Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered with Dan Bongino 20240708

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered with Dan Bongino 20240708

proof booster shots protect children. so which doctors should you listen to? pete hegseth plus farmer bro remember this story -- martin became a public villain for hiking drug by 12,000% has to pay up so a panel joins me if punishment fits the crime on unfacilityrd. listen folks, life as democrats have to be superhard right imagine right. how do you keep the lives straight every day like a line lernlg how do you know which talking points to abandoning them and another joyce that telling you what to do right like studio director i mafl at the deems ability to come up with ways to deflect the accountability. a promise and what i have. >> and first time in a long time country as working people actually got a raise. single best way to take the burden off new class of work palace folks is to pass, build back better peelings. there's no way to get out of afghanistan after 20 years easily, and i make no apologies -- dan: for month it was forbidden to question any aspect of the 2020 election. if you did the deems accuse of you of everything treason. attacking democracy, throw you in jail throw away the key but now with biden failing on just about everything, and the med terms around corner questioning before a single ballot is even cast. >> do you still believe upcoming election will be fairly kungt conducts and results will be legitimate? >> it all depends on whether or not we're able to make case to the american people that some of this is being set up to try to alter outcome of the election. >> does now think that bills haven't been pass tad 22 mid-materials woapght be limght or fair or free? issues we as merch cannot afford to allow this blatant erosion of our democracy. let's not be distracted by political gainsmanship. >> really folks this is nothing new remember the embarrassing campaign tells story of the woman from choodz on dependent on government programs. to live our life as a devoted democrat from start to finish. ofng it was all propaganda and forget life of julia for a minute here's what the life of a real democrat is really like. the democrats are wrong they just change their story not caring the all that they're contradicting original idea take fill filibuster how do democrats feel about filibuster? well it depends right but lick your finger see where political winds is blowing if you're a democrat you'll change your munged here's prom innocent democrats on video defending filibuster. >> yes. we are blocking judges by fill bust filibuster that's part of the hall bow process around here of founding fathering saying senate is cooling. >> folks who want to see this change and eliminate one of the procedural mechanisms designed for the express purpose of guaranteeing individual rights. so to be clear fill bugser requires 60 votes in the senate to pass the legislation and simple noted to change rules had to vote on it so now to pass voting rites bell nothing to do with voting rights by the way they want to throw out filibuster. get a load of this you are a race ition shocker if you don't agree. >> if senate cannot protect right to vote which is cornerstone then senate rules must be reformed. must be reformed. i support -- senate rule. whichever way they need to be changed to prevent -- [applause] minority from blocking that vote right. want to be side of dr. king or george wallace -- you want to be the side of john lewis or bill connor or be side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis. dan: hang with me swinging through a line of lies. follow me democrats used to love and now they hate filibuster and now suggesting that filibuster they once supported should be thrown out to path a takeover election bill and republicans october to because democrats change minority votes being suppressed get a load of this. the example they're using to show that minority vote is suppressed -- is georgia. chuck schumer says that county is engaged in some voter suppression by the local director of election who is by the way happens to be black. who has admitted on the record that she's confused what democrats are talking about don't listen to me but her here's a quote amazing thing about this is that story is that just after the black people. and i'm not goapg let them vote ms. bolton says that's what they're going out and telling people and you know -- it is crazy. someone put that on a t-shirt democrats and you know it is crazy. folks it gets worse from here. xangt yes believe me it gets worse hang with me. xangt same day left cried racism over filibuster that they love and now hate senate democrats use racist filibuster they claim to hate to block sanctions against vladimir putin ole pipeline i didn't say that wrong. remember same vladimir putin they claim colluded with trump to steal the 2016 election. [laughter] it is not a joke i we shall it were sometimes. so to recap again, democrats love the filibuster and then they hate the filibuster all racist for using fill buster to suppress some minority votes or something like that. but meanwhile they use the racist filibuster to block sanctions on sladz vladimir putin pipeline after canceling out keystone to care about the environment. take a breath. i'm sure vladimir putin has exact same concern. remember movie last air berngd pretty awful we need a sequel for that like last fact would be better than the air bender democrats perfect for it and life the democrats want is hypocrisy lies, pangt bend and fit a narrative to keep their power. got to tell you, their lack of principles candidly is really exhausting. joining me now is the great leo terrell fox news contributor civil right attorney. it is such an honor to have you on this show i really appreciate it and i thought of no better person to discuss this idea -- that voter id is somehow a suppression to minority voters than you because black volter turnout hispanic voter turnout and asian voter turnout has gone up and set records over last few election cycles it is like they're making this thing up. >> well first of all dan i'm so happy this is the first time i've been on your show. i home it is first of many thanks for having me. secondly, i heard your monologue an you're trying to figure out the democrats telling truth. let me clear as possible democrats do not tell the truth. they're interested in just doubling down on lying to the american public. they've got a way with this on 2020 and they're doing it right now because they will divert your attention from the true pangts. joe biden spent two hours in a press conference lying to american public he's the most successful first year president that is a lie. he has destroyed the american economy. you see dan entire strategy of the democrats is to change this country totally to the left. to the extreme left and so when they play the race card and claim that black people can't vote, that is a lie. but they don't care about lying there's not a single black person in this country that cannot vote if they qualify by age and residency that's it. they cannot -- they just deny turnout -- dan: black voart turnout has gone up. a lawyer i'm not a lawyer but correct me if i'm wrong you go into a courtroom exppted to produce hard evidence and pangt and data you would be disbarred if you make stuff up. isn't it insulting to continue to say this knowing black voters are just going to look at the data and go hey that's not true and by the way in polls we support voter id? >> you're absolutely right. they would be committing perjury if they were presenting lies into a courtroom. bottom line is they use black, exploit black you're right they have the highest voting turnout in 2020 and claiming somehow we can't volt i've never been denied producted from voting but it is race card dan and democrats will never give up race card because they divide this country and joe biden double down on and and continue and they shall burn that race card. dan: last question i have a surprise for you don't go anywhere. i'm a man of my word so stand by folks we have a surprise for you too. but isn't it insulting to black people to somehow insist because voter id black people are incapable of getting an id? i mean leo that's pretty clearly racist. i don't know how black voters continue to accept this stuff it is not soft bigotry but hard bigotry. >> it is very direct racism but you about you know what black voters have been brainwashed i broke away two years ago i brokes away and i found federal with the republican party. as a trump republican and here's the other thing, dan, a lot of black republicans are -- a lot of blacks are leaving the democratic party and becoming republican that's good news. dan: ladies and gentlemen, i want to get lee owes on show a regular he asked me for one small favor he said dan you have to wear a tie for me he didn't mention anything, however, folks about a collared shirt here's a lawyer who forgot a critical element of his case. so because i'm a man of my word leo here's a tie, just for you buddy. again no shirt but just for you leo you know i love you i would never erm embarrass myself on national television other than to get you on tv we love you. i told you i would stoic my word. thank you my friend. >> you outlawyered me you won. dan: hopefully you won't forget. you have to come in with better elements you didn't mention a collared shirt i got you. hey thanks again buddy been an honor havg use on. >> thank you, dan. dan: coming up with this tie on, the new vaccine mandate in washington, d.c. requires photo-id to do just about anything not if you're going to polls so we ask people what they thought and you won't believe it, coming up next. >> did you show photo-id and vax cards to get into the concert and gym? >> i'm totally cool with. should you show when you go to vote? (vo) you can be well-dressed. you can be well-mannered. (man) oh, no, no, after you. wahoooo! (vo) you can be well-groomed. or even well-spoken. (man) ooooooo. (vo) but there's just something about being well-adventured. (vo) adventure has a new look. discover more in the all-new subaru forester wilderness. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ready to turn your dreams into plans whose resumes on indeed matcand your actionsria. into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at dan: new vaccine mandate now in effect in washington, d.c. requires adults to e shough a photo id along with proof of vaccination so ridiculous to visit everything from restaurants to gyms and when it comes to voting no id did or even wanted to we went there to find out what people thought about those rules. take a look at this. do you support the new requirement to show photo ids and vaccination cards to get into restaurant, concerts, gym. >> i do support new d.c. mandates. change your name to -- mclovin? >> cool with it. i'm fully vaccinated and boosted and i feel more comfortable doing things like that inside or going had a bar if i know that other people are. >> total is 96.59? >> it will be helpful. do you think you should with voting? >> to prevent vote or fraud but that basically never happens i don't think there's any benefit there as in this case it does help to validate vaccination status. >> no i think that voting -- registration should be much, much easier. >> can you help me -- >> hang on a sending bobby. pen thing off -- >> i think there's a valid distinction because one deals with health and safety and other is just dealing with voting. because they don't have the valid representation to show they're a citizen of america doesn't mean they should be excluded from conversation. >> give me the election. >> i'm sorry, please. [laughter] dan: i can't. oh -- i'm sorry here with reaction is fox news contradictor you saw you follow it here. so voting -- you know, most important thing we can do no id but to walk into a restaurant to eat a taco or chipotle you need id it makes sense, right? >> it makes no sense i love the superbad rrveses that is a great movie i haven't seen it in so long it is hilarious but nothing makes sense anymore in america dan we're literally lively in land of sheeple so much so that we got logic that we saw in that video where people are pushing pass forward for vaccines that don't stop spread of koafdz. right none of this makes sense anymore but what we've seen is what happens is you have people in charge. you have left they lie, media comes in and then reenforces lice and big tech comes in and sensors any desent to lice and really it is not much dichght than what we see in china. because like what they suns if you control flow of information if you control what people read, see and hear you control the language you control the narrative you control the people and then what we end up with is the people that we saw in that video. where they're a logical sheep that relies to what they're told. dan: i think you made a critical point here this vaccine is no longer effective against omicron so may be a private health decision but no longer a public decision it is not stopping -- an obstacle at all to toking transmission in the public. it is not. lisa thanks a lot for taking the time we really appreciate it. >> appreciate it. dan: you got it. tension and dodges questions about going involved. why the u.s. should stay far away from this one. to me it is personal. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. [♪♪♪] ashley: welcome to fox news live. i'm ashley strohmier. the fbi is releasing new information on the hostage standoff in a synagogue last saturday. they are calling it an act of terrorism and hate crime. holding hostages as they exercise their right to worship is considered a hate crime. suspect was demanding the release of a convicted al qaeda terrorist. ed a wildfire is burning across big sur, california. it snartd a canyon saturday leading to evacuations. the flames are 5% contained at this hour. part of pacific coast highway has been shut crown -- shut down for safety reasons. dan:russia will be held accounte depends what it does it is one neng it is minor encouragement and fight about what to do and not do et cetera. >> folkses this guy so going to walk us into war, obviously, war is deadly serious situation. ladies and gentlemen i know this segment will generate a lot of negative and positive feedback. but that's okay we're not here to agree with each other all of the time. but you're going to watch 9 show -- i owe you an opinion i owe you the truth. this is a deeply disturbing top toik me and potential war in ukraine folks -- this is not our war. i'm not telling you just to be crystal clear here. that this isn't a war we need to be concerned about. a potential -- it is clearly what happens around the globe impacts us deeply. but ladies and gentlemen, this isn't our war. you know, having lived in a family changed permanently altered forever when my grandmother lost my uncle in vietnam i wasn't alive yet my grandmother was never ever, ever the same. my uncle was a hero. he died there he died there heroically given a bronze star for his heroism and my grandmother never ever was the same and i'm not suggesting to you that damage done to my family and my grandmother that the damage done to her and personal anecdote mine and it is personal i'm not suggesting to you that we should make global decisions based on my personal story the point i'm trying to make to you it isn't unique. you really want to sending our kids over there? not a spread sheet. these aren't little billet numbers these are real bleeding men and women you want to sending them over there? you want to sending them over to die in ukraine if you do i want to ask you do you have an exit plan do you have a strategy -- would you sending your kid? you know i heard something once about -- military strategist military former military official from decades ago fox connor he said if you ever go to war, make sure you don't go alone. make sure you don't go for long and make sure you don't go to war unless you absolutely have to. i ask you this -- do we absolutely have to do this? can we do intelligence sharing we have the greatest satellite system in the world we can help ukrainians out maybe with some weapons -- some financial support these are all options. what about -- what about coming support of their apartmenters in over there we don't have to do it alone but are you willing to sending your kid i can tell you my family was never ever the same after my uncle came home you know who showed up? two soldiers instead. never the same. these aren't spread sheets these are real people joining me now to talk about this is president turning point usa charlie kirk this is a topic i know matters a lot to you as well these are our heros our men and women and i'm not suggesting ukraine isn't a strategic importance but this is a very serious top egg and some of these people in d.c. have been wrong about foreign policies but these are our men and women. >> and it is a war game that they get some sort of relevance playing. look russia is not our friend i'm not implying that you're not implying that any time you talk about this as if we shouldn't get involved in a border dispute between two countries immediately you get attacked as if you're defending russia that's not close to what's happen hoar but what's the big deal it encompasses a whole nation and not willing to use saber let's be honest. are we willing to go to war hundreds of lives lost an trillions over a board dispute that's interesting that current administration cares so much about boasheds it is also new. if only our own border actually mattered you know he goes on for half an hour in that press conference president biden -- about how he'sing loo at the border and seeing military buildup. i never knew borders would actually monitor with such precision and mattered so much and here's the thing. russia not being our friend cub a strategic momentary advantage against the true enemy the chinese so what are we doing? we're pushing putin right into the lap of xi jinping china and russia are closer than ever before they're collaborating shares intelligence, and because of the sash rattling of the krupght washington rulings clash many of whom by the way have capital flows to corrupt ukrainian government including biden administration which was revealed you know ratser in-depth last couple of years we are now making a russian chinese alliance that very well could destabilize united states dollar as world reserve currency and i couldn't agree more dan it takes courage to say what you said truly. j thank you my friend i really appreciate you coming on. thanks for your time. >> thanks. >> got it coming up on unfiltered he became wog of the world most hated people. for hiking price of life saving drug if i 5,000.. >> so-called bad boy of pharmaceutical with trouble again. martin do you think you've done anything wrong on the advic of counsel? banned for life from the pharmaceutical industry and does the punishment fit the crime? 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fifth attempt privilege and you truly believe i truly believe are you listening? company ceo saved pill by 5,000% has been arrested. martin lying to his investors. a witch hunt of epic proportion and found one or two. welcome back to unfiltered outrail after hiking price of a life safing drugs by 5,000% later convicted of defrauding investors in serving investors serving seven year prison sentence now federal court own or to repay 64 million in profits ban hem from life from pharmaceutical industry joining me now is kristy former reporter who covered and later dated him also join me it attorney and former acting donor general matt. i'll go to you first how did you get to know martin? >> well, dan i was a reporter for a very long time covering legal cases including antitrust cases, and i got to know him as a reporter i was being a reporter talking to source or subject i didn't cross any lines while i was working previously at bloomberg covering him. but as i got to know him i just first of all started to feel, you know, close to him because i really felt like we connected in a lot of ways. and also that he was not what he was being portrayed as he wasn't this monitor that people were calling him and i felt so conflicted that i left my job and just picked up and took my career elsewhere and that's when i decided to start to date martin. and we're just friends now current will you but we still talk a lot about things like this legal case. and i don't speak for him but i'm aware of his thoughts he's certainly aware of mine and i'm so tired of seeing the government the pick him as a scapegoat and you about it and call it a victory for patients it isn't he's easiest target in pharma so, obviously, they're going to pile on him as much as possible and be a draconian as possible. and whatever you think of whether he owes money for the price increase i think that the banding, banning him from pharmaceutical industry is frankly unamerican, it is totally it is against whole spirit of innovation and sending chances. martin is definitely has a lot of bril brilliance and depriving hem of that saying that they won something that's what -- that's what the -- >> let me get matt's take here. you have a vast body of experience in the department of justice. so a federal judge banned him from industry of life fine for $65 million do you think that punishment fits crime? >> well, dan thanks for having me on. this case has always had a lot of sizzle a lot of noise around it. but the fact is very simple that was accuse of security fraud he was convicted of security fraud. he was sentenced for security fraud, and you know, because of that he, you know, was in prison and we've got to remember one of the reasons we enforce laws like security is victim people invested that were -- that were -- that lost money and in addition to that we have a lot of these patients who either couldn't afford medicine or make awful tradeoff for this medicine so while -- we cannot look at this case different than any other case because of the interesting ins and outs and relationships around it this is a block and tackling case of law being enforce people punished for crime. >> yeah. matt kristy i really appreciate you guys take the time. thanks a lot for joining me. >> thanks, dan. dan: you got it. coming up cdc says one thing and w.h.o. says one thing and two years into pandemic and nobody knows who to listen to anymore. i have a really unique idea how about your doctors? your own doctor like we used to that's an idea. pete hegseth joining me in hot takes to clear up the confusion. 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subtle but crucial third war on language there if a word or phrase doesn't fit definition you need change it. first it was coming ice age and kidding now global warming now change it again climate change to make sure all of those bases are covered. what scientists are telling us is that threat of ice age is on. ten million tons every day of global warming pollution into the atmosphere as if it is an open sewer. world will end in 12 years if we don't address climate change. this is our world war ii if you don't have a word or phrase what you're looking to do just make it up like assault rifle or better yet weapons of war. should also ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines in this country. cement automatic guns like the ar-15 are weapons of war. >> people are allowed to walk down streets with assault weapons. no one should have a weapon designed for war but having a weapon of war at everyone who owns a weapon of war would sell that back to the government. dan: they mean by assault rifle is an ar-15. it is semi-automatic civilian model they think it is scary looking but civilian models are not ones used on battle field they made it up to fit their perverse narrative finally left changes label whenever they need to one day they're progressives notice this and then policies exspload they change progressive to lirls now those policies explode, and i can't wait to see what they call themselves next. listen i have just a few suggestions here. but because it is a family friendly show we're going keep that for another time you see folks you'll never meet liberal stands right because they toangt have any standards. but conservatives have always been just -- conservatives. you don't need to weaponize language our principles stand on their own you can't unsee this phenomenon when you see it if you look around you'll see it everywhere. time now for hot takes stories you need to hash joining me now is my good friend pete hegseth topic number one today. world health organization at it again. says booster shots won't help kids take a looking at this. >> there's noafd right now that has children or dlengt need boosters no evidence at all. gleam good to hear, however, not first time pete caused mass confusion what doctor to listen to at this point first it was not a respiratory virus and something early on this is getting con piewtionz at this point. >> beyond confusing also this week dan our own cdc acknowledge that natural immunity is more effective in fighting the delta variant than the vaccine itself. yet the government continues to not recognize natural immunity that's science. that's science we're supposed to be guide bid that science what a lifeline. takes two years to figure that out. a study -- that was doctor in charge of in the state of florida but no that was world health organization top of the top of the medical establishment leading confusion and misinformation they're now admitting maybe healthy kids don't need boosters because les they're not largely at all affected by this at all schools pay attention? are teacher unions paying attention masks coming off kids that's when it matters to people. dan: unfortunately masks they won't go away. topic two pete you being a man of the military yourself this i found particularly offensive i'm sure you'll feel this way. students in fairfax virginia had to play this bingo one option to silent as being privilege was being a military kid. i don't know but did you feel privilege and leak a waldorf room my guess is no but i figured i would ask. >> you know for all of the families with, you know, fathers or mothers deployed missings christmas and thanksgiving birthday and births of their kids in guantanamo bay or afghanistan or iraq or not deployed and mooing across country three, four, five six time qhs you're a kid because mom or dad is serving the country. you know what i will say dan, though, i think there's a lot of privilege that goes to being a military kid. talk about getting perspective and learning about something bigger than yourself it is wrong kind of privilege that this school is talking about. you know what i've said too dan i'm not privilege not because a white straight christian american whatever pick your category but because i had parents who loved me. in a home and they gave me an opportunity to succeed doesn't matter black brown or white that's real privilege yet they want to deconstruct nuclear family and devastation that comes with that. but it is a joke and really serious to leftist who believe in critical theory who believe in oppress or bingo is bad example. they pop out far but this is in the curriculum in the everywhere. dan: let me throw it out as a friend i've known for a long time this miseducation of american seminar and fox education which i watch is your best work really -- special about gary school and found critical theory and how we got to where we are now, just fantastic my hats off to you man i was glued to the tv. you teased it on prime time this week and i went and watched it and couldn't move away from it it is just spectacular. >> well dan that means a lot. that means a ton coming from you considering all you know and all you do. first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem and admitting depth of the problem that's what they tried to do here's the madness it is not a accident of the 60s or accident of socialist in congress right now. this is an educational industrial complex that will not stop unless we stand up so dan thanks for that. i really appreciate it. >> great work it was all intentional and did a great work point of pointing out. i appreciate it. >> thanks brother. dan: you got it. hunter biden won't -- you have to magically strike again. our lightning round, coming up next. (vo) you can be well-dressed. you can be well-mannered. (man) oh, no, no, after you. wahoooo! (vo) you can be well-groomed. or even well-spoken. (man) ooooooo. (vo) but there's just something about being well-adventured. 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[laughter] is there any company this guy wasn't invested in you know blowhole painting guy whatever he's doing my gosh. i would love to say more but since lightning rowngsd story two. this week cnn announce they're creating news division dedicated to misinformation. that's fascinating just go downstairs and look around cnn. >> we have to cent this story that we've been reporting throughout the day here. >> kushner is very senior member of the presidential transition team with directed michael flynn to have his kangts with the russian ambassador. we know president no collusion -- no obstruction mantra we know it is palings. the kid nick doesn't seem to be afraid but he did make a choice and that was to make it into a standoff. attack look at this picture of the picture in oval office holding up a copy of the new york post touting this conspiracy theory. people cared about this initially for good reason. hate creams are real angle. what does it mean if it is pack? it means this one is a fake. smollett is a fake. dan: just this week -- cnn read this totally bonkers over claims gorsuch refuse to mask up in chamber story is made up even worse it is totally untrue but npr who reported this story refuses to issue a full throated correction just take the l, take the correction. another one no id -- no problem folks. the tsa now allowing illegal immigrants to use an arrest warrant sometimes when i read these stories i think i'm reading this wrong. tsa confirm they'll allow illegal immigrants to use arrest warrants at airport security whack possibly go wrong with that one? next novak djokovic story with australian opening without top right player without djokovic unable to participate because of his vax status searches for tingt refunds for the open -- are outpacing searches to purchase tickets but 25%. good news is it couldn't have possibly seen that one coming. story here m&m character we care this is like seriously world turned upside down m&m character more inclusive to increase sense of belonging for people to major change come through the two female m&m candy folks. it is candy. with the green one swapping out her boots for sneakers and brown one wearing lower heels. we're talking about candy -- candy. we're talking about practice it is candy. before we go incase you missed beg news show unfacility everyday moving to 9 p.m. eastern starting next week. next saturday don't forget to set your dvr if you can't make live. last at 10:00 see you back here news slot. your dvr if you can't watch it live. jesse: welcome to "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. the end of an era. monday fox announced i am going to be hosting the 7:00 p.m. hour called jesse watters primetime. i will til be co-hosting the five, greg couldn't live without me. but "watters' world" is leaving saturday night. the new show will be

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Winds , Finger , Senate , Fill Bust Filibuster , Video , Part , Cooling , Prom , Judges , Founding Fathering , Yes , Hall Bow Process , One , Change , Votes , Rights , Bugser , Purpose , Guaranteeing , Mechanisms , 60 , Bell Nothing , Rules , Voting Rights , Legislation , Rites , Load , Race , Ition Shocker , Vote , Side , Minority , Rule , Applause , Dr , King , Bill Connor , Abraham Lincoln , Jefferson Davis , John Lewis , George Wallace , Line , Lies , Path A Takeover Election , Minority Vote , Example , Suppressed , County , Republicans , Bill , Georgia , Chuck Schumer , Director , Voter Suppression , Record , Thing , Don T Listen To Me , Bolton , Quote , Ms , Someone , Racism , T Shirt Democrats , Xangt Yes , Vladimir Putin , Sanctions , Ole Pipeline , Wrong , Joke , Laughter , Racist , Fill Buster , Trump , 2016 , Something , Environment , Sladz , Breath , Movie , Fact , Sequel , Concern , Air Berngd , Narrative , Lack , Power , Hypocrisy Lies , Pangt Bend , Air Bender , Show , Principles , Contributor , Fox News , Honor , Voter Id , Voter Turnout , Suppression , Turnout , Person , Records , Volter , Asian , Thanks , Time , Monologue , American , Truth , Public , Attention , Lie , Press Conference , President , Economy , True Pangts , Two , Strategy , Race Card , Care , Lawyer , Black Voart Turnout , Residency , Voters , Stuff , Data , Evidence , Isn T , Pangt , Courtroom Exppted , Black , Polls , Bottom Line , Courtroom , Perjury , Voting Turnout , Producted , Surprise , Question , Id , Leo , Anywhere , I M A Man Of My Word , Bigotry , Lot , News , Blacks , Republican Party , Ladies And Gentlemen , Anything , Tie , Shirt , Element , Favor , Regular , I M A Man Of My Word Leo , Television , Friend , Word , We Love You , Elements , Vaccine Mandate , Photo , On , Washington D C , Honor Havg , Cards , Shough , Gym , Concert , Vo , Man , Well Mannered , Well Adventured , Wahoooo , Ooooooo , Look , Adventure , Love , Subaru Forester Wilderness , Project Managers , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered With Dan Bongino 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered with Dan Bongino 20240708

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proof booster shots protect children. so which doctors should you listen to? pete hegseth plus farmer bro remember this story -- martin became a public villain for hiking drug by 12,000% has to pay up so a panel joins me if punishment fits the crime on unfacilityrd. listen folks, life as democrats have to be superhard right imagine right. how do you keep the lives straight every day like a line lernlg how do you know which talking points to abandoning them and another joyce that telling you what to do right like studio director i mafl at the deems ability to come up with ways to deflect the accountability. a promise and what i have. >> and first time in a long time country as working people actually got a raise. single best way to take the burden off new class of work palace folks is to pass, build back better peelings. there's no way to get out of afghanistan after 20 years easily, and i make no apologies -- dan: for month it was forbidden to question any aspect of the 2020 election. if you did the deems accuse of you of everything treason. attacking democracy, throw you in jail throw away the key but now with biden failing on just about everything, and the med terms around corner questioning before a single ballot is even cast. >> do you still believe upcoming election will be fairly kungt conducts and results will be legitimate? >> it all depends on whether or not we're able to make case to the american people that some of this is being set up to try to alter outcome of the election. >> does now think that bills haven't been pass tad 22 mid-materials woapght be limght or fair or free? issues we as merch cannot afford to allow this blatant erosion of our democracy. let's not be distracted by political gainsmanship. >> really folks this is nothing new remember the embarrassing campaign tells story of the woman from choodz on dependent on government programs. to live our life as a devoted democrat from start to finish. ofng it was all propaganda and forget life of julia for a minute here's what the life of a real democrat is really like. the democrats are wrong they just change their story not caring the all that they're contradicting original idea take fill filibuster how do democrats feel about filibuster? well it depends right but lick your finger see where political winds is blowing if you're a democrat you'll change your munged here's prom innocent democrats on video defending filibuster. >> yes. we are blocking judges by fill bust filibuster that's part of the hall bow process around here of founding fathering saying senate is cooling. >> folks who want to see this change and eliminate one of the procedural mechanisms designed for the express purpose of guaranteeing individual rights. so to be clear fill bugser requires 60 votes in the senate to pass the legislation and simple noted to change rules had to vote on it so now to pass voting rites bell nothing to do with voting rights by the way they want to throw out filibuster. get a load of this you are a race ition shocker if you don't agree. >> if senate cannot protect right to vote which is cornerstone then senate rules must be reformed. must be reformed. i support -- senate rule. whichever way they need to be changed to prevent -- [applause] minority from blocking that vote right. want to be side of dr. king or george wallace -- you want to be the side of john lewis or bill connor or be side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis. dan: hang with me swinging through a line of lies. follow me democrats used to love and now they hate filibuster and now suggesting that filibuster they once supported should be thrown out to path a takeover election bill and republicans october to because democrats change minority votes being suppressed get a load of this. the example they're using to show that minority vote is suppressed -- is georgia. chuck schumer says that county is engaged in some voter suppression by the local director of election who is by the way happens to be black. who has admitted on the record that she's confused what democrats are talking about don't listen to me but her here's a quote amazing thing about this is that story is that just after the black people. and i'm not goapg let them vote ms. bolton says that's what they're going out and telling people and you know -- it is crazy. someone put that on a t-shirt democrats and you know it is crazy. folks it gets worse from here. xangt yes believe me it gets worse hang with me. xangt same day left cried racism over filibuster that they love and now hate senate democrats use racist filibuster they claim to hate to block sanctions against vladimir putin ole pipeline i didn't say that wrong. remember same vladimir putin they claim colluded with trump to steal the 2016 election. [laughter] it is not a joke i we shall it were sometimes. so to recap again, democrats love the filibuster and then they hate the filibuster all racist for using fill buster to suppress some minority votes or something like that. but meanwhile they use the racist filibuster to block sanctions on sladz vladimir putin pipeline after canceling out keystone to care about the environment. take a breath. i'm sure vladimir putin has exact same concern. remember movie last air berngd pretty awful we need a sequel for that like last fact would be better than the air bender democrats perfect for it and life the democrats want is hypocrisy lies, pangt bend and fit a narrative to keep their power. got to tell you, their lack of principles candidly is really exhausting. joining me now is the great leo terrell fox news contributor civil right attorney. it is such an honor to have you on this show i really appreciate it and i thought of no better person to discuss this idea -- that voter id is somehow a suppression to minority voters than you because black volter turnout hispanic voter turnout and asian voter turnout has gone up and set records over last few election cycles it is like they're making this thing up. >> well first of all dan i'm so happy this is the first time i've been on your show. i home it is first of many thanks for having me. secondly, i heard your monologue an you're trying to figure out the democrats telling truth. let me clear as possible democrats do not tell the truth. they're interested in just doubling down on lying to the american public. they've got a way with this on 2020 and they're doing it right now because they will divert your attention from the true pangts. joe biden spent two hours in a press conference lying to american public he's the most successful first year president that is a lie. he has destroyed the american economy. you see dan entire strategy of the democrats is to change this country totally to the left. to the extreme left and so when they play the race card and claim that black people can't vote, that is a lie. but they don't care about lying there's not a single black person in this country that cannot vote if they qualify by age and residency that's it. they cannot -- they just deny turnout -- dan: black voart turnout has gone up. a lawyer i'm not a lawyer but correct me if i'm wrong you go into a courtroom exppted to produce hard evidence and pangt and data you would be disbarred if you make stuff up. isn't it insulting to continue to say this knowing black voters are just going to look at the data and go hey that's not true and by the way in polls we support voter id? >> you're absolutely right. they would be committing perjury if they were presenting lies into a courtroom. bottom line is they use black, exploit black you're right they have the highest voting turnout in 2020 and claiming somehow we can't volt i've never been denied producted from voting but it is race card dan and democrats will never give up race card because they divide this country and joe biden double down on and and continue and they shall burn that race card. dan: last question i have a surprise for you don't go anywhere. i'm a man of my word so stand by folks we have a surprise for you too. but isn't it insulting to black people to somehow insist because voter id black people are incapable of getting an id? i mean leo that's pretty clearly racist. i don't know how black voters continue to accept this stuff it is not soft bigotry but hard bigotry. >> it is very direct racism but you about you know what black voters have been brainwashed i broke away two years ago i brokes away and i found federal with the republican party. as a trump republican and here's the other thing, dan, a lot of black republicans are -- a lot of blacks are leaving the democratic party and becoming republican that's good news. dan: ladies and gentlemen, i want to get lee owes on show a regular he asked me for one small favor he said dan you have to wear a tie for me he didn't mention anything, however, folks about a collared shirt here's a lawyer who forgot a critical element of his case. so because i'm a man of my word leo here's a tie, just for you buddy. again no shirt but just for you leo you know i love you i would never erm embarrass myself on national television other than to get you on tv we love you. i told you i would stoic my word. thank you my friend. >> you outlawyered me you won. dan: hopefully you won't forget. you have to come in with better elements you didn't mention a collared shirt i got you. hey thanks again buddy been an honor havg use on. >> thank you, dan. dan: coming up with this tie on, the new vaccine mandate in washington, d.c. requires photo-id to do just about anything not if you're going to polls so we ask people what they thought and you won't believe it, coming up next. >> did you show photo-id and vax cards to get into the concert and gym? >> i'm totally cool with. should you show when you go to vote? (vo) you can be well-dressed. you can be well-mannered. (man) oh, no, no, after you. wahoooo! (vo) you can be well-groomed. or even well-spoken. (man) ooooooo. (vo) but there's just something about being well-adventured. (vo) adventure has a new look. discover more in the all-new subaru forester wilderness. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ready to turn your dreams into plans whose resumes on indeed matcand your actionsria. into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at dan: new vaccine mandate now in effect in washington, d.c. requires adults to e shough a photo id along with proof of vaccination so ridiculous to visit everything from restaurants to gyms and when it comes to voting no id did or even wanted to we went there to find out what people thought about those rules. take a look at this. do you support the new requirement to show photo ids and vaccination cards to get into restaurant, concerts, gym. >> i do support new d.c. mandates. change your name to -- mclovin? >> cool with it. i'm fully vaccinated and boosted and i feel more comfortable doing things like that inside or going had a bar if i know that other people are. >> total is 96.59? >> it will be helpful. do you think you should with voting? >> to prevent vote or fraud but that basically never happens i don't think there's any benefit there as in this case it does help to validate vaccination status. >> no i think that voting -- registration should be much, much easier. >> can you help me -- >> hang on a sending bobby. pen thing off -- >> i think there's a valid distinction because one deals with health and safety and other is just dealing with voting. because they don't have the valid representation to show they're a citizen of america doesn't mean they should be excluded from conversation. >> give me the election. >> i'm sorry, please. [laughter] dan: i can't. oh -- i'm sorry here with reaction is fox news contradictor you saw you follow it here. so voting -- you know, most important thing we can do no id but to walk into a restaurant to eat a taco or chipotle you need id it makes sense, right? >> it makes no sense i love the superbad rrveses that is a great movie i haven't seen it in so long it is hilarious but nothing makes sense anymore in america dan we're literally lively in land of sheeple so much so that we got logic that we saw in that video where people are pushing pass forward for vaccines that don't stop spread of koafdz. right none of this makes sense anymore but what we've seen is what happens is you have people in charge. you have left they lie, media comes in and then reenforces lice and big tech comes in and sensors any desent to lice and really it is not much dichght than what we see in china. because like what they suns if you control flow of information if you control what people read, see and hear you control the language you control the narrative you control the people and then what we end up with is the people that we saw in that video. where they're a logical sheep that relies to what they're told. dan: i think you made a critical point here this vaccine is no longer effective against omicron so may be a private health decision but no longer a public decision it is not stopping -- an obstacle at all to toking transmission in the public. it is not. lisa thanks a lot for taking the time we really appreciate it. >> appreciate it. dan: you got it. tension and dodges questions about going involved. why the u.s. should stay far away from this one. to me it is personal. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. [♪♪♪] ashley: welcome to fox news live. i'm ashley strohmier. the fbi is releasing new information on the hostage standoff in a synagogue last saturday. they are calling it an act of terrorism and hate crime. holding hostages as they exercise their right to worship is considered a hate crime. suspect was demanding the release of a convicted al qaeda terrorist. ed a wildfire is burning across big sur, california. it snartd a canyon saturday leading to evacuations. the flames are 5% contained at this hour. part of pacific coast highway has been shut crown -- shut down for safety reasons. dan:russia will be held accounte depends what it does it is one neng it is minor encouragement and fight about what to do and not do et cetera. >> folkses this guy so going to walk us into war, obviously, war is deadly serious situation. ladies and gentlemen i know this segment will generate a lot of negative and positive feedback. but that's okay we're not here to agree with each other all of the time. but you're going to watch 9 show -- i owe you an opinion i owe you the truth. this is a deeply disturbing top toik me and potential war in ukraine folks -- this is not our war. i'm not telling you just to be crystal clear here. that this isn't a war we need to be concerned about. a potential -- it is clearly what happens around the globe impacts us deeply. but ladies and gentlemen, this isn't our war. you know, having lived in a family changed permanently altered forever when my grandmother lost my uncle in vietnam i wasn't alive yet my grandmother was never ever, ever the same. my uncle was a hero. he died there he died there heroically given a bronze star for his heroism and my grandmother never ever was the same and i'm not suggesting to you that damage done to my family and my grandmother that the damage done to her and personal anecdote mine and it is personal i'm not suggesting to you that we should make global decisions based on my personal story the point i'm trying to make to you it isn't unique. you really want to sending our kids over there? not a spread sheet. these aren't little billet numbers these are real bleeding men and women you want to sending them over there? you want to sending them over to die in ukraine if you do i want to ask you do you have an exit plan do you have a strategy -- would you sending your kid? you know i heard something once about -- military strategist military former military official from decades ago fox connor he said if you ever go to war, make sure you don't go alone. make sure you don't go for long and make sure you don't go to war unless you absolutely have to. i ask you this -- do we absolutely have to do this? can we do intelligence sharing we have the greatest satellite system in the world we can help ukrainians out maybe with some weapons -- some financial support these are all options. what about -- what about coming support of their apartmenters in over there we don't have to do it alone but are you willing to sending your kid i can tell you my family was never ever the same after my uncle came home you know who showed up? two soldiers instead. never the same. these aren't spread sheets these are real people joining me now to talk about this is president turning point usa charlie kirk this is a topic i know matters a lot to you as well these are our heros our men and women and i'm not suggesting ukraine isn't a strategic importance but this is a very serious top egg and some of these people in d.c. have been wrong about foreign policies but these are our men and women. >> and it is a war game that they get some sort of relevance playing. look russia is not our friend i'm not implying that you're not implying that any time you talk about this as if we shouldn't get involved in a border dispute between two countries immediately you get attacked as if you're defending russia that's not close to what's happen hoar but what's the big deal it encompasses a whole nation and not willing to use saber let's be honest. are we willing to go to war hundreds of lives lost an trillions over a board dispute that's interesting that current administration cares so much about boasheds it is also new. if only our own border actually mattered you know he goes on for half an hour in that press conference president biden -- about how he'sing loo at the border and seeing military buildup. i never knew borders would actually monitor with such precision and mattered so much and here's the thing. russia not being our friend cub a strategic momentary advantage against the true enemy the chinese so what are we doing? we're pushing putin right into the lap of xi jinping china and russia are closer than ever before they're collaborating shares intelligence, and because of the sash rattling of the krupght washington rulings clash many of whom by the way have capital flows to corrupt ukrainian government including biden administration which was revealed you know ratser in-depth last couple of years we are now making a russian chinese alliance that very well could destabilize united states dollar as world reserve currency and i couldn't agree more dan it takes courage to say what you said truly. j thank you my friend i really appreciate you coming on. thanks for your time. >> thanks. >> got it coming up on unfiltered he became wog of the world most hated people. for hiking price of life saving drug if i 5,000.. >> so-called bad boy of pharmaceutical with trouble again. martin do you think you've done anything wrong on the advic of counsel? banned for life from the pharmaceutical industry and does the punishment fit the crime? 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fifth attempt privilege and you truly believe i truly believe are you listening? company ceo saved pill by 5,000% has been arrested. martin lying to his investors. a witch hunt of epic proportion and found one or two. welcome back to unfiltered outrail after hiking price of a life safing drugs by 5,000% later convicted of defrauding investors in serving investors serving seven year prison sentence now federal court own or to repay 64 million in profits ban hem from life from pharmaceutical industry joining me now is kristy former reporter who covered and later dated him also join me it attorney and former acting donor general matt. i'll go to you first how did you get to know martin? >> well, dan i was a reporter for a very long time covering legal cases including antitrust cases, and i got to know him as a reporter i was being a reporter talking to source or subject i didn't cross any lines while i was working previously at bloomberg covering him. but as i got to know him i just first of all started to feel, you know, close to him because i really felt like we connected in a lot of ways. and also that he was not what he was being portrayed as he wasn't this monitor that people were calling him and i felt so conflicted that i left my job and just picked up and took my career elsewhere and that's when i decided to start to date martin. and we're just friends now current will you but we still talk a lot about things like this legal case. and i don't speak for him but i'm aware of his thoughts he's certainly aware of mine and i'm so tired of seeing the government the pick him as a scapegoat and you about it and call it a victory for patients it isn't he's easiest target in pharma so, obviously, they're going to pile on him as much as possible and be a draconian as possible. and whatever you think of whether he owes money for the price increase i think that the banding, banning him from pharmaceutical industry is frankly unamerican, it is totally it is against whole spirit of innovation and sending chances. martin is definitely has a lot of bril brilliance and depriving hem of that saying that they won something that's what -- that's what the -- >> let me get matt's take here. you have a vast body of experience in the department of justice. so a federal judge banned him from industry of life fine for $65 million do you think that punishment fits crime? >> well, dan thanks for having me on. this case has always had a lot of sizzle a lot of noise around it. but the fact is very simple that was accuse of security fraud he was convicted of security fraud. he was sentenced for security fraud, and you know, because of that he, you know, was in prison and we've got to remember one of the reasons we enforce laws like security is victim people invested that were -- that were -- that lost money and in addition to that we have a lot of these patients who either couldn't afford medicine or make awful tradeoff for this medicine so while -- we cannot look at this case different than any other case because of the interesting ins and outs and relationships around it this is a block and tackling case of law being enforce people punished for crime. >> yeah. matt kristy i really appreciate you guys take the time. thanks a lot for joining me. >> thanks, dan. dan: you got it. coming up cdc says one thing and w.h.o. says one thing and two years into pandemic and nobody knows who to listen to anymore. i have a really unique idea how about your doctors? your own doctor like we used to that's an idea. pete hegseth joining me in hot takes to clear up the confusion. 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subtle but crucial third war on language there if a word or phrase doesn't fit definition you need change it. first it was coming ice age and kidding now global warming now change it again climate change to make sure all of those bases are covered. what scientists are telling us is that threat of ice age is on. ten million tons every day of global warming pollution into the atmosphere as if it is an open sewer. world will end in 12 years if we don't address climate change. this is our world war ii if you don't have a word or phrase what you're looking to do just make it up like assault rifle or better yet weapons of war. should also ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines in this country. cement automatic guns like the ar-15 are weapons of war. >> people are allowed to walk down streets with assault weapons. no one should have a weapon designed for war but having a weapon of war at everyone who owns a weapon of war would sell that back to the government. dan: they mean by assault rifle is an ar-15. it is semi-automatic civilian model they think it is scary looking but civilian models are not ones used on battle field they made it up to fit their perverse narrative finally left changes label whenever they need to one day they're progressives notice this and then policies exspload they change progressive to lirls now those policies explode, and i can't wait to see what they call themselves next. listen i have just a few suggestions here. but because it is a family friendly show we're going keep that for another time you see folks you'll never meet liberal stands right because they toangt have any standards. but conservatives have always been just -- conservatives. you don't need to weaponize language our principles stand on their own you can't unsee this phenomenon when you see it if you look around you'll see it everywhere. time now for hot takes stories you need to hash joining me now is my good friend pete hegseth topic number one today. world health organization at it again. says booster shots won't help kids take a looking at this. >> there's noafd right now that has children or dlengt need boosters no evidence at all. gleam good to hear, however, not first time pete caused mass confusion what doctor to listen to at this point first it was not a respiratory virus and something early on this is getting con piewtionz at this point. >> beyond confusing also this week dan our own cdc acknowledge that natural immunity is more effective in fighting the delta variant than the vaccine itself. yet the government continues to not recognize natural immunity that's science. that's science we're supposed to be guide bid that science what a lifeline. takes two years to figure that out. a study -- that was doctor in charge of in the state of florida but no that was world health organization top of the top of the medical establishment leading confusion and misinformation they're now admitting maybe healthy kids don't need boosters because les they're not largely at all affected by this at all schools pay attention? are teacher unions paying attention masks coming off kids that's when it matters to people. dan: unfortunately masks they won't go away. topic two pete you being a man of the military yourself this i found particularly offensive i'm sure you'll feel this way. students in fairfax virginia had to play this bingo one option to silent as being privilege was being a military kid. i don't know but did you feel privilege and leak a waldorf room my guess is no but i figured i would ask. >> you know for all of the families with, you know, fathers or mothers deployed missings christmas and thanksgiving birthday and births of their kids in guantanamo bay or afghanistan or iraq or not deployed and mooing across country three, four, five six time qhs you're a kid because mom or dad is serving the country. you know what i will say dan, though, i think there's a lot of privilege that goes to being a military kid. talk about getting perspective and learning about something bigger than yourself it is wrong kind of privilege that this school is talking about. you know what i've said too dan i'm not privilege not because a white straight christian american whatever pick your category but because i had parents who loved me. in a home and they gave me an opportunity to succeed doesn't matter black brown or white that's real privilege yet they want to deconstruct nuclear family and devastation that comes with that. but it is a joke and really serious to leftist who believe in critical theory who believe in oppress or bingo is bad example. they pop out far but this is in the curriculum in the everywhere. dan: let me throw it out as a friend i've known for a long time this miseducation of american seminar and fox education which i watch is your best work really -- special about gary school and found critical theory and how we got to where we are now, just fantastic my hats off to you man i was glued to the tv. you teased it on prime time this week and i went and watched it and couldn't move away from it it is just spectacular. >> well dan that means a lot. that means a ton coming from you considering all you know and all you do. first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem and admitting depth of the problem that's what they tried to do here's the madness it is not a accident of the 60s or accident of socialist in congress right now. this is an educational industrial complex that will not stop unless we stand up so dan thanks for that. i really appreciate it. >> great work it was all intentional and did a great work point of pointing out. i appreciate it. >> thanks brother. dan: you got it. hunter biden won't -- you have to magically strike again. our lightning round, coming up next. 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[laughter] is there any company this guy wasn't invested in you know blowhole painting guy whatever he's doing my gosh. i would love to say more but since lightning rowngsd story two. this week cnn announce they're creating news division dedicated to misinformation. that's fascinating just go downstairs and look around cnn. >> we have to cent this story that we've been reporting throughout the day here. >> kushner is very senior member of the presidential transition team with directed michael flynn to have his kangts with the russian ambassador. we know president no collusion -- no obstruction mantra we know it is palings. the kid nick doesn't seem to be afraid but he did make a choice and that was to make it into a standoff. attack look at this picture of the picture in oval office holding up a copy of the new york post touting this conspiracy theory. people cared about this initially for good reason. hate creams are real angle. what does it mean if it is pack? it means this one is a fake. smollett is a fake. dan: just this week -- cnn read this totally bonkers over claims gorsuch refuse to mask up in chamber story is made up even worse it is totally untrue but npr who reported this story refuses to issue a full throated correction just take the l, take the correction. another one no id -- no problem folks. the tsa now allowing illegal immigrants to use an arrest warrant sometimes when i read these stories i think i'm reading this wrong. tsa confirm they'll allow illegal immigrants to use arrest warrants at airport security whack possibly go wrong with that one? next novak djokovic story with australian opening without top right player without djokovic unable to participate because of his vax status searches for tingt refunds for the open -- are outpacing searches to purchase tickets but 25%. good news is it couldn't have possibly seen that one coming. story here m&m character we care this is like seriously world turned upside down m&m character more inclusive to increase sense of belonging for people to major change come through the two female m&m candy folks. it is candy. with the green one swapping out her boots for sneakers and brown one wearing lower heels. we're talking about candy -- candy. we're talking about practice it is candy. before we go incase you missed beg news show unfacility everyday moving to 9 p.m. eastern starting next week. next saturday don't forget to set your dvr if you can't make live. last at 10:00 see you back here news slot. your dvr if you can't watch it live. jesse: welcome to "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. the end of an era. monday fox announced i am going to be hosting the 7:00 p.m. hour called jesse watters primetime. i will til be co-hosting the five, greg couldn't live without me. but "watters' world" is leaving saturday night. the new show will be

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Climate Change , Atmosphere , Ten Million , 12 , Assault Weapons , Assault Rifle , Magazines , Cement , Guns , Ar 15 , Weapon , Streets , Model , Models , Back , Battle Field , Changes , Progressives , Lirls , Conservatives , Stands , Standards , Suggestions , Everywhere , Phenomenon , Stories , Number One , Noafd , Dlengt , Gleam Good , Virus , Pete , Mass Confusion , Con Piewtionz , Science , Immunity , Delta , Study , Estate , Lifeline , Charge , Guide Bid , Florida , Misinformation , Boosters , Establishment , Schools , Teacher Unions , Bingo , Students , Virginia , Option , Fathers , Families , Guess , Room , Waldorf , Dad , Birthday , Missings , Births , Mothers , Mooing , Mom , Guantanamo Bay , Iraq , Three , Five , Six , Perspective , Learning , Parents , School , Category , Christian , Doesn T Matter Black Brown , Leftist , Critical Theory , Devastation , Opportunity , Curriculum , Work , Miseducation Of American Seminar And Fox Education , Theory , Special , Gary School , Couldn T , Well Dan , Prime Time , Hats , Ton , Depth , Accident , Recovery , Madness , Educational Industrial Complex , Great Work Point , Socialist , Congress , Lightning Round , Hunter Biden Won T , Coming Up , Thanks Brother , Enamel , Basis , Repair Toothpaste , Shipping Manager , Toothpaste , Pronamel , Pronamel Repair , Find Themself , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Cancer Keytruda , Cancer , Breakthrough Immunotherapy , Cancers , Melanoma , Immune System , Skin Cancer , Fight Cancer , Spread , Surgery , Parts , Stomach Pain , Chest Pain , Light Sensitivity , Treatment , Shortness , Death , Lead , Headache , Nausea , Tenderness , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Cough , Memory Problems , Constipation , Side Effects , Muscle Pain , Conditions , Itching , Rash , Fainting , Fever , Dizziness , Irregular Heartbeat , Appetite , Weakness , Urine , Thirst , Extreme Tiredness , Flushing , Types , Immune System Problems , Organ Transplant , Stem Cell Transplant , Condition , Hundreds , Chest Area , Radiation , Nervous System , Fda , 16 , Trials , Merck , Tru , Team , Let , Tile , Company , Painting , Lightning Rowngsd Story Two , Ties , Gosh , Hunter Biden , Chinese Communist Party , Guy Wasn T Invested , Cnn , Reporting , News Division , Kushner , Obstruction Mantra , Member , Collusion , Ambassador , Kangts , Michael Flynn , Kid Nick Doesn T , Picture , Conspiracy Theory , Attack , Copy , Choice , Palings , Oval Office , New York Post , Fake , Hate Creams , Angle , Smollett , Refuse , Npr , Tsa , Correction , L , Immigrants , Arrest Warrant , Arrest Warrants , Airport Security Whack , Djokovic , Player , Opening , Vax Status , Novak Djokovic , Australian , Tingt , Character , Open , Tickets , Searches , 25 , Candy , Belonging , Swapping , Upside Down , Sneakers , Heels , Dvr , Unfacility , Next , Beg , 00 , 10 , News Slot , Jesse Watters , Watters , Monday Fox , 7 , Greg Couldn T , Saturday Night , Watters World , Jesse Watters Primetime ,

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