Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708

information. as russia sends more troops and ammunition to the border. the u.s. is working in any russian aggression will be met with swift and severe consequent this. greg is live in ukraine's capital with more on how the country is preparing, congresswoman claudia tenney is standing by with her reaction and we begin with david spunt live at the white house. >> just about a month ago top u.s. officials were convinced that russian president vladimir putin had not made up his mind yet about potentially invading ukraine for how things have escalated over the past few weeks were in a much different posture right now with president biden continuing to get updates on this. for the past few months russian troops have been at ukraine border with heavy military equipment clearly taken an aggressive posture this weekend british intelligence claims russian water put a man by the name of ottavio well-known russian sympathizer is ahead of ukrainian government. according to this report out this weekend we have information that indicates the russian government is looking to install a progression leader in kia as it considers to occupy ukraine. >> vladimir putin wants to put leaders in the capital and control of the country for an awfully long time. the u.s. warned the same thing two days before on thursday in a statement from the department of treasury said russia has directed its intelligence services to recruit in former ukrainian government officials to prepare to take over the government of ukraine and control ukraine's google infrastructure within occupying russian force, secretary of state anthony blinken was in switzerland late last week to meet with his russian counterpart, this morning blinking offered this take. >> i cannot comment on specific pieces but we have been warning about this tactic for weeks and we have spoken to that publicly. last week we sanction for ages of russia ukrainians in ukraine seeking to stabilize the government. >> president biden, there he is at camp david with his national security team, he will be back at the white house tomorrow and speaking tomorrow we continued the united states officials telling the families of diplomats working in kyiv and other parts of ukraine to potentially leave the country, get out of there as soon as possible. jon: david spunt live at the white house. thank you. armed with 180 tons of u.s. weapons and ammunition ukrainian forces are gearing up for a fight especially with more than 120,000 russian troops camped across the border live in the capital city of kyiv with more. the u.s. is ramping up its military aid to ukraine and it may be just-in-time. the shipment arriving in kyiv sunday night is the second installment of a 200 million-dollar weapon from the state and earlier delivery with ammunition ukrainian shoulders in eastern ukraine. this sounds like more of the same, that could be a good thing in the east it is reported the revolution of multiple rocket launchers, new deployed thereby russia moscow has also been sending other stuff into the region including fuel and other weaponry. if it worked for neighboring, big new movements there and hardware record numbers instead the total strength of russian forces are well over 125,000, some are just about 30 miles from the border that is more than the bad news people flocking to area churches today saying prayers and lighting candles hoping for the best take a listen to what some told us. >> i am scared i used to believe that we had friends. >> i'm scared it's outrageous russia is doing something like this. >> we are praying and hoping it is not going to happen. >> everything is good to be fine. >> everything is going to be fine. that was the last individual there looking not to well tonight in that direction. jon: not too many people to get that way in the world greg, thank you. u.s. officials say the threat of an invasion is growing for more on this new york republican congressman claudia tenney joint is now she serves on the house committee on foreign affairs and small business committee as well, congresswoman, the russian invasion, potential invasion of ukraine is awfully looking like a strong possibility. what would you advise the white house, how should they respond? >> the white house as set the situation up. biden's last term as vice president they really didn't react much to the invasion of crimea and now we have a situation where russia is flexing its muscle other administration projects weakness in just an example is a nord stream 2 pipeline which was interesting because russia and putin use energy as a weapon to destabilize and to exert their power over a nation around europe and around the world. in this case nord stream is not a commercial project it was a strategic project and president biden has greenlighted this initiative it would cost ukraine and compromise our european partners who were relying for us to be strong. biden administration is doing some hopefully deterrent by building up the access with ukraine that we authorize last fall and is putting pressure on the banking system and cutting off putin that way which i think those things could really sting putin in his attempts to take over ukraine but right now i feel that putin feels he is empowered as ever as we project that. we are hoping biden administration continues to act tough and make sure it doesn't happen in the first place and obviously we do not want to get into a conflict in the ukraine speed with the nord stream pipeline is something that tom cotton mentioned today on his discussion with maria bartiromo on "sunday morning features". >> germany has not only refused to provide ukraine with antiarmor and antiaircraft weapons they are blocking other nato countries from providing those weapons to ukraine now with the nord stream 2 pipeline going to the baltic sea you're in a situation where germany has secured its energy supply without take into account the consequences that will have on countries not only like ukraine but nato allies like poland. jon: it seems like not all of the nato allies are necessarily onboard in support of ukraine. >> no, what are the conditions that putin has put out, the united states rejected rightfully that they will not be allowed to be admitted as a member of nato. it is interesting as you look at the nord stream 2 pipeline as editor cotton pointed out this is a strategic move as the u.s. engages in a naïve and in addition to germany and naïve policy toward climate and understated russia and china are not concerned about anything to do with the climate and their taken advantage of that with us on the national stage or international stage and you look at china, the biggest polluter in the world is investing heavily in coal, they consume about half of the world's coal and last year they had the highest pollution rate in there a member of the paris climate record and they're not complying with any of those contracts in u.s. and germany and others think that they will launch into a green economy without having any common sense and without looking at the strategic weapon for adversaries like putin and china. jon: although the situation on the ukraine russian border is about as serious as it's been since the end of the cold war and the end of world war ii. most americans say they were concerned about inflation and i want to put up some numbers in the latest fox news poll, 85% of americans say they are concerned about inflation that is roughly as high as it's been all year the numbers from the consumer pricing index suggest our buying power is dropping rapidly. what do you say to biden administration. >> again energy is a big part of this equation as we shut down our own energy independence in our ability to produce goods and services and transport them and make that happen in the united states, export our resources we caught the supply chain and excessive spending coming on the cited biden administration which is driven up inflation on the cost of goods i'm a business owner the cost of production is very high in the tribune americans because we are handcuffing herself on the synergy issue among the many factors, huge spending with subsidizing, even germany is trying to go into a green climate but they are putting caps other utilities and how much they're able to charge the consumers because the prices are so high. we get the same problem here. jon: if i just jump in the latest fox news poll seems to agree, what is the cause of the inflationary experience, 48% say is government policy. >> government policy high cost of gasoline and fuel which is caused by this climate agenda that the far left is pushing president biden into and even our european partners we are in this naïve view that were not going to be able, russia and china are seizing on us strategically this is a nord stream 2 china as well malign political geopolitical investments that they're making and leveraging the united states as we continue to deny ourselves or handcuffing ourselves we are not putting ourselves in the position where we have strength in the prior administration we were becoming energy independent and while biden green lights nord stream 2 we cut off the keystone pipeline and others. jon: we will have to say goodbye, we appreciate the time new york republican congressman claudia tenney. deadly violence against police officers in multiple states this weekend in texas harris county charles galloway was killed during an apparent ambush at a traffic stop, the suspected gunman still on the loose. this comes after shooting the new york city harlem friday night nypd officer jason rivera died in that shooting. officer wilbert mora was shot, he remains a condition and was being transferred to nyu langone medical center. fox team coverage christina coleman is live on the texas deputy country deputy sean killed but first in the newsroom with more on the new york city cop shooting. >> so much violence against police officers and new york city grieving tonight as were learning more about the 22-year-old officer shot and killed in the harlem area. a new video shared online captured an inspirational message to officer rivera shared with younger students at a high school new york city and gives you a good idea what this man stood for telling them to go after their goals. listen. >> you have to put in the work and 100% of work. you know what if it takes some time after school, so be it. you've got to do if you do not do it you will not make it anywhere in life. >> jason rivera was shot and killed inside of a heart apartment complex responding to domestic call and right there on his life his partner 27-year-old wilbert mora was critically injured. investigators tell us those officers were ambushed while responding to a 911 call from a woman who said she was fighting with her adult son went to officers tried to speak with the man he opened fire. listen to the audio from the police dispatch which shows how quickly things unfolded. >> what's going on. >> officer shot. >> police telling us happened in a matter of seconds this is the gunman 47-year-old with the previous mug shot from a different arrest. at the time of this shooting investigators telling fox news he was on probation for a felony drug charge in new york city in his rap sheet pretty lengthy arrested a half-dozen times for a variety of offenses. just this month five nypd officers have been shot in earlier today a 61-year-old man pushed on the subway tracks by an attacker who ran off police telling us that man is okay but this comes one week after a 40-year-old woman was fatally pushed onto the tracks in times square. a lot more still developing the mayor says he'll release a plan this week about his crime and what he wants to do. jon: a lot of nervous people in new york city. alexis, thank you. tragedy overnight in texas harris county deputy charles galloway killed early this morning during an apparent traffic stop the suspected gunman is still on the loose right now. christina coleman joins us live with the latest. >> a manhunt is underway for the suspect involved in the brooder under brutal murder of charles galloway. deputy said he purred pulled over for a traffic stop in southwest houston and the driver of the other vehicle got out invited into galloway's patrol car multiple times and took off, witnesses saw an assault type weapon it's unclear what the suspect ambush galloway but what is clear this is another deadly attack on a member of law enforcement. >> these are many women who go out there on a daily basis not because of the pay in the days off because they like to work day shift or night shift. it's because they want to make a difference in their community and this is what is happening. we have to be able to address his across-the-board in this county in the city of houston has made the commitment. >> corporal galloway was a 12 and a half year veteran with harris county he leaves behind a daughter and his sister and numerous officers he trained, his colleagues say he was loved very much by the people he served and he will be missed tremendously. authorities described the suspect as hispanic male who was last seen driving a newer model white toyota avalon houston police chief say the suspect in others who commit these violent acts need to be how to colorable and served time for the crimes. >> my advice in my call to everyone we better get intentional by locking up violent individuals, it is a place for them. we cannot have people like this on our street. i do not want to raise my family or my grandchildren in a county where this type of crime is running rampant. >> houston mayor sylvester served with honor and distinction. he also has a message for galloway's killer he said the person responsible for taking his life will be found and brought to justice. it is just a matter of time. there is no place you can hide houston is handling this case and officers are urging people to keep corporal galloway's family and brothers and sisters in blue in their prayers. jon: christina coleman, thank you. coming up are learning more about the texas officer who died at the border. more on that head. the transgender swimmer at the center of the sports controversy keeps on winning as the ncaa makes changes to its rules for transgender athletes. we will tell you about that next. ♪ to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. and along the ride, you'll have many questions. challenges. and a few surprises. ♪ but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. with the right tech solutions. ♪ ♪ ♪ so you can stop at nothing for your customers. easy tools on the chase mobile app. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small 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thomas who has been breaking records this season on the swim team the new policy also requires hormone testing for championship. caitlin gender sounded off on fox news this week. >> a disappointed the ncaa kick the can down the road. it is unfortunate. i am out there to protect women sports. >> she added even void testosterone she still outperforms women. kristi noem said on "fox news sunday" she is pushing a bill to protect sports for biological women and girls. >> this is about fairness and making sure our girls have a chance to be successful and compete to scholarships are going to play professional sports beyond that. >> the swimming provided a lengthy statement reading in part, we also strongly believe in competitive equity and like many are doing our best to learn and educate ourselves on the appropriate balance in this space. chris mosher have also taken an issue with the policy change he wrote in his statement that he feels it was rushed and provides no safeguard for trans student-athletes. jon: alexandria hoff, thank you. a texas department of public safety officer has become the first to be killed in the line of duty while working on the border protection program the operation lone star the departments is 37 euros special agent anthony solace was involved in a tragic accident friday night. bill melugin live on the border from the way you texas. >> incredibly tragic accident what were hearing this was a single vehicle accident, you can see the 37-year-old anthony solace special agent, he was a former u.s. marine as well and what were told this friday night he was working the border patrol to help arrest a group of six illegal immigrants when he was involved in the single vehicle accident, he died in the hospital yesterday morning as you mention he is officially the first line of duty death associated with operation lone star texas governor greg abbott issued a statement offering his condolences, this tragedy is a somber reminder of the selfless sacrifices our law enforcement make to keep a safe. meanwhile a video out of border patrol el paso shows a wild situation the national guard and border patrol having to patrol back and forth you can see the night vision there was groups of migrants trying to get into the country by potentially scaling the wall you will see some people up on the wall they climbed up there and the trucks are having to go back and forth in an effort to repel these people from getting into the country. the backer to the video you can see dozens of more migrants making the run on that part of the border elsewhere, that happened yesterday and border patrol el paso sector, another offender rested at the border, if you take a look at the mud shot this is border patrol tucson, arizona sector where they arrested this mexican national he is a previous conviction of third degree rape out of the state of new york sex offenders like this arrested on all parts of the border day in and day out, back of her life talking about got a ways, telling us just here in the rio grande valley sector this is october 1 there was more than 14500 known got away so far just a little over three months. i'll send it back to you. jon: staggering numbers, bill melugin from the southern border. coming up we go live to russia with the latest on the country's threats to ukraine, urgent warning coming in from the u.s. state department telling americans not to travel to ukraine because of the threat of possible significant russian aggression. details just ahead. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> into seo the governor has been on the platform that parents should have a say in the well-being in the upbringing of their children in school that was before i was involved. just for context the european cdc recommends against vaccines in primary school. they're not usual the uk and ireland do not have the children wear masks in school, the w.h.o. is against masks with young children and older children they say. should consider the psychosocial aspects. somehow were the only country that there is an assumption that there is no downside, there is a mental health crisis among children from the pandemic and we can ignore that or we can look at the factors contributed and when you look at a child disabled and vaccinated and forced to wear cloth mask in speech pathology it's reasonable to say. should have a say. jon: it is hurting children in terms of comprehension, reading, vocabulary because they cannot hear as well as because well. >> that is right children need to see the visual cues of expression on the faces of others and that is a part of child development talk to any speech pathologist many are seeing surges right now and very young children coming in with difficulties we have brown university showing motor and cognitive delays among kids in the developing or the pandemic in the surgeon general issued a report we have a mental health crisis as high as 25% of kids have severe depression and another 10% have anxiety we cannot ignore the data. jon: 25% is an appalling number of her children. what about omicron so many of the mask mandates were revived or extended because omicron was hitting. how bad is it? >> it is less severe than the seasonal flu issues more complicated it is society. if you look at the data that is emerged out of southern california added 52000 cases with omicron there may have been one death and it's unclear whether or not it was because from omicron. just to give you comparison one at a 52000 dying of omicron verses one and 400 of americans have died from one of the previous variance alpha, beta or delta this is a different virus that is behaving differently and probably deserves a different name. jon: the white house spokeswoman jen psaki was on thursday talking about mask mandates because as you mentioned the uk and ireland are getting rid of theirs, here is what jen psaki had to say about the possibility. >> about six weeks away from boris johnson announcement saying masks will no longer be required. >> may be less. >> i can't make a prediction if we listen to the scientist obviously we seen a spike in some parts of the world and received a spike that it come down a little bit in the united states so will be watching a very close. jon: they will be watching very closely at the white house, what would your advice be. >> with a mild virus although it's ubiquitous and everywhere health officials acknowledge everyone's going to get it. the dilemma for those who believe unmasking procedures enclosures, were gonna have spikes every year during the winter season of some respiratory pathogen with a similar or worst-case. the question is do we keep masks on children k-12 in their entire childhood or do we learn to live with the virus. the uk and israel had no masks on kids most of the entire pandemic, they're pulling back masks across the society altogether. jon: i want to put up the result of a fox news poll and for control room it is number four. the number of americans who think the centers for disease control has done a reasonably good job in handling all of this which covid measures are effective in vaccine 66% into third say vaccines are effective, facemasks 63% in just over half think the centers for disease control is doing a competent job but they don't like the change you pandemic advice that keeps coming out of the cdc. i think you are in sync without dealing. >> a lot of people are frustrated theirs and under emphasis on therapeutics, we barely hear about them they completely ignored natural communities. now that they're very clear that natural immunity even from the cdc data source, natural immunity is stronger than vaccinated immunity. when hospitals and employers of the united states fire those with natural immunity they're not being vaccinated they fire those least likely to spread the infection and these are not a failure of science this is a failure of government people have a right to be frustrated. jon: politics overtaking science in some cases. fox news contributor and john hopkins school of professor, gaddafi one. we will be back with more "fox report" in ath moment. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. jon: back to tonight's top story the state department warning americans not to travel to ukraine in reducing staff at our embassy and kyiv due to increased threats of significant russian military action against ukraine. a statement saying the department of state authorizes the voluntary departure of u.s. direct hire employees in order the departure of eligible family members from the embassy of kyiv due to the continued threat of russian military action. here are other headlines from around the globe. in taiwan the country reports a new large-scale chinese air force incursion into taiwanese airspace the ministry says fighters held off 39 aircraft vessels the most china has sent over taiwan since october. in south korea officials say iran is expected to begin the vote in the un general assembly after south korea paid tehran's dues with frozen iranian funds. in italy former prime minister is staying in a hospital for routine health check, this comes a day after the 85-year-old decided not to run for president. in honduras the u.s. embassy is asking for peace and more dialogue after lawmakers brought in congress on friday positions could shift with the transfer of power this week. in china government officials are introducing more measures to contain a recent outbreak with covid-19 ahead of the olympics. president biden announced the diplomatic boycott against last month. indiana the head of a foundation set up by anne frank's father is criticizing a cold case probe into her betrayal. that is a look at stories from around the globe. new poll numbers from fox news show the biden administration might have his priorities backwards on the things americans are most concerned about. we'll get thoughts from real clear politics cofounder and president next. 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>> he can there is a lot of time before the midterm election. it is possible if the virus works its way through and there's a return to normalcy and if inflation comes down biden could see a bounce in his approval rating he is at 41-point to percent in our latest near his all-time low he is a long way to go to get back to where he needs to be for democrats to have a fighting chance of saving their majority in the house and the senate. if inflation stays high in the administration doesn't treated with urgency that is a recipe for political disaster. jon: there is a job approval rating of the current president in your real clear politics this is an average of the top holes 41-point to percent approval not very good numbers at the end of one year in office and then in the latest fox news pool if the election were held today 36% of americans say they would vote to reelect joe biden, 60% say they would vote for somebody else. those are also terrible numbers. >> it is been grim for the better the administration for the last few months. there has been a flood of poles around his first anniversary and there's hardly a silverlining to be found another poll that showed 28% of folks wanted to run for reelection including 48% of democrats. the majority of democrats don't even want him to rerun the biden administration is to teacher tactics and strategy but based on what we salt the press conference last week it does not appear that will be the case. i think they will struggle and again, it biden does not improve his standing it's going to be a bad night for them in november in the house and the senate. jon: the bright spot harris approval rating is up to 43% it was at 40% december and are fox news pool. good to have you on. thank you. the case of the missing monkeys has been resolved. we'll tell you how police in pennsylvania tracked them down after three days on the run. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ deposit, plan and pay with easy tools from chase. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business. you can pick the best plan for each employee and get the best deals on every smart phone. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at jon: if you served aboard the uss kitty hawk. the old girl is headed to the scrap yard. the carrier departed its naval base yesterday for the final voyage kitty hawk last oil-fired aircraft. decomission in 2009 after 48 years of service. >> a 3 day search for several lab monkeys on the loose in rural pennsylvania is over, they escaped friday when a pickup truck collided with a trailer holding the monkeys for the labs. >> that is how "fox reports" sunday january 23. 2022, i am jon scott, thanks for joining us. see you next week, "sunday night in america" with trey gowdy is next. trey: good evening thank you for joining us, i am trey gowdy, it is "sunday night in america," tonight russia and china are threateningf neighbors, russia continues to move troops and military equipment to the ukrainian border, there is donateo obligation to defend ukraine but u.s. has moral the reasons to keep russia from invading a sovereign country. after all. the u.s.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708

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information. as russia sends more troops and ammunition to the border. the u.s. is working in any russian aggression will be met with swift and severe consequent this. greg is live in ukraine's capital with more on how the country is preparing, congresswoman claudia tenney is standing by with her reaction and we begin with david spunt live at the white house. >> just about a month ago top u.s. officials were convinced that russian president vladimir putin had not made up his mind yet about potentially invading ukraine for how things have escalated over the past few weeks were in a much different posture right now with president biden continuing to get updates on this. for the past few months russian troops have been at ukraine border with heavy military equipment clearly taken an aggressive posture this weekend british intelligence claims russian water put a man by the name of ottavio well-known russian sympathizer is ahead of ukrainian government. according to this report out this weekend we have information that indicates the russian government is looking to install a progression leader in kia as it considers to occupy ukraine. >> vladimir putin wants to put leaders in the capital and control of the country for an awfully long time. the u.s. warned the same thing two days before on thursday in a statement from the department of treasury said russia has directed its intelligence services to recruit in former ukrainian government officials to prepare to take over the government of ukraine and control ukraine's google infrastructure within occupying russian force, secretary of state anthony blinken was in switzerland late last week to meet with his russian counterpart, this morning blinking offered this take. >> i cannot comment on specific pieces but we have been warning about this tactic for weeks and we have spoken to that publicly. last week we sanction for ages of russia ukrainians in ukraine seeking to stabilize the government. >> president biden, there he is at camp david with his national security team, he will be back at the white house tomorrow and speaking tomorrow we continued the united states officials telling the families of diplomats working in kyiv and other parts of ukraine to potentially leave the country, get out of there as soon as possible. jon: david spunt live at the white house. thank you. armed with 180 tons of u.s. weapons and ammunition ukrainian forces are gearing up for a fight especially with more than 120,000 russian troops camped across the border live in the capital city of kyiv with more. the u.s. is ramping up its military aid to ukraine and it may be just-in-time. the shipment arriving in kyiv sunday night is the second installment of a 200 million-dollar weapon from the state and earlier delivery with ammunition ukrainian shoulders in eastern ukraine. this sounds like more of the same, that could be a good thing in the east it is reported the revolution of multiple rocket launchers, new deployed thereby russia moscow has also been sending other stuff into the region including fuel and other weaponry. if it worked for neighboring, big new movements there and hardware record numbers instead the total strength of russian forces are well over 125,000, some are just about 30 miles from the border that is more than the bad news people flocking to area churches today saying prayers and lighting candles hoping for the best take a listen to what some told us. >> i am scared i used to believe that we had friends. >> i'm scared it's outrageous russia is doing something like this. >> we are praying and hoping it is not going to happen. >> everything is good to be fine. >> everything is going to be fine. that was the last individual there looking not to well tonight in that direction. jon: not too many people to get that way in the world greg, thank you. u.s. officials say the threat of an invasion is growing for more on this new york republican congressman claudia tenney joint is now she serves on the house committee on foreign affairs and small business committee as well, congresswoman, the russian invasion, potential invasion of ukraine is awfully looking like a strong possibility. what would you advise the white house, how should they respond? >> the white house as set the situation up. biden's last term as vice president they really didn't react much to the invasion of crimea and now we have a situation where russia is flexing its muscle other administration projects weakness in just an example is a nord stream 2 pipeline which was interesting because russia and putin use energy as a weapon to destabilize and to exert their power over a nation around europe and around the world. in this case nord stream is not a commercial project it was a strategic project and president biden has greenlighted this initiative it would cost ukraine and compromise our european partners who were relying for us to be strong. biden administration is doing some hopefully deterrent by building up the access with ukraine that we authorize last fall and is putting pressure on the banking system and cutting off putin that way which i think those things could really sting putin in his attempts to take over ukraine but right now i feel that putin feels he is empowered as ever as we project that. we are hoping biden administration continues to act tough and make sure it doesn't happen in the first place and obviously we do not want to get into a conflict in the ukraine speed with the nord stream pipeline is something that tom cotton mentioned today on his discussion with maria bartiromo on "sunday morning features". >> germany has not only refused to provide ukraine with antiarmor and antiaircraft weapons they are blocking other nato countries from providing those weapons to ukraine now with the nord stream 2 pipeline going to the baltic sea you're in a situation where germany has secured its energy supply without take into account the consequences that will have on countries not only like ukraine but nato allies like poland. jon: it seems like not all of the nato allies are necessarily onboard in support of ukraine. >> no, what are the conditions that putin has put out, the united states rejected rightfully that they will not be allowed to be admitted as a member of nato. it is interesting as you look at the nord stream 2 pipeline as editor cotton pointed out this is a strategic move as the u.s. engages in a naïve and in addition to germany and naïve policy toward climate and understated russia and china are not concerned about anything to do with the climate and their taken advantage of that with us on the national stage or international stage and you look at china, the biggest polluter in the world is investing heavily in coal, they consume about half of the world's coal and last year they had the highest pollution rate in there a member of the paris climate record and they're not complying with any of those contracts in u.s. and germany and others think that they will launch into a green economy without having any common sense and without looking at the strategic weapon for adversaries like putin and china. jon: although the situation on the ukraine russian border is about as serious as it's been since the end of the cold war and the end of world war ii. most americans say they were concerned about inflation and i want to put up some numbers in the latest fox news poll, 85% of americans say they are concerned about inflation that is roughly as high as it's been all year the numbers from the consumer pricing index suggest our buying power is dropping rapidly. what do you say to biden administration. >> again energy is a big part of this equation as we shut down our own energy independence in our ability to produce goods and services and transport them and make that happen in the united states, export our resources we caught the supply chain and excessive spending coming on the cited biden administration which is driven up inflation on the cost of goods i'm a business owner the cost of production is very high in the tribune americans because we are handcuffing herself on the synergy issue among the many factors, huge spending with subsidizing, even germany is trying to go into a green climate but they are putting caps other utilities and how much they're able to charge the consumers because the prices are so high. we get the same problem here. jon: if i just jump in the latest fox news poll seems to agree, what is the cause of the inflationary experience, 48% say is government policy. >> government policy high cost of gasoline and fuel which is caused by this climate agenda that the far left is pushing president biden into and even our european partners we are in this naïve view that were not going to be able, russia and china are seizing on us strategically this is a nord stream 2 china as well malign political geopolitical investments that they're making and leveraging the united states as we continue to deny ourselves or handcuffing ourselves we are not putting ourselves in the position where we have strength in the prior administration we were becoming energy independent and while biden green lights nord stream 2 we cut off the keystone pipeline and others. jon: we will have to say goodbye, we appreciate the time new york republican congressman claudia tenney. deadly violence against police officers in multiple states this weekend in texas harris county charles galloway was killed during an apparent ambush at a traffic stop, the suspected gunman still on the loose. this comes after shooting the new york city harlem friday night nypd officer jason rivera died in that shooting. officer wilbert mora was shot, he remains a condition and was being transferred to nyu langone medical center. fox team coverage christina coleman is live on the texas deputy country deputy sean killed but first in the newsroom with more on the new york city cop shooting. >> so much violence against police officers and new york city grieving tonight as were learning more about the 22-year-old officer shot and killed in the harlem area. a new video shared online captured an inspirational message to officer rivera shared with younger students at a high school new york city and gives you a good idea what this man stood for telling them to go after their goals. listen. >> you have to put in the work and 100% of work. you know what if it takes some time after school, so be it. you've got to do if you do not do it you will not make it anywhere in life. >> jason rivera was shot and killed inside of a heart apartment complex responding to domestic call and right there on his life his partner 27-year-old wilbert mora was critically injured. investigators tell us those officers were ambushed while responding to a 911 call from a woman who said she was fighting with her adult son went to officers tried to speak with the man he opened fire. listen to the audio from the police dispatch which shows how quickly things unfolded. >> what's going on. >> officer shot. >> police telling us happened in a matter of seconds this is the gunman 47-year-old with the previous mug shot from a different arrest. at the time of this shooting investigators telling fox news he was on probation for a felony drug charge in new york city in his rap sheet pretty lengthy arrested a half-dozen times for a variety of offenses. just this month five nypd officers have been shot in earlier today a 61-year-old man pushed on the subway tracks by an attacker who ran off police telling us that man is okay but this comes one week after a 40-year-old woman was fatally pushed onto the tracks in times square. a lot more still developing the mayor says he'll release a plan this week about his crime and what he wants to do. jon: a lot of nervous people in new york city. alexis, thank you. tragedy overnight in texas harris county deputy charles galloway killed early this morning during an apparent traffic stop the suspected gunman is still on the loose right now. christina coleman joins us live with the latest. >> a manhunt is underway for the suspect involved in the brooder under brutal murder of charles galloway. deputy said he purred pulled over for a traffic stop in southwest houston and the driver of the other vehicle got out invited into galloway's patrol car multiple times and took off, witnesses saw an assault type weapon it's unclear what the suspect ambush galloway but what is clear this is another deadly attack on a member of law enforcement. >> these are many women who go out there on a daily basis not because of the pay in the days off because they like to work day shift or night shift. it's because they want to make a difference in their community and this is what is happening. we have to be able to address his across-the-board in this county in the city of houston has made the commitment. >> corporal galloway was a 12 and a half year veteran with harris county he leaves behind a daughter and his sister and numerous officers he trained, his colleagues say he was loved very much by the people he served and he will be missed tremendously. authorities described the suspect as hispanic male who was last seen driving a newer model white toyota avalon houston police chief say the suspect in others who commit these violent acts need to be how to colorable and served time for the crimes. >> my advice in my call to everyone we better get intentional by locking up violent individuals, it is a place for them. we cannot have people like this on our street. i do not want to raise my family or my grandchildren in a county where this type of crime is running rampant. >> houston mayor sylvester served with honor and distinction. he also has a message for galloway's killer he said the person responsible for taking his life will be found and brought to justice. it is just a matter of time. there is no place you can hide houston is handling this case and officers are urging people to keep corporal galloway's family and brothers and sisters in blue in their prayers. jon: christina coleman, thank you. coming up are learning more about the texas officer who died at the border. more on that head. the transgender swimmer at the center of the sports controversy keeps on winning as the ncaa makes changes to its rules for transgender athletes. we will tell you about that next. ♪ to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. and along the ride, you'll have many questions. challenges. and a few surprises. ♪ but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. with the right tech solutions. ♪ ♪ ♪ so you can stop at nothing for your customers. easy tools on the chase mobile app. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small 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thomas who has been breaking records this season on the swim team the new policy also requires hormone testing for championship. caitlin gender sounded off on fox news this week. >> a disappointed the ncaa kick the can down the road. it is unfortunate. i am out there to protect women sports. >> she added even void testosterone she still outperforms women. kristi noem said on "fox news sunday" she is pushing a bill to protect sports for biological women and girls. >> this is about fairness and making sure our girls have a chance to be successful and compete to scholarships are going to play professional sports beyond that. >> the swimming provided a lengthy statement reading in part, we also strongly believe in competitive equity and like many are doing our best to learn and educate ourselves on the appropriate balance in this space. chris mosher have also taken an issue with the policy change he wrote in his statement that he feels it was rushed and provides no safeguard for trans student-athletes. jon: alexandria hoff, thank you. a texas department of public safety officer has become the first to be killed in the line of duty while working on the border protection program the operation lone star the departments is 37 euros special agent anthony solace was involved in a tragic accident friday night. bill melugin live on the border from the way you texas. >> incredibly tragic accident what were hearing this was a single vehicle accident, you can see the 37-year-old anthony solace special agent, he was a former u.s. marine as well and what were told this friday night he was working the border patrol to help arrest a group of six illegal immigrants when he was involved in the single vehicle accident, he died in the hospital yesterday morning as you mention he is officially the first line of duty death associated with operation lone star texas governor greg abbott issued a statement offering his condolences, this tragedy is a somber reminder of the selfless sacrifices our law enforcement make to keep a safe. meanwhile a video out of border patrol el paso shows a wild situation the national guard and border patrol having to patrol back and forth you can see the night vision there was groups of migrants trying to get into the country by potentially scaling the wall you will see some people up on the wall they climbed up there and the trucks are having to go back and forth in an effort to repel these people from getting into the country. the backer to the video you can see dozens of more migrants making the run on that part of the border elsewhere, that happened yesterday and border patrol el paso sector, another offender rested at the border, if you take a look at the mud shot this is border patrol tucson, arizona sector where they arrested this mexican national he is a previous conviction of third degree rape out of the state of new york sex offenders like this arrested on all parts of the border day in and day out, back of her life talking about got a ways, telling us just here in the rio grande valley sector this is october 1 there was more than 14500 known got away so far just a little over three months. i'll send it back to you. jon: staggering numbers, bill melugin from the southern border. coming up we go live to russia with the latest on the country's threats to ukraine, urgent warning coming in from the u.s. state department telling americans not to travel to ukraine because of the threat of possible significant russian aggression. details just ahead. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> into seo the governor has been on the platform that parents should have a say in the well-being in the upbringing of their children in school that was before i was involved. just for context the european cdc recommends against vaccines in primary school. they're not usual the uk and ireland do not have the children wear masks in school, the w.h.o. is against masks with young children and older children they say. should consider the psychosocial aspects. somehow were the only country that there is an assumption that there is no downside, there is a mental health crisis among children from the pandemic and we can ignore that or we can look at the factors contributed and when you look at a child disabled and vaccinated and forced to wear cloth mask in speech pathology it's reasonable to say. should have a say. jon: it is hurting children in terms of comprehension, reading, vocabulary because they cannot hear as well as because well. >> that is right children need to see the visual cues of expression on the faces of others and that is a part of child development talk to any speech pathologist many are seeing surges right now and very young children coming in with difficulties we have brown university showing motor and cognitive delays among kids in the developing or the pandemic in the surgeon general issued a report we have a mental health crisis as high as 25% of kids have severe depression and another 10% have anxiety we cannot ignore the data. jon: 25% is an appalling number of her children. what about omicron so many of the mask mandates were revived or extended because omicron was hitting. how bad is it? >> it is less severe than the seasonal flu issues more complicated it is society. if you look at the data that is emerged out of southern california added 52000 cases with omicron there may have been one death and it's unclear whether or not it was because from omicron. just to give you comparison one at a 52000 dying of omicron verses one and 400 of americans have died from one of the previous variance alpha, beta or delta this is a different virus that is behaving differently and probably deserves a different name. jon: the white house spokeswoman jen psaki was on thursday talking about mask mandates because as you mentioned the uk and ireland are getting rid of theirs, here is what jen psaki had to say about the possibility. >> about six weeks away from boris johnson announcement saying masks will no longer be required. >> may be less. >> i can't make a prediction if we listen to the scientist obviously we seen a spike in some parts of the world and received a spike that it come down a little bit in the united states so will be watching a very close. jon: they will be watching very closely at the white house, what would your advice be. >> with a mild virus although it's ubiquitous and everywhere health officials acknowledge everyone's going to get it. the dilemma for those who believe unmasking procedures enclosures, were gonna have spikes every year during the winter season of some respiratory pathogen with a similar or worst-case. the question is do we keep masks on children k-12 in their entire childhood or do we learn to live with the virus. the uk and israel had no masks on kids most of the entire pandemic, they're pulling back masks across the society altogether. jon: i want to put up the result of a fox news poll and for control room it is number four. the number of americans who think the centers for disease control has done a reasonably good job in handling all of this which covid measures are effective in vaccine 66% into third say vaccines are effective, facemasks 63% in just over half think the centers for disease control is doing a competent job but they don't like the change you pandemic advice that keeps coming out of the cdc. i think you are in sync without dealing. >> a lot of people are frustrated theirs and under emphasis on therapeutics, we barely hear about them they completely ignored natural communities. now that they're very clear that natural immunity even from the cdc data source, natural immunity is stronger than vaccinated immunity. when hospitals and employers of the united states fire those with natural immunity they're not being vaccinated they fire those least likely to spread the infection and these are not a failure of science this is a failure of government people have a right to be frustrated. jon: politics overtaking science in some cases. fox news contributor and john hopkins school of professor, gaddafi one. we will be back with more "fox report" in ath moment. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. jon: back to tonight's top story the state department warning americans not to travel to ukraine in reducing staff at our embassy and kyiv due to increased threats of significant russian military action against ukraine. a statement saying the department of state authorizes the voluntary departure of u.s. direct hire employees in order the departure of eligible family members from the embassy of kyiv due to the continued threat of russian military action. here are other headlines from around the globe. in taiwan the country reports a new large-scale chinese air force incursion into taiwanese airspace the ministry says fighters held off 39 aircraft vessels the most china has sent over taiwan since october. in south korea officials say iran is expected to begin the vote in the un general assembly after south korea paid tehran's dues with frozen iranian funds. in italy former prime minister is staying in a hospital for routine health check, this comes a day after the 85-year-old decided not to run for president. in honduras the u.s. embassy is asking for peace and more dialogue after lawmakers brought in congress on friday positions could shift with the transfer of power this week. in china government officials are introducing more measures to contain a recent outbreak with covid-19 ahead of the olympics. president biden announced the diplomatic boycott against last month. indiana the head of a foundation set up by anne frank's father is criticizing a cold case probe into her betrayal. that is a look at stories from around the globe. new poll numbers from fox news show the biden administration might have his priorities backwards on the things americans are most concerned about. we'll get thoughts from real clear politics cofounder and president next. 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>> he can there is a lot of time before the midterm election. it is possible if the virus works its way through and there's a return to normalcy and if inflation comes down biden could see a bounce in his approval rating he is at 41-point to percent in our latest near his all-time low he is a long way to go to get back to where he needs to be for democrats to have a fighting chance of saving their majority in the house and the senate. if inflation stays high in the administration doesn't treated with urgency that is a recipe for political disaster. jon: there is a job approval rating of the current president in your real clear politics this is an average of the top holes 41-point to percent approval not very good numbers at the end of one year in office and then in the latest fox news pool if the election were held today 36% of americans say they would vote to reelect joe biden, 60% say they would vote for somebody else. those are also terrible numbers. >> it is been grim for the better the administration for the last few months. there has been a flood of poles around his first anniversary and there's hardly a silverlining to be found another poll that showed 28% of folks wanted to run for reelection including 48% of democrats. the majority of democrats don't even want him to rerun the biden administration is to teacher tactics and strategy but based on what we salt the press conference last week it does not appear that will be the case. i think they will struggle and again, it biden does not improve his standing it's going to be a bad night for them in november in the house and the senate. jon: the bright spot harris approval rating is up to 43% it was at 40% december and are fox news pool. good to have you on. thank you. the case of the missing monkeys has been resolved. we'll tell you how police in pennsylvania tracked them down after three days on the run. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ deposit, plan and pay with easy tools from chase. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business. you can pick the best plan for each employee and get the best deals on every smart phone. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at jon: if you served aboard the uss kitty hawk. the old girl is headed to the scrap yard. the carrier departed its naval base yesterday for the final voyage kitty hawk last oil-fired aircraft. decomission in 2009 after 48 years of service. >> a 3 day search for several lab monkeys on the loose in rural pennsylvania is over, they escaped friday when a pickup truck collided with a trailer holding the monkeys for the labs. >> that is how "fox reports" sunday january 23. 2022, i am jon scott, thanks for joining us. see you next week, "sunday night in america" with trey gowdy is next. trey: good evening thank you for joining us, i am trey gowdy, it is "sunday night in america," tonight russia and china are threateningf neighbors, russia continues to move troops and military equipment to the ukrainian border, there is donateo obligation to defend ukraine but u.s. has moral the reasons to keep russia from invading a sovereign country. after all. the u.s.

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Goodbye , Congressman , Corporal Galloway , Police Officers , Loose , Traffic Stop , Texas , Violence , Gunman , States , Harris County , Ambush , Harlem , Jason Rivera , Wilbert Mora , Shot , Condition , Shooting , Nyu Langone Medical Center , Night Nypd , Officer , Sean , Newsroom , Cop Shooting , Fox Team Coverage Christina Coleman , 22 , Video , Students , Message , High School , Idea , Goals , Harlem Area , School , Work , Life , 100 , Partner , Investigators , Complex , Heart , Apartment , 27 , Police , Officers , Woman , Call , Audio , Fire , Adult , Son , Dispatch , 911 , Officer Shot , What S Going On , Matter , He , Probation , Mug Shot , Felony Drug Charge , Arrest , 47 , Ran Off Police , Times , Subway , Attacker , Offenses , Variety , Rap Sheet , Nypd , 61 , Five , Lot , Crime , Plan , Mayor , Tracks , Times Square , 40 , One , Tragedy , Alexis , Traffic , Latest , Suspect , Deputy , Manhunt , Brooder , Murder , Vehicle , Assault Type Weapon , Southwest Houston , Patrol 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Policy , Participation , Sports Governing Body , Athlete , Alexandria Hoff , Sports , Testosterone Medication , Swim Team , Season , Championship , Kick , Caitlin Gender , Hormone Testing , Road , Women Sports , Scholarships , Chance , Girls , Testosterone , Bill , Fairness , Fox News Sunday , Kristi Noem , Reading , Many , Swimming , Equity , Balance , Issue , Chris Mosher , Policy Change , Space , Student Athletes , Safeguard , Special Agent , Duty , Line , Departments , First , The Border Protection Program Operation Lone Star , Texas Department Of Public Safety , 37 Euros , 37 , Accident , Tragic Accident Friday Night , Anthony Solace , Bill Melugin , Border Patrol , U S Marine , Hospital , Group , Immigrants , Six , Death , Statement Offering , Reminder , Condolences , Safe , Sacrifices , Law Enforcement Make , Operation Lone Star , Migrants , Night Vision , Groups , Guard , El Paso , Run , Dozens , Trucks , Forth , Effort , Elsewhere , Backer , Look , El Paso Sector , Mud , Offender , Sector , Arizona , Border Patrol Tucson , Sex Offenders , Conviction , Rape , Degree , Ways , Rio Grande Valley , 1 , October 1 , Three , 14500 , Threats , U S State Department , Details , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Limu Emu Squawks , Limu Emu , Doug , Thirty Four , Personal Record , Limu , Liberty , Candidates , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Scholarship , Course , Opportunities , Phoenix Edu Jon , University Of Phoenix , 3000 , 000 , Russian Military Action , Departure , Embassy , Family Members , Employees , Bombshell British , Kremlin , Waterman Putin , Programs , Talks , Stall , Foreign Affairs Correspondent , Scene , Tv , Focus , Deals , West , Government Spokespeople , Chaos , Assurances , Deal , 90 , Foreign Ministry In Moscow , Consideration , Security Concerns , Expansion , Office , Puppet Government , Indication , Plans , Commonwealth , Foreign Affairs , Development , Allegation , Fake Tweeting , Brutus , Activities , Members , Westwood , Tensions , Led , Deployment , Ukraine Borders , Exercises , Union State Of Russia And Belarus , Eyes , Incursion , Innocence , Union State Idea , Integration , Opposition , Home , Wing , Alexander Lukashenko , Military Exercises , Need , Amy Kellogg From Moscow , Masks , Parents , Rule , Commonwealth Of Virginia , Effect , Supreme Court , Contributor , Glenn Youngkin , Marty Makary , Chairman , Debate , Virginia S Mass Mandate , School Of Medicine Professor , Result , Mask Mandate , Suggestion , Revision , Seo , Children , Cdc , Context , Vaccines , Well Being , Upbringing , Platform , Primary School , Aspects , Ireland , Pandemic , Mental Health Crisis , Assumption , Downside , Cloth Mask , Child , Speech Pathology , Comprehension , Terms , Vaccinated , Vocabulary , Speech Pathologist , Surges , Child Development , Cues , Faces , Expression , Kids , Surgeon General , Difficulties , Delays , Motor , Brown University , Mask , Number , Omicron , Mandates , Anxiety , Depression , 10 , 25 , Society , Hitting , Flu , Cases , Southern California , Dying Of Omicron Verses One , 52000 , Virus , Variance Alpha , Beta , Jen Psaki , 400 , Theirs , Spike , Scientist , Announcement , Prediction , Boris Johnson , Bit , Health , Everywhere , Winter Season , Unmasking Procedures Enclosures , Dilemma , Childhood , Worst Case , Question , Pathogen , Similar , Children K 12 , Israel , Control Room , Four , Covid , Job , Measures , Vaccine , Facemasks , 63 , 66 , Sync , Dealing , Emphasis On Therapeutics , Infection , Immunity , Hospitals , Communities , Employers , Data Source , Failure , Science , Politics Overtaking Science , Right , Professor , John Hopkins School , Matrix , Gaddafi One , Serena Williams , Ath Moment , Demand , Directv , Story , Staff , Direct Hire , Order , Globe , Headlines , Chinese , Air Force , Taiwan , Aircraft , Fighters , Airspace , South Korea , 39 , Prime Minister , Dues , Funds , Former , Iranian , Tehran , Italy , Vote , Un General Assembly , Positions , Health Check , Dialogue , Lawmakers , Peace , Honduras , Congress , Boycott , Government Officials , Transfer , Outbreak , 19 , Father , Stories , Betrayal , Cold Case , Indiana , Anne Frank , Priorities , Poll Numbers , Thoughts , Real Clear Politics Cofounder , Vo , Cll , Thanks To Imbruvica , Imbruvica , Side Effects , Prescription Medicine , Adults , Therapy , Heart Rhythm Problems , Confusion , Blood Counts , Chills , Problems , Blood Thinners , Heart Failure , Infections , Heart Disease , Symptoms , Decrease , Fevers , Risk , Diarrhea , Doctor , Cancers , High Blood Pressure , Heart Problems , Irregular Heartbeat , Kidney Failure , Signs , Seizure , Tumor Lysis , Fluids , Bleeding , Insulin Resistance , Most , Reason , Starvation , Weight , Stress , Release , Eating , Don T , Fat , They Don T Work , Golo , Sugar Cravings , At Last , Democrats , Voting Rights , Filibuster Rules , Favor , United States Senate , Tom Bevan Cofounder , Markets , Minds , Real Clear Politics , Ten , Agenda , Build , Plan B , Votes , Language , Atlanta , 6 , January 6 , Recipe , Independents , Party Activist , Results , Moderates , Screen , Let S Put , Show , Concerns , 70 , Everybody , Missile Test , Division , Capitol Hill , 70 , 62 , Folks , Events , Consciousness , Press Conference , Urgency , Perception Problem , Sense , Task Force , Inflations , Gas Prices , Food Prices , Signals , Fact , Hasn T , Priority , Level , Election , Adjustable Rate Mortgage , Ronald Reagan , 13 , Approval Rating , Return , Bounce , Normalcy , House , Majority , Low , 41 , Job Approval Rating , Politics , Disaster , Average , Approval , Pool , Somebody Else , Reelect , 60 , 36 , Flood , Silverlining , Reelection , Teacher Tactics , Poles , Anniversary , Strategy , Rerun , 28 , The Bright Spot Harris , Fox News Pool , 43 , Monkeys , On The Run , Pennsylvania , Deposit , Lisa , Mover , Downtown , Lily , Hotspot , Rob , Employee , Smart Phone , At T Business , Files , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Carrier , Girl , Scrap Yard , Uss Kitty Hawk , Voyage , Kitty Hawk , Naval Base , Decomission , 2009 , Lab Monkeys , Pickup Truck , Rural Pennsylvania , 3 , Labs , Trailer , Fox Reports , 2022 , Sunday January 23 2022 , 23 , Sunday Night In America , Thanks , Trey Gowdy , Neighbors , Obligation , Reasons , Has , Donateo ,

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