Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708

citizens will not see them get an answer from our government and we get stuck with the tab. >> carley: republicans and democrats speaking out against the biden administration to end title 42 and the border crisis is about to get a whole lot worse. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this tuesday morning i am carley shimkus. >> todd: great to be with you i'm todd piro and all the details breaking news and a little bit but we begin with this, the white house expected to be a march inflation report to be released this morning. speak to the president hitting the road to date in an attempt with a problem vladimir putin are created instead of their own policies. alexandria hoff in washington with more, alexandria. >> good morning the vice president headed to philadelphia and he will visit menlo, iowa less than 400 people where expected to speak biofuel plants and talking economic strategy. this will follow a doozy of inflation report today. the bureau of labor statistics will release march updates to consumer price index later today and the white house prepare for four numbers are deflected using a familiar phrase, listen. >> because the actions taken to address putin price hike we are at a better place than we were last month. but we expect march cpi headline inflation to be extraordinarily elevated due to putin's price hike. >> so the price tag hasn't convinced the chairman of the council of economic advisors. >> we now have runaway inflation and they are trying to blame it on vladimir putin. now let amir put in is awful and one of the worst people of the 21st century i'm sure but he's not the reason the place is out of control. >> in february year-over-year consumer price index rose 7.9% the fastest inflation increase since 1982. the price of used cars and trucks over 41% and gas up 38%, lodging 29%, utility and gases services 29% and airline fares 12.9%. we will see how much was added to that in march but the policy to lane in the rising cost could come with the cost too. bank of america's of the policies make a recessive shock very likely, currently on tart appearance but do alexandria half, thank you. exclusive governor abbott said his threats with the illegal immigrants from texas to washington is working with holding drop-offs of illegal immigrants and small towns throughout the lone star state. >> todd: it turns out not is so fortunate. new video showing secret migrants resuming in westchester county, new york. jackie ibanez joining us with more, jackie. >> good morning carley and todd, they went after governor abbott's threat to bus illegal immigrants to washington seem to work. officials tell fox news exclusively they have fewer reports from texas and dropped off in their town. the governor ramping up measures to determine migrants and date set for may the 23rd he is putting this out to the sheriff, listen. >> it is to completely overwhelm law enforcement and an extraordinary advance on every single day... speak almost 2,000 miles away in washington the vice house claims they will politicize the decision to nix the rules despite the host of democrats to export extent of the measure. if the same time the westchester county executive is sharing new video right here of the biden administration was secret migrants flights into his community. because now the plates are resumed and deplaning right now. this will continue. importing people from other countries, flying them into the interior and then dispersing them and turning to voters like new york city where they will be allowed to vote with 30 day residency. >> the flight carrying droves illegal migrants comes as migrant search begins the 740 border apprehensions by border agents this week alone, carley and todd to. >> carley: all right, jackie ibanez thank you so much. jonathan a former director of the u.s. immigration and customs enforcement, good morning to you, sir, so much to talk about with you today. i will start off with a secret migrants flights that are resuming to westchester county. they were, we learned about this over the summer they are still happening. what does it mean for those towns and where else could the flights be going? >> i think what it means for these towns are they will absorb tremendous cause from cost in terms of schools being overcrowded to come access to medical care, lower wages for the workers there. this administration, this is just another example not only are they not taking this issue seriously but they actually wanted to happen. i'm sure that from what you were talking about earlier this will be the putin border of crisis later on just as another way to explain this. they wanted this to happen and campaigned on this and as many illegal immigrants to come as possible. you said it earlier and guests were saying earlier they can vote in certain places. the democrats mainstream position with the illegal aliens to vote in this country. >> todd: to your point, it is always someone else's bolt whether putin, donald trump or the aggregate jen psaki, just blaming republicans. take a listen. speak with the white house as they reached out to republicans to move this forward? >> in a republican who wants to work with us on immigration reform, you are invited. but i think it is clear is an effort to politicize this and not fix what we recognize as an outdated and broken system. >> to jonathan how can jen psaki accuse republicans of not fixing the "broken system" when it is literally democrats breaking the system before our eyes? >> todd: yeah, exactly. the democrats have even before this administration would actively undermine any immigration enforcement whatsoever. they want this to happen. they are not trying to prevent this. you heard about immigration reform were supporting immigration reform, everybody knows what that means. that means amnesty. they have no intention of enforcing the border but formalize the embassy they have been given illegal immigrants here and encourage more and more. so this idea of republicans aren't working with them is pure nonsense. the american people do not want open borders. they do not want criminals here illegally to stay in the country. the democrats do appear that they are the ones out of step on this issue. they say in the enforcement to try to make this about politics or try to make this about race. in the meantime the american people suffer. like i said from all the costs they absorb. >> carley: you know, is it true it is difficult for border patrol to find out if illegal immigrants have a criminal record in other countries and title 42 is removed and there is a massive flow of illegal immigrants into the country and border patrol was getting pressure by the administration to rapidly process these people, what does that mean for the safety and security of our country? >> it means there will be no vetting, and there is no concern for the safety and security for this administration, not for the border patrol come of course. they don't care, they are willing to pay the cost or have the cost of the american people for the drug academic. and the border patrol agents aren't able to do anything. are able to deter the drugs coming across because simply processing migrants. they don't know who's coming and if criminals and frankly this administration doesn't care appear they want as many illegal immigrants on the country as possible for political purposes. anyone that says anything about it they will call them names, racist, intimidate them from speaking out. it is truly a disgrace. >> todd: jonathan we have seen democrats in the white house walk back unpopular policy with the midterms just months away. but not this one. the white house, do they think they are fooling the american people? quite frankly, jonathan the american people see through this and will show it at the ballot box come november. >> you're probably right. the american people do see this. the administration has tried in some respects with secretary mayorkas, they tried to fool the american people to take this issue seriously, you know. they will say the right things occasionally but all they are trying to do is encourage illegal immigrants. and they will probably take a hit on the midterms either way, but the long game is having as many immigrants as possible long term political elite. but i agree with you. the american people are finally seeing this in mainstream media can't ignore this because it is so bad that they can't ignore this problem. i think the administration, the one surprising thing is they thought no one would pay attention and they wouldn't get cold out on it. they are a victim of their own success with the open border policy. even more people are coming in then they thought was possible. >> carley: exactly why you hear politicians and every town as a border town. the drugs, illegal immigrants getting flown to other towns and affecting the entire country. jonathan, thank you for coming on this morning to shed light on this, we appreciated. >> thank you. >> todd: from the border to our streets, president biden announcing the measures aimed to crack down on ghost guns pure the white house will now require similar numbers and gun parts as well as background checks on individuals to purchase gun kids. and biden took the opportunity to advocate for more gun control. watch. >> we need to repeal gun manufacturing to hold him accountable for false advertisement for the many things i do. >> todd: but a "new york post" op-ed by an advocate in new york saying in part "well the so-called leaders waste time with eric on is transmittable. children are dying, people are dying and lives are being destroyed." these criminals with no regard for human life should have been on the street. 11 minutes after they were in monitoring allegations that russia is using chemical weapons with a city already devastated by the war. that is not the only horrifying allegations against putin forces. >> carley: griff jenkins on the ground with live details, grip. >> carley and todd president zelenskyy is not confirming reports of the use of chemical weapons in the city of mariupol, but he is reminding world leaders that russia discussed the possible use of them. he said the response must be severe. the pentagon, john kirby also not confirming these reports saying they are closely monitoring it and having the statements, these reports are deeply concerning that we have had about potential to use a variety of control agents including teargas mixed with chemical agents in ukraine. the mayor of mariupol tells the ap, they were carpeted through the streets adding more than 10,000 civilians have been killed. and it comes as ukraine u.n. investor accuses russia of abducting children for the purpose of adoption. watch. >> i would also like to draw attention here at the consul at the fact invaders have already taken more than 121,000 children out of ukraine. >> meanwhile decides president biden's comments in -- he wants to visit ukraine. the white house is sending and weapons. >> has the president asked to go to ukraine? >> i will not get into private conversations. what i will tell you we are not currently planning a trip for the president to ukraine. but we are expediting weapons and getting assistant and security systems they need. >> in a new warning out of moscow, telling finland and sweden that they will rebalance the situation as the country's follow-through with applications to join nato. john and carley. >> todd: rift, you mention children abducted with the purpose of dot adopting them out. that is horrific enough thing ripped from your parents and adopted out to somebody else but i want to go to the next level, child trafficking. is there anything being done to make sure the children are not exploited as we speak? >> that is a great question, todd. by the way, ukraine u.n. investor also said that russia is reportedly have a bill for the adoption process. children taken off of the battlefield here. what you point to a larger concern that we share a lot about. reports of 1 million children along 4.5 million refugees fleeing the battlefield in ukraine and places like poland that are at risk of falling in the hands of human traffickers to see a despicable opportunity. it is something they are tracking closely, particularly as many of those refugees and children come through this area. we visited an orphanage just a few days ago. they are some of the most innocent victims of this war, todd, people indeed, taking care to look after their well-being. >> carley: griff my understand you ran into reverend franklin graham yesterday. what is he doing in lviv? >> that is just it, carley, he is here to do an easter special pier that will air on fox news at 12:00 on sunday. he is also talking about the field hospital, the organization set up in the clinics to try to help these refugees. there's a little bit of what franklin quit graham told me about this war in his feelings. >> this has taken place and it is a war that should not have happened. i'm not a politician but as a minister, we want to help people. we want to try to love people and do it in the name of god's son, jesus christ. i think that is important to bring healing to the bodies of these people. >> and his organization, a lot of people, todd and carley. he told me the fighting in the east. he had a hernia and had a come back for surgery but wanted to come back as soon as they held in a couple of weeks. >> carley: so many people doing incredible work in ukraine and he is certainly one of them. griff, we will check back in soon, thank you. switching gears here. a member of the house oversight committee calling for a congressional investigation into hunter biden's text messages which may implicate the entire biden family. >> one of the first the peonies we need to issue his hunter biden and his laptop to get to the bottom of it. i want to know who was raking into the millions of dollars and joe biden denied any of these but text messages and emails every week it is an issue. it shows there is potential for corruption and we ought to get to the bottom of it. >> carley: "the new york post" reporting hunter biden complained about paying expenses to his doctor, "i won't make you give me half of the salary." he is a subject of federal tax probe. ari fleischer on where the hunter biden case could go from here and the media's role in all of this. >> they were two tracks where it can go, when his judicial and hunter biden currently under investigation for tax evasion and other crimes for a grand jury. that is the most serious because that could show evidence that could embarrass or involve the president peer of the other track is the public track. if you are a democrat, you go to sources nuc sources that aren't telling you everything about this story. so you don't think there is an ethical problem. if you are a conservative and watch conservative sources you know about it because it's been properly reported so america is split and divided. that is the reality and the media coverage where the left-wing media and mainstream media suppresses news they don't want the public to see. >> todd: black lives matter go on defense after revealed the group donated funds to buy a $6 million mansion in socal. the organization posting long-winded twitter thread that reads "you know this causes horns to organizations doing work across the country. we also recognize the confusion, recent inflammatory and specular tory articles have caused. do you recall how much we paid for the house? nothing speculative there. the organization's twitter account turned off the thread appearance are not transparent. >> carley: you can't make it up. >> todd: pan for warming up into pray for pete t-shirts because they are too religious and too political. the team captain and mom join us next. >> carley: that is part of jam-packed two hour, tomi lahren, congressman michael coming up here on "fox & friends first." why do nearly one million businesses choose to mail and ship? no more trips to the post office no more paying full price for postage and great rates from usps and ups mail letters ship packages anytime anywhere for less a lot less get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again at xfinity, we live and work in the same neighborhood as you. a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale we're always working to keep you connected to what you love. and now, we're working to bring you the next generation of wifi. it's ultra-fast. faster than a gig. supersonic wifi. only from xfinity. it can power hundreds of devices with three times the bandwidth. so your growing wifi needs will be met. supersonic wifi only from us... xfinity. ♪ ♪ >> todd: senator ted cruz advocated for free speech during a visit to yale university last night. speed did the event has left-wing students and faculty try to silence conservative viewpoints across the country. brooke singman with more on the visit, brooke. >> good morning, guys. senator ted cruz trying to give yale students a reality check during the verdict podcasts. listen to this. >> i have to tell you when you come out of school, most places you work or not faith businesses. most bosses will not be overly worried about injuring your fragile feelings. and so come i think the point of education is to prepare you for life and that means encountering things that make you uncomfortable, that make you doubt, that make you question. >> carley: but it wasn't long before that texas senator got pushed back from the students. >> on tuesday, it baffled me you would for a flagrantly questions. >> you use the term racist. racist is a horrific evil in this country. it is also an insult that the left tosses around casually. we should examine people based on their actual record and whether and to what extent that record demonstrates they will defend the constitutional rights of all americans. >> the event comes one month more than 100 yale students to shut down bipartisan free-speech panel which two-thirds of the university student body signed on to support days later. last week and a mop of progressive students at the university of buffalo forest conservative speaker lieutenant colonel allen west to be escorted off of campus in addition to shutting down the event. the organizer was forced to hide inside the men's bathroom while being chased by protesters. chief analyst told us yesterday that this was disturbing, listen. >> i was really afraid for my life. how they typically felt of my friend and like i said, screaming, so i don't think they were going to do anything remotely. they were in angry mob. >> senator cruz signed a letter of that punished the free-speech event, carley and todd. >> carley: brooke singman live for us thank you. student athletes in virginia are pushing back after their school banned them from wearing pray for peace t-shirts. joining me now captain of expert high schools elite team, and her mom claire, good morning to you both. i love you are wearing the t-shirts now because this is such a head-scratcher. i will start with you, give us the backstory, why did your teammates and you want to wear these t-shirts? >> so, we wanted to wear the shirts because our coach had volunteered at orphanages in ukraine and we wanted to show support for the people in ukraine. >> carley: claire, your daughter is great. she is the person every mom wants to have as the doctor. she is promoting a positive reaction and what was the reaction when the praise t-shirts you are wearing are too political antireligious? what went through your mind? >> i was stunned, i was still stunned. my question is how can this possibly be political? pray for peace? >> carley: that it's a good question. claire, you and your teammates said, we can't turn away great to play for peace and that was rejected by the school board, why? >> yeah, so we originally said that we wanted "pray for peace. but it actually wasn't the word pray but the fact that peace is political. >> carley: how was that possible, clear that peace is political? >> i don't know. i can't believe the interim superintendent actually said that peace is political because peace comes from war. and war is about people with different views. and my response to that would be could someone please let the jews that hitler had a different view than they had appeared and could someone let the ukrainians know that putin has a different view than they have. it defies all logic. >> carley: this is so wild, elise, what are your teammates and high school thing about this and your other teammates? >> well, the team was pretty upset. all we were trying to do is spread a positive message here that was really our only to intention. i had people stop me in the hallway and say what are we doing? and so the community feedback has been great. >> carley: claire, school boards have gotten a lot of attention in recent months because of controversial decisions. does this once a prize you from yours? >> it doesn't, however, i do take comfort in the local news station picked up the story and they actually did a poll and asked they are viewers, do you think peace is political? 98% of respondents said they did not think peace was political. so the administration and the school board need to recognize they are and 2% on this one. >> carley: probably 0%. i don't understand how that could be political with democrats and republicans say in our country stands united with ukraine. it is just perplexing. we just showed footage of you at the school board meeting speaking out about this issue. really quickly, how did that go? >> well, it is interesting because after that meeting, the school has doubled and even tripled down on their stance. so, i hope this issue continues to get national attention because i think people need to know what is taking place in the schools and this one is completely beyond available. >> carley: elise levison there is a silver lining in all of this and the shirts that you are wearing now and not allowed to wear during games is being sold online? >> yes, they are peer they are being sold and all the proceeds are going directly what my coach has volunteered for. >> carley: this is a crazy story but you are a great family. thank you for joining us this morning and speaking out. >> thank you for having me. >> carley: you are welcome. todd come over to you. >> todd: so bizarre, what is happening in virginia with glenn youngkin, governor ron desantis with a built $70 million with responsible fatherhood in florida. the legislation and resources for educational and mentorship programs including fatherhood classes. the initiative allocates $30 million for grants to help dads find and manage child-support payments. former nfl player jack brewer work on our show talking about that very same thing yesterday and am of course hall of fame coach tony. crime is so bad and one california city of the postal service says it is too dangerous to deliver the mail. and tell you but this is happening may surprise you. >> carley: school closures and lockdown prove democrat governor failed to lead the state through the pandemic. the panel is on deck to respond. ♪ ♪ i was trying to refinance my mortgage. and when i went to check my credit score, i found a ding and then i found a couple of inquiries that i had not initiated. immediately understood my situation. they offered a plan that i could follow very easily. my score jumped up almost 60 points and that allowed me to refinance my mortgage quickly and see my monthly payments drop by hundreds of dollars. bad credit doesn't have to be forever. work toward better credit at ♪ ♪ >> carley: welcome back. listen to this, seattle police reportedly ignoring sexual assault calls because stretched too thin. according to seattle but fill it with solo unit is only investigating reports or cases if an arrest was made. the report says there is only four detectives in the department handling sexual assault and child abuse cases. since the end of 2019, seattle police department has lost more than 300 fully trained officers and the state police budget slashed by over $40 million. the postal service is no longer delivering mail to santa monica neighborhood after multiple attacks on their carriers. the residence mailbox said delivery is suspended until safety can be assured and residents will have to pick up their mail from the post office. three different carriers have been assaulted the past few months and one with a broomstick. and one carrier seriously hurt, todd. >> todd: while matt, things have changed. did you get this? in the report showing red states handle covid-19 better than blue states. as research shows failed lockdowns hurt americans more than they actually helped. here direct owner in california, ehrenberg, two restaurants in florida and new york, and owner of dimaggio's pizzeria of new york. thank you to all three of you being here. does it surprise you one bit? >> actually, it doesn't. these lockdowns were really devastating for long island, new york city. and restaurants with the business still recuperating. i remember the ghost town in manhattan when there was lockdowns and the school shut down. most of these kids really i feel didn't get the education, the other states and so it was relate to set back new york ingeneral and that is e most businesses and executives and financial committee leaving new york and going to florida. >> todd: speaking of which one guy that knows dichotomy in florida but we want to get to pop up maps with covid-19 beginning with utah and you see florida coming in at number 6. let's not forget about the bad states, and of course, and new york coming in at number 3. you own your own restaurant in new york and florida. describe the real world difference is as you would experience it. >> todd, we have traditional freedom of american florida. you had a nightmare and we didn't own a restaurant in florida until the pandemic. once it aired the state is open for business in every job was essential, the new york governor shut us down at 10:00, which the gentleman south of new york knows that. shut down 10:00 p.m. but at that point, i had a habit, had a conversation with my wife and a major risk and we went to florida. >> todd: interesting. we have known the restrictions have done more harm than good for a while because the blue states didn't figure it out but we have been telling people that with anecdotal evidence from fine folks like you. i will give you a little bit of california and new york, but at some point we all knew so aaron why did united states continue with restrictions even despite the overwhelming evidence against them? >> i've been trying to figure that out myself. i thought maybe after two years they would learn but obviously full steam ahead with the policies, state legislature is moving forward with the bill to actually require a small businesses even to require their employees to get the vaccine. they aren't repealing temporary repealing the gas tax. and they are just continuing with the failed policies that got us where we are at. >> todd: erin do you feel you are behind the eight ball because normal life shut down for so darn long? >> absolutely. the pain we thought would be temporarily. but there is still shortage and i can't get people to respond to job ads and supply chain crisis here and i'm still paying ridiculous to ask, for ex shipping. you know, and if i can find things. >> todd: will people take frustration out of the ballot box this november? >> i know i will. buddy? >> i'm with you, bud. >> todd: owl, take us home did the government messed things up for you? where is the hope now? >> there really isn't much help. but i would just like to add to the last comment, and talking about logistics my own logistics company and unequivocally i could tell you it's not getting better. we have a lot of issues with the trade and the price is rising. they will not be lower this year. you think it was bad last year but i think it will be bad heading to the summer. >> todd: people are voting come i can tell you. i made a joke i have to go to florida this week and it took me less than 20 minutes to get to laguardia because no traffic in florida. fort lauderdale, an hour in traffic because everyone people vote with their feet. best of luck to all three of you and your business. thank you for joining us this morning, carley. >> carley: apologizing and reinstating a post from air force veteran after the platform wrongfully accused her of violating their hate speech policy. gretchen smith made this post stating she shouldn't be responsible for paying student that in sharing her story of getting out of poverty. she will join fox digital to react to linked in censorship in censorship. >> what did i do wrong? i shared my story and i'm being punished for it. they have 100% control over our freedom of speech on these platforms, and i find that to be very scary. >> carley: linkedin messaging smith "we confirm your content is not violate our policy" we apologize for the mistake. your content is backed on linked in. >> todd: how does that get caught in the first place? >> carley: it seems to happen. >> todd: 100%. >> carley: a student hurt a patient who mocked her pronoun and the school is standing by her. >> todd: the white house's are a new timeline for mast mandates on public transportation. you will not like it, dr. janette nesheiwat is here next to break it all down. ♪ ♪ an unthinkable genocide took the lives of six million jews and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of passover. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. do you remember matza? this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. she hasn't seen unleavened bread since before the holocaust. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. your support will provide them with a box overflowing with nourishing food and the knowledge that faithful christians around the world care about them. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. hi. i'm wolfgang puck when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast that's why i chose shipstation shipstation helps manage orders reduce shipping costs and print out shipping labels it's my secret ingredient shipstation the number 1 choice of online sellers and wolfgang puck go to and get 2 months free ♪ ♪ >> todd: get ready to be angry. covid bidens czar is thinking about extending the federal mask mandate for public transportation. >> standing for mask mandate and public transportation is a live option. >> what is absolutely on the table and will make the framework the cdc scientists make. >> todd: requirement certainly to end monday. the cdc extended the mandate against its march 10th deadline and facing several lawsuits challenging it, carley. >> carley: masks are making a return to the city of brotherly love of philadelphia with an increase of new covid case is of the city's health department announcing as of monday, april 11, 2022, the city is moving to level 2 mask for caution in order to provide one-week education period for businesses. masks will be required in all indoor public spaces as of monday, april 18th. here to react fox news medical contributor dr. janette nesheiwat. good morning, doctor. what is going on here? >> you know, i think, carley, we are in year three of the pandemic. at this point, it should be optional. if you want to wear a mask and protect yourself, wear a mask. for everyone else it should be an option. we are at the point we have such a low hospitalization rate down to 50,000 and the death rate plummeted. we have many americans who are vaccinated. we also have medication and treatment in antivirals spirits with this point, it should not be mandated. we should not have faxing mandates or mask mandates. take appropriate steps to protect yourself and let's move on. we cannot be wearing mask for the rest of your life. i'm at the point where i'm tired of wearing masks as well. >> carley: hear, hear on that one. i was looking at the numbers. 1.6 million people, there are 46 current hospitalizations in philadelphia. so, if medicine and science is behind this decision, then what is? >> exactly. we are at record lows. the lowest number since the beginning of the pandemic. it really doesn't make sense. we should actually be celebrating the low number of hospitalizations. we should be happy that we got to this point. we have made such great progress. but it does not follow the science. isn't that what we are supposed to be doing? of course, the cdc from day one. >> carley: you are exactly right. this is such a big issue, the covid cases have increased so much in philadelphia. why are they putting the mask mandate in place in seven days? none of it make sense. speaking of mask though, new york city mayor adams defending himself because parents are really mad that children under five years old in the city still have to wear masks. his rationale behind the decision is this. he said this on sunday, there are some things that specifically impact children that cause hospitalizations and inflammatory issues. i got to really balance this out. i don't want to look in my rearview mirror later in life and say "i made the wrong decision with our babies." if you were advising him, what would you say on this issue? >> well, first of all, whether in new york or philadelphia, we expect to see certain times of the year increases in the number of viral cases. but that is not what we need to look at. we need to look at the hospitalizations. when it comes to mayor adams come i would tell him number one world health organization which is an organization we have been following for years does not recommend asking toddlers and young children. it harms their social growth, their development, cognitive development and social interaction with others. it causes more harm than good at this point. we know that kids are extremely low risk, less than .05% mortality when it comes to children. so over all, we need to look at the big picture. are we causing more harm or is it a benefit to the children? sure, if you have a child who is high risk, course, take the extra step, the extra precaution. under the age of five it is extremely rare for a child to become critically ill. it is extremely rare to become hospitalized. we need to look to see benefits versus risk. at this point, the data science does not back up young children wearing masks. older teenagers, and high prevalence and hospitals overwhelmed, that is another situation and another story. but here in new york, for example, this past week, i've had only three or four cases of positive covid in 0% in children. >> carley: it goes back to personal decision, doctor, and we are at a place right now where people should be allowed to make the decisions that are right for them. we are all at that place but i think more and more people are starting to realize that now. dr. janette nesheiwat, thank you for joining us. we appreciated. >> think you carley. >> carley: democrats may have not learned the lesson of power appearance in the voting booth. they are at risk of repeating the same mistake in virginia. >> todd: here to talk about that, windsome sears and tomi lahren. live in the next hour, don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the all-electric chevy silverado rst. the only ev truck that combines: 4-wheel steer a multi-flex midgate and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at find your future. find new roads. >> carley: a fox news alert, biden administration is resuming secret flights carrying illegal immigrants from the border to small towns across the country. former westchester district attorney says planes were touching down in his community just last night. >> the biden administration must have contempt for americans, they get a phone and the express to westchester and the goodies and entire time, we, the citizens, won't get anwe

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Increase , Reason , 21 , 7 9 , 1982 , Price , Trucks , Gas , Gases , Cars , Fares , Utility , 29 , 41 , 38 , 12 9 , Cost , Policy , Tart Appearance , Recessive Shock , Bank Of America , Abbott , Drop Offs , Threats , Lone Star State , Half , To Washington , Texas , New York , Migrants , Video , Morning Carley , Jackie Ibanez , Threat , Bus , Reports , Measures , Town , Officials , Set , May The 23rd , 23 , Law Enforcement , Sheriff , Decision , Extent , Measure , Advance , Host , The Vice , Nix The Rules , 2000 , Plates , Deplaning , Countries , Interior , Flight Carrying , Residency , Voters , Droves , 30 , 740 , U S Immigration And Customs Enforcement , Director , Border Agents , Border Apprehensions , Flights , Summer , Sir , Schools , Terms , Cause , Issue , Care , Example , Workers , Wages , Way , Guests , Point , Places , Bolt Whether Putin , Aliens , Jen Psaki , Position , Donald Trump , Someone Else , Republican , On Immigration Reform , Effort , Listen , Forward , Broken System , System , Immigration Enforcement , Eyes , Intention , Amnesty , Embassy , Everybody , Criminals , Borders , Republicans Aren T , Nonsense , Idea , Step , Politics , Costs , Enforcement , Race , Ones , It , Border Patrol , Record , Safety , Security , Pressure , Flow , Course , Concern , Drug , Vetting , Don T Care , Anything , Drugs , Racist , Disgrace , Purposes , Anyone , Doesn T Care , Midterms , Ballot Box , Respects , Secretary Mayorkas , Things , Hit , Term , Game , Elite , Mainstream Media , Thing , Attention , Open Border Policy , Success , Victim , Politicians , Border Town , Jonathan , Opportunity , Streets , Ghost Guns Pure The White House , Gun , Background Checks , Individuals , Gun Kids , Watch , New York Post , Gun Manufacturing , Advertisement , Gun Control , Children , Part , Lives , Eric On , Leaders , Advocate , Regard , Dying , Op Ed , War , City , Weapons , Russia , Human Life , Monitoring Allegations , 11 , Use , Allegations , Forces , Ground , Griff Jenkins , Grip , Zelenskyy , Response , Pentagon , World Leaders , Mariupol , John Kirby , Ukraine , Mayor , Potential , Agents , Statements , Teargas , Variety , Purpose , Ap , Civilians , Adoption , Ukraine U N Investor , 10000 , Fact , Consul , Comments , Invaders , 121000 , Conversations , Trip , Security Systems , Assistant , Warning , Moscow , Finland , Creditrepair Com Carley , Situation , Sweden , Applications , Rift , Dot , Nato , Question , Level , Parents , Somebody , Child Trafficking , Battlefield , Bill , Adoption Process , Risk , Refugees , Human Traffickers , Poland , Hands , 1 Million , 4 5 Million , Something , Many , Orphanage , Victims , Tracking , Area , Special Pier , Well Being , Franklin Graham , Reverend , Lviv , Organization , On Sunday , Clinics , Field Hospital , 00 , 12 , Feelings , Politician , What , Graham , In The Name Of God S Son , Healing , Minister , Bodies , Jesus Christ , Come Back , East , Hernia , Surgery , Fighting , Work , Couple , Member , House Oversight Committee Calling , Text Messages , Investigation , Family , Bottom , Laptop , Peonies , Raking , Reporting , Joe Biden , Dollars , Millions , Corruption , Doctor , Expenses , Tax Probe , Subject , Salary , Hunter Biden Case , Ari Fleischer , Wall , Evidence , Media , Tracks , Serious , Most , Crimes , Role , Judicial , Tax Evasion , Grand Jury , Two , Story , Sources , Track , Everything , Peer , Reality , Conservative , Media Coverage , Mainstream Media Suppresses , Group , Mansion , Funds , Defense , Public , Black Lives Matter Go On , Socal , Million , 6 Million , Thread , Articles , Organizations , Causes , Inflammatory , Horns , Confusion , Twitter , Tory , Appearance , Account , Nothing , Pete T Shirts , Mom , Pan , Pray , Team Captain , Next , Tomi Lahren , Congressman Michael , Businesses , Postage , Post Office , Trips , One Million , Anywhere , Mail , Scale , Trial , Ship , Rates , Letters , Tv Offer , Usps , Ups , 4 , Stamps Com Tv , Neighborhood , Wifi , Gig , Supersonic Wifi , Xfinity , Generation , Times , Wifi Needs , Hundreds , Growing , Devices , Bandwidth , Three , Event , Ted Cruz , Visit , Speech , Speed , Last Night , Yale University , Students , Brooke Singman , Viewpoints , Faculty , Guys , School , Faith , Bosses , Verdict , Reality Check , Life , Education , Make , Senator , It Wasn T , On Tuesday , Questions , Evil , Insult , Tosses , Panel , Rights , 100 , Allen West , University Student Body , Campus , Addition , Mop , University Of Buffalo Forest Conservative Speaker , Organizer , Men , Bathroom , Protesters , Chief Analyst , Friend , Screaming , Letter , Angry Mob , Student Athletes , Virginia , Team , Mom Claire , High Schools , Head Scratcher , Shirts , Teammates , Coach , Orphanages , Backstory , Support , Reaction , Person , Daughter , Mind , School Board , Wasn T The Word , Superintendent , I Don T Know , Jews , View , Someone , Ukrainians , Views , Hitler , High School , Putin , Logic , Elise , Message , Hallway , Community Feedback , Decisions , School Boards , Prize , News Station , Respondents , It Doesn T , Viewers , Poll , 98 , 2 , 0 , Meeting , Footage , Stance , Games , Silver Lining , Elise Levison , Proceeds , Inspireresponsibility Com , Yes , Glenn Youngkin , Florida , Ron Desantis , Initiative , Fatherhood , Legislation , Programs , Mentorship , Resources , Fatherhood Classes , Dads , Grants , 30 Million , 0 Million , 70 Million , Jack Brewer , Crime , Child Support Payments , Show , Tony , Nfl , Hall Of Fame , Pandemic , California City , Service , Governor , School Closures , Estate , Lockdown , Deck , Mortgage , Ding , Inquiries , Credit Score , Plan , Points , Payments , Score , Creditrepair Com , 60 , Credit , Bad Credit Doesn T , Sexual Assault , Police , Calls , Seattle , Solo Unit , Child , Cases , Report , Department , Detectives , Arrest , Abuse , Seattle Police Department , 2019 , Officers , Santa Monica , State Police Budget , 300 , 40 Million , Carriers , Residence , Residents , Attacks , Delivery , States , Red States , Broomstick , Carrier , Matt , 19 , Restaurants , Owner , Lockdowns , Research , Pizzeria , Ehrenberg , Dimaggio , Doesn T , Long Island , Kids , Business , Ghost Town , Shut Down , Committee , Executives , Number , Covid , Maps , Dichotomy , Guy , Utah , 6 , World , Restaurant , Difference , We Have Traditional Freedom Of American Florida , 3 , Nightmare , Job , Essential , Conversation , Gentleman South , Habit , Wife , 10 , Harm , Restrictions , Good , Folks , Aaron , State Legislature , Vaccine , Employees , Steam , Ball , Gas Tax , Eight , Shortage , Supply Chain Crisis , Pain , Job Ads , Ex Shipping , Frustration , Isn T , Home , Hope , I M With You , Buddy , Owl , Bud , Issues , Logistics , Company , Comment , Voting , Trade , Joke , Traffic , Everyone , Feet , Luck , Fort Lauderdale , 20 , Post , Gretchen Smith , Hate Speech Policy , Platform , Veteran , Apologizing , Air Force , Student , Poverty , Censorship , Shouldn T , Content , Freedom Of Speech , Platforms , Linkedin , Mistake , Contributor , Patient , Timeline , Janette Nesheiwat , Pronoun , Mast Mandates On Public Transportation , Down , Survivors , Thousands , Genocide , Jewish , Six Million , Passover , Word , Holiday Season , Comfort , Comfort Ye , Food , , Survival Food Box , Help , Gift , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , 5 , 25 , Time , Season , Essentials , Holiday Gift , Diet , 70 , Holocaust , She Hasn T , Unleavened Bread , Foods , Supply , Box Overflowing , Knowledge , Christians , Needs , Hungry , Orders , Store , Wolfgang Puck , Shipping , Shipping Costs , Choice , Ingredient , Sellers , Shipstation , 1 , Go To Shipstation Com Tv , Mask Mandate , Thinking , Covid Bidens Czar , Cdc , Option , Transportation , Public Transportation , Scientists , Table , Framework , Masks , Mandate , Requirement , Lawsuits , March 10th Deadline , March 10th , Mask , Case , Increase , Order , Return , City Of Brotherly Love , Caution , Health Department , Monday April 11 2022 , 2022 , Spaces , April 18th , Monday April 18th , 18 , Medication , Death Rate , Hospitalization Rate , Treatment , Spirits , 50000 , Mask Mandates , Rest , Faxing Mandates , Steps , Hospitalizations , 1 6 Million , 46 , Science , Medicine , Beginning , Lows , Doesn T Make Sense , Progress , Day One , Sense , None , Seven , Rationale , Five , Mirror , Babies , Increases , Number One World Health Organization , Toddlers , Cognitive Development , Growth , Interaction , Others , The Big Picture , Benefit , Precaution , Age , Hospitals , Data Science , Prevalence , Teenagers , Power Appearance , Voting Booth , Lesson , Windsome Sears , Don T Go , Multi Flex Midgate , Silverado Rst , Chevy , Charge , Find New Roads , District Attorney , Former Westchester , To Westchester , Get Anwe ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708

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citizens will not see them get an answer from our government and we get stuck with the tab. >> carley: republicans and democrats speaking out against the biden administration to end title 42 and the border crisis is about to get a whole lot worse. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this tuesday morning i am carley shimkus. >> todd: great to be with you i'm todd piro and all the details breaking news and a little bit but we begin with this, the white house expected to be a march inflation report to be released this morning. speak to the president hitting the road to date in an attempt with a problem vladimir putin are created instead of their own policies. alexandria hoff in washington with more, alexandria. >> good morning the vice president headed to philadelphia and he will visit menlo, iowa less than 400 people where expected to speak biofuel plants and talking economic strategy. this will follow a doozy of inflation report today. the bureau of labor statistics will release march updates to consumer price index later today and the white house prepare for four numbers are deflected using a familiar phrase, listen. >> because the actions taken to address putin price hike we are at a better place than we were last month. but we expect march cpi headline inflation to be extraordinarily elevated due to putin's price hike. >> so the price tag hasn't convinced the chairman of the council of economic advisors. >> we now have runaway inflation and they are trying to blame it on vladimir putin. now let amir put in is awful and one of the worst people of the 21st century i'm sure but he's not the reason the place is out of control. >> in february year-over-year consumer price index rose 7.9% the fastest inflation increase since 1982. the price of used cars and trucks over 41% and gas up 38%, lodging 29%, utility and gases services 29% and airline fares 12.9%. we will see how much was added to that in march but the policy to lane in the rising cost could come with the cost too. bank of america's of the policies make a recessive shock very likely, currently on tart appearance but do alexandria half, thank you. exclusive governor abbott said his threats with the illegal immigrants from texas to washington is working with holding drop-offs of illegal immigrants and small towns throughout the lone star state. >> todd: it turns out not is so fortunate. new video showing secret migrants resuming in westchester county, new york. jackie ibanez joining us with more, jackie. >> good morning carley and todd, they went after governor abbott's threat to bus illegal immigrants to washington seem to work. officials tell fox news exclusively they have fewer reports from texas and dropped off in their town. the governor ramping up measures to determine migrants and date set for may the 23rd he is putting this out to the sheriff, listen. >> it is to completely overwhelm law enforcement and an extraordinary advance on every single day... speak almost 2,000 miles away in washington the vice house claims they will politicize the decision to nix the rules despite the host of democrats to export extent of the measure. if the same time the westchester county executive is sharing new video right here of the biden administration was secret migrants flights into his community. because now the plates are resumed and deplaning right now. this will continue. importing people from other countries, flying them into the interior and then dispersing them and turning to voters like new york city where they will be allowed to vote with 30 day residency. >> the flight carrying droves illegal migrants comes as migrant search begins the 740 border apprehensions by border agents this week alone, carley and todd to. >> carley: all right, jackie ibanez thank you so much. jonathan a former director of the u.s. immigration and customs enforcement, good morning to you, sir, so much to talk about with you today. i will start off with a secret migrants flights that are resuming to westchester county. they were, we learned about this over the summer they are still happening. what does it mean for those towns and where else could the flights be going? >> i think what it means for these towns are they will absorb tremendous cause from cost in terms of schools being overcrowded to come access to medical care, lower wages for the workers there. this administration, this is just another example not only are they not taking this issue seriously but they actually wanted to happen. i'm sure that from what you were talking about earlier this will be the putin border of crisis later on just as another way to explain this. they wanted this to happen and campaigned on this and as many illegal immigrants to come as possible. you said it earlier and guests were saying earlier they can vote in certain places. the democrats mainstream position with the illegal aliens to vote in this country. >> todd: to your point, it is always someone else's bolt whether putin, donald trump or the aggregate jen psaki, just blaming republicans. take a listen. speak with the white house as they reached out to republicans to move this forward? >> in a republican who wants to work with us on immigration reform, you are invited. but i think it is clear is an effort to politicize this and not fix what we recognize as an outdated and broken system. >> to jonathan how can jen psaki accuse republicans of not fixing the "broken system" when it is literally democrats breaking the system before our eyes? >> todd: yeah, exactly. the democrats have even before this administration would actively undermine any immigration enforcement whatsoever. they want this to happen. they are not trying to prevent this. you heard about immigration reform were supporting immigration reform, everybody knows what that means. that means amnesty. they have no intention of enforcing the border but formalize the embassy they have been given illegal immigrants here and encourage more and more. so this idea of republicans aren't working with them is pure nonsense. the american people do not want open borders. they do not want criminals here illegally to stay in the country. the democrats do appear that they are the ones out of step on this issue. they say in the enforcement to try to make this about politics or try to make this about race. in the meantime the american people suffer. like i said from all the costs they absorb. >> carley: you know, is it true it is difficult for border patrol to find out if illegal immigrants have a criminal record in other countries and title 42 is removed and there is a massive flow of illegal immigrants into the country and border patrol was getting pressure by the administration to rapidly process these people, what does that mean for the safety and security of our country? >> it means there will be no vetting, and there is no concern for the safety and security for this administration, not for the border patrol come of course. they don't care, they are willing to pay the cost or have the cost of the american people for the drug academic. and the border patrol agents aren't able to do anything. are able to deter the drugs coming across because simply processing migrants. they don't know who's coming and if criminals and frankly this administration doesn't care appear they want as many illegal immigrants on the country as possible for political purposes. anyone that says anything about it they will call them names, racist, intimidate them from speaking out. it is truly a disgrace. >> todd: jonathan we have seen democrats in the white house walk back unpopular policy with the midterms just months away. but not this one. the white house, do they think they are fooling the american people? quite frankly, jonathan the american people see through this and will show it at the ballot box come november. >> you're probably right. the american people do see this. the administration has tried in some respects with secretary mayorkas, they tried to fool the american people to take this issue seriously, you know. they will say the right things occasionally but all they are trying to do is encourage illegal immigrants. and they will probably take a hit on the midterms either way, but the long game is having as many immigrants as possible long term political elite. but i agree with you. the american people are finally seeing this in mainstream media can't ignore this because it is so bad that they can't ignore this problem. i think the administration, the one surprising thing is they thought no one would pay attention and they wouldn't get cold out on it. they are a victim of their own success with the open border policy. even more people are coming in then they thought was possible. >> carley: exactly why you hear politicians and every town as a border town. the drugs, illegal immigrants getting flown to other towns and affecting the entire country. jonathan, thank you for coming on this morning to shed light on this, we appreciated. >> thank you. >> todd: from the border to our streets, president biden announcing the measures aimed to crack down on ghost guns pure the white house will now require similar numbers and gun parts as well as background checks on individuals to purchase gun kids. and biden took the opportunity to advocate for more gun control. watch. >> we need to repeal gun manufacturing to hold him accountable for false advertisement for the many things i do. >> todd: but a "new york post" op-ed by an advocate in new york saying in part "well the so-called leaders waste time with eric on is transmittable. children are dying, people are dying and lives are being destroyed." these criminals with no regard for human life should have been on the street. 11 minutes after they were in monitoring allegations that russia is using chemical weapons with a city already devastated by the war. that is not the only horrifying allegations against putin forces. >> carley: griff jenkins on the ground with live details, grip. >> carley and todd president zelenskyy is not confirming reports of the use of chemical weapons in the city of mariupol, but he is reminding world leaders that russia discussed the possible use of them. he said the response must be severe. the pentagon, john kirby also not confirming these reports saying they are closely monitoring it and having the statements, these reports are deeply concerning that we have had about potential to use a variety of control agents including teargas mixed with chemical agents in ukraine. the mayor of mariupol tells the ap, they were carpeted through the streets adding more than 10,000 civilians have been killed. and it comes as ukraine u.n. investor accuses russia of abducting children for the purpose of adoption. watch. >> i would also like to draw attention here at the consul at the fact invaders have already taken more than 121,000 children out of ukraine. >> meanwhile decides president biden's comments in -- he wants to visit ukraine. the white house is sending and weapons. >> has the president asked to go to ukraine? >> i will not get into private conversations. what i will tell you we are not currently planning a trip for the president to ukraine. but we are expediting weapons and getting assistant and security systems they need. >> in a new warning out of moscow, telling finland and sweden that they will rebalance the situation as the country's follow-through with applications to join nato. john and carley. >> todd: rift, you mention children abducted with the purpose of dot adopting them out. that is horrific enough thing ripped from your parents and adopted out to somebody else but i want to go to the next level, child trafficking. is there anything being done to make sure the children are not exploited as we speak? >> that is a great question, todd. by the way, ukraine u.n. investor also said that russia is reportedly have a bill for the adoption process. children taken off of the battlefield here. what you point to a larger concern that we share a lot about. reports of 1 million children along 4.5 million refugees fleeing the battlefield in ukraine and places like poland that are at risk of falling in the hands of human traffickers to see a despicable opportunity. it is something they are tracking closely, particularly as many of those refugees and children come through this area. we visited an orphanage just a few days ago. they are some of the most innocent victims of this war, todd, people indeed, taking care to look after their well-being. >> carley: griff my understand you ran into reverend franklin graham yesterday. what is he doing in lviv? >> that is just it, carley, he is here to do an easter special pier that will air on fox news at 12:00 on sunday. he is also talking about the field hospital, the organization set up in the clinics to try to help these refugees. there's a little bit of what franklin quit graham told me about this war in his feelings. >> this has taken place and it is a war that should not have happened. i'm not a politician but as a minister, we want to help people. we want to try to love people and do it in the name of god's son, jesus christ. i think that is important to bring healing to the bodies of these people. >> and his organization, a lot of people, todd and carley. he told me the fighting in the east. he had a hernia and had a come back for surgery but wanted to come back as soon as they held in a couple of weeks. >> carley: so many people doing incredible work in ukraine and he is certainly one of them. griff, we will check back in soon, thank you. switching gears here. a member of the house oversight committee calling for a congressional investigation into hunter biden's text messages which may implicate the entire biden family. >> one of the first the peonies we need to issue his hunter biden and his laptop to get to the bottom of it. i want to know who was raking into the millions of dollars and joe biden denied any of these but text messages and emails every week it is an issue. it shows there is potential for corruption and we ought to get to the bottom of it. >> carley: "the new york post" reporting hunter biden complained about paying expenses to his doctor, "i won't make you give me half of the salary." he is a subject of federal tax probe. ari fleischer on where the hunter biden case could go from here and the media's role in all of this. >> they were two tracks where it can go, when his judicial and hunter biden currently under investigation for tax evasion and other crimes for a grand jury. that is the most serious because that could show evidence that could embarrass or involve the president peer of the other track is the public track. if you are a democrat, you go to sources nuc sources that aren't telling you everything about this story. so you don't think there is an ethical problem. if you are a conservative and watch conservative sources you know about it because it's been properly reported so america is split and divided. that is the reality and the media coverage where the left-wing media and mainstream media suppresses news they don't want the public to see. >> todd: black lives matter go on defense after revealed the group donated funds to buy a $6 million mansion in socal. the organization posting long-winded twitter thread that reads "you know this causes horns to organizations doing work across the country. we also recognize the confusion, recent inflammatory and specular tory articles have caused. do you recall how much we paid for the house? nothing speculative there. the organization's twitter account turned off the thread appearance are not transparent. >> carley: you can't make it up. >> todd: pan for warming up into pray for pete t-shirts because they are too religious and too political. the team captain and mom join us next. >> carley: that is part of jam-packed two hour, tomi lahren, congressman michael coming up here on "fox & friends first." why do nearly one million businesses choose to mail and ship? no more trips to the post office no more paying full price for postage and great rates from usps and ups mail letters ship packages anytime anywhere for less a lot less get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again at xfinity, we live and work in the same neighborhood as you. a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale we're always working to keep you connected to what you love. and now, we're working to bring you the next generation of wifi. it's ultra-fast. faster than a gig. supersonic wifi. only from xfinity. it can power hundreds of devices with three times the bandwidth. so your growing wifi needs will be met. supersonic wifi only from us... xfinity. ♪ ♪ >> todd: senator ted cruz advocated for free speech during a visit to yale university last night. speed did the event has left-wing students and faculty try to silence conservative viewpoints across the country. brooke singman with more on the visit, brooke. >> good morning, guys. senator ted cruz trying to give yale students a reality check during the verdict podcasts. listen to this. >> i have to tell you when you come out of school, most places you work or not faith businesses. most bosses will not be overly worried about injuring your fragile feelings. and so come i think the point of education is to prepare you for life and that means encountering things that make you uncomfortable, that make you doubt, that make you question. >> carley: but it wasn't long before that texas senator got pushed back from the students. >> on tuesday, it baffled me you would for a flagrantly questions. >> you use the term racist. racist is a horrific evil in this country. it is also an insult that the left tosses around casually. we should examine people based on their actual record and whether and to what extent that record demonstrates they will defend the constitutional rights of all americans. >> the event comes one month more than 100 yale students to shut down bipartisan free-speech panel which two-thirds of the university student body signed on to support days later. last week and a mop of progressive students at the university of buffalo forest conservative speaker lieutenant colonel allen west to be escorted off of campus in addition to shutting down the event. the organizer was forced to hide inside the men's bathroom while being chased by protesters. chief analyst told us yesterday that this was disturbing, listen. >> i was really afraid for my life. how they typically felt of my friend and like i said, screaming, so i don't think they were going to do anything remotely. they were in angry mob. >> senator cruz signed a letter of that punished the free-speech event, carley and todd. >> carley: brooke singman live for us thank you. student athletes in virginia are pushing back after their school banned them from wearing pray for peace t-shirts. joining me now captain of expert high schools elite team, and her mom claire, good morning to you both. i love you are wearing the t-shirts now because this is such a head-scratcher. i will start with you, give us the backstory, why did your teammates and you want to wear these t-shirts? >> so, we wanted to wear the shirts because our coach had volunteered at orphanages in ukraine and we wanted to show support for the people in ukraine. >> carley: claire, your daughter is great. she is the person every mom wants to have as the doctor. she is promoting a positive reaction and what was the reaction when the praise t-shirts you are wearing are too political antireligious? what went through your mind? >> i was stunned, i was still stunned. my question is how can this possibly be political? pray for peace? >> carley: that it's a good question. claire, you and your teammates said, we can't turn away great to play for peace and that was rejected by the school board, why? >> yeah, so we originally said that we wanted "pray for peace. but it actually wasn't the word pray but the fact that peace is political. >> carley: how was that possible, clear that peace is political? >> i don't know. i can't believe the interim superintendent actually said that peace is political because peace comes from war. and war is about people with different views. and my response to that would be could someone please let the jews that hitler had a different view than they had appeared and could someone let the ukrainians know that putin has a different view than they have. it defies all logic. >> carley: this is so wild, elise, what are your teammates and high school thing about this and your other teammates? >> well, the team was pretty upset. all we were trying to do is spread a positive message here that was really our only to intention. i had people stop me in the hallway and say what are we doing? and so the community feedback has been great. >> carley: claire, school boards have gotten a lot of attention in recent months because of controversial decisions. does this once a prize you from yours? >> it doesn't, however, i do take comfort in the local news station picked up the story and they actually did a poll and asked they are viewers, do you think peace is political? 98% of respondents said they did not think peace was political. so the administration and the school board need to recognize they are and 2% on this one. >> carley: probably 0%. i don't understand how that could be political with democrats and republicans say in our country stands united with ukraine. it is just perplexing. we just showed footage of you at the school board meeting speaking out about this issue. really quickly, how did that go? >> well, it is interesting because after that meeting, the school has doubled and even tripled down on their stance. so, i hope this issue continues to get national attention because i think people need to know what is taking place in the schools and this one is completely beyond available. >> carley: elise levison there is a silver lining in all of this and the shirts that you are wearing now and not allowed to wear during games is being sold online? >> yes, they are peer they are being sold and all the proceeds are going directly what my coach has volunteered for. >> carley: this is a crazy story but you are a great family. thank you for joining us this morning and speaking out. >> thank you for having me. >> carley: you are welcome. todd come over to you. >> todd: so bizarre, what is happening in virginia with glenn youngkin, governor ron desantis with a built $70 million with responsible fatherhood in florida. the legislation and resources for educational and mentorship programs including fatherhood classes. the initiative allocates $30 million for grants to help dads find and manage child-support payments. former nfl player jack brewer work on our show talking about that very same thing yesterday and am of course hall of fame coach tony. crime is so bad and one california city of the postal service says it is too dangerous to deliver the mail. and tell you but this is happening may surprise you. >> carley: school closures and lockdown prove democrat governor failed to lead the state through the pandemic. the panel is on deck to respond. ♪ ♪ i was trying to refinance my mortgage. and when i went to check my credit score, i found a ding and then i found a couple of inquiries that i had not initiated. immediately understood my situation. they offered a plan that i could follow very easily. my score jumped up almost 60 points and that allowed me to refinance my mortgage quickly and see my monthly payments drop by hundreds of dollars. bad credit doesn't have to be forever. work toward better credit at ♪ ♪ >> carley: welcome back. listen to this, seattle police reportedly ignoring sexual assault calls because stretched too thin. according to seattle but fill it with solo unit is only investigating reports or cases if an arrest was made. the report says there is only four detectives in the department handling sexual assault and child abuse cases. since the end of 2019, seattle police department has lost more than 300 fully trained officers and the state police budget slashed by over $40 million. the postal service is no longer delivering mail to santa monica neighborhood after multiple attacks on their carriers. the residence mailbox said delivery is suspended until safety can be assured and residents will have to pick up their mail from the post office. three different carriers have been assaulted the past few months and one with a broomstick. and one carrier seriously hurt, todd. >> todd: while matt, things have changed. did you get this? in the report showing red states handle covid-19 better than blue states. as research shows failed lockdowns hurt americans more than they actually helped. here direct owner in california, ehrenberg, two restaurants in florida and new york, and owner of dimaggio's pizzeria of new york. thank you to all three of you being here. does it surprise you one bit? >> actually, it doesn't. these lockdowns were really devastating for long island, new york city. and restaurants with the business still recuperating. i remember the ghost town in manhattan when there was lockdowns and the school shut down. most of these kids really i feel didn't get the education, the other states and so it was relate to set back new york ingeneral and that is e most businesses and executives and financial committee leaving new york and going to florida. >> todd: speaking of which one guy that knows dichotomy in florida but we want to get to pop up maps with covid-19 beginning with utah and you see florida coming in at number 6. let's not forget about the bad states, and of course, and new york coming in at number 3. you own your own restaurant in new york and florida. describe the real world difference is as you would experience it. >> todd, we have traditional freedom of american florida. you had a nightmare and we didn't own a restaurant in florida until the pandemic. once it aired the state is open for business in every job was essential, the new york governor shut us down at 10:00, which the gentleman south of new york knows that. shut down 10:00 p.m. but at that point, i had a habit, had a conversation with my wife and a major risk and we went to florida. >> todd: interesting. we have known the restrictions have done more harm than good for a while because the blue states didn't figure it out but we have been telling people that with anecdotal evidence from fine folks like you. i will give you a little bit of california and new york, but at some point we all knew so aaron why did united states continue with restrictions even despite the overwhelming evidence against them? >> i've been trying to figure that out myself. i thought maybe after two years they would learn but obviously full steam ahead with the policies, state legislature is moving forward with the bill to actually require a small businesses even to require their employees to get the vaccine. they aren't repealing temporary repealing the gas tax. and they are just continuing with the failed policies that got us where we are at. >> todd: erin do you feel you are behind the eight ball because normal life shut down for so darn long? >> absolutely. the pain we thought would be temporarily. but there is still shortage and i can't get people to respond to job ads and supply chain crisis here and i'm still paying ridiculous to ask, for ex shipping. you know, and if i can find things. >> todd: will people take frustration out of the ballot box this november? >> i know i will. buddy? >> i'm with you, bud. >> todd: owl, take us home did the government messed things up for you? where is the hope now? >> there really isn't much help. but i would just like to add to the last comment, and talking about logistics my own logistics company and unequivocally i could tell you it's not getting better. we have a lot of issues with the trade and the price is rising. they will not be lower this year. you think it was bad last year but i think it will be bad heading to the summer. >> todd: people are voting come i can tell you. i made a joke i have to go to florida this week and it took me less than 20 minutes to get to laguardia because no traffic in florida. fort lauderdale, an hour in traffic because everyone people vote with their feet. best of luck to all three of you and your business. thank you for joining us this morning, carley. >> carley: apologizing and reinstating a post from air force veteran after the platform wrongfully accused her of violating their hate speech policy. gretchen smith made this post stating she shouldn't be responsible for paying student that in sharing her story of getting out of poverty. she will join fox digital to react to linked in censorship in censorship. >> what did i do wrong? i shared my story and i'm being punished for it. they have 100% control over our freedom of speech on these platforms, and i find that to be very scary. >> carley: linkedin messaging smith "we confirm your content is not violate our policy" we apologize for the mistake. your content is backed on linked in. >> todd: how does that get caught in the first place? >> carley: it seems to happen. >> todd: 100%. >> carley: a student hurt a patient who mocked her pronoun and the school is standing by her. >> todd: the white house's are a new timeline for mast mandates on public transportation. you will not like it, dr. janette nesheiwat is here next to break it all down. ♪ ♪ an unthinkable genocide took the lives of six million jews and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of passover. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. do you remember matza? this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. she hasn't seen unleavened bread since before the holocaust. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. your support will provide them with a box overflowing with nourishing food and the knowledge that faithful christians around the world care about them. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. hi. i'm wolfgang puck when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast that's why i chose shipstation shipstation helps manage orders reduce shipping costs and print out shipping labels it's my secret ingredient shipstation the number 1 choice of online sellers and wolfgang puck go to and get 2 months free ♪ ♪ >> todd: get ready to be angry. covid bidens czar is thinking about extending the federal mask mandate for public transportation. >> standing for mask mandate and public transportation is a live option. >> what is absolutely on the table and will make the framework the cdc scientists make. >> todd: requirement certainly to end monday. the cdc extended the mandate against its march 10th deadline and facing several lawsuits challenging it, carley. >> carley: masks are making a return to the city of brotherly love of philadelphia with an increase of new covid case is of the city's health department announcing as of monday, april 11, 2022, the city is moving to level 2 mask for caution in order to provide one-week education period for businesses. masks will be required in all indoor public spaces as of monday, april 18th. here to react fox news medical contributor dr. janette nesheiwat. good morning, doctor. what is going on here? >> you know, i think, carley, we are in year three of the pandemic. at this point, it should be optional. if you want to wear a mask and protect yourself, wear a mask. for everyone else it should be an option. we are at the point we have such a low hospitalization rate down to 50,000 and the death rate plummeted. we have many americans who are vaccinated. we also have medication and treatment in antivirals spirits with this point, it should not be mandated. we should not have faxing mandates or mask mandates. take appropriate steps to protect yourself and let's move on. we cannot be wearing mask for the rest of your life. i'm at the point where i'm tired of wearing masks as well. >> carley: hear, hear on that one. i was looking at the numbers. 1.6 million people, there are 46 current hospitalizations in philadelphia. so, if medicine and science is behind this decision, then what is? >> exactly. we are at record lows. the lowest number since the beginning of the pandemic. it really doesn't make sense. we should actually be celebrating the low number of hospitalizations. we should be happy that we got to this point. we have made such great progress. but it does not follow the science. isn't that what we are supposed to be doing? of course, the cdc from day one. >> carley: you are exactly right. this is such a big issue, the covid cases have increased so much in philadelphia. why are they putting the mask mandate in place in seven days? none of it make sense. speaking of mask though, new york city mayor adams defending himself because parents are really mad that children under five years old in the city still have to wear masks. his rationale behind the decision is this. he said this on sunday, there are some things that specifically impact children that cause hospitalizations and inflammatory issues. i got to really balance this out. i don't want to look in my rearview mirror later in life and say "i made the wrong decision with our babies." if you were advising him, what would you say on this issue? >> well, first of all, whether in new york or philadelphia, we expect to see certain times of the year increases in the number of viral cases. but that is not what we need to look at. we need to look at the hospitalizations. when it comes to mayor adams come i would tell him number one world health organization which is an organization we have been following for years does not recommend asking toddlers and young children. it harms their social growth, their development, cognitive development and social interaction with others. it causes more harm than good at this point. we know that kids are extremely low risk, less than .05% mortality when it comes to children. so over all, we need to look at the big picture. are we causing more harm or is it a benefit to the children? sure, if you have a child who is high risk, course, take the extra step, the extra precaution. under the age of five it is extremely rare for a child to become critically ill. it is extremely rare to become hospitalized. we need to look to see benefits versus risk. at this point, the data science does not back up young children wearing masks. older teenagers, and high prevalence and hospitals overwhelmed, that is another situation and another story. but here in new york, for example, this past week, i've had only three or four cases of positive covid in 0% in children. >> carley: it goes back to personal decision, doctor, and we are at a place right now where people should be allowed to make the decisions that are right for them. we are all at that place but i think more and more people are starting to realize that now. dr. janette nesheiwat, thank you for joining us. we appreciated. >> think you carley. >> carley: democrats may have not learned the lesson of power appearance in the voting booth. they are at risk of repeating the same mistake in virginia. >> todd: here to talk about that, windsome sears and tomi lahren. live in the next hour, don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the all-electric chevy silverado rst. the only ev truck that combines: 4-wheel steer a multi-flex midgate and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at find your future. find new roads. >> carley: a fox news alert, biden administration is resuming secret flights carrying illegal immigrants from the border to small towns across the country. former westchester district attorney says planes were touching down in his community just last night. >> the biden administration must have contempt for americans, they get a phone and the express to westchester and the goodies and entire time, we, the citizens, won't get anwe

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Gig , Supersonic Wifi , Xfinity , Generation , Times , Wifi Needs , Hundreds , Growing , Devices , Bandwidth , Three , Event , Ted Cruz , Visit , Speech , Speed , Last Night , Yale University , Students , Brooke Singman , Viewpoints , Faculty , Guys , School , Faith , Bosses , Verdict , Reality Check , Life , Education , Make , Senator , It Wasn T , On Tuesday , Questions , Evil , Insult , Tosses , Panel , Rights , 100 , Allen West , University Student Body , Campus , Addition , Mop , University Of Buffalo Forest Conservative Speaker , Organizer , Men , Bathroom , Protesters , Chief Analyst , Friend , Screaming , Letter , Angry Mob , Student Athletes , Virginia , Team , Mom Claire , High Schools , Head Scratcher , Shirts , Teammates , Coach , Orphanages , Backstory , Support , Reaction , Person , Daughter , Mind , School Board , Wasn T The Word , Superintendent , I Don T Know , Jews , View , Someone , Ukrainians , Views , Hitler , High School , Putin , Logic , Elise , Message , Hallway , Community Feedback , Decisions , School Boards , Prize , News Station , Respondents , It Doesn T , Viewers , Poll , 98 , 2 , 0 , Meeting , Footage , Stance , Games , Silver Lining , Elise Levison , Proceeds , Inspireresponsibility Com , Yes , Glenn Youngkin , Florida , Ron Desantis , Initiative , Fatherhood , Legislation , Programs , Mentorship , Resources , Fatherhood Classes , Dads , Grants , 30 Million , 0 Million , 70 Million , Jack Brewer , Crime , Child Support Payments , Show , Tony , Nfl , Hall Of Fame , Pandemic , California City , Service , Governor , School Closures , Estate , Lockdown , Deck , Mortgage , Ding , Inquiries , Credit Score , Plan , Points , Payments , Score , Creditrepair Com , 60 , Credit , Bad Credit Doesn T , Sexual Assault , Police , Calls , Seattle , Solo Unit , Child , Cases , Report , Department , Detectives , Arrest , Abuse , Seattle Police Department , 2019 , Officers , Santa Monica , State Police Budget , 300 , 40 Million , Carriers , Residence , Residents , Attacks , Delivery , States , Red States , Broomstick , Carrier , Matt , 19 , Restaurants , Owner , Lockdowns , Research , Pizzeria , Ehrenberg , Dimaggio , Doesn T , Long Island , Kids , Business , Ghost Town , Shut Down , Committee , Executives , Number , Covid , Maps , Dichotomy , Guy , Utah , 6 , World , Restaurant , Difference , We Have Traditional Freedom Of American Florida , 3 , Nightmare , Job , Essential , Conversation , Gentleman South , Habit , Wife , 10 , Harm , Restrictions , Good , Folks , Aaron , State Legislature , Vaccine , Employees , Steam , Ball , Gas Tax , Eight , Shortage , Supply Chain Crisis , Pain , Job Ads , Ex Shipping , Frustration , Isn T , Home , Hope , I M With You , Buddy , Owl , Bud , Issues , Logistics , Company , Comment , Voting , Trade , Joke , Traffic , Everyone , Feet , Luck , Fort Lauderdale , 20 , Post , Gretchen Smith , Hate Speech Policy , Platform , Veteran , Apologizing , Air Force , Student , Poverty , Censorship , Shouldn T , Content , Freedom Of Speech , Platforms , Linkedin , Mistake , Contributor , Patient , Timeline , Janette Nesheiwat , Pronoun , Mast Mandates On Public Transportation , Down , Survivors , Thousands , Genocide , Jewish , Six Million , Passover , Word , Holiday Season , Comfort , Comfort Ye , Food , , Survival Food Box , Help , Gift , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , 5 , 25 , Time , Season , Essentials , Holiday Gift , Diet , 70 , Holocaust , She Hasn T , Unleavened Bread , Foods , Supply , Box Overflowing , Knowledge , Christians , Needs , Hungry , Orders , Store , Wolfgang Puck , Shipping , Shipping Costs , Choice , Ingredient , Sellers , Shipstation , 1 , Go To Shipstation Com Tv , Mask Mandate , Thinking , Covid Bidens Czar , Cdc , Option , Transportation , Public Transportation , Scientists , Table , Framework , Masks , Mandate , Requirement , Lawsuits , March 10th Deadline , March 10th , Mask , Case , Increase , Order , Return , City Of Brotherly Love , Caution , 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