Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240708 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240708

us on track to shatter the record breaking stats from the last fiscal year. this comes as our cameras capture federally contracted buses dropping off dozens of illegal migrants at a parking garage in brownsville, texas. our team watched the men get shuttled to a nearby airport, where several told us they were flying to miami, houston and atlanta after paying a cartel $2,000 to illegally cross into our country earlier that very same morning. brian, what do you make of all this? >> wow. i can see why kamala harris and the president never want to talk about the border. you see a story like this. these guys should not be in brownsville. they should not be in taxis. they should be going back home because we have title 42. we have laws in this country, the rule of law. apparently that doesn't matter. that's the story on the border. if you boil it down to one thing, it's the rule of law is being flaunted at every turn and is causing americans to say, where is my government? where is my leader? where is the person who is supposed to be guiding us out of that? gone, because they cannot explain stories like this one. >> the surge is not stopping. as i mentioned, kayleigh in the intro, thus far in this fiscal year alone, we are on track to absolutely shatter the record breaking 1.7 million encounters in last fiscal year. >> of course we are, because there is a deficit of leadership in washington, d.c. we had a president that used to care about the border. his name was president trump. we saw migration numbers come down. president biden comes in and reverses it all. so what we're seeing, emily, one of the states where it's supposed to be receiving these illegal migrants you discussed is my great home state of florida. some of those people will be in miami. this is a trend that we are seeing across the country. now that we don't have leadership in washington, you're having to see governors like governor disantis fill in that gap. in december he issued a few executive orders to try to stmyie the tide of illegal migrants coming into the state. he sent a letter to the state department and said this is an enormous cost for the state of florida. the tallahassee democrat estimates that it cost florida, get this, $2 billion with a b, in the amount of benefits paid out to illegal immigrants in the state of florida in one year alone. that's an extraordinary number. one ancillary point, the immigration crisis we saw begin to play out the beginning of last year was the tipping point and should have been an indicator of the incompetence of this presidency. it was the ground zero of the biden crisis. commonsense americans woke up and said, hey, we see incompetence at a level we've not seen in federal government. it should have been an indicator to everyone, as the media was swooning over joe biden. >> that's right. that's an extraordinary cost, kayleigh. reminder, that's our tax dollars. that is from the hard earned income of americans. that's just the financial cost. that's not even including the crime, mental health, sexual health of cost to the community. kennedy, this administration likes to reduce this issue to a gop racist narrative on their part. it's a vastly more complex issue. it's an international one as well. it's one that the majority of americans have reported that they deem a crisis that needs to be addressed, quote, immediately in these polls. >> it's not a crisis for the administration. where's the vice president? she's supposed to be in charge. she's the border czarina. what is she doing about these bus loads of men who are then being flown to different cities? it's actually quite a bargain. you get to the border. you cross. you get flown on u.s. taxpayer dime. so where is the vice president? and why isn't she crafting legislation or encouraging that with her fellow co-senators whom she used to serve with before she was the vp. why aren't they addressing this with various bills that will fix our immigration system? this right here, this is not a sign of immigration health. this is a sign of immigration disorder. the administration says one thing, but the actions run contrary to what they say. it also shows that their words have no meaning. they do not resonate with people who want to come to the united states. when the vice president goes -- they're not listening. they're doing whatever they can. they're selling whatever possessions they have left to get rid of the narco terror run hell holes they're coming from. that i can't blame them. >> it's a letdown because this vice president campaigned in part on how she would use legislation to address and combat this immigration crisis at the southern border. she said and touted that she would use her international relationships to get there. and yet we've had a big fat zero from her. kennedy mentioned crime. we touched on it earlier. recently the doj charged six residents with smuggling weapons and more to a violent cartel and the continued escalation of the international crime that heads across our borders that ends up on our streets. >> yeah. and we're basically feeding these criminals. we're basically saying, yeah, sell these dangerous weapons to the drug cartel, who are being paid by illegal immigrants to come into this country and then being released onto our streets. what incentive is there? we're basically rewarding the drug cartel and illegal immigrants. those illegal immigrants dropped off then released to head to multiple cities including miami, where obviously the drug cartel issue is a big one there, were paid $2,000. they paid $2,000 each to the drug cartel in order to come into this country, and we're just letting them free. and i also just want to touch on the fact, the massive amount of ammunition that these authorities seized. okay? this is no peanuts here. they seized six assault rifles, more than 250,000 rounds of assault rifle ammunition and more than $300,000 in weapons parts and kits to assemble what they call miniguns. where do you think this ammunition is going to be used on? possibly on border patrol custom agents, right? we're basically allowing them to come in and kill our own people and sell drugs on the street and live freefully america. i don't hear the biden administration. i certainly don't hear kamala harris, who's supposed to be attacking and figuring out what the root is. hey, kamala harris, i'll give you the root. we're allowing drugs and thugs to run our streets free. >> that's just what was found in those six defendants. contrast that or analyze it against the back drop of the 1.7 million encounters from last year. this violent cartel. they chopped the hands off of a pregnant woman, among other things. their currency, in part, is violence and fear that they cripple their citizens with and then traffic them in the second largest illicit global industry in the world, and we just stand by and let it happen, per the administration. brian, coming back to you on this. this administration has a lot to answer for, especially the upcoming midterms and in 2024. how old will their bald-faced lying narratives and messaging succeed, do you think? and will this be the straw that broke their camel's back? >> it's not succeeding, number one. people can see this. people who live on the border can see this. people in cities where migrants are being flown to can see this. we can see this problem. the issue is, they don't answer. they don't talk. we pay people to try to solve this problem. we pay people to come up with policy to deal with this, but they don't do their job. that's what everybody can see, from the president on down, nobody is doing their job. the bald-faced lies aren't working. it's already a problem. they're paying for it now. they're gonna pay in 2022. but the problem is, america is paying for it with fentanyl, with the crime, with the messed up policies in these border towns that are economically struggling, socially, because we have no rule of law on the southern border of this country. >> that's right. and then we will do our job when we go to the polls, the ballots, and vote. just ahead, thousands of american troops on high alert that could be sent to eastern europe, as president biden and our nato allies hope to keep russia from invading ukraine. the latest next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ and it's easy to get a quote at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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>> harris, he has not deescalated. he obviously continues to add forces, but we don't believe he's made a decision. if activated the nato response group would help bolster their defense capabilities. >> then you're on defense. why not make something happen before he goes in? >> and we are doing that, harris. >> harris really makes a key point there. why not do something before he goes in? julie, what it comes down to is this. for four years we had peace through strength, peace through deterrents like sanctions. instead of peace through strength, we have violence through weakness, with putin having 100,000 troops on the border. might be the biggest buildup of troops since the cold war. it is a very different foreign policy that is causing this. >> the fact that the biden administration is letting putin pull the puppet strings yet again. have we not learned years of history of not believing russia. it has repeatedly denied the fact that they are planning an invasion. we've got 8,500 u.s. troops. 100,000 russian troops on the border getting ready to do what? take a nap? go camping? i don't think so. the fact that the biden administration hasn't done anything to push forward is really scary. now, here's another thing that's scary. a limited incursion, let's say, if that were to happen, would probably be moscow's goal of dividing nato allies. what happens if that happens? if nato allies actually believe vladamir putin and his lies, that means that the possibility of sanctions against russia then dwindle. i mean, what happens with sanctions? why aren't we implementing sanctions if we know russia is planning something and they're up to no good? >> right. exactly. as national security adviser during the trump era, robert o brian said we sanctioned russia so much, there is almost nothing left to sanction. emily, if i could just put in a final point, i think it's very striking. she says if russia were to invade ukraine it would be bloody and blitzkrieg like. sources told jennifer griffin that putin is not bluffing here. that is really frightening. >> it is indeed, because the price that is paid would be with not only ukrainian lives, but american lives. and i have to point out that the democrats insisted on politicizing russia during the last administration. recall how, for years, they have essentially lashed out at calls that china was, in fact, equal or greater threat than numerous areas. they consistently decried russia during the trump administration, calling him out, arguing that he was somehow an ally of putin. now there are crickets. i wonder if that was such an important topic, such a real threat to democrats during the last four years, then why such silence now? i wonder how this president will measure up to the commander in chief, the office of the commander in chief. whether indeed americans can trust that he will bring american civilians home, that he will bring american soldiers home safely. how can we count on that when all that we have saz an example is what happened in august tragically in afghanistan, where american soldiers lost their lives and american citizens were left behind. i have no choice but to believe history will repeat itself and that, kayleigh, is frightening. >> brian i want to pull up the cover from the economist. it says a lot as to where we stand. this is from january 8th. cover reads mr. putin will see you now. a clear image of a guy who seems to be in control. in the economist, they make this point that putin's demands were so extraordinary. december 17th he listed demands out, some of which were rolling out a future nato expansion, nato not placing troops in eastern countries within its membership. he makes the point -- the economist makes the point, that these demands were so extraordinary that there's a chance maybe putin wants the west to deny the demands to give him a pretext to invade. really extraordinary there. >> yeah. he's in the driver's seat for sure. and do you want to know why? energy. we had a president before this administration who understood the geo political role of energy, of oil and gas. and now we are staring at putin with 120,000 troops on the border ready to go. but what is germany gonna do about it? they can't do anything about it because they are completely dependent on russian gas. what are we going to do about it? we under cut our production. we have made a folly of energy policy and economic policy and that is why putin, that picture is perfect. 'he's in the driver's seat. he knows it. he's going to do whatever he wants, whatever opportunity presents in the weeks and months ahead. >> so true. kennedy, i just imagine putin being on a highway and just getting green light, green light, green light. last week the minor incursion comment. green light. now dhs is telling us there may be a cyber attack from russia. watch this green light he gave just last year. >> i talked about the proposition that certain critical infrastructure should be off limits to attack, period, by cyber or any other means. i gave them a list. i gave them a list, 16 specific entities. 16 defined as critical infrastructure under u.s. policy. >> why did putin get a list? why wasn't it no cyber attacks ever? i'm the commander in chief of the most powerful country in the world? >> why 16? couple things here. i want to give shout outs to emily. brian, emily's right. history is doomed to repeat itself. we don't learn things from failed wars in this country especially when you have people like a president who's in mental decline, a secretary of state and secretary of defense who shouldn't be in that position at all. between the three of them, i don't trust them to solve this moderately or aggressively, certainly. we've got 150 american advisers already in ukraine. that's pretty much how we started out in vietnam. if you look at afghanistan, we didn't define what victory would look like. we didn't define our terms. so that went on for 20 years. but now you're dealing with a nuclear power. there are hawks on both sides telling this president, who doesn't even know what flavor of ice cream he's eating, that he should push forward and engage with a nuclear power? i think that's a god awful idea. this administration can't even get americans out of ukraine right now. they're telling them, they're probably blaming americans, but the president admitted that we should be talking about that more. there are so many ways this could end badly. and a lot of people say this president isn't even in charge. my fear is that he is, that he is the one calling the shots. >> we're just one year into the biden presidency. it's really scary times, folks. coming up, president biden caught on a hot mic cursing at fox news reporter peter doocey. it's not the first time the president lashed out at reporters. so where's the media outrage over the attacks on the press? >> another hot mic moment for president biden, who had some choice words for our own peter doocey after being asked about inflation. >> do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms? >> that's a great asset. what a stupid -- [ bleep ] >> wow. despite the president's promise to respect the media, this isn't the first time biden has lost his cool with reporters. >> thank you. thank you. >> no, i didn't say that. look what i said. go back and read what i said. >> mr. president, can i ask you a question? >> no, i can't. >> why are you so confident he'll change his behavior, mr. president? >> i'm not confident. >> kennedy, this was mr. unity, mr. decency, mr. dignity who, on his first day of office, promised the american people this. listen. i'm not joking when i say this. if you are ever working with me and i hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, i promise you i will fire you on the spot. on the spot. no if, ands or buts. >> kennedy, he set the standard. is he living up to it? >> no. if they were candy, he could sprinkle them on his ice cream. no. if he were living up to his own standard, he would be resigning. instead he called our sweet beloved angel last night and said, is this peter? yes, mr. president, it is. what do you want for christmas? that's how the conversation went. [ laughter ] >> exactly how it went. you are a journalist. if this had happened -- it did happen on trump's watch. he would go after reporters. oftentimes it would dominate my briefings. there would be endless reportings on cnn. i'm not seeing the journalists stick up for one another. i want to play this sound bite. this is the incoming president for the white house correspondent association reporting on the matter very vanilla fashion. here's kelly o donnell. >> he made the point that he does not like when questions are asked about a subject other than the planned event which in this case was about middle class families and the economy. >> white house press secretary jen psaki holding a briefing. >> -- one of those avenues could be placement in an alternative to detention program in the interior of the united states. sometimes that means moving migrants to other parts of the united states to move to different detention facilities where they wait for next steps in the immigration process, such as a court hearing and are required to check in with their local ice office. that is certainly something that is happening out there in the country and is consistent with our policy. >> you mentioned they're supposed to check in at a local ice office. we know just between march and august, which is a very small sample size, one of 47,000 of these migrants that were given notices to report did not show up. why let them into the u.s. unsupervised in the first place? >> well, again. we have a stringent protocol and processes that we implement here that includes expelling individuals who come in under title 42, given we are still in a global pandemic and those who do not show up will be subject to repercussions of that. that is the policy we're implementing from our homeland security department. >> okay. on ukraine, president biden met with putin in person in june in geneva. afterwards he said the two arrived at a conclusion. he said it is clearly not in anybody's interest, your country's or mine, for us to be in a situation where we're in a new cold war and i truly believes he thinks he understands that. has the president changed his opinion about what putin thinks? >> are you suggesting we're in a new cold war? >> i'm just asking, it seems like the president thought in june that things were gonna be good. right now things are not looking good. >> i don't actually think that's what the president said. he gave an extensive press conference where he conveyed that it wouldn't happen overnight and there was work that we could do together. if that's how you approach a diplomatic relationship. you are vocal. there are consequences when you disagree and when you have strong concerns. you've seen us implement those. you still look for places and areas where you can work together. that's how it remains we're working with russia. >> a buzz feed report suggesting the ukrainian government is upset the u.s. pulled citizens out of ukraine before many other countries did. a report says a source close to ukraine president thinks those americans are safer in kiev than in los angeles. what do you make of that? >> we are always going to make decisions in the security interest of people who are serving as diplomats around the world. we have assessments made by the state department, hence the decision and announcement made over the last couple of days and the fact that we've put in a level 4 advisory in october, conveying clearly to americans they should leave ukraine. look, i will let others assess, but there are 100,000 russian troops on the border of ukraine and no clarity that the leader of russia doesn't intend to invade. that sounds pretty dangerous to me. i would also say the ukrainian leaders have welcomed the security assistance and they have even met us at the airport, that we have been providing over the course of the last several days. that seems to be contradicting that assessment. >> last one. secretary of state a few days ago tweeted i hash tag stand with ukraine. has that ever worked at stopping an authoritarian regime from doing anything? a hash tag? >> i will have to say that unlike the last administration, we don't think twitter is the on means of engaging or negotiating or discussing important topics but it is important for us to convey to the ukrainian people, who do view commentary. i don't know how many are fox news watchers. many of them. including social media. that we stand with them and support them. that includes protecting the sovereignty of their country. go ahead. >> you mentioned german chancellor. do you have a date on that? >> not yet. hopefully we'll have one soon. >> jen psaki with our own peter doocey answering some questions on the russia/ukrainian questions. answering questions on fox news reporting about the illegal migrants being released into the united states. pretty extraordinary, emily, when peter doocey questioned her, he said 47,000 migrants have been given notices to appear and they're just released into the interior of the country, to which psaki replied, they are going to be held accountable. how are they going to be held accountable when notices to appear can be used on airports to engage in domestic travel. that does not seem like responsibility. >> no. what we are hearing from the white house and what is happening that is supported by multiple media reporting. by videos, by so many reliable outlets, reliable stories, is just growing more and more by the day. it's really difficult to listen to statements like that when you know it's not true. as peter's colleague, it's a little disturbing as well that there's a constant tension with the answers and the back and forth from jen psaki to him. i felt there was an unnecessary sort of swipe taken at him when he asked as well about the secretary of state tweeting a hash tag. i think, as you pointed out, an administration that resolved to be unifying, that resolved to commit to dignity of every american, every employee and all of us who have one president and vice president together. it is disheartening that day after day after day it seems to be undercut by their own statements and actions. dove tails to what we were talking about. this is so beneath the office of the presidency. it's so beneath the office of the commander in chief. instead, this is someone's angry uncle. this is someone you don't want at your dinner table. this is the guy, you're bummed when someone brings him to the bar. don't bring that guy. this guy is superrude. this guy sucks. and yet this guy is in the white house and it will have much dire consequences. >> definitely. one thing that stood out to me in jen psaki's answer. first time peter questioned her on the russian tension, she suggested, are you suggesting there will be a cold war? in the very next breath she defended being one of the only countries with families from the region. she said there's 100,000 troops on the border. that seems like a dangerous situation. you can't have your cake and eat it too. which is it? >> you want peter to say, is it a new cold war? it sounds like that's what you're talking about here. here's the problem. it feels like this administration on this issue has been a day late and dollar short all year long. the president misassessed the situation that he made a crucial error in speaking about it last week. now it feels like we're playing catchup. peter's just asking some very simple questions here. if we're pulling people out of this country, what does it mean? would you please tell us what's really going on and what you really think is going to happen? and they just don't have an answer, which is why it's been cleanup for a week, going on more than a week now. cleanup, cleanup, cleanup. but nothing you can tell the american people about what we're trying to do, what we're trying to accomplish and how we're gonna get there. >> his final question, he talked about hash tag foreign policy. that happened over the weekend when anthony blinken saying hash tag we stand with ukraine. rather than answering that directly, how that's going to stop russia, she took a swipe at the previous administration and twitter. i think these dismissive comments. god forbid if something happens in ukraine will really come back to bite the white house. >> first of all, it's such a cheap shot to take a shot at the former administration when this administration is using twitter, hence the reason peter mentioned that question. she also made mention of the fact that we are so curious about ukraine when that wasn't the sentiment when they pulled troops out of afghanistan and left a bunch of americans there stranded. so it's interesting to watch this administration and the press secretary speak from both sides of her mouth. then as far as her comments and the president's comments toward peter doocey, they did him the greatest favor ever. i would be honored to be called a stupid sob by this administration. it's actually a compliment. >> no doubt. peter handled himself with such class and dignity, unlike general acosta, he didn't use that moment to question jen psaki about himself and the personal comment. instead, he asked questions for the american people. good for peter doocey. >> police unions are slamming the black lives matter chapter in washington, d.c. after the group complained that cops who are shot in the line of duty are automatically treated as heroes. you heard that right. this is right after a dc cop was shot sunday night. the city's blm chapter tweeted this as it warned against what it calls copaganda. this is the point we've been making for months. look at the reaction and coverage tonight. tear jerker press conferences and proclamations of heroes coming soon. imagine if people knew these folks names. being black in dc is more dangerous than any job. the head of the houston police union tells fox news he's not surprised. quote, it's nothing new for them. as far as i'm concerned, they're eur rel hrapbt, he says. most people see through their, for lack of a better term, bs. it's all about money for them. they've proven time and time again they really don't care about black lives. if that was the case, they would be protesting all shootings, not just those by police. it's silly to even give them credit for anything, knowing what their agenda is. kennedy, it's difficult for me to even read the horrific sentiment coming out of that chapter. your thoughts? >> if you're worried about preserving lives, then work with law enforcement. i look at some of these people who respond to these calls. domestic violence calls can be some of the most deadly. they know what they're getting into. they know when they wear the badge that they are going into situations where they are targeted. blm has been a large part of that demonizing the police. if you want to preserve life -- that should be the aim for everybody, not just cops. and, of course, there are ways to clean up police departments and get rid of bad cops and make sure that you have good people on the street who are engaging with the community. that is what we should all want. but it goes back to respecting and protecting lives. it is dangerous to be black in places like chicago and dc. it's very dangerous. we should be protecting kids who are getting hit by stray bullets and stop with the division. it's not making anything better. >> that's exactly right. kayleigh, meanwhile, the collateral damage is just as frightening as cops losing their lives in the line of duty. in baltimore after a study for the past five years, children, leading cause of death for them in unusual or unnatural circumstances is homicide, for children. >> it's such a tragedy. we highlight their names on the show. we say them. secoria turner. among many other children. the administration, they have a responsibility right now, there was a great op ed on fox the title says it all. while democrats call for defunding police, officers were killed at a high rate. he takes us through the numbers. one of the things i heard the press secretary say, she says it often when asked about crime. when did crime start going up? it started going up in 2020. president trump was president then. yes, but why did crime start going up? why are we seeing homicides at this rate? it dove tailed exactly with the defund the police movement. it dove tailed with candidate joe biden being very wishy washy on defend the police at one point saying, yes, i support redirecting funds. so to get elected he flirted with the defund the police movement. now it's his responsibility to call out the defund the police movement. give national addresses on crime. do listening sessions with these families. you are part of the reason we are here. now go fix it. >> kennedy mentioned the community of which officers are a part. just on friday night when, tragically, jason rivera, officer jason rivera was shot in an ambush responding to a call. he had written a letter of intent discussing that. saying the reason he wanted to become a police officer was to foster that relationship. to build the community up and to build that bridge between law enforcement and the community because they are the same thing. now he has lost his life. do you know what? he is a hero. i call him a hero and i know you all do, too. >> yep. yeah. i mean, for black lives matter to actually say that a cop responding to a domestic violence call because he was there to protect somebody, a citizen of the community, not a hero, he lost his life because the mother of some thug, who's got a criminal rap sheet longer than i can list in the program, okay, bail reform got him out. he got to reoffend. he had two very dangerous weapons in his possession. his mother called the police for help. this was an african-american family that the police were going to help. and black lives matter are now saying this guy wasn't a hero for going to protect a black citizen of harlem? it just makes absolutely no sense. for black lives matter to come out here and throw hate at cops who are trying to do good. this officer, rookie officer, 22 years old. his one dream in life was to become a police officer. he enlisted with the nypd, which he called the greatest police department in the country back in 2020, at the height of the pandemic when things are at its worst because he wanted to help unite communities. it's a slap in the face for the black lives matter community to actually put him down. i'm disgusted. >> amen. just ahead, a california mom filed a lawsuit claiming teachers manipulated her 11-year-old daughter into changing her gender identity. a parent's fight against activist teachers next. living with diabetes? 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[limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> big show coming up. nikki haley on neglecting our children's mental health during the pandemic. plus former home depot ceo responds to president biden latest attacks on businesses for rising prices. why he says the blame lies solely with the president for inflation. and katie pavlich weighs in on the mask debate. come join john and me as america reports on this tuesday afternoon, top of the hour. see you then. >> a california mother now suing two teachers and the school district officials after claiming they manipulated her middle school daughter into changing her gender identity. jessica conan says two teachers manipulated her 11-year-old to secretly change her gender. she also claims the teachers were seeking out students who they thought were struggling with their identities and invited them to the school's equality club. they then hid student participation under the guise of the district's so called parental secret policy. watch. >> you teachers, teaching predatory information to a young child, a mindful child who doesn't know anything. you took away my child. i didn't even get to show support. you asked for support. i didn't get it. your job was to educate my child in math, science, english, etc. do your job and let me do mine. >> kennedy, the comment there to me was her saying, i didn't even get to show support. the teachers removed the ability for her to even know what was going on, so that she could show up for her daughter. >> yeah. it's not just this subject, it's pretty much everything. the point of teachers unions is to divorce parents from the classroom and the process and have as much control as they possibly can over kids' lives. guess what? it is national school choice week. and it is tailor made for issues like this. if you don't like what your child is being taught in school, demand that the money follows your learner so they can go to a school and a program that better suits them. and we need to end this cycle of educational violence with teachers unions and the rest of the hostages we call our children. >> julie, kennedy's right. we heard coming out of the los angeles school district, teachers were bribing kids essentially with pizza to vaccinate them, removing the choice of parents to have their control and decisions over their children's physical health and decisions. >> yeah. first of all, these teachers have one job, and it's to educate and teach. i mean history books, which they want to eradicate. history books, math, ela, grammar. that's what i want teachers to teach my child. i have an 11-year-old daughter. so help me god if one of the administrators had tried to teach my child what gender she is, she, i would sue the heck out of the school. as far as this girl, if she's got issues with bisexuality, maybe she doesn't talk to her mom about it, that's up to her mother and her to have that conversation. but the fact that these teachers actually think that they have a place. i don't even honestly feel comfortable with sex education in my child's classroom. they do have a health class where they do talk to stuff. when they get to the point where my child has to learn about it, i want it to come from me not another adult. my 11-year-old is very naive and innocent. i don't need a teacher screwing up the raising i have been doing with my children. >> the audacity of these teachers and the unions who feel they know what's better for the students than parents is not shocking when you realize the administration has been supporting this. administration has created this monster rewarding them with policy based on them badgering the administration here. >> the administration lets the teachers union dictate cdc guidelines. secrecy plan. that is stunning, emily. this is no longer we want to hide critical race theory in our lesson plan from parents. it's bigger than that. it's not, we want to mask your kids. we want to coach them on their gender identity and not tell parents? it is disgusting. they said they actively identified and sought out kids they thought were grappling or confused about their gender. how did they identify though kids? what were the parameters they used to say, little johnny, little sally, you're a candidate for a secret class that we will hide from their mother. let that set up. parent secrecy policy. >> horrifying. that is horrifying, brian. >> we keep calling them teachers. i don't know if they deserve that title. i think they're activists and ideological predators in the guise of being teachers in these classrooms, and they have made parents the enemies. that is the play here. they tell the student, your parent is an enemy. they create policy that says your parent is an enemy. when the parent speaks up, they tell the parent you're the enemy. instead of working with parents, they marginalize parents. that is at the heart of this project. i can resonate with that mom's emotions 110%. they are trying to steal her daughter out from under her. that is a tragedy. this is not teaching. this is ideological activism. >> on the other side, for example, we have governor youngkin who created a portal for parents to be able to submit stories like this so they can turn it around there at least. all right. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. stay with us. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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do contracts belong in friendships? >> tell a teenager not to gossip, you can't even tell me not to gossip, teenagers are never going to stop gossiping. i'm peeved off i did not think about this, it would have saved me so many fights with girlfriends in high school. i don't know if you did this, i was one of the really awful people in high school where i used to make a three-way phone call and talk to somebody and talk badly about the person that was silently on the three-way call, and bash them. i did that more times than i'm willing to admit. n.d.a. would be helpful. >> i could see you doing that, julie. >> probably losing friends like flies. >> watch out for the kennedys, jesus, watch out for the bus. it's -- man, if you need an n.d.a., you need better friends because if you cannot trust the friends, then those are not friends and you, you know, like friendship is sacred, and that goes beyond a piece of paper, emily, unenforceible. love you all, "america reports" is next. >> sandra: major legal setback for one of the states with the harshest covid restrictions. state supreme court judge has ruled the new york governor indoor mask mandate is unlawful. >> john: she enforced the masked mandate as the country was bracing for omicron in december. the ruling overturns the statewide mandate for masks in schools and public places but does not reverse local mandates that remain in place. >> sandra: growing concerns on the escalating conflict in ukraine. 8500 u.s. troops are

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240708

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us on track to shatter the record breaking stats from the last fiscal year. this comes as our cameras capture federally contracted buses dropping off dozens of illegal migrants at a parking garage in brownsville, texas. our team watched the men get shuttled to a nearby airport, where several told us they were flying to miami, houston and atlanta after paying a cartel $2,000 to illegally cross into our country earlier that very same morning. brian, what do you make of all this? >> wow. i can see why kamala harris and the president never want to talk about the border. you see a story like this. these guys should not be in brownsville. they should not be in taxis. they should be going back home because we have title 42. we have laws in this country, the rule of law. apparently that doesn't matter. that's the story on the border. if you boil it down to one thing, it's the rule of law is being flaunted at every turn and is causing americans to say, where is my government? where is my leader? where is the person who is supposed to be guiding us out of that? gone, because they cannot explain stories like this one. >> the surge is not stopping. as i mentioned, kayleigh in the intro, thus far in this fiscal year alone, we are on track to absolutely shatter the record breaking 1.7 million encounters in last fiscal year. >> of course we are, because there is a deficit of leadership in washington, d.c. we had a president that used to care about the border. his name was president trump. we saw migration numbers come down. president biden comes in and reverses it all. so what we're seeing, emily, one of the states where it's supposed to be receiving these illegal migrants you discussed is my great home state of florida. some of those people will be in miami. this is a trend that we are seeing across the country. now that we don't have leadership in washington, you're having to see governors like governor disantis fill in that gap. in december he issued a few executive orders to try to stmyie the tide of illegal migrants coming into the state. he sent a letter to the state department and said this is an enormous cost for the state of florida. the tallahassee democrat estimates that it cost florida, get this, $2 billion with a b, in the amount of benefits paid out to illegal immigrants in the state of florida in one year alone. that's an extraordinary number. one ancillary point, the immigration crisis we saw begin to play out the beginning of last year was the tipping point and should have been an indicator of the incompetence of this presidency. it was the ground zero of the biden crisis. commonsense americans woke up and said, hey, we see incompetence at a level we've not seen in federal government. it should have been an indicator to everyone, as the media was swooning over joe biden. >> that's right. that's an extraordinary cost, kayleigh. reminder, that's our tax dollars. that is from the hard earned income of americans. that's just the financial cost. that's not even including the crime, mental health, sexual health of cost to the community. kennedy, this administration likes to reduce this issue to a gop racist narrative on their part. it's a vastly more complex issue. it's an international one as well. it's one that the majority of americans have reported that they deem a crisis that needs to be addressed, quote, immediately in these polls. >> it's not a crisis for the administration. where's the vice president? she's supposed to be in charge. she's the border czarina. what is she doing about these bus loads of men who are then being flown to different cities? it's actually quite a bargain. you get to the border. you cross. you get flown on u.s. taxpayer dime. so where is the vice president? and why isn't she crafting legislation or encouraging that with her fellow co-senators whom she used to serve with before she was the vp. why aren't they addressing this with various bills that will fix our immigration system? this right here, this is not a sign of immigration health. this is a sign of immigration disorder. the administration says one thing, but the actions run contrary to what they say. it also shows that their words have no meaning. they do not resonate with people who want to come to the united states. when the vice president goes -- they're not listening. they're doing whatever they can. they're selling whatever possessions they have left to get rid of the narco terror run hell holes they're coming from. that i can't blame them. >> it's a letdown because this vice president campaigned in part on how she would use legislation to address and combat this immigration crisis at the southern border. she said and touted that she would use her international relationships to get there. and yet we've had a big fat zero from her. kennedy mentioned crime. we touched on it earlier. recently the doj charged six residents with smuggling weapons and more to a violent cartel and the continued escalation of the international crime that heads across our borders that ends up on our streets. >> yeah. and we're basically feeding these criminals. we're basically saying, yeah, sell these dangerous weapons to the drug cartel, who are being paid by illegal immigrants to come into this country and then being released onto our streets. what incentive is there? we're basically rewarding the drug cartel and illegal immigrants. those illegal immigrants dropped off then released to head to multiple cities including miami, where obviously the drug cartel issue is a big one there, were paid $2,000. they paid $2,000 each to the drug cartel in order to come into this country, and we're just letting them free. and i also just want to touch on the fact, the massive amount of ammunition that these authorities seized. okay? this is no peanuts here. they seized six assault rifles, more than 250,000 rounds of assault rifle ammunition and more than $300,000 in weapons parts and kits to assemble what they call miniguns. where do you think this ammunition is going to be used on? possibly on border patrol custom agents, right? we're basically allowing them to come in and kill our own people and sell drugs on the street and live freefully america. i don't hear the biden administration. i certainly don't hear kamala harris, who's supposed to be attacking and figuring out what the root is. hey, kamala harris, i'll give you the root. we're allowing drugs and thugs to run our streets free. >> that's just what was found in those six defendants. contrast that or analyze it against the back drop of the 1.7 million encounters from last year. this violent cartel. they chopped the hands off of a pregnant woman, among other things. their currency, in part, is violence and fear that they cripple their citizens with and then traffic them in the second largest illicit global industry in the world, and we just stand by and let it happen, per the administration. brian, coming back to you on this. this administration has a lot to answer for, especially the upcoming midterms and in 2024. how old will their bald-faced lying narratives and messaging succeed, do you think? and will this be the straw that broke their camel's back? >> it's not succeeding, number one. people can see this. people who live on the border can see this. people in cities where migrants are being flown to can see this. we can see this problem. the issue is, they don't answer. they don't talk. we pay people to try to solve this problem. we pay people to come up with policy to deal with this, but they don't do their job. that's what everybody can see, from the president on down, nobody is doing their job. the bald-faced lies aren't working. it's already a problem. they're paying for it now. they're gonna pay in 2022. but the problem is, america is paying for it with fentanyl, with the crime, with the messed up policies in these border towns that are economically struggling, socially, because we have no rule of law on the southern border of this country. >> that's right. and then we will do our job when we go to the polls, the ballots, and vote. just ahead, thousands of american troops on high alert that could be sent to eastern europe, as president biden and our nato allies hope to keep russia from invading ukraine. the latest next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ and it's easy to get a quote at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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>> harris, he has not deescalated. he obviously continues to add forces, but we don't believe he's made a decision. if activated the nato response group would help bolster their defense capabilities. >> then you're on defense. why not make something happen before he goes in? >> and we are doing that, harris. >> harris really makes a key point there. why not do something before he goes in? julie, what it comes down to is this. for four years we had peace through strength, peace through deterrents like sanctions. instead of peace through strength, we have violence through weakness, with putin having 100,000 troops on the border. might be the biggest buildup of troops since the cold war. it is a very different foreign policy that is causing this. >> the fact that the biden administration is letting putin pull the puppet strings yet again. have we not learned years of history of not believing russia. it has repeatedly denied the fact that they are planning an invasion. we've got 8,500 u.s. troops. 100,000 russian troops on the border getting ready to do what? take a nap? go camping? i don't think so. the fact that the biden administration hasn't done anything to push forward is really scary. now, here's another thing that's scary. a limited incursion, let's say, if that were to happen, would probably be moscow's goal of dividing nato allies. what happens if that happens? if nato allies actually believe vladamir putin and his lies, that means that the possibility of sanctions against russia then dwindle. i mean, what happens with sanctions? why aren't we implementing sanctions if we know russia is planning something and they're up to no good? >> right. exactly. as national security adviser during the trump era, robert o brian said we sanctioned russia so much, there is almost nothing left to sanction. emily, if i could just put in a final point, i think it's very striking. she says if russia were to invade ukraine it would be bloody and blitzkrieg like. sources told jennifer griffin that putin is not bluffing here. that is really frightening. >> it is indeed, because the price that is paid would be with not only ukrainian lives, but american lives. and i have to point out that the democrats insisted on politicizing russia during the last administration. recall how, for years, they have essentially lashed out at calls that china was, in fact, equal or greater threat than numerous areas. they consistently decried russia during the trump administration, calling him out, arguing that he was somehow an ally of putin. now there are crickets. i wonder if that was such an important topic, such a real threat to democrats during the last four years, then why such silence now? i wonder how this president will measure up to the commander in chief, the office of the commander in chief. whether indeed americans can trust that he will bring american civilians home, that he will bring american soldiers home safely. how can we count on that when all that we have saz an example is what happened in august tragically in afghanistan, where american soldiers lost their lives and american citizens were left behind. i have no choice but to believe history will repeat itself and that, kayleigh, is frightening. >> brian i want to pull up the cover from the economist. it says a lot as to where we stand. this is from january 8th. cover reads mr. putin will see you now. a clear image of a guy who seems to be in control. in the economist, they make this point that putin's demands were so extraordinary. december 17th he listed demands out, some of which were rolling out a future nato expansion, nato not placing troops in eastern countries within its membership. he makes the point -- the economist makes the point, that these demands were so extraordinary that there's a chance maybe putin wants the west to deny the demands to give him a pretext to invade. really extraordinary there. >> yeah. he's in the driver's seat for sure. and do you want to know why? energy. we had a president before this administration who understood the geo political role of energy, of oil and gas. and now we are staring at putin with 120,000 troops on the border ready to go. but what is germany gonna do about it? they can't do anything about it because they are completely dependent on russian gas. what are we going to do about it? we under cut our production. we have made a folly of energy policy and economic policy and that is why putin, that picture is perfect. 'he's in the driver's seat. he knows it. he's going to do whatever he wants, whatever opportunity presents in the weeks and months ahead. >> so true. kennedy, i just imagine putin being on a highway and just getting green light, green light, green light. last week the minor incursion comment. green light. now dhs is telling us there may be a cyber attack from russia. watch this green light he gave just last year. >> i talked about the proposition that certain critical infrastructure should be off limits to attack, period, by cyber or any other means. i gave them a list. i gave them a list, 16 specific entities. 16 defined as critical infrastructure under u.s. policy. >> why did putin get a list? why wasn't it no cyber attacks ever? i'm the commander in chief of the most powerful country in the world? >> why 16? couple things here. i want to give shout outs to emily. brian, emily's right. history is doomed to repeat itself. we don't learn things from failed wars in this country especially when you have people like a president who's in mental decline, a secretary of state and secretary of defense who shouldn't be in that position at all. between the three of them, i don't trust them to solve this moderately or aggressively, certainly. we've got 150 american advisers already in ukraine. that's pretty much how we started out in vietnam. if you look at afghanistan, we didn't define what victory would look like. we didn't define our terms. so that went on for 20 years. but now you're dealing with a nuclear power. there are hawks on both sides telling this president, who doesn't even know what flavor of ice cream he's eating, that he should push forward and engage with a nuclear power? i think that's a god awful idea. this administration can't even get americans out of ukraine right now. they're telling them, they're probably blaming americans, but the president admitted that we should be talking about that more. there are so many ways this could end badly. and a lot of people say this president isn't even in charge. my fear is that he is, that he is the one calling the shots. >> we're just one year into the biden presidency. it's really scary times, folks. coming up, president biden caught on a hot mic cursing at fox news reporter peter doocey. it's not the first time the president lashed out at reporters. so where's the media outrage over the attacks on the press? >> another hot mic moment for president biden, who had some choice words for our own peter doocey after being asked about inflation. >> do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms? >> that's a great asset. what a stupid -- [ bleep ] >> wow. despite the president's promise to respect the media, this isn't the first time biden has lost his cool with reporters. >> thank you. thank you. >> no, i didn't say that. look what i said. go back and read what i said. >> mr. president, can i ask you a question? >> no, i can't. >> why are you so confident he'll change his behavior, mr. president? >> i'm not confident. >> kennedy, this was mr. unity, mr. decency, mr. dignity who, on his first day of office, promised the american people this. listen. i'm not joking when i say this. if you are ever working with me and i hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, i promise you i will fire you on the spot. on the spot. no if, ands or buts. >> kennedy, he set the standard. is he living up to it? >> no. if they were candy, he could sprinkle them on his ice cream. no. if he were living up to his own standard, he would be resigning. instead he called our sweet beloved angel last night and said, is this peter? yes, mr. president, it is. what do you want for christmas? that's how the conversation went. [ laughter ] >> exactly how it went. you are a journalist. if this had happened -- it did happen on trump's watch. he would go after reporters. oftentimes it would dominate my briefings. there would be endless reportings on cnn. i'm not seeing the journalists stick up for one another. i want to play this sound bite. this is the incoming president for the white house correspondent association reporting on the matter very vanilla fashion. here's kelly o donnell. >> he made the point that he does not like when questions are asked about a subject other than the planned event which in this case was about middle class families and the economy. >> white house press secretary jen psaki holding a briefing. >> -- one of those avenues could be placement in an alternative to detention program in the interior of the united states. sometimes that means moving migrants to other parts of the united states to move to different detention facilities where they wait for next steps in the immigration process, such as a court hearing and are required to check in with their local ice office. that is certainly something that is happening out there in the country and is consistent with our policy. >> you mentioned they're supposed to check in at a local ice office. we know just between march and august, which is a very small sample size, one of 47,000 of these migrants that were given notices to report did not show up. why let them into the u.s. unsupervised in the first place? >> well, again. we have a stringent protocol and processes that we implement here that includes expelling individuals who come in under title 42, given we are still in a global pandemic and those who do not show up will be subject to repercussions of that. that is the policy we're implementing from our homeland security department. >> okay. on ukraine, president biden met with putin in person in june in geneva. afterwards he said the two arrived at a conclusion. he said it is clearly not in anybody's interest, your country's or mine, for us to be in a situation where we're in a new cold war and i truly believes he thinks he understands that. has the president changed his opinion about what putin thinks? >> are you suggesting we're in a new cold war? >> i'm just asking, it seems like the president thought in june that things were gonna be good. right now things are not looking good. >> i don't actually think that's what the president said. he gave an extensive press conference where he conveyed that it wouldn't happen overnight and there was work that we could do together. if that's how you approach a diplomatic relationship. you are vocal. there are consequences when you disagree and when you have strong concerns. you've seen us implement those. you still look for places and areas where you can work together. that's how it remains we're working with russia. >> a buzz feed report suggesting the ukrainian government is upset the u.s. pulled citizens out of ukraine before many other countries did. a report says a source close to ukraine president thinks those americans are safer in kiev than in los angeles. what do you make of that? >> we are always going to make decisions in the security interest of people who are serving as diplomats around the world. we have assessments made by the state department, hence the decision and announcement made over the last couple of days and the fact that we've put in a level 4 advisory in october, conveying clearly to americans they should leave ukraine. look, i will let others assess, but there are 100,000 russian troops on the border of ukraine and no clarity that the leader of russia doesn't intend to invade. that sounds pretty dangerous to me. i would also say the ukrainian leaders have welcomed the security assistance and they have even met us at the airport, that we have been providing over the course of the last several days. that seems to be contradicting that assessment. >> last one. secretary of state a few days ago tweeted i hash tag stand with ukraine. has that ever worked at stopping an authoritarian regime from doing anything? a hash tag? >> i will have to say that unlike the last administration, we don't think twitter is the on means of engaging or negotiating or discussing important topics but it is important for us to convey to the ukrainian people, who do view commentary. i don't know how many are fox news watchers. many of them. including social media. that we stand with them and support them. that includes protecting the sovereignty of their country. go ahead. >> you mentioned german chancellor. do you have a date on that? >> not yet. hopefully we'll have one soon. >> jen psaki with our own peter doocey answering some questions on the russia/ukrainian questions. answering questions on fox news reporting about the illegal migrants being released into the united states. pretty extraordinary, emily, when peter doocey questioned her, he said 47,000 migrants have been given notices to appear and they're just released into the interior of the country, to which psaki replied, they are going to be held accountable. how are they going to be held accountable when notices to appear can be used on airports to engage in domestic travel. that does not seem like responsibility. >> no. what we are hearing from the white house and what is happening that is supported by multiple media reporting. by videos, by so many reliable outlets, reliable stories, is just growing more and more by the day. it's really difficult to listen to statements like that when you know it's not true. as peter's colleague, it's a little disturbing as well that there's a constant tension with the answers and the back and forth from jen psaki to him. i felt there was an unnecessary sort of swipe taken at him when he asked as well about the secretary of state tweeting a hash tag. i think, as you pointed out, an administration that resolved to be unifying, that resolved to commit to dignity of every american, every employee and all of us who have one president and vice president together. it is disheartening that day after day after day it seems to be undercut by their own statements and actions. dove tails to what we were talking about. this is so beneath the office of the presidency. it's so beneath the office of the commander in chief. instead, this is someone's angry uncle. this is someone you don't want at your dinner table. this is the guy, you're bummed when someone brings him to the bar. don't bring that guy. this guy is superrude. this guy sucks. and yet this guy is in the white house and it will have much dire consequences. >> definitely. one thing that stood out to me in jen psaki's answer. first time peter questioned her on the russian tension, she suggested, are you suggesting there will be a cold war? in the very next breath she defended being one of the only countries with families from the region. she said there's 100,000 troops on the border. that seems like a dangerous situation. you can't have your cake and eat it too. which is it? >> you want peter to say, is it a new cold war? it sounds like that's what you're talking about here. here's the problem. it feels like this administration on this issue has been a day late and dollar short all year long. the president misassessed the situation that he made a crucial error in speaking about it last week. now it feels like we're playing catchup. peter's just asking some very simple questions here. if we're pulling people out of this country, what does it mean? would you please tell us what's really going on and what you really think is going to happen? and they just don't have an answer, which is why it's been cleanup for a week, going on more than a week now. cleanup, cleanup, cleanup. but nothing you can tell the american people about what we're trying to do, what we're trying to accomplish and how we're gonna get there. >> his final question, he talked about hash tag foreign policy. that happened over the weekend when anthony blinken saying hash tag we stand with ukraine. rather than answering that directly, how that's going to stop russia, she took a swipe at the previous administration and twitter. i think these dismissive comments. god forbid if something happens in ukraine will really come back to bite the white house. >> first of all, it's such a cheap shot to take a shot at the former administration when this administration is using twitter, hence the reason peter mentioned that question. she also made mention of the fact that we are so curious about ukraine when that wasn't the sentiment when they pulled troops out of afghanistan and left a bunch of americans there stranded. so it's interesting to watch this administration and the press secretary speak from both sides of her mouth. then as far as her comments and the president's comments toward peter doocey, they did him the greatest favor ever. i would be honored to be called a stupid sob by this administration. it's actually a compliment. >> no doubt. peter handled himself with such class and dignity, unlike general acosta, he didn't use that moment to question jen psaki about himself and the personal comment. instead, he asked questions for the american people. good for peter doocey. >> police unions are slamming the black lives matter chapter in washington, d.c. after the group complained that cops who are shot in the line of duty are automatically treated as heroes. you heard that right. this is right after a dc cop was shot sunday night. the city's blm chapter tweeted this as it warned against what it calls copaganda. this is the point we've been making for months. look at the reaction and coverage tonight. tear jerker press conferences and proclamations of heroes coming soon. imagine if people knew these folks names. being black in dc is more dangerous than any job. the head of the houston police union tells fox news he's not surprised. quote, it's nothing new for them. as far as i'm concerned, they're eur rel hrapbt, he says. most people see through their, for lack of a better term, bs. it's all about money for them. they've proven time and time again they really don't care about black lives. if that was the case, they would be protesting all shootings, not just those by police. it's silly to even give them credit for anything, knowing what their agenda is. kennedy, it's difficult for me to even read the horrific sentiment coming out of that chapter. your thoughts? >> if you're worried about preserving lives, then work with law enforcement. i look at some of these people who respond to these calls. domestic violence calls can be some of the most deadly. they know what they're getting into. they know when they wear the badge that they are going into situations where they are targeted. blm has been a large part of that demonizing the police. if you want to preserve life -- that should be the aim for everybody, not just cops. and, of course, there are ways to clean up police departments and get rid of bad cops and make sure that you have good people on the street who are engaging with the community. that is what we should all want. but it goes back to respecting and protecting lives. it is dangerous to be black in places like chicago and dc. it's very dangerous. we should be protecting kids who are getting hit by stray bullets and stop with the division. it's not making anything better. >> that's exactly right. kayleigh, meanwhile, the collateral damage is just as frightening as cops losing their lives in the line of duty. in baltimore after a study for the past five years, children, leading cause of death for them in unusual or unnatural circumstances is homicide, for children. >> it's such a tragedy. we highlight their names on the show. we say them. secoria turner. among many other children. the administration, they have a responsibility right now, there was a great op ed on fox the title says it all. while democrats call for defunding police, officers were killed at a high rate. he takes us through the numbers. one of the things i heard the press secretary say, she says it often when asked about crime. when did crime start going up? it started going up in 2020. president trump was president then. yes, but why did crime start going up? why are we seeing homicides at this rate? it dove tailed exactly with the defund the police movement. it dove tailed with candidate joe biden being very wishy washy on defend the police at one point saying, yes, i support redirecting funds. so to get elected he flirted with the defund the police movement. now it's his responsibility to call out the defund the police movement. give national addresses on crime. do listening sessions with these families. you are part of the reason we are here. now go fix it. >> kennedy mentioned the community of which officers are a part. just on friday night when, tragically, jason rivera, officer jason rivera was shot in an ambush responding to a call. he had written a letter of intent discussing that. saying the reason he wanted to become a police officer was to foster that relationship. to build the community up and to build that bridge between law enforcement and the community because they are the same thing. now he has lost his life. do you know what? he is a hero. i call him a hero and i know you all do, too. >> yep. yeah. i mean, for black lives matter to actually say that a cop responding to a domestic violence call because he was there to protect somebody, a citizen of the community, not a hero, he lost his life because the mother of some thug, who's got a criminal rap sheet longer than i can list in the program, okay, bail reform got him out. he got to reoffend. he had two very dangerous weapons in his possession. his mother called the police for help. this was an african-american family that the police were going to help. and black lives matter are now saying this guy wasn't a hero for going to protect a black citizen of harlem? it just makes absolutely no sense. for black lives matter to come out here and throw hate at cops who are trying to do good. this officer, rookie officer, 22 years old. his one dream in life was to become a police officer. he enlisted with the nypd, which he called the greatest police department in the country back in 2020, at the height of the pandemic when things are at its worst because he wanted to help unite communities. it's a slap in the face for the black lives matter community to actually put him down. i'm disgusted. >> amen. just ahead, a california mom filed a lawsuit claiming teachers manipulated her 11-year-old daughter into changing her gender identity. a parent's fight against activist teachers next. living with diabetes? 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[limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> big show coming up. nikki haley on neglecting our children's mental health during the pandemic. plus former home depot ceo responds to president biden latest attacks on businesses for rising prices. why he says the blame lies solely with the president for inflation. and katie pavlich weighs in on the mask debate. come join john and me as america reports on this tuesday afternoon, top of the hour. see you then. >> a california mother now suing two teachers and the school district officials after claiming they manipulated her middle school daughter into changing her gender identity. jessica conan says two teachers manipulated her 11-year-old to secretly change her gender. she also claims the teachers were seeking out students who they thought were struggling with their identities and invited them to the school's equality club. they then hid student participation under the guise of the district's so called parental secret policy. watch. >> you teachers, teaching predatory information to a young child, a mindful child who doesn't know anything. you took away my child. i didn't even get to show support. you asked for support. i didn't get it. your job was to educate my child in math, science, english, etc. do your job and let me do mine. >> kennedy, the comment there to me was her saying, i didn't even get to show support. the teachers removed the ability for her to even know what was going on, so that she could show up for her daughter. >> yeah. it's not just this subject, it's pretty much everything. the point of teachers unions is to divorce parents from the classroom and the process and have as much control as they possibly can over kids' lives. guess what? it is national school choice week. and it is tailor made for issues like this. if you don't like what your child is being taught in school, demand that the money follows your learner so they can go to a school and a program that better suits them. and we need to end this cycle of educational violence with teachers unions and the rest of the hostages we call our children. >> julie, kennedy's right. we heard coming out of the los angeles school district, teachers were bribing kids essentially with pizza to vaccinate them, removing the choice of parents to have their control and decisions over their children's physical health and decisions. >> yeah. first of all, these teachers have one job, and it's to educate and teach. i mean history books, which they want to eradicate. history books, math, ela, grammar. that's what i want teachers to teach my child. i have an 11-year-old daughter. so help me god if one of the administrators had tried to teach my child what gender she is, she, i would sue the heck out of the school. as far as this girl, if she's got issues with bisexuality, maybe she doesn't talk to her mom about it, that's up to her mother and her to have that conversation. but the fact that these teachers actually think that they have a place. i don't even honestly feel comfortable with sex education in my child's classroom. they do have a health class where they do talk to stuff. when they get to the point where my child has to learn about it, i want it to come from me not another adult. my 11-year-old is very naive and innocent. i don't need a teacher screwing up the raising i have been doing with my children. >> the audacity of these teachers and the unions who feel they know what's better for the students than parents is not shocking when you realize the administration has been supporting this. administration has created this monster rewarding them with policy based on them badgering the administration here. >> the administration lets the teachers union dictate cdc guidelines. secrecy plan. that is stunning, emily. this is no longer we want to hide critical race theory in our lesson plan from parents. it's bigger than that. it's not, we want to mask your kids. we want to coach them on their gender identity and not tell parents? it is disgusting. they said they actively identified and sought out kids they thought were grappling or confused about their gender. how did they identify though kids? what were the parameters they used to say, little johnny, little sally, you're a candidate for a secret class that we will hide from their mother. let that set up. parent secrecy policy. >> horrifying. that is horrifying, brian. >> we keep calling them teachers. i don't know if they deserve that title. i think they're activists and ideological predators in the guise of being teachers in these classrooms, and they have made parents the enemies. that is the play here. they tell the student, your parent is an enemy. they create policy that says your parent is an enemy. when the parent speaks up, they tell the parent you're the enemy. instead of working with parents, they marginalize parents. that is at the heart of this project. i can resonate with that mom's emotions 110%. they are trying to steal her daughter out from under her. that is a tragedy. this is not teaching. this is ideological activism. >> on the other side, for example, we have governor youngkin who created a portal for parents to be able to submit stories like this so they can turn it around there at least. all right. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. stay with us. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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do contracts belong in friendships? >> tell a teenager not to gossip, you can't even tell me not to gossip, teenagers are never going to stop gossiping. i'm peeved off i did not think about this, it would have saved me so many fights with girlfriends in high school. i don't know if you did this, i was one of the really awful people in high school where i used to make a three-way phone call and talk to somebody and talk badly about the person that was silently on the three-way call, and bash them. i did that more times than i'm willing to admit. n.d.a. would be helpful. >> i could see you doing that, julie. >> probably losing friends like flies. >> watch out for the kennedys, jesus, watch out for the bus. it's -- man, if you need an n.d.a., you need better friends because if you cannot trust the friends, then those are not friends and you, you know, like friendship is sacred, and that goes beyond a piece of paper, emily, unenforceible. love you all, "america reports" is next. >> sandra: major legal setback for one of the states with the harshest covid restrictions. state supreme court judge has ruled the new york governor indoor mask mandate is unlawful. >> john: she enforced the masked mandate as the country was bracing for omicron in december. the ruling overturns the statewide mandate for masks in schools and public places but does not reverse local mandates that remain in place. >> sandra: growing concerns on the escalating conflict in ukraine. 8500 u.s. troops are

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