Transcripts For FOXNEWS Cavuto Live 20240709 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Cavuto Live 20240709

wilmington where president biden arrived last night from washington, and even his strongest supporters admit this week has been a disaster. >> there's a lot of talk about disappointments of things we haven't gotten done. we're going to get a lot of them done, i might add. reporter: this week u.s. inflation hitting its fastest pace in nearyly four decades -- nearly four decades. an almost 50% increase in gas prices as americans across the country have noticed at the pump and a 12.5% jump in grocery store prices including meat, fish and eggs. at the white house, jen psaki claims nobody saw this coming. >> we are getting out of a pandemic, and the economic downturn tied to it at a rate that is faster than anyone would have thought would have happened. >> reporter: talks with russia failing to stop tensions at the border with ukraine, the situation now even more tense. a speech in georgia failed to get voting rights pass ld, biden comparing his opponents to segregationists. the supreme court blocked the vaccine mandate. his approval rating falling to just 33%, edward, hastenedded by the withdrawal from afghanistan. a fox business poll says nearly half of the prime minister blame president for making inflation worse. one gop senator says this week has a silver lining. >> that means it's been a very good week for the american people. >> reporter: and next week marks the end of piledden's first year in -- president biden's first year in office. he will mark it with a press conference at 4 p.m. on wednesday, the same day his web site for getting covid tests goes live. ed: we'll have to see what tone he takes. rough week, rough year for this president. thank you, lucas, appreciate it. you know, from the dos of -- cost of gas to food, we're seeing record prices at the grocery store, and it could get even worse. grady trimble is digging deeper into all of this in princeton, illinois. grady? >> reporter: edward, america's farmers are dealing with rising prices for essentials like fertilizer, up 30% from a year ago. fuel to run their equipment up 50-60% from last year. even the farm equipment itself costs more. evan holstein is a corn and soybean farmer out here in illinois, so connect the dots for us as to how higher prices for you eventually leads to higher prices at the grocery store. >> sure. so our corn and soybeans get fed to livestock which in turn becomes the meat you buy at the grocery store. so ingredient increases we're seeing eventually trickle their way down to the consumer. >> reporter: the latest cpi numbers show that all types of meat from beef to chicken up substantially from a year ago, and that is likely because of, what we mentioned, your costs are just through the roof right now. >> yeah. i think, you know, we're just seeing an immense amount of inflation and, hopefully, we'll see some relief down the road, but it'll probably be a while before we expect that to happen. >> reporter: the white house says it's making progress on showing the rate of inflation. number one, are you seeing that? and, number two, how long is this going to last? >> i won't say we've seen it yet. you know, i doubt we see it next week, but probably, you know, at least a year, maybe two. historically that seems to be the trend before we see any relief in this sort of situation. >> reporter: so,. ed: world, farmers getting frustrated with the higher prices and eventually all of this trickles down from the first stop in the food supply chain for our country here all the way down to the grocery store. back to you. edward: thanks, grady. a year or two from farmers on the ground, unbelievable. so you heard from the white house, you heard from farmers, so let's see what customers are thinking. now for that i want to bring in former ceo of walmart, sam simon, in here if you can see him there. inflation no matter where you live, again, it's hitting everyone where. there we are. technical issues going on here. bill simon. bill, i want to talk to you about -- the president declared he saved christmas, but we're seeing pictures of those empty schells with that hashtag -- shelves with that hashtag bare shelves biden on social media. which is it? is the supply chain solved or are we still going to deal with this? >> no, it's a shocking and unmitigated disaster right now. our shelves in our stores look like the soviet union in 1972. and it's honestly a shock to americans. it's never happened in our lifetime. we're facing, you know, sort of a collaborative disaster happening all at once, a tangled mess of wires. you know, the farmer that just spoke is rightly accurate in that prices are rising, but that's compounded by the fact that it's very difficult for them to get their product to the market right now because transportation is also an issue. you know, we have a backup at the ports, and we have rising wages, and we have, you know, all kinds of things that are happening that are really just pushing upward pressure on prices. and the upward pressure on prices usually means that demand is are reduced -- is reduced and supply increases, so there should be more product if on the shelves. so we've got sort of this double whammy if happening. and right now the administration and the congressing is focused on, are focused on things that don't matter to the american people. the american people are hurting, and they want them to focus on inflation, on gas prices, on a solution for covid maybe with therapeutics and get things sorted out, and today want to talk about january 6th and voting rights, all kinds of other things. ed edward: bill, we just saw the wholesale prices going up 9.7%. that's the prices that companies in order to make the goods that they have, they're getting more expensive. the president and his economic advisers both made the case that they're -- [inaudible] talking about transportation and how they're moving containers through at a bigger rate as they're being offloaded. i want you to listen here to fed chairman jay powell testify this week. listen to this. >> the number of ships at anchor is still at a record level are, so we're not really seeing yet the kind of progress we essentially all forecasters thought we'd be seeing right now, and that's really what's's driving it. i think we did foresee the strong spike in demand. we didn't know that it would be so focused on goods, but that's really what happened. edward: record number of ships at anchor, so this is not going to be sorted out anytime soon. the fed chairman indicating maybe the end of this year. >> yeah, i think that's right. unless, you know, there's some action taken. and we have capability that we're not using, you know? the defense logistics agency, the military sea lift command have resources to move goods all over the world. i'm more optimistic than a couple of years because, you know, it's really pretty clear what broke the system. and when you know what broke it, you can fix ityou have the will and the effort. -- if you have the will and the effort. the administering ought to say we're not doing anything except supply chain, inflation and covid and world affairs until this is fixed. you can't do the small stuff, you don't get to do the big stuff. edward: we herald a lot about supply chain issues and companies looking for suppliers in mexico and south america rather than china. that hasn't really happened, has it? >> no, it hasn't. i mean, people are trying, but, you know, trucking, over the road moving the goods is almost as difficult, maybe even more difficult than, you know, the over the water routes. so you might be able to find a supplier somewhere else, but youen -- you can't get the goods because there's a trucking shortage. edward: bill simon, thank you very much. so the white house now, the message is they're working on it. listen to this. >> given the unique strength of the united states' economic recovery overall growth as well as the labor market, we are well positioned to attack the challenges of prices and costs head on, and that's exactly what the president's and this administration are doing. edward: but many say this is something the president started by his assault on the energy industry, pushing gas prices up which pushes up the cost of almost everything. turn to dan get trued and ari air mesh and former dallas fed adviser daniel dimartino booth. i want to start with you, danielle. the administration's policies and fiscal spending sparked this 7% year-over-year inflation, right? >> it was. and i think that that's something that the administration needs to own up to. that last still the plus package that we had -- stimulus package that we had effectively poured gas lean on the fire, and we found -- a university of chicago study found that 1.5 million spouses drop out of the work force thanks to the child tax credit being delivered starting last july in cash. so the economy has suffered, and this has caused, you know, butter people in the work force, it's caused wage inflation which is a company's biggest line item, biggest expense to increase substantially. and this is trickling through the economy. we saw if you take out food services that retail sales adjusted for inflation yesterday droppedded to a 13-month low. so i don't know where they're getting this idea that we have a row bust recovery going on. inflation is eating americans alive. edward: dan, price aren't rising if you get those goods on the shelves, so the u.s. is continuing to rely on chinese manufacturing for all of these things, aren't they, and that's participant of the issue here. -- part of the issue here. >> of course it is. china is not our friend, and to put ourselves in a position where we have to rely on this is not where we want to be. look, edward, it's very clear. yes, the virus started this process. the reason why we're still in this mess with innation relate -- in nation relates to policies. if i were advising the president, i would tell him everybody who's advising you on the economic front, fire 'em today. because they don't understand what's happening. for some reason they're still urn the impression we have -- under the impression we have a demand problem. we don't have a demand problem. we have a supply problem tied directly to the lack of labor, and that lack of labor has been caused by policies that have kept people out of the work force or the mandates that were pushing people out of the work force. edward: and inflation being pushed by energy prices. ari, he wants to bring manufacturing back to the u.s. from china. you know, but the on display in congress, the attending physician bought n9 5 masks for lawmakers with this huge label stamped made in china. these are masks that lawmakers are forced to wear on the house and senate floors. i know you can see hem there. you know, this is government -- does all this government buying -- [inaudible] isn't it, ari? >> look at the reality of the -- yes, inflation is on the rise. that's a huge problem problem, and the president and the democratic party will have to fix that or address the inflation issue going into the midterms, otherwise it's going to cost us a great many seats in the house and the senate. but in his first year, the president's performance on the economy, gdp growth has been historic in the past 40 years. you look at the s&p 500, it's been up. stocking market, capital growth. and you look at, you know, investment in manufacturing has actually been up. so, yes, you look at a pretty successful economic picture in and pretty successful financial performance in his first year especially compared to purpose or previous presidents -- edward: ari, hold on. we knew, we knew when the economy's opening up that the demand is going to be there, and now we're seeing inflation is 7%. so the actual real wagings for workers are going down. i'm going to have to continue this in the next hour coming up. you guys are not going away. ari, i'm going to come back to you on this one. appreciate your time on that. first, though, let's now get to the supreme court handing a big defeat to president joe binden, a big win for businesses. but why could that help bring workers back? plus, did one lawmaker just find the answer to keeping kids in class and stopping schools from going remote? paying students? he'll explain, coming up. ♪ ♪ some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at 80% get genetically meaningful health info from their 23andme dna reports. 80%. that's 8 out of 10 people who can get something enlightening. something empowering. something that could change everything. info that could give you greater control of your own health, and it's right there in your dna. so, if 80% get genetically meaningful health info, the question is, will you be part of the 80%? do you know what the future holds? one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. ♪ >> employers cheering a ruling from the nation's high court that shoots down president biden's vaccine mandate for businesses with at least 100 employees. now, my next guest was a key player in that legal battle. the executive director of the nfib small business legal center, karen har nett joins me now. even the administration knew this might be overturned, but it was not really about vaccines, was it? >> well, that was our suspicion all along, that this was really just for the of an effort to try to get more people vaccinated and, by making this mandate known through the government, hoping that that would get more employers to mandate it at their workplaces just knowing that the mandate may eventually take effect. edward: and the white house still putting pressure, actually, as of yesterday on those companies, private companies to say, hey, those companies need to individually institute those mandates. so we've seen employment trending down over the last three months, 10.6 million jobs open, a record 5.4 million people quit. do you think this ruling will keep people then in their jobs? >> well, that is definitely our hope. even the government in its papers to the court said in its rule, said they anticipated that 1-3% of workers that work for companies with 100 or more employees were going to walk off the job president mandate took effect. we thought those -- if the mandate took effect. we thought those numbers were much higher based on what we were hearing from our business owners when they were talking to their employees. their employees were not going to stay in a job if they didn't want to get vaccinated. edward: so the case was sent back to the lower courts. is the administration going to continue this legal battle? >> well, that will be interesting to see because they did it -- osha did this under their more than rule authority. that can only last until may 5th. so there's no hearing schedule in the sixth circuit court of appeals, and courts move a lot slower. so the idea they would get a decision out of them that would have any if meaning at all because it would likely come close to or maybe even after the rule would expire. >> do you think the administration's going to give this up then, or do you see more mandates related to vaccines coming could be the pike? finish. >> well,ing we hope they do. i mean, i was very happy with the supreme court's opinion. they could not have been clearer that they do not think osha has the authority to do this in the way that they did it. and so my hope is they will just move on and try to find another solution. mandates just are not well received by many americans, and they're definitely not well received by the business owners i represent. edward: exactly. what about the other split decision from the supreme court, the vaccine mandate for health care workers at facilities that received federal money? that was upheld. what message does that send at a time when we need health care workers on the job? >> right. well, that was disappointing as well because, quite frankly, our view is on all of these things where you're asking somebody to take a medicine, really congress needs to speak. in that case i think the court just thought it was more narrowly tailored to one certain industry, government gives them money, and that was enough to get it across the finish line. but there is a great concern that just like a normal, you know, worker at a retail establishment that would be subject to this mandate, you're going to see health care workers walk off the job too. this is not the time to do it. our data is showing 49% of small business owners are trying to find workers. they don't need people quitting, they need to be hiring. edward: so with this carveout for the health care workers, do you think then the administration's going to try and rework this mandate related to federal money then and try to reimpose it on private businesses? >> they may. i think that's going to be harder. again, it's also who did it. like, osha really does not have the authority, according to the supreme court. so i wonder what agency they would do that through, quite frankly, and how many industries would really be, you know, subject to those kinds of constraints. i think it would definitely be - [inaudible] let's just put it that way. edward: thank you, karen harned, a big week for you and big defeat for the president. appreciate your time. >> thank you. edward: so a tsunami advisory for hawaii and a warning for the u.s. west coast after a volcano erupts in the pacific. we'll have the latest on that coming up. ♪ get a head start in investing with the new schwab starter kit™. new investors can open an account and get $50 to split across the top five stocks in the s&p 500®. you can also unlock short videos, step-by-step guides, and other easy-to-use tools designed for people just getting started. plus, investment professionals are on standby 24/7 if you ever have a question. it's the smarter way to start investing. ♪ ♪ ed: mandate madness and mask mayhem all contributing to the ongoing covid confusion. a new poll shows that 37% of americans approve of the cdc's handling of covid, and as far as understanding its guidelines, only 43% of americans say they have clarity. let's try and make sense of all of this with infectious disease specialist dr. amesh. thank you for joining us, first of all. how should the cdc and the administration clarify this messaging in. >> the first thing they need to do is step back and articulate what the goals are because we're dealing with an endemic respiratory virus, one that most people are going to get, and i think that will help people understand what we're trying to do now is reduce the harm that this virus can cause -- is causing, trying to use the tools that we have. and i think that's been missing from the very beginning. we've kind of seen mixed and confusing messages because there haven't been an overall strategy articulated to the public, and i think that's where we need to start. e world: do you think it's time to pivot and live with this virus like, say, the flu? >> once we got to the vaccine era, i do think we have to pivot because when it comes to someone fully vaccinated, this is a mild illness. the goal has to be to keep hospitals operating, and there are still too many individuals that sort of hold many hospitals hostage. that's what we have to focus on, hospital capacity and teaching people how to risk -- with a virus that's not going anywhere. all of that makes this manager that will eventually be managed like ore rest pa tore viruses, we just need to get through this acute surge and make sure our hospitals are able to function normally. edward: so when do we start living with this thing, in your mind? >> if you're someone that's fully vaccinated, you should be living with now. if you're unadvantage city vaccinated, especially if you're high risk, this is still a major threat. after this come ron -- omicron surge fades, and it's starting to fade in some parts of the country, we're seeing peaking occur, there they're going to start to see hospitalizations will continue for some time, but eventually they're going to get to a better place with the baseline case. so i do think once each part of this country gets through the omicron surge, we're going to be in a different place with more rapid test the, more monoclonal antibodies, more antivirals so we will be able to treat this like other respiratory infections. edward: a senior official told me americans can start getting their free at-home tests january 19th. but the tests will not be shipped for 7-12 days after the ordering. so the administration, you know, did not have all the tests in their possession either. is this too little too late on this testing? >> it's definitely late, but it's still going to be useful because people are going to want to know their status, want to get prescriptions, so tests are going to be important in a sustained manner for several weeks or months going into this, going into this pandemic and as we live with it normally. we would have liked to have seen them be available before the holidays, we want them now. people are still driving around trying to get tested, so this is definitely something that has to be considered a failure, that we didn't have rapid tests in the people's hands when this omicron surge occurred. but the fact that we're going to get them, i think, is going to help us live sustainably with this virus. ed edward: the president says the governor -- government's going to buy millions of quality masks. we're starting to hear don't wear the cloth masks. what's the difference between these masks expect cloth masks, and do we really need to make that switch? >> the difference between masks has to do with their filtration ability. an n95, kn95, those types of masks are medical grade masks that can facility filter out 94, 95% of those small particles. cloth masks, i think, were a do it yourself solution when we were worried about supplies for health care workers. not all masks are create equal, but the best type is the one that you wear appropriately because if you get one and it's so uncomfortable and you wear it with your nose sticking out, that's not of use to anybody. and i think we're getting to a point where masks are something people decide to wear or not wear on their own. we're going to have off ramps for masks, and i think it's important for the e cdc to have guy cannes. those of us -- guidance. but with omicron cloth masks are probably not going to be sufficient because this is a more unforgiving variant because it's more contagious. edward: very interesting, doctor. we're going to have you back, i am sure. thank you very much. good talk. so, coming up, folks on the west coast on alert after tsunami warning is issued following a volcano eruption in the pacific. plus, warnings that the average price for a gallon of gas will be $4 a gallon, and it's not that far off. coming up next. welcome to allstate. where auto insurance now costs less. ♪ and savings like that follow you everywhere. ♪ now, save more with allstate. ♪ because better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. call a local agent or 1-888-allstate for a quote today. edward: digging deeper into those inflation numbers, take a look at gasoline. a huge spike over the past year, and some are predicting it could top $4 a gallon as an average year. now the biden administration announced plans to reverse a trump era rule allowing more oil drilling in alaska. oil expert jeff small is joining us now. you know, is this really the time to start constricting more demand? >> oh, it's absolutely the worst time in the history to start constricting demand. but as far as the cost of energy, ed, it's really a mystery to the average american as to why energy prices have escalated $1.50 a gallon in 14 months. so let me lay it out for you. basically, there's three reasons why energy prices are going up. number one, like you said, the biden administration on the first day in office reversed the trump era policies on the expansion of oil on public lands, they canceled the keystone pipeline. number two, we overstimulated the economy coming out of covid with $7 trillion, and now the economy is vibrant, and demand is going up. and number three, oil companies are no longer chaseing growth at all costs, but now they're chasing returns. in other words, companies are being designed to generate free cash flow instead of growth. combine all of this, and no one believes that oil will be over $100 a barrel this time next year. edward: interesting. we've also seen regulations come in and discourage that investment going forward. we talk about this latest move by the administration, we're talking about the national petroleum reserve which is in alaska about 23 million acres. what do you think's behind the moves for all this regulation, for everything you just laid out and now this latest move in alaska? >> well, it's obviously, you know, progressives want to ban fracking, they want to ban the exploration of energy production across the board not just on public lands and the arctic. but that perception causes pressure on oil prices. just that perception. and we are energy dependent on oil. need a long-term plan to get off of oil. we can't do it all at once at the price of the american consumer. they are the ones that get hammered. energy costs for gas, ed, are 30% higher this winter, 6% higher for electrical at a minimum, and we're going to see $4 at the pump by memorial day. edward: whoa, that's a big prediction. [laughter] so the last time though, you talk about barrel of oil at $100, the the last time that happened was when former president biden -- former president obama was in office, and his vice president at the time, joe biden. so you think we're headed in that direction again, and what does that mean to gas prices, you know, regardless of the $4 a gallon? are we going beyond that? >> it's possible we can see something higher than that. look at productivity. gdp this year's going to be 4%, the economy is going to suck up oil from demand. global productivity is projected to be 4.5% global gk p -- gdp which means demand is going to come back strongly. the problem is we don't have the production capacity. we can't start producing that much that quickly. that's why the biden administration has recently asked energy companies here in the u.s. to do what? increase production. who would have thought that, right? edward: so that's how you do it? i guess, how do you do it? how do we get back to the energy independence that we had? >> well, we have to, obviously, start producing more. the rig count is down 30-40% from the trump era til today, and a lot of that was caused by covid. but it means that companies are producing more with less expense because their cash -- they're cash flow driven, they're not looking at growth and production. so we have to reincentivize the industry to do that. st going to take some time though to catch back up to the demand that we have now, so we're going to see that energy squeeze, we're going to see inflationary pressure on energy, prices are going to go up substantially from here. edward: thank you, jeff small. start to make some cuts in other areas to satisfy my driving budge. [laughter] i appreciate it. we've got to cover that. thanks for your time. so, you know, it's not just oil. the steel industry is facing headwinds from supply chain issues to delays in manufacturing. so the ceo of majestic steel usa joins me now. so what effect will this have on steel prices going forward? we're talking about oil prices, what about steel prices? >> yeah. we've seen the impact on steel prices already. actually, the steel supply chain is starting to ease, and at majestic we sit in the middle of the supply chain in terms of distribution and production. so we see it first. certain products are actually starting to ease. we're still at historic high prices, but they've come down slightly from peak levels that we saw just late in 2021. e world: so that's interesting. is that because the tariffs, the change in tariffs that have happened recently and there's more flow coming from outside the united states? >> we're seeing record imports regardless of the tariffs. the price between domestic and foreign got so large that you couldn't get domestic because there wasn't enough production here, and people started to import in the second half of 2021. so, you know, we're starting to see that arrive now which is supply -- which the supply chain is easing across certain products which is having the impact in terms of the market today. the steel supply chain saw it first, so i think we'll start to see steel ease. the thing is, you know, it doesn't ease the entire supply chain, and it doesn't relieve pricing to the consumer. edward: we're still seeing pressure on pricing in steel. talk about -- that's a base material in a lot of construction. so increasing that cost has a ripple effect, doesn't it? >> yeah. i think you're starting to see it even more so now in construction and manufacturinged goods -- manufactured goods. you go to buy a truck, a washer, a dryer, a roof on your house, we're are going to feel that, and that's probably not going to come back. the consumer's not going to get any ease there in terms of what's happening. even if the steel supply chain eases and pricing pulls back, typically you don't see that necessarily change in terms of what the manufacturers are doing that then impacts the end consumer. these higher prices are going to be here to stay for quite some time, and the supply chain across all parts and products is not necessarily easing. edward: yeah. according to the general contractors to of america -- of america, the price of construction materials jumped nearly 20 percent in 2021, so you're not looking at reversing that in 2022. do you see it increasing throughout the entire year? >> i think that you'll see the steel prices continue to ease as we go into 20 2022. however, still at elevated levels to previous years. but by the time that gets through the supply chain all the way to the consumer, definitely don't see that easing. i think that there is a delayed effect in terms of construction jobs. they're now feeling the brunt of it today where steel felt it early in the pandemic's life cycle. e world: what about dumping of steel? we've herald big concerns five, six years ago about the china sending steel to other countries to come into the united states. is that still a big problem, or has that been sort of cut off? >> global production is still too high. china's production is still at record highs. it came down slightly in 2021. we're seeing ap increase and surge of imports into the u.s. market right now, so global trade is still going to be something that needs to be addressed. however, what we're seeing is the domestic mills invest in new production here in the u.s. which is needed for the long term. it's just the matter of the short term how that's handled. we've seen an increase in people port -- imimportants regardless of trade policy. so i think that we'll continue to need to see how trade policy impacts the global marketplace moving forward. edward: yeah, see if we can spark that industry here again. todd leebow, appreciate it your time. >> appreciate it. edward: up next, a major winter storm that's pulmoif eling millions with snow, ice -- pummeling millions, and a tsunami warning for the west coast. plus, we'll meet the lawmakers who is may have -- who may have the answer to keeping schools open, one that maybe students and taxpayers can both get behind. ♪ the teacher is teaching the golden rule. ♪ american history and practical math -- ♪ you study 'em hard and hoping to pass ♪♪ ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? they're banking, with bank of america. his girlfriend just caught the bouquet, so he's checking in on that ring fund. that photographer? he's looking for something a little more zen, so he's thinking, “i'll open a yoga studio.” and as for the father of the bride? he's checking to see if he's on track to do this all over again... and again. bank of america's digital tools are so impressive, you just can't stop banking. edward: following a developing story this morning, the west coast is now under a tsunami advisory. this after a kohl say coe erupted in the -- sol volcano erupted in the pacific. you can see it. so fox news chief meteorologist rick reichmuth has the latest on that and the mass if i winter -- massive winter storm hitting the midwest. good news for us today, huh? [laughter] rick: yeah. lots going on. i've been watching that satellite imagery of that underwater volcano that erupted and displaced all of that water which has caused the tsunami to move throughout the pacific basin. that said, these were the observed wave rises across areas of hawaii, not that bad, just under 3 feet at its highest level and no damage reported from that. now, that said, we're going to now watch this energy move towards the west coast. let me get back to that graphic, move towards the west coast, and this will likely be under a foot, but it could cause a little damage to any boats that are tied up in ports, also stay out of the water, any surfers or anything. in fact, about five minutes from now is when we're watching the first wave expected towards the los angeles area. those are all local times when we'll see waves rising, ocean heights across parts of the pacific basin. all right. the other story we're watching today is a really large winter storm, over a foot of snow across parts of north dakota. the storm is moving off towards the south, at least temporary hi. you see that snow across parts of missouri towards arkansas where we have winter storm warnings in effect. watch what happens with this future track of this storm. snow today across participants of the deep south -- parts of the deep south, areas like tennessee, icing across parts of the south and eventually towards the northeast. this is where we have all of our winter weather advisories. you see nashville, a winter storm watch right now. you have a lot of snow in nashville so far this winter, another bout of this coming maybe another 4-5 end. s. higher elevations maybe up towards a foot or more. and then you notice participants of the carolinas, i think we're going to be watching for some icing, and that could cause really big problems, maybe bringing significant power outages that will be with us for a number of days, especially participants of western south carolina and northern north carolina and western virginia. maybe up to about a foot of snow, then eventually, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow night and into monday, we see this storm move across parts of the northeast. you'll notice no winter storm watches or warnings across coastal areas, so that i-95 corridor expecting to see this maybe start off as a little bit of snow and then move in towards rain. so i think we're talking about mostly a rain effect vent across coast coastal areas, but interior sections of the northeast, some spots likely getting a foot to a foot and a half of snow, so a big ski lover's storm but it's also falling on a weekend. if you can at all, just stay inside over these next couple of days so we don't have big accidentings. you like to guess neat storms on the weekend if you can. -- these storms on the weekend if you can. big impacts for a lot of teem -- a lot of people. edward: thanks, rick, appreciate it. coming up, next time schools want to go remote, meet the lawmaker who wants to help students stay in school with cash. we'll explain. but first, this republican hit inflation on the campaign trail, he's an hour away from becoming virginia's next governor. a lesson for democrats in november? 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[laughter] edward: that could be a path for republicans now, laying out a plan. youngkin did it, he laid out the plan. thank you, alex, in richmond, virginia. appreciate it. so some school districts choosing to close down as covid cases go up. my next guest is pushing for federal funding to help kids switch from virtual schools to allow in-person learning. illinois republican congressman rodney davis joins me now. congressman, tell me your plan, first of all. >> thanks for having me on. great to follow a report on governor-elect youngkin who will be sworn in today because the epicenter of the frustration with our schools was right there during the virginia election. and what this bill does, it simply allows money that's already been appropriated in the american rescue plan to allow students and parents, if your school district shuts down, you can take up to $10,000 and move your child to a neighboring school district, another public school district that remains open. because we know schools being open makes sure our kids learn better. edward: right. so you introduced the open schools act. how much would that plan cost? you're talking about $10,000 per student. it would follow the student, not the school. >> you would follow the student. it allows parents to be back in charge which we're, you know, which was the epicenter of loudoun county, virginia is, to help glenn youngkin in historic republican victory there. but our bill would take money that's already been appropriated, it's already been voted on. it's in the american rescue plan without any obligation. so let's give parents a chance to get their kids back in school. you know, these shutdowns of our schools, they hurt those who have worked the pandemic the entire time. edward: right. i'm running out of time here, unfortunately, we're up against a hard break. i want to ask you about the secretary of education actually asking the national school board association for the letter comparing parents to domestic terrorists. i want to get your thoughts on that in the last 15 seconds. >> we need to make sure we invest whether or not the biden administration, through the secretary of education, asked the national school board association to determine whether or not parents, parents who care about their kids, who are going to use their first amendment right to protest at a school board meeting to be labeled domestic terrorists? what kind of administration would propose any association or any organization to do that? it's very disappointing, and we need to get to the bottom of it because future administrations and education matter. ed warted: congressman, i appreciate your time. congressman rodney davis from illinois. i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. voya provides guidance for the right investments. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. voya. be confident .. 80% get genetically meaningful health info from their 23andme dna reports. 80%. that's 8 out of 10 people who can get something enlightening. something empowering. something that could change everything. info that could give you greater control of your own health, and it's right there in your dna. so, if 80% get genetically meaningful health info, the question is, will you be part of the 80%? do you know what the future holds? >> democratic senators joe manchin and kristen sinema blocking the hopes to change the senate filibuster to block the bill. congressional correspondent from fox news chad program has more. chad: optics is critical in politics. that is why democrats aim for the senate to meet this weekend and vote on or before martin luther king day on the voting rights bill. in a perfect world democrats want to dare the gop to filibuster the voting bill. that would give democrats a reason to tinker with the filibuster. they would then use the failed vote to end the filibuster to change senate procedure. they hope to craft the carveout of the filibuster for voting rights but the votes to change the filibuster just aren't there on the democratic side. democrats kristen sinema and joe manchin standing away. chuck schumer aimed to move ahead this weekend blocking the votes. this was an effort to show the party's progressive base they were trying on voting rights even if the democrats failed. few things went the way the democrats this week. even if democrats have the votes to change the filibuster they could not have done it. congressional covid cases sidelined lawmakers. even as democrats face an internal political storm among liberal activists, washington faces a winter storm that threatens attendance so schumer canceled everything and try again next week. democrats are trying to temper expectations among voters to whom they promised a lot. edward: covid changing some plans. with all the partisan rhetoric over the changing of the filibuster division is greater than ever in congress. joining is a member of the senate rules committee of the mississippi republican senator roger wicker. thanks for joining us, appreciate it. roger:glad to be with you. edward: do we need to change the voting laws in this country? everyone has been able to vote in this country. roger:it is easier than ever to vote in the united states of america as evidenced by the huge turnout in 2020-2021. john f. kennedy back when he was a senator wrote a book called profiles in courage. thank heaven for joe manchin and kristen sinema this past week for withstanding the browbeating, the unbelievable pressure they got from their caucus and standing up for a 2 century old tradition that has made the united states unique among democracies in the world. i disagree with them on many issues but when it came to tossing away one of the greatest tools for bringing consensus together they stood against their party and my hat is off to them. edward: personal attacks, what did you think of the president's speech? pretty divisive in georgia. roger: unbelievable. i agree with mitch mcconnell, he didn't recognize the guy he served with for 40 years in the united states senate. here is what the bill would have done. it would have provided taxpayer funding for campaign commercials. how many americans think that is a good idea? would have required same-day registration in every election in every state in the united states even though the state of new york two months ago had a referendum on this and voted by double digits against that sort of thing and would have done away with voter id. this is my driver's license. in the state of mississippi and most states you have to show some sort of id when you show up so i can't say i am joe jones, i am here to vote and they take my word for it. the bill wouldn't have made elections more open but would have made it easier to cheat and most people saw that. the rhetoric in atlanta was unworthy of a president. edward: i had to show my license for my covid shot for vaccination. you were involved in discussion of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, the one major piece of legislation that got signed into law. the us needs this infrastructure upgrade. the bill passed the senate in august. it took three months to make it law. roger: the president signed it and it takes a lot of time to implement a lot of things. you had rodney davis, a good friend of mine in the previous hour, he mentioned the bill that he has got that would use previously appropriated money. we use a lot of previously appropriated money for the infrastructure bill. we need to get started building roads, highways, seaports and airports because our infrastructure is crumbling. edward: i have seen studies that say changing the rules on a lot of truck drivers, to drive 18 minutes longer would lead away from ports. do you feel the administration is responding fast enough to the supply chain issues? roger: no but it is a reasonable idea. i will tell you this. in the state of mississippi a 19-year-old can drive a truck from the gulf coast to the tennessee line and that is perfectly legal. watching the same capable truck driving young 19-year-old guy be able to drive across the mississippi river to arkansas. there are a lot of things we can do to open up the supply chain and get this economy going but the worst thing we can do is continue -- this inflationary voracious lion that is eating up the earnings and pay raises of african-americans. edward: russia has been poking the west. we saw a cyber attack in the ukraine. many thought this would be a precursor to an invasion of ukraine. do you think russian president putin is going down that road and the administration has done enough to stop it? roger: we haven't done enough to stop it and with the budget coming out in a few weeks we will see proposed cuts in the defense budget, exactly the wrong signal. ronald reagan called the soviet union the evil empire. an evil man running russia called vladimir putin and his goal is country by country, inch by inch, mile by mile to restore this evil empire that ronald reagan denounced. it is time the freedom loving people of europe stood up against this. and to vote on the nordstrom team pipeline. we have a 60 vote requirement that didn't -- we need to stand strong to vladimir putin to reconstitute the evil empire. edward: we covered a lot of ground. with the midterms living inflation soaring of the president's approval numbers thinking, should democrats be worried? let's ask phil wegman from real clear politics. the latest quinnipiac poll shows biden's approval rating 33%. in the same poll, donald trump in the same year was 36%. is it time, is there a time enough to rebound? >> there's time enough for the president to rebound because so much could happen between now and election day. whether this administration will retool or change direction remains to be seen. a question was put to the white house press secretary more than once about whether or not they did need to change direction, so far this administration seems to be moving in the same direction, there doesn't seem to be a lot of reflection there and what is interesting about the quinnipiac poll you just mentioned is the top line number is bad for president biden, it mirrors the other numbers but a closer look at the cross tab, he's seen a dramatic turnaround on a number of issues, the economy, foreign policy, covid. it is going to be a rough november for democrats if that continues. will: he is underwater on covid now. do you think the administration is looking at these poll numbers or do they have a lot of internal polls showing something different? >> i am certain they are taking a close look at each and every poll, real clear politics average, 42% and certainly things could change but the thing is something needs to nudge the american public to change their opinion of the president. i'm not ready to say one way or the other if the administration's voting rights push was an attempt to change the conversation but if it was it didn't work, because what happened, you saw president biden go to the hill, the white house make a big push when it comes to changing the rules in the senate to get voting rights to his desk. it turns out the problem the white house is facing 2022 is the same when they faced in 2021 which is they don't have the votes and instead of going after republicans, instead, the frustration of the democratic base is directed at their own party, senators manchin and kirsten sinema. edward: to democrats want the president in their district? >> it depends on the district, the president is always a value add but he wasn't able to rescue terry mcauliffe in virginia, it is more helpful in 2022 and around the country. edward: i will see you in the briefing room. president biden getting criticized by both parties for accusations he made a voting rights this week in georgia. the secretary of state from georgia is here to respond next. ♪♪ ] claim forgiveness-ness, your home premium won't go up just because of this. 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>> georgia is ranked number one for election integrity. delaware is ranked 32. we have 7 days but optional two days which i have no excuse absentee voting since 2008. into the where you need a doctor's permission slip to vote's and see. it never been easier to vote in georgia. we have record registration, record turnout. but we have the appropriate guardrails to make sure people can't cheat but if we do cheat in georgia we prosecute them. edward: there were some counties that didn't have early voting on sunday. now they do in georgia. the changes that were made expand voting in georgia. >> we expanded early voting and at a job officers for the first time in state law which is important and we have accountability to keep those lines shorter. voters hate long lines. lines need to be shortened to one hour. edward: what message that stacy abrams didn't show up because of a scheduling conflict, a dentist appointment i forgot about. what does that tell you? >> we have been pushing back since 2019. her other organizations continue to sue us and cost the people georgia millions of dollars in taxpayer funds, birx lawsuits pushing back on stolen election claims. she lost fair and square by 55,000 vote in 2018. i call her out in many articles, the stolen election claims do not pull people together, they tear society apart and she needs to quit. edward: integrity does count and you nailed it in your book. integrity counts. appreciate it. folks on the west coast waking up to a tsunami advisory after a volcano eruption under the water in the pacific. the latest on a possible threat. carjackings in major cities like new york soaring with a soft on crime rules giving criminals the green light to go full speed ahead. chase freedom unlimited. i earn 5% on our cabin. hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! edward: we are following a rapidly developing story on the west coast, folks there under a tsunami advisory after a volcano erupted in the pacific. amazing satellite image caught that eruption. let's go to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth. >> and underwater volcano displaced all that water causing tsunamis across the pacific basin. these are the levels we saw across the hawaii area, just 3 feet, didn't cause damage or reports of damage at this point. now we are watching the tsunami waves making their way towards the west coast of the united states in the los angeles area. the same towards san francisco and towards washington within the next half hour. water rises should not behind this. it could cause rough seas, you don't want to be in the water, any boats tied up bangs around just a little bit. that is the tsunami. now we have this major winter storm we are dealing with for 36 hours, dumped a foot of snow over north dakota to iowa and you can see snow across missouri into kansas and oklahoma and towards northern arkansas. that is the immediate today into this afternoon. by tonight the storm is across the south, watching for significant icing, winter storm watches in nashville, across the carolinas, this could cause some significant power outages that could last a few days. areas from charlotte towards greensboro, north carolina, be watching for this. then we watched this storm moved across the mid-atlantic and the northeast and eventually we are watching for significant snow, up to a foot and a half of snow across interior sections. edward: thanks, on these developing stories i appreciate it. going to shift gears and talk about another storm. this one rising crime in cities like new york city, more scenes like this, violent carjacking in new york, lots of manhattan business owners worried it will get worse as the new district attorney plans to stop prosecuting what he called lower crimes. former dc homicide detective ted williams said they should be worried. he joins us on the last video, on that carjacking, if you look at what the prosecutor has laid out he would not prosecute, it would be a misdemeanor. >> it would be a misdemeanor and i've got to tell you this is just wrongheaded and it is not going to do anything but exacerbate crime in manhattan. can you imagine and envision a criminal sitting in front of the television listening to the manhattan da saying we are not going to prosecute you if you assault somebody and make it a misdemeanor. or you can resist arrest and it is going to be all right, we're not going to prosecute you or jump the turnstiles in a subway system and we are not going to prosecute you. that is utterly ridiculous. businesspeople are up in arms in manhattan and they should be very much up in arms. edward: the sheriff is turning to the feds to handle a cop killer. back to new york city a list of the crime the new dc manhattan da won't prosecute, not paying for public transportation services to trespassing to resisting arrest and prostitution. i want to get your thoughts on that. >> second to last on the list, resisting arrest was here it is. police officers in new york will attempt to make arrests and if they are assaulted during the course of the arrest the da is in essence saying we are not going to prosecute you for resisting arrest. what he's doing is acting as a legislator trying to make laws and enforce laws and he can't do both and shouldn't be able to do both. edward: the list we just showed you, criminals graduate, don't they? >> they absolutely graduate. we just had a young lady 19 years of age at a burger king in manhattan that was shot to death by a robber who only got $100 from her. that robber in november used the screwdriver, and criminals, yes, they graduate. edward: that emboldens the criminals. >> it definitely emboldens criminals and that is one reason people need to speak out and eric adams, the new mayor of new york, definitely needs to speak out. edward: thank you for your time and service. thank you. new numbers coming up on how many migrants released into the us. ice coming up next. ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ to see my ancestors' photos was just breathtaking. wow, look at all those! what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. edward: a new report from dhs shows 47,000 migrants were released into the us between march and august with a notice to report to weiss failed to do that. dan springer is in la jolla, texas with more. >> reporter: we are not seeing the same numbers of people crossing the border illegally in recent weeks, could be partially due to the weather. it has turned and gotten colder and windier. we are not seeing the same numbers of big family groups coming across the border and turning themselves in 2 border patrol but we are seeing plenty of so-called runners, folks that are mainly single males trying to evade authorities and in the last week border patrol has captured a number of criminal aliens including two convicted murderers and a sex offender and we are seeing no drop off of human smuggling operations. has picked up in the laredo area, i 35 between laredo and san antonio has been a pipeline, texas dps found 28 migrants jammed into the cab of a semi but the head of border patrol agents union thinks the family groups of stalwart bit do to increase enforcement of title 42. >> the democrats are getting destroyed over this issue. they are starting to ramp up to haiti, including flights there. the numbers, we can expect to see the numbers drop. people know they will not be able to stay in the united states they will stop coming. >> reporter: title 42 was used extensively by donald trump to block asylum-seekers during a public health emergency and now for political reasons it is being used more quickly by the biden administration and speaking of the biden administration we are waiting for numbers from them. we are waiting for the december apprehensions which would mean rapidly 2 million were apprehended by border patrol and other agencies and also waiting for the final numbers from fiscal year 2021 showing how many of those were deported and that will tell us how many people were allowed to stay. edward: that will be an interesting number. so with more on the border crisis and how the administration has been dealing with it, retired acting ice director and former border patrol chief, ron the tello. i want to get your reaction, they are saying the new report from dhs, 47,000 immigrants were released between the us and august never to report back to ice. first on the smuggling report and then failing to find these folks. >> smuggling is always a risk but you can see the dangers these cartels and smugglers put people in the pipeline, jampacked with these vehicles, it is a big problem especially for the border communities so i'm thankful border patrol got that loan but it gives you an idea how chaotic it can and is at the border right now. the tools that border patrol had before january 21st, mainly the migrant protection protocols, remove the incentive for people to come and claim assignment and be released in the united states. they reverse that policy, not only did they reverse it but were so eager to do it, they put no augmentation into the facilities, no augmentation into the system to get people processed even if they were going to be released. they gave people an employment card, report to the nearest ice office and they don't do that and everybody knows that. this entire administration knew that would happen and many people who absconded from this scenario. we have the numbers now. it used to be a regular thing the numbers for the previous month came out around the seventh give or take a day or so. we are two weeks into january and we don't know what the december numbers look like. they are doing that because they don't want bad news to get out. edward: even this week, two convicted murderers and one sex offender were caught coming across. what about those who are not part coming across? how many people are we looking at that are just got aways? >> very good point. it is so chaotic at the border most people, many people will come across the border and not be detected at all and when border patrol is good enough to find ms 13 gang members, convicted murderers they run the pipeline. more volume means more risk to the agents, more risk to border communities. those folks are not staying at the border. this is a problem across the nation. edward: why do you think the administrative not release the end of your numbers and the december numbers? ronald:if they were diligent to do it, they could get it out by the first of the year. i'm sure the numbers are above pace for the one.7 for last fiscal year. working ahead to the 2 million encounters in the coming fiscal year, that's not a good story. 11 in the last 30 seconds you think the next crisis will be trying to find these 2 million people who got into this country? ronald:every time they get a policy stay without the back away from rule of law. they told ice that unless they know people who cross the border regionally they can't go after them if they are not a threat to public safety or a convicted aggravated felon. the people that are here now are encouraged to come to the border because enforcement of the interior means nothing. edward: thank you for your service and your time today. so a federal judge giving the green light for a lawsuit to break up facebook. are we about to see a mega takedown of the social media monopoly? ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? hey... it's our former broker carl. carl, say hi to nina, our schwab financial consultant. hm... i know how difficult these calls can be. not with schwab. nina made it easier to set up our financial plan. we can check in on it anytime. it changes when our goals change. planning can't be that easy. actually, it can be, carl. look forward to planning with schwab. schwab! ♪♪ edward: a big blow to tech as the judge says the sec can move forward with a lawsuit against facebook the breakup the social media giant but is breaking up facebook the best thing for consumers? joining me to discuss all of this is dan gueltrude, aaron gibbs and daniel de martino booth. is a good for consumers to break up this big tech company specifically facebook? >> the argument is a benefit for consumers but a lot to do with advertisers. in the past when you break up companies like the telephone company is, there really was a monopoly but with facebook you have a choice of whether you want to use facebook or instagram. i use facebook, my dog uses instagram. a very hard argument and not a benefit for consumers. it might hurt them because we are calling social media companies to add more technology and internal regulations and software and check on on both accounts and they need those big resources to help them make these platforms more safe. edward: is facebook too big? a monopoly over your data information, what do you think? >> reporter: one thing republicans and democrats seem to agree on, they don't like big tech, specifically facebook, because they have an enormous amount of control over information. at the same time, this is about advertising as well. where we are going to go here, breaking up is hard to do. i don't necessarily think the government is going to be successful in breaking up meta-or facebook. what i do think may come out of this is more regulation. remember that just last year the ftc had filed or find facebook $5 billion for misuse of information. it is interesting as this all plays out. edward: an interesting point about regulation. for the social media companies for the reach they have? >> difficult question to answer, it is a real thing you rightly bring up and i was one of the millions when facebook basically said we are going to be even more delving into your private issues and share more. i'm not sure regulators have the ability to do this but don't think the judge is wrong in saying it might be appropriate for facebook to not own all these platforms and share everybody's private information across them. edward: they talked about the reach and they need the wherewithal in order to handle the services but we saw this report that the teachers union has written the social media companies to suppress the information parents want to get out there related to that. is their concern about that when talking the size of the companies that they can suppress voices? >> whether they are across-the-board when it comes to sharing data or advertising, when talking about content, assessing information i don't think breaking them up makes it easier. it is easier for the government to add these regulations for the large company and say you need to do this across your platforms and therefore the same similar algorithms to make sure there is freedom of content out there and controlling what we don't want out there. i think regulators may not fully understand the complexity of what they are asking for if they want smaller companies and higher levels of service and regulation. they need to hold back and decide what is their priority. edward: when you talk about regulation you think the government could get it right? we've seen government regulation run amok. social media companies have huge lobbying groups in dc that will possibly be helping to write some of this. dan: the short answer, will the government get this right as far as regulation, i will go with no one that. that doesn't mean they won't try to put regulation in place and let's not forget this case as it goes along is not going to be limited to just meta-. amazon, microsoft are watching how this plays out because it is not only meta that is the issue. when you talk about control over the world, amazon has a lot more control over things we do every day. "cavuto" a rapidfire round, 30-seconds. tell me in 2022 a, are we going to see more volatility, markets going up. what do you think? erin:markets will go up but i'm focusing on smaller things because these mega caps are some of the more risky once for 2022. edward: what do you think? danielle: inflation is starting to her company margins and profits at each into what they are making and the economy is slowing so we will have substantially more volatility over the next few months especially if the federal reserve pools liquidity supporting markets out of the system. 11 last time we had a 40 year high recession that year. is there more volatility, recession? dan: i see a lot more volatility in the market. that will be driven by inflation which is causing the reaction from the fed. we will see interest rate increases and that is not good news for the market. edward: we are hearing predictions from all four fed presidents. really appreciate your time. what do incoming republican governor glenn youngcan have in common with the candy manufacturing company? stick around for the answer. ♪♪ i want candy ♪♪ i want candy ♪♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. edward: newly elected virginia governor glenn youngcan about these warning. he will ran on price spikes hitting americans, something our next guest knows about firsthand. larry johns is owner of the candy company in ohio. he says the rising cost force them to increase the average price by 12%. he joins me to discuss all of this, a sweet way to end the show. why did you do it? what was the major input costs that forced you to raise those prices? >> the interesting thing is historically we had one ingredient or one packaging item go up significantly but this year is the only time i have seen across the board literally every components, ingredients, packaging, labor, shipping, importing things, everything across-the-board is up, and it is up significantly. edward: are you able to get the packaging? a dairy manager in new york said he couldn't get that and switched back to glass bottles. >> we need to manage and invest the best we can. there is often delays and expedite things but need to get things at least. edward: how hard is it to pass it on to the consumer. you want to be competitive. does that affect you. >> we are about to find out. one point i wanted to make. i don't hear people talking about it. when it comes to inflation the prices people are paying for last christmas, those prices, back in early 2020 before inflation hit. now we contract on an annual basis for ingredients and commodities and they jumped a lot when we reached the calendar year in january but asking about inflation, consumers accept it. it is a popular item for us. input costs of labor, packaging and ingredients, when it comes to this coming christmas, if retailers will absorb it or allow it and will they pay? this will be one dollar more expensive on the shelf that it has been. edward: what about workers? we heard about a labor shortage going on, 4.5 million people quit their jobs. are you having trouble getting and keeping workers? larry:yes we are. we've not been able to retain our good workers. we are trying to increase pay raise, with different incentives to keep our good workers but it is very difficult to get anyone else. we usually bring a lot of temporary workers, we struggled this year trying to get those -- the extra help. we lost sales as a result. edward: are you raising wages? >> larry:yes. we raised them and we are raising them in the next week or two, another bonus in two weeks. 11 the last 15 seconds, the champagne cotton candy in gold? larry:it is fun, edible glitter supplier we have, a popular thing for celebration. edward: got to have some of that. thank you for your time, appreciate it. that does it for us today, thanks for joining us, keep it here for all the latest news going forward. neil cavuto will be back next week. hope you have a good weekend, stay dry and watch out for the snow. be careful. ank of america. his girlfriend just caught the bouquet, so he's checking in on that ring fund. that photographer? 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Filtration Ability , Switch , Kn95 , N95 , Equal , Supplies , Particles , Grade , Do It Yourself Solution , Facility Filter , 94 , 95 , Point , Type , Use , Nose , Anybody , Guidance , Ramps , Omicron Cloth , Guy Cannes , Folks , Tsunami Warning , Doctor , Variant , Alert , Gallon , Volcano Eruption , Warnings , , Allstate , More , Everywhere , Auto Insurance , Savings , Quote Today , Agent , Hands , 1 888 Allstate , 888 , Look , Inflation Numbers , Gasoline , Plans , Administration , Oil Drilling , Alaska , History , Energy , American , Constricting Demand , Mystery , Reasons , 1 50 , 14 , 50 , Oil , Oil Companies , Public Lands , Expansion , Keystone Pipeline , 7 Trillion , Trillion , Barrel , Cash Flow , Words , Chasing Returns , 00 , Regulations , Move , Petroleum Reserve , 23 Million , Regulation , Progressives , Energy Production , Moves , Fracking , Exploration , Oil Prices , Perception , Arctic , Winter , Ones , Higher , Energy Costs , Memorial Day , Minimum , Laughter , Vice President , Prediction , Obama , Direction , Gdp , Productivity , Global Gk P , 4 5 , Energy Companies , Increase Production , Production Capacity , Rig Count , Energy Independence , Production , Cuts , Energy Squeeze , Areas , Driving , Headwinds , Steel Industry , Majestic Steel Usa , Impact , Levels , Products , Terms , Ease , Distribution , Middle , Change , Tariffs , Imports , Flow , 2021 , Half , Wasn T , Couldn T , Got , Doesn T , Supply , Supply Chain Saw , Pricing , Construction , Ripple Effect , Base Material , Manufacturinged Goods , Truck , Washer , Dryer , Manufacturers , Back , Contractors , Construction Materials , 2022 , 2022 However , Brunt , Construction Jobs , Easing , Life Cycle , Countries , Concerns , Cut Off , Six , Record Highs , Global Trade , Ap , Trade Policy , Term , Mills , People Port , Imimportants , Marketplace , Todd Leebow , Snow , Winter Storm , Pummeling Millions , Eling , Taxpayers , Teacher , Math , Golden Rule , Doing , Girlfriend , Ring Fund , Bouquet , Banking , Em , Bank Of America , Phones , Track , Photographer , Thinking , Yoga Studio , Zen , Father Of The Bride , Stop Banking , Story , Meteorologist Rick Reichmuth , Mass , Fox News , Sol Volcano Erupted , Chief , Kohl Say Coe , Underwater Volcano , Satellite Imagery , News , Lots , Midwest , Huh , Water , Tsunami , Damage , Wave , Bad , Feet , Pacific Basin , Foot , Boats , Energy Move , Surfers , Graphic , Los Angeles Area , Times , Waves Rising , Ocean Heights , Big Ski Lover S Storm , South , Story , Winter Storm Warnings , Missouri , Northern Arkansas , North Dakota , Northeast , Participants , Tennessee , The Deep South , Nashville , Winter Weather Advisories , Winter Storm Watch , Bout , Elevations , Power Outages , Icing , Carolinas , South Carolina , Western , Western Virginia , Winter Storm Watches , Storm Move , North Carolina , Bit , Sections , Rain , Coast Coastal Areas , Rain Effect Vent , Spots , I 95 , Weekend , Storms , Big Accidentings , Impacts , Teem , Remote , School , Hit Inflation , Campaign Trail , Lesson , Cough , Works , Coughs , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Mucinex Dm , Nerd , Liz , Candidates , Record Label , Sound Engineer , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Inflammation , Eye Drops , Burn , Ache , Eyes , Xiidra , Eye , Eye Drop , Eye Disease , Symptoms , Signs , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Side Effects , Container , Contacts , Eye Doctor , Discomfort , Vision , Taste Sensation , Surface , Dry Eye , Eye Irritation , Fifteen , Education , Glenn Youngkin , Camel Pain , Leadership Style , Pageantry , Day One , Richmond , Alexandria Hoff , Al Sand Drink , Up To Date , Changes , Swearing In , Setup , Outsider , Election , Game Plan , Executive Orders , Series , Everybody Hue A , Overreach , Government Overreach , School Children , Mask Requirement , Systems , Title , Lieutenant Governor , Sworn In , Inauguration Day , Attorney General , Latino , Winsome Sears , Festival , Swearing , Ball , Path , Parade , Zac Brown Band , 4000 , Cases , School Districts , Funding , Alex , Rodney Davis , Report , Elect Youngkin , Learning , Parents , Epicenter , Frustration , Rescue Plan , School District , Public School District , Child , 0000 , 10000 , Student , Charge , Loudoun County , Rescue , Victory , Obligation , Is , Shutdowns , Chance , Running Out Of Time , Thoughts , Secretary , Terrorists , Break , Letter , National School Board Association , 15 , Amendment , Care , Meeting , School Board , Administrations , Ed Warted , Association , Organization , Bottom , Investments , Retirement , Voya , Filibuster , Joe Manchin , Hopes , Kristen Sinema , Program , Politics , Correspondent , Optics , Chad , Vote , Voting Rights Bill , Voting Bill , In A Perfect World , Martin Luther King , Votes , Procedure , Side , Standing Away , Chuck Schumer , Party , Base , Activists , Attendance , Voters , Rhetoric , Changing , Expectations , Filibuster Division , Roger Wicker , Member , Mississippi , Senate Rules Committee , Voting Laws , Turnout , 2020 , Book , Profiles In Courage , Heaven , John F Kennedy , Tradition , Browbeating , Caucus , 2 , Democracies , Consensus , Hat , Tossing , Attacks , Guy , Taxpayer Funding , Mitch Mcconnell , Estate , New York , Registration , Campaign Commercials , Referendum , States , Voter Id , Id , Digits , Driver S License , Elections , Word , Joe Jones , License , Atlanta , My Covid Shot For Vaccination , Infrastructure Bill , Piece , Law , Discussion , Legislation , Infrastructure Upgrade , It Law , Rules , Studies , Infrastructure , Highways , Building Roads , Seaports , Airports , Truck Drivers , 18 , Line , Gulf Coast , Mississippi River , Pay , African Americans , Lion , Raises , Earnings , Attack , Precursor , Invasion , Defense Budget , We Haven T , Vladimir Putin , Evil Empire , Signal , Ronald Reagan , Freedom , Europe , Requirement , Team Pipeline , Nordstrom , Didn T , Approval Numbers , Real Clear Politics , Phil Wegman , Donald Trump , Quinnipiac Poll , 36 , Election Day , White House Press Secretary , Need , Reflection , Line Number , Foreign Policy , Turnaround , Cross Tab , Poll Numbers , Polls , November , Will , 42 , Other , Attempt , Conversation , Voting Rights Push , Didn T Work , Biden Go , The Hill , Big Push , Desk , District , Value Add , Kirsten Sinema , Parties , Briefing Room , Terry Mcauliffe , Voting , Secretary Of State , Accusations , Home , Next , Farmers Policy Perks , Ww , App , Pa Dum , Bum , Trial , Jefferson Davis , George Wallace , Bull Connor , Abraham Lincoln , John Lewis , Doctor K , Pennies , Rant Yesterday , Remarks , Secretary Of State Georgia , Book Integrity Counts , Author , Hr One , Takeover Plan , Facts , Belligerent , Photo Id , Demographic , Door , Majority , Fraud , Leaders , Citizens , Noncitizen , American Citizens Pure And Simple , Comparison , Voting Rights Laws , Early Voting Georgia , Home State Of Delaware , 17 , Election Integrity , Jim Crow Laws , Absentee Voting , Record Turnout , Record Registration , Permission Slip , 2008 , 32 , Counties , Cheat , Guardrails , Lines , Time , Job Officers , State Law , Accountability , Scheduling Conflict , Stacy Abrams Didn T Show Up , Dentist Appointment , Organizations , Lawsuits , Taxpayer Funds , 2019 , Society , Square By 55000 Vote , Articles , 2018 , 55000 , Count , Integrity , Counts , Criminals , Crime , Light , Cities , Speed , Carjackings , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Fee , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Cabin , Chase , Hello , Kevin Hart , Aspirin , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Stomach , Ulcers , Eruption , Satellite Image , Let S Go To Chief , Area , Reports , Tsunamis , Waves , San Francisco , Water Rises , Seas , Kansas , Iowa , Oklahoma , Charlotte , Greensboro , Mid Atlantic , Carjacking , Manhattan , Stories , Gears , Scenes , Ted Williams , District Attorney Plans , Crimes , Former Dc , Misdemeanor , Video , Prosecutor , Television Listening , Sitting , Manhattan Da , Arrest , Turnstiles , Subway System , Businesspeople , Arms , Sheriff , Services , List , Dc Manhattan Da Won T , Feds , Trespassing , Cop Killer , Second , Prostitution , The List , Police Officers , Acting , Da , Arrests , Laws , Shouldn T , Legislator , Burger King , Lady , Robber , Death , Screwdriver , Eric Adams , Service , Migrants , Card , Omc , How Bizarre , Family , Photos , County Of Macomb , Oh My Goodness , Ancestors , Journey , Wow , Lorraine Banks , Gift , Michigan , Dan Springer , Notice , Dhs , Texas , La Jolla , 47000 , Weather , Border Patrol , Family Groups , Authorities , Runners , Windier , Males , Murderers , Sex Offender , Drop Off , Human Smuggling Operations , Aliens , San Antonio , Laredo , 35 , Pipeline , Enforcement , Groups , Head , Cab , Stalwart , Semi , Texas Dps , Agents Union , 28 , Flights , Haiti , December Apprehensions , Asylum Seekers , Public Health Emergency , Many , Agencies , 2 Million , Crisis , Retired Acting Ice Director , Border Patrol Chief , Ron The Tello , Reaction , Immigrants , Smuggling Report , Smuggling , Dangers , Communities , Smugglers , Cartels , Jampacked , Vehicles , Augmentation , Policy , Claim , Incentive , Assignment , Migrant Protection Protocols , 21 , January 21st , Ice Office , Employment Card , Scenario , Give , December Numbers , Bad News , Gang Members , Aways , Volume , Agents , Ronald , Fiscal Year , Encounters , One 7 , 11 , Policy Stay , Rule Of Law , Judge , Felon , Nothing , Facebook , Lawsuit , Mega Takedown , Social Media Monopoly , Our Schwab Financial Consultant , Calls , Broker , Carl , Nina , Mary , Hm , Planning , Blow , Sec , Consumers , Social Media , Breakup , Dan Gueltrude , Big Tech Company , Daniel De Martino Booth , Aaron Gibbs , Benefit , Argument , Telephone Company , Advertisers , Monopoly , Choice , Dog , Instagram , Social Media Companies , Technology , Accounts , Software , Platforms , Safe , Data Information , Big Tech , Information , Advertising , Think , Breaking Up Is Hard , Ftc , Misuse , Plays Out , Billion , 5 Billion , Reach , Delving , Regulators , Ability , Wherewithal , Size , Teachers Union , Content , Voices , Algorithms , Complexity , Run Amok , Priority , Lobbying Groups In Dc , That , No One , Amazon , Meta , Microsoft , Volatility , Markets , Round , Erin , Caps , 2022 Edward , Profits , Making , Reserve , Liquidity , Company Margins , Interest Rate Increases , Glenn Youngcan , Hearing Predictions , Candy Manufacturing Company , Candy , Don T Take Ozempic , Adults , A1c , Oh , Heart Disease , Weight , Oh Ozempic , Isn T , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Events , Share , Stroke , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Reuse , Pens , Lump , Needles , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Swelling , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Type 2 Diabetes , Insulin , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Provider , Prescription , Statin Drug , Health Care Provider , Cholesterol , Qunol Coq10 , 25 , Statin Medication , Larry Johns , Candy Company , Owner , Cost Force , Ohio , Input Costs , Packaging , Ingredients , Item , Components , Shipping , He Couldn T , Dairy Manager , Best , Bottles , Inflation Hit , Last Christmas , Commodities , Basis , Retailers , Shelf , One Dollar , Labor Shortage , Trouble , Keeping , 4 5 Million , Raise , Incentives , Anyone Else , Result , Champagne Cotton Candy , Bonus , Glitter Supplier , Fun , Gold , Celebration , Ank , Ways , Finishing , Style , Touches , Restyle , Aisles , At Lowe S , Event , Save , Bath Style , Lowe S , Points , Shopping , James Corden , Clothes , Foods , Ice Cream , Sandwiches , Ww Personalpoints Program , Avocado , Limits , Griff , January 17th , Residents , Shock Waves , Lives , Led , Scambling , Tonga , Tsunami Advisories , Let , Anita Vogel , Hi , Jeff Paul ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Cavuto Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Cavuto Live 20240709

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wilmington where president biden arrived last night from washington, and even his strongest supporters admit this week has been a disaster. >> there's a lot of talk about disappointments of things we haven't gotten done. we're going to get a lot of them done, i might add. reporter: this week u.s. inflation hitting its fastest pace in nearyly four decades -- nearly four decades. an almost 50% increase in gas prices as americans across the country have noticed at the pump and a 12.5% jump in grocery store prices including meat, fish and eggs. at the white house, jen psaki claims nobody saw this coming. >> we are getting out of a pandemic, and the economic downturn tied to it at a rate that is faster than anyone would have thought would have happened. >> reporter: talks with russia failing to stop tensions at the border with ukraine, the situation now even more tense. a speech in georgia failed to get voting rights pass ld, biden comparing his opponents to segregationists. the supreme court blocked the vaccine mandate. his approval rating falling to just 33%, edward, hastenedded by the withdrawal from afghanistan. a fox business poll says nearly half of the prime minister blame president for making inflation worse. one gop senator says this week has a silver lining. >> that means it's been a very good week for the american people. >> reporter: and next week marks the end of piledden's first year in -- president biden's first year in office. he will mark it with a press conference at 4 p.m. on wednesday, the same day his web site for getting covid tests goes live. ed: we'll have to see what tone he takes. rough week, rough year for this president. thank you, lucas, appreciate it. you know, from the dos of -- cost of gas to food, we're seeing record prices at the grocery store, and it could get even worse. grady trimble is digging deeper into all of this in princeton, illinois. grady? >> reporter: edward, america's farmers are dealing with rising prices for essentials like fertilizer, up 30% from a year ago. fuel to run their equipment up 50-60% from last year. even the farm equipment itself costs more. evan holstein is a corn and soybean farmer out here in illinois, so connect the dots for us as to how higher prices for you eventually leads to higher prices at the grocery store. >> sure. so our corn and soybeans get fed to livestock which in turn becomes the meat you buy at the grocery store. so ingredient increases we're seeing eventually trickle their way down to the consumer. >> reporter: the latest cpi numbers show that all types of meat from beef to chicken up substantially from a year ago, and that is likely because of, what we mentioned, your costs are just through the roof right now. >> yeah. i think, you know, we're just seeing an immense amount of inflation and, hopefully, we'll see some relief down the road, but it'll probably be a while before we expect that to happen. >> reporter: the white house says it's making progress on showing the rate of inflation. number one, are you seeing that? and, number two, how long is this going to last? >> i won't say we've seen it yet. you know, i doubt we see it next week, but probably, you know, at least a year, maybe two. historically that seems to be the trend before we see any relief in this sort of situation. >> reporter: so,. ed: world, farmers getting frustrated with the higher prices and eventually all of this trickles down from the first stop in the food supply chain for our country here all the way down to the grocery store. back to you. edward: thanks, grady. a year or two from farmers on the ground, unbelievable. so you heard from the white house, you heard from farmers, so let's see what customers are thinking. now for that i want to bring in former ceo of walmart, sam simon, in here if you can see him there. inflation no matter where you live, again, it's hitting everyone where. there we are. technical issues going on here. bill simon. bill, i want to talk to you about -- the president declared he saved christmas, but we're seeing pictures of those empty schells with that hashtag -- shelves with that hashtag bare shelves biden on social media. which is it? is the supply chain solved or are we still going to deal with this? >> no, it's a shocking and unmitigated disaster right now. our shelves in our stores look like the soviet union in 1972. and it's honestly a shock to americans. it's never happened in our lifetime. we're facing, you know, sort of a collaborative disaster happening all at once, a tangled mess of wires. you know, the farmer that just spoke is rightly accurate in that prices are rising, but that's compounded by the fact that it's very difficult for them to get their product to the market right now because transportation is also an issue. you know, we have a backup at the ports, and we have rising wages, and we have, you know, all kinds of things that are happening that are really just pushing upward pressure on prices. and the upward pressure on prices usually means that demand is are reduced -- is reduced and supply increases, so there should be more product if on the shelves. so we've got sort of this double whammy if happening. and right now the administration and the congressing is focused on, are focused on things that don't matter to the american people. the american people are hurting, and they want them to focus on inflation, on gas prices, on a solution for covid maybe with therapeutics and get things sorted out, and today want to talk about january 6th and voting rights, all kinds of other things. ed edward: bill, we just saw the wholesale prices going up 9.7%. that's the prices that companies in order to make the goods that they have, they're getting more expensive. the president and his economic advisers both made the case that they're -- [inaudible] talking about transportation and how they're moving containers through at a bigger rate as they're being offloaded. i want you to listen here to fed chairman jay powell testify this week. listen to this. >> the number of ships at anchor is still at a record level are, so we're not really seeing yet the kind of progress we essentially all forecasters thought we'd be seeing right now, and that's really what's's driving it. i think we did foresee the strong spike in demand. we didn't know that it would be so focused on goods, but that's really what happened. edward: record number of ships at anchor, so this is not going to be sorted out anytime soon. the fed chairman indicating maybe the end of this year. >> yeah, i think that's right. unless, you know, there's some action taken. and we have capability that we're not using, you know? the defense logistics agency, the military sea lift command have resources to move goods all over the world. i'm more optimistic than a couple of years because, you know, it's really pretty clear what broke the system. and when you know what broke it, you can fix ityou have the will and the effort. -- if you have the will and the effort. the administering ought to say we're not doing anything except supply chain, inflation and covid and world affairs until this is fixed. you can't do the small stuff, you don't get to do the big stuff. edward: we herald a lot about supply chain issues and companies looking for suppliers in mexico and south america rather than china. that hasn't really happened, has it? >> no, it hasn't. i mean, people are trying, but, you know, trucking, over the road moving the goods is almost as difficult, maybe even more difficult than, you know, the over the water routes. so you might be able to find a supplier somewhere else, but youen -- you can't get the goods because there's a trucking shortage. edward: bill simon, thank you very much. so the white house now, the message is they're working on it. listen to this. >> given the unique strength of the united states' economic recovery overall growth as well as the labor market, we are well positioned to attack the challenges of prices and costs head on, and that's exactly what the president's and this administration are doing. edward: but many say this is something the president started by his assault on the energy industry, pushing gas prices up which pushes up the cost of almost everything. turn to dan get trued and ari air mesh and former dallas fed adviser daniel dimartino booth. i want to start with you, danielle. the administration's policies and fiscal spending sparked this 7% year-over-year inflation, right? >> it was. and i think that that's something that the administration needs to own up to. that last still the plus package that we had -- stimulus package that we had effectively poured gas lean on the fire, and we found -- a university of chicago study found that 1.5 million spouses drop out of the work force thanks to the child tax credit being delivered starting last july in cash. so the economy has suffered, and this has caused, you know, butter people in the work force, it's caused wage inflation which is a company's biggest line item, biggest expense to increase substantially. and this is trickling through the economy. we saw if you take out food services that retail sales adjusted for inflation yesterday droppedded to a 13-month low. so i don't know where they're getting this idea that we have a row bust recovery going on. inflation is eating americans alive. edward: dan, price aren't rising if you get those goods on the shelves, so the u.s. is continuing to rely on chinese manufacturing for all of these things, aren't they, and that's participant of the issue here. -- part of the issue here. >> of course it is. china is not our friend, and to put ourselves in a position where we have to rely on this is not where we want to be. look, edward, it's very clear. yes, the virus started this process. the reason why we're still in this mess with innation relate -- in nation relates to policies. if i were advising the president, i would tell him everybody who's advising you on the economic front, fire 'em today. because they don't understand what's happening. for some reason they're still urn the impression we have -- under the impression we have a demand problem. we don't have a demand problem. we have a supply problem tied directly to the lack of labor, and that lack of labor has been caused by policies that have kept people out of the work force or the mandates that were pushing people out of the work force. edward: and inflation being pushed by energy prices. ari, he wants to bring manufacturing back to the u.s. from china. you know, but the on display in congress, the attending physician bought n9 5 masks for lawmakers with this huge label stamped made in china. these are masks that lawmakers are forced to wear on the house and senate floors. i know you can see hem there. you know, this is government -- does all this government buying -- [inaudible] isn't it, ari? >> look at the reality of the -- yes, inflation is on the rise. that's a huge problem problem, and the president and the democratic party will have to fix that or address the inflation issue going into the midterms, otherwise it's going to cost us a great many seats in the house and the senate. but in his first year, the president's performance on the economy, gdp growth has been historic in the past 40 years. you look at the s&p 500, it's been up. stocking market, capital growth. and you look at, you know, investment in manufacturing has actually been up. so, yes, you look at a pretty successful economic picture in and pretty successful financial performance in his first year especially compared to purpose or previous presidents -- edward: ari, hold on. we knew, we knew when the economy's opening up that the demand is going to be there, and now we're seeing inflation is 7%. so the actual real wagings for workers are going down. i'm going to have to continue this in the next hour coming up. you guys are not going away. ari, i'm going to come back to you on this one. appreciate your time on that. first, though, let's now get to the supreme court handing a big defeat to president joe binden, a big win for businesses. but why could that help bring workers back? plus, did one lawmaker just find the answer to keeping kids in class and stopping schools from going remote? paying students? he'll explain, coming up. ♪ ♪ some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at 80% get genetically meaningful health info from their 23andme dna reports. 80%. that's 8 out of 10 people who can get something enlightening. something empowering. something that could change everything. info that could give you greater control of your own health, and it's right there in your dna. so, if 80% get genetically meaningful health info, the question is, will you be part of the 80%? do you know what the future holds? one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. ♪ >> employers cheering a ruling from the nation's high court that shoots down president biden's vaccine mandate for businesses with at least 100 employees. now, my next guest was a key player in that legal battle. the executive director of the nfib small business legal center, karen har nett joins me now. even the administration knew this might be overturned, but it was not really about vaccines, was it? >> well, that was our suspicion all along, that this was really just for the of an effort to try to get more people vaccinated and, by making this mandate known through the government, hoping that that would get more employers to mandate it at their workplaces just knowing that the mandate may eventually take effect. edward: and the white house still putting pressure, actually, as of yesterday on those companies, private companies to say, hey, those companies need to individually institute those mandates. so we've seen employment trending down over the last three months, 10.6 million jobs open, a record 5.4 million people quit. do you think this ruling will keep people then in their jobs? >> well, that is definitely our hope. even the government in its papers to the court said in its rule, said they anticipated that 1-3% of workers that work for companies with 100 or more employees were going to walk off the job president mandate took effect. we thought those -- if the mandate took effect. we thought those numbers were much higher based on what we were hearing from our business owners when they were talking to their employees. their employees were not going to stay in a job if they didn't want to get vaccinated. edward: so the case was sent back to the lower courts. is the administration going to continue this legal battle? >> well, that will be interesting to see because they did it -- osha did this under their more than rule authority. that can only last until may 5th. so there's no hearing schedule in the sixth circuit court of appeals, and courts move a lot slower. so the idea they would get a decision out of them that would have any if meaning at all because it would likely come close to or maybe even after the rule would expire. >> do you think the administration's going to give this up then, or do you see more mandates related to vaccines coming could be the pike? finish. >> well,ing we hope they do. i mean, i was very happy with the supreme court's opinion. they could not have been clearer that they do not think osha has the authority to do this in the way that they did it. and so my hope is they will just move on and try to find another solution. mandates just are not well received by many americans, and they're definitely not well received by the business owners i represent. edward: exactly. what about the other split decision from the supreme court, the vaccine mandate for health care workers at facilities that received federal money? that was upheld. what message does that send at a time when we need health care workers on the job? >> right. well, that was disappointing as well because, quite frankly, our view is on all of these things where you're asking somebody to take a medicine, really congress needs to speak. in that case i think the court just thought it was more narrowly tailored to one certain industry, government gives them money, and that was enough to get it across the finish line. but there is a great concern that just like a normal, you know, worker at a retail establishment that would be subject to this mandate, you're going to see health care workers walk off the job too. this is not the time to do it. our data is showing 49% of small business owners are trying to find workers. they don't need people quitting, they need to be hiring. edward: so with this carveout for the health care workers, do you think then the administration's going to try and rework this mandate related to federal money then and try to reimpose it on private businesses? >> they may. i think that's going to be harder. again, it's also who did it. like, osha really does not have the authority, according to the supreme court. so i wonder what agency they would do that through, quite frankly, and how many industries would really be, you know, subject to those kinds of constraints. i think it would definitely be - [inaudible] let's just put it that way. edward: thank you, karen harned, a big week for you and big defeat for the president. appreciate your time. >> thank you. edward: so a tsunami advisory for hawaii and a warning for the u.s. west coast after a volcano erupts in the pacific. we'll have the latest on that coming up. ♪ get a head start in investing with the new schwab starter kit™. new investors can open an account and get $50 to split across the top five stocks in the s&p 500®. you can also unlock short videos, step-by-step guides, and other easy-to-use tools designed for people just getting started. plus, investment professionals are on standby 24/7 if you ever have a question. it's the smarter way to start investing. ♪ ♪ ed: mandate madness and mask mayhem all contributing to the ongoing covid confusion. a new poll shows that 37% of americans approve of the cdc's handling of covid, and as far as understanding its guidelines, only 43% of americans say they have clarity. let's try and make sense of all of this with infectious disease specialist dr. amesh. thank you for joining us, first of all. how should the cdc and the administration clarify this messaging in. >> the first thing they need to do is step back and articulate what the goals are because we're dealing with an endemic respiratory virus, one that most people are going to get, and i think that will help people understand what we're trying to do now is reduce the harm that this virus can cause -- is causing, trying to use the tools that we have. and i think that's been missing from the very beginning. we've kind of seen mixed and confusing messages because there haven't been an overall strategy articulated to the public, and i think that's where we need to start. e world: do you think it's time to pivot and live with this virus like, say, the flu? >> once we got to the vaccine era, i do think we have to pivot because when it comes to someone fully vaccinated, this is a mild illness. the goal has to be to keep hospitals operating, and there are still too many individuals that sort of hold many hospitals hostage. that's what we have to focus on, hospital capacity and teaching people how to risk -- with a virus that's not going anywhere. all of that makes this manager that will eventually be managed like ore rest pa tore viruses, we just need to get through this acute surge and make sure our hospitals are able to function normally. edward: so when do we start living with this thing, in your mind? >> if you're someone that's fully vaccinated, you should be living with now. if you're unadvantage city vaccinated, especially if you're high risk, this is still a major threat. after this come ron -- omicron surge fades, and it's starting to fade in some parts of the country, we're seeing peaking occur, there they're going to start to see hospitalizations will continue for some time, but eventually they're going to get to a better place with the baseline case. so i do think once each part of this country gets through the omicron surge, we're going to be in a different place with more rapid test the, more monoclonal antibodies, more antivirals so we will be able to treat this like other respiratory infections. edward: a senior official told me americans can start getting their free at-home tests january 19th. but the tests will not be shipped for 7-12 days after the ordering. so the administration, you know, did not have all the tests in their possession either. is this too little too late on this testing? >> it's definitely late, but it's still going to be useful because people are going to want to know their status, want to get prescriptions, so tests are going to be important in a sustained manner for several weeks or months going into this, going into this pandemic and as we live with it normally. we would have liked to have seen them be available before the holidays, we want them now. people are still driving around trying to get tested, so this is definitely something that has to be considered a failure, that we didn't have rapid tests in the people's hands when this omicron surge occurred. but the fact that we're going to get them, i think, is going to help us live sustainably with this virus. ed edward: the president says the governor -- government's going to buy millions of quality masks. we're starting to hear don't wear the cloth masks. what's the difference between these masks expect cloth masks, and do we really need to make that switch? >> the difference between masks has to do with their filtration ability. an n95, kn95, those types of masks are medical grade masks that can facility filter out 94, 95% of those small particles. cloth masks, i think, were a do it yourself solution when we were worried about supplies for health care workers. not all masks are create equal, but the best type is the one that you wear appropriately because if you get one and it's so uncomfortable and you wear it with your nose sticking out, that's not of use to anybody. and i think we're getting to a point where masks are something people decide to wear or not wear on their own. we're going to have off ramps for masks, and i think it's important for the e cdc to have guy cannes. those of us -- guidance. but with omicron cloth masks are probably not going to be sufficient because this is a more unforgiving variant because it's more contagious. edward: very interesting, doctor. we're going to have you back, i am sure. thank you very much. good talk. so, coming up, folks on the west coast on alert after tsunami warning is issued following a volcano eruption in the pacific. plus, warnings that the average price for a gallon of gas will be $4 a gallon, and it's not that far off. coming up next. welcome to allstate. where auto insurance now costs less. ♪ and savings like that follow you everywhere. ♪ now, save more with allstate. ♪ because better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. call a local agent or 1-888-allstate for a quote today. edward: digging deeper into those inflation numbers, take a look at gasoline. a huge spike over the past year, and some are predicting it could top $4 a gallon as an average year. now the biden administration announced plans to reverse a trump era rule allowing more oil drilling in alaska. oil expert jeff small is joining us now. you know, is this really the time to start constricting more demand? >> oh, it's absolutely the worst time in the history to start constricting demand. but as far as the cost of energy, ed, it's really a mystery to the average american as to why energy prices have escalated $1.50 a gallon in 14 months. so let me lay it out for you. basically, there's three reasons why energy prices are going up. number one, like you said, the biden administration on the first day in office reversed the trump era policies on the expansion of oil on public lands, they canceled the keystone pipeline. number two, we overstimulated the economy coming out of covid with $7 trillion, and now the economy is vibrant, and demand is going up. and number three, oil companies are no longer chaseing growth at all costs, but now they're chasing returns. in other words, companies are being designed to generate free cash flow instead of growth. combine all of this, and no one believes that oil will be over $100 a barrel this time next year. edward: interesting. we've also seen regulations come in and discourage that investment going forward. we talk about this latest move by the administration, we're talking about the national petroleum reserve which is in alaska about 23 million acres. what do you think's behind the moves for all this regulation, for everything you just laid out and now this latest move in alaska? >> well, it's obviously, you know, progressives want to ban fracking, they want to ban the exploration of energy production across the board not just on public lands and the arctic. but that perception causes pressure on oil prices. just that perception. and we are energy dependent on oil. need a long-term plan to get off of oil. we can't do it all at once at the price of the american consumer. they are the ones that get hammered. energy costs for gas, ed, are 30% higher this winter, 6% higher for electrical at a minimum, and we're going to see $4 at the pump by memorial day. edward: whoa, that's a big prediction. [laughter] so the last time though, you talk about barrel of oil at $100, the the last time that happened was when former president biden -- former president obama was in office, and his vice president at the time, joe biden. so you think we're headed in that direction again, and what does that mean to gas prices, you know, regardless of the $4 a gallon? are we going beyond that? >> it's possible we can see something higher than that. look at productivity. gdp this year's going to be 4%, the economy is going to suck up oil from demand. global productivity is projected to be 4.5% global gk p -- gdp which means demand is going to come back strongly. the problem is we don't have the production capacity. we can't start producing that much that quickly. that's why the biden administration has recently asked energy companies here in the u.s. to do what? increase production. who would have thought that, right? edward: so that's how you do it? i guess, how do you do it? how do we get back to the energy independence that we had? >> well, we have to, obviously, start producing more. the rig count is down 30-40% from the trump era til today, and a lot of that was caused by covid. but it means that companies are producing more with less expense because their cash -- they're cash flow driven, they're not looking at growth and production. so we have to reincentivize the industry to do that. st going to take some time though to catch back up to the demand that we have now, so we're going to see that energy squeeze, we're going to see inflationary pressure on energy, prices are going to go up substantially from here. edward: thank you, jeff small. start to make some cuts in other areas to satisfy my driving budge. [laughter] i appreciate it. we've got to cover that. thanks for your time. so, you know, it's not just oil. the steel industry is facing headwinds from supply chain issues to delays in manufacturing. so the ceo of majestic steel usa joins me now. so what effect will this have on steel prices going forward? we're talking about oil prices, what about steel prices? >> yeah. we've seen the impact on steel prices already. actually, the steel supply chain is starting to ease, and at majestic we sit in the middle of the supply chain in terms of distribution and production. so we see it first. certain products are actually starting to ease. we're still at historic high prices, but they've come down slightly from peak levels that we saw just late in 2021. e world: so that's interesting. is that because the tariffs, the change in tariffs that have happened recently and there's more flow coming from outside the united states? >> we're seeing record imports regardless of the tariffs. the price between domestic and foreign got so large that you couldn't get domestic because there wasn't enough production here, and people started to import in the second half of 2021. so, you know, we're starting to see that arrive now which is supply -- which the supply chain is easing across certain products which is having the impact in terms of the market today. the steel supply chain saw it first, so i think we'll start to see steel ease. the thing is, you know, it doesn't ease the entire supply chain, and it doesn't relieve pricing to the consumer. edward: we're still seeing pressure on pricing in steel. talk about -- that's a base material in a lot of construction. so increasing that cost has a ripple effect, doesn't it? >> yeah. i think you're starting to see it even more so now in construction and manufacturinged goods -- manufactured goods. you go to buy a truck, a washer, a dryer, a roof on your house, we're are going to feel that, and that's probably not going to come back. the consumer's not going to get any ease there in terms of what's happening. even if the steel supply chain eases and pricing pulls back, typically you don't see that necessarily change in terms of what the manufacturers are doing that then impacts the end consumer. these higher prices are going to be here to stay for quite some time, and the supply chain across all parts and products is not necessarily easing. edward: yeah. according to the general contractors to of america -- of america, the price of construction materials jumped nearly 20 percent in 2021, so you're not looking at reversing that in 2022. do you see it increasing throughout the entire year? >> i think that you'll see the steel prices continue to ease as we go into 20 2022. however, still at elevated levels to previous years. but by the time that gets through the supply chain all the way to the consumer, definitely don't see that easing. i think that there is a delayed effect in terms of construction jobs. they're now feeling the brunt of it today where steel felt it early in the pandemic's life cycle. e world: what about dumping of steel? we've herald big concerns five, six years ago about the china sending steel to other countries to come into the united states. is that still a big problem, or has that been sort of cut off? >> global production is still too high. china's production is still at record highs. it came down slightly in 2021. we're seeing ap increase and surge of imports into the u.s. market right now, so global trade is still going to be something that needs to be addressed. however, what we're seeing is the domestic mills invest in new production here in the u.s. which is needed for the long term. it's just the matter of the short term how that's handled. we've seen an increase in people port -- imimportants regardless of trade policy. so i think that we'll continue to need to see how trade policy impacts the global marketplace moving forward. edward: yeah, see if we can spark that industry here again. todd leebow, appreciate it your time. >> appreciate it. edward: up next, a major winter storm that's pulmoif eling millions with snow, ice -- pummeling millions, and a tsunami warning for the west coast. plus, we'll meet the lawmakers who is may have -- who may have the answer to keeping schools open, one that maybe students and taxpayers can both get behind. ♪ the teacher is teaching the golden rule. ♪ american history and practical math -- ♪ you study 'em hard and hoping to pass ♪♪ ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? they're banking, with bank of america. his girlfriend just caught the bouquet, so he's checking in on that ring fund. that photographer? he's looking for something a little more zen, so he's thinking, “i'll open a yoga studio.” and as for the father of the bride? he's checking to see if he's on track to do this all over again... and again. bank of america's digital tools are so impressive, you just can't stop banking. edward: following a developing story this morning, the west coast is now under a tsunami advisory. this after a kohl say coe erupted in the -- sol volcano erupted in the pacific. you can see it. so fox news chief meteorologist rick reichmuth has the latest on that and the mass if i winter -- massive winter storm hitting the midwest. good news for us today, huh? [laughter] rick: yeah. lots going on. i've been watching that satellite imagery of that underwater volcano that erupted and displaced all of that water which has caused the tsunami to move throughout the pacific basin. that said, these were the observed wave rises across areas of hawaii, not that bad, just under 3 feet at its highest level and no damage reported from that. now, that said, we're going to now watch this energy move towards the west coast. let me get back to that graphic, move towards the west coast, and this will likely be under a foot, but it could cause a little damage to any boats that are tied up in ports, also stay out of the water, any surfers or anything. in fact, about five minutes from now is when we're watching the first wave expected towards the los angeles area. those are all local times when we'll see waves rising, ocean heights across parts of the pacific basin. all right. the other story we're watching today is a really large winter storm, over a foot of snow across parts of north dakota. the storm is moving off towards the south, at least temporary hi. you see that snow across parts of missouri towards arkansas where we have winter storm warnings in effect. watch what happens with this future track of this storm. snow today across participants of the deep south -- parts of the deep south, areas like tennessee, icing across parts of the south and eventually towards the northeast. this is where we have all of our winter weather advisories. you see nashville, a winter storm watch right now. you have a lot of snow in nashville so far this winter, another bout of this coming maybe another 4-5 end. s. higher elevations maybe up towards a foot or more. and then you notice participants of the carolinas, i think we're going to be watching for some icing, and that could cause really big problems, maybe bringing significant power outages that will be with us for a number of days, especially participants of western south carolina and northern north carolina and western virginia. maybe up to about a foot of snow, then eventually, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow night and into monday, we see this storm move across parts of the northeast. you'll notice no winter storm watches or warnings across coastal areas, so that i-95 corridor expecting to see this maybe start off as a little bit of snow and then move in towards rain. so i think we're talking about mostly a rain effect vent across coast coastal areas, but interior sections of the northeast, some spots likely getting a foot to a foot and a half of snow, so a big ski lover's storm but it's also falling on a weekend. if you can at all, just stay inside over these next couple of days so we don't have big accidentings. you like to guess neat storms on the weekend if you can. -- these storms on the weekend if you can. big impacts for a lot of teem -- a lot of people. edward: thanks, rick, appreciate it. coming up, next time schools want to go remote, meet the lawmaker who wants to help students stay in school with cash. we'll explain. but first, this republican hit inflation on the campaign trail, he's an hour away from becoming virginia's next governor. a lesson for democrats in november? 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[laughter] edward: that could be a path for republicans now, laying out a plan. youngkin did it, he laid out the plan. thank you, alex, in richmond, virginia. appreciate it. so some school districts choosing to close down as covid cases go up. my next guest is pushing for federal funding to help kids switch from virtual schools to allow in-person learning. illinois republican congressman rodney davis joins me now. congressman, tell me your plan, first of all. >> thanks for having me on. great to follow a report on governor-elect youngkin who will be sworn in today because the epicenter of the frustration with our schools was right there during the virginia election. and what this bill does, it simply allows money that's already been appropriated in the american rescue plan to allow students and parents, if your school district shuts down, you can take up to $10,000 and move your child to a neighboring school district, another public school district that remains open. because we know schools being open makes sure our kids learn better. edward: right. so you introduced the open schools act. how much would that plan cost? you're talking about $10,000 per student. it would follow the student, not the school. >> you would follow the student. it allows parents to be back in charge which we're, you know, which was the epicenter of loudoun county, virginia is, to help glenn youngkin in historic republican victory there. but our bill would take money that's already been appropriated, it's already been voted on. it's in the american rescue plan without any obligation. so let's give parents a chance to get their kids back in school. you know, these shutdowns of our schools, they hurt those who have worked the pandemic the entire time. edward: right. i'm running out of time here, unfortunately, we're up against a hard break. i want to ask you about the secretary of education actually asking the national school board association for the letter comparing parents to domestic terrorists. i want to get your thoughts on that in the last 15 seconds. >> we need to make sure we invest whether or not the biden administration, through the secretary of education, asked the national school board association to determine whether or not parents, parents who care about their kids, who are going to use their first amendment right to protest at a school board meeting to be labeled domestic terrorists? what kind of administration would propose any association or any organization to do that? it's very disappointing, and we need to get to the bottom of it because future administrations and education matter. ed warted: congressman, i appreciate your time. congressman rodney davis from illinois. i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. voya provides guidance for the right investments. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. voya. be confident .. 80% get genetically meaningful health info from their 23andme dna reports. 80%. that's 8 out of 10 people who can get something enlightening. something empowering. something that could change everything. info that could give you greater control of your own health, and it's right there in your dna. so, if 80% get genetically meaningful health info, the question is, will you be part of the 80%? do you know what the future holds? >> democratic senators joe manchin and kristen sinema blocking the hopes to change the senate filibuster to block the bill. congressional correspondent from fox news chad program has more. chad: optics is critical in politics. that is why democrats aim for the senate to meet this weekend and vote on or before martin luther king day on the voting rights bill. in a perfect world democrats want to dare the gop to filibuster the voting bill. that would give democrats a reason to tinker with the filibuster. they would then use the failed vote to end the filibuster to change senate procedure. they hope to craft the carveout of the filibuster for voting rights but the votes to change the filibuster just aren't there on the democratic side. democrats kristen sinema and joe manchin standing away. chuck schumer aimed to move ahead this weekend blocking the votes. this was an effort to show the party's progressive base they were trying on voting rights even if the democrats failed. few things went the way the democrats this week. even if democrats have the votes to change the filibuster they could not have done it. congressional covid cases sidelined lawmakers. even as democrats face an internal political storm among liberal activists, washington faces a winter storm that threatens attendance so schumer canceled everything and try again next week. democrats are trying to temper expectations among voters to whom they promised a lot. edward: covid changing some plans. with all the partisan rhetoric over the changing of the filibuster division is greater than ever in congress. joining is a member of the senate rules committee of the mississippi republican senator roger wicker. thanks for joining us, appreciate it. roger:glad to be with you. edward: do we need to change the voting laws in this country? everyone has been able to vote in this country. roger:it is easier than ever to vote in the united states of america as evidenced by the huge turnout in 2020-2021. john f. kennedy back when he was a senator wrote a book called profiles in courage. thank heaven for joe manchin and kristen sinema this past week for withstanding the browbeating, the unbelievable pressure they got from their caucus and standing up for a 2 century old tradition that has made the united states unique among democracies in the world. i disagree with them on many issues but when it came to tossing away one of the greatest tools for bringing consensus together they stood against their party and my hat is off to them. edward: personal attacks, what did you think of the president's speech? pretty divisive in georgia. roger: unbelievable. i agree with mitch mcconnell, he didn't recognize the guy he served with for 40 years in the united states senate. here is what the bill would have done. it would have provided taxpayer funding for campaign commercials. how many americans think that is a good idea? would have required same-day registration in every election in every state in the united states even though the state of new york two months ago had a referendum on this and voted by double digits against that sort of thing and would have done away with voter id. this is my driver's license. in the state of mississippi and most states you have to show some sort of id when you show up so i can't say i am joe jones, i am here to vote and they take my word for it. the bill wouldn't have made elections more open but would have made it easier to cheat and most people saw that. the rhetoric in atlanta was unworthy of a president. edward: i had to show my license for my covid shot for vaccination. you were involved in discussion of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, the one major piece of legislation that got signed into law. the us needs this infrastructure upgrade. the bill passed the senate in august. it took three months to make it law. roger: the president signed it and it takes a lot of time to implement a lot of things. you had rodney davis, a good friend of mine in the previous hour, he mentioned the bill that he has got that would use previously appropriated money. we use a lot of previously appropriated money for the infrastructure bill. we need to get started building roads, highways, seaports and airports because our infrastructure is crumbling. edward: i have seen studies that say changing the rules on a lot of truck drivers, to drive 18 minutes longer would lead away from ports. do you feel the administration is responding fast enough to the supply chain issues? roger: no but it is a reasonable idea. i will tell you this. in the state of mississippi a 19-year-old can drive a truck from the gulf coast to the tennessee line and that is perfectly legal. watching the same capable truck driving young 19-year-old guy be able to drive across the mississippi river to arkansas. there are a lot of things we can do to open up the supply chain and get this economy going but the worst thing we can do is continue -- this inflationary voracious lion that is eating up the earnings and pay raises of african-americans. edward: russia has been poking the west. we saw a cyber attack in the ukraine. many thought this would be a precursor to an invasion of ukraine. do you think russian president putin is going down that road and the administration has done enough to stop it? roger: we haven't done enough to stop it and with the budget coming out in a few weeks we will see proposed cuts in the defense budget, exactly the wrong signal. ronald reagan called the soviet union the evil empire. an evil man running russia called vladimir putin and his goal is country by country, inch by inch, mile by mile to restore this evil empire that ronald reagan denounced. it is time the freedom loving people of europe stood up against this. and to vote on the nordstrom team pipeline. we have a 60 vote requirement that didn't -- we need to stand strong to vladimir putin to reconstitute the evil empire. edward: we covered a lot of ground. with the midterms living inflation soaring of the president's approval numbers thinking, should democrats be worried? let's ask phil wegman from real clear politics. the latest quinnipiac poll shows biden's approval rating 33%. in the same poll, donald trump in the same year was 36%. is it time, is there a time enough to rebound? >> there's time enough for the president to rebound because so much could happen between now and election day. whether this administration will retool or change direction remains to be seen. a question was put to the white house press secretary more than once about whether or not they did need to change direction, so far this administration seems to be moving in the same direction, there doesn't seem to be a lot of reflection there and what is interesting about the quinnipiac poll you just mentioned is the top line number is bad for president biden, it mirrors the other numbers but a closer look at the cross tab, he's seen a dramatic turnaround on a number of issues, the economy, foreign policy, covid. it is going to be a rough november for democrats if that continues. will: he is underwater on covid now. do you think the administration is looking at these poll numbers or do they have a lot of internal polls showing something different? >> i am certain they are taking a close look at each and every poll, real clear politics average, 42% and certainly things could change but the thing is something needs to nudge the american public to change their opinion of the president. i'm not ready to say one way or the other if the administration's voting rights push was an attempt to change the conversation but if it was it didn't work, because what happened, you saw president biden go to the hill, the white house make a big push when it comes to changing the rules in the senate to get voting rights to his desk. it turns out the problem the white house is facing 2022 is the same when they faced in 2021 which is they don't have the votes and instead of going after republicans, instead, the frustration of the democratic base is directed at their own party, senators manchin and kirsten sinema. edward: to democrats want the president in their district? >> it depends on the district, the president is always a value add but he wasn't able to rescue terry mcauliffe in virginia, it is more helpful in 2022 and around the country. edward: i will see you in the briefing room. president biden getting criticized by both parties for accusations he made a voting rights this week in georgia. the secretary of state from georgia is here to respond next. ♪♪ ] claim forgiveness-ness, your home premium won't go up just because of this. 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>> georgia is ranked number one for election integrity. delaware is ranked 32. we have 7 days but optional two days which i have no excuse absentee voting since 2008. into the where you need a doctor's permission slip to vote's and see. it never been easier to vote in georgia. we have record registration, record turnout. but we have the appropriate guardrails to make sure people can't cheat but if we do cheat in georgia we prosecute them. edward: there were some counties that didn't have early voting on sunday. now they do in georgia. the changes that were made expand voting in georgia. >> we expanded early voting and at a job officers for the first time in state law which is important and we have accountability to keep those lines shorter. voters hate long lines. lines need to be shortened to one hour. edward: what message that stacy abrams didn't show up because of a scheduling conflict, a dentist appointment i forgot about. what does that tell you? >> we have been pushing back since 2019. her other organizations continue to sue us and cost the people georgia millions of dollars in taxpayer funds, birx lawsuits pushing back on stolen election claims. she lost fair and square by 55,000 vote in 2018. i call her out in many articles, the stolen election claims do not pull people together, they tear society apart and she needs to quit. edward: integrity does count and you nailed it in your book. integrity counts. appreciate it. folks on the west coast waking up to a tsunami advisory after a volcano eruption under the water in the pacific. the latest on a possible threat. carjackings in major cities like new york soaring with a soft on crime rules giving criminals the green light to go full speed ahead. chase freedom unlimited. i earn 5% on our cabin. hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! edward: we are following a rapidly developing story on the west coast, folks there under a tsunami advisory after a volcano erupted in the pacific. amazing satellite image caught that eruption. let's go to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth. >> and underwater volcano displaced all that water causing tsunamis across the pacific basin. these are the levels we saw across the hawaii area, just 3 feet, didn't cause damage or reports of damage at this point. now we are watching the tsunami waves making their way towards the west coast of the united states in the los angeles area. the same towards san francisco and towards washington within the next half hour. water rises should not behind this. it could cause rough seas, you don't want to be in the water, any boats tied up bangs around just a little bit. that is the tsunami. now we have this major winter storm we are dealing with for 36 hours, dumped a foot of snow over north dakota to iowa and you can see snow across missouri into kansas and oklahoma and towards northern arkansas. that is the immediate today into this afternoon. by tonight the storm is across the south, watching for significant icing, winter storm watches in nashville, across the carolinas, this could cause some significant power outages that could last a few days. areas from charlotte towards greensboro, north carolina, be watching for this. then we watched this storm moved across the mid-atlantic and the northeast and eventually we are watching for significant snow, up to a foot and a half of snow across interior sections. edward: thanks, on these developing stories i appreciate it. going to shift gears and talk about another storm. this one rising crime in cities like new york city, more scenes like this, violent carjacking in new york, lots of manhattan business owners worried it will get worse as the new district attorney plans to stop prosecuting what he called lower crimes. former dc homicide detective ted williams said they should be worried. he joins us on the last video, on that carjacking, if you look at what the prosecutor has laid out he would not prosecute, it would be a misdemeanor. >> it would be a misdemeanor and i've got to tell you this is just wrongheaded and it is not going to do anything but exacerbate crime in manhattan. can you imagine and envision a criminal sitting in front of the television listening to the manhattan da saying we are not going to prosecute you if you assault somebody and make it a misdemeanor. or you can resist arrest and it is going to be all right, we're not going to prosecute you or jump the turnstiles in a subway system and we are not going to prosecute you. that is utterly ridiculous. businesspeople are up in arms in manhattan and they should be very much up in arms. edward: the sheriff is turning to the feds to handle a cop killer. back to new york city a list of the crime the new dc manhattan da won't prosecute, not paying for public transportation services to trespassing to resisting arrest and prostitution. i want to get your thoughts on that. >> second to last on the list, resisting arrest was here it is. police officers in new york will attempt to make arrests and if they are assaulted during the course of the arrest the da is in essence saying we are not going to prosecute you for resisting arrest. what he's doing is acting as a legislator trying to make laws and enforce laws and he can't do both and shouldn't be able to do both. edward: the list we just showed you, criminals graduate, don't they? >> they absolutely graduate. we just had a young lady 19 years of age at a burger king in manhattan that was shot to death by a robber who only got $100 from her. that robber in november used the screwdriver, and criminals, yes, they graduate. edward: that emboldens the criminals. >> it definitely emboldens criminals and that is one reason people need to speak out and eric adams, the new mayor of new york, definitely needs to speak out. edward: thank you for your time and service. thank you. new numbers coming up on how many migrants released into the us. ice coming up next. ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ to see my ancestors' photos was just breathtaking. wow, look at all those! what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. edward: a new report from dhs shows 47,000 migrants were released into the us between march and august with a notice to report to weiss failed to do that. dan springer is in la jolla, texas with more. >> reporter: we are not seeing the same numbers of people crossing the border illegally in recent weeks, could be partially due to the weather. it has turned and gotten colder and windier. we are not seeing the same numbers of big family groups coming across the border and turning themselves in 2 border patrol but we are seeing plenty of so-called runners, folks that are mainly single males trying to evade authorities and in the last week border patrol has captured a number of criminal aliens including two convicted murderers and a sex offender and we are seeing no drop off of human smuggling operations. has picked up in the laredo area, i 35 between laredo and san antonio has been a pipeline, texas dps found 28 migrants jammed into the cab of a semi but the head of border patrol agents union thinks the family groups of stalwart bit do to increase enforcement of title 42. >> the democrats are getting destroyed over this issue. they are starting to ramp up to haiti, including flights there. the numbers, we can expect to see the numbers drop. people know they will not be able to stay in the united states they will stop coming. >> reporter: title 42 was used extensively by donald trump to block asylum-seekers during a public health emergency and now for political reasons it is being used more quickly by the biden administration and speaking of the biden administration we are waiting for numbers from them. we are waiting for the december apprehensions which would mean rapidly 2 million were apprehended by border patrol and other agencies and also waiting for the final numbers from fiscal year 2021 showing how many of those were deported and that will tell us how many people were allowed to stay. edward: that will be an interesting number. so with more on the border crisis and how the administration has been dealing with it, retired acting ice director and former border patrol chief, ron the tello. i want to get your reaction, they are saying the new report from dhs, 47,000 immigrants were released between the us and august never to report back to ice. first on the smuggling report and then failing to find these folks. >> smuggling is always a risk but you can see the dangers these cartels and smugglers put people in the pipeline, jampacked with these vehicles, it is a big problem especially for the border communities so i'm thankful border patrol got that loan but it gives you an idea how chaotic it can and is at the border right now. the tools that border patrol had before january 21st, mainly the migrant protection protocols, remove the incentive for people to come and claim assignment and be released in the united states. they reverse that policy, not only did they reverse it but were so eager to do it, they put no augmentation into the facilities, no augmentation into the system to get people processed even if they were going to be released. they gave people an employment card, report to the nearest ice office and they don't do that and everybody knows that. this entire administration knew that would happen and many people who absconded from this scenario. we have the numbers now. it used to be a regular thing the numbers for the previous month came out around the seventh give or take a day or so. we are two weeks into january and we don't know what the december numbers look like. they are doing that because they don't want bad news to get out. edward: even this week, two convicted murderers and one sex offender were caught coming across. what about those who are not part coming across? how many people are we looking at that are just got aways? >> very good point. it is so chaotic at the border most people, many people will come across the border and not be detected at all and when border patrol is good enough to find ms 13 gang members, convicted murderers they run the pipeline. more volume means more risk to the agents, more risk to border communities. those folks are not staying at the border. this is a problem across the nation. edward: why do you think the administrative not release the end of your numbers and the december numbers? ronald:if they were diligent to do it, they could get it out by the first of the year. i'm sure the numbers are above pace for the one.7 for last fiscal year. working ahead to the 2 million encounters in the coming fiscal year, that's not a good story. 11 in the last 30 seconds you think the next crisis will be trying to find these 2 million people who got into this country? ronald:every time they get a policy stay without the back away from rule of law. they told ice that unless they know people who cross the border regionally they can't go after them if they are not a threat to public safety or a convicted aggravated felon. the people that are here now are encouraged to come to the border because enforcement of the interior means nothing. edward: thank you for your service and your time today. so a federal judge giving the green light for a lawsuit to break up facebook. are we about to see a mega takedown of the social media monopoly? ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? hey... it's our former broker carl. carl, say hi to nina, our schwab financial consultant. hm... i know how difficult these calls can be. not with schwab. nina made it easier to set up our financial plan. we can check in on it anytime. it changes when our goals change. planning can't be that easy. actually, it can be, carl. look forward to planning with schwab. schwab! ♪♪ edward: a big blow to tech as the judge says the sec can move forward with a lawsuit against facebook the breakup the social media giant but is breaking up facebook the best thing for consumers? joining me to discuss all of this is dan gueltrude, aaron gibbs and daniel de martino booth. is a good for consumers to break up this big tech company specifically facebook? >> the argument is a benefit for consumers but a lot to do with advertisers. in the past when you break up companies like the telephone company is, there really was a monopoly but with facebook you have a choice of whether you want to use facebook or instagram. i use facebook, my dog uses instagram. a very hard argument and not a benefit for consumers. it might hurt them because we are calling social media companies to add more technology and internal regulations and software and check on on both accounts and they need those big resources to help them make these platforms more safe. edward: is facebook too big? a monopoly over your data information, what do you think? >> reporter: one thing republicans and democrats seem to agree on, they don't like big tech, specifically facebook, because they have an enormous amount of control over information. at the same time, this is about advertising as well. where we are going to go here, breaking up is hard to do. i don't necessarily think the government is going to be successful in breaking up meta-or facebook. what i do think may come out of this is more regulation. remember that just last year the ftc had filed or find facebook $5 billion for misuse of information. it is interesting as this all plays out. edward: an interesting point about regulation. for the social media companies for the reach they have? >> difficult question to answer, it is a real thing you rightly bring up and i was one of the millions when facebook basically said we are going to be even more delving into your private issues and share more. i'm not sure regulators have the ability to do this but don't think the judge is wrong in saying it might be appropriate for facebook to not own all these platforms and share everybody's private information across them. edward: they talked about the reach and they need the wherewithal in order to handle the services but we saw this report that the teachers union has written the social media companies to suppress the information parents want to get out there related to that. is their concern about that when talking the size of the companies that they can suppress voices? >> whether they are across-the-board when it comes to sharing data or advertising, when talking about content, assessing information i don't think breaking them up makes it easier. it is easier for the government to add these regulations for the large company and say you need to do this across your platforms and therefore the same similar algorithms to make sure there is freedom of content out there and controlling what we don't want out there. i think regulators may not fully understand the complexity of what they are asking for if they want smaller companies and higher levels of service and regulation. they need to hold back and decide what is their priority. edward: when you talk about regulation you think the government could get it right? we've seen government regulation run amok. social media companies have huge lobbying groups in dc that will possibly be helping to write some of this. dan: the short answer, will the government get this right as far as regulation, i will go with no one that. that doesn't mean they won't try to put regulation in place and let's not forget this case as it goes along is not going to be limited to just meta-. amazon, microsoft are watching how this plays out because it is not only meta that is the issue. when you talk about control over the world, amazon has a lot more control over things we do every day. "cavuto" a rapidfire round, 30-seconds. tell me in 2022 a, are we going to see more volatility, markets going up. what do you think? erin:markets will go up but i'm focusing on smaller things because these mega caps are some of the more risky once for 2022. edward: what do you think? danielle: inflation is starting to her company margins and profits at each into what they are making and the economy is slowing so we will have substantially more volatility over the next few months especially if the federal reserve pools liquidity supporting markets out of the system. 11 last time we had a 40 year high recession that year. is there more volatility, recession? dan: i see a lot more volatility in the market. that will be driven by inflation which is causing the reaction from the fed. we will see interest rate increases and that is not good news for the market. edward: we are hearing predictions from all four fed presidents. really appreciate your time. what do incoming republican governor glenn youngcan have in common with the candy manufacturing company? stick around for the answer. ♪♪ i want candy ♪♪ i want candy ♪♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. edward: newly elected virginia governor glenn youngcan about these warning. he will ran on price spikes hitting americans, something our next guest knows about firsthand. larry johns is owner of the candy company in ohio. he says the rising cost force them to increase the average price by 12%. he joins me to discuss all of this, a sweet way to end the show. why did you do it? what was the major input costs that forced you to raise those prices? >> the interesting thing is historically we had one ingredient or one packaging item go up significantly but this year is the only time i have seen across the board literally every components, ingredients, packaging, labor, shipping, importing things, everything across-the-board is up, and it is up significantly. edward: are you able to get the packaging? a dairy manager in new york said he couldn't get that and switched back to glass bottles. >> we need to manage and invest the best we can. there is often delays and expedite things but need to get things at least. edward: how hard is it to pass it on to the consumer. you want to be competitive. does that affect you. >> we are about to find out. one point i wanted to make. i don't hear people talking about it. when it comes to inflation the prices people are paying for last christmas, those prices, back in early 2020 before inflation hit. now we contract on an annual basis for ingredients and commodities and they jumped a lot when we reached the calendar year in january but asking about inflation, consumers accept it. it is a popular item for us. input costs of labor, packaging and ingredients, when it comes to this coming christmas, if retailers will absorb it or allow it and will they pay? this will be one dollar more expensive on the shelf that it has been. edward: what about workers? we heard about a labor shortage going on, 4.5 million people quit their jobs. are you having trouble getting and keeping workers? larry:yes we are. we've not been able to retain our good workers. we are trying to increase pay raise, with different incentives to keep our good workers but it is very difficult to get anyone else. we usually bring a lot of temporary workers, we struggled this year trying to get those -- the extra help. we lost sales as a result. edward: are you raising wages? >> larry:yes. we raised them and we are raising them in the next week or two, another bonus in two weeks. 11 the last 15 seconds, the champagne cotton candy in gold? larry:it is fun, edible glitter supplier we have, a popular thing for celebration. edward: got to have some of that. thank you for your time, appreciate it. that does it for us today, thanks for joining us, keep it here for all the latest news going forward. neil cavuto will be back next week. hope you have a good weekend, stay dry and watch out for the snow. be careful. ank of america. his girlfriend just caught the bouquet, so he's checking in on that ring fund. that photographer? 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Mississippi , Senate Rules Committee , Voting Laws , Turnout , 2020 , Book , Profiles In Courage , Heaven , John F Kennedy , Tradition , Browbeating , Caucus , 2 , Democracies , Consensus , Hat , Tossing , Attacks , Guy , Taxpayer Funding , Mitch Mcconnell , Estate , New York , Registration , Campaign Commercials , Referendum , States , Voter Id , Id , Digits , Driver S License , Elections , Word , Joe Jones , License , Atlanta , My Covid Shot For Vaccination , Infrastructure Bill , Piece , Law , Discussion , Legislation , Infrastructure Upgrade , It Law , Rules , Studies , Infrastructure , Highways , Building Roads , Seaports , Airports , Truck Drivers , 18 , Line , Gulf Coast , Mississippi River , Pay , African Americans , Lion , Raises , Earnings , Attack , Precursor , Invasion , Defense Budget , We Haven T , Vladimir Putin , Evil Empire , Signal , Ronald Reagan , Freedom , Europe , Requirement , Team Pipeline , Nordstrom , Didn T , Approval Numbers , Real Clear Politics , Phil Wegman , Donald Trump , Quinnipiac Poll , 36 , Election Day , White House Press Secretary , Need , Reflection , Line Number , Foreign Policy , Turnaround , Cross Tab , Poll Numbers , Polls , November , Will , 42 , Other , Attempt , Conversation , Voting Rights Push , Didn T Work , Biden Go , The Hill , Big Push , Desk , District , Value Add , Kirsten Sinema , Parties , Briefing Room , Terry Mcauliffe , Voting , Secretary Of State , Accusations , Home , Next , Farmers Policy Perks , Ww , App , Pa Dum , Bum , Trial , Jefferson Davis , George Wallace , Bull Connor , Abraham Lincoln , John Lewis , Doctor K , Pennies , Rant Yesterday , Remarks , Secretary Of State Georgia , Book Integrity Counts , Author , Hr One , Takeover Plan , Facts , Belligerent , Photo Id , Demographic , Door , Majority , Fraud , Leaders , Citizens , Noncitizen , American Citizens Pure And Simple , Comparison , Voting Rights Laws , Early Voting Georgia , Home State Of Delaware , 17 , Election Integrity , Jim Crow Laws , Absentee Voting , Record Turnout , Record Registration , Permission Slip , 2008 , 32 , Counties , Cheat , Guardrails , Lines , Time , Job Officers , State Law , Accountability , Scheduling Conflict , Stacy Abrams Didn T Show Up , Dentist Appointment , Organizations , Lawsuits , Taxpayer Funds , 2019 , Society , Square By 55000 Vote , Articles , 2018 , 55000 , Count , Integrity , Counts , Criminals , Crime , Light , Cities , Speed , Carjackings , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Fee , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Cabin , Chase , Hello , Kevin Hart , Aspirin , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Stomach , Ulcers , Eruption , Satellite Image , Let S Go To Chief , Area , Reports , Tsunamis , Waves , San Francisco , Water Rises , Seas , Kansas , Iowa , Oklahoma , Charlotte , Greensboro , Mid Atlantic , Carjacking , Manhattan , Stories , Gears , Scenes , Ted Williams , District Attorney Plans , Crimes , Former Dc , Misdemeanor , Video , Prosecutor , Television Listening , Sitting , Manhattan Da , Arrest , Turnstiles , Subway System , Businesspeople , Arms , Sheriff , Services , List , Dc Manhattan Da Won T , Feds , Trespassing , Cop Killer , Second , Prostitution , The List , Police Officers , Acting , Da , Arrests , Laws , Shouldn T , Legislator , Burger King , Lady , Robber , Death , Screwdriver , Eric Adams , Service , Migrants , Card , Omc , How Bizarre , Family , Photos , County Of Macomb , Oh My Goodness , Ancestors , Journey , Wow , Lorraine Banks , Gift , Michigan , Dan Springer , Notice , Dhs , Texas , La Jolla , 47000 , Weather , Border Patrol , Family Groups , Authorities , Runners , Windier , Males , Murderers , Sex Offender , Drop Off , Human Smuggling Operations , Aliens , San Antonio , Laredo , 35 , Pipeline , Enforcement , Groups , Head , Cab , Stalwart , Semi , Texas Dps , Agents Union , 28 , Flights , Haiti , December Apprehensions , Asylum Seekers , Public Health Emergency , Many , Agencies , 2 Million , Crisis , Retired Acting Ice Director , Border Patrol Chief , Ron The Tello , Reaction , Immigrants , Smuggling Report , Smuggling , Dangers , Communities , Smugglers , Cartels , Jampacked , Vehicles , Augmentation , Policy , Claim , Incentive , Assignment , Migrant Protection Protocols , 21 , January 21st , Ice Office , Employment Card , Scenario , Give , December Numbers , Bad News , Gang Members , Aways , Volume , Agents , Ronald , Fiscal Year , Encounters , One 7 , 11 , Policy Stay , Rule Of Law , Judge , Felon , Nothing , Facebook , Lawsuit , Mega Takedown , Social Media Monopoly , Our Schwab Financial Consultant , Calls , Broker , Carl , Nina , Mary , Hm , Planning , Blow , Sec , Consumers , Social Media , Breakup , Dan Gueltrude , Big Tech Company , Daniel De Martino Booth , Aaron Gibbs , Benefit , Argument , Telephone Company , Advertisers , Monopoly , Choice , Dog , Instagram , Social Media Companies , Technology , Accounts , Software , Platforms , Safe , Data Information , Big Tech , Information , Advertising , Think , Breaking Up Is Hard , Ftc , Misuse , Plays Out , Billion , 5 Billion , Reach , Delving , Regulators , Ability , Wherewithal , Size , Teachers Union , Content , Voices , Algorithms , Complexity , Run Amok , Priority , Lobbying Groups In Dc , That , No One , Amazon , Meta , Microsoft , Volatility , Markets , Round , Erin , Caps , 2022 Edward , Profits , Making , Reserve , Liquidity , Company Margins , Interest Rate Increases , Glenn Youngcan , Hearing Predictions , Candy Manufacturing Company , Candy , Don T Take Ozempic , Adults , A1c , Oh , Heart Disease , Weight , Oh Ozempic , Isn T , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Events , Share , Stroke , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Reuse , Pens , Lump , Needles , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Swelling , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Type 2 Diabetes , Insulin , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Provider , Prescription , Statin Drug , Health Care Provider , Cholesterol , Qunol Coq10 , 25 , Statin Medication , Larry Johns , Candy Company , Owner , Cost Force , Ohio , Input Costs , Packaging , Ingredients , Item , Components , Shipping , He Couldn T , Dairy Manager , Best , Bottles , Inflation Hit , Last Christmas , Commodities , Basis , Retailers , Shelf , One Dollar , Labor Shortage , Trouble , Keeping , 4 5 Million , Raise , Incentives , Anyone Else , Result , Champagne Cotton Candy , Bonus , Glitter Supplier , Fun , Gold , Celebration , Ank , Ways , Finishing , Style , Touches , Restyle , Aisles , At Lowe S , Event , Save , Bath Style , Lowe S , Points , Shopping , James Corden , Clothes , Foods , Ice Cream , Sandwiches , Ww Personalpoints Program , Avocado , Limits , Griff , January 17th , Residents , Shock Waves , Lives , Led , Scambling , Tonga , Tsunami Advisories , Let , Anita Vogel , Hi , Jeff Paul ,

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