Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240707 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240707

round of sanctions against russia and other measures including phasing out russian oil imports. griff: in ukraine, russia is continuing to ramp up its attack on the east including bombing schools where people were in the basement. tomorrow marks the defeat of nazi germany in 1945. some fear vladimir putin will use the day to declare war. eric: churches around the country spent the last few days fearing and concerned about protests or the leaked supreme court draft document. the churches in chicago, washington, d.c., and texas where police asked for additional protection. in wisconsin there was a fire at the headquarters of a pro-life group. and someone spray painted the what you see outside the wall. if abortions aren't safe, then you aren't either. vandals spray painted slogans on a church in colorado. hi, leslie. reporter: good afternoon. at st. patrick's cathedral in new york city, lots of crowds coming in and out. police remain on high alert. across the nation states on high alert including law enforcement agencies. it has a few issues. in virginia the attorney general talking about people who possibly go into these mother's day celebrations to disrupt them could face legal charges. >> it's federal law that you are not allowed to directly interfere with somebody in who a house of worship. this has been brought to my attention and we take it very seriously. reporter: police in wisconsin investigating a suspicious fire at a non-profit that support pro-life. large groups gathering in chicago, houston, d.c. this after someone leaked a draft supreme court opinion that would strike down the roe v. wade decision that establish sad constitutional right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court's marshal is trying to figure out who leaks the draft, leaders are talking and standing with pro-choice crowds. if the court overturns roe v. wade abortions won't stop, it just means they will be more dangerous. reporter: this video was posted at tiktok. it shows women inside of a catholic mass. the organization ruth sent us is named after the late justice ginsburg. the national catholic group called catholic vote is calling on president biden and leaders in washington, d.c. to step up and condemn protests in churches. nypd officers are on stand by though they have not had any issues. >> the supreme court leak is raising safety concerns at churches and at the homes of some of the conservative justices after activists posted their home addresses online. you can see the fencing has gone up in front of the supreme court on capitol hill. all this as president biden called the provisional court opinion radical. he met with g-7 leaders to discuss the ongoing war in ukraine. they announced sweeping sanctions and other measures against moscow. reporter: earlier today on "fox news sunday" chris murphy told bret baier all protests should remain peaceful. >> no one should be threatening violence against any supreme court justice or member of congress. i have had protests across from my house during the course of my time in public service. any threats of violence are beyond the pale. reporter: conservative justice clarence thomas said the court won't be bullied into making decisions. the addresses posted online by activist groups. google taking down one map saying it violates public policy. lindsey graham says the leak is unprecedented in the 233-year history of the court and says it's disgraceful. >> the trail of trust. chief justice roberts said it better than i could say it it's a betrayal of trust. can you imagine going to work and look at your colleagues, who kid this to the court? >> the white house says the g-7 supports a ban on importing russian oil. you may be wondering why russia celebrates victory tomorrow and america and europe celebrate today. it's because josef stalin. griff: eric, here in ukraine the war has ended, day 74, ukrainian oh pigs say they fear dozens of people are dead after russian bombed cropped on the school in the east. and destroying a museum in eastern ukraine. greg palkot is live in the capitol of kyiv. reporter: we have been hearing round and -- rounds of air raid sirens. the black sea port of odesa was hit by russian missiles earlier. they are hitting civilians as you noted. bombed overnight, a school used as a refugee shelter. 30 civilians are rescued there, 0 feared dead under the rubble. the last of the civilians had been evacuated from the steel mill. but about 100 ukrainian fighters remain. -- here in keefe officials are calling it a soft opening of the u.s. embassy. officials are back to engage in diplomacy in advance of the formal opening later this month. it was set to coincide with victory day in europe. also in ukraine. a surprise visit to a border town in the west. first lady jill biden has been touring the region the last couple days. dr. biden saying she especially wanted to be here on mother's day. russia marks the defeat of germany as we have been saying, a victory day tomorrow. there will be parades and speeches in red square. maybe some offensive action of a heightened degree here in ukraine. a message on the eve of the holiday. vladimir putin is quoted as saying as in 1945, victory will be ours. eric: there is so much speculation about what putin may or may not do. is there a heightened sense of security in the capital, more than we have seen in rent weeks? >> you see a bracing or offensive activities. we have information on background that more units of russian military getting in place for possible offensive action. curfews have been tightened up here in kyiv and other cities. and throughout this weekend we have seen a heightened degree of russian offensive activity. they are getting ready for something tonight and maybe tomorrow. we'll hear rhetoric coming from vladimir putin. a fullout declaration of war here in the ukraine by russia or at the very least some declaration of some kind of victory. anything they can cobble together. griff: great reporting, thank you. joining us for more, a member of ukraine's parliament. sasha, it's great to talk to you this evening. i want to pick up where greg left off. what do you suspect, what is your estimation of the response we'll see tomorrow from putin in the situation here in ukraine? >> probably it will be some announcement or sending the troops directly from the red square to the war declared tomorrow on ukraine. this is something crazy that he would come up with because there is nothing else. he can show the russians as a victory because the operation has failed. they are failing in the eastern part of ukraine. so the only thing they can do is the declarations. the worst thing is we believe will happen, we'll have a lot of missiles coming to kyiv and other major cities recently with a number of missiles to the cities, and you have reporting a lot of that. unfortunately the number of deaths among the civilian population has grown tremendously. this is the worst that can happen and it's happening now. griff: you just became a mother last month. happy mother's day to you. what did you make of first lady jill biden's visit to meet with the ukrainian first lady and many of the mothers who are refugees along the border. >> we are imraitful for support -- we are grateful for support we see when people like the first lady or justin trudeau coming to ukraine to support our families, our refugees, and to support us as a country. the first thing i wanted to mention is the best support the ukrainians can get is giving us more weapons and the military support we had been waiting for almost two months. it started to be deployed in ukraine, but unfortunately it's not enough. it's really slow and that's what we can see so far. this would be the best support we can do. i hope when the first lady goes back to washington, d.c., she'll be one of the promoters and advocates for weapons deployed to ukraine so we can have less civilians dine less families end up without houses and places to live. griff: i had an opportunity this week to sit down with president zelenskyy in kyiv. i asked him about the importance of the first lady's husband president joe biden coming to visit. take a listen to what he told me. >> i think it's very important. because, you know, in our minds, society and president biden, the biggest democratic civilization. to see our strategic partners. i think it will be a great signal, an important signal. i am just thinking it's also very good for him, that is good for him because united states supported us. the president of the country supports us. griff: sasha, do you think it's important for president biden to visit kyiv? >> of course it's important. our president has been inviting him. even here in the united states, i know a lot of questions have been asked to president biden directly when he's going to go to kyiv and visit president zelenskyy or not. we know that it will not be announced for sure as it had never been announced with the leaders of the democratic world. but i hope the united states will step in and show the leading role and president biden will visit ukraine because it will be very helpful for us. griff: sasha, happy mother's day, thank you for taking time. eric: a show support for the ukrainians. the state department says it's keeping an eye on disturbing developments happening in the bahamas. three americans have died at a luxury resort under mysterious causes. life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. griff: three americans have died mysteriously at a sandals resort in the bahamas. a woman was flown to a hospital. reporter: investigators say it's not clear how these individuals died, that their death was sudden. police were notified shortly after 9:00 a.m. by staff at the sandals emerald bay that a man was found unresponsive on the floor of his villa. a second couple was found ryan responsive. they felt ill the night before, and were treated. the individuals showed signs of convulsions, but no trauma. >> it started a day before yesterday that the individual presenting to the children wick nausea, vomiting and some symptoms. they are they were seen to and subsequently discharged themselves. our investigation up to late last night. we feel it's an isolated case associated in a particular area. reporter: the u.s. state department released a statement saying we are closely monitoring the cause of death. we stand ready to provide consular assistance. also the bahamas acting prime minister says though the cause of death is unknown, foul play is not suspected. a fourth person, a woman was airlifted to a nearby hospital for treatment. dr. marty makary says her condition might provide some answers. >> i heard of different source of rare toxins. sometimes these are heavy metals, and elements that interact with your nervous system and will block never or muscle activity. i think we'll get clues from the fourth morning was airlifted out. reporter: they have not identified the fourth resort guest. griff: christina coleman in los angeles, thank you. eric: a manhunt continues for the former corrections officer and the inmate casey white. we have the latest on this manhunt. >> we are getting a small glimpse at vicky white's movements before we went on the run. vicky white seen pacing and looking around a nearby hotel before shy allegedly used her power as corrections officer to walk casey whiteout of the corrections fat silt. it's also the location where police say she prepositioned a get-away vehicle for the two. >> there is no doubt in anyone's mind, this is completely pry medicated by vicky. she knead sure shy has funds on hand before she did this. reporter: authorities located the suspect's vehicle it had been sitting in tennessee for nearly a week after police say the convicted inmate and corrections officer were on a deserted rural road. why would a corrections officer allegedly do this the day before she was set to the retire. they were engaged in some type of jailhouse romance. the u.s. marshal service is asking the public to be vigilant. they released these photos that are connected with a white supremacy group tattoos neese two are out presumably with thousands of dollars in hand. vicky white sold her home for 1,000 dollars before the escape. >> griff? griff: after months of inflation, the supply chain crisis and the war in ukraine. even some democrats are saying the administration has to do more about the skyrocketing price of gas and the economy. 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joining us now a professor from the university of maryland. is this inflation going to continue or will we see it crippled back? or will it balloon? >> i think it will continue. i don't think the federal reserve is moving fast enough. the biden administration despite its happy talk, continues to do the wrong thing. leases could be taken by 80%. increase oil rates by 20%. how is taxing drillers going to bring down the surprise of gasoline. americans have to compete for gasoline in world markets. because we are not giving the ukrainians what they need, despite jill biden's visit. we are not giving ukrainians everything we could, means this war will go on a long time. russia is a producer on the world market. it raises the price at your local gas station. eric: as they are more embargoed against russian oil, does that means the further exacerbated increase in the price of gas here? >> i think it will. russians will get out of it 70-80% of their oil. but they will have to reroute it. we can't afford to have an endless war with russia, and that's what this administration is cooking up. eric: the administration is not cook up an endless war with russia, russia invaded ukraine. >> our defensive posture is such that it doesn't brought it resolution. eric: how would you expect that. critics would say putin should stop, withdraw. >> the ukrainians need to be adequately equipped. if they had fighter jets and an air force and the intelligence to strike targets inside russia to further disrupt the russian supply chain. these things could shorten the war. as things stand now we'll be tied up in ukraine for a long time. oil will be offline for a long time. other commodities, sunflower powell. ukraine and russia are major suppliers of that. the grocery store problem will continue. it's not possible to separate this war from what's happening in terms of inflation. >> some would say, look, they are fighting for democracy, fighting for their very lives in ukraine. we pay a little more at the pump because of them. it's important to cut putin off. it's the price we pay for liberty. remember what happened in world war ii and the war bonds trying to support the effort? some would say i know we'll pay a little more there. but you have a free country, totalitarianism. >> you are preaching to the converted. i have written about this extensively, i am an advocate of supporting the ukrainians and equipping them and arming them. what i'm saying is the strategy we adopted is not everything we can, and as a consequence this war will grind to a stalemate. the embar goes and sanctions will go on for years. this is not iran with sanctions over a longterm nature, nickel supplies are speak affected. palladium supplies are affected. all of these things the lidden in the spry chain and gives inflation at various pressure points. computers, electric vehicles. groceries of all kinds. a lot of these things we be substitute for. but it takes 10 years to build a new nickel mine. it takes 3 or 4 years to replace semi conductor components. it takes time and it's at a high cost. also the ukrainians continue to suffer because we are tbhot not adequately equipping them. >> with the resounding call from the white house and the west to do more to stop russia, that will help us at home. peter, good to see you. >> a great conversation. coming up, fox news obtained exclusive video of a new facility in texas that will be used to process incoming migrants. we'll take you live to the border next. 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[♪♪♪] eric: that is bono on the edge performing in a subway station in kyiv. they say they are fighting for all of us who love freedom. eric: that is just wonderful. as the war in ukraine continues to leave destruction and shattered lives, there are ways you can help. charities across the globe are looking for ways to help. because of random acts of kindness helping people one-on-one. circle of generosity's founder just returned from poland where he was helping refugees there. what was your visit like? >> thanks so much for having me. it was amazing, i went to a city two hours to the west of warsaw. and the -- we got an alert there. >> we are out in new mexico where we are having some fires. we were in poland. and there are two major refugee centers that are being run by an ngo, one by a regional government facility. so i spent a couple of days volunteering within the refugee centers and met a variety of ngos to figure out how we can help with food, clothing and shelter. there are many families who don't have a place to go the. there are families without ongoing ways to have food. we'll be making donations to those ngos to help get food, shelter and clothe together mothers and children who left ukraine. eric: it many so crushing and beyond belief this is happening. you go to these refugee centers and you have no idea what this is like. do they have optimism and know people like you and others around the country want to help? >> the polish people are incredible. i met with the security general and they have taken in ukrainians with their family. as people came in, they were getting registered into the system. they were getting vouchers for transportation. there was a job posting if they wanted to get a job in the area. with many of the ukrainians, what they wanted to do is go home. but many of them realize there is no home to go back to. they are deciding should i stay in poland or go somewhere else? and many are living kay to day. when i talk to the mothers with their children and their husbands are back fighting in ukraine. they are literally saying i have day is a new day and they don't know what they are going to do. so many of it is up in the air. they are expecting a lot more refugees to be coming along the border across to poland. eric: how can people help? one of the things we do at circle of generosity is provide basic services as you said. whether it's donating to our group, the circle of generosity or any of the aid operations that are there. we like our small one to one * approach. we'll help 20 families hopefully find shelter and a place to live in the city of poznan. we are funding soup kitchens and clothing centers. but i think the need is big there. whatever you choose, i think they need our help, they need our support, and they need our donation. i would encourage everyone to participate. eric: we are in this together and it's a way to touch them one-on-one. the founder michael clinton just returned from the region. we all must help. we'll be right back. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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to help them fight a critical illness, just imagine what you'd do. every single one of us can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. ♪ ♪ ♪you fill up my senses it was a huge upset at yesterday's kentucky derby. the second biggest in the 148 year history of the race. eighty -- one long shot. rich strike passing by the favorites awaiting by three quarters of a blank there. the stunning victory witnessed by the first capacity crowd in three years at churchill downs after the pandemic. restrictions and take a look at the reaction from the owner richard dawson's box as rich strike wins again. rich strike did not enter the derby field until friday when a nether horse was scratched. that was one horse race, eric. that's absolutely amazing binaural and jazz is wrapping up in just a few hours. one of the city's largest and most treasured events there it was canceled the last two years because of the covid-19 pandemic. this weekend it also paid tribute to dozens of musicians in the jazz community including two who are very special to us here in the fox news of family, art neville died in 2019 and charles neville who died in 2018. they were at legendary fixture and new orleans music scene and the father and uncle of our very own "fox news live" anchor in my cherished colleague arthel neville. rebecca reports a. ♪ ♪ ♪ eight tribute to years in the making for two icons of new orleans. ♪ ♪ ♪ art and charles neville brought music to their world the neville brothers. many say their songs embodied what it means to grow up in new orleans. >> it's what new orleans did was music, food, people. big family that hung around this place and spread this joy all over the world as well. we hope to keep it representing and sharing what we were fortunate enough to naturally inherit regards friday families of the neville family performed altogether to represent charles ray. >> with my aunt and uncle to the music i hear that other people. i think it will be therapeutically. >> mightn't i know dad is here with me. he is a part of it. and my uncle, art. if it wasn't what he did for music they would not have the music people are listening to every day now. ♪ x saturday the brothers were honored with portraits at the festival's ancestors memorial. >> thank you for the bottom of our hearts to be playing tribute this perfect day uncle charles here with ancestors. their spirits will permeate forever and ever. >> attribute fit for the legends to close down the festival for years. in new orleans, fox news. eric: just one of our hearts are along with the neville family course arthel is that this weekend will be back next weekend here. meanwhile griff, a spectacular interview with president zelenskyy, give us something that did not make error. what was it like personally when you sit with him? >> it was really amazing, eric pre-thanks for asking him by the way it best to arthel played the neville's, i've been to that jazz fest such a special time this interview is very historic. i was lucky to get it, eric but to sit with a commander that a bit at war for 70 days was really quite something. i was struck by his determination and resolve continuing to rally this country the rest of the western world in this fight to survive and for freedom against tierney, erica. eric: that he is doing he is a churchill for our times. i'm eric shawn and new york comic griff take it out good to see you my friend. qwest good to see you, that does it for us. the biggest sunday show is next. ♪ >> hello everyone i am charlie hurt along with guy benson and tammy bruce. welcome to the big sunday show. here's what we've got on tap tonight, guy? >> vacation in paradise turns a tragic three american tourists found that in their villas and one hotel guest thanks he knows why. ask tammy? >> this is jen psaki's last week as his press secretaef

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Sea Port , Odesa , Refugee , Last , Rubble , 0 , 30 , Officials , Fighters , Steel Mill , Keefe , 100 , Opening , Embassy , Advance , Diplomacy , Victory Day , Border Town , Dr , Region , West , Action , Degree , Parades , Speeches , Saying , Red Square , Eric , Message , Holiday , Eve , Speculation , Sense , Capital , Security , Putin May , Rent , Place , Curfews , Activities , Units , Military , Background , Information , Something , Cities , Offensive Activity , Rhetoric , Kind , Declaration , Anything , Declaration Of War , Fullout , More , Great Reporting , Sasha , Parliament , Response , Putin , Estimation , Left , Situation , Announcement , Russians , Operation , Troops , Nothing , Lot , Thing , Declarations , Part , Number , Deaths , Worst , Mother , Population , Mothers , Refugees , Many , Border , Imraitful , Families , Support , Justin Trudeau , Weapons , Military Support , Two , Promoters , President , Joe Biden , Places , Houses , Zelenskyy , Importance , Opportunity , Minds , Partners , Society , Democratic Civilization , Signal , Questions , World , Role , State Department , Show Support , Three Americans , Eye , Bahamas , Resort , Developments , Three , Doesn T , Diabetes , Help , Life , Brand , Doctor , Blood Sugar , Causes , Glucerna , Sandals , Death , Hospital , Woman , Individuals , Investigators , Sandals Emerald Bay , Man , Villa , Floor , Staff , 9 , 00 , Couple , Responsive , Signs , Children , Presenting , Convulsions , Trauma , Vomiting , Nausea , Symptoms , Case , Area , Investigation , Last Night , Cause , Bahamas Acting , Statement , Prime Minister , Consular Assistance , U S State Department , Play , Treatment , Person , Condition , Toxins , Source , Elements , Metals , Answers , Marty Makary , Muscle Activity , Clues , Morning , Nervous System , Resort Guest , Christina Coleman , Los Angeles , Corrections Officer , Manhunt , Casey White , Vicky White , Hotel , On The Run , Glimpse , Location , Power , Casey Whiteout , Fat Silt , Doubt , Vehicle , Mind , Funds , Anyone , Hand , Authorities , Suspect , Tennessee , Inmate , Deserted Rural Road , U S Marshal , Photos , Public , Jailhouse Romance , Type , Supremacy , Thousands , Escape , 1000 Dollars , 1000 , Inflation , War , Administration , Democrats , Supply Chain Crisis , Gas , Skyrocketing Price , Blood Sugar Levels , Glucose Control , Confidence , Economy , Drink , Protein , Muscle Health , Allergies , Hunger , Good , The Sun Is Shining , Body , Grass , Season , Team , Schedule , Spraying Flonase , Psst , Koi , Kenny , Truck , Boy , Timber , There S Heather On The Hedges , Yes , Progressive , Coverage , Small Business , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Candidates , Job Description , Hope , Child , Indeed Instant Match , Stephanie , Healing , Care , Jude , Visit Indeed Com Hire Zuriel St , New Mexico , The Fire , City , Thieves , Merchandise , Glass , 20000 , 0000 , Store , Stores , Crew , Yacht , West Coast , Coast Guard , It , Washington State , Water , Folks , Gas Tax , Prices , Bill , Remainder , It Doesn T Brit , Mark Kelly , Adult , Arizona , News , Jobs , Employment Rate , 3 , Look , Inflation Numbers , Levels , Right , Professor , University Of Maryland , Talk , Federal Reserve , Leases , Drillers , Oil Rates , Surprise , 80 , 20 , Gasoline , World Markets , Everything , Price , Producer , World Market , Gas Station , Embargoed , Increase , 70 , It Resolution , Posture , Fighter Jets , Critics , Things , Intelligence , Targets , Supply Chain , Air Force , Ukraine , Suppliers , Commodities , Sunflower Powell , Lives , Fighting , Grocery Store Problem , Democracy , Terms , Pump , Liberty , War Bonds , Effort , Totalitarianism , Strategy , Advocate , Nature , Embar , Stalemate , Consequence , Nickel , Supplies , Palladium Supplies , Pressure Points , Lidden , Spry Chain , Nickel Mine , Kinds , Computers , Groceries , Substitute , Electric Vehicles , 10 , 4 , Semi Conductor Components , Cost , Call , At Home , Peter , Migrants , Facility , Conversation , Coming Up , Only Wanna Be With You , Hootie The Blowfish , 99 , Ways , Hands , Knees , Dirt , Miracle Gro , Everybody , Video Call , Video Calls , Messages , Bonnie , Be Cool , Horse , Phone Call , Deal , Ha , Bout A Ringcentral , Ringcentral , Way , Helen , Exercise , Stallion , Activity , Medicare , Glucose , Glucose Levels , Mystery , A1c , Libre 2 , 2 , Story , Heart , Female Narrator , Step , Pain , Mercy Ships , Ravette , Suffering , Screen , Surgeries , Surgery , Don T Wait , 19 , Del Rio Sector , Eagle Pass , Center , Crossing Point , Cross , Side , Title , Single , Five , 42 , Highway , Agents , Smuggler , Tunnels , Sort , Border Patrol , Tunnel , Damage , Trash , Honks , Rise , Cases , Property Damage , Ranch Property , Fences , Isn T , Deputy , Down , 300 , Times , County , Human Smuggling , Nate , 2019 , Six , Founder , Generosity , The Circle , Need , Charities , Up Next , Energy , Insoles , Massaging , Feet , Gel Waves , Scholl , Relief , Bipolar , Highs , Ask , Lows , Spirit , Take Control , Creativity , Vraylar , Adults , Medicines , Depressive , Episodes , Dementia , Patients , Manic , Risk , Muscle Movements , Reaction , Muscles , Cholesterol , Thoughts , High Blood Sugar , Confusion , Stroke , Changes , Behavior , Antidepressants , Fever , Weight Gain , Side Effects , Restlessness , Coma , Stomach , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Subway Station , Performing , The Edge , All Of Us , Love Freedom , Destruction , Globe , Poland , Circle , Kindness , Acts , Thanks , Alert , West Of Warsaw , Fires , Refugee Centers , Government , An Ngo , Food , Shelter , Ngos , Don T Have A Place To Go , Variety , Clothing , Donations , Belief , Idea , Optimism , Security General , Others , Family , System , Transportation , Vouchers , Home , Job , Job Posting , Husbands , Somewhere , Living Kay , Air , Group , Aid Operations , Any , Services , Of Poznan , Approach , Clothing Centers , Soup Kitchens , Donation , Michael Clinton , Thirty , Sugar , Health , Most , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Psoriatic Arthritis , Psoriasis , Walking , Cosentyx , Infections , Infection , Don T , Tuberculosis , Ability , Reactions , Vaccine , Crohn S Disease , Rheumatologist , Atrocities , Holocaust , Hitler , Freedom , Jews , Baby , Jewish , Israel , Russian Army , Christians , 6 Million , Husband , Other , Shoulder , Possessions , Toddler , Sack , Borders , Silence , God , The Face Of Evil , 9654 , 1 , 694 , 855 , 1 855 694 9654 , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Wish , One Of Us , Illness , Stars Align , Joy , Eighty , Biggest , Senses , Race , Upset , Kentucky Derby , 148 , Pandemic , There , Strike Passing , Crowd , Restrictions , Blank , Quarters , Favorites , Capacity , Churchill Downs , Strike , Richard Dawson , Horse Race , Box , Derby Field , Jazz , Events , Binaural , Covid , Charles Neville , Musicians , Tribute , Jazz Community , Art Neville , Uncle , Arthel Neville , Fixture , Father , My Cherished , New Orleans Music Scene , Rebecca Reports A Eight , 2018 , Art , New Orleans , Making , Icons , Eight , Music , Songs , Neville Brothers , Sharing , Dad , Neville Family , Aunt , Mightn T I Know , Charles Ray , Wasn T , Saturday The Brothers , Hearts , Spirits , Playing Tribute This Perfect Day , Portraits , Ancestors , Bottom , Festival S Ancestors Memorial , Course Arthel , Legends , Festival , Attribute Fit , Interview , Weekend , Error , Him , Jazz Fest , Commander , Bit , Eric Pre Thanks , Neville S , Erica , Fight , Rest , Determination , Tierney , Churchill , Comic Griff , Friend , Qwest , Biggest Sunday Show , Big Sunday Show , Tap Tonight , Guy Benson , Tammy Bruce , Tourists , Jen Psaki , Guest , Paradise , Villas , Vacation , Ask Tammy , Press Secretaef ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240707 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240707

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round of sanctions against russia and other measures including phasing out russian oil imports. griff: in ukraine, russia is continuing to ramp up its attack on the east including bombing schools where people were in the basement. tomorrow marks the defeat of nazi germany in 1945. some fear vladimir putin will use the day to declare war. eric: churches around the country spent the last few days fearing and concerned about protests or the leaked supreme court draft document. the churches in chicago, washington, d.c., and texas where police asked for additional protection. in wisconsin there was a fire at the headquarters of a pro-life group. and someone spray painted the what you see outside the wall. if abortions aren't safe, then you aren't either. vandals spray painted slogans on a church in colorado. hi, leslie. reporter: good afternoon. at st. patrick's cathedral in new york city, lots of crowds coming in and out. police remain on high alert. across the nation states on high alert including law enforcement agencies. it has a few issues. in virginia the attorney general talking about people who possibly go into these mother's day celebrations to disrupt them could face legal charges. >> it's federal law that you are not allowed to directly interfere with somebody in who a house of worship. this has been brought to my attention and we take it very seriously. reporter: police in wisconsin investigating a suspicious fire at a non-profit that support pro-life. large groups gathering in chicago, houston, d.c. this after someone leaked a draft supreme court opinion that would strike down the roe v. wade decision that establish sad constitutional right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court's marshal is trying to figure out who leaks the draft, leaders are talking and standing with pro-choice crowds. if the court overturns roe v. wade abortions won't stop, it just means they will be more dangerous. reporter: this video was posted at tiktok. it shows women inside of a catholic mass. the organization ruth sent us is named after the late justice ginsburg. the national catholic group called catholic vote is calling on president biden and leaders in washington, d.c. to step up and condemn protests in churches. nypd officers are on stand by though they have not had any issues. >> the supreme court leak is raising safety concerns at churches and at the homes of some of the conservative justices after activists posted their home addresses online. you can see the fencing has gone up in front of the supreme court on capitol hill. all this as president biden called the provisional court opinion radical. he met with g-7 leaders to discuss the ongoing war in ukraine. they announced sweeping sanctions and other measures against moscow. reporter: earlier today on "fox news sunday" chris murphy told bret baier all protests should remain peaceful. >> no one should be threatening violence against any supreme court justice or member of congress. i have had protests across from my house during the course of my time in public service. any threats of violence are beyond the pale. reporter: conservative justice clarence thomas said the court won't be bullied into making decisions. the addresses posted online by activist groups. google taking down one map saying it violates public policy. lindsey graham says the leak is unprecedented in the 233-year history of the court and says it's disgraceful. >> the trail of trust. chief justice roberts said it better than i could say it it's a betrayal of trust. can you imagine going to work and look at your colleagues, who kid this to the court? >> the white house says the g-7 supports a ban on importing russian oil. you may be wondering why russia celebrates victory tomorrow and america and europe celebrate today. it's because josef stalin. griff: eric, here in ukraine the war has ended, day 74, ukrainian oh pigs say they fear dozens of people are dead after russian bombed cropped on the school in the east. and destroying a museum in eastern ukraine. greg palkot is live in the capitol of kyiv. reporter: we have been hearing round and -- rounds of air raid sirens. the black sea port of odesa was hit by russian missiles earlier. they are hitting civilians as you noted. bombed overnight, a school used as a refugee shelter. 30 civilians are rescued there, 0 feared dead under the rubble. the last of the civilians had been evacuated from the steel mill. but about 100 ukrainian fighters remain. -- here in keefe officials are calling it a soft opening of the u.s. embassy. officials are back to engage in diplomacy in advance of the formal opening later this month. it was set to coincide with victory day in europe. also in ukraine. a surprise visit to a border town in the west. first lady jill biden has been touring the region the last couple days. dr. biden saying she especially wanted to be here on mother's day. russia marks the defeat of germany as we have been saying, a victory day tomorrow. there will be parades and speeches in red square. maybe some offensive action of a heightened degree here in ukraine. a message on the eve of the holiday. vladimir putin is quoted as saying as in 1945, victory will be ours. eric: there is so much speculation about what putin may or may not do. is there a heightened sense of security in the capital, more than we have seen in rent weeks? >> you see a bracing or offensive activities. we have information on background that more units of russian military getting in place for possible offensive action. curfews have been tightened up here in kyiv and other cities. and throughout this weekend we have seen a heightened degree of russian offensive activity. they are getting ready for something tonight and maybe tomorrow. we'll hear rhetoric coming from vladimir putin. a fullout declaration of war here in the ukraine by russia or at the very least some declaration of some kind of victory. anything they can cobble together. griff: great reporting, thank you. joining us for more, a member of ukraine's parliament. sasha, it's great to talk to you this evening. i want to pick up where greg left off. what do you suspect, what is your estimation of the response we'll see tomorrow from putin in the situation here in ukraine? >> probably it will be some announcement or sending the troops directly from the red square to the war declared tomorrow on ukraine. this is something crazy that he would come up with because there is nothing else. he can show the russians as a victory because the operation has failed. they are failing in the eastern part of ukraine. so the only thing they can do is the declarations. the worst thing is we believe will happen, we'll have a lot of missiles coming to kyiv and other major cities recently with a number of missiles to the cities, and you have reporting a lot of that. unfortunately the number of deaths among the civilian population has grown tremendously. this is the worst that can happen and it's happening now. griff: you just became a mother last month. happy mother's day to you. what did you make of first lady jill biden's visit to meet with the ukrainian first lady and many of the mothers who are refugees along the border. >> we are imraitful for support -- we are grateful for support we see when people like the first lady or justin trudeau coming to ukraine to support our families, our refugees, and to support us as a country. the first thing i wanted to mention is the best support the ukrainians can get is giving us more weapons and the military support we had been waiting for almost two months. it started to be deployed in ukraine, but unfortunately it's not enough. it's really slow and that's what we can see so far. this would be the best support we can do. i hope when the first lady goes back to washington, d.c., she'll be one of the promoters and advocates for weapons deployed to ukraine so we can have less civilians dine less families end up without houses and places to live. griff: i had an opportunity this week to sit down with president zelenskyy in kyiv. i asked him about the importance of the first lady's husband president joe biden coming to visit. take a listen to what he told me. >> i think it's very important. because, you know, in our minds, society and president biden, the biggest democratic civilization. to see our strategic partners. i think it will be a great signal, an important signal. i am just thinking it's also very good for him, that is good for him because united states supported us. the president of the country supports us. griff: sasha, do you think it's important for president biden to visit kyiv? >> of course it's important. our president has been inviting him. even here in the united states, i know a lot of questions have been asked to president biden directly when he's going to go to kyiv and visit president zelenskyy or not. we know that it will not be announced for sure as it had never been announced with the leaders of the democratic world. but i hope the united states will step in and show the leading role and president biden will visit ukraine because it will be very helpful for us. griff: sasha, happy mother's day, thank you for taking time. eric: a show support for the ukrainians. the state department says it's keeping an eye on disturbing developments happening in the bahamas. three americans have died at a luxury resort under mysterious causes. life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. griff: three americans have died mysteriously at a sandals resort in the bahamas. a woman was flown to a hospital. reporter: investigators say it's not clear how these individuals died, that their death was sudden. police were notified shortly after 9:00 a.m. by staff at the sandals emerald bay that a man was found unresponsive on the floor of his villa. a second couple was found ryan responsive. they felt ill the night before, and were treated. the individuals showed signs of convulsions, but no trauma. >> it started a day before yesterday that the individual presenting to the children wick nausea, vomiting and some symptoms. they are they were seen to and subsequently discharged themselves. our investigation up to late last night. we feel it's an isolated case associated in a particular area. reporter: the u.s. state department released a statement saying we are closely monitoring the cause of death. we stand ready to provide consular assistance. also the bahamas acting prime minister says though the cause of death is unknown, foul play is not suspected. a fourth person, a woman was airlifted to a nearby hospital for treatment. dr. marty makary says her condition might provide some answers. >> i heard of different source of rare toxins. sometimes these are heavy metals, and elements that interact with your nervous system and will block never or muscle activity. i think we'll get clues from the fourth morning was airlifted out. reporter: they have not identified the fourth resort guest. griff: christina coleman in los angeles, thank you. eric: a manhunt continues for the former corrections officer and the inmate casey white. we have the latest on this manhunt. >> we are getting a small glimpse at vicky white's movements before we went on the run. vicky white seen pacing and looking around a nearby hotel before shy allegedly used her power as corrections officer to walk casey whiteout of the corrections fat silt. it's also the location where police say she prepositioned a get-away vehicle for the two. >> there is no doubt in anyone's mind, this is completely pry medicated by vicky. she knead sure shy has funds on hand before she did this. reporter: authorities located the suspect's vehicle it had been sitting in tennessee for nearly a week after police say the convicted inmate and corrections officer were on a deserted rural road. why would a corrections officer allegedly do this the day before she was set to the retire. they were engaged in some type of jailhouse romance. the u.s. marshal service is asking the public to be vigilant. they released these photos that are connected with a white supremacy group tattoos neese two are out presumably with thousands of dollars in hand. vicky white sold her home for 1,000 dollars before the escape. >> griff? griff: after months of inflation, the supply chain crisis and the war in ukraine. even some democrats are saying the administration has to do more about the skyrocketing price of gas and the economy. 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joining us now a professor from the university of maryland. is this inflation going to continue or will we see it crippled back? or will it balloon? >> i think it will continue. i don't think the federal reserve is moving fast enough. the biden administration despite its happy talk, continues to do the wrong thing. leases could be taken by 80%. increase oil rates by 20%. how is taxing drillers going to bring down the surprise of gasoline. americans have to compete for gasoline in world markets. because we are not giving the ukrainians what they need, despite jill biden's visit. we are not giving ukrainians everything we could, means this war will go on a long time. russia is a producer on the world market. it raises the price at your local gas station. eric: as they are more embargoed against russian oil, does that means the further exacerbated increase in the price of gas here? >> i think it will. russians will get out of it 70-80% of their oil. but they will have to reroute it. we can't afford to have an endless war with russia, and that's what this administration is cooking up. eric: the administration is not cook up an endless war with russia, russia invaded ukraine. >> our defensive posture is such that it doesn't brought it resolution. eric: how would you expect that. critics would say putin should stop, withdraw. >> the ukrainians need to be adequately equipped. if they had fighter jets and an air force and the intelligence to strike targets inside russia to further disrupt the russian supply chain. these things could shorten the war. as things stand now we'll be tied up in ukraine for a long time. oil will be offline for a long time. other commodities, sunflower powell. ukraine and russia are major suppliers of that. the grocery store problem will continue. it's not possible to separate this war from what's happening in terms of inflation. >> some would say, look, they are fighting for democracy, fighting for their very lives in ukraine. we pay a little more at the pump because of them. it's important to cut putin off. it's the price we pay for liberty. remember what happened in world war ii and the war bonds trying to support the effort? some would say i know we'll pay a little more there. but you have a free country, totalitarianism. >> you are preaching to the converted. i have written about this extensively, i am an advocate of supporting the ukrainians and equipping them and arming them. what i'm saying is the strategy we adopted is not everything we can, and as a consequence this war will grind to a stalemate. the embar goes and sanctions will go on for years. this is not iran with sanctions over a longterm nature, nickel supplies are speak affected. palladium supplies are affected. all of these things the lidden in the spry chain and gives inflation at various pressure points. computers, electric vehicles. groceries of all kinds. a lot of these things we be substitute for. but it takes 10 years to build a new nickel mine. it takes 3 or 4 years to replace semi conductor components. it takes time and it's at a high cost. also the ukrainians continue to suffer because we are tbhot not adequately equipping them. >> with the resounding call from the white house and the west to do more to stop russia, that will help us at home. peter, good to see you. >> a great conversation. coming up, fox news obtained exclusive video of a new facility in texas that will be used to process incoming migrants. we'll take you live to the border next. 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[♪♪♪] eric: that is bono on the edge performing in a subway station in kyiv. they say they are fighting for all of us who love freedom. eric: that is just wonderful. as the war in ukraine continues to leave destruction and shattered lives, there are ways you can help. charities across the globe are looking for ways to help. because of random acts of kindness helping people one-on-one. circle of generosity's founder just returned from poland where he was helping refugees there. what was your visit like? >> thanks so much for having me. it was amazing, i went to a city two hours to the west of warsaw. and the -- we got an alert there. >> we are out in new mexico where we are having some fires. we were in poland. and there are two major refugee centers that are being run by an ngo, one by a regional government facility. so i spent a couple of days volunteering within the refugee centers and met a variety of ngos to figure out how we can help with food, clothing and shelter. there are many families who don't have a place to go the. there are families without ongoing ways to have food. we'll be making donations to those ngos to help get food, shelter and clothe together mothers and children who left ukraine. eric: it many so crushing and beyond belief this is happening. you go to these refugee centers and you have no idea what this is like. do they have optimism and know people like you and others around the country want to help? >> the polish people are incredible. i met with the security general and they have taken in ukrainians with their family. as people came in, they were getting registered into the system. they were getting vouchers for transportation. there was a job posting if they wanted to get a job in the area. with many of the ukrainians, what they wanted to do is go home. but many of them realize there is no home to go back to. they are deciding should i stay in poland or go somewhere else? and many are living kay to day. when i talk to the mothers with their children and their husbands are back fighting in ukraine. they are literally saying i have day is a new day and they don't know what they are going to do. so many of it is up in the air. they are expecting a lot more refugees to be coming along the border across to poland. eric: how can people help? one of the things we do at circle of generosity is provide basic services as you said. whether it's donating to our group, the circle of generosity or any of the aid operations that are there. we like our small one to one * approach. we'll help 20 families hopefully find shelter and a place to live in the city of poznan. we are funding soup kitchens and clothing centers. but i think the need is big there. whatever you choose, i think they need our help, they need our support, and they need our donation. i would encourage everyone to participate. eric: we are in this together and it's a way to touch them one-on-one. the founder michael clinton just returned from the region. we all must help. we'll be right back. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. during world war two, most of first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. even walking was tough. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. the world turned a blind eye to the holocaust and hitler's atrocities. christians were slow to act and did not speak up until it was too late and 6 million jews were murdered. right now, thousands of ukrainian jewish families are fleeing the russian army for the freedom of israel. imagine fleeing with a baby in one hand and a toddler holding the other with all of your earthly possessions in a sack over your shoulder, leaving your husband behind to defend your country. these courageous families need our help. the time for action is now. we do not know when the borders will be closed. silence in the face of evil is evil. god will not hold us guiltless. take action today. donate at or call 1-855-694-9654. god bless you and god bless the jewish people. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ what would you give for a child you loved, to make their wish come true? to help them fight a critical illness, just imagine what you'd do. every single one of us can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. ♪ ♪ ♪you fill up my senses it was a huge upset at yesterday's kentucky derby. the second biggest in the 148 year history of the race. eighty -- one long shot. rich strike passing by the favorites awaiting by three quarters of a blank there. the stunning victory witnessed by the first capacity crowd in three years at churchill downs after the pandemic. restrictions and take a look at the reaction from the owner richard dawson's box as rich strike wins again. rich strike did not enter the derby field until friday when a nether horse was scratched. that was one horse race, eric. that's absolutely amazing binaural and jazz is wrapping up in just a few hours. one of the city's largest and most treasured events there it was canceled the last two years because of the covid-19 pandemic. this weekend it also paid tribute to dozens of musicians in the jazz community including two who are very special to us here in the fox news of family, art neville died in 2019 and charles neville who died in 2018. they were at legendary fixture and new orleans music scene and the father and uncle of our very own "fox news live" anchor in my cherished colleague arthel neville. rebecca reports a. ♪ ♪ ♪ eight tribute to years in the making for two icons of new orleans. ♪ ♪ ♪ art and charles neville brought music to their world the neville brothers. many say their songs embodied what it means to grow up in new orleans. >> it's what new orleans did was music, food, people. big family that hung around this place and spread this joy all over the world as well. we hope to keep it representing and sharing what we were fortunate enough to naturally inherit regards friday families of the neville family performed altogether to represent charles ray. >> with my aunt and uncle to the music i hear that other people. i think it will be therapeutically. >> mightn't i know dad is here with me. he is a part of it. and my uncle, art. if it wasn't what he did for music they would not have the music people are listening to every day now. ♪ x saturday the brothers were honored with portraits at the festival's ancestors memorial. >> thank you for the bottom of our hearts to be playing tribute this perfect day uncle charles here with ancestors. their spirits will permeate forever and ever. >> attribute fit for the legends to close down the festival for years. in new orleans, fox news. eric: just one of our hearts are along with the neville family course arthel is that this weekend will be back next weekend here. meanwhile griff, a spectacular interview with president zelenskyy, give us something that did not make error. what was it like personally when you sit with him? >> it was really amazing, eric pre-thanks for asking him by the way it best to arthel played the neville's, i've been to that jazz fest such a special time this interview is very historic. i was lucky to get it, eric but to sit with a commander that a bit at war for 70 days was really quite something. i was struck by his determination and resolve continuing to rally this country the rest of the western world in this fight to survive and for freedom against tierney, erica. eric: that he is doing he is a churchill for our times. i'm eric shawn and new york comic griff take it out good to see you my friend. qwest good to see you, that does it for us. the biggest sunday show is next. ♪ >> hello everyone i am charlie hurt along with guy benson and tammy bruce. welcome to the big sunday show. here's what we've got on tap tonight, guy? >> vacation in paradise turns a tragic three american tourists found that in their villas and one hotel guest thanks he knows why. ask tammy? >> this is jen psaki's last week as his press secretaef

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Michael Clinton , Thirty , Sugar , Health , Most , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Psoriatic Arthritis , Psoriasis , Walking , Cosentyx , Infections , Infection , Don T , Tuberculosis , Ability , Reactions , Vaccine , Crohn S Disease , Rheumatologist , Atrocities , Holocaust , Hitler , Freedom , Jews , Baby , Jewish , Israel , Russian Army , Christians , 6 Million , Husband , Other , Shoulder , Possessions , Toddler , Sack , Borders , Silence , God , The Face Of Evil , 9654 , 1 , 694 , 855 , 1 855 694 9654 , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Wish , One Of Us , Illness , Stars Align , Joy , Eighty , Biggest , Senses , Race , Upset , Kentucky Derby , 148 , Pandemic , There , Strike Passing , Crowd , Restrictions , Blank , Quarters , Favorites , Capacity , Churchill Downs , Strike , Richard Dawson , Horse Race , Box , Derby Field , Jazz , Events , Binaural , Covid , Charles Neville , Musicians , Tribute , Jazz Community , Art Neville , Uncle , Arthel Neville , Fixture , Father , My Cherished , New Orleans Music Scene , Rebecca Reports A Eight , 2018 , Art , New Orleans , Making , Icons , Eight , Music , Songs , Neville Brothers , Sharing , Dad , Neville Family , Aunt , Mightn T I Know , Charles Ray , Wasn T , Saturday The Brothers , Hearts , Spirits , Playing Tribute This Perfect Day , Portraits , Ancestors , Bottom , Festival S Ancestors Memorial , Course Arthel , Legends , Festival , Attribute Fit , Interview , Weekend , Error , Him , Jazz Fest , Commander , Bit , Eric Pre Thanks , Neville S , Erica , Fight , Rest , Determination , Tierney , Churchill , Comic Griff , Friend , Qwest , Biggest Sunday Show , Big Sunday Show , Tap Tonight , Guy Benson , Tammy Bruce , Tourists , Jen Psaki , Guest , Paradise , Villas , Vacation , Ask Tammy , Press Secretaef ,

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