Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

and alexandria ocasio-cortez is spotted maskless in florida, desantis is calling out the hypocrisy. >> if i had a dollar for every lockdown politician who decided to escape to florida over the last two years i've been a pretty wealthy man. >> todd: if i had a nickel, effective inflation, if i had a dollar. if i had $10 for every -- you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning. i'm todd, i'm smiling. take a look on your screen, corke is in the house. >> kevin: we are really good friends off camera, as well. pleasure to be with you. i'm in for carley shimkus. today the chicago teachers union vote on returning to remote learning after in-person classes resume during a surge in covid cases, todd. but new york city mayor slapping down the idea of going back to virtual learning. jackie ibanez joins us live with details. >> jackie: 25,000 members of the chicago teachers union will electronically vote if they support making the switch to remote work. the union is gearing up to walk out tomorrow over covid-19 safety concerns. chicago public schools says it is "deeply concerned over the vote issue but insist the buildings were cleaned over the break," and mayor lori lightfoot is bucking the idea and says keeping kids safely in school to learn and thrive is what we should all be focused on. chicago school counselor at park manor elementary where staff is working remotely due to knowa outbreak is calling out lightfoot. listen. >> something has got to give. we are scared. i ask, mayor lightfoot, and her team, which is enough enough? when will you finally join us to work together for the safety of us all? >> jackie: meanwhile, new york city mayor eric adamss the nation's largest school system is staying open. >> the safest place for our children is in a school building. we are going to keep our schools open and ensure our children are safe in a safe environment. >> jackie: former cdc director redfield agrees with adams and warns of the harm of school closures. >> we have to keep the schools open. public health interest of k-12 was to go to face-to-face learning, never in public health interest to go to virtual learning and we've seen a lot of negative consequences. >> jackie: several teachers unions, including connecticut and massachusetts are demanding halt to had november person learning due to the omicron surge. there is conflict twoon educators, politicians and parents. kevin. >> kevin: thank you. keeping schools closed could mean more bad news for president biden. listen. >> president biden: i don't think the teachers unions have public support, not sure how much they had last time around, those being kept closed are the ones the unions are urging to be kept closed. it has awakened to the fact this is politically bad news and you saw that in the remarks over the weekend wanting to keep schools open. good for them for saying that. the atmosphere and sense this whole pandemic has been handled badly by past president and this president hangs over the administration and will continue to. >> todd: the biden administration pointing the finger at american meat packers for skyrocketing prices after months of inaksz on inflation crisis. >> kevin: the white house is swifting moving to implement liberal wish list from last year. mark is live in the nation's capital with all the details. good morning, my friend. >> mark: breakfast costs more these days and rising meat prices may be partially to blame. it is reported beef prices are up 20% in the last year. pork up nearly 17% and chicken close to 10%. the president says he's shocked to learn how much prices have gone up and held a round table with farmers and ranchers on monday. >> president biden: i was sitting in my kitchen yesterday with my wife with her sister and a good friend and she was saying, do you realize it is over $5 for a pound of hamburger meat? $5, compared to less than $4 before the pandemic. >> the white house accused meat suppliers of jacking up prices but north american meat institute says that is not the issue, they are blaming booifd and write press conferences and using taxpayer dollar to establish packing and processing plants will not do anything to address lack of labor at meat and poultry plants and spiking inflation across the economy. lawmakers get back to work, economy and spending are on the back burner, democrats plan to focus on voting rights reforms and threaten to move legislation forward. >> we don't change the rules issue the republicans will block this and our democracy could be at risk and wither in very real ways. >> republicans calling the move desperate and power grab, we expect the white house and more lawmakers to weigh in today. the snow storm that crippled and shut down dc yesterday is over. back to you. >> kevin: you are right. speaking of crippling, i-95 in virginia devastating what is happening there. congressman bobby rush, the only man to beat barack obama in an election will not seem re-election, he will retire after serving in congress for nearly 30 years. represented south side of chicago and the city's southern suburb, he is 24th house democrat to announce intention to not run for re-election, a potential red wave could see republicans taking control of the house and maybe the senate come november. republican congressman jim banks sounding confident his party will in fact rest control of congress come november. >> we are as united and stronger than ever, that is why we will win back the majority by a lot in the mid-term elections. president trump taught us america first agenda is winning agenda for the republican party. republican party made the pivot and we're more yuvented than in my lifetime, laura. republican party is stronger than any time in my lifetime. you will see evidence of that in november on election day. >> kevin: not to be the bearer of bad news or the guy who is that guy at the party. it is important to keep in mind, todd, between now and november, it is eternity, right? number of things can happen along the way, i'm not suggesting republicans won't have a red wave, they have to stay focused if they will make that come to fruition and i point out, too, it is all about getting the people to the polls as long as covid is around and mail-in voting and balloting is major issue in states across the country it is incumbent on republicans to democrats to get their voters to the polls, todd. >> todd: yeah, on the republican side, point well taken. we heard justin wallin say last hour, republicans must focus on the issue, economy number one, everybody focused on their pocket book and inflation. crime. crime is in every state in our country right now. it is so many cities and your backyard and people want to be safe, they got to vote republican. that is the argument republicans have to make, to be safe, vote republican. what is being taught in school, that is huge point for republicans to hang their hat on. they want it in virginia see what happens going forward. republicans need to point to what suggest achievement do you have? you have infrastructure, but then lost on build-back better and note manchin will come around on that, begs question what will happen over course of 11 months and republicans stay disciplined and focused could win in a landslide, kevin. >> kevin: got to be kitchen table issues. you heard justin wallin say it is the economy and critical race theory, you have to get people on record, do you support this and what is being taught at the local level? i think we saw that happen in virginia, played out in interesting way to say nothing of crime, the border, afghanistan and the economy and the cost of living. i don't know about you, i don't drive a lot or drive far, i have noticed how much more it costs to fill up the tank and things like that move the needle politically, todd. >> todd: and on the democratic side, they pivot hard core. we heard chuck schumer talking about pivoting to voting rights and making it a case democracy is at stake. he literally said two things i was going to say in my talking point what democrats were going to do. you have him on tape, republicans will do that, be aware of the red herring going forward, don't let democrats change the rules because they are losing and they want to win in november. with that, it is 11 minutes exactly after the hour. looks like new york disgraced exgovernor andrew cuomo could be let off the hook in multiple investigations. we have details on the events. >> kevin: democratss could be ready to turn on each other over speculation the house speaker nancy pelosi could soon step down from her leadership position next year. the question is, who might take her place? that is more as we continue on "fox and friends first." real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind only pay for what you need. built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> kevin: welcome back. joe biden putting the blame on meat packers and suppliers say they are being crippled by the labor shortage. >> president biden: capitalism without capitalism is exploitation, that is what we're seeing in meat and poultry. businesses have been around for generations. >> kevin: pat lafreda joins us to discuss. if biden is focused on competition is not on gas prices and the labor shortage, will anything change? >> nothing will change. todd, thanks for having me on. nothing will change unless there is competition and competition is there and it thrives, but there is something that our secretary of agriculture has right, we need to e instate country of origin labeling. if the president wants to create competition and wants farmers and growers to get more money there needs to be more demand for domestic product. jen psaki herself mentioned she was surprised american meat producers were allowed to put made in the usa on product that is not from the united states. the cool act was repealed in 2015, when our president was then vice president, so she shouldn't be so surprised at that notion. reinstating that cool act so american consumers can make that decision of spending and will be a few cents per pound more for domestic product, that would solve the problem. wouldn't have to spend a billion dollars and throw it into the american taxpayers when infrastructure of the usda is already there, they just need guidelines of what and how to label something that is made in the usa. it is very simple. >> todd: let's get into the billion dollars and quickly pop up inflation of meat prices. reminder, people know what they are feeling at the grocery store, to have a number perspective. beef up and pork and chicken. people are feeling the heat on chicken, you have seen pivot to thighs and legs away from breast in bigger, more expensive restaurants. you mentioned the plan from joe biden. 100 million to reduce cost of inspection. $100 million to address supply chain. but pat when you talk about the major issue, it is labor shortage. wouldn't money be better spent to train people to work in the meat industry, they can get more product on the shelves and prices go down, no? >> labor and fuel have been the two main reasons meat is up. we all know fuel needs to come down, it is $1 more per gallon higher than 2019. labor is a major problem and with omicron coming back and wiping out a lot of the labor that was there, yes, increasing the amount of labor supply would be a huge help. just throwing money at a problem is not going to solve it. very easily again, making sure that american meat is what we get when we buy something that says made in america, but the meat industry, there is not monopoly there, there is plenty of competition, federal money being put into private industry never works. this is capitalist society and country. that competition is there, but when labeling is not accurate and american consumers know more about the fabric that we wear and where it is from than where our meat is from, that is a problem. that is something the usda is dying to fix, it just means executive order from the white house. >> todd: pat lafrieda, we appreciate your insight into the meat industry. it is top of mind because everything is so expensive. kevin, over to you. >> kevin: good stuff. u.s. troops stationed in middle east facing attacks overnight two years after president trump ordered assassination of soleimani. mandates aren't doing blue cities any favors when it comess to latest wave of covid-19, are you surprised? we'll talk about that after this quick break. don't go away. your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. >> kevin: we're back with a fox news alert. two drones targeting u.s. forces this morning. >> similar attack stopped monday during the baghdad airport as iran vows revenge on the two-year anniverary of soleimani's assassination. >> we have seeb two armed drones shot down in baghdad, the within today armed at an air base that hosts u.s. members, military members and yesterday's drone was down was aimed at bag airport. been two years since the killing of soleimani, through a drone strike, that was ordered by then president donald trump. washington definneded the move arguing soleimani was planning immediate action against u.s. the president says he demands justice for general soleimani add "the aggressor, murderer and main culprit, then president of the united states must be tried and judged under law of retribution and god's ruling must be carried out gaeps him," and reuters says convicted murderers can face execution. comments are directed at trump and mike pompeo who fired back at iran himself, take a listen. >> you have a large state of terror capable saying they will arouse every muslim in the world to martyr president trump and me. something that has never been done before and a security risk. tells you how they think about this administration. >> a cyber attack hacking racing tension in the middle east. hackerss broke into the jerusalem post displaying this photo here. it is the image of a bullet-shaped object firing out of a ring worn on a finger. that ring is allegedly attributed to soleimani, a ring he would routinely wear, the post has said they see this hacking as a direct threat to the country. kevin and todd, back to you. >> kevin: alex hogan, thank you. in the states, blue cities handing down strict vaccine and mask mandates, but are they seeing spikes in covid-19 casess and is it based on science? great question. here is dr. jay bhattacharya, stan ford medical school. and you and talked about this, a lot of people feel passionately about this subject. enough with the mandates, they don't feel this is making the difference to justify it. when you hear about mandates in larger cities, is it working? what is your take? >> dr. bhattacharya: mandates have put many people in a tough spot. people got covid and recovered and are well protected against getting covid and spreading it being forced to decide whether they want a vaccine or not. i generally recommend the vaccine, but i can understand people that don't want it in that situation and the vaccine mandates force them to make decision, a lot of people left their jobs as result, been forced out of jobs as a result. it made staffing shortages and hasn't stopped the disease from spreading. you can see from the vast number of cases in heavily vaccinated places. vaccine is great protecting against severe disease, not good against stopping disease from spreading. >> kevin: let me share for the folks at home. this is just the blue cities facing covid surges, daily average cases. look at new york city. 39,000 plus. great city of los angeles, more than 19,000 and chicago more broadly cooke county topping 10,000, talking about daily average cases. it is incredible, we want this to be over, but i continuing is fair to say, doctor, you can have mandates until the cows come home and may not stop the spread of this particular virus or variants, is that fair to say? >> dr. bhattacharya: it is fair. the vaccine does not stop the spread of disease, we hoped it might, but it doesn't. a lot of people have opinion sold the idea we need to force everyone to be vaccinated, that is not how it works. vaccines don't have that property like other vaccines, this vaccine is great to protect people against severe disease. someone doesn't want the vaccine, to force them to get it, it will not protect other people if you force somebody to get the vaccine. even if you are vaccinated, you can get and spread the disease. the reason cases are going up, it is covid season, it is seasonal, certain regions, it is covid time. it is like flu season, in some sense. it is here to stay. fortunately, this is a much milder variant, omicron, you have cases, not producing the same number of hospitalizations and deaths it ld ld have. we should be focused on protecting the vulnerable who face some higher risk from bad outcome of the disease, not try to do the impossible. protecting people from getting the disease, don't have the technology to do that. >> kevin: there are so many questions that i think the audience would have and i would love to get you to weigh in on. we'll have you back, dr. jay. dr. jay, dr. jay mohammed bilal bhatti from stanford. beware of the tree. >> todd: president biden getting back to work as his party looks for any victory to run on. joe concha did not have to brave a snowstorm to get to his at-home studio and he joins us next. welcome to the next level. this is the all-new lexus nx. with intuitive tech... (car sfx: beep beep) (car sfx: watch for traffic) ...and our most advanced safety system—ever. ♪♪ >> kevin: 36 after the hour. democratss preparing for a fight after reporting nancy pelosi will step down next year. if left holdss on the house, the chair jeffries is favorite to lead the party. lawmakers agree that the first female house speaker successor should be equally as historic, jeffri es would be the first black speaker. moderates are pushing for a leader who could pull the party together. squad members are reportedly not too focused on the changing of the guard. we'll watch carefully about that. >> todd: intrigue there, thank you. take a look at this shot, blizzard-like conditions for president biden and his approval ratings. he faces stalled agenda. joe concha joins us with more. joe, which of the myriad of issues facing you in 2022 is your biggest landmine? >> joe: right now, i never thought i would say this a year ago, it is covid, todd. this is something, the administration said they didn't see coming with this particular variant. it is so damaging for the president and his team, team that was supposed to be comprised of the adults in the roo experienced adults. it is pathetic. you have the president on the beach, while on vacation, wearing a mask while the first lady is not. there is not a person within 500 feet of them. you have dr. anthony fauci saying before people and isolation period, there is massive shortage of tests. some doctors say pcr tests can return after infection. on inflation, if you go to the economy, it is not transitory, it is here to stay, it will get worse before it gets better. build back better is dead. it is a mess. democratics have no bumper sticker to run on, one or two things to point to. they can't run on covid, economy, fighting crime, border, foreign policy. these are the adults in charge cht the american people are poised to make a change at this point and maybe a possible call to the bullpen on the president in 2024 as far as primary challenger. >> todd: crap-tastic is really a word, it is there. look at the numbers, the numbers bare it out. it is important to keep in mind, the numbers, this is really a poll that was taken well before all the testing issues really hit the floor. still aren't good for joe biden. whopping 50% disapprove, on economy 53% disapprove. so with that said, it seems like all this white house does is double down on failed policies. why? why haven't they done anything to change these numbers, joe? >> joe: because they haven't changed the people in charge, not talking about the president himself. he can't take himself out of the balm game. but the people advising him, chief of staff, press secretary, in terms of what we're doing and what the message is, those folks are still there. until you make changes issue the message is the same. we really have to pass build back better and spend thrillions because that will lower inflation and deficit which will not happen in terms of crime, maybe have the psident do a big speech flanked by police officers and police unions and saying this will not stand anymore and you don't see it. as you said, they keep doubling down, hoping things will change, conditions will change. it ain't going to happen and we are looking at a red tsunami in november, even democrats will tell you, we are in big, big trouble. >> todd: seems like chief of staff was in lego movie singing the song "everything is awesome," when everything is not awesome in the country or the white house. joe concha, you said crap-tastic, i brought in lego. >> joe: free the tree. free the tree. >> kevin: fantastic, i love it. senior meetsrologist, janice dean is here with the weather forecast, we love you and forgive you for yesterday, you rock. >> who is that guy next to you? todd? >> todd: bill, my name is bill. >> i said on social media yesterday, i was distracted by kevin corke, and i forgot todd's name. i will never forget your name ever again. >> kevin: it is understandable to be distracted by kevin corke, he is a beautiful man. >> kevin: stop it. >> true. social media does agree, by the way. take a look at snow totals. boy, they got a wol op yesterday. one of the biggest snowstorms in year. over 15 inches in parts of maryland and virginia, look at parts of new jersey, over a foot of snow. this was a very quick moving system, but it brought quite a few impacts to the dc area and mid-atlantic. the storm is offshore, that is good news, but cold air is in place and another surge coming from canada over the next couple days. if the cold air is in place, any moisture in the areas will be a snow event and that is happening across the upper midwest and the grace lakes where we have our clipper system developing and that will bring several inches of snow to the area that has seen several storms this season and in that cold air, coldest of the season with temperatures below freezing, minus 38 in bismarck over the next 24 hours, minus 32 in duluth, windchill forecast, with wind and that cold air will sink to the gulf coast over the next couple days. we'll watch the northeast, some cold air will move to this region, meaning if we get storm systems over the next couple days that will be snow event, that is a tease, we will keep you posted. we could have a snow storm this week. todd, kevin, back to you. >> kevin: love a good weather tease. thank you janice dean. we appreciate it. time is 43 minutes after the hour. is he a buc or not a buc? new turn of events after antonio brown's mid-game dedressing in the game. chuck has more on that next. -dr the game. chuck has more on that next. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. with the new personalpoints program, i answer questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. join today for 50% off at hurry, offer ends january 10th. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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defying the school district and mayor forcing students to go virtual. one parent says teachers are facing the burden on parents, not fair to kids. congressman dan crenshaw and dr. marc sieshg gel and jim gray and on john madden. i'll toss back to two men. gel a and on john madden. i'll toss back to two men. gel a on john madden. i'll toss back to two men. egel d on john madden. i'll toss back to two men. >> kevin: thank you. looking forward to it. accurate. biden administration pointing the finger at meat packers on the inflation crisis, todd. >> todd: bring in cheryl casone from fox business joining us live with details. >> cheryl: happy to join the guys this morning. the white house is unveiling one billion in federal funding to target meat packing companies 6789 they are accusing the companies of price fixing. pat lafrieda reacted to the allegations earlier. >> reinstating that cool act so american consumers can make the decision of spending and will be a few cents per pound more per domestic product. we wouldn't have to spend a bellion dollars when infrastructure is already there. >> cheryl: biden plan aims to expand processing plants, other measures, money coming from the american rescue plan. they want to give farmers more options against the glomerates. it is a labor shortage and energy prices and everything else affecting the companies. they will spend a billion dollars for a problem they can't prove frankly exists. >> kevin: crazy amount of money when you get down to it. let me ask you about a case in silicon valley. what can you tell us about elizabeth holmes? >> cheryl: found guilty yesterday after the seventh day. three charges of fraud, accused of misleading investors about blood testing technology. each count carries maximum sentence of 20 years. >> todd: and another twist in the antonio brown saga. >> cheryl: strange. despite sunday's odd outburst. antonio brown is still listed on the roster. on sunday bruce arians said brown was no longer a buc only to walk back the decision on monday. the nfl will likely be disciplining brown, investigating this. this story is going to continue. we'll wait for news on this one today. in the meantime, joip me tonight on "american dream home" heading to gulf breeze florida and lake arrowhead, california. tonight 8 p.m. eastern time, part of the new prime lineup on the business side. >> kevin: bruce arians won't kick you off that team, we won't let him. looking forward to tonight. thank you. aoc, quick to clap back at republicans calling her a hypocrite for partying maskless in florida. now it is the governor getting the last laugh. >> todd: yes indeed, tomi lahren will break it all down, that is coming up. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. hi. i'm shannon storms bador. when we started selling my health products online our shipping process was painfully slow. then we found shipstation. now we're shipping out orders 5 times faster and thanks to shipstation's discounted rates we're saving a ton. honestly, we couldn't do it without shipstation join over 100,000 online sellers . >> todd: congresswoman ocasio-cortez hitting back at democrats for calling her hypocrite for being maskless in miami. ron desantis is getting the last word. >> when you have people like that congresswoman who rip florida because we are open who say you need lockdown policies and then the first chance they get, they come running down to my state, if i had a dollar for every lockdown politician that's done that over the last two years i would be awfully wealthy right now. >> todd: tomi lahren fox nation host listen, come on, this is too easy. you look at this story line. i'm kind of waiting for the wind up. i will throw it out there very softly and let you knock it out of the park. >> well, listen, aoc loves florida and there are few people that love freedom more than those who spend their time trying to hamper it for others. ron desantis is exactly right. there are so many liberals that not only want to vacation in free states like florida but fleeing and moving to free states like florida. the numbers don't lie. the best part of this whole thing here aoc claims if we criticize her for her blatant hypocrisy it must mean we want to date her. i can tell you this i certainly do not want to date aoc and i have a feeling that governor ron desantis doesn't want to dated aoc either. we don't even mind if she comes to great states like florida or even here in tennessee we would appreciate if she would advocate for freedom in her home state and district because i believe freedom is best for all of us. maybe take a little bit of that florida sunshine and freedom on home with her to her district and maybe on to washington, d.c. >> todd: i love the fact that kevin and i have the same question he was basically go. go tomi. what is a response like that from aoc tell you about the kind of person we are dealing with when you are getting in a political discussion and they say you are just like that because you want to date me. that just seems bizarre to me, tomi. >> it is also quite odd statement for someone who is a self-proclaimed feminist to make it if you criticize her you must want to date her. opposite of owe quality and not sexualizing women. maybe i don't understand modern day family nesm. that could be the case. it's very hard to understand these days. these leaders like aoc and others are projecting and gaslighting they know they have been caught. instead of owning up to it and taking accountability they want to deflect and make some bizarre statement about how we feel about them. listen, i think she is a hypocrite. i think she is a beautiful lady. i certainly don't want to dated her though. >> kevin: 30 seconds left for us, tomi. i want you to weigh in on the governor cuomo circumstance. he has been cleared, essentially of causing 15,000 or more deaths in the state of new york. in the time we have left. they are not going to pursue him. what do you think? >> the nursing home grim reaper, i can't imagine how devastating this is for family members who lost loved ones. it's great to be a liberal with friends in my places we call that liberal privilege. an attempt to safeguard other governors who did of the same thing with their nursing home debacles. he is getting away with this one. i have a feeling though the democrats at some point are going to hold up to it but i'm not going to hold my breath. >> todd: nobody hits a time cue like one tomi lahren. she nails it every time. watch "final thoughts with tomi lahren" only on fox nation. we love tomi tuesdays. we appreciate you being here our friend. happy new year to you. >> happy new year. thank you, guys. >> todd: with that mr. corc, one more day of the man show. looking forward to tomorrow. can't waited for it with that, "fox & friends" starts right now. being >> the biden administration not mincing its words when it comes. >> capitalism without competition isn't capitalism exploitation. >> fda issuing pfizer booster shots. >> the faferred knew that the experts had concerns so they decided to not convene them and circumvent them all together. this is unprecedented. >> the chicago's teachers union will vote on returning to remote learning. as a parent, i'm sick of it. this is just a failure for the future of

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Brand , Qunol , Joe Biden , Todd , Beef , January 4th , 4 , Tuesday January 4th , Kevin Corke , Meat Industry , Election , Cycle , Dollar , Politician , Ron Desantis , Florida , Lockdown , Hypocrisy , Maskless , Ocasio Cortez , Alexandria , Inflation , Man , Nickel , Two , House , Look , Fox And Friends First , Screen , Corke , Tuesday Morning , 10 , 0 , Vote , Learning , Surge , Friends , Chicago Teachers Union , Pleasure , In Covid , Camera , Classes , Carley Shimkus , Members , Details , Cases , Mayor , Jackie Ibanez , Idea , New York City , Slapping , 25000 , Issue , Chicago Public Schools , Work , Union , Safety Concerns , Switch , 19 , School , Lori Lightfoot , Kids , Break , Chicago School Counselor At Park Manor Elementary , On , Thrive , Buildings , Something , Staff , Outbreak , Knowa , Team , Nation , Wall , Eric Adamss , Safety , School System , Schools , Place , Children , School Building , Safe , Redfield , Adams , Environment , School Closures , Harm , Cdc , Lot , Interest , Public Health Interest , Consequences , Public Health , K 12 , 12 , Parents , Unions , Politicians , Keeping Schools , Halt , Omicron Surge , Connecticut , November Person Learning Due , Massachusetts , Conflict Twoon , Teachers Unions , Support , Bad News , Being , Fact , News , Weekend , Remarks , Ones , Administration , President , Pandemic , Atmosphere , Prices , White House , Finger , Meat Packers , American , Wish List , Swifting , Inaksz On Inflation Crisis , Friend , Meat Prices , Capital , Mark , Chicken , Pork , Beef Prices , 20 , 17 , Farmers , Wife , Round Table , Kitchen , Ranchers , Sister , Meat Suppliers , Pound , Hamburger Meat , Saying , , 5 , Taxpayer Dollar , Press Conferences , Packing , Processing , North American Meat Institute , Booifd , Economy , Meat , Lawmakers , Plants , Anything , Democrats , Spending , Poultry , Labor , Lack , Back Burner , Voting Rights Reforms , Republicans , Risk , Democracy , Rules , Legislation , Ways , Snow , Down Dc Yesterday , Power Grab , I 95 In Virginia , 95 , Bobby Rush , Re Election , Congress , Barack Obama , 30 , Chicago , Intention , City , 24th House , South Side , Red Wave , Southern Suburb , 24 , Party , Jim Gray , Control , Banks , Senate , Agenda , Elections , Majority , America First Agenda , Pivot , Lifetime , Evidence , Yuvented , Bearer , Election Day , Laura , Guy , Mind , Number , Way , Things , Eternity , People , Run On Covid , Voting , Polls , Fruition , Balloting , Country , States , Side , Voters , Crime , State , Everybody , Number One , Pocket Book , Justin Wallin , One , Point , Cities , Backyard , Argument , Infrastructure , Achievement , Virginia , Hat , Question , Landslide , Course , Note Manchin , 11 , Record , Level , Kitchen Table Issues , Race Theory , Nothing , It Costs , The Cost Of Living , The Border , Afghanistan , Chuck Schumer , Tank , Needle , About Pivoting To Voting Rights , Hard Core , Case , Talking Point , Stake , Tape , Don T , Forward , Looks , Red Herring , Events , Nancy Pelosi , Democratss , Investigations , Each Other , Speculation , Hook , Andrew Cuomo , Exgovernor , Leadership , Cowboys , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Someone , Pay , Liberty , Turn , Hang On , Ooo , Tex , Cost , Family , Xfinity , Security , Pause Wifi , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Thing , Family Safe Browsing , Wireless , 5g , Network , Sweet , Big Deal , Bucks , 30 Bucks , Internet , Save , Store , Switch Squad , Hundreds , Savings , Suppliers , Blame , Labor Shortage , Capitalism Without Is Exploitation , Businesses , Generations , Pat Lafreda , Competition , Thanks , Gas Prices , Country Of Origin Labeling , Secretary Of Agriculture , Money , Product , Growers , Demand , Jen Psaki , Meat Producers , Cool Act , Made In The Usa , 2015 , Consumers , Decision , Vice President , Shouldn T , Notion , Problem , Taxpayers , Usda , Wouldn T , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , Guidelines , Feeling , Grocery Store , Perspective , Reminder , Heat , Plan , Breast , Restaurants , Thighs , Legs , 100 Million , Supply Chain , Inspection , 00 Million , Fuel , Reasons , Shelves , Wouldn T Money , Omicron , Wiping , 2019 , 1 , Amount , Labor Supply , Help , Yes , Society , Industry , Monopoly , Labeling , Fabric , Everything , Executive Order , Insight , Pat Lafrieda , Donald Trump , Attacks , Assassination , Stuff , Troops , Middle East , Soleimani , It , Aren T , Wave , Don T Go Away , Bipolar , Lows , Highs , Kindness , Strength , Adults , Ask , Symptoms , Take Control , Medicines , Episodes , Depressive , Relief , Vraylar , Manic , Death , Doctor , Changes , Muscles , Thoughts , Confusion , Psychosis , Stroke , Behavior , Antidepressants , Reaction , Fever , Patients , Issues , Side Effects , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Restlessness , Weight Gain , Coma , High Blood Sugar , Sleepiness , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Fox News Alert , Drones , Attack , Anniverary , Baghdad Airport , Iran , Air Base , Drone , Killing , Bag Airport , Washington D C , Drone Strike , Action , The Move , Definneded , The Aggressor , President Of The United States , Justice , Ruling , Murderer , Add , Retribution , Law , Gaeps Him , God , Murderers , Execution , Reuters , Mike Pompeo , Listen , Trump , World , Comments , Terror , Muslim , Martyr , Security Risk , Cyber Attack Hacking Racing Tension , Hackerss , Ring , Image , Photo , Object Firing , Wear , Jerusalem Post , Vaccine , Back To You , Has , Hacking , Post , Threat , Alex Hogan , Dr , Mask Mandates , Stan Ford Medical School , Covid 19 Casess , Science , Jay Bhattacharya , Spikes , Mandates , Difference , Subject , Take , Spot , Vaccine Mandates , Situation , Disease , Hasn T , Result , Jobs , Staffing Shortages , Home , Folks , Places , Protecting , Cooke County , City 39000 Plus , City Of Los Angeles , Covid Surges , Topping , 10000 , 39000 , 19000 , Spread , Cows , Virus , Doesn T , Variants , Fair , Opinion , Vaccines , Everyone , Property , Somebody , Season , Regions , Flu Season , Reason , Sense , Deaths , Variant , Hospitalizations , Outcome , Vulnerable , Ld , Questions , Technology , Audience , Jay , Tree , Mohammed Bilal Bhatti , Stanford , Joe Concha , Snowstorm , Studio , Victory , Next , Car Sfx , Traffic , Lexus Nx , Intuitive Tech , Beep , Safety System , On The House , Favorite , Reporting , Fight , Left Holdss , Chair Jeffries , 36 , House Speaker , Successor , Historic , First Black Speaker , Jeffri Es , Leader , Squad Members , Moderates , The Changing Of Guard , Conditions , Intrigue , Shot , Approval Ratings , Landmine , Myriad , More , 2022 , On The Beach , Vacation , Roo , Person , The Game , Mask , First Lady , Feet , Anthony Fauci , 500 , Tests , Shortage , Infection , Doctors , Mess , Democratics , Border , Bumper Sticker , Crap Tastic , Bullpen , Call , Change , Challenger , 2024 , Word , Numbers , Poll , Testing , Disapprove , Floor , Still Aren T Good , 53 , 50 , Policies , Haven T , Charge , Message , Chief Of Staff , Terms , Same , Balm Game , Press Secretary , Police , Build , Speech , Thrillions , Deficit , Police Officers , Psident , Down , It Ain T , Tsunami , Big Trouble , Everything Is Awesome , Lego Movie Singing The Song , Janice Dean , Senior Meetsrologist , Lego , Bill , Weather Forecast , Social Media , My Name , Name , Snow Totals , Boy , Stop It , True , Wol Op Yesterday , Snowstorms , Foot , New Jersey , Maryland , 15 , Air , Storm , System , Impacts , Mid Atlantic , Dc Area , Canada , Snow Event , Area , Lakes , Clipper System , Areas , Moisture , Upper Midwest , Storms , Temperatures , Windchill Forecast , In Duluth , Bismarck , Minus 32 , Minus 38 , Wind , Storm Systems , Region , Northeast , Gulf Coast , Snow Storm , Tease , Weather Tease , Buc , Antonio Brown , Mid Game Dedressing , 43 , Game , Foods , Goals , Personalpoints Program , Ww Personalpoints Plan , Ww Com , 26 , Limu , Whistles , Isn T , Insurance , Doug , Hurry , Limu Emu , Sec , January 10th , Vulture Squawks , Grandfather , Registration Card , Connection , Ancestry , Documents , Draft , Uh , Signature , Memory , Legacy , World War Two , Handful , Kidding , Moving , Movers , Offers , Services , Address , Yep , Xfinity Com Moving , Recording , Elodia , Students , Recording Artist , Comcast , Millions , Projectup , 10 Million , Billion , 1 Billion , Tools , Possibilities , Mid Term , Countdown , Warning , 13 , Wing , Parent , School District , Teachers , Burden , Congressman Dan Crenshaw , Men , John Madden , Gel , Gel A , Marc Sieshg , Inflation Crisis , Accurate , Egel D , Guys , Cheryl , Meat Packing Companies , Funding , Fox Business , Cheryl Casone , One Billion , Companies , Price Fixing , Allegations , 6789 , Biden Plan , Processing Plants , Measures , Rescue Plan , Options , Glomerates , Energy , Silicon Valley , Holmes , Count , Charges , Investors , Fraud , Sentence , Blood Testing Technology , Three , Strange , Twist , Roster , Odd Outburst , Sunday , Antonio Brown Saga , Story , Bruce Arians , Disciplining Brown , Nfl , Joip Me Tonight On , Eastern Time , Lineup , American Dream Home , California , Lake Arrowhead , Gulf Breeze , 8 , Aoc , Won T , The Business Side , Hypocrite , Governor , Tomi Lahren , Laugh , Partying Maskless , Hello , Cooking , Heart , Obsessed , Idaho Potatoes , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Health Products , Shipping Process , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Storms Bador , Times , Shipping , Shipstation , Ton , Rates , Sellers , 100000 , Congresswoman , Who , Miami , Congresswoman Ocasio Cortez Hitting , Chance , Lockdown Policies , Wealthy , Story Line , Waiting , Tomi Lahren Fox Nation Host Listen , The Park , Liberals , Others , Love , Part , Claims , Don T Lie , Freedom , District , Tennessee , Bit , Response , Kind , Tomi , Discussion , Go Tomi , Feminist , Statement , Women , Opposite , Nesm , Gaslighting , Accountability , Leaders , Lady , Essentially , Cuomo Circumstance , 15000 , Nursing Home , Grim Reaper , Governors , Family Members , Liberal , Privilege , Attempt , Nursing Home Debacles , Loved Ones , Breath , Cue , Mr , Man Show , One More Day , Fox Nation , Tomi Tuesdays , Corc , Can T , Fox Friends , Words , Experts , Faferred , Booster Shots , Concerns , Capitalism Without Competition Isn T Exploitation , Pfizer , Fda , Failure ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

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and alexandria ocasio-cortez is spotted maskless in florida, desantis is calling out the hypocrisy. >> if i had a dollar for every lockdown politician who decided to escape to florida over the last two years i've been a pretty wealthy man. >> todd: if i had a nickel, effective inflation, if i had a dollar. if i had $10 for every -- you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning. i'm todd, i'm smiling. take a look on your screen, corke is in the house. >> kevin: we are really good friends off camera, as well. pleasure to be with you. i'm in for carley shimkus. today the chicago teachers union vote on returning to remote learning after in-person classes resume during a surge in covid cases, todd. but new york city mayor slapping down the idea of going back to virtual learning. jackie ibanez joins us live with details. >> jackie: 25,000 members of the chicago teachers union will electronically vote if they support making the switch to remote work. the union is gearing up to walk out tomorrow over covid-19 safety concerns. chicago public schools says it is "deeply concerned over the vote issue but insist the buildings were cleaned over the break," and mayor lori lightfoot is bucking the idea and says keeping kids safely in school to learn and thrive is what we should all be focused on. chicago school counselor at park manor elementary where staff is working remotely due to knowa outbreak is calling out lightfoot. listen. >> something has got to give. we are scared. i ask, mayor lightfoot, and her team, which is enough enough? when will you finally join us to work together for the safety of us all? >> jackie: meanwhile, new york city mayor eric adamss the nation's largest school system is staying open. >> the safest place for our children is in a school building. we are going to keep our schools open and ensure our children are safe in a safe environment. >> jackie: former cdc director redfield agrees with adams and warns of the harm of school closures. >> we have to keep the schools open. public health interest of k-12 was to go to face-to-face learning, never in public health interest to go to virtual learning and we've seen a lot of negative consequences. >> jackie: several teachers unions, including connecticut and massachusetts are demanding halt to had november person learning due to the omicron surge. there is conflict twoon educators, politicians and parents. kevin. >> kevin: thank you. keeping schools closed could mean more bad news for president biden. listen. >> president biden: i don't think the teachers unions have public support, not sure how much they had last time around, those being kept closed are the ones the unions are urging to be kept closed. it has awakened to the fact this is politically bad news and you saw that in the remarks over the weekend wanting to keep schools open. good for them for saying that. the atmosphere and sense this whole pandemic has been handled badly by past president and this president hangs over the administration and will continue to. >> todd: the biden administration pointing the finger at american meat packers for skyrocketing prices after months of inaksz on inflation crisis. >> kevin: the white house is swifting moving to implement liberal wish list from last year. mark is live in the nation's capital with all the details. good morning, my friend. >> mark: breakfast costs more these days and rising meat prices may be partially to blame. it is reported beef prices are up 20% in the last year. pork up nearly 17% and chicken close to 10%. the president says he's shocked to learn how much prices have gone up and held a round table with farmers and ranchers on monday. >> president biden: i was sitting in my kitchen yesterday with my wife with her sister and a good friend and she was saying, do you realize it is over $5 for a pound of hamburger meat? $5, compared to less than $4 before the pandemic. >> the white house accused meat suppliers of jacking up prices but north american meat institute says that is not the issue, they are blaming booifd and write press conferences and using taxpayer dollar to establish packing and processing plants will not do anything to address lack of labor at meat and poultry plants and spiking inflation across the economy. lawmakers get back to work, economy and spending are on the back burner, democrats plan to focus on voting rights reforms and threaten to move legislation forward. >> we don't change the rules issue the republicans will block this and our democracy could be at risk and wither in very real ways. >> republicans calling the move desperate and power grab, we expect the white house and more lawmakers to weigh in today. the snow storm that crippled and shut down dc yesterday is over. back to you. >> kevin: you are right. speaking of crippling, i-95 in virginia devastating what is happening there. congressman bobby rush, the only man to beat barack obama in an election will not seem re-election, he will retire after serving in congress for nearly 30 years. represented south side of chicago and the city's southern suburb, he is 24th house democrat to announce intention to not run for re-election, a potential red wave could see republicans taking control of the house and maybe the senate come november. republican congressman jim banks sounding confident his party will in fact rest control of congress come november. >> we are as united and stronger than ever, that is why we will win back the majority by a lot in the mid-term elections. president trump taught us america first agenda is winning agenda for the republican party. republican party made the pivot and we're more yuvented than in my lifetime, laura. republican party is stronger than any time in my lifetime. you will see evidence of that in november on election day. >> kevin: not to be the bearer of bad news or the guy who is that guy at the party. it is important to keep in mind, todd, between now and november, it is eternity, right? number of things can happen along the way, i'm not suggesting republicans won't have a red wave, they have to stay focused if they will make that come to fruition and i point out, too, it is all about getting the people to the polls as long as covid is around and mail-in voting and balloting is major issue in states across the country it is incumbent on republicans to democrats to get their voters to the polls, todd. >> todd: yeah, on the republican side, point well taken. we heard justin wallin say last hour, republicans must focus on the issue, economy number one, everybody focused on their pocket book and inflation. crime. crime is in every state in our country right now. it is so many cities and your backyard and people want to be safe, they got to vote republican. that is the argument republicans have to make, to be safe, vote republican. what is being taught in school, that is huge point for republicans to hang their hat on. they want it in virginia see what happens going forward. republicans need to point to what suggest achievement do you have? you have infrastructure, but then lost on build-back better and note manchin will come around on that, begs question what will happen over course of 11 months and republicans stay disciplined and focused could win in a landslide, kevin. >> kevin: got to be kitchen table issues. you heard justin wallin say it is the economy and critical race theory, you have to get people on record, do you support this and what is being taught at the local level? i think we saw that happen in virginia, played out in interesting way to say nothing of crime, the border, afghanistan and the economy and the cost of living. i don't know about you, i don't drive a lot or drive far, i have noticed how much more it costs to fill up the tank and things like that move the needle politically, todd. >> todd: and on the democratic side, they pivot hard core. we heard chuck schumer talking about pivoting to voting rights and making it a case democracy is at stake. he literally said two things i was going to say in my talking point what democrats were going to do. you have him on tape, republicans will do that, be aware of the red herring going forward, don't let democrats change the rules because they are losing and they want to win in november. with that, it is 11 minutes exactly after the hour. looks like new york disgraced exgovernor andrew cuomo could be let off the hook in multiple investigations. we have details on the events. >> kevin: democratss could be ready to turn on each other over speculation the house speaker nancy pelosi could soon step down from her leadership position next year. the question is, who might take her place? that is more as we continue on "fox and friends first." real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind only pay for what you need. built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> kevin: welcome back. joe biden putting the blame on meat packers and suppliers say they are being crippled by the labor shortage. >> president biden: capitalism without capitalism is exploitation, that is what we're seeing in meat and poultry. businesses have been around for generations. >> kevin: pat lafreda joins us to discuss. if biden is focused on competition is not on gas prices and the labor shortage, will anything change? >> nothing will change. todd, thanks for having me on. nothing will change unless there is competition and competition is there and it thrives, but there is something that our secretary of agriculture has right, we need to e instate country of origin labeling. if the president wants to create competition and wants farmers and growers to get more money there needs to be more demand for domestic product. jen psaki herself mentioned she was surprised american meat producers were allowed to put made in the usa on product that is not from the united states. the cool act was repealed in 2015, when our president was then vice president, so she shouldn't be so surprised at that notion. reinstating that cool act so american consumers can make that decision of spending and will be a few cents per pound more for domestic product, that would solve the problem. wouldn't have to spend a billion dollars and throw it into the american taxpayers when infrastructure of the usda is already there, they just need guidelines of what and how to label something that is made in the usa. it is very simple. >> todd: let's get into the billion dollars and quickly pop up inflation of meat prices. reminder, people know what they are feeling at the grocery store, to have a number perspective. beef up and pork and chicken. people are feeling the heat on chicken, you have seen pivot to thighs and legs away from breast in bigger, more expensive restaurants. you mentioned the plan from joe biden. 100 million to reduce cost of inspection. $100 million to address supply chain. but pat when you talk about the major issue, it is labor shortage. wouldn't money be better spent to train people to work in the meat industry, they can get more product on the shelves and prices go down, no? >> labor and fuel have been the two main reasons meat is up. we all know fuel needs to come down, it is $1 more per gallon higher than 2019. labor is a major problem and with omicron coming back and wiping out a lot of the labor that was there, yes, increasing the amount of labor supply would be a huge help. just throwing money at a problem is not going to solve it. very easily again, making sure that american meat is what we get when we buy something that says made in america, but the meat industry, there is not monopoly there, there is plenty of competition, federal money being put into private industry never works. this is capitalist society and country. that competition is there, but when labeling is not accurate and american consumers know more about the fabric that we wear and where it is from than where our meat is from, that is a problem. that is something the usda is dying to fix, it just means executive order from the white house. >> todd: pat lafrieda, we appreciate your insight into the meat industry. it is top of mind because everything is so expensive. kevin, over to you. >> kevin: good stuff. u.s. troops stationed in middle east facing attacks overnight two years after president trump ordered assassination of soleimani. mandates aren't doing blue cities any favors when it comess to latest wave of covid-19, are you surprised? we'll talk about that after this quick break. don't go away. your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. side effects may not appear for several weeks. common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. >> kevin: we're back with a fox news alert. two drones targeting u.s. forces this morning. >> similar attack stopped monday during the baghdad airport as iran vows revenge on the two-year anniverary of soleimani's assassination. >> we have seeb two armed drones shot down in baghdad, the within today armed at an air base that hosts u.s. members, military members and yesterday's drone was down was aimed at bag airport. been two years since the killing of soleimani, through a drone strike, that was ordered by then president donald trump. washington definneded the move arguing soleimani was planning immediate action against u.s. the president says he demands justice for general soleimani add "the aggressor, murderer and main culprit, then president of the united states must be tried and judged under law of retribution and god's ruling must be carried out gaeps him," and reuters says convicted murderers can face execution. comments are directed at trump and mike pompeo who fired back at iran himself, take a listen. >> you have a large state of terror capable saying they will arouse every muslim in the world to martyr president trump and me. something that has never been done before and a security risk. tells you how they think about this administration. >> a cyber attack hacking racing tension in the middle east. hackerss broke into the jerusalem post displaying this photo here. it is the image of a bullet-shaped object firing out of a ring worn on a finger. that ring is allegedly attributed to soleimani, a ring he would routinely wear, the post has said they see this hacking as a direct threat to the country. kevin and todd, back to you. >> kevin: alex hogan, thank you. in the states, blue cities handing down strict vaccine and mask mandates, but are they seeing spikes in covid-19 casess and is it based on science? great question. here is dr. jay bhattacharya, stan ford medical school. and you and talked about this, a lot of people feel passionately about this subject. enough with the mandates, they don't feel this is making the difference to justify it. when you hear about mandates in larger cities, is it working? what is your take? >> dr. bhattacharya: mandates have put many people in a tough spot. people got covid and recovered and are well protected against getting covid and spreading it being forced to decide whether they want a vaccine or not. i generally recommend the vaccine, but i can understand people that don't want it in that situation and the vaccine mandates force them to make decision, a lot of people left their jobs as result, been forced out of jobs as a result. it made staffing shortages and hasn't stopped the disease from spreading. you can see from the vast number of cases in heavily vaccinated places. vaccine is great protecting against severe disease, not good against stopping disease from spreading. >> kevin: let me share for the folks at home. this is just the blue cities facing covid surges, daily average cases. look at new york city. 39,000 plus. great city of los angeles, more than 19,000 and chicago more broadly cooke county topping 10,000, talking about daily average cases. it is incredible, we want this to be over, but i continuing is fair to say, doctor, you can have mandates until the cows come home and may not stop the spread of this particular virus or variants, is that fair to say? >> dr. bhattacharya: it is fair. the vaccine does not stop the spread of disease, we hoped it might, but it doesn't. a lot of people have opinion sold the idea we need to force everyone to be vaccinated, that is not how it works. vaccines don't have that property like other vaccines, this vaccine is great to protect people against severe disease. someone doesn't want the vaccine, to force them to get it, it will not protect other people if you force somebody to get the vaccine. even if you are vaccinated, you can get and spread the disease. the reason cases are going up, it is covid season, it is seasonal, certain regions, it is covid time. it is like flu season, in some sense. it is here to stay. fortunately, this is a much milder variant, omicron, you have cases, not producing the same number of hospitalizations and deaths it ld ld have. we should be focused on protecting the vulnerable who face some higher risk from bad outcome of the disease, not try to do the impossible. protecting people from getting the disease, don't have the technology to do that. >> kevin: there are so many questions that i think the audience would have and i would love to get you to weigh in on. we'll have you back, dr. jay. dr. jay, dr. jay mohammed bilal bhatti from stanford. beware of the tree. >> todd: president biden getting back to work as his party looks for any victory to run on. joe concha did not have to brave a snowstorm to get to his at-home studio and he joins us next. welcome to the next level. this is the all-new lexus nx. with intuitive tech... (car sfx: beep beep) (car sfx: watch for traffic) ...and our most advanced safety system—ever. ♪♪ >> kevin: 36 after the hour. democratss preparing for a fight after reporting nancy pelosi will step down next year. if left holdss on the house, the chair jeffries is favorite to lead the party. lawmakers agree that the first female house speaker successor should be equally as historic, jeffri es would be the first black speaker. moderates are pushing for a leader who could pull the party together. squad members are reportedly not too focused on the changing of the guard. we'll watch carefully about that. >> todd: intrigue there, thank you. take a look at this shot, blizzard-like conditions for president biden and his approval ratings. he faces stalled agenda. joe concha joins us with more. joe, which of the myriad of issues facing you in 2022 is your biggest landmine? >> joe: right now, i never thought i would say this a year ago, it is covid, todd. this is something, the administration said they didn't see coming with this particular variant. it is so damaging for the president and his team, team that was supposed to be comprised of the adults in the roo experienced adults. it is pathetic. you have the president on the beach, while on vacation, wearing a mask while the first lady is not. there is not a person within 500 feet of them. you have dr. anthony fauci saying before people and isolation period, there is massive shortage of tests. some doctors say pcr tests can return after infection. on inflation, if you go to the economy, it is not transitory, it is here to stay, it will get worse before it gets better. build back better is dead. it is a mess. democratics have no bumper sticker to run on, one or two things to point to. they can't run on covid, economy, fighting crime, border, foreign policy. these are the adults in charge cht the american people are poised to make a change at this point and maybe a possible call to the bullpen on the president in 2024 as far as primary challenger. >> todd: crap-tastic is really a word, it is there. look at the numbers, the numbers bare it out. it is important to keep in mind, the numbers, this is really a poll that was taken well before all the testing issues really hit the floor. still aren't good for joe biden. whopping 50% disapprove, on economy 53% disapprove. so with that said, it seems like all this white house does is double down on failed policies. why? why haven't they done anything to change these numbers, joe? >> joe: because they haven't changed the people in charge, not talking about the president himself. he can't take himself out of the balm game. but the people advising him, chief of staff, press secretary, in terms of what we're doing and what the message is, those folks are still there. until you make changes issue the message is the same. we really have to pass build back better and spend thrillions because that will lower inflation and deficit which will not happen in terms of crime, maybe have the psident do a big speech flanked by police officers and police unions and saying this will not stand anymore and you don't see it. as you said, they keep doubling down, hoping things will change, conditions will change. it ain't going to happen and we are looking at a red tsunami in november, even democrats will tell you, we are in big, big trouble. >> todd: seems like chief of staff was in lego movie singing the song "everything is awesome," when everything is not awesome in the country or the white house. joe concha, you said crap-tastic, i brought in lego. >> joe: free the tree. free the tree. >> kevin: fantastic, i love it. senior meetsrologist, janice dean is here with the weather forecast, we love you and forgive you for yesterday, you rock. >> who is that guy next to you? todd? >> todd: bill, my name is bill. >> i said on social media yesterday, i was distracted by kevin corke, and i forgot todd's name. i will never forget your name ever again. >> kevin: it is understandable to be distracted by kevin corke, he is a beautiful man. >> kevin: stop it. >> true. social media does agree, by the way. take a look at snow totals. boy, they got a wol op yesterday. one of the biggest snowstorms in year. over 15 inches in parts of maryland and virginia, look at parts of new jersey, over a foot of snow. this was a very quick moving system, but it brought quite a few impacts to the dc area and mid-atlantic. the storm is offshore, that is good news, but cold air is in place and another surge coming from canada over the next couple days. if the cold air is in place, any moisture in the areas will be a snow event and that is happening across the upper midwest and the grace lakes where we have our clipper system developing and that will bring several inches of snow to the area that has seen several storms this season and in that cold air, coldest of the season with temperatures below freezing, minus 38 in bismarck over the next 24 hours, minus 32 in duluth, windchill forecast, with wind and that cold air will sink to the gulf coast over the next couple days. we'll watch the northeast, some cold air will move to this region, meaning if we get storm systems over the next couple days that will be snow event, that is a tease, we will keep you posted. we could have a snow storm this week. todd, kevin, back to you. >> kevin: love a good weather tease. thank you janice dean. we appreciate it. time is 43 minutes after the hour. is he a buc or not a buc? new turn of events after antonio brown's mid-game dedressing in the game. chuck has more on that next. -dr the game. chuck has more on that next. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. with the new personalpoints program, i answer questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. join today for 50% off at hurry, offer ends january 10th. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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defying the school district and mayor forcing students to go virtual. one parent says teachers are facing the burden on parents, not fair to kids. congressman dan crenshaw and dr. marc sieshg gel and jim gray and on john madden. i'll toss back to two men. gel a and on john madden. i'll toss back to two men. gel a on john madden. i'll toss back to two men. egel d on john madden. i'll toss back to two men. >> kevin: thank you. looking forward to it. accurate. biden administration pointing the finger at meat packers on the inflation crisis, todd. >> todd: bring in cheryl casone from fox business joining us live with details. >> cheryl: happy to join the guys this morning. the white house is unveiling one billion in federal funding to target meat packing companies 6789 they are accusing the companies of price fixing. pat lafrieda reacted to the allegations earlier. >> reinstating that cool act so american consumers can make the decision of spending and will be a few cents per pound more per domestic product. we wouldn't have to spend a bellion dollars when infrastructure is already there. >> cheryl: biden plan aims to expand processing plants, other measures, money coming from the american rescue plan. they want to give farmers more options against the glomerates. it is a labor shortage and energy prices and everything else affecting the companies. they will spend a billion dollars for a problem they can't prove frankly exists. >> kevin: crazy amount of money when you get down to it. let me ask you about a case in silicon valley. what can you tell us about elizabeth holmes? >> cheryl: found guilty yesterday after the seventh day. three charges of fraud, accused of misleading investors about blood testing technology. each count carries maximum sentence of 20 years. >> todd: and another twist in the antonio brown saga. >> cheryl: strange. despite sunday's odd outburst. antonio brown is still listed on the roster. on sunday bruce arians said brown was no longer a buc only to walk back the decision on monday. the nfl will likely be disciplining brown, investigating this. this story is going to continue. we'll wait for news on this one today. in the meantime, joip me tonight on "american dream home" heading to gulf breeze florida and lake arrowhead, california. tonight 8 p.m. eastern time, part of the new prime lineup on the business side. >> kevin: bruce arians won't kick you off that team, we won't let him. looking forward to tonight. thank you. aoc, quick to clap back at republicans calling her a hypocrite for partying maskless in florida. now it is the governor getting the last laugh. >> todd: yes indeed, tomi lahren will break it all down, that is coming up. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. hi. i'm shannon storms bador. when we started selling my health products online our shipping process was painfully slow. then we found shipstation. now we're shipping out orders 5 times faster and thanks to shipstation's discounted rates we're saving a ton. honestly, we couldn't do it without shipstation join over 100,000 online sellers . >> todd: congresswoman ocasio-cortez hitting back at democrats for calling her hypocrite for being maskless in miami. ron desantis is getting the last word. >> when you have people like that congresswoman who rip florida because we are open who say you need lockdown policies and then the first chance they get, they come running down to my state, if i had a dollar for every lockdown politician that's done that over the last two years i would be awfully wealthy right now. >> todd: tomi lahren fox nation host listen, come on, this is too easy. you look at this story line. i'm kind of waiting for the wind up. i will throw it out there very softly and let you knock it out of the park. >> well, listen, aoc loves florida and there are few people that love freedom more than those who spend their time trying to hamper it for others. ron desantis is exactly right. there are so many liberals that not only want to vacation in free states like florida but fleeing and moving to free states like florida. the numbers don't lie. the best part of this whole thing here aoc claims if we criticize her for her blatant hypocrisy it must mean we want to date her. i can tell you this i certainly do not want to date aoc and i have a feeling that governor ron desantis doesn't want to dated aoc either. we don't even mind if she comes to great states like florida or even here in tennessee we would appreciate if she would advocate for freedom in her home state and district because i believe freedom is best for all of us. maybe take a little bit of that florida sunshine and freedom on home with her to her district and maybe on to washington, d.c. >> todd: i love the fact that kevin and i have the same question he was basically go. go tomi. what is a response like that from aoc tell you about the kind of person we are dealing with when you are getting in a political discussion and they say you are just like that because you want to date me. that just seems bizarre to me, tomi. >> it is also quite odd statement for someone who is a self-proclaimed feminist to make it if you criticize her you must want to date her. opposite of owe quality and not sexualizing women. maybe i don't understand modern day family nesm. that could be the case. it's very hard to understand these days. these leaders like aoc and others are projecting and gaslighting they know they have been caught. instead of owning up to it and taking accountability they want to deflect and make some bizarre statement about how we feel about them. listen, i think she is a hypocrite. i think she is a beautiful lady. i certainly don't want to dated her though. >> kevin: 30 seconds left for us, tomi. i want you to weigh in on the governor cuomo circumstance. he has been cleared, essentially of causing 15,000 or more deaths in the state of new york. in the time we have left. they are not going to pursue him. what do you think? >> the nursing home grim reaper, i can't imagine how devastating this is for family members who lost loved ones. it's great to be a liberal with friends in my places we call that liberal privilege. an attempt to safeguard other governors who did of the same thing with their nursing home debacles. he is getting away with this one. i have a feeling though the democrats at some point are going to hold up to it but i'm not going to hold my breath. >> todd: nobody hits a time cue like one tomi lahren. she nails it every time. watch "final thoughts with tomi lahren" only on fox nation. we love tomi tuesdays. we appreciate you being here our friend. happy new year to you. >> happy new year. thank you, guys. >> todd: with that mr. corc, one more day of the man show. looking forward to tomorrow. can't waited for it with that, "fox & friends" starts right now. being >> the biden administration not mincing its words when it comes. >> capitalism without competition isn't capitalism exploitation. >> fda issuing pfizer booster shots. >> the faferred knew that the experts had concerns so they decided to not convene them and circumvent them all together. this is unprecedented. >> the chicago's teachers union will vote on returning to remote learning. as a parent, i'm sick of it. this is just a failure for the future of

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Yesterday , Power Grab , I 95 In Virginia , 95 , Bobby Rush , Re Election , Congress , Barack Obama , 30 , Chicago , Intention , City , 24th House , South Side , Red Wave , Southern Suburb , 24 , Party , Jim Gray , Control , Banks , Senate , Agenda , Elections , Majority , America First Agenda , Pivot , Lifetime , Evidence , Yuvented , Bearer , Election Day , Laura , Guy , Mind , Number , Way , Things , Eternity , People , Run On Covid , Voting , Polls , Fruition , Balloting , Country , States , Side , Voters , Crime , State , Everybody , Number One , Pocket Book , Justin Wallin , One , Point , Cities , Backyard , Argument , Infrastructure , Achievement , Virginia , Hat , Question , Landslide , Course , Note Manchin , 11 , Record , Level , Kitchen Table Issues , Race Theory , Nothing , It Costs , The Cost Of Living , The Border , Afghanistan , Chuck Schumer , Tank , Needle , About Pivoting To Voting Rights , Hard Core , Case , Talking Point , Stake , Tape , Don T , Forward , Looks , 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Flu Season , Reason , Sense , Deaths , Variant , Hospitalizations , Outcome , Vulnerable , Ld , Questions , Technology , Audience , Jay , Tree , Mohammed Bilal Bhatti , Stanford , Joe Concha , Snowstorm , Studio , Victory , Next , Car Sfx , Traffic , Lexus Nx , Intuitive Tech , Beep , Safety System , On The House , Favorite , Reporting , Fight , Left Holdss , Chair Jeffries , 36 , House Speaker , Successor , Historic , First Black Speaker , Jeffri Es , Leader , Squad Members , Moderates , The Changing Of Guard , Conditions , Intrigue , Shot , Approval Ratings , Landmine , Myriad , More , 2022 , On The Beach , Vacation , Roo , Person , The Game , Mask , First Lady , Feet , Anthony Fauci , 500 , Tests , Shortage , Infection , Doctors , Mess , Democratics , Border , Bumper Sticker , Crap Tastic , Bullpen , Call , Change , Challenger , 2024 , Word , Numbers , Poll , Testing , Disapprove , Floor , Still Aren T Good , 53 , 50 , Policies , Haven T , Charge , Message , Chief Of Staff , Terms , Same , Balm Game , Press Secretary , Police , Build , Speech , Thrillions , Deficit , Police Officers , Psident , Down , It Ain T , Tsunami , Big Trouble , Everything Is Awesome , Lego Movie Singing The Song , Janice Dean , Senior Meetsrologist , Lego , Bill , Weather Forecast , Social Media , My Name , Name , Snow Totals , Boy , Stop It , True , Wol Op Yesterday , Snowstorms , Foot , New Jersey , Maryland , 15 , Air , Storm , System , Impacts , Mid Atlantic , Dc Area , Canada , Snow Event , Area , Lakes , Clipper System , Areas , Moisture , Upper Midwest , Storms , Temperatures , Windchill Forecast , In Duluth , Bismarck , Minus 32 , Minus 38 , Wind , Storm Systems , Region , Northeast , Gulf Coast , Snow Storm , Tease , Weather Tease , Buc , Antonio Brown , Mid Game Dedressing , 43 , Game , Foods , Goals , Personalpoints Program , Ww Personalpoints Plan , Ww Com , 26 , Limu , Whistles , Isn T , Insurance , Doug , Hurry , Limu Emu , Sec , January 10th , Vulture Squawks , Grandfather , Registration Card , Connection , Ancestry , Documents , Draft , Uh , Signature , Memory , Legacy , World War Two , Handful , Kidding , Moving , Movers , Offers , Services , Address , Yep , Xfinity Com Moving , Recording , Elodia , Students , Recording Artist , Comcast , Millions , Projectup , 10 Million , Billion , 1 Billion , Tools , Possibilities , Mid Term , Countdown , Warning , 13 , Wing , Parent , School District , Teachers , Burden , Congressman Dan Crenshaw , Men , John Madden , Gel , Gel A , Marc Sieshg , Inflation Crisis , Accurate , Egel D , Guys , Cheryl , Meat Packing Companies , Funding , Fox Business , Cheryl Casone , One Billion , Companies , Price Fixing , Allegations , 6789 , Biden Plan , Processing Plants , Measures , Rescue Plan , Options , Glomerates , Energy , Silicon Valley , Holmes , Count , Charges , Investors , Fraud , Sentence , Blood Testing Technology , Three , Strange , Twist , Roster , Odd Outburst , Sunday , Antonio Brown Saga , Story , Bruce Arians , 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