Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Ba

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20240709

do you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull connor? do you want to be on the side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis? coming up tennessee center marsha blackburn on the senate vote this coming week as arizona senator christian sentiment takes a stand. >> there is no need for me too restate my long-standing support for the 60 vote threshold to pass legislation. there is no need for me too restate its role protecting our country from wild reversals and federal policy. will policy reverse after the midterm elections? now 296 days away as president trump ramps up his endorsement in hopes of taking the senate majority back as he told us on the program last week. >> mitch mcconnell is a disaster the republicans have to get a new leader. mitch mcconnell allow this to happen the unfree structure i don't call infrastructure it's only 9%. that means you take 91% of the money we are taking is going to be thrown out the window. meanwhile fireworks on capitol hill with anthony fauci refusing to answer any questions but instead changing the subject. >> did you talk with any of those? did you? did you talk to any of the scientists privately? you did? maria: coming up ohio congressman on sheet misleading the american people. plus the media's role in all of this, fighting the media censorship. founder james o'keefe is here with breaking news on fauci and fake news coming up. it is all right here right now on a sunday morning futures. ♪ ♪ maria: but first joe biden bad beat with a slew of major defeats just days before the one-year anniversary of his inauguration. among his failures the filibuster survived which killed election reform. the scotus and blocking the vaccine mandate and inflation at 8:30 nine year high. all the while the president's approval rating plummeting to a record low of 33%. what is this being for his presidency with three more years ago? turning right now is tennessee senator marsha blackburn. she sits on the judiciary and armed services committee senators good to see you this morning thank you very much for being here. what do you want to say is president biden marks his one year in office this coming thursday about the first year end the three years to come? >> well, joe biden is the first president in history to become a lame duck within the first year of his administration. it has been a bad week in about a year, maria look at the supreme court overruling them on the osha mandate. you look at globally what is happening with russia, classics don, you look at the russia ukraine issue, north korea shooting off a missile, china with their daily antics. this plus all that happened on capitol hill with the filibuster, with their election and take over, it is been a very bad week for joe biden. maria: what it does mean for the future? what do these failures tell you about what is to come? and i have a vote this week in the senate can you walk us through what we are going to see on wednesday when chuck schumer pushes through trying to eliminate the filibuster? >> yes indeed. and bear in mind they are trying to eliminate the filibuster to push forward their radical agenda the socialist takeover. but they used the filibuster this week to block a vote on ted cruz sanction bill. very hypocritical. but once again, they are going to tried to do away with the filibuster to blow up the senate so they can blow up the court, so they can blow up our form of government. manchin and cinema have said in no way, shape, form are they going to do that. so then they'll have to use some legislative trickery to move forward their election takeover bill, which would institutionalize ballot harvesting, mail and ballots, it would get rid of voter id and an signature match. they know these radical parties are the only ways they can win strict people some of their rights strip our states of our constitutional authority in order to get the power they want. >> you heard kristen sinema last week to take a stand and say she is against eliminating the filibuster. what is your thought on pushback from jolt manchin and kyrsten sinema right now? are they going to hold firm? rex they are going to hold firm. we as republicans cannot depend on manchin and sinema to do our job. we need to be out there communicating our message that we are the great opportunity party. that we want people to come in and support our policies. that we are going to be there to support security, to fight the crime in the streets, to solve inflation, to solve the supply-chain crisis. all of those issues that people want to see solved right now. and they do not want to hear about the antics and the partisanship, they want things are going to make their life better than going to the grocery store. i went there friday night no lettuce, no salary, no berries, no avocados at my grocery store. people want this solved. i did a telephone town hall last week and 93% of the tens of thousands of people on that call, 93% said inflation is adversely impacting their family budget. this is the action people are wanting to see. they are very frustrated with the biden administration. they know he is weak. they know he is a rudderless. they are very frustrated with the democrat leadership in the senate and the house. maria: so senator i know there's a conversation about trying to convince kyrsten sinema to change parties for there's also a conversation about joe manchin the same thing. what are the odds that kyrsten sinema changes party and leave the democrat party? >> i do not know what those odds would be. but what i do know is this, i am grateful for commonsense democrats. we've got commonsense democrats in tennessee. they are looking at this at democratic party and they are saying my party left me. and i am not welcome there, i do not agree with them. they are beginning to more be more independent minded. they are agreeing with us when it comes to the issues on the economy i had one the other day talk about you miss the policies of donald trump because life is better, their bank account was fuller, they do not want a federal government is going to try to control them. they like 24/7, monitor their bank account, rather small business, and the education of those children. they do not want that. and people are very concerned about what they see happening on the international stage with russia, china, iran, north korea. maria: from economic policies to foreign policy and epic failure year, senator you just mentioned your town hall and all of the inflation worries that people have. we are paying more money for everything and yet joe biden continues to focus on voting rights trying to convince republicans are in the wrong on voting rights. here he is in atlanta on tuesday, listen to this. >> jim crow 2.0 is about too insidious things. voter suppression and election subversion. it's no longer about who gets to vote. it's about making it harder to vote. it's about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all. this is not hyperbole this is a fact. look at, this matters to all of us. the goal the former president allies is disenfranchised anyone who votes against them, simple as that. >> senator he said it's not hyperbole. meanwhile the speech was panned on both sides of the aisle. i want to get your take i want the republicans are going to do about this. because michelle obama just announce your plans to register 1 million new voters ahead of the 2022 midterms. her group is aiming to enlist 100,000 people to contact senators about election laws and recruit thousands of lawyers. so what she claims is protecting voting rights. >> first of all i think manchin, sinema and commonsense democrats that oppose the federal lysing of elections should be very offended by joe biden comparing them to people that are racist. secondly, michelle obama can register all the people she wants, maria, but what she is going to be doing is registering people who are not going to be voting with the democrats. what she is going to be doing is registering people who do not want a socialist takeover of this country. she is registering people who want to see inflation dealt with. and people who are tired of crimes in the streets that are sick of these it defend the police and movements, do not want crp taught in their schools. people who want school choice. people who want equal opportunity for everybody. and so i think that might backfire a little bit on them. maria: said in a row quick before i go, the 2022 beijing olympics now just about three weeks away. what is your number one concern for athletes going there? >> safety and security of those athletes. we know the chinese communist party chose to disappear a tennis player i am very concerned about the safety and security of these athletes and what they may be exposed to while they are there. state art center great to catch up with you thank you very much marsha blackburn to see very soon thank you for your leadership. center to be appreciated. we take a break will come back missouri attorney general eric schmitt is here reacting to the supreme court now ruling that president biden's osha vaccine mandate for companies on thursday is unconstitutional. what the ruling means for the administration's other attempts to circumvent the constitution, coming up. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ ♪ maria: welcome back. the supreme ♪ ♪. maria: welcome back the supreme court delivered two major decisions on thursday voting six -- three to block president biden's vaccine are testable for large companies with 100 employees or more. while they upheld a second requirement for healthcare workers the facilities receiving funds from medicare and medicaid. missouriid was the first state to sue the administration over both of these covid mandates. my next guest argued those cases before the nation's highest court last week. missouri attorney general eric schmitt joins amino ag it's good to see her thanks for being here. give us your reaction to the supreme court rulings. >> it is a big win it's a big win for workers. it's big win for the constitution. it's a big win for rural law ande individual freedom. people should be able to make these decisions themselves without being fired. osha was created to make sure forklift beep when they back up not force the medical procedure on 80 plus million tamericans. until that is a big win. itti also stands for a much larger proposition than these agencies, we cannot let them here.ld you cannot try to fit an elephant and a mouse hole is one of the justices said. we cannot see this much authority that merrick has been the freest country in the history of the world we believe in individualiv rights. we believe we spread out the powerfr among the branches to protect individual freedom and for those reasons i think it's a big win last week in the courts. >> it is interesting. when president biden first came out with that new rule that everybody had to be vaccinated at companies 100 employees or more, ted cruz joined us. the senator told us he thought joe biden knew it was unconstitutional but he just figured he would put itld out there and force companies hand and now you got the biden administration and encouraging businesses to ignore this judgment and enforce the vaccine mandate anyway, what does that say about the lawlessness that we are watching every day out of this administration? >> it should come as no surprise which is why ag's like me and others across the country have fought so hard to protect people's individual rights from a president that fjust wants to bulldoze the separation of powers and not respect the rule of law. by the way this is the same administration that sicking the fbi on parents who are showing up to school board means in this country. it's about power and control it o always has been. it's not about data or science it's about power and control, command and control the left wants to make sure they have an administrative state that issues these edicts and people have to follow.we thankfully we live in the country where the rule of law still matters. the states. the federal government to be a government of limited powers. we'ret going to continue to fight back and push back against this presidentnt who does not respect the rule of law. >> i want to get your take to the court voting five -- four to uphold the requirements for healthcare workers at facilities that are receiving medicare and medicaid funds. what if anything can be done about that? and why do you think justices roberts and kavanaugh joined the three liberal judges on that one? >> that is hard to explain. i would say this, that fight is not overpaid were going to continue to fight back on that pay what they essentially did was send it back to little lower court for further briefing on the merits this is about the temporary halt there whether or not those going to remain. the going to send it back on that merits were going to fight back really hard lookk we know a lot more about this than when the emergency rule was issued a few months ago. the other thing that's true too, one of the justices mentioned she did not know much about rural america book here in flyover country, here in missouri in the heart of the heartland there are rural hospitals that are going to right got labor issues of course the medical field. rural hospitals are going to close rural nursing homes are going to close. that brother, husband, father, grandfather that has dimensions going to get move now to a facility he is unfamiliar with. it is a fight about making sure people can get the care they need they do not have to travel hundreds of miles that fight is not over were going to continue to push back on that as our those are further briefed in the eighth circuit and other places. >> justice clarence c thomas, he reacted to this going to play that soundbite when we come back. we'll finish for a break but i wanted to get your take on what this was really about. was this all a pr stunt to distract from the administration's own incompetency? remember it happened right after the afghanistan a botched withdrawal part will talk about that. quick break i'm talking with the 8g of missouri, eric schmitt. we'll be right back. and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> the people of a country, of our country absolutely >> the people of our country absolutely in despair over what happened under president biden's leadership, lack of leadership and afghanistan. for them to come up with this mandate after joe biden said were not going to do with the white house spokes person said we do not have the legal authority to do it, i will tell you you look at the timing on this is very, very questionable. maria: the timing is what senatorl brought up on this program last month questioning the real motivation behind vaccine at mattapan back with the ag of missouri, eric schmitt pretty also question the timing of the mandates and why he circumvented congress and put it all on osha which does not have such legislative authority. >> and know and i think that is exactly right. you think back here joe biden taken us off the table part he said many times he was not going to have a vaccine mandate. afghanistan happened which is perhaps the worst foreign policy disaster in generations. a betrayal of the american soldier. immediately after that to change the narrative he announced the vaccine mandates which are clearly unconstitutional, lawful and whitere they greeted us in court last week. it was a distraction and a cynical one at that. the american people deserve better. it's ever been about the policy about power and control is going to be forward administratively charge the deputy secretary there will be a midterm variant watch coming and administrative agencies. the goodness is states arear going to continue to fight back to protect individuals rights and help save this country. maria: i think you're right about that midterm election variant. it is a great points. let me get your take on what many states right now are investigating, several states investigating a surge in mortality rates for people aged 18 -- 49. this story really struck me, a majority of which are not linked to covid. there is a mortality rate dropping for people 18 -- 49 and 2021. deaths among 18 -- 49 -year-olds are 40% in the last 12 months m ending october 21. what can you tell us have you looked at this? >> look i think you look at opioid deaths which is why we are working so hard to make sure we are holding those opioid manufacturers accountable for what they did to get the resources to people who need it. a lot of this is the folks in powers in d.c. are more interested in their cocktail parties than the real challenges facing real america. i think these covid tyrants and c their policies the repercussions for mental health particularly among young people now too. forced masking of five -year-olds and teenagers, all of the isolation. the loss of learningic there are real consequences to the policies the folks in washington d.c. are moving forward with. sadly the mortality rate has become a challenge because were not focused on the right things we are focused on politicizing these things and joe biden saving face. >> let's not forget the white openen border and all of the fentanyl coming in a record number of illicit narcotics coming into the country 100,000 deaths by young people in the last year largely due to fentanyl. that is an issue. but before you go, i've got toom ask about your upcoming race. you are running for the u.s. senate in missouri. your race has been flagged as one of the key ten races that could determine control of the senate. tell me what is at stake as we take a look at the senate races were president trump has been endorsing candidates to try to ensure the gop not just takes the house majority but the senate as well. >> look at is a 50/50 senate per there's a lot at stake here the future of the senate never going to have a majority runs right to the show me state. you look and see what's happening in washington d.c. right now, maria, if at the democrats control the levers of power want to federalize our elections, add states of the union, pack the supreme court, we need proven conservative fighters that are going to go up there and stand for the rule of law for this couple candidates in the race quite frankly take it from a top ten to a top-five race but we cannot lose the seat. we need folks were going to fight spray that it's been my record stood by president trump the america first agenda. i've taken a blowtorch of this biden agenda and we are winning we need reinforcements right now washington d.c. to save america i'm very grateful for the support of that record fundraising support from missourians, we are going to continue too fight back and again take that same fighting spirit to the united states senate. >> a lot of hot races to watch facebook with david mccormick last week on my foxbusiness program, mornings with maria. you try to get that senate seat in pennsylvania as is doctor osbert will be following at all, it's good to see you thank you very much eric schmitt joining us this morning for missouri. quick break and then live lockdowns andn liability. congressman jim jordan is here on president biden's covenant in strategy one year into his administration. then the 8 million-dollar question, did doctor fauci paint scientist to cover up the origins of covid? we will show you the e-mails under fire this morning, stay with us. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. ♪ >> they told us it didn't come from if a has been, it was >> they told us it did not come from a lab it was not given a function research is only 15 days of slow the spread they told us masks work that goes with the federal plan joe biden said that himself. they've told us there would never be a vaccine mandate were they told vaccinate people get vaccinated cannot get the virus. the vaccinated cannot transmit thee virus and they told us there is no such thing as a natural immunity. think about this, think about this, at the same time democrats require you to put on a mask, show your papers and an id to get a big. >> atey mcdonald's, they want to allow the federal government to stop states from requiring a photo id. >> is time to vote. >> is ohio congressman jim jordanni criticizing the bite administration for misleading the american people the congressman is the ranking member of the house judiciary committee and he joins me now part congressmante it's good to see you, thanks very much for being g here. i want to get right into the biden covid strategy because there are more americans are dead from covid on his watch than the prior year. your reaction to why they continue to mislead the american people? >> i think the attorney general from missouri had it right it's about power and control it certainly not about the science but is not about thee truth, it's not about the fact it's about power and control. it is just one more thing that they have done wrong but frankly i don't know that they've done anything right. had his approval rating at 33% think the real question is, who are these 33%? who are the people who think he is doing a good job? they havek a messed up every single thing. you think about the message they are sending to families particularly in urban areas where they are saying were not going to let your kids go to school berlin let bad guys from the street and by they were also going to let illegal immigrants vote but that's the message they are sending nos wonder no one approves of what this administration is doing. maria: i want to get to the letter you sent in a moment. but first you mentioned the other day that representatives on the floor of the house were getting masks made by china. i want to get your take on this whole chinese component hereea. this made it very clear it wants to overtake the united states as a number-one superpower. we know all is circumstantial evidence points to a lab leak out of wuhan. and yet joe biden has yet to raise any of this for phone calls with the leader of the chinese communist party. >> again, just another example of how weak this administration's. contrasted to president trump at president trump was a first president to truly stand up to china. to take the fight to china as they were not going to tolerate all the things you're doing international trade. are going to stand up and project strength from the oval office. now you have joe biden we get masks from china. i always go back to early on in the administration when our secretary of state was in anchorage, alaska meeting with his c counterpart in the treatment that secretary blinked and allowed the chinese, the lecture he got that would never happen to mike pompeo and a president trump administration. first they would not of tried it and maria if they did do it, mike would've got up and flip the table over and said you do notot talk to the greatest nation in history that way we are the united states of america were notny going to tolerate that but tony blinken just sat there and took it. again it's the overall picture in fact there is a weakness now being projected from the oval office. it's frankly dangerous is not good for the country. maria: so you sent a letter, to secretary, what do you want here? are you going to investigate anthony for fauci should you take control and the majority of the house? >> yes we definitely are, represented coburn myself senator paul, et cetera johnson myself at the american people put us back in charge were deathly going to do this. we now know without a doubt the doctor found she knew on january 31 and february 1 that this thing came from a lab or the top scientists in thewe country were saying it came from a lab. one scientist hasn't got the notes now from a conferencewe call on february 1. one scientist is i don't see h how this could happen the neighbor but is easy to do elaborate in the matter of days they changed their position the article that appears in nature medicine magazine which think it's cited in the nowhi famous letter that became the gospel for the fact that fauci can go out until people did not come from a lab when in fact they knew it did. the interesting thing is, we point this out we just learned this last week, the two doctors that were most adamant this thing came from a lab early on one is doctor christian anderson are generally 31st 2020 he says this to dr. fauci in an e-mail he has virus looks engineered, virus not consistent with evolutionary theory. so i he knew it came from a lab but they change their position and a few months later guess what, they get $8.9 million grant both him and doctor gary at the guyap said it could not happen naturally. they change their position and get an $8.9 million grant from dr. fauci. >> we are look at the time line right now. it was february 21 scientists warned of fauci and on a call that cove 19 may have leaked from the wuhanf institute of virology. thath, a month later in march he signs gary signs his name to a paper it c says cove 19 is not a laboratory or purposely manipulated virus. we go on to lookt at april workarounds e-mails fauci about a fox news report that says multiple sources believe covid originated at the wuhan lab and asks if the nih can help put down this very destructive conspiracy. we follow on this timeline as you see on your screen, april 2020 fauci responds saying it is a shiny object that will go away. and then in may of 2020, five she nih awards the $8.9 million grant money that you are a referring to from the nih. connect the dots here. was he paying off people to say the narrative he wanted said? and is he>> protecting? >> we do not know for sure but all we know that fact seems to suggest that m very point. they sit comes from a lab, that is where the evidence points but suddenly changes they switch 180 degrees, write the article, dr. fauci then uses the article to go out until the country, to tell the american people frankly the world no, no, no it did not come from a lab. the big take away i have is this is the pattern we seen from the biden administration from the left. this is the template they use but frankly we sought this past week the department of education actually went to the national school board association, asked them to ssend them the letter so they have the pretext to go do what they want to do. mainly attacked moms, dads, parents running up the school board meetings. jimm coming to the same thing frankly a few years ago he knew the dossier was bogus but that was the pretext for him to go do what he wanted to do which was to spy on president trump's campaign. pouch of the same thing in my judgment. he got the letter written by the very scientist in this thing came from a lab, change the position they write the letter fauci uses that letter as a basis for saying no, no, no you arezy crazy if you believe this this is a conspiracy theory. he would after brett barron fox news for goodness sake. this is how bad the left is in a goes right back to what the attorney general just said. it's about power, it's about control, and it is as wrong as wrong as it can be. maria: they do not want you to look atea any of this. instead they are focusing on their voting bill perhaps to stay in power for the democrats as long as possible and generous six report before you go, leader kevin mccarthy says he will not cooperate with the january 6 to probe the committee also asked to meet with you to discuss your communications with president trump. you signed to the january 6 the ranking member smith letter for asking for evidence you haveel not gotten an answer. what can you tell us? >> what first of all i think anyone with common sense to be reluctant to go talk to this committee. they've already proven they will alter evidence in life to the american people about it. got to question but they are up to wheno they prove they will do that. and second, i think everyone in the. country sees this as an political operation. they do not want him to run again. president trump i think is going to run again i think is going to win. that is what this is designed to do. as you rightly point out, maria maria they will not look at the one person the speaker the house and her responsibility. the chairman of the committee is basically said she is off limits and she is the one responsible for the security of the united stateses capitol. state aren't congressmen good to see this morning thank you very much be watching all of these developments as joe biden marks one year in the white house this thursday. we will take a break and see you soon sir, thank you so much congressman. coming up we can to the deep dive on anthony fauci with james o'keefe with a never seen before documents that will proveie doctor fact sheet lied to thefu american people about gain of function research and potentially life saving research. that is next. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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>> so again senator it really pains me to just point out to the american public how absolutely incorrect you are. what came out last night was a grant that was submitted, then it distorted and said we funded the grant. we have never seen that grant. and we have never funded that 'sgrant. >> let's get to the bottom of those doctor anthony fauci on tuesday but once again changing the subject to mislead after kansas senator roger marshall asked him about documents that revealed his agency green lit gain of function research in wuhan china. and at sites across the country in the united states the spite the department of defense rejecting the same study over safety concerns gain of function research. james o'keefe is the founder of project he's committed to exposing corruption at the highest levels of government and media his latest book hits bookstores on generate 25th and we are happy to have him ahead of that release, james good morning to you thanks very much for being here. >> good morning maria. maria: tells about the documents that were just referenced in the hearing. what do they tell us? >> well, eagle health alliance approached the departmenthe of defense for this funding on the gain of function. and it was rejected over safety concerns which flies in direct opposition to anthony fauci she's a testimony. so we had a source come to us with these documents written by a marine corps major joe murphy is his name. he reached out to that marine corps major for comment and all of this was mentioned inon the hearing, fact sheet mention the project by name but was rejected the proposal because it was too risky for they cited safety concerns. the question remains why it didn'tai fauci should proceed with that gain of function research under niaid when the department of defense thought it was too risky. fauci also seemed to corroborate the authenticity of the documents in the hearing but he sort of change the subject and deflected obviouslyou the two grants would not have been identical parade there are a lot of questions here at factories in the hot seat after the story that came out on monday. >> so, so how could he sit there under oath and say the documents were distorted, connect the dots for us. >> well it could be a deflection because the grant that was presented by eagle health alliance may not have been identical to the one that fauci proceeded with under niaid for this no question these documents are real, maria, we corroborated them that marine corps major gave a statement on the record this is a former fellow. the documents are one 100% authentic. people can pull into question memory court major who wrote them, but there really is an inconsistency here. we've had members of congress also united states senator ron johnson has writtenef a letter to the department of defense for a lot of questions here remain unanswered. the project is going to be doing more reporting on this and the mirroring court major who gave us the statement again the marine corps major was not the source of these documents but he authored them. he has said t there are more people on the inside that are going to be coming out. of course it maria there's nowhere else for these people to go for they cannot go to post", theyton cannot go into any of the large media corporations they are busy defending fauci. really one of the only places they can go that's who the whistleblowers go in that time he got the information. >> we have been reporting as well on the administrations really censoring of important drugs to treat covid. we do not understand why they have been censored but also dr. fauci has reported 10 million-dollar portfolio includes chinese companies pretty want to talk about that. let's take a shortrt break. i do not know how fat she can maintain this and we already know the nih admitted they had in fact funded gain of functionmo research. stay with us james, more with you after the short break. inflammation in your eye might be to blame. let's kick ken's ache and burn into gear! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those drops will probably pass right by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what's that? 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does it mean to give him that leaders the wrong conclusion we give them true information is a problem journalism today. the defamation lawsuit i talk about how to do the and the american muckraker. james, senator ron johnson was with me last week. he talked about what's a real scandal in his eyes they've got approved generic drug that safe. it's remarkable on these drugs there is censored by big tech and media. in effect the american public believes you're not supposed to treat covid at all just go and suck it up and isolate for two weeks. >> another example, maria, right on the point is run two stories on pfizer in the last few months. one of which was a scientist at kaiser this is his words not mine. saying the antibodies were stronger than their own vaccine. and of that whistleblower within pfizer came with this, melissa was her name heard she exposed documents whether senior directors telling people not to share certain information with the audience these are certain statements within the pharmaceutical companies that we are banned from twitter for misinformation to quote joe biden buried what is it mean exactly what does the term meanan anymore? it means we don't trust the people with the truth. sweet alright will leave it there james good to have it this month thanks very much james o'keefe joining us they'll do it for us on sunday morning futures have a great morning watches again at 3:00 p.m. eastern will see again at mornings with maria, have a great day with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. finally. our honeymoon. it took awhile, but at least we got a great deal on our hotel with kayak. i was afraid we wouldn't go.. with our divorce and.... great divorce guys. yeah... search 100s of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. the fa identify the set of texas synagogue 44-year-old british citizen was killed by law enforcement last night when fbi rescue team stormed the synagogue and let the hostages to freedom. hello everyone welcome to fox news live. hi erica. >> hello everyone thank you for joining us i am eric shawn. investigators say that suspect told the rabbi and three others for hours yesterday at the congregation bethl

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One , 30 , 8 , Record , Presidency , Being , Approval Rating , Low , Three , 33 , Senators , Office , Judiciary , End , Armed Services Committee , Administration , History , Duck , Mandate , North Korea , Russia , Osha , Russia Ukraine Issue , Classics Don , Election , Antics , Communist China , Missile , Vote , Takeover , Agenda , Mind , Bear , Chuck Schumer , Sanction Bill , Ted Cruz , Government , Way , Form , Jolt Manchin , Cinema , Shape , Mail , Voter Id , Election Takeover Bill , Ballots , Ballot Harvesting , Trickery , Parties , States , Rights , Signature Match , Ways , Power , Authority , Kristen Sinema , Thought , Order , Pushback , Job , Kyrsten Sinema , On Manchin , Republicans Cannot , Policies , Security , Message , Opportunity Party , Streets , Crime , Supply Chain Crisis , Things , Life , Grocery Store , Lettuce , Partisanship , Avocados , Salary , Berries , Call , Thousands , Tens , Telephone Town Hall , 93 , Leadership , House , Rudderless , Democrat , Family Budget 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20240709

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do you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull connor? do you want to be on the side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis? coming up tennessee center marsha blackburn on the senate vote this coming week as arizona senator christian sentiment takes a stand. >> there is no need for me too restate my long-standing support for the 60 vote threshold to pass legislation. there is no need for me too restate its role protecting our country from wild reversals and federal policy. will policy reverse after the midterm elections? now 296 days away as president trump ramps up his endorsement in hopes of taking the senate majority back as he told us on the program last week. >> mitch mcconnell is a disaster the republicans have to get a new leader. mitch mcconnell allow this to happen the unfree structure i don't call infrastructure it's only 9%. that means you take 91% of the money we are taking is going to be thrown out the window. meanwhile fireworks on capitol hill with anthony fauci refusing to answer any questions but instead changing the subject. >> did you talk with any of those? did you? did you talk to any of the scientists privately? you did? maria: coming up ohio congressman on sheet misleading the american people. plus the media's role in all of this, fighting the media censorship. founder james o'keefe is here with breaking news on fauci and fake news coming up. it is all right here right now on a sunday morning futures. ♪ ♪ maria: but first joe biden bad beat with a slew of major defeats just days before the one-year anniversary of his inauguration. among his failures the filibuster survived which killed election reform. the scotus and blocking the vaccine mandate and inflation at 8:30 nine year high. all the while the president's approval rating plummeting to a record low of 33%. what is this being for his presidency with three more years ago? turning right now is tennessee senator marsha blackburn. she sits on the judiciary and armed services committee senators good to see you this morning thank you very much for being here. what do you want to say is president biden marks his one year in office this coming thursday about the first year end the three years to come? >> well, joe biden is the first president in history to become a lame duck within the first year of his administration. it has been a bad week in about a year, maria look at the supreme court overruling them on the osha mandate. you look at globally what is happening with russia, classics don, you look at the russia ukraine issue, north korea shooting off a missile, china with their daily antics. this plus all that happened on capitol hill with the filibuster, with their election and take over, it is been a very bad week for joe biden. maria: what it does mean for the future? what do these failures tell you about what is to come? and i have a vote this week in the senate can you walk us through what we are going to see on wednesday when chuck schumer pushes through trying to eliminate the filibuster? >> yes indeed. and bear in mind they are trying to eliminate the filibuster to push forward their radical agenda the socialist takeover. but they used the filibuster this week to block a vote on ted cruz sanction bill. very hypocritical. but once again, they are going to tried to do away with the filibuster to blow up the senate so they can blow up the court, so they can blow up our form of government. manchin and cinema have said in no way, shape, form are they going to do that. so then they'll have to use some legislative trickery to move forward their election takeover bill, which would institutionalize ballot harvesting, mail and ballots, it would get rid of voter id and an signature match. they know these radical parties are the only ways they can win strict people some of their rights strip our states of our constitutional authority in order to get the power they want. >> you heard kristen sinema last week to take a stand and say she is against eliminating the filibuster. what is your thought on pushback from jolt manchin and kyrsten sinema right now? are they going to hold firm? rex they are going to hold firm. we as republicans cannot depend on manchin and sinema to do our job. we need to be out there communicating our message that we are the great opportunity party. that we want people to come in and support our policies. that we are going to be there to support security, to fight the crime in the streets, to solve inflation, to solve the supply-chain crisis. all of those issues that people want to see solved right now. and they do not want to hear about the antics and the partisanship, they want things are going to make their life better than going to the grocery store. i went there friday night no lettuce, no salary, no berries, no avocados at my grocery store. people want this solved. i did a telephone town hall last week and 93% of the tens of thousands of people on that call, 93% said inflation is adversely impacting their family budget. this is the action people are wanting to see. they are very frustrated with the biden administration. they know he is weak. they know he is a rudderless. they are very frustrated with the democrat leadership in the senate and the house. maria: so senator i know there's a conversation about trying to convince kyrsten sinema to change parties for there's also a conversation about joe manchin the same thing. what are the odds that kyrsten sinema changes party and leave the democrat party? >> i do not know what those odds would be. but what i do know is this, i am grateful for commonsense democrats. we've got commonsense democrats in tennessee. they are looking at this at democratic party and they are saying my party left me. and i am not welcome there, i do not agree with them. they are beginning to more be more independent minded. they are agreeing with us when it comes to the issues on the economy i had one the other day talk about you miss the policies of donald trump because life is better, their bank account was fuller, they do not want a federal government is going to try to control them. they like 24/7, monitor their bank account, rather small business, and the education of those children. they do not want that. and people are very concerned about what they see happening on the international stage with russia, china, iran, north korea. maria: from economic policies to foreign policy and epic failure year, senator you just mentioned your town hall and all of the inflation worries that people have. we are paying more money for everything and yet joe biden continues to focus on voting rights trying to convince republicans are in the wrong on voting rights. here he is in atlanta on tuesday, listen to this. >> jim crow 2.0 is about too insidious things. voter suppression and election subversion. it's no longer about who gets to vote. it's about making it harder to vote. it's about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all. this is not hyperbole this is a fact. look at, this matters to all of us. the goal the former president allies is disenfranchised anyone who votes against them, simple as that. >> senator he said it's not hyperbole. meanwhile the speech was panned on both sides of the aisle. i want to get your take i want the republicans are going to do about this. because michelle obama just announce your plans to register 1 million new voters ahead of the 2022 midterms. her group is aiming to enlist 100,000 people to contact senators about election laws and recruit thousands of lawyers. so what she claims is protecting voting rights. >> first of all i think manchin, sinema and commonsense democrats that oppose the federal lysing of elections should be very offended by joe biden comparing them to people that are racist. secondly, michelle obama can register all the people she wants, maria, but what she is going to be doing is registering people who are not going to be voting with the democrats. what she is going to be doing is registering people who do not want a socialist takeover of this country. she is registering people who want to see inflation dealt with. and people who are tired of crimes in the streets that are sick of these it defend the police and movements, do not want crp taught in their schools. people who want school choice. people who want equal opportunity for everybody. and so i think that might backfire a little bit on them. maria: said in a row quick before i go, the 2022 beijing olympics now just about three weeks away. what is your number one concern for athletes going there? >> safety and security of those athletes. we know the chinese communist party chose to disappear a tennis player i am very concerned about the safety and security of these athletes and what they may be exposed to while they are there. state art center great to catch up with you thank you very much marsha blackburn to see very soon thank you for your leadership. center to be appreciated. we take a break will come back missouri attorney general eric schmitt is here reacting to the supreme court now ruling that president biden's osha vaccine mandate for companies on thursday is unconstitutional. what the ruling means for the administration's other attempts to circumvent the constitution, coming up. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ ♪ maria: welcome back. the supreme ♪ ♪. maria: welcome back the supreme court delivered two major decisions on thursday voting six -- three to block president biden's vaccine are testable for large companies with 100 employees or more. while they upheld a second requirement for healthcare workers the facilities receiving funds from medicare and medicaid. missouriid was the first state to sue the administration over both of these covid mandates. my next guest argued those cases before the nation's highest court last week. missouri attorney general eric schmitt joins amino ag it's good to see her thanks for being here. give us your reaction to the supreme court rulings. >> it is a big win it's a big win for workers. it's big win for the constitution. it's a big win for rural law ande individual freedom. people should be able to make these decisions themselves without being fired. osha was created to make sure forklift beep when they back up not force the medical procedure on 80 plus million tamericans. until that is a big win. itti also stands for a much larger proposition than these agencies, we cannot let them here.ld you cannot try to fit an elephant and a mouse hole is one of the justices said. we cannot see this much authority that merrick has been the freest country in the history of the world we believe in individualiv rights. we believe we spread out the powerfr among the branches to protect individual freedom and for those reasons i think it's a big win last week in the courts. >> it is interesting. when president biden first came out with that new rule that everybody had to be vaccinated at companies 100 employees or more, ted cruz joined us. the senator told us he thought joe biden knew it was unconstitutional but he just figured he would put itld out there and force companies hand and now you got the biden administration and encouraging businesses to ignore this judgment and enforce the vaccine mandate anyway, what does that say about the lawlessness that we are watching every day out of this administration? >> it should come as no surprise which is why ag's like me and others across the country have fought so hard to protect people's individual rights from a president that fjust wants to bulldoze the separation of powers and not respect the rule of law. by the way this is the same administration that sicking the fbi on parents who are showing up to school board means in this country. it's about power and control it o always has been. it's not about data or science it's about power and control, command and control the left wants to make sure they have an administrative state that issues these edicts and people have to follow.we thankfully we live in the country where the rule of law still matters. the states. the federal government to be a government of limited powers. we'ret going to continue to fight back and push back against this presidentnt who does not respect the rule of law. >> i want to get your take to the court voting five -- four to uphold the requirements for healthcare workers at facilities that are receiving medicare and medicaid funds. what if anything can be done about that? and why do you think justices roberts and kavanaugh joined the three liberal judges on that one? >> that is hard to explain. i would say this, that fight is not overpaid were going to continue to fight back on that pay what they essentially did was send it back to little lower court for further briefing on the merits this is about the temporary halt there whether or not those going to remain. the going to send it back on that merits were going to fight back really hard lookk we know a lot more about this than when the emergency rule was issued a few months ago. the other thing that's true too, one of the justices mentioned she did not know much about rural america book here in flyover country, here in missouri in the heart of the heartland there are rural hospitals that are going to right got labor issues of course the medical field. rural hospitals are going to close rural nursing homes are going to close. that brother, husband, father, grandfather that has dimensions going to get move now to a facility he is unfamiliar with. it is a fight about making sure people can get the care they need they do not have to travel hundreds of miles that fight is not over were going to continue to push back on that as our those are further briefed in the eighth circuit and other places. >> justice clarence c thomas, he reacted to this going to play that soundbite when we come back. we'll finish for a break but i wanted to get your take on what this was really about. was this all a pr stunt to distract from the administration's own incompetency? remember it happened right after the afghanistan a botched withdrawal part will talk about that. quick break i'm talking with the 8g of missouri, eric schmitt. we'll be right back. and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> the people of a country, of our country absolutely >> the people of our country absolutely in despair over what happened under president biden's leadership, lack of leadership and afghanistan. for them to come up with this mandate after joe biden said were not going to do with the white house spokes person said we do not have the legal authority to do it, i will tell you you look at the timing on this is very, very questionable. maria: the timing is what senatorl brought up on this program last month questioning the real motivation behind vaccine at mattapan back with the ag of missouri, eric schmitt pretty also question the timing of the mandates and why he circumvented congress and put it all on osha which does not have such legislative authority. >> and know and i think that is exactly right. you think back here joe biden taken us off the table part he said many times he was not going to have a vaccine mandate. afghanistan happened which is perhaps the worst foreign policy disaster in generations. a betrayal of the american soldier. immediately after that to change the narrative he announced the vaccine mandates which are clearly unconstitutional, lawful and whitere they greeted us in court last week. it was a distraction and a cynical one at that. the american people deserve better. it's ever been about the policy about power and control is going to be forward administratively charge the deputy secretary there will be a midterm variant watch coming and administrative agencies. the goodness is states arear going to continue to fight back to protect individuals rights and help save this country. maria: i think you're right about that midterm election variant. it is a great points. let me get your take on what many states right now are investigating, several states investigating a surge in mortality rates for people aged 18 -- 49. this story really struck me, a majority of which are not linked to covid. there is a mortality rate dropping for people 18 -- 49 and 2021. deaths among 18 -- 49 -year-olds are 40% in the last 12 months m ending october 21. what can you tell us have you looked at this? >> look i think you look at opioid deaths which is why we are working so hard to make sure we are holding those opioid manufacturers accountable for what they did to get the resources to people who need it. a lot of this is the folks in powers in d.c. are more interested in their cocktail parties than the real challenges facing real america. i think these covid tyrants and c their policies the repercussions for mental health particularly among young people now too. forced masking of five -year-olds and teenagers, all of the isolation. the loss of learningic there are real consequences to the policies the folks in washington d.c. are moving forward with. sadly the mortality rate has become a challenge because were not focused on the right things we are focused on politicizing these things and joe biden saving face. >> let's not forget the white openen border and all of the fentanyl coming in a record number of illicit narcotics coming into the country 100,000 deaths by young people in the last year largely due to fentanyl. that is an issue. but before you go, i've got toom ask about your upcoming race. you are running for the u.s. senate in missouri. your race has been flagged as one of the key ten races that could determine control of the senate. tell me what is at stake as we take a look at the senate races were president trump has been endorsing candidates to try to ensure the gop not just takes the house majority but the senate as well. >> look at is a 50/50 senate per there's a lot at stake here the future of the senate never going to have a majority runs right to the show me state. you look and see what's happening in washington d.c. right now, maria, if at the democrats control the levers of power want to federalize our elections, add states of the union, pack the supreme court, we need proven conservative fighters that are going to go up there and stand for the rule of law for this couple candidates in the race quite frankly take it from a top ten to a top-five race but we cannot lose the seat. we need folks were going to fight spray that it's been my record stood by president trump the america first agenda. i've taken a blowtorch of this biden agenda and we are winning we need reinforcements right now washington d.c. to save america i'm very grateful for the support of that record fundraising support from missourians, we are going to continue too fight back and again take that same fighting spirit to the united states senate. >> a lot of hot races to watch facebook with david mccormick last week on my foxbusiness program, mornings with maria. you try to get that senate seat in pennsylvania as is doctor osbert will be following at all, it's good to see you thank you very much eric schmitt joining us this morning for missouri. quick break and then live lockdowns andn liability. congressman jim jordan is here on president biden's covenant in strategy one year into his administration. then the 8 million-dollar question, did doctor fauci paint scientist to cover up the origins of covid? we will show you the e-mails under fire this morning, stay with us. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. ♪ >> they told us it didn't come from if a has been, it was >> they told us it did not come from a lab it was not given a function research is only 15 days of slow the spread they told us masks work that goes with the federal plan joe biden said that himself. they've told us there would never be a vaccine mandate were they told vaccinate people get vaccinated cannot get the virus. the vaccinated cannot transmit thee virus and they told us there is no such thing as a natural immunity. think about this, think about this, at the same time democrats require you to put on a mask, show your papers and an id to get a big. >> atey mcdonald's, they want to allow the federal government to stop states from requiring a photo id. >> is time to vote. >> is ohio congressman jim jordanni criticizing the bite administration for misleading the american people the congressman is the ranking member of the house judiciary committee and he joins me now part congressmante it's good to see you, thanks very much for being g here. i want to get right into the biden covid strategy because there are more americans are dead from covid on his watch than the prior year. your reaction to why they continue to mislead the american people? >> i think the attorney general from missouri had it right it's about power and control it certainly not about the science but is not about thee truth, it's not about the fact it's about power and control. it is just one more thing that they have done wrong but frankly i don't know that they've done anything right. had his approval rating at 33% think the real question is, who are these 33%? who are the people who think he is doing a good job? they havek a messed up every single thing. you think about the message they are sending to families particularly in urban areas where they are saying were not going to let your kids go to school berlin let bad guys from the street and by they were also going to let illegal immigrants vote but that's the message they are sending nos wonder no one approves of what this administration is doing. maria: i want to get to the letter you sent in a moment. but first you mentioned the other day that representatives on the floor of the house were getting masks made by china. i want to get your take on this whole chinese component hereea. this made it very clear it wants to overtake the united states as a number-one superpower. we know all is circumstantial evidence points to a lab leak out of wuhan. and yet joe biden has yet to raise any of this for phone calls with the leader of the chinese communist party. >> again, just another example of how weak this administration's. contrasted to president trump at president trump was a first president to truly stand up to china. to take the fight to china as they were not going to tolerate all the things you're doing international trade. are going to stand up and project strength from the oval office. now you have joe biden we get masks from china. i always go back to early on in the administration when our secretary of state was in anchorage, alaska meeting with his c counterpart in the treatment that secretary blinked and allowed the chinese, the lecture he got that would never happen to mike pompeo and a president trump administration. first they would not of tried it and maria if they did do it, mike would've got up and flip the table over and said you do notot talk to the greatest nation in history that way we are the united states of america were notny going to tolerate that but tony blinken just sat there and took it. again it's the overall picture in fact there is a weakness now being projected from the oval office. it's frankly dangerous is not good for the country. maria: so you sent a letter, to secretary, what do you want here? are you going to investigate anthony for fauci should you take control and the majority of the house? >> yes we definitely are, represented coburn myself senator paul, et cetera johnson myself at the american people put us back in charge were deathly going to do this. we now know without a doubt the doctor found she knew on january 31 and february 1 that this thing came from a lab or the top scientists in thewe country were saying it came from a lab. one scientist hasn't got the notes now from a conferencewe call on february 1. one scientist is i don't see h how this could happen the neighbor but is easy to do elaborate in the matter of days they changed their position the article that appears in nature medicine magazine which think it's cited in the nowhi famous letter that became the gospel for the fact that fauci can go out until people did not come from a lab when in fact they knew it did. the interesting thing is, we point this out we just learned this last week, the two doctors that were most adamant this thing came from a lab early on one is doctor christian anderson are generally 31st 2020 he says this to dr. fauci in an e-mail he has virus looks engineered, virus not consistent with evolutionary theory. so i he knew it came from a lab but they change their position and a few months later guess what, they get $8.9 million grant both him and doctor gary at the guyap said it could not happen naturally. they change their position and get an $8.9 million grant from dr. fauci. >> we are look at the time line right now. it was february 21 scientists warned of fauci and on a call that cove 19 may have leaked from the wuhanf institute of virology. thath, a month later in march he signs gary signs his name to a paper it c says cove 19 is not a laboratory or purposely manipulated virus. we go on to lookt at april workarounds e-mails fauci about a fox news report that says multiple sources believe covid originated at the wuhan lab and asks if the nih can help put down this very destructive conspiracy. we follow on this timeline as you see on your screen, april 2020 fauci responds saying it is a shiny object that will go away. and then in may of 2020, five she nih awards the $8.9 million grant money that you are a referring to from the nih. connect the dots here. was he paying off people to say the narrative he wanted said? and is he>> protecting? >> we do not know for sure but all we know that fact seems to suggest that m very point. they sit comes from a lab, that is where the evidence points but suddenly changes they switch 180 degrees, write the article, dr. fauci then uses the article to go out until the country, to tell the american people frankly the world no, no, no it did not come from a lab. the big take away i have is this is the pattern we seen from the biden administration from the left. this is the template they use but frankly we sought this past week the department of education actually went to the national school board association, asked them to ssend them the letter so they have the pretext to go do what they want to do. mainly attacked moms, dads, parents running up the school board meetings. jimm coming to the same thing frankly a few years ago he knew the dossier was bogus but that was the pretext for him to go do what he wanted to do which was to spy on president trump's campaign. pouch of the same thing in my judgment. he got the letter written by the very scientist in this thing came from a lab, change the position they write the letter fauci uses that letter as a basis for saying no, no, no you arezy crazy if you believe this this is a conspiracy theory. he would after brett barron fox news for goodness sake. this is how bad the left is in a goes right back to what the attorney general just said. it's about power, it's about control, and it is as wrong as wrong as it can be. maria: they do not want you to look atea any of this. instead they are focusing on their voting bill perhaps to stay in power for the democrats as long as possible and generous six report before you go, leader kevin mccarthy says he will not cooperate with the january 6 to probe the committee also asked to meet with you to discuss your communications with president trump. you signed to the january 6 the ranking member smith letter for asking for evidence you haveel not gotten an answer. what can you tell us? >> what first of all i think anyone with common sense to be reluctant to go talk to this committee. they've already proven they will alter evidence in life to the american people about it. got to question but they are up to wheno they prove they will do that. and second, i think everyone in the. country sees this as an political operation. they do not want him to run again. president trump i think is going to run again i think is going to win. that is what this is designed to do. as you rightly point out, maria maria they will not look at the one person the speaker the house and her responsibility. the chairman of the committee is basically said she is off limits and she is the one responsible for the security of the united stateses capitol. state aren't congressmen good to see this morning thank you very much be watching all of these developments as joe biden marks one year in the white house this thursday. we will take a break and see you soon sir, thank you so much congressman. coming up we can to the deep dive on anthony fauci with james o'keefe with a never seen before documents that will proveie doctor fact sheet lied to thefu american people about gain of function research and potentially life saving research. that is next. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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>> so again senator it really pains me to just point out to the american public how absolutely incorrect you are. what came out last night was a grant that was submitted, then it distorted and said we funded the grant. we have never seen that grant. and we have never funded that 'sgrant. >> let's get to the bottom of those doctor anthony fauci on tuesday but once again changing the subject to mislead after kansas senator roger marshall asked him about documents that revealed his agency green lit gain of function research in wuhan china. and at sites across the country in the united states the spite the department of defense rejecting the same study over safety concerns gain of function research. james o'keefe is the founder of project he's committed to exposing corruption at the highest levels of government and media his latest book hits bookstores on generate 25th and we are happy to have him ahead of that release, james good morning to you thanks very much for being here. >> good morning maria. maria: tells about the documents that were just referenced in the hearing. what do they tell us? >> well, eagle health alliance approached the departmenthe of defense for this funding on the gain of function. and it was rejected over safety concerns which flies in direct opposition to anthony fauci she's a testimony. so we had a source come to us with these documents written by a marine corps major joe murphy is his name. he reached out to that marine corps major for comment and all of this was mentioned inon the hearing, fact sheet mention the project by name but was rejected the proposal because it was too risky for they cited safety concerns. the question remains why it didn'tai fauci should proceed with that gain of function research under niaid when the department of defense thought it was too risky. fauci also seemed to corroborate the authenticity of the documents in the hearing but he sort of change the subject and deflected obviouslyou the two grants would not have been identical parade there are a lot of questions here at factories in the hot seat after the story that came out on monday. >> so, so how could he sit there under oath and say the documents were distorted, connect the dots for us. >> well it could be a deflection because the grant that was presented by eagle health alliance may not have been identical to the one that fauci proceeded with under niaid for this no question these documents are real, maria, we corroborated them that marine corps major gave a statement on the record this is a former fellow. the documents are one 100% authentic. people can pull into question memory court major who wrote them, but there really is an inconsistency here. we've had members of congress also united states senator ron johnson has writtenef a letter to the department of defense for a lot of questions here remain unanswered. the project is going to be doing more reporting on this and the mirroring court major who gave us the statement again the marine corps major was not the source of these documents but he authored them. he has said t there are more people on the inside that are going to be coming out. of course it maria there's nowhere else for these people to go for they cannot go to post", theyton cannot go into any of the large media corporations they are busy defending fauci. really one of the only places they can go that's who the whistleblowers go in that time he got the information. >> we have been reporting as well on the administrations really censoring of important drugs to treat covid. we do not understand why they have been censored but also dr. fauci has reported 10 million-dollar portfolio includes chinese companies pretty want to talk about that. let's take a shortrt break. i do not know how fat she can maintain this and we already know the nih admitted they had in fact funded gain of functionmo research. stay with us james, more with you after the short break. inflammation in your eye might be to blame. let's kick ken's ache and burn into gear! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those drops will probably pass right by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what's that? 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does it mean to give him that leaders the wrong conclusion we give them true information is a problem journalism today. the defamation lawsuit i talk about how to do the and the american muckraker. james, senator ron johnson was with me last week. he talked about what's a real scandal in his eyes they've got approved generic drug that safe. it's remarkable on these drugs there is censored by big tech and media. in effect the american public believes you're not supposed to treat covid at all just go and suck it up and isolate for two weeks. >> another example, maria, right on the point is run two stories on pfizer in the last few months. one of which was a scientist at kaiser this is his words not mine. saying the antibodies were stronger than their own vaccine. and of that whistleblower within pfizer came with this, melissa was her name heard she exposed documents whether senior directors telling people not to share certain information with the audience these are certain statements within the pharmaceutical companies that we are banned from twitter for misinformation to quote joe biden buried what is it mean exactly what does the term meanan anymore? it means we don't trust the people with the truth. sweet alright will leave it there james good to have it this month thanks very much james o'keefe joining us they'll do it for us on sunday morning futures have a great morning watches again at 3:00 p.m. eastern will see again at mornings with maria, have a great day with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. finally. our honeymoon. it took awhile, but at least we got a great deal on our hotel with kayak. i was afraid we wouldn't go.. with our divorce and.... great divorce guys. yeah... search 100s of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. the fa identify the set of texas synagogue 44-year-old british citizen was killed by law enforcement last night when fbi rescue team stormed the synagogue and let the hostages to freedom. hello everyone welcome to fox news live. hi erica. >> hello everyone thank you for joining us i am eric shawn. investigators say that suspect told the rabbi and three others for hours yesterday at the congregation bethl

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, Medicare And Medicaid Funds , Judges , Justices Roberts , Kavanaugh , Fight , Pay , Halt , Merits , Briefing , Lot , Emergency Rule , Heart , Rural America , Hospitals , Course , Grandfather , Heartland , Move , Nursing Homes , Brother , Field , Father , Dimensions , Husband , Hundreds , Places , Clarence C Thomas , Care , Facility , Circuit , Pr Stunt , Afghanistan , Part , Incompetency , Withdrawal , 8g , Sweet Misinformation Rebecca Project Founder , Wireless , 5g , Network , Big Deal , Bucks , 30 Bucks , 5 , Store , Internet , Savings , Switch Squad , Xfinity , Country , Save , Despair , Lack , White House , Spokes Person , Timing , Senatorl , Motivation , Mattapan , Congress , Mandates , The Ag Of Missouri , Table , Times , Foreign Policy Disaster , Generations , Betrayal , Vaccine Mandates , Narrative , Whitere , Soldier , Distraction , Deputy Secretary , Help , Goodness , Individuals , Variant , Midterm Election Variant , Points , Surge , Mortality Rates , Covid , Story , Deaths , Mortality Rate , 18 49 Year Olds , 49 , 2021 , 18 , Manufacturers , 21 , October 21 , 40 , 12 , Folks , Cocktail Parties , D C , Resources , Challenges , Real America , Tyrants , Mental Health , Masking , Consequences , Repercussions , Teenagers , Isolation , Learningic , Loss , Washington D C , Fentanyl , Record Number , Challenge , Joe Biden Saving Face , Openen Border , Race , Issue , Narcotics , Toom , Races , Stake , Look , Ten , Candidates , Gop , 50 , Add States , Fighters , Levers , The Union , Seat , Spray , Blowtorch , Trump The America First Agenda , America , Record Fundraising Support , Fighting Spirit , Reinforcements , Mornings , Pennsylvania , David Mccormick , My Foxbusiness , Doctor Osbert , Jim Jordan , Question , Strategy , Covenant , Lockdowns , Liability , Doctor Fauci Paint , 8 Million , Scientist , Morning , Fire , Nutrition , Origins , E Mails , Woo Hoo , Vitamins , Protein , More , Retinol , Powerful , Age , Minerals , Pro Plus , Neutrogena , 27 , Skin , Wrinkles Results , Didn T , Function Research , Work , Lab It , Plan , Spread , 15 , Vaccinated , Thee Virus , Immunity , Cannot Get The Virus , Big , Mask , Id , Atey Mcdonald S , Photo Id , Papers , Member , House Judiciary Committee , Is Ohio Congressman , Biden Covid , Jim Jordanni , Being G , Thee Truth , Families , School Berlin , Areas , Guys , No One , Nos , Kids , Saying , The Street , Immigrants , Letter , Masks , Floor , Component Hereea , Representatives , Evidence , Phone Calls , Wuhan , Superpower , Lab Leak , Example , Project , China , Strength , Oval Office , International Trade , Secretary , Lecture , Meeting , Counterpart , Secretary Of State , C , Treatment , Alaska , Anchorage , Nation , Mike Pompeo , Notny , Tony Blinken , Weakness , Picture , Back , Charge , Et Cetera Johnson , Coburn , Senator Paul , Lab , Hasn T , Doctor , Thewe Country , Doubt , Notes , Conferencewe , February 1 , January 31 , 31 , Article , Position , Matter , Neighbor , Nowhi , Nature Medicine Magazine , Doctors , Gospel , Dr , Virus , E Mail , Evolutionary Theory , 2020 , Grant , Guyap , Time Line , 9 Million , 8 9 Million , Name , Cove , Thath , Wuhanf Institute Of Virology , 19 May , February 21 , 19 , Before You Go , Laboratory , It C , Paper , Nih , Timeline , Conspiracy , Sources , Screen , Object , Connect The Dots , Grant Money , May , Five She Nih Awards , May Of 2020 , April 2020 , Protecting , 180 , Department Of Education , Pretext , Pattern , Template , National School Board Association , Jimm , Do , Dossier , Dads , School Board Meetings , Campaign , Basis , Pouch , Conspiracy Theory , Brett Barron , Goodness Sake , Voting Bill , Atea , Kevin Mccarthy , Committee , Communications , January 6 , 6 , Answer , Common Sense , Everyone , Operation , Point Out , Chairman , Person , Limits , Speaker , Responsibility , Responsible , The House , United , Stateses Capitol , State Aren T Congressmen Good , Developments , Sir , Dive , Documents , Life Saving Research , Function , Gain , Fact Sheet , Thefu American People , Will Proveie , Safelite , Liberty , Someone , Turn , Career , Hang On , Ooo , Tex , Room , Song , Singers , Difference , Safelite Repair , Opportunities , Lots , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Family , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , Side Effects , Changes , Lump , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Nausea , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Vomiting , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Possibility , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 10 , 3 , 0 , Moratorium , Agency , Concerns , Records , Place , Agency Award , Award , Truth , Nih Role , Origin , The End , American , Last Night , Roger Marshall , Bottom , That , Sgrant , Kansas , Department Of Defense , Sites , Spite , Agency Green Lit , Safety Concerns , Media , Founder , Study , Levels , Corruption , Book Hits Bookstores , 25 , Hearing , Eagle Health Alliance , Morning Maria , Release , Departmenthe , Defense , Funding , Opposition , Source , Joe Murphy , Marine Corps , Comment , Testimony , Inon , Proposal , Didn Tai Fauci , Niaid , Grants , Authenticity , Parade , Obviouslyou , Factories , Oath , The One , Deflection , Under Niaid , Statement , Memory Court Major , Fellow , Reporting , Ron Johnson , United States Senator , Inconsistency , Members , Writtenef , Mirroring Court Major , T , Major , Nowhere , Information , Media Corporations , Whistleblowers , Theyton Cannot Go , Drugs , Administrations , Censored , Portfolio , Shortrt Break , Fat , Functionmo Research , 10 Million , Eye , Inflammation , Eyes , Eye Drops , Stay , Ache , Burn , Let S Kick Ken , Xiidra , Relief , Drops , Eye Disease , Symptoms , Eye Drop , Container , Taste Sensation , Don T , Signs , Vision , Discomfort , Eye Irritation , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Contacts , Surface , Fifteen , Mission Control , Dry Eye , Launch , Rocket , Um , Lunchables , Nature , Organization , Supplement , First , Standards , Pharmacist , Vitamin , Quality , Purity , Usp , Misinformation , Social Media Companies , Shows , Brand , Media Outlets , Vow , Yourow , Social Media , Whatever , Sensoror , Wyou , Journalism , Book , Parallels , Media Ecosystem , Holding , Relationship , New York Times , Leaders , Conclusion , Event , Enough , Muckraker , Defamation Lawsuit , Safe , Generic Drug , Scandal , Big Tech And Media , Effect , Point , Public , Melissa , Whistleblower , Antibodies , Words , Kaiser , Stories , Pfizer , Senior Directors , Statements , Pharmaceutical Companies , Quote , Audience , Twitter , Sweet Alright , Sunday Morning , Term , Muscle Health , 16 , 20 , High Protein , Immune Support , Nutrients , Divorce , Honeymoon , Hotel , We Wouldn T Go , Boost , Kayak , Deal , Awhile , Search One , Search 100s Of Travel Sites , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , 05 , 4 , Migraine , Dose , Older Medicines , Pill , Tracks , Cause , Inhibitors , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Tiredness , Fa , Synagogue , Hostages , Citizen , Set , Rescue Team , Law Enforcement Last Night , Texas Synagogue , British , 44 , Suspect , Rabbi , Hi Erica , Fox News Live , Eric Shawn , Congregation Bethl , Investigators ,

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