Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708

first war-time deaths within this city since this war we began. more grim news for ukraine as president zelenskyy and the u.s. warns russia began second phase of the war, targeting the east. >> over the last several days, you can continue to see the russian are doing what we call shaping, trying to set the conditions for more aggressive, overt and more ground maneuvers in donbas. they have been racing to get there in the last few days. >> western intelligence officials was warning that russia was going to regroup and strike again. russian missile strikes ramp up in kharkiv and there is brutal standoff in the port city of mariupol, unknown number of maen radios believed to be the last pocket of resistance in the city is holdup in a sprawling steel plant with little to no food or resources. russia are dropping bombs on the troops and horrifying images in irpin, mass graves, a sea of graves, perhaps many unidentified people. the pentagon confirmed ukrainians will begin training within days to help hopefully shoot down russian aircraft here. the ukrainians are expected to be able to operate the machinery very soon and the russian ambassador to the united states revealing he has not spoke to putin since 2007. back to new york. >> carley: you mentioned mariupol, that is focus of great interest for russia, if they control that region, they will donbas to crimea. >> there are conflicting reports, ukraine saying they have not given up the city, but russia saying the troops have surrendered. we know the city has been nearly levelled, brutal assault by the russians. you can only imagine the horrifying conditions the troops are in, the russian assault continues. >> todd: matt finn, thank you. robert charles says russia could run interest trouble in the battle for donbas. >> tank battles are always iffy and particularly if heavy artillery gets in there, it could be messy, the supply line is short, but there is is indication ammunition may have shortages coming behind them. >> todd: travelers across the u.s. celebrating yesterday after federal judge voided biden administration mask mandate for planes, trains and buse >> carley: several airlines knicksing the mandates immediately. >> good morning carley and todd, did not take long for the masks to come off after the ruling. tsa announced, effective immediately, tsa will no longer enforce the director requiring mask use on public transportation and transportation hubs. >> overturn the mask mandate. >> yeah. ? >> if you choose to, you may remove your mask. [cheering] >> immediately, congratulations. >> most major airlines giving employees and passengers option to remove their mask mandates, american, united, southwest, alaska and jet blue. ron desantis saying, glad to see a federal judge reject the biden transportation mask mandate. passengers deserve to have this misery end. not just sky travelers, amtrak and uber are dropping the rule. white house press secretary jen psaki calling the ruling disappointing and advising americans to wear masks on public transportation. >> why can we sit in the briefing room with no mask, but people can't sit in an airplane with no mask? >> press sect. psaki: i'm not a doctor. you're not a doctor. this is based on health considerations and data the cdc looks at about transmiss iblt. >> the m.t.a. in new york saying mask mandate in new york remains in effect for now, pursuant to march 22nd determination by new york state department of health. philadelphia resumed indoor mask mandate this week, businesses and residents are now suing to end it. >> carley: that is right. if you remember, the airlines that wrote a letter to the biden administration a few months ago said, please drop this mask mandate, we have hepa filters, the science doesn't work. all of the airlines said, we're ditching the masks right away. >> absolutely. and can you imagine having to -- being on a plane at that moment and you have that mask on and you're sick of that mask and they tell you, guess what, you can take that thing off. >> carley: that happened to some people yesterday onnen plas. >> todd: freedom, shocker. i will add this, jen psaki told peter doocy, you are not a doctor, jen psaki, you are not a plane pilot, the groups said the air in the plane is really, really, really safe, safest air you will ever find. >> carley: super safe. >> todd: back off that comparison there. >> carley: when you hear the announcement that says you have to mask up, so ridiculous. i think most people are happy with this ruling, we'll see how the biden administration fights it. i think the mask mandate was supposed to end on may 3rd, so we'll see what they do then in the meantime. >> todd: i haven't seen twitter melt down that much since elon musk tried to buy it. shall ifs releasing autopsy result for the new york city mother murdered and found dead inside a duffle bag. what they found when ted williams joins us to break down the case. so you only pay for what you need. if anyone objects to this marriage... 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>> good morning, carley. i can tell you that this is a case that is a mystery, a murder mystery in the forest hill area of new york. just think about it, on friday afternoon, mrs. gaal is seen in her backyard. that night, mrs. gaal tell her younger child she is going out with friends. it is believed she may have met up with a man. later that night, she comes home after midnight into saturday and we know that the next thing is that she is stabbed at least 58 to 60 times and when you look at this, i can tell you, carley, this is -- this was personal. it was a rage killing. normally when someone do this kind of killing or kill someone, they want to kill the person and get away. in this instance, the person took the time to put her in a duffle bag and carry her away from the home. that tells me that someone may be trying to cover up their murder, but when you stab someone at least 60 times, there is a great deal of blood about that home, great deal of trace evidence and so i believe that the person of interest may have left some physical evidence that law enforcement is utilizing. >> carley: what do you make of the text message reportedly sent to her husband, your wife sent me to jail when you were living near austin street. that was sent on her phone to her husband. that is essentially giving up, revealing the person's identity, do you think that is a legitimate lead? >> no, i really think that it is a smoke screen. i think what is going to be necessary and i'm sure law enforcement is doing it, they have to look at mrs. gaal's cell phone and her husband's cell phone. we know her husband was away with the older child on a college recruiting trip, but they need to try to connect the dots. they do have a person of interest, they have to connect the dots here. >> carley: yeah, the home is taped off, police are bringing out bags of evidence, trying to piece this horrific case together. what are police looking for specifically? >> well, what they have done, they have gathered quite a bit of evidence at the home there. the person of interest, it is strange, you normally would know the name of the person of interest, you want the public to help. they have not named that person of interest, i believe they are focusing on the person of interest today, early as today, perhaps, we will know who the person of interest is, they want the public's health. a murder mystery, carley, i rested all night thinking about this, why kill somebody and take them away? you take them away, because you don't want to be discovered and i believe the person who committed this hanious event knew because there was no forced entry. >> carley: hope the police will reveal some details soon, this is a horrific situation. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> my issue mr. >> carley: andy biggs demanding mayorkis resign as over 1 million migrants have been arrested in just six months, he will tell us about his push for accountability. >> todd: did you see this? >> not afghanistan -- >> oh, the easter bunny. [laughter] >> todd: bizarre incident at the white house when an advisor dressed as the easter bunny had to physically stop the president from answering a question. yep, this is 2020, this is joe concha, he has plenty to say about this, that is next. tric chevy silverado rst. the only ev truck that combines: 4-wheel steer a multi-flex midgate and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at find your future. find new roads. ♪ i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. careful now. - thanks. -you got it. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. -oh dad, the twins are now... -vegan. i know. i got 'em some of those plant burgers. -nice. -yeah. voya provides guidance for the right investments, and helps me be prepared for unexpected events. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. 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[cheering] >> brooke: the president took specific instruction from the first lady while greeting the crowd, watch. >> welcome to the south lawn. welcome and happy, happy easter. all right. >> wave. wave. >> okay. just -- >> she's telling me, just sit, don't move. she's a teacher. >> im00 the teacher. >> brooke: also in attendance hunter biden. it comes same day as report from the daily caller that says staff are blocking republican efforts to upload the contents the laptop into the congressional record. >> todd: joe concha, where to begin, isn't this perfect of the biden presidency, literally needed to be restrained andes are cued by a junior staffer in a bunny costume. >> joe: this is like something out of "finding dory"at this point, but this is real. a member of the communications team dressed as easter bunny and preventing commander-in-chief from answering a question about afghanistan? imagine something happening under the previous president, the internet would melt. most of the media see no issue with almost 80-year-old president who is guided and handled and why recent "washington post" poll pined majority of the country, 54% believe joe biden doesn't have the mental sharpness to lead the free world. that is scary stuff indeed. the problem, it makes for good fodder, but our adversaries will act accordingly, they see a wea leader in the oval office. >> carley: hunter biden was thea the easter egg roll, that may be the first time many have seen him. -- covering the hunter biden laptop scandal, just 25 minutes. what we know about the story now, his dealings with the chinese communist party and the big guy, it does feel like not covering the story is campaign contribution to the democratic party. >> joe: yes, the bias of omission is impressive by abc to spend 58 seconds on this subject. if you took the name hunter biden out of the story and put in donald trump jr. and put biden out of the story and put in trump, jared kushner, would go from 28 seconds to 25,000 minutes would be coverage on this. it all depends on the party in power and not a surprise anymore. this is not like an advisor close to the president or somebody familiar with the situation, we hear unnamed stories, this is actual e-mails, actual bank transfers and documentation, more fire than smoke, yet no one is covering it because as you said, it is protection program at this point. >> todd: "washington post" writer dropping kamala harris behind pete buttigieg in candidates. we are dropping kamala harris down a spot, she has done little in the 2020 campaign. look at this cast of irk cas on the screen there, joe. this is democrat bench. kamala harris, always vp, nominee going into the income election, not in this case, what kind of mess do democrats have come 2024? >> joe: todd, we haven't seen a bench this thin since the '96 new york jets. rich cotight, we remember that. nixon did after eisenhower, gore did after clinton and biden did after obama. the "washington post," paper never endorsed presidential candidate, this shows how unpopular kamala harris is with the media allies. pete buttigieg looks like he should be running for senior vice president instead of presidents and elizabeth warren, authenticity problem and aoc is on there, most ineffective member of congress, she knows how to use instagram, that makes her a presidential candidate. >> carley: how serious can you take this if aoc is a possible presidential candidate in the future. joe concha, thank you for joining us. white house wrongfully accuse border patrol of whipping agents, the biden administration makes no apology. >> todd: arizona congressman andy biggs will join us next. 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>> press sect. psaki: there is a process and investigation going through the department of homeland security, no update on that. >> the reigns were wrongfully identified as whips. >> todd: calling on mayorkis to visit yuma, arizona, saying san diego, southern border proves severity of the crisis. andy biggs, more of the house oversight committee joins us. entire southern border is a disaster, that number, 1 million arrests in six months alone. to your point in the op ed, any chance mayorkis says, i will check this out, this problem that i and joe biden caused in the first place? >> well, he was asked to acknowledge there is a problem on the border and he felt he needed to get down there and see it. i'm not sure he understands the gravity of this. when you find 23 folks coming into the country on the terrorist watch list and release thousands into the country and have half a million to 800,000 get-aways, you don't know how many are criminally violent. no more saying we need to do this or that, he needs to go down, this is as bad as it gets, quit coming, we will not allow you in. >> todd: you mentioned suspected terrorists, 23, the number seems low in light of the number of people that have just crossed this border, can you hazard to guess as to how many got-aways are in the homeland threatening our nation? >> the word i got, there were about 800,000 got-aways last year. if that is theis case, 23 out of two million, you are adding to the list and folks with information tell me it may be up to 40 or 50 that made it into the country. we don't know. we don't know where they are coming from, what their intention is, whether it is manef lent to the u.s. until you get ahold of the border situation, they are not doing that, they are making it worse instead of better. >> todd: that is terrifying. number one question i get asked, why, why is the biden administration doing this? i get asked from democrats, republicans. this video of the border patrol agents being accused of whipping people, trying to coral them when agents, no wrongdoing was found, this is a proper procedure. it is like the biden administration, refusing to apologize for their rush to judgment, has no idea how the border is secured or what needs to be done to keep our nation safe in the first place. why do they have their head in the sand since the moment they took office? >> they campaigned on open border, this is what open border looks like, they are keeping a campaign promise and the fact they refuse to make things better tells you this is willful and purposeful and nobody keeps bad policies inis plaunless they like the results of the bad policies and we could go through specifics how policies have changed. the reality, this is were approximateful, they are playing to their base. beyond that, we don't know bad intention president biden has, he is not cognizant and capable with the southern border crisis. secretary mayorkis does, he should resign or my impeachment should be heard. >> todd: easter bunny can't protect us from the southern border. if know ares take back congress, as expected, what can they do to blunt biden's impact on the border? at that point, by january of income year, 8 be more horrific. >> you are right, it will be worse. there are three things we can do. we have to united states00 the must-pass legislation that president biden wants and make sure none of that passes unless there is curative measures on the border. second thing, you have to have investigative committees bring people in, who aric maing bad decisions and hold them up to spectacle for the country to see how bad it is and will compel them to make changes to policy and third thing, you have to hold people accountable with other mechanisms, i introduced resolutions for secretary mayorkis, because what he's done is allowed millions of people into the country illegally and our border is not secure, it is dangerous, we haven't got into drug trafficking, or sek -- sex trafficking going on. i think you need to impeach him. once impeachment, i think he will resign before he gets impeached and maybe get somebody else in there to take active measures to seure coo the border. >> todd: you think of the department of homeland security, born out of 9/11, to this. it is sad. congressman andy biggs, we appreciate your time and sight this morning. thank you, sir. did you hear this? turns out convicted boston marathon bomber cashed a $1400 check from the federal government as victims of that have seen little in compensation. >> carley: talking to an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. ytalkin outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. etalkin outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. ahtalki outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. , wtalk outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. etalkinn outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. talkin an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. wtalkin an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. italkino an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. ltalkin to an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. ltalkin to an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. btalking to an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. be talking to an outraged boston >> carley: it is ninth anniversary of the 2013 boston marathon bombing and survivors are left feeling betrayed after the convicted bomber received a stimulus bonus check and the victims have seen little in compensation. survivor, robert wheeler, joins us now. it is an honor to have you on. you completed the 2022 boston marathon yesterday, you are here this morning. your first race was 2013, during the bombing. i want your reflections on this moment and how you are feeling right now. >> doing the boston is a traumatic experience, it is a lot to face, definitely a lot of emergent therapy to face the marathon every year. when it comes to the court case going how it is and getting things it is really betrayal of justice and it is heart breaking to see that these -- someone could do something so evil and get rewarded in life in some form or another. >> carley: right. we said in the intro, he received $1400 covid stimulus check, not the only money, he received money in indiana, new jersey, maryland, as well. your reaction when you found out the government gives this bomber money, although he wants to kill american citizens, how does that make you feel? >> yeah, enraged, betrayed. it's just disgusting how somebody could do something so evil, killing knowa eight-year-old boy and two young women and hurting so many others and be proud of it. if you saw him in court or otherwise, he was proud of his actions and can be a heinous terrible person and get rewarded. america is merettock rase, you get rewarded for doing good. america is betrayed when ep 52el break that meritocracy. >> carley: yeah, a judge since ordered the money be removed from his bank account and given to victim compensation, but the fact it was given to begin with is disgusting. nine years ago, during the mayor know to, you stopped, gave your shirt to aid some victims, what do you remember most about that moment? >> the sounds, the smells, the feeling of the air and the cries for help and just -- excuse me. it is just as vivid as it was now as it was then. i know it is nine years later and for those of us who -- those who were not there, it is nine years later, but for those that were there, it is not easy to move on, it is always there with you, especially the weekend of the marathon, it is a recurring nightmare that follows you. i just try to keep moving and try to -- >> carley: yeah. >>-- to find a way to continue on with life despites this weight, this nightmare that follows you, always with you. >> carley: robert, thank you for joining us this morning. as i mentioned, you ran the marathon yesterday, unbelievable you continue to do this with no fear and you woke up early to share your story. you are an amazing person, we appreciate you joining us this morning. >> todd: go to meteorologist with the fox weather forecast. you can't run in this, this is wet. >> wet along the coast and snowfalling early this morning. there are some areas where the heaviest snow you have seen so far really picking up early on this early morning. where are we looking at? heavy rain up the coast. snow piling up in upstate new york, to the door and foyer. the heaviest snow is falling and we'll see areas get up over a foot. no surprise we have winter weather advisory. snow lingers for a bit and on the final graphic, how much snow yet to come? i have to get through this before i can click it, still areas gets up to eight or 10 inches of snow on top of what is already on the ground. we are only partway through the winter system. >> todd: and cori bush will -- talking to tomi lahren about how much she is spending on her own private security. >> carley: here is what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> coming up, you can now officially board an airplane without a mask on today after a federal judge blocked joe biden's mandate for travel and trains and i think thiss like that and uber, as well. americans cheer on new-found freedom, philadelphia moving backward, keeping the mask on. senate candidate dr. oshg zr will /* /* -- dr. oz will join us. will cain and lowo will join us, don't go anywhere. starts 7:52 right here on the channel you trust for morning news. with multimatic shocks, rugged 33-inch tires, and front and rear electronic locking differentials. dude, this is awesome... but we should get back to work. . . perfect. if you're gonna work remote... work remote. find new workspaces. find new roads. chevrolet. right before mike decided to say yes... he learned he had ibs-c and could treat it with linzess. it explained why his constipation with belly pain wouldn't go away. and why the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating couldn't be kept at bay. after mike learned his symptoms were signs of a chronic condition, his doctor helped him make a decision. and that's why he said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms-belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain. especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save on linzess. >> carley: comedian and podcaster joe rogan is voicing his support for elon musk in his bid to take over twitter. >> look to powerful leaders. that's why me included everyone is excited that elon musk is trying to buy twitter. yes, the great one, seems to be like a guy that if you had a movie character and the movie character was like this super billionaire and really generally working to save humanity. >> rogan praised musk's ethics and morals and said everyone is so excited for him to make twitter a better place for free speech if is he successful. meanwhile, travelers are rejoicing after federal judge blocks a mask mandate for public transportation. ♪ ♪ >> todd: singing gospel to praising jesus. tomi lahren joins us. your take? >> listen, guys, this is a day we have been waiting for. the great face diaper. if it ever is resurrected may we the people refuse to comply. this is a wonderful day. i would expect all of those travelers that are so gleeful about the ending of the mask mandate, i would expect them to vote for republicans in november. remember who wants you to be face diapered eternally and remember who wanted to take them off. >> carley: tomi, got to get to this. cori bush who has led the charge new fec filings show she spent over $300,000 now on private security what is your reaction to this? this is not just hypocrisy, people lost their lives because of this movement. >> she is shameless. she said many times that she still believes in defunding the police and when asked about her blatant hypocrisy she certainly says that her life is more important than ours and her constituents. of course this is also a democrat that doesn't believe in the second amendment, doesn't believe in the law enforcement that we have in this country. but she believes she is more important than we are and that her safety and security because of work that she is doing to destroy our country is more important than the average american. so, again, i will say remember that come election time. remember the democrats that believe that they're above you and their safety and security is more important than yours or mine. >> todd: colin kaepernick revealing is he desperate to return to the nfl. >> when i first took a knee meijer's were went to number one. unlv is supposed to be amaker to come crazy. if i'm not good enough, let me come in and show you. >> todd: your reaction, tomi. >> oh, that's why i went so quickly on other topics because i had to get to my buddy colin kaepernick. this is the same guy who in his documentary compared the nfl to slavery and now he wants to call it a meritocracy. someone who believes that the nfl and the united states is so oppressive is he begging to be enslaved once again. this goes to show his kneeling virtue signal from the beginning. all about relevance and spotlight. now that people have outwoke him he wants to go back to the nfl because apparently his perceived oppression isn't paying the bill anymore and those nike endorsements aren't come in. now he wants to return to the game. we wish you the best but probably have to be better about football and less about yourself if you want to join the ranks of the nfl once again. >> carley: he sued the nfl accused team owners of turning against him. interesting turn of events right there. tomi, thanks for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> you may remove your mask. >> a federal judge in florida strikes down the mask mandate for travel. >> thank god! >> this is obviously a disappointing decision. >> the autopsy results are in now for a mother found stuffed in a duffle bag. >> she was stabbed 60 times. >> police have identified a person of interest. >> everyone is excited elon musk trying to buy twitter. movie character. >> working to save humanity. >> i was fumbling through questions foreign policy when a staffer in an easter bunny

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708

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first war-time deaths within this city since this war we began. more grim news for ukraine as president zelenskyy and the u.s. warns russia began second phase of the war, targeting the east. >> over the last several days, you can continue to see the russian are doing what we call shaping, trying to set the conditions for more aggressive, overt and more ground maneuvers in donbas. they have been racing to get there in the last few days. >> western intelligence officials was warning that russia was going to regroup and strike again. russian missile strikes ramp up in kharkiv and there is brutal standoff in the port city of mariupol, unknown number of maen radios believed to be the last pocket of resistance in the city is holdup in a sprawling steel plant with little to no food or resources. russia are dropping bombs on the troops and horrifying images in irpin, mass graves, a sea of graves, perhaps many unidentified people. the pentagon confirmed ukrainians will begin training within days to help hopefully shoot down russian aircraft here. the ukrainians are expected to be able to operate the machinery very soon and the russian ambassador to the united states revealing he has not spoke to putin since 2007. back to new york. >> carley: you mentioned mariupol, that is focus of great interest for russia, if they control that region, they will donbas to crimea. >> there are conflicting reports, ukraine saying they have not given up the city, but russia saying the troops have surrendered. we know the city has been nearly levelled, brutal assault by the russians. you can only imagine the horrifying conditions the troops are in, the russian assault continues. >> todd: matt finn, thank you. robert charles says russia could run interest trouble in the battle for donbas. >> tank battles are always iffy and particularly if heavy artillery gets in there, it could be messy, the supply line is short, but there is is indication ammunition may have shortages coming behind them. >> todd: travelers across the u.s. celebrating yesterday after federal judge voided biden administration mask mandate for planes, trains and buse >> carley: several airlines knicksing the mandates immediately. >> good morning carley and todd, did not take long for the masks to come off after the ruling. tsa announced, effective immediately, tsa will no longer enforce the director requiring mask use on public transportation and transportation hubs. >> overturn the mask mandate. >> yeah. ? >> if you choose to, you may remove your mask. [cheering] >> immediately, congratulations. >> most major airlines giving employees and passengers option to remove their mask mandates, american, united, southwest, alaska and jet blue. ron desantis saying, glad to see a federal judge reject the biden transportation mask mandate. passengers deserve to have this misery end. not just sky travelers, amtrak and uber are dropping the rule. white house press secretary jen psaki calling the ruling disappointing and advising americans to wear masks on public transportation. >> why can we sit in the briefing room with no mask, but people can't sit in an airplane with no mask? >> press sect. psaki: i'm not a doctor. you're not a doctor. this is based on health considerations and data the cdc looks at about transmiss iblt. >> the m.t.a. in new york saying mask mandate in new york remains in effect for now, pursuant to march 22nd determination by new york state department of health. philadelphia resumed indoor mask mandate this week, businesses and residents are now suing to end it. >> carley: that is right. if you remember, the airlines that wrote a letter to the biden administration a few months ago said, please drop this mask mandate, we have hepa filters, the science doesn't work. all of the airlines said, we're ditching the masks right away. >> absolutely. and can you imagine having to -- being on a plane at that moment and you have that mask on and you're sick of that mask and they tell you, guess what, you can take that thing off. >> carley: that happened to some people yesterday onnen plas. >> todd: freedom, shocker. i will add this, jen psaki told peter doocy, you are not a doctor, jen psaki, you are not a plane pilot, the groups said the air in the plane is really, really, really safe, safest air you will ever find. >> carley: super safe. >> todd: back off that comparison there. >> carley: when you hear the announcement that says you have to mask up, so ridiculous. i think most people are happy with this ruling, we'll see how the biden administration fights it. i think the mask mandate was supposed to end on may 3rd, so we'll see what they do then in the meantime. >> todd: i haven't seen twitter melt down that much since elon musk tried to buy it. shall ifs releasing autopsy result for the new york city mother murdered and found dead inside a duffle bag. what they found when ted williams joins us to break down the case. so you only pay for what you need. if anyone objects to this marriage... 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>> good morning, carley. i can tell you that this is a case that is a mystery, a murder mystery in the forest hill area of new york. just think about it, on friday afternoon, mrs. gaal is seen in her backyard. that night, mrs. gaal tell her younger child she is going out with friends. it is believed she may have met up with a man. later that night, she comes home after midnight into saturday and we know that the next thing is that she is stabbed at least 58 to 60 times and when you look at this, i can tell you, carley, this is -- this was personal. it was a rage killing. normally when someone do this kind of killing or kill someone, they want to kill the person and get away. in this instance, the person took the time to put her in a duffle bag and carry her away from the home. that tells me that someone may be trying to cover up their murder, but when you stab someone at least 60 times, there is a great deal of blood about that home, great deal of trace evidence and so i believe that the person of interest may have left some physical evidence that law enforcement is utilizing. >> carley: what do you make of the text message reportedly sent to her husband, your wife sent me to jail when you were living near austin street. that was sent on her phone to her husband. that is essentially giving up, revealing the person's identity, do you think that is a legitimate lead? >> no, i really think that it is a smoke screen. i think what is going to be necessary and i'm sure law enforcement is doing it, they have to look at mrs. gaal's cell phone and her husband's cell phone. we know her husband was away with the older child on a college recruiting trip, but they need to try to connect the dots. they do have a person of interest, they have to connect the dots here. >> carley: yeah, the home is taped off, police are bringing out bags of evidence, trying to piece this horrific case together. what are police looking for specifically? >> well, what they have done, they have gathered quite a bit of evidence at the home there. the person of interest, it is strange, you normally would know the name of the person of interest, you want the public to help. they have not named that person of interest, i believe they are focusing on the person of interest today, early as today, perhaps, we will know who the person of interest is, they want the public's health. a murder mystery, carley, i rested all night thinking about this, why kill somebody and take them away? you take them away, because you don't want to be discovered and i believe the person who committed this hanious event knew because there was no forced entry. >> carley: hope the police will reveal some details soon, this is a horrific situation. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> my issue mr. >> carley: andy biggs demanding mayorkis resign as over 1 million migrants have been arrested in just six months, he will tell us about his push for accountability. >> todd: did you see this? >> not afghanistan -- >> oh, the easter bunny. [laughter] >> todd: bizarre incident at the white house when an advisor dressed as the easter bunny had to physically stop the president from answering a question. yep, this is 2020, this is joe concha, he has plenty to say about this, that is next. tric chevy silverado rst. the only ev truck that combines: 4-wheel steer a multi-flex midgate and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at find your future. find new roads. ♪ i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. careful now. - thanks. -you got it. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. -oh dad, the twins are now... -vegan. i know. i got 'em some of those plant burgers. -nice. -yeah. voya provides guidance for the right investments, and helps me be prepared for unexpected events. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. 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[cheering] >> brooke: the president took specific instruction from the first lady while greeting the crowd, watch. >> welcome to the south lawn. welcome and happy, happy easter. all right. >> wave. wave. >> okay. just -- >> she's telling me, just sit, don't move. she's a teacher. >> im00 the teacher. >> brooke: also in attendance hunter biden. it comes same day as report from the daily caller that says staff are blocking republican efforts to upload the contents the laptop into the congressional record. >> todd: joe concha, where to begin, isn't this perfect of the biden presidency, literally needed to be restrained andes are cued by a junior staffer in a bunny costume. >> joe: this is like something out of "finding dory"at this point, but this is real. a member of the communications team dressed as easter bunny and preventing commander-in-chief from answering a question about afghanistan? imagine something happening under the previous president, the internet would melt. most of the media see no issue with almost 80-year-old president who is guided and handled and why recent "washington post" poll pined majority of the country, 54% believe joe biden doesn't have the mental sharpness to lead the free world. that is scary stuff indeed. the problem, it makes for good fodder, but our adversaries will act accordingly, they see a wea leader in the oval office. >> carley: hunter biden was thea the easter egg roll, that may be the first time many have seen him. -- covering the hunter biden laptop scandal, just 25 minutes. what we know about the story now, his dealings with the chinese communist party and the big guy, it does feel like not covering the story is campaign contribution to the democratic party. >> joe: yes, the bias of omission is impressive by abc to spend 58 seconds on this subject. if you took the name hunter biden out of the story and put in donald trump jr. and put biden out of the story and put in trump, jared kushner, would go from 28 seconds to 25,000 minutes would be coverage on this. it all depends on the party in power and not a surprise anymore. this is not like an advisor close to the president or somebody familiar with the situation, we hear unnamed stories, this is actual e-mails, actual bank transfers and documentation, more fire than smoke, yet no one is covering it because as you said, it is protection program at this point. >> todd: "washington post" writer dropping kamala harris behind pete buttigieg in candidates. we are dropping kamala harris down a spot, she has done little in the 2020 campaign. look at this cast of irk cas on the screen there, joe. this is democrat bench. kamala harris, always vp, nominee going into the income election, not in this case, what kind of mess do democrats have come 2024? >> joe: todd, we haven't seen a bench this thin since the '96 new york jets. rich cotight, we remember that. nixon did after eisenhower, gore did after clinton and biden did after obama. the "washington post," paper never endorsed presidential candidate, this shows how unpopular kamala harris is with the media allies. pete buttigieg looks like he should be running for senior vice president instead of presidents and elizabeth warren, authenticity problem and aoc is on there, most ineffective member of congress, she knows how to use instagram, that makes her a presidential candidate. >> carley: how serious can you take this if aoc is a possible presidential candidate in the future. joe concha, thank you for joining us. white house wrongfully accuse border patrol of whipping agents, the biden administration makes no apology. >> todd: arizona congressman andy biggs will join us next. 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>> press sect. psaki: there is a process and investigation going through the department of homeland security, no update on that. >> the reigns were wrongfully identified as whips. >> todd: calling on mayorkis to visit yuma, arizona, saying san diego, southern border proves severity of the crisis. andy biggs, more of the house oversight committee joins us. entire southern border is a disaster, that number, 1 million arrests in six months alone. to your point in the op ed, any chance mayorkis says, i will check this out, this problem that i and joe biden caused in the first place? >> well, he was asked to acknowledge there is a problem on the border and he felt he needed to get down there and see it. i'm not sure he understands the gravity of this. when you find 23 folks coming into the country on the terrorist watch list and release thousands into the country and have half a million to 800,000 get-aways, you don't know how many are criminally violent. no more saying we need to do this or that, he needs to go down, this is as bad as it gets, quit coming, we will not allow you in. >> todd: you mentioned suspected terrorists, 23, the number seems low in light of the number of people that have just crossed this border, can you hazard to guess as to how many got-aways are in the homeland threatening our nation? >> the word i got, there were about 800,000 got-aways last year. if that is theis case, 23 out of two million, you are adding to the list and folks with information tell me it may be up to 40 or 50 that made it into the country. we don't know. we don't know where they are coming from, what their intention is, whether it is manef lent to the u.s. until you get ahold of the border situation, they are not doing that, they are making it worse instead of better. >> todd: that is terrifying. number one question i get asked, why, why is the biden administration doing this? i get asked from democrats, republicans. this video of the border patrol agents being accused of whipping people, trying to coral them when agents, no wrongdoing was found, this is a proper procedure. it is like the biden administration, refusing to apologize for their rush to judgment, has no idea how the border is secured or what needs to be done to keep our nation safe in the first place. why do they have their head in the sand since the moment they took office? >> they campaigned on open border, this is what open border looks like, they are keeping a campaign promise and the fact they refuse to make things better tells you this is willful and purposeful and nobody keeps bad policies inis plaunless they like the results of the bad policies and we could go through specifics how policies have changed. the reality, this is were approximateful, they are playing to their base. beyond that, we don't know bad intention president biden has, he is not cognizant and capable with the southern border crisis. secretary mayorkis does, he should resign or my impeachment should be heard. >> todd: easter bunny can't protect us from the southern border. if know ares take back congress, as expected, what can they do to blunt biden's impact on the border? at that point, by january of income year, 8 be more horrific. >> you are right, it will be worse. there are three things we can do. we have to united states00 the must-pass legislation that president biden wants and make sure none of that passes unless there is curative measures on the border. second thing, you have to have investigative committees bring people in, who aric maing bad decisions and hold them up to spectacle for the country to see how bad it is and will compel them to make changes to policy and third thing, you have to hold people accountable with other mechanisms, i introduced resolutions for secretary mayorkis, because what he's done is allowed millions of people into the country illegally and our border is not secure, it is dangerous, we haven't got into drug trafficking, or sek -- sex trafficking going on. i think you need to impeach him. once impeachment, i think he will resign before he gets impeached and maybe get somebody else in there to take active measures to seure coo the border. >> todd: you think of the department of homeland security, born out of 9/11, to this. it is sad. congressman andy biggs, we appreciate your time and sight this morning. thank you, sir. did you hear this? turns out convicted boston marathon bomber cashed a $1400 check from the federal government as victims of that have seen little in compensation. >> carley: talking to an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. ytalkin outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. etalkin outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. ahtalki outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. , wtalk outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. etalkinn outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. talkin an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. wtalkin an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. italkino an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. ltalkin to an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. ltalkin to an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. btalking to an outraged boston marathon survivor coming up next. be talking to an outraged boston >> carley: it is ninth anniversary of the 2013 boston marathon bombing and survivors are left feeling betrayed after the convicted bomber received a stimulus bonus check and the victims have seen little in compensation. survivor, robert wheeler, joins us now. it is an honor to have you on. you completed the 2022 boston marathon yesterday, you are here this morning. your first race was 2013, during the bombing. i want your reflections on this moment and how you are feeling right now. >> doing the boston is a traumatic experience, it is a lot to face, definitely a lot of emergent therapy to face the marathon every year. when it comes to the court case going how it is and getting things it is really betrayal of justice and it is heart breaking to see that these -- someone could do something so evil and get rewarded in life in some form or another. >> carley: right. we said in the intro, he received $1400 covid stimulus check, not the only money, he received money in indiana, new jersey, maryland, as well. your reaction when you found out the government gives this bomber money, although he wants to kill american citizens, how does that make you feel? >> yeah, enraged, betrayed. it's just disgusting how somebody could do something so evil, killing knowa eight-year-old boy and two young women and hurting so many others and be proud of it. if you saw him in court or otherwise, he was proud of his actions and can be a heinous terrible person and get rewarded. america is merettock rase, you get rewarded for doing good. america is betrayed when ep 52el break that meritocracy. >> carley: yeah, a judge since ordered the money be removed from his bank account and given to victim compensation, but the fact it was given to begin with is disgusting. nine years ago, during the mayor know to, you stopped, gave your shirt to aid some victims, what do you remember most about that moment? >> the sounds, the smells, the feeling of the air and the cries for help and just -- excuse me. it is just as vivid as it was now as it was then. i know it is nine years later and for those of us who -- those who were not there, it is nine years later, but for those that were there, it is not easy to move on, it is always there with you, especially the weekend of the marathon, it is a recurring nightmare that follows you. i just try to keep moving and try to -- >> carley: yeah. >>-- to find a way to continue on with life despites this weight, this nightmare that follows you, always with you. >> carley: robert, thank you for joining us this morning. as i mentioned, you ran the marathon yesterday, unbelievable you continue to do this with no fear and you woke up early to share your story. you are an amazing person, we appreciate you joining us this morning. >> todd: go to meteorologist with the fox weather forecast. you can't run in this, this is wet. >> wet along the coast and snowfalling early this morning. there are some areas where the heaviest snow you have seen so far really picking up early on this early morning. where are we looking at? heavy rain up the coast. snow piling up in upstate new york, to the door and foyer. the heaviest snow is falling and we'll see areas get up over a foot. no surprise we have winter weather advisory. snow lingers for a bit and on the final graphic, how much snow yet to come? i have to get through this before i can click it, still areas gets up to eight or 10 inches of snow on top of what is already on the ground. we are only partway through the winter system. >> todd: and cori bush will -- talking to tomi lahren about how much she is spending on her own private security. >> carley: here is what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> coming up, you can now officially board an airplane without a mask on today after a federal judge blocked joe biden's mandate for travel and trains and i think thiss like that and uber, as well. americans cheer on new-found freedom, philadelphia moving backward, keeping the mask on. senate candidate dr. oshg zr will /* /* -- dr. oz will join us. will cain and lowo will join us, don't go anywhere. starts 7:52 right here on the channel you trust for morning news. with multimatic shocks, rugged 33-inch tires, and front and rear electronic locking differentials. dude, this is awesome... but we should get back to work. . . perfect. if you're gonna work remote... work remote. find new workspaces. find new roads. chevrolet. right before mike decided to say yes... he learned he had ibs-c and could treat it with linzess. it explained why his constipation with belly pain wouldn't go away. and why the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating couldn't be kept at bay. after mike learned his symptoms were signs of a chronic condition, his doctor helped him make a decision. and that's why he said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms-belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain. especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save on linzess. >> carley: comedian and podcaster joe rogan is voicing his support for elon musk in his bid to take over twitter. >> look to powerful leaders. that's why me included everyone is excited that elon musk is trying to buy twitter. yes, the great one, seems to be like a guy that if you had a movie character and the movie character was like this super billionaire and really generally working to save humanity. >> rogan praised musk's ethics and morals and said everyone is so excited for him to make twitter a better place for free speech if is he successful. meanwhile, travelers are rejoicing after federal judge blocks a mask mandate for public transportation. ♪ ♪ >> todd: singing gospel to praising jesus. tomi lahren joins us. your take? >> listen, guys, this is a day we have been waiting for. the great face diaper. if it ever is resurrected may we the people refuse to comply. this is a wonderful day. i would expect all of those travelers that are so gleeful about the ending of the mask mandate, i would expect them to vote for republicans in november. remember who wants you to be face diapered eternally and remember who wanted to take them off. >> carley: tomi, got to get to this. cori bush who has led the charge new fec filings show she spent over $300,000 now on private security what is your reaction to this? this is not just hypocrisy, people lost their lives because of this movement. >> she is shameless. she said many times that she still believes in defunding the police and when asked about her blatant hypocrisy she certainly says that her life is more important than ours and her constituents. of course this is also a democrat that doesn't believe in the second amendment, doesn't believe in the law enforcement that we have in this country. but she believes she is more important than we are and that her safety and security because of work that she is doing to destroy our country is more important than the average american. so, again, i will say remember that come election time. remember the democrats that believe that they're above you and their safety and security is more important than yours or mine. >> todd: colin kaepernick revealing is he desperate to return to the nfl. >> when i first took a knee meijer's were went to number one. unlv is supposed to be amaker to come crazy. if i'm not good enough, let me come in and show you. >> todd: your reaction, tomi. >> oh, that's why i went so quickly on other topics because i had to get to my buddy colin kaepernick. this is the same guy who in his documentary compared the nfl to slavery and now he wants to call it a meritocracy. someone who believes that the nfl and the united states is so oppressive is he begging to be enslaved once again. this goes to show his kneeling virtue signal from the beginning. all about relevance and spotlight. now that people have outwoke him he wants to go back to the nfl because apparently his perceived oppression isn't paying the bill anymore and those nike endorsements aren't come in. now he wants to return to the game. we wish you the best but probably have to be better about football and less about yourself if you want to join the ranks of the nfl once again. >> carley: he sued the nfl accused team owners of turning against him. interesting turn of events right there. tomi, thanks for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> you may remove your mask. >> a federal judge in florida strikes down the mask mandate for travel. >> thank god! >> this is obviously a disappointing decision. >> the autopsy results are in now for a mother found stuffed in a duffle bag. >> she was stabbed 60 times. >> police have identified a person of interest. >> everyone is excited elon musk trying to buy twitter. movie character. >> working to save humanity. >> i was fumbling through questions foreign policy when a staffer in an easter bunny

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Maing , Policy , Resolutions , Millions , Mechanisms , Drug Trafficking , Sex Trafficking Going On , We Haven T Got Into , The Border , Coo , Seure , Sir , Morning , 9 11 , Victims , Government , Boston Marathon , Compensation , 1400 , Survivor , Etalkin , Wtalk , Ytalkin , Ahtalki , Boston , Ltalkin , Etalkinn , Wtalkin , Italkino , Btalking , Carley , Feeling , Bombing , Survivors , 2013 , Bomber , Stimulus Bonus Check , Robert Wheeler , Honor , Race , 2022 , Face , Lot , Experience , Reflections , Court Case , Marathon , Therapy , Emergent , Life , Justice , Form , Heart , Another , Intro , Stimulus Check , Indiana , Covid , Maryland , New Jersey , Bomber Money , Citizens , Betrayed , Enraged , Court , Boy , Others , Killing Knowa , Eight , Good , Merettock Rase , Meritocracy , 52el Break , Victim Compensation , Bank Account , 52 , Mayor , Shirt , Nine , Help , Cries , Sounds , Smells , Weekend , Nightmare , Marathon Yesterday , Coast , Meteorologist , Weather Forecast , Snow , 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