Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

if it was ten days, now it's closer to five days. so we're also monitoring the briefings at the pentagon. john kirby is still speaking and ned price at the state department. families in the ukraine are told to leave as the world waits for what putin will do. john kirby will join us after he gets done from the podium closer to the end of the hour. please join us for that. that will be very interesting as this develops. so let's go to casey mcfarland, former national security adviser for the trump administration. k.t., great to have you with us. what is your assessment of what's going on right now? 8,500 troops told to be ready and the carrier truman is in the region right now. >> what the administration has said, ukraine, you're on your own. if we send troops, it will be the nato forces. russia is not interested in going to those countries right now. i think we've signalled to ukraine what president biden said last week, minor incursion won't be so bad. when he talked about sanctions, there's no significant sanctions left to put. the only one that might change their behavior is if russian energy, oil and natural gas, were cut off from going into germany. without germany helping with ukraine, i don't think there's a play here. i think vladimir putin can do whatever he wants. everything from invasion to hybrid war far on the low end. it's a done deal. >> john kirby as i mentioned we'll speak to later was careful to say that any forces we would be prepares would be under nato. nato has not activated the ney on the response force yet. who do you read that and who is going to be the large bulk of this nato force that is going to be as he described it at this point positioned around ukraine keeping an eye on what's going on? >> nobody is goi to put -- pow tin has as much as 150,000 troops on the border with ukraine. he's doing hybrid warfare with cyber attacks. false flag operations. what does the west do? very little. who would be the bulk of nato forces? without germany, either with ukraine or with nato, this -- there's nothing standing in the way of vladimir putin reclaiming the old soviet empire. the problem with germany, they import russian old and russian natural gas. germans are paying three times as much to run their cars. there's no way germany will jeopardize their position with russia and russia's energy. how bad it is now, next year it's worst. with the nord stream 2 gas pipeline, russia will be controlling more of the german and european economy with their energy. >> martha: so is germany a member of nato in reality anymore? >> they're a member of nato but they're not -- let me put it in this perspective. when president trump -- i was in the oval office when angela merkel called president trump. she said the first thing out of her mouth, what are you doing to do about ukraine? he said what are you going to do about ukraine? it's in your neighborhood. the germans didn't expect to do anything. it would be up to the americans. are they a member of nato? yeah. but so far they're not doing anything to stop vladimir putin's advance. certainly not into ukraine. >> martha: thanks, k.t. thanks for being here today. joining me now, mike gallagher. he's a former marine, he served seven years active duty as an intelligence officer. what is your assessment from what you heard from the pentagon and the state department with regard to 8,500 u.s. troops at the ready if nato decides to activate their response force? >> we're hearing conflicting signals. the same time that bungled afghanistan may get another shot to do the same in ukraine. a year in the biden administration and you can measure our global retreat by the number of embassies we're evacuating. how many more do we need to evacuate before we realize his foreign policy is not working. point one. point 2, we know we're relying on the russians to act as an intermediary with iran. finally, i'd say this administration has delayed in providing assistance to ukraine. they've projected indecisive idea. now they have recalled the obama idea called #approach. i hashtag stand with ukraine. in the same time, he's gave a green light for this. so this is a permissive environment for vladimir putin and the situation is about to get worse. >> martha: actions speak louder than words. this was a tweet sent out by cap did it biden in february of 2020. he said vladimir putin doesn't want me to be president. he doesn't want me to be our nominee. if you're wondering why, it's because i'm the only person in this field who has over gone toe to toe with him. i would point out that this was during a period where there were all kinds of investigations and concerns about president trump was he colluding with russia. you look at what he provided to ukraine, looks like a different area than what we're in right now. vladimir putin didn't step push into the extent he is now with regards to what is going on in ukraine. >> of course, the irony and tragedy we were fed this narrative that the trump administration was a puppet of russia. but there's a bunch of dead mercenaries in syria that would big to disagree. when push came to shove, we stood up with russia. the lesson is that peace through strength works when america projects weakness and not strength, we open up a vacuum. into that vacuum flow america's enemies. it's not just ukraine we're talking about. we're talking about a looming crisis over taiwan. xi jinping is sitting there given how weak america is i can probably get away with an invasion of taiwan if the worse i'm going to suffer is a mean hashtag from jen psaki, i'm going for it. >> martha: with regard to the exercises in china and the huge auto deal that germany has with china, it's unlikely that they would be coming to anyone's aid in that situation. their loyalties are becoming very much in question. thanks, mike gallagher. good to see you, sir. thank you for your service. john kirby will join us later in the hour live. also here virginia attorney general is here as the state faces a new lawsuit from seven virginia school boards who are add odds with governor youngkin already because he has declared that masks will be optional for students. they say huh-uh. masks are mandatory. that's a face-off going on. at any moment now, an update on houston police on a man hunt that is under way for a suspect that shot and killed corporal charles galloway during a routine traffic stop. peter king is here on the violence here in new york city and in texas and elsewhere for our police officers across the country. he's next. it works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. free your gut, and your mood will follow. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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with every law enforcement, federal, local, the airports, the bus stations, every part of our border in texas. we need the eyes and the ears of all of our citizens to help us bring this suspect in custody. the other day on the scene, the other night, i meant to say -- i'm sleep-deprived myself -- myself and constable heap said the best things for him to do is turn himself in. he hadn't listened. so we're bringing the strong arm and the eyes of our community. this is the photograph. i want to let you know, we have word and other evidence that he does change his appearance. there's individuals out there that know him. if the public, if you see him, he's armed and his dangerous. we ask that you call hpd or the local authorities. i want to thank -- i'm sorry. i want to thank crimestoppers. as usual, our partners have given rewards for information, evidence leading to the arrest. also, the fallen hero's funds. crimestoppers have given $5,000. the fallen heros has given an additional $5,000. tillman fertita is donating 50,000. that money can go to anybody that has given information. deepest condolences to corporal galloway's family and your entire agency. we're standing strong with you -- >> martha: in new york city a 22-year-old rookie officer and newlywed, jason rivera, was also killed. he was shot responding to -- that's not a picture. he was responding to a domestic disturbance in harlem on friday. three officers have now been killed in the line of duty in the first few weeks of 2022 as we came off one of the deadliest years for police. peter king says this is a district result of progressive report of defunding the police. first, to alexis mcadams. hi, alexis. >> hi, martha. a lot of developments here. we've had five nypd officers shot here in new york city. peter king will be joining you. we talked to mayor adams. he's talking about how he wants to tackle crime. listen. >> the illegal guns is an important first step. president -- but we must look at bail reform. new york is the only state in the country that does not allow a judge to detain a defendant that poses an immediate threat to the community. >> you can feel the anger and sadness in harlem. you can see the visual there. right now we're hearing now audio from police dispatch that showing how quickly it happened. listen to this. >> two or more shots. the suspect shot. >> that shooting happened inside of this harlem apartment complex friday night. officers responding to a 911 call from a woman who said she was fighting with her adult son with two officers walked in, he kicked open the door and started shooting. sources said the gunman continued to shoot while they were on the ground. officer rivera was killed and another officer was shot in the head and remains in critical condition. officer rivera went to high school in new york, grew up in the area. he reported this video from classmates after graduation. >> i want you to do it because when i was a freshman, i didn't have no one to motivate me. i want to motivate you. i want you to look hear me, hear my voice. know that you're going to get through it. >> police tell us this is the gunman on your screen. nypd confirmed that sean mcneill was killed. he tried to run while still firing at investigators. he was on probation for a felony drug charge. arrested a half a dozen times in other states for a variety of serious offenses. this is the gun on your screen used to kill officer rivera. the glock had a high capacity magazine there. it held at least 50 rounds. also just in the next minutes, new york's mayor talking about his plans to tackle violence. he wants to go after the guns and the drugs and go after gangs. more to come here that needs to be done, martha. >> martha: thanks very much. so as you just heard and alexis reported, nypd has confirmed that the suspect that killed one officer, the officer you just saw on the video and has the second officer in the hospital has died due to his injuries at the scene of the crime. former congressman peter king joins us, a life-long new yorker. good to have you here. thank you for being here today. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: i want to start by getting your reaction to what mayor adams has had to say. one of the things that stands out is that he wants to change bail reform and people that are dangerous needs to be taken into consideration by the judge in terms of where they will be before they stand trial. >> that is absolutely necessary. bail reform has to be changed. at the very least, the judge should have the discretion to decide if a person should be held in trial based on their prior record and seriousness of the crime. that has to be done by the state legislature. they're not going to move unless mayor adams goes out and demands it. he has the use the mayor's office as a bully pulpit. the state responsibilities come from the legislature and the gone. at the local level, here in new york city, i agree with mayor adams there's too many illegal guns in new york. there's always tomorrow illegal guns in new york. when rudy guliani took up, they took nearly 2 million guns. they did it by stop and frisk, getting the guns out of the bad guy's hands. as a result of that, not only were many guns taken away but those that had guns were afraid to bring them in the street because they were afraid the cops would get them, this is a direct result of bail reform. even more than that, the george floyd riots. we've had riots all over new york city. even though it was in minnesota and the new york city cops have saved thousands of black lives, people were throwing rocks at them and every progressive democratic politician went with the rioters. cops had molotov cocktails thrown at them. mayor de blasio said he was proud to stand with the rioters. so eric adams, i have hope for them. he was the only democrat in the democratic primary that said he would get tough on crime. he's got to get tough on crime. he has a great police commissioner. he cannot try to split the difference here. there's no room for compromise when you're dealing with criminals with guns, illegal guns and killers and murders. >> martha: the past few days a baby shot in the cheek, a 19-year-old girl at burger king was killed. a woman pushed on to the subway track. he said these things wake you up to what is going on in the city. politics could help. 81% of voters are extremely or very concerned about the levels of crime in their cities across the country. peter king, congressman, thanks. good to have you with us. >> thank you, martha. thanks for doing this. >> martha: see you soon. two exclusive big interviews coming up. john kirby is here. we can question one-on-one on what is going on in the ukraine and what the united states's posture is. we've put 8,500 troops on heightened alert to stave off russian aggression. we'll talk to him about that. virginia's attorney general, brand new. seven school districts school the governor for his move to lift a mask mandate. they say that endangers the health and well-being and violates the constitution of the state of virginia. we'll speak with the a.g. next. >> if a parent wants to send their kid to school with no mask, should that child be allowed to go to school and be in class? >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true 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school board officials came out swinging claiming his order violates virginia's constitution. republican virginia attorney general responds in moments. first to mike emanuel with the back story. hi, mike. >> good afternoon. on the day glenn youngkin's executive order took effect, seven districts filed an order. the question is whether a governor can override the constitution and a law enacted by the general assembly. the school boards say the answer to the question is no. governor youngkin signed an executive order after his inauguration making children wearing masks in school optional. it's part of his campaign pledge to give parents a say what happens in school. youngkin's spokesman said we're reacting. parents have a right to make decisions with their child's upbringing and care. some districts have said they will abide by the governor's ordered. others like fairfax county have threatened to believe students that show up without a mask. one northern virginia resident said it's complicated. >> the most important thing is for people to take a deep breath, look at the short term and the long-term and weigh the impact on kids mental health and also weigh the benefits of the mask. >> loudoun county, virginia, one school where 30 students showed up without masks, they were placed in isolation in the school auditorium. martha? >> martha: that's not the least we're seeing of that. thanks very much. now virginia attorney general was sworn in last saturday. he's the son of a cuban refugee. the first hispanic a.g. in the commonwealth's history. congratulations on your election and inauguration. good to have you with us today. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: this is lining up as an issue of the parents' rights and the state constitution of virginia, which their argument is that under the constitution they have the right to keep students safe in their schools. >> well, listen what the governor's executive order says is what he campaigned on, which is that parents matter. if you're a parent and you want your child to have a mask eight hours a day, it's your right. the point of the executive order is recognized. there's other parents that come to a different conclusion. we've had parents, somebody that is asthmatic says this is bothering my child's asthma. another parent said my middle school daughter went from being straight as to being a mostly c student because of her glasses fogging up. and parents have a fundamental right to the education upbringing of their child. more than that, the governor has broad executive power when there's these states of emergencies that these school boards stood by and stayed silent when the previous governor shut down churches and businesses, closed schools and mandated masks. all we're saying under the governor's executive power that is there under the virginia code, he has the ability of determining that yes, parents can make decisions best for them. we're confident that we'll be successful in the court system when it's heard and we're asking all parents trust the legal process. we'll work through this. i think we're going to get a very quick resolution to this. all of this is about parents matter once again in virginia. that's what this executive order is about as well and we're happy to stand on the side of parents and not on the school boards that are out of touch. let's get back to normal. >> martha: we saw a large watch about mandates in washington over the weekend. this is a hot debate all across the country. here's what jen psaki had to say today. watch this. >> provision that is requiring masks to keep students and keep communities safe. they're fighting against that. why is that? i think that has more to do with politics than it does with public health. >> martha: what do you say to that, sir? >> people playing politics is the white house. i would note there's several european countries that have no longer having mask mandates for children. we have a mental health crisis as well for minors that we're seeing increasingly that is coming to the forefront. a lot of parents are recognizing this is impacting their children's learning among nonverbal communication. you layer on top of that, this is really about parents making the best decisions for children that is absolutely what is already in the code of virginia. so i respectfully disagree. i think the people playing politics is trying to do one sides fits all mandate on every parent and every school district. what we're seeing right now, listen, you're the parent, you know what is best for your child. you understand if they have a health condition like asthma or other conditions impeding them. let parents make the decision. no parents like to rely on their doctor, too. the parent can have the input. it's very interesting that the kids got pulled out of school and put in to an isolation area. they're not going to have that great learning experience that day and i hope there's a quick resolution to this so the families can get caught up in all of the learning that has been lost over the course of this. thanks very much. good to have you on the show. hope to see you soon. karl rove as another poll casts doubt on president biden's re-election prospects. this is a whopper. an school with john kirby is what we are expecting in a few short minutes as well. he has just announced that the u.s. is readying 8,500 troops that could be deployed to europe. we'll talk to him next. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? inflammation in your eye might be to blame. let's kick ken's ache and burn into gear! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those drops will probably pass right by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what's 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tabs yet online for the fox poll. they hold them back a day or two. take a look at the latest nbc poll. his approval numbers are not where they need to be among groups that are his supporters. african americans gave him 87% of his vote. 64% approve of his performance. that means about a quarter of the black democrats that supported him for election say i don't approve of him. women that gave him a majority, 51% approval. latinos, 48 approval. overall numbers, 43. voters age 18 to 34 that were strongly for him, 40% approval. there's a reason why his numbers are so poor. it's not just suburbans are against them, it's the people that voted him are against him. no those are not good numbers to look at if you're running the white house or hoping to run the next campaign. here's chuck todd. nbc poll. very interesting. here he is speaking about it and maybe right after that, we can play the voters. >> mr. biden does need a reset. he's no longer seen as competent. >> leaning this either direction turns me off. >> we have a lot of problems. we have inflation, supply chain issues. >> it's $400 to go to the store for three people. it's insane. >> he's listening to too many liberals. >> martha: we had an independent panel here last week. that's how you learn what's going on out there. >> look, look at your problems. we have inflation which was referenced by several people. we have competence. his priorities -- the president goes down and compares people that don't agree with him on two election laws. they're bigots akin to bull connor or george wallace. you know, basically execution. he promises us covid would be in the rear view mirror by july 4th. he compliments himself on the withdrawal from afghanistan. all of these things are a real problem for the sitting president. as a result, his numbers are in the tank and they won't get better soon. >> martha: thanks, karl. john kirby is done with his briefing and the podium. we'll talk to him on the prospect of deploying american military forces in ukraine next. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> martha: western hysteria. that's the response from russia. president biden can considering sending thousands of troops to eastern europe to deter the invasion. first, we go to amy kellogg that reports live from moscow. hi, amy. >> hi, martha. the kremlin spokesman is the latest here to accuse the west of hysteria. now the possibility of conflict is higher than before as nato decides to beef up its forces in newer member states. those are russian's old allies. russia sends war ships and materials to the baltic sea for further exercises. many are worried about an dent tall confrontation. many ask could something go wrong in the black sea or the mediterranean if ships get too close? the kremlin accusing the west of escalating the situation around ukraine. russia turning many of the west's accusations on their heads with propaganda blitzes on russian tv like this prime time program that ran last night, "the u.s.a., a story of worldwide deception." some military analysts say all of this has to do with putin's paranoia that the west has it out for him personal. >> for him, it's very personal in that the missiles are being deployed against him. he talks about the americans. that he's on the hit line. >> that is just one theory as to why all of this has reached such a fever pitch. why this standoff is happening and why now specifically. martha? >> thanks very much, amy. amy kellogg reporting. john kirby joins us. thanks for being here. we watched your news conference a short while ago. the first question is, what is the purpose of these 8,500 troops getting ready here in the u.s. should they be called to a nato force, where should they be stationed and what is their purpose? >> it's a 40,000 response force. some of it would be in a very ready task force of about 20,000. most of these troops would be our contribution, the united states contribution, to this nato readiness force event that would be on a high alert inside the alliance. all we're doing today is telling these units, you need to get ready and be ready to go on a shorter timeline than maybe you were before. no deployment orders today. they're not leaving today or the imminent future but we want to make sure they're ready. >> martha: you said it's true what the president said, that they would not deploy to ukraine. >> that's right. these troops if activated by the alliance, not but the united states but if the ready response force was activated, they would go to nato allies. mostly on the eastern flank of the alliance. those allies that would want that kind of capability, additional robust defensive capability. >> martha: that would not prevent putin from going in the ukraine. he's been told that no troops will enter ukraine. >> what has been made clear is that there will be severe economic consequences and the international community will respond as well. the purpose of these troops is to bolster and re-assure nato allies. that's what they would do. >> martha: they would be there to prevent russia going further than ukraine? >> we don't know what he has in mind. this is designed to make sure that we're meeting our commitment to the nato alliance. >> martha: what about our ukraine embassy? what are the plans? would the u.s. military be involved removing people from the embassy? >> we don't have plans to do that right now. some family members have been ordered to leave in kiev. i'll let the state department speak to that. there's no military role in that at this time. >> martha: there's movement of some materials, support for ukraine, troops that could be in other countries what is evident in that is that it doesn't necessarily deter vladimir putin from entering ukraine. the only thing that he would face would be potential economic sanctions if he does it. >> martha: he will face the ukrainian armed forces that did not exist in 2014. we're continuing to flow security assistance to them, arms and ammunition. we had a couple over the course of the weekend, which arrived in ukraine just from the united states aloin, not to mention the security assistance that the ukrainians are getting from other nato partners and allies in europe. so they're a more capable force. look, the economic consequences are not to be shrugged off. this will just further isolate rush. >> martha: some people are looking at the deterrents out there. perhaps the suggestion that we would move missiles away from the russian border in those countries. president biden says he's open to rearranging some of those missiles that they don't like on their border. the president has assured russia that ukraine is not going to become a nato member any time soon. that is something that russia wanted. nord stream 2 looks like it's going forward. so the question is why would he -- having achieved all of those things, what does he look at in this current scenario that's being described now that says oh, gee, that will keep me on my side of the border. >> i wish i could get in putin's head. i could better answer those questionses. i can tell you there will be severe consequences if he makes another incursion into you rip. those things that we talked about have not been decided. we made it very early on the only way we would scale back exercises on the continue -- continent is if the russians reciprocated. they haven't done that. we at the department of defense want to see diplomacy succeed here. >> martha: we have watched the progression of increased military capability to ukraine. we saw in the last administration it was ramped up from the prior administration. so in terms of what they can expect, can they expect for instance the javelin anti-tank missiles? would they be moved in to ukraine? if so, how many of them? >> they will get additional anti-tank missile systems from the united states. i don't have the exact number here. we have a $200 million package that the president approved before christmas that we're fulfilling the there's two or three deliveries in the last few days. they will include anti-tank missiles and air defense systems and small arms and ammunition. medical support, that kind of thing. there's a lot more coming and we'll continue to do that. >> martha: before i let you go, the only other americans are the trainers that you talked about. are there discussions to increase the number of special forces or trainers that are in ukraine right now? >> not right now. we're not talking about increasing the footprint. you're right to call them trainers. they're assisting the ukrainian armed forces. they're still on the ground right now. we're watching this closely. no plans to add to their number and we're going to make sure that their safety and security is of paramount concern. >> martha: thanks, john kirby. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> martha: good to have you here, sir. we're going to take a quick break here. we'll be right back. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. the label pro-choice strips all meaning from the word choice. it leaves us pitting the stronger versus the weaker. choosing abortion harms both mother and child and leads to suffering, subjugation, and death. at students for life, we're an army, an entire generation, that's more than 1300 campuses strong. will you join us in this fight? go to to get your free copy of our battle plan to abolish abortion. you can make a difference today. >> martha: new york city's eric adams says he will reinstate the plain closed police unit that was disbanded in 2020. we did see crime increase after that unit was disbanded. that's "the story" for today, monday, january 24. thanks for being with us today. have a great evening. i'll see you tomorrow. >> the show down with russia over ukraine, the u.s. putting 8,500 u.s. troops on alert as nato hopes to deter a possible russian invasion. the state department telling americans to get out of ukraine now. it has more investors on edge as the dow plunged more than 1,000 points in the session. more on the tell-off to come. i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto, this is "your world" to jennifer griffin at the pentagon with the very latest from there. jennifer? >> we just left

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

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if it was ten days, now it's closer to five days. so we're also monitoring the briefings at the pentagon. john kirby is still speaking and ned price at the state department. families in the ukraine are told to leave as the world waits for what putin will do. john kirby will join us after he gets done from the podium closer to the end of the hour. please join us for that. that will be very interesting as this develops. so let's go to casey mcfarland, former national security adviser for the trump administration. k.t., great to have you with us. what is your assessment of what's going on right now? 8,500 troops told to be ready and the carrier truman is in the region right now. >> what the administration has said, ukraine, you're on your own. if we send troops, it will be the nato forces. russia is not interested in going to those countries right now. i think we've signalled to ukraine what president biden said last week, minor incursion won't be so bad. when he talked about sanctions, there's no significant sanctions left to put. the only one that might change their behavior is if russian energy, oil and natural gas, were cut off from going into germany. without germany helping with ukraine, i don't think there's a play here. i think vladimir putin can do whatever he wants. everything from invasion to hybrid war far on the low end. it's a done deal. >> john kirby as i mentioned we'll speak to later was careful to say that any forces we would be prepares would be under nato. nato has not activated the ney on the response force yet. who do you read that and who is going to be the large bulk of this nato force that is going to be as he described it at this point positioned around ukraine keeping an eye on what's going on? >> nobody is goi to put -- pow tin has as much as 150,000 troops on the border with ukraine. he's doing hybrid warfare with cyber attacks. false flag operations. what does the west do? very little. who would be the bulk of nato forces? without germany, either with ukraine or with nato, this -- there's nothing standing in the way of vladimir putin reclaiming the old soviet empire. the problem with germany, they import russian old and russian natural gas. germans are paying three times as much to run their cars. there's no way germany will jeopardize their position with russia and russia's energy. how bad it is now, next year it's worst. with the nord stream 2 gas pipeline, russia will be controlling more of the german and european economy with their energy. >> martha: so is germany a member of nato in reality anymore? >> they're a member of nato but they're not -- let me put it in this perspective. when president trump -- i was in the oval office when angela merkel called president trump. she said the first thing out of her mouth, what are you doing to do about ukraine? he said what are you going to do about ukraine? it's in your neighborhood. the germans didn't expect to do anything. it would be up to the americans. are they a member of nato? yeah. but so far they're not doing anything to stop vladimir putin's advance. certainly not into ukraine. >> martha: thanks, k.t. thanks for being here today. joining me now, mike gallagher. he's a former marine, he served seven years active duty as an intelligence officer. what is your assessment from what you heard from the pentagon and the state department with regard to 8,500 u.s. troops at the ready if nato decides to activate their response force? >> we're hearing conflicting signals. the same time that bungled afghanistan may get another shot to do the same in ukraine. a year in the biden administration and you can measure our global retreat by the number of embassies we're evacuating. how many more do we need to evacuate before we realize his foreign policy is not working. point one. point 2, we know we're relying on the russians to act as an intermediary with iran. finally, i'd say this administration has delayed in providing assistance to ukraine. they've projected indecisive idea. now they have recalled the obama idea called #approach. i hashtag stand with ukraine. in the same time, he's gave a green light for this. so this is a permissive environment for vladimir putin and the situation is about to get worse. >> martha: actions speak louder than words. this was a tweet sent out by cap did it biden in february of 2020. he said vladimir putin doesn't want me to be president. he doesn't want me to be our nominee. if you're wondering why, it's because i'm the only person in this field who has over gone toe to toe with him. i would point out that this was during a period where there were all kinds of investigations and concerns about president trump was he colluding with russia. you look at what he provided to ukraine, looks like a different area than what we're in right now. vladimir putin didn't step push into the extent he is now with regards to what is going on in ukraine. >> of course, the irony and tragedy we were fed this narrative that the trump administration was a puppet of russia. but there's a bunch of dead mercenaries in syria that would big to disagree. when push came to shove, we stood up with russia. the lesson is that peace through strength works when america projects weakness and not strength, we open up a vacuum. into that vacuum flow america's enemies. it's not just ukraine we're talking about. we're talking about a looming crisis over taiwan. xi jinping is sitting there given how weak america is i can probably get away with an invasion of taiwan if the worse i'm going to suffer is a mean hashtag from jen psaki, i'm going for it. >> martha: with regard to the exercises in china and the huge auto deal that germany has with china, it's unlikely that they would be coming to anyone's aid in that situation. their loyalties are becoming very much in question. thanks, mike gallagher. good to see you, sir. thank you for your service. john kirby will join us later in the hour live. also here virginia attorney general is here as the state faces a new lawsuit from seven virginia school boards who are add odds with governor youngkin already because he has declared that masks will be optional for students. they say huh-uh. masks are mandatory. that's a face-off going on. at any moment now, an update on houston police on a man hunt that is under way for a suspect that shot and killed corporal charles galloway during a routine traffic stop. peter king is here on the violence here in new york city and in texas and elsewhere for our police officers across the country. he's next. it works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. free your gut, and your mood will follow. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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with every law enforcement, federal, local, the airports, the bus stations, every part of our border in texas. we need the eyes and the ears of all of our citizens to help us bring this suspect in custody. the other day on the scene, the other night, i meant to say -- i'm sleep-deprived myself -- myself and constable heap said the best things for him to do is turn himself in. he hadn't listened. so we're bringing the strong arm and the eyes of our community. this is the photograph. i want to let you know, we have word and other evidence that he does change his appearance. there's individuals out there that know him. if the public, if you see him, he's armed and his dangerous. we ask that you call hpd or the local authorities. i want to thank -- i'm sorry. i want to thank crimestoppers. as usual, our partners have given rewards for information, evidence leading to the arrest. also, the fallen hero's funds. crimestoppers have given $5,000. the fallen heros has given an additional $5,000. tillman fertita is donating 50,000. that money can go to anybody that has given information. deepest condolences to corporal galloway's family and your entire agency. we're standing strong with you -- >> martha: in new york city a 22-year-old rookie officer and newlywed, jason rivera, was also killed. he was shot responding to -- that's not a picture. he was responding to a domestic disturbance in harlem on friday. three officers have now been killed in the line of duty in the first few weeks of 2022 as we came off one of the deadliest years for police. peter king says this is a district result of progressive report of defunding the police. first, to alexis mcadams. hi, alexis. >> hi, martha. a lot of developments here. we've had five nypd officers shot here in new york city. peter king will be joining you. we talked to mayor adams. he's talking about how he wants to tackle crime. listen. >> the illegal guns is an important first step. president -- but we must look at bail reform. new york is the only state in the country that does not allow a judge to detain a defendant that poses an immediate threat to the community. >> you can feel the anger and sadness in harlem. you can see the visual there. right now we're hearing now audio from police dispatch that showing how quickly it happened. listen to this. >> two or more shots. the suspect shot. >> that shooting happened inside of this harlem apartment complex friday night. officers responding to a 911 call from a woman who said she was fighting with her adult son with two officers walked in, he kicked open the door and started shooting. sources said the gunman continued to shoot while they were on the ground. officer rivera was killed and another officer was shot in the head and remains in critical condition. officer rivera went to high school in new york, grew up in the area. he reported this video from classmates after graduation. >> i want you to do it because when i was a freshman, i didn't have no one to motivate me. i want to motivate you. i want you to look hear me, hear my voice. know that you're going to get through it. >> police tell us this is the gunman on your screen. nypd confirmed that sean mcneill was killed. he tried to run while still firing at investigators. he was on probation for a felony drug charge. arrested a half a dozen times in other states for a variety of serious offenses. this is the gun on your screen used to kill officer rivera. the glock had a high capacity magazine there. it held at least 50 rounds. also just in the next minutes, new york's mayor talking about his plans to tackle violence. he wants to go after the guns and the drugs and go after gangs. more to come here that needs to be done, martha. >> martha: thanks very much. so as you just heard and alexis reported, nypd has confirmed that the suspect that killed one officer, the officer you just saw on the video and has the second officer in the hospital has died due to his injuries at the scene of the crime. former congressman peter king joins us, a life-long new yorker. good to have you here. thank you for being here today. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: i want to start by getting your reaction to what mayor adams has had to say. one of the things that stands out is that he wants to change bail reform and people that are dangerous needs to be taken into consideration by the judge in terms of where they will be before they stand trial. >> that is absolutely necessary. bail reform has to be changed. at the very least, the judge should have the discretion to decide if a person should be held in trial based on their prior record and seriousness of the crime. that has to be done by the state legislature. they're not going to move unless mayor adams goes out and demands it. he has the use the mayor's office as a bully pulpit. the state responsibilities come from the legislature and the gone. at the local level, here in new york city, i agree with mayor adams there's too many illegal guns in new york. there's always tomorrow illegal guns in new york. when rudy guliani took up, they took nearly 2 million guns. they did it by stop and frisk, getting the guns out of the bad guy's hands. as a result of that, not only were many guns taken away but those that had guns were afraid to bring them in the street because they were afraid the cops would get them, this is a direct result of bail reform. even more than that, the george floyd riots. we've had riots all over new york city. even though it was in minnesota and the new york city cops have saved thousands of black lives, people were throwing rocks at them and every progressive democratic politician went with the rioters. cops had molotov cocktails thrown at them. mayor de blasio said he was proud to stand with the rioters. so eric adams, i have hope for them. he was the only democrat in the democratic primary that said he would get tough on crime. he's got to get tough on crime. he has a great police commissioner. he cannot try to split the difference here. there's no room for compromise when you're dealing with criminals with guns, illegal guns and killers and murders. >> martha: the past few days a baby shot in the cheek, a 19-year-old girl at burger king was killed. a woman pushed on to the subway track. he said these things wake you up to what is going on in the city. politics could help. 81% of voters are extremely or very concerned about the levels of crime in their cities across the country. peter king, congressman, thanks. good to have you with us. >> thank you, martha. thanks for doing this. >> martha: see you soon. two exclusive big interviews coming up. john kirby is here. we can question one-on-one on what is going on in the ukraine and what the united states's posture is. we've put 8,500 troops on heightened alert to stave off russian aggression. we'll talk to him about that. virginia's attorney general, brand new. seven school districts school the governor for his move to lift a mask mandate. they say that endangers the health and well-being and violates the constitution of the state of virginia. we'll speak with the a.g. next. >> if a parent wants to send their kid to school with no mask, should that child be allowed to go to school and be in class? >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true 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school board officials came out swinging claiming his order violates virginia's constitution. republican virginia attorney general responds in moments. first to mike emanuel with the back story. hi, mike. >> good afternoon. on the day glenn youngkin's executive order took effect, seven districts filed an order. the question is whether a governor can override the constitution and a law enacted by the general assembly. the school boards say the answer to the question is no. governor youngkin signed an executive order after his inauguration making children wearing masks in school optional. it's part of his campaign pledge to give parents a say what happens in school. youngkin's spokesman said we're reacting. parents have a right to make decisions with their child's upbringing and care. some districts have said they will abide by the governor's ordered. others like fairfax county have threatened to believe students that show up without a mask. one northern virginia resident said it's complicated. >> the most important thing is for people to take a deep breath, look at the short term and the long-term and weigh the impact on kids mental health and also weigh the benefits of the mask. >> loudoun county, virginia, one school where 30 students showed up without masks, they were placed in isolation in the school auditorium. martha? >> martha: that's not the least we're seeing of that. thanks very much. now virginia attorney general was sworn in last saturday. he's the son of a cuban refugee. the first hispanic a.g. in the commonwealth's history. congratulations on your election and inauguration. good to have you with us today. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: this is lining up as an issue of the parents' rights and the state constitution of virginia, which their argument is that under the constitution they have the right to keep students safe in their schools. >> well, listen what the governor's executive order says is what he campaigned on, which is that parents matter. if you're a parent and you want your child to have a mask eight hours a day, it's your right. the point of the executive order is recognized. there's other parents that come to a different conclusion. we've had parents, somebody that is asthmatic says this is bothering my child's asthma. another parent said my middle school daughter went from being straight as to being a mostly c student because of her glasses fogging up. and parents have a fundamental right to the education upbringing of their child. more than that, the governor has broad executive power when there's these states of emergencies that these school boards stood by and stayed silent when the previous governor shut down churches and businesses, closed schools and mandated masks. all we're saying under the governor's executive power that is there under the virginia code, he has the ability of determining that yes, parents can make decisions best for them. we're confident that we'll be successful in the court system when it's heard and we're asking all parents trust the legal process. we'll work through this. i think we're going to get a very quick resolution to this. all of this is about parents matter once again in virginia. that's what this executive order is about as well and we're happy to stand on the side of parents and not on the school boards that are out of touch. let's get back to normal. >> martha: we saw a large watch about mandates in washington over the weekend. this is a hot debate all across the country. here's what jen psaki had to say today. watch this. >> provision that is requiring masks to keep students and keep communities safe. they're fighting against that. why is that? i think that has more to do with politics than it does with public health. >> martha: what do you say to that, sir? >> people playing politics is the white house. i would note there's several european countries that have no longer having mask mandates for children. we have a mental health crisis as well for minors that we're seeing increasingly that is coming to the forefront. a lot of parents are recognizing this is impacting their children's learning among nonverbal communication. you layer on top of that, this is really about parents making the best decisions for children that is absolutely what is already in the code of virginia. so i respectfully disagree. i think the people playing politics is trying to do one sides fits all mandate on every parent and every school district. what we're seeing right now, listen, you're the parent, you know what is best for your child. you understand if they have a health condition like asthma or other conditions impeding them. let parents make the decision. no parents like to rely on their doctor, too. the parent can have the input. it's very interesting that the kids got pulled out of school and put in to an isolation area. they're not going to have that great learning experience that day and i hope there's a quick resolution to this so the families can get caught up in all of the learning that has been lost over the course of this. thanks very much. good to have you on the show. hope to see you soon. karl rove as another poll casts doubt on president biden's re-election prospects. this is a whopper. an school with john kirby is what we are expecting in a few short minutes as well. he has just announced that the u.s. is readying 8,500 troops that could be deployed to europe. we'll talk to him next. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? inflammation in your eye might be to blame. let's kick ken's ache and burn into gear! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those drops will probably pass right by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what's 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tabs yet online for the fox poll. they hold them back a day or two. take a look at the latest nbc poll. his approval numbers are not where they need to be among groups that are his supporters. african americans gave him 87% of his vote. 64% approve of his performance. that means about a quarter of the black democrats that supported him for election say i don't approve of him. women that gave him a majority, 51% approval. latinos, 48 approval. overall numbers, 43. voters age 18 to 34 that were strongly for him, 40% approval. there's a reason why his numbers are so poor. it's not just suburbans are against them, it's the people that voted him are against him. no those are not good numbers to look at if you're running the white house or hoping to run the next campaign. here's chuck todd. nbc poll. very interesting. here he is speaking about it and maybe right after that, we can play the voters. >> mr. biden does need a reset. he's no longer seen as competent. >> leaning this either direction turns me off. >> we have a lot of problems. we have inflation, supply chain issues. >> it's $400 to go to the store for three people. it's insane. >> he's listening to too many liberals. >> martha: we had an independent panel here last week. that's how you learn what's going on out there. >> look, look at your problems. we have inflation which was referenced by several people. we have competence. his priorities -- the president goes down and compares people that don't agree with him on two election laws. they're bigots akin to bull connor or george wallace. you know, basically execution. he promises us covid would be in the rear view mirror by july 4th. he compliments himself on the withdrawal from afghanistan. all of these things are a real problem for the sitting president. as a result, his numbers are in the tank and they won't get better soon. >> martha: thanks, karl. john kirby is done with his briefing and the podium. we'll talk to him on the prospect of deploying american military forces in ukraine next. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> martha: western hysteria. that's the response from russia. president biden can considering sending thousands of troops to eastern europe to deter the invasion. first, we go to amy kellogg that reports live from moscow. hi, amy. >> hi, martha. the kremlin spokesman is the latest here to accuse the west of hysteria. now the possibility of conflict is higher than before as nato decides to beef up its forces in newer member states. those are russian's old allies. russia sends war ships and materials to the baltic sea for further exercises. many are worried about an dent tall confrontation. many ask could something go wrong in the black sea or the mediterranean if ships get too close? the kremlin accusing the west of escalating the situation around ukraine. russia turning many of the west's accusations on their heads with propaganda blitzes on russian tv like this prime time program that ran last night, "the u.s.a., a story of worldwide deception." some military analysts say all of this has to do with putin's paranoia that the west has it out for him personal. >> for him, it's very personal in that the missiles are being deployed against him. he talks about the americans. that he's on the hit line. >> that is just one theory as to why all of this has reached such a fever pitch. why this standoff is happening and why now specifically. martha? >> thanks very much, amy. amy kellogg reporting. john kirby joins us. thanks for being here. we watched your news conference a short while ago. the first question is, what is the purpose of these 8,500 troops getting ready here in the u.s. should they be called to a nato force, where should they be stationed and what is their purpose? >> it's a 40,000 response force. some of it would be in a very ready task force of about 20,000. most of these troops would be our contribution, the united states contribution, to this nato readiness force event that would be on a high alert inside the alliance. all we're doing today is telling these units, you need to get ready and be ready to go on a shorter timeline than maybe you were before. no deployment orders today. they're not leaving today or the imminent future but we want to make sure they're ready. >> martha: you said it's true what the president said, that they would not deploy to ukraine. >> that's right. these troops if activated by the alliance, not but the united states but if the ready response force was activated, they would go to nato allies. mostly on the eastern flank of the alliance. those allies that would want that kind of capability, additional robust defensive capability. >> martha: that would not prevent putin from going in the ukraine. he's been told that no troops will enter ukraine. >> what has been made clear is that there will be severe economic consequences and the international community will respond as well. the purpose of these troops is to bolster and re-assure nato allies. that's what they would do. >> martha: they would be there to prevent russia going further than ukraine? >> we don't know what he has in mind. this is designed to make sure that we're meeting our commitment to the nato alliance. >> martha: what about our ukraine embassy? what are the plans? would the u.s. military be involved removing people from the embassy? >> we don't have plans to do that right now. some family members have been ordered to leave in kiev. i'll let the state department speak to that. there's no military role in that at this time. >> martha: there's movement of some materials, support for ukraine, troops that could be in other countries what is evident in that is that it doesn't necessarily deter vladimir putin from entering ukraine. the only thing that he would face would be potential economic sanctions if he does it. >> martha: he will face the ukrainian armed forces that did not exist in 2014. we're continuing to flow security assistance to them, arms and ammunition. we had a couple over the course of the weekend, which arrived in ukraine just from the united states aloin, not to mention the security assistance that the ukrainians are getting from other nato partners and allies in europe. so they're a more capable force. look, the economic consequences are not to be shrugged off. this will just further isolate rush. >> martha: some people are looking at the deterrents out there. perhaps the suggestion that we would move missiles away from the russian border in those countries. president biden says he's open to rearranging some of those missiles that they don't like on their border. the president has assured russia that ukraine is not going to become a nato member any time soon. that is something that russia wanted. nord stream 2 looks like it's going forward. so the question is why would he -- having achieved all of those things, what does he look at in this current scenario that's being described now that says oh, gee, that will keep me on my side of the border. >> i wish i could get in putin's head. i could better answer those questionses. i can tell you there will be severe consequences if he makes another incursion into you rip. those things that we talked about have not been decided. we made it very early on the only way we would scale back exercises on the continue -- continent is if the russians reciprocated. they haven't done that. we at the department of defense want to see diplomacy succeed here. >> martha: we have watched the progression of increased military capability to ukraine. we saw in the last administration it was ramped up from the prior administration. so in terms of what they can expect, can they expect for instance the javelin anti-tank missiles? would they be moved in to ukraine? if so, how many of them? >> they will get additional anti-tank missile systems from the united states. i don't have the exact number here. we have a $200 million package that the president approved before christmas that we're fulfilling the there's two or three deliveries in the last few days. they will include anti-tank missiles and air defense systems and small arms and ammunition. medical support, that kind of thing. there's a lot more coming and we'll continue to do that. >> martha: before i let you go, the only other americans are the trainers that you talked about. are there discussions to increase the number of special forces or trainers that are in ukraine right now? >> not right now. we're not talking about increasing the footprint. you're right to call them trainers. they're assisting the ukrainian armed forces. they're still on the ground right now. we're watching this closely. no plans to add to their number and we're going to make sure that their safety and security is of paramount concern. >> martha: thanks, john kirby. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> martha: good to have you here, sir. we're going to take a quick break here. we'll be right back. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. the label pro-choice strips all meaning from the word choice. it leaves us pitting the stronger versus the weaker. choosing abortion harms both mother and child and leads to suffering, subjugation, and death. at students for life, we're an army, an entire generation, that's more than 1300 campuses strong. will you join us in this fight? go to to get your free copy of our battle plan to abolish abortion. you can make a difference today. >> martha: new york city's eric adams says he will reinstate the plain closed police unit that was disbanded in 2020. we did see crime increase after that unit was disbanded. that's "the story" for today, monday, january 24. thanks for being with us today. have a great evening. i'll see you tomorrow. >> the show down with russia over ukraine, the u.s. putting 8,500 u.s. troops on alert as nato hopes to deter a possible russian invasion. the state department telling americans to get out of ukraine now. it has more investors on edge as the dow plunged more than 1,000 points in the session. more on the tell-off to come. i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto, this is "your world" to jennifer griffin at the pentagon with the very latest from there. jennifer? >> we just left

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White House , Learning , Nonverbal Communication , Forefront , Top , Sides , School District , Mandate , Conditions , Health Condition , Decision , Great Learning Experience , Input , Show , Poll Casts , Karl Rove , Re Election Prospects , Whopper , Some , Eastern Europe , Cooking , Memories , Mom , Plan , Advisor , Kitchen , Northwestern Mutual , Symptoms , Inflammation , Eye Drops , Burn , Ache , Let S Kick Ken , Xiidra , Relief , Drops , Eye Disease , Side Effects , Eye Drop , Vision , Discomfort , Signs , Taste Sensation , Eye Irritation , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Container , Contacts , Surface , Fifteen , Investors , Asset , Dry Eye , Landscape , Gold , Potential , Returns , Path , Homeownership , Purchase Loans , Down Payment , Rates , The American Dream , Twos , Payments , Newday100 Loan , Reporting , Politco , Head Winds , Corners , Someone , Party , Leadership , Swath , 2024 , Trump , Contributor , Look , Someone Else , 52 , 55 , 31 , 36 , Poll , Approval Numbers , Cross Tabs , Shape , Nbc , Groups , Quarter , Democrats , Supporters , Performance , 87 , 64 , Majority , Numbers , Approval , Women , Latinos , 48 , 18 , 40 , 43 , Reason , Campaign , Chuck Todd , Mr , Reset , Inflation , Problems , Store , Supply Chain Issues , Direction , 400 , Liberals , Listening , Panel , Competence , Election Laws , Priorities , George Wallace , Bigots Akin , Bull Connor , Execution , Withdrawal , Covid , Rear View Mirror , July 4th , 4 , Briefing , Tank , Isn T , Prospect , Insurance , Whistles , Vulture Squawks , Sec , Western Hysteria , Amy Kellogg , Sending Thousands , Moscow , West , Possibility , Conflict , Hysteria , Kremlin , Allies , Ships , Materials , Member States , Baltic Sea , Something , Many , Confrontation , Mediterranean , Ask , Black Sea , A Story Of Worldwide Deception , Heads , Prime Time , Tv , Propaganda Blitzes , Accusations , Ran Last Night , Analysts , Missiles , Him , Paranoia , Standoff , Hit Line , Theory , Fever Pitch , News Conference , Purpose , Contribution , Response Force , Task Force , Most , 40000 , 20000 , Alliance , Event , Timeline , Units , Nato Readiness Force , Deployment Orders , Flank , Capability , Kind , Consequences , Clear , Re Assure , Embassy , Commitment , Military , Family Members , Movement , Support , Military Role , Kiev , Security Assistance , Ukrainian Armed Forces , Arms , Ammunition , Couple , 2014 , Aloin , Deterrents , Suggestion , Rush , Wanted , Scenario , Nord Stream , Looks , Gee , Incursion , Questionses , Continent , Diplomacy , They Haven T , Department Of Defense , Reciprocated , Progression , Military Capability , We Saw , Package , Systems , Missile , Javelin , 200 Million , 00 Million , Air Defense Systems , Deliveries , Trainers , Special Forces , Discussions , Footprint , Safety , Concern , Destination , Break , Journey , Road , Announcer , Coffee , Freedom , Coffee Shop , Nope , Matter , I , Uh , Voiceover , Biker , Stop Rybelsus , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Protection , 9 , 79 , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , 7 , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Insulin , Help , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Changes , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Vomiting , Nausea , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 10 , 0 , 3 , Meaning , Choice , Label , The Word , Abortion , Generation , Campuses , Fight , Weaker , Life , Suffering , Death , Subjugation , Mother , Army , 1300 , Copy , Battle Plan , Unit , For Today , Crime Increase , The Story , Evening , Monday , 24 , Monday January 24 , Points , Session , Edge , Jennifer Griffin , Dow , Charles Payne , Neil Cavuto , 1000 ,

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