Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

>> sandra: thursday. >> john: chicago public schools shut down for a second straight day as teachers stay home, like groundhog day, kids are left further behind. i'm john roberts. sandra, good to spend thursday with you. >> sandra: friday eve you usually call it. billions to keep necessary resources to keep the schools open, improved ventilation and other safety measures. that does not seem to be stopping some school leaders from shutting their doors. >> john: hi, gillian. >> gillian: public schools taken $130 billion, to keep schools open during the pandemic but a lot of schools are shuttered. chicago, $1.8 billion in federal covid funding, milwaukee 504 million, atlanta, over 200 million and detroit, almost 800 million. all these school districts currently closed to students citing the omicron surge. on president biden's first day in office he said that $130 billion he would send schools via the american rescue plan would allow them to reopen. so, not only are those recipient schools closed but a new daily wire investigation is finding out they have been real lo -- reallocating, and anti-racism and bias professional development. california earmarked 1.5 billion for pet projects, including "restorative practices" and "implicit bias training." the white house insists they are totally fine with all of this. take a listen. >> we did distribute the money out to states as he noted yesterday. some have spent it, others have not spent it. spent it in different ways, different schools made different decisions. >> gillian: powerful teachers' union says this way, until the surge virtually all public schools were open for in-person learning. got it right for most of this current school year. with the closures come not just the loss of in-person learning, john and sandra, but programs like breakfast and lunch and after school learning, too. >> john: gillian, my first opportunity to well come you back from maternity leave. good to see you back here again. brand-new mom. >> gillian: good to see you, thanks. >> sandra: another fox news alert, critics accusing democrats of using the january 6th riot to push for election overhaul and changes to the filibuster. president biden and vice president kamala harris this morning delivering remarks and holding a moment of silence earlier today on the capitol. the democrat-led january 6th committee is still investigating the events of that day, issuing subpoenas to dozens more people. even going after house republicans like scott perry and jim jordan in the search for mr information. could some democrats be using it as part of a strategy to help boost their vulnerable party chances come the midterm elections? fox team coverage begins now. wall street journal will join us, but aisha is live at the capitol for us right now. hi, aisha. >> hi, sandra, good afternoon to you. look, no surprise that democrats need a legislative win badly, especially after build back better essentially died over the holidays and january 6th is really a great time politically for them to move another big biden agenda item forward, and that is of course voting rights legislation, both the vice president and the president emphasized that today during their speeches here at the capitol. watch. >> brutality of bloody sunday, the edmund pettis bridge, came historic voting rights. now let's step up, write the next chapter in american history. january 6th marks not the end of democracy, but the beginning of a renaissance of liberty and fair play. >> chuck schumer wants a vote to blow up the filibuster in order to bypass a g.o.p. blockade on their voting rights bills. he's warning that if congress does not act january 6th could become the norm. critics believe democrats are really just trying to nationalize the elections, automatic voter registration system and ban photo i.d. requirements. meantime, the january 6th committee also marred in politics, struggling big time to get trump aides and allies to testify. a shot at the committee and accused speaker pelosi of not allowing the sergeant-at-arms to turn over documents that republicans really want to see. still the committee plans to release a preliminary report this summer. again, this is a very divided capitol today. you won't see any g.o.p. leadership at any of the events happening today to commemorate the attacks on the capitol because they believe that democrats are trying to politicize today. sandra. >> sandra: thank you, john. >> john: wall street journal columnist bill mcgurn. clearly january 6th should never have happened and should never happen again but questions as to whether or not democrats are trying to weaponize this for the midterms. kamala harris earlier today. >> certain days echo throughout history. dates occupy, not only a place on our calendar but a place in our collective memory. december 7, 1941. september 11, 2001. and january 6, 2021. >> john: the vice president put into context the bombing of pearl harbor, 9/11 and joe biden in his speech all but condemned republicans. what do you say? >> yeah, it's absolutely clear they are trying to politicize this. this is about not letting a crisis go to waste, and instead of making good on the pledges for unity and so forth and insisting on a fair and balanced assessment of the riots that happened that day, they have just -- they have gone off to try to demonize republicans. look at the timing, preliminary report in summer, televised hearings and another report before the midterm elections that's what it's about. it's sad. it's a squandered opportunity. >> john: mitch mcconnell took aim at chuck schumer to pass voting rights legislation. >> the fact that violent criminals broke the law does not entitle democrats to break the senate. it is surreal to hear sitting senators invoke january 6th to justify, listen to this, to justify breaking rules to grab outcomes they have not earned. >> john: the filibuster rule which senator schumer wants to set aside to have a vote on this bill. >> yeah, look, it's proved politically useful, and in fairness to democrats what else do they have. in some ways they need donald trump more than trump republicans. this is what they hope to campaign on. you know, they were largely successful campaigning on that for joe biden in 2020. the question whether it's going to work again and they are doing everything to hype and exaggerate rather than a cold-blooded look at what happened, who was to blame and what we should do about it. >> john: kamala harris also said january 6th highlights the need to pass the voting rights legislation. your fine publication, "wall street journal" said no, that is not the case, and said democracy is not dying, held up under pressure and held up in the states in which g.o.p. legislatures certified electoral votes despite mr. trump's complaints. democrats grudgingly admit the facts but say it was a close-run thing, it wasn't. so, when people hear, look, we have to do this because of this, is there fabric to that? >> no, look, there are certain things we can do. i don't think anyone would say all the laws and all the states are perfect but this is fear mongering. comparison to pearl harbor and 9/11 are farsical. and instead of the cold-blooded agreement on the central facts, they are helping to polarize the debate so american people cannot have an honest conversation what went on that date and what the agreement should be. >> john: thanks for joining us today. appreciate it. sandra, every indication it's going to be an election year issue for democrats. >> sandra: absolutely. and if today was any sign of that, surely that is what is to come, john. >> john: yeah. hey, reaction pouring in after manhattan's new district attorney is announcing prison time for many. critics say the policy would lead to more crime. >> sandra: john, lawmakers considering the possibility of more covid relief checks going out for struggling small businesses. is that a long-term solution? former fast food big wig andy putner will weigh in on that just ahead. >> we are not going to use the heavy hand of government to curtail your freedoms or ruin your livelihood and those policies were policies that all those people railed against and yet they'll come down here and bask in the florida sunshine and the florida freedoms. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> the checks that came out under this covid relief bill passed last march simply drove inflation, they lit a fire on demand, which lit a fire on inflation, larry summers, the former secretary of treasury under clinton and head of the consult of economic advisers under president obama said it would not help, but hurt, and prices soared. >> and you are writing about in your daily mail op-ed piece how the biden administration seems to be taking note of all the mistakes of 2021, and sort of correcting, increasingly you write "the administration has adopted the more balanced approach the left criticized" but the red states such as florida have enthusiastically embraced. after two years of pleas by us, fair to ask why the biden administration is suddenly embracing it. in a word you write, andy, the answer is reality. biden has grossly underperformed the expectations to fighting the virus and americans noted. reality can be hard to ignore. a lot of lessons seem to be learned now, and di. >> they sure do, and a lot of the democrats are learning when they go down and visit florida and down there partying and drinking and going maskless. you might ask yourself, why don't they go to california? california now has an indoor mask requirement, and at this point we are having an indoor mask requirement. no wonder people don't want to go there. this is -- it's a situation where the government is doing too much, where it shouldn't do anything, and too little where it should act. the federal government needs to worry about masks, they need to worry about therapeutics, they'll let the states handle whether or not businesses can operate. you know, you talked about that group of legislators talking about more covid relief. what they ought to do is reducing the amount of involvement the government has in the businesses now. i think the small business people i know would prefer the government would leave them alone and maybe if you are going to spend money on something, encourage people to work instead of spending money to discourage them from working. >> sandra: as in put some sort of work condition on receiving these checks, and by the way, when you look at the latest m.p.r. poll how much the checks and the child payments helped, its remarkable to see 45% say helped a little, not helped 31%, 76% said those stimulus checks helped a little or not at all. and when it comes to the child payments, helped a little, 16%. not helped at all, 76%. finally, andy, because you are the guy who ran t.k.e. restaurants if people don't know what fell under the umbrella, carls jr., hardees, you dealt with beef prices and you are saying the government restrictions and help as well is what is leading to the high prices, while joe biden says somehow the companies are colluding to drive prices higher. >> joe biden really has no idea what's going on. beef prices are up because labor costs are up, feed costs are up because they don't have enough people to harvest the crops, to plant the crops, don't have enough people working in the slaughterhouses and the beef packing plants to produce the amount of beef that people need. so, demand is way up, the supply is low because of government policies. this isn't a competition problem, even biden pointed out there are four major pliers of beef in the country. they control 50% of the market. that means they don't control the other 50%, that's controlled by regional players and they compete with each other. so plenty of competition. that has not changed because of the pandemic. what changed is policies that discourage people from going back to work that encourage them to stay home, not to work, that put dollars in their pockets without a work requirement, and therefore people are not working and supplies are very local. this isn't rocket science. it just isn't that tough. >> sandra: and with 11 million open jobs we need to get folks back to work and it's a struggle right now still at this point to do so. and the question is whether or not more relief checks would actually help or hurt that. andy, great to see you. thank you. >> great to s you, sandra, thank you, too. >> john: as remote instruction returns to several big cities, critics are sounding the alarm how it will severely harm kids. joseph allen, harvard professor, will join us to explain the damage done to america's children. stay with us. >> right now my children are at home and they are doing nothing. they are not learning, they are not experiencing any socialization, there is no reason for them to be at home. my kids are being held hostage at home. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ how bout sushi? 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>> no question school infrastructure has been neglected for decades and like to see the money spent for better ventilation filtration. but the know-how is there, guidance is there, billions of dollars are there, plenty of time to get it done. and i fully support the biden administration messaging. kids need to be back in school. governor charlie baker from massachusetts, kids need to be back in school. a false notion if kids and teachers are not in school that the social network is shut down and no spread. but community spreads rates are higher than in school. social networks happen, omicron is spreading fast. kids need to be in school and it's too casual to think there are no harms accumulating, and three days, a week, two weeks, how long will this go on? >> john: you know, you mentioned quantifiable evidence when the kids are at home and out of school, you write in the article the risk to severe outcomes from the infection is low, risk being out of school is high. an mckenzie report said the pandemic left students five months behind on math and four months behind in reading during the 2021 school year, and i would assume as well, joseph, every day that you take them out of school and as we see in chicago there's no remote learning plan here, that they are going to fall even further behind. >> i don't think there's any question. if this was march 2020, think a week, two weeks. we are coming up on two years of disrupted learning. so each day definitely matters. each day. think about a kindergartener who started in 2020, and now 2nd grade. they have not had a truly uninterrupted normal school year. we are coming up on two years and it's because we have the new tools, we have the knowledge, it's not like we are throwing our hands up and saying we don't know how to keep people safe. vaccines are safe. get vaccinated, get boosted. i have three kids, they are all vaccinated. on top of that, you can wear a good-fitting, a high filtration mask and give you extra protection. all the tools are there to keep us safe and we have gotten so narrow thinking about risk, and not a wider lens and what happens when they are not in school and we have seen the problems continue to escalate. >> john: point well taken. joseph allen, good to have you on. appreciate your thoughts. >> thanks for having me. >> john: like the water torture, the first couple drops don't bother you but the thousands, every one drives you nuts. and the effects of this are cumulative. >> sandra: so many parents will appreciate his passion and delivered the message, and we have to widen our view of risk when it comes to covid. it can't just be about the virus and the illness for the kids, it has to be about so many other things. with the older kids, the suicide rate that is up, that is a factor in the pandemic. the lack of socialization and then to his point about lost learning, some which some are highlighting we'll never get back. john, another story that we are closely following, i know a lot of folks at home are, too, is tennis superstar novack djokovic saying he was granted permission to play in the australian open and had a vaccine exemption permission but australian immigration officials say he does not meet the criteria for the exemption and now the court will decide. it's a crazy story. a live report coming up. >> john: plus president biden's plan to make the meat market more competitive and drive down prices. more regulation of the meat industry helpful or harmful? we'll discuss. >> what's alarming to me is that you saw joe biden attack capitalism. you saw him attack free market. he's attacking america. kinder bueno. it's crispy. it's creamy. it's not your average chocolate bar. it's kinder bueno! smooth milk chocolate, crispy wafer, creamy hazelnut filling. it's kinder bueno. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the way they exaggerate the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection or a cream it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. >> john: was kim john you think. >> john: north korean state media is out with a new claim that kim jong-un's father, kim jong-il, invented the burrito shortly before he died in 2011. the report claims kim came up with the idea of a wheat wrap in 2011 shortly before he died from a heart attack. they say media footage shows north koreans chowing down on burritos despite a food shortage in the country. yet another story of the origin of the burrito, and the mayans in 1500, and juan mendez in 1910 and 1930 who sold these things from the back of a burro, from which it derived its name burrito, little burro. add this to the story. >> sandra: interesting considering the dire straits the country is in. the white house briefing has begun, the white house says it will step up processing on meat processors, president biden will increase competition to bring down prices, saying there are not enough companies to bring down prices. but are more regulations missing the mark if a labor shortage is the bigger issue? texas farm bureau president, appreciate the shot there, sir. good to have you with us. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: i've been wanting to pick your brain about what's going on here because it struck us when we heard the president take to the podium when talking about these high meat prices and saying capitalism without competition is not capitalism, it's exploitation. is the beef and cattle industry exploiting consumers by colluding to raise prices or other factors at work here? >> well, sandra, first off, thanks for the opportunity and there are definitely other factors. i mean, there's, maybe there's some issues with competition but you mentioned labor shortage, supply chain already. we have been dealing with that the fast two years and i think that has contributed as well. at the same time, the four major packers do process about 85% of the beef in this country, so it is something that needs to be looked at, no doubt. >> sandra: you are suggesting that increasing competition would be a good thing. now, what could happen in your view to help bring down prices? >> well, i mean -- one of the things we have looked at over the years, over the past couple years as producers is the beef that comes out of the packing plant and on to the retailer, the spread between that and what the producer on the ranch gets, so you know, some of it's been a supply and demand issue, no doubt. some of it has been related to covid like i mentioned before. but some more competition in the processing industry could be a good thing. so you know, we are looking forward to that. there's just -- it gets pretty complicated, but we welcome the administration looking into it and possibly increasing competition. >> sandra: now, but -- so and you tell me exactly the way you see this. but to suggest that this is not about all the increased regulations, rules, obviously covid playing a part where you lost a lot of the workforce. andy puzder is suggesting this is a labor issue, a supply chain issue, a lot at work driving prices higher. but correct me if i'm wrong, if for the president to suggest it's a competition issue, and that these four big companies control too much of the market, wouldn't that be a suggestion they are somehow colluding to raise prices. don't they compete with each other? >> well, yes in a perfect world, or that's the way we expect it to work, and i'm sure it does work that way, you know, but again, there are certain regulations, certain reporting practices that the packers have to go through, you know, you start talking -- you get in the weeds, you talk about the packers and the stock yards act, those types of things, it's over 100 years old. maybe it needs to be looked at and tweaked somewhat, and again, yes, there is competition but at the same time the spread between boxed beef, retail beef and what the producer gets has been widening over the years, and that's something that's been concerning to us. >> sandra: very interesting. we will stay on the story. it affects almost every american family and what they are trying to put on their dinner table. we thank you for what you do, sir, we'll have you back and looking into it. thank you. >> thank you, sandra, appreciate it. >> john: fox news alert, head to the white house where jen psaki is taking questions from the press. she was talking about pushback from republicans on criticisms of them connected to january 6th. let's listen. >> to the tens of millions of republicans, independents and others out there who don't feel that way. we are talking about some republicans in congress, not all, many, far too many, who in our view and the president's view need to take a look at themselves and think about what role they want to play in the history books, when their children and grandchildren look at the history books, do they want to be perpetuating the big lie, do they want to be walking like silent lemmings behind the former president and who formented the insurrection or saving the democracy? the question should be directed at them, that's our view. go ahead. >> six former advisory board members from the biden health transition wrote three opinion pieces in a medical article, calling for a new pandemic strategy that sort of embraces living with the new normal of covid being endemic, and the previous claims we gained the upper hand now looks short sighted and need to change our understanding what kind of target we are looking at. has the president been advised on whether we will have to live with covid in some form or another forever? by the current team? >> i have not had the opportunity, obviously it's been a busy day, to read these articles. i'm happy to do that, i don't believe the president has. i think i answered the question a little bit earlier in terms of advice given by his health and medical experts. i would point to them to ask the question. >> does the president believe covid is here to stay? >> again, the president's goal is to defeat the virus. the president's focus and objective now is to save as many lives as possible and we know what works, and we know that pushing more people, getting more people vaccinated, getting more people boosted, encouraging mask wearing, making sure schools have the resources they need to stay open and do that in a safe way. these are steps that work. it means surging capacity to communities that are harder -- hardest hit. opening federal testing sites around the country. a number of steps we are taking day-to-day to reduce hospitalization, that's what the focus is on. >> the vaccine mandates should be imposed more broadly, including for school children, has the administration heard those concerns, and is that something that they are weighing or more mandate possible? >> those decisions related to schools and i have not read the articles and happy to, but always be up to local districts in what steps need to be taken. and some have taken steps, some have not, it's up to the local district. >> the omicron variant accounts for 95% of the cases right now. also data that show that two shots is ineffective at protecting against this variant. so, what is the point of calling someone fully vaccinated with only that primary series of shots if the science is showing it's not enough to protect them? >> well, jacqui, what the c.d.c. is advising, everyone to be up to date on shots. that means if you are scheduled to have a booster you should get a booster, and that is true, that's how they conduct their guidance for basically any shot regimen for childhood diseases, measles, mumps, rubella, whatever it may be, but i would point to them for more specifics on where they are on what fully vaccinated looks like. they have obviously just provided additional guidance. >> wouldn't there then at some point be sort of a gap between fully vaccinated and up to date? just looking at the two definitions, encouraging you to be up to date and most people are eligible for shots over the age of five, or booster shots. you know, at a certain point in time, given the waning protection of, you know, the primary series of vaccines and the need to get boosters in a shorter time period, won't there come a time you are not fully vaccinated anymore, two shots? >> by up to date, they are advising people if they are due for a booster they should get a booster. go ahead. >> thank you. >> not to belabor the point -- >> all right. jen psaki answering questions from jacqui heinrich regarding covid. the press secretary saying, sandra, the president's goal is to defeat the virus, not sure what it means. there is growing evidence the virus is here to stay and like the flu and the hundreds of viruses that cause the common cold and other diseases as well, we'll have to learn to live with it at some point. >> sandra: and i think that goes back to the conversation you just had with that harvard professor where there needs to be a broadened view of risk when it comes to this virus and not just defeating the virus but also getting kids back in school and get them learning again and also keeping businesses open and lessening the restrictions so the country can move forward. >> john: more news about vaccination. 20-time grand slam winner novak djokovic is being held in a melbourne, australia hotel room whether he can play in the australia open. he initially had a medical exemption to let him enter the country but they have rejected the evidence for the exemption. you have the best tennis player in the world cooling his heels waiting to see if he can play. >> trying to win number 21, all time record. but not as cut and dried. initial reports suggested that djokovic, not vaccinated, applied for a medical exemption he did not deserve. turns out the australians set up the rules and two separate state approved medical boards approved his entry. it was only after djokovic was on a plane that prime minister scott morrison under public pressure canceled his visa. >> there are no special cases. rules are rules. people are welcome in australia, but not double vaccinated or citizen you cannot come. >> right now it's a mess. djokovic is under guard at a hotel until a judge hears his appeal on monday. he claims to have followed australian tennis rules and two review panels approved the exemption, reportedly because he previously had covid and recently tested negative. while the tennis federation allows unvaccinated players, the federal government enforces immigration law and it requires a 14-day quarantine for the unvaxxed. his mother says it's political. >> they are keeping him as a prisoner, it's just not fair, it's not human. just -- as we are trying to be very strong. >> other players publicly trying to stay neutral. >> rules and if you don't want to get the vaccine, then you can have some problems. >> if you had a fair exemption from the rule, well, he should be here. if he didn't, he shouldn't be here. >> bottom line is the state government said one thing, john, the feds another, unless you are double vaxxed you are not going to get in. can he become the most winning grand slam player of all time, will be determined in the court. >> rafa saying suck it up if you have to do it. but you say under guard? >> yeah, two people outside the hotel room and two people outside demonstrating, he's not going anywhere now. >> they are serious down under. thank you. sandra. >> sandra: djokovic has not disclosed whether or not he is vaccinated or not. we'll have joe on the story in the next hour. new at 2:00, i.c.e. failing to release the annual report on the arrests and deportations of illegal immigrants by the end of the year the first time in a decade. and class dismissed in chicago, putting parents and kids at major risks. katie, joe, and arizona a.g. joining us next hour. your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. if you used shipgo this whole thing wouldn't be a thing. yeah, dad! i don't want to deal with this. oh, you brought your luggage to the airport. that's adorable. with shipgo shipping your luggage before you fly you'll never have to wait around here again. like ever. that can't be comfortable though. the smart, fast, easy way to travel. if you wanna look fresh, fresh. you gotta eat fresh. eat fresh. that's why subway bought time in my shampoo ad. to talk about the new baja chicken & bacon. body, bounce, and baja. bounce. eat fresh. >> sandra: "america reports" rolls on, all new at 2:00. crimes spiking in cities across the country no matter where you turn. and in city after city, police blaming the same thing. >> rogue prosecutors letting violent repeat criminals out over and over again. >> not staying in prison so we just continue to deal with the same people again and again. >> people are afraid, it's like a death zone. >> never been safer to be a criminal in the united states. never been less safe to be a citizen. >> john: progressive prosecutors under fire as crime rates go through the roof. why would the new district attorney in one of the biggest cities, there could be millions and millions of reasons, all of them green. >> sandra: details of an underground campaign to loosen up laws nationwide and the billionaire behind it. so, why is george soros hell bent on reshaping american law and order? a brand-new order of "america reports" 2:00 on a thursday afternoon. >> john: i was pleasantly surprised when i said it was wednesday, but then thursday. maybe i should do it more often. sandra, john roberts in washington. a lot of folks in new york city celebrating the new mayor thinking he would take a hard line on crime and now a sobering wake-up call as the mayor backs this controversial prosecutor. we'll get into all of it. as always, begin with what's breaking. fox news alert as families wait in limbo, the children's futures at stake. teachers' union in chicago refusing to return to class during the latest wave of covid despite assurances the classrooms are safe and billions in taxpayers dollars spent to make them that way. >> sandra: chicago cancelling classes the second day in a row, impacting 300,000 students, already suffered the effects of in-person learning. doctors, parents, even president biden insisting we all have the tools necessary to keep the schools open safely. >> john: we have you covered this afternoon. medical perspective just ahead, but first, garrett tenney has been on the story. >> classes canceled today and barring a breakthrough in negotiations, likely the case tomorrow for most schools. but not all of them. thanks to some teachers who are bucking their union. chicago public schools says 10% of teachers defied the union and showed up for in-person classes yesterday. so, not very many but the district thinks it could be enough for a handful of schools to have some students back in class tomorrow. c.p.s. is putting together plans for remote learning next week in case it has not reached a deal. the mayor continues to hammer the chicago teacher union for ignoring the science and data showing the schools are among the safest places for kids to be and are doing it to try and score political points. >> unfortunately i think the only way to rate it, the union trying to pull aside the pandemic, they get to try to flex their power but do it at the expense of the children and families, absolute wrong thing to do is to abandon the science and the data that tells us the schools in-person are the best place for our students to be. >> the city and the union have now each filed unfair labor charges against one another with state officials as they also continue try to work out a deal. negotiations appear to have made some progress and right now there is not a huge gap between what the two sides are offering, but school and health officials have suggested one of the challenges they are facing with some of the union's demands is they are based on fears and concerns the teachers have that may not be supported by the science. >> we said let's get the kids n95, no problem, do it, i don't care what it costs. do i think a child needs a kn95, i do not. but if that makes people feel more comfortable, make them available, please. >> there aren't any indications how long it could go on for. union originally wanted the entire school district to stay remote until the end of next week, and really regardless of what the mayor says or does the union could ultimately get its way by simply delaying the negotiations and extending them out until then. john. >> john: i don't think you could fire every teacher in chicago because they wanted to walk out. mayor is caught between a rock and hard place, at least for now. garrett tenney in chicago, thanks. >> sandra: bring in fox news contributor, johns hopkins contributor. our heart breaks for the parents and the lost learning yet again. do we not have all the tools necessary by this point in the pandemic to keep our kids in the classroom? what really is going on here? >> you could construct a medical argument, sandra, to keep kids out of school in perpetuity. 10 to 25% of children will develop a respiratory infection every year and will forever. you could argue that motor vehicles which kill more people than covid in the population would mean we cannot have kids in school. you can always use the safety argument as the eternal excuse, but teachers i believe have a social contract with children, and look at the data, we see ignoring of mental health again and again. we see it in healthcare ignoring mental health, underrepresented by employers, by government and again, we are seeing a total disregard from the data out of brown university, out of the jedd foundation, showing 31% of parents say mental health of their kids is worse and on and on. >> sandra: not to mention the money that was allocated to these cities and states to keep the schools open. i mean, you are talking billions of dollars. you can put up on the screen, this is the american rescue plan school funding, chicago $1.8 billion where they are again for the second day not open, classrooms are shut, teachers went home. milwaukee, atlanta, detroit, i mean, millions of dollars. so, how can they explain this? dr. makary, they were given money to increase ventilation in the schools, proper safety protocols to implement in the bathrooms, hallways, seems to me the teachers have to answer for all the dollars spent. >> well, i agree. but you know, there's 1 of 2 positions that people have on schools and one is an active role and the other is a passive role. and we have seen the government take a very passive role. the surgeon general issued a report there's a mental health crisis among young people. a very passive role. people throw lip service to the problem. what we need is actually policy changes. somebody has to stand up for the kids. >> sandra: and as far as the policies are concerned, confusion with isolation guidance and now the american medical association is calling owl the c.d.c. for the confusing guidance, but the c.d.c. issuing changes to guidance, new guidance, hard for anybody to keep track of, dr. makary. >> the a.m.a. has 3 to 4% of doctors as dues paying members. we should not be delivering what shoddy test we should use at the end of the quarantine. the biggest question is, why are we quarantining other immune people. quarantine should be reserved for nursing home staff and hospital staff and other people who may need to make a behavior change around a nonimmune population. >> sandra: final question to you. flurona, we are now seeing in some cases in the country, somebody is contracting coronavirus and the flu, because we are, of course, in the middle of flu season. are you worried about this? >> i am concerned. look, we'll have maybe a real flu season. i've been concerned about flu every year, we are oddly complacent this year. a study shows maybe no real benefit to the vaccine. there's no harm in getting it but may need to brace for a bad flu season. >> oh, man, just another thing. dr. makary, always good to talk to you. >> you, too. >> sandra: flurona. >> john: i have a knack song in my head, "my, my, my, my flurona." >> john: and california, extended lockdowns left a lot of places closed and people out of work. now the covid restrictions california has on the books could sock the state the biggest blow yet, particularly to the pocket book, costing california the super bowl. according to a dallas news station, the nfl has been quietly, very quietly exploring potential stadium change for the biggest sporting and cultural event of the year. set to be held in the sofi stadium in los angeles but the strict covid rules could restrict the number of fans in the stands. among alternative sites under consideration, at&t stadium in arlington, home of the dallas cowboys. league spokesman playing it down saying they intend, emphasis on intend, to hold the super bowl in california as planned. whoa, that would be a big loss to the golden state, sandra. >> sandra: that would definitely be a big change. hard to imagine with the spike in cases what it's going to be like, you have to get back to life, right, john? new york restaurant owner staring down a gun as the robber demanded cash. what a scene it was. the message from 911 was to call back when he had a real problem, though. the push from the left to redefine what qualifies as serious crime in this country, and the owner is warning this will not end well. >> this is what gives rise to vigilantism. owners do the strong arming. >> john: also philly, los angeles, san francisco and more, a common thread. billionaire george soros and his millions of dollars. katie on that coming up next. veteran homeowners. if you haven't refinanced yet, get in on record low rates now. the newday two and a quarter refi is the lowest rate in newday's history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. just one call, and you can save thousands every year. there's no money out of pocket and no up front fees. the newday two and a quarter refi. at these rates, you may never need to refinance again. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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katie pavlich. he is looking at criminal justice reform, a bipartisan issue. something president trump and jared kushner worked hard on, but it's not exactly bipartisan, katie. >> yeah, john. a couple years ago far left activists who don't believe in incarceration and believe the american system of justice has to be torn down and rebuilt from their leftist ideology standpoint put out a call to elect local prosecutors to do what their vision is for criminal justice reform, social justice and implementing their social justice ideology and policies and when you have someone like george soros who can dump a million dollars into a local race in 2015, kim fox in chicago, gave her money for re-election, gave her a million dollars, when you are dumping that money into local races, it's very difficult to compete especially when the voter turnout in those races tends to be very low. as we have seen in chicago, murder rates are through the roof, letting people out of prison, seen it all over the country and in terms of the ideology here, it's not just about incompetence, this is a deeply held ideology that you have seen implemented in cities across the country, showed all the d.a.s on the screen, it comes down to what the d.a.-elect in new york said in the interview with eric shawn, depends when your definition of a criminal is. they think it's racist and irreleemable, they want everyone released out regardless if you are murder error not. >> john: and when you deal with the new vision that alvin bragg has that armed robbery, as long as nobody was ever threatened o are hurt will be charged as a misdemeanor, petty larceny, that will cause the police to not show up when somebody calls to say somebody is holding us up with a gun. senator tom cotton said everywhere soros' backed prosecutors go, crime follows. pursuing being lenient even for the most heinous crime and do not charge shoplifting, vagrancy, and other things. and like in san francisco and los angeles, and some degree chicago as well with the smash and grab robbers, it's affecting quality of life and the economy. >> absolutely. we know what works in new york. the d.a.-elect in new york is saying i want to do something. what did work was a broken window policy under mayor rudy giuliani, you were punished for crimes, minor crimes that did not lead to larger crimes. now you have the opposite approach, the d.a. does not want to prosecute very violent crimes and turning them into misdemeanors, we have seen as a result of those policies with the smash and grabs, running into the stores and not prosecuting people or stealing things. what about not prosecuting people who are attacking innocent victims in a violent fashion on the street. more background on the ideology here, george soros is picking people who believe in the nonincarceration, the d.a. in san francisco, he told the story how he understands visiting, you know, he grew up visiting his parents in prison, he made it seem like the system was unjust. his parents were in prison for murder. that's why they were in prison. and so he has the idea that they shouldn't have any incarceration, even for the most violent of crimes which people are convicted of or plead guilty to. >> john: that's not going to end well. katie pavlich, great to see you. it's been a while. what katie was saying about rudy giuliani, he thought if you get rid of the squeegee guys, and urinating in public, that the quality of life gets better and the big crimes take care of themselves. there is some old new york city file of the squeegee guys and now throwing it out the window, saying we are not going to prosecute the little crimes, we are going to let the big criminals go. and what's the effect of that going to be? >> sandra: it stuck with me, a great conversation with katie, but going back to the business owner beforehand, that madison alworth spoke with saying he's operating a coffee shop. someone comes in and defecates in the store, can't call 911, they don't come, only if there is an active shooter situation, that's a scary thought living in the city. >> john: terrifying. >> sandra: terrifying, it's tough. vaccine politics, two of the biggest names. joe concha is gearing up, getting loose for this one. there he is, joe, we'll bring you in next. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking and if you're pregnant or planning to be. in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> are you ready to start a great career? 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think again. even other cities like los angeles running into hiccups because we are not just talking about weather, but also staffing shortages. that is the other major factor with airlines and federal airport workers experiencing also the latest covid surge. reports of many employees calling out sick, that is stretching resources already tight from pilots to flight attendants to the people back here taking tickets, checking bags, to the people on the ramps. on and on, john, it's a problem that never seems to end. >> john: casey, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: two of the biggest names in sports facing blowback over their vaccination status. green bay packers star quarterback aaron rodgers responding after a sports writer called him a jerk and a bum and said he would not vote for rodgers for m.v.p. and then the drama happening down under, arguably the greatest tennis player of all time, novak djokovic may be not able to defend his australian open title, after australia has decided to cancel his visa. instead, he may be deported. joe concha for the hill. joe, these are just two very bizarre stories. first i want to get to the sports writer and his own words on why he said he would not vote for rodgers. listen. >> i don't think he can be the biggest jerk in the league and punish your team and organization, your fan base the way he did and be the most valuable player. >> sandra: the biggest jerk in the league. that's pretty brutal. >> that sounds personal, doesn't it, sandra, and look, what does m.v.p. stand for, most vaccinated player now? i mean, i used to cover sports, a sports writer myself, columnist for fox sports, nbc sports, it's a simple criteria how the awards are given. who was most valuable to their team and given aaron rodgers' team has the best record in the league, didn't hurt them that much, i suppose, and 35 touchdowns, very good, has not thrown an interception, very bad, has not done that in two months, voting for rodgers as easy as voting for michael jordan when he played and pains me to say that as a bears' fan. deep down i loath rodgers but respect him. when sports writers base the votes on vaccination status or which political player, remember what happened with tom brady and donald trump, that drives sports fans from the game. we lose the escapism. rodgers will win m.v.p. despite what the writer -- >> sandra: i screwed up. i think that i have not paid a lot of attention, i don't spend much time on twitter. i know a lot is being presented in ways that it wasn't said, about you that's going to happen. and i do know that some of it sounds awful because i didn't say very well what i wanted to say, you know. and so all you can do is own it, and i own it. >> sandra: and there you have it, after aaron rodgers responded saying his problem with me is not i'm a bad guy or jerk in the league, doesn't know me or anything about me, his problem with me is i'm not vaccinated. and ask you about novak djokovic, i watch a lot of tennis and into the story. and i don't get it. why is he not being allowed into australia to defend his title there? what's happening? >> you follow tennis, i love tennis myself and so we'll break this down for people in layman's terms. djokovic is like aaron rodgers, the best in the sport, and same sentence as federer or sampras or mcenroe, and set the table for nonsports fans. djokovic has had covid and last check if you play tennis you know it ain't rugby and not wrestling or basketball, it socially distances the players. what danger is there? what's the science not allowing this great player to play in the australian open, it's a major. he's now in isolation, what is this, winter fel in game of thrones? his father said all his stuff taken, including his wallet. look, the nfl, nhl, nba have carried on without any meaningful medical issues. let this man play. no science around not allowing him to play, sandra. >> sandra: by the way, he's never officially gone on the record like aaron rodgers saying he has not been vaccinated but one can assume from all this. the australian prime minister put out a tweet, saying rules are rules, his visa is canceled, rules are rules, no one is above the rules, our strong border policies have been critical to australia, one of the lowest death rates in the world from covid. we are continuing to be vigilant. as you said his parents are saying djokovic is being held captive, and now some tennis greats are taking his back. rafael nadal. >> i don't encourage no one. i feel everyone has to do whatever, whatever feels that is good for him but there are rules and you don't want to get the vaccine, then you can have some problems. >> sandra: at the end of the day, these are amazing athletes and that was an interesting supportive comment from rafael nadal, and they watch everything they put in their bodies and they are afraid something could alter -- i don't know. final thought, it's a wild story. still being held there, by the way. >> i know, still being held there and i love the aussies but i have a case of fosters ten feet away from me, that's going down the drain. bad job, australia. let this man play. no scientific reason not to. or i could give it to you, you are a fosters girl, sandra. in the mail. >> sandra: alcohol abuse. we'll continue following the story. maybe australia comes around, we don't know, we'll watch it. >> john: sandra, if joe is going to throw away perfectly good beer, he has to be worked up. >> sandra: true. [laughter] >> john: i love his metaphor about the dungeons in winterfel, holding him in the cell next to ned stark. and something that has not happened in decades, feds not releasing the report on illegal migrants. critics calling it the biden administration is not grasping the reality on the crisis on the border. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my 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enforcement and deportations and typically by history released the end of the calendar year. but here we are a week into january the report is not out yet, and critics are now crying foul essentially saying they believe the administration is slow-walking this report because they believe it is going to show a steep drop in i.c.e. enforcement during the historic border crisis. pull up video and why they think that. keep in mind, as soon as president biden took office he made serious changes to i.c.e. and its mission. he wanted to do 100 day moratorium on deportations, that did not work. and then changed who i.c.e. can target, now aggravated felon, security threats, recent border crossers. no work site enforcement rates going on, and the secretary has said being in the country illegally should not be grounds to be deported. i talked to i.c.e. about this yesterday, no delay with the report. they say it's in the final review and should be out this month. however, former i.c.e. director tom homan tells me there is no excuse for the report not to be out, he says it's unprecedented it's not out. he says when he led the agency it was in his hands by november and he believes it is being slow-walked. take a listen. >> they are trying to spin those numbers and i used to run the agency, talking to a lot of high level people in the last few days, trying to figure out how to manipulate the numbers so the message -- there's no -- especially, bill, when the numbers are down 90%, it's not like they have a lot of math to do. it should be a pretty simple report. >> and then take a look at the mug shot here. this is a sex offender from el salvador arrested in the rio grande valley yesterday. he was trying to use a fake name when he crossed illegally in hidalgo. he has previous convictions for indecency with a child in houston in 2018, given probation and rearrested for stalking and child abuse, then deported in 2019 and yesterday was arrested once again for trying to cross back in illegally. he has an active warrant out for his arrest out of the houston area. back out here live, part of the much bigger picture here, just since october 1st, border patrol in the r.g.b. sector report they have caused more than 60 sex offenders. send it back to you. >> that is an alarming statistic. thank you. john. >> john: let's bring in arizona attorney general mark brnovich. clearly a big issue for him and his state. the first time, to reiterate, the first time in more than a decade i.c.e. has not filed this year-end report by the time we have crossed over into the new year. they have got the numbers, they have had them for a while. what do you suspect is going on? >> john, thank you for having me on, and i think that we all know what's going on. we don't need to suspect it, the biden administration is engaged in a lack of transparency and there were many of us worried they wanted to abolish i.c.e.. but i think what's happening, they are essentially abolishing the southern border and seen it with a record amount of people coming into the country and record amounts of fentanyl in the country. biden administration and his enablers in our congress have essentially ceded control to the cartel, so they think if they slow walk it the american public will ignore it. that's not true, they are having real world consequences in all of our communities. >> general, as bill was reporting a moment ago, i.c.e. says don't worry about the report, its in the final review stage, we are going to release it in the future. maybe by the end of this month. but when you take a look at the trajectory of border encounters versus i.c.e. enforcements, the border numbers were way, way, way up and it appears as though the i.c.e. enforcement numbers are way, way, way down. what do you expect the report is going to show? >> i think it's going to show exactly what you just pointed out, the numbers are down. and what the biden administration has done, and we know this from our multiple lawsuits and depositions of the current officials, that people that have records, assaults, armed robberies, the crimes you were just talking about, they are not being picked up. so they are being released from prisons, from jails, and that means they are being let into the community. as a result of the biden administration failure to start to deport people inconsistent with title 8 of the u.s. code, we'll see more criminals released into the communities and that results in less deportations and i know from talking to, and i was a gang prosecutor, federal prosecutor, talking to my friends at the department of justice. if you look at the number of cases they are prosecuting for illegal reentry, those are declining as well. what the biden administration is essentially doing, saying there is no criminal penalties to come illegally, even if you are a degenerate sex offender, rapist or arsonist. >> john: you mentioned a moment ago, abolish i.c.e., joe biden has elected not to do that, but tom homan suggests what they are doing is they are abolishing i.c.e. in a way. listen what he said earlier today. >> they are trying to figure out how to spin the information. the data will not be good. if they send out an accurate report, which i doubt they are going to do, clearly show they may not have abolished i.c.e. but abolished the mission. >> john: the president cannot get rid of i.c.e. but of what they do. >> we have sued the biden administration or the permanent and interim guidance. more than a million people here illegally they are refusing to report. the communities are less safe and more dangerous as a result of the biden administration and the progressive policies by flooding people into the country and fentanyl and methamphetamine in the communities. >> john: attorney general mark brnovich from arizona, a big hill to climb when it comes to the border. thanks for joining us. and along with illegal migration comes illegal drug trade, fentanyl seizures as the attorney general pointed out are way up, a small, small, tiny percentage of what's coming into the country and past authorities, sandra. >> sandra: no longer makes the just border town and border state issues, but problems spread throughout the country, john. meanwhile, next up, the new claim from north korea about its missile program. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ your kindness outshines your 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facing welfare fraud charges after allegedly continuing to collect food stamps even though the child no longer lived with the couple. the stepmother says she's not since harmony since november, 2019 when the father said he would take the girl back to her biological mother. adam montgomery was a rested on felony charges to related abuse charges of harmony dating back to 2019 when he's accused of striking her in the face. he's being held in preventative detention. harmony's biological mother reached out to police in november to report her daughter missing telling police that her contact was being blocked by adam montgomery. a dedicated tip line being manned by detectsives. john, back to you. >> john: that poor little kid. molly line for us. thank you. sonda? >> sandra: john, now to north korea claiming they successfully tested a second hypersonic missile. greg palkot is live in london. >> that's right. north korea claims to have launched another dangerous missile. others are not so sure. the missile took off and came down in the sea of japan. pyongyang calls it hypersonic. the second such launch. hypersonic missiles can fly five times the speed of sound and can deliver a nuclear warhead to a target evading defenses. u.s. officials tell fox news the regime of kim jong-un might be stretching the truth saying it's likely another ballistic missile test. also, they're banned by the u.s. as well. this comes time as leader kim says he wants more weapons as he the is dealing with domestic problems. the biden's administration still has not talked to kim about his nukes. >> sandra: thanks, greg. that does it for us. thanks so much for joining us here on "america reports." i'm sandra smith. great to be with you. >> john: i wonders if kim jong-un fired off a hypersonic burrito in honor of his dad. >> sandra: a good way to tie the stories together. >> john: i'm john roberts. "the story" with martha starts rights now. >> martha: good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum in new york. the story evolving right now, the electoral politics related to january 6. swinging towards an effort to change voting laws for 2022. president biden took the gloves off today, pointed the finger of blame at president trump and vice president harris compared the capitol riot to pearl harbor. >> certain dates echo

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Isolation Guidance , Lip Service , Issuing , Track , Anybody , Calling Owl , American Medical Association , Members , Dues , Ama , 3 , Quarantine , Test , Behavior Change , Nursing Home , Hospital , Nonimmune Population , Flurona , Flu Season , Middle , Harm , Study , Benefit , Man , Lockdowns , Knack Song , News Station , Pocket Book , Books , Blow , Dallas , Costing California The Super Bowl , Fans , Los Angeles , Nfl , Sporting , Event , Very Quietly Exploring Potential Stadium Change , Sofi Stadium , Super Bowl , Consideration , Stands , Sites , Emphasis , At T Stadium , Dallas Cowboys , League Spokesman , In Arlington , Change , Spike , Gun , Scene It , Robber , Restaurant Owner , Cash , Push , 911 , Rise , Owner , Owners , Arming , Thread , Vigilantism , San Francisco , Refi , Rate , Newday Two , Homeowners , Veteran , You Haven T , Apr , Pocket , Call , Fees , 2 48 , World , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Limu Emu , Doug , Gasps , Pain Relief , December 17th Liberty , Pills , Theaters , Spider Man , December 17th , 17 , Alevex Topical Pain Relief , Aleve , Times , Electorlytes , Feel , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , You Re Not Alone , 19 , Support , Calhope , Calhope Org , 317 , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , 833 , Decision , Shooting , City Streets , Green Light , Incarceration , Doubt , Fox Business , Progressive D A , Madison , No One , Robbery , Weapon , I M Here At Festival , Cafe , Upper East Side , Incident , Patrons , Restaurant , Person Spitting , Homeless Person Deficating , They Don T Show Up , Shooter , Don T Show Up , Theft , Resisting Arrest , Gun Arrests , Highest , Nypd , 15 , 4144 , November Of 2021 , Concern , Deterrent , 1995 , Business Operators , Operating Business , Precedent , D A S , Criminal Justice Reform , Big Fat Bank Roll , Trump , Jared Kushner , System , Ideology , Justice , Activists , Standpoint , Vision , Social Justice , Race , Kim Fox , 2015 , A Million Dollars , A Million , Races , Re Election , Voter Turnout , Murder Rates , Incompetence , Interview , D A Elect , Eric Shawn , Definition , Murder Error , Irreleemable , Somebody Calls , Armed Robbery , Misdemeanor , O , Nobody , Larceny , Tom Cotton , Everywhere , Quality Of Life , Robbers , Shoplifting , Vagrancy , Economy , Degree , In San Francisco , Smash And Grab , Window , Rudy Giuliani , Result , Smash , Misdemeanors , Grabs , Stores , Background , Victims , Stealing , Fashion , Visiting , Nonincarceration , Violent , Murder , Public , Squeegee Guys , File , Quality , Guys , Squeegee , Effect , Business Owner , Big Criminals Go , Living In The City , Madison Alworth , Defecates , Store , Coffee Shop , Names , Terrifying , Vaccine Politics , Entrance , Plaque Psoriasis , Greg Palkot , Substitute Teaching , Speaking , Addition , 68 , Prevagen , Elephant , Job , Opportunities , Career , Lots , Difference , Healthier Brain , Banks , Song , Lenders , 2 25 , Mortgage Payments , Lock , Aaron Rodgers , Firing , Mvp , Game , Reporters , Staffing Shortages , The Star , Q B , Performance Under Center , Flights , Airports , Industries , Dysfunction , Fliers , Nation , Casey Stegall , Latest , Dallas Fort Worth , Lines , Start , Passengers , Led , 20000 , Silver Lining , Contacts , Mother Nature , 3000 , 1700 , Areas , Recue , Flight , Snow , Somewhere , Somewhere Cold , Hiccups , 9 , Airport Workers , Shortages , Employees , Weather , Airlines , Sick , Covid Surge , Tickets , Flight Attendants , Pilots , Ramps , Bags , Vaccination Status , Sports , Blowback , Sports Writer , Jerk , Tennis Player , Bum , Drama , Star Quarterback , Green Bay Packers , Title , The Hill , League , Words , Organization , Fan Base , Sounds Personal , Doesn T , Fox Sports , Nbc Sports , Awards , Mvp Stand For , Voting , Michael Jordan , Didn T , Interception , 35 , Rodgers , Votes , Sports Writers , Fan , Bears , Deep Down , Escapism , Tom Brady , Writer , Attention , Twitter , Bad Guy , Tennis , Mcenroe , Sport , Best , Sentence , Table , Sampras , Ain T , Basketball , Danger , Major , Isolation , Father , Stuff , Wallet , Game Of Thrones , Winter Fel , Nba , Nhl , Man Play , Border , Put , Prime Minister , Tweet , Death Rates , Tennis Greats , Captive , Rafael Nadal , Whatever , Comment , At The End Of Day , Athletes , Bodies , Don T Know , Drain , Feet , Aussies , Ten , Alcohol Abuse , Beer , We Don T Know , Metaphor , Cell , Laughter , Dungeons , Ned Stark , Migrants , Feds , Joints , Ability , Tremfya , Reactions , Infections , Emerge Tremfyant , Services , Moving , Kidding , Address , Xfinity , Offers , Movers , Save , Yep , Xfinity Com Moving , Attorney General Mark Brnovich , Delay , Questioning , Arizona , Texas , Enforcement , Border Crisis , Ice Enforcement , Video , Mind , Drop , Mission , Ice Can Target , Security Threats , Who , Work Site Enforcement Rates , Being , Border Crossers , Tom Homan , Hands , November , Sex Offender , Mug Shot , 90 , Convictions , Name , Indecency , Hidalgo , Rio Grande Valley , El Salvador , Probation , Arrest , Child Abuse , Houston , Stalking , Warrant , 2018 , 2019 , Sex Offenders , Area , Sector , Rgb , Border Patrol , October 1st , 60 , Statistic , Transparency , Happening , Fentanyl , Control , Amounts , Enablers , General , Cartel , Review Stage , Ice Enforcement Numbers , Trajectory , Ice Enforcements , Depositions , Lawsuits , Out , Records , Prisons , Armed Robberies , Assaults , Jails , Results , U S Code , 8 , Gang Prosecutor , Penalties , Friends , Reentry , Department Of Justice , Arsonist , Rapist , Cannot Get , Progressive Policies , Methamphetamine , Flooding , Big Hill , Migration , Percentage , Small , Fentanyl Seizures , Illegal Drug Trade , Missile Program , Town , Cooking , Memories , Advisor , Kitchen , Northwestern Mutual , Interest , Heart , Nm Com Hello , Obsessed , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Nutrition , Seal , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 30 , 27 , Cosentyx , Fail , Try , Hope , Move , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Dermatologist , Dermalogist , Stepmother , Molly Line , Harmony Montgomery , The Girl , Wife , Food Stamps , Welfare Fraud , Adam Montgomery , November 2019 , Felony Charges , Abuse , Harmony Dating , Preventative Detention , Daughter , Contact , Tip Line Being , Detectsives , Back To You , Second Hypersonic Missile , Sonda , Hypersonic , Missile , London , Sea Of Japan , Pyongyang , The Regime , Missiles , Defenses , Launch , Warhead , Speed Of Sound , Dealing , Ballistic Missile Test , Weapons , To Be With You , Nukes , Honor , Voting Laws , Martha , Effort , Martha Maccallum , January 6 , Gloves , Blame , Finger , 2022 President ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

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>> sandra: thursday. >> john: chicago public schools shut down for a second straight day as teachers stay home, like groundhog day, kids are left further behind. i'm john roberts. sandra, good to spend thursday with you. >> sandra: friday eve you usually call it. billions to keep necessary resources to keep the schools open, improved ventilation and other safety measures. that does not seem to be stopping some school leaders from shutting their doors. >> john: hi, gillian. >> gillian: public schools taken $130 billion, to keep schools open during the pandemic but a lot of schools are shuttered. chicago, $1.8 billion in federal covid funding, milwaukee 504 million, atlanta, over 200 million and detroit, almost 800 million. all these school districts currently closed to students citing the omicron surge. on president biden's first day in office he said that $130 billion he would send schools via the american rescue plan would allow them to reopen. so, not only are those recipient schools closed but a new daily wire investigation is finding out they have been real lo -- reallocating, and anti-racism and bias professional development. california earmarked 1.5 billion for pet projects, including "restorative practices" and "implicit bias training." the white house insists they are totally fine with all of this. take a listen. >> we did distribute the money out to states as he noted yesterday. some have spent it, others have not spent it. spent it in different ways, different schools made different decisions. >> gillian: powerful teachers' union says this way, until the surge virtually all public schools were open for in-person learning. got it right for most of this current school year. with the closures come not just the loss of in-person learning, john and sandra, but programs like breakfast and lunch and after school learning, too. >> john: gillian, my first opportunity to well come you back from maternity leave. good to see you back here again. brand-new mom. >> gillian: good to see you, thanks. >> sandra: another fox news alert, critics accusing democrats of using the january 6th riot to push for election overhaul and changes to the filibuster. president biden and vice president kamala harris this morning delivering remarks and holding a moment of silence earlier today on the capitol. the democrat-led january 6th committee is still investigating the events of that day, issuing subpoenas to dozens more people. even going after house republicans like scott perry and jim jordan in the search for mr information. could some democrats be using it as part of a strategy to help boost their vulnerable party chances come the midterm elections? fox team coverage begins now. wall street journal will join us, but aisha is live at the capitol for us right now. hi, aisha. >> hi, sandra, good afternoon to you. look, no surprise that democrats need a legislative win badly, especially after build back better essentially died over the holidays and january 6th is really a great time politically for them to move another big biden agenda item forward, and that is of course voting rights legislation, both the vice president and the president emphasized that today during their speeches here at the capitol. watch. >> brutality of bloody sunday, the edmund pettis bridge, came historic voting rights. now let's step up, write the next chapter in american history. january 6th marks not the end of democracy, but the beginning of a renaissance of liberty and fair play. >> chuck schumer wants a vote to blow up the filibuster in order to bypass a g.o.p. blockade on their voting rights bills. he's warning that if congress does not act january 6th could become the norm. critics believe democrats are really just trying to nationalize the elections, automatic voter registration system and ban photo i.d. requirements. meantime, the january 6th committee also marred in politics, struggling big time to get trump aides and allies to testify. a shot at the committee and accused speaker pelosi of not allowing the sergeant-at-arms to turn over documents that republicans really want to see. still the committee plans to release a preliminary report this summer. again, this is a very divided capitol today. you won't see any g.o.p. leadership at any of the events happening today to commemorate the attacks on the capitol because they believe that democrats are trying to politicize today. sandra. >> sandra: thank you, john. >> john: wall street journal columnist bill mcgurn. clearly january 6th should never have happened and should never happen again but questions as to whether or not democrats are trying to weaponize this for the midterms. kamala harris earlier today. >> certain days echo throughout history. dates occupy, not only a place on our calendar but a place in our collective memory. december 7, 1941. september 11, 2001. and january 6, 2021. >> john: the vice president put into context the bombing of pearl harbor, 9/11 and joe biden in his speech all but condemned republicans. what do you say? >> yeah, it's absolutely clear they are trying to politicize this. this is about not letting a crisis go to waste, and instead of making good on the pledges for unity and so forth and insisting on a fair and balanced assessment of the riots that happened that day, they have just -- they have gone off to try to demonize republicans. look at the timing, preliminary report in summer, televised hearings and another report before the midterm elections that's what it's about. it's sad. it's a squandered opportunity. >> john: mitch mcconnell took aim at chuck schumer to pass voting rights legislation. >> the fact that violent criminals broke the law does not entitle democrats to break the senate. it is surreal to hear sitting senators invoke january 6th to justify, listen to this, to justify breaking rules to grab outcomes they have not earned. >> john: the filibuster rule which senator schumer wants to set aside to have a vote on this bill. >> yeah, look, it's proved politically useful, and in fairness to democrats what else do they have. in some ways they need donald trump more than trump republicans. this is what they hope to campaign on. you know, they were largely successful campaigning on that for joe biden in 2020. the question whether it's going to work again and they are doing everything to hype and exaggerate rather than a cold-blooded look at what happened, who was to blame and what we should do about it. >> john: kamala harris also said january 6th highlights the need to pass the voting rights legislation. your fine publication, "wall street journal" said no, that is not the case, and said democracy is not dying, held up under pressure and held up in the states in which g.o.p. legislatures certified electoral votes despite mr. trump's complaints. democrats grudgingly admit the facts but say it was a close-run thing, it wasn't. so, when people hear, look, we have to do this because of this, is there fabric to that? >> no, look, there are certain things we can do. i don't think anyone would say all the laws and all the states are perfect but this is fear mongering. comparison to pearl harbor and 9/11 are farsical. and instead of the cold-blooded agreement on the central facts, they are helping to polarize the debate so american people cannot have an honest conversation what went on that date and what the agreement should be. >> john: thanks for joining us today. appreciate it. sandra, every indication it's going to be an election year issue for democrats. >> sandra: absolutely. and if today was any sign of that, surely that is what is to come, john. >> john: yeah. hey, reaction pouring in after manhattan's new district attorney is announcing prison time for many. critics say the policy would lead to more crime. >> sandra: john, lawmakers considering the possibility of more covid relief checks going out for struggling small businesses. is that a long-term solution? former fast food big wig andy putner will weigh in on that just ahead. >> we are not going to use the heavy hand of government to curtail your freedoms or ruin your livelihood and those policies were policies that all those people railed against and yet they'll come down here and bask in the florida sunshine and the florida freedoms. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> the checks that came out under this covid relief bill passed last march simply drove inflation, they lit a fire on demand, which lit a fire on inflation, larry summers, the former secretary of treasury under clinton and head of the consult of economic advisers under president obama said it would not help, but hurt, and prices soared. >> and you are writing about in your daily mail op-ed piece how the biden administration seems to be taking note of all the mistakes of 2021, and sort of correcting, increasingly you write "the administration has adopted the more balanced approach the left criticized" but the red states such as florida have enthusiastically embraced. after two years of pleas by us, fair to ask why the biden administration is suddenly embracing it. in a word you write, andy, the answer is reality. biden has grossly underperformed the expectations to fighting the virus and americans noted. reality can be hard to ignore. a lot of lessons seem to be learned now, and di. >> they sure do, and a lot of the democrats are learning when they go down and visit florida and down there partying and drinking and going maskless. you might ask yourself, why don't they go to california? california now has an indoor mask requirement, and at this point we are having an indoor mask requirement. no wonder people don't want to go there. this is -- it's a situation where the government is doing too much, where it shouldn't do anything, and too little where it should act. the federal government needs to worry about masks, they need to worry about therapeutics, they'll let the states handle whether or not businesses can operate. you know, you talked about that group of legislators talking about more covid relief. what they ought to do is reducing the amount of involvement the government has in the businesses now. i think the small business people i know would prefer the government would leave them alone and maybe if you are going to spend money on something, encourage people to work instead of spending money to discourage them from working. >> sandra: as in put some sort of work condition on receiving these checks, and by the way, when you look at the latest m.p.r. poll how much the checks and the child payments helped, its remarkable to see 45% say helped a little, not helped 31%, 76% said those stimulus checks helped a little or not at all. and when it comes to the child payments, helped a little, 16%. not helped at all, 76%. finally, andy, because you are the guy who ran t.k.e. restaurants if people don't know what fell under the umbrella, carls jr., hardees, you dealt with beef prices and you are saying the government restrictions and help as well is what is leading to the high prices, while joe biden says somehow the companies are colluding to drive prices higher. >> joe biden really has no idea what's going on. beef prices are up because labor costs are up, feed costs are up because they don't have enough people to harvest the crops, to plant the crops, don't have enough people working in the slaughterhouses and the beef packing plants to produce the amount of beef that people need. so, demand is way up, the supply is low because of government policies. this isn't a competition problem, even biden pointed out there are four major pliers of beef in the country. they control 50% of the market. that means they don't control the other 50%, that's controlled by regional players and they compete with each other. so plenty of competition. that has not changed because of the pandemic. what changed is policies that discourage people from going back to work that encourage them to stay home, not to work, that put dollars in their pockets without a work requirement, and therefore people are not working and supplies are very local. this isn't rocket science. it just isn't that tough. >> sandra: and with 11 million open jobs we need to get folks back to work and it's a struggle right now still at this point to do so. and the question is whether or not more relief checks would actually help or hurt that. andy, great to see you. thank you. >> great to s you, sandra, thank you, too. >> john: as remote instruction returns to several big cities, critics are sounding the alarm how it will severely harm kids. joseph allen, harvard professor, will join us to explain the damage done to america's children. stay with us. >> right now my children are at home and they are doing nothing. they are not learning, they are not experiencing any socialization, there is no reason for them to be at home. my kids are being held hostage at home. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ how bout sushi? 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>> no question school infrastructure has been neglected for decades and like to see the money spent for better ventilation filtration. but the know-how is there, guidance is there, billions of dollars are there, plenty of time to get it done. and i fully support the biden administration messaging. kids need to be back in school. governor charlie baker from massachusetts, kids need to be back in school. a false notion if kids and teachers are not in school that the social network is shut down and no spread. but community spreads rates are higher than in school. social networks happen, omicron is spreading fast. kids need to be in school and it's too casual to think there are no harms accumulating, and three days, a week, two weeks, how long will this go on? >> john: you know, you mentioned quantifiable evidence when the kids are at home and out of school, you write in the article the risk to severe outcomes from the infection is low, risk being out of school is high. an mckenzie report said the pandemic left students five months behind on math and four months behind in reading during the 2021 school year, and i would assume as well, joseph, every day that you take them out of school and as we see in chicago there's no remote learning plan here, that they are going to fall even further behind. >> i don't think there's any question. if this was march 2020, think a week, two weeks. we are coming up on two years of disrupted learning. so each day definitely matters. each day. think about a kindergartener who started in 2020, and now 2nd grade. they have not had a truly uninterrupted normal school year. we are coming up on two years and it's because we have the new tools, we have the knowledge, it's not like we are throwing our hands up and saying we don't know how to keep people safe. vaccines are safe. get vaccinated, get boosted. i have three kids, they are all vaccinated. on top of that, you can wear a good-fitting, a high filtration mask and give you extra protection. all the tools are there to keep us safe and we have gotten so narrow thinking about risk, and not a wider lens and what happens when they are not in school and we have seen the problems continue to escalate. >> john: point well taken. joseph allen, good to have you on. appreciate your thoughts. >> thanks for having me. >> john: like the water torture, the first couple drops don't bother you but the thousands, every one drives you nuts. and the effects of this are cumulative. >> sandra: so many parents will appreciate his passion and delivered the message, and we have to widen our view of risk when it comes to covid. it can't just be about the virus and the illness for the kids, it has to be about so many other things. with the older kids, the suicide rate that is up, that is a factor in the pandemic. the lack of socialization and then to his point about lost learning, some which some are highlighting we'll never get back. john, another story that we are closely following, i know a lot of folks at home are, too, is tennis superstar novack djokovic saying he was granted permission to play in the australian open and had a vaccine exemption permission but australian immigration officials say he does not meet the criteria for the exemption and now the court will decide. it's a crazy story. a live report coming up. >> john: plus president biden's plan to make the meat market more competitive and drive down prices. more regulation of the meat industry helpful or harmful? we'll discuss. >> what's alarming to me is that you saw joe biden attack capitalism. you saw him attack free market. he's attacking america. kinder bueno. it's crispy. it's creamy. it's not your average chocolate bar. it's kinder bueno! smooth milk chocolate, crispy wafer, creamy hazelnut filling. it's kinder bueno. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the way they exaggerate the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection or a cream it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. >> john: was kim john you think. >> john: north korean state media is out with a new claim that kim jong-un's father, kim jong-il, invented the burrito shortly before he died in 2011. the report claims kim came up with the idea of a wheat wrap in 2011 shortly before he died from a heart attack. they say media footage shows north koreans chowing down on burritos despite a food shortage in the country. yet another story of the origin of the burrito, and the mayans in 1500, and juan mendez in 1910 and 1930 who sold these things from the back of a burro, from which it derived its name burrito, little burro. add this to the story. >> sandra: interesting considering the dire straits the country is in. the white house briefing has begun, the white house says it will step up processing on meat processors, president biden will increase competition to bring down prices, saying there are not enough companies to bring down prices. but are more regulations missing the mark if a labor shortage is the bigger issue? texas farm bureau president, appreciate the shot there, sir. good to have you with us. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: i've been wanting to pick your brain about what's going on here because it struck us when we heard the president take to the podium when talking about these high meat prices and saying capitalism without competition is not capitalism, it's exploitation. is the beef and cattle industry exploiting consumers by colluding to raise prices or other factors at work here? >> well, sandra, first off, thanks for the opportunity and there are definitely other factors. i mean, there's, maybe there's some issues with competition but you mentioned labor shortage, supply chain already. we have been dealing with that the fast two years and i think that has contributed as well. at the same time, the four major packers do process about 85% of the beef in this country, so it is something that needs to be looked at, no doubt. >> sandra: you are suggesting that increasing competition would be a good thing. now, what could happen in your view to help bring down prices? >> well, i mean -- one of the things we have looked at over the years, over the past couple years as producers is the beef that comes out of the packing plant and on to the retailer, the spread between that and what the producer on the ranch gets, so you know, some of it's been a supply and demand issue, no doubt. some of it has been related to covid like i mentioned before. but some more competition in the processing industry could be a good thing. so you know, we are looking forward to that. there's just -- it gets pretty complicated, but we welcome the administration looking into it and possibly increasing competition. >> sandra: now, but -- so and you tell me exactly the way you see this. but to suggest that this is not about all the increased regulations, rules, obviously covid playing a part where you lost a lot of the workforce. andy puzder is suggesting this is a labor issue, a supply chain issue, a lot at work driving prices higher. but correct me if i'm wrong, if for the president to suggest it's a competition issue, and that these four big companies control too much of the market, wouldn't that be a suggestion they are somehow colluding to raise prices. don't they compete with each other? >> well, yes in a perfect world, or that's the way we expect it to work, and i'm sure it does work that way, you know, but again, there are certain regulations, certain reporting practices that the packers have to go through, you know, you start talking -- you get in the weeds, you talk about the packers and the stock yards act, those types of things, it's over 100 years old. maybe it needs to be looked at and tweaked somewhat, and again, yes, there is competition but at the same time the spread between boxed beef, retail beef and what the producer gets has been widening over the years, and that's something that's been concerning to us. >> sandra: very interesting. we will stay on the story. it affects almost every american family and what they are trying to put on their dinner table. we thank you for what you do, sir, we'll have you back and looking into it. thank you. >> thank you, sandra, appreciate it. >> john: fox news alert, head to the white house where jen psaki is taking questions from the press. she was talking about pushback from republicans on criticisms of them connected to january 6th. let's listen. >> to the tens of millions of republicans, independents and others out there who don't feel that way. we are talking about some republicans in congress, not all, many, far too many, who in our view and the president's view need to take a look at themselves and think about what role they want to play in the history books, when their children and grandchildren look at the history books, do they want to be perpetuating the big lie, do they want to be walking like silent lemmings behind the former president and who formented the insurrection or saving the democracy? the question should be directed at them, that's our view. go ahead. >> six former advisory board members from the biden health transition wrote three opinion pieces in a medical article, calling for a new pandemic strategy that sort of embraces living with the new normal of covid being endemic, and the previous claims we gained the upper hand now looks short sighted and need to change our understanding what kind of target we are looking at. has the president been advised on whether we will have to live with covid in some form or another forever? by the current team? >> i have not had the opportunity, obviously it's been a busy day, to read these articles. i'm happy to do that, i don't believe the president has. i think i answered the question a little bit earlier in terms of advice given by his health and medical experts. i would point to them to ask the question. >> does the president believe covid is here to stay? >> again, the president's goal is to defeat the virus. the president's focus and objective now is to save as many lives as possible and we know what works, and we know that pushing more people, getting more people vaccinated, getting more people boosted, encouraging mask wearing, making sure schools have the resources they need to stay open and do that in a safe way. these are steps that work. it means surging capacity to communities that are harder -- hardest hit. opening federal testing sites around the country. a number of steps we are taking day-to-day to reduce hospitalization, that's what the focus is on. >> the vaccine mandates should be imposed more broadly, including for school children, has the administration heard those concerns, and is that something that they are weighing or more mandate possible? >> those decisions related to schools and i have not read the articles and happy to, but always be up to local districts in what steps need to be taken. and some have taken steps, some have not, it's up to the local district. >> the omicron variant accounts for 95% of the cases right now. also data that show that two shots is ineffective at protecting against this variant. so, what is the point of calling someone fully vaccinated with only that primary series of shots if the science is showing it's not enough to protect them? >> well, jacqui, what the c.d.c. is advising, everyone to be up to date on shots. that means if you are scheduled to have a booster you should get a booster, and that is true, that's how they conduct their guidance for basically any shot regimen for childhood diseases, measles, mumps, rubella, whatever it may be, but i would point to them for more specifics on where they are on what fully vaccinated looks like. they have obviously just provided additional guidance. >> wouldn't there then at some point be sort of a gap between fully vaccinated and up to date? just looking at the two definitions, encouraging you to be up to date and most people are eligible for shots over the age of five, or booster shots. you know, at a certain point in time, given the waning protection of, you know, the primary series of vaccines and the need to get boosters in a shorter time period, won't there come a time you are not fully vaccinated anymore, two shots? >> by up to date, they are advising people if they are due for a booster they should get a booster. go ahead. >> thank you. >> not to belabor the point -- >> all right. jen psaki answering questions from jacqui heinrich regarding covid. the press secretary saying, sandra, the president's goal is to defeat the virus, not sure what it means. there is growing evidence the virus is here to stay and like the flu and the hundreds of viruses that cause the common cold and other diseases as well, we'll have to learn to live with it at some point. >> sandra: and i think that goes back to the conversation you just had with that harvard professor where there needs to be a broadened view of risk when it comes to this virus and not just defeating the virus but also getting kids back in school and get them learning again and also keeping businesses open and lessening the restrictions so the country can move forward. >> john: more news about vaccination. 20-time grand slam winner novak djokovic is being held in a melbourne, australia hotel room whether he can play in the australia open. he initially had a medical exemption to let him enter the country but they have rejected the evidence for the exemption. you have the best tennis player in the world cooling his heels waiting to see if he can play. >> trying to win number 21, all time record. but not as cut and dried. initial reports suggested that djokovic, not vaccinated, applied for a medical exemption he did not deserve. turns out the australians set up the rules and two separate state approved medical boards approved his entry. it was only after djokovic was on a plane that prime minister scott morrison under public pressure canceled his visa. >> there are no special cases. rules are rules. people are welcome in australia, but not double vaccinated or citizen you cannot come. >> right now it's a mess. djokovic is under guard at a hotel until a judge hears his appeal on monday. he claims to have followed australian tennis rules and two review panels approved the exemption, reportedly because he previously had covid and recently tested negative. while the tennis federation allows unvaccinated players, the federal government enforces immigration law and it requires a 14-day quarantine for the unvaxxed. his mother says it's political. >> they are keeping him as a prisoner, it's just not fair, it's not human. just -- as we are trying to be very strong. >> other players publicly trying to stay neutral. >> rules and if you don't want to get the vaccine, then you can have some problems. >> if you had a fair exemption from the rule, well, he should be here. if he didn't, he shouldn't be here. >> bottom line is the state government said one thing, john, the feds another, unless you are double vaxxed you are not going to get in. can he become the most winning grand slam player of all time, will be determined in the court. >> rafa saying suck it up if you have to do it. but you say under guard? >> yeah, two people outside the hotel room and two people outside demonstrating, he's not going anywhere now. >> they are serious down under. thank you. sandra. >> sandra: djokovic has not disclosed whether or not he is vaccinated or not. we'll have joe on the story in the next hour. new at 2:00, i.c.e. failing to release the annual report on the arrests and deportations of illegal immigrants by the end of the year the first time in a decade. and class dismissed in chicago, putting parents and kids at major risks. katie, joe, and arizona a.g. joining us next hour. your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. if you used shipgo this whole thing wouldn't be a thing. yeah, dad! i don't want to deal with this. oh, you brought your luggage to the airport. that's adorable. with shipgo shipping your luggage before you fly you'll never have to wait around here again. like ever. that can't be comfortable though. the smart, fast, easy way to travel. if you wanna look fresh, fresh. you gotta eat fresh. eat fresh. that's why subway bought time in my shampoo ad. to talk about the new baja chicken & bacon. body, bounce, and baja. bounce. eat fresh. >> sandra: "america reports" rolls on, all new at 2:00. crimes spiking in cities across the country no matter where you turn. and in city after city, police blaming the same thing. >> rogue prosecutors letting violent repeat criminals out over and over again. >> not staying in prison so we just continue to deal with the same people again and again. >> people are afraid, it's like a death zone. >> never been safer to be a criminal in the united states. never been less safe to be a citizen. >> john: progressive prosecutors under fire as crime rates go through the roof. why would the new district attorney in one of the biggest cities, there could be millions and millions of reasons, all of them green. >> sandra: details of an underground campaign to loosen up laws nationwide and the billionaire behind it. so, why is george soros hell bent on reshaping american law and order? a brand-new order of "america reports" 2:00 on a thursday afternoon. >> john: i was pleasantly surprised when i said it was wednesday, but then thursday. maybe i should do it more often. sandra, john roberts in washington. a lot of folks in new york city celebrating the new mayor thinking he would take a hard line on crime and now a sobering wake-up call as the mayor backs this controversial prosecutor. we'll get into all of it. as always, begin with what's breaking. fox news alert as families wait in limbo, the children's futures at stake. teachers' union in chicago refusing to return to class during the latest wave of covid despite assurances the classrooms are safe and billions in taxpayers dollars spent to make them that way. >> sandra: chicago cancelling classes the second day in a row, impacting 300,000 students, already suffered the effects of in-person learning. doctors, parents, even president biden insisting we all have the tools necessary to keep the schools open safely. >> john: we have you covered this afternoon. medical perspective just ahead, but first, garrett tenney has been on the story. >> classes canceled today and barring a breakthrough in negotiations, likely the case tomorrow for most schools. but not all of them. thanks to some teachers who are bucking their union. chicago public schools says 10% of teachers defied the union and showed up for in-person classes yesterday. so, not very many but the district thinks it could be enough for a handful of schools to have some students back in class tomorrow. c.p.s. is putting together plans for remote learning next week in case it has not reached a deal. the mayor continues to hammer the chicago teacher union for ignoring the science and data showing the schools are among the safest places for kids to be and are doing it to try and score political points. >> unfortunately i think the only way to rate it, the union trying to pull aside the pandemic, they get to try to flex their power but do it at the expense of the children and families, absolute wrong thing to do is to abandon the science and the data that tells us the schools in-person are the best place for our students to be. >> the city and the union have now each filed unfair labor charges against one another with state officials as they also continue try to work out a deal. negotiations appear to have made some progress and right now there is not a huge gap between what the two sides are offering, but school and health officials have suggested one of the challenges they are facing with some of the union's demands is they are based on fears and concerns the teachers have that may not be supported by the science. >> we said let's get the kids n95, no problem, do it, i don't care what it costs. do i think a child needs a kn95, i do not. but if that makes people feel more comfortable, make them available, please. >> there aren't any indications how long it could go on for. union originally wanted the entire school district to stay remote until the end of next week, and really regardless of what the mayor says or does the union could ultimately get its way by simply delaying the negotiations and extending them out until then. john. >> john: i don't think you could fire every teacher in chicago because they wanted to walk out. mayor is caught between a rock and hard place, at least for now. garrett tenney in chicago, thanks. >> sandra: bring in fox news contributor, johns hopkins contributor. our heart breaks for the parents and the lost learning yet again. do we not have all the tools necessary by this point in the pandemic to keep our kids in the classroom? what really is going on here? >> you could construct a medical argument, sandra, to keep kids out of school in perpetuity. 10 to 25% of children will develop a respiratory infection every year and will forever. you could argue that motor vehicles which kill more people than covid in the population would mean we cannot have kids in school. you can always use the safety argument as the eternal excuse, but teachers i believe have a social contract with children, and look at the data, we see ignoring of mental health again and again. we see it in healthcare ignoring mental health, underrepresented by employers, by government and again, we are seeing a total disregard from the data out of brown university, out of the jedd foundation, showing 31% of parents say mental health of their kids is worse and on and on. >> sandra: not to mention the money that was allocated to these cities and states to keep the schools open. i mean, you are talking billions of dollars. you can put up on the screen, this is the american rescue plan school funding, chicago $1.8 billion where they are again for the second day not open, classrooms are shut, teachers went home. milwaukee, atlanta, detroit, i mean, millions of dollars. so, how can they explain this? dr. makary, they were given money to increase ventilation in the schools, proper safety protocols to implement in the bathrooms, hallways, seems to me the teachers have to answer for all the dollars spent. >> well, i agree. but you know, there's 1 of 2 positions that people have on schools and one is an active role and the other is a passive role. and we have seen the government take a very passive role. the surgeon general issued a report there's a mental health crisis among young people. a very passive role. people throw lip service to the problem. what we need is actually policy changes. somebody has to stand up for the kids. >> sandra: and as far as the policies are concerned, confusion with isolation guidance and now the american medical association is calling owl the c.d.c. for the confusing guidance, but the c.d.c. issuing changes to guidance, new guidance, hard for anybody to keep track of, dr. makary. >> the a.m.a. has 3 to 4% of doctors as dues paying members. we should not be delivering what shoddy test we should use at the end of the quarantine. the biggest question is, why are we quarantining other immune people. quarantine should be reserved for nursing home staff and hospital staff and other people who may need to make a behavior change around a nonimmune population. >> sandra: final question to you. flurona, we are now seeing in some cases in the country, somebody is contracting coronavirus and the flu, because we are, of course, in the middle of flu season. are you worried about this? >> i am concerned. look, we'll have maybe a real flu season. i've been concerned about flu every year, we are oddly complacent this year. a study shows maybe no real benefit to the vaccine. there's no harm in getting it but may need to brace for a bad flu season. >> oh, man, just another thing. dr. makary, always good to talk to you. >> you, too. >> sandra: flurona. >> john: i have a knack song in my head, "my, my, my, my flurona." >> john: and california, extended lockdowns left a lot of places closed and people out of work. now the covid restrictions california has on the books could sock the state the biggest blow yet, particularly to the pocket book, costing california the super bowl. according to a dallas news station, the nfl has been quietly, very quietly exploring potential stadium change for the biggest sporting and cultural event of the year. set to be held in the sofi stadium in los angeles but the strict covid rules could restrict the number of fans in the stands. among alternative sites under consideration, at&t stadium in arlington, home of the dallas cowboys. league spokesman playing it down saying they intend, emphasis on intend, to hold the super bowl in california as planned. whoa, that would be a big loss to the golden state, sandra. >> sandra: that would definitely be a big change. hard to imagine with the spike in cases what it's going to be like, you have to get back to life, right, john? new york restaurant owner staring down a gun as the robber demanded cash. what a scene it was. the message from 911 was to call back when he had a real problem, though. the push from the left to redefine what qualifies as serious crime in this country, and the owner is warning this will not end well. >> this is what gives rise to vigilantism. owners do the strong arming. >> john: also philly, los angeles, san francisco and more, a common thread. billionaire george soros and his millions of dollars. katie on that coming up next. veteran homeowners. if you haven't refinanced yet, get in on record low rates now. the newday two and a quarter refi is the lowest rate in newday's history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. just one call, and you can save thousands every year. there's no money out of pocket and no up front fees. the newday two and a quarter refi. at these rates, you may never need to refinance again. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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katie pavlich. he is looking at criminal justice reform, a bipartisan issue. something president trump and jared kushner worked hard on, but it's not exactly bipartisan, katie. >> yeah, john. a couple years ago far left activists who don't believe in incarceration and believe the american system of justice has to be torn down and rebuilt from their leftist ideology standpoint put out a call to elect local prosecutors to do what their vision is for criminal justice reform, social justice and implementing their social justice ideology and policies and when you have someone like george soros who can dump a million dollars into a local race in 2015, kim fox in chicago, gave her money for re-election, gave her a million dollars, when you are dumping that money into local races, it's very difficult to compete especially when the voter turnout in those races tends to be very low. as we have seen in chicago, murder rates are through the roof, letting people out of prison, seen it all over the country and in terms of the ideology here, it's not just about incompetence, this is a deeply held ideology that you have seen implemented in cities across the country, showed all the d.a.s on the screen, it comes down to what the d.a.-elect in new york said in the interview with eric shawn, depends when your definition of a criminal is. they think it's racist and irreleemable, they want everyone released out regardless if you are murder error not. >> john: and when you deal with the new vision that alvin bragg has that armed robbery, as long as nobody was ever threatened o are hurt will be charged as a misdemeanor, petty larceny, that will cause the police to not show up when somebody calls to say somebody is holding us up with a gun. senator tom cotton said everywhere soros' backed prosecutors go, crime follows. pursuing being lenient even for the most heinous crime and do not charge shoplifting, vagrancy, and other things. and like in san francisco and los angeles, and some degree chicago as well with the smash and grab robbers, it's affecting quality of life and the economy. >> absolutely. we know what works in new york. the d.a.-elect in new york is saying i want to do something. what did work was a broken window policy under mayor rudy giuliani, you were punished for crimes, minor crimes that did not lead to larger crimes. now you have the opposite approach, the d.a. does not want to prosecute very violent crimes and turning them into misdemeanors, we have seen as a result of those policies with the smash and grabs, running into the stores and not prosecuting people or stealing things. what about not prosecuting people who are attacking innocent victims in a violent fashion on the street. more background on the ideology here, george soros is picking people who believe in the nonincarceration, the d.a. in san francisco, he told the story how he understands visiting, you know, he grew up visiting his parents in prison, he made it seem like the system was unjust. his parents were in prison for murder. that's why they were in prison. and so he has the idea that they shouldn't have any incarceration, even for the most violent of crimes which people are convicted of or plead guilty to. >> john: that's not going to end well. katie pavlich, great to see you. it's been a while. what katie was saying about rudy giuliani, he thought if you get rid of the squeegee guys, and urinating in public, that the quality of life gets better and the big crimes take care of themselves. there is some old new york city file of the squeegee guys and now throwing it out the window, saying we are not going to prosecute the little crimes, we are going to let the big criminals go. and what's the effect of that going to be? >> sandra: it stuck with me, a great conversation with katie, but going back to the business owner beforehand, that madison alworth spoke with saying he's operating a coffee shop. someone comes in and defecates in the store, can't call 911, they don't come, only if there is an active shooter situation, that's a scary thought living in the city. >> john: terrifying. >> sandra: terrifying, it's tough. vaccine politics, two of the biggest names. joe concha is gearing up, getting loose for this one. there he is, joe, we'll bring you in next. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking and if you're pregnant or planning to be. in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> are you ready to start a great career? 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think again. even other cities like los angeles running into hiccups because we are not just talking about weather, but also staffing shortages. that is the other major factor with airlines and federal airport workers experiencing also the latest covid surge. reports of many employees calling out sick, that is stretching resources already tight from pilots to flight attendants to the people back here taking tickets, checking bags, to the people on the ramps. on and on, john, it's a problem that never seems to end. >> john: casey, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: two of the biggest names in sports facing blowback over their vaccination status. green bay packers star quarterback aaron rodgers responding after a sports writer called him a jerk and a bum and said he would not vote for rodgers for m.v.p. and then the drama happening down under, arguably the greatest tennis player of all time, novak djokovic may be not able to defend his australian open title, after australia has decided to cancel his visa. instead, he may be deported. joe concha for the hill. joe, these are just two very bizarre stories. first i want to get to the sports writer and his own words on why he said he would not vote for rodgers. listen. >> i don't think he can be the biggest jerk in the league and punish your team and organization, your fan base the way he did and be the most valuable player. >> sandra: the biggest jerk in the league. that's pretty brutal. >> that sounds personal, doesn't it, sandra, and look, what does m.v.p. stand for, most vaccinated player now? i mean, i used to cover sports, a sports writer myself, columnist for fox sports, nbc sports, it's a simple criteria how the awards are given. who was most valuable to their team and given aaron rodgers' team has the best record in the league, didn't hurt them that much, i suppose, and 35 touchdowns, very good, has not thrown an interception, very bad, has not done that in two months, voting for rodgers as easy as voting for michael jordan when he played and pains me to say that as a bears' fan. deep down i loath rodgers but respect him. when sports writers base the votes on vaccination status or which political player, remember what happened with tom brady and donald trump, that drives sports fans from the game. we lose the escapism. rodgers will win m.v.p. despite what the writer -- >> sandra: i screwed up. i think that i have not paid a lot of attention, i don't spend much time on twitter. i know a lot is being presented in ways that it wasn't said, about you that's going to happen. and i do know that some of it sounds awful because i didn't say very well what i wanted to say, you know. and so all you can do is own it, and i own it. >> sandra: and there you have it, after aaron rodgers responded saying his problem with me is not i'm a bad guy or jerk in the league, doesn't know me or anything about me, his problem with me is i'm not vaccinated. and ask you about novak djokovic, i watch a lot of tennis and into the story. and i don't get it. why is he not being allowed into australia to defend his title there? what's happening? >> you follow tennis, i love tennis myself and so we'll break this down for people in layman's terms. djokovic is like aaron rodgers, the best in the sport, and same sentence as federer or sampras or mcenroe, and set the table for nonsports fans. djokovic has had covid and last check if you play tennis you know it ain't rugby and not wrestling or basketball, it socially distances the players. what danger is there? what's the science not allowing this great player to play in the australian open, it's a major. he's now in isolation, what is this, winter fel in game of thrones? his father said all his stuff taken, including his wallet. look, the nfl, nhl, nba have carried on without any meaningful medical issues. let this man play. no science around not allowing him to play, sandra. >> sandra: by the way, he's never officially gone on the record like aaron rodgers saying he has not been vaccinated but one can assume from all this. the australian prime minister put out a tweet, saying rules are rules, his visa is canceled, rules are rules, no one is above the rules, our strong border policies have been critical to australia, one of the lowest death rates in the world from covid. we are continuing to be vigilant. as you said his parents are saying djokovic is being held captive, and now some tennis greats are taking his back. rafael nadal. >> i don't encourage no one. i feel everyone has to do whatever, whatever feels that is good for him but there are rules and you don't want to get the vaccine, then you can have some problems. >> sandra: at the end of the day, these are amazing athletes and that was an interesting supportive comment from rafael nadal, and they watch everything they put in their bodies and they are afraid something could alter -- i don't know. final thought, it's a wild story. still being held there, by the way. >> i know, still being held there and i love the aussies but i have a case of fosters ten feet away from me, that's going down the drain. bad job, australia. let this man play. no scientific reason not to. or i could give it to you, you are a fosters girl, sandra. in the mail. >> sandra: alcohol abuse. we'll continue following the story. maybe australia comes around, we don't know, we'll watch it. >> john: sandra, if joe is going to throw away perfectly good beer, he has to be worked up. >> sandra: true. [laughter] >> john: i love his metaphor about the dungeons in winterfel, holding him in the cell next to ned stark. and something that has not happened in decades, feds not releasing the report on illegal migrants. critics calling it the biden administration is not grasping the reality on the crisis on the border. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my 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enforcement and deportations and typically by history released the end of the calendar year. but here we are a week into january the report is not out yet, and critics are now crying foul essentially saying they believe the administration is slow-walking this report because they believe it is going to show a steep drop in i.c.e. enforcement during the historic border crisis. pull up video and why they think that. keep in mind, as soon as president biden took office he made serious changes to i.c.e. and its mission. he wanted to do 100 day moratorium on deportations, that did not work. and then changed who i.c.e. can target, now aggravated felon, security threats, recent border crossers. no work site enforcement rates going on, and the secretary has said being in the country illegally should not be grounds to be deported. i talked to i.c.e. about this yesterday, no delay with the report. they say it's in the final review and should be out this month. however, former i.c.e. director tom homan tells me there is no excuse for the report not to be out, he says it's unprecedented it's not out. he says when he led the agency it was in his hands by november and he believes it is being slow-walked. take a listen. >> they are trying to spin those numbers and i used to run the agency, talking to a lot of high level people in the last few days, trying to figure out how to manipulate the numbers so the message -- there's no -- especially, bill, when the numbers are down 90%, it's not like they have a lot of math to do. it should be a pretty simple report. >> and then take a look at the mug shot here. this is a sex offender from el salvador arrested in the rio grande valley yesterday. he was trying to use a fake name when he crossed illegally in hidalgo. he has previous convictions for indecency with a child in houston in 2018, given probation and rearrested for stalking and child abuse, then deported in 2019 and yesterday was arrested once again for trying to cross back in illegally. he has an active warrant out for his arrest out of the houston area. back out here live, part of the much bigger picture here, just since october 1st, border patrol in the r.g.b. sector report they have caused more than 60 sex offenders. send it back to you. >> that is an alarming statistic. thank you. john. >> john: let's bring in arizona attorney general mark brnovich. clearly a big issue for him and his state. the first time, to reiterate, the first time in more than a decade i.c.e. has not filed this year-end report by the time we have crossed over into the new year. they have got the numbers, they have had them for a while. what do you suspect is going on? >> john, thank you for having me on, and i think that we all know what's going on. we don't need to suspect it, the biden administration is engaged in a lack of transparency and there were many of us worried they wanted to abolish i.c.e.. but i think what's happening, they are essentially abolishing the southern border and seen it with a record amount of people coming into the country and record amounts of fentanyl in the country. biden administration and his enablers in our congress have essentially ceded control to the cartel, so they think if they slow walk it the american public will ignore it. that's not true, they are having real world consequences in all of our communities. >> general, as bill was reporting a moment ago, i.c.e. says don't worry about the report, its in the final review stage, we are going to release it in the future. maybe by the end of this month. but when you take a look at the trajectory of border encounters versus i.c.e. enforcements, the border numbers were way, way, way up and it appears as though the i.c.e. enforcement numbers are way, way, way down. what do you expect the report is going to show? >> i think it's going to show exactly what you just pointed out, the numbers are down. and what the biden administration has done, and we know this from our multiple lawsuits and depositions of the current officials, that people that have records, assaults, armed robberies, the crimes you were just talking about, they are not being picked up. so they are being released from prisons, from jails, and that means they are being let into the community. as a result of the biden administration failure to start to deport people inconsistent with title 8 of the u.s. code, we'll see more criminals released into the communities and that results in less deportations and i know from talking to, and i was a gang prosecutor, federal prosecutor, talking to my friends at the department of justice. if you look at the number of cases they are prosecuting for illegal reentry, those are declining as well. what the biden administration is essentially doing, saying there is no criminal penalties to come illegally, even if you are a degenerate sex offender, rapist or arsonist. >> john: you mentioned a moment ago, abolish i.c.e., joe biden has elected not to do that, but tom homan suggests what they are doing is they are abolishing i.c.e. in a way. listen what he said earlier today. >> they are trying to figure out how to spin the information. the data will not be good. if they send out an accurate report, which i doubt they are going to do, clearly show they may not have abolished i.c.e. but abolished the mission. >> john: the president cannot get rid of i.c.e. but of what they do. >> we have sued the biden administration or the permanent and interim guidance. more than a million people here illegally they are refusing to report. the communities are less safe and more dangerous as a result of the biden administration and the progressive policies by flooding people into the country and fentanyl and methamphetamine in the communities. >> john: attorney general mark brnovich from arizona, a big hill to climb when it comes to the border. thanks for joining us. and along with illegal migration comes illegal drug trade, fentanyl seizures as the attorney general pointed out are way up, a small, small, tiny percentage of what's coming into the country and past authorities, sandra. >> sandra: no longer makes the just border town and border state issues, but problems spread throughout the country, john. meanwhile, next up, the new claim from north korea about its missile program. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ your kindness outshines your 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facing welfare fraud charges after allegedly continuing to collect food stamps even though the child no longer lived with the couple. the stepmother says she's not since harmony since november, 2019 when the father said he would take the girl back to her biological mother. adam montgomery was a rested on felony charges to related abuse charges of harmony dating back to 2019 when he's accused of striking her in the face. he's being held in preventative detention. harmony's biological mother reached out to police in november to report her daughter missing telling police that her contact was being blocked by adam montgomery. a dedicated tip line being manned by detectsives. john, back to you. >> john: that poor little kid. molly line for us. thank you. sonda? >> sandra: john, now to north korea claiming they successfully tested a second hypersonic missile. greg palkot is live in london. >> that's right. north korea claims to have launched another dangerous missile. others are not so sure. the missile took off and came down in the sea of japan. pyongyang calls it hypersonic. the second such launch. hypersonic missiles can fly five times the speed of sound and can deliver a nuclear warhead to a target evading defenses. u.s. officials tell fox news the regime of kim jong-un might be stretching the truth saying it's likely another ballistic missile test. also, they're banned by the u.s. as well. this comes time as leader kim says he wants more weapons as he the is dealing with domestic problems. the biden's administration still has not talked to kim about his nukes. >> sandra: thanks, greg. that does it for us. thanks so much for joining us here on "america reports." i'm sandra smith. great to be with you. >> john: i wonders if kim jong-un fired off a hypersonic burrito in honor of his dad. >> sandra: a good way to tie the stories together. >> john: i'm john roberts. "the story" with martha starts rights now. >> martha: good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum in new york. the story evolving right now, the electoral politics related to january 6. swinging towards an effort to change voting laws for 2022. president biden took the gloves off today, pointed the finger of blame at president trump and vice president harris compared the capitol riot to pearl harbor. >> certain dates echo

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Photo , Ban , Shot , Politics , Big Time , Aides , Allies , Sergeant At Arms , Committee And Accused Speaker Pelosi , Documents , Committee Plans , Leadership , Summer , Attacks , Questions , Bill Mcgurn , Place , Midterms , Calendar , Memory , December 7 , September 11 , September 11 2001 , 2021 , January 6 2021 , 7 , 11 , 1941 , 2001 , December 7 1941 , 1941 September , Context , Vice President , Speech , Bombing , Pearl Harbor , 9 11 , Riots , Crisis , Unity , Pledges , Making , Assessment , Waste , Hearings , Timing , Sad , To Pass Voting Rights Legislation , Aim , Mitch Mcconnell , Rules , Senators , Criminals , Fact , Law , Senate , Outcomes , Bill , Senator , Filibuster Rule , Question , Campaign On , Campaigning , Fairness , Donald Trump , 2020 , Everything , Case , Pressure , Thing , Wasn T , Facts , Complaints , Electoral Votes , Certified , Legislatures , Things , Laws , Fabric , Anyone , Comparison , Fear Mongering , Farsical , Agreement , Conversation , Debate , Issue , Election , Indication , Sign , Thanks For Joining , Many , Policy , Prison Time , Reaction , District Attorney , Crime , Businesses , Relief , Lawmakers , Andy Putner , Covid , Fast Food , Solution , Possibility , Government , Policies , Florida Sunshine , Freedoms , Hand , Livelihood , Protein , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Two , Health , Nutrients , Sugar , Someone , Record , Car Insurance , Cowboys , Turn , Hang On , Liberty Mutual , Ooo , Tex , Millions , Face , Whoa , Pay , Intensity , Faces , Germs , Joy , Listerine , Ahhh , Recording Artist , Elodia , 1 , 10 Million , Internet , Comcast , Emmanuel , Projectup , Billion , 10 , 1 Billion , Tools , Possibilities , Number , Ice , Report , Immigrants , The End , Sdajz , Administration , Obama , Agency , Review , Document , Cases , New York , Manhattan District Attorney , Rearrested , Felonies , What S Going On , Ideas , Alexis Mcadam On The Streets Of New York City , City , Memo , Doing , Saying , Alvin Bragg , Staff , Prosecutor , Offenses , Charges , Controversy , Drug Offenses , Burglaries , Offering , Safety , Store Robberies , Conversations , Incarcerations , Status Quo , Data , Look , Numbers , Times Union , Violence , Arrest Rates , Analysis , Reform Changes , Firearm , Picture , Bail Reform Experts , 100000 , 4 , The Story , Family , Bail Reform , Correlation , Needs , Bail , Heart Changes , Opinion Changes , Reform , Level Playing Field , Pass , Opponents , Supporters , Shootings , Rearrests , Police Chief , String , Court System , Washington D C , 3460 , Community , Guess What , Business , Tourism , The Street , Christmas Tree , Group , Omicron Cases , Skyrocketing , Vaccine , Regulations , Issues , Stimulus Checks , Mandates , Author , Revenues , America Work Again , Relief Checks , Cause , Restaurants , Ceo , 2022 , Fire , Lit A Fire On Inflation , Business Openings , Covid Relief Bill , Demand , Head , Secretary , Treasury , Consult , Advisers , Larry Summers , Clinton , Prices , Mail , Op Ed Piece , Mistakes , Note , Hurt , Approach , Red States , Correcting , Left , Reality , Answer , Word , Virus , Expectations , Lessons , Di , Mask Requirement , Maskless , Drinking , Anything , It Shouldn T , Masks , Situation , Therapeutics , Act , Amount , Legislators , Involvement , Something , Spending Money , Sort , Work Condition , Child , Checks , Payments , Little , Say , Poll , Mpr , 31 , 45 , Stimulus , Ran Tke Restaurants , Guy , 76 , 16 , Help , Restrictions , Beef Prices , Umbrella , Carls Jr , Hardees , Idea , Companies , Costs , Labor Costs , Retail , Supply , Crops , Government Policies , Plants , Isn T A Competition Problem , Slaughterhouses , Country , Competition , Players , Each Other , Market , Pliers , 50 , Four , Work , Pandemic , Supplies , Work Requirement , Pockets , Folks , Isn T , Struggle , Jobs , Isn T Rocket Science , 11 Million , Cities , You , Instruction Returns , Alarm , Children , Damage , Joseph Allen , Nothing , Stay , Harvard Professor , Socialization , Reason , Hostage , Car , Windshield , Vo , Music Vo , Decompression Zone , Experts , Technology , Singers , Service , Safelite Repair , Safelite Autoglass , Card , Fee , Omc , How Bizarre , Sushi , Seafood , Silence , Collision Beeping Warning , Tacos , Emergency Braking , Indian , Automatic , Ehh , Chevrolet , Chevy Equinox , Find New Roads , Six , Australia , Defense , Stories , Treaty , Summit , Leaders , Threat , Ties , Security Cooperation , Japan , China , Police , Kim Jong Un , Woman , Girl , Felony Welfare Charge , Food Stamp , New Hampshire , 500 , 1500 , Row , Mother , Harmony , Investigators , Account , Authorities , Philadelphia , Blaze , Eight , 12 , 13 , Educators , Argument , New York Times , Classroom , Thanks , Keeping Schools , Lesson , Guest Essay , Normal School , Risk , Risks , High , Coronavirus Infection , Constants , Science , Unions , Cost , Colleges , Coronavirus , Low , Status , Vaccination , Risk Factors , Safe , Adults , Harm Side , Surges , Second , Losses , Reading Gain , Math Scores , Line , Hundreds , The System , Detecting Mal Treatment At Home , Deal , School Closures , 300000 , 8000 , Three , Message , Knowledge , Play Book , Mistake , March 2020 , President , The Union , Biggest , Coronavirus Coordinator , Families , Matter , Contracting , Truth , Taxpayers , The One Thing , Taxpayer , Wrestling , Wait A Second , 122 Billion , 22 Billion , Question School Infrastructure , Ventilation Filtration , Guidance , Charlie Baker , Messaging , Know How , Rates , Spread , Notion , The Social Network , Massachusetts , Social Networks , Article , Evidence , Go On , Infection , Math , School Year , Reading , Mckenzie , Five , Learning Plan , Kindergartener , 2nd Grade , 2 , Vaccines , Top , Get , Mask , Thinking , Lens , Protection , Filtration , Problems , Thoughts , Water Torture , Escalate , Parents , Effects , Couple , View , Suicide Rate , Passion , Illness , Lack , Factor , Officials , Criteria , Immigration , Tennis Superstar Novack Djokovic , Permission , Vaccine Exemption Permission , Australian Open , Exemption , Court , Meat Market , John Plus , Free Market , Attack Capitalism , Regulation , Meat Industry , Creamy Hazelnut Filling , Crispy , Chocolate Bar , Crispy Wafer , Kinder Bueno , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Retirement , Screen , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Income , Worth , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 00000 , Insurance , Coventry , Psoriasis , Choices , Moderate , Splash , Psoriatic Arthritis , Otezla , Cream , Pill , Skin , Choice , Injection , Plaques , Scaliness , Redness , Thickness , 75 , Depression , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Prescribing Information , Requirement , Pain , Tenderness , Joint Swelling , Routine Lab Monitoring , Doctor , Medicines , Feelings , History , Weight Loss , Weight , Treatment , Headache , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Planning , Age , High Protein , Muscle Health , Boost , 20 , Immune Support , Burrito , Claim , State Media , Kim John You Think , Kim Jong Il , North Korean , Heart Attack , Claims Kim , Wheat Wrap , Media Footage , 2011 , Food Shortage , Origin , Koreans , Juan Mendez , Mayans , Chowing Down On Burritos , 1910 , Back , Name Burrito , Burro , Little Burro , 1930 , Briefing , Meat Processors , Dire Straits , Labor Shortage , Texas Farm Bureau , Mark , Capitalism , Brain , Meat Prices , Podium , Factors , Consumers , Exploitation , Cattle , First Off , Supply Chain , Packers , Process , 85 , No Doubt , Beef , Packing Plant , Producers , Retailer , Producer , Ranch , Processing Industry , Obviously Covid Playing A Part , Labor Issue , Supply Chain Issue , Workforce , Work Driving Prices , Andy Puzder , Wouldn T , Competition Issue , Suggestion , In A Perfect World , Reporting Practices , Types , Weeds , Stock Yards Act , 100 , Dinner Table , Widening , Sandra Smith , Jen Psaki , Press , Pushback , Criticisms , Independents , Tens , Don T Feel , Role , History Books , Grandchildren , Insurrection , Lemmings , Big Lie , Pandemic Strategy , Opinion Pieces , Advisory Board Members , Biden Health Transition , Claims , Normal , Team , Another , Kind , Target , Understanding , Forever , Form , Articles , Terms , Bit , Advice , Goal , Focus , Lives , Objective , Communities , Capacity , Steps , School Children , Focus Is On , Hospitalization , Hit , Opening Federal Testing Sites , Concerns , Districts , Mandate , Shots , District , Show , Omicron Variant , 95 , Calling , Series , Variant , Cdc , Jacqui , Everyone , Booster , Rubella , Childhood Diseases , Gap , Mumps , Specifics , Measles , Looks , Booster Shots , Definitions , Boosters , Won T , Protection Of , Answering Questions , Jacqui Heinrich , Viruses , Flu , Diseases , Press Secretary Saying , Cold , Professor , Harvard , Novak Djokovic , News , Grand Slam , Hotel Room , Melbourne , Tennis Player In The World , Heels , 21 , Djokovic , Reports , State , Entry , Boards , Visa , Scott Morrison , Plane , Under Public Pressure , Citizen , Tennis Rules , Mess , Judge , Hotel , Appeal , Tennis Federation , Immigration Law , Review Panels , Prisoner , Human , Unvaxxed , 14 , He Shouldn T , Rule , Bottom Line , State Government , The Feds Another , Vaxxed , Player , Rafa , Story , Down Under , Anywhere , Deportations , Arrests , Ice Failing , 00 , Joe Concha , Katie Pavlich , Class , Arizona A G , Highs , Lows , Kindness , Symptoms , Bipolar , Ask , Strength , Take Control , Depressive , Vraylar , Death , Patients , Behavior , Episodes , Stroke , Psychosis , Manic , Confusion , Side Effects , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Muscles , High Blood Sugar , Weight Gain , Antidepressants , Fever , Coma , Restlessness , Stomach , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Airport , Luggage , Dad , Shipgo , Shipgo Com , Shipping , Fast , Bounce , Baja Chicken , Shampoo , Subway , Bacon , Body , Eat Fresh , Gotta Eat Fresh , Baja , On , Prison , Prosecutors , Repeat , Criminal , John , Crime Rates , Death Zone , Progressive Prosecutors Under Fire , Roof , Reasons , Green , George Soros , Billionaire , Campaign , Details , Hell Bent On Reshaping American Law And Order , Mayor , Wake Up Call , Futures , Limbo , Stake , Wave , Classes , Classrooms , Assurances , Doctors , Impacting , First , Perspective , Garrett Tenney , Negotiations , Breakthrough , Handful , Cps , Places , Teacher , Points , Way , Expense , Power , Person , Labor Charges , State Officials , Sides , Progress , Kids N95 , Demands , Fears , Care , It Costs , Kn95 , School District , Indications , Rock , Johns Hopkins , Heart Breaks , Motor Vehicles , Population , 25 , Mental Health , Excuse , Kids In School , Contract , Safety Argument , Healthcare , Employers , Disregard , Brown University , On And , Foundation , Jedd , Dollars , Rescue Plan School Funding , Dr , Milwaukee , Makary , Safety Protocols , Hallways , Bathrooms , Positions , Other , Mental Health Crisis , Surgeon General , Problem , Somebody , Policy Changes , Isolation Guidance , Lip Service , Issuing , Track , Anybody , Calling Owl , American Medical Association , Members , Dues , Ama , 3 , Quarantine , Test , Behavior Change , Nursing Home , Hospital , Nonimmune Population , Flurona , Flu Season , Middle , Harm , Study , Benefit , Man , Lockdowns , Knack Song , News Station , Pocket Book , Books , Blow , Dallas , Costing California The Super Bowl , Fans , Los Angeles , Nfl , Sporting , Event , Very Quietly Exploring Potential Stadium Change , Sofi Stadium , Super Bowl , Consideration , Stands , Sites , Emphasis , At T Stadium , Dallas Cowboys , League Spokesman , In Arlington , Change , Spike , Gun , Scene It , Robber , Restaurant Owner , Cash , Push , 911 , Rise , Owner , Owners , Arming , Thread , Vigilantism , San Francisco , Refi , Rate , Newday Two , Homeowners , Veteran , You Haven T , Apr , Pocket , Call , Fees , 2 48 , World , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Limu Emu , Doug , Gasps , Pain Relief , December 17th Liberty , Pills , Theaters , Spider Man , December 17th , 17 , Alevex Topical Pain Relief , Aleve , Times , Electorlytes , Feel , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , You Re Not Alone , 19 , Support , Calhope , Calhope Org , 317 , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , 833 , Decision , Shooting , City Streets , Green Light , Incarceration , Doubt , Fox Business , Progressive D A , Madison , No One , Robbery , Weapon , I M Here At Festival , Cafe , Upper East Side , Incident , Patrons , Restaurant , Person Spitting , Homeless Person Deficating , They Don T Show Up , Shooter , Don T Show Up , Theft , Resisting Arrest , Gun Arrests , Highest , Nypd , 15 , 4144 , November Of 2021 , Concern , Deterrent , 1995 , Business Operators , Operating Business , Precedent , D A S , Criminal Justice Reform , Big Fat Bank Roll , Trump , Jared Kushner , System , Ideology , Justice , Activists , Standpoint , Vision , Social Justice , Race , Kim Fox , 2015 , A Million Dollars , A Million , Races , Re Election , Voter Turnout , Murder Rates , Incompetence , Interview , D A Elect , Eric Shawn , Definition , Murder Error , Irreleemable , Somebody Calls , Armed Robbery , Misdemeanor , O , Nobody , Larceny , Tom Cotton , Everywhere , Quality Of Life , Robbers , Shoplifting , Vagrancy , Economy , Degree , In San Francisco , Smash And Grab , Window , Rudy Giuliani , Result , Smash , Misdemeanors , Grabs , Stores , Background , Victims , Stealing , Fashion , Visiting , Nonincarceration , Violent , Murder , Public , Squeegee Guys , File , Quality , Guys , Squeegee , Effect , Business Owner , Big Criminals Go , Living In The City , Madison Alworth , Defecates , Store , Coffee Shop , Names , Terrifying , Vaccine Politics , Entrance , Plaque Psoriasis , Greg Palkot , Substitute Teaching , Speaking , Addition , 68 , Prevagen , Elephant , Job , Opportunities , Career , Lots , Difference , Healthier Brain , Banks , Song , Lenders , 2 25 , Mortgage Payments , Lock , Aaron Rodgers , Firing , Mvp , Game , Reporters , Staffing Shortages , The Star , Q B , Performance Under Center , Flights , Airports , Industries , Dysfunction , Fliers , Nation , Casey Stegall , Latest , Dallas Fort Worth , Lines , Start , Passengers , Led , 20000 , Silver Lining , Contacts , Mother Nature , 3000 , 1700 , Areas , Recue , Flight , Snow , Somewhere , Somewhere Cold , Hiccups , 9 , Airport Workers , Shortages , Employees , Weather , Airlines , Sick , Covid Surge , Tickets , Flight Attendants , Pilots , Ramps , Bags , Vaccination Status , Sports , Blowback , Sports Writer , Jerk , Tennis Player , Bum , Drama , Star Quarterback , Green Bay Packers , Title , The Hill , League , Words , Organization , Fan Base , Sounds Personal , Doesn T , Fox Sports , Nbc Sports , Awards , Mvp Stand For , Voting , Michael Jordan , Didn T , Interception , 35 , Rodgers , Votes , Sports Writers , Fan , Bears , Deep Down , Escapism , Tom Brady , Writer , Attention , Twitter , Bad Guy , Tennis , Mcenroe , Sport , Best , Sentence , Table , Sampras , Ain T , Basketball , Danger , Major , Isolation , Father , Stuff , Wallet , Game Of Thrones , Winter Fel , Nba , Nhl , Man Play , Border , Put , Prime Minister , Tweet , Death Rates , Tennis Greats , Captive , Rafael Nadal , Whatever , Comment , At The End Of Day , Athletes , Bodies , Don T Know , Drain , Feet , Aussies , Ten , Alcohol Abuse , Beer , We Don T Know , Metaphor , Cell , Laughter , Dungeons , Ned Stark , Migrants , Feds , Joints , Ability , Tremfya , Reactions , Infections , Emerge Tremfyant , Services , Moving , Kidding , Address , Xfinity , Offers , Movers , Save , Yep , Xfinity Com Moving , Attorney General Mark Brnovich , Delay , Questioning , Arizona , Texas , Enforcement , Border Crisis , Ice Enforcement , Video , Mind , Drop , Mission , Ice Can Target , Security Threats , Who , Work Site Enforcement Rates , Being , Border Crossers , Tom Homan , Hands , November , Sex Offender , Mug Shot , 90 , Convictions , Name , Indecency , Hidalgo , Rio Grande Valley , El Salvador , Probation , Arrest , Child Abuse , Houston , Stalking , Warrant , 2018 , 2019 , Sex Offenders , Area , Sector , Rgb , Border Patrol , October 1st , 60 , Statistic , Transparency , Happening , Fentanyl , Control , Amounts , Enablers , General , Cartel , Review Stage , Ice Enforcement Numbers , Trajectory , Ice Enforcements , Depositions , Lawsuits , Out , Records , Prisons , Armed Robberies , Assaults , Jails , Results , U S Code , 8 , Gang Prosecutor , Penalties , Friends , Reentry , Department Of Justice , Arsonist , Rapist , Cannot Get , Progressive Policies , Methamphetamine , Flooding , Big Hill , Migration , Percentage , Small , Fentanyl Seizures , Illegal Drug Trade , Missile Program , Town , Cooking , Memories , Advisor , Kitchen , Northwestern Mutual , Interest , Heart , Nm Com Hello , Obsessed , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Nutrition , Seal , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 30 , 27 , Cosentyx , Fail , Try , Hope , Move , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Dermatologist , Dermalogist , Stepmother , Molly Line , Harmony Montgomery , The Girl , Wife , Food Stamps , Welfare Fraud , Adam Montgomery , November 2019 , Felony Charges , Abuse , Harmony Dating , Preventative Detention , Daughter , Contact , Tip Line Being , Detectsives , Back To You , Second Hypersonic Missile , Sonda , Hypersonic , Missile , London , Sea Of Japan , Pyongyang , The Regime , Missiles , Defenses , Launch , Warhead , Speed Of Sound , Dealing , Ballistic Missile Test , Weapons , To Be With You , Nukes , Honor , Voting Laws , Martha , Effort , Martha Maccallum , January 6 , Gloves , Blame , Finger , 2022 President ,

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