Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240708 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240708

a funeral for a followed police officer. >> the system continues to fail us. we are not safe anymore progress has bought while enforcement fight and face rising crime, will after sunday panel about calls to reverse progressive soft on crime policies. all right now on fox news sunday. ♪ ♪ and hello again from fox news in washington people get to the tense situation in ukraine and just a moment. first busting of breaking weather news as a nor'easter dumped almost 2 feet of snow across parts of the mid-atlantic and new england. wind gusts of more than 70 miles per hour knocking out power to more than 100,000 homes and businesses with the bitter cold in the forecast. the powerful storm also forcing airlines to cancel flights in and out of new york, philadelphia, and boston. we have team coverage alexis mcadams here on the ground in new york city. let's begin with molly line. she is live in plymouth, massachusetts hi molly. >> in mourning it's a very beautiful but frosty day here in plymouth at 9 degrees up in boston just 11 degrees pretty cold for a dig out date which is what today amounts to be. boston also seeing the biggest single date snow record 23.6 inches. that the course of the storm some 100,000 people were without power. very gusty storm a lot of high winds utility crews came in from all of the country for michigan, from floor to get the lights back on. at this hour there still more than 50000 people without power according to the massachusetts emergency management map app that they have. when you talk about the course of the storm a lot of coastal flooding a lot of problems and lots of flooding out on nantucket. at this hour at the flights are finally beginning to get off the ground. but boston logan airport still sing a lot of cancellations and delays. just to the south of us at laguardia 45% or so delays and cancellations. so beautiful sunny day to get things up, back in the air and off the ground get the cleanup going, likely the kids are back in school on monday, dana. dana: i love how positive you are about it all, molly. truly woman from new england thank you so much for let's go now to alexis mcadams she is live in central park. >> hi dana, beautiful here in central park and very picturesque scene lots of people out enjoying the winter elements here in central park according to whether service, take a look they had about 8 inches of snow that valid is the light fluffy separate because a lot of the visibility issues. we have a live look around central park you see there's not too many issues out here right now. the light fluffy mix is great and picturesque views but long island was hit with about 2 feet of snow of the storm moved out overnight and left a large cleanup path is not beautiful everywhere around new york. still nasty. the department has crews on 12 hour shifts working to clear the snow and ice preparing for monday's commute. today at flight constellations are operating at about 50%. still a lot of work needs to be done, dataquick's good to see everyone out and about to give her alexis extended coverage sale of the fox weather app fox now to the high stick diplomacy to stop a war in eastern europe for the u.s. and its allies confronting russia over its buildup of troops along the border of ukraine in fear but vladimir putin could invade within weeks. tomorrow the u.s. will square off with the russia at un security council meeting in new york. in a moment was to be going with pentagon press secretary jon kirby. first let's turn to alex hoff she's at the white house with the latest developments. >> morning dana the hopes there is a call attention to russian aggression to preempt russia from playing victim in order to justify a military attack. the u.s. making it clear they're still space for diplomacy. >> conflict is not inevitable. >> even as russia has amassed over 100,000 troops on the borders of ukraine. the equipment capable of an immediate invasion. >> i think you'll have to go back quite a while to the cold war days to see something of this magnitude. >> russian defense ministry video shows air defense units arriving by air russians troops also stand just 60 miles away from ukraine capitol. according to the pentagon, since december the u.s. is sent over $200 million in security assistance to ukraine while reinforcing security for nato allies britain for friday president biden set up a troops in the region. [inaudible] >> on monday president biden will meet with the two discussed follow-up from the departure of afghanistan but also discuss how sanctions on russia could affect europe which relies on russian natural gas. cutter reserve can serve as a backup. timing on russia's decision when or if to advance may come down to sports. putin is expected to attend friday's opening ceremony at the beijing olympics. deputy secretary of state wendy warned military action could follow. ukraine's president said last week he does not want to see panic over the situation of a white house official told fox news over the weekend, the risk of invasion should not be downplayed, dana. >> alex hoff for the white house forsberg turning now to the pentagon press secretary jon kirby well-connected fox news sunday. yesterday generally speak to ukrainian counterpart in all week you had the president of ukraine suggesting the white house is overstating the risk. but is it also possible the president of ukraine is underplaying the risk? >> look we are in constant communication with our ukrainian counterparts but secretary also spoken to his as well. we are making sure we are sharing information as best we can. i cannot speak for what president zelensky is saying what he's seeing it certainly what he saying about what he saying we have been nothing but clear and transparent about our concern here at the pentagon over this rapid buildup over the last few months around the border with ukraine not to mention maritime activity by the russians in the middle atlantic. but we have said dana as he has a lot of options. putin has a lot of options available to him if he was to further invade ukraine. he can execute some of those options eminently. what is the pentagon's definition imminent? >> it could happen on a slate any time. now when i say it, it depends on what vladimir putin might want to do. secretary austin said on friday is lot of options, a lot of capability available to him. on a fairly large scale and he continues to add troops to that border with ukraine were watching that even over the course of this weekend. he increases his ability to choose options to something if you once act militarily bread the other thing it does not have to come to conflict we still believe there's room and space for diplomacy we would like to see that be the solution here. it's a part of the pentagon is very much a urging diplomacy. i understand the need for deterrent on the backend. as you just pointed out vladimir putin has already escalated this quite a bit. is there any possibility it would be worth it to maybe name the banks that will be sanctioned or take some sort of effort now to show them that we mean business? and asked you want a little bit more of that if it gets any worse? >> i think we've been very clear with mr. putin about the economic consequences that could come his way in the way of the russian people should he and further incur innovative inside ukraine. one of the things about sanctions is once you trip that the deterrent effect is lost. i think we have been very, very clear we are going to look at sanctions and economic consequences the likes of which we have not looked at before or even considered as far back as 2014 we do not to lose that deterrent effect. the other thing we the russians talk about where the passing so it is a strong and bolstered a nato on their western flank if he does another invasion inside ukraine that's exactly what the going to get. they're going to see the united states and our nato allies bolster our capabilities on the eastern flank of the alliance for. >> i'm glad you brought up nato that something at once ask about as well. it's an organization that runs by consensus. a lot of different players. germany certainly giving everyone a little bit in headaches and heartburn given such a reliance on russia in terms of its energy. you have france wanting to go its own way. turkey is a very strange ally and nato's history. given all of this going forward do you believe it nato can survive and it shouldn't absolutely yes and yes. the secretary spoke with his french and german counterparts just on friday morning before he went out to the press room here. they were very good conversations. the french and the germans the same level of concern out of them about what they're saying from russia as we have. now each country in the alliance has to act within their own dictates. both of them are deeply concerned about what we see russia doing. both of them are incredibly strong nato allies. germany hosts thousands of u.s. troops on their soil we could not afford the wars in iraq and afghanistan without their support. they very much are strong allies and we are confident nato is going to stay united to quickly also ask you a little bit more about the energy policy. a lot of this has to come back to where do you get your information this is a wall street journal editorial from this week the self-created vulnerability of the west is one of the horrifying marbles of the age. you have to go back to the disarmament of the 1920s to recall a time of such willful self-delusion. even as president biden races to rescue europe, his bill back better plan within the u.s. down the same road of energy disarmament. jon, does it pentagon factor in the own energy partner to protect us in the future? we like to have a lot of options which is diversification for our logistics and sustainment. without speaking to larger u.s. energy policy, we absolutely always look at alternatives to our own energy flow here at the defense department to another biden administration is also working with countries around the world they talk about alternative energy suppliers, energy routes, energy alternatives should the russians tried to use energy in some sort of weapon in this conflict. space bar also going to ask about china but no doubt china's watching what's happening in ukraine. you saw just last sunday alone china sent 39 warplanes over taiwan to try to intimidate that small island. trying to see enough of a pushback, eight strength from the u.s. and nato in ukraine when things you can read in his china activity here is in fact that they recognize the international community remains committed to try to achieve some sort of civility and peace there in the end of pacific region. and that the united states had very clear very consistent of our commitment to taiwan's ability to defend itself to the taiwan relations act or been very consistent better one china policy. i think they see the way we have marshaled allies and partners throughout the indo pacific region. five of our treaty alliances are in the pacific and they know that. we are working on those alliances and partnerships. some of what you're saying out of activities of recognition on their part that we, our partners are allies are only getting stronger but only getting more resolved to see a free and open end of pacific. steve or someone who might not agree as a leader to base on january 30, north korea is reportedly conducted a more missile tests including ones this weekend then they did in all of 2021. so seven tests this month. is the president spending enough time paying attention to north korea? or do we need to focus a little more as we try to increase his capabilities? >> the administration certainly had the defense department laser focused to the korean peninsula. we are in close coordination of the partners that is not just south korea but japan as well about the threats the missile program by continues to present. we notice this launch over the weekend. we have condemned that it's a violation of un security council resolutions. we are going to be discussing a gap allies and partners around the world. we've got to make sure that alliance on the korean peninsula is strong but remain committed to d nuclear eyes korean peninsula brightly remain committed to diplomatic talks were willing to sit down without preconditions to have this kind of dialogues. but obviously wants to go a different way. we have to make sure we are ready militarily on the peninsula and in the region. >> also mark back here focusing on some criticism and the u.s. military that perhaps there's too much of a leftward tilt or walk this in our military. when we say we determined adversaries committed adversaries in china, russia, iran who maybe how do you respond to this criticisms? >> depends what they are. a lot of it quite frankly is driving a stake through a straw man here for this argument of awoke this in the military paid i was in the military for 30 years. i can say things like diversity, inclusion that makes a better military brings the decision-making operational decision-making that we conduct, better ideas, more unique perspectives but someone else lived experiences would might actually make a smarter on the battlefield. so those kinds of arguments i think are ridiculous. we are a stronger military because of our diversity and because we represent all americans just like we defend all americans. dana: one last quick question. i've been watching stories come out of sierra as isis tries to reconstitute itself. how concerned is the pentagon this is a real possibility? >> it were counter isis a fight and help the syrian forces continue to go after that threat. nobody wants to see sierra further destabilized more than it already is. i think it is important to me say this routinely all neighboring nations particularly in that region should have a stake in a more stable sierra. we do not want to be refugee close we don't see the conflict expands. but for us, our purpose here at the pentagon to make sure your sink locked onto the isis threat which still exists in sierra quite frankly anorak two. sue for jon, thank you for joining us collect to whichever team you are supporting in the nfl sunday night network were about too have always a pleasure thank you. >> will pick a supreme court nominee by the end of the month is little groups call for justice forget reaction for republican senator tom cotton next. [engine humming] [clapping] “we will rock you” by queen ♪ the new gmc sierra with hands-free driving offers the most advanced and luxurious pick-up in its class. ♪ yeah, it rocks. dana: negotiations wrapping up behind-the-scenes islamic try to hammer out a deal in russian sanctions of moscow invades ukraine for joining us out arkansas senator tom cotton a member of the armed services committee. senator welcome back to fox news sunday. i want to start with my interview with adam admiral kirby. when it comes to deterrence, to try to make sure russia does not invade ukraine but what do you think about the pentagon position there? >> well dana, it's not the pentagon's position now as it has been joe biden's weakness in his appeasement of vladimir putin for the last year. literally the first week in office last year he gave vladimir putin his number one born policy priority, an extension of a badly one-sided arms-control treaty. and then he gave in the number two foreign policy priority rally by waving sanctions on the gas pipeline that's been built between between russia and germany. along the way he's let out a russian cyber criminal before his prison sentence is up. just a couple days ago at a press conference he declared a minor incursion in ukraine might not elicit a strong western response. and there are reports this morning the administration is the toughest sanctions off the table. sanctions on oil and gas and moving from the international banking system. again vladimir putin has seen much of biden has done over the last year. and then he saw in afghanistan and i am afraid to go for the jugular in ukraine when she's wanted to do for as long he's been in power. dana: there some pushback from some elements saying the u.s. should not get involved here. here's a tweet from thomas massie, a congressman who says to many and our government care about the ukrainian border more than the u.s. border. i know because i follow you and i have you on america's newsroom you care about the american board of very much. what would you say to some of those republican elements? >> well, it is true a lot of democrats to include joe biden kamala harris and others do seem to care more about ukraine's border than our southern border at a time with a 2 million illegal immigrants across our border under joe biden's tenure in office for that's like adding the entire population of nebraska to this country. but you are right, dana, you can be concerned about both. you can want to secure our southern border effectively and change our laws that so many of these illegal immigrants are taking advantage of. bought the same time recognize that if russia invades ukraine, it won't just be bad for ukraine and eastern europe but it will be a signal to bad guys around the world that they can push even harder to harm american interests. imagine what is say if he sees russia invade ukraine and get a few mealy mouth sanctions slapped on. he mentioned the first segment of your interview today that china just sent dozens of airplanes into taiwanese airspace last week, the biggest incursion in months. i think it's not a coincidence that's happening right now as the west seems divided under joe biden's leadership in europe. >> one think you have talked about and criticize the pentagon over the biden administration is the idea there's more bait leftward tilt in our military. i asked admiral kirby about that he thought that concern was ridiculous the diversity actually strengthens the military. >> it is not ridiculous and it is happening but i can tell you, dana, we've had a whistleblower limit for many months. hundreds and hundreds of calls about the kinds of egregiously inappropriate training sessions that commands have had around the world. and second, while the diversity of america may be reflected in our military and a strength something i saw in my years in the army it's not something that our military needs to constantly obsess about. troops fight, with a flag on the shoulder. they fight for the man and woman to their left and right. if you undermine their belief that that flag stands for a good and moral country, if you undermine their belief the man and woman to the right is irrespective of their skin color, are they going to be as motivated to fight as they otherwise might be? are they going to enlist? the army just missed its enlistment targets for the year, dana. also do you think those chinese pilots that are flying into taiwanese airspace are getting hammered for hours and hours of training about structural racism or diversity? to think those russian troops on ukraine's border are going to have to stop and take lectures on climate change? something tells me not. we need our military to refocus one 100% on protecting america. dana: let's talk about china a little bit. just a few days the limericks will begin in china. we are in year three of the pandemic. way back when his first becoming publicized it was happening, you took a lot of flak from some when you suggested it might've been a wuhan lab leak. even the "washington post" corrected that peremptory were gratified by that. i want to ask you, doesn't matter kind of now more than ever we get to the bottom of how this happened? even while china is about how this great propaganda opportunity to show the world they can host an olympics even though they unleash this. >> it very much does, dana. a couple years ago now that i first said maybe the virus came from that lab. i did not even asserted as fact i just said it's a question we should ask whether it came from this food market that do not even have bats present. or maybe it came from the lab a few blocks down the street where they researched novel coronavirus that originated in baths under the leadership of a scientist whose name was really the fat lady pretty course the democrats in the media condemn that but it's now become increasingly clear over the last year the lab is almost certainly the origin of this coronavirus. unfortunately it looks like some parts of our government help fund the research there. and bureaucrats like tony fauci and francis collins try to cover up the inquiries of a few years ago they encourage the left wing scaremongering campaign about me and anyone else appointed to the lab is a possibility for the worldly sin of the origins of this virus. and china needs to be held accountable for it. especially as we go into these olympics that never should've been given to china should've been pulled from china a year ago and should be rebuilt elsewhere. we cannot let china have a big propaganda victory without any inquiry into their role into spreading this plague around the world. dana: tumor topics for usual one is on the southern border. and the fact the administration had been sending these fights in the middle of the night. we saw this in westchester county this is an august the governor of new york he got this video, we released it. i am just curious what you hear of anything for the biden administration question after they have a sense of how american is feeling about ceiling seeing things like this? [laughter] >> seem to be totally clueless about it, dana. they are doing everything they can to conceal these things you've seen the video the flight is landing in new york. you've probably seen the video of illegal immigrants being transited to a bus station brownsville. dhs official called their final destination. we'll dana, any illegal immigrants final destination should be back in their home country. we have seen reports, dana, of dhs coaching illegal immigrants on how to use their arrest warrant to board an airplane. when they get to a tsa checkpoint for just think about how crazy that is. people should be under arrest are being told to use their arrest warrant to get on an airplane when some democratic cities american citizens have to show their vaccine passports if they want to buy a hamburger. dana: dan how do you even know that's the real aim on the arrest more anyway? i also desk about this for the president is going to have an opportunity to replace a supreme court justice. no doubt many on the republican side of the judiciary committee remember what it was like for brett kavanaugh, let's take a look back at this exchange. >> you think of any laws that give government the power to make decisions about the mail body? works i'm happy to answer more specific question. >> mail versus female. >> there are medical procedures. >> that the government has the power to make a decision about a man's body? works north iraq ask about medical procedures. >> no. xo it on and on for there we also never all the things that happened in fact the second hearing for him to defend himself. how you think the republicans will approach the vetting of the nominee that president biden will choose? [laughter] >> first of all, dana comes member of the committee i'll try to ask questions that contain a bit more logic then kamala harris' line of questioning right there. i suspect we will all keep an open mind. we will review the nominee on her merits. i cannot say i've got wild expectations of joe biden is going to nominate someone who i think i can support or many republicans can support. i have seen dozens of his nominees to the lower courts. they almost to a person be left wing ideologue who think judges should make the law rather than apply and uphold the constitution and the laws as they are passed. i can say one thing i won't do it i don't doubt any republican will do it's engaged in the kind of grotesque's smear campaign since the characters of fine men like clarence thomas wrote we saw what happened with brett kavanaugh two years ago bird will get a thorough vetting to any nominees legal philosophies as well as their career, character and temperament. but we are not going to a democrats do it just simply make up smears against the nominee. and i hope that never happens again. dana: was not what back into the airport. thank you, senator cotton watching any football game you want to see. hope that your team wins whoever it may be, thank you. >> thank you dana. support next will bring in our send a group we talk but justice breyer's retirement throws a curveball into the midterm. ♪ if russia chooses to invade ukraine it will not be cost free in terms of casualty or other significant effects. dana: chairman joint she's laying out the stakes are russia and for ukraine if there is an invasion. it's time now for sunday group former rnc communications director doug heye, and jacqui heinrich former congressman harold ford junior great of all of you here. jackie went to go to you first. his missing serious warnings in ukraine. the president of ukraine is push back on that. here's something zelensky told reporters on friday, i do not consider the situation and now more intense than before but there is a feeling abroad that war is here. that is not the case. jacqui, the white house has against pushback on that. what's help nato speak with one voice? >> i think there is a dynamic carries the president zelensky does not want to increase fear among his own people and cause people to flee or give some sort of outside response to what is happening and make his own people be more afraid of that. i think the president and the white house are up against the acknowledgment this is going to happen if they risk downplaying it there's americans in ukraine that got to be concerned about. but the severity of the situation have you have to have a unified voice with nato credit something potent is really trying to divide right now parties trying to sort of capitalize on the fractures of nato disagreements among allies with the sanction the package might look like norton stream those kinds of things. the white house has to be very consistent with its messaging and make sure it does not open itself up to some vulnerability that pollutant could use it. >> biden is done with the situation of germany for example getting over half of its energy natural gas from russia. how does that play into putin's hands? >> it certainly, happy sunday first off. it's playing into his hands he thanks in a positive way. i would counter a little bit what your previous guests said i think senator cotton laid out some of the elements. i think what mr. kirby said at the outset which is diplomacy remains foremost on our minds. it appears many of our allies and nato are prepared to implement strong sanctions as well. he would enumerate some of those sanctions he refused to do so which i thought was smart to do. that the pcs are in the wall street journal about peggy noonan she said were used to being lucky as a nation. luck is not something you should get used too and these kind of situations. this is a test for us. i think most important for me and foremost on my mind is a question asked mr. kirby at the end, china is watching and what do they take from this? we have to be prepared, we have to fortify the alliance, ensure our allies understand what we are doing and try to speak in a one voice and concert and whatever action actions we have to take the. >> going to take note of the fact is that it's a good thing the guests did not answer my question. i will not be offended by that. >> he did not answer you are right is smart not to i get it, i get it. let's look back here. thinking the world is seeing the mistake on energy policy there in europe. we have a chance here in america to not be following that path. but we seem to be if we continue to go on the "build back better" version of the bill that the president wants to do. what about that? we have concerns of our own and her own energy independence going forward but. >> absolutely. when the first thing's administration did was stop any movement on the keystone pipeline which is sort of ironic for joe biden he talks best about union jobs these were union jobs that were going to help american energy independence. europe has the same problems. as a biden administration continues to talk about america's back and trying to shore our allies, as this should be an opportunity for biden to show strength and show real leadership in moving nato forward in unified nato paid russia right now is looking and probing for any sign of weakness that they can is congressman ford mencius not just russia looking at this it's china as well. >> you have permission to call him harold i finally allowed myself, i know you're very respectful the congressman as i am too. jacqui let me ask you quickly about the supreme court the president said he will name a candidate sometime in february. this announcement came at a good time for them there at the white house. i'm curious about how that timing and announcement was made? also at the white house is thinking about when they will get this done and how do they hope to make this a pivot for their communication? >> timing doesn't work for them it comes at a moment when the president is starting to get out from under these terrible poll numbers when it comes to inflation all these things and been dogging the administration. we know from our reporting that justice breyer did not feel forced out. this was a decision he made it certainly benefits the president. although he did just say at the year-end press conference he didn't stand a pretty poor job of reach out to black voters is give them a moment is going to make good on his campaign he promised to see jim clyburn is credited with rescuing his filing campaign make a strong push is on the short list to work through and shift away from the elements that have dogged this administration. one last quick word to you on that, harold. >> president reagan nominated sandra day o'connor back in 1981 are not being a woman in the court president reagan, obama, clinton, and even president trent trump and biden are giving us more women on the courtroom a little concerned but i hear people conflating political philosophy and political ideas in their own personal aspirations and politics with weight think the nominee might be. i was most encouraged by hand senator cotton say he would have an open mind on the committee but hope he speaks for all of his colleagues they will bet whomever the president puts forward in a serious and robust way for that person deserves to be vetted that way because it is a lifetime appointment pray look forward to seeing the president appoints i'm sure be a prep person who is competent, discrete legal judgment have's expense to serve on the court for long period of time for. >> doug of 20 seconds on the supreme court requests this is a lifeline for the administration. republicans don't take your eye off the ball politically. if you got to the nominee too hard whether what people are paying that the administration has their on the rope sound do not take your eye off the political ball. dana: right we have to take a break here. we combat violent attacks on police are on the rise around the country. nypd plays one of itsts yep, it's go time with wireless on the most reliable network. ok, that jump was crazy! but what's crazier? you get unlimited for just 30 bucks. nice! but mine has 5g included. wait! 5g included? yup, even these guys get it. nice ride, by the way. and the icing on the cake? saving up to 400 bucks? exactly. wait, shouldn't you be navigating? xfinity mobile. it's wireless that does it all and saves a lot. like a lot, a lot. >> we are not safe anymore. not even members of the service. i know you were tired of these laws, especially the ones from the new d.a. i hope he is watching you speak through me right now. >> the widow of a young nypd police officer killed on a job at age 22 as a crime away that plagues the nation were backed out with the panel. harold, officer rivera's funeral last week felt to me like a big moment a pivotal moment. i know that i can talk about progressive prosecutors. we can talk about it on the five. but we hear from a young widow like that, do you think something like alvin bragg here in new york city wasn't listening? and do they understand the need to actually change the policies? it is not just talk about about actually do something. >> i hope so. i heard from first of all my prayers and condolences and thoughts continue to go out the rivera family and the more family. i have heard from gnomes who met with the d.a., mr. break a week or so ago and heard it was a good meeting they can fade to him business leaders and other community leaders conveyed to him a lot of what with the slain officer's widow said in her incredible remarks. i also hope the d.a.'s across the country listen. we have to take violent offenders off the street. i think some of the bell laws of the motivation for the belt law were to ensure nonviolent offenders did not sit in jail for longer periods of time if they were convicted not to release violent offenders. second, anyone who shoots a cop that shoots a police officer there should be no bail. there should be a mandatory minimum i'll go further but that's not the topic of the show. we should make clear to people that is not going to be tolerated. but secondly got it more police officer on the street. here in new york you have to flood our subways with cops because if you do not have a transportation mode for people in the city to go to school, to go to work, to go wherever they choose new york will not be the city it has been the dynamism will leave. so for your absolutely right about the subway. i expense that last week. jacqui, i've got to tell you. there's some staggering statistics on what if that white house is paying attention. in 202173 law enforcement officers were intentionally killed in the line of duty. the most since 911. this week, six officer victims and gun violence in the period of less than 48 hours. and 2021 saw a record homicide rates in nine cities. i know the white house he said they're willing to spend some more money. but what else? do they understand how much this issue is weighing on americans? >> it is hard to say. this a president often makes a point in the white house make the point i'm trying to put distance between this administration and the faction of the democratic party once a defined police for the often talk about the initiatives from the department of justice to crack down things like the ghost guns. crime is happening in cities that is an issue that people vote on. you are going to need to see the white house take a more serious look at that going into the midterms of the one have any impact on the midterm races. this is something that is going to come back to haunt them if they end up taking too soft of an approach. they have pulled back from weighing in on the policies of these prosecutors have been coming under fire for being too soft on crime. the president's going to be going to new york on thursday to talk about crime. but they have not been facing questions on it as much as other issues. and i expect that they will more and more speak closer to the midterm. dana: doug, tells about you your personal experience here. , not only that but how that fits into the politics? in 1994 and the republicans roared back, one of the issues was crime. quick short just in october is walking to the grocery store five block walk and got mugged for it happen right where streetlight was burned out. the streetlight was fixed that week and i can tell you walking on that same path just last week, it is out again. when i contacted government officials from the district i've been told well, you can't expect to get the lights on. with these philosophical conversations are "build back better" the size and scope of government should be, people want their government to do the things well and competently that it showed. when you are told your misspelled government cannot keep the lights on, does happen throughout the country it is a failure it's a failure in federal leadership state leadership on the local level. it's one of the things going at a very real reverberations in these coming elections if democrats cannot get a hole on this. so far i totally agree. when you squeeze in one other topic here, harold, you know your father young children. you pay a lot of attention what's going on out there. that tends feelings down there in virginia at some of the school board meetings, watch this from this week. >> for the love of god this is not science. [inaudible] >> incredible amount of damage to these kids. practice all control. >> harold i think in 2022 the parents are going to continue to roared back, how do you see it? >> a doug i'm glad you're okay brother first of all. i am a parent look i understand the frustration, i am frustrated too. i hope parents and school boards and for that matter school systems can find a way to keep schools open, to keep kids in classrooms. there is no doubt we've lost a lot over the last two years but fortunately my kids are real younger i can only imagine if they were in middle school and high school faces kind of challenges. i do hope cooler heads can help us come to some conclusion here what is right for kids and not what is right for politics peers who are jacqui, the white house have top of mind or not? >> it does not seem to be in conversations about topics were a big issue in the virginia governor's race, it seems like the white house is not put a lot of attention on how big of a factor education was. just as we talked about crime education is a psalm virginia, and issue people vote on. i think they have been mired in their own issues when it comes to covid. modeled the messaging on vaccinations, boosters, masking and the like. they are taking steps to remedy that. he saw the director the guidance has been confusing we need to be doing a better job to change over time. they need to also pay attention to how it is playing out at the local level and make that how they discuss the issue. dana: doug, check my instincts here. i think parents are going to have a big impact in the midterms, do you think so too? >> absolutely serves on virginia. it's not whether this mandatory masking. it's whether or not the schools are open. it is a running joke that in northern virginia if you say it may snow in three days you're going to be closed for an entire week whether it snows or not. parents are outraged and rightfully so. dana: i came from wyoming and colorado, 21st moved to washington d.c. when they close school and work in anticipation of a snowstorm that was new to me. i get at the roads get icy. the panel were going to take very quick break cap next the week ahead including tom brady news or not news? and the other big stories that and the other big stories that will drive the that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. i have a quarterback tom brady is not yet made is mine despite reports will do so for had seven super bowl rings is under contract for 2022 will fans will he or will he question at the white house said the president will meet monday to discuss concerns about gas supply to europe. as a crisis in ukraine escalates for in the winter olympics begin friday in beijing without dignitaries from the united states which is protesting china's attention of more than 100 muslims. for back with the panel quickly, will he or won't he? you think tom brady plays in 2022? >> probably not he deserves to go out on his terms. his most accomplished decorated best guide ever predict uniform on it can be in the best to him and go blue. support didn't remind me that brian is a speak i saw somewhere someone said michelle charles will be replacing tom brady a little inside footage there. harold all this is against the backdrop of covid, and china. we are in year three of the pandemic for these games are about to get started. you think we will ever really find out what happened there with the olympics is trying to get to turn the page? >> i hope they don't. we have to assume this was a lab leak and what they let us in to prove otherwise at least i have reached that conclusion. i think many around the world are as well. the best way to combat the propaganda that u.s. athletes do they do best is to win medals. we should weigh in with the ioc going forward but it seems odd to be have this debate or conversation just a week before the olympics. china has behaved in certain ways over the last many years that they've gotten to olympics in this century. maybe we should communicate more clearly. they choose a place where they get snow in don't have to make it all. he's obviously watching what is happening with the u.s. and ukraine. but also what happened in afghanistan. your thoughts about whether china should be a part of this we think about russia and ukraine? >> china is a big part of anything we do globally around the world. whatever continent you go to china has never being in nigeria at a red this paved the day before who built a customer china to get every resource they could their genetic country after country. to be pretty interesting have tested positive for colored before the even left the country to get to china to opening ceremonies are on friday for this is a big propaganda opportunity for china. does the white house have any sort of counter programming that it is planning? >> they say they're always paying attention to the propaganda that comes from china. and countering it. i think it is important though during this period, nobody takes their eye off of ukraine. because they've used the olympics in the past as a time frame to breach the sovereignty of other companies in 2014 and in 2008 and in georgia. and we also know taiwan is what she is looking at, everyone is keeping an eye on pollutant taiwan is part of china if the u.s. does not do anything in nato doesn't do her thing to stop putin from taking over sovereign country that's giving a green light to taiwan. all very interconnected. we also have to keep at the top of the show and i on keeping it bait north korean aggression and you don't allow something like this to become the wild west request that only that i think you look pretty aggressive action that would cause a reaction you also have admiral kirby the real possibility isis is reconstituting itself right there, right there in sierra and they are training a new generation of fighters with the young boys that are there. first i want to thank you all, the panel wonderful to see it. harold i'm sure i will see you this week on the five. jacqui, doug, harold thank you so much good luck to your teams today. the nfc championship between the that is it for today. i will see you tomorrow. weekdays at 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. eastern fox news channel. i hope everyone has a great football sunday. we will see steve: good evening everyone welcome to "the next revolution". this is the home of positive populism, pro-worker, pro-family, pro-com munity, and especially pro-america. there have been many scandals the past couple of years with the establishment deliberate mishandling of the pandemic that there is one that has

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240708

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a funeral for a followed police officer. >> the system continues to fail us. we are not safe anymore progress has bought while enforcement fight and face rising crime, will after sunday panel about calls to reverse progressive soft on crime policies. all right now on fox news sunday. ♪ ♪ and hello again from fox news in washington people get to the tense situation in ukraine and just a moment. first busting of breaking weather news as a nor'easter dumped almost 2 feet of snow across parts of the mid-atlantic and new england. wind gusts of more than 70 miles per hour knocking out power to more than 100,000 homes and businesses with the bitter cold in the forecast. the powerful storm also forcing airlines to cancel flights in and out of new york, philadelphia, and boston. we have team coverage alexis mcadams here on the ground in new york city. let's begin with molly line. she is live in plymouth, massachusetts hi molly. >> in mourning it's a very beautiful but frosty day here in plymouth at 9 degrees up in boston just 11 degrees pretty cold for a dig out date which is what today amounts to be. boston also seeing the biggest single date snow record 23.6 inches. that the course of the storm some 100,000 people were without power. very gusty storm a lot of high winds utility crews came in from all of the country for michigan, from floor to get the lights back on. at this hour there still more than 50000 people without power according to the massachusetts emergency management map app that they have. when you talk about the course of the storm a lot of coastal flooding a lot of problems and lots of flooding out on nantucket. at this hour at the flights are finally beginning to get off the ground. but boston logan airport still sing a lot of cancellations and delays. just to the south of us at laguardia 45% or so delays and cancellations. so beautiful sunny day to get things up, back in the air and off the ground get the cleanup going, likely the kids are back in school on monday, dana. dana: i love how positive you are about it all, molly. truly woman from new england thank you so much for let's go now to alexis mcadams she is live in central park. >> hi dana, beautiful here in central park and very picturesque scene lots of people out enjoying the winter elements here in central park according to whether service, take a look they had about 8 inches of snow that valid is the light fluffy separate because a lot of the visibility issues. we have a live look around central park you see there's not too many issues out here right now. the light fluffy mix is great and picturesque views but long island was hit with about 2 feet of snow of the storm moved out overnight and left a large cleanup path is not beautiful everywhere around new york. still nasty. the department has crews on 12 hour shifts working to clear the snow and ice preparing for monday's commute. today at flight constellations are operating at about 50%. still a lot of work needs to be done, dataquick's good to see everyone out and about to give her alexis extended coverage sale of the fox weather app fox now to the high stick diplomacy to stop a war in eastern europe for the u.s. and its allies confronting russia over its buildup of troops along the border of ukraine in fear but vladimir putin could invade within weeks. tomorrow the u.s. will square off with the russia at un security council meeting in new york. in a moment was to be going with pentagon press secretary jon kirby. first let's turn to alex hoff she's at the white house with the latest developments. >> morning dana the hopes there is a call attention to russian aggression to preempt russia from playing victim in order to justify a military attack. the u.s. making it clear they're still space for diplomacy. >> conflict is not inevitable. >> even as russia has amassed over 100,000 troops on the borders of ukraine. the equipment capable of an immediate invasion. >> i think you'll have to go back quite a while to the cold war days to see something of this magnitude. >> russian defense ministry video shows air defense units arriving by air russians troops also stand just 60 miles away from ukraine capitol. according to the pentagon, since december the u.s. is sent over $200 million in security assistance to ukraine while reinforcing security for nato allies britain for friday president biden set up a troops in the region. [inaudible] >> on monday president biden will meet with the two discussed follow-up from the departure of afghanistan but also discuss how sanctions on russia could affect europe which relies on russian natural gas. cutter reserve can serve as a backup. timing on russia's decision when or if to advance may come down to sports. putin is expected to attend friday's opening ceremony at the beijing olympics. deputy secretary of state wendy warned military action could follow. ukraine's president said last week he does not want to see panic over the situation of a white house official told fox news over the weekend, the risk of invasion should not be downplayed, dana. >> alex hoff for the white house forsberg turning now to the pentagon press secretary jon kirby well-connected fox news sunday. yesterday generally speak to ukrainian counterpart in all week you had the president of ukraine suggesting the white house is overstating the risk. but is it also possible the president of ukraine is underplaying the risk? >> look we are in constant communication with our ukrainian counterparts but secretary also spoken to his as well. we are making sure we are sharing information as best we can. i cannot speak for what president zelensky is saying what he's seeing it certainly what he saying about what he saying we have been nothing but clear and transparent about our concern here at the pentagon over this rapid buildup over the last few months around the border with ukraine not to mention maritime activity by the russians in the middle atlantic. but we have said dana as he has a lot of options. putin has a lot of options available to him if he was to further invade ukraine. he can execute some of those options eminently. what is the pentagon's definition imminent? >> it could happen on a slate any time. now when i say it, it depends on what vladimir putin might want to do. secretary austin said on friday is lot of options, a lot of capability available to him. on a fairly large scale and he continues to add troops to that border with ukraine were watching that even over the course of this weekend. he increases his ability to choose options to something if you once act militarily bread the other thing it does not have to come to conflict we still believe there's room and space for diplomacy we would like to see that be the solution here. it's a part of the pentagon is very much a urging diplomacy. i understand the need for deterrent on the backend. as you just pointed out vladimir putin has already escalated this quite a bit. is there any possibility it would be worth it to maybe name the banks that will be sanctioned or take some sort of effort now to show them that we mean business? and asked you want a little bit more of that if it gets any worse? >> i think we've been very clear with mr. putin about the economic consequences that could come his way in the way of the russian people should he and further incur innovative inside ukraine. one of the things about sanctions is once you trip that the deterrent effect is lost. i think we have been very, very clear we are going to look at sanctions and economic consequences the likes of which we have not looked at before or even considered as far back as 2014 we do not to lose that deterrent effect. the other thing we the russians talk about where the passing so it is a strong and bolstered a nato on their western flank if he does another invasion inside ukraine that's exactly what the going to get. they're going to see the united states and our nato allies bolster our capabilities on the eastern flank of the alliance for. >> i'm glad you brought up nato that something at once ask about as well. it's an organization that runs by consensus. a lot of different players. germany certainly giving everyone a little bit in headaches and heartburn given such a reliance on russia in terms of its energy. you have france wanting to go its own way. turkey is a very strange ally and nato's history. given all of this going forward do you believe it nato can survive and it shouldn't absolutely yes and yes. the secretary spoke with his french and german counterparts just on friday morning before he went out to the press room here. they were very good conversations. the french and the germans the same level of concern out of them about what they're saying from russia as we have. now each country in the alliance has to act within their own dictates. both of them are deeply concerned about what we see russia doing. both of them are incredibly strong nato allies. germany hosts thousands of u.s. troops on their soil we could not afford the wars in iraq and afghanistan without their support. they very much are strong allies and we are confident nato is going to stay united to quickly also ask you a little bit more about the energy policy. a lot of this has to come back to where do you get your information this is a wall street journal editorial from this week the self-created vulnerability of the west is one of the horrifying marbles of the age. you have to go back to the disarmament of the 1920s to recall a time of such willful self-delusion. even as president biden races to rescue europe, his bill back better plan within the u.s. down the same road of energy disarmament. jon, does it pentagon factor in the own energy partner to protect us in the future? we like to have a lot of options which is diversification for our logistics and sustainment. without speaking to larger u.s. energy policy, we absolutely always look at alternatives to our own energy flow here at the defense department to another biden administration is also working with countries around the world they talk about alternative energy suppliers, energy routes, energy alternatives should the russians tried to use energy in some sort of weapon in this conflict. space bar also going to ask about china but no doubt china's watching what's happening in ukraine. you saw just last sunday alone china sent 39 warplanes over taiwan to try to intimidate that small island. trying to see enough of a pushback, eight strength from the u.s. and nato in ukraine when things you can read in his china activity here is in fact that they recognize the international community remains committed to try to achieve some sort of civility and peace there in the end of pacific region. and that the united states had very clear very consistent of our commitment to taiwan's ability to defend itself to the taiwan relations act or been very consistent better one china policy. i think they see the way we have marshaled allies and partners throughout the indo pacific region. five of our treaty alliances are in the pacific and they know that. we are working on those alliances and partnerships. some of what you're saying out of activities of recognition on their part that we, our partners are allies are only getting stronger but only getting more resolved to see a free and open end of pacific. steve or someone who might not agree as a leader to base on january 30, north korea is reportedly conducted a more missile tests including ones this weekend then they did in all of 2021. so seven tests this month. is the president spending enough time paying attention to north korea? or do we need to focus a little more as we try to increase his capabilities? >> the administration certainly had the defense department laser focused to the korean peninsula. we are in close coordination of the partners that is not just south korea but japan as well about the threats the missile program by continues to present. we notice this launch over the weekend. we have condemned that it's a violation of un security council resolutions. we are going to be discussing a gap allies and partners around the world. we've got to make sure that alliance on the korean peninsula is strong but remain committed to d nuclear eyes korean peninsula brightly remain committed to diplomatic talks were willing to sit down without preconditions to have this kind of dialogues. but obviously wants to go a different way. we have to make sure we are ready militarily on the peninsula and in the region. >> also mark back here focusing on some criticism and the u.s. military that perhaps there's too much of a leftward tilt or walk this in our military. when we say we determined adversaries committed adversaries in china, russia, iran who maybe how do you respond to this criticisms? >> depends what they are. a lot of it quite frankly is driving a stake through a straw man here for this argument of awoke this in the military paid i was in the military for 30 years. i can say things like diversity, inclusion that makes a better military brings the decision-making operational decision-making that we conduct, better ideas, more unique perspectives but someone else lived experiences would might actually make a smarter on the battlefield. so those kinds of arguments i think are ridiculous. we are a stronger military because of our diversity and because we represent all americans just like we defend all americans. dana: one last quick question. i've been watching stories come out of sierra as isis tries to reconstitute itself. how concerned is the pentagon this is a real possibility? >> it were counter isis a fight and help the syrian forces continue to go after that threat. nobody wants to see sierra further destabilized more than it already is. i think it is important to me say this routinely all neighboring nations particularly in that region should have a stake in a more stable sierra. we do not want to be refugee close we don't see the conflict expands. but for us, our purpose here at the pentagon to make sure your sink locked onto the isis threat which still exists in sierra quite frankly anorak two. sue for jon, thank you for joining us collect to whichever team you are supporting in the nfl sunday night network were about too have always a pleasure thank you. >> will pick a supreme court nominee by the end of the month is little groups call for justice forget reaction for republican senator tom cotton next. [engine humming] [clapping] “we will rock you” by queen ♪ the new gmc sierra with hands-free driving offers the most advanced and luxurious pick-up in its class. ♪ yeah, it rocks. dana: negotiations wrapping up behind-the-scenes islamic try to hammer out a deal in russian sanctions of moscow invades ukraine for joining us out arkansas senator tom cotton a member of the armed services committee. senator welcome back to fox news sunday. i want to start with my interview with adam admiral kirby. when it comes to deterrence, to try to make sure russia does not invade ukraine but what do you think about the pentagon position there? >> well dana, it's not the pentagon's position now as it has been joe biden's weakness in his appeasement of vladimir putin for the last year. literally the first week in office last year he gave vladimir putin his number one born policy priority, an extension of a badly one-sided arms-control treaty. and then he gave in the number two foreign policy priority rally by waving sanctions on the gas pipeline that's been built between between russia and germany. along the way he's let out a russian cyber criminal before his prison sentence is up. just a couple days ago at a press conference he declared a minor incursion in ukraine might not elicit a strong western response. and there are reports this morning the administration is the toughest sanctions off the table. sanctions on oil and gas and moving from the international banking system. again vladimir putin has seen much of biden has done over the last year. and then he saw in afghanistan and i am afraid to go for the jugular in ukraine when she's wanted to do for as long he's been in power. dana: there some pushback from some elements saying the u.s. should not get involved here. here's a tweet from thomas massie, a congressman who says to many and our government care about the ukrainian border more than the u.s. border. i know because i follow you and i have you on america's newsroom you care about the american board of very much. what would you say to some of those republican elements? >> well, it is true a lot of democrats to include joe biden kamala harris and others do seem to care more about ukraine's border than our southern border at a time with a 2 million illegal immigrants across our border under joe biden's tenure in office for that's like adding the entire population of nebraska to this country. but you are right, dana, you can be concerned about both. you can want to secure our southern border effectively and change our laws that so many of these illegal immigrants are taking advantage of. bought the same time recognize that if russia invades ukraine, it won't just be bad for ukraine and eastern europe but it will be a signal to bad guys around the world that they can push even harder to harm american interests. imagine what is say if he sees russia invade ukraine and get a few mealy mouth sanctions slapped on. he mentioned the first segment of your interview today that china just sent dozens of airplanes into taiwanese airspace last week, the biggest incursion in months. i think it's not a coincidence that's happening right now as the west seems divided under joe biden's leadership in europe. >> one think you have talked about and criticize the pentagon over the biden administration is the idea there's more bait leftward tilt in our military. i asked admiral kirby about that he thought that concern was ridiculous the diversity actually strengthens the military. >> it is not ridiculous and it is happening but i can tell you, dana, we've had a whistleblower limit for many months. hundreds and hundreds of calls about the kinds of egregiously inappropriate training sessions that commands have had around the world. and second, while the diversity of america may be reflected in our military and a strength something i saw in my years in the army it's not something that our military needs to constantly obsess about. troops fight, with a flag on the shoulder. they fight for the man and woman to their left and right. if you undermine their belief that that flag stands for a good and moral country, if you undermine their belief the man and woman to the right is irrespective of their skin color, are they going to be as motivated to fight as they otherwise might be? are they going to enlist? the army just missed its enlistment targets for the year, dana. also do you think those chinese pilots that are flying into taiwanese airspace are getting hammered for hours and hours of training about structural racism or diversity? to think those russian troops on ukraine's border are going to have to stop and take lectures on climate change? something tells me not. we need our military to refocus one 100% on protecting america. dana: let's talk about china a little bit. just a few days the limericks will begin in china. we are in year three of the pandemic. way back when his first becoming publicized it was happening, you took a lot of flak from some when you suggested it might've been a wuhan lab leak. even the "washington post" corrected that peremptory were gratified by that. i want to ask you, doesn't matter kind of now more than ever we get to the bottom of how this happened? even while china is about how this great propaganda opportunity to show the world they can host an olympics even though they unleash this. >> it very much does, dana. a couple years ago now that i first said maybe the virus came from that lab. i did not even asserted as fact i just said it's a question we should ask whether it came from this food market that do not even have bats present. or maybe it came from the lab a few blocks down the street where they researched novel coronavirus that originated in baths under the leadership of a scientist whose name was really the fat lady pretty course the democrats in the media condemn that but it's now become increasingly clear over the last year the lab is almost certainly the origin of this coronavirus. unfortunately it looks like some parts of our government help fund the research there. and bureaucrats like tony fauci and francis collins try to cover up the inquiries of a few years ago they encourage the left wing scaremongering campaign about me and anyone else appointed to the lab is a possibility for the worldly sin of the origins of this virus. and china needs to be held accountable for it. especially as we go into these olympics that never should've been given to china should've been pulled from china a year ago and should be rebuilt elsewhere. we cannot let china have a big propaganda victory without any inquiry into their role into spreading this plague around the world. dana: tumor topics for usual one is on the southern border. and the fact the administration had been sending these fights in the middle of the night. we saw this in westchester county this is an august the governor of new york he got this video, we released it. i am just curious what you hear of anything for the biden administration question after they have a sense of how american is feeling about ceiling seeing things like this? [laughter] >> seem to be totally clueless about it, dana. they are doing everything they can to conceal these things you've seen the video the flight is landing in new york. you've probably seen the video of illegal immigrants being transited to a bus station brownsville. dhs official called their final destination. we'll dana, any illegal immigrants final destination should be back in their home country. we have seen reports, dana, of dhs coaching illegal immigrants on how to use their arrest warrant to board an airplane. when they get to a tsa checkpoint for just think about how crazy that is. people should be under arrest are being told to use their arrest warrant to get on an airplane when some democratic cities american citizens have to show their vaccine passports if they want to buy a hamburger. dana: dan how do you even know that's the real aim on the arrest more anyway? i also desk about this for the president is going to have an opportunity to replace a supreme court justice. no doubt many on the republican side of the judiciary committee remember what it was like for brett kavanaugh, let's take a look back at this exchange. >> you think of any laws that give government the power to make decisions about the mail body? works i'm happy to answer more specific question. >> mail versus female. >> there are medical procedures. >> that the government has the power to make a decision about a man's body? works north iraq ask about medical procedures. >> no. xo it on and on for there we also never all the things that happened in fact the second hearing for him to defend himself. how you think the republicans will approach the vetting of the nominee that president biden will choose? [laughter] >> first of all, dana comes member of the committee i'll try to ask questions that contain a bit more logic then kamala harris' line of questioning right there. i suspect we will all keep an open mind. we will review the nominee on her merits. i cannot say i've got wild expectations of joe biden is going to nominate someone who i think i can support or many republicans can support. i have seen dozens of his nominees to the lower courts. they almost to a person be left wing ideologue who think judges should make the law rather than apply and uphold the constitution and the laws as they are passed. i can say one thing i won't do it i don't doubt any republican will do it's engaged in the kind of grotesque's smear campaign since the characters of fine men like clarence thomas wrote we saw what happened with brett kavanaugh two years ago bird will get a thorough vetting to any nominees legal philosophies as well as their career, character and temperament. but we are not going to a democrats do it just simply make up smears against the nominee. and i hope that never happens again. dana: was not what back into the airport. thank you, senator cotton watching any football game you want to see. hope that your team wins whoever it may be, thank you. >> thank you dana. support next will bring in our send a group we talk but justice breyer's retirement throws a curveball into the midterm. ♪ if russia chooses to invade ukraine it will not be cost free in terms of casualty or other significant effects. dana: chairman joint she's laying out the stakes are russia and for ukraine if there is an invasion. it's time now for sunday group former rnc communications director doug heye, and jacqui heinrich former congressman harold ford junior great of all of you here. jackie went to go to you first. his missing serious warnings in ukraine. the president of ukraine is push back on that. here's something zelensky told reporters on friday, i do not consider the situation and now more intense than before but there is a feeling abroad that war is here. that is not the case. jacqui, the white house has against pushback on that. what's help nato speak with one voice? >> i think there is a dynamic carries the president zelensky does not want to increase fear among his own people and cause people to flee or give some sort of outside response to what is happening and make his own people be more afraid of that. i think the president and the white house are up against the acknowledgment this is going to happen if they risk downplaying it there's americans in ukraine that got to be concerned about. but the severity of the situation have you have to have a unified voice with nato credit something potent is really trying to divide right now parties trying to sort of capitalize on the fractures of nato disagreements among allies with the sanction the package might look like norton stream those kinds of things. the white house has to be very consistent with its messaging and make sure it does not open itself up to some vulnerability that pollutant could use it. >> biden is done with the situation of germany for example getting over half of its energy natural gas from russia. how does that play into putin's hands? >> it certainly, happy sunday first off. it's playing into his hands he thanks in a positive way. i would counter a little bit what your previous guests said i think senator cotton laid out some of the elements. i think what mr. kirby said at the outset which is diplomacy remains foremost on our minds. it appears many of our allies and nato are prepared to implement strong sanctions as well. he would enumerate some of those sanctions he refused to do so which i thought was smart to do. that the pcs are in the wall street journal about peggy noonan she said were used to being lucky as a nation. luck is not something you should get used too and these kind of situations. this is a test for us. i think most important for me and foremost on my mind is a question asked mr. kirby at the end, china is watching and what do they take from this? we have to be prepared, we have to fortify the alliance, ensure our allies understand what we are doing and try to speak in a one voice and concert and whatever action actions we have to take the. >> going to take note of the fact is that it's a good thing the guests did not answer my question. i will not be offended by that. >> he did not answer you are right is smart not to i get it, i get it. let's look back here. thinking the world is seeing the mistake on energy policy there in europe. we have a chance here in america to not be following that path. but we seem to be if we continue to go on the "build back better" version of the bill that the president wants to do. what about that? we have concerns of our own and her own energy independence going forward but. >> absolutely. when the first thing's administration did was stop any movement on the keystone pipeline which is sort of ironic for joe biden he talks best about union jobs these were union jobs that were going to help american energy independence. europe has the same problems. as a biden administration continues to talk about america's back and trying to shore our allies, as this should be an opportunity for biden to show strength and show real leadership in moving nato forward in unified nato paid russia right now is looking and probing for any sign of weakness that they can is congressman ford mencius not just russia looking at this it's china as well. >> you have permission to call him harold i finally allowed myself, i know you're very respectful the congressman as i am too. jacqui let me ask you quickly about the supreme court the president said he will name a candidate sometime in february. this announcement came at a good time for them there at the white house. i'm curious about how that timing and announcement was made? also at the white house is thinking about when they will get this done and how do they hope to make this a pivot for their communication? >> timing doesn't work for them it comes at a moment when the president is starting to get out from under these terrible poll numbers when it comes to inflation all these things and been dogging the administration. we know from our reporting that justice breyer did not feel forced out. this was a decision he made it certainly benefits the president. although he did just say at the year-end press conference he didn't stand a pretty poor job of reach out to black voters is give them a moment is going to make good on his campaign he promised to see jim clyburn is credited with rescuing his filing campaign make a strong push is on the short list to work through and shift away from the elements that have dogged this administration. one last quick word to you on that, harold. >> president reagan nominated sandra day o'connor back in 1981 are not being a woman in the court president reagan, obama, clinton, and even president trent trump and biden are giving us more women on the courtroom a little concerned but i hear people conflating political philosophy and political ideas in their own personal aspirations and politics with weight think the nominee might be. i was most encouraged by hand senator cotton say he would have an open mind on the committee but hope he speaks for all of his colleagues they will bet whomever the president puts forward in a serious and robust way for that person deserves to be vetted that way because it is a lifetime appointment pray look forward to seeing the president appoints i'm sure be a prep person who is competent, discrete legal judgment have's expense to serve on the court for long period of time for. >> doug of 20 seconds on the supreme court requests this is a lifeline for the administration. republicans don't take your eye off the ball politically. if you got to the nominee too hard whether what people are paying that the administration has their on the rope sound do not take your eye off the political ball. dana: right we have to take a break here. we combat violent attacks on police are on the rise around the country. nypd plays one of itsts yep, it's go time with wireless on the most reliable network. ok, that jump was crazy! but what's crazier? you get unlimited for just 30 bucks. nice! but mine has 5g included. wait! 5g included? yup, even these guys get it. nice ride, by the way. and the icing on the cake? saving up to 400 bucks? exactly. wait, shouldn't you be navigating? xfinity mobile. it's wireless that does it all and saves a lot. like a lot, a lot. >> we are not safe anymore. not even members of the service. i know you were tired of these laws, especially the ones from the new d.a. i hope he is watching you speak through me right now. >> the widow of a young nypd police officer killed on a job at age 22 as a crime away that plagues the nation were backed out with the panel. harold, officer rivera's funeral last week felt to me like a big moment a pivotal moment. i know that i can talk about progressive prosecutors. we can talk about it on the five. but we hear from a young widow like that, do you think something like alvin bragg here in new york city wasn't listening? and do they understand the need to actually change the policies? it is not just talk about about actually do something. >> i hope so. i heard from first of all my prayers and condolences and thoughts continue to go out the rivera family and the more family. i have heard from gnomes who met with the d.a., mr. break a week or so ago and heard it was a good meeting they can fade to him business leaders and other community leaders conveyed to him a lot of what with the slain officer's widow said in her incredible remarks. i also hope the d.a.'s across the country listen. we have to take violent offenders off the street. i think some of the bell laws of the motivation for the belt law were to ensure nonviolent offenders did not sit in jail for longer periods of time if they were convicted not to release violent offenders. second, anyone who shoots a cop that shoots a police officer there should be no bail. there should be a mandatory minimum i'll go further but that's not the topic of the show. we should make clear to people that is not going to be tolerated. but secondly got it more police officer on the street. here in new york you have to flood our subways with cops because if you do not have a transportation mode for people in the city to go to school, to go to work, to go wherever they choose new york will not be the city it has been the dynamism will leave. so for your absolutely right about the subway. i expense that last week. jacqui, i've got to tell you. there's some staggering statistics on what if that white house is paying attention. in 202173 law enforcement officers were intentionally killed in the line of duty. the most since 911. this week, six officer victims and gun violence in the period of less than 48 hours. and 2021 saw a record homicide rates in nine cities. i know the white house he said they're willing to spend some more money. but what else? do they understand how much this issue is weighing on americans? >> it is hard to say. this a president often makes a point in the white house make the point i'm trying to put distance between this administration and the faction of the democratic party once a defined police for the often talk about the initiatives from the department of justice to crack down things like the ghost guns. crime is happening in cities that is an issue that people vote on. you are going to need to see the white house take a more serious look at that going into the midterms of the one have any impact on the midterm races. this is something that is going to come back to haunt them if they end up taking too soft of an approach. they have pulled back from weighing in on the policies of these prosecutors have been coming under fire for being too soft on crime. the president's going to be going to new york on thursday to talk about crime. but they have not been facing questions on it as much as other issues. and i expect that they will more and more speak closer to the midterm. dana: doug, tells about you your personal experience here. , not only that but how that fits into the politics? in 1994 and the republicans roared back, one of the issues was crime. quick short just in october is walking to the grocery store five block walk and got mugged for it happen right where streetlight was burned out. the streetlight was fixed that week and i can tell you walking on that same path just last week, it is out again. when i contacted government officials from the district i've been told well, you can't expect to get the lights on. with these philosophical conversations are "build back better" the size and scope of government should be, people want their government to do the things well and competently that it showed. when you are told your misspelled government cannot keep the lights on, does happen throughout the country it is a failure it's a failure in federal leadership state leadership on the local level. it's one of the things going at a very real reverberations in these coming elections if democrats cannot get a hole on this. so far i totally agree. when you squeeze in one other topic here, harold, you know your father young children. you pay a lot of attention what's going on out there. that tends feelings down there in virginia at some of the school board meetings, watch this from this week. >> for the love of god this is not science. [inaudible] >> incredible amount of damage to these kids. practice all control. >> harold i think in 2022 the parents are going to continue to roared back, how do you see it? >> a doug i'm glad you're okay brother first of all. i am a parent look i understand the frustration, i am frustrated too. i hope parents and school boards and for that matter school systems can find a way to keep schools open, to keep kids in classrooms. there is no doubt we've lost a lot over the last two years but fortunately my kids are real younger i can only imagine if they were in middle school and high school faces kind of challenges. i do hope cooler heads can help us come to some conclusion here what is right for kids and not what is right for politics peers who are jacqui, the white house have top of mind or not? >> it does not seem to be in conversations about topics were a big issue in the virginia governor's race, it seems like the white house is not put a lot of attention on how big of a factor education was. just as we talked about crime education is a psalm virginia, and issue people vote on. i think they have been mired in their own issues when it comes to covid. modeled the messaging on vaccinations, boosters, masking and the like. they are taking steps to remedy that. he saw the director the guidance has been confusing we need to be doing a better job to change over time. they need to also pay attention to how it is playing out at the local level and make that how they discuss the issue. dana: doug, check my instincts here. i think parents are going to have a big impact in the midterms, do you think so too? >> absolutely serves on virginia. it's not whether this mandatory masking. it's whether or not the schools are open. it is a running joke that in northern virginia if you say it may snow in three days you're going to be closed for an entire week whether it snows or not. parents are outraged and rightfully so. dana: i came from wyoming and colorado, 21st moved to washington d.c. when they close school and work in anticipation of a snowstorm that was new to me. i get at the roads get icy. the panel were going to take very quick break cap next the week ahead including tom brady news or not news? and the other big stories that and the other big stories that will drive the that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. i have a quarterback tom brady is not yet made is mine despite reports will do so for had seven super bowl rings is under contract for 2022 will fans will he or will he question at the white house said the president will meet monday to discuss concerns about gas supply to europe. as a crisis in ukraine escalates for in the winter olympics begin friday in beijing without dignitaries from the united states which is protesting china's attention of more than 100 muslims. for back with the panel quickly, will he or won't he? you think tom brady plays in 2022? >> probably not he deserves to go out on his terms. his most accomplished decorated best guide ever predict uniform on it can be in the best to him and go blue. support didn't remind me that brian is a speak i saw somewhere someone said michelle charles will be replacing tom brady a little inside footage there. harold all this is against the backdrop of covid, and china. we are in year three of the pandemic for these games are about to get started. you think we will ever really find out what happened there with the olympics is trying to get to turn the page? >> i hope they don't. we have to assume this was a lab leak and what they let us in to prove otherwise at least i have reached that conclusion. i think many around the world are as well. the best way to combat the propaganda that u.s. athletes do they do best is to win medals. we should weigh in with the ioc going forward but it seems odd to be have this debate or conversation just a week before the olympics. china has behaved in certain ways over the last many years that they've gotten to olympics in this century. maybe we should communicate more clearly. they choose a place where they get snow in don't have to make it all. he's obviously watching what is happening with the u.s. and ukraine. but also what happened in afghanistan. your thoughts about whether china should be a part of this we think about russia and ukraine? >> china is a big part of anything we do globally around the world. whatever continent you go to china has never being in nigeria at a red this paved the day before who built a customer china to get every resource they could their genetic country after country. to be pretty interesting have tested positive for colored before the even left the country to get to china to opening ceremonies are on friday for this is a big propaganda opportunity for china. does the white house have any sort of counter programming that it is planning? >> they say they're always paying attention to the propaganda that comes from china. and countering it. i think it is important though during this period, nobody takes their eye off of ukraine. because they've used the olympics in the past as a time frame to breach the sovereignty of other companies in 2014 and in 2008 and in georgia. and we also know taiwan is what she is looking at, everyone is keeping an eye on pollutant taiwan is part of china if the u.s. does not do anything in nato doesn't do her thing to stop putin from taking over sovereign country that's giving a green light to taiwan. all very interconnected. we also have to keep at the top of the show and i on keeping it bait north korean aggression and you don't allow something like this to become the wild west request that only that i think you look pretty aggressive action that would cause a reaction you also have admiral kirby the real possibility isis is reconstituting itself right there, right there in sierra and they are training a new generation of fighters with the young boys that are there. first i want to thank you all, the panel wonderful to see it. harold i'm sure i will see you this week on the five. jacqui, doug, harold thank you so much good luck to your teams today. the nfc championship between the that is it for today. i will see you tomorrow. weekdays at 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. eastern fox news channel. i hope everyone has a great football sunday. we will see steve: good evening everyone welcome to "the next revolution". this is the home of positive populism, pro-worker, pro-family, pro-com munity, and especially pro-america. there have been many scandals the past couple of years with the establishment deliberate mishandling of the pandemic that there is one that has

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, Military Action , Sports , Wendy , Beijing Olympics , President , Risk , Official , Panic , Forsberg Turning , Counterpart , Press Secretary , Secretary , Counterparts , Information , Communication , Zelensky , Concern , Nothing , Some , Options , Activity , Middle Atlantic , It , Secretary Austin , Definition , Slate , Options Eminently , Capability , Scale , Thing , Ability , Bread , Space , Room , Solution , Possibility , Banks , Bit , Urging Diplomacy , Backend , Deterrent , Need , Way , More , Sort , Mr , Consequences , Effort , Deterrent Effect , One , Russians , Flank , 2014 , Alliance , Organization , Capabilities , Players , Energy , Germany , Terms , Consensus , Ally , Heartburn , Headaches , Reliance , Given , Turkey , French , History , Shouldn T , Conversations , Level , Press Room , Dictates , Both , Thousands , Support , Wars , Soil , North Iraq , Russia Doing , Energy Policy , Wall Street Journal , Vulnerability , Bill , West , Disarmament , Age , Plan , Marbles , Self Delusion , Rescue Europe , Biden Races , 1920 , Energy Partner , It Pentagon Factor , Energy Disarmament , Road , Diversification , Logistics , Sustainment , Energy Flow , Administration , World , Defense Department , Countries , Alternative Energy Suppliers , Energy Alternatives , Energy Routes , China , Warplanes , Island , Weapon , Space Bar , No Doubt , 39 , Pushback , Strength , Eight , Fact , The End , Community , Civility , Peace , Pacific Region , Partners , Taiwan , Commitment , One China Policy , Indo , Taiwan Relations Act , Treaty Alliances , Alliances , Partnerships , Activities , Recognition , Pacific , Five , Someone , Leader , North Korea , Steve , January 30 , 30 , Attention , Ones , Little , Missile Tests , 2021 , Seven , Coordination , Threats , South Korea , Defense Department Laser , Korean Peninsula , Japan , Weekend , Missile Program , Resolutions , Violation , Launch , Gap , Eyes , Preconditions , Talks , Doesn T Matter , Peninsula , Criticism , Dialogues , Military , Tilt , Adversaries , Iran , Diversity , Stake , Inclusion , Criticisms , Argument , Straw Man , Kinds , Decision Making , Ideas , Perspectives , Experiences , Arguments , Battlefield , Smarter , Stories , Question , The Real Possibility Isis , Forces , Fight , Isis A , Stable Sierra , Nobody , Threat , Sierra , Nations , Refugee , Sue For Jon , Purpose , Sink , Nominee , Court , Reaction , Justice , Team , Pleasure , Groups , Sunday Night Network , Nfl , Republican , Tom Cotton , Engine Humming , Queen , Clapping , We Will Rock You , Gmc Sierra , Pick Up , Class , Driving , Senator , Negotiations , Deal , Islamic , Arkansas , Adam Admiral Kirby , Interview , Member , Deterrence , Armed Services Committee , Well Dana , Weakness , Position , Appeasement , Office , Gas Pipeline , Number One Born Policy Priority , Foreign Policy Priority Rally , Arms Control Treaty , Response , Press Conference , Incursion , Western , Prison Sentence , Cyber , Minor , Gas , Banking System , Table , Oil , Jugular , Government , Elements , Thomas Massie , Many , Care , Tweet , Democrats , Board , Kamala Harris , Others , America S Newsroom , Population , Tenure , Nebraska , 2 Million , Bell Laws , Immigrants , Time , Advantage , Guys , Mouth Sanctions , Interests , Signal , Coincidence , Airspace , Airplanes , Dozens , Segment , Leadership , Idea , Bait , Hundreds , Whistleblower Limit , Second , Army , Commands , Training Sessions , Man , Woman , Flag , Belief , Troops Fight , Left , Shoulder , Needs , Skin Color , Irrespective , Training , Enlistment Targets , Racism , Pilots , Lectures , Limericks , Climate Change , Let S Talk , Three , 100 , Pandemic , First , Lab Leak , Happening , Flak , Wuhan , Washington Post , Peremptory , Olympics , Propaganda , Opportunity , Bottom , Lab , Virus , Food Market , Bats , Blocks , The Street , Scientist , Name , Baths , Media , Fat Lady , Novel Coronavirus , Bureaucrats , Origin , Coronavirus , Government Help , Research , Tony Fauci , Anyone , Wing , Origins , Campaign , Scaremongering , Sin , Inquiries , Francis Collins , Elsewhere , Propaganda Victory , Inquiry , Role , Fights , Westchester County , Middle , Tumor , Plague , Governor , Anything , Laughter , Feeling , Sense , Ceiling , Brownsville , Flight , Everything , Landing , Dhs Official , Reports , Airplane , Arrest Warrant , Home Country , Destination , Final Destination , Checkpoint , Dhs Coaching , Tsa , Cities , Arrest , Citizens , Hamburger , Crazy , Aim , Vaccine Passports , Desk , Take A Look , Judiciary Committee , Exchange , Side , Supreme Court Justice , Brett Kavanaugh , Works , Decisions , Mail Body , Mail Versus Female , Procedures , Body , Questions , Vetting , Committee , Hearing , Mind , Line , Expectations , Questioning , Logic , Merits , Nominees , Judges , Person , Ideologue , Courts , Law , Kind , Characters , Constitution , Smear Campaign , Men , Grotesque , Clarence Thomas , Philosophies , Character , Career , Temperament , Bird , Smears , Airport , Football Game , Midterm , Group , Retirement , Curveball , Justice Breyer , Effects , Stakes , Casualty , Chairman Joint , Jackie , Harold Ford Junior Great Of All You , Doug Heye , It S Time , Jacqui Heinrich , Sunday Group Former Rnc , Reporters , Warnings , Jacqui , Voice , Dynamic , Case , Outside , Acknowledgment , Severity , Credit , Fractures , Messaging , Pollutant , Sanction , Disagreements , Package , Norton , Hands , Play , Half , Example , Happy Sunday First Off , Guests , Outset , Minds , Luck , Nation , Situations , Test , She , Pcs , Peggy Noonan , Concert , Action Actions , Note , Chance , Mistake , Concerns , Energy Independence , Version , Jobs , Keystone Pipeline , Union Jobs , Movement , Ironic , American Energy Independence , Union , Forward , Sign , Probing , Ford Mencius , Announcement , Candidate , Supreme Court , Doesn T , Thinking , Pivot , Reporting , Poll Numbers , Dogging , Inflation , Voters , He Didn T Stand A Pretty Poor Job , Push , List , Filing , Jim Clyburn , Word , President Reagan , Sandra Day O Connor , 1981 , Women , Courtroom , People Conflating Political Philosophy , Trent Trump , Obama , Clinton , Politics , Colleagues , Aspirations , Weight , Hand , Prep Person , Lifeline , Appointment Pray , Expense , Judgment , 20 , Eye , Ball , Police , Nypd , Break , Plays One , Rope Sound , Attacks , Rise , Itsts Yep , Network , Yup , 5g , Icing , Cake , Bucks , Nice , Nice Ride , Wait , 400 , 5 , 30 Bucks , 400 Bucks , Xfinity Mobile , Members , D A , Panel , Job , Officer , Widow , Young Nypd , Rivera , 22 , Prosecutors , Wasn T Listening , Alvin Bragg , Thoughts , Policies , Family , Prayers , Condolences , Community Leaders , Business Leaders , Gnomes Who , Him , Offenders , Jail , Belt Law , Remarks , Motivation , Topic , Show , Minimum , Bail , Cop , City , School , Subways , Cops , Transportation Mode , Statistics , Law Enforcement Officers , Dynamism , Subway , 202173 , Most , Officer Victims , Gun Violence , Duty , Rates , Homicide , 48 , 911 , Six , Nine , Issue , Point , Money , Faction , Distance , Initiatives , Guns , Ghost , Department Of Justice , Impact , Midterms , Races , Approach , Serious , Fire , Fits , Experience , Streetlight , Walk , 1994 , Government Officials , Size , District , Scope , Failure , State Leadership , Competently , The Lights On , Hole , Reverberations , Elections , Father , Children , Psalm Virginia , Science , Feelings , School Board Meetings , Love Of God , Parents , Back , Doug , Control , Amount , Damage , Brother , 2022 , Schools , Doubt , Parent , School Boards , Classrooms , Matter School Systems , Frustration , Conclusion , High School , Hope Cooler Heads , Middle School , Challenges , Peers , Race , Topics , Factor , Crime Education , Education , Covid , Masking , Vaccinations , Director , Guidance , Boosters , Like , Make , Instincts , Running Joke , Northern Virginia , Snowstorm , Rightfully , Break Cap , Anticipation , Colorado , 21st , Wyoming , Roads Get Icy , 21 , Parks , Spot , Right , Buick , Tom Brady , Whistle Blows , Head Up Display , Sixth Sense , Horn Honks , The Field , Heart , Suv , Quarterback , Contract , Super Bowl , Gas Supply , Fans , Dignitaries , Crisis , Winter Olympics , Beijing , He , Quickly , Tom Brady Plays , Support Didn T , Guide , Best , Tom Brady A Little Inside Footage There , Somewhere , Go Blue , Speak , Michelle Charles , Brian , Of Covid , Games , Page , Athletes , Conversation , Medals , Odd , Debate , Ioc , Place , Ways , Don T , Customer China , Resource , Continent , Red , Nigeria , Propaganda Opportunity , Ceremonies , Planning , Counter Programming , Companies , Frame , Sovereignty , Georgia , 2008 , Light , Top , Action , Request , Harold , Fighters , Boys , Generation , Nfc , Teams , Championship , Weekdays , Eastern Fox News Channel , 00 , Football Sunday , Scandals , Home , Pro America , Pro Worker , Populism , Revolution , Establishment , Pro Com Munity , Mishandling ,

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