Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708

220,000 people trampling our border with mexico to make it into our sovereign nation, the most in a single month in 20 years. the biden administration remains determined to end the title 42 rule on may 23. governor abbott has some words. >> no one knows what biden is trying to do by this. if he lifts title 42, it will be catastrophic for the united states of america. what joe biden is doing is far more than reckless. it is the most disastrous thing to the united states of america anybody has ever witnessed in our lifetime. >> harris: the criticism gets hotter for president biden as america is facing yet another potential surge at our southern border. top house republican spoke out about homeland security secretary mayorkas. here is the quote. his actions have willing li endangered american citizens. undermined the rule of law. failure to secure the border and enforce the law as passed by congress raise grave questions about mayorkas' suitability for office, end quote. bill melugin is in eagle pass, texas. this hits at the heart of the people keeping us safe at the border, missing bishop evans, bill. >> yeah, good morning. it certainly does. i want to point out it is not a border patrol agent missing it is a texas national guardsman. he has been missing for over 72 hours now. he first jumped into water in the rio grande in eagle pass friday morning at 8:30 a.m. and never resurfaced. his body hasn't been found. the latest information we have is yes, the two people he was trying to save in the water were actually involved in drug trafficking. that's according to the texas rangers. they have been using every resource they can to try to find that soldier. but latest information we have right now he is still missing. a 22-year-old from arlington, texas. as soon as we get more updates we'll keep our viewers posted. in the meantime want to show you dramatic video we shot an our ago in eagle pass. mexican authorities actually trying to physically stop illegal immigrants from crossing into eagle pass, texas. this is the first time we've seen them physically put hands on these migrants in an effort to stop them. they were ultimately unsuccessful. they were able to take a couple to the ground. one woman goes running right by them and jumps into the river. ultimately all those migrants you see in the video got into the water. mexicans backed off and they ultimately all crossed illegally in eagle pass, texasened were later processed by border patrol. something similar yesterday same spot. we saw another group of migrants. some with toddlers running down the hill zipping past mexican police chasing them. they all jump into the water and start trying to swim across to the u.s. and struggle. multiple u.s. border patrol boats had to rescue them. the agents were getting frustrated and yelling at them give us the kids, give us the kids and migrants wouldn't hand them over at first. a woman gave a child to the agents and a man never did. you'll see another man swimming away from the agents. what border patrol agents tell us frustrates them and gobbles up their resources. to boats could have been elsewhere trying to stop drugs coming across the river or stopping criminals from coming across, instead they have to try a group of less than 10 people in the water. that sort of thing happens day in and out at the border. house minority leader kevin mccarthy is leading a gop delegation to eagle pass in town today. we'll be with them shortly and have updates from the border as those updates come along, certainly anything we hear on that missing national guard soldier we'll keep our viewers posted. >> harris: thank you for the correction on that bill melugin as always great reporting. this white house should be ashamed of what is happening right now to america. and they should be on bended knee for bishop evans family. anything and everything they need. pete hegseth author of the upcoming book battle for the american mind. pete, your top line thoughts today. >> that's the death of a patriot from the texas army national guard that was completely preventable at every single level. at any moment this white house from the minute they took office decided to enforce the border, a cascading set of effects would not have happened. so instead they send a signal that anyone is welcome. they say we aren't building the border wall. we would like to get rid of it. get rid of remain in mexico. title 42 will go soon. we will effectively handcuff our border patrol agents by mischaracterizing horse whipping soldiers later vindicated and cleared they did nothing wrong. make their jobs nearly impossible so governor abbott has to deploy the texas national guard to that very same border so this 22-year-old texas national guardsman is looking over a river where human beings are plunging into the river. the images are staggering. he says i'm the only one here and take off my body armor and get rid of my radio and cell phone and jump in the raging river to save two people i have no idea who they are. no idea where they are coming from and what their intentions are. he loses his life as a result. ultimately these are two illegals trafficking in drugs. what more powerful characterization do you need of the absolute abdication of our sovereignty and the consequences of innocent human beings, the most prominent of which is this young 22-year-old patriot? and yet they don't take a moment at the white house to recognize this young man. and what he is doing. they are more worried about governor abbott and the politics of this and they can count on the fact that the media isn't going to cover it? from friday to sunday abc, nbc, cbs, cnn and msnbc zero coverage except abc for 20 seconds. 20 seconds of this young man. the media ignore it and the border is the embarrassment to the world right now. >> harris: i see your point. i said this white house should be ashamed on many fronts in this whole thing but the most of it to me today is where we stand with this texas national guardsman bishop evans. most of it to me today is hopefully they're talking to that family and doing things with and for that family that we don't know about. we don't need to know everything but the confidence to know we have people in the white house who would speak his name. even make a comment. send a statement, do something. >> say his name, right? >> harris: say his name. >> you see all the other times in which they jump to a conclusion before the facts are available and happy to put out a statement and rush to the podium. in this case it should be straight forward to acknowledge the heroism. they can't. by acknowledging the heroism they're indicting their own policies in the first place. >> harris: it is capitulation to the progressive left on this issue and look at the facts and where they have flexed and where they have been absent, right? the flex was the muddied message last week whether or not they were going to do what they said they would do in title 42 on may 23 when they knew very well they never moved off that position. >> they wanted the make it look like they were considering it. ultimately they will get rid of it even though democrats in their own party up for reelection. it is political. it will hurt them they know it but they're tied to this policy. donald trump said of the. if you don't have a border you don't have a country. right now we don't have a border. the consequences of that are on absolute remaking of our country and lack of any seriousness around the zbloeb how countries view us. it is not all over the globe descending into mexico. >> harris: how other countries would view us. meanwhile you have ukrainians and others who do want to get into this country and come and do it the right way. let's actually move to that. day 61, boy, that putin hadn't counted on that for the two-day war he was planning. day 61 of russia's brutal ukraine invasion. defense secretary lloyd austin and secretary of state antony blinken macking a trip to ukraine's capital yesterday. president zelenskyy called the meeting encouraging and effective. dramatic new video going viral. footage showing a russian missile hitting ukraine's western refuge of lviv one week ago. so now we start to get pictures that we haven't seen. and this horrific reality of the war ukraine says a 3-month-old baby is among several killed in a russia missile strike in odessa. russia intentionally targeted a building with citizens inside. they've been doing that for months now. russian president putin bragging about a new nuclear missile. the weapon is capable of striking a target more than 11,000 miles away. its nicknamed satan 2. so pete, this doesn't look like strategy as much as it looks like annihilation. >> that is what putin is counting on. refocusing attention to the south and sea to connect the so-called russian areas. naming your missile the satan 2 like you want to be a bond villain and saber rattleling to keep the west out of engaging. the only leadership we've seen on the grand is zelenskyy. 60 days later sending the secretary of state and secretary of defense. we've been behind the curve at every aspect to include the beginning where we said we would deter it through sanctions and said it was never our goal to begin with. this has been the ukrainians fight. we can and should help them but need to realize that vladimir putin is not stopping and his aims continue to be ambitious and he wants to bring ukraine to its knees and he won't stop in the process. >> harris: biden promised after a month of those so-called stoppage sanctions that putin would feel the pain in such a way it would stop. like he shut down the virus. look, it's 1,000% that he is hitting right now with failure. he has to turn this around. >> instead putin is more popular than ever inside of russia. >> harris: the ruble came back to a high 10 days ago. >> because of the words of our own president to make it look like world war iii. >> harris: the flubed words. this is your book. every book comes out on tuesday if people haven't noticed that. >> it comes out in a couple of months june 14th. we're revealing the cover. i'll be back in june. the 100 year progressive takeover of our classroom and wonder our hour k-12 schools got crazies and woke. progressives had a plan and it unveils the whole thing and what parents and grand parents can do to fight back. >> harris: thank you very much. big drama reported over picking kamala harris as the president's running mate. jill biden is quoted as saying about the choice and whether there are any regrets. and this. >> i predict we'll get probably at least 40 seats because this president has been so unpopular when it comes to inflation, gas prices. you see him as a weak president. >> harris: a super red wave in the coming mid-term elections and some democrats warn time is now running out for their party. plus new polling and more doubts about president biden as a leader and a second-term candidate. rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel in "focus" next. 100% of your home's value and get up to $60,000 or more. we called and got $96,602. that's more than ever. we called and we got $62,810. home values are soaring. now is the best time in history to turn your home equity into cash. we called and we got $68,201. we called and we got $58,800. use it to improve your home or save for retirement. i called and got $60,300. take ten minutes and call newday usa. ♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in this here land!♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ i'm the latest hashtag challenge. and everyone on social media is trying me. i'm trending so hard that “hashtag common sense” can't keep up. this is going to get tens and tens of views. ♪ ♪ ( car crashing ) ♪ ♪ but if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, you could be left to pay for this... 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accomplishments ahead of the elections. a new op-ed claims american voters know he hasn't. an excerpt here. inflation took down former president jimmy carter in 1980. it may cost the democrats the house and/or the senate in november of 2022. here is a recent gallup poll showing only 41% of voters approve of president biden's job performance while 56% disapprove. that is stubborn. those numbers haven't moved. those numbers are the same among young voters in a harvard poll out today. his approval with that demographic down by 18 points from a year ago. steve hilton on president biden and a second term. >> biden would be the right choice for america in 2024 is offensive. everyone can see america needs a positive vision to get behind. smart policies to strengthen our economy and society. strong leadership. who thinks biden is capable of any of that? he is a weak, corrupt machine politician stands for nothing and pushed around on everything by whoever holds the power in his party. >> harris: especially the bell there. can't forget any of it. ronna mcdaniel chairwoman of the republican national committee. great to have you in "focus" today. let's start with elizabeth warren saying we need to get up and deliver. what is she talking about specifically that will turn this around for dems? >> i think joe biden has delivered for elizabeth warren. a catastrophe for our country. open border, drugs pouring in, crime wave, inflation, abandon american energy leading to high gas prices. i think joe biden has embraced elizabeth warren and the progressive wing of his party and why american is in such dire straits and looking for republicans to take back the house and senate to course correct what biden has done. >> harris: are they as important as the emphasis from what warren would suggest and hilton was saying sunday night. all the things that led up to this moment is more than just a few promises broken. >> the fact of the matter is the american people are smart. this is a common sense election versus crazy. it is common sense we should tap american energy and use resources instead of buying oil from russia and common sense strengthen our law enforcement, of course we should have our border secure. of course we should have parents have a say in their kids' classroom. on every single level republicans are pushing common sense. democrats have embraced crazy and people are hurting and hurting financially, worried about their kids, worried about our future, there is a lot of angst out there now and the american people know it starts with joe biden and the democrat party. >> harris: so i saw some reaction to this when the words were spoken a few days ago and it picked up steam on social media over the weekend as people started to think, this is the speaker of the united states house, nancy pelosi. out of touch, crazy? i don't know. watch. >> you go to a rally and you see a sign saying pro-life, you can bet on the outside it says cut taxes. you see one that says something about environment, cut taxes. it is just the way it is. so we have to -- we have to just take our country back for america's working families. >> harris: the democrats have the white house and both chambers of congress. who is she taking the country back from? >> exactly. every american now is suffering from a massive tax increase called biden inflation and we're feeling it at the grocery store and at the pumps. it all starts with day one of biden abandoning american energy saying we aren't going to produce energy in this country. we'll buy 500,000 barrels a day from russia, which enabled russia to get into the war and have the financing against ukraine. all of it starts with joe biden and democrats embracing the green new deal instead of protecting average hard working americans and they are really, really suffering and they continue to double down on their policies because they don't care about the middle class. they do not care and they have shown it time and time again. >> harris: media outlet axios reporting that the infamous far left congress members known as the squad could be poised for big gains in november despite the democrats's likely loss of the house overall. it could point to six very progressive candidates with viable chances to win house seats. one liberal consultant says this is where our politics are headed. not just as democrats, as a country. chairwoman mcdaniel, your response. >> democrats and the progressive wing and aoc and the squad want socialism. they want communism. a lot of that is why we're seeing a huge gain with hispanic voters coming to the republican party. you know why? many came to this country illegally because they were fleeing countries with socialism and communism. they know what it means and understand what the buzz words are. they felt it and gave up everything to come to this country. it is frightening. they don't want democracy. they want to fundamentally rework america and that's what the democratic party is leaning towards and being rejected by voters not just republicans, independents and democrats and the republican party is growing at the highest rate ever. >> harris: what would you say about president biden's sinking numbers? >> oats what the american people are feeling and finally taking hold they're holding him accountable. he got a free pass for a long time saying he was a nice guy. it is not nice when you pay $5 at the pump for gas or you can't get a job or get people to work for you in your small business that you worked so hard to open. it is not nice when parents are called domestic terrorists for caring about their kids' classroom. joe biden has lost the nice guy mantra and owns the disaster. he is batting 1,000 percent on failure and the american people are the collateral damage. >> harris: we want our leaders to be successful. without that the country suffers and that's what is happening now. ronna mcdaniel, great to see you today. twitter is taking a fresh look at elon musk's big money offer? many users looking to the tesla ceo to bring back free speech to the platform. and this. >> the secrecy really and the cover-up and the denials that tells you a lot about what joe biden was up to, he was knowingly the product and intimately involved. >> harris: but joe biden claims he new zero about his son hunter biden's business dealings. the "new york post" got some receipts which seem to show that what biden said is highly questionable. joe concha is in "focus" next. ♪♪♪ we need to reduce plastic waste in the environment. that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be 100% recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. this mother's day, show mom 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post" now is reporting that hunter biden's closest business partner made at least 19 visits to the white house during the obama administration when joe biden was vice president. including an oval office sit-down with then v.p. biden. here is candidate biden in 2019. >> mr. vice president how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas disbeeltion? >> i have oh he never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings. my son or brother or anything else having to do with the businesses. >> did you not discuss ?i of your son's overseas >> i stand by that statement. >> harris: was it misremembering or a lie? the post has white house logs which suggest very different facts. at the same time hunter was making multi-million dollar overseas deals his top associate had direct access to the vice president. >> this is extremely troubling, of course, what it means is they are trying to conceal who joe biden is actually meeting with and so this is a pattern. when political figures are trying to hide who they are meeting with, especially when those officials are business partners or prospective business partners of their family members, that to me is hugely important evidence to show what is really going on in this scheme. >> harris: joe concha, fox news contributor and media and politics columnist for the hill in "focus" now. i know you have expressed some thoughts about why this story is so important. just in terms of did it make that vice president and then now president more vulnerable to our enemies, particularly russia and china? that's where some of these dealings went on. you have other thoughts. >> sure, ukraine as well. burisma. you could go on and on in terms of international connections with hunter biden. 19 times? that's not the lincoln bedroom. you go to somewhere 19 times it is not just social visits. it has to be business. the "new york post" deserves cite here. they are the ones who first broke the story before the election and continue to pursue it despite it was called disinformation. the president should be asked about this every time he takes questions which is very rare, right? now at this point we have federal investigations going in. all the suppression won't make the thing go away. the president has not done a television interview in many weeks. >> harris: part of the sell in terms of hunter biden has been things that you can put up against the white house log and prove didn't happen the way the president said it happened. >> right. >> harris: i don't know if questioning him at this point gets you different answers. and what it does do is maybe engage some democrats on the party to say this is a bigger problem. i understand why they are keeping him away. none of it is effective, though. either he can't tell the truth in front of the camera or you hide him. what are the options? >> people say maybe he misremembered. time and time again we've seen this president openly lie, right? going all the way back to his law school days, the first presidential campaign. when he said he got arrested trying to meet nelson mandela or arrested during civil rights protests? the things never happened. it is not just joe biden making mistakes this is somebody intentionally misleading people and why his approval reading on top of everything else is so low. he used to be the guy he is authentic and maybe you can trust him. not anymore. people say we don't trust this president in poll after poll. >> harris: what this white house is doing is going uphill against some steep negative poll numbers and all the rest in terms of crises. i want to get to this. elon musk in talks now and nearing a deal with twitter to buy the social media giant. as i said a few minutes ago, who turns down billions of dollars? tesla ceo lined up more than $46 billion to acquire the company. so he took his original offer north. some looking to him to solve the free speech and censorship issues plaguing twitter. >> it's good for free speech. good for the first amendment if this will go forward. we're tired of this attacks and censorship of conservative posts and thought. twitter and some other social media platforms. that needs to end. let's have a fair referee. >> harris: it has come down to one guy and not the guy in the white house. this man puts up satellites to help the war in ukraine and then tries to help our own free speech. where is the white house on this? >> and saving the planet as far as the electric car is concerned, right? >> harris: he is trying. he said to tap oil reserves to get through the crisis right now. again, where is the president on this? bigger issue is can he save free speech on that platform, twitter? >> looks like he will get this company. he has the upper hand for two reasons. he has more money than anybody in the world. that's a big factor but he has the winning argument here. i don't understand. you look at social media how so many people who say they are journalists in this business say he is a threat to democracy and free speech. how could you defend twitter in terms of the way it has conducted itself over the last couple of years, censorship, suppression, locking out of accounts and taking a side. that's the thing that happens mostly. elon musk free speech absoluteist will level the playing field. >> harris: he wants all of it on the platform. he wouldn't shut down anybody ot this point. that truly is free speech unless it is threatening or unless i would imagine not protected speech. but what is interesting about what elon musk is doing is that he engaged with so much cash that twitter first of all rejected but couldn't turn away. so are they just not solvent? were they not making enough money to begin with or making any money? >> from a revenue and stock performance perspective they are doing horribly. now you have shareholders saying we got this offer. we will never get anything like this again. if you turn this down you try to reject this, there will be lawsuits coming your way from the shareholders. in the end money talks. >> harris: how do you turn to the shareholders and twitter users say we like it the way it is broken and conservatives shut down and stickered and called -- come on. joe concha, great to see you. >> nice color and very springy. >> it feels spring even though it doesn't look like it outside. democrats may be distancing themselves from the defund the police movement. what time is it? late. major damage may have already been done because it is late. brand-new f.b.i. numbers on what our men and women in blue are facing right now. plus the white house again looks like it is doing some damage control. this time it's masking guidance sparks mass confusion. power panel next. >> do you remember when the media went nuts because some republicans criticized federal judges and their rulings on immigration and travel bans and healthcare and fisa? apparently the whole respect for the judiciary thing only counts when they 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it is not a one off. this is tied to policies. los angeles county sheriff is calling out progressive policies, for example, like those of his own district attorney george gascon saying he hopes for a reckoning in november. >> i think it will be a referendum on a national disease that is going to finally see a cure coming along, wokeism is on the ropes. let's put it out of its misery in 2022. my only goal is to make l.a. livable again. i'm going to focus on that. >> harris: power panel now. sean duffy fox news contributor former wisconsin republican congressman. crystal knight former priorities usa political director and founding executive director of emerge tennessee. great to have you on the program. i'll start with you. i said directly tied to policies in part, the liberal policies that was about but the idea that you allow dangerous rhetoric to cook in the public sphere against police officers. you take away some of the teeth of them doing their jobs. i'll let you continue. >> very same point, harris. it is the rhetoric of the left that attacks law enforcement the law enforcement is the problem in the community. the people aren't keeping the community safe and you have a right and license to attack them, shoot them, ambush them. i think it's interesting. democrats are trying to walk away from this policy but they are the ones that sold so many americans if we just defund the police and if we have more social workers instead of police officers, if we could have diversion programs instead of prisons. if we could have more people out of jail and not on bond but released after violent crimes our communities would be better off. the american people have now seen that is a flat out bold faced lie and their communities are less safe. they can't walk the streets and it was white rich liberals who live in gated communities who supported the policies and don't get affected by them but poor minorities communities that get crushed by the rise in crime. >> harris: crystal, you and i have some frank talk together and i have never heard you say you were in favor of having fewer police on the streets, correct me if i'm wrong. but the biggest hurt put in all of this outside of the officers themselves is on black communities in particular. communities of color. how can this be a good thing to defund the police? are you glad your party some of them are pulling back? >> people are moving away from the defund the police rhetoric. it hasn't been helpful to the conversation. you talked about policy. we need to discuss the 21 states many led by republican state leather that are making it easier for americans to carry guns. there are 5 million allocated to the build back better bill, another policy that republicans refuse to pass that the president is trying to address the community violence intervention programs. also 53 million dollars already allocated that states and local legislatures need to give to local jurisdictions to fundamental health programs, drug -- community intervention programs and other things that are deterrents of crime. when we talk about policy, we have to address some of the causal reasons like permitless carry that sees a rise in crime. >> harris: i see that's your point of view. but again the people who at the crux fighting for their lives because of some of the policies you just mentioned not focusing on the things they need like more protection, axios broke ut down this why more people of color are buying guns. purchases increased among people of dlor between 2019 and 2020. the big picture. more people of color are exercising their second amendment rights could spell trouble for democrats who already suffered losses among those demographics in key battleground states in 2020. let's get into the politics of this, sean. >> well, first off what crystal is talking about is take guns away from law abiding citizens or the stats people of color who now don't have police in their communities because of democrat policies and now they need a gun to protect themselves and so why don't we focus on the actual criminal? stop letting them out on bail and stop with the criminal justice reform. give good people a second chance but bad people have to go to jail for a long time. if we would stop focusing to people that carry guns lawfully. go get the law breaker's guns. leave my second amendment alone. >> harris: they will have to do something about the urban communities of colors or wherever because they don't feel protected and they are legitimately not. even more mixed messaging on masking. the white house another damage control mode again after dr. anthony fauci said a judge made an incorrect decision over overturning the mask mandate. here is the new white house coordinator. >> the judiciary has an important role to play. what you heard out of the administration out of the department of justice was the assessment this was an incorrect decision and the doj is now appealing that decision. >> harris: here is dr. fauci last week. >> surprised and disappointed. those types of things really are the purview of the cdc. this is a cdc issue, not a court issue. this is a public health decision and i think it's a bad precedent when decisions about public health issues are made by people, be they judges or what have you. >> harris: neil cavuto's interview with him blew up over the weekend and the black lash was fierce. dismissing the court as not being qualified to make such rulings regarding the cdc will reinforce every negative stereotype his opponents have of him. his comments show a preference for scientific totalitarianism and disturbing to anyone. >> i agree. i'm aligned with what the white house has stated. one judge in one state across 50 states should not be making the decision about mask mandates for the entirety of this country. what the cdc guidance has shown us is covid is continuing to rise. there will be another surge this summer at some point and so if they are suggesting that folks continue to wear masks particularly in places of transmission. >> harris: let me step in for a second. what you are saying is if they are suggesting. anything else that the cdc suggests like i shouldn't drink a lot of soda, we can make those decisions for ourselves. why do you think it has to be federally mandated? >> i'm not stated it should be federally mandated. >> harris: we don't have a problem with where it is now. why is the white house for going back to the mask mandate in transportation. >> you or i are not medical professionals and we'll rely on our own intuition and why do we need the cdc? >> it's the science. the facts they're giving us to make good decisions for ourselves. why do they need to put that in place with a federal mandate? it's a loser for the white house politically. sean, last 20 seconds. >> what's interesting is they used budget and power, fauci. this guy is so arrogant and drunk with power he should be nowhere near authority. good for pushing back from the court. >> harris: thank you both. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708

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220,000 people trampling our border with mexico to make it into our sovereign nation, the most in a single month in 20 years. the biden administration remains determined to end the title 42 rule on may 23. governor abbott has some words. >> no one knows what biden is trying to do by this. if he lifts title 42, it will be catastrophic for the united states of america. what joe biden is doing is far more than reckless. it is the most disastrous thing to the united states of america anybody has ever witnessed in our lifetime. >> harris: the criticism gets hotter for president biden as america is facing yet another potential surge at our southern border. top house republican spoke out about homeland security secretary mayorkas. here is the quote. his actions have willing li endangered american citizens. undermined the rule of law. failure to secure the border and enforce the law as passed by congress raise grave questions about mayorkas' suitability for office, end quote. bill melugin is in eagle pass, texas. this hits at the heart of the people keeping us safe at the border, missing bishop evans, bill. >> yeah, good morning. it certainly does. i want to point out it is not a border patrol agent missing it is a texas national guardsman. he has been missing for over 72 hours now. he first jumped into water in the rio grande in eagle pass friday morning at 8:30 a.m. and never resurfaced. his body hasn't been found. the latest information we have is yes, the two people he was trying to save in the water were actually involved in drug trafficking. that's according to the texas rangers. they have been using every resource they can to try to find that soldier. but latest information we have right now he is still missing. a 22-year-old from arlington, texas. as soon as we get more updates we'll keep our viewers posted. in the meantime want to show you dramatic video we shot an our ago in eagle pass. mexican authorities actually trying to physically stop illegal immigrants from crossing into eagle pass, texas. this is the first time we've seen them physically put hands on these migrants in an effort to stop them. they were ultimately unsuccessful. they were able to take a couple to the ground. one woman goes running right by them and jumps into the river. ultimately all those migrants you see in the video got into the water. mexicans backed off and they ultimately all crossed illegally in eagle pass, texasened were later processed by border patrol. something similar yesterday same spot. we saw another group of migrants. some with toddlers running down the hill zipping past mexican police chasing them. they all jump into the water and start trying to swim across to the u.s. and struggle. multiple u.s. border patrol boats had to rescue them. the agents were getting frustrated and yelling at them give us the kids, give us the kids and migrants wouldn't hand them over at first. a woman gave a child to the agents and a man never did. you'll see another man swimming away from the agents. what border patrol agents tell us frustrates them and gobbles up their resources. to boats could have been elsewhere trying to stop drugs coming across the river or stopping criminals from coming across, instead they have to try a group of less than 10 people in the water. that sort of thing happens day in and out at the border. house minority leader kevin mccarthy is leading a gop delegation to eagle pass in town today. we'll be with them shortly and have updates from the border as those updates come along, certainly anything we hear on that missing national guard soldier we'll keep our viewers posted. >> harris: thank you for the correction on that bill melugin as always great reporting. this white house should be ashamed of what is happening right now to america. and they should be on bended knee for bishop evans family. anything and everything they need. pete hegseth author of the upcoming book battle for the american mind. pete, your top line thoughts today. >> that's the death of a patriot from the texas army national guard that was completely preventable at every single level. at any moment this white house from the minute they took office decided to enforce the border, a cascading set of effects would not have happened. so instead they send a signal that anyone is welcome. they say we aren't building the border wall. we would like to get rid of it. get rid of remain in mexico. title 42 will go soon. we will effectively handcuff our border patrol agents by mischaracterizing horse whipping soldiers later vindicated and cleared they did nothing wrong. make their jobs nearly impossible so governor abbott has to deploy the texas national guard to that very same border so this 22-year-old texas national guardsman is looking over a river where human beings are plunging into the river. the images are staggering. he says i'm the only one here and take off my body armor and get rid of my radio and cell phone and jump in the raging river to save two people i have no idea who they are. no idea where they are coming from and what their intentions are. he loses his life as a result. ultimately these are two illegals trafficking in drugs. what more powerful characterization do you need of the absolute abdication of our sovereignty and the consequences of innocent human beings, the most prominent of which is this young 22-year-old patriot? and yet they don't take a moment at the white house to recognize this young man. and what he is doing. they are more worried about governor abbott and the politics of this and they can count on the fact that the media isn't going to cover it? from friday to sunday abc, nbc, cbs, cnn and msnbc zero coverage except abc for 20 seconds. 20 seconds of this young man. the media ignore it and the border is the embarrassment to the world right now. >> harris: i see your point. i said this white house should be ashamed on many fronts in this whole thing but the most of it to me today is where we stand with this texas national guardsman bishop evans. most of it to me today is hopefully they're talking to that family and doing things with and for that family that we don't know about. we don't need to know everything but the confidence to know we have people in the white house who would speak his name. even make a comment. send a statement, do something. >> say his name, right? >> harris: say his name. >> you see all the other times in which they jump to a conclusion before the facts are available and happy to put out a statement and rush to the podium. in this case it should be straight forward to acknowledge the heroism. they can't. by acknowledging the heroism they're indicting their own policies in the first place. >> harris: it is capitulation to the progressive left on this issue and look at the facts and where they have flexed and where they have been absent, right? the flex was the muddied message last week whether or not they were going to do what they said they would do in title 42 on may 23 when they knew very well they never moved off that position. >> they wanted the make it look like they were considering it. ultimately they will get rid of it even though democrats in their own party up for reelection. it is political. it will hurt them they know it but they're tied to this policy. donald trump said of the. if you don't have a border you don't have a country. right now we don't have a border. the consequences of that are on absolute remaking of our country and lack of any seriousness around the zbloeb how countries view us. it is not all over the globe descending into mexico. >> harris: how other countries would view us. meanwhile you have ukrainians and others who do want to get into this country and come and do it the right way. let's actually move to that. day 61, boy, that putin hadn't counted on that for the two-day war he was planning. day 61 of russia's brutal ukraine invasion. defense secretary lloyd austin and secretary of state antony blinken macking a trip to ukraine's capital yesterday. president zelenskyy called the meeting encouraging and effective. dramatic new video going viral. footage showing a russian missile hitting ukraine's western refuge of lviv one week ago. so now we start to get pictures that we haven't seen. and this horrific reality of the war ukraine says a 3-month-old baby is among several killed in a russia missile strike in odessa. russia intentionally targeted a building with citizens inside. they've been doing that for months now. russian president putin bragging about a new nuclear missile. the weapon is capable of striking a target more than 11,000 miles away. its nicknamed satan 2. so pete, this doesn't look like strategy as much as it looks like annihilation. >> that is what putin is counting on. refocusing attention to the south and sea to connect the so-called russian areas. naming your missile the satan 2 like you want to be a bond villain and saber rattleling to keep the west out of engaging. the only leadership we've seen on the grand is zelenskyy. 60 days later sending the secretary of state and secretary of defense. we've been behind the curve at every aspect to include the beginning where we said we would deter it through sanctions and said it was never our goal to begin with. this has been the ukrainians fight. we can and should help them but need to realize that vladimir putin is not stopping and his aims continue to be ambitious and he wants to bring ukraine to its knees and he won't stop in the process. >> harris: biden promised after a month of those so-called stoppage sanctions that putin would feel the pain in such a way it would stop. like he shut down the virus. look, it's 1,000% that he is hitting right now with failure. he has to turn this around. >> instead putin is more popular than ever inside of russia. >> harris: the ruble came back to a high 10 days ago. >> because of the words of our own president to make it look like world war iii. >> harris: the flubed words. this is your book. every book comes out on tuesday if people haven't noticed that. >> it comes out in a couple of months june 14th. we're revealing the cover. i'll be back in june. the 100 year progressive takeover of our classroom and wonder our hour k-12 schools got crazies and woke. progressives had a plan and it unveils the whole thing and what parents and grand parents can do to fight back. >> harris: thank you very much. big drama reported over picking kamala harris as the president's running mate. jill biden is quoted as saying about the choice and whether there are any regrets. and this. >> i predict we'll get probably at least 40 seats because this president has been so unpopular when it comes to inflation, gas prices. you see him as a weak president. >> harris: a super red wave in the coming mid-term elections and some democrats warn time is now running out for their party. plus new polling and more doubts about president biden as a leader and a second-term candidate. rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel in "focus" next. 100% of your home's value and get up to $60,000 or more. we called and got $96,602. that's more than ever. we called and we got $62,810. home values are soaring. now is the best time in history to turn your home equity into cash. we called and we got $68,201. we called and we got $58,800. use it to improve your home or save for retirement. i called and got $60,300. take ten minutes and call newday usa. ♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in this here land!♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ i'm the latest hashtag challenge. and everyone on social media is trying me. i'm trending so hard that “hashtag common sense” can't keep up. this is going to get tens and tens of views. ♪ ♪ ( car crashing ) ♪ ♪ but if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, you could be left to pay for this... 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accomplishments ahead of the elections. a new op-ed claims american voters know he hasn't. an excerpt here. inflation took down former president jimmy carter in 1980. it may cost the democrats the house and/or the senate in november of 2022. here is a recent gallup poll showing only 41% of voters approve of president biden's job performance while 56% disapprove. that is stubborn. those numbers haven't moved. those numbers are the same among young voters in a harvard poll out today. his approval with that demographic down by 18 points from a year ago. steve hilton on president biden and a second term. >> biden would be the right choice for america in 2024 is offensive. everyone can see america needs a positive vision to get behind. smart policies to strengthen our economy and society. strong leadership. who thinks biden is capable of any of that? he is a weak, corrupt machine politician stands for nothing and pushed around on everything by whoever holds the power in his party. >> harris: especially the bell there. can't forget any of it. ronna mcdaniel chairwoman of the republican national committee. great to have you in "focus" today. let's start with elizabeth warren saying we need to get up and deliver. what is she talking about specifically that will turn this around for dems? >> i think joe biden has delivered for elizabeth warren. a catastrophe for our country. open border, drugs pouring in, crime wave, inflation, abandon american energy leading to high gas prices. i think joe biden has embraced elizabeth warren and the progressive wing of his party and why american is in such dire straits and looking for republicans to take back the house and senate to course correct what biden has done. >> harris: are they as important as the emphasis from what warren would suggest and hilton was saying sunday night. all the things that led up to this moment is more than just a few promises broken. >> the fact of the matter is the american people are smart. this is a common sense election versus crazy. it is common sense we should tap american energy and use resources instead of buying oil from russia and common sense strengthen our law enforcement, of course we should have our border secure. of course we should have parents have a say in their kids' classroom. on every single level republicans are pushing common sense. democrats have embraced crazy and people are hurting and hurting financially, worried about their kids, worried about our future, there is a lot of angst out there now and the american people know it starts with joe biden and the democrat party. >> harris: so i saw some reaction to this when the words were spoken a few days ago and it picked up steam on social media over the weekend as people started to think, this is the speaker of the united states house, nancy pelosi. out of touch, crazy? i don't know. watch. >> you go to a rally and you see a sign saying pro-life, you can bet on the outside it says cut taxes. you see one that says something about environment, cut taxes. it is just the way it is. so we have to -- we have to just take our country back for america's working families. >> harris: the democrats have the white house and both chambers of congress. who is she taking the country back from? >> exactly. every american now is suffering from a massive tax increase called biden inflation and we're feeling it at the grocery store and at the pumps. it all starts with day one of biden abandoning american energy saying we aren't going to produce energy in this country. we'll buy 500,000 barrels a day from russia, which enabled russia to get into the war and have the financing against ukraine. all of it starts with joe biden and democrats embracing the green new deal instead of protecting average hard working americans and they are really, really suffering and they continue to double down on their policies because they don't care about the middle class. they do not care and they have shown it time and time again. >> harris: media outlet axios reporting that the infamous far left congress members known as the squad could be poised for big gains in november despite the democrats's likely loss of the house overall. it could point to six very progressive candidates with viable chances to win house seats. one liberal consultant says this is where our politics are headed. not just as democrats, as a country. chairwoman mcdaniel, your response. >> democrats and the progressive wing and aoc and the squad want socialism. they want communism. a lot of that is why we're seeing a huge gain with hispanic voters coming to the republican party. you know why? many came to this country illegally because they were fleeing countries with socialism and communism. they know what it means and understand what the buzz words are. they felt it and gave up everything to come to this country. it is frightening. they don't want democracy. they want to fundamentally rework america and that's what the democratic party is leaning towards and being rejected by voters not just republicans, independents and democrats and the republican party is growing at the highest rate ever. >> harris: what would you say about president biden's sinking numbers? >> oats what the american people are feeling and finally taking hold they're holding him accountable. he got a free pass for a long time saying he was a nice guy. it is not nice when you pay $5 at the pump for gas or you can't get a job or get people to work for you in your small business that you worked so hard to open. it is not nice when parents are called domestic terrorists for caring about their kids' classroom. joe biden has lost the nice guy mantra and owns the disaster. he is batting 1,000 percent on failure and the american people are the collateral damage. >> harris: we want our leaders to be successful. without that the country suffers and that's what is happening now. ronna mcdaniel, great to see you today. twitter is taking a fresh look at elon musk's big money offer? many users looking to the tesla ceo to bring back free speech to the platform. and this. >> the secrecy really and the cover-up and the denials that tells you a lot about what joe biden was up to, he was knowingly the product and intimately involved. >> harris: but joe biden claims he new zero about his son hunter biden's business dealings. the "new york post" got some receipts which seem to show that what biden said is highly questionable. joe concha is in "focus" next. ♪♪♪ we need to reduce plastic waste in the environment. that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be 100% recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. this mother's day, show mom 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post" now is reporting that hunter biden's closest business partner made at least 19 visits to the white house during the obama administration when joe biden was vice president. including an oval office sit-down with then v.p. biden. here is candidate biden in 2019. >> mr. vice president how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas disbeeltion? >> i have oh he never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings. my son or brother or anything else having to do with the businesses. >> did you not discuss ?i of your son's overseas >> i stand by that statement. >> harris: was it misremembering or a lie? the post has white house logs which suggest very different facts. at the same time hunter was making multi-million dollar overseas deals his top associate had direct access to the vice president. >> this is extremely troubling, of course, what it means is they are trying to conceal who joe biden is actually meeting with and so this is a pattern. when political figures are trying to hide who they are meeting with, especially when those officials are business partners or prospective business partners of their family members, that to me is hugely important evidence to show what is really going on in this scheme. >> harris: joe concha, fox news contributor and media and politics columnist for the hill in "focus" now. i know you have expressed some thoughts about why this story is so important. just in terms of did it make that vice president and then now president more vulnerable to our enemies, particularly russia and china? that's where some of these dealings went on. you have other thoughts. >> sure, ukraine as well. burisma. you could go on and on in terms of international connections with hunter biden. 19 times? that's not the lincoln bedroom. you go to somewhere 19 times it is not just social visits. it has to be business. the "new york post" deserves cite here. they are the ones who first broke the story before the election and continue to pursue it despite it was called disinformation. the president should be asked about this every time he takes questions which is very rare, right? now at this point we have federal investigations going in. all the suppression won't make the thing go away. the president has not done a television interview in many weeks. >> harris: part of the sell in terms of hunter biden has been things that you can put up against the white house log and prove didn't happen the way the president said it happened. >> right. >> harris: i don't know if questioning him at this point gets you different answers. and what it does do is maybe engage some democrats on the party to say this is a bigger problem. i understand why they are keeping him away. none of it is effective, though. either he can't tell the truth in front of the camera or you hide him. what are the options? >> people say maybe he misremembered. time and time again we've seen this president openly lie, right? going all the way back to his law school days, the first presidential campaign. when he said he got arrested trying to meet nelson mandela or arrested during civil rights protests? the things never happened. it is not just joe biden making mistakes this is somebody intentionally misleading people and why his approval reading on top of everything else is so low. he used to be the guy he is authentic and maybe you can trust him. not anymore. people say we don't trust this president in poll after poll. >> harris: what this white house is doing is going uphill against some steep negative poll numbers and all the rest in terms of crises. i want to get to this. elon musk in talks now and nearing a deal with twitter to buy the social media giant. as i said a few minutes ago, who turns down billions of dollars? tesla ceo lined up more than $46 billion to acquire the company. so he took his original offer north. some looking to him to solve the free speech and censorship issues plaguing twitter. >> it's good for free speech. good for the first amendment if this will go forward. we're tired of this attacks and censorship of conservative posts and thought. twitter and some other social media platforms. that needs to end. let's have a fair referee. >> harris: it has come down to one guy and not the guy in the white house. this man puts up satellites to help the war in ukraine and then tries to help our own free speech. where is the white house on this? >> and saving the planet as far as the electric car is concerned, right? >> harris: he is trying. he said to tap oil reserves to get through the crisis right now. again, where is the president on this? bigger issue is can he save free speech on that platform, twitter? >> looks like he will get this company. he has the upper hand for two reasons. he has more money than anybody in the world. that's a big factor but he has the winning argument here. i don't understand. you look at social media how so many people who say they are journalists in this business say he is a threat to democracy and free speech. how could you defend twitter in terms of the way it has conducted itself over the last couple of years, censorship, suppression, locking out of accounts and taking a side. that's the thing that happens mostly. elon musk free speech absoluteist will level the playing field. >> harris: he wants all of it on the platform. he wouldn't shut down anybody ot this point. that truly is free speech unless it is threatening or unless i would imagine not protected speech. but what is interesting about what elon musk is doing is that he engaged with so much cash that twitter first of all rejected but couldn't turn away. so are they just not solvent? were they not making enough money to begin with or making any money? >> from a revenue and stock performance perspective they are doing horribly. now you have shareholders saying we got this offer. we will never get anything like this again. if you turn this down you try to reject this, there will be lawsuits coming your way from the shareholders. in the end money talks. >> harris: how do you turn to the shareholders and twitter users say we like it the way it is broken and conservatives shut down and stickered and called -- come on. joe concha, great to see you. >> nice color and very springy. >> it feels spring even though it doesn't look like it outside. democrats may be distancing themselves from the defund the police movement. what time is it? late. major damage may have already been done because it is late. brand-new f.b.i. numbers on what our men and women in blue are facing right now. plus the white house again looks like it is doing some damage control. this time it's masking guidance sparks mass confusion. power panel next. >> do you remember when the media went nuts because some republicans criticized federal judges and their rulings on immigration and travel bans and healthcare and fisa? apparently the whole respect for the judiciary thing only counts when they 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it is not a one off. this is tied to policies. los angeles county sheriff is calling out progressive policies, for example, like those of his own district attorney george gascon saying he hopes for a reckoning in november. >> i think it will be a referendum on a national disease that is going to finally see a cure coming along, wokeism is on the ropes. let's put it out of its misery in 2022. my only goal is to make l.a. livable again. i'm going to focus on that. >> harris: power panel now. sean duffy fox news contributor former wisconsin republican congressman. crystal knight former priorities usa political director and founding executive director of emerge tennessee. great to have you on the program. i'll start with you. i said directly tied to policies in part, the liberal policies that was about but the idea that you allow dangerous rhetoric to cook in the public sphere against police officers. you take away some of the teeth of them doing their jobs. i'll let you continue. >> very same point, harris. it is the rhetoric of the left that attacks law enforcement the law enforcement is the problem in the community. the people aren't keeping the community safe and you have a right and license to attack them, shoot them, ambush them. i think it's interesting. democrats are trying to walk away from this policy but they are the ones that sold so many americans if we just defund the police and if we have more social workers instead of police officers, if we could have diversion programs instead of prisons. if we could have more people out of jail and not on bond but released after violent crimes our communities would be better off. the american people have now seen that is a flat out bold faced lie and their communities are less safe. they can't walk the streets and it was white rich liberals who live in gated communities who supported the policies and don't get affected by them but poor minorities communities that get crushed by the rise in crime. >> harris: crystal, you and i have some frank talk together and i have never heard you say you were in favor of having fewer police on the streets, correct me if i'm wrong. but the biggest hurt put in all of this outside of the officers themselves is on black communities in particular. communities of color. how can this be a good thing to defund the police? are you glad your party some of them are pulling back? >> people are moving away from the defund the police rhetoric. it hasn't been helpful to the conversation. you talked about policy. we need to discuss the 21 states many led by republican state leather that are making it easier for americans to carry guns. there are 5 million allocated to the build back better bill, another policy that republicans refuse to pass that the president is trying to address the community violence intervention programs. also 53 million dollars already allocated that states and local legislatures need to give to local jurisdictions to fundamental health programs, drug -- community intervention programs and other things that are deterrents of crime. when we talk about policy, we have to address some of the causal reasons like permitless carry that sees a rise in crime. >> harris: i see that's your point of view. but again the people who at the crux fighting for their lives because of some of the policies you just mentioned not focusing on the things they need like more protection, axios broke ut down this why more people of color are buying guns. purchases increased among people of dlor between 2019 and 2020. the big picture. more people of color are exercising their second amendment rights could spell trouble for democrats who already suffered losses among those demographics in key battleground states in 2020. let's get into the politics of this, sean. >> well, first off what crystal is talking about is take guns away from law abiding citizens or the stats people of color who now don't have police in their communities because of democrat policies and now they need a gun to protect themselves and so why don't we focus on the actual criminal? stop letting them out on bail and stop with the criminal justice reform. give good people a second chance but bad people have to go to jail for a long time. if we would stop focusing to people that carry guns lawfully. go get the law breaker's guns. leave my second amendment alone. >> harris: they will have to do something about the urban communities of colors or wherever because they don't feel protected and they are legitimately not. even more mixed messaging on masking. the white house another damage control mode again after dr. anthony fauci said a judge made an incorrect decision over overturning the mask mandate. here is the new white house coordinator. >> the judiciary has an important role to play. what you heard out of the administration out of the department of justice was the assessment this was an incorrect decision and the doj is now appealing that decision. >> harris: here is dr. fauci last week. >> surprised and disappointed. those types of things really are the purview of the cdc. this is a cdc issue, not a court issue. this is a public health decision and i think it's a bad precedent when decisions about public health issues are made by people, be they judges or what have you. >> harris: neil cavuto's interview with him blew up over the weekend and the black lash was fierce. dismissing the court as not being qualified to make such rulings regarding the cdc will reinforce every negative stereotype his opponents have of him. his comments show a preference for scientific totalitarianism and disturbing to anyone. >> i agree. i'm aligned with what the white house has stated. one judge in one state across 50 states should not be making the decision about mask mandates for the entirety of this country. what the cdc guidance has shown us is covid is continuing to rise. there will be another surge this summer at some point and so if they are suggesting that folks continue to wear masks particularly in places of transmission. >> harris: let me step in for a second. what you are saying is if they are suggesting. anything else that the cdc suggests like i shouldn't drink a lot of soda, we can make those decisions for ourselves. why do you think it has to be federally mandated? >> i'm not stated it should be federally mandated. >> harris: we don't have a problem with where it is now. why is the white house for going back to the mask mandate in transportation. >> you or i are not medical professionals and we'll rely on our own intuition and why do we need the cdc? >> it's the science. the facts they're giving us to make good decisions for ourselves. why do they need to put that in place with a federal mandate? it's a loser for the white house politically. sean, last 20 seconds. >> what's interesting is they used budget and power, fauci. this guy is so arrogant and drunk with power he should be nowhere near authority. good for pushing back from the court. >> harris: thank you both. 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, Drugs Pouring In , Course , American , Warren , Emphasis , Dire Straits , Election , Sense , Smart , Promises , Matter , Crazy , Hilton , Sunday Night , Law Enforcement , Buying Oil , Use , Say , Lot , Financially , Angst , Reaction , Steam , Speaker , Out Of Touch , United States House , Sign , I Don T Know , Cut Taxes , Watch , Rally , Nancy Pelosi , Environment , Taxes , Chambers , Tax , Increase , Working Families , Barrels , Grocery Store , Pumps , Starts , Day One , Biden Abandoning American Energy , 500000 , Wall , Hard Working Americans , Average , Financing , Green New Deal , Media Outlet Axios , Members , Squad , Class , Gains , Care , Consultant , Loss , Chances , House Seats , Six , Communism , Response , Gain , Aoc , Chairwoman Mcdaniel , Want Socialism , Many , Socialism , They Don T Want Democracy , Rate , Independents , Hold , Oats , Feeling , Guy , Small Business , Job , Gas , Pump , Pass , , 5 , Terrorists , Mantra , Disaster , Twitter , Leaders , Collateral Damage , Speech , Ceo , Platform , Secrecy , Elon Musk , Look , Users , Cover Up , Denials , Big Money Offer , Tesla , Hunter Biden , New York Post , Business Dealings , Product , Receipts , Joe Concha , Bottles , Waste , Same , Plastic , Beverage Companies , Recyclable , Bottle , Material , Plastics , Circle , Caps , Show Mom , Gift , Anti Fatigue Comfortmat , Mother , Round , Weathertech , Gonna , Mom , Colors , Protector , Seat , Best , Finishes , Variety , Vehicle , Floorliner , Cargoliner , Cupfone , Smart Bed , Interest , Movements , Sale , Temperature Balancing , Mother S Day , Sleep Number , Ends Monday , Smart Beds , Plus 0 , 360 , 000 , 36 , Knowledge , It S Time , Vice President , Business Partner , Import , Obama , 19 , Son , Oval Office , Sit Down , Mr , Disbeeltion , 2019 Mr Vice , 2019 , Businesses , Brother , Lie , Hunter , Post , Dollar , It Misremembering , Overseas , Logs , Pattern , Top Associate , Access , Figures , Business Partners , Officials , Evidence , Family Members , Scheme , Terms , Story , Contributor , Columnist , Enemies , The Hill , Some , Dealings , Connections , China , Burisma , Lincoln Bedroom , Ones , Visits , Business , Somewhere , Investigations , Suppression Won T , The Thing , Disinformation , Part , Television Interview , Do , Didn T , Sell , Problem , None , Front , Camera , Options , Tell The Truth , Law School Days , Rights , Protests , Nelson Mandela , Somebody , Approval Reading , Mistakes , Top , Deal , Crises , Talks , Rest , Billions , Social Media Giant , Issues , Free Speech , Company , Censorship , Offer , North , 6 Billion , 46 Billion , Amendment , Posts , Thought , Social Media Platforms , Attacks , Referee , Satellites , Crisis , Planet , Car , Oil , Money , Reasons , Factor , Hand , Argument , Looks , Democracy , Threat , He Wouldn T , Side , Accounts , Playing Field , Absoluteist , Couldn T , Perspective , Performance , Stock , Revenue , Shareholders , Way , Lawsuits , Down , Color , Conservatives , Money Talks , In The End , Damage , Distancing , Defund The Police Movement , Women , Damage Control , Fbi , Sparks Mass Confusion , Men , Brand , Rulings , Judiciary , Power Panel , Judges , Healthcare , Immigration , Respect , Nuts , Bans , Fisa , Veterans , Homeownership , The American Dream , Ruling , Down Payment , Payments , Rates , Newday , Newday100 Loan , 15 , 615 , Beautiful Idea , Bank , Lender , Peace Of Mind , Bookings , Cancellation , Booking Com , Car Insurance , Yeah We Gotta , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Liberty , Pay , Limu , Personal Record , Limu Emu Squawks , Rewards , Thanks , Xfinity Rewards , Trips , Epic , Jurassic Park , 3 Million , Chicago , App , Weather , Dominion , Theaters , June 10th , Crime , Bodies , Cold , Shootings , Eight , Four , Waterways , Each Other , Mike Tobin , City , Streets , Serial Killer , Development , Victims , Depression Case , Autopsy Results , Relative , Contact Area , Tip , Detective Division , Bear , Freezing , We Don T , Wintertime , Gases , Weekend , Cases , Details , Crime Discussion , Layering , Line , Duty , Law Enforcement Officers , Crime Data , Defund Police Movement , 73 , Christopher Wray , Violence , Phenomenons , 2020 , 59 , Attention , Percentage , Out On Patrol , Shot , Example , Los Angeles County Sheriff , George Gascon , Disease , Referendum , Cure , Reckoning , Sean Duffy , Ropes , Misery , Wokeism , L A Livable , Crystal Knight , Program , Executive Director , Priorities , Usa , Wisconsin , Tennessee , Police Officers , Rhetoric , Teeth , Public Sphere , Community , Americans , Diversion Programs , Workers , Prisons , Communities , Crimes , Bond , Jail , Flat , Liberals , Rise , Crystal , Minorities , Frank Talk , Particular , Officers , Hurt , Favor , Outside , Put , It Hasn T , Defund , Police Rhetoric , Conversation , Guns , Estate , Led , Build , Leather , 21 , 5 Million , States , Jurisdictions , Community Violence Intervention Programs , Legislatures , 53 Million Dollars , 53 Million , Permitless , Community Intervention Programs , Health Programs , Drug , Deterrents , Protection , Crux , Lives , Purchases , The Big Picture , Ut , Dlor , Demographics , Battleground States , Gun , Reform , Criminal , Chance , Bail , Go Get The Law Breaker , Masking , Messaging , Mode , Decision , Judge , Dr , Mask Mandate , Coordinator , Role , Anthony Fauci , Doj , Assessment , Types , Department Of Justice , Cdc , Health , Decisions , Court Issue , Precedent , Purview , Court , Interview , Lash , Neil Cavuto , Comments , Stereotype , Totalitarianism , Opponents , Preference , Guidance , Entirety , Covid , Mask Mandates , 50 , Masks , Summer , Folks , Second , Places , Transmission , Saying , Soda , Professionals , Transportation , Intuition , Science , Mandate , Loser , Budget , Drunk , Authority , Break , Gong Rings , Breath , Is Joe , Therabreath , Capful , Mouthwash , Combative Yelling , Walmart , Everybody , Stores , Ringcentral , Phone , Bonnie , Be Cool , Zero Down Home , Loan , Newday100 , The Call , Emily Compagno , Couch , Kayleigh Mcenany , Fox Business Kennedy , Vivek Ramaswamy ,

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