Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

the building, overcome by smoke inhalation. firefighters say at least 32 people now have quote life-threatening injuries. this is a new hour of fox to live hello everyone. kirk's more than 200 firefighters responded to the scene within a matter of minutes. crews say icy conditions made it difficult to put out the flames. they were saying the fire was contained to the second and third floors but that the smoke accented to the top of the 19 story building. this tragedy comes just days after a roadhouse fire killed 15 people in philadelphia. alexis mcadams is alive in the bronx now with the very latest, alexis. >> this is absolute heartbreaking here but we talking to neighbors and people of the bronx apartment building behind me said they could not see in front of them because the smoke was so heavy. as new numbers coming in saying at least 19 dead and the apartment fire including several children still working to how many children at this time we are getting conflicting reports in her step out of the way you can take a closer look at this building to forget to some of the scene of video is a five alarm fire that broke out. neighbors and telling me they watched in horror as people on the firefighters had to carry out small children and that burning building. they did everything they could, those of firefighters to save as many people as possible pets get the data right now the five alarm fire breaking out into the 19 story apartment building but that's east 181st street in the bronx. the building's full of family and residents as a family tour through. more than 60 people injured at this time at least 30 of those people have life-threatening injuries this morning dozens calling 911 for help insight at that building. that's at least into action immediately. crews say several floors are full of heavy black smoke spreading properly between the second and third floors. people found all over the building suffering from severe smoke inhalation heart and respiratory respirators the commissioner talk about the tragedy listen. >> what i do know and we have stressed this over and over the door to that apartment was left open causing the fire to spread and the smoke to spread which is always a problem for us. as we see here by the broken windows throughout the building, this fire took its toll on our city. >> now mayor eric adams is out at the scene he speaking as a family search for their loved ones trying to find out what hospital they were taken too. the mayor heartbroken, listen. >> this is one of the worst fires we have witnessed. once again at least 19 people dead, some of them were children working to get exactly how many children were involved. talking to people who were inside of the apartment building arthel and eric we to hear just how brutal this was paid 10:00 a.m. on a sunday morning people were relaxing all the sadness or just smell smoke and within moments they could not see anything in their units. one of the moments on the 12th floor the building she was able to get out so it's her young daughter. she credits the fast action will send it back to break. >> eric, i can see there are people there working. of course i'm sure some of the neighbors are there. have you had a chance yet to talk with any of the neighbors who are wondering about friends inside the building? or perhaps relatives who have arrived on scene because maybe they have some family members inside? what is it like around you right now with neighbors? >> chaotic. these poor people like you mention are one of their family members are okay. there neighbors are like their family members are okay prehearing there is kids involved, so many of these residents are key people injured at hundreds of had to be evacuated paid right now still so early they're trying to figure out exactly some of those details and find out if there neighbors and family members are okay. arthel: i hear people around you i don't know if your able to show us other than what is behind you. can you have your photographer turn the camera around? >> are some crews right here we can show that this is one of the women i just talked a few moments ago she is getting interviewed by the media and now they're trying to do some staging. if we walk a little closer here you can see there are some crews going into the twin peaks northwest apartment building. we take a closer look at this building, arthel, you can see how big this blaze was buried 19 sources apartment is all of those windows are broken as we go up and up. the witness in floors by the fire crews had to break the glass to take as many people out as possible. in hearing from these people saying they watched in horror as they saw their family members and settlement of their loved ones taken away. their selma process of trying to figure out if they are okay and what hospital they went too. >> alright alexis mcadams mcadams there on scene in the bronx at this tragic and horrific story they are, thank you alexis we will get back to you, eric. eric: joining us now the captain's representative of the uniform fire officers association that represents new york city's firefighters. it is a 19 story brick and steel building built in 1972. do we know about smoke alarms or building alarms? or sprinklers in this building? >> to be honest with you, the fire is under investigation as we speak. so i would not be able to discuss that. i know the commissioner also when he was interviewed said the same thing. not one 100% sure of all the particulars about the building. i was not in the building. >> one of the things the commissioner pointed out in that is the door to one of the apartments the duplex second or third floor where the fire apparently started for the front door was left open. we have had twitter alerts throughout the holiday season because of christmas trees from the mayor's office and the fire department saying if there is a fire, close the door. why is that so important in terms of the spread of the smoke and the flames? >> when you close the door you contain the smoke and the fire to the area where it is. and so when you leave the door open you cannot tell how wind conditions, open windows will pull fire. there is a ventilation system within the building whether or not that will pull smoke into other areas of the building. but if i could i mean i appreciate you guys having me on pretty just want everybody to understand our thoughts and prayers are with the families of all of the victims. we continue to pray for those who are still the hospital. many with serious injuries but on top of that the fire companies that responded, i note they gave everything they had to do whatever they could for these families. many of the men and women who responded have children of their own. eric: absolutely. we certainly second that paraded you mention new york's bravest, the firefighters were seeing video right now attend to some victim in that fire. tell us about what it is like? we are in the fire company are called to the situation the mayor even said some of the firefighters ran out of oxygen in their oxygen tanks. they went back in. these are the most bravest, courageous people we have in this country. the first line, first responders who risked their lives to help their fellow citizens. >> to be honest with you when you show up on a fire, no two fires are the same. our guidelines for fighting fires are exactly that, they are guidelines. you never know what you're going to encounter when you show up. i am not surprised to hear the members that work for the fire department and the city of new york went back in, even without air. that is who they are, that is what they do on a regular basis. it is very difficult to know what you're walking into. and so that is why we train constantly. and our members are some of the best in the world for what they do. eric: and finally the sense, if you can for our audience, reminder of how deadly fire can be pretty easy to panic, run out and not close the door. the worst fire 30 years ago happy land disco was in 1997 there's only one egress from the locked doors, people cannot get albert what is your best advice for those watching at home now to think again and think twice when you do with fire safety? >> if you could close the door , i know there are many advertisements throughout the holiday season about closing the door. if you can close the door you are going to save lives. and in most instances i cannot speak about this fire in particular, in most instances when a building that is fireproof if you stay in your apartment usually are going to be okay. unfortunately this particular instance were going to have to see what conclusions the investigations come too. most fireproof multiple dwellings if you stay in your apartment, close the door going to be okay. so close the door and in fireproof multiple dwelling stay put brick works three. eric: very good advice hard to keep in mind. >> almost impossible, our hearts go out to everybody's been affected by this. we really appreciate as having me on. eric: we present your work in the work of the fire crossers across the country. of the fire officers association here in new york city. thank you. more on the fire throughout our newscast let's move onto some other stories now. and chicago public school students there will not be going back to classrooms tomorrow. the standoff is continuing to to the teachers union and the city. classes have been canceled since wednesday after a majority of the teachers union members voted to return to remote learning because of the search of, chronic cases in chicago. mayor lori lightfoot has been slamming the teachers union sing the best, safest place for the kids is to be back in school. >> with the chicago's teacher did was an illegal walkout they abandon their posts in the abandoned kids and their families. we can get a deal done at this goodwill on both sides. but fundamentally what we cannot do is abandon the science. >> charles watson now at the very latest that there's going to be school tuesday does not look like at high charles recollects look at the two sides do not come to an agreement quickly they are looking a fourth may be even more days of school closures for chicago public school children. among the biggest issue is remote learning. the chicago teachers union want schools to resume first virtually and then transition back into the classroom. once that happens the union's newest offer calls for action that says will make schools safer including random weekly school-based testing programs the union says students can opt out of for this comes a chicago public schools report more than a tenfold increase in infections among students and staff over the last two weeks with nearly 11000 in quarantine the union president says their plan is the best way to keep everyone safe moving forward. >> give parents the clarity we would begin instruction next week. and we would begin in person instruction after a period of time or we could get students signed up it's not a long and definite. where schools are remote. i know that has been a concern. >> and chicago mayor lori lightfoot maintained schools are safe places for children was quick to shoot the idea down on twitter accusing union leadership of not listening and calling for a return to in person learning immediately. lightfoot to eating that is what parents want that's what the science supports we will not relent. the two sites are reportedly in agreement on the number of union demands including providing ppe and schools in implementing health screeners but neither is said to be budging on virtual learning and now and the metrics that would lead to a virtual learning in the future. a group of frustrated parents are now suing the teachers union for an alleged illegal strike say they understand safety concerns. but something's got to give. >> the bottom line is our resource they were first in line for vaccines, they are first aligned for ppe, they are first in line for the boosters enough is enough we've got to get these kids back in school. >> despite all this mayor lori lightfoot said she believes a deal can be done before the end of the weekend. she says they will not be budging on the idea that science made it schools a safe place for students, erica. eric: thanks charles very much. >> the present and very clear once he schools to be open. including in chicago and including across the country. he believes not having them open as you have touched on impacts the mental health of children. we have seen that very. >> i mentioned before many kids get their nutritional support in school over 7 million kids get mental health services. it's obvious and important vehicle for understanding child abuse not to mention just the loneliness of factor and the potential for depression, suicide, drug abuse very. >> we all know in your more isolated you will search a developmental health illnesses because this is something that's already a problem in america. >> politicians and parents alike are pushing for kids to return to school pointing to the damaging mental health effects of remote learning for the cdc reports emergency department visits for suspected suicide attempts among 12 -- 17 -year-olds were up two and half times higher than the summer of 2020 and more than two times higher than this number from 201,918, this winter. doctor benjamin miller he is the president of well-being trust. if you could, before we go any further i would like you to explain to us from your perspective just how this impacts the mental health of our children. >> first, thank you for having me on and thank you for covering such an important topic like mental health. schools are the most important foundation first children's development sprayed that includes mental health. try them taken away from learning is one thing for the other things they lose our social connections. they learn what it's like to process those emotions that are so heavy on all of us right now with their friends when they are right there with them. they learn what it is like to fail, to be able to get back up they learn resilience they learned so many different factors that not being there especially during these trying times makes it that much worse. as part of the reason why the stats you mentioned at the top or so concerning. you have children's hospitals in pediatric societies declaring a national mental health emergency, this should be number one issues for all of us. it should be the one thing we want to wake up every day and do something about. >> of course, you have parents and guardians forced to take on a more concentrated role as a therapist. do you have any advice on what to say to children for those guardians and parents and how to approach behavior in their children brought on by the school closures? they have probably never experienced before break works absolutely these are new times for all of us right now. what i would say to a parent which is what i say to myself as a parent is number one we've got to take care of our own mental health. we are not going to be good to her kids if we don't talk about how we are feeling. this right now is going of the school closures can be anxiety provoking. the uncertainty are our kids going to go to the school are they going to be safe that takes a coal toll on parents. talk to your spouse, your loved one, your friends, your colleagues make sure you can process your own emotion and then turn to your kids. sit down with them, have that conversation. ask them how they are doing how they are really doing. be prepared when the answer might be something unexpected. if your kids are not talking about this at their not talk about how they feel are their own fears and anxiety might be time to knock on the door but might be time to sit down with them on the couch and have a difficult conversation. that is one of the most healing things we can do. >> indeed i want to look right now to 2021 survey firm and robert children hospital of chicago when asked what is the most unhealthy for your child 30% said social isolation followed by 27% sink remote learning was most unhealthy, too much screen time at 22% too. and you've got fear of the virus and lack of physical activity pulling up the rear with 11 and 7%. again this is taken a mental toll on the parents as well. you told me a little bit, but really how can parents and nurture their own mental health at these times? and also should parents are what you think parents should take off of their list of things that make them feel guilty right there here? >> let's her that second part first. we need to recognize as a parent there's a lot of things about this virus we cannot control. sometimes feelings of guilt come about we try to control things we simply can't. you want to do more for kids there's not much we can do here with this virus. we are doing all weekend getting her vaccines are protecting our kids those things matter. but as a parent it sometimes difficult for us to even accept we have all these things going on because we are too busy trying to take care of those around us. that's what i said a minute ago i think it's time as a nation for us to really come face-to-face with this issue of mental health. we were not doing a good job before covered were not doing a great job now. this is a moment for us to be able to do something meaningful for mental health. >> so very important we will definitely continue this conversation because it is not going away anytime soon. as you said it's even more prevalent than it was before. we'll have you again to join us on "fox news live" doctor benjamin miller president of well-being trust rate thank you very much. >> thank you. arthel: we of course our following updates on the bronx after the horrific fire this morning. at least 19 people were killed. officials are investigating what sparked the flames appeared will continue 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with the very latest on that. >> hi eric. speaking of the supreme court brett baier at the cdc director doctor michelle wolinsky about supreme court justice sonya's comment over 100,000 children are in hospitals in serious condition many on ventilators. >> comparatively the risk of death is small but of course children can die. if we have a child who is sick with covid-19, we want to make sure that shokin want to protect them. >> other supreme court justices also waiting on vaccines. >> we know the best way to prevent spread is for people to get vaccinated. >> as i remember and the filings, that the younger worker to the 20 -year-olds who are unvaccinated are actually safer than the older workers who are not vaccinated. there's obviously some differences. >> the washington post fact checked her a four pin oak is at the highest on the scale sink she went off the rails with her claim and also called it wildly inaccurate. wolinsky acknowledged the correct answer for kids in the hospital is 3500 prints a medical expert said covered mortality in children is not much different than the chickenpox. dr. walensky warned not to take it lightly despite low desperate quick restart is he data from other countries that indicate on a person by person basis it may not be. but however given the volume of cases we are seeing with omicron wheat. well macy death rates rise dramatically. >> the osha mandate requires companies with 100 more plays have been vaccinated or if they remain unvaccinated with core them to wear masks and submit to weekly testing but that is supposed to go into effect tomorrow, eric. arthel: texas governor greg abbott officially announcing his run for reelection. the republican made a statement from mcallen, texas on the border towns that has been inundated with migrants the past year. abbott said border safety and security will be a major focus of his campaign. bill is live in la jolla texas with the details, bill pay. >> arthel good evening to you. it's not surprise governor abbott chosen city mccown to make his announcement. mcallen was having tens of thousands of illegal immigrants dumped into their city by the federal government eventually released into the interior of the country pre-part of the activity here and the rio grande valley as a whole take a look at the video shot here yesterday in la jolla texas for its menacing bit of a slower week out here but still activity just not the massive groups were used to seeing more individuals and smaller families as well as runners being apprehended even with the slower week the source on fox news since october them in more than one or 40000 apprehensions in this rio grande valley sector alone. you mention governor abbott being here yesterday take a look at the video was shot yesterday again, officially announcing in mcallen yesterday he will be running for governor yet again for he is of course making the border a central part of his campaign. he has been blasting the bite administration all year long center failing to secure the border. texas is had to step up with hundreds of minds of its own dollar sending texas troopers, sending the national guard, building the texas wall. he said he has to secure the board himself and that should not be texas his job, take a listen. >> deployed thousands of national guard troops and vps officers to secure the border, to correct that on the of the deadly dangerous drug offense and all to arrest and jail criminals. and now, texas is building its own border wall. >> speaking of that border wall, this was last month we were out here in governor abbott officially made the announcement of the start of construction of the border wall this is an rio grande city, the beginning of an initial 1.7-mile stretch of that border wall. the idea being that is going to connect areas where there is no federal again it's being paid for by the state of texas ever since the federal government under president biden stop building its own border wall. then take a look at his opponent this is former apostle congressman o'rourke a democrat taking a drastically different approach of the border. he said it's a complete waste of texas taxpayer money to be building the wall or sending the national guard down here. he said governor abbott does not note border communities want too. this is going to set up a big head-to-head matchup to figure out what voters in the state of texas want when it comes to the border and border security. back out here live it is obviously not going to be just texas at the forefront of the border crisis it's a much bigger picture than that. the border crisis is going to play big part in the 2022 midterms as well when you look at the national picture but will send it back to you. survive thank you very much eric break. eric: more details on that horrific city. nineteen people were killed early this morning and that horrible tragedy in this building you are looking at age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® 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over three decades. the five alarm fire started in this high-rise building in the bronx at 11:00 a.m. this morning. fire crews making dramatic rescues pulling of babies out of windows as well as pets. the smoke and flames and poured out of that building. officials say many of the dead found in stairways throughout the building. some from cardiac arrest and smoke inhalation bird firefighters at least 32 people have life-threatening injuries. justice mcadams is live in the bronx at the scene with the very latest hello alexis. >> hi eric if it is just heartbreaking these numbers continue to roll in. as you mentioned 19 people did not make it out alive, out of the apartment building behind me in the bronx neighborhood. nine of those people who died were kids. we that death toll could rise some of the poor enter take a look at the building behind me it's a 19 story apartment building here in new york city in the city bronx neighborhood. the fire breaking out around 11:00 a.m. today. it was a five alarm fire. this pulled out everybody that they had on decca. it is near east 181st street in the cities bronx. that building was full of families, kids and residents as they fire tore through floor by floor. more than 60 people were injured at least 30 people have life-threatening injuries. for take a look at some of the video we've gathered throughout the day of the aftermath of this blaze. this morning dozens calling 91 for help, sending at least 200 fdny firefighters out into action by those firefighters going up on the ladders, breaking those windows in the apartment complex and pulling out men, women, kids trying to do everything they could to save those people. people i talked to in site-specific on the 12th floor one of those women said she grabbed her daughter tried to run out but that thick black smoke was too much to bear, take a listen. >> i couldn't function i'm one of the fire department took my daughter away i could not find her. i was devastated to be honest i just want to make sure all of my people are safe a big part of my family already. something we have never been through before. thank god we are safe, you know? >> fire crews are still out here in the bronx trying to figure out exactly how the blazes start up or they believe it's concentrated on the second and third floor that is what mostly had serious, serious damage. hearing from people and 12, 13, 14 floors and of their apartments were full of that black smoke. that things spread rapidly through the building. as we heard from the fire commissioner said one of the units for the fire started the door was left open which ended up having this fire spread at an even faster pace. it's unbelievable to see if the fire crews were able to do. they're still evacuating hundreds of people that live inside. the mayor saying this is one of the worst fires he has witnessed during the modern times here in new york city. still working to get as many updates as possible. we are expecting a mayor eric adams to come back into the city bronx neighborhood in the next hour to give us an update will have that live here in back to you. eric: waiting for that. meanwhile alexis the meeting the door was open on the second or third floor apartment. fire officials say lead but close the door. if you are in a modern building sometimes it's safer to stay in your apartment for this of the fire in the bronx yesterday morning. for alarm caused by a lithium battery that had 100 fires in new york city of course it's far too early to determine what the cause of this was. you do bring a good point up about closing the door and perhaps staying in your apartment. many of the victims are found in the stairwells. we know anything about alarms or smoke alarms people saying they only knew about it they heard screaming and saw flames and smoke. >> we are working to find out, eric, if the fire alarms and smoke detectors and all of the other equipment were working inside of that building. i did talk to when the fire crews are on scene said that's going to take a little bit of time to figure out they have to go back inside the building. this have to see how stable the building is so many floors of the fire tear through. going to the point about people running out. some people tell me they did not hear an alarm it happen so quickly that the smoke inside their apartment so they tried to run out into the hallway. that's where they sought even more heavy smoke and then some flames. many people were collapsing in the hallway including small children. to talk to those people who live next door to many of those kids now they are wondering where they okay? did they make it out? or the nine kids it died in the 19 overall but did not make it out of the apartment building here in the bronx. eric: our prayers are with them just a matter of how fast it can spread alexis in the bronx thank you. arthel: joint is not the phone's bronx borough president vanessa. miss gibson if you can hear me, first i want to acknowledge our heartfelt condolences and support as we report on this horrible tragedy. if you could tell us about the community there at the twin parks building? >> i am first and foremost absolutely devastated. my heart is breaking for so many residents and families whose lives have been changed all because of this fire this morning. i want to send condolences to those who lost their lives including those precious children, our babies. i'm here on the scene now convening a meeting with the elected officials and city agencies. it is just devastating for this is a working-class building, many immigrant families, families from west africa from latin communities, african-american committees, older residents many have lived there for many, many years longtime residents. getting this awakening early sunday morning there's a fire in your building, people were running for their lives. they were desperate to get to safety. they're grabbing their pets and their children, running for safety. talking to the commissioner in hearing about bodies being found in the hallways and stairwells, it breaks my heart. i have never seen anything like this is my time of being an elected official part of want to assure all residents were going to do all we can to help the families in need. arthel: i want to talk more about that in a moment part i went to ask you i'm not sure how quickly were able to get there, but if you could tell us what you did see when you first arrived there on scene at the twin parks building? >> i saw a lot of structures, ems, a lot of firefighters have responded part looked at the front of the building, so many broken buildings windows fire, remnants of burning on the building. the fire was under control when we arrived, but this has been painful it's been painful for the last several hours to see this in person and in the evacuation site which is a neighboring school. we are working to trios residents who need medical care. clothing, other essential items for the american red cross is on the scene. we are going to do our part this is really horrific. i cannot believe we had a devastating fire that's taken the lives of so many residents including children. we have a number of other residents right now who are hospitalized with serious injuries. and we have to pray for them. a lot of smoke inhalation, a lot of damage to people's lungs are some of the injuries we have learned. but we just want to continue to pray for those in the hospital. arthel: we are praying right there with you. of course firefighting's are doing heroic work they're trying to save as many lives as possible and of course mayor eric adams was on scene i'm understanding from alexis mcadams he's planning to return. >> yes at 5:00 o'clock break works okay thank you. is bronx borough president what do you need to help the residents of the twin parks building? what are you preparing for the coming days, weeks, months? >> in the coming days initially were preparing for shelter for temporary shelter for residents that are not able to go back into their apartment. we're waiting for word on the damage to the apartment in terms of any full, vacate or partial vacate. will be able to determine how many people need tempering hotel accommodations. some residents will be able to find shelter with family members and friends for the next couple of days. we are assessing how many children, how many pets were going to need financial assistance, clothing a lot of essential products feminine items, toiletries for families who not able to go into their home. children need to go back to school this week we have a number of children that are involved are going to need children's clothing as well. were going to put everything together because everyone has been calling and offering help from food, to clothing, to shelter, everything. we are grateful. were grateful for the outpouring of love extended from fellow new yorkers. arthel: this is what new york is at its best requests absolutely we are. arthel: you are definitely going to get everything you need. we are going to stay on top of this to help support you and the community there at the twin parks building. bronx borough president vanessa gibson thank you very much good luck to our prayers are with you indeed and we'll be right back. >> thank you so much. thank you, thank you. arthel: of course we'll be right back. isor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit eric: high-level talks in geneva today of russia's military buildup on the ukrainian border. the first time the sides are talking since president biden spoke by telephone with russian president vladimir putin a couple weeks ago. this comes amid fears putin may be planning an invasion of ukraine. are using that threat to try to get concessions in the u.s. life in geneva switzerland where those talks and they have dinner tonight hi greg. >> exactly, eric. we are outside the u.s. mission that's the main crucial talks between u.s. and russia will be happening tomorrow. but you are right, they've already start informally tonight. deputy secretary posting for a working dinner and the russian emergency the table talk was a generally positive which is good or bad news depending on how you look at a further 100,000 russian troops to the border with ukraine. the threat of an invasion along with demands by russian president vladimir putin for ukraine and others to stay out of nato and the troops and arms of the u.s. led alliance to back off from russia. here's a secretary blink and describes the choices. >> i don't if the decision has been made it's clear we have offered them two paths forward. one is through diplomacy and dialogue, the other is through deterrence and massive consequences for russia if it renews its aggression against ukraine but were about to test a proposition which path president putin wants to take this week. >> according to the u.s. the demands being made are really non- starters for the u.s. threatening serious consequences including toughening of sanctions and a toughening of defenses if russia does invade. there are some areas the u.s. reportedly is ready to discuss including pulling back on some military exercises and the deployment of missiles but it's not clear that will be enough for the biden administration is already catching flak for agreeing to these talks after moscow played regional bully for the last 20 minutes or so we got a statement from the state department they stress a pretty hard line with russia in these first round of talks. we will set happens tomorrow. wednesday goes to nato and beyond, tough times back to you. eric: thank you so much putin playing his games, arthel. arthel: and historian court details of the high-stakes hearing taking place just a few hours from now. ♪ ♪ they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. ♪ ♪ i was not expecting to learn about my heart health with tylenol dissolve packs. from my genetic reports. but now that i have this info it feels like i can take even more control of my health. it's the most meaningful way to start the new year. now just $129. ♪ ♪ at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director your first course. and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. arthel: will return to australia court hearing to find out if he will be allowed to compete in the australian open for the court will decide whether the world's number one men's tennis player has a valid medical exemption from the country's strict covid vaccination rules. trait joint is now with the details. >> good afternoon tennis star novak djokovic will virtually appear before judge in the coming hours to discuss a deportation case that is stirring controversy around the world with the number one tennis player has been held since thursday in an australian detention hotel after his visa was canceled at the melbourne airport. djokovic have been granted a medical exemption to play in the australian open despite being not vaccine against covid-19 34 year old had coronavirus last month but also in border officials ruled he does not meet the criteria for an exemption. as he awaits the court case that will determine his fate, supporters of djokovic gathered outside his hotel this weekend calling for the tennis player to be released. >> all night i have not slept since he come off the plane. we are sick to the >>. like every parent you would never expect this to happen to her child it's very upsetting. >> the debacle over whether djokovic should be able to enter a strong has become an intern a political issue. also your laws related to entry during the pandemic is buried on the state and federal level to the health minister for the state of victoria's sake this case should be decided at the commonwealth a level pedestrian open is set to begin on the 17th of january. this week will be critical to find a solution for tennis star djokovic, arthel. arthel: thank you very much. eric: about 15 minutes or so we do expect a news compass of new york city mayor eric adams and near governor of the devastating fire in the bronx this morning as we head to reporting on the fox news channel 19 people were killed including nine children read dozens of people injured in that building you see there live it. the fire starting in the second or third floor. fire officials think if you have a fire close the door. apparently the smoke spread and arthel, it is just so shocking and heartbreaking these horrible things happen. there was one of philadelphia and now this. arthel: it really is we cannot take any moment for granted please do keep all those residents there and their families and loved ones in your prayers. we will continue with more of this horrible tragedy there in the bronx, new york city. stay right here on fox news channel. , one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. one gram of sugar, ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

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the building, overcome by smoke inhalation. firefighters say at least 32 people now have quote life-threatening injuries. this is a new hour of fox to live hello everyone. kirk's more than 200 firefighters responded to the scene within a matter of minutes. crews say icy conditions made it difficult to put out the flames. they were saying the fire was contained to the second and third floors but that the smoke accented to the top of the 19 story building. this tragedy comes just days after a roadhouse fire killed 15 people in philadelphia. alexis mcadams is alive in the bronx now with the very latest, alexis. >> this is absolute heartbreaking here but we talking to neighbors and people of the bronx apartment building behind me said they could not see in front of them because the smoke was so heavy. as new numbers coming in saying at least 19 dead and the apartment fire including several children still working to how many children at this time we are getting conflicting reports in her step out of the way you can take a closer look at this building to forget to some of the scene of video is a five alarm fire that broke out. neighbors and telling me they watched in horror as people on the firefighters had to carry out small children and that burning building. they did everything they could, those of firefighters to save as many people as possible pets get the data right now the five alarm fire breaking out into the 19 story apartment building but that's east 181st street in the bronx. the building's full of family and residents as a family tour through. more than 60 people injured at this time at least 30 of those people have life-threatening injuries this morning dozens calling 911 for help insight at that building. that's at least into action immediately. crews say several floors are full of heavy black smoke spreading properly between the second and third floors. people found all over the building suffering from severe smoke inhalation heart and respiratory respirators the commissioner talk about the tragedy listen. >> what i do know and we have stressed this over and over the door to that apartment was left open causing the fire to spread and the smoke to spread which is always a problem for us. as we see here by the broken windows throughout the building, this fire took its toll on our city. >> now mayor eric adams is out at the scene he speaking as a family search for their loved ones trying to find out what hospital they were taken too. the mayor heartbroken, listen. >> this is one of the worst fires we have witnessed. once again at least 19 people dead, some of them were children working to get exactly how many children were involved. talking to people who were inside of the apartment building arthel and eric we to hear just how brutal this was paid 10:00 a.m. on a sunday morning people were relaxing all the sadness or just smell smoke and within moments they could not see anything in their units. one of the moments on the 12th floor the building she was able to get out so it's her young daughter. she credits the fast action will send it back to break. >> eric, i can see there are people there working. of course i'm sure some of the neighbors are there. have you had a chance yet to talk with any of the neighbors who are wondering about friends inside the building? or perhaps relatives who have arrived on scene because maybe they have some family members inside? what is it like around you right now with neighbors? >> chaotic. these poor people like you mention are one of their family members are okay. there neighbors are like their family members are okay prehearing there is kids involved, so many of these residents are key people injured at hundreds of had to be evacuated paid right now still so early they're trying to figure out exactly some of those details and find out if there neighbors and family members are okay. arthel: i hear people around you i don't know if your able to show us other than what is behind you. can you have your photographer turn the camera around? >> are some crews right here we can show that this is one of the women i just talked a few moments ago she is getting interviewed by the media and now they're trying to do some staging. if we walk a little closer here you can see there are some crews going into the twin peaks northwest apartment building. we take a closer look at this building, arthel, you can see how big this blaze was buried 19 sources apartment is all of those windows are broken as we go up and up. the witness in floors by the fire crews had to break the glass to take as many people out as possible. in hearing from these people saying they watched in horror as they saw their family members and settlement of their loved ones taken away. their selma process of trying to figure out if they are okay and what hospital they went too. >> alright alexis mcadams mcadams there on scene in the bronx at this tragic and horrific story they are, thank you alexis we will get back to you, eric. eric: joining us now the captain's representative of the uniform fire officers association that represents new york city's firefighters. it is a 19 story brick and steel building built in 1972. do we know about smoke alarms or building alarms? or sprinklers in this building? >> to be honest with you, the fire is under investigation as we speak. so i would not be able to discuss that. i know the commissioner also when he was interviewed said the same thing. not one 100% sure of all the particulars about the building. i was not in the building. >> one of the things the commissioner pointed out in that is the door to one of the apartments the duplex second or third floor where the fire apparently started for the front door was left open. we have had twitter alerts throughout the holiday season because of christmas trees from the mayor's office and the fire department saying if there is a fire, close the door. why is that so important in terms of the spread of the smoke and the flames? >> when you close the door you contain the smoke and the fire to the area where it is. and so when you leave the door open you cannot tell how wind conditions, open windows will pull fire. there is a ventilation system within the building whether or not that will pull smoke into other areas of the building. but if i could i mean i appreciate you guys having me on pretty just want everybody to understand our thoughts and prayers are with the families of all of the victims. we continue to pray for those who are still the hospital. many with serious injuries but on top of that the fire companies that responded, i note they gave everything they had to do whatever they could for these families. many of the men and women who responded have children of their own. eric: absolutely. we certainly second that paraded you mention new york's bravest, the firefighters were seeing video right now attend to some victim in that fire. tell us about what it is like? we are in the fire company are called to the situation the mayor even said some of the firefighters ran out of oxygen in their oxygen tanks. they went back in. these are the most bravest, courageous people we have in this country. the first line, first responders who risked their lives to help their fellow citizens. >> to be honest with you when you show up on a fire, no two fires are the same. our guidelines for fighting fires are exactly that, they are guidelines. you never know what you're going to encounter when you show up. i am not surprised to hear the members that work for the fire department and the city of new york went back in, even without air. that is who they are, that is what they do on a regular basis. it is very difficult to know what you're walking into. and so that is why we train constantly. and our members are some of the best in the world for what they do. eric: and finally the sense, if you can for our audience, reminder of how deadly fire can be pretty easy to panic, run out and not close the door. the worst fire 30 years ago happy land disco was in 1997 there's only one egress from the locked doors, people cannot get albert what is your best advice for those watching at home now to think again and think twice when you do with fire safety? >> if you could close the door , i know there are many advertisements throughout the holiday season about closing the door. if you can close the door you are going to save lives. and in most instances i cannot speak about this fire in particular, in most instances when a building that is fireproof if you stay in your apartment usually are going to be okay. unfortunately this particular instance were going to have to see what conclusions the investigations come too. most fireproof multiple dwellings if you stay in your apartment, close the door going to be okay. so close the door and in fireproof multiple dwelling stay put brick works three. eric: very good advice hard to keep in mind. >> almost impossible, our hearts go out to everybody's been affected by this. we really appreciate as having me on. eric: we present your work in the work of the fire crossers across the country. of the fire officers association here in new york city. thank you. more on the fire throughout our newscast let's move onto some other stories now. and chicago public school students there will not be going back to classrooms tomorrow. the standoff is continuing to to the teachers union and the city. classes have been canceled since wednesday after a majority of the teachers union members voted to return to remote learning because of the search of, chronic cases in chicago. mayor lori lightfoot has been slamming the teachers union sing the best, safest place for the kids is to be back in school. >> with the chicago's teacher did was an illegal walkout they abandon their posts in the abandoned kids and their families. we can get a deal done at this goodwill on both sides. but fundamentally what we cannot do is abandon the science. >> charles watson now at the very latest that there's going to be school tuesday does not look like at high charles recollects look at the two sides do not come to an agreement quickly they are looking a fourth may be even more days of school closures for chicago public school children. among the biggest issue is remote learning. the chicago teachers union want schools to resume first virtually and then transition back into the classroom. once that happens the union's newest offer calls for action that says will make schools safer including random weekly school-based testing programs the union says students can opt out of for this comes a chicago public schools report more than a tenfold increase in infections among students and staff over the last two weeks with nearly 11000 in quarantine the union president says their plan is the best way to keep everyone safe moving forward. >> give parents the clarity we would begin instruction next week. and we would begin in person instruction after a period of time or we could get students signed up it's not a long and definite. where schools are remote. i know that has been a concern. >> and chicago mayor lori lightfoot maintained schools are safe places for children was quick to shoot the idea down on twitter accusing union leadership of not listening and calling for a return to in person learning immediately. lightfoot to eating that is what parents want that's what the science supports we will not relent. the two sites are reportedly in agreement on the number of union demands including providing ppe and schools in implementing health screeners but neither is said to be budging on virtual learning and now and the metrics that would lead to a virtual learning in the future. a group of frustrated parents are now suing the teachers union for an alleged illegal strike say they understand safety concerns. but something's got to give. >> the bottom line is our resource they were first in line for vaccines, they are first aligned for ppe, they are first in line for the boosters enough is enough we've got to get these kids back in school. >> despite all this mayor lori lightfoot said she believes a deal can be done before the end of the weekend. she says they will not be budging on the idea that science made it schools a safe place for students, erica. eric: thanks charles very much. >> the present and very clear once he schools to be open. including in chicago and including across the country. he believes not having them open as you have touched on impacts the mental health of children. we have seen that very. >> i mentioned before many kids get their nutritional support in school over 7 million kids get mental health services. it's obvious and important vehicle for understanding child abuse not to mention just the loneliness of factor and the potential for depression, suicide, drug abuse very. >> we all know in your more isolated you will search a developmental health illnesses because this is something that's already a problem in america. >> politicians and parents alike are pushing for kids to return to school pointing to the damaging mental health effects of remote learning for the cdc reports emergency department visits for suspected suicide attempts among 12 -- 17 -year-olds were up two and half times higher than the summer of 2020 and more than two times higher than this number from 201,918, this winter. doctor benjamin miller he is the president of well-being trust. if you could, before we go any further i would like you to explain to us from your perspective just how this impacts the mental health of our children. >> first, thank you for having me on and thank you for covering such an important topic like mental health. schools are the most important foundation first children's development sprayed that includes mental health. try them taken away from learning is one thing for the other things they lose our social connections. they learn what it's like to process those emotions that are so heavy on all of us right now with their friends when they are right there with them. they learn what it is like to fail, to be able to get back up they learn resilience they learned so many different factors that not being there especially during these trying times makes it that much worse. as part of the reason why the stats you mentioned at the top or so concerning. you have children's hospitals in pediatric societies declaring a national mental health emergency, this should be number one issues for all of us. it should be the one thing we want to wake up every day and do something about. >> of course, you have parents and guardians forced to take on a more concentrated role as a therapist. do you have any advice on what to say to children for those guardians and parents and how to approach behavior in their children brought on by the school closures? they have probably never experienced before break works absolutely these are new times for all of us right now. what i would say to a parent which is what i say to myself as a parent is number one we've got to take care of our own mental health. we are not going to be good to her kids if we don't talk about how we are feeling. this right now is going of the school closures can be anxiety provoking. the uncertainty are our kids going to go to the school are they going to be safe that takes a coal toll on parents. talk to your spouse, your loved one, your friends, your colleagues make sure you can process your own emotion and then turn to your kids. sit down with them, have that conversation. ask them how they are doing how they are really doing. be prepared when the answer might be something unexpected. if your kids are not talking about this at their not talk about how they feel are their own fears and anxiety might be time to knock on the door but might be time to sit down with them on the couch and have a difficult conversation. that is one of the most healing things we can do. >> indeed i want to look right now to 2021 survey firm and robert children hospital of chicago when asked what is the most unhealthy for your child 30% said social isolation followed by 27% sink remote learning was most unhealthy, too much screen time at 22% too. and you've got fear of the virus and lack of physical activity pulling up the rear with 11 and 7%. again this is taken a mental toll on the parents as well. you told me a little bit, but really how can parents and nurture their own mental health at these times? and also should parents are what you think parents should take off of their list of things that make them feel guilty right there here? >> let's her that second part first. we need to recognize as a parent there's a lot of things about this virus we cannot control. sometimes feelings of guilt come about we try to control things we simply can't. you want to do more for kids there's not much we can do here with this virus. we are doing all weekend getting her vaccines are protecting our kids those things matter. but as a parent it sometimes difficult for us to even accept we have all these things going on because we are too busy trying to take care of those around us. that's what i said a minute ago i think it's time as a nation for us to really come face-to-face with this issue of mental health. we were not doing a good job before covered were not doing a great job now. this is a moment for us to be able to do something meaningful for mental health. >> so very important we will definitely continue this conversation because it is not going away anytime soon. as you said it's even more prevalent than it was before. we'll have you again to join us on "fox news live" doctor benjamin miller president of well-being trust rate thank you very much. >> thank you. arthel: we of course our following updates on the bronx after the horrific fire this morning. at least 19 people were killed. officials are investigating what sparked the flames appeared will continue 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with the very latest on that. >> hi eric. speaking of the supreme court brett baier at the cdc director doctor michelle wolinsky about supreme court justice sonya's comment over 100,000 children are in hospitals in serious condition many on ventilators. >> comparatively the risk of death is small but of course children can die. if we have a child who is sick with covid-19, we want to make sure that shokin want to protect them. >> other supreme court justices also waiting on vaccines. >> we know the best way to prevent spread is for people to get vaccinated. >> as i remember and the filings, that the younger worker to the 20 -year-olds who are unvaccinated are actually safer than the older workers who are not vaccinated. there's obviously some differences. >> the washington post fact checked her a four pin oak is at the highest on the scale sink she went off the rails with her claim and also called it wildly inaccurate. wolinsky acknowledged the correct answer for kids in the hospital is 3500 prints a medical expert said covered mortality in children is not much different than the chickenpox. dr. walensky warned not to take it lightly despite low desperate quick restart is he data from other countries that indicate on a person by person basis it may not be. but however given the volume of cases we are seeing with omicron wheat. well macy death rates rise dramatically. >> the osha mandate requires companies with 100 more plays have been vaccinated or if they remain unvaccinated with core them to wear masks and submit to weekly testing but that is supposed to go into effect tomorrow, eric. arthel: texas governor greg abbott officially announcing his run for reelection. the republican made a statement from mcallen, texas on the border towns that has been inundated with migrants the past year. abbott said border safety and security will be a major focus of his campaign. bill is live in la jolla texas with the details, bill pay. >> arthel good evening to you. it's not surprise governor abbott chosen city mccown to make his announcement. mcallen was having tens of thousands of illegal immigrants dumped into their city by the federal government eventually released into the interior of the country pre-part of the activity here and the rio grande valley as a whole take a look at the video shot here yesterday in la jolla texas for its menacing bit of a slower week out here but still activity just not the massive groups were used to seeing more individuals and smaller families as well as runners being apprehended even with the slower week the source on fox news since october them in more than one or 40000 apprehensions in this rio grande valley sector alone. you mention governor abbott being here yesterday take a look at the video was shot yesterday again, officially announcing in mcallen yesterday he will be running for governor yet again for he is of course making the border a central part of his campaign. he has been blasting the bite administration all year long center failing to secure the border. texas is had to step up with hundreds of minds of its own dollar sending texas troopers, sending the national guard, building the texas wall. he said he has to secure the board himself and that should not be texas his job, take a listen. >> deployed thousands of national guard troops and vps officers to secure the border, to correct that on the of the deadly dangerous drug offense and all to arrest and jail criminals. and now, texas is building its own border wall. >> speaking of that border wall, this was last month we were out here in governor abbott officially made the announcement of the start of construction of the border wall this is an rio grande city, the beginning of an initial 1.7-mile stretch of that border wall. the idea being that is going to connect areas where there is no federal again it's being paid for by the state of texas ever since the federal government under president biden stop building its own border wall. then take a look at his opponent this is former apostle congressman o'rourke a democrat taking a drastically different approach of the border. he said it's a complete waste of texas taxpayer money to be building the wall or sending the national guard down here. he said governor abbott does not note border communities want too. this is going to set up a big head-to-head matchup to figure out what voters in the state of texas want when it comes to the border and border security. back out here live it is obviously not going to be just texas at the forefront of the border crisis it's a much bigger picture than that. the border crisis is going to play big part in the 2022 midterms as well when you look at the national picture but will send it back to you. survive thank you very much eric break. eric: more details on that horrific city. nineteen people were killed early this morning and that horrible tragedy in this building you are looking at age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® 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the plan that's right for you. the call is free and there's no obligation. you know medicare won't cover all your medical costs. so call now, and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. eric: update on the tragic fire new york bird officials at least 19 people were killed including nine children. it was the city's worst fire in over three decades. the five alarm fire started in this high-rise building in the bronx at 11:00 a.m. this morning. fire crews making dramatic rescues pulling of babies out of windows as well as pets. the smoke and flames and poured out of that building. officials say many of the dead found in stairways throughout the building. some from cardiac arrest and smoke inhalation bird firefighters at least 32 people have life-threatening injuries. justice mcadams is live in the bronx at the scene with the very latest hello alexis. >> hi eric if it is just heartbreaking these numbers continue to roll in. as you mentioned 19 people did not make it out alive, out of the apartment building behind me in the bronx neighborhood. nine of those people who died were kids. we that death toll could rise some of the poor enter take a look at the building behind me it's a 19 story apartment building here in new york city in the city bronx neighborhood. the fire breaking out around 11:00 a.m. today. it was a five alarm fire. this pulled out everybody that they had on decca. it is near east 181st street in the cities bronx. that building was full of families, kids and residents as they fire tore through floor by floor. more than 60 people were injured at least 30 people have life-threatening injuries. for take a look at some of the video we've gathered throughout the day of the aftermath of this blaze. this morning dozens calling 91 for help, sending at least 200 fdny firefighters out into action by those firefighters going up on the ladders, breaking those windows in the apartment complex and pulling out men, women, kids trying to do everything they could to save those people. people i talked to in site-specific on the 12th floor one of those women said she grabbed her daughter tried to run out but that thick black smoke was too much to bear, take a listen. >> i couldn't function i'm one of the fire department took my daughter away i could not find her. i was devastated to be honest i just want to make sure all of my people are safe a big part of my family already. something we have never been through before. thank god we are safe, you know? >> fire crews are still out here in the bronx trying to figure out exactly how the blazes start up or they believe it's concentrated on the second and third floor that is what mostly had serious, serious damage. hearing from people and 12, 13, 14 floors and of their apartments were full of that black smoke. that things spread rapidly through the building. as we heard from the fire commissioner said one of the units for the fire started the door was left open which ended up having this fire spread at an even faster pace. it's unbelievable to see if the fire crews were able to do. they're still evacuating hundreds of people that live inside. the mayor saying this is one of the worst fires he has witnessed during the modern times here in new york city. still working to get as many updates as possible. we are expecting a mayor eric adams to come back into the city bronx neighborhood in the next hour to give us an update will have that live here in back to you. eric: waiting for that. meanwhile alexis the meeting the door was open on the second or third floor apartment. fire officials say lead but close the door. if you are in a modern building sometimes it's safer to stay in your apartment for this of the fire in the bronx yesterday morning. for alarm caused by a lithium battery that had 100 fires in new york city of course it's far too early to determine what the cause of this was. you do bring a good point up about closing the door and perhaps staying in your apartment. many of the victims are found in the stairwells. we know anything about alarms or smoke alarms people saying they only knew about it they heard screaming and saw flames and smoke. >> we are working to find out, eric, if the fire alarms and smoke detectors and all of the other equipment were working inside of that building. i did talk to when the fire crews are on scene said that's going to take a little bit of time to figure out they have to go back inside the building. this have to see how stable the building is so many floors of the fire tear through. going to the point about people running out. some people tell me they did not hear an alarm it happen so quickly that the smoke inside their apartment so they tried to run out into the hallway. that's where they sought even more heavy smoke and then some flames. many people were collapsing in the hallway including small children. to talk to those people who live next door to many of those kids now they are wondering where they okay? did they make it out? or the nine kids it died in the 19 overall but did not make it out of the apartment building here in the bronx. eric: our prayers are with them just a matter of how fast it can spread alexis in the bronx thank you. arthel: joint is not the phone's bronx borough president vanessa. miss gibson if you can hear me, first i want to acknowledge our heartfelt condolences and support as we report on this horrible tragedy. if you could tell us about the community there at the twin parks building? >> i am first and foremost absolutely devastated. my heart is breaking for so many residents and families whose lives have been changed all because of this fire this morning. i want to send condolences to those who lost their lives including those precious children, our babies. i'm here on the scene now convening a meeting with the elected officials and city agencies. it is just devastating for this is a working-class building, many immigrant families, families from west africa from latin communities, african-american committees, older residents many have lived there for many, many years longtime residents. getting this awakening early sunday morning there's a fire in your building, people were running for their lives. they were desperate to get to safety. they're grabbing their pets and their children, running for safety. talking to the commissioner in hearing about bodies being found in the hallways and stairwells, it breaks my heart. i have never seen anything like this is my time of being an elected official part of want to assure all residents were going to do all we can to help the families in need. arthel: i want to talk more about that in a moment part i went to ask you i'm not sure how quickly were able to get there, but if you could tell us what you did see when you first arrived there on scene at the twin parks building? >> i saw a lot of structures, ems, a lot of firefighters have responded part looked at the front of the building, so many broken buildings windows fire, remnants of burning on the building. the fire was under control when we arrived, but this has been painful it's been painful for the last several hours to see this in person and in the evacuation site which is a neighboring school. we are working to trios residents who need medical care. clothing, other essential items for the american red cross is on the scene. we are going to do our part this is really horrific. i cannot believe we had a devastating fire that's taken the lives of so many residents including children. we have a number of other residents right now who are hospitalized with serious injuries. and we have to pray for them. a lot of smoke inhalation, a lot of damage to people's lungs are some of the injuries we have learned. but we just want to continue to pray for those in the hospital. arthel: we are praying right there with you. of course firefighting's are doing heroic work they're trying to save as many lives as possible and of course mayor eric adams was on scene i'm understanding from alexis mcadams he's planning to return. >> yes at 5:00 o'clock break works okay thank you. is bronx borough president what do you need to help the residents of the twin parks building? what are you preparing for the coming days, weeks, months? >> in the coming days initially were preparing for shelter for temporary shelter for residents that are not able to go back into their apartment. we're waiting for word on the damage to the apartment in terms of any full, vacate or partial vacate. will be able to determine how many people need tempering hotel accommodations. some residents will be able to find shelter with family members and friends for the next couple of days. we are assessing how many children, how many pets were going to need financial assistance, clothing a lot of essential products feminine items, toiletries for families who not able to go into their home. children need to go back to school this week we have a number of children that are involved are going to need children's clothing as well. were going to put everything together because everyone has been calling and offering help from food, to clothing, to shelter, everything. we are grateful. were grateful for the outpouring of love extended from fellow new yorkers. arthel: this is what new york is at its best requests absolutely we are. arthel: you are definitely going to get everything you need. we are going to stay on top of this to help support you and the community there at the twin parks building. bronx borough president vanessa gibson thank you very much good luck to our prayers are with you indeed and we'll be right back. >> thank you so much. thank you, thank you. arthel: of course we'll be right back. isor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit eric: high-level talks in geneva today of russia's military buildup on the ukrainian border. the first time the sides are talking since president biden spoke by telephone with russian president vladimir putin a couple weeks ago. this comes amid fears putin may be planning an invasion of ukraine. are using that threat to try to get concessions in the u.s. life in geneva switzerland where those talks and they have dinner tonight hi greg. >> exactly, eric. we are outside the u.s. mission that's the main crucial talks between u.s. and russia will be happening tomorrow. but you are right, they've already start informally tonight. deputy secretary posting for a working dinner and the russian emergency the table talk was a generally positive which is good or bad news depending on how you look at a further 100,000 russian troops to the border with ukraine. the threat of an invasion along with demands by russian president vladimir putin for ukraine and others to stay out of nato and the troops and arms of the u.s. led alliance to back off from russia. here's a secretary blink and describes the choices. >> i don't if the decision has been made it's clear we have offered them two paths forward. one is through diplomacy and dialogue, the other is through deterrence and massive consequences for russia if it renews its aggression against ukraine but were about to test a proposition which path president putin wants to take this week. >> according to the u.s. the demands being made are really non- starters for the u.s. threatening serious consequences including toughening of sanctions and a toughening of defenses if russia does invade. there are some areas the u.s. reportedly is ready to discuss including pulling back on some military exercises and the deployment of missiles but it's not clear that will be enough for the biden administration is already catching flak for agreeing to these talks after moscow played regional bully for the last 20 minutes or so we got a statement from the state department they stress a pretty hard line with russia in these first round of talks. we will set happens tomorrow. wednesday goes to nato and beyond, tough times back to you. eric: thank you so much putin playing his games, arthel. arthel: and historian court details of the high-stakes hearing taking place just a few hours from now. ♪ ♪ they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. ♪ ♪ i was not expecting to learn about my heart health with tylenol dissolve packs. from my genetic reports. but now that i have this info it feels like i can take even more control of my health. it's the most meaningful way to start the new year. now just $129. ♪ ♪ at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director your first course. and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. arthel: will return to australia court hearing to find out if he will be allowed to compete in the australian open for the court will decide whether the world's number one men's tennis player has a valid medical exemption from the country's strict covid vaccination rules. trait joint is now with the details. >> good afternoon tennis star novak djokovic will virtually appear before judge in the coming hours to discuss a deportation case that is stirring controversy around the world with the number one tennis player has been held since thursday in an australian detention hotel after his visa was canceled at the melbourne airport. djokovic have been granted a medical exemption to play in the australian open despite being not vaccine against covid-19 34 year old had coronavirus last month but also in border officials ruled he does not meet the criteria for an exemption. as he awaits the court case that will determine his fate, supporters of djokovic gathered outside his hotel this weekend calling for the tennis player to be released. >> all night i have not slept since he come off the plane. we are sick to the >>. like every parent you would never expect this to happen to her child it's very upsetting. >> the debacle over whether djokovic should be able to enter a strong has become an intern a political issue. also your laws related to entry during the pandemic is buried on the state and federal level to the health minister for the state of victoria's sake this case should be decided at the commonwealth a level pedestrian open is set to begin on the 17th of january. this week will be critical to find a solution for tennis star djokovic, arthel. arthel: thank you very much. eric: about 15 minutes or so we do expect a news compass of new york city mayor eric adams and near governor of the devastating fire in the bronx this morning as we head to reporting on the fox news channel 19 people were killed including nine children read dozens of people injured in that building you see there live it. the fire starting in the second or third floor. fire officials think if you have a fire close the door. apparently the smoke spread and arthel, it is just so shocking and heartbreaking these horrible things happen. there was one of philadelphia and now this. arthel: it really is we cannot take any moment for granted please do keep all those residents there and their families and loved ones in your prayers. we will continue with more of this horrible tragedy there in the bronx, new york city. stay right here on fox news channel. , one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. one gram of sugar, ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your 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Activity , Virus , Fear , Lack , Rear , Me A Little Bit , 7 , List , Let , Lot , Feelings , Guilt , It , Face To , Nation , Job , Well Being Trust Rate , Fox News Live , Morning , Updates , Stay , Protein , Liberty , Throwback , Thirty , Sugar , Nutrients , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , 4 , 05 , Pill , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Dose , Older Medicines , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Cause , Cgrp Protein , Inhibitors , Nausea , Tiredness , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Court , Joe Biden , Vaccine , Administration , In The House , Rulings , Healthcare Workers , Mandates , Supreme Court , Businesses , Challenges , Emergency Oral Argument , Government , Hi Eric , Question , Speaking Of The Supreme Court Brett Baier , Cdc , Risk , Sonya , Comment , Condition , Michelle Wolinsky , Ventilators , Supreme Court Justice , 100000 , Death , Covid 19 , Shokin , Worker , Justices , Filings , 20 , Workers , Fact , Pin Oak , Differences , Unvaccinated , Washington Post , Four , Highest , Expert , Claim , Rails , 3500 , Countries , Walensky , Chickenpox , Restart , Mortality , Dr , Mandate , Plays , Death Rates , Volume , Omicron Wheat , Osha , Texas , Greg Abbott , Run , Masks , Effect , Core , Reelection , Republican , Border , Mcallen , Statement , Campaign , Towns , Border Safety , Bill , Migrants , Security , Bill Pay , Focus , La Jolla , Announcement , Mccown , Immigrants , Tens Of Thousands , Interior , Individuals , Groups , Take A Look , Bit , Pre Part , The Rio Grande Valley , Governor , Runners , Source , Apprehensions , Sector , 40000 , Running , Border Wall , Listen , Troopers , Minds , Dollar , Board , National Guard , Troops , Vps Officers , Offense , Thousands , Criminals , Drug , Jail , Rio Grande City , Start , Construction , Beginning , Estate , Being , Biden Stop , 1 7 , Guard , Apostle , Approach , Opponent , Waste , Texas Taxpayer Money , Democrat , Congressman O Rourke , Border Communities , Matchup , Border Security , Voters , Crisis , Picture , Forefront , Midterms , 2022 , Eric Break , Nineteen , Muscle Health , 16 , High Protein , Immune Support , Answers , Information , Difference , Boost , At Humana , Screen , Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Medicare Supplement Should Have , Seven , Call , Obligation , Questions , Agent Producer , Rest , Expenses , Medicare , 80 , Money , Humana , Plans , Insurance , Doctor Visits , Copayments , Deductibles , Medicare Doesn T , Anywhere , Emergency Care , Doctors , Ones , Hospital Stays , Trust , Referrals , Service , Healthcare Partner , Healthcare , Premium , Range , Save You , Budget , Guide , Needs , Ways , Call Humana , Making Healthcare Simpler , Won T , Costs , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Fail , Try , Hope , Infection , Doctor , Symptoms , Don T , Tuberculosis , Ability , Crohn S Disease , Reaction , Move , Dermatologist , Update , Fire Crews , Bird Firefighters , Justice , Cardiac Arrest , Neighborhood , Death Toll , In The City , Bronx Neighborhood , Enter , Floor By , Decca , Aftermath , Least , Fdny , 91 , Site Specific , Ladders , Bear , God , Damage , Blazes , Serious , 14 , 13 , Fire Spread , Pace , Meeting , The Door , Fire Officials , Alarm , Lithium Battery , Floor Apartment , Point , Stairwells , Alarms , Wall , Fire Alarms , Smoke Detectors , Saw , Equipment , Fire Tear , Hallway , Collapsing , Borough President , Vanessa Gibson , Joint , Phone , Community , Twin Parks Building , Condolences , Miss , Breaking , Because , Working Class Building , City Agencies , Immigrant , Committees , Communities , Awakening Early Sunday Morning , African American , West Africa , Safety , Hallways , Bodies , Want , Need , Ems , Structures , Buildings , Remnants , Clothing , Evacuation Site , Essential Items , American Red Cross , Trios , Course Firefighting , Lungs , Planning , He , 5 , Borough , Shelter , Word , Hotel Accommodations , Items , Toiletries , Assistance , Offering , Food , Love , Outpouring , Requests , Luck , Tech Solutions , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Isor , Nothing , Customers , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire Eric , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Talks , Military Buildup , Russia , Time , Telephone , Concessions , Threat , Invasion , President Putin , Life , Ukraine , In Geneva Switzerland , Mission , Dinner , Hi Greg , Deputy Secretary Posting , News , Table Talk , Emergency , Working Dinner , Others , Arms , Alliance , Demands , Led , Secretary Blink , Nato , Consequences , Deterrence , Choices , Paths , Is , Decision , Diplomacy , Dialogue , Starters , Path , Aggression , Proposition , Toughening , Missiles , Sanctions , Defenses , Exercises , Deployment , State Department , Flak , Round , Bully , Court Details , Putin , Beyond , Games , Relief , Medicine Fast , Pain Relief , Packs , Water , Heart Health , Control , Reports , Info , Tylenol , Scholarship , Scholarships , University Of Phoenix , 000 , 29 , 3000 , 129 , Kind , My Name Is Douglas , Opportunities , Director , Writer , Somewhere , Game Changer , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Court Hearing , Australian Open , Australia , Exemption , Tennis Player , Trait Joint , Covid Vaccination Rules , Deportation Case , Afternoon Tennis Star Novak Djokovic , Hotel , Controversy , Detention , Number One , Judge , Djokovic , Border Officials , Visa , Criteria , Old , Melbourne Airport , 34 , Court Case , Supporters , Fate , Plane , Debacle , Level , Commonwealth , Case , Intern , Strong , Entry , Laws , Pandemic , Sake , Health Minister , Victoria , Solution , Tennis Star Djokovic , 17th Of January , News Compass , Reporting , Dozens , Smoke Spread , Experts , Windshield , Car , Vo , Music Vo , Technology , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Limu , Isn T , Singers , Doug , Safelite Repair , Limu Emu , Whistles , Sec , Vulture Squawks , Liberty It S Time , Pay , Sleep Number , Sleep , Smart Bed , Temperature Balancing , Prices , Cold , 360 , Movements , Weekend Special , Night After , Plus , Smart Beds , 1000 , Interest , Base , Delivery , Ends Monday , 0 , 36 , Agenda , Blow , Tap Tonight , The Big Sunday Show , Joe , Alecia Kuhn Yeah , Killer , Offer , Crime , Fighting Bill , Dating Apps , Shopping Cart ,

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