Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708

moment. we will talk to tom homan about that. >> sandra: alert to a city in mourning. a wake is underway for one of the two new york city police officers murdered in an ambush last weekend. and funerals for both officers are scheduled in the coming days. hello, sandra smith in new york. great to have you here. >> it's great to be with you, i'm in for john roberts, a solemn site. fellow officers carrying the casket of 22-year-old jason rivera into st. patrick's cathedral this morning. he and his partner were ambushed inside an apartment last week after responding to a mother's call for help. as funeral services get underway, attention now turning to manhattan's far left d.a. and the soft on crime policies. now alvin bragg says he will attack gun violence at every angle. >> deadly and dangerous start for the nation's police officers. 24 have been shot and four killed since just january 1st. >> brian will kick things off outside st. patrick's cathedral. is the public allowed inside? >> griff and sandra, yes, the general public is allowed inside of st. patrick's cathedral to pay their respects to officer jason rivera. they are allowed in up to 8:00 p.m. tonight. they are encouraged, actually, to come here to show really a sign of unity for the city of new york, a procession of nypd vehicles led the hearse carrying the body of jason rivera from the bronx to the cathedral. along the way, firefighters stopped, got out of their truck on the highway to salute rivera, bagpipes played as some 200 nypd officers saluted rivera's nypd -- [bagpipes playing] >> the bagpipes are playing as some 200 officers saluted his flag draped casket, 27-year-old partner wilbert mohammed morsi -- wilbert mora, and he was married in october, encouraged young students from his high school to work hard. he is described as a passionate, positive and consistent person. the rookie cop said he became an officer, he wanted to better the relationship between the community and the police, but look, that relationship, griff, continues to be strained here. last night, six police vehicles outside of the 32nd precinct, honoring both officer slained at a vigil, six vehicles had their tires slashed, just gives you a sense of the work that still needs to be done there. rivera's funeral will be held tomorrow. griff. >> on that point, what can you tell us about the renewed focus by the city to combat gun violence surging there and really nationwide? >> well, look, governor kathy hoe -- hochul has the interstate task force, illegal guns are moving from the southern states to new york. yesterday, 23-year-old was indicted in the bronx for trafficking and selling 73 illegal guns, including semi-automatic weapons, he allegedly brought from tennessee. manhattan's controversial district attorney alvin bragg is being criticized for being soft on crime. appointed a new gun violence prosecutor and promised to prosecute gun crimes, including possession. the governor issued a warning saying she's prepared to step in if bragg's progressive policies don't work. said "there are options and that she's going to be monitoring the situation". the two will reportedly be meeting tomorrow, griff. >> brian outside of st. patrick's cathedral for us, brian, thank you very much. you know, sandra, it's fascinating as we cover day in and day out the violence spiralling out of control across the country. seems all eyes are on things happening in your city there in new york and what the solution will become. >> sandra: a heartbreaking scene as the casket was brought up the steps there at st. patrick's cathedral here in new york city. and puts bragg on notice, saying she's got options if she believes and finds out she believes alvin bragg is making the city less safe. it's not a good place to be right now, residents don't feel safe walking the streets, she has to do something about it. >> and we have coming up very soon, you are going to talk to joe who is the founder of blue lives matter there in new york. we'll see what he has to say, stay tuned. >> sandra: a lot to say on that. tensions between russia and the ukraine as invasion looms. moscow ramping up the military presence. war planes, fighter jets and warships practicing training and war games. tom cotton, a member of the armed forces and intel committee. do you believe this invasion is imminent? reports almost hourly, of russia building up, on the belarus border. is this attack about to happen? >> sandra, before i get to ukraine, i want to express on behalf of all us in kansas, the condolences to the families of the slain officers in new york and nypd. heartbreaking thing. as for ukraine, i do believe that russia now has the troops assembled not only on its border with ukraine but into belarus and the naval and marine forces in the black sea that it could invade imminently. it may want to wait longer, to get hospital units and medi-vac units, perhaps vladimir putin wants to wait a couple more weeks to not to upstage the beijing olympics, but i believe russia has the troop numbers assembled and positioned where they could go for the juggular, take the river, the entire black sea coast of ukraine, it's a very dangerous situation and it's the end result of a year of irresolution and weakness, not only from joe biden, but from european ambassadors. >> a tweet, joe biden is the most pro russia president we have had, he gave them a pipeline of money and influence into europe. you put up the map here, the nord stream 2 pipeline showing dependency germany has on russia, for natural gas, half of what they need from there. we have options. why do you believe this administration is not being more proactive as it does appear we are waiting for putin to make the next move? >> yeah, unfortunately, sandra, that's the story of joe biden's policy first year in office, on the back foot, whether it's russia and the concessions, the nord stream pipeline or one-sided extension of the new start arms control treaty, or freeing a russian cyber criminal from jail before his prison sentence was up. also if you look at what happened in afghanistan in august, with the nuclear negotiations with iran, president biden has been weak and passive against our adversaries, and that's not surprisingly has emboldened our adversaries. they believe that uncle sam has a kick me sign on the back and taking advantage of the united states right now. >> sandra: we'll get more on that later, but ask you what we just heard from president biden as he stepped up to the microphone at the white house and announced alongside justice breyer the supreme court justice's retirement and also hinted at, i guess say he was very clear on how he plans to replace his seat on the bench. watch. >> person i will nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications, character, experience and integrity, and that person will be the first black woman ever nominated to the united states supreme court. >> sandra: i'll ask you to react to that, senator. >> first, sandra, i did not often agree with justice breyer's jurisprudence, i want to honor and thank his decades of service, in uniform as a young soldier and his career up to being on the supreme court. for the president's comments, i'm less worried about the color of the nominee's skin or her sex and more worried about her legal philosophy. i'm fearful that the president is going to nominate a left wing idealogue, i've seen his nominees to the lower courts for the last year and almost uniformly radicals, left wing who want to impose the left's vision for america on this country through the courts as opposed to trying to persuade their fellow americans at the ballot box and legislatures across the country. >> sandra: quick final on that. do you believe the timing of this announcement was a political strategy on the part of this administration to sort of change the subject, considering the mounting crises that this administration is facing? >> i can't comment on what was happening in the biden white house. they have a lot of political crises and might be in the back of justice breyer's mind if he waited much longer there would be a republican majority in the senate after this november, because of rising inflation and rising crime and weakness abroad, and general dissatisfaction with joe biden's presidency. >> sandra: senator cotton, appreciate you joining us. thank you. >> in texas, governor greg abbott will soon deliver remarks at a border security briefing with over a dozen state attorneys general from across the country. that as fox news obtains the new bodycam video of a homeland security contractor discussing migrants transported on secret charter flights and admits the white house is "betraying the american people." bill is live in la joya, texas with the latest. >> the bodycam video is going very viral now, people are talking about it, raising questions about the way the federal government is discreetly moving migrants around the country. this was back in august in west chester county, new york, a left police officer at the airport there and sees the government chartered flight land and illegal immigrants streaming out of the plane and on to the tarmac. the officer is responsible for security so starts talking to the government contractors saying what the heck is going on here and the contractors tell him, good luck figuring that out. he continues going back and forth with them trying to figure out what is going on, and then you hear one of the contractors say this, take a listen. >> no, don't want to be somewhere where the spotlight -- down low as possible. >> i guess it. >> down low as possible because what we don't want to do is attract attention, we don't want the media, like we don't even know where we are going and they tell us. >> meanwhile, take a look at this video we shot just this morning in san antonio, at the airport, a tip i.c.e. was going to drop off a large bus load of single adult male illegal immigrants there. we sent a camera crew, look what we found. dozens of single adult men released from i.c.e. custody at the airport. there was an n.g.o. waiting to receive them. taken into the airport where they will now be free to travel across the country wherever they want. that's not all, take a look at this video in brownsville yesterday. more releases of single adult migrants, our drone video. we watched more i.c.e. busses dropping off the single adult men, some were wearing ankle monitors, many did not want to show their faces on camera, putting up their folders to hide their faces. i.c.e. source telling me the releases have been going on since last year and that the federal government is releasing migrants with some misdemeanor criminal convictions, including assault, d.u.i., drug possession, and illegal reentry. back out here live, i asked i.c.e. about that this morning. are they releasing migrants with some misdemeanor criminal history, they did not deny it. only told me they do the releases on a case by case basis. send it back to you. >> bill, thank you very much. you know, sandra, i've been covering this issue more than a decade and the national border patrol council president talked to me earlier and i said is the border patrol, or i.c.e. agents, are they broken? he said they are absolutely broken. the point, the point when single adult males are being released en mass, when rank and file men in uniform and women in uniform are confronting a secretary as we saw out in yuma yesterday, that tells you they are indeed broken. it is an important and sad moment for the men and women who protect the border. >> sandra: and the video at west chester airport you see the children off the airplane, the police also observed and remember this from the reporting at the time, that it was not just young children, that they did see some men in their early 20s, estimated also getting off the airplane, and to have the government contractors say good luck when trying to get information, local police had no idea what was happening and it was after hours, against security protocols. services are underway to honor one of the officers killed in an ambush last week and now new york's governor is putting manhattan's liberal d.a. on notice. we will tell you why. also be speaking with blue lives matter new york city founder, plus this. >> some people might be ego drunk, maybe they don't have the children's best interests at heart. >> a virginia mom saying part of the problems with the pandemic policies in schools is with the people in power. now the new governor of virginia is facing backlash over a decision he made to deal with it. the virginia attorney general will update us on the state's legal fight. with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide 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prosecuted. i would like to hear from him on whether or not there are adjustments in his thinking and tamp this down because of his very easy to point to a person or what policy is the cause of all the ills here, and that's not how i operate. the governor saying joe, there is options. what do you think will happen, what should the governor do? >> griff, this is a step in the right direction but read an article that she's saying she's not going to consider changing bail reform laws. what side are we going? to the left or the right? where the politicians need to step up. it's condemnation of different issues affecting new york city and other nations alike. the main thing we have to do, take the bad guys off the street, allows officers to do their job and put them behind bars. that's what we need to do to fix the problem. we cannot go back and forth and one day to the left, the right, we need a clear direction. >> griff: joe, we are off to a bad start for 2022, if you look here at the number of cops shot, we can show you. 24 officers shot, four officers killed since january 1. have you ever seen it this bad and what is the reaction among the folks you are talking to to this? >> well, it's been getting worse and i came out in 2006 and my first line of duty death was a detective, and that was not easy and move forward in the career it's no easier. the last week, week and a half, dealing with the brave, brave officers that lost their lives in new york city and another week going forward emotional roller coaster, laying our brothers to rest, when and if another situation like this, in law enforcement we know it's unpredictable and anything can happen. it's not easy being a cop and why the politicians need to stop going out there, writing legislation and like they know how to do the job of the officers. we need professionals to sit down with the president, comes out of washington and listen to the guys on the beat. not the guys retired 20, 30 years, or the chiefs. they are not sitting down with the guys in the street. we have to get the professionals to get the right answer to move forward. >> griff: you mention comes out of washington, the president will travel to new york to meet with mayor adams next week. what leadership, what needs to come from president biden in your estimation? >> well, we have to stop hearing that people like him want to make history and see action. we need to start seeing action being taken. do things that are going to allow not just the people who serve and protect, but the people who live in the communities feel safe. not only are the people that live in the communities becoming victims, but officers becoming victims. people need to see results, that's what they want to see and individuals are fed up and we are going to see the community and the public for the first time in a while come together and say enough is enough, change laws, let's move forward. >> griff: joe, will we see liberal democrat lawmakers who have supported defunding the police change their minds, we saw last month two of those democrat lawmakers being carjacked, fortunately ok, one in philly and one in chicago, and now cori bush, liberal democrat from st. louis, missouri, saying on twitter her car was hit with bullets, no one was in it, but will these lawmakers change their tune? >> the harsh truth is we need the lawmakers to be victims. we need them to understand when the worst situation possible hits them and then turn around and say wow, maybe it's an issue, i need to wake up and do my job and change things for the better. i'm not praying any of the people get hurt or harmed but need to see firsthand how bad the streets really are. >> griff: joe, we would never wish any harm whatsoever on any american, let alone a politician we disagreed with. but the instances we saw two instances of carjacking, fortunately everyone was ok. maybe it will change their minds. joe imperatrice,hanks for taking time today, sir. >> sandra: thank you. oil prices on the right, a seven-year high. would a russian invasion of ukraine set up for an energy crisis here in the united states? oil trader phil flynn will tell us what it means for you. >> whether they choose the path of diplomacy and dialogue, renew aggression against ukraine, we are prepared either way. >> griff: as diplomatic talks stall, how close are we to a russian invasion in ukraine. greg looks at one of the biggest signs yet that putin may be ready to make his move. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> griff: russian official saying not much cause for optimism after the u.s. rejects one of moscow's main demands to deescalate tensions over ukraine, bomb shelters from the cold war era are being dusted off in the ukraine capital as they prepare for a full on invasion by russian forces. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is on the ground in kyiv. what are you seeing there? >> greg: diplomacy going nowhere fast, but the build-up of russian troops is soaring. officials of vladimir putin say no positive response in the written statement by the u.s. we understand no ground was given by the u.s. on the key russian point that nato backs away from ukraine and eastern europe. this as more planes arrive. u.s. jets flew into estonia yesterday. officials don't think an invasion is imminent, they are worried about russian jets arriving in next door in belarus. authorities have identified 5,000 possible bomb shelters in the city of some 3 million, and yes, some are veterans of the cold war. >> just one of several bomb shelters in this apartment complex in northern kyiv. the event of an invasion, this is home. it's a little bit rough. >> greg: the bomb shelter we checked out is said to handle about 60 people. bombing strike looms, sirens will warn building residents to go down there and stay for the duration. it does have electricity but not much more than that. the place will be stocked up with food, water medical supplies and could be key to the local's survival. take a listen. >> most important thing, it's important to save lives, that we will do the best we can. >> greg: as we were leaving one ukrainian lady checked out the place and made it known to just about everybody that she did not like the looks of it, and they might have to be there. one final word, griff, in less than a half hour's time scheduled is a telephone call between president biden and the ukrainian president, a lot to talk about. back to you. >> griff: a lot indeed. hopefully the shelters will not be needed. greg, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: thanks, griff. with an invasion looming, the white house is looking to boost oil supplies for the european allies, oil topping $90 a barrel, the highest since 2014, and going back to the trading floor, great to have you, phil. we are trying to understand what it means, implications for energy prices here at home, globally, we know these are very global markets and the standpoint of how much leverage does the dependency on russian oil and natural gas on russia, what that does for this fight. so, phil, start off with the $90 a barrel oil. we are already paying more at the pump, we know that. this has major implications as far as economic implications. if the price of oil goes up, the gas prices will go higher. >> you are absolutely right, sandra. i'll tell you what, we basically reribboned the global geopolitical risk map in the last couple years under president biden with his energy policy and i think you are starting to see when the u.s. steps back as the world's biggest producer what happens on the global stage. not only do we have oil prices screaming to the highest level we have seen in seven years, the map becomes more unstable. russia sees an opportunity here, they control the energy supply, they control the global economy and they are using that to their advantage in this situation and that means everybody is going to pay the price. if we see oil prices go to $100 a barrel, we could be paying $5 a gallon national average, nobody wants to see that. >> sandra: that would change a lot, and you paying that cost to put gasoline in your car, think about all the trucks that have to transport the goods and that also gets handed down to the consumer. so dig into this for us, because these are stats we have been bringing to our viewers to try to show how much this situation has changed over the past few years and under this administration. we are now bringing in 206,000 barrels per day of oil from russia into this country. that is a big difference from where we were under trump's first year of his presidency, october 2017, we were importing 18,000 barrels a day from russia. that has changed significantly. now put up the map to show we are getting our oil from canada, oil from mexico, saudi arabia, russia, the first time in a long time is top of the list of places we are having to buy oil, that we then refine into gasoline in this country. so, dig into this for us. if we are using that much oil from russia, how does that compare to the amount of oil we could be bringing in via the keystone xl pipeline that project canceled by the biden white house. >> you are absolutely right. hundreds of thousands of barrels per day we would not be getting from russia and the key thing is, i don't want to get into the weeds, into the quality of the oil. u.s. refiners are set up for heavier types of oil, the type that canada produces, that venezuela produces. if we restrict supplies from venezuela and from canada, russia is the odds on favorite to take that supply. and u.s. refiners need that heavy oil. so, vladimir putin came out tomorrow and said hey, guys, you know, we are going to cut off all exports to the united states, we want to really have a viable replacement of that quality of crude very easily, so what that means the u.s. consumers would have to pay a lot more. and president biden can release all he wants from the reserves, if they cannot refine it does not do us any good. >> sandra: a great point, dig into the release of the spr as well. the top of daily mail this morning, biden sparks gas panic. joe warns he will pull the plug on $11 billion russian gas pipeline into germany, nord stream 2 if putin invades ukraine, as he kicks out 27 russian diplomats from d.c. a gas panic? is that likely to happen? what are the implications at home, phil. >> if we are not already having a panic in europe i hate to see what a real panic looks like. the situation we have in europe right now with natural gas is that russia also has been restricting supplies from europe, and because of that, we have seen the prices of natural gas hit which is the equivalent of $250 a barrel crude oil. so now if you get into cutoff of supply, prices could go up more. biden administration is calling our allies saying send natural gas to europe, we may need it, which is good, but the problem is we shouldn't have been in the situation in the first place. >> sandra: and you are pointing to the ripple effect throughout europe because they cut off nord stream 2 and germany from russia, then they have to buy the nat gas from other places and a struggle for a lot of european nations. phil, you explain it in such simple terms. thank you very much for joining us. >> griff: calls are growing for the u.s. to boycott the upcoming beijing olympics over china human rights abuses and american activist whose sister is in prison in china for speaking out against genocide tells us what the situation is like inside the communist country. plus, this. >> in my opinion, everything they are doing is for show and for whatever political reasons. it's never about what they say it is. >> sandra: growing frustration over the southern border, secret movement of undocumented migrants from the border through the rest of the country. tom homan is fired up about that. he'll join us. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. hearing is important to living life to the fullest. that's why inside every miracle-ear store, you'll find a better life. it all starts with the most innovative technology. like the new miracle-earmini, available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small that no one will see it, but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a thirty-day risk-free trial. you can experience better 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>> he abolished the mission. i.c.e. cannot enforce the law. he said you can't arrest somebody from being here illegally. telling the immigration officer that you can't arrest someone for being an illegal alien. what kind of message to the rest of the world when we are dealing with the border crisis. i.c.e. report will be an embarrassment, and turn it all around so we cannot understand it. i.c.e. men and women are devastated, they jumped over the secretary yesterday in a town hall meeting. >> griff: spoke with the border patrol president a couple hours ago, he said griff, border patrol is broken and specifically when you saw that exchange in yuma yesterday, but before i play that, there was a moment last week, i happened to watch it, 0 coverage, it was d.h.s. secretary speaking to the governors of mayors about the border. what he said, listen. >> unlawful presence in the united states will alone not be a basis for immigration enforcement action, but rather we will allocate our efforts, we will allocate our resources on those individuals who present a current public safety threat, a threat to national security or a threat to our border security, and that is a very important principle. >> griff: last week he tells the world it's ok to come, then yesterday in yuma, arizona this happens in exchange with agents. >> it may appear that everything is honkey dory, i know better. >> commitment remains we will keep fighting. and let me just say you can turn your back on me but i'll never turn my back on you. >> griff: tom, your thoughts. >> amen, he turned his back on them the same as the president, abandoned the men and women of the border patrol. tells you something that the border patrol is broken. when you have uniformed officer taking on a cabinet member, the secretary, and the secretary should be ashamed of himself and what did he offer them? we are going to ask mexico to do more. ask mexico to do our job for us. what president trump told mexico they are going to do more on the border but the same time, built the border wall, ended capitol hill and release, detained him. tunnel 42, remain in mexico. president trump did what the country needed. let the men and women wearing the green uniform do their job. this secretary says we will ask mexico to do more, and comes on the heels of the commissioner chris magnus and tells them if you don't like the policy of this administration you can quit. he says this crisis is not due to policies, it's due to a lack of man power. he has no clue, he's way over his head. >> griff: seems like there is a problem the administration needs to address. we would like to invite the secretary to come on this show. tom homan, thank you for giving your insight. >> sandra: and we did reach out and they said they would let us know when he is available. international manhunt leading to the capture of an alleged cop killer. what the suspect told his wife he was doing around midnight just moments before the shooting took place. plus, the port of savannah setting a record, as they struggle with back loads what the federal reserve is saying about the supply chain problem and how much longer it's going to take to fix it. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. even walking was tough. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. watch me. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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(sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. >> griff: spotify has officially removed singer-songwriter neil young's music from their service after the rock star issued an ultimatum earlier this week. on monday he wrote a letter to the label and manager stating he would like his music taken off spotify due to his belief they spread misinformation of covid vaccines through joe rogan's podcasts. in the letter, rogan or young, not both. as a result, spotify took down young's music yesterday. he had 6 million listeners a month. whatever happened to rocking in the free world? >> sandra: i was just going to say he has a heart of gold. i got you. >> griff: unbelievable. >> sandra: a lot of people have thoughts on that story. the supply chain crisis shows little sign of letting up, as u.s. ports face ongoing backlogs. top container questions face questions of the lack to do so, and in savannah, hard hat and all, what does it mean for consumers, ashley, and prices? >> well, that's a good question, sandra, any excuse to wear a hard hot, you know that. bottom line, don't expect prices to go down any time soon. boats like this, ships like this behind me, this one happens to be chinese, more and more expensive to bring the goods from asia to the united states. here in the port of savannah things have improved. when i was last here about three and a half months ago there were about 30 ships waiting to come into port. today 0, so there is a piece of light at the end of the tunnel but does not paint the real picture. the west coast ports are still backed up, over 100 ships anchored at sea. white house says hey, you know, the second half this year will be much better. but no one else seems to agree, including the federal chairman. >> i would not say i expect the supply chain issues to be worked out by the end of the year, i do not expect them and have not. what i have been saying is i expect progress to be made in the second half of this year mainly. progress, because we are not making much progress. >> we are not making much progress, and i talked about those prices, i just want to give you a sense of how much the freight rates are right now, globally up 140% from asia to the u.s. west coast, up 250%, and from asia to the u.s. east coast, up 184%. guess what, those chronically high prices, well, eventually they get passed on to you, me, and the american consumers. so in other words, don't expect prices to go down any time soon. sandra. >> sandra: thanks for washing it for us, ashley. down to texas, a briefing happening about the southern border. the governor you'll see, greg abbott in the center, attorney general ken paxton is speaking right now. they are talking to local leaders on the ground dealing with the crisis. dip in here and listen as to how they plan to address this. >> also i.c.e., worked this out over a month ago, in briefings with them yesterday and given a directive from somewhere on high in washington not to show up, so you will not get the federal briefings as of 7:00 last night, they canceled all the briefings. another example of lack of transparency from the federal government about what's going on at the border. so with that, why don't we start with often the most famous attorney general from montana, say your name and whether you have been here before. >> attorney general of montana -- my first trip down here. congressman scheduled me to come down here last april with him and that trip was also canceled by the federal government. i appreciate you having me down here, mr. governor, and mr. attorney general. >> kurt taylor, alaska attorney general, my first trip to the border as well. thank you for hosting us and seeing firsthand what's going on. >> derek schmidt from kansas, appreciate the opportunity. >> running for governor. >> yes, that's also true. >> hi, everyone. todd rokita, attorney general of indiana, my second trip to the border in the last three months. thank everyone who helped the first time and hosting us this time. >> attorney general from mississippi, my first trip as well. we are very grateful we are here so we can be a part of this investigation and we are learning what's happening, how we can all fight this good fight together and governor, general paxton, thank you very much. >> john from oklahoma. >> john o'connor, attorney general from the state of oklahoma. this is my first time to be down here for this purpose, but obviously as neighbors of texas we are very concerned about everything that happens in texas, including the illegal immigration. i'm happy to be here. >> patrick morris, west virginia attorney general, governor, attorney general, thank you for your hospitality. >> griff: press conference with the meeting with the governor in westlico, texas, and what you are seeing is the monthly meeting called by the texas d.p.s. you see just to the right of the governor, steve mccraw, the head of texas d.p.s. in march of last year when they perceived the administration as leaving them in untenable situation with the crisis at the border they started operation lone star, since that began, nearly 200,000 apprehensions, seizures of 1100 pounds of fentanyl, on and on, the number of criminal migrants in the tens of thousands among that, and that is why there is interest. we know the governor has since taken building a wall into his own hands. we were there, fox news covered that a month ago, and it is interesting now to see what the governor is going to have to say when we are hearing from people like tom homan that the border patrol officials tasked with securing our nation is essentially broken. >> sandra: and to put this in even greater context on the reporting we are also doing today, you heard from phil talking about the secret flights that are operated by government contractors, some of them landing here outside of new york city, west chester airport, police, local police, saying they watched the planes come in past curfew, against security protocol. government protocols escorting children, sometimes men in their early 20s, then they are dispersed to various areas around, including new jersey and surrounding states, griff, and they asked the government contractors about the information for the flights and they don't get anything. it's been about a year now where the immigration and border patrol is in crisis. and we'll get to the governor. >> griff: in the video we saw, the local police, where that tape comes from, saying what's going on, the official telling them they want to keep it on the hush hush, on the down low, and just as we dipped into this meeting down on the border in texas we heard lieutenant governor talking about apparently i.c.e. briefings to local law enforcement will no longer happen. let's listen in for a minute while he's speaking. >> nation that we are defending. thank you and certainly -- >> first of all, thank you as general paxton was talking about, the state of texas is having to battle in court against the biden administration for the biden administration abandonment of its obligation to secure the border. and one way in which we are able to battle against the biden administration is through the court system, and not only has ken paxton stepped up and brought the legal actions that were needed, he's been winning those legal actions, and that's been a tremendous help to the people of texas. to all of the attorneys general who join with us here today, as you all know, you are the top law enforcement officers in your respective states. that's not only a powerful role, it's an important and essential role. i thank you for the role that you play but as you go about your daily duties and waging legal challenges to make sure that you are using the law to keep your community safe and keep your communities better, it is astonishing that one lawbreaker that we are having to wage legal action against is the president of the united states. there are laws passed by the united states congress that the president is not enforcing. there are united states constitutional provisions that the president is not upholding. somebody has to hold the president accountable for his abandonment of the rule of law in this country and it is you all. the attorney generals across the entire country. you also need to do it not just because the biden administration is abandoning the rule of law, but because the consequences of biden's open border policies, because of the consequences of biden's refusing to enforce the laws passed by congress, every single one of your states, the residents of your states are facing consequences sometimes deadly consequences because of biden's open border policies. you mention fentanyl. as you are going to hear more momentarily from the director of the texas department of public safety who will elaborate what i'm about to say. over the past calendar year, the texas department of public safety and law enforcement here in texas, they have seized enough fentanyl to kill every man, woman and child in each of the states here. i said that wrong. every man, woman and child in all the states gathered here combined. that is how deadly this is. doses to kill more than 222 million americans are sweeping our states for one reason only, joe biden does not care that fentanyl is invading our states. if you look at the population group between the ages of 18 and 45, the leading cause of death over the past year is not covid, it's not cancer, it's not car wrecks, the leading cause of death of our fellow americans ages 18 to 45 is fentanyl. and president biden is doing nothing to address that fentanyl problem. the fentanyl is coming in from china through mexico into the united states. joe biden does not care that people are dying today because of the open border policies that are allowing fentanyl to come into our country. there is another horrific crime occurring as a result of biden's refusal to enforce the immigration laws. because of biden's open invitation provided to the cartels to smuggle across our border, victims are human trafficking and to continue to perpetuate that human trafficking across america. either all of the states represented here today or almost all of the states represented here today, they have human trafficking going on in their states as a result of the biden open border policies. joe biden doesn't care about victims of human trafficking. if he cared, he would step up and do something about it. but he does not care about the carnage that he's causing to lives and communities across the entire country. as long as he can support his woke agenda, he's fine with americans suffering. and yes, we are dealing with tragedies on our border here with homes being invaded, ranches ripped apart, lives being affected. but just as important those lives are being affected across the entire country. texas is stepping up to do the federal government's job. we are not going to sit by while joe biden refuses to address the law. texas will step up and secure the border. state legislature appropriating $3 billion of texas taxpayer money for texas to secure the border, and that money goes to pay for additional department of public safety officers as well as about 10,000 national guard, for them to step up and do what the federal government should be doing, and that is to secure our border. in addition to that, they are arresting smugglers, human traffickers, drug dealers, cartel members. arresting anybody who is coming in the state of texas and violating a texas law, and includes people who are illegally trespassing on texas land who have come across the border illegally. and they are doing a tremendous job of addressing that. for texas to be able to step up and better enforce the rule of law on our border and deal with the consequences of our border, this past year i signed 15 new laws to crack down on the horrific crime of human trafficking. we created a new law to crack down on the manufacture or distribution of fentanyl which is a felony that will put these people behind bars. and now texas is building our own border wall because biden is not stepping up to secure the border the way that it needs to. and so i thank all the attorneys general for being here to help us fight this on a national basis as law enforcement officers from across the country, we join together because we all believe in something that the country was founded on and that is the rule of law. rule of law that joe biden has abandoned, rule of law that we as law enforcement and governors are going to step up and address. i know firsthand the important role that an attorney general can play in assisting governors, and so i thank you for the role that you are playing in assisting your governor, where collaboratively you are protecting the safety and security of your communities. i wouldn't be doing my job if i didn't leave y'all a proposed action item. there is something that i know the attorney general of texas has done, what i don't know if you did it in collaboration with any other attorneys general across the country. we as a state and general paxton as the attorney general, we have been working long before biden's open border policies to crack down on the horrific crime of human trafficking to try to eradicate human trafficking. when we learned that publications like back page and maybe some other publications were using advertisements or other publications to advertise, to actually promote human trafficking, it's my understanding general paxton took legal action to shut it down. and action item that i would like to propose for general paxton to consider with you all considering to join him. and that is there is a horrific crime taking place as we gather here today, as colonel mccraw can tell you more about momentarily. cartels in mexico are using tiktok to advertise, to recruit smugglers in texas and san antonio, houston, and other cities in texas and maybe some other states, to advertise for smugglers for pay for them to smuggle people here in texas which would include victims of human trafficking. that must be shut down. and just like i think injunction was taken against back page, similarly, possibly, injunction could be used to shut down tiktok in its use of its device and platform to allow criminal activity to be perpetuated, at least to horrific human trafficking. tiktok should be ashamed, condemned for promoting human trafficking in texas and the united states of america. and so i thank you all very much for the role you all play, but i know for a fact the person who is at the tip of the spear in dealing with the broken border crisis that biden has created is the director of the texas department of public safety. his name is steve mccraw, and director mccraw, turn it over to you at this time. >> thank you, governor. i'm used to action items, on the governor. first the tiktok situation, in the briefings you noticed tiktok clearly understand in terms of the scope and magnitude and how it's impacted. cartels have long recruited our children on both sides of the border to do their deeds and they ran out of children, ran out of our children for looking for different resources. they have certainly partnered with trans national and certainly state-based gangs and operations and we see that. now using tiktok, we are seeing kids being recruited from around the state, san antonio, dallas, houston, coming down in droves because as a result of the global mass migration event we have seen, there are too many bodies they cannot move outside the area of the border, and keep in mind, not smuggling in the border, but around the state and the nation. what comes through these borders impacts each of you, and your citizens and every community in texas, and i'm sad for the impact in west virginia that fentanyl has had and the rest of the nation. we have for a while thankfully from a texas standpoint, meth was our key problem drug but now fentanyl is on the radar screen and we are seeing some synthetic opiate deaths, and what happened and governor you know it well, you are an expert, and thank you for protecting texas from domestic and foreign threats, we appreciate your support. at the end of the day when the governor says we need something done immediately, and it's not the border patrol fault. brave men and women who sacrifice their lives, what they do is a tremendous national security function for the state of texas and the rest of the nation. when they are overwhelmed, and we have had influxes before, but never to this level. never over 1.3 million apprehensions in texas, ok, in a calendar year. never before. and back to 1986 the last time, and 720,000. and so border patrol is swamped, not only that, they have family units and unaccompanied children. so even -- their facilities are not made for those to be able to handle that. so you are taking the front line agents supposed to be on the river, and in arizona a different location, ok, but in california, new mexico, but we do have 64% of the border, governor, as you know, which, unfortunately we have the least percentage of infrastructure to protect that border, so at the end of the day when that happens and take border patrol off and huge security gaps between the ports of entry, and the governor directed back in march 4th, exactly, implemented operation lone star, made it very clear deploy, that means intensified surge operation patrol units but our special agents of texas rangers as well, aircraft, all hands on deck to get down there, fill the security gaps and that's what we have been doing, and we have never seen anything like it in terms of relates to fentanyl, and we did not expect it, but our seizures increased over 1200%, actually 2,000% between january, so enormous amount of drugs taken off. the same thing you were concerned about trans national gangs, cartel operatives and others things, over five tons of methamphetamine were seized. we are a critical corridor for the cartels, and obviously one of the four objectives you had to fill the gaps, we have been doing that. two, protect land owners from vandalism, criminal trespass, other crimes like burglary, and you were there talking to land owners and they expect, they are texans, their land needs protection, criminal trespassing, arrest them and book them in jail. so we are in better position and another task, the task is caravans. caravans coming to texas, and in del rio and how it threatened the community and proactive, whether we put black and whites together, right now, concertina wire or conex box, and secure the border, and you can't do it, you can't do it unless you have infrastructure, period. and anything you want to call, it doesn't matter. you have to have the texas technology and boots on the grounds, plain and simple. you can't secure it from washington, you can only secure it from the river and thank you for your leadership and i can tell i've talked too much, thank you. >> let me get you to ask one more -- let the public know how many people have been encountered coming across the border, how many arrests you all have made, and any other facts like that. >> we have had over 10,000 arrests we have made, criminal arrests, and criminal trespass, over 2500 criminal trespass arrests, embedded in that. between ourselves and national guard and game wardens working together, over 196, over 200,000 by now individuals that were referred to, apprehended and referred to border patrol. it's so important, the recent discussion that was had and one of the guys on the panel, rodney scott, former chief of the u.s. border patrol made it very clear said without operation lone star, every one of those numbers would have been a got-away, and every pound of drugs, the tons, quantities of drugs, if not for the state of texas stepping up would have been got-aways, entered into the traffic, and so they certainly recognize it and people understand that has an immediate impact. you have been very clear. it's not just apprehending or seizing, certainly, we have been running up the numbers and will continue to do so to stop the flow. to be proactive and preventive, stopping across the river. so we look forward to working with you on that. >> colonel mccraw, thank you for your work and team's work, and hosting governor, and making it happen and i really, really appreciate your stand on immigration and the fight you are leading across the nation and thank my fellow attorney generals for being here, media for being here and make clear if the department of homeland security wants to still meet, we will be here another day and a half and open to having the meetings instead of having them canceled. >> sandra: you just heard from the governor, and the a.g. paxton speaking, and griff, a fascinating look at the discussion they are having at the border today saying if the federal government is going to do nothing about it, texas will take matters into their own hands. fascinating points that you heard from the governor there, saying that joe biden is not doing anything about they says because biden does not care. covid is not the leading cause of deaths for those 18 to 45 years old, not cancer, not car wrecks, it's fentanyl. he said they have seized enough fentanyl at the southern border to kill every man, woman and child in all the states that are represented there combined. 13 of the a.g.s throughout the country are sitting there talking to the governor of texas. >> griff: sandra, a very important point there, because you heard from the governors talking about operation lone star, what texas d.p.s. has diseased, 1140 pounds of fentanyl, he says equivalent to more than 258 million lethal doses. perspective, that's what texas is doing. earlier today i saw a tweet from customs and border protection, first three months, october, november, december, they seized 2707 pounds of fentanyl. add those up, 4,000 pounds of fentanyl. let's not forget in the first three months we know more than 518,000 people apprehended at our border. it's hard to believe officials when you hear from the president, from the vice president who is in honduras at this moment that the border is anything but unsecured. >> tom homan is back with us, former acting direct i.c.e. and fox news contributor, the governor saying it's a broken border crisis he says joe biden has created. your reaction to what we just heard there in the meeting. >> 100% agree with him. i'm working very closely with the governor and ken paxton and mcgraw. i have worked for six presidents. i have written more affidavits with a.g. paxton's office to sue the president than i ever did as an agent. we are 3-0. i'll be testifying on the i.c.e. priorities that texas a.g. has filed. let me be clear, the governor of texas has done more to secure our border than either the secretary or president biden, and you have to think about the amount of fentanyl they seized, what's concerning what they don't seize. over 100,000 overdose deaths, but more importantly, when they have over 500,000 got-aways, the ones that d.p.s. did not catch or border patrol did not catch, how many are carrying fentanyl, gang members, and known suspected terrorists. they arrested 16 of those. how many have come in are known suspected terrorists. thank god for texas. they are doing the job the biden administration refuses to do. >> griff: last month i went down into mexico and interviewed a cartel smuggler, you and i have talked about that, and he told me they are not slowing down because business has never been better. a news worthy moment about the cartel using tiktok to recruit smugglers on the texas side of the border. how significant of a problem? >> no consequence or deterrents. border patrol says half the agents are not on the border. they are in centers processing people. so, half the border is unguarded. del rio and the haitian ands under the bridge, 240 miles open for days, and yuma, called all the agents in the process, hundreds came across, taking taxis and the busses to the final destination. cartel, look, no one celebrated this election more than the cartel, they knew they were back in business and taking advantage of this. they pushed the family groups through, border patrol has to respond to the humanitarian crisis and put the bad things through. the cartels have control of our southern border. i have two different chief patrol agents tell me they have lost operational control of the border, it belongs to the criminal cartels in mexico and joe biden gave it to them. >> sandra: tom, 18 to 45 years old, number one killer, fentanyl. as the governor just pointed out, coming in from china through mexico into the united states killing kids every day in this country. and adults. and you look at the amount they are seizing, the picture they painted kill every man, woman and child of every state that was represented in that room. we are covering it, we just showed it, i didn't see it covered on the other networks and got a note from a producer monitoring the white house press briefing, jen psaki was not asked a single question in that briefing, i am told, on the border. >> i've said it many times, the majority of the media, extension arm of the democratic party, they are covering the party. let's talk about president trump for a minute. illegal immigration was down 83% under president trump. 35, 40-year low. how much fentanyl didn't come across the border because the agents were back on the line? how many children did not die, how many women did not get sexually assaulted. a secure border saves lives. that's common sense. joe biden came in and undid all of it to win the progressives, he voted for border barriers as a senator. first day on the job he ended construction of the border barrier which border patrol agents will tell you was the number one wish, number one want to help them do their job. every place a wall is built, illegal immigration is decreased. facts and data are clear. >> griff: tom, thank you for taking time to join us, and give us the reaction as our viewers are looking live at our skycam over the r.g.b. sector there in mission, texas, the last 24 hours, you've had 1,233 apprehensions just in that sector alone, up 140%. let's go down there where bill can join us and more of what he is seeing. hey, bill. >> griff, good afternoon to you. you might see over the shoulder, a border patrol unit is a parked behind us, they are looking for a group of migrant runners in the brush behind us, not just any regular brush, it's a residential neighborhood a block away from behind us, and you've been down here enough and notice as well as i do a lot of this brushy area runs right up against, you know, american households, american neighborhoods and often times people will have people running through their front yards, hiding under the car, that sort of a thing. there was a mother-of-pearl helicopter above us circling, looking for the runners, but the sort of thing that happens every day. you heard governor abbott talking about texas land owners and homeowners having to deal with this, it's absolutely true. this butts up against american neighborhoods and one of the things you heard him hit on which we have not heard that much before, he was really going after tiktok when it comes to human smuggling and he's right. we have seen ads on social media, including tiktok, where the cartels will advertise typically to american youth that they can get quick cash if they are willing to pick up illegal immigrants and drive them somewhere, and repeatedly american teenagers fall for it, they want the money, and they do it. and it can have deadly consequences, just keep in mind last month out here in the rio grande valley in mission, 20 minutes from where we are, a teenage u.s. citizen had six illegal immigrants in his vehicle, he was smuggling, there was a police pursuit, he flew through a stop sign and he t-boned a vehicle being driven by a local texas mother and her daughter, that mother and daughter were both killed and the teenager, if he's convicted has ruined his life over the promise of just quick cash. and you really heard, you know, director mccraw and greg abbott really going after tiktok saying they should not be allowing these sorts of advertisements on their platforms, we often air the videos from texas d.p.s., they are always in police pursuits every day often with human smugglers and arresting people under age. atlanta, houston, major hubs, he come to the border, they want the cash, easy to load it up and drop them off and get paid. >> griff: bill, i've had multiple border officials tell me today that they are simply broken. you and i have spent a lot of time with the agents. at this very moment right now, how bad is morale from what you see? >> across the board, absolutely rock bottom. the images the last few days -- i've been coming down here eight months, i've never seen so many mass releases of single adult men, for the most part did not know single men were being released, we thought it was family units or children and kids, and brownsville, bus after bus after bus, dropping off 50, 60 adult men, sometimes with ankle monitors, get on a bus or call a taxi, they go to the airport and they are gone. we just saw at san antonio airport another i.c.e. bus load dropping off single adult migrants and you said this earlier, we both heard from border officials, you know things are bad when they start releasing single adult men. most americans when they see family units or young children think of it differently than when we see able-bodied men released into the public. i just talked to an i.c.e. source about this, and said they are releasing some migrants with misdemeanor criminal histories, including assaults, d.u.i., repeat reentry, drug possession, and when i talked to i.c.e. about it, i reached out and asked about that, they did not deny it. they said each release is done on a case by case basis, but whether you are talking to i.c.e. or border patrol, morale is as low as it gets. one agent said he feels it's an unofficial travel coordination agency rather than trying to enforce the u.s. immigration law. >> sandra: interesting to hear from the a.g.s in the room with governor greg abbott, one from montana, talking about the lack of transparency. some were noting the federal briefings they were expecting this would then be canceled. interesting to hear that when we talk about how difficult we continue to hear it is, to get information from this administration on what they know, any stats they have at the border. bill, obviously you experienced that firsthand and take it back to the story about the planes landing at some of the local airports when the local authorities, police don't even know it's happening, it's happening past hours, outside of curfew hours and they ask questions about the, from the government contractors that get off the planes, they say good luck getting any information. but to go back to the a.g.s making that point, lack of transparency, getting information from this admin is hard. >> yeah, absolutely. and when you talk about all the videos we have been showing of all the mass i.c.e. releases, keep in mind i.c.e. still has not produced its fiscal year 2021 annual report. that fiscal year ended september 30th. almost four months ago. and it's the first time in a decade that annual report has not been ready by the end of the calendar year, and makes you wonder what's going to be in the report now that we are finding out that i.c.e. has just been mass releasing migrants apparently all over the place. we have shown it in brownsville and san antonio, two spots, hundreds of people between both locations in a matter of two days. you have to wonder what's going to be in that report, if and when it is finally released. >> sandra: bill reporting there from the border for us, as you have been bringing us all the breaking details. bill, appreciate you joining us on that. that's our live look as griff pointed out, mission, texas, as we follow the story, governor abbott did wrap that briefing down there with the a.g.'s from 13 different states and local officials. griff, something covering this with you today. the border is a place you have spent a lot of time. >> griff: it's interesting, having covered it more than a decade, this moment is so significant you cannot under state it. interesting to see if the administration takes a harder tack at it and also interesting to point out that you do have the member of this administration, vice president kamala harris, tapped as the border czar in honduras, at the inauguration of the new president and whether or not she can do anything about the problems on our border, not there in honduras. >> sandra: and we invite the secretary to come on the program, the network to answer those questions, he is welcome any time. so monitoring the white house, the briefing continues there. meanwhile, during the texas governor's breaking news and the border, there was some breaking news out of our nation's capital. jen psaki is holding the briefing, and the state department with brand-new details on the crisis in ukraine and the escalating conflict with russia. we have been listening to all of it. the latest wn we come back, quick break. >> are you ready to start a great career? >> safelite is now hiring. >> you will love your job. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song! do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a 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exercises in striking distance. >> griff: ukraine is just one of the challenges the biden administration is facing abroad. alex hogan live in london. >> mounting pressure on the white house amid other international conflicts. just today, north korea launching two more suspected ballistic missiles. this is the sixth test launch that we have seen in just this month alone. japan's prime minister denouncing the recent military moves. >> voice of translator: this includes ballistic missiles, a violation of u.n. security council resolution. we lodged protests and i think it's regretable. >> a message of defiance to the biden administration over the u.s. sanctions on north korea's denuclearization steps. nuclear talks continue over in vienna, austria, to revive the 2015 iran nuclear deal. this week a senior u.s. envoy left the negotiation team amid differences of opinion. several fronts are strechting the biden administration thin and tensions continue to build as china ramps up incursions of the air defense zone. china flew 39 war planes toward the island, showing the largest display of power this year. taiwan says it will send athletes to the upcoming winter olympics in beijing but no representatives. the games begin on february 4th. now, all eyes, however, remain on russia and ukraine. experts are weighing in saying if russia does decide to invade, they believe the timeline will be largely influenced by the winter olympic games by russia not wanting to overshadow china's big moment on the global stage. griff. >> griff: alex, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: bring in wisconsin congressman mike gallagher, a member of the armed services committee. great to have you here. first up, what are your expectations, briefings from the state department and the pentagon. we have been told by the white house this invasion is imminent. what do you see happening next as we did hear they also are forecasting the white house the ball is now in russia's court? >> well, i'm concerned that we will get news of further concessions that the white house has offered to the russians, reportedly exchanging various documents. we have no access to that, the biden administration has not been transparent. we know the state department has told embassy personnel to leave, so yet another evacuation of the u.s. embassy. it really raises the question, how many embassies do we need to evacuate around the world before we realize the biden administration's foreign policy is not working. and i think the flaws are really two-fold. one, if we have another concession it will be the latest in a string of concessions that go back to allowing nord stream 2, the pipeline to go forward, extending new start, to i think the collapse of our position in afghanistan which the russians watched and thought you know what, it seems like the americans can't shoot straight and we can get away with this incursion. the second thing, this administration fails to understand the essence of deterrent, which to work needs to be backed by the credible threat of force. and by forecasting repeatedly what they won't do, especially militarily, they are undermining our deterrent posture and that's why i'm concerned about a complete capitulation of our position and worried about the people of ukraine who undoubtedly feel abandoned by the americans. >> sandra: interesting, you hear many making the case that putin sees the opportunity, tom cotton said putin senses vulnerability on the part of this administration, seizing on this moment. we are just one year into this presidency, we are obviously looking at president xi in china as well as what their move may be when it comes to taiwan. so why do you believe some of these world leaders sense vulnerability and sense that they can strike now, if indeed putin decides to act? >> well, a few reasons. one, this administration wants to disinvest in american hard power. the defense secretary is trying to sell the concept of integrated deterrent, that's a fancy word to cover for the fact that they want to cut american military hard power, which as i stated before will undermine our deterrent posture. and two, in america the commander in chief really sets the tone. commander in chief, strengths and consistency what the adversaries look for and unfortunately this administration under the leadership of biden has projected weakness on the world stage. at times he can't even get through the talking points in the press conferences. so general secretary xi or putin, my gosh, no way biden will stand up to me and i will tie into this, our adversaries, especially the chinese, have looked at the radical identity politics in america and all over our social media platforms trying to intensify it and exploit it because they realize it is a weakness for us. and so there's a way in which our bizarre domestic policies are weakening foreign policies as well. >> sandra: real quickly, we'll listen for updates from admiral kirby, he joined us on this program yesterday. he told us, this is where things stand, listen. >> he's got a lot of combat power already in place which means he has options available to him right now, and without getting into any predictions, we have to be ready in case this happens very, very soon. >> sandra: quick, final thought, live to the pentagon in a moment. >> why don't we have more options available to us. it's not like it's a sudden crisis. ukraine has been in conflict since 2014. why haven't we had weapons shipped sooner, this administration has been caught flatfooted and vladimir putin playing a relatively weaker hand has outmaneuvered them. >> sandra: thank you, sir, congressman gallagher, live to the pentagon, kirby is now giving an update. let's listen. >> yeah, so as you know, we talked about this, secretary did place a range of units in the united states on a heightened preparedness to deploy. i can say that today these units include elements of the 82nd airborne division based at fort bragg, maintains high readiness, and elements of the 18th airborne court at fort bragg and elements at fort campbell, kentucky. fort campbell, 101 airborne division and fort carson, colorado, increased readiness. we are not going to and don't intend to provide an exhaustive list of every unit on prepare to deploy orders but i can say other units that will now have an increased readiness posture include elements from fort carson, fort polk, louisiana, robins air force base, georgia, fort stork, georgia, wright patterson air base in ohio, and select locations in the united states. these units all told include medical support, aviation support, logistics support, and of course combat formations. i want to just underscore one other note, and that is as i said many times earlier this week, these forces are on a heightened preparedness to deploy, they have not been activated. as to your other question on the percentage, i don't have that but as i've said before, the vast majority of the troops the secretary put on prepare to deploy are in fact dedicated to the nato response force and if and when they are activated we'll be able to provide more specific detail in terms of breakdowns and numbers going forward. on your question about poland, he enjoyed his conversation with his polish counterpart yesterday, lots to talk about as you might imagine. i don't have any specific decisions with respect to u.s. force presence or posture to read out here today, but rest assured if there is something like that to be able to speak to announce we will obviously do that. jen. >> john, the president zelensky has said he's grateful for military aid but not getting what they really asked for, air defense systems, anti-aircraft missiles. the kind of things that could take on the russian air force, not just tanks and ammunition on the ground. why is the pentagon refusing to send that kind of weaponry to ukraine when it's such a crucial time right now as they prepare to defend themselves? >> jen, we talked about the fact that we had an air and missile defense assessment team over there not long ago, and in the last month or so. and they had extensive conversations with the ukrainian counterparts about those very kinds of capability concerns. this is an ongoing process, we have sent over three shipments. there are more coming. i'm not going to get ahead of all that and speak with great specificity in terms of the exact systems that are being provided to ukraine. we are in constant communication with them about their needs and capabilities and i suspect that those conversations will continue. >> when are the weapons going to start arriving? >> i'm not promising any specific weapon from the podium or the timeline for it. three packages in this latest drawdown package, more coming in fairly short order and we are not detailing every item in the shipments. i think you can understand why we would want to be careful about advertising publicly the kinds of capabilities that were given to ukraine, given the size and the scale and the capabilities against them on the other side of their border. >> seems like it's the 11th hour. what is taking so long? >> there's no 11th hour. the last year alone we have provided many millions of dollars of worth of capabilities to ukraine, 60 million over the course of the spring and december, president biden authorized another 200 million, and that's on top of work that two previous administration's have been doing to help bolster the self-defense capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces. there is no 11th hour at all. we have been watching the build-up over time. we are looking at ways we can accelerate some of the shipments that are to come as part of this $200 million package because we see the continued build-up by russian forces in the western part of their country and in belarus. but i -- i take issue with the idea this is 11th hour hail mary pass throwing stuff. >> i don't know how you can take issue with the 11th hour, senior leaders here and the president have called a russian invasion imminent. >> that fact that it is possible that it's imminent doesn't mean that we just woke up to the fact that they had been building forces. we have been talking about this now for a couple of months what we have been seeing on the ground, and there has been lots of conversations with us and our nato allies, as well as our ukrainian counterparts. we have read all those out, you can go look at the read-outs. it's not like any of this came as some sort of shock, but we have, as we have continued to see the accumulation of combat power and as we have now seen that so far, anyway, mr. putin has not elected to deescalate and you know, look, there's -- we still believe there's time and space for diplomacy, thus far it is not achieved the kind of results the international community would like to see. all that combined has led us to, you know, again want to contribute more capabilities to ukrainian armed forces and be ready to contribute more capabilities to our nato allies. >> thank you, john. >> sandra: you were just watching a round of questioning from jen griffin, important questions she got to, why is the u.s. refusing to send weaponry to ukraine, asking why we waited for the 11th hour, and griff, you saw kirby take issue with that, but she continued to ask the question what's taking so long, the white house has said and described the moment and possibility of the attack of ukraine as imminent. >> griff: we in the last hour had a report from greg palkot they are dusting off soviet-era bomb shelters, so in kyiv they feel they are in the 11th hour and the officials at the white house and pentagon pointing out a possible imminent attack. i watched your interview with admiral kirby yesterday, extremely insightful. ultimately unless the nato alliance triggers, it does not appear there is much in the way of sanctions that will deter president putin from invading. >> sandra: you hear the white house and john kirby yesterday, they believe a path to diplomacy to resolve this conflict. >> griff: we shall see, a lot more on that story and will dip back to the pentagon if anything breaks there. meanwhile, new york city, mayor eric adams speaking about the two officers killed in an ambush attack. the wake for 22-year-old jason rivera is underway at st. patrick's cathedral. a man shot and killed the cops at a domestic disturbance call. calls are growing for elected leaders like manhattan's d.a., alvin bragg, to ditch the soft on crime approach. brian, what's the latest? >> griff, there is a long line of police officers from the nypd, as well as officers from surrounding communities, even philadelphia, waiting in line to pay their respects to the fallen hero officer jason rivera. the procession bringing his flag-draped casket with the nypd flag from the bronx to here at st. patrick's cathedral, he was greeted with bagpipes and is a lawsuits from over 200 nypd officers as the casket made its way inside of the cathedral. you know, rivera was just 22 years old, he was just married in october to his wife. their lives together just getting started. on instagram she remembered her "first and only love," writing "wherever you are today my sweet angel, know i need all the strengths you can give. i know you are smiling down at me knowing i'm holding you down to the very end. i love you." rivera was the first in his dominican american family, he rebuilt the relationship between the police and the community. here he is motivating high school kids to graduate. >> when i was a freshman i didn't have no one to motivate me. i want to motivate you. i want you to like, to hear me, hear my voice, and know that you will get through it, you are going to get through it. put in the work. you have to put in 100% effort. >> just so young, at a vigil last night, distraught fellow officers remembered rivera and his partner, wilbert mora. >> i've been there that day, to know there is not another roll call that ends, and you are not making a joke, smiling, or laughing out loud. your smile lit up a room. >> it is just profound, profound grief. rivera's funeral scheduled for tomorrow morning at st. patrick's. wilbert mora will have his wake and funeral next week. griff, sandra. >> griff: and the video you just played, rivera a leader at a young age. appears there is not a single person who knew officer rivera who say he was one of the nicest people they ever met. >> they say he had this way about him beyond his years, a bit of an innocence, obviously, in how young he looked. somebody who had a real passion about what he was doing and had a real focus and goal to come here and to improve the nypd. remember, this is a majority-minority police force. these are people that look and represent just like, represent the communities that they live in, and it's really important to him, it was important to him to be there and to try to fix the relationship that obviously is still ongoing. but griff, the reality is, this is a heavy, heavy day. not only for the nypd officers but their family, anyone who has officers in their families or even friends, it's a reminder of the heavy burden that they carry on a dark day today as they remember their fallen hero throughout the day, all the way to 8:00 p.m. tonight. >> sandra: the city is mourning the loss of those two fallen heroes. we will talk to j.t. in a moment, but governor puts bragg on moment, the pressure is on the new governor of the state, hochul, and she says she is going to meet with the manhattan d.a., bragg, saying she has options if she feels he is making this city unsafe. final thought on that as pressure is on to do something about this horrific problem that continues as far as the safety level of the city and now the police morale down as the two officers, we mourn them. >> yeah, we do mourn them and the reality is for governor hochul and mayor eric adams, they are dead set to go after illegal guns. when it comes to bail reform, something he's been pushing, up to the democrats in albany and so far no real move there, no indication that democratic leadership in albany will be willing to change bail reform and no indication from the governor herself that she would be willing to change bail reform, so we'll see. >> sandra: great reporting as always. the funeral will be happening as brian mentioned tomorrow. bring in j.w. quartes, marine combat debtor, and head of the rafael ramos foundation. hearts break for the families affected, city mourns their loss, just 22 years old, you know, you hear the love of those who knew him, those who worked with him, and you just, you can't believe it happened and that it's happening. we wanted to get your thoughts today on their loss. >> you know, sadly we have been here before, right. december 20, 2014, we were brought down to our knees when two police officers simply for wearing the uniform, the sacred cloth we wear in law enforcement, the blue, were taken, and here we are once again. i believe some people, sometimes they grow a little numb and then every so often we are reminded of the fragility that these men and women represent and the braveness they represent as well. so, it is beyond heartbreaking. our foundation has set out to remind people and to always remember these incredible human beings and here we are once again, and i'm not sure, sadly, that we won't be here again some time in the future. >> sandra: reminded the risk they take every single day that they wake up and put on that uniform and walk or run right into danger. i'll ask you finally about the morale with the police department, with those that are still working and putting on that uniform as we see the spike in violence in the city. we need more of those men and women in blue, but it is rough and you see stories like this, and people don't feel that the police are being supported in some of these democratic-led cities. your thoughts. >> it's 100% factual. you walk into any locker room, you sit in any patrol car and the script is the same. why are we going to go out there continuing to risk life and limb to create widows and to have, you know, children of these law enforcement families be raised without their mom or dad and yet despite these inherent risks we are not being supported. the laws don't have enough teeth on them. the rhetoric is out there, the people standing behind certain podiums, they are there when these tragedies occur, but yet when we arrest people and they are out before the ink on the paperwork is even dried and they are smiling at you and saying look, i'm out, i said i would be out. that i think is number one on the list of the many, many problems facing our members in law enforcement today and i'm going to tell you that as a trainer we face a lot of challenges and getting the right people to teach these hard-earned lessons so they are not repeated over and over again and recruitment is probably, i would say, at an all-time low. >> sandra: that is a sad state. i really appreciate you joining us, j.w. quartes, thank you. griff, what a couple of hours. sorry your heart just breaks talking to him and hearing about the morale a time the city is extremely unsafe. >> griff: and i think it's going to be significant, sandra. covering in 2014, death, ambush, murders of officers lou and ramos, i was there on the ground, and so many officers now say enough is enough. we'll see what happens. thank you for letting me join you filling in for john roberts. it was a >> see you at 4 o'clock. >> the "story" starts with trace gallagher in for martha. >> thank you very much. good afternoon over. i am trace gallagher in for martha maccallum. we take you back right now to the pentagon press briefing with john kirby giving an update on the escalating tensions in ukraine. the u.s. rejected moscow's demand and russia's military build-up continues in the region. it's important stuff. >> is the pentagon considering or considered any new measures to detect and prevent any future threats? >> i would tell you

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Actions , Abandonment , Court System , Law Enforcement Officers , Know , Role , Challenges , Duties , Lawbreaker , Provisions , United States Congress , Rule Of Law , Attorney Generals , Accountable , Consequences , Director , Child , Man , Each , Reason , Doses , 222 Million , Population Group , Ages , 45 , 18 , Car Wrecks , Cancer , Nothing , Fentanyl Problem , Immigration Laws , Refusal , Cartels , Human Trafficking , Invitation , Biden Open Border Policies , Doesn T , Care , Carnage , Agenda , Homes , Tragedies , Suffering , Invaded , State Legislature , Taxpayer , National Guard , Billion , 10000 , 3 Billion , Cartel Members , Anybody , Human Traffickers , Drug Dealers , Addition , Texas Land , Distribution , Felony , Manufacture , Believe , Address , Safety , Wouldn T , Playing , Action Item , Attorney General Of Texas , Attorneys , Collaboration , Publications , Advertisements , Page , My Understanding General Paxton , Advertise , Colonel Mccraw , Smugglers , Cities , Houston , Injunction , Back Page , Down Tiktok , Activity , Platform , Use , Device , Similarly , Fact , Play , Human Trafficking In Texas , Border Crisis , Tip , Dealing , Spear , Director Mccraw , Action Items , Magnitude , Sides , Deeds , Scope , Ran Out , Kids , Gangs , Operations , Dallas , Area , Global Mass Migration , Droves , Bodies , Borders , Citizens , Impact , Key Problem Drug , Meth , Radar Screen , Deaths , Expert , Support , Threats , Border Patrol Fault , National Security Function , Influxes , 1 3 Million , Family Units , 720000 , 1986 , Front Line , Location , Facilities , New Mexico , California , Percentage , Security Gaps , Infrastructure , Entry , Which , 64 , Special Agents , Implemented Operation Lone Star , Surge Operation Patrol Units , Means , March 4th , Texas Rangers , 4 , Aircraft , Deck , Drugs , Cartel Operatives , 2000 , 1200 , Methamphetamine , Objectives , Corridor , Five , Land Owners , Owners , Criminal Trespass , Gaps , Burglary , Vandalism , Task , Caravans , Land Needs Protection , Position , Texans , Whites , Del Rio , Concertina Wire , Conex Box , Grounds , Boots , Doesn T Matter , Texas Technology , Facts , Arrests , Criminal Trespass Arrests , Trespass , Game Wardens , 2500 , Discussion , Panel , Rodney Scott , 196 , Quantities , Chief , Tons , Got Away , Pound , Traffic , Got Aways , Flow , Preventive , Stand , Team , Meetings , Department Of Homeland Security , Points , A G Paxton Speaking , A G S , 13 , Operation , 258 Million , 1140 , Perspective , Customs And Border Protection , December , 4000 , 2707 , Vice President , Honduras , 518000 , Former Acting Direct Ice , Unsecured , Agent , Presidents , Ice Priorities , A G Paxton , Affidavits , 3 , Overdose Deaths , 100000 , Dps , Ones , Gang Members , 500000 , Terrorists , Thank God , 16 , News , Cartel Smuggler , Cartel , Consequence , Deterrents , Texas Side , Process , Haitian Ands Under The Bridge , 240 , Family , Groups , Taxis , Busses , Election , Destination , Chief Patrol Agents , Control , Adults , Killer , Number One , Room , Note , Networks , Times , Jen Psaki , Press Briefing , Democratic Party , Extension Arm , Low , Fentanyl Didn T , Party , Let S Talk , 35 , 40 , 83 , Progressives , Common Sense , Border Patrol Agents , Construction , Border Barriers , Border Barrier , Want , Wish , Sector , Rgb , Skycam , Let S Go , 1233 , Unit , Brush , Group , Neighborhood , Migrant Runners , Shoulder , Sort , Neighborhoods , Households , Hiding , Against , Yards , Homeowners , Runners , Helicopter , Circling , Texas Land Owners , Human Smuggling , Butts , Before , Cash , Teenagers , Youth , Including Tiktok , Citizen , Vehicle , Smuggling , The Rio Grande Valley , Daughter , Stop Sign , Teenager , Police Pursuit , Promise , T Boned , Videos , Platforms , Hubs , Human Smugglers , Police Pursuits , Atlanta , Border Officials , Morale , Rock Bottom , Board , Images , Eight , Bus , Airport , Single , Taxi , San Antonio Airport , The Public , Earlier , Misdemeanor Criminal Histories , Assaults , Repeat Reentry , Case , Case Basis , Immigration Law , Travel Coordination Agency , Airports , Police Don T , Admin , Showing , Ice Releases , Report , September 30th , 2021 , Spots , Locations , Details , Bill Reporting , Wrap , A G , Member , State It , Tack , Kamala Harris , Inauguration , Czar , Program , Breaking News , Our Nation S Capital , Conflict , State Department , Listening , Wn , Lots , Opportunities , Song , Life Insurance Policy , Life Insurance , Cash Payment , Income , 00000 , Worth , Policy Lapse , Insurance , Screen , Finding Out , Coventry , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Pentagon , Events , Counterpart , Conversation , Demand , Biden Set , Soviet , Distance , Exercises , Alex Hogan , Live In London , Missiles , Pressure , Conflicts , Test Launch , North Korea , Voice , Protests , Moves , Violation , Translator , Prime Minister , U N Security Council Resolution , Japan , Talks , Sanctions , Defiance , Denuclearization Steps , Austria , Vienna , Differences , Envoy , Senior , Fronts , Negotiation Team , Iran Nuclear Deal , 2015 , War Planes , Incursions , Island , Air Defense Zone , 39 , Taiwan , Games , Representatives , Athletes , Winter Olympics , Beijing , February 4th , Display , Timeline , Up , Armed Services Committee , Expectations , Congressman Gallagher , Wisconsin , Ball , Russians , Embassy Personnel , Documents , Access , Foreign Policy , Embassy , Embassies , Evacuation , Flaws , Concession , Collapse , String , Nord Stream 2 , Deterrent , Incursion , Essence , Afghanistan , Force , Deterrent Posture , Capitulation , Vulnerability , The Americans , Making , President Xi , World Leaders , Indeed Putin , American Hard Power , Concept , Defense Secretary , Strengths , Commander In Chief , Commander , Consistency , Tone , Talking Points , Press Conferences , The World Stage , Identity Politics , John Kirby , Updates , Thought , Combat Power , Predictions , Haven T , Hand , Playing A , Preparedness , Update , Range , Kirby , Elements , Readiness , Fort Bragg , 18th Airborne Court , 82nd Airborne Division , 82 , Division , Fort Campbell , Colorado , Fort Carson , Kentucky , 101 , Posture , Orders , Air Base , Fort Stork , Georgia , Robins Air Force Base , Louisiana , Wright Patterson , Ohio , Fort Polk , Course , Combat Formations , Logistics Support , Aviation Support , Forces , Breakdowns , Nato Response Force , Detail , Poland , Respect , John , Military Aid , Air Defense Systems , Zelensky Has , Weaponry , Air Force , Tanks , Ammunition , Air , Missile Defense Assessment Team , Conversations , Shipments , Kinds , Counterparts , Capability Concerns , Coming , Capabilities , Specificity , Communication , Systems , Needs , Podium , Weapon , Drawdown Package , Packages , Advertising , Item , 11th Hour , Side , Size , Scale , 11 , Top , Millions , Spring , 60 Million , 200 Million , Self Defense , Ukrainian Armed Forces , Package , Ways , 00 Million , Imminent , Stuff , Hail Mary Pass Throwing , Couple , Any , Combat , Read Outs , Accumulation , Shock , There S , Space , Combined , Jen Griffin , Questioning , Round , Possibility , Interview , Nato Alliance Triggers , President Putin , Eric Adams , Ambush Attack , Disturbance , Man Shot , Cops , Approach , Officer , Police Officers , Hero , Philadelphia , Lawsuits , Patrick S , The Bronx , Writing , Love , Instagram , Sweet Angel , Dominican American , I Love You , Freshman , Effort , Vigil Last Night , Roll Call , Ends , Grief , Joke , Smiling , Smile , Leader , Age , Rivera A , Passion , Bit , Focus , Innocence , Goal , Police Force , December 20 2014 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708

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moment. we will talk to tom homan about that. >> sandra: alert to a city in mourning. a wake is underway for one of the two new york city police officers murdered in an ambush last weekend. and funerals for both officers are scheduled in the coming days. hello, sandra smith in new york. great to have you here. >> it's great to be with you, i'm in for john roberts, a solemn site. fellow officers carrying the casket of 22-year-old jason rivera into st. patrick's cathedral this morning. he and his partner were ambushed inside an apartment last week after responding to a mother's call for help. as funeral services get underway, attention now turning to manhattan's far left d.a. and the soft on crime policies. now alvin bragg says he will attack gun violence at every angle. >> deadly and dangerous start for the nation's police officers. 24 have been shot and four killed since just january 1st. >> brian will kick things off outside st. patrick's cathedral. is the public allowed inside? >> griff and sandra, yes, the general public is allowed inside of st. patrick's cathedral to pay their respects to officer jason rivera. they are allowed in up to 8:00 p.m. tonight. they are encouraged, actually, to come here to show really a sign of unity for the city of new york, a procession of nypd vehicles led the hearse carrying the body of jason rivera from the bronx to the cathedral. along the way, firefighters stopped, got out of their truck on the highway to salute rivera, bagpipes played as some 200 nypd officers saluted rivera's nypd -- [bagpipes playing] >> the bagpipes are playing as some 200 officers saluted his flag draped casket, 27-year-old partner wilbert mohammed morsi -- wilbert mora, and he was married in october, encouraged young students from his high school to work hard. he is described as a passionate, positive and consistent person. the rookie cop said he became an officer, he wanted to better the relationship between the community and the police, but look, that relationship, griff, continues to be strained here. last night, six police vehicles outside of the 32nd precinct, honoring both officer slained at a vigil, six vehicles had their tires slashed, just gives you a sense of the work that still needs to be done there. rivera's funeral will be held tomorrow. griff. >> on that point, what can you tell us about the renewed focus by the city to combat gun violence surging there and really nationwide? >> well, look, governor kathy hoe -- hochul has the interstate task force, illegal guns are moving from the southern states to new york. yesterday, 23-year-old was indicted in the bronx for trafficking and selling 73 illegal guns, including semi-automatic weapons, he allegedly brought from tennessee. manhattan's controversial district attorney alvin bragg is being criticized for being soft on crime. appointed a new gun violence prosecutor and promised to prosecute gun crimes, including possession. the governor issued a warning saying she's prepared to step in if bragg's progressive policies don't work. said "there are options and that she's going to be monitoring the situation". the two will reportedly be meeting tomorrow, griff. >> brian outside of st. patrick's cathedral for us, brian, thank you very much. you know, sandra, it's fascinating as we cover day in and day out the violence spiralling out of control across the country. seems all eyes are on things happening in your city there in new york and what the solution will become. >> sandra: a heartbreaking scene as the casket was brought up the steps there at st. patrick's cathedral here in new york city. and puts bragg on notice, saying she's got options if she believes and finds out she believes alvin bragg is making the city less safe. it's not a good place to be right now, residents don't feel safe walking the streets, she has to do something about it. >> and we have coming up very soon, you are going to talk to joe who is the founder of blue lives matter there in new york. we'll see what he has to say, stay tuned. >> sandra: a lot to say on that. tensions between russia and the ukraine as invasion looms. moscow ramping up the military presence. war planes, fighter jets and warships practicing training and war games. tom cotton, a member of the armed forces and intel committee. do you believe this invasion is imminent? reports almost hourly, of russia building up, on the belarus border. is this attack about to happen? >> sandra, before i get to ukraine, i want to express on behalf of all us in kansas, the condolences to the families of the slain officers in new york and nypd. heartbreaking thing. as for ukraine, i do believe that russia now has the troops assembled not only on its border with ukraine but into belarus and the naval and marine forces in the black sea that it could invade imminently. it may want to wait longer, to get hospital units and medi-vac units, perhaps vladimir putin wants to wait a couple more weeks to not to upstage the beijing olympics, but i believe russia has the troop numbers assembled and positioned where they could go for the juggular, take the river, the entire black sea coast of ukraine, it's a very dangerous situation and it's the end result of a year of irresolution and weakness, not only from joe biden, but from european ambassadors. >> a tweet, joe biden is the most pro russia president we have had, he gave them a pipeline of money and influence into europe. you put up the map here, the nord stream 2 pipeline showing dependency germany has on russia, for natural gas, half of what they need from there. we have options. why do you believe this administration is not being more proactive as it does appear we are waiting for putin to make the next move? >> yeah, unfortunately, sandra, that's the story of joe biden's policy first year in office, on the back foot, whether it's russia and the concessions, the nord stream pipeline or one-sided extension of the new start arms control treaty, or freeing a russian cyber criminal from jail before his prison sentence was up. also if you look at what happened in afghanistan in august, with the nuclear negotiations with iran, president biden has been weak and passive against our adversaries, and that's not surprisingly has emboldened our adversaries. they believe that uncle sam has a kick me sign on the back and taking advantage of the united states right now. >> sandra: we'll get more on that later, but ask you what we just heard from president biden as he stepped up to the microphone at the white house and announced alongside justice breyer the supreme court justice's retirement and also hinted at, i guess say he was very clear on how he plans to replace his seat on the bench. watch. >> person i will nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications, character, experience and integrity, and that person will be the first black woman ever nominated to the united states supreme court. >> sandra: i'll ask you to react to that, senator. >> first, sandra, i did not often agree with justice breyer's jurisprudence, i want to honor and thank his decades of service, in uniform as a young soldier and his career up to being on the supreme court. for the president's comments, i'm less worried about the color of the nominee's skin or her sex and more worried about her legal philosophy. i'm fearful that the president is going to nominate a left wing idealogue, i've seen his nominees to the lower courts for the last year and almost uniformly radicals, left wing who want to impose the left's vision for america on this country through the courts as opposed to trying to persuade their fellow americans at the ballot box and legislatures across the country. >> sandra: quick final on that. do you believe the timing of this announcement was a political strategy on the part of this administration to sort of change the subject, considering the mounting crises that this administration is facing? >> i can't comment on what was happening in the biden white house. they have a lot of political crises and might be in the back of justice breyer's mind if he waited much longer there would be a republican majority in the senate after this november, because of rising inflation and rising crime and weakness abroad, and general dissatisfaction with joe biden's presidency. >> sandra: senator cotton, appreciate you joining us. thank you. >> in texas, governor greg abbott will soon deliver remarks at a border security briefing with over a dozen state attorneys general from across the country. that as fox news obtains the new bodycam video of a homeland security contractor discussing migrants transported on secret charter flights and admits the white house is "betraying the american people." bill is live in la joya, texas with the latest. >> the bodycam video is going very viral now, people are talking about it, raising questions about the way the federal government is discreetly moving migrants around the country. this was back in august in west chester county, new york, a left police officer at the airport there and sees the government chartered flight land and illegal immigrants streaming out of the plane and on to the tarmac. the officer is responsible for security so starts talking to the government contractors saying what the heck is going on here and the contractors tell him, good luck figuring that out. he continues going back and forth with them trying to figure out what is going on, and then you hear one of the contractors say this, take a listen. >> no, don't want to be somewhere where the spotlight -- down low as possible. >> i guess it. >> down low as possible because what we don't want to do is attract attention, we don't want the media, like we don't even know where we are going and they tell us. >> meanwhile, take a look at this video we shot just this morning in san antonio, at the airport, a tip i.c.e. was going to drop off a large bus load of single adult male illegal immigrants there. we sent a camera crew, look what we found. dozens of single adult men released from i.c.e. custody at the airport. there was an n.g.o. waiting to receive them. taken into the airport where they will now be free to travel across the country wherever they want. that's not all, take a look at this video in brownsville yesterday. more releases of single adult migrants, our drone video. we watched more i.c.e. busses dropping off the single adult men, some were wearing ankle monitors, many did not want to show their faces on camera, putting up their folders to hide their faces. i.c.e. source telling me the releases have been going on since last year and that the federal government is releasing migrants with some misdemeanor criminal convictions, including assault, d.u.i., drug possession, and illegal reentry. back out here live, i asked i.c.e. about that this morning. are they releasing migrants with some misdemeanor criminal history, they did not deny it. only told me they do the releases on a case by case basis. send it back to you. >> bill, thank you very much. you know, sandra, i've been covering this issue more than a decade and the national border patrol council president talked to me earlier and i said is the border patrol, or i.c.e. agents, are they broken? he said they are absolutely broken. the point, the point when single adult males are being released en mass, when rank and file men in uniform and women in uniform are confronting a secretary as we saw out in yuma yesterday, that tells you they are indeed broken. it is an important and sad moment for the men and women who protect the border. >> sandra: and the video at west chester airport you see the children off the airplane, the police also observed and remember this from the reporting at the time, that it was not just young children, that they did see some men in their early 20s, estimated also getting off the airplane, and to have the government contractors say good luck when trying to get information, local police had no idea what was happening and it was after hours, against security protocols. services are underway to honor one of the officers killed in an ambush last week and now new york's governor is putting manhattan's liberal d.a. on notice. we will tell you why. also be speaking with blue lives matter new york city founder, plus this. >> some people might be ego drunk, maybe they don't have the children's best interests at heart. >> a virginia mom saying part of the problems with the pandemic policies in schools is with the people in power. now the new governor of virginia is facing backlash over a decision he made to deal with it. the virginia attorney general will update us on the state's legal fight. with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide 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prosecuted. i would like to hear from him on whether or not there are adjustments in his thinking and tamp this down because of his very easy to point to a person or what policy is the cause of all the ills here, and that's not how i operate. the governor saying joe, there is options. what do you think will happen, what should the governor do? >> griff, this is a step in the right direction but read an article that she's saying she's not going to consider changing bail reform laws. what side are we going? to the left or the right? where the politicians need to step up. it's condemnation of different issues affecting new york city and other nations alike. the main thing we have to do, take the bad guys off the street, allows officers to do their job and put them behind bars. that's what we need to do to fix the problem. we cannot go back and forth and one day to the left, the right, we need a clear direction. >> griff: joe, we are off to a bad start for 2022, if you look here at the number of cops shot, we can show you. 24 officers shot, four officers killed since january 1. have you ever seen it this bad and what is the reaction among the folks you are talking to to this? >> well, it's been getting worse and i came out in 2006 and my first line of duty death was a detective, and that was not easy and move forward in the career it's no easier. the last week, week and a half, dealing with the brave, brave officers that lost their lives in new york city and another week going forward emotional roller coaster, laying our brothers to rest, when and if another situation like this, in law enforcement we know it's unpredictable and anything can happen. it's not easy being a cop and why the politicians need to stop going out there, writing legislation and like they know how to do the job of the officers. we need professionals to sit down with the president, comes out of washington and listen to the guys on the beat. not the guys retired 20, 30 years, or the chiefs. they are not sitting down with the guys in the street. we have to get the professionals to get the right answer to move forward. >> griff: you mention comes out of washington, the president will travel to new york to meet with mayor adams next week. what leadership, what needs to come from president biden in your estimation? >> well, we have to stop hearing that people like him want to make history and see action. we need to start seeing action being taken. do things that are going to allow not just the people who serve and protect, but the people who live in the communities feel safe. not only are the people that live in the communities becoming victims, but officers becoming victims. people need to see results, that's what they want to see and individuals are fed up and we are going to see the community and the public for the first time in a while come together and say enough is enough, change laws, let's move forward. >> griff: joe, will we see liberal democrat lawmakers who have supported defunding the police change their minds, we saw last month two of those democrat lawmakers being carjacked, fortunately ok, one in philly and one in chicago, and now cori bush, liberal democrat from st. louis, missouri, saying on twitter her car was hit with bullets, no one was in it, but will these lawmakers change their tune? >> the harsh truth is we need the lawmakers to be victims. we need them to understand when the worst situation possible hits them and then turn around and say wow, maybe it's an issue, i need to wake up and do my job and change things for the better. i'm not praying any of the people get hurt or harmed but need to see firsthand how bad the streets really are. >> griff: joe, we would never wish any harm whatsoever on any american, let alone a politician we disagreed with. but the instances we saw two instances of carjacking, fortunately everyone was ok. maybe it will change their minds. joe imperatrice,hanks for taking time today, sir. >> sandra: thank you. oil prices on the right, a seven-year high. would a russian invasion of ukraine set up for an energy crisis here in the united states? oil trader phil flynn will tell us what it means for you. >> whether they choose the path of diplomacy and dialogue, renew aggression against ukraine, we are prepared either way. >> griff: as diplomatic talks stall, how close are we to a russian invasion in ukraine. greg looks at one of the biggest signs yet that putin may be ready to make his move. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> griff: russian official saying not much cause for optimism after the u.s. rejects one of moscow's main demands to deescalate tensions over ukraine, bomb shelters from the cold war era are being dusted off in the ukraine capital as they prepare for a full on invasion by russian forces. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is on the ground in kyiv. what are you seeing there? >> greg: diplomacy going nowhere fast, but the build-up of russian troops is soaring. officials of vladimir putin say no positive response in the written statement by the u.s. we understand no ground was given by the u.s. on the key russian point that nato backs away from ukraine and eastern europe. this as more planes arrive. u.s. jets flew into estonia yesterday. officials don't think an invasion is imminent, they are worried about russian jets arriving in next door in belarus. authorities have identified 5,000 possible bomb shelters in the city of some 3 million, and yes, some are veterans of the cold war. >> just one of several bomb shelters in this apartment complex in northern kyiv. the event of an invasion, this is home. it's a little bit rough. >> greg: the bomb shelter we checked out is said to handle about 60 people. bombing strike looms, sirens will warn building residents to go down there and stay for the duration. it does have electricity but not much more than that. the place will be stocked up with food, water medical supplies and could be key to the local's survival. take a listen. >> most important thing, it's important to save lives, that we will do the best we can. >> greg: as we were leaving one ukrainian lady checked out the place and made it known to just about everybody that she did not like the looks of it, and they might have to be there. one final word, griff, in less than a half hour's time scheduled is a telephone call between president biden and the ukrainian president, a lot to talk about. back to you. >> griff: a lot indeed. hopefully the shelters will not be needed. greg, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: thanks, griff. with an invasion looming, the white house is looking to boost oil supplies for the european allies, oil topping $90 a barrel, the highest since 2014, and going back to the trading floor, great to have you, phil. we are trying to understand what it means, implications for energy prices here at home, globally, we know these are very global markets and the standpoint of how much leverage does the dependency on russian oil and natural gas on russia, what that does for this fight. so, phil, start off with the $90 a barrel oil. we are already paying more at the pump, we know that. this has major implications as far as economic implications. if the price of oil goes up, the gas prices will go higher. >> you are absolutely right, sandra. i'll tell you what, we basically reribboned the global geopolitical risk map in the last couple years under president biden with his energy policy and i think you are starting to see when the u.s. steps back as the world's biggest producer what happens on the global stage. not only do we have oil prices screaming to the highest level we have seen in seven years, the map becomes more unstable. russia sees an opportunity here, they control the energy supply, they control the global economy and they are using that to their advantage in this situation and that means everybody is going to pay the price. if we see oil prices go to $100 a barrel, we could be paying $5 a gallon national average, nobody wants to see that. >> sandra: that would change a lot, and you paying that cost to put gasoline in your car, think about all the trucks that have to transport the goods and that also gets handed down to the consumer. so dig into this for us, because these are stats we have been bringing to our viewers to try to show how much this situation has changed over the past few years and under this administration. we are now bringing in 206,000 barrels per day of oil from russia into this country. that is a big difference from where we were under trump's first year of his presidency, october 2017, we were importing 18,000 barrels a day from russia. that has changed significantly. now put up the map to show we are getting our oil from canada, oil from mexico, saudi arabia, russia, the first time in a long time is top of the list of places we are having to buy oil, that we then refine into gasoline in this country. so, dig into this for us. if we are using that much oil from russia, how does that compare to the amount of oil we could be bringing in via the keystone xl pipeline that project canceled by the biden white house. >> you are absolutely right. hundreds of thousands of barrels per day we would not be getting from russia and the key thing is, i don't want to get into the weeds, into the quality of the oil. u.s. refiners are set up for heavier types of oil, the type that canada produces, that venezuela produces. if we restrict supplies from venezuela and from canada, russia is the odds on favorite to take that supply. and u.s. refiners need that heavy oil. so, vladimir putin came out tomorrow and said hey, guys, you know, we are going to cut off all exports to the united states, we want to really have a viable replacement of that quality of crude very easily, so what that means the u.s. consumers would have to pay a lot more. and president biden can release all he wants from the reserves, if they cannot refine it does not do us any good. >> sandra: a great point, dig into the release of the spr as well. the top of daily mail this morning, biden sparks gas panic. joe warns he will pull the plug on $11 billion russian gas pipeline into germany, nord stream 2 if putin invades ukraine, as he kicks out 27 russian diplomats from d.c. a gas panic? is that likely to happen? what are the implications at home, phil. >> if we are not already having a panic in europe i hate to see what a real panic looks like. the situation we have in europe right now with natural gas is that russia also has been restricting supplies from europe, and because of that, we have seen the prices of natural gas hit which is the equivalent of $250 a barrel crude oil. so now if you get into cutoff of supply, prices could go up more. biden administration is calling our allies saying send natural gas to europe, we may need it, which is good, but the problem is we shouldn't have been in the situation in the first place. >> sandra: and you are pointing to the ripple effect throughout europe because they cut off nord stream 2 and germany from russia, then they have to buy the nat gas from other places and a struggle for a lot of european nations. phil, you explain it in such simple terms. thank you very much for joining us. >> griff: calls are growing for the u.s. to boycott the upcoming beijing olympics over china human rights abuses and american activist whose sister is in prison in china for speaking out against genocide tells us what the situation is like inside the communist country. plus, this. >> in my opinion, everything they are doing is for show and for whatever political reasons. it's never about what they say it is. >> sandra: growing frustration over the southern border, secret movement of undocumented migrants from the border through the rest of the country. tom homan is fired up about that. he'll join us. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. hearing is important to living life to the fullest. that's why inside every miracle-ear store, you'll find a better life. it all starts with the most innovative technology. like the new miracle-earmini, available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small that no one will see it, but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a thirty-day risk-free trial. you can experience better 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[ chuckles ] well, he may have friends, but he rides alone. that's jeremy, right there! we're literally riding together. he gets touchy when you talk about his lack of friends. can you help me out here? no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. well, we're new friends. to be fair. eh, still. >> griff: any moment now texas governor greg abbott will deliver remarks at a border security briefing with at least a dozen attorneys general from across the country, that's as we obtained the dramatic new video of a federal contractor discussing undocumented migrants being transported on secret charter flights into suburban communities. joining us now is former acting i.c.e. director and fox news contributor, tom homan. let me get your immediate reaction to what we saw in that video with the contractor saying essentially that that is video of the government betraying the american people. >> shameful and disgusting, and that video proves like i have been saying a secretary of homeland security is lying to the american people. when he says he's using title 42 to return people to mexico, he's lying. all these adult males you see on the video, every one of them qualify for return to mexico. he's not doing it. but he tells members of congress during testimony he's doing it. tells the media he's doing it. every one of those males are also eligible for detention, they can be detained. i.c.e. is 50% detention. he's lying to the american people and this film pulls the curtain back on them. this secretary needs to be removed. our homeland is less secure under his leadership. >> griff: tom, remember back to the campaign trail two years ago you had so many abolish i.c.e. chants going on, and we heard from then candidate joe biden he was not going to abolish i.c.e.. has effectively the equivalent happened? >> he abolished the mission. i.c.e. cannot enforce the law. he said you can't arrest somebody from being here illegally. telling the immigration officer that you can't arrest someone for being an illegal alien. what kind of message to the rest of the world when we are dealing with the border crisis. i.c.e. report will be an embarrassment, and turn it all around so we cannot understand it. i.c.e. men and women are devastated, they jumped over the secretary yesterday in a town hall meeting. >> griff: spoke with the border patrol president a couple hours ago, he said griff, border patrol is broken and specifically when you saw that exchange in yuma yesterday, but before i play that, there was a moment last week, i happened to watch it, 0 coverage, it was d.h.s. secretary speaking to the governors of mayors about the border. what he said, listen. >> unlawful presence in the united states will alone not be a basis for immigration enforcement action, but rather we will allocate our efforts, we will allocate our resources on those individuals who present a current public safety threat, a threat to national security or a threat to our border security, and that is a very important principle. >> griff: last week he tells the world it's ok to come, then yesterday in yuma, arizona this happens in exchange with agents. >> it may appear that everything is honkey dory, i know better. >> commitment remains we will keep fighting. and let me just say you can turn your back on me but i'll never turn my back on you. >> griff: tom, your thoughts. >> amen, he turned his back on them the same as the president, abandoned the men and women of the border patrol. tells you something that the border patrol is broken. when you have uniformed officer taking on a cabinet member, the secretary, and the secretary should be ashamed of himself and what did he offer them? we are going to ask mexico to do more. ask mexico to do our job for us. what president trump told mexico they are going to do more on the border but the same time, built the border wall, ended capitol hill and release, detained him. tunnel 42, remain in mexico. president trump did what the country needed. let the men and women wearing the green uniform do their job. this secretary says we will ask mexico to do more, and comes on the heels of the commissioner chris magnus and tells them if you don't like the policy of this administration you can quit. he says this crisis is not due to policies, it's due to a lack of man power. he has no clue, he's way over his head. >> griff: seems like there is a problem the administration needs to address. we would like to invite the secretary to come on this show. tom homan, thank you for giving your insight. >> sandra: and we did reach out and they said they would let us know when he is available. international manhunt leading to the capture of an alleged cop killer. what the suspect told his wife he was doing around midnight just moments before the shooting took place. plus, the port of savannah setting a record, as they struggle with back loads what the federal reserve is saying about the supply chain problem and how much longer it's going to take to fix it. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. even walking was tough. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. watch me. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. >> griff: spotify has officially removed singer-songwriter neil young's music from their service after the rock star issued an ultimatum earlier this week. on monday he wrote a letter to the label and manager stating he would like his music taken off spotify due to his belief they spread misinformation of covid vaccines through joe rogan's podcasts. in the letter, rogan or young, not both. as a result, spotify took down young's music yesterday. he had 6 million listeners a month. whatever happened to rocking in the free world? >> sandra: i was just going to say he has a heart of gold. i got you. >> griff: unbelievable. >> sandra: a lot of people have thoughts on that story. the supply chain crisis shows little sign of letting up, as u.s. ports face ongoing backlogs. top container questions face questions of the lack to do so, and in savannah, hard hat and all, what does it mean for consumers, ashley, and prices? >> well, that's a good question, sandra, any excuse to wear a hard hot, you know that. bottom line, don't expect prices to go down any time soon. boats like this, ships like this behind me, this one happens to be chinese, more and more expensive to bring the goods from asia to the united states. here in the port of savannah things have improved. when i was last here about three and a half months ago there were about 30 ships waiting to come into port. today 0, so there is a piece of light at the end of the tunnel but does not paint the real picture. the west coast ports are still backed up, over 100 ships anchored at sea. white house says hey, you know, the second half this year will be much better. but no one else seems to agree, including the federal chairman. >> i would not say i expect the supply chain issues to be worked out by the end of the year, i do not expect them and have not. what i have been saying is i expect progress to be made in the second half of this year mainly. progress, because we are not making much progress. >> we are not making much progress, and i talked about those prices, i just want to give you a sense of how much the freight rates are right now, globally up 140% from asia to the u.s. west coast, up 250%, and from asia to the u.s. east coast, up 184%. guess what, those chronically high prices, well, eventually they get passed on to you, me, and the american consumers. so in other words, don't expect prices to go down any time soon. sandra. >> sandra: thanks for washing it for us, ashley. down to texas, a briefing happening about the southern border. the governor you'll see, greg abbott in the center, attorney general ken paxton is speaking right now. they are talking to local leaders on the ground dealing with the crisis. dip in here and listen as to how they plan to address this. >> also i.c.e., worked this out over a month ago, in briefings with them yesterday and given a directive from somewhere on high in washington not to show up, so you will not get the federal briefings as of 7:00 last night, they canceled all the briefings. another example of lack of transparency from the federal government about what's going on at the border. so with that, why don't we start with often the most famous attorney general from montana, say your name and whether you have been here before. >> attorney general of montana -- my first trip down here. congressman scheduled me to come down here last april with him and that trip was also canceled by the federal government. i appreciate you having me down here, mr. governor, and mr. attorney general. >> kurt taylor, alaska attorney general, my first trip to the border as well. thank you for hosting us and seeing firsthand what's going on. >> derek schmidt from kansas, appreciate the opportunity. >> running for governor. >> yes, that's also true. >> hi, everyone. todd rokita, attorney general of indiana, my second trip to the border in the last three months. thank everyone who helped the first time and hosting us this time. >> attorney general from mississippi, my first trip as well. we are very grateful we are here so we can be a part of this investigation and we are learning what's happening, how we can all fight this good fight together and governor, general paxton, thank you very much. >> john from oklahoma. >> john o'connor, attorney general from the state of oklahoma. this is my first time to be down here for this purpose, but obviously as neighbors of texas we are very concerned about everything that happens in texas, including the illegal immigration. i'm happy to be here. >> patrick morris, west virginia attorney general, governor, attorney general, thank you for your hospitality. >> griff: press conference with the meeting with the governor in westlico, texas, and what you are seeing is the monthly meeting called by the texas d.p.s. you see just to the right of the governor, steve mccraw, the head of texas d.p.s. in march of last year when they perceived the administration as leaving them in untenable situation with the crisis at the border they started operation lone star, since that began, nearly 200,000 apprehensions, seizures of 1100 pounds of fentanyl, on and on, the number of criminal migrants in the tens of thousands among that, and that is why there is interest. we know the governor has since taken building a wall into his own hands. we were there, fox news covered that a month ago, and it is interesting now to see what the governor is going to have to say when we are hearing from people like tom homan that the border patrol officials tasked with securing our nation is essentially broken. >> sandra: and to put this in even greater context on the reporting we are also doing today, you heard from phil talking about the secret flights that are operated by government contractors, some of them landing here outside of new york city, west chester airport, police, local police, saying they watched the planes come in past curfew, against security protocol. government protocols escorting children, sometimes men in their early 20s, then they are dispersed to various areas around, including new jersey and surrounding states, griff, and they asked the government contractors about the information for the flights and they don't get anything. it's been about a year now where the immigration and border patrol is in crisis. and we'll get to the governor. >> griff: in the video we saw, the local police, where that tape comes from, saying what's going on, the official telling them they want to keep it on the hush hush, on the down low, and just as we dipped into this meeting down on the border in texas we heard lieutenant governor talking about apparently i.c.e. briefings to local law enforcement will no longer happen. let's listen in for a minute while he's speaking. >> nation that we are defending. thank you and certainly -- >> first of all, thank you as general paxton was talking about, the state of texas is having to battle in court against the biden administration for the biden administration abandonment of its obligation to secure the border. and one way in which we are able to battle against the biden administration is through the court system, and not only has ken paxton stepped up and brought the legal actions that were needed, he's been winning those legal actions, and that's been a tremendous help to the people of texas. to all of the attorneys general who join with us here today, as you all know, you are the top law enforcement officers in your respective states. that's not only a powerful role, it's an important and essential role. i thank you for the role that you play but as you go about your daily duties and waging legal challenges to make sure that you are using the law to keep your community safe and keep your communities better, it is astonishing that one lawbreaker that we are having to wage legal action against is the president of the united states. there are laws passed by the united states congress that the president is not enforcing. there are united states constitutional provisions that the president is not upholding. somebody has to hold the president accountable for his abandonment of the rule of law in this country and it is you all. the attorney generals across the entire country. you also need to do it not just because the biden administration is abandoning the rule of law, but because the consequences of biden's open border policies, because of the consequences of biden's refusing to enforce the laws passed by congress, every single one of your states, the residents of your states are facing consequences sometimes deadly consequences because of biden's open border policies. you mention fentanyl. as you are going to hear more momentarily from the director of the texas department of public safety who will elaborate what i'm about to say. over the past calendar year, the texas department of public safety and law enforcement here in texas, they have seized enough fentanyl to kill every man, woman and child in each of the states here. i said that wrong. every man, woman and child in all the states gathered here combined. that is how deadly this is. doses to kill more than 222 million americans are sweeping our states for one reason only, joe biden does not care that fentanyl is invading our states. if you look at the population group between the ages of 18 and 45, the leading cause of death over the past year is not covid, it's not cancer, it's not car wrecks, the leading cause of death of our fellow americans ages 18 to 45 is fentanyl. and president biden is doing nothing to address that fentanyl problem. the fentanyl is coming in from china through mexico into the united states. joe biden does not care that people are dying today because of the open border policies that are allowing fentanyl to come into our country. there is another horrific crime occurring as a result of biden's refusal to enforce the immigration laws. because of biden's open invitation provided to the cartels to smuggle across our border, victims are human trafficking and to continue to perpetuate that human trafficking across america. either all of the states represented here today or almost all of the states represented here today, they have human trafficking going on in their states as a result of the biden open border policies. joe biden doesn't care about victims of human trafficking. if he cared, he would step up and do something about it. but he does not care about the carnage that he's causing to lives and communities across the entire country. as long as he can support his woke agenda, he's fine with americans suffering. and yes, we are dealing with tragedies on our border here with homes being invaded, ranches ripped apart, lives being affected. but just as important those lives are being affected across the entire country. texas is stepping up to do the federal government's job. we are not going to sit by while joe biden refuses to address the law. texas will step up and secure the border. state legislature appropriating $3 billion of texas taxpayer money for texas to secure the border, and that money goes to pay for additional department of public safety officers as well as about 10,000 national guard, for them to step up and do what the federal government should be doing, and that is to secure our border. in addition to that, they are arresting smugglers, human traffickers, drug dealers, cartel members. arresting anybody who is coming in the state of texas and violating a texas law, and includes people who are illegally trespassing on texas land who have come across the border illegally. and they are doing a tremendous job of addressing that. for texas to be able to step up and better enforce the rule of law on our border and deal with the consequences of our border, this past year i signed 15 new laws to crack down on the horrific crime of human trafficking. we created a new law to crack down on the manufacture or distribution of fentanyl which is a felony that will put these people behind bars. and now texas is building our own border wall because biden is not stepping up to secure the border the way that it needs to. and so i thank all the attorneys general for being here to help us fight this on a national basis as law enforcement officers from across the country, we join together because we all believe in something that the country was founded on and that is the rule of law. rule of law that joe biden has abandoned, rule of law that we as law enforcement and governors are going to step up and address. i know firsthand the important role that an attorney general can play in assisting governors, and so i thank you for the role that you are playing in assisting your governor, where collaboratively you are protecting the safety and security of your communities. i wouldn't be doing my job if i didn't leave y'all a proposed action item. there is something that i know the attorney general of texas has done, what i don't know if you did it in collaboration with any other attorneys general across the country. we as a state and general paxton as the attorney general, we have been working long before biden's open border policies to crack down on the horrific crime of human trafficking to try to eradicate human trafficking. when we learned that publications like back page and maybe some other publications were using advertisements or other publications to advertise, to actually promote human trafficking, it's my understanding general paxton took legal action to shut it down. and action item that i would like to propose for general paxton to consider with you all considering to join him. and that is there is a horrific crime taking place as we gather here today, as colonel mccraw can tell you more about momentarily. cartels in mexico are using tiktok to advertise, to recruit smugglers in texas and san antonio, houston, and other cities in texas and maybe some other states, to advertise for smugglers for pay for them to smuggle people here in texas which would include victims of human trafficking. that must be shut down. and just like i think injunction was taken against back page, similarly, possibly, injunction could be used to shut down tiktok in its use of its device and platform to allow criminal activity to be perpetuated, at least to horrific human trafficking. tiktok should be ashamed, condemned for promoting human trafficking in texas and the united states of america. and so i thank you all very much for the role you all play, but i know for a fact the person who is at the tip of the spear in dealing with the broken border crisis that biden has created is the director of the texas department of public safety. his name is steve mccraw, and director mccraw, turn it over to you at this time. >> thank you, governor. i'm used to action items, on the governor. first the tiktok situation, in the briefings you noticed tiktok clearly understand in terms of the scope and magnitude and how it's impacted. cartels have long recruited our children on both sides of the border to do their deeds and they ran out of children, ran out of our children for looking for different resources. they have certainly partnered with trans national and certainly state-based gangs and operations and we see that. now using tiktok, we are seeing kids being recruited from around the state, san antonio, dallas, houston, coming down in droves because as a result of the global mass migration event we have seen, there are too many bodies they cannot move outside the area of the border, and keep in mind, not smuggling in the border, but around the state and the nation. what comes through these borders impacts each of you, and your citizens and every community in texas, and i'm sad for the impact in west virginia that fentanyl has had and the rest of the nation. we have for a while thankfully from a texas standpoint, meth was our key problem drug but now fentanyl is on the radar screen and we are seeing some synthetic opiate deaths, and what happened and governor you know it well, you are an expert, and thank you for protecting texas from domestic and foreign threats, we appreciate your support. at the end of the day when the governor says we need something done immediately, and it's not the border patrol fault. brave men and women who sacrifice their lives, what they do is a tremendous national security function for the state of texas and the rest of the nation. when they are overwhelmed, and we have had influxes before, but never to this level. never over 1.3 million apprehensions in texas, ok, in a calendar year. never before. and back to 1986 the last time, and 720,000. and so border patrol is swamped, not only that, they have family units and unaccompanied children. so even -- their facilities are not made for those to be able to handle that. so you are taking the front line agents supposed to be on the river, and in arizona a different location, ok, but in california, new mexico, but we do have 64% of the border, governor, as you know, which, unfortunately we have the least percentage of infrastructure to protect that border, so at the end of the day when that happens and take border patrol off and huge security gaps between the ports of entry, and the governor directed back in march 4th, exactly, implemented operation lone star, made it very clear deploy, that means intensified surge operation patrol units but our special agents of texas rangers as well, aircraft, all hands on deck to get down there, fill the security gaps and that's what we have been doing, and we have never seen anything like it in terms of relates to fentanyl, and we did not expect it, but our seizures increased over 1200%, actually 2,000% between january, so enormous amount of drugs taken off. the same thing you were concerned about trans national gangs, cartel operatives and others things, over five tons of methamphetamine were seized. we are a critical corridor for the cartels, and obviously one of the four objectives you had to fill the gaps, we have been doing that. two, protect land owners from vandalism, criminal trespass, other crimes like burglary, and you were there talking to land owners and they expect, they are texans, their land needs protection, criminal trespassing, arrest them and book them in jail. so we are in better position and another task, the task is caravans. caravans coming to texas, and in del rio and how it threatened the community and proactive, whether we put black and whites together, right now, concertina wire or conex box, and secure the border, and you can't do it, you can't do it unless you have infrastructure, period. and anything you want to call, it doesn't matter. you have to have the texas technology and boots on the grounds, plain and simple. you can't secure it from washington, you can only secure it from the river and thank you for your leadership and i can tell i've talked too much, thank you. >> let me get you to ask one more -- let the public know how many people have been encountered coming across the border, how many arrests you all have made, and any other facts like that. >> we have had over 10,000 arrests we have made, criminal arrests, and criminal trespass, over 2500 criminal trespass arrests, embedded in that. between ourselves and national guard and game wardens working together, over 196, over 200,000 by now individuals that were referred to, apprehended and referred to border patrol. it's so important, the recent discussion that was had and one of the guys on the panel, rodney scott, former chief of the u.s. border patrol made it very clear said without operation lone star, every one of those numbers would have been a got-away, and every pound of drugs, the tons, quantities of drugs, if not for the state of texas stepping up would have been got-aways, entered into the traffic, and so they certainly recognize it and people understand that has an immediate impact. you have been very clear. it's not just apprehending or seizing, certainly, we have been running up the numbers and will continue to do so to stop the flow. to be proactive and preventive, stopping across the river. so we look forward to working with you on that. >> colonel mccraw, thank you for your work and team's work, and hosting governor, and making it happen and i really, really appreciate your stand on immigration and the fight you are leading across the nation and thank my fellow attorney generals for being here, media for being here and make clear if the department of homeland security wants to still meet, we will be here another day and a half and open to having the meetings instead of having them canceled. >> sandra: you just heard from the governor, and the a.g. paxton speaking, and griff, a fascinating look at the discussion they are having at the border today saying if the federal government is going to do nothing about it, texas will take matters into their own hands. fascinating points that you heard from the governor there, saying that joe biden is not doing anything about they says because biden does not care. covid is not the leading cause of deaths for those 18 to 45 years old, not cancer, not car wrecks, it's fentanyl. he said they have seized enough fentanyl at the southern border to kill every man, woman and child in all the states that are represented there combined. 13 of the a.g.s throughout the country are sitting there talking to the governor of texas. >> griff: sandra, a very important point there, because you heard from the governors talking about operation lone star, what texas d.p.s. has diseased, 1140 pounds of fentanyl, he says equivalent to more than 258 million lethal doses. perspective, that's what texas is doing. earlier today i saw a tweet from customs and border protection, first three months, october, november, december, they seized 2707 pounds of fentanyl. add those up, 4,000 pounds of fentanyl. let's not forget in the first three months we know more than 518,000 people apprehended at our border. it's hard to believe officials when you hear from the president, from the vice president who is in honduras at this moment that the border is anything but unsecured. >> tom homan is back with us, former acting direct i.c.e. and fox news contributor, the governor saying it's a broken border crisis he says joe biden has created. your reaction to what we just heard there in the meeting. >> 100% agree with him. i'm working very closely with the governor and ken paxton and mcgraw. i have worked for six presidents. i have written more affidavits with a.g. paxton's office to sue the president than i ever did as an agent. we are 3-0. i'll be testifying on the i.c.e. priorities that texas a.g. has filed. let me be clear, the governor of texas has done more to secure our border than either the secretary or president biden, and you have to think about the amount of fentanyl they seized, what's concerning what they don't seize. over 100,000 overdose deaths, but more importantly, when they have over 500,000 got-aways, the ones that d.p.s. did not catch or border patrol did not catch, how many are carrying fentanyl, gang members, and known suspected terrorists. they arrested 16 of those. how many have come in are known suspected terrorists. thank god for texas. they are doing the job the biden administration refuses to do. >> griff: last month i went down into mexico and interviewed a cartel smuggler, you and i have talked about that, and he told me they are not slowing down because business has never been better. a news worthy moment about the cartel using tiktok to recruit smugglers on the texas side of the border. how significant of a problem? >> no consequence or deterrents. border patrol says half the agents are not on the border. they are in centers processing people. so, half the border is unguarded. del rio and the haitian ands under the bridge, 240 miles open for days, and yuma, called all the agents in the process, hundreds came across, taking taxis and the busses to the final destination. cartel, look, no one celebrated this election more than the cartel, they knew they were back in business and taking advantage of this. they pushed the family groups through, border patrol has to respond to the humanitarian crisis and put the bad things through. the cartels have control of our southern border. i have two different chief patrol agents tell me they have lost operational control of the border, it belongs to the criminal cartels in mexico and joe biden gave it to them. >> sandra: tom, 18 to 45 years old, number one killer, fentanyl. as the governor just pointed out, coming in from china through mexico into the united states killing kids every day in this country. and adults. and you look at the amount they are seizing, the picture they painted kill every man, woman and child of every state that was represented in that room. we are covering it, we just showed it, i didn't see it covered on the other networks and got a note from a producer monitoring the white house press briefing, jen psaki was not asked a single question in that briefing, i am told, on the border. >> i've said it many times, the majority of the media, extension arm of the democratic party, they are covering the party. let's talk about president trump for a minute. illegal immigration was down 83% under president trump. 35, 40-year low. how much fentanyl didn't come across the border because the agents were back on the line? how many children did not die, how many women did not get sexually assaulted. a secure border saves lives. that's common sense. joe biden came in and undid all of it to win the progressives, he voted for border barriers as a senator. first day on the job he ended construction of the border barrier which border patrol agents will tell you was the number one wish, number one want to help them do their job. every place a wall is built, illegal immigration is decreased. facts and data are clear. >> griff: tom, thank you for taking time to join us, and give us the reaction as our viewers are looking live at our skycam over the r.g.b. sector there in mission, texas, the last 24 hours, you've had 1,233 apprehensions just in that sector alone, up 140%. let's go down there where bill can join us and more of what he is seeing. hey, bill. >> griff, good afternoon to you. you might see over the shoulder, a border patrol unit is a parked behind us, they are looking for a group of migrant runners in the brush behind us, not just any regular brush, it's a residential neighborhood a block away from behind us, and you've been down here enough and notice as well as i do a lot of this brushy area runs right up against, you know, american households, american neighborhoods and often times people will have people running through their front yards, hiding under the car, that sort of a thing. there was a mother-of-pearl helicopter above us circling, looking for the runners, but the sort of thing that happens every day. you heard governor abbott talking about texas land owners and homeowners having to deal with this, it's absolutely true. this butts up against american neighborhoods and one of the things you heard him hit on which we have not heard that much before, he was really going after tiktok when it comes to human smuggling and he's right. we have seen ads on social media, including tiktok, where the cartels will advertise typically to american youth that they can get quick cash if they are willing to pick up illegal immigrants and drive them somewhere, and repeatedly american teenagers fall for it, they want the money, and they do it. and it can have deadly consequences, just keep in mind last month out here in the rio grande valley in mission, 20 minutes from where we are, a teenage u.s. citizen had six illegal immigrants in his vehicle, he was smuggling, there was a police pursuit, he flew through a stop sign and he t-boned a vehicle being driven by a local texas mother and her daughter, that mother and daughter were both killed and the teenager, if he's convicted has ruined his life over the promise of just quick cash. and you really heard, you know, director mccraw and greg abbott really going after tiktok saying they should not be allowing these sorts of advertisements on their platforms, we often air the videos from texas d.p.s., they are always in police pursuits every day often with human smugglers and arresting people under age. atlanta, houston, major hubs, he come to the border, they want the cash, easy to load it up and drop them off and get paid. >> griff: bill, i've had multiple border officials tell me today that they are simply broken. you and i have spent a lot of time with the agents. at this very moment right now, how bad is morale from what you see? >> across the board, absolutely rock bottom. the images the last few days -- i've been coming down here eight months, i've never seen so many mass releases of single adult men, for the most part did not know single men were being released, we thought it was family units or children and kids, and brownsville, bus after bus after bus, dropping off 50, 60 adult men, sometimes with ankle monitors, get on a bus or call a taxi, they go to the airport and they are gone. we just saw at san antonio airport another i.c.e. bus load dropping off single adult migrants and you said this earlier, we both heard from border officials, you know things are bad when they start releasing single adult men. most americans when they see family units or young children think of it differently than when we see able-bodied men released into the public. i just talked to an i.c.e. source about this, and said they are releasing some migrants with misdemeanor criminal histories, including assaults, d.u.i., repeat reentry, drug possession, and when i talked to i.c.e. about it, i reached out and asked about that, they did not deny it. they said each release is done on a case by case basis, but whether you are talking to i.c.e. or border patrol, morale is as low as it gets. one agent said he feels it's an unofficial travel coordination agency rather than trying to enforce the u.s. immigration law. >> sandra: interesting to hear from the a.g.s in the room with governor greg abbott, one from montana, talking about the lack of transparency. some were noting the federal briefings they were expecting this would then be canceled. interesting to hear that when we talk about how difficult we continue to hear it is, to get information from this administration on what they know, any stats they have at the border. bill, obviously you experienced that firsthand and take it back to the story about the planes landing at some of the local airports when the local authorities, police don't even know it's happening, it's happening past hours, outside of curfew hours and they ask questions about the, from the government contractors that get off the planes, they say good luck getting any information. but to go back to the a.g.s making that point, lack of transparency, getting information from this admin is hard. >> yeah, absolutely. and when you talk about all the videos we have been showing of all the mass i.c.e. releases, keep in mind i.c.e. still has not produced its fiscal year 2021 annual report. that fiscal year ended september 30th. almost four months ago. and it's the first time in a decade that annual report has not been ready by the end of the calendar year, and makes you wonder what's going to be in the report now that we are finding out that i.c.e. has just been mass releasing migrants apparently all over the place. we have shown it in brownsville and san antonio, two spots, hundreds of people between both locations in a matter of two days. you have to wonder what's going to be in that report, if and when it is finally released. >> sandra: bill reporting there from the border for us, as you have been bringing us all the breaking details. bill, appreciate you joining us on that. that's our live look as griff pointed out, mission, texas, as we follow the story, governor abbott did wrap that briefing down there with the a.g.'s from 13 different states and local officials. griff, something covering this with you today. the border is a place you have spent a lot of time. >> griff: it's interesting, having covered it more than a decade, this moment is so significant you cannot under state it. interesting to see if the administration takes a harder tack at it and also interesting to point out that you do have the member of this administration, vice president kamala harris, tapped as the border czar in honduras, at the inauguration of the new president and whether or not she can do anything about the problems on our border, not there in honduras. >> sandra: and we invite the secretary to come on the program, the network to answer those questions, he is welcome any time. so monitoring the white house, the briefing continues there. meanwhile, during the texas governor's breaking news and the border, there was some breaking news out of our nation's capital. jen psaki is holding the briefing, and the state department with brand-new details on the crisis in ukraine and the escalating conflict with russia. we have been listening to all of it. the latest wn we come back, quick break. >> are you ready to start a great career? >> safelite is now hiring. >> you will love your job. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song! do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a 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exercises in striking distance. >> griff: ukraine is just one of the challenges the biden administration is facing abroad. alex hogan live in london. >> mounting pressure on the white house amid other international conflicts. just today, north korea launching two more suspected ballistic missiles. this is the sixth test launch that we have seen in just this month alone. japan's prime minister denouncing the recent military moves. >> voice of translator: this includes ballistic missiles, a violation of u.n. security council resolution. we lodged protests and i think it's regretable. >> a message of defiance to the biden administration over the u.s. sanctions on north korea's denuclearization steps. nuclear talks continue over in vienna, austria, to revive the 2015 iran nuclear deal. this week a senior u.s. envoy left the negotiation team amid differences of opinion. several fronts are strechting the biden administration thin and tensions continue to build as china ramps up incursions of the air defense zone. china flew 39 war planes toward the island, showing the largest display of power this year. taiwan says it will send athletes to the upcoming winter olympics in beijing but no representatives. the games begin on february 4th. now, all eyes, however, remain on russia and ukraine. experts are weighing in saying if russia does decide to invade, they believe the timeline will be largely influenced by the winter olympic games by russia not wanting to overshadow china's big moment on the global stage. griff. >> griff: alex, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: bring in wisconsin congressman mike gallagher, a member of the armed services committee. great to have you here. first up, what are your expectations, briefings from the state department and the pentagon. we have been told by the white house this invasion is imminent. what do you see happening next as we did hear they also are forecasting the white house the ball is now in russia's court? >> well, i'm concerned that we will get news of further concessions that the white house has offered to the russians, reportedly exchanging various documents. we have no access to that, the biden administration has not been transparent. we know the state department has told embassy personnel to leave, so yet another evacuation of the u.s. embassy. it really raises the question, how many embassies do we need to evacuate around the world before we realize the biden administration's foreign policy is not working. and i think the flaws are really two-fold. one, if we have another concession it will be the latest in a string of concessions that go back to allowing nord stream 2, the pipeline to go forward, extending new start, to i think the collapse of our position in afghanistan which the russians watched and thought you know what, it seems like the americans can't shoot straight and we can get away with this incursion. the second thing, this administration fails to understand the essence of deterrent, which to work needs to be backed by the credible threat of force. and by forecasting repeatedly what they won't do, especially militarily, they are undermining our deterrent posture and that's why i'm concerned about a complete capitulation of our position and worried about the people of ukraine who undoubtedly feel abandoned by the americans. >> sandra: interesting, you hear many making the case that putin sees the opportunity, tom cotton said putin senses vulnerability on the part of this administration, seizing on this moment. we are just one year into this presidency, we are obviously looking at president xi in china as well as what their move may be when it comes to taiwan. so why do you believe some of these world leaders sense vulnerability and sense that they can strike now, if indeed putin decides to act? >> well, a few reasons. one, this administration wants to disinvest in american hard power. the defense secretary is trying to sell the concept of integrated deterrent, that's a fancy word to cover for the fact that they want to cut american military hard power, which as i stated before will undermine our deterrent posture. and two, in america the commander in chief really sets the tone. commander in chief, strengths and consistency what the adversaries look for and unfortunately this administration under the leadership of biden has projected weakness on the world stage. at times he can't even get through the talking points in the press conferences. so general secretary xi or putin, my gosh, no way biden will stand up to me and i will tie into this, our adversaries, especially the chinese, have looked at the radical identity politics in america and all over our social media platforms trying to intensify it and exploit it because they realize it is a weakness for us. and so there's a way in which our bizarre domestic policies are weakening foreign policies as well. >> sandra: real quickly, we'll listen for updates from admiral kirby, he joined us on this program yesterday. he told us, this is where things stand, listen. >> he's got a lot of combat power already in place which means he has options available to him right now, and without getting into any predictions, we have to be ready in case this happens very, very soon. >> sandra: quick, final thought, live to the pentagon in a moment. >> why don't we have more options available to us. it's not like it's a sudden crisis. ukraine has been in conflict since 2014. why haven't we had weapons shipped sooner, this administration has been caught flatfooted and vladimir putin playing a relatively weaker hand has outmaneuvered them. >> sandra: thank you, sir, congressman gallagher, live to the pentagon, kirby is now giving an update. let's listen. >> yeah, so as you know, we talked about this, secretary did place a range of units in the united states on a heightened preparedness to deploy. i can say that today these units include elements of the 82nd airborne division based at fort bragg, maintains high readiness, and elements of the 18th airborne court at fort bragg and elements at fort campbell, kentucky. fort campbell, 101 airborne division and fort carson, colorado, increased readiness. we are not going to and don't intend to provide an exhaustive list of every unit on prepare to deploy orders but i can say other units that will now have an increased readiness posture include elements from fort carson, fort polk, louisiana, robins air force base, georgia, fort stork, georgia, wright patterson air base in ohio, and select locations in the united states. these units all told include medical support, aviation support, logistics support, and of course combat formations. i want to just underscore one other note, and that is as i said many times earlier this week, these forces are on a heightened preparedness to deploy, they have not been activated. as to your other question on the percentage, i don't have that but as i've said before, the vast majority of the troops the secretary put on prepare to deploy are in fact dedicated to the nato response force and if and when they are activated we'll be able to provide more specific detail in terms of breakdowns and numbers going forward. on your question about poland, he enjoyed his conversation with his polish counterpart yesterday, lots to talk about as you might imagine. i don't have any specific decisions with respect to u.s. force presence or posture to read out here today, but rest assured if there is something like that to be able to speak to announce we will obviously do that. jen. >> john, the president zelensky has said he's grateful for military aid but not getting what they really asked for, air defense systems, anti-aircraft missiles. the kind of things that could take on the russian air force, not just tanks and ammunition on the ground. why is the pentagon refusing to send that kind of weaponry to ukraine when it's such a crucial time right now as they prepare to defend themselves? >> jen, we talked about the fact that we had an air and missile defense assessment team over there not long ago, and in the last month or so. and they had extensive conversations with the ukrainian counterparts about those very kinds of capability concerns. this is an ongoing process, we have sent over three shipments. there are more coming. i'm not going to get ahead of all that and speak with great specificity in terms of the exact systems that are being provided to ukraine. we are in constant communication with them about their needs and capabilities and i suspect that those conversations will continue. >> when are the weapons going to start arriving? >> i'm not promising any specific weapon from the podium or the timeline for it. three packages in this latest drawdown package, more coming in fairly short order and we are not detailing every item in the shipments. i think you can understand why we would want to be careful about advertising publicly the kinds of capabilities that were given to ukraine, given the size and the scale and the capabilities against them on the other side of their border. >> seems like it's the 11th hour. what is taking so long? >> there's no 11th hour. the last year alone we have provided many millions of dollars of worth of capabilities to ukraine, 60 million over the course of the spring and december, president biden authorized another 200 million, and that's on top of work that two previous administration's have been doing to help bolster the self-defense capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces. there is no 11th hour at all. we have been watching the build-up over time. we are looking at ways we can accelerate some of the shipments that are to come as part of this $200 million package because we see the continued build-up by russian forces in the western part of their country and in belarus. but i -- i take issue with the idea this is 11th hour hail mary pass throwing stuff. >> i don't know how you can take issue with the 11th hour, senior leaders here and the president have called a russian invasion imminent. >> that fact that it is possible that it's imminent doesn't mean that we just woke up to the fact that they had been building forces. we have been talking about this now for a couple of months what we have been seeing on the ground, and there has been lots of conversations with us and our nato allies, as well as our ukrainian counterparts. we have read all those out, you can go look at the read-outs. it's not like any of this came as some sort of shock, but we have, as we have continued to see the accumulation of combat power and as we have now seen that so far, anyway, mr. putin has not elected to deescalate and you know, look, there's -- we still believe there's time and space for diplomacy, thus far it is not achieved the kind of results the international community would like to see. all that combined has led us to, you know, again want to contribute more capabilities to ukrainian armed forces and be ready to contribute more capabilities to our nato allies. >> thank you, john. >> sandra: you were just watching a round of questioning from jen griffin, important questions she got to, why is the u.s. refusing to send weaponry to ukraine, asking why we waited for the 11th hour, and griff, you saw kirby take issue with that, but she continued to ask the question what's taking so long, the white house has said and described the moment and possibility of the attack of ukraine as imminent. >> griff: we in the last hour had a report from greg palkot they are dusting off soviet-era bomb shelters, so in kyiv they feel they are in the 11th hour and the officials at the white house and pentagon pointing out a possible imminent attack. i watched your interview with admiral kirby yesterday, extremely insightful. ultimately unless the nato alliance triggers, it does not appear there is much in the way of sanctions that will deter president putin from invading. >> sandra: you hear the white house and john kirby yesterday, they believe a path to diplomacy to resolve this conflict. >> griff: we shall see, a lot more on that story and will dip back to the pentagon if anything breaks there. meanwhile, new york city, mayor eric adams speaking about the two officers killed in an ambush attack. the wake for 22-year-old jason rivera is underway at st. patrick's cathedral. a man shot and killed the cops at a domestic disturbance call. calls are growing for elected leaders like manhattan's d.a., alvin bragg, to ditch the soft on crime approach. brian, what's the latest? >> griff, there is a long line of police officers from the nypd, as well as officers from surrounding communities, even philadelphia, waiting in line to pay their respects to the fallen hero officer jason rivera. the procession bringing his flag-draped casket with the nypd flag from the bronx to here at st. patrick's cathedral, he was greeted with bagpipes and is a lawsuits from over 200 nypd officers as the casket made its way inside of the cathedral. you know, rivera was just 22 years old, he was just married in october to his wife. their lives together just getting started. on instagram she remembered her "first and only love," writing "wherever you are today my sweet angel, know i need all the strengths you can give. i know you are smiling down at me knowing i'm holding you down to the very end. i love you." rivera was the first in his dominican american family, he rebuilt the relationship between the police and the community. here he is motivating high school kids to graduate. >> when i was a freshman i didn't have no one to motivate me. i want to motivate you. i want you to like, to hear me, hear my voice, and know that you will get through it, you are going to get through it. put in the work. you have to put in 100% effort. >> just so young, at a vigil last night, distraught fellow officers remembered rivera and his partner, wilbert mora. >> i've been there that day, to know there is not another roll call that ends, and you are not making a joke, smiling, or laughing out loud. your smile lit up a room. >> it is just profound, profound grief. rivera's funeral scheduled for tomorrow morning at st. patrick's. wilbert mora will have his wake and funeral next week. griff, sandra. >> griff: and the video you just played, rivera a leader at a young age. appears there is not a single person who knew officer rivera who say he was one of the nicest people they ever met. >> they say he had this way about him beyond his years, a bit of an innocence, obviously, in how young he looked. somebody who had a real passion about what he was doing and had a real focus and goal to come here and to improve the nypd. remember, this is a majority-minority police force. these are people that look and represent just like, represent the communities that they live in, and it's really important to him, it was important to him to be there and to try to fix the relationship that obviously is still ongoing. but griff, the reality is, this is a heavy, heavy day. not only for the nypd officers but their family, anyone who has officers in their families or even friends, it's a reminder of the heavy burden that they carry on a dark day today as they remember their fallen hero throughout the day, all the way to 8:00 p.m. tonight. >> sandra: the city is mourning the loss of those two fallen heroes. we will talk to j.t. in a moment, but governor puts bragg on moment, the pressure is on the new governor of the state, hochul, and she says she is going to meet with the manhattan d.a., bragg, saying she has options if she feels he is making this city unsafe. final thought on that as pressure is on to do something about this horrific problem that continues as far as the safety level of the city and now the police morale down as the two officers, we mourn them. >> yeah, we do mourn them and the reality is for governor hochul and mayor eric adams, they are dead set to go after illegal guns. when it comes to bail reform, something he's been pushing, up to the democrats in albany and so far no real move there, no indication that democratic leadership in albany will be willing to change bail reform and no indication from the governor herself that she would be willing to change bail reform, so we'll see. >> sandra: great reporting as always. the funeral will be happening as brian mentioned tomorrow. bring in j.w. quartes, marine combat debtor, and head of the rafael ramos foundation. hearts break for the families affected, city mourns their loss, just 22 years old, you know, you hear the love of those who knew him, those who worked with him, and you just, you can't believe it happened and that it's happening. we wanted to get your thoughts today on their loss. >> you know, sadly we have been here before, right. december 20, 2014, we were brought down to our knees when two police officers simply for wearing the uniform, the sacred cloth we wear in law enforcement, the blue, were taken, and here we are once again. i believe some people, sometimes they grow a little numb and then every so often we are reminded of the fragility that these men and women represent and the braveness they represent as well. so, it is beyond heartbreaking. our foundation has set out to remind people and to always remember these incredible human beings and here we are once again, and i'm not sure, sadly, that we won't be here again some time in the future. >> sandra: reminded the risk they take every single day that they wake up and put on that uniform and walk or run right into danger. i'll ask you finally about the morale with the police department, with those that are still working and putting on that uniform as we see the spike in violence in the city. we need more of those men and women in blue, but it is rough and you see stories like this, and people don't feel that the police are being supported in some of these democratic-led cities. your thoughts. >> it's 100% factual. you walk into any locker room, you sit in any patrol car and the script is the same. why are we going to go out there continuing to risk life and limb to create widows and to have, you know, children of these law enforcement families be raised without their mom or dad and yet despite these inherent risks we are not being supported. the laws don't have enough teeth on them. the rhetoric is out there, the people standing behind certain podiums, they are there when these tragedies occur, but yet when we arrest people and they are out before the ink on the paperwork is even dried and they are smiling at you and saying look, i'm out, i said i would be out. that i think is number one on the list of the many, many problems facing our members in law enforcement today and i'm going to tell you that as a trainer we face a lot of challenges and getting the right people to teach these hard-earned lessons so they are not repeated over and over again and recruitment is probably, i would say, at an all-time low. >> sandra: that is a sad state. i really appreciate you joining us, j.w. quartes, thank you. griff, what a couple of hours. sorry your heart just breaks talking to him and hearing about the morale a time the city is extremely unsafe. >> griff: and i think it's going to be significant, sandra. covering in 2014, death, ambush, murders of officers lou and ramos, i was there on the ground, and so many officers now say enough is enough. we'll see what happens. thank you for letting me join you filling in for john roberts. it was a >> see you at 4 o'clock. >> the "story" starts with trace gallagher in for martha. >> thank you very much. good afternoon over. i am trace gallagher in for martha maccallum. we take you back right now to the pentagon press briefing with john kirby giving an update on the escalating tensions in ukraine. the u.s. rejected moscow's demand and russia's military build-up continues in the region. it's important stuff. >> is the pentagon considering or considered any new measures to detect and prevent any future threats? >> i would tell you

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Philosophy , Idealogue , Wing , Left , Courts , Left Wing , Nominees , America , Vision , Radicals , Part , Legislatures , Ballot Box , Timing , Subject , Announcement , Strategy , Mind , Crises , Back , Majority , Presidency , Senate , Inflation , Senator Cotton , November , Dissatisfaction , Border Security Briefing , Fox News , State Attorneys , People , Bill , Flights , Homeland Security Contractor , La Joya , Government , It , Questions , Latest , West Chester Airport , Immigrants , Police Officer , Plane , Flight Land , West Chester County , August , Tarmac , Contractors , Security , Luck , Heck , Listen , Somewhere , Spotlight , Don T Want , Social Media , Men , Tip Ice , Camera Crew , Bus Load , Dozens , San Antonio , Releases , Take A Look , Ngo , Ice Custody , Some , Ankle Monitors , Many , Drone Video , Faces , Camera , Folders , Ice Busses , Ice , Drug Possession , Misdemeanor Criminal Convictions , Dui , Assault , Reentry , Misdemeanor Criminal History , Case By Basis , Agents , Border Patrol Council , Issue , The Point , Secretary , Women In Uniform , Yuma Yesterday , File , En Mass , Women , Reporting , Airplane , The Border , Information , 20 , Governor , Security Protocols , Idea , Services , Interests , Ego Drunk , Policies , Heart , West Virginia , Power , Problems , Backlash , Virginia Attorney General , Schools , Decision , Mom , Estate , Fight , Liberty Mutual , Record , Pay , Turn , Hang On , Tex , Ooo , Mission , Protein , Energy , Everyone , Nutrition , Strength , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , 30 , Everything , Break , Worries , The World Today , Everybody , Name , Home , Line , Veterans , No One , Homeownership , Down Payment , Purchase Loans , Rates , Newday , Newday100 Loan , The American Dream , Twos , More , Payments , Bank , Lender , Newdayusa , 60000 , 615 , 0000 , 15 , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Business Owner , Wall , Contracts , Data , Term , Data Plans , Network , Gig , Line Activation Fees , 500 , Business , Internet , Comcast Business , Customers , Powering Possibilities , Day One , Manhattan District Attorney , Memo , Calls , Crimes , Prosecutors , Staff , Outrage , New York Post , Terms , Decisions , Reassigning , Whether , Classes , Policy , Cause , Joe , Down , Ills , Adjustments , Politicians , Right , Direction , Step , Article , Bail Reform Laws , Job , Problem , Guys , Bars , Issues , Nations , The Street , Condemnation , Number , Cops Shot , Shot , 2022 , Reaction , Death , Folks , Duty , January 1 , 2006 , Detective , Brave , Anything , Law Enforcement , Rest , Roller Coaster , Writing Legislation , Cop , Brothers , Washington , Professionals , Chiefs , The Beat , Leadership , Mayor , Will Travel , Adams Next , Hearing , Action , Estimation , History , Individuals , Communities , Victims , Results , Safe , Time , Laws , Lawmakers , Minds , Liberal Democrat , Car , Hit , Carjacked , Missouri , Bush , Bullets , Louis , Chicago , Twitter , Truth , Tune , Hits , Politician , Better , Harm , Instances , Sir , Carjacking , Hanks , Joe Imperatrice , Oil Prices , High , Energy Crisis , Phil Flynn , Path , Oil Trader , Seven , Diplomacy , Aggression , Dialogue , Talks Stall , Signs , Experts , Technology , Singers , Vo , Music Vo , Windshield , Safelite Repair , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Interest , Cooking , Seal , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Optimism , Demands , Bomb Shelters , Greg Palkot , Capital , Cold War , Ground , Officials , Build Up , Diplomacy Going Nowhere Fast , Kyiv , Statement , Response , Eastern Europe , Nato , Planes , Jets , Estonia , Authorities , Belarus , 3 Million , 5000 , Event , Bomb Shelter , Apartment Complex , Northern Kyiv , Strike Looms , Residents , Building , Electricity , Sirens , Bombing , 60 , Supplies , Best , Food , The Local S Survival , Word , Looks , Lady , Telephone Call , Thanks , Shelters , Barrel , Allies , Oil Supplies , Highest , Trading Floor , Oil Topping , 2014 , 0 , 90 , Implications , Standpoint , Energy Prices , Leverage , Markets , Barrel Crude Oil , Barrel Oil , Dependency , Pump , Price , Gas Prices , World , Level , Energy Policy , Stage , Risk Map , Producer , Opportunity , Energy Supply , Economy , Gasoline , Average , Nobody , Cost , 100 , 5 , , Goods , Stats , Trucks , Consumer , Viewers , Barrels , Difference , Trump , 206000 , October 2017 , 2017 , Oil , Ask Mexico , Canada , Saudi Arabia , 18000 , Amount , Places , Dig , List , Hundreds , Thousands , Keystone Xl Pipeline , Type , Quality , Refiners , Types , Weeds , Venezuela , Supply , Odds , Exports , Favorite , Consumers , Replacement , Crude , Reserves , Release , Biden Sparks Gas Panic , Good , Spr , Diplomats , Gas Panic , D C , 11 Billion , 1 Billion , Panic , Prices , Equivalent , Cutoff , 250 , 50 , Ripple Effect , Nat Gas , European Nations , Struggle , Activist , Sister , Prison , China , Genocide , China Human Rights , Doing , Show , Reasons , Opinion , Frustration , Movement , Candidates , Shortlist , Project Managers , Projects , Life , Starts , Store , Fullest , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Obligation , Miracle Ear , Trial , Miracle Earmini , Thirty , 800 , 1 800 Miracle , Gas , Friend , Bike , Tank , Wolves , Riders , The Great Highway , Open Road , Lack , Friends , Chuckles , Jeremy , Matter , Protection , Progressive , 79 , 9 , Contractor , Attorneys General , Contributor , Acting Ice Director , Homeland Security , Testimony , Title , Members Of Congress , 42 , Detention , Curtain , Film , Homeland , He , Chants , Campaign , Law , Somebody , Ice Cannot , Crisis , Kind , Embarrassment , Immigration Officer , Message , Ice Report , Alien , Ice Men And Women , Town Hall Meeting , Coverage , Exchange , Governors , Basis , Immigration Enforcement Action , Mayors , Threat , Resources , Public Safety , Efforts , Border Security , Principle , Arizona , Yuma , Commitment , Fighting , Honkey Dory , Thoughts , Cabinet Member , Amen , Border Wall , Tunnel 42 , Capitol Hill , Chris Magnus , Heels , Head , Man Power , Clue , Insight , Plus , Manhunt , Wife , Cop Killer , Suspect , Shooting , Capture , The Port Of Savannah , Federal Reserve , Psoriatic Arthritis , Supply Chain Problem , Loads , Psoriasis , Symptoms , Cosentyx , Walking , Tuberculosis , Reactions , Doctor , Risk , Customization , Infections , Infection , Vaccine , Ability , Crohn S Disease , Rheumatologist , Dj , Liberty , Car Insurance , Throwback , Nutrients , Health , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Music , Neil Young , Spotify , Letter , Label , Ultimatum , Manager , Rock Star , Young , Vaccines , Belief , Rogan , Podcasts , Misinformation , Joe Rogan , Covid , Both , 6 Million , Whatever , Supply Chain Crisis , Heart Of Gold , Letting Up , I Got You , Unbelievable , Container Questions , Ports , Backlogs , Savannah , Hard Hat , Question , Hard Hot , Excuse , Ashley , Boats , Asia , Port Of Savannah , Three , Picture , The End Of Tunnel , Piece , Light , West Coast , Into Port , Half , Sea , No One Else , Progress , Chairman , Supply Chain , Saying , Freight Rates , 140 , East Coast , Guess What , 184 , Ken Paxton , Briefing , Words , Center , Briefings , Leaders , Dip , Transparency , Show Up , Directive , Example , 7 , Attorney General , Trip , Montana , Attorney General Of Montana , Famous , Mr , Kurt Taylor , Alaska , What S Going On , Derek Schmidt , Thank Everyone , Todd Rokita , Indiana , Hi , Happening , Mississippi , Investigation , Learning , Neighbors , John O Connor , Purpose , Oklahoma , Immigration , Patrick Morris , Texas Dps , Meeting , Press Conference , Hospitality , Westlico , Texas Dps In March Of Last , Steve Mccraw , Fentanyl , Apprehensions , Tens Of Thousands , Seizures , Lone Star , On And , 200000 , 1100 , Hands , Context , Government Contractors , Security Protocol , Curfew , States , Areas , New Jersey , Official , We Saw , Tape , Down Low , Hush , Lieutenant Governor , Ice Briefings , Court , Actions , Abandonment , Court System , Law Enforcement Officers , Know , Role , Challenges , Duties , Lawbreaker , Provisions , United States Congress , Rule Of Law , Attorney Generals , Accountable , Consequences , Director , Child , Man , Each , Reason , Doses , 222 Million , Population Group , Ages , 45 , 18 , Car Wrecks , Cancer , Nothing , Fentanyl Problem , Immigration Laws , Refusal , Cartels , Human Trafficking , Invitation , Biden Open Border Policies , Doesn T , Care , Carnage , Agenda , Homes , Tragedies , Suffering , Invaded , State Legislature , Taxpayer , National Guard , Billion , 10000 , 3 Billion , Cartel Members , Anybody , Human Traffickers , Drug Dealers , Addition , Texas Land , Distribution , Felony , Manufacture , Believe , Address , Safety , Wouldn T , Playing , Action Item , Attorney General Of Texas , Attorneys , Collaboration , Publications , Advertisements , Page , My Understanding General Paxton , Advertise , Colonel Mccraw , Smugglers , Cities , Houston , Injunction , Back Page , Down Tiktok , Activity , Platform , Use , Device , Similarly , Fact , Play , Human Trafficking In Texas , Border Crisis , Tip , Dealing , Spear , Director Mccraw , Action Items , Magnitude , Sides , Deeds , Scope , Ran Out , Kids , Gangs , Operations , Dallas , Area , Global Mass Migration , Droves , Bodies , Borders , Citizens , Impact , Key Problem Drug , Meth , Radar Screen , Deaths , Expert , Support , Threats , Border Patrol Fault , National Security Function , Influxes , 1 3 Million , Family Units , 720000 , 1986 , Front Line , Location , Facilities , New Mexico , California , Percentage , Security Gaps , Infrastructure , Entry , Which , 64 , Special Agents , Implemented Operation Lone Star , Surge Operation Patrol Units , Means , March 4th , Texas Rangers , 4 , Aircraft , Deck , Drugs , Cartel Operatives , 2000 , 1200 , Methamphetamine , Objectives , Corridor , Five , Land Owners , Owners , Criminal Trespass , Gaps , Burglary , Vandalism , Task , Caravans , Land Needs Protection , Position , Texans , Whites , Del Rio , Concertina Wire , Conex Box , Grounds , Boots , Doesn T Matter , Texas Technology , Facts , Arrests , Criminal Trespass Arrests , Trespass , Game Wardens , 2500 , Discussion , Panel , Rodney Scott , 196 , Quantities , Chief , Tons , Got Away , Pound , Traffic , Got Aways , Flow , Preventive , Stand , Team , Meetings , Department Of Homeland Security , Points , A G Paxton Speaking , A G S , 13 , Operation , 258 Million , 1140 , Perspective , Customs And Border Protection , December , 4000 , 2707 , Vice President , Honduras , 518000 , Former Acting Direct Ice , Unsecured , Agent , Presidents , Ice Priorities , A G Paxton , Affidavits , 3 , Overdose Deaths , 100000 , Dps , Ones , Gang Members , 500000 , Terrorists , Thank God , 16 , News , Cartel Smuggler , Cartel , Consequence , Deterrents , Texas Side , Process , Haitian Ands Under The Bridge , 240 , Family , Groups , Taxis , Busses , Election , Destination , Chief Patrol Agents , Control , Adults , Killer , Number One , Room , Note , Networks , Times , Jen Psaki , Press Briefing , Democratic Party , Extension Arm , Low , Fentanyl Didn T , Party , Let S Talk , 35 , 40 , 83 , Progressives , Common Sense , Border Patrol Agents , Construction , Border Barriers , Border Barrier , Want , Wish , Sector , Rgb , Skycam , Let S Go , 1233 , Unit , Brush , Group , Neighborhood , Migrant Runners , Shoulder , Sort , Neighborhoods , Households , Hiding , Against , Yards , Homeowners , Runners , Helicopter , Circling , Texas Land Owners , Human Smuggling , Butts , Before , Cash , Teenagers , Youth , Including Tiktok , Citizen , Vehicle , Smuggling , The Rio Grande Valley , Daughter , Stop Sign , Teenager , Police Pursuit , Promise , T Boned , Videos , Platforms , Hubs , Human Smugglers , Police Pursuits , Atlanta , Border Officials , Morale , Rock Bottom , Board , Images , Eight , Bus , Airport , Single , Taxi , San Antonio Airport , The Public , Earlier , Misdemeanor Criminal Histories , Assaults , Repeat Reentry , Case , Case Basis , Immigration Law , Travel Coordination Agency , Airports , Police Don T , Admin , Showing , Ice Releases , Report , September 30th , 2021 , Spots , Locations , Details , Bill Reporting , Wrap , A G , Member , State It , Tack , Kamala Harris , Inauguration , Czar , Program , Breaking News , Our Nation S Capital , Conflict , State Department , Listening , Wn , Lots , Opportunities , Song , Life Insurance Policy , Life Insurance , Cash Payment , Income , 00000 , Worth , Policy Lapse , Insurance , Screen , Finding Out , Coventry , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Pentagon , Events , Counterpart , Conversation , Demand , Biden Set , Soviet , Distance , Exercises , Alex Hogan , Live In London , Missiles , Pressure , Conflicts , Test Launch , North Korea , Voice , Protests , Moves , Violation , Translator , Prime Minister , U N Security Council Resolution , Japan , Talks , Sanctions , Defiance , Denuclearization Steps , Austria , Vienna , Differences , Envoy , Senior , Fronts , Negotiation Team , Iran Nuclear Deal , 2015 , War Planes , Incursions , Island , Air Defense Zone , 39 , Taiwan , Games , Representatives , Athletes , Winter Olympics , Beijing , February 4th , Display , Timeline , Up , Armed Services Committee , Expectations , Congressman Gallagher , Wisconsin , Ball , Russians , Embassy Personnel , Documents , Access , Foreign Policy , Embassy , Embassies , Evacuation , Flaws , Concession , Collapse , String , Nord Stream 2 , Deterrent , Incursion , Essence , Afghanistan , Force , Deterrent Posture , Capitulation , Vulnerability , The Americans , Making , President Xi , World Leaders , Indeed Putin , American Hard Power , Concept , Defense Secretary , Strengths , Commander In Chief , Commander , Consistency , Tone , Talking Points , Press Conferences , The World Stage , Identity Politics , John Kirby , Updates , Thought , Combat Power , Predictions , Haven T , Hand , Playing A , Preparedness , Update , Range , Kirby , Elements , Readiness , Fort Bragg , 18th Airborne Court , 82nd Airborne Division , 82 , Division , Fort Campbell , Colorado , Fort Carson , Kentucky , 101 , Posture , Orders , Air Base , Fort Stork , Georgia , Robins Air Force Base , Louisiana , Wright Patterson , Ohio , Fort Polk , Course , Combat Formations , Logistics Support , Aviation Support , Forces , Breakdowns , Nato Response Force , Detail , Poland , Respect , John , Military Aid , Air Defense Systems , Zelensky Has , Weaponry , Air Force , Tanks , Ammunition , Air , Missile Defense Assessment Team , Conversations , Shipments , Kinds , Counterparts , Capability Concerns , Coming , Capabilities , Specificity , Communication , Systems , Needs , Podium , Weapon , Drawdown Package , Packages , Advertising , Item , 11th Hour , Side , Size , Scale , 11 , Top , Millions , Spring , 60 Million , 200 Million , Self Defense , Ukrainian Armed Forces , Package , Ways , 00 Million , Imminent , Stuff , Hail Mary Pass Throwing , Couple , Any , Combat , Read Outs , Accumulation , Shock , There S , Space , Combined , Jen Griffin , Questioning , Round , Possibility , Interview , Nato Alliance Triggers , President Putin , Eric Adams , Ambush Attack , Disturbance , Man Shot , Cops , Approach , Officer , Police Officers , Hero , Philadelphia , Lawsuits , Patrick S , The Bronx , Writing , Love , Instagram , Sweet Angel , Dominican American , I Love You , Freshman , Effort , Vigil Last Night , Roll Call , Ends , Grief , Joke , Smiling , Smile , Leader , Age , Rivera A , Passion , Bit , Focus , Innocence , Goal , Police Force , December 20 2014 ,

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