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. refresh. because subway now has italian-style capicola on the new mozza meat and supreme meats. love the smell of italian food. subway keeps refreshing and refres- shhhh. i think she's still awake. don't worry. the lexus rx built for modern families. $1,500 lease cash available on 30 month 2022 rx lease programs. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. >> emily: vladimir putin is ripping the west for arming ukraine as he rallies in russia marking then of world war ii. this comes as elon musk says he was threatened by russia's space agency chief for providing satellite internet to the ukrainians. this cryptic tweet here, if i die under mysterious circumstances, it's been nice knowing ya. kennedy, we've sort of started a twitter flurry probably part of his point but then it was confirmed that it was because he was threatened and his mom even weighed in like honey, that's not funny. and he was like sorry, mom, i'll try to stay alive much the threat is actually real when you're coming from russia. >> kennedy: yes, look at all the people that have died mysteriously, the government employees in russia under mysterious circumstances. they're no longer with us to tell the tales of murderous dictator. but elon musk, you know, he's seen what has happened to people who tangle with tyrants and it's not a good outcome. he happens to have hundreds of billions of dollars so he's got a different level of insulation and he also has greater confidence but also goes to show what starlink is doing for ukraine, the ability to access and share information is critical and the first thing russia wanted to do was shut down that communication ability. they haven't been able to do that, hence their frustration but also brings more hope to ukrainians that as long as starlink is up and running and they're able to talk to each other, they will continue to have at least that upper hand. >> emily: right, therefore with the increase and success of a resistance comes, too, the commensurate resistance by russia and sort of sparking that hornet's nest. while there's an element of lefity by elon musk, again the threat is real and the situation continues to be frightening. >> todd: and this situation is not going away any time soon. anyone who thinks this situation in ukraine is going to be resolved any time soon is fooling themselves. i have two points, though, on the musk tweet, if you will. one, this guy really is pretty good at generating social media buzz. i think he should buy a social media platform and see how that goes for him. he's pretty good at that. two, don't do that to mom on mother's day. just send a card. say i love you, mom. don't say i could be dying soon. i know we've been giving you a lot of credit for the social media, continuing the first amendment concept here. don't mess with mom on mother's day. that was mean to that pretty, pretty model mom that you have. >> emily: harris, he's been covering the russian invasion of ukraine since minute one, right, and this now, as they get more and more desperate and they're now sort of spinning out about this, where do you see this trend going? >> harris: well, you know, i do think it's interesting for elon musk to own the fact that sometimes free speech costs. like it's not really free. and i like that. i don't want anything to happen to him or anybody else for speaking freely. but i do think that it sort of puts the onus back on putin trying to blame america right now and calling ukraine a country of nazis. so to have somebody actually stand boldly and say i hope this survive this, i think we all kind of can understand how he feels, right? i mean, conservatives and others were booted off twitter, stickered, kept off the platform for, you know, months to years at a time. the former president still kicked off. and yet, the ayatollah and others who talked about this. the kremlin itself, the office of the presidency, as they call themselves on putin, still on twiter and they have that free platform. for him to acknowledge this doesn't just happen. the beauty of free speech doesn't happen. i think that's a good thing. and will people catch fire with that and say, you know, we're willing to take one for the team, too, yeah, don't do it on mother's day. >> todd: not mother's day. >> emily: and kayleigh, as harris points out, here we have a private citizen that dared to stand up to putin and with his private company has made a significant difference to ukraine's fight against russia. i wish they would exhibit that same strength. >> kayleigh: it's a great point that they're able to mobilize and help in a war. elon musk the paramount example starlink basically the goal is to provide three billion people with internet access. that's extraordinary. and it will generate enough money to build a city on mars, that's how important and big and gargantuan this is and basically the drones connect to starlink above ukraine and enabled ukraine to essentially defeat the russians in some part or be on the cusp of doing so because they're winning the drone war thank to elon musk. this guy in texas who bought twitter stands up for free speech and then tweets, what did he tweet today? chocolate milk is insanely good, just had some. put twitter on fire. >> emily: i find it interesting and disappointing that the left vilified him. this is someone who has pledged to provide that internet for the three billion people currently in this world that don't have access to free and easy and accurate information. so here, this is one person who is actually doing well by doing good, albeit in weird ways or with weird comments and yet, he's continued to be vilified by the left because he is committed to free speech. >> harris: hooray for private weirdos. chocolate milk. >> emily: coming up, three american tourists die suddenly at a popular resort in the bahamas. details on the investigation into their mysterious deaths next. veteran homeowners, this is the best time in history to turn your home equity into cash. because home values have climbed to all time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out more than $60,000. use it to improve your home. pay off high rate debt. pay for big expenses. or put it in the bank for real peace of mind. turn your equity into cash with the newday100 va cash out loan call now. better luck next time. who said that? 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>> todd: we are still waiting for an official confirmation as to what caused this. but assuming for argument's sake, the a.c. leak hypothesis is true, a horrible situation in the bahamas. i wonder what this means for hotels everywhere. we stay in hotel with some frequency. have you been to a hotel recently? they can't get enough hotel staff to clean your room, do you think there's enough staff to check the a.c. units, i don't want to be alarmist but first thing i thought of when i heard this. could this be the booze? in the caribbean, they have a problems with bootlegged booze causing these things. the answer is galvanizing around this concept of something in the a.c. unit and if that's the case, i worry about what this could mean for here in the states. >> harris: the attorney, if people didn't know that. >> todd: the attorney buzz went off. >> harris: if they hire you, they'll win their cases. >> todd: don't hire me. >> harris: hire kennedy for fun. she's not a lawyer, heck of an arguer. >> kennedy: i am a legal hobbyist. >> harris: todd, i want to ask this, if, in fact, we don't know what this is and you're right to say that first because that's the most important thing. if, in fact, this turns out to be something like that, we've had a lot of things, my father-in-law calls it covidized. sometimes we don't have the cleaning crews. they've stopped cleaning to the regularity they have been and there will be a card in the room that says due to covid restrictions. to your point, everybody has a shortage of workers. even if it isn't that they can't bring people in to maintain, is anybody keeping score of when things are broken and that sort of thing? if the other people in the hotel say there is something wrong with the a.c. as they were trying to sleep, but nobody else noticed it to that point. >> todd: to that point, don't you feel like in society right now, you kind of just have to fix things on your own? have this sort of mentality of just like well, i just got to figure it out whether it's at your home, in your life with your health because the resources aren't there necessarily. so again, we do have to be very cautiousment we don't know the exact cause. >> harris: 100%. >> todd: there's not a lot of staff in the states. i imagine the same problem in the bahamas. >> harris: kennedy? >> kennedy: we went to the bahamas last year for spring break. i have to say they were so kind and delighted that people were returning. they were incredibly hard hit by covid. they were very restricted, very shut down. and now you think about these other hotels where everything is functioning, is their business going to suffer? yeah, if i got to choose between clean towels and no leaks, i'll go for the a.c. that is functioning and they sure as heck better figure out what is happening stat in order to keep their economy on track and people safe so they can go there and return home happily. >> harris: yeah. this is especially -- i've been to great exuma and we stayed on the property right next door which is mostly a home type of townhome situation because we have kids, sandals don't allow children. i believe that one didn't. that's not a low end resort. so to todd's point, and to kennedy, if you're going to choose health, i'm hoping that's what they're choosing, too. >> kennedy: yeah, i would hope so. they say they are. i'm putting my head in the perspective this couple, you go to celebrate your anniversary, you have a picture of swinging on a swing together. within 24, 36 hours, the wife starts feeling ill. she goes to the doctor. she thinks she's ok. she comes back and the next thing she knows she wakes up paralyzed. she cannot move and her husband is on the floor? i worry, you know, todd's point about hotels more broadly, i kind of worry about this hotel right here right now. i saw another guest saying i'm going to stay. i think that's what those who passed away would want me to do. but multiple people passed away in different rooms and i worry, and i hope and surely they're checking that there's something not systemic there at that property. i'm sure they're taking every precaution but it's scary nonetheless. >> harris: emily? >> emily: their pour son austin that says my heart is absolutely broken. my dad was everything to me. this is frightening. in a place with such joy ask celebration, it broke my heart when i saw the deceased's face, so happy on the swing. my heart breaks for them. and i think about the hospitality industry was the most affected during the pandemic. they were the ones that had to absorb the most costs in terms of complying and sort of getting back up to speed and then now we've been talking about the supply chain global crisis where manufacturers have to wait 100 days or more for materials, this all factors into upkeep and maintenance and fixing potentially of air conditioning and the like, and when you have something so insidious as an odorless gas that can kill. i mean, this is just an absolute perfect storm. it's frightening. and the attorney in me thinks there will be a really large negligence suit and it's really unfortunate. no amount of money can bring back those lives. no amount of money can restore potentially a reputation either. right? look at chipotle and brands that have suffered, frankly, years of blights on their service. >> harris: yeah, those are such excellent points, too, and what you're pointing to is we need to know what happened. >> emily: yeah. >> harris: we do. we'll move on. just ahead, the liberal media yet again taking aim at anyone who does not agree with them. watch out for their next target. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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we have the argument on all sides today. where in the world are the hunt for casey and vickie white. what killed three americans on vacation in the bahamas? john roberts, join anita and me at the top of the hour for "america reports." >> ♪ don't take to the old town road ♪ ♪ i'm gonna ride until i can't no more ♪ ♪ i'm going to take my horse to the old town road ♪ >> an msnbc panel not holding back, do they ever hold back, when it comes to bashing a group that seems to be one of their favorite topics. republican women. >> we can't demonize. i have to tell you, i don't know if that's my ministry. when we talk about republican voting women who are supporting candidates who are openly racist who are openly sexist, who are openly zenophobic, i think that's an easy demographic to demonize. >> real problem, republican women are in their mode and particularly white women where in a way they do benefit from the patriarchy, right, so they are feeling or participating in the same kind of story of economic insecurity or, you know, a right or a privilege that they believe their white husbands and sons and fathers is going to a person of color. >> kayleigh: it appears they picked up the talking points that sonny on friday vilified black republicans, too. watch this. >> that's an oxymoron, black republican. you feel like it's an oxymoron. you don't understand yourself then. >> i understand myself. i don't understand either of you. >> it's not a personal conversation. like we're having a personal conversation about cnn and how black republicans. >> i don't understand latino republicans. >> harris: every now and then "the view" gets interesting and then two seconds later, you move on. i think it's interesting, too, it's in the business, playing for what looks like her ear piece? maybe it was an earring. i wonder who was saying what. i bet somebody was talking to sonny. you know what? i loved the comeback from the other host who said, well, then you don't understand yourself. i mean, there is just this misunderstanding that we are all the same. but apparently, sonny didn't get the message that we're all individuals no matter what our skin color is. she can think she doesn't understand a black person that thinks like she does. the rest of us know she's in the minority on that point because ear all individuals. i don't know, maybe she's suffering from lack of attention. i don't know why she would say something. it's not just ignorant. it's insensitive. >> it is and also ignoring the past, 2016. they tried this. they tried irredeemable if you're a trump supporter, deplorable but yet, they still vilify. they're outright, tiffany cross it's ok to demonize this group. >> todd: you know who has a big smile on her face? women who vote republican coming up in 2022, those women are curious about their kids learning ridiculous stuff in schools and they're worried about their kids being victims of crime. so even if they are republican, democrat, independent, they're going to vote republican because the republican party is putting forward a platform that says hey, we're going to keep this stuff out of your kids' school and keep your kids safe. secondarily, to the point on black and latino women, has she seen any of the recent polling specifically with regard to the latino voter? and that was before all of this abortion shenanigans played out in the last week. latino women by and large catholic, black women by and large very religious. do you think that abortion played by the left is really going to push these individuals to the democratic party? me thinks not. it's going to go the exact opposite way. the republicans are going to be shocked with the number of voters they pick up this election when it comes to latinos. >> harris: tiffany cross made the point saying my ministry. she's not a minister. that's a phrase. >> todd: that's pandering in a way that's really unacceptable. >> kayleigh: listen to somebody else on her panel and her thoughts on republican women. it gets worse. >> in any traditional being respected for being a traditional women is better than having to kind of go at it on your own. i think there's a lot affiliated with racial status. it's part of what brands, you know, white women whether you're liberal or conservative, a large degree of privilege in society and there are a lot of white women who really want to hang on to that. >> kayleigh: the republican women can't go it on their own, emily and also racist. >> emily: i find all these arguments so lazy, so thoughtless. so ridiculous and, you know, it reminds me of when now president biden said if you don't vote for me, you're not black. that level of squishing people into boxes and having no idea what you're talking about. if you drill down into policies of the g.o.p., you'd say the soft on crime policies actually disproportionately affect african-american men dying at a rate eight times that of white women in these inner city crimes. who do you think inflation disproportionately affects? that's a disproportionate attack on the poor and impoverished in this community that are tragically overrepresented with people of color. when you think who gets amped up, it's not the policies coming out of the g.o.p. that lift up deregulation that empowers everyone at the same rate economically and also socially, that support these clear, hard on crime policies that will then get those off the streets that are terrorizing certain neighborhoods and the list goes on. so i think this is just frankly more -- i hate the word. >> harris: bluster. >> emily: thank you for that. exactly. >> kennedy: i think emily talked on something important and that's massagony and racism. telling people they have to vote a certain way or think a certain way because of their race and because of their gender, it's so shortsighted. and obviously, that sort of thinking is tempered with hate. and all i would say of these people who form these opinions with very little incoming information or curiousity, go to the middle of the country and talk to people and ask them why they vote the way they do. ask them how they're connected to their communities and their families and how does that influence how they see the world and how they want to make it better by whom they vote for? they might be very, very surprised. >> harris: they don't care. >> kennedy: no. >> kayleigh: they sit in the confines of manhattan. more "outnumbered" in a moment. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240707

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it's in reaction to the leak of the u.s. supreme court draft decision that would overturn roe vs. wade. so far, most protests that fox has witnessed has been peaceful. this was the scene outside of justice roberts' home on saturday. >> you don't care people die! >> harris: the activists seem mad chanting "pro life is a lie, you don't care if people die." near images of coat hangers chalked on the streets. protesters marched to justice kavanaugh's house screaming "we will not go back" and they targeted catholic churches. this was the disturbing scene on the steps of a historic catholic church in new york city. [beep] >> i'm killing the baby. >> ♪ thank god for abortion ♪ ♪ thank god for abortion ♪ ♪ thank god ♪ >> harris: vial, obnoxious, disgusting. that's outside of the house of worship. things got more disturbing and frightening here, actually in wisconsin where police are investigating what they say looks like an arson attack at a pro life offices. vandals tossed a homemade bomb, what we call a molotov cocktail and it burned a lot along with the chilling warning scrawled in graffiti they left behind. if abortions aren't safe, then you aren't either. that seems pretty clear. at the same time, the pro choice group ruth sentas issued this threat. stop your rosaries and prayer, we will remain outraged after this weekend. keep praying. we'll be burning the eucharist to show our disgust for the abuse that catholic churches have condoned for centuries. their desperation stinks to high heaven because they don't have a debate point. the democrats were in control under barack obama. if they wanted to codify anything, why didn't they do this then? >> because, as you spoke with will cain about an hour ago, they know this is a political loser. they've seen what has happened in the past when people have hopped on this issue and it doesn't work out well. so they're looking at the situation right now and saying, we want to score some political points with the far left base but we also don't want to put anything in stone yet. chuck schumer, allegedly, is planning on doing that exact same thing on wednesday. putting this in stone. i think it's a horrible decision. and as will cain pointed out, that number 7% of democrats say they're galvanized by this. 9% of republicans say. that's bigger for republicans. >> harris: that margin says what senator graham said, this isn't necessarily going to move the needle for democrats in november. here's another question for you, emily. in terms of the politics of this in the moment, this does not solve inflation for democrats. this does not solve the border crisis. this is not even garnering itself as a shiny object but for the people who, and that's from you, you caught me. for the people that want to burn stuff down. >> emily: that's right. it's their attempt at a shell game, but as you're both pointing out, it won't work. my biggest issue with this in addition to the knee jerk horror, obviously of what we've been seeing is the argument by the left there was somehow this attack on democracy by the supreme court justices ruling in the way that they did or in the draft way that they did, right, because what's the actual war on democracy happening? what's the actual onslaught? last time i checked, the supreme court, the judiciary is what guarantees the rights that the constitution promises us and if this draft is published, then that restores power and vote back to the people which is the definition of democracy. and you cannot tell me that if it was the right or the right wing as the left says, if they are the ones harassing in places of worship and camping out on judges' front doors you can't tell me that the media and far left wouldn't have an absolute meltdown. it's totally hypocritical and antithetical to democracy. >> harris: i want to talk to you about that sort of acceptance, almost thirst on the left. tolerance of its own pain. the setting things on fire. the summer of 2020 after the death of george floyd, the murder of george floyd. the tolerance of it. wiping away those crimes, you know, setting up banks to -- banks of cash for people to tap into if they get arrested as violent protesters outside of the veil of a peaceful protest thing. >> kayleigh: that's a great point. she had to condone violence at any time at any city at any moment, exaggerated, of course. that's what you had to do at press secretary that they're getting away with condoning unlawful behavior. it is unlawful to protest in front of justices' homes. they're not condemning it. talk about burning the body of christ. think about that. that is what they say when they're talking about burning the eucharist. and our president is catholic. one would think that -- above whatever politics you are, that that would so grate at his soul that it would compel him to say something but he's not. when you hear a protester say i'm killing the babies as the groups march on a catholic church, god killed his son, why can't i? is what one of the protesters said. sorry, no, humanity's sin killed jesus christ that came to save humanity. that's what the protester says. you have this on msnbc just listen. >> i would like to find out who the leaker is so i could make sweet love to that person because that person is a hero to me. ok? and if the leaker, a lot of people saying it could be a conservative, if the leaker is a republican and if i get pregnant during our lovemaking i will joyfully abort our fetus and let them know. >> harris: he thinks he's about to get lucky? that's disgusting. >> kayleigh: i don't know. i don't have anger for these protesters, i have sadness and remorse for them. they're very, very lost when you can say something like that with joy at the thought of killing a child. yeah. >> harris: kennedy? >> ewwww, the whole thing, who do people think they're convincing? that's what i don't understand. we talked about this last week, this has become such an emotional argument. when you're in the realm of emotion, you're not able to have rational thought or conversation. and if you really want to change people's minds, you have to move the discussion to a more rational place. and, you know, people who are talking gleefully about abortion, it's disheartening and it's irresponsible. but there are ways of having this conversation that are more technical and nuanced and sensitive but they seem totally incapable of that. that is one aspect that is just the pure emotionalism but the other is something that you touched on and that's, you know, the political ramifications of this debate we're having right now aren't just about abortion. it's what we are not talking about. and what we are not talking about are things that are incredibly threatening to our country and to our sovereignty and all these other aspects that are so critical right now and it seems as though this administration is delighted to have this grand distraction even though it has gone to a very inhumane place. >> harris: i want to play this from the senate minority leader chuck schumer. majority leader chuck schumer right now speaking on abortion on the steps of the supreme court. this is back in march. watch. >> i want to tell you, i want to tell you, kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price! >> harris: sounds like a celebration to me, kennedy. i mean, that's, todd? >> this is part of that concept that jonathan turley has been talking about. if you don't like the results of something, get violent. granted, you said in your introduction that the protest looks thus far according to fox have not been violent. it's this notion of rise up, create this mob rule that you're seeing and when somebody like chuck schumer basically does a veiled threat against justices and again, he wasn't specifically threatening. it was a veiled threat. >> harris: we saw this with maxine watters in the house, right, after the murder of george floyd. get up in their faces! i mean, we've seen this. and it's not ok! and you say well, fox has only seen peaceful. yes, that's what our cameras have seen. well, that molotov cocktail was not peaceful. just because we weren't standing there and only saw the aftermath. >> it's part of this overall concept that the end justifies a means. that's not how a civilized society works. we have laws in place to prevent what we are seeing yet this is -- >> harris: what is the end that they want? you know they want to mandate behavior by force. >> they will not rest and that's that the end justifies the means. but the end is changing people's behavior through force. through threats. that is fascism and that is, unfortunately, the ultimate aim and that's why it's so ironic that, you know, a loosely termed organization supposedly anti-fascist but using fascist tactics to scare people into changing their behavior. >> harris: that's what happens when you don't have a dictionary. >> i argue, todd, i don't think those threats are veiled at all. i think they're overt and obvious but the difference is they're coming from the left. so the media portrays it as veiled, right, they give a pass to that and say they don't really mean it. come on now. if someone on the right has said anything even close to that, that's all of a sudden prosecutorable and people are in prison currently for that after what happened in january. >> harris: i still can't get past what you said. it is illegal to protest outside a u.s. supreme court justice's house. anything can happen, too, on top of that. all right? we'll move on. coming up, the baby formula shortage now a national crisis. so how do the wealthiest most advanced and most prosperous nation on earth end up in a situation where so many parents are working -- worrying about feeding their youngest children? if you're a veteran, own your home, and need cash, call newday usa. i'm tatiana, here to say you can get an average of $60,000 with the newday 100 cash out loan. that's at least 25% more cash than you get at a bank. it lowers your payments by an average of $600 a month, too. with today's soaring home values, the time to turn your equity into cash is right now. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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perfect. if you're gonna work remote... work remote. find new workspaces. find new roads. chevrolet. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty... are we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> parents across the country are struggling with a terrifying baby formula shortage and it's reached crisis levels in recent weeks. at least 12 states have out of stock rates 40% or higher. major retailers including c.v.s., target and walgreens are limiting how much formula that shoppers can buy. now, parents and politicians are slamming president biden for failing to do anything about it. >> parents have just been under so much stress the last two plus years and now, on top of everything else, we're having to worry about feeding our baby and the administration, biden administration, isn't talking about this at all. it would be really nice if someone could come out and say here's why this is happening. here are the steps we're taking to fix it. in the meantime, here's how we're going to make sure that every mother in america is going to be able to feed her children. >> harris, you said this last hour. i'm glad you did. some women can't breast-feed, myself included, i had a double mastectomy and depended on formula. some children need specialty formula. they told my daughter she had a milk protein allergy. i had to search for it everywhere, turns out she didn't. there are parents that don't have the choice of breast milk. this is big. >> harris: there are parents that don't have the choice and there are parents that are below the poverty line in a program that supplements them but will only let them buy a can or two. even if they could find it right now and buy it at an affordable price, they can't afford it to take them past some time. it's going to take a while for this to catch up, our own reporting has shown that at fox business. my greater concern, though, is when people say why do you blame the administration? they don't make breast milk and don't make formula or anything that could be part of the solution. you know what they make? they make pulpit. they make pulpit. they can stand from the bully pulpit and they can amplify pressure to get an answer. we saw president trump do this with the vaccine. amplify that pulpit. make it happen. can we do an operation warp feed my baby? >> kayleigh: that's a really good idea. operation warp feed my baby, necessary 12 states, kennedy, is happening rapidly. have 40% or higher out of stock rates target, c.v. s., walgreens and places that you go to get formula. >> kennedy: yes and these companies are saying there is enough formula out there but for some reason, it's concentrated in different parts of the country and not necessarily where people need it most. and where people need it is in their own pharmacy or own target when they go at 10:00 at night because they're almost out of baby food and, you know, of course, we remember hoarding things like paper products, toilet paper and paper towels during the pandemic. you have no other choice. you have no other choice. you cannot give your baby solid food or milk out of a carton when they are an infant. and it's terrifying. you know, think of new parents. you're scared that you're going to wreck your baby with the slightest thing. imagine having that anxiety compounded by not being able to deliver your baby basic formula and you're absolutely right, there's so many kids out there who have special dietary needs and whether you can't go and get it, it feels like we're living in a third world country. >> kayleigh: to that point, emily, this is a mother that said her son had special dietary needs. if this doesn't get fixed soon, i don't know how my son will survive. her 5-year-old son john has set severe form of a digestive and immune disease triggered by a response to food antigens. good for bid if a family member of president biden's or jeff bezos or someone influential had one of these diseases, this crisis wouldn't have made it to day two. >> emily: she's absolutely right. this is the united states of america and baby formula is scarce? and this president isn't doing anything about it? he promised on the campaign trail, we're going to fix every problem! well, our babies need food now. it's absolutely reprehensible and i frankly don't understand why there's been zero accountability by the media for this president of all the promises he made because now, it's getting really real and there were certain things that happened during the pandemic that obviously we were all banded together in a global pandemic. we were all going through it, right? but scarcity is a real thing. and scarcity right now has become prevalent in all walks of our life. so for this administration who also touts the importance of the housing market and underserved communities, the like, there's a shortage of homes and cars and appliances and baby formula. manufacturers are now averaging 100 day waits for their materials and that's why we're starting to see it in our works and computers and the like. but when you have mothers who cannot put food in their children's stomachs because of their special needs or any needs, it is about time that someone held this president accountable because absolutely right, it's under his purview. >> harris: i'm sorry. forgive me. i thought of something. we'll have to do this ourselves, right, they're not going to do this for us. they've already proven that. i'm not sure if they like women all that much. i mean it. because they can't even understand how critical this is to all of us and kennedy, our girls are older but we've all been there. >> kennedy: yes. never forget that feeling. >> harris: there will be church programs and local programs, look for your local programs. there will be moms who will pump. there will be. and it may not be enough for everybody, but my god, if we could still and we can't, we would do it. we would band together and do what this administration that hires a lot of women, but apparently, those women don't want to talk. >> kayleigh: harris talks about this in compassionate terms and i believe the american people will come together on this. it's befuddling when you look at the chief of staff who had 19 tweets about how great the economy is. 19 tweets. it doesn't feel that way for parents out there. maybe he needs to fix the problem. i remember when mark meadows did everything he had to solve the drug prices. maybe he needs to take a page from the trump playbook. >> todd: just juxtapose these last two blocks, right, the abortion block in a block and this discussion here about moms trying to do the fundamental thing and feed their child. i've had friends whose wives have gone through this. oftentimes they can breast-feed only a few weeks and then at some point, they can't because of pain or because of other reasons. think of the pressure that that mother feels to try to provide nourishment, life to that child, yet this individual, this mother is not getting any help from this administration. instead, what are they doing? they're tacitly saying go do your abortion protests because that's ok. that's what the focus should be. that's sad. that is sad. and i look at the women in my life. and i think if they ever had to go through that, i would be beyond livid and that's what we're going through right now in this society. >> kayleigh: great point. off to twitter and on to baby formula, please, for everyone. up next, russia's space chief threatens elon musk for providing satellite internet to ukrainians and musk lights up twitter with his response. when tired, achy feet make your whole body want to stop, it's dr. scholl's time. our insoles are designed with unique massaging gel waves, for all-day comfort and energy. find your relief in store or online. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. refresh. because subway now has italian-style capicola on the new mozza meat and supreme meats. love the smell of italian food. subway keeps refreshing and refres- shhhh. i think she's still awake. don't worry. the lexus rx built for modern families. $1,500 lease cash available on 30 month 2022 rx lease programs. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. >> emily: vladimir putin is ripping the west for arming ukraine as he rallies in russia marking then of world war ii. this comes as elon musk says he was threatened by russia's space agency chief for providing satellite internet to the ukrainians. this cryptic tweet here, if i die under mysterious circumstances, it's been nice knowing ya. kennedy, we've sort of started a twitter flurry probably part of his point but then it was confirmed that it was because he was threatened and his mom even weighed in like honey, that's not funny. and he was like sorry, mom, i'll try to stay alive much the threat is actually real when you're coming from russia. >> kennedy: yes, look at all the people that have died mysteriously, the government employees in russia under mysterious circumstances. they're no longer with us to tell the tales of murderous dictator. but elon musk, you know, he's seen what has happened to people who tangle with tyrants and it's not a good outcome. he happens to have hundreds of billions of dollars so he's got a different level of insulation and he also has greater confidence but also goes to show what starlink is doing for ukraine, the ability to access and share information is critical and the first thing russia wanted to do was shut down that communication ability. they haven't been able to do that, hence their frustration but also brings more hope to ukrainians that as long as starlink is up and running and they're able to talk to each other, they will continue to have at least that upper hand. >> emily: right, therefore with the increase and success of a resistance comes, too, the commensurate resistance by russia and sort of sparking that hornet's nest. while there's an element of lefity by elon musk, again the threat is real and the situation continues to be frightening. >> todd: and this situation is not going away any time soon. anyone who thinks this situation in ukraine is going to be resolved any time soon is fooling themselves. i have two points, though, on the musk tweet, if you will. one, this guy really is pretty good at generating social media buzz. i think he should buy a social media platform and see how that goes for him. he's pretty good at that. two, don't do that to mom on mother's day. just send a card. say i love you, mom. don't say i could be dying soon. i know we've been giving you a lot of credit for the social media, continuing the first amendment concept here. don't mess with mom on mother's day. that was mean to that pretty, pretty model mom that you have. >> emily: harris, he's been covering the russian invasion of ukraine since minute one, right, and this now, as they get more and more desperate and they're now sort of spinning out about this, where do you see this trend going? >> harris: well, you know, i do think it's interesting for elon musk to own the fact that sometimes free speech costs. like it's not really free. and i like that. i don't want anything to happen to him or anybody else for speaking freely. but i do think that it sort of puts the onus back on putin trying to blame america right now and calling ukraine a country of nazis. so to have somebody actually stand boldly and say i hope this survive this, i think we all kind of can understand how he feels, right? i mean, conservatives and others were booted off twitter, stickered, kept off the platform for, you know, months to years at a time. the former president still kicked off. and yet, the ayatollah and others who talked about this. the kremlin itself, the office of the presidency, as they call themselves on putin, still on twiter and they have that free platform. for him to acknowledge this doesn't just happen. the beauty of free speech doesn't happen. i think that's a good thing. and will people catch fire with that and say, you know, we're willing to take one for the team, too, yeah, don't do it on mother's day. >> todd: not mother's day. >> emily: and kayleigh, as harris points out, here we have a private citizen that dared to stand up to putin and with his private company has made a significant difference to ukraine's fight against russia. i wish they would exhibit that same strength. >> kayleigh: it's a great point that they're able to mobilize and help in a war. elon musk the paramount example starlink basically the goal is to provide three billion people with internet access. that's extraordinary. and it will generate enough money to build a city on mars, that's how important and big and gargantuan this is and basically the drones connect to starlink above ukraine and enabled ukraine to essentially defeat the russians in some part or be on the cusp of doing so because they're winning the drone war thank to elon musk. this guy in texas who bought twitter stands up for free speech and then tweets, what did he tweet today? chocolate milk is insanely good, just had some. put twitter on fire. >> emily: i find it interesting and disappointing that the left vilified him. this is someone who has pledged to provide that internet for the three billion people currently in this world that don't have access to free and easy and accurate information. so here, this is one person who is actually doing well by doing good, albeit in weird ways or with weird comments and yet, he's continued to be vilified by the left because he is committed to free speech. >> harris: hooray for private weirdos. chocolate milk. >> emily: coming up, three american tourists die suddenly at a popular resort in the bahamas. details on the investigation into their mysterious deaths next. veteran homeowners, this is the best time in history to turn your home equity into cash. because home values have climbed to all time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out more than $60,000. use it to improve your home. pay off high rate debt. pay for big expenses. or put it in the bank for real peace of mind. turn your equity into cash with the newday100 va cash out loan call now. better luck next time. who said that? 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>> todd: we are still waiting for an official confirmation as to what caused this. but assuming for argument's sake, the a.c. leak hypothesis is true, a horrible situation in the bahamas. i wonder what this means for hotels everywhere. we stay in hotel with some frequency. have you been to a hotel recently? they can't get enough hotel staff to clean your room, do you think there's enough staff to check the a.c. units, i don't want to be alarmist but first thing i thought of when i heard this. could this be the booze? in the caribbean, they have a problems with bootlegged booze causing these things. the answer is galvanizing around this concept of something in the a.c. unit and if that's the case, i worry about what this could mean for here in the states. >> harris: the attorney, if people didn't know that. >> todd: the attorney buzz went off. >> harris: if they hire you, they'll win their cases. >> todd: don't hire me. >> harris: hire kennedy for fun. she's not a lawyer, heck of an arguer. >> kennedy: i am a legal hobbyist. >> harris: todd, i want to ask this, if, in fact, we don't know what this is and you're right to say that first because that's the most important thing. if, in fact, this turns out to be something like that, we've had a lot of things, my father-in-law calls it covidized. sometimes we don't have the cleaning crews. they've stopped cleaning to the regularity they have been and there will be a card in the room that says due to covid restrictions. to your point, everybody has a shortage of workers. even if it isn't that they can't bring people in to maintain, is anybody keeping score of when things are broken and that sort of thing? if the other people in the hotel say there is something wrong with the a.c. as they were trying to sleep, but nobody else noticed it to that point. >> todd: to that point, don't you feel like in society right now, you kind of just have to fix things on your own? have this sort of mentality of just like well, i just got to figure it out whether it's at your home, in your life with your health because the resources aren't there necessarily. so again, we do have to be very cautiousment we don't know the exact cause. >> harris: 100%. >> todd: there's not a lot of staff in the states. i imagine the same problem in the bahamas. >> harris: kennedy? >> kennedy: we went to the bahamas last year for spring break. i have to say they were so kind and delighted that people were returning. they were incredibly hard hit by covid. they were very restricted, very shut down. and now you think about these other hotels where everything is functioning, is their business going to suffer? yeah, if i got to choose between clean towels and no leaks, i'll go for the a.c. that is functioning and they sure as heck better figure out what is happening stat in order to keep their economy on track and people safe so they can go there and return home happily. >> harris: yeah. this is especially -- i've been to great exuma and we stayed on the property right next door which is mostly a home type of townhome situation because we have kids, sandals don't allow children. i believe that one didn't. that's not a low end resort. so to todd's point, and to kennedy, if you're going to choose health, i'm hoping that's what they're choosing, too. >> kennedy: yeah, i would hope so. they say they are. i'm putting my head in the perspective this couple, you go to celebrate your anniversary, you have a picture of swinging on a swing together. within 24, 36 hours, the wife starts feeling ill. she goes to the doctor. she thinks she's ok. she comes back and the next thing she knows she wakes up paralyzed. she cannot move and her husband is on the floor? i worry, you know, todd's point about hotels more broadly, i kind of worry about this hotel right here right now. i saw another guest saying i'm going to stay. i think that's what those who passed away would want me to do. but multiple people passed away in different rooms and i worry, and i hope and surely they're checking that there's something not systemic there at that property. i'm sure they're taking every precaution but it's scary nonetheless. >> harris: emily? >> emily: their pour son austin that says my heart is absolutely broken. my dad was everything to me. this is frightening. in a place with such joy ask celebration, it broke my heart when i saw the deceased's face, so happy on the swing. my heart breaks for them. and i think about the hospitality industry was the most affected during the pandemic. they were the ones that had to absorb the most costs in terms of complying and sort of getting back up to speed and then now we've been talking about the supply chain global crisis where manufacturers have to wait 100 days or more for materials, this all factors into upkeep and maintenance and fixing potentially of air conditioning and the like, and when you have something so insidious as an odorless gas that can kill. i mean, this is just an absolute perfect storm. it's frightening. and the attorney in me thinks there will be a really large negligence suit and it's really unfortunate. no amount of money can bring back those lives. no amount of money can restore potentially a reputation either. right? look at chipotle and brands that have suffered, frankly, years of blights on their service. >> harris: yeah, those are such excellent points, too, and what you're pointing to is we need to know what happened. >> emily: yeah. >> harris: we do. we'll move on. just ahead, the liberal media yet again taking aim at anyone who does not agree with them. watch out for their next target. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. 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we have the argument on all sides today. where in the world are the hunt for casey and vickie white. what killed three americans on vacation in the bahamas? john roberts, join anita and me at the top of the hour for "america reports." >> ♪ don't take to the old town road ♪ ♪ i'm gonna ride until i can't no more ♪ ♪ i'm going to take my horse to the old town road ♪ >> an msnbc panel not holding back, do they ever hold back, when it comes to bashing a group that seems to be one of their favorite topics. republican women. >> we can't demonize. i have to tell you, i don't know if that's my ministry. when we talk about republican voting women who are supporting candidates who are openly racist who are openly sexist, who are openly zenophobic, i think that's an easy demographic to demonize. >> real problem, republican women are in their mode and particularly white women where in a way they do benefit from the patriarchy, right, so they are feeling or participating in the same kind of story of economic insecurity or, you know, a right or a privilege that they believe their white husbands and sons and fathers is going to a person of color. >> kayleigh: it appears they picked up the talking points that sonny on friday vilified black republicans, too. watch this. >> that's an oxymoron, black republican. you feel like it's an oxymoron. you don't understand yourself then. >> i understand myself. i don't understand either of you. >> it's not a personal conversation. like we're having a personal conversation about cnn and how black republicans. >> i don't understand latino republicans. >> harris: every now and then "the view" gets interesting and then two seconds later, you move on. i think it's interesting, too, it's in the business, playing for what looks like her ear piece? maybe it was an earring. i wonder who was saying what. i bet somebody was talking to sonny. you know what? i loved the comeback from the other host who said, well, then you don't understand yourself. i mean, there is just this misunderstanding that we are all the same. but apparently, sonny didn't get the message that we're all individuals no matter what our skin color is. she can think she doesn't understand a black person that thinks like she does. the rest of us know she's in the minority on that point because ear all individuals. i don't know, maybe she's suffering from lack of attention. i don't know why she would say something. it's not just ignorant. it's insensitive. >> it is and also ignoring the past, 2016. they tried this. they tried irredeemable if you're a trump supporter, deplorable but yet, they still vilify. they're outright, tiffany cross it's ok to demonize this group. >> todd: you know who has a big smile on her face? women who vote republican coming up in 2022, those women are curious about their kids learning ridiculous stuff in schools and they're worried about their kids being victims of crime. so even if they are republican, democrat, independent, they're going to vote republican because the republican party is putting forward a platform that says hey, we're going to keep this stuff out of your kids' school and keep your kids safe. secondarily, to the point on black and latino women, has she seen any of the recent polling specifically with regard to the latino voter? and that was before all of this abortion shenanigans played out in the last week. latino women by and large catholic, black women by and large very religious. do you think that abortion played by the left is really going to push these individuals to the democratic party? me thinks not. it's going to go the exact opposite way. the republicans are going to be shocked with the number of voters they pick up this election when it comes to latinos. >> harris: tiffany cross made the point saying my ministry. she's not a minister. that's a phrase. >> todd: that's pandering in a way that's really unacceptable. >> kayleigh: listen to somebody else on her panel and her thoughts on republican women. it gets worse. >> in any traditional being respected for being a traditional women is better than having to kind of go at it on your own. i think there's a lot affiliated with racial status. it's part of what brands, you know, white women whether you're liberal or conservative, a large degree of privilege in society and there are a lot of white women who really want to hang on to that. >> kayleigh: the republican women can't go it on their own, emily and also racist. >> emily: i find all these arguments so lazy, so thoughtless. so ridiculous and, you know, it reminds me of when now president biden said if you don't vote for me, you're not black. that level of squishing people into boxes and having no idea what you're talking about. if you drill down into policies of the g.o.p., you'd say the soft on crime policies actually disproportionately affect african-american men dying at a rate eight times that of white women in these inner city crimes. who do you think inflation disproportionately affects? that's a disproportionate attack on the poor and impoverished in this community that are tragically overrepresented with people of color. when you think who gets amped up, it's not the policies coming out of the g.o.p. that lift up deregulation that empowers everyone at the same rate economically and also socially, that support these clear, hard on crime policies that will then get those off the streets that are terrorizing certain neighborhoods and the list goes on. so i think this is just frankly more -- i hate the word. >> harris: bluster. >> emily: thank you for that. exactly. >> kennedy: i think emily talked on something important and that's massagony and racism. telling people they have to vote a certain way or think a certain way because of their race and because of their gender, it's so shortsighted. and obviously, that sort of thinking is tempered with hate. and all i would say of these people who form these opinions with very little incoming information or curiousity, go to the middle of the country and talk to people and ask them why they vote the way they do. ask them how they're connected to their communities and their families and how does that influence how they see the world and how they want to make it better by whom they vote for? they might be very, very surprised. >> harris: they don't care. >> kennedy: no. >> kayleigh: they sit in the confines of manhattan. more "outnumbered" in a moment. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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