Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709

he will head to georgia to talk about that. i'm bill hemmer. we're on different floors. we'll take turns, right? this is officially a podcast. >> dana: it is a brand-new podcast. my home during "the five" this week as well. it is small which fits me just perfectly. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." the white house sees georgia as ground zero in its push for election reform. president biden and vice president harris will speak there this afternoon as the white house pressures democrats to get on board even if it means breaking the filibuster. republicans calling all of it an attempt to distract from a failing agenda. >> hysterical claim that our democracy is in crisis rings hollow. it would destroy a key feature of american government forever. >> this is nothing more than an election power grab by the democrats. they want to federalize the election. >> not about improving access to the ballot, the ballot changing the political dynamic in this country to crow ate an election system skewed to help the liberals not voting participation. >> bill: first to the white house we go. mark meredith begins our coverage there. good morning, mark. >> good morning. the number of covid cases nationwide is skyrocketing but as you mentioned today the president will be focusing his attention on something different. voting rights reform legislation. critics say it is an effort to change the subject with the pandemic showing no end in sight. the president is heading down to atlanta in his speech today urging the senate to adjust its filibuster rules to allow two pieces of voting reform legislation to reach his desk. democrats calling to mandate same day voters registration and voting by mail and early voting and allowing former felons to vote. the president will make his case by saying the next few days it will mark a turning point in this nation. will we choose democracy, light overshadow, justice over injustice. i know where i stand. republicans say they know where they stand, firmly against this legislation arguing an attempt to allow the federal government to take overstate's election powers. >> they are continually taking our freedoms and liberties away from us and now they are trying to take the consent of the governed as is expressed at the ballot box away from the american citizens and yes, i believe this is going to be yet another failure as well it should be for the democratic party. >> it is also unclear if democrats have the votes needed to change the filibuster. west virginia senator joe manchin says he supports voting rights but he and other moderate democrats may be uncomfortable with major changes to senate procedure. there is also some fascinating drama unfolding now in georgia ahead of the president's trip. democratic voting rights activist stacey abrams running for governor in the state of georgia will not be at the president's speech today. she has made voting reform her top issue and yesterday she tweeted out a message to the president saying welcome to georgia. her office is now saying that she has a conflict. not elaborating what it is but she won't be at the speech. we have heard from civil rights groups deciding not to attend the president's speech. they are boycotting it. they claim it's more about optics as opposed to getting something done. we'll see if the president fires back when he leaves the white house 90 minutes from now. >> bill: nice to see you mark meredith at the white house. >> dana: let's bring in former house speaker newt gingrich, a georgian himself. a couple of things are interesting. one, stacey abrams not showing up today. do you think it has something to do with if tact that he is down 20 points in georgia? >> i think stacey abrams is very smart. she realizes that a photo op next to president biden and vice president harris hurts her, doesn't help her. and i think she also agrees with the civil rights groups who think this thing is all phony. they won't get it through. this is the second big effort they will try to make in the senate that will fail. people who are smart know that. i think it's puzzling why the president would put so much effort into what is clearly going to fall. he is not going to succeed with this. meanwhile, he is not solving the price of food or gasoline. he is not solving the border. he is not solving the logistic chains. the things they're not doing and they aren't solving the problem of test kits for covid. it is very puzzling how much they are owned by the radicals and keep doing these dances that just plain fail. >> bill: you are right about that. it seems like it is political play acting. the trip will never get off the ground back in washington, d.c. joe manchin asked about that on the filibuster. here is what he said. >> 60 vote threshold. >> it is what we have. we've always had for the past many years. >> bill: 232 years. we can debate whether it's 234 or wherever you want to start. but this whole idea about going with no results and having someone like abrams not show up almost suggests, mr. speaker, this is an administration out of ammo. >> i think more than that. they are out of touch with reality. they're in a very tough position. they have adopted policies the country hates. when you tell people that new york city just allowed 800,000 non-citizens to vote in municipal elections they think it's crazy. when you tell them that governor newsom has said he will pay for healthcare for every illegal immigrant who can get to california, they think it's crazy. the bill that the president is pushing. president biden is pushing a bill that 85% of the country opposes. most americans, including african-americans and latinos think you should be able to identify who you are. you should be an american citizen in order to vote. you should have to vote in an orderly way. they are against ballot harvesting and understand same day registration at a time when you have millions of illegal immigrants crossing the border is an invitation to sheer theft. and so it's puzzling why these guys have gotten themselves down this road. these guys meaning schumer, pelosi, harris, biden, that is clearly a dead end and yet they keep trying to dig their way deeper, not dig their way out. >> dana: senator mcconnell spoke on this yesterday because he is going to have to block this in the senate so here is how he set it up. >> senate democratic leaders are trying to use a big lie to pulley and berate their own members into breaking their word, breaking the rules, and breaking the senate. >> dana: that's the position even going into the mid-terms is that the biden team and the democrats are just way too left for america. is that their best setting to set the stage for 2022? >> look, i think the best strategy is simple. it ain't working. you stand at a gas station and watch people put gas in it ain't working. go to a grocery store and look at the price of beef. it ain't working. go look at the 120 ships sitting off long beach. it ain't working. go to the border. the mayor of yuma declares an emergency because there is a 2,500% increase in the number of people coming across the border in his town. it ain't working. it's just this ain't working they'll win a landslide in both the house and senate. >> bill: thank you for your time. newt gingrich with us. the title of your next column, it ain't working. >> dana: got it. >> bill: thank you, sir. >> dana: easy to remember. >> bill: thank you, sir. nine minutes past the hour now. major news overnight, dana, about kids going back to school in chicago. roll this now quickly from chicago. >> i'm pleased to report that the chicago teachers union house of delegates voted to end the work stoppage. that means teachers will be back in classes tomorrow and all students should return on wednesday. >> bill: that was late last night. we really don't know if that is going to happen, do we? the chicago mayor lori lightfoot has a tentative deal with the union after the teachers shut down five days of classes over covid. do they have to vote on this or is it a done deal? >> good morning to you. teachers are back in their classrooms today. students will be back if their classrooms tomorrow after the teachers union house of delegates voted to approve this deal with the city. the deal will need to be approved by the full membership but it is expected to happen today or tomorrow. as part of this deal, though, the district will provide facemasks to teachers and students. that was already being offered before the walk-out. there will be an increase in covid testing as well and new metrics will be set for schools to go remote during the surge if 40% of students are quarantined or 30% of staff are out sick. the union leaders said they aren't particularly happy about this deal but feel like they got as much as they could. the union's vice president then took final shots at mayor lori lightfoot and says the city owes teachers a debt of gratitude. >> our members sacrificed hate to get face coverings. why would anyone with happy about sacrificing pay for face coverings? this mayor is unfit to lead this city and she is on a one-woman kamikaze mission to destroy our public schools. >> the city has said throughout the past week schools are already safe but willing to negotiate with the union and agree to these measures not because they are needed or supported by science but because they'll help teachers feel safer. in announcing the deal mayor lightfoot thanked parents for speaking out and helping pressure the union to get back in school. >> i want to make sure parents understand we heard you. we are not standing here making this announcement without the parent activism and parent voices and parent demands that we heard. >> 25,000 plus members of the union will need to approve this measure either today or tomorrow. but chicago's 300,000 plus students are expected to be back in the classroom again tomorrow. >> bill: thank you garrett tenney on that out of chicago. this thing got ugly last night. the head of the union called the mayor stupid and then the mayor brought in race into this entire argument and we'll see whether or not the kids are back in the classroom tomorrow. let's see if it happens. >> dana: a tough place for a mayor to be. very little trust with the police in the city and also the teachers and so she is a little out there on an island. it looks like the teachers union did actually cave a little bit here and that's a good thing and we'll watch and see if the kids get back in school. china taking drastic action to try to get a handle on the covid outbreak before the olympics. >> bill: here at home big shift. inflation topping covid among voter concerns. could it cost democrats the majority? we'll talk to rick scott about that. changing political landscape coming up here live. >> dana: say hello to your new national champions in college football. the dogs over the crimson tide. the biggest play of the game is coming up. ♪♪♪ it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, the sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? yes! you'll know exactly how well you slept, night after night. we take care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. and now, save up to $1,000 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, 0% interest for 36 months when you add an adjustable base. only for a limited time. veteran homeowners. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. >> dana: we're getting a better sense of what's on voter's minds ahead of elections. 68% say the economy is their biggest concern compared with 37% with covid among their top five. let's bring in republican senator rick scott of florida, the chairman of the nrsc. interesting the president and vice president together will go and try to get their voting rights bill passed when it's not even showing up as an issue for most of the people. >> the biggest issue now is inflation. it is hurting families across this country. when i go home to florida i have parents that are saying oh, do i put gas in the car or food on the table? more people working food banks say people are coming in because they can't afford food. we see rent and electric wrist tree prices are up. the poorest families in the country are getting hurt the most. >> dana: republicans have answers to this. if you were to win back the senate and the house more likely, but the senate. if you were to win back do you think the republicans are well positioned to take advantage of this and better policies? >> absolutely. i always say when we'll win. there is every reason to believe we'll pick up at least one, i think we can pick up four or five seats this year. if you're a republican you want to be a senator and change the direction of the country this is the year you want to run. look at the democrat agenda. very unpopular. inflation is unpopular. students not being involved in schools is unpopular. afghanistan is unpopular. defund police is unpopular. we have to make sure we change the direction of this country. we need to completely change the direction of the country right now. >> dana: you've seen retirements on the democratic side. the house side. you are in charge of the senatorial committee. but does it give you a sense what the environment is like out there? >> i think kevin mccarthy is doing a great job in the house. as they feel comfortal they'll get more house seats and they'll help us get the vote out. i think we'll take back the house and senate and when we do we have to govern. we have to say we will reduce taxes, reduce regulation, stop having government run our lives. secure our border. there are so many things we have to do. you just can't imagine biden has been president for a year and look at what has gone on. it is horrible for families across the country. >> dana: let me ask you this. you said it's when the republicans take over in the senate. the states you are looking at. there was open seat -- reelection in georgia that warnock will try to handle. you have arizona. what are the other states on your list to pick up for the republicans? >> herschel walker has also beaten warnock in the polls. we have a primary there. the republican is ahead in nevada. if you look at generic valley we'll beat kelly in arizona. we will have two individuals get into the race and i think we'll win new hampshire but other places. any place biden won by less than 10 points is a battleground state. >> dana: jerry baker had this to say as he was thinking about the republicans. call for one year if you can play that. >> a lot of people remain doubtful about whether the republican party is a party that is actually going to keep the country safe for democracy. the republican party needs to address that in order to seize this opportunity again not just to win a majority but to really start to heal the country in the way that the democratic party and joe biden have failed to do. >> dana: do you take that on board? >> absolutely. we have to be the party of ideas. we have to be the party of saying we will follow the constitution and make sure your vote is never diluted. we want you to vote. we will be the party to make sure you can get a job. you are involved in your kids' education and a military that can defeat anybody in the world. >> dana: am i crazy to think that the republicans could win a senate seat in vermont in 2022? >> you are not crazy. if you look -- i believe we will be competitive across this country. there is a poll out even in the state of washington murray is only ahead by three points over a generic republican. we have a great republican running there. >> dana: we'll pay attention to all of this. have a great day and happy new year to you. >> bill: the republican national committee, rnc is suing new york city mayor eric adams. he has been on the job about a week. this involves the city's new voting law. it allows about 800,000 non-citizens to cast a ballot in local elections. city elections now. not the state or federal. the mayor says that measure saying if they're in the city they should have the right to decide who governs them. the rnc chair saying american elections should be decided by american citizens. this story will gain some traction, dana, i have to think. especially when people find out the details of the bill. it requires the legal non-citizen to live in the city for a whopping 30 days and that's it. >> dana: i heard mayor adams in an interview say he thought it was reasonable. in the poll we showed with rick scott, the number three issue for americans goes economy, covid and then immigration. and i feel like if the biden administration and people like mayor adams don't take on the left the american people are going to do that for them at the ballot box in november. >> bill: great point. interesting and i think you're right. >> dana: i'm not crazy and a made a great point. >> bill: he said new york democrats handed the gop a winning political issue. if he is right you're right as well. >> dana: you know i love to be right. just ask peter. when he met me he knew he met ms. right. he didn't know my first name is always. a third chinese city locks down at covid cases spike. there are 20 million people confined that their homes in china coming as the country prepares to host the winter olympics in a few weeks. alex hogan following it from the london bureau. >> this ban essentially locks millions of people down preventing them from going anywhere. they aren't allowed to walk past the doorstep of their front door. this is the most sweeping lockdown restriction we've seen on chinese soil since the beginning of the pandemic in wuhan. this last lockdown comes after just two cases of omicron were reported on monday. the stay at home order in the cities of two before that are because of the delta variant. the mandate impacts 20 million residents. china has stepped up its zero tolerance policy ahead of the winter olympics set to begin on february 4th. beijing has cut off traffic to a nearby port city due to a cluster of cases as well. today the deputy director of game services and the pandemic prevention gave no real answer on whether a postponement was on the table. he says for now the goal is prevention and control measures. meanwhile china is also facing a separate health epidemic. an annual rise from viruses that spread mainly through rodents. cdc says parents can experience headaches, nausea and blurred vision amid the spread of misinformation. right now in the locked cities we're seeing mass testing. not an option, it is mandatory to prevent any more outbreaks. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: fox news alert now on the faa ordering a seven minute ground stop at west coast airports on monday at the same time north korea tested another missile. nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are pleading with the government for more covid kits. where are the tests? we'll get a live report coming up next. >> we need more test kits because test kits are being used everywhere. they just dried up. we were managing okay but really in the last few weeks we've almost run out of test kits and we need more. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes 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to the tracker at johns hopkins university. james freeman "wall street journal" editorial page contributor. i am of the feeling that any expert should begin any testimony appearances by stating the following. we're still learning more about the virus. there is a lot we don't know, a lot we're understanding. it would give them wiggle room on a lot of these answers. then comes the question, can they clarify the confusion that has gone around to use the word spread over the past several weeks? >> they can try. i think maybe a statement of humility would be good given the errors that these experts have made since the start. but i think what you are seeing recently in statements from both dr. fauci and dr. walensky and maybe it will continue in their testimony is they are finally acknowledging the real costs and benefits, the competing risks that they've largely ignored throughout the pandemic. in other words, they initially treated covid as if it were the only risk in the world. as if everything in society should be directed regardless of the cost toward pursuing their policies against it and i think what you have now is they're acknowledging there are great costs to covid restrictions. we do need an economy to sustain life and support covid patients and there are different risks depending on age, co-morbidities, etc. it should have been the emphasis all along. >> dana: she was on "good morning america" yesterday and she basically was explaining what some people have been accused of being i guess not sensitive enough in regards to who is dying from covid or from something else but with covid. here she is. >> the overwhelming number of deaths over 75% occurred in people who had at least four co-morbidities. so really these are people who were unwell to begin with. and yes, really encouraging news in the context of omicron. >> dana: some of the things that she is saying now i think are very welcome but if you look back some people were basically banned from social media from saying such things. >> that's right. i think she caught some flak for her remarks seen as insensitive with people with co-morbidities. the fact that fortunately there are a lot of people not at great risk, especially if they've been vaccinated. and i think what she has to do is turn that insight which she took a long time getting to but she is finally there, into changing her policy on schools, for example. she is still parroting the teachers union line that we can only have schools open and keep them open if we meet various protocols. no, no, it is time to acknowledge that children were never at great risk. teachers most of whom are not elderly and the unions tell us are overwhelmingly vaccinated are also not at great risk. so it is time to keep schools open and not set arbitrary conditions or demands, perfect filtration systems or say that if we see a case here and there we're going to shut down the entire school. it is time for society to move forward and for public health people i think to get finally catch up to where most people are now which is we have to take prudent measures to fight this thing but live our lives. >> bill: your piece is called now she tells us, cdc director walensky emphasizes relative risks. you were a lockdown skeptic from the beginning. >> yes. i just hope if this ever happens again people understand that in an environment of fear and uncertainty, you don't shut down the economy that sustains all of us as step one and then figure it out. we need to produce and to live and to learn and to do all those things, everybody, including patients with covid. >> bill: fair enough. >> dana: good to see you, james. happy new year, thank you. >> you too, thanks, guys. >> dana: infections are spreading rapidly in nursing homes and long-term care facilities even among fully vaccinated. it got so bad in new jersey they called in the national guard to help out. bryan llenas is live at one place in new jersey. >> look, new jersey has deployed the national guard to help facilities like this one behind me, the woodland center is home to the worst outbreak in the state. there are over 330 people with staff and residents who currently have covid. in 2020 anonymous tip led to a discovery of a covid makeshift morgue overflowing with 17 bodies and this facility was hit with $220,000 in fines for failures in infection control practices. multiple families of residents who died here like dale and joseph are suing the facility for negligence. their lawyer says it is unbelievable the same owners are still in business. >> i think they should come in and shut it down. they need to shut those facilities down. and there needs to be a wholesale re-evaluation of now they are doing business soup to nuts. they didn't learn their lesson. that much is clear. >> the american healthcare association, the largest nursing home organization in the nation, says the biden administration needs to surge testing and therapeutic treatments to nursing homes. these facilities are suffering from an historic staffing shortage as well losing 230,000 caregivers or 15% of their workforce since the start of the pandemic. >> four million elderly are admitted to nursing homes coming from the hospitals who need rehab or finish therapy to go home. that's dropped way down and causing a backlog of people in the hospital and that's right when we need people, more beds in the hospital to take care of people getting sick from omicron. >> bill: connecticut is so desperate to free up hospital beds they're asking nursing homes to accept covid-19 positive hospitalized patients if they are able. hospitalized patients should be disxharjd from acute care whenever clinically indicated regardless of covid-19 status. critics point out that sending covid-19 positive patients to these facilities that house our most vulnerable is exactly what helped fuel the nearly 200,000 deaths in these facilities nationwide since the start of the pandemic, dana. >> dana: important information. thank you, bryan. ♪♪♪ >> dana: it was not -- the college national football game last night. the tide got rolled by the bulldogs. their first title since 1980. >> from the pocket launching downfield, under thrown, intercepted. it's down the sidelines. all the way to the end zone and georgia is going to conquer the crimson tide. >> quarterback completed 17 of 26 passes and threw two touchdowns to lead the bulldogs to their first win over their rival. congratulations to friends of mine in georgia, tracy and jeff and their daughter. they were watching last night. were you? >> bill: i caught the first half and went to bead. i dvr it. i get up early and go through it. i have trivia. the last time georgia won 1980, right? who was the star running back for the georgia bulldogs that year, a freshman. one of the best. >> dana: herschel walker? >> bill: he is running for senate this year in 2022. you just wonder all the stars are in alignment. use that on gutfeld later today. >> dana: i'll give it a shot. >> bill: congratulations to georgia, the dogs waited a long time for that. great game, too, very intense. radio silence from ice as the agency continues to slow walk its annual report on border arrests. what is behind that darn delay? plus new controversy for whole foods. the policy that's prompting fierce pushback from the free speech advocate. tell you about that coming up. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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immigration and sus toms enforcement yet to release a report from last year on the number of migrants it apprehended at the border. the longest delay we've seen in a decade. ron vitiello former chief of border patrol under president obama nice to have you back. good morning. >> good morning. >> bill: what's the hold-up? >> obviously they aren't going to have good news as it relates to the enforcement numbers, the removal and deportations out of ice, enforcement and removal operations because from the very beginning of this administration the policy statement was we'll do a moratorium. the president wanted a moratorium on deportations and removals. thankfully missouri and texas sued the administration to reverse that policy but then ice then instituted another set of priorities which said that if you weren't a threat to public safety and hadn't just crossed the border or convicted aggravated felon. a small subset of what ice would encounter they wouldn't arrest you. you had to get permission from headquarters. the numbers will be way down. what we've seen at the border since january lots of people coming in, many releases and what we know or what wisdom tells us about this scenario is that people are not in detention when they go through deportation proceedings they aren't likely to get removed. the removal numbers are way down. detention numbers are already down in the requests made by this administration. this report won't be flattering if you believe in the rule of law, if you want a border that has integrity or immigration and enforcement system, they aren't going to put this report out because it won't say good things about what they are doing. >> bill: here is what we've got. apprehensions we're aware of for fiscal year 2021, 1.7 million apprehensions. extraordinary number. in addition you've got fentanyl seizures for the fiscal year 2021, 10,500 pounds of fentanyl. i can't even put that into a picture. you mention there is no good news here. are they slow walking it? >> most likely they are and the border is in this kind of chaos it puts us all at risk. talk about the fentanyl seizures, that's just what has been apprehended. there are many more people in the pipeline not apprehended and more seizures not taking place. if you look at the images from the border you see a border patrol that's nearly 50% of the workforce is doing the care and comfort for the large numbers of people they're seeing at the border. that means 50% less patrol hours, 50% less seizures, so what we've seen 1.7 million that's historic. we haven't seen that in decades. that -- when they got control of this administration in january last year they had record lows in activity on the border because we had policies in place that allowed the border patrol to spend more time on patrol. to spend more time protecting us versus what they have to do now which is confronted by this wave of humanity and the processing and care and comfort mission that is distracting them from enforcement of the border. >> bill: for the men and women a slap in the face. we heard it from some of the folks running the border for us. it will come out eventually. it feels like a friday afternoon news dump perhaps. we'll see if that's the case. ron, thank you for your time in washington, d.c. today. ron vitiello, thank you, sir. >> great to be with you. thanks. >> dana: bill, she is running for governor but stacey abrams is reportedly skipping president biden's voting rights speech in georgia later today. what can we read into this apparent no show? karl rove will weigh in. more than a dozen top universities are in legal hot water. why former students are suing them. ♪♪♪ people with moderate to severe psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the way they exaggerate the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection or a cream it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% 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new life and good for him. okay, we've got more than a dozen top u.s. universities now facing a lawsuit accusing them of colluding to limit financial aid to students from working and middle class families. alexandria hoff looking into this. what did you find out? >> good morning. the class action complaint refers to these elite universities as the gate keepers to the american dream. a dream essentially held at ransom according to lawyers. it names brown, columbia, georgetown and yale part of what is called the 569 president's group. consensus approach to determine how much a student could afford to pay for school. according to the complaint the defendants by their own admission participated in a price fixing cartel designed to reduce or eliminate financial aid and that in fact is artificially inflated the net price of attendance for students receiving financial aid. through this the lawsuit accuses the university has favored wealthier student and it violates antitrust laws. damages are being sought as the supreme court prepares to consider two affirmative action complaints against the university of north carolina and harvard both accuse the schools of using race as a dominant factor for admission. in the harvard appeal asian american students accuse the school of holding them to a higher academic standard. both cases have been set for final review by the court on friday. >> bill: interesting to watch. we shall. alexandria hoff in washington, d.c. thank you. >> dana: bill, right now president biden's top health officials are appearing on capitol hill to give senators an update on the administration's covid response. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. we'll see whether or not we get answers or clear anything up. dr. anthony fauci and dr. walensky are in the hot seat today and face tough questions where the covid money has gone. immense crisis in american schools and the testing shortage that's everywhere. chad pergram begins this hour live on the hill. hello, chad. >> good morning, bill. this is the first congressional hearing of the new year on the virus. lots of carping about the cdc regarding its guidance about isolation. the credibility of the cdc is on the line. the agency has absorbed hits since the start of the pandemic. cdc now faces some of the most harsh criticism yet. cdc director walensky defended her agency against the ever-mutating virus. >> this is hard. we have ever-evolving science with an ever-evolving variant. and my job is to provide updated guidance in the context of rapidly rising cases. i am committed to continuing to do so and continuing to improve. >> senate health committee chair murray says people are frustrated and worried how tough it can be to locate a test and people find the cdc's isolation information confusing and frustrating. the gop is unloading on president biden. >> he promised america we would have an apun dance of testing kits. we know all of these are broken promises. we need to know what the national plan is moving forward. >> the white house says home testing kits are coming. >> we expect to have all contracts awarded over the next two weeks and then americans will begin being able to order these tests online later this month. we also expect to have details on the website as well as a hotline later this week. >> we could have verbal sparring today between anthony fauci and kentucky senator rand paul. they have had several heated encounters in the past. >> bill: indeed they have. we're watching it from here on capitol hill. thank you, chad. dana. >> dana: president biden and vice president harris going to georgia to push their voting rights legislation today while democrats debate changing the senate filibuster to pass the legislation. fox news exclusive reporting on former senator kelly laufler's plan to help. she is fighting biden on this issue. karl rove weighs in. we begin in atlanta with steve harrigan on the president's visit. hi, steve. >> the first stop will be ebenezer baptist church and the martin luther king junior center and make their way here to the consortium of historically black colleges. the president will give an address on voting rights in which he is expected to say i will defend your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign and domestic. the question is, where will the institution of the u.s. senate stand? right now there are two voting rights bills pretty much stalled in the senate. republican critics say they are an attempt by the federal government to take over control of elections unconstitutionally from the states. traveling with the president today will be georgia senator warnock, he faces a tough reelection fight against herschel walker. what's really getting the attention is who will not be there for the speech here this afternoon. a number of civil rights activists, voting right activitys don't want to be a prop for another empty speech. the head of the naacp enough platitudes and niceties. among those missing is stacey abrams, the democratic candidate for governor and voting rights is her signature issue. she said she had a scheduling conflict. dana, back to you. >> dana: indeed, a scheduling conflict. okay. >> bill: former georgia republican senator kelly leffler is getting involved in the voting rights fight and launching a grassroots organization called greater georgia. we have exclusive details on that group. good morning. >> good morning, bill. the former senator is ready for the presidential visit to atlanta and she says she is ready to defend the voices and the votes of everyday georgians and why a year ago she created this grassroots organization called greater georgia. i got to see this organization firsthand as it builds year round campaign infrastructure. something that conservatives haven't recently invested in. so it's an attempt to take on the stacey abrams machine. the left voter registration machine. a ground game that leffler saw the value of when she lost her seat to warnock. now right now leffler estimates there are about 150,000 fewer registered conservatives than liberals here in georgia. but one of her biggest challenges, guys, is winning back nearly thousands, hundreds of thousands of disenchanted trump voters after the former president alleged election fraud here and with biden's visit aimed at georgia's new election laws her strongest tool to wooh those voters back. she knows the stakes could not be higher. >> if we don't do this work today, if we don't organize on the ground the path to the majority will not run through georgia. so what's at stake is not just elections but the freedom of every single american who wants their voice heard, who wants their opportunity in this country. >> get this, political analysts out here think that loeffler could use biden's visit to her advantage but she needs more help from the former president. >> i need help from president trump to tell voters that elections in georgia are trustworthy and that georgia republicans should vote in the next election. >> i asked loeffler if she wants to see a trump rally to counter president biden's visit in atlanta. she didn't say yes or no but she said he has a very important voice here in the state of georgia. >> bill: we'll follow it. aishah hosni on that story out of atlanta. dana. >> dana: for more on this let's bring in karl rove former deputy chief of staff. a new dog owner, congratulations on that. i might be a little rusty when it comes to communication strategy but when you have the president and vice president going to georgia today and they are supposed to get this done for senator schumer by next monday and you don't even have the groups that support them in the effort showing up and stacey abrams won't even be there, what kind of strategy is this? >> well, it is a little confusing. let's step back for a minute. there is even bigger problem here. the white house has never made a compelling case for this gigantic federal takeover of the election system. what are the specific problems that are being acted out in states like georgia and texas. they complain about it saying the right to vote is being suppressed but they have never been specific in pointing to this statute or this action in a compelling way that makes it credible to say the federal government needs to step in and take over the election system. i don't mean to be petty about this but georgia has 18 days, for example, of early voting and they've been voting early in georgia for decades. texas since the 1980s has had early voting days and both states have increased them in their latest election laws. georgia went up to 18, texas went up to 14. delaware for the first time in its history will allow early voting this coming fall for eight days. so the president better get there and make a compelling case there is something specific and fundamentally flawed in the way that georgia administers its election but it's written off as political talk and that's what it is, political call talk. >> bill: the naacp said no more speeches, we need action. >> first of all, the benefit that stacey abrams is not there. remember, this is a woman defeated for governor three years ago and refuses to acknowledge, refuses to concede saying the election was illegitimate. how do you like being the president and vice president having a big lie spreader standing next to you the election was stolen from me three years ago. i think the voter groups are sending a message maybe to biden but i think the bigger message is senate democrats pay attention. we're fed up with the president which means we're even more angry with you. joe manchin, kyrsten sinema and mark kelly and john tester from monday monday saying i think we need to keep the 60-vote rule in place. they're sending a message to those senators and i don't think it is going to work. i don't think there is a credible case made to cause these people to blow up the 60 vote requirement to pass the bill. they used the 60 vote margin over 250 times in the trump administration, in order to stop things from happening in the senate. they aren't going to give it up so easily for something that has been so poorly argued and laid out to the american people. >> dana: how mitch mcconnell put it on the senate floor yesterday. listen. >> they want to silence millions of americans and take over the senate so they can take over elections. so they can take over america. >> dana: democrats will say that's hyperbole, they're just trying to make things right. mcconnell is very strategic. he is making this point not only on voting rights bill but on the larger issues going forward for 2022? >> yeah. and look, i think there is some more than small element of truth in what he said. what is their complaint about the texas law? the texas law said harris county, houston, texas, could not allow 24-hour voting. and we're going to be explicit. the law implied there was no 24-hour voting. we'll be explicit and say you can't have polls open 24 hours a day. nothing good happens after midnight. they want to have the ability to manipulate rules like that and to override the common sense of the states. it is a power grab no ifs, ands, or buts about it. >> bill: how about your new friend add home? makes you happy, doesn't it? >> he is fabulous. my doc holiday. >> bill: a lot of people wonder if you go down to make a speech you make clyburn happy but as we pointed out it is a heavy lift in the senate that probably won't even happen. marco rubio was addressing that earlier today. there were bigger issues in the country and we have the clip now. watch it. >> joe biden goes down to georgia today 1960 and the way he is talking with america law. there is runaway inflation in this country, the threat of china in the pacific region. russia on the verge of invading ukraine. instead of focusing on that they give speeches about a problem that doesn't exist. >> bill: a lot of people may see it that way as well. >> dana: that's true. the other thing is you have the democrats fighting amongst each other which is always difficult to get legislation done if that's happening. a liberal columnist in the "washington post" was begging these groups please support biden and harris today and try to focus your attention to get people to break the filibuster rules. it is unlikely that will happen but they'll give it a shot. >> bill: smash and grab now robbery caught on video. see what happens with a gang with hammers invade a shopping mall and police say there is nothing they can do. it has happened again, dana. >> dana: plus north korea launchs a missile forcing the faa to order a full ground stop at all airports on the west coast. ohio congressman mike turner with a look at the growing danger from the rogue nation. >> these actions increase the risk of miscalculation and escalation and pose a significant threat to regional stability. we're a different 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minutes yesterday. this was north korea's second weapons test in a week. mike turner republican of ohio ranking member of the house intel committee. there is an unconfirmed report out of south korea where the missile launch hit mac-10 and seem to suggest they're moving toward hypersonic weapons. remember what all the north korean missile tests were about? targeting hawaii or the west coast. what's the read inside what you know about this? >> it illustrates for everyone the direct threat that north korea represents to the united states both hawaii and west coast but the east coast. their ability to pursue icbm technology and neutral weapons state reaching hypersonic technology means they might be able to overcome our missile defense system. there would be no nuclear weapon state of north korea or their missile capability if not for china. an issue the administration needs to address with china and north korea. this represents a direct threat to the united states. >> bill: if they achieve this and weaponize a hypersonic missile they could say to the u.s. government stick them up. now is the time to sit down and give us what we want? >> it holds us hostage if they look to putting taiwan at risk. when you start to place mainland united states at risk you lower our overall options and what north korea is looking for. they are a rogue state. these weapons in their hands are very dangerous. unfortunately we're behind in developing these type of weapons. china and russia are advancing their modernization. we have the legacy of the obama-biden that kept our ability to weaponize. >> bill: ukraine, and the talks are underway. they seem to be rather stubborn. jake sullivan nbc last night said this from the white house. >> we believe the russians have positioned tens of thousands of troops and advanced military equipment on the border with ukraine and that they have done so with at least the capability if not the intention to invade. we believe the threat of invasion is real and we are determined through a combination of deterrents and diplomacy to avert that circumstance and defend ukraine sovereignty. >> bill: russia says we won't invade. do these talks get us anywhere or what do we concede to get out of this jam? >> we should concede nothing. the fallacy here is that russia is claiming that nato is a threat. nato is not a threat. they are a defensive organization. russia already received concessions from ukraine and the united states. ukraine upon the dissolution of the soviet union was a nuclear weapons state conceded nuclear weapons and gave them back to russia in exchange for guarantees in a memorandum of guarantees for their sovereign integrity. rush ja is violating that and annexing portions of the country. they have assurances ukraine and nato are not threats. we need to diligently try to deter russia but also ramp up our sanctions options so russia can see there will be real action if they take any threatening action to ukraine. >> bill: one more point. panetta with cavuto yesterday said this as well. >> no mistake about it. putin is testing. he is testing president biden, he is testing the united states. he is testing our allies. i think for a period of time putin has read weakness on the part of the united states. >> bill: do you agree with that, sir? >> absolutely. coming off afghanistan and with this administration and the legacy of the obama/biden administration that looked to reduce our overall effectiveness of our military modernization. both china and russia see weakness and why putin has troops gathering outside of ukraine. >> bill: mike turner thank you for your time and happy birthday to you. the congressman from ohio, thanks. >> dana: american citizens don't have universal healthcare but california governor newsom wants to give it to illegal immigrants. details and backlash next. a big hearing on capitol hill this morning. cdc director walensky and anthony fauci testifying on the omicron variant. the u.s. has a new world record for daily infections. dr. marty makary is ahead on what you need to know. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. ♪ ♪ 80% get genetically meaningful health info from their 23andme dna reports. ♪ ♪ 80%. that's 8 out of 10 people who could get something enlightening. something empowering. something that could change everything. info that could give you greater control of your own health. and it's right there, in your dna. ♪ ♪ it's the most meaningful way to start the new year. and right now, our health and ancestry kit is just $129. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. 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plan to pay healthcare costs for all california's low income adults including those living here illegally. >> so what does that mean? full scope medical including long-term care, behavioral health to all low income californians regardless of immigration status. regardless of their age. >> taxpayers in california covering the cost of healthcare for immigrants under 26 years of age and will cover those over 50 years old. this proposal would fill the gap and come into effect in january 2024. the cost of expanding the healthcare program $2.2 billion per year. the governor's budget also provides billions to fight what he calls the state's five biggest challenges. covid-19, climate change, homelessness, inequality and keeping streets safe. there will be some tax cuts, too. largely focused on businesses rather than individuals for the average non-business owning california tax relief will only come at the gas pump with a gas tax increase scheduled for july canceled. not exactly a tax cut, just a promise not to make that particular tax any higher for now at least. >> dana: he calls it a tax cut when it comes time. >> bill: speaking of healthcare i want to take you right now live to a senate committee. the hearing underway on the hill. cdc director walensky on camera. dr. anthony fauci sitting nearby testifying before the senate health committee on the administration's response to the omicron variant. this coming now as the u.s. sets a new world record for new coronavirus infections in a single day. monday we had more than 1.4 million cases across the country. seven day average tripled in two weeks to more than 700,000 a day. dr. marty makary professor at johns hopkins school of medicine welcome to our program. what do walensky and fauci need to say? >> first of all one of the criticisms of them that is not fair is that they shift their guidance a lot. the virus evolves and this is a much different virus. normally science should evolve with new data. one criticism that will come out loud and clear is that the quality of the data has been particularly poor. we have not had good data to inform public policy. this is their job. they have 21,000 employees and over 10 billion in funding at the cdc. lawmakers have a right to be upset. they'll challenge them on natural immunity being completely ignored, which is ruining careers of people who have it. and probably going the talk about the lack of discussion around therapeutics. we've never heard any of them, fauci or walensky talk about some of the other therapeutics out there. >> dana: the other thing they'll probably hear about is what you've written about. you wrote this is the headline. the feds push shows public health decisions aren't data driven and you say public health officials need to shift focus from antibody levels to real world clinical outcome data otherwise we'll be getting a booster every monday morning when we show up at work. >> look, i don't think the public has an appetite for boosters every week or every three months is what you would need to do to maintain the high antibody levels. they haven't been talking about t-cell and b-cell immunity. it is lasting and protective. you can get a breakthrough infection. just the normal virus landing in somebody's nasal system but protected with the vaccine. the cdc has made a move to tell their own experts, their advisory committee we're not going to be using you much in the future. we met 24 times this year, next year a few days. we'll make most of the decisions internally. that's a step backwards for transparency because we don't have the public discussion that's telecast and we don't have that expert input in the decision making. that's why many people are upset about boosters in teenagers. they by passed the experts at the fda to get that through. >> bill: watching the monitor, here. anthony fauci begins reading his opening statements and see what questions follow. there is consideration right now possibly there might be new guidance about the n-95 mask being the preferred level of protection. what is your view on that? >> look, it's a great mask but i see nurses and doctors in the icu loosen or rip those masks off at the end of a long shift. they are hard to wear. sometimes they indent lines in your face and friends notice them when you leave the hospital. it is naive to think we'll put these high-quality masks on everybody. what we need to hear from the cdc we have to have a selective strategy. use the high-quality masks for nursing home staff or people around someone vulnerable. same thing with testing. the blanket universal testing guidance when we really need to ration a limited supply. something the cdc hasn't been comfortable with from the start. >> dana: they will no doubt be asked about testing. the white house has said that these tests were coming. it seems like the tests will get there after the peak of omicron. >> that's right. we'll be in a much better place in three or four weeks if we follow the pattern of south africa. no reason to think we're not going to. right now about half of 1% of all americans are getting the infection per day. maybe as high as 1% if you count the home tests out there that aren't being captured. yes, we cannot have guidance that tells everybody to test multiple times and at the same time folks are not going to change their behavior when they test positive sometimes. they shouldn't be getting tested. if a kid is sick stay home. doesn't matter what it is, we don't want them to school or the workplace. >> bill: one final question. i was at a small pharmacy last week when i was sick myself and they had an order for 2,000 home kits and can't get them and they don't understand why they can't get them. if one small pharmacy in one small time in long island, new york can't get 2,000 kits how will we get the 500 million kits? >> well bill, i would direct you to princeton university testing their professional -- college athletes three times a week. these are the lowest risk people on earth. many colleges are overusing tests and taking them away from people who really need them. >> bill: thank you, doctor, marty makary with us. thank you for your time today. appreciate that. on that point about testing, dana. i was out in idaho. we called every pharmacy and every hospital for 125 miles. we found one town and one pharmacy that had about 24 kits and we went down there and got them and i just have to think that if that's my experience, how many thousands if not tens of thousands and millions of people are going through the same thing. >> dana: the other thing is you started the block and talking about the case numbers and a record. but dr. marty makary mentioned you have a lot of people doing home tested and they don't get reported. i wonder what the numbers really are? probably much higher. a lot of businesses are suffering and people are staying home because of this. hopefully we'll get through the end of this week and people start feeling better and come back to work. >> bill: fingers crossed. >> dana: forget about the old discount. these crooks grabbing whatever they want. vice president kamala harris complaining the media is treating her unfairly. is she right or does she have a little of herself to blame? ♪♪♪ entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. veteran homeowners. or high blood potassium. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. >> bill: fox news alert now. joe manchin speaking to reporters. he is asked about changes in the filibuster in the senate. >> fill busfer is what we have for rules. we need rule changes -- we need good rules changes and we can do it together but you change the rules with 2/3 of the people that are present so democrats and republicans changing the rules to make the place work better, getting rid of the filibuster does not make it work better. >> bill: that's a no, right? he is not budging. asked about it today and yesterday. pretty much the same answer. >> dana: he is the one who has been out front. sinema feels the same way. now we hear mark kelly might feel the same way. he has a tough reelection in arizona. john tester in montana. other senators not saying anything publicly but who agree with him. >> bill: i would be stretched to think even the president thinks this should be busted up. think about all the years he served in the senate and respected that rule. >> dana: you are looking at 42% approval rating and your base is mad at you, you might change your mind. >> bill: if you want to save your life. 17 before the hour. scary video here. we find nine thieves robbing a jewelry store in the california bay area last week. the robbers used sledgehammers to bust display cases. employees ran for cover and they stole $110,000 worth of jewelry. critics blaming the spike on progressive d.a.s with soft on crime policies. that from the bay area. wow. >> dana: watching this woman in the back trying to get out. what the heck is going on? a new report on vice president kamala harris sparking strong reaction from both ends of the political spectrum. "new york times" reporting harris believes she is being treated worse than previous vice presidents because of her race and gender. harris has privately told allies the news coverage of her would be different if she were any of her 48 predecessors all whom were white and male. rob smith a spokesman for turning point usa. it is interesting. she heard it from a lot of people. hillary clinton told her this. no wonder it's in her head. >> look, for the sake of equality you can be both black and female and all of the above and still be absolutely terrible at your job, right? this is what we've seen for the past year of this kamala harris vice president's. in the 2020 election campaign a lot of pressure put on joe biden who had gotten the nomination to pick an african-american female vice president, right? so now we have we're a year into the vice presidentsy and now they are trying to say it is because she is a black female that people are a little bit more critical of her, which i don't necessarily believe to be true. i will cede to the left that it will make the road harder to pave. but the criticisms have been purely based in policy and the failure on the southern border, purely based in the fact she makes gaffes in every single interview that goes viral in all the wrong ways. so i do not think that all of this criticism is based on her gender and her ethnicity. >> dana: the other thing about that is that rob in the article that have come out most of the people that were the strongest criticism is coming from her own staff. they speak to reporters anonymously but surely they aren't racist and sexist. >> certainly not. look, honestly to tell the truth i think her staff was probably sold the same idea of kamala harris sold to the left. what we're seeing right now is somebody that is just not up to the job. i am pretty sure these staff members saw it to a level that neither you or i have seen, right? i remember that cnn piece that came out a couple months back that dug into the dysfunction within the staff. people not knowing what they were supposed to be doing. a couple of months ago she did the awful thing with the hired child actors talking about science for a youtube video. what was the point of that? all these unforced errors that you see coming from her and even the criticism of her staff members. these people aren't racist or sexist. they believed in an idea of kamala harris that we're finding out now is a mirage. >> dana: what could she do that might actually improve her numbers or media coverage? >> this is what i think. i think her problem she doesn't like to take political risks. one of those articles before there was a criticism of her she was more interested in the politics of the situation than the situation itself. i think to turn this around she will have to take an actual political risk. she ising to have to say things that may be uncomfortable to her base about illegal immigration and about this situation that we have on the border. i remember that a lot of the people on the left were not into kamala harris because they did not see her to be far left enough. i think that she should embrace the centrist side of her that i think that is there but won't be very popular to the far left flank of the party. if she did that she could start turning this around a little bit. >> dana: are you a spokesperson and i know you give this thought. i think about it. one of the things i said was when the cabinet secretaries went down to mexico to talk about the immigration she didn't go, i absolutely would have said you aren't going without me. you can ride on my plane and show a little muscle here, rob. great to have you. love talking to you. thanks so much. >> thanks. >> bill: to that hearing on the senate. patty murray with a question to walensky about the guidance for the vaccinated. live now. >> infectious two days before and two to three days after. by five days after your symptoms if you are feeling better, if your fever is better and cough and sore throat are better on day six you can go out but have to wear a mask reliably and you should not go to places you can't wear a mask, you probably shouldn't visit grandma or get on an airplane. >> what about unvaccinated. >> same for unvaccinated for isolation. isolation being those who have disease. >> let me just say nearly two years ago when this committee first started having congressional hearings on covid-19 the very first thing i asked was where are the tests. and we've made progress since then and we are now producing 300 million rapid at home tests each month along with ramping up the lab-based but i am disappointed as i said by the testing challenges that we're facing. tests are hard to find, costly, people are unable to find the at-home tests in pharmacies, online. they are waiting in long lines and often after that waiting days for results. so it's ineffective at the end of the day. ms. o'connell, i want to ask you what are you doing to address the frustrations and challenges we're hearing about covid testing? >> thank you so much for this very important question. testing remains a critical priority for this administration. when we saw the unprecedented cases of omicron in south africa and europe, we immediately reached out to our manufacturers to understand any supply con straights they had and to evaluate their surge capacity. we have also met daily with them to make sure that they have what they need from their suppliers and have used the defense production act authorities 12 times throughout this pandemic in support of testing needs. most recently in the last few weeks for two tests we were able to unlock supplies and manufacturing capacity. we continue to invest in rapid over the counter tests which are in high demand and in the fall we invested $3 billion to increase manufacturing line staffing and to commit to those manufacturing lines for 13 months. as a result, we went from 46 million tests over the counter tests available in october to the 300 million that you just mentioned that are available now. but that's not enough. we are continuing to bring tests to the american people as a result the president has announced and we're in the process of important curing the 500 million tests which every american household will be able to order and have shipped directly to their house. we have completed four contracts so far. have secured 50 million tests and in the process of securing the additional tests over the next several days. the u.s. postal service has agreed to do the distribution and the u.s. digital services is going to help with the website. we anticipate the first tests going out at the end of this month with the remaining tests going out over the next 60 days. >> i'm out of time but i do want to say this. i am hearing from so many schools that are having trouble staying open. they want to stay open. part of it they have staff sick that's understandable but a big part of it is they don't have access to the safety measures like masks and testing supplies. what do i tell them where they go to get that? >> thank you, schools having enough testing supplies to stay open is a critical priority for us. we've invested $10 billion of the american rescue plan given to states to support and stand up testing programs. we've also invested $650 million in a program called operation expanded testing which set up regional hubs of labs that schools could contract with to run their testing programs. that doesn't work if there aren't tests available. so we're working directly with states to match additional manufacturing capacity with states that need it. not only that, we're in the process within looking at our contracts to see if we have any additional capacity add commit to sending that capacity to school programs. >> senator burr. >> let me cut to the chase. dr. fauci, you said cdc was going to update its guidance and include antigen testing or suggested it would. dr. walensky and cdc came out with the guidance that didn't include it. was that part of the communications to plan to start with and they diverted or did you just choose to inject that? >> thank you for that question, senator burr. in discussions about the real gray zone which dr. walensky described about after the five days where you have considerable diminution in the likelihood of being transmitted we have been in discussions about what the role of antigen testing would be. as a matter of fact, when dr. walensky came out with the final guidelines, they include that if you have a test available you may take a test. so at the end of the day we were quite in concordance with our views. >> well, i think the chair and i share this. we found it very confusing and i think the american people found it confusing and i don't say it lightly when i say not too many people in america are listening to what comes out of washington whether congress or out of the administration as it relates to covid. the president makes an announcement of 500 million at-home tests. is this the first time that you've thought about purchasing that home test or have you tried to before and it was rejected? >> thank you, this is the first time the administration has committed to purchasing tests to send to the american households. >> so is that asper or d.o.d. because of all the notifications of contracts signed, i've seen them from d.o.d., not hhs. >> thank you for that question. we use -- we have a relationship with d.o.d. for assisted acquisitions so as per will request that d.o.d. put out a solicitation or manage a contract on our behalf. they are able to do it extraordinarily quickly and we've had an mou in place with d.o.d. for this work that will run through june 2023. we've used this relationship to purchase vaccines and therapeutics and now using it for testing. >> so the best i can find you mentioned 50 million doses. i can identify 27,000 out of two companies, atlantic trading and meta. neither are manufacturers of tests. i believe the third one, revival, is not a manufacturer of tests. media came to fame with importation of vodka and tying cell phones to vodka and like a lot of other companies they got the ppe business in 2020 with some nominal fema contracts. why should we have any confidence in these contracts if in fact we're dealing with companies that don't manufacture anything and can you assure me that the tests that are coming in are not coming in there china? >> thank you, ranking member burr. absolutely. these tests what we initially did to be able to access tests for the initial shipments that will go towards the end of january, we worked with warehouses to see where additional tests were stored and assessed that additional capacity and are bringing that capacity to bear for these initial tests that are going out, which is why you are seeing contracts with warehouses and not with test manufacturers. >> is what you are telling me they have 50 million tests in warehouses in the united states and all we did was access that inventory? >> that is my understanding. >> well, will you confirm your understanding? this is a very, very important piece when you've got companies that don't manufacture tests and all of a sudden we're giving them $190 million contract for 14 million home tests and their expertise is importation of vodka. i encourage you to look through the list of people we're signing up with. are you aware that some of the larger test manufacturers in 2021 shut down lines because of the lack of purchases for at-home tests? >> one of the things we did in the fall was $3 billion investment we made was to turn lines on and to commit to those lines for 13 months. so they wouldn't be turned off again. >> dr. woodcock, last question, chair. of the 15 tests that you've currently approved for over the counter, how many detect omicron? >> we're still working on that but we believe all detect omicron. we simply feel they are somewhat less sensitive than they were to some of the previous variants. >> of the 50 million tests the as per has contracted for, how many of those tests detect omicron? >> i don't know which tests there are. we can get back to you on that. >> you haven't consulted with what we're purchased in the 500 million. they haven't consulted to figure out the tests they're buying detect omicron. >> i believe they have. i don't have the list. >> i thank the chair. >> bill: senator kaine. >> thank you, dr. fauci, can you provide us a general breakdown of what percentage of hospitalized individuals are vaccinated versus unvaccinated? and what percentage of covid deaths are among vaccinated or unvaccinated individuals? >> thank you, for that question, senator kaine. one of the ways to answer that question would be to look at people who are in the hospital and take a look at if you are vaccinated versus unvaccinated. if you look at vaccinated versus unvaccinated, there is about a 10 times greater chance that you would be infected if you were unvaccinated. about a 17 times greater chance that you would be hospitalized if unvaccinated and a 20 times likelihood that you would be dead if you were unvaccinated. so when you look at every parameter 10 times, 17 times, 20 times infection, hospitalization, death. >> thank you, dr. fauci. ms. o'connell i want to ask you about additional vaccine development. the current vaccines against covid as was indicated by dr. fauci's answer have been successful in reducing death and severity and hospital admissions but more limited success in preventing forward transmission from vaccinated individuals after breakthrough cases and existing vaccines are not as durable as vaccines in other areas so we need booster shots to continue to protect against the virus. is the administration considering supporting the development of additional vaccines that might be able to address the gaps in the current vaccine's capabilities? >> thank you so much for that question. yes, absolutely. we all see the

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, Friends , Loosen , Icu , Masks , Blanket Universal Testing , Supply , Cdc Hasn T , No Doubt , Pattern , Peak , South Africa , Aren T Being , Matter , Kid , Shouldn T , Pharmacy , Workplace , Home Kits , Long Island , 2000 , Well Bill , Professional , Princeton University , New York , 500 Million , Earth , Idaho , 125 , Case Numbers , Block , Crooks , Media , Discount , Fingers , Little , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , Harm , One Million , Potassium , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Kidney Problems , Ace , Baby , Aliskiren , Ace Inhibitor , Arb , Reporters , Busfer , Fox News Alert , Republicans , 2 3 , Answer , No , Montana , Mind , Approval Rating , 42 , Jewelry , Thieves , Robbers , Sledgehammers , California Bay Area , Cover , Soft On Crime Policies , Spike , Progressive D A S , 10000 , 110000 , New York Times , Heck , Spectrum , Ends , Gender , Presidents , News Coverage , Spokesman , Predecessors , Rob Smith A , 48 , Hillary Clinton , Wonder , Turning Point Usa , All Of The Above , Equality , African American Female Vice President , Presidentsy , Election Campaign , Nomination , Left , Gaffes , Ways , Article , Ethnicity , Staff Members , Dysfunction , Cnn , Child , Actors , Youtube Video , Media Coverage , Mirage , Situation , Politics , Articles , Flank , Thought , Cabinet Secretaries , Spokesperson , She Didn T Go , Plane , Love , Muscle , Mexico , Vaccinated , Patty Murray , Sore Throat , Cough , Unvaccinated For Isolation , Airplane , Hearings , Progress , Disease , 300 Million , Pharmacies , Find , Frustrations , O Connell , Priority , Manufacturers , Surge Capacity , Supply Con Straights , Europe , Suppliers , Testing Needs , Defense Production Act , 12 , Capacity , Manufacturing , Supplies , Demand , 3 Billion , Billion , Result , Manufacturing Line Staffing , 13 , 46 Million , Process , Household , Curing , 50 Million , Services , Distribution , U S Postal Service , Staff Sick , Trouble , Testing Supplies , Testing Programs , 0 Billion , 650 Million , Hubs , There Aren T , Labs , Capacity Add , Antigen Testing , Senator Burr , School Programs , Chase , Communications , Didn T , Discussions , Guidelines , Role , Likelihood , Diminution , Concordance , Views , Whether Congress , Time , Home Test , Purchasing Tests , Households , Dod , Asper , Per , Relationship , Notifications , Acquisitions , Not Hhs , Contract , Behalf , Solicitation , Mou , Vaccines , 2023 , June 2023 , Companies , Manufacturer , Revival , Doses , Atlantic Trading , Meta , 27000 , Vodka , Importation , Cell Phones , Fame , Fema , Ppe Business , Confidence , Don T Manufacture , Burr , Shipments , The End , Warehouses , Test Manufacturers , Understanding , Inventory , Expertise , 190 Million , 90 Million , 14 Million , Purchases , Wouldn T , Counter , Last Question , Woodcock , Many , Variants , Percentage , Breakdown , Senator Kaine , Versus Unvaccinated , Chance , Hospitalization , Admissions , Vaccine Development , Severity , Breakthrough Cases , Transmission , Booster Shots , Success , Capabilities , Gaps ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709

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he will head to georgia to talk about that. i'm bill hemmer. we're on different floors. we'll take turns, right? this is officially a podcast. >> dana: it is a brand-new podcast. my home during "the five" this week as well. it is small which fits me just perfectly. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." the white house sees georgia as ground zero in its push for election reform. president biden and vice president harris will speak there this afternoon as the white house pressures democrats to get on board even if it means breaking the filibuster. republicans calling all of it an attempt to distract from a failing agenda. >> hysterical claim that our democracy is in crisis rings hollow. it would destroy a key feature of american government forever. >> this is nothing more than an election power grab by the democrats. they want to federalize the election. >> not about improving access to the ballot, the ballot changing the political dynamic in this country to crow ate an election system skewed to help the liberals not voting participation. >> bill: first to the white house we go. mark meredith begins our coverage there. good morning, mark. >> good morning. the number of covid cases nationwide is skyrocketing but as you mentioned today the president will be focusing his attention on something different. voting rights reform legislation. critics say it is an effort to change the subject with the pandemic showing no end in sight. the president is heading down to atlanta in his speech today urging the senate to adjust its filibuster rules to allow two pieces of voting reform legislation to reach his desk. democrats calling to mandate same day voters registration and voting by mail and early voting and allowing former felons to vote. the president will make his case by saying the next few days it will mark a turning point in this nation. will we choose democracy, light overshadow, justice over injustice. i know where i stand. republicans say they know where they stand, firmly against this legislation arguing an attempt to allow the federal government to take overstate's election powers. >> they are continually taking our freedoms and liberties away from us and now they are trying to take the consent of the governed as is expressed at the ballot box away from the american citizens and yes, i believe this is going to be yet another failure as well it should be for the democratic party. >> it is also unclear if democrats have the votes needed to change the filibuster. west virginia senator joe manchin says he supports voting rights but he and other moderate democrats may be uncomfortable with major changes to senate procedure. there is also some fascinating drama unfolding now in georgia ahead of the president's trip. democratic voting rights activist stacey abrams running for governor in the state of georgia will not be at the president's speech today. she has made voting reform her top issue and yesterday she tweeted out a message to the president saying welcome to georgia. her office is now saying that she has a conflict. not elaborating what it is but she won't be at the speech. we have heard from civil rights groups deciding not to attend the president's speech. they are boycotting it. they claim it's more about optics as opposed to getting something done. we'll see if the president fires back when he leaves the white house 90 minutes from now. >> bill: nice to see you mark meredith at the white house. >> dana: let's bring in former house speaker newt gingrich, a georgian himself. a couple of things are interesting. one, stacey abrams not showing up today. do you think it has something to do with if tact that he is down 20 points in georgia? >> i think stacey abrams is very smart. she realizes that a photo op next to president biden and vice president harris hurts her, doesn't help her. and i think she also agrees with the civil rights groups who think this thing is all phony. they won't get it through. this is the second big effort they will try to make in the senate that will fail. people who are smart know that. i think it's puzzling why the president would put so much effort into what is clearly going to fall. he is not going to succeed with this. meanwhile, he is not solving the price of food or gasoline. he is not solving the border. he is not solving the logistic chains. the things they're not doing and they aren't solving the problem of test kits for covid. it is very puzzling how much they are owned by the radicals and keep doing these dances that just plain fail. >> bill: you are right about that. it seems like it is political play acting. the trip will never get off the ground back in washington, d.c. joe manchin asked about that on the filibuster. here is what he said. >> 60 vote threshold. >> it is what we have. we've always had for the past many years. >> bill: 232 years. we can debate whether it's 234 or wherever you want to start. but this whole idea about going with no results and having someone like abrams not show up almost suggests, mr. speaker, this is an administration out of ammo. >> i think more than that. they are out of touch with reality. they're in a very tough position. they have adopted policies the country hates. when you tell people that new york city just allowed 800,000 non-citizens to vote in municipal elections they think it's crazy. when you tell them that governor newsom has said he will pay for healthcare for every illegal immigrant who can get to california, they think it's crazy. the bill that the president is pushing. president biden is pushing a bill that 85% of the country opposes. most americans, including african-americans and latinos think you should be able to identify who you are. you should be an american citizen in order to vote. you should have to vote in an orderly way. they are against ballot harvesting and understand same day registration at a time when you have millions of illegal immigrants crossing the border is an invitation to sheer theft. and so it's puzzling why these guys have gotten themselves down this road. these guys meaning schumer, pelosi, harris, biden, that is clearly a dead end and yet they keep trying to dig their way deeper, not dig their way out. >> dana: senator mcconnell spoke on this yesterday because he is going to have to block this in the senate so here is how he set it up. >> senate democratic leaders are trying to use a big lie to pulley and berate their own members into breaking their word, breaking the rules, and breaking the senate. >> dana: that's the position even going into the mid-terms is that the biden team and the democrats are just way too left for america. is that their best setting to set the stage for 2022? >> look, i think the best strategy is simple. it ain't working. you stand at a gas station and watch people put gas in it ain't working. go to a grocery store and look at the price of beef. it ain't working. go look at the 120 ships sitting off long beach. it ain't working. go to the border. the mayor of yuma declares an emergency because there is a 2,500% increase in the number of people coming across the border in his town. it ain't working. it's just this ain't working they'll win a landslide in both the house and senate. >> bill: thank you for your time. newt gingrich with us. the title of your next column, it ain't working. >> dana: got it. >> bill: thank you, sir. >> dana: easy to remember. >> bill: thank you, sir. nine minutes past the hour now. major news overnight, dana, about kids going back to school in chicago. roll this now quickly from chicago. >> i'm pleased to report that the chicago teachers union house of delegates voted to end the work stoppage. that means teachers will be back in classes tomorrow and all students should return on wednesday. >> bill: that was late last night. we really don't know if that is going to happen, do we? the chicago mayor lori lightfoot has a tentative deal with the union after the teachers shut down five days of classes over covid. do they have to vote on this or is it a done deal? >> good morning to you. teachers are back in their classrooms today. students will be back if their classrooms tomorrow after the teachers union house of delegates voted to approve this deal with the city. the deal will need to be approved by the full membership but it is expected to happen today or tomorrow. as part of this deal, though, the district will provide facemasks to teachers and students. that was already being offered before the walk-out. there will be an increase in covid testing as well and new metrics will be set for schools to go remote during the surge if 40% of students are quarantined or 30% of staff are out sick. the union leaders said they aren't particularly happy about this deal but feel like they got as much as they could. the union's vice president then took final shots at mayor lori lightfoot and says the city owes teachers a debt of gratitude. >> our members sacrificed hate to get face coverings. why would anyone with happy about sacrificing pay for face coverings? this mayor is unfit to lead this city and she is on a one-woman kamikaze mission to destroy our public schools. >> the city has said throughout the past week schools are already safe but willing to negotiate with the union and agree to these measures not because they are needed or supported by science but because they'll help teachers feel safer. in announcing the deal mayor lightfoot thanked parents for speaking out and helping pressure the union to get back in school. >> i want to make sure parents understand we heard you. we are not standing here making this announcement without the parent activism and parent voices and parent demands that we heard. >> 25,000 plus members of the union will need to approve this measure either today or tomorrow. but chicago's 300,000 plus students are expected to be back in the classroom again tomorrow. >> bill: thank you garrett tenney on that out of chicago. this thing got ugly last night. the head of the union called the mayor stupid and then the mayor brought in race into this entire argument and we'll see whether or not the kids are back in the classroom tomorrow. let's see if it happens. >> dana: a tough place for a mayor to be. very little trust with the police in the city and also the teachers and so she is a little out there on an island. it looks like the teachers union did actually cave a little bit here and that's a good thing and we'll watch and see if the kids get back in school. china taking drastic action to try to get a handle on the covid outbreak before the olympics. >> bill: here at home big shift. inflation topping covid among voter concerns. could it cost democrats the majority? we'll talk to rick scott about that. changing political landscape coming up here live. >> dana: say hello to your new national champions in college football. the dogs over the crimson tide. the biggest play of the game is coming up. ♪♪♪ it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, the sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? yes! you'll know exactly how well you slept, night after night. we take care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. and now, save up to $1,000 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, 0% interest for 36 months when you add an adjustable base. only for a limited time. veteran homeowners. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. >> dana: we're getting a better sense of what's on voter's minds ahead of elections. 68% say the economy is their biggest concern compared with 37% with covid among their top five. let's bring in republican senator rick scott of florida, the chairman of the nrsc. interesting the president and vice president together will go and try to get their voting rights bill passed when it's not even showing up as an issue for most of the people. >> the biggest issue now is inflation. it is hurting families across this country. when i go home to florida i have parents that are saying oh, do i put gas in the car or food on the table? more people working food banks say people are coming in because they can't afford food. we see rent and electric wrist tree prices are up. the poorest families in the country are getting hurt the most. >> dana: republicans have answers to this. if you were to win back the senate and the house more likely, but the senate. if you were to win back do you think the republicans are well positioned to take advantage of this and better policies? >> absolutely. i always say when we'll win. there is every reason to believe we'll pick up at least one, i think we can pick up four or five seats this year. if you're a republican you want to be a senator and change the direction of the country this is the year you want to run. look at the democrat agenda. very unpopular. inflation is unpopular. students not being involved in schools is unpopular. afghanistan is unpopular. defund police is unpopular. we have to make sure we change the direction of this country. we need to completely change the direction of the country right now. >> dana: you've seen retirements on the democratic side. the house side. you are in charge of the senatorial committee. but does it give you a sense what the environment is like out there? >> i think kevin mccarthy is doing a great job in the house. as they feel comfortal they'll get more house seats and they'll help us get the vote out. i think we'll take back the house and senate and when we do we have to govern. we have to say we will reduce taxes, reduce regulation, stop having government run our lives. secure our border. there are so many things we have to do. you just can't imagine biden has been president for a year and look at what has gone on. it is horrible for families across the country. >> dana: let me ask you this. you said it's when the republicans take over in the senate. the states you are looking at. there was open seat -- reelection in georgia that warnock will try to handle. you have arizona. what are the other states on your list to pick up for the republicans? >> herschel walker has also beaten warnock in the polls. we have a primary there. the republican is ahead in nevada. if you look at generic valley we'll beat kelly in arizona. we will have two individuals get into the race and i think we'll win new hampshire but other places. any place biden won by less than 10 points is a battleground state. >> dana: jerry baker had this to say as he was thinking about the republicans. call for one year if you can play that. >> a lot of people remain doubtful about whether the republican party is a party that is actually going to keep the country safe for democracy. the republican party needs to address that in order to seize this opportunity again not just to win a majority but to really start to heal the country in the way that the democratic party and joe biden have failed to do. >> dana: do you take that on board? >> absolutely. we have to be the party of ideas. we have to be the party of saying we will follow the constitution and make sure your vote is never diluted. we want you to vote. we will be the party to make sure you can get a job. you are involved in your kids' education and a military that can defeat anybody in the world. >> dana: am i crazy to think that the republicans could win a senate seat in vermont in 2022? >> you are not crazy. if you look -- i believe we will be competitive across this country. there is a poll out even in the state of washington murray is only ahead by three points over a generic republican. we have a great republican running there. >> dana: we'll pay attention to all of this. have a great day and happy new year to you. >> bill: the republican national committee, rnc is suing new york city mayor eric adams. he has been on the job about a week. this involves the city's new voting law. it allows about 800,000 non-citizens to cast a ballot in local elections. city elections now. not the state or federal. the mayor says that measure saying if they're in the city they should have the right to decide who governs them. the rnc chair saying american elections should be decided by american citizens. this story will gain some traction, dana, i have to think. especially when people find out the details of the bill. it requires the legal non-citizen to live in the city for a whopping 30 days and that's it. >> dana: i heard mayor adams in an interview say he thought it was reasonable. in the poll we showed with rick scott, the number three issue for americans goes economy, covid and then immigration. and i feel like if the biden administration and people like mayor adams don't take on the left the american people are going to do that for them at the ballot box in november. >> bill: great point. interesting and i think you're right. >> dana: i'm not crazy and a made a great point. >> bill: he said new york democrats handed the gop a winning political issue. if he is right you're right as well. >> dana: you know i love to be right. just ask peter. when he met me he knew he met ms. right. he didn't know my first name is always. a third chinese city locks down at covid cases spike. there are 20 million people confined that their homes in china coming as the country prepares to host the winter olympics in a few weeks. alex hogan following it from the london bureau. >> this ban essentially locks millions of people down preventing them from going anywhere. they aren't allowed to walk past the doorstep of their front door. this is the most sweeping lockdown restriction we've seen on chinese soil since the beginning of the pandemic in wuhan. this last lockdown comes after just two cases of omicron were reported on monday. the stay at home order in the cities of two before that are because of the delta variant. the mandate impacts 20 million residents. china has stepped up its zero tolerance policy ahead of the winter olympics set to begin on february 4th. beijing has cut off traffic to a nearby port city due to a cluster of cases as well. today the deputy director of game services and the pandemic prevention gave no real answer on whether a postponement was on the table. he says for now the goal is prevention and control measures. meanwhile china is also facing a separate health epidemic. an annual rise from viruses that spread mainly through rodents. cdc says parents can experience headaches, nausea and blurred vision amid the spread of misinformation. right now in the locked cities we're seeing mass testing. not an option, it is mandatory to prevent any more outbreaks. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: fox news alert now on the faa ordering a seven minute ground stop at west coast airports on monday at the same time north korea tested another missile. nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are pleading with the government for more covid kits. where are the tests? we'll get a live report coming up next. >> we need more test kits because test kits are being used everywhere. they just dried up. we were managing okay but really in the last few weeks we've almost run out of test kits and we need more. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes 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to the tracker at johns hopkins university. james freeman "wall street journal" editorial page contributor. i am of the feeling that any expert should begin any testimony appearances by stating the following. we're still learning more about the virus. there is a lot we don't know, a lot we're understanding. it would give them wiggle room on a lot of these answers. then comes the question, can they clarify the confusion that has gone around to use the word spread over the past several weeks? >> they can try. i think maybe a statement of humility would be good given the errors that these experts have made since the start. but i think what you are seeing recently in statements from both dr. fauci and dr. walensky and maybe it will continue in their testimony is they are finally acknowledging the real costs and benefits, the competing risks that they've largely ignored throughout the pandemic. in other words, they initially treated covid as if it were the only risk in the world. as if everything in society should be directed regardless of the cost toward pursuing their policies against it and i think what you have now is they're acknowledging there are great costs to covid restrictions. we do need an economy to sustain life and support covid patients and there are different risks depending on age, co-morbidities, etc. it should have been the emphasis all along. >> dana: she was on "good morning america" yesterday and she basically was explaining what some people have been accused of being i guess not sensitive enough in regards to who is dying from covid or from something else but with covid. here she is. >> the overwhelming number of deaths over 75% occurred in people who had at least four co-morbidities. so really these are people who were unwell to begin with. and yes, really encouraging news in the context of omicron. >> dana: some of the things that she is saying now i think are very welcome but if you look back some people were basically banned from social media from saying such things. >> that's right. i think she caught some flak for her remarks seen as insensitive with people with co-morbidities. the fact that fortunately there are a lot of people not at great risk, especially if they've been vaccinated. and i think what she has to do is turn that insight which she took a long time getting to but she is finally there, into changing her policy on schools, for example. she is still parroting the teachers union line that we can only have schools open and keep them open if we meet various protocols. no, no, it is time to acknowledge that children were never at great risk. teachers most of whom are not elderly and the unions tell us are overwhelmingly vaccinated are also not at great risk. so it is time to keep schools open and not set arbitrary conditions or demands, perfect filtration systems or say that if we see a case here and there we're going to shut down the entire school. it is time for society to move forward and for public health people i think to get finally catch up to where most people are now which is we have to take prudent measures to fight this thing but live our lives. >> bill: your piece is called now she tells us, cdc director walensky emphasizes relative risks. you were a lockdown skeptic from the beginning. >> yes. i just hope if this ever happens again people understand that in an environment of fear and uncertainty, you don't shut down the economy that sustains all of us as step one and then figure it out. we need to produce and to live and to learn and to do all those things, everybody, including patients with covid. >> bill: fair enough. >> dana: good to see you, james. happy new year, thank you. >> you too, thanks, guys. >> dana: infections are spreading rapidly in nursing homes and long-term care facilities even among fully vaccinated. it got so bad in new jersey they called in the national guard to help out. bryan llenas is live at one place in new jersey. >> look, new jersey has deployed the national guard to help facilities like this one behind me, the woodland center is home to the worst outbreak in the state. there are over 330 people with staff and residents who currently have covid. in 2020 anonymous tip led to a discovery of a covid makeshift morgue overflowing with 17 bodies and this facility was hit with $220,000 in fines for failures in infection control practices. multiple families of residents who died here like dale and joseph are suing the facility for negligence. their lawyer says it is unbelievable the same owners are still in business. >> i think they should come in and shut it down. they need to shut those facilities down. and there needs to be a wholesale re-evaluation of now they are doing business soup to nuts. they didn't learn their lesson. that much is clear. >> the american healthcare association, the largest nursing home organization in the nation, says the biden administration needs to surge testing and therapeutic treatments to nursing homes. these facilities are suffering from an historic staffing shortage as well losing 230,000 caregivers or 15% of their workforce since the start of the pandemic. >> four million elderly are admitted to nursing homes coming from the hospitals who need rehab or finish therapy to go home. that's dropped way down and causing a backlog of people in the hospital and that's right when we need people, more beds in the hospital to take care of people getting sick from omicron. >> bill: connecticut is so desperate to free up hospital beds they're asking nursing homes to accept covid-19 positive hospitalized patients if they are able. hospitalized patients should be disxharjd from acute care whenever clinically indicated regardless of covid-19 status. critics point out that sending covid-19 positive patients to these facilities that house our most vulnerable is exactly what helped fuel the nearly 200,000 deaths in these facilities nationwide since the start of the pandemic, dana. >> dana: important information. thank you, bryan. ♪♪♪ >> dana: it was not -- the college national football game last night. the tide got rolled by the bulldogs. their first title since 1980. >> from the pocket launching downfield, under thrown, intercepted. it's down the sidelines. all the way to the end zone and georgia is going to conquer the crimson tide. >> quarterback completed 17 of 26 passes and threw two touchdowns to lead the bulldogs to their first win over their rival. congratulations to friends of mine in georgia, tracy and jeff and their daughter. they were watching last night. were you? >> bill: i caught the first half and went to bead. i dvr it. i get up early and go through it. i have trivia. the last time georgia won 1980, right? who was the star running back for the georgia bulldogs that year, a freshman. one of the best. >> dana: herschel walker? >> bill: he is running for senate this year in 2022. you just wonder all the stars are in alignment. use that on gutfeld later today. >> dana: i'll give it a shot. >> bill: congratulations to georgia, the dogs waited a long time for that. great game, too, very intense. radio silence from ice as the agency continues to slow walk its annual report on border arrests. what is behind that darn delay? plus new controversy for whole foods. the policy that's prompting fierce pushback from the free speech advocate. tell you about that coming up. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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immigration and sus toms enforcement yet to release a report from last year on the number of migrants it apprehended at the border. the longest delay we've seen in a decade. ron vitiello former chief of border patrol under president obama nice to have you back. good morning. >> good morning. >> bill: what's the hold-up? >> obviously they aren't going to have good news as it relates to the enforcement numbers, the removal and deportations out of ice, enforcement and removal operations because from the very beginning of this administration the policy statement was we'll do a moratorium. the president wanted a moratorium on deportations and removals. thankfully missouri and texas sued the administration to reverse that policy but then ice then instituted another set of priorities which said that if you weren't a threat to public safety and hadn't just crossed the border or convicted aggravated felon. a small subset of what ice would encounter they wouldn't arrest you. you had to get permission from headquarters. the numbers will be way down. what we've seen at the border since january lots of people coming in, many releases and what we know or what wisdom tells us about this scenario is that people are not in detention when they go through deportation proceedings they aren't likely to get removed. the removal numbers are way down. detention numbers are already down in the requests made by this administration. this report won't be flattering if you believe in the rule of law, if you want a border that has integrity or immigration and enforcement system, they aren't going to put this report out because it won't say good things about what they are doing. >> bill: here is what we've got. apprehensions we're aware of for fiscal year 2021, 1.7 million apprehensions. extraordinary number. in addition you've got fentanyl seizures for the fiscal year 2021, 10,500 pounds of fentanyl. i can't even put that into a picture. you mention there is no good news here. are they slow walking it? >> most likely they are and the border is in this kind of chaos it puts us all at risk. talk about the fentanyl seizures, that's just what has been apprehended. there are many more people in the pipeline not apprehended and more seizures not taking place. if you look at the images from the border you see a border patrol that's nearly 50% of the workforce is doing the care and comfort for the large numbers of people they're seeing at the border. that means 50% less patrol hours, 50% less seizures, so what we've seen 1.7 million that's historic. we haven't seen that in decades. that -- when they got control of this administration in january last year they had record lows in activity on the border because we had policies in place that allowed the border patrol to spend more time on patrol. to spend more time protecting us versus what they have to do now which is confronted by this wave of humanity and the processing and care and comfort mission that is distracting them from enforcement of the border. >> bill: for the men and women a slap in the face. we heard it from some of the folks running the border for us. it will come out eventually. it feels like a friday afternoon news dump perhaps. we'll see if that's the case. ron, thank you for your time in washington, d.c. today. ron vitiello, thank you, sir. >> great to be with you. thanks. >> dana: bill, she is running for governor but stacey abrams is reportedly skipping president biden's voting rights speech in georgia later today. what can we read into this apparent no show? karl rove will weigh in. more than a dozen top universities are in legal hot water. why former students are suing them. ♪♪♪ people with moderate to severe psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the way they exaggerate the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection or a cream it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% 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new life and good for him. okay, we've got more than a dozen top u.s. universities now facing a lawsuit accusing them of colluding to limit financial aid to students from working and middle class families. alexandria hoff looking into this. what did you find out? >> good morning. the class action complaint refers to these elite universities as the gate keepers to the american dream. a dream essentially held at ransom according to lawyers. it names brown, columbia, georgetown and yale part of what is called the 569 president's group. consensus approach to determine how much a student could afford to pay for school. according to the complaint the defendants by their own admission participated in a price fixing cartel designed to reduce or eliminate financial aid and that in fact is artificially inflated the net price of attendance for students receiving financial aid. through this the lawsuit accuses the university has favored wealthier student and it violates antitrust laws. damages are being sought as the supreme court prepares to consider two affirmative action complaints against the university of north carolina and harvard both accuse the schools of using race as a dominant factor for admission. in the harvard appeal asian american students accuse the school of holding them to a higher academic standard. both cases have been set for final review by the court on friday. >> bill: interesting to watch. we shall. alexandria hoff in washington, d.c. thank you. >> dana: bill, right now president biden's top health officials are appearing on capitol hill to give senators an update on the administration's covid response. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. we'll see whether or not we get answers or clear anything up. dr. anthony fauci and dr. walensky are in the hot seat today and face tough questions where the covid money has gone. immense crisis in american schools and the testing shortage that's everywhere. chad pergram begins this hour live on the hill. hello, chad. >> good morning, bill. this is the first congressional hearing of the new year on the virus. lots of carping about the cdc regarding its guidance about isolation. the credibility of the cdc is on the line. the agency has absorbed hits since the start of the pandemic. cdc now faces some of the most harsh criticism yet. cdc director walensky defended her agency against the ever-mutating virus. >> this is hard. we have ever-evolving science with an ever-evolving variant. and my job is to provide updated guidance in the context of rapidly rising cases. i am committed to continuing to do so and continuing to improve. >> senate health committee chair murray says people are frustrated and worried how tough it can be to locate a test and people find the cdc's isolation information confusing and frustrating. the gop is unloading on president biden. >> he promised america we would have an apun dance of testing kits. we know all of these are broken promises. we need to know what the national plan is moving forward. >> the white house says home testing kits are coming. >> we expect to have all contracts awarded over the next two weeks and then americans will begin being able to order these tests online later this month. we also expect to have details on the website as well as a hotline later this week. >> we could have verbal sparring today between anthony fauci and kentucky senator rand paul. they have had several heated encounters in the past. >> bill: indeed they have. we're watching it from here on capitol hill. thank you, chad. dana. >> dana: president biden and vice president harris going to georgia to push their voting rights legislation today while democrats debate changing the senate filibuster to pass the legislation. fox news exclusive reporting on former senator kelly laufler's plan to help. she is fighting biden on this issue. karl rove weighs in. we begin in atlanta with steve harrigan on the president's visit. hi, steve. >> the first stop will be ebenezer baptist church and the martin luther king junior center and make their way here to the consortium of historically black colleges. the president will give an address on voting rights in which he is expected to say i will defend your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign and domestic. the question is, where will the institution of the u.s. senate stand? right now there are two voting rights bills pretty much stalled in the senate. republican critics say they are an attempt by the federal government to take over control of elections unconstitutionally from the states. traveling with the president today will be georgia senator warnock, he faces a tough reelection fight against herschel walker. what's really getting the attention is who will not be there for the speech here this afternoon. a number of civil rights activists, voting right activitys don't want to be a prop for another empty speech. the head of the naacp enough platitudes and niceties. among those missing is stacey abrams, the democratic candidate for governor and voting rights is her signature issue. she said she had a scheduling conflict. dana, back to you. >> dana: indeed, a scheduling conflict. okay. >> bill: former georgia republican senator kelly leffler is getting involved in the voting rights fight and launching a grassroots organization called greater georgia. we have exclusive details on that group. good morning. >> good morning, bill. the former senator is ready for the presidential visit to atlanta and she says she is ready to defend the voices and the votes of everyday georgians and why a year ago she created this grassroots organization called greater georgia. i got to see this organization firsthand as it builds year round campaign infrastructure. something that conservatives haven't recently invested in. so it's an attempt to take on the stacey abrams machine. the left voter registration machine. a ground game that leffler saw the value of when she lost her seat to warnock. now right now leffler estimates there are about 150,000 fewer registered conservatives than liberals here in georgia. but one of her biggest challenges, guys, is winning back nearly thousands, hundreds of thousands of disenchanted trump voters after the former president alleged election fraud here and with biden's visit aimed at georgia's new election laws her strongest tool to wooh those voters back. she knows the stakes could not be higher. >> if we don't do this work today, if we don't organize on the ground the path to the majority will not run through georgia. so what's at stake is not just elections but the freedom of every single american who wants their voice heard, who wants their opportunity in this country. >> get this, political analysts out here think that loeffler could use biden's visit to her advantage but she needs more help from the former president. >> i need help from president trump to tell voters that elections in georgia are trustworthy and that georgia republicans should vote in the next election. >> i asked loeffler if she wants to see a trump rally to counter president biden's visit in atlanta. she didn't say yes or no but she said he has a very important voice here in the state of georgia. >> bill: we'll follow it. aishah hosni on that story out of atlanta. dana. >> dana: for more on this let's bring in karl rove former deputy chief of staff. a new dog owner, congratulations on that. i might be a little rusty when it comes to communication strategy but when you have the president and vice president going to georgia today and they are supposed to get this done for senator schumer by next monday and you don't even have the groups that support them in the effort showing up and stacey abrams won't even be there, what kind of strategy is this? >> well, it is a little confusing. let's step back for a minute. there is even bigger problem here. the white house has never made a compelling case for this gigantic federal takeover of the election system. what are the specific problems that are being acted out in states like georgia and texas. they complain about it saying the right to vote is being suppressed but they have never been specific in pointing to this statute or this action in a compelling way that makes it credible to say the federal government needs to step in and take over the election system. i don't mean to be petty about this but georgia has 18 days, for example, of early voting and they've been voting early in georgia for decades. texas since the 1980s has had early voting days and both states have increased them in their latest election laws. georgia went up to 18, texas went up to 14. delaware for the first time in its history will allow early voting this coming fall for eight days. so the president better get there and make a compelling case there is something specific and fundamentally flawed in the way that georgia administers its election but it's written off as political talk and that's what it is, political call talk. >> bill: the naacp said no more speeches, we need action. >> first of all, the benefit that stacey abrams is not there. remember, this is a woman defeated for governor three years ago and refuses to acknowledge, refuses to concede saying the election was illegitimate. how do you like being the president and vice president having a big lie spreader standing next to you the election was stolen from me three years ago. i think the voter groups are sending a message maybe to biden but i think the bigger message is senate democrats pay attention. we're fed up with the president which means we're even more angry with you. joe manchin, kyrsten sinema and mark kelly and john tester from monday monday saying i think we need to keep the 60-vote rule in place. they're sending a message to those senators and i don't think it is going to work. i don't think there is a credible case made to cause these people to blow up the 60 vote requirement to pass the bill. they used the 60 vote margin over 250 times in the trump administration, in order to stop things from happening in the senate. they aren't going to give it up so easily for something that has been so poorly argued and laid out to the american people. >> dana: how mitch mcconnell put it on the senate floor yesterday. listen. >> they want to silence millions of americans and take over the senate so they can take over elections. so they can take over america. >> dana: democrats will say that's hyperbole, they're just trying to make things right. mcconnell is very strategic. he is making this point not only on voting rights bill but on the larger issues going forward for 2022? >> yeah. and look, i think there is some more than small element of truth in what he said. what is their complaint about the texas law? the texas law said harris county, houston, texas, could not allow 24-hour voting. and we're going to be explicit. the law implied there was no 24-hour voting. we'll be explicit and say you can't have polls open 24 hours a day. nothing good happens after midnight. they want to have the ability to manipulate rules like that and to override the common sense of the states. it is a power grab no ifs, ands, or buts about it. >> bill: how about your new friend add home? makes you happy, doesn't it? >> he is fabulous. my doc holiday. >> bill: a lot of people wonder if you go down to make a speech you make clyburn happy but as we pointed out it is a heavy lift in the senate that probably won't even happen. marco rubio was addressing that earlier today. there were bigger issues in the country and we have the clip now. watch it. >> joe biden goes down to georgia today 1960 and the way he is talking with america law. there is runaway inflation in this country, the threat of china in the pacific region. russia on the verge of invading ukraine. instead of focusing on that they give speeches about a problem that doesn't exist. >> bill: a lot of people may see it that way as well. >> dana: that's true. the other thing is you have the democrats fighting amongst each other which is always difficult to get legislation done if that's happening. a liberal columnist in the "washington post" was begging these groups please support biden and harris today and try to focus your attention to get people to break the filibuster rules. it is unlikely that will happen but they'll give it a shot. >> bill: smash and grab now robbery caught on video. see what happens with a gang with hammers invade a shopping mall and police say there is nothing they can do. it has happened again, dana. >> dana: plus north korea launchs a missile forcing the faa to order a full ground stop at all airports on the west coast. ohio congressman mike turner with a look at the growing danger from the rogue nation. >> these actions increase the risk of miscalculation and escalation and pose a significant threat to regional stability. we're a different 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minutes yesterday. this was north korea's second weapons test in a week. mike turner republican of ohio ranking member of the house intel committee. there is an unconfirmed report out of south korea where the missile launch hit mac-10 and seem to suggest they're moving toward hypersonic weapons. remember what all the north korean missile tests were about? targeting hawaii or the west coast. what's the read inside what you know about this? >> it illustrates for everyone the direct threat that north korea represents to the united states both hawaii and west coast but the east coast. their ability to pursue icbm technology and neutral weapons state reaching hypersonic technology means they might be able to overcome our missile defense system. there would be no nuclear weapon state of north korea or their missile capability if not for china. an issue the administration needs to address with china and north korea. this represents a direct threat to the united states. >> bill: if they achieve this and weaponize a hypersonic missile they could say to the u.s. government stick them up. now is the time to sit down and give us what we want? >> it holds us hostage if they look to putting taiwan at risk. when you start to place mainland united states at risk you lower our overall options and what north korea is looking for. they are a rogue state. these weapons in their hands are very dangerous. unfortunately we're behind in developing these type of weapons. china and russia are advancing their modernization. we have the legacy of the obama-biden that kept our ability to weaponize. >> bill: ukraine, and the talks are underway. they seem to be rather stubborn. jake sullivan nbc last night said this from the white house. >> we believe the russians have positioned tens of thousands of troops and advanced military equipment on the border with ukraine and that they have done so with at least the capability if not the intention to invade. we believe the threat of invasion is real and we are determined through a combination of deterrents and diplomacy to avert that circumstance and defend ukraine sovereignty. >> bill: russia says we won't invade. do these talks get us anywhere or what do we concede to get out of this jam? >> we should concede nothing. the fallacy here is that russia is claiming that nato is a threat. nato is not a threat. they are a defensive organization. russia already received concessions from ukraine and the united states. ukraine upon the dissolution of the soviet union was a nuclear weapons state conceded nuclear weapons and gave them back to russia in exchange for guarantees in a memorandum of guarantees for their sovereign integrity. rush ja is violating that and annexing portions of the country. they have assurances ukraine and nato are not threats. we need to diligently try to deter russia but also ramp up our sanctions options so russia can see there will be real action if they take any threatening action to ukraine. >> bill: one more point. panetta with cavuto yesterday said this as well. >> no mistake about it. putin is testing. he is testing president biden, he is testing the united states. he is testing our allies. i think for a period of time putin has read weakness on the part of the united states. >> bill: do you agree with that, sir? >> absolutely. coming off afghanistan and with this administration and the legacy of the obama/biden administration that looked to reduce our overall effectiveness of our military modernization. both china and russia see weakness and why putin has troops gathering outside of ukraine. >> bill: mike turner thank you for your time and happy birthday to you. the congressman from ohio, thanks. >> dana: american citizens don't have universal healthcare but california governor newsom wants to give it to illegal immigrants. details and backlash next. a big hearing on capitol hill this morning. cdc director walensky and anthony fauci testifying on the omicron variant. the u.s. has a new world record for daily infections. dr. marty makary is ahead on what you need to know. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. ♪ ♪ 80% get genetically meaningful health info from their 23andme dna reports. ♪ ♪ 80%. that's 8 out of 10 people who could get something enlightening. something empowering. something that could change everything. info that could give you greater control of your own health. and it's right there, in your dna. ♪ ♪ it's the most meaningful way to start the new year. and right now, our health and ancestry kit is just $129. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. 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plan to pay healthcare costs for all california's low income adults including those living here illegally. >> so what does that mean? full scope medical including long-term care, behavioral health to all low income californians regardless of immigration status. regardless of their age. >> taxpayers in california covering the cost of healthcare for immigrants under 26 years of age and will cover those over 50 years old. this proposal would fill the gap and come into effect in january 2024. the cost of expanding the healthcare program $2.2 billion per year. the governor's budget also provides billions to fight what he calls the state's five biggest challenges. covid-19, climate change, homelessness, inequality and keeping streets safe. there will be some tax cuts, too. largely focused on businesses rather than individuals for the average non-business owning california tax relief will only come at the gas pump with a gas tax increase scheduled for july canceled. not exactly a tax cut, just a promise not to make that particular tax any higher for now at least. >> dana: he calls it a tax cut when it comes time. >> bill: speaking of healthcare i want to take you right now live to a senate committee. the hearing underway on the hill. cdc director walensky on camera. dr. anthony fauci sitting nearby testifying before the senate health committee on the administration's response to the omicron variant. this coming now as the u.s. sets a new world record for new coronavirus infections in a single day. monday we had more than 1.4 million cases across the country. seven day average tripled in two weeks to more than 700,000 a day. dr. marty makary professor at johns hopkins school of medicine welcome to our program. what do walensky and fauci need to say? >> first of all one of the criticisms of them that is not fair is that they shift their guidance a lot. the virus evolves and this is a much different virus. normally science should evolve with new data. one criticism that will come out loud and clear is that the quality of the data has been particularly poor. we have not had good data to inform public policy. this is their job. they have 21,000 employees and over 10 billion in funding at the cdc. lawmakers have a right to be upset. they'll challenge them on natural immunity being completely ignored, which is ruining careers of people who have it. and probably going the talk about the lack of discussion around therapeutics. we've never heard any of them, fauci or walensky talk about some of the other therapeutics out there. >> dana: the other thing they'll probably hear about is what you've written about. you wrote this is the headline. the feds push shows public health decisions aren't data driven and you say public health officials need to shift focus from antibody levels to real world clinical outcome data otherwise we'll be getting a booster every monday morning when we show up at work. >> look, i don't think the public has an appetite for boosters every week or every three months is what you would need to do to maintain the high antibody levels. they haven't been talking about t-cell and b-cell immunity. it is lasting and protective. you can get a breakthrough infection. just the normal virus landing in somebody's nasal system but protected with the vaccine. the cdc has made a move to tell their own experts, their advisory committee we're not going to be using you much in the future. we met 24 times this year, next year a few days. we'll make most of the decisions internally. that's a step backwards for transparency because we don't have the public discussion that's telecast and we don't have that expert input in the decision making. that's why many people are upset about boosters in teenagers. they by passed the experts at the fda to get that through. >> bill: watching the monitor, here. anthony fauci begins reading his opening statements and see what questions follow. there is consideration right now possibly there might be new guidance about the n-95 mask being the preferred level of protection. what is your view on that? >> look, it's a great mask but i see nurses and doctors in the icu loosen or rip those masks off at the end of a long shift. they are hard to wear. sometimes they indent lines in your face and friends notice them when you leave the hospital. it is naive to think we'll put these high-quality masks on everybody. what we need to hear from the cdc we have to have a selective strategy. use the high-quality masks for nursing home staff or people around someone vulnerable. same thing with testing. the blanket universal testing guidance when we really need to ration a limited supply. something the cdc hasn't been comfortable with from the start. >> dana: they will no doubt be asked about testing. the white house has said that these tests were coming. it seems like the tests will get there after the peak of omicron. >> that's right. we'll be in a much better place in three or four weeks if we follow the pattern of south africa. no reason to think we're not going to. right now about half of 1% of all americans are getting the infection per day. maybe as high as 1% if you count the home tests out there that aren't being captured. yes, we cannot have guidance that tells everybody to test multiple times and at the same time folks are not going to change their behavior when they test positive sometimes. they shouldn't be getting tested. if a kid is sick stay home. doesn't matter what it is, we don't want them to school or the workplace. >> bill: one final question. i was at a small pharmacy last week when i was sick myself and they had an order for 2,000 home kits and can't get them and they don't understand why they can't get them. if one small pharmacy in one small time in long island, new york can't get 2,000 kits how will we get the 500 million kits? >> well bill, i would direct you to princeton university testing their professional -- college athletes three times a week. these are the lowest risk people on earth. many colleges are overusing tests and taking them away from people who really need them. >> bill: thank you, doctor, marty makary with us. thank you for your time today. appreciate that. on that point about testing, dana. i was out in idaho. we called every pharmacy and every hospital for 125 miles. we found one town and one pharmacy that had about 24 kits and we went down there and got them and i just have to think that if that's my experience, how many thousands if not tens of thousands and millions of people are going through the same thing. >> dana: the other thing is you started the block and talking about the case numbers and a record. but dr. marty makary mentioned you have a lot of people doing home tested and they don't get reported. i wonder what the numbers really are? probably much higher. a lot of businesses are suffering and people are staying home because of this. hopefully we'll get through the end of this week and people start feeling better and come back to work. >> bill: fingers crossed. >> dana: forget about the old discount. these crooks grabbing whatever they want. vice president kamala harris complaining the media is treating her unfairly. is she right or does she have a little of herself to blame? ♪♪♪ entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. veteran homeowners. or high blood potassium. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. >> bill: fox news alert now. joe manchin speaking to reporters. he is asked about changes in the filibuster in the senate. >> fill busfer is what we have for rules. we need rule changes -- we need good rules changes and we can do it together but you change the rules with 2/3 of the people that are present so democrats and republicans changing the rules to make the place work better, getting rid of the filibuster does not make it work better. >> bill: that's a no, right? he is not budging. asked about it today and yesterday. pretty much the same answer. >> dana: he is the one who has been out front. sinema feels the same way. now we hear mark kelly might feel the same way. he has a tough reelection in arizona. john tester in montana. other senators not saying anything publicly but who agree with him. >> bill: i would be stretched to think even the president thinks this should be busted up. think about all the years he served in the senate and respected that rule. >> dana: you are looking at 42% approval rating and your base is mad at you, you might change your mind. >> bill: if you want to save your life. 17 before the hour. scary video here. we find nine thieves robbing a jewelry store in the california bay area last week. the robbers used sledgehammers to bust display cases. employees ran for cover and they stole $110,000 worth of jewelry. critics blaming the spike on progressive d.a.s with soft on crime policies. that from the bay area. wow. >> dana: watching this woman in the back trying to get out. what the heck is going on? a new report on vice president kamala harris sparking strong reaction from both ends of the political spectrum. "new york times" reporting harris believes she is being treated worse than previous vice presidents because of her race and gender. harris has privately told allies the news coverage of her would be different if she were any of her 48 predecessors all whom were white and male. rob smith a spokesman for turning point usa. it is interesting. she heard it from a lot of people. hillary clinton told her this. no wonder it's in her head. >> look, for the sake of equality you can be both black and female and all of the above and still be absolutely terrible at your job, right? this is what we've seen for the past year of this kamala harris vice president's. in the 2020 election campaign a lot of pressure put on joe biden who had gotten the nomination to pick an african-american female vice president, right? so now we have we're a year into the vice presidentsy and now they are trying to say it is because she is a black female that people are a little bit more critical of her, which i don't necessarily believe to be true. i will cede to the left that it will make the road harder to pave. but the criticisms have been purely based in policy and the failure on the southern border, purely based in the fact she makes gaffes in every single interview that goes viral in all the wrong ways. so i do not think that all of this criticism is based on her gender and her ethnicity. >> dana: the other thing about that is that rob in the article that have come out most of the people that were the strongest criticism is coming from her own staff. they speak to reporters anonymously but surely they aren't racist and sexist. >> certainly not. look, honestly to tell the truth i think her staff was probably sold the same idea of kamala harris sold to the left. what we're seeing right now is somebody that is just not up to the job. i am pretty sure these staff members saw it to a level that neither you or i have seen, right? i remember that cnn piece that came out a couple months back that dug into the dysfunction within the staff. people not knowing what they were supposed to be doing. a couple of months ago she did the awful thing with the hired child actors talking about science for a youtube video. what was the point of that? all these unforced errors that you see coming from her and even the criticism of her staff members. these people aren't racist or sexist. they believed in an idea of kamala harris that we're finding out now is a mirage. >> dana: what could she do that might actually improve her numbers or media coverage? >> this is what i think. i think her problem she doesn't like to take political risks. one of those articles before there was a criticism of her she was more interested in the politics of the situation than the situation itself. i think to turn this around she will have to take an actual political risk. she ising to have to say things that may be uncomfortable to her base about illegal immigration and about this situation that we have on the border. i remember that a lot of the people on the left were not into kamala harris because they did not see her to be far left enough. i think that she should embrace the centrist side of her that i think that is there but won't be very popular to the far left flank of the party. if she did that she could start turning this around a little bit. >> dana: are you a spokesperson and i know you give this thought. i think about it. one of the things i said was when the cabinet secretaries went down to mexico to talk about the immigration she didn't go, i absolutely would have said you aren't going without me. you can ride on my plane and show a little muscle here, rob. great to have you. love talking to you. thanks so much. >> thanks. >> bill: to that hearing on the senate. patty murray with a question to walensky about the guidance for the vaccinated. live now. >> infectious two days before and two to three days after. by five days after your symptoms if you are feeling better, if your fever is better and cough and sore throat are better on day six you can go out but have to wear a mask reliably and you should not go to places you can't wear a mask, you probably shouldn't visit grandma or get on an airplane. >> what about unvaccinated. >> same for unvaccinated for isolation. isolation being those who have disease. >> let me just say nearly two years ago when this committee first started having congressional hearings on covid-19 the very first thing i asked was where are the tests. and we've made progress since then and we are now producing 300 million rapid at home tests each month along with ramping up the lab-based but i am disappointed as i said by the testing challenges that we're facing. tests are hard to find, costly, people are unable to find the at-home tests in pharmacies, online. they are waiting in long lines and often after that waiting days for results. so it's ineffective at the end of the day. ms. o'connell, i want to ask you what are you doing to address the frustrations and challenges we're hearing about covid testing? >> thank you so much for this very important question. testing remains a critical priority for this administration. when we saw the unprecedented cases of omicron in south africa and europe, we immediately reached out to our manufacturers to understand any supply con straights they had and to evaluate their surge capacity. we have also met daily with them to make sure that they have what they need from their suppliers and have used the defense production act authorities 12 times throughout this pandemic in support of testing needs. most recently in the last few weeks for two tests we were able to unlock supplies and manufacturing capacity. we continue to invest in rapid over the counter tests which are in high demand and in the fall we invested $3 billion to increase manufacturing line staffing and to commit to those manufacturing lines for 13 months. as a result, we went from 46 million tests over the counter tests available in october to the 300 million that you just mentioned that are available now. but that's not enough. we are continuing to bring tests to the american people as a result the president has announced and we're in the process of important curing the 500 million tests which every american household will be able to order and have shipped directly to their house. we have completed four contracts so far. have secured 50 million tests and in the process of securing the additional tests over the next several days. the u.s. postal service has agreed to do the distribution and the u.s. digital services is going to help with the website. we anticipate the first tests going out at the end of this month with the remaining tests going out over the next 60 days. >> i'm out of time but i do want to say this. i am hearing from so many schools that are having trouble staying open. they want to stay open. part of it they have staff sick that's understandable but a big part of it is they don't have access to the safety measures like masks and testing supplies. what do i tell them where they go to get that? >> thank you, schools having enough testing supplies to stay open is a critical priority for us. we've invested $10 billion of the american rescue plan given to states to support and stand up testing programs. we've also invested $650 million in a program called operation expanded testing which set up regional hubs of labs that schools could contract with to run their testing programs. that doesn't work if there aren't tests available. so we're working directly with states to match additional manufacturing capacity with states that need it. not only that, we're in the process within looking at our contracts to see if we have any additional capacity add commit to sending that capacity to school programs. >> senator burr. >> let me cut to the chase. dr. fauci, you said cdc was going to update its guidance and include antigen testing or suggested it would. dr. walensky and cdc came out with the guidance that didn't include it. was that part of the communications to plan to start with and they diverted or did you just choose to inject that? >> thank you for that question, senator burr. in discussions about the real gray zone which dr. walensky described about after the five days where you have considerable diminution in the likelihood of being transmitted we have been in discussions about what the role of antigen testing would be. as a matter of fact, when dr. walensky came out with the final guidelines, they include that if you have a test available you may take a test. so at the end of the day we were quite in concordance with our views. >> well, i think the chair and i share this. we found it very confusing and i think the american people found it confusing and i don't say it lightly when i say not too many people in america are listening to what comes out of washington whether congress or out of the administration as it relates to covid. the president makes an announcement of 500 million at-home tests. is this the first time that you've thought about purchasing that home test or have you tried to before and it was rejected? >> thank you, this is the first time the administration has committed to purchasing tests to send to the american households. >> so is that asper or d.o.d. because of all the notifications of contracts signed, i've seen them from d.o.d., not hhs. >> thank you for that question. we use -- we have a relationship with d.o.d. for assisted acquisitions so as per will request that d.o.d. put out a solicitation or manage a contract on our behalf. they are able to do it extraordinarily quickly and we've had an mou in place with d.o.d. for this work that will run through june 2023. we've used this relationship to purchase vaccines and therapeutics and now using it for testing. >> so the best i can find you mentioned 50 million doses. i can identify 27,000 out of two companies, atlantic trading and meta. neither are manufacturers of tests. i believe the third one, revival, is not a manufacturer of tests. media came to fame with importation of vodka and tying cell phones to vodka and like a lot of other companies they got the ppe business in 2020 with some nominal fema contracts. why should we have any confidence in these contracts if in fact we're dealing with companies that don't manufacture anything and can you assure me that the tests that are coming in are not coming in there china? >> thank you, ranking member burr. absolutely. these tests what we initially did to be able to access tests for the initial shipments that will go towards the end of january, we worked with warehouses to see where additional tests were stored and assessed that additional capacity and are bringing that capacity to bear for these initial tests that are going out, which is why you are seeing contracts with warehouses and not with test manufacturers. >> is what you are telling me they have 50 million tests in warehouses in the united states and all we did was access that inventory? >> that is my understanding. >> well, will you confirm your understanding? this is a very, very important piece when you've got companies that don't manufacture tests and all of a sudden we're giving them $190 million contract for 14 million home tests and their expertise is importation of vodka. i encourage you to look through the list of people we're signing up with. are you aware that some of the larger test manufacturers in 2021 shut down lines because of the lack of purchases for at-home tests? >> one of the things we did in the fall was $3 billion investment we made was to turn lines on and to commit to those lines for 13 months. so they wouldn't be turned off again. >> dr. woodcock, last question, chair. of the 15 tests that you've currently approved for over the counter, how many detect omicron? >> we're still working on that but we believe all detect omicron. we simply feel they are somewhat less sensitive than they were to some of the previous variants. >> of the 50 million tests the as per has contracted for, how many of those tests detect omicron? >> i don't know which tests there are. we can get back to you on that. >> you haven't consulted with what we're purchased in the 500 million. they haven't consulted to figure out the tests they're buying detect omicron. >> i believe they have. i don't have the list. >> i thank the chair. >> bill: senator kaine. >> thank you, dr. fauci, can you provide us a general breakdown of what percentage of hospitalized individuals are vaccinated versus unvaccinated? and what percentage of covid deaths are among vaccinated or unvaccinated individuals? >> thank you, for that question, senator kaine. one of the ways to answer that question would be to look at people who are in the hospital and take a look at if you are vaccinated versus unvaccinated. if you look at vaccinated versus unvaccinated, there is about a 10 times greater chance that you would be infected if you were unvaccinated. about a 17 times greater chance that you would be hospitalized if unvaccinated and a 20 times likelihood that you would be dead if you were unvaccinated. so when you look at every parameter 10 times, 17 times, 20 times infection, hospitalization, death. >> thank you, dr. fauci. ms. o'connell i want to ask you about additional vaccine development. the current vaccines against covid as was indicated by dr. fauci's answer have been successful in reducing death and severity and hospital admissions but more limited success in preventing forward transmission from vaccinated individuals after breakthrough cases and existing vaccines are not as durable as vaccines in other areas so we need booster shots to continue to protect against the virus. is the administration considering supporting the development of additional vaccines that might be able to address the gaps in the current vaccine's capabilities? >> thank you so much for that question. yes, absolutely. we all see the

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Capability , Intention , Military Equipment , Invasion , Deterrents , Sovereignty , Diplomacy , Circumstance , Combination , Nato , Fallacy , Concessions , Jam , Guarantees , Memorandum , Exchange , Dissolution Of The Soviet Union , Rush Ja , Threats , Portions , Sanctions Options , Mistake , Cavuto , Panetta , Allies , Putin , Weakness , Effectiveness , Military Modernization , Congressman , American Citizens Don T Have Universal Healthcare , Birthday , Backlash , Marty Makary , Markets , Investors , Unforeseeable , Gold , Asset , Potential , Health Info , Dna , 23andme , 80 , 23 , 8 , Kit , Ancestry , 129 , 29 , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Hard Eating Healthy , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Dog , Possibilities , Swimming Pool , Kitchen , Values , Grandkids , Backyard Deck , Va Home Loan Benefit , Newday 100 Va Loan , 60000 , 100 , 0000 , Budget Proposal , Record Budget Surplus , Jonathan Hunt , Los Angeles , Californians , Income Tax Cut , Come Use , Funds , Income 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, Friends , Loosen , Icu , Masks , Blanket Universal Testing , Supply , Cdc Hasn T , No Doubt , Pattern , Peak , South Africa , Aren T Being , Matter , Kid , Shouldn T , Pharmacy , Workplace , Home Kits , Long Island , 2000 , Well Bill , Professional , Princeton University , New York , 500 Million , Earth , Idaho , 125 , Case Numbers , Block , Crooks , Media , Discount , Fingers , Little , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , Harm , One Million , Potassium , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Kidney Problems , Ace , Baby , Aliskiren , Ace Inhibitor , Arb , Reporters , Busfer , Fox News Alert , Republicans , 2 3 , Answer , No , Montana , Mind , Approval Rating , 42 , Jewelry , Thieves , Robbers , Sledgehammers , California Bay Area , Cover , Soft On Crime Policies , Spike , Progressive D A S , 10000 , 110000 , New York Times , Heck , Spectrum , Ends , Gender , Presidents , News Coverage , Spokesman , Predecessors , Rob Smith A , 48 , Hillary Clinton , Wonder , Turning Point Usa , All Of The Above , Equality , African American Female Vice President , Presidentsy , Election Campaign , Nomination , Left , Gaffes , Ways , Article , Ethnicity , Staff Members , Dysfunction , Cnn , Child , Actors , Youtube Video , Media Coverage , Mirage , Situation , Politics , Articles , Flank , Thought , Cabinet Secretaries , Spokesperson , She Didn T Go , Plane , Love , Muscle , Mexico , Vaccinated , Patty Murray , Sore Throat , Cough , Unvaccinated For Isolation , Airplane , Hearings , Progress , Disease , 300 Million , Pharmacies , Find , Frustrations , O Connell , Priority , Manufacturers , Surge Capacity , Supply Con Straights , Europe , Suppliers , Testing Needs , Defense Production Act , 12 , Capacity , Manufacturing , Supplies , Demand , 3 Billion , Billion , Result , Manufacturing Line Staffing , 13 , 46 Million , Process , Household , Curing , 50 Million , Services , Distribution , U S Postal Service , Staff Sick , Trouble , Testing Supplies , Testing Programs , 0 Billion , 650 Million , Hubs , There Aren T , Labs , Capacity Add , Antigen Testing , Senator Burr , School Programs , Chase , Communications , Didn T , Discussions , Guidelines , Role , Likelihood , Diminution , Concordance , Views , Whether Congress , Time , Home Test , Purchasing Tests , Households , Dod , Asper , Per , Relationship , Notifications , Acquisitions , Not Hhs , Contract , Behalf , Solicitation , Mou , Vaccines , 2023 , June 2023 , Companies , Manufacturer , Revival , Doses , Atlantic Trading , Meta , 27000 , Vodka , Importation , Cell Phones , Fame , Fema , Ppe Business , Confidence , Don T Manufacture , Burr , Shipments , The End , Warehouses , Test Manufacturers , Understanding , Inventory , Expertise , 190 Million , 90 Million , 14 Million , Purchases , Wouldn T , Counter , Last Question , Woodcock , Many , Variants , Percentage , Breakdown , Senator Kaine , Versus Unvaccinated , Chance , Hospitalization , Admissions , Vaccine Development , Severity , Breakthrough Cases , 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