Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240708 : c

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240708

the transgender people in public buildings it that use bathrooms to correspond with the gender on their birth certificate. the woke mob lost their minds and then the boycotts began. entertainers like bruce springsteen, big shock, pearl jam nic jonas refused to perform there. deutsch bank expansions in north carolina. the nba moved its all-star game from charlotte to new orleans. and the ncaa threatened to move march madness games to another state before lawmakers ended up getting rid of that the redickless stance cost north carolina $3.7 billion. and derailed temporarily mccreery's political career all of this because men were going to use the men's bathroom and women were going to use the women's bathroom. and then just last year, major league baseball boycott the state of georgia because they didn't like the state's new election law. so the all-star game was moved to colorado, a state with stricter voting laws than georgia and, according to reports, local businesses in atlanta lost about $100 million in revenue. most of those businesses were minority owned. after the president mischaracterized georgia's voting bill as jim crow 2.0. this because of other things they believe in georgia that you should have an i.d. to vote. woke corporations have consistently bullied conservatives to get what they wanted. most of the time it has worked because conservative governors appear too powerless to fight back. but now, for the first time, the shoe seems to be on the other foot. now it's a republican governor challenging the most powerful corporations in his state, disney. in march, florida passed the parental rights bill which prohibits teachers from, get this, discussing sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through the 3rd grade. but the woke folks at disney didn't like this one bit saying it's anti-gay. now, some employees freaked out. got mad at the ceo bop change of plea pet for staying silent on the matter. so he caved, he groveled and begged the model for forgiveness here sat quote we are increasing our support for advocacy groups combat. we are hard at work creating a new framework for our political giving ensure better reflects our values pausing our in the state of florida pending its review. i missed the mark in this case. i'm an ally you can count on. really? the question is did he ever read the bill which the left framed as the don't say gay bill? if he did, six pages long, doesn't take long, and the term gay does not appear. he would have learned that there is no foundation for the outrage he had read the bill. and where is bob chapek, his statement calling out china big disney over in china for their human rights abuses or for giving the world covid which we're still dealing with? we got video and hard proof of both of those things. where is his outrage? i guess he is an an ally of the uyghurs. disney's problem isn't with china. it is with governor antioxidants because he doesn't think kids should be learning about sex changes and gender fluidity at the age of 8. is he not backing down. the state of florida is punching down even harder. hours ago, get, this hitting disney right in the gut. both the senate and the house and the senate passed a bill stripping disney self-governing power allows disney to have their own private government since 1967. stunning blow to the company. woke leftist are completely lose go ahead their mind. >> baby maga is mad disney opposes his don't say gay bill. today the florida senate voted to revoke the privileges that allowed disney world to govern itself since the theme park opened glitziy doors. the touch era governor signed anti-gay legislation designed to punish educators and erase the existence of people's lives is going after this private company who dared to contradict him because, a, he is authoritarian on the fastest spectrum and b he thins it will make him president. >> brian: doing this to be president focusing on kindergartener's curriculum to win the electoral college. really he? is doing it because the left lost its mind. trying to show degree of logic. as governor he can get it done. needless to say some don't see it that way. >> how the captured by small segment of our society tried to define it in a way that jesus never defined it in the opposite way of jesus. if jesus christ was alive today, he would be called a groomer, he would be called woke, and he would be called a socialist. if he was alive today. >> brian: the jesus i know would give matthew dowd a breathalyzer, personally. he is out of his mind. before i let you hear the next soundbite keep in mind all this outrage is about making sure teachers don't talk about sex in their kindergarten classrooms. >> i worry that covering glenn youngkin and his politics of parental choice all the focus how well it worked. and even in our conversations about antioxidants, it's about how well they are serving him. the truth is dehumanization is a tactic for politics is from war. dehumanization is a -- it's a tactic -- cities right now, russians get their soldiers to rape children by dehumanizing them. >> brian: this is so far from logical i don't even have words. and finally more proof that the democrats are not prepared to have their left wing agenda challenged and their culture war unmasked and stopped. in fact, brought one of their rock stars to tears. >> i'm going to get emotional about this issue because it's horrible. but, u., it's like kids who are bullied and like all these leaders are taking steps to hurt them and hurt their lives and hurt their families and you look at some of these laws in this state and this going after parents who are in loving relationships who have kids is completely outrageous. sorry. i'm just -- this is an issue that makes me completely crazy. it an issue that is a political wedge issue. it's not a reflection where the country is. >> the majority of people support the bill. it's where the country is liberals have officially come off the rails. ron desantis and the florida legislature seem to have broken them down and just sent a crushing blow to one of the most powerful companies in the country. just because disney bowed to politically correct pressure for once conservatives did not. chris of florida the speaker of the house there. by a 78-38 count. it looks like disney is going to be one of the masses instead of an entity all its own. where do you go from here and why did you voted the way you did? >> thanks for having me, brian. really simple. disney deserves to be treated like any other company in the state. here in the state of florida since 1968, i will say that again since the 1968 constitution when lyndon johnson was president there has been a six special taxing district that nobody has looked at. only one of them is disney. some of them are mosquito control districts or law libraries but only one belongs to a corporation. it's about time that florida went and looked at special taxing districts would have this awesome power. disney, a corporation has the power from the state to build their own nuclear power plant should they decide to do so. after they came out and said what they said and i agree with you completely the statements were just totally outrageous. they mislead floridians, they mislead americans about what the florida legislature did to protect kids in kindergarteners through 3rd grade. we started looking at those taxing districts and today we acted affirmatively to make sure that next year they will expire. >> brian: so i understand that you might be on the hook for about a billion dollars of the company debt. and control of it fire and water departments. is that -- have you guys thought this through? might you be taking on something you don't want to deal with? >> absolutely we have. and i can tell you this. that criticism is a red herring that has been thrown out by critics who want to muddy the water and confuse things. the reality is nothing is further from the truth. you know, nothing is going to change as far as the collection of taxes. nobody's taxes are going to go up. there is already a statute in florida when we dissolve these sort of special taxing districts on thousand deal with them. i think that's something that is being thrown out in the days here because people are trying to create chaos. the reality is there is 12 months from when the govern signs the legislation to make sure that we resolve this special district in the way that makes the most sense. >> brian: you guys passed in the house today, senate yesterday. when does the govern sign it? >> we sent it to the governor this evening he can sign it whenever he wants. >> brian: you are going to negotiate with disney to try to come out with a statement that's somewhat sober? >> you know, listen, i don't know what's going on at disney and candidly i'm not sure what's going on in some of the clips that you mentioned about this bill. it really was outrageous. i will say, this here is the silver lining, we have been talking about these special taxing districts and the powers that exist throughout the state of florida. i mentioned it in 2019 i called it subterranean state. we have been trying to get at them. enough to we have had the opportunity at the legislature to get at them and i think that's good government. >> brian: one of the comments from msnbc anchor was that ron desantis is a fascist. what do you think? who is the ron desantis you know? >> the ron desantis that i know is a bold leader who fights for florida's families, whether it's keeping the state opened during covid, making sure our children get to school. making sure that they can get back in the classroom. and here's another example. you mentioned it before about how, you know, there have been governors who kowtowed to corporate actions. this happened to us last year in the florida legislature. we came out with a bill to protect women's spores. the ncaa came out and said if the florida legislature passes that bill we are going to boycott the state. not only did we pass that bill with the leadership of this legislature and this bold governor and ron desantis. buff we put another provision in law that said that if they boycott us, we boycott them. that the state universities will not be able to use taxpayer dollars to be members of the ncaa. and do you know what happened, brian? do you know how many events they canceled and boycott in the state of florida? zero. that's because we had a governor and legislature who stood up to them who said know that the priority here is to protect women's sports. in this case protect kids and protect the taxpayers as it relates to special districts. >> brian: spineless corporations kowtowed and others bend you didn't. hopefully this is a new trend regardless of the issues. speaker sprowls, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> brian: also here is clay travis. is he host of the clay travis and buck sexton radio show which is fantastic. clay, what's your reaction to what has happened right now and the meltdown on the left for a bill that says let's not talk about gender fluidity to the kindergartners. >> i think this is the legacy of donald trump in the republican party, brian. thanks for having me on. let me explain exactly what i mean. for a long time there were many mitt romney corporate republicans out there who, if the "new york times" or "the washington post" or cnn or msnbc started giving them a little bit of heat, they would curl up in the fetal position and beg, please like me, please, please, please like me. and then donald trump came along and he said i'm going to tell you exactly what i believe. and i don't care what you think of it. and i'm not going to apologize for it and this is how florida has become, i believe, the heart beat of the republican party right now. you got ron desantis there. you have got trump there. and you have walt disney. if you have to make the choice here, disney world is not relocating out of florida. for a long time, brian, and you have seen it play out time after time, these woke companies walk up and just punch the conservative, the republican, the libertarian, whoever it is a little bit right of the landscape here right in the mouth and they say you take it, and they just completely hugh to the demands of the woke universe. hear ron desantis is saying is, okay, if you are going to falsely label bills that we paled in florida as the don't say gay bill when it's the parental rights and education bill and just saying by the waited kindergarten, first, second third grader. i have a first grader there is no reason for them to be trained in sexual orientation or taught it we are going to throw a bunch back at you, disney, you are going to have to take it i think, actually, brian, this is how you get some form of equillibrum back. everybody out there has gotten the idea we have to respond to the woke universe or else they are going to be consequences. now there are consequences from the other side and i think the result is disney is going to say, hey, you know what? maybe we don't need to be a political organization. maybe we can just focus on gaining people. walt disney would roll over in his grave. >> brian: i would factor in a couple other things. factor in the fact that corporations are not voting for republicans anyway. why are they watching their back? why are afraid of it? number two, allowing democrats to mislabel bills. remember jim crow 2.0 the georgia election law. that was totally not true. the president of the united states mislabeling it stacey abrams was responsible for atlanta losing $100 million. she changed her editorial in "u.s.a. today" because she realized she was responsible for this. she has kept her head down ever since. and i think this could be the reason that the wind gets on the back when politician left or right knows they are right, they are not going to melt at the thought of losing corporate support. and those kids at disney, the youngsters at disney that don't agree with the walkout and the protest and the tears, maybe they will have the courage to stand up. so the ceo doesn't interest to bend to the left. >> i think that's exactly right, brian. i would say aspect here is just like sports you are talking about the atlanta braves losing the all-star game, espn tried to woke aphi sports and got crushed for it because there was finally pushback from outkick and places big sports fans as opposed to pretending. i think what is happening here disney has been blown away that suddenly the right realized and was willing to fight and i give credit to antioxidants in florida for their action. >> brian: how proud is espn now and the fbi the black lives matter on the side of the court as we try to find out where millions of dollars has gone. so we'll see. all right. thanks so much, clay. great to see you. i know you have had a long day. >> have a great day. >> brian: "fox & friends" radio show and joins me at night. unbelievable. kamala harris sinking chip. at this rate her office will be totally empty by summer. it's over before it's even started. cnn parent public pulling the plug on cnn plus. why? 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a new poll shows that 72% of the dems believe the 2016 election was changed by russian interference. there are no facts to back that up. it looks like democrats already know 2022 and 2024 are going to be a mess. so they are laying the ground work to blame their losses on something else. miss information. joining us now kayleigh mcenany, former white house press secretary. outnumbered co-host. all over the channel. what was your fake on the speecn the speech he is still considered the leader of the democratic party. >> the message is democrats wants to control what is said and not said. that is why corporate america, social media is trying so hard to maintain their grip on power to the point where entities like twitter are doing what is adverse to their shareholders interest to keep elon musk out. what i thought though was the roaring loud undeniable hypocrisy, brian, of the fact that john brennan of the cia according to john ratcliffe when he disclosed at the end of 2022 that you had brennan brief obama about hillary clinton's plan to vilify president trump with the false russia collusion allegations. where were you then president obama. when were you then when misinformation was presented to you pervade spread for six years. i didn't hear from you. >> brian: he didn't say a word about that. he didn't bring up president biden. what i can tell 1 hour and 13 minutes speech went through it vilify big tech. they this that whistleblower democrats feasting on her and facebook. what's behind them wanting to take down social media now when it's so compliant and so firmly in their corner? do you know? >> it is really interesting brian when i heard president obama mention section 230 and changing it. social media companies liability and litigation. it was a bit curious to hear him say that i think you raise a great point they do all of the democrats dirty works lie about donald trump was that debinked by the spread rampant on twitter. suckers and losers stories he spread our troops out. that was debunked by more than two dozen. russia bounty that spread on social media. that was debunked by biden's intel community it all ran rampant on social media. maybe it is curious, brian. maybe they want that much more control because we know that's what democrats want. >> brian: something else happened. i didn't know going down the elevator and coming here another kamala staffer bit the dust resigning now is her chief of staff tina flournoy. she adds herself to a very long list of harris staffers who have jumped the ship. we are not even two years in yet. how do you explain this? >> you can barely blink without another depar tu i mean, brian, it's inexplicable. you have the chief of staff leaving. the deputy chief of staff. the communications director. the press secretary. national security adviser. the speech writer. essentially her whole office leaving except that boy who sat outside her office, that guy who was typing it looked like it was a hostage picture that was taken. i think he is still there but you didn't see this with vice president pence. you just didn't. when i was there, i don't think there was even a single departure in an entire year because he knew how to run an office. she blames her staff for all of her mistakes and apparently it's pretty brutal her campaign was staff in california senate and vice president's office. hemorrhaging staff a little bit unusual. certainly didn't happen when i was there with the vice president. >> brian: quick opinion from you. why do you think that story got planted that barack obama was told by joe biden that he was is running for re-election. do you think it should be taken at face value or something else going on there? >> i do think it should be taken at face value. first, i think that vice president biden and president obama have a little bit of tension between the two. so i think that was strategically leaked. i think that the current president wanted that out there. president biden. i have no doubt president biden is running. that man is far too stubborn and intent on cementing his legacy. is he running, he probably shouldn't. i hope jill pulls him back set. running i think that leak was strategic. always great to see you. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: tom brady's retirement. the usfl. what do these things have in common? find out after the break. i will find out too. i forget which act this tease is about. ♪ to be a thriver with metastatic breast cancer means... asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali... ..when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women or in men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. 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"discovery" that's taking over cnn. what are you guys doing? this is insane. you take a giant pile of money. you put in in the front lawn and set it on fire and call it cnn plus. this is a platform that there was no market for. look, you don't have to have an mba. cnn routinely dead last in the cable news rankings, so who thought it was a good idea to launch a premium service where the very same host who can't attract an audience on deable are going to do it on the internet for a cost? it was never going to make sense from the beginning. and it met its very timely end i think very rapidly. >> brian: here is what bothers me because we all worked our way up this way. the people let go immediately are not the big time anchors. many other channel, junior staffers one that left their job for an opportunity at cnn they thought it could be stable. some left secure jobs for an opportunity to do something different. they are done in two weeks. >> that's right. and meanwhile the vanity project that the hosts undertook were not appealing to the audience. i mean, look, fox news has a subscription service fox nation which distinguishes that service the host like yourself actually put work into the product. you have create something new and original and share it with the audience and they are willing to subscribe to it they want to see it that's not what cnn did. they created vanity project book reading advice or parenting advice from the host who you don't even identify with those issues. it never made sense conceptually as a business model. you just watched $300 million pushed out and set on fire. >> brian: 100 million in promotion. it looks like chris wallace will stay. he makes about 9 million according to reports. he is going to stay and maybe get the prime time job or something or other and. >> it's got to be an improvement. they were calling that show who is talking to chris wallace? more importantly, who is watching chris wallace that was my question? what? anyway. >> brian: he is a friend of mine. he always was contributing to the radio show on a regular basis but he looks like he will be okay. thanks, vince. >> probably. >> brian: great talking to you. thanks so much. straight ahead let's talk international reels. russia tests out a dangerous new icbm while biden promises new aid to ukraine. is it enough to threaten putin's new threat? question mark. the gruesome murder of a new york city mom has been caught more on that handyman next. ♪ it's my 4:05, the-show-must-go-on, migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere, migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. as a business owner, your 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early this morning and charged with the murder of gaal. police say bonola was a handyman that worked at her house and involved in on again off again affair with the mother of two. gaal and bonola had rekindled their affair and broke it off again and said bonola had come to gaal's home to confront her about their relationship. the d.n.a. left behind at the scene where police accused stabbing gaal 60 times help identify the suspect. after midnight when bonola entered gaal's home confronted her in the basement and used a knife that came from her own house to kill her. security cameras in her forest hill neighborhood captured a grainy image person dragging did duffle bag on wheels. he pulled her remains in duffle bag nine blocks to a nearby park. residents walking the dog discovered the bag and called police 8:00 saturday morning and police found items nearby belonging to the killer. >> we believe that after disposing of the body, mr. bonola fled through forest park where investigators discovered the jacket believed to be worn by him during this vicious crime. detectives developed leads which led them a location where boots, a t-shirt and bloody bandages were discovered. >> cops spotted bonola while he canvassed the he acomed officers to the local precinct he made incriminating statements about his alleged role in that crime and was taken into custody. we have got a producer in the courtroom who is going to keep us informed about tonight's arraignment. the queens d.a. telling fox that he is going to be charged with murder, criminal trespassing and criminal possession of a weapon. it goes on tonight we will have more as the night goes on. >> brian: all right, laura, we knew we were going to get a suspect and we got one. thanks so much. meanwhile let's change gears. key port of the city of mariupol. u.s. and ukrainian intelligence disagreeing on. that was president biden announcing also today this morning 800 million in additional military aid for ukraine. which will include new rounds of heavy artillery. you got howitzers, tactical drones and just general ammunition. he also announceds another 500 million in economic government aid bringing the total to 3 billion since the war started. >> we won't always be able to advertise everything that our partners are doing to support ukraine and its fight for freedom but to modernize teddy roosevelt's famous advice sometimes we will speak softly and carry a large javelin because we're sending a lot of those in as well. our unity at home. our unity with allies and partners and our unity with the ukrainian people sending unmistakable message to putin. he will never succeed in dominating and occupying all of ukraine. that will not happen. >> brian: notice he said all of ukraine. russia successfully testing intercontinental blism and nicknamed it satan 2 nice touch in order to scare nato and its allies what are we doing. president biden nixed the biggest deterrent the sea launch nuclear cruise missile cut from the pentagon budget. the nuclear submarine weapon key coo have deterred up to 2,000 of russia's tactical nukes. deter him possibly from making any advances then. why is the president taking away the one thing that could keep america safe and russia and china on its heels? general jack keane knows this very well retired four star general fox news senior strategic analyst. general, why take this away? >> no. it makes no sense here. what's been happening since 1987, under president reagan, intermediate range nuclear weapons, so-called tactical nuclear weapons have been prohibited and the ones that we did have were destroyed and inspectors verified that. that's the status we held for 20-plus years. putin came into power and was in power for a while then started to develop tactical nuclear weapons in violation of the treaty. and he kept doing it and we were trying to get him to stop and he wouldn't do it. we came in and pulled ourselves out of the treaty. here is where we stand. they have got 2,000 of these tactical nuclear weapons. we have 200. all of our ours are in europe and they are gravity bombs just dropped out of bombers. clearly not as good as a cruise missile fired from a submarine or a fired from a land base with the precision that that would have. why wouldn't we have a deterrence against that system? that was what the pentagon wanted to achieve? and so our audience understands that putin has 2,000 tactical nuclear weapons. and there's nothing on the other side to deter them, he could use that tactical nuclear weapon, knowing full well that the next step that the united states has is to go to their strategic nuclear weapon, which means the destruction of the planet and as a result of that, the united states probably would not do that, they know that. and they would get away with it. that's the point here. so by having those cruise missiles, it is a deterrence against him using that type of missile. and, obviously, what we want to do is get back to a similar treaty that prohibits the use of both of these types of weapons. >> brian: we went back to that treaty it showed weakness not compliance. every time we give in it's weakness in vladimir putin's mind. general, you know that i'm sure general austin and general milley. i'm surprised they haven't made more of a stand. maybe they are behind the scenes. let's talk about the actual battle. mariupol falling or not is semantics because there is only one small group left and cat that combs of that steel mill is there a plan to get mariupol back by the ukrainians like they got back kherson? >> well, what is happening right now, certainly, is putin is so desperate for some kind of a victory after 60 days that they are have been playing on state tv all over russia that mariupol was fallen and it's a great victory and they are going to celebrate it on 9 may which is the big holiday every year in russia celebrating the defeat of nazi germany. and that now is going to be added to the agenda. obviously, it hasn't completely fallen. there are still some people in the steel mill. but, nonetheless, they are going forward with that sense of victory. what's going to happen here, he has got 12 tactical battle groups there a lot of them have been damaged severely in this fight. so they are not going to be able to be used in the other fight. some of the tactical battle groups he has got to keep them there because they have to occupy the city. what will happen over time, brian, is there will be resistance in that city to the occupation. >> brian: absolutely. >> they will install their own local government and they are going to have to have troops there if they want to hold on to it. and, eventually, the partisan resistance groups will form and they will start going after those soldiers and whatever enforcement they have. brian yep. >> to them away in time. right now in terms of moving large units of ukrainian forces in there to take the city, that could not be done in the near term because they are defending the donbas against huge concentration of russian forces that are now attempting to take some of that territory back and they are not doing too well at it i may add. the russians. >> brian: absolutely. their tactics are bad. the communication is still bad. they are ruthless and barbaric and they need 20,000 foreign fighters and a nation of over 140 million they can't get a big enough army to subdue and beat ukraine. it's pathetic. but definitely noteworthy and a tribute to the ukrainians. thank you so much for keeping us up to date, general. >> yeah. great talking to you, brian, as always. >> brian: meanwhile, straight ahead. hear about this? boxinglegend mike tyson loses it on the flight. what set him off and why do i agree with what he did? i would have done the same thing. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year, ♪ claritin provides non-drowsy symptom relief from over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens, day after day. feel the clarity - and make today the most wonderful time of the year. live claritin clear. better hearing leads to a better life. and that better life... ...starts at miracle-ear. it all begins with the most innovative technology... the new miracle-earmini™. available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small, no one will see it. but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a 30-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. ♪ we could walk forever ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ all ♪ ♪ >> mike tyson famously said everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the mouth. one airline passenger found out the hard way. fox news chief correspondent jonathan hunt is live in los angeles with the latest. >> inside or outside a boxing ring, mike -- fighting mike tysn has never been a smart choice. >> [bleep]. >> to mike tyson, bro. to speak this excitable passenger on a jetblue flight out of san francisco appeared to have forgotten iron mike's reputatios suddenly reminded why even profl fighters were sometimes scared of the former heavyweight world champion. >> hey, hey, mike. >> this was the result, as it has almost always been when mike tyson hits someone. >> jetblue, my boy just got beat up by mike tyson. he got [bleep] up. just trying to ask for an autograph, man, i don't know what happened. >> punching someone on a plane is different than punching someone on an airplane but i should have met, no charges. i should admit to having my own run in with mike when he came to fox studios while i post quietly and proudly with the champ, he took a little nibble of my ear. fortunately, not a chunk of it. i can only assume my ear was not as tasty to tyson. also, probably scared of my physical prowess. >> who isn't. thank you, appreciate it. that guy was really annoying, tyson, i don't blame him. he might've remembered this last week, watch. ♪ ♪ [applause] >> i know what you're saying, looks like the president is looking confused and shaking hands with nothing, thin air. most people would agree with you, except for those great people at politifact who fired up their truth a meter which told them that that was fake news, what we just saw. they say joe biden wasn't confused at all it was a shaking hands with a ghost. instead they say biden was actually pointing at the audience behind him with his whole hand, which we all do. he acknowledges the right side and then the left side and begins to walk forward. now it makes sense and now we are pretty sure joe biden understands basic hand gestures, right? we see what he looks like when he goes in for a handshake, he's done that before. he's been shaking hands for five decades in washington and we also know that joe knows how to point. here is some proof right here when he takes trips to the ice cream shop, he sure knows how to point to his favorite flavor. there's also this, we don't really know what joe biden is doing here but it's certainly something interesting. i guess politifact wants us to ignore the basic tenets of hand gestures and believe that this is an example of pointing. because people point with their whole hand. so there you have it, mystery solved. i wonder what the truth of meter will decide to cover next. maybe they will say joe biden didn't confuse title 42 with the mask mandate this morning. are part mike are delaying -- >> i'm considering is continuing to hear from -- first of all, there's going to be an appeal by the justice department because as a matter of principle we want to be in a position where if, in fact, it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need title 42 that we would be able to do that, but there has been no decision on extending title 42. >> or the mask mandate. i'm pretty sure he has no idea what he's talking about but you be the judge and i will wait for "the washington post," but there truth of meter so i will be clear on that. that's all we have for tonight. catch me tomorrow from 6:00 to 9:00 on "fox & friends," it will be great. every saturday, 48 hours away, "one nation" at 8:00, i will wear the same outfit. the finnish ambassador of the u.s., might they become another member of nato? perhaps. finance expert dave ramsey always looking great, and learn how to be happy with arthur brooks. keep in mind too i've got the radio show from 9:00 to noon. it also becomes a podcast we can't work into our schedule. tucker carlson is next. listen to the snare drum on one 16th speed. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: a good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." here's an interesting story, if the new yorker were still a real magazine they might write it up but of course they want. here it is, last summer deep in the of the transportation department in washington, some nameless analyst came about highly puzzling trend on traffic deaths. it turns out that in the year 2020 the number of american motorists who died on the road spiked drati

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240708

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the transgender people in public buildings it that use bathrooms to correspond with the gender on their birth certificate. the woke mob lost their minds and then the boycotts began. entertainers like bruce springsteen, big shock, pearl jam nic jonas refused to perform there. deutsch bank expansions in north carolina. the nba moved its all-star game from charlotte to new orleans. and the ncaa threatened to move march madness games to another state before lawmakers ended up getting rid of that the redickless stance cost north carolina $3.7 billion. and derailed temporarily mccreery's political career all of this because men were going to use the men's bathroom and women were going to use the women's bathroom. and then just last year, major league baseball boycott the state of georgia because they didn't like the state's new election law. so the all-star game was moved to colorado, a state with stricter voting laws than georgia and, according to reports, local businesses in atlanta lost about $100 million in revenue. most of those businesses were minority owned. after the president mischaracterized georgia's voting bill as jim crow 2.0. this because of other things they believe in georgia that you should have an i.d. to vote. woke corporations have consistently bullied conservatives to get what they wanted. most of the time it has worked because conservative governors appear too powerless to fight back. but now, for the first time, the shoe seems to be on the other foot. now it's a republican governor challenging the most powerful corporations in his state, disney. in march, florida passed the parental rights bill which prohibits teachers from, get this, discussing sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through the 3rd grade. but the woke folks at disney didn't like this one bit saying it's anti-gay. now, some employees freaked out. got mad at the ceo bop change of plea pet for staying silent on the matter. so he caved, he groveled and begged the model for forgiveness here sat quote we are increasing our support for advocacy groups combat. we are hard at work creating a new framework for our political giving ensure better reflects our values pausing our in the state of florida pending its review. i missed the mark in this case. i'm an ally you can count on. really? the question is did he ever read the bill which the left framed as the don't say gay bill? if he did, six pages long, doesn't take long, and the term gay does not appear. he would have learned that there is no foundation for the outrage he had read the bill. and where is bob chapek, his statement calling out china big disney over in china for their human rights abuses or for giving the world covid which we're still dealing with? we got video and hard proof of both of those things. where is his outrage? i guess he is an an ally of the uyghurs. disney's problem isn't with china. it is with governor antioxidants because he doesn't think kids should be learning about sex changes and gender fluidity at the age of 8. is he not backing down. the state of florida is punching down even harder. hours ago, get, this hitting disney right in the gut. both the senate and the house and the senate passed a bill stripping disney self-governing power allows disney to have their own private government since 1967. stunning blow to the company. woke leftist are completely lose go ahead their mind. >> baby maga is mad disney opposes his don't say gay bill. today the florida senate voted to revoke the privileges that allowed disney world to govern itself since the theme park opened glitziy doors. the touch era governor signed anti-gay legislation designed to punish educators and erase the existence of people's lives is going after this private company who dared to contradict him because, a, he is authoritarian on the fastest spectrum and b he thins it will make him president. >> brian: doing this to be president focusing on kindergartener's curriculum to win the electoral college. really he? is doing it because the left lost its mind. trying to show degree of logic. as governor he can get it done. needless to say some don't see it that way. >> how the captured by small segment of our society tried to define it in a way that jesus never defined it in the opposite way of jesus. if jesus christ was alive today, he would be called a groomer, he would be called woke, and he would be called a socialist. if he was alive today. >> brian: the jesus i know would give matthew dowd a breathalyzer, personally. he is out of his mind. before i let you hear the next soundbite keep in mind all this outrage is about making sure teachers don't talk about sex in their kindergarten classrooms. >> i worry that covering glenn youngkin and his politics of parental choice all the focus how well it worked. and even in our conversations about antioxidants, it's about how well they are serving him. the truth is dehumanization is a tactic for politics is from war. dehumanization is a -- it's a tactic -- cities right now, russians get their soldiers to rape children by dehumanizing them. >> brian: this is so far from logical i don't even have words. and finally more proof that the democrats are not prepared to have their left wing agenda challenged and their culture war unmasked and stopped. in fact, brought one of their rock stars to tears. >> i'm going to get emotional about this issue because it's horrible. but, u., it's like kids who are bullied and like all these leaders are taking steps to hurt them and hurt their lives and hurt their families and you look at some of these laws in this state and this going after parents who are in loving relationships who have kids is completely outrageous. sorry. i'm just -- this is an issue that makes me completely crazy. it an issue that is a political wedge issue. it's not a reflection where the country is. >> the majority of people support the bill. it's where the country is liberals have officially come off the rails. ron desantis and the florida legislature seem to have broken them down and just sent a crushing blow to one of the most powerful companies in the country. just because disney bowed to politically correct pressure for once conservatives did not. chris of florida the speaker of the house there. by a 78-38 count. it looks like disney is going to be one of the masses instead of an entity all its own. where do you go from here and why did you voted the way you did? >> thanks for having me, brian. really simple. disney deserves to be treated like any other company in the state. here in the state of florida since 1968, i will say that again since the 1968 constitution when lyndon johnson was president there has been a six special taxing district that nobody has looked at. only one of them is disney. some of them are mosquito control districts or law libraries but only one belongs to a corporation. it's about time that florida went and looked at special taxing districts would have this awesome power. disney, a corporation has the power from the state to build their own nuclear power plant should they decide to do so. after they came out and said what they said and i agree with you completely the statements were just totally outrageous. they mislead floridians, they mislead americans about what the florida legislature did to protect kids in kindergarteners through 3rd grade. we started looking at those taxing districts and today we acted affirmatively to make sure that next year they will expire. >> brian: so i understand that you might be on the hook for about a billion dollars of the company debt. and control of it fire and water departments. is that -- have you guys thought this through? might you be taking on something you don't want to deal with? >> absolutely we have. and i can tell you this. that criticism is a red herring that has been thrown out by critics who want to muddy the water and confuse things. the reality is nothing is further from the truth. you know, nothing is going to change as far as the collection of taxes. nobody's taxes are going to go up. there is already a statute in florida when we dissolve these sort of special taxing districts on thousand deal with them. i think that's something that is being thrown out in the days here because people are trying to create chaos. the reality is there is 12 months from when the govern signs the legislation to make sure that we resolve this special district in the way that makes the most sense. >> brian: you guys passed in the house today, senate yesterday. when does the govern sign it? >> we sent it to the governor this evening he can sign it whenever he wants. >> brian: you are going to negotiate with disney to try to come out with a statement that's somewhat sober? >> you know, listen, i don't know what's going on at disney and candidly i'm not sure what's going on in some of the clips that you mentioned about this bill. it really was outrageous. i will say, this here is the silver lining, we have been talking about these special taxing districts and the powers that exist throughout the state of florida. i mentioned it in 2019 i called it subterranean state. we have been trying to get at them. enough to we have had the opportunity at the legislature to get at them and i think that's good government. >> brian: one of the comments from msnbc anchor was that ron desantis is a fascist. what do you think? who is the ron desantis you know? >> the ron desantis that i know is a bold leader who fights for florida's families, whether it's keeping the state opened during covid, making sure our children get to school. making sure that they can get back in the classroom. and here's another example. you mentioned it before about how, you know, there have been governors who kowtowed to corporate actions. this happened to us last year in the florida legislature. we came out with a bill to protect women's spores. the ncaa came out and said if the florida legislature passes that bill we are going to boycott the state. not only did we pass that bill with the leadership of this legislature and this bold governor and ron desantis. buff we put another provision in law that said that if they boycott us, we boycott them. that the state universities will not be able to use taxpayer dollars to be members of the ncaa. and do you know what happened, brian? do you know how many events they canceled and boycott in the state of florida? zero. that's because we had a governor and legislature who stood up to them who said know that the priority here is to protect women's sports. in this case protect kids and protect the taxpayers as it relates to special districts. >> brian: spineless corporations kowtowed and others bend you didn't. hopefully this is a new trend regardless of the issues. speaker sprowls, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> brian: also here is clay travis. is he host of the clay travis and buck sexton radio show which is fantastic. clay, what's your reaction to what has happened right now and the meltdown on the left for a bill that says let's not talk about gender fluidity to the kindergartners. >> i think this is the legacy of donald trump in the republican party, brian. thanks for having me on. let me explain exactly what i mean. for a long time there were many mitt romney corporate republicans out there who, if the "new york times" or "the washington post" or cnn or msnbc started giving them a little bit of heat, they would curl up in the fetal position and beg, please like me, please, please, please like me. and then donald trump came along and he said i'm going to tell you exactly what i believe. and i don't care what you think of it. and i'm not going to apologize for it and this is how florida has become, i believe, the heart beat of the republican party right now. you got ron desantis there. you have got trump there. and you have walt disney. if you have to make the choice here, disney world is not relocating out of florida. for a long time, brian, and you have seen it play out time after time, these woke companies walk up and just punch the conservative, the republican, the libertarian, whoever it is a little bit right of the landscape here right in the mouth and they say you take it, and they just completely hugh to the demands of the woke universe. hear ron desantis is saying is, okay, if you are going to falsely label bills that we paled in florida as the don't say gay bill when it's the parental rights and education bill and just saying by the waited kindergarten, first, second third grader. i have a first grader there is no reason for them to be trained in sexual orientation or taught it we are going to throw a bunch back at you, disney, you are going to have to take it i think, actually, brian, this is how you get some form of equillibrum back. everybody out there has gotten the idea we have to respond to the woke universe or else they are going to be consequences. now there are consequences from the other side and i think the result is disney is going to say, hey, you know what? maybe we don't need to be a political organization. maybe we can just focus on gaining people. walt disney would roll over in his grave. >> brian: i would factor in a couple other things. factor in the fact that corporations are not voting for republicans anyway. why are they watching their back? why are afraid of it? number two, allowing democrats to mislabel bills. remember jim crow 2.0 the georgia election law. that was totally not true. the president of the united states mislabeling it stacey abrams was responsible for atlanta losing $100 million. she changed her editorial in "u.s.a. today" because she realized she was responsible for this. she has kept her head down ever since. and i think this could be the reason that the wind gets on the back when politician left or right knows they are right, they are not going to melt at the thought of losing corporate support. and those kids at disney, the youngsters at disney that don't agree with the walkout and the protest and the tears, maybe they will have the courage to stand up. so the ceo doesn't interest to bend to the left. >> i think that's exactly right, brian. i would say aspect here is just like sports you are talking about the atlanta braves losing the all-star game, espn tried to woke aphi sports and got crushed for it because there was finally pushback from outkick and places big sports fans as opposed to pretending. i think what is happening here disney has been blown away that suddenly the right realized and was willing to fight and i give credit to antioxidants in florida for their action. >> brian: how proud is espn now and the fbi the black lives matter on the side of the court as we try to find out where millions of dollars has gone. so we'll see. all right. thanks so much, clay. great to see you. i know you have had a long day. >> have a great day. >> brian: "fox & friends" radio show and joins me at night. unbelievable. kamala harris sinking chip. at this rate her office will be totally empty by summer. it's over before it's even started. cnn parent public pulling the plug on cnn plus. why? 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a new poll shows that 72% of the dems believe the 2016 election was changed by russian interference. there are no facts to back that up. it looks like democrats already know 2022 and 2024 are going to be a mess. so they are laying the ground work to blame their losses on something else. miss information. joining us now kayleigh mcenany, former white house press secretary. outnumbered co-host. all over the channel. what was your fake on the speecn the speech he is still considered the leader of the democratic party. >> the message is democrats wants to control what is said and not said. that is why corporate america, social media is trying so hard to maintain their grip on power to the point where entities like twitter are doing what is adverse to their shareholders interest to keep elon musk out. what i thought though was the roaring loud undeniable hypocrisy, brian, of the fact that john brennan of the cia according to john ratcliffe when he disclosed at the end of 2022 that you had brennan brief obama about hillary clinton's plan to vilify president trump with the false russia collusion allegations. where were you then president obama. when were you then when misinformation was presented to you pervade spread for six years. i didn't hear from you. >> brian: he didn't say a word about that. he didn't bring up president biden. what i can tell 1 hour and 13 minutes speech went through it vilify big tech. they this that whistleblower democrats feasting on her and facebook. what's behind them wanting to take down social media now when it's so compliant and so firmly in their corner? do you know? >> it is really interesting brian when i heard president obama mention section 230 and changing it. social media companies liability and litigation. it was a bit curious to hear him say that i think you raise a great point they do all of the democrats dirty works lie about donald trump was that debinked by the spread rampant on twitter. suckers and losers stories he spread our troops out. that was debunked by more than two dozen. russia bounty that spread on social media. that was debunked by biden's intel community it all ran rampant on social media. maybe it is curious, brian. maybe they want that much more control because we know that's what democrats want. >> brian: something else happened. i didn't know going down the elevator and coming here another kamala staffer bit the dust resigning now is her chief of staff tina flournoy. she adds herself to a very long list of harris staffers who have jumped the ship. we are not even two years in yet. how do you explain this? >> you can barely blink without another depar tu i mean, brian, it's inexplicable. you have the chief of staff leaving. the deputy chief of staff. the communications director. the press secretary. national security adviser. the speech writer. essentially her whole office leaving except that boy who sat outside her office, that guy who was typing it looked like it was a hostage picture that was taken. i think he is still there but you didn't see this with vice president pence. you just didn't. when i was there, i don't think there was even a single departure in an entire year because he knew how to run an office. she blames her staff for all of her mistakes and apparently it's pretty brutal her campaign was staff in california senate and vice president's office. hemorrhaging staff a little bit unusual. certainly didn't happen when i was there with the vice president. >> brian: quick opinion from you. why do you think that story got planted that barack obama was told by joe biden that he was is running for re-election. do you think it should be taken at face value or something else going on there? >> i do think it should be taken at face value. first, i think that vice president biden and president obama have a little bit of tension between the two. so i think that was strategically leaked. i think that the current president wanted that out there. president biden. i have no doubt president biden is running. that man is far too stubborn and intent on cementing his legacy. is he running, he probably shouldn't. i hope jill pulls him back set. running i think that leak was strategic. always great to see you. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: tom brady's retirement. the usfl. what do these things have in common? find out after the break. i will find out too. i forget which act this tease is about. ♪ to be a thriver with metastatic breast cancer means... asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali... ..when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women or in men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. 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"discovery" that's taking over cnn. what are you guys doing? this is insane. you take a giant pile of money. you put in in the front lawn and set it on fire and call it cnn plus. this is a platform that there was no market for. look, you don't have to have an mba. cnn routinely dead last in the cable news rankings, so who thought it was a good idea to launch a premium service where the very same host who can't attract an audience on deable are going to do it on the internet for a cost? it was never going to make sense from the beginning. and it met its very timely end i think very rapidly. >> brian: here is what bothers me because we all worked our way up this way. the people let go immediately are not the big time anchors. many other channel, junior staffers one that left their job for an opportunity at cnn they thought it could be stable. some left secure jobs for an opportunity to do something different. they are done in two weeks. >> that's right. and meanwhile the vanity project that the hosts undertook were not appealing to the audience. i mean, look, fox news has a subscription service fox nation which distinguishes that service the host like yourself actually put work into the product. you have create something new and original and share it with the audience and they are willing to subscribe to it they want to see it that's not what cnn did. they created vanity project book reading advice or parenting advice from the host who you don't even identify with those issues. it never made sense conceptually as a business model. you just watched $300 million pushed out and set on fire. >> brian: 100 million in promotion. it looks like chris wallace will stay. he makes about 9 million according to reports. he is going to stay and maybe get the prime time job or something or other and. >> it's got to be an improvement. they were calling that show who is talking to chris wallace? more importantly, who is watching chris wallace that was my question? what? anyway. >> brian: he is a friend of mine. he always was contributing to the radio show on a regular basis but he looks like he will be okay. thanks, vince. >> probably. >> brian: great talking to you. thanks so much. straight ahead let's talk international reels. russia tests out a dangerous new icbm while biden promises new aid to ukraine. is it enough to threaten putin's new threat? question mark. the gruesome murder of a new york city mom has been caught more on that handyman next. ♪ it's my 4:05, the-show-must-go-on, migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere, migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. as a business owner, your 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early this morning and charged with the murder of gaal. police say bonola was a handyman that worked at her house and involved in on again off again affair with the mother of two. gaal and bonola had rekindled their affair and broke it off again and said bonola had come to gaal's home to confront her about their relationship. the d.n.a. left behind at the scene where police accused stabbing gaal 60 times help identify the suspect. after midnight when bonola entered gaal's home confronted her in the basement and used a knife that came from her own house to kill her. security cameras in her forest hill neighborhood captured a grainy image person dragging did duffle bag on wheels. he pulled her remains in duffle bag nine blocks to a nearby park. residents walking the dog discovered the bag and called police 8:00 saturday morning and police found items nearby belonging to the killer. >> we believe that after disposing of the body, mr. bonola fled through forest park where investigators discovered the jacket believed to be worn by him during this vicious crime. detectives developed leads which led them a location where boots, a t-shirt and bloody bandages were discovered. >> cops spotted bonola while he canvassed the he acomed officers to the local precinct he made incriminating statements about his alleged role in that crime and was taken into custody. we have got a producer in the courtroom who is going to keep us informed about tonight's arraignment. the queens d.a. telling fox that he is going to be charged with murder, criminal trespassing and criminal possession of a weapon. it goes on tonight we will have more as the night goes on. >> brian: all right, laura, we knew we were going to get a suspect and we got one. thanks so much. meanwhile let's change gears. key port of the city of mariupol. u.s. and ukrainian intelligence disagreeing on. that was president biden announcing also today this morning 800 million in additional military aid for ukraine. which will include new rounds of heavy artillery. you got howitzers, tactical drones and just general ammunition. he also announceds another 500 million in economic government aid bringing the total to 3 billion since the war started. >> we won't always be able to advertise everything that our partners are doing to support ukraine and its fight for freedom but to modernize teddy roosevelt's famous advice sometimes we will speak softly and carry a large javelin because we're sending a lot of those in as well. our unity at home. our unity with allies and partners and our unity with the ukrainian people sending unmistakable message to putin. he will never succeed in dominating and occupying all of ukraine. that will not happen. >> brian: notice he said all of ukraine. russia successfully testing intercontinental blism and nicknamed it satan 2 nice touch in order to scare nato and its allies what are we doing. president biden nixed the biggest deterrent the sea launch nuclear cruise missile cut from the pentagon budget. the nuclear submarine weapon key coo have deterred up to 2,000 of russia's tactical nukes. deter him possibly from making any advances then. why is the president taking away the one thing that could keep america safe and russia and china on its heels? general jack keane knows this very well retired four star general fox news senior strategic analyst. general, why take this away? >> no. it makes no sense here. what's been happening since 1987, under president reagan, intermediate range nuclear weapons, so-called tactical nuclear weapons have been prohibited and the ones that we did have were destroyed and inspectors verified that. that's the status we held for 20-plus years. putin came into power and was in power for a while then started to develop tactical nuclear weapons in violation of the treaty. and he kept doing it and we were trying to get him to stop and he wouldn't do it. we came in and pulled ourselves out of the treaty. here is where we stand. they have got 2,000 of these tactical nuclear weapons. we have 200. all of our ours are in europe and they are gravity bombs just dropped out of bombers. clearly not as good as a cruise missile fired from a submarine or a fired from a land base with the precision that that would have. why wouldn't we have a deterrence against that system? that was what the pentagon wanted to achieve? and so our audience understands that putin has 2,000 tactical nuclear weapons. and there's nothing on the other side to deter them, he could use that tactical nuclear weapon, knowing full well that the next step that the united states has is to go to their strategic nuclear weapon, which means the destruction of the planet and as a result of that, the united states probably would not do that, they know that. and they would get away with it. that's the point here. so by having those cruise missiles, it is a deterrence against him using that type of missile. and, obviously, what we want to do is get back to a similar treaty that prohibits the use of both of these types of weapons. >> brian: we went back to that treaty it showed weakness not compliance. every time we give in it's weakness in vladimir putin's mind. general, you know that i'm sure general austin and general milley. i'm surprised they haven't made more of a stand. maybe they are behind the scenes. let's talk about the actual battle. mariupol falling or not is semantics because there is only one small group left and cat that combs of that steel mill is there a plan to get mariupol back by the ukrainians like they got back kherson? >> well, what is happening right now, certainly, is putin is so desperate for some kind of a victory after 60 days that they are have been playing on state tv all over russia that mariupol was fallen and it's a great victory and they are going to celebrate it on 9 may which is the big holiday every year in russia celebrating the defeat of nazi germany. and that now is going to be added to the agenda. obviously, it hasn't completely fallen. there are still some people in the steel mill. but, nonetheless, they are going forward with that sense of victory. what's going to happen here, he has got 12 tactical battle groups there a lot of them have been damaged severely in this fight. so they are not going to be able to be used in the other fight. some of the tactical battle groups he has got to keep them there because they have to occupy the city. what will happen over time, brian, is there will be resistance in that city to the occupation. >> brian: absolutely. >> they will install their own local government and they are going to have to have troops there if they want to hold on to it. and, eventually, the partisan resistance groups will form and they will start going after those soldiers and whatever enforcement they have. brian yep. >> to them away in time. right now in terms of moving large units of ukrainian forces in there to take the city, that could not be done in the near term because they are defending the donbas against huge concentration of russian forces that are now attempting to take some of that territory back and they are not doing too well at it i may add. the russians. >> brian: absolutely. their tactics are bad. the communication is still bad. they are ruthless and barbaric and they need 20,000 foreign fighters and a nation of over 140 million they can't get a big enough army to subdue and beat ukraine. it's pathetic. but definitely noteworthy and a tribute to the ukrainians. thank you so much for keeping us up to date, general. >> yeah. great talking to you, brian, as always. >> brian: meanwhile, straight ahead. hear about this? boxinglegend mike tyson loses it on the flight. what set him off and why do i agree with what he did? i would have done the same thing. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year, ♪ claritin provides non-drowsy symptom relief from over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens, day after day. feel the clarity - and make today the most wonderful time of the year. live claritin clear. better hearing leads to a better life. and that better life... ...starts at miracle-ear. it all begins with the most innovative technology... the new miracle-earmini™. available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small, no one will see it. but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a 30-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. ♪ we could walk forever ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ all ♪ ♪ >> mike tyson famously said everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the mouth. one airline passenger found out the hard way. fox news chief correspondent jonathan hunt is live in los angeles with the latest. >> inside or outside a boxing ring, mike -- fighting mike tysn has never been a smart choice. >> [bleep]. >> to mike tyson, bro. to speak this excitable passenger on a jetblue flight out of san francisco appeared to have forgotten iron mike's reputatios suddenly reminded why even profl fighters were sometimes scared of the former heavyweight world champion. >> hey, hey, mike. >> this was the result, as it has almost always been when mike tyson hits someone. >> jetblue, my boy just got beat up by mike tyson. he got [bleep] up. just trying to ask for an autograph, man, i don't know what happened. >> punching someone on a plane is different than punching someone on an airplane but i should have met, no charges. i should admit to having my own run in with mike when he came to fox studios while i post quietly and proudly with the champ, he took a little nibble of my ear. fortunately, not a chunk of it. i can only assume my ear was not as tasty to tyson. also, probably scared of my physical prowess. >> who isn't. thank you, appreciate it. that guy was really annoying, tyson, i don't blame him. he might've remembered this last week, watch. ♪ ♪ [applause] >> i know what you're saying, looks like the president is looking confused and shaking hands with nothing, thin air. most people would agree with you, except for those great people at politifact who fired up their truth a meter which told them that that was fake news, what we just saw. they say joe biden wasn't confused at all it was a shaking hands with a ghost. instead they say biden was actually pointing at the audience behind him with his whole hand, which we all do. he acknowledges the right side and then the left side and begins to walk forward. now it makes sense and now we are pretty sure joe biden understands basic hand gestures, right? we see what he looks like when he goes in for a handshake, he's done that before. he's been shaking hands for five decades in washington and we also know that joe knows how to point. here is some proof right here when he takes trips to the ice cream shop, he sure knows how to point to his favorite flavor. there's also this, we don't really know what joe biden is doing here but it's certainly something interesting. i guess politifact wants us to ignore the basic tenets of hand gestures and believe that this is an example of pointing. because people point with their whole hand. so there you have it, mystery solved. i wonder what the truth of meter will decide to cover next. maybe they will say joe biden didn't confuse title 42 with the mask mandate this morning. are part mike are delaying -- >> i'm considering is continuing to hear from -- first of all, there's going to be an appeal by the justice department because as a matter of principle we want to be in a position where if, in fact, it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need title 42 that we would be able to do that, but there has been no decision on extending title 42. >> or the mask mandate. i'm pretty sure he has no idea what he's talking about but you be the judge and i will wait for "the washington post," but there truth of meter so i will be clear on that. that's all we have for tonight. catch me tomorrow from 6:00 to 9:00 on "fox & friends," it will be great. every saturday, 48 hours away, "one nation" at 8:00, i will wear the same outfit. the finnish ambassador of the u.s., might they become another member of nato? perhaps. finance expert dave ramsey always looking great, and learn how to be happy with arthur brooks. keep in mind too i've got the radio show from 9:00 to noon. it also becomes a podcast we can't work into our schedule. tucker carlson is next. listen to the snare drum on one 16th speed. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: a good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." here's an interesting story, if the new yorker were still a real magazine they might write it up but of course they want. here it is, last summer deep in the of the transportation department in washington, some nameless analyst came about highly puzzling trend on traffic deaths. it turns out that in the year 2020 the number of american motorists who died on the road spiked drati

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Organization , Back , President Of The United States , Georgia Election Law , Stacey Abrams , Two , Politician , Wind , Usa Today , Editorial , Head , Youngsters , Courage , Walkout , Protest , Thought , Doesn T Interest , Espn , Aphi Sports , Aspect , Pushback , Atlanta Braves , Outkick , Action , Sports Fans , Credit , Fbi , Court , Millions , Dollars , Office , On Cnn Plus , Kamala Harris , Radio Show , Fox Friends , Summer , Parent , Sinking Chip , Rate , Unbelievable , Breathing Problems , Dupixent , Stairs , Asthma Attacks , Treatment , Types , Reactions , Asthma , Breathing , Add On , Steroids , Lung Function , Chest Pain , Rash , Doctor , Pain , Infection , Stop Asthma Medicines , Breath , Numbness , Help , Tingling , Limbs , Joint Aches , Shortness , More , Asthma Specialist , Du , Policy , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Retirement , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Income , Worth , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 100000 , 00000 , Number , Life Changing , Info 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Ratcliffe , Cia , Plan , Allegations , Misinformation , Russia Collusion , Joe Biden Didn T , Feasting , Big Tech , 13 , 1 , Section , Corner , Facebook , 230 , Social Media Companies , Works , Liability , Litigation , Debinked , Stories , Troops , Losers , Suckers , Russia Bounty , Community , Elevator , Ran , Chief Of Staff , Staffers , Staffer , Dust , List , Ship , Tina Flournoy , Boy , Speech Writer , Deputy Chief Of Staff , Communications Director , Press Secretary , Another , Tu , National Security Adviser , Sat Outside , Guy , Didn T , Vice President , Hostage Picture , Departure , Pence , Staff , Mistakes , Hemorrhaging Staff , Campaign , Story , Face Value , Vice President Biden , Re Election , Man , Intent , Tension , No Doubt , Shouldn T , Leak , Tom Brady , Usfl , Breast Cancer , Break , Tease , Thriver , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Kisqali , Hr , Pill , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Infections , Skin Reactions , Death , Disease , Blood Cell , 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Wonderful Time Of Year , Clarity , Allergens , Make , Symptom Relief , Life , Miracle Ear , Hearing , Technology , Miracle Earminitm , Difference , Obligation , Trial , 800 , 1 800 Miracle , 30 , Moon , Jonathan Hunt , Airline Passenger , Boxing Ring , Fighting Mike Tysn , Passenger , Reputatios , Jetblue Flight Out , Bleep , Bro , San Francisco , World Champion , Profl , Someone , Jetblue , Beat Up , He Got , Plane , Autograph , Charges , Airplane , Ear , Champ , Nibble , Run , Chunk , Fox Studios , Prowess , Tyson , Who , Applause , Meter , Politifact , Hands , Shaking Hands , Wasn T , Air , Saw , Ghost , Hand , Do , Hand Gestures , Handshake , Trips , Ice Cream Shop , Washington , Joe , Five , Flavor , Tenets , Title , Mystery , Pointing , 42 , Mask Mandate , Appeal , Justice , Position , Department , Scientists , Principle , Decision , Judge , Outfit , Ambassador , One Nation , 6 , 48 , Dave Ramsey , Member , Nato , Arthur Brooks , Speed , Schedule , Tucker Carlson , Podcast , Snare Drum , 16 , Course , Magazine , Tucker Carlson Tonight , New Yorker , American Motorists , On The Road , Analyst , Traffic Deaths , Transportation Department , Drati , 2020 ,

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