Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240708 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240708

circa 2022. >> i'm sorry that she couldn't hang on until today. >> a heart broken wynona and ashley judd breaking down in tears as their mother newspaper senate committee inducted into the country prusek hall of fame. >> my momma loved you so much. >> victor takes it around to left side into the end zone. and the generals run their way to a second consecutive victory. >> welcome to monday. good morning, cincinnati it's your 6:00 a.m. eastern wake-up call. currently you have got 49 degrees. you are going for a daytime high of 55. 55 clear skies you cand headquarters, we are starting the day on the soggy side. currently we are at the number nickel 55 on this may 2nd, a monday. rain for an hour or so. >> ainsley: i heard it's going to rain all this week. i'm not sure though. i actually like the sound of rain it so it doesn't get me down. >> steve: rainy days and mondays always make me down. never mind. >> ainsley: i love that song. summer is right around the corner. >> steve: it is just a month away. pete, welcome aboard. >> pete: thanks for having me. extended weekend. brian is out for one day. >> steve: you are complaining that you had to work three days in a row? >> pete: it's really tough. how do you do five? forget about that. i will do two. >> ainsley: you could definitely work five days. he works all the time. i said yes, he does. >> pete: because we love what we do. >> ainsley: that's right. >> pete: through fox nation and everything else i probably work six and a half. >> steve: not to mention those fine kids at home. >> pete: then there is that. >> ainsley: piers morgan is blowing it out of the water. >> pete: huge response. >> ainsley: we are going to have him on today. >> steve: excellent. here is the big story we left you with last week. it was revealed in the middle of the week on wednesday committee hearing on capitol hill that the department of homeland security, the same week that elon musk buys twitter, it is announced, they have come up with something called the disinformation governance board. and what they are looking for is disinformation. when that hit the fan, people went crazy. because what one person considers disinformation. somebody else might consider information. because we have seen people in this administration in the past push stuff that turned out not to be true. >> ainsley: we have heard that word so many times disinformation. we automatically think the left doesn't like something the right is saying on social media. they are going to censor you. they will not allow that information to come out because they have seemed it to be misinformation. they said the dossier was true. it wasn't. they said that hunter biden laptop, they didn't want you onto know that before the election. they deemed that as disinformation. so, you didn't see that story. many people didn't see that story if they weren't watching fox. so we are used to hearing that but, over the weekend, mayorkas was on "fox news sunday," and made it sound like this is more about going after violence online. if there is something that is posted and it's violent then that is disinformation and we are going to go after that. owe said you should have done a better job of communicating what this does. listen. >> if there is no question, brett. that we could have done a better job in communicating what it does. we addressed disinformation that presents a security threat to the homeland. disinformation from russia, from china, from iran, from the cartels. our work does not infringe on free speech. does not infringe on civil rights, civil liberties. it's not about speech. it's about the connectivity to violence. >> bret: you really think jankovicz is disconnected enough for this particular job. >> yes, i do. by the way, highly regarded as a subject matter expert and i don't question her objectivity. >> steve: he's the one. >> pete: that's true. we will get to her in a moment what she said. any time there is a policy announced that is on its face completely suspect or people reject it, the fallback is oh we just didn't communicate it well enough to you people. don't you understand how well this is going to work? >> ainsley: we need to pivot, we need to change our message. >> pete: let me tell you again how we have a new ministry of truth and we are going to decide what is a threat to the homeland? that's a big phrase right there. what is a threat to the homeland? is it just china and russia? or it political speech here at home that is deemed on the fringes or unacceptable to the mainstream? that's why people are so skeptical of this and rightfully so. >> steve: here's the thing. he answered what we wanted know about. he said, it's about violence and one of his quotes is people have the right to spew anti-met stick rhetoric. what they don't have the right to do is take hostages in the synagogue. >> ainsley: call it the antiviolence board. >> steve: we already have a department of justice that does that. >> ainsley: true. >> steve: what this does is the department of homeland security is looking into the stuff concerning the countries of russia, china, iran and cartels. he listed that think about it. the hunter laptop, that was deemed as russian disinformation. people put stuff out there. that was a russian made. the steel dossier, russia, russia, russia. so that stuff still falls under the doj test. >> ainsley: the bottom line is we don't trust the government to handle what we are going to see, what news is going to be out there based on the past. if they had done things the right way in the past then we could have trusted them. why are they getting involved in this. we do have intelligence officers that are monitoring things that are online. >> steve: one of the things he said we're not the opinion police. but, so it's not about opinions. but when you say that laptop is from russia, it's russian disinformation. that is not an opinion. that is the department of homeland security has said that thing is from russia. >> pete: you are exactly right. the same as saying cnn. when they say we north opinion. we are just news. we are only telling you this news over here. >> steve: and that's our opinion. >> pete: and the process is clear as day. he mentioned bret baier, you asked a question about nina jankovicz who will be charged with leading this 30-something georgetown graduate has done work on disinformation from one side of the aisle. there is a couple of tweets that may give insight into whether or not as mayorkas said we should not question her objectivity. here's one tweet from march 19th 2021. >> ainsley: march 16th. >> pete: steve said about a year ago. she tweeted this: intelligence community i see has a high degree of confidence that the kremlin used proxies to. >> steve: there is russia. >> pete: there you go. influence there including misleading and unsubstantiated claims about president biden to u.s. media officials and influencers, some close to president trump, a clear nod to the alleged hunter laptop. >> steve: that would fall under this umbrella that's russia disinformation. that's what she would be in charge of. >> she would. but then you look at u.s. media officials and influencers some close to president trump. meaning if you were willing to talk about the laptop, which she already told us is only russian disinformation then you are a target of the misinformation. you are part of that now, we know the laptop is real. the emails are real and is being investigated right now. >> ainsley: she is saying the laptop not real. dossier was real because on august 7th in 2020 she said listen to this last night chris steel, yes that chris steel provides great historical context about the evolution of disinformation worth a listen. >> steve: meanwhile, keep in mind what's going on in the world, so elon musk, twitter and a couple days later it is announced tulsi gabbard connected some dots and she is connecting what president obama said at stanford on april 21st. remember we played you some clips where he is talking about big media. um, out of nowhere is he talking about big media. tulsi gabbard tweeted this out. joe biden is just the front man. obama on april 21st at stanford said social media sensors don't go far enough so the government needs to step in to do the job. six days later home landing security rolls out the ministry of truth also known as the disinformation governance board. coincidence? she says no. all part of a big plan. >> ainsley: what obama was talking about at stanford employees are sincere in trying to moderate violent content social media and hate speech. more needs to be done to limit such posts. >> pete: this is only formalizing that which was being done informally. jen psaki and others have already acknowledged that the white house has given guidance to social media companies. most of which have been more than happy to comply with the pressure from the government. this is now the government stepping in and deciding to say what -- i don't care what mayorkas says about communication or not, it becomes about what is acceptable speech and they will use foreign interference as they have in the bass as the rationalization. >> ainsley: we don't want violence we want them to stop the violence. why did they call this board disinformation board if it's really about violence. why the week of elon musk buying twitter and barack obama speaking about this and how companies need more the government to get involved because companies can't do it all on your own? >> pete: good question. >> steve: the worry is there is somebody in a cubicle in washington, d.c. like watching this show at 6:00 in the morning owners, that's disinformation. what are they going to do then? are they going to label it, a, they will push a button and cut the cable? no, of course they would not do that but they would say that was disinformation because we presented what we know to be fact. >> pete: social media companies already doing that you take a clip from tucker carlson or another show sean's show and they label it as such. ounce ounce or don't even athrough. >> pete: why wouldn't they go the next step well, that's our job now. >> ainsley: 11 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up chaos in poland or there was. as. >> pete: portland. ainsley: what did i say? >> pete: poland. i understand. >> ainsley: antifa launching smoke bombs at peaceful rally for candidate for governor, short-staffed cops could not get there in time. >> steve: plus, we believe this to be true information. 94% of americans concerned with inflation as diesel gas prices hit an all-time high. that's coming up next. you are watching "fox & friends" live from new york city where it is raining. look at all the guests we have got today. from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ♪ ♪ as a chef i always knew what i should be eating, but ww helped me to do it. there's nothing off limits. chocolate. is that a no no? 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[laughter] >> naomi judd died at age 76 on saturday. her official cause of death has not yet been released but throughout the year naomi has been open about her struggles with mental illness and depression. those are your headlines, guys, over to you. >> steve: she will be missed. she was on our show a lot. and she was so kind and so funny and the whole family is heart broken. the family decided they said look, the show should go on last night and so they did. >> ainsley: our thoughts and prayers with their family they are friends of our shows. we interviewed them so many times. she did deal with extreme depression. wrote a book about moment of time took electroshot therapy and took drugs to help her. go out there and perform and come home and not get off the couch. one year she was on the couch for two years. never got out of her pajamas. i just have dealt with this my whole life. poor thing. >> pete: amazing went through with the ceremony in honor of her and the country music hall of fame. we played clips this weekend of you guys with her over the years and certainly a friend of her. >> steve: god bless her soul. >> ainsley: she was on the show. >> steve: we made headlines. speak of headlines, you know about the defund the police situation out in portland oregon. you know about antifa. well, a republican on saturday running for governor, a fellow by the name of stan poll yum, he is the mayor of sandy, oregon population 11 thousand we just found out. he has a rally to talk about refunding the police and things like that. who showed up but antifa and it went something like this. >> we need safe communities here in our state. safe communities here in our state. [shouting] >> heads up. >> we will not be intimidated. >> you can see that one lady. she did when absolutelyized when she saw the smoke bomb she ran back. hurled smoke grenades. paint filled balloons and fireworks. they were injured by mortars. you mentioned the police. the police weren't there. they called 911. and it took 20 minutes for the police to get enough man fox all star to respond. they know that antifa doesn't mess around. so they needed cops. but the cops weren't there for 20 minutes. >> pete: 20 minutes. you are a goob toler candidate in the state of oregon. and you have got a rally which the authorities would have presumably known about. probably have a permit for it more news out of will. if you are a family with a case that isn't solved they don't have the officers to continue pursuing those cases. old crimes, new crimes. the police officers there are totally under water. >> ainsley: yeah. this guy who is running, he is running as a republican, he wants to refund. and the police department, they're being honest about this. they're like we are strapped. one of the guys at the police force said if you call 911 in our town, sometimes you will be on hold for hours. >> steve: they prioritize. >> ainsley: mr. pulliam holding this campaign event was on 20 minutes. they came antifa had already moved out. >> statewide candidate for governor we should be able to go to the largest metropolitan area of our state and have a peaceful campaign rally. of course, less than 15 minutes in, we are greeted by antifa. showing up with fire crackers that they are throwing at us. our campaign bus completely destroyed. that's the city of portland circa 2022. it took over 20 minutes to get an operator on the line when we called 911. the police never responded. of course it's not their fault. they don't have the resources. but under a pulliam administration they absolutely will. we have declared a war on woke. we are sick and tired of the antifas. we will put these folks in the jail. we will take our state back. >> steve: good luck to you. it looks like antifa is running that town. >> pete: exactly. >> ainsley: police said friday into saturday five chooghts, three serious crashes. one stolen ambulance, calls for shots fired. people throwing objects off of an overpass. we only had a few officers available at the precinct. >> pete: can you imagine? what is the breaking point for old school liberals who just don't like chaos and anarchy to say maybe it's time to elect someone who is remotely sane and willing to enforce the law? >> ainsley: imagine if your loved one was killed and shutting down the cold case. moving to the homicide division because of the soaring homicide rate. they said they have 18 officers on the homicide division and it's not enough. they said it's not sustainable. cold case division has a sergeant and six detectives and they are all going over to homicide. >> steve: i think we just repeated the facts that, you know, he is running on, mariupol yum is running on he has a good case if my house is burning down. how long is it going to take because my house will be gone in 8 minutes. if somebody is banging on the door, how long is it going to take. will i see a cop at the door or will somebody kill me? >> pete: i don't know the particular gun laws in portland. i'm sure they are not friendly to those who like to defend themselves. >> ainsley: not like florida. did you see what antioxidants did? >> pete: not like florida or tennessee. i think of these police officers who, if we work one or two extra days we joke about it you work an extra day, an extra shift, an extra week. not only are you working more and away from your family. but you are going into dangerous territory every single day. the psychological impact of them knowing nobody has your back, too. >> ainsley: if your department hasn't been defunded and they have money for the extra hours time and a half. >> steve: you don't blame the police. you blame the people who cut the police budget in 1970s they had 30 cops per 100,000 now they have 8 per 100,000. crime is going to be an issue going into the election in the midterms in november and so is inflation. and this is a -- an awful number for the joe biden administration according to the "the washington post." abc poll that just came out. 94% are concerned or upset about inflation. and then when it comes to who is responsible for this? the next question tells a lot. >> ainsley: which party do you trust better to handle inflation. 50 percent said republicans. 31 percent said democrats and when it comes to handling the economy 51 percent said republicans, 36 said democrats. brian. >> pete: you can't get 94% agree that sunrises in the east let alone that inflation a concern or major concern. you will have those on the left. democrats saying this is the putin putin price hike and spinning that side of it. >> steve: they will. >> pete: but the majority as you see on the other side recognize the fact that inflation has been a problem for quite some time. look at gas prices as well. and, again, this was long before what happened internationally a year ago diesel just over $3. today 5.5. >> and some places ons west coast it's up into the 8s and $9. >> steve: remarkable. highest price for diesel in history. >> pete: is it really? >> steve: yeah. the problem going forward the truckers say we still don't get good price for the loads. so a lot of truckers are thinking about quitting which is just going to lead to more supply chain problems. which are across the board. >> ainsley: going back to being energy independent. that's going to be a hot topic coming up in the midterms. people are going to vote more republicans because we see what happens when you shut down pipelines and national security. other countries are dependent on -- vladimir putin we used to give him so much money for oil until recently. we are funding this war when you do that. >> steve: going back to the supply chain issues. we were talking a little bit last week about how china it looks like they're locking down because of covid again that's going to cause supply chain issues. i'm not going to tell you what pretty fancy hotel in washington, d.c. i stayed in, but when i was leaving, i realized something that i kind of had noticed, it was dark. i got up the next day and i'm packing and i leave, when i checked out i said to the person in the lobby, i said why is there only one sheet on the bed? and they said what are you talking about? i said there is just one sheet. you need to have two sheets, a sheet and a fitted sheet. >> they want you to sleep under the comfortable that probably doesn't get washed? >> there is just one sheet. you know, we can't get fitted sheets. and i said well then use two sheets. that's crazy. >> ainsley: take your own. >> steve: they still charged two sheet prices. >> ainsley: i hope they wash that comfortable. ains. >> pete: i want to hear more about that dinner. >> ainsley: did you have fun? >> a lot of people said why would you go to that event? i didn't go for a long time but when you are related to a white house correspondent, you should probably go to the white house correspondence dinner. >> pete: that's right. >> steve: we had a very nice time. speaking of mayorkas, peter was talking to him. i invited him on "fox & friends." ainsley: what did he say? >> steve: he said he was on bret baier tomorrow morning. >> ainsley: that was a no. >> steve: some day maybe? >> steve: some day maybe. >> pete: some day maybe. one sheet it. was a difficult sleeping night. you know that. if he slept. we don't have. >> steve: some were two sheets to the wind. >> pete: that one we will hear with in the break. mike rowe and john after it coming up in the 8:00 a.m. hour. >> steve: coming up, joy reid could be taken to court over a tweet. jack brewer who was at the dinner as well getting the police involved after reid called his americanship program child abuse. why jack says she is the one putting kids in danger. that's coming up live from new york city. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. hi! back pain, and fatigue. need new glasses? 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>> the back story is these kids are fatherless and part of the american heroes program based in coral springs, florida. and these kids have -- are the direct victims of crt. man, the reason i'm doing this is because the crt conversation has gotten lost. it's not about what they are teaching in school. it's not about what they're not teaching in school. whenever there is under served black kid they are using crt as their excuse not to teach the reading and math proficiency. the kids that i have at my school, most of them are two to three grades behind on their reading and math proficiency. they are getting d's and f's and the teachers just push them through and tell them that's satisfactory because of their demographic and skin color. that is wrong, man. this is american. we shouldn't be using the soft bigotry of low exceptions and putting that on the poorest and most voiceless kids that we sphr in our nation. the bible says in isaiah 1:17 to defender the fatherless. that's what i'm trying to do. i will stand against joy reid and msnbc. >> steve: so you filed a police report and you are demanding an apology. what do the police say and have you heard from joy reid yet? >> so the police were very supportive. they know our kids, most of our kids walk to our center or ride their bikes and when you put out to your 2.1 million followers to the go find out where my kids are and who they are and who brought them that's a direct threat. you can't do that in this day and age. we are located right down the street in theth from the parkland high school. we have horrific events happen. we have to take these things seriously. you can't tell people to go out and try to identify kids that are between 8 and 14 years old. how reckless is that? so the police department brought -- immediately brought extra staff over, police officers actually came inside of our building. what she doesn't know we part partner with the police department. the police department works with many of our programs. our black boys love the police that watch and protect them every day. they help bring food to them sometimes. all of these things that are amazing are happening. and she tried to put a negative light on our kids. governor desantis has been super supportive of under served kids in florida. he two weeks prior passed a fatherhood bill. a legislation for the first time of any state doing this where he stood up for fathers and put money in the mentorship programs and for kids just like ours to be able to have extra support. for her to say that about him and to tell my kids that he is racist after they were so excited to meet him once again is just dead wrong. >> steve: sounds from that answer like you have not heard back from her. >> no i have not heard back from her. she hasn't apologized by 9:00 a.m. >> steve: what are you going to do. >> i'm moving forward legal strategy. pressure them as much as we can file a defamation lawsuit against her and msnbc. and i just pray that she responds. >> steve: you said the deadline is 9:00 a.m. today? >> today, yes, sir. >> steve: well, two and a half hours. let's see what happens. jack, thank you very much. >> god bless you. >> steve: god bless you. by the way we did reach out to msnbc for a statement, we have not heard back from msnbc. we'll keep you posted. meanwhile, joe biden spent his weekend cracking jokes down in d.c. >> i'm really excited to be here tonight with the only group of americans with a lower approval rating than i have. >> steve: and then there was laughter. meantime nancy pelosi made a surprise trip to kyiv. will the president ever go? joey jones coming up on that straight ahead on "fox & friends" for this monday. ♪ to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. and it's easier than ever to get your projects done right. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. this is a tempur-pedic mattress. and it's designed to help make aches and pains a thing of the past by relieving pressure points and supporting your body in a way no other mattress can. experience the mattress ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by j.d. power, three years in a row. when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. 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>> there is some good news in ukraine this morning. some of the innocent civilians that have been caught up in that dire standoff with russians in the city of mariupol are now finally starting to be freed. for weeks now we have been bringing you some of the heart breaking and horrifying images out of mariupol. hundreds of ukrainian marines along with innocent elderly people, women, and children have been sheltering in the dark tunnels beneath the steel plant. running out of medicine, food and water. it's atrocity. now volodymyr zelenskyy said the corridors are finally working. zelenskyy said so far 100 civilians have been released. but there are still hundreds more civilians and ukrainian marines in those tunnels. we will keep you updated on their status. also here in ukraine, house speaker nancy pelosi became the highest ranking american official to visit ukraine in an unannounced trip over the weekend pelosi along with a delegation of a half dozen american lawmakers met with ukrainian president zelenskyy in kyiv. >> do not be bullied by bullies. if they are making threats, you cannot back down. that's my view of it. that you -- there for the fight. and you cannot -- you cannot fold to a bully. >> and countries across europe are now assessing this new russian threat. in an interview, sweden's foreign minister said that the country of finland is almost certain to apply for nato membership and there is speculation that sweden itself could be next. back to you, pete. >> pete: matt finn, thank you very much. we appreciate the update. as president zelenskyy got surprise visit from speaker pelosi in ukraine this weekend. joe biden still no plans to do the same. instead as we all saw spent his weekend in d.c. taking the stage at the white house correspondence dinner. fox news contributor and retired marine bomb tech joey jones joins us now after hosting "fox & friends first" this evening. joey good to see you. >> joey: i want to say good afternoon i have been up for a little bit. >> pete: right. get used to it biden has not gone, how significant. >> politics of it all which we can talk about and you just introd and tactics of it all where is the war really at. we had brett velicovich special operations intel officer who has been there, been helping. and he is very skeptical not only of the weapons we're sending, he says there is a higher degree of faulty circuit boards i guess is the best way to put it high tech weapons. also, is he saying a hiccup in just getting trainers over there to train the military on the javelins or the swiss blade high tech drones that we're sending. very frustrated is what came across. very skeptical why this is. didn't offer an answer. i don't have an answer for you. all i will tell you is it really is suspect to see this drag out so slow and to understand did our administration really feel this wasn't a game worth playing in the beginning and decide to jump. in russia says this is a proxy war between us and them. did our administration miss that for the first six weeks? what's happening there. >> pete: it's a good question. a rot of our viewers, myself included are conflicted because what you don't want is a wider war. >> absolutely. >> pete: that propaganda from russia has existed for quite some time. it has intensified to your point that this is a war against america. so, are they getting the balance right of giving ukraine enough to fight for their survival and maybe even turn back the tide while also not -- let's say not giving putin a reason to expand it it's not about being worried about what putin is going to do. don't create an excuse to create something bigger. >> what you can't do with a guy with no feet have one foot in and one foot out that's the best joke i have got for you this morning. listen, i think president trump probably would have been much stronger in the beginning. propfully not even allowed this to happen. not more likely to war than biden he understands fostering his strength. i don't know that we have shown either in this. that's what bothers me so much. as an american, it might not be popular but it's going to be safe to tell you that i absolutely believe i'm more worried about russia expanding military conquest countries that pull us into it than what happens in ukraine. that doesn't mean my heart isn't broken for people in ukraine that doesn't mean i don't care. that means as an american i have to keep my own priority state. i hope the government understands we needed priorities and plan for these things. it really bothers me that our government acts if it was taken off guard by this. several people in the intel community said the opposite. >> pete: that's a really significant and important point. if you don't have clear objectives or strength at the beginning things take on their own momentum drag on. >> tail wagging the dog. that may not be the case at awesome maybe biden administration has a strategy and is playing it out. it certainly doesn't look that way and that's what worries me. >> pete: when did you go this far in and maybe the question is they have a strategy. it's not heartening to anybody. joey jones, thank you very much. >> appreciate it. >> pete: get used to getting up early. check this in with senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> good morning, pete and joey, two of my favorite people on "fox & friends." all right. current temperatures, 49 here in chicago. 53 in new york. 33 in fargo. we have some severe storms today. not only today for much of the workweek yet again, a very active pattern. an area of low pressure moves out into the plain states. behind it cold air. cold enough for snow, rockies, hire elevations, hail, damaging winds and tornadoes not only today but tuesday, wednesday, thursday, into friday and there is your future track today. and that's going to be ongoing as the system is quite slow interacting with all of this gulf of mexico moisture and then we have got the clash of those two air masses. so that is going to be a risk today, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. we will continue to keep you up to date and then, the flooding is going to be a big concern as well. fox for all your latest details. pete, my friend over to you. >> pete: thank you, janice great to see you. >> you too. >> pete: white house pushing to cancel thousands of dollars of student debt. next guest says welcome to socialism. this is what it looks like. ♪ come on and take a free ride ♪ ♪ my a1c stayed here, it needed to be here. ruby's a1c is down with rybelsus®. my a1c wasn't at goal, now i'm down with rybelsus®. mom's a1c is down with rybelsus®. 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>> victor takes it around the left side in the end zone. and the generals run their way to a second consecutive victory. ♪ ♪ you will remember me ♪ remember me ♪ victory ♪ >> pete: good morning, it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast as well as your louisville, kentucky beautiful shot of the sunrise there on this monday edition of "fox & friends." it is may 2nd as you said emphatically, ainsley. it's amazing that it is may year of our lord 2022. >> ainsley: do you remember mayday in elementary school. the pole beautiful ribbons around it and field day outside? >> steve: in other countries it's celebrated with union activity. >> pete: is it? i don't know that i don't know we ever did the mayday pole thing that maybe a southern thing. >> ainsley: maybe. so life is good down south. >> pete: i was meant to be a southerner but i grew up basically in southern canada in minnesota. >> steve: southern canada. well, i was right there down close to virginia over the weekend for the white house correspondence dinner there we're. those are the doocys of d.c. screen left, you have got mary doocy. she works down in washington. she is in federal law enforcement. and then you can see on the arm of peter doocy, his wife, hillary vaughn how see here on the channel all the time and over on fox business. she covers capitol hill. we went to the event. i haven't been for a number of years. when your son is the white house correspondent, you have go to go to the white house correspondence dinner. >> you didn't go into the event, steve. the doocys were the event. come on, let's not kid ourselves here. >> steve: i wanted. >> ainsley: we're thankful for the d.c. family. >> steve: i wanted to hear the president -- the president made some jokes about fox but he made jokes about everybody. trevor noah made jokes about fox and -- specifically peter doocy at one point. at one point joe biden did a joke and was talking about fox reporters and they took a picture of peter, a still cut away, rather a cut away during the stuff, and then a guy over at the daily beast compared it to remember when donald trump i think it was barack obama made some joke, donald trump was out in the audience they took that shot and then this guy tweets out right after it happened, we're going to have joe biden to blame for peter doocy? >> ainsley: what did peter say before the dinner? >> pete: what was he anticipating? >> steve: he just figured there would be something and it was. i read afterward, i'm not going to tell you what the private father/son conversation was. but he was quoted in one of the newspapers saying the jokes were fair. it's one of those things where it's a night of fest, it's supposed to be. i stopped going because it wasn't very funny. but trevor noah, you know, as i told you yesterday, pete, they used to tell the entertainers at these events singh don't burn. trevor noah burned everybody. he burned fox, he burned msnbc, he burned cnn, he burned joe biden who was sitting 10 feet over. >> ainsley: do you know what i gather dr. from this conversation that you do talk i don't-to-your son about your business dealings and his business dealings, you admit it. >> steve: in fact, the joke that trevor noah had about peter was about hunter biden and about peter doocy meter doocy and i both laughed. peter looked up at the president. the president didn't think that was funny. i guess. >> ainsley: what did jen psaki do? did she laugh? >> steve: i can't look at everybody. >> pete: it was takenning. >> ainsley: i'm glad you went and had fun. was there a lot of fox people there. >> we had a couple of tables. at our table apollo ohno right behind me is kaitlin general his or her is going to be on the channel tomorrow. we had right there was deepak chopra. so it was a very serene table. just saying it was a lot of fun. and i got to introduce myself to the secretary of homeland security sater moorks and i invited him on of my program. >> pete: steve, you mentioned serene. one place that is not serene is the southern border. we might be three weeks away from the removal of title 42 which by some are estimating as many as 18,000 a day could be attempting to cross illegally the border. what is dhs doing to prepare for that and border patrol? well, secretary mayorkas was on cnn. was it yesterday? i believe it was yesterday. >> steve: i know he was on bret yesterday. i. >> pete: i need to learn this weekday terminology recently over the weekend. he was asked about title 42. asked whether the border is open or not. here is how he responded. >> you as the secretary of homeland security don't have an opinion on whether title 42 should or should not be in place? >> did i not because i'm not a public health expert but it's my responsibility to plan and execute as it is in place and plan, prepare and execute for the day when it won't be, our border is not open. what happens now is individuals are either expelled under the title 42 authority, or they are placed in immigration enforcement proceedings. and they are removed if they do not have a valid claim under our law to remain. and so the border is not open. and, importantly, they should not place their lives at risk in the hands of smugglers who exploit their lives for the mere purpose of profit. >> steve: one of the other things he said was that his message to the migrants in central america and elsewhere around the country is don't come. now, i did not see the actual video but i was reading the cnn story about his appearance over on cnn. and apparently he was asked about those 42 people who were stopped at our southern border who are on the terror watch list the question was do you know where they are? this is what he said. he said, you know, because you figure if you are on a terror watch list they don't let you in. this is what he said. we know where they are. they can be removed. they can be placed into custody for criminal prosecution. so, in other words, it sounds like they let them in. these 42 people who were in on the terror watch list it sounds like from what the secretary said yesterday they are out where somewhere. they know where they're. maybe they gave them a smart phone to track them. >> ainsley: they would let terrorists into our country. they know where they're. and take them into custody. meaning they haven't? >> steve: doesn't sound like it. >> pete: not only is the border open but it's open for known terrorists. >> steve: sure. because if you are a known -- if you are on a terror watch list we will let you into the country. but we're going to know where you are. do you really think they know where they are? >> he says he has a 20 page memorandum all the preparations when title 42 goes away. he was telling the sunday shows that they had immigration enforcement proceedings. we know what those are. they say here is the cell phone. we are going to bus you to your family or your loved one in another state and can you go to school for free. your kids can go to school for free. we will give you free food. use your cell phone and call us on your court date and you could show up if you want. we know the majority of them don't show up. it is unbelievable what is happening. it is just open -- you know what? he says our borders are not open. your actions speak louder than your words. >> pete: well said. to say tie it back to what we talked about last hour this new disinformation governance board. who is giving disinformation here? is it the secretary of homeland security or is it us? who deems which side of that opinion is correct or not are they're saying it's not open because they have policies to allow people to get in. which is by definition open. you fact checker come out and says there is a process for them. there is gray area when it comes to the border not much. ask the people that are down there. >> ainsley: talk about the terror watch list which means a lot to you because you fought in wars for our country defending our country. >> steve: got a book coming out about it. >> ainsley: we interviewed rob o'neill we have forgotten the line never forget. remember 9/11? never forget. >> pete: outrageous the kind of statistics we had in 2003, here we are and we have forgotten. >> steve: meanwhile, we have been telling you about crt in schools. what do we hear from the educators? that's not happening. we saw in this morning in the "new york post." there is an op-ed by a woman by the name of emily why i'm suing my former employer school district over critical race theory. what she says is she was an assistant principal at -- in a charlottesville virginia elementary school. when they returned from coronavirus. the county decided that they were going to introduce controversial policies and mandatory treemp teacher training based on crt. she said this. this is a quote from the op-ed. i witnessed firsthand how this training directed teachers to be racist by viewing each other and their students based solely on race and then treating each other differently. she goes on to say it also teaches that students of color are inherently disadvantaged. i believe every person is made in the image of god and entitled to equal treatment and respect. so this content immediately set off warning signals and i wasn't alone. fellow staff members and teachers repeatedly shared their concerns with me about how the curriculum created a racially divisive and hostile environment. and she wound up leaving. >> ainsley: listen, what's happening in these schools, you have crt and kids learning about sex education so early, carley was interviewing a lady on "fox & friends first" lives in florida. she is suing, i believe the school district. she has a lawsuit. because daughter and a few other friends at school they all were talking about transitioning. they all wanted to do it. they didn't notify the mom and the mom said my argument is it's my child and it's a safety issue. you are asking my daughter all these questions and one of the questions that the daughter was asked is when we go on field trips, who do you want to room with boys or girls? >> pete: my goodness. >> ainsley: my mom said this is a safety issue. which bathroom do you want to use the girls or the boys. my child was i think she said 13 at the time. so young. >> pete: that's the difference in viewpoint. a lot of these school districts say no, that's our child. the parents have these old views. >> steve: seems like the president. >> pete: yes the president said the same thing. look at assistant principal good for her. iens withed firsthand how this training directed. you have to decode. they might not put it right in the curriculum. >> steve: might not be in a textbook. they are trained to teach with a certain method and that method is invoke diversity, equity and inclusion in everything that you talk about, which does inevitably lead to saying this is how white kids view the world and how minority kids view the world. how despicable and divisive for little kids. >> steve: somebody is the aggressor and victim to every image. >> pete: exactly right. i will take a moment to promo a book i have coming out on june 14th. >> ainsley: about this very topic. >> pete: battle for the american mind. you talk about critical race theory, which before there was critical race theory. there was critical thomplet critical theory brought from marxist germany frankfurt school. where did they land? a mile up the road at columbia university. most prominent teacher's college in america still today. and those views pushed into other teacher's colleges, which moved into universities. >> which now you can. >> ainsley: when did the unions get involved? >> pete: unions insert themselves. do you know the unions used to be conservative teacher's associations before they were turned into the unions in the 50's and 60's. now completely captured by the far left. when you start to dissect the educational industrial complex. you realize how intentionally progressives have tried to steal the mind of our kids. here we are now talking about gender transition at 13. and telling white kids they are oppressors and black kids they're oppressed at the age of 10. it all happened intentionally. we lay it out in this book myself and david good win. battle for the american mind. available right now. comes out on june 14th. considering the supply chain issues. you might want to order it now so you actually get it. >> ainsley: get it on that day. >> steve: in case there is a shortage we can always ask you. you have it right up here. >> ainsley: you have a busy book tour coming up. >> pete: it will be busy but it was fascinating doing the research and we're seeing it now. >> steve: switching gears. the march to the midterms are already here as voters in indiana and ohio are going to start voting in primaries tomorrow. >> ainsley: this kicks off an 8 week marathon of voting in which most states of in the union will hold midterm. >> pete: alicia acuna live in cincinnati. >> good morning. yeah. in person voting begins here in 45 minutes. running to about 2:00 eastern time. the ohio primary will be a significant test of former president trump's endorsement powers but not just his. other big players in the g.o.p. as you know, mr. trump endorsed j.d. vance last month. a surprise move considering vance's police steger criticism of him. the bolstered standing in the polls. >> a lot of people changed their mind on donald trump. i'm one of them. a lot of our voters don't mind slow long as you are just honest with them. >> a recent fox news poll now has the bestselling author and venture capitalist leading at 23% followed by former state treasurer josh mandel at 18%. mandel is endorsed by texas senator ted cruz who came to the buckeye state in a show of support in the crowded field of 7 g.o.p. candidates. outgoing republican senator rob portman's who seat he is vying for has put his seat behind jane timken but also watch closely the state senator matt dolan. he is the only one to not seek out a trump endorsement. however, his team points out that does not make him anti-trump and he did vote for the former president twice. now guys the winner in all of this is supposed to take on democrat congressman tim ryan in the fall. back to you. >> steve: all right. alicia. so it begins. that's why we are sending pete out and about. where are you going to be tomorrow? >> tomorrow we will talk to voters in burton, ohio for breakfast with friends. here we are back to election season. this is a fascinating one because ultimately josh mandel was ahead for quite some time. president trump endorsed j.d. vance, he moved ahead but there is 25% of republican voters undecided. it's very, very close. likely between the two of them but other prominent candidates as well. >> ainsley: going to be exciting. >> steve: breakfast with friends is going to be breakfast with voters tomorrow in ohio. >> ainsley: hand it over to carley who has headlines for us. >> carley: wild story here the manhunt is on for suspect and missing deposit any alabama. indications are vicki white helped the suspect escape. police are not ruling out that she was taken against her will on friday the sheriff's deputy broke protocol by transporting casey white to his scheduled court appearance on her own. the pair are not related. a rapidly growing wildfire in new mexico is prompting mandatory evacuations in the state. of the fire has burned more than 104,000 acres with the winds blowing. the flames within 5 miles of homes. hundreds of properties have already been destroyed. the wildfire is currently just 30% contained with over 1,000 firefighters responding. now heading to the usfl, the new jersey generals come back to beat the philadelphia stars 24-16. generals' quarterback diondre johnson throws for 130 yards while rushing for nearly 100. new jersey's rally puts them on top of the usfl's north division. if you want spring football, guys, this year you got it. >> pete: you do. >> steve: new jersey generals. another team in injuriesy. the knowledge generals and the giants. borders. >> steve: it is true they play in new jersey and the new york jets play in jersey. >> pete: only one says new york. >> steve: jersey, everybody plays in jersey. >> ainsley: the new york giants play in new jersey. >> steve: in the same place where the new york jets play. will eat pete they share a stadium. it's not a great stadium and they share it. >> ainsley: what? i love that stadium. and great concerts there. i saw u2 there outdoors. >> they had to build it to two teams could play there it was a feel i -- a detached feel. they basically switch the colors. >> ainsley: they do. >> steve: the way the studio. >> pete: you are right. >> ainsley: better than no stadium. >> steve: it is. coming up. what a brand new poll reveals about the all important latino vote. find out what party this growing population is favoring as of today. look who else is coming up on monday "fox & friends." stick around, folks. we'll be right back. ♪ from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. (driver 1) it's all you. (driver 2) no, i insist. (driver 1) it's your turn. (driver 2) nope, i think it's your turn. (driver 1) i appreciate you so much, thank you so much... go. (driver 2) i appreciate your appreciation. it fills me. (burke) safe drivers save money with farmers. (bystander) just for driving safely? (burke) it's a farmers policy perk. get farmers and you could get a safe driver discount simply for having a clean driving record for three years. (driver 3) come on! (driver 1) after you. (driver 2) after you. (drivers 1 and 2) safety first! (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪we are farmers.bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ ♪ with. >> ainsley: this is a major wake-up call for democrats when it comments to the latino vote as a new poll is revealing 52% of them say that they would back republicans in midterm elections. "fox & friends weekend" co-host rachel campos-duffy is here to react. good morning to you, rachel. >> good morning, ainsley. so good to see you. >> ainsley: this is the npr marist poll. why do most latinos prefer the republicans this year. >> if these numbers bear out in the election in november, ainsley, this is a blowout. is a cultural political moment that will have huge represent repercussions because once you vote republican it's a lot easier to vote republican again. and that's frankly what happened with my own father. there is a lot of reasons. the number one thing is hispanics tend to have larger families. they theres are tend to be small business owners, the inflation and economy issues are crushing them. also, because they tend to be working class, they live in poorer neighborhoods, which means the crime issues are impacting them more direct there. education, hispanics are come to this country because they want opportunity and rightly seen education as a way to climb up to the nadal class and beyond. it's that opportunity that they want for their children and they're seeing academic standards decline and at the same time, they are seeing ideologies and many things that are can you rememberly and religiously in the school system. they are not happy with it. beginning to see democrats are stopping them from having choice in education because some of them want to take their kids out of those failing schools. >> ainsley: also interesting the poll says independents 45%. to vote g.o.p. 38% democrat voters under the of 55. 40% say democrat. is it inflation? do you think that rest of the country under 45. what's the biggest issue do you think for that group? >> i think so much of it comes down to the economy. and to energy policies which are frankly impacting, you know, what you buy at the grocery store and how you fill up your gas tank. if you don't mind, i want to get back for just a second to that hispanic vote, ainsley, here's the challenge and here is what is interesting about it. the democrats have the outreach but they have the wrong policies. the republicans have always had the right policies now more stark contrast so it's easier for hispanics to say okay, those are the policies i want republicans still don't have the right outreach. matching the democrats in their presence and outreach into these communities. helping those communities to identify the voters who actually match their values. >> i'm sure the latinos down in south florida. the democratic heart has gone so woke and they are pushing socialism. that's what they were fleeing from in cuba. look at south texas. many of the latinos in texas, the voters, they came here the right way. so i'm sure it irks them to see open borders. rachel, thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. the crisis at the border fueling america's drug crisis. hear from a former d.e.a. drug agent how ending title 42 will only boost the cartels. that's next. ♪ add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? the number one longest-lasting aa battery. yay! case closed. when i'm on my hands and knees and i'm digging through the dirt, i feel something in me, like a fire, that's just growing. i feel kinder, when nature is so kind to me. find more ways to grow with miracle-gro. - hiring is step one when it comes to our growth. we can't open a new shop or a new location without the right people in place. i couldn't keep up until i found ziprecruiter. ziprecruiter helps us get out there quickly and get us qualified candidates quickly. they sent us applicants that matched what i was looking for. i've hired for every role, entry-level technicians, service advisors, store managers. ziprecruiter helps me find all the right people, even the most difficult jobs to fill. - [announcer] ziprecruiter, rated the number one hiring site. try it for free at imagine having to use the wrong tool at your job. 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[laughter] >> carley: naomi judd died at age 76 on saturday. her official cause of death has not been released. throughout the years naomi had been open about her struggles with mental illness and depression. those are your headlines. pete, over to you. >> pete: thank you, carley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> pete: mexico about the growing challenges at our southern border. as illegals surge into our country, the dhs secretary seems to think the border is closed. >> because our border is not open. so the border is not open. because our border is not open. so the border is not open. >> pete: that was good. the state of texas has taken matters into their hands announcing they apprehended nearly 240,000 illegal also made 14,000 criminal arrests and seized 342 million lethal doses of fentanyl. here to react is former dea special agent derek -- thanks for being here. you hear the secretary of homeland security declare the border is not open. what's the truth? >> so, pete, he is misleading the public once again. mixed messages. i was down on the front lines in early april with the border patrol, with the department of public safety. got fully briefed. the got aways alone in the month was like 60-something thousand running across the border. the border patrol can't do their job. it's border security should be their priority but they are doing border details like (work and baby-sitting. pete, just to give the public an example, this is sweeter, one gram. okay? that's -- if that was fentanyl that's 500 people that can die from that amount. we have massive amounts. we have 2055 americans dying a week. i'm in indiana right now, pete. they had a big takedown the d.e.a. working with law enforcement partners last week. they arrested like 15 or 16 folks, 18 indictments. the main guy is sitting in mexico working with all these illegals, right? 11 illegals from nicaragua. el salvador, mexico. that guy committed a murder in indiana in 2012 and now he is sending the poison to our kids in america. so it's all over. every city is being impacted. i don't know what mayorkas is talking about the border is closed. >> pete: the question is what do the cartels think? what do illegallies think? on that side of the border the sentiment that the border is open or closed and then once title 411 removed which mayorkas claims to have no opinion about because is he not a scientist. what is going to happen then? >> it's not just the central american companies in mexico. we have 150 countries invading america every day. our border patrol can't do the border security. so, the perception around the world is not only is america open. but we're going to get free stuff. we're going to get free healthcare, free education, free babies, right? severing paid for. so the whole world wants to come. russians, iranians, the yemenis. right? the folks around the world. 42 documented, you know, terrorist watch list folks were apprehended under the biden administration. pete, how many got in to america? how many ran across the border in those 60,000 a month, the got-aways? it's unbelievable. it's off the chart. >> pete: you are exactly right. 30 seconds. we know this is a federal responsibility. we know that, that's a given. they are not doing it is texas doing enough? >> texas is stepping up. the leadership is amazing. the department of public safety is all over it doing the best they can. but, pete, it's washington, d.c. federal government's responsibility to protect and keep america safe. and right now it's a train wreck. it's a disaster. pete. and it's not -- i'm not trying to be an alarmist. when i was down there seeing these kids being raped and hearing about the stash houses, 400 and something stash houses last year, there is no humanitarian, you know, relief down there right now. it's all, you know, the cartels making billions, working with the chinese transnational criminals. >> pete: label something misinformation. the guy border wide open he says it's closed when everyone knows it isn't. thank you for your insight and service. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> pete: you got it secretary mayorkas again admits the department could have done a better job as it rolls out its disinformation board. newt gingrich reacts to that and still ahead. got piers morgan joining us live in the #:00 hour. ♪ ♪ wide open ♪ fired up ♪ feels just like lightning when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ >> we could have done a better job in communicating what it does. we address disinformation that presents a security threat to the homeland. our work does not infringe on free speech. >> okay. so. >> does not infringe on civil rights, civil liberties. it's not about speech. it's about the connectivity to violence. >> steve: is that all? well, dhs secretary mayorkas yesterday defending the administration's new disinformation governance board from critics accusing them, the administration of trying to stifle free speech before the midterms. >> ainsley: fox news contributor newt gingrich is the author of an upcoming book called defeating big government socialism and he joins us now to react. good morning to you, newt. >> good morning. how are you? >> ainsley: we are doing well. he was saying that i wish i had explained it better and went on the sunday shows to try to explain it we were saying this morning if it's about stopping violence on social media. why not call it the antiviolence board. the disinformation board that's launched of the same week that musk buys twitter just seems suspicious. >> look, i think, first of all, this is a good example of big government socialism at work. this is a censorship board. now, the first amendment of the constitution says you can't make any law that effects free speech. so mayorkas who i think should be impeached immediately and the board should be defunded immediately mayorkas is essentially explaining that they are going to break the constitution, exercise censorship and that's what it is. censorship and we're supposed to trust their appointees who are all left wingers to be fair and knew central. these people are crazy. i think we need to understand what they are trying to do is a total violation of the american constitution. by the way, by a man who admitted to jim jones the other day congressman jones that -- or jordan rather. jim jordan that he didn't know how many terrorists had actually made it in the u.s. where they were, what was happening with him. so his real job to protect the american people is not being done while his new job to censor you and me is being done. >> pete: not to mention, mr. speaker, he was asked -- he says the number one threat to america, domestically is white nationalism and domestic terrorism. he was asked by greg steube to name one case that's been referred. he could not name one as well. what does it tell you what are the real priorities of dhs? we talk about the border being wide en. they say it's closed. we talk about new disinformation board. what do they think their mission is right now? >> well, pete, if i recall, i keep using certain words deliberately. when somebody says to you the border is closed, the border is closed. and you -- fox and every other network hundreds of people at a time crossing the regrand, you are dealing with a person who is either a total liar which in this administration is plausible or a person who is absolutely delusional, out of touch with reality but in either case they shouldn't be in the cabinet. i mean, how can you have a dhs secretary who says with a straight face the border is closed as you and i are being told that if they drop title 42 there are going to be 19,000 people a day that's the city of atlanta every month coming in? this kind of stuff, i cannot overstate this. this is not about ideology. this is about mental illness. this is about people who are crazy and they are out of touch with reality. i think we need to recognize that people got to take control back and insist on people who had have some touch with reality. >> steve: mr. speaker, let's talk about something that happened in your neck of the woods weekend. the president has at the white house correspondence dinner. in the meantime we found out a few hours later that apparently nancy pelosi secretly flew to europe and wound up meeting with president zelenskyy to show solidarity with the ukrainian people. what does it say that she went and joe biden has not? and i'm sure he would say or his team would say it's just not safe. >> well, let me say first of all that i'm-i think that nancy pelosi deserves some credit. it would have been better had she taken kevin mccarthy who is the next speaker of the house because it's obvious that you are going to have a continuity of commitment. and i think having a bipartisan delegation would have been a lot better and pelosi is just such a hard partisan she took only democrats which in the long run was stupid. you want to communicate to ukraine that there is a bipartisan commitment that who noe matter who wins this fall we are going to support ukraine against putin. i think secondly, we have all sorts of presidents go into danger zones. we have had presidents go into iraq and afghanistan. this idea that somehow it's too big a security problem tells you a lot more about -- this is an administration by the way where the president is to go anywhere unless is he totally protected. so, he could sent kamala, and the idea that it would be unsafe is for kamala is a joke. tells you a lot about the biden administration. >> pete: unsafe for the ears of the world. >> steve: i think she was in covid time-out. newt gingrich has a new book coming out soon called feeding big government socialism. mr. speaker, thank you very much for joining us. >> ainsley: thank you. check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> >> janice: take a look at it the tale of two seasons. it's feeling more like i don't know early spring, winter across the northern plains and then summertime heat for the south and that means the potential for some storms today. we actually saw some pretty big storms moving through the new york city area. just about an hour ago. that is going to taper off as that storm system moves offshore. and then for the plain states. that's where we will see the severe threat. damaging winds and tornadoes. not only today but through the workweek. very active pattern these storms move into the u.s. dive across the central u.s. and bring not only severe weather but snow on the back side of this. we will continue to monitor this fox for all the latest forecast details. steve, ainsley and pete over to you. >> steve: of course you are inside because it's raining. >> janice: yes i am and i have to protect this. >> steve: i don't blame you. thanks, janice. coming up, is big brother watching? what we are learning about a potential search of millions of america's private data by the fbi. kurt the cyberguy is going to join us next to tell us more. you can see live in our studios. shook his hand. ♪ ♪ ♪ we are her teachers, her therapists, chefs... oh, that's why we're tired. it's because we're doing it every single day, all day. how do you like learning at home? i kind of don't like it. i kind of don't like it either. i just want you to have everything. everything that you want in life. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ if you're on medicare, it pays to check the singlecare price before you fill your next prescription. i think we got it. don't overpay for your prescriptions. check the singlecare price. you might just save up to 80% on your meds. >> steve: growing concerns after new report revealed the fbi access to massive amounts of usaid in 2021. intel officials say as many as 2.4 million searches american data are potentially conducted by the fbi without a warrant. what give them the authority? does cyber guy joins us live. >> good morning to you. this is never before seen proof that indeed, everything you write, email, text, communicate on any electronic device is indeed recording and watched by the u.s. government. >> steve: where they keep it? >> nsa is really good at this. after -- but it did was enable our government going without a warrant and go after terrorists they could be on u.s. soil communicating to do another attack against us. we say let's get them. today, years later, we are seeing now not only prove, but i actually report from the u.s. government that came out on friday. that is the day they want to take out the trash so people don't notice. we noticed. but it is as a report saying the 3.4 million searches happened. many of them were involving international parties. you and i could be swept up in them just because we are plain americans and may have some loose connection. >> steve: somebody who might have been involved might've called or texted to do. suddenly you are part of it as well. >> as such could involve a term that you and i could be talking about disney for example. boom, and i could be that time they are looking for. now, they have combed out our families data or your own personal data. >> steve: perfect transition. his family from tennessee -- somebody is looking at the 17-year-old daughter is looking at her iphone and realized, wait a minute. somebody is tracking me. >> they are on the monorail going back to their car. they get to the parking lot. on the monorail, they notice on their phone indeed an apple air tag had been dragging them. one of the phones went off. if you've got an apple or an iphone, you are in good shape. if you have an android, it kind of tough. it's available but still a tough thing. they get to the car. trying to figure out where is this thing. you can hear it beeping. at the same time, it says on your phone that it's right there and it shows a map of all the places they went in disney. they have been followed. >> steve: does it sound like somebody dropped it into their purse? >> normally targeted to a lot of younger females who are out later and it gets left in the someone's pocket or in her handbag. it is this tiny. this is exactly how you could possibly get found out. that is an apple air tag grid a little bit larger than a quarter. it is so easy to slip into somebody's bag, there pocket. into a shoe come into the back of a car. >> steve: one of my kids, it was in one of their bags. it did not belong to them. >> there is a way to detect this. i will show you how to do and learn how to detect air tags when it will go off of so whatever does this to you. also, if you have an iphone, it's good to be aware of if this ever happens to you and it's happening more often than ever how to notice it. >> steve: there's pressure on apple to discontinue that product because of personal safety. >> right now, for mother's day, it's $29. to do moms keys, there's no harm in that. it's a great tool for finding stuff that you lose. it's a dangerous tool and put into the wrong hands just like anything in life. >> steve: more information, go to the website. he's got all that stuff right there. thank you very much. good to see you. all you ready to spend? 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>> pete: maybe we will get there we will running pretty soon. good morning. >> steve: good to have you. >> pete: i was on with her yesterday because he called me up and asked me to recap the white house correspondent. >> pete: you are so nice about it willing to get up early. you are up late, very late. >> steve: way past my bedtime. here's the secret, they send a little truck that is a mobile tv studio. there we are. that is before we went in. a screen left, my daughter mary who is in federal law enforcement and to peter's riots on the right side of the screen, that is peter's life. they just celebrated their first anniversary in the last couple of weeks. what is interesting about the washington -- where that event takes place every year, when peter was born, we used to live in the neighborhood. we didn't have a pool. when the humidity was 85%, we bought our membership. they had a beach club there. we remember is there for years. years later -- >> ainsley: we thought you were sneaking into the hotel to use the pool. >> steve: we paid for but years later, we bring the little boy back and his white house correspondent. >> ainsley: that is where reagan was shot, outside the hotel. >> steve: just outside. we went to what i referred to as the americans most prominent super spreader event. i did see 2 masks. 2 people where wearing masks and i saw. one was a secretary of state and one was susan rice right there wearing a mask. and then she sat at her table and took it off. >> ainsley: was anyone overserved? you always do that. >> steve: there was some drinking involved. not that i know of. it's not like i -- hi, i'm steve doocy. i've got a breathalyzer. the bigger word, remember, it's a journalism scholarship dinner. that's what they say. anyway, the aldo bag went award for white house coverage went to jonathan swan. there's a picture of peter and mary. he's a very nice guy. and then a little later on inside, the only person taller than peter doocy, peter is 6'6", governor glenn youngkin and six was seven oh six with a date. there they are chatting. also, it was great that steve harrigan after, you know his tour in ukraine and everything else, he was there. once again you can see peter just dwarfs me in comparison. it was great to talk to steve. talking to steve, secretary but she was sitting right there was leaving the place. actually, started talking the peter because he knew him from the campaign trail. and then, i introduced steve harrigan to the secretary. steve just got back from ukraine. pete buttigieg said asked him a little bit about it. seems that i'm going back soon. he said where? steve told him. and then booted judge who who is the secretary of transportation went into a very detailed battlefield assessment of one is going on in ukraine which might seem, you know, unusual for a secretary of transportation for it but it would seem appropriate for somebody who might have his eyes on running for president of the united states. >> he's a brilliant guy. he may not agree with the policies. he is brilliant. i think he speaks several languages. he is a pianist i believe. was in the road scholar? he served in the military too. he would know the terrain and may be happening militarily. >> he was also talking about the challenges of having two ends in a home. >> i thought i just had one baby. >> adding two ends. it took a lot of paternity. at the world is a fair place, peter doocy would be getting that award. he is the only one asking real questions and getting actual answers. >> ainsley: they did talk about them a lot. >> anyway, that's a little bit -- and i had to go because peter was there. >> ainsley: it's secretary mayorkas there? >> steve: he was. he had some nice things to say. i invited him on our show. he said, i'm going on fox news sunday. we have a cup of him on the bret baier show yesterday. >> ainsley: last week they announced that dhs is going to have the disinformation board. we have a lot of questions. are they going to start censoring social media since they don't have control of twitter anymore basically? this is what he said about the disinformation board. >> there is no question that we could have done a better job of communicating what it does. we address this information that presents a security threat to the homeland. this information from russia, from china, from iran, from the cartels. work does not infringe on free speech. it does not infringe on civil rights, civil liberties. it's not about speech. ask about the conductivity to violence. >> you really think that janco which is anywhere objective enough for this particular job? >> yes, i do. by the way, highly regarded as a subject matter expert. and i don't question her objectivity. >> steve: well, he should. and here's why. because she is going be in charge of this disinformation board. she spread disinformation that kept the real facts from the american people before the election that joe biden won. and polls today indicated that had they known about the hunter biden laptop which she said it was russian disinformation which would fall under the purview of this -- had people known about the hunter biden laptop, they would not have voted for joe biden and perhaps donald trump would still be president. >> it is ultimate condescending view of elites who say it's not the policy that is the problem. we need to do a better job of communicating it to you unwashed masses who don't understand experts in the really important job they are going to do. when he says that security threat to the homeland, we look at each other, like, tromp? who is a security threat to the homeland. who do we need to look into these days? don't question her objectivity. there are just a few tweets out there pointing out how she quickly called something disinformation, translation is, something the regime or hard doesn't like. then it is this information. they want us to believe she will be objective in this job. there is no way this board is constitutional. of course is not about violence. of course is about speech. the left has told us that speech can be violent. a lot of people understand how these things work are up in arms about this. >> steve: when it comes to violence, we've got the department of justice. they've got that covered. for him to say that -- he said we are not the opinion police. that is what people worry about. the announcement was made on wednesday. what happened on monday? it was announced that twitter would be sold to elon musk. who doesn't want it in the left. he wants a ride down the middle. that clarifies a lot of people. >> ainsley: he talked about this. this information how the social media outlets can't monitor it enough, that the government should be involved. in the next week, elon musk buys twitter. he says it's going to allow free speech. you can allow go. that is safe. and you have this board that is formed and they call out the misinformation board. when he is interviewed about it, he said this is really to control violence. if someone puts a violence to eat out they are, then we will basically investigated and make sure bombings and things like that don't happen. we are going to keep america safe. why not, the enzyme violence board? where are they calling at the disinformation board? >> pete: it's about information in speech and censorship. >> ainsley: midterms are coming up. >> pete: tulsi gabbard a lot of those dots together as well and tweeted "biden is adjust our front man." social media sensors "don't go far enough." the government needs to step into do the job. six days later, homeland security rules out the ministry of truth. nice 1984 reference they are. disinformation governance board. >> steve: newt gingrich joined us about an hour ago and said this. >> first of all, this is a good example of big government socialism at work. this is a censorship board. the first amendment of the constitution says you can't make any law that affects free speech. so may or may focus who should be impeached to immediately ande board should be defunded immediately, explaining that they are going to break the constitution, exercise censorship. we are supposed to trust their appointees who are all left-wingers to be fair and neutral. dealing with a person who is a total liar which in this administration is plausible or a person is absolutely delusional, out of touch with reality. in either case, they should be in the cabinet. >> steve: okay, how does he really feel? so mayorkas had lots to talk about on the sunday shows. they put him out. it was predominantly to talk about the border. boxes going to ask about this disinformation thing and we did. his message was, we are completely ready for the surge of migrants that's going to happen when we drop or lift title 42. that was nothing that stopped people at our southern border where we could say hey, there's covid emergency you've got to go back home or just sneak in over there. something like that. here is a secretary talking to cnn. even though he says don't come, they are coming. watch. >> you as a secretary of homeland security don't have an opinion on whether title 42 should or should not be in place. >> i do not because i'm not a public health expert. it's my responsibility to plan and execute as it is in place and plan for parent execute for the day when it will be. the border is not open. what happens now is individuals are either expelled under that title 42 authority or they are placed in immigration enforcement proceedings. and they are removed if they do not have a valid claim under our law to remain. so the border is not open. and importantly, they should not place their lives at risk in the hands of smugglers who exploit their lives for the mere purpose of profit. >> steve: so when he says, "do not come, the border is not open." you when you see with your own two eyes every day, thousands of people. they are counting 18,000 coming very, very soon. when you see that, you can say the border is not open. don't come. when you say that, the border is open. let's go. >> ainsley: his actions speak louder than words. he had say it's not open. the actions, they don't visit the border. they don't know what's happening. they're not talking to the border agents very much. you know, think about that. do you think these migrants are going to say, all of our friends have gone, our family members of gone. we see all the images. they are getting cell phones and everything paid for, medical, flights to go join their family and other parts of the u.s. mayorkas says it's closed but so we probably shouldn't go. >> pete: exactly right. biden hasn't gone. harris went, close as the borders are but not really. mayorkas went to the border and he got an ear full. and they turned their back on him. they are the ones that have execute this policy. you want to play the misinformation disinformation game is to mark what you just heard an interview from the department of homeland security's disinformation. do not believe what is happening on your television screen that the border is closed. >> steve: what you are seeing is a guy who is in charge at the department of homeland security of that disinformation governance board would actually be decided by that this disinformation governance board for spreading disinformation. >> pete: i'm dizzy. speech do so with the executive director of this board. she was the one who said hundred laptop story was false and the dossier was true. disinformation. >> pete: we mention those agents on the border. we had a former dea agent on the program talking about the real consequences. we can talk about disinformation and what they are actually dealing with. >> he's misleading the public once again, mixed messages. border patrol can do their job. it's border security should be the priority. they are doing border details like paperwork and babysitting. just to give the public an example, this is -- okay. if that was and in all, that's 500 people that i could amount. so we have mass amounts. we have 2,055 americans dying a week. it's all over -- every city has been impacted. i don't know if mayorkas is talking about "the borders close." >> steve: what are we doing? "we are absolutely prepared for the lifting -- i think there are four dozen democrats who said, we don't have enough information. you're not prepared. the department of homeland security same day that he announces the disinformation governance board, they come out with this six pillar program explaining how they are going to handle it. essentially, it is the same stuff they have been doing. it's a rehash of what they have been doing. essentially, as is the federal government will do everything they can to get the migraine across the border as quickly as possible. that's the plan. the plan is facilitation. speech or get rid of title 42 and go with title eight that takes forever. people can come when our country. >> pete: get rid of the camera in the plan for the real problems like, coming out the policy. >> ainsley: the border is closed. >> pete: these are not the drones you're looking for. >> steve: let's take that camera right over there. >> good morning to you. starting with a horrible crime story, a man and woman are arrested after a 13-year-old boy is shot in the head. inside his own home in philadelphia. that boy is now in critical condition. both suspects are facing several charges including aggravated assault and reckless endangerment. police say the boy was found unresponsive when he went to get his jacket. this shooting may have been connected to a carjacking. a lot of question still remains there. in nt for mob infiltrates infiltrates the republican candidates rally hurling smoke bombs at the crowd. people throwing projectiles on fireworks at the crowded portland, oregon. chaos compounding the problem. portland police are already facing the department has been forced to shut down its colgate division and moved to the active homicide division to help deal with the city's surgeon murders. jack brewer files a police report against msnbc post actually compared children attending an event against crt to child abuse. joining us are there with the details on what he hopes will come out of this. >> when you put out to your 2.1 million followers to go find out where my kids are and who they are and who bought them, that is direct threat. strategy is to pressure them as much as we can. file defamation lawsuit. i pray that she responds. >> she says she must apologize by 9:00 a.m. this morning. 42 minutes left. >> steve: he will let us know. >> pete: he is doing the right thing by those kids. >> ainsley: thank you. still ahead, 94% of americans concerned about inflation. the one industry getting hit especially hard and how it impacts you. mike rowe's going to join us next. >> where is your necktie? 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these prices are killing the truckers. >> i get videos almost every day now from paper will be featured on "dirty jobs" and on "how america works." they are sending me videos of them at the gas pump. some of them are filling up 18-wheelers. i'm not kidding you. $1100, $1200. most people -- all they can think about. we see the price for us and in relative terms, we know it is awful. when you put $1200 in your gas tank, six months ago, it was costing you six or $700. the exponential reality of it is starting to sink in. you just can't walk that back. it touches every single thing that matters in this country from food production and transportation obviously, all of it. >> steve: my gas station now has a loan officer. i'm kidding about that. >> jokes, jokes, at this hour? >> steve: if you don't laugh, you are going to wind up crying. are truckers buying the putin price hike? >> the ones i'd know aren't. guys said to me the other day, it is like falling down the stairs in slow motion. you know? we know it's coming. we are watching it happen. it's have any real time. it's not just diesel or gasoline. if you bring it back to food in tonight's episode is all about beef production in this country. it's an eye-opener. you have to talk about fertilizer. there is no food without fertilizer in this country. the cost of fertilizer is hundred% higher than it was. you combine that with the cost of energy. the average person has now really gotten the memo. not from the gas pump. from a restaurant. the cost of the steak is almost 2x when it was six or seven months ago. >> steve: knew perfectly set up a clip from tonight's episode from "how america works." here is mike rowe on a cattle ranch in oklahoma. >> cody takes position as one of the lead ropers. >> basically what i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna ride gently up into the herd of cows. not going to no big hurry. i'm going to ease up in here to them. ♪ ♪ i'm just gonna just slowly go back to the guys. and they are going to throw him on the ground. >> steve: is this, you know, about life on america's flowers." that is one of original shows get started. >> "dirty jobs" began as an attempt to reconnect our country to fundamental things. where does your energy come from? where does your food come from? history, too. all those things that are really general way. a lot of people are starting to feel untethered from the basic underpinnings that make things sane and commonsensical. part of what we try to do on "how america works" is to remind people that cowboys are more than a trope for a bromide or anything you see in movies. it's real. it's happening every day. and the pressure you see -- last week, we look at law enforcement. tonight, we look at food production, ranchers, cowboys. we look at all the industries that matter most and it always comes down to people. >> steve: because that is "how america works" with mike rowe. check it out on fox business tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. >> look at that. is the only shirt that i own. i've got to talk to my wardrobe person. >> steve: it's when america wears with mike rowe. he's all about it. thank you, sir. coming up on this monday, fighting back against canceled culture, five college professors silence for having opposing views. they are getting their voices back. peirs morgan uncensored joins us live. stick around. it got more than one shared i think. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ >> steve: it's been a long fight, but this is worth it. "the new york post" profiling five cancel professors in their fight back including this one who quit his job over the far left agenda on campus. >> this seriousness in traditional academic institutions -- i think it is really important that all things what it is. it is not liberals who have taken over the institutions, it is the authoritarians who have taken over the institutions. traditional academic institutions. it is needed because our institutions have been hijacked by maniacs. >> ainsley: it's or topic our next guest knows too well. piers morgan on fox nation purity joins us now. good morning to you, piers. >> good morning. >> ainsley: i know that you were tweeting about this very issue. tell us why you wanted to focus on this. >> i will tell you why. because actually at the core of this is what my news i was about. i guess what is going on on college campuses not just in america but around the world is brutal censorship of any views by anyone that differs from this woke you know, cancel culture mob mentality. when you read this new york post story, as quite terrifying in a way. what you discover is that nearly 600 educators at faculties all around america have been punished in some form for expressing opinions. and the rate of the punishment that is being handed out is now multiplying 4 or fivefold every year which means there's a real ongoing attempt to suppress freedom of speech on college campuses. when you look at some of these professors stories -- thank god they are speaking out and take the battle to the mall. one of them actually got canceled because he was holding a class educating people about how to deal with offensive language. as part of the lecture, he used offensive language to illustrate what he was talking about. he was immediately branded a racist and so on for using offensive language deliberately to make a point about offensive language. i applaud these professors for speaking out. everyone who works on a college campus around america in fact globally, they should all be looking at this piece and asking themselves one question. what kind of gives are you seeing coming through these colleges if only one narrow worldview is allowed? to make them it is a complete disgrace. >> pete: when i hear from a lot of professors is the kids who are coming into the colleges who almost demand this type of conformity. they are the ones tattling on teachers who dare to stand up for actual free speech or challenging conventional dogma. >> my kids have demanded candy from me over the years. do i always give them candy? no, i didn't. sometimes i would say, don't be so ridiculous. you need something a bit more healthy for your mental state and physical well-being. that's exactly the same thing at these colleges. it is utterly ridiculous if genuinely professors are being held in a ransom by a bunch woke indoctrinated kids who think they can control the people they are trying to teach them a rounded view of life which is what the university is supposed to be. the moment that stops, the moment you have professors being hounded out of their jobs, being punished for expressing opinion, you're going to start creating a whole generation of students who come out of these places who are completely indoctrinated. not in a way by the way which the majority of people feel about issues in life, but about a very small minority, a very vocal, pretty ultra woke up, woke, ultraleft people who decided it is incumbent on them to you in a fascist-like way dictate how we are all going to think about everything. it is a terrifying thing as i said to read this piece and see experience knowledgeable professors getting hounded out of their job for having an opinion that these kids should be hearing. it's got to stop. >> steve: your show give the form to the people have been canceled. your detailed by sharon osborne story which ran in the last week or so. congratulations, because i think your first week, 64 million impressions or hits or viewers or whatever -- because that topic -- the first one was about donald trump. donald trump was very proud of the fact that he was the subject and 64 million hits. at the end of the statement, great, great, great ratings, but he's over. something happened to him. piers morgan. >> i think you know you've got a great interview, a great interview when i recently departed president of the united states issues not one, not two, but three statements so far by the interview put all of them with conflicting reports in his mind about how he thinks it went. on the one hand, he thought it was tedious. on the other hand, he thought it was brilliant. he thought there were a tad drastic -- nebraska, he announced that i'm officially crazy. well, you are watching, i am happily able to say that i think i'm probably quite crazy. i think we are all a bit nuts. that's what makes the world go around. what i would say to him if he is watching. i know he loves "fox & friends." it was a fantastic interview. everyone i know who watched it actually came out of it really well. why you are going completely cracker's a 32nd promo -- i think i've said to you, i simply used a promo to select the interview to get people to watch. it worked. everybody watched. on a more serious plan, the interesting thing about the reaction is how you can generate such extraordinary volume of eyeballs around the world now from these clips from these interviews. to be fair to donald trump, he does generate a lot of the stuff. to get 64 million different views on different platforms, social media from the newspapers irate calls for. we gave them exclusive clips and so on. it's really fascinating to me that you can create a massive, massive amount of people watching this stuff. not in the conventional way that we did when we were young. >> steve: absolutely. i read over the weekend one of the papers down in d.c. about how tv executives can invest donald trump because they ratings were really high when he was president. everybody was tuning in and joe biden kind of boring. check out "piers morgan uncensored" on fox business. weekdays 4:30 in afternoon eastern time. >> and i'm crazy, i'm crazy, i tell you. >> ainsley: apparently, we all i know. >> pete: cna plus canceled after three weeks. fox nation driving interview to get 64 million views. >> ainsley: well, we thank you. >> steve: just saying to him it was good interview. >> pete: new polling reveals america trust republicans more than democrats. herschel walker campaigning on that platform. he joins as next as early warning begins. when hurting feet make you want to stop, it's dr. scholl's time. our custom fit orthotics use foot mapping technology to give you personalized support, for all-day pain relief. find your relief in store or online. ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u put it all on the line. u do it all. so u bring ubrelvy. it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours... without worrying if it's too late 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america's dream. one thing is we've got to come together. we have so much division right now among the party. not just the people but among the republican party. that is one of the things i said when i decided to run that i'm gonna bring people together. i hope the people out there see that i brought a lot of people together that has now endorsed me that didn't get along at first. one of the things i told them, to get the people back what they need, we've got to come together and do it together as one team. >> pete: was clear that you brought together republicans in the state of georgia, the most recent pulling from "the atlanta journal-constitution" as you add 66% of what could be only defined as a commanding lead in their well considered primary. what do you think has been the key to your message? people know you from the gridiron. they appreciate the endorsement of donald trump as well. how have you been able to capture that kind of a percentage? >> i decided to get out and meet the people. not just talk about it but i wanted to meet the people and that the people know who i was and what i stand for. everyone always talks about my football and when i was in football and sports. but then they are seeing what i've done in the business world. they've seen what i've done outside of that. they've seen went out done in washington. i've lobbied in for years. i spent a lot of time in our military. i bring a lot more to the table. then when a lot of other people bring. that is what has resonated with a lot of people. they saw that i can raise funds. one of the first thing that i asked if i can raise funds. i'm doing everything it takes because i know i can beat this senator. it's going to be tough. and only when they can beat him is herschel walker. that is the reason i decided to run. i'm gearing up and getting ready for him. i want everyone to become part of team herschel. let's get this country back together. what's going on right now is a shame. everything they are doing happens to be against the united states of america. happens to be against the state of georgia. i don't want to be second. we announce again. we need to get back and being first and being that leaders are not being -- the united states have never been followers before. that is when things are going well. >> pete: well said. u.s. senate candidate from georgia, herschel walker. always a pleasure to have you. >> coblentz. go to the website. early voting starts today. i want everyone to get out of vote for herschel it put me in that senate seat. i'm going to beat him. >> pete: thank you very much. all right, let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. >> janice: let's take a look at it because we do have severe storms that are starting to fire across the plains states. this can be another week where we see hail, damaging winds. there is a thread today. a significant threat here for our friends in oklahoma. i need you to pay attention to your local forecast as well as your watching and warnings. will be many of them today. wednesday and thursday as the system moves across the mississippi river valley. here is the active pattern. we've got these areas of low pressure that dive in from the pacific. they move in. we will see snow on the backside of this in heavy rainfall that i can recall some flash flooding. all that could move into the mid-atlantic in the northeast over the next couple of ways. fox to get your latest weather detail. >> pete: give rick some lessons. and adam weiland you're at it. sorry, guys. you know. all right, up nice, mounting problems stacking up against restaurants as we head into somewhere. host of "fire rescue" jon taffer serves up some advice. first, let's check in with both of them. bill hemmer and dana perino for what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> i have been listening to you all morning. >> that's what they call him up at the ranch, old pete. >> primary season kicks off in the critical state of ohio. trying to beat out on a crowded field. he is going to make his case love coming up. >> what is this information how will government police it? it's got a lot of attention. >> james freeman on how americans feel -- >> not so good. the moral question of student debt relief and guess what he did. >> he went to a big party. >> he lived to tell about it. see you then. >> see you then. so you only pay for whatchya... line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty... are we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? because we want to be able to get up and get ready for work. because the animals need to be cared for, and we like taking care of them. because we want to go out to dinner with our friends. because, in family photos, we want to be able to smile. a new fda-approved treatment for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis could help them do more of the daily activities they care about. to learn more, go to and talk to your neurologist. (all): all hail, caesar! pssst julius! you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ >> ainsley: heading into summer, restaurant owners across like a very trying to get ahead of a potential dining disaster brood x customers see fewer servers and higher prices after they just went through covid. it advises host of "bar rescue" jon taffer. why do you say across the country? different situations per region. >> it is. for example, you look at an area like georgia that had very little restrictions during covid. that bounce back really quickly. you go to california where the restrictions are more serious. people's lifestyle change. they stop going to restaurants. they started eating at home more. as lifestyle changes stick. restaurants are open again. it takes time for people to come back in that area. we can see different levels of recovery. it was fascinating. >> so high out there. a lot of these owners are having a hard time finding work. >> you are paying high wages. food costs, utility costs are up. and our employees are getting hit with inflationary impact as well. gas to drive to and from work. they're coming to work and earning less money even though we are paying them. >> what is the solution? >> casinos have had 2 great quarters. clearly consumers came back in most states. average restaurant is up 15 and 25% to pre-pandemic levels. that's exciting where the revenues are back. we don't have the employees that serve the customers. we are having a hard problem getting food. that's a year chicken breast is this big. it doesn't fit on the bond. it doesn't look right on the plate. these are big problems of not getting consistent specifications of food. restaurateurs are fighting to serve the guests we have, fighting to protect our brands. it's a little scary right now. >> ainsley: as customers, we have to be patient. tell us about your new book, "the power of conflict." >> regardless of what your political views are, we can be silent. if we don't speak up and defend what is important to us, what is important to us may disappear. the average person doesn't engage in conflict. i don't mean disrespectful conflict online. i mean dignified conflict. speak to you i love that. >> you and i can argue about haircolor all day long. i could say red hair. i still have to respect you and have dignity. this is not about insulting people. it's about how do you engage and get into the arena if you will and speak up for the things that are important to you and have the confidence and skills to do it. >> ainsley: the timing of this book is perfect. we need this in our country. thank you so much. you can buy the book on amazon. "the power of conflict?" my "fox & friends" just moments away. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. ♪♪♪ >> speaking of ohio, as you look at cincinnati. >> i will be in burton, ohio with breakfast with friends. >> primary day tomorrow. >> bill: good morning. the white house on defense over disinformation taking a lot of questions about a new oversight board that critics say is way over the line as we say good morning. hope you enjoyed the weekend. i'm bill hemmer. we're back at it. >> dana: i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." this board is not had the best start. >> bill: i would agree. i think there are questions as to whether it actually gets off the ground. >> dana: let's talk about this for a bit. the white house is defebding this new information disinformation governance board and says it will not infringe on free speech.

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Hand It Over To Carley , Marine Bomb Tech Joey Jones , Thanks , Seat , Todd , Being , Joe , Two , Doesn T Mean My Heart Isn , Work , Everyone , Free Speech , Fox Friends , Diesel , Creation , Department Of Homeland Security , Truck , Question , Job , Joe Biden , Inflation , Poll Show Numbers , Disinformation Board , Lot , Rally , Antifa , Campaign Bus , Members , Portland , 40 , Momma , Country , Mother , Heart Broken Wynona , Tears , Senate , Hall Of Fame , Committee , She Couldn T Hang On , Ashley Judd , Prusek , 2022 , Way , Side , Generals , Victory , Victor , End Zone , Wake Up Call , Eastern , 00 , 6 , Daytime High , You Cand Headquarters , Clear Skies There As , 55 , 49 , Ainsley , Rain , Sound , 2 , May 2nd , Pete Out , Steve , Weekend , Mind , Song , Brian , Corner , Rainy Days And Mondays , One , Three , Row , Five , Kids , Home , Water , Half , That S Right , Everything , Fox Nation , Piers Morgan , Six , Story , Elon Musk , Committee Hearing , Response , Middle , Capitol Hill , Something , People , Russia Disinformation , Twitter , Hit , Fan , Administration , Somebody , Stuff , Information , Person , Times , Word , Disinformation , Social Media , Dossier , Misinformation , It Wasn T , Hunter Biden Laptop , Secretary Mayorkas , Election , Watching Fox , Fox News Sunday , Violence , Russia , Homeland , Security Threat , Speech , Cartels , Iran , Connectivity , Civil Liberties , China , Civil Rights , Subject Matter Expert , Bret Baier , Policy , Face , Objectivity , The One , Question , Message , Homeland Security Don T , Fallback , Pivot , Ministry Of Truth , Threat , Mainstream , Phrase , Fringes , Thing , Rightfully , Quotes , Stick Rhetoric , Department Of Justice , Antiviolence Board , Hostages , Synagogue , True , Countries , Hunter Laptop , Think , Government , News , Test , Bottom Line , Things , Opinion Police , Intelligence Officers , Opinions , Laptop , Opinion , Cnn , Process , Nina Jankovicz , Couple , Tweets , Insight , Aisle , Whether , 30 , Degree , Tweet , Community , Confidence , Proxies , March 19th 2021 , March 16th , Kremlin , 19 , 16 , 2021 , Officials , Trump , Media , Influencers , U S , Influence , Claims , Close , President , Umbrella , Meaning , Part , Emails , Now , Target , Chris Steel , August 7th , 2020 , 7 , World , Listen , Tulsi Gabbard , Context , Dots , Evolution , Disinformation Worth , Barack Obama , Um , Out Of Nowhere , 21 , April 21st , Man , Social Media Sensors , Security Rolls , Plan , Employees , Content , Coincidence , Stanford , Social Media Companies , Most , White House , Needs , Hate Speech , Posts , Others , Guidance , Jen Psaki , Pressure , Interference , Communication , Stepping , Rationalization , Care , Bass , Board Disinformation , Companies , Buying Twitter , Show , Washington D C , Owners , Worry , Cubicle , Course , Fact , Cable , Tucker Carlson , Button , The Next Step Well , Chaos , Poland , Why Wouldn T , Top , Show Sean S , Ounce , Athrough , 11 , Governor , Cops , Candidate , Antifa Launching Smoke Bombs , New York City , Diesel Gas Prices , High , 94 , Guests , Meningitis , Teen , Vaccination , Adventures , Prom Dresses , Meningitis B , Doctor , Consequences , Vaccines , Survivors , Up To , Meningitis B , 5 , 1 , Ww , Know , Offer , Nothing , No S , Chef , Eating , Limits , Chocolate , 3 , Beautiful Idea , Bookings , Cancellation , Booking Com , Peace Of Mind , Eye , Symptoms , Eyes , Relief , Eye Drops , Over The Counter , Booking Com Inflammation , Burn , Ache , Xiidra , Inflammation , Eye Disease , Signs , Dry Eye Disease , Side Effects , Pay , Prescription , Vision , Taste Sensation , Dry Eye , Discomfort , Eye Irritation , Room , 0 , 90 , , Landowner , Hunter , Landscaper , Equipment , Kubota , Migrant , Border , Watch , Alejandro Mayorkas , Claim , 1992 , Title , Same , Words , Migrants , Actions , 42 , Frankfurt School , Club , After School , Grade School , Satan Club , Parents , Migrant Surge , Prayer , Fliers , North Carolina , Website , Places , Clubs , Interest , Temple , After School Satan Club Say Group , Children , Death , Country Music Hall Of Fame , Heart , Satanism , Mom , Anything , Naomi Judd , Laughter , Love , 76 , Depression , Headlines , Guys , Official , Naomi , Mental Illness , Family , Look , Thoughts , Last Night , Deal , Friends , Book , Prayers , Shows , Drugs , Therapy , Couch , Life , Pajamas , Friend , Honor , Ceremony , Soul , God Bless , Republican , Portland Oregon , Defund The Police Situation Out , Police , Population , Name , Sandy , Stan Poll Yum , 11 Thousand , State Of Oklahoma , Communities , Shouting , Lady , Smoke Bomb , Smoke Grenades , Balloons , Absolutelyized , Cops Weren T , Man Fox , Star , Weren T , Fireworks , Antifa Doesn T Mess , Mortars , 20 , 911 , Authorities , Permit , Goob Toler , Case , Will , Isn T , Guy , Police Department , Officers , Police Officers , Cases , Crimes , Running , Town , Police Force , Campaign Event , Mr , Pulliam , Area , Fire Crackers , Estate , Campaign Rally , 15 , Line , Operator , Fault , Resources , Folks , War On , Jail , Luck , Point , Calls , Overpass , Objects , Shots , Crashes , Precinct , Ambulance , Chooghts , Someone , Law , Liberals , Cold Case , Old School , Anarchy , Division , Homicide , Homicide Division , Homicide Rate , Detectives , Sergeant , 18 , House , Mariupol Yum , Facts , On , Door , 8 , South Florida , Antioxidants , Gun Laws , Cop , Territory , Shift , Tennessee , Money , Department Hasn T , Back , Impact , Nobody , Midterms , Number , Issue , Crime , Police Budget , Per , 1970 , 100000 , Poll , Washington Post , Abc , Economy , Democrats , 36 , 50 , 51 , 31 , Concern , Left , Majority , East , The Other Side , Price Hike , Sunrises , Problem , Gas Prices , Price , Truckers , Ons , West Coast , 9 , Board , Supply Chain Problems , Loads , Hot Topic , Being Energy Independent , Vladimir Putin , Security , Pipelines , Oil , War , Supply Chain Issues , Covid , A Little Bit , Hotel , Sheet , Sheets , Bed , Lobby , Dinner , Sheet Prices , Ains , Peter Doocy Meter , Event , Correspondent , No , It , Break , Wind , Mike Rowe , Sleeping Night , John , Joy Reid , Jack Brewer , Child Abuse , Coming Up , Americanship , Asthma , Danger , Jack , Help , Reactions , Swelling , Nunormal , Breathing , Add On Treatment , Breathing Problems , Tongue , Mouth , Trouble , Nucala , Infections , Fatigue , Back Pain , Injection Site Reactions , Headache , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Glasses , Pair , Difference , Visionworks , Wildfire , New Mexico , Evacuations , Fire , Winds , Homes , Firefighters , Goodness , Hundreds , Properties , Flames , 1000 , 104000 , Customers , Vehicles , Rental Cars , Gunpoint , 100 , Damages , Bankruptcy Court , Delaware , Hurts , 750 Million , 50 Million , 230 , Police Report , Msnbc , Centership , Shocker , Back Story , Mentorship Program , Desantis Event , Antiblack Desantis , Hand , Letter , Omaha , Ms 13 , 13 , Sir , Heroes , The American , Coral Springs , You Bet , Reason , Crt , Teaching , Victims , Conversation , Math Proficiency , Excuse , Reading , Grades , Kid , My School , Teachers , D , We Shouldn T , Skin Color , Demographic , F , Nation , Defender , Fatherless , Poorest , Bigotry , Exceptions , Bible , 17 , Center , Apology , Followers , Bikes , The Go Find , The Street , 2 1 Million , Events , Parkland High School , Theth , 14 , Boys , Staff , Over , Partner , Many , Programs , Police Department Works , Building , Wall , Food , Light , Support , Time , Mentorship Programs , Fatherhood Bill , Fathers , Legislation , Answer , Racist , She Hasn T , Strategy , Defamation Lawsuit , Statement , Yes , God Bless You , Let , Jokes , Group , Approval Rating , Trip , Nancy Pelosi , Zelenskyy In Kyiv , Immune System , Season , Body , Vitamin C , Centrum , Defenses , Ace , Routine , Zinc , Candidates , Projects , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Project Managers , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Ratings , Happiness , Reviews , Angi , Angi Com , Mattress , Pressure Points , Power , J D , Aches , Customer Satisfaction , Tempur Pedic , Health , Kit , Action , Health Info , Heart Health , Reports , Journey , Everywhere , Road , Mountain Air , Johnny Cash , Desert S Bare , Share , Travel , Dodge City , Cedar City , Pity , Colorado , Parkersburg , Gravelbourg , Pittsburgh , Ellensburg , Some Rinvoq , Pill , Mission , Pain , Rinvoq , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Attack , Joints , Stiffness , Rinvoq Relief , Ra , Intestines , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Risks , Heart Attack , Cancers , Skin Cancer , Stomach , Ability , Lymphoma , Fatal , Stroke , Blood Clots , Tb , Rheumatologist , Rivnoq , Cease Fire , Mariupol Steel Plant , Shelling , Civilians , Some , Ukraine , Residents , Matt Finn , Lviv , City , Heart Breaking , Russians , Standoff , Images , Horrifying , Mariupol , Women , Ukrainian Marines , Medicine , Steel Plant , Tunnels , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Atrocity , Status , Corridors , Marines , American , Lawmakers , Delegation , Bullies , Ranking , View , Threats , Fight , You , Bully , Interview , Membership , Foreign Minister , Finland , Europe , Sweden , Nato , Speculation , Plans , Saw , Zelenskyy Got Surprise Visit , Update , Fox Friends First , Evening , Fox News , Contributor , Stage , Joey Good , Politics , It Biden , Bit , Tactics , Officer , Intel , Weapons , Circuit Boards , Velicovich , Trainers , Military , Hiccup , Blade , Javelins , Swiss , Didn T , Suspect , Is , Drag , Wasn T A Game Worth Playing In The Beginning , Proxy War , Viewers , Miss , Rot , Propaganda , Survival , Balance , Putin , Tide , Joke , Propfully , Feet , Foot , Beginning , Strength , Military Conquest Countries , Priority State , Doesn T Mean I Don Care , Priorities , Objectives , Opposite , Intel Community , Guard , Government Acts , Momentum , Drag On , Dog , Anybody , Tail Wagging , Janice Dean , Temperatures , Weather Forecast , States , Storms , Workweek , Much , Pattern , Snow , Cold , Cold Air , Rockies , 33 , 53 , System , Interacting , Moisture , Clash , Hail , Tornadoes , Track , Hire Elevations , Wednesday , Gulf Of Mexico , Tuesday , Risk , Flooding , Details , Fox Weather Com , Air Masses , Socialism , Student Debt , Janice Great To See You , Guest , Thousands , Ride , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Ruby , Study , Type 1 Diabetes , Rybelsus , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Neck , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Nausea , Pancreatitis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Provider , Healthcare Provider , Sandpaper , Combo , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Preservatives , Ingredients , Biotrue , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Science , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Brain Performance , Indicators , Neuriva , Student Loan Debt , 6 Trillion , 1 6 Trillion , React , T W , Earners , Shannon , Race , First , Pleasure , Income Earner , Campaign Ads , Agenda , Medical School , Law School , Debts , Measure , Votes , Socialist , Wealth Redistribution Act , 25 , Capitalism , Key , Class , Poverty , Born In America First African American , Bank , Ceo , Speaker Of The House , June 28th , 28 , Conservative , Opportunities , Nightmare , Christian , Generation , Racism , Betalk , Isn T The Hof , Place , Opportunity , Leaders , Rest , Hope , Babies , Donald Trump , Offense , Parties , Defense , Thad , Heart Strings , 400000 , Lives , Abortion , Tell Me Black Lives , Family 400000 Black Babies , Roe V Wade , Supporter , Backs , Campaign Contributions , Millions , Recipient , Planned Parenthood , Murder , Daughter , Anywhere , Don T Go , Gmc Sierra , Driving , Pick Up , We Will Rock You , Everybody , Video Call , Video Calls , Bonnie , Be Cool , Messages , Phone Call , Horse , Bout A Ringcentral , Ha , Cabenuva , Adults , Hiv Treatment , Stallion , Hiv , Injectable Cabenuva , Ringcentral , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Change , Injections , Traveling , Me Undetectable , Liver Problems , Medicines , Treatment Appointments , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Tiredness , Pregnancy , Fever , Public Health Expert , Responsibility , 5 32 , Voters , Numbers , Strain , Trucking Industry , Inflection Point In American Politics , Gallon , Hispanic , Victory Pete , Beautiful , East Coast , Sunrise , Louisville , Kentucky , Field Day , Elementary School , Pole , Lord , Ribbons , Mayday , 2022 Ainsley , Mayday Pole Thing , Life Is Good , Down South , Union Activity , Southerner , Southern Canada , Virginia , Minnesota , Mary Doocy , Law Enforcement , Screen Left , Doocys , Arm , Hillary Vaughn , Son , Haven T , Channel , Fox Business , Trevor Noah , Reporters , One Point , Away , Picture , Cut , Audience , Daily Beast , Guy Tweets , Father , Son Conversation , Wasn T , Newspapers , Night , Fest , Entertainers , Dr , Singh Don T Burn , 10 , Business Dealings , Talk , Hunter Biden , Takenning , Table , Apollo Ohno , Fun , Tables , Kaitlin , Secretary , Homeland Security , Deepak Chopra , Sater Moorks , Program , Doing , Removal , Estimating , 18000 , Border Patrol , Bret Yesterday , Weekday Terminology , Expert , Individuals , Immigration Enforcement Proceedings , Authority , Hands , Smugglers , Purpose , Profit , Video , Elsewhere , Appearance , Terror Watch List , Custody , Prosecution , Smart Phone , Somewhere , Doesn T , Terrorists , Memorandum , Page , Preparations , Cell Phone , Sunday , Bus , Court , Them Don T Show Up , Borders , Tie , Policies , Definition Open , Who Deems , Wars , Fact Checker , 9 11 , Schools , Statistics , Educators , Kind , We Saw , 2003 , Race Theory , School District , Employer , Woman , Emily , New York Post , Op Ed , County , Assistant Principal , Charlottesville Virginia Elementary School , Students , Training , Other , Teacher Training , Quote , Treemp , Image , Treatment , Respect , Color , Warning Signals , God , Divisive , Curriculum , Concerns , Environment , Kids Learning About Sex Education , Child , Safety Issue , Questions , Transitioning , Lawsuit , Few , Argument , Girls , Field Trips , My Goodness , Viewpoint , Views , School Districts , Method , Diversity , Textbook , Equity , Iens Withed , Decode , Inclusion , Minority , Promo , Victim , Topic , Aggressor , Battle For The American , June 14th , Marxist , Teacher S College , Columbia University , Germany , Critical Thomplet Theory , Unions , Teacher , Colleges , Universities , America Still , Progressives , Educational Industrial Complex , Associations , 60 , Gender Transition , Age , David Good , Oppressors , Win , Get It On , Shortage , Book Tour , Voting , Indiana , Ohio , Primaries , Research , Gears , Midterm , Union , Marathon , Cincinnati , Alicia Acuna , Primary , Eastern Time , Person Voting , Endorsement Powers , Players , 45 , Vance , Polls , Standing , Criticism , Surprise Move , Brand New , Author , Venture Capitalist , 23 , Rob Portman , Josh Mandel , Ted Cruz , South Texas , Field , Who , Matt Dolan , Team Points , Endorsement , Jane Timken , Vote , Winner , Tim Ryan , The Fall , Breakfast , Burton , Wild Story , Indications , Manhunt , Deposit , Escape , Alabama , Court Appearance , Protocol , Sheriff S Deputy , Transporting Casey White , Winds Blowing , Diondre Johnson , New Jersey Generals , Philadelphia , Usfl , 24 , New Jersey , Spring Football , North Division , 130 , Team , Knowledge , Giants , New York Jets , Injuriesy , Stadium , Play , New York Giants , Feel , U2 , Teams , Concerts , Studio , Colors , Stick Around , Driver , Turn , Drivers , Farmers , Driver Discount , Appreciation , Driving Record , Bystander , Farmers Policy Perk , Bum , Safety , Burke , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Elections , Rachel Campos Duffy , Co Host , 52 , Latinos , Blowout , Marist Poll , Npr , Hispanics , Small Business Owners , Families , Reasons , Repercussions , Education , Issues , Neighborhoods , Working Class , Standards , Ideologies , Beyond , Nadal Class , School System , Failing Schools , Choice , Independents , 38 , It Inflation , Grocery Store , Energy Policies , Second , Impacting , Challenge , Hispanic Vote , Gas Tank , Outreach , Contrast , Presence , Democratic , Values , Cuba , Open Borders , Border Fueling America , Drug Crisis , Crisis , Agent , Drug , Dea , Steroids , Cupcake , Chance , Batteries , Tragedy , Little , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Aa Battery , Nature , Dirt , Knees , Case Closed , Ziprecruiter , Shop , Ways , Hiring , Growth , Location , Miracle Gro , Store Managers , Applicants , Jobs , Advisors , Role , Hiring Site , Tool , Announcer , Software , Company , Music , Payroll , Hr , Paycom , Hr Data , Schedule A Demo Today , Single , Visit Paycom Com , Release , My Life , Golo , 138 , Alexa Smell , Buick Enclave , Ask Buick , Enclave , Path , Big Game , Dad , Alexa , Directions , Snacks , Oh My , Vehicle , Suvs , Atlanta , Samaritans , Condition , Bar , Midtown , Dui Charge , Witnesses , Amber Heard , Actress , Bad Press , Wreck , Testimony , Accident , Public Relations , Depp , Business Managers , Shane Communications , Film , Behalf , Bombshell Defamation Trial , Wynona , Ashley Juddbreak , Inconnect Ducted , Cause Of Death , Challenges , Illegals , Matters , Arrests , 240000 , 342 Million , 14000 , Fentanyl , Derek , Truth , Department Of Public Safety , Public , Lines , Aways , Border Security , Example , Border Details , Priority , Baby Sitting , Amount , Amounts , One Gram , 2055 , 500 , Indictments , Big Takedown The Dea , What Mayorkas , Kids In America , Poison , Nicaragua , El Salvador , 2012 , Sentiment , 411 , Perception , Scientist , Central American , 150 , Healthcare , America Open , Iranians , Severing , Terrorist Watch List , Yemenis , 60000 , Leadership , Chart , A Month , Given , Got Aways , Federal Government , Best , Train Wreck , Disaster , America Safe , Stash Houses , Hearing , Alarmist , 400 , Guy Border , Billions , Criminals , Label Something Misinformation , Chinese , Newt Gingrich , Department , Service , Wide Open , Windshield , Car , He Wouldn T , Pop Rock Music Tech , Safety System , Safelite , Lightning , Smash , Pull Over , Crack , Singers , Stay Safe With Safelite , Features , Automatic Emergency Braking , Safelite Repair , Critics , Musk , Constitution , Censorship Board , Amendment , Exercise Censorship , Mayorkas , 19000 , 80 , 2 4 Million , 3 4 Million , 29 , 68 , 85 , 71 , Seven , 1984 , Four , Eight , 32 , 49 99 , 9 99 , 29 , 5 29 , 200 , 1200 , 1100 , 700 , 600 , 4 , 64 Million , Cyp3 , 66 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240708

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circa 2022. >> i'm sorry that she couldn't hang on until today. >> a heart broken wynona and ashley judd breaking down in tears as their mother newspaper senate committee inducted into the country prusek hall of fame. >> my momma loved you so much. >> victor takes it around to left side into the end zone. and the generals run their way to a second consecutive victory. >> welcome to monday. good morning, cincinnati it's your 6:00 a.m. eastern wake-up call. currently you have got 49 degrees. you are going for a daytime high of 55. 55 clear skies you cand headquarters, we are starting the day on the soggy side. currently we are at the number nickel 55 on this may 2nd, a monday. rain for an hour or so. >> ainsley: i heard it's going to rain all this week. i'm not sure though. i actually like the sound of rain it so it doesn't get me down. >> steve: rainy days and mondays always make me down. never mind. >> ainsley: i love that song. summer is right around the corner. >> steve: it is just a month away. pete, welcome aboard. >> pete: thanks for having me. extended weekend. brian is out for one day. >> steve: you are complaining that you had to work three days in a row? >> pete: it's really tough. how do you do five? forget about that. i will do two. >> ainsley: you could definitely work five days. he works all the time. i said yes, he does. >> pete: because we love what we do. >> ainsley: that's right. >> pete: through fox nation and everything else i probably work six and a half. >> steve: not to mention those fine kids at home. >> pete: then there is that. >> ainsley: piers morgan is blowing it out of the water. >> pete: huge response. >> ainsley: we are going to have him on today. >> steve: excellent. here is the big story we left you with last week. it was revealed in the middle of the week on wednesday committee hearing on capitol hill that the department of homeland security, the same week that elon musk buys twitter, it is announced, they have come up with something called the disinformation governance board. and what they are looking for is disinformation. when that hit the fan, people went crazy. because what one person considers disinformation. somebody else might consider information. because we have seen people in this administration in the past push stuff that turned out not to be true. >> ainsley: we have heard that word so many times disinformation. we automatically think the left doesn't like something the right is saying on social media. they are going to censor you. they will not allow that information to come out because they have seemed it to be misinformation. they said the dossier was true. it wasn't. they said that hunter biden laptop, they didn't want you onto know that before the election. they deemed that as disinformation. so, you didn't see that story. many people didn't see that story if they weren't watching fox. so we are used to hearing that but, over the weekend, mayorkas was on "fox news sunday," and made it sound like this is more about going after violence online. if there is something that is posted and it's violent then that is disinformation and we are going to go after that. owe said you should have done a better job of communicating what this does. listen. >> if there is no question, brett. that we could have done a better job in communicating what it does. we addressed disinformation that presents a security threat to the homeland. disinformation from russia, from china, from iran, from the cartels. our work does not infringe on free speech. does not infringe on civil rights, civil liberties. it's not about speech. it's about the connectivity to violence. >> bret: you really think jankovicz is disconnected enough for this particular job. >> yes, i do. by the way, highly regarded as a subject matter expert and i don't question her objectivity. >> steve: he's the one. >> pete: that's true. we will get to her in a moment what she said. any time there is a policy announced that is on its face completely suspect or people reject it, the fallback is oh we just didn't communicate it well enough to you people. don't you understand how well this is going to work? >> ainsley: we need to pivot, we need to change our message. >> pete: let me tell you again how we have a new ministry of truth and we are going to decide what is a threat to the homeland? that's a big phrase right there. what is a threat to the homeland? is it just china and russia? or it political speech here at home that is deemed on the fringes or unacceptable to the mainstream? that's why people are so skeptical of this and rightfully so. >> steve: here's the thing. he answered what we wanted know about. he said, it's about violence and one of his quotes is people have the right to spew anti-met stick rhetoric. what they don't have the right to do is take hostages in the synagogue. >> ainsley: call it the antiviolence board. >> steve: we already have a department of justice that does that. >> ainsley: true. >> steve: what this does is the department of homeland security is looking into the stuff concerning the countries of russia, china, iran and cartels. he listed that think about it. the hunter laptop, that was deemed as russian disinformation. people put stuff out there. that was a russian made. the steel dossier, russia, russia, russia. so that stuff still falls under the doj test. >> ainsley: the bottom line is we don't trust the government to handle what we are going to see, what news is going to be out there based on the past. if they had done things the right way in the past then we could have trusted them. why are they getting involved in this. we do have intelligence officers that are monitoring things that are online. >> steve: one of the things he said we're not the opinion police. but, so it's not about opinions. but when you say that laptop is from russia, it's russian disinformation. that is not an opinion. that is the department of homeland security has said that thing is from russia. >> pete: you are exactly right. the same as saying cnn. when they say we north opinion. we are just news. we are only telling you this news over here. >> steve: and that's our opinion. >> pete: and the process is clear as day. he mentioned bret baier, you asked a question about nina jankovicz who will be charged with leading this 30-something georgetown graduate has done work on disinformation from one side of the aisle. there is a couple of tweets that may give insight into whether or not as mayorkas said we should not question her objectivity. here's one tweet from march 19th 2021. >> ainsley: march 16th. >> pete: steve said about a year ago. she tweeted this: intelligence community i see has a high degree of confidence that the kremlin used proxies to. >> steve: there is russia. >> pete: there you go. influence there including misleading and unsubstantiated claims about president biden to u.s. media officials and influencers, some close to president trump, a clear nod to the alleged hunter laptop. >> steve: that would fall under this umbrella that's russia disinformation. that's what she would be in charge of. >> she would. but then you look at u.s. media officials and influencers some close to president trump. meaning if you were willing to talk about the laptop, which she already told us is only russian disinformation then you are a target of the misinformation. you are part of that now, we know the laptop is real. the emails are real and is being investigated right now. >> ainsley: she is saying the laptop not real. dossier was real because on august 7th in 2020 she said listen to this last night chris steel, yes that chris steel provides great historical context about the evolution of disinformation worth a listen. >> steve: meanwhile, keep in mind what's going on in the world, so elon musk, twitter and a couple days later it is announced tulsi gabbard connected some dots and she is connecting what president obama said at stanford on april 21st. remember we played you some clips where he is talking about big media. um, out of nowhere is he talking about big media. tulsi gabbard tweeted this out. joe biden is just the front man. obama on april 21st at stanford said social media sensors don't go far enough so the government needs to step in to do the job. six days later home landing security rolls out the ministry of truth also known as the disinformation governance board. coincidence? she says no. all part of a big plan. >> ainsley: what obama was talking about at stanford employees are sincere in trying to moderate violent content social media and hate speech. more needs to be done to limit such posts. >> pete: this is only formalizing that which was being done informally. jen psaki and others have already acknowledged that the white house has given guidance to social media companies. most of which have been more than happy to comply with the pressure from the government. this is now the government stepping in and deciding to say what -- i don't care what mayorkas says about communication or not, it becomes about what is acceptable speech and they will use foreign interference as they have in the bass as the rationalization. >> ainsley: we don't want violence we want them to stop the violence. why did they call this board disinformation board if it's really about violence. why the week of elon musk buying twitter and barack obama speaking about this and how companies need more the government to get involved because companies can't do it all on your own? >> pete: good question. >> steve: the worry is there is somebody in a cubicle in washington, d.c. like watching this show at 6:00 in the morning owners, that's disinformation. what are they going to do then? are they going to label it, a, they will push a button and cut the cable? no, of course they would not do that but they would say that was disinformation because we presented what we know to be fact. >> pete: social media companies already doing that you take a clip from tucker carlson or another show sean's show and they label it as such. ounce ounce or don't even athrough. >> pete: why wouldn't they go the next step well, that's our job now. >> ainsley: 11 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up chaos in poland or there was. as. >> pete: portland. ainsley: what did i say? >> pete: poland. i understand. >> ainsley: antifa launching smoke bombs at peaceful rally for candidate for governor, short-staffed cops could not get there in time. >> steve: plus, we believe this to be true information. 94% of americans concerned with inflation as diesel gas prices hit an all-time high. that's coming up next. you are watching "fox & friends" live from new york city where it is raining. look at all the guests we have got today. from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ♪ ♪ as a chef i always knew what i should be eating, but ww helped me to do it. there's nothing off limits. chocolate. is that a no no? 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[laughter] >> naomi judd died at age 76 on saturday. her official cause of death has not yet been released but throughout the year naomi has been open about her struggles with mental illness and depression. those are your headlines, guys, over to you. >> steve: she will be missed. she was on our show a lot. and she was so kind and so funny and the whole family is heart broken. the family decided they said look, the show should go on last night and so they did. >> ainsley: our thoughts and prayers with their family they are friends of our shows. we interviewed them so many times. she did deal with extreme depression. wrote a book about moment of time took electroshot therapy and took drugs to help her. go out there and perform and come home and not get off the couch. one year she was on the couch for two years. never got out of her pajamas. i just have dealt with this my whole life. poor thing. >> pete: amazing went through with the ceremony in honor of her and the country music hall of fame. we played clips this weekend of you guys with her over the years and certainly a friend of her. >> steve: god bless her soul. >> ainsley: she was on the show. >> steve: we made headlines. speak of headlines, you know about the defund the police situation out in portland oregon. you know about antifa. well, a republican on saturday running for governor, a fellow by the name of stan poll yum, he is the mayor of sandy, oregon population 11 thousand we just found out. he has a rally to talk about refunding the police and things like that. who showed up but antifa and it went something like this. >> we need safe communities here in our state. safe communities here in our state. [shouting] >> heads up. >> we will not be intimidated. >> you can see that one lady. she did when absolutelyized when she saw the smoke bomb she ran back. hurled smoke grenades. paint filled balloons and fireworks. they were injured by mortars. you mentioned the police. the police weren't there. they called 911. and it took 20 minutes for the police to get enough man fox all star to respond. they know that antifa doesn't mess around. so they needed cops. but the cops weren't there for 20 minutes. >> pete: 20 minutes. you are a goob toler candidate in the state of oregon. and you have got a rally which the authorities would have presumably known about. probably have a permit for it more news out of will. if you are a family with a case that isn't solved they don't have the officers to continue pursuing those cases. old crimes, new crimes. the police officers there are totally under water. >> ainsley: yeah. this guy who is running, he is running as a republican, he wants to refund. and the police department, they're being honest about this. they're like we are strapped. one of the guys at the police force said if you call 911 in our town, sometimes you will be on hold for hours. >> steve: they prioritize. >> ainsley: mr. pulliam holding this campaign event was on 20 minutes. they came antifa had already moved out. >> statewide candidate for governor we should be able to go to the largest metropolitan area of our state and have a peaceful campaign rally. of course, less than 15 minutes in, we are greeted by antifa. showing up with fire crackers that they are throwing at us. our campaign bus completely destroyed. that's the city of portland circa 2022. it took over 20 minutes to get an operator on the line when we called 911. the police never responded. of course it's not their fault. they don't have the resources. but under a pulliam administration they absolutely will. we have declared a war on woke. we are sick and tired of the antifas. we will put these folks in the jail. we will take our state back. >> steve: good luck to you. it looks like antifa is running that town. >> pete: exactly. >> ainsley: police said friday into saturday five chooghts, three serious crashes. one stolen ambulance, calls for shots fired. people throwing objects off of an overpass. we only had a few officers available at the precinct. >> pete: can you imagine? what is the breaking point for old school liberals who just don't like chaos and anarchy to say maybe it's time to elect someone who is remotely sane and willing to enforce the law? >> ainsley: imagine if your loved one was killed and shutting down the cold case. moving to the homicide division because of the soaring homicide rate. they said they have 18 officers on the homicide division and it's not enough. they said it's not sustainable. cold case division has a sergeant and six detectives and they are all going over to homicide. >> steve: i think we just repeated the facts that, you know, he is running on, mariupol yum is running on he has a good case if my house is burning down. how long is it going to take because my house will be gone in 8 minutes. if somebody is banging on the door, how long is it going to take. will i see a cop at the door or will somebody kill me? >> pete: i don't know the particular gun laws in portland. i'm sure they are not friendly to those who like to defend themselves. >> ainsley: not like florida. did you see what antioxidants did? >> pete: not like florida or tennessee. i think of these police officers who, if we work one or two extra days we joke about it you work an extra day, an extra shift, an extra week. not only are you working more and away from your family. but you are going into dangerous territory every single day. the psychological impact of them knowing nobody has your back, too. >> ainsley: if your department hasn't been defunded and they have money for the extra hours time and a half. >> steve: you don't blame the police. you blame the people who cut the police budget in 1970s they had 30 cops per 100,000 now they have 8 per 100,000. crime is going to be an issue going into the election in the midterms in november and so is inflation. and this is a -- an awful number for the joe biden administration according to the "the washington post." abc poll that just came out. 94% are concerned or upset about inflation. and then when it comes to who is responsible for this? the next question tells a lot. >> ainsley: which party do you trust better to handle inflation. 50 percent said republicans. 31 percent said democrats and when it comes to handling the economy 51 percent said republicans, 36 said democrats. brian. >> pete: you can't get 94% agree that sunrises in the east let alone that inflation a concern or major concern. you will have those on the left. democrats saying this is the putin putin price hike and spinning that side of it. >> steve: they will. >> pete: but the majority as you see on the other side recognize the fact that inflation has been a problem for quite some time. look at gas prices as well. and, again, this was long before what happened internationally a year ago diesel just over $3. today 5.5. >> and some places ons west coast it's up into the 8s and $9. >> steve: remarkable. highest price for diesel in history. >> pete: is it really? >> steve: yeah. the problem going forward the truckers say we still don't get good price for the loads. so a lot of truckers are thinking about quitting which is just going to lead to more supply chain problems. which are across the board. >> ainsley: going back to being energy independent. that's going to be a hot topic coming up in the midterms. people are going to vote more republicans because we see what happens when you shut down pipelines and national security. other countries are dependent on -- vladimir putin we used to give him so much money for oil until recently. we are funding this war when you do that. >> steve: going back to the supply chain issues. we were talking a little bit last week about how china it looks like they're locking down because of covid again that's going to cause supply chain issues. i'm not going to tell you what pretty fancy hotel in washington, d.c. i stayed in, but when i was leaving, i realized something that i kind of had noticed, it was dark. i got up the next day and i'm packing and i leave, when i checked out i said to the person in the lobby, i said why is there only one sheet on the bed? and they said what are you talking about? i said there is just one sheet. you need to have two sheets, a sheet and a fitted sheet. >> they want you to sleep under the comfortable that probably doesn't get washed? >> there is just one sheet. you know, we can't get fitted sheets. and i said well then use two sheets. that's crazy. >> ainsley: take your own. >> steve: they still charged two sheet prices. >> ainsley: i hope they wash that comfortable. ains. >> pete: i want to hear more about that dinner. >> ainsley: did you have fun? >> a lot of people said why would you go to that event? i didn't go for a long time but when you are related to a white house correspondent, you should probably go to the white house correspondence dinner. >> pete: that's right. >> steve: we had a very nice time. speaking of mayorkas, peter was talking to him. i invited him on "fox & friends." ainsley: what did he say? >> steve: he said he was on bret baier tomorrow morning. >> ainsley: that was a no. >> steve: some day maybe? >> steve: some day maybe. >> pete: some day maybe. one sheet it. was a difficult sleeping night. you know that. if he slept. we don't have. >> steve: some were two sheets to the wind. >> pete: that one we will hear with in the break. mike rowe and john after it coming up in the 8:00 a.m. hour. >> steve: coming up, joy reid could be taken to court over a tweet. jack brewer who was at the dinner as well getting the police involved after reid called his americanship program child abuse. why jack says she is the one putting kids in danger. that's coming up live from new york city. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. hi! back pain, and fatigue. need new glasses? get 50% off a complete pair at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!... hey! for a limited time, get 50% off a complete pair. visionworks. see the difference. >> carley: back with your headlines, starting with this a rapidly growing wildfire in new mexico is prompting mandatory evacuations in the state. the fire has burned more than 104,000 acres with winds blowing the flames within five miles of homes. hundreds of properties have already been destroyed. the wildfire is currently 30% contained with over 1,000 firefighters responding. my goodness. hertz is filing 100 false claims from customers wrongly accused of stealing rental cars. several people say they properly rented vehicles were arrested and held at gunpoint. today, 230 total cases have been filed in delaware. bankruptcy court seeking over $750 million in damages. >> steve: that hurts. what a shocker. thank you very much, carley. >> steve: jack brewer filed a police report on msnbc host joy reid for putting children in his medical centership program in mentorship program. this is tantamount to child abuse. i would really like it hear the back story on who these kids were and how they wound up at desantis event given how antiblack desantis is using black children this way is extra sick. brewer went to ms-13 to hand deliver a letter to reid demanding she apologize and jack brewer joins us from omaha right now. jack, good morning to you. >> good morning, sir. i thank you for covering this. >> steve: you bet. she wanted to note back story. what he was the back story? >> the back story is these kids are fatherless and part of the american heroes program based in coral springs, florida. and these kids have -- are the direct victims of crt. man, the reason i'm doing this is because the crt conversation has gotten lost. it's not about what they are teaching in school. it's not about what they're not teaching in school. whenever there is under served black kid they are using crt as their excuse not to teach the reading and math proficiency. the kids that i have at my school, most of them are two to three grades behind on their reading and math proficiency. they are getting d's and f's and the teachers just push them through and tell them that's satisfactory because of their demographic and skin color. that is wrong, man. this is american. we shouldn't be using the soft bigotry of low exceptions and putting that on the poorest and most voiceless kids that we sphr in our nation. the bible says in isaiah 1:17 to defender the fatherless. that's what i'm trying to do. i will stand against joy reid and msnbc. >> steve: so you filed a police report and you are demanding an apology. what do the police say and have you heard from joy reid yet? >> so the police were very supportive. they know our kids, most of our kids walk to our center or ride their bikes and when you put out to your 2.1 million followers to the go find out where my kids are and who they are and who brought them that's a direct threat. you can't do that in this day and age. we are located right down the street in theth from the parkland high school. we have horrific events happen. we have to take these things seriously. you can't tell people to go out and try to identify kids that are between 8 and 14 years old. how reckless is that? so the police department brought -- immediately brought extra staff over, police officers actually came inside of our building. what she doesn't know we part partner with the police department. the police department works with many of our programs. our black boys love the police that watch and protect them every day. they help bring food to them sometimes. all of these things that are amazing are happening. and she tried to put a negative light on our kids. governor desantis has been super supportive of under served kids in florida. he two weeks prior passed a fatherhood bill. a legislation for the first time of any state doing this where he stood up for fathers and put money in the mentorship programs and for kids just like ours to be able to have extra support. for her to say that about him and to tell my kids that he is racist after they were so excited to meet him once again is just dead wrong. >> steve: sounds from that answer like you have not heard back from her. >> no i have not heard back from her. she hasn't apologized by 9:00 a.m. >> steve: what are you going to do. >> i'm moving forward legal strategy. pressure them as much as we can file a defamation lawsuit against her and msnbc. and i just pray that she responds. >> steve: you said the deadline is 9:00 a.m. today? >> today, yes, sir. >> steve: well, two and a half hours. let's see what happens. jack, thank you very much. >> god bless you. >> steve: god bless you. by the way we did reach out to msnbc for a statement, we have not heard back from msnbc. we'll keep you posted. meanwhile, joe biden spent his weekend cracking jokes down in d.c. >> i'm really excited to be here tonight with the only group of americans with a lower approval rating than i have. >> steve: and then there was laughter. meantime nancy pelosi made a surprise trip to kyiv. will the president ever go? joey jones coming up on that straight ahead on "fox & friends" for this monday. ♪ to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. and it's easier than ever to get your projects done right. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. this is a tempur-pedic mattress. and it's designed to help make aches and pains a thing of the past by relieving pressure points and supporting your body in a way no other mattress can. experience the mattress ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by j.d. power, three years in a row. when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. 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>> there is some good news in ukraine this morning. some of the innocent civilians that have been caught up in that dire standoff with russians in the city of mariupol are now finally starting to be freed. for weeks now we have been bringing you some of the heart breaking and horrifying images out of mariupol. hundreds of ukrainian marines along with innocent elderly people, women, and children have been sheltering in the dark tunnels beneath the steel plant. running out of medicine, food and water. it's atrocity. now volodymyr zelenskyy said the corridors are finally working. zelenskyy said so far 100 civilians have been released. but there are still hundreds more civilians and ukrainian marines in those tunnels. we will keep you updated on their status. also here in ukraine, house speaker nancy pelosi became the highest ranking american official to visit ukraine in an unannounced trip over the weekend pelosi along with a delegation of a half dozen american lawmakers met with ukrainian president zelenskyy in kyiv. >> do not be bullied by bullies. if they are making threats, you cannot back down. that's my view of it. that you -- there for the fight. and you cannot -- you cannot fold to a bully. >> and countries across europe are now assessing this new russian threat. in an interview, sweden's foreign minister said that the country of finland is almost certain to apply for nato membership and there is speculation that sweden itself could be next. back to you, pete. >> pete: matt finn, thank you very much. we appreciate the update. as president zelenskyy got surprise visit from speaker pelosi in ukraine this weekend. joe biden still no plans to do the same. instead as we all saw spent his weekend in d.c. taking the stage at the white house correspondence dinner. fox news contributor and retired marine bomb tech joey jones joins us now after hosting "fox & friends first" this evening. joey good to see you. >> joey: i want to say good afternoon i have been up for a little bit. >> pete: right. get used to it biden has not gone, how significant. >> politics of it all which we can talk about and you just introd and tactics of it all where is the war really at. we had brett velicovich special operations intel officer who has been there, been helping. and he is very skeptical not only of the weapons we're sending, he says there is a higher degree of faulty circuit boards i guess is the best way to put it high tech weapons. also, is he saying a hiccup in just getting trainers over there to train the military on the javelins or the swiss blade high tech drones that we're sending. very frustrated is what came across. very skeptical why this is. didn't offer an answer. i don't have an answer for you. all i will tell you is it really is suspect to see this drag out so slow and to understand did our administration really feel this wasn't a game worth playing in the beginning and decide to jump. in russia says this is a proxy war between us and them. did our administration miss that for the first six weeks? what's happening there. >> pete: it's a good question. a rot of our viewers, myself included are conflicted because what you don't want is a wider war. >> absolutely. >> pete: that propaganda from russia has existed for quite some time. it has intensified to your point that this is a war against america. so, are they getting the balance right of giving ukraine enough to fight for their survival and maybe even turn back the tide while also not -- let's say not giving putin a reason to expand it it's not about being worried about what putin is going to do. don't create an excuse to create something bigger. >> what you can't do with a guy with no feet have one foot in and one foot out that's the best joke i have got for you this morning. listen, i think president trump probably would have been much stronger in the beginning. propfully not even allowed this to happen. not more likely to war than biden he understands fostering his strength. i don't know that we have shown either in this. that's what bothers me so much. as an american, it might not be popular but it's going to be safe to tell you that i absolutely believe i'm more worried about russia expanding military conquest countries that pull us into it than what happens in ukraine. that doesn't mean my heart isn't broken for people in ukraine that doesn't mean i don't care. that means as an american i have to keep my own priority state. i hope the government understands we needed priorities and plan for these things. it really bothers me that our government acts if it was taken off guard by this. several people in the intel community said the opposite. >> pete: that's a really significant and important point. if you don't have clear objectives or strength at the beginning things take on their own momentum drag on. >> tail wagging the dog. that may not be the case at awesome maybe biden administration has a strategy and is playing it out. it certainly doesn't look that way and that's what worries me. >> pete: when did you go this far in and maybe the question is they have a strategy. it's not heartening to anybody. joey jones, thank you very much. >> appreciate it. >> pete: get used to getting up early. check this in with senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> good morning, pete and joey, two of my favorite people on "fox & friends." all right. current temperatures, 49 here in chicago. 53 in new york. 33 in fargo. we have some severe storms today. not only today for much of the workweek yet again, a very active pattern. an area of low pressure moves out into the plain states. behind it cold air. cold enough for snow, rockies, hire elevations, hail, damaging winds and tornadoes not only today but tuesday, wednesday, thursday, into friday and there is your future track today. and that's going to be ongoing as the system is quite slow interacting with all of this gulf of mexico moisture and then we have got the clash of those two air masses. so that is going to be a risk today, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. we will continue to keep you up to date and then, the flooding is going to be a big concern as well. fox for all your latest details. pete, my friend over to you. >> pete: thank you, janice great to see you. >> you too. >> pete: white house pushing to cancel thousands of dollars of student debt. next guest says welcome to socialism. this is what it looks like. ♪ come on and take a free ride ♪ ♪ my a1c stayed here, it needed to be here. ruby's a1c is down with rybelsus®. my a1c wasn't at goal, now i'm down with rybelsus®. mom's a1c is down with rybelsus®. 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>> victor takes it around the left side in the end zone. and the generals run their way to a second consecutive victory. ♪ ♪ you will remember me ♪ remember me ♪ victory ♪ >> pete: good morning, it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast as well as your louisville, kentucky beautiful shot of the sunrise there on this monday edition of "fox & friends." it is may 2nd as you said emphatically, ainsley. it's amazing that it is may year of our lord 2022. >> ainsley: do you remember mayday in elementary school. the pole beautiful ribbons around it and field day outside? >> steve: in other countries it's celebrated with union activity. >> pete: is it? i don't know that i don't know we ever did the mayday pole thing that maybe a southern thing. >> ainsley: maybe. so life is good down south. >> pete: i was meant to be a southerner but i grew up basically in southern canada in minnesota. >> steve: southern canada. well, i was right there down close to virginia over the weekend for the white house correspondence dinner there we're. those are the doocys of d.c. screen left, you have got mary doocy. she works down in washington. she is in federal law enforcement. and then you can see on the arm of peter doocy, his wife, hillary vaughn how see here on the channel all the time and over on fox business. she covers capitol hill. we went to the event. i haven't been for a number of years. when your son is the white house correspondent, you have go to go to the white house correspondence dinner. >> you didn't go into the event, steve. the doocys were the event. come on, let's not kid ourselves here. >> steve: i wanted. >> ainsley: we're thankful for the d.c. family. >> steve: i wanted to hear the president -- the president made some jokes about fox but he made jokes about everybody. trevor noah made jokes about fox and -- specifically peter doocy at one point. at one point joe biden did a joke and was talking about fox reporters and they took a picture of peter, a still cut away, rather a cut away during the stuff, and then a guy over at the daily beast compared it to remember when donald trump i think it was barack obama made some joke, donald trump was out in the audience they took that shot and then this guy tweets out right after it happened, we're going to have joe biden to blame for peter doocy? >> ainsley: what did peter say before the dinner? >> pete: what was he anticipating? >> steve: he just figured there would be something and it was. i read afterward, i'm not going to tell you what the private father/son conversation was. but he was quoted in one of the newspapers saying the jokes were fair. it's one of those things where it's a night of fest, it's supposed to be. i stopped going because it wasn't very funny. but trevor noah, you know, as i told you yesterday, pete, they used to tell the entertainers at these events singh don't burn. trevor noah burned everybody. he burned fox, he burned msnbc, he burned cnn, he burned joe biden who was sitting 10 feet over. >> ainsley: do you know what i gather dr. from this conversation that you do talk i don't-to-your son about your business dealings and his business dealings, you admit it. >> steve: in fact, the joke that trevor noah had about peter was about hunter biden and about peter doocy meter doocy and i both laughed. peter looked up at the president. the president didn't think that was funny. i guess. >> ainsley: what did jen psaki do? did she laugh? >> steve: i can't look at everybody. >> pete: it was takenning. >> ainsley: i'm glad you went and had fun. was there a lot of fox people there. >> we had a couple of tables. at our table apollo ohno right behind me is kaitlin general his or her is going to be on the channel tomorrow. we had right there was deepak chopra. so it was a very serene table. just saying it was a lot of fun. and i got to introduce myself to the secretary of homeland security sater moorks and i invited him on of my program. >> pete: steve, you mentioned serene. one place that is not serene is the southern border. we might be three weeks away from the removal of title 42 which by some are estimating as many as 18,000 a day could be attempting to cross illegally the border. what is dhs doing to prepare for that and border patrol? well, secretary mayorkas was on cnn. was it yesterday? i believe it was yesterday. >> steve: i know he was on bret yesterday. i. >> pete: i need to learn this weekday terminology recently over the weekend. he was asked about title 42. asked whether the border is open or not. here is how he responded. >> you as the secretary of homeland security don't have an opinion on whether title 42 should or should not be in place? >> did i not because i'm not a public health expert but it's my responsibility to plan and execute as it is in place and plan, prepare and execute for the day when it won't be, our border is not open. what happens now is individuals are either expelled under the title 42 authority, or they are placed in immigration enforcement proceedings. and they are removed if they do not have a valid claim under our law to remain. and so the border is not open. and, importantly, they should not place their lives at risk in the hands of smugglers who exploit their lives for the mere purpose of profit. >> steve: one of the other things he said was that his message to the migrants in central america and elsewhere around the country is don't come. now, i did not see the actual video but i was reading the cnn story about his appearance over on cnn. and apparently he was asked about those 42 people who were stopped at our southern border who are on the terror watch list the question was do you know where they are? this is what he said. he said, you know, because you figure if you are on a terror watch list they don't let you in. this is what he said. we know where they are. they can be removed. they can be placed into custody for criminal prosecution. so, in other words, it sounds like they let them in. these 42 people who were in on the terror watch list it sounds like from what the secretary said yesterday they are out where somewhere. they know where they're. maybe they gave them a smart phone to track them. >> ainsley: they would let terrorists into our country. they know where they're. and take them into custody. meaning they haven't? >> steve: doesn't sound like it. >> pete: not only is the border open but it's open for known terrorists. >> steve: sure. because if you are a known -- if you are on a terror watch list we will let you into the country. but we're going to know where you are. do you really think they know where they are? >> he says he has a 20 page memorandum all the preparations when title 42 goes away. he was telling the sunday shows that they had immigration enforcement proceedings. we know what those are. they say here is the cell phone. we are going to bus you to your family or your loved one in another state and can you go to school for free. your kids can go to school for free. we will give you free food. use your cell phone and call us on your court date and you could show up if you want. we know the majority of them don't show up. it is unbelievable what is happening. it is just open -- you know what? he says our borders are not open. your actions speak louder than your words. >> pete: well said. to say tie it back to what we talked about last hour this new disinformation governance board. who is giving disinformation here? is it the secretary of homeland security or is it us? who deems which side of that opinion is correct or not are they're saying it's not open because they have policies to allow people to get in. which is by definition open. you fact checker come out and says there is a process for them. there is gray area when it comes to the border not much. ask the people that are down there. >> ainsley: talk about the terror watch list which means a lot to you because you fought in wars for our country defending our country. >> steve: got a book coming out about it. >> ainsley: we interviewed rob o'neill we have forgotten the line never forget. remember 9/11? never forget. >> pete: outrageous the kind of statistics we had in 2003, here we are and we have forgotten. >> steve: meanwhile, we have been telling you about crt in schools. what do we hear from the educators? that's not happening. we saw in this morning in the "new york post." there is an op-ed by a woman by the name of emily why i'm suing my former employer school district over critical race theory. what she says is she was an assistant principal at -- in a charlottesville virginia elementary school. when they returned from coronavirus. the county decided that they were going to introduce controversial policies and mandatory treemp teacher training based on crt. she said this. this is a quote from the op-ed. i witnessed firsthand how this training directed teachers to be racist by viewing each other and their students based solely on race and then treating each other differently. she goes on to say it also teaches that students of color are inherently disadvantaged. i believe every person is made in the image of god and entitled to equal treatment and respect. so this content immediately set off warning signals and i wasn't alone. fellow staff members and teachers repeatedly shared their concerns with me about how the curriculum created a racially divisive and hostile environment. and she wound up leaving. >> ainsley: listen, what's happening in these schools, you have crt and kids learning about sex education so early, carley was interviewing a lady on "fox & friends first" lives in florida. she is suing, i believe the school district. she has a lawsuit. because daughter and a few other friends at school they all were talking about transitioning. they all wanted to do it. they didn't notify the mom and the mom said my argument is it's my child and it's a safety issue. you are asking my daughter all these questions and one of the questions that the daughter was asked is when we go on field trips, who do you want to room with boys or girls? >> pete: my goodness. >> ainsley: my mom said this is a safety issue. which bathroom do you want to use the girls or the boys. my child was i think she said 13 at the time. so young. >> pete: that's the difference in viewpoint. a lot of these school districts say no, that's our child. the parents have these old views. >> steve: seems like the president. >> pete: yes the president said the same thing. look at assistant principal good for her. iens withed firsthand how this training directed. you have to decode. they might not put it right in the curriculum. >> steve: might not be in a textbook. they are trained to teach with a certain method and that method is invoke diversity, equity and inclusion in everything that you talk about, which does inevitably lead to saying this is how white kids view the world and how minority kids view the world. how despicable and divisive for little kids. >> steve: somebody is the aggressor and victim to every image. >> pete: exactly right. i will take a moment to promo a book i have coming out on june 14th. >> ainsley: about this very topic. >> pete: battle for the american mind. you talk about critical race theory, which before there was critical race theory. there was critical thomplet critical theory brought from marxist germany frankfurt school. where did they land? a mile up the road at columbia university. most prominent teacher's college in america still today. and those views pushed into other teacher's colleges, which moved into universities. >> which now you can. >> ainsley: when did the unions get involved? >> pete: unions insert themselves. do you know the unions used to be conservative teacher's associations before they were turned into the unions in the 50's and 60's. now completely captured by the far left. when you start to dissect the educational industrial complex. you realize how intentionally progressives have tried to steal the mind of our kids. here we are now talking about gender transition at 13. and telling white kids they are oppressors and black kids they're oppressed at the age of 10. it all happened intentionally. we lay it out in this book myself and david good win. battle for the american mind. available right now. comes out on june 14th. considering the supply chain issues. you might want to order it now so you actually get it. >> ainsley: get it on that day. >> steve: in case there is a shortage we can always ask you. you have it right up here. >> ainsley: you have a busy book tour coming up. >> pete: it will be busy but it was fascinating doing the research and we're seeing it now. >> steve: switching gears. the march to the midterms are already here as voters in indiana and ohio are going to start voting in primaries tomorrow. >> ainsley: this kicks off an 8 week marathon of voting in which most states of in the union will hold midterm. >> pete: alicia acuna live in cincinnati. >> good morning. yeah. in person voting begins here in 45 minutes. running to about 2:00 eastern time. the ohio primary will be a significant test of former president trump's endorsement powers but not just his. other big players in the g.o.p. as you know, mr. trump endorsed j.d. vance last month. a surprise move considering vance's police steger criticism of him. the bolstered standing in the polls. >> a lot of people changed their mind on donald trump. i'm one of them. a lot of our voters don't mind slow long as you are just honest with them. >> a recent fox news poll now has the bestselling author and venture capitalist leading at 23% followed by former state treasurer josh mandel at 18%. mandel is endorsed by texas senator ted cruz who came to the buckeye state in a show of support in the crowded field of 7 g.o.p. candidates. outgoing republican senator rob portman's who seat he is vying for has put his seat behind jane timken but also watch closely the state senator matt dolan. he is the only one to not seek out a trump endorsement. however, his team points out that does not make him anti-trump and he did vote for the former president twice. now guys the winner in all of this is supposed to take on democrat congressman tim ryan in the fall. back to you. >> steve: all right. alicia. so it begins. that's why we are sending pete out and about. where are you going to be tomorrow? >> tomorrow we will talk to voters in burton, ohio for breakfast with friends. here we are back to election season. this is a fascinating one because ultimately josh mandel was ahead for quite some time. president trump endorsed j.d. vance, he moved ahead but there is 25% of republican voters undecided. it's very, very close. likely between the two of them but other prominent candidates as well. >> ainsley: going to be exciting. >> steve: breakfast with friends is going to be breakfast with voters tomorrow in ohio. >> ainsley: hand it over to carley who has headlines for us. >> carley: wild story here the manhunt is on for suspect and missing deposit any alabama. indications are vicki white helped the suspect escape. police are not ruling out that she was taken against her will on friday the sheriff's deputy broke protocol by transporting casey white to his scheduled court appearance on her own. the pair are not related. a rapidly growing wildfire in new mexico is prompting mandatory evacuations in the state. of the fire has burned more than 104,000 acres with the winds blowing. the flames within 5 miles of homes. hundreds of properties have already been destroyed. the wildfire is currently just 30% contained with over 1,000 firefighters responding. now heading to the usfl, the new jersey generals come back to beat the philadelphia stars 24-16. generals' quarterback diondre johnson throws for 130 yards while rushing for nearly 100. new jersey's rally puts them on top of the usfl's north division. if you want spring football, guys, this year you got it. >> pete: you do. >> steve: new jersey generals. another team in injuriesy. the knowledge generals and the giants. borders. >> steve: it is true they play in new jersey and the new york jets play in jersey. >> pete: only one says new york. >> steve: jersey, everybody plays in jersey. >> ainsley: the new york giants play in new jersey. >> steve: in the same place where the new york jets play. will eat pete they share a stadium. it's not a great stadium and they share it. >> ainsley: what? i love that stadium. and great concerts there. i saw u2 there outdoors. >> they had to build it to two teams could play there it was a feel i -- a detached feel. they basically switch the colors. >> ainsley: they do. >> steve: the way the studio. >> pete: you are right. >> ainsley: better than no stadium. >> steve: it is. coming up. what a brand new poll reveals about the all important latino vote. find out what party this growing population is favoring as of today. look who else is coming up on monday "fox & friends." stick around, folks. we'll be right back. ♪ from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. (driver 1) it's all you. (driver 2) no, i insist. (driver 1) it's your turn. (driver 2) nope, i think it's your turn. (driver 1) i appreciate you so much, thank you so much... go. (driver 2) i appreciate your appreciation. it fills me. (burke) safe drivers save money with farmers. (bystander) just for driving safely? (burke) it's a farmers policy perk. get farmers and you could get a safe driver discount simply for having a clean driving record for three years. (driver 3) come on! (driver 1) after you. (driver 2) after you. (drivers 1 and 2) safety first! (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪we are farmers.bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ ♪ with. >> ainsley: this is a major wake-up call for democrats when it comments to the latino vote as a new poll is revealing 52% of them say that they would back republicans in midterm elections. "fox & friends weekend" co-host rachel campos-duffy is here to react. good morning to you, rachel. >> good morning, ainsley. so good to see you. >> ainsley: this is the npr marist poll. why do most latinos prefer the republicans this year. >> if these numbers bear out in the election in november, ainsley, this is a blowout. is a cultural political moment that will have huge represent repercussions because once you vote republican it's a lot easier to vote republican again. and that's frankly what happened with my own father. there is a lot of reasons. the number one thing is hispanics tend to have larger families. they theres are tend to be small business owners, the inflation and economy issues are crushing them. also, because they tend to be working class, they live in poorer neighborhoods, which means the crime issues are impacting them more direct there. education, hispanics are come to this country because they want opportunity and rightly seen education as a way to climb up to the nadal class and beyond. it's that opportunity that they want for their children and they're seeing academic standards decline and at the same time, they are seeing ideologies and many things that are can you rememberly and religiously in the school system. they are not happy with it. beginning to see democrats are stopping them from having choice in education because some of them want to take their kids out of those failing schools. >> ainsley: also interesting the poll says independents 45%. to vote g.o.p. 38% democrat voters under the of 55. 40% say democrat. is it inflation? do you think that rest of the country under 45. what's the biggest issue do you think for that group? >> i think so much of it comes down to the economy. and to energy policies which are frankly impacting, you know, what you buy at the grocery store and how you fill up your gas tank. if you don't mind, i want to get back for just a second to that hispanic vote, ainsley, here's the challenge and here is what is interesting about it. the democrats have the outreach but they have the wrong policies. the republicans have always had the right policies now more stark contrast so it's easier for hispanics to say okay, those are the policies i want republicans still don't have the right outreach. matching the democrats in their presence and outreach into these communities. helping those communities to identify the voters who actually match their values. >> i'm sure the latinos down in south florida. the democratic heart has gone so woke and they are pushing socialism. that's what they were fleeing from in cuba. look at south texas. many of the latinos in texas, the voters, they came here the right way. so i'm sure it irks them to see open borders. rachel, thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. the crisis at the border fueling america's drug crisis. hear from a former d.e.a. drug agent how ending title 42 will only boost the cartels. that's next. ♪ add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? the number one longest-lasting aa battery. yay! case closed. when i'm on my hands and knees and i'm digging through the dirt, i feel something in me, like a fire, that's just growing. i feel kinder, when nature is so kind to me. find more ways to grow with miracle-gro. - hiring is step one when it comes to our growth. we can't open a new shop or a new location without the right people in place. i couldn't keep up until i found ziprecruiter. ziprecruiter helps us get out there quickly and get us qualified candidates quickly. they sent us applicants that matched what i was looking for. i've hired for every role, entry-level technicians, service advisors, store managers. ziprecruiter helps me find all the right people, even the most difficult jobs to fill. - [announcer] ziprecruiter, rated the number one hiring site. try it for free at imagine having to use the wrong tool at your job. 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[laughter] >> carley: naomi judd died at age 76 on saturday. her official cause of death has not been released. throughout the years naomi had been open about her struggles with mental illness and depression. those are your headlines. pete, over to you. >> pete: thank you, carley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> pete: mexico about the growing challenges at our southern border. as illegals surge into our country, the dhs secretary seems to think the border is closed. >> because our border is not open. so the border is not open. because our border is not open. so the border is not open. >> pete: that was good. the state of texas has taken matters into their hands announcing they apprehended nearly 240,000 illegal also made 14,000 criminal arrests and seized 342 million lethal doses of fentanyl. here to react is former dea special agent derek -- thanks for being here. you hear the secretary of homeland security declare the border is not open. what's the truth? >> so, pete, he is misleading the public once again. mixed messages. i was down on the front lines in early april with the border patrol, with the department of public safety. got fully briefed. the got aways alone in the month was like 60-something thousand running across the border. the border patrol can't do their job. it's border security should be their priority but they are doing border details like (work and baby-sitting. pete, just to give the public an example, this is sweeter, one gram. okay? that's -- if that was fentanyl that's 500 people that can die from that amount. we have massive amounts. we have 2055 americans dying a week. i'm in indiana right now, pete. they had a big takedown the d.e.a. working with law enforcement partners last week. they arrested like 15 or 16 folks, 18 indictments. the main guy is sitting in mexico working with all these illegals, right? 11 illegals from nicaragua. el salvador, mexico. that guy committed a murder in indiana in 2012 and now he is sending the poison to our kids in america. so it's all over. every city is being impacted. i don't know what mayorkas is talking about the border is closed. >> pete: the question is what do the cartels think? what do illegallies think? on that side of the border the sentiment that the border is open or closed and then once title 411 removed which mayorkas claims to have no opinion about because is he not a scientist. what is going to happen then? >> it's not just the central american companies in mexico. we have 150 countries invading america every day. our border patrol can't do the border security. so, the perception around the world is not only is america open. but we're going to get free stuff. we're going to get free healthcare, free education, free babies, right? severing paid for. so the whole world wants to come. russians, iranians, the yemenis. right? the folks around the world. 42 documented, you know, terrorist watch list folks were apprehended under the biden administration. pete, how many got in to america? how many ran across the border in those 60,000 a month, the got-aways? it's unbelievable. it's off the chart. >> pete: you are exactly right. 30 seconds. we know this is a federal responsibility. we know that, that's a given. they are not doing it is texas doing enough? >> texas is stepping up. the leadership is amazing. the department of public safety is all over it doing the best they can. but, pete, it's washington, d.c. federal government's responsibility to protect and keep america safe. and right now it's a train wreck. it's a disaster. pete. and it's not -- i'm not trying to be an alarmist. when i was down there seeing these kids being raped and hearing about the stash houses, 400 and something stash houses last year, there is no humanitarian, you know, relief down there right now. it's all, you know, the cartels making billions, working with the chinese transnational criminals. >> pete: label something misinformation. the guy border wide open he says it's closed when everyone knows it isn't. thank you for your insight and service. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> pete: you got it secretary mayorkas again admits the department could have done a better job as it rolls out its disinformation board. newt gingrich reacts to that and still ahead. got piers morgan joining us live in the #:00 hour. ♪ ♪ wide open ♪ fired up ♪ feels just like lightning when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ >> we could have done a better job in communicating what it does. we address disinformation that presents a security threat to the homeland. our work does not infringe on free speech. >> okay. so. >> does not infringe on civil rights, civil liberties. it's not about speech. it's about the connectivity to violence. >> steve: is that all? well, dhs secretary mayorkas yesterday defending the administration's new disinformation governance board from critics accusing them, the administration of trying to stifle free speech before the midterms. >> ainsley: fox news contributor newt gingrich is the author of an upcoming book called defeating big government socialism and he joins us now to react. good morning to you, newt. >> good morning. how are you? >> ainsley: we are doing well. he was saying that i wish i had explained it better and went on the sunday shows to try to explain it we were saying this morning if it's about stopping violence on social media. why not call it the antiviolence board. the disinformation board that's launched of the same week that musk buys twitter just seems suspicious. >> look, i think, first of all, this is a good example of big government socialism at work. this is a censorship board. now, the first amendment of the constitution says you can't make any law that effects free speech. so mayorkas who i think should be impeached immediately and the board should be defunded immediately mayorkas is essentially explaining that they are going to break the constitution, exercise censorship and that's what it is. censorship and we're supposed to trust their appointees who are all left wingers to be fair and knew central. these people are crazy. i think we need to understand what they are trying to do is a total violation of the american constitution. by the way, by a man who admitted to jim jones the other day congressman jones that -- or jordan rather. jim jordan that he didn't know how many terrorists had actually made it in the u.s. where they were, what was happening with him. so his real job to protect the american people is not being done while his new job to censor you and me is being done. >> pete: not to mention, mr. speaker, he was asked -- he says the number one threat to america, domestically is white nationalism and domestic terrorism. he was asked by greg steube to name one case that's been referred. he could not name one as well. what does it tell you what are the real priorities of dhs? we talk about the border being wide en. they say it's closed. we talk about new disinformation board. what do they think their mission is right now? >> well, pete, if i recall, i keep using certain words deliberately. when somebody says to you the border is closed, the border is closed. and you -- fox and every other network hundreds of people at a time crossing the regrand, you are dealing with a person who is either a total liar which in this administration is plausible or a person who is absolutely delusional, out of touch with reality but in either case they shouldn't be in the cabinet. i mean, how can you have a dhs secretary who says with a straight face the border is closed as you and i are being told that if they drop title 42 there are going to be 19,000 people a day that's the city of atlanta every month coming in? this kind of stuff, i cannot overstate this. this is not about ideology. this is about mental illness. this is about people who are crazy and they are out of touch with reality. i think we need to recognize that people got to take control back and insist on people who had have some touch with reality. >> steve: mr. speaker, let's talk about something that happened in your neck of the woods weekend. the president has at the white house correspondence dinner. in the meantime we found out a few hours later that apparently nancy pelosi secretly flew to europe and wound up meeting with president zelenskyy to show solidarity with the ukrainian people. what does it say that she went and joe biden has not? and i'm sure he would say or his team would say it's just not safe. >> well, let me say first of all that i'm-i think that nancy pelosi deserves some credit. it would have been better had she taken kevin mccarthy who is the next speaker of the house because it's obvious that you are going to have a continuity of commitment. and i think having a bipartisan delegation would have been a lot better and pelosi is just such a hard partisan she took only democrats which in the long run was stupid. you want to communicate to ukraine that there is a bipartisan commitment that who noe matter who wins this fall we are going to support ukraine against putin. i think secondly, we have all sorts of presidents go into danger zones. we have had presidents go into iraq and afghanistan. this idea that somehow it's too big a security problem tells you a lot more about -- this is an administration by the way where the president is to go anywhere unless is he totally protected. so, he could sent kamala, and the idea that it would be unsafe is for kamala is a joke. tells you a lot about the biden administration. >> pete: unsafe for the ears of the world. >> steve: i think she was in covid time-out. newt gingrich has a new book coming out soon called feeding big government socialism. mr. speaker, thank you very much for joining us. >> ainsley: thank you. check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> >> janice: take a look at it the tale of two seasons. it's feeling more like i don't know early spring, winter across the northern plains and then summertime heat for the south and that means the potential for some storms today. we actually saw some pretty big storms moving through the new york city area. just about an hour ago. that is going to taper off as that storm system moves offshore. and then for the plain states. that's where we will see the severe threat. damaging winds and tornadoes. not only today but through the workweek. very active pattern these storms move into the u.s. dive across the central u.s. and bring not only severe weather but snow on the back side of this. we will continue to monitor this fox for all the latest forecast details. steve, ainsley and pete over to you. >> steve: of course you are inside because it's raining. >> janice: yes i am and i have to protect this. >> steve: i don't blame you. thanks, janice. coming up, is big brother watching? what we are learning about a potential search of millions of america's private data by the fbi. kurt the cyberguy is going to join us next to tell us more. you can see live in our studios. shook his hand. ♪ ♪ ♪ we are her teachers, her therapists, chefs... oh, that's why we're tired. it's because we're doing it every single day, all day. how do you like learning at home? i kind of don't like it. i kind of don't like it either. i just want you to have everything. everything that you want in life. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ if you're on medicare, it pays to check the singlecare price before you fill your next prescription. i think we got it. don't overpay for your prescriptions. check the singlecare price. you might just save up to 80% on your meds. >> steve: growing concerns after new report revealed the fbi access to massive amounts of usaid in 2021. intel officials say as many as 2.4 million searches american data are potentially conducted by the fbi without a warrant. what give them the authority? does cyber guy joins us live. >> good morning to you. this is never before seen proof that indeed, everything you write, email, text, communicate on any electronic device is indeed recording and watched by the u.s. government. >> steve: where they keep it? >> nsa is really good at this. after -- but it did was enable our government going without a warrant and go after terrorists they could be on u.s. soil communicating to do another attack against us. we say let's get them. today, years later, we are seeing now not only prove, but i actually report from the u.s. government that came out on friday. that is the day they want to take out the trash so people don't notice. we noticed. but it is as a report saying the 3.4 million searches happened. many of them were involving international parties. you and i could be swept up in them just because we are plain americans and may have some loose connection. >> steve: somebody who might have been involved might've called or texted to do. suddenly you are part of it as well. >> as such could involve a term that you and i could be talking about disney for example. boom, and i could be that time they are looking for. now, they have combed out our families data or your own personal data. >> steve: perfect transition. his family from tennessee -- somebody is looking at the 17-year-old daughter is looking at her iphone and realized, wait a minute. somebody is tracking me. >> they are on the monorail going back to their car. they get to the parking lot. on the monorail, they notice on their phone indeed an apple air tag had been dragging them. one of the phones went off. if you've got an apple or an iphone, you are in good shape. if you have an android, it kind of tough. it's available but still a tough thing. they get to the car. trying to figure out where is this thing. you can hear it beeping. at the same time, it says on your phone that it's right there and it shows a map of all the places they went in disney. they have been followed. >> steve: does it sound like somebody dropped it into their purse? >> normally targeted to a lot of younger females who are out later and it gets left in the someone's pocket or in her handbag. it is this tiny. this is exactly how you could possibly get found out. that is an apple air tag grid a little bit larger than a quarter. it is so easy to slip into somebody's bag, there pocket. into a shoe come into the back of a car. >> steve: one of my kids, it was in one of their bags. it did not belong to them. >> there is a way to detect this. i will show you how to do and learn how to detect air tags when it will go off of so whatever does this to you. also, if you have an iphone, it's good to be aware of if this ever happens to you and it's happening more often than ever how to notice it. >> steve: there's pressure on apple to discontinue that product because of personal safety. >> right now, for mother's day, it's $29. to do moms keys, there's no harm in that. it's a great tool for finding stuff that you lose. it's a dangerous tool and put into the wrong hands just like anything in life. >> steve: more information, go to the website. he's got all that stuff right there. thank you very much. good to see you. all you ready to spend? 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>> pete: maybe we will get there we will running pretty soon. good morning. >> steve: good to have you. >> pete: i was on with her yesterday because he called me up and asked me to recap the white house correspondent. >> pete: you are so nice about it willing to get up early. you are up late, very late. >> steve: way past my bedtime. here's the secret, they send a little truck that is a mobile tv studio. there we are. that is before we went in. a screen left, my daughter mary who is in federal law enforcement and to peter's riots on the right side of the screen, that is peter's life. they just celebrated their first anniversary in the last couple of weeks. what is interesting about the washington -- where that event takes place every year, when peter was born, we used to live in the neighborhood. we didn't have a pool. when the humidity was 85%, we bought our membership. they had a beach club there. we remember is there for years. years later -- >> ainsley: we thought you were sneaking into the hotel to use the pool. >> steve: we paid for but years later, we bring the little boy back and his white house correspondent. >> ainsley: that is where reagan was shot, outside the hotel. >> steve: just outside. we went to what i referred to as the americans most prominent super spreader event. i did see 2 masks. 2 people where wearing masks and i saw. one was a secretary of state and one was susan rice right there wearing a mask. and then she sat at her table and took it off. >> ainsley: was anyone overserved? you always do that. >> steve: there was some drinking involved. not that i know of. it's not like i -- hi, i'm steve doocy. i've got a breathalyzer. the bigger word, remember, it's a journalism scholarship dinner. that's what they say. anyway, the aldo bag went award for white house coverage went to jonathan swan. there's a picture of peter and mary. he's a very nice guy. and then a little later on inside, the only person taller than peter doocy, peter is 6'6", governor glenn youngkin and six was seven oh six with a date. there they are chatting. also, it was great that steve harrigan after, you know his tour in ukraine and everything else, he was there. once again you can see peter just dwarfs me in comparison. it was great to talk to steve. talking to steve, secretary but she was sitting right there was leaving the place. actually, started talking the peter because he knew him from the campaign trail. and then, i introduced steve harrigan to the secretary. steve just got back from ukraine. pete buttigieg said asked him a little bit about it. seems that i'm going back soon. he said where? steve told him. and then booted judge who who is the secretary of transportation went into a very detailed battlefield assessment of one is going on in ukraine which might seem, you know, unusual for a secretary of transportation for it but it would seem appropriate for somebody who might have his eyes on running for president of the united states. >> he's a brilliant guy. he may not agree with the policies. he is brilliant. i think he speaks several languages. he is a pianist i believe. was in the road scholar? he served in the military too. he would know the terrain and may be happening militarily. >> he was also talking about the challenges of having two ends in a home. >> i thought i just had one baby. >> adding two ends. it took a lot of paternity. at the world is a fair place, peter doocy would be getting that award. he is the only one asking real questions and getting actual answers. >> ainsley: they did talk about them a lot. >> anyway, that's a little bit -- and i had to go because peter was there. >> ainsley: it's secretary mayorkas there? >> steve: he was. he had some nice things to say. i invited him on our show. he said, i'm going on fox news sunday. we have a cup of him on the bret baier show yesterday. >> ainsley: last week they announced that dhs is going to have the disinformation board. we have a lot of questions. are they going to start censoring social media since they don't have control of twitter anymore basically? this is what he said about the disinformation board. >> there is no question that we could have done a better job of communicating what it does. we address this information that presents a security threat to the homeland. this information from russia, from china, from iran, from the cartels. work does not infringe on free speech. it does not infringe on civil rights, civil liberties. it's not about speech. ask about the conductivity to violence. >> you really think that janco which is anywhere objective enough for this particular job? >> yes, i do. by the way, highly regarded as a subject matter expert. and i don't question her objectivity. >> steve: well, he should. and here's why. because she is going be in charge of this disinformation board. she spread disinformation that kept the real facts from the american people before the election that joe biden won. and polls today indicated that had they known about the hunter biden laptop which she said it was russian disinformation which would fall under the purview of this -- had people known about the hunter biden laptop, they would not have voted for joe biden and perhaps donald trump would still be president. >> it is ultimate condescending view of elites who say it's not the policy that is the problem. we need to do a better job of communicating it to you unwashed masses who don't understand experts in the really important job they are going to do. when he says that security threat to the homeland, we look at each other, like, tromp? who is a security threat to the homeland. who do we need to look into these days? don't question her objectivity. there are just a few tweets out there pointing out how she quickly called something disinformation, translation is, something the regime or hard doesn't like. then it is this information. they want us to believe she will be objective in this job. there is no way this board is constitutional. of course is not about violence. of course is about speech. the left has told us that speech can be violent. a lot of people understand how these things work are up in arms about this. >> steve: when it comes to violence, we've got the department of justice. they've got that covered. for him to say that -- he said we are not the opinion police. that is what people worry about. the announcement was made on wednesday. what happened on monday? it was announced that twitter would be sold to elon musk. who doesn't want it in the left. he wants a ride down the middle. that clarifies a lot of people. >> ainsley: he talked about this. this information how the social media outlets can't monitor it enough, that the government should be involved. in the next week, elon musk buys twitter. he says it's going to allow free speech. you can allow go. that is safe. and you have this board that is formed and they call out the misinformation board. when he is interviewed about it, he said this is really to control violence. if someone puts a violence to eat out they are, then we will basically investigated and make sure bombings and things like that don't happen. we are going to keep america safe. why not, the enzyme violence board? where are they calling at the disinformation board? >> pete: it's about information in speech and censorship. >> ainsley: midterms are coming up. >> pete: tulsi gabbard a lot of those dots together as well and tweeted "biden is adjust our front man." social media sensors "don't go far enough." the government needs to step into do the job. six days later, homeland security rules out the ministry of truth. nice 1984 reference they are. disinformation governance board. >> steve: newt gingrich joined us about an hour ago and said this. >> first of all, this is a good example of big government socialism at work. this is a censorship board. the first amendment of the constitution says you can't make any law that affects free speech. so may or may focus who should be impeached to immediately ande board should be defunded immediately, explaining that they are going to break the constitution, exercise censorship. we are supposed to trust their appointees who are all left-wingers to be fair and neutral. dealing with a person who is a total liar which in this administration is plausible or a person is absolutely delusional, out of touch with reality. in either case, they should be in the cabinet. >> steve: okay, how does he really feel? so mayorkas had lots to talk about on the sunday shows. they put him out. it was predominantly to talk about the border. boxes going to ask about this disinformation thing and we did. his message was, we are completely ready for the surge of migrants that's going to happen when we drop or lift title 42. that was nothing that stopped people at our southern border where we could say hey, there's covid emergency you've got to go back home or just sneak in over there. something like that. here is a secretary talking to cnn. even though he says don't come, they are coming. watch. >> you as a secretary of homeland security don't have an opinion on whether title 42 should or should not be in place. >> i do not because i'm not a public health expert. it's my responsibility to plan and execute as it is in place and plan for parent execute for the day when it will be. the border is not open. what happens now is individuals are either expelled under that title 42 authority or they are placed in immigration enforcement proceedings. and they are removed if they do not have a valid claim under our law to remain. so the border is not open. and importantly, they should not place their lives at risk in the hands of smugglers who exploit their lives for the mere purpose of profit. >> steve: so when he says, "do not come, the border is not open." you when you see with your own two eyes every day, thousands of people. they are counting 18,000 coming very, very soon. when you see that, you can say the border is not open. don't come. when you say that, the border is open. let's go. >> ainsley: his actions speak louder than words. he had say it's not open. the actions, they don't visit the border. they don't know what's happening. they're not talking to the border agents very much. you know, think about that. do you think these migrants are going to say, all of our friends have gone, our family members of gone. we see all the images. they are getting cell phones and everything paid for, medical, flights to go join their family and other parts of the u.s. mayorkas says it's closed but so we probably shouldn't go. >> pete: exactly right. biden hasn't gone. harris went, close as the borders are but not really. mayorkas went to the border and he got an ear full. and they turned their back on him. they are the ones that have execute this policy. you want to play the misinformation disinformation game is to mark what you just heard an interview from the department of homeland security's disinformation. do not believe what is happening on your television screen that the border is closed. >> steve: what you are seeing is a guy who is in charge at the department of homeland security of that disinformation governance board would actually be decided by that this disinformation governance board for spreading disinformation. >> pete: i'm dizzy. speech do so with the executive director of this board. she was the one who said hundred laptop story was false and the dossier was true. disinformation. >> pete: we mention those agents on the border. we had a former dea agent on the program talking about the real consequences. we can talk about disinformation and what they are actually dealing with. >> he's misleading the public once again, mixed messages. border patrol can do their job. it's border security should be the priority. they are doing border details like paperwork and babysitting. just to give the public an example, this is -- okay. if that was and in all, that's 500 people that i could amount. so we have mass amounts. we have 2,055 americans dying a week. it's all over -- every city has been impacted. i don't know if mayorkas is talking about "the borders close." >> steve: what are we doing? "we are absolutely prepared for the lifting -- i think there are four dozen democrats who said, we don't have enough information. you're not prepared. the department of homeland security same day that he announces the disinformation governance board, they come out with this six pillar program explaining how they are going to handle it. essentially, it is the same stuff they have been doing. it's a rehash of what they have been doing. essentially, as is the federal government will do everything they can to get the migraine across the border as quickly as possible. that's the plan. the plan is facilitation. speech or get rid of title 42 and go with title eight that takes forever. people can come when our country. >> pete: get rid of the camera in the plan for the real problems like, coming out the policy. >> ainsley: the border is closed. >> pete: these are not the drones you're looking for. >> steve: let's take that camera right over there. >> good morning to you. starting with a horrible crime story, a man and woman are arrested after a 13-year-old boy is shot in the head. inside his own home in philadelphia. that boy is now in critical condition. both suspects are facing several charges including aggravated assault and reckless endangerment. police say the boy was found unresponsive when he went to get his jacket. this shooting may have been connected to a carjacking. a lot of question still remains there. in nt for mob infiltrates infiltrates the republican candidates rally hurling smoke bombs at the crowd. people throwing projectiles on fireworks at the crowded portland, oregon. chaos compounding the problem. portland police are already facing the department has been forced to shut down its colgate division and moved to the active homicide division to help deal with the city's surgeon murders. jack brewer files a police report against msnbc post actually compared children attending an event against crt to child abuse. joining us are there with the details on what he hopes will come out of this. >> when you put out to your 2.1 million followers to go find out where my kids are and who they are and who bought them, that is direct threat. strategy is to pressure them as much as we can. file defamation lawsuit. i pray that she responds. >> she says she must apologize by 9:00 a.m. this morning. 42 minutes left. >> steve: he will let us know. >> pete: he is doing the right thing by those kids. >> ainsley: thank you. still ahead, 94% of americans concerned about inflation. the one industry getting hit especially hard and how it impacts you. mike rowe's going to join us next. >> where is your necktie? 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these prices are killing the truckers. >> i get videos almost every day now from paper will be featured on "dirty jobs" and on "how america works." they are sending me videos of them at the gas pump. some of them are filling up 18-wheelers. i'm not kidding you. $1100, $1200. most people -- all they can think about. we see the price for us and in relative terms, we know it is awful. when you put $1200 in your gas tank, six months ago, it was costing you six or $700. the exponential reality of it is starting to sink in. you just can't walk that back. it touches every single thing that matters in this country from food production and transportation obviously, all of it. >> steve: my gas station now has a loan officer. i'm kidding about that. >> jokes, jokes, at this hour? >> steve: if you don't laugh, you are going to wind up crying. are truckers buying the putin price hike? >> the ones i'd know aren't. guys said to me the other day, it is like falling down the stairs in slow motion. you know? we know it's coming. we are watching it happen. it's have any real time. it's not just diesel or gasoline. if you bring it back to food in tonight's episode is all about beef production in this country. it's an eye-opener. you have to talk about fertilizer. there is no food without fertilizer in this country. the cost of fertilizer is hundred% higher than it was. you combine that with the cost of energy. the average person has now really gotten the memo. not from the gas pump. from a restaurant. the cost of the steak is almost 2x when it was six or seven months ago. >> steve: knew perfectly set up a clip from tonight's episode from "how america works." here is mike rowe on a cattle ranch in oklahoma. >> cody takes position as one of the lead ropers. >> basically what i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna ride gently up into the herd of cows. not going to no big hurry. i'm going to ease up in here to them. ♪ ♪ i'm just gonna just slowly go back to the guys. and they are going to throw him on the ground. >> steve: is this, you know, about life on america's flowers." that is one of original shows get started. >> "dirty jobs" began as an attempt to reconnect our country to fundamental things. where does your energy come from? where does your food come from? history, too. all those things that are really general way. a lot of people are starting to feel untethered from the basic underpinnings that make things sane and commonsensical. part of what we try to do on "how america works" is to remind people that cowboys are more than a trope for a bromide or anything you see in movies. it's real. it's happening every day. and the pressure you see -- last week, we look at law enforcement. tonight, we look at food production, ranchers, cowboys. we look at all the industries that matter most and it always comes down to people. >> steve: because that is "how america works" with mike rowe. check it out on fox business tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. >> look at that. is the only shirt that i own. i've got to talk to my wardrobe person. >> steve: it's when america wears with mike rowe. he's all about it. thank you, sir. coming up on this monday, fighting back against canceled culture, five college professors silence for having opposing views. they are getting their voices back. peirs morgan uncensored joins us live. stick around. it got more than one shared i think. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ >> steve: it's been a long fight, but this is worth it. "the new york post" profiling five cancel professors in their fight back including this one who quit his job over the far left agenda on campus. >> this seriousness in traditional academic institutions -- i think it is really important that all things what it is. it is not liberals who have taken over the institutions, it is the authoritarians who have taken over the institutions. traditional academic institutions. it is needed because our institutions have been hijacked by maniacs. >> ainsley: it's or topic our next guest knows too well. piers morgan on fox nation purity joins us now. good morning to you, piers. >> good morning. >> ainsley: i know that you were tweeting about this very issue. tell us why you wanted to focus on this. >> i will tell you why. because actually at the core of this is what my news i was about. i guess what is going on on college campuses not just in america but around the world is brutal censorship of any views by anyone that differs from this woke you know, cancel culture mob mentality. when you read this new york post story, as quite terrifying in a way. what you discover is that nearly 600 educators at faculties all around america have been punished in some form for expressing opinions. and the rate of the punishment that is being handed out is now multiplying 4 or fivefold every year which means there's a real ongoing attempt to suppress freedom of speech on college campuses. when you look at some of these professors stories -- thank god they are speaking out and take the battle to the mall. one of them actually got canceled because he was holding a class educating people about how to deal with offensive language. as part of the lecture, he used offensive language to illustrate what he was talking about. he was immediately branded a racist and so on for using offensive language deliberately to make a point about offensive language. i applaud these professors for speaking out. everyone who works on a college campus around america in fact globally, they should all be looking at this piece and asking themselves one question. what kind of gives are you seeing coming through these colleges if only one narrow worldview is allowed? to make them it is a complete disgrace. >> pete: when i hear from a lot of professors is the kids who are coming into the colleges who almost demand this type of conformity. they are the ones tattling on teachers who dare to stand up for actual free speech or challenging conventional dogma. >> my kids have demanded candy from me over the years. do i always give them candy? no, i didn't. sometimes i would say, don't be so ridiculous. you need something a bit more healthy for your mental state and physical well-being. that's exactly the same thing at these colleges. it is utterly ridiculous if genuinely professors are being held in a ransom by a bunch woke indoctrinated kids who think they can control the people they are trying to teach them a rounded view of life which is what the university is supposed to be. the moment that stops, the moment you have professors being hounded out of their jobs, being punished for expressing opinion, you're going to start creating a whole generation of students who come out of these places who are completely indoctrinated. not in a way by the way which the majority of people feel about issues in life, but about a very small minority, a very vocal, pretty ultra woke up, woke, ultraleft people who decided it is incumbent on them to you in a fascist-like way dictate how we are all going to think about everything. it is a terrifying thing as i said to read this piece and see experience knowledgeable professors getting hounded out of their job for having an opinion that these kids should be hearing. it's got to stop. >> steve: your show give the form to the people have been canceled. your detailed by sharon osborne story which ran in the last week or so. congratulations, because i think your first week, 64 million impressions or hits or viewers or whatever -- because that topic -- the first one was about donald trump. donald trump was very proud of the fact that he was the subject and 64 million hits. at the end of the statement, great, great, great ratings, but he's over. something happened to him. piers morgan. >> i think you know you've got a great interview, a great interview when i recently departed president of the united states issues not one, not two, but three statements so far by the interview put all of them with conflicting reports in his mind about how he thinks it went. on the one hand, he thought it was tedious. on the other hand, he thought it was brilliant. he thought there were a tad drastic -- nebraska, he announced that i'm officially crazy. well, you are watching, i am happily able to say that i think i'm probably quite crazy. i think we are all a bit nuts. that's what makes the world go around. what i would say to him if he is watching. i know he loves "fox & friends." it was a fantastic interview. everyone i know who watched it actually came out of it really well. why you are going completely cracker's a 32nd promo -- i think i've said to you, i simply used a promo to select the interview to get people to watch. it worked. everybody watched. on a more serious plan, the interesting thing about the reaction is how you can generate such extraordinary volume of eyeballs around the world now from these clips from these interviews. to be fair to donald trump, he does generate a lot of the stuff. to get 64 million different views on different platforms, social media from the newspapers irate calls for. we gave them exclusive clips and so on. it's really fascinating to me that you can create a massive, massive amount of people watching this stuff. not in the conventional way that we did when we were young. >> steve: absolutely. i read over the weekend one of the papers down in d.c. about how tv executives can invest donald trump because they ratings were really high when he was president. everybody was tuning in and joe biden kind of boring. check out "piers morgan uncensored" on fox business. weekdays 4:30 in afternoon eastern time. >> and i'm crazy, i'm crazy, i tell you. >> ainsley: apparently, we all i know. >> pete: cna plus canceled after three weeks. fox nation driving interview to get 64 million views. >> ainsley: well, we thank you. >> steve: just saying to him it was good interview. >> pete: new polling reveals america trust republicans more than democrats. herschel walker campaigning on that platform. he joins as next as early warning begins. when hurting feet make you want to stop, it's dr. scholl's time. our custom fit orthotics use foot mapping technology to give you personalized support, for all-day pain relief. find your relief in store or online. ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u put it all on the line. u do it all. so u bring ubrelvy. it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours... without worrying if it's too late 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america's dream. one thing is we've got to come together. we have so much division right now among the party. not just the people but among the republican party. that is one of the things i said when i decided to run that i'm gonna bring people together. i hope the people out there see that i brought a lot of people together that has now endorsed me that didn't get along at first. one of the things i told them, to get the people back what they need, we've got to come together and do it together as one team. >> pete: was clear that you brought together republicans in the state of georgia, the most recent pulling from "the atlanta journal-constitution" as you add 66% of what could be only defined as a commanding lead in their well considered primary. what do you think has been the key to your message? people know you from the gridiron. they appreciate the endorsement of donald trump as well. how have you been able to capture that kind of a percentage? >> i decided to get out and meet the people. not just talk about it but i wanted to meet the people and that the people know who i was and what i stand for. everyone always talks about my football and when i was in football and sports. but then they are seeing what i've done in the business world. they've seen what i've done outside of that. they've seen went out done in washington. i've lobbied in for years. i spent a lot of time in our military. i bring a lot more to the table. then when a lot of other people bring. that is what has resonated with a lot of people. they saw that i can raise funds. one of the first thing that i asked if i can raise funds. i'm doing everything it takes because i know i can beat this senator. it's going to be tough. and only when they can beat him is herschel walker. that is the reason i decided to run. i'm gearing up and getting ready for him. i want everyone to become part of team herschel. let's get this country back together. what's going on right now is a shame. everything they are doing happens to be against the united states of america. happens to be against the state of georgia. i don't want to be second. we announce again. we need to get back and being first and being that leaders are not being -- the united states have never been followers before. that is when things are going well. >> pete: well said. u.s. senate candidate from georgia, herschel walker. always a pleasure to have you. >> coblentz. go to the website. early voting starts today. i want everyone to get out of vote for herschel it put me in that senate seat. i'm going to beat him. >> pete: thank you very much. all right, let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. >> janice: let's take a look at it because we do have severe storms that are starting to fire across the plains states. this can be another week where we see hail, damaging winds. there is a thread today. a significant threat here for our friends in oklahoma. i need you to pay attention to your local forecast as well as your watching and warnings. will be many of them today. wednesday and thursday as the system moves across the mississippi river valley. here is the active pattern. we've got these areas of low pressure that dive in from the pacific. they move in. we will see snow on the backside of this in heavy rainfall that i can recall some flash flooding. all that could move into the mid-atlantic in the northeast over the next couple of ways. fox to get your latest weather detail. >> pete: give rick some lessons. and adam weiland you're at it. sorry, guys. you know. all right, up nice, mounting problems stacking up against restaurants as we head into somewhere. host of "fire rescue" jon taffer serves up some advice. first, let's check in with both of them. bill hemmer and dana perino for what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> i have been listening to you all morning. >> that's what they call him up at the ranch, old pete. >> primary season kicks off in the critical state of ohio. trying to beat out on a crowded field. he is going to make his case love coming up. >> what is this information how will government police it? it's got a lot of attention. >> james freeman on how americans feel -- >> not so good. the moral question of student debt relief and guess what he did. >> he went to a big party. >> he lived to tell about it. see you then. >> see you then. so you only pay for whatchya... line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty... are we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? because we want to be able to get up and get ready for work. because the animals need to be cared for, and we like taking care of them. because we want to go out to dinner with our friends. because, in family photos, we want to be able to smile. a new fda-approved treatment for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis could help them do more of the daily activities they care about. to learn more, go to and talk to your neurologist. (all): all hail, caesar! pssst julius! you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ >> ainsley: heading into summer, restaurant owners across like a very trying to get ahead of a potential dining disaster brood x customers see fewer servers and higher prices after they just went through covid. it advises host of "bar rescue" jon taffer. why do you say across the country? different situations per region. >> it is. for example, you look at an area like georgia that had very little restrictions during covid. that bounce back really quickly. you go to california where the restrictions are more serious. people's lifestyle change. they stop going to restaurants. they started eating at home more. as lifestyle changes stick. restaurants are open again. it takes time for people to come back in that area. we can see different levels of recovery. it was fascinating. >> so high out there. a lot of these owners are having a hard time finding work. >> you are paying high wages. food costs, utility costs are up. and our employees are getting hit with inflationary impact as well. gas to drive to and from work. they're coming to work and earning less money even though we are paying them. >> what is the solution? >> casinos have had 2 great quarters. clearly consumers came back in most states. average restaurant is up 15 and 25% to pre-pandemic levels. that's exciting where the revenues are back. we don't have the employees that serve the customers. we are having a hard problem getting food. that's a year chicken breast is this big. it doesn't fit on the bond. it doesn't look right on the plate. these are big problems of not getting consistent specifications of food. restaurateurs are fighting to serve the guests we have, fighting to protect our brands. it's a little scary right now. >> ainsley: as customers, we have to be patient. tell us about your new book, "the power of conflict." >> regardless of what your political views are, we can be silent. if we don't speak up and defend what is important to us, what is important to us may disappear. the average person doesn't engage in conflict. i don't mean disrespectful conflict online. i mean dignified conflict. speak to you i love that. >> you and i can argue about haircolor all day long. i could say red hair. i still have to respect you and have dignity. this is not about insulting people. it's about how do you engage and get into the arena if you will and speak up for the things that are important to you and have the confidence and skills to do it. >> ainsley: the timing of this book is perfect. we need this in our country. thank you so much. you can buy the book on amazon. "the power of conflict?" my "fox & friends" just moments away. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. ♪♪♪ >> speaking of ohio, as you look at cincinnati. >> i will be in burton, ohio with breakfast with friends. >> primary day tomorrow. >> bill: good morning. the white house on defense over disinformation taking a lot of questions about a new oversight board that critics say is way over the line as we say good morning. hope you enjoyed the weekend. i'm bill hemmer. we're back at it. >> dana: i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." this board is not had the best start. >> bill: i would agree. i think there are questions as to whether it actually gets off the ground. >> dana: let's talk about this for a bit. the white house is defebding this new information disinformation governance board and says it will not infringe on free speech.

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Hand It Over To Carley , Marine Bomb Tech Joey Jones , Thanks , Seat , Todd , Being , Joe , Two , Doesn T Mean My Heart Isn , Work , Everyone , Free Speech , Fox Friends , Diesel , Creation , Department Of Homeland Security , Truck , Question , Job , Joe Biden , Inflation , Poll Show Numbers , Disinformation Board , Lot , Rally , Antifa , Campaign Bus , Members , Portland , 40 , Momma , Country , Mother , Heart Broken Wynona , Tears , Senate , Hall Of Fame , Committee , She Couldn T Hang On , Ashley Judd , Prusek , 2022 , Way , Side , Generals , Victory , Victor , End Zone , Wake Up Call , Eastern , 00 , 6 , Daytime High , You Cand Headquarters , Clear Skies There As , 55 , 49 , Ainsley , Rain , Sound , 2 , May 2nd , Pete Out , Steve , Weekend , Mind , Song , Brian , Corner , Rainy Days And Mondays , One , Three , Row , Five , Kids , Home , Water , Half , That S Right , Everything , Fox Nation , Piers Morgan , Six , Story , Elon Musk , Committee Hearing , Response , Middle , Capitol Hill , Something , People , Russia Disinformation , Twitter , Hit , Fan , Administration , Somebody , Stuff , Information , Person , Times , Word , Disinformation , Social Media , Dossier , Misinformation , It Wasn T , Hunter Biden Laptop , Secretary Mayorkas , Election , Watching Fox , Fox News Sunday , Violence , Russia , Homeland , Security Threat , Speech , Cartels , Iran , Connectivity , Civil Liberties , China , Civil Rights , Subject Matter Expert , Bret Baier , Policy , Face , Objectivity , The One , Question , Message , Homeland Security Don T , Fallback , Pivot , Ministry Of Truth , Threat , Mainstream , Phrase , Fringes , Thing , Rightfully , Quotes , Stick Rhetoric , Department Of Justice , Antiviolence Board , Hostages , Synagogue , True , Countries , Hunter Laptop , Think , Government , News , Test , Bottom Line , Things , Opinion Police , Intelligence Officers , Opinions , Laptop , Opinion , Cnn , Process , Nina Jankovicz , Couple , Tweets , Insight , Aisle , Whether , 30 , Degree , Tweet , Community , Confidence , Proxies , March 19th 2021 , March 16th , Kremlin , 19 , 16 , 2021 , Officials , Trump , Media , Influencers , U S , Influence , Claims , Close , President , Umbrella , Meaning , Part , Emails , Now , Target , Chris Steel , August 7th , 2020 , 7 , World , Listen , Tulsi Gabbard , Context , Dots , Evolution , Disinformation Worth , Barack Obama , Um , Out Of Nowhere , 21 , April 21st , Man , Social Media Sensors , Security Rolls , Plan , Employees , Content , Coincidence , Stanford , Social Media Companies , Most , White House , Needs , Hate Speech , Posts , Others , Guidance , Jen Psaki , Pressure , Interference , Communication , Stepping , Rationalization , Care , Bass , Board Disinformation , Companies , Buying Twitter , Show , Washington D C , Owners , Worry , Cubicle , Course , Fact , Cable , Tucker Carlson , Button , The Next Step Well , Chaos , Poland , Why Wouldn T , Top , Show Sean S , Ounce , Athrough , 11 , Governor , Cops , Candidate , Antifa Launching Smoke Bombs , New York City , Diesel Gas Prices , High , 94 , Guests , Meningitis , Teen , Vaccination , Adventures , Prom Dresses , Meningitis B , Doctor , Consequences , Vaccines , Survivors , Up To , Meningitis B , 5 , 1 , Ww , Know , Offer , Nothing , No S , Chef , Eating , Limits , Chocolate , 3 , Beautiful Idea , Bookings , Cancellation , Booking Com , Peace Of Mind , Eye , Symptoms , Eyes , Relief , Eye Drops , Over The Counter , Booking Com Inflammation , Burn , Ache , Xiidra , Inflammation , Eye Disease , Signs , Dry Eye Disease , Side Effects , Pay , Prescription , Vision , Taste Sensation , Dry Eye , Discomfort , Eye Irritation , Room , 0 , 90 , , Landowner , Hunter , Landscaper , Equipment , Kubota , Migrant , Border , Watch , Alejandro Mayorkas , Claim , 1992 , Title , Same , Words , Migrants , Actions , 42 , Frankfurt School , Club , After School , Grade School , Satan Club , Parents , Migrant Surge , Prayer , Fliers , North Carolina , Website , Places , Clubs , Interest , Temple , After School Satan Club Say Group , Children , Death , Country Music Hall Of Fame , Heart , Satanism , Mom , Anything , Naomi Judd , Laughter , Love , 76 , Depression , Headlines , Guys , Official , Naomi , Mental Illness , Family , Look , Thoughts , Last Night , Deal , Friends , Book , Prayers , Shows , Drugs , Therapy , Couch , Life , Pajamas , Friend , Honor , Ceremony , Soul , God Bless , Republican , Portland Oregon , Defund The Police Situation Out , Police , Population , Name , Sandy , Stan Poll Yum , 11 Thousand , State Of Oklahoma , Communities , Shouting , Lady , Smoke Bomb , Smoke Grenades , Balloons , Absolutelyized , Cops Weren T , Man Fox , Star , Weren T , Fireworks , Antifa Doesn T Mess , Mortars , 20 , 911 , Authorities , Permit , Goob Toler , Case , Will , Isn T , Guy , Police Department , Officers , Police Officers , Cases , Crimes , Running , Town , Police Force , Campaign Event , Mr , Pulliam , Area , Fire Crackers , Estate , Campaign Rally , 15 , Line , Operator , Fault , Resources , Folks , War On , Jail , Luck , Point , Calls , Overpass , Objects , Shots , Crashes , Precinct , Ambulance , Chooghts , Someone , Law , Liberals , Cold Case , Old School , Anarchy , Division , Homicide , Homicide Division , Homicide Rate , Detectives , Sergeant , 18 , House , Mariupol Yum , Facts , On , Door , 8 , South Florida , Antioxidants , Gun Laws , Cop , Territory , Shift , Tennessee , Money , Department Hasn T , Back , Impact , Nobody , Midterms , Number , Issue , Crime , Police Budget , Per , 1970 , 100000 , Poll , Washington Post , Abc , Economy , Democrats , 36 , 50 , 51 , 31 , Concern , Left , Majority , East , The Other Side , Price Hike , Sunrises , Problem , Gas Prices , Price , Truckers , Ons , West Coast , 9 , Board , Supply Chain Problems , Loads , Hot Topic , Being Energy Independent , Vladimir Putin , Security , Pipelines , Oil , War , Supply Chain Issues , Covid , A Little Bit , Hotel , Sheet , Sheets , Bed , Lobby , Dinner , Sheet Prices , Ains , Peter Doocy Meter , Event , Correspondent , No , It , Break , Wind , Mike Rowe , Sleeping Night , John , Joy Reid , Jack Brewer , Child Abuse , Coming Up , Americanship , Asthma , Danger , Jack , Help , Reactions , Swelling , Nunormal , Breathing , Add On Treatment , Breathing Problems , Tongue , Mouth , Trouble , Nucala , Infections , Fatigue , Back Pain , Injection Site Reactions , Headache , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Glasses , Pair , Difference , Visionworks , Wildfire , New Mexico , Evacuations , Fire , Winds , Homes , Firefighters , Goodness , Hundreds , Properties , Flames , 1000 , 104000 , Customers , Vehicles , Rental Cars , Gunpoint , 100 , Damages , Bankruptcy Court , Delaware , Hurts , 750 Million , 50 Million , 230 , Police Report , Msnbc , Centership , Shocker , Back Story , Mentorship Program , Desantis Event , Antiblack Desantis , Hand , Letter , Omaha , Ms 13 , 13 , Sir , Heroes , The American , Coral Springs , You Bet , Reason , Crt , Teaching , Victims , Conversation , Math Proficiency , Excuse , Reading , Grades , Kid , My School , Teachers , D , We Shouldn T , Skin Color , Demographic , F , Nation , Defender , Fatherless , Poorest , Bigotry , Exceptions , Bible , 17 , Center , Apology , Followers , Bikes , The Go Find , The Street , 2 1 Million , Events , Parkland High School , Theth , 14 , Boys , Staff , Over , Partner , Many , Programs , Police Department Works , Building , Wall , Food , Light , Support , Time , Mentorship Programs , Fatherhood Bill , Fathers , Legislation , Answer , Racist , She Hasn T , Strategy , Defamation Lawsuit , Statement , Yes , God Bless You , Let , Jokes , Group , Approval Rating , Trip , Nancy Pelosi , Zelenskyy In Kyiv , Immune System , Season , Body , Vitamin C , Centrum , Defenses , Ace , Routine , Zinc , Candidates , Projects , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Project Managers , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Ratings , Happiness , Reviews , Angi , Angi Com , Mattress , Pressure Points , Power , J D , Aches , Customer Satisfaction , Tempur Pedic , Health , Kit , Action , Health Info , Heart Health , Reports , Journey , Everywhere , Road , Mountain Air , Johnny Cash , Desert S Bare , Share , Travel , Dodge City , Cedar City , Pity , Colorado , Parkersburg , Gravelbourg , Pittsburgh , Ellensburg , Some Rinvoq , Pill , Mission , Pain , Rinvoq , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Attack , Joints , Stiffness , Rinvoq Relief , Ra , Intestines , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Risks , Heart Attack , Cancers , Skin Cancer , Stomach , Ability , Lymphoma , Fatal , Stroke , Blood Clots , Tb , Rheumatologist , Rivnoq , Cease Fire , Mariupol Steel Plant , Shelling , Civilians , Some , Ukraine , Residents , Matt Finn , Lviv , City , Heart Breaking , Russians , Standoff , Images , Horrifying , Mariupol , Women , Ukrainian Marines , Medicine , Steel Plant , Tunnels , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Atrocity , Status , Corridors , Marines , American , Lawmakers , Delegation , Bullies , Ranking , View , Threats , Fight , You , Bully , Interview , Membership , Foreign Minister , Finland , Europe , Sweden , Nato , Speculation , Plans , Saw , Zelenskyy Got Surprise Visit , Update , Fox Friends First , Evening , Fox News , Contributor , Stage , Joey Good , Politics , It Biden , Bit , Tactics , Officer , Intel , Weapons , Circuit Boards , Velicovich , Trainers , Military , Hiccup , Blade , Javelins , Swiss , Didn T , Suspect , Is , Drag , Wasn T A Game Worth Playing In The Beginning , Proxy War , Viewers , Miss , Rot , Propaganda , Survival , Balance , Putin , Tide , Joke , Propfully , Feet , Foot , Beginning , Strength , Military Conquest Countries , Priority State , Doesn T Mean I Don Care , Priorities , Objectives , Opposite , Intel Community , Guard , Government Acts , Momentum , Drag On , Dog , Anybody , Tail Wagging , Janice Dean , Temperatures , Weather Forecast , States , Storms , Workweek , Much , Pattern , Snow , Cold , Cold Air , Rockies , 33 , 53 , System , Interacting , Moisture , Clash , Hail , Tornadoes , Track , Hire Elevations , Wednesday , Gulf Of Mexico , Tuesday , Risk , Flooding , Details , Fox Weather Com , Air Masses , Socialism , Student Debt , Janice Great To See You , Guest , Thousands , Ride , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Ruby , Study , Type 1 Diabetes , Rybelsus , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Neck , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Nausea , Pancreatitis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Provider , Healthcare Provider , Sandpaper , Combo , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Preservatives , Ingredients , Biotrue , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Science , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Brain Performance , Indicators , Neuriva , Student Loan Debt , 6 Trillion , 1 6 Trillion , React , T W , Earners , Shannon , Race , First , Pleasure , Income Earner , Campaign Ads , Agenda , Medical School , Law School , Debts , Measure , Votes , Socialist , Wealth Redistribution Act , 25 , Capitalism , Key , Class , Poverty , Born In America First African American , Bank , Ceo , Speaker Of The House , June 28th , 28 , Conservative , Opportunities , Nightmare , Christian , Generation , Racism , Betalk , Isn T The Hof , Place , Opportunity , Leaders , Rest , Hope , Babies , Donald Trump , Offense , Parties , Defense , Thad , Heart Strings , 400000 , Lives , Abortion , Tell Me Black Lives , Family 400000 Black Babies , Roe V Wade , Supporter , Backs , Campaign Contributions , Millions , Recipient , Planned Parenthood , Murder , Daughter , Anywhere , Don T Go , Gmc Sierra , Driving , Pick Up , We Will Rock You , Everybody , Video Call , Video Calls , Bonnie , Be Cool , Messages , Phone Call , Horse , Bout A Ringcentral , Ha , Cabenuva , Adults , Hiv Treatment , Stallion , Hiv , Injectable Cabenuva , Ringcentral , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Change , Injections , Traveling , Me Undetectable , Liver Problems , Medicines , Treatment Appointments , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Tiredness , Pregnancy , Fever , Public Health Expert , Responsibility , 5 32 , Voters , Numbers , Strain , Trucking Industry , Inflection Point In American Politics , Gallon , Hispanic , Victory Pete , Beautiful , East Coast , Sunrise , Louisville , Kentucky , Field Day , Elementary School , Pole , Lord , Ribbons , Mayday , 2022 Ainsley , Mayday Pole Thing , Life Is Good , Down South , Union Activity , Southerner , Southern Canada , Virginia , Minnesota , Mary Doocy , Law Enforcement , Screen Left , Doocys , Arm , Hillary Vaughn , Son , Haven T , Channel , Fox Business , Trevor Noah , Reporters , One Point , Away , Picture , Cut , Audience , Daily Beast , Guy Tweets , Father , Son Conversation , Wasn T , Newspapers , Night , Fest , Entertainers , Dr , Singh Don T Burn , 10 , Business Dealings , Talk , Hunter Biden , Takenning , Table , Apollo Ohno , Fun , Tables , Kaitlin , Secretary , Homeland Security , Deepak Chopra , Sater Moorks , Program , Doing , Removal , Estimating , 18000 , Border Patrol , Bret Yesterday , Weekday Terminology , Expert , Individuals , Immigration Enforcement Proceedings , Authority , Hands , Smugglers , Purpose , Profit , Video , Elsewhere , Appearance , Terror Watch List , Custody , Prosecution , Smart Phone , Somewhere , Doesn T , Terrorists , Memorandum , Page , Preparations , Cell Phone , Sunday , Bus , Court , Them Don T Show Up , Borders , Tie , Policies , Definition Open , Who Deems , Wars , Fact Checker , 9 11 , Schools , Statistics , Educators , Kind , We Saw , 2003 , Race Theory , School District , Employer , Woman , Emily , New York Post , Op Ed , County , Assistant Principal , Charlottesville Virginia Elementary School , Students , Training , Other , Teacher Training , Quote , Treemp , Image , Treatment , Respect , Color , Warning Signals , God , Divisive , Curriculum , Concerns , Environment , Kids Learning About Sex Education , Child , Safety Issue , Questions , Transitioning , Lawsuit , Few , Argument , Girls , Field Trips , My Goodness , Viewpoint , Views , School Districts , Method , Diversity , Textbook , Equity , Iens Withed , Decode , Inclusion , Minority , Promo , Victim , Topic , Aggressor , Battle For The American , June 14th , Marxist , Teacher S College , Columbia University , Germany , Critical Thomplet Theory , Unions , Teacher , Colleges , Universities , America Still , Progressives , Educational Industrial Complex , Associations , 60 , Gender Transition , Age , David Good , Oppressors , Win , Get It On , Shortage , Book Tour , Voting , Indiana , Ohio , Primaries , Research , Gears , Midterm , Union , Marathon , Cincinnati , Alicia Acuna , Primary , Eastern Time , Person Voting , Endorsement Powers , Players , 45 , Vance , Polls , Standing , Criticism , Surprise Move , Brand New , Author , Venture Capitalist , 23 , Rob Portman , Josh Mandel , Ted Cruz , South Texas , Field , Who , Matt Dolan , Team Points , Endorsement , Jane Timken , Vote , Winner , Tim Ryan , The Fall , Breakfast , Burton , Wild Story , Indications , Manhunt , Deposit , Escape , Alabama , Court Appearance , Protocol , Sheriff S Deputy , Transporting Casey White , Winds Blowing , Diondre Johnson , New Jersey Generals , Philadelphia , Usfl , 24 , New Jersey , Spring Football , North Division , 130 , Team , Knowledge , Giants , New York Jets , Injuriesy , Stadium , Play , New York Giants , Feel , U2 , Teams , Concerts , Studio , Colors , Stick Around , Driver , Turn , Drivers , Farmers , Driver Discount , Appreciation , Driving Record , Bystander , Farmers Policy Perk , Bum , Safety , Burke , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Elections , Rachel Campos Duffy , Co Host , 52 , Latinos , Blowout , Marist Poll , Npr , Hispanics , Small Business Owners , Families , Reasons , Repercussions , Education , Issues , Neighborhoods , Working Class , Standards , Ideologies , Beyond , Nadal Class , School System , Failing Schools , Choice , Independents , 38 , It Inflation , Grocery Store , Energy Policies , Second , Impacting , Challenge , Hispanic Vote , Gas Tank , Outreach , Contrast , Presence , Democratic , Values , Cuba , Open Borders , Border Fueling America , Drug Crisis , Crisis , Agent , Drug , Dea , Steroids , Cupcake , Chance , Batteries , Tragedy , Little , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Aa Battery , Nature , Dirt , Knees , Case Closed , Ziprecruiter , Shop , Ways , Hiring , Growth , Location , Miracle Gro , Store Managers , Applicants , Jobs , Advisors , Role , Hiring Site , Tool , Announcer , Software , Company , Music , Payroll , Hr , Paycom , Hr Data , Schedule A Demo Today , Single , Visit Paycom Com , Release , My Life , Golo , 138 , Alexa Smell , Buick Enclave , Ask Buick , Enclave , Path , Big Game , Dad , Alexa , Directions , Snacks , Oh My , Vehicle , Suvs , Atlanta , Samaritans , Condition , Bar , Midtown , Dui Charge , Witnesses , Amber Heard , Actress , Bad Press , Wreck , Testimony , Accident , Public Relations , Depp , Business Managers , Shane Communications , Film , Behalf , Bombshell Defamation Trial , Wynona , Ashley Juddbreak , Inconnect Ducted , Cause Of Death , Challenges , Illegals , Matters , Arrests , 240000 , 342 Million , 14000 , Fentanyl , Derek , Truth , Department Of Public Safety , Public , Lines , Aways , Border Security , Example , Border Details , Priority , Baby Sitting , Amount , Amounts , One Gram , 2055 , 500 , Indictments , Big Takedown The Dea , What Mayorkas , Kids In America , Poison , Nicaragua , El Salvador , 2012 , Sentiment , 411 , Perception , Scientist , Central American , 150 , Healthcare , America Open , Iranians , Severing , Terrorist Watch List , Yemenis , 60000 , Leadership , Chart , A Month , Given , Got Aways , Federal Government , Best , Train Wreck , Disaster , America Safe , Stash Houses , Hearing , Alarmist , 400 , Guy Border , Billions , Criminals , Label Something Misinformation , Chinese , Newt Gingrich , Department , Service , Wide Open , Windshield , Car , He Wouldn T , Pop Rock Music Tech , Safety System , Safelite , Lightning , Smash , Pull Over , Crack , Singers , Stay Safe With Safelite , Features , Automatic Emergency Braking , Safelite Repair , Critics , Musk , Constitution , Censorship Board , Amendment , Exercise Censorship , Mayorkas , 19000 , 80 , 2 4 Million , 3 4 Million , 29 , 68 , 85 , 71 , Seven , 1984 , Four , Eight , 32 , 49 99 , 9 99 , 29 , 5 29 , 200 , 1200 , 1100 , 700 , 600 , 4 , 64 Million , Cyp3 , 66 ,

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