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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708

you are watching "fox & friends first" on this friday morning, i'm sure my carley shimkus. >> todd: todd piro and expected to reach the u.s. the same day that the title 42 policy is set to end. >> carley: alexandria hoff live in washington with more, alexandria, good morning. >> good morning, carley and todd come a caravan with little need to speed up the travels because this time to write they will arrive as a mechanism to quickly expel that it has been expired. the biden administration to terminate title 42 put in place by president trump as the covid response. the current administration has said that the cdc has called the shots on this. >> if you look across the country, cdc, 95% is ingrained. they are not made many restrictions and the cdc determine title 42 that it was an appropriate time for a public point of view to list title 42 restrictions. >> now 21 states are now suing the biden administration over the decision to roll back the public health order with text reading "title 42 ramification that is a outlay or only covid-19 restrictions the administration seems fit to end." complaints masks are required to remain in place. just yesterday, governor greg abbott of texas made good on a promise to both dozens of migrants from his state to washington, d.c., and also vowed to continue -- we implemented enhanced safety inspections of every commercial vehicle coming across the border into predictable results is that the governors of states connected to the state of texas will be knocking on our door begging for relief. as they begged for relief, we are demanding they implement security measures to reduce illegal immigration coming across the border. >> the senate judiciary republicans demanding a hearing over the in-depth title 42 and bipartisan bill reduced to its end. carley and todd. >> todd: alexandria, thank you, and he says biden is not just blind to the negative effect policies are having on america. listen. >> by design, they are doing this on purpose and know exactly what they are doing. this administration has intelligent individuals at dhs and they know what is happening here they just don't have the will to push back against the white house under the right thing for the american public. we are seeing people coming across the border and taking selfies at the wall. that shows you that they have absolutely no regard for our laws here they know they will get relief. they are being rewarded. this administration has brought back catch and release and put this crisis on steroids. there was no end insight. >> todd: florida attorney general ashley moody suing the white house to keep title 42. we are talking to her live this morning. >> carley: right now there are 7,000 illegal immigrants crossing the border each day. that number could have jumped to 18,001 title 42 and border patrol is saying they are overrun right now. they just cannot process that many people. and if you remember what it looked like when migrants under the bridge with 15,000 people. so, just imagine that being more in may and across the southern border. this is what it could look like. >> todd: every single day it is going to be like that. border states and other states now against lifting title 42. many democrats, especially extremely vulnerable coming up this november sagging we don't want to end title 42. why are you doing this? yet the white house to double down this myopic vision this is what we have to do despite the fact nobody, the american public, democrats, 21 states don't want it you're the only reason i can think is that they look well past midterms. they are taking the midterms as a loss at this point and part of a broader view of getting voters and that are beholden to the democratic party because they got these individuals here in the first place. >> carley: i think the biden administration is scared of progressives. progressives are driving the democratic party but kyrsten sinema releasing a statement saying the biden administration to keep mask mandate on planes, then you have to keep title 42 because you can't lift one pandemic measure for illegal immigrants and say a 2-year-old's covid spreader on a flight. and if you want to revoke title 42, that is fine. you have to have another measure in place. what happened to the remain in mexico policy? the supreme court hope told the biden administration to reimplement it and they haven't. >> carley: do makes me want to your point, curly why are we lifting title 42 will coming a population by and large has not had access to the vaccine? at least in the united states of america, there is obviously a discussion about vaccine mandates and that alike. if you want the vaccine you can get the vaccine. so many migrants coming over are not vaccinated and did not have the opportunity to be vaccinated and don't want to be vaccinated. >> carley: congressman homer was in yuma, arizona, with brandon judd you heard from him and did a night ride with him and he said that in yuma that they have apprehended 160,000 people so far this year and 150,000 of them from 95% of them came from a country other than mexico. one of the largest groups he saw try to cross the southern border was from uzbekistan and people from syria, iraq, iran. so you understand that when people want to come here because of economic reasons they are breaking our laws. and then the big issue but this is the national security. >> todd: he went on to say economic reasons perspective, these individuals did not fit the profile seeking economic asylum but financed and fancy clothes in louis vuitton. >> carley: another crisis unfolding in the country, the white house council of economic advisors said it will outlast the pandemic. georgia governor brian kemp with a state of emergency over supply chain woes. his executive order puts a temporary suspension on what hours truckers can drive price coaching for all vehicle fuel is prohibited. and also allows an noncitizen to hold a driver's license past the original expiration date. ansys will run for 40 days, the executive order and end may 15th. >> todd: home robberies are soaring in los angeles and the police are warning residents they could be targets. >> carley: ashley strohmier with l.a.p.d.'s chilling message. speak with a wealthy area taking a hard hit like with gang members lately. according to the l.a.p.d., home robbery task force, 17 gains have been staging robberies but sometimes even using spotters to target people wearing high end items and driving expensive cars. the play sale monday and juan was followed after leaving a jewelry store. she stopped at an intersection and the suspects smashed her driver-side window and then when she took off, they chased her, hit her with a car, held her at gunpoint and stole her watch. l.a.p.d. on the job for more than three jobs says he's never seen this kind of coordinated behavior. last year there were 165 holdups total, but this year, there has been 56 already and we are not even halfway through. wednesday l.a.p.d. sent out community alert notifying residents to be aware of surroundings and in particular of the follow home robberies. some are blaming d.a. george gascon who won't seek gang enhancement until -- and mostly based in south-central los angeles and stage more than 200 strong-armed robberies in the last 15 months. five of those guys happened this week. >> todd: absolutely chilling and absolutely frightening my thank you. the man accused of at brooklyn subway early 19, frank james arraigned on a federal terrorism charge yesterday. the judge ordering him to be held without bail on the head of the mta speaking out blaming bad internet connection for the subway surveillance malfunction of the time of the attack. the chairman saying "the cameras were working, the internet connection failed." precious time during their 30 hour manhunt. listen, mayor adams challenging black lives matter for staying silent on soaring gun violence in new york city. >> black lives matter, where are all those who stated black lives matter? when are we going to start asking serious questions? if black lives matter's then thousands of people i saw on the street when floyd was murdered should be on the street right now saying the lives of these black children that are dying every night matters. instead -- >> todd: adam's words, as the city deals with soaring crimes and hundreds of shootings already this year. >> carley: author vince said time to wake up to that hypocrisy. watch this. >> mayor adams called up but everybody else discovered that black lives matter are a bunch of hypocrites. >> black lives matter is concerned about money, mansions, and chaos. their job was to start a marxist revolution in america. they have been revealed to the american people and the american people now know who they are. they are going to be a problem an end 2022 at the end of this year, i hope there is a complete wipeout of all of them. i think people are tired of them and ready to stand up and send them back to where they belong. >> carley: the organization to increase transparency in light of $6 million mansion purchase. the cofounder criticized financial disclosure forms as triggers. a personal assistant amber heard becoming the latest witness to testify in johnny depp's defamation trial against her. kate james taking the stand accusing her of creating abusive work environment with employees and being verbally abusive and the former assistant went on to testify that she never witnessed or heard about any abuse against her by johnny depp. >> todd: and after launching an official multibillion-dollar bid to take over twitter. >> carley: brooke singman on the plan for the platform, brooke, good morning. >> hey, good morning elon musk described as full on corporate raider by "the wall street journal" and he makes $43 billion bid for twitter. the tesla ceo disclosing the offer of $54.40 per share and federal filings. yesterday, during the first interview announced, he shared exactly how he wants to change the social media company. listen to this. >> strong intuitive sense is that having a public platform that is maximally trusted and inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilization. i don't care about the economics at all. >> musk dramatically said that significant works from conservative and many experience censorship on the platform. >> i think that it will improve free speech. it can't be worse than what is happening at twitter right now. to think think twitter and facebook and others are broken. >> but while twitter considers >> judge jeanine: bid to buy the company, the biggish old to make shareholder by the manager company known to be with changes that >> judge jeanine: wants to make. and a poison pill of strategy to stop the hostile takeover of a company. musk at the bid $54.40 per share was his best and final offer but meanwhile the moose of musk potential takeover get reportedly getting a written negative reactive from the staff with one staffer saying he may rethink his employment at the company if it goes through. karlan tied to. >> todd: elon musk is not frightened about that. elon musk, this is why they are so threatened by elon musk. >> censorship and propaganda are at the very heart of liberalism. in the elon musk is challenging all of that directly. he is the richest man in the world and he will not make more money or donating to foreign charity at least in this case. he's using his money to allow at least potentially americans to speak freely. is it distressing that our own democratic system isn't working that you would need some rich guy to swoop in to say free speech in the united states? of course it is. is it sad that we are all desperate for elon musk to save us? yes, it is. but who else is going to save us? nobody at this point. of course corporate media to stay for the abused individual americas hates the idea and the first move is to market. >> todd: you know i love the story. this is the greatest story ever from the mainstream media to the ruling of the democratic machine to the federal government itself. they are all going to do whatever it takes to stop this deal because it threatens them. to them it is only their speech and out the rest of our speech and musk wants to change that and they are petrified appearance be to iago i mino i love what he said in his tin talk with free speech, twitter has become the de facto public square so they are rules should match the free speech rules of the country and he also said my strong intuitive sense is that having a public platform maximay trusted and broadly inclusive gnomic inclusive is important to civilization. so talking about, he knows that he may lose money off of this. this is not a smart financial purchase. he even said, there will be pain in this purchase and the guy who was monitoring -- moderating that ted talk you don't want to pay $40 billion. he said i could, but i don't really want to. so it's not about making money. this is really just something that he wants to do for the future of the country. unbelievable. >> todd: currently, the people that have gotten us in the methods most prominent right now are the green new dealers and shouldn't they love the guy that makes all the electric cars on the world? this shows how rational they are. but it also shows how far they will go over this much grander ideological vision. >> carley: yesterday, so what if elon must does by twitter and changes it to actual free-speech platform? and then it starts to look like parlor and remember what happened a parlor where it got kicked off, google play and amazon web services and the apple app store? could that possibly happen to twitter? >> todd: possibly but here is the difference, parlor did not have hundreds of billions of dollars. and elon musk can write checks to make things go away. >> carley: are no interesting how this is happening and everybody will keep a close eye on this one. >> todd: interestingly carley shimkus can write checks to make things go away. small curriculums a major issue and instead of listening to parents, one will say they will be teaching ethnic and social identity listens to kindergartners. >> carley: it is scary to talk about that and congressman meets florida ag and flora trump and jam-packed two hours of "fox & friends first." and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at chevy.com. find your future. find new roads. here's a direct question. how long are you planning on keeping your new smile? 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are you ready to go? >> yeah. >> and the cia now says chinese president xi is a silent partner in russian president putin's warrant ukraine calling the greatest challenge the cia places warning seeks to overtake it from every domain from economic strength to military power. >> a silent partner in putin xi jinping is the greatest challenge. in many ways the most pro-town to to make profound tests cia has faced. giving the potential desperation of president putin, none of this could be taken lightly the threat posed by a potential resort to the attack nuclear weapons. >> and intelligence officials said the kremlin turned to beijing for economic and military aid shortly after the war began here in ukraine, carley and todd. >> carley: has the biden administration given any indication to who they might be considering sending over to ukraine? >> i'm not sure if they have. you can see that the president kind of contradicted his own press secretary saying he's ready to go but then jen psaki said no, we are not sending him carley. >> todd: do you get a sense from the people on the ground 50 days end, we are doing our part. we are fighting are you know what off. we are doing an amazing job in the united states cannot get their messaging right here they don't send us the materials we need when we need them. zelenskyy always has to beg for everything. is there a sense, what is america doing at this point? >> welcome america said $800 million package with all types of military aid that is supposed to be here in a matter of days, including helicopters. helicopters controversial whether they can arrive here but the white house that they will be here in a matter of days. you can see behind me, people in lviv are living normal lives. and the crews have been here weeks, actually months and people actually striving to get back to a sense of normalcy. i think that speaks to the defiance spirit here that people are going to continue to live their daily lives no matter thea couple hundred miles away from here. speak to matt, about that ship that sank my that is such a huge deal and i think it is interesting that russian's explanation of it was that there was a fire on board, like malfunction is any better than ukraine and keep the ship itsel. just talk about where that ship was. wasn't it near odesa which meant a huge escalation on the part of russia but now the bottom of the ocean in a massive win for ukraine. >> absolutely and the producers and i were just talking about that a short while ago before this report. you know, of course ukraine will not come out and say we think this thing and use decoys but russia will say it's just a fire. we don't have a lot of details to come from how the ship went down but that was considered a premier flagship vessel for the russians. as a result, other ships in odesa have basically retreated. you can only imagine that makes vladimir put in the furious. >> todd: that is matt finn live in ukraine, matched my thinking. today, christians remember's sacrifice but easy to forget while people across the globe suffer through the war in ukraine and of course the covid pandemic. >> carley: even during a year of loss, there is always hope, of course robert jeffries with his easter message, good morning so great to see you on this great fridays but what is your easter message for us this morning? >> you know, carley and todd, some people think it is odd we call today "good friday" because today marks the most horrific and endemic injustice committed in human history, the crucifixion of jesus christ. and had ended on friday, it truly would be a tragedy and evil would have won over go to. but of course that is not the end of the story. three days later god raised jesus christ proving it was the son of god and his sacrifice for our sins was accepted. and i see a lot of parallels between that and what is happening in the world today. you look around the world and whether atrocities in ukraine or the random violence you have all talked about this morning, it looks like evil is winning. but it is only a temporary win. one day the bible promises god will forever defeat evil and death. and god always has the final say in human history and our story as well. that is what the hope of easter is all about. >> todd: pastor how crucial is the resurrection to our shared human experience? >> well, it is central. i mean actually rose from the dead and we can talk about all of the evidence for that, but you know the apostle paul said god, if our hope is in we are like old people mostly miserable but job asked the question, if a man dies, will he live again? that is the bottom line is the question, isn't it? in this life is this all there is or something better? the resurrection answers that question. jesus said "i am resurrection and life and he who believes in me though dead shall live again." >> carley: do you an op-ed on foxnews.com the hope of easter and the darkness of ukraine. it goes live on easter sunday. but give us a sneak peek. what is that piece about? >> well, about the reality of the suffering in ukraine. i talked last night to ukrainian pastor and his wife here they told me about all that they were going through. and i will tell you with god's help, i will never complain about anything again after listening to them. but they are not filled with sadness. they are filled with joy and intent in preaching the christian gospel to those who need to hear it right now. and good friday really, carley, is all about the fact that god loves us. that is what that cross means, god loves us he sent jesus. jesus said it this way, "for god so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes on him will not perish but have eternal life." >> todd: the prospective firm ukrainians is truly amazing. pastor robert jeffress the words of my late grandfather, happy easter to you. enjoy your day and enjoy your weekend. >> happy easter to you all, thank you. >> todd: democrats need a miracle if they want to overcome the president's tanking poll numbers. >> these are spectacularly low numbers. the administration has got to pivot where this is going to be a tornado of midterms if these numbers continue to hold up. >> carley: even member of president biden's own party telling him to stop blaming vladimir putin for everything and eddie scarry reacts to the midterm morning coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> todd: one sounds like a lot like the other. a clip from nbc on inflation equus remarks have transportation secretary pete buttigieg. >> there is no dell in the office that turns inflation up or down. joe biden sitting at the white house doesn't have a lot of great options. >> todd: transportation secretary pete buttigieg saying and earlier, no doubt that you can turn up or down and you can just control things like oil prices and gas prices. senator john kennedy says americans know what is really going on. watch. first, the president blamed inflation on covid. then he blamed it on greedy business women and greedy businessmen. then the president said, inflation is caused by unemployment. now, he is saying putin did it. and as i said before, i wouldn't be surprised if the white house tried to claim tomorrow that inflation originated in a bat. but the truth is that president biden has no one else to plausibly blame but himself. and all the american people know, let me put it another way. when a honey bun cost $20 and you are homeless on the beach eating seaweed, most americans are going to blame president biden as they should. speak to it up quite well. listen to this the republican national convention unanimously voted to withdraw the commission on president's troll debate. the chairwoman ronna mcdaniel announcing the move yesterday saying it will fight in platform where candidates can barely make their case to the american public. they are in c will require candidates to pledge to not appear at any debates not sanctioned by the parties. the commission on presidential debates overseen presidential and vice presidential debates more than 30 years. and former advisor warning his party about president biden's job approval ahead of november. watch this. >> these are spectacularly low numbers. to really get down to where only a third and independence makes it impossibility. the administration has got to pivot where this is going to be a tornado of midterms if these numbers continue to hold up. >> todd: eddie scarry is a columnist for the federal and he joins us now. eddie, great to see you will come of the warning signs are so obvious yet why did the white house refused to pivot as mark penn said they should? >> i don't think there is pivoting. what would it mean for the biden administration to pivot? they would have to go back on everything they have been doing and everything they said they would do pure they can't do that here they would have to do that at the border and stop letting people across the border. they cannot do that because the left will not let them do that. they would have to stop bending the money they have already spent want to continue spending and the left will not let them do that so there is nothing that they can do other than completely abandon their platform. and i would just say, we played the sound from a former clinton pollster and i don't have to go back that far. just in "the new york times" yesterday, steve ratner, former obama administration official was saying it is an extraordinary policy failure what the biden administration should pass the american rescue plan. the signature achievement of this plan, that was extraordinary policy failure because too much money in the economy and running people's lives. yes, plenty of people are saying this and everyone can see it. as far as pivoting goes i don't see it happening. >> carley: i was looking at quinnipiac university numbers that came out this week. and one of them president biden's approval of hispanic voters is 26%. that is unbelievable. and that could be part of the swing vote that really changes the tide when come to midterm elections and some of these high hispanic population swing districts. why is that happening? is it because the border policy? what is going on there? >> i think first and foremost, that is a part of it absolutely. but first and foremost, it is the economy what is going on with the economy. and what actually has gone right under this administration. name one area where anything has gone right. crime is up in every big city. the disaster by tens of thousands of people and more people coming over than happen under the previous administration. inflation, again, name one single area and now we have to deal with possibly entering world war iii? it is absolutely absurd when you think about it. >> carley: a lot of chaos. >> todd: at this point, they will forced to do whatever they want to do between now and then. it doesn't make sense to me but that is clearly what they are doing. in the meantime the education standards include teaching ethnic and social identity lessons to kindergartners, yes, to 5-year-olds. these are kids that can barely tie their shoes but we will teach them gender and identity lessons. how does that do anything other than to start dividing us as early as kindergarten? >> yep, just one more example how garbage our public education system has got. i don't even know what it means to talk about identity groups. i am a half white half latino working class and i'm the only person in my family who has a four year degree. what identity group would you put me in, todd? and when i don't know. >> carley: i was just thinking about the fact that biden approval rating among his panics is so low. this could be one of the reasons why, and a lot of religious people in this religious group and you look at what is going on in new mexico is unbelievable. kindergartners to learn about identity group and third grade children to subjects of community equity building. seventh grade they will set the impact of unequal power relations on the development of group identity and culture. a lot of parents look at that and go, they are trying to turn kids into be active as. >> no matter what background or identity, parents are sagging what are you talking about and teaching my child? what way does this prepare you for life? can you possibly teach the math, reading, writing, grammar, any of that instead? >> todd: in the meantime, china what are they learning? they are learning all those things you just mentioned. you know, the stuff you learn in school and yet we are focused on the stuff. >> carley: out of 71 countries, the united states is 38th in math, 24th and science. so maybe we should focus on that a little more. >> todd: before you go, what group do you identify with? i have an answer, you identify with "miami vice" because you are dressed like don johnson today. >> i will take it. >> todd: the jacket, we live it. >> carley: complementary. thanks, eddie. >> thank you. >> carley: tom brady has a request for a long must as the billionaire is defined twitter. >> we should keep that up all day. that is a great story. in itself the football league kicking off tomorrow so we sent abby to birmingham, alabama, for more kickoff and business doors are open for him? >> so be it. so i think they bring us so much publicity to the city and also the states. >> todd: hey, she's got her eye black on. we will check in with her next. ♪ ♪ if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs to the most small businesses. make your business future ready with the network from the most innovative company. get internet and voice for $49.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. and ask how to get up to a $650 prepaid card with a qualifying bundle. ♪ ♪ >> carley: florida governor ron desantis finding legislation that bans abortion after 50 weeks. >> we are here to defend those who can't defend themselves. this will represent the most significant protections for life that have been enacted in the state in a generation. [applause] >> carley: the governor's signature comes ahead of u.s. supreme court decision that could call abortion law into question across the country. the new law takes effect july first. >> todd: tom brady and elon musk with twitter with a big request about an old photo. the legendary qb asking, twitter can you complete combine photo? this image circulating as they debuted in the nfl draft back in 2,000. we all look like that in 2,000 because we didn't work out. that is what it was. ready, just 22 would be 199th overall pick in the draft and many attributed to scrawny build in the picture. there is truth and theft, we didn't have nutrition the kids have today and we all look like that but now what happened brady has nutrition. he looks like tom brady. >> carley: really? he is the greatest of all time so who cares question marks me when we are counting down the hours. the u.s. takes place tomorrow in birmingham, alabama. >> carley: of the entire nfl season will take place in the magic city, and louisville businesses hoping for a big boom. abby spoke with some of them and joins us from alabama. hey, abby. >> hey, guys, no tom brady here unfortunately. maybe he will sign on to the usfl eventually. all teams playing in birmingham, alabama. general part of the heart and soul of the city really is so luckily for us it was a bright, sunny day in the magic city. we walked around and popped airhead and some of these places and talked ahead of the big weekend. take a look. ♪ ♪ the u.s. usfl will host regular season games over the next ten weeks right here in birmingham, alabama. the great news for local businesses. >> we are excited appear this is crazy. >> every building will have a line. >> something big for birmingham. speak with the experts say the city to bring $20 million. so as we get ready for kickoff let's go chat with some of these folks and see how they are doing. ♪ ♪ >> hi. hello. >> you must be -- what is your reaction when you found out that it would be here in birmingham. >> i signed my beliefs in the heart of hope for. that was a big deal. something people love and so that will bring people to so many different places here. are you excited so many people might be coming to birmingham? >> we are. we would hope it would bring in more business. but we are trying to get more doughnuts in the case and make sure we are fully stocked, fully staffed. >> protective stadium is right there and you now get to have usfl here. >> i think it is bringing so much publicity to the city. and also the state. >> how are you preparing for the people coming in. >> this is how i work out. and so that is how i prepare. >> what does it mean to you guys that the u.s. is coming to birmingham? >> we are excited to work on the new fan base with new friends. >> pizza and bayer for a for afootball game. i would say here is a staple. >> absolutely. a staple in the sports world and they staple in the city of birmingham. >> what are you looking for when people come in? >> hopefully a good introduction to people experiencing birmingham for the first time. we put out 200 beers and 205 is a feature draft line available at all of the games at the usfl. >> i feel like i need to try this. okay, here is to the usfl. >> absolutely, truly. >> carley: i can report back the beer was top-notch. so where the people, guys. so is everything, the excitement in the city. and the city center actually estimates the cost to put on and host all of the games in birmingham only a little more than $3600. so you do the math here things are looking pretty bright for the local businesses. >> carley: i'm so happy for all the business owners because of all they have gone through with the pandemic to have this excitement in birmingham. must be so exciting for them. abby, why birmingham? it is interesting all the games will be in one city. >> yeah, you know, guys, i've been trying to figure out the answer. it seems everyone is saying a different thing but birmingham which is opening its arms and once they did the calculations come all right, this will be really great for the city. we will bring in a lot of money and a perfect place. in fact, the crew was annoyed with me because i keep saying i love birmingham, alabama. i said it 100 times. you know, they made the right choice in having it here. >> todd: you can watch usfl in all court game 7:30 eastern tomorrow night. it is birmingham versus new jersey generals and carley, i think that is our team. >> carley: didn't trump own eight usfl team? >> todd: but this is the same players. they would be very old. >> carley: abbey, we are so glad you got to experience this. we were so excited for the usfl. we will check back in with you next hour, right? turning to this now, a caravan is on its way to the border ready for the end of title 42 but 21 states are trying to stop the biden administration from letting that happen. >> todd: ag ashley moody will be here plus congressman marianne and lara trump on deck. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ ... a multi-flex midgate and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at chevy.com. find your future. find new roads. all of this is humanitarian aid that the fellowship is sending from israel directly into ukraine. this will feed the people inside of ukraine and the refugees on the border. food, medicine, warm clothing is needed now! the situation in ukraine is worsening. the fellowship is now working around the clock to help provide the refugees the life-saving necessities that they need most. look at all of these people! and for everyone that you can see there are hundreds and thousands more. lives abruptly changed. we're called to step into this crisis. this inhumanity. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift now to help rush food, blankets and shelter to jewish refugees fleeing for lives in ukraine. we must act now while there is still an opportunity to help the refugees with life-saving supplies. right now, we can bring planeloads of humanitarian aid to these jewish refugees, but we don't know how much time we have. clothing that's warm. medicine like insulin. and food; canned goods. this is one plane, praise god! but we need 5 planes. we need 10 planes. we need 100 planes! an emergency gift of $45 helps rush food, blankets and shelter. call the toll-free number on your screen or go online now. and please give as generously as you can to help the refugees while there is still time. who are you going to be now? who are we going to be? we're talking about saving jewish lives and time is running out. time is running out. please call or go online now. >> carley: title 42 is set to end next month. you're watching "fox and friends first." i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'll todd piro. republicans are being forced to take matters into their own hand, administration drops the ball and looks the other way, alexandria hoff has more. >> if this largely guatemala caravan times it just right, it will arrive as the mechanism to stop them has ended cht the shot was called by the cdc. >> if you look at the cdc math, 97% of the country is green, not many restrictions

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Children , Night Matters , Thousands , Floyd , The Street , City , Everybody , Hundreds , Words , Deals , Crimes , Hypocrisy , Shootings , Author , Adam , Money , Chaos , Marxist Revolution In America , Hypocrites , Mansions , Bunch , The End , Problem , 2022 , Mansion Purchase , Transparency , Wipeout , Organization , 6 Million , Million , Assistant , Kate James , Witness , Disclosure , Johnny Depp , Triggers , Defamation Trial , Amber , Stand , Cofounder , Employees , Work Environment , Abuse , Platform , Elon Musk , Twitter , Bid , Plan , Brooke Singman , Share , Offer , Interview , Raider , Ceo , Filings , Wall Street Journal , Tesla , 54 40 , 43 Billion , 4 40 , 3 Billion , Sense , Social Media Company , Musk , Civilization , Inclusive , Economics , Care , Free Speech , Censorship , Works , Experience , Conservative , Others , Facebook , Company , Manager Company , Jeanine , Shareholder , Changes , Biggish Old , Moose , Takeover , Musk Potential Takeover , Strategy , Poison Pill , 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Green , Shot , Cht , Cdc Math , 97 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708

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you are watching "fox & friends first" on this friday morning, i'm sure my carley shimkus. >> todd: todd piro and expected to reach the u.s. the same day that the title 42 policy is set to end. >> carley: alexandria hoff live in washington with more, alexandria, good morning. >> good morning, carley and todd come a caravan with little need to speed up the travels because this time to write they will arrive as a mechanism to quickly expel that it has been expired. the biden administration to terminate title 42 put in place by president trump as the covid response. the current administration has said that the cdc has called the shots on this. >> if you look across the country, cdc, 95% is ingrained. they are not made many restrictions and the cdc determine title 42 that it was an appropriate time for a public point of view to list title 42 restrictions. >> now 21 states are now suing the biden administration over the decision to roll back the public health order with text reading "title 42 ramification that is a outlay or only covid-19 restrictions the administration seems fit to end." complaints masks are required to remain in place. just yesterday, governor greg abbott of texas made good on a promise to both dozens of migrants from his state to washington, d.c., and also vowed to continue -- we implemented enhanced safety inspections of every commercial vehicle coming across the border into predictable results is that the governors of states connected to the state of texas will be knocking on our door begging for relief. as they begged for relief, we are demanding they implement security measures to reduce illegal immigration coming across the border. >> the senate judiciary republicans demanding a hearing over the in-depth title 42 and bipartisan bill reduced to its end. carley and todd. >> todd: alexandria, thank you, and he says biden is not just blind to the negative effect policies are having on america. listen. >> by design, they are doing this on purpose and know exactly what they are doing. this administration has intelligent individuals at dhs and they know what is happening here they just don't have the will to push back against the white house under the right thing for the american public. we are seeing people coming across the border and taking selfies at the wall. that shows you that they have absolutely no regard for our laws here they know they will get relief. they are being rewarded. this administration has brought back catch and release and put this crisis on steroids. there was no end insight. >> todd: florida attorney general ashley moody suing the white house to keep title 42. we are talking to her live this morning. >> carley: right now there are 7,000 illegal immigrants crossing the border each day. that number could have jumped to 18,001 title 42 and border patrol is saying they are overrun right now. they just cannot process that many people. and if you remember what it looked like when migrants under the bridge with 15,000 people. so, just imagine that being more in may and across the southern border. this is what it could look like. >> todd: every single day it is going to be like that. border states and other states now against lifting title 42. many democrats, especially extremely vulnerable coming up this november sagging we don't want to end title 42. why are you doing this? yet the white house to double down this myopic vision this is what we have to do despite the fact nobody, the american public, democrats, 21 states don't want it you're the only reason i can think is that they look well past midterms. they are taking the midterms as a loss at this point and part of a broader view of getting voters and that are beholden to the democratic party because they got these individuals here in the first place. >> carley: i think the biden administration is scared of progressives. progressives are driving the democratic party but kyrsten sinema releasing a statement saying the biden administration to keep mask mandate on planes, then you have to keep title 42 because you can't lift one pandemic measure for illegal immigrants and say a 2-year-old's covid spreader on a flight. and if you want to revoke title 42, that is fine. you have to have another measure in place. what happened to the remain in mexico policy? the supreme court hope told the biden administration to reimplement it and they haven't. >> carley: do makes me want to your point, curly why are we lifting title 42 will coming a population by and large has not had access to the vaccine? at least in the united states of america, there is obviously a discussion about vaccine mandates and that alike. if you want the vaccine you can get the vaccine. so many migrants coming over are not vaccinated and did not have the opportunity to be vaccinated and don't want to be vaccinated. >> carley: congressman homer was in yuma, arizona, with brandon judd you heard from him and did a night ride with him and he said that in yuma that they have apprehended 160,000 people so far this year and 150,000 of them from 95% of them came from a country other than mexico. one of the largest groups he saw try to cross the southern border was from uzbekistan and people from syria, iraq, iran. so you understand that when people want to come here because of economic reasons they are breaking our laws. and then the big issue but this is the national security. >> todd: he went on to say economic reasons perspective, these individuals did not fit the profile seeking economic asylum but financed and fancy clothes in louis vuitton. >> carley: another crisis unfolding in the country, the white house council of economic advisors said it will outlast the pandemic. georgia governor brian kemp with a state of emergency over supply chain woes. his executive order puts a temporary suspension on what hours truckers can drive price coaching for all vehicle fuel is prohibited. and also allows an noncitizen to hold a driver's license past the original expiration date. ansys will run for 40 days, the executive order and end may 15th. >> todd: home robberies are soaring in los angeles and the police are warning residents they could be targets. >> carley: ashley strohmier with l.a.p.d.'s chilling message. speak with a wealthy area taking a hard hit like with gang members lately. according to the l.a.p.d., home robbery task force, 17 gains have been staging robberies but sometimes even using spotters to target people wearing high end items and driving expensive cars. the play sale monday and juan was followed after leaving a jewelry store. she stopped at an intersection and the suspects smashed her driver-side window and then when she took off, they chased her, hit her with a car, held her at gunpoint and stole her watch. l.a.p.d. on the job for more than three jobs says he's never seen this kind of coordinated behavior. last year there were 165 holdups total, but this year, there has been 56 already and we are not even halfway through. wednesday l.a.p.d. sent out community alert notifying residents to be aware of surroundings and in particular of the follow home robberies. some are blaming d.a. george gascon who won't seek gang enhancement until -- and mostly based in south-central los angeles and stage more than 200 strong-armed robberies in the last 15 months. five of those guys happened this week. >> todd: absolutely chilling and absolutely frightening my thank you. the man accused of at brooklyn subway early 19, frank james arraigned on a federal terrorism charge yesterday. the judge ordering him to be held without bail on the head of the mta speaking out blaming bad internet connection for the subway surveillance malfunction of the time of the attack. the chairman saying "the cameras were working, the internet connection failed." precious time during their 30 hour manhunt. listen, mayor adams challenging black lives matter for staying silent on soaring gun violence in new york city. >> black lives matter, where are all those who stated black lives matter? when are we going to start asking serious questions? if black lives matter's then thousands of people i saw on the street when floyd was murdered should be on the street right now saying the lives of these black children that are dying every night matters. instead -- >> todd: adam's words, as the city deals with soaring crimes and hundreds of shootings already this year. >> carley: author vince said time to wake up to that hypocrisy. watch this. >> mayor adams called up but everybody else discovered that black lives matter are a bunch of hypocrites. >> black lives matter is concerned about money, mansions, and chaos. their job was to start a marxist revolution in america. they have been revealed to the american people and the american people now know who they are. they are going to be a problem an end 2022 at the end of this year, i hope there is a complete wipeout of all of them. i think people are tired of them and ready to stand up and send them back to where they belong. >> carley: the organization to increase transparency in light of $6 million mansion purchase. the cofounder criticized financial disclosure forms as triggers. a personal assistant amber heard becoming the latest witness to testify in johnny depp's defamation trial against her. kate james taking the stand accusing her of creating abusive work environment with employees and being verbally abusive and the former assistant went on to testify that she never witnessed or heard about any abuse against her by johnny depp. >> todd: and after launching an official multibillion-dollar bid to take over twitter. >> carley: brooke singman on the plan for the platform, brooke, good morning. >> hey, good morning elon musk described as full on corporate raider by "the wall street journal" and he makes $43 billion bid for twitter. the tesla ceo disclosing the offer of $54.40 per share and federal filings. yesterday, during the first interview announced, he shared exactly how he wants to change the social media company. listen to this. >> strong intuitive sense is that having a public platform that is maximally trusted and inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilization. i don't care about the economics at all. >> musk dramatically said that significant works from conservative and many experience censorship on the platform. >> i think that it will improve free speech. it can't be worse than what is happening at twitter right now. to think think twitter and facebook and others are broken. >> but while twitter considers >> judge jeanine: bid to buy the company, the biggish old to make shareholder by the manager company known to be with changes that >> judge jeanine: wants to make. and a poison pill of strategy to stop the hostile takeover of a company. musk at the bid $54.40 per share was his best and final offer but meanwhile the moose of musk potential takeover get reportedly getting a written negative reactive from the staff with one staffer saying he may rethink his employment at the company if it goes through. karlan tied to. >> todd: elon musk is not frightened about that. elon musk, this is why they are so threatened by elon musk. >> censorship and propaganda are at the very heart of liberalism. in the elon musk is challenging all of that directly. he is the richest man in the world and he will not make more money or donating to foreign charity at least in this case. he's using his money to allow at least potentially americans to speak freely. is it distressing that our own democratic system isn't working that you would need some rich guy to swoop in to say free speech in the united states? of course it is. is it sad that we are all desperate for elon musk to save us? yes, it is. but who else is going to save us? nobody at this point. of course corporate media to stay for the abused individual americas hates the idea and the first move is to market. >> todd: you know i love the story. this is the greatest story ever from the mainstream media to the ruling of the democratic machine to the federal government itself. they are all going to do whatever it takes to stop this deal because it threatens them. to them it is only their speech and out the rest of our speech and musk wants to change that and they are petrified appearance be to iago i mino i love what he said in his tin talk with free speech, twitter has become the de facto public square so they are rules should match the free speech rules of the country and he also said my strong intuitive sense is that having a public platform maximay trusted and broadly inclusive gnomic inclusive is important to civilization. so talking about, he knows that he may lose money off of this. this is not a smart financial purchase. he even said, there will be pain in this purchase and the guy who was monitoring -- moderating that ted talk you don't want to pay $40 billion. he said i could, but i don't really want to. so it's not about making money. this is really just something that he wants to do for the future of the country. unbelievable. >> todd: currently, the people that have gotten us in the methods most prominent right now are the green new dealers and shouldn't they love the guy that makes all the electric cars on the world? this shows how rational they are. but it also shows how far they will go over this much grander ideological vision. >> carley: yesterday, so what if elon must does by twitter and changes it to actual free-speech platform? and then it starts to look like parlor and remember what happened a parlor where it got kicked off, google play and amazon web services and the apple app store? could that possibly happen to twitter? >> todd: possibly but here is the difference, parlor did not have hundreds of billions of dollars. and elon musk can write checks to make things go away. >> carley: are no interesting how this is happening and everybody will keep a close eye on this one. >> todd: interestingly carley shimkus can write checks to make things go away. small curriculums a major issue and instead of listening to parents, one will say they will be teaching ethnic and social identity listens to kindergartners. >> carley: it is scary to talk about that and congressman meets florida ag and flora trump and jam-packed two hours of "fox & friends first." and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at chevy.com. find your future. find new roads. here's a direct question. how long are you planning on keeping your new smile? 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are you ready to go? >> yeah. >> and the cia now says chinese president xi is a silent partner in russian president putin's warrant ukraine calling the greatest challenge the cia places warning seeks to overtake it from every domain from economic strength to military power. >> a silent partner in putin xi jinping is the greatest challenge. in many ways the most pro-town to to make profound tests cia has faced. giving the potential desperation of president putin, none of this could be taken lightly the threat posed by a potential resort to the attack nuclear weapons. >> and intelligence officials said the kremlin turned to beijing for economic and military aid shortly after the war began here in ukraine, carley and todd. >> carley: has the biden administration given any indication to who they might be considering sending over to ukraine? >> i'm not sure if they have. you can see that the president kind of contradicted his own press secretary saying he's ready to go but then jen psaki said no, we are not sending him carley. >> todd: do you get a sense from the people on the ground 50 days end, we are doing our part. we are fighting are you know what off. we are doing an amazing job in the united states cannot get their messaging right here they don't send us the materials we need when we need them. zelenskyy always has to beg for everything. is there a sense, what is america doing at this point? >> welcome america said $800 million package with all types of military aid that is supposed to be here in a matter of days, including helicopters. helicopters controversial whether they can arrive here but the white house that they will be here in a matter of days. you can see behind me, people in lviv are living normal lives. and the crews have been here weeks, actually months and people actually striving to get back to a sense of normalcy. i think that speaks to the defiance spirit here that people are going to continue to live their daily lives no matter thea couple hundred miles away from here. speak to matt, about that ship that sank my that is such a huge deal and i think it is interesting that russian's explanation of it was that there was a fire on board, like malfunction is any better than ukraine and keep the ship itsel. just talk about where that ship was. wasn't it near odesa which meant a huge escalation on the part of russia but now the bottom of the ocean in a massive win for ukraine. >> absolutely and the producers and i were just talking about that a short while ago before this report. you know, of course ukraine will not come out and say we think this thing and use decoys but russia will say it's just a fire. we don't have a lot of details to come from how the ship went down but that was considered a premier flagship vessel for the russians. as a result, other ships in odesa have basically retreated. you can only imagine that makes vladimir put in the furious. >> todd: that is matt finn live in ukraine, matched my thinking. today, christians remember's sacrifice but easy to forget while people across the globe suffer through the war in ukraine and of course the covid pandemic. >> carley: even during a year of loss, there is always hope, of course robert jeffries with his easter message, good morning so great to see you on this great fridays but what is your easter message for us this morning? >> you know, carley and todd, some people think it is odd we call today "good friday" because today marks the most horrific and endemic injustice committed in human history, the crucifixion of jesus christ. and had ended on friday, it truly would be a tragedy and evil would have won over go to. but of course that is not the end of the story. three days later god raised jesus christ proving it was the son of god and his sacrifice for our sins was accepted. and i see a lot of parallels between that and what is happening in the world today. you look around the world and whether atrocities in ukraine or the random violence you have all talked about this morning, it looks like evil is winning. but it is only a temporary win. one day the bible promises god will forever defeat evil and death. and god always has the final say in human history and our story as well. that is what the hope of easter is all about. >> todd: pastor how crucial is the resurrection to our shared human experience? >> well, it is central. i mean actually rose from the dead and we can talk about all of the evidence for that, but you know the apostle paul said god, if our hope is in we are like old people mostly miserable but job asked the question, if a man dies, will he live again? that is the bottom line is the question, isn't it? in this life is this all there is or something better? the resurrection answers that question. jesus said "i am resurrection and life and he who believes in me though dead shall live again." >> carley: do you an op-ed on foxnews.com the hope of easter and the darkness of ukraine. it goes live on easter sunday. but give us a sneak peek. what is that piece about? >> well, about the reality of the suffering in ukraine. i talked last night to ukrainian pastor and his wife here they told me about all that they were going through. and i will tell you with god's help, i will never complain about anything again after listening to them. but they are not filled with sadness. they are filled with joy and intent in preaching the christian gospel to those who need to hear it right now. and good friday really, carley, is all about the fact that god loves us. that is what that cross means, god loves us he sent jesus. jesus said it this way, "for god so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes on him will not perish but have eternal life." >> todd: the prospective firm ukrainians is truly amazing. pastor robert jeffress the words of my late grandfather, happy easter to you. enjoy your day and enjoy your weekend. >> happy easter to you all, thank you. >> todd: democrats need a miracle if they want to overcome the president's tanking poll numbers. >> these are spectacularly low numbers. the administration has got to pivot where this is going to be a tornado of midterms if these numbers continue to hold up. >> carley: even member of president biden's own party telling him to stop blaming vladimir putin for everything and eddie scarry reacts to the midterm morning coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> todd: one sounds like a lot like the other. a clip from nbc on inflation equus remarks have transportation secretary pete buttigieg. >> there is no dell in the office that turns inflation up or down. joe biden sitting at the white house doesn't have a lot of great options. >> todd: transportation secretary pete buttigieg saying and earlier, no doubt that you can turn up or down and you can just control things like oil prices and gas prices. senator john kennedy says americans know what is really going on. watch. first, the president blamed inflation on covid. then he blamed it on greedy business women and greedy businessmen. then the president said, inflation is caused by unemployment. now, he is saying putin did it. and as i said before, i wouldn't be surprised if the white house tried to claim tomorrow that inflation originated in a bat. but the truth is that president biden has no one else to plausibly blame but himself. and all the american people know, let me put it another way. when a honey bun cost $20 and you are homeless on the beach eating seaweed, most americans are going to blame president biden as they should. speak to it up quite well. listen to this the republican national convention unanimously voted to withdraw the commission on president's troll debate. the chairwoman ronna mcdaniel announcing the move yesterday saying it will fight in platform where candidates can barely make their case to the american public. they are in c will require candidates to pledge to not appear at any debates not sanctioned by the parties. the commission on presidential debates overseen presidential and vice presidential debates more than 30 years. and former advisor warning his party about president biden's job approval ahead of november. watch this. >> these are spectacularly low numbers. to really get down to where only a third and independence makes it impossibility. the administration has got to pivot where this is going to be a tornado of midterms if these numbers continue to hold up. >> todd: eddie scarry is a columnist for the federal and he joins us now. eddie, great to see you will come of the warning signs are so obvious yet why did the white house refused to pivot as mark penn said they should? >> i don't think there is pivoting. what would it mean for the biden administration to pivot? they would have to go back on everything they have been doing and everything they said they would do pure they can't do that here they would have to do that at the border and stop letting people across the border. they cannot do that because the left will not let them do that. they would have to stop bending the money they have already spent want to continue spending and the left will not let them do that so there is nothing that they can do other than completely abandon their platform. and i would just say, we played the sound from a former clinton pollster and i don't have to go back that far. just in "the new york times" yesterday, steve ratner, former obama administration official was saying it is an extraordinary policy failure what the biden administration should pass the american rescue plan. the signature achievement of this plan, that was extraordinary policy failure because too much money in the economy and running people's lives. yes, plenty of people are saying this and everyone can see it. as far as pivoting goes i don't see it happening. >> carley: i was looking at quinnipiac university numbers that came out this week. and one of them president biden's approval of hispanic voters is 26%. that is unbelievable. and that could be part of the swing vote that really changes the tide when come to midterm elections and some of these high hispanic population swing districts. why is that happening? is it because the border policy? what is going on there? >> i think first and foremost, that is a part of it absolutely. but first and foremost, it is the economy what is going on with the economy. and what actually has gone right under this administration. name one area where anything has gone right. crime is up in every big city. the disaster by tens of thousands of people and more people coming over than happen under the previous administration. inflation, again, name one single area and now we have to deal with possibly entering world war iii? it is absolutely absurd when you think about it. >> carley: a lot of chaos. >> todd: at this point, they will forced to do whatever they want to do between now and then. it doesn't make sense to me but that is clearly what they are doing. in the meantime the education standards include teaching ethnic and social identity lessons to kindergartners, yes, to 5-year-olds. these are kids that can barely tie their shoes but we will teach them gender and identity lessons. how does that do anything other than to start dividing us as early as kindergarten? >> yep, just one more example how garbage our public education system has got. i don't even know what it means to talk about identity groups. i am a half white half latino working class and i'm the only person in my family who has a four year degree. what identity group would you put me in, todd? and when i don't know. >> carley: i was just thinking about the fact that biden approval rating among his panics is so low. this could be one of the reasons why, and a lot of religious people in this religious group and you look at what is going on in new mexico is unbelievable. kindergartners to learn about identity group and third grade children to subjects of community equity building. seventh grade they will set the impact of unequal power relations on the development of group identity and culture. a lot of parents look at that and go, they are trying to turn kids into be active as. >> no matter what background or identity, parents are sagging what are you talking about and teaching my child? what way does this prepare you for life? can you possibly teach the math, reading, writing, grammar, any of that instead? >> todd: in the meantime, china what are they learning? they are learning all those things you just mentioned. you know, the stuff you learn in school and yet we are focused on the stuff. >> carley: out of 71 countries, the united states is 38th in math, 24th and science. so maybe we should focus on that a little more. >> todd: before you go, what group do you identify with? i have an answer, you identify with "miami vice" because you are dressed like don johnson today. >> i will take it. >> todd: the jacket, we live it. >> carley: complementary. thanks, eddie. >> thank you. >> carley: tom brady has a request for a long must as the billionaire is defined twitter. >> we should keep that up all day. that is a great story. in itself the football league kicking off tomorrow so we sent abby to birmingham, alabama, for more kickoff and business doors are open for him? >> so be it. so i think they bring us so much publicity to the city and also the states. >> todd: hey, she's got her eye black on. we will check in with her next. ♪ ♪ if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs to the most small businesses. make your business future ready with the network from the most innovative company. get internet and voice for $49.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. and ask how to get up to a $650 prepaid card with a qualifying bundle. ♪ ♪ >> carley: florida governor ron desantis finding legislation that bans abortion after 50 weeks. >> we are here to defend those who can't defend themselves. this will represent the most significant protections for life that have been enacted in the state in a generation. [applause] >> carley: the governor's signature comes ahead of u.s. supreme court decision that could call abortion law into question across the country. the new law takes effect july first. >> todd: tom brady and elon musk with twitter with a big request about an old photo. the legendary qb asking, twitter can you complete combine photo? this image circulating as they debuted in the nfl draft back in 2,000. we all look like that in 2,000 because we didn't work out. that is what it was. ready, just 22 would be 199th overall pick in the draft and many attributed to scrawny build in the picture. there is truth and theft, we didn't have nutrition the kids have today and we all look like that but now what happened brady has nutrition. he looks like tom brady. >> carley: really? he is the greatest of all time so who cares question marks me when we are counting down the hours. the u.s. takes place tomorrow in birmingham, alabama. >> carley: of the entire nfl season will take place in the magic city, and louisville businesses hoping for a big boom. abby spoke with some of them and joins us from alabama. hey, abby. >> hey, guys, no tom brady here unfortunately. maybe he will sign on to the usfl eventually. all teams playing in birmingham, alabama. general part of the heart and soul of the city really is so luckily for us it was a bright, sunny day in the magic city. we walked around and popped airhead and some of these places and talked ahead of the big weekend. take a look. ♪ ♪ the u.s. usfl will host regular season games over the next ten weeks right here in birmingham, alabama. the great news for local businesses. >> we are excited appear this is crazy. >> every building will have a line. >> something big for birmingham. speak with the experts say the city to bring $20 million. so as we get ready for kickoff let's go chat with some of these folks and see how they are doing. ♪ ♪ >> hi. hello. >> you must be -- what is your reaction when you found out that it would be here in birmingham. >> i signed my beliefs in the heart of hope for. that was a big deal. something people love and so that will bring people to so many different places here. are you excited so many people might be coming to birmingham? >> we are. we would hope it would bring in more business. but we are trying to get more doughnuts in the case and make sure we are fully stocked, fully staffed. >> protective stadium is right there and you now get to have usfl here. >> i think it is bringing so much publicity to the city. and also the state. >> how are you preparing for the people coming in. >> this is how i work out. and so that is how i prepare. >> what does it mean to you guys that the u.s. is coming to birmingham? >> we are excited to work on the new fan base with new friends. >> pizza and bayer for a for afootball game. i would say here is a staple. >> absolutely. a staple in the sports world and they staple in the city of birmingham. >> what are you looking for when people come in? >> hopefully a good introduction to people experiencing birmingham for the first time. we put out 200 beers and 205 is a feature draft line available at all of the games at the usfl. >> i feel like i need to try this. okay, here is to the usfl. >> absolutely, truly. >> carley: i can report back the beer was top-notch. so where the people, guys. so is everything, the excitement in the city. and the city center actually estimates the cost to put on and host all of the games in birmingham only a little more than $3600. so you do the math here things are looking pretty bright for the local businesses. >> carley: i'm so happy for all the business owners because of all they have gone through with the pandemic to have this excitement in birmingham. must be so exciting for them. abby, why birmingham? it is interesting all the games will be in one city. >> yeah, you know, guys, i've been trying to figure out the answer. it seems everyone is saying a different thing but birmingham which is opening its arms and once they did the calculations come all right, this will be really great for the city. we will bring in a lot of money and a perfect place. in fact, the crew was annoyed with me because i keep saying i love birmingham, alabama. i said it 100 times. you know, they made the right choice in having it here. >> todd: you can watch usfl in all court game 7:30 eastern tomorrow night. it is birmingham versus new jersey generals and carley, i think that is our team. >> carley: didn't trump own eight usfl team? >> todd: but this is the same players. they would be very old. >> carley: abbey, we are so glad you got to experience this. we were so excited for the usfl. we will check back in with you next hour, right? turning to this now, a caravan is on its way to the border ready for the end of title 42 but 21 states are trying to stop the biden administration from letting that happen. >> todd: ag ashley moody will be here plus congressman marianne and lara trump on deck. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ ... a multi-flex midgate and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at chevy.com. find your future. find new roads. all of this is humanitarian aid that the fellowship is sending from israel directly into ukraine. this will feed the people inside of ukraine and the refugees on the border. food, medicine, warm clothing is needed now! the situation in ukraine is worsening. the fellowship is now working around the clock to help provide the refugees the life-saving necessities that they need most. look at all of these people! and for everyone that you can see there are hundreds and thousands more. lives abruptly changed. we're called to step into this crisis. this inhumanity. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift now to help rush food, blankets and shelter to jewish refugees fleeing for lives in ukraine. we must act now while there is still an opportunity to help the refugees with life-saving supplies. right now, we can bring planeloads of humanitarian aid to these jewish refugees, but we don't know how much time we have. clothing that's warm. medicine like insulin. and food; canned goods. this is one plane, praise god! but we need 5 planes. we need 10 planes. we need 100 planes! an emergency gift of $45 helps rush food, blankets and shelter. call the toll-free number on your screen or go online now. and please give as generously as you can to help the refugees while there is still time. who are you going to be now? who are we going to be? we're talking about saving jewish lives and time is running out. time is running out. please call or go online now. >> carley: title 42 is set to end next month. you're watching "fox and friends first." i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'll todd piro. republicans are being forced to take matters into their own hand, administration drops the ball and looks the other way, alexandria hoff has more. >> if this largely guatemala caravan times it just right, it will arrive as the mechanism to stop them has ended cht the shot was called by the cdc. >> if you look at the cdc math, 97% of the country is green, not many restrictions

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Put , Hope , Sacrifice , Thinking , Christians , Covid Pandemic , Globe , Fridays , Robert Jeffries , Crucifixion Of Jesus Christ , Injustice , Horrific , God , Evil , Jesus Christ , Tragedy , Sins , Parallels , Son Of God , Violence , Atrocities , The World Today , Pastor , Promises , Death , Say , Resurrection , Human Experience , Evidence , Apostle Paul , Line , It , Isn T , Op Ed , Piece , Suffering , Reality , Hope Of Easter , Sneak Peek , On Foxnews Com , The Darkness , Easter Sunday , Anything , Wife , Help , Sadness , Intent , Gospel , Ukrainians , Son , Robert Jeffress , Weekend , Tanking Poll Numbers , Grandfather , Miracle , Numbers , Tornado , Party , Member , Eddie Scarry , Inflation , Pete Buttigieg , Dell , Other , Office , Remarks , Clip , Sounds , Nbc , Inflation Equus , Doesn T , Saying , Options , No Doubt , John Kennedy , Businessmen , Oil Prices , Gas Prices , Business Women , First , Wouldn T , Unemployment , Bat , Truth , No One , Honey Bun Cost , 20 , 0 , Eating Seaweed , On The Beach , Republican National Convention , Candidates , Commission , Troll Debate , C , Ronna Mcdaniel , Debates , Parties , Advisor Warning , Commission On Presidential Debates , Job Approval , Third , Independence , November , It Impossibility , Columnist , Warning Signs , Mark Penn , Pivoting , Left , Nothing , Want , Obama , Policy Failure , Pollster , The New York Times , Clinton , Steve Ratner , Sound , Everyone , Economy , Rescue Plan , Signature Achievement , Yes , Approval , Them , Quinnipiac University , 26 , Swing Vote , Happening , Elections , Tide , Population Swing Districts , Disaster , Crime , Big City , Name , Tens Of Thousands , World War Iii , Education Standards , Kids , Teaching , Lessons , Shoes , Yep , Kindergarten , Identity Lessons , Education , System , Gender , Garbage , Identity Group , Family , Identity Groups , Person , Degree , Latino Working Class , Group , Panics , Don T Know , Approval Rating , Community Equity Building , Grade , Seventh Grade , Subjects , Group Identity , Background , Development , Impact , Culture , Power Relations , Math , Reading , Any , Grammar , Writing , China , Child , Stuff , Countries , School , Science , 24 , 71 , 38 , Answer , Jacket , Don Johnson , Miami Vice , Request , Tom Brady , Billionaire , Thanks , Must , Football League , Birmingham , Publicity , Kickoff , Alabama , Business Doors , Next , Eye Black On , Business Internet , Small Business , Choices , Needs , Technology , Lots , Businesses , Network , Speeds , Largest , Fiber Solutions , Gigs , 10 , Price Guarantee , Voice , Bundle , Card , 9 99 , 650 , 49 99 , Finding Legislation , Ron Desantis , Abortion , Signature , Generation , Abortion Law , Applause , U S Supreme Court , Protections , Photo , Law , Qb , Draft , Draft Back , Image , Nfl , Work Out , 2000 , 199 , 22 , Greatest , Many , Build , Look , Picture , Theft , Brady Has Nutrition , Season , Louisville , Boom , Abby , Usfl , Teams , Heart And Soul , Games , Places , Airhead , Take A Look , Building , News , Something Big , Experts , Ten , Let S Go , Chat , Folks , 20 Million , 0 Million , Reaction , Beliefs , Doughnuts , Protective Stadium , Game , Friends , Fan Base , Pizza , Afootball , Staple , In The City Of Birmingham , Time , Introduction , Sports World , Feature Draft Line , 205 , Beer , City Center , Owners , Cost , Host , 600 , 3600 , Excitement , Arms , Calculations , Crew , Times , Court Game , Choice , 7 , 100 , Team , Players , New Jersey Generals , Didn T Trump , Eight , Abbey , Don T , Anywhere , Congressman Marianne , Lara Trump On Deck , Multi Flex Midgate , Refugees , Clothing , Medicine , Fellowship , Food , The Border , Israel , Situation , Clock , Necessities , Inhumanity , Blankets , Rush Food , Gift , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , 45 , Planeloads , Supplies , Jewish , Plane , Emergency Gift , Insulin , Canned Goods , Shelter , Screen , Set , Ball , Hand , Todd Piro , Alexandria Hoff , Guatemala , 97 , Green , Shot , Cht , Cdc Math , 97 ,

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