Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

face imploring them to do something about the rampant and senseless crime in america. a ucla student on the left side of the screen went to work at her part time job. she was stabbed to death in the middle of the afternoon by a complete stranger that walked into her store. her life snuffed out. this is her father, todd. >> the tragedy can't befall more people. it's so painful. what is endemic in our society, everybody is oriented on giving back rights and besnowing favor on people that rob others of their rights. >> talking about the rights that are going to criminals and the rights being taken from law abiding citizens. and 40-year-old michelle gough was waying for the subject wait. a man shoved her in. her sister said he had be in and out of mental health institutions and should never have been allowed on the streets. these women should have been alive today. the mental health system failed them. where is the u.s. department of justice on this led by merrick garland? is there a major crackdown on criminals that is being driven from the top? are you hearing about that? what has the president done so far? these are the questions that needs to be pressed when that opportunity comes tomorrow afternoon at this time. lapd officer deion joseph is here. first, to nicole malatakis from new york. so eric adams in new york city, who a lot of people have high hopes for, the other day he made a misstep. he said there's a perception that people don't see from the subway. it's not the case. he had to walk that back. here's what he said about this killing of this young woman on the platform. watch. >> we want to drive down crime and we're going to make sure new yorkers feel safe in our subway system. they don't feel that way now. i don't feel that way when i take the train every day or when i move throughout our transportation system. that is our battle and that's what i'm going to do as the mayor of new york. >> martha: how is he going to do that? are any of these things waking people up? >> this has been going on for years. i've been saying that we need to restore public safety in our city. we can do it but repealing the radical bail law passed in albany. we can do it by ensuring the nypd has the plain clothes unit. we can push back on politicians like aoc and the others saying that they don't want to see police officers on our subways. they don't want to see people locked up in jail. that is how we're going to restore public safety when democrats finally decide to push back against that radical left. in new york, with regards to mental illness, mayor de blasio had a thrive ny program. >> martha: it was run by his wife. >> yeah. people are still asking what happened to the money? nobody knows where the money went. i've been calling for that to be audited. the doj should be looking at that. in addition on the state level, governor cuomo decided to shut down mental health beds and hospitals. we lost thousands of beds. right now you probably have about 15 per 100,000 in population. the recommended number is 50. so that is another reason why we're seeing people being put back on the street. we need to utilize law more to make sure that people get treatment. >> martha: it's a great point. we need safe, functioning, mental health institutions all across the country. this man's own sister said he should never have been on the street. who would know better than his own family? look at the "new york post" editorial board. here the pleas of the subway. its long past time for the public to tell the advocates to shove it so we can get the severely mentally ill the help that they need and protecting the public from them. in many cases they need medication, congresswoman and then they need to be sure that they continue to take the medication. a big movement to make sure to sort of mainstream people, to make sure that they can live out with the rest of the public. in many cases, it's not working. >> that's right. the other thing is, new york state has a law named kendra's law. she was pushed in front of a subway and killed. they have not utilized the law to the extent they should. i suggested that jails, hospitals, should be filing petitions on behalf of people that are homeless and maybe don't have relatives. there needs to be a education to teach relatives of loved ones that are mentally ill that this is an option. that would go a long way in making sure people get the medication they need, the services they need and under supervision and that's where we should be focussing this tension. the other aspect is clear. you can't keep releasing people that commit crimes back on the street over and over again. some of these individuals are career criminals. they have committed dozens of crimes. they have been convicted many, many times. yet they continue to be released back on to the street. we have to push back on the radical left who want to keep dismantling our laws. >> martha: i would encourage anybody to take a look at the numbers. you have 66 rapes so far in new york city. this is just in 2022, which is 18 days old. 632 robberies, 895 felony assaults. this is in the first few weeks of january in 2022. put up the "new york post." this is the other part of the story. these two young women we have covered. we have covered on this show these young people, 21 people under the age of 18 that were killed in street violence in new york city. this is a huge rampant problem that doesn't get enough coverage. so when you listen to merrick garland talk about how he will address this problem and president biden, what are you hearing and do you think anything will change? because they're getting the feeling that they're losing voters, especially people that -- many of who fall into minority groups in the inner cities. >> you're right. public safety is an epidemic in america. the president should address the nation and get serious about the doj going after hardened criminals. he can start by securing the border, which is where we're seeing a lot of nefarious activity occurring and fentanyl streaming over and empowering drug dealers. so if you have judges that keep releasing people back on the street and prosecutors that won't prosecute like in manhattan, we'll face this issue time and again. >> martha: thanks, come woman malliotakis. good to have you here with us. we have dionne here with us. thanks for being here. when you listen to the dad of brianna kupfer and we have more pictures because it's tragic that this young life was snuffed out, but she's not the only young person to lose their life as i just showed, 21 people under the age of 18 in new york city who died. we have two teens in chicago that were killed last weekend. that was suggested to be a part of gang violence. even if they joined a gang, near young. they don't deserve to lose their lives. they shouldn't be in the gang in the first place. what are you doing at the state level from the leadership and the national level at the doj? >> once again, public safety is the cornerstone for anything you want to do. what happens is our elected officials took a hands off approach and said we're going to give the criminal element one inch. we know based on human nature when you give a criminal 1 inch, they take ten yards. there's precious lives that get lost, people that get raped and hurt, the property destroyed. yes, precious young lives. so we have to invest back in crime control again. they try to say that law enforcement is a systemic failure. that cannot be argued with crime going on. the systemic failure is many of our elected officials who put their finger in the air and the went blew the wrong way. >> and the department of justice announced $1.6 billion in funding to reduce violent crime and strengthen communities and get guns off the street. are you seeing the money coming through and what is it being used for? >> personally, i'm not seeing it. the fact remains that no matter what you try to do, no matcher how much money you throw at a situation, they throw to throw money at it. public safety is not at the cornerstone, it's going to fail. where i work, they have over 100 programs to help people with homelessness. why are people still in the programs? that goes with social programs. what kids is going to a program that they know that now based on the law that they can make thousands of dollars a day selling drugs and they won't have to be penalized for it. you can invest in both crime control and services and have us all working in the same fashion and help makes things better. that's not what is happening. they're making police the enemy and it's failed. >> martha: bingo. >> in the end, we need safety for the families. >> martha: people want safety. they tonight want an unstable person to walk in and stab people. she's never going to see the rest of her life or see her family again. so that's what matters. we have to make sure that law enforcement knows that we have their back and throwing money at the problem is not working. thank you, sir. >> take care. >> martha: always good to see you. thanks very much. all right. bret baier and joe concha as the white house seeks to turn the ship around on the issue of crime and many other things. foreign policy, the economy. they have a lot to nail tomorrow. it's a big moment for the president tomorrow and it starts with what he has to say. we'll talk to them coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> the work is not done. the job is not done. we're not saying it is. >> martha: the white house a short time ago says there's been some reporting that they're planning a reset as election reform looks like it's the most recent part of the agenda to flop. politco summed up the situation this way. saying democrats are back in a familiar spot pushing for legislation that they know will fail. they're grappling with what to tell voters when they come up short. joe concha is standing by. first, debbie dingell, co-chair of the house communications committee. thanks for being here, congresswoman. in terms of this reset that is being reported, do you think the white house needs a new strategy? is that the problem? >> when i hear people talk about we need a reset, we haven't gotten things done, we're not doing a good enough job talking about we have done. we have the recovery plan and the infrastructure bill. we have to talk about the kinds of programs that we have passed and going into our communities. there's a lot more things that we need to get done. we need to figure out how to get them done and stop focusing on two senators that won't go along. how will we get the majority of votes we need to get some important programs done this year. i'm tired of everybody saying we haven't gotten anything done. we have got a lot done in the last year. >> martha: this is doug schoen and carlie cooperman. they say that biden and congressional democrats need to dedicate their focus to viable legislation that addresses voters' top issues of concern. the administration has spent too much time wrangling members of their own party without success to pass policies that alienate key voting groups. we've seen the drift in support. 28% of latino supporters support the president at this point. when he talks about the need to focus on top issues of concern and when we poll those, it's the economy, inflation, the border, covid, would you like to see this white house more focused on crime, that is also one of the top issues, on those issues more head-on? >> quite frankly, that's what the american people are talking about. i don't disagree with that article. i would argue that we have been doing some things. but i'm pushing my leadership again today. i have a plant closed in my district again today for another week because of the chip shortage. we need to pass the chip legislation. the president wants it. the senate wants it. we have to get it done in the house. any democrat that doesn't talk about inflation is making a mistake. it is real. there's things that we have done and have to keep doing to bring that down. if we don't talk about these issues you talked about, we will lose the election. but i think we will and you're going to see some things. >> martha: you know, when you look at a white house and how its functioning, you look at the chief of staff, ron klain. they talk about redoing the communication strategy and the president is not going to the hill as much anymore and be so public. he's made three trips up there in order to corral support and three times has failed. he's going to go more directly to the american people now. a, does he need to change personnel. let's tackle that one first. you think he needs to change personnel at the white house? >> you know, i'm not going to tell the president what to do especially on cable news. i think that the staff has got to all make sure that they're working in the same direction. they have to be -- and the president has to be very clear and what he's asking congress to do, which may at times it's not been as clear as it needs to be. joe biden's greatest strength is his people skills. i think he's got to know when to be tough. when he's got to be tough and needs a little more of that as well in reading this agenda, what we have to get done and telling people it's got to get done. >> martha: do you feel confident and it's not an easy question and everywhere i look, do you feel confident in the president's ability and stamina to do the job? >> yes, i do. i've known joe biden for as long as i knew my husband. that's 40 years. i frequently talk to him. i know how much he cares. i know how engaged he is. his mind is as sharp as i have ever seen it. i think his strength is his weakness in that he listens to people. he needs to push. he wanted to hear everybody when we were first talking about some of these bills and he's wanting to give everybody a fair shake. he wasn't being clear in what he needed people to do. he needed to tell us what he wanted to do and then we have a responsibility together to work on it. i think joe biden has to get tougher on telling us this is what we need to get done this year and he needs to get vocal. >> martha: debbie dingell, thank you. always good to see you. >> good to see you. >> martha: all right. joining me now, joe concha, fox news contributor. very good to have you with us. there's no way that there aren't tough conversations going on. there should be in the west wing. looking in the mirror saying we're a year in and we're struggling in a lot of ways in the polls. we have not gotten through a lot of things we want to get through. we've gotten through a couple things, the relief bill and the structure. do they need to change the deck chairs or does joe biden need to be a stronger leader, which is what debbie dingell just said? >> i'll go with all of the above, martha, on that front. i think what democrats have learned is it's easy to complain and promise things when you're campaigning and not so even to govern and execute. i'm not sure i agree of touting the positive things that this team has accomplished. if so many people were happy with what was accomplished, biden's administration, the polling doesn't reflect that. the focus is 2021, which was horrific for this administration instead of looking forward. the numbers are the numbers. mr. biden is at 33% approval in quinnipiac. he's 28% approval among hispanics. his approval among blacks has cratered there. so to say hey, we passed infrastructure, here's the down side of that. people expect potholes to be filled and power grids to work. no one drives over a bridge and says wow, it works. there's not much upside there. the problem for touting covid relief, many americans are wanting to know where the money went. it didn't go to testing. they haven't received the kits they were promised. by the time anyone get their at-home test, omicron will be well on its way out of many parts of the country. we're already seeing that in new york and new jersey that cases are pummelling 80%. the more should be on be pivot that bill clinton did. he worked with the speaker of the house to get welfare reform done. check out this passage. it leave it here. from august 1997, this is from "the washington post." a partisan show down that dominated washington politics came to an ending as president clinton signed legislation to cut taxes and put america on a balanced budget by 2002. think about, this would any democrat to that know? can joe biden do that now? i don't think the answer is yes. >> martha: have you heard any politician use the phrase a balanced budget? when is the last time you heard anybody talk about a balanced budget? bill clinton did a huge turn around as you pointed out and ending welfare as we know it. be really interesting if president biden would say we have hundreds of billions of unspent in the great bill that we passed. we'll spend that and send it to small businesses. but we're not going to ask for anymore more. we have a lot of money. that's a fantasy world. thanks for indulging. >> great to see you. >> martha: as joe mentioned, we expect president biden will seek to turn things around. he has to. have to shake off a tough year and you have to move forward. have some confidence and leadership that debbie dingell was just talking about. have to talk about the way forward for covid. he's really failed on the promise to shut down the virus. that was certainly a huge part of what he ran on. bret baier interviewed the cdc director, rochelle walensky in an interesting back and forth. now she says that she is taking on media coaching to get better at putting the message out there. bret baier is next. ore than four wheels. it's my after-work decompression zone. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (naj) at fisher investments, our clients know we have their backs. 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[limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> martha: the biden administration taking new steps to turn covid testing around. now they're taking orders for free at-home covid tests. the administration is trying to improve mixed messaging on covid. it will take about seven to ten days for the tests to arrive. so with cdc director rochelle walensky say that she's getting media training to help with communication. "if you're positive, you should probably stay at home. a negative doesn't mean you're not contagious and we need to be clear about that." so if that's clear to you, explain it to me. let's bring in special report anchor bret baier to interviewed the cdc director. it's a big deal. >> it's not a small thing at all. she's conceding that she's not done well in the messaging. the quote that you read is not that clear as far as what you're supposed to do. that is part of the problem. each one of these -- what if the vaccine was six months ago? suddenly they're not fully vaccinated. each one of these school districts is trying to look to cdc guidelines to say this kid can come to school, this kid can't. it's not crystal clear. >> martha: and there is some political pressure on her right now. this is ro khanna. i spoke with him yesterday. watch. >> i think we need someone who is compassionate, consistent and where the messaging is clear and we need someone who is going to make sure that we have testing for everyone, masks for everyone and we're getting that done. so i think we need a clearer, better communication. >> martha: we clearly weren't ready for omicron. even though we saw the signs that came from south africa. we didn't get the tests ready, didn't ramp up production and treatments. you think there's any changes, any staffing changes? maybe dr. fauci or maybe michelle walensky? >> that's a great question. it all goes to ron klain at the top. you have senator ben sasse and others calling for ron klain to step down. republicans calling for that is one thing, democrats is another. there's whispers about staff changes. so far this strange has not done it. the president doesn't seem like he's going to do it. the testing thing was really the biggest problem. the fact that he as a candidate ripped on president trump and the administration for not having testing. back in 2020. and then all through 2021 until we get to omicron, they didn't solve it. it was the big issue. >> martha: and treatments. we'll see. so thank you, bret. get to see you. looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. tomorrow is a big day. bret will join us that for the president's first year in office and a look ad head to the president's press conference tomorrow afternoon. we'll be on from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. covering all of that for you here on "the story." no doubt the president will be asked what he thinks about the dramatic shift in this country, a seven-point gain for people that say i'm a republican over people that say i'm a democrat. sean duffy and jack brewer talk about that only on "the story" coming up next. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. >> martha: taking a closer look at afghan families here in the united states. fox news has been tracking 124,000 evacuees that list in this country. jennifer griffin reporting live from the pentagon. hi, jennifer. >> hi, martha. they are facing terrible bureaucracy, delayed social security numbers that are preventing them from working here in the u.s. abdullah worked as a driver at the u.s. embassy in kabul. he took this photo the day he was evacuated. he made it to charlotte, north carolina where he has been living with about 50 afghan families in a motel. he's now restocking grocery shelves at harris teeter. unlike the 124,000 of those airlifted, abdullah has received a social security number. >> they've been sitting in hotel rooms for months on end just waiting for that card to come in that says they're allowed to work. >> a group formed during the evacuation last august but u.s. veterans says unless congress acts, they will fail. they have 1,225 per evacuee to help with those first 90 days. medicaid and food stamps don't kick in without a social security number. nick, another afghan war veteran, described another case of an afghan combat translator named johnny who fox news followed with his wife and three children to north carolina. >> he's had his work visa lost in the mail twice. if we did not provide financial support, if we weren't looking out for him, he would be on the street with no means of feeding his family. do we want them to become successful, productive members of american society or do we want them on the street? do we want them to feel like failures? >> the defense department has announced that they want all of the afghan evacuees off of military bases by february 15. veteran groups are urging congress to act to give them a temporary status and a waiver to work. martha? >> martha: going to have to provide that if they don't want them in no man's land. thanks, jennifer. almost a year ago, president biden took office and 49% of the count through said i'm a democrat. now there's been a historic shift in that measure over the course of that year. democrats have lost seven points in party i.d. and republicans have picked up seven-point advantage in those that say that they are with the grand old party now. former democrat jack brewer on why that may be. >> i'm also a life-long democrat. but i support donald trump. let me be clear, i didn't come here for the popularity or the praise, the likes or the retweets. i'm here as a servant to god, a servant to the people of our nation and servant to our president. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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(car sfx: beep beep) (car sfx: watch for traffic) ...and our most advanced safety system—ever. ♪♪ >> martha: so the gallup polls have gotten attention as they show the biggest shift in party i.d. in decades. democrats have lost seven points in those that say that i consider myself a democrat. republicans have picked up seven points. so that's a 14-point move overall and those that say that they are in the gop now. that's more for the mid tern mill and those that expect a red tsunami. sean duffy a fox news contributor and jack brewer, a life-long democrat that supported president trump, a former nfl player and now a ceo of the brewer group. thanks for being here. jack, you fall into this category in your own personal pattern. you voted for president obama and supported president trump. what made you go from being a democrat to now a republican? >> i never thought i would be this happy to be on the share with sean. but six years later. i'm serious when i say that. six years ago, seven years ago, i started to see something different in our nation and came down to morality for me. when policy affects the moral fabric of a nation. you have to stand up. i was taught as a kid to being democratic meant that you wanted to help the poor, serve your brothers and sisters and do for the ones that don't have. so when i started to see that the policies we're doing are opposite of that and start to understand that whether it's our criminal justice system and our prison that was failing the inmates that they were incarcerating or public schools, what they're doing to the youth. to seeing the black boys dropping out of high school and the rates they were and millions and billions being put into the education system that started to indoctrinate our must underserved. those types of things can't happen to the greatest nation in the world. i had to switch parties for righteousness reasons, whether it was standing up for the word of god, preaching the gospel of jesus christ. i had to say enough is enough. the democratic policies didn't align for what i believe in spiritually. that's why i switched. >> martha: sean, as you listen to what jack brewer has to say and look at the numbers and a former politician and maybe 1 again at some point, how do you read the numbers and what do you see going on in america right now? >> there's a realization that the democrat party is not the party of your grandfather or grandmother. to jack brewer's point, sounds like the democratic party is not a party that celebrates people of faith or the working class. it's a problem. as a former republican legislator, a 14-point swing martha, that is huge in one year's time. if you look at the generic balloting, republicans are oftentimes up five or six points. republicans are even when they're done by four points based on who turns out on election day. so this means a huge wave. this is a tsunami for republicans in the coming election. the problem here has been democrats say they're the party of government but they can't make government work. more and more people realize what ronald reagan used to say. the solution to our problems is not government. government is the problem. i just slaughtered that quote. you know what i'm saying. but people say listen, we have to deal with covid, inflation and crime. we want a strong military to get our men and women out of afghanistan in an effective way. joe biden and democrats have failed on all the issues. they're looking for a new party that can respect their rights, respect parents that have a different opinion in the woke liberal liftists and don't want to be indoctrinated with the left wing ideology. >> martha: jack, i wouldn't be surprised if a number of the elements in that shift are black and hispanic voters going from democrats, republican. we see it in other polls in other places. why do you think that is happening? >> i think donald trump started it. i know for me, when he came out and started making more people aware of what was actually going on in government, breaking down the spending, making folks understand the disproportionate ways our government operates. i think that started to educate a lot of folks. i was ostracized, called names. my family was targeted because i supported donald trump. since then, more and more people have started to support the things that donald trump stands for and more specifically the things that people are seeking righteousness stand for. the educational process is continuing for so many americans. i think this covid-19 pandemic has exposed exactly what is going on with our government and not getting after the root cause. people want you to get at the root cause of issues. the root cause of issues particularly when it comes to minorities and african americans. democrats are at the root of follow thisness. they don't stand against it. people in this nation see that. they want our children all to love this country and love america. >> martha: i don't think anybody can say it better than that exactly. i think about the crime story we covered in the first block and all of the young people that we lost to gangs, the two teens that were just killed in chicago. fatherlessness is something that should be discussed on both sides of the aisle and encouraged across the country. and it's a huge, huge issue in the fabric of the country. >> martha, can i say one thing? let's start talking about this. followthisness is the civil rights issue of our time. >> martha: thanks very much. it's a stable family with two people in charge. thanks very much. good to see you both. we kickoff our special coverage of president biden's you're one with a look at his handling of education, the battle between the teacher's unions and the parents is such a big marking point for 2021. where is it going next year? throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. >> martha: the classroom. never before has so much been at stake and such a political battleground. parents that never attended a school board meeting before are now pouring out their hearts and speaking their minds on issues like crt, covid closures, children suffering at home. white house correspondent peter doocy reports. >> good afternoon, martha. a teacher lives here and per husband has stressed the importance of keeping kids in classroom. >> the child going to school and learning from home. it matters in terms of not just their physical health and mental health. during this pandemic, we've seen how important being in school is for families and for our country. >> but reopenings have been rocky. some parents got protested and got ganged up on by nsba and the education secretary. our colleagues at said -- >> the letter that they wrote is the one that compared angry parents to domestic terrorists. something that the guy in charge of catching domestic terrorists had to step in to clarify. >> sandra: >> like you, i can't imagine any circumstance in which the patriot act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children, nor can i imagine circumstance where they would be labeled as domestic terrorism. >> this was a big issue and turned out to help the republicans in the virginia governor's race. president biden said he knows that schools are one of the things that people right now are upset about uncertain about. martha? >> martha: peter doocy, thank you very much. let's bring in marc thiessen, former speechwriter for president bush and an american enterprise institute scholar. one of the biggest issues and something that the narrative may need to change on as the white house looks to reset. >> yeah, no doubt. look, the biden's education record can be summed up in one sentence. he went after parents but refuses to go after the teacher's unions. the democrats are a wholly owned subsidiary part of the teacher's union. first that cut the vaccination line and demanded that president biden give them $128 billion. biden gave it to them. so what happened when omicron arrived? they shut down the schooled again. not just in chicago. 5,400 schools affecting hundreds of children were shut down in january. did you hear biden say a word criticizing the unions? he said schools should be open. that's fine. everybody agrees with that. did he say to the unions, we gave you $128 billion. you're vaccinated, you're double vaccinated. some of you are boosted. you have all the money we asked for. go and teach. stop shutting down the schools. he did go after parents. when parents showed up at meetings to complain, then all of a sudden they treat them like domestic terrorists and used the fbi to intimidate them. he's more concerned about parents being angry about the unions and what they're doing to the country. >> martha: somebody that played this right is glenn youngkin. here's what he had to say. >> we know when our children don't go to school, it harms their learning and their development. so let me be clear. we must keep our children in school five days a week. >> martha: on that note, marc. thanks very much. he will be back with us today for our special two-hour edition of "the story." bret baier will be here, karl rove. a big story tomorrow. two hours. we'll see you then. >> charles: we're live on capitol hill. senate democrats are trying to save the white house agenda. still trying to bust a football. we'll talk to chuck grassley. that's coming up. first -- the los angeles police department speaking now. let's watch. >> today you're going to hear from honorable councilmember paul carretz and michael

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Thanks , Police Officers , Community , U S , Shows , Sandra Smith , Mike , Martha , Number , Story , Fox News , John , John And Sandra , America Reports , Martha Maccallum , 2 , President , White House , Coverage , New York , Press Conference , Need , Gears , Head Quarters , Two , Lot , One , Country , Issues , Families , Women , Leader , Ten , In America , Something , Student , Side , Face , Screen , Ucla , Job , Snuffed Out , Stranger , Todd , Death , Store , Middle , Tragedy , People , Everybody , Others , Favor , Society , Besnowing , Kendra S Law , Rights , Criminals , Citizens , Michelle Gough , 40 , Man , Sister , Mental Health Institutions , Subject Wait , Waying , Merrick Garland , Crackdown , Mental Health System , Top , Streets , Led , U S Department Of Justice , Deion Joseph , Questions , Opportunity , First , Lapd , Nicole Malatakis , Eric Adams , Subway , Woman , Case , Back , Watch , Misstep , Perception , Platform , Killing , Way , Safe , Battle , Subway System , Transportation System , Train , Things , Safety , Mayor , Politicians , City , Unit , Bail , Clothes , Nypd , Albany , Aoc , Public Safety , Democrats , Subways , Jail , Radical Left , Regards , Restore , Money , Doj , Thrive Ny , De Blasio , Wife , Mental Illness , Nobody , Estate , Hospitals , Level , Beds , Cuomo , Mental Health , Thousands , Population , Addition , 50 , 100000 , 15 , Big Marking Point , The Street , Functioning , Treatment , Reason , Street , Family , Pleas , New York Post , Editorial Board , Medication , Advocates , Public , Cases , Help , Congresswoman , Thing , Rest , Movement , Mainstream , New York State , Front , Law , Extent , Education , Relatives , Behalf , Jails , Loved Ones , Petitions , Crimes , Services , Option , Aspect , Supervision , Tension , Times , Some , Many , Career Criminals , Individuals , Dozens , Numbers , Look , Anybody , Left , Laws , Rapes , 66 , 2022 , Show , Part , Felony Assaults , Robberies , 18 , 632 , 895 , Doesn T , Problem , Age , Street Violence , 21 , Joe Biden , Voters , Anything , Groups , Who , Feeling , Nation , Epidemic , Cities , Border , Drug Dealers , Activity , Fentanyl , Judges , Issue , Prosecutors , In Manhattan , Woman Malliotakis , Dad , Pictures , Brianna Kupfer , Person , Life , Chicago , Teens , Gang Violence , Leadership , Lives , Gang , Shouldn T , Place , Young , Officials , Cornerstone , Approach , Element , Yards , Property , Human Nature , Yes , 1 , Failure , Law Enforcement , Crime Control , Finger , Air , 6 Billion , 1 6 Billion , Communities , Fact , Guns , Matter , Funding , Matcher , Situation , 100 , Programs , Kids , Homelessness , Working , Drugs , Fashion , Enemy , In The End , Bingo , Stab , Sir , Matters , Take Care , Economy , Bret Baier , Joe Concha , Foreign Policy , Ship , Business , Ready , Set , Save , Sale , Installation , Backing , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , Voice , Internet , 24 7 , 4 99 , 64 99 , Deal , Prepaid Card , Value , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 00 , 500 , Work , Agenda , Reporting , Reset , Politco , Election Reform Looks , Legislation , Debbie Dingell , Spot , Co Chair , House Communications Committee , Terms , We Haven T , Strategy , Infrastructure Bill , Recovery Plan , Kinds , Senators , Majority , Won T Go , Doug Schoen , Votes , Carlie Cooperman , Administration , Focus , Members , Concern , Wrangling , Party , Policies , Voting Groups , Supporters , Success , 28 , Home Covid , Inflation , The Border , Plant , Article , In The House , Chip Legislation , Senate , District , Chip Shortage , Election , Mistake , Doesn T Talk About Inflation , Down , Ron Klain , Support , Communication Strategy , Order , Trips , The Hill , Three , Personnel , Cable News , Staff , Make , Congress , Direction , More , Strength , People Skills , Question , Everywhere , Ability , Husband , Stamina , It , Mind , Weakness , Bills , He Wasn T , Shake , Responsibility , Vocal , Contributor , Aren T , Conversations , Mirror , West Wing , Polls , Deck Chairs , Ways , Relief Bill , Structure , Promise , All Of The Above , Team , 2021 , Approval , Mr , Hispanics , Blacks , Quinnipiac , 33 , Infrastructure , Potholes , Power Grids , Bridge , African Americans , Haven T , Upside , Kits , It Didn T Go To Testing , Covid Relief , Omicron , Test , Parts , Anyone , New Jersey , 80 , Bill Clinton , Pivot , House , Welfare Reform , Speaker , Passage , 1997 , August 1997 , Budget , Politics , Taxes , Ending , Washington Post , Washington , 2002 , Politician , Answer , Phrase , Turn , Billions , Welfare , Bill , Hundreds , Unspent , Businesses , Fantasy World , Indulging , Confidence , Rochelle Walensky , Virus , Forth , On , Cdc , Experts , Car , Someone , Windshield , Vo , Media , Safelite Autoglass , Message , Decompression Zone , Wheels , Four , Service , Technology , Safety Systems , Glass , Camera , Singers , Clients , Money Manager , Naj , Backs , Fiduciary , Fisher Investments , Retirement , Fees , More Delicious , Best , Eggs , Classic , Eggland , Cage Free , Superior Nutrition , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Car Insurance , Limu Emu Squawks , Limu Emu , Limu , Pay , Personal Record , Thirty Four , Tests , Messaging , Orders , Covid Testing , Rochelle Walensky Say , Media Training , Seven , Communication , Home , Doesn , Special Report , Director , Wall , Quote , These , Kid , School , Vaccine , School Districts , Guidelines , Six , Pressure , Crystal Clear , Ro Khanna , Testing , Everyone , Clearer , Changes , Signs , Treatments , We Clearly Weren T Ready For Omicron , South Africa , Didn T Ramp Up Production , Ben Sasse , Staffing Changes , Dr , Fauci , Republicans , Testing Thing , Staff Changes , Whispers , Strange , Trump , Candidate , 2020 , Big Day , Office , Head , Ad , No Doubt , 3 , 5 , Jack Brewer , Shift , Say , Sean Duffy , The Story , Gain , No One , Rates , Veterans , Line , Homeownership , Down Payment , Purchase Loans , Newday , Newday100 Loan , The American Dream , Twos , Payments , Lender , Bank , Newdayusa , 0000 , 615 , 60000 , Nature , Organization , Vitamins , Supplement , Standards , Pharmacist , Vitamin , Quality , Purity , Brand , Usp , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , 7 , Risk , Adults , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Heart Disease , Weight , Events , Heart Attack , Stroke , 12 , I Don T , Don T Take Ozempic , Isn T , Share , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Pens , Reuse , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Reaction , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Lump , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Stop Ozempic , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , 25 , Taking A Closer Look , Evacuees , List , Hi , Tracking , Jennifer Griffin , Pentagon , 124000 , Social Security Numbers , Bureaucracy , Abdullah , Driver , Photo , Embassy , In Kabul , Charlotte , Motel , Grocery Shelves , North Carolina , Harris Teeter , Social Security Number , Card , Hotel Rooms , Group , Evacuation , Don T Kick , Per Evacuee , Food Stamps , Acts , Medicaid , 1225 , 90 , Children , Nick , Named Johnny Who , Work Visa , Combat , War Veteran , Afghan , Mail , Means , We Weren T , Defense Department , Failures , American Society , February 15 , Status , Waiver , No Man S Land , Points , Count , Course , Measure , Party I D , 49 , Advantage , Donald Trump , Servant , Popularity , Retweets , Praise , God , Insurance , Sec , Whistles , Vulture Squawks , Daughter , Liberty , Ancestors , Sam , My Name Is Cherrie , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Gift , Oregon Coast , 76 , 53 , Memory , Click , Puzzle Pieces , Taking Prevagen , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Memories , Car Sfx , Safety System , Traffic , Lexus Nx , Intuitive Tech , Beep , Attention , Gallup , Move , 14 , Tsunami , Ceo , Mid Tern Mill , Nfl , Obama , Pattern , Category , Fabric , Policy , Morality , Poor , Prison , Ones , Inmates , System , Sisters , Criminal Justice , Brothers , Doing , Don T Have , Schools , Millions , High School , Youth , Boys , Types , Parties , Education System , World , Righteousness Reasons , Must , Gospel , Word Of God , Jesus Christ , Policies Didn T Align , Realization , Point , Legislator , Working Class , Grandfather , Grandmother , Faith , Swing , Balloting , Five , Government , Election Day , Wave , Problems , Solution , Ronald Reagan , Parents , Men , Military , Opinion , Wing , Liftists , Don T Want , Wouldn T , Elements , Places , Ideology , Spending , Folks , Names , Ostracized , Righteousness , Process , Pandemic , Cause , Root Cause , 19 , Root , Minorities , Love , Follow Thisness , Fatherlessness , Crime Story , Gangs , Sides , Block , Aisle , We Kickoff , Unions , Teacher , Handling , Investors , Markets , Landscape , Unforeseeable , History , Gold , Asset , Potential , Returns , Path , Music Vo , Psoriasis , Try , Infection , Cosentyx , Fail , Tuberculosis , Hope , Symptoms , Doctor , Crohn S Disease , Dermatologist , Classroom , Battleground , Meeting , Stake , School Board , Peter Doocy , Minds , Hearts , Crt , Learning , Child , Health , Being , Keeping , Importance , Education Secretary , Reopenings , Rocky , Ganged Up On By Nsba , Colleagues , Terrorists , Charge , Letter , Guy , Sandra , Circumstance , Domestic Terrorism , Circumstances , Patriot Act , Marc Thiessen , Governor , Race , Virginia , Bush , American Enterprise Institute Scholar , Narrative , Education Record , Sentence , Vaccination Line , Subsidiary , Teacher S Union , 28 Billion , 128 Billion , Word , Fine , 5400 , Teach , Meetings , Fbi , Somebody , Children Don T Go To School , Development , Glenn Youngkin , Right , Edition , Note , Big Story Tomorrow , Charles , Karl Rove , Football , Capitol Hill , Chuck Grassley , Honorable Councilmember , Michael , Let , Paul Carretz ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

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face imploring them to do something about the rampant and senseless crime in america. a ucla student on the left side of the screen went to work at her part time job. she was stabbed to death in the middle of the afternoon by a complete stranger that walked into her store. her life snuffed out. this is her father, todd. >> the tragedy can't befall more people. it's so painful. what is endemic in our society, everybody is oriented on giving back rights and besnowing favor on people that rob others of their rights. >> talking about the rights that are going to criminals and the rights being taken from law abiding citizens. and 40-year-old michelle gough was waying for the subject wait. a man shoved her in. her sister said he had be in and out of mental health institutions and should never have been allowed on the streets. these women should have been alive today. the mental health system failed them. where is the u.s. department of justice on this led by merrick garland? is there a major crackdown on criminals that is being driven from the top? are you hearing about that? what has the president done so far? these are the questions that needs to be pressed when that opportunity comes tomorrow afternoon at this time. lapd officer deion joseph is here. first, to nicole malatakis from new york. so eric adams in new york city, who a lot of people have high hopes for, the other day he made a misstep. he said there's a perception that people don't see from the subway. it's not the case. he had to walk that back. here's what he said about this killing of this young woman on the platform. watch. >> we want to drive down crime and we're going to make sure new yorkers feel safe in our subway system. they don't feel that way now. i don't feel that way when i take the train every day or when i move throughout our transportation system. that is our battle and that's what i'm going to do as the mayor of new york. >> martha: how is he going to do that? are any of these things waking people up? >> this has been going on for years. i've been saying that we need to restore public safety in our city. we can do it but repealing the radical bail law passed in albany. we can do it by ensuring the nypd has the plain clothes unit. we can push back on politicians like aoc and the others saying that they don't want to see police officers on our subways. they don't want to see people locked up in jail. that is how we're going to restore public safety when democrats finally decide to push back against that radical left. in new york, with regards to mental illness, mayor de blasio had a thrive ny program. >> martha: it was run by his wife. >> yeah. people are still asking what happened to the money? nobody knows where the money went. i've been calling for that to be audited. the doj should be looking at that. in addition on the state level, governor cuomo decided to shut down mental health beds and hospitals. we lost thousands of beds. right now you probably have about 15 per 100,000 in population. the recommended number is 50. so that is another reason why we're seeing people being put back on the street. we need to utilize law more to make sure that people get treatment. >> martha: it's a great point. we need safe, functioning, mental health institutions all across the country. this man's own sister said he should never have been on the street. who would know better than his own family? look at the "new york post" editorial board. here the pleas of the subway. its long past time for the public to tell the advocates to shove it so we can get the severely mentally ill the help that they need and protecting the public from them. in many cases they need medication, congresswoman and then they need to be sure that they continue to take the medication. a big movement to make sure to sort of mainstream people, to make sure that they can live out with the rest of the public. in many cases, it's not working. >> that's right. the other thing is, new york state has a law named kendra's law. she was pushed in front of a subway and killed. they have not utilized the law to the extent they should. i suggested that jails, hospitals, should be filing petitions on behalf of people that are homeless and maybe don't have relatives. there needs to be a education to teach relatives of loved ones that are mentally ill that this is an option. that would go a long way in making sure people get the medication they need, the services they need and under supervision and that's where we should be focussing this tension. the other aspect is clear. you can't keep releasing people that commit crimes back on the street over and over again. some of these individuals are career criminals. they have committed dozens of crimes. they have been convicted many, many times. yet they continue to be released back on to the street. we have to push back on the radical left who want to keep dismantling our laws. >> martha: i would encourage anybody to take a look at the numbers. you have 66 rapes so far in new york city. this is just in 2022, which is 18 days old. 632 robberies, 895 felony assaults. this is in the first few weeks of january in 2022. put up the "new york post." this is the other part of the story. these two young women we have covered. we have covered on this show these young people, 21 people under the age of 18 that were killed in street violence in new york city. this is a huge rampant problem that doesn't get enough coverage. so when you listen to merrick garland talk about how he will address this problem and president biden, what are you hearing and do you think anything will change? because they're getting the feeling that they're losing voters, especially people that -- many of who fall into minority groups in the inner cities. >> you're right. public safety is an epidemic in america. the president should address the nation and get serious about the doj going after hardened criminals. he can start by securing the border, which is where we're seeing a lot of nefarious activity occurring and fentanyl streaming over and empowering drug dealers. so if you have judges that keep releasing people back on the street and prosecutors that won't prosecute like in manhattan, we'll face this issue time and again. >> martha: thanks, come woman malliotakis. good to have you here with us. we have dionne here with us. thanks for being here. when you listen to the dad of brianna kupfer and we have more pictures because it's tragic that this young life was snuffed out, but she's not the only young person to lose their life as i just showed, 21 people under the age of 18 in new york city who died. we have two teens in chicago that were killed last weekend. that was suggested to be a part of gang violence. even if they joined a gang, near young. they don't deserve to lose their lives. they shouldn't be in the gang in the first place. what are you doing at the state level from the leadership and the national level at the doj? >> once again, public safety is the cornerstone for anything you want to do. what happens is our elected officials took a hands off approach and said we're going to give the criminal element one inch. we know based on human nature when you give a criminal 1 inch, they take ten yards. there's precious lives that get lost, people that get raped and hurt, the property destroyed. yes, precious young lives. so we have to invest back in crime control again. they try to say that law enforcement is a systemic failure. that cannot be argued with crime going on. the systemic failure is many of our elected officials who put their finger in the air and the went blew the wrong way. >> and the department of justice announced $1.6 billion in funding to reduce violent crime and strengthen communities and get guns off the street. are you seeing the money coming through and what is it being used for? >> personally, i'm not seeing it. the fact remains that no matter what you try to do, no matcher how much money you throw at a situation, they throw to throw money at it. public safety is not at the cornerstone, it's going to fail. where i work, they have over 100 programs to help people with homelessness. why are people still in the programs? that goes with social programs. what kids is going to a program that they know that now based on the law that they can make thousands of dollars a day selling drugs and they won't have to be penalized for it. you can invest in both crime control and services and have us all working in the same fashion and help makes things better. that's not what is happening. they're making police the enemy and it's failed. >> martha: bingo. >> in the end, we need safety for the families. >> martha: people want safety. they tonight want an unstable person to walk in and stab people. she's never going to see the rest of her life or see her family again. so that's what matters. we have to make sure that law enforcement knows that we have their back and throwing money at the problem is not working. thank you, sir. >> take care. >> martha: always good to see you. thanks very much. all right. bret baier and joe concha as the white house seeks to turn the ship around on the issue of crime and many other things. foreign policy, the economy. they have a lot to nail tomorrow. it's a big moment for the president tomorrow and it starts with what he has to say. we'll talk to them coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> the work is not done. the job is not done. we're not saying it is. >> martha: the white house a short time ago says there's been some reporting that they're planning a reset as election reform looks like it's the most recent part of the agenda to flop. politco summed up the situation this way. saying democrats are back in a familiar spot pushing for legislation that they know will fail. they're grappling with what to tell voters when they come up short. joe concha is standing by. first, debbie dingell, co-chair of the house communications committee. thanks for being here, congresswoman. in terms of this reset that is being reported, do you think the white house needs a new strategy? is that the problem? >> when i hear people talk about we need a reset, we haven't gotten things done, we're not doing a good enough job talking about we have done. we have the recovery plan and the infrastructure bill. we have to talk about the kinds of programs that we have passed and going into our communities. there's a lot more things that we need to get done. we need to figure out how to get them done and stop focusing on two senators that won't go along. how will we get the majority of votes we need to get some important programs done this year. i'm tired of everybody saying we haven't gotten anything done. we have got a lot done in the last year. >> martha: this is doug schoen and carlie cooperman. they say that biden and congressional democrats need to dedicate their focus to viable legislation that addresses voters' top issues of concern. the administration has spent too much time wrangling members of their own party without success to pass policies that alienate key voting groups. we've seen the drift in support. 28% of latino supporters support the president at this point. when he talks about the need to focus on top issues of concern and when we poll those, it's the economy, inflation, the border, covid, would you like to see this white house more focused on crime, that is also one of the top issues, on those issues more head-on? >> quite frankly, that's what the american people are talking about. i don't disagree with that article. i would argue that we have been doing some things. but i'm pushing my leadership again today. i have a plant closed in my district again today for another week because of the chip shortage. we need to pass the chip legislation. the president wants it. the senate wants it. we have to get it done in the house. any democrat that doesn't talk about inflation is making a mistake. it is real. there's things that we have done and have to keep doing to bring that down. if we don't talk about these issues you talked about, we will lose the election. but i think we will and you're going to see some things. >> martha: you know, when you look at a white house and how its functioning, you look at the chief of staff, ron klain. they talk about redoing the communication strategy and the president is not going to the hill as much anymore and be so public. he's made three trips up there in order to corral support and three times has failed. he's going to go more directly to the american people now. a, does he need to change personnel. let's tackle that one first. you think he needs to change personnel at the white house? >> you know, i'm not going to tell the president what to do especially on cable news. i think that the staff has got to all make sure that they're working in the same direction. they have to be -- and the president has to be very clear and what he's asking congress to do, which may at times it's not been as clear as it needs to be. joe biden's greatest strength is his people skills. i think he's got to know when to be tough. when he's got to be tough and needs a little more of that as well in reading this agenda, what we have to get done and telling people it's got to get done. >> martha: do you feel confident and it's not an easy question and everywhere i look, do you feel confident in the president's ability and stamina to do the job? >> yes, i do. i've known joe biden for as long as i knew my husband. that's 40 years. i frequently talk to him. i know how much he cares. i know how engaged he is. his mind is as sharp as i have ever seen it. i think his strength is his weakness in that he listens to people. he needs to push. he wanted to hear everybody when we were first talking about some of these bills and he's wanting to give everybody a fair shake. he wasn't being clear in what he needed people to do. he needed to tell us what he wanted to do and then we have a responsibility together to work on it. i think joe biden has to get tougher on telling us this is what we need to get done this year and he needs to get vocal. >> martha: debbie dingell, thank you. always good to see you. >> good to see you. >> martha: all right. joining me now, joe concha, fox news contributor. very good to have you with us. there's no way that there aren't tough conversations going on. there should be in the west wing. looking in the mirror saying we're a year in and we're struggling in a lot of ways in the polls. we have not gotten through a lot of things we want to get through. we've gotten through a couple things, the relief bill and the structure. do they need to change the deck chairs or does joe biden need to be a stronger leader, which is what debbie dingell just said? >> i'll go with all of the above, martha, on that front. i think what democrats have learned is it's easy to complain and promise things when you're campaigning and not so even to govern and execute. i'm not sure i agree of touting the positive things that this team has accomplished. if so many people were happy with what was accomplished, biden's administration, the polling doesn't reflect that. the focus is 2021, which was horrific for this administration instead of looking forward. the numbers are the numbers. mr. biden is at 33% approval in quinnipiac. he's 28% approval among hispanics. his approval among blacks has cratered there. so to say hey, we passed infrastructure, here's the down side of that. people expect potholes to be filled and power grids to work. no one drives over a bridge and says wow, it works. there's not much upside there. the problem for touting covid relief, many americans are wanting to know where the money went. it didn't go to testing. they haven't received the kits they were promised. by the time anyone get their at-home test, omicron will be well on its way out of many parts of the country. we're already seeing that in new york and new jersey that cases are pummelling 80%. the more should be on be pivot that bill clinton did. he worked with the speaker of the house to get welfare reform done. check out this passage. it leave it here. from august 1997, this is from "the washington post." a partisan show down that dominated washington politics came to an ending as president clinton signed legislation to cut taxes and put america on a balanced budget by 2002. think about, this would any democrat to that know? can joe biden do that now? i don't think the answer is yes. >> martha: have you heard any politician use the phrase a balanced budget? when is the last time you heard anybody talk about a balanced budget? bill clinton did a huge turn around as you pointed out and ending welfare as we know it. be really interesting if president biden would say we have hundreds of billions of unspent in the great bill that we passed. we'll spend that and send it to small businesses. but we're not going to ask for anymore more. we have a lot of money. that's a fantasy world. thanks for indulging. >> great to see you. >> martha: as joe mentioned, we expect president biden will seek to turn things around. he has to. have to shake off a tough year and you have to move forward. have some confidence and leadership that debbie dingell was just talking about. have to talk about the way forward for covid. he's really failed on the promise to shut down the virus. that was certainly a huge part of what he ran on. bret baier interviewed the cdc director, rochelle walensky in an interesting back and forth. now she says that she is taking on media coaching to get better at putting the message out there. bret baier is next. ore than four wheels. it's my after-work decompression zone. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (naj) at fisher investments, our clients know we have their backs. 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[limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> martha: the biden administration taking new steps to turn covid testing around. now they're taking orders for free at-home covid tests. the administration is trying to improve mixed messaging on covid. it will take about seven to ten days for the tests to arrive. so with cdc director rochelle walensky say that she's getting media training to help with communication. "if you're positive, you should probably stay at home. a negative doesn't mean you're not contagious and we need to be clear about that." so if that's clear to you, explain it to me. let's bring in special report anchor bret baier to interviewed the cdc director. it's a big deal. >> it's not a small thing at all. she's conceding that she's not done well in the messaging. the quote that you read is not that clear as far as what you're supposed to do. that is part of the problem. each one of these -- what if the vaccine was six months ago? suddenly they're not fully vaccinated. each one of these school districts is trying to look to cdc guidelines to say this kid can come to school, this kid can't. it's not crystal clear. >> martha: and there is some political pressure on her right now. this is ro khanna. i spoke with him yesterday. watch. >> i think we need someone who is compassionate, consistent and where the messaging is clear and we need someone who is going to make sure that we have testing for everyone, masks for everyone and we're getting that done. so i think we need a clearer, better communication. >> martha: we clearly weren't ready for omicron. even though we saw the signs that came from south africa. we didn't get the tests ready, didn't ramp up production and treatments. you think there's any changes, any staffing changes? maybe dr. fauci or maybe michelle walensky? >> that's a great question. it all goes to ron klain at the top. you have senator ben sasse and others calling for ron klain to step down. republicans calling for that is one thing, democrats is another. there's whispers about staff changes. so far this strange has not done it. the president doesn't seem like he's going to do it. the testing thing was really the biggest problem. the fact that he as a candidate ripped on president trump and the administration for not having testing. back in 2020. and then all through 2021 until we get to omicron, they didn't solve it. it was the big issue. >> martha: and treatments. we'll see. so thank you, bret. get to see you. looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. tomorrow is a big day. bret will join us that for the president's first year in office and a look ad head to the president's press conference tomorrow afternoon. we'll be on from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. covering all of that for you here on "the story." no doubt the president will be asked what he thinks about the dramatic shift in this country, a seven-point gain for people that say i'm a republican over people that say i'm a democrat. sean duffy and jack brewer talk about that only on "the story" coming up next. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. >> martha: taking a closer look at afghan families here in the united states. fox news has been tracking 124,000 evacuees that list in this country. jennifer griffin reporting live from the pentagon. hi, jennifer. >> hi, martha. they are facing terrible bureaucracy, delayed social security numbers that are preventing them from working here in the u.s. abdullah worked as a driver at the u.s. embassy in kabul. he took this photo the day he was evacuated. he made it to charlotte, north carolina where he has been living with about 50 afghan families in a motel. he's now restocking grocery shelves at harris teeter. unlike the 124,000 of those airlifted, abdullah has received a social security number. >> they've been sitting in hotel rooms for months on end just waiting for that card to come in that says they're allowed to work. >> a group formed during the evacuation last august but u.s. veterans says unless congress acts, they will fail. they have 1,225 per evacuee to help with those first 90 days. medicaid and food stamps don't kick in without a social security number. nick, another afghan war veteran, described another case of an afghan combat translator named johnny who fox news followed with his wife and three children to north carolina. >> he's had his work visa lost in the mail twice. if we did not provide financial support, if we weren't looking out for him, he would be on the street with no means of feeding his family. do we want them to become successful, productive members of american society or do we want them on the street? do we want them to feel like failures? >> the defense department has announced that they want all of the afghan evacuees off of military bases by february 15. veteran groups are urging congress to act to give them a temporary status and a waiver to work. martha? >> martha: going to have to provide that if they don't want them in no man's land. thanks, jennifer. almost a year ago, president biden took office and 49% of the count through said i'm a democrat. now there's been a historic shift in that measure over the course of that year. democrats have lost seven points in party i.d. and republicans have picked up seven-point advantage in those that say that they are with the grand old party now. former democrat jack brewer on why that may be. >> i'm also a life-long democrat. but i support donald trump. let me be clear, i didn't come here for the popularity or the praise, the likes or the retweets. i'm here as a servant to god, a servant to the people of our nation and servant to our president. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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(car sfx: beep beep) (car sfx: watch for traffic) ...and our most advanced safety system—ever. ♪♪ >> martha: so the gallup polls have gotten attention as they show the biggest shift in party i.d. in decades. democrats have lost seven points in those that say that i consider myself a democrat. republicans have picked up seven points. so that's a 14-point move overall and those that say that they are in the gop now. that's more for the mid tern mill and those that expect a red tsunami. sean duffy a fox news contributor and jack brewer, a life-long democrat that supported president trump, a former nfl player and now a ceo of the brewer group. thanks for being here. jack, you fall into this category in your own personal pattern. you voted for president obama and supported president trump. what made you go from being a democrat to now a republican? >> i never thought i would be this happy to be on the share with sean. but six years later. i'm serious when i say that. six years ago, seven years ago, i started to see something different in our nation and came down to morality for me. when policy affects the moral fabric of a nation. you have to stand up. i was taught as a kid to being democratic meant that you wanted to help the poor, serve your brothers and sisters and do for the ones that don't have. so when i started to see that the policies we're doing are opposite of that and start to understand that whether it's our criminal justice system and our prison that was failing the inmates that they were incarcerating or public schools, what they're doing to the youth. to seeing the black boys dropping out of high school and the rates they were and millions and billions being put into the education system that started to indoctrinate our must underserved. those types of things can't happen to the greatest nation in the world. i had to switch parties for righteousness reasons, whether it was standing up for the word of god, preaching the gospel of jesus christ. i had to say enough is enough. the democratic policies didn't align for what i believe in spiritually. that's why i switched. >> martha: sean, as you listen to what jack brewer has to say and look at the numbers and a former politician and maybe 1 again at some point, how do you read the numbers and what do you see going on in america right now? >> there's a realization that the democrat party is not the party of your grandfather or grandmother. to jack brewer's point, sounds like the democratic party is not a party that celebrates people of faith or the working class. it's a problem. as a former republican legislator, a 14-point swing martha, that is huge in one year's time. if you look at the generic balloting, republicans are oftentimes up five or six points. republicans are even when they're done by four points based on who turns out on election day. so this means a huge wave. this is a tsunami for republicans in the coming election. the problem here has been democrats say they're the party of government but they can't make government work. more and more people realize what ronald reagan used to say. the solution to our problems is not government. government is the problem. i just slaughtered that quote. you know what i'm saying. but people say listen, we have to deal with covid, inflation and crime. we want a strong military to get our men and women out of afghanistan in an effective way. joe biden and democrats have failed on all the issues. they're looking for a new party that can respect their rights, respect parents that have a different opinion in the woke liberal liftists and don't want to be indoctrinated with the left wing ideology. >> martha: jack, i wouldn't be surprised if a number of the elements in that shift are black and hispanic voters going from democrats, republican. we see it in other polls in other places. why do you think that is happening? >> i think donald trump started it. i know for me, when he came out and started making more people aware of what was actually going on in government, breaking down the spending, making folks understand the disproportionate ways our government operates. i think that started to educate a lot of folks. i was ostracized, called names. my family was targeted because i supported donald trump. since then, more and more people have started to support the things that donald trump stands for and more specifically the things that people are seeking righteousness stand for. the educational process is continuing for so many americans. i think this covid-19 pandemic has exposed exactly what is going on with our government and not getting after the root cause. people want you to get at the root cause of issues. the root cause of issues particularly when it comes to minorities and african americans. democrats are at the root of follow thisness. they don't stand against it. people in this nation see that. they want our children all to love this country and love america. >> martha: i don't think anybody can say it better than that exactly. i think about the crime story we covered in the first block and all of the young people that we lost to gangs, the two teens that were just killed in chicago. fatherlessness is something that should be discussed on both sides of the aisle and encouraged across the country. and it's a huge, huge issue in the fabric of the country. >> martha, can i say one thing? let's start talking about this. followthisness is the civil rights issue of our time. >> martha: thanks very much. it's a stable family with two people in charge. thanks very much. good to see you both. we kickoff our special coverage of president biden's you're one with a look at his handling of education, the battle between the teacher's unions and the parents is such a big marking point for 2021. where is it going next year? throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. >> martha: the classroom. never before has so much been at stake and such a political battleground. parents that never attended a school board meeting before are now pouring out their hearts and speaking their minds on issues like crt, covid closures, children suffering at home. white house correspondent peter doocy reports. >> good afternoon, martha. a teacher lives here and per husband has stressed the importance of keeping kids in classroom. >> the child going to school and learning from home. it matters in terms of not just their physical health and mental health. during this pandemic, we've seen how important being in school is for families and for our country. >> but reopenings have been rocky. some parents got protested and got ganged up on by nsba and the education secretary. our colleagues at said -- >> the letter that they wrote is the one that compared angry parents to domestic terrorists. something that the guy in charge of catching domestic terrorists had to step in to clarify. >> sandra: >> like you, i can't imagine any circumstance in which the patriot act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children, nor can i imagine circumstance where they would be labeled as domestic terrorism. >> this was a big issue and turned out to help the republicans in the virginia governor's race. president biden said he knows that schools are one of the things that people right now are upset about uncertain about. martha? >> martha: peter doocy, thank you very much. let's bring in marc thiessen, former speechwriter for president bush and an american enterprise institute scholar. one of the biggest issues and something that the narrative may need to change on as the white house looks to reset. >> yeah, no doubt. look, the biden's education record can be summed up in one sentence. he went after parents but refuses to go after the teacher's unions. the democrats are a wholly owned subsidiary part of the teacher's union. first that cut the vaccination line and demanded that president biden give them $128 billion. biden gave it to them. so what happened when omicron arrived? they shut down the schooled again. not just in chicago. 5,400 schools affecting hundreds of children were shut down in january. did you hear biden say a word criticizing the unions? he said schools should be open. that's fine. everybody agrees with that. did he say to the unions, we gave you $128 billion. you're vaccinated, you're double vaccinated. some of you are boosted. you have all the money we asked for. go and teach. stop shutting down the schools. he did go after parents. when parents showed up at meetings to complain, then all of a sudden they treat them like domestic terrorists and used the fbi to intimidate them. he's more concerned about parents being angry about the unions and what they're doing to the country. >> martha: somebody that played this right is glenn youngkin. here's what he had to say. >> we know when our children don't go to school, it harms their learning and their development. so let me be clear. we must keep our children in school five days a week. >> martha: on that note, marc. thanks very much. he will be back with us today for our special two-hour edition of "the story." bret baier will be here, karl rove. a big story tomorrow. two hours. we'll see you then. >> charles: we're live on capitol hill. senate democrats are trying to save the white house agenda. still trying to bust a football. we'll talk to chuck grassley. that's coming up. first -- the los angeles police department speaking now. let's watch. >> today you're going to hear from honorable councilmember paul carretz and michael

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00 , 500 , Work , Agenda , Reporting , Reset , Politco , Election Reform Looks , Legislation , Debbie Dingell , Spot , Co Chair , House Communications Committee , Terms , We Haven T , Strategy , Infrastructure Bill , Recovery Plan , Kinds , Senators , Majority , Won T Go , Doug Schoen , Votes , Carlie Cooperman , Administration , Focus , Members , Concern , Wrangling , Party , Policies , Voting Groups , Supporters , Success , 28 , Home Covid , Inflation , The Border , Plant , Article , In The House , Chip Legislation , Senate , District , Chip Shortage , Election , Mistake , Doesn T Talk About Inflation , Down , Ron Klain , Support , Communication Strategy , Order , Trips , The Hill , Three , Personnel , Cable News , Staff , Make , Congress , Direction , More , Strength , People Skills , Question , Everywhere , Ability , Husband , Stamina , It , Mind , Weakness , Bills , He Wasn T , Shake , Responsibility , Vocal , Contributor , Aren T , Conversations , Mirror , West Wing , Polls , Deck Chairs , Ways , Relief Bill , Structure , Promise , All Of The Above , Team , 2021 , Approval , Mr , Hispanics , Blacks , Quinnipiac , 33 , Infrastructure , Potholes , Power Grids , Bridge , African Americans , Haven T , Upside , Kits , It Didn T Go To Testing , Covid Relief , Omicron , Test , Parts , Anyone , New Jersey , 80 , Bill Clinton , Pivot , House , Welfare Reform , Speaker , Passage , 1997 , August 1997 , Budget , Politics , Taxes , Ending , Washington Post , Washington , 2002 , Politician , Answer , Phrase , Turn , Billions , Welfare , Bill , Hundreds , Unspent , Businesses , Fantasy World , Indulging , Confidence , Rochelle Walensky , Virus , Forth , On , Cdc , Experts , Car , Someone , Windshield , Vo , Media , Safelite Autoglass , Message , Decompression Zone , Wheels , Four , Service , Technology , Safety Systems , Glass , Camera , Singers , Clients , Money Manager , Naj , Backs , Fiduciary , Fisher Investments , Retirement , Fees , More Delicious , Best , Eggs , Classic , Eggland , Cage Free , Superior Nutrition , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Car Insurance , Limu Emu Squawks , Limu Emu , Limu , Pay , Personal Record , Thirty Four , Tests , Messaging , Orders , Covid Testing , Rochelle Walensky Say , Media Training , Seven , Communication , Home , Doesn , Special Report , Director , Wall , Quote , These , Kid , School , Vaccine , School Districts , Guidelines , Six , Pressure , Crystal Clear , Ro Khanna , Testing , Everyone , Clearer , Changes , Signs , Treatments , We Clearly Weren T Ready For Omicron , South Africa , Didn T Ramp Up Production , Ben Sasse , Staffing Changes , Dr , Fauci , Republicans , Testing Thing , Staff Changes , Whispers , Strange , Trump , Candidate , 2020 , Big Day , Office , Head , Ad , No Doubt , 3 , 5 , Jack Brewer , Shift , Say , Sean Duffy , The Story , Gain , No One , Rates , Veterans , Line , Homeownership , Down Payment , Purchase Loans , Newday , Newday100 Loan , The American Dream , Twos , Payments , Lender , Bank , Newdayusa , 0000 , 615 , 60000 , Nature , Organization , Vitamins , Supplement , Standards , Pharmacist , Vitamin , Quality , Purity , Brand , Usp , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , 7 , Risk , Adults , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Heart Disease , Weight , Events , Heart Attack , Stroke , 12 , I Don T , Don T Take Ozempic , Isn T , Share , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Pens , Reuse , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Reaction , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Lump , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Stop Ozempic , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , 25 , Taking A Closer Look , Evacuees , List , Hi , Tracking , Jennifer Griffin , Pentagon , 124000 , Social Security Numbers , Bureaucracy , Abdullah , Driver , Photo , Embassy , In Kabul , Charlotte , Motel , Grocery Shelves , North Carolina , Harris Teeter , Social Security Number , Card , Hotel Rooms , Group , Evacuation , Don T Kick , Per Evacuee , Food Stamps , Acts , Medicaid , 1225 , 90 , Children , Nick , Named Johnny Who , Work Visa , Combat , War Veteran , Afghan , Mail , Means , We Weren T , Defense Department , Failures , American Society , February 15 , Status , Waiver , No Man S Land , Points , Count , Course , Measure , Party I D , 49 , Advantage , Donald Trump , Servant , Popularity , Retweets , Praise , God , Insurance , Sec , Whistles , Vulture Squawks , Daughter , Liberty , Ancestors , Sam , My Name Is Cherrie , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Gift , Oregon Coast , 76 , 53 , Memory , Click , Puzzle Pieces , Taking Prevagen , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Memories , Car Sfx , Safety System , Traffic , Lexus Nx , Intuitive Tech , Beep , Attention , Gallup , Move , 14 , Tsunami , Ceo , Mid Tern Mill , Nfl , Obama , Pattern , Category , Fabric , Policy , Morality , Poor , Prison , Ones , Inmates , System , Sisters , Criminal Justice , Brothers , Doing , Don T Have , Schools , Millions , High School , Youth , Boys , Types , Parties , Education System , World , Righteousness Reasons , Must , Gospel , Word Of God , Jesus Christ , Policies Didn T Align , Realization , Point , Legislator , Working Class , Grandfather , Grandmother , Faith , Swing , Balloting , Five , Government , Election Day , Wave , Problems , Solution , Ronald Reagan , Parents , Men , Military , Opinion , Wing , Liftists , Don T Want , Wouldn T , Elements , Places , Ideology , Spending , Folks , Names , Ostracized , Righteousness , Process , Pandemic , Cause , Root Cause , 19 , Root , Minorities , Love , Follow Thisness , Fatherlessness , Crime Story , Gangs , Sides , Block , Aisle , We Kickoff , Unions , Teacher , Handling , Investors , Markets , Landscape , Unforeseeable , History , Gold , Asset , Potential , Returns , Path , Music Vo , Psoriasis , Try , Infection , Cosentyx , Fail , Tuberculosis , Hope , Symptoms , Doctor , Crohn S Disease , Dermatologist , Classroom , Battleground , Meeting , Stake , School Board , Peter Doocy , Minds , Hearts , Crt , Learning , Child , Health , Being , Keeping , Importance , Education Secretary , Reopenings , Rocky , Ganged Up On By Nsba , Colleagues , Terrorists , Charge , Letter , Guy , Sandra , Circumstance , Domestic Terrorism , Circumstances , Patriot Act , Marc Thiessen , Governor , Race , Virginia , Bush , American Enterprise Institute Scholar , Narrative , Education Record , Sentence , Vaccination Line , Subsidiary , Teacher S Union , 28 Billion , 128 Billion , Word , Fine , 5400 , Teach , Meetings , Fbi , Somebody , Children Don T Go To School , Development , Glenn Youngkin , Right , Edition , Note , Big Story Tomorrow , Charles , Karl Rove , Football , Capitol Hill , Chuck Grassley , Honorable Councilmember , Michael , Let , Paul Carretz ,

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