Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

in the open will not likely be able to play in the tournament, which starts on monday. australian officials have asked djokovic to appear tomorrow. his visa was revoked last week upon arrival after the australian government said he failed to provide evidence to receive a vaccine exemption. we'll bring you any developments on this story as we get them. >> todd: another fox news ark letter, president biden striking out on capitol hill as democrats crush his hopes, democrats and republicans. griff jenkins live in washington with more. griff, good morning. >> griff: good morning, carley and todd, the president having a no good, very bad week, not just blows from capitol hill and the high court. take a look at litany of setbacks in the past few days, the country lost faith in the cdc, tests are hard to find, that speech in georgia bombed with stacey abrams standing them up and inflation hit a 40-year high. vice president harris got mocked for a tv interview, the border is still wide open, north korea is firing missiles again and the president's poll numbers plummet. no blow more severe than joe manchin and kyrsten sinema refusing to kill the filibuster on votes rights legislation. >> while i continue to support these bills, i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. >> manchin says filibuster plays important role in protecting democracy from the transitory passion of it is majority and respecting input of the minority in the senate. i cannot support a perilous course for this nation, yet the president vows to fight on. >> president biden: i hope we can get this done, i'm not sure, if we miss the first time, we can come back and try a second time. we miss this time, we miss this time. >> griff: white house press secretary does damage control. >> we could propose legislation to see if people support bunny rabbits and ice cream, that wouldn't be very rewarding to the american people. the president's view, we will push for hard things. >> griff: unicorns apparently didn't make the cut. where do things stand? majority leader schumer postponed action until next week citing covid and snowstorms for the delay. >> todd: keep us posted on the unicorns, we appreciate you. thank you. senator tom cotton says democrats don't care about voting rights, they care about staying in power. >> democrats are frustrated they can't remake the american political system and never have to relinquish power. destroy senate rules and customs not to say raise your taxes or confiscate your guns, they wouldn't do those things, they want to federalize elections in all 50 statess, make washington, d.c. a state and get two senators in perpituity. that is what this is about, the democrats know their agenda is unpopular and delivered catastrophic results for america, highest inflation in 40 years. >> todd: carley, this really boils down to why has joe biden had such a horrible week and quite frankly a horrible start to his presidency. it is simple. because what he wants to do is one, stupid, two, not what the american people want. it is dumb and so when you are trying to do dumb things, you are going to get negative results, which is what we've seen literally since the start of his presidency, focusing on voting for a second, obviously this is the latest setback to this administration, there is lack of appreciation from democrats as to how democracy works. democracy is at stake, well, no it is not, if you do democracy the right way as opposed to forcing things through. instead come to some sort of legislative compromise, bring us together, which is what you said you wanted to do when you got into office. also, weren't you a senator for like 9000 years? don't you know how the legislative process works, don't you know how to whip votes. none of this is coming to the floor is shocking. we missed this time, you heard him say in grifootworkf's piece there, when is next time? you are going to lose the house, that is a done deal, you are going to lose the senate. you lost joe and it is crazy that you pushed for this so strongly and you are in this position now when you knew or could have seen you were going to lose at mid-term anyway. amazing you put yourself in this position, here we are, carley. >> carley: the way this played out was so bad, he went to capitol hill to have a friendly lunch with democrats and kyrsten sinema makes this big speech on the senate floor and says the filibuster is not going anywhere, which kills his election agenda, he is traveling back to the white house. he's upset and says he doesn't think election reform will pass and that is when the supreme court ruling on the vaccine mandate, killing the vaccine mandate comes down. his covid policy failed, election reform is likely to fail, bld back better failed, russia talks are going poorly. crime is skyrocketing issue the border is still a mess and that is why you are seeing poll numbers like the poll from quinnipiac university that came out and showed he is at a 33% approval rating and one of the most important things about the poll, among democrats, support is slipping among democrats, usually presidents have about 90% support from their own party. >> todd: remember what republicans said when trump was in office, had a lot more support. it really does lead us to what happens in 2024. they're a mess right now, they already don't have a bench and the fact joe biden is in such a bad position going forward really, really puts them in a bind and really sets this up perfectly for republicans. now the question is can republicans capitalize and make promises to the american people and then deliver on those promises in a way that the majority, focus on majority rule, majority of the american people can coalesce around and move forward and make our nation number one again. carley. >> carley: not just president biden, it is kamala harris, the interview she did yesterday on the today show was so bad they're trying to revamp her image by doing interviews and it is not working. her approval rating, her average approval rating is 35%, that is why she's getting questions about is she on the ballot in 2024? we don't know if president biden will be on the ballot in 2024. another alert. supreme court blocking booifd's unconstitutional federal vaccine mandate for private businesses. >> todd: president getting questions about failed covid response and the vice president flubs on the game plan. ashley joins us. >> ashley: blow to the biden administration, u.s. supreme court ruled they overstepped authority to impose the vaccine mandate for 80 million americans that would have made businesses with more than 100 employees get vaccinated or weekly testing. i call on business leaders to immediately join those who have stepped up and institute vaccination requirement to protect workers, customers and communities. roy blount reacting to the ruling saying he thinks the administration is relieved because firings would have led to more shortages. >> there might be some secret -- sighs of relooefr going on at the white house, this is a problem they can now think about in a different way. >> the supreme court allowed vaccine mandates for healthcare workers to stand. >> we're disappointed they didn't call the cms mandate unconstitutional. i respect their decision, this goes back to president biden's executive order, that is the problem, joe biden has created this nursing shortage. >> carley: spread like wildfire throughout the u.s., joe biden ignored reporter questions about switching strategy on the pandemic. listen. >> message for vaccinated americans wondering why they should restrict activities given -- most americans will get covid at some point. >> president biden: folks, we'll talk about that later, come on. >> carley: take a listen to vp harris stumbling all over the place trying to answer the same question. >> what point does the administration say, you know what, this strategy is not working. >> it is time for us to be doing what we've been doing and that time is everyday, everyday it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down. >> carley: hhs secretary he was disappointed on the ruling mike braun says it takes edge off businesses, guys. >> todd: the more i look at that answer and look at it, it was that beauty pageant answer that was all over the place. again, this is the vice president, she should be able to talk better than that. >> carley: same. >> todd: thank you very much. time is 11 after the hour. baltimore top prosecutor facing federal charges and also facing calls to step down over her soft on crime policy, even criminals don't think the policies make sense. >> i shouldn't be out right now, i can go shoot somebody or i can go shoot somebody and i'll be completely fine. >> carley: our next guest is someone who wants the prosecutor out, she is running to take her job, her plan for turning baltimore around, coming up next. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> this plea was so disturbing on so many levels, fact for three attempted murders gave him probation, caused victims to lose interest and embolden criminals and those type of pleas are enjoying the city. account for 90% of cases in the city and we have to look at them and really make sure that we are making or having violent repeat offenders held accountable. >> todd: here is the plea deal from the prosecutor. we mentioned what he did, set his ex-girlfriend's house on fire, charged with 18 felonies and three attempted murder charges. it was pleaded to one count of first-degree arson and given a 10-year suspended sentence, released from jail after serving fewer than six months. you mentioned criminals becoming embolden, a criminal is saying it is light. if they know it is light, doesn't that provide no deterrence to crime, what a prosecutor is supposed to do in the first place? >> exactly. when we allow violent crime to go unaddressed, we cause more violence in this city. we have to stop this, have to support good prosecutors. when i was a prosecutor, i would go down to homicide in the middle of the night and help the police officers strengthen their cases. that is what we need to do in this city to make sure that defendants are held accountable and we can make this city safer. it doesn't matter if you are liberal or conservative, violent crime needs to be addressed. >> todd: marilyn mosby, baltimore state attorney indicted on federal charges. obviously you are running against her, running to unseat her. she is running to florida where her two vacation homes are. your reaction to the charges? >> like i said, the most important thing is addressing violent crime and i don't know how ms. mosby, who is being indicted can work with the u.s. attorney's office to make sure that gun offenders are held accountable. she needs to take a leave of arsense or step down so the city can get back to functioning. this is not about her or this campaign, this is about making sure offenders are held accountable. we need everybody in this country to support good prosecutors and i would like to ask your viewers to go to roya, so we can truly get this city back on track where it needs to be. >> todd: she is kamala harris are pretty tight, how do you think that will impact the white house issue the mess that is the white house right now? >> well, i don't know her relationship and quite frankly we have seen that the department of justice is willing to bring forward this indictment despite any sort of connection, i do not think that will impact it at this time, yeah. >> todd: roy a hanna, keep us posted how this campaign is going, this is situation to be monitoring in baltimore. that souou bite from that criminal, wow, unbelievable. roya hanna, over to you. >> time is 20 after the hour, summer cell braying supreme court decision to slap down the federal vaccine mandate. >> everybody was on edge waiting for this ruling to come down, it takes a lot of businesses off edge now. >> carley: will the white house finally be pushed to change its pandemic strategy? congresswoman claudia tenney reacts to the latest blow to biden next. your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. lisa here, has had many jobs. and all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults. apply today. >> todd: fox news alert. north korea firing two missiles toward the east, third launch from north korea in one month. just days ago north korea firing the missile seen in the images right there. the launch this morning appears to be in response to recent u.s. sanctions, the white house not yet respondings to the launch. another fox news alert, conflict in the middle east. two rockets fired at the u.s. embassy in baghdad. showing the moment activated. pro-iranian -- of soleimani. iraqi military says two civilians were hurt. carley. >> carley: massive blow to president biden's push to overhaul elections. kyrsten sinema says she won't support killing the filibuster and fellow democrat senator joe manchin is backing her up. take a listen. >> there is no need to restate my longstanding support for this to pass legislation, there is no need for me to restate the role protecting the country from wild reversal and federal policy. >> when you listen to president biden's speech from before, do you agree with points she made? >> i think it is points i've been making for an awful long time and she has, too. >> carley: joining me now is claudia tenney, head of the election integrity caucus, good morning, congresswoman. what is going to happen on election reform going forward? >> hopefully none of the reforms will pass, senator kyrsten sinema is a co-sponsor of hr-1 issue the for the people act. that act would ban voter id, allow public of election and voter registration, which was stopped by new york state voters, 3-1 democratic state, they are not popular. interesting with senator sinema issue yesterday democrats used the filibuster to destroy a bill that would impose sanctions on vladamir putin for the nord stream 2 pipeline. while they say they want to destroy the filibuster, it is only for purposes of things they want to get through, like voting rights they claim are going to help voting rights, it is opposite. >> carley: i was told filibuster is racist by democrats. >> isn't that interesting, the democrats used the filibuster more under president trump's short few years in majority than the republicans used during two full terms under president obama. they are hypocritical and use it, it is mack machavilian. this would be a runaway train if the democrats were able to use this for every initiative and be able to cherrypick where they want to use the filibuster. >> carley: that is unbelievable. the other thing, i'm sure people at home are wondering what is in the voter reform legislation. the house passed something yesterday, that piece of the puzzle is confusing as to what is in the legislation. >> well, the bills were originally what were hr-1 and hr-4, which would change voting forever. i lived through 100 days of vote counting in new york state because of the election. these bills would make vote harvesting and ban voter idid sheing -- id, undermine voter integrity to maintain the confidence of the voters. right now, only about 20% of all voters polled have confidence in our elections. we need to restore election integrity, that is why i founded the caucus. the fact we are down in a very dangerous path in new york city, where they have voted to allow noncitizens to vote in our elections, a clear violation of the u.s. constitution and clear violation of new york law and new york constitution. >> carley: the other big news, u.s. supreme court blocked president biden's workplace covid-19 test and vaccine mandate for companies with 100 employees or more. they allowed the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers to stay, what is your reaction to that split decision? >> i was disappointed. we have a healthcare crisis, we have a shortage of healthcare workers, we need nurses, doctors and specialist to be able to come to work. this is disappointing there wasn't an exception given by the supreme court for people who have concerns or health issues who cannot take the vaccine for one reason or another but could exercise precaution, may have antibodies, can use social distancing that they used during the pandemic when there was no vaccine. this is a huge disappointment, it is a big factor going forward as small business owner particularly and for our growth and business going on to emerge out of this pandemic. >> carley: without a doubt. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you so much. >> carley: todd, over to you. >> todd: carley, janice dean here with our fox weather forecast. we know what is coming. >> janice: we know it is coming, a lot of the country going to experience winter today and through the weekend and ice i'm concerned across the carolina that will make travel impossible. good news is the bulk of the storm is coming on a weekend into a holiday monday so hopefully people will heed the warning and listen to local weather forecasters, temperatures now are primed for a snowstorm across the plain states to the mid-atlantic, area of low pressure diving across midwest over the mississippi and tennessee river valley, mid-atlantic region toward the northeast and i'm concerned with pink on the map there issue the ice, accumulating ice on power lines that could potentially cause travel issues, travel problems in the air and on the roads and of course power outages, snow potential quite a bit for the mountains and up toward the interior northeast along the coast, we're going to have to refine the forecast. if there is wobble across the northeast, we could see more snow along the coast, still yet to be determined. the best information i can give you, listen to local forecasters and download your fox weather app, that will give you up to date information, america's best weather. you need to be posted, this will be a dangerous storm. we love the snow, some of us, but travel will be complicated this weekend. back to you, carley and todd. >> carley: thank you. between inflation, a worldwide pandemic and a crime crisis, the american people would like to hear from their business, but this is what they get instead. >> look forward to -- >> me, too. >> todd: joe biden maybe dodging questions but joe concha isn't. he's next. plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging... ...the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. >> carley: today a group of chicago public high school students are set to stage a walkout. the chicago radical youth alliance demanding coronavirus relief stipend to students and shift back to remote learning for two weeks. this comes after classes were cancelled due to a battle between the city and teachers unions. oakland students are planning a strike unless their covid demands are met. >> todd: take a class on negotiating power. and a shipment, lawmakers outraged to see a giant "made in china" label stamped to each one. it is fitting for democrats to hand out masks made in the same place the virus originated and congressman murphy saying speaker pelosi fails to recognize senseless optics of her own decision-making. president biden with a joke when reporters press him over testing problems and broken promises. >> most americans will get covid at some point. >> folks, we'll talk about that later. come on. >> in your press conference, we look forward to that. >> me, too. >> carley: joe concha is here to react. joe, what did you make of the president's speech yesterday and that answer from the president about a press conference? >> joe: par for the course, what else can you say? the president has not had a formal press conference in more than 10 weeks and when you think about everything that happened, carley and todd, as far as build back better and push around that, trillions in new spending, when you think about vaccine mandates and voting rights, you would think in a normal presidency, the approximate president would try to sell that as much as possible. that would include taking questions from the press, especially ones that were not hand picked, hiding behind the press second skirt at this point. unless i missed it, did any late night hosts give -- tapped to be his testing czar? you get the feeling he's never heard of the guy before and i believe that joke writes itself. >> i believe we have that clip, listen. >> wow. >> president biden: help lead our federal testing program. i've talked -- i've tapped dr. tom -- i hope i pronounce this, engelsby, is that right, jeff? >> todd: joe, how bad is that? >> joe: so bad, just picture if donald trump tapped a testing czar at the height of the pandemic when cases are higher than they ever have been and he can't remember the person's name. obviously that person was tapped for this president and as far as not taking questions, this is the most guarded, protected, scripted president of our lifetime. you will find liz chaney at mar-a-lago before you find joe biden sit down with a journalist. let me break it down, he's done just 16 one-on-one interviews before taking office. this stage of trump's presidency, he had done 70, four times more. we'll leave it there. >> carley: tough press conference or speech for president biden because he didn't take questions and tough interview for the vice president, as well, yesterday. meanwhile, mitt romney was critical of the president's speech on election reform and white house secretary jen psaki responded to that, it is getting criticism. take a listen to this. >> i expected more of president biden, who came into office with stated goal of bringing the country together. >> press sect. psaki: there has been a lot about the offensive nature of the speech yesterday, that is hilarious, these people sat for the former president. >> carley: mitt romney far from silent over criticism of the former president. >> joe: yeah, i believe he voted one article of impeachment against donald trump, to say mitt romney has been violent, it is ridiculous. thank you, we like fact checks and i apologize for the error. she said mr. biden used objectively true statements on republicans trying to take away legitimate right to vote, at least that is what she claims. his speech was likely panned, including by his own party. he got four pinocchios. here is bottom line. his approval clocked 33%, stacey abrams in florida, voting rights thwarted by members of his own party in a matter of two or three days, nothing going right for 46th president, guys. >> carley: happy friday. >> joe: happy friday and happy this guy, this is the baby shark that i talk to, rachel, about last night, most viewed youtube clip of all time. >> todd: 10 billion views, 10 billion views, we get a billion yesterday, joe. got to go. >> carley: all right. still ahead, lara trump knows about politics after getting a front-row seat to her father-in-law's presidency, how bad has this week been for joe biden? >> todd: republicans lining up issues they are prepared to tackle if they take control of congress this year, they did not forget about the artist, hunter biden. ♪ ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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can't even keep up anymore. not sure what to say, except back to y'all because apparently that is woke way to address the two of you this morning. >> carley: it never ends. >> todd: nicely done. we're glad we're dressed and you, being somebody who knows hawaii, knowing what a pineapple is, continuing on the brian kilmeade theme. relocating the biden administration migrant flights to delaware. one state senator asking why not redirect them to the president's home state? prohibit state contracts from being issued to federal contractors working to assist in relocation efforts. voiced by florida governor ron desantis. the white house is getting defensive as joe biden heads into a long weekend on a long losing streak. >> the sense that things are going well, nothing changed right now. >> we could certainly propose legislation to see if people support bunny rabbits and ice cream, that would not be rewarding to the american people. >> carley: how do the american people feel about it? lara trump has seen a lot change since her father-in-law left the white house and she joins us next. ♪and i feel incredibl ints progr, i answered questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. don't pay until spring! join today at hurry! offer ends january 17th! if you used shipgo this whole thing wouldn't be a thing. yeah, dad! i don't want to deal with this. oh, you brought your luggage to the airport. that's adorable. with shipgo shipping your luggage before you fly you'll never have to wait around here again. like ever. that can't be comfortable though. the smart, fast, easy way to travel. [upbeat acoustic music throughout] . ♪ >> carley: president biden striking out across the board from inflation hitting record rates to his broken pandemic promises and failed legislative agenda. >> todd: the latest blow coming from the supreme court which blocked his covid-19 vaccine mandate for businesses. joining us now is fox news contributor lara trump did. you ever think it would get this bad for the biden white house? >> well, i thought it would get bad. they have obviously exceeded my expectations as to how bad it would get and how quickly things would happen has been a very bad week for joe biden. but this is all of his own doing. and i just want to give a shoutout to the supreme court, thank you for upholding the constitution. since joe biden decided to medal meddle in america's medical decisions. this is antithetical to everything we know as americans to tell people they have got to choose between making a living, going to their job or having a medical procedure that, for whatever reason, they disagree with. it is totally unamerican. it was never about the vaccine. it was about the force that the government was using on people to get the vaccine. and think if this hadn't been ruled this way by the supreme court, about the pandora's box that this ultimately would have opened for control in america. i have to remind the folks in washington, d.c., you work for us. it is not the other way around. so start acting like it. i'm going to go straight to the top with that to joe biden. he has got to get a handle on inflation, the supply chain, the southern border. our standing on the world stage, todd, it has been a disaster since day one and it keeps getting worse. where is the bottom? we don't know. >> carley: the hits keep on come in. four days alone we just scrolled through some of the failures that the biden administration is facing. some cdc fact checking liberal justices. vaccine mandates, americans can't find tests. the president pivoted to voting rights and the speech was even panned by members of his own party. stacey abrams did not show up. the jen psaki was asked if the biden administration needs to make internal changes. do you think all of this is a staffing issue? >> well, i think it starts at the top. it starts carley with joe biden. this is the president of the united states. the leader of the free world. the most powerful person in the entire world. and no one has confidence in this guy. he gets in front of cameras, he can't speak if he is not on teleprompter. even when he is on teleprompter he has a hard time making coherent sentences. and so i think from, you know, the top down, it is a big problem. we know that joe biden is not making any of his own decisions. he is being controlled by the far left radicals in the democrat party. that is where the problems starts. nothing has ever been done for the american people. it has been to fit into their political agenda on the far left. the speech i just referenced, carley, this ridiculous idea of voting rights. i have to put that in air quotes because it has nothing to do with voting rights. it is about control, just like everything else from this administration. >> todd: the parade of horribles was so long we had to roll it while you were speaking if we went through each one individually you wouldn't have had time for your segment. quickly, obviously, big issue yesterday was the supreme court ruling. your father-in-law pointing a few of those justices. if there is any positive from this week, does it say something about the system of checks and balances that democrats were not able to seize control the way they wanted to? about 35 seconds to you, lara. >> yeah, well, i think that's absolutely right, todd. look, we have a system in america of checks and balances to ensure that, you know, the right decision is reached, that our constitution remains intact. and that is exactly what you saw happen yesterday with this supreme court decision. it is exactly why they are there. >> this is the highest office in the land. it made a ruling, it followed the constitution, thank goodness for it. and, yes, donald trump had a hand in some of those justices, you just saw on your screen there so thank you to president trump for that. >> carley: president biden released a statement yesterday after the supreme court decision said he was disappointed in it because the vaccine mandate is grounded in both science and law, clearly the supreme court disagrees with him on that front. lara, thank you for joining us this morning. we so appreciate it. >> thanks, guys. >> carley: all right and "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> the u.s. supreme court deals a major blow to president biden ruling his vaccine mandate for large, private businesses cannot stand. >> they concluded inexorably that both biden and russia were both abusing their power. >> democrats crushed biden's hope of changing senate rules. the push is partisan election power grab. >> i will not support that worsen the underlying disease of division. >> kamala harris had another pain-staking interview. >> administration officials urging the administration to change cours

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

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in the open will not likely be able to play in the tournament, which starts on monday. australian officials have asked djokovic to appear tomorrow. his visa was revoked last week upon arrival after the australian government said he failed to provide evidence to receive a vaccine exemption. we'll bring you any developments on this story as we get them. >> todd: another fox news ark letter, president biden striking out on capitol hill as democrats crush his hopes, democrats and republicans. griff jenkins live in washington with more. griff, good morning. >> griff: good morning, carley and todd, the president having a no good, very bad week, not just blows from capitol hill and the high court. take a look at litany of setbacks in the past few days, the country lost faith in the cdc, tests are hard to find, that speech in georgia bombed with stacey abrams standing them up and inflation hit a 40-year high. vice president harris got mocked for a tv interview, the border is still wide open, north korea is firing missiles again and the president's poll numbers plummet. no blow more severe than joe manchin and kyrsten sinema refusing to kill the filibuster on votes rights legislation. >> while i continue to support these bills, i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. >> manchin says filibuster plays important role in protecting democracy from the transitory passion of it is majority and respecting input of the minority in the senate. i cannot support a perilous course for this nation, yet the president vows to fight on. >> president biden: i hope we can get this done, i'm not sure, if we miss the first time, we can come back and try a second time. we miss this time, we miss this time. >> griff: white house press secretary does damage control. >> we could propose legislation to see if people support bunny rabbits and ice cream, that wouldn't be very rewarding to the american people. the president's view, we will push for hard things. >> griff: unicorns apparently didn't make the cut. where do things stand? majority leader schumer postponed action until next week citing covid and snowstorms for the delay. >> todd: keep us posted on the unicorns, we appreciate you. thank you. senator tom cotton says democrats don't care about voting rights, they care about staying in power. >> democrats are frustrated they can't remake the american political system and never have to relinquish power. destroy senate rules and customs not to say raise your taxes or confiscate your guns, they wouldn't do those things, they want to federalize elections in all 50 statess, make washington, d.c. a state and get two senators in perpituity. that is what this is about, the democrats know their agenda is unpopular and delivered catastrophic results for america, highest inflation in 40 years. >> todd: carley, this really boils down to why has joe biden had such a horrible week and quite frankly a horrible start to his presidency. it is simple. because what he wants to do is one, stupid, two, not what the american people want. it is dumb and so when you are trying to do dumb things, you are going to get negative results, which is what we've seen literally since the start of his presidency, focusing on voting for a second, obviously this is the latest setback to this administration, there is lack of appreciation from democrats as to how democracy works. democracy is at stake, well, no it is not, if you do democracy the right way as opposed to forcing things through. instead come to some sort of legislative compromise, bring us together, which is what you said you wanted to do when you got into office. also, weren't you a senator for like 9000 years? don't you know how the legislative process works, don't you know how to whip votes. none of this is coming to the floor is shocking. we missed this time, you heard him say in grifootworkf's piece there, when is next time? you are going to lose the house, that is a done deal, you are going to lose the senate. you lost joe and it is crazy that you pushed for this so strongly and you are in this position now when you knew or could have seen you were going to lose at mid-term anyway. amazing you put yourself in this position, here we are, carley. >> carley: the way this played out was so bad, he went to capitol hill to have a friendly lunch with democrats and kyrsten sinema makes this big speech on the senate floor and says the filibuster is not going anywhere, which kills his election agenda, he is traveling back to the white house. he's upset and says he doesn't think election reform will pass and that is when the supreme court ruling on the vaccine mandate, killing the vaccine mandate comes down. his covid policy failed, election reform is likely to fail, bld back better failed, russia talks are going poorly. crime is skyrocketing issue the border is still a mess and that is why you are seeing poll numbers like the poll from quinnipiac university that came out and showed he is at a 33% approval rating and one of the most important things about the poll, among democrats, support is slipping among democrats, usually presidents have about 90% support from their own party. >> todd: remember what republicans said when trump was in office, had a lot more support. it really does lead us to what happens in 2024. they're a mess right now, they already don't have a bench and the fact joe biden is in such a bad position going forward really, really puts them in a bind and really sets this up perfectly for republicans. now the question is can republicans capitalize and make promises to the american people and then deliver on those promises in a way that the majority, focus on majority rule, majority of the american people can coalesce around and move forward and make our nation number one again. carley. >> carley: not just president biden, it is kamala harris, the interview she did yesterday on the today show was so bad they're trying to revamp her image by doing interviews and it is not working. her approval rating, her average approval rating is 35%, that is why she's getting questions about is she on the ballot in 2024? we don't know if president biden will be on the ballot in 2024. another alert. supreme court blocking booifd's unconstitutional federal vaccine mandate for private businesses. >> todd: president getting questions about failed covid response and the vice president flubs on the game plan. ashley joins us. >> ashley: blow to the biden administration, u.s. supreme court ruled they overstepped authority to impose the vaccine mandate for 80 million americans that would have made businesses with more than 100 employees get vaccinated or weekly testing. i call on business leaders to immediately join those who have stepped up and institute vaccination requirement to protect workers, customers and communities. roy blount reacting to the ruling saying he thinks the administration is relieved because firings would have led to more shortages. >> there might be some secret -- sighs of relooefr going on at the white house, this is a problem they can now think about in a different way. >> the supreme court allowed vaccine mandates for healthcare workers to stand. >> we're disappointed they didn't call the cms mandate unconstitutional. i respect their decision, this goes back to president biden's executive order, that is the problem, joe biden has created this nursing shortage. >> carley: spread like wildfire throughout the u.s., joe biden ignored reporter questions about switching strategy on the pandemic. listen. >> message for vaccinated americans wondering why they should restrict activities given -- most americans will get covid at some point. >> president biden: folks, we'll talk about that later, come on. >> carley: take a listen to vp harris stumbling all over the place trying to answer the same question. >> what point does the administration say, you know what, this strategy is not working. >> it is time for us to be doing what we've been doing and that time is everyday, everyday it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down. >> carley: hhs secretary he was disappointed on the ruling mike braun says it takes edge off businesses, guys. >> todd: the more i look at that answer and look at it, it was that beauty pageant answer that was all over the place. again, this is the vice president, she should be able to talk better than that. >> carley: same. >> todd: thank you very much. time is 11 after the hour. baltimore top prosecutor facing federal charges and also facing calls to step down over her soft on crime policy, even criminals don't think the policies make sense. >> i shouldn't be out right now, i can go shoot somebody or i can go shoot somebody and i'll be completely fine. >> carley: our next guest is someone who wants the prosecutor out, she is running to take her job, her plan for turning baltimore around, coming up next. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> this plea was so disturbing on so many levels, fact for three attempted murders gave him probation, caused victims to lose interest and embolden criminals and those type of pleas are enjoying the city. account for 90% of cases in the city and we have to look at them and really make sure that we are making or having violent repeat offenders held accountable. >> todd: here is the plea deal from the prosecutor. we mentioned what he did, set his ex-girlfriend's house on fire, charged with 18 felonies and three attempted murder charges. it was pleaded to one count of first-degree arson and given a 10-year suspended sentence, released from jail after serving fewer than six months. you mentioned criminals becoming embolden, a criminal is saying it is light. if they know it is light, doesn't that provide no deterrence to crime, what a prosecutor is supposed to do in the first place? >> exactly. when we allow violent crime to go unaddressed, we cause more violence in this city. we have to stop this, have to support good prosecutors. when i was a prosecutor, i would go down to homicide in the middle of the night and help the police officers strengthen their cases. that is what we need to do in this city to make sure that defendants are held accountable and we can make this city safer. it doesn't matter if you are liberal or conservative, violent crime needs to be addressed. >> todd: marilyn mosby, baltimore state attorney indicted on federal charges. obviously you are running against her, running to unseat her. she is running to florida where her two vacation homes are. your reaction to the charges? >> like i said, the most important thing is addressing violent crime and i don't know how ms. mosby, who is being indicted can work with the u.s. attorney's office to make sure that gun offenders are held accountable. she needs to take a leave of arsense or step down so the city can get back to functioning. this is not about her or this campaign, this is about making sure offenders are held accountable. we need everybody in this country to support good prosecutors and i would like to ask your viewers to go to roya, so we can truly get this city back on track where it needs to be. >> todd: she is kamala harris are pretty tight, how do you think that will impact the white house issue the mess that is the white house right now? >> well, i don't know her relationship and quite frankly we have seen that the department of justice is willing to bring forward this indictment despite any sort of connection, i do not think that will impact it at this time, yeah. >> todd: roy a hanna, keep us posted how this campaign is going, this is situation to be monitoring in baltimore. that souou bite from that criminal, wow, unbelievable. roya hanna, over to you. >> time is 20 after the hour, summer cell braying supreme court decision to slap down the federal vaccine mandate. >> everybody was on edge waiting for this ruling to come down, it takes a lot of businesses off edge now. >> carley: will the white house finally be pushed to change its pandemic strategy? congresswoman claudia tenney reacts to the latest blow to biden next. your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. lisa here, has had many jobs. and all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults. apply today. >> todd: fox news alert. north korea firing two missiles toward the east, third launch from north korea in one month. just days ago north korea firing the missile seen in the images right there. the launch this morning appears to be in response to recent u.s. sanctions, the white house not yet respondings to the launch. another fox news alert, conflict in the middle east. two rockets fired at the u.s. embassy in baghdad. showing the moment activated. pro-iranian -- of soleimani. iraqi military says two civilians were hurt. carley. >> carley: massive blow to president biden's push to overhaul elections. kyrsten sinema says she won't support killing the filibuster and fellow democrat senator joe manchin is backing her up. take a listen. >> there is no need to restate my longstanding support for this to pass legislation, there is no need for me to restate the role protecting the country from wild reversal and federal policy. >> when you listen to president biden's speech from before, do you agree with points she made? >> i think it is points i've been making for an awful long time and she has, too. >> carley: joining me now is claudia tenney, head of the election integrity caucus, good morning, congresswoman. what is going to happen on election reform going forward? >> hopefully none of the reforms will pass, senator kyrsten sinema is a co-sponsor of hr-1 issue the for the people act. that act would ban voter id, allow public of election and voter registration, which was stopped by new york state voters, 3-1 democratic state, they are not popular. interesting with senator sinema issue yesterday democrats used the filibuster to destroy a bill that would impose sanctions on vladamir putin for the nord stream 2 pipeline. while they say they want to destroy the filibuster, it is only for purposes of things they want to get through, like voting rights they claim are going to help voting rights, it is opposite. >> carley: i was told filibuster is racist by democrats. >> isn't that interesting, the democrats used the filibuster more under president trump's short few years in majority than the republicans used during two full terms under president obama. they are hypocritical and use it, it is mack machavilian. this would be a runaway train if the democrats were able to use this for every initiative and be able to cherrypick where they want to use the filibuster. >> carley: that is unbelievable. the other thing, i'm sure people at home are wondering what is in the voter reform legislation. the house passed something yesterday, that piece of the puzzle is confusing as to what is in the legislation. >> well, the bills were originally what were hr-1 and hr-4, which would change voting forever. i lived through 100 days of vote counting in new york state because of the election. these bills would make vote harvesting and ban voter idid sheing -- id, undermine voter integrity to maintain the confidence of the voters. right now, only about 20% of all voters polled have confidence in our elections. we need to restore election integrity, that is why i founded the caucus. the fact we are down in a very dangerous path in new york city, where they have voted to allow noncitizens to vote in our elections, a clear violation of the u.s. constitution and clear violation of new york law and new york constitution. >> carley: the other big news, u.s. supreme court blocked president biden's workplace covid-19 test and vaccine mandate for companies with 100 employees or more. they allowed the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers to stay, what is your reaction to that split decision? >> i was disappointed. we have a healthcare crisis, we have a shortage of healthcare workers, we need nurses, doctors and specialist to be able to come to work. this is disappointing there wasn't an exception given by the supreme court for people who have concerns or health issues who cannot take the vaccine for one reason or another but could exercise precaution, may have antibodies, can use social distancing that they used during the pandemic when there was no vaccine. this is a huge disappointment, it is a big factor going forward as small business owner particularly and for our growth and business going on to emerge out of this pandemic. >> carley: without a doubt. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you so much. >> carley: todd, over to you. >> todd: carley, janice dean here with our fox weather forecast. we know what is coming. >> janice: we know it is coming, a lot of the country going to experience winter today and through the weekend and ice i'm concerned across the carolina that will make travel impossible. good news is the bulk of the storm is coming on a weekend into a holiday monday so hopefully people will heed the warning and listen to local weather forecasters, temperatures now are primed for a snowstorm across the plain states to the mid-atlantic, area of low pressure diving across midwest over the mississippi and tennessee river valley, mid-atlantic region toward the northeast and i'm concerned with pink on the map there issue the ice, accumulating ice on power lines that could potentially cause travel issues, travel problems in the air and on the roads and of course power outages, snow potential quite a bit for the mountains and up toward the interior northeast along the coast, we're going to have to refine the forecast. if there is wobble across the northeast, we could see more snow along the coast, still yet to be determined. the best information i can give you, listen to local forecasters and download your fox weather app, that will give you up to date information, america's best weather. you need to be posted, this will be a dangerous storm. we love the snow, some of us, but travel will be complicated this weekend. back to you, carley and todd. >> carley: thank you. between inflation, a worldwide pandemic and a crime crisis, the american people would like to hear from their business, but this is what they get instead. >> look forward to -- >> me, too. >> todd: joe biden maybe dodging questions but joe concha isn't. he's next. plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging... ...the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. >> carley: today a group of chicago public high school students are set to stage a walkout. the chicago radical youth alliance demanding coronavirus relief stipend to students and shift back to remote learning for two weeks. this comes after classes were cancelled due to a battle between the city and teachers unions. oakland students are planning a strike unless their covid demands are met. >> todd: take a class on negotiating power. and a shipment, lawmakers outraged to see a giant "made in china" label stamped to each one. it is fitting for democrats to hand out masks made in the same place the virus originated and congressman murphy saying speaker pelosi fails to recognize senseless optics of her own decision-making. president biden with a joke when reporters press him over testing problems and broken promises. >> most americans will get covid at some point. >> folks, we'll talk about that later. come on. >> in your press conference, we look forward to that. >> me, too. >> carley: joe concha is here to react. joe, what did you make of the president's speech yesterday and that answer from the president about a press conference? >> joe: par for the course, what else can you say? the president has not had a formal press conference in more than 10 weeks and when you think about everything that happened, carley and todd, as far as build back better and push around that, trillions in new spending, when you think about vaccine mandates and voting rights, you would think in a normal presidency, the approximate president would try to sell that as much as possible. that would include taking questions from the press, especially ones that were not hand picked, hiding behind the press second skirt at this point. unless i missed it, did any late night hosts give -- tapped to be his testing czar? you get the feeling he's never heard of the guy before and i believe that joke writes itself. >> i believe we have that clip, listen. >> wow. >> president biden: help lead our federal testing program. i've talked -- i've tapped dr. tom -- i hope i pronounce this, engelsby, is that right, jeff? >> todd: joe, how bad is that? >> joe: so bad, just picture if donald trump tapped a testing czar at the height of the pandemic when cases are higher than they ever have been and he can't remember the person's name. obviously that person was tapped for this president and as far as not taking questions, this is the most guarded, protected, scripted president of our lifetime. you will find liz chaney at mar-a-lago before you find joe biden sit down with a journalist. let me break it down, he's done just 16 one-on-one interviews before taking office. this stage of trump's presidency, he had done 70, four times more. we'll leave it there. >> carley: tough press conference or speech for president biden because he didn't take questions and tough interview for the vice president, as well, yesterday. meanwhile, mitt romney was critical of the president's speech on election reform and white house secretary jen psaki responded to that, it is getting criticism. take a listen to this. >> i expected more of president biden, who came into office with stated goal of bringing the country together. >> press sect. psaki: there has been a lot about the offensive nature of the speech yesterday, that is hilarious, these people sat for the former president. >> carley: mitt romney far from silent over criticism of the former president. >> joe: yeah, i believe he voted one article of impeachment against donald trump, to say mitt romney has been violent, it is ridiculous. thank you, we like fact checks and i apologize for the error. she said mr. biden used objectively true statements on republicans trying to take away legitimate right to vote, at least that is what she claims. his speech was likely panned, including by his own party. he got four pinocchios. here is bottom line. his approval clocked 33%, stacey abrams in florida, voting rights thwarted by members of his own party in a matter of two or three days, nothing going right for 46th president, guys. >> carley: happy friday. >> joe: happy friday and happy this guy, this is the baby shark that i talk to, rachel, about last night, most viewed youtube clip of all time. >> todd: 10 billion views, 10 billion views, we get a billion yesterday, joe. got to go. >> carley: all right. still ahead, lara trump knows about politics after getting a front-row seat to her father-in-law's presidency, how bad has this week been for joe biden? >> todd: republicans lining up issues they are prepared to tackle if they take control of congress this year, they did not forget about the artist, hunter biden. ♪ ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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and even save with special offers just for movers. really? yep! so while you handle that, you can keep your internet and all those shows you love, and save money while you're at it with special offers just for movers at when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. >> todd: breaking news, we'll have a show for three hours starting in 15 minutes. now what is in it, jot this down. joe biden's very bad week continue and vaccine mandate for businesses get shut down in the supreme court. it gets worst. ben shapiro will join us live to talk about his victory. the army is offering $50,000 bonuses to battle recruiting struggles. the green beret guy welcomes his own baby. geraldo rivera reacts, you think. the weekend crew is here, rachel, will and pete seem nice and we'll talk to them about what they have, they will be on eight hours. our show starts in 14 emptys at the top of the hour, where we are demanding unless supreme court overrules that everyone be dressed. carley and todd. >> carley: hoping for more analysis, brian, yesterday was a huge hit. >> cantaloupe. >> carley: it was special. see you in 13 minutes now. republicans are threatening to make hunter biden testify before congress if they win back the house in the mid-term elections. >> todd: cheryl casone with the latest on the probe into the president's son. >> cheryl: good morning, i'm dressed and ready to go, get to the story. if republicans win back the house, hunter biden could be witness number one. congressman james comer saying, "we have a lot of questions about where he gets his money from artwork and consulting deals," remember james comer is ranking member of the oversight committee. hunter biden is selling paintings for upward of $500,000 per painting, an ethics issue with the white house. more bad news with inflation, more data coming out and the producer price index showed record year over year jump of 9.7% after consumer price hit high of 7%. despite hitting new lows over the economy, he has not taken responsibility. >> reality is, you can't flip the global economic light back on and not expect this to happen. capitalism without competition isn't capitalism, it is exploitation. >> call it corporate greed, sure, call it jacking up prices during a pandemic. >> carley: most economists and analysts agree spending stam lus coming from washington over the last year has contributed to record high inflation. >> todd: finally, your auto correct now going woke. >> cheryl: weird. microsoft introducing a new feature to let you know if you are woke enough. here is an example. mankind issue the program changes to humankind. postman becomes mail carrier. maid becomes house cleaner, manpower changes to work force and show girl because performing artists. david webb reacting. >> use the tool, they are going to impose them or certainly put them in the devices. microsoft is regulated by agencies that favor the left working with government and government regulating. there is too cozy of a relationship here, it is something we need to pay attention to. >> cheryl: "washington post" found those surveyed trust microsoft. do you trust them to change the english language? can't even keep up anymore. not sure what to say, except back to y'all because apparently that is woke way to address the two of you this morning. >> carley: it never ends. >> todd: nicely done. we're glad we're dressed and you, being somebody who knows hawaii, knowing what a pineapple is, continuing on the brian kilmeade theme. relocating the biden administration migrant flights to delaware. one state senator asking why not redirect them to the president's home state? prohibit state contracts from being issued to federal contractors working to assist in relocation efforts. voiced by florida governor ron desantis. the white house is getting defensive as joe biden heads into a long weekend on a long losing streak. >> the sense that things are going well, nothing changed right now. >> we could certainly propose legislation to see if people support bunny rabbits and ice cream, that would not be rewarding to the american people. >> carley: how do the american people feel about it? lara trump has seen a lot change since her father-in-law left the white house and she joins us next. ♪and i feel incredibl ints progr, i answered questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. don't pay until spring! join today at hurry! offer ends january 17th! if you used shipgo this whole thing wouldn't be a thing. yeah, dad! i don't want to deal with this. oh, you brought your luggage to the airport. that's adorable. with shipgo shipping your luggage before you fly you'll never have to wait around here again. like ever. that can't be comfortable though. the smart, fast, easy way to travel. [upbeat acoustic music throughout] . ♪ >> carley: president biden striking out across the board from inflation hitting record rates to his broken pandemic promises and failed legislative agenda. >> todd: the latest blow coming from the supreme court which blocked his covid-19 vaccine mandate for businesses. joining us now is fox news contributor lara trump did. you ever think it would get this bad for the biden white house? >> well, i thought it would get bad. they have obviously exceeded my expectations as to how bad it would get and how quickly things would happen has been a very bad week for joe biden. but this is all of his own doing. and i just want to give a shoutout to the supreme court, thank you for upholding the constitution. since joe biden decided to medal meddle in america's medical decisions. this is antithetical to everything we know as americans to tell people they have got to choose between making a living, going to their job or having a medical procedure that, for whatever reason, they disagree with. it is totally unamerican. it was never about the vaccine. it was about the force that the government was using on people to get the vaccine. and think if this hadn't been ruled this way by the supreme court, about the pandora's box that this ultimately would have opened for control in america. i have to remind the folks in washington, d.c., you work for us. it is not the other way around. so start acting like it. i'm going to go straight to the top with that to joe biden. he has got to get a handle on inflation, the supply chain, the southern border. our standing on the world stage, todd, it has been a disaster since day one and it keeps getting worse. where is the bottom? we don't know. >> carley: the hits keep on come in. four days alone we just scrolled through some of the failures that the biden administration is facing. some cdc fact checking liberal justices. vaccine mandates, americans can't find tests. the president pivoted to voting rights and the speech was even panned by members of his own party. stacey abrams did not show up. the jen psaki was asked if the biden administration needs to make internal changes. do you think all of this is a staffing issue? >> well, i think it starts at the top. it starts carley with joe biden. this is the president of the united states. the leader of the free world. the most powerful person in the entire world. and no one has confidence in this guy. he gets in front of cameras, he can't speak if he is not on teleprompter. even when he is on teleprompter he has a hard time making coherent sentences. and so i think from, you know, the top down, it is a big problem. we know that joe biden is not making any of his own decisions. he is being controlled by the far left radicals in the democrat party. that is where the problems starts. nothing has ever been done for the american people. it has been to fit into their political agenda on the far left. the speech i just referenced, carley, this ridiculous idea of voting rights. i have to put that in air quotes because it has nothing to do with voting rights. it is about control, just like everything else from this administration. >> todd: the parade of horribles was so long we had to roll it while you were speaking if we went through each one individually you wouldn't have had time for your segment. quickly, obviously, big issue yesterday was the supreme court ruling. your father-in-law pointing a few of those justices. if there is any positive from this week, does it say something about the system of checks and balances that democrats were not able to seize control the way they wanted to? about 35 seconds to you, lara. >> yeah, well, i think that's absolutely right, todd. look, we have a system in america of checks and balances to ensure that, you know, the right decision is reached, that our constitution remains intact. and that is exactly what you saw happen yesterday with this supreme court decision. it is exactly why they are there. >> this is the highest office in the land. it made a ruling, it followed the constitution, thank goodness for it. and, yes, donald trump had a hand in some of those justices, you just saw on your screen there so thank you to president trump for that. >> carley: president biden released a statement yesterday after the supreme court decision said he was disappointed in it because the vaccine mandate is grounded in both science and law, clearly the supreme court disagrees with him on that front. lara, thank you for joining us this morning. we so appreciate it. >> thanks, guys. >> carley: all right and "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> the u.s. supreme court deals a major blow to president biden ruling his vaccine mandate for large, private businesses cannot stand. >> they concluded inexorably that both biden and russia were both abusing their power. >> democrats crushed biden's hope of changing senate rules. the push is partisan election power grab. >> i will not support that worsen the underlying disease of division. >> kamala harris had another pain-staking interview. >> administration officials urging the administration to change cours

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Trillions , Build , Press , Ones , Hosts , Hiding Behind The Press Second Skirt , Guy , Testing Czar , Feeling , Clip , Help , Program , Dr , Right , Engelsby , Bad , Donald Trump , Height , Jeff , Person , Liz Chaney , Lifetime , Name , Stage , Journalist , Mar A Lago , Times , Well , Four , 70 , Jen Psaki , Criticism , Mitt Romney , Goal , Nature , Press Sect , Article , Silent , Impeachment , Statements , Fact Checks , Error , Mr , Vote , Least , Pinocchios , Members , Line , Approval , Nothing , Rachel , Baby Shark , 46 , Views , Youtube , Got To Go , 10 Billion , A Billion , Lara Trump , Politics , Father In Law , Seat , Hunter Biden , Control , Congress , Insurance , Artist , Whistles , Vulture Squawks , Sec , Smile , Teeth Straightening , Double , Smiledirectclub , Invisalign , Businessedirectclub , Sixty , Up Shipstation , Postage , Clicks , Leg , Arm , Running , Shipping , Money , Labels , Order , Cut , Seamless , Half , The Box , Costs , Choice , Sellers , Handful , Moving , Address , Kidding , Services , Offers , Movers , Internet , Xfinity Com Moving , Yep , Cost , Security , Family , Pause Wifi , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Family Safe Browsing , Parents , Show , Breaking News , 15 , Army , Down , Victory , Ben Shapiro , 0000 , Bonuses , Recruiting Struggles , Green Beret Guy , 50000 , Emptys , Crew , Baby , Pete , Geraldo Rivera , 14 , Eight , Everyone , Analysis , Brian Kilmeade , Hit , Cantaloupe , 13 , Cheryl , Probe , Latest , Son , Cheryl Casone , James Comer , Number One , Member , Deals , Oversight Committee , Artwork , Bad News , Paintings , Painting , Ethics , 00000 , 500000 , Economy , Consumer Price Hit , Producer Price Index , 7 , 9 7 , Responsibility , Reality , Light , Capitalism Without Competition Isn T , Exploitation , Prices , Economists , Greed , Analysts , Spending Stam Lus , Microsoft , Auto , Feature , House Cleaner , Example , Mail Carrier , Force , Mankind Issue , Humankind , Maid , Show Girl , Postman , Artists , Tool , Devices , David Webb , Agencies , Working , Attention , Regulating , Back , English , Washington Post , Pineapple , Hawaii , Home State , State Senator , Theme , Flights , Delaware , Ron Desantis , State Contracts , Contractors , Relocation Efforts , Losing Streak , Defensive , Joe Biden Heads , Left , Incredibl , Goals , Foods , Ww Personalpoints Plan , January 17th , Luggage , Dad , Airport , 17 , Shipgo , Shipgo Com , Music , Fast , Inflation Hitting Record , Board , Wall , Expectations , Doing , Shoutout , Constitution , Decisions , Medal Meddle , Procedure , Making A Living , Pandora S Box , Hadn T , Top , Handle , Supply Chain , Standing , Hits , Bottom , Disaster , Southern Border , The World Stage , Justices , Pivoted To Voting Rights , Failures , Staffing Issue , Front , No One , World , Leader , Cameras , Teleprompter , Top Down , Hard Time Making Coherent Sentences , Problems , Radicals , Idea , Air Quotes , The Parade Of Horribles , Segment , Lara , Checks , Few , Positive , Balances , Yes , Hand , Goodness , Land , Screen , Statement , Science , Fox Friends , Thanks , Push , Election Power Grab , Hope , Senate Rules , Change Cours ,

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