Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708

day. some urging president biden he needs to first come up with a plan to curtail the predicted migrant surge. majority of democrats remain opposed to repeal and republicans for the most part are united in their opposition. the vice president of the national border patrol council says this. >> under this administration, they took a secure border and pretty much just ceded everything to the criminal cartels. getting rid of title 42 will be the equivalent of handing the keys to the front door of every american to the criminal cartels. that's how chaotic it is. >> 21 republican state attorney generals are filing -- over 70 sheriffs with the national sheriffs association are urging congress to keep title 42 in place through legislative action. despite all the backlash the biden administration is standing firm. listen. >> title 42 has been in place since the pandemic started because we want to make sure we aren't spreading covid any more than necessary. but now the situation is changing. under the cdc's interpretation of the facts and the science saying we no longer need title 42 to protect the american public based on health conditions. you don't use a health law to deal with a migration challenge. you use migration laws to deal with migration challenges. >> lucas tomlinson is at the white house. >> not just republicans sounding the alarm over the repeal of title 42 but president biden's own dhs chief and democrats are very concerned. >> once title 42 is taken away it provides an incentive to the criminal organizations saying hey, now we can promote this and market this saying that the border is open. and they make a lot of money. >> our own jackie heinrich broke the news the house problem solvers caucus endorsed the bipartisan bill to delay the repeal of title 42. it has barred over 1.7 million migrants from entering the united states over the past two years. the biden administration is planning to repeal it next month on may 23. the problem solvers solution to prohibit president biden from lifting title 42 until the covid pandemic is officially over and the cdc ends its public health emergency declaration. president biden was asked about title 42 yesterday and his answer raised some eyebrows. >> are you considering delaying lifting title 42? >> president biden: i'm considering to continue to hear from my -- first of all there will be an appeal by the justice department because as a matter of principle we want to be in a position where if in fact it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need title 42, that we be able to do that. but there has been no decision on extending title 42. >> president biden later said in a statement he was referring to the cdc's mask mandate. gillian. >> lucas tomlinson at the white house for us this morning. thank you. let's bring in brandon judd, the president of the national border patrol council. so brandon we got some new numbers from cbp this week. they show encounters in march at a two-decade high and october through march 1.2 million total encounters compared to more than about 570,000 during the same period last year. this doesn't even include the gotaways. former ice director tom hoe man said this. >> record amounts of fentanyl coming across the border. more migrants died on u.s. soil in my career. almost 700. where is the outrage of that and the uac's coming across. >> what do you say, where is the out rage? >> i live this nightmare every day. my agents and i go out and try to secure the border the best we can. this administration is not giving us the tools we need. there are no outrage. they aren't just breaking from the president but running from the president. starting to see democrats that recognize this problem is getting as bad as what we've always said it was. i thought that this administration would have reached its ceiling last july when we had 200,000 apprehensions. this ceiling -- there appears to be no ceiling for this administration. they are allowing criminal cartels to expand their illegal businesses to countries that we just never have seen before. it continues to get worse and worse and there are no answers from this administration. by the way, there is no plan right now. there has been no plan that has been given or disseminated to rank and file border patrol agents how we will deal with this crisis once title 42 goes away. this administration has no clue what it is doing as far as border security goes. >> some of the democrats that are pushing back on the president's plan publicly including spanberger and slotkin say it would go a long way if the president would come up with a plan to help stave off the surge at the border that is now being predicted once title 42 is removed. so that might get rid of some of the concerns. >> it is not like this administration doesn't know what they need to do. they know they need to hire more immigration judges. on a short-term basis. once you hire immigration judges and you hold people in custody people will stop giving thousands of dollars to the criminal cartels. hire immigration judges on a short-term basis. hold people in custody pending their deportation proceedings and this crisis would go away. they are not getting amnesty. they continue to push for immigration reform which means amnesty to them. unless they get that they won't do anything as far as security goes on our border. if we don't get security, more of our children are going to continue to die in our cities because of the fentanyl that comes across our borders. >> one democrat who is defending the president on this particular point he says there is a plan, it has announced, texas congressman henry cuellar. he has been -- take a look at what he says. he says the biden administration is going to move officers from the northern u.s. to the southern border in preparation for the surge. he says what we've gotten from the white house is their plan to handle this large number of people but he does say it is only temporary. do you give them credit for that or not really? >> all you do is -- they will use all our borders whether the coastal border in florida, alabama, new orleans or the northern border through canada. they will use all of our borders against us. if we move people from one location to another location, all we do is destabilize that location. it is not a plan. it will not work. >> quick last question for you. hhs secretary said republicans opposed to the plan are trying to use covid as an excuse to secure the southern border. it strikes me based on interviewing dozens of republicans they would be happy to take on any policy excuse at this point to secure the border. the number one national security priority right now. >> when he says that they are taking on the plan, there is no plan. if they would give everybody a plan, if everybody would be able to see what this plan is maybe we would be able to evaluate it. there is no plan right now. we have chaos on the border. we have basically conceded control to our southwest border to criminal cartels. if there is a plan let's see to so we can evaluate it. >> thanks for the work you're doing. we appreciate you. >> appreciate it. >> so to mask or not to mask? americans right now are left largely puzzled in the wake of conflicting guidance this week from the cdc, tsa and the white house. then there is this. >> the truth is, ukrainians have a real chance here to deny russians the donbas area. we have to keep these ammunitions and weapons systems coming. >> the u.s. is sending more aid to ukraine but is it enough as putin claims victory now in one of the country's hardest hit cities? ukraine is entering what moscow is calling the second phase of this war. we'll have a report from griff jenkins from ukraine's capital coming up next as well as arkansas senator tom cotton both in "focus" next. newday 100u borrow up to 100% of your home's value. up to $60,000 or more. veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. 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southern port city of mariupol. new satellite images appear to be another mass grave. ukraine officials say it contains perhaps as many as 9,000 corpses. ukraine's president says putin must pay a price. >> a special test on war is needed. russia and after that any other aggressor must pay for destroying global stability. such tax must be applied to all without exception. the cost from that war tax will be -- must be used to help ukraine to renew everything that russia has destroyed. >> gillian: griff jenkins joins us now from ukraine's capital. good morning, griff. >> the situation in mariupol is dire. no other way to put that. in the last 24 hours i've been talking with the ukrainian marine commander holed up in the steel plant in mariupol. i've been unable to reach him all day. let's look again at the satellite images you were showing of mariupol. what that is, is a mass grave site in a village approximately 20 kilometers west of mariupol. officials say russians have been dumping thousands of bodies in them. there are four sections of graves here measuring 85 meters each. that's equivalent of roughly four football fields, gillian. it is definitely larger perhaps as much as 10 times the size of the mass grave that we visited in bucha. the mayor of mariupol saying at least 20,000 civilians have been killed there. it comes as you mentioned russia claims that in addition to the eastern donbas, control of southern ukraine is also part of this phase two. the mayor of nikolai who we talked to yesterday says they are getting pounded and whether or not they're the next mariupol. a little bit of what the mayor had to say. listen. >> we are under bombardment every day. they use cluster bombs that kill. i ask all the people who still live in the city to leave the city. >> meanwhile the pentagon sending another 800 million weapons package. you can see here 72 howitzer, 72 tactical vectors and more than 121 ghost drones. we also spoke yesterday to president zelenskyy's chief of staff. he says in addition to the weapons of which he is very grateful, they need harsher sanctions and need them now. specifically an all-out ban on all russian energy particularly in places like germany and across europe. he also wants the russia to be designated as a terrorist organization. >> gillian: what are civilians saying with more weapons from the u.s., if anything? is there a sense of hope associated with this? do they think this could make a difference? >> well, straight from president zelenskyy's chief of staff i asked him about the new aid package and said we're very grateful for it. there is a real sense that the u.s. aid and western nato aid has been moving at a much slower pace than they'll need in the eastern donbas fight. the fight is much difference than the failed attempt to take kyiv. they've been fighting there for eight years. russia is familiar with the terrain. it is open and the supply lines on to russia's border, right three donbas is much quicker. there is a concern among the ukrainian officials that they need these weapons faster because even though you have 72 howitzers on the way you have to tow them and you have to get them to the eastern front by thousands of miles. no easy task. the pentagon saying they don't have a way to track the weapons once they land. one thing is for sure there is an urgency to get weapons here and get them fast, gillian. >> gillian: outstanding coverage. thanks so much. president biden yesterday announced an additional $800 million as griff just reported in more military aid to help ukraine bolster its defenses. critics are skeptical saying the biden administration isn't helping ukraine to bring out a quick end to the war. take a listen. >> i really think the president and his supporting advisors believe that somehow or another they will arrive at a negotiating table in the future where they will be able to dictate terms to moscow. that's not going to happen. >> gillian: let's bring in arkansas senator tom cotton. he served tours in both iraq and afghanistan. thank you for your time this morning. i want to pick up where macgregor left off there. a lot of folks are starting to say the biden administration believes they could bring about some kind of negotiated end to this war. a negotiated settlement or whatever you want to call it with vladimir putin. do you think that's an actual viable pathway here or magical thinking? >> well gillian, the only way ukraine can have a favorable outcome to this war is if it puts enough battlefield pressure on russia that has a upper hand in such negotiations. end the war or give ukraine nor leverage at negotiations. what we haven't heard is helping ukraine win the war. in fact, it seems like win and victory have been purged from joe biden and the administration's vocabulary and why i welcome the announcement of these new heavy weapons that have we will send to ukraine. i am worried that like abraham lincoln once said joe biden has a case of the slows. what we're doing now we should have been doing a month ago. a month ago we should have been doing six months ago. we'll have to monitor closely how quickly the administration is able to get these heavy weapons to ukraine so they can get in the fight in eastern ukraine. >> gillian: senator, talk to me about the specifics here. we have this exhaustive list of what is in this $800 million in terms of weapons and equipment and munitions. there is the issue of timing. you say they've been too slow. the issue of quantity, have they sent enough? if you put that aside and look at the items on this list is the administration finally sending ukraine the right stuff? is this what they need to win this war? >> gillian, this is mostly what ukraine needs for the fight in the east. i'll put it in american terms for our viewers. the fight and around kyiv would be like fighting in and around chicago and its suburbs. extremely dense, a lot of very tall buildings. it gives the advantage to the defender and why things like anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles were so effective there. the fight in the eastern donbas is more like a fight in iowa or nebraska, large, flat fields, long fields of fire. therefore you need tanks and armored personnel carriers and artillery. a very different type of fight than kyiv. i think they can win in eastern donbas as well and reclaiming what russia has occupied but vital we get them the new and different kind of equipment promptly. we should have done it a month ago when it was clear russia would try to consolidate its forces in the east. >> gillian: ukrainians will need to achieve tactical victories in different parts of the country to strategically clinch this war. senator, i want to have you take a look at something from the "wall street journal." ukraine's defense minister in a new op-ed says the u.n. is an enabler of russian war crimes. russia has done everything the national security institutions were created to prevent. the western response to the invasion has been too slow if you consider yourself a friend of ukraine realize time is running out. we need your help and we need it now. what's your take on this sort of big picture foreign policy argument that's going on right now? biden and his supporters say this war has proved that all these international organizations, the u.n., nato, the e.u. are alive and well. more necessary than ever. critics say look, they all failed to deter putin from launching a ground war in the heart of europe. so they have been proven definitively now obsolete. >> gillian, the united nations is largely hapless. nato and president biden unfortunately failed to deter this invasion from the beginning. what has allowed ukraine the opportunity to fight and win this war is the fact that we've been rushing these weapons to the battlefield. that's the only thing that brutal rulers like vladimir putin or xi in china understand is the threat of losses on the battlefield. whether the war is underway or deter them from war. what has brought nato closer together over the last two months is not so much the skilled diplomacy of joe biden but the new perception of a common danger of russia posed the nato members especially the ones on the eastern front with russia. >> gillian: sounds like these countries are rather -- they may be rallying around the biden administration but doing so based on their own self-interest embedded inside the conflict. while i have you here i want to ask you about the latest covid developments. mask confusion now when it comes to mask guidance around the country. philly officials are dropping the indoor mask mandate a couple days after they reinstated it. it's been all over the place this week. and also comes after a florida judge ruled against the cdc's guidelines and lifted mandates for airlines and all travel hubs. the president is saying that it's up to americans whether they want to wear one. look, straight up we have conflicting guidance now from the cdc, from tsa, and from the white house, from the president's mouth himself. >> gillian, i think americans are confused about the masking policy because joe biden is confused about masking policy and about covid more generally. we saw yesterday he couldn't tell the difference between the title 42 public health order at our border and the cdc's efforts to maintain mandates on planes and on trains. the cdc is going to appeal this ruling, though. so the biden administration's official policy, whatever president biden says, is that we should force toddlers to wear masks on airplanes but throw open our southern border to a quarter million illegal aliens every single month. i suspect what they want to do is simply preserve the cdc's legal power so they have that power ready later this year should they win the election and they no longer face a rebuke by the american people. that's what tony fauci said this week. he doesn't think courts or congress or governors should be making this policy. he thinks he and other unelected bureaucrats should be making it. they don't want to hand over that power. >> gillian: that's the crux of the argument. who has the power and actual authority to make some of these decisions. senator, we have to leave it there. could talk to you all day. thank you for joining us on this friday. >> thank you, gillian. >> gillian: you bet. yet another aide is departing vice president kamala harris's office just 15 months into the administration. this is the 13th staffer to leave her office amid reports of policy disagreements with the president and a toxic work environment. then there is this. >> their behavior has been bad as a guest in the state of florida. when you kick a hornet's nest sometimes there are -- >> gillian: governor ron desantis says he is protecting the state's parents. critics accuse him of conducting political retaliation. coming up next the power panel is here to debate. it's my 5:52 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's 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"wall street journal" is calling it a revolt and warning to other ceos saying the disney lesson for ceos is stay out of divisive cultural fights. the election for partisans in the workplace their bosses run the office but they don't run the country. let's bring in the power panel. charlie hurt fox news contributor and washington times opinion editor. david car lucci former new york state senator. thanks for joining us. charlie, is this a stroke of political genius by ron desantis or base case of political retribution? and does it matter for the effect on floridians? >> yeah, i think it is very smart on the part of governor desantis largely because it's a problem that not of his making but one that was brought to him. and the original bill that caused all of this was a basic bill. it has majority support among both democrats and republicans and that is you aren't going to push some weirdly sexualized agenda for kindergartners in school classrooms. of course to have disney come in and try to lobby against such a common sense bill that is supported by democrats and republicans it is like a fat slow ball across the plate for a guy like ron desantis. the real thing that's so interesting, it really does define the new differences between today's democrat party and republican party. no longer is the republican party the party of corporations. you have republican governor, republican legislature who stood up to one of the richest, the most powerful corporation in florida, and said butt out, mind your own business and took away some serious tax breaks for that company. that's a huge thing. the other thing that's astonishing here is to watch democrats step in and become the party of huge corporations. that's astounding. i think a lot of their voters will be disgusted to some that. >> gillian: david, here is the rub. we have now been exposed to this new revelation that in some districts taxpayers in florida will be subject to as much as $2,000 more per year in their tax bill. that is going to cost ron desantis something politically, is it not? >> it will cost the governor a lot. a perfect example of shoot first, ask questions later. you saw from the debate a little bit of debate that was happening on the house and senate floor in florida where they were trying to ask questions to say what does this really mean? ultimately it is just about bullying. this is no more than a tack take we would see from the dictator saying mind your own business and if you question me we'll retaliate. that is simply what this is. if it was about the merits and hey this special taxing district is a problem for florida that's one thing. but now we're hearing from the local community i saw a report from the orange county tax collector that is saying they have no idea where they will get this money and even if they raised property taxes on households in orange county, they still wouldn't have a enough money to cover the bill. it will be a complete folly for desantis and republicans. >> gillian: the role reversal with democrats and republicans in big business. i think it's fair to say it's a surprise to some americans and surprise to me to learn that corporations like disney are so large and powerful in states that they are literally operating their own -- they are not subject to state laws. they set their own rules. it is a little shocking. >> it really is shocking although this is kind of what happens when you have politicians in bed with powerful corporations. and by the way, i don't doubt that there will be real problems here in those counties that have to pick up the slack here. i would argue just underscores the higher principle nature of the decision to do this. yeah, i'm sure there will be some pain for a lot of people. but these are pretty important issues. of course let's not forget that it was disney that decided to wade into a very basic issue that they had no business wading into in the first place and they touched a hot stove and they got burned. >> they weighed in because this is a problem. don't say gay bill is a problem. when you really look at the legislation. >> it doesn't say >> gillian: is it a parental rights bill which is what the author calls it? >> we're all calling it don't say gay bill so we can stick on the same bill. >> gillian: democrats are calling it the no say gay bill. >> waiver to allow to get mental health treatment. this is a problem. just for disney weighing in. -- >> gillian: david, the question here is where is disney's prerogative here? what gives disney the prerogative to have an opinion at all? >> they can have an opinion and they should have an opinion. >> gillian: on public schooling. >> silence company or anyone doing business. if it's about policy that's one thing. this is solely about scoring political points and we need to all see through that. you look at the debate on this disillusion of the special taxing district and people have no idea what will happen. this is a real problem and only about politics. >> gillian: we have to leave it there. we could keep going with this until the end of the show but we can't because my e.p. would kill me. thank you, we really appreciate it. elon musk is upping the ante trying to pursue his hostile takeover of twitter. >> he is not interested in battling misinformation. he wants all of you to be far left wing in your green deal democratic socialists like him. >> gillian: critics of former president obama are calling him out. he tore into big tech about disinformation. we'll get into it with mr. jimmy failla coming up next. there he is. can a company make the planet a better place? at walmart, we're pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. so we can all live better. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ there are lots 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judiciary in the letter is arguing free speech is under attack by big tech. the letter warned quote decisions regarding twitter's future governance will be consciousall public discourse in the united states and renewed efforts to legislate. the request signals should republicans take back the majority of the house they may launch an investigation to twitter especially if the company declines musk's offer. he secured the capital to finance the twitter buy out putting up $21 billion himself. the remaining would be loaned by a group of banks including a loan pegged to tesla shares. he is prepared to spend billions. others are pushing back. former president obama yesterday implored big tech to ramp up their content moderation. >> the first amendment is a check on the power of the state. it doesn't apply to private companies like facebook or twitter. with that power comes accountability. and in democracies like ours, at least, the need for some democratic oversight. >> gillian this tug-of-war over control of twitter is a battle for free speech and you have both sides of the political spectrum involved. >> gillian: thank you for joining us from l.a. on this friday. another one bites the dust. vice president kamala harris is losing her chief of staff. right hand gal announcing her departure. the 13th staffer to leave the v.p.'s office following reports of a toxic work environment in the west wing. here is joe concha with his take. >> it is becoming as predictable as the sun rising in the east us talking about somebody leaving kamala harris's office. when you are polling lower than your boss and the president of joe biden and you have an authenticity and likeability problems and maybe people don't want to be on a team like that. i would be shocked at this point if joe biden does run as he says he will, if kamala harris is still on that ticket. she is that toxic at this point. >> gillian: let's bring in jimmy failla host of fox across america on fox news radio and now in "focus." no one likes a toxic work environment. joe concha laid out some problems there. the bigger problem here in terms of thinking about, you know, working for someone like the vice president is these reports from sources in the administration to us at fox and other out lets that the vice president and the president have severe disagreements on policy. so it's actually impossible to get anything done when you are working at cross purposes with the commander-in-chief. >> no question. i think some of these leaks are a testament to the biden administration doesn't like kamala. his staff hates her staff. what is so telling how unpopular she is, is traditionally people want to work for the vice president if for no other reason than it's a huge step in your career. saying you worked for the vice president normally looks great on a resume. in this instance saying you work for this vice president you might as well be telling them you worked at cnn plus. they know you weren't around for very long. >> gillian: very often their portfolio is a series of slam dunk issues. things easy to achieve or can't be measured or they are things that everybody is already on board with anyway. she has not been given that luxury to be fair. >> you could say the border is hard. i would grant you that. her effort at solving a now problem was not a now solution. she was tasked with solving the border problem. she said we're conducting a study on the root causes of illegal litigation. if your house is on fire it's a now problem. you don't want a study the root causes of fire, you want a truck with water. maybe if she sends the truck we're not lamenting how difficult the task is. >> gillian: a fair point. kelly touched on this a moment ago as well. i want to ask you about president obama. he tore into tech companies yesterday at stanford blamed them for spreading disinformation. >> we see that our new information ecosystem is turbocharging some of humanity's worst impulses. they put they and their families at risk rather than get vaccinated. people are dying because of misinformation. regulation has to be part of the answer. >> gillian: sean responded this way. >> president obama, why don't you tell us how you really feel about our current president joe biden? according to "politico", hardly the vast right wing con pir see you didn't want biden to run. he said don't underestimate joe's ability to f things . obama doesn't want to answer any of these questions because he is not interested the battling disinformation. >> gillian: where i come from we called it a sick burn. >> this hannity guy is going places. keep an eye on him. he has a career down the road. i can see things taking off for him. that speech was classic obama in that it was smooth as silk and completely full of it. you know what i'm saying? here is what everybody needs to understand. democrats consider disinformation anything that doesn't help them. that's what they mean when they say they are fighting disinformation they are spreading disinformation. i give you an example. the hunter biden laptop story we were told by democrats was disinformation. but it was true. people spreading misinformation about the vaccine obama should spare a word for biden and harris trashed the vaccine. it was like trump was making it himself. using the baking soda volcano. they slandered it up and down and sideways. give me a break, man. >> gillian: one true and smart thing the former president said was that congress is failing here. they are the ones that should be regulating. 10 seconds, this is your challenge. >> by regulation they mean censor conservative voices. obama should shut up and build another beach front mansion and lectures us about rising sea levels. stop it. >> gillian: have a great weekend, thanks for joining us. thanks to everybody at home for joining us on "the faulkner focus". focus". 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240708

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day. some urging president biden he needs to first come up with a plan to curtail the predicted migrant surge. majority of democrats remain opposed to repeal and republicans for the most part are united in their opposition. the vice president of the national border patrol council says this. >> under this administration, they took a secure border and pretty much just ceded everything to the criminal cartels. getting rid of title 42 will be the equivalent of handing the keys to the front door of every american to the criminal cartels. that's how chaotic it is. >> 21 republican state attorney generals are filing -- over 70 sheriffs with the national sheriffs association are urging congress to keep title 42 in place through legislative action. despite all the backlash the biden administration is standing firm. listen. >> title 42 has been in place since the pandemic started because we want to make sure we aren't spreading covid any more than necessary. but now the situation is changing. under the cdc's interpretation of the facts and the science saying we no longer need title 42 to protect the american public based on health conditions. you don't use a health law to deal with a migration challenge. you use migration laws to deal with migration challenges. >> lucas tomlinson is at the white house. >> not just republicans sounding the alarm over the repeal of title 42 but president biden's own dhs chief and democrats are very concerned. >> once title 42 is taken away it provides an incentive to the criminal organizations saying hey, now we can promote this and market this saying that the border is open. and they make a lot of money. >> our own jackie heinrich broke the news the house problem solvers caucus endorsed the bipartisan bill to delay the repeal of title 42. it has barred over 1.7 million migrants from entering the united states over the past two years. the biden administration is planning to repeal it next month on may 23. the problem solvers solution to prohibit president biden from lifting title 42 until the covid pandemic is officially over and the cdc ends its public health emergency declaration. president biden was asked about title 42 yesterday and his answer raised some eyebrows. >> are you considering delaying lifting title 42? >> president biden: i'm considering to continue to hear from my -- first of all there will be an appeal by the justice department because as a matter of principle we want to be in a position where if in fact it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need title 42, that we be able to do that. but there has been no decision on extending title 42. >> president biden later said in a statement he was referring to the cdc's mask mandate. gillian. >> lucas tomlinson at the white house for us this morning. thank you. let's bring in brandon judd, the president of the national border patrol council. so brandon we got some new numbers from cbp this week. they show encounters in march at a two-decade high and october through march 1.2 million total encounters compared to more than about 570,000 during the same period last year. this doesn't even include the gotaways. former ice director tom hoe man said this. >> record amounts of fentanyl coming across the border. more migrants died on u.s. soil in my career. almost 700. where is the outrage of that and the uac's coming across. >> what do you say, where is the out rage? >> i live this nightmare every day. my agents and i go out and try to secure the border the best we can. this administration is not giving us the tools we need. there are no outrage. they aren't just breaking from the president but running from the president. starting to see democrats that recognize this problem is getting as bad as what we've always said it was. i thought that this administration would have reached its ceiling last july when we had 200,000 apprehensions. this ceiling -- there appears to be no ceiling for this administration. they are allowing criminal cartels to expand their illegal businesses to countries that we just never have seen before. it continues to get worse and worse and there are no answers from this administration. by the way, there is no plan right now. there has been no plan that has been given or disseminated to rank and file border patrol agents how we will deal with this crisis once title 42 goes away. this administration has no clue what it is doing as far as border security goes. >> some of the democrats that are pushing back on the president's plan publicly including spanberger and slotkin say it would go a long way if the president would come up with a plan to help stave off the surge at the border that is now being predicted once title 42 is removed. so that might get rid of some of the concerns. >> it is not like this administration doesn't know what they need to do. they know they need to hire more immigration judges. on a short-term basis. once you hire immigration judges and you hold people in custody people will stop giving thousands of dollars to the criminal cartels. hire immigration judges on a short-term basis. hold people in custody pending their deportation proceedings and this crisis would go away. they are not getting amnesty. they continue to push for immigration reform which means amnesty to them. unless they get that they won't do anything as far as security goes on our border. if we don't get security, more of our children are going to continue to die in our cities because of the fentanyl that comes across our borders. >> one democrat who is defending the president on this particular point he says there is a plan, it has announced, texas congressman henry cuellar. he has been -- take a look at what he says. he says the biden administration is going to move officers from the northern u.s. to the southern border in preparation for the surge. he says what we've gotten from the white house is their plan to handle this large number of people but he does say it is only temporary. do you give them credit for that or not really? >> all you do is -- they will use all our borders whether the coastal border in florida, alabama, new orleans or the northern border through canada. they will use all of our borders against us. if we move people from one location to another location, all we do is destabilize that location. it is not a plan. it will not work. >> quick last question for you. hhs secretary said republicans opposed to the plan are trying to use covid as an excuse to secure the southern border. it strikes me based on interviewing dozens of republicans they would be happy to take on any policy excuse at this point to secure the border. the number one national security priority right now. >> when he says that they are taking on the plan, there is no plan. if they would give everybody a plan, if everybody would be able to see what this plan is maybe we would be able to evaluate it. there is no plan right now. we have chaos on the border. we have basically conceded control to our southwest border to criminal cartels. if there is a plan let's see to so we can evaluate it. >> thanks for the work you're doing. we appreciate you. >> appreciate it. >> so to mask or not to mask? americans right now are left largely puzzled in the wake of conflicting guidance this week from the cdc, tsa and the white house. then there is this. >> the truth is, ukrainians have a real chance here to deny russians the donbas area. we have to keep these ammunitions and weapons systems coming. >> the u.s. is sending more aid to ukraine but is it enough as putin claims victory now in one of the country's hardest hit cities? ukraine is entering what moscow is calling the second phase of this war. we'll have a report from griff jenkins from ukraine's capital coming up next as well as arkansas senator tom cotton both in "focus" next. newday 100u borrow up to 100% of your home's value. up to $60,000 or more. veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. 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southern port city of mariupol. new satellite images appear to be another mass grave. ukraine officials say it contains perhaps as many as 9,000 corpses. ukraine's president says putin must pay a price. >> a special test on war is needed. russia and after that any other aggressor must pay for destroying global stability. such tax must be applied to all without exception. the cost from that war tax will be -- must be used to help ukraine to renew everything that russia has destroyed. >> gillian: griff jenkins joins us now from ukraine's capital. good morning, griff. >> the situation in mariupol is dire. no other way to put that. in the last 24 hours i've been talking with the ukrainian marine commander holed up in the steel plant in mariupol. i've been unable to reach him all day. let's look again at the satellite images you were showing of mariupol. what that is, is a mass grave site in a village approximately 20 kilometers west of mariupol. officials say russians have been dumping thousands of bodies in them. there are four sections of graves here measuring 85 meters each. that's equivalent of roughly four football fields, gillian. it is definitely larger perhaps as much as 10 times the size of the mass grave that we visited in bucha. the mayor of mariupol saying at least 20,000 civilians have been killed there. it comes as you mentioned russia claims that in addition to the eastern donbas, control of southern ukraine is also part of this phase two. the mayor of nikolai who we talked to yesterday says they are getting pounded and whether or not they're the next mariupol. a little bit of what the mayor had to say. listen. >> we are under bombardment every day. they use cluster bombs that kill. i ask all the people who still live in the city to leave the city. >> meanwhile the pentagon sending another 800 million weapons package. you can see here 72 howitzer, 72 tactical vectors and more than 121 ghost drones. we also spoke yesterday to president zelenskyy's chief of staff. he says in addition to the weapons of which he is very grateful, they need harsher sanctions and need them now. specifically an all-out ban on all russian energy particularly in places like germany and across europe. he also wants the russia to be designated as a terrorist organization. >> gillian: what are civilians saying with more weapons from the u.s., if anything? is there a sense of hope associated with this? do they think this could make a difference? >> well, straight from president zelenskyy's chief of staff i asked him about the new aid package and said we're very grateful for it. there is a real sense that the u.s. aid and western nato aid has been moving at a much slower pace than they'll need in the eastern donbas fight. the fight is much difference than the failed attempt to take kyiv. they've been fighting there for eight years. russia is familiar with the terrain. it is open and the supply lines on to russia's border, right three donbas is much quicker. there is a concern among the ukrainian officials that they need these weapons faster because even though you have 72 howitzers on the way you have to tow them and you have to get them to the eastern front by thousands of miles. no easy task. the pentagon saying they don't have a way to track the weapons once they land. one thing is for sure there is an urgency to get weapons here and get them fast, gillian. >> gillian: outstanding coverage. thanks so much. president biden yesterday announced an additional $800 million as griff just reported in more military aid to help ukraine bolster its defenses. critics are skeptical saying the biden administration isn't helping ukraine to bring out a quick end to the war. take a listen. >> i really think the president and his supporting advisors believe that somehow or another they will arrive at a negotiating table in the future where they will be able to dictate terms to moscow. that's not going to happen. >> gillian: let's bring in arkansas senator tom cotton. he served tours in both iraq and afghanistan. thank you for your time this morning. i want to pick up where macgregor left off there. a lot of folks are starting to say the biden administration believes they could bring about some kind of negotiated end to this war. a negotiated settlement or whatever you want to call it with vladimir putin. do you think that's an actual viable pathway here or magical thinking? >> well gillian, the only way ukraine can have a favorable outcome to this war is if it puts enough battlefield pressure on russia that has a upper hand in such negotiations. end the war or give ukraine nor leverage at negotiations. what we haven't heard is helping ukraine win the war. in fact, it seems like win and victory have been purged from joe biden and the administration's vocabulary and why i welcome the announcement of these new heavy weapons that have we will send to ukraine. i am worried that like abraham lincoln once said joe biden has a case of the slows. what we're doing now we should have been doing a month ago. a month ago we should have been doing six months ago. we'll have to monitor closely how quickly the administration is able to get these heavy weapons to ukraine so they can get in the fight in eastern ukraine. >> gillian: senator, talk to me about the specifics here. we have this exhaustive list of what is in this $800 million in terms of weapons and equipment and munitions. there is the issue of timing. you say they've been too slow. the issue of quantity, have they sent enough? if you put that aside and look at the items on this list is the administration finally sending ukraine the right stuff? is this what they need to win this war? >> gillian, this is mostly what ukraine needs for the fight in the east. i'll put it in american terms for our viewers. the fight and around kyiv would be like fighting in and around chicago and its suburbs. extremely dense, a lot of very tall buildings. it gives the advantage to the defender and why things like anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles were so effective there. the fight in the eastern donbas is more like a fight in iowa or nebraska, large, flat fields, long fields of fire. therefore you need tanks and armored personnel carriers and artillery. a very different type of fight than kyiv. i think they can win in eastern donbas as well and reclaiming what russia has occupied but vital we get them the new and different kind of equipment promptly. we should have done it a month ago when it was clear russia would try to consolidate its forces in the east. >> gillian: ukrainians will need to achieve tactical victories in different parts of the country to strategically clinch this war. senator, i want to have you take a look at something from the "wall street journal." ukraine's defense minister in a new op-ed says the u.n. is an enabler of russian war crimes. russia has done everything the national security institutions were created to prevent. the western response to the invasion has been too slow if you consider yourself a friend of ukraine realize time is running out. we need your help and we need it now. what's your take on this sort of big picture foreign policy argument that's going on right now? biden and his supporters say this war has proved that all these international organizations, the u.n., nato, the e.u. are alive and well. more necessary than ever. critics say look, they all failed to deter putin from launching a ground war in the heart of europe. so they have been proven definitively now obsolete. >> gillian, the united nations is largely hapless. nato and president biden unfortunately failed to deter this invasion from the beginning. what has allowed ukraine the opportunity to fight and win this war is the fact that we've been rushing these weapons to the battlefield. that's the only thing that brutal rulers like vladimir putin or xi in china understand is the threat of losses on the battlefield. whether the war is underway or deter them from war. what has brought nato closer together over the last two months is not so much the skilled diplomacy of joe biden but the new perception of a common danger of russia posed the nato members especially the ones on the eastern front with russia. >> gillian: sounds like these countries are rather -- they may be rallying around the biden administration but doing so based on their own self-interest embedded inside the conflict. while i have you here i want to ask you about the latest covid developments. mask confusion now when it comes to mask guidance around the country. philly officials are dropping the indoor mask mandate a couple days after they reinstated it. it's been all over the place this week. and also comes after a florida judge ruled against the cdc's guidelines and lifted mandates for airlines and all travel hubs. the president is saying that it's up to americans whether they want to wear one. look, straight up we have conflicting guidance now from the cdc, from tsa, and from the white house, from the president's mouth himself. >> gillian, i think americans are confused about the masking policy because joe biden is confused about masking policy and about covid more generally. we saw yesterday he couldn't tell the difference between the title 42 public health order at our border and the cdc's efforts to maintain mandates on planes and on trains. the cdc is going to appeal this ruling, though. so the biden administration's official policy, whatever president biden says, is that we should force toddlers to wear masks on airplanes but throw open our southern border to a quarter million illegal aliens every single month. i suspect what they want to do is simply preserve the cdc's legal power so they have that power ready later this year should they win the election and they no longer face a rebuke by the american people. that's what tony fauci said this week. he doesn't think courts or congress or governors should be making this policy. he thinks he and other unelected bureaucrats should be making it. they don't want to hand over that power. >> gillian: that's the crux of the argument. who has the power and actual authority to make some of these decisions. senator, we have to leave it there. could talk to you all day. thank you for joining us on this friday. >> thank you, gillian. >> gillian: you bet. yet another aide is departing vice president kamala harris's office just 15 months into the administration. this is the 13th staffer to leave her office amid reports of policy disagreements with the president and a toxic work environment. then there is this. >> their behavior has been bad as a guest in the state of florida. when you kick a hornet's nest sometimes there are -- >> gillian: governor ron desantis says he is protecting the state's parents. critics accuse him of conducting political retaliation. coming up next the power panel is here to debate. it's my 5:52 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's 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"wall street journal" is calling it a revolt and warning to other ceos saying the disney lesson for ceos is stay out of divisive cultural fights. the election for partisans in the workplace their bosses run the office but they don't run the country. let's bring in the power panel. charlie hurt fox news contributor and washington times opinion editor. david car lucci former new york state senator. thanks for joining us. charlie, is this a stroke of political genius by ron desantis or base case of political retribution? and does it matter for the effect on floridians? >> yeah, i think it is very smart on the part of governor desantis largely because it's a problem that not of his making but one that was brought to him. and the original bill that caused all of this was a basic bill. it has majority support among both democrats and republicans and that is you aren't going to push some weirdly sexualized agenda for kindergartners in school classrooms. of course to have disney come in and try to lobby against such a common sense bill that is supported by democrats and republicans it is like a fat slow ball across the plate for a guy like ron desantis. the real thing that's so interesting, it really does define the new differences between today's democrat party and republican party. no longer is the republican party the party of corporations. you have republican governor, republican legislature who stood up to one of the richest, the most powerful corporation in florida, and said butt out, mind your own business and took away some serious tax breaks for that company. that's a huge thing. the other thing that's astonishing here is to watch democrats step in and become the party of huge corporations. that's astounding. i think a lot of their voters will be disgusted to some that. >> gillian: david, here is the rub. we have now been exposed to this new revelation that in some districts taxpayers in florida will be subject to as much as $2,000 more per year in their tax bill. that is going to cost ron desantis something politically, is it not? >> it will cost the governor a lot. a perfect example of shoot first, ask questions later. you saw from the debate a little bit of debate that was happening on the house and senate floor in florida where they were trying to ask questions to say what does this really mean? ultimately it is just about bullying. this is no more than a tack take we would see from the dictator saying mind your own business and if you question me we'll retaliate. that is simply what this is. if it was about the merits and hey this special taxing district is a problem for florida that's one thing. but now we're hearing from the local community i saw a report from the orange county tax collector that is saying they have no idea where they will get this money and even if they raised property taxes on households in orange county, they still wouldn't have a enough money to cover the bill. it will be a complete folly for desantis and republicans. >> gillian: the role reversal with democrats and republicans in big business. i think it's fair to say it's a surprise to some americans and surprise to me to learn that corporations like disney are so large and powerful in states that they are literally operating their own -- they are not subject to state laws. they set their own rules. it is a little shocking. >> it really is shocking although this is kind of what happens when you have politicians in bed with powerful corporations. and by the way, i don't doubt that there will be real problems here in those counties that have to pick up the slack here. i would argue just underscores the higher principle nature of the decision to do this. yeah, i'm sure there will be some pain for a lot of people. but these are pretty important issues. of course let's not forget that it was disney that decided to wade into a very basic issue that they had no business wading into in the first place and they touched a hot stove and they got burned. >> they weighed in because this is a problem. don't say gay bill is a problem. when you really look at the legislation. >> it doesn't say >> gillian: is it a parental rights bill which is what the author calls it? >> we're all calling it don't say gay bill so we can stick on the same bill. >> gillian: democrats are calling it the no say gay bill. >> waiver to allow to get mental health treatment. this is a problem. just for disney weighing in. -- >> gillian: david, the question here is where is disney's prerogative here? what gives disney the prerogative to have an opinion at all? >> they can have an opinion and they should have an opinion. >> gillian: on public schooling. >> silence company or anyone doing business. if it's about policy that's one thing. this is solely about scoring political points and we need to all see through that. you look at the debate on this disillusion of the special taxing district and people have no idea what will happen. this is a real problem and only about politics. >> gillian: we have to leave it there. we could keep going with this until the end of the show but we can't because my e.p. would kill me. thank you, we really appreciate it. elon musk is upping the ante trying to pursue his hostile takeover of twitter. >> he is not interested in battling misinformation. he wants all of you to be far left wing in your green deal democratic socialists like him. >> gillian: critics of former president obama are calling him out. he tore into big tech about disinformation. we'll get into it with mr. jimmy failla coming up next. there he is. can a company make the planet a better place? at walmart, we're pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. so we can all live better. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ there are lots 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judiciary in the letter is arguing free speech is under attack by big tech. the letter warned quote decisions regarding twitter's future governance will be consciousall public discourse in the united states and renewed efforts to legislate. the request signals should republicans take back the majority of the house they may launch an investigation to twitter especially if the company declines musk's offer. he secured the capital to finance the twitter buy out putting up $21 billion himself. the remaining would be loaned by a group of banks including a loan pegged to tesla shares. he is prepared to spend billions. others are pushing back. former president obama yesterday implored big tech to ramp up their content moderation. >> the first amendment is a check on the power of the state. it doesn't apply to private companies like facebook or twitter. with that power comes accountability. and in democracies like ours, at least, the need for some democratic oversight. >> gillian this tug-of-war over control of twitter is a battle for free speech and you have both sides of the political spectrum involved. >> gillian: thank you for joining us from l.a. on this friday. another one bites the dust. vice president kamala harris is losing her chief of staff. right hand gal announcing her departure. the 13th staffer to leave the v.p.'s office following reports of a toxic work environment in the west wing. here is joe concha with his take. >> it is becoming as predictable as the sun rising in the east us talking about somebody leaving kamala harris's office. when you are polling lower than your boss and the president of joe biden and you have an authenticity and likeability problems and maybe people don't want to be on a team like that. i would be shocked at this point if joe biden does run as he says he will, if kamala harris is still on that ticket. she is that toxic at this point. >> gillian: let's bring in jimmy failla host of fox across america on fox news radio and now in "focus." no one likes a toxic work environment. joe concha laid out some problems there. the bigger problem here in terms of thinking about, you know, working for someone like the vice president is these reports from sources in the administration to us at fox and other out lets that the vice president and the president have severe disagreements on policy. so it's actually impossible to get anything done when you are working at cross purposes with the commander-in-chief. >> no question. i think some of these leaks are a testament to the biden administration doesn't like kamala. his staff hates her staff. what is so telling how unpopular she is, is traditionally people want to work for the vice president if for no other reason than it's a huge step in your career. saying you worked for the vice president normally looks great on a resume. in this instance saying you work for this vice president you might as well be telling them you worked at cnn plus. they know you weren't around for very long. >> gillian: very often their portfolio is a series of slam dunk issues. things easy to achieve or can't be measured or they are things that everybody is already on board with anyway. she has not been given that luxury to be fair. >> you could say the border is hard. i would grant you that. her effort at solving a now problem was not a now solution. she was tasked with solving the border problem. she said we're conducting a study on the root causes of illegal litigation. if your house is on fire it's a now problem. you don't want a study the root causes of fire, you want a truck with water. maybe if she sends the truck we're not lamenting how difficult the task is. >> gillian: a fair point. kelly touched on this a moment ago as well. i want to ask you about president obama. he tore into tech companies yesterday at stanford blamed them for spreading disinformation. >> we see that our new information ecosystem is turbocharging some of humanity's worst impulses. they put they and their families at risk rather than get vaccinated. people are dying because of misinformation. regulation has to be part of the answer. >> gillian: sean responded this way. >> president obama, why don't you tell us how you really feel about our current president joe biden? according to "politico", hardly the vast right wing con pir see you didn't want biden to run. he said don't underestimate joe's ability to f things . obama doesn't want to answer any of these questions because he is not interested the battling disinformation. >> gillian: where i come from we called it a sick burn. >> this hannity guy is going places. keep an eye on him. he has a career down the road. i can see things taking off for him. that speech was classic obama in that it was smooth as silk and completely full of it. you know what i'm saying? here is what everybody needs to understand. democrats consider disinformation anything that doesn't help them. that's what they mean when they say they are fighting disinformation they are spreading disinformation. i give you an example. the hunter biden laptop story we were told by democrats was disinformation. but it was true. people spreading misinformation about the vaccine obama should spare a word for biden and harris trashed the vaccine. it was like trump was making it himself. using the baking soda volcano. they slandered it up and down and sideways. give me a break, man. >> gillian: one true and smart thing the former president said was that congress is failing here. they are the ones that should be regulating. 10 seconds, this is your challenge. >> by regulation they mean censor conservative voices. obama should shut up and build another beach front mansion and lectures us about rising sea levels. stop it. >> gillian: have a great weekend, thanks for joining us. thanks to everybody at home for joining us on "the faulkner focus". focus". 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Retaliation , Parents , Migraine Medicine , 52 , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Dose , Pill , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Older Medicines , Side Effects , Abbvie , Cause , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Bushes Rustling , Protection , Vehicle , Weathertech , Music , Drill Mudflaps , Floorliners , Door Opening , Hon , Pair , Seat Protector , Car , Cargoliner , Cupfone , Bumpstep , Exam , Pairs , Line , Shine , Um Jamie , PrivÉ Revaux , Nothin , 89 95 , 9 95 , Neighborhood , The American Dream , Applebee S , Irresist A Bowls , Eatin , 8 99 , 99 , Down Payment , Payments , Lowest , History , Rates , Newday100 Loan , Disney World , Measure , Feud , Disney A Corporation , Districts , Criticism , Rights , It , Entertainment Giant , Speaker , Taxpayers , Nuclear Power Plant , Warning , County Mayor , Words , Orange County , Spokeswoman Go Woke , Phil Keating , Florida House , Vote , Catastrophic , Mouse , Rubber , Wish , Senate , 38 , Deal , Millions , Tax District , Tourists , Globe , Call Florida S Don T Say Gay Law , Roads , District , Emergency Services , Sales Tax Revenue , Jobs , Creek Approvement , Joeng , 40 , Course , Law , Teaching Topics , Sexual Orientation , Gender Identity , Third Grade , View , Benefits , Privileges , Crystal Clear , Don T Say Gay Bill , Footprint , Counties , Air Force One , Audio , Osceola , Word , Move , Bond Debt , Billion , 2 Billion , Governor , Attack , Sector , Colorado , Florida S Authoritarian Socialist , We Don T Meddle , Tech Companies , Weaponizing , Press Secretary , Socialism , Affairs , Definition , Allegations , Revolt , Partisans , Ceos , Fights , Workplace , Bosses , Lesson , Stroke , Charlie Hurt , New York State Senator , David Car Lucci , Washington Times Opinion Editor , Floridians , Effect , Retribution , Base , Making , Calling It Don T Say Gay , Kindergartners , School Classrooms , Agenda , Common Sense , The Real Thing , Differences , Plate , Guy , Ball , Corporations , Party , Corporation , Tax Breaks , Butt Out , Legislature , Richest , Company , Voters , Rub , Revelation , 000 , 2000 , Questions , Example , Debate , Tax Bill , House , Floor , Bullying , Tack , Community , Dictator , Merits , Idea , Households , Wouldn T , Property Taxes , Tax Collector , Big Business , Role Reversal , Folly , Surprise , States , Politicians , Shocking , Doubt , State Laws , Rules , Bed , Problems , Slack , Nature , Issues , Pain , Business Wading , It Doesn T Say Gillian , Legislation , Stove , Author , Prerogative , Waiver , Mental Health Treatment , Opinion , Doing Business , On Public Schooling , Silence Company , Anyone , Politics , Disillusion , Points , Elon Musk , Show , Ante , My E P , Twitter , Misinformation , Takeover , Wing , Green , Socialists , President Obama , Jimmy Failla , Big Tech About Disinformation , Mr , Planet , Operations , Land , Acres , Blood Clots , Walmart , Info , Life Changing , Ton , Business Internet , Technology , Largest , Network , Needs , Choices , Lots , Business Solutions , Fiber Solutions , Speeds , Choice , Voice , Provider , Gigs , Price Guarantee , Call Today , 49 99 , 9 99 , Battle , Turns , Twists , Platform , Matters , Bid , Cash , House Judiciary Committee , 6 Billion , 46 Billion , Kelly O Grady , Fox Business , Attention , Lawmakers , L A , Capitol Hill , Speech , Letter , Governance , Quote Decisions , Consciousall Public Discourse , Request Signals , Investigation , Offer , Loan , Banks , Group , Shares , Tesla , 21 Billion , 1 Billion , Others , Billions , It Doesn T , Check , Amendment , Content Moderation , Facebook , Democracies , Need , Oversight , Accountability , Ours , Spectrum , Another One Bites The Dust , Departure , Gal , 13th Staffer , Toxic Work Environment In The West Wing , V P , Joe Concha , Take , Somebody , Boss , Talking , The Sun Rising In East , Polling , Authenticity , Team , Likeability , Ticket , Host , Fox Across America On News Radio , Someone , Disagreements , Sources , Lets , Commander In Chief , Leaks , Testament , Cross Purposes , Staff , Reason , Step , Slam Dunk Issues , Series , Portfolio , Resume , Cnn Plus , Luxury , Study , Causes , Effort , Litigation , Truck , Now Problem , Fire , Water , Disinformation , Information Ecosystem , Stanford , Regulation , Risk , Humanity , Impulses , Sean , Wing Con Pir See You Didn T Want Biden , Politico , Why Don T You , Don T , Obama Doesn T , Ability , Burn , Road , Eye , Hannity Guy , Disinformation Anything , Fighting Disinformation , Vaccine , Hunter Biden , Trump , Baking Soda Volcano , Challenge , Man , Break , One True , Voices , Sea Levels , Stop It , The Faulkner Focus , Build Another Beach Front Mansion , Depression , Lows , Bipolar Depression , Stories , Fog , Art , Nextl , Latuda , Symptoms , Doctor , Thoughts , Studies , Behavior Changes , Weight , Impact , Report Fever , Aren T , Confusion , Antidepressants , Muscle Movements , Life , Adults , Death , Dementia , Permanent , Patients , Zero Down Home , Prescription , Homeownership , Withlatuda , Ask Yveterans , Zero , Zero Dollars , Newday100 , The Call , Ten , Show Mom , Gift , Anti Fatigue Comfortmat , Ground , Mother , Round , Mom , Protector , Colors , Seat , Finishes , Variety , Floorliner , Gonna , Indeed Instant Match , Shipping Manager , Mother S Day , Find Themself , Job Description , Deals , 5g , Epic , Camera , Iphone , Matchinyou , All Deserveription , Business Customers , Aromatherapy Rugs , Appointment , Yep , At T , Hi , Carley Shimkus , Kayleigh Mcenany , Cheryl Casone , Nicole Saphier , Brian Brenberg ,

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