Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 2024070

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240709

esses party approaches the midterms. >> i'm going to be out on the road a lot making the case around the country with my colleagues up for reelection and others making the case of what we did do and what we want to do. what we need to do. and so i don't think i've overpromise at all. i'm going to stay on this track. >> clustering and former clinton pollster, mark penn the priest chairman of the harris poll and chairman of the state well group welcome. as you look at the polling, what accounts for the presidents standing the precipitous fall from mid-summer? >> our new polling has him at 39% approval. i think it really is a combination of people think 61% say maybe he is too old to be president. 54% they cannot handle issues like the complexity of the ukraine and china. and core confidences number one. the second of course, the issues here that seem out of control to people crime, immigration, the economy, inflation. so a combination of things going exactly the wrong way on these big issues. >> how much of that personal i'm not big on top of it is related to 7% inflation, disaster in afghanistan, covid and not being under control. is that a function of the results people see or are they zeroing in on the personal traits? how it carries himself, protects himself, communicates. >> i think it really fundamentally change with the pull out in afghanistan. the president had to make real-time decisions and statements in a conflict. he really got an f from the voters in that. he has not been able to do anything that really recovered from that. all the problems seem to amplify or echo the failure people saw in afghanistan. >> he's not really picked up at all since afghanistan in the polling at least that i have seen. it is been downhill since then. what about this issue, this question of ideology? governing too far to the left. and congress of the "build back better", the bernie sanders of budget. the present was at pains this week that's not what i've done, that's not fair. but how the voters see it? >> well, 47% say the democratic party and administration have gone too far to the left. he really see in all of the polls that normally people favorite democrats over republicans when he asked them party questions. right now they are favoring republicans over democrats by pretty wide margins. eight points with he might have to go back to 94 to find numbers as lopsided as this. >> a while, the president also stressed his accomplishments, legislatively the infrastructure built undeniably past. the covid to bill $1.000000000000 in spending why isn't he getting more credit for those? >> with the economy inflation out of control it's very hard to go before the american public and say things are going well, i have accomplished a lot. i've done more than anybody else. there making a plan of action to deal with the facing. almost everyone in the most recent poll people zeroed in on the groceries it affects their everyday lives for their not going with this speech to contradicted people see in the source and at the pump. >> they elected this president, only 14 months ago. they must see some residual, something residual that they like. just they bring any advantages, persons are thin they can build on going into the second year? >> they did like him personally. and they didn't like the idea he would unify the country. and so the real puzzle here is why get them these numbers he did not do a pivot. go forward and unify the country. for example is very favorably had he pardoned the people from january 6 who are nonviolent protesters and prosecuted only those who were violent, his numbers would soar because it be seen as actually putting partisanship aside. he's got to take some real tangible steps as we did to make that pivot. that is his only way to building numbers if you ask me. paul: our my ge did not do that to after the midterms when you got a thumping and 94. what i heard from the president on wednesday did not sound like he's really planning a course correction. >> well, you see president clinton was told he's going to win the 94 congressional elections. i always joke those elections got me my job because i was not hired until after that. [laughter] here, you see the snowball coming in your head. you have the chance to do it. the theory clearly is double down on the base let's not go out on the swing voters. double down on voting rights even though it's a base issue and not one of the big four or five confronting the lives of people every day. it's puzzling at a certain point it's puddling wise changing chief of staff. it is a massive puzzle at this point now that everybody sees the call numbers everyone in the white house knows what's going on here. >> alright mike thanks for coming and appreciated. when we come back, president biden defending his first year accomplishments admitted that stalled domestic agenda. and growing international threats. our panel takes a closer look at the presidents record at home and abroad after the break. ♪♪ helping them discover their dreams is one of the best parts of being a parent. one of the most important is giving them ways to fulfill them. for over 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life. because life insurance can help protect and provide for the financial futures of the ones we love. talk to a financial professional about pacific life. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. >> you think any other prez is done as much in one year? you guys talk about how nothing has happened. the fact of the matter is we got an awful lot done. an awful lot done. paul: defiant president biden wednesday defending his accomplishments and claiming no other president has done more in his first year in office but here's a closer look at that record, wall street journal columnist kim strassel and mariana. dan, when we start by giving us your big picture take here on the first biden year. >> the first take you, paul, the fellow sitting there in front of us with the impact the president of the united states. and if you are the president, there are certain expectations about your policy and your performance. and on the matter of performance to mr. biden was asked whether he had overpromise in his first year, he said i did not overpromise, i did not overreach. i have over performed. now, there's issue here of presidential credibility and believability. he is saying he over performed as he is standing there when we have this enormous a foreign bright crisis with ukraine and russia mr. biden proceeded to exacerbate that crisis by suggesting he might explode except a slight incursion by russia into ukraine. and as well, hours later senate democrats failed to make two major bills in the senate. and trying to take down the filibuster. meanwhile is trying to convince the american people that he has over performing. that he sees nothing wrong in any of the policies they have tried to enact. and that his only problem is been a failure to communicate and what he's going to do now is leave the oval office and fly around on air force one through the country trying to explain to people and what are basically campaign speeches, why his agenda should be enacted. paul, that is not, i don't think what the american people expect of a president. that is being reflected in plummeting approval ratings. >> kim let me ask you a question about strategy and approach. he promised in his inaugural he would unite the country he is it fair to say government from the left, deferring firm congress and the senate "build back better", nancy pelosi the house. is that something he had to do given the democratic majorities or could have done something different? >> he actually ran in the primary saying he was something different. that is in fact why he won the primary pretty said he was not bernie sanders. but if you look at joe biden's long record in the senate, it's what you're seeing now the white house. he's not really a leader he does not have his own philosophy he is a vessel for his party. right now all the momentum, he believes, the part of the party is the progressive wing. he is doing what they said. the problem is that he does not have the votes for that in the senate. he has members of his own party like joe manchin who oppose it so he cannot get it through. it's increasingly a loser with the public that want to see this white house focused on its promises but also dealing with the issues that are affecting them like the economy and inflation. paul: mary i'm going to ask you to be the garden at the skunk party. and say, what has joe biden done wellin his first year? can you point to something to some successes. [laughter] that's really unfair. you know, i think when he went out there in front of the public at this press conference he was trying to show that has the stamina to stand up for two hours in front of the press. and of course that's not why americans tuned in. they wanted to see whether he has a grasp of issues, what his plan is, what his priorities are. i will give you a specific it's not an answer to your question something that really troubles me he was given a chance to talk about foreign policy in the western hemisphere. he went from central america, to venezuela, and then he wandered down to chile and argentina. he never once mentioned cuba which is the head of the anti- democratic serpent that is now slithering to the hemisphere. he did not say anything about cuba. leaves americans with the feeling he does not know the issues and he does not have priorities. think that was really pathetic. >> kim, does the president have to fire somebody? does he have to clean house the chief of staff chief domestic advisor, just to give a new start a sense that okay america i get the message this is not working i'm going to go this way. >> heave got to do something other than stand there say you are over performing and you have poll numbers and 30%. you were talking about with marker pen this is a snowball you see coming at your head this event up perfect opportunity at year anniversary to do a restart. you fire a few people, the one to keep running your legislation into the wall or who were responsible for afghanistan, you bring in some seasoned old hands and you pit it. you pivot to any number of things where you know you can get a win. for example pivot to working with republicans on getting a budget passed. or at intellectual property issues. there are areas out there where they can get an easy win. this is going to require him to tell the base those priorities they are demanding are no longer the top focus it. paul: kim, briefly any chance he's gonna do that? [laughter] no i don't. paul: thank you all still had democratic voting rights pushes stalls in the senate. giving majority leader chuck schumer another setback. the panel takes on the future the filibuster with this week's failed vote vote means week's failed vote vote means for vulnerable democrats, next. it! week's failed vote vote means for vulnerable democrats, zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at and there you have it. starting with your first course. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> because of this fight and the fact that each senator had to show where they stand, we are closer to achieving our goal. >> majority leader chuck schumer insisting the scent is closer to passing voting legislation despite his failing attempt to winds and to change the filibuster and bustle through a federal elections overhaul. democrats joe manson and kiersten's and my voting with all 50 republicans to defeat the maneuver. dealing another blow present biden party leaders made the issue a top priority heading into the new year. we are back with dan henninger, kim strassel and. kim, explain something to me. and years of watching politics why would you force a vote on something you knew you're going to lose? >> you wouldn't, that's the important points. [laughter] look, nancy pelosi that's a hard and fast rule. you do not put legislation on the floor you're going to lose. this was driven by chuck schumer's need, he felt he had to respond to progressives raise the whole that in the party namely senator manchin and senator sinema. i cannot admit a good consequences. one is taking the re- out and reacting to that rage as he made his moderate senators walk the plank would look at a garlic arizona mark kelly. he has successfully managed over this past year to dodge every kind of question whether or not he blow up the filibuster. now is on record and republicans are going to use it in his upcoming midterm against him. paul: could there be some logic here in the sense not to send the point kim, which i agree with, that maybe they figure if they bludgeon manchin and cinema on this they are more likely to get some sort of agreement on "build back better" or other things you need? >> it does seemed like that might be part of their thinking. at this point joe manchin and kyrsten sinema have identified themselves as the only gap between democrats and a lot of the agenda they're trying to push through. but as a vulnerable position for them. they belong to the democratic party. they want to have a good report their colleagues for they do believe they want to be able to go home to their base and say they help deliver on the party's agenda to some degree. and so exposing them a little bit could theoretically put them under more pressure to go along with other forms of democratic legislation later on. but i think when you see the attitude they came out at the build back a better fight at the white house with earlier, it seems very unlikely that more moves and antagonize them are going to have the results and making them more cooperative and other legislation. >> and antagonize, dan, may be the right word here. bernie sanders who is candid in saying he does not think there would be a problem with the manchin or cinema when their next up for reelection. elizabeth warren also sang that shouldn't be ruled a think chuck schumer basically was agnostic on the point we've got the senate powers saying bring it on what see if we get them in a primary. that is hardball politics. >> it is that goes along way toward explaining the mysteries of what's going on here with the democratic party and of these votes. we are seeing a battle for the soul of the democratic party was very striking when stacy abrams had progressives refused to show up for joe biden's voting rights speech in atlanta last week. what you are seeing here is moderates like mark kelly in arizona or jon tester in montana, they are terrified of the progressive away of their party. and they are terrified bernie sanders could do to them what he is going to manchin and cinema which is to run primaries against them. the progressive wing of the party is very organized. they have shown his thing in the georgia senate election, capable of pouring enormous amounts of money into in the election they want to support. i think the mark kelly's of the world are simply scared straight about which way the party is going they will take votes as they did this past week that will put their reelection in the general election at risk. paul: kim, let's talk but the longer term implications for the senate and how it governs, how it runs. now you have 48 democrats all but two on record saying they want to break the filibuster rule. more or less saying that the next time they get the 50 votes with two centers of the manchin and cinema the going to do it. what are the implications of that for the senate? >> another consequence of this vote if you said they are now on record and in doing so they were rocketed this issue to the top of every senate race. now it's not just about the person it's about which party is in control, knowing that once the democrats get 52, 53 votes the filibuster is gone. i don't think that works well for democrats in future elections. but one other consequence, paul, is going to put enormous pressure on republicans should they take over too also get rid of the filibuster. the argument let's do it first, let's beat democrats do it. i don't think that will happen under mitch mcconnell but he will not be senate leader forever. we've got a big question about this institution. >> briefly, mene ukueberuwa, does this mean the filibuster is essentially on borrowed time that this will go may be sooner rather than later? >> i doubt it. it seems like joe manchin and kyrsten sinema mean what they say they probably will continue to uphold it as long as they are able. >> okay, thanks. still ahead he promised to shut down the virus is a canon how is president biden. so far? doctor marty mcclary with the ministrations and right and wrong on the fight against covid and what to expect in the coming year. now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. at northwestern mutual, our ver♪ music ♪inancial >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ - [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. each one with a story that breaks your heart. like ravette... every step, brought her pain. their only hope: mercy ships. the largest floating civilian hospital in the world. bringing free surgeries to people who have no other hope. $19 a month will help provide urgently needed surgery for so many still suffering. so don't wait, call the number on your screen. or donate at >> satisfied in which the way we have dealt with covid. in all of the things that go along with it. yes i am satisfied. i think we have done remarkably well. paul: president biden was a debate in the white house response to the coronavirus pandemic. thank his administration is done remarkably well. here with a look at what the administration hasn't done right and wrong and it's covid fighting strategy what to expect in their head is doctor marty mcclary prison professor of health policy at the jon hopkins bloomberg school of public health. and a fox news a medical contributor, doctor mcgarry welcome. so extremely well, remarkably well? would you give the president that kind of grade? >> know it has been very disappointing. i actually think the criticism and change the messaging or flip-flop is not a fair criticism. science should abolish and change her strategy real-time. however they have a focus strategy trust on using additional vaccine doses. it's the only lever they've really reached for it every stage of the pandemic pretty came at the expense of recognizing the value of therapeutics and preparing appropriately with enough medications for the never once recognized an effective therapy proven into randomized controlled trials. they have not pivoted to the new omicron variant which renders many of the draconian policies and have a restrictions used in design for delta on previous and more dangerous variants, to a variance now which science shows has resulted in one fatality at a 52000 cases according to southern california study. we got to pivot the strategy they've been unable to do that. >> on a push back a little bit on the vaccine point. when they started, the administration a year ago, it was just beginning, to give them any credit for the rollout first of all because it was pretty widespread and pretty fast. a couple glitches that first but pretty widespread. then the data on the vaccine has changed. we know now is not as protective as we all hope to special the mrna vaccine. but you cannot blame them for that. >> i would agree with that. they were in the situation when they took office they were achieving 1 million vaccinations per day in the united states for that railroad train was built and executed fairly well. we got a lot of the country vaccinated. but since then the administration has been criticized heavily for a messaging problem. i do not believe the cdc or the administration has a messaging problem. i believe they had a bad policy problem. they have ignored natural immunity. but we're short supply on the vaccine they should've had those with natural me too step aside. they have ruined many careers and create a hospital staffing shortage crisis by ignoring the fact the many had circulating antibiotics to covid. their antibodies may not recognize. finally acknowledging natural immunity is twice as of acts. they should call for reinstatement of all those people who were fired. paul: guess the vaccine mandate in my view, maybe agree with this, has been needlessly polarizing. it is not made that much difference in getting those reluctant people to get the vaccine. now the pre-court said it is illegal for the employer mandate. was that kind of a needless diversion in your view? >> it's really unfortunate. we are doing a good job convincing more and more americans to get vaccinated as physicians. when people saw heavy reach of public health they harden in their positions part of really been stagnant 83 -- 86% vaccinated now for several weeks with little progress. paul: the therapy front, he mentioned the pfizer pill you got the merck pill, moving forward. it seems there's not been in operation at warp speed for those therapies because now were going to have very slow ramp-up of those. are we going to look like at six months will have those available to nearly all americans who do continue to get covid? >> yes eventually we will get enough of. as you mention, a shortsighted plan. they did not anticipate there would be a greater need the entire focus was on vaccinations. the beauty of the antiviral medications as they are antivirus they work against any invariant, current variant any future variant we have yet to see emerge. the good news is we are seeing a rapid decline in cases right now in the united states. in the staggered states that got hit first. if you look at new york and washington d.c. there about 60% off their highs with cases. the interesting thing is receiving asynchronous epidemic were in the south we are seeing the declines almost near that of the north. that tells us the seasonality has been decoupled from covid. we are probably not going to anticipate a future omicron wave in the south like we do with previous variance. cases are down 55% in both new york and florida identical. paul: that's very good news but how long is it going to take to get these pills rolled out? >> right now the initial supply was two -- 300,000. we are trying to limit that's a very high risk individuals. it may be until second quarter of 2022 until we see enough supply to keep up. but remember, very few people will be coming in for covid treatment after month or two from now. paul: what about this concept of super immunity? if you had covered once, and you are vaxed, you are going to have super protection against getting covid again. was that likely? >> hybrid immunity is driven by the natural immunity component of that vaccinated immunity is really a protection against severe disease that may be transient once people get omicron which confers immunity against delta they got the hybrid immunity. we had an acknowledgment this week essentially everybody will get omicron or be exposed to it. that will confer broad population immunity. so far right doctor marty mcclary thank you for this insights appreciate it. when we come back, the biden economy the president blames rising prices on the supply chain. corporate greed, you name it. his own policies have anything to do with a spike of inflation in his first year as president? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. 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[whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> bottom line, if price increases are what you are worried about, the best answer is my "build back better" plan. paul: rising prices dogging president biden during his first year in office with americans buying more from everything from groceries to gasoline. the president on wednesday pointed fingers at meat producers and the supply chain while he insisted more spending is the solution pushed for passage of his build it back better agenda. her back, dan henninger, kim strassel and mary anastasia o'grady. what you make of the president's diagnosis this is a supply chain issue that's causing a spike of inflation? >> is not surprising going to have a circular firing squad here to try to explain inflation for the flood fed is going to blame the government and the president's going to try to blame the fed. i think one really important component here is in 2008 when the fed started creating money and other words adding liquidity, most of the money was kept on the balance sheet of banks. the difference this time around is the biden administration pushed money into the system, too much money into the system. that money was created by the fed. but rather than staying on the balance sheet it went in, he put it in the pockets of americans. it went into the economy and there you had basically too much money chasing too few goods. that is why you have in 20217% headline inflation. >> you are saying this is a central bank federal reserve issue it sounds like, not a matter of the pandemic supply demand mismatch. >> i would say on the fiscal side in other words he biden pushed that money into circulation. in terms of his claim that it is because there are shortages, and the same time he was saying there wasn't supply chain disruption he also said store shelves were at 89% of what they had been, very close to the 91% pre-pandemic. he cannot have it both ways. if they are stocked it's not a matter of supply chain again it too much money chasing too few goods. the key element being too much money. >> this year turns out this gent yelm's secretary said by the end of 2022 it's going to be down to 2%. does that strike you as possible? >> it does not strike me in the least bit plausible. primarily for what mary just explained. i think it's mainly driving the inflation is the incredible injection of liquidity into the economy. he didn't pass the nearly trillion dollar rescue plan. if we push beyond that to the supply chain i think the american rescue plan did have something to do with that intentionally or not. the economy during the pandemic experience at lockdowns, the economy was suffering. as a result of the lockdowns you had extraordinary numbers of layoffs. the democrats answer to that was to send stimulus checks to people and indeed bonus checks for unemployment insurance as well, which essentially does incentivize people from going back into the marketplace, contributing to the supply chain problem. i think the bigger thing, paul, had had an incredibly distorting effect on labor markets. the 20 biggest problems we are seeing right now is the labor markets the ability to hire people, move people around is extremely distorted. people are struggling to keep workers print one of these solutions is been to offer the more money in the wake of that challenge. all of that is contributing to the underlying problem of too much liquidity in the economy. i do not see inflation coming down to 2% by the end of the year. paul: kim, just think the president is right when he says the solution to inflation, he pointed to the fed in part. he also said past "build back better", get more spending out there. >> it's absolutely crazy. here we have inflation being stoked as dan and mary just said by excess demand which has largely come from fed liquidity but also the money congress has pumped into households via the covid bill early this year. the answer is not more spending like this. especially because the goal of that entire bill is to create a bunch of new entitlement, hand out free money which is only going to allow people to increase their demand even further. for u.s. production system which by the way should point out, we are not moving more the report were pre-pandemic. they have largely recovered work demand is messing with supply chain that's no longer a pandemic issue. >> were the big issues going for this year is how fast and how much will the fed raised interest rates? if it does with that slow the economy, something to watch where he still had a major rail carriers pointing the finger at a los angeles nda saying is soft on crime policies are contributing to a rise in cargo train robberies. what this latest crime spike could mean for supply chain headaches and shipping delays, next. five years clear. four years clear. five years and counting. cosentyx works fast. for clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious, and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. best move i ever made. i feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. ask your dermatologist that was quick. abouand rewarding. i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. that means i earn on my bug spray and my sunscreen. you ready to go fishing? 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>> that is a good question. i think you have seen a crime of this kind has probably been possible for really long time. but the reason why all the sudden a spike has come is really because the new district attorney in los angeles, has come in and basically said he wants to make it much more difficult to retain criminals once they are arrested. i believe for petty crimes there is no bail whatsoever. even for grand theft of felonies and things like that, sometimes you have criminals prosecution deferred to being held for only short periods of time. and so they know there's very little risk to going out there and take a chance at these trains. which if they are brought in, the going to face light penalties and probably back on the street in short order. paul: governor newsom said it's like the third world it's more like the 19th century, right? you've got train robbers and jesse james was born in the wrong century. at least he had to worry about the pinkertons, you are saying these are train robbers don't really have to worry about being arrested? >> yes, it really does seem as if it's part of the general trend we have seen for a lax law enforcement in cities across the country that is. there are a lot of mayors, a lot of district attorneys have come in in the past few years who basically have refused to take the traditional position of making sure that whatever vulnerabilities are actively policed and making sure as gavin newsom was pushed to say probably against his will that criminals should be prosecuted and held in a way that restrains them from repeating their crimes and running loose on the streets of his cities. paul: he's running for reelection this year he has to look like he is tough on crime. kim, one of the railroads doing about this? >> you mention the pinkertons, they've been hiring some of their own investigators to help the police to track down these repeat offenders. and in fact our successfully coloring guys. as just pointed out they send them over to the police who immediately and the prosecutors immediately release them back on the street. so now instead what they are debating doing is rerouting around a los angeles county. you have other carriers saying they might do the same thing, fedex, ups, this pretentious big problems for the supply chain itself. but they have no other choice. they cannot sit there get looted constantly. now increase of there's threats to its employees from some of these criminals have begun assaulting employees. paul: dan, have an incredible situation where the railroads hire people to help the police arrest thieves. the thieves are released after they are arraigned or after they are arrested, released to go back at the box cutters again and go back and rob again. the railroad has said i'm never seen anything like it it's utter lawlessness. >> it's utter lawlessness is quite insane, it's the beginning of wisdom that gavin newsom is beginning to recognize it. i would not call up mexico a third world country there are parts of that country were cities, towns are in control of say drug cartels. they run the cities. the idea that los angeles, chicago, new york, parts of the cities are falling under the control of these gangs because they have no fear prosecution, is quite astonishing. here in new york city with the newly elected mayor, eric adams sings going to get control of crime in new york. but he has been at cross purposes the past two weeks with the district attorney in manhattan, bragg also democratically elected. and giving public speeches. pushing back against his critics about lowering the threshold for arresting criminals in new york city. we have had several high-profile crimes are just in the past two weeks, shootings, murders of individuals, shootings of policing. this is going to continue, paul, till the democrats who control the cities work out among themselves which direction they're going to take them in. because the cities themselves are in a downward spiral. paul: mene ukueberuwa do you think this will be continuing into the fall elections? >> it deafly seems like it's going to be. you've seen democrats in the house are working on a bill right now that would offer additional funding to small police department's around the country per there's not that much money or force behind it but clearly they know it something on voters and minds up are the trying to make sure they have something to trot out to convince people are taking crime seriously. but unfortunately a lot of mayors and das are undermining that message for them. so far right things have take one more break. hits and misses of the week and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. every business is on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240709

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esses party approaches the midterms. >> i'm going to be out on the road a lot making the case around the country with my colleagues up for reelection and others making the case of what we did do and what we want to do. what we need to do. and so i don't think i've overpromise at all. i'm going to stay on this track. >> clustering and former clinton pollster, mark penn the priest chairman of the harris poll and chairman of the state well group welcome. as you look at the polling, what accounts for the presidents standing the precipitous fall from mid-summer? >> our new polling has him at 39% approval. i think it really is a combination of people think 61% say maybe he is too old to be president. 54% they cannot handle issues like the complexity of the ukraine and china. and core confidences number one. the second of course, the issues here that seem out of control to people crime, immigration, the economy, inflation. so a combination of things going exactly the wrong way on these big issues. >> how much of that personal i'm not big on top of it is related to 7% inflation, disaster in afghanistan, covid and not being under control. is that a function of the results people see or are they zeroing in on the personal traits? how it carries himself, protects himself, communicates. >> i think it really fundamentally change with the pull out in afghanistan. the president had to make real-time decisions and statements in a conflict. he really got an f from the voters in that. he has not been able to do anything that really recovered from that. all the problems seem to amplify or echo the failure people saw in afghanistan. >> he's not really picked up at all since afghanistan in the polling at least that i have seen. it is been downhill since then. what about this issue, this question of ideology? governing too far to the left. and congress of the "build back better", the bernie sanders of budget. the present was at pains this week that's not what i've done, that's not fair. but how the voters see it? >> well, 47% say the democratic party and administration have gone too far to the left. he really see in all of the polls that normally people favorite democrats over republicans when he asked them party questions. right now they are favoring republicans over democrats by pretty wide margins. eight points with he might have to go back to 94 to find numbers as lopsided as this. >> a while, the president also stressed his accomplishments, legislatively the infrastructure built undeniably past. the covid to bill $1.000000000000 in spending why isn't he getting more credit for those? >> with the economy inflation out of control it's very hard to go before the american public and say things are going well, i have accomplished a lot. i've done more than anybody else. there making a plan of action to deal with the facing. almost everyone in the most recent poll people zeroed in on the groceries it affects their everyday lives for their not going with this speech to contradicted people see in the source and at the pump. >> they elected this president, only 14 months ago. they must see some residual, something residual that they like. just they bring any advantages, persons are thin they can build on going into the second year? >> they did like him personally. and they didn't like the idea he would unify the country. and so the real puzzle here is why get them these numbers he did not do a pivot. go forward and unify the country. for example is very favorably had he pardoned the people from january 6 who are nonviolent protesters and prosecuted only those who were violent, his numbers would soar because it be seen as actually putting partisanship aside. he's got to take some real tangible steps as we did to make that pivot. that is his only way to building numbers if you ask me. paul: our my ge did not do that to after the midterms when you got a thumping and 94. what i heard from the president on wednesday did not sound like he's really planning a course correction. >> well, you see president clinton was told he's going to win the 94 congressional elections. i always joke those elections got me my job because i was not hired until after that. [laughter] here, you see the snowball coming in your head. you have the chance to do it. the theory clearly is double down on the base let's not go out on the swing voters. double down on voting rights even though it's a base issue and not one of the big four or five confronting the lives of people every day. it's puzzling at a certain point it's puddling wise changing chief of staff. it is a massive puzzle at this point now that everybody sees the call numbers everyone in the white house knows what's going on here. >> alright mike thanks for coming and appreciated. when we come back, president biden defending his first year accomplishments admitted that stalled domestic agenda. and growing international threats. our panel takes a closer look at the presidents record at home and abroad after the break. ♪♪ helping them discover their dreams is one of the best parts of being a parent. one of the most important is giving them ways to fulfill them. for over 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life. because life insurance can help protect and provide for the financial futures of the ones we love. talk to a financial professional about pacific life. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. >> you think any other prez is done as much in one year? you guys talk about how nothing has happened. the fact of the matter is we got an awful lot done. an awful lot done. paul: defiant president biden wednesday defending his accomplishments and claiming no other president has done more in his first year in office but here's a closer look at that record, wall street journal columnist kim strassel and mariana. dan, when we start by giving us your big picture take here on the first biden year. >> the first take you, paul, the fellow sitting there in front of us with the impact the president of the united states. and if you are the president, there are certain expectations about your policy and your performance. and on the matter of performance to mr. biden was asked whether he had overpromise in his first year, he said i did not overpromise, i did not overreach. i have over performed. now, there's issue here of presidential credibility and believability. he is saying he over performed as he is standing there when we have this enormous a foreign bright crisis with ukraine and russia mr. biden proceeded to exacerbate that crisis by suggesting he might explode except a slight incursion by russia into ukraine. and as well, hours later senate democrats failed to make two major bills in the senate. and trying to take down the filibuster. meanwhile is trying to convince the american people that he has over performing. that he sees nothing wrong in any of the policies they have tried to enact. and that his only problem is been a failure to communicate and what he's going to do now is leave the oval office and fly around on air force one through the country trying to explain to people and what are basically campaign speeches, why his agenda should be enacted. paul, that is not, i don't think what the american people expect of a president. that is being reflected in plummeting approval ratings. >> kim let me ask you a question about strategy and approach. he promised in his inaugural he would unite the country he is it fair to say government from the left, deferring firm congress and the senate "build back better", nancy pelosi the house. is that something he had to do given the democratic majorities or could have done something different? >> he actually ran in the primary saying he was something different. that is in fact why he won the primary pretty said he was not bernie sanders. but if you look at joe biden's long record in the senate, it's what you're seeing now the white house. he's not really a leader he does not have his own philosophy he is a vessel for his party. right now all the momentum, he believes, the part of the party is the progressive wing. he is doing what they said. the problem is that he does not have the votes for that in the senate. he has members of his own party like joe manchin who oppose it so he cannot get it through. it's increasingly a loser with the public that want to see this white house focused on its promises but also dealing with the issues that are affecting them like the economy and inflation. paul: mary i'm going to ask you to be the garden at the skunk party. and say, what has joe biden done wellin his first year? can you point to something to some successes. [laughter] that's really unfair. you know, i think when he went out there in front of the public at this press conference he was trying to show that has the stamina to stand up for two hours in front of the press. and of course that's not why americans tuned in. they wanted to see whether he has a grasp of issues, what his plan is, what his priorities are. i will give you a specific it's not an answer to your question something that really troubles me he was given a chance to talk about foreign policy in the western hemisphere. he went from central america, to venezuela, and then he wandered down to chile and argentina. he never once mentioned cuba which is the head of the anti- democratic serpent that is now slithering to the hemisphere. he did not say anything about cuba. leaves americans with the feeling he does not know the issues and he does not have priorities. think that was really pathetic. >> kim, does the president have to fire somebody? does he have to clean house the chief of staff chief domestic advisor, just to give a new start a sense that okay america i get the message this is not working i'm going to go this way. >> heave got to do something other than stand there say you are over performing and you have poll numbers and 30%. you were talking about with marker pen this is a snowball you see coming at your head this event up perfect opportunity at year anniversary to do a restart. you fire a few people, the one to keep running your legislation into the wall or who were responsible for afghanistan, you bring in some seasoned old hands and you pit it. you pivot to any number of things where you know you can get a win. for example pivot to working with republicans on getting a budget passed. or at intellectual property issues. there are areas out there where they can get an easy win. this is going to require him to tell the base those priorities they are demanding are no longer the top focus it. paul: kim, briefly any chance he's gonna do that? [laughter] no i don't. paul: thank you all still had democratic voting rights pushes stalls in the senate. giving majority leader chuck schumer another setback. the panel takes on the future the filibuster with this week's failed vote vote means week's failed vote vote means for vulnerable democrats, next. it! week's failed vote vote means for vulnerable democrats, zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at and there you have it. starting with your first course. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> because of this fight and the fact that each senator had to show where they stand, we are closer to achieving our goal. >> majority leader chuck schumer insisting the scent is closer to passing voting legislation despite his failing attempt to winds and to change the filibuster and bustle through a federal elections overhaul. democrats joe manson and kiersten's and my voting with all 50 republicans to defeat the maneuver. dealing another blow present biden party leaders made the issue a top priority heading into the new year. we are back with dan henninger, kim strassel and. kim, explain something to me. and years of watching politics why would you force a vote on something you knew you're going to lose? >> you wouldn't, that's the important points. [laughter] look, nancy pelosi that's a hard and fast rule. you do not put legislation on the floor you're going to lose. this was driven by chuck schumer's need, he felt he had to respond to progressives raise the whole that in the party namely senator manchin and senator sinema. i cannot admit a good consequences. one is taking the re- out and reacting to that rage as he made his moderate senators walk the plank would look at a garlic arizona mark kelly. he has successfully managed over this past year to dodge every kind of question whether or not he blow up the filibuster. now is on record and republicans are going to use it in his upcoming midterm against him. paul: could there be some logic here in the sense not to send the point kim, which i agree with, that maybe they figure if they bludgeon manchin and cinema on this they are more likely to get some sort of agreement on "build back better" or other things you need? >> it does seemed like that might be part of their thinking. at this point joe manchin and kyrsten sinema have identified themselves as the only gap between democrats and a lot of the agenda they're trying to push through. but as a vulnerable position for them. they belong to the democratic party. they want to have a good report their colleagues for they do believe they want to be able to go home to their base and say they help deliver on the party's agenda to some degree. and so exposing them a little bit could theoretically put them under more pressure to go along with other forms of democratic legislation later on. but i think when you see the attitude they came out at the build back a better fight at the white house with earlier, it seems very unlikely that more moves and antagonize them are going to have the results and making them more cooperative and other legislation. >> and antagonize, dan, may be the right word here. bernie sanders who is candid in saying he does not think there would be a problem with the manchin or cinema when their next up for reelection. elizabeth warren also sang that shouldn't be ruled a think chuck schumer basically was agnostic on the point we've got the senate powers saying bring it on what see if we get them in a primary. that is hardball politics. >> it is that goes along way toward explaining the mysteries of what's going on here with the democratic party and of these votes. we are seeing a battle for the soul of the democratic party was very striking when stacy abrams had progressives refused to show up for joe biden's voting rights speech in atlanta last week. what you are seeing here is moderates like mark kelly in arizona or jon tester in montana, they are terrified of the progressive away of their party. and they are terrified bernie sanders could do to them what he is going to manchin and cinema which is to run primaries against them. the progressive wing of the party is very organized. they have shown his thing in the georgia senate election, capable of pouring enormous amounts of money into in the election they want to support. i think the mark kelly's of the world are simply scared straight about which way the party is going they will take votes as they did this past week that will put their reelection in the general election at risk. paul: kim, let's talk but the longer term implications for the senate and how it governs, how it runs. now you have 48 democrats all but two on record saying they want to break the filibuster rule. more or less saying that the next time they get the 50 votes with two centers of the manchin and cinema the going to do it. what are the implications of that for the senate? >> another consequence of this vote if you said they are now on record and in doing so they were rocketed this issue to the top of every senate race. now it's not just about the person it's about which party is in control, knowing that once the democrats get 52, 53 votes the filibuster is gone. i don't think that works well for democrats in future elections. but one other consequence, paul, is going to put enormous pressure on republicans should they take over too also get rid of the filibuster. the argument let's do it first, let's beat democrats do it. i don't think that will happen under mitch mcconnell but he will not be senate leader forever. we've got a big question about this institution. >> briefly, mene ukueberuwa, does this mean the filibuster is essentially on borrowed time that this will go may be sooner rather than later? >> i doubt it. it seems like joe manchin and kyrsten sinema mean what they say they probably will continue to uphold it as long as they are able. >> okay, thanks. still ahead he promised to shut down the virus is a canon how is president biden. so far? doctor marty mcclary with the ministrations and right and wrong on the fight against covid and what to expect in the coming year. now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. at northwestern mutual, our ver♪ music ♪inancial >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ - [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. each one with a story that breaks your heart. like ravette... every step, brought her pain. their only hope: mercy ships. the largest floating civilian hospital in the world. bringing free surgeries to people who have no other hope. $19 a month will help provide urgently needed surgery for so many still suffering. so don't wait, call the number on your screen. or donate at >> satisfied in which the way we have dealt with covid. in all of the things that go along with it. yes i am satisfied. i think we have done remarkably well. paul: president biden was a debate in the white house response to the coronavirus pandemic. thank his administration is done remarkably well. here with a look at what the administration hasn't done right and wrong and it's covid fighting strategy what to expect in their head is doctor marty mcclary prison professor of health policy at the jon hopkins bloomberg school of public health. and a fox news a medical contributor, doctor mcgarry welcome. so extremely well, remarkably well? would you give the president that kind of grade? >> know it has been very disappointing. i actually think the criticism and change the messaging or flip-flop is not a fair criticism. science should abolish and change her strategy real-time. however they have a focus strategy trust on using additional vaccine doses. it's the only lever they've really reached for it every stage of the pandemic pretty came at the expense of recognizing the value of therapeutics and preparing appropriately with enough medications for the never once recognized an effective therapy proven into randomized controlled trials. they have not pivoted to the new omicron variant which renders many of the draconian policies and have a restrictions used in design for delta on previous and more dangerous variants, to a variance now which science shows has resulted in one fatality at a 52000 cases according to southern california study. we got to pivot the strategy they've been unable to do that. >> on a push back a little bit on the vaccine point. when they started, the administration a year ago, it was just beginning, to give them any credit for the rollout first of all because it was pretty widespread and pretty fast. a couple glitches that first but pretty widespread. then the data on the vaccine has changed. we know now is not as protective as we all hope to special the mrna vaccine. but you cannot blame them for that. >> i would agree with that. they were in the situation when they took office they were achieving 1 million vaccinations per day in the united states for that railroad train was built and executed fairly well. we got a lot of the country vaccinated. but since then the administration has been criticized heavily for a messaging problem. i do not believe the cdc or the administration has a messaging problem. i believe they had a bad policy problem. they have ignored natural immunity. but we're short supply on the vaccine they should've had those with natural me too step aside. they have ruined many careers and create a hospital staffing shortage crisis by ignoring the fact the many had circulating antibiotics to covid. their antibodies may not recognize. finally acknowledging natural immunity is twice as of acts. they should call for reinstatement of all those people who were fired. paul: guess the vaccine mandate in my view, maybe agree with this, has been needlessly polarizing. it is not made that much difference in getting those reluctant people to get the vaccine. now the pre-court said it is illegal for the employer mandate. was that kind of a needless diversion in your view? >> it's really unfortunate. we are doing a good job convincing more and more americans to get vaccinated as physicians. when people saw heavy reach of public health they harden in their positions part of really been stagnant 83 -- 86% vaccinated now for several weeks with little progress. paul: the therapy front, he mentioned the pfizer pill you got the merck pill, moving forward. it seems there's not been in operation at warp speed for those therapies because now were going to have very slow ramp-up of those. are we going to look like at six months will have those available to nearly all americans who do continue to get covid? >> yes eventually we will get enough of. as you mention, a shortsighted plan. they did not anticipate there would be a greater need the entire focus was on vaccinations. the beauty of the antiviral medications as they are antivirus they work against any invariant, current variant any future variant we have yet to see emerge. the good news is we are seeing a rapid decline in cases right now in the united states. in the staggered states that got hit first. if you look at new york and washington d.c. there about 60% off their highs with cases. the interesting thing is receiving asynchronous epidemic were in the south we are seeing the declines almost near that of the north. that tells us the seasonality has been decoupled from covid. we are probably not going to anticipate a future omicron wave in the south like we do with previous variance. cases are down 55% in both new york and florida identical. paul: that's very good news but how long is it going to take to get these pills rolled out? >> right now the initial supply was two -- 300,000. we are trying to limit that's a very high risk individuals. it may be until second quarter of 2022 until we see enough supply to keep up. but remember, very few people will be coming in for covid treatment after month or two from now. paul: what about this concept of super immunity? if you had covered once, and you are vaxed, you are going to have super protection against getting covid again. was that likely? >> hybrid immunity is driven by the natural immunity component of that vaccinated immunity is really a protection against severe disease that may be transient once people get omicron which confers immunity against delta they got the hybrid immunity. we had an acknowledgment this week essentially everybody will get omicron or be exposed to it. that will confer broad population immunity. so far right doctor marty mcclary thank you for this insights appreciate it. when we come back, the biden economy the president blames rising prices on the supply chain. corporate greed, you name it. his own policies have anything to do with a spike of inflation in his first year as president? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. [a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> bottom line, if price increases are what you are worried about, the best answer is my "build back better" plan. paul: rising prices dogging president biden during his first year in office with americans buying more from everything from groceries to gasoline. the president on wednesday pointed fingers at meat producers and the supply chain while he insisted more spending is the solution pushed for passage of his build it back better agenda. her back, dan henninger, kim strassel and mary anastasia o'grady. what you make of the president's diagnosis this is a supply chain issue that's causing a spike of inflation? >> is not surprising going to have a circular firing squad here to try to explain inflation for the flood fed is going to blame the government and the president's going to try to blame the fed. i think one really important component here is in 2008 when the fed started creating money and other words adding liquidity, most of the money was kept on the balance sheet of banks. the difference this time around is the biden administration pushed money into the system, too much money into the system. that money was created by the fed. but rather than staying on the balance sheet it went in, he put it in the pockets of americans. it went into the economy and there you had basically too much money chasing too few goods. that is why you have in 20217% headline inflation. >> you are saying this is a central bank federal reserve issue it sounds like, not a matter of the pandemic supply demand mismatch. >> i would say on the fiscal side in other words he biden pushed that money into circulation. in terms of his claim that it is because there are shortages, and the same time he was saying there wasn't supply chain disruption he also said store shelves were at 89% of what they had been, very close to the 91% pre-pandemic. he cannot have it both ways. if they are stocked it's not a matter of supply chain again it too much money chasing too few goods. the key element being too much money. >> this year turns out this gent yelm's secretary said by the end of 2022 it's going to be down to 2%. does that strike you as possible? >> it does not strike me in the least bit plausible. primarily for what mary just explained. i think it's mainly driving the inflation is the incredible injection of liquidity into the economy. he didn't pass the nearly trillion dollar rescue plan. if we push beyond that to the supply chain i think the american rescue plan did have something to do with that intentionally or not. the economy during the pandemic experience at lockdowns, the economy was suffering. as a result of the lockdowns you had extraordinary numbers of layoffs. the democrats answer to that was to send stimulus checks to people and indeed bonus checks for unemployment insurance as well, which essentially does incentivize people from going back into the marketplace, contributing to the supply chain problem. i think the bigger thing, paul, had had an incredibly distorting effect on labor markets. the 20 biggest problems we are seeing right now is the labor markets the ability to hire people, move people around is extremely distorted. people are struggling to keep workers print one of these solutions is been to offer the more money in the wake of that challenge. all of that is contributing to the underlying problem of too much liquidity in the economy. i do not see inflation coming down to 2% by the end of the year. paul: kim, just think the president is right when he says the solution to inflation, he pointed to the fed in part. he also said past "build back better", get more spending out there. >> it's absolutely crazy. here we have inflation being stoked as dan and mary just said by excess demand which has largely come from fed liquidity but also the money congress has pumped into households via the covid bill early this year. the answer is not more spending like this. especially because the goal of that entire bill is to create a bunch of new entitlement, hand out free money which is only going to allow people to increase their demand even further. for u.s. production system which by the way should point out, we are not moving more the report were pre-pandemic. they have largely recovered work demand is messing with supply chain that's no longer a pandemic issue. >> were the big issues going for this year is how fast and how much will the fed raised interest rates? if it does with that slow the economy, something to watch where he still had a major rail carriers pointing the finger at a los angeles nda saying is soft on crime policies are contributing to a rise in cargo train robberies. what this latest crime spike could mean for supply chain headaches and shipping delays, next. five years clear. four years clear. five years and counting. cosentyx works fast. for clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious, and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. best move i ever made. i feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. ask your dermatologist that was quick. abouand rewarding. i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. that means i earn on my bug spray and my sunscreen. you ready to go fishing? 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>> that is a good question. i think you have seen a crime of this kind has probably been possible for really long time. but the reason why all the sudden a spike has come is really because the new district attorney in los angeles, has come in and basically said he wants to make it much more difficult to retain criminals once they are arrested. i believe for petty crimes there is no bail whatsoever. even for grand theft of felonies and things like that, sometimes you have criminals prosecution deferred to being held for only short periods of time. and so they know there's very little risk to going out there and take a chance at these trains. which if they are brought in, the going to face light penalties and probably back on the street in short order. paul: governor newsom said it's like the third world it's more like the 19th century, right? you've got train robbers and jesse james was born in the wrong century. at least he had to worry about the pinkertons, you are saying these are train robbers don't really have to worry about being arrested? >> yes, it really does seem as if it's part of the general trend we have seen for a lax law enforcement in cities across the country that is. there are a lot of mayors, a lot of district attorneys have come in in the past few years who basically have refused to take the traditional position of making sure that whatever vulnerabilities are actively policed and making sure as gavin newsom was pushed to say probably against his will that criminals should be prosecuted and held in a way that restrains them from repeating their crimes and running loose on the streets of his cities. paul: he's running for reelection this year he has to look like he is tough on crime. kim, one of the railroads doing about this? >> you mention the pinkertons, they've been hiring some of their own investigators to help the police to track down these repeat offenders. and in fact our successfully coloring guys. as just pointed out they send them over to the police who immediately and the prosecutors immediately release them back on the street. so now instead what they are debating doing is rerouting around a los angeles county. you have other carriers saying they might do the same thing, fedex, ups, this pretentious big problems for the supply chain itself. but they have no other choice. they cannot sit there get looted constantly. now increase of there's threats to its employees from some of these criminals have begun assaulting employees. paul: dan, have an incredible situation where the railroads hire people to help the police arrest thieves. the thieves are released after they are arraigned or after they are arrested, released to go back at the box cutters again and go back and rob again. the railroad has said i'm never seen anything like it it's utter lawlessness. >> it's utter lawlessness is quite insane, it's the beginning of wisdom that gavin newsom is beginning to recognize it. i would not call up mexico a third world country there are parts of that country were cities, towns are in control of say drug cartels. they run the cities. the idea that los angeles, chicago, new york, parts of the cities are falling under the control of these gangs because they have no fear prosecution, is quite astonishing. here in new york city with the newly elected mayor, eric adams sings going to get control of crime in new york. but he has been at cross purposes the past two weeks with the district attorney in manhattan, bragg also democratically elected. and giving public speeches. pushing back against his critics about lowering the threshold for arresting criminals in new york city. we have had several high-profile crimes are just in the past two weeks, shootings, murders of individuals, shootings of policing. this is going to continue, paul, till the democrats who control the cities work out among themselves which direction they're going to take them in. because the cities themselves are in a downward spiral. paul: mene ukueberuwa do you think this will be continuing into the fall elections? >> it deafly seems like it's going to be. you've seen democrats in the house are working on a bill right now that would offer additional funding to small police department's around the country per there's not that much money or force behind it but clearly they know it something on voters and minds up are the trying to make sure they have something to trot out to convince people are taking crime seriously. but unfortunately a lot of mayors and das are undermining that message for them. so far right things have take one more break. hits and misses of the week and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. every business is on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? 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Immune Support , Muscle Health , Nutrients , Boost , 20 , 16 , Highs , Lows , Kindness , Symptoms , Bipolar , Ask , Take Control , Medicines , Depressive , Episodes , Vraylar , Manic , Serious , Doctor , Adults , Death , Changes , Antidepressants , Thoughts , Children , Relief , Stroke , Psychosis , Behavior , Patients , Side Effects , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Cholesterol , Confusion , Reaction , High Blood Sugar , Fever , Weight Gain , Coma , Sleepiness , Stomach , Restlessness , Movement Dysfunction , Matter , Fact , Nothing , Prez , Kim Strassel , Record , Wall Street Journal , Defiant , Mariana , Dan Henninger , Front , The First Biden Year , Picture , Fellow , Impact , Mr , Performance , Policy , Overpromise , Expectations , Credibility , Believability , Crisis , Incursion , Russia , Georgia Senate , Filibuster , Bills , Two , Problem , Policies , Any , Air Force One , Campaign Speeches , Approval Ratings , Strategy , Government , Approach , Nancy Pelosi , Inaugural , The House , Firm Congress , Bernie Sanders , Primary , Majorities , Part , Leader , Wing , Momentum , Vessel , Philosophy , Votes , Senator Manchin , Members , Loser , Promises , Skunk Party , Garden , Wellin , Successes , Stamina , It , Priorities , Answer , Press , Grasp , Foreign Policy , Central America , Western Hemisphere , Chile , Venezuela , Cuba , Hemisphere , Serpent , Feeling , Argentina , House , Somebody , Chief Domestic Advisor , Message , Sense , Heave , Stand , 30 , Restart , Opportunity , Marker Pen , Event , Legislation , Win , Hands , Budget , Areas , Focus , Property , Chuck Schumer , Vote , Gonna , Setback , Stalls , It Shortens Colds , Cold , Love Zicam , Unique Zinc Formula , Zifans , Opportunities , Work , Scholarship , Scholarships , University Of Phoenix , 3000 , 000 , Network , Wireless , 5g , Internet , Sweet , Big Deal , Bucks , 5 , 30 Bucks , Store , Switch Squad , Save , Hundreds , Savings , Xfinity , Fight , Senator , Goal , Voting Legislation , Voting , Overhaul , Failing , Scent , Winds , Bustle , Attempt , Democrats Joe Manson , Kiersten , 50 , Leaders , Priority , Maneuver , Blow , Politics , Wouldn T , Need , Progressives , Rule , Fast , Floor , Whole , Senators , Plank , Consequences , Rage , Sinema , Re Out , Kind , Midterm , Mark Kelly , Garlic Arizona , Cinema , Bludgeon Manchin , Sort , Point Kim , Agreement , Logic , Thinking , Gap , Position , Report , Degree , Pressure , Build , Bit , Forms , Attitude , Moves , Word , And Antagonize , Think , Agnostic , Elizabeth Warren , Shouldn T Be , Hardball Politics , Powers , Mysteries , Battle , Soul , Stacy Abrams , Progressive , Moderates , Montana , Arizona , Atlanta , Jon Tester , Thing , Election , Primaries , Money , World , Amounts , Implications , Term , Let S Talk , 48 , Consequence , Saying , Centers , Filibuster Rule , Person , Race , 53 , 52 , Argument , Mene Ukueberuwa , Beat , Institution , Let , Mitch Mcconnell , Briefly , Canon , Virus , Wrong , Ministrations , Doctor Marty Mcclary , Vo , Version , Someone , Planning , Car , Ver Music , Mom , Northwestern Mutual , Decompression Zone , Experts , Singers , Technology , Windshield , Service , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Heart , Story , Thousands , Step , Female Narrator , Pain , Ravette , Hope , Hospital , Surgeries , Surgery , Mercy Ships , 9 , 19 , Suffering , Screen , Don T Wait , Pandemic , Response , Debate , Hasn T , Marty Mcclary , Covid Fighting Strategy , Bloomberg School Of Public Health , Health Policy , Fox News , Jon Hopkins , Criticism , Contributor , Messaging , Flip Flop , Grade , Doctor Mcgarry , Science , Focus Strategy , Expense , Stage , Vaccine Doses , Lever , Value , Medications , Therapeutics , Therapy , Trials , Cases , Variance , Omicron Variant , Delta , Variants , Many , Restrictions , Design , Fatality , 52000 , Vaccine Point , Study , Push , Southern California , Vaccine , Rollout , Data , Situation , Special The Mrna Vaccine , Messaging Problem , Vaccinations , Railroad Train , 1 Million , Immunity , Policy Problem , Careers , Cdc , Antibodies , Antibiotics , Hospital Staffing Shortage Crisis , View , Vaccine Mandate , Acts , Reinstatement , Pre Court , Difference , Employer Mandate , Diversion , Public Health , Positions , Reach , Heavy , Physicians , 83 , 86 , Warp Speed , Therapy Front , Progress , Therapies , Operation , Pfizer Pill , Merck Pill , Ramp Up , Six , Beauty , News , States , Variant , Decline , Invariant , Got Hit First , South , New York , North , Declines , The Seasonality , Washington D C , Epidemic , 60 , Future Omicron Wave , Florida , 55 , Supply , Individuals , Pills , 2022 , 300000 , Protection , Concept , Covid Treatment , Vaxed , Component , Disease , Transient , Omicron , Population Immunity , Acknowledgment , Spike , Supply Chain , Greed , Prices , Biden Economy , Insights , Liberty , Whistle , Pay , Vulture Squawks , Sec , Doug , Oh Boy , Right , Spot , Parks , Buick , Head Up Display , Sixth Sense , Life , Whistle Blows , Players , Suv , Horn Honks , The Field , Yup , Bottom Line , Price Increases , Meat Producers , Everything , Fingers , Gasoline , Solution , Passage , Mary Anastasia O Grady , Fed , Supply Chain Issue , Firing Squad , Diagnosis , Liquidity , Words , Most , 2008 , System , Balance Sheet , Banks , Goods , Pockets , 20217 , Headline Inflation , Side , Supply Demand Mismatch , Central Bank , Shortages , Terms , Store Shelves , Circulation , Claim , Wasn T Supply Chain Disruption , Pre Pandemic , 89 , 91 , Element , Strike , Secretary , The End , Gent Yelm , 2 , Dollar Rescue Plan , Injection , Lockdowns , Rescue Plan , Experience , Result , Intentionally , Marketplace , Well , Unemployment Insurance , Stimulus Checks , Checks , Layoffs , Ability , Labor Markets , Supply Chain Problem , Effect , Challenge , Workers , Solutions , Wake , Demand , Money Congress , Bill , Households , Entitlement , Bunch , Production System , Work Demand , Interest Rates , Los Angeles , Supply Chain Headaches , Rail Carriers , Finger , Train Robberies , Crime Spike , Rise , Nda , Shipping Delays , Infections , Skin , Cosentyx Works Fast , Don T , Tuberculosis , Counting , Psoriasis , Dermatologist , Reactions , Move , Infection , Crohn S Disease , Drugstores , Cash , Rental Car , Name , Bug Spray , Sunscreen , Fishing , Lake , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Bait , Abouand Rewarding , 3 , More , Takeout , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Dinner , Diner , Pow , Fee , Come On , Hunters , Gatherers , Chase , Diabetes , Blood Sugar , Carbsteady , Glucerna , Cargo Containers , Train , Union Pacific Railroad , Passages , Pictures , Sick , Average , 90 , Gavin Newsom , L A County , Theft , Effort , Coordination , California , Touring The Scene On Thursday , 2020 , 160 , December 2020 , Rest , Hell , Third World Country , Folks , Thieves , Rail Yards , District Attorney , Reason , Criminals , Crimes , Bail , Prosecution , Trains , In , Felonies , Grand Theft , Train Robbers , Governor , Penalties , The Street , Third World , 19th Century , Jesse James , Pinkertons , Cities , Mayors , District Attorneys , Law Enforcement , Trend , Vulnerabilities , Streets , Railroads , Police , Investigators , Repeat Offenders , Rerouting , Guys , Prosecutors , Coloring , Doing , Carriers , Choice , Fedex , Ups , Employees , Some , Police Arrest Thieves , Railroad , Box Cutters , Lawlessness , Beginning , Wisdom , Drug Cartels , Towns , Mexico , Eric Adams , Gangs , Fear , Mayor , Chicago , Speeches , Manhattan , Cross Purposes , Bragg , Shootings , Threshold , Critics , Murders , Policing , Spiral , It Deafly , Force , Funding , Police Department , It Something , Das , Hits , Misses , Tech Solutions , Challenges , Advisor , Technologies , Journey , Business , Ride , Customers , Dell , No One , Home , Veterans , Line , Homeownership , Down Payment , Purchase Loans , Rates , Newday , The American Dream , Newday100 Loan , Twos , Bank , Payments , Lender , Newdayusa , 0000 , 60000 , 15 , 615 , Glucose Numbers , Musician , Fingersticks , Scan , Austin James , My Name , Libre 2 , A1c , Mystery , 6 7 , 8 2 , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Dose , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Cause , Abbvie , Pill , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Older Medicines , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Charles Mcgee , Brigadier General At American Hero , Risk , Airman , Air Force , First Black Military Aviator , 102 , Combat Mission , Bundling Rollout , Ip Networks , Stereotypes , Wars , Barriers , Dignity , Peace , Faa , Three , Preparation , Rollout Terms Of Investing Technology Valerie Auctioned Off , Regulators , Light , Frequencies , Kim Reynolds , Gutter Police , Taxes , Surplus , Taxpayers , Funny , Iowa , 2026 , 4 , Reminder , Tax Competition , 49 , Statute , Dismantling , Native American And Black , Museum Of Natural History , Teddy Roosevelt , Native , Museum , Removal , North Dakota , Million , 2 Million , Counterculture , Show , Permits , Jer On Fnc , Attack , City , Arthel , Officer , Senior Officer , Shooting , Condition , Fox News Live , Ambush Attack , Ambulance Hearing , Dangers , Law Enforcement Basis , Last Night A Police Session ,

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