Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

pandemic in all these other situations and now -- audited of like staying out late and work anymore but. you have to worry about your surroundings. >> shannon: does is the third time in four days that nypd officer has been shot on the job . we've got a live report with breaking details. military equipment assistant from the us arrived in ukraine tonight. close to 200,000 pounds of lethal aid including for frontline soldiers. media neutral ground in switzerland and russia -- >> daniel huskins joins us live. , bitter cold in washington for the annual march for life it is the largest pro-life rally. many attendees hoping that roe v wade will soon be overturned by the us supreme court. we begin with america press the crime crisis exploding with deadly gunfire in new york city. kevin corke is tracking the incident. good evening, kevin. >> as you can imagine the white house wants america's largest of these do you all the resources that that disposal to help curb the crime epidemic. that includes helping hand from the fed. that the prescription that many may not produce the sort of results of the cities need, at least not soon enough. >> we shouldn't be cutting funding to police departments. i'm proposing increasing funding >> president biden:america president mears to use more funds to combat problems in their cities, including hiring more police. the nation's crime crisis continued to cripple new york where tonight two nypd officers, one a rookie with just over a year of the chopper shot while responding to a domestic violence call in harlem. >> i am struggling to find the words to express the tragedy we are enduring. and i stand here at harlem hospital tonight in new york city police officer has lost his life, murdered. >> it is our city against the killers. and 11 -month-old baby was shot just a few days ago. five officers were shot in the city. it is time for us to save our city. >> this is the third time in four days that the new york officers have faced gunfire on the job. just the latest example of a crime epidemic that seen a number of shootings in the upbeat big apple, each race by more than 15% today. is gotten so bad that mayor adams has admitted that even he sometimes that the feel so safe in the city. obviously he's not alone. critics blame the district attorney for downgrading certain felonies, including some commercial armed robberies and a policy of that seeking bail or prison time in most cases. it's not just do york suffering from a surging crime. across the country must angeles, murder charges have been filed against 31-year-old sean smith and the stabbing depth of 24 -year-old ucla graduate student. the killing coming on the very same day 70-year-old nurse, sandra shells, was killed underway to work, also by a homeless man. meanwhile back in new york, a painful reminder of the fertility of life and just so quickly action and sometimes in action can have a devastating effect. >> i think the approach needs to be different. i think it needs to new york more aggressive. bring it back to them, they need the money. get the cops out there on the street. >> sad and certainly true, things have gotten really bad in the big apple. the slain officer tonight was just 22 years old and began on the job back in 2020. the gravely injured officer, 27 years old, started on the force and 2018. he's currently undergoing surgery at this hour. should we get more information about his condition, i promise to pass that along. >> thank you, kevin. both so brave and so young. please keep us updated. >> you bat. >> shannon: removing massive amount of trash around los angeles real trucks with a little help the governor and gavin newsome. he says california has committed to prosecute these who have been ransacking twill cars and leaping the miss behind. taking a closer look at the la issues from our west coast newsroom tonight. good evening, matt. >> here los angeles you have seen those 50 pictures that we all track, lettered piles of trash and boxes, remnants of organized looting. democratic governor gavin newsome helps clean up and announce the new push to combat the rampant that's. short-term california department of transportation crews will assist and then california highway patrol will coordinate with local law enforcement. >> i see what you see and i see what you've been covering. asking myself what is going on. it look sick a third world country. >> like today la district attorney guess:responding to any specific roadway say it is union pacific that needs to do a better job. right again part, quote, i want to stress that every case presented to our office including each case of your organization is given an individualized review. and 298 -- -- 2019 -- in 202056 cases. and then a sharp decline, 47 such cases. you people is little to secure a lot trained and it is very telling that other major railroad operations in the area are not facing the same level of that that their facilities. but union pacific admits it is the liberal policies and crime that are emboldening builders. usually released within 24 hours union pacific says they recently added additional special agents and is utilizing drones, fencing , and detection systems. writing to guess phone and a letter last month we find ourselves coming back to the same result with the los angeles criminal justice system. criminals are caught and arrested and the criminal was released after playing a nominal fine. this with the alarming rise in these violent crimes is increasingly being assessed for the local mayor to the white house and congress. on thursday group of house republicans of washington sent a letter to the us attorney general calling for federal assistance in and cracking, that's that has disrupted the supply chain even worse. and at the us mayors conference friday, mayors of both coasts told fox new they need federal support to truly curb violent crime. shannon. >> shannon: thank you. the fbi confessed to killing girlfriend get a potato and a notebook found with his remains. laundrie died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound following -- he had been the subject of a weeklong manhunt at the time his body was found. first up been real news roundup, virginia new attorney general has filed a motion asking the state supreme court to dismiss a lawsuit against governor young can over his executive order over the last minute for schools public schools are doubling down tonight to defy the governor present order for the superintendent and an order saying in accordance with state law up regulation requiring universal masking remains in place until further notice. intentional removal or refusal to wear a face covering during the time base covers are required by all students will be treated as a violation for the federal judge friday blocked president biden's mandate for federal employees and an order to step back from the administration. the texas-based judge citing the recent supreme to court decision on the mandate. they say they're going to appeal the ruling. cdc director dr. michel walensky saying that while fully vaccinated does not include a booster, the agency is pivoting towards that being the case. >> pivot the lancaster mike sure that everybody is that up-to-date with their covid-19 vaccine as they personally could be, should be, based on when they got their last vaccine. so important right now we are making sure that people are up-to-date. >> lawmakers in california proposing a new law that would allow children to be vaccinated without the consent. most minors can't be vaccinated without apparent's permission so parental consent law varies by state and region. the back of being blamed on sanitation workers being out sick and the back backlog of holiday related garbage. >> i'm really, really sorry. >> singer adele apologizing to fans for postponing her las vegas residency due to virus that can she says many of her crew have tested positive in the pandemic has created delivery delays of equipment as well. the grammy winner shows were set from friday through april. new dates have not yet been announced. >> a new study at a new york city shows that the omicron strain of buyers that he was likely in the big apple before so powerful. announce the discovery of the new variant in late december reed is investigating the origins. good evening, lauren. >> good evening, shannon. we have new information about an omicron. is much more in. south african how special stunt and already pandemic weary world with report of a new bearing called omicron. six days later health officials of the state record of the. has reached us shores. two days after that city officials announced more cases. >> the cars for alarm. we just what i sure that the public is aware of the information. >> the cdc report of the sampling of wastewater shows the omicron they have been more widespread before south africa scientists detected that. since the summer of 2020, prior to the covid shutdown, team of scientists at various institutions had been collecting weeklies temples of new york wastewater, sample collected this november 21 was found to contain 12 omicron associated mutations. results weren't announced until the first week of december. omicron was already in wastewater four days before south africa announced its first cases. that means that omicron was more widespread than earlier suspected. the good news is that testing wastewater can be an early warning system and detecting any new variant. omicron continues to sweep to the world, although has been labeled a less deadly. health officials warned not to take it lightly. >> omicron may be less serious. but it is mild is misleading. >> my respect deaths have remained stable. the best prevention is to get vaccinated. >> lauren green in new york, thank you. >> there was no apparent movement during friday's meeting between the top diplomats from the us and russia. they agree to keep talking. benjamin hall reports tonight from geneva. >> tense talks in geneva today but not much progress. the us will not as requested offer a written response to russia's concerns. >> and then we plan to have an opportunity to look at that paper and we will see where we go from there. >> just two days ago secretary blanck and said there would be no -- because russia's concerns were falls. secretary blanck and responded. >> [indiscernible] ask what it comes to the conversations we have, i think that charitable interpretation would be that sometimes we have different interpretations in history. >> today things went as expected . they offered a diplomatic offer. there of the consequences of russia invaded and he hopes that they will reverse course. >> if russia wants to begin to convince the world that it has the aggressive in tents towards toward ukraine, very good place to start would be the escalating >> becky is that us and provoking ukraine. >> are concerns are not -- but the bill threat that they are hiding. sending hundreds to instructors. >> if nothing else, they have a little bit more time for diplomacy and there was talk about possible biden/putin meeting if russia thought it was warranted. >> i cannot say if we are on the right track of with the wrong track. we will understandably get the american answer. menfolk russia continues to amass its troops while preparing for invasion while ukraine continues to ask for more support to defend themselves. for now at least ukraine welcomes the talks. >> the longer than we speak the better it is because when diplomats get quiet, arms start speaking. >> another issue is that they don't have a unified plan if russia invades ukraine. they said repeatedly that their locks up and unified in some countries don't feel as strongly as standing up to russia. >> benjamin hall, thank you very much from geneva. >> the latest policy challenge for the administration, what steps back for russia. were talking about someone who may know. daniel hopkins is saying -- very fruitful in his ambitions. >> thank you. it is good to be here. >> start for this from the new york times. >> he told his foreign minister and a hastily scheduled meeting that the us would provide written responses next week and the russian demand that the west western wind its military presence, what is that all about >> so, you know, vladimir putin is a coldly, calculating operative and he wouldn't threaten if he didn't think he could win a benefit from it so if it russia has launched these maximum man's, demanding that nato promised never to cut that ukraine as a member. putin those that's not possible. and demanding that we've removed ballistic missile defenses from romania and poland as well as troops from eastern europe where they are deployed. and putin knows that those are unrealistic demands but he is extorting the west. forcing it i said to negotiate on his terms. he was been a level playing field with the united states and we've seen a lot of division within nato. he's targeting ukraine's independence. >> by gates, the former secretary of defense who famously has said that he thinks the president biden has gotten every foreign-policy decision wrong. is made in the last 40 years, yet a piece in the financial times. he said he's received help from the us. our domestic divisions and -- withdraw from the middle east and more abruptly from our six decade-long global leadership role. together these have that many countries to hedge their best and to develop closer economic political and security pays for both russia and china. more bradley how are you about the current state of affairs for the uninformed policy. >> i'm very concerned. i think one of the lessons of the 20th century we've learned quite well is when the united states retreats diplomatically, then our enemies will take charge and will protect greater national security threats. i think we should ask her before he chose to raise the stakes in ukraine. he might've come to the conclusion that the biden administration was to focus on its own domestic priorities and china and other things. vladimir putin is an going to let us do that. he sees an opportunity for himself right now to weaken nato and he is taking it. >> so brush up's for minister, he says, quote, we are not afraid of anyone, not even think us. is this more about russia versus us. but is the bigger picture for that for russia? >> i think ukraine is an ex- potential threat not because of any military that they might pose to russia but because they're trying to build a democracy with close ties to the european union and nato. that is what scares vladimir putin, democracy. if you can would do that, it would be a call to his own opposition. we are pressing. that's why he can't allow ukraine with the pressure picking population to be western oriented but putin also derives a lot of benefit by being perceived, even though his country gdp is the size of italy , to be up to go toe to toe with the united states. what is missing now is ukraine. they are not even in all of these discussions and negotiations. it's just russia and the united states. that's the way he wants it. he wants to beat the price of the agreement in the year 22. that is kind of what vladimir putin wants to do. he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't think that he could get away from it. daniel hoffman, thank you for letting us in on your expertise. >> all the best to you. >> still to come. a rare underwater discovery in the south pacific. today's best viral videos is coming up next. for what you . isn't that right limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. [a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ new vicks vapostick. strong soothing vapors... help comfort your loved ones. only pay for what you need. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. men, you need to get off the couch and get with the program. with golo, i lost 50 pounds. it feels really good to be able to button your jacket and not worry about it blowing up. -(laughs) -go to to lose weight and get healthier. the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. first up into my's viral video, a tugboat is literally breaking the ice to support northeastern communities during the top winter months. this effort helps prevent loss of life by making sure these communities can get food, fuel, and medical supplies. it erupted coast of tahiti for scientists discovered a pristine coral reef more than a hundred feet below sea level, deeper than that typically found. these type of reese protect get storms and stomach that are used in the development of -- put a beautiful sight. appended of jesus christ is expected to go for a pretty penny at the auction house in new york next week. experts recently discovered a drawing of mary and the baby jesus underneath this painting. it expects the park trail of the son of god to go for up to $40 million. and the world is remembering the rock legend tonight. meatloaf passed away at the age of 74. we will have more on his legacy later in the show but if you have videos that you think should go viral, hit us up on social media. >> the transportation safety of ministration making it easier for illegal immigrants to board commercial airliners and us. more than 100 brought public and lawmakers are pushing for a thorough review of the biden ministration actions during the ongoing border crisis. we have the latest on the border battle tonight from south texas. the video from a law-enforcement source shows a single massive group of about 400 migrants who crossed illegally into texas on wednesday night. border patrol photos show the size of that group with the center chief himself saying this was no coincidence. it was orchestrated by criminal elements for money. the night before the exact same thing happened, photos from border patrol show another group of 400 after they crossed illegally in eagle pass tuesday night. here in the rio grande valley, they tracked him on runners in the brush hoping to of fade near texas. two men of this group were from china. in just the first three months of fiscal cure 2022, there's been more than half a million migrant encounters here at the southern border. that is more than doubled the first three months of fiscal year 2021. meanwhile the agency is allowing illegal immigrants to use our pressed warrants and id at security checkpoints and airports, telling us in part for noncitizens a non-us nationals you do not otherwise have forms of id for presentation at security checkpoints, tsa mail to accept certain dhs issued forms, including ice form, i 200 . >> tsa confirmed that all they need is an arrest warrant to get past security. tells me the only need to do is wear a mask and commit a crime and i can go to the united states of america. more than 100 gop lawmakers and 1521 senators of no sent a letter to the dhs inspector general requesting a comprehensive review of the decisions by the biden administration that have led to the force border crisis in united states history. >> we want to know who came through at the checkpoints that was tonight and who actually made it through and who was caught in between the checkpoints and what are the got a ways. these are questions that the american people are asking. >> fox news. >> kevin corke is back. you know we both love chocolate but who thought one of the most beloved chocolate candies is now under the accusation of going woke. >> you just never know what you're going to get. life is like him box of chocolates. the company behind america's most beloved candies, m&ms, says it wants candy to be more inclusive. part of its new mission to increase the sense of belonging for millions of candy lovers. the green m&ms, for example, previously in the ads that you would see the green m&m would be wearing white go-go boots. now it will sport a pair sneakers. described her personality as not bossy, just boss. i don't know what to make up any of this. i just want to eat the candy. what about you. >> i don't think it is like candies that have personalities. that has their impact on me. this is one of the situations where i'm not sure you helped yourself, people just want to eat chocolate. it's not my company and i'm sure people still buy it. i just know this will be a good 24-48 hours for the company. all be back with just a few. >> >> shannon: i will see you then, kevin. thank you very much. >> tens of thousands showed up today for the annual march for life. they waited position from the supreme court that impacts ropey way. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit we are so hopeful am positive that roe v wade will be overturned. >> we decided to come because we love the environment and really want to stand up for the people that don't have voices. >> our hope is not in the white house. it is not in congress. our hope is not in the people whose governments of the law that we make in this nation. our hope is from the power of god working in the hearts of his people. >> a time lapse video put up shows thousands gathered in washington on friday to participate in the 49th annual march for life marking the ropey wade decision that legalized abortion. they say there are optimistic is to be the last march because -- before ropey wade is overturned. let's bring in one of today's speakers. christian wagner. good to have you back on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> there was a such a question at the supreme court were days ago that turned away and opportunity to get involved with this case of the texas, the law that bans abortions after six weeks. justice sotomayor said this, through a complicated private bounty hunter scheme that violates nearly that the use of this courts precedents. this case is a disaster for the role of law and a great disservice to women in texas to have a right to control their own body. how do you answer those concerns . >> justice sotomayor's stance on abortion is no secret. there's no -- in the constitution or history of this nation, so we are optimistic about how the court will prove one of the case that is pending before it right now. i suspect that is by the court didn't intervene in this particular texas case at this time. >> we've got some brand-new pulling out just today on roe v wade, asking american voters out there shouldn't be allowed to stand or be overturned different now they say 63% say let roe stand. 31% say to overturn it. the goal is to get rid of ropey way that the majority of americans say they don't want to see go. so where does that leave us as a country? >> i don't think the majority of americans know exactly what it means are or what it allows. will we look at polls that show what allows, abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy, the overwhelming number of americans actually want to protect life in those instances. of my would just say if it is overturned, we need to remember what that means. it means that the issues go to the state that we start having robust dialogue that citizens have a voice in this process once again. >> i think people forget that. it wouldn't mean that every abortion in the united states is going away. goes back to the state level. it's interesting how they got a patchwork of what they is workable for their state. so much of what happens is based on religion. we heard kirk cameron talking about god and an interesting piece of nbc news, this is spread -- written by religious professors. many faith leaders support abortion access, many christian pastors are outspoken about their support for women seeking abortions make one say that rabbis and muslim leaders also believe that there should be a right for women to terminate pregnancy. they say to prep% that all christians or fade out there have a right to abortion access. how do you answer that? >> life is sacred and begins in the boom. and the second thing is science supports that. one of the reasons that roe v wade needs to be overturned because of this based on bad science. over 49 years ago is when the case was decided and we now have of you into the womb that we never had before. we note these babies open and close their eyes, they suck on the thumbs and wiggled their fingers and they have all of the organs and yet our nation has such extreme laws that we would allow their bodies to be torn apart and their lives to be snuffed out. we had the most extreme abortion laws in the world and the company of china and north korea many privileges people support life. is also based on science. >> chris dinh wagner, we will wait to see what the supreme court does. >> meatloaf has died. he had a six decade career including record -- hit records for performances like fight club and the rocky horror picture show. we take a look at his extraordinary career. ♪♪ >> it was one of its most famous songs and the perfect description of the man himself. meatloaf gave everything to everything he ever did. born marvin lee a day, he was named meatloaf in grade school and he embraced it. to be up for me a few nature and later as a broadway singer became an icon because of the stage theatrics. he launched an to rock 'n roll start of the 1977 with his instinct classic collaboration with jim simon on the bat out of album. two out of three ain't bad, you took the portrait out of my mouth and characters by the dashboard lights all became the soundtrack of so many teenage lives. in 1993 kim another huge hit, i do anything for love, yet another meatloaf song that stood the test of time, crossing generations. >> he also starred in dozens of tv shows and films, including the 1975 original, the rocky how her picture show and 1999 fight club. and his family told fans in the statement, we know how much he meant to so many of you and we truly appreciate all of the love and support. from his heart take your soul, don't ever stop rocking. echoing thoughts from the man himself. in los angeles, fox news. puts fear also remembering the life of louis andersen tonight. he got his start and earned an emmy for his portrayal of a mom in the tv series basket. coming to america, my personal favorite. he died of complications from cancer. he was 68. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive to dairy. so anyone who says lactaid isn't real milk is also saying mabel here isn't a real cow. and she really hates that. we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing mabelanything it takesl cow. to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays 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customer ability to diagnose and repair their own equipment. some say it's prevented from working when they do just that. we bring in tonight's legal eagles. harry litman along with the founder and man in the -- managing partner. thank you for being with us tonight. a poster with exhibit day. this is from the complaint by the farmers. there has been farmers dependent for full repairs for their lifetime of skills to fix her own equipment and they're forced to sit and wait for service technician to a private on-site and charge 160 or more for labor on top of other costs. they say used to be you could just fix it yourself. >> but it needs be different equipment. this is not your grandfather's john deere. they are able to do all the repairs they want and they do them 98% of the time. they call it up right to prepare . is really a break to hack. of the few instances where they need to hack in to hire terry software and it is true that they're not able to do it for very good reasons. one of what be safe. put wind up voiding the warranty and possibly violating a mission standards and it is proprietary standards the john deere has developed a great expense and like any other company, any medical company, the way innovation works this country as they are able to profit off it. so they just want to hack in. >> so dear, the general policy says this, when customers buy from john deere the own view agreement and can choose to personally maintain or repair the product. for the customers need help, we have technicians nationwide to a suspect in person on site or remotely. what i think john deere has done is created essentially the hmo from help for tractor help. this is the most near road network i think if ever heard of work to get your tractor repair at your farmer for this really specific software, you have to get a john deere dealership repair person to either come to your for, it is 20 miles to the nearest dealership, or you've got a put it on a big, big truck to get the tractor there and here is the deal, here's the kicker. it's 150-$180 an hour for this repair, plus travel, plus costs. for someone like we are building tonight, that's a good rate. that you get your tractor repaired, i'm sorry, i think these folks have a good thing is sitting here. i think this has some legs and i think it's a monopoly and a really narrow network that john deere has created. >> this is one of the examples that they are complaining about. somebody who is even able to plays the engine of their tractor, it still useless to its owner until the owner pays a john deere technician to authorize the repair. even if they know what they are doing and get the part in, the tractor will restart unless you get a technician involved. out give you a closing quick 15 seconds each. >> in the very few instances where you need that software, it's true the same as it is for the car, mri or anything else. 98% of the time they can do it themselves and the other 2% they can try. they just can't back into the software. >> would you want your cardiologist to be 20 miles away in the only person who could fix your pacemaker? that's what they are doing to these farmers with these john beers. this is a good class-action lawsuit. john deere dealerships, let us know what you think. thank you very much. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: before we say good night, we have up big praise for being a hero. put his baby sister ran of the streak, the big brother jumped into action to protect her and he rounded up getting hit by car . has got some battle scars but he's okay. when he got home from the hospital but stitches, he was wearing his superman costume and local law enforcement came by to say hello and gave him them a tour of a fire truck. you are a hero. kevin, i love it. indeed, i want to take them to florida for this good news good night. darrell spent 25 years in the army as a paratrooper chaplain but never lost his love or his touch so after leaving the service and traveling the country as a pass there, he returned to his artistic roots. he has a featured art exhibit at the gallery in florida. i just want to say good for you. it prove that you can let something in return to it and practice what you really want to do. >> >> shannon: he had all this talent too. it's very inspiring. kevin, thank you very much. i will see you back here for fox news on sunday. watch your local listing. oming ? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! better skin from your body wash? it shortens colds! try olay body wash with skincare super ingredient collagen! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? customize your insurance at liberty mutual outcome 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brokers. these are topical agents that'll get you the best results. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson . so happy friday. we opened the show last night with a kind of dark segment on the looming war between russia and ukraine. a bipartisan coalition of neocons in washington has been recklessly stoking conflict between those two countries for years now. our foreign policy establishment in fact, has sent hundreds of millions of dollars in weapons to one of the most volatile regions in the world hoping for some kind of explosion. and now their

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Chopper , Rookie , Two , Life , City , Words , Killers , Tragedy , Harlem Hospital , Murdered , In The City , Baby , Five , 11 , Mayor , Example , Number , Shootings , Race , 15 , Safe , Feel , District Attorney , Critics , Adams , Cases , Policy , Suffering , Murder Charges , Prison , Bail , Robberies , Angeles , Felonies , Sean Smith , 31 , Work , Graduate Student , Killing , Stabbing Depth , Nurse , Ucla , Sandra Shells , 24 , 70 , Man , Action , Fertility , Effect , Reminder , Money , Approach , Things , Cops , The Street , 2020 , 22 , Information , Gravely Injured Officer , Surgery , Force , Condition , 2018 , 27 , Help , Governor , Trash , Gavin Newsome , Both , Los Angeles , Trucks , You Bat , Amount , California , Look , Issues , Cars , Miss , Pictures , Newsroom Tonight , West Coast , Ransacking Twill , Matt , 50 , Track , Push , Piles , Looting , Remnants , Boxes , Democratic , Law Enforcement , Crews , California Highway Patrol , California Department Of Transportation , Case , Part , Union Pacific , Guess , Roadway , Third World Country , La District Attorney , Review , Office , Organization , Decline , 202056 , 47 , 298 , 2019 , People , Lot , Area , Railroad Operations , Level , Facilities , Policies , Special Agents , Drones , Fencing , Builders , Detection Systems , Letter , Criminal , Criminals , Result , Criminal Justice System , Writing , Phone , Rise , Fine , Attorney General , Group , Crimes , Assistance , Cracking , Congress , House Republicans , Support , Mayors , Coasts , Supply Chain , Fox , Fbi , Laundrie , Girlfriend , Potato , Notebook , Remains , Gunshot Wound Following , Body , Motion , Virginia New , Subject , Manhunt , News Roundup , Schools , Order , Lawsuit , Executive Order , State Supreme Court , Students , Place , Superintendent , State Law Up Regulation , Notice , Accordance , Face , Base , Refusal , Removal , Masking , Administration , Ropey Wade Decision , South Texas , President , Mandate , Judge , Violation , Employees , 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Concerns , Opportunity , Secretary Blanck , Paper , Indiscernible , Falls , Interpretation , Interpretations , Conversations , Course , Consequences , Tents , Becky , Talk , Instructors , Bill Threat , Diplomacy , Hiding , Sending Hundreds , Nothing Else , Troops , Answer , Menfolk , Quiet , Invasion , Arms , Andi Don T , Issue , Countries , Plan , Locks , Someone , Policy Challenge , Daniel Hopkins , Saying , New York Times , Ambitions , Vladimir Putin , Demand , Military Presence , Foreign Minister , Responses , West Western Wind , Coldly , Benefit , Nato , Member , Man S , Putin , Defenses , Missile , Demands , West , Eastern Europe , Romania , Poland , Big Truck , Independence , Terms , Division , Level Playing Field , Gates , 40 , More , Piece , Times , Divisions , Long Global Leadership Role , Middle East , Security , State Of Affairs , China , Charge , Enemies , Lessons , 20 , Conclusion , Stakes , Threats , Priorities , Anyone , Minister , Quote , Military , Picture , Threat , 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Park Trail , Son Of God , 40 Million , 0 Million , Show , Meatloaf , Age , Legacy , The Rock Legend Tonight , 74 , Immigrants , Transportation Safety , Biden Ministration , Hit , Up On Social Media , Border Crisis , Actions , Latest , The Border Battle Tonight , Airliners , 100 , Photos , Migrants , Law Enforcement Source , Border Patrol , 400 , Thing , Center Chief , Coincidence , Elements , Eagle Pass , Brush , Runners , Rio Grande Valley , Three , Border , Encounters , A Million , 2021 , Tsa , Forms , Id , Security Checkpoints , Presentation , Mail , Warrants , Airports , Nationals , Noncitizens , Mask , Arrest Warrant , Ice Form , Dhs , 200 , Inspector General , Decisions , Senators , Led , Gop , 1521 , Checkpoints , Questions , Ways , United States History , Chocolate Candies , Love Chocolate , Fox News , M Ms , Candies , Candy , Chocolates , Accusation , Green M Ms , Go Boots , Millions , Candy Lovers , Mission , M , Belonging , Sense , Ads , Pair Sneakers , Any , Personality , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

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pandemic in all these other situations and now -- audited of like staying out late and work anymore but. you have to worry about your surroundings. >> shannon: does is the third time in four days that nypd officer has been shot on the job . we've got a live report with breaking details. military equipment assistant from the us arrived in ukraine tonight. close to 200,000 pounds of lethal aid including for frontline soldiers. media neutral ground in switzerland and russia -- >> daniel huskins joins us live. , bitter cold in washington for the annual march for life it is the largest pro-life rally. many attendees hoping that roe v wade will soon be overturned by the us supreme court. we begin with america press the crime crisis exploding with deadly gunfire in new york city. kevin corke is tracking the incident. good evening, kevin. >> as you can imagine the white house wants america's largest of these do you all the resources that that disposal to help curb the crime epidemic. that includes helping hand from the fed. that the prescription that many may not produce the sort of results of the cities need, at least not soon enough. >> we shouldn't be cutting funding to police departments. i'm proposing increasing funding >> president biden:america president mears to use more funds to combat problems in their cities, including hiring more police. the nation's crime crisis continued to cripple new york where tonight two nypd officers, one a rookie with just over a year of the chopper shot while responding to a domestic violence call in harlem. >> i am struggling to find the words to express the tragedy we are enduring. and i stand here at harlem hospital tonight in new york city police officer has lost his life, murdered. >> it is our city against the killers. and 11 -month-old baby was shot just a few days ago. five officers were shot in the city. it is time for us to save our city. >> this is the third time in four days that the new york officers have faced gunfire on the job. just the latest example of a crime epidemic that seen a number of shootings in the upbeat big apple, each race by more than 15% today. is gotten so bad that mayor adams has admitted that even he sometimes that the feel so safe in the city. obviously he's not alone. critics blame the district attorney for downgrading certain felonies, including some commercial armed robberies and a policy of that seeking bail or prison time in most cases. it's not just do york suffering from a surging crime. across the country must angeles, murder charges have been filed against 31-year-old sean smith and the stabbing depth of 24 -year-old ucla graduate student. the killing coming on the very same day 70-year-old nurse, sandra shells, was killed underway to work, also by a homeless man. meanwhile back in new york, a painful reminder of the fertility of life and just so quickly action and sometimes in action can have a devastating effect. >> i think the approach needs to be different. i think it needs to new york more aggressive. bring it back to them, they need the money. get the cops out there on the street. >> sad and certainly true, things have gotten really bad in the big apple. the slain officer tonight was just 22 years old and began on the job back in 2020. the gravely injured officer, 27 years old, started on the force and 2018. he's currently undergoing surgery at this hour. should we get more information about his condition, i promise to pass that along. >> thank you, kevin. both so brave and so young. please keep us updated. >> you bat. >> shannon: removing massive amount of trash around los angeles real trucks with a little help the governor and gavin newsome. he says california has committed to prosecute these who have been ransacking twill cars and leaping the miss behind. taking a closer look at the la issues from our west coast newsroom tonight. good evening, matt. >> here los angeles you have seen those 50 pictures that we all track, lettered piles of trash and boxes, remnants of organized looting. democratic governor gavin newsome helps clean up and announce the new push to combat the rampant that's. short-term california department of transportation crews will assist and then california highway patrol will coordinate with local law enforcement. >> i see what you see and i see what you've been covering. asking myself what is going on. it look sick a third world country. >> like today la district attorney guess:responding to any specific roadway say it is union pacific that needs to do a better job. right again part, quote, i want to stress that every case presented to our office including each case of your organization is given an individualized review. and 298 -- -- 2019 -- in 202056 cases. and then a sharp decline, 47 such cases. you people is little to secure a lot trained and it is very telling that other major railroad operations in the area are not facing the same level of that that their facilities. but union pacific admits it is the liberal policies and crime that are emboldening builders. usually released within 24 hours union pacific says they recently added additional special agents and is utilizing drones, fencing , and detection systems. writing to guess phone and a letter last month we find ourselves coming back to the same result with the los angeles criminal justice system. criminals are caught and arrested and the criminal was released after playing a nominal fine. this with the alarming rise in these violent crimes is increasingly being assessed for the local mayor to the white house and congress. on thursday group of house republicans of washington sent a letter to the us attorney general calling for federal assistance in and cracking, that's that has disrupted the supply chain even worse. and at the us mayors conference friday, mayors of both coasts told fox new they need federal support to truly curb violent crime. shannon. >> shannon: thank you. the fbi confessed to killing girlfriend get a potato and a notebook found with his remains. laundrie died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound following -- he had been the subject of a weeklong manhunt at the time his body was found. first up been real news roundup, virginia new attorney general has filed a motion asking the state supreme court to dismiss a lawsuit against governor young can over his executive order over the last minute for schools public schools are doubling down tonight to defy the governor present order for the superintendent and an order saying in accordance with state law up regulation requiring universal masking remains in place until further notice. intentional removal or refusal to wear a face covering during the time base covers are required by all students will be treated as a violation for the federal judge friday blocked president biden's mandate for federal employees and an order to step back from the administration. the texas-based judge citing the recent supreme to court decision on the mandate. they say they're going to appeal the ruling. cdc director dr. michel walensky saying that while fully vaccinated does not include a booster, the agency is pivoting towards that being the case. >> pivot the lancaster mike sure that everybody is that up-to-date with their covid-19 vaccine as they personally could be, should be, based on when they got their last vaccine. so important right now we are making sure that people are up-to-date. >> lawmakers in california proposing a new law that would allow children to be vaccinated without the consent. most minors can't be vaccinated without apparent's permission so parental consent law varies by state and region. the back of being blamed on sanitation workers being out sick and the back backlog of holiday related garbage. >> i'm really, really sorry. >> singer adele apologizing to fans for postponing her las vegas residency due to virus that can she says many of her crew have tested positive in the pandemic has created delivery delays of equipment as well. the grammy winner shows were set from friday through april. new dates have not yet been announced. >> a new study at a new york city shows that the omicron strain of buyers that he was likely in the big apple before so powerful. announce the discovery of the new variant in late december reed is investigating the origins. good evening, lauren. >> good evening, shannon. we have new information about an omicron. is much more in. south african how special stunt and already pandemic weary world with report of a new bearing called omicron. six days later health officials of the state record of the. has reached us shores. two days after that city officials announced more cases. >> the cars for alarm. we just what i sure that the public is aware of the information. >> the cdc report of the sampling of wastewater shows the omicron they have been more widespread before south africa scientists detected that. since the summer of 2020, prior to the covid shutdown, team of scientists at various institutions had been collecting weeklies temples of new york wastewater, sample collected this november 21 was found to contain 12 omicron associated mutations. results weren't announced until the first week of december. omicron was already in wastewater four days before south africa announced its first cases. that means that omicron was more widespread than earlier suspected. the good news is that testing wastewater can be an early warning system and detecting any new variant. omicron continues to sweep to the world, although has been labeled a less deadly. health officials warned not to take it lightly. >> omicron may be less serious. but it is mild is misleading. >> my respect deaths have remained stable. the best prevention is to get vaccinated. >> lauren green in new york, thank you. >> there was no apparent movement during friday's meeting between the top diplomats from the us and russia. they agree to keep talking. benjamin hall reports tonight from geneva. >> tense talks in geneva today but not much progress. the us will not as requested offer a written response to russia's concerns. >> and then we plan to have an opportunity to look at that paper and we will see where we go from there. >> just two days ago secretary blanck and said there would be no -- because russia's concerns were falls. secretary blanck and responded. >> [indiscernible] ask what it comes to the conversations we have, i think that charitable interpretation would be that sometimes we have different interpretations in history. >> today things went as expected . they offered a diplomatic offer. there of the consequences of russia invaded and he hopes that they will reverse course. >> if russia wants to begin to convince the world that it has the aggressive in tents towards toward ukraine, very good place to start would be the escalating >> becky is that us and provoking ukraine. >> are concerns are not -- but the bill threat that they are hiding. sending hundreds to instructors. >> if nothing else, they have a little bit more time for diplomacy and there was talk about possible biden/putin meeting if russia thought it was warranted. >> i cannot say if we are on the right track of with the wrong track. we will understandably get the american answer. menfolk russia continues to amass its troops while preparing for invasion while ukraine continues to ask for more support to defend themselves. for now at least ukraine welcomes the talks. >> the longer than we speak the better it is because when diplomats get quiet, arms start speaking. >> another issue is that they don't have a unified plan if russia invades ukraine. they said repeatedly that their locks up and unified in some countries don't feel as strongly as standing up to russia. >> benjamin hall, thank you very much from geneva. >> the latest policy challenge for the administration, what steps back for russia. were talking about someone who may know. daniel hopkins is saying -- very fruitful in his ambitions. >> thank you. it is good to be here. >> start for this from the new york times. >> he told his foreign minister and a hastily scheduled meeting that the us would provide written responses next week and the russian demand that the west western wind its military presence, what is that all about >> so, you know, vladimir putin is a coldly, calculating operative and he wouldn't threaten if he didn't think he could win a benefit from it so if it russia has launched these maximum man's, demanding that nato promised never to cut that ukraine as a member. putin those that's not possible. and demanding that we've removed ballistic missile defenses from romania and poland as well as troops from eastern europe where they are deployed. and putin knows that those are unrealistic demands but he is extorting the west. forcing it i said to negotiate on his terms. he was been a level playing field with the united states and we've seen a lot of division within nato. he's targeting ukraine's independence. >> by gates, the former secretary of defense who famously has said that he thinks the president biden has gotten every foreign-policy decision wrong. is made in the last 40 years, yet a piece in the financial times. he said he's received help from the us. our domestic divisions and -- withdraw from the middle east and more abruptly from our six decade-long global leadership role. together these have that many countries to hedge their best and to develop closer economic political and security pays for both russia and china. more bradley how are you about the current state of affairs for the uninformed policy. >> i'm very concerned. i think one of the lessons of the 20th century we've learned quite well is when the united states retreats diplomatically, then our enemies will take charge and will protect greater national security threats. i think we should ask her before he chose to raise the stakes in ukraine. he might've come to the conclusion that the biden administration was to focus on its own domestic priorities and china and other things. vladimir putin is an going to let us do that. he sees an opportunity for himself right now to weaken nato and he is taking it. >> so brush up's for minister, he says, quote, we are not afraid of anyone, not even think us. is this more about russia versus us. but is the bigger picture for that for russia? >> i think ukraine is an ex- potential threat not because of any military that they might pose to russia but because they're trying to build a democracy with close ties to the european union and nato. that is what scares vladimir putin, democracy. if you can would do that, it would be a call to his own opposition. we are pressing. that's why he can't allow ukraine with the pressure picking population to be western oriented but putin also derives a lot of benefit by being perceived, even though his country gdp is the size of italy , to be up to go toe to toe with the united states. what is missing now is ukraine. they are not even in all of these discussions and negotiations. it's just russia and the united states. that's the way he wants it. he wants to beat the price of the agreement in the year 22. that is kind of what vladimir putin wants to do. he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't think that he could get away from it. daniel hoffman, thank you for letting us in on your expertise. >> all the best to you. >> still to come. a rare underwater discovery in the south pacific. today's best viral videos is coming up next. for what you . isn't that right limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. [a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ new vicks vapostick. strong soothing vapors... help comfort your loved ones. only pay for what you need. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. men, you need to get off the couch and get with the program. with golo, i lost 50 pounds. it feels really good to be able to button your jacket and not worry about it blowing up. -(laughs) -go to to lose weight and get healthier. the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. first up into my's viral video, a tugboat is literally breaking the ice to support northeastern communities during the top winter months. this effort helps prevent loss of life by making sure these communities can get food, fuel, and medical supplies. it erupted coast of tahiti for scientists discovered a pristine coral reef more than a hundred feet below sea level, deeper than that typically found. these type of reese protect get storms and stomach that are used in the development of -- put a beautiful sight. appended of jesus christ is expected to go for a pretty penny at the auction house in new york next week. experts recently discovered a drawing of mary and the baby jesus underneath this painting. it expects the park trail of the son of god to go for up to $40 million. and the world is remembering the rock legend tonight. meatloaf passed away at the age of 74. we will have more on his legacy later in the show but if you have videos that you think should go viral, hit us up on social media. >> the transportation safety of ministration making it easier for illegal immigrants to board commercial airliners and us. more than 100 brought public and lawmakers are pushing for a thorough review of the biden ministration actions during the ongoing border crisis. we have the latest on the border battle tonight from south texas. the video from a law-enforcement source shows a single massive group of about 400 migrants who crossed illegally into texas on wednesday night. border patrol photos show the size of that group with the center chief himself saying this was no coincidence. it was orchestrated by criminal elements for money. the night before the exact same thing happened, photos from border patrol show another group of 400 after they crossed illegally in eagle pass tuesday night. here in the rio grande valley, they tracked him on runners in the brush hoping to of fade near texas. two men of this group were from china. in just the first three months of fiscal cure 2022, there's been more than half a million migrant encounters here at the southern border. that is more than doubled the first three months of fiscal year 2021. meanwhile the agency is allowing illegal immigrants to use our pressed warrants and id at security checkpoints and airports, telling us in part for noncitizens a non-us nationals you do not otherwise have forms of id for presentation at security checkpoints, tsa mail to accept certain dhs issued forms, including ice form, i 200 . >> tsa confirmed that all they need is an arrest warrant to get past security. tells me the only need to do is wear a mask and commit a crime and i can go to the united states of america. more than 100 gop lawmakers and 1521 senators of no sent a letter to the dhs inspector general requesting a comprehensive review of the decisions by the biden administration that have led to the force border crisis in united states history. >> we want to know who came through at the checkpoints that was tonight and who actually made it through and who was caught in between the checkpoints and what are the got a ways. these are questions that the american people are asking. >> fox news. >> kevin corke is back. you know we both love chocolate but who thought one of the most beloved chocolate candies is now under the accusation of going woke. >> you just never know what you're going to get. life is like him box of chocolates. the company behind america's most beloved candies, m&ms, says it wants candy to be more inclusive. part of its new mission to increase the sense of belonging for millions of candy lovers. the green m&ms, for example, previously in the ads that you would see the green m&m would be wearing white go-go boots. now it will sport a pair sneakers. described her personality as not bossy, just boss. i don't know what to make up any of this. i just want to eat the candy. what about you. >> i don't think it is like candies that have personalities. that has their impact on me. this is one of the situations where i'm not sure you helped yourself, people just want to eat chocolate. it's not my company and i'm sure people still buy it. i just know this will be a good 24-48 hours for the company. all be back with just a few. >> >> shannon: i will see you then, kevin. thank you very much. >> tens of thousands showed up today for the annual march for life. they waited position from the supreme court that impacts ropey way. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit we are so hopeful am positive that roe v wade will be overturned. >> we decided to come because we love the environment and really want to stand up for the people that don't have voices. >> our hope is not in the white house. it is not in congress. our hope is not in the people whose governments of the law that we make in this nation. our hope is from the power of god working in the hearts of his people. >> a time lapse video put up shows thousands gathered in washington on friday to participate in the 49th annual march for life marking the ropey wade decision that legalized abortion. they say there are optimistic is to be the last march because -- before ropey wade is overturned. let's bring in one of today's speakers. christian wagner. good to have you back on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> there was a such a question at the supreme court were days ago that turned away and opportunity to get involved with this case of the texas, the law that bans abortions after six weeks. justice sotomayor said this, through a complicated private bounty hunter scheme that violates nearly that the use of this courts precedents. this case is a disaster for the role of law and a great disservice to women in texas to have a right to control their own body. how do you answer those concerns . >> justice sotomayor's stance on abortion is no secret. there's no -- in the constitution or history of this nation, so we are optimistic about how the court will prove one of the case that is pending before it right now. i suspect that is by the court didn't intervene in this particular texas case at this time. >> we've got some brand-new pulling out just today on roe v wade, asking american voters out there shouldn't be allowed to stand or be overturned different now they say 63% say let roe stand. 31% say to overturn it. the goal is to get rid of ropey way that the majority of americans say they don't want to see go. so where does that leave us as a country? >> i don't think the majority of americans know exactly what it means are or what it allows. will we look at polls that show what allows, abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy, the overwhelming number of americans actually want to protect life in those instances. of my would just say if it is overturned, we need to remember what that means. it means that the issues go to the state that we start having robust dialogue that citizens have a voice in this process once again. >> i think people forget that. it wouldn't mean that every abortion in the united states is going away. goes back to the state level. it's interesting how they got a patchwork of what they is workable for their state. so much of what happens is based on religion. we heard kirk cameron talking about god and an interesting piece of nbc news, this is spread -- written by religious professors. many faith leaders support abortion access, many christian pastors are outspoken about their support for women seeking abortions make one say that rabbis and muslim leaders also believe that there should be a right for women to terminate pregnancy. they say to prep% that all christians or fade out there have a right to abortion access. how do you answer that? >> life is sacred and begins in the boom. and the second thing is science supports that. one of the reasons that roe v wade needs to be overturned because of this based on bad science. over 49 years ago is when the case was decided and we now have of you into the womb that we never had before. we note these babies open and close their eyes, they suck on the thumbs and wiggled their fingers and they have all of the organs and yet our nation has such extreme laws that we would allow their bodies to be torn apart and their lives to be snuffed out. we had the most extreme abortion laws in the world and the company of china and north korea many privileges people support life. is also based on science. >> chris dinh wagner, we will wait to see what the supreme court does. >> meatloaf has died. he had a six decade career including record -- hit records for performances like fight club and the rocky horror picture show. we take a look at his extraordinary career. ♪♪ >> it was one of its most famous songs and the perfect description of the man himself. meatloaf gave everything to everything he ever did. born marvin lee a day, he was named meatloaf in grade school and he embraced it. to be up for me a few nature and later as a broadway singer became an icon because of the stage theatrics. he launched an to rock 'n roll start of the 1977 with his instinct classic collaboration with jim simon on the bat out of album. two out of three ain't bad, you took the portrait out of my mouth and characters by the dashboard lights all became the soundtrack of so many teenage lives. in 1993 kim another huge hit, i do anything for love, yet another meatloaf song that stood the test of time, crossing generations. >> he also starred in dozens of tv shows and films, including the 1975 original, the rocky how her picture show and 1999 fight club. and his family told fans in the statement, we know how much he meant to so many of you and we truly appreciate all of the love and support. from his heart take your soul, don't ever stop rocking. echoing thoughts from the man himself. in los angeles, fox news. puts fear also remembering the life of louis andersen tonight. he got his start and earned an emmy for his portrayal of a mom in the tv series basket. coming to america, my personal favorite. he died of complications from cancer. he was 68. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive to dairy. so anyone who says lactaid isn't real milk is also saying mabel here isn't a real cow. and she really hates that. we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing mabelanything it takesl cow. to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays 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customer ability to diagnose and repair their own equipment. some say it's prevented from working when they do just that. we bring in tonight's legal eagles. harry litman along with the founder and man in the -- managing partner. thank you for being with us tonight. a poster with exhibit day. this is from the complaint by the farmers. there has been farmers dependent for full repairs for their lifetime of skills to fix her own equipment and they're forced to sit and wait for service technician to a private on-site and charge 160 or more for labor on top of other costs. they say used to be you could just fix it yourself. >> but it needs be different equipment. this is not your grandfather's john deere. they are able to do all the repairs they want and they do them 98% of the time. they call it up right to prepare . is really a break to hack. of the few instances where they need to hack in to hire terry software and it is true that they're not able to do it for very good reasons. one of what be safe. put wind up voiding the warranty and possibly violating a mission standards and it is proprietary standards the john deere has developed a great expense and like any other company, any medical company, the way innovation works this country as they are able to profit off it. so they just want to hack in. >> so dear, the general policy says this, when customers buy from john deere the own view agreement and can choose to personally maintain or repair the product. for the customers need help, we have technicians nationwide to a suspect in person on site or remotely. what i think john deere has done is created essentially the hmo from help for tractor help. this is the most near road network i think if ever heard of work to get your tractor repair at your farmer for this really specific software, you have to get a john deere dealership repair person to either come to your for, it is 20 miles to the nearest dealership, or you've got a put it on a big, big truck to get the tractor there and here is the deal, here's the kicker. it's 150-$180 an hour for this repair, plus travel, plus costs. for someone like we are building tonight, that's a good rate. that you get your tractor repaired, i'm sorry, i think these folks have a good thing is sitting here. i think this has some legs and i think it's a monopoly and a really narrow network that john deere has created. >> this is one of the examples that they are complaining about. somebody who is even able to plays the engine of their tractor, it still useless to its owner until the owner pays a john deere technician to authorize the repair. even if they know what they are doing and get the part in, the tractor will restart unless you get a technician involved. out give you a closing quick 15 seconds each. >> in the very few instances where you need that software, it's true the same as it is for the car, mri or anything else. 98% of the time they can do it themselves and the other 2% they can try. they just can't back into the software. >> would you want your cardiologist to be 20 miles away in the only person who could fix your pacemaker? that's what they are doing to these farmers with these john beers. this is a good class-action lawsuit. john deere dealerships, let us know what you think. thank you very much. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: before we say good night, we have up big praise for being a hero. put his baby sister ran of the streak, the big brother jumped into action to protect her and he rounded up getting hit by car . has got some battle scars but he's okay. when he got home from the hospital but stitches, he was wearing his superman costume and local law enforcement came by to say hello and gave him them a tour of a fire truck. you are a hero. kevin, i love it. indeed, i want to take them to florida for this good news good night. darrell spent 25 years in the army as a paratrooper chaplain but never lost his love or his touch so after leaving the service and traveling the country as a pass there, he returned to his artistic roots. he has a featured art exhibit at the gallery in florida. i just want to say good for you. it prove that you can let something in return to it and practice what you really want to do. >> >> shannon: he had all this talent too. it's very inspiring. kevin, thank you very much. i will see you back here for fox news on sunday. watch your local listing. oming ? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! better skin from your body wash? it shortens colds! try olay body wash with skincare super ingredient collagen! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? customize your insurance at liberty mutual outcome 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brokers. these are topical agents that'll get you the best results. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson . so happy friday. we opened the show last night with a kind of dark segment on the looming war between russia and ukraine. a bipartisan coalition of neocons in washington has been recklessly stoking conflict between those two countries for years now. our foreign policy establishment in fact, has sent hundreds of millions of dollars in weapons to one of the most volatile regions in the world hoping for some kind of explosion. and now their

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