Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered with Dan Bongino 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered with Dan Bongino 20240709

♪ ♪ dan: democracy is crumbling or whatever -- the left start with a hail mary pass midterm elections. a look at worse by the day and depending on big tech to silence senator rant paul and dave rubin join me coming up on how the tide is finally turning. people are flock to red states and it's not a mystery. a democrat joins me to try to explain this thing away. the silicon valley billionaire is. for the team. high school basketball coach suspended for yeah -- wait for it. yeah winning. winning that's right. pete hegseth in our hot seat. new year folks -- and we have a new crisis and that mean new focus group test and liberal talking points. all they've got. and if all you do is view leftist media you might think that democracy is in serious danger of collapsing. i mean, just check out some of these catastrophic apocalyptic headlines from left. the hill, nearly a year after january 6th u.s. democracy is fragile and with a v talking about how this is going to end and people watch like the book of eli or walking dead too much and des moines register we need a new doomsday clock for democracy. guys the drama. tighten it up. calm down everyone. but it is such in headlines folks. it is everywhere. on the left -- take a look at this. >> not allow no one to place a dagger to throw it democracy. if we do not defend it, democracy simply will not stand. this is what erodes a democracy. if we lose our democracy this year, we're unlikely to get is it back during our lifetime. incomes itself is at risk in a way that we haven't seen in centuries. dan: holy moses will you people calm down? relax this suspect first time we've seen this. this desperation from the left and oh, democracy is collapsing. remember in 2005, when democrats weren't in power remember when they said this? >> they want to make this country in a banana republic if you don't get your way you change rules. it will be a doomsday for democracy. [laughter] dan: we're surrounded by crazy people. these are crazy people. remember where democrats lost battle of confirm justice kavanaugh? they said this -- >> today our democracy faces threats that we never would have believed would be occurring. >> what we have heard is noise of the democracy. >> most consequential battle is not christian teen blasey ford or brett kavanaugh it is the supreme court and that's american democracy. dan: and even more recently when kyle rittenhouse was acquitted. thing that concerns me is not just the violence. not just what is about democracy and mentality -- support is exactly what is producing our democratic decline. dan: you see folks here's the deal when democrats lose something democracy is falling apart and they're like the pretorian guards of democracy and hail mary when they can't argue issues anymore which is pretty much every day. truth is, democrats see writing on the wall of 2022 and you do too and easy to predict how and what will happen how unhinge d they gannet losing their moongdz right now because of these numbers. look at that. republicans 44%. democrats 34% this genetic ballot that's not good. no way to spin that. one of the biggs indicators that democrats are falling apart how hard hispanic vote reverse pulling in the right even cnn you know airport channel forced to ated a met it because polls w hispanic volters within almost unbelievable 42 point swing to republicans since 2018. so here's a good news, the clock is ticking on the democrats power believe the they know it. people are starting to figure out what us conservatives knew years ago couple of things first we're going to have it live with covid zero covid is ridiculous it is not going to happen. i wish it were but it's not. second, is andrew said politics is down stream of culture not going to change the culture. if you change the schools. the parents are taking back their power in schools mac no mistake. change is definitely coming. left knows that too. but don't fall into trap here believing power brokers will voluntarily give up power easily not going happen. standing in way of change are big tech companies. they are quite content with the status quo. big tech censorship wasn't already bad enough, it is getting worse by the day. the left now wants us to voluntarily give up our toobility make our own choices. this story coming up this is not a joke you may not have seen a lot of this but it is an actual opinion pois washington post opinion piece washington post democracy dies of darkness. they turn out lights long time ago this opinion oppose is a quote they want to turn over stuff to a.i., quote, maybe 2022 should be year we turn over to decision making to artificial intelligence? and increasingly popular ideas to outsource choices to algorithms. even choices like new year resolution it may not sound half bad to you democracy guys in the darkness guys. but it certainly sounds bad to me. you want us to turn over decision making to big tech? but you know what could possibly go wrong? >> new this morning twitter has permanently banned personal account of margery taylor green. who was permanently banned from twitter today -- because she got kicked off twitter doesn't mean she's not posting on other sites. for instance, on linkedin she wrote i shouldn't be banned from anything if you don't contact me my references scooby scooby-doo and jfk. gutfeld is winning for comedy. judicial watch john banned from tiktok on the same day. >> and facebook forced to apologize after banning ads from conservative book publisher whose hero of liberty series include books about amy coney barrett, ronald reagan and thomas seoul folks these are big tech sensor she know stories from just the last few days. as joe biden would say but we need it that's not a joke. here to discuss we're doing it fight back against beg tech censorship is ranked rand paul is appears you are scrapping big sensors that youtube over there, and making move over to rumble why what happened. explain to us what happened. dges you know for quite a while now, been upset with youtube about a year ago they took down a speech i gave on the senate floor. and as you know, speech on the senate floor is protected by constitution that doesn't force them to those or to have my speech but for the gull and arrogance to decide they know better than the entire state of kentucky that elected me that they're going to sensor speech that i give on the forum so that's went on for quite a while and then last six months every time i say clothe mask don't work they sensor me and take me down but it is selective censorship if a biden advisor says cloth masks don't work nothing happens to them. if you are on cnn and you're one of these liberal doctors that is for everything and flienl finally last week cloth masks are facial decoration. accurate description nobody takes her down but a republican or conservative i think it is a double standard but the bottom line is, i don't to give free content to people who despise people like me they despise republicans they think they're better than we are. they look down their nose at us. these are the people who think we are deplorables because we live in flyover country and not sophisticated as california or new york, well guess what i don't to be associated with close minded people like that as you can tell it makes me angry. and so -- competition is good in the marketplace, if more people go to, maybe youtube will say mid gooness peemg are leaving us and nobody will want to participate maybe they'll change their ways. >> senator, and good for you for doing that we, obviously, appreciate it. speaking of misinformation liberal justices and the supreme court sparked a lot of outrage today over some really questionable comments that is odd and appears they didn't read the briefs before they went in one of them from justice saying they were 750 million new cases yesterday. justice soto ma your saying we have 100,000 children in serious condition and many on ventilator and justice soto suggesting omicron is deadly as delta. senator, this is actual misinformation. that's not accurate. [laughter] >> wonder if c-span or if youtube will take down the supreme court for misinformation you're right. sotomayor ought to be ashamed of herself and omicron statistics 75.less lethal. now there are enormous amounts of people getting this. everybody in the country is getting this. but it is more like 700, 800 not 700 million but that is a large number and with small death rate there are people getting very sec so i don't discount illness or say it is not a big deal. it is. but we need to be accurate with it and not 100,000 children in the hospital. they're not even dozens of kids on ventilators it is extraordinary if a kid is in the hospital on a ventilator and not statistical in the sense that it is a very, very small number if it exist at all. but we need to be honest about this. but in the same thing we also need to be honest that there's tweement treatment there on wean service to give is to people listening let them know if you're getting sick. if you're over a certain age, at the elderly in particular, or overweight and getting is fire truck covid even omicron you need to get treatment. bottom line is people shouldn't sit at home and get sicker think there's no treatment there are treatments call your doctor. dan: good advice from a doctor thanks for your time we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me dan. dan: spag of big tech one of the labels they casually throw around is you know misinformation and disinformation. but if you've been paying attention it is strange how dopey label gets attached to republicans and conservatives as a matter of fact any enemy of the left. while they ignore ledgens of misinformation emanating from left on a minute by minute basis here's joe biden with a narrative that millions of americans know is not true. >> there's no excuse. no excuse for anyone being unvaccinated this continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated. dan: that's not true joining me now is someone who is seeing big tech bias misinformation push first hand, my friend host of the ruben report dave rubin thanks so much for joining us. dave this can't possibly continue, dave, the left has been exposed repeatedly you've seen it. you've exposed it yourself. whether it was the spy gate thing hunter biden laptop russian disinformation. these are all, obviously, false stories now we have joe biden, you know, talking nonsense. people who are vaccinated are sadly getting coronavirus every day. but there's no misinformation label for them dave why is that? >> you think that bizarre dan they're always labeling us conspiracy theorist and misinformation experts and disinformation agents. and yet joe biden 100% lied there. every single person watching this show right now knows somebody who was vaccinated most lookly boosted and got covid, got omicron last couple weeks where it really exploded throughout the country. if we are to believe we're in a cataclysmic pandemic two years after two weeks to flatten the curve that strikes me that statement which is an absolute lie strikes me as impeachment worthy and lying directly us to to have rest of the people injected with something or not know and his people are misinforming hem or is there something far more nefarious i don't know what answer is but they do it easer own easer and that is why censorship is ramping up because more of us that wake up they have to figure out other ways to silence us but dan i have nothing better to do than save the world and i sense you don't either. dan: yeah i got bored so i figure out ways to get to entrepreneurial endeavors stoke the left. so endless attack on big tech dave their business model is asinine. it is let's attack biggest creators dan bongino let's attack them so they tell us to build our own internet remember that dave so we did. of you and i we built that and we did. we have an economic interest in locals in rumble but we did that you built loyals after the disaster and ramble built by chris we have alternative to youtube and conservatives are migrating not just geographically now away from red states but online as well so i asked you, do you sense it, i do, that the tide is finally turning and we could win this going to take a while but i think we can win this. >> yes. that's the key part. we can win this. you know, david beat goliath i've said it many times but i believe that dave can beat google i believe in the individual over the giant monolithic system that exist above us and a.i. they have and algorithms they have that want to make our choices and new years resolutions as you said earlier. but as people have woken up you have a bigger problem than us, but we want, we want there to be an exchange of ideas because we believe our ideas are better and they ultimately will win and people are picking up on that. dan: i agree that's why we do a rebuttal best way to expose falsehood of left ideas and dave thanks for joining us we really appreciate it thanks for picking up you know the fight there and not running away from it. we deeply appreciate it. >> why not man, you know. dan: you got it. coming up next on unfiltered great american exodus from blue states to red can you blame them? how does left justify there scare off in a democratic strategist from the rebuttal, coming up next. ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? inflammation in your eye might be to blame. let's kick ken's ache and burn into gear! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those drops will probably pass right by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what's that? xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra, wait fifteen minutes before reinserting contacts. got any room in your eye? be proactive about managing your symptoms by talking to your doctor about twice-daily xiidra. like i did. i prefer you didn't. xiidra. not today, dry eye. ready to turn your dreams into plans i prefer you didn't. and your actions into achievements? 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>> housing, so look generally we know that blue states and cities are much more successful when it comes to everything from economic quo to clean air and water, to addressing child poverty, but mixed in with those successes are some huge failures. and anyone who generally agrees with democratic strategy should be honest about that. now the biggest one of those failures is housing. that is what is driving this spikes and cost of living in places like san francisco and seattle. and you know, let's take san francisco as an example. frifng is most progressive city in the united states. when it comes to social issues, but when it comes to housing it is not progress eve but quite conservative and what is happened is some wealthy homeowners and real estate investors who want housing prices to remain high, have used their political influence to slow down construction and impose these ridiculous zoning laws. dan: i have to stop you there for a second with this -- this is kind of tough to take. you're not really suggesting that san francisco has a conservative housing policy one, and second, i look to challenge what you said earlier, states the top ten states for economic growth we'll put it up on screen here are all led by republicans. so i don't know where you're getting your da it from but top ten states for job growth republican led states. so where are you getting that data that economic growth is better in blue states? >> well it has traditionally and where the beg tech companies are. and in terms of people moving -- dan: but i showed it to you zaire rei i love debate that's why i have you own and let you answer but i like you to address what's on screen right here. that top ten state are all led by republicans so that's just not accurate like what -- you can't make stuff up. you know? >> i apologize, i can't see the screen. i see a black screen but if you're talking about top ten states -- dan: my panel -- nebraska, utah, arizona, texas, mississippi, alabama, georgia, those are all led by republicans. so i just told you them. >> yeah. that i think that makes sense due to remote work. you know for the first time you have been able to have the big city blue, blue state income while having those low cost of living in red states. i alsoment to point out where people are moving to let's look at texas biggest place people are moving to is austin which is a very blue city. same thing with boise, idaho another very blue city so people are -- >> wait -- in red states. >> you're suggesting people are moving from blue states to red states in blue cities -- but sarah, the red state rule still apply >> whether you liven my or martin county where i do there's no state income tax so i don't get you're making up point not yours. that preem people are living for cities in red states with less democrat, you know, rulings and regulations and taxes. you're making that point not yours, right? >> well if you could let me -- actually respond i would love to make more points. but i think that it is actually a much simpler idea than what we're looking at for the first time people could keep their high salary jobs explore new states, and hey they're tending to go to red states and in blue area is where they trust the government a little bit more. and some people are already moving back like for example, in new york we have twice the growth than in first half of 2019. i honestly back to what i was saying before, think a big issue of why people are leaving housing. due to remote work and no longer ties to cities. dan: i would like to throw this up because they ask people why they're moving high cost of housing in there. but one of the other reasons is taxes. lower 37.. also 39% sarah said political reasons. so it is kind of a big deal right? they want lower taxes and they don't like politics of the area they're leaving we can -- speculate or we can ask people why they're leaving and they're telling us we don't like politics or taxes. does that matter? >> well, i don't know who what -- what segment of people that you're looking at but i think this is a classic case of cherry picking data to preconceive notions -- led to the -- dan: we asked them they literally asked them why did you leave they said tax and politics. i mean, we asked them. it is not cherry picking anything we asked them. that's a poll. that's how that works. all right well sarah, listen we appreciate your time. thanks for coming and defending your position we really appreciate it. coming up, kids are our future so why aren't teachers union acting like this unfacility erdz on unfacility nerd a brand new segment, coming up next. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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the chicago parents they're american citizens they're american citizens like all of us and no derchght their kids deserve a shot too. >> yeah. absolutely. i mean think of it this way if your glory store doesn't reopen you can take your money elsewhere and school doesn't you should be able to take your children's education dollars elsewhere. and some governors in places like arizona doug implemented a program announced this past week if your public school doesn't reopen if it closes just for one day, you can take up to 7,000 dollars of your children's education dollars to a private or homeschool type of option such as a microschool or some type of pandemic pod. look think about it in chicago. they spent over 27,000 dollars per ked per year. give that money to parents and allow them to find alternative arrangement private school tuition on average in chicago is half of that amount only about 11,000 dollars per ked and fund student directly instead of a system in that sense, that's only way to fix this. only way to hold schools accountable so that the schools work for the kids. and the families as opposed to other way around. >> you're right cory thank you so much for fighting this fight i appreciate you take time with us. thanks a lot. >> thanks so much. dan: you got it coming up on unfiltered dazzled silicon valley made billions by defrauding. >> a health care pioneer is being compared to visionaries like bill gates and steve jobs. >> i like to welcome elisabeth holm. >> incredible holmes. >> now facing prison time. how does elizabeth holmes pull something like that off? a panel including family friend of holmes weighs in next. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? we sold our policy. now we can relax and enjoy our retirement as we had planned. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. >> health care pioneer is being compared to visionaries like billionth gaetz and steve jobs. i like to welcome elizabeth holmes. >> incredible elizabeth holmes. ♪ ♪ >> you found this company 12 years ago right. tell them how old you are? >> 19. whistle-blowers expose elizabeth holmes was an extraordinary fraud. >> now officially been indicted on federal wire fraud charges. >> fadgedder found guilty on four federal fraud charges for exaggerating her company blood testing technology to investors. she was compared to steve jobs and now she's a convicted felon who is facing up to 20 years behind bars. welcome back to unfiltered rise and fall of elizabeth holmes fascinating story kapght vatted nation and how was she tiebl fool sel con valley investors and society's elites for as long as she did? joining me now for perspective on this fascinating case is our panel former family friend and neighbor joseph and host of the next revolution steve hilton has inside knowledge of the workings of silicon valley steve i'll go to you first. listen these were smart people she fooled with a blood test technology steve. a lot of venture capitalist out there. but you know, i saw some of your notes before this explain how they work and why they need people like holmes and want to believe in people like holmes? >> that's exactly right dan. it is not some kind of unexpected they think that they fall for the hype. the entire venture capitol industry is built on hype and exaggeration i know that from personal experience. i've been here now ten years i've been around pitching to these venture capital term and worked for some of them. what they're looking for is that one in 100, one in a thousand company that's really huge, hay get pictures all the too many. ten a day, hundreds eve every year they're not making sure pictures are good or make sense they don't have time and they're not even interested. what they care about is scale and care if your plan works is it going to be big enough to make up for all of the money we lose on all of the pictures that we invest in the don't pan out. so they're not really checking they want to believe the hype. because they know that if one of those tiny number that actually succeed make it big, they'll make all of their money back so they don't properly check or invest they want the hype to be real. dan: such a great point and analysis steve. joseph you know you knew elizabeth holmes you guys were familiar with her was she really that charming i followed this story closely they never really had the technology down ever for the blood testing from a drop. and yet nobody seem to even ask basic questions like does this actually work? >> yeah. i mean it is pretty astonishing i don't know so much to do with charm of elizabeth. but i do credit her for creating this machinery around her and mystique of these famous board members. the security guard, bullet proof glass i think if you -- if you have enough of this stuff around you, you can effectively intimidate which is what she did intimidate a lot of people scare them from asking basic questions. dan: so seem like all an act reminds mef walk around carrying folder thick and no one will ever stop you guys thanks a lot for your perspective we really appreciate it. thanks for coming on. >> thank you, dan. dan: coming up unfacility everyday taking one for the team one high school coach gets suspended and winning -- pete hegseth takes seat in the hot seat coming up next. - [narrator] gift yourself a hairclub consultation and get 20% off your personalized hair solution. head into the new year with life-changing hair solutions. not forgettable resolutions. hairclub. love your hair. live your life. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ready to turn your dreams into plans matchinand your actionsiption. into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at dan: welcome back to unfiltered team for hot takings outrageous stories you food it hear about and give hot takes it "fox & friends" weekend co-host,man pete hegseth you were a, player weren't you? i remember that >> i was. true. >> this story is right. >> but i spent most of my time on the bench dan. most of the time on bench even though i thought i should have been playing. dan: but you made the team so connecticut high school coach he suspended after a 92-4 win. see listen, this may be an unpopular opinion i don't know. i didn't tease this with you before. i don't know where you stand the team dime play. they won. i always think back to that remember when the buffalo bills came tbhak that playoff game down by like 20 something point at halftime you play to win. 92-4 okay great. maybe other team will come in better prepared next time hegseth as our professional basketball analyst on the show today your thoughts on this, sir. >> okay so you're the coach you win by 88 points and you get suspended i'm with you on this dan let me unpack this a little bit. so i watch a lot of youth sports a lot of bad youth sports and the difference between ability in town or ages in different is amazing. teams will win by 40 and win by 50. this is -- high school girls basketball in connecticut. now, if you're in high school and you're choosing to play basketball you know -- you know you're step on to court for, you know, 40 minutes and you've got to play hard and what are you supposed to do other team wasn't pressing or trapping so the team that losts complaining that they were sell, you know, running fast breaks and scoring layups at the end of the game that's called basketball i'm sure they were playing their bench which means their bench was way better than other team. like if you're losing why are you not complaining instead just turn to your kids say they're way better than you and team won next game by only three points with coach so, obviously, not that much better but that other team was really, really, really bad and that's life. dan: listen, i'm telling you man played on teams they were terrible we lost a baseball game once 22-6 you come in and play better. pete this is my favorite story of the week cover a lot of heavy top egg this is one is loaded, though, we have exclusive footage of you and will at the all american new year special in nashville. check this out. ♪ ♪ ah -- [laughter] dan: all right. time for that that was not you. that was harry and lloyd christmas from dumb and dumber here's the actual video i saw this of you and will you look sharp. i was -- i had to do a double take. by the way, will prangted this line dancing between those segments because he was not as good before he did a little practice. so we asked our audience pete, who wore it better? you or the dumb and dumber fellas and the results are in. and you guys kicked some serious butt. 60% we have affiliate votes on this by the way pete 60% your thought on this rout by you and will. [laughter] i appreciate that as a life fan of lloyd and harry of dumb and dumber that's where idea cam from to achieve that level is mind blowing to me dan you understand and appreciate that. we have a lot on the costume he is to happen it was new year and let me say this dan. let me say this i had to peek at the minute by minute ratings of new year eve that line dancing did very well you know what else did very well -- dan bongino, because america loves dan bongino. and you said you were going to show up, dan and you did. and you delivered -- dan: man of my word. >> made it to remember. dan: on a serious note you and i joke around a lot we love segments but i love you guys man. you and pete and will, and the crew and there was nothing me and paula wanted to do more than hang out request you it was honor to be on set with you we had such a blast it was fun as it looked folks not an act. i love these guys thanks for coming on as always thanks for spending time with us. appreciate it. >> you got it brother. glab coming up unfiltered jam-pack lightning round you don't want to miss. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at have you checked singlecare? i think you can get a cheaper price on this. cheaper meds with singlecare. stop! i should spread the word. but how? i wanna be remembered for the savings, with singlecare. you walk into the pharmacy, with great insurance. but then, (screams) singlecare beats the price of your copay. singlecare the musical. are people ready? (sings dramatically) oh, i need to get to work. telling people to check the singlecare price. dan: welcome back to unfiltered listen we told you so and i hate doing this. but remember when on this show i warned you about what happens when democrats aplowed to implement butcher sticker potses you can slap it on some garbage bumper sticker that's liberalism. cash bail bad fix right on back of a car cash bail terrible and mass incarceration that's a great i had a great idea for a stupid bumper sticker remember when they were so proud. and this one too. bail reform and suicidal defund policewoman that's two bumper stingers right there see folks bumper stickers aren't policy and leftsist bumper stickers they don't save lives. they cost them. they get people killed. oh folks we always bring receipts sadly in harris county detective 150 suspects killed on bond and despite rise in crime recent fox business poll shows guns yes guns are what democrats blame most. if that wasn't bad enough they aren't slowing down at all check out this insane hl from austin, texas. a judge with a $50 bond for child sex predator previous judge recommended a million. folks this is one of those rare times where really i sincerely hope we're wrong and don't have to do segments like this in the future. a shame. time now for our lightning round we like fit in as much material as we can right before the end of the show story number one, you use venmo and paypal third party payment apps good luck. they now are forced to report transactions in $600 or more to the irs. governments got to get their hands on everything doesn't it god forbid cash is king again and king again after this. they have to get their mitts on everything they think your money is their money. story number two, late great yogi bhara said it best once déjà vu and in chronological order and democrats love passing bills and love also admits they have no idea what is in them. >> we have to pass bill so that you can find out what is in it. every element of my plan is overwhelmingly popular. but the problem is with everything happening, not everybody knows what is in that plan. >> like clock work here's jen psaki just this week. >> they don't know exactly what's in build back better and what it means and it is always easier to sell a package to public once it is passed. [laughter] dan: reveal yogi back have him as president right now. people are less intelligent least surprising story of the week listen if you're spending all of your day on tiktok watching videos of ariana grande on the supreme court case or whatever is geng on, you're probably not gong to bump yourself up on the i.q. scale. researchers use some select attitude scale correlating with a cognitive ability test to get results this is least surprising story of the week. get off the tiktok liberal and go read a book or something before we go remember you can stream dan bongino show on fox nation week days follow us unfiltered instagram or on fox that did you it for us tonight. be sure to set your dvr and we'll see you next saturday night 10 p.m. greg: i'm greg gutfeld and i love you, america. [♪♪♪] jesse: welcome to "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. same old joe. subject of tonight's watters words. the president's first year is officially over and so is the rest of his presidency. the guy is damaged goods. 58% of americans disapprove of him and democrats want to primary him. he said he's dee

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50 , Fainting , Muscle Pain , Headache , Injection Site , Pharmacist , Stomach , Fever , Tiredness , Redness , Swelling , Shivering , Shingles Doesn T Care , Plan , Food , Love , Growing Up , Mom , Cooking , Memories , Kitchen , Version , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Most , Meal , Nm Com Ashley , Warnings , Administration , Negotiators , Possibility , Ukraine , Russian , Moscow , Washington , Victims , Positions , Snowstorm , Mountain Resort , Pakistan , 10 , Unfiltered , Vehicles , Unfiltered Listen , News Com , Ashley Strohmier , Teachers Union , Chicago Teachers Union , Fan , Eyeball , Person Learning , Canceling , Secret , Tell Prompter Eyeball , Volt , Omicron Surge , Under My Skin , Teachers , Life , Family , Patriots , Sentences , Unions , Big , Stain , Heart , Profession , Disgrace , Shot , Education , Chicago , Etion Untap , Mineral , Earth , South Dakota , Computer Screen , Hearts , It Learning , Phone , Ipad , Home , Teaching , Butt , Don T Want To Teach , Fine , Voucher 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered With Dan Bongino 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered with Dan Bongino 20240709

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♪ ♪ dan: democracy is crumbling or whatever -- the left start with a hail mary pass midterm elections. a look at worse by the day and depending on big tech to silence senator rant paul and dave rubin join me coming up on how the tide is finally turning. people are flock to red states and it's not a mystery. a democrat joins me to try to explain this thing away. the silicon valley billionaire is. for the team. high school basketball coach suspended for yeah -- wait for it. yeah winning. winning that's right. pete hegseth in our hot seat. new year folks -- and we have a new crisis and that mean new focus group test and liberal talking points. all they've got. and if all you do is view leftist media you might think that democracy is in serious danger of collapsing. i mean, just check out some of these catastrophic apocalyptic headlines from left. the hill, nearly a year after january 6th u.s. democracy is fragile and with a v talking about how this is going to end and people watch like the book of eli or walking dead too much and des moines register we need a new doomsday clock for democracy. guys the drama. tighten it up. calm down everyone. but it is such in headlines folks. it is everywhere. on the left -- take a look at this. >> not allow no one to place a dagger to throw it democracy. if we do not defend it, democracy simply will not stand. this is what erodes a democracy. if we lose our democracy this year, we're unlikely to get is it back during our lifetime. incomes itself is at risk in a way that we haven't seen in centuries. dan: holy moses will you people calm down? relax this suspect first time we've seen this. this desperation from the left and oh, democracy is collapsing. remember in 2005, when democrats weren't in power remember when they said this? >> they want to make this country in a banana republic if you don't get your way you change rules. it will be a doomsday for democracy. [laughter] dan: we're surrounded by crazy people. these are crazy people. remember where democrats lost battle of confirm justice kavanaugh? they said this -- >> today our democracy faces threats that we never would have believed would be occurring. >> what we have heard is noise of the democracy. >> most consequential battle is not christian teen blasey ford or brett kavanaugh it is the supreme court and that's american democracy. dan: and even more recently when kyle rittenhouse was acquitted. thing that concerns me is not just the violence. not just what is about democracy and mentality -- support is exactly what is producing our democratic decline. dan: you see folks here's the deal when democrats lose something democracy is falling apart and they're like the pretorian guards of democracy and hail mary when they can't argue issues anymore which is pretty much every day. truth is, democrats see writing on the wall of 2022 and you do too and easy to predict how and what will happen how unhinge d they gannet losing their moongdz right now because of these numbers. look at that. republicans 44%. democrats 34% this genetic ballot that's not good. no way to spin that. one of the biggs indicators that democrats are falling apart how hard hispanic vote reverse pulling in the right even cnn you know airport channel forced to ated a met it because polls w hispanic volters within almost unbelievable 42 point swing to republicans since 2018. so here's a good news, the clock is ticking on the democrats power believe the they know it. people are starting to figure out what us conservatives knew years ago couple of things first we're going to have it live with covid zero covid is ridiculous it is not going to happen. i wish it were but it's not. second, is andrew said politics is down stream of culture not going to change the culture. if you change the schools. the parents are taking back their power in schools mac no mistake. change is definitely coming. left knows that too. but don't fall into trap here believing power brokers will voluntarily give up power easily not going happen. standing in way of change are big tech companies. they are quite content with the status quo. big tech censorship wasn't already bad enough, it is getting worse by the day. the left now wants us to voluntarily give up our toobility make our own choices. this story coming up this is not a joke you may not have seen a lot of this but it is an actual opinion pois washington post opinion piece washington post democracy dies of darkness. they turn out lights long time ago this opinion oppose is a quote they want to turn over stuff to a.i., quote, maybe 2022 should be year we turn over to decision making to artificial intelligence? and increasingly popular ideas to outsource choices to algorithms. even choices like new year resolution it may not sound half bad to you democracy guys in the darkness guys. but it certainly sounds bad to me. you want us to turn over decision making to big tech? but you know what could possibly go wrong? >> new this morning twitter has permanently banned personal account of margery taylor green. who was permanently banned from twitter today -- because she got kicked off twitter doesn't mean she's not posting on other sites. for instance, on linkedin she wrote i shouldn't be banned from anything if you don't contact me my references scooby scooby-doo and jfk. gutfeld is winning for comedy. judicial watch john banned from tiktok on the same day. >> and facebook forced to apologize after banning ads from conservative book publisher whose hero of liberty series include books about amy coney barrett, ronald reagan and thomas seoul folks these are big tech sensor she know stories from just the last few days. as joe biden would say but we need it that's not a joke. here to discuss we're doing it fight back against beg tech censorship is ranked rand paul is appears you are scrapping big sensors that youtube over there, and making move over to rumble why what happened. explain to us what happened. dges you know for quite a while now, been upset with youtube about a year ago they took down a speech i gave on the senate floor. and as you know, speech on the senate floor is protected by constitution that doesn't force them to those or to have my speech but for the gull and arrogance to decide they know better than the entire state of kentucky that elected me that they're going to sensor speech that i give on the forum so that's went on for quite a while and then last six months every time i say clothe mask don't work they sensor me and take me down but it is selective censorship if a biden advisor says cloth masks don't work nothing happens to them. if you are on cnn and you're one of these liberal doctors that is for everything and flienl finally last week cloth masks are facial decoration. accurate description nobody takes her down but a republican or conservative i think it is a double standard but the bottom line is, i don't to give free content to people who despise people like me they despise republicans they think they're better than we are. they look down their nose at us. these are the people who think we are deplorables because we live in flyover country and not sophisticated as california or new york, well guess what i don't to be associated with close minded people like that as you can tell it makes me angry. and so -- competition is good in the marketplace, if more people go to, maybe youtube will say mid gooness peemg are leaving us and nobody will want to participate maybe they'll change their ways. >> senator, and good for you for doing that we, obviously, appreciate it. speaking of misinformation liberal justices and the supreme court sparked a lot of outrage today over some really questionable comments that is odd and appears they didn't read the briefs before they went in one of them from justice saying they were 750 million new cases yesterday. justice soto ma your saying we have 100,000 children in serious condition and many on ventilator and justice soto suggesting omicron is deadly as delta. senator, this is actual misinformation. that's not accurate. [laughter] >> wonder if c-span or if youtube will take down the supreme court for misinformation you're right. sotomayor ought to be ashamed of herself and omicron statistics 75.less lethal. now there are enormous amounts of people getting this. everybody in the country is getting this. but it is more like 700, 800 not 700 million but that is a large number and with small death rate there are people getting very sec so i don't discount illness or say it is not a big deal. it is. but we need to be accurate with it and not 100,000 children in the hospital. they're not even dozens of kids on ventilators it is extraordinary if a kid is in the hospital on a ventilator and not statistical in the sense that it is a very, very small number if it exist at all. but we need to be honest about this. but in the same thing we also need to be honest that there's tweement treatment there on wean service to give is to people listening let them know if you're getting sick. if you're over a certain age, at the elderly in particular, or overweight and getting is fire truck covid even omicron you need to get treatment. bottom line is people shouldn't sit at home and get sicker think there's no treatment there are treatments call your doctor. dan: good advice from a doctor thanks for your time we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me dan. dan: spag of big tech one of the labels they casually throw around is you know misinformation and disinformation. but if you've been paying attention it is strange how dopey label gets attached to republicans and conservatives as a matter of fact any enemy of the left. while they ignore ledgens of misinformation emanating from left on a minute by minute basis here's joe biden with a narrative that millions of americans know is not true. >> there's no excuse. no excuse for anyone being unvaccinated this continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated. dan: that's not true joining me now is someone who is seeing big tech bias misinformation push first hand, my friend host of the ruben report dave rubin thanks so much for joining us. dave this can't possibly continue, dave, the left has been exposed repeatedly you've seen it. you've exposed it yourself. whether it was the spy gate thing hunter biden laptop russian disinformation. these are all, obviously, false stories now we have joe biden, you know, talking nonsense. people who are vaccinated are sadly getting coronavirus every day. but there's no misinformation label for them dave why is that? >> you think that bizarre dan they're always labeling us conspiracy theorist and misinformation experts and disinformation agents. and yet joe biden 100% lied there. every single person watching this show right now knows somebody who was vaccinated most lookly boosted and got covid, got omicron last couple weeks where it really exploded throughout the country. if we are to believe we're in a cataclysmic pandemic two years after two weeks to flatten the curve that strikes me that statement which is an absolute lie strikes me as impeachment worthy and lying directly us to to have rest of the people injected with something or not know and his people are misinforming hem or is there something far more nefarious i don't know what answer is but they do it easer own easer and that is why censorship is ramping up because more of us that wake up they have to figure out other ways to silence us but dan i have nothing better to do than save the world and i sense you don't either. dan: yeah i got bored so i figure out ways to get to entrepreneurial endeavors stoke the left. so endless attack on big tech dave their business model is asinine. it is let's attack biggest creators dan bongino let's attack them so they tell us to build our own internet remember that dave so we did. of you and i we built that and we did. we have an economic interest in locals in rumble but we did that you built loyals after the disaster and ramble built by chris we have alternative to youtube and conservatives are migrating not just geographically now away from red states but online as well so i asked you, do you sense it, i do, that the tide is finally turning and we could win this going to take a while but i think we can win this. >> yes. that's the key part. we can win this. you know, david beat goliath i've said it many times but i believe that dave can beat google i believe in the individual over the giant monolithic system that exist above us and a.i. they have and algorithms they have that want to make our choices and new years resolutions as you said earlier. but as people have woken up you have a bigger problem than us, but we want, we want there to be an exchange of ideas because we believe our ideas are better and they ultimately will win and people are picking up on that. dan: i agree that's why we do a rebuttal best way to expose falsehood of left ideas and dave thanks for joining us we really appreciate it thanks for picking up you know the fight there and not running away from it. we deeply appreciate it. >> why not man, you know. dan: you got it. coming up next on unfiltered great american exodus from blue states to red can you blame them? how does left justify there scare off in a democratic strategist from the rebuttal, coming up next. ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? inflammation in your eye might be to blame. let's kick ken's ache and burn into gear! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those drops will probably pass right by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what's that? xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra, wait fifteen minutes before reinserting contacts. got any room in your eye? be proactive about managing your symptoms by talking to your doctor about twice-daily xiidra. like i did. i prefer you didn't. xiidra. not today, dry eye. ready to turn your dreams into plans i prefer you didn't. and your actions into achievements? 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>> housing, so look generally we know that blue states and cities are much more successful when it comes to everything from economic quo to clean air and water, to addressing child poverty, but mixed in with those successes are some huge failures. and anyone who generally agrees with democratic strategy should be honest about that. now the biggest one of those failures is housing. that is what is driving this spikes and cost of living in places like san francisco and seattle. and you know, let's take san francisco as an example. frifng is most progressive city in the united states. when it comes to social issues, but when it comes to housing it is not progress eve but quite conservative and what is happened is some wealthy homeowners and real estate investors who want housing prices to remain high, have used their political influence to slow down construction and impose these ridiculous zoning laws. dan: i have to stop you there for a second with this -- this is kind of tough to take. you're not really suggesting that san francisco has a conservative housing policy one, and second, i look to challenge what you said earlier, states the top ten states for economic growth we'll put it up on screen here are all led by republicans. so i don't know where you're getting your da it from but top ten states for job growth republican led states. so where are you getting that data that economic growth is better in blue states? >> well it has traditionally and where the beg tech companies are. and in terms of people moving -- dan: but i showed it to you zaire rei i love debate that's why i have you own and let you answer but i like you to address what's on screen right here. that top ten state are all led by republicans so that's just not accurate like what -- you can't make stuff up. you know? >> i apologize, i can't see the screen. i see a black screen but if you're talking about top ten states -- dan: my panel -- nebraska, utah, arizona, texas, mississippi, alabama, georgia, those are all led by republicans. so i just told you them. >> yeah. that i think that makes sense due to remote work. you know for the first time you have been able to have the big city blue, blue state income while having those low cost of living in red states. i alsoment to point out where people are moving to let's look at texas biggest place people are moving to is austin which is a very blue city. same thing with boise, idaho another very blue city so people are -- >> wait -- in red states. >> you're suggesting people are moving from blue states to red states in blue cities -- but sarah, the red state rule still apply >> whether you liven my or martin county where i do there's no state income tax so i don't get you're making up point not yours. that preem people are living for cities in red states with less democrat, you know, rulings and regulations and taxes. you're making that point not yours, right? >> well if you could let me -- actually respond i would love to make more points. but i think that it is actually a much simpler idea than what we're looking at for the first time people could keep their high salary jobs explore new states, and hey they're tending to go to red states and in blue area is where they trust the government a little bit more. and some people are already moving back like for example, in new york we have twice the growth than in first half of 2019. i honestly back to what i was saying before, think a big issue of why people are leaving housing. due to remote work and no longer ties to cities. dan: i would like to throw this up because they ask people why they're moving high cost of housing in there. but one of the other reasons is taxes. lower 37.. also 39% sarah said political reasons. so it is kind of a big deal right? they want lower taxes and they don't like politics of the area they're leaving we can -- speculate or we can ask people why they're leaving and they're telling us we don't like politics or taxes. does that matter? >> well, i don't know who what -- what segment of people that you're looking at but i think this is a classic case of cherry picking data to preconceive notions -- led to the -- dan: we asked them they literally asked them why did you leave they said tax and politics. i mean, we asked them. it is not cherry picking anything we asked them. that's a poll. that's how that works. all right well sarah, listen we appreciate your time. thanks for coming and defending your position we really appreciate it. coming up, kids are our future so why aren't teachers union acting like this unfacility erdz on unfacility nerd a brand new segment, coming up next. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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the chicago parents they're american citizens they're american citizens like all of us and no derchght their kids deserve a shot too. >> yeah. absolutely. i mean think of it this way if your glory store doesn't reopen you can take your money elsewhere and school doesn't you should be able to take your children's education dollars elsewhere. and some governors in places like arizona doug implemented a program announced this past week if your public school doesn't reopen if it closes just for one day, you can take up to 7,000 dollars of your children's education dollars to a private or homeschool type of option such as a microschool or some type of pandemic pod. look think about it in chicago. they spent over 27,000 dollars per ked per year. give that money to parents and allow them to find alternative arrangement private school tuition on average in chicago is half of that amount only about 11,000 dollars per ked and fund student directly instead of a system in that sense, that's only way to fix this. only way to hold schools accountable so that the schools work for the kids. and the families as opposed to other way around. >> you're right cory thank you so much for fighting this fight i appreciate you take time with us. thanks a lot. >> thanks so much. dan: you got it coming up on unfiltered dazzled silicon valley made billions by defrauding. >> a health care pioneer is being compared to visionaries like bill gates and steve jobs. >> i like to welcome elisabeth holm. >> incredible holmes. >> now facing prison time. how does elizabeth holmes pull something like that off? a panel including family friend of holmes weighs in next. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? we sold our policy. now we can relax and enjoy our retirement as we had planned. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. >> health care pioneer is being compared to visionaries like billionth gaetz and steve jobs. i like to welcome elizabeth holmes. >> incredible elizabeth holmes. ♪ ♪ >> you found this company 12 years ago right. tell them how old you are? >> 19. whistle-blowers expose elizabeth holmes was an extraordinary fraud. >> now officially been indicted on federal wire fraud charges. >> fadgedder found guilty on four federal fraud charges for exaggerating her company blood testing technology to investors. she was compared to steve jobs and now she's a convicted felon who is facing up to 20 years behind bars. welcome back to unfiltered rise and fall of elizabeth holmes fascinating story kapght vatted nation and how was she tiebl fool sel con valley investors and society's elites for as long as she did? joining me now for perspective on this fascinating case is our panel former family friend and neighbor joseph and host of the next revolution steve hilton has inside knowledge of the workings of silicon valley steve i'll go to you first. listen these were smart people she fooled with a blood test technology steve. a lot of venture capitalist out there. but you know, i saw some of your notes before this explain how they work and why they need people like holmes and want to believe in people like holmes? >> that's exactly right dan. it is not some kind of unexpected they think that they fall for the hype. the entire venture capitol industry is built on hype and exaggeration i know that from personal experience. i've been here now ten years i've been around pitching to these venture capital term and worked for some of them. what they're looking for is that one in 100, one in a thousand company that's really huge, hay get pictures all the too many. ten a day, hundreds eve every year they're not making sure pictures are good or make sense they don't have time and they're not even interested. what they care about is scale and care if your plan works is it going to be big enough to make up for all of the money we lose on all of the pictures that we invest in the don't pan out. so they're not really checking they want to believe the hype. because they know that if one of those tiny number that actually succeed make it big, they'll make all of their money back so they don't properly check or invest they want the hype to be real. dan: such a great point and analysis steve. joseph you know you knew elizabeth holmes you guys were familiar with her was she really that charming i followed this story closely they never really had the technology down ever for the blood testing from a drop. and yet nobody seem to even ask basic questions like does this actually work? >> yeah. i mean it is pretty astonishing i don't know so much to do with charm of elizabeth. but i do credit her for creating this machinery around her and mystique of these famous board members. the security guard, bullet proof glass i think if you -- if you have enough of this stuff around you, you can effectively intimidate which is what she did intimidate a lot of people scare them from asking basic questions. dan: so seem like all an act reminds mef walk around carrying folder thick and no one will ever stop you guys thanks a lot for your perspective we really appreciate it. thanks for coming on. >> thank you, dan. dan: coming up unfacility everyday taking one for the team one high school coach gets suspended and winning -- pete hegseth takes seat in the hot seat coming up next. - [narrator] gift yourself a hairclub consultation and get 20% off your personalized hair solution. head into the new year with life-changing hair solutions. not forgettable resolutions. hairclub. love your hair. live your life. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ready to turn your dreams into plans matchinand your actionsiption. into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at dan: welcome back to unfiltered team for hot takings outrageous stories you food it hear about and give hot takes it "fox & friends" weekend co-host,man pete hegseth you were a, player weren't you? i remember that >> i was. true. >> this story is right. >> but i spent most of my time on the bench dan. most of the time on bench even though i thought i should have been playing. dan: but you made the team so connecticut high school coach he suspended after a 92-4 win. see listen, this may be an unpopular opinion i don't know. i didn't tease this with you before. i don't know where you stand the team dime play. they won. i always think back to that remember when the buffalo bills came tbhak that playoff game down by like 20 something point at halftime you play to win. 92-4 okay great. maybe other team will come in better prepared next time hegseth as our professional basketball analyst on the show today your thoughts on this, sir. >> okay so you're the coach you win by 88 points and you get suspended i'm with you on this dan let me unpack this a little bit. so i watch a lot of youth sports a lot of bad youth sports and the difference between ability in town or ages in different is amazing. teams will win by 40 and win by 50. this is -- high school girls basketball in connecticut. now, if you're in high school and you're choosing to play basketball you know -- you know you're step on to court for, you know, 40 minutes and you've got to play hard and what are you supposed to do other team wasn't pressing or trapping so the team that losts complaining that they were sell, you know, running fast breaks and scoring layups at the end of the game that's called basketball i'm sure they were playing their bench which means their bench was way better than other team. like if you're losing why are you not complaining instead just turn to your kids say they're way better than you and team won next game by only three points with coach so, obviously, not that much better but that other team was really, really, really bad and that's life. dan: listen, i'm telling you man played on teams they were terrible we lost a baseball game once 22-6 you come in and play better. pete this is my favorite story of the week cover a lot of heavy top egg this is one is loaded, though, we have exclusive footage of you and will at the all american new year special in nashville. check this out. ♪ ♪ ah -- [laughter] dan: all right. time for that that was not you. that was harry and lloyd christmas from dumb and dumber here's the actual video i saw this of you and will you look sharp. i was -- i had to do a double take. by the way, will prangted this line dancing between those segments because he was not as good before he did a little practice. so we asked our audience pete, who wore it better? you or the dumb and dumber fellas and the results are in. and you guys kicked some serious butt. 60% we have affiliate votes on this by the way pete 60% your thought on this rout by you and will. [laughter] i appreciate that as a life fan of lloyd and harry of dumb and dumber that's where idea cam from to achieve that level is mind blowing to me dan you understand and appreciate that. we have a lot on the costume he is to happen it was new year and let me say this dan. let me say this i had to peek at the minute by minute ratings of new year eve that line dancing did very well you know what else did very well -- dan bongino, because america loves dan bongino. and you said you were going to show up, dan and you did. and you delivered -- dan: man of my word. >> made it to remember. dan: on a serious note you and i joke around a lot we love segments but i love you guys man. you and pete and will, and the crew and there was nothing me and paula wanted to do more than hang out request you it was honor to be on set with you we had such a blast it was fun as it looked folks not an act. i love these guys thanks for coming on as always thanks for spending time with us. appreciate it. >> you got it brother. glab coming up unfiltered jam-pack lightning round you don't want to miss. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at have you checked singlecare? i think you can get a cheaper price on this. cheaper meds with singlecare. stop! i should spread the word. but how? i wanna be remembered for the savings, with singlecare. you walk into the pharmacy, with great insurance. but then, (screams) singlecare beats the price of your copay. singlecare the musical. are people ready? (sings dramatically) oh, i need to get to work. telling people to check the singlecare price. dan: welcome back to unfiltered listen we told you so and i hate doing this. but remember when on this show i warned you about what happens when democrats aplowed to implement butcher sticker potses you can slap it on some garbage bumper sticker that's liberalism. cash bail bad fix right on back of a car cash bail terrible and mass incarceration that's a great i had a great idea for a stupid bumper sticker remember when they were so proud. and this one too. bail reform and suicidal defund policewoman that's two bumper stingers right there see folks bumper stickers aren't policy and leftsist bumper stickers they don't save lives. they cost them. they get people killed. oh folks we always bring receipts sadly in harris county detective 150 suspects killed on bond and despite rise in crime recent fox business poll shows guns yes guns are what democrats blame most. if that wasn't bad enough they aren't slowing down at all check out this insane hl from austin, texas. a judge with a $50 bond for child sex predator previous judge recommended a million. folks this is one of those rare times where really i sincerely hope we're wrong and don't have to do segments like this in the future. a shame. time now for our lightning round we like fit in as much material as we can right before the end of the show story number one, you use venmo and paypal third party payment apps good luck. they now are forced to report transactions in $600 or more to the irs. governments got to get their hands on everything doesn't it god forbid cash is king again and king again after this. they have to get their mitts on everything they think your money is their money. story number two, late great yogi bhara said it best once déjà vu and in chronological order and democrats love passing bills and love also admits they have no idea what is in them. >> we have to pass bill so that you can find out what is in it. every element of my plan is overwhelmingly popular. but the problem is with everything happening, not everybody knows what is in that plan. >> like clock work here's jen psaki just this week. >> they don't know exactly what's in build back better and what it means and it is always easier to sell a package to public once it is passed. [laughter] dan: reveal yogi back have him as president right now. people are less intelligent least surprising story of the week listen if you're spending all of your day on tiktok watching videos of ariana grande on the supreme court case or whatever is geng on, you're probably not gong to bump yourself up on the i.q. scale. researchers use some select attitude scale correlating with a cognitive ability test to get results this is least surprising story of the week. get off the tiktok liberal and go read a book or something before we go remember you can stream dan bongino show on fox nation week days follow us unfiltered instagram or on fox that did you it for us tonight. be sure to set your dvr and we'll see you next saturday night 10 p.m. greg: i'm greg gutfeld and i love you, america. [♪♪♪] jesse: welcome to "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. same old joe. subject of tonight's watters words. the president's first year is officially over and so is the rest of his presidency. the guy is damaged goods. 58% of americans disapprove of him and democrats want to primary him. he said he's dee

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, Private School , School , A Catholic Scoot School , School Bags , Wall Street Journal A Op Ed By , High Schools , Dropouts , Black , 2000 , 20000 , Obstacle , Rights , Chance , Dropout Factories , Opportunity , Land , Sound , Decimating , The Bottom Of My Heart , Research Director , Side , Doing , Citizens , Teachers Unions , School Choice , Listen , Federation , Warrior , Jumped The Shark , Money , Elsewhere , School Doesn T , Glory Store , Derchght , Type , Program , Public School Doesn T , Governors , Homeschool , Option , Arizona Doug , 7000 , 7000 Dollars , Pandemic Pod , Microschool , 27000 Dollars , 27000 , Private School Tuition , Average , Amount , Ked , Arrangement , Student , Fund , 11000 , 11000 Dollars , Families , Thanks A Lot , Visionaries , Health Care Pioneer , Steve Jobs , Elisabeth Holm , Defrauding , Unfiltered Dazzled Silicon Valley , Bill Gates , Holmes , Panel , Friend , Incredible Holmes , Policy , Retirement , Life Insurance Policy , Income , Cash Payment , Coventry , Bills , Life Insurance , Asset , Research , Pay , Coventry Direct , Payments , 00000 , Insurance , Policy Lapse , Worth , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Elizabeth Holmes , Elizabeth , Billionth Gaetz , Company , Expose , Whistle Blowers , 19 , 12 , Fraud , Blood Testing Technology , Charges , Fadgedder , Federal Wire Fraud , Felon , Bars , Rise And Fall , Story Kapght Vatted Nation , Sel Con Valley Investors And Society , 20 , Perspective , Family Friend , Knowledge , Workings , Host , Elites , Revolution , Silicon Valley , Steve Hilton , Neighbor Joseph , Technology Steve , Venture Capitalist , Notes , Hype , Experience , Exaggeration , Entire Venture Capitol Industry , Hay , Venture Capital Term , A Thousand , Scale , Pictures , Care , Make It Big , The Don T Pan Out , You Guys , Dan Such A Great Point , Analysis , Questions , Technology , Drop , Blood Testing , Charming , Credit , Charm , Mystique , Machinery , Board Members , Security Guard , Bullet Proof Glass , Act , Mef Walk Around Carrying Folder , Dan Bongino , High School Coach , Coming Up Unfacility , Hairclub Consultation , Head , Narrator , Hair Solution , Hair Solutions , Hair , Hairclub , Shipping Manager , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Find Themself , Actionsiption , Fox Friends , Player Weren T You , True , Weekend Co Host , Bench , Playing , Connecticut , 92 , Win , Dime Play , Playoff Game , Don T Know , Buffalo Bills , Tbhak , 4 , Halftime , Thoughts , Basketball Analyst , Coach , Youth Sports , Bit , Sir , Difference , 88 , Teams , Ability , Basketball , High School , High School Girls Basketball , Town , Ages , 40 , Wasn T , Trapping , Step On , Game , The End , Breaks , That S Life , Three , Will , Cover , Baseball Game , Egg , Footage , All American New Year Special In Nashville , 22 , Take , Video , Dumb And Dumber , Segments , Results , Line Dancing , Audience Pete , Practice , Fellas , Thought , Votes , Rout , 60 , Costume , Idea Cam , Mind , Level , Life Fan Of Lloyd , Peek , Eve , Ratings , Else , I Love You Guys Man , Note , Man Of My Word , Paula , Blast , Honor , Set , Crew , Fun , Round , Running , Meetings , It Brother , Glab , Dream , Errands , Singlecare , Price , Meds , Nm Com , Word , Pharmacy , Savings , Copay , Singlecare The Musical , Butcher Sticker , Cash , Garbage Bumper Sticker , Incarceration , Bumper Sticker , Bail , Liberalism , Car , Back , Fix , Folks Bumper Stickers Aren T Policy , Bail Reform , Policewoman , Bumper Stickers , Bumper Stingers , Leftsist , Save Lives , Bond , Rise , Harris County , Suspects , Detective , Receipts , 150 , Judge , Guns , Crime , Hl , Fox Business , Austin , 0 , Child Sex Predator , A Million , Good Luck , Lightning Round , End , Shame , Material , Number One , Third Party , Venmo , Governments , King , Transactions , Everything Doesn T , Hands , Irs , God Forbid , 00 , 600 , Mitts , Order , Story Number Two , DÉja Vu , Yogi Bhara , Bill , Element , Clock Work , Build , Everything Happening , Jen Psaki , President , Package , Yogi , Videos , Researchers , I Q , Ariana Grande , Attitude , Book , On Fox , Show On Fox Nation , Instagram , Greg , Jesse , Greg Gutfeld , Saturday Night , Guy , Words , Presidency , Subject , Jesse Watters , Old Joe , Him , Dee , 58 ,

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