Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240709

lines and in airports plagued by delays and cancellations from winter weather and staffing from covid issues. we have fox team coverage tonight. rich edson at reagan national international airport virginia where omicron surge and winter weather. a lot of snow in washington continued to cause chaos. jacqui heinrich at the white house where it appears the purchase of 500 million covid test kits has still not come to fruition. we begin with jonathan serrie in atlanta. good evening, jonathan. >> good evening, bret. for now it appears the expansion of the fda's emergency use authorization applies only to boosters manufactured by pfizer. the cdc director rochelle walensky is expected to sign off on the plan later this week. >> the fda's announcement comes as many students return to school from holiday break. under the plan everyone 12 and old we're qualify for fires' booster as soon as five months after completing primary doses. some immunocompromised children would also qualify for a third dose. >> particularly, we're most interested in making sure that we prevent serious outcomes such as hospitalization and death, which, granted, though uncommon in 12 to 15-year-olds can occur. >> by late december, children represented anywhere from 1.8 to 4.1 per of total hospitalizations from state to state. according to the american academy of pediatrics. but reports of increased hospitalizations come with a caveat. >> many of those hospitalizations are for other conditions and children that are tested and found to be positive for covid. but they were in the hospital for other things. >> nationwide, more than 2,000 schools are either delaying spring semester or returning to online instruction. but some experts doubt this will slow the spread of omicron. >> we can monitor this much more closely in a school than we could ever do by letting them go into the community. >> one former fda commissioner says some common safety protocols may not be enough to block airborne transmission. >> cloth masks aren't going to provide a lot of the election. that's the bottom line. >> new york state controversy prior rise high risk groups for limited covid treatment supplies. health department memo specifies nonwhite race or latino ethnicity should be considered risk factor as long standing stem health cricketed to risk of illness and death from covid-19. and drug makers continue to develop vaccines that specifically target the omicron variant, however, today, fda officials said it's too early to know for sure whether omicron will remain the dominant variant in the u.s. or be replaced by something else. bret? >> bret: jonathan serrie in atlanta. jonathan, thank you. president biden is facing a major covid testing challenge today. as people get back to work and schools attempt to get back to class following the holidays. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich has that story tonight from the north lawn. good evening, jacqui. >> good evening, bret. it's a new we're for the biden administration many of last year's challenges persist especially related to bringing down covid cases and ramping up testing. unclear whether president biden thinks the revised cdc quarantine guidance should have included a testing component. >> i will be talking to you about that later. >> after two top public health officials made conflicting statements about whether it's necessary. >> after infection can be positive for up to 12 weeks. that is not going to be helpful. if you got a rapid test at five days and it was negative, we weren't convinced that you weren't still transmissible. >> why not test people at that time? i myself feel that's a reasonable thing to do. >> now the administration is floating more possible policy changes in response to public pressure. >> there has been some concern about why we don't ask people at that five day period to get tested. that is something that is now under consideration. the cdc is very well aware that there has been some pushback about that. >> and then there is the question of how to require testing when tests are so hard to find. and the 500 million promised by the biden administration are no closer to reaching americans' door steps. the contract to buy them still in the works and the website to order them not yet set up. as demand for tests builds, many school districts are requiring students and staff to test negative before returns to class. some opting to go virtual in the meantime. something education secretary cardona wants to avoid. >> the goal ask in person learning suffered enough. >> teachers say not until the current infection wave abates. returning to school will worsen the crisis. the chicago teachers union telling its members to only do remote work until their safety concerns are met. >> senate republicans are also probing the biden administration tonight about why there is such a dire testing shortage despite congress having allocated more than $80 billion over the last two years to expand testing. senators burr and blunt roach to hhs secretary xavier becerra demanding answers. bret? >> bret: jacqui heinrich live at the white house covered in white snow, thanks. the holiday nightmare at america's airports bleeding into the new year. for the second day in a row more than 2700 domestic flights have been canceled. omicron surge and winter weather fueling the chaos. senior national correspondent rich edson at arlington national airport in arlington virginia. good evening, rich. >> good evening, bret. this was the worst of it. 85% of the flights scheduled from reagan international airport today never left. that's because what you have had is early wet snow blanketing the area. it was a mess even getting to the airport. from here the roads were a total mess, closing schools, ernment offices. red flight boards greeted hopeful travelers here at national airport. many left without boarding a flight costing them more time and money. >> that's more money they have spent, more unnecessary money. and it's just a lot. it's a lot going on. people having confusion over here. workers, they don't know what to do. it's not their fault, i mean, you can't control how the weather is going to be. i just wish they would be more prepared for stuff like this. >> impossible to get a taxi to the city. i waited like one hour and they had giving some information for taxi but never came. >> i was supposed to land in palm springs but i'm going to san francisco now. >> it's like a 6 hour drive, right? >> i believe 8 hours, actually. >> she says she never got a refund for that first flight. she booked another and hopes to be at least on the correct coast within the next day. this is on top of backed up flight schedules from holiday travel. earlier storms out west and covid infections hitting workers at airlines, airports and federal agencies. of the a.p. reports united is offering pilots triple or more of their wages to pick up open flights through this month. spirit is paying its flight attendants double through tuesday. here in washington, a tradition, snow state natives rip on the capitol city's cold weather preparedness. >> the snow can be slippery and probably they should have gotten some plows out. maybe now they will. >> despite the omicron -- despite the omicron surge here in washington, they had to shut down testing for covid-19. some school districts already closed for tomorrow and there is more snow in the thursday forecast, bret. >> bret: rich edson at reagan national. rich, thanks. stocks were up today as the dow and the s&p 500 kick off the new year in record territory. the dow gaining 247, the s&p 500 added 30. the nasdaq jumped 188 today. >> something has got to give. we are scared to start on january 3rd without a testing and protection we need in place. >> my children are going to be in school. i am keeping my schools open and we are going to make sure that they are going to be in a safe place. that includes doubling the amount of testing that we're looking at. >> we are supporting our educators by providing a safe learning environment. providing vaccination for our students as young as 5 so the whole school community is safe and providing testing so-to-make sure someone is sick that they stay home. >> bret: school districts around the country dealing with winter weather but also dealing with covid and teachers unions specifically in chicago, as you saw in that soundbite, weatherer whether the teachers are going to go back into the classrooms. let's start there with our panel. fox news senior political analyst brit hume. guy benson political editor at guy susan page washington bureau chief and hugh hewitt. brit, what about this and back and forth with teacher unions and what the administration is saying on getting schools open? >> i don't think the teachers unions are going to have much public support this time around. i'm not sure how much they had the last time around when they tried to keep from reopening schools those being kept closed always at the teachers unions urging be kept closed. seems to pose a danger to the administration seems to now have awakened to the fact this is politically bad news. you saw that in miguel cardona's remarks over the weekend they want to keep schools on. good for them saying that the whole atmosphere and the sense that this whole pandemic has been handled badly by the past, president and by this president hangs over this administration and will continue to. >> and, susan, that's powerful politically. this covid issue. >> oh, yeah, absolutely. if you want to look at the reasons why president biden has seen his approval rating go down, now at 40% or so in national polls, covid is the number one reason. it's the issue on which he had gotten the highest ratings earlier in his presidency. that is no longer the case. his approval rating on handling covid has dipped below 50%. the issue is, as brit said, the issue most responsible for president biden winning the white house. it is the issue on which his presidency is going to be judged. and this omicron variant and all the problems that has raised in education and travel and everything else, this is a big test for this white house. >> bret: hugh, we talked last week and really the week before about the mixed messages on a number of fronts. the cdc, about testing, now the guidance may be that if the isolation is only 5 days instead of 10 that you get a odessa afterwards. the problem is you can't get a test. and that's complicating people's process of dealing with covid. >> bret, two words to describe cdc are erratic and incoherent. i'm particularly concerned about mothers and fathers of children at school looking for guidance on when to send their child into a school if they have had covid, when to get them a booster shot. in fact, if you go any one of you, attempt to find guidance on when should a child under the age of 12 get a booster shot if they have had covid, you won't find it because the cdc is incoherent. their advice is erratic and i think their crash of credibility is pulling counsel the president's. if schools close it's going to be a disaster politically poor for president biden but worse a disaster for these kids who need to be in school. >> bret: guy? >> and if the requirement is to go back to school, as hugh says, you have to get a test, because of course kids need to be in school. we have known this for the entire pandemic, the world has known this for the entire pandemic. it is mind blowing that there are closed schools anywhere this country, some are saying to come back you have got get a test, and it's really hard to get a test in much of the country, especially in large cities, blue areas, like trying to find gold at your local cvs or walgreen's. this is a catastrophic failure of the biden administration and our public health bureaucracy. we are now in our third calendar year of this pandemic. and at this stage we still have a shortage on testing, available, reliable and cheap testing finance almost unfathomable here we are from the administration got elected as president promising to shut down the virus, a key tool not available readily. >> bret: i went to cvs, i could not find at home tests. you wanted to get them for family coming in town before the holidays. they said they left the shelves in about one hour in most cvss. brit, what they did have were cloth masks. , however, we may not want those. take a listen. [laughter] >> brit: take a listen. >> this is an airborne illness. we now understand that and a cloth mask is not going to protect you from a virus that spreads through airborne transmission it could protect better through drop let transmission something like the flu but not something like this coronavirus. >> a surgical mask is better or a type of n 95 mask is obviously the best. you have to weigh your own risk and benefit for that i think the era of cloth masks with omicron is probably over. they don't really provide almost any protection according to the newest data. >> bret: brit, i think we are on our third iteration of masks and definitions of and where we are. >> i think we are at a stage where people are so saturated with this guidance which has been as hugh pointed out so confused and conflicting i think at some point society simply moves on. people will read in the papers and they will hear about people who are sick and so on, but life has to go on. and i think, you know, these school systems and these other institutions, which are going back to remote learning or closing down or whatever, are on a path that is headed for continues to head this administration, this is going to be deemed responsible for handling this virus, which it swore it could do, judge it very harsh. i think what happened bret is that the president made a bunch of promises that he is caught with now. i think he thought, you know, that events themselves would make those promises come true, he said we are going to shut down the virus. we had vaccines in place. we were moving forward with better treatment, i'm sure he thought that as time went on the virus would fade and he would get credit for that you may recall, you know, in the beginning he set a goal for vaccinations which had already been achieved on the day he took office. there was another example of him setting a standard which he thought events would help him meet but the virus has turned out of to be unpredictable and continues to spread. and his promises look terrible now. >> bret: susan, was that moment where he is talking to governors and saying there is no federal solution to covid-19, was that a big moment? >> yeah. and acknowledgment of reality that the federal government cannot do it alone. i wasn't saying the federal government wasn't playing a big role but acknowledging these states play a big role. one big role in these states trying to convince people to get vaccinated. maybe the single problem that we have faced in this pandemic is the refusal, refusal of so many americans to get the shot. >> bret: last thing, hugh, we had this joe rogan podcast with this dr. malone, one of the early founders of mrna vaccines and it was very controversial in that it talked about a lot of things and criticized a lot of the cdc and the federal government, however, twitter banned it youtube pulled it and now it's one of the most watched or listened to podcasts. >> the every attempt to censor anything will always rebound with attention on that which is being censored. it's unfortunate that cdc is so incoherent when they are incoherent and erratic it opens the door for misinformation. the key information guy takes away schools had have to be open. governors who are open have to have air paco moments fire air traffic controllers: it's consequential for these kids to not be in school. >> bret: thank you, panel, stand by. see you later in the show. growing anxiety over the russian troop build-up along its border with ukraine as the u.s. prepares to sit down for negotiations over concerns of a russian invasion. ♪ this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> bret: breaking right now, just in the past few minutes, a federal judge has ruled and just granted temporary injunction to a group of navy seals seeking religious exemption from vaccine mandate. judge reed o'connor saying there is no covid-19 exception to the first amendment. there is no military exclusion from our constitution. again, that's the last few minutes a federal judge granting that temporary injunction to navy seals. obviously it's a mandate for all in the military to get the vaccine and now this federal judge stepping in. this obviously is all heading its way to the u.s. supreme court. now news overseas. iran's president says he will seek revenge on the u.s. if former president donald trump does not face trial for the assassination of general kassemm soleimani. speaking of the anniversary of the killing of absolutely. he was the head of iran's elite quds force. the threats come as iraqi forces confirm two armed drones shot down while heading toward iraqi base hosting u.s. forces near the baghdad airport. no reports of damages or injuries from that incident. staying overseas now, ukraine is on high alert tonight as tens of thousands of russian troops remain along its border. president biden reassured his ukrainian counterpart the u.s. will act if russia invades. the comments coming ahead of next week's planned negotiations between the u.s. and russia. here is national security correspondent jennifer griffin. >> u.k.'s president thanked president biden for his unwavering support following the phone call sunday to discuss russia's ominous military build-up. in his new year's address, president vlad zalinsky vowed to return crimea to ukraine. >> we are not scared of any army on another side of the border because a great army protects us. >> the white house said the u.s. would respond decisively if russia further invades ukraine. recognition that rush. u.s. intelligence suggest putin has made final preparations which could allow for an invasion early this year. president biden told reporters over the weekend that he would not negotiate in public following a 50-minute phone call with vladimir putin ahead of new year's eve. >> i made it clear to the president putin that he -- that he makes any more moves, goes into ukraine, we will have severe sanctions. we will increase our -- our presence in europe with our nato allies and it will be a heavy price to pay for it. >> putin told reporters such sanctions would be a colossal mistake but did not address the ukraine issue in his 6:22 new year's speech broadcast on russian television just hours after he spoke with biden. >> we have firmly and consistently defended our national interest. the security of the country, and its citizens. >> putin threatened to rupture ties with the u.s. should it impose further sanctions. senior u.s. and russian officials will meet in geneva january 9th and 10th in an effort to diest can a rate tensions, the white house has dismissed russian demands to promise never admit ukraine and georgia to nato. bret? >> bret: jennifer griffin at the pentagon. more on this with the panel. up next, why police say they are not prepared to stop another attack on the u.s. capitol. first, beyond our borders tonight. firefighters return to south africa's building in cape town after flames reignited the roof there the national assembly building suffered extensive damage sunday. while no injuries have been reported one man around at the scene and an investigation is underway. public works official there says a sprinkler system malfunctioned when a valve was turned off. south korea's defense ministry says a man spotted crossing a barbed wire border fence into north korea may have been a former defector. the man's identity appears to match that of a gymnast who defected to the south in 2020. south korea asked the north via hotline to protect the man's safety but has not heard back. and this is a live look at london. the big story there tonight, warner music has acquired the rights to david bowie's entire catalog of work six decades of songs in a deal believed to be worth $250 million. the deal was announced just days before what would have been the music icon's 75th birthday. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ exploring the heart of historic europe with viking, you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary treasures as you sail onboard our patented, award-winning viking longships. you'll enjoy many extras, including wi-fi, cultural enrichment from ship to shore and engaging excursions. viking - voted number one river cruise line by condé nast readers. learn more at >> bret: capitol police facing major staffing challenges days ahead of the one year anniversary of the capitol riot january 6th. aishah hasnie joins us from capitol hill. >> good evening to you. capitol police is down about 400 police officers and tonight the police union taking aim at a short-term fix. more than 130 officers quit or retired after january 6th. and no new hires because the training academy had been shut down for 10 months due to covid. meanwhile security threats at the capitol skyrocketed from about 900 back in 2016 to more than 9,000 by the end of 2021. and that is why the department is now planning to hire private security contractors. >> we have identified posts where we believe we don't need sworn capitol police officers, typically secondary posts. posts that whether they are in a garage or something like that, where people have already been checked before they have gotten to that point. >> now, that is drawing criticism from the chair of the police union who writes this. the last thing we need are private security contractors who are not trained to our standards, it's a recipe for disaster. the union also raising red flags about the capitol police only a quarter of the more than 100 recommendations the inspector general has made to keep the grounds safe. chief manger insists that the intelligence failures of januarn addressed. bret? >> bret: aishah, it looks like senate majority leader chuck schumer is trying to use januare the filibuster and start working on voting rights? >> yeah. that's right. the leader schumer sent out a do dear colleague letter today warning the senate will vote on changing the filibuster threshold by january 17th. that's martin luther king jr. day. they want to do this in order to bypass that republican blockade on voting rights legislation. and schumer wrote this in that letter: let me be clear januara broader illness, an effort to delegitimize our election process and the senate must advance systemic democracy reforms to repair our public or else the events of that day will not be an aberration they will be the new norm. senator mike lee reacting to that threat he said if this rule change were to pass the people of utah and the united states would suffer immeasurably as the senate devolves into a strictly majoritarian lord of the flies environment. schumer, of course, knees all 50 democrats to change the filibuster but senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema have been vocally opposed to it. bret? >> bret: as they were in 2021. >> um-huh. >> bret: thank you, aishah. >> you bet. >> bret: new york attorney general letitia james is seeking to question donald trump jr. and trump. court filings show the subpoenas were served on december 1st along with one issue to former president trump himself. james' office contends the trump organization manipulated the valuations of its real estate properties. former president trump is suing james in an effort to block her investigation. some conservatives are crying foul today after twitter permanently suspended the personal account of congresswoman marjorie taylor green, social media giant says the georgia republican repeatedly violated its covid misinformation policies some republicans contend it's another example of big tech silencing conservative voices. correspondent alexandra hough shows us tonight from washington. >> it was the fifth and final strike for georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. twitter has permanently suspended her personal account citing repeated violations of the company's covid-19 misinformation policy implemented in march. on saturday greene referenced unverified vaccine data and tweet add falsehood about, quote, extremely high amounts of covid-19 vaccine deaths. congresswoman parilla jayapal gave the company minimum praise. >> it's no secret the companies have been part of the algorithms promoting disinformation. i think that these steps are important but, frankly, a little too little and a little too late. >> in response to the ban, representative green took to the alternative platform telegram writing twitter is an enemy to america and can't handle the truth. many republicans see it as an example of one sided censor by big tech. last year senator ted cruz called out twitter for hypocrisy. specifically banning former president trump but not iran's supreme leader which cruz feels is a breach of federal sanctions. on covid-19 twitter's policy says for content to be considered a violation it must advance a claim of fact expressed in definitive terms. be common trab gli false or misleading based on wild widely available sources or cause serious harm. the company adds strong commentary or opinion is not a violation. but republican house leader kevin mccarthy said this about greene's suspension: it is clear any speech that does not fit big tech's orthodoxy gets muzzled. america is poorer for that conduct. over the weekend, republican congressman dan crenshaw announced that he is finalizing a bill to remove legal protection from big tech companies that politically discriminate. congresswoman greene called the effort, quote: toothless. crenshaw fired back on instagram writing she does not want solutions she doesn't care if you get censored. she just wants to be a victim so she can keep asking you for campaign donations. it's a scam. >> a response from greene's office did not address this scam accusation. her congressional twitter account is still active. greene says her facebook account was suspended. a company spokesperson told me moments ago that it was not. bret? >> bret: alex, meantime facebook now has a beef with some children's book publishers ronald reagan and are amy coney barrett. ads violated policy on low quality or disrupted content. a board member told fox business today they didn't see this move as anti-conservative as much as anti-american given the subject matter that they write about. >> bret: alexandria, thank you. >> sure. >> bret: major cities set homicide records last year. officials are not optimistic the violence is going to come to an end. we will bring you that story. ay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at starting with your first course. my daughter has type 2 diabetes and lately i've seen this change in her. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c. it lowers blood sugar from the first dose. and you could lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. breath bret former law enforcement officials says more fentanyl was seized than heroin. one former d.e.a. agent says cartels are emboldened now and it's time to act with urgency. >> the cartels and the social media facilitation they are operating with impunity right now. we need to be much more aggressive if al-qaeda killed 100,000 americans a year what would they do sit back and allow it? we have to go after thee cartels like we have never done before. >> bret: said china is funneling drugs through the mexican cartels. drug overdose deaths in the u.s. hit an all-time high last year causing more than 100,000 deaths tonight chicago suffers deadliest year in more than a century. the city experienced 797 homicides in 2021 the most of any u.s.s. city as correspondent garrett tenney shows us spikes in violent crime were not isolated to the windy city. >> we all know this has been a challenging year here in the city of chicago. too many families are reeling from the loss of loved ones due to senseless gun violence. >> chicago ended the year with nearly 800 homicides leading the nation with the highest total the city has seen in a quarter century nationwide cities saw uptick, many reaching levels they haven't experienced in decades. washington, d.c.'s murder rate went up for the fourth straight year passing the 200th mark for the first time since 2003. in los angeles and new york city murders increased by more than 50% compared to 2019 reaching levels unseen since the 1990s. this weekend the big apple's newly sworn in mayor eric adams says this next year will be different. >> we want to refocus on those carrying guns and violent crimes in our city and turn around this city. it's going to be a safe place. i say it all the time the prehe can sit to prosperity is public safety and justice. our city will be safe. >> top cop says his department must and will do better. some aren't so optimistic 2022 will be any different and blame mayor lower light foot and progressive policy. >> we done it with war time numbers right now. something different has to be done. criminal justice has backfired on society especially here in chicago. >> 2021 ended with another tragic statistic, 346 officers were shot in the line of duty. and of those, the national fraternal of police reports 63 lost their lives. bret? >> bret: garrett tenney in chicago. garrett, thanks. up next, is tough talk enough? the panel on rising tension with russia. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight, fox 31 in denver where boulder county residents are allowed to return to their homes after a massive wildfire destroyed nearly 1,000 structures. two people are still missing there. authorities are investigating the cause of the fire. and this is a live look at seattle from fox 13. one of the big stories there tonight, a seconds' long interaction between a hockey fan and equipment manager threedz a life-saving procedure. at a game in october a seattle kraken fan spotted the cancerous monthly on the neck of the equipment manager. she implored him to get it checked out after having it removed. the two met face to face where the canucks employee thanked the fan for likely saving his life and mccracken team gave her a $10,000 scholarship. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ t gets better and better and better. get iphone 13 pro, on us, when you trade in your old or damaged phone. here, the phone everyone wants, on america's most reliable network. better? 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>> yeah. and i think we have now heard there are these series of meetings set up and most americans say that's sensible. let's try to engage in diplomacy for deescalation. the risk is there do you offer meaningful concessions to the putin where he has a pattern of behavior it's reinforced. he saber rattles and amasses troops at the border and gets things he wants. that would repeat itself if he decides to go that route. i think on the invasion side and if it's true that he is dead set on that, then i think it's going to be a very bloody and ugly situation as brit mentioned, if there's a chance to deter it though, putin has to truly believe that when the west, particularly the united states says there will be crippling sanctions it, will be extremely painful, it will not look anything like the response of crimea or georgia before that, he has to believe that he has to think that's legitimate. i'm not sure if he does believe that which is why the world has to speak very, very clearly. the western world. >> bret: yeah, 10 seconds, hugh, do you think that russia has buffeted itself for whatever sanctions are coming? >> yes, they have. brit was right. the first war was 13,000 casualties. i think putin is ready to absorb a lot of losses. we just have to be ready to back up ukraine in inflicting those losses. >> bret: okay, panel, stand by if you would. when we come back, tomorrow's headlines. ♪ ♪ i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. among my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. 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"fox news primetime" hosted by lawrence jones. >> lawrence: good evening. i'm lawrence jones and welcome to 2022. it might be a new year but the same covid problems are still crippling our country. by now it has become painfully obvious the white house has no plan on how to handle this crisis. even know joe promised us over a year ago he had everything under control. watch. >> i'm going to shut down the virus. >> i'm not going to shut down the economy. i'm going to shut down the

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Which , Late December , 15 , Reports , Hospitalizations , State , Many , Anywhere , Caveat , American Academy Of Pediatrics , 1 8 , 4 1 , Handling Covid , Things , Conditions , Experts , Hospital , Instruction , Spring Semester , 2000 , School Looking , Omicron , Safety Protocols , Community , Commissioner , Spread , Risk , Cloth Masks Aren T , Controversy , Groups , Election , New York State , Memo , Airborne Transmission , Bottom Line , Covid Treatment Supplies , Health Department , Illness , Makers , Risk Factor , Drug , Ethnicity , Standing Stem Health Cricketed , Nonwhite Race , 19 , Officials , Vaccines , Variant , Biden , People , Holidays , Jonathan Serrie In Atlanta , Covid Testing Challenge , Something Else , Administration , Story , Challenges , Up Testing , Cases , Jacqui , North Lawn , Statements , Public Health , Testing Component , Quarantine Guidance , Two , Test , We Weren T , Infection , You Weren T Still Transmissible , Response , Policy Changes , Concern , Something , Tests , Question , Consideration , Pushback , School Districts , Demand , Contract , Works , Website , Door Steps , Teachers , Miguel Cardona , Person Learning , Goal Ask , Chicago , Teachers Union , Work , Senate , Republicans , Members , Crisis , Infection Wave Abates , Safety Concerns , Congress , Testing Shortage , Hhs Secretary , Xavier Becerra , Senators Burr , 0 Billion , 80 Billion , Thanks , Answers , Row , Holiday Nightmare At America , Weather , Flights , Worst , Arlington National Airport In Virginia , 2700 , Mess , Closing Schools , Airport , Ernment Offices , Area , Reagan International Airport , Roads , 85 , Money , Flight , Boarding , Travelers , Left , Red Flight Boards , Workers , Taxi , Don T , Stuff , Confusion , Fault , Information , Palm Springs , San Francisco , Drive , Coast , Flight Schedules , Refund , Holiday Travel , 6 , 8 , Infections , More , Storms , Agencies , Airlines , Wages , A P Reports United , Cold Weather , Spirit , Flight Attendants , Snow State Natives , Capitol City , Tradition , Plows , Bret , Rich Edson At Reagan National , Territory , S P 500 , Forecast , Dow , Stocks , 500 , Nasdaq , 188 , 30 , 247 , Place , Protection , 3 , January 3rd , Someone , Vaccination , School Community , Educators , Amount , Safe Learning Environment , 5 , Country , Unions , Home , Classrooms , Soundbite , Weatherer , Panel , Susan Page , Brit Hume , Hugh Hewitt , Fox News , Guy Benson Com , Political Editor , Chainsaw Brit , Support , Teachers Unions , Teacher Unions , Fact , News , Being , Danger , Weekend , Sense , Pandemic , Remarks , Atmosphere , Covid Issue , Politically , Reasons , Approval Rating Go Down , 40 , Issue , Presidency , Reason , Case , Ratings , Approval Rating , Polls , 50 , Problems , Education , Travel , Number , Messages , Fronts , Everything Else , Problem , Guidance , Process , Dealing , Isolation , Odessa , 10 , Booster Shot , Child , Incoherent , Words , Mothers , Fathers , Age , Advice , Disaster , Counsel , 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Television , 22 , Interest , Citizens , Senior , Ties , Geneva January 9th , 10th , 9 , January 9th , Georgia , Demands , Rate Tensions , Diest , Pentagon , Borders , Building , Police , Roof , First , Firefighters , U S Capitol , Attack , Flames , National Assembly , Cape Town , South Africa , Up Next , Man , South Korea , Investigation , Damage , Sprinkler System , Valve , Scene , Public Works , Defense Ministry , Safety , Gymnast , North , South , Defector , Identity , Hotline , North Korea , Barbed Wire Border Fence , 2020 , Look , Deal , Rights , The Big Story There Tonight , Songs , Warner Music , Catalog , London , David Bowie , Six , Stories , Music Icon , 75th Birthday , 250 Million , 75 , 50 Million , Heart , Viking , Treasures , Landmarks , Extras , Viking Longships , Wi Fi , Cruise Line , Excursions , Ship , Readers , Cultural Enrichment , River , CondÉ Nast , Capitol Police , The One , Police Officers , Officers , Fix , Aishah Hasnie , Capitol Riot January 6th , Capitol Hill , Police Union Taking Aim , 400 , January 6th , 130 , Security Threats , Hires , Training Academy , 2016 , 900 , Posts , Department , Security Contractors , The End , 2021 , 9000 , Chair , Criticism , Point , Garage , Drawing , Union , Standards , Recipe , Flags , Police Union , Safe , Inspector General , Quarter , Failures , Januarn , Chief Manger , 100 , Filibuster , Chuck Schumer , Voting Rights , Warning , Dear Colleague Letter , Republican , Filibuster Threshold , Blockade , Letter , Order , Januara , Jr , January 17th , Martin Luther King , Voting Rights Legislation , 17 , Toothless , Election Process , Democracy , Aberration , Threat , Mike Lee , Norm , Immeasurably , Devolves , Rule Change , Utah , Joe Manchin , Environment , Knees , Democrats , Lord Of The Flies , Kyrsten Sinema , Letitia James , Trump , Court Filings , Subpoenas , Um Huh , You Bet , December 1st , President Trump , Conservatives , Properties , Valuations , Organization , Real Estate , Congresswoman 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State Department Spokesperson , Concessions , Pattern , Behavior , Route , He Saber , West , Chance , Set , Casualties , Western World , Yes , 13000 , Losses , Headlines , Mom , Patients , Teeth Sensitivity , Gum Issues , Gum , Sensitivity , Version , Action Effect , Planning , Sensodyne , Northwestern Mutual , Donor , Retailers , Subaru , Love , Tthe , It Smost Ing Now Subaru , Vo , Fourteen , Love Event , Share , Aspca , National Park Foundation , Meals On Wheels , Charity , Two Hundred And Fifty , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Artists , Designers , Players , Do It Yourselfers , Enbrel , Joint Pain , Friends , Clearer , Parents , Skin , Nervous System , Cancers , Reactions , True Self , Ability , Blood Disorders , Lymphoma , Tuberculosis , Have , Heart Failure , Bruising , Sores , Paleness , Bleeding , Hepatitis B , Fever , Cuts , Visit Enbrel Com , Mayor , School Boards , Ears , Lips , Isn T Insane , Contributor , It Guy , Winter , Revelation , Tree , Local Fox News , Relatedly , Snow Storm , Havoc , Gas Masks , Teacher Learning , Unafraid , Fox News Primetime , Lawrence Jones , Lawrence , Economy , Obvious , Watch ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240709

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lines and in airports plagued by delays and cancellations from winter weather and staffing from covid issues. we have fox team coverage tonight. rich edson at reagan national international airport virginia where omicron surge and winter weather. a lot of snow in washington continued to cause chaos. jacqui heinrich at the white house where it appears the purchase of 500 million covid test kits has still not come to fruition. we begin with jonathan serrie in atlanta. good evening, jonathan. >> good evening, bret. for now it appears the expansion of the fda's emergency use authorization applies only to boosters manufactured by pfizer. the cdc director rochelle walensky is expected to sign off on the plan later this week. >> the fda's announcement comes as many students return to school from holiday break. under the plan everyone 12 and old we're qualify for fires' booster as soon as five months after completing primary doses. some immunocompromised children would also qualify for a third dose. >> particularly, we're most interested in making sure that we prevent serious outcomes such as hospitalization and death, which, granted, though uncommon in 12 to 15-year-olds can occur. >> by late december, children represented anywhere from 1.8 to 4.1 per of total hospitalizations from state to state. according to the american academy of pediatrics. but reports of increased hospitalizations come with a caveat. >> many of those hospitalizations are for other conditions and children that are tested and found to be positive for covid. but they were in the hospital for other things. >> nationwide, more than 2,000 schools are either delaying spring semester or returning to online instruction. but some experts doubt this will slow the spread of omicron. >> we can monitor this much more closely in a school than we could ever do by letting them go into the community. >> one former fda commissioner says some common safety protocols may not be enough to block airborne transmission. >> cloth masks aren't going to provide a lot of the election. that's the bottom line. >> new york state controversy prior rise high risk groups for limited covid treatment supplies. health department memo specifies nonwhite race or latino ethnicity should be considered risk factor as long standing stem health cricketed to risk of illness and death from covid-19. and drug makers continue to develop vaccines that specifically target the omicron variant, however, today, fda officials said it's too early to know for sure whether omicron will remain the dominant variant in the u.s. or be replaced by something else. bret? >> bret: jonathan serrie in atlanta. jonathan, thank you. president biden is facing a major covid testing challenge today. as people get back to work and schools attempt to get back to class following the holidays. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich has that story tonight from the north lawn. good evening, jacqui. >> good evening, bret. it's a new we're for the biden administration many of last year's challenges persist especially related to bringing down covid cases and ramping up testing. unclear whether president biden thinks the revised cdc quarantine guidance should have included a testing component. >> i will be talking to you about that later. >> after two top public health officials made conflicting statements about whether it's necessary. >> after infection can be positive for up to 12 weeks. that is not going to be helpful. if you got a rapid test at five days and it was negative, we weren't convinced that you weren't still transmissible. >> why not test people at that time? i myself feel that's a reasonable thing to do. >> now the administration is floating more possible policy changes in response to public pressure. >> there has been some concern about why we don't ask people at that five day period to get tested. that is something that is now under consideration. the cdc is very well aware that there has been some pushback about that. >> and then there is the question of how to require testing when tests are so hard to find. and the 500 million promised by the biden administration are no closer to reaching americans' door steps. the contract to buy them still in the works and the website to order them not yet set up. as demand for tests builds, many school districts are requiring students and staff to test negative before returns to class. some opting to go virtual in the meantime. something education secretary cardona wants to avoid. >> the goal ask in person learning suffered enough. >> teachers say not until the current infection wave abates. returning to school will worsen the crisis. the chicago teachers union telling its members to only do remote work until their safety concerns are met. >> senate republicans are also probing the biden administration tonight about why there is such a dire testing shortage despite congress having allocated more than $80 billion over the last two years to expand testing. senators burr and blunt roach to hhs secretary xavier becerra demanding answers. bret? >> bret: jacqui heinrich live at the white house covered in white snow, thanks. the holiday nightmare at america's airports bleeding into the new year. for the second day in a row more than 2700 domestic flights have been canceled. omicron surge and winter weather fueling the chaos. senior national correspondent rich edson at arlington national airport in arlington virginia. good evening, rich. >> good evening, bret. this was the worst of it. 85% of the flights scheduled from reagan international airport today never left. that's because what you have had is early wet snow blanketing the area. it was a mess even getting to the airport. from here the roads were a total mess, closing schools, ernment offices. red flight boards greeted hopeful travelers here at national airport. many left without boarding a flight costing them more time and money. >> that's more money they have spent, more unnecessary money. and it's just a lot. it's a lot going on. people having confusion over here. workers, they don't know what to do. it's not their fault, i mean, you can't control how the weather is going to be. i just wish they would be more prepared for stuff like this. >> impossible to get a taxi to the city. i waited like one hour and they had giving some information for taxi but never came. >> i was supposed to land in palm springs but i'm going to san francisco now. >> it's like a 6 hour drive, right? >> i believe 8 hours, actually. >> she says she never got a refund for that first flight. she booked another and hopes to be at least on the correct coast within the next day. this is on top of backed up flight schedules from holiday travel. earlier storms out west and covid infections hitting workers at airlines, airports and federal agencies. of the a.p. reports united is offering pilots triple or more of their wages to pick up open flights through this month. spirit is paying its flight attendants double through tuesday. here in washington, a tradition, snow state natives rip on the capitol city's cold weather preparedness. >> the snow can be slippery and probably they should have gotten some plows out. maybe now they will. >> despite the omicron -- despite the omicron surge here in washington, they had to shut down testing for covid-19. some school districts already closed for tomorrow and there is more snow in the thursday forecast, bret. >> bret: rich edson at reagan national. rich, thanks. stocks were up today as the dow and the s&p 500 kick off the new year in record territory. the dow gaining 247, the s&p 500 added 30. the nasdaq jumped 188 today. >> something has got to give. we are scared to start on january 3rd without a testing and protection we need in place. >> my children are going to be in school. i am keeping my schools open and we are going to make sure that they are going to be in a safe place. that includes doubling the amount of testing that we're looking at. >> we are supporting our educators by providing a safe learning environment. providing vaccination for our students as young as 5 so the whole school community is safe and providing testing so-to-make sure someone is sick that they stay home. >> bret: school districts around the country dealing with winter weather but also dealing with covid and teachers unions specifically in chicago, as you saw in that soundbite, weatherer whether the teachers are going to go back into the classrooms. let's start there with our panel. fox news senior political analyst brit hume. guy benson political editor at guy susan page washington bureau chief and hugh hewitt. brit, what about this and back and forth with teacher unions and what the administration is saying on getting schools open? >> i don't think the teachers unions are going to have much public support this time around. i'm not sure how much they had the last time around when they tried to keep from reopening schools those being kept closed always at the teachers unions urging be kept closed. seems to pose a danger to the administration seems to now have awakened to the fact this is politically bad news. you saw that in miguel cardona's remarks over the weekend they want to keep schools on. good for them saying that the whole atmosphere and the sense that this whole pandemic has been handled badly by the past, president and by this president hangs over this administration and will continue to. >> and, susan, that's powerful politically. this covid issue. >> oh, yeah, absolutely. if you want to look at the reasons why president biden has seen his approval rating go down, now at 40% or so in national polls, covid is the number one reason. it's the issue on which he had gotten the highest ratings earlier in his presidency. that is no longer the case. his approval rating on handling covid has dipped below 50%. the issue is, as brit said, the issue most responsible for president biden winning the white house. it is the issue on which his presidency is going to be judged. and this omicron variant and all the problems that has raised in education and travel and everything else, this is a big test for this white house. >> bret: hugh, we talked last week and really the week before about the mixed messages on a number of fronts. the cdc, about testing, now the guidance may be that if the isolation is only 5 days instead of 10 that you get a odessa afterwards. the problem is you can't get a test. and that's complicating people's process of dealing with covid. >> bret, two words to describe cdc are erratic and incoherent. i'm particularly concerned about mothers and fathers of children at school looking for guidance on when to send their child into a school if they have had covid, when to get them a booster shot. in fact, if you go any one of you, attempt to find guidance on when should a child under the age of 12 get a booster shot if they have had covid, you won't find it because the cdc is incoherent. their advice is erratic and i think their crash of credibility is pulling counsel the president's. if schools close it's going to be a disaster politically poor for president biden but worse a disaster for these kids who need to be in school. >> bret: guy? >> and if the requirement is to go back to school, as hugh says, you have to get a test, because of course kids need to be in school. we have known this for the entire pandemic, the world has known this for the entire pandemic. it is mind blowing that there are closed schools anywhere this country, some are saying to come back you have got get a test, and it's really hard to get a test in much of the country, especially in large cities, blue areas, like trying to find gold at your local cvs or walgreen's. this is a catastrophic failure of the biden administration and our public health bureaucracy. we are now in our third calendar year of this pandemic. and at this stage we still have a shortage on testing, available, reliable and cheap testing finance almost unfathomable here we are from the administration got elected as president promising to shut down the virus, a key tool not available readily. >> bret: i went to cvs, i could not find at home tests. you wanted to get them for family coming in town before the holidays. they said they left the shelves in about one hour in most cvss. brit, what they did have were cloth masks. , however, we may not want those. take a listen. [laughter] >> brit: take a listen. >> this is an airborne illness. we now understand that and a cloth mask is not going to protect you from a virus that spreads through airborne transmission it could protect better through drop let transmission something like the flu but not something like this coronavirus. >> a surgical mask is better or a type of n 95 mask is obviously the best. you have to weigh your own risk and benefit for that i think the era of cloth masks with omicron is probably over. they don't really provide almost any protection according to the newest data. >> bret: brit, i think we are on our third iteration of masks and definitions of and where we are. >> i think we are at a stage where people are so saturated with this guidance which has been as hugh pointed out so confused and conflicting i think at some point society simply moves on. people will read in the papers and they will hear about people who are sick and so on, but life has to go on. and i think, you know, these school systems and these other institutions, which are going back to remote learning or closing down or whatever, are on a path that is headed for continues to head this administration, this is going to be deemed responsible for handling this virus, which it swore it could do, judge it very harsh. i think what happened bret is that the president made a bunch of promises that he is caught with now. i think he thought, you know, that events themselves would make those promises come true, he said we are going to shut down the virus. we had vaccines in place. we were moving forward with better treatment, i'm sure he thought that as time went on the virus would fade and he would get credit for that you may recall, you know, in the beginning he set a goal for vaccinations which had already been achieved on the day he took office. there was another example of him setting a standard which he thought events would help him meet but the virus has turned out of to be unpredictable and continues to spread. and his promises look terrible now. >> bret: susan, was that moment where he is talking to governors and saying there is no federal solution to covid-19, was that a big moment? >> yeah. and acknowledgment of reality that the federal government cannot do it alone. i wasn't saying the federal government wasn't playing a big role but acknowledging these states play a big role. one big role in these states trying to convince people to get vaccinated. maybe the single problem that we have faced in this pandemic is the refusal, refusal of so many americans to get the shot. >> bret: last thing, hugh, we had this joe rogan podcast with this dr. malone, one of the early founders of mrna vaccines and it was very controversial in that it talked about a lot of things and criticized a lot of the cdc and the federal government, however, twitter banned it youtube pulled it and now it's one of the most watched or listened to podcasts. >> the every attempt to censor anything will always rebound with attention on that which is being censored. it's unfortunate that cdc is so incoherent when they are incoherent and erratic it opens the door for misinformation. the key information guy takes away schools had have to be open. governors who are open have to have air paco moments fire air traffic controllers: it's consequential for these kids to not be in school. >> bret: thank you, panel, stand by. see you later in the show. growing anxiety over the russian troop build-up along its border with ukraine as the u.s. prepares to sit down for negotiations over concerns of a russian invasion. ♪ this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> bret: breaking right now, just in the past few minutes, a federal judge has ruled and just granted temporary injunction to a group of navy seals seeking religious exemption from vaccine mandate. judge reed o'connor saying there is no covid-19 exception to the first amendment. there is no military exclusion from our constitution. again, that's the last few minutes a federal judge granting that temporary injunction to navy seals. obviously it's a mandate for all in the military to get the vaccine and now this federal judge stepping in. this obviously is all heading its way to the u.s. supreme court. now news overseas. iran's president says he will seek revenge on the u.s. if former president donald trump does not face trial for the assassination of general kassemm soleimani. speaking of the anniversary of the killing of absolutely. he was the head of iran's elite quds force. the threats come as iraqi forces confirm two armed drones shot down while heading toward iraqi base hosting u.s. forces near the baghdad airport. no reports of damages or injuries from that incident. staying overseas now, ukraine is on high alert tonight as tens of thousands of russian troops remain along its border. president biden reassured his ukrainian counterpart the u.s. will act if russia invades. the comments coming ahead of next week's planned negotiations between the u.s. and russia. here is national security correspondent jennifer griffin. >> u.k.'s president thanked president biden for his unwavering support following the phone call sunday to discuss russia's ominous military build-up. in his new year's address, president vlad zalinsky vowed to return crimea to ukraine. >> we are not scared of any army on another side of the border because a great army protects us. >> the white house said the u.s. would respond decisively if russia further invades ukraine. recognition that rush. u.s. intelligence suggest putin has made final preparations which could allow for an invasion early this year. president biden told reporters over the weekend that he would not negotiate in public following a 50-minute phone call with vladimir putin ahead of new year's eve. >> i made it clear to the president putin that he -- that he makes any more moves, goes into ukraine, we will have severe sanctions. we will increase our -- our presence in europe with our nato allies and it will be a heavy price to pay for it. >> putin told reporters such sanctions would be a colossal mistake but did not address the ukraine issue in his 6:22 new year's speech broadcast on russian television just hours after he spoke with biden. >> we have firmly and consistently defended our national interest. the security of the country, and its citizens. >> putin threatened to rupture ties with the u.s. should it impose further sanctions. senior u.s. and russian officials will meet in geneva january 9th and 10th in an effort to diest can a rate tensions, the white house has dismissed russian demands to promise never admit ukraine and georgia to nato. bret? >> bret: jennifer griffin at the pentagon. more on this with the panel. up next, why police say they are not prepared to stop another attack on the u.s. capitol. first, beyond our borders tonight. firefighters return to south africa's building in cape town after flames reignited the roof there the national assembly building suffered extensive damage sunday. while no injuries have been reported one man around at the scene and an investigation is underway. public works official there says a sprinkler system malfunctioned when a valve was turned off. south korea's defense ministry says a man spotted crossing a barbed wire border fence into north korea may have been a former defector. the man's identity appears to match that of a gymnast who defected to the south in 2020. south korea asked the north via hotline to protect the man's safety but has not heard back. and this is a live look at london. the big story there tonight, warner music has acquired the rights to david bowie's entire catalog of work six decades of songs in a deal believed to be worth $250 million. the deal was announced just days before what would have been the music icon's 75th birthday. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ exploring the heart of historic europe with viking, you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary treasures as you sail onboard our patented, award-winning viking longships. you'll enjoy many extras, including wi-fi, cultural enrichment from ship to shore and engaging excursions. viking - voted number one river cruise line by condé nast readers. learn more at >> bret: capitol police facing major staffing challenges days ahead of the one year anniversary of the capitol riot january 6th. aishah hasnie joins us from capitol hill. >> good evening to you. capitol police is down about 400 police officers and tonight the police union taking aim at a short-term fix. more than 130 officers quit or retired after january 6th. and no new hires because the training academy had been shut down for 10 months due to covid. meanwhile security threats at the capitol skyrocketed from about 900 back in 2016 to more than 9,000 by the end of 2021. and that is why the department is now planning to hire private security contractors. >> we have identified posts where we believe we don't need sworn capitol police officers, typically secondary posts. posts that whether they are in a garage or something like that, where people have already been checked before they have gotten to that point. >> now, that is drawing criticism from the chair of the police union who writes this. the last thing we need are private security contractors who are not trained to our standards, it's a recipe for disaster. the union also raising red flags about the capitol police only a quarter of the more than 100 recommendations the inspector general has made to keep the grounds safe. chief manger insists that the intelligence failures of januarn addressed. bret? >> bret: aishah, it looks like senate majority leader chuck schumer is trying to use januare the filibuster and start working on voting rights? >> yeah. that's right. the leader schumer sent out a do dear colleague letter today warning the senate will vote on changing the filibuster threshold by january 17th. that's martin luther king jr. day. they want to do this in order to bypass that republican blockade on voting rights legislation. and schumer wrote this in that letter: let me be clear januara broader illness, an effort to delegitimize our election process and the senate must advance systemic democracy reforms to repair our public or else the events of that day will not be an aberration they will be the new norm. senator mike lee reacting to that threat he said if this rule change were to pass the people of utah and the united states would suffer immeasurably as the senate devolves into a strictly majoritarian lord of the flies environment. schumer, of course, knees all 50 democrats to change the filibuster but senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema have been vocally opposed to it. bret? >> bret: as they were in 2021. >> um-huh. >> bret: thank you, aishah. >> you bet. >> bret: new york attorney general letitia james is seeking to question donald trump jr. and trump. court filings show the subpoenas were served on december 1st along with one issue to former president trump himself. james' office contends the trump organization manipulated the valuations of its real estate properties. former president trump is suing james in an effort to block her investigation. some conservatives are crying foul today after twitter permanently suspended the personal account of congresswoman marjorie taylor green, social media giant says the georgia republican repeatedly violated its covid misinformation policies some republicans contend it's another example of big tech silencing conservative voices. correspondent alexandra hough shows us tonight from washington. >> it was the fifth and final strike for georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. twitter has permanently suspended her personal account citing repeated violations of the company's covid-19 misinformation policy implemented in march. on saturday greene referenced unverified vaccine data and tweet add falsehood about, quote, extremely high amounts of covid-19 vaccine deaths. congresswoman parilla jayapal gave the company minimum praise. >> it's no secret the companies have been part of the algorithms promoting disinformation. i think that these steps are important but, frankly, a little too little and a little too late. >> in response to the ban, representative green took to the alternative platform telegram writing twitter is an enemy to america and can't handle the truth. many republicans see it as an example of one sided censor by big tech. last year senator ted cruz called out twitter for hypocrisy. specifically banning former president trump but not iran's supreme leader which cruz feels is a breach of federal sanctions. on covid-19 twitter's policy says for content to be considered a violation it must advance a claim of fact expressed in definitive terms. be common trab gli false or misleading based on wild widely available sources or cause serious harm. the company adds strong commentary or opinion is not a violation. but republican house leader kevin mccarthy said this about greene's suspension: it is clear any speech that does not fit big tech's orthodoxy gets muzzled. america is poorer for that conduct. over the weekend, republican congressman dan crenshaw announced that he is finalizing a bill to remove legal protection from big tech companies that politically discriminate. congresswoman greene called the effort, quote: toothless. crenshaw fired back on instagram writing she does not want solutions she doesn't care if you get censored. she just wants to be a victim so she can keep asking you for campaign donations. it's a scam. >> a response from greene's office did not address this scam accusation. her congressional twitter account is still active. greene says her facebook account was suspended. a company spokesperson told me moments ago that it was not. bret? >> bret: alex, meantime facebook now has a beef with some children's book publishers ronald reagan and are amy coney barrett. ads violated policy on low quality or disrupted content. a board member told fox business today they didn't see this move as anti-conservative as much as anti-american given the subject matter that they write about. >> bret: alexandria, thank you. >> sure. >> bret: major cities set homicide records last year. officials are not optimistic the violence is going to come to an end. we will bring you that story. ay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at starting with your first course. my daughter has type 2 diabetes and lately i've seen this change in her. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c. it lowers blood sugar from the first dose. and you could lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. breath bret former law enforcement officials says more fentanyl was seized than heroin. one former d.e.a. agent says cartels are emboldened now and it's time to act with urgency. >> the cartels and the social media facilitation they are operating with impunity right now. we need to be much more aggressive if al-qaeda killed 100,000 americans a year what would they do sit back and allow it? we have to go after thee cartels like we have never done before. >> bret: said china is funneling drugs through the mexican cartels. drug overdose deaths in the u.s. hit an all-time high last year causing more than 100,000 deaths tonight chicago suffers deadliest year in more than a century. the city experienced 797 homicides in 2021 the most of any u.s.s. city as correspondent garrett tenney shows us spikes in violent crime were not isolated to the windy city. >> we all know this has been a challenging year here in the city of chicago. too many families are reeling from the loss of loved ones due to senseless gun violence. >> chicago ended the year with nearly 800 homicides leading the nation with the highest total the city has seen in a quarter century nationwide cities saw uptick, many reaching levels they haven't experienced in decades. washington, d.c.'s murder rate went up for the fourth straight year passing the 200th mark for the first time since 2003. in los angeles and new york city murders increased by more than 50% compared to 2019 reaching levels unseen since the 1990s. this weekend the big apple's newly sworn in mayor eric adams says this next year will be different. >> we want to refocus on those carrying guns and violent crimes in our city and turn around this city. it's going to be a safe place. i say it all the time the prehe can sit to prosperity is public safety and justice. our city will be safe. >> top cop says his department must and will do better. some aren't so optimistic 2022 will be any different and blame mayor lower light foot and progressive policy. >> we done it with war time numbers right now. something different has to be done. criminal justice has backfired on society especially here in chicago. >> 2021 ended with another tragic statistic, 346 officers were shot in the line of duty. and of those, the national fraternal of police reports 63 lost their lives. bret? >> bret: garrett tenney in chicago. garrett, thanks. up next, is tough talk enough? the panel on rising tension with russia. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight, fox 31 in denver where boulder county residents are allowed to return to their homes after a massive wildfire destroyed nearly 1,000 structures. two people are still missing there. authorities are investigating the cause of the fire. and this is a live look at seattle from fox 13. one of the big stories there tonight, a seconds' long interaction between a hockey fan and equipment manager threedz a life-saving procedure. at a game in october a seattle kraken fan spotted the cancerous monthly on the neck of the equipment manager. she implored him to get it checked out after having it removed. the two met face to face where the canucks employee thanked the fan for likely saving his life and mccracken team gave her a $10,000 scholarship. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ t gets better and better and better. get iphone 13 pro, on us, when you trade in your old or damaged phone. here, the phone everyone wants, on america's most reliable network. better? 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>> yeah. and i think we have now heard there are these series of meetings set up and most americans say that's sensible. let's try to engage in diplomacy for deescalation. the risk is there do you offer meaningful concessions to the putin where he has a pattern of behavior it's reinforced. he saber rattles and amasses troops at the border and gets things he wants. that would repeat itself if he decides to go that route. i think on the invasion side and if it's true that he is dead set on that, then i think it's going to be a very bloody and ugly situation as brit mentioned, if there's a chance to deter it though, putin has to truly believe that when the west, particularly the united states says there will be crippling sanctions it, will be extremely painful, it will not look anything like the response of crimea or georgia before that, he has to believe that he has to think that's legitimate. i'm not sure if he does believe that which is why the world has to speak very, very clearly. the western world. >> bret: yeah, 10 seconds, hugh, do you think that russia has buffeted itself for whatever sanctions are coming? >> yes, they have. brit was right. the first war was 13,000 casualties. i think putin is ready to absorb a lot of losses. we just have to be ready to back up ukraine in inflicting those losses. >> bret: okay, panel, stand by if you would. when we come back, tomorrow's headlines. ♪ ♪ i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. among my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. 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"fox news primetime" hosted by lawrence jones. >> lawrence: good evening. i'm lawrence jones and welcome to 2022. it might be a new year but the same covid problems are still crippling our country. by now it has become painfully obvious the white house has no plan on how to handle this crisis. even know joe promised us over a year ago he had everything under control. watch. >> i'm going to shut down the virus. >> i'm not going to shut down the economy. i'm going to shut down the

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Which , Late December , 15 , Reports , Hospitalizations , State , Many , Anywhere , Caveat , American Academy Of Pediatrics , 1 8 , 4 1 , Handling Covid , Things , Conditions , Experts , Hospital , Instruction , Spring Semester , 2000 , School Looking , Omicron , Safety Protocols , Community , Commissioner , Spread , Risk , Cloth Masks Aren T , Controversy , Groups , Election , New York State , Memo , Airborne Transmission , Bottom Line , Covid Treatment Supplies , Health Department , Illness , Makers , Risk Factor , Drug , Ethnicity , Standing Stem Health Cricketed , Nonwhite Race , 19 , Officials , Vaccines , Variant , Biden , People , Holidays , Jonathan Serrie In Atlanta , Covid Testing Challenge , Something Else , Administration , Story , Challenges , Up Testing , Cases , Jacqui , North Lawn , Statements , Public Health , Testing Component , Quarantine Guidance , Two , Test , We Weren T , Infection , You Weren T Still Transmissible , Response , Policy Changes , Concern , Something 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State Natives , Capitol City , Tradition , Plows , Bret , Rich Edson At Reagan National , Territory , S P 500 , Forecast , Dow , Stocks , 500 , Nasdaq , 188 , 30 , 247 , Place , Protection , 3 , January 3rd , Someone , Vaccination , School Community , Educators , Amount , Safe Learning Environment , 5 , Country , Unions , Home , Classrooms , Soundbite , Weatherer , Panel , Susan Page , Brit Hume , Hugh Hewitt , Fox News , Guy Benson Com , Political Editor , Chainsaw Brit , Support , Teachers Unions , Teacher Unions , Fact , News , Being , Danger , Weekend , Sense , Pandemic , Remarks , Atmosphere , Covid Issue , Politically , Reasons , Approval Rating Go Down , 40 , Issue , Presidency , Reason , Case , Ratings , Approval Rating , Polls , 50 , Problems , Education , Travel , Number , Messages , Fronts , Everything Else , Problem , Guidance , Process , Dealing , Isolation , Odessa , 10 , Booster Shot , Child , Incoherent , Words , Mothers , Fathers , Age , Advice , Disaster , Counsel , Requirement , Credibility , Crash , Course , World , Back To School , Some , Cities , Failure , Much , Gold , Blue Areas , Cvs , Walgreen S , Health , Stage , Bureaucracy , Virus , Tool , Testing Finance , Family , Listen , Town , Laughter , Shelves , Cvss , Flu , Cloth Mask , Transmission , Drop , Mask , Type , Best , Coronavirus , Benefit , 95 , Masks , Data , Iteration , Definitions , Life , Point Society , School Systems , Papers , Institutions , Path , Learning , Whatever , Events , Promises , Bunch , In The Beginning , Credit , Treatment , Goal , Office , Example , Vaccinations , Standard , Government , Governors , Solution , Reality , Acknowledgment , States , Role , Wasn T Playing A Big Role , Refusal , Shot , Dr , Joe Rogan Podcast , Malone , It , Twitter , Founders , Mrna , Anything , Attention , Attempt , Podcasts , Censored , Door , Air Traffic Controllers , Misinformation , Air Paco , Border , Russian , Build Up , Anxiety , Show , Troop , Stand By , Invasion , Negotiations 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Television , 22 , Interest , Citizens , Senior , Ties , Geneva January 9th , 10th , 9 , January 9th , Georgia , Demands , Rate Tensions , Diest , Pentagon , Borders , Building , Police , Roof , First , Firefighters , U S Capitol , Attack , Flames , National Assembly , Cape Town , South Africa , Up Next , Man , South Korea , Investigation , Damage , Sprinkler System , Valve , Scene , Public Works , Defense Ministry , Safety , Gymnast , North , South , Defector , Identity , Hotline , North Korea , Barbed Wire Border Fence , 2020 , Look , Deal , Rights , The Big Story There Tonight , Songs , Warner Music , Catalog , London , David Bowie , Six , Stories , Music Icon , 75th Birthday , 250 Million , 75 , 50 Million , Heart , Viking , Treasures , Landmarks , Extras , Viking Longships , Wi Fi , Cruise Line , Excursions , Ship , Readers , Cultural Enrichment , River , CondÉ Nast , Capitol Police , The One , Police Officers , Officers , Fix , Aishah Hasnie , Capitol Riot January 6th , Capitol Hill , Police Union Taking Aim , 400 , January 6th , 130 , Security Threats , Hires , Training Academy , 2016 , 900 , Posts , Department , Security Contractors , The End , 2021 , 9000 , Chair , Criticism , Point , Garage , Drawing , Union , Standards , Recipe , Flags , Police Union , Safe , Inspector General , Quarter , Failures , Januarn , Chief Manger , 100 , Filibuster , Chuck Schumer , Voting Rights , Warning , Dear Colleague Letter , Republican , Filibuster Threshold , Blockade , Letter , Order , Januara , Jr , January 17th , Martin Luther King , Voting Rights Legislation , 17 , Toothless , Election Process , Democracy , Aberration , Threat , Mike Lee , Norm , Immeasurably , Devolves , Rule Change , Utah , Joe Manchin , Environment , Knees , Democrats , Lord Of The Flies , Kyrsten Sinema , Letitia James , Trump , Court Filings , Subpoenas , Um Huh , You Bet , December 1st , President Trump , Conservatives , Properties , Valuations , Organization , Real Estate , Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene , Account , Misinformation Policies , Taylor Green , Tech Silencing Conservative Voices , Social Media Giant , Strike , Correspondent Alexandra Hough , Company , Congresswoman Greene , Quote , Violations , Covid 19 Misinformation Policy Implemented In March , Vaccine Data , About , Unverified , Tweet , Add , Falsehood , Companies , Vaccine Deaths , Secret , Steps , Disinformation , Part , Praise , Algorithms , Congresswoman Parilla Jayapal , Little , Enemy , Ban , Representative , Frankly , Alternative Platform Telegram , Ted Cruz , Hypocrisy , Iran S Supreme Leader , Truth , Big Tech , Policy , Violation , Content , Breach , Terms , Claim , Trab Gli , Kevin Mccarthy , Commentary , Opinion , Sources , Harm , Suspension , About Greene , Congressman Dan Crenshaw , Speech , Conduct , Bill , Big Tech Companies , Big Tech S Orthodoxy Gets Muzzled , Care , Solutions , Writing , Victim , Instagram , Facebook , Campaign Donations , Scam , Company Spokesperson , Scam Accusation , Greene , Beef , Children S Book Publishers , Alex , Move , Ads , Quality , Ronald Reagan , Fox Business Today , Board Member , Coney Barrett , Homicide , Subject Matter , Alexandria , Violence , Record , Turn , End , Ay , Pay , Hang On , Ooo , Tex , Protein , High Protein , Liberty , Muscle Health , Boost , Nutrients , 16 , 20 , Scholarship , Matter , Scholarships , Immune Support , Opportunities , University Of Phoenix , 3000 , 000 , Stop Trulicity , Daughter , Type 2 Diabetes , Change , Blood Sugar , A1c , Ten , 2 , Doctor , Use , Neck , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , It Isn T , Reaction , Lump , Swelling , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Side Effects , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Stomach Pain , Taking Trulicity , Vision , Pancreatitis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Diabetic Retinopathy , Law Enforcement Officials , Breath Bret , Cartels , It S Time , Social Media , Agent , Heroin , Fentanyl , Urgency , Facilitation , Sit Back , Al Qaeda , Thee Cartels , Impunity , 100000 , Deaths , Drug Overdose Deaths , Drugs , Hit , China , Mexican , Most , Homicides , Correspondent Garrett Tenney , 797 , In The City Of Chicago , Crime , Families , Loss , Loved Ones , Gun Violence , The City , Nation , Total , 800 , New York City , Levels , Time , Murder Rate , Murders , Saw , Uptick , Haven T , Los Angeles , 200th Mark , 2003 , 200 , Eric Adams , Big Apple , Crimes , Carrying , Guns , 1990 , 2019 , City , Cop , Prosperity , Justice , Prehe , Numbers , Society , Aren T , Criminal Justice , War Time , Statistic , Fraternal , Lives , Line , Duty , 63 , 346 , Residents , Tension , Homes , Fox Affiliates , Boulder County , Garrett , Fox 31 In Denver , 31 , Cause , Seattle , Fire , Wildfire , Structures , Authorities , Fox 13 , 1000 , 13 , Equipment Manager , Monthly , Game , Threedz A Life Saving Procedure , Kraken Fan , Interaction , Hockey Fan , Canucks , Team , Fan , Saving , Met , Beltway , Face To , 0000 , 10000 , Better , Iphone , Phone , Music , Phone Everyone Wants , Network , Entertainment Subscriptions , Guy , Kate , Iphone 13 Pro , Apple Arcade , 7 , Health Info , Entertainment , Carolers , Verizon , 80 , Everything , 23andme , Info , Dna , 23 , Control , Kit , Ancestry , 129 , 29 , Aleve X , Relief , Pain Reliever , Revolutionary , Rollerball Design , Aleve , Cannot Ukraine , Rickenbacker , Zelensky , Statement , Partner , Ski , Jen Psaki , Brit , No Matter , Obama , Assets , Action , Disintermediation , Autocrats , Finland , 2014 , Appeasement , Negotiation , Thoughts , Cold War , Sphere , Elsewhere , Warnings , Influence , Situation , Aggression , Intentions , Ground , Neighbor , Regime , Atlantic , Assessment , Second , Russia Will In The End , , Walk , Kind , Forecasting , Wall , Doesn T , Choice , War , Morgan Ortagus , Firing A Shot , Friend , Cost , Ukraine Out , Aid , Thesis , Magic Bullet , Series , Meetings , Diplomacy , Deescalation , Obviously Morgan , State Department Spokesperson , Concessions , Pattern , Behavior , Route , He Saber , West , Chance , Set , Casualties , Western World , Yes , 13000 , Losses , Headlines , Mom , Patients , Teeth Sensitivity , Gum Issues , Gum , Sensitivity , Version , Action Effect , Planning , Sensodyne , Northwestern Mutual , Donor , Retailers , Subaru , Love , Tthe , It Smost Ing Now Subaru , Vo , Fourteen , Love Event , Share , Aspca , National Park Foundation , Meals On Wheels , Charity , Two Hundred And Fifty , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Artists , Designers , Players , Do It Yourselfers , Enbrel , Joint Pain , Friends , Clearer , Parents , Skin , Nervous System , Cancers , Reactions , True Self , Ability , Blood Disorders , Lymphoma , Tuberculosis , Have , Heart Failure , Bruising , Sores , Paleness , Bleeding , Hepatitis B , Fever , Cuts , Visit Enbrel Com , Mayor , School Boards , Ears , Lips , Isn T Insane , Contributor , It Guy , Winter , Revelation , Tree , Local Fox News , Relatedly , Snow Storm , Havoc , Gas Masks , Teacher Learning , Unafraid , Fox News Primetime , Lawrence Jones , Lawrence , Economy , Obvious , Watch ,

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