Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

isolate if you want to. >> moving again as hundreds of people stranded. >> if she didn't have bad timing and bad communication skills >> ainsley: that is a shot of will charlotte, north carolina. a good southern town, a banking town. and about an hour away from my parents. 66 degrees is the high. 36 degrees is the low. 40 degrees right thought. sunny with a few clouds in the sky. good morning, gentlemen. >> lawrence: hey, good morning, ainsley, in for steve today. so good to be with you guys. happy new year. i hope you had great vacation, ainsley. hey, brian. >> brian: thanks for saying hello to me eventually, lawrence. all about ainsley in the beginning. i love ainsley the big selling point on that town it's a banking kid. honey, get the kids i would love to go a banking town to get away. come on. >> ainsley: all the girls said when we go to college we are moving there because he that's where we will find our man. >> brian: i don't think lawrence said that. that he was different. i thought that shot was so incredible. i didn't think it was real it looked like a painting. >> lawrence: i think ainsley was saying you can go ahead and move down there because that's where all the girls are moving. >> brian: you are a single man. >> lawrence: i got you. >> ainsley: charlotte would take you away from us. we don't want that. >> lawrence: you are exactly right. i will stay put. >> brian: wrestling out in public with your own emotions, lawrence. ainsley, why don't you kick us off. one thing is pretty clear, this administration is overwhelmed in almost every aspect of covid-19. >> ainsley: the administration is saying schools should stay open but here we go again. our top story this morning schools are closing in many of the big cities around the country. you have chicago, even though 91% of the chicago public school staffers are fullly vaxxed, the chicago teachers union as we were talking about yesterday, they voted to return to remote learning, that's one day after the students returned to class. also, in boston, you have all these teachers and staffers that didn't go to work yesterday. milwaukee, no in person learning until january 10th. you have detroit public schools. they are going all virtual as well, guys. >> lawrence: yeah. and president biden is saying the schools must be open and there is no reason omicron will make it worse for our kids. take a look. >> we have no reason to think at this point that omicron is worse for children than previous variants. we know that our kids can be safe when in school by the way. that's why i believe schools should remain open. you know, they have what they need because the american rescue plan, the first month we were in office or second month that i signed in march, we provided the states with 130 billion, with a b, billion dollars to specifically keep our students safe and schools open. >> lawrence: so, if we remember, the teachers unions made it very clear they need to be the first people to get the covid shot we gave in to them. they also said if they're going to open up the schools they needed to redo the ventilation system make the schools safer so they can return back to work. where did all the money go? so chicago, $32 million to comprehensive culturally responsive curriculum development through the curriculum equity initiative. voted to close, to return to remote learning and then you have got milwaukee they're allocated 24 million to social emotional learning. and then $100,000 for anti-racism and bias professional development no. in person classes until at least january 10th. and michigan promoting using equity lens to apportion money and to fix school districts opting for remote learning. so, after all of this talk about we need get back to normal. first people to get the shot. they needed all this money to redo all the ventilating system. the unions are still rejecting going back to school it walls never about returning back to school. they want to reimagine education. they don't want education how it currently is, brian. >> brian: first off, places like california, they say get a test before you go back to school. hey, note to people, there are no tests, all right? number two, they also came out with something yesterday that after five days you are supposed to be able to go back to work. go back to school. go back to your life. now, anthony fauci had a problem with that because he has got a problem with everything. now he says now, they have a new rule. go get a test if you can really? okay. fine. good luck with that get marco polo and christopher columbus seek one out and see how the explorers do in the big picture. next, you noticed lawrence, you outlined everything they put their money to. they put their money to crt and all these politically correct clauses. they clearly didn't spend if on the schools. if you are not ready and superintendent and principal it is on you. the one thing to say about teachers they take money out of their pocket on a regular basis to make things right. the kid doesn't have clothes or lunch, that's somehow the teacher gets it to them. bulletin board no budget the teacher puts it up no. pencils or erasers they make it' hall of fame the schools have to make it happen. this time they actually had the money to make it happen and reopen and they aren't. what's the difference what we are seeing now as to a year ago. we are not echoing what the saying and what the trump administration is pushing. we are echoing what the democrats are saying. liberal democratic leaders are saying opening up schools. the mayor of new york pointed out 1 percent of transmission happens in school. 15% to transmission of kids happens when they are in honestly or in other places. the staggs don't back up what they are saying. teachers are doing this to affect kids because you don't do it to get rich, even though you have great opportunities there and great flexibility with your life and career, then they would be back in school. teachers are held hostage by unions. they don't get the job by signing. buck the union be ostracized and not backed up. dr. matter makary weighed in on the ridiculous situation we are all in two and a half years later. >> what we have done is imposed tremendous restrictions on the lowest risk population where using all the tests on low risk population folks. and we're shunting them away from those who may need it right now. look, there is nothing that represents the overreach of public health more than requiring a college student to get a booster even though they have natural immunity from prior infection. there is not even any evidence to support boosters. that's why the fda bypassed their technical experts to get the booster recommendation for young people, including teenagers. >> brian: i would just like to add that's happening. i have two college aged kids and all their friends, not one of them is going back to an institution, private, public or state without them saying you have to have a booster or proof that you the infection and then you need a few weeks before or a month or so before you get a booster again. a lot of these kids are getting boosted, and talk to people. they are getting the booster and getting really sick. they get the symptoms. it's like they're getting the virus. so talk to some people. i would like to see the data that says get a booster, makes you safer. >> lawrence: they don't have it. >> brian: i don't know what's going on. but these kids have to do it. they don't want to get kicked out of their school and reapply again. have to do something on their laptop this semester. ainsley, they are held hostage by these universities. >> ainsley: not to mention the learning loss so profound especially in the little ones they have to learn virtually instead of being in the classroom. the chicago public health commissioner warned about this and said no children have died of covid since october in that area. the u.s. surgeon general said something pretty profound school closures disproportionately impact urban students. don't have access to remote learning tools like children in the suburbs, lawrence. >> lawrence: no. you are exactly right. part of the problem and brian alluded to this is that we don't know the science of giving these kids boosters right now. dr. matter makary i had him on last night on "primetime," he says none of the data has come out on it. part of the reach they didn't want to approve it they didn't have the research. an administration promised normalcy, get back to the practices of running the fda effectively. seeing they're bypassing it strictly because of political purposes. no signs and support to give these kids boosters. we don't know how that impact their life. there there may be long-term implications by giving boosters and no one cares about it. ains apes the president said he will get us out of covid and here we are two and a half years later, brine, we are not. right back to where we were. >> brian: they were on donald trump not having a test for a virus don't know what hit us. still don't know. upset donald trump's cdc wasn't ready for it two years later, we have the test. we know rapid, prp, whatever it is, now we have them. he didn't order enough. so this is inexcusable, he gets a total pass on all the network news. not here. >> ainsley: operation snail speed. >> brian: that's being kind. 10 minutes after the hour. no,'s new mayor promising to crack down on crime there is a problem. woke new d.a. he did not get the memo. we are all doomed in new york. the list of crimes that will not be prosecuted will cellular your hair. hundreds of virginia drivers stuck on a highway while thousands of other americans were stranded because of canceled flights. why is the vice president claiming america is moving again? ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 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you were a part of this. despite the chaos vice president harris claims quote america is moving again. todd piro joins us live with more. todd? >> todd: get to that in a second. you are right, american travelers just cannot catch a break. a severe winter storm leaving hundreds of drivers stuck on an icy highway for over 2 hours in virginia. take a look. many people stranded without water or fuel in freezing temperatures. >> no food, no water. i ran out of water. so i walk all the way from half of 95 to the nearest convenience store. >> it's really harvard because you are trying to stay warm but you are running out of gas. >> it was just sterile. it was just so terrible. the tractor trailers everything was stuck. there was a lot of ice. >> but, i-95 is finally open now. that same storm trapping hundreds inside an amtrak train for more than 30 hours with blocked toilets and no food. the train from new orleans to new york city got stranded in lynchburg, virginia because of some downed trees. at airports, 1500 flights were canceled across the country on tuesday. and more than 4,000 were delayed as airlines cite a shortage of pilots due to the omicron outbreak. meantime there is this vice president kamala harris under fire for a tweet during the crisis in virginia saying, quote: because of the bipartisan infrastructure law, america is moving again. that's what infrastructure is all about, getting people moving. literally as no one was moving. many blaming harris' timing on her staff having scheduled the tweet prior to the widely publicized nightmare. ainsley you can't write comedy as solid as this unfortunately no laughing matter because people could have died in this. back to you. >> ainsley: absolutely. you know, you see some of these images, people playing football on the streets and people letting their dogs out on the highway. what about moms pregnant and moms with babies in the car and need to change diapers, people diabetic. to be stranded, how frustrating would that be for 40 hours? >> this isn't the 100s. this is 2022 we should be able to figure out how to deal with snow and rain that comes prior to snow. but i guess they haven't figured it out in virginia under this administration. >> lawrence: nope. thanks, todd. so this is just not a story of the administration getting this wrong again when it comes to kamala harris and her pr strategy. she is terrible. we know this is why her poll numbers are sinking. i find it very interesting that you had so many people going on twitter apparently ignorant as to who is in control right now. they were blaming youngkin who hasn't been sworn in yet instead of northam who is the current governor who is responsible. of course the feds can help out with stuff like this. this is a state matter, brian. >> brian: lara trump weighed in. the vice president and her tremendous vales. if you are going to time a tweeted, make it a little creative. i can't wait for the sun to come up. i'm going to time that for 6:00 a.m. here is lara trump. >> if she didn't have bad timing and bad communication skills, she would have none at all. obviously this tweet was terrible from start to finish, no matter how you look at it what is moving again by the way, kamala? is the supply chain crisis now over? is that moving again? is inflation moving in the right direction? are people moving off their couch us out of their houses and back to work because the government has stopped paying them to stay home? no, of course not. so i don't know what her tweet was all about. nothing is moving in the right direction as long as kamala harris and joe biden are in charge. so, just like everything else in this administration, that tweet was an epic failure. >> brian: unbelievable what's happening in virginia. kind of ridiculous that youngkin kin getting the blame two weeks before he takes the job. governor northam is an embarrassment from the day those pictures emerged with him in black face and still kept the job. he was invisible. no one knows where he is. let's talk about something else i found unbelievably distressing. i was so optimistic about our mayor in new york city because he is a guy with a law and order background. he has seen the city just spiral downward overred last 8 years. he was going to come in and reestablish law and order in the streets. i don't care what his intent was. evidently, publicly, he has no problem with this. but it turns out this district attorney was elected, thanks a lot to the million dollars that george soros' open society fund gave him just like he supported d.a.s in philadelphia, ruined that stickers san francisco, it's ruined los angeles and we know all about what's happening in certain situations in wisconsin. now we find this guy alvin bragg comes out and is going to change how crime is looked at and enforced in the city. essentially, here is the cover of "the new york post." spree pass. i won't lock up bad guys for a slew of crimes. here's a look at what is going to be a okay. marijuana misdemeanors. not a big deal. it interfear with arrest? prostitution, that was let go over the last few years. i have thought that was going to stop. trespassing turnstile jumping. there are some other things. arms robbery, people use guns or deadly weapons to stick up stores prosecuted for petty robbery. provided no victims injured and no risk. if you burglarized someone's home, ainsley, if you go to an empty area of their home, it's going to be viewed differently as if they were in the main house. you have a detached garage where you keep you your fortune don't worry about this, criminals, go there no hell to pay if you are indeed caught. we are doomed. ains ains you are saying if you are a prosecute that gets high and trespasses then jumps on the subway to get away by jumping the turnstile and then you resist arrest, then you go free? is that what you are saying, brian? >> brian: absolutely. >> ainsley: it's crazy. he also says this on prison sentences. no sentence for mom side or domestic violence felonies or corruption or some sex crimes. prosecutors can't seek a sentence of love without parole no life without parole and sentences cannot be longer than 20 years. lawrence? lawrence lawrence i keep telling people about this the view of the new democratic machine no one should be locked up. they want to enmity prisons. they don't care what crime you submit committed. again we can hope for the new mayor if you want. if you don't have d.a.s and don't have judges and police chiefs that are all on one accord, when it documents public safety, then none of it matters. jewels having someone that is inspirational and says that he is just going to back the cops and get the criminals off the street what good is it. are just going to put them back on the street it, makes absolutely no sense, brian. >> brian: the cops aren't going to do anything. they know these men and women that they arrest are going to be back on the street. never not going to waste their dime and lives to arrest someone. before they are done with the paperwork they will be out. we have already seen this drill in san francisco and philadelphia leading the world in homicides. i looked at what eric adams said about this. because, right now i called a press conference and said i just read there story, not going to fly. use public pressure to get back in line. he said, quote: i think he is on team public safety. he supports bragg's policies. forget it don't tell me you empower the cops and got their back, you don't. talk to any man or woman today in uniform. they are not doing anything. and i don't blame them at all. >> ainsley: he says the punishment is only reserved for the most heinous of murders like terrorists, serial killers, cop killers, those who kill kids under 14 in connection with sex crimes or torture. his name is alvin bragg. this is what the "new york post" says. if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. new if you can't do the time, alvin bragg will be there for you. mayor adams can just forget about his off promised crackdown on the city's dangerously rising crime rate because there is no point in picking up criminals if you have no place to put them. adams probably didn't expect manhattan's district attorney to be on stack to safe streets but there you have it, he is. as you were saying lawrence, we were hoping this guy would be better than de blasio. eric adams hoping he would be tough on crime. we have seen crime go up in the city and five boroughs. this d.a. so progressive and doesn't want to lock up criminals and people stealing from hard-working americans. ains. >> lawrence: you knowancely, you were right. we were hopeful. me and pete hegseth talked about this over the weekend. it's more of a wait and see. the question with adams is he going to be a political chameleon. he knows the right thing do do on the campaign trail he was elected because he said he was going to do the right thing it can't be just talking. he has to stand up to the new d.a. ains whans can he do. >> brian: he could use public pressure. if he called a press conference today and said this can't fly. i know problems at rikers island and problem prison sentence make that part of the mantra. we get more money taken out of our paycheck, i don't even live here. people don't live here have to pay money. they are awash in cash. believe me. they did redo these prince and hand it out. they are choosing not. to say. >> lawrence: brian, very simple. everybody knows i'm a libertarian. when civil liberties are violated you stand up for that again, that's not happening every single day. when there are people public safety, get them off the street. if mayor adams wants to be effective, can you call the police chief, in the commissioner, you call in the d.a. and all the judges and say, look, we have got to get all on the same page. either we are for public safety or we're not. this back door deals and saying look, we are going to all get along while people are getting shot. raped in the subways, people burning trees down. no consequences. resisting arrest. what do you think is going to happen? someone is going to get shot for resisting arrest. do you know what mayor adams is going to do? back the person resisting arrest. this is more of a wait and see with him. as hopeful as we are. >> brian: i know. all right. let me tell you have what else is going on in the world right now. the cdc is not backing down after advising vaccinated americans to contract covid to return to normal life. if they isolate five days and wear mask for another five. the cdc is shortening the waiting period for pfizer boosters from six months to just five. how is that convenient? this advice is in contrast to the u.k. which now says getting boosters more than once a year is not sustainable or necessary. no kidding. now to a developing story. authorities are offering combined 12,500 reward on the information whereabouts of harmony montgomery. the 7-year-old gwinn girl visually impaired missing in december two years after she was loos seen. political science saying they are aware of custody issues between the harmony parents. nancy grace reacting monday. watch. >> i could air brush the truth for you and say oh, she slipped through the cracks. what does that really mean? that means a lot of people failed at their jobs and mommy and daddy just don't care. >> brian: police have set up a tip line for any information on harmony. we move on. woke new yorkers in palm beach, florida, are warned to stay out of the state in a series of fliers. police telling fox news the fliers were stuck to new york licensed cars. the flyer reading, quote: if you are one of those woke people, leave florida. you will be happier elsewhere as will we. police say the notices are not a criminal matter unclear who left them because everybody else in florida is a suspect. that's all i have for the news. you will have to accept it as it was. >> ainsley: if you are smart enough to move out of one of these liberal stays. don't be dumb enough to take the politics with you. lawrence urns i love it. >> ainsley: classes are canceled again as students are rushing to remote learning and defy president biden's plea infuriating parents who were forced to carry the burden. later, all in the name of love. one mom's above and beyond effort to find her daughter, the perfect man. look at the billboard ♪ momma said there be days like this. there will be days like this my momma said ♪ snacking can mean that pieces get stuck under mike's denture. but super poligrip gives him a tight seal. to help block out food particles. so he can enjoy the game. super poligrip. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. - hiring is step one when it comes to our growth. we can't 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move angering parents and can you understand nationwide. joining us now the dad of six michigan. grandparent of two in ohio did e lors gray. how did you find out remote learning would be the thing your grandkids have to deal with. what's your reaction? >> good morning the school called and informed us the school will be closed. they said only for a few days, but, i do believe it may be for longer and it didn't give you time to do anything, to try to prepare for anything. so i'm very upset by that. and now my 7-year-old is thrust into this again and, you know, i just don't agree with what they are doing. i think the protocol should have been, you know, they should have made a fare better protocol plan to change it. >> brian: ross, how did your six kids do remote learning and what's your reaction that you have got to go back to it? >> so our goal from the beginning i have a wonderful wife whose idea this is, was that we -- we have six children who love going to school our only goal for the pandemic when we were doing home school is that we would -- that they would want to go back whenever they could. so, if a kid got frustrated with algebra, we would say maybe it's time to go outside and have a snowball fight. that strategy worked well for us. the other thing that we had was we were very fortunate to have a great set of grandparents who were able to be in our home every day helping school happen for us. thing that kids need and we have middle schoolers. and the things in addition to al go bre the things they are learning on the track team and things they learned in the hallways. as much algebra as you can teach on zoom you can't teach emotional skills overzoom. >> brian: unacceptable to signal to kids when in trouble go into your corner and just quit. randi weingarten who runs the biggest teacher union in the country says there are logistical decisions schools are making. we know kids do better in school. spiking is real. weed need better ventilation, there is a lot of stress. it your answer to randi weingarten, dollars? deloras? >> i agree there is a tremendous amount of stress on children and families and teachers. like yesterday, this is the very first day back at this virtual learning. and everyone was frustrated. it was really not a good thing. my 7-year-old was frustrated. the teachers didn't know what they were doing there has to be a better plan. i agree with the gentleman with us that says that you know, they need that emotional connection and interaction is really good for students. like i said, you know, when you go into the schools, my opinion, only thing they use that money for is for laptops and, you know i didn't get free wifi from them. but that's the only thing they use it for. and i think there should be a better plan in place. you know, just taking temperatures. >> brian: testing. if you want to do testing, every school should have it. there is enough money there. ross, real quick, you were just telling me in the break that's what they used to make money for home learning better laptops and ipads. right, ross? that's got to frustrate you with your six because you have to work from home, too. >> i think one of the things that we're lacking from the public school administration here is transparency around the decisions that they are making, when we're in school, when we are in zoom school. and what are the numbers. what are the vaccination numbers. what are the infection numbers? we don't know any of that we are waiting for the next email to come to say surprise, you have to figure out what you are going to do with your kids tomorrow. >> brian: it's not fair. it's not right. we have a lack of leadership all around. and i feel bad for the teachers. many of which want to go back but they are hostage to the union. they can't get a job without joining the june and now have to listen to the union. i don't want to lump teachers in this the most dedicated under paid in the country. thanks so much. we need the real life stories and very vales because we have to have your voices heard. thank you so much for joining us today. >> thanks for having me. >> thank you. >> brian: 2022 red wave looking more like a reality. one republican running to unseat a democrat will join us live on the growing momentum. ♪ >> lawrence: welcome back to "fox & friends." could the g.o.p. take back the house in the 2022 midterm. it's a possibility according to the cook political report. the nonpartisan outlet finding that 13 democrat races are considered toss-ups compared to only seven republican ones. in addition to that, three democrats held districts have fallen into the report's lean republican column. including new jersey seventh district. that's where our next guest hopes to beat the democrats incumbent tom and his house race new jersey state republican leader tom cain jr. joins me now. this is your second time running for that district. why do you think voters will pick you now? >> the radical left has gone too far and across the country. in new jersey massive tax increases on the state level by phil murphy, when you look and go up and down the street whether it's in my hometown where candy shops where i used to buy candies for my staff during the holidays, local movie theater where we had party for our kids. local diners and restaurants. a third of these small businesses in new jersey have closed. never going to open again. that's because the massive tax increases that governor phil murphy has imposed. on the national level, when you look at the stras trust policies promoted by the biden administration and this congress and my opponent tom mall linskey other inflation, another tax increase. when people go around this state and around this district. they see the cost of goods as simply unaffordable. they see the prices of gas, food, of everything in their lives, simply more unaffordable. i have a long history of leadership in the state fighting for more affordable. more transparency and more accountability. i will bring that down to washington, d.c. i'm going to beat tom malinsky. he has a couple options either retire or he is going to lose. >> lawrence: shut downs, a lot of people haven't. we reached out senator kean has been running for congress 20 years lost three times. even republican voters see him as unremarkable career politician who is afraid to take a stand on anything and know they can do better. our district elected congressman malinowski because he fights for their interest. >> he can't defend his own record. every single thing that has gone wrong in washington, d.c. he has been a part of that he has voted with nancy pelosi 100 percent of the time. when you look at what he has specifically done, he has violated the stock act. he broke the law. millions of dollars in pandemic profiteering from constituents in an election year. he short sold. bet against companies congressional district and he is now under review by the ethics committee. five out of six people on the ethics committee and counsel representatives where people don't really agree on very much. they believe that tom malinows confidential informant has globe broken the law. standing up for transparency and accountability. we to bring that integrity to washington, d.c. >> lawrence: senator kean, it's in the voters' hands now, we will see what they decide to do. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> lawrence: over to you, ainsley. >> ainsley: a juror in the ghislaine maxwell trial is now speaking out about handing down a guilty verdict, telling the independent, quote: this verdict is for all the victims, for those who testified, for those who came forward, and for those who haven't come forward. i'm glad that maxwell has been held accountable. maxwell is facing 65 years in prison. a sentencing date has not yet been set. tennis store djokovic is granted a medical exemption to travel to melbourne to defender his title in the sprawlian open. mandating staff and fans j unless have genuine reason for the exemption. he refused to say whether or not is he vaccinated. number one men's player in the world and looking for a record 21st grand slam title. you can still win the powerball lottery after no winners were drawn on monday. the jackpot is now growing to $610 million for tonight's drawing. the cash payout value sits at healthy 434 million. monday's numbers were 2, 13, 32, 33, and 48 and the powerball 22. drawings are held on monday, wednesdays and saturday. the largest lottery ever won $1.586 billion back in 2016. and those are some of your headlines. now let's check in with our own senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> janice: coldest air of the season has arrived across the midwest. blizzard conditions with snow and heavy blowing snow across portions of the northern plains and great lakes. you can see where we have cold air in place sinking sought ward and eastward. that will set the stage for snow southeast. we have the snow moving in from the rockies upwards of 4 feet of snow in the mountains, and then we are going to see this storm system bring the blizzard conditions today for parts of the dakotas through minnesota. that means heaviy snow and blowing snow. travel is going to be next to impossible in some of these areas. an additional 2 to 3, even 4 inches of heavy snow and then you have got that cold air about behind it the k08dest air of the season that cold air is going to sink as far as south as the deep south over the next couple of days and set the stage for our next storm system. so you can see where we have our wind chill alerts. temperatures, you know, well below freezing. minus 20. minus 30 with the wind chill, this is our next set up, right, as we go into the next couple of days, an area of low pressure develops across the mid-atlantic and the northeast. and we could see some measurable snow here in new york. stay tuned. we will keep you posted. fox for your latest forecast. back to you, ainsley. >> ainsley: thanks so much, janice, straight ahead they say true love is hard to find. this mom is making it easy. all out effort to help her daughter find the perfect man ♪ ♪ i saw the sign ♪ and it opened up my eyes ♪ i saw the sign ♪ i saw the sign ♪ no one is going to drag you up allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. . >> ainsley: they always say mothers know best once you get older you know that's true. a mother took out a bulletin board to find her daughter match. she is fighting breast cancer her wish it is to find 30-year-old mollie a man to leave her in good hands. beth and mollie join us now. >> good morning, ladies. >> beth, thanks for coming on, beth, we love your story. we wanted to have both of you on. i know that had you breast cancer years ago and it has come back and spread to your bones. is that why you wanted to do this and how are you feeling by the way? >> i'm feeling well, thank you. every day is a gift living life to the fullest seeing lots of mollie. that's why i wanted to do it i really wanted to do it because my daughter is a living doll and she has been the greatest daughter. and now it's my turn to give back to her that. >> ainsley: that is so sweet. mollie, what's your reaction to this. >> well, i was surprised. honestly, my mother has always been putting me on spontaneous adventures my whole life. this is just another kind of fun thing to do together. >> ainsley: beth, you get out of the car, you pull into times square you pull around the corner and look up and see your daughter's face on this billboard you made happen. what was that like. >> i was so shocked that i just screamed. my glasses flew off. we ended up grabbing each other, jumping up and down, giggling. it was a real thrill. it was amazing. and of course we created a stir on the streets. hey, that's you. and it was just wonderful. >> ainsley: mollie, i heard there was a police officer who said hey, that's you, and you are beautiful. did you get his number? >> you know, i did not. but he was on duty. so, you know. i figured if i maybe asked he might have said 911. i don't know. >> ainsley: mollie, have you heard from anyone. how can people get in touch with you if they. >> they actually get in touch with me. i have heard from really wonderful people. that's been great. people will follow the directions on the wing man app. on the billboard on the link. and then it has an email which goes to mom and she filtering. >> i get to have the fun of looking through all the nice men and hopefully love will come. >> ainsley: that's so great. i know the wing man founder was touched by this her name is teen in wilson and she arranged for this billboard. on the billboard there is a small picture of you, mom, that says i'm mollie's wing man. date my daughter. and what are you looking for? tell us about mollie and what you are looking for in a man for her? >> molly is a ray of sunshine. she is just wonderful. what i really want for molly is someone who is very attached to family and has a great circle of friends because i think that's going to complement molly having that strong foundation. that's really all i'm looking for in a man. she has a longer list. >> ainsley: molly, anything you are looking for in a man? >> i would say i really, you know, i really admire my mom and dad's relationship. and they always -- i see them communicate well and they reach for kindness first and respect. >> ainsley: there is the site at the bottom of the screen. sorry to interrupt you but we are out of time. god bless you both and beth i wish you all the best. more "fox & friends" coming up. >> thank you. ill. because i won't let uc stop me from being me. zeposia can help people with uc achieve and maintain remission. and it's the first and only s1p receptor modulator approved for uc. don't take zeposia if you've had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or mini-stroke, heart failure in the last 6 months, irregular or abnormal heartbeat not corrected by a pacemaker, if you have untreated severe breathing problems during your sleep, or if you take medicines called maois. zeposia may cause serious side effects including infections that can be life-threatening and cause death, slow heart rate, liver or breathing problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema, and swelling and narrowing of the brain's blood vessels. though unlikely, a risk of pml--a rare, 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news, chicago public school classes are officially cancelled. >> a whopping 73% of the members voting to switch to remote learning. >> critics are calling this decision made overnight cruel for both parents and students. >> manhattan's new d.a. kicking off his tenure by tell his staff to stop prosecuting certain crimes and downgrade certain felonies. >> seems to me that we're giving a green light and embolds the criminal element. >> the cdc testing guidance. >> the cdc now says people should use a rapid test after a positive covid case. after five days of isolation. >> if you want to. >> kamala harris is slammed for tweeting america is moving again as hundreds of people stranded. >> if she didn't have bad timing and bad communication skills, she would have none at all. ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: live look at god's country, louisville, kentucky. welcome to the second hour of "fox & friends." i'm lawrence jones in for steve. brian is here as well as ainsley. and, ainsley, brian wanted to make it very clear and he is above me right now. i'm downstairs, that he will be invoicing me because i borrowed them. this is a throw. and i'm borrowing them he wants me to pay for that. >> ainsley: you are borrowing what? >> brian: the last few days i have had the whole staff to myself. i said if lawrence wants cues, he is allowed five cues an hour. my staff downstairs. >> ainsley: brian, i thought you were working remotely according to the press. >> brian: turns out they reported all wrong, ainsley. right. but they did. so, lawrence we're going to work that out after because there is money in the rescue plan to get you money for these -- to satisfy your invoice. >> lawrence: exactly. >> brian: we will be talking about that over the next two hours. we have so much to report and big interview to announce tomorrow. first things first. >> lawrence: president biden continues to insist we are still in a pandemic of the unvaccinated warning that the next few weeks are expected to be brutal with cases. mark meredith joins us live from the white house with what we can expect. mark? >> lawrence, brian and ainsley. good morning to you guys. president biden says he is frustrated like so many americans about the testing situation nationwide. but he says his administration really is trying to do some progress here to make up for these short falls. later this month, the white house also working to launch a website that will allow anyone to request a test be sent to them directly at home. and insurance companies will soon be required to cover the cost that system of these at home testing kids. and when in doubt, the president says there is one place people can turn to for quick answers for covid. >> >> covid test near me, google -- excuse me, covid test near me on google to find the nearest site where can you get a test most often and free. >> nearly a year into his presidency no doubt the pandemic continues to dominate the agenda. the white house is rejecting the notion it's lost control even as cases continue to skyrocket. some 800,000 plus new covid cases reported on monday alone. >> i know we are all tired and frustrated about the pandemic. these coming weeks are going to be challenging. please wear your mask in public to protect yourself and others. >> meantime the cdc is clarifying its position after changing quarantine guidelines, the reason shortened periods no longer show symptoms studies show that lab tests may give people a positive result even though they are no longer able to spread the virus. they are no longer contagious. still recommending people wear a mask for five days after testing positive and after they no longer show those symptoms. of course there is going to be a lot of questions what they need to do when it comes to testing and no change to those guidelines. we are going to be hearing from the president's covid team later on this morning. we will see if they have anything to say. >> brian: always exciting to cease these press conferences as you watch the roller coaster which is jen psaki. much of this is not her fault. she has to speak for an administration that clearly overstated to get elected what they could do with a virus they had no control over. clearly they were condescending and dismissive of everything the trump administration tried to do with a brand new pandemic. the first time anything to hit our shores like that in over 100 years. in fact, it wasn't too long ago when people were very condemning and maybe rightfully so. >> we will have to do it in after action report that we did not know the type of test because we did not know the type of virus that was going to hit our shores two years ago. donald trump was secured for not having that. what happened to your cdc and what happened to the game plan that barack obama left behind? how dare he not have the right test? when they do have the right test, they flooded the zone with it that didn't stop joe biden from saying i will kill the virus and not kill the economy. instead, the virus has flourished. variants have bloomed. and the testing has fallen off a cliff. he put the money there but never bought the tests. we have the therapeutics but he never preordered them. the vaccine is what he had, but the vaccine is falling far short of what he told us it would do. yet, he says the same thing all the time. this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. the numbers don't add up to that. jen psaki tried to tell us the president has not lost control of this virus. no one is believing it watch. >> cases are rising across the country. tests are hard to come by in many places. there are long lines for them. schools are closing again or having to go virtual. there is a sense among many that the country has lost control of the virus. would the white house agree with that? >> we would not. and here's why. we are in a very different place than we were a year ago, ed. 200 million people are vaccinated. those are people protected seriously protected from illness and death from the virus. we have also just purchased the largest over-the-counter purchase of tests in history. 500 million tests. that builds on the fact that we have already distributed 50 million tests back in december. the fact that we have 20,000 sites across the country where you can get free tests. the fact that next week people can get reimbursed for their tests and we are going to continue to build on that. >> ainsley: you know, when you look at some of the facts joe biden on the campaign trail to your point, brian, he kept saying i will shut down this virus. i will shut down this virus. i will shut down this virus. now he is saying there is no federal solution. he says this is a pandemic of the unvaxxed. yet, many people with boosters are still getting covid. 419,200 have decide under his watch. 200,000 died under president trump. so double under biden. monoclonals had them for 18 months. they are not available to your point, brian. where are all these pills? they are not available. where are all these home tests that you are supposed to be able to buy at the pharmacy? they are not available. trump developed three vaccines, how many did biden develop? zero. trump operation warp speed. where are the monoclonals, where are the tests, where are these pills? it is operation snail speed bike will siegel has said over and over. lawrence? >> lawrence: that's exactly why he is under water when it comes to the polls now. people don't trust him to do anything. it's very clear right now as we get into this pandemic and literally learn more and more and more that the biden administration never had a plan. they really had no plan. and i had doctor, the surgeon general from florida yesterday, he said the idea that a president or any president could have control of a respiratory virus was a lie to begin with. no one has control of it no one has control of anything that can mutate without the science backing that they can stop it. another doctor that i had on yesterday, dr. marty makary said that when i asked him the question did we go too far when it comes to the pandemic? he said yes, and we waited too long to push back. and do you know who else agrees with him in the polling. this is new polling asking this administration go too far or not enough or right approach to the vaccination mandate, 456 are saying that they had the right approach. and 24% are saying not far enough. brian, this seems to be a pattern right now when it comes to the administration. because they told the american people they had control of everything and he was the most experienced. when it comes down to the things that he could actually do, he couldn't deliver. that's why you see his polling tanking. >> brian: we are seeing these breakthroughs including the secretary of defense boosted double vaxxed way overweight. sitting there in isolation because he did everything the president said and the breakthroughs are resulting in some deaths. they are resulting in a lot of people who have to actually sit there in quarantine hurting the economy. >> hurting themselves, originally when they told us in july if you are vaccinated don't have to wear a mask you are basically virus proof that has not proven to be the case. overall, when you look at the mandates, it's created so much division in this country, great news. the navy seals won. therefore, they will not be fired like the marines have lost. and over 100 marines we have lost so many people in our medical professional here in new york city lost because the ridiculous mandates that have divided the country. the president says it worked. it's unamerican. handling of the economy, the president is not high on that. 60% disprove of the handling of the economy. 40% approve of it i don't know who those 40% are. what have you the number that i found staggering that came out after the show yesterday, more people quit their jobs last month, 4.4 million than at any time in american history. as many people have told me i don't know where they are going and how they are surviving but in biden's economy, you don't work and you quit. that's pretty much the anti-american motto that i grew up with that we grew up with, ainsley. >> ainsley: yeah, right. okay. so let's talk about lieutenant colonel stuart scheller, stu sheryl jr. we'll talked to his dad. he is going to be on our show tomorrow and also going to be on tucker's today which is on fox nation and that drops today at 4:00. his story is fascinating because he was the one who blasted the top brass for botching afghanistan's withdrawal and the suicide bombing at the kabul airport. he says his regret is that he did it with such emotion and he wish he had pulled that back. but he doesn't regret doing this. he said he wouldn't take it back if he could. even though it cost him his marriage, they are amicable but she had to move away with her three boys. her young boys because they were being teased and brought to tears on the playground. he lost his retirement of $2 million pension. lost his military friends. lost his way of life, but says even -- he says he can't stay silent. where would we be if i stayed silent? he is discharged under honorable conditions. one lower than honorable discharge. he served 17 years as a marine. so did his wife. and he was find $5,000. here is a portion of what you will see on tucker today. >> you know, i feel like what i did was the right thing. and i'm going to stand by that and my life is going to be dedicated to making sure that there are changes that take place. a lot of people don't think it's possible. i have been amazed at the amount of feedback of i have got you can't change it people truly believe that. i think the majority of people think this is the way it is stu and you can't change it. i don't believe that i fundamentally don't believe that i think if enough of us believe in one thing we can change anything. >> lawrence: a couple things here, ainsley. if you guys remember after what happened in afghanistan, the network sent me to multiple diners for "fox & friends." they were right outlines of military bases. what he said was speaking for a lot of those people. and i understand rules are rules. but if the rules are the rules, why do the generals get to write books and say whatever the hell they want and bash the commander-in-chief with absolutely no consequences and none of them are speaking for the rank and file; brian. how come when he says something, he loses his pension, he loses his livelihood, he loses his family. but you have got milley who can say whatever the hell he wants with no consequences at all. >> brian: true, that's his exact point. if milley went up to biden and all they are is political animals and say listen, if do you this at the doing it and the plan, i'm not going to serve i'm going to resign. go out to that room and resign, they would have stopped. i know that for a being if a. if they went out there, if mackenzie said if you do this i'm not going to be able to execute it. americans will die and iraqis, our allies will be killed or left behind. and i'm going to go tell the american people that biden would have done it this way. and, instead, they went along and said not my plan. when they testified a couple weeks later they said yeah, i wouldn't have done it this way but that's what i was told so i executed it. he said i'm not saying, scheller did, we have gotten to in afghanistan forever. did any of you, meaning your generals, throw your rank on the table and say it's a bad idea to evacuated bagram airfield before we evacuate everyone? did anyone do that? and when you didn't think you did that, did anyone raise their hand and say we completely messed this up? he said i thought it was unfair, institutions that accountable lose the ability honor. he lost $2 million pension and lost his family but he is going to go forward and change things. i have had a chance to talk to him. he was at the patriot awards. he was there. i had a chance to briefly talk to him knowing that he would be able to speak soon when his legal case was open. i cannot wait for us to talk to him tomorrow. because we need some honest and integrity. here is what i am greater weight of the evidence by. gratified by.this was such an ee and embarrassment to american prestige and our history that this is not something we are going to get over as a people. i don't care if you are for or against the afghanistan war. you are about to go into a winter season. we were 80% of their economy. i don't want to support the taliban but we can't let millions of people starve to death because mr. secretary of state doesn't want to talk about and it the president was so evidently in the white house you are not allowed to bring up the word afghanistan. that's why these other people are going to hang, be shot at point blank range and these children are going to starve to death as winter rolls in. >> ainsley: you know, lawrence, this is how change happens. and you were talking about that. you look at this man, and you have the utmost respect for him. yes, he had to leave the military, he lost his pension, he lost his family. not only are you losing millions of dollars, you are losing your three sons, they had to move away i'm sure he sees them. he and his exwife are amicable. it changed his life forever. this is what change is all about. is he a hero. he stood up. good things are in store for him. he said he might write a book. i hope he runs for office. we are allowed to say it we have freedom of speech. in the military you are not allowed to, i guess, criticize the rank and file of the people above you. i understand that and i respect that rule, too. i also respect what he is doing and is he doing this to implement change. i think he will get married again. maybe his ex-wife will take him back and they will reconnect. he is a cute man. is he very smart and willing to use everything for a good cause and sticking up for his beliefs and this is true character. >> lawrence: the last thing i will say on this is think about the veterans. the ones committing suicide over this issue right here. i mean, the numbers are the numbers. it just seems like no one really wants to have that conversation of the impact of what the president did with afghanistan. generals won't stand up to him. meanwhile, the generals are willing to leave the trump administration bad mouth the trump administration over things they disagreed with. now everyone is silent. meanwhile have veterans literally shooting themselves in front of their families, leaving their families right now and no one wants to talk about the mental health crisis that is affects directly impacted by what the house decided to do with this afghanistan withdrawal, brian. >> brian: they loaded all these people cargo planes and dropped them in third countries and now in our country and we don't know who they are. that's the report two months late. i know people working on this report. it's horrific who got loaded on those planes. president biden came out and said i don't want any more empty planes, they were throwing barbers, social security workers, whatever, just throwing anybody on those planes and now they are dumped into our military facilities and now we are trying to find homes for them. meanwhile, there is no report two months late. i will add this president trump never should have negotiated directly with the taliban and kept the afghanistan government out. but he never would have let this happen. so he started down erro down ers path. we are stuck with it russia going to take ukraine and soon china going to take taiwan. nobody fears us because the guy has no spine. >> ainsley: supposed to send in that report what happened in afghanistan and vetting all these afghans, that was due at the end of november to your point, brian, that hasn't happened and by law he is supposed to do that some congressman are saying unacceptable and we need answers. all right, turning now to more headlines, 346 police officers were shot in the line of duty in 2021. 63 of those were killed. according to the national fraternal order of police. this while violent crime reached historic highs all across the country as you know the number of officers shot up from 312 in 2020 ambushed style attacks also up 15% from 2020. the fraternal order of police is pushing congress to pass the protect and serve act which would make it a federal crime to knowingly cause or attempt to cause injury to an officer. walmart temporarily shutting down two more stores to sanitize against covid. the retail giant already shught down around 60 stores in covid hot spots. kroger hiking price of rapid tests. last year they agreed to sell them at cost or discount for three months. about 14 bucks for two tests. but that deal with the biden administration expired in mid december. an heroic pooch named kinsley coming to a rescue after a nasty traffic accident in new hampshire. two people ejected after a pickup overturned on the highway. witnesses spotted her overlooking for assuming lost dog. bolted to the accident site leading political science to find the humans in the wreckage. both were treated for. kinsly appeared to be uninjured. those are your hid lines. lawrence? >> lawrence: that's not just a smart dog that's a good dog. >> ainsley: a hero. larynx. >> lawrence: biden's border crisis hitting arizona town unlike ever before. the unbelievable spike in human encounters. universities reportedly offer bonus to teachers who alleged social justice to their curriculum. they will join us live ♪ every summer ♪ i miss you, i miss you now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? welcome to the next level. this is the all-new lexus nx. with intuitive tech... (car sfx: beep beep) (car sfx: watch for traffic) ...and our most advanced safety system—ever. ♪♪ this is elodia. she's a recording artist. ...and our most advanced 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. ♪ ♪ >> brian: all right the u.s. southern border saw incredible increase in migrant encounters in the last year. one sector has seen a surge unlike any other. according to the ccp, yuma, arizona saw 2,400 percent increase in migrant encounters from october to november of this year. that's compared to last. which was also out of control. here to react the mayor of huma, is he desperate. douglas nickels, what could you do to stop this besides telling everyone about this? >> i mean, at the local level, this is a federal issue, so at the local level it's very difficult to do anything that has a federal level impact. so, it's about advocacy right now and then the diligence of our local law enforcement and our community to we need federal government to follow policy and change what's addressed here in the yuma area. >> brian: you have thousands crossing illegally what's you get. ccp overwhelmed right now. where do the families and kids go? how are they processed? >> right now they wait along the border. border patrol comes and picks them up and takes them to the border patrol station. couple days processed and either handed out to ice or one of our local nonprofits who helps them get to an airport. >> but that's for those that want to turn themselves in. we're seeing a growing number of families and individuals that are looking to evade. they end up at our admission or they end up in different areas of our community. >> brian: brought bye bye organization taxpayer money catholic organizations given supplies, more of an incentive to come. brought to the airport and brought into the interior of the country, many of which are not given tickets to even appear. they win, the message goes south. come one, come all. it's only going to get worse. now, did you contact your two u.s. democratic senators in your state? and if so what happened? >> we had a conversation with our two senators being very specific on what we need. >> we have specific on engagement and i know that they have advocated at the dhs secretary level. but, they are just needs to be more pressure brought to help get resolution on this situation. >> brian: mr. mayor, how effective would it be to see two democratic senators call a press conference at that border or in washington, d.c. and say this is not partisan. this is an emergency. my people are being overwhelmed. i'm elected to represent them. >> this is a national security issue. you told me we're in a pandemic we got to get vaccinated and boosted. but i'm getting people from hundreds of countries at a rate at which is unsustainable. how effective would that be? >> i don't know how you could get any more effective at the senate level. that would create a statement nationally that couldn't be ignored, i don't believe. >> brian: so can you call for it. >> it's a great idea. i will be working on that later today. >> brian: real quick, the governor of texas has used his national guard because the government has failed so epically. why don't you ask for your national guard? >> we do have -- governor ducey has brought the national guard to the area to help support border patrol. the end of the day, border patrol cannot just hand over everything to the national guard. they don't have the policing authority and that's really where the bottleneck is. you have to have federal officers implement these laws and make these arrests and do the processing. the national guard can't do those things, even in texas. >> brian: we didn't forget to put rd there. unaffiliated. you are there for the people. help him do his job. mr. mayor, thanks for telling the story. >> thank you for having me on. >> brian: up next, jailed new york governor andrew cuomo off the hook for the thousands of covid-19 nursing home deaths. what happened on thinks watch? we speak to many of the victims' families including our own janice dean who say their fight for justice is not over. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit have you checked singlecare? i think you can get a cheaper price on this. cheaper meds with singlecare. stop! i should spread the word. but how? i wanna be remembered for the savings, with singlecare. you walk into the pharmacy, with great insurance. but then, (screams) singlecare beats the price of your copay. singlecare the musical. are people ready? (sings dramatically) oh, i need to get to work. telling people to check the singlecare price. ♪ >> ainsley: in a crushing blow to those fighting for justice former new york governor andrew cuomo will not be charged over accusation that's underreported the number of covid-19 nursing home deaths. cuomo's lawyer saying i was told after a thorough investigation as we have said all along, there was no evidence to suggest that any laws were broken. here with reaction are just a few of the many families who were directly impacted by the governor's fatal nursing home mandate. fox news senior meteorologist janice dean, who lost both of her in-laws, mickey and dee, new york state assemblyman ron kim who lost his uncle and peter are a beanie who lost his father norman, good morning to all three of you. >> good morning. >> hi, ainsley. >> ainsley: janice, what was your reaction to this what do you plan on doing. i know in an op-ed that is coming out this morning on fox news the covid victims who died in new york nursing homes deserve justice. i won't stop fighting for them. what does that mean going forward? >> that i won't stop fighting for them. 15,000 family members don't have voices they were silenced forever because of this governor. it just emboldens me to want to speak even louder. >> ainsley: does that mean you are going to take civil action? >> >> there are a few things we are talking about peter and his family and ron kim and i have been working behind the scenes to bring justice to all of those families. we will continue our fight. this does not halt it at all. >> ainsley: so, ron, the actual deaths, nearly 13,000 womb mow reported just 8,000. but his lawyer, you heard the statement, says he did nothing wrong. there is no evidence to prove he did anything wrong. did he? , absolutely. cuomo clearly committed criminal fraud to personally profit from this pandemic. you know, while protecting his top donors by hanging out near blanket corporate immunity at the peak of this pandemic. the current d.a. that dropped the investigation didn't even look at those investigations. they are still open and pending investigation against the former governor so he is definitely not off the hook his lawyers and p.r. team want us to believe he has been absolved of all wrongdoing but that is far from the truth. >> ainsley: peter, so sad to watch all of these images of moms and dads behind the glass having to say goodbye to their children from their hospital rooms or nursing home rooms on the first floor and knowing people were skyping or zooming with their loved ones and the nurses were holding the computers so that the children could say goodbye. some died without even saying goodbye to their family members. i can't imagine how hard it is to lose a family member. here's a picture of your dad, norman, who died in april of 2020. but how difficult is it knowing that this was preventable? >> it was preventable because the governor decided to lie about it and i would say one thing to the d.a. that decided to drop the criminal case, when there is a crime committed, you are supposed to interview the victims. i don't know of a crime where someone died that the d.a. didn't interview the victims or the victims' families. and neither one of us, ron, janice or my family was approached by the d.a.'s office to learn our story to learn the fax of how our parents or family members died. >> ainsley: janice, you never heard from the d.a.? why did the d.a. do this? why did they decide to drop this probe? >> janice: i think this was a deal that was made before the governor decided to resign. i think this was planned in advance. he was going to be impeached. and i think lawmakers got together and said listen if you step down now, we will drop the charges and you could run again. i believe this was all planned out. >> ainsley: ron, is he going to run again, do you think? >> with $18 million, anything is possible. and this only looks like, you know, he received a soft landing. with an outgoing manhattan d.a. that we know he was friends with the former governor, and this whole thing just sounds very shady and fish. i just hope that the federal government is still have their ongoing investigation. and the new governor, along with the state attorney general would step up and finally deliver justice and accountability for our families. >> ainsley: peter, what do you think will happen next? we have a new d.a., we have a new governor, we have a new mayor in new york. >> what i would say to the new d.a. is start out with why was the strategy of the cuomo administration to send positive patients to nursing homes as the only strategy rather than the absolute last? if you start with that question to try to understand why he sent 9,000 covid positive patients to nursing homes. it is plausibly possible that our governor cuomo followed cdc guidelines defended the cdc guidelines six weeks, lied about it 10 months and wrote about it in his book is, that believablably possible? >> ainsley: did you have enough time? your father died in april this all kind of hit the fan in march, did you know when we were being told that the seniors were most at risk, especially those that had underlying conditions, were you thinking what is happening? my dad is in trouble? we order by march 24th by the head of the nursing home. it was kind of funny that we were in a fight for our father's life. we got our father out 10 days after the march 25th order then he passed 10 or 1 days later at home. his death still doesn't count to new york state because he died at home not in the nursing home with covid. the numbers are under counted still unfortunately but we froze because of this death order and then a year later, melissa derosa said she froze when the department -- doj sent an inquiry letter about the cdc guidelines that they supposedly were following. imagine how the families froze, never mind how she froze. >> ainsley: y'all are so tough, janice and ron and peter, thank you for speaking out and being brave enough to represent the thousands of individuals that passed away during that time period. god bless you all. we did reach out to the manhattan district attorney's office for a statement but we have not heard back. it is now 7:38 here on the east coast a bonus for race based curriculum. that's what one university is offering the teachers who infuse critical race theory into their courses. inflammation might be to blame. time for ache and burn! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those'll probably pass by me! xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? 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>> i was very upset because this just proves that university's top priority is not academic but instead it's indoctrinating students with propaganda. and if professors are bribed with taxpayer dollars to redesign their curriculum to focus on anti-racism or diversity and inclusion. these professors, it doesn't make them woke, it doesn't make them social justice warriors. they are being bribed to do this. it seems like they don't actually care. and it just makes them greedy and spineless. >> lawrence: the cost of tuition continues to go up. essentially you are making for. this exactly. and one of my biggest issues professor chooses to incorporate this in their curriculum it's the one thing. the other thing that it is being incentivized with taxpayer dollars is completely unacceptable. >> lawrence: i used to run exhaust reform. we used to see this type of stuff all the time ton college campuses. seems like it's been happening for a while. can you tell us our audience what life is like on campus for our conservative students? >> you know, memphis is ranked 249 in universities. we are rank thed 8 just in tennessee. there is a vast range of issues that need to be addressed. students' education even our health risk and the fact that we are not focusing on those kind of issues and trying to better our university and our rankings and our education. instead, focusing on this issue that is going to cause racial division, is going to cause more of a racial divide is just a threat to our country. >> lawrence: audra, how do you fight back? >> i think it's important for students to see a problem to stand up and say hey, this is a problem. if we continue to allow this to happen, nothing is ever going to change. and i think a lot of students who disagree with this will feel like they don't have a voice and like everybody agrees with this, everybody thinks it's okay when in relates i would be really surprised if the majority of campus agrees with bribing teachers can with taxpayer dollars to redesign their curriculum in this type of way. >> lawrence: what's your advice to a young person getting ready to enroll into college. >> i would take a very serious look at what their university is pushing into their curriculum and take that into consideration when choosing where to go. personally, if i could do it over and i knew that things such as social justice or equity were done in curriculum i may have chosen a different university. >> lawrence: ann elizabeth we reached out to your school for a statement. ann elizabeth, peyton, audra, thank you for coming on fox and friends this morning good luck. >> thank you. >> lawrence: a wild snow storm in virginia left these drivers stranded without food and water ofor an entire day. whether a should do you to be prepared for this situation? we'll break it all down next on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging... only pay...the pain.u need. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. >> ainsley: traffic is moving thank goodness again on i-95 in virginia after a severe winter storm left hundreds of people stranded in the freezing temperatures. many of them were stuck for more than 24 hours running out of gasoline, food and water. >> we haven't moved at all. no food, no water. i run out of water. so i walk all the way from half of 95 to the nearest convenience store. it's really hard because you are trying to stay warm but you are running out of gas. >> it was just terrible. it was just so terrible. the tractor trailers, everything was stuck. there was a lot of ice. what should you do your car stuck emergency like that. lifestyle expert skip bedell taken on that task and here to help us out. what do we do? i'm stuck on 95. ainsley and lawrence are in separate cars, nicer vehicles, how do you get us out? , yeah, brian, listen, getting stuck in s. a problem, especially in the snow. things every car should have in trunk at all times. if you are stuck, the first thing you want to do is get unstuck. unbelievable product, i keep one of these in my truck in my car, all of my vehicles, track grabber, strap it on to your wheel and under 10 seconds velcro the strap and get back in your car and use the power of the car to pull you out. we have a video there i think you guys can show that this is really a great product. it makes it very easy. you don't need someone else's help to pull you out. especially if you are a woman and alone and on a dark road you don't want to ask for help from people. she can easily strap this on to her wheel and put the car in drive and it will pull itself out of the. >> ainsley: so cool. >> got to keep the heat going too this is important. fantastic product, also, jump smart it acts as a flashlight. it has some really great setting on it distressed setting with a strobe light on it as well. most importantly it was a jump starter. >> we have powerful. this will jump all the way up to a heavy tractor-trailer engine. jump start your car multiple times and also has ports on the back of it for usb. you can charge up your phones and keep your devices charged. talking about keeping things charged. charge hub 2. goes into cigarette lighter are auxiliary port. two ports to keep your products charged up. most importantly if you are stuck or in an accident, it has a glass breaker which can you strike one time and break the window to get out of your car and seat bet cutter which is really important. all of these things are great products to have. you want to coop them in your trunk and make sure you have all the things to stay warm and have food and water as well. i always keep at a minimum emergency food rations, emergency drinking water. you wanted to make sure you are going to have something to keep you warm. keep hats, gloves, things like hand warmers and emergency blankets. these my larr blankets are fantastic. so, eye protection, i keep a shovel in there to dig out with. and the best part is that if you have all these things as a basic, you can also get them in these packs. now, this is what i keep in my car. and i highly recommend this to people. this comes in a backpack. prepacked with everything you need to survive for 72 hours. it has all of those things plus a lot more. this is the uncharter supply company. experts for survival. when you pull out the sleeve inside you have a color coded chart that shows you where everything is scenes it nice and organized for you. you fold it out and now you have everything from tools, all the things to keep you warm, food, water, first aid, everything you need is inside that pack. so this is really unbelievable thing to happen unchartered again all those items and more are inside the bag. so now, lastly, you want to make sure you have first aid, guys, this is really very important. this is what i keep in my car, a full pack from my medic. they have many different choices to choose from on their website. this is the most comprehensive medical first aid case can you get from my medic. everything that a paramedic would have. i have bleed stop. turn cuts. medical supervisors emergency ambulances guess to you might have administer first aid. stop traumatic bleeding and save a life. this is a difference between life and death. , fire extinguishers, if you can't get off the road the fire truck can't get to you. all very important things to keep in your trunk to keep you a"fox news live" a snow storm. >> lawrence: skip, thank you so much. my dad is a truck driver he has most of this stuff. average people doesn't have it but they should. head to skip thanks a lot. >> thanks are for having me. >> brian: your camera person is alison, right? >> yeah. she is doing a great job back there. >> ainsley: father's day is a few months away. those are all great ideas. >> brian: absolutely. top of the hour, rand paul. he has a big announcement. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, with about 10 minutes of treatment once every 3 months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. plus, right now, you may pay zero dollars for botox®. ask your doctor about botox® today. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed you may pay zero dollars for botox®. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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[laughter] >> lawrence: lawrence jones in for steve today. bribe bribe senator rand paul kicked off a new resolution for the new year. everyone likes resolutions senator rand paul likes one as well. can we talk about this virus never ending. senator, i never promised to end the virus. president trump didn't promise to end the virus. he wanted to live with it. but a person got elected named joe biden because he was going to kill the virus, not the economy. how is he doing? >> well, you know, i think he had the gull of saying that president trump was responsible for all the people who died. i think what an insult and what sort of a childish sort of accusation. but now more people have died under president biden's watch than under president trump's. we had the pandemic for two years under president trump and now we have had it for one year under biden and more people have died i don't think any one politician is responsible for it i do fault him for trying to centralize the effort and when the severity centralized like the monoclonal antibodies are all owned by the government and preventing the states from ordering them. he also discontinued distribution of them before the new monoclonal antibodies came. i get calls from doctors every day in my state and other states saying we have run out of the monoclonal antibodies can you tell the government people are still do i would he go need these monoclonal antibodies. biden does bear some responsibility he owes an apology to president trump for saying he was responsible for the death. a lot is mother nature. we do our best. as you see the virus explode we don't have control over this. going to evolve past the danger of this virus i don't think man has had full control ever. >> ainsley: you know, senator, it's been two years since we were faced with this virus and schools started shutting down. it will be two years in march. chicago has now decided we were right back to where we were. the teachers union voted to return to remote learning. in boston 1074 teachers and staffers decided not to go back to school yesterday. detroit public schools. they are going all viral as well. parents are frustrated. listen to these parents a father of six from michigan and mother of two from ohio. >> the things that kids need and we have middle schoolers and the things in addition to algebra the things that they are learning or the things they learn on the track team and the things they learn in the hallways and as much algebra as you can teach overzoom you can't teach those social and emotional skills. one of the things that we are lacking from the public school administration here is transparency around the decisions that they are making. we are just left waiting for the next email surprise, you have to figure out what you are going to do with your kids tomorrow. >> they didn't give you time to do anything. to try to prepare. my 7-year-old was frustrated. the teachers didn't know what they were doing. there has to be a better plan. >> ainsley: you know, senator, the cdc says this morning that omicron is 95% of the new cases. they are saying we know what happens when you get omicron. it's not as serious what we were faced with two years ago. what about the locals of learning for our students? why aren't they factoring that in? >> it's tragic. the thing is the science doesn't support closing schools down. in sweden the schools have stayed open continuously for the last your and a half. they have don't wear masks. kids are not dying. the teachers are not dying. there is no science behind closing the schools down. now, it used to be the policy and had been the policy for most of modern medicine if kids were sick, they were sent home and if a bunch of kids were sick, then close the schools for a couple of days. we are not doing that doing mass testing of people not sick. we are sending people home who have no symptoms and testing more classes and sending more home and ripples out until the whole school is sent home it isn't based on the way you would actually do this if you were using any common sense. we now have a virus that is so prevalent that it's going to infect the entire united states. we are going to get through this. but, are if you look at the death statistics, death statistics are 75% reduction in death from the delta variant to the omicron. 75% reduction in death. and so what he would dealing with now a different disease and it needs to be treated differently. we need to get rid of the hysteria. the people who are promoting this hysteria work for the government. this is dr. fauci's fault largely. >> lawrence: worse. >> historically talking about mandates and shutting down and not letting people fly and blaming the unvaccinated. everybody is getting this vaccinated and unvaccinated. the majority of the people in the hospital now are vaccinated because almost everyone has been vaccinated. >> lawrence: rand paul, i want to stay right there when it comes to dr. fauci he is chief infectious disease experts i know he knows the numbers. i fail to believe that he disund understand what's going on. he is also the chief medical adviser and so he knows what is happening from a mental health standpoint with the young people. so, should he come out on the record and say kids need back in school? >> he should but he won't. his every impulse is to lock down things. his every impulse is to monthly mull gate more rules and tell us what we cannot do. he is has never based on the science. he has made one huge mistake, unforgivable mistake and that is ignore natural i will' mount. 150 million people in our country already had this. now in the last couple of weeks millions of people every week who have already gotten this. and the one thing we know is that if you get this mild variant the omicron it actually is going to protect you against the more serious variant. this is basically nature's vaccine that is running through the community. that doesn't mean that some of our vulnerable people may not suffer and die from this. we should be trying to protect the vulnerable. and instead he is a one size fits all let's vaccinate the newborns and vaccinate all the kids. the thing is that's not good science. that's actually malpractice to force a booster on a 15-year-old male child is malpractice without knowing whether they have been infected previously. without fully understand the myocarditis that is a side effect of this vaccine, particularly some vaccines are worse for this. moderna turns out to be worse for myocarditis for young males. young males shouldn't be getting that. >> lawrence: they won't get their own advisory committee. >> say that again? >> lawrence: they want to get their own advisory committee approve the booster they did it anyway though. >> some people vaccine absolutism that basically there is just an absolutist point of view that is not willing to understand any nuances. not willing to will assess that the risks are different for 10-year-old child rather than an 80-year-old. it is malpractice to say all right, your 10-year-old should get the same treatment as 80-year-old. because we direct the resources everyone equally and universally. actually leaving behind the people. this should have been as scott atlas said. as jay has said. as marty makary have said. all these prominent doctors have said the opposite. but the department policy has been going by one guy who has been wrong. this is the danger of medicine. if you give all the authority to one person and that person is wrong, the whole country suffers. brian be brian amazing 1.9 trillion went out the door because the president in march because hind said i need it for the virus. where did that money go? a lot of it went to the schools. chicago earmarked 32 million. a lot went to exruive cultural responsive curriculum developing through the curriculum equity initiative. the union voted to close by the way in chicago. in milwaukee, they allocated 24 million, but it went to social emotional learning, including 100,000 for anti-racism and bias development. no person n. person classes. where is the reward for our dollars? michigan promoting the use of equity lens true appropriation money, six school districts opted forever remote learning. so they got the money. biden gave them the money. and i'm sure he was very happy when they decided to do it towards equity and crt. >> how much plexiglass we bought. we got this plexiglass, which doesn't work at all. there's no science behind it in fact, a couple of mit scientists actually looked at the plexiglass and says it disrupts with the ventilation of the classroom and probably, if anything, causes the virus to linger in the classroom. all wasted on nonscience. this is sort of medieval kind of science. putting plexiglass in our rooms. but you are right. somebody has looked and analyzed the covid grants that have gone out. more have gone out to look at the social aspects of this and equity and racial disparity than have done to look at the transmissibility of the virus. and so really, this is what happens when government directs everything and people are motivated by some sort of obsession with race instead of trying to fight the disease and fight the transmission for everyone. >> ainsley: senator, the president promised during the campaign that he is going to shut down this virus. now he is saying that there is no federal solution. 419,200 have died under his watch. 200,000 died under trump. and the president says this is the pandemic of the unvaxxed, but even those with boosters, as you were saying earlier are still getting omicron or maybe even a different variant. jen psaki was pressed on this. has the country, has the president, his administration lost control of this virus? listen. >> rising across the country. tests are hard to come by in many places. long lines for them. schools are closing again. having to go virtual there is a sense among many that the country has lost control of the virus. would the white house agree with that? >> we would not. and here's why: we are in a very different place than we were a year ago, ed. 200 million people are vaccinated. those are people who are protected, seriously protected from illness and death from the virus. we have also just purchased the largest over-the-counter purchase of tests in history, 500 million tests. that builds on the fact that we have already distributed 50 million tests back in december. of the fact that we have 20,000 sites across the country where you can get free tests. the fact that next week people can get reimbursed for their tests. going to continue to build on that. >> ainsley: where were those tests, senator, when we needed them last week to get our kids back in school or to leave our vacation to make sure we were safe to come home? >> part of it goes back to the public policy and the public health policy. they -- they have decided really since the beginning of this to test people who aren't sick. historically, in medicine, you test people who are sick. if we were only testing people who had symptoms, who were sick. we would have plenty of tests. but what we're doing is one kid gets sick and then we test the entire class and then we test them again and the thing is send sick kids home, yes. quarantine the sick kids. quarantine the sick adults. send them home from work. but what we are doing is testing the entire population. finding people who have no symptoms and quarantining them and their entire circle of friends and so it spreads test everyone all the time for symptoms it leads to lockdown. shortage of tests is a bad public policy of saying let's test everyone. i think we should test people who are sick and quarantine the sick but not those who are not sick. >> lawrence: senator, i had marty makary on yesterday he makes the argument we waited too long to start pushing back against some of this nonsense happening from our government. happy new year to you, senator. and part of your new year's resolution is you are quitting youtube. why? >> you know, i'm tired of censorship. and you know they say mark tywain used to say everybody is complaining about the weather nobody is doing anything about it well, everybody on the right complains about social media and their censorship, well, do something about it let's quit. so, i'm no longer going to set some punk, some snot-nosed kid over at youtube decide that a speech i gave on the senate floor is not appropriate or that when i say cloth masks don't work because i'm trying to save lives because if you go into the room with your grandparents wearing a cloth mask you are going to get infected. 80-year-old taking care of their wife and wearing a cloth mask and taking care of their wife they are going to get infected because they don't work. i'm tired of somebody at youtube saying i can't say that. >> more competition works. the more we will show the people at youtube to be censors to be small, closed minded people. liberal people who believe in disputation and debate and free speech should not associated with close minded people. >> brian: are you going on getter. >> is a competitor liberty so we are going to post our videos on liberty and post them on rumble as well. growing like crazy and they call themselves a neutral platform. they are not going to censor the left or the right so that there will be robust debate. i think actually big tech is not going to take government intervention. marketplace can fix this. people need to take their mouth and word and speech and content. instead of just complaining, move, go somewhere. >> brian: gotcha. senator rand paul, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> brian: i joined rumble and gettr over the weekend. get a little bit of freedom. >> ainsley: how do you like them. >> brian: going good. just getting used to it now. seemed extremely popular joe rogan joined over the weekend. he is the most powerful force in social media by far and certainly podcasts. i'm looking forward to interacting see how it guess. radio. >> lawrence: looking at brian joining the cool kids. >> brian: trying to be cool just once. >> ainsley: rogan took with him 8 million followers. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: talk about other headlines making news this morning. 28-year-old sheriff's recruit is dead after being shot oakland freeway this morning. here are his fellow officers honoring his life with a procession after his casket is loaded into the coroner's truck. >> recruit was reportedly driving home from a training class when he was shot. his identity is not yet released. no arrests have been made. and police have not commented on a possible motive. vice president kamala harris under fire for sending this tweet while drivers were stranded in virginia saying that's what infrastructure is all about, getting people moving. i-95 finally open after a severe winter storm left hundreds of drivers stuck on the icy highways for over 24 hours. that same storm trapping hundreds inside amtrak train for 40 hours. not much better at the airports. 1500 flights canceled across the u.s. on tuesday. and little caesars raising the price of famous $5 pizza for the first time in 25 years. of the pizza chain upping the price for a large classic pizza by 55 cents saying customers will get 33% more peperoni and make up for price hikes although pizza sales soared during the pandemic, production costs have been hit very hard by inflation and supply chain crisis. those are your headlines, my friends. >> brian: thanks so much, ainsley, famously done raised the bar. new york's new d.a. wants to let criminals off the hook i'm not exaggerating. a long list of crimes no longer be prosecuted. do you believe this? douglas murray will react. he has english accent. trouble on the high seas as the cdc warns cruise goers they want to them to abandon ship. cruise companies are setting sail anyway. we are live in cape canaveral, florida later this hour. ♪ discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save $200 on the sleep number 360 c2 smart bed queen, now only $899. plus, no interest for 36 months when you and an adjustable base. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. >> lawrence: manhattan's progressive new district attorney laying out a plan to go easy on criminals. alvin bragg ordering his staff to not prosecute a whole slew of crimes while giving jail time to only the worst murderers and offenders. author douglas murray is here to react. so got this new mayor that comes in. he says he is going to be tough on crime. support the police, have this balance when it comes to justice. but none of that matters if you have a d.a., douglas, that's going to release these offenders, right? >> that's right. the policy that the new d.a. is talking about is something like the opposite of the broken windows policy that james wilson and others came out in the 1980s in which mayor giuliani instituted in the 1990s that was a policy whereby even the smaller misdemeanors were taken seriously. because there was a recognition that relatively small misdemeanors lead to bigger ones, lead to other people being encouraged to commit crime, downgrade the whole area. and that you have to take everything seriously if you are going to reform and make a city safe. the d.a. now, we're talking about, is doing exactly the opposite of that. he is saying that everything except for murder and the couple of other crimes shouldn't be resulting in carceral sentences and effectively let go. in a city like new york, which has seen almost 50% rise in murder between 2019 and 2021, which has seen a surge in more minor crimes. this is exactly the wrong way to go. >> lawrence: this is the part of manhattan's d.a.'s new plan. marijuana misdemeanors, all right, that's already out there. resisting arrest though interfering with an arrest, prostitution, trespassing, and turnstile jumping. he doesn't anyone to be imprisoned or jailed for over 20 years. this is what we are dealing with. no one behind bars. >> yeah. things like turnstile jumping, this is exactly what i'm talking about. when anyone uses the subway, and sees people jumping the turnstiles, any citizen thinks, you know, well, why have i bothered to pay my fare if other people are getting it for free? inevitably thinks that. and that sort of thinking spreads in time across the city. now, the problem is there is -- even worse examples than the ones you have given interest. a d.a. bragg is talking about reducing to the crime of misdemeanor holding up a shop with a gun. holding up a shop with a gun as long as nobody is hurt, is downgraded in this new form of things. i ask again if you want to make a city safe, what worse direction can you give than the idea that it is relatively okay to go into a store and hold it up with a firearm so long as you don't actually shoot it. >> lawrence: it makes no sense. i remember growing up my mom had a simple policy if you lie you steal, if you steal you will kill. if you kill i ain't getting you out. that's the policy of momma jones. douglas, thank you for coming. >> in it's a great pleasure. >> lawrence: biden border crisis transforming border states. flight arriving in the cover of night. dr. oz running to represent the keystone state in the senate. he joins us live next. that's next on "fox & friends." nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? the number one longest-lasting aa battery. yay! case closed. from the beginning, newday has been the mortgage company the number one longest-lasting aa battery. for enlisted veterans, helping thousands buy a home, get cash, or lower their mortgage payments. we start by asking one simple question: how can we 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are also being told is a problem. and since when, ainsley do we blame the failure of a treatment on the people who don't take the treatment? i mean, figure that out? and since the beginning you and i have been talking about on this show about the need of vaccination they are valuable. thank god with operation warp speed we got them. we have to treat the disease. doctors don't just try to prevent problems. we have to have contingency plans when there are cases that occur prevention of those strategies. right now technologies that work. we have medicines. they are all there. but instead bureaucracy with fauci took over. and then the nation and biden went to sleep. unlike president trump pushed for rapid acceleration of these options. now we have a testing shortage. we don't have treatments. i spend most of my time triaging folks trying to figure out what treatments can i get from them. this is unheard of in 21st century america. we have emergency caused by gross incompetence. i have invented medical devices i have been on the forefront of issues that have saved lives. american ingenuity and enterprise will prevail if washington stops stifling us with politics over science. that's why i'm running for senate. >> ainsley: it has to be frustrating as a doctor, because i'm sure you are getting phone calls all day long from your friends who have this and are concerned and have questions and trying to gets monoclonals. for 18 months we have had these but you can't get your hands on them. where are the pills? what about the home tests? he says that he was criticizing president trump who came up with three vaccines. it was operation warp speed, but dr. siegel says this is operation snail speed. why can't we get these treatments? >> it is lack of will. you have to actually light a fire under the bureaucracy to achieve the goals that we want. operation warp speed worked for that very reason. biden hasn't done that we need to produce treatment. these pills that you mentioned, think about this, the merck pill we enrolled two people a day. two people. that's it. we have millions of folks suffering. two a day were enrolled niece trials and merck around around the u.s. government to get trials done. where are they? i have called the companies and pharmacies and i cannot find these pills. from what i understand the production in january is going to be very slow. we are looking at february, march until we have enough of these pills and the pfizer pill with the trial is a 90% reduction of symptoms and maybe even mortality. these are huge benefits. we could treat people, make these cases mild and save american lives. instead we are restricting monoclonal antibodies with the federal government getting in the way of state buying it on their own. i say let's be brave. let's say what we see. it's pretty clear and most doctors i think at this point are getting fed up with conform to what we are told is the only narrative possible. let's stop stifling science. let it rein forward and bring solutions to americans. >> ainsley: people get on airplanes and put into different states, florida, new york. the latest is pennsylvania. apparently on christmas night, one congressman says 150 arrived in your state of pennsylvania where you are running for senate. another estimates 180 arrived. and they were not informed. these are current lawmakers that were not informed. what's your reaction? >> folks in pennsylvania are furious. i am, too. every state basically has become a border state including my state of pennsylvania. dr. by the way we have got lots of information about what's going down. basically middle of the night flights. a bad sign by the way. makes it seem like you are hiding something. they won't tell us how these folks are getting to cranston or lehigh. they are changing the airports. >> they saying it's not ice. it's hhs and then we are saying okay, fine, whatever federal government agency is bringing these flights in, it's the responsibility ultimately becomes ours. local communities. and i think pennsylvanians deserve answers. how many people? how many flights? where are the flights going? where are the people going to end up? what about the covid status. over the summer, ainsley, 18% of illegal aliens were covid-positive. we just bringing additional illness into the state. this is, i believe, hiding a failed border policy and the general acceptance of skyrocketing crime and drugs has got to stop. >> ainsley: burden on pennsylvania taxpayers. someone has to pay for food and healthcare and shelters on them. the folks in your state have no stay. dr. oz, thanks for being on with us. >> take care, ainsley, stay well. >> ainsley: thank you. up next, big meat tells president biden to stop playing chicken and blaming them for beefed up prices. founder of outkick's father owns a meat packing plant. his take next. know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you 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ranchers are being driven out of business. >> brian: right that conclusion came to the president after he sat in sunroom with his wife's friend. this morning industry leaders are firing back at joe biden blaming them for the surging cost of meat. national chicken council saying quote it's time for the white house to stop playing chick within food system and stop using the meat industry as a scapegoat significant challenges facing our economy. it's true. outkick founder clay travis' father-in-law owns a meat packing plant over in the midwest and joins us now. clay, this hit home with you. >> yeah, it did. look, at thanksgiving, my father-in-law was with us. and we were talking about the cost associated with inflation as many families were. and he said i want to show you something. and he pulled out an email to show me the most recent cost structure that he had for his meat packing plant, a and r packing in outside of detroit, michigan. he said look at what i am having to pay for all of these goods and materials coming in to my meat packing plant, compared to what i had to pay last year. and the percentage increases were absolutely massive. and he said, look, i have to pass along the cost from what i am having to pay to everyone else in order to make sure that i can continue to run my business in some profitable manner. so this is what is going on all over industries in this country because joe biden's economic policies are failing because his covid policies have failed. over all, there is a supply chain as we all know, major issue. and this is being passed along to both the businesses and to consumers and my father-in-law's meat packing plant which is far from a massive industry but it is emblematic of larger issues that small business owners all over this country are facing, particularly in the meat industry. >> brian: gas huge issue number one. everything revolves around that and also got labor problems, 4.4 million americans quit their job last month. that's a new all-time record. in terms of costs yeah, beef is part of it. up 20%. chicken up 10%. i will use a sports analogy because it dips into both your worlds. if you look at the new york giants and say they need wide receivers yeah they also need a quarterback and defensive line and they need some depth and definitely general manager knows thousand pick talent. yeah, beef is an issue. but how does he come back from vacation and think that's the number one issue that he should tackle? >> he is trying to show he is doing something. this is biden. associated with 6.8% inflation rate which is costing your average american far more than they admit they are making in wage increases. and so if he can get media to cover this attention, there is the idea that the white house is punching back, against what elizabeth warren and others in the democratic party are saying are greedy elements of the larger capitalistic structure. the way that people respond to inflationary costs when they are running it s. by passing along their costs to the consumer, that's exactly what's happening. the consumer recognizing, a poll came out yesterday saying the vast majority of the public is afraid and worried by inflation because it's eating away at their overall paycheck. they understand it. joe biden and his white house don't. >> brian: clay, what's kicking on outkick? >> look, we have an absolute ton of attention going into this aaron rodgers issue. have you seen this? mvp voter came out and said he won't be voting for aaron rodgers because of off the field related issues. including covid when aaron rodgers clearly the best player on the field in the nfl. sports media losing its mind because they don't want to vote for aaron rodgers based on his choice when it came to the covid vaccine. >> brian: unbelievable. it's incredible. he knows what it's like by talking on a podcast with when whole vaccine it's amazing and what kind of year he has had. see who he is going to play for next year. clay, good job, we will listen to you on the radio at noon. >> thanks, brian, have a good morning. >> brian: by the power vested in the teleprompter i'm going to toss it to ainsley. >> ainsley: how do you do it? when you bless someone? >> brian: listen, we are religion place. everyone blesses themself differently. >> ainsley: brian did it on air one time and he went. your headlines with this. yale university has strict new rules for students in the spring semester banning them from eating outdoors or shopping in local businesses say students can return to campus between january 14th and february 4th and quarantine until they receive negative covid test results before heading to class. critics calling the rules antiscientific and cruel. a mother with cancer is using a times square billboard to find her daughter a boyfriend. beth davis and her daughter molly earlier. >> well, thank you. everyday is a gift and living life to the fullest seeing lots of molly. so, yeah, that's why i wanted to do it. i was surprised, honestly, my mother has always been taking me on spontaneous adventures my whole life. >> ainsley: beth, the momma was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 1994. unfortunately relapsed last year with the cancer spreading to her bones or two years ago i should say. 2020. she says she wants her daughter to be very happy even if she is not here and her dream is to walk her down the aisle. those are your headlines. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. when we go to times square we have to look for that billboard. i know she will find someone. >> janice: what a wonderful story and great mom. it's going to be cold in times square the next couple of days and some snow, a little bit of it let's take a look at it across portions of the northeast. and the really cold air right now sinking southward over the upper midwest and northern plains. we have a blizzard warning in effect for parts of the dakotas in through minnesota with wind chills, you know, minus 34 degrees. the coldest air of the season, dangerous air of the season with all of these wind chill alerts far south as the panhandle of texas. winter weather alerts with those blizzard warnings as this clipper system moves through and that's going to force that cold air that's going to dive as far as south as the tennessee river valley and then that sets us up for our late week snow storm. we don't quite know the exact totals and where the biggest bulls eye is going to be. but the bottom line is across the northeast, we are going to have to watch this over the next 12 to 24 hours. the threat for at least two inches of snow on some of the areas that a foot of snow in and around the d.c. area. get some measurable snow here in new york city as well. weave will keep our eye on it fox for your latest weather. ainsley, back to you. >> ainsley: okay, all the kids will be excited. thank you so much, janice. the cdc cautioning cruise goers to abandon ship. will the scrutiny sink an already struggling industry? live in for the canaveral florida next. check in can dana perino. >> dana: that wax excellent tease. i will pay attention to that what's happening on the cruise line and happy new year to you. chicago kids home from school today as the teachers union votes to strike over covid despite being 91% vaccinated. we talk to a mom at the end of her rope. speaking of covid, the white house failed to reassure americans yesterday that it's got omicron and testing under control. so left to figure things out for themselves. a former member of the trump coronavirus task force what does he think should be done now. nancy grace has strong instincts on a little girl missing in new hampshire. she will be here as well. we will see you at 9:00. ♪ when you're born and raised in san francisco, you grow up wanting to make a difference. that's why, at recology, we're proud to be 100% employee owned with local workers as diverse as san francisco. we built the 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ainsley, good morning to you. norwegian giant cruise ship gem docked here making a port of call caribbean. of course i put in for that assignment. let's get back to the cdc. six days ago that agency warned people to avoid all cruise ship travel. even if you are fully vaccinated. in fact, they raised their level alert to level 4 which is actually the highest level of safety threat for the agency can give. giving that to the cruise industry. more than 90 ships now under investigation all as they say observation. as you can imagine the cruise line is not happy with that recommendation from the cdc. let me give you the official response from the industry group. this is the cruise line industry association in response to that statement, they say, quote: a views ship provides one of the highest levels of demonstrated mitigation against the virus. we are disappointed and disagree with the cdc's decision to single out the cruz industry. joining me now is captain john, the head honcho ceo here at port canaveral. captain, what was your first response when the cdc said avoid crews travel. acruise travel. >> i'm not surprised. every country in europe is on the level 4 list. no different than any travel to any other country. >> cruise industry have jumped through every hoop to make safe. >> absolutely we have make cruising as safe as possible. protocols evolve every day to continually make it better. >> so something like that, how devastating is it to an industry that's already struggled over the last two years? >> so far we haven't seen a huge impact. there has been fall-off of near term cruising. longer term looking strong. we had a very strong two weeks over the holiday i don't see any immediate impact. captain john murray thank you very much. we are told the bookings for the second half of this year, of course, depending on what happens with the virus and the threat of, perhaps, another variant, let's hope not. the bookings for the second half of this year into 2023 have very strong indeed. back to you. >> lawrence: ashley, i'm just curious, if they consult with the cruise injury to get the numbers because they do fantastic tracking before they decided to release this statement, that they actually consult with this and see the data? >> no, not at all. in fact, the trade industry group whose statement i read, they say they have no contact with the cdc and as you can imagine a statement like that is absolutely devastating. so they are not happy. >> brian: thanks so much. you got to expose it people have to make their own decisions and not destroy a whole sedges of the economy and all these people's lives. it's been going on two plus years now. >> ainsley: and the cruise industry, too. they are losing so much money in 2020, 2021. we don't want to see them go out of business. >> brian: don't get forced to take a cruise if they are giving money back for people who want out that's no problem. nobody noe one forces you to take a cruise. we will take a short time-out. change outfits and say goodbye. ♪ ♪ ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> lawrence, you have a big show tonight at 7:00, right? >> i'm hosting fox news prime time. watch brian on radio on ainsley' bible study on fox nation. >> you got it all in there. >> watch me on radio and watch lawrence tonight. >> great job, guys. >> dana: devastating setback for families. omicron variant fueling a new wave of school closures despite the u.s. spending more than $100 billion to prevent that exact thing from happening. i'm dana perino. bill is off. good morning, trace. >> good morning to you, dana, good morning. i'm trace gallagher. this is "america's newsroom." chicago becoming the latest district to cancel classes after the teachers union voted to return to remote learning. late night decision affecting more than 300,000 students who just went back to school this week. >> dana: chicago teachers are re

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Union , Fullly Vaxxed , 91 , Teachers , Person Learning , Class , Didn T Go , Milwaukee , Boston , 10 , January 10th , Joe Biden , Omicron , Detroit Public Schools , Reason , Take A Look , Well , Way , The School , Children , Variants , States , Office , Rescue Plan , 130 Billion , Unions , Ventilation System , Money , Curriculum Development , Curriculum Equity Initiative , 2 Million , 32 Million , Development , Bias , 00000 , 100000 , 24 Million , Wall , Talk , School Districts , Equity Lens , Michigan , They Don T , Education , Back To School , It Walls , Ventilating System , Reimagine Education , Something , Tests , California , Two , Five , Everything , Life , Problem , Anthony Fauci , Rule , Luck , Fine , Christopher Columbus , Marco Polo , Explorers , Clauses , The Big Picture , Things , Teacher , Bulletin Board , Superintendent , Basis , Pocket , Lunch , The Kid Doesn T Have Clothes , Pencils , Difference , Erasers , Hall Of Fame , Mayor , Trump , New York , Leaders , Democrats , 1 , 15 , Places , Staggs Don T , Career , Opportunities , Flexibility , Matter , Job , Dr , Hostage , Situation , Union , Risk Population , Restrictions , Folks , Booster , Nothing , Boosters , Infection , Fda , Public Health , Evidence , Immunity , Overreach , College Student , No One , Friends , Experts , Booster Recommendation , Teenagers , Happening , State , Institution , Proof , Private , Virus , Data , Symptoms , I Don T Know What S Going On , Ones , School , Universities , Semester , Laptop , Learning Loss , Area , Commissioner , Surgeon General , Being , Classroom , School Closures , Part , Kids Boosters , Science , Tools , Access , Suburbs , None , Reach , Primetime , Research , Signs , Support , Normalcy , Effectively , Practices , Purposes , Ains Whans , Cares , Donald Trump , Implications , Brine , Apes , Cdc Wasn T , Prp , Virus Don T , Hit Us , Still Don T Know , He Didn T Order Enough , Crime , Total , Network News , Operation Snail Speed , List , D A , Highway , Flights , Thousands , Memo , Vaccinated Americans , Hair , Virginia Drivers , Claiming America , Heartburn , Nexium 24hr , Claire , Cake , Acid , 24hr , Nexium , Chocolate Cake , Night Protection , 24 , Relief , Packs , Pill , Medicine Fast , Laser , Gels , Pain Relief , Tylenol Rapid , Pain Hits Fast , Drilled Holes , Water , Internet , Wireless , Network , 5g , Big Deal , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , 30 , 5 , Store , Savings , Save , Switch Squad , Xfinity , Planes , Stories , Staffing , Cars , Nightmares , Shortages , Blizzard , Break , More , Winter Storm , Drivers , Travelers , Harris Claims Quote America , Second , Chaos , Food , Temperatures , Virginia , Half , Fuel , 2 , Gas , Convenience Store , Ice , Tractor Trailers Everything , 95 , Train , Storm Trapping Hundreds Inside , Toilets , I 95 , Amtrak , New Orleans , Trees , Airports , Shortage , Pilots , Airlines , Lynchburg , Omicron Outbreak , 4000 , 1500 , Kamala Harris , Tweet , Quote , Under Fire , About , Saying , Infrastructure Law , Crisis , Infrastructure , Nightmare , Comedy , Streets , Car , Moms , Images , Dogs , Babies , Football , Diapers , People Diabetic , Isn T The 100s , 100 , 2022 , Snow , Who Haven T , Rain , Nope , Control , Poll Numbers , Pr Strategy , Who , Youngkin Kin , Twitter , Course , Governor , Lara Trump , Northam , Vales , Hasn T , Stuff , State Matter , Feds , Creative , The Sun , 6 , 00 , Inflation , Direction , Supply Chain Crisis , The Way , Finish , Home , Government , Houses , Charge , Couch , Kind , Embarrassment , Epic Failure , Guy , Law And Order , Face , Pictures , Don T Let Uc , Care , District Attorney , Intent , Background , Evidently , 8 , D A S , Dollars , San Francisco , Philadelphia , Stickers , Open Society Fund , George Soros , Situations , Los Angeles , Guy Alvin Bragg , In The City , Cover , New York Post , Wisconsin , Deal , Look , Marijuana Misdemeanors , It Interfear , Lock , Slew , Okay , Spree Pass , Prostitution , Guns , Weapons , Trespassing Turnstile Jumping , Arms Robbery , Someone , Risk , Victims , White House , Garage , Stores , Petty Robbery , Criminals , Hell , Ains , Trespasses , Subway , Fortune , Arrest , Sentence , Prison Sentences , Mom Side , Turnstile , Violence , Sex Crimes , Parole , Love , Sentences , Prosecutors , Corruption , 20 , Police , View , Enmity Prisons , Democratic Machine , Don T Have Judges , Cops , Safety , Chiefs , Jewels , Accord , Sense , Street , Anything , Men , World , The Cops Aren T , Women , The Street , Dime , Paperwork , Homicides , Drill , Pressure , Press Conference , Public Safety , Line , Policies , Team , Eric Adams , Tell Me , Back , You Don T , Murders , Uniform , Woman , Punishment , Heinous , Connection , Name , Those Who Kill Kids , Serial Killers , Cop Killers , Torture , Terrorists , 14 , Place , Crime Rate , Crackdown , Adams , Stack , De Blasio , Doesn T , Hard Working Americans , You Knowancely , Boroughs , Question , Campaign Trail , Wait , Weekend , Chameleon , Pete Hegseth , Problems , Can T Fly , Rikers Island , Make , Prison Sentence , Cash , Paycheck , Mantra , Prince , Hand , Liberties , Libertarian , Again , Deals , Police Chief , Judges , Back Door , Page , Say , Consequences , Subways , Person , Mask , Advice , Contrast , Shortening , Waiting Period , U K , Six , Authorities , Harmony Montgomery , Offering , Kidding , Information Whereabouts , Reward , 12500 , Issues , Watch , Gwinn Girl , Harmony , Political Science , Truth , Custody , Loos , Brush , Nancy Grace , 7 , Jobs , Mommy , Cracks , Don T Care , Daddy , Fliers , Tip Line , Florida , Series , Information , Flyer Reading , Fox News , Palm Beach , News , Elsewhere , Suspect , Notices , Politics , Stays , Urns , Daughter , Mom , Billboard , Effort , Momma , All In The Name Of Love , Plea , Burden , Defy , Above And Beyond , Seal , Super Poligrip , Pieces , Snacking , Mike S Denture , Hello , Interest , Food Particles , Game , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Heart , Cooking , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Shop , Hiring , Growth , Location , Ziprecruiter , Store Managers , Candidates , Applicants , Advisors , Role , Hiring Site , Announcer , Treason , President , Biden S Pleas School Districts , Move , Dad , Grandparent , Ohio , E Lors Gray , Reaction , Grandkids , Protocol , Plan , Goal , Fare , Ross , Pandemic , Idea , Wife , Beginning , Strategy , Algebra , Home School , Snowball Fight , Kid , Set , Schoolers , Grandparents , Addition , Track Team , Zoom , Hallways , Al Go Bre , Corner , Trouble , Decisions , Randi Weingarten , Teacher Union , Skills Overzoom , Stress , Making , Answer , Ventilation , Spiking , Weed , Deloras , Families , Everyone , Amount , Gentleman , Laptops , Interaction , Opinion , Wifi , Testing , Home Learning , Ipads , Transparency , Public School , Zoom School , Email , Numbers , Vaccination Numbers , Infection Numbers , Surprise , Leadership , It S Not Fair , Lack , The Union , Real Life Stories , Most , Voices , Reality , Republican , Momentum , Red Wave , House , Races , Outlet Finding , Possibility , Toss Ups , Cook Political Report , Midterm , Seven , 13 , Three , Report , New Jersey , Incumbent , Districts , Race , Seventh District , Column , Guest , Tom , Voters , District , Tom Cain Jr , Running , Left , Level , Up And Down The Street , Hometown , Tax , Shops , Phil Murphy , Candies , Party , Diners , Businesses , Holidays , Movie Theater , Restaurants , Third , Have Closed , Congress , Tom Mall Linskey , Stras Trust Policies , Cost , Prices , Goods , Tax Increase , Accountability , Fighting , Tom Malinsky , Washington D C , History , Lives , Kean , Times , People Haven T , Couple Options , Shut Downs , Career Politician , Congressman Malinowski , Stand , Record , Stock Act , Nancy Pelosi , Law , Millions , Constituents , Profiteering , Congressional District , The Ethics Committee , Election , Review , Bet , Counsel , Tom Malinows , Ethics Committee , Representatives , Integrity , Hands , Verdict , Juror , Ghislaine Maxwell Trial , The Independent , Prison , Maxwell , 65 , Exemption , Title , Tennis Store Djokovic , Defender , Fans , Sprawlian Open , Melbourne , Player , Number One , Powerball Lottery , Winners , Grand Slam , 21 , Powerball , Drawing , Cash Payout Value , Jackpot , Monday , 434 Million , 33 , 32 , 22 , 10 Million , 610 Million , 48 , Some , Drawings , Lottery , Wednesdays , 2016 , 1 586 Billion , 586 Billion , Janice , Air , Headlines , Season , Janice Dean For Fox Weather Forecast , Blizzard Conditions , Midwest , Storm System , Stage , Portions , Feet , Ward , Mountains , Northern Plains , Great Lakes , Rockies , 4 , Areas , Parts , Minnesota , The Dakotas , 3 , South , Wind Chill Alerts , Cold , Deep South , K08dest , Set Up , Wind Chill , Northeast , Freezing , Mid Atlantic , Minus 30 , Minus 20 , Forecast , Fox Weather Com , Sign , Eyes , Infections , Mouth , Reactions , Help , Swelling , Breathing , Tongue , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Doctor , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Nunormal , Headache , Back Pain , Superpowers , Fatigue , Nucala , Spider Bite , Liberty , Pay , Theaters , December 17th , 17 , Mother , Breast Cancer , Daughter Match , Mothers , Both , Mollie , Beth , Ladies , Lots , Bones , Gift , Turn , Living Doll , Fun Thing , Adventures , Times Square , Each Other , Glasses , Giggling , Thrill , Stir , Number , Duty , Police Officer , I Don T Know , 911 , Anyone , Directions , App , Link , She Filtering , Picture , Founder , Teen , Wing Man , Wing , Wilson , Molly , Ray Of Sunshine , Family , Great Circle Of Friends , Foundation , Respect , Kindness , Relationship , Mom And Dad , Site , Best , Bottom , Screen , Coming Up , God , Ill , Zeposia , First , Chest Pain , Heart Failure , Heart Attack , Stroke , Remission , Mini Stroke , S1p Receptor Modulator Approved For Uc , Don T Take Zeposia , Uc Achieve , Death , Breathing Problems , Side Effects , Medicines , Heartbeat , Liver , Sleep , Heart Rate , Pacemaker , Zeposia May , Maois , Conditions , Blood Pressure , Medications , Brain Infection , Brain , Narrowing , Blood Vessels , Macular Edema , Pml , Psoriasis , Birth Control , Treatment , Fail , Cosentyx , Hope , Try , Vaccine , Ability , Tuberculosis , Crohn S Disease , Dermatologist , Decision , Tenure , Testing Guidance , Light , Embolds The Criminal Element , Isolation , Louisville , Kentucky , Cues , Throw , Invoicing , Borrowing , Press , Wrong , Rescue , Invoice , Cases , Interview , Warning , Mark Meredith , Americans , Progress , Testing Situation , Insurance Companies , System , Home Testing Kids , Website , Doubt , Answers , Google , Presidency , Notion , Agenda , 800000 , Quarantine Guidelines , Others , Position , Lab Tests , Result , Change , Guidelines , Hearing , Questions , Press Conferences , Covid Team , Roller Coaster , Much , Fault , Jen Psaki , Type , Fact , Time , Wasn T , Shores , Action Report , Brand , Game Plan , Dare , Barack Obama , Economy , Zone , Didn T Stop , Cliff , Therapeutics , Unvaccinated , Add , Lines , Illness , Over The Counter Purchase , 200 Million , Sites , 50 Million , 500 Million , 20000 , Facts , Solution , Covid 419200 Have Decide , Unvaxxed , 200000 , 419200 , Monoclonals , Pharmacy , Home Tests , Pills , Vaccines , 18 , Speed , Trump Operation Warp , Bike Will Siegel , Operation Snail , Zero , People Don T , Polls , Him , Science Backing , Lie , Marty Makary , Polling , Vaccination Mandate , Approach , 456 , Polling Tanking , Pattern , Experienced , Breakthroughs , Defense , Secretary , Double , Vaxxed , Deaths , Quarantine , Mandates , Marines , Division , Virus Proof , Navy Seals , Handling , 40 , 60 , Motto , American History , 4 Million , Stuart Scheller , Stu Sheryl Jr , Withdrawal , Botching Afghanistan , Nation , Fox , Regret , Emotion , Suicide Bombing , Brass , Kabul Airport , Tucker , Boys , Playground , Marriage , Tears , Pension , Retirement , Stay Silent , Million , Portion , Marine , Discharge , Tucker Today , 000 , 5000 , Majority , Feedback , Believe , Generals , Rules , Military Bases , Outlines , Books , Commander In Chief , Rank And File , Milley , Livelihood , True , Room , Animals , Mackenzie , Allies , Iraqis , Rank , Forever , Table , Bagram Airfield , Chance , Institutions , Ability Honor , Patriot Awards , Weight , Ee , Gratified By , American Prestige , Afghanistan War , Secretary Of State , Winter Season , Taliban , 80 , Word , Winter Rolls , Point Blank Range , Military , Exwife , Sons , Yes , Are Amicable , Book , Hero , Ex Wife , File , Freedom Of Speech , Veterans , Character , Cause , Beliefs , Issue , Impact , Conversation , Suicide , Front , Cargo Planes , Countries , Mental Health Crisis , Wants , Throwing Barbers , Homes , Military Facilities , Anybody , Erro Down Ers Path , Nobody , Ukraine , Spine , Russia , Taiwan , Congressman , Police Officers , Right , Afghans , The End , 346 , Officers , Highs , Fraternal Order Of Police , Style , 2020 , 2021 , 63 , 312 , Act , Officer , Injury , Walmart , Kroger Hiking Price , Retail Giant , Discount , Spots , 14 Bucks , Traffic Accident , Mid December , New Hampshire , Kinsley , Heroic Pooch , Dog , Humans , Accident Site , Pickup , Witnesses , Wreckage , Border Crisis Hitting Arizona Town , Kinsly , Uninjured , Larynx , Curriculum , Social Justice , Human Encounters , Summer , Spike , It Starts , Dream , I Miss You , Traffic , Car Sfx , Safety System , Intuitive Tech , Lexus Nx , Beep , Recording Artist , Elodia , Comcast , Emmanuel , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Possibilities , Increase , Encounters , Other , Surge , Sector , Ccp , Southern Border , Yuma , Arizona , Huma , Douglas Nickels , 2400 , Advocacy , Law Enforcement , Diligence , Community , Policy , Yuma Area , Border Patrol , Border , Airport , Station , Nonprofits , Individuals , Admission , Bye Organization Taxpayer Money Catholic , Interior , Message , Supplies , Incentive , Tickets , Senators , Democratic , Dhs Secretary Level , Engagement , Emergency , Security , Statement , Rate , Senate , Couldn T , Epically , National Guard , Texas , Guard , Policing Authority , Ducey , Cannot , Laws , Processing , Bottleneck , Arrests , Andrew Cuomo , Unaffiliated , Rd , Off The Hook , Up Next , Justice , Fight , Dean , Defenses , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Immune System , Vitamins C , Vo , D , Decompression Zone , Zinc , Windshield , Singers , Technology , Music Vo , Service , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Size , Master , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Price , Singlecare , Insurance , Meds , Copay , Singlecare The Musical , Blow , Accusation , Crushing , Investigation , Lawyer , Few , Nursing Home Mandate , Janice Dean , Peter , Norman , Ron Kim , In Laws , Uncle , Beanie , New York State Assemblyman , Mickey , Dee , Nursing Homes , Doing , Covid Victims , Hi , Op Ed , Family Members , Action , 15000 , Scenes , Womb Mow , 13000 , 8000 , Criminal Fraud , Donors , Investigation Didn T , Lawyers , Investigations , Hook , Peak , Goodbye , Hospital Rooms , Absolved , Glass , Wrongdoing , P R , Dads , Nursing Home Rooms , Computers , Family Member , Loved Ones , Zooming , Nurses , Floor , Skyping , April Of 2020 , Didn T , One Of Us , Fax , Probe , Lawmakers , Advance , Charges , Looks , 8 Million , 18 Million , Manhattan D A , Landing , Fish , State Attorney General , Patients , Last , Governor Cuomo , 9000 , Father , Seniors , Hit , Fan , March , Believablably , Count , Nursing Home , Head , Funny , March 25th Order , March 24th , March 25th , 25 , Melissa Derosa , Nursing , Death Order , Inquiry Letter , Department , Doj , Bonus , East Coast , 38 , Inflammation , University , Courses , Burn , Ache , Infuse Critical Race Theory , Eye Drop , Eye Disease , Eye Drops , Xiidra , Eye , Container , Taste Sensation , Vision , Discomfort , Surface , Dry Eye Disease , Eye Irritation , Eye Doctor , Contacts , Dry Eye , Fifteen , There S Industrial Grade , Industrial Grade , Flight , Analytical Software , Walls , Assembly Lines , Threats , Co Pilot , Meet Honeywell Forge , Dentistry Work , Dentistry , Exam , Treatment Plan , Step , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Walk In , Aspen Dental , 800 , Bonuses , Faculty Members , Beacon , University Of Memphis , Ideology , 3000 , Equity , Diversity , Inclusion , Crazy , 500 , Campus , Program , Chapter , Audra , Elizabeth Thornburgh , Turning Point Usa , Faculty , Im , Taxpayer , Professors , Priority , Propaganda , Tuition , Warriors , Spineless , Professor , College Campuses , Audience , Memphis , Exhaust Reform , Range , Thed , Tennessee , 249 , Health Risk , Rankings , Threat , Divide , Voice , Consideration , Personally , Ann Elizabeth , A Wild Snow Storm , Peyton , Emergen C , Nutrients , Blend , Hang On , Emergen C Real Cowboys , Ooo , The Tightness , Tremfya , Adults , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , Skin , Pay , Emerge Tremfyant , Pain U Need , Stinging , 16 , I 95 In Virginia , We Haven T , Gasoline , Tractor Trailers , 72 , 92 , Zero Dollars , 2 49 , 460 , 386 , 61000 , 1074 , 75 , 150 Million , 1 9 Trillion , 28 , , 55 , 99 , 899 , 360 , 200 , 1980 , 1990 , 2019 , 50 , 1 Million , 90 , 180 , 150 , 6 8 , January 14th , February 4th , 1994 , Minus 34 , 12 , 9 , 2023 , 68 , 00 Billion , 100 Billion , 300000 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

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isolate if you want to. >> moving again as hundreds of people stranded. >> if she didn't have bad timing and bad communication skills >> ainsley: that is a shot of will charlotte, north carolina. a good southern town, a banking town. and about an hour away from my parents. 66 degrees is the high. 36 degrees is the low. 40 degrees right thought. sunny with a few clouds in the sky. good morning, gentlemen. >> lawrence: hey, good morning, ainsley, in for steve today. so good to be with you guys. happy new year. i hope you had great vacation, ainsley. hey, brian. >> brian: thanks for saying hello to me eventually, lawrence. all about ainsley in the beginning. i love ainsley the big selling point on that town it's a banking kid. honey, get the kids i would love to go a banking town to get away. come on. >> ainsley: all the girls said when we go to college we are moving there because he that's where we will find our man. >> brian: i don't think lawrence said that. that he was different. i thought that shot was so incredible. i didn't think it was real it looked like a painting. >> lawrence: i think ainsley was saying you can go ahead and move down there because that's where all the girls are moving. >> brian: you are a single man. >> lawrence: i got you. >> ainsley: charlotte would take you away from us. we don't want that. >> lawrence: you are exactly right. i will stay put. >> brian: wrestling out in public with your own emotions, lawrence. ainsley, why don't you kick us off. one thing is pretty clear, this administration is overwhelmed in almost every aspect of covid-19. >> ainsley: the administration is saying schools should stay open but here we go again. our top story this morning schools are closing in many of the big cities around the country. you have chicago, even though 91% of the chicago public school staffers are fullly vaxxed, the chicago teachers union as we were talking about yesterday, they voted to return to remote learning, that's one day after the students returned to class. also, in boston, you have all these teachers and staffers that didn't go to work yesterday. milwaukee, no in person learning until january 10th. you have detroit public schools. they are going all virtual as well, guys. >> lawrence: yeah. and president biden is saying the schools must be open and there is no reason omicron will make it worse for our kids. take a look. >> we have no reason to think at this point that omicron is worse for children than previous variants. we know that our kids can be safe when in school by the way. that's why i believe schools should remain open. you know, they have what they need because the american rescue plan, the first month we were in office or second month that i signed in march, we provided the states with 130 billion, with a b, billion dollars to specifically keep our students safe and schools open. >> lawrence: so, if we remember, the teachers unions made it very clear they need to be the first people to get the covid shot we gave in to them. they also said if they're going to open up the schools they needed to redo the ventilation system make the schools safer so they can return back to work. where did all the money go? so chicago, $32 million to comprehensive culturally responsive curriculum development through the curriculum equity initiative. voted to close, to return to remote learning and then you have got milwaukee they're allocated 24 million to social emotional learning. and then $100,000 for anti-racism and bias professional development no. in person classes until at least january 10th. and michigan promoting using equity lens to apportion money and to fix school districts opting for remote learning. so, after all of this talk about we need get back to normal. first people to get the shot. they needed all this money to redo all the ventilating system. the unions are still rejecting going back to school it walls never about returning back to school. they want to reimagine education. they don't want education how it currently is, brian. >> brian: first off, places like california, they say get a test before you go back to school. hey, note to people, there are no tests, all right? number two, they also came out with something yesterday that after five days you are supposed to be able to go back to work. go back to school. go back to your life. now, anthony fauci had a problem with that because he has got a problem with everything. now he says now, they have a new rule. go get a test if you can really? okay. fine. good luck with that get marco polo and christopher columbus seek one out and see how the explorers do in the big picture. next, you noticed lawrence, you outlined everything they put their money to. they put their money to crt and all these politically correct clauses. they clearly didn't spend if on the schools. if you are not ready and superintendent and principal it is on you. the one thing to say about teachers they take money out of their pocket on a regular basis to make things right. the kid doesn't have clothes or lunch, that's somehow the teacher gets it to them. bulletin board no budget the teacher puts it up no. pencils or erasers they make it' hall of fame the schools have to make it happen. this time they actually had the money to make it happen and reopen and they aren't. what's the difference what we are seeing now as to a year ago. we are not echoing what the saying and what the trump administration is pushing. we are echoing what the democrats are saying. liberal democratic leaders are saying opening up schools. the mayor of new york pointed out 1 percent of transmission happens in school. 15% to transmission of kids happens when they are in honestly or in other places. the staggs don't back up what they are saying. teachers are doing this to affect kids because you don't do it to get rich, even though you have great opportunities there and great flexibility with your life and career, then they would be back in school. teachers are held hostage by unions. they don't get the job by signing. buck the union be ostracized and not backed up. dr. matter makary weighed in on the ridiculous situation we are all in two and a half years later. >> what we have done is imposed tremendous restrictions on the lowest risk population where using all the tests on low risk population folks. and we're shunting them away from those who may need it right now. look, there is nothing that represents the overreach of public health more than requiring a college student to get a booster even though they have natural immunity from prior infection. there is not even any evidence to support boosters. that's why the fda bypassed their technical experts to get the booster recommendation for young people, including teenagers. >> brian: i would just like to add that's happening. i have two college aged kids and all their friends, not one of them is going back to an institution, private, public or state without them saying you have to have a booster or proof that you the infection and then you need a few weeks before or a month or so before you get a booster again. a lot of these kids are getting boosted, and talk to people. they are getting the booster and getting really sick. they get the symptoms. it's like they're getting the virus. so talk to some people. i would like to see the data that says get a booster, makes you safer. >> lawrence: they don't have it. >> brian: i don't know what's going on. but these kids have to do it. they don't want to get kicked out of their school and reapply again. have to do something on their laptop this semester. ainsley, they are held hostage by these universities. >> ainsley: not to mention the learning loss so profound especially in the little ones they have to learn virtually instead of being in the classroom. the chicago public health commissioner warned about this and said no children have died of covid since october in that area. the u.s. surgeon general said something pretty profound school closures disproportionately impact urban students. don't have access to remote learning tools like children in the suburbs, lawrence. >> lawrence: no. you are exactly right. part of the problem and brian alluded to this is that we don't know the science of giving these kids boosters right now. dr. matter makary i had him on last night on "primetime," he says none of the data has come out on it. part of the reach they didn't want to approve it they didn't have the research. an administration promised normalcy, get back to the practices of running the fda effectively. seeing they're bypassing it strictly because of political purposes. no signs and support to give these kids boosters. we don't know how that impact their life. there there may be long-term implications by giving boosters and no one cares about it. ains apes the president said he will get us out of covid and here we are two and a half years later, brine, we are not. right back to where we were. >> brian: they were on donald trump not having a test for a virus don't know what hit us. still don't know. upset donald trump's cdc wasn't ready for it two years later, we have the test. we know rapid, prp, whatever it is, now we have them. he didn't order enough. so this is inexcusable, he gets a total pass on all the network news. not here. >> ainsley: operation snail speed. >> brian: that's being kind. 10 minutes after the hour. no,'s new mayor promising to crack down on crime there is a problem. woke new d.a. he did not get the memo. we are all doomed in new york. the list of crimes that will not be prosecuted will cellular your hair. hundreds of virginia drivers stuck on a highway while thousands of other americans were stranded because of canceled flights. why is the vice president claiming america is moving again? ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. and there you have it. woah. with tylenol dissolve packs. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> ainsley: well, i know you have heard the stories, americans are facing nightmares by planes, trains and cars through a massive blizzard and ongoing staffing shortages many of you were a part of this. despite the chaos vice president harris claims quote america is moving again. todd piro joins us live with more. todd? >> todd: get to that in a second. you are right, american travelers just cannot catch a break. a severe winter storm leaving hundreds of drivers stuck on an icy highway for over 2 hours in virginia. take a look. many people stranded without water or fuel in freezing temperatures. >> no food, no water. i ran out of water. so i walk all the way from half of 95 to the nearest convenience store. >> it's really harvard because you are trying to stay warm but you are running out of gas. >> it was just sterile. it was just so terrible. the tractor trailers everything was stuck. there was a lot of ice. >> but, i-95 is finally open now. that same storm trapping hundreds inside an amtrak train for more than 30 hours with blocked toilets and no food. the train from new orleans to new york city got stranded in lynchburg, virginia because of some downed trees. at airports, 1500 flights were canceled across the country on tuesday. and more than 4,000 were delayed as airlines cite a shortage of pilots due to the omicron outbreak. meantime there is this vice president kamala harris under fire for a tweet during the crisis in virginia saying, quote: because of the bipartisan infrastructure law, america is moving again. that's what infrastructure is all about, getting people moving. literally as no one was moving. many blaming harris' timing on her staff having scheduled the tweet prior to the widely publicized nightmare. ainsley you can't write comedy as solid as this unfortunately no laughing matter because people could have died in this. back to you. >> ainsley: absolutely. you know, you see some of these images, people playing football on the streets and people letting their dogs out on the highway. what about moms pregnant and moms with babies in the car and need to change diapers, people diabetic. to be stranded, how frustrating would that be for 40 hours? >> this isn't the 100s. this is 2022 we should be able to figure out how to deal with snow and rain that comes prior to snow. but i guess they haven't figured it out in virginia under this administration. >> lawrence: nope. thanks, todd. so this is just not a story of the administration getting this wrong again when it comes to kamala harris and her pr strategy. she is terrible. we know this is why her poll numbers are sinking. i find it very interesting that you had so many people going on twitter apparently ignorant as to who is in control right now. they were blaming youngkin who hasn't been sworn in yet instead of northam who is the current governor who is responsible. of course the feds can help out with stuff like this. this is a state matter, brian. >> brian: lara trump weighed in. the vice president and her tremendous vales. if you are going to time a tweeted, make it a little creative. i can't wait for the sun to come up. i'm going to time that for 6:00 a.m. here is lara trump. >> if she didn't have bad timing and bad communication skills, she would have none at all. obviously this tweet was terrible from start to finish, no matter how you look at it what is moving again by the way, kamala? is the supply chain crisis now over? is that moving again? is inflation moving in the right direction? are people moving off their couch us out of their houses and back to work because the government has stopped paying them to stay home? no, of course not. so i don't know what her tweet was all about. nothing is moving in the right direction as long as kamala harris and joe biden are in charge. so, just like everything else in this administration, that tweet was an epic failure. >> brian: unbelievable what's happening in virginia. kind of ridiculous that youngkin kin getting the blame two weeks before he takes the job. governor northam is an embarrassment from the day those pictures emerged with him in black face and still kept the job. he was invisible. no one knows where he is. let's talk about something else i found unbelievably distressing. i was so optimistic about our mayor in new york city because he is a guy with a law and order background. he has seen the city just spiral downward overred last 8 years. he was going to come in and reestablish law and order in the streets. i don't care what his intent was. evidently, publicly, he has no problem with this. but it turns out this district attorney was elected, thanks a lot to the million dollars that george soros' open society fund gave him just like he supported d.a.s in philadelphia, ruined that stickers san francisco, it's ruined los angeles and we know all about what's happening in certain situations in wisconsin. now we find this guy alvin bragg comes out and is going to change how crime is looked at and enforced in the city. essentially, here is the cover of "the new york post." spree pass. i won't lock up bad guys for a slew of crimes. here's a look at what is going to be a okay. marijuana misdemeanors. not a big deal. it interfear with arrest? prostitution, that was let go over the last few years. i have thought that was going to stop. trespassing turnstile jumping. there are some other things. arms robbery, people use guns or deadly weapons to stick up stores prosecuted for petty robbery. provided no victims injured and no risk. if you burglarized someone's home, ainsley, if you go to an empty area of their home, it's going to be viewed differently as if they were in the main house. you have a detached garage where you keep you your fortune don't worry about this, criminals, go there no hell to pay if you are indeed caught. we are doomed. ains ains you are saying if you are a prosecute that gets high and trespasses then jumps on the subway to get away by jumping the turnstile and then you resist arrest, then you go free? is that what you are saying, brian? >> brian: absolutely. >> ainsley: it's crazy. he also says this on prison sentences. no sentence for mom side or domestic violence felonies or corruption or some sex crimes. prosecutors can't seek a sentence of love without parole no life without parole and sentences cannot be longer than 20 years. lawrence? lawrence lawrence i keep telling people about this the view of the new democratic machine no one should be locked up. they want to enmity prisons. they don't care what crime you submit committed. again we can hope for the new mayor if you want. if you don't have d.a.s and don't have judges and police chiefs that are all on one accord, when it documents public safety, then none of it matters. jewels having someone that is inspirational and says that he is just going to back the cops and get the criminals off the street what good is it. are just going to put them back on the street it, makes absolutely no sense, brian. >> brian: the cops aren't going to do anything. they know these men and women that they arrest are going to be back on the street. never not going to waste their dime and lives to arrest someone. before they are done with the paperwork they will be out. we have already seen this drill in san francisco and philadelphia leading the world in homicides. i looked at what eric adams said about this. because, right now i called a press conference and said i just read there story, not going to fly. use public pressure to get back in line. he said, quote: i think he is on team public safety. he supports bragg's policies. forget it don't tell me you empower the cops and got their back, you don't. talk to any man or woman today in uniform. they are not doing anything. and i don't blame them at all. >> ainsley: he says the punishment is only reserved for the most heinous of murders like terrorists, serial killers, cop killers, those who kill kids under 14 in connection with sex crimes or torture. his name is alvin bragg. this is what the "new york post" says. if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. new if you can't do the time, alvin bragg will be there for you. mayor adams can just forget about his off promised crackdown on the city's dangerously rising crime rate because there is no point in picking up criminals if you have no place to put them. adams probably didn't expect manhattan's district attorney to be on stack to safe streets but there you have it, he is. as you were saying lawrence, we were hoping this guy would be better than de blasio. eric adams hoping he would be tough on crime. we have seen crime go up in the city and five boroughs. this d.a. so progressive and doesn't want to lock up criminals and people stealing from hard-working americans. ains. >> lawrence: you knowancely, you were right. we were hopeful. me and pete hegseth talked about this over the weekend. it's more of a wait and see. the question with adams is he going to be a political chameleon. he knows the right thing do do on the campaign trail he was elected because he said he was going to do the right thing it can't be just talking. he has to stand up to the new d.a. ains whans can he do. >> brian: he could use public pressure. if he called a press conference today and said this can't fly. i know problems at rikers island and problem prison sentence make that part of the mantra. we get more money taken out of our paycheck, i don't even live here. people don't live here have to pay money. they are awash in cash. believe me. they did redo these prince and hand it out. they are choosing not. to say. >> lawrence: brian, very simple. everybody knows i'm a libertarian. when civil liberties are violated you stand up for that again, that's not happening every single day. when there are people public safety, get them off the street. if mayor adams wants to be effective, can you call the police chief, in the commissioner, you call in the d.a. and all the judges and say, look, we have got to get all on the same page. either we are for public safety or we're not. this back door deals and saying look, we are going to all get along while people are getting shot. raped in the subways, people burning trees down. no consequences. resisting arrest. what do you think is going to happen? someone is going to get shot for resisting arrest. do you know what mayor adams is going to do? back the person resisting arrest. this is more of a wait and see with him. as hopeful as we are. >> brian: i know. all right. let me tell you have what else is going on in the world right now. the cdc is not backing down after advising vaccinated americans to contract covid to return to normal life. if they isolate five days and wear mask for another five. the cdc is shortening the waiting period for pfizer boosters from six months to just five. how is that convenient? this advice is in contrast to the u.k. which now says getting boosters more than once a year is not sustainable or necessary. no kidding. now to a developing story. authorities are offering combined 12,500 reward on the information whereabouts of harmony montgomery. the 7-year-old gwinn girl visually impaired missing in december two years after she was loos seen. political science saying they are aware of custody issues between the harmony parents. nancy grace reacting monday. watch. >> i could air brush the truth for you and say oh, she slipped through the cracks. what does that really mean? that means a lot of people failed at their jobs and mommy and daddy just don't care. >> brian: police have set up a tip line for any information on harmony. we move on. woke new yorkers in palm beach, florida, are warned to stay out of the state in a series of fliers. police telling fox news the fliers were stuck to new york licensed cars. the flyer reading, quote: if you are one of those woke people, leave florida. you will be happier elsewhere as will we. police say the notices are not a criminal matter unclear who left them because everybody else in florida is a suspect. that's all i have for the news. you will have to accept it as it was. >> ainsley: if you are smart enough to move out of one of these liberal stays. don't be dumb enough to take the politics with you. lawrence urns i love it. >> ainsley: classes are canceled again as students are rushing to remote learning and defy president biden's plea infuriating parents who were forced to carry the burden. later, all in the name of love. one mom's above and beyond effort to find her daughter, the perfect man. look at the billboard ♪ momma said there be days like this. there will be days like this my momma said ♪ snacking can mean that pieces get stuck under mike's denture. but super poligrip gives him a tight seal. to help block out food particles. so he can enjoy the game. super poligrip. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. - hiring is step one when it comes to our growth. we can't 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move angering parents and can you understand nationwide. joining us now the dad of six michigan. grandparent of two in ohio did e lors gray. how did you find out remote learning would be the thing your grandkids have to deal with. what's your reaction? >> good morning the school called and informed us the school will be closed. they said only for a few days, but, i do believe it may be for longer and it didn't give you time to do anything, to try to prepare for anything. so i'm very upset by that. and now my 7-year-old is thrust into this again and, you know, i just don't agree with what they are doing. i think the protocol should have been, you know, they should have made a fare better protocol plan to change it. >> brian: ross, how did your six kids do remote learning and what's your reaction that you have got to go back to it? >> so our goal from the beginning i have a wonderful wife whose idea this is, was that we -- we have six children who love going to school our only goal for the pandemic when we were doing home school is that we would -- that they would want to go back whenever they could. so, if a kid got frustrated with algebra, we would say maybe it's time to go outside and have a snowball fight. that strategy worked well for us. the other thing that we had was we were very fortunate to have a great set of grandparents who were able to be in our home every day helping school happen for us. thing that kids need and we have middle schoolers. and the things in addition to al go bre the things they are learning on the track team and things they learned in the hallways. as much algebra as you can teach on zoom you can't teach emotional skills overzoom. >> brian: unacceptable to signal to kids when in trouble go into your corner and just quit. randi weingarten who runs the biggest teacher union in the country says there are logistical decisions schools are making. we know kids do better in school. spiking is real. weed need better ventilation, there is a lot of stress. it your answer to randi weingarten, dollars? deloras? >> i agree there is a tremendous amount of stress on children and families and teachers. like yesterday, this is the very first day back at this virtual learning. and everyone was frustrated. it was really not a good thing. my 7-year-old was frustrated. the teachers didn't know what they were doing there has to be a better plan. i agree with the gentleman with us that says that you know, they need that emotional connection and interaction is really good for students. like i said, you know, when you go into the schools, my opinion, only thing they use that money for is for laptops and, you know i didn't get free wifi from them. but that's the only thing they use it for. and i think there should be a better plan in place. you know, just taking temperatures. >> brian: testing. if you want to do testing, every school should have it. there is enough money there. ross, real quick, you were just telling me in the break that's what they used to make money for home learning better laptops and ipads. right, ross? that's got to frustrate you with your six because you have to work from home, too. >> i think one of the things that we're lacking from the public school administration here is transparency around the decisions that they are making, when we're in school, when we are in zoom school. and what are the numbers. what are the vaccination numbers. what are the infection numbers? we don't know any of that we are waiting for the next email to come to say surprise, you have to figure out what you are going to do with your kids tomorrow. >> brian: it's not fair. it's not right. we have a lack of leadership all around. and i feel bad for the teachers. many of which want to go back but they are hostage to the union. they can't get a job without joining the june and now have to listen to the union. i don't want to lump teachers in this the most dedicated under paid in the country. thanks so much. we need the real life stories and very vales because we have to have your voices heard. thank you so much for joining us today. >> thanks for having me. >> thank you. >> brian: 2022 red wave looking more like a reality. one republican running to unseat a democrat will join us live on the growing momentum. ♪ >> lawrence: welcome back to "fox & friends." could the g.o.p. take back the house in the 2022 midterm. it's a possibility according to the cook political report. the nonpartisan outlet finding that 13 democrat races are considered toss-ups compared to only seven republican ones. in addition to that, three democrats held districts have fallen into the report's lean republican column. including new jersey seventh district. that's where our next guest hopes to beat the democrats incumbent tom and his house race new jersey state republican leader tom cain jr. joins me now. this is your second time running for that district. why do you think voters will pick you now? >> the radical left has gone too far and across the country. in new jersey massive tax increases on the state level by phil murphy, when you look and go up and down the street whether it's in my hometown where candy shops where i used to buy candies for my staff during the holidays, local movie theater where we had party for our kids. local diners and restaurants. a third of these small businesses in new jersey have closed. never going to open again. that's because the massive tax increases that governor phil murphy has imposed. on the national level, when you look at the stras trust policies promoted by the biden administration and this congress and my opponent tom mall linskey other inflation, another tax increase. when people go around this state and around this district. they see the cost of goods as simply unaffordable. they see the prices of gas, food, of everything in their lives, simply more unaffordable. i have a long history of leadership in the state fighting for more affordable. more transparency and more accountability. i will bring that down to washington, d.c. i'm going to beat tom malinsky. he has a couple options either retire or he is going to lose. >> lawrence: shut downs, a lot of people haven't. we reached out senator kean has been running for congress 20 years lost three times. even republican voters see him as unremarkable career politician who is afraid to take a stand on anything and know they can do better. our district elected congressman malinowski because he fights for their interest. >> he can't defend his own record. every single thing that has gone wrong in washington, d.c. he has been a part of that he has voted with nancy pelosi 100 percent of the time. when you look at what he has specifically done, he has violated the stock act. he broke the law. millions of dollars in pandemic profiteering from constituents in an election year. he short sold. bet against companies congressional district and he is now under review by the ethics committee. five out of six people on the ethics committee and counsel representatives where people don't really agree on very much. they believe that tom malinows confidential informant has globe broken the law. standing up for transparency and accountability. we to bring that integrity to washington, d.c. >> lawrence: senator kean, it's in the voters' hands now, we will see what they decide to do. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> lawrence: over to you, ainsley. >> ainsley: a juror in the ghislaine maxwell trial is now speaking out about handing down a guilty verdict, telling the independent, quote: this verdict is for all the victims, for those who testified, for those who came forward, and for those who haven't come forward. i'm glad that maxwell has been held accountable. maxwell is facing 65 years in prison. a sentencing date has not yet been set. tennis store djokovic is granted a medical exemption to travel to melbourne to defender his title in the sprawlian open. mandating staff and fans j unless have genuine reason for the exemption. he refused to say whether or not is he vaccinated. number one men's player in the world and looking for a record 21st grand slam title. you can still win the powerball lottery after no winners were drawn on monday. the jackpot is now growing to $610 million for tonight's drawing. the cash payout value sits at healthy 434 million. monday's numbers were 2, 13, 32, 33, and 48 and the powerball 22. drawings are held on monday, wednesdays and saturday. the largest lottery ever won $1.586 billion back in 2016. and those are some of your headlines. now let's check in with our own senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> janice: coldest air of the season has arrived across the midwest. blizzard conditions with snow and heavy blowing snow across portions of the northern plains and great lakes. you can see where we have cold air in place sinking sought ward and eastward. that will set the stage for snow southeast. we have the snow moving in from the rockies upwards of 4 feet of snow in the mountains, and then we are going to see this storm system bring the blizzard conditions today for parts of the dakotas through minnesota. that means heaviy snow and blowing snow. travel is going to be next to impossible in some of these areas. an additional 2 to 3, even 4 inches of heavy snow and then you have got that cold air about behind it the k08dest air of the season that cold air is going to sink as far as south as the deep south over the next couple of days and set the stage for our next storm system. so you can see where we have our wind chill alerts. temperatures, you know, well below freezing. minus 20. minus 30 with the wind chill, this is our next set up, right, as we go into the next couple of days, an area of low pressure develops across the mid-atlantic and the northeast. and we could see some measurable snow here in new york. stay tuned. we will keep you posted. fox for your latest forecast. back to you, ainsley. >> ainsley: thanks so much, janice, straight ahead they say true love is hard to find. this mom is making it easy. all out effort to help her daughter find the perfect man ♪ ♪ i saw the sign ♪ and it opened up my eyes ♪ i saw the sign ♪ i saw the sign ♪ no one is going to drag you up allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. . >> ainsley: they always say mothers know best once you get older you know that's true. a mother took out a bulletin board to find her daughter match. she is fighting breast cancer her wish it is to find 30-year-old mollie a man to leave her in good hands. beth and mollie join us now. >> good morning, ladies. >> beth, thanks for coming on, beth, we love your story. we wanted to have both of you on. i know that had you breast cancer years ago and it has come back and spread to your bones. is that why you wanted to do this and how are you feeling by the way? >> i'm feeling well, thank you. every day is a gift living life to the fullest seeing lots of mollie. that's why i wanted to do it i really wanted to do it because my daughter is a living doll and she has been the greatest daughter. and now it's my turn to give back to her that. >> ainsley: that is so sweet. mollie, what's your reaction to this. >> well, i was surprised. honestly, my mother has always been putting me on spontaneous adventures my whole life. this is just another kind of fun thing to do together. >> ainsley: beth, you get out of the car, you pull into times square you pull around the corner and look up and see your daughter's face on this billboard you made happen. what was that like. >> i was so shocked that i just screamed. my glasses flew off. we ended up grabbing each other, jumping up and down, giggling. it was a real thrill. it was amazing. and of course we created a stir on the streets. hey, that's you. and it was just wonderful. >> ainsley: mollie, i heard there was a police officer who said hey, that's you, and you are beautiful. did you get his number? >> you know, i did not. but he was on duty. so, you know. i figured if i maybe asked he might have said 911. i don't know. >> ainsley: mollie, have you heard from anyone. how can people get in touch with you if they. >> they actually get in touch with me. i have heard from really wonderful people. that's been great. people will follow the directions on the wing man app. on the billboard on the link. and then it has an email which goes to mom and she filtering. >> i get to have the fun of looking through all the nice men and hopefully love will come. >> ainsley: that's so great. i know the wing man founder was touched by this her name is teen in wilson and she arranged for this billboard. on the billboard there is a small picture of you, mom, that says i'm mollie's wing man. date my daughter. and what are you looking for? tell us about mollie and what you are looking for in a man for her? >> molly is a ray of sunshine. she is just wonderful. what i really want for molly is someone who is very attached to family and has a great circle of friends because i think that's going to complement molly having that strong foundation. that's really all i'm looking for in a man. she has a longer list. >> ainsley: molly, anything you are looking for in a man? >> i would say i really, you know, i really admire my mom and dad's relationship. and they always -- i see them communicate well and they reach for kindness first and respect. >> ainsley: there is the site at the bottom of the screen. sorry to interrupt you but we are out of time. god bless you both and beth i wish you all the best. more "fox & friends" coming up. >> thank you. ill. because i won't let uc stop me from being me. zeposia can help people with uc achieve and maintain remission. and it's the first and only s1p receptor modulator approved for uc. don't take zeposia if you've had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or mini-stroke, heart failure in the last 6 months, irregular or abnormal heartbeat not corrected by a pacemaker, if you have untreated severe breathing problems during your sleep, or if you take medicines called maois. zeposia may cause serious side effects including infections that can be life-threatening and cause death, slow heart rate, liver or breathing problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema, and swelling and narrowing of the brain's blood vessels. though unlikely, a risk of pml--a rare, 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news, chicago public school classes are officially cancelled. >> a whopping 73% of the members voting to switch to remote learning. >> critics are calling this decision made overnight cruel for both parents and students. >> manhattan's new d.a. kicking off his tenure by tell his staff to stop prosecuting certain crimes and downgrade certain felonies. >> seems to me that we're giving a green light and embolds the criminal element. >> the cdc testing guidance. >> the cdc now says people should use a rapid test after a positive covid case. after five days of isolation. >> if you want to. >> kamala harris is slammed for tweeting america is moving again as hundreds of people stranded. >> if she didn't have bad timing and bad communication skills, she would have none at all. ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: live look at god's country, louisville, kentucky. welcome to the second hour of "fox & friends." i'm lawrence jones in for steve. brian is here as well as ainsley. and, ainsley, brian wanted to make it very clear and he is above me right now. i'm downstairs, that he will be invoicing me because i borrowed them. this is a throw. and i'm borrowing them he wants me to pay for that. >> ainsley: you are borrowing what? >> brian: the last few days i have had the whole staff to myself. i said if lawrence wants cues, he is allowed five cues an hour. my staff downstairs. >> ainsley: brian, i thought you were working remotely according to the press. >> brian: turns out they reported all wrong, ainsley. right. but they did. so, lawrence we're going to work that out after because there is money in the rescue plan to get you money for these -- to satisfy your invoice. >> lawrence: exactly. >> brian: we will be talking about that over the next two hours. we have so much to report and big interview to announce tomorrow. first things first. >> lawrence: president biden continues to insist we are still in a pandemic of the unvaccinated warning that the next few weeks are expected to be brutal with cases. mark meredith joins us live from the white house with what we can expect. mark? >> lawrence, brian and ainsley. good morning to you guys. president biden says he is frustrated like so many americans about the testing situation nationwide. but he says his administration really is trying to do some progress here to make up for these short falls. later this month, the white house also working to launch a website that will allow anyone to request a test be sent to them directly at home. and insurance companies will soon be required to cover the cost that system of these at home testing kids. and when in doubt, the president says there is one place people can turn to for quick answers for covid. >> >> covid test near me, google -- excuse me, covid test near me on google to find the nearest site where can you get a test most often and free. >> nearly a year into his presidency no doubt the pandemic continues to dominate the agenda. the white house is rejecting the notion it's lost control even as cases continue to skyrocket. some 800,000 plus new covid cases reported on monday alone. >> i know we are all tired and frustrated about the pandemic. these coming weeks are going to be challenging. please wear your mask in public to protect yourself and others. >> meantime the cdc is clarifying its position after changing quarantine guidelines, the reason shortened periods no longer show symptoms studies show that lab tests may give people a positive result even though they are no longer able to spread the virus. they are no longer contagious. still recommending people wear a mask for five days after testing positive and after they no longer show those symptoms. of course there is going to be a lot of questions what they need to do when it comes to testing and no change to those guidelines. we are going to be hearing from the president's covid team later on this morning. we will see if they have anything to say. >> brian: always exciting to cease these press conferences as you watch the roller coaster which is jen psaki. much of this is not her fault. she has to speak for an administration that clearly overstated to get elected what they could do with a virus they had no control over. clearly they were condescending and dismissive of everything the trump administration tried to do with a brand new pandemic. the first time anything to hit our shores like that in over 100 years. in fact, it wasn't too long ago when people were very condemning and maybe rightfully so. >> we will have to do it in after action report that we did not know the type of test because we did not know the type of virus that was going to hit our shores two years ago. donald trump was secured for not having that. what happened to your cdc and what happened to the game plan that barack obama left behind? how dare he not have the right test? when they do have the right test, they flooded the zone with it that didn't stop joe biden from saying i will kill the virus and not kill the economy. instead, the virus has flourished. variants have bloomed. and the testing has fallen off a cliff. he put the money there but never bought the tests. we have the therapeutics but he never preordered them. the vaccine is what he had, but the vaccine is falling far short of what he told us it would do. yet, he says the same thing all the time. this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. the numbers don't add up to that. jen psaki tried to tell us the president has not lost control of this virus. no one is believing it watch. >> cases are rising across the country. tests are hard to come by in many places. there are long lines for them. schools are closing again or having to go virtual. there is a sense among many that the country has lost control of the virus. would the white house agree with that? >> we would not. and here's why. we are in a very different place than we were a year ago, ed. 200 million people are vaccinated. those are people protected seriously protected from illness and death from the virus. we have also just purchased the largest over-the-counter purchase of tests in history. 500 million tests. that builds on the fact that we have already distributed 50 million tests back in december. the fact that we have 20,000 sites across the country where you can get free tests. the fact that next week people can get reimbursed for their tests and we are going to continue to build on that. >> ainsley: you know, when you look at some of the facts joe biden on the campaign trail to your point, brian, he kept saying i will shut down this virus. i will shut down this virus. i will shut down this virus. now he is saying there is no federal solution. he says this is a pandemic of the unvaxxed. yet, many people with boosters are still getting covid. 419,200 have decide under his watch. 200,000 died under president trump. so double under biden. monoclonals had them for 18 months. they are not available to your point, brian. where are all these pills? they are not available. where are all these home tests that you are supposed to be able to buy at the pharmacy? they are not available. trump developed three vaccines, how many did biden develop? zero. trump operation warp speed. where are the monoclonals, where are the tests, where are these pills? it is operation snail speed bike will siegel has said over and over. lawrence? >> lawrence: that's exactly why he is under water when it comes to the polls now. people don't trust him to do anything. it's very clear right now as we get into this pandemic and literally learn more and more and more that the biden administration never had a plan. they really had no plan. and i had doctor, the surgeon general from florida yesterday, he said the idea that a president or any president could have control of a respiratory virus was a lie to begin with. no one has control of it no one has control of anything that can mutate without the science backing that they can stop it. another doctor that i had on yesterday, dr. marty makary said that when i asked him the question did we go too far when it comes to the pandemic? he said yes, and we waited too long to push back. and do you know who else agrees with him in the polling. this is new polling asking this administration go too far or not enough or right approach to the vaccination mandate, 456 are saying that they had the right approach. and 24% are saying not far enough. brian, this seems to be a pattern right now when it comes to the administration. because they told the american people they had control of everything and he was the most experienced. when it comes down to the things that he could actually do, he couldn't deliver. that's why you see his polling tanking. >> brian: we are seeing these breakthroughs including the secretary of defense boosted double vaxxed way overweight. sitting there in isolation because he did everything the president said and the breakthroughs are resulting in some deaths. they are resulting in a lot of people who have to actually sit there in quarantine hurting the economy. >> hurting themselves, originally when they told us in july if you are vaccinated don't have to wear a mask you are basically virus proof that has not proven to be the case. overall, when you look at the mandates, it's created so much division in this country, great news. the navy seals won. therefore, they will not be fired like the marines have lost. and over 100 marines we have lost so many people in our medical professional here in new york city lost because the ridiculous mandates that have divided the country. the president says it worked. it's unamerican. handling of the economy, the president is not high on that. 60% disprove of the handling of the economy. 40% approve of it i don't know who those 40% are. what have you the number that i found staggering that came out after the show yesterday, more people quit their jobs last month, 4.4 million than at any time in american history. as many people have told me i don't know where they are going and how they are surviving but in biden's economy, you don't work and you quit. that's pretty much the anti-american motto that i grew up with that we grew up with, ainsley. >> ainsley: yeah, right. okay. so let's talk about lieutenant colonel stuart scheller, stu sheryl jr. we'll talked to his dad. he is going to be on our show tomorrow and also going to be on tucker's today which is on fox nation and that drops today at 4:00. his story is fascinating because he was the one who blasted the top brass for botching afghanistan's withdrawal and the suicide bombing at the kabul airport. he says his regret is that he did it with such emotion and he wish he had pulled that back. but he doesn't regret doing this. he said he wouldn't take it back if he could. even though it cost him his marriage, they are amicable but she had to move away with her three boys. her young boys because they were being teased and brought to tears on the playground. he lost his retirement of $2 million pension. lost his military friends. lost his way of life, but says even -- he says he can't stay silent. where would we be if i stayed silent? he is discharged under honorable conditions. one lower than honorable discharge. he served 17 years as a marine. so did his wife. and he was find $5,000. here is a portion of what you will see on tucker today. >> you know, i feel like what i did was the right thing. and i'm going to stand by that and my life is going to be dedicated to making sure that there are changes that take place. a lot of people don't think it's possible. i have been amazed at the amount of feedback of i have got you can't change it people truly believe that. i think the majority of people think this is the way it is stu and you can't change it. i don't believe that i fundamentally don't believe that i think if enough of us believe in one thing we can change anything. >> lawrence: a couple things here, ainsley. if you guys remember after what happened in afghanistan, the network sent me to multiple diners for "fox & friends." they were right outlines of military bases. what he said was speaking for a lot of those people. and i understand rules are rules. but if the rules are the rules, why do the generals get to write books and say whatever the hell they want and bash the commander-in-chief with absolutely no consequences and none of them are speaking for the rank and file; brian. how come when he says something, he loses his pension, he loses his livelihood, he loses his family. but you have got milley who can say whatever the hell he wants with no consequences at all. >> brian: true, that's his exact point. if milley went up to biden and all they are is political animals and say listen, if do you this at the doing it and the plan, i'm not going to serve i'm going to resign. go out to that room and resign, they would have stopped. i know that for a being if a. if they went out there, if mackenzie said if you do this i'm not going to be able to execute it. americans will die and iraqis, our allies will be killed or left behind. and i'm going to go tell the american people that biden would have done it this way. and, instead, they went along and said not my plan. when they testified a couple weeks later they said yeah, i wouldn't have done it this way but that's what i was told so i executed it. he said i'm not saying, scheller did, we have gotten to in afghanistan forever. did any of you, meaning your generals, throw your rank on the table and say it's a bad idea to evacuated bagram airfield before we evacuate everyone? did anyone do that? and when you didn't think you did that, did anyone raise their hand and say we completely messed this up? he said i thought it was unfair, institutions that accountable lose the ability honor. he lost $2 million pension and lost his family but he is going to go forward and change things. i have had a chance to talk to him. he was at the patriot awards. he was there. i had a chance to briefly talk to him knowing that he would be able to speak soon when his legal case was open. i cannot wait for us to talk to him tomorrow. because we need some honest and integrity. here is what i am greater weight of the evidence by. gratified by.this was such an ee and embarrassment to american prestige and our history that this is not something we are going to get over as a people. i don't care if you are for or against the afghanistan war. you are about to go into a winter season. we were 80% of their economy. i don't want to support the taliban but we can't let millions of people starve to death because mr. secretary of state doesn't want to talk about and it the president was so evidently in the white house you are not allowed to bring up the word afghanistan. that's why these other people are going to hang, be shot at point blank range and these children are going to starve to death as winter rolls in. >> ainsley: you know, lawrence, this is how change happens. and you were talking about that. you look at this man, and you have the utmost respect for him. yes, he had to leave the military, he lost his pension, he lost his family. not only are you losing millions of dollars, you are losing your three sons, they had to move away i'm sure he sees them. he and his exwife are amicable. it changed his life forever. this is what change is all about. is he a hero. he stood up. good things are in store for him. he said he might write a book. i hope he runs for office. we are allowed to say it we have freedom of speech. in the military you are not allowed to, i guess, criticize the rank and file of the people above you. i understand that and i respect that rule, too. i also respect what he is doing and is he doing this to implement change. i think he will get married again. maybe his ex-wife will take him back and they will reconnect. he is a cute man. is he very smart and willing to use everything for a good cause and sticking up for his beliefs and this is true character. >> lawrence: the last thing i will say on this is think about the veterans. the ones committing suicide over this issue right here. i mean, the numbers are the numbers. it just seems like no one really wants to have that conversation of the impact of what the president did with afghanistan. generals won't stand up to him. meanwhile, the generals are willing to leave the trump administration bad mouth the trump administration over things they disagreed with. now everyone is silent. meanwhile have veterans literally shooting themselves in front of their families, leaving their families right now and no one wants to talk about the mental health crisis that is affects directly impacted by what the house decided to do with this afghanistan withdrawal, brian. >> brian: they loaded all these people cargo planes and dropped them in third countries and now in our country and we don't know who they are. that's the report two months late. i know people working on this report. it's horrific who got loaded on those planes. president biden came out and said i don't want any more empty planes, they were throwing barbers, social security workers, whatever, just throwing anybody on those planes and now they are dumped into our military facilities and now we are trying to find homes for them. meanwhile, there is no report two months late. i will add this president trump never should have negotiated directly with the taliban and kept the afghanistan government out. but he never would have let this happen. so he started down erro down ers path. we are stuck with it russia going to take ukraine and soon china going to take taiwan. nobody fears us because the guy has no spine. >> ainsley: supposed to send in that report what happened in afghanistan and vetting all these afghans, that was due at the end of november to your point, brian, that hasn't happened and by law he is supposed to do that some congressman are saying unacceptable and we need answers. all right, turning now to more headlines, 346 police officers were shot in the line of duty in 2021. 63 of those were killed. according to the national fraternal order of police. this while violent crime reached historic highs all across the country as you know the number of officers shot up from 312 in 2020 ambushed style attacks also up 15% from 2020. the fraternal order of police is pushing congress to pass the protect and serve act which would make it a federal crime to knowingly cause or attempt to cause injury to an officer. walmart temporarily shutting down two more stores to sanitize against covid. the retail giant already shught down around 60 stores in covid hot spots. kroger hiking price of rapid tests. last year they agreed to sell them at cost or discount for three months. about 14 bucks for two tests. but that deal with the biden administration expired in mid december. an heroic pooch named kinsley coming to a rescue after a nasty traffic accident in new hampshire. two people ejected after a pickup overturned on the highway. witnesses spotted her overlooking for assuming lost dog. bolted to the accident site leading political science to find the humans in the wreckage. both were treated for. kinsly appeared to be uninjured. those are your hid lines. lawrence? >> lawrence: that's not just a smart dog that's a good dog. >> ainsley: a hero. larynx. >> lawrence: biden's border crisis hitting arizona town unlike ever before. the unbelievable spike in human encounters. universities reportedly offer bonus to teachers who alleged social justice to their curriculum. they will join us live ♪ every summer ♪ i miss you, i miss you now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? welcome to the next level. this is the all-new lexus nx. with intuitive tech... 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>> i mean, at the local level, this is a federal issue, so at the local level it's very difficult to do anything that has a federal level impact. so, it's about advocacy right now and then the diligence of our local law enforcement and our community to we need federal government to follow policy and change what's addressed here in the yuma area. >> brian: you have thousands crossing illegally what's you get. ccp overwhelmed right now. where do the families and kids go? how are they processed? >> right now they wait along the border. border patrol comes and picks them up and takes them to the border patrol station. couple days processed and either handed out to ice or one of our local nonprofits who helps them get to an airport. >> but that's for those that want to turn themselves in. we're seeing a growing number of families and individuals that are looking to evade. they end up at our admission or they end up in different areas of our community. >> brian: brought bye bye organization taxpayer money catholic organizations given supplies, more of an incentive to come. brought to the airport and brought into the interior of the country, many of which are not given tickets to even appear. they win, the message goes south. come one, come all. it's only going to get worse. now, did you contact your two u.s. democratic senators in your state? and if so what happened? >> we had a conversation with our two senators being very specific on what we need. >> we have specific on engagement and i know that they have advocated at the dhs secretary level. but, they are just needs to be more pressure brought to help get resolution on this situation. >> brian: mr. mayor, how effective would it be to see two democratic senators call a press conference at that border or in washington, d.c. and say this is not partisan. this is an emergency. my people are being overwhelmed. i'm elected to represent them. >> this is a national security issue. you told me we're in a pandemic we got to get vaccinated and boosted. but i'm getting people from hundreds of countries at a rate at which is unsustainable. how effective would that be? >> i don't know how you could get any more effective at the senate level. that would create a statement nationally that couldn't be ignored, i don't believe. >> brian: so can you call for it. >> it's a great idea. i will be working on that later today. >> brian: real quick, the governor of texas has used his national guard because the government has failed so epically. why don't you ask for your national guard? >> we do have -- governor ducey has brought the national guard to the area to help support border patrol. the end of the day, border patrol cannot just hand over everything to the national guard. they don't have the policing authority and that's really where the bottleneck is. you have to have federal officers implement these laws and make these arrests and do the processing. the national guard can't do those things, even in texas. >> brian: we didn't forget to put rd there. unaffiliated. you are there for the people. help him do his job. mr. mayor, thanks for telling the story. >> thank you for having me on. >> brian: up next, jailed new york governor andrew cuomo off the hook for the thousands of covid-19 nursing home deaths. what happened on thinks watch? we speak to many of the victims' families including our own janice dean who say their fight for justice is not over. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit have you checked singlecare? 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(sings dramatically) oh, i need to get to work. telling people to check the singlecare price. ♪ >> ainsley: in a crushing blow to those fighting for justice former new york governor andrew cuomo will not be charged over accusation that's underreported the number of covid-19 nursing home deaths. cuomo's lawyer saying i was told after a thorough investigation as we have said all along, there was no evidence to suggest that any laws were broken. here with reaction are just a few of the many families who were directly impacted by the governor's fatal nursing home mandate. fox news senior meteorologist janice dean, who lost both of her in-laws, mickey and dee, new york state assemblyman ron kim who lost his uncle and peter are a beanie who lost his father norman, good morning to all three of you. >> good morning. >> hi, ainsley. >> ainsley: janice, what was your reaction to this what do you plan on doing. i know in an op-ed that is coming out this morning on fox news the covid victims who died in new york nursing homes deserve justice. i won't stop fighting for them. what does that mean going forward? >> that i won't stop fighting for them. 15,000 family members don't have voices they were silenced forever because of this governor. it just emboldens me to want to speak even louder. >> ainsley: does that mean you are going to take civil action? >> >> there are a few things we are talking about peter and his family and ron kim and i have been working behind the scenes to bring justice to all of those families. we will continue our fight. this does not halt it at all. >> ainsley: so, ron, the actual deaths, nearly 13,000 womb mow reported just 8,000. but his lawyer, you heard the statement, says he did nothing wrong. there is no evidence to prove he did anything wrong. did he? , absolutely. cuomo clearly committed criminal fraud to personally profit from this pandemic. you know, while protecting his top donors by hanging out near blanket corporate immunity at the peak of this pandemic. the current d.a. that dropped the investigation didn't even look at those investigations. they are still open and pending investigation against the former governor so he is definitely not off the hook his lawyers and p.r. team want us to believe he has been absolved of all wrongdoing but that is far from the truth. >> ainsley: peter, so sad to watch all of these images of moms and dads behind the glass having to say goodbye to their children from their hospital rooms or nursing home rooms on the first floor and knowing people were skyping or zooming with their loved ones and the nurses were holding the computers so that the children could say goodbye. some died without even saying goodbye to their family members. i can't imagine how hard it is to lose a family member. here's a picture of your dad, norman, who died in april of 2020. but how difficult is it knowing that this was preventable? >> it was preventable because the governor decided to lie about it and i would say one thing to the d.a. that decided to drop the criminal case, when there is a crime committed, you are supposed to interview the victims. i don't know of a crime where someone died that the d.a. didn't interview the victims or the victims' families. and neither one of us, ron, janice or my family was approached by the d.a.'s office to learn our story to learn the fax of how our parents or family members died. >> ainsley: janice, you never heard from the d.a.? why did the d.a. do this? why did they decide to drop this probe? >> janice: i think this was a deal that was made before the governor decided to resign. i think this was planned in advance. he was going to be impeached. and i think lawmakers got together and said listen if you step down now, we will drop the charges and you could run again. i believe this was all planned out. >> ainsley: ron, is he going to run again, do you think? >> with $18 million, anything is possible. and this only looks like, you know, he received a soft landing. with an outgoing manhattan d.a. that we know he was friends with the former governor, and this whole thing just sounds very shady and fish. i just hope that the federal government is still have their ongoing investigation. and the new governor, along with the state attorney general would step up and finally deliver justice and accountability for our families. >> ainsley: peter, what do you think will happen next? we have a new d.a., we have a new governor, we have a new mayor in new york. >> what i would say to the new d.a. is start out with why was the strategy of the cuomo administration to send positive patients to nursing homes as the only strategy rather than the absolute last? if you start with that question to try to understand why he sent 9,000 covid positive patients to nursing homes. it is plausibly possible that our governor cuomo followed cdc guidelines defended the cdc guidelines six weeks, lied about it 10 months and wrote about it in his book is, that believablably possible? >> ainsley: did you have enough time? your father died in april this all kind of hit the fan in march, did you know when we were being told that the seniors were most at risk, especially those that had underlying conditions, were you thinking what is happening? my dad is in trouble? we order by march 24th by the head of the nursing home. it was kind of funny that we were in a fight for our father's life. we got our father out 10 days after the march 25th order then he passed 10 or 1 days later at home. his death still doesn't count to new york state because he died at home not in the nursing home with covid. the numbers are under counted still unfortunately but we froze because of this death order and then a year later, melissa derosa said she froze when the department -- doj sent an inquiry letter about the cdc guidelines that they supposedly were following. imagine how the families froze, never mind how she froze. >> ainsley: y'all are so tough, janice and ron and peter, thank you for speaking out and being brave enough to represent the thousands of individuals that passed away during that time period. god bless you all. we did reach out to the manhattan district attorney's office for a statement but we have not heard back. it is now 7:38 here on the east coast a bonus for race based curriculum. that's what one university is offering the teachers who infuse critical race theory into their courses. inflammation might be to blame. time for ache and burn! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those'll probably pass by me! xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? 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>> i was very upset because this just proves that university's top priority is not academic but instead it's indoctrinating students with propaganda. and if professors are bribed with taxpayer dollars to redesign their curriculum to focus on anti-racism or diversity and inclusion. these professors, it doesn't make them woke, it doesn't make them social justice warriors. they are being bribed to do this. it seems like they don't actually care. and it just makes them greedy and spineless. >> lawrence: the cost of tuition continues to go up. essentially you are making for. this exactly. and one of my biggest issues professor chooses to incorporate this in their curriculum it's the one thing. the other thing that it is being incentivized with taxpayer dollars is completely unacceptable. >> lawrence: i used to run exhaust reform. we used to see this type of stuff all the time ton college campuses. seems like it's been happening for a while. can you tell us our audience what life is like on campus for our conservative students? >> you know, memphis is ranked 249 in universities. we are rank thed 8 just in tennessee. there is a vast range of issues that need to be addressed. students' education even our health risk and the fact that we are not focusing on those kind of issues and trying to better our university and our rankings and our education. instead, focusing on this issue that is going to cause racial division, is going to cause more of a racial divide is just a threat to our country. >> lawrence: audra, how do you fight back? >> i think it's important for students to see a problem to stand up and say hey, this is a problem. if we continue to allow this to happen, nothing is ever going to change. and i think a lot of students who disagree with this will feel like they don't have a voice and like everybody agrees with this, everybody thinks it's okay when in relates i would be really surprised if the majority of campus agrees with bribing teachers can with taxpayer dollars to redesign their curriculum in this type of way. >> lawrence: what's your advice to a young person getting ready to enroll into college. >> i would take a very serious look at what their university is pushing into their curriculum and take that into consideration when choosing where to go. personally, if i could do it over and i knew that things such as social justice or equity were done in curriculum i may have chosen a different university. >> lawrence: ann elizabeth we reached out to your school for a statement. ann elizabeth, peyton, audra, thank you for coming on fox and friends this morning good luck. >> thank you. >> lawrence: a wild snow storm in virginia left these drivers stranded without food and water ofor an entire day. whether a should do you to be prepared for this situation? 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i'm stuck on 95. ainsley and lawrence are in separate cars, nicer vehicles, how do you get us out? , yeah, brian, listen, getting stuck in s. a problem, especially in the snow. things every car should have in trunk at all times. if you are stuck, the first thing you want to do is get unstuck. unbelievable product, i keep one of these in my truck in my car, all of my vehicles, track grabber, strap it on to your wheel and under 10 seconds velcro the strap and get back in your car and use the power of the car to pull you out. we have a video there i think you guys can show that this is really a great product. it makes it very easy. you don't need someone else's help to pull you out. especially if you are a woman and alone and on a dark road you don't want to ask for help from people. she can easily strap this on to her wheel and put the car in drive and it will pull itself out of the. >> ainsley: so cool. >> got to keep the heat going too this is important. fantastic product, also, jump smart it acts as a flashlight. it has some really great setting on it distressed setting with a strobe light on it as well. most importantly it was a jump starter. >> we have powerful. this will jump all the way up to a heavy tractor-trailer engine. jump start your car multiple times and also has ports on the back of it for usb. you can charge up your phones and keep your devices charged. talking about keeping things charged. charge hub 2. goes into cigarette lighter are auxiliary port. two ports to keep your products charged up. most importantly if you are stuck or in an accident, it has a glass breaker which can you strike one time and break the window to get out of your car and seat bet cutter which is really important. all of these things are great products to have. you want to coop them in your trunk and make sure you have all the things to stay warm and have food and water as well. i always keep at a minimum emergency food rations, emergency drinking water. you wanted to make sure you are going to have something to keep you warm. keep hats, gloves, things like hand warmers and emergency blankets. these my larr blankets are fantastic. so, eye protection, i keep a shovel in there to dig out with. and the best part is that if you have all these things as a basic, you can also get them in these packs. now, this is what i keep in my car. and i highly recommend this to people. this comes in a backpack. prepacked with everything you need to survive for 72 hours. it has all of those things plus a lot more. this is the uncharter supply company. experts for survival. when you pull out the sleeve inside you have a color coded chart that shows you where everything is scenes it nice and organized for you. you fold it out and now you have everything from tools, all the things to keep you warm, food, water, first aid, everything you need is inside that pack. so this is really unbelievable thing to happen unchartered again all those items and more are inside the bag. so now, lastly, you want to make sure you have first aid, guys, this is really very important. this is what i keep in my car, a full pack from my medic. they have many different choices to choose from on their website. this is the most comprehensive medical first aid case can you get from my medic. everything that a paramedic would have. i have bleed stop. turn cuts. medical supervisors emergency ambulances guess to you might have administer first aid. stop traumatic bleeding and save a life. this is a difference between life and death. , fire extinguishers, if you can't get off the road the fire truck can't get to you. all very important things to keep in your trunk to keep you a"fox news live" a snow storm. >> lawrence: skip, thank you so much. my dad is a truck driver he has most of this stuff. average people doesn't have it but they should. head to skip thanks a lot. >> thanks are for having me. >> brian: your camera person is alison, right? >> yeah. she is doing a great job back there. >> ainsley: father's day is a few months away. those are all great ideas. >> brian: absolutely. top of the hour, rand paul. he has a big announcement. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, with about 10 minutes of treatment once every 3 months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. plus, right now, you may pay zero dollars for botox®. ask your doctor about botox® today. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed you may pay zero dollars for botox®. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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[laughter] >> lawrence: lawrence jones in for steve today. bribe bribe senator rand paul kicked off a new resolution for the new year. everyone likes resolutions senator rand paul likes one as well. can we talk about this virus never ending. senator, i never promised to end the virus. president trump didn't promise to end the virus. he wanted to live with it. but a person got elected named joe biden because he was going to kill the virus, not the economy. how is he doing? >> well, you know, i think he had the gull of saying that president trump was responsible for all the people who died. i think what an insult and what sort of a childish sort of accusation. but now more people have died under president biden's watch than under president trump's. we had the pandemic for two years under president trump and now we have had it for one year under biden and more people have died i don't think any one politician is responsible for it i do fault him for trying to centralize the effort and when the severity centralized like the monoclonal antibodies are all owned by the government and preventing the states from ordering them. he also discontinued distribution of them before the new monoclonal antibodies came. i get calls from doctors every day in my state and other states saying we have run out of the monoclonal antibodies can you tell the government people are still do i would he go need these monoclonal antibodies. biden does bear some responsibility he owes an apology to president trump for saying he was responsible for the death. a lot is mother nature. we do our best. as you see the virus explode we don't have control over this. going to evolve past the danger of this virus i don't think man has had full control ever. >> ainsley: you know, senator, it's been two years since we were faced with this virus and schools started shutting down. it will be two years in march. chicago has now decided we were right back to where we were. the teachers union voted to return to remote learning. in boston 1074 teachers and staffers decided not to go back to school yesterday. detroit public schools. they are going all viral as well. parents are frustrated. listen to these parents a father of six from michigan and mother of two from ohio. >> the things that kids need and we have middle schoolers and the things in addition to algebra the things that they are learning or the things they learn on the track team and the things they learn in the hallways and as much algebra as you can teach overzoom you can't teach those social and emotional skills. one of the things that we are lacking from the public school administration here is transparency around the decisions that they are making. we are just left waiting for the next email surprise, you have to figure out what you are going to do with your kids tomorrow. >> they didn't give you time to do anything. to try to prepare. my 7-year-old was frustrated. the teachers didn't know what they were doing. there has to be a better plan. >> ainsley: you know, senator, the cdc says this morning that omicron is 95% of the new cases. they are saying we know what happens when you get omicron. it's not as serious what we were faced with two years ago. what about the locals of learning for our students? why aren't they factoring that in? >> it's tragic. the thing is the science doesn't support closing schools down. in sweden the schools have stayed open continuously for the last your and a half. they have don't wear masks. kids are not dying. the teachers are not dying. there is no science behind closing the schools down. now, it used to be the policy and had been the policy for most of modern medicine if kids were sick, they were sent home and if a bunch of kids were sick, then close the schools for a couple of days. we are not doing that doing mass testing of people not sick. we are sending people home who have no symptoms and testing more classes and sending more home and ripples out until the whole school is sent home it isn't based on the way you would actually do this if you were using any common sense. we now have a virus that is so prevalent that it's going to infect the entire united states. we are going to get through this. but, are if you look at the death statistics, death statistics are 75% reduction in death from the delta variant to the omicron. 75% reduction in death. and so what he would dealing with now a different disease and it needs to be treated differently. we need to get rid of the hysteria. the people who are promoting this hysteria work for the government. this is dr. fauci's fault largely. >> lawrence: worse. >> historically talking about mandates and shutting down and not letting people fly and blaming the unvaccinated. everybody is getting this vaccinated and unvaccinated. the majority of the people in the hospital now are vaccinated because almost everyone has been vaccinated. >> lawrence: rand paul, i want to stay right there when it comes to dr. fauci he is chief infectious disease experts i know he knows the numbers. i fail to believe that he disund understand what's going on. he is also the chief medical adviser and so he knows what is happening from a mental health standpoint with the young people. so, should he come out on the record and say kids need back in school? >> he should but he won't. his every impulse is to lock down things. his every impulse is to monthly mull gate more rules and tell us what we cannot do. he is has never based on the science. he has made one huge mistake, unforgivable mistake and that is ignore natural i will' mount. 150 million people in our country already had this. now in the last couple of weeks millions of people every week who have already gotten this. and the one thing we know is that if you get this mild variant the omicron it actually is going to protect you against the more serious variant. this is basically nature's vaccine that is running through the community. that doesn't mean that some of our vulnerable people may not suffer and die from this. we should be trying to protect the vulnerable. and instead he is a one size fits all let's vaccinate the newborns and vaccinate all the kids. the thing is that's not good science. that's actually malpractice to force a booster on a 15-year-old male child is malpractice without knowing whether they have been infected previously. without fully understand the myocarditis that is a side effect of this vaccine, particularly some vaccines are worse for this. moderna turns out to be worse for myocarditis for young males. young males shouldn't be getting that. >> lawrence: they won't get their own advisory committee. >> say that again? >> lawrence: they want to get their own advisory committee approve the booster they did it anyway though. >> some people vaccine absolutism that basically there is just an absolutist point of view that is not willing to understand any nuances. not willing to will assess that the risks are different for 10-year-old child rather than an 80-year-old. it is malpractice to say all right, your 10-year-old should get the same treatment as 80-year-old. because we direct the resources everyone equally and universally. actually leaving behind the people. this should have been as scott atlas said. as jay has said. as marty makary have said. all these prominent doctors have said the opposite. but the department policy has been going by one guy who has been wrong. this is the danger of medicine. if you give all the authority to one person and that person is wrong, the whole country suffers. brian be brian amazing 1.9 trillion went out the door because the president in march because hind said i need it for the virus. where did that money go? a lot of it went to the schools. chicago earmarked 32 million. a lot went to exruive cultural responsive curriculum developing through the curriculum equity initiative. the union voted to close by the way in chicago. in milwaukee, they allocated 24 million, but it went to social emotional learning, including 100,000 for anti-racism and bias development. no person n. person classes. where is the reward for our dollars? michigan promoting the use of equity lens true appropriation money, six school districts opted forever remote learning. so they got the money. biden gave them the money. and i'm sure he was very happy when they decided to do it towards equity and crt. >> how much plexiglass we bought. we got this plexiglass, which doesn't work at all. there's no science behind it in fact, a couple of mit scientists actually looked at the plexiglass and says it disrupts with the ventilation of the classroom and probably, if anything, causes the virus to linger in the classroom. all wasted on nonscience. this is sort of medieval kind of science. putting plexiglass in our rooms. but you are right. somebody has looked and analyzed the covid grants that have gone out. more have gone out to look at the social aspects of this and equity and racial disparity than have done to look at the transmissibility of the virus. and so really, this is what happens when government directs everything and people are motivated by some sort of obsession with race instead of trying to fight the disease and fight the transmission for everyone. >> ainsley: senator, the president promised during the campaign that he is going to shut down this virus. now he is saying that there is no federal solution. 419,200 have died under his watch. 200,000 died under trump. and the president says this is the pandemic of the unvaxxed, but even those with boosters, as you were saying earlier are still getting omicron or maybe even a different variant. jen psaki was pressed on this. has the country, has the president, his administration lost control of this virus? listen. >> rising across the country. tests are hard to come by in many places. long lines for them. schools are closing again. having to go virtual there is a sense among many that the country has lost control of the virus. would the white house agree with that? >> we would not. and here's why: we are in a very different place than we were a year ago, ed. 200 million people are vaccinated. those are people who are protected, seriously protected from illness and death from the virus. we have also just purchased the largest over-the-counter purchase of tests in history, 500 million tests. that builds on the fact that we have already distributed 50 million tests back in december. of the fact that we have 20,000 sites across the country where you can get free tests. the fact that next week people can get reimbursed for their tests. going to continue to build on that. >> ainsley: where were those tests, senator, when we needed them last week to get our kids back in school or to leave our vacation to make sure we were safe to come home? >> part of it goes back to the public policy and the public health policy. they -- they have decided really since the beginning of this to test people who aren't sick. historically, in medicine, you test people who are sick. if we were only testing people who had symptoms, who were sick. we would have plenty of tests. but what we're doing is one kid gets sick and then we test the entire class and then we test them again and the thing is send sick kids home, yes. quarantine the sick kids. quarantine the sick adults. send them home from work. but what we are doing is testing the entire population. finding people who have no symptoms and quarantining them and their entire circle of friends and so it spreads test everyone all the time for symptoms it leads to lockdown. shortage of tests is a bad public policy of saying let's test everyone. i think we should test people who are sick and quarantine the sick but not those who are not sick. >> lawrence: senator, i had marty makary on yesterday he makes the argument we waited too long to start pushing back against some of this nonsense happening from our government. happy new year to you, senator. and part of your new year's resolution is you are quitting youtube. why? >> you know, i'm tired of censorship. and you know they say mark tywain used to say everybody is complaining about the weather nobody is doing anything about it well, everybody on the right complains about social media and their censorship, well, do something about it let's quit. so, i'm no longer going to set some punk, some snot-nosed kid over at youtube decide that a speech i gave on the senate floor is not appropriate or that when i say cloth masks don't work because i'm trying to save lives because if you go into the room with your grandparents wearing a cloth mask you are going to get infected. 80-year-old taking care of their wife and wearing a cloth mask and taking care of their wife they are going to get infected because they don't work. i'm tired of somebody at youtube saying i can't say that. >> more competition works. the more we will show the people at youtube to be censors to be small, closed minded people. liberal people who believe in disputation and debate and free speech should not associated with close minded people. >> brian: are you going on getter. >> is a competitor liberty so we are going to post our videos on liberty and post them on rumble as well. growing like crazy and they call themselves a neutral platform. they are not going to censor the left or the right so that there will be robust debate. i think actually big tech is not going to take government intervention. marketplace can fix this. people need to take their mouth and word and speech and content. instead of just complaining, move, go somewhere. >> brian: gotcha. senator rand paul, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> brian: i joined rumble and gettr over the weekend. get a little bit of freedom. >> ainsley: how do you like them. >> brian: going good. just getting used to it now. seemed extremely popular joe rogan joined over the weekend. he is the most powerful force in social media by far and certainly podcasts. i'm looking forward to interacting see how it guess. radio. >> lawrence: looking at brian joining the cool kids. >> brian: trying to be cool just once. >> ainsley: rogan took with him 8 million followers. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: talk about other headlines making news this morning. 28-year-old sheriff's recruit is dead after being shot oakland freeway this morning. here are his fellow officers honoring his life with a procession after his casket is loaded into the coroner's truck. >> recruit was reportedly driving home from a training class when he was shot. his identity is not yet released. no arrests have been made. and police have not commented on a possible motive. vice president kamala harris under fire for sending this tweet while drivers were stranded in virginia saying that's what infrastructure is all about, getting people moving. i-95 finally open after a severe winter storm left hundreds of drivers stuck on the icy highways for over 24 hours. that same storm trapping hundreds inside amtrak train for 40 hours. not much better at the airports. 1500 flights canceled across the u.s. on tuesday. and little caesars raising the price of famous $5 pizza for the first time in 25 years. of the pizza chain upping the price for a large classic pizza by 55 cents saying customers will get 33% more peperoni and make up for price hikes although pizza sales soared during the pandemic, production costs have been hit very hard by inflation and supply chain crisis. those are your headlines, my friends. >> brian: thanks so much, ainsley, famously done raised the bar. new york's new d.a. wants to let criminals off the hook i'm not exaggerating. a long list of crimes no longer be prosecuted. do you believe this? douglas murray will react. he has english accent. trouble on the high seas as the cdc warns cruise goers they want to them to abandon ship. cruise companies are setting sail anyway. we are live in cape canaveral, florida later this hour. ♪ discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save $200 on the sleep number 360 c2 smart bed queen, now only $899. plus, no interest for 36 months when you and an adjustable base. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. >> lawrence: manhattan's progressive new district attorney laying out a plan to go easy on criminals. alvin bragg ordering his staff to not prosecute a whole slew of crimes while giving jail time to only the worst murderers and offenders. author douglas murray is here to react. so got this new mayor that comes in. he says he is going to be tough on crime. support the police, have this balance when it comes to justice. but none of that matters if you have a d.a., douglas, that's going to release these offenders, right? >> that's right. the policy that the new d.a. is talking about is something like the opposite of the broken windows policy that james wilson and others came out in the 1980s in which mayor giuliani instituted in the 1990s that was a policy whereby even the smaller misdemeanors were taken seriously. because there was a recognition that relatively small misdemeanors lead to bigger ones, lead to other people being encouraged to commit crime, downgrade the whole area. and that you have to take everything seriously if you are going to reform and make a city safe. the d.a. now, we're talking about, is doing exactly the opposite of that. he is saying that everything except for murder and the couple of other crimes shouldn't be resulting in carceral sentences and effectively let go. in a city like new york, which has seen almost 50% rise in murder between 2019 and 2021, which has seen a surge in more minor crimes. this is exactly the wrong way to go. >> lawrence: this is the part of manhattan's d.a.'s new plan. marijuana misdemeanors, all right, that's already out there. resisting arrest though interfering with an arrest, prostitution, trespassing, and turnstile jumping. he doesn't anyone to be imprisoned or jailed for over 20 years. this is what we are dealing with. no one behind bars. >> yeah. things like turnstile jumping, this is exactly what i'm talking about. when anyone uses the subway, and sees people jumping the turnstiles, any citizen thinks, you know, well, why have i bothered to pay my fare if other people are getting it for free? inevitably thinks that. and that sort of thinking spreads in time across the city. now, the problem is there is -- even worse examples than the ones you have given interest. a d.a. bragg is talking about reducing to the crime of misdemeanor holding up a shop with a gun. holding up a shop with a gun as long as nobody is hurt, is downgraded in this new form of things. i ask again if you want to make a city safe, what worse direction can you give than the idea that it is relatively okay to go into a store and hold it up with a firearm so long as you don't actually shoot it. >> lawrence: it makes no sense. i remember growing up my mom had a simple policy if you lie you steal, if you steal you will kill. if you kill i ain't getting you out. that's the policy of momma jones. douglas, thank you for coming. >> in it's a great pleasure. >> lawrence: biden border crisis transforming border states. flight arriving in the cover of night. dr. oz running to represent the keystone state in the senate. he joins us live next. that's next on "fox & friends." nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? the number one longest-lasting aa battery. yay! case closed. from the beginning, newday has been the mortgage company the number one longest-lasting aa battery. for enlisted veterans, helping thousands buy a home, get cash, or lower their mortgage payments. we start by asking one simple question: how can we 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are also being told is a problem. and since when, ainsley do we blame the failure of a treatment on the people who don't take the treatment? i mean, figure that out? and since the beginning you and i have been talking about on this show about the need of vaccination they are valuable. thank god with operation warp speed we got them. we have to treat the disease. doctors don't just try to prevent problems. we have to have contingency plans when there are cases that occur prevention of those strategies. right now technologies that work. we have medicines. they are all there. but instead bureaucracy with fauci took over. and then the nation and biden went to sleep. unlike president trump pushed for rapid acceleration of these options. now we have a testing shortage. we don't have treatments. i spend most of my time triaging folks trying to figure out what treatments can i get from them. this is unheard of in 21st century america. we have emergency caused by gross incompetence. i have invented medical devices i have been on the forefront of issues that have saved lives. american ingenuity and enterprise will prevail if washington stops stifling us with politics over science. that's why i'm running for senate. >> ainsley: it has to be frustrating as a doctor, because i'm sure you are getting phone calls all day long from your friends who have this and are concerned and have questions and trying to gets monoclonals. for 18 months we have had these but you can't get your hands on them. where are the pills? what about the home tests? he says that he was criticizing president trump who came up with three vaccines. it was operation warp speed, but dr. siegel says this is operation snail speed. why can't we get these treatments? >> it is lack of will. you have to actually light a fire under the bureaucracy to achieve the goals that we want. operation warp speed worked for that very reason. biden hasn't done that we need to produce treatment. these pills that you mentioned, think about this, the merck pill we enrolled two people a day. two people. that's it. we have millions of folks suffering. two a day were enrolled niece trials and merck around around the u.s. government to get trials done. where are they? i have called the companies and pharmacies and i cannot find these pills. from what i understand the production in january is going to be very slow. we are looking at february, march until we have enough of these pills and the pfizer pill with the trial is a 90% reduction of symptoms and maybe even mortality. these are huge benefits. we could treat people, make these cases mild and save american lives. instead we are restricting monoclonal antibodies with the federal government getting in the way of state buying it on their own. i say let's be brave. let's say what we see. it's pretty clear and most doctors i think at this point are getting fed up with conform to what we are told is the only narrative possible. let's stop stifling science. let it rein forward and bring solutions to americans. >> ainsley: people get on airplanes and put into different states, florida, new york. the latest is pennsylvania. apparently on christmas night, one congressman says 150 arrived in your state of pennsylvania where you are running for senate. another estimates 180 arrived. and they were not informed. these are current lawmakers that were not informed. what's your reaction? >> folks in pennsylvania are furious. i am, too. every state basically has become a border state including my state of pennsylvania. dr. by the way we have got lots of information about what's going down. basically middle of the night flights. a bad sign by the way. makes it seem like you are hiding something. they won't tell us how these folks are getting to cranston or lehigh. they are changing the airports. >> they saying it's not ice. it's hhs and then we are saying okay, fine, whatever federal government agency is bringing these flights in, it's the responsibility ultimately becomes ours. local communities. and i think pennsylvanians deserve answers. how many people? how many flights? where are the flights going? where are the people going to end up? what about the covid status. over the summer, ainsley, 18% of illegal aliens were covid-positive. we just bringing additional illness into the state. this is, i believe, hiding a failed border policy and the general acceptance of skyrocketing crime and drugs has got to stop. >> ainsley: burden on pennsylvania taxpayers. someone has to pay for food and healthcare and shelters on them. the folks in your state have no stay. dr. oz, thanks for being on with us. >> take care, ainsley, stay well. >> ainsley: thank you. up next, big meat tells president biden to stop playing chicken and blaming them for beefed up prices. founder of outkick's father owns a meat packing plant. his take next. know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you 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ranchers are being driven out of business. >> brian: right that conclusion came to the president after he sat in sunroom with his wife's friend. this morning industry leaders are firing back at joe biden blaming them for the surging cost of meat. national chicken council saying quote it's time for the white house to stop playing chick within food system and stop using the meat industry as a scapegoat significant challenges facing our economy. it's true. outkick founder clay travis' father-in-law owns a meat packing plant over in the midwest and joins us now. clay, this hit home with you. >> yeah, it did. look, at thanksgiving, my father-in-law was with us. and we were talking about the cost associated with inflation as many families were. and he said i want to show you something. and he pulled out an email to show me the most recent cost structure that he had for his meat packing plant, a and r packing in outside of detroit, michigan. he said look at what i am having to pay for all of these goods and materials coming in to my meat packing plant, compared to what i had to pay last year. and the percentage increases were absolutely massive. and he said, look, i have to pass along the cost from what i am having to pay to everyone else in order to make sure that i can continue to run my business in some profitable manner. so this is what is going on all over industries in this country because joe biden's economic policies are failing because his covid policies have failed. over all, there is a supply chain as we all know, major issue. and this is being passed along to both the businesses and to consumers and my father-in-law's meat packing plant which is far from a massive industry but it is emblematic of larger issues that small business owners all over this country are facing, particularly in the meat industry. >> brian: gas huge issue number one. everything revolves around that and also got labor problems, 4.4 million americans quit their job last month. that's a new all-time record. in terms of costs yeah, beef is part of it. up 20%. chicken up 10%. i will use a sports analogy because it dips into both your worlds. if you look at the new york giants and say they need wide receivers yeah they also need a quarterback and defensive line and they need some depth and definitely general manager knows thousand pick talent. yeah, beef is an issue. but how does he come back from vacation and think that's the number one issue that he should tackle? >> he is trying to show he is doing something. this is biden. associated with 6.8% inflation rate which is costing your average american far more than they admit they are making in wage increases. and so if he can get media to cover this attention, there is the idea that the white house is punching back, against what elizabeth warren and others in the democratic party are saying are greedy elements of the larger capitalistic structure. the way that people respond to inflationary costs when they are running it s. by passing along their costs to the consumer, that's exactly what's happening. the consumer recognizing, a poll came out yesterday saying the vast majority of the public is afraid and worried by inflation because it's eating away at their overall paycheck. they understand it. joe biden and his white house don't. >> brian: clay, what's kicking on outkick? >> look, we have an absolute ton of attention going into this aaron rodgers issue. have you seen this? mvp voter came out and said he won't be voting for aaron rodgers because of off the field related issues. including covid when aaron rodgers clearly the best player on the field in the nfl. sports media losing its mind because they don't want to vote for aaron rodgers based on his choice when it came to the covid vaccine. >> brian: unbelievable. it's incredible. he knows what it's like by talking on a podcast with when whole vaccine it's amazing and what kind of year he has had. see who he is going to play for next year. clay, good job, we will listen to you on the radio at noon. >> thanks, brian, have a good morning. >> brian: by the power vested in the teleprompter i'm going to toss it to ainsley. >> ainsley: how do you do it? when you bless someone? >> brian: listen, we are religion place. everyone blesses themself differently. >> ainsley: brian did it on air one time and he went. your headlines with this. yale university has strict new rules for students in the spring semester banning them from eating outdoors or shopping in local businesses say students can return to campus between january 14th and february 4th and quarantine until they receive negative covid test results before heading to class. critics calling the rules antiscientific and cruel. a mother with cancer is using a times square billboard to find her daughter a boyfriend. beth davis and her daughter molly earlier. >> well, thank you. everyday is a gift and living life to the fullest seeing lots of molly. so, yeah, that's why i wanted to do it. i was surprised, honestly, my mother has always been taking me on spontaneous adventures my whole life. >> ainsley: beth, the momma was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 1994. unfortunately relapsed last year with the cancer spreading to her bones or two years ago i should say. 2020. she says she wants her daughter to be very happy even if she is not here and her dream is to walk her down the aisle. those are your headlines. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. when we go to times square we have to look for that billboard. i know she will find someone. >> janice: what a wonderful story and great mom. it's going to be cold in times square the next couple of days and some snow, a little bit of it let's take a look at it across portions of the northeast. and the really cold air right now sinking southward over the upper midwest and northern plains. we have a blizzard warning in effect for parts of the dakotas in through minnesota with wind chills, you know, minus 34 degrees. the coldest air of the season, dangerous air of the season with all of these wind chill alerts far south as the panhandle of texas. winter weather alerts with those blizzard warnings as this clipper system moves through and that's going to force that cold air that's going to dive as far as south as the tennessee river valley and then that sets us up for our late week snow storm. we don't quite know the exact totals and where the biggest bulls eye is going to be. but the bottom line is across the northeast, we are going to have to watch this over the next 12 to 24 hours. the threat for at least two inches of snow on some of the areas that a foot of snow in and around the d.c. area. get some measurable snow here in new york city as well. weave will keep our eye on it fox for your latest weather. ainsley, back to you. >> ainsley: okay, all the kids will be excited. thank you so much, janice. the cdc cautioning cruise goers to abandon ship. will the scrutiny sink an already struggling industry? live in for the canaveral florida next. check in can dana perino. >> dana: that wax excellent tease. i will pay attention to that what's happening on the cruise line and happy new year to you. chicago kids home from school today as the teachers union votes to strike over covid despite being 91% vaccinated. we talk to a mom at the end of her rope. speaking of covid, the white house failed to reassure americans yesterday that it's got omicron and testing under control. so left to figure things out for themselves. a former member of the trump coronavirus task force what does he think should be done now. nancy grace has strong instincts on a little girl missing in new hampshire. she will be here as well. we will see you at 9:00. ♪ when you're born and raised in san francisco, you grow up wanting to make a difference. that's why, at recology, we're proud to be 100% employee owned with local workers as diverse as san francisco. we built the 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ainsley, good morning to you. norwegian giant cruise ship gem docked here making a port of call caribbean. of course i put in for that assignment. let's get back to the cdc. six days ago that agency warned people to avoid all cruise ship travel. even if you are fully vaccinated. in fact, they raised their level alert to level 4 which is actually the highest level of safety threat for the agency can give. giving that to the cruise industry. more than 90 ships now under investigation all as they say observation. as you can imagine the cruise line is not happy with that recommendation from the cdc. let me give you the official response from the industry group. this is the cruise line industry association in response to that statement, they say, quote: a views ship provides one of the highest levels of demonstrated mitigation against the virus. we are disappointed and disagree with the cdc's decision to single out the cruz industry. joining me now is captain john, the head honcho ceo here at port canaveral. captain, what was your first response when the cdc said avoid crews travel. acruise travel. >> i'm not surprised. every country in europe is on the level 4 list. no different than any travel to any other country. >> cruise industry have jumped through every hoop to make safe. >> absolutely we have make cruising as safe as possible. protocols evolve every day to continually make it better. >> so something like that, how devastating is it to an industry that's already struggled over the last two years? >> so far we haven't seen a huge impact. there has been fall-off of near term cruising. longer term looking strong. we had a very strong two weeks over the holiday i don't see any immediate impact. captain john murray thank you very much. we are told the bookings for the second half of this year, of course, depending on what happens with the virus and the threat of, perhaps, another variant, let's hope not. the bookings for the second half of this year into 2023 have very strong indeed. back to you. >> lawrence: ashley, i'm just curious, if they consult with the cruise injury to get the numbers because they do fantastic tracking before they decided to release this statement, that they actually consult with this and see the data? >> no, not at all. in fact, the trade industry group whose statement i read, they say they have no contact with the cdc and as you can imagine a statement like that is absolutely devastating. so they are not happy. >> brian: thanks so much. you got to expose it people have to make their own decisions and not destroy a whole sedges of the economy and all these people's lives. it's been going on two plus years now. >> ainsley: and the cruise industry, too. they are losing so much money in 2020, 2021. we don't want to see them go out of business. >> brian: don't get forced to take a cruise if they are giving money back for people who want out that's no problem. nobody noe one forces you to take a cruise. we will take a short time-out. change outfits and say goodbye. ♪ ♪ ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> lawrence, you have a big show tonight at 7:00, right? >> i'm hosting fox news prime time. watch brian on radio on ainsley' bible study on fox nation. >> you got it all in there. >> watch me on radio and watch lawrence tonight. >> great job, guys. >> dana: devastating setback for families. omicron variant fueling a new wave of school closures despite the u.s. spending more than $100 billion to prevent that exact thing from happening. i'm dana perino. bill is off. good morning, trace. >> good morning to you, dana, good morning. i'm trace gallagher. this is "america's newsroom." chicago becoming the latest district to cancel classes after the teachers union voted to return to remote learning. late night decision affecting more than 300,000 students who just went back to school this week. >> dana: chicago teachers are re

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Cliff , Therapeutics , Unvaccinated , Add , Lines , Illness , Over The Counter Purchase , 200 Million , Sites , 50 Million , 500 Million , 20000 , Facts , Solution , Covid 419200 Have Decide , Unvaxxed , 200000 , 419200 , Monoclonals , Pharmacy , Home Tests , Pills , Vaccines , 18 , Speed , Trump Operation Warp , Bike Will Siegel , Operation Snail , Zero , People Don T , Polls , Him , Science Backing , Lie , Marty Makary , Polling , Vaccination Mandate , Approach , 456 , Polling Tanking , Pattern , Experienced , Breakthroughs , Defense , Secretary , Double , Vaxxed , Deaths , Quarantine , Mandates , Marines , Division , Virus Proof , Navy Seals , Handling , 40 , 60 , Motto , American History , 4 Million , Stuart Scheller , Stu Sheryl Jr , Withdrawal , Botching Afghanistan , Nation , Fox , Regret , Emotion , Suicide Bombing , Brass , Kabul Airport , Tucker , Boys , Playground , Marriage , Tears , Pension , Retirement , Stay Silent , Million , Portion , Marine , Discharge , Tucker Today , 000 , 5000 , Majority , Feedback , Believe , Generals , Rules , Military Bases , Outlines , Books , Commander In Chief , Rank And File , Milley , Livelihood , True , Room , Animals , Mackenzie , Allies , Iraqis , Rank , Forever , Table , Bagram Airfield , Chance , Institutions , Ability Honor , Patriot Awards , Weight , Ee , Gratified By , American Prestige , Afghanistan War , Secretary Of State , Winter Season , Taliban , 80 , Word , Winter Rolls , Point Blank Range , Military , Exwife , Sons , Yes , Are Amicable , Book , Hero , Ex Wife , File , Freedom Of Speech , Veterans , Character , Cause , Beliefs , Issue , Impact , Conversation , Suicide , Front , Cargo Planes , Countries , Mental Health Crisis , Wants , Throwing Barbers , Homes , Military Facilities , Anybody , Erro Down Ers Path , Nobody , Ukraine , Spine , Russia , Taiwan , Congressman , Police Officers , Right , Afghans , The End , 346 , Officers , Highs , Fraternal Order Of Police , Style , 2020 , 2021 , 63 , 312 , Act , Officer , Injury , Walmart , Kroger Hiking Price , Retail Giant , Discount , Spots , 14 Bucks , Traffic Accident , Mid December , New Hampshire , Kinsley , Heroic Pooch , Dog , Humans , Accident Site , Pickup , Witnesses , Wreckage , Border Crisis Hitting Arizona Town , Kinsly , Uninjured , Larynx , Curriculum , Social Justice , Human Encounters , Summer , Spike , It Starts , Dream , I Miss You , Traffic , Car Sfx , Safety System , Intuitive Tech , Lexus Nx , Beep , Recording Artist , Elodia , Comcast , Emmanuel , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Possibilities , Increase , Encounters , Other , Surge , Sector , Ccp , Southern Border , Yuma , Arizona , Huma , Douglas Nickels , 2400 , Advocacy , Law Enforcement , Diligence , Community , Policy , Yuma Area , Border Patrol , Border , Airport , Station , Nonprofits , Individuals , Admission , Bye Organization Taxpayer Money Catholic , Interior , Message , Supplies , Incentive , Tickets , Senators , Democratic , Dhs Secretary Level , Engagement , Emergency , Security , Statement , Rate , Senate , Couldn T , Epically , National Guard , Texas , Guard , Policing Authority , Ducey , Cannot , Laws , Processing , Bottleneck , Arrests , Andrew Cuomo , Unaffiliated , Rd , Off The Hook , Up Next , Justice , Fight , Dean , Defenses , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Immune System , Vitamins C , Vo , D , Decompression Zone , Zinc , Windshield , Singers , Technology , Music Vo , Service , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Size , Master , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Price , Singlecare , Insurance , Meds , Copay , Singlecare The Musical , Blow , Accusation , Crushing , Investigation , Lawyer , Few , Nursing Home Mandate , Janice Dean , Peter , Norman , Ron Kim , In Laws , Uncle , Beanie , New York State Assemblyman , Mickey , Dee , Nursing Homes , Doing , Covid Victims , Hi , Op Ed , Family Members , Action , 15000 , Scenes , Womb Mow , 13000 , 8000 , Criminal Fraud , Donors , Investigation Didn T , Lawyers , Investigations , Hook , Peak , Goodbye , Hospital Rooms , Absolved , Glass , Wrongdoing , P R , Dads , Nursing Home Rooms , Computers , Family Member , Loved Ones , Zooming , Nurses , Floor , Skyping , April Of 2020 , Didn T , One Of Us , Fax , Probe , Lawmakers , Advance , Charges , Looks , 8 Million , 18 Million , Manhattan D A , Landing , Fish , State Attorney General , Patients , Last , Governor Cuomo , 9000 , Father , Seniors , Hit , Fan , March , Believablably , Count , Nursing Home , Head , Funny , March 25th Order , March 24th , March 25th , 25 , Melissa Derosa , Nursing , Death Order , Inquiry Letter , Department , Doj , Bonus , East Coast , 38 , Inflammation , University , Courses , Burn , Ache , Infuse Critical Race Theory , Eye Drop , Eye Disease , Eye Drops , Xiidra , Eye , Container , Taste Sensation , Vision , Discomfort , Surface , Dry Eye Disease , Eye Irritation , Eye Doctor , Contacts , Dry Eye , Fifteen , There S Industrial Grade , Industrial Grade , Flight , Analytical Software , Walls , Assembly Lines , Threats , Co Pilot , Meet Honeywell Forge , Dentistry Work , Dentistry , Exam , Treatment Plan , Step , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Walk In , Aspen Dental , 800 , Bonuses , Faculty Members , Beacon , University Of Memphis , Ideology , 3000 , Equity , Diversity , Inclusion , Crazy , 500 , Campus , Program , Chapter , Audra , Elizabeth Thornburgh , Turning Point Usa , Faculty , Im , Taxpayer , Professors , Priority , Propaganda , Tuition , Warriors , Spineless , Professor , College Campuses , Audience , Memphis , Exhaust Reform , Range , Thed , Tennessee , 249 , Health Risk , Rankings , Threat , Divide , Voice , Consideration , Personally , Ann Elizabeth , A Wild Snow Storm , Peyton , Emergen C , Nutrients , Blend , Hang On , Emergen C Real Cowboys , Ooo , The Tightness , Tremfya , Adults , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , Skin , Pay , Emerge Tremfyant , Pain U Need , Stinging , 16 , I 95 In Virginia , We Haven T , Gasoline , Tractor Trailers , 72 , 92 , Zero Dollars , 2 49 , 460 , 386 , 61000 , 1074 , 75 , 150 Million , 1 9 Trillion , 28 , , 55 , 99 , 899 , 360 , 200 , 1980 , 1990 , 2019 , 50 , 1 Million , 90 , 180 , 150 , 6 8 , January 14th , February 4th , 1994 , Minus 34 , 12 , 9 , 2023 , 68 , 00 Billion , 100 Billion , 300000 ,

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