Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240707 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240707

york city and people coming in and out of the church. as far as protests, no action just yet but we did see action in other areas across new york city over the weekend. take a look at the screen. video from old st. pat church in new york city. that small group you see of pro-choice advocates gathering outside of sat patrick's cathedral to show support for women's reproductive rights. pro-life supporters showed to have their voices heard. >> we believe that every human life has value and dignity from the moment of conception. reporter: now to small group it was a peaceful protest. popped up as well protests in chicago, houston, dc and austin. activists calling on americans to provost the potential end to abortion rights after someone leaked a draft u.s. supreme court opinion that would strike down the roe v. wade decision. that landmark 1973 ruling established a constitutional right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court says the t draft is authentic but it was not final. now the court's marshal is trying to figure out who leaked it in the first place. state leaders speaking at rallies across the country, out in chicago, governor standing with pro-choice crowds. >> if the court overturns roe v. wade, abortions won't stop. it just means they'll be more dangerous. reporter: we did talk with the arch diocese, they tell us they were prepared for protestors but haven't seen any pop up on mother's day in new york. the advocacy group is called catholic vote, we reached out to them, they are calling on president biden and leaders in washington to stand up and get involved to stop anyone from interrupting catholic masses across the country, rich. rich: alexis mcadams, thanks. we have lucas tomlinson live at the white house, lucas. lucas: rich, good afternoon, senator chris murphy told bret baier all protests should remain peaceful. >> nobody should be threatening violence against a supreme court justice or any member of congress. i will be honest, i've had had plenty of protests right around the corner from my house, over the course of my time in public service but, you know, any threats of violence are beyond the pail. lucas: last night police on hand as protestors showed up at the homes of chief justice john roberts and justice brett kavanaugh and earlier clarence thomas saying that court will not be bullied on making decisions. google later took down one map on a website saying it violated company policy. senate majority leader chuck schumer says the senate will vote to codify abortion laws on wednesday. senator lindsey graham says it's unprecedented and it's disgraceful. >> well, for the court it's a betrayal of trust. chief justice roberts said it better than i could ever say. it's a better betrayal of trust k. you imagine going to work the next day and looking around at your colleagues, who did this to to the court? lucas: president biden in wilmington this weekend. he wrapped up a call with g7 world leaders along with ukrainian president zelenskyy, no doubt on victory europe day marking the 77th anniversary. planning to ban import of russian oil. rich: lucas tomlinson live from the white house. for more on the supreme court leak. let's bring in the panelists, talk show radio show and richard fowler, fox news contributor. tony, i will start with you, what do you think what we have seen so far, protests are fairly peaceful and they are not very well attended it seems in hot-spot areas. the fears of mayor protests across the country getting violent or having problems seemed to be unfounded so far? >> in los angeles we saw a level of violence and let's be perfectly clear. when you see people protesting in front of the homes of supreme court justices, those being leaked, that is the act of violence. the whole purpose of this leak is the attempt and intimidation, the leak is the story, of course, there's something to be said about whether or not the court indeed overturns roe v. wade and we won't know until end of june, the leak is a disgrace, it's the best way to describe it and the absolute silence, i know that you played senator chris murphy but the silence from president biden, the seemingly being okay with it from jen psaki and the rest of the democratic is absolutely despicable and that's what america is reacting to. rich: richard, shouldn't homes of supreme court justices or politicians be off limits? >> listen, rich, thanks for having me and happy mother's day to all the mothers watching this including my own. there's no reason to go to supreme court justices house and protest based on the decision that we don't know if it's true even though the court has confirmed that this is an authentic draft. with that being said, talking about the leak is the easy way out of this argument. the hard way out is to actually have a conversation about what was in the 60-page document n. that document what you saw justice alito do there that women aren't equal citizens as men are because as man i have control of my body. the argument that you hear from republicans who you have heard over and over again on sunday shows and even our own, this is about giving rights to people and if that was true, i would hope that republicans would stand up and pass the voting rights act so that every american had a right to say in women's right to choose reproductive health. >> simply not true. rich: let's get to this point. republicans have been saying now that the issue is that this is a politicization of the court. but you look at what happened six years ago, senator mitch mcconnell said that president biden or president obama wasn't going to have his supreme court nominee heard by the court and it would go to the people, opened supreme court decision or opened supreme court seat would be select bid the people in the 2016 election. hasn't the court been politicized for years now? >> the court has -- you can argue politicized when we talk about the obamacare decision as well. you can make the argument if you choose but we should be clear that roe v. wade was a politicized decision at the time and the idea that somehow rights are being taken away from people when all roe v. wade does, the overturning of it if it happens is bring it back to the state and, of course, people would get to vote in their states and sometimes you lose votes so you keep on fighting for what you believe to be your rights but remember there's a woman on the supreme court who seemingly is voting to overturn roe v. wade eliminating the argument that richard is making there and there are plenty of women, millions of women all across america who believe in the overturning of roe v. wade. so this argument that somehow it's an attack on women falls horrifically flat. rich: this is governor gavin newsom of california just earlier this week. >> this is a concerted coordinated effort and, yes, they are winning. where the hell is my party? where is the democratic party? are you guys paying attention to what's going on? rich: so richard, have democrats been asleep here politically and -- and what more can they do? >> i think that's a great question, rich. let's be cleared-eyed and realistic the idea of senate chuck schumer passing a law to codify roe v. wade and probably unlikely and with that being said in many states across the country there are trigger laws in place and as soon as decision is rendered by the court, immediately abortion will be legal in a number of states, red states and blue states including a state like michigan. we have to have a conversation in this country, the courts has widen who is american, who is allowed to be part of the -- part of the institution, when they passed brown versus board decision. they said that biracial could you please could get married again. if they rule to overturn roe v. wade they are going in the opposite direction whether or not you agree with abortion it's about whether or not a woman has full autonomy of her body when she's in the room with her doctor. rich: tony, what do republicans do next here? if they do take control of the senate and eventually take control of the white house and the house that they should begin to legislate on abortion? do they go further than the overturning of roe v. wade? >> i would argue that right now what they do is nothing. see what the democrats do and states that are trying to figure out whether they will call special sessions and things like that. when you have chuck schumer, we will call the vote, we will call the vote on the being of codifying the idea of partial birth abortion, man, you let the democratic party just beat itself up once again. they always overplay their hand and they are absolutely -- >> nobody is calling for the ban of partial birth abortion. >> you have to read the legislation, richard. >> i've read the legislation and i've also read the decision -- rich: are democrats going too far and is there a compromise and should they be reaching out to the more conservative, centrist republicans to try to find a pathway forward on abortion legislation. >> the question of whether or not democrats are going too far is basing the question whether republicans are going too far. republicans are passing laws that eliminate for rape, incest. so now the question of whether or not democrats go too far, the democrats will be passing a law. if you get raped, if there's a case of incest, if your health is on the line, you don't have access to reproductive health. rich: sorry, i have to run. thank you very much, tony katz, richard fowler. very much appreciated. >> happy mother's day, everybody. rich: all the women out there, all the mothers out there as well. ♪ ♪ ♪ rich: first lady jill biden making a surprise visit to western ukraine to visit her ukrainian counterpart earlier today just hours after a horrific bombing of a school in the eastern donbas region is feared to have killed 60 people. greg palcok live on the ground in kyiv. greg: we have heard a few rounds of air raid sirens here in kyiv throughout the day. there are new reports of russian attacks on odesa as this country waits for vladimir putin's next move. earlier today we saw other brutality from russia, the bombing overnight that the school used of refugee center in ukrainian town in the east. 30 civilians were rescued and 60 under the rubble. russia's deputy prime minister and another regional russian official, but as many as 2,000 ukrainian fighters including injured remain there. they are calling for their rescue but they are not surrendering and the russians, well, they keep bombing. in kyiv today reopening embassy here, canadian prime minister justin trudeau and embassy not set to open until later this month and conference of g7 leaders, trudeau, president zelenskyy and president biden this seen as shown of solidarity on the day the westmarks victory in world war ii. in ukraine a surprise visit to a border town refugee center in the west. first lady joe biden has been on a tour in the last couple of days. president zelenskyy's wife, jill biden met with refugee mothers and neighboring eslovaquia on this mother's day in the war zone. rich, russia marks it defeat of germany in world war ii tomorrow in what they call victory day. they'll be a parade and speeches in red square and elsewhere and perhaps some offensive action too which we are getting ready for. now in a miami sent out on the eve this holiday, putin is quoted as saying as in 1945 victory will be ours as well. we will see about that. back to you. rich: greg, with signs of reopening, you mentioned the canadian embassy and the american embassy later this month s. there a noticeable difference as the fighting has moved toward the south and east of the country, what is kyiv like these days? >> kyiv is a little bit more normal but i will just say a little bit, rich. some people have come back. there's added traffic on the street but the checkpoints remain in place, the curfew is a little bit shorter but curfews remain in place. yes, as i noted on top of the report the air raid sirens, every time you hear them you have to wonder, this is going to be the one, there was a direct attack on the city just a week ago. so far we haven't seen anything this past week but war remains a presence. it's just a little bit more normal here but that could change maybe as early as tonight, back to you. rich: greg palcok live. thank you. new video of escape of prisoner and guard who helped him escape. that's coming up next. xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? fewer groceries. this phone? more groceries! this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. new and existing customers get amazing value with our everyday pricing. switch today. rich: brand-new video of the alabama correction officer who reportedly help suspect break out of jail and believed to be on the run with him. charles watson live in florence, alabama with the latest, charles. charles: good afternoon, we are getting a look at vickie white's movements in the hour when she broke out convicted casey white from an alabama prison hours before the escape vickie white is seen here in this newly released security footage pacing and looking around a nearby hotel before she allegedly used her power as a corrections officer to walk admitted murderer casey white out of prison for a court appointment officials say did not exist. the hotel is where vickie white stayed the night before going on the run and also near the location where she prepositioned a get away vehicle for the two. one of the big questions now is why would a 17-year corrections officer allegedly do all of this just a day before she was set to retire, well, love may be the answer. officials say casey and vickie white no relation by the way were in some jailhouse romance for at least two years and while it appears vickie white is willing to go to extreme lengths for their, quote, unquote, special relationship, some say it's a mistake to think casey white will do the same. >> he's doing everything he can to get out of jail and i know he's using her to do just that. she's a pawn in this situation. >> yeah, and on friday authorities located fugitive escape vehicle. this 2004 ford suv, located about 100 miles north partially spray painted at a tow yard in tennessee, it had been sitting there for nearly a week after the convicted inmate and corrections officer deserted it along road. the u.s. marshal services asking the public to be vigilant. they've released the photos of casey white and tattoos soms which authorities say are affiliated with the local alabama white supremacy group and the photos of vickie white who may have died her hair to disguise original blond hair and these two could be out on the road, on a lamp for white a while. vickie white sold home and items before the escape happened and the two can have can have $90,000 in cash and considered armed. ar15 handguns, shotgun possibly. rich: charles, thank you. for more on this we are joined by fraternal order of police national vice president joe gamaldi. joe, thank you very much for joining us this afternoon. how important are these bits of evidence that at least we are seeing publicly, the video of the corrections officer in the hotel in now discovered car? >> it's extremely important because we are getting updates basically at this point and no doubt that this was premeditate bid vickie. she sold her house beforehand and made her she had funds on hand before she did this. she et up a fake doctor's appointment afterwards to buy herself time. i want to assure the public, we are going to catch them. we have task force and tracking down every single lead. we have bulletins going out to every police officer in the country and friends and family are going to turn them in as soon as the rewards it gets high enough because that's how it always plays out. you and in the public can help us as well. this dirt bag, he's 6-foot 9, 309, if you see him walking around, call so we can get him into custody. i tell you vickie and casey if they are watching right now, turn yourselves in. you are only making it worse and we are coming from you and for the judges and da's that are going to handle this case after we catch them, they will throw the book at their asses and make sure they stay in prison for this. rich: what kind of leads are they trying to find here. seems like you mentioned she prepared fairly well for this. it's been several days since they walked out of prison. what's the next step here for investigators? >> i think the next step will be touching base with family and friends because ultimately they will run out of money and they will be contacting friends and family for help. so it's our job in law enforcement to chase down every single lead but as i said earlier, the public, you can be a force multiplier for us, if you see something, say something, if you see someone that looks like this walking around the store call the tip in, we will follow up, we will get the folks into custody. it's just a matter of time. in the meantime we all need to be vigilant to find the criminals. >> i don't think i've ever seen video of someone escaping from prison this easily and walking out like this since el chapo left a mexican jail in a laundry cart. how often do we see these types of things where corrections officer is in a relationship with inmate and how do prison leaders look out for this type of thing? >> well, i think there's certainly going to be lessons learned for the county after incident happened. i want to ensure and brothers and sisters in corrections do a fantastic job and do difficult and dangerous job. don't judge the corrections officers by the actions of this idiot who was romancing with this individual. don't judge by the actions of this one. >> joe, clearly holding back. thank you. >> thanks for having me. rich: and here in dc thieves making off with more than $20,000 in merchandise in brazen smash and grab in high-end glass store as employees recorded them. -- alexandria hoff. >> that's what this group took when the group of young men unlearned in the my eye doctor store. police release cases being shattered last month. a worker can be heard telling the suspects that the police are on their way. employee said he politely greeted the group as he would any other customer. >> and then within the next minute or two they are smashing and grabbing. i'm getting over it a little bit to be honest. it's unexpected, surprising. >> communities around the country have been plagued by spectacular heists to resell the high end frames. police are asking to be alert especially if they see individuals entering in a group and wearing items to conceal their identities. >> just try to call 9-1-1 immediately as soon as you can. if you find yourself where it's too late and they are already in the store, we would advise employees to call 9-1-1, get to safety and the main thing is do not attempt to intervene at any of these actions. >> investigators are looking for four males ranging 17 to 23 year's old plus get away model operating a older model toyota camry. rich: thanks very much. the clock is winding down on title 42. border officials expecting after the rollback, that's coming up next. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit rich: you're looking at live images from the southern border. fox news has video of facility built to accommodate as pandemic title 42 comes to an end. nate foy in crystal city, texas. nate. we are about 35 miles of the border right now but even before title 42 expires, small communities like this are seeing big problems. we are talking drugs flooding into the community, a lot of chases as well and that puts people in danger. we spoke with a local deputy. >> it's overwhelming for our small department but it's just -- we have to adapt to it and find ways to find solutions for this with this small department, we are trying to manage it as best we can. nate: we have more video from zavala county is where we are right now. the tunnel is where migrants will spend the night as they wait smugglers to come up. we also have new video today from eagle pass, you just saw a live look, this video coming within the past couple of hours. we have a group of four originally about two hours ago now and then an hour ago we saw a single man crossing the river, all fiver made it across safely and are being processed by border patrol. also in eagle pass we have new video of a processing facility that just went up in eagle pass. of course, eagle pass, you just saw crossings there. it's been a busy point of crossing and the facility is expected to get even busier when title 42 ends. we have not received the number of migrants encounters for the month of april but local law enforcement expected to be another record-breaking month. rich: is there a sense there that perhaps numbers are a little depressed as people wait for title 42 to end or is this the situation where people are still going over the border and the numbers that we have been seeing in the last year or so? nate: rich, we have reported of haitian migrants waiting in nuevo laredo, estimate are 1300 or 1500. perhaps there's other in reynosa, mexico, the numbers are high as they are and people are nervous for communities like this for the end of title 42 because it's already bad and they are expecting it to get worse. nate: nate foy live in texas, thank you so much. outpacing wage growth despite the increased jobs across the country we are joined by macro trends adviser llc founder partner and university san diego school of visiting visiting research fellow, mitch roschelle. mitch, thank you very much for joining us this afternoon. i want to look at some of the job's numbers that we got on friday. looks pretty good 428,000 added, 3.6 unemployment. we are still seeing robust job growth. do you believe that the underlying economy is strong? mitch: i think we are on shaky footing because what happens you look at headline numbers, we created 400,000 jobs and one reason the unemployment rate is falling because we have our labor participation rate falling. it fell for the first time in 3 months which means less people are entering the workforce and there's another number that the bureau labor of statistics put out this week, 11.5 million job openings that are out there. so for some reason we have this twisted labor market where there are open jobs and we can't find people for them and when you don't have truly full employment which we don't, you don't really have that strong of an economy which means we may not be able to weather the inflation storm as well as we hoped to. >> do we have any idea how much the labor force participation rate, people retiring, people who are leaving the labor force permanently or is this just people deciding that they are out and they could otherwise work and are deciding not to? mitch: i would say skills gap. i think one of the biggest issues we have is that the job openings that are there we don't necessarily have people with the skills for them, however, we've talked a bunch and i've talked a bunch on this program about the supply chain woes that we have. one of the biggest challenges in the supply chain is the lack of truckers and i think we have people who are skilled to work as truck drivers but for some reason people don't want to do it. so i can't really wrap my brain around what the issue is. i think one of the issues are right now is the fact that wages aren't keeping up with inflation which means we maybe have to pay people more to incentivize them to get them off the couch if they have retired and get back into the workforce. rich: let's look what the federal reserve's job is, it literally has two jobs, one is to tackle inflation and the other is to address employment. take a look here. inflation is up 8 and a half percent according to labor department. wages up only 5 and a half percent. so do you think that the federal reserve here was a little bit too late in trying to address inflation by raising interest rates or is this something that was baked in with the way that congress passed additional stimulus bills and the problems in supply chain. >> you asked two questions, i'm just going to go to yes to both of them. the fact of the matter is, i think the fed was denying we had an i nation problem, calling it transitory for way too long. in terms of printing money, they printed trillions of dollars to get us through the covid crisis and late in acknowledging that we have to stop the money-printing process and the other side of the equation and falls under monetary policy, what the fed does, on the fiscal policy side we were continuing to stimulate the demand side of the economy, most recently nearly 2 trillion-dollar, you know, covid rescue bill wasn't necessary. it just continue today pump money into the economy and very simply too much chasing too little stuff is what gives rise to inflation. that's really not the fed's job, it's going to take congress to get off its butt and try to fix and stimulate the side of economy and stop stimulating demand. rich: how about stock prices? are we in a bottom here or is there more room to go? mitch: if i knew the answer to that i wouldn't be talking to you on mother's day. rich: and if i did, neither would i. mitch: very simply to look at the stock market, i don't like when people conflate the stock market and the economy and politicians often do that. they only do it when the stock market is going up. they don't do it right now. but the fact of the matter, the stock market as a vehicle is forward-looking and what it looks at is not the economy per se but corporation earnings because that's what drives the stock market and i think what's being siganid right now is the stock market is very, very concerned with the future growth in corporate earnings because amongst other things a global slowdown not just a slowdown of the economy in the united states and they are also worried about what the fed is going to do in unwinding this 9 trillion-dollar balance sheet that it has and what impact that could have on stocks as well. rich: mitch roschelle, thank you very much for joining us this afternoon. appreciate it. country music legend mickey gilley has died, 71 number 1 records in career spanning from 1950's to just last month. he was the inspiration of urban cowboy which was shot at iconic dance hall near houston and made mechanical bull riding. gilley died peacefully with close family and friends by his side. he was 86 year's old. immune health. when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. ready to turn your dreams into plans together with mom and your actions into achievements? 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(♪ ♪) ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. >> my next guest has traveled to the war-torn regions of ukraine and met with zelenskyy's chief of stack, ukrainian foreign minister and the mayors of the cities all to try to understand how to best support the country in their fight for freedom. joining me now is damon wilson, president and ceo of the national endowment for democracy. damon, thank you for joining us fresh off your trip. what did you see? >> rich, it's a pleasure to be here. you know, i saw the story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things, an entire nation, entire population has mobilized around the task of securing their freedom, protecting their country, resisting the russian invasion and pushing out the russian troops. it's pretty extraordinary to see an all-in effort where ukrainians are convinced that they can win and will win, pretty inspiring visit. rich: this doesn't seem that the russian government anticipated or the west anticipated, right? >> that's right. first of all, i don't think it's something that putin can understand that the agency of people to actually determine their future, they are all in ukraine and one of its strengths have been decentralization, strength of civil societies and you see the population mobilize and that's something that putin didn't expect. many western countries did not think ukrainian army or ukrainian people would be able to survive, not only survive, they have shown that they can push the russian troops out. rich: the western perspective of ukraine for the last decade or decade and a half has been centered on corruption or government proputin to antiputin. what's been the history of ukraine and how can the west, how can you, how can we support democracy there? >> i think there's a misperception. national endowment for democracy has been supporting civil society, independent media since 1989. this is one of the untold stories despite leadership and corruption, an extraordinary development of institutions of civil society, ukrainian people showed in two revolutions they will put the course of the country in their own hands and what you see in ukraine is resilience that a few european governments could muster if they were under attack from russia. within two hours, ukrainian authorities have it back up and running. everybody in ukraine is mobilized around making the country work. corruption in many places is seen as treason right now. this is a big moment for ukrainian freedom. rich: there's a big speech tomorrow. vladimir putin is speaking on victory day, what we would consider victory day in 1945. what do we expect from him? is this an international audience, who is he speaking to? >> i think this is vladimir putin, he's got to play a little bit of defense because this war is not going well. ic he's going to be focused first on russian audience. he has to consolidate the support at home because this hasn't worked out as they planned. rich: do you think he risks problems at heat, significant problems at home? >> if russia is defeated in ukraine, if there's an unconditional ukrainian victory that pushes russian forces back to february 24th lines or even out of the country up to the border, i think we can't quite predict the reverberations this will have within russia. he's not in threat today. he has an information environment that has manipulated the minds of so many russians but we have seen cracks within the russian elites and disturbing signs there. if russian forces are defeated they'll be some kind of answer to that. rich: are there worries in ukraine that the west is going to tire of this? what we have seen in poll numbers in the united states has been a pretty significant and steady level of support for the interventions or the help that the west is giving ukraine but do ukrainians have a concern that eventually the west is going to tire of this help? >> well, first ukrainians are motivate today save their country no matter what. i have never seen a morale of the people like this so unified across the country. they are going the take the fight for it regardless. that said they need support, they need international support from weapons to assistance to what we do to support civil society there and i think that's one of the strengths that we have seen in democracies in the west that our people have often been ahead of our politicians. ukrainian flags flying in small towns in america, in germany complete overturn and reversal of decades of policy because the german people, the american people know that this is an unjust war and because of that we have seen our governments really standby, step up to support ukraine. i think that's going to continue. rich: real quick, what you have seen in major parts of ukraine, that resilience there, is there a sense that things are somewhat returning to a sense of normal in the western part of the country as the battle has now focused on the east? >> you know, it was really interesting in lviv and the west, people were trying to live their lives being out in the square, musicians playing almost as act of defiance. kyiv is a bunker mentality starting to come back to life but you can see the effects of the war. the further to the east, much -- this is a war zone. so it really varies across the country and part putin wants to keep the country threatened by dropping missiles all the way across the country even if fighting on the ground is located on the east and south. rich: damon wilson, welcome home. thank you. 3 american tourists in the bahamas are dead and another is in the hospital, the latest from that investigation after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ rich: 3 americans have been found dead and another lifted to hospital in the bahamas. christina coleman is following that story. hi, christina. christina: investigate operation with the royal bahamas police force say it's not clear how the individuals died but that their death was sudden. police were notified friday morning shortly after staff in exuma that a man was unresponsive of bedroom floor of his villa and a second man and a woman were found unresponsive another another villa. officers said both individuals did show signs of convulsion but did not show signs of trauma. officers also say the couple complained of illness the previous evening. they say they went to a local medical facility and returned to their lodging after receiving treatment. all 3 guests were pronounced dead at the scene and another person, a woman was air-lift today a nearby hospital for treatment. here is what the bahamas minister of health and wellness said on saturday. >> it all started a day before yesterday where there was some signs of individuals presenting to the clinic with nausea, vomiting and symptoms. they were eventually seen and subsequently discharged themselves. our investigations were up to late last night and we feel that what with are seeing is an isolated case associated in a particular area. christina: the u.s. state department released a statement saying in part we are closely monitoring local authorities investigation into the cause of death. we stand ready to provide all appropriate consul or assistance. out of respect for the privacy of the families, we have nothing further to add at this time. also the bahamas acting prime minister says although the cause of death is unknown, foul play is not suspected. an emergency medical team was sent to the area to confirm findings. here is fox news medical contributor dr. marty makary. doctor: this appears to sound more like an environmental exposure, a pollutant or a toxin. could have come from an industrial source. i've heard of so many sources of rare toxins that's one of the plausible explanations. christina: the royal bahamas police force has not publicly identified the four resort guests as this death investigation continues. rich: christina coleman, christina, thank you. coming up next a tribute to the moms of the fox news live team. ♪ ♪ ♪ to help 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court looking poised to overturn roe versus wade. today questions about who wouldn't leak the draft opinion and calls for protest as conservative justices homes. in catholic churches, which the white house refuses to condemn it. >> we certainly encourage people to keep it peaceful and not resort to any level of

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240707 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240707

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york city and people coming in and out of the church. as far as protests, no action just yet but we did see action in other areas across new york city over the weekend. take a look at the screen. video from old st. pat church in new york city. that small group you see of pro-choice advocates gathering outside of sat patrick's cathedral to show support for women's reproductive rights. pro-life supporters showed to have their voices heard. >> we believe that every human life has value and dignity from the moment of conception. reporter: now to small group it was a peaceful protest. popped up as well protests in chicago, houston, dc and austin. activists calling on americans to provost the potential end to abortion rights after someone leaked a draft u.s. supreme court opinion that would strike down the roe v. wade decision. that landmark 1973 ruling established a constitutional right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court says the t draft is authentic but it was not final. now the court's marshal is trying to figure out who leaked it in the first place. state leaders speaking at rallies across the country, out in chicago, governor standing with pro-choice crowds. >> if the court overturns roe v. wade, abortions won't stop. it just means they'll be more dangerous. reporter: we did talk with the arch diocese, they tell us they were prepared for protestors but haven't seen any pop up on mother's day in new york. the advocacy group is called catholic vote, we reached out to them, they are calling on president biden and leaders in washington to stand up and get involved to stop anyone from interrupting catholic masses across the country, rich. rich: alexis mcadams, thanks. we have lucas tomlinson live at the white house, lucas. lucas: rich, good afternoon, senator chris murphy told bret baier all protests should remain peaceful. >> nobody should be threatening violence against a supreme court justice or any member of congress. i will be honest, i've had had plenty of protests right around the corner from my house, over the course of my time in public service but, you know, any threats of violence are beyond the pail. lucas: last night police on hand as protestors showed up at the homes of chief justice john roberts and justice brett kavanaugh and earlier clarence thomas saying that court will not be bullied on making decisions. google later took down one map on a website saying it violated company policy. senate majority leader chuck schumer says the senate will vote to codify abortion laws on wednesday. senator lindsey graham says it's unprecedented and it's disgraceful. >> well, for the court it's a betrayal of trust. chief justice roberts said it better than i could ever say. it's a better betrayal of trust k. you imagine going to work the next day and looking around at your colleagues, who did this to to the court? lucas: president biden in wilmington this weekend. he wrapped up a call with g7 world leaders along with ukrainian president zelenskyy, no doubt on victory europe day marking the 77th anniversary. planning to ban import of russian oil. rich: lucas tomlinson live from the white house. for more on the supreme court leak. let's bring in the panelists, talk show radio show and richard fowler, fox news contributor. tony, i will start with you, what do you think what we have seen so far, protests are fairly peaceful and they are not very well attended it seems in hot-spot areas. the fears of mayor protests across the country getting violent or having problems seemed to be unfounded so far? >> in los angeles we saw a level of violence and let's be perfectly clear. when you see people protesting in front of the homes of supreme court justices, those being leaked, that is the act of violence. the whole purpose of this leak is the attempt and intimidation, the leak is the story, of course, there's something to be said about whether or not the court indeed overturns roe v. wade and we won't know until end of june, the leak is a disgrace, it's the best way to describe it and the absolute silence, i know that you played senator chris murphy but the silence from president biden, the seemingly being okay with it from jen psaki and the rest of the democratic is absolutely despicable and that's what america is reacting to. rich: richard, shouldn't homes of supreme court justices or politicians be off limits? >> listen, rich, thanks for having me and happy mother's day to all the mothers watching this including my own. there's no reason to go to supreme court justices house and protest based on the decision that we don't know if it's true even though the court has confirmed that this is an authentic draft. with that being said, talking about the leak is the easy way out of this argument. the hard way out is to actually have a conversation about what was in the 60-page document n. that document what you saw justice alito do there that women aren't equal citizens as men are because as man i have control of my body. the argument that you hear from republicans who you have heard over and over again on sunday shows and even our own, this is about giving rights to people and if that was true, i would hope that republicans would stand up and pass the voting rights act so that every american had a right to say in women's right to choose reproductive health. >> simply not true. rich: let's get to this point. republicans have been saying now that the issue is that this is a politicization of the court. but you look at what happened six years ago, senator mitch mcconnell said that president biden or president obama wasn't going to have his supreme court nominee heard by the court and it would go to the people, opened supreme court decision or opened supreme court seat would be select bid the people in the 2016 election. hasn't the court been politicized for years now? >> the court has -- you can argue politicized when we talk about the obamacare decision as well. you can make the argument if you choose but we should be clear that roe v. wade was a politicized decision at the time and the idea that somehow rights are being taken away from people when all roe v. wade does, the overturning of it if it happens is bring it back to the state and, of course, people would get to vote in their states and sometimes you lose votes so you keep on fighting for what you believe to be your rights but remember there's a woman on the supreme court who seemingly is voting to overturn roe v. wade eliminating the argument that richard is making there and there are plenty of women, millions of women all across america who believe in the overturning of roe v. wade. so this argument that somehow it's an attack on women falls horrifically flat. rich: this is governor gavin newsom of california just earlier this week. >> this is a concerted coordinated effort and, yes, they are winning. where the hell is my party? where is the democratic party? are you guys paying attention to what's going on? rich: so richard, have democrats been asleep here politically and -- and what more can they do? >> i think that's a great question, rich. let's be cleared-eyed and realistic the idea of senate chuck schumer passing a law to codify roe v. wade and probably unlikely and with that being said in many states across the country there are trigger laws in place and as soon as decision is rendered by the court, immediately abortion will be legal in a number of states, red states and blue states including a state like michigan. we have to have a conversation in this country, the courts has widen who is american, who is allowed to be part of the -- part of the institution, when they passed brown versus board decision. they said that biracial could you please could get married again. if they rule to overturn roe v. wade they are going in the opposite direction whether or not you agree with abortion it's about whether or not a woman has full autonomy of her body when she's in the room with her doctor. rich: tony, what do republicans do next here? if they do take control of the senate and eventually take control of the white house and the house that they should begin to legislate on abortion? do they go further than the overturning of roe v. wade? >> i would argue that right now what they do is nothing. see what the democrats do and states that are trying to figure out whether they will call special sessions and things like that. when you have chuck schumer, we will call the vote, we will call the vote on the being of codifying the idea of partial birth abortion, man, you let the democratic party just beat itself up once again. they always overplay their hand and they are absolutely -- >> nobody is calling for the ban of partial birth abortion. >> you have to read the legislation, richard. >> i've read the legislation and i've also read the decision -- rich: are democrats going too far and is there a compromise and should they be reaching out to the more conservative, centrist republicans to try to find a pathway forward on abortion legislation. >> the question of whether or not democrats are going too far is basing the question whether republicans are going too far. republicans are passing laws that eliminate for rape, incest. so now the question of whether or not democrats go too far, the democrats will be passing a law. if you get raped, if there's a case of incest, if your health is on the line, you don't have access to reproductive health. rich: sorry, i have to run. thank you very much, tony katz, richard fowler. very much appreciated. >> happy mother's day, everybody. rich: all the women out there, all the mothers out there as well. ♪ ♪ ♪ rich: first lady jill biden making a surprise visit to western ukraine to visit her ukrainian counterpart earlier today just hours after a horrific bombing of a school in the eastern donbas region is feared to have killed 60 people. greg palcok live on the ground in kyiv. greg: we have heard a few rounds of air raid sirens here in kyiv throughout the day. there are new reports of russian attacks on odesa as this country waits for vladimir putin's next move. earlier today we saw other brutality from russia, the bombing overnight that the school used of refugee center in ukrainian town in the east. 30 civilians were rescued and 60 under the rubble. russia's deputy prime minister and another regional russian official, but as many as 2,000 ukrainian fighters including injured remain there. they are calling for their rescue but they are not surrendering and the russians, well, they keep bombing. in kyiv today reopening embassy here, canadian prime minister justin trudeau and embassy not set to open until later this month and conference of g7 leaders, trudeau, president zelenskyy and president biden this seen as shown of solidarity on the day the westmarks victory in world war ii. in ukraine a surprise visit to a border town refugee center in the west. first lady joe biden has been on a tour in the last couple of days. president zelenskyy's wife, jill biden met with refugee mothers and neighboring eslovaquia on this mother's day in the war zone. rich, russia marks it defeat of germany in world war ii tomorrow in what they call victory day. they'll be a parade and speeches in red square and elsewhere and perhaps some offensive action too which we are getting ready for. now in a miami sent out on the eve this holiday, putin is quoted as saying as in 1945 victory will be ours as well. we will see about that. back to you. rich: greg, with signs of reopening, you mentioned the canadian embassy and the american embassy later this month s. there a noticeable difference as the fighting has moved toward the south and east of the country, what is kyiv like these days? >> kyiv is a little bit more normal but i will just say a little bit, rich. some people have come back. there's added traffic on the street but the checkpoints remain in place, the curfew is a little bit shorter but curfews remain in place. yes, as i noted on top of the report the air raid sirens, every time you hear them you have to wonder, this is going to be the one, there was a direct attack on the city just a week ago. so far we haven't seen anything this past week but war remains a presence. it's just a little bit more normal here but that could change maybe as early as tonight, back to you. rich: greg palcok live. thank you. new video of escape of prisoner and guard who helped him escape. that's coming up next. xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? fewer groceries. this phone? more groceries! this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. new and existing customers get amazing value with our everyday pricing. switch today. rich: brand-new video of the alabama correction officer who reportedly help suspect break out of jail and believed to be on the run with him. charles watson live in florence, alabama with the latest, charles. charles: good afternoon, we are getting a look at vickie white's movements in the hour when she broke out convicted casey white from an alabama prison hours before the escape vickie white is seen here in this newly released security footage pacing and looking around a nearby hotel before she allegedly used her power as a corrections officer to walk admitted murderer casey white out of prison for a court appointment officials say did not exist. the hotel is where vickie white stayed the night before going on the run and also near the location where she prepositioned a get away vehicle for the two. one of the big questions now is why would a 17-year corrections officer allegedly do all of this just a day before she was set to retire, well, love may be the answer. officials say casey and vickie white no relation by the way were in some jailhouse romance for at least two years and while it appears vickie white is willing to go to extreme lengths for their, quote, unquote, special relationship, some say it's a mistake to think casey white will do the same. >> he's doing everything he can to get out of jail and i know he's using her to do just that. she's a pawn in this situation. >> yeah, and on friday authorities located fugitive escape vehicle. this 2004 ford suv, located about 100 miles north partially spray painted at a tow yard in tennessee, it had been sitting there for nearly a week after the convicted inmate and corrections officer deserted it along road. the u.s. marshal services asking the public to be vigilant. they've released the photos of casey white and tattoos soms which authorities say are affiliated with the local alabama white supremacy group and the photos of vickie white who may have died her hair to disguise original blond hair and these two could be out on the road, on a lamp for white a while. vickie white sold home and items before the escape happened and the two can have can have $90,000 in cash and considered armed. ar15 handguns, shotgun possibly. rich: charles, thank you. for more on this we are joined by fraternal order of police national vice president joe gamaldi. joe, thank you very much for joining us this afternoon. how important are these bits of evidence that at least we are seeing publicly, the video of the corrections officer in the hotel in now discovered car? >> it's extremely important because we are getting updates basically at this point and no doubt that this was premeditate bid vickie. she sold her house beforehand and made her she had funds on hand before she did this. she et up a fake doctor's appointment afterwards to buy herself time. i want to assure the public, we are going to catch them. we have task force and tracking down every single lead. we have bulletins going out to every police officer in the country and friends and family are going to turn them in as soon as the rewards it gets high enough because that's how it always plays out. you and in the public can help us as well. this dirt bag, he's 6-foot 9, 309, if you see him walking around, call so we can get him into custody. i tell you vickie and casey if they are watching right now, turn yourselves in. you are only making it worse and we are coming from you and for the judges and da's that are going to handle this case after we catch them, they will throw the book at their asses and make sure they stay in prison for this. rich: what kind of leads are they trying to find here. seems like you mentioned she prepared fairly well for this. it's been several days since they walked out of prison. what's the next step here for investigators? >> i think the next step will be touching base with family and friends because ultimately they will run out of money and they will be contacting friends and family for help. so it's our job in law enforcement to chase down every single lead but as i said earlier, the public, you can be a force multiplier for us, if you see something, say something, if you see someone that looks like this walking around the store call the tip in, we will follow up, we will get the folks into custody. it's just a matter of time. in the meantime we all need to be vigilant to find the criminals. >> i don't think i've ever seen video of someone escaping from prison this easily and walking out like this since el chapo left a mexican jail in a laundry cart. how often do we see these types of things where corrections officer is in a relationship with inmate and how do prison leaders look out for this type of thing? >> well, i think there's certainly going to be lessons learned for the county after incident happened. i want to ensure and brothers and sisters in corrections do a fantastic job and do difficult and dangerous job. don't judge the corrections officers by the actions of this idiot who was romancing with this individual. don't judge by the actions of this one. >> joe, clearly holding back. thank you. >> thanks for having me. rich: and here in dc thieves making off with more than $20,000 in merchandise in brazen smash and grab in high-end glass store as employees recorded them. -- alexandria hoff. >> that's what this group took when the group of young men unlearned in the my eye doctor store. police release cases being shattered last month. a worker can be heard telling the suspects that the police are on their way. employee said he politely greeted the group as he would any other customer. >> and then within the next minute or two they are smashing and grabbing. i'm getting over it a little bit to be honest. it's unexpected, surprising. >> communities around the country have been plagued by spectacular heists to resell the high end frames. police are asking to be alert especially if they see individuals entering in a group and wearing items to conceal their identities. >> just try to call 9-1-1 immediately as soon as you can. if you find yourself where it's too late and they are already in the store, we would advise employees to call 9-1-1, get to safety and the main thing is do not attempt to intervene at any of these actions. >> investigators are looking for four males ranging 17 to 23 year's old plus get away model operating a older model toyota camry. rich: thanks very much. the clock is winding down on title 42. border officials expecting after the rollback, that's coming up next. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit rich: you're looking at live images from the southern border. fox news has video of facility built to accommodate as pandemic title 42 comes to an end. nate foy in crystal city, texas. nate. we are about 35 miles of the border right now but even before title 42 expires, small communities like this are seeing big problems. we are talking drugs flooding into the community, a lot of chases as well and that puts people in danger. we spoke with a local deputy. >> it's overwhelming for our small department but it's just -- we have to adapt to it and find ways to find solutions for this with this small department, we are trying to manage it as best we can. nate: we have more video from zavala county is where we are right now. the tunnel is where migrants will spend the night as they wait smugglers to come up. we also have new video today from eagle pass, you just saw a live look, this video coming within the past couple of hours. we have a group of four originally about two hours ago now and then an hour ago we saw a single man crossing the river, all fiver made it across safely and are being processed by border patrol. also in eagle pass we have new video of a processing facility that just went up in eagle pass. of course, eagle pass, you just saw crossings there. it's been a busy point of crossing and the facility is expected to get even busier when title 42 ends. we have not received the number of migrants encounters for the month of april but local law enforcement expected to be another record-breaking month. rich: is there a sense there that perhaps numbers are a little depressed as people wait for title 42 to end or is this the situation where people are still going over the border and the numbers that we have been seeing in the last year or so? nate: rich, we have reported of haitian migrants waiting in nuevo laredo, estimate are 1300 or 1500. perhaps there's other in reynosa, mexico, the numbers are high as they are and people are nervous for communities like this for the end of title 42 because it's already bad and they are expecting it to get worse. nate: nate foy live in texas, thank you so much. outpacing wage growth despite the increased jobs across the country we are joined by macro trends adviser llc founder partner and university san diego school of visiting visiting research fellow, mitch roschelle. mitch, thank you very much for joining us this afternoon. i want to look at some of the job's numbers that we got on friday. looks pretty good 428,000 added, 3.6 unemployment. we are still seeing robust job growth. do you believe that the underlying economy is strong? mitch: i think we are on shaky footing because what happens you look at headline numbers, we created 400,000 jobs and one reason the unemployment rate is falling because we have our labor participation rate falling. it fell for the first time in 3 months which means less people are entering the workforce and there's another number that the bureau labor of statistics put out this week, 11.5 million job openings that are out there. so for some reason we have this twisted labor market where there are open jobs and we can't find people for them and when you don't have truly full employment which we don't, you don't really have that strong of an economy which means we may not be able to weather the inflation storm as well as we hoped to. >> do we have any idea how much the labor force participation rate, people retiring, people who are leaving the labor force permanently or is this just people deciding that they are out and they could otherwise work and are deciding not to? mitch: i would say skills gap. i think one of the biggest issues we have is that the job openings that are there we don't necessarily have people with the skills for them, however, we've talked a bunch and i've talked a bunch on this program about the supply chain woes that we have. one of the biggest challenges in the supply chain is the lack of truckers and i think we have people who are skilled to work as truck drivers but for some reason people don't want to do it. so i can't really wrap my brain around what the issue is. i think one of the issues are right now is the fact that wages aren't keeping up with inflation which means we maybe have to pay people more to incentivize them to get them off the couch if they have retired and get back into the workforce. rich: let's look what the federal reserve's job is, it literally has two jobs, one is to tackle inflation and the other is to address employment. take a look here. inflation is up 8 and a half percent according to labor department. wages up only 5 and a half percent. so do you think that the federal reserve here was a little bit too late in trying to address inflation by raising interest rates or is this something that was baked in with the way that congress passed additional stimulus bills and the problems in supply chain. >> you asked two questions, i'm just going to go to yes to both of them. the fact of the matter is, i think the fed was denying we had an i nation problem, calling it transitory for way too long. in terms of printing money, they printed trillions of dollars to get us through the covid crisis and late in acknowledging that we have to stop the money-printing process and the other side of the equation and falls under monetary policy, what the fed does, on the fiscal policy side we were continuing to stimulate the demand side of the economy, most recently nearly 2 trillion-dollar, you know, covid rescue bill wasn't necessary. it just continue today pump money into the economy and very simply too much chasing too little stuff is what gives rise to inflation. that's really not the fed's job, it's going to take congress to get off its butt and try to fix and stimulate the side of economy and stop stimulating demand. rich: how about stock prices? are we in a bottom here or is there more room to go? mitch: if i knew the answer to that i wouldn't be talking to you on mother's day. rich: and if i did, neither would i. mitch: very simply to look at the stock market, i don't like when people conflate the stock market and the economy and politicians often do that. they only do it when the stock market is going up. they don't do it right now. but the fact of the matter, the stock market as a vehicle is forward-looking and what it looks at is not the economy per se but corporation earnings because that's what drives the stock market and i think what's being siganid right now is the stock market is very, very concerned with the future growth in corporate earnings because amongst other things a global slowdown not just a slowdown of the economy in the united states and they are also worried about what the fed is going to do in unwinding this 9 trillion-dollar balance sheet that it has and what impact that could have on stocks as well. rich: mitch roschelle, thank you very much for joining us this afternoon. appreciate it. country music legend mickey gilley has died, 71 number 1 records in career spanning from 1950's to just last month. he was the inspiration of urban cowboy which was shot at iconic dance hall near houston and made mechanical bull riding. gilley died peacefully with close family and friends by his side. he was 86 year's old. immune health. when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. ready to turn your dreams into plans together with mom and your actions into achievements? 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(♪ ♪) ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. >> my next guest has traveled to the war-torn regions of ukraine and met with zelenskyy's chief of stack, ukrainian foreign minister and the mayors of the cities all to try to understand how to best support the country in their fight for freedom. joining me now is damon wilson, president and ceo of the national endowment for democracy. damon, thank you for joining us fresh off your trip. what did you see? >> rich, it's a pleasure to be here. you know, i saw the story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things, an entire nation, entire population has mobilized around the task of securing their freedom, protecting their country, resisting the russian invasion and pushing out the russian troops. it's pretty extraordinary to see an all-in effort where ukrainians are convinced that they can win and will win, pretty inspiring visit. rich: this doesn't seem that the russian government anticipated or the west anticipated, right? >> that's right. first of all, i don't think it's something that putin can understand that the agency of people to actually determine their future, they are all in ukraine and one of its strengths have been decentralization, strength of civil societies and you see the population mobilize and that's something that putin didn't expect. many western countries did not think ukrainian army or ukrainian people would be able to survive, not only survive, they have shown that they can push the russian troops out. rich: the western perspective of ukraine for the last decade or decade and a half has been centered on corruption or government proputin to antiputin. what's been the history of ukraine and how can the west, how can you, how can we support democracy there? >> i think there's a misperception. national endowment for democracy has been supporting civil society, independent media since 1989. this is one of the untold stories despite leadership and corruption, an extraordinary development of institutions of civil society, ukrainian people showed in two revolutions they will put the course of the country in their own hands and what you see in ukraine is resilience that a few european governments could muster if they were under attack from russia. within two hours, ukrainian authorities have it back up and running. everybody in ukraine is mobilized around making the country work. corruption in many places is seen as treason right now. this is a big moment for ukrainian freedom. rich: there's a big speech tomorrow. vladimir putin is speaking on victory day, what we would consider victory day in 1945. what do we expect from him? is this an international audience, who is he speaking to? >> i think this is vladimir putin, he's got to play a little bit of defense because this war is not going well. ic he's going to be focused first on russian audience. he has to consolidate the support at home because this hasn't worked out as they planned. rich: do you think he risks problems at heat, significant problems at home? >> if russia is defeated in ukraine, if there's an unconditional ukrainian victory that pushes russian forces back to february 24th lines or even out of the country up to the border, i think we can't quite predict the reverberations this will have within russia. he's not in threat today. he has an information environment that has manipulated the minds of so many russians but we have seen cracks within the russian elites and disturbing signs there. if russian forces are defeated they'll be some kind of answer to that. rich: are there worries in ukraine that the west is going to tire of this? what we have seen in poll numbers in the united states has been a pretty significant and steady level of support for the interventions or the help that the west is giving ukraine but do ukrainians have a concern that eventually the west is going to tire of this help? >> well, first ukrainians are motivate today save their country no matter what. i have never seen a morale of the people like this so unified across the country. they are going the take the fight for it regardless. that said they need support, they need international support from weapons to assistance to what we do to support civil society there and i think that's one of the strengths that we have seen in democracies in the west that our people have often been ahead of our politicians. ukrainian flags flying in small towns in america, in germany complete overturn and reversal of decades of policy because the german people, the american people know that this is an unjust war and because of that we have seen our governments really standby, step up to support ukraine. i think that's going to continue. rich: real quick, what you have seen in major parts of ukraine, that resilience there, is there a sense that things are somewhat returning to a sense of normal in the western part of the country as the battle has now focused on the east? >> you know, it was really interesting in lviv and the west, people were trying to live their lives being out in the square, musicians playing almost as act of defiance. kyiv is a bunker mentality starting to come back to life but you can see the effects of the war. the further to the east, much -- this is a war zone. so it really varies across the country and part putin wants to keep the country threatened by dropping missiles all the way across the country even if fighting on the ground is located on the east and south. rich: damon wilson, welcome home. thank you. 3 american tourists in the bahamas are dead and another is in the hospital, the latest from that investigation after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ rich: 3 americans have been found dead and another lifted to hospital in the bahamas. christina coleman is following that story. hi, christina. christina: investigate operation with the royal bahamas police force say it's not clear how the individuals died but that their death was sudden. police were notified friday morning shortly after staff in exuma that a man was unresponsive of bedroom floor of his villa and a second man and a woman were found unresponsive another another villa. officers said both individuals did show signs of convulsion but did not show signs of trauma. officers also say the couple complained of illness the previous evening. they say they went to a local medical facility and returned to their lodging after receiving treatment. all 3 guests were pronounced dead at the scene and another person, a woman was air-lift today a nearby hospital for treatment. here is what the bahamas minister of health and wellness said on saturday. >> it all started a day before yesterday where there was some signs of individuals presenting to the clinic with nausea, vomiting and symptoms. they were eventually seen and subsequently discharged themselves. our investigations were up to late last night and we feel that what with are seeing is an isolated case associated in a particular area. christina: the u.s. state department released a statement saying in part we are closely monitoring local authorities investigation into the cause of death. we stand ready to provide all appropriate consul or assistance. out of respect for the privacy of the families, we have nothing further to add at this time. also the bahamas acting prime minister says although the cause of death is unknown, foul play is not suspected. an emergency medical team was sent to the area to confirm findings. here is fox news medical contributor dr. marty makary. doctor: this appears to sound more like an environmental exposure, a pollutant or a toxin. could have come from an industrial source. i've heard of so many sources of rare toxins that's one of the plausible explanations. christina: the royal bahamas police force has not publicly identified the four resort guests as this death investigation continues. rich: christina coleman, christina, thank you. coming up next a tribute to the moms of the fox news live team. ♪ ♪ ♪ to help 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court looking poised to overturn roe versus wade. today questions about who wouldn't leak the draft opinion and calls for protest as conservative justices homes. in catholic churches, which the white house refuses to condemn it. >> we certainly encourage people to keep it peaceful and not resort to any level of

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