Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

this wednesday morning. i'm carley shimkus. >> griff: i'm griff jenkins in for todd. we'll have more on this breaking news in just a moment. first, this hour at it is white house, today president biden is gearing up to hold his first news conference in months and administration is planning public reset of his tarnished image. ashley kicks off with more. >> ashley: the president is set to hold his tenth news conference today. of the nine past, six were solo and the other three being joint pressers. a senior white house official said they realize the dynamic with the president needs to change his reset plan is said to be making conversations with congress less of a priority with the public and focus more on talking directly with americans. although his approval rating continues to tank, jen psaki insisted progress has been made. >> press sect. psaki: in terms of voting rights, his view is it is never a good idea not to shoot for the moon with your proposals and what you are fighting for. there has been a lot of progress made. we need to build on that. the work is not done. the job is not done. >> ashley: chuck schumer has a last ditch effort to persuade manchin and sinema to allow vote to overhaul the u.s. election system. >> we must consider and vote on the rule changes that are appropriate and necessary to restore the senate and make voting legislation possible. we are going to vote. we are all going to go on the record. republicans will have to choose which side they stand on. >> ashley: manchin and sinema are standing in the way of the democratic-led effort and pushing to get rid of the filibuster. manchin making cler he is standing firm and will not change the rules. >> the democratic caucus, majority changed their mind, i respect that. you have a right to change your mind. i haven't, i hope they respect that, too. >> ashley: senator bernie sanders opened the door to support primary challengers to the two senators, both who are up for re-election. manchin didn't seem too worried. >> i've been primary my entire life issue nothing new to me. never run i wasn't primary. this is west virginia, it is rough and tumble, we're used to that. bring it on. >> ashley: president's conference is expected to start at 4 p.m., the eve of the anniversary of his inauguration. back to you. >> griff: interesting to see what questions get asked. ashley, thank you very much. main-stream media expressing concern, president biden and democratic party could be doomed heading into the midterm. a similar territory to former president obama's first term in the white house. >> basically three poll numbers cufollow initially that tell you likely stage of the midterm elections and right now two of the three we track are sitting there in shellacking territory. >> griff: two more house democrats announcing their retirement, james langdon and james mcinerney will not seek reelection, bringing the list of democrats leaving the house to 28. carley. >> carley: shellacking is not a good territory to be i indiana congressman jim banks says this is why americans are losing faith in president biden. >> continues to get worse as this president biden and the democratic party refuse to acknowledge the pain the american people are going through, ignoring inflation and the other issues that are affecting american families and working americans. we're not just focused on the one year of crisis after crisis that has built up on joe biden's watch, focused on the solutions and legislations we'll introduce day one when we get the majority back. biden administration is changing their pr plan. i have news for joe biden, 95% of the media carries water. media is not joe biden's problem, joe biden is joe biden's problem and now america's problem. >> carley: sean duffy will join us to discuss the deep hole the democrats are now in. >> griff: the white house believes russian invasion of ukraine could be eminent as 100,000 russian troops are stationed along the border. listen. >> press sect. psaki: the view this is a dangerous situation, we're at stage where russia could launch an attack in ukraine. >> griff: anthony blinken landing in kiev, set to meet with ukraine president and foreign minister today. the meeting will reinforce u.s. commitment. blinken will meet russian foreign minister lavrov on friday to deescalate boiling tensions. a career criminal is identified as suspect behind the fatal stabbing of a ucla grad student killed while working at a furniture store. >> carley: just look at the image on your screen. you can see from his many mug shots he has been arrested more than once. brooke has more on the suspect's rap sheet. brooke. >> the lapd says shawn laval smith is who they are looking for and are offering $250,000 we ward for information leading to his arrest. smith is on the loose. jail records show it is not the first time he slipped under the radar. smith has a rap sheetet spannin both coasts, including arrests in san francisco and south carolina. somehow he was freed on $1000 bail in october for undisclosed misdemeanor charge. last week he crossed paths with brianna kupfer who was working at a luxury furniture store in l.a. and police say smith targeted her in a random act of violence. listen. >> brianna kupfer was working in the store by herself. she sent a text to a friend letting her know there was someone inside the location that was giving her a bad vibe. >> brianna kupfer's father is blaming politicians for the rise in crime. he joined fox t.v. yesterday. >> she had aspirations that will be ended by this. she will live on in many ways, but this kind of tragedy can't befall more people. >> after the murder, chilling video shows smith buying a vape pen just 30 minutes later n. new york city hundreds showing up for a candlelight vigil in honor of michelle go, who was killed when a suspect pushed her in front of a rain on the subway system. mayor eric adams admitted even he doesn't feel safe riding the subway, listen to this. >> from day one i took the subway system, i felt unsafe. people yelling on the trains, feeling of disorder. we deal with the crime problem and have to deal with the fact people feel unsafe. >> guys, those comments from adams are a stunning reversal, last week he said it was safe and blame today on perception of fear. today the suspect in michelle go's case is set to be arraigned on second degree murder charges by hospital bedside. >> carley: thank you. many stories like this. tucker carlson blames i'd logs for the violence in american cities. >> many public spaces have become permanent homeless encampments. you she trash-filled tents where there were parks and step over vagrants drooling unconscious on the way to work and junkies smoke meth without any embarrassment and yell at pedestrians. this is new york, san antonio and austin, texas. the question is, what happened? our leaders did this. no matter who they tell you, homelessness is not an act of god, it is not economic collapse, america did not run out of housing. a determined group of well funded i'd idealogs decided to make it easier. when you pay for homelessness, you get more of it. see how that work? >> carley: one liberal d.a. could find himself out of a job after making comments like this. >> it is important we don't let this become mushy and bleed into the notion there is some kind of big spike in crime. there isn't. there is not a big spike in crime. that is not true. >> carley: we're talking to larry critic about the push to get rid of him. >> griff: plus president biden gave his second in command a lot of jobs over the course of the last year ago, including border czar. white house media ally admits kamala harris is having an identity crisis. ♪ ♪ your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or 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[a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ >> carley: lawmaker pushes for impeachment of philadelphia district attorney larry krasner. state senator jake coreman writing "despite the recent crime wave, the d.a. has not accepted responsibility for failure to prosecute criminals nor taken new steps to keep dangerous criminals behind bars. as elected officials of the commonwealth, we can't have a blind eye to the dereliction of duty. >> carley: thank you both for joining us this morning. bill, i'll start with you, do you agree with this respect to impeach the district attorney and where is it going to go, do you think it will pass? >> well, it is my understanding that the senator wrote to the pennsylvania house because it is their perogative to begin impeachment proceedings like in the national scene would be the same, but i don't know. there are 67 counties in pennsylvania, we are skewed republican. there is about 110 republicans in the remainder democrats, but philadelphia and pittsburgh make up the major metropolitan area and district attorney represents citizens of the commonwealth. bill brennan, philadelphia runs its own show. i think it is a longshot frankly, there is frustration with the spike in crime in philadelphia. it is dangerous in my city right now. >> carley: roslyn, you have personal experience with the crime in philadelphia. your brother was murdered in a shooting there. tell us what happened to him and what do you think needs to change? >> my brother was murdered in 2012 in january, the case is currently unsolved. here there is definitely a spike in philadelphia, with carjackings and homicides. clearly 30 homicide necessary beginning of january already and krasner hasn't really stepped up to the plate since he's been in office to reduce crime. >> carley: and, you know, bill, these progressive prosecutors say the same thing, they are trying to make things more equitable for the black community with the soft on crime policies. 562 homicides in philadelphia last year. 80% were black people, 19% white. how does that -- black community? >> carley: bill, i'll go to you first and rosalind, you can respond, as well. >> i don't know if it is a racial issue in that our population skews toward the black and brown community. we're racially favoring communities of color, i don't think it is fair to say it is a black/white thing. it is a crime versus noncrime thing and i respect the progressive agenda and it is addressing decades, if not centuries of inequity and i get that. you have to stop the murders and the carjackings first. that should be the priority and everything else should be secondary. >> carley: rosalind -- >> i couldn't agree more. it is really not a black and white thing, i think it is just doing the right thing and that is stop being soft on crime. >> carley: and bill, let's take a listen to larry krasner december 6th, he had this to say and it sparked a lot of controversy. watch here. >> it is important we don't let this become mushy and bleed into the notion there is some kind of a big spike in crime, there isn't. there is not. basically we don't have a crisis of lawlessness, we don't have a crisis of crime, we don't have a crisis of violence. >> carley: he later apologized for that statement and walk today back. if 2021 had increase in crime, what will 2022 look like? >> it will be devastating. >> it is out of control. i agree with rosalind, it is already devastating. after he made that statement and did walk it back, the former mayor, michael nutter, who is teriff rick wrote an op ed and called him out on the statements. it was certainly a poor choice of words to deny the crime spike. >> we will definitely see a lot of -- >> carley: for joining us this morning. >> any time. real quick, last 10 seconds to you. >> it is definitely a lot of retaliation of last year's murders, especially at the end of the year, a lot of retaliation this year, beginning of january. if city officials need to step up their game. >> carley: such an important point and i'm glad you had time to make it. thank you for joining us. chris, over to you. >> griff: 19 minutes after the hour. it didn't work for chairman mcauliffe and now michigan democrats are feeling the heat for telling parents to stay out of education. a republican is running against gretchen whitmer to give parents a say and biden administration is turning to teenagers, you heard that correctly, to if i can the supply chain crisis. details of the latest plan has stopped empty grocery stores. ♪ ♪ why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? ♪♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪♪ fill your medicare prescriptions with walgreens and save. i looked on ancestry and just started digging and found some really cool stuff... it was just a lot of fun. just to talk to my parents about it and to send it to my grandparents and be like, hey this person we're all related to look at this crazy stuff they did in arizona 100 years ago. it actually gives you a picture of their life, so you get to feel like you're walking the same path they did. ♪ ♪ >> carley: senate republicans launching an investigation into the education department and the doj over the national school board association letter comparing parents to domestic terrorists. the republicans writing in a letter to education secretary miguel cardona, "action by attorney general garland has created chilling effect on parents throughout the country and deployment of federal law enforcement" the letter was requested from the nsba. the organization apologized for sending the letter in the first place. griff, over to you. >> griff: carley, michigan democrats are feeling heat over recently deleted facebook post. joining us is a professional and republican candidate for michigan governor, thank you for taking time and quickly show our viewers now deleted post so they have idea of what the michigan democratic party posted. they said this, "the purpose of public education in school is not to teach kids only what parents want them to be taught issue but what society needs them to know," and continues going on to say essentially that the public school is not the parent but the entire community, it is public. did the michigan democratic party say the quiet part out loud there? >> absolutely and as a parent, this breaks my heart to say they don't want me to know what is happening in the school. parents have seen in the last two years what is happening in schools and simply don't like this. if you look across the country, democrats have this mantra to keep parents out of school and we're seeing it in michigan. they deleted this post 36 hours later after people like me and others were saying, this is illegal in the state of michigan, state law protects parents when it comes to education. they came out and said this is wrong, it doesn't affect elected officials. governor gretchen whitmer went to campaign with terry mcauliffe and it didn't go well in virginia. >> griff: tudor, are we seeing what happened in -- play out in michigan? >> yes, and we are call og schools to be transparent. we want parents to know what is happening in schools. right to know act means there should be transparency, we are seeing things that are upsetting to parents. you see books that are porno graphic, we had a 21-day equity challenge in michigan in december in one school and they are teaching children that saying the land of opportunity is a micro-aggression. one lesson was to teach children what micro-aggressions were. people were telling us words can't hurt you when i was in school. now they are telling students these words can hurt you. >> griff: something happens in michigan, the general releasing january 1 2020-2021, number of covid deathss of patients in long-term care, here are numbers you can see. it is undercounted by 1511, it was 5675 reported by the state initially but yet this auditor's report shows 7010. what is going on? >> this is something so many people have been fighting to get the actual number. it seemed like the count was off from the beginning. we heard them saying we know the count, we don't have time to take the count. they waffled back and forth but these are people's lives, people's loved ones. you know the situation, we have the governor cuomo here in whitmer. saying the numbers may not be accurate. this is incompetence, people lost loved ones because policies held during covid were the wrong policies and dangerous. she was told in march of 2020, it was most dangerous thing she could do to put covid-19 patients into nursing homes and she did it anyway, now the numbers look fishy. >> griff: the auditor's office had a different math way of doing it, i don't know, see if we hear more about it. it is a big issue in new york and looks like it will be in michigan. have a great wednesday. >> thank you. >> griff: carley. >> carley: senior meteorologist janice dean is here with the fox weather forecast. good morning, janice. >> janice: good morning, carley and griff. let's get to it. cold air pouring in across the northern plains and upper midwest. look at wind chills minus 25 in fargo, minus 30 in bis mark, this is dangerous and it will sink further south. we have wind chill alerts and advisories and warnings. this is the area, stay indoors and take care of elderly and pets. this cold front will bring risk of storms for parts of the south. dangerous winds and even a tornado later on. that is the front and area of low pressure that will bring another round of ice and snow for southeast and mid-atlantic. this is happening friday into saturday and ice is my big concern, which will bring down power lines and cause power outages. it will be terrible to travel on the roads. again, watching this region, almost the exact same area that got hit hard with the snow and ice this past weekend and then we watch the perhaps nor'easter coming to visit in the northeast this weekend. we're not quite sure if this is going to be an event for the northeast. weville to watch over the next couple days and get our ducks in a row when it comes to forecasting. what i will tell you, it will be cold, you will see that front bring potential for strong storms for the south and the southeast, it is mid-atlantic, parts of the carolinas need to watch that storm system thursday and friday for snow and ice and we'll watch it on the weekend. busy happenings in the weather department,, download the app for the latest details on all of the above i talked about. carley, griff, back to you. >> griff: no, no, no more snow and ice. i just shoveled my sidewalk. if we have to get the bad news nobody better to get it from than you, janice dean. >> carley: i agree. >> janice: thank you, my friends. >> griff: 31 after the hour. the "new york times" completely ignores a major factor in the country's surging murder rate. which democratic policy the paper deemed unfit to print. >> carley: president biden hasn't faced reporters in months, he will today as the white house tries to revamp their failing agenda. joe concha is live with the questions reporters need to be be asking. ♪ ♪ (announcer) enough with the calorie counting, carb cutting, diet fatigue, and stress. just taking one golo release capsule with three balanced meals a day has been clinically proven to repair metabolism, optimize insulin levels, and balance the hormones that make weight loss easy. release works with your body, not against it, so you can put dieting behind you and go live your life. head to now to join the over 2 million people who have found the right way to lose weight and get healthier with golo. >> carley: amid reports of dysfunction and bullying in the president's office, reports say kamala harris is still struggling to define herself, ap writing, "harris grappled with expansive portfolio, and faced what allies say is unprecedented scrutiny for the vice president without some worry adequate support from the white house" and it is showed 50% disapprove of how harris is handling her job as vice president. >> griff: in virginia, democrats voted for new governor glenn youngkin are soupding -- sounding off on the state of their voters. three joined us earlier to show why they turned to the gop. watch. >> my key focus was education and democrats were not listening to voices of parents. >> i would like nothing more than to still be a democrat. the democratic committee refused submittance of me because of my afill iation to glenn youngkin. >> griff: potential red wave in midterm election and beyond. new gallup poll shows american identification shifted by 15 percentage points in favor of republicans, biggest lead for the gop since 1995. >> carley: with that in mind, president biden is gearing up to take questions from reporters this afternoon during first formal news conference in months. >> griff: what should we ask him? joe concha joins us now. it is concha time. i asked yesterday, what question would you ask? is your question still the same as it was yesterday or changed it for today? >> joe: wow, yesterday i asked why the fentanyl crisis isn't being addressed, it is leading killer of those between 18 and 49, yet we barely hear anything about it from this white house. that is a good one. today i would love to know why is it easier to vote in the state of delaware, joe biden's home state, a senator there for many years, i'm sorry, harder to vote in delaware or in new york where chuck schumer resides and been a senator for decades than in georgia, which the president compares to jim crow 2.0 in terms of voting laws there. explain that. one more. can you explain how passing build back better, trillions in new spending, would lower inflation and the deficit, how does the math work on that? questions like that. they are not gotcha, they are not unfair. i want people to sit back and let the president explain these things, instead of asking about donald trump, january 6 is going to come up or advocacy from reporters for the filibuster, as we saw in the press conference all the way back when in march of 2021. hope we didn't see preview of things to come yesterday with this question. listen to this from ap's colline long. i wanted to ask about voting rights and see what you guys are expecting this week, then what is plan b if things go south, to secure elections and make sure voting access if bills don't pass? thinking about what we're hearing there? that is not a question, that is advocacy, securing elections that are secure and voting access that already exists. if that happens, you will hear from me later. >> carley: i'm sure we will. they asked president if he should apologize to the -- biden admin stragsz is -- administration is planning xhungsz /* xhungz communication reset s. that a good strategy? >> i don't judge this administration on their woshds anymore. it is strictly on actions. they say, we'll reach out to the american people more and make the president more accessible or vice president more accessible or going to have more one-on-one fireside chats without the fire. until i see that happen, i will not believe it and not sure that will work anyway, depends on what they are talking about, lowering inflation, fixing the supply chain crisis, lowering crime by flooding the streets with police, helping local governments with budgets hire more police or the border, will you fix that problem and visit the border, mr. president? until i see action from this administration, the words don't mean diddley. >> griff: "new york times" is analyzing surge in murder and fall-out from the 2020 protest and riots could have contributed to the murder spike. police officers scared of being caught in the next viral video may have pulled back on violence practices. defund the police movement? nope, not in there. >> joe: the fall out from riots may have led to what we're seeing now? yeah, i think so while the media cheered it and "new york times" ignored it like they ignored mentioning defund the police movement, which happened in new york. something like 1 billion cut from their budget and we see what is upon haing. when the riots and protests were happening we kept being told the cause was bigger than the virus. 16 cities are setting record homicide rates. they did in 2021, it is because of what happened in 2020. it hit a precedent and we see anarchy from atlanta to chicago, guys. >> carley: looking forward to hearing what you have to say tomorrow about the president's press conference today, looking forward to that. thank you for joining us this morning. >> griff: thanks, joe. >> joe: i love getting up early. >> carley: we're glad you do, we really are. >> carley: one part-time owner of a valuable n.b.a. franchise now says he didn't really mean it when he said no one cares about china's horrific human rights abuses. senator tom cotton has an idea about how he could prove it, we'll tell you about that coming up. >> griff: plus biden administration platform to sign up for covid tests glitching out day one. cheryl casone has problems plaguing the launch that many americans say is coming way too late. hi, cheryl. ♪ jesse's girl. ♪ ♪ where do you find a woman like that? 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(car sfx: beep beep) (car sfx: watch for traffic) ...and our most advanced safety system—ever. ♪♪ ♪ >> carley: two more house democrats announcing they will not run for re-election, bringing the total number to 28. so, what does this mean for republicans looking to take back control of the lower chamber? fox news contributor and former congressman sean duffy joins us live. can't think of a better person to talk about this than you being a former congressman. how big of a deal is this that this number keeps ticking up now it's to 28? >> it's meaningful, carley, take a step back why is it happening now for democrats? a year ago democratic party affiliation when a the point lead over republicans. today republicans have 5 point lead over democrats. that's a 14 point swing. blood bath. red tsunami crash upon our shores. i will make a decision not to run. two groups in these numbers. democrats hard seats or moderate seats, they think they are going to lose. make a career change right now before they actually lose that race. the second group are democrats from realize they are going to be in the minority. what's happened is democrats have been so abusive to the minorities, to republicans over the last four years, have had no respect for them, i think these democrats in safe seats understand when they are in the minority it's going to be absolutely horrible because republicans are going to treat them the same way democrats have been treating republicans for the last three years. they are like i don't want to be in the minority. i'm going to leave and find another career pat path as well. >> carley: some republicans say if we take back the house we will do that to democrats as well. >> that's right. >> carley: president biden will have first press conference in months today after a lot of legislative failures. crime is still on the rise. is there anything that he could do to spin what's going on in this country in his favor? >> that's a great question. you can't spin, this carley. it's bad for people. you can't tell people a story and make them believe it when their eyes tell them something else. what joe biden has to do is actually change course, right? you have to stop borrowing and spending. stop with the big spending packagings so we can hopefully reduce inflation. en the inflation front encourage expansion and growth. energy touches all of us at the gas pump for heating our homes but also it moves every single product and good across the country. if he did those two things i think that would go a long way to making people feel better about the future and better policy coming from the white house. he has to do what bill clinton did. once he lost in the midterm elections in first term. he pivoted and worked with newt gingrich and republicans. they were very successful. and he won a second term. if joe biden stays on this radical course, he is going to continue to lose and his party is going to get absolutely wiped out in the midterm elections in november. >> carley: sean, one of the issues really hurting democrats is education. and that letter, the national school board association sent to the department of justice and president biden comparing parents to domestic terrorists and now senate republicans have written a letter to education secretary miguel cardona saying that letter was the proximate cause of attorney general garland issuing a memorandum directing the fbi and the various u.s. attorneys to focus on harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school officials that action has created a chilling effect on parents. deployment of federal law enforcement. they want more answers on this front. will they get them? >> oh, well, so so, first off, the department of justice needed a pretense to go after parents who were just protesting policies in schools they didn't like. they weren't violent. so they used the department of education to solicit this letter from the school board association to start this whole, you know, fbi process going after parents. so i think we are going -- listen, i think we are going to get some answers, but not until the senate and the house change are we going to get real answers. when republicans have gavels and can put real pressure on the administration we start to get the answers that are necessary. >> carley: brings us back to the conversation we h sean, about the possibility of the republicans regaining the house in the midterm election. sean, thank you so much for joining us. griff, it was great to be with you as well. ♪ ♪ >> identified the suspect in the fatal stabbing of aclu grad student briana kupfer. >> a career criminal who was set free on $1,000 bond. >> president biden will talk about the past 12 months and what comes next during his first news conference of the new year. >> they're not concerned at all about their failing policies. instead the administration apparently believes that they have a messaging problem. >> officials say a member of the texas national guard was nearly run over by a vehicle smuggling six migrants over the border. >> this

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Both , Door , Senators , Nothing , Challengers , Two , Conference , Tumble , Anniversary , Eve , Inauguration , Wasn T Primary , West Virginia , 4 , Media , Territory , Questions , Concern , Midterm , Elections , Term , Obama , Poll Numbers , Retirement , We Track , Shellacking Territory , James Langdon , James Mcinerney , House , Jim Banks , Shellacking , List , Indiana , 28 , People , Issues , Inflation , Pain , Faith , Refuse , Crisis , Watch , The One , Legislations , Families , Solutions , Working Americans , Problem , News , Pr Plan , 95 , Water , 95 , Sean Duffy , Democrats , Invasion , Ukraine , Deep Hole , Border , Situation , Stage , Attack , Troops , The View , Russian , 100000 , President , Foreign Minister , Anthony Blinken Landing , Commitment , Kiev , Meeting , Blinken , Suspect , Stabbing , Tensions , Ucla Grad Student , Deescalate Boiling , Furniture Store , Screen , Brooke , Lapd , Rap Sheet , Arrest , Information , 250000 , 50000 , Time , Arrests , Rap , Jail Records , Loose , Radar , Coasts , San Francisco , Sheetet Spannin , Misdemeanor Charge , Paths , Bail , Say Smith , Random Act Of Violence , L A , Text , Store , Someone , Friend , Location , Vibe , Crime , Rise , Aspirations , Father , Politicians , Cheryl , Murder , Tragedy , Ways , Chilling Video Shows Smith , Buying A Vape , Front , New York City , Subway System , Honor , Hundreds , Rain , Pen , Michelle Go , Candlelight Vigil , 30 , Eric Adams , Day One , Trains , Doesn T Feel Safe Riding The Subway , Comments , Guys , Reversal , Crime Problem , Fact , Adams , Disorder , Case , Charges , Perception , Fear , Blame , Degree , Hospital Bedside , Violence , Cities , Tucker Carlson , Stories , Logs , Homeless Encampments , Spaces , Tents , Parks , Junkies , Embarrassment , Meth , Drooling , Vagrants , Question , Homelessness , Leaders , Matter , Collapse , Pedestrians , Act Of God , Texas , San Antonio , Austin , Group , Housing , Idealogs , Liberal D A , Notion , There Isn T , Big Spike In Crime , Course , Second In Command , Push , Critic , Jobs , Kamala Harris , Identity Crisis , Media Ally , Symptoms , Ask , Bipolar , Lows , Highs , Kindness , Strength , Take Control , Vraylar , Patients , Risk , Adults , Death , Medicines , Depressive , Episodes , Relief , Stroke , Psychosis , Manic , Children , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Muscles , Confusion , Doctor , Changes , Reaction , Thoughts , Behavior , Antidepressants , Fever , Weight Gain , High Blood Sugar , Side Effects , Restlessness , Coma , Sleepiness , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Limu , Isn T , Whistles , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Sec , Liberty , Pay , Liberty Carley , Vulture Squawks , Larry Krasner , Philadelphia , Jake Coreman , Lawmaker Pushes , Impeachment , Criminals , Officials , The D A , Failure , Responsibility , Crime Wave , Steps , Bars , Commonwealth , Dereliction Of Duty , Blind Eye , Bill , Respect , Understanding , Same , Counties , Pennsylvania House , Perogative , Don T Know , Scene , Impeachment Proceedings , 67 , Area , Citizens , Pittsburgh , 110 , Spike , Longshot , Show , Frustration , Bill Brennan , Brother , There , Experience , Shooting , Roslyn , Homicides , Homicide , Carjackings , 2012 , Thing , Things , Office , Krasner Hasn T , Plate , Prosecutors , Community , 562 , Rosalind , 19 , 80 , Communities , Population , Color , Agenda , Black , Murders , Everything , Inequity , Carjackings First , Stop , Listen , Larry Krasner December 6th , December 6th , 6 , Big Spike , Controversy , Statement , Back , We Don T , Lawlessness , Increase , 2021 , Control , Walk It Back , 2022 , Words , Statements , Crime Spike , Mayor , Choice , Teriff Rick , Op Ed , Michael Nutter , Retaliation , Point , City Officials , Game , Chris , Parents , Education , Heat , It Didn T Work For Chairman Mcauliffe , Supply Chain Crisis , Teenagers , Details , Gretchen Whitmer , Grocery Stores , Say , Medicare , Prescription Copays , Low , World , Walgreens , Zero , Zero Dollars , Save , Prescriptions , Stuff , Digging , Ancestry , Fun , Person , Path , Grandparents , Picture , Arizona , 100 , Department , Investigation , Letter , Miguel Cardona , Terrorists , Doj , National School Board Association Letter , Action By Attorney General , Country , Chilling Effect , Organization , Deployment , Garland , Federal Law Enforcement , Nsba , Michigan , Place , Post , Facebook , Viewers , Governor , Candidate , Purpose , School , Kids , Society , Public School , Parent , Part , Schools , Heart , Saying , Estate , State Law , Mantra , Others , 36 , Doesn T , Terry Mcauliffe , Didn T Go Well In Virginia , Call Og Schools , Tudor , Yes , Books , Act , Equity Challenge , Transparency , Graphic , 21 , Micro Aggression , Land , Lesson , Opportunity , Teaching , Micro Aggressions , Something , Students , The General , Numbers , Number , Care , Covid Deathss , 1511 , 1 , 2020 , January 1 2020 , Auditor S Report , 5675 , 7010 , Count , Loved Ones , Beginning , Policies , Incompetence , Nursing Homes , Covid , March Of 2020 , Math , Auditor , Looks , Janice , Janice Dean , The Fox , Weather Forecast , Warnings , Wind Chill Alerts , Advisories , Northern Plains , Upper Midwest , Bis Mark , Minus 25 , Minus 30 , South , Storms , Parts , Cold Front , Winds , Elderly , Pets , Tornado , Ice , Snow , Pressure , Mid Atlantic , Power Outages , Round , Power Lines , Region , Roads , Hit , Ducks , Forecasting , Event , Northeast , Row , Weville , Weekend , Southeast , Cold , Potential , Storm System , Carolinas , Back To You , Wall , Weather Department , Sidewalk , Happenings , App , Foxweather Com , Nobody , Friends , Factor , New York Times , Biden Hasn T Faced Reporters , Murder Rate , Which Democratic Policy The Paper , Reporters , Joe Concha , Repair Metabolism , Calorie Counting , Stress , Optimize Insulin Levels , Announcer , Diet Fatigue , Carb Cutting , Hormones , Meals , Weight Loss , One Golo , Weight , Release , Dieting , Body , Head , Golo , Golo Com , 2 Million , Dysfunction , Bullying , Reports , Vice President , Scrutiny , Writing , Allies , Portfolio , Ap , How Harris , Support , Disapprove , 50 , Glenn Youngkin , Voters , Focus , Soupding , Committee , Voices , Submittance , Election , Beyond , Potential Red Wave , Poll Shows American Identification , Afill Iation , Gallup , Lead , Favor , Points , 15 , 1995 , Anything , Killer , Fentanyl Crisis Isn T Being , 49 , 18 , Home State , State Of Delaware , Delaware , Georgia , Voting Laws , Jim Crow , 2 0 , Spending , Math Work , Build , Deficit , Trillions , Gotcha , Advocacy , Donald Trump , January 6 , All The Way , Preview , Things To Come , Hope We Didn T , Colline , We Saw , March Of 2021 , Bills Don T Pass , Access , Thinking , Plan B , Planning Xhungsz , Biden Admin Stragsz , Xhungz , Actions , Strategy , Woshds , Reset S , Fire , Fireside Chats , Governments , Streets , Budgets , Flooding , Action , Don T Mean Diddley , Mr , Riots , Police Officers , Murder Spike , Surge , Protest , Video , Nope , Violence Practices , Defund The Police Movement , It , Police Movement , Mentioning , Cause , Budget , Protests , Haing , 1 Billion , Precedent , Homicide Rates , 16 , Hearing , Anarchy , Thanks , President S Press Conference , Atlanta , Chicago , Human Rights Abuses , China , Nba , Cares , Franchise , Owner , Tom Cotton , Cheryl Casone , Problems , Launch , Hi , Jesse S Girl , Woman , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Personal Record , Tremfya , Emerge Tremfyant , Psoriatic Arthritis , Help , Painful Ed , Joints Stiff , Infections , Vaccine , Infection , Ability , Reactions , Set , Ready , Business , Sale , Internet , Backing , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , Voice , Installation , Value , 24 7 , 2 , 64 99 , 4 99 , Deal , Prepaid Card , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 00 , 500 , Government , Tests , Shipping , Fox Business , Covidtests Com , Beta Testing , Won T , Service , Bug , Success , Best Tech Teams , 500 Million , Four , Story , Grocery Chain Warning , Mother , Ends , Website , Shelves , Grocery Store , Something Else , Supply Chain , Scenario , E Mail , Weather , States , Effects , Events , Pandemic , Rigs , Old , Truck Drivers , Driver , Vaccine Mandates , Industry Facing Exodus , Big Rig , 20 , 600000 , Mess , Concerns , 5g , Airplanes , Charles , 5 , Safety , Nepaul Airlines , Airlines , Airline , Hold , 5g Networks , Rollout , Flights , India , Japan , At T , Landing , Takeoff , Instruments , Verizon , Planes , Pushback , Everybody , Towers , Warriors , Important , Co Owner , Stake , Takeoff And Landing , Don T Care , Team , Rest , Uyghurss , Cotton , It Doesn T , Force , Spineless , Chamath Palihapitiya , Bad News , Interest , Nancy Pelosi , Election Nightmare , Car Sfx , Safety System , Level , Traffic , Lexus Nx , Intuitive Tech , Beep , Contributor , Lower Chamber , Fox News , Step , Point Lead , Affiliation , Point Swing , 14 , Seats , Groups , Race , Shores , Tsunami , Career Change , Decision , Blood Bath , Minority , Minorities , Realize , Career Pat Path , Failures , Spin , Borrowing , Eyes , Energy , All Of Us , Homes , Growth , Gas Pump , Product , Expansion , Policy , Bill Clinton , Newt Gingrich , Party , Department Of Justice , School Officials , Memorandum , Attorneys , Attorney General , Threats , Intimidation , Harassment , Fbi , Law Enforcement , Pretense , First Off , Department Of Education , Whole , Answers , Conversation , Gavels , We H Sean , Possibility , Aclu , Briana Kupfer , 12 , Messaging Problem , Member , Vehicle , Texas National Guard , Migrants ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

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this wednesday morning. i'm carley shimkus. >> griff: i'm griff jenkins in for todd. we'll have more on this breaking news in just a moment. first, this hour at it is white house, today president biden is gearing up to hold his first news conference in months and administration is planning public reset of his tarnished image. ashley kicks off with more. >> ashley: the president is set to hold his tenth news conference today. of the nine past, six were solo and the other three being joint pressers. a senior white house official said they realize the dynamic with the president needs to change his reset plan is said to be making conversations with congress less of a priority with the public and focus more on talking directly with americans. although his approval rating continues to tank, jen psaki insisted progress has been made. >> press sect. psaki: in terms of voting rights, his view is it is never a good idea not to shoot for the moon with your proposals and what you are fighting for. there has been a lot of progress made. we need to build on that. the work is not done. the job is not done. >> ashley: chuck schumer has a last ditch effort to persuade manchin and sinema to allow vote to overhaul the u.s. election system. >> we must consider and vote on the rule changes that are appropriate and necessary to restore the senate and make voting legislation possible. we are going to vote. we are all going to go on the record. republicans will have to choose which side they stand on. >> ashley: manchin and sinema are standing in the way of the democratic-led effort and pushing to get rid of the filibuster. manchin making cler he is standing firm and will not change the rules. >> the democratic caucus, majority changed their mind, i respect that. you have a right to change your mind. i haven't, i hope they respect that, too. >> ashley: senator bernie sanders opened the door to support primary challengers to the two senators, both who are up for re-election. manchin didn't seem too worried. >> i've been primary my entire life issue nothing new to me. never run i wasn't primary. this is west virginia, it is rough and tumble, we're used to that. bring it on. >> ashley: president's conference is expected to start at 4 p.m., the eve of the anniversary of his inauguration. back to you. >> griff: interesting to see what questions get asked. ashley, thank you very much. main-stream media expressing concern, president biden and democratic party could be doomed heading into the midterm. a similar territory to former president obama's first term in the white house. >> basically three poll numbers cufollow initially that tell you likely stage of the midterm elections and right now two of the three we track are sitting there in shellacking territory. >> griff: two more house democrats announcing their retirement, james langdon and james mcinerney will not seek reelection, bringing the list of democrats leaving the house to 28. carley. >> carley: shellacking is not a good territory to be i indiana congressman jim banks says this is why americans are losing faith in president biden. >> continues to get worse as this president biden and the democratic party refuse to acknowledge the pain the american people are going through, ignoring inflation and the other issues that are affecting american families and working americans. we're not just focused on the one year of crisis after crisis that has built up on joe biden's watch, focused on the solutions and legislations we'll introduce day one when we get the majority back. biden administration is changing their pr plan. i have news for joe biden, 95% of the media carries water. media is not joe biden's problem, joe biden is joe biden's problem and now america's problem. >> carley: sean duffy will join us to discuss the deep hole the democrats are now in. >> griff: the white house believes russian invasion of ukraine could be eminent as 100,000 russian troops are stationed along the border. listen. >> press sect. psaki: the view this is a dangerous situation, we're at stage where russia could launch an attack in ukraine. >> griff: anthony blinken landing in kiev, set to meet with ukraine president and foreign minister today. the meeting will reinforce u.s. commitment. blinken will meet russian foreign minister lavrov on friday to deescalate boiling tensions. a career criminal is identified as suspect behind the fatal stabbing of a ucla grad student killed while working at a furniture store. >> carley: just look at the image on your screen. you can see from his many mug shots he has been arrested more than once. brooke has more on the suspect's rap sheet. brooke. >> the lapd says shawn laval smith is who they are looking for and are offering $250,000 we ward for information leading to his arrest. smith is on the loose. jail records show it is not the first time he slipped under the radar. smith has a rap sheetet spannin both coasts, including arrests in san francisco and south carolina. somehow he was freed on $1000 bail in october for undisclosed misdemeanor charge. last week he crossed paths with brianna kupfer who was working at a luxury furniture store in l.a. and police say smith targeted her in a random act of violence. listen. >> brianna kupfer was working in the store by herself. she sent a text to a friend letting her know there was someone inside the location that was giving her a bad vibe. >> brianna kupfer's father is blaming politicians for the rise in crime. he joined fox t.v. yesterday. >> she had aspirations that will be ended by this. she will live on in many ways, but this kind of tragedy can't befall more people. >> after the murder, chilling video shows smith buying a vape pen just 30 minutes later n. new york city hundreds showing up for a candlelight vigil in honor of michelle go, who was killed when a suspect pushed her in front of a rain on the subway system. mayor eric adams admitted even he doesn't feel safe riding the subway, listen to this. >> from day one i took the subway system, i felt unsafe. people yelling on the trains, feeling of disorder. we deal with the crime problem and have to deal with the fact people feel unsafe. >> guys, those comments from adams are a stunning reversal, last week he said it was safe and blame today on perception of fear. today the suspect in michelle go's case is set to be arraigned on second degree murder charges by hospital bedside. >> carley: thank you. many stories like this. tucker carlson blames i'd logs for the violence in american cities. >> many public spaces have become permanent homeless encampments. you she trash-filled tents where there were parks and step over vagrants drooling unconscious on the way to work and junkies smoke meth without any embarrassment and yell at pedestrians. this is new york, san antonio and austin, texas. the question is, what happened? our leaders did this. no matter who they tell you, homelessness is not an act of god, it is not economic collapse, america did not run out of housing. a determined group of well funded i'd idealogs decided to make it easier. when you pay for homelessness, you get more of it. see how that work? >> carley: one liberal d.a. could find himself out of a job after making comments like this. >> it is important we don't let this become mushy and bleed into the notion there is some kind of big spike in crime. there isn't. there is not a big spike in crime. that is not true. >> carley: we're talking to larry critic about the push to get rid of him. >> griff: plus president biden gave his second in command a lot of jobs over the course of the last year ago, including border czar. white house media ally admits kamala harris is having an identity crisis. ♪ ♪ your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or 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sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ >> carley: lawmaker pushes for impeachment of philadelphia district attorney larry krasner. state senator jake coreman writing "despite the recent crime wave, the d.a. has not accepted responsibility for failure to prosecute criminals nor taken new steps to keep dangerous criminals behind bars. as elected officials of the commonwealth, we can't have a blind eye to the dereliction of duty. >> carley: thank you both for joining us this morning. bill, i'll start with you, do you agree with this respect to impeach the district attorney and where is it going to go, do you think it will pass? >> well, it is my understanding that the senator wrote to the pennsylvania house because it is their perogative to begin impeachment proceedings like in the national scene would be the same, but i don't know. there are 67 counties in pennsylvania, we are skewed republican. there is about 110 republicans in the remainder democrats, but philadelphia and pittsburgh make up the major metropolitan area and district attorney represents citizens of the commonwealth. bill brennan, philadelphia runs its own show. i think it is a longshot frankly, there is frustration with the spike in crime in philadelphia. it is dangerous in my city right now. >> carley: roslyn, you have personal experience with the crime in philadelphia. your brother was murdered in a shooting there. tell us what happened to him and what do you think needs to change? >> my brother was murdered in 2012 in january, the case is currently unsolved. here there is definitely a spike in philadelphia, with carjackings and homicides. clearly 30 homicide necessary beginning of january already and krasner hasn't really stepped up to the plate since he's been in office to reduce crime. >> carley: and, you know, bill, these progressive prosecutors say the same thing, they are trying to make things more equitable for the black community with the soft on crime policies. 562 homicides in philadelphia last year. 80% were black people, 19% white. how does that -- black community? >> carley: bill, i'll go to you first and rosalind, you can respond, as well. >> i don't know if it is a racial issue in that our population skews toward the black and brown community. we're racially favoring communities of color, i don't think it is fair to say it is a black/white thing. it is a crime versus noncrime thing and i respect the progressive agenda and it is addressing decades, if not centuries of inequity and i get that. you have to stop the murders and the carjackings first. that should be the priority and everything else should be secondary. >> carley: rosalind -- >> i couldn't agree more. it is really not a black and white thing, i think it is just doing the right thing and that is stop being soft on crime. >> carley: and bill, let's take a listen to larry krasner december 6th, he had this to say and it sparked a lot of controversy. watch here. >> it is important we don't let this become mushy and bleed into the notion there is some kind of a big spike in crime, there isn't. there is not. basically we don't have a crisis of lawlessness, we don't have a crisis of crime, we don't have a crisis of violence. >> carley: he later apologized for that statement and walk today back. if 2021 had increase in crime, what will 2022 look like? >> it will be devastating. >> it is out of control. i agree with rosalind, it is already devastating. after he made that statement and did walk it back, the former mayor, michael nutter, who is teriff rick wrote an op ed and called him out on the statements. it was certainly a poor choice of words to deny the crime spike. >> we will definitely see a lot of -- >> carley: for joining us this morning. >> any time. real quick, last 10 seconds to you. >> it is definitely a lot of retaliation of last year's murders, especially at the end of the year, a lot of retaliation this year, beginning of january. if city officials need to step up their game. >> carley: such an important point and i'm glad you had time to make it. thank you for joining us. chris, over to you. >> griff: 19 minutes after the hour. it didn't work for chairman mcauliffe and now michigan democrats are feeling the heat for telling parents to stay out of education. a republican is running against gretchen whitmer to give parents a say and biden administration is turning to teenagers, you heard that correctly, to if i can the supply chain crisis. details of the latest plan has stopped empty grocery stores. ♪ ♪ why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? ♪♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪♪ fill your medicare prescriptions with walgreens and save. i looked on ancestry and just started digging and found some really cool stuff... it was just a lot of fun. just to talk to my parents about it and to send it to my grandparents and be like, hey this person we're all related to look at this crazy stuff they did in arizona 100 years ago. it actually gives you a picture of their life, so you get to feel like you're walking the same path they did. ♪ ♪ >> carley: senate republicans launching an investigation into the education department and the doj over the national school board association letter comparing parents to domestic terrorists. the republicans writing in a letter to education secretary miguel cardona, "action by attorney general garland has created chilling effect on parents throughout the country and deployment of federal law enforcement" the letter was requested from the nsba. the organization apologized for sending the letter in the first place. griff, over to you. >> griff: carley, michigan democrats are feeling heat over recently deleted facebook post. joining us is a professional and republican candidate for michigan governor, thank you for taking time and quickly show our viewers now deleted post so they have idea of what the michigan democratic party posted. they said this, "the purpose of public education in school is not to teach kids only what parents want them to be taught issue but what society needs them to know," and continues going on to say essentially that the public school is not the parent but the entire community, it is public. did the michigan democratic party say the quiet part out loud there? >> absolutely and as a parent, this breaks my heart to say they don't want me to know what is happening in the school. parents have seen in the last two years what is happening in schools and simply don't like this. if you look across the country, democrats have this mantra to keep parents out of school and we're seeing it in michigan. they deleted this post 36 hours later after people like me and others were saying, this is illegal in the state of michigan, state law protects parents when it comes to education. they came out and said this is wrong, it doesn't affect elected officials. governor gretchen whitmer went to campaign with terry mcauliffe and it didn't go well in virginia. >> griff: tudor, are we seeing what happened in -- play out in michigan? >> yes, and we are call og schools to be transparent. we want parents to know what is happening in schools. right to know act means there should be transparency, we are seeing things that are upsetting to parents. you see books that are porno graphic, we had a 21-day equity challenge in michigan in december in one school and they are teaching children that saying the land of opportunity is a micro-aggression. one lesson was to teach children what micro-aggressions were. people were telling us words can't hurt you when i was in school. now they are telling students these words can hurt you. >> griff: something happens in michigan, the general releasing january 1 2020-2021, number of covid deathss of patients in long-term care, here are numbers you can see. it is undercounted by 1511, it was 5675 reported by the state initially but yet this auditor's report shows 7010. what is going on? >> this is something so many people have been fighting to get the actual number. it seemed like the count was off from the beginning. we heard them saying we know the count, we don't have time to take the count. they waffled back and forth but these are people's lives, people's loved ones. you know the situation, we have the governor cuomo here in whitmer. saying the numbers may not be accurate. this is incompetence, people lost loved ones because policies held during covid were the wrong policies and dangerous. she was told in march of 2020, it was most dangerous thing she could do to put covid-19 patients into nursing homes and she did it anyway, now the numbers look fishy. >> griff: the auditor's office had a different math way of doing it, i don't know, see if we hear more about it. it is a big issue in new york and looks like it will be in michigan. have a great wednesday. >> thank you. >> griff: carley. >> carley: senior meteorologist janice dean is here with the fox weather forecast. good morning, janice. >> janice: good morning, carley and griff. let's get to it. cold air pouring in across the northern plains and upper midwest. look at wind chills minus 25 in fargo, minus 30 in bis mark, this is dangerous and it will sink further south. we have wind chill alerts and advisories and warnings. this is the area, stay indoors and take care of elderly and pets. this cold front will bring risk of storms for parts of the south. dangerous winds and even a tornado later on. that is the front and area of low pressure that will bring another round of ice and snow for southeast and mid-atlantic. this is happening friday into saturday and ice is my big concern, which will bring down power lines and cause power outages. it will be terrible to travel on the roads. again, watching this region, almost the exact same area that got hit hard with the snow and ice this past weekend and then we watch the perhaps nor'easter coming to visit in the northeast this weekend. we're not quite sure if this is going to be an event for the northeast. weville to watch over the next couple days and get our ducks in a row when it comes to forecasting. what i will tell you, it will be cold, you will see that front bring potential for strong storms for the south and the southeast, it is mid-atlantic, parts of the carolinas need to watch that storm system thursday and friday for snow and ice and we'll watch it on the weekend. busy happenings in the weather department,, download the app for the latest details on all of the above i talked about. carley, griff, back to you. >> griff: no, no, no more snow and ice. i just shoveled my sidewalk. if we have to get the bad news nobody better to get it from than you, janice dean. >> carley: i agree. >> janice: thank you, my friends. >> griff: 31 after the hour. the "new york times" completely ignores a major factor in the country's surging murder rate. which democratic policy the paper deemed unfit to print. >> carley: president biden hasn't faced reporters in months, he will today as the white house tries to revamp their failing agenda. joe concha is live with the questions reporters need to be be asking. ♪ ♪ (announcer) enough with the calorie counting, carb cutting, diet fatigue, and stress. just taking one golo release capsule with three balanced meals a day has been clinically proven to repair metabolism, optimize insulin levels, and balance the hormones that make weight loss easy. release works with your body, not against it, so you can put dieting behind you and go live your life. head to now to join the over 2 million people who have found the right way to lose weight and get healthier with golo. >> carley: amid reports of dysfunction and bullying in the president's office, reports say kamala harris is still struggling to define herself, ap writing, "harris grappled with expansive portfolio, and faced what allies say is unprecedented scrutiny for the vice president without some worry adequate support from the white house" and it is showed 50% disapprove of how harris is handling her job as vice president. >> griff: in virginia, democrats voted for new governor glenn youngkin are soupding -- sounding off on the state of their voters. three joined us earlier to show why they turned to the gop. watch. >> my key focus was education and democrats were not listening to voices of parents. >> i would like nothing more than to still be a democrat. the democratic committee refused submittance of me because of my afill iation to glenn youngkin. >> griff: potential red wave in midterm election and beyond. new gallup poll shows american identification shifted by 15 percentage points in favor of republicans, biggest lead for the gop since 1995. >> carley: with that in mind, president biden is gearing up to take questions from reporters this afternoon during first formal news conference in months. >> griff: what should we ask him? joe concha joins us now. it is concha time. i asked yesterday, what question would you ask? is your question still the same as it was yesterday or changed it for today? >> joe: wow, yesterday i asked why the fentanyl crisis isn't being addressed, it is leading killer of those between 18 and 49, yet we barely hear anything about it from this white house. that is a good one. today i would love to know why is it easier to vote in the state of delaware, joe biden's home state, a senator there for many years, i'm sorry, harder to vote in delaware or in new york where chuck schumer resides and been a senator for decades than in georgia, which the president compares to jim crow 2.0 in terms of voting laws there. explain that. one more. can you explain how passing build back better, trillions in new spending, would lower inflation and the deficit, how does the math work on that? questions like that. they are not gotcha, they are not unfair. i want people to sit back and let the president explain these things, instead of asking about donald trump, january 6 is going to come up or advocacy from reporters for the filibuster, as we saw in the press conference all the way back when in march of 2021. hope we didn't see preview of things to come yesterday with this question. listen to this from ap's colline long. i wanted to ask about voting rights and see what you guys are expecting this week, then what is plan b if things go south, to secure elections and make sure voting access if bills don't pass? thinking about what we're hearing there? that is not a question, that is advocacy, securing elections that are secure and voting access that already exists. if that happens, you will hear from me later. >> carley: i'm sure we will. they asked president if he should apologize to the -- biden admin stragsz is -- administration is planning xhungsz /* xhungz communication reset s. that a good strategy? >> i don't judge this administration on their woshds anymore. it is strictly on actions. they say, we'll reach out to the american people more and make the president more accessible or vice president more accessible or going to have more one-on-one fireside chats without the fire. until i see that happen, i will not believe it and not sure that will work anyway, depends on what they are talking about, lowering inflation, fixing the supply chain crisis, lowering crime by flooding the streets with police, helping local governments with budgets hire more police or the border, will you fix that problem and visit the border, mr. president? until i see action from this administration, the words don't mean diddley. >> griff: "new york times" is analyzing surge in murder and fall-out from the 2020 protest and riots could have contributed to the murder spike. police officers scared of being caught in the next viral video may have pulled back on violence practices. defund the police movement? nope, not in there. >> joe: the fall out from riots may have led to what we're seeing now? yeah, i think so while the media cheered it and "new york times" ignored it like they ignored mentioning defund the police movement, which happened in new york. something like 1 billion cut from their budget and we see what is upon haing. when the riots and protests were happening we kept being told the cause was bigger than the virus. 16 cities are setting record homicide rates. they did in 2021, it is because of what happened in 2020. it hit a precedent and we see anarchy from atlanta to chicago, guys. >> carley: looking forward to hearing what you have to say tomorrow about the president's press conference today, looking forward to that. thank you for joining us this morning. >> griff: thanks, joe. >> joe: i love getting up early. >> carley: we're glad you do, we really are. >> carley: one part-time owner of a valuable n.b.a. franchise now says he didn't really mean it when he said no one cares about china's horrific human rights abuses. senator tom cotton has an idea about how he could prove it, we'll tell you about that coming up. >> griff: plus biden administration platform to sign up for covid tests glitching out day one. cheryl casone has problems plaguing the launch that many americans say is coming way too late. hi, cheryl. ♪ jesse's girl. ♪ ♪ where do you find a woman like that? 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(car sfx: beep beep) (car sfx: watch for traffic) ...and our most advanced safety system—ever. ♪♪ ♪ >> carley: two more house democrats announcing they will not run for re-election, bringing the total number to 28. so, what does this mean for republicans looking to take back control of the lower chamber? fox news contributor and former congressman sean duffy joins us live. can't think of a better person to talk about this than you being a former congressman. how big of a deal is this that this number keeps ticking up now it's to 28? >> it's meaningful, carley, take a step back why is it happening now for democrats? a year ago democratic party affiliation when a the point lead over republicans. today republicans have 5 point lead over democrats. that's a 14 point swing. blood bath. red tsunami crash upon our shores. i will make a decision not to run. two groups in these numbers. democrats hard seats or moderate seats, they think they are going to lose. make a career change right now before they actually lose that race. the second group are democrats from realize they are going to be in the minority. what's happened is democrats have been so abusive to the minorities, to republicans over the last four years, have had no respect for them, i think these democrats in safe seats understand when they are in the minority it's going to be absolutely horrible because republicans are going to treat them the same way democrats have been treating republicans for the last three years. they are like i don't want to be in the minority. i'm going to leave and find another career pat path as well. >> carley: some republicans say if we take back the house we will do that to democrats as well. >> that's right. >> carley: president biden will have first press conference in months today after a lot of legislative failures. crime is still on the rise. is there anything that he could do to spin what's going on in this country in his favor? >> that's a great question. you can't spin, this carley. it's bad for people. you can't tell people a story and make them believe it when their eyes tell them something else. what joe biden has to do is actually change course, right? you have to stop borrowing and spending. stop with the big spending packagings so we can hopefully reduce inflation. en the inflation front encourage expansion and growth. energy touches all of us at the gas pump for heating our homes but also it moves every single product and good across the country. if he did those two things i think that would go a long way to making people feel better about the future and better policy coming from the white house. he has to do what bill clinton did. once he lost in the midterm elections in first term. he pivoted and worked with newt gingrich and republicans. they were very successful. and he won a second term. if joe biden stays on this radical course, he is going to continue to lose and his party is going to get absolutely wiped out in the midterm elections in november. >> carley: sean, one of the issues really hurting democrats is education. and that letter, the national school board association sent to the department of justice and president biden comparing parents to domestic terrorists and now senate republicans have written a letter to education secretary miguel cardona saying that letter was the proximate cause of attorney general garland issuing a memorandum directing the fbi and the various u.s. attorneys to focus on harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school officials that action has created a chilling effect on parents. deployment of federal law enforcement. they want more answers on this front. will they get them? >> oh, well, so so, first off, the department of justice needed a pretense to go after parents who were just protesting policies in schools they didn't like. they weren't violent. so they used the department of education to solicit this letter from the school board association to start this whole, you know, fbi process going after parents. so i think we are going -- listen, i think we are going to get some answers, but not until the senate and the house change are we going to get real answers. when republicans have gavels and can put real pressure on the administration we start to get the answers that are necessary. >> carley: brings us back to the conversation we h sean, about the possibility of the republicans regaining the house in the midterm election. sean, thank you so much for joining us. griff, it was great to be with you as well. ♪ ♪ >> identified the suspect in the fatal stabbing of aclu grad student briana kupfer. >> a career criminal who was set free on $1,000 bond. >> president biden will talk about the past 12 months and what comes next during his first news conference of the new year. >> they're not concerned at all about their failing policies. instead the administration apparently believes that they have a messaging problem. >> officials say a member of the texas national guard was nearly run over by a vehicle smuggling six migrants over the border. >> this

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Crime , Course , Second In Command , Push , Critic , Jobs , Kamala Harris , Identity Crisis , Media Ally , Symptoms , Ask , Bipolar , Lows , Highs , Kindness , Strength , Take Control , Vraylar , Patients , Risk , Adults , Death , Medicines , Depressive , Episodes , Relief , Stroke , Psychosis , Manic , Children , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Muscles , Confusion , Doctor , Changes , Reaction , Thoughts , Behavior , Antidepressants , Fever , Weight Gain , High Blood Sugar , Side Effects , Restlessness , Coma , Sleepiness , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Limu , Isn T , Whistles , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Sec , Liberty , Pay , Liberty Carley , Vulture Squawks , Larry Krasner , Philadelphia , Jake Coreman , Lawmaker Pushes , Impeachment , Criminals , Officials , The D A , Failure , Responsibility , Crime Wave , Steps , Bars , Commonwealth , Dereliction Of Duty , Blind Eye , Bill , Respect , Understanding , Same , Counties , Pennsylvania House , Perogative , Don T Know , Scene , Impeachment Proceedings , 67 , Area , Citizens , Pittsburgh , 110 , Spike , Longshot , Show , Frustration , Bill Brennan , Brother , There , Experience , Shooting , Roslyn , Homicides , Homicide , Carjackings , 2012 , Thing , Things , Office , Krasner Hasn T , Plate , Prosecutors , Community , 562 , Rosalind , 19 , 80 , Communities , Population , Color , Agenda , Black , Murders , Everything , Inequity , Carjackings First , Stop , Listen , Larry Krasner December 6th , December 6th , 6 , Big Spike , Controversy , Statement , Back , We Don T , Lawlessness , Increase , 2021 , Control , Walk It Back , 2022 , Words , Statements , Crime Spike , Mayor , Choice , Teriff Rick , Op Ed , Michael Nutter , Retaliation , Point , City Officials , Game , Chris , Parents , Education , Heat , It Didn T Work For Chairman Mcauliffe , Supply Chain Crisis , Teenagers , Details , Gretchen Whitmer , Grocery Stores , Say , Medicare , Prescription Copays , Low , World , Walgreens , Zero , Zero Dollars , Save , Prescriptions , Stuff , Digging , Ancestry , Fun , Person , Path , Grandparents , Picture , Arizona , 100 , Department , Investigation , Letter , Miguel Cardona , Terrorists , Doj , National School Board Association Letter , Action By Attorney General , Country , Chilling Effect , Organization , Deployment , Garland , Federal Law Enforcement , Nsba , Michigan , Place , Post , Facebook , Viewers , Governor , Candidate , Purpose , School , Kids , Society , Public School , Parent , Part , Schools , Heart , Saying , Estate , State Law , Mantra , Others , 36 , Doesn T , Terry Mcauliffe , Didn T Go Well In Virginia , Call Og Schools , Tudor , Yes , Books , Act , Equity Challenge , Transparency , Graphic , 21 , Micro Aggression , Land , Lesson , Opportunity , Teaching , Micro Aggressions , Something , Students , The General , Numbers , Number , Care , Covid Deathss , 1511 , 1 , 2020 , January 1 2020 , Auditor S Report , 5675 , 7010 , Count , Loved Ones , Beginning , Policies , Incompetence , Nursing Homes , Covid , March Of 2020 , Math , Auditor , Looks , Janice , Janice Dean , The Fox , Weather Forecast , Warnings , Wind Chill Alerts , Advisories , Northern Plains , Upper Midwest , Bis Mark , Minus 25 , Minus 30 , South , Storms , Parts , Cold Front , Winds , Elderly , Pets , Tornado , Ice , Snow , Pressure , Mid Atlantic , Power Outages , Round , Power Lines , Region , Roads , Hit , Ducks , Forecasting , Event , Northeast , Row , Weville , Weekend , Southeast , Cold , Potential , Storm System , Carolinas , Back To You , Wall , Weather Department , Sidewalk , Happenings , App , Foxweather Com , Nobody , Friends , Factor , New York Times , Biden Hasn T Faced Reporters , Murder Rate , Which Democratic Policy The Paper , Reporters , Joe Concha , Repair Metabolism , Calorie Counting , Stress , Optimize Insulin Levels , Announcer , Diet Fatigue , Carb Cutting , Hormones , Meals , Weight Loss , One Golo , Weight , Release , Dieting , Body , Head , Golo , Golo Com , 2 Million , Dysfunction , Bullying , Reports , Vice President , Scrutiny , Writing , Allies , Portfolio , Ap , How Harris , Support , Disapprove , 50 , Glenn Youngkin , Voters , Focus , Soupding , Committee , Voices , Submittance , Election , Beyond , Potential Red Wave , Poll Shows American Identification , Afill Iation , Gallup , Lead , Favor , Points , 15 , 1995 , Anything , Killer , Fentanyl Crisis Isn T Being , 49 , 18 , Home State , State Of Delaware , Delaware , Georgia , Voting Laws , Jim Crow , 2 0 , Spending , Math Work , Build , Deficit , Trillions , Gotcha , Advocacy , Donald Trump , January 6 , All The Way , Preview , Things To Come , Hope We Didn T , Colline , We Saw , March Of 2021 , Bills Don T Pass , Access , Thinking , Plan B , Planning Xhungsz , Biden Admin Stragsz , Xhungz , Actions , Strategy , Woshds , Reset S , Fire , Fireside Chats , Governments , Streets , Budgets , Flooding , Action , Don T Mean Diddley , Mr , Riots , Police Officers , Murder Spike , Surge , Protest , Video , Nope , Violence Practices , Defund The Police Movement , It , Police Movement , Mentioning , Cause , Budget , Protests , Haing , 1 Billion , Precedent , Homicide Rates , 16 , Hearing , Anarchy , Thanks , President S Press Conference , Atlanta , Chicago , Human Rights Abuses , China , Nba , Cares , Franchise , Owner , Tom Cotton , Cheryl Casone , Problems , Launch , Hi , Jesse S Girl , Woman , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Personal Record , Tremfya , Emerge Tremfyant , Psoriatic Arthritis , Help , Painful Ed , Joints Stiff , Infections , Vaccine , Infection , Ability , Reactions , Set , Ready , Business , Sale , Internet , Backing , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , Voice , Installation , Value , 24 7 , 2 , 64 99 , 4 99 , Deal , Prepaid Card , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 00 , 500 , Government , Tests , Shipping , Fox Business , Covidtests Com , Beta Testing , Won T , Service , Bug , Success , Best Tech Teams , 500 Million , Four , Story , Grocery Chain Warning , Mother , 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Realize , Career Pat Path , Failures , Spin , Borrowing , Eyes , Energy , All Of Us , Homes , Growth , Gas Pump , Product , Expansion , Policy , Bill Clinton , Newt Gingrich , Party , Department Of Justice , School Officials , Memorandum , Attorneys , Attorney General , Threats , Intimidation , Harassment , Fbi , Law Enforcement , Pretense , First Off , Department Of Education , Whole , Answers , Conversation , Gavels , We H Sean , Possibility , Aclu , Briana Kupfer , 12 , Messaging Problem , Member , Vehicle , Texas National Guard , Migrants ,

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