> good morning. good to have you here. how dear you interrupt my intro put "fox & f"> > good morning. good to have you here. how dear you interrupt my intro put "fox & f" property="og:description"> > good morning. good to have you here. how dear you interrupt my intro put "fox & f">

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240708 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240708

inside at the 72 and sunny. "fox & friends", the first hour. >> good morning. good to have you here. how dear you interrupt my intro put "fox & friends" first. >> they were asking on "fox & friends" first. how are you from the catch. are you going to get here quickly. >> so we are here. thanks for getting me here in time. i just think that if i were to frame out our first talking point, when you do something wrong, you're going to get caught. nettle at the border, it's happening inside our country work illegal immigration is taking root and actually covering this country and were finally exposing it. >> back in august we discovered the process secret like her several of them dropped in westchester caring the illegal immigrants. what we found out to the freedom of information act, we found body cam video from one of the police officers that arrived on the scene was in charge of security helping police officers wearing body cameras they found all these contractors that were told you need to keep this a secret and the police officers, we are the ones in charge of airport security. we don't know anything about them. >> we don't know anything about you, anything about the people on the plane. so the freedom of information act request, rob asked who's running for governor for new york. on the republican side. he got a hold of it. and the body cam is a police officer with the westchester police. and he was doing his job. is like you are here with contractors from a private security firm. they signed $136 million contract with the federal government to do will be are seeing right here. to that police officer, he didn't know what they were doing because if they asked for id and he said i can't give you our company idea -- idp we've been told no pictures. and here is some of the frustration of the cop trying to figure out who is on this plane and who were all these people. >> are you trying to figure out what this is? you're on a secure facility and we are in charge of security a don't know anything. hence, we are having a problem. you're out here on the tarmac like that. i don't know anybody. you people could just go that way. it is slowly coming together. i don't really know what is happening. >> through the freedom of information act request he said i like to know puts going on there and i put like to get the audio and the got the audio, the body cam of the cop. that the niche keep in mind, these are illegal immigrants who have come across our border illegally and instead of thing because that turn you around, they are saying we are going to lie you into the country in place you in the cities and school and you're not going to say anything because you're not going to see is coming or going. the pilot goes on to say i didn't even know where i was going until i was in the air. why westchester when laguardia and jfk are available. because it's out of the way. less scrutiny so here is where they are doing it. you mentioned jfk last week. we had a senate summit can they provide that video. i heard out on long island a small plane that not many people go to or no ball, that is where i hear this is happening at midnight. and this is a five alarm fire and an exposure of illegal activity conducted at the highest level of our government. >> is a 51 minute video. on the video to go on to sail kinds of things that we can't specifically be talking about. you think stood out to me. can i give you my state id? work ids, we are not allowed to. them trying figure out who was who and how i exposed to keep this secure and one of the contractors that were not allowed to have our picture taken when we get on base. the officer says unbelievable. who is that by? dhs? yes the contractor says. your ural federal installation. the dhs want everything on the down low. another contractor says a lot of this is just down most up that we don't tell people because we don't want to -- we don't want to caught the attention. we don't want the media. >> well, they got the media in august and his stop them blind that particular airport. police officers for their scratching their head. so what is going on? the contractor himself the one that the officers speaking to, he knows what's going on. he knows what it means for america. listen to this part. >> i get the whole secrecy part. [indiscernible] there's one more thing there. he's talking but this is a betrayal of the american people. when asked why the secrecy, the government contractor working for joe biden present administration said you know why the secrecy. look who is in office. that's why. come on, man. the man who perceives this and ran the device, here he is last night with tucker. >> our government is completely out-of-control right now. they apply to us, to the american people, they are putting on planes and sending them to airports closed at night like westchester, putting them on buses. and i saw with my own eyes after they denied it, by the way, that they were put onto a bus to a cosco and was based into cars in the community. they keep saying it is unaccompanied kids completely they lied. these kids were not going to go into our own area, completely alive. there putting gets in to westchester and long island and the surrounding areas. it's a complete betrayal to the american people. >> how do you feel about people waiting in line to become citizens, people that mary's and many from another country and have to go through all types of hoops and right big checks in order to become citizens here and then the scrutiny stuff. the testing is not easy. and these people are just a bridging are -- system and giving them a nice set of close, a nice snack, and maybe even cash to get started and some of the spot -- access to the finest school systems in the country that you pay for audio property taxes and if you are like anywhere in new york and florida, the property taxes, that's where your money is going to reward people from other countries from coming here illegally and this. the remittance of people working here and sending their money back to their country's through the roof in mexico. it's a 50%. so they are not even helping our economy. if there was a worker permit think of it as a totally different process. your people to give people an opportunity, there is a process for that. it's not this. back to our border for the latest surveillance video and audio that president biden in the white house does not want you to see. >> going to meet with border agents and it got really testy. he said he wanted them to be candid and they were. listen to some of this audiotape that someone released from the meeting. >> [indiscernible] one agent did turn his back on mayorkas. he said he can do shop underbite policy and it was better under trump and everyone was doing their job. secretary mayorkas admitted that the policy is unpopular with border patrol. but ultimately elections have consequences. on the border patrol agents observed it was better under trump because president trump out of different way he was executing the law of the land. now joe biden's president and he's taking a look at the law and is finding loopholes in finding a way to do it. who knows where they are landing , all that the blessing of the biden administration. >> keep in mind there is right and wrong and republican and democrat. this is wrong. they're breaking the law. they're breaking immigration law and if you ask people is it okay to come into our country without papers illegally is okay for the border patrol to keep them in the middle of the night and get taxicabs and then send them to various cities without telling the governor or the mayor, that is just wrong. no one elected that. that is abuse of power and negligence on the job. it shows by him turning his back on the country like the border patrol was turning their back on mayorkas. it's unacceptable. and if you look at harry reid pressed take comments from years past, they would've been outraged, the 90s version of the former democratic leadership would've never signed up on this . i don't know what's going on here. this is not a pro- american agenda. >> it just shows that we can't trust this administration. they're not being transparent with us. cards are being told by our they hiding all this. they don't want you to know. they are saying you were footing the bill. you have to follow the law and if you don't you are locked up or get slapped a fine and whatnot and if they break the law, you are allowed in and you have to pay for it. >> it's like the contractor told the cop, i'm working for the federal government and ultimately that is -- speaking of that, kamala harris in the last 90 minutes or so was that joint base andrew. undoubtably they will talk about her big job, which is root causes of migration to the united states people to get anything done? i don't know if i would hold my breath. >> the us is ramping up threats between russia and ukraine. will blight didn't blink in defending ukraine? we are live in key of. >> democrats vowing to act quickly to fill supreme court stephen justice seat ahead of the midterm. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . ...is her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed only pay for what you need. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. new year, new start. back pain, and fatigue. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> liberal justice stephen breyer were tiring, the end of the high court press the current term. president biden's chance to fill that feet before this mid to him year election. they could take control of the second -- set up. good morning to you, carrie. >> good morning, we know based on what biden has set in the past, he put dominate a black woman to the court. the summed up what he said? >> i committed to appoint someone to the courts. i will appoint the first black woman to the courts and require that they have representation now. critics are saying the should be someone qualified. it shouldn't be about identity politics. what do you think? >> i thought the area in which we said people were qualified are disqualified for a federal job based on their or race went away with the 19th century. this is shocking that we would be returning to this but apparently biden didn't get the memo. >> i think the other thing to keep in mind is that this was a deal cut with james clyburn. he went up the debate in a break and said he was going to the bathroom and instead he went to biden and set you up many opportunities to pledge a black woman on the supreme court. do it now. he was trailing in the other primaries. south carolina had not happened yet and it was almost a quid pro quo, he gets the play and then he gets his support. >> a lot of the president's judicial policy is quid pro quo pretty got a hundred million from many groups for his campaign. those groups are pushing for some of the most extreme judicial policies and court packing and some of the nominees were talking about our straight off of their wish list. so even though he campaigned for it, he's trying to appease some of these extremist groups. >> we all remember trump would out a list. if i'm elected president, i will pick off of this list and he did that when he got the chance. we've all been watching this for a long time. this is an odd time for a supreme court justice to announce his retirement. i know he officially hasn't, but he may have said the somebody, the department of justice, somebody up the white house, i'm thinking about it at the end of the term and i'm announcing i'm going to go. they may have leaked and somebody blabbed and now the subject has changed for joe biden. he does not talk all about inflation and crime. he can talk about a new supreme court justice. >> exactly. this is perfect timing for them. maybe not perfect timing for the justice himself. it's interesting because we were scratching our heads yesterday because normally justices go toward the end of the term and the like to beat the funds to announce it themselves. they want to announce it and we heard this through leaks and shannon bream is the one who first tracked down, the fact that this was probably a leak that even justice breyer himself was surprised. maybe he was trying to get them little heads up, you what your shortlist in order, but didn't wanted to be a spontaneous announcement, which is what i think we are getting, and what the white house wanted. maybe they're trying to push them off the bench and make sure this goes public. >> it is a shortlist about ten people and has been floated out of peter doocy. could be kamala harris. chief in she brought jackson and she is us supreme court of appeals, she's gone through the senate confirmation process last year when she was elevated to the us court of appeals. fifty democrats voted yes on three republican senators voted yes too. which she be a likely candidate? >> i think a lot of people consider her a front runner. is much as they want to get kamala harris out of the vice president's job, this probably isn't the way to do it. jackson has a lot of concern on her record. she's great off of the wish list . she has a record of reaching out to take cases that were outside of her jurisdiction in plays that were political against the trumpet ministration. that is the real concern. a when she was up for this position, she claims she didn't have an approach -- that's not a qualification. that is a concern if you are a law student, let alone a supreme court nominee. >> thanks so much, appreciate it this is going to be an exciting and content just next three months. broke quick, how soon could chuck schumer actually start this process? it seems unseemly since justice breyer hasn't even announced it yet. >> it's awkward timing. biden gets to pick the nominee but schumer could go through the whole confirmation process even before his nomination of the official and then when he officially retires, they could actually be a swearing-in at that point. >> in the meantime there's some big cases that have to be heard. great to see you. thank you for all this information. >> still ahead the united states ramping up military presence near ukraine as tensions with russia speed up. we have a live report next. your heart is at the heart of everything you do. and if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. it's the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, there's no telling where life may take you. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust your heart to entresto. [struggling vehicle] think premium can't be capable? think again. ♪ ♪ introducing the first ever at4 lineup. premium and capable. that's professional grade from gmc. rated #1 in sales satisfaction among mass market brands. nypd officer up third weight will take place. his funeral is planned for tomorrow. he was killed in an ambush in harlem. two police officers or hospitalized after being shot in ferguson, missouri. police say suspect approached their vehicles and in both officers are in critical condition. but korea launched ballistic missiles overnight, marking its sixth round of this month. south korean officials say both missiles were shot as the country faces off the bike the ministration over its sanction. time is up for thousands of healthcare workers required to get the covid-19 vaccine. the deadline is tuesday in about half the states to get their first dose with the mandate. it will be rolled out across the rest of the country in the coming weeks. the supreme court struck down the mandate for private businesses. she is ditching her iconic polka dot dress for a pansy to celebrate the 30th anniversary telling people this new take on her signature polka dot makes minnie mouse the symbol of progress for a new generation. those are your headlines. >> white isn't it already? the pantsuit, whatever, it is 2022. but it should be read. >> only in paris. she doesn't want to show her legs anymore. only in paris. now going overseas, a different area of the world, this just in, russia's foreign minister says vladimir putin is reviewing its next steps after a project that their demands on ukraine. >> that's right, the us gave a written response that they wanted. they offered areas of cooperation, never never allowing ukraine to join nato. did you must refuse. here is the secretary of state. >> right now the document is with them and the ball is in their court. we will see what we do, whether they choose the path of dialogue or if they try to stripe against the train. the brush and foremost are saying has not been a positive response from the west but the resident people will decide the next steps. as diplomatic talks continue between the two sides, that usn netherlands and denmark all sending fighter jets into the region to potentially help ukraine. germany, however, which gets a lot of its energy from russia is refusing to supply any lethal force. they sent helmets and that was mocked and say what will they send a next, pillows. and finally a 20-year-old ukrainian soldier killed five of errors comrades in eastern ukraine. there's no connection between the connection of the five soldiers and any from between russia and ukraine. keep in mind this brutal hazing in the russian army and ukrainian army. they do have a habit from time to time. >> steve, i note that they've really want no part of this action, germany. one thing is pretty clear. james sullivan -- ned torres said yesterday i want to be clear, if russia invades ukraine one way or another, will not move forward. to me that will move -- that was big news. is there some nuance that i missing? >> no, you are right on target. that is big news and that would be a significant financial pounding from russia. the us seems pretty confident double stop if russia doesn't invade. >> there's a bunch of russian guys there and then what are they do. is kind of a pickle. he didn't mention that russia is going to be -- united states sending jets and stuff like that. in the meantime i was just reading and some of the european papers that apparently there is a train in russia bringing russia's elite paratroopers from the 98 airborne toward the border of ukraine. i think he is paratroopers suggest there could be as many as 250 of them. and one gives the signal, just parachute into the town. >> shocked and awe and terrorizing population. it's hard to imagine when you are standing here now but it could happen and it could happen quickly. i'm wondering do i have a flashlight because you could wake up and electricity could be out and the internet could be out and you could be in the dark in there could be allowed of -- a lot of loud sounds. >> be careful. we don't know how bad this is going to get. >> thank you, steve. >> steve, is there any happy places you want to go? stuff not quite so intends? did you ever put something in for something relaxing, like the inside story on aruba? >> i think a barbecue in long island is coming up this spring, brian. >> you just invited yourself. thank you, steve kerrigan. >> russia and ukraine had tate eight hour talks yesterday and they said were going to do this in two weeks. does that mean that they both invade for the next two weeks or does that mean it could be a tactic so they can go in when ukraine is that expecting yet. >> i think united states just wants to be crystal-clear, for a change, exactly what will happen if they do that. they are saying we will pull the plug on north stream. it is a gusher of cash for them. jeremy hunt, was a republican from georgia is waiting for congress, he deployed and trade with ukraine and has had this observation of "fox & friends" first about what is going on. >> were looking at our commander-in-chief, joe biden, and they don't fear him anymore. that is very dangerous. to this point american military has always turned our adversaries abroad. now joe biden from day one, he yes. a clear that is number one priority what that be strengthening the military. 's number one priorities would be along these witchhunts in the military. that's why we have to get accountability of what is going on. >> between what happens in the campaign and when he governs. >> they said we will not allow this to happen a few invade ukraine. >> the question is will we get the answer to those questions that vladimir putin requests, answers directly from nato or us , do they merge, are they the same. does he show any acquiescence or strength. the answers to those questions will determine what happens which many people think will be after the olympics. he will go there is an honored guest of a. >> going to really do that if it if he invades other countries. and evidently there is an armed services salute day that will line up perfectly after the olympics. >> make sure you pull the plug now. absolutely. 24 minutes before the top the hour. up next, the story of an eight -year-old girl that gets murdered ball she was crossing a chicago street with her mother. tester carrie brooks spent 68 days hoping to bring awareness to the violence and he's going to join us live as children are getting caught. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? 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>> anybody was talking about that is totally ignorant. the last thing that we should be doing is talking about defunding the police. we need at that their budget and tilt they get more detectives in solving these cases. there are people who were not being convicted of these crimes. part of that is due to the fact that the police did not have enough people who are working these cases. they're overworked. we should definitely be adding to the budget and not defunding the budget. it is below 10, that's all i know. it feels like it is below zero. i'm raising money to build this center and thank you all for your help. project. .org. project could.org. thank you, pass there. 15 minutes before at the top the hour. carly simpson joints us where it's about 20. he's doing this in the middle of winter. got to get to some headlines now . started but this, and asian-american man attacked and beaten in san francisco in 2019 is suing the city attorney. here is wide. >> i am a survivor of a her friend us attack that took place in san francisco with no consequences to the attackers. >> san francisco police report again 567% increase in asian hate crimes. back demanded so far this year compared to pre-pandemic times. new york city so as 68% drop in preservation on january 24 compared to 2019. miami no vaccine mandate searched by 14%, people toward doing online and phone and reservation. she will reportedly share her story in an interview for sports illustrated. it's unclear when the interview pulpy for a plays but it comes as a brace university swim coach blasted the ncaa saying the organization is vowing to one athlete to the detriment of thousands of others potentially. >> the picture going up at the smithsonian. smithsonian them -- say that three times fast. the gallery saying recipients have named the contribution the field -- [indiscernible] individuality. other notables are serena williams and music industry star clyde davis. dozier headlines. let's have a look at the weather . >> good morning. i know that everybody is on baited breath here knowing down there making romance was happening in the northeast. so the cold air is in place here year. twenty in chicago. 24 and atlanta. driven area of low pressure and an area of low pressure over florida and that energy combined is going to make for a coastal storm this weekend. how close does it come to the coast? still yet to be determined. the forecast is, you know, going to change. here is our thinking right now up towards maine. the potential for powell bull snow and blizzard conditions on saturday. the bulk of the comes on saturday in that we have the wind gusts that will cause coastal flooding and perhaps power outages with wind gusts up to 60-70, especially for cape cod and the island. the bottom line is the storm timing. it is friday into saturday, coastal and north carolina, coastal maine will see snow, wins, flooding, and power outages. it is the tale of these two forecast models that we are watching. one of us -- but of them gives us a blockbuster storm and the other one not so much. so it is those two combined that we are forecasting and the potential for quite a bit of snow along the coast. cold air will move east today and there is the tale of the two forecast. most of the storm will stay offshore so the models that we are sure you want television at those two combined. will leave the fight in the forecast and have up better idea expect the potential for big nor'easter and very strong wins and blizzard conditions. i promise you we will keep you up-to-date. this is really tough. we will know for for sure saturday night. >> hopefully before that. >> thank you very much. meanwhile another news a strict vaccine mandate in canada a take thousands of truck drivers off the road. the ripple affect could cause problems in the united states and the growing support for medical freedom here. that is coming out. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. is now a good time for a flare-up? 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[limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed only pay for what you need. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. 16,000 truckers may out of four thanks to canada's vaccine mandate. this is happening right now. hundreds of truck drivers rallying against this mandate and there getting support from fellow truckers in the us. brian isley is with exabyte at freight group and joins us now. this is impressive. there is a convoy miles long and to canada, ringing ottawa, and trying to bring an end to the mandate. why should we care about this? >> good morning. this is a great opportunity to make sure that everybody is aware that things are not going to get much easier if guys can't cross the border as easily as that used to. you talk about people having to choose between loaves of bread on the shelves, 600-$700 billion worth of goods could be transferred between canada and the united states. if even 10% of that was to be disruptive because guys can cross the border because they didn't take a jab that may or may not agree with. even if they haven't, it's not a matter of these people being for or against it, the mandate that is keeping these guys will crossing the border is going to make things a lot harder to find good product or product at all. >> what they are saying is they want everyone to get vaccinated and that's brought the country to its knees and now it's affecting us is our neighbor, 16,000 truckers might be sidelined because they choose for whatever reason not to get the vaccine. if there's any job that keeps you from other people where your help is your own concern, isn't it a truck driver? >> truck drivers tend to be very independent guys. again, like you say, that is why they are in the trucks. the don't mind being alone for hours and weeks on end and when you try to tell a driver what to do it themselves, they tend to push back a little. this tsunami has hit the shores of vancouver and is heading east there's going to be a time of reckoning. justin trudeau needs to listen these guys. they are serious. these guys don't like to be told what to do it for decades these guys at been providing a service that is gone unsung for many, many people. not everyone realizes everything in your studio and our warehouse here comes in on a truck very likely over the borders of the guys specifically here, we have a lot of loggers appear that transfer product in and out of canada that allow us to have somewhat competitive lumber prices and to see that the mandate may keep some of these guys out, they are having to choose their livelihood versus something they may or may not believe in. >> 70% of the us products are moved through trucks. we have this great trade agreement all because the fold the world cedar of canada was looking out for everyone's health and destroying two economy at one spirit i hope these truckers do not move until he changes his policy. thank you for making this a real world deal because of it is. >> coming up next, thousands of healthcare workers could lose their job because of covid infusion? they should hire them back now. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angigidema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. our government is out up control raise the bar. we are still fighting for our children. i am running for the tenth congressional district of virginia and we're going to let parents have their voice back. disney is putting mini mouse and a pantsuit. if i don't have to pay 82.50 for a hot pretzel. you know what i'm saying. >> just hearing this song, i don't know what that means, but the beatles, i believe that hbo max is so unbelievable. and i'm not a musician. this thing has been on the ball for 50 years. you could teach classes on fighting. i think that to me it is confusing everyone in the '60s did anyone even ask what that means? >> you will never know. >> the beatles, that -- >> paul mccartney would want to create wings with his wife. >> the second hour live from new york city. speaking live, we are on sixth avenue, one block over is st. patrick's cathedral. that is worth thousands are expected to gather to pay their respects to a fallen new york city police department officer. >> jason prepare is only 22 years old and there is his partner. he was also killed. jason died after an ambush style shooting late friday night. patrick dying on tuesday. >> that is here as the officers across the country coming to town, and jetblue clue them in for free to pay tribute. >> good morning. later this morning and tomorrow a slew of blue will descend upon st. patrick's cathedral. residents lining the street outside to honor fallen officer rivera and a mora. lighting candles and dropping off flowers and officer's speeches pulling at people's heart springs. let's take a listen. [indiscernible] >> officer more of's funeral plan for next week. jetblue is offering free plays to other law enforcement officers nationwide were planning to attend. nine offices across our country have been shot just this past week alone. of the meantime take a look at this, blatant shoplifting video. this is right down the street from our studios. that security guard leaving with two bags of stolen goods. it has been forced to close. is going to happen soon. president biden is heading to the big apple to discuss ways to fight gun violence. hopefully there will be other topics like bail reform and crime in general. >> that right eight said that there getting hit every single day and that is why they have to close. they don't have an inventory. small businesses are terrified was going to happen with them. the talking about how to market is the funeral for jason repair and it is interesting, pat lynch is the president of the police benevolent association. he said we want to send a message to the public, turn out. he wants people to show up at saint pats before 9:00 before the action starts. he said but as join -- join is to surround saint pats with all the honor and respect these heroes deserve. and the new york post on their op-ed page says honor a life and do just that. show up before 9:00 if you can, fifth avenue, to support. >> unfortunately we have seen the scenes at st. patrick's cathedral before. they're beautiful ceremonies but unfortunately had to have these. the entire street is blocked off as so many officers are down there wearing their uniform and bagpipes play and i love what you are talking about, jetblue is headquartered here in new york and so many people work for their airlines and they live here in our city and they want to honor these two police officers. so if you are in law enforcement and you want to come to new york , they will pay for your flight. >> lawmakers and people empower need to change the thinking and policies of almost every major city in this country under siege . and we have this criminal first d8 in manhattan for no one was paying attention. at is a democrat run city and his name is alvin bragg. and i think that the crime matter so much to americans that it certainly got the state house and albany, new york, where the governor who was put in place because governor cuomo left in disgrace, i have to address crime in the city and i can't just do the triton phase -- trite phrase take care of the problem because the american people are are buying it. so is having a meeting with the da and he wants to hear from him directly about his easy on crime and ratcheting down of criminal offenses and the no cash bail, but here is a little of what she says she hopes to gain after meeting. everyone goes right to remove full but this individual has only been on the job for a short time. of not prepared to undo the will of the people, however, there's options in terms of where he is signing and making other decisions when it comes to fighting out of there are certain classes that are never going to be prosecuted. but i would like to hear from him on whether or not there's any adjustment to his thinking like the memo we read and are horrified by. i know my responsibility as a governor and i have responsibility to have that conversation. she stopped short of calling for his removal. what they mean by adjustments is something that the mayor is calling for. to relax judges said you were suspect that i'm keeping you in jail and talk you have trial because you are dangerous. right now the judges have the option to do that. just about everybody gets out unless you have committed homicide and the evidence is strong. so she is going to meet with him tomorrow to hear him out. it's interesting, the governor said, but they are set last week i would probably like the seat albany do something. the leaders of both houses and albany said you know what, any change to bail reform -- her conversation that we just quoted was in the editorial board yesterday. why doesn't she use the negotiating power right now. she's been negotiating the new budget with those leaders so it's like you want that money, i get bail reform. why is she being so cautious. she talked about to your point about guns, i'm in charge of the worker of new york. is like she can't send the state police out to stop every car coming into new york state, so she is being coy pitches that is not going to negotiate. >> she is down in dc. big news about the fox news alert that supreme court justice stephen breyer was retiring. was not announced yet. shannon bream quoted at first. and it turns out that he is going to retire and is meeting with president biden. but she tweeted multiple sources tell me it was not planning on announcing his retirement today. he's upset with how this all played out so their way to get the official notice from his office. and then she tweets again with more clarity. i'm told that justice has firmly decided on his own to retire and he notes that will be soon. somebody jumped the gun on that. that characterized him as surprised by the offense and not upset. >> right now justice breyer would not even been nominated if they were to do it again. circuit justice breyer has got a hold docket that he has got something to do yet but the confirmation process will probably go through while he is there. they say that they want to mirror this speed in which amy cody. was nominated, question, and then confirmed. meanwhile a lot of people say this might be a great opportunity for the president to get rid of the vice president. she's got a law background, why not put her on the supreme court peter doocy asked that question of jen psaki. >> when asked about the vice president being selected as a separate -- supreme court nominee, does that she's being considered? >> i'm not going to speak to the reports of the supreme court justice retirement that hasn't been announced. >> hype hypothetically would someone who who was attorney general of a large state be an attractive candidate for the president for an open supreme supreme court? >> i see what you get there, peter, but the president has every intention of running for reelection with vice president harris -- and i will reiterate that i have nothing more to offer as far as specifics this but i doubt that will happen because she wants to run for president one day. maybe she could do that and step down. if she did, this is the irony here. it is 5050. she could have to vote for herself. she could be the tiebreaker. which way which she vote? a big one of the reasons the white house not take an official position is because that justice has not officially announced it. he was caught by surprise and probably -- and then you guys can replace me we were talking earlier with carrie severino who's been watching. she said absolutely maybe somebody can change the subject because joe biden is getting hit left and right and everybody is talking about who he's going to put on the supreme court. if it's about who is going to take his place and we have heard the former candidate and since it would be an african american woman. here is what kerry had to say. i thought that air in which people for qualified it disqualified, when it was -- in one away in the 19th century. it's ironic that the supreme court is even considering a case on this very issue but apparently biden didn't get the memo. a lot of the judicial policy does seem to be quid pro quo. he got over $130 million for his campaign. those groups are pushing for some of the most extreme judicial policy. he is trying to appease some of the extremist groups. this is some of the good news. and the standup with russia brakes on. they wanted to get momentum to the bill back better version 2. meanwhile this was an off year election mainly because on the out route for school boards, the parents and demanded to have a say in their kids education. one of those big moments was branded. he came up to speak and he wanted to go to bat for his kid who was suffering because of the extreme lockdown conditions during this pandemic. and nobody is listening to the parents. remember this. >> they are a bunch of cowards hiding behind our children as an excuse for keeping schools close . you think you are some sort of markers. the statistics do not lie. the garbage workers who pick up my trash risked their lives and free day more at that everyone in the school system. figure it out. or get off the podium because there are people like me and i'll line of other people out there who will gladly take your seat and they carried out. it is not a high bar. ways they bar. >> nobody is doing to be announced last night on tucker carlson's program that is running for congress. he said it would be happy to hear let's go brandon on the campaign trail. watch this. >> we are still fighting for our children and parents continued to fight for their children every everyday. it's funny, i had the opportunity to be in a room with governor youngkin when he signed the executive orders. allowing parents to choose what is best for their children. our country is defined those orders and parents just want to be heard. that's why i'm excited to announce a new show life that i'm running for the tenant conducts -- congressional district were going to let parents have their voice back. >> i remember when youngkin won. he had a lot of republicans say we are the party of the parents. governor youngkin listened to us at all. think we can't let them be the party of the parents. we have to be the party of the parents but they don't listen to the parents and they did in virginia and that is my youngkin got into office. we will see what happens midterm but we are saying they think republicans are going to keep the house and the senate. >> democrats getting a wake-up call. will they hit snooze or wake up. eric adams starting to respond to crime in some sort of way. you see a lot of moderates like joe manchin and sinema not budging. that you see the president responded to crime. baby some democrats will go. i think these parents have a point when it comes to getting kids in schools. we've got first-graders that don't know their abcs. it's been two years. >> his official campaign slogan is let's go -- her name as carly and she has got the news. >> i do. we begin with the fox news alert here. breaking right now, at least five people have been shot at a washington dc hotel. this is happening hours ago. one person is dead. is that clear if authorities us searching for -- the massive crime scene shutting down several pros of the north west. we will keep you updated on this breaking story. a texas bell and facing charges after allegedly selling handgun in texas. the synagogue hostage crisis. henry michael williams, 44 -year-old british national. the fbi tracked the gun sale with the help of record showing calls between him and waves. he was killed at the scene ball all the hostages got out safely. the family of the boston jogger who was moved from a heart transplant with from a getting the covid. >> he said he is fighting for his life. he joined tucker carlson to share what his son is going through. >> he has deteriorated so quickly that they had to resort to open heart surgery. >> the 31-year-old underwent the 37 our open heart surgery and had a medical pump put in on tuesday. and good golly, miss molly. dolly parton teaming up with duncan hines to launch cake mixes and buttercream frosting. the flavors are inspired by her favorite family recipe. that sounds delicious. >> she is cooking nine to five. >> my daughter loves dolly parton. listen to her musical the time she's fascinated with her life. she set a christmas time you will love this, i note that dolly parton's mom is. i said who. she said misses clause. >> and she is the nicest person. we have interviewed her a lot. see you guys. >> up next for taking a closer look at the power of national community. should we wage vexing doubles already protected from virus because we take action. dr. barton says yes and do it now. >> for south carolina restaurant has some sweet benefits. how they're going above and beyond to hire and retain no workers. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed only pay for what you need. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? for fire from their jobs if not fully vaccinated. despite that and now proving that with natural immunity you are at the least likely to infect others. this is a brand-new study. that is the case. dr. marty makary frights and the wall street journal the high cost of disparaging natural immunity to buyer. >> is cost is way too much. one in five workers that left their job. the need them back. dr. marty makary joins us now. talk about the study and what you concluded from it. >> it is very clear that 90% of people up natural immunity, recovered from by respect have and that bodies present nearly two years after infection and immunity long-term was a dead i told to the community short short-term and immunity long-term was also protective against omicron that at that against with vaccines with omicron. this is a study which we've been doing for months. i don't know why i have to do with the study and the nih can't do with $42 billion but it does show that natural immunity. >> that is so impactful. i got the people, americans infected with the antibodies. let's seek see two years later. the answer is yes. it leads you to conclude that public officials ruined many lives by insisting workers be fired if they were fully vaccinated. now doing the study is correct. it's time to reinstate those employees with apology. the cdc study in our study confirms what more than 100 other studies have found. the immune system works and your community is present and durable . at least comparable to the vaccine as we know it. so, dr. marty makary, what are you calling for the public and the government to do. >> the study was not that hard to do. we invited hundreds of people were not vaccinated and only have been exposed to the virus and tested their blood. this is not a nobel prize-winning study. this is basic research. they've argued the entire pandemic that the durability up natural immunity is unknown. study at. there's a series of studies coming out on natural immunity and the going to be forthcoming in the next few weeks. the cdc what went out last week that it is about three times stronger than natural immunity. they are afraid to talk about that because people might just get the infection and we just don't want them to do that. but we can be honest with the beta. we've got the irony that we've fired workers for not being vaccinated even though they have natural immunity. the fire at those workers, those least likely to spread the infection and the workplace. >> should be higher back to marines and help the army men and women to go back and put on the camouflage again? >> this is a mistake by public health officials and they destroyed thousands of careers in the united states. soldiers dishonorably discharge. they need to be reinstated. hospitals are going into emergency crisis mode. one hospital shows that they fired 55 workers in washington state for not having the vaccine even though many, if not all, had natural immunity and then when they went into crisis mode, they invited step staff to come back even though they were up by respect positive and had symptoms. they said we still need you to come in to work with covid and try to be assigned to covid positive patience. this is a manufactured crisis because the center for medicaid services has not recognized immunity. >> hopefully your column does that in the wall street journal today. dr. marty makary, thanks to you and your colleagues for doing this study. >> shocking new video reveals a government contractor saying that govern -- government -- president biden is betraying the american people as their phone into new york in the dark of night. we're joined live. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ my asthma felt anything but 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changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. >> [indiscernible] >> betraying the american people shocking footage of a contractor working the airplane, venting his frustration as the biden administration reloads play and most of illegal migrants in the dead of night after airports are close. those flights arriving after the curfew, which is a breakout protocol. we have claudia tenny and nicole malliotakis with us now. >> body cam video, this local police officer is going a plane flying and in the middle of the night after the airport is closed, i don't have anybody who is on the plane or who these people are. at one point the guy says why the secrecy. you know why. you know why, look at is in office. that is why. come on. i guess elections have consequences. this is how joe biden handles migrants. >> this is a complete aggravated dereliction of duty, which is why last night they called for joe biden to be impeached and removed. 's primary obligation is the commander-in-chief and president of the united states is to enforce our laws and live up to -- and first our border security and tell the truth to the american people. this footage was unearthed by a request from former westchester county executive rob asked reno and where is the current executive, not doing anything about the fact that these migrants are coming in, not being batted, as far as we know. when i visited the border back in march, i saw a young children and all kinds of children being boarded on the plains of being shipped around the country at the taxpayer expense and our defense finance employees for asked to take paid the pie the taxpayers to foster these children because we don't have -- and adults. they were adults coming off of these played in spirit to foster these people that the paper this people to relocated in upstate new york. >> congresswoman -- congressman nicole malliotakis. >> it's a violation of a lot and you have a running from the united states. the supreme court ruled that he had to made in mexico and he's not done that. you know that the drug cartels are making billions and billions of dollars every month with human trafficking, drug trafficking. breed they have the highest rate up spent 12 deaths, the leading cause of depth. yet this president is on the side of the drug cartels are not the american people pick. we have many pieces of legislation and we need to take up the house first. >> joe biden has got a problem with the border and he's also got a terrible problem with crime here in new york city. the mayors going to be next week in the meantime yesterday, six congressional congressional members are republicans wrote a letter to the governor of new york talking about how the mayor , eric evans come is trying to do something about bail reform. you brought a letter about support and i hope she does as well. do you have confidence the governor's is on your side regarding crime? >> no, the governor is already stated she will not work with the legislature to perform our criminal justice laws, including breaks the age and all the mental health issues that are police officers face every day that make it impossible to keep our communities safe. i also penned a letter to as the governor to remove elven break, the new district attorney for his blatant refusal to uphold new york laws. and she says she will take it under advisement but at this point our communities are unsafe in upstate here because the policies are statewide come it is affecting rural and suburban communities all across to your kick in some parts of the country where the they are also an acting these terrible laws. >> it sounds like the governor is going to meet with mr. bragg tomorrow. i was reading in the new york post today you've got an exclusive. a new york appellate democrats are are trying to going to gerrymander the district so you lose. >> this is a desperate attempt to tilt the scale. we saw what they did in washington. they tried three times to change how our election laws -- they propose to pack the court and the trying to gerrymander these districts. this is trying to delete the voice of the people of staten island and we will continue to fight for the district and fight for this country and those who point to help me in this battle, we need your help because this needs to be flipped and it is a seat we must hold onto to hold onto the house of representatives. >> unable to have a busy day. >> thank you. >> twenty minutes before the top this south carolina restaurant is serving up the perfect solution. this sweet perks to retain employees. i want to work at that place. to be a thriver with metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. the new ww personal points program. changed my life. you look great. no two plans are the same. you can even eat this and these in the same. i mean not at the same time. don't pay until spring. join today at ww.com. offer ends january 30th. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. >> one south carolina restaurant is going above and beyond offer their employees a helping hand by providing free in-house childcare. a genius idea. the owners say it's helping by improving protection and saving money in the long term. their names are dixie and john, along with the price of the restaurant, summer rogers. >> thanks for having us. >> dixie, i will start with you. how did you come up this idea? >> during the pandemic would become close down a pooper able to reopen a 50% capacity, we lost our own sitter for our son. we had a spare room that we had been using for private parties, which we cut that gave during the 50% capacity rule, so we decided to turn it into a makeshift nursery for our son. we hired a sitter for him and after a few weeks we had an employee that was having some childcare issues and we didn't want to lose them so we asked our sitter if she would mind watching their child and she said that she would. so what worked out so well after a couple of weeks, we decided that maybe we should look into offering that shared center surface that some of our other staff that might need it or to some new hires that it might entice to come work for us. like everybody else, we were having trouble re-staffing our restaurant when begot that the open to full capacity. and we checked with our local child services department to make sure that we were compliant we have a small sitting service rule and they helped guide us through what we had to do to comply and when we offered it, within two weeks, we had three key positions filled. and path forward, we are fully staffed now. all of our staff doesn't have children. some of them don't need this service, but for those that do, it has worked out wonderfully. >> that is great. is obviously working. your stories incredible because like all moms and you have a baby, you cant off we support that. you were playing -- ping $600 a month and then you heard about this position. how did you hear about it and how is it helping you? >> my cousin was working for them at the time and she told me about it. i had of coming up there and speaking with her and i fell in love at the position on the childcare services, all of it together. >> he you get to cook food, which is always fun, and you to save money in your paycheck and get more money to your son. then you get to see him every day because it is free childcare from 4-9:00 p.m. what is that experience like? >> it is a real blessing honestly. he loves the kids in the sitter as well as i do. i think this has been a great program altogether for everybody . >> he is so cute. is that your son and the metal? john, this is such a blessing to that all the moms get to walk back there and the beds too and check on the kids when they have a little breaker the restaurant and slow. what are some of the other stories that you can share. >> i think you mentioned employee retention. i think that we were scratching our heads wondering why is it somebody answering this ad. i know that there are people out there that have a need for extra money or a second job or a necessity for two incomes. when we started getting the applicants coming out, this is something that could work for a lot of people but it's certainly something that we found could work for us. it certainly cost money to train , hire, and rehire people because something comes up family wise, that they just can't ignore. so slowing down that revolving door and then having a stream of applicants that want to get in here were on a waiting list right now. it's been a blessing for us. we are on the grow effort and after 25 years, it's been a great distance than a great iconic spot for our city. and we have people coming and all the time visiting us up we need the help. we can't do it ourselves. >> it's a fabulous idea and hopefully other restaurants will take notice to other businesses around the country. if you want to stop by close to the main library in anderson, south carolina, go check it out. so good to see some south carolinians pivots go to the forecast. giannis, i was hoping to go to a south carolina mom pressed a brick day tomorrow. how is looking? >> we are looking at cold temperatures as far south as florida so bundle up. we will take a look at it. here are the current temperatures, 34 in atlanta and cold air syncing as far south as florida. we are going to set records on sunday. that is how cold it is across the sunshine state. let's take a look at this, lakeland, orlando 30 degrees, fort myers 33. that is going to be a big story as we go to the weekend. not only are we dealing with the nor'easter potential, but we will set records in florida and we are tracking the storm system . how much snow will all the big cities get? it still has yet to be determined. we will keep you up-to-date. prepare for a blockbuster event. this will be a formidable storm with wins up to 50-60-70 miles an hour along the coast. we will keep you up-to-date. you've got my number on speed dial, my friend. i will keep you up-to-date. >> thanks so much. we are watching very closely. 's los angeles trying to hide its homeless crisis? as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. trelegy for copd. 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>> would you let your kids play here if there's needles in the stands and weapons in the stands . >> la appears to be hiding the crisis just in time for the super bowl. crews removing ten cities from outside the stadium. here is reaction, la president and neighborhood council member. good morning to you. they've done this before the oscars, trying to clean it up and sweep it under the rug, but they come back. >> that's correct. la has a long history of trying to hide this problem. prior to buy respect we had about 60,000 on housed homeless on our streets. we did not do an account due to virus but -- covid. our population could have risen do is much as 90,000. so it is a big problem in something that the city does not want to worse to see on the way in but unfortunately you are going to see it if you come to los angeles. there's no way to hide what is going on. >> absolutely. is hard to sweep that under the rug because it just comes back and you try to hide it again. la is a very scary plays, is it in. >> that's right. with our homeless problem, there are large encampments. we sought 210 some the venice boardwalk. the city spent 5 million to move that encampment. and never 70 tents near the airport. so we see time and time again that our politicians offer band-aid solutions. there is no fixed to protect get the people on the bright track and get them help that they need . >> you have got a ba out there and he is not prosecuting the people who break the law. you pretty much have to kill somebody to get arrested. >> it's a very dangerous situation right now. with all of these reforms and measures that promise california this utopian dream. instead we are probably feeling -- dealing with this nightmare for the criminals based the consequences and we have dealt with a trend of high-profile murders were two women were attacked for no reason by mentally ill homeless people. the other died from her injuries . this is something that's been going on and on the plus side for at least the past year. there it really hasn't gotten a national attention that they deserved. thank you very much for telling us what is going on. >> thank you. >> we reached out to the governor and have not yet heard back. coming up, shannon bream on the supreme court here on "fox & friends". >> ainsley: body camera video shows a dhs contractor trying to keep illegal migrants flights on the lowdown. aiding and abetting illegal immigration is a violation of the law. >> america's crime crisis continues. >> we have the power to remove these criminal loving woke das. that's the answer. >> one california city is requiring gun owners to purchase liability insurance and pay an annual tax. >> what the government is trying to do here is effectively tax the constitutional right. >> u.s. is ramping up threats as the tensions flair between u.s. and russia. >> i'm told we're in for a very dangerous and dynamic few weeks. >> dr. anthony fauci will be among those whose picture is going up at the smithsonian. >> who is going to do this to your kids? do you want to see the grinch who ruined your senior year? ♪ why don't you meet me in the middle ♪ why don't you meet me in the middle ♪ >> ainsley: well, if we left new york and we headed down to the tip of florida, somewhere in the middle would be that beach right there. in myrtle beach, south carolina. >> steve: if you want to meet people in the middle, ainsley. >> ainsley: it's wonderful there. i've swam in that very ocean -- most of us have who lived on the atlantic, but i walked on that very beach. >> steve: do you know how deep it is? >> ainsley: i know it gets increasingly deeper. if you're really little you can get a blowup raft and your dad can take you out. he will hold on to the edge of the raft and he tells us where to dive for the sand dollars and then we put them in the raft, they're all brown. and we take them back to the house and my mom puts them in sand buckets with water and bleach and they turn white. >> brian: are you talking generically about people or your own life? >> ainsley: generically. >> steve: it's cold here, a big storm, a lot of news. >> brian: meanwhile, we begin with the crisis at the southern border. it's never going away it seems. fox news has video that shows a dhs contractor that says the white house is trying to cover up migrant flights into the united states. >> ainsley: vice president harris is skipping town to attend the inauguration of the honduran leader. >> steve: she is in charge of the border and the root causes of it. >> brian: it's a very busy day. >> sure is. well, this video was obtained through a public records request by the republican candidate for governor in new york and it appears to show a police officer who haven't been given information at the flights arriving at the white plains airport. a contractor tells the officer that the department of human services wants to keep the flights on the lowdown, not attract attention and also direct the contractors not to share their work ids with local officials. >> i get all the secrecy and [ bleep ]. but this is [ bleep ] my pay grade. you know why? the government is betraying the american people. >> meanwhile, mayorkas faced scrutiny at an intense meeting in yuma, arizona, after inviting a frank discussion. he admitted that the biden administration policies aren't popular with customs and border protection. >> if they appear that everything is hunky dory, we know better. i know better. >> we'll keep fighting. let me just say, you turn my back on me, but i'll never turn mine on you. >> this morning, vice president harris is attending the inauguration of president-elect castro. it marks harris' second trip to the northern triangle to address the root causes of migration. steve, ainsley, brian? >> jackie, thank you very much. >> steve: you can feel for the police officer, that was about six months ago and as soon as "the new york post" broke that story, they stopped flying there. they're doing the same thing all across the country presumably, because we have a flow of people coming into the southern border. but the frustration, the cop down there, sergeant hembrosky. it looks like a airbus lands there and he doesn't know who they are and the people who are working for the u.s. government, the contractors who say, yeah, i can't show you my company i.d., but i can show you my state driver's license. because the dhs and the u.s. army which is part of this process don't want the story out. well, too bad because now the story is out and people have got a lot of splaining to do. >> ainsley: when the media exposed this in august, they stopped doing it at the little tiny airport, white plains, which is north of the city of new york, and i guess they're moving to different airports. but what's interesting is people are getting so fed up and they know it's wrong that now they are releasing this video and you hear people complaining there on the tarmac. you hear people complaining the border patrol agents in the meeting with mayorkas and someone leaked that video. they're watching what happened in virginia, and people are speaking up and they're winning elections. i'm sure you won't see this any other network because they want to happen in the dead of night and it's a secret. >> brian: there's got to be some patriotic democrats and say, you're letting the illegaling coming out of mcallen, texas, we're giving them outfits, some cash, basic supplies and then we ferry them into sponsored families and then they go into the school system. it's got to stop. this is illegal behavior, justified by the white house who for some reason thinks it's more important to bring people from outside into america than it is to focus on the health and security of americans. two republicans saw this. congresswomen from this area, in new york, said this to us about this surveillance video which was brought forward by former westchester county executive and aspiring gubernatorial nominee. listen. >> this is a complete aggravated dereliction of duty which i is why i called for biden to be impeached and removed. his job is to enforce the jobs, to enforce our border security and these migrants are coming in, at the taxpayer's expense, not being vetted as far as we know. >> aiding and abetting illegal immigration is a violation of the law. it is completely unacceptable and human trafficking, drug trafficking, we have the highest rate of fentanyl deaths and yet, this president is on the side of the drug cartels and not the american people. >> steve: that is one of the ways that the people -- that the migrants are coming from our southern border and being dispersed across the country. we showed you the disturbing images from the team yesterday. they said we're only letting in women, children and family, and these buses were full of single young men, around they were bussed over -- and they were bussed over to the parking structure, a small office there. next thing you know, the local taxi company which loves it because they have a million people to take to the airport or the bus station, then they are transported all across america. it is how the biden administration is dealing with the crisis. you know what? if there are a lot of people at the southern border get them off on the southern border and put them everywhere else. >> brian: if you're around a small airport, break out your iphone and we'll put it on the air. those who sacrificed their souls for doing the work, like the companies have done work with the cias, providing the 12 chaperons, i hope you're having trouble sleeping at night. they're circumventing the immigration process, they don't speak english. you're hurting the families in the community. a lot of the teachers don't speak spanish, so now they have to know portuguese or chinese and then all of a sudden, your tax dollars and your kids are going to school instead of a 15-person class. there's 36 in that class. 15 of which will need all of the teacher's attention and if the teachers complain, they're moved out or they're fired and the union, get this, the teacher's union does not protect them. >> ainsley: the folks that were there, the police officer said that flight arrived at 11:48 p.m. and then 6:15 and 7:00, they had the american dream charter bulls pick them up and we know the flights are going into other airports too throughout the country. and inflation is number one issue. also crime is an issue for americans. and that brings us to this next story. thousands are expected to pay respects to fallen officer jason rivera. he died after the ambush style shooting on friday night. >> brian: his partner died on tuesday after donating his organs. the wake is scheduled today and the funeral will take place 24 hours from now. todd? >> reporter: that's right, steve, ainsley and brian, good morning. later on today, like you said tomorrow a sea of blue is going to descend upon st. patrick's cathedral here. again, like you said, today the wake, tomorrow the funeral, for officer rivera. look at last night, overnight, an amazing scene on your screen right now. hundreds of first responders and residents lining the streets to honor both fallen officers rivera and maura. officers' emotional speeches pulling at the crowd's heart strings. take a listen. >> when i saw him lying down in the apartment, i couldn't believe my eyes. he saved my life so many times. but i could not save his. i hope one day we'll see each other. >> reporter: the wake and funeral for officer maura planned for next week here at st. patrick's as well. meanwhile, jetblue offering free flights to other police officers and others planning to attend. nine officers have been shot just this past week alone. meantime, did you see this, a blatant shoplifter in a manhattan rite-aid. strolling past the security guard and leaving with two bags of stolen goods in broad daylight. store hit so many times by thieves, they're going to have to close down. next week, president biden is expected to head here to the big apple to talk to mayor eric adams about a number of issues, mainly, guns and how to keep them out of the city. seems like bail reform and other topics should be on the list as well. back to you. >> steve: thank you very much. in addition to -- we had heard that they were donating the organs of officer maura. apparently, there were a number of very sick recipients, five in all. three here in new york and two outside of the state. he saved five lives with his organs. they donated his liver, his heart, his pancreas, both kidneys. somebody today is waking up with a heart of a hero. >> brian: that's why people need help now. more than $330,000 have been raised so far for the families of the slain nypd officers. to donate, go to foxandfriends.com. >> ainsley: fund the first. if you scroll down, you can see the picks and you can donate it or share it on the social media. i talked to a police officer yesterday. he said they were having a meeting this morning for all of the people that were there. the officers that were there at the house when the two friends were shot. also, for helping the families because the police officers, they have -- i don't know if it was the post -- ptsd, but they have experienced so much and they have seen their friends being shot in front of them and being killed. they had a meeting to make sure they're okay mentally. >> brian: but that officer who spoke at the microphone, he came in and he killed the guy -- the murderer. the murderer. could have been even worse. not only did he shoot the two officers and you heard ray kelly, he believes that was the intent of the killer was to kill the policeman. and the mom played into it by calling the cops for help, sadly, maybe being unaware, she regrets it now. but if the third guy doesn't shoot him who knows what else he would have done? >> steve: it's a serious situation. a cover of "the new york post" today, the governor puts bragg on the notice. kathy hochal sat down yesterday and they asked her about the new d.a. for the manhattan who is -- it sure looks like with his day one memo telling the prosecutors how to prosecute things. he's so soft on crime you have to pretty much have to murder somebody to get arrested. >> ainsley: if you read the headlines, the governor puts bragg on notice, but it says that she'll make sure she listens to the people but she's -- she's open to changing bail reform but it doesn't sound like she will. both democrats, the top legislative leaders in albany said have said this is dead on arrival because eric adams said he was requesting to amend the cash bail laws. >> steve: how can it be dead on arrival? it's something that so many people want and are concerned about. how can she not put all of her, you know -- put all of her eggs in that basket to make this a safer state? >> ainsley: she did do we have enough data to show that more changes are needed, she'll look at all of the stats. see if they prove we need to change that, but the folks in albany said we don't. they said a low percentage of re-arrest for misdemeanors or nonviolent felonies. i don't believe that. >> steve: as soon as the police officers arrest them, they'll let them out and why would the cop -- >> ainsley: because they're saying that's not happening. >> brian: here is what hochal said to the d.a. and about the d.a., everyone goes -- the governor -- because the governor has to right to do this, but this individual is only on the job for a short time. i'm not prepared to undo the will of the people, but you can re-assign and make other decisions to figure out if there are certain classes that are never doing to be prosecuted. i want to hear if there's an readjustment to his thinking and i have a responsibility to have that conversation. he let everybody know he felt and what he was going to do because he put out the memo. every time he goes to explain the memo the doesn't disavow it. when you ask him the questions, well, they elected me with 80% of the vote so i'm going to do everything i basically put in the memo, so the question is have new yorkers changed their mind? as new york goes, so does chicago, san francisco, los angeles, philadelphia, minneapolis, all overrun with crime and weak d.a.s who think criminal first. are things about to change? >> ainsley: didn't you say that there are ways that kathy hochal can go around some of his laws? >> brian: she would know better. but i would say this. she could give him a lesser -- she could put so much political pressure on him and actually remove him, but to her point, he hasn't done anything yesterday. >> steve: put the pressure on the legislature, change the law and then the governor doesn't have to mess around it. all right. 8:18. carley has the news. >> carley: new details on the suspect arrested for killing a baby. the mother of the 6-month-old joined us yesterday with her message to the alleged murderer. >> we cannot be your collateral damage anymore. you have ruined lives. you have put fear in people that don't deserve it. >> carley: little was on probation for aggravated a assault charges he pleaded guilty to and he's faced misdemeanor charge for giving false information and child cruelty. >> navy s.e.a.l.s. have to stop training at a park. the residents filed a lawsuit. they have been using the koelsal park for 30 years and said that the area is still the best for simulating difficult operations overseas. what a shame. >> a marine veteran who served in world war ii in the korean war busted a move to celebrate his 100th birthday. this is jack becker. he does not have a secret to longevity but he does enjoy some rum in his coffee every morning. we love him and we love that he loves rum. . >> brian: every morning. you have a chance -- >> carley: take a nap after that? >> steve: he's a hundred, it must work. >> brian: meanwhile, 20 after the hour. silicon valley county can soon charge residents for owning a gun. the next guest says no way, jose. dana lasch will weigh in on the guns in california. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! thirty-four miles per hour! new personal record, limu! [limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> to require every gun owner to have insurance. just as every driver has to have insurance to use a car. >> ainsley: defending a new ordinance that will charge all gun owners $25 a year and require them to carry liability insurance if approved. my next guest says no way, san jose. radio host dana loesch is here to react. good morning. >> good morning, ainsley, good to be with you. it's frankly unconstitutional and silly. i was reading the editorial that mayor liccardo had published and i had to question his sobriety. first and foremost, this is all about the gun ordinance that san jose had passed. it's a sin tax on innocent law-abiding firearm owners and they're requiring the firearm owners with the private insurance fund that the city i guess is going to manager to pay for the misdeeds of criminals. that's exactly what this is. and when you look at insurance too, insurers are not going to issue policies to protect against criminal misdeeds. it's just -- that's just not how insurance works. also, this is again it's punishing law-abiding innocent firearms owners and we know that criminals will not abide by this and that's what's driving the recidivism rate. that and the obsessed d.a.s and they're punishing the americans further. i don't see this lasting or holding up in court. >> ainsley: is this just a test? do you think other cities will adopt this if it works there? >> yeah, i think it's good to classify it like that, because if it's able to pass, and, you know, san jose, granted silicon valley is way far west if you compare that to a town in kansas, but it's always a testing of the water. when you have anything like this that comes up in city council and i'm like, you have to pay attention to what's happening in your back yard. what happens in your backyard, that has, you know -- it can establish a precedent. so there were a lot of people and, ainsley, get this, a lot of people were speaking up against this and california rifle and pistol t organization out there, one of the grass root organizations leading the fight against, they actually disabled the public comments and 94% of public commentary was against this ordinance in san jose. >> ainsley: wow. >> so the city council was doing everything they could to minimize the public input. >> ainsley: how expensive would this be the gun owner? >> it's class warfare when you consider the sin tax and the requirement to -- whatever fee they decide to levy to get people to pay for the criminal misdeeds. it's silly to compare it to auto insurance because you're talking about a natural right as opposed to a vehicle. but ultimately again this is predicated upon the idea that criminals are going to comply with this and it does become expensive. in california this is california. i mean, this is the state that shouldn't be having these crime problems. remember, they were the first states to pass red flag laws and they had the universal background checks, magazine restrictions, an assault weapons ban. maybe lawmakers in california should realize that the problem is with the criminals driving this, not the innocent law-abiding americans who want to protect them. >> ainsley: thank you for coming on, dana. good to see you. >> the biden administration is gearing up for a supreme court showdown as justice breyer prepares to step down. shannon bream reacts to the announcement and the possible nominees. when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering "seven things every medicare supplement should have". it's yours free, just for calling the number on your screen. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you see, medicare covers only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you! that's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans like those offered by humana. they're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn't. depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or copayments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more! you can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're traveling. with humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. you can choose from a wide range of standardized plans. each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare, and help save you money. so how do you find the plan that's right for you? 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he's still going to have the job for almost six months. it seems, you know -- it seems odd that you would figure out who's going to take his place until he's closer to the end of his tour. >> to me, i thought politically it would make more sense for the white house if this was a later announcement only because you're leading into the midterms, you have the summer for people focused on this and you can campaign. and these kind of battles are the reason we node to hold on for the senate, and it seemed so early to me. we talked about the names, some of these candidates have been vetted. that will intensify now. you can go ahead and have a nomination and to have people start working through the confirmation process. meaning the senators being investigated by the judiciary committee over in the senate. that can be well done potentially by tend of june or july when we'd expect that justice breyer would say this is the end of the term, i'm out. >> ainsley: but they realize that timing is everything and if they lose the midterms, then the republicans would have a say in who's nominated. >> steve: this could motivate the base. >> ainsley: that's right. what about kamala harris, your son, peter doocy, asked if she could be a supreme court nominee. 50-50 right now for voting. and if -- if it came down to 50-50, it would go to her for the tie breaker. >> well, it's interesting because a few years back when it was the trump/pence administration there was an a argument by a number of legal scholars if the supreme court tied, they argued that vice president pence could not be the tiebreaking vote that it technically has to be 51 senators. we will see if they feel that way this time around. plucking the vice president and putting her into in position would create a whole other domino effect of headaches for the white house if they had to get a vice president confirmed and all kinds of other things so i think she's a long shot. but her name is certainly out there in the mix. >> brian: a lot of people think of justice breyers and i think about you. when announcements like this happens, your day gets expanded by 18 hours. >> that's true. >> brian: we're not bream centric enough. >> well, i will tell you i was actually out running with my dog yesterday and my phone blew up. i was about two miles from home and i'm dragging the dog, i'm trying to call people and running at the same time. so our days are interesting. i love the job and the supreme court keeps us busy. >> brian: your dog got a shorter walk. explain to him later. thank you. >> ainsley: have a good one. still ahead, the superintendent -- well, super, we're introduce you to the district leader who is stepping up and in the classroom in the teacher shortage. >> brian: how does the nfl follow up after the greatest weekend in football? 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. >> ainsley: president vladimir putin is reviewing his next steps after the u.s. rejected moscow's demands on ukraine. steve what are agann is live in kyiv as tensions continue to rise there. >> reporter: that's right. ainsley. the russian officials are not happy but are not slamming the door shut on the further negotiations. the secretary of state said while there's room for cooperation in some areas the key russian demand that ukraine never be allowed to join nato, the u.s. has refused to make that happen. here's the secretary of state. >> right now, the document is with them and the ball's in their court. we'll see what we do. as i said repeatedly whether they choose the path of diplomacy and dialogue and whether they decide to talk about ukraine, we're prepared either way. >> reporter: russian officials say the next step is really up to vladimir putin. he could pay a heavy financial price if russia does invade. including the pipeline between germany and russia. the u.s. state department said that would not go further if russia does invade. a heavy physical toll too if russia does invade. ukraine is trying to train their own people to fight for themselves as weapons come in from nato. they're training old, young, men and women, how to handle a rifle. the goal is to protect their villages and towns and they know they're outgunned, but the ukrainian officials want to let russia know they'll pay a heavy price if they invade. >> ainsley: thank you. over to our other steve. >> steve: thank you. going above and beyond the call of duty, one superintendent is stepping into the classroom as a substitute. duluth county, minnesota, superintendent john maga said he's never seen shortages so severe and he is joining us right now. john, good morning to you. >> good morning, thanks for having me. >> steve: you bet. rather than sit in the office and complain about i need more people, you decided to go ahead and -- where do you need help? you would ask somebody, okay, we need you here, here and here. what kind of jobs have you already had, mr. superintendent? >> sure. thank you. first, i want to point out that this is a huge lift for everybody. it's certainly not just me. so many other people are stepping up in so many different ways. teachers, paraprofessionals and others. i have worked a variety of jobs this year. i have been a teacher, i have been a paraprofessional. i have taken the front desk in a clerical role, done lunch supervision. quite a variety. >> steve: you are working the lunchroom, that's something. that's always challenging. >> always good. >> steve: indeed. you see a lot going on, just saying. why so many staff shortages? because i understand in the education field, close to 60,000 people have left the field over the last couple of months. >> sure. no, i think that staffing shortages in education have been an issue for many years and they have been compounded by the pandemic and we have seen our rates for substitute teachers and paraprofessionals and other positions have been really challenging. i think the general worker shortage throughout the united states has impacted education too because as pay increases in other positions and other locations, sometimes it tempts people away from other jobs we may have. >> steve: have you thought of a signing bonus? we have been talking to the people in the restaurant business, we have to pay $5,000 to get them in the kitschen? >> yes. we have looked at the signing bonuses and we have increased pay for many positions and then we are also looking at other ways of attracting people. i have been to the universities, talking to student teachers, talking to just people in the education field in general and we have done career fairs in a number of places. so really, really trying to get as many people as possible. >> steve: pulling out all the stops. in addition to people just leaving the business, the field of education, we still have a pandemic and so a lot of your teachers are calling in sick and what you come up with, you have come up with a way so that substitute teachers are actually full-time. they just float around. >> yes. so for each of our schools, we have a position that is a floating substitute teacher. so somebody who can move from position to position within the building as the needs arise. sometimes if there's needs in another building and there they not not be in the teacher's home base, they may to go to another school. those are things we do to make sure we have subs there whenever possible. we have put together a rotation amongst the district office staff and administration so it's the whole team rotating through the schools, and i felt like if i was going to ask other people to step up and step in, that it was important for me to role model that as well. >> steve: absolutely. >> all of us are stepping up. >> steve: you know, you are the boss and you would hope there would be other people, but you rolled up your sleeves and you have done it. i have a feeling, john, given the fact that you started as an educator it's good to get back to the classroom. it's even good to go and monitor the lunchroom to see what the kids are up to. >> it is. it's a huge pleasure and it's great to see students learning and so many staff stepping in and helping kids. but i really think that being in person as much as possible is really important to us, and so to make sure that we have the staff to continue in person learning we wanted to make sure that we had the rotation in place. >> steve: all right. the superintendent of duluth schools when he's not working the lunchroom, thank you for joining us live. >> thank you. >> steve: nicely done, sir. still ahead, the l.a. rams are still riding high after taking down tom brady and the bucs, but do they have enough to win the nfc championship? tom rinaldi has the predictions. >> but first, a big, big show in 11 minutes. >> good luck to your chiefs, and we are a humbled lot in cincinnati. we we'll take what we can get on sunday. >> good look. not too much. >> right on, good morning, steve. what's your government doing with illegal immigrants, the video doesn't lie. you will see it in a matter of moments coming up here. >> a stunning drop in biden's numbers, and karl rove will tell us why. >> jonathan turley on what's next in the u.s. supreme court. >> family fighting their progressive governor to keep the admitted killer of their father from getting out of jail. can they succeed? we'll talk to the daughter. big morning. dana and i will see you in a couple of minutes. top of the hour. and it's easy to customize your insurance at libertymutual.com so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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>> god bless you, brian. we were trying to be certain that we could communicate effectively in minus 2 windchill and in that incredible snow globe scene in which remarkably the 49ers found a way yet again, brian, to win and find their way in to the conference championship game. it's been a remarkable story for san francisco all season. >> brian: not only does los angeles win their game and beat the bucs to become the champions but they get to go home. are they confident they can beat this version of the 49ers or are they thinking about the past problems with the 49ers? >> it's whether you subscribe, brian, to the notion of whether there is such a thing as the boogie man or whether there is such a thing as a nemesis, because if there s the rams may have some problems. they have lost six consecutive games to the 49ers, with the same coaches and the same coaching staffs largely intact with many of the same players on these rosters. it just hasn't been a favorable match-up for los angeles, despite all of their great talent. remember, they led 17-0 and 17-3 on january 9th. a few weeks later, they have to face that team again and it hasn't been a good match-up for l.a. >> brian: there was a fourth quarter fade that put the pucs back in and tom brady had a lot to do with it and then they made some mistakes and then they're thinking of the fade against the 49 ers last time. is that something that you correct on tape or a mindset? >> no, i think it's both. it's obviously tactical and strategic and the coaching staffs pour so much into how the match-ups will take shape in the first half, deep in the game. what happens when you're beginning to lose quote/unquote momentum. but most importantly, the quarterback play. and matthew stafford is such a great story, as you know, brian. such a good player, a good quarterback all that time in detroit. he really came of age by finding a way to win that game when so much momentum was lost against tampa, and now he faces jimmy g his own great story. >> brian: not many people thought he'd be the starter at this point. i know you'll be focused on west coast, but kansas city hosts the surprising cincinnati bengals. what game that was. 12-5 and got to the super bowl the last two years. >> well, this is a showcase of two incredible quarterbacks. patrick mahomes, we knows all about. but if people haven't had a chance to have the joe burrow experience, they need to check him out. one of the greatest seasons in college history and walks the perfect line like you do between swagger and confidence. he has a way about him that's lifted this whole franchise and has them remarkably one game away from the super bowl. should be a shoot-out. >> brian: lastly, the denver broncos have hired nathaniel hackett off the packers and a lot of people say that's where rodgers is headed next. your thoughts? >> i'll just say this. denver has not had great success, again, brian, as you know with first-time coaches. their success has come when they have hired coaches who already have experience. in terms of nathaniel hackett, aaron rodgers has praised him for his communication and the way he connects with players. losing him is not a good thing for those who want rodgers at green bay. >> brian: best of luck and make sure you wear sunscreen on the sidelines. everyone else will be shoveling snow. meanwhile, we're bringing back stack the cash to give you more of terry bradshaw's money so download and play for free. sad news, 19 seconds left in the show. >> steve: you know, bradshaw must have a lot of money. he's always giving out money, he's loaded. >> ainsley: you should be happy because you have another show to go and do. radio. >> brian: radio, three hour hours and join me. >> biden administration releasing migrants into the u.s. >> dana: they were taken last august. how many scenes like this have taken place since then. body cam footage from last august. taken by a police sergeant in westchester, new york. he was at the airport trying to figure out why the government was chartering secret flights in

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Pounding , Target , Guys , Russia Doesn T , Kind , Bunch , Pickle , Paratroopers , Stuff , Jets , European , Town , Signal , 98 , 250 , Population , Awe , Flashlight , Shocked , Steve Kerrigan , Electricity , Sounds , Dark , Places , The Inside Story On Aruba , Spring , Barbecue , Eight , Tactic , Change , Cash , Jeremy Hunt , Gusher , North Stream , Georgia , Commander In Chief , Observation , Congress , Day One , Yes , Point American Military , Adversaries , Military , Clear , Number , Priority , Priorities , Witchhunts , Few , Accountability , Answer , Questions , Question , Strength , Requests , Answers , Acquiescence , Olympics , Guest , Services , Up Next , Absolutely , Children , Violence , Street , Chicago , Girl , Mother , Awareness , 68 , Adults , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Injections , Hiv , Me Undetectable , Medicines , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Healthcare Provider , Ingredients , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Reaction , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Depression , Treatment Appointments , Tiredness , Fever , Way , Worries , The World Today , Everybody , Name , Memory , Texas , Owner , Projects , Firm , Manufacturing , Personal Assistant , Austin , 10 , Friend , Well Being , Difference , Sense , Better , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Mom , Weekend , Neighborhood , Punk , Community Act , Black On Crime , Elderly , Youth , Corey Brooks , Views , Nothing , Up On The Roof , Organization , Gang Violence , Demonstration , Sent , Tide , Kid , Hand , Being , Towner , Threat , City , Shot , Father , Old Girl , Times , Lady , Sadness , Streets , Womb , Murders , Batteries , Highlights , Carjackings , Graphic , 144 , 288 , 36 , 900 , Ways , Truth , Government Officials , Door , Environment , Stores , Type , Cash Register , Front Lawn , Gun Violence , Governors , Da In Manhattan , Numbers , Doing , Budget , Crimes , Detectives , Zero , Center , Org , Project Could Org , Carly Simpson , 15 , San Francisco , Winter , Asian American Man Attacked , City Attorney , 2019 , Survivor , Attackers , Attack , Increase , Asian , 567 , Hate Crimes , Drop , Phone , Preservation , Miami , January 24 , 14 , Story , Interview , Reservation , Interview Pulpy , Brace University Swim Coach , Sports Illustrated , Others , Detriment , Athlete , Ncaa , Recipients , Gallery , Smithsonian , Them , The Field , Notables , Serena Williams , Weather , Dozier Headlines , Music Industry Star Clyde Davis , Pressure , Romance , Northeast , Atlanta , Twenty , Storm , Forecast , Coast , Thinking , Wind Gusts , Potential , Conditions , Bulk , Powell Bull Snow , Maine , Snow , Flooding , Bottom Line , Storm Timing , Island , Outages , North Carolina , Coastal Maine , Cape Cod , 60 , 70 , Models , Wins , Tale , One Of Us , Power Outages , A Blockbuster Storm , Most , Forecasting , Bit , Cold Air , Idea , Fight , Television , Blizzard Conditions , Big Nor Easter , Canada , Truck Drivers , Saturday Night , Road , Breaking Point , Problems , Ripple Affect , Rhythm , Freedom , Best , Blend , Nutrients , Emergen C , Crohn S , Flare Up , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Treatment , Risk , Flight , Cancer , Medication , Intestine , Serious , Inflammation , Uc , Surface , Relief , Tb , Pres , Brain Condition , Skin Growths , Lung Inflammation , Sores , Remission , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Idaho Seal , Truckers , Four , 16000 , Hundreds , Vaccine Mandate , Exabyte , Freight Group , Convoy , End , Ottawa , Bread , Goods , Shelves , Loaves , 00 Billion , 700 Billion , 600 , Jab , Haven T , Matter , Wall , Product , Neighbor , Vaccinated , Knees , Isn T , Reason , It A Truck Driver , Little , Trucks , Driver , Shores , Tsunami , Reckoning , Vancouver , Justin Trudeau , Guys Don T Like , Service , Borders , Studio , Truck , Warehouse , Transfer Product , Lumber Prices , Loggers , Livelihood , Products , Fold , Trade Agreement , Cedar , Guys Out , Spirit , Health , One Million , Angigidema , Bar , Parents , District , Mouse , Virginia , Disney , 82 50 , Song , Hot Pretzel , Musician , The Beatles , Hbo , Fighting , Classes , Anyone , Paul Mccartney , Wings , Wife , Patrick S Cathedral , Is St , Sixth Avenue , Jason Prepare , Partner , Respects , Patrick , Jetblue , Style , Residents , Tribute , A Slew Of Blue Will Descend Upon St , Street Outside , Lighting Candles , Speeches , Flowers , Mora , Rivera , Listen , Funeral Plan , Heart Springs , Law Enforcement Officers , Offices , Planning , Nine , Studios , Shoplifting Video , Security Guard , Bags , Stolen Goods , Bail Reform , General , Topics , Hit , Market , Single , Inventory , Pat Lynch , Jason Repair , Police Benevolent Association , Join , Saint , Action Starts , Message , Pats , Honor , 9 , New York Post , Heroes , Fifth Avenue , Op Ed Page , Scenes , Cathedral , Ceremonies , Bagpipes , Law Enforcement , Airlines , Lawmakers , Siege , Crime Matter , Alvin Bragg , Criminal First D8 In Manhattan , State House , Phase , Albany , Disgrace , Triton , Da , Care , Phrase , Individual , Bail , Offenses , Ratcheting , Terms , Decisions , Will , Options , Responsibility , Conversation , Adjustment , Whether , Something , Judges , Calling , Adjustments , Jail , Trial , Removal , Option , Evidence , Homicide , Leaders , Houses , Reform , Negotiating Power , Car , In Dc , Pitches , State Police , I M In Charge , New York State , Guns , Fox News Alert , Sources , Notice , Gun , Clarity , Offense , Circuit Justice Breyer , Confirmation Process , Speed , Hold Docket , Amy Cody , Law Background , Jen Psaki , For An Open Supreme Court , Estate , Reports , Attorney General , Hype Hypothetically , Intention , Reelection , Irony , Specifics , One Day , Tiebreaker , 5050 , Surprise , Carrie Severino , Watching , Case , 130 Million , 30 Million , Extreme Judicial Policy , Momentum , Standup , Russia Brakes On , Say , School Boards , Route , Kids Education , Pandemic , Listening , Bat , Suffering , Lockdown , Garbage Workers , Sort , Statistics , Keeping Schools , Markers , Hiding , Excuse , School System , Lives , Podium , More , Trash , Program , Let S Go Brandon On The Campaign Trail , Room , Funny , Executive Orders , Orders , Republicans , Show Life , Tenant Conducts , Congressional District , Youngkin , Party , House , Wake Up Call , Eric Adams , Moderates , Joe Manchin , Sinema , First Graders , Schools , Campaign Slogan , Abcs , Let S Go , Fox News , Person , Hotel , Authorities , Washington Dc , Charges , Crime Scene , Pros , Handgun , Searching , North West , Texas Bell , Michael Williams , Hostage Crisis , Showing , Gun Sale , Synagogue , British , Henry , Fbi , 44 , Family , Hostages , Heart Transplant , Waves , Jogger , Boston , Son , Heart Surgery , Pump Put , Surgery , On Tuesday , 37 , 31 , Dolly Parton , Cake , Family Recipe , Miss Molly , Golly , Buttercream Frosting , Flavors , Duncan Hines , Daughter , Sounds Delicious , Clause , Who , Nicest , Restaurant , Dr , Virus , Doubles , Barton , Workers , Benefits , Above And Beyond , Turn , Cowboys , Hang On , Ooo , Tex , 24hr , Nexium , Claire , Chocolate Cake , Jobs , Fire , Immunity , Cost , Buyer , Wall Street Journal , Marty Makary Frights , Nobel Prize , Marty Makary , Respect , Long Term , Dead , Bodies , Omicron , Vaccines , Nih Can T , 2 Billion , 42 Billion , Antibodies , Employees , Studies , Cdc , It S Time , Study , Immune System , Apology , 100 , Research , Series , Durability , Beta , Army Men And Women , Workplace , Marines , Public Health , Careers , Mistake , Camouflage , Dishonorably Discharge , Hospitals , Crisis Mode , Washington State , Emergency Crisis Mode , 55 , Step Staff , Crisis , Column , In The Dark Of Night , Colleagues , Experts , Windshield , Vo , Music Vo , Technology , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Singers , Safelite Repair , Mr , Guys Today , Camera Views , Silverado , Mrs , Lopez , Josh , Cam , Going On , Cameras , Funny Business , Front , Chevy Silverado , Sir , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , A1c , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Stroke , Events , 12 , 7 , Don T Take Ozempic , Needles , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Pens , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Vision Problems , Changes , Stomach Pain , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Pancreatitis , Provider , Neck , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , 3 , 25 , 5 , Prescription , Sergeant Hembrosky , Footage , Airplane , Migrants , Flights , Curfew , Nicole Malliotakis , Protocol , Claudia Tenny , Guy , Dereliction Of Duty , Laws , Border Security , President Of The United States , Obligation , Primary , Executive , Former , Rob Asked Reno , Westchester County Executive , Taxpayer Expense , Plains , March , Defense Finance Employees , Taxpayers , Pie , Violation , Upstate New York , Paper , Congresswoman , Drug Cartels , Billions , Human Trafficking , Rate , Drug Trafficking , Deaths , Cause , Depth , Mayors , Legislation , House First , Pieces , Letter , Eric Evans , Members , Six , Confidence , Legislature , Issues , Criminal Justice , Mental Health , Safe , District Attorney , Communities , Advisement , Elven Break , Refusal , Parts , Kick , Reading , Exclusive , Attempt , Election Laws , Scale , Districts , Battle , Staten Island , Needs , House Of Representatives , Solution , Perks , Breast Cancer , Thriver , Pill , Women , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Hr , Kisqali , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Disease , Blood Cell , Chest Pain , Pain , Appetite , Skin , Bleeding , Cough , Dizziness , Loss , Urine , Yellowing , Bruising , Chills , Rash , Grapefruit , Plans , Points Program , Ww , Same , Offer Ends January 30th , Ww Com , January 30th , Helping Hand , House Childcare , Owners , Genius Idea , Names , Protection , John , Dixie , Price , Pooper , Summer Rogers , Sitter , Capacity , Parties , Capacity Rule , Employee , Nursery , Child , Couple , Center Surface , Work , Staff , Hires , Everybody Else , Department , Sitting , Rule , Forward , Positions , Stories , Moms , Do , Ping , Cousin , Food , Childcare Services , Love , Paycheck , Childcare , Experience , 4 , Metal , Breaker , Beds , Employee Retention , Need , Ad , Necessity , Applicants , Incomes , Stream , Waiting List , Revolving Door , Hire , Wise , Distance , Effort , Restaurants , Library , Anderson , Giannis , South Carolinians Pivots , Temperatures , Cold , Air Syncing , Records On Sunday , Lakeland , Orlando , 34 , Fort Myers , 33 , Records , Storm System , Nor Easter Potential , Blockbuster Event , Los Angeles , Speed Dial , Customization , Dj , Throwback , Obsessed , Liberty Hello , Trelegy , Copd , Coughing , On By , Breeze Driftin , Stand , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Feelin Good , High Blood Pressure , Won T , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Rescue Inhaler , Lung Function , Thrush , Vision Changes , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Eye , Problems Urinating , Resident , Out Of Control , It Safe , Trelegy Com , California S , 111 , Stands , Weapons , Crews , Super Bowl , Stadium , Oscars , Neighborhood Council Member , Rug , History , 60000 , Account Due , 90000 , Homeless Problem , Venice Boardwalk , Encampments , 210 , Politicians , Encampment , Band Aid Solutions , Tents , 5 Million , Fixed , Track , Ba , Reforms , Feeling , Situation , Nightmare , Criminals , Homeless People , Injuries , Trend , Shannon Bream On The Supreme Court , Coming Up , Ainsley , Body Camera Video , Lowdown , Aiding And Abetting , Crime Crisis , California City , Loving Woke Das , Liability Insurance , Right , Tax , Gun Owners , Anthony Fauci , Grinch , Beach , Somewhere , Tip , Myrtle Beach , Have , Ocean , Atlantic , Dad , Raft , Blowup Raft , Sand Dollars , Edge , Brian , Water , Sand Buckets , Bleach , Brown , Generically , Inauguration , Dhs Contractor , Honduran Leader , Given Information , White Plains Airport , Department Of Human Services , Pay Grade , Bleep , Mayorkas , Frank Discussion , Yuma , Arizona , Aren T Popular With Customs And Border Protection , Hunky Dory , President Elect , Jackie , Triangle , Trip , Castro , Down There , Flow , Company , Lands , U S Army , State Driver S License , I D , Process Don T , August , Splaining , White Plains , Network , Secret , Families , Supplies , Illegaling , Outfits , Mcallen , Security , Behavior , Congresswomen , Dereliction , Duty , Taxpayer , Expense , Fentanyl Deaths , Team , Men , Images , Taxi Company , There , Bus Station , Parking Structure , Bussed Over , A Million , Everywhere , Companies , Iphone , Cias , Souls , Immigration Process , Trouble Sleeping , Chaperons , Teachers , Of A Sudden , Tax Dollars , English , Chinese , Spanish , Teacher , Class , Union , 48 , 11 , 6 , 30000 , 330000 , 80 , 18 , 8 , A Hundred , Thirty Four , 94 , Seven , 83 , 5000 , 000 , February 15th , 125 Million , 25 Million , 49 , 38 Million , Minus 2 , 0 , January 9th , 17 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240708

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inside at the 72 and sunny. "fox & friends", the first hour. >> good morning. good to have you here. how dear you interrupt my intro put "fox & friends" first. >> they were asking on "fox & friends" first. how are you from the catch. are you going to get here quickly. >> so we are here. thanks for getting me here in time. i just think that if i were to frame out our first talking point, when you do something wrong, you're going to get caught. nettle at the border, it's happening inside our country work illegal immigration is taking root and actually covering this country and were finally exposing it. >> back in august we discovered the process secret like her several of them dropped in westchester caring the illegal immigrants. what we found out to the freedom of information act, we found body cam video from one of the police officers that arrived on the scene was in charge of security helping police officers wearing body cameras they found all these contractors that were told you need to keep this a secret and the police officers, we are the ones in charge of airport security. we don't know anything about them. >> we don't know anything about you, anything about the people on the plane. so the freedom of information act request, rob asked who's running for governor for new york. on the republican side. he got a hold of it. and the body cam is a police officer with the westchester police. and he was doing his job. is like you are here with contractors from a private security firm. they signed $136 million contract with the federal government to do will be are seeing right here. to that police officer, he didn't know what they were doing because if they asked for id and he said i can't give you our company idea -- idp we've been told no pictures. and here is some of the frustration of the cop trying to figure out who is on this plane and who were all these people. >> are you trying to figure out what this is? you're on a secure facility and we are in charge of security a don't know anything. hence, we are having a problem. you're out here on the tarmac like that. i don't know anybody. you people could just go that way. it is slowly coming together. i don't really know what is happening. >> through the freedom of information act request he said i like to know puts going on there and i put like to get the audio and the got the audio, the body cam of the cop. that the niche keep in mind, these are illegal immigrants who have come across our border illegally and instead of thing because that turn you around, they are saying we are going to lie you into the country in place you in the cities and school and you're not going to say anything because you're not going to see is coming or going. the pilot goes on to say i didn't even know where i was going until i was in the air. why westchester when laguardia and jfk are available. because it's out of the way. less scrutiny so here is where they are doing it. you mentioned jfk last week. we had a senate summit can they provide that video. i heard out on long island a small plane that not many people go to or no ball, that is where i hear this is happening at midnight. and this is a five alarm fire and an exposure of illegal activity conducted at the highest level of our government. >> is a 51 minute video. on the video to go on to sail kinds of things that we can't specifically be talking about. you think stood out to me. can i give you my state id? work ids, we are not allowed to. them trying figure out who was who and how i exposed to keep this secure and one of the contractors that were not allowed to have our picture taken when we get on base. the officer says unbelievable. who is that by? dhs? yes the contractor says. your ural federal installation. the dhs want everything on the down low. another contractor says a lot of this is just down most up that we don't tell people because we don't want to -- we don't want to caught the attention. we don't want the media. >> well, they got the media in august and his stop them blind that particular airport. police officers for their scratching their head. so what is going on? the contractor himself the one that the officers speaking to, he knows what's going on. he knows what it means for america. listen to this part. >> i get the whole secrecy part. [indiscernible] there's one more thing there. he's talking but this is a betrayal of the american people. when asked why the secrecy, the government contractor working for joe biden present administration said you know why the secrecy. look who is in office. that's why. come on, man. the man who perceives this and ran the device, here he is last night with tucker. >> our government is completely out-of-control right now. they apply to us, to the american people, they are putting on planes and sending them to airports closed at night like westchester, putting them on buses. and i saw with my own eyes after they denied it, by the way, that they were put onto a bus to a cosco and was based into cars in the community. they keep saying it is unaccompanied kids completely they lied. these kids were not going to go into our own area, completely alive. there putting gets in to westchester and long island and the surrounding areas. it's a complete betrayal to the american people. >> how do you feel about people waiting in line to become citizens, people that mary's and many from another country and have to go through all types of hoops and right big checks in order to become citizens here and then the scrutiny stuff. the testing is not easy. and these people are just a bridging are -- system and giving them a nice set of close, a nice snack, and maybe even cash to get started and some of the spot -- access to the finest school systems in the country that you pay for audio property taxes and if you are like anywhere in new york and florida, the property taxes, that's where your money is going to reward people from other countries from coming here illegally and this. the remittance of people working here and sending their money back to their country's through the roof in mexico. it's a 50%. so they are not even helping our economy. if there was a worker permit think of it as a totally different process. your people to give people an opportunity, there is a process for that. it's not this. back to our border for the latest surveillance video and audio that president biden in the white house does not want you to see. >> going to meet with border agents and it got really testy. he said he wanted them to be candid and they were. listen to some of this audiotape that someone released from the meeting. >> [indiscernible] one agent did turn his back on mayorkas. he said he can do shop underbite policy and it was better under trump and everyone was doing their job. secretary mayorkas admitted that the policy is unpopular with border patrol. but ultimately elections have consequences. on the border patrol agents observed it was better under trump because president trump out of different way he was executing the law of the land. now joe biden's president and he's taking a look at the law and is finding loopholes in finding a way to do it. who knows where they are landing , all that the blessing of the biden administration. >> keep in mind there is right and wrong and republican and democrat. this is wrong. they're breaking the law. they're breaking immigration law and if you ask people is it okay to come into our country without papers illegally is okay for the border patrol to keep them in the middle of the night and get taxicabs and then send them to various cities without telling the governor or the mayor, that is just wrong. no one elected that. that is abuse of power and negligence on the job. it shows by him turning his back on the country like the border patrol was turning their back on mayorkas. it's unacceptable. and if you look at harry reid pressed take comments from years past, they would've been outraged, the 90s version of the former democratic leadership would've never signed up on this . i don't know what's going on here. this is not a pro- american agenda. >> it just shows that we can't trust this administration. they're not being transparent with us. cards are being told by our they hiding all this. they don't want you to know. they are saying you were footing the bill. you have to follow the law and if you don't you are locked up or get slapped a fine and whatnot and if they break the law, you are allowed in and you have to pay for it. >> it's like the contractor told the cop, i'm working for the federal government and ultimately that is -- speaking of that, kamala harris in the last 90 minutes or so was that joint base andrew. undoubtably they will talk about her big job, which is root causes of migration to the united states people to get anything done? i don't know if i would hold my breath. >> the us is ramping up threats between russia and ukraine. will blight didn't blink in defending ukraine? we are live in key of. >> democrats vowing to act quickly to fill supreme court stephen justice seat ahead of the midterm. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . ...is her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> i committed to appoint someone to the courts. i will appoint the first black woman to the courts and require that they have representation now. critics are saying the should be someone qualified. it shouldn't be about identity politics. what do you think? >> i thought the area in which we said people were qualified are disqualified for a federal job based on their or race went away with the 19th century. this is shocking that we would be returning to this but apparently biden didn't get the memo. >> i think the other thing to keep in mind is that this was a deal cut with james clyburn. he went up the debate in a break and said he was going to the bathroom and instead he went to biden and set you up many opportunities to pledge a black woman on the supreme court. do it now. he was trailing in the other primaries. south carolina had not happened yet and it was almost a quid pro quo, he gets the play and then he gets his support. >> a lot of the president's judicial policy is quid pro quo pretty got a hundred million from many groups for his campaign. those groups are pushing for some of the most extreme judicial policies and court packing and some of the nominees were talking about our straight off of their wish list. so even though he campaigned for it, he's trying to appease some of these extremist groups. >> we all remember trump would out a list. if i'm elected president, i will pick off of this list and he did that when he got the chance. we've all been watching this for a long time. this is an odd time for a supreme court justice to announce his retirement. i know he officially hasn't, but he may have said the somebody, the department of justice, somebody up the white house, i'm thinking about it at the end of the term and i'm announcing i'm going to go. they may have leaked and somebody blabbed and now the subject has changed for joe biden. he does not talk all about inflation and crime. he can talk about a new supreme court justice. >> exactly. this is perfect timing for them. maybe not perfect timing for the justice himself. it's interesting because we were scratching our heads yesterday because normally justices go toward the end of the term and the like to beat the funds to announce it themselves. they want to announce it and we heard this through leaks and shannon bream is the one who first tracked down, the fact that this was probably a leak that even justice breyer himself was surprised. maybe he was trying to get them little heads up, you what your shortlist in order, but didn't wanted to be a spontaneous announcement, which is what i think we are getting, and what the white house wanted. maybe they're trying to push them off the bench and make sure this goes public. >> it is a shortlist about ten people and has been floated out of peter doocy. could be kamala harris. chief in she brought jackson and she is us supreme court of appeals, she's gone through the senate confirmation process last year when she was elevated to the us court of appeals. fifty democrats voted yes on three republican senators voted yes too. which she be a likely candidate? >> i think a lot of people consider her a front runner. is much as they want to get kamala harris out of the vice president's job, this probably isn't the way to do it. jackson has a lot of concern on her record. she's great off of the wish list . she has a record of reaching out to take cases that were outside of her jurisdiction in plays that were political against the trumpet ministration. that is the real concern. a when she was up for this position, she claims she didn't have an approach -- that's not a qualification. that is a concern if you are a law student, let alone a supreme court nominee. >> thanks so much, appreciate it this is going to be an exciting and content just next three months. broke quick, how soon could chuck schumer actually start this process? it seems unseemly since justice breyer hasn't even announced it yet. >> it's awkward timing. biden gets to pick the nominee but schumer could go through the whole confirmation process even before his nomination of the official and then when he officially retires, they could actually be a swearing-in at that point. >> in the meantime there's some big cases that have to be heard. great to see you. thank you for all this information. >> still ahead the united states ramping up military presence near ukraine as tensions with russia speed up. we have a live report next. your heart is at the heart of everything you do. and if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. it's the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, there's no telling where life may take you. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust your heart to entresto. [struggling vehicle] think premium can't be capable? think again. ♪ ♪ introducing the first ever at4 lineup. premium and capable. that's professional grade from gmc. rated #1 in sales satisfaction among mass market brands. nypd officer up third weight will take place. his funeral is planned for tomorrow. he was killed in an ambush in harlem. two police officers or hospitalized after being shot in ferguson, missouri. police say suspect approached their vehicles and in both officers are in critical condition. but korea launched ballistic missiles overnight, marking its sixth round of this month. south korean officials say both missiles were shot as the country faces off the bike the ministration over its sanction. time is up for thousands of healthcare workers required to get the covid-19 vaccine. the deadline is tuesday in about half the states to get their first dose with the mandate. it will be rolled out across the rest of the country in the coming weeks. the supreme court struck down the mandate for private businesses. she is ditching her iconic polka dot dress for a pansy to celebrate the 30th anniversary telling people this new take on her signature polka dot makes minnie mouse the symbol of progress for a new generation. those are your headlines. >> white isn't it already? the pantsuit, whatever, it is 2022. but it should be read. >> only in paris. she doesn't want to show her legs anymore. only in paris. now going overseas, a different area of the world, this just in, russia's foreign minister says vladimir putin is reviewing its next steps after a project that their demands on ukraine. >> that's right, the us gave a written response that they wanted. they offered areas of cooperation, never never allowing ukraine to join nato. did you must refuse. here is the secretary of state. >> right now the document is with them and the ball is in their court. we will see what we do, whether they choose the path of dialogue or if they try to stripe against the train. the brush and foremost are saying has not been a positive response from the west but the resident people will decide the next steps. as diplomatic talks continue between the two sides, that usn netherlands and denmark all sending fighter jets into the region to potentially help ukraine. germany, however, which gets a lot of its energy from russia is refusing to supply any lethal force. they sent helmets and that was mocked and say what will they send a next, pillows. and finally a 20-year-old ukrainian soldier killed five of errors comrades in eastern ukraine. there's no connection between the connection of the five soldiers and any from between russia and ukraine. keep in mind this brutal hazing in the russian army and ukrainian army. they do have a habit from time to time. >> steve, i note that they've really want no part of this action, germany. one thing is pretty clear. james sullivan -- ned torres said yesterday i want to be clear, if russia invades ukraine one way or another, will not move forward. to me that will move -- that was big news. is there some nuance that i missing? >> no, you are right on target. that is big news and that would be a significant financial pounding from russia. the us seems pretty confident double stop if russia doesn't invade. >> there's a bunch of russian guys there and then what are they do. is kind of a pickle. he didn't mention that russia is going to be -- united states sending jets and stuff like that. in the meantime i was just reading and some of the european papers that apparently there is a train in russia bringing russia's elite paratroopers from the 98 airborne toward the border of ukraine. i think he is paratroopers suggest there could be as many as 250 of them. and one gives the signal, just parachute into the town. >> shocked and awe and terrorizing population. it's hard to imagine when you are standing here now but it could happen and it could happen quickly. i'm wondering do i have a flashlight because you could wake up and electricity could be out and the internet could be out and you could be in the dark in there could be allowed of -- a lot of loud sounds. >> be careful. we don't know how bad this is going to get. >> thank you, steve. >> steve, is there any happy places you want to go? stuff not quite so intends? did you ever put something in for something relaxing, like the inside story on aruba? >> i think a barbecue in long island is coming up this spring, brian. >> you just invited yourself. thank you, steve kerrigan. >> russia and ukraine had tate eight hour talks yesterday and they said were going to do this in two weeks. does that mean that they both invade for the next two weeks or does that mean it could be a tactic so they can go in when ukraine is that expecting yet. >> i think united states just wants to be crystal-clear, for a change, exactly what will happen if they do that. they are saying we will pull the plug on north stream. it is a gusher of cash for them. jeremy hunt, was a republican from georgia is waiting for congress, he deployed and trade with ukraine and has had this observation of "fox & friends" first about what is going on. >> were looking at our commander-in-chief, joe biden, and they don't fear him anymore. that is very dangerous. to this point american military has always turned our adversaries abroad. now joe biden from day one, he yes. a clear that is number one priority what that be strengthening the military. 's number one priorities would be along these witchhunts in the military. that's why we have to get accountability of what is going on. >> between what happens in the campaign and when he governs. >> they said we will not allow this to happen a few invade ukraine. >> the question is will we get the answer to those questions that vladimir putin requests, answers directly from nato or us , do they merge, are they the same. does he show any acquiescence or strength. the answers to those questions will determine what happens which many people think will be after the olympics. he will go there is an honored guest of a. >> going to really do that if it if he invades other countries. and evidently there is an armed services salute day that will line up perfectly after the olympics. >> make sure you pull the plug now. absolutely. 24 minutes before the top the hour. up next, the story of an eight -year-old girl that gets murdered ball she was crossing a chicago street with her mother. tester carrie brooks spent 68 days hoping to bring awareness to the violence and he's going to join us live as children are getting caught. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? 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>> anybody was talking about that is totally ignorant. the last thing that we should be doing is talking about defunding the police. we need at that their budget and tilt they get more detectives in solving these cases. there are people who were not being convicted of these crimes. part of that is due to the fact that the police did not have enough people who are working these cases. they're overworked. we should definitely be adding to the budget and not defunding the budget. it is below 10, that's all i know. it feels like it is below zero. i'm raising money to build this center and thank you all for your help. project. .org. project could.org. thank you, pass there. 15 minutes before at the top the hour. carly simpson joints us where it's about 20. he's doing this in the middle of winter. got to get to some headlines now . started but this, and asian-american man attacked and beaten in san francisco in 2019 is suing the city attorney. here is wide. >> i am a survivor of a her friend us attack that took place in san francisco with no consequences to the attackers. >> san francisco police report again 567% increase in asian hate crimes. back demanded so far this year compared to pre-pandemic times. new york city so as 68% drop in preservation on january 24 compared to 2019. miami no vaccine mandate searched by 14%, people toward doing online and phone and reservation. she will reportedly share her story in an interview for sports illustrated. it's unclear when the interview pulpy for a plays but it comes as a brace university swim coach blasted the ncaa saying the organization is vowing to one athlete to the detriment of thousands of others potentially. >> the picture going up at the smithsonian. smithsonian them -- say that three times fast. the gallery saying recipients have named the contribution the field -- [indiscernible] individuality. other notables are serena williams and music industry star clyde davis. dozier headlines. let's have a look at the weather . >> good morning. i know that everybody is on baited breath here knowing down there making romance was happening in the northeast. so the cold air is in place here year. twenty in chicago. 24 and atlanta. driven area of low pressure and an area of low pressure over florida and that energy combined is going to make for a coastal storm this weekend. how close does it come to the coast? still yet to be determined. the forecast is, you know, going to change. here is our thinking right now up towards maine. the potential for powell bull snow and blizzard conditions on saturday. the bulk of the comes on saturday in that we have the wind gusts that will cause coastal flooding and perhaps power outages with wind gusts up to 60-70, especially for cape cod and the island. the bottom line is the storm timing. it is friday into saturday, coastal and north carolina, coastal maine will see snow, wins, flooding, and power outages. it is the tale of these two forecast models that we are watching. one of us -- but of them gives us a blockbuster storm and the other one not so much. so it is those two combined that we are forecasting and the potential for quite a bit of snow along the coast. cold air will move east today and there is the tale of the two forecast. most of the storm will stay offshore so the models that we are sure you want television at those two combined. will leave the fight in the forecast and have up better idea expect the potential for big nor'easter and very strong wins and blizzard conditions. i promise you we will keep you up-to-date. this is really tough. we will know for for sure saturday night. >> hopefully before that. >> thank you very much. meanwhile another news a strict vaccine mandate in canada a take thousands of truck drivers off the road. the ripple affect could cause problems in the united states and the growing support for medical freedom here. that is coming out. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. is now a good time for a flare-up? 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[limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed only pay for what you need. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. 16,000 truckers may out of four thanks to canada's vaccine mandate. this is happening right now. hundreds of truck drivers rallying against this mandate and there getting support from fellow truckers in the us. brian isley is with exabyte at freight group and joins us now. this is impressive. there is a convoy miles long and to canada, ringing ottawa, and trying to bring an end to the mandate. why should we care about this? >> good morning. this is a great opportunity to make sure that everybody is aware that things are not going to get much easier if guys can't cross the border as easily as that used to. you talk about people having to choose between loaves of bread on the shelves, 600-$700 billion worth of goods could be transferred between canada and the united states. if even 10% of that was to be disruptive because guys can cross the border because they didn't take a jab that may or may not agree with. even if they haven't, it's not a matter of these people being for or against it, the mandate that is keeping these guys will crossing the border is going to make things a lot harder to find good product or product at all. >> what they are saying is they want everyone to get vaccinated and that's brought the country to its knees and now it's affecting us is our neighbor, 16,000 truckers might be sidelined because they choose for whatever reason not to get the vaccine. if there's any job that keeps you from other people where your help is your own concern, isn't it a truck driver? >> truck drivers tend to be very independent guys. again, like you say, that is why they are in the trucks. the don't mind being alone for hours and weeks on end and when you try to tell a driver what to do it themselves, they tend to push back a little. this tsunami has hit the shores of vancouver and is heading east there's going to be a time of reckoning. justin trudeau needs to listen these guys. they are serious. these guys don't like to be told what to do it for decades these guys at been providing a service that is gone unsung for many, many people. not everyone realizes everything in your studio and our warehouse here comes in on a truck very likely over the borders of the guys specifically here, we have a lot of loggers appear that transfer product in and out of canada that allow us to have somewhat competitive lumber prices and to see that the mandate may keep some of these guys out, they are having to choose their livelihood versus something they may or may not believe in. >> 70% of the us products are moved through trucks. we have this great trade agreement all because the fold the world cedar of canada was looking out for everyone's health and destroying two economy at one spirit i hope these truckers do not move until he changes his policy. thank you for making this a real world deal because of it is. >> coming up next, thousands of healthcare workers could lose their job because of covid infusion? they should hire them back now. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angigidema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. our government is out up control raise the bar. we are still fighting for our children. i am running for the tenth congressional district of virginia and we're going to let parents have their voice back. disney is putting mini mouse and a pantsuit. if i don't have to pay 82.50 for a hot pretzel. you know what i'm saying. >> just hearing this song, i don't know what that means, but the beatles, i believe that hbo max is so unbelievable. and i'm not a musician. this thing has been on the ball for 50 years. you could teach classes on fighting. i think that to me it is confusing everyone in the '60s did anyone even ask what that means? >> you will never know. >> the beatles, that -- >> paul mccartney would want to create wings with his wife. >> the second hour live from new york city. speaking live, we are on sixth avenue, one block over is st. patrick's cathedral. that is worth thousands are expected to gather to pay their respects to a fallen new york city police department officer. >> jason prepare is only 22 years old and there is his partner. he was also killed. jason died after an ambush style shooting late friday night. patrick dying on tuesday. >> that is here as the officers across the country coming to town, and jetblue clue them in for free to pay tribute. >> good morning. later this morning and tomorrow a slew of blue will descend upon st. patrick's cathedral. residents lining the street outside to honor fallen officer rivera and a mora. lighting candles and dropping off flowers and officer's speeches pulling at people's heart springs. let's take a listen. [indiscernible] >> officer more of's funeral plan for next week. jetblue is offering free plays to other law enforcement officers nationwide were planning to attend. nine offices across our country have been shot just this past week alone. of the meantime take a look at this, blatant shoplifting video. this is right down the street from our studios. that security guard leaving with two bags of stolen goods. it has been forced to close. is going to happen soon. president biden is heading to the big apple to discuss ways to fight gun violence. hopefully there will be other topics like bail reform and crime in general. >> that right eight said that there getting hit every single day and that is why they have to close. they don't have an inventory. small businesses are terrified was going to happen with them. the talking about how to market is the funeral for jason repair and it is interesting, pat lynch is the president of the police benevolent association. he said we want to send a message to the public, turn out. he wants people to show up at saint pats before 9:00 before the action starts. he said but as join -- join is to surround saint pats with all the honor and respect these heroes deserve. and the new york post on their op-ed page says honor a life and do just that. show up before 9:00 if you can, fifth avenue, to support. >> unfortunately we have seen the scenes at st. patrick's cathedral before. they're beautiful ceremonies but unfortunately had to have these. the entire street is blocked off as so many officers are down there wearing their uniform and bagpipes play and i love what you are talking about, jetblue is headquartered here in new york and so many people work for their airlines and they live here in our city and they want to honor these two police officers. so if you are in law enforcement and you want to come to new york , they will pay for your flight. >> lawmakers and people empower need to change the thinking and policies of almost every major city in this country under siege . and we have this criminal first d8 in manhattan for no one was paying attention. at is a democrat run city and his name is alvin bragg. and i think that the crime matter so much to americans that it certainly got the state house and albany, new york, where the governor who was put in place because governor cuomo left in disgrace, i have to address crime in the city and i can't just do the triton phase -- trite phrase take care of the problem because the american people are are buying it. so is having a meeting with the da and he wants to hear from him directly about his easy on crime and ratcheting down of criminal offenses and the no cash bail, but here is a little of what she says she hopes to gain after meeting. everyone goes right to remove full but this individual has only been on the job for a short time. of not prepared to undo the will of the people, however, there's options in terms of where he is signing and making other decisions when it comes to fighting out of there are certain classes that are never going to be prosecuted. but i would like to hear from him on whether or not there's any adjustment to his thinking like the memo we read and are horrified by. i know my responsibility as a governor and i have responsibility to have that conversation. she stopped short of calling for his removal. what they mean by adjustments is something that the mayor is calling for. to relax judges said you were suspect that i'm keeping you in jail and talk you have trial because you are dangerous. right now the judges have the option to do that. just about everybody gets out unless you have committed homicide and the evidence is strong. so she is going to meet with him tomorrow to hear him out. it's interesting, the governor said, but they are set last week i would probably like the seat albany do something. the leaders of both houses and albany said you know what, any change to bail reform -- her conversation that we just quoted was in the editorial board yesterday. why doesn't she use the negotiating power right now. she's been negotiating the new budget with those leaders so it's like you want that money, i get bail reform. why is she being so cautious. she talked about to your point about guns, i'm in charge of the worker of new york. is like she can't send the state police out to stop every car coming into new york state, so she is being coy pitches that is not going to negotiate. >> she is down in dc. big news about the fox news alert that supreme court justice stephen breyer was retiring. was not announced yet. shannon bream quoted at first. and it turns out that he is going to retire and is meeting with president biden. but she tweeted multiple sources tell me it was not planning on announcing his retirement today. he's upset with how this all played out so their way to get the official notice from his office. and then she tweets again with more clarity. i'm told that justice has firmly decided on his own to retire and he notes that will be soon. somebody jumped the gun on that. that characterized him as surprised by the offense and not upset. >> right now justice breyer would not even been nominated if they were to do it again. circuit justice breyer has got a hold docket that he has got something to do yet but the confirmation process will probably go through while he is there. they say that they want to mirror this speed in which amy cody. was nominated, question, and then confirmed. meanwhile a lot of people say this might be a great opportunity for the president to get rid of the vice president. she's got a law background, why not put her on the supreme court peter doocy asked that question of jen psaki. >> when asked about the vice president being selected as a separate -- supreme court nominee, does that she's being considered? >> i'm not going to speak to the reports of the supreme court justice retirement that hasn't been announced. >> hype hypothetically would someone who who was attorney general of a large state be an attractive candidate for the president for an open supreme supreme court? >> i see what you get there, peter, but the president has every intention of running for reelection with vice president harris -- and i will reiterate that i have nothing more to offer as far as specifics this but i doubt that will happen because she wants to run for president one day. maybe she could do that and step down. if she did, this is the irony here. it is 5050. she could have to vote for herself. she could be the tiebreaker. which way which she vote? a big one of the reasons the white house not take an official position is because that justice has not officially announced it. he was caught by surprise and probably -- and then you guys can replace me we were talking earlier with carrie severino who's been watching. she said absolutely maybe somebody can change the subject because joe biden is getting hit left and right and everybody is talking about who he's going to put on the supreme court. if it's about who is going to take his place and we have heard the former candidate and since it would be an african american woman. here is what kerry had to say. i thought that air in which people for qualified it disqualified, when it was -- in one away in the 19th century. it's ironic that the supreme court is even considering a case on this very issue but apparently biden didn't get the memo. a lot of the judicial policy does seem to be quid pro quo. he got over $130 million for his campaign. those groups are pushing for some of the most extreme judicial policy. he is trying to appease some of the extremist groups. this is some of the good news. and the standup with russia brakes on. they wanted to get momentum to the bill back better version 2. meanwhile this was an off year election mainly because on the out route for school boards, the parents and demanded to have a say in their kids education. one of those big moments was branded. he came up to speak and he wanted to go to bat for his kid who was suffering because of the extreme lockdown conditions during this pandemic. and nobody is listening to the parents. remember this. >> they are a bunch of cowards hiding behind our children as an excuse for keeping schools close . you think you are some sort of markers. the statistics do not lie. the garbage workers who pick up my trash risked their lives and free day more at that everyone in the school system. figure it out. or get off the podium because there are people like me and i'll line of other people out there who will gladly take your seat and they carried out. it is not a high bar. ways they bar. >> nobody is doing to be announced last night on tucker carlson's program that is running for congress. he said it would be happy to hear let's go brandon on the campaign trail. watch this. >> we are still fighting for our children and parents continued to fight for their children every everyday. it's funny, i had the opportunity to be in a room with governor youngkin when he signed the executive orders. allowing parents to choose what is best for their children. our country is defined those orders and parents just want to be heard. that's why i'm excited to announce a new show life that i'm running for the tenant conducts -- congressional district were going to let parents have their voice back. >> i remember when youngkin won. he had a lot of republicans say we are the party of the parents. governor youngkin listened to us at all. think we can't let them be the party of the parents. we have to be the party of the parents but they don't listen to the parents and they did in virginia and that is my youngkin got into office. we will see what happens midterm but we are saying they think republicans are going to keep the house and the senate. >> democrats getting a wake-up call. will they hit snooze or wake up. eric adams starting to respond to crime in some sort of way. you see a lot of moderates like joe manchin and sinema not budging. that you see the president responded to crime. baby some democrats will go. i think these parents have a point when it comes to getting kids in schools. we've got first-graders that don't know their abcs. it's been two years. >> his official campaign slogan is let's go -- her name as carly and she has got the news. >> i do. we begin with the fox news alert here. breaking right now, at least five people have been shot at a washington dc hotel. this is happening hours ago. one person is dead. is that clear if authorities us searching for -- the massive crime scene shutting down several pros of the north west. we will keep you updated on this breaking story. a texas bell and facing charges after allegedly selling handgun in texas. the synagogue hostage crisis. henry michael williams, 44 -year-old british national. the fbi tracked the gun sale with the help of record showing calls between him and waves. he was killed at the scene ball all the hostages got out safely. the family of the boston jogger who was moved from a heart transplant with from a getting the covid. >> he said he is fighting for his life. he joined tucker carlson to share what his son is going through. >> he has deteriorated so quickly that they had to resort to open heart surgery. >> the 31-year-old underwent the 37 our open heart surgery and had a medical pump put in on tuesday. and good golly, miss molly. dolly parton teaming up with duncan hines to launch cake mixes and buttercream frosting. the flavors are inspired by her favorite family recipe. that sounds delicious. >> she is cooking nine to five. >> my daughter loves dolly parton. listen to her musical the time she's fascinated with her life. she set a christmas time you will love this, i note that dolly parton's mom is. i said who. she said misses clause. >> and she is the nicest person. we have interviewed her a lot. see you guys. >> up next for taking a closer look at the power of national community. should we wage vexing doubles already protected from virus because we take action. dr. barton says yes and do it now. >> for south carolina restaurant has some sweet benefits. how they're going above and beyond to hire and retain no workers. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed only pay for what you need. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? for fire from their jobs if not fully vaccinated. despite that and now proving that with natural immunity you are at the least likely to infect others. this is a brand-new study. that is the case. dr. marty makary frights and the wall street journal the high cost of disparaging natural immunity to buyer. >> is cost is way too much. one in five workers that left their job. the need them back. dr. marty makary joins us now. talk about the study and what you concluded from it. >> it is very clear that 90% of people up natural immunity, recovered from by respect have and that bodies present nearly two years after infection and immunity long-term was a dead i told to the community short short-term and immunity long-term was also protective against omicron that at that against with vaccines with omicron. this is a study which we've been doing for months. i don't know why i have to do with the study and the nih can't do with $42 billion but it does show that natural immunity. >> that is so impactful. i got the people, americans infected with the antibodies. let's seek see two years later. the answer is yes. it leads you to conclude that public officials ruined many lives by insisting workers be fired if they were fully vaccinated. now doing the study is correct. it's time to reinstate those employees with apology. the cdc study in our study confirms what more than 100 other studies have found. the immune system works and your community is present and durable . at least comparable to the vaccine as we know it. so, dr. marty makary, what are you calling for the public and the government to do. >> the study was not that hard to do. we invited hundreds of people were not vaccinated and only have been exposed to the virus and tested their blood. this is not a nobel prize-winning study. this is basic research. they've argued the entire pandemic that the durability up natural immunity is unknown. study at. there's a series of studies coming out on natural immunity and the going to be forthcoming in the next few weeks. the cdc what went out last week that it is about three times stronger than natural immunity. they are afraid to talk about that because people might just get the infection and we just don't want them to do that. but we can be honest with the beta. we've got the irony that we've fired workers for not being vaccinated even though they have natural immunity. the fire at those workers, those least likely to spread the infection and the workplace. >> should be higher back to marines and help the army men and women to go back and put on the camouflage again? >> this is a mistake by public health officials and they destroyed thousands of careers in the united states. soldiers dishonorably discharge. they need to be reinstated. hospitals are going into emergency crisis mode. one hospital shows that they fired 55 workers in washington state for not having the vaccine even though many, if not all, had natural immunity and then when they went into crisis mode, they invited step staff to come back even though they were up by respect positive and had symptoms. they said we still need you to come in to work with covid and try to be assigned to covid positive patience. this is a manufactured crisis because the center for medicaid services has not recognized immunity. >> hopefully your column does that in the wall street journal today. dr. marty makary, thanks to you and your colleagues for doing this study. >> shocking new video reveals a government contractor saying that govern -- government -- president biden is betraying the american people as their phone into new york in the dark of night. we're joined live. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ my asthma felt anything but 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changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. >> [indiscernible] >> betraying the american people shocking footage of a contractor working the airplane, venting his frustration as the biden administration reloads play and most of illegal migrants in the dead of night after airports are close. those flights arriving after the curfew, which is a breakout protocol. we have claudia tenny and nicole malliotakis with us now. >> body cam video, this local police officer is going a plane flying and in the middle of the night after the airport is closed, i don't have anybody who is on the plane or who these people are. at one point the guy says why the secrecy. you know why. you know why, look at is in office. that is why. come on. i guess elections have consequences. this is how joe biden handles migrants. >> this is a complete aggravated dereliction of duty, which is why last night they called for joe biden to be impeached and removed. 's primary obligation is the commander-in-chief and president of the united states is to enforce our laws and live up to -- and first our border security and tell the truth to the american people. this footage was unearthed by a request from former westchester county executive rob asked reno and where is the current executive, not doing anything about the fact that these migrants are coming in, not being batted, as far as we know. when i visited the border back in march, i saw a young children and all kinds of children being boarded on the plains of being shipped around the country at the taxpayer expense and our defense finance employees for asked to take paid the pie the taxpayers to foster these children because we don't have -- and adults. they were adults coming off of these played in spirit to foster these people that the paper this people to relocated in upstate new york. >> congresswoman -- congressman nicole malliotakis. >> it's a violation of a lot and you have a running from the united states. the supreme court ruled that he had to made in mexico and he's not done that. you know that the drug cartels are making billions and billions of dollars every month with human trafficking, drug trafficking. breed they have the highest rate up spent 12 deaths, the leading cause of depth. yet this president is on the side of the drug cartels are not the american people pick. we have many pieces of legislation and we need to take up the house first. >> joe biden has got a problem with the border and he's also got a terrible problem with crime here in new york city. the mayors going to be next week in the meantime yesterday, six congressional congressional members are republicans wrote a letter to the governor of new york talking about how the mayor , eric evans come is trying to do something about bail reform. you brought a letter about support and i hope she does as well. do you have confidence the governor's is on your side regarding crime? >> no, the governor is already stated she will not work with the legislature to perform our criminal justice laws, including breaks the age and all the mental health issues that are police officers face every day that make it impossible to keep our communities safe. i also penned a letter to as the governor to remove elven break, the new district attorney for his blatant refusal to uphold new york laws. and she says she will take it under advisement but at this point our communities are unsafe in upstate here because the policies are statewide come it is affecting rural and suburban communities all across to your kick in some parts of the country where the they are also an acting these terrible laws. >> it sounds like the governor is going to meet with mr. bragg tomorrow. i was reading in the new york post today you've got an exclusive. a new york appellate democrats are are trying to going to gerrymander the district so you lose. >> this is a desperate attempt to tilt the scale. we saw what they did in washington. they tried three times to change how our election laws -- they propose to pack the court and the trying to gerrymander these districts. this is trying to delete the voice of the people of staten island and we will continue to fight for the district and fight for this country and those who point to help me in this battle, we need your help because this needs to be flipped and it is a seat we must hold onto to hold onto the house of representatives. >> unable to have a busy day. >> thank you. >> twenty minutes before the top this south carolina restaurant is serving up the perfect solution. this sweet perks to retain employees. i want to work at that place. to be a thriver with metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. the new ww personal points program. changed my life. you look great. no two plans are the same. you can even eat this and these in the same. i mean not at the same time. don't pay until spring. join today at ww.com. offer ends january 30th. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. >> one south carolina restaurant is going above and beyond offer their employees a helping hand by providing free in-house childcare. a genius idea. the owners say it's helping by improving protection and saving money in the long term. their names are dixie and john, along with the price of the restaurant, summer rogers. >> thanks for having us. >> dixie, i will start with you. how did you come up this idea? >> during the pandemic would become close down a pooper able to reopen a 50% capacity, we lost our own sitter for our son. we had a spare room that we had been using for private parties, which we cut that gave during the 50% capacity rule, so we decided to turn it into a makeshift nursery for our son. we hired a sitter for him and after a few weeks we had an employee that was having some childcare issues and we didn't want to lose them so we asked our sitter if she would mind watching their child and she said that she would. so what worked out so well after a couple of weeks, we decided that maybe we should look into offering that shared center surface that some of our other staff that might need it or to some new hires that it might entice to come work for us. like everybody else, we were having trouble re-staffing our restaurant when begot that the open to full capacity. and we checked with our local child services department to make sure that we were compliant we have a small sitting service rule and they helped guide us through what we had to do to comply and when we offered it, within two weeks, we had three key positions filled. and path forward, we are fully staffed now. all of our staff doesn't have children. some of them don't need this service, but for those that do, it has worked out wonderfully. >> that is great. is obviously working. your stories incredible because like all moms and you have a baby, you cant off we support that. you were playing -- ping $600 a month and then you heard about this position. how did you hear about it and how is it helping you? >> my cousin was working for them at the time and she told me about it. i had of coming up there and speaking with her and i fell in love at the position on the childcare services, all of it together. >> he you get to cook food, which is always fun, and you to save money in your paycheck and get more money to your son. then you get to see him every day because it is free childcare from 4-9:00 p.m. what is that experience like? >> it is a real blessing honestly. he loves the kids in the sitter as well as i do. i think this has been a great program altogether for everybody . >> he is so cute. is that your son and the metal? john, this is such a blessing to that all the moms get to walk back there and the beds too and check on the kids when they have a little breaker the restaurant and slow. what are some of the other stories that you can share. >> i think you mentioned employee retention. i think that we were scratching our heads wondering why is it somebody answering this ad. i know that there are people out there that have a need for extra money or a second job or a necessity for two incomes. when we started getting the applicants coming out, this is something that could work for a lot of people but it's certainly something that we found could work for us. it certainly cost money to train , hire, and rehire people because something comes up family wise, that they just can't ignore. so slowing down that revolving door and then having a stream of applicants that want to get in here were on a waiting list right now. it's been a blessing for us. we are on the grow effort and after 25 years, it's been a great distance than a great iconic spot for our city. and we have people coming and all the time visiting us up we need the help. we can't do it ourselves. >> it's a fabulous idea and hopefully other restaurants will take notice to other businesses around the country. if you want to stop by close to the main library in anderson, south carolina, go check it out. so good to see some south carolinians pivots go to the forecast. giannis, i was hoping to go to a south carolina mom pressed a brick day tomorrow. how is looking? >> we are looking at cold temperatures as far south as florida so bundle up. we will take a look at it. here are the current temperatures, 34 in atlanta and cold air syncing as far south as florida. we are going to set records on sunday. that is how cold it is across the sunshine state. let's take a look at this, lakeland, orlando 30 degrees, fort myers 33. that is going to be a big story as we go to the weekend. not only are we dealing with the nor'easter potential, but we will set records in florida and we are tracking the storm system . how much snow will all the big cities get? it still has yet to be determined. we will keep you up-to-date. prepare for a blockbuster event. this will be a formidable storm with wins up to 50-60-70 miles an hour along the coast. we will keep you up-to-date. you've got my number on speed dial, my friend. i will keep you up-to-date. >> thanks so much. we are watching very closely. 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>> would you let your kids play here if there's needles in the stands and weapons in the stands . >> la appears to be hiding the crisis just in time for the super bowl. crews removing ten cities from outside the stadium. here is reaction, la president and neighborhood council member. good morning to you. they've done this before the oscars, trying to clean it up and sweep it under the rug, but they come back. >> that's correct. la has a long history of trying to hide this problem. prior to buy respect we had about 60,000 on housed homeless on our streets. we did not do an account due to virus but -- covid. our population could have risen do is much as 90,000. so it is a big problem in something that the city does not want to worse to see on the way in but unfortunately you are going to see it if you come to los angeles. there's no way to hide what is going on. >> absolutely. is hard to sweep that under the rug because it just comes back and you try to hide it again. la is a very scary plays, is it in. >> that's right. with our homeless problem, there are large encampments. we sought 210 some the venice boardwalk. the city spent 5 million to move that encampment. and never 70 tents near the airport. so we see time and time again that our politicians offer band-aid solutions. there is no fixed to protect get the people on the bright track and get them help that they need . >> you have got a ba out there and he is not prosecuting the people who break the law. you pretty much have to kill somebody to get arrested. >> it's a very dangerous situation right now. with all of these reforms and measures that promise california this utopian dream. instead we are probably feeling -- dealing with this nightmare for the criminals based the consequences and we have dealt with a trend of high-profile murders were two women were attacked for no reason by mentally ill homeless people. the other died from her injuries . this is something that's been going on and on the plus side for at least the past year. there it really hasn't gotten a national attention that they deserved. thank you very much for telling us what is going on. >> thank you. >> we reached out to the governor and have not yet heard back. coming up, shannon bream on the supreme court here on "fox & friends". >> ainsley: body camera video shows a dhs contractor trying to keep illegal migrants flights on the lowdown. aiding and abetting illegal immigration is a violation of the law. >> america's crime crisis continues. >> we have the power to remove these criminal loving woke das. that's the answer. >> one california city is requiring gun owners to purchase liability insurance and pay an annual tax. >> what the government is trying to do here is effectively tax the constitutional right. >> u.s. is ramping up threats as the tensions flair between u.s. and russia. >> i'm told we're in for a very dangerous and dynamic few weeks. >> dr. anthony fauci will be among those whose picture is going up at the smithsonian. >> who is going to do this to your kids? do you want to see the grinch who ruined your senior year? ♪ why don't you meet me in the middle ♪ why don't you meet me in the middle ♪ >> ainsley: well, if we left new york and we headed down to the tip of florida, somewhere in the middle would be that beach right there. in myrtle beach, south carolina. >> steve: if you want to meet people in the middle, ainsley. >> ainsley: it's wonderful there. i've swam in that very ocean -- most of us have who lived on the atlantic, but i walked on that very beach. >> steve: do you know how deep it is? >> ainsley: i know it gets increasingly deeper. if you're really little you can get a blowup raft and your dad can take you out. he will hold on to the edge of the raft and he tells us where to dive for the sand dollars and then we put them in the raft, they're all brown. and we take them back to the house and my mom puts them in sand buckets with water and bleach and they turn white. >> brian: are you talking generically about people or your own life? >> ainsley: generically. >> steve: it's cold here, a big storm, a lot of news. >> brian: meanwhile, we begin with the crisis at the southern border. it's never going away it seems. fox news has video that shows a dhs contractor that says the white house is trying to cover up migrant flights into the united states. >> ainsley: vice president harris is skipping town to attend the inauguration of the honduran leader. >> steve: she is in charge of the border and the root causes of it. >> brian: it's a very busy day. >> sure is. well, this video was obtained through a public records request by the republican candidate for governor in new york and it appears to show a police officer who haven't been given information at the flights arriving at the white plains airport. a contractor tells the officer that the department of human services wants to keep the flights on the lowdown, not attract attention and also direct the contractors not to share their work ids with local officials. >> i get all the secrecy and [ bleep ]. but this is [ bleep ] my pay grade. you know why? the government is betraying the american people. >> meanwhile, mayorkas faced scrutiny at an intense meeting in yuma, arizona, after inviting a frank discussion. he admitted that the biden administration policies aren't popular with customs and border protection. >> if they appear that everything is hunky dory, we know better. i know better. >> we'll keep fighting. let me just say, you turn my back on me, but i'll never turn mine on you. >> this morning, vice president harris is attending the inauguration of president-elect castro. it marks harris' second trip to the northern triangle to address the root causes of migration. steve, ainsley, brian? >> jackie, thank you very much. >> steve: you can feel for the police officer, that was about six months ago and as soon as "the new york post" broke that story, they stopped flying there. they're doing the same thing all across the country presumably, because we have a flow of people coming into the southern border. but the frustration, the cop down there, sergeant hembrosky. it looks like a airbus lands there and he doesn't know who they are and the people who are working for the u.s. government, the contractors who say, yeah, i can't show you my company i.d., but i can show you my state driver's license. because the dhs and the u.s. army which is part of this process don't want the story out. well, too bad because now the story is out and people have got a lot of splaining to do. >> ainsley: when the media exposed this in august, they stopped doing it at the little tiny airport, white plains, which is north of the city of new york, and i guess they're moving to different airports. but what's interesting is people are getting so fed up and they know it's wrong that now they are releasing this video and you hear people complaining there on the tarmac. you hear people complaining the border patrol agents in the meeting with mayorkas and someone leaked that video. they're watching what happened in virginia, and people are speaking up and they're winning elections. i'm sure you won't see this any other network because they want to happen in the dead of night and it's a secret. >> brian: there's got to be some patriotic democrats and say, you're letting the illegaling coming out of mcallen, texas, we're giving them outfits, some cash, basic supplies and then we ferry them into sponsored families and then they go into the school system. it's got to stop. this is illegal behavior, justified by the white house who for some reason thinks it's more important to bring people from outside into america than it is to focus on the health and security of americans. two republicans saw this. congresswomen from this area, in new york, said this to us about this surveillance video which was brought forward by former westchester county executive and aspiring gubernatorial nominee. listen. >> this is a complete aggravated dereliction of duty which i is why i called for biden to be impeached and removed. his job is to enforce the jobs, to enforce our border security and these migrants are coming in, at the taxpayer's expense, not being vetted as far as we know. >> aiding and abetting illegal immigration is a violation of the law. it is completely unacceptable and human trafficking, drug trafficking, we have the highest rate of fentanyl deaths and yet, this president is on the side of the drug cartels and not the american people. >> steve: that is one of the ways that the people -- that the migrants are coming from our southern border and being dispersed across the country. we showed you the disturbing images from the team yesterday. they said we're only letting in women, children and family, and these buses were full of single young men, around they were bussed over -- and they were bussed over to the parking structure, a small office there. next thing you know, the local taxi company which loves it because they have a million people to take to the airport or the bus station, then they are transported all across america. it is how the biden administration is dealing with the crisis. you know what? if there are a lot of people at the southern border get them off on the southern border and put them everywhere else. >> brian: if you're around a small airport, break out your iphone and we'll put it on the air. those who sacrificed their souls for doing the work, like the companies have done work with the cias, providing the 12 chaperons, i hope you're having trouble sleeping at night. they're circumventing the immigration process, they don't speak english. you're hurting the families in the community. a lot of the teachers don't speak spanish, so now they have to know portuguese or chinese and then all of a sudden, your tax dollars and your kids are going to school instead of a 15-person class. there's 36 in that class. 15 of which will need all of the teacher's attention and if the teachers complain, they're moved out or they're fired and the union, get this, the teacher's union does not protect them. >> ainsley: the folks that were there, the police officer said that flight arrived at 11:48 p.m. and then 6:15 and 7:00, they had the american dream charter bulls pick them up and we know the flights are going into other airports too throughout the country. and inflation is number one issue. also crime is an issue for americans. and that brings us to this next story. thousands are expected to pay respects to fallen officer jason rivera. he died after the ambush style shooting on friday night. >> brian: his partner died on tuesday after donating his organs. the wake is scheduled today and the funeral will take place 24 hours from now. todd? >> reporter: that's right, steve, ainsley and brian, good morning. later on today, like you said tomorrow a sea of blue is going to descend upon st. patrick's cathedral here. again, like you said, today the wake, tomorrow the funeral, for officer rivera. look at last night, overnight, an amazing scene on your screen right now. hundreds of first responders and residents lining the streets to honor both fallen officers rivera and maura. officers' emotional speeches pulling at the crowd's heart strings. take a listen. >> when i saw him lying down in the apartment, i couldn't believe my eyes. he saved my life so many times. but i could not save his. i hope one day we'll see each other. >> reporter: the wake and funeral for officer maura planned for next week here at st. patrick's as well. meanwhile, jetblue offering free flights to other police officers and others planning to attend. nine officers have been shot just this past week alone. meantime, did you see this, a blatant shoplifter in a manhattan rite-aid. strolling past the security guard and leaving with two bags of stolen goods in broad daylight. store hit so many times by thieves, they're going to have to close down. next week, president biden is expected to head here to the big apple to talk to mayor eric adams about a number of issues, mainly, guns and how to keep them out of the city. seems like bail reform and other topics should be on the list as well. back to you. >> steve: thank you very much. in addition to -- we had heard that they were donating the organs of officer maura. apparently, there were a number of very sick recipients, five in all. three here in new york and two outside of the state. he saved five lives with his organs. they donated his liver, his heart, his pancreas, both kidneys. somebody today is waking up with a heart of a hero. >> brian: that's why people need help now. more than $330,000 have been raised so far for the families of the slain nypd officers. to donate, go to foxandfriends.com. >> ainsley: fund the first. if you scroll down, you can see the picks and you can donate it or share it on the social media. i talked to a police officer yesterday. he said they were having a meeting this morning for all of the people that were there. the officers that were there at the house when the two friends were shot. also, for helping the families because the police officers, they have -- i don't know if it was the post -- ptsd, but they have experienced so much and they have seen their friends being shot in front of them and being killed. they had a meeting to make sure they're okay mentally. >> brian: but that officer who spoke at the microphone, he came in and he killed the guy -- the murderer. the murderer. could have been even worse. not only did he shoot the two officers and you heard ray kelly, he believes that was the intent of the killer was to kill the policeman. and the mom played into it by calling the cops for help, sadly, maybe being unaware, she regrets it now. but if the third guy doesn't shoot him who knows what else he would have done? >> steve: it's a serious situation. a cover of "the new york post" today, the governor puts bragg on the notice. kathy hochal sat down yesterday and they asked her about the new d.a. for the manhattan who is -- it sure looks like with his day one memo telling the prosecutors how to prosecute things. he's so soft on crime you have to pretty much have to murder somebody to get arrested. >> ainsley: if you read the headlines, the governor puts bragg on notice, but it says that she'll make sure she listens to the people but she's -- she's open to changing bail reform but it doesn't sound like she will. both democrats, the top legislative leaders in albany said have said this is dead on arrival because eric adams said he was requesting to amend the cash bail laws. >> steve: how can it be dead on arrival? it's something that so many people want and are concerned about. how can she not put all of her, you know -- put all of her eggs in that basket to make this a safer state? >> ainsley: she did do we have enough data to show that more changes are needed, she'll look at all of the stats. see if they prove we need to change that, but the folks in albany said we don't. they said a low percentage of re-arrest for misdemeanors or nonviolent felonies. i don't believe that. >> steve: as soon as the police officers arrest them, they'll let them out and why would the cop -- >> ainsley: because they're saying that's not happening. >> brian: here is what hochal said to the d.a. and about the d.a., everyone goes -- the governor -- because the governor has to right to do this, but this individual is only on the job for a short time. i'm not prepared to undo the will of the people, but you can re-assign and make other decisions to figure out if there are certain classes that are never doing to be prosecuted. i want to hear if there's an readjustment to his thinking and i have a responsibility to have that conversation. he let everybody know he felt and what he was going to do because he put out the memo. every time he goes to explain the memo the doesn't disavow it. when you ask him the questions, well, they elected me with 80% of the vote so i'm going to do everything i basically put in the memo, so the question is have new yorkers changed their mind? as new york goes, so does chicago, san francisco, los angeles, philadelphia, minneapolis, all overrun with crime and weak d.a.s who think criminal first. are things about to change? >> ainsley: didn't you say that there are ways that kathy hochal can go around some of his laws? >> brian: she would know better. but i would say this. she could give him a lesser -- she could put so much political pressure on him and actually remove him, but to her point, he hasn't done anything yesterday. >> steve: put the pressure on the legislature, change the law and then the governor doesn't have to mess around it. all right. 8:18. carley has the news. >> carley: new details on the suspect arrested for killing a baby. the mother of the 6-month-old joined us yesterday with her message to the alleged murderer. >> we cannot be your collateral damage anymore. you have ruined lives. you have put fear in people that don't deserve it. >> carley: little was on probation for aggravated a assault charges he pleaded guilty to and he's faced misdemeanor charge for giving false information and child cruelty. >> navy s.e.a.l.s. have to stop training at a park. the residents filed a lawsuit. they have been using the koelsal park for 30 years and said that the area is still the best for simulating difficult operations overseas. what a shame. >> a marine veteran who served in world war ii in the korean war busted a move to celebrate his 100th birthday. this is jack becker. he does not have a secret to longevity but he does enjoy some rum in his coffee every morning. we love him and we love that he loves rum. . >> brian: every morning. you have a chance -- >> carley: take a nap after that? >> steve: he's a hundred, it must work. >> brian: meanwhile, 20 after the hour. silicon valley county can soon charge residents for owning a gun. the next guest says no way, jose. dana lasch will weigh in on the guns in california. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! thirty-four miles per hour! new personal record, limu! [limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> to require every gun owner to have insurance. just as every driver has to have insurance to use a car. >> ainsley: defending a new ordinance that will charge all gun owners $25 a year and require them to carry liability insurance if approved. my next guest says no way, san jose. radio host dana loesch is here to react. good morning. >> good morning, ainsley, good to be with you. it's frankly unconstitutional and silly. i was reading the editorial that mayor liccardo had published and i had to question his sobriety. first and foremost, this is all about the gun ordinance that san jose had passed. it's a sin tax on innocent law-abiding firearm owners and they're requiring the firearm owners with the private insurance fund that the city i guess is going to manager to pay for the misdeeds of criminals. that's exactly what this is. and when you look at insurance too, insurers are not going to issue policies to protect against criminal misdeeds. it's just -- that's just not how insurance works. also, this is again it's punishing law-abiding innocent firearms owners and we know that criminals will not abide by this and that's what's driving the recidivism rate. that and the obsessed d.a.s and they're punishing the americans further. i don't see this lasting or holding up in court. >> ainsley: is this just a test? do you think other cities will adopt this if it works there? >> yeah, i think it's good to classify it like that, because if it's able to pass, and, you know, san jose, granted silicon valley is way far west if you compare that to a town in kansas, but it's always a testing of the water. when you have anything like this that comes up in city council and i'm like, you have to pay attention to what's happening in your back yard. what happens in your backyard, that has, you know -- it can establish a precedent. so there were a lot of people and, ainsley, get this, a lot of people were speaking up against this and california rifle and pistol t organization out there, one of the grass root organizations leading the fight against, they actually disabled the public comments and 94% of public commentary was against this ordinance in san jose. >> ainsley: wow. >> so the city council was doing everything they could to minimize the public input. >> ainsley: how expensive would this be the gun owner? >> it's class warfare when you consider the sin tax and the requirement to -- whatever fee they decide to levy to get people to pay for the criminal misdeeds. it's silly to compare it to auto insurance because you're talking about a natural right as opposed to a vehicle. but ultimately again this is predicated upon the idea that criminals are going to comply with this and it does become expensive. in california this is california. i mean, this is the state that shouldn't be having these crime problems. remember, they were the first states to pass red flag laws and they had the universal background checks, magazine restrictions, an assault weapons ban. maybe lawmakers in california should realize that the problem is with the criminals driving this, not the innocent law-abiding americans who want to protect them. >> ainsley: thank you for coming on, dana. good to see you. >> the biden administration is gearing up for a supreme court showdown as justice breyer prepares to step down. shannon bream reacts to the announcement and the possible nominees. when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering "seven things every medicare supplement should have". it's yours free, just for calling the number on your screen. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you see, medicare covers only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you! that's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans like those offered by humana. they're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn't. depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or copayments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more! you can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're traveling. with humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. you can choose from a wide range of standardized plans. each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare, and help save you money. so how do you find the plan that's right for you? 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he's still going to have the job for almost six months. it seems, you know -- it seems odd that you would figure out who's going to take his place until he's closer to the end of his tour. >> to me, i thought politically it would make more sense for the white house if this was a later announcement only because you're leading into the midterms, you have the summer for people focused on this and you can campaign. and these kind of battles are the reason we node to hold on for the senate, and it seemed so early to me. we talked about the names, some of these candidates have been vetted. that will intensify now. you can go ahead and have a nomination and to have people start working through the confirmation process. meaning the senators being investigated by the judiciary committee over in the senate. that can be well done potentially by tend of june or july when we'd expect that justice breyer would say this is the end of the term, i'm out. >> ainsley: but they realize that timing is everything and if they lose the midterms, then the republicans would have a say in who's nominated. >> steve: this could motivate the base. >> ainsley: that's right. what about kamala harris, your son, peter doocy, asked if she could be a supreme court nominee. 50-50 right now for voting. and if -- if it came down to 50-50, it would go to her for the tie breaker. >> well, it's interesting because a few years back when it was the trump/pence administration there was an a argument by a number of legal scholars if the supreme court tied, they argued that vice president pence could not be the tiebreaking vote that it technically has to be 51 senators. we will see if they feel that way this time around. plucking the vice president and putting her into in position would create a whole other domino effect of headaches for the white house if they had to get a vice president confirmed and all kinds of other things so i think she's a long shot. but her name is certainly out there in the mix. >> brian: a lot of people think of justice breyers and i think about you. when announcements like this happens, your day gets expanded by 18 hours. >> that's true. >> brian: we're not bream centric enough. >> well, i will tell you i was actually out running with my dog yesterday and my phone blew up. i was about two miles from home and i'm dragging the dog, i'm trying to call people and running at the same time. so our days are interesting. i love the job and the supreme court keeps us busy. >> brian: your dog got a shorter walk. explain to him later. thank you. >> ainsley: have a good one. still ahead, the superintendent -- well, super, we're introduce you to the district leader who is stepping up and in the classroom in the teacher shortage. >> brian: how does the nfl follow up after the greatest weekend in football? 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. >> ainsley: president vladimir putin is reviewing his next steps after the u.s. rejected moscow's demands on ukraine. steve what are agann is live in kyiv as tensions continue to rise there. >> reporter: that's right. ainsley. the russian officials are not happy but are not slamming the door shut on the further negotiations. the secretary of state said while there's room for cooperation in some areas the key russian demand that ukraine never be allowed to join nato, the u.s. has refused to make that happen. here's the secretary of state. >> right now, the document is with them and the ball's in their court. we'll see what we do. as i said repeatedly whether they choose the path of diplomacy and dialogue and whether they decide to talk about ukraine, we're prepared either way. >> reporter: russian officials say the next step is really up to vladimir putin. he could pay a heavy financial price if russia does invade. including the pipeline between germany and russia. the u.s. state department said that would not go further if russia does invade. a heavy physical toll too if russia does invade. ukraine is trying to train their own people to fight for themselves as weapons come in from nato. they're training old, young, men and women, how to handle a rifle. the goal is to protect their villages and towns and they know they're outgunned, but the ukrainian officials want to let russia know they'll pay a heavy price if they invade. >> ainsley: thank you. over to our other steve. >> steve: thank you. going above and beyond the call of duty, one superintendent is stepping into the classroom as a substitute. duluth county, minnesota, superintendent john maga said he's never seen shortages so severe and he is joining us right now. john, good morning to you. >> good morning, thanks for having me. >> steve: you bet. rather than sit in the office and complain about i need more people, you decided to go ahead and -- where do you need help? you would ask somebody, okay, we need you here, here and here. what kind of jobs have you already had, mr. superintendent? >> sure. thank you. first, i want to point out that this is a huge lift for everybody. it's certainly not just me. so many other people are stepping up in so many different ways. teachers, paraprofessionals and others. i have worked a variety of jobs this year. i have been a teacher, i have been a paraprofessional. i have taken the front desk in a clerical role, done lunch supervision. quite a variety. >> steve: you are working the lunchroom, that's something. that's always challenging. >> always good. >> steve: indeed. you see a lot going on, just saying. why so many staff shortages? because i understand in the education field, close to 60,000 people have left the field over the last couple of months. >> sure. no, i think that staffing shortages in education have been an issue for many years and they have been compounded by the pandemic and we have seen our rates for substitute teachers and paraprofessionals and other positions have been really challenging. i think the general worker shortage throughout the united states has impacted education too because as pay increases in other positions and other locations, sometimes it tempts people away from other jobs we may have. >> steve: have you thought of a signing bonus? we have been talking to the people in the restaurant business, we have to pay $5,000 to get them in the kitschen? >> yes. we have looked at the signing bonuses and we have increased pay for many positions and then we are also looking at other ways of attracting people. i have been to the universities, talking to student teachers, talking to just people in the education field in general and we have done career fairs in a number of places. so really, really trying to get as many people as possible. >> steve: pulling out all the stops. in addition to people just leaving the business, the field of education, we still have a pandemic and so a lot of your teachers are calling in sick and what you come up with, you have come up with a way so that substitute teachers are actually full-time. they just float around. >> yes. so for each of our schools, we have a position that is a floating substitute teacher. so somebody who can move from position to position within the building as the needs arise. sometimes if there's needs in another building and there they not not be in the teacher's home base, they may to go to another school. those are things we do to make sure we have subs there whenever possible. we have put together a rotation amongst the district office staff and administration so it's the whole team rotating through the schools, and i felt like if i was going to ask other people to step up and step in, that it was important for me to role model that as well. >> steve: absolutely. >> all of us are stepping up. >> steve: you know, you are the boss and you would hope there would be other people, but you rolled up your sleeves and you have done it. i have a feeling, john, given the fact that you started as an educator it's good to get back to the classroom. it's even good to go and monitor the lunchroom to see what the kids are up to. >> it is. it's a huge pleasure and it's great to see students learning and so many staff stepping in and helping kids. but i really think that being in person as much as possible is really important to us, and so to make sure that we have the staff to continue in person learning we wanted to make sure that we had the rotation in place. >> steve: all right. the superintendent of duluth schools when he's not working the lunchroom, thank you for joining us live. >> thank you. >> steve: nicely done, sir. still ahead, the l.a. rams are still riding high after taking down tom brady and the bucs, but do they have enough to win the nfc championship? tom rinaldi has the predictions. >> but first, a big, big show in 11 minutes. >> good luck to your chiefs, and we are a humbled lot in cincinnati. we we'll take what we can get on sunday. >> good look. not too much. >> right on, good morning, steve. what's your government doing with illegal immigrants, the video doesn't lie. you will see it in a matter of moments coming up here. >> a stunning drop in biden's numbers, and karl rove will tell us why. >> jonathan turley on what's next in the u.s. supreme court. >> family fighting their progressive governor to keep the admitted killer of their father from getting out of jail. can they succeed? we'll talk to the daughter. big morning. dana and i will see you in a couple of minutes. top of the hour. and it's easy to customize your insurance at libertymutual.com so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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>> god bless you, brian. we were trying to be certain that we could communicate effectively in minus 2 windchill and in that incredible snow globe scene in which remarkably the 49ers found a way yet again, brian, to win and find their way in to the conference championship game. it's been a remarkable story for san francisco all season. >> brian: not only does los angeles win their game and beat the bucs to become the champions but they get to go home. are they confident they can beat this version of the 49ers or are they thinking about the past problems with the 49ers? >> it's whether you subscribe, brian, to the notion of whether there is such a thing as the boogie man or whether there is such a thing as a nemesis, because if there s the rams may have some problems. they have lost six consecutive games to the 49ers, with the same coaches and the same coaching staffs largely intact with many of the same players on these rosters. it just hasn't been a favorable match-up for los angeles, despite all of their great talent. remember, they led 17-0 and 17-3 on january 9th. a few weeks later, they have to face that team again and it hasn't been a good match-up for l.a. >> brian: there was a fourth quarter fade that put the pucs back in and tom brady had a lot to do with it and then they made some mistakes and then they're thinking of the fade against the 49 ers last time. is that something that you correct on tape or a mindset? >> no, i think it's both. it's obviously tactical and strategic and the coaching staffs pour so much into how the match-ups will take shape in the first half, deep in the game. what happens when you're beginning to lose quote/unquote momentum. but most importantly, the quarterback play. and matthew stafford is such a great story, as you know, brian. such a good player, a good quarterback all that time in detroit. he really came of age by finding a way to win that game when so much momentum was lost against tampa, and now he faces jimmy g his own great story. >> brian: not many people thought he'd be the starter at this point. i know you'll be focused on west coast, but kansas city hosts the surprising cincinnati bengals. what game that was. 12-5 and got to the super bowl the last two years. >> well, this is a showcase of two incredible quarterbacks. patrick mahomes, we knows all about. but if people haven't had a chance to have the joe burrow experience, they need to check him out. one of the greatest seasons in college history and walks the perfect line like you do between swagger and confidence. he has a way about him that's lifted this whole franchise and has them remarkably one game away from the super bowl. should be a shoot-out. >> brian: lastly, the denver broncos have hired nathaniel hackett off the packers and a lot of people say that's where rodgers is headed next. your thoughts? >> i'll just say this. denver has not had great success, again, brian, as you know with first-time coaches. their success has come when they have hired coaches who already have experience. in terms of nathaniel hackett, aaron rodgers has praised him for his communication and the way he connects with players. losing him is not a good thing for those who want rodgers at green bay. >> brian: best of luck and make sure you wear sunscreen on the sidelines. everyone else will be shoveling snow. meanwhile, we're bringing back stack the cash to give you more of terry bradshaw's money so download and play for free. sad news, 19 seconds left in the show. >> steve: you know, bradshaw must have a lot of money. he's always giving out money, he's loaded. >> ainsley: you should be happy because you have another show to go and do. radio. >> brian: radio, three hour hours and join me. >> biden administration releasing migrants into the u.s. >> dana: they were taken last august. how many scenes like this have taken place since then. body cam footage from last august. taken by a police sergeant in westchester, new york. he was at the airport trying to figure out why the government was chartering secret flights in

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Level , Exposure , Five , 51 , Things , Kinds , Work Ids , Figure , State Id , Contractor , Officer , Picture , Base , Dhs , Lot , Everything , Installation , Down Low , Ural , Airport , Media , Attention , Stop , Head , Officers , Part , What S Going On , America , Secrecy , Indiscernible , Joe Biden , Administration , Office , Betrayal , Government Contractor , Man , Come On , Device , Tucker , Airports , To A Cosco , Planes , Eyes , Buses , Kids , Area , Community , Cars , Areas , Many , Citizens , Order , Types , Testing , Line , Scrutiny Stuff , Checks , Hoops , Mary , Some , Set , School Systems , System , Spot , Snack , Close , Access , Bridging , Money , Countries , Audio Property Taxes , Property Taxes , Anywhere , Remittance , Florida , It , Process , Roof , Economy , Worker , Mexico , 50 , Opportunity , Surveillance Video , Border Agents , White House , Someone , Meeting , Audiotape , Policy , Everyone , Agent , Trump , Border Patrol , Secretary Mayorkas , Underbite , President , Consequences , Elections , Agents , The Law Of Land , Law , Look , Blessing , Landing , Finding Loopholes , Immigration Law , Democrat , Mayor , Papers , Power , Middle , No One , Abuse , Taxicabs , Negligence , Comments , Harry Reid , Leadership , Version , Pro American Agenda , Outraged , The 90s , 90 , Bill , Cards , Whatnot , Fine , Kamala Harris , Andrew , Undoubtably , Eastern Ukraine , Russia , Breath , Migration , Causes , Threats , Didn T Blink , Seat , Midterm , Supreme Court Stephen Justice , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Heartburn , Anna , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Night , It Starts , Dream , Acid , Reality , Sleep , Night Protection , Car Insurance , Liberty , Pay , Limu , Personal Record , Limu Emu Squawks , Hello , Asthma , Heart , Interest , Cooking , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Idaho Potatoes , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Help , Reactions , Breathing Problems , Nunormal , Add On Treatment , Swelling , Face , Nucala , Infections , Infection , Breathing , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Doctor , Trouble , Tongue , Mouth , Fatigue , Headache , Asthma Specialist , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Internet , Ready , Sale , Save , Voice , Business , Price Guarantee , 4 99 , 64 99 , 2 , Deal , Backing , Expert Team , Prepaid Card , Value , 00 , 500 , 24 7 , Comcast Business , Possibilities , Justice , Stephen Breyer , Liberal , Term , Chance , Control , Election , High Court , Second , The End , Feet , Court , Tester Carrie Brooks , African American , Courts , It Shouldn T , Identity Politics , Critics , Woman , Representation , Race , 19th Century , 19 , Memo , Biden Didn T , Deal Cut , James Clyburn , Break , Supreme Court , South Carolina , Opportunities , Primaries , Debate , Bathroom , Support , Play , Quid Pro Quo , Policies , Groups , Campaign , Wish List , Nominees , Court Packing , A Hundred Million , List , Extremist Groups , Somebody , Retirement , Hasn T , Odd Time For A Supreme Court Justice , Department Of Justice , Crime , Subject , Inflation , Supreme Court Justice , Timing , Heads , Justices , Shannon Bream , Funds , Fact , Leak , Like , Leaks , Tracked Down , Heads Up , Shortlist , Announcement , Wanted , Public , Bench , Peter Doocy , Ten , Chief , Us Supreme Court Of Appeals , Senate Confirmation Process Last , Jackson , Fifty , Vice President , Candidate , Runner , Senators , Three , Concern , Cases , Record , Plays , Off , The Wish List , Jurisdiction , Position , Law Student , Qualification , Approach , Trumpet Ministration , Nominee , Content , Quick , Breyer Hasn T , Confirmation , Schumer , Point , Official , Swearing In , Nomination , Information , Military Presence , Report , Tensions , Speed Up , Heart Failure Brand , Heart Failure , Entresto , Superior , Cardiologists , Life , Blood , Hospital , Ability , Body , Structure , Side Effects , Death , Baby , Angioedema , Ace , Ace Inhibitor , Harm , Aliskiren , Arb , Kidney Problems , Blood Pressure , Potassium , Premium , Vehicle , Lineup , Mass Market Brands , Grade , Sales Satisfaction , Gmc , 1 , Funeral , Weight , Nypd , Ambush , Vehicles , Condition , Suspect , Missouri , Harlem , Ferguson , Two , Officials , Missiles , Korea , Round , Vaccine , Thousands , Healthcare Workers , Covid , Ministration , Sanction , Bike , Mandate , Businesses , States , Rest , Dose , Pansy , Dress , Polka Dot , 30 , Pantsuit , Headlines , White Isn T , Progress , Generation , Symbol , Minnie Mouse , Whatever , 2022 , Paris , Legs , World , Steps , Project , Vladimir Putin , Foreign Minister , Demands , Secretary Of State , Written Response , Document , Cooperation , Nato , Train , Path , Dialogue , Stripe , Saying , Sides , Talks , Response , West , Brush , Usn Netherlands , Energy , Fighter Jets , Region , Germany , Denmark , Connection , Helmets , Pillows , Soldier , Force , Next , Comrades , Errors , 20 , Steve , Soldiers , Habit , Hazing , Russian Army , Ukrainian Army , Action , One Way Or Another , Ned Torres , James Sullivan , News , Nuance , Pounding , Target , Guys , Russia Doesn T , Kind , Bunch , Pickle , Paratroopers , Stuff , Jets , European , Town , Signal , 98 , 250 , Population , Awe , Flashlight , Shocked , Steve Kerrigan , Electricity , Sounds , Dark , Places , The Inside Story On Aruba , Spring , Barbecue , Eight , Tactic , Change , Cash , Jeremy Hunt , Gusher , North Stream , Georgia , Commander In Chief , Observation , Congress , Day One , Yes , Point American Military , Adversaries , Military , Clear , Number , Priority , Priorities , Witchhunts , Few , Accountability , Answer , Questions , Question , Strength , Requests , Answers , Acquiescence , Olympics , Guest , Services , Up Next , Absolutely , Children , Violence , Street , Chicago , Girl , Mother , Awareness , 68 , Adults , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Injections , Hiv , Me Undetectable , Medicines , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Healthcare Provider , Ingredients , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Reaction , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Depression , Treatment Appointments , Tiredness , Fever , Way , Worries , The World Today , Everybody , Name , Memory , Texas , Owner , Projects , Firm , Manufacturing , Personal Assistant , Austin , 10 , Friend , Well Being , Difference , Sense , Better , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Mom , Weekend , Neighborhood , Punk , Community Act , Black On Crime , Elderly , Youth , Corey Brooks , Views , Nothing , Up On The Roof , Organization , Gang Violence , Demonstration , Sent , Tide , Kid , Hand , Being , Towner , Threat , City , Shot , Father , Old Girl , Times , Lady , Sadness , Streets , Womb , Murders , Batteries , Highlights , Carjackings , Graphic , 144 , 288 , 36 , 900 , Ways , Truth , Government Officials , Door , Environment , Stores , Type , Cash Register , Front Lawn , Gun Violence , Governors , Da In Manhattan , Numbers , Doing , Budget , Crimes , Detectives , Zero , Center , Org , Project Could Org , Carly Simpson , 15 , San Francisco , Winter , Asian American Man Attacked , City Attorney , 2019 , Survivor , Attackers , Attack , Increase , Asian , 567 , Hate Crimes , Drop , Phone , Preservation , Miami , January 24 , 14 , Story , Interview , Reservation , Interview Pulpy , Brace University Swim Coach , Sports Illustrated , Others , Detriment , Athlete , Ncaa , Recipients , Gallery , Smithsonian , Them , The Field , Notables , Serena Williams , Weather , Dozier Headlines , Music Industry Star Clyde Davis , Pressure , Romance , Northeast , Atlanta , Twenty , Storm , Forecast , Coast , Thinking , Wind Gusts , Potential , Conditions , Bulk , Powell Bull Snow , Maine , Snow , Flooding , Bottom Line , Storm Timing , Island , Outages , North Carolina , Coastal Maine , Cape Cod , 60 , 70 , Models , Wins , Tale , One Of Us , Power Outages , A Blockbuster Storm , Most , Forecasting , Bit , Cold Air , Idea , Fight , Television , Blizzard Conditions , Big Nor Easter , Canada , Truck Drivers , Saturday Night , Road , Breaking Point , Problems , Ripple Affect , Rhythm , Freedom , Best , Blend , Nutrients , Emergen C , Crohn S , Flare Up , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Treatment , Risk , Flight , Cancer , Medication , Intestine , Serious , Inflammation , Uc , Surface , Relief , Tb , Pres , Brain Condition , Skin Growths , Lung Inflammation , Sores , Remission , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Idaho Seal , Truckers , Four , 16000 , Hundreds , Vaccine Mandate , Exabyte , Freight Group , Convoy , End , Ottawa , Bread , Goods , Shelves , Loaves , 00 Billion , 700 Billion , 600 , Jab , Haven T , Matter , Wall , Product , Neighbor , Vaccinated , Knees , Isn T , Reason , It A Truck Driver , Little , Trucks , Driver , Shores , Tsunami , Reckoning , Vancouver , Justin Trudeau , Guys Don T Like , Service , Borders , Studio , Truck , Warehouse , Transfer Product , Lumber Prices , Loggers , Livelihood , Products , Fold , Trade Agreement , Cedar , Guys Out , Spirit , Health , One Million , Angigidema , Bar , Parents , District , Mouse , Virginia , Disney , 82 50 , Song , Hot Pretzel , Musician , The Beatles , Hbo , Fighting , Classes , Anyone , Paul Mccartney , Wings , Wife , Patrick S Cathedral , Is St , Sixth Avenue , Jason Prepare , Partner , Respects , Patrick , Jetblue , Style , Residents , Tribute , A Slew Of Blue Will Descend Upon St , Street Outside , Lighting Candles , Speeches , Flowers , Mora , Rivera , Listen , Funeral Plan , Heart Springs , Law Enforcement Officers , Offices , Planning , Nine , Studios , Shoplifting Video , Security Guard , Bags , Stolen Goods , Bail Reform , General , Topics , Hit , Market , Single , Inventory , Pat Lynch , Jason Repair , Police Benevolent Association , Join , Saint , Action Starts , Message , Pats , Honor , 9 , New York Post , Heroes , Fifth Avenue , Op Ed Page , Scenes , Cathedral , Ceremonies , Bagpipes , Law Enforcement , Airlines , Lawmakers , Siege , Crime Matter , Alvin Bragg , Criminal First D8 In Manhattan , State House , Phase , Albany , Disgrace , Triton , Da , Care , Phrase , Individual , Bail , Offenses , Ratcheting , Terms , Decisions , Will , Options , Responsibility , Conversation , Adjustment , Whether , Something , Judges , Calling , Adjustments , Jail , Trial , Removal , Option , Evidence , Homicide , Leaders , Houses , Reform , Negotiating Power , Car , In Dc , Pitches , State Police , I M In Charge , New York State , Guns , Fox News Alert , Sources , Notice , Gun , Clarity , Offense , Circuit Justice Breyer , Confirmation Process , Speed , Hold Docket , Amy Cody , Law Background , Jen Psaki , For An Open Supreme Court , Estate , Reports , Attorney General , Hype Hypothetically , Intention , Reelection , Irony , Specifics , One Day , Tiebreaker , 5050 , Surprise , Carrie Severino , Watching , Case , 130 Million , 30 Million , Extreme Judicial Policy , Momentum , Standup , Russia Brakes On , Say , School Boards , Route , Kids Education , Pandemic , Listening , Bat , Suffering , Lockdown , Garbage Workers , Sort , Statistics , Keeping Schools , Markers , Hiding , Excuse , School System , Lives , Podium , More , Trash , Program , Let S Go Brandon On The Campaign Trail , Room , Funny , Executive Orders , Orders , Republicans , Show Life , Tenant Conducts , Congressional District , Youngkin , Party , House , Wake Up Call , Eric Adams , Moderates , Joe Manchin , Sinema , First Graders , Schools , Campaign Slogan , Abcs , Let S Go , Fox News , Person , Hotel , Authorities , Washington Dc , Charges , Crime Scene , Pros , Handgun , Searching , North West , Texas Bell , Michael Williams , Hostage Crisis , Showing , Gun Sale , Synagogue , British , Henry , Fbi , 44 , Family , Hostages , Heart Transplant , Waves , Jogger , Boston , Son , Heart Surgery , Pump Put , Surgery , On Tuesday , 37 , 31 , Dolly Parton , Cake , Family Recipe , Miss Molly , Golly , Buttercream Frosting , Flavors , Duncan Hines , Daughter , Sounds Delicious , Clause , Who , Nicest , Restaurant , Dr , Virus , Doubles , Barton , Workers , Benefits , Above And Beyond , Turn , Cowboys , Hang On , Ooo , Tex , 24hr , Nexium , Claire , Chocolate Cake , Jobs , Fire , Immunity , Cost , Buyer , Wall Street Journal , Marty Makary Frights , Nobel Prize , Marty Makary , Respect , Long Term , Dead , Bodies , Omicron , Vaccines , Nih Can T , 2 Billion , 42 Billion , Antibodies , Employees , Studies , Cdc , It S Time , Study , Immune System , Apology , 100 , Research , Series , Durability , Beta , Army Men And Women , Workplace , Marines , Public Health , Careers , Mistake , Camouflage , Dishonorably Discharge , Hospitals , Crisis Mode , Washington State , Emergency Crisis Mode , 55 , Step Staff , Crisis , Column , In The Dark Of Night , Colleagues , Experts , Windshield , Vo , Music Vo , Technology , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Singers , Safelite Repair , Mr , Guys Today , Camera Views , Silverado , Mrs , Lopez , Josh , Cam , Going On , Cameras , Funny Business , Front , Chevy Silverado , Sir , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , A1c , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Stroke , Events , 12 , 7 , Don T Take Ozempic , Needles , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Pens , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Vision Problems , Changes , Stomach Pain , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Pancreatitis , Provider , Neck , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , 3 , 25 , 5 , Prescription , Sergeant Hembrosky , Footage , Airplane , Migrants , Flights , Curfew , Nicole Malliotakis , Protocol , Claudia Tenny , Guy , Dereliction Of Duty , Laws , Border Security , President Of The United States , Obligation , Primary , Executive , Former , Rob Asked Reno , Westchester County Executive , Taxpayer Expense , Plains , March , Defense Finance Employees , Taxpayers , Pie , Violation , Upstate New York , Paper , Congresswoman , Drug Cartels , Billions , Human Trafficking , Rate , Drug Trafficking , Deaths , Cause , Depth , Mayors , Legislation , House First , Pieces , Letter , Eric Evans , Members , Six , Confidence , Legislature , Issues , Criminal Justice , Mental Health , Safe , District Attorney , Communities , Advisement , Elven Break , Refusal , Parts , Kick , Reading , Exclusive , Attempt , Election Laws , Scale , Districts , Battle , Staten Island , Needs , House Of Representatives , Solution , Perks , Breast Cancer , Thriver , Pill , Women , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Hr , Kisqali , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Disease , Blood Cell , Chest Pain , Pain , Appetite , Skin , Bleeding , Cough , Dizziness , Loss , Urine , Yellowing , Bruising , Chills , Rash , Grapefruit , Plans , Points Program , Ww , Same , Offer Ends January 30th , Ww Com , January 30th , Helping Hand , House Childcare , Owners , Genius Idea , Names , Protection , John , Dixie , Price , Pooper , Summer Rogers , Sitter , Capacity , Parties , Capacity Rule , Employee , Nursery , Child , Couple , Center Surface , Work , Staff , Hires , Everybody Else , Department , Sitting , Rule , Forward , Positions , Stories , Moms , Do , Ping , Cousin , Food , Childcare Services , Love , Paycheck , Childcare , Experience , 4 , Metal , Breaker , Beds , Employee Retention , Need , Ad , Necessity , Applicants , Incomes , Stream , Waiting List , Revolving Door , Hire , Wise , Distance , Effort , Restaurants , Library , Anderson , Giannis , South Carolinians Pivots , Temperatures , Cold , Air Syncing , Records On Sunday , Lakeland , Orlando , 34 , Fort Myers , 33 , Records , Storm System , Nor Easter Potential , Blockbuster Event , Los Angeles , Speed Dial , Customization , Dj , Throwback , Obsessed , Liberty Hello , Trelegy , Copd , Coughing , On By , Breeze Driftin , Stand , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Feelin Good , High Blood Pressure , Won T , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Rescue Inhaler , Lung Function , Thrush , Vision Changes , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Eye , Problems Urinating , Resident , Out Of Control , It Safe , Trelegy Com , California S , 111 , Stands , Weapons , Crews , Super Bowl , Stadium , Oscars , Neighborhood Council Member , Rug , History , 60000 , Account Due , 90000 , Homeless Problem , Venice Boardwalk , Encampments , 210 , Politicians , Encampment , Band Aid Solutions , Tents , 5 Million , Fixed , Track , Ba , Reforms , Feeling , Situation , Nightmare , Criminals , Homeless People , Injuries , Trend , Shannon Bream On The Supreme Court , Coming Up , Ainsley , Body Camera Video , Lowdown , Aiding And Abetting , Crime Crisis , California City , Loving Woke Das , Liability Insurance , Right , Tax , Gun Owners , Anthony Fauci , Grinch , Beach , Somewhere , Tip , Myrtle Beach , Have , Ocean , Atlantic , Dad , Raft , Blowup Raft , Sand Dollars , Edge , Brian , Water , Sand Buckets , Bleach , Brown , Generically , Inauguration , Dhs Contractor , Honduran Leader , Given Information , White Plains Airport , Department Of Human Services , Pay Grade , Bleep , Mayorkas , Frank Discussion , Yuma , Arizona , Aren T Popular With Customs And Border Protection , Hunky Dory , President Elect , Jackie , Triangle , Trip , Castro , Down There , Flow , Company , Lands , U S Army , State Driver S License , I D , Process Don T , August , Splaining , White Plains , Network , Secret , Families , Supplies , Illegaling , Outfits , Mcallen , Security , Behavior , Congresswomen , Dereliction , Duty , Taxpayer , Expense , Fentanyl Deaths , Team , Men , Images , Taxi Company , There , Bus Station , Parking Structure , Bussed Over , A Million , Everywhere , Companies , Iphone , Cias , Souls , Immigration Process , Trouble Sleeping , Chaperons , Teachers , Of A Sudden , Tax Dollars , English , Chinese , Spanish , Teacher , Class , Union , 48 , 11 , 6 , 30000 , 330000 , 80 , 18 , 8 , A Hundred , Thirty Four , 94 , Seven , 83 , 5000 , 000 , February 15th , 125 Million , 25 Million , 49 , 38 Million , Minus 2 , 0 , January 9th , 17 ,

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