Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708

in the numbers, we can confirm in the past hour from a press conference 12 people are hurt, at ten of them were shot, two are in critical condition with the shooting happened at 2:03 p.m. this afternoon it was reported by a witness at the columbia mall. right now we know three people are detained. police say they were all seen with guns inside the mall and at least one is accused of firing a gun near the gap store. here's the columbia police chief talk about a possible motive. >> we don't believe this is random appear to think that is very important situation like this. we believe the individuals were armed and knew each other some type of conflict occurred resulted in gunfire. this is not a situation where we had some random person show up at a mall to discharge a firearm. >> you mention them all being on lockdown. we have new video of people being led out of the mall by police. the people you see here are the ones who could not leave because it was not safe. at the direction of police, waited for them to clear the mall something that is still happening tonight at 6:00 p.m. as they walk out they passed first responders are giving medical attention to at least one of the 12 injured people. here is one man who was with his daughter when the shots were fired. >> it was a pretty scary event about ten shohots or so that rag out before they were done. i was grabbing her and we are running out the door. people were coming out of every single exit as fast as possible. it is pretty serious situation. >> as of right now, john, nobody's been killed we do know the 12 people injured have been treated at three local hospitals the oldest victim is 73, the youngest is 15 years old. columbia police are asking the public for any information about what happened inside that mall. >> terrifying time there. nate foy live in the new york city newsroom thanks you. turning to our southern border not new data show migrant encounters soaring to levels not seen in two decades. court filings obtained by fox news show border agents encountered more than 221,000 migrants our southern border during the month of march but that is the highest number of migrant encounters and more than 20 years. some officials fear they never could rise even higher when the title 42 border policy which allows agents to turn away migrants during the pandemic expires next month. texas attorney general kent paxton will join us in just a few moments for his state is one of this fighting against the repeal of title 42. first red cedar correspondent is live in the border community of eagle pass texas. >> jon, good evening this is the third time in fact those monthly numbers have surpassed 200,000 since president biden was sworn into office with the latest tally you just said it would put the numbers on the screen for you. a whopping 221,000 plus migrants. were encountered out here the southern border in a single month. for context and perspective that sells right past 173,000 last march of the jumping down to the bottom of your screen look down to 2017. they figure it was 16794. that translates into more than 12 100% increase from right now. officials fear, frankly it is only the tip of the iceberg considering dhs reported more than 109,000 title 42 removals just last month. and remember, those and on may 23. >> this is a national security issue. we have lost control of our southern border. the cartels of mexico controller southern border but this is dangerous. a record number of have died under joe biden. >> according to the feds, adding in those march stats migrant encounters along the u.s./mexico border have now surpassed 1 million for fiscal year 2022 which group remember began last october this is with six months of data, six more to go. as of tonight no indication as to a plan or a solution from lawmakers in d.c., jon perry. >> light in eagle pass, texas, thank you. the white house not yet commenting on this new migrant numbers. meantime and another bus from texas dropped a migrants office in washington d.c. today attempting to pressure president biden to address the border crisis. lucas tomlinson is live in the white house with the latest, lucas. >> earlier today the mayor of a texas border town suggest this suggestion for solving the border crisis. >> it would be great if president biden governor abbott would sit down and have a conversation to address it because that is the only way we would be able to truly address this once and for all. >> second consecutive day charter bus from texas sent by governor abbott has arrived here in washington just a flue box of the castle. some have headed to union station for train to new york others have family members meeting them. spoke to some of the migrants earlier this week. at the white house jen psaki was asked if the white house still think this is a political stunt. >> these are all migrants processed and free to travel it's nice the state of texas is helping them get to the final destination as they await the outcome of their immigration proceedings for their all in immigration proceedings be. >> , what an opportunity to get ahead. i want a job comment opportunity to move forward. >> not all republicans agree with governor abbott strategy. >> governor abbott is paying to bus them 26 hours on a trip they want to take. instead of bussing them 2 miles back across the mexican border which is what he should be doing. it is all a show. you will seat next month when the numbers come out. >> is not just a number of migrants across the board of that is increasing but the price of gasoline to with prices soaring across the country the white house announced late yesterday to reverse course and allowed new oil and gas leases on federal land. this about-face comes after the presents on the executive order just days after taking office halting new drilling on federal land. biden also visited iowa this week a major corporate's are to issue a waiver allowing up to 15% ethanol and gasoline rather than the usual 10% blend the white house estimates this new mix will bring the price of gas down by 10 cents a gallon. now two months ago the u.s. department of agriculture said corn -based ethanol is worse for the environment than straight gasoline. jon. >> lucas at the white house thank you. texas attorney general ken paxton joins a snapper general paxton you just for the president spokes orman calling the bussing of migrants to washington a stunt. how do you see it? >> you know what it's really interesting she would say that. we are in a very difficult situation of the federal government the buy demonstration refusing to enforce federal law. that numbers are heading up those numbers are going to go up as title 42 goes away. we are in a very difficult spot here dealing with crime doing with the spread of covid, dealing with all kinds of issues economic issues and crime issues as a cartel is gaining more and more power along the border. >> you talk about those numbers pretty want to put some of those up on the screen, encounters during the fiscal year of 2021 october of 21 to march more than a million migrant encounters at the borders were actually sent back across the border because of title 42. now that is the program that's about to be dropped a rule that's about to be dropped on border patrol saying you may see as many as 18000 migrants a day trying to reach this country. >> under the trump administration fee numbers have gone up since then about three 100% thousand the first year of joe biden. that's a pretty massive increase. now if you remove title 42 i think is 53% were sent back under title 4200 by the administration after that percent to the numbers we've already seen i don't think we know how we deal with a bright just i was going to be more crime and of the cartels are going to make more money this going to be more problems for americans. not just texans not just border states literally we are all border states now. >> some centers like joe kelly that's foolish to withdrawal title 42. but bob menendez a senator from new jersey is not among them. listen to what he has to say. >> title 42 is being used to evade our asylum laws. some of my colleagues think they should be extended are making a huge mistake because all title 42 does is has migrants making multiple efforts to cross as letters of finality and adjudicated claim for a. >> twin asylum you have to prove either past or the likelihood of future persecution based on race or religion or membership in a particular group the uighurs in china for instance and make it to asylum in the united states if china would ever release any of them. most crossing our southern border are not really eligible for asylum are they? >> no and senator menendez is what he said was completely confusing. asylum is used as a loop i think is 12 to 14% of people come across the border actually qualify for asylum. the rest of them come to the border not trying to evade border patrol but turning themselves in for the claim asylum they get transported by the biden demonstration the middle of the night weather on bus or by the plane all over the country we don't know where they are going they don't tell us. then they disappear and supposedly short for their hearing two or three years later which most of them don't. it is a complete loophole. everybody knows it for the cartels know it, the immigrants note, everybody knows it. we ate there must be a reason the biden ministration is like this many to cross the border. when you think that reason is? >> one is it sends it mostly to republican states. does harm to our state sprayed second and think he hoping at some point in the near future you can give them all amnesty they become a voting block for the democratic party. that's the only thing that makes sense on everything else i look at as it relates harms america room and have immigrants plus two in eight safeway this is all not good for americans. >> a huge number of those who have been allowed into the country are eligible for work permits and for those at the lower end of the economic scale souls working for economic wage and brand-new competitions and lots of it. >> you have the highest level of employee for hispanics it is because we had a decent immigration policy that limited new people coming into the country which were taking jobs from some of the people who are here. it is deafly an economic detriment to a lot of americans were trying to make a living. see it in terms of crime that kind of think what you sing in the border communities are really all over texas as a result of this migration? >> we know drug overdoses and the entire united states is up over 30% since biden came into office that's about what her to thousand americans die we know there is a direct impact because these border agents as good as they are are so busy doing logistics we know they cannot stop the drug trade the cartels are pushing for. we also know there's a higher incidence of crime to people on the board or fearful for their lives there fearful for their property's changing the way our border committees have to live it. spit one quick question quick answer if you would to place. >> you are suing for title 42 to think you can win? >> apps i think we have a really good chance just like the asylum program i think were going to win that as well. >> attorney general ken paxton from the state of texas. >> thank you brickwork stuff relates to the warren ukraine for the russian embassy in washington reportedly is warning of unpredictable consequences if the u.s. send more weapons to ukraine. meanwhile airstrikes in the kyiv area have resumed officials convert attacks early this morning killed at least one person. it comes as a russian military promises to ramp up attacks on the ukrainian capitol. try one is in kyiv with details. >> jon, good evening bring russian forces continue to target the accreting capitol of kyiv it for the debts of this morning we have heard air raid silence throughout the day. this is officials conclude to uncover atrocities committed by russian forces when they occupied areas just outside of kyiv a duty to warn our viewers some of the following images are graphic. >> and many of the area's most vulnerable residents were trapped under erection occupation for weeks. never in my life could i have imagined even in my worst nightmare what is happening now could be possible 69-year-old explains. she arrived today outside of bucha town hall to get food and medicine. her calls the chair her neighborhood faced. occupants killed our neighbor and his body was lying there near the fence. she says they did not allow us to bury him and his neighbor's one more border victims killed in bucha alone. this is what is left of a residential neighborhood in the kyiv suburb of bucha. they can police destroy this area ruining the what the lives of so many innocent civilians. the level of destruction is so significant. as cruise tried to clear the debris they have to be careful where they step. a major concern of landmines laid by those russian troops. >> while the streets are starting to be cleared of debris, there are more atrocities being uncovered. war crimes prosecutors locate another mass grave today digging up the remains of more residents. >> they were just living their days trying to get food ukrainian prosecutor said. russian troops killed them for no reason. while there so it should death their there's also a lot of life. people are desperately trying to get back to some sense of normalcy. >> trey yingst reporting from kyiv thank you. and still more to come on those threats from russia as it warns the u.s. to stop sending weapons to ukraine. representative michael walt will join us later this hour. california state uptick in crime. the state not just seeing smash and grabs but retail thefts as well with some in the los angeles area falling victim to follow home robberies. so what is being done to try to tackle the increase? a live report next. customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. if anyone objects to this marriage... 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>> they were just nice easy-going people. i really have a hard time understanding what happened here. i don't understand why somebody would go in there but they'll go in and take the guns do that but why go ahead and kill individuals off i don't understand that. >> the bigger picture may becoming clearer for investigators who allege which of the gun range, fatally shot all three victims during the course of a robbery at which she allegedly got with thousands of guns and weapons on a device that stores the security footage even more disturbing the county corner later found the bodies inside the gun range and were elderly parents and teenage son. the murder sent a shockwave to the small town which hasn't had a homicide in 20 years. >> much less this close to home how we can take someone's life needlessly heartless. >> jon has gotten away with it may be upwards of 40 guns from that robbery. police have not said whether or not they were able to recover those guns during his arrest or whether they were able to recover that device that holds surveillance video that was taken from their store. a lot going on here but police say this is an impact active investigation, jon. jon: let's hope in the communities reading a little easier after this rest. charles watson thank you. the kremlin warns united states to stop sending weapons to ukraine for the message come the same week president biden approved more help for that country. could russia act audits to threats? congressman on that and more coming up on the fox report. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®. ask your doctor about tremfya® today. 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how should we respond? >> jon, frankly i'm surprised he did not make them earlier. many of us have been waiting for the shoe to drop, for putin to start going after these supplies. i am surprised he is not done so in the hopes that biden within find it to escalatory and then back down like he did with the mix it. jon: let me put up on the screen the newest 800 million-dollar aid package. part of me the u.s. is providing ukraine. 155-millimeter letter and 30,000 rounds that is a launcher that can do some significant damage. eleven helicopters, switchblade drones which have proven very valuable on the battlefield. armored carriers, humvees and 500 javelin antitank missiles which have also been extremely lethal in the hands of the ukrainian. in her million dollars worth. is there more you feel we should do? >> will jon, i would put this in the two late, better late than never category. but it is certainly needed. it sounds like a lot but just to put it in perspective you see 40000 artillery rounds there. the ukrainians are going through three to 4000 a day. that really will only last them a week. russia has thousands of artillery pieces surrounding cities and pounding them or giving them 18. so again, zelensky is absolutely right. they need more, they meet need more sophisticated weaponry still do not see the antiship missiles they have been asking for since i visited last year. they effectively just used two of their own to sink a key russian ship. we need to give the more we need to do it faster we should have done a long time ago. jon: when vladimir putin says you've got to stop sending met weapons for it he was warned if he did invade the united states would send weapons we do it after we could for ukraine and we would reinforce nato. none of this should be a surprise to him. >> know it shouldn't. but at the same time look at what he experienced in 2014 when he invaded the first time. the obama administration, with many of the same actors around obama that are around biden national security circles literally through blankets at the problem had a lot of tough talk but did not delivers critically the europeans for this is a tougher response that i think putin bargained for. but again it is still a drop in the bucket compared to her russia is throwing at the ukrainians right now. jon: president zelenskyy say russians might throw nuclear weapons at them, listen. >> when they begin to speak about one or another battles or it involves enemies, nuclear weapons or from chemical weapons they could do it you think not be afraid. i mean don't be afraid, be ready. >> don't be afraid be ready he says. the courage that this man is showing in the face of all of this is well admired around the world. what would we do if they use even tactical so-called battlefield nuclear weapons? 's excellence gives right we should all be worried about. the russians have repeatedly used chemical weapons for the use of tactical nukes is in their doctrine on the bet that we will not respond with our nuclear weapons and start world war iii and they can therefore get away with it. but we should be doing right now, president biden should have done a month ago is set very clear redlines weapons of mass destruction will meet u.s. involvement who we cannot stand by and let that happen. putin does not want to draw the united states into this anymore then we want to be in any type of conflict we have to stop at should start deterring him. we keep responding and promising tough responses we have to put deterrence first. that is what i think would deter him the threat of u.s. involvement. >> state that you think that veiled threat is a bluff hoping we back off? >> i do. i would not put them past him. i would not bet too much in vegas on that he is all in. i certainly expect to see chemical weapons tactical nukes. jon: we mention forward green beret committee also a children's book author. talk about don the brave for a second period why did you write it? since one of a series, jon. it is a subscription you can get brave not amazon. each month the kid gets a new book. and it is conservative traditional values faith, family, the constitution. in the case of mine, service to country, coming together as a team and serving a cause higher than yourself a bright outlook, in the wake of what we see in virginia, what's going on a disney, covid exposed was being taught in our schools we have to take our kids education back be part of the solution bread that is why i wrote it. by the $15 of every subscription is going to samaritan's purse to help ukrainian refugees. but again we have to get engaged as parents. we have to get these traditional values in the minds of our kids at an early age and service to country is one that is near and dear to me. >> the reviews i read for parents have been outstanding. congressman and author, congressman thank you. >> thank you. jon: breaking news out of north korea tonight, that country state media claims it testfired a quote new type tactical guided weapon that strengthens its quote tactical nuclear operations. it also released photos of the launch with north korean reportedly watching the test for it comes weeks after north korea fired its first intercontinental missile since 2017 for the u.s. envoy to south korea, north korea i should say is set to visit south korea next week to discuss the north's latest missile test. while, elon musk is not giving up so easily hurt after twitter shareholders put a dent in his plans to buy the social media network outright. new details coming up on the fox report. . aleve gives long-lasting freedom from pain, with fewer pills than tylenol. instead of taking pills every 4-6 hours, aleve works up to 12-hours so you can focus on what matters. aleve. less pills. more relief asya agulnik md: st. jude was founded with an understanding so you can focus on what matters. that no child should die in the dawn of life. to work with many partners all over the world, nothing stops in the way of us achieving that mission, not even war. marta salek md: when there is a need, people stand up and do what is right and ensure that they restart medical therapy as quickly as possible. carlos rodriguez-galindo md: any child suffering today of cancer is our responsibility. jon: the battle between elon musk and twitter board of directors is heating up. reports say musk might now be recruiting partner to join his bid to take over the company. alexandria hoff has that story. financial tactic used to block a potential takeover of a company works by giving the board and ability to flood the market shares making overall acquisition far more expensive. last week as we know elon musk offered $43 billion to buy twitter. he called it his final offer for disinterest really drives from what he calls being a free speech absolutes who disagrees with decisions made by twitter to block certain people off the platform but here's what he said thursday. >> i do think we want to be very reluctant to delete things and just be very cautious with permanent vans. timeouts i think are better but. >> he also indicated he has a plan b for taking ownership. but that was before twitter board voted yesterday to adopt the poison pill this tactic is not always deployed in the same way. in this case it expires next year end is triggered after one shareholder requires more than 50% stake. musk is currently hauling the second most at 9% of shares here's the associated press global markets editor paul on the poison pill move. >> that doesn't mean that twitter will eventually negotiate a deal with him. but it just gives them a little more sway. they can force him to increase his bid even though he has said it is his final offer. he is a person to has been known to change his mind too. >> yesterday musk retreated this bowl that was conducted on twitter of course of about 19500 users per of the 73% voted their support and musk buying twitter per twitter founder jack dorsey weyden on the back and forth saying as a public company twitter has always been for sale pretty sweet" that is the real issue. jon park. >> alexandria hoff in washington, thanks. the cdc has extended the federal troubled mask mandate through may 3 because of it uptick in covid cases. some lawmakers are not on board without move it. congressional correspondent chad pergram explained. but some lawmakers say two years of mask for travel are enough of. >> our president, our governors our mayors routinely lecture us to just where the dm mass but. >> not to years later to what benefits to begin from all that asking? not a damn thing there. >> the mask extension is for a scant 15 days. >> with the trying to do is give a little more time to assess the potential impact the rise of the cases have on severe disease by. >> during the holiday weekend mask still required on transferred masks to report on planes. critics say the admits ration is inconsistent extended travel mask policy but simo tenuously ending title 42 it preempted tightly boarded during the pandemic protest but say a mask bandit does not help at the public does not buy in. >> notice wearing the mask the right way. there's a lot of discomfort and punitive action being taken to court the senate voted on a bipartisan basis to unmask a public brickwork the cdc has lost the reputation. i am telling you will be difficult for them to ever get it back. i know they're being told we have to work masks on airplanes. for another month or so per. >> but mask advocates worry about what comes next. >> if resolution 37 passes, it could lead us to be extremely vulnerable if there were a research and coronavirus cases as we are seeing in other nations like germany. mouse never acted bearded increase of in-flight fights once the mask requirement doesn't end. >> we wanted a deterrent we are not doing this is any sort of statement about covid it's a statement about safety per. >> official washington is struggling with the covid surge. the tuxedo variant after these swank gridiron dinner and members testing positive after traveling together overseas. on capitol hill, chad pergram fox news. >> severe weather pummeling the south this weekend. millions from texas to north carolina under threat from large hail and even tornadoes. the full forecast, next on the fox report. ♪ breeze driftin' on by... ♪ if you've been playing down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day,... ♪'s time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. ♪...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ no once-daily copd medicine... has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon, about once-daily trelegy, so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708

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in the numbers, we can confirm in the past hour from a press conference 12 people are hurt, at ten of them were shot, two are in critical condition with the shooting happened at 2:03 p.m. this afternoon it was reported by a witness at the columbia mall. right now we know three people are detained. police say they were all seen with guns inside the mall and at least one is accused of firing a gun near the gap store. here's the columbia police chief talk about a possible motive. >> we don't believe this is random appear to think that is very important situation like this. we believe the individuals were armed and knew each other some type of conflict occurred resulted in gunfire. this is not a situation where we had some random person show up at a mall to discharge a firearm. >> you mention them all being on lockdown. we have new video of people being led out of the mall by police. the people you see here are the ones who could not leave because it was not safe. at the direction of police, waited for them to clear the mall something that is still happening tonight at 6:00 p.m. as they walk out they passed first responders are giving medical attention to at least one of the 12 injured people. here is one man who was with his daughter when the shots were fired. >> it was a pretty scary event about ten shohots or so that rag out before they were done. i was grabbing her and we are running out the door. people were coming out of every single exit as fast as possible. it is pretty serious situation. >> as of right now, john, nobody's been killed we do know the 12 people injured have been treated at three local hospitals the oldest victim is 73, the youngest is 15 years old. columbia police are asking the public for any information about what happened inside that mall. >> terrifying time there. nate foy live in the new york city newsroom thanks you. turning to our southern border not new data show migrant encounters soaring to levels not seen in two decades. court filings obtained by fox news show border agents encountered more than 221,000 migrants our southern border during the month of march but that is the highest number of migrant encounters and more than 20 years. some officials fear they never could rise even higher when the title 42 border policy which allows agents to turn away migrants during the pandemic expires next month. texas attorney general kent paxton will join us in just a few moments for his state is one of this fighting against the repeal of title 42. first red cedar correspondent is live in the border community of eagle pass texas. >> jon, good evening this is the third time in fact those monthly numbers have surpassed 200,000 since president biden was sworn into office with the latest tally you just said it would put the numbers on the screen for you. a whopping 221,000 plus migrants. were encountered out here the southern border in a single month. for context and perspective that sells right past 173,000 last march of the jumping down to the bottom of your screen look down to 2017. they figure it was 16794. that translates into more than 12 100% increase from right now. officials fear, frankly it is only the tip of the iceberg considering dhs reported more than 109,000 title 42 removals just last month. and remember, those and on may 23. >> this is a national security issue. we have lost control of our southern border. the cartels of mexico controller southern border but this is dangerous. a record number of have died under joe biden. >> according to the feds, adding in those march stats migrant encounters along the u.s./mexico border have now surpassed 1 million for fiscal year 2022 which group remember began last october this is with six months of data, six more to go. as of tonight no indication as to a plan or a solution from lawmakers in d.c., jon perry. >> light in eagle pass, texas, thank you. the white house not yet commenting on this new migrant numbers. meantime and another bus from texas dropped a migrants office in washington d.c. today attempting to pressure president biden to address the border crisis. lucas tomlinson is live in the white house with the latest, lucas. >> earlier today the mayor of a texas border town suggest this suggestion for solving the border crisis. >> it would be great if president biden governor abbott would sit down and have a conversation to address it because that is the only way we would be able to truly address this once and for all. >> second consecutive day charter bus from texas sent by governor abbott has arrived here in washington just a flue box of the castle. some have headed to union station for train to new york others have family members meeting them. spoke to some of the migrants earlier this week. at the white house jen psaki was asked if the white house still think this is a political stunt. >> these are all migrants processed and free to travel it's nice the state of texas is helping them get to the final destination as they await the outcome of their immigration proceedings for their all in immigration proceedings be. >> , what an opportunity to get ahead. i want a job comment opportunity to move forward. >> not all republicans agree with governor abbott strategy. >> governor abbott is paying to bus them 26 hours on a trip they want to take. instead of bussing them 2 miles back across the mexican border which is what he should be doing. it is all a show. you will seat next month when the numbers come out. >> is not just a number of migrants across the board of that is increasing but the price of gasoline to with prices soaring across the country the white house announced late yesterday to reverse course and allowed new oil and gas leases on federal land. this about-face comes after the presents on the executive order just days after taking office halting new drilling on federal land. biden also visited iowa this week a major corporate's are to issue a waiver allowing up to 15% ethanol and gasoline rather than the usual 10% blend the white house estimates this new mix will bring the price of gas down by 10 cents a gallon. now two months ago the u.s. department of agriculture said corn -based ethanol is worse for the environment than straight gasoline. jon. >> lucas at the white house thank you. texas attorney general ken paxton joins a snapper general paxton you just for the president spokes orman calling the bussing of migrants to washington a stunt. how do you see it? >> you know what it's really interesting she would say that. we are in a very difficult situation of the federal government the buy demonstration refusing to enforce federal law. that numbers are heading up those numbers are going to go up as title 42 goes away. we are in a very difficult spot here dealing with crime doing with the spread of covid, dealing with all kinds of issues economic issues and crime issues as a cartel is gaining more and more power along the border. >> you talk about those numbers pretty want to put some of those up on the screen, encounters during the fiscal year of 2021 october of 21 to march more than a million migrant encounters at the borders were actually sent back across the border because of title 42. now that is the program that's about to be dropped a rule that's about to be dropped on border patrol saying you may see as many as 18000 migrants a day trying to reach this country. >> under the trump administration fee numbers have gone up since then about three 100% thousand the first year of joe biden. that's a pretty massive increase. now if you remove title 42 i think is 53% were sent back under title 4200 by the administration after that percent to the numbers we've already seen i don't think we know how we deal with a bright just i was going to be more crime and of the cartels are going to make more money this going to be more problems for americans. not just texans not just border states literally we are all border states now. >> some centers like joe kelly that's foolish to withdrawal title 42. but bob menendez a senator from new jersey is not among them. listen to what he has to say. >> title 42 is being used to evade our asylum laws. some of my colleagues think they should be extended are making a huge mistake because all title 42 does is has migrants making multiple efforts to cross as letters of finality and adjudicated claim for a. >> twin asylum you have to prove either past or the likelihood of future persecution based on race or religion or membership in a particular group the uighurs in china for instance and make it to asylum in the united states if china would ever release any of them. most crossing our southern border are not really eligible for asylum are they? >> no and senator menendez is what he said was completely confusing. asylum is used as a loop i think is 12 to 14% of people come across the border actually qualify for asylum. the rest of them come to the border not trying to evade border patrol but turning themselves in for the claim asylum they get transported by the biden demonstration the middle of the night weather on bus or by the plane all over the country we don't know where they are going they don't tell us. then they disappear and supposedly short for their hearing two or three years later which most of them don't. it is a complete loophole. everybody knows it for the cartels know it, the immigrants note, everybody knows it. we ate there must be a reason the biden ministration is like this many to cross the border. when you think that reason is? >> one is it sends it mostly to republican states. does harm to our state sprayed second and think he hoping at some point in the near future you can give them all amnesty they become a voting block for the democratic party. that's the only thing that makes sense on everything else i look at as it relates harms america room and have immigrants plus two in eight safeway this is all not good for americans. >> a huge number of those who have been allowed into the country are eligible for work permits and for those at the lower end of the economic scale souls working for economic wage and brand-new competitions and lots of it. >> you have the highest level of employee for hispanics it is because we had a decent immigration policy that limited new people coming into the country which were taking jobs from some of the people who are here. it is deafly an economic detriment to a lot of americans were trying to make a living. see it in terms of crime that kind of think what you sing in the border communities are really all over texas as a result of this migration? >> we know drug overdoses and the entire united states is up over 30% since biden came into office that's about what her to thousand americans die we know there is a direct impact because these border agents as good as they are are so busy doing logistics we know they cannot stop the drug trade the cartels are pushing for. we also know there's a higher incidence of crime to people on the board or fearful for their lives there fearful for their property's changing the way our border committees have to live it. spit one quick question quick answer if you would to place. >> you are suing for title 42 to think you can win? >> apps i think we have a really good chance just like the asylum program i think were going to win that as well. >> attorney general ken paxton from the state of texas. >> thank you brickwork stuff relates to the warren ukraine for the russian embassy in washington reportedly is warning of unpredictable consequences if the u.s. send more weapons to ukraine. meanwhile airstrikes in the kyiv area have resumed officials convert attacks early this morning killed at least one person. it comes as a russian military promises to ramp up attacks on the ukrainian capitol. try one is in kyiv with details. >> jon, good evening bring russian forces continue to target the accreting capitol of kyiv it for the debts of this morning we have heard air raid silence throughout the day. this is officials conclude to uncover atrocities committed by russian forces when they occupied areas just outside of kyiv a duty to warn our viewers some of the following images are graphic. >> and many of the area's most vulnerable residents were trapped under erection occupation for weeks. never in my life could i have imagined even in my worst nightmare what is happening now could be possible 69-year-old explains. she arrived today outside of bucha town hall to get food and medicine. her calls the chair her neighborhood faced. occupants killed our neighbor and his body was lying there near the fence. she says they did not allow us to bury him and his neighbor's one more border victims killed in bucha alone. this is what is left of a residential neighborhood in the kyiv suburb of bucha. they can police destroy this area ruining the what the lives of so many innocent civilians. the level of destruction is so significant. as cruise tried to clear the debris they have to be careful where they step. a major concern of landmines laid by those russian troops. >> while the streets are starting to be cleared of debris, there are more atrocities being uncovered. war crimes prosecutors locate another mass grave today digging up the remains of more residents. >> they were just living their days trying to get food ukrainian prosecutor said. russian troops killed them for no reason. while there so it should death their there's also a lot of life. people are desperately trying to get back to some sense of normalcy. >> trey yingst reporting from kyiv thank you. and still more to come on those threats from russia as it warns the u.s. to stop sending weapons to ukraine. representative michael walt will join us later this hour. california state uptick in crime. the state not just seeing smash and grabs but retail thefts as well with some in the los angeles area falling victim to follow home robberies. so what is being done to try to tackle the increase? a live report next. customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. if anyone objects to this marriage... 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fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. that's a savings of over $500 a year. switch today. speak crime and conferences no sign of letting up a smash and grab steve targeting one store three times just a matter of days. warning residents about gang members who follow people home, then robbed them. live in l.a. with more. >> i talk to people here in l.a. they won't caught wearing expensive jewelry and some places now because they're afraid of getting robbed and there is no stop to the theft. yesterday gang stopped in san francisco was targeted by thieves for the third time since sunday. more than $5000 in merchandise was stolen. police are searching for these three suspects they believe they were involved. business owners say people are also stealing from stores near the game stop. >> they literally go in and take a whole rack of clothes and a walk out nothing. >> these are shocking shows of a brazenness by the suspects. >> in southern california at last night around 7:00 p.m. to suspects use hammers to break glass cases and still from a kate jewelers stored orange county. in los angeles there've been six robberies since last week including this disturbing incident to paramedic this woman is followed by thieves after she left the jewelry store in downtown l.a. she tried to get away but the suspect hit her with a carton store her watch. lep said thieves associated with 17 different gangs are targeting people wearing expensive jewelry or carrying designer bags after they leave high end westerns, stores and nightclubs with the head of lapd newly formed follow home robbery task force tells me it would help if more criminals face stiffer penalties late gang and gun enhancements. >> there is no demonstration there's no consequence at this time. once they bail out they're not going back to court for five or six months. >> durbin 211 follow home robberies since january of last year. all but one of the 46 suspects arrested the cases are repeat offenders. leading to more criticism the progressive d.a. is soft on crime. >> have never seen numbers of like this of violent follow home robberies is getting worse and worse by the day because nobody's being held accountable for now. >> a spokesperson for the gs office of their taken these cases very seriously and collaborating with law enforcement to try and stop the violence. jon. jon: that video is appalling for christina coleman, thanks. ♪ place in georgia make an arrest in connection with a deadly robbery that left three family members are dead. the alleged shooter 21-year-old jacob christian is facing several charges. charles watson has more, charles b. >> hi jon. police said they're still trying to figure out the details surrounding the triple murder. meantime they have confirmed the arrest of a 21-year-old man who police say is now facing charges. this case jacob christian may have in custody on friday. three charge of malice murder in connection with april 8 killing of 75-year-old tommy hawk senior, 75 old wife, evelyn and their 17-year-old grandson alexander. that happened inside the beloved family lock stock and barrel in grantville, georgia leaving many to wonder why this family? >> they were just nice easy-going people. i really have a hard time understanding what happened here. i don't understand why somebody would go in there but they'll go in and take the guns do that but why go ahead and kill individuals off i don't understand that. >> the bigger picture may becoming clearer for investigators who allege which of the gun range, fatally shot all three victims during the course of a robbery at which she allegedly got with thousands of guns and weapons on a device that stores the security footage even more disturbing the county corner later found the bodies inside the gun range and were elderly parents and teenage son. the murder sent a shockwave to the small town which hasn't had a homicide in 20 years. >> much less this close to home how we can take someone's life needlessly heartless. >> jon has gotten away with it may be upwards of 40 guns from that robbery. police have not said whether or not they were able to recover those guns during his arrest or whether they were able to recover that device that holds surveillance video that was taken from their store. a lot going on here but police say this is an impact active investigation, jon. jon: let's hope in the communities reading a little easier after this rest. charles watson thank you. the kremlin warns united states to stop sending weapons to ukraine for the message come the same week president biden approved more help for that country. could russia act audits to threats? congressman on that and more coming up on the fox report. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®. ask your doctor about tremfya® today. 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how should we respond? >> jon, frankly i'm surprised he did not make them earlier. many of us have been waiting for the shoe to drop, for putin to start going after these supplies. i am surprised he is not done so in the hopes that biden within find it to escalatory and then back down like he did with the mix it. jon: let me put up on the screen the newest 800 million-dollar aid package. part of me the u.s. is providing ukraine. 155-millimeter letter and 30,000 rounds that is a launcher that can do some significant damage. eleven helicopters, switchblade drones which have proven very valuable on the battlefield. armored carriers, humvees and 500 javelin antitank missiles which have also been extremely lethal in the hands of the ukrainian. in her million dollars worth. is there more you feel we should do? >> will jon, i would put this in the two late, better late than never category. but it is certainly needed. it sounds like a lot but just to put it in perspective you see 40000 artillery rounds there. the ukrainians are going through three to 4000 a day. that really will only last them a week. russia has thousands of artillery pieces surrounding cities and pounding them or giving them 18. so again, zelensky is absolutely right. they need more, they meet need more sophisticated weaponry still do not see the antiship missiles they have been asking for since i visited last year. they effectively just used two of their own to sink a key russian ship. we need to give the more we need to do it faster we should have done a long time ago. jon: when vladimir putin says you've got to stop sending met weapons for it he was warned if he did invade the united states would send weapons we do it after we could for ukraine and we would reinforce nato. none of this should be a surprise to him. >> know it shouldn't. but at the same time look at what he experienced in 2014 when he invaded the first time. the obama administration, with many of the same actors around obama that are around biden national security circles literally through blankets at the problem had a lot of tough talk but did not delivers critically the europeans for this is a tougher response that i think putin bargained for. but again it is still a drop in the bucket compared to her russia is throwing at the ukrainians right now. jon: president zelenskyy say russians might throw nuclear weapons at them, listen. >> when they begin to speak about one or another battles or it involves enemies, nuclear weapons or from chemical weapons they could do it you think not be afraid. i mean don't be afraid, be ready. >> don't be afraid be ready he says. the courage that this man is showing in the face of all of this is well admired around the world. what would we do if they use even tactical so-called battlefield nuclear weapons? 's excellence gives right we should all be worried about. the russians have repeatedly used chemical weapons for the use of tactical nukes is in their doctrine on the bet that we will not respond with our nuclear weapons and start world war iii and they can therefore get away with it. but we should be doing right now, president biden should have done a month ago is set very clear redlines weapons of mass destruction will meet u.s. involvement who we cannot stand by and let that happen. putin does not want to draw the united states into this anymore then we want to be in any type of conflict we have to stop at should start deterring him. we keep responding and promising tough responses we have to put deterrence first. that is what i think would deter him the threat of u.s. involvement. >> state that you think that veiled threat is a bluff hoping we back off? >> i do. i would not put them past him. i would not bet too much in vegas on that he is all in. i certainly expect to see chemical weapons tactical nukes. jon: we mention forward green beret committee also a children's book author. talk about don the brave for a second period why did you write it? since one of a series, jon. it is a subscription you can get brave not amazon. each month the kid gets a new book. and it is conservative traditional values faith, family, the constitution. in the case of mine, service to country, coming together as a team and serving a cause higher than yourself a bright outlook, in the wake of what we see in virginia, what's going on a disney, covid exposed was being taught in our schools we have to take our kids education back be part of the solution bread that is why i wrote it. by the $15 of every subscription is going to samaritan's purse to help ukrainian refugees. but again we have to get engaged as parents. we have to get these traditional values in the minds of our kids at an early age and service to country is one that is near and dear to me. >> the reviews i read for parents have been outstanding. congressman and author, congressman thank you. >> thank you. jon: breaking news out of north korea tonight, that country state media claims it testfired a quote new type tactical guided weapon that strengthens its quote tactical nuclear operations. it also released photos of the launch with north korean reportedly watching the test for it comes weeks after north korea fired its first intercontinental missile since 2017 for the u.s. envoy to south korea, north korea i should say is set to visit south korea next week to discuss the north's latest missile test. while, elon musk is not giving up so easily hurt after twitter shareholders put a dent in his plans to buy the social media network outright. new details coming up on the fox report. . aleve gives long-lasting freedom from pain, with fewer pills than tylenol. instead of taking pills every 4-6 hours, aleve works up to 12-hours so you can focus on what matters. aleve. less pills. more relief asya agulnik md: st. jude was founded with an understanding so you can focus on what matters. that no child should die in the dawn of life. to work with many partners all over the world, nothing stops in the way of us achieving that mission, not even war. marta salek md: when there is a need, people stand up and do what is right and ensure that they restart medical therapy as quickly as possible. carlos rodriguez-galindo md: any child suffering today of cancer is our responsibility. jon: the battle between elon musk and twitter board of directors is heating up. reports say musk might now be recruiting partner to join his bid to take over the company. alexandria hoff has that story. financial tactic used to block a potential takeover of a company works by giving the board and ability to flood the market shares making overall acquisition far more expensive. last week as we know elon musk offered $43 billion to buy twitter. he called it his final offer for disinterest really drives from what he calls being a free speech absolutes who disagrees with decisions made by twitter to block certain people off the platform but here's what he said thursday. >> i do think we want to be very reluctant to delete things and just be very cautious with permanent vans. timeouts i think are better but. >> he also indicated he has a plan b for taking ownership. but that was before twitter board voted yesterday to adopt the poison pill this tactic is not always deployed in the same way. in this case it expires next year end is triggered after one shareholder requires more than 50% stake. musk is currently hauling the second most at 9% of shares here's the associated press global markets editor paul on the poison pill move. >> that doesn't mean that twitter will eventually negotiate a deal with him. but it just gives them a little more sway. they can force him to increase his bid even though he has said it is his final offer. he is a person to has been known to change his mind too. >> yesterday musk retreated this bowl that was conducted on twitter of course of about 19500 users per of the 73% voted their support and musk buying twitter per twitter founder jack dorsey weyden on the back and forth saying as a public company twitter has always been for sale pretty sweet" that is the real issue. jon park. >> alexandria hoff in washington, thanks. the cdc has extended the federal troubled mask mandate through may 3 because of it uptick in covid cases. some lawmakers are not on board without move it. congressional correspondent chad pergram explained. but some lawmakers say two years of mask for travel are enough of. >> our president, our governors our mayors routinely lecture us to just where the dm mass but. >> not to years later to what benefits to begin from all that asking? not a damn thing there. >> the mask extension is for a scant 15 days. >> with the trying to do is give a little more time to assess the potential impact the rise of the cases have on severe disease by. >> during the holiday weekend mask still required on transferred masks to report on planes. critics say the admits ration is inconsistent extended travel mask policy but simo tenuously ending title 42 it preempted tightly boarded during the pandemic protest but say a mask bandit does not help at the public does not buy in. >> notice wearing the mask the right way. there's a lot of discomfort and punitive action being taken to court the senate voted on a bipartisan basis to unmask a public brickwork the cdc has lost the reputation. i am telling you will be difficult for them to ever get it back. i know they're being told we have to work masks on airplanes. for another month or so per. >> but mask advocates worry about what comes next. >> if resolution 37 passes, it could lead us to be extremely vulnerable if there were a research and coronavirus cases as we are seeing in other nations like germany. mouse never acted bearded increase of in-flight fights once the mask requirement doesn't end. >> we wanted a deterrent we are not doing this is any sort of statement about covid it's a statement about safety per. >> official washington is struggling with the covid surge. the tuxedo variant after these swank gridiron dinner and members testing positive after traveling together overseas. on capitol hill, chad pergram fox news. >> severe weather pummeling the south this weekend. millions from texas to north carolina under threat from large hail and even tornadoes. the full forecast, next on the fox report. ♪ breeze driftin' on by... ♪ if you've been playing down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day,... ♪'s time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. ♪...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ no once-daily copd medicine... has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon, about once-daily trelegy, so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? 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Fighting , Repeal , Border Community , Eagle Pass , Red Cedar Correspondent , Joe Biden , Screen , Office , Fact , Tally , 200000 , Perspective , Context , Last March Of The Jumping , 173000 , Increase , Bottom , Officials Fear , 2017 , 16794 , 12 100 , Dhs , Iceberg , Tip , 109000 , Of Mexico Controller Southern Border , Cartels , Issue , Record Number , Control , Security , Have , May 23 , 23 , Group , Mexico Border , Feds , March Stats Migrant Encounters , 2022 , 1 Million , Six , More , Plan , Lawmakers , Indication , Solution , Jon Perry , White House , Bus , Migrant Numbers , Migrants Office , Pressure , Alexandria Hoff In Washington , Light , Crisis , Suggestion , Lucas Tomlinson , Mayor , Texas Border Town , Wall , Governor , Way , Conversation , President , Some , Others , Family Members , Charter , Abbott , Union Station , Flue Box , Train , The Castle , Jen Psaki , Stunt , Final Destination , Republicans , Immigration Proceedings , Opportunity , Job Comment Opportunity , Outcome , Strategy , All In Immigration Proceedings , Show , Them , Trip , 26 , Country , Price , Course , Gas , Board , Gasoline , Prices , Oil , Land , Ethanol , Waiver , Drilling , Executive Order , , Iowa , Mix , Blend , Environment , U S Department Of Agriculture , 10 , Ken Paxton , Spokes Orman , Bussing , Snapper , Demonstration , Government , Law , Covid , Issues , Power , Cartel , Kinds , Dealing , Spot , Spread , 2021 , 2021 October , Program , Borders , A Million , 21 , Administration , Border Patrol , Fee Numbers , Rule , 18000 , 4200 , 53 , 100 , Money , Border States , Problems , Bob Menendez , Centers , Joe Kelly , New Jersey , Colleagues , Asylum Laws , Efforts , Mistake , Letters , Finality , Persecution , Membership , Religion , Instance , Uighurs , Race , Likelihood , China , Adjudicated Claim For A Twin Asylum , Asylum , Senator , Crossing , Rest , Loop , 14 , Weather , Plane , Claim , Hearing , Middle , Biden Demonstration , It , Many , Reason , Immigrants , Loophole , Everybody , Biden Ministration , Thing , States , Republican , Voting Block , Point , Amnesty , Democratic Party , Sense , Everything , Room , Eight , Wage , End , Souls , Scale , Work Permits , Level , Competitions , Lots , Hispanics , Employee , Lot , Immigration Policy , Jobs , Detriment , Living , Communities , Result , Migration , Drug Overdoses , Think , Kind , Terms , 30 , Impact , Drug , Doing Logistics , Lives , Border Committees , Incidence , Property , Question , Apps , Asylum Program , Chance , Weapons , Warning , Warren Ukraine , Stuff , Meanwhile Airstrikes , Russian , Kyiv , In Washington , Embassy , Area , Details , Attacks , Military , Forces , Areas , Atrocities , Evening , Air Raid , Debts , Accreting Capitol Of Kyiv , Residents , Erection Occupation , Graphic , Viewers , Duty , Images , Life , Neighborhood , Food , Nightmare , Medicine , Chair , Bucha , Town Hall , 69 , Neighbor , Victims , Occupants , Body , Fence , Debris , Concern , Destruction , Landmines , Cruise , Suburb , Civilians , Troops , Streets , War Crimes Prosecutors Locate Another Mass Grave , Prosecutor , Threats , Reporting , Michael Walt , Normalcy , Trey Yingst , Home Robberies , Smash , Retail Thefts , Los Angeles , Grabs , California State Uptick , Car Insurance , Marriage , Anyone , Report , Emu Squawks , Kevin , Tv , Watch , Pay , Ace , Liberty , Wonder Woman , Serena Williams , Stream , Demand , Best , Directv , 0 , 3 , Mom , Step , Tools , Mini Van , Pro , Depositing , Son , Appointment , Bankers , Journey , Moms , Cha Ching , Have Chase , Xfinity Mobile , Both , Bank , Chase , Phone , Groceries , Concert Tickets , Verizon , 5g Network , Savings , Shows , 500 , Gang Members , Times , Conferences , Matter , People Home , Sign , Live In L A , Smash And Grab Steve , Jewelry , Places , Thieves , Stop , Gang , Theft , San Francisco , Suspects , Stores , Merchandise , Game Stop , Business Owners , 000 , 5000 , Nothing , Rack , Clothes , Brazenness , Hammers , Southern California , 7 , Cases , Woman , Robberies , Paramedic , Jewelers , Incident , Orange County , Glass , Westerns , Carton Store , Nightclubs , Gangs , Hit , Designer Bags , Lep , 17 , Follow Home Robbery Task Force , Criminals , Head , Penalties , Gun Enhancements , Lapd , Home , Consequence , Durbin 211 , 211 , Five , Criticism , Repeat Offenders , Progressive D A , 46 , Spokesperson , Accountable , Arrest , Connection , Violence , Law Enforcement , Georgia , Collaborating , Christina Coleman , Robbery , Charges , Jacob Christian , Charles Watson , Charles B Hi Jon , Case , Police , Murder , Say , Old Tommy Hawk , Killing , Charge , Malice Murder , Custody , Grandson Alexander , Evelyn , April 8 , 8 , 75 , Family , Grantville , Family Lock Stock , Barrel , Somebody , Understanding , Device , Gun Range , Investigators , Thousands , Picture , Parents , County , Corner , Security Footage , Bodies , Town , Hasn T , Homicide , Murder Sent A Shockwave , Someone , 40 , Surveillance Video , Hope , Investigation , Kremlin , Congressman , Help , Message , Audits , Russia Act , Symptoms , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tremfya , Joints , Emerge Tremfyant , Doctor , Ability , Risk , Reactions , Infections , Infection , Adults , Patients , Vaccine , Internet , 5g Home , Vo , Ultra , Fast 5g , Cable , Ultra Wideband , Contracts , Address , Drama , 50 , 25 , 25 Bucks , Home Internet , Shipping Manager , Fees , Shhh , Find Themself , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Officer , Michigan , Stories , Look , Protests , Body Camera Footage , Rv , Grand Rapids , Fire , Traffic Stop , Graphic Video Shows Patrick , Officer Chases , Car , Cops , Tackles , Taser , Homes , Power Line , Wildfires , New Mexico , 6000 , Crews , Ship , App , Uss The Sullivans , Destroyer , World War Ii , Buffalo , 1943 , Military Aid , Qr Code , Shipments , Air Raid Sirens , Lviv Ukraine , City , Jeff Paul , Nato , Allies , Missiles , Cruise Missiles , Region , Lviv , Missile , Story , Elsewhere , Building , Carnage , Victoria , Residence , Fires , Over , Bricks , Buildings , Strike , U S Congress , Genocide , Grandmother , Indiana , Cry , Military Aid Package , Line , East , Moscow , 800 Billion , Thanks , Jon Paul Reporting , Bloodshed , Armed Services Committee , Florida , Commander Bread Congressman , Colonel , Vladimir Putin , Green Beret , National Guard , Drop , Putin , Supplies , Shoe , Escalatory , Part , Aid Package , Letter , 800 Million , 155 , Switchblade Drones , Carriers , Rounds , Launcher , Battlefield , Damage , Humvees , Eleven , 30000 , Will Jon , Hands , Dollars Worth , Ukrainians , Artillery Rounds , Category , 40000 , Cities , Artillery Pieces , 4000 , Weaponry , Zelensky , 18 , Ukraine , None , Surprise , Time , Shouldn T , Actors , Obama , National Security , 2014 , Problem , Response , Europeans , Talk , Blankets , Bucket , Russians , Battles , Enemies , Don T , Courage , Showing , Face , Around The World , Don T Be Afraid , Excellence , Doctrine , Use , Nukes , World War Iii , Bet , Involvement , Redlines , Weapons Of Mass Destruction , Threat , Responses , Deterrence , Bluff , Vegas , Brave , Green Beret Committee , Children S Book Author , Subscription , Month , Book , Series , Brave Books Com , Amazon , Service , Values , Constitution , What S Going On , Faith , Cause , Outlook , Wake , Team , Mine , Virginia , Disney , Education , Solution Bread , Kids , Schools , Refugees , Samaritan S Purse , Minds , Author , Reviews , Weapon , Breaking News , State Media , North Korea , Quote New Type Tactical , Test , Quote , Launch , Operations , Photos , Twitter , Elon Musk , Shareholders , North , Missile Test , Envoy , Dent , South Korea , Pain , Freedom , Aleve , Pills , Plans , Social Media , Up To , 4 , Mission , Agulnik Md St , Child , Partners , World , The Dawn Of Life , Asya , Jude , Need , Md , Therapy , Marta Salek Md , War , Carlos Rodriguez , Responsibility , Cancer , Musk , Battle , Board Of Directors , Company , Tactic , Bid , Potential Takeover Of A , Recruiting Partner , Alexandria Hoff , Offer , Market Shares , Acquisition , Disinterest , 3 Billion , 43 Billion , Things , Platform , Free Speech Absolutes , Decisions , Timeouts , Poison Pill , Plan B For Taking Ownership , Vans , Shareholder , Most , Shares , Poison Pill Move , Associated Press , Stake , Global Markets , 9 , Deal , Sway , Users , Bowl , Mind , 19500 , Support , Sale , Jack Dorsey , Weyden , It Uptick , Cdc , Mask Mandate , Jon Park , May 3 , Mask , Chad Pergram , Move It , Governors , Mayors , Dm Mass But , Mask Extension , Disease , Rise , Travel Mask Policy , Masks , Planes , Ration , Protest , Simo Tenuously Ending , Critics , Mask Bandit , Notice , Action , Basis , Discomfort , Senate , Reputation , Brickwork , Airplanes , Nations , Research , Coronavirus , Resolution , 37 , Statement , Safety , Sort , Fights , Deterrent , Official Washington , Mask Requirement Doesn T End , Mouse , Covid Surge , Germany , Tuxedo Variant , South , Members , Positive , Gridiron Dinner , Capitol Hill , Forecast , Millions , Tornadoes , Hail , North Carolina , Trelegy , Stand , Copd , On By , Copd Medicine , Feelin Good , Breeze Driftin , Medicines , Breathing Problems , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Won T , Ways , Lung Function , High Blood Pressure , Breathing , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Heart Condition , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Thrush , Mouth , Problems Urinating , Tongue , Swelling , Eye , Trelegy Com , Td Ameritrade , Innovation , Interfaces , Trading Experience , Trading Platform , Thinkorswim , Charts , Trading , Orders , Style , Trade Desk , You Trade Forever , Moisture , Rain , Precipitation , Winds , Flooding , Southeast , West , Ground , Snow , Snow Cover , Portions , Elevations , Track , Spirit , Storms , Easter , Church , Folks , Snow White , Easter Sunday , Adam , Love , Harp , Liberty Mutual Customizing , Peace , Crowd Gasps , Advantage , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Sleep , Movement , Temperature Balancing , 360 , Miss , Interest , Care , Science , Weekend Special , Sleepnumber Com , 24 , Plus 0 , 1000 , Spring , Workplace , Quality , Anti Fatigue Comfortmat , Feet , Weathertech , Made In America , Materials , Weathertech Comfortmat , Wherever , Comfortmat , Colors , Cushion , Finishes , Grip , Combination , Children , Step Thousands , Surgery , Causes , Narrator , Surgeries , Suffering , Mercy Ships , Five Billion , Healing , Jp Morgan , Wealth , Goal , House , Matters , Give Today , Definition , Nest Egg , Advice , Planning , Trades , Experience , Investing , Wealth Management , 200 , Impactors , Pump , Michigan Church Celebrating Easter , Detroit , Gallon , Pastor , 2000 , Community , Work , Blessing , Pennies , Watching , Everyone , Eric , Saturday April 16 2022 , 16 , Ted , Politicians , Lockdowns , Harassment , Mosquito Bite , Great Without Being Accused , Didn T Work , Policy , Curve , Economy , Study , Ngw A ,

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