Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708

it's been what, five weeks. >> todd: she did mean sitting next to me, not the burritos following the show. been five weeks because of the omicron thing. good to be back. miss you, buddy. merry christmas. >> carley: merry christmas, happy new year. since last time i saw you, last year, your daughter started working. big life developments. fantastic stuff. we have a busy show ahead. >> todd: my house is full of borders, no political statement, just full of borders. we begin with reporting on border crisis. cameras reporting ice buses dumping migrants necessary brownsville, texas. >> carley: brooke songman joins us live with details. brooke, good morning. >> brooke: good morning. fox news capturing footage of federally contracted buses dropping off illegal migrant necessary brownsville, texas. dozens of adults, mostly males, entered unmarked office in a parking lot. multiple taxicabs collect the migrants to shuttle to nearby airport. migrantss telling fox news they paid $2000 per person to cartel smul lers and said they were flying to various destinations, miami, houston and atlanta. brownsville says the office of emergency management with fema worked to facilitate transfer of migrants to their final destination. they are contacting families, ngos or a taxicab. single adults are typically expelled under trump era 42. white house is insisting they are keeping that measure in place. >> press sect. psaki: we continue to be under title 42. >> one of 47,000 migrants were given notices to report did not show up. >> press sect. psaki: we have stringent protocol and we're in a gloal pandemic and those who do not show up will be subject to repercussion of that. >> carley: tom cotton is hoping the courts hold the biden administration accountable. listen to this. >> you see the video of single grown men, not little kids, that is direct violation of the court's order. hope thap hold secretary dhs mayorkis accountable for this. >> carley: border encounters top a record with two million during the 2021 calendar year as agents stopped 178,000 migrants in december. tomorrow vice president kamala harris will address the root causes of migration during her trip to honduras. carl and he todd. >> carley: brooke songman, live, thank you, brooke. tucker carlson calling out biden administration for putting interest of other countries above our own. >> we're allowing foreigners who came here illegally in violation of our laws, which are unenforced by our current government, which is undermining democracy by refusal to enforce laws, those people use arrest warrants to get on airplanes and have you to show id. meanwhile, you can't say this enough and we'll stop after this, congress is doing everything it can, pulling out all the stops to send more money to eastern europe to protect borders of ukraine. it is like it is not real issue but it is real. >> carley: president biden says u.s. troops may be deployed to europe in the near future as third shipment of military aid is delivered to ukraine ahead of possible russian invasion. >> todd: amy kellogg joins us live. >> amy: russian foreign minister sergey lavrov said they are eagerly awaiting responses in writing they have been demanding from the u.s. in terms of their security concerns and they say if those responses aren't satisfactory, they will take a "appropriate measures," but it is not clear what those would be. moscow military analyst i spoke with earlier this week said that he's actually really concerned about mishaps with all this movement of manpower in the region. there is a lot of places in the region, russian navy ships could brush against american ones in the coming period. president biden said he would be willing to sanction president putin personally if russia invades ukraine. president putin has said little. >> i don't think we have seen concrete deescalation yet. >> we don't believe putin has made a decision yet. he continues to add forces, we don't believe he's made a decision. >> amy: president putin's spokesman says in terms of threatened sanctions, they would be politically destructive, but not pain sxfl he said those who are talking about them don't have an idea how it all works. >> carley: thank you. second nypd police officer wilbert mora has died after being ambushed in harlem. his partner died on friday, jason rivera. the 27 year old was honored. mora's family directing doctors to remove heart, liver, pancreas and both kidneys, four donations expected to save multiple lives. wake will be held at st. patrick's cathedral next week. new generation inspired to be police officers. this seven year old dressed in his halloween costume at the service for jason rivera. he says he wants to be a hero like officer rivera. some lucky person got a hero heart today because as we said, officer mora was an organ donor. looking at pictures and reflecting on violence police officers are increasingly facing, i hate that not b but a year and a half ago, people were losing jobs and getting ostracized for supporting thin blue lined flag. that just happened a year ago. look at violence in cities across the country, it is just horrific that was the sentiment, accepted sentiment. how could we let that be a thought that was acceptable in this country? i'm glad that people are now supporting police officers again, that should have never happened, do something about violence against cops. >> todd: it is still going ostifling of blue lives matter. we do stories every now and again. it is so important to see images, the pictures of two young men with their lives ahead of them. all their hopes and dreams snuffed out by what amounts to an assassin. i do not know how much more police need to do before the left realizes they are not the enemy. this guy on the left, mora donated organs to save another life. you start to see a walk-back on the defunding of police, you wonder if it is too little too late. >> carley: president biden posted tweet about officer mora yesterday, i'm deeply saddened by the loss of nypd police officer as result of last week's senseless shooting. the risks law enforcement face and of the work we must do to end scourge of gun violence. it is rare tweet for him to support police in that public way. it is good that he did. moreo come. >> todd: eight after the hour. group of parents say their posts are being stopped. >> carley: share their side of the story coming up. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big just l idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> carley: glenn youngkin is encouraging parents to contact his office. here is why. >> we've set up a particular e-mail address called help, education at for parents to send us any instances where they feel their rights are being violated, their children are not respected. >> carley: his comments as parents get loud in loudoun county. listen. >> yesterday my daughter used a mask upon entrance to the school and she was not segregated until 1:00, she is 11. >> give children and parents right to choose themselves. >> carley: parents protesting at some schools in virginia, separating marshing and unmasked kids bile putting them in isolation in gymnasiums. todd. >> todd: alleging they are being censored by facebook and posts are flagged by the platform even when harmless. joining me is tiffany and tina, co-founders of moms for liberty. tina, 1st question to you, walk us through what you say facebook has been doing to your group. >> we launched january 1 of last year. we've grown to 167 chapters in 33 cities and about november or october of last year issue the nea, national education association sent a letter to tech leaders and asked them to start censoring parents. that is happening to us starting in december of last year, our chapters, 76 chapters, 30 shut down and disabled, flagged for benign comments and posts, membering asking when the school board meeting is or what crim lum our school board is using. >> todd: this came after the nea letter is peculiar, to say the least. read the nea letter. we're call og your companies to take this threat seriously and prioritize safety of people over profit. put an ends to the stream of propaganda against educators in our community. all you are trying to do is fight for your kids. >> yeah, absolutely. it is very concerning and should be concerning to every american to see this level of coordination between special interest groups, the network nea, aft and department of justice and twitter or facebook, concerning to see parents are being censored on these platforms and nea is asking for that to happen. >> todd: what do you want facebook to ultimately do? >> like every other parent group or benign organization that is trying to communicate and use first amendment rights to collaborate and discuss, stand up for whatever issues they believe in, we want fair and equal treatment. >> todd: have you heard back from facebook? >> we haven't heard back yet, we had one chapter put back up. we informed zuckerberg, facebook has been a wonderful part of our lives, we have had personal accounts for 10 or 12 years, what we're asking for, we're able to use facebook and members are able to use facebook to share beautiful pictures of families and to advocate for communities and to make america a wonderful place for us to live and work and grow. >> todd: tina, do you thank you happens without the letters from the nea? >> we had no problems before the nea letter came out. our organizations and chapters were flourishing and there were no issues until that letter came out. >> todd: imagine when you became moms, you didn't think your fight in life to protect your kids would be against big tech and teachers unions, here we are in 2022, unbelievable. tiffany and tin athanks for your time this morning, we appreciate it. carley. >> carley: florida governor desantis standing up to the biden admin stragsz after fda pulls treatment for monoclonal antibody treatment. >> that are more interested in picking political fights than being there for the people in our state that need assistance. >> carley: florida chief financial officer will tell us what the state is doing to keep treatment centers open and while red hot inflation returns a hole in your wallet, president biden is keeping his cool with a trip to the ice cream parlor. the tone deaf moment getting backlash. we'll tell you all about it coming up next. ♪ ♪ pour some sugar on me. ♪ psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... can't get enough. l. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. 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>> this is heartless, so vaccine and mask obsessed people are still getting covid. i don't understand why fight the early treatments now. 2000 people were chewed up for appointment for -- monoclonal treatment, they were pulled, they do work, they save lives. i have personal friends and employees i work with every single day. >> carley: they said data showed they are unlikely to be active against omicron, these treatments are not authorized for use. what is your response to that? >> this was a unilateral decision by the fda. they are not being transparent, this is nothing new with this admin stragsz. playing games with florida. one thing i learned, political science wins over real science all the time. it is disappointing and exactly why my office filed freedom of information act to get to the bottom of this. couple thousand employees, 45,000 firefighters support this. i need as many weapons on the take as we can have. >> carley: it is interesting because president biden recently said there is no federal solution to covid-19 and solving it must happen at a state level. here you are, in state florida, trying to fight covid-19 in your own way and it is being blocked by the federal government. >> early on governor desantis got out and started creating treatment centers. what did it do? diverted hospitalizations by 80%. again, you know, i don't know when you might contract covid, you will probably get it. if i have as many options available, even folks that contracted covid and had the shot. again, i want tools, i want weapons, i want defeat and like to live in the free state of florida. >> carley: what is florida doing to fight back and get treatment? >> we'll get the facts. we have our first response from the federal government when it comes to freedom of information act. their response, how much money do you want to spend? that is not how this works. the white house is exempt from freedom of information act. we have to get creative. we will get answers. >> carley: things got ugly on twitter. hhs tweeted why is governor desantis more interested in promoting medicines that don't work than urging people to take vaccine that do. 78% of floridians are vaccinated, which is higher than national average. >> it is crazy, i know this, the state of florida is open and we're having record revenues and i'm proud of my governor. it is funny, newest song on my playlist is "we the people" by kid rock. download it, it will inspire you to know what we're dealing with. such a frustration with washington right now. it is so dearly broken. >> carley: i think most people agree, all the tools in the toolkit is the best way to fight this disease, and that is what you are trying to do. jimmy patronis, thank you for joining us. >> todd: let it snow, janice dean is here with fox weather forecast k. we talk about what is coming this weekend? >> janice: we can, we are seeing computer models coming together and looks like from dc to boston, measurable snow, maybe blizzard conditions. cold air is in place, minus three in chicago, minus 11 in fargo, 25 in new york. setting the table for our winter storm coming up the coast on friday and saturday. wind chills minus 20 to minus 30. minus teens here. dangerous cold been in place for last week here. people are urged to stay inside with wind chill warnings and watches and advisory for millions of folk. florida, frontal boundry low pressure bringing rain to florida. that will taper off. next area of low pressure is a classic nor'easter coming up from the south, moving toward mid-atlantic and northeast. looks like it is mainly a coastal event. i-95 corridor, get set for this strong area of low pressure that could bring blizzard conditions. good news, it is happening on the weekend, or the bulk of it. people will be heeding warnings and staying indoors and looks like at least six inches for some of the coastal cities from the del mar up toward maine. this could be it, the big blockbuster storm of the winter for the i-95 corridor. stay tuned,, download the app for the latest details. back to you. >> carley: i love snow. it is exciting to me. >> todd: do i snow blow or get my guy lee to plow. lee's wife watches. get me up. we got to plan. time now 28 minutes after the hour now. dozens of democrats bailing before the midterm, guess who is sticking around? >> this election is crucial and that is why i'm running for the election to congress. tokd pelosi never-ending quest hurt the party? >> carley: find out what joe concha thinks next. ♪ buried in receipts, invoices and other paperwork that's preventing you from doing what matters most? then get the all new epson rapidreceipt smart organizer to scan, digitize and organize your documents and receipts. receipts go in, and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices. and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform paper documents like contracts, tax records, warranties, wills, even recipes into searchable pdfs. so the information is always right at your fingertips, safe and secure. you can even turn business cards into digital contacts, and it scans up to 100 pages at a time. even different sizes in one batch. with this exclusiv yey y yeyy >> todd: americans like president biden as person, not as commander-in-chief. he is considered intelligence, 6 out of 10 of your friends only 37% view the president as strong and decisive leader. that is a 14% drop from september of 2020. less than half americans believe he displays goodment >> crisis, he stumbles first year in office. >> carley: crisis and crisis. 18th term in congress for nancy pelosi, with many colleagues choosing not to run again, her speakership is of course in jeopardy. >> todd: griff jenkins joins us live in washington. good morning. >> griff: we know if brady or rodgers will be back, retirement rumors have been put to rest, watch. >> this election is crucial, nothing less is at stake than our democracy. and that is why i'm running for re-election to congress. >> todd: pelosi has been in congress for 34 years, first elected in 1987. if reeshg lected, she will be 82 years old. she gave no indication if she wants to remain speaker as republicans see an opportunity. >> what nancy pelosi, damned if you do and damned if you don't. if she didn't run that is admigsz they will lose the house, it allows republicans to tell the american people they are doubling down on failed leadership. >> todd: hoyer drawing criticism for backing illegitimate election claims. >> president biden is correct this is about democracy, about america that believes in making sure that the people's voice is heard and reflected in the outcome of the election. >> hoyer's office mopped that up saying leader hoyer does not believe the 2022 will be illegitimate or claim ballots ought to be thrown out if a democrat loses. the uphill battle for democrats got one seat slimmer, representative jim cooper just became the 29th democrat to announce retirement, we shall see. many saying could be democrat shellacking like in 2010 when barack obama lost 64 democrat seats in the house. >> todd: thank you. bring in joe concha. joe, doesn't this play into republican messaging,ie, fire pelosi? >> joe: it is very motivating, i'm sure, todd, for folks to get out, if that is added incentive. you see the democratic message, democracy is at stake. they don't have the bumper sticker on things like inflation and crime and board sxer education. democratis party has a leader right now in the oval office that 79 years old with impossibly light work schedule. 71-year-old shuck schumer and as griff mentioned 82-year-old house speaker nancy pelosi speaking in numbers 33% approval in real clear politics average, not great numbers either. the party needs to get better after born after black and white tvs. nancy pelosi, how else can you explain what she's done to help the peep nel her own district of san francisco? sky rocketing crime, drugs, homelessness and never hear her talk about it, talk about actual solutions. save the tape, she will not be speaker of the house, red tsunami will scoop her out. they will ensure she will not even be house minority leader. >> carley: this is also not welcomed news to a lot of democrats. here is cnn bakari sellers, listen to what he has to say. >> i believe it is time for new leadership, new leadership throughout the democratic party. we have to get younger, be more vibrant and have bigger and older idea to bring in new generation of voters. whether you are nancy pelosi or tom brady, have you to hangup the cleat when is it comes to being leader of your testimony party or organization. >> carley: joe, does that comment show divide within the democratic party? >> joe: completely. sellers is probably 40 years younger than nancy pelosi and people don't want to see the same old leadership. stop with the pelosi brady comparisons, brady won seven super bowls, history of winning coconsistent basis, tell me how many nancy pelosi has had lately? >> todd: nobody likes this other than nancy pelosi. something everybody loves is ice cream. >> carley: i love ice cream. >> todd: some too much and shows how out of touch they are. joe biden grabbing ice cream to highlight economic growth. isn't this complete failure to read the room? people are struggling to put nutritional food on their table to feed their families and this guy is going out to an ice cream restaurant, look, the economy is great, not reading the room, right, joe? >> joe: and white house press secretary jen psaki asked why the president had almost nonexistent schedule yesterday and she had trouble spitting the answer. turns out going for ice cream on random tuesday in winter was a good idea because when that optic is juxtapose with russian troops on border of ukraine, gas prices issue food prices, home heating prices. duget sprinkles with your ice cream? of course i didn't get sprinkles you stupid son of a [bleep], that would be perfect, didn't get that unfortunately. >> carley: this is part of the biden administration revamped effort in year two to get the president out of the white house, out of delaware and hang out with the american people directly. do you think it is going to work? >> joe: well, i don't think you go to as todd described shi-shi ice cream place couple blocks from the white house. you got to get out and speak to the american peep nel mitch mcconnell, ohio, arizona, georgia, talk about economic issues, not again, who gets ice cream in the afternoon in upon winter on a tuesday, i have never done it. >> todd: we are showing video of him shopping, he purchased kamala mug. >> carley: he bought that sweatshirt for his grandson. >> todd: and meantime, vladamir putin is preparing to go to war. he has to see this and think, boy, i have no pushback, huh? >> joe: i don't understand who is advising the presidency on things he does or doesn't do. putin is saying, this is what the american president is doing, great. some people have to get fired after seeing the poll numbers. when he is not playing on twitter, giving bad advice if that person is telling him to do that, if not, it is jen psaki. >> carley: salted peanut butter ice cream with chocolate flex and scoop of blackout chocolate cake on waffle cone. he does have good taste in ice cream. joe, thank you. >> todd: again, people putting -- >> chocolate chip mint or mint chocolate chip? karldz is there debate on that? stop what you are doing and watch this. hero police officers racing against the clock to save a choking toddler. watch this video. >> officer issue please, please, please, please. my baby -- >> carley: cameras captured it and we'll show what you happens next. >> todd: unbelievable investigation about the covid-19. that report is next. ♪ american woman. ♪ ♪ listen what i say. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> good morning, this is your 5:45 eastern time wake-up call, coming up on "fox and friends first" in 15 minutes, you got to see the pictures. look at the screen now. video exclusively obtained by fox news, this is dozens of migrants being released in the united states through that office in a parking structure in brownsville, texas. what is going on? there appear to be all single young men. no families, no women. we'll talk to tucker carlson live about this, break down the impact of joe biden's border crisis, it is certainly one when you look at numbers. former police department commissioner ray kelly reacting to the death overnight of a second officer following that ambush in harlem on friday. his message to the new mayor eric adams as the city unveils a new crime plan. will it be enough? we'll ask ray kelly. former white house press secretary ari fleischer is here, don't touch the dial. put down the remote, if anybody uses that, we get started 13 minutes from right now on the channel. back to you. >> carley: thank you, steve. e- mails obtained by fox news show scientists and top medical advisors including dr. anthony fauci suspected covid-19 leaked from a lab in wuhan early as january of 2020. cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: good morning, documents found from early days of the pandemic show scientists, including dr. fauci was warned coronavirus may have originated at the lab in wuhan. spokesperson joined bret baier sglchlts. >> covered up covid for a year. there is not a real team from the who, to go in and find out the origins of covid. the communist party want to make sure it will never happen. >> cheryl: in be 2020, a doctor said it looked engineers. there was concerns over how the public would react to the news. and national institute of health gave funtd funding to that lab. >> carley: what is latest on president biden's vaccine or test mandate? >> cheryl: supreme court struck the vaccine mandate to businesses, rules are being removed and development occupational safety osha, is not giving up. in statement say they will prioritize resources to finalize permanent covid standard. it caused protest and job loss across this country. >> todd: cutting police budgets wasn'ts such a great idea. >> carley: what do you think? >> cheryl: after cutting $120 million in budget of sfpd, san francisco mayor refunding cops with overtime, this proposal, big reversal for her, she wants police to deal with soaring crime, all things that have made national headlines because things in san francisco have gotten so bad. >> todd: doing all this two years ago. cheryl, thank you. police unions slamming the black lives matter chapter in washington, d.c. kafr complaining about the treatment of officers shot in the line of duty. tear jerker press conferences and proclamation of heroes being black in dc is more dangerous than any job. houston police officer union telling fox news digital, it is nothing new for them, they are irrelevant and have proven time and time again they don't care about black lives. it was an abhorrent statement. >> carley: 15 minutes after the hour, you heard exclusive fox news footage showing buses dropping off migrant says in the u.s., we will tell you what is going on. >> todd: and democrats resorting to desperate measures, begging members of their party to stick around. we don't have to beg sean duffy to stick around, he is contractually obligated to do so. he is next. ♪ [shouting] >> it's okay, mommy. it's okay. mommy. >> todd: dramatic rescue caught on camera. lapd officer life parents flagged him down heard the passion and fear in those parents voices. officers quickly and successfully clearly the girl's airway. she does regain consciousness taken to a nearby hospital where she was treated in stable condition right now. thank goodness for those officers. >> video gives you chills. saved that little girl's life. god bless that child. the family, all the police officers, everybody involved in that scary video. in the meantime, exclusive footage obtained by fox news shows ice contracted buses releasing dozens of buses. >> todd: joining us sean duffy. great to have you as always. how can the biden administration say that those images are okay unless this was their goal all along, seems like that. scenes like that. >> that was the goal all along. this is open borders. by the way, when joe biden took office, he promised to defend and uphold the constitution of the united states. enforce our laws. this is not enforcing our laws. this is joe biden pour cartels come in our southern border. the cartel making billions of dollars. joe biden does the second part of the mission like you are watching right here. bring them into the interior, give them a cab and paperwork and fly them to their destination around the country. this is outrageous that joe biden says i'm completely in for open borders. by the way, and you talked about this a little bit. usually we will allow families, children to come into the country, which by the way, is just a pathway around our laws, these are single men. these aren't families. these aren't women. these are single men coming into the country and joe biden processing them to shoot across the country into the interior without usually governors and mayors permission. >> this footage courtesy of bill melugin who does a great job at the border. he spoke to several of these migrants dropped off, went into an office building then they came out of the office building they were taken in cabs and they were sent off to an airport and some of those migrants told fox news they crossed that very morning, paid cartels about $2,000 and something else that bill melugin said was that this area was covered with a black tarp. and it was apparently because they were trying to do this in sort of possibly a secret way. what about the lack of transparency with all of this as well when you hear about late night flights filled with migrants going into other states that are nowhere near the border? >> yeah. listen, i think it's a good question, carley. i don't think the biden administration wants to be pans parent in regard to this policy of open borders. they want to cover it up as much as possible. which is why these migrants are coming in unmarked building, getting processed. and then they are trying to cover up when they get out and get in a cab. to your point, the cartels make $2,000 in this case $2,000 per person to come into the country, but then the american people, i'm sure, are paying for the cab ride to the airport, and then paying for the ticket to fly to whether it's miami or houston or some other part of the country, so we pay the other part of the bill. the policy doesn't make any sense. i will tell you electorally this is going to be a huge problem for democrats because as most americans look at this footage they go i thought we had laws against this. i thought we were supposed to protect our border. not just allow anyone that wants to come in to come in without any kind of background check. without any kind of health screening in the middle of covid and omicron. the policy is, i think, will not understandable. >> todd: please don't quit before the midterms. we need to you stick and fight it out. could you get any bigger of an acknowledgment that what is going to happen in november of this year is going to be an absolute blood bath for the dems. >> most americans don't like congress. poll rating 12%. >> carley: we love you though. >> sean: most people like their congressman. they have a relationship with a voter and in a tough election you want incumbent millions of dollars. reached out, done town halls. the voters actually know them and have a better shot of winning if you have an incumbent running. if an incumbent leaves and a fresh face nobody knows and a red wave coming, you are going to lose more seats no. doubt democrats are begging please don't leave, please stay. let's make this loss of 30 seats not be a loss of 45 seats. that's what's happening here. >> carley: that's absolutely right. that's also why nancy pelosi announced she is going to run for re-election for the 18th time because how bad would it be for the biden administration if she, along with 29 other people chose not to rerun for office. sean, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> todd: i missed this. >> carley: i missed this too. but we're back and with that "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> shocking video shows the mass release of migrants into the u.s., bus load after bus load. >> all mostly single adult men. those men get to use their arrest warrants to airplane you have to show i.d. >> the police officer shot in harlem has succumb to his injuries. mora 27 years old. >> internal documents reportedly showing multiple scientists were told to suppress their beliefs that the virus originated in a wuhan lab. >> that was a

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He Todd , Carley , Something , Team , Fox And Friends First , Street , Omicron , Show , Thing , Burritos , Five , Buddy , Daughter , Happy New Year , Stuff , Merry Christmas , Big Life Developments , Borders , Statement , House , Cameras , Ice Buses , Reporting On Border Crisis , Footage , Buses , Fox News , U S , Details , Brooke , Brownsville , Brooke Songman , Texas , Office , Adults , Dozens , Migrants , Parking Lot , Taxicabs , Shuttle , Airport , Office Of Emergency Management , Destinations , Houston , Migrantss , Miami , Cartel Smul Lers , Atlanta , 2000 , 000 , Families , Destination , Transfer , Taxicab , Ngos , Fema , Place , Jen Psaki , White House , Measure , Title , Press Sect , One , 42 , 47000 , Pandemic , Protocol , Notices , Repercussion , Subject , Video , Kids , Administration , Men , Order , Violation , Court , Courts , Tom Cotton , Record , Secretary , Agents , Border Encounters , Dhs Mayorkis Accountable , Hope Thap , 2021 , 178000 , Two Million , Kamala Harris , Trip , Migration , Tucker Carlson , Causes , Honduras , Laws , Government , Interest , Foreigners , Countries , People , Congress , Democracy , Everything , Arrest Warrants , Money , Airplanes , Refusal , Id , Joe Biden , Shipment , Issue , Troops , Ukraine , Military Aid , Eastern Europe , Invasion , Amy Kellogg , Foreign Minister , Sergey Lavrov , Russian , Responses , Terms , Measures , Security Concerns , Region , Military Analyst , Lot , Places , Manpower , Mishaps , Movement , Moscow , President Putin , Ones , Russian Navy , Little , Concrete Deescalation , Decision , Spokesman , Forces , Sanctions , Idea , Wilbert Mora , Works , Pain , Second Nypd , Heart , Jason Rivera , Harlem , Partner , Liver , Old , Family Directing Doctors , Pancreas , Mora , 27 , Lives , Generation , Kidneys , Wake , Donations , Patrick S Cathedral Next , Four , Police Officers , Hero , Halloween Costume , Service , Seven , Officer , Pictures , Person , Violence , Organ Donor , Rivera , Half , Flag , Jobs , Country , Sentiment , Cities , Ostifling , Thought , Matter , Cops , Images , Stories , Hopes , Assassin , Two , Police , Life , Guy , Walk Back , Organs , Enemy , Left , Defunding , Tweet , Police Officer , Loss , Result , Shooting , Nypd , Way , Work , Law Enforcement Face , Gun Violence , Scourge , Moreo Come , Parents , Posts , Group , Story , Side , Eight , Limu , Whistles , Isn T , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Sec , Liberty , Liberty Shipstation , Pay , Vulture Squawks , The Box , Shipping , Cost , Ito , Label , Tv , Cut , 2 , Cooking , Seal , Obsessed , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Idaho Potato Truck , Hello , Just L , Help , Education , E Mail Address , Glenn Youngkin , Children , Comments , Rights , Instances , Loudoun County , School , Mask , Entrance , 00 , 1 , 11 , Schools , Gymnasiums , Isolation , Virginia , Separating Marshing , Facebook , Moms , Tiffany , Tina , Platform , Co Founders , 1st Question , Chapters , 33 , 167 , January 1 , Letter , Tech Leaders , Censoring Parents , National Education Association , School Board , Disabled , Meeting , Membering , 76 , 30 , Companies , Threat , Least , Lum , Community , Educators , Stream , Safety , Propaganda , Profit , Ends , American , Special Interest Groups , Level , Coordination , Department Of Justice , Aft , Parent Group , Platforms , Treatment , Organization , Amendment , Stand Up , We Haven T , Part , Chapter , Accounts , Zuckerberg , 12 , 10 , Members , Communities , Issues , Letters , Problems , Organizations , Unions , Fight , Tech , Teachers , Unbelievable , 2022 , Florida , Desantis , Fda , Monoclonal Antibody Treatment , Biden Admin Stragsz , Tin Athanks , Estate , Inflation , Fights , Chief Financial Officer , Assistance , Hole , Backlash , Wallet , Cool , Ice Cream Parlor , Symptoms , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tremfya , L Emerge Tremfyant , Sugar , Joints Stiff , Vaccine , Doctor , Reactions , Infections , Infection , Patients , Ability , Risk , Emerge Tremfyant , Stress , Repair Metabolism , Calorie Counting , Carb Cutting , Diet Fatigue , Announcer , Meals , One Golo , Three , It , Release , Weight Loss , Optimize Insulin Levels , Dieting , Head , Hormones , Body , Golo Com , 2 Million , Weight , Leadership , Golo , Value , Everyone , Thousands , Track , Cue , Doesn T , Laura , State Leaders , Whims , Luck , Jimmy Patronis , Centers , Guest , Petronas , Covid 19 , Drugs , Approval , Monoclonal Antibody , Test Positive , Anger , Treatments , Appointment , Employees , Friends , Response , Data , Use , Against , Nothing , Political Science , Games , Science , Firefighters , My Office Filed Freedom Of Information Act , Bottom , 45000 , Solution , Weapons , State Level , Take , 19 , Treatment Centers , Options , Folks , Hospitalizations , 80 , Shot , Tools , Doing , Defeat , Facts , Things , Answers , Hhs , Promoting Medicines That Don T , Floridians , 78 , We The People , Governor , Song , Average , Revenues , Playlist , Washington D C , Frustration , Kid Rock , Disease , Toolkit , Dean , Let It Snow , Looks , Janice , Computer Models , Measurable Snow , Boston , Table , Winter Storm , Conditions , Air , Coast , Wind , New York , Chicago , Minus 11 , 25 , Minus 20 , Watches , Cold , Advisory , Wind Chill Warnings , Teens , Minus 30 , Area , Pressure , Folk , Millions , Rain , South , Nor Easter , Frontal Boundry , Mid Atlantic , News , Set , Weekend , Event , Blizzard Conditions , Bulk , I 95 , 95 , Big Blockbuster Storm Of The Winter , Some , Warnings , Maine , Del Mar , Six , Snow , App , Foxweather Com , Snow Blow , Wife , Guy Lee , 28 , Election , Democrats , Midterm , Tokd Pelosi , Guess Who , Party , Joe Concha , Quest , Receipts , Documents , Digitize , Paperwork , Invoices , Smart Organizer , Epson Rapidreceipt , Paper Documents , Tax Records , Warranties , Contracts , Market , Software , Wills , Turbotax , Quickbooks , Information , Business Cards , Recipes , Fingertips , Batch , Sizes , Contacts , Searchable Pdfs , 100 , Exclusiv Yey Y Yeyy , Commander In Chief , Leader , Intelligence , Drop , View , 6 , 14 , 37 , Crisis , Goodment Crisis , 2020 , September Of 2020 , Nancy Pelosi , Course , Speakership , Jeopardy , Colleagues , 18th Term , Griff Jenkins , Brady Or Rodgers , 18 , Rest , Retirement Rumors , Re Election , Indication , Reeshg Lected , 34 , 82 , 1987 , Admigsz , Speaker , Republicans , Opportunity , Backing , Claims , Criticism , Hoyer , Outcome , The People S Voice , 29th Democrat , Claim , Ballots , Uphill Battle For Democrats , Seat Slimmer , Saying , Retirement , Jim Cooper , Barack Obama , 2010 , 29 , 64 , Seats , Messaging , Play , Fire Pelosi , Ie , Republican , Message , Stake , Incentive , Bumper Sticker , Crime , Democratis Party , Board Sxer Education , Old Shuck Schumer , 71 , 79 , Numbers , Real Clear Politics Average , Black And White , San Francisco , District , Peep Nel , Sky , Solutions , Homelessness , Talk , Tape , Red Tsunami , House Minority Leader , Bakari Sellers , Cnn , Voters , Cleat , Tom Brady , Testimony Party , Comment , Stop , Sellers , Super Bowls , Pelosi Brady Comparisons , 40 , Nobody , Coconsistent Basis , Ice Cream , Growth , Everybody Loves , Failure , Room , White House Press Secretary , Economy , Food , Ice Cream Restaurant , Answer , Trouble , Border , Food Prices , Optic , Prices , Gas Prices , Duget , Didn T , Son , Effort , Bleep , Delaware , Ice Cream Place , Blocks , Mitch Mcconnell , Georgia , Ohio , Arizona , Shopping , Grandson , Sweatshirt , Kamala Mug , Presidency , Think , Boy , Huh , Pushback , War , President , Poll Numbers , Advice , Chocolate Flex , Scoop , Taste , Peanut Butter , Blackout Chocolate Cake , Waffle Cone , Chocolate Chip Mint , Mint Chocolate Chip , Karldz , Choking Toddler , Clock , Baby , Report , Investigation , Woman , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Ready , Save , Sale , Internet , Business , Voice , Price Guarantee , 64 99 , 4 99 , Deal , Expert Team , Installation , Prepaid Card , 500 , 24 7 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Wake Up Call , 5 , 45 , Screen , 15 , Parking Structure , Ray Kelly , Impact , Death , Ambush , Eric Adams , Crime Plan , City , Ari Fleischer , Steve , Remote , Channel , Anybody , Don T Touch The Dial , E Mails , 13 , Lab , Dr , Scientists , Advisors , Covid , Anthony Fauci , Wuhan , January Of 2020 , Cheryl , Show Scientists , Cheryl Casone , Coronavirus , Spokesperson , Up Covid , Bret Baier Sglchlts , Communist Party , Cheryl In Be 2020 , Origins , Who , Concerns , Engineers , Funding , Public , National Institute Of Health , Funtd , Cheryl Supreme Court , Businesses , Test , Vaccine Mandate , Rules , Development Occupational Safety Osha , Job Loss , Protest , Resources , Permanent Covid Standard , Budgets , Budget , Sfpd , 20 Million , 120 Million , Mayor , Proposal , Refunding Cops , Reversal , Police Unions , Headlines , Officers , Job , Press Conferences , Proclamation , Duty , Line , Heroes Being Black In Dc , Kafr , Tear Jerker , Union , Care , Migrant , Footage Showing Buses , Sean Duffy , Beg , Voices , Rescue , Fear , Passion , Camera , Shouting , Mommy , Lapd , Everybody , Girl , Hospital , Child , Condition , Chills , Consciousness , Goodness , Airway , Little Girl , God , Ice , Goal , Scenes , Cartels , Constitution Of The United States , Interior , Dollars , Cab , Cartel Making Billions , Mission , Outrageous , Pathway , Bit , Aren T Families , Governors , Mayors , Permission , Bill Melugin , Aren T Women , Building , Office Building , Several , Cabs , Sort , Black Tarp , Wall , States , Question , Transparency , Flights , Lack , Policy , Parent , Open Borders , Pans , Point , Ticket , Cab Ride , Case , Bill , Policy Doesn T , Problem , Sense , Kind , Health Screening , Background Check , Anyone , Middle , Acknowledgment , Don T , Midterms , Congressman , Voter , Dems , Blood Bath , Poll Rating , Relationship , We Love You , Face , Town Halls , Leaves , Running , Leave , Red Wave Coming , Doubt , Rerun , Fox Friends , Bus Load , Airplane , Adult , Injuries , Virus , Beliefs ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708

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it's been what, five weeks. >> todd: she did mean sitting next to me, not the burritos following the show. been five weeks because of the omicron thing. good to be back. miss you, buddy. merry christmas. >> carley: merry christmas, happy new year. since last time i saw you, last year, your daughter started working. big life developments. fantastic stuff. we have a busy show ahead. >> todd: my house is full of borders, no political statement, just full of borders. we begin with reporting on border crisis. cameras reporting ice buses dumping migrants necessary brownsville, texas. >> carley: brooke songman joins us live with details. brooke, good morning. >> brooke: good morning. fox news capturing footage of federally contracted buses dropping off illegal migrant necessary brownsville, texas. dozens of adults, mostly males, entered unmarked office in a parking lot. multiple taxicabs collect the migrants to shuttle to nearby airport. migrantss telling fox news they paid $2000 per person to cartel smul lers and said they were flying to various destinations, miami, houston and atlanta. brownsville says the office of emergency management with fema worked to facilitate transfer of migrants to their final destination. they are contacting families, ngos or a taxicab. single adults are typically expelled under trump era 42. white house is insisting they are keeping that measure in place. >> press sect. psaki: we continue to be under title 42. >> one of 47,000 migrants were given notices to report did not show up. >> press sect. psaki: we have stringent protocol and we're in a gloal pandemic and those who do not show up will be subject to repercussion of that. >> carley: tom cotton is hoping the courts hold the biden administration accountable. listen to this. >> you see the video of single grown men, not little kids, that is direct violation of the court's order. hope thap hold secretary dhs mayorkis accountable for this. >> carley: border encounters top a record with two million during the 2021 calendar year as agents stopped 178,000 migrants in december. tomorrow vice president kamala harris will address the root causes of migration during her trip to honduras. carl and he todd. >> carley: brooke songman, live, thank you, brooke. tucker carlson calling out biden administration for putting interest of other countries above our own. >> we're allowing foreigners who came here illegally in violation of our laws, which are unenforced by our current government, which is undermining democracy by refusal to enforce laws, those people use arrest warrants to get on airplanes and have you to show id. meanwhile, you can't say this enough and we'll stop after this, congress is doing everything it can, pulling out all the stops to send more money to eastern europe to protect borders of ukraine. it is like it is not real issue but it is real. >> carley: president biden says u.s. troops may be deployed to europe in the near future as third shipment of military aid is delivered to ukraine ahead of possible russian invasion. >> todd: amy kellogg joins us live. >> amy: russian foreign minister sergey lavrov said they are eagerly awaiting responses in writing they have been demanding from the u.s. in terms of their security concerns and they say if those responses aren't satisfactory, they will take a "appropriate measures," but it is not clear what those would be. moscow military analyst i spoke with earlier this week said that he's actually really concerned about mishaps with all this movement of manpower in the region. there is a lot of places in the region, russian navy ships could brush against american ones in the coming period. president biden said he would be willing to sanction president putin personally if russia invades ukraine. president putin has said little. >> i don't think we have seen concrete deescalation yet. >> we don't believe putin has made a decision yet. he continues to add forces, we don't believe he's made a decision. >> amy: president putin's spokesman says in terms of threatened sanctions, they would be politically destructive, but not pain sxfl he said those who are talking about them don't have an idea how it all works. >> carley: thank you. second nypd police officer wilbert mora has died after being ambushed in harlem. his partner died on friday, jason rivera. the 27 year old was honored. mora's family directing doctors to remove heart, liver, pancreas and both kidneys, four donations expected to save multiple lives. wake will be held at st. patrick's cathedral next week. new generation inspired to be police officers. this seven year old dressed in his halloween costume at the service for jason rivera. he says he wants to be a hero like officer rivera. some lucky person got a hero heart today because as we said, officer mora was an organ donor. looking at pictures and reflecting on violence police officers are increasingly facing, i hate that not b but a year and a half ago, people were losing jobs and getting ostracized for supporting thin blue lined flag. that just happened a year ago. look at violence in cities across the country, it is just horrific that was the sentiment, accepted sentiment. how could we let that be a thought that was acceptable in this country? i'm glad that people are now supporting police officers again, that should have never happened, do something about violence against cops. >> todd: it is still going ostifling of blue lives matter. we do stories every now and again. it is so important to see images, the pictures of two young men with their lives ahead of them. all their hopes and dreams snuffed out by what amounts to an assassin. i do not know how much more police need to do before the left realizes they are not the enemy. this guy on the left, mora donated organs to save another life. you start to see a walk-back on the defunding of police, you wonder if it is too little too late. >> carley: president biden posted tweet about officer mora yesterday, i'm deeply saddened by the loss of nypd police officer as result of last week's senseless shooting. the risks law enforcement face and of the work we must do to end scourge of gun violence. it is rare tweet for him to support police in that public way. it is good that he did. moreo come. >> todd: eight after the hour. group of parents say their posts are being stopped. >> carley: share their side of the story coming up. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big just l idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> carley: glenn youngkin is encouraging parents to contact his office. here is why. >> we've set up a particular e-mail address called help, education at for parents to send us any instances where they feel their rights are being violated, their children are not respected. >> carley: his comments as parents get loud in loudoun county. listen. >> yesterday my daughter used a mask upon entrance to the school and she was not segregated until 1:00, she is 11. >> give children and parents right to choose themselves. >> carley: parents protesting at some schools in virginia, separating marshing and unmasked kids bile putting them in isolation in gymnasiums. todd. >> todd: alleging they are being censored by facebook and posts are flagged by the platform even when harmless. joining me is tiffany and tina, co-founders of moms for liberty. tina, 1st question to you, walk us through what you say facebook has been doing to your group. >> we launched january 1 of last year. we've grown to 167 chapters in 33 cities and about november or october of last year issue the nea, national education association sent a letter to tech leaders and asked them to start censoring parents. that is happening to us starting in december of last year, our chapters, 76 chapters, 30 shut down and disabled, flagged for benign comments and posts, membering asking when the school board meeting is or what crim lum our school board is using. >> todd: this came after the nea letter is peculiar, to say the least. read the nea letter. we're call og your companies to take this threat seriously and prioritize safety of people over profit. put an ends to the stream of propaganda against educators in our community. all you are trying to do is fight for your kids. >> yeah, absolutely. it is very concerning and should be concerning to every american to see this level of coordination between special interest groups, the network nea, aft and department of justice and twitter or facebook, concerning to see parents are being censored on these platforms and nea is asking for that to happen. >> todd: what do you want facebook to ultimately do? >> like every other parent group or benign organization that is trying to communicate and use first amendment rights to collaborate and discuss, stand up for whatever issues they believe in, we want fair and equal treatment. >> todd: have you heard back from facebook? >> we haven't heard back yet, we had one chapter put back up. we informed zuckerberg, facebook has been a wonderful part of our lives, we have had personal accounts for 10 or 12 years, what we're asking for, we're able to use facebook and members are able to use facebook to share beautiful pictures of families and to advocate for communities and to make america a wonderful place for us to live and work and grow. >> todd: tina, do you thank you happens without the letters from the nea? >> we had no problems before the nea letter came out. our organizations and chapters were flourishing and there were no issues until that letter came out. >> todd: imagine when you became moms, you didn't think your fight in life to protect your kids would be against big tech and teachers unions, here we are in 2022, unbelievable. tiffany and tin athanks for your time this morning, we appreciate it. carley. >> carley: florida governor desantis standing up to the biden admin stragsz after fda pulls treatment for monoclonal antibody treatment. >> that are more interested in picking political fights than being there for the people in our state that need assistance. >> carley: florida chief financial officer will tell us what the state is doing to keep treatment centers open and while red hot inflation returns a hole in your wallet, president biden is keeping his cool with a trip to the ice cream parlor. the tone deaf moment getting backlash. we'll tell you all about it coming up next. ♪ ♪ pour some sugar on me. ♪ psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... can't get enough. l. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. 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>> this is heartless, so vaccine and mask obsessed people are still getting covid. i don't understand why fight the early treatments now. 2000 people were chewed up for appointment for -- monoclonal treatment, they were pulled, they do work, they save lives. i have personal friends and employees i work with every single day. >> carley: they said data showed they are unlikely to be active against omicron, these treatments are not authorized for use. what is your response to that? >> this was a unilateral decision by the fda. they are not being transparent, this is nothing new with this admin stragsz. playing games with florida. one thing i learned, political science wins over real science all the time. it is disappointing and exactly why my office filed freedom of information act to get to the bottom of this. couple thousand employees, 45,000 firefighters support this. i need as many weapons on the take as we can have. >> carley: it is interesting because president biden recently said there is no federal solution to covid-19 and solving it must happen at a state level. here you are, in state florida, trying to fight covid-19 in your own way and it is being blocked by the federal government. >> early on governor desantis got out and started creating treatment centers. what did it do? diverted hospitalizations by 80%. again, you know, i don't know when you might contract covid, you will probably get it. if i have as many options available, even folks that contracted covid and had the shot. again, i want tools, i want weapons, i want defeat and like to live in the free state of florida. >> carley: what is florida doing to fight back and get treatment? >> we'll get the facts. we have our first response from the federal government when it comes to freedom of information act. their response, how much money do you want to spend? that is not how this works. the white house is exempt from freedom of information act. we have to get creative. we will get answers. >> carley: things got ugly on twitter. hhs tweeted why is governor desantis more interested in promoting medicines that don't work than urging people to take vaccine that do. 78% of floridians are vaccinated, which is higher than national average. >> it is crazy, i know this, the state of florida is open and we're having record revenues and i'm proud of my governor. it is funny, newest song on my playlist is "we the people" by kid rock. download it, it will inspire you to know what we're dealing with. such a frustration with washington right now. it is so dearly broken. >> carley: i think most people agree, all the tools in the toolkit is the best way to fight this disease, and that is what you are trying to do. jimmy patronis, thank you for joining us. >> todd: let it snow, janice dean is here with fox weather forecast k. we talk about what is coming this weekend? >> janice: we can, we are seeing computer models coming together and looks like from dc to boston, measurable snow, maybe blizzard conditions. cold air is in place, minus three in chicago, minus 11 in fargo, 25 in new york. setting the table for our winter storm coming up the coast on friday and saturday. wind chills minus 20 to minus 30. minus teens here. dangerous cold been in place for last week here. people are urged to stay inside with wind chill warnings and watches and advisory for millions of folk. florida, frontal boundry low pressure bringing rain to florida. that will taper off. next area of low pressure is a classic nor'easter coming up from the south, moving toward mid-atlantic and northeast. looks like it is mainly a coastal event. i-95 corridor, get set for this strong area of low pressure that could bring blizzard conditions. good news, it is happening on the weekend, or the bulk of it. people will be heeding warnings and staying indoors and looks like at least six inches for some of the coastal cities from the del mar up toward maine. this could be it, the big blockbuster storm of the winter for the i-95 corridor. stay tuned,, download the app for the latest details. back to you. >> carley: i love snow. it is exciting to me. >> todd: do i snow blow or get my guy lee to plow. lee's wife watches. get me up. we got to plan. time now 28 minutes after the hour now. dozens of democrats bailing before the midterm, guess who is sticking around? >> this election is crucial and that is why i'm running for the election to congress. tokd pelosi never-ending quest hurt the party? >> carley: find out what joe concha thinks next. ♪ buried in receipts, invoices and other paperwork that's preventing you from doing what matters most? then get the all new epson rapidreceipt smart organizer to scan, digitize and organize your documents and receipts. receipts go in, and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices. and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform paper documents like contracts, tax records, warranties, wills, even recipes into searchable pdfs. so the information is always right at your fingertips, safe and secure. you can even turn business cards into digital contacts, and it scans up to 100 pages at a time. even different sizes in one batch. with this exclusiv yey y yeyy >> todd: americans like president biden as person, not as commander-in-chief. he is considered intelligence, 6 out of 10 of your friends only 37% view the president as strong and decisive leader. that is a 14% drop from september of 2020. less than half americans believe he displays goodment >> crisis, he stumbles first year in office. >> carley: crisis and crisis. 18th term in congress for nancy pelosi, with many colleagues choosing not to run again, her speakership is of course in jeopardy. >> todd: griff jenkins joins us live in washington. good morning. >> griff: we know if brady or rodgers will be back, retirement rumors have been put to rest, watch. >> this election is crucial, nothing less is at stake than our democracy. and that is why i'm running for re-election to congress. >> todd: pelosi has been in congress for 34 years, first elected in 1987. if reeshg lected, she will be 82 years old. she gave no indication if she wants to remain speaker as republicans see an opportunity. >> what nancy pelosi, damned if you do and damned if you don't. if she didn't run that is admigsz they will lose the house, it allows republicans to tell the american people they are doubling down on failed leadership. >> todd: hoyer drawing criticism for backing illegitimate election claims. >> president biden is correct this is about democracy, about america that believes in making sure that the people's voice is heard and reflected in the outcome of the election. >> hoyer's office mopped that up saying leader hoyer does not believe the 2022 will be illegitimate or claim ballots ought to be thrown out if a democrat loses. the uphill battle for democrats got one seat slimmer, representative jim cooper just became the 29th democrat to announce retirement, we shall see. many saying could be democrat shellacking like in 2010 when barack obama lost 64 democrat seats in the house. >> todd: thank you. bring in joe concha. joe, doesn't this play into republican messaging,ie, fire pelosi? >> joe: it is very motivating, i'm sure, todd, for folks to get out, if that is added incentive. you see the democratic message, democracy is at stake. they don't have the bumper sticker on things like inflation and crime and board sxer education. democratis party has a leader right now in the oval office that 79 years old with impossibly light work schedule. 71-year-old shuck schumer and as griff mentioned 82-year-old house speaker nancy pelosi speaking in numbers 33% approval in real clear politics average, not great numbers either. the party needs to get better after born after black and white tvs. nancy pelosi, how else can you explain what she's done to help the peep nel her own district of san francisco? sky rocketing crime, drugs, homelessness and never hear her talk about it, talk about actual solutions. save the tape, she will not be speaker of the house, red tsunami will scoop her out. they will ensure she will not even be house minority leader. >> carley: this is also not welcomed news to a lot of democrats. here is cnn bakari sellers, listen to what he has to say. >> i believe it is time for new leadership, new leadership throughout the democratic party. we have to get younger, be more vibrant and have bigger and older idea to bring in new generation of voters. whether you are nancy pelosi or tom brady, have you to hangup the cleat when is it comes to being leader of your testimony party or organization. >> carley: joe, does that comment show divide within the democratic party? >> joe: completely. sellers is probably 40 years younger than nancy pelosi and people don't want to see the same old leadership. stop with the pelosi brady comparisons, brady won seven super bowls, history of winning coconsistent basis, tell me how many nancy pelosi has had lately? >> todd: nobody likes this other than nancy pelosi. something everybody loves is ice cream. >> carley: i love ice cream. >> todd: some too much and shows how out of touch they are. joe biden grabbing ice cream to highlight economic growth. isn't this complete failure to read the room? people are struggling to put nutritional food on their table to feed their families and this guy is going out to an ice cream restaurant, look, the economy is great, not reading the room, right, joe? >> joe: and white house press secretary jen psaki asked why the president had almost nonexistent schedule yesterday and she had trouble spitting the answer. turns out going for ice cream on random tuesday in winter was a good idea because when that optic is juxtapose with russian troops on border of ukraine, gas prices issue food prices, home heating prices. duget sprinkles with your ice cream? of course i didn't get sprinkles you stupid son of a [bleep], that would be perfect, didn't get that unfortunately. >> carley: this is part of the biden administration revamped effort in year two to get the president out of the white house, out of delaware and hang out with the american people directly. do you think it is going to work? >> joe: well, i don't think you go to as todd described shi-shi ice cream place couple blocks from the white house. you got to get out and speak to the american peep nel mitch mcconnell, ohio, arizona, georgia, talk about economic issues, not again, who gets ice cream in the afternoon in upon winter on a tuesday, i have never done it. >> todd: we are showing video of him shopping, he purchased kamala mug. >> carley: he bought that sweatshirt for his grandson. >> todd: and meantime, vladamir putin is preparing to go to war. he has to see this and think, boy, i have no pushback, huh? >> joe: i don't understand who is advising the presidency on things he does or doesn't do. putin is saying, this is what the american president is doing, great. some people have to get fired after seeing the poll numbers. when he is not playing on twitter, giving bad advice if that person is telling him to do that, if not, it is jen psaki. >> carley: salted peanut butter ice cream with chocolate flex and scoop of blackout chocolate cake on waffle cone. he does have good taste in ice cream. joe, thank you. >> todd: again, people putting -- >> chocolate chip mint or mint chocolate chip? karldz is there debate on that? stop what you are doing and watch this. hero police officers racing against the clock to save a choking toddler. watch this video. >> officer issue please, please, please, please. my baby -- >> carley: cameras captured it and we'll show what you happens next. >> todd: unbelievable investigation about the covid-19. that report is next. ♪ american woman. ♪ ♪ listen what i say. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> good morning, this is your 5:45 eastern time wake-up call, coming up on "fox and friends first" in 15 minutes, you got to see the pictures. look at the screen now. video exclusively obtained by fox news, this is dozens of migrants being released in the united states through that office in a parking structure in brownsville, texas. what is going on? there appear to be all single young men. no families, no women. we'll talk to tucker carlson live about this, break down the impact of joe biden's border crisis, it is certainly one when you look at numbers. former police department commissioner ray kelly reacting to the death overnight of a second officer following that ambush in harlem on friday. his message to the new mayor eric adams as the city unveils a new crime plan. will it be enough? we'll ask ray kelly. former white house press secretary ari fleischer is here, don't touch the dial. put down the remote, if anybody uses that, we get started 13 minutes from right now on the channel. back to you. >> carley: thank you, steve. e- mails obtained by fox news show scientists and top medical advisors including dr. anthony fauci suspected covid-19 leaked from a lab in wuhan early as january of 2020. cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: good morning, documents found from early days of the pandemic show scientists, including dr. fauci was warned coronavirus may have originated at the lab in wuhan. spokesperson joined bret baier sglchlts. >> covered up covid for a year. there is not a real team from the who, to go in and find out the origins of covid. the communist party want to make sure it will never happen. >> cheryl: in be 2020, a doctor said it looked engineers. there was concerns over how the public would react to the news. and national institute of health gave funtd funding to that lab. >> carley: what is latest on president biden's vaccine or test mandate? >> cheryl: supreme court struck the vaccine mandate to businesses, rules are being removed and development occupational safety osha, is not giving up. in statement say they will prioritize resources to finalize permanent covid standard. it caused protest and job loss across this country. >> todd: cutting police budgets wasn'ts such a great idea. >> carley: what do you think? >> cheryl: after cutting $120 million in budget of sfpd, san francisco mayor refunding cops with overtime, this proposal, big reversal for her, she wants police to deal with soaring crime, all things that have made national headlines because things in san francisco have gotten so bad. >> todd: doing all this two years ago. cheryl, thank you. police unions slamming the black lives matter chapter in washington, d.c. kafr complaining about the treatment of officers shot in the line of duty. tear jerker press conferences and proclamation of heroes being black in dc is more dangerous than any job. houston police officer union telling fox news digital, it is nothing new for them, they are irrelevant and have proven time and time again they don't care about black lives. it was an abhorrent statement. >> carley: 15 minutes after the hour, you heard exclusive fox news footage showing buses dropping off migrant says in the u.s., we will tell you what is going on. >> todd: and democrats resorting to desperate measures, begging members of their party to stick around. we don't have to beg sean duffy to stick around, he is contractually obligated to do so. he is next. ♪ [shouting] >> it's okay, mommy. it's okay. mommy. >> todd: dramatic rescue caught on camera. lapd officer life parents flagged him down heard the passion and fear in those parents voices. officers quickly and successfully clearly the girl's airway. she does regain consciousness taken to a nearby hospital where she was treated in stable condition right now. thank goodness for those officers. >> video gives you chills. saved that little girl's life. god bless that child. the family, all the police officers, everybody involved in that scary video. in the meantime, exclusive footage obtained by fox news shows ice contracted buses releasing dozens of buses. >> todd: joining us sean duffy. great to have you as always. how can the biden administration say that those images are okay unless this was their goal all along, seems like that. scenes like that. >> that was the goal all along. this is open borders. by the way, when joe biden took office, he promised to defend and uphold the constitution of the united states. enforce our laws. this is not enforcing our laws. this is joe biden pour cartels come in our southern border. the cartel making billions of dollars. joe biden does the second part of the mission like you are watching right here. bring them into the interior, give them a cab and paperwork and fly them to their destination around the country. this is outrageous that joe biden says i'm completely in for open borders. by the way, and you talked about this a little bit. usually we will allow families, children to come into the country, which by the way, is just a pathway around our laws, these are single men. these aren't families. these aren't women. these are single men coming into the country and joe biden processing them to shoot across the country into the interior without usually governors and mayors permission. >> this footage courtesy of bill melugin who does a great job at the border. he spoke to several of these migrants dropped off, went into an office building then they came out of the office building they were taken in cabs and they were sent off to an airport and some of those migrants told fox news they crossed that very morning, paid cartels about $2,000 and something else that bill melugin said was that this area was covered with a black tarp. and it was apparently because they were trying to do this in sort of possibly a secret way. what about the lack of transparency with all of this as well when you hear about late night flights filled with migrants going into other states that are nowhere near the border? >> yeah. listen, i think it's a good question, carley. i don't think the biden administration wants to be pans parent in regard to this policy of open borders. they want to cover it up as much as possible. which is why these migrants are coming in unmarked building, getting processed. and then they are trying to cover up when they get out and get in a cab. to your point, the cartels make $2,000 in this case $2,000 per person to come into the country, but then the american people, i'm sure, are paying for the cab ride to the airport, and then paying for the ticket to fly to whether it's miami or houston or some other part of the country, so we pay the other part of the bill. the policy doesn't make any sense. i will tell you electorally this is going to be a huge problem for democrats because as most americans look at this footage they go i thought we had laws against this. i thought we were supposed to protect our border. not just allow anyone that wants to come in to come in without any kind of background check. without any kind of health screening in the middle of covid and omicron. the policy is, i think, will not understandable. >> todd: please don't quit before the midterms. we need to you stick and fight it out. could you get any bigger of an acknowledgment that what is going to happen in november of this year is going to be an absolute blood bath for the dems. >> most americans don't like congress. poll rating 12%. >> carley: we love you though. >> sean: most people like their congressman. they have a relationship with a voter and in a tough election you want incumbent millions of dollars. reached out, done town halls. the voters actually know them and have a better shot of winning if you have an incumbent running. if an incumbent leaves and a fresh face nobody knows and a red wave coming, you are going to lose more seats no. doubt democrats are begging please don't leave, please stay. let's make this loss of 30 seats not be a loss of 45 seats. that's what's happening here. >> carley: that's absolutely right. that's also why nancy pelosi announced she is going to run for re-election for the 18th time because how bad would it be for the biden administration if she, along with 29 other people chose not to rerun for office. sean, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> todd: i missed this. >> carley: i missed this too. but we're back and with that "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> shocking video shows the mass release of migrants into the u.s., bus load after bus load. >> all mostly single adult men. those men get to use their arrest warrants to airplane you have to show i.d. >> the police officer shot in harlem has succumb to his injuries. mora 27 years old. >> internal documents reportedly showing multiple scientists were told to suppress their beliefs that the virus originated in a wuhan lab. >> that was a

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Censoring Parents , National Education Association , School Board , Disabled , Meeting , Membering , 76 , 30 , Companies , Threat , Least , Lum , Community , Educators , Stream , Safety , Propaganda , Profit , Ends , American , Special Interest Groups , Level , Coordination , Department Of Justice , Aft , Parent Group , Platforms , Treatment , Organization , Amendment , Stand Up , We Haven T , Part , Chapter , Accounts , Zuckerberg , 12 , 10 , Members , Communities , Issues , Letters , Problems , Organizations , Unions , Fight , Tech , Teachers , Unbelievable , 2022 , Florida , Desantis , Fda , Monoclonal Antibody Treatment , Biden Admin Stragsz , Tin Athanks , Estate , Inflation , Fights , Chief Financial Officer , Assistance , Hole , Backlash , Wallet , Cool , Ice Cream Parlor , Symptoms , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tremfya , L Emerge Tremfyant , Sugar , Joints Stiff , Vaccine , Doctor , Reactions , Infections , Infection , Patients , Ability , Risk , Emerge Tremfyant , Stress , Repair Metabolism , Calorie Counting , Carb Cutting , Diet Fatigue , Announcer , Meals , One Golo , Three , It , Release , Weight Loss , Optimize Insulin Levels , Dieting , Head , Hormones , Body , Golo Com , 2 Million , Weight , Leadership , Golo , Value , Everyone , Thousands , Track , Cue , Doesn T , Laura , State Leaders , Whims , Luck , Jimmy Patronis , Centers , Guest , Petronas , Covid 19 , Drugs , Approval , Monoclonal Antibody , Test Positive , Anger , Treatments , Appointment , Employees , Friends , Response , Data , Use , Against , Nothing , Political Science , Games , Science , Firefighters , My Office Filed Freedom Of Information Act , Bottom , 45000 , Solution , Weapons , State Level , Take , 19 , Treatment Centers , Options , Folks , Hospitalizations , 80 , Shot , Tools , Doing , Defeat , Facts , Things , Answers , Hhs , Promoting Medicines That Don T , Floridians , 78 , We The People , Governor , Song , Average , Revenues , Playlist , Washington D C , Frustration , Kid Rock , Disease , Toolkit , Dean , Let It Snow , Looks , Janice , Computer Models , Measurable Snow , Boston , Table , Winter Storm , Conditions , Air , Coast , Wind , New York , Chicago , Minus 11 , 25 , Minus 20 , Watches , Cold , Advisory , Wind Chill Warnings , Teens , Minus 30 , Area , Pressure , Folk , Millions , Rain , South , Nor Easter , Frontal Boundry , Mid Atlantic , News , Set , Weekend , Event , Blizzard Conditions , Bulk , I 95 , 95 , Big Blockbuster Storm Of The Winter , Some , Warnings , Maine , Del Mar , Six , Snow , App , Foxweather Com , Snow Blow , Wife , Guy Lee , 28 , Election , Democrats , Midterm , Tokd Pelosi , Guess Who , Party , Joe Concha , Quest , Receipts , Documents , Digitize , Paperwork , Invoices , Smart Organizer , Epson Rapidreceipt , Paper Documents , Tax Records , Warranties , Contracts , Market , Software , Wills , Turbotax , Quickbooks , Information , Business Cards , Recipes , Fingertips , Batch , Sizes , Contacts , Searchable Pdfs , 100 , Exclusiv Yey Y Yeyy , Commander In Chief , Leader , Intelligence , Drop , View , 6 , 14 , 37 , Crisis , Goodment Crisis , 2020 , September Of 2020 , Nancy Pelosi , Course , Speakership , Jeopardy , Colleagues , 18th Term , Griff Jenkins , Brady Or Rodgers , 18 , Rest , Retirement Rumors , Re Election , Indication , Reeshg Lected , 34 , 82 , 1987 , Admigsz , Speaker , Republicans , Opportunity , Backing , Claims , Criticism , Hoyer , Outcome , The People S Voice , 29th Democrat , Claim , Ballots , Uphill Battle For Democrats , Seat Slimmer , Saying , Retirement , Jim Cooper , Barack Obama , 2010 , 29 , 64 , Seats , Messaging , Play , Fire Pelosi , Ie , Republican , Message , Stake , Incentive , Bumper Sticker , Crime , Democratis Party , Board Sxer Education , Old Shuck Schumer , 71 , 79 , Numbers , Real Clear Politics Average , Black And White , San Francisco , District , Peep Nel , Sky , Solutions , Homelessness , Talk , Tape , Red Tsunami , House Minority Leader , Bakari Sellers , Cnn , Voters , Cleat , Tom Brady , Testimony Party , Comment , Stop , Sellers , Super Bowls , Pelosi Brady Comparisons , 40 , Nobody , Coconsistent Basis , Ice Cream , Growth , Everybody Loves , Failure , Room , White House Press Secretary , Economy , Food , Ice Cream Restaurant , Answer , Trouble , Border , Food Prices , Optic , Prices , Gas Prices , Duget , Didn T , Son , Effort , Bleep , Delaware , Ice Cream Place , Blocks , Mitch Mcconnell , Georgia , Ohio , Arizona , Shopping , Grandson , Sweatshirt , Kamala Mug , Presidency , Think , Boy , Huh , Pushback , War , President , Poll Numbers , Advice , Chocolate Flex , Scoop , Taste , Peanut Butter , Blackout Chocolate Cake , Waffle Cone , Chocolate Chip Mint , Mint Chocolate Chip , Karldz , Choking Toddler , Clock , Baby , Report , Investigation , Woman , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Ready , Save , Sale , Internet , Business , Voice , Price Guarantee , 64 99 , 4 99 , Deal , Expert Team , Installation , Prepaid Card , 500 , 24 7 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Wake Up Call , 5 , 45 , Screen , 15 , Parking Structure , Ray Kelly , Impact , Death , Ambush , Eric Adams , Crime Plan , City , Ari Fleischer , Steve , Remote , Channel , Anybody , Don T Touch The Dial , E Mails , 13 , Lab , Dr , Scientists , Advisors , Covid , Anthony Fauci , Wuhan , January Of 2020 , Cheryl , Show Scientists , Cheryl Casone , Coronavirus , Spokesperson , Up Covid , Bret Baier Sglchlts , Communist Party , Cheryl In Be 2020 , Origins , Who , Concerns , Engineers , Funding , Public , National Institute Of Health , Funtd , Cheryl Supreme Court , Businesses , Test , Vaccine Mandate , Rules , Development Occupational Safety Osha , Job Loss , Protest , Resources , Permanent Covid Standard , Budgets , Budget , Sfpd , 20 Million , 120 Million , Mayor , Proposal , Refunding Cops , Reversal , Police Unions , Headlines , Officers , Job , Press Conferences , Proclamation , Duty , Line , Heroes Being Black In Dc , Kafr , Tear Jerker , Union , Care , Migrant , Footage Showing Buses , Sean Duffy , Beg , Voices , Rescue , Fear , Passion , Camera , Shouting , Mommy , Lapd , Everybody , Girl , Hospital , Child , Condition , Chills , Consciousness , Goodness , Airway , Little Girl , God , Ice , Goal , Scenes , Cartels , Constitution Of The United States , Interior , Dollars , Cab , Cartel Making Billions , Mission , Outrageous , Pathway , Bit , Aren T Families , Governors , Mayors , Permission , Bill Melugin , Aren T Women , Building , Office Building , Several , Cabs , Sort , Black Tarp , Wall , States , Question , Transparency , Flights , Lack , Policy , Parent , Open Borders , Pans , Point , Ticket , Cab Ride , Case , Bill , Policy Doesn T , Problem , Sense , Kind , Health Screening , Background Check , Anyone , Middle , Acknowledgment , Don T , Midterms , Congressman , Voter , Dems , Blood Bath , Poll Rating , Relationship , We Love You , Face , Town Halls , Leaves , Running , Leave , Red Wave Coming , Doubt , Rerun , Fox Friends , Bus Load , Airplane , Adult , Injuries , Virus , Beliefs ,

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