Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Next Revolution With Steve Hilto

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20240709

this just moments ago from his costar john stay most. i am broken. i am guided. i am in complete and utter shock i love you so much bobby. >> i am devastated. he was funny and intuitive and one of the great comics of our time. and i had a chance to be hang with him and i was just on the radio. >> we were doing a thing on —- frank sinatra show. and they were devastating. and it was a feel-good thing. he always made you laugh. just devastated. >> it's interesting at the height of his success, back in the uk i did not really appreciate it so much i'm hearing from people who are really shocked by this. while was the significance of what he did and why so many people are so devastated to hear this? >> so everybody equally weighted the childhood. and then to catch yourself. and then the feel-good of it all. and to be head of the family the father in many ways. and i was doing a variety show i said why don't you start a variety show? from the whole some television show. that he got on stage and he just ripped it up. poor richard pryor. everybody was shocked but it was one of the funniest nights that you saw on stage. he was brilliant. he was funny and profane. we hung out after that and when people met bob saget walking around. and then just watching him from so many years on television he got to be a father figure for many people. >> let's move on. the most interesting thing. "the new york times" commissioned a pair of focus groups. to find out to the state of their democracy in january 6 and it turns out they were surprised by what the democrats said. to the entire narrative pushed for the last year by "the new york times" and by the rest of the establishment media and democratic politicians. and as you listen remember these are democratic voters "it is inevitable boiling point to put into place and have only gotten worse over the years. the enemy is the system that only needs a complete makeover or severe reform to protect the people not the rich. steve: so it is not an attempted coup or insurrection? another democrat "it was a frustration the american people. people are fed up with politics telling lies". steve: we heard a lot about the big lie this week and as a bunch of big liars. they live shamelessly all the time. they lie about the pandemic and fauci those are the most likely origin of the pandemic. as a fauci should be hold accountable and then to say new cloth glass could not have a virus they lied about lockdowns they told us that defunding and demoralizing the police would not lead to higher crime. and those that murdered six people in the christmas parade. jesse small that and also white supremacy even with black attackers and they continue to lie about the biden family corruption they censor the truth. they lied about the economy spending trillions of dollars and now look. and the supply chain crisis rich people and then about the climate crisis. and with nuclear power and endlessly pushing solar panels and wind farms they said they will not significantly reduce carbon dioxide output only shift the location. the light about russia and china and of course nonstop about the humiliating catastrophe in afghanistan. on and on it goes. but the mistakes or differences of opinion. and then the most destructive divisive. and now state after state but to deny it not only to protect about not only to suppress the boat but to subvert it. steve: what he said was a lie. those changes are designed to clean up the mask of the pandemic in most cases it makes it easier to vote them before the pandemic. and then at the single spectacle of the washington establishment. and those that offer the election and more people voted ever before in history screaming hyped up nonsense about the democracy being under attack to try to justify their own efforts to recollections in their favor with the atrocities like ballot harvesting. why did liz cheney say this? >> what is the ultimate goal of january 6 quick. >> we have several goals the legislative purpose that i have mentioned to the extent to which there may be legislation or enhanced penalties that we need to look at to make sure this never happens again. steve: she knows what the congressional rule say. there is no legitimacy to the jh committee unless it has a legislative purpose but what potential legislation is she babbling on about? of course the whole thing is about stopping trump by trying to prove he organize an insurrection. but i just read michael wolf's book about the election in the aftermath. hard the approach of account. it is absolutely clear that and that was not just an evil scheme to overthrow the election my pants but apparently john eastman, the lawyer who persuaded trump that the vice president can send the votes back to the state did not even believe what he was saying himself. but they were trying to destroy trump and his movement and ideas who was to go back to the establishment gop? and open borders and suck up to china and the rich get richer and the workers get screwed? trumps populism is popular. right of the republican party is multiracial working-class coalition. >> and then that establishment. and now to take cheney seriously as the defenders of our democracy? liz cheney who inherited her seat in congress like a pampered aristocrat? dick cheney who send other people's children to war on a lie? wars that shove billions of dollars into the bank account of halliburton the defense contractor he's to run? and in the cheney's are the most corrupt family in modern american history. but in good company with the powers on the left what nauseating hypocrisy from harrison policy this week despicable history to compare the capital riots to pearl harbor and 9/11 on the exact same people who reveled in the destruction and mayhem of the summer riots of 2020. the truth is. and that's the democrats. but they will not let up and they should not. >> . steve: they only care about riots when it's their place of work in the sanctimonious self-righteous charlatans who never created a drop —- a job in their corrupt life. they could not give a crap a small business being burned to the ground. i don't remember their speeches honoring the dozens who lost their lives at the hand of the left-wing mob. everyone looks with complete contempt at them. this is how we enter 2022 of the political establishment mired in lies and hypocrisy and incompetence the single of at all the bumbling full in the white house. >> there's a lot to be hopeful that for god sake please take advantage for what's available. steve: he looks half dead slurring his words, can we really put up with three more years of this? and there was actually some honesty on display this week. aoc former communications director talking about biden. he is deeply unpopular, he is old as - - it starts with the f. and then will be demolished in the midterms. you see, just as many democrats are not buying the bs of the leaders. you can test the politicians or bureaucrats or technocrats or experts. so in the face of all of this it's at the heart of the show of trust the people. populism and putting power in people's hands. the way we use it wisely. that's "the next revolution" we need. tell us what you think and share this message as we bring in our first guest tonight. clay, happy new year. good to see you. i did not think what we saw in washington this week was particularly auspicious start to 2022. >> happy new year to you and everybody out there as well. i have said for a long time that every politician and certainly every political party needs a director of common sense. if there were a director of common sense and the democratic party come i can tell you at least three things that would've pointed out to say this is a disastrous decision that will not play very well. first of all, generally six as per of the moment response and went to read that off the teleprompter to try to make the case. and i have to bring in the cast of hamilton to do a zoom version from one of the songs of their play to honor america democracy and third and don't think we have to do a candlelight vigil on the steps of the united states capital considering, unless they were going to do it for ashley babbitt who is the only person who actually died on january 6 during the riot. and then i think what you were reading from all of those democratic readers that i think if you look at the brett kavanaugh senate judiciary hearing and the way the democrats tried to shut that down by all of their angst and turmoil, if donald trump had one, remember he was only 40000 votes away from winning even based on all the craziness in 2020. twenty in wisconsin 10000 wisconsin 10000 and arizona if 10000 out of 150 million people voted change their mind, i really think when all of those electoral votes were tallied as well because it was the summer of unrest that they embraced. no matter what those political persuasions are bit to see the water boil so democrats have done things similar. >> exactly and they were calling trump illegitimate and jimmy carter calling him bad as the president. what about the other lies? it is with the republican party's based on a lie. >> but the distance between a conspiracy theory in the truth is about six months. if you look for instance with covid we were told you cannot even mention the idea that is band on twitter and facebook to talk about a chinese lab or the efficacy and now everybody says a cough mask doesn't work. in the summer if you say i'm apprehensive based on the data from israel and england they have a faster rate of vaccination that the vaccines are not going to prevent the spread and that people will be still able to get covid if they get the vaccine. you are not allowed to say any of that. so what it creates when you have conversation when you stifle debate and the marketplace of ideas is curtailed, it creates is a massive amount of distress across-the-board. why independent republican male and female they don't question authority and when they are not yet looks like authoritarianism which is combination of big tech in the democratic party right now. steve: a fantastic summary of where we stand. great to see was always. just before we go, do you know how cnn and msnbc never stops thinking honestly describing what they do as journalism while what we do here is propaganda? check this out. from biden, chris hayes. >> you don't hear this but it is a victory lap over the booming american economy and biden did that why the american recovery is going so much better than you may think. >> the president was touting the success of his administration's economy which is something we do not hear enough about. steve: maybe because is not a success. high inflation and empty shells and those who are not on msnbc are having a tough time. and they call us? what a j steve: testing. testing. we will get back to normal the medical establishment tell us. >> we should be flooding the system with testing. flood the zone with test. steve: and the doctor fauci and that gang all they have done is get everybody so worked up into a frenzy of testing now there is a shortage of test. that the real reason for the shortage is too many people pointlessly getting tested remember the science a vast majority of those who get corona have milder zero symptoms what is the point of testing millions of asymptomatic people as part of that ridiculous delusion settled vitality and the medical establishment. did by politicians like biden that we can micromanage this pandemic from on high. this was incredibly contagious from the start and engineer to be contagious. remember? the idea you could control it through testing was always absurd now we have more variance. it is insane especially when they just told us that pcr test can register positive results 12 weeks after your infection is over and that rapid at-home antigen test doesn't pick up the infection until after the period when you are infectious to others. here is how testing should be used if you have symptoms it's helpful to be tested to see if you should get one of the many treatments available so you don't get really sick. if you are around the vulnerable person you can use a test to protect them. but that is it all of the pointless bureaucracy imposed by government and big business test before you come to work or before you go to school or before you travel is all a complete waste of time and money and should be swept away. here to discuss good to see you. happy new year. i feel like we never get to a point where those geniuses in charge of the covid response to ever follow the actual data. >> that the problem here is they don't understand the goal. the goal is not to suppress the virus that zero is not possible we don't have the technology. use the test to treat people with the disease especially those at a higher risk test older people so if you visit grandma, test yourself and make sure you don't expose grandma just in case. but test to make sure kids stay out of school, and then those that are shortstaffed? it is the cost of very little benefit. then they don't understand the goal of testing. steve: and its a cost that it is expensive it is a real hardship. apart from the time cost it is so infuriating. how long can this go on? and then they change the position of masks. they are admitting some of the things we used to say. and then with that testing mania getting everyone tested all the time if you like they have committed to it for the rest of this year at least. >> part of the thing is it just has to do with the big wave of the omicron cases so those around the fear of the virus. i'm hoping that after some rationality will return about testing i think we are seeing some return to rationality with the admission cloth masks are not particularly effective. steve: is it striking to see that some governments around the world that are pushing a lockdown? and boris johnson in the uk and working at that's not completely crazy but on this whole question that the virus is endemic what does that mean? how should we be thinking about that? >> endemic means is the viruses here forever it will return over and over hopefully and not such large waves in the future but that is not so scary. because people are protected either by vaccination and then after every one or two years but only a cold that's what it ultimately needs. steve: is something we haven't talked about for a right while but the family of coronavirus is includes the common cold. >> yes there other for other coronavirus it will be the fifth and circulation unless you are old or you've never been exposed are never had the vaccine and you will experience and with omicron it's very much milder we should thank god because obviously it is more infectious so that the endpoint. it will not be so scary. steve: you been right all along the voice of science and reason great to see you tonight. thank you so much. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? 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>> foreign-born workers earn less we need more of them. thought he was making a smart point of the download. what he actually did was endorse the exploitative anti- american business model import cheap labor while throwing americans out of work to destroy their communities nor the people support trump is the first leader for decades to successfully fight against the cruel madness. great to see you. happy new year. and then revealed the complete scam. >> so check todd things that you are stupid enough to believe the shortage of workers that there is not enough illegal immigration. paying people not to work the past couple of years. first of all going so far to the west. it is at the point where democrats in 2022 was called a democrat in 2012 in the way that we speak about illegal immigration and the point that these illegal immigrants are doing jobs americans won't do. there is no job in america that we will not do them for wages. very quick story there is a bakery outside of chicago. i wrote about this in my book they were rated by i.c.e. and 800 illegal immigrants were fired. and that happened they agreed to hire nativeborn people 80 percent have to be african-american from chicago they were paid $14 an hour compared to the ten dollars an hour of the illegal immigrants. when you do the math, four times 800 immigrants times 40 hour workweek times for that is a savings of $500,000 per month this bakery owned by a big conglomerate saved by using illegal immigrant labor. we have to talk about the fact some elites on both sides of the aisle have made the deal with the devil and they want to enforce they do not want to enforce immigration law because of the benefits. >> that such a brilliant story. you completely nailed the point and that massive political shift. and then the republican party of the american worker and the democrats and then the service industry positions so they could never be a distant dishwasher or server. or fried chicken. all of these i have done and a lot of this movement has come into the trump world, this is coming from people who know the apply of the low-wage worker. and that that's the first is the plight and that's of these people are deathly afraid of. people can see with their own two eyes. and to see the kiosks tapping popping up. with a lot of these large corporations that they have already started replacing to pick vegetables and fruits and automation and the way they were ten years ago? those that are just forgetting are just eliminating the stuff on purpose because i can tell my audience all the time because they thank you and i are stupid. steve: absolutely fantastic. you completely nailed that. steve: for years the left is patronizing to automatically that were mystified with president trump a massive increase in latino support for republicans. one reason according to many latino groups according to one when they use the term but to appease whites rich progressives. so are you latina or latinx person? >> i am so offended that you even use the term 19 i cannot get over it. the point we're at the fact the o and the letter a are bigoted the entire language of gender. even in adamant objects in spanish have a masculine and feminine form. masculine and feminine words do not make her language a hate crime. steve: that is insane to have it binary. >> because there is a pernicious intent starting to make fun of it because it is so ludicrous but it is a pernicious intent but to create a divide a generational divide. because as i said latinos are not voting as a very predictable voting block like they are supposed to especially 25 and over. so to do the termite and ask. it sounds like a porn channels is hard for me to say it seriously. but what they are trying to do with the word is getting younger generation to identify with the word and say the word to turn on the older generation that they think the word is ludicrous so they can divide them and have them feel like the elders are the big it to should be shunned it's all about power and control in politics. >> . steve: anything that is the response that we have seen. steve: that's the perfect way to say goodbye few want to see of me of more laughing following the podcast following the podcast california rebel base. hi. i'm wolfgang puck when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast that's why i chose shipstation shipstation helps manage orders reduce shipping costs and print out shipping labels it's my secret ingredient shipstation the number 1 choice of online sellers and wolfgang puck go to and get 2 months free steve: fox news alert actor and comedian bob saget is dead. found dead in a hotel in orlando florida earlier today orange county deputies responded to the ritz-carlton of an unresponsive man and one of the hotel rooms were he was pronounced dead. they found no signs of drug use or foul play he played any tanner and for house written a claim of americans as stay tuned to fox's they happen. >> going back to what we are talking but at the top of the show, tammy. your reaction? >> and interestingly and also at that news about mr. saget not to be distracted by things that we really need to act on. we have a dynamic for tomorrow is not necessarily promised. those that are in politics. and then to distract you. that we must realize that actions are required and the passion cannot be put off. i was out the last couple of weeks and i got covid. if anybody gets it is surprised with the new variant? i think most people get it. who is representing un government. that the passion matters and act on it. they think everyone is a sheep especially people of color. dam them for taking up the mantle of being champions for minorities. and treat them like that for sheep. none of that is true it's about passionate americans, passionate hispanics, gays and lesbians and women we are americans first and we will make a difference. that is what we have to do for all of us here for our futures and remembering our time here is short. to make a difference as quickly as we can. and with that propaganda about the insurrection and then to say americans are angry about being lied to. >> and with media that manipulation does work americans are busy and we trusted the government and we trusted the experts. but when we do find out that trust has been misplaced we will have another riot that has never been seen before in this country at the ballot box in november. that is when they will see from us what we think in us and they will hear from us and we must make it distinctive because those who don't care about us. and as we will see in november. >> . >> the extent of their dishonesty and incompetence and the cynicism, we knew they would be bad. but i don't think any of that is expected to be this bad and that is why the punishment should be's portion men at the ballot box. >> because they have not been held to an account. and they have been slipped along so they have not had to refine or even ask themselves can answer that question? and then to treat people like they are garbage. they will find out. they thought it didn't matter. but the sheep will strike back. steve: [laughter] >> thank you for being with us tonight. and as i have always said the reason it is such a disaster these people are machine politicians and don't believe in anything. thank you for watching we will see you next sunday on "the next revolution". >> we began with a fox news alert and a sad way to be here with the nation, the morning comedian and "full house" star bob saget was found dead in a hotel room at the age of 65. good morning, i am todd. >> and i'm ashley strohmier. he was in florida with a comedy tour best known as danny on "full house." >> okay, are we going to have

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History , Policy , Riots , Hypocrisy , Summer Riots , History , Destruction , Mayhem , Pearl Harbor , 2020 , 9 11 , Work , Sanctimonious , Charlatans , Job , Drop , Everyone , Incompetence , Dozens , Lies , Lives , Life , Ground , Crap A Small Business , Contempt , Hand , Single , Mob , White House , Speeches , 2022 , God , Advantage , Sake , Words , Display , Honesty , Three , Communications Director , Midterms , Aoc , F , Leaders , Bs , Wall , Experts , Trust , Technocrats , Heart , Bureaucrats , Face , Way , Message , Hands , The Next Revolution , Guest , Happy New Year , This Week , Clay , Director , Common Sense , Politician , Party , Things , Decision , Response , Case , Teleprompter , Per , Songs , Zoom Version , Honor America Democracy , Cast , Hamilton , Riot , Person , Ashley Babbitt , Reading , Candlelight Vigil , Readers , Steps , United States Capital Considering , Donald Trump , Hearing , Angst , Turmoil , Judiciary , Brett Kavanaugh , Craziness , 40000 , Summer , Twenty , Mind , Unrest , Wisconsin , Wisconsin 10000 And Arizona , 10000 , 150 Million , Persuasions , Water Boil , Matter , Calling Trump , President , Jimmy Carter , Distance , Conspiracy Theory , Idea , Covid , Band , Lab , Instance , Efficacy , Facebook , Chinese , Twitter , Vaccination , Data , Rate , Vaccines , Cough Mask Doesn T Work , Israel , England , Vaccine , Spread , Independent Republican Male And Female They Don T Question Authority , Amount , Debate , Distress , Marketplace , Authoritarianism , Summary , Combination , Tech , Propaganda , Msnbc , Cnn , Journalism , Chris Hayes , Recovery , Victory Lap , Something , Administration , Inflation , Shells , What , Testing , Test , Zone , Gang , Frenzy , Is , Doctor Fauci , Point , Reason , Part , Shortage , Symptoms , Science , Testing Millions , Delusion , Majority , Get Corona , Zero , Vitality , Start , Pcr Test , Variance , Engineer , On High , Infection , Home Antigen Test Doesn T , Others , Results , 12 , Un , Big Business Test , Bureaucracy , Treatments , Money , Waste , Charge , Geniuses , Problem , Technology , Grandma , Risk Test , Disease , Cost , School , Kids , Hardship , Benefit , Masks , Some , Position , Go On , Testing Mania , Omicron , Wave , Fear , Rationality , Governments , Admission Cloth , Return , World , Question , Lockdown , Boris Johnson , Viruses , Means , Waves , Cold , Two , Coronavirus , Haven T , Fifth , Circulation , Endpoint , The Voice , Life Insurance Policy , Retirement , Income , Cash Payment , Friend , Coventry , Life Insurance , Asset , Bills , Pay , Research , Coventry Direct , It , Policy Lapse , Payments , 00000 , 100000 , Number , Insurance , Screen , Worth , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Country , Patronizing , Calculation , Heartland , Ideology , Chuck Todd , Migration , Nbc , 1 Million , Service Industry , 2016 , 2021 , 247000 , Wages , Labor Shortages , Companies , Plenty , Immigration , Politicalization , Parties , Last , Immigration Members , Chart Back , Promises , Lowest , 4 Million , Countries , Jobs , Download , Thought , Business Model Import Cheap Labor , Exploitative Anti , Communities , Leader , Cruel Madness , Scam , West , 2012 , Immigrants , Jobs Americans Won T , Story , Bakery , Chicago , Ice , 800 , Math , African American , 4 , 14 , Ten , Four , 80 , Ten Dollars , Fact , Times , Immigrant , Labor , Savings , Conglomerate , 40 , 500000 , Elites , Benefits , Immigration Law , Sides , Deal , Devil , Aisle , Worker , Shift , Service Industry Positions , Server , Fried Chicken , Dishwasher , First , Plight , , Eyes , Kiosks , Corporations , Fruits , Vegetables , Automation , Stuff , Audience , Groups , Support , Republicans , Increase , Term , Latinx , Progressives , Latina , 19 , Language , Letter A , Gender , O , Objects , Spanish , Form , Hate Crime , Intent , It Binary , Fun , Divide A Generational , Latinos , Termite , Voting Block , 25 , Word , Channels , Generation , Control , Elders , Anything , Podcast , Wolfgang Puck , California Rebel Base , Orders , Shipping Costs , Store , Home , Shipstation , Shipping , Ingredient , Sellers , Choice , Go To Shipstation Com Tv , 2 , 1 , Hotel , Actor , Fox News Alert , Orlando Florida , Hotel Rooms , Signs , Deputies , Orange County , Ritz Carlton , House Written A Claim Of Americans , Tanner , Top , Reaction , Tammy , News , Mr , Dynamic , Act On , Passion , Actions , Put Off , Variant , Couple , Anybody , Act , Sheep , None , Mantle , Color , Champions , Minorities , Dam , Gays , Lesbians , Hispanics , Difference , Women , Futures , Media , Manipulation , Ballot Box , Don T Care , Who , Dishonesty , Cynicism , Men , Punishment , Laughter , Garbage , Didn T Matter , Machine Politicians , Disaster , Comedian , Nation , Age , Full House , 65 , Ashley Strohmier , Comedy Tour , Florida ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20240709

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this just moments ago from his costar john stay most. i am broken. i am guided. i am in complete and utter shock i love you so much bobby. >> i am devastated. he was funny and intuitive and one of the great comics of our time. and i had a chance to be hang with him and i was just on the radio. >> we were doing a thing on —- frank sinatra show. and they were devastating. and it was a feel-good thing. he always made you laugh. just devastated. >> it's interesting at the height of his success, back in the uk i did not really appreciate it so much i'm hearing from people who are really shocked by this. while was the significance of what he did and why so many people are so devastated to hear this? >> so everybody equally weighted the childhood. and then to catch yourself. and then the feel-good of it all. and to be head of the family the father in many ways. and i was doing a variety show i said why don't you start a variety show? from the whole some television show. that he got on stage and he just ripped it up. poor richard pryor. everybody was shocked but it was one of the funniest nights that you saw on stage. he was brilliant. he was funny and profane. we hung out after that and when people met bob saget walking around. and then just watching him from so many years on television he got to be a father figure for many people. >> let's move on. the most interesting thing. "the new york times" commissioned a pair of focus groups. to find out to the state of their democracy in january 6 and it turns out they were surprised by what the democrats said. to the entire narrative pushed for the last year by "the new york times" and by the rest of the establishment media and democratic politicians. and as you listen remember these are democratic voters "it is inevitable boiling point to put into place and have only gotten worse over the years. the enemy is the system that only needs a complete makeover or severe reform to protect the people not the rich. steve: so it is not an attempted coup or insurrection? another democrat "it was a frustration the american people. people are fed up with politics telling lies". steve: we heard a lot about the big lie this week and as a bunch of big liars. they live shamelessly all the time. they lie about the pandemic and fauci those are the most likely origin of the pandemic. as a fauci should be hold accountable and then to say new cloth glass could not have a virus they lied about lockdowns they told us that defunding and demoralizing the police would not lead to higher crime. and those that murdered six people in the christmas parade. jesse small that and also white supremacy even with black attackers and they continue to lie about the biden family corruption they censor the truth. they lied about the economy spending trillions of dollars and now look. and the supply chain crisis rich people and then about the climate crisis. and with nuclear power and endlessly pushing solar panels and wind farms they said they will not significantly reduce carbon dioxide output only shift the location. the light about russia and china and of course nonstop about the humiliating catastrophe in afghanistan. on and on it goes. but the mistakes or differences of opinion. and then the most destructive divisive. and now state after state but to deny it not only to protect about not only to suppress the boat but to subvert it. steve: what he said was a lie. those changes are designed to clean up the mask of the pandemic in most cases it makes it easier to vote them before the pandemic. and then at the single spectacle of the washington establishment. and those that offer the election and more people voted ever before in history screaming hyped up nonsense about the democracy being under attack to try to justify their own efforts to recollections in their favor with the atrocities like ballot harvesting. why did liz cheney say this? >> what is the ultimate goal of january 6 quick. >> we have several goals the legislative purpose that i have mentioned to the extent to which there may be legislation or enhanced penalties that we need to look at to make sure this never happens again. steve: she knows what the congressional rule say. there is no legitimacy to the jh committee unless it has a legislative purpose but what potential legislation is she babbling on about? of course the whole thing is about stopping trump by trying to prove he organize an insurrection. but i just read michael wolf's book about the election in the aftermath. hard the approach of account. it is absolutely clear that and that was not just an evil scheme to overthrow the election my pants but apparently john eastman, the lawyer who persuaded trump that the vice president can send the votes back to the state did not even believe what he was saying himself. but they were trying to destroy trump and his movement and ideas who was to go back to the establishment gop? and open borders and suck up to china and the rich get richer and the workers get screwed? trumps populism is popular. right of the republican party is multiracial working-class coalition. >> and then that establishment. and now to take cheney seriously as the defenders of our democracy? liz cheney who inherited her seat in congress like a pampered aristocrat? dick cheney who send other people's children to war on a lie? wars that shove billions of dollars into the bank account of halliburton the defense contractor he's to run? and in the cheney's are the most corrupt family in modern american history. but in good company with the powers on the left what nauseating hypocrisy from harrison policy this week despicable history to compare the capital riots to pearl harbor and 9/11 on the exact same people who reveled in the destruction and mayhem of the summer riots of 2020. the truth is. and that's the democrats. but they will not let up and they should not. >> . steve: they only care about riots when it's their place of work in the sanctimonious self-righteous charlatans who never created a drop —- a job in their corrupt life. they could not give a crap a small business being burned to the ground. i don't remember their speeches honoring the dozens who lost their lives at the hand of the left-wing mob. everyone looks with complete contempt at them. this is how we enter 2022 of the political establishment mired in lies and hypocrisy and incompetence the single of at all the bumbling full in the white house. >> there's a lot to be hopeful that for god sake please take advantage for what's available. steve: he looks half dead slurring his words, can we really put up with three more years of this? and there was actually some honesty on display this week. aoc former communications director talking about biden. he is deeply unpopular, he is old as - - it starts with the f. and then will be demolished in the midterms. you see, just as many democrats are not buying the bs of the leaders. you can test the politicians or bureaucrats or technocrats or experts. so in the face of all of this it's at the heart of the show of trust the people. populism and putting power in people's hands. the way we use it wisely. that's "the next revolution" we need. tell us what you think and share this message as we bring in our first guest tonight. clay, happy new year. good to see you. i did not think what we saw in washington this week was particularly auspicious start to 2022. >> happy new year to you and everybody out there as well. i have said for a long time that every politician and certainly every political party needs a director of common sense. if there were a director of common sense and the democratic party come i can tell you at least three things that would've pointed out to say this is a disastrous decision that will not play very well. first of all, generally six as per of the moment response and went to read that off the teleprompter to try to make the case. and i have to bring in the cast of hamilton to do a zoom version from one of the songs of their play to honor america democracy and third and don't think we have to do a candlelight vigil on the steps of the united states capital considering, unless they were going to do it for ashley babbitt who is the only person who actually died on january 6 during the riot. and then i think what you were reading from all of those democratic readers that i think if you look at the brett kavanaugh senate judiciary hearing and the way the democrats tried to shut that down by all of their angst and turmoil, if donald trump had one, remember he was only 40000 votes away from winning even based on all the craziness in 2020. twenty in wisconsin 10000 wisconsin 10000 and arizona if 10000 out of 150 million people voted change their mind, i really think when all of those electoral votes were tallied as well because it was the summer of unrest that they embraced. no matter what those political persuasions are bit to see the water boil so democrats have done things similar. >> exactly and they were calling trump illegitimate and jimmy carter calling him bad as the president. what about the other lies? it is with the republican party's based on a lie. >> but the distance between a conspiracy theory in the truth is about six months. if you look for instance with covid we were told you cannot even mention the idea that is band on twitter and facebook to talk about a chinese lab or the efficacy and now everybody says a cough mask doesn't work. in the summer if you say i'm apprehensive based on the data from israel and england they have a faster rate of vaccination that the vaccines are not going to prevent the spread and that people will be still able to get covid if they get the vaccine. you are not allowed to say any of that. so what it creates when you have conversation when you stifle debate and the marketplace of ideas is curtailed, it creates is a massive amount of distress across-the-board. why independent republican male and female they don't question authority and when they are not yet looks like authoritarianism which is combination of big tech in the democratic party right now. steve: a fantastic summary of where we stand. great to see was always. just before we go, do you know how cnn and msnbc never stops thinking honestly describing what they do as journalism while what we do here is propaganda? check this out. from biden, chris hayes. >> you don't hear this but it is a victory lap over the booming american economy and biden did that why the american recovery is going so much better than you may think. >> the president was touting the success of his administration's economy which is something we do not hear enough about. steve: maybe because is not a success. high inflation and empty shells and those who are not on msnbc are having a tough time. and they call us? what a j steve: testing. testing. we will get back to normal the medical establishment tell us. >> we should be flooding the system with testing. flood the zone with test. steve: and the doctor fauci and that gang all they have done is get everybody so worked up into a frenzy of testing now there is a shortage of test. that the real reason for the shortage is too many people pointlessly getting tested remember the science a vast majority of those who get corona have milder zero symptoms what is the point of testing millions of asymptomatic people as part of that ridiculous delusion settled vitality and the medical establishment. did by politicians like biden that we can micromanage this pandemic from on high. this was incredibly contagious from the start and engineer to be contagious. remember? the idea you could control it through testing was always absurd now we have more variance. it is insane especially when they just told us that pcr test can register positive results 12 weeks after your infection is over and that rapid at-home antigen test doesn't pick up the infection until after the period when you are infectious to others. here is how testing should be used if you have symptoms it's helpful to be tested to see if you should get one of the many treatments available so you don't get really sick. if you are around the vulnerable person you can use a test to protect them. but that is it all of the pointless bureaucracy imposed by government and big business test before you come to work or before you go to school or before you travel is all a complete waste of time and money and should be swept away. here to discuss good to see you. happy new year. i feel like we never get to a point where those geniuses in charge of the covid response to ever follow the actual data. >> that the problem here is they don't understand the goal. the goal is not to suppress the virus that zero is not possible we don't have the technology. use the test to treat people with the disease especially those at a higher risk test older people so if you visit grandma, test yourself and make sure you don't expose grandma just in case. but test to make sure kids stay out of school, and then those that are shortstaffed? it is the cost of very little benefit. then they don't understand the goal of testing. steve: and its a cost that it is expensive it is a real hardship. apart from the time cost it is so infuriating. how long can this go on? and then they change the position of masks. they are admitting some of the things we used to say. and then with that testing mania getting everyone tested all the time if you like they have committed to it for the rest of this year at least. >> part of the thing is it just has to do with the big wave of the omicron cases so those around the fear of the virus. i'm hoping that after some rationality will return about testing i think we are seeing some return to rationality with the admission cloth masks are not particularly effective. steve: is it striking to see that some governments around the world that are pushing a lockdown? and boris johnson in the uk and working at that's not completely crazy but on this whole question that the virus is endemic what does that mean? how should we be thinking about that? >> endemic means is the viruses here forever it will return over and over hopefully and not such large waves in the future but that is not so scary. because people are protected either by vaccination and then after every one or two years but only a cold that's what it ultimately needs. steve: is something we haven't talked about for a right while but the family of coronavirus is includes the common cold. >> yes there other for other coronavirus it will be the fifth and circulation unless you are old or you've never been exposed are never had the vaccine and you will experience and with omicron it's very much milder we should thank god because obviously it is more infectious so that the endpoint. it will not be so scary. steve: you been right all along the voice of science and reason great to see you tonight. thank you so much. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? 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>> foreign-born workers earn less we need more of them. thought he was making a smart point of the download. what he actually did was endorse the exploitative anti- american business model import cheap labor while throwing americans out of work to destroy their communities nor the people support trump is the first leader for decades to successfully fight against the cruel madness. great to see you. happy new year. and then revealed the complete scam. >> so check todd things that you are stupid enough to believe the shortage of workers that there is not enough illegal immigration. paying people not to work the past couple of years. first of all going so far to the west. it is at the point where democrats in 2022 was called a democrat in 2012 in the way that we speak about illegal immigration and the point that these illegal immigrants are doing jobs americans won't do. there is no job in america that we will not do them for wages. very quick story there is a bakery outside of chicago. i wrote about this in my book they were rated by i.c.e. and 800 illegal immigrants were fired. and that happened they agreed to hire nativeborn people 80 percent have to be african-american from chicago they were paid $14 an hour compared to the ten dollars an hour of the illegal immigrants. when you do the math, four times 800 immigrants times 40 hour workweek times for that is a savings of $500,000 per month this bakery owned by a big conglomerate saved by using illegal immigrant labor. we have to talk about the fact some elites on both sides of the aisle have made the deal with the devil and they want to enforce they do not want to enforce immigration law because of the benefits. >> that such a brilliant story. you completely nailed the point and that massive political shift. and then the republican party of the american worker and the democrats and then the service industry positions so they could never be a distant dishwasher or server. or fried chicken. all of these i have done and a lot of this movement has come into the trump world, this is coming from people who know the apply of the low-wage worker. and that that's the first is the plight and that's of these people are deathly afraid of. people can see with their own two eyes. and to see the kiosks tapping popping up. with a lot of these large corporations that they have already started replacing to pick vegetables and fruits and automation and the way they were ten years ago? those that are just forgetting are just eliminating the stuff on purpose because i can tell my audience all the time because they thank you and i are stupid. steve: absolutely fantastic. you completely nailed that. steve: for years the left is patronizing to automatically that were mystified with president trump a massive increase in latino support for republicans. one reason according to many latino groups according to one when they use the term but to appease whites rich progressives. so are you latina or latinx person? >> i am so offended that you even use the term 19 i cannot get over it. the point we're at the fact the o and the letter a are bigoted the entire language of gender. even in adamant objects in spanish have a masculine and feminine form. masculine and feminine words do not make her language a hate crime. steve: that is insane to have it binary. >> because there is a pernicious intent starting to make fun of it because it is so ludicrous but it is a pernicious intent but to create a divide a generational divide. because as i said latinos are not voting as a very predictable voting block like they are supposed to especially 25 and over. so to do the termite and ask. it sounds like a porn channels is hard for me to say it seriously. but what they are trying to do with the word is getting younger generation to identify with the word and say the word to turn on the older generation that they think the word is ludicrous so they can divide them and have them feel like the elders are the big it to should be shunned it's all about power and control in politics. >> . steve: anything that is the response that we have seen. steve: that's the perfect way to say goodbye few want to see of me of more laughing following the podcast following the podcast california rebel base. hi. i'm wolfgang puck when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast that's why i chose shipstation shipstation helps manage orders reduce shipping costs and print out shipping labels it's my secret ingredient shipstation the number 1 choice of online sellers and wolfgang puck go to and get 2 months free steve: fox news alert actor and comedian bob saget is dead. found dead in a hotel in orlando florida earlier today orange county deputies responded to the ritz-carlton of an unresponsive man and one of the hotel rooms were he was pronounced dead. they found no signs of drug use or foul play he played any tanner and for house written a claim of americans as stay tuned to fox's they happen. >> going back to what we are talking but at the top of the show, tammy. your reaction? >> and interestingly and also at that news about mr. saget not to be distracted by things that we really need to act on. we have a dynamic for tomorrow is not necessarily promised. those that are in politics. and then to distract you. that we must realize that actions are required and the passion cannot be put off. i was out the last couple of weeks and i got covid. if anybody gets it is surprised with the new variant? i think most people get it. who is representing un government. that the passion matters and act on it. they think everyone is a sheep especially people of color. dam them for taking up the mantle of being champions for minorities. and treat them like that for sheep. none of that is true it's about passionate americans, passionate hispanics, gays and lesbians and women we are americans first and we will make a difference. that is what we have to do for all of us here for our futures and remembering our time here is short. to make a difference as quickly as we can. and with that propaganda about the insurrection and then to say americans are angry about being lied to. >> and with media that manipulation does work americans are busy and we trusted the government and we trusted the experts. but when we do find out that trust has been misplaced we will have another riot that has never been seen before in this country at the ballot box in november. that is when they will see from us what we think in us and they will hear from us and we must make it distinctive because those who don't care about us. and as we will see in november. >> . >> the extent of their dishonesty and incompetence and the cynicism, we knew they would be bad. but i don't think any of that is expected to be this bad and that is why the punishment should be's portion men at the ballot box. >> because they have not been held to an account. and they have been slipped along so they have not had to refine or even ask themselves can answer that question? and then to treat people like they are garbage. they will find out. they thought it didn't matter. but the sheep will strike back. steve: [laughter] >> thank you for being with us tonight. and as i have always said the reason it is such a disaster these people are machine politicians and don't believe in anything. thank you for watching we will see you next sunday on "the next revolution". >> we began with a fox news alert and a sad way to be here with the nation, the morning comedian and "full house" star bob saget was found dead in a hotel room at the age of 65. good morning, i am todd. >> and i'm ashley strohmier. he was in florida with a comedy tour best known as danny on "full house." >> okay, are we going to have

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Defunding , Christmas Parade , Six , Biden , Attackers , Truth , Family Corruption , Supremacy , Jesse Small , Economy , Dollars , Supply Chain Crisis , Trillions , Power , Climate Crisis , Solar Panels , Wind Farms , Course , Location , Carbon Dioxide Output , Light , Catastrophe , China , Russia , Afghanistan , Differences , Mistakes , Opinion , Divisive , Lie , Changes , Mask , Boat , Cases , Spectacle , Washington , Establishment , Election , Attack , Nonsense , Favor , Efforts , Recollections , Goal , Liz Cheney , Ballot Harvesting , Atrocities , Purpose , Legislation , Extent , Penalties , Goals , Rule Say , Legitimacy , Committee , Account , Book , Aftermath , Approach , Michael Wolf , John Eastman , Vice President , Scheme , Pants , Votes , Workers , Trump , Movement , Populism , Ideas , Borders , Working Class Coalition , Dick Cheney , Halliburton , Bank Account , Defenders , Children , Shove Billions , Seat , Aristocrat , War , Wars , Powers , Left , Company , American History , Policy , Riots , Hypocrisy , Summer Riots , History , Destruction , Mayhem , Pearl Harbor , 2020 , 9 11 , Work , Sanctimonious , Charlatans , Job , Drop , Everyone , Incompetence , Dozens , Lies , Lives , Life , Ground , Crap A Small Business , Contempt , Hand , Single , Mob , White House , Speeches , 2022 , God , Advantage , Sake , Words , Display , Honesty , Three , Communications Director , Midterms , Aoc , F , Leaders , Bs , Wall , Experts , Trust , Technocrats , Heart , Bureaucrats , Face , Way , Message , Hands , The Next Revolution , Guest , Happy New Year , This Week , Clay , Director , Common Sense , Politician , Party , Things , Decision , Response , Case , Teleprompter , Per , Songs , Zoom Version , Honor America Democracy , Cast , Hamilton , Riot , Person , Ashley Babbitt , Reading , Candlelight Vigil , Readers , Steps , United States Capital Considering , Donald Trump , Hearing , Angst , Turmoil , Judiciary , Brett Kavanaugh , Craziness , 40000 , Summer , Twenty , Mind , Unrest , Wisconsin , Wisconsin 10000 And Arizona , 10000 , 150 Million , Persuasions , Water Boil , Matter , Calling Trump , President , Jimmy Carter , Distance , Conspiracy Theory , Idea , Covid , Band , Lab , Instance , Efficacy , Facebook , Chinese , Twitter , Vaccination , Data , Rate , Vaccines , Cough Mask Doesn T Work , Israel , England , Vaccine , Spread , Independent Republican Male And Female They Don T Question Authority , Amount , Debate , Distress , Marketplace , Authoritarianism , Summary , Combination , Tech , Propaganda , Msnbc , Cnn , Journalism , Chris Hayes , Recovery , Victory Lap , Something , Administration , Inflation , Shells , What , Testing , Test , Zone , Gang , Frenzy , Is , Doctor Fauci , Point , Reason , Part , Shortage , Symptoms , Science , Testing Millions , Delusion , Majority , Get Corona , Zero , Vitality , Start , Pcr Test , Variance , Engineer , On High , Infection , Home Antigen Test Doesn T , Others , Results , 12 , Un , Big Business Test , Bureaucracy , Treatments , Money , Waste , Charge , Geniuses , Problem , Technology , Grandma , Risk Test , Disease , Cost , School , Kids , Hardship , Benefit , Masks , Some , Position , Go On , Testing Mania , Omicron , Wave , Fear , Rationality , Governments , Admission Cloth , Return , World , Question , Lockdown , Boris Johnson , Viruses , Means , Waves , Cold , Two , Coronavirus , Haven T , Fifth , Circulation , Endpoint , The Voice , Life Insurance Policy , Retirement , Income , Cash Payment , Friend , Coventry , Life Insurance , Asset , Bills , Pay , Research , Coventry Direct , It , Policy Lapse , Payments , 00000 , 100000 , Number , Insurance , Screen , Worth , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Country , Patronizing , Calculation , Heartland , Ideology , Chuck Todd , Migration , Nbc , 1 Million , Service Industry , 2016 , 2021 , 247000 , Wages , Labor Shortages , Companies , Plenty , Immigration , Politicalization , Parties , Last , Immigration Members , Chart Back , Promises , Lowest , 4 Million , Countries , Jobs , Download , Thought , Business Model Import Cheap Labor , Exploitative Anti , Communities , Leader , Cruel Madness , Scam , West , 2012 , Immigrants , Jobs Americans Won T , Story , Bakery , Chicago , Ice , 800 , Math , African American , 4 , 14 , Ten , Four , 80 , Ten Dollars , Fact , Times , Immigrant , Labor , Savings , Conglomerate , 40 , 500000 , Elites , Benefits , Immigration Law , Sides , Deal , Devil , Aisle , Worker , Shift , Service Industry Positions , Server , Fried Chicken , Dishwasher , First , Plight , , Eyes , Kiosks , Corporations , Fruits , Vegetables , Automation , Stuff , Audience , Groups , Support , Republicans , Increase , Term , Latinx , Progressives , Latina , 19 , Language , Letter A , Gender , O , Objects , Spanish , Form , Hate Crime , Intent , It Binary , Fun , Divide A Generational , Latinos , Termite , Voting Block , 25 , Word , Channels , Generation , Control , Elders , Anything , Podcast , Wolfgang Puck , California Rebel Base , Orders , Shipping Costs , Store , Home , Shipstation , Shipping , Ingredient , Sellers , Choice , Go To Shipstation Com Tv , 2 , 1 , Hotel , Actor , Fox News Alert , Orlando Florida , Hotel Rooms , Signs , Deputies , Orange County , Ritz Carlton , House Written A Claim Of Americans , Tanner , Top , Reaction , Tammy , News , Mr , Dynamic , Act On , Passion , Actions , Put Off , Variant , Couple , Anybody , Act , Sheep , None , Mantle , Color , Champions , Minorities , Dam , Gays , Lesbians , Hispanics , Difference , Women , Futures , Media , Manipulation , Ballot Box , Don T Care , Who , Dishonesty , Cynicism , Men , Punishment , Laughter , Garbage , Didn T Matter , Machine Politicians , Disaster , Comedian , Nation , Age , Full House , 65 , Ashley Strohmier , Comedy Tour , Florida ,

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