Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

we don't talk about specific force protection. i will let you know that the u.s. forces there in remain at a heightened straight of alert. that's as far as i will go. as for any changes going forward, we will rely on the good judgment of general mckenzie and his chain of command in terms of specific changes they need to make in terms of defenses. we don't detail that from the podium. luis martinez? >> john, earlier this week there was a crash of an f-35 air craft carrier. are they trying to recover it? anything new on that? you can address any concerns about trying to protect the waters where this plane may have fallen into so other nations like china don't get their hands on it? >> you have probably seen the navy's statement. they intend to attempt to recover the air craft. i want to say right off the top that we have received word that those who were injured are doing better and we are absolutely delighted to hear that and continue to hope for a speedy and safe recovery for them and our hearts go out to their families right now. i won't speak to specific recovery efforts by the navy. they are far better to do that than i am. but, we are mindful of the value of an f35 in every respect of what value means. as we continue to touchlite recov recovery -- continue to attempt recovery we will keep it with safety in mind and our national security effort. >> russia deployed 24 war ships in the black sea. do you consider this to be a part of the troop build-up you criticized and does the u.s. have any concern about destabiliing action in the region? >> i don't have anything specific on the straits, but we continue to see an accumulation of russian military power again around and along side the borders with ukraine and belarus and i mentioned this other the day the naval power in the mediterranean and in the atlantic and clearly the black sea. i can't speak to their exercise. they should talk to their exercises the way i did at the top of this briefing r. we have noted and continue to watch increasing naval developments on the russian side as well. all of this activity is what leads to our concern over russian intentions here, which again, as always, remain opaque. david martin, cbs? >> john, you said it's likely [muffled audio]. that come from troops on the eastern flank of europe. from took place already in europe. have any units in europe been given prepare to deploy orders? >> many of the rotational troops are already on a heightened posture, david. i believe that general walters is taking prudent steps to make sure if we need to move forces from inside europe to other places in europe, in allied territory, he is ready to do that. the prepare to deploy orders i spoke about the other day were confined to u.s. domestic units. we are not ruling out the possibility that forces in europe could also be moved in to help bolster the capability of nato allies. some units are already on a heightened state of readiness. i don't know of specific orders that general walters gave to increase the readiness posture of other unit in europe. i go back to a core principle here. we take our nato commitments seriously. we are going to be consulting with allies as we have been in coming days. if there are ways to bolster their capabilities to help their defensive postures, we will take a serious look at that and not all of that has to come or necessarily will come from state side. >> three quick follow-ups. does walters have the ability to put troops on heightened alert without the secretary doing it? he can do that? >> as a commander, of the european command he can move forces around in the theater at his own discretion, yes. you can understand when we are talking about an issue of this importance, this is a constant dialogue been walters and the joint chiefs and the secretary. the secretary can also order posture changes in europe because he is at the top of the chain of command. i know we -- not you but some people go to what can the commander do without permission. there are things he can do, again with the situation like we are talking about today, there is a lot of cross-pollination. >> i wasn't trying to-- >> i know you weren't. >> the f35. could any other nation get the f35? it's my impression that's u.s. property and no one else can salvage that. what is your understanding? >> i am not a lawyer, but it is u.s. property. the navy will make an attempt to recover it. >> finally, one of jen's questions regarding anti-aircraft weapons. in the briefing earlier you said one of the key reasons troops may go to eastern europe to bolster our allies is to dissuade them of adventures. the russian knowing anti-aircraft weapons are aimed at their place would dissuade them from attacking? >> there are lots of things we would like to dissuade them from doing what they are capable of doing. the united states has been nothing but clear about the importance of russia not conducting another incursion into ukraine. the consequences that would come from that. at the same time, we have two other responsibilities that we take seriously. one is to nato and to our article-5 commitments inside the alliance and number 2 is to helping through security assistance. helping the ukrainian armed forces defend themselves. we are just at the beginning of a whole new package of assistance material. there have been 3 shipments. more are coming. we are trying to accelerate them. we won't detail what is in each and every shipment, but there will be both defensive and offensive capabilities inside those shipments. mike? >> yes. john, the nato response force. as an organization who will command it? >> trace: there is john kirby there. he is talking about russian troops amassing on the border of ukraine. they are increasing and talking about the weapons and these assets put inside ukraine to push back the russian troops. new reaction from the pentagon after russia said there is little ground for optimism in negotiations as putin gets closer to an invasion that could happen any time. jennifer griffin just got out of the pentagon briefing room. >> this is the first time we have heard the pentagon press secretary outline which troops and bases were notified of 8500 troops on prepare to deploy orders. not ordered to go yet, but element of the 82nd airborne at fort bragg, they are alerted. the 18th airborne core is always on a tight alert system. they are the ready response force down at fort bragg. at fort campbell kentucky members of the airborne and in colorado they have been notified and bases from arizona to ohio. john kirby outlined those troops. putin knows that the u.s. and nato have ruled out sending troops to ukraine itself to fight russia should it invades. i asked him why it's taking so long to get anti-air craft systems that could challenge the russian air force on the ground in ukraine. that's something that president asked for. >> we shipped 3 packages. there is no 11th hour here, jen. we provided many million dollars worth of capabilities to ukraine. >> russia made a surprise announcement that a squadron of fighter jet completed a 5,000 mile trip across 11 time zones from their base near the sea of japan to belarus. the nato chief said russian air strikes are on the ukraine border. a military exercise that russia uses for cover for the build-up ends on the same day the olympics end. 6 u.s. f-15 jet landed yesterday. today we learned that 4 f-15 fighter jet flew there but not enough to deter putin from going beyond ukraine. >> what the united states is doing is modest. ukrainians are facing the russians alone. >> the steps by nato are intended to insure the allies they have your back. it will defend nato members. >> the u.s. has 80,000 troops based across europe the bulk in germany and 5,000 in poland and the balt ticks. -- balticks. they said the build-up is non-negotiatable. >> trace: let's bring in retired 4 star general jack keane. it's great to see you at times like this. in a moment i will put up this map. you you can tell us the wheres about of russian forces. first your response to the pentagon naming that putting on stand by the 82nd airborne division and other resources at fort campbell. what do you make of the pentagon announcing that today? >> well, i think the troops should be there by now. to be frank about it. we are trying to reassure our allies and make sure that putin gets the message that he is not going to undermine our nato allies in eastern europe. we know he moved units right up to the polish border in paralysed. -- belarus. it's unlikely they will be used in any military operation from ukraine. they are there to intimidate and undermine nato. our troops should have been there a long time ago, trace. just as jen is asking the right questions of admirable kirby about these weapons systems. putin moved his forces in the spring. 80,000 to the border. that should have been a warning. yes, any aircraft missile and anti-drone missiles that have laser capability. anti-ship missiles. these are things they asked for. electronic warfare counter measures, maybe we have provided. i don't know. mortars. these are things we have the time to get there. not in the 11th hour but in time for the troops to train on and in time for us to help them develop the capabilities to it use them properly. if we don't defend and go to war over ukraine, and i support that decision. but if we also make the decision to help to defend them, get after that and do it the american way and give it our best effort and not minimalize it which is what i think we are doing. today . >> trace: tell me what you see of the troop movement. does this mean putin is ready to invade? it's tough for our audiences to see. what is the big take away? >> the take away. he has 4 approaches go into ukraine from the see and 3 land approaches. i don't believe it's imminent. he is still moving troops into these positions. we are still in the diplomatic phase. although it may not turnout well. he won't do anything while that is happening. his co hort has the world stage in the olympics and he won't interfere with that. there is more we should be doing, trace. we have to get after this thing. there is still time for us to help these ukrainians out. >> trace: always great to see you. we just gotten new details about the illegal immigrants cop killer that will make your blood boil. what authorities confirmed about his prior criminal record when the "story" continues. ♪ ♪ just two pills for all day pain relief. aleve it, and see what's possible. and also try alevex topical pain relief. it's your home. and there's no place like wayfair to make the morning chaos, organized chaos. however you make it, make your home a place like no other. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? 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>> i think it is a give me. the issue for the near term: who is the nominee? i would predict there will be something of a struggle inside the democratic party over nominating a down the line progressive. an entirely reliable progress like sotomayor or someone more in the cast of stephen breyer or just keggan. they would have the ability to dialogue with the justices on the conservative side of the court to effect outcomes rather than simply being a disenting vote. i think the progressive legal groups will insist on the down the line progressive vote that will do nothing for their side. >> trace: that's a great point. the "new york times" said justice breyer was mocked for clinging to a romantic vision of the supreme court. i am sure he watched with clear eyes and a heavy heart as politics swamped the institution he loves. maybe the democrats are acknowledging it won't change the balance of the court but they want that person who goes in to be further left than justice breyer. >> i think it's too early to tell that. what you heard from breyer this is about making sure the democracy experiment works. i think joe biden will pick a justice who speaks to that. brown-jackson says the law rules everything and also to whom experience matters. usually supreme court justices are former federal prosecutors. we have not seen defense attorneys at the bench. a different point of view. our courthouse should represent that as well. >> trace: mark? >> as long as the person is qualified. the traditional -- they might even get some republican votes. andrew brown , lindsey graham voted for her. you could get a bipartisan vote. >> trace: that could be i give me for the democrats. thank you all. breaking right now. the illegal immigrant cop killer picked up in mexico for gunning down a texas corporal. listen to what authorities just confirmed moments ago. >> a 25 year fugitive out of harris county has been violent before. it is reported he is wanted for murder in el salvador during the time between his 1996 absconding from probation and the murder of corporal galloway. welcome to al. where everything just seems to go your way. ♪ ♪ you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. you're in good hands with allstate. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i want my daughter riley to know about her ancestors and how important it is to know who you are and to know where you came from. we're discovering together... it's been an amazing gift. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. with the new personalpoints program, i answer questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. download the ww app today for a 14-day free trial. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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good luck with that. we are having an issue playing some of the sound. they go back and forth. the contractor said we are keeping this secret because if this got out it would be a betrayal of the american public. this video was shot in san antonio this morning. a large i.c.e. drop off the of illegal immigrants males at the airport. pull that video up. that was 10 o'clock it morning. single adult migrants were dropped off. 50 in total. they were there with an ngo who took them inside of the airport. i want to show you this video out of brownsville yesterday. single adult males migrants dropped off in brainless. -- brownsville. they just walked across the street to go to a bus terminal where they will travel to go across the country. they have been releasing some with records including assault and duis. i reached out to i.c.e. to ask them about that. they did not deny it. they told me they look at each release on a case by case basis. that agent said that i.c.e. is helping migrants with transit. >> trace: bill, thank you. and the man accused of gunning down a man in texas was in the u.s. illegally. 47-year-old corporal charles galloway was shot and killed during a traffic stop in houston this weekend. the illegal immigrant cop killer arrested yesterday in mexico. casey has more on this live in dallas. >> yes, we keep pealing back the layers of the onion. houston police had a press conference. we learned more about the lengthy criminal wrap sheet for oscar roseales. he was rested in mexico. it was revealed the suspect was already on felony probation relating to a deadly wapon charge in 1995. he is not a u.s. citizen and heat -- he did enter the country illegally. >> no one can speak to the evilness. >> how can a human being do that to another human being? especially someone who is serving? it's just hard to accept. right now justice will be served. >> local news outlets report the man may have been in the country for more than 20 years working as a mechanic. 47-year-old corporal galloway 1 of 25 officerses in houston. houston has had 38 murders in the first few weeks of this year. more than new york city's 20 homicides and 26 there in los angeles. >> trace: a lot of cities in double digits. let's bring in victor. a retired special agent shot by members of a mexican drug cartel with his partner who did not survive. he is running for the texas land commissioner as a republican. this is baffling. an illegal immigrant who was wanted for murder who is now accused of murdering a deputy constable. it's not making news around most of this country. what do you think when you hear these things? >> this is outrageous. first, i want to send my condolences to the officer's family. my family and i have been there with when my partner was killed next to me and i survived being shot three times. this illegal immigrant ambushed this officer. shooting at the window. something we went through in our ambush in mexico. i am not surprised. this is what the biden administration has done to our state of texas and the rest of the country with lawlessness at the border. that's what is happening. no enforcement whatsoever. i came back from 5 days of spending time at the border. there is absolutely no enforcement whatsoever. it has to end. that's why i am running for this important position to seal that border. >> trace: you know a lot about the border. you worked for the federal government down there. victor, i want to get your take on what we saw in bill's report. this video that we saw from august of these male illegal immigrants being let into the country some with criminal records and being transported across the country on airplanes and buses. one officer saying if you knew what was happening here, there would be a big to do because it's a betrayal of the american public. but there is no big to-do. we heard hardly a peep. >> i have said it loud and clear for a long time. i saw bill down there when i was at the border. i witnessed these individuals. single adult males board commercial airplanes without any identification. you heard not so long ago, they are using warrants which is just the paper work that the border patrol gives them to get into this country. i challenged tsa officials at the airport and say how do you allow these people from africa in front of me get on the plane with no identification? if i tried to do the same thing, i could not do it if. if you are illegally come into the country the rules don't apply to you. we are losing police officers lives and lost another one in mesquite, texas, a couple of months ago at the hands of another illegal immigrant. i don't want more crimes against our u.s. citizens. we have a crime surge in our country already. the first i think that i will do as the texas land commissioner i will do infrastructure and a border role to disrupt this madness. >> trace: we still have to take our shoes off at the airport but they let illegal immigrants on to planes with arrest warrants as identification. i want to put this up on the screen. from the southern border, fiscal year 2021: that is astounding. victor, thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> trace: and this is 8-year-old melissa ortega. her family moved from chicago to mexico to build the american dream. on saturday around this time as bullets went flying she was killed. >> our investigation determined that three reported gang members were standing on the cornerr of 26th and moments later an individual emerged and fired a handgun. melissa and her mother were crossing the street and she was shot in the head. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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[a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ >> a girl shot and killed in chicago where her family hoped to find the american dream. she was walking hand in hand with her mother saturday afternoon when she was shot in the head by bullets intended for a gang member. live in chicago with more on this. >> trace that, beautiful 8-year-old girl had her entire life in front of her. she is her mom moved to the u.s. from mexico back in august in hopes of a better life. melissa was looking forward to learning english and playing in the snow. on saturday afternoons she was looking forward to getting a hamburger with her mom from mcdonald's. instead gunfire broke out. a 16-year-old unleashed bullets to shoot a group of rival gang members on the street corner. the mom started running with her daughter and felt her 8-year-old go limp. melissa was shot twice in the side of her head. the family's pastor shared a statement from the mom saying no parent should have to bury their child. the community, city and state all failed her daughter. >> i love my greatest treasure in life. i lost my princess. she was the reason why i got up every morning. everything i did, i did for her. we were filled with dreams and had high asperations. we imagined a better life here. we came in search of the american dream which hear of but instead i live a nightmare for the rest of my life. >> the gunman and driver are charged with murder. and will be tried as adults. after the shooting that sent one other person to the hospital. the suspects drove around to buy drinks and sandwiches without a care in the world. a go fund me raised $80,000 to pay for the funeral and take her body back to mexico. >> trace: thank you. chicago community activist for parents for peace and justice. lost her 23-year-old son in october of 2011. shot and killed at a birthday party in chicago by a mass gunman. years later his case remains unsolved. elizabeth, thanks for coming on. i want to play more of the pastor and we will get your response on the other side. watch. >> to the aggressor i forgive you. you are a victim too. as a 16-year-old, the community failed you. just like it failed my precious baby. although i do hope that in the many years you spend prison, you get time to reflect on your action because you took away the most valuable thing i had in my life. my princess. >> trace: that's heart breaking. i want to know you as a mom whose son was killed how do you go forward and fight for yourself and comfort these other moms? >> well, by me helping other mothers, it it made me be stronger. i knew there were other mothers seeking for justice. they lost a child to this madness in our city in chicago. it's heart breaking because it opens your wounds back up when you meet another mother that is going through the same thing you went through. you comfort them. they are not by themselves. there is somebody that knows that pain that is willing to help you in any way i could help them. >> trace: mrs. ramirez, i look at the numbers. last year there were 21 children under the age 18 killed in chicago. names like melissa and jasmine, savannah. michael. you see these names. but they are not national names because there are no black lives matter protests. there is no outrage in the street. why is that in chicago? >> you know what? that's the same question i ask myself: why? why don't we have that also for the children that have been killed? i am working with a mother who lost her 4-year-old while he was getting a haircut. a bullet came in the window and shot him. he was only 4 years old. to me one is too many. our children deserve to live in a better city. a lot of children are getting shot for no reason. it's heart breaking. >> trace: it is. oh elizabeth, thanks for coming on. you are doing great work there. i am sure the community appreciates your work. thanks for coming on. >> thank you. god bless you. >> trace: next to the crime crisis in new york where a final salute is underway for a fallen hero. the 22-year-old jason rivera gunned down in the line of duty. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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John Roberts , Story , Trace Gallagher In For Martha , Trace Gallagher , Martha Maccallum , 4 , U S , John Kirby , Ukraine , Russia , Demand , Press Briefing , Tensions , Update , Moscow , Build Up , Region , Pentagon , Measures , Threats , Stuff , Forces , Alert , Force Protection , Changes , Terms , Mckenzie , Forward , Judgment , Chain Of Command , Defenses , Podium , Crash , Luis Martinez , F 35 , Air Craft Carrier , 35 , Anything , Concerns , China Don T , It , Hands , Nations , Plane , Waters , Top , Navy , Statement , Word , Air Craft , Recovery , Families , Hearts , Recovery Efforts , Respect , Value , Touchlite Recov Recovery , War Ships In The Black Sea , Effort , Safety , Security , Mind , 24 , Part , Concern , Troop , Action , Power , Accumulation , Straits , Russian Military , Side , Borders , Mediterranean , Black Sea , Atlantic , Way , Briefing , Exercise , Developments , Wall , Activity , Intentions , David Martin , Cbs , Troops , Orders , Place , Units , Inside Europe , Muffled Audio , Flank , Posture , Many , Steps , Places , Territory , Prepare , Allied , Domestic Units , Capability , Possibility , Nato , Estate , Readiness , Commitments , Unit , Consulting , Readiness Posture , Core Principle , Capabilities , Look , Ways , Postures , Ability , State Side , Ups , Three , Secretary , Commander , Command , Theater , European , Issue , Importance , Dialogue , Yes , Chiefs , Discretion , Walters , People , Permission , Things , Lot , Cross Pollination , Situation , Property , Nation , Weren T , Impression , No One Else , One , Questions , Attempt , Understanding , Lawyer , Jen , Eastern Europe , Reasons , Anti Aircraft Weapons , Weapons , Attacking , Adventures , Doing , Nothing , Lots , Incursion , Consequences , Number , Responsibilities , Alliance , Two , 5 , 2 , Security Assistance , Package , Ukrainian Armed Forces , Assistance Material , More , Shipments , Shipment , 3 , Trace , Nato Response Force , Organization , Mike , Border , There , Assets , Reaction , Invasion , Ground , Negotiations , Optimism , Bases , Time , Outline , Briefing Room , Pentagon Press Secretary , Jennifer Griffin , 8500 , Element , 82nd Airborne , 82 , Response Force , Alert System , 18th Airborne Core , Fort Bragg , At Fort Campbell , Kentucky , 18 , Putin , Members , Have , Arizona , Ohio , Colorado , Craft Systems , Air Force , Something , President , Packages , Squadron , Surprise Announcement , 11 , Belarus , Fighter Jet , Base , Chief , Air Strikes , Sea Of Japan , 5000 , Cover , Ukraine Border , Military Exercise , Jet , 6 , 15 , Ukrainians , Russians , Back , 80000 , Bulk , Ticks , Balt , Germany , Poland , Jack Keane , Balticks , Times , Response , Map , Wheres , Stand , Resources , Fort Campbell , Message , Military Operation , Kirby , Weapons Systems , Warning , Missile , Aircraft , Spring , Missiles , Laser Capability , Counter Measures , I Don T Know , Electronic Warfare , Mortars , 11th Hour , Decision , War Over Ukraine , Troop Movement , Land Approaches , Approaches , Audiences , Positions , Phase , Turnout , Thing , Olympics , Co Hort Has The World Stage , Details , Cop Killer , Immigrants , Record , Authorities , Blood Boil , Pain Relief , Alevex Topical Pain Relief , Pills , Aleve , Home , Wayfair , Organized Chaos , Morning Chaos , No Other , Veterans , No One , The American Dream , Homeownership , Line , Newday , Purchase Loans , Down Payment , Payments , Rates , Newday100 Loan , Twos , 60000 , 615 , 0000 , Bank , Lender , Newday Usa , Reason , Weight , Insulin Resistance , Most , Control Stress , Golo , Starvation , They Don T Work , Eating , Sugar Cravings , Life , Stephen Breyer , G O L Com , Justice , Democrats , Majority , November , Retirement Setting , Supreme Court , Battle , Speed , Mid Terms , Senate , Person , Someone , Character , Qualifications , Biden Pledgeing , Experience , Integrity , Woman , Dan , Opinion , Wall Street Journal , Press Conference , Contributors , Gentlemen , Fox News , Liberal , Constitution , Successor , Mark , Copy , Bottom Line , Balance Of Power , Joe Biden , Courthouse , Makeup , Supreme Court Justice , Donald Trump , Fight , Republicans , Another , 1 , Level , 40 , Everything , Disaster , Nominee , Smear Campaign , Crisis , Inflation , Withdrawal , Second , Afghan , Point , Brett Kavanaugh , Somebody , Give , Radio Show , Joe Manchin , Term , Progress , Struggle , Sotomayor , Down The Line Progressive , Justices , Cast , Just Keggan , Court , Vote , Groups , Outcomes , Down The Line , Disenting , Progressive Vote , New York Times , Clinging , Romantic Vision Of The Supreme Court , Heart , Politics , Balance , Institution , Eyes , Democracy Experiment Works , Law , Andrew Brown , Jackson , Experience Matters , Defense Attorneys , Bench , Prosecutors , Point Of View , Lindsey Graham , Votes , Immigrant , Mexico , Texas , Corporal , Murder , Fugitive , Harris County , El Salvador , 25 , Corporal Galloway , Probation , Absconding , Al , 1996 , Allstate , Auto Rate , Experts , Windshield , Car , Vo , Music Vo , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Daughter , Service , Singers , Ancestors , Technology , Safelite Repair , Personalpoints Program , Foods , Goals , Gift , 26 , Policy , Ww , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Trial , Ww Personalpoints Plan , 14 , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Retirement , Worth , Income , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 100000 , 00000 , Screen , Insurance , Coventry , Greg Abbott , Policies , Meeting , Airport , Migrants , New York , States , Attorney Generals , Government Contractor , Police Officers Body Cam , Secret , Operation , Video , Bill , Everybody , Inaudible , La Jolla , Government , Jaw Dropping , Transparency , Country , Police Officer , Government Priority Charter Plane , West Chester County , Tarmac , Contractor , Some , Forth , Luck , The Sound , Betrayal , Public , San Antonio , Ice , Adult , Drop , 50 , 10 , Ngo , Brownsville , Bus Terminal , Street , Brainless , Records , Assault , Duis , Agent , Release , Case By Basis , Man , Transit , Houston , Traffic Stop , 47 , Police , Onion , Casey , Layers , Live In Dallas , Criminal Wrap Sheet , Oscar Roseales , Suspect , Felony Probation , Deadly Wapon Charge , Citizen , Heat , 1995 , Human Being , Evilness , News Outlets , 20 , Murders , 38 , Special Agent , Cities , Homicides , Digits , Victor , Retired , Los Angeles , Partner , Texas Land Commissioner , Mexican Drug Cartel , News , Deputy Constable , Family , Officer , First , Condolences , Shooting , Window , Ambush , Enforcement , Administration , Rest , Lawlessness , Position , Report , Airplanes , Big , Buses , Individuals , Peep , Work , Warrants , Identification , Paper , Border Patrol , Officials , Front , Africa , Tsa , Police Officers , Lives , Rules Don T , Couple , Mesquite , Crime Surge , Crimes , Infrastructure , Citizens , Madness , Shoes , Planes , Arrest Warrants , Border Role , Fiscal Year , 2021 , Thanks , Melissa Ortega , Chicago , 8 , Bullets , Gang Members , Investigation , Cornerr Of 26th , Individual , Handgun , Mother , Symptoms , Head , Cosentyx , The Street , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tuberculosis , Risk , Doctor , Reactions , Infections , Infection , Crohn S Disease , Vaccine , Rheumatologist , Isn T , Limu , Whistles , Doug , Limu Emu , Sec , Liberty , Pay , Vulture Squawks , Liberty A Girl Shot , Hand In , Mom , Gang Member , Old Girl , Hopes , Snow , Playing , Hamburger , On Saturday Afternoons , English , Rival Gang Members , Group , Street Corner , Gunfire , Mcdonald S , 16 , Child , Pastor , Go Limp , Parent , Community , City , Princess , Treasure , Dreams , Asperations , Nightmare , Adults , Gunman , Driver , The Rest Of My Life , World , Care , Suspects , Drinks , Hospital , Sandwiches , Funeral , Go Fund , Son , Community Activist , Body , Peace , Parents , October Of 2011 , 2011 , 23 , Case , Birthday Party , Oh Elizabeth , A Mass Gunman , Victim , Watch , Aggressor , In My Life , Hope , Baby , Prison , Heart Breaking , Mothers , Moms , Wounds , Pain , Children , Names , Numbers , Mrs , Jasmine , Ramirez , 21 , Protests , Outrage , Savannah , Michael , Bullet , Question , Haircut , Jason Rivera , Salute , Crime Crisis , Hero , Duty , God Bless You , 22 , Homeowners , Newday 100 Va Loan , Boost , Call , 100 , Peace Of Mind , Home Loan , Savings , Va , Average , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Death , Stroke , Events , 7 , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Pens , Reuse , Share , Needles , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Side Effects , Help , Stomach Pain , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Swelling , Neck , Vision Problems , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Insulin , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Health Care Provider , Vomiting , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Prescription , Music , Advisor , Plan , Memories , Cooking , Kitchen , Northwestern Mutual , Where , Cathedral , Ne York , Patrick , Fifth Avenue , Officers , Streets , Protocol , Rivera , Tribute , Woma , Shot , Dispute , The Sun Opened Fire , Police Benevolent Association , Pictures , St Patrick S Cathedral , Have Lost , Tommy , Media , Kind , Information , Dories , Idea , Cops , Narrative , It Doesn T , O , Thoughts , Funerals , Brothers , Sisters , Enemy , Doesn T , Guys , Criminals , Backs , Cruisers , Polic , Respecting , Vigil , Tires , Mora , Six , Ones , Fault , Community Safe , Phrase , Community Face , Crime , Shootings , Upgrade Felony Assaults , Robberies , 33 , Last , Epidemic , Job , Every Single Day , Nypd , Grades , Stor , Server Surface , Rivera At St , Patrick S Cathedral , January 27 2022 , 27 , Ice Official , W , 2022 , 00 , Surface , Hav , Homeland Security , Border Agents , Fox The Mass , Acting , Timing O , Tension , Dhs , Stil , Aid ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

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we don't talk about specific force protection. i will let you know that the u.s. forces there in remain at a heightened straight of alert. that's as far as i will go. as for any changes going forward, we will rely on the good judgment of general mckenzie and his chain of command in terms of specific changes they need to make in terms of defenses. we don't detail that from the podium. luis martinez? >> john, earlier this week there was a crash of an f-35 air craft carrier. are they trying to recover it? anything new on that? you can address any concerns about trying to protect the waters where this plane may have fallen into so other nations like china don't get their hands on it? >> you have probably seen the navy's statement. they intend to attempt to recover the air craft. i want to say right off the top that we have received word that those who were injured are doing better and we are absolutely delighted to hear that and continue to hope for a speedy and safe recovery for them and our hearts go out to their families right now. i won't speak to specific recovery efforts by the navy. they are far better to do that than i am. but, we are mindful of the value of an f35 in every respect of what value means. as we continue to touchlite recov recovery -- continue to attempt recovery we will keep it with safety in mind and our national security effort. >> russia deployed 24 war ships in the black sea. do you consider this to be a part of the troop build-up you criticized and does the u.s. have any concern about destabiliing action in the region? >> i don't have anything specific on the straits, but we continue to see an accumulation of russian military power again around and along side the borders with ukraine and belarus and i mentioned this other the day the naval power in the mediterranean and in the atlantic and clearly the black sea. i can't speak to their exercise. they should talk to their exercises the way i did at the top of this briefing r. we have noted and continue to watch increasing naval developments on the russian side as well. all of this activity is what leads to our concern over russian intentions here, which again, as always, remain opaque. david martin, cbs? >> john, you said it's likely [muffled audio]. that come from troops on the eastern flank of europe. from took place already in europe. have any units in europe been given prepare to deploy orders? >> many of the rotational troops are already on a heightened posture, david. i believe that general walters is taking prudent steps to make sure if we need to move forces from inside europe to other places in europe, in allied territory, he is ready to do that. the prepare to deploy orders i spoke about the other day were confined to u.s. domestic units. we are not ruling out the possibility that forces in europe could also be moved in to help bolster the capability of nato allies. some units are already on a heightened state of readiness. i don't know of specific orders that general walters gave to increase the readiness posture of other unit in europe. i go back to a core principle here. we take our nato commitments seriously. we are going to be consulting with allies as we have been in coming days. if there are ways to bolster their capabilities to help their defensive postures, we will take a serious look at that and not all of that has to come or necessarily will come from state side. >> three quick follow-ups. does walters have the ability to put troops on heightened alert without the secretary doing it? he can do that? >> as a commander, of the european command he can move forces around in the theater at his own discretion, yes. you can understand when we are talking about an issue of this importance, this is a constant dialogue been walters and the joint chiefs and the secretary. the secretary can also order posture changes in europe because he is at the top of the chain of command. i know we -- not you but some people go to what can the commander do without permission. there are things he can do, again with the situation like we are talking about today, there is a lot of cross-pollination. >> i wasn't trying to-- >> i know you weren't. >> the f35. could any other nation get the f35? it's my impression that's u.s. property and no one else can salvage that. what is your understanding? >> i am not a lawyer, but it is u.s. property. the navy will make an attempt to recover it. >> finally, one of jen's questions regarding anti-aircraft weapons. in the briefing earlier you said one of the key reasons troops may go to eastern europe to bolster our allies is to dissuade them of adventures. the russian knowing anti-aircraft weapons are aimed at their place would dissuade them from attacking? >> there are lots of things we would like to dissuade them from doing what they are capable of doing. the united states has been nothing but clear about the importance of russia not conducting another incursion into ukraine. the consequences that would come from that. at the same time, we have two other responsibilities that we take seriously. one is to nato and to our article-5 commitments inside the alliance and number 2 is to helping through security assistance. helping the ukrainian armed forces defend themselves. we are just at the beginning of a whole new package of assistance material. there have been 3 shipments. more are coming. we are trying to accelerate them. we won't detail what is in each and every shipment, but there will be both defensive and offensive capabilities inside those shipments. mike? >> yes. john, the nato response force. as an organization who will command it? >> trace: there is john kirby there. he is talking about russian troops amassing on the border of ukraine. they are increasing and talking about the weapons and these assets put inside ukraine to push back the russian troops. new reaction from the pentagon after russia said there is little ground for optimism in negotiations as putin gets closer to an invasion that could happen any time. jennifer griffin just got out of the pentagon briefing room. >> this is the first time we have heard the pentagon press secretary outline which troops and bases were notified of 8500 troops on prepare to deploy orders. not ordered to go yet, but element of the 82nd airborne at fort bragg, they are alerted. the 18th airborne core is always on a tight alert system. they are the ready response force down at fort bragg. at fort campbell kentucky members of the airborne and in colorado they have been notified and bases from arizona to ohio. john kirby outlined those troops. putin knows that the u.s. and nato have ruled out sending troops to ukraine itself to fight russia should it invades. i asked him why it's taking so long to get anti-air craft systems that could challenge the russian air force on the ground in ukraine. that's something that president asked for. >> we shipped 3 packages. there is no 11th hour here, jen. we provided many million dollars worth of capabilities to ukraine. >> russia made a surprise announcement that a squadron of fighter jet completed a 5,000 mile trip across 11 time zones from their base near the sea of japan to belarus. the nato chief said russian air strikes are on the ukraine border. a military exercise that russia uses for cover for the build-up ends on the same day the olympics end. 6 u.s. f-15 jet landed yesterday. today we learned that 4 f-15 fighter jet flew there but not enough to deter putin from going beyond ukraine. >> what the united states is doing is modest. ukrainians are facing the russians alone. >> the steps by nato are intended to insure the allies they have your back. it will defend nato members. >> the u.s. has 80,000 troops based across europe the bulk in germany and 5,000 in poland and the balt ticks. -- balticks. they said the build-up is non-negotiatable. >> trace: let's bring in retired 4 star general jack keane. it's great to see you at times like this. in a moment i will put up this map. you you can tell us the wheres about of russian forces. first your response to the pentagon naming that putting on stand by the 82nd airborne division and other resources at fort campbell. what do you make of the pentagon announcing that today? >> well, i think the troops should be there by now. to be frank about it. we are trying to reassure our allies and make sure that putin gets the message that he is not going to undermine our nato allies in eastern europe. we know he moved units right up to the polish border in paralysed. -- belarus. it's unlikely they will be used in any military operation from ukraine. they are there to intimidate and undermine nato. our troops should have been there a long time ago, trace. just as jen is asking the right questions of admirable kirby about these weapons systems. putin moved his forces in the spring. 80,000 to the border. that should have been a warning. yes, any aircraft missile and anti-drone missiles that have laser capability. anti-ship missiles. these are things they asked for. electronic warfare counter measures, maybe we have provided. i don't know. mortars. these are things we have the time to get there. not in the 11th hour but in time for the troops to train on and in time for us to help them develop the capabilities to it use them properly. if we don't defend and go to war over ukraine, and i support that decision. but if we also make the decision to help to defend them, get after that and do it the american way and give it our best effort and not minimalize it which is what i think we are doing. today . >> trace: tell me what you see of the troop movement. does this mean putin is ready to invade? it's tough for our audiences to see. what is the big take away? >> the take away. he has 4 approaches go into ukraine from the see and 3 land approaches. i don't believe it's imminent. he is still moving troops into these positions. we are still in the diplomatic phase. although it may not turnout well. he won't do anything while that is happening. his co hort has the world stage in the olympics and he won't interfere with that. there is more we should be doing, trace. we have to get after this thing. there is still time for us to help these ukrainians out. >> trace: always great to see you. we just gotten new details about the illegal immigrants cop killer that will make your blood boil. what authorities confirmed about his prior criminal record when the "story" continues. ♪ ♪ just two pills for all day pain relief. aleve it, and see what's possible. and also try alevex topical pain relief. it's your home. and there's no place like wayfair to make the morning chaos, organized chaos. however you make it, make your home a place like no other. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? 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>> i think it is a give me. the issue for the near term: who is the nominee? i would predict there will be something of a struggle inside the democratic party over nominating a down the line progressive. an entirely reliable progress like sotomayor or someone more in the cast of stephen breyer or just keggan. they would have the ability to dialogue with the justices on the conservative side of the court to effect outcomes rather than simply being a disenting vote. i think the progressive legal groups will insist on the down the line progressive vote that will do nothing for their side. >> trace: that's a great point. the "new york times" said justice breyer was mocked for clinging to a romantic vision of the supreme court. i am sure he watched with clear eyes and a heavy heart as politics swamped the institution he loves. maybe the democrats are acknowledging it won't change the balance of the court but they want that person who goes in to be further left than justice breyer. >> i think it's too early to tell that. what you heard from breyer this is about making sure the democracy experiment works. i think joe biden will pick a justice who speaks to that. brown-jackson says the law rules everything and also to whom experience matters. usually supreme court justices are former federal prosecutors. we have not seen defense attorneys at the bench. a different point of view. our courthouse should represent that as well. >> trace: mark? >> as long as the person is qualified. the traditional -- they might even get some republican votes. andrew brown , lindsey graham voted for her. you could get a bipartisan vote. >> trace: that could be i give me for the democrats. thank you all. breaking right now. the illegal immigrant cop killer picked up in mexico for gunning down a texas corporal. listen to what authorities just confirmed moments ago. >> a 25 year fugitive out of harris county has been violent before. it is reported he is wanted for murder in el salvador during the time between his 1996 absconding from probation and the murder of corporal galloway. welcome to al. where everything just seems to go your way. ♪ ♪ you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. you're in good hands with allstate. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i want my daughter riley to know about her ancestors and how important it is to know who you are and to know where you came from. we're discovering together... it's been an amazing gift. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. with the new personalpoints program, i answer questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. download the ww app today for a 14-day free trial. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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good luck with that. we are having an issue playing some of the sound. they go back and forth. the contractor said we are keeping this secret because if this got out it would be a betrayal of the american public. this video was shot in san antonio this morning. a large i.c.e. drop off the of illegal immigrants males at the airport. pull that video up. that was 10 o'clock it morning. single adult migrants were dropped off. 50 in total. they were there with an ngo who took them inside of the airport. i want to show you this video out of brownsville yesterday. single adult males migrants dropped off in brainless. -- brownsville. they just walked across the street to go to a bus terminal where they will travel to go across the country. they have been releasing some with records including assault and duis. i reached out to i.c.e. to ask them about that. they did not deny it. they told me they look at each release on a case by case basis. that agent said that i.c.e. is helping migrants with transit. >> trace: bill, thank you. and the man accused of gunning down a man in texas was in the u.s. illegally. 47-year-old corporal charles galloway was shot and killed during a traffic stop in houston this weekend. the illegal immigrant cop killer arrested yesterday in mexico. casey has more on this live in dallas. >> yes, we keep pealing back the layers of the onion. houston police had a press conference. we learned more about the lengthy criminal wrap sheet for oscar roseales. he was rested in mexico. it was revealed the suspect was already on felony probation relating to a deadly wapon charge in 1995. he is not a u.s. citizen and heat -- he did enter the country illegally. >> no one can speak to the evilness. >> how can a human being do that to another human being? especially someone who is serving? it's just hard to accept. right now justice will be served. >> local news outlets report the man may have been in the country for more than 20 years working as a mechanic. 47-year-old corporal galloway 1 of 25 officerses in houston. houston has had 38 murders in the first few weeks of this year. more than new york city's 20 homicides and 26 there in los angeles. >> trace: a lot of cities in double digits. let's bring in victor. a retired special agent shot by members of a mexican drug cartel with his partner who did not survive. he is running for the texas land commissioner as a republican. this is baffling. an illegal immigrant who was wanted for murder who is now accused of murdering a deputy constable. it's not making news around most of this country. what do you think when you hear these things? >> this is outrageous. first, i want to send my condolences to the officer's family. my family and i have been there with when my partner was killed next to me and i survived being shot three times. this illegal immigrant ambushed this officer. shooting at the window. something we went through in our ambush in mexico. i am not surprised. this is what the biden administration has done to our state of texas and the rest of the country with lawlessness at the border. that's what is happening. no enforcement whatsoever. i came back from 5 days of spending time at the border. there is absolutely no enforcement whatsoever. it has to end. that's why i am running for this important position to seal that border. >> trace: you know a lot about the border. you worked for the federal government down there. victor, i want to get your take on what we saw in bill's report. this video that we saw from august of these male illegal immigrants being let into the country some with criminal records and being transported across the country on airplanes and buses. one officer saying if you knew what was happening here, there would be a big to do because it's a betrayal of the american public. but there is no big to-do. we heard hardly a peep. >> i have said it loud and clear for a long time. i saw bill down there when i was at the border. i witnessed these individuals. single adult males board commercial airplanes without any identification. you heard not so long ago, they are using warrants which is just the paper work that the border patrol gives them to get into this country. i challenged tsa officials at the airport and say how do you allow these people from africa in front of me get on the plane with no identification? if i tried to do the same thing, i could not do it if. if you are illegally come into the country the rules don't apply to you. we are losing police officers lives and lost another one in mesquite, texas, a couple of months ago at the hands of another illegal immigrant. i don't want more crimes against our u.s. citizens. we have a crime surge in our country already. the first i think that i will do as the texas land commissioner i will do infrastructure and a border role to disrupt this madness. >> trace: we still have to take our shoes off at the airport but they let illegal immigrants on to planes with arrest warrants as identification. i want to put this up on the screen. from the southern border, fiscal year 2021: that is astounding. victor, thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> trace: and this is 8-year-old melissa ortega. her family moved from chicago to mexico to build the american dream. on saturday around this time as bullets went flying she was killed. >> our investigation determined that three reported gang members were standing on the cornerr of 26th and moments later an individual emerged and fired a handgun. melissa and her mother were crossing the street and she was shot in the head. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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[a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ >> a girl shot and killed in chicago where her family hoped to find the american dream. she was walking hand in hand with her mother saturday afternoon when she was shot in the head by bullets intended for a gang member. live in chicago with more on this. >> trace that, beautiful 8-year-old girl had her entire life in front of her. she is her mom moved to the u.s. from mexico back in august in hopes of a better life. melissa was looking forward to learning english and playing in the snow. on saturday afternoons she was looking forward to getting a hamburger with her mom from mcdonald's. instead gunfire broke out. a 16-year-old unleashed bullets to shoot a group of rival gang members on the street corner. the mom started running with her daughter and felt her 8-year-old go limp. melissa was shot twice in the side of her head. the family's pastor shared a statement from the mom saying no parent should have to bury their child. the community, city and state all failed her daughter. >> i love my greatest treasure in life. i lost my princess. she was the reason why i got up every morning. everything i did, i did for her. we were filled with dreams and had high asperations. we imagined a better life here. we came in search of the american dream which hear of but instead i live a nightmare for the rest of my life. >> the gunman and driver are charged with murder. and will be tried as adults. after the shooting that sent one other person to the hospital. the suspects drove around to buy drinks and sandwiches without a care in the world. a go fund me raised $80,000 to pay for the funeral and take her body back to mexico. >> trace: thank you. chicago community activist for parents for peace and justice. lost her 23-year-old son in october of 2011. shot and killed at a birthday party in chicago by a mass gunman. years later his case remains unsolved. elizabeth, thanks for coming on. i want to play more of the pastor and we will get your response on the other side. watch. >> to the aggressor i forgive you. you are a victim too. as a 16-year-old, the community failed you. just like it failed my precious baby. although i do hope that in the many years you spend prison, you get time to reflect on your action because you took away the most valuable thing i had in my life. my princess. >> trace: that's heart breaking. i want to know you as a mom whose son was killed how do you go forward and fight for yourself and comfort these other moms? >> well, by me helping other mothers, it it made me be stronger. i knew there were other mothers seeking for justice. they lost a child to this madness in our city in chicago. it's heart breaking because it opens your wounds back up when you meet another mother that is going through the same thing you went through. you comfort them. they are not by themselves. there is somebody that knows that pain that is willing to help you in any way i could help them. >> trace: mrs. ramirez, i look at the numbers. last year there were 21 children under the age 18 killed in chicago. names like melissa and jasmine, savannah. michael. you see these names. but they are not national names because there are no black lives matter protests. there is no outrage in the street. why is that in chicago? >> you know what? that's the same question i ask myself: why? why don't we have that also for the children that have been killed? i am working with a mother who lost her 4-year-old while he was getting a haircut. a bullet came in the window and shot him. he was only 4 years old. to me one is too many. our children deserve to live in a better city. a lot of children are getting shot for no reason. it's heart breaking. >> trace: it is. oh elizabeth, thanks for coming on. you are doing great work there. i am sure the community appreciates your work. thanks for coming on. >> thank you. god bless you. >> trace: next to the crime crisis in new york where a final salute is underway for a fallen hero. the 22-year-old jason rivera gunned down in the line of duty. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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[upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music throughout] some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ >> as we look at st. patrick's cathedral on fifth avenue in ne york where final salute is underway for 20 two-year-old police officer jason rivera gunned down as he responded protocol for help her to fellow officers found lining the streets to pay tribute. rivera's partner also killed in that shooting last week. they were responding to a domestic dispute between a woma and her son when the sun opened fire. the third officer shot and killed the gunman. let's bring in the president of the police benevolent association. tommy, you look at that, the pictures right there live at st patrick's cathedral and the officers kind of lining the streets. it is one of those things where you think we have seen this too many times already this year, w have lost police officer is great when i googled for more information you know what comes up? dories about officers shooting other people. it gives you an idea of the media bias and kind of solidifies this narrative that cops are the enemy. your thoughts? >> thank you for having me. looking at this, it never gets easy. it doesn't matter how many funerals we have and how many o our brothers and sisters we hav to bury. as you said, when is it going t stop? when did we become the bad guys? it just doesn't make any sense to me. we are out there risking our lives for the community and whe people turn their backs on us and make us worse than the criminals, it just doesn't make sense to me. >> you know what really kind of struck me, it's not a violent thing, but it's a respecting. during a vigil this week for officers rivera and mora who were shot and killed, six polic cruisers had their tires slashe here it you think what is happening here? >> they're is no respect out there. this is something that has been building up for years. when elected officials, and the media have a narrative and they put that forward, at the end of the day, they made us the bad guys. everything became about the police officers and made everything our fault. that's not going to work out at the end of the day because wher the only ones out there willing to risk our lives to keep our community safe. >> and that is the key phrase right there, keeping your community face. want to put these numbers up, i 2021 in new york and across the country was a horrific year whe it comes to crime carried look at new york city crime surge right now. this is this year. shootings are up 24 percent, robberies, 33 percent upgrade felony assaults, 12 percent. i mean this is becoming a growing epidemic. >> what kind of world we live in ? when is this going to end. we are losing our children as the last in there. we are losing our children. we need our community to come out the way they are supporting officer rivera and the nypd. we need them to continue to support us every single day and we need our elected officials t do their job and back us up. >> thank you for coming on. we very much appreciate it. you can see there is a server surface now for officer rivera at st. patrick's cathedral. we will continue to follow that as well grades that is the stor of said january 27, 2022, but w will see you back here tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. eastern time, your world right now. ♪ >> life at the southern border in texas. in ice official coming forward and telling fox the mass releases of migrants just scratched the surface. border agents reportedly leadin homeland security secretary hav it. we are going to be talking to the former acting dhs secretary about all of that and just a moment. first this. ♪ >> russian tension spiking the pentagon defending the timing o its aid to ukraine that is stil coming

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