Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

>> happy new year, kevin, how has it been so far? >> so far so good. like a lot of people i wanted to see what the celebration might be like and i took it in on television, how about you? >> exactly the same and we did the early version on the west coast. >> yes, as you take a look there, celebrations all over the globe from rio to london to auckland, to hong kong as the world brings in 2022. >> beautiful pictures there, look at those fireworks. >> yeah, really something. i watched, obviously, our coverage over in nashville, which was a tremendous time last night, but from vegas to seattle, new york city. for a lot of americans, this is the one time where hope springs eternal, truly when you think about what the new year might be. we want to leave 2021, a lot of us want to leave 2021 behind and never look back and let's all look into 2022 in a positive way and let's work to make it a better world. >> absolutely. and good hopes for a new start this year. i agree, kevin. >> absolutely, meantime, anita, this is a fox news alert. eric adams was just sworn in a few minutes past midnight as the 110th mayor of the great new york city. after taking the subway to city hall this morning he's about to layout his vision for america's largest city and we'll have a clans to hear what he has to say when his speech begins, anita. >> all right. well, several states, meanwhile, pushing back on president biden's vaccine mandate as the omicron cases surge around the nation. and this comes as biden issues a warning to russia over their military presence along ukraine's border. our rich edison is live in wilmington, delaware, rich happy new year to you. >> happy new year, anita. and president biden's second year in office, a lot of challenges, covid-wise. and made testing a priority. he has caught criticism for not pushing more testing early, in particular ahead of this massive omicron surge and ahead of the holidays as the holidays now come to a wrap. the administration is ordering 500 million at-home tests and they were stuck at-- many many americans were stuck trying to get tests ahead of the holiday season and these were sent out for free and it's unknown when they will be available. even the president admits he wished he would have moved on more testing a couple months ago. federal judge blocked mask and vaccine mandates in a texas head start program and the federal ruling means it likely continues throughout the court system. this friday, the supreme court is scheduled to hear challenges to the biden administration's vaccine or testing mandates for employees of larger companies, and for certain health care workers. the president also faces challenges abroad. russia has amassed tens of thousands of troops along the border with ukraine and appears poised to invade the country for the second time in eight years. on a phone call thursday with vladimir putin, the president warned a response to any invasion. i'm not going to negotiate in public, but we made it clear that he cannot, emphasize, cannot move on ukraine. thank you. >> senior american and russian officials are expected to meet in geneva in a week and a half to discuss the issues and also, president biden is expected to have a phone call with the ukrainian president today to discuss this as the u.s. officials are speaking with hosts of countries that are involved in this, and in particular in europe. back to you. >> the work does not end on new year's day for the president it seems. thank you. >> rich, thank you. thank you, anita. omicron cases are surging throughout the country. some experts are saying the peak may end up being much higher than previously anticipated. joining us from the atlanta bureau, the home of the c.d.c. down there in atlanta. he has the latest, hey, charles. >> hey, kevin, happy new year, not the best start for the country as the u.s. reports record levels of covid-19 infections, fueled by the omicron variant as millions of americans get set to return to school and work and uncertainty in terms of what comes next. 300,000 new cases a day and hospitalizations among children served. much of the nation's schools are sticking with plans to welcome kids back for in-person learning while a handful of school districts are opting to ease back into things. four of georgia's largest school districts say they'll go virtual and transition to in-person learning in the days to follow. seattle public schools who are pushing back the first day of class in an effort to test, the district securing 60,000 testing kids for students and staff which will determine whether the classrooms stay open. >> we're prepared to temporarily pivot to online remote learning if necessary. that's not necessary right now. it could be with a class. it could be a school. there are so many scenarios to talk about reasonably. the fact is that we will take any measures that are necessary, all under the guidance of public health. >> and the northeast still sticking out as hot spot to assess hospitals overwhelmed with covid patients. and the national guard are acting as nursing assistants on monday and with more people vaccinated health officials are hoping that relief is on the way following word of south african officials who say the country surpassed the omicron peak without a spike in deaths. >> and omicron having clinical manifestations that have not caused alarm in the hospital situation. >> and some positive signs from a couple of studies that show that the omicron variant may not be as severe as others we've seen in the past. the reason being it primarily attacks the nose and throat and spares the lungs from severe damage. >> happy new year, my friend. >> happy new year. >> anita. >> for more on omicron and the pandemic, we're 0 joined by family and emergency medicine physician and good friend to the program. doctor, happy new year to you, it's great to see you. >> thank you, you, too. >> i guess it's another year where we are starting off dealing with some form of covid. although it certainly seems like we're in a better place than we were last year, even though as we heard from charles' report omicron seems to be everywhere. >> yes, omicron is one of the most contagious variants that we have to date. it's extremely contagious spreading from person to person although we see the number of cases skyrocketing, the good news the death count is going lower. it's going down and that's what we want to see. we know it's contagious, it's just a matter of managing your symptoms and controlling spread and we have the tools to do that. >> that's certainly good news. yesterday the wall street journal stays we're looking at the downward trend in south africa as good news for us and cases could peak mid january? >> we hope so. we looked at south africa, they weekend four weeks after the highest cases and the good news as well their peak hospitalization was half of what it was when they were suffering from delta. so even more good news to show us less virulent, less dangerous, half the number of hospitalizations. here in new york city, the demographics are different, we're more congested and ours may last longer, but i hope we have a rapid decline once our peak hits. >> that would be terrific, even though we're seeing a record number of cases it doesn't seem like from what we're hearing from reports, we're not running out of hospital beds or ventilators like we were a couple of years ago. people are not dying in record numbers because of the variant, like you said. so how are you advising your patients who want to live their normal lives, but keep omicron at bay? how should they go about their daily lives? given that the variant could peak soon? >> that's the best question. the best way to protect yourself if you haven't already, get the vaccine, get the third dose, get the booster. if you're in crowded public areas, indoors, wear a mask to protect yourself. if you're high risk, if you have underlying medical conditions, if you feel like you've been exposed, get tested. if you have symptoms stay at home and of course, making sure you're in areas where there's good ventilation and i think the other important thing is working on ramping up production and accessibility and availability of the therapeutics, the monoclonals, and that's important as well as easy access to your booster. we have the tools and it's a matter of using them and having more improved accessibility to them. >> we have many more tools this year than we had last year at this time. doctor, thank you so much again, and happy new year to you, we'll see you soon. >> happy new year. >> happy new year. >> and thank you, this is a fox news alert. 110th mayor of new york city eric adams laying out his visions for the big apple. let's listen in. >> the world could be reminded of two things, right away as my administration begins. first, despite covid-19 and its persistence, new york is not closed. it is still open and alive because new yorkers are more resilient than the pandemic. and second, that new york can and should be the center of the universe again, bustling, thriving, and shopping it, shaping it, leading it to something better through the sheer will and talent. we all need that reminder right now. we have lived through two years of continuous crises and that itself our very nature of new yorkers. the crisis tells us that it is in charge, that it is in control, the crisis wants to tell us we can be happy, when we can be sad, when we can work and how we can enjoy our city. the crisis wants to tell us how to live. but there's one thing everyone knows about new yorkers, we don't like anyone telling us what to do. yet, unemployment remains high, crime is high, covid cases are high again, so how do we get our city back? my fellow new yorkers, the answer is simple. we will get our city back by making a commitment to each other right here, right now, beginning today. this will be our new year's resolution. we will not be controlled by crisis. and instead, we'll make this city better every day through actions, big and small, getting vaccinated is not letting the crisis control you. enjoy a broadway show, sending your kids to school, going back to the office, these are declarations of confidence that our city is our own. of course, government must do its job to allow new yorkers who make these choices safely, and government must do better. our government has been dysfunctional for far too long and it created its own crisis long before covid. whether it was crime ridden communities, poor schools, economic inequality, racial injustice, our problems have been normalized for generations while new york government struggled to match the innovation of new yorkers. that changes today. i promise you one thing, new york, i will make our city better every day by making our city government better every day. that does not just mean-- >> listening to the new mayor of new york city, eric adams. he says he will make this city each and every day. he said it was dysfunctional long before the pandemic. many new yorkers would certainly agree with that. he comes in on the heels of bill deblasio. eric adams, the new mayor of new york city, anita. >> well, kevin, america loses one of its most beloved entertainers right on new year's eve. beloved actress and comedian betty white. fox news correspondent jonathan hunt takes a look back at the life of betty white who passed away friday at age 99. >> betty marion white was born january 17th, in oak park illinois. and during the depression her parents move with their own child to los angeles, she attended hollywood high school and later got a start on local tv. her break in 1949 with hollywood on television, a variety show that ran five hours a day and six days a week and that led to a sit com. >> betty white in "life with elizabeth", and the betty white show. ♪ after that she took a job na would change everything. as a celebrity contestant on the game show password, she met the man she said was the love of her life. host allen ludden. >> i'm give that to betty white. >> she landed the first of two lapped landmark rolls. >> i'm sorry i can't do a chocolate souffle with anything, but two cameras. >> and she was on the mary tyler moore show. >> and it was supposed to be a guest appearance, but it became a full-time job and earned her two emmy awards. in 1980, husband allen was diagnosed with stomach cancer, he died the following year. betty never remarried and never had children. she continued taking guest starring rolls and game shores until she once again found a perfect part. >> i got a call from a lois nyland. >> that's rose, rose, as in a series of seats in a movie theater. >> on golden girls, betty's character was the opposite of sue ann, the kind-hearted scatter-brained rose. >> giving stories from her town. >> lost the miss st. olaf's pageant? >> 23 years in a row. [laughter] >> along with acting, betty was passionate about animal welfare, she spent more than four decades working with the morris animal foundation and the los angeles zoo and won a lifetime achievement award from the jayne goodwin institute. >> my life is half show business, half animal business and do anything i can as i've said. >> our guest of honor, betty white. >> her career enjoyed a renaissance, appeared in a heart-hitting super bowl commercial. >> your kind of like betty white out there. >> that's not what your girlfriend said. >> and then a hosting gig on "saturday night live" and it became snl's highest rated show in nearly two years. >> now i'm here because you wanted me to be. >> and then new show "hot in cleveland", premiered the pilot was a rating record for tvland network. she had half a dozen emmies, a grammy award, a three actor's screen actor's guild award. the highest honor of my life. >> would her timing and personality, betty white leaves behind a lasting legacy of love and laughter. jonathan hunt, fox news. >> great stuff, jonathan. thank you, coming up more on the life and legacy of the great betty white. we'll speak with kevin mccarthy, an entertainment reporter with fox 5 in washington. how hollywood is celebrating her great life. >> and kevin, 2021 saw a massive wave of migrants crossing our southern border. we'll find out if anything is done in 2022 to stem the tide with a former acting director of ice and the former chief of the border patrol coming up next. with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. >> biden's border crisis, 21 minutes after the hour. our southern border crisis is not slowing down, while the variety of countries that the migrants are coming from is expanding. joining me the form director of ice and chief of border patrol. ron, when we talk about the incredible numbers we've seen interactions along the border, it's beyond stunning and i think for those who don't live in the border states, it's something that you can maybe watch at a distance or maybe pick up on television, but in particular for the americans who are living in these border states, it is galling to see what is happening. your thoughts? >> yeah, we went from, in less than a year, think about it, in less than a year, went from record numbers of low activity, low apprehension, low activity at the border, a modicum of control to the worst it's ever been in the history of the border, 1.7 million apprehensions last physical year. i heard from people on the ground now that they're above pace for 1.7, so we'll get close to probably two million this year if this doesn't change and unfortunately, there's no signal that it's going to change. this administration holds back what was effectively the tools that ended the last border surge and did away from all of them. all at the same time without any preparation, without any augmenttation, we saw what it looked like in del rio when the haitians were there and when they rescinded the policies, overcrowding in places like south texas, there's no end in sight until congress acts or something unfortunately, something bad happens, maybe they'll change their mind, but they're pursuing an open border policy and encouraging people to come to the border and chaos reins. the cartels are in control of most of the southwest border. it's unfortunate because this is all self-inflected. >> well, you hit on something that's important, in particular, when you think about the people who are coming, many of them may be looking for a better opportunity or a better life, but there are obviously going to be people among them who are here to do america harm. i mean, we have no idea where some of these people are coming from and i remember reading a piece last week, a gentleman was picked up, i'm not sure from yemen or some other country and yet, you wonder, are we going to suffer the dramatic and devastating consequences of this particular policy down the line? >> well, the department of homeland security and border patrol, they exist in order to protect us from what's happening on this border. you're right to call out, people apprehended at the border, they're much in terrorism, they're in with those seeking a better life and what the law allows for. when they're encountering two million people, word from the chief of del rio, he goes an entire eight hours where there's nobody patrolling the border in del rio because they're forced to care and comfort the people in custody. that allows the cartel to cross freely. if you're catching 1.7 million in a year and how many are getting away? it's a terrible situation and puts us at risk. they don't stay at the border, if they're come to go do us harm, the border patrol is less capable and the department is less capable to find them and source them from the threat on the border. kevin: every person coming for a better life, who knows, the cartels, a lot of exploitation happening for innocent victims along the border and this is the sort of thing that perpetuates itself down the line. very quickly before we go, i want to draw your attention to what happened in pennsylvania. you may have heard about it, overnight flight happening on christmas night and now the governor there, governor wolf says listen this flight was sort of passing through, and yet there are some state lawmakers now in the keystone state that says, wait a minute, we need to know when you fly in and out of wilkes-barre. >> and the people need to know, full transparency regarding this is necessary to ensure that the health and safety of the communities is adequately protected. when i look at statements like this, i want to know if people are flying in and out of my communities, if they're migrants, are they covid tested? we're talking americans need to be. are they doing the same from the migrants coming here from all over the globe? >> no, i agree with you. transparency is important here, this is another example of where what happens at the border affects the entire country. so, border security is the same thing as national security and the government owes the people they're sending into the communities, they owe the people living in the communities what's happening. where are the people coming from? what portion of the continuum are they going to be in? all of that is necessary for us to have confidence that they're doing the right thing. >> lastly, i want to share some numbers. you talked about them moments ago, they're stunning. the stats show look at the interaction. nearly two million in fiscal year 2021, already since october, another 384,000, i'm curious based on your experience and your connections, obviously, with the men and women who are on the rank and file, they're working. what are they telling you? >> they're demoralized. we're in a situation where the policy changes have encouraged people to come to the border in large numbers and every time that this administration has gone out to make a policy statement, they've backed away from the rule of law, they've told people in the country illegally not to worry about ice coming after them. they've told them they're not going to raid businesses that people are working illegally in. they set up a set of priorities unless you're a threat to public safety and you just crossed the border that ice is not allowed to approach you let alone removal for proceedings. the morale is terrible because they're in a situation they can't walk away from. those first responders, those agents, officers and agents at ice, they're responsible to protect us. the people come to the border and they have to heal from it the form director of ice, thank you for being here. >> good to be with you kevin, happy new year. kevin: anita. anita: and pushback against the biden administration's vaccine mandate. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? 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>> the problem is covid-19 doesn't have a red or blue color rendering-- kevin, happy new year, in the middle of this conversation. we're entering a viral blizzard, 44,000 deaths are predicted the next 30 days, and health care workers would get infected and collapse the health care system, that's the danger. the answer is vaccine. you're 20 times more protected. there's conspiracy theory meets polarization, and politics, and we have to get much better at fighting covid-19 and not each other. kevin: let me dovetail on what david just said, many americans don't mind getting the vax. ne don't want to be told they have to put something in their bodies if they don't want to. >> that's loud and clear, and we got the message from this administration, everybody's got the message. but they're forgetting they're talking to americans. we don't like to be talked to that way. we want to make personal choices and decisions based on ourselves. i have clients that are moving out of blue states to red states and they don't like the totalitarianisms in california and new york, and they're looking to move to texas and idaho, and they're looking at texas and the victory that the attorney general had. absolutely, america, we've got we heard that we should get the vax, there's no mandate. that's un-american and i'm glad there's a pushback. kevin: and david, let me bring you into this part of the conversation, paul points out there are americans saying i'm out of here and enough already with the mandates. let me show you a stat. people are probably going to be stunned by this. the number of americans moving all over the country, in particular to the states that have fewer restrictions is incredible. take a look at this, too, the number of people losing their jobs, due to vaccine mandates is stunning. we're talking at a time when we obviously need military veterans with experience, and an at a time we need hospital and health care workers with experience. a lot of americans worked in the jobs before we had a vaccine and now losing their jobs because they don't want to take the jab. >> listen, i think that kevin, the truth is that mandates have always been problematic and i worry they'll increase resistance and cognitive dissonance. they've worked across 50 states in small pox, polio, lately chicken pox. there have been complicated supreme court decisions going back and january 7th, they're going to hear this again, a federal mandate. and three times since august, the supreme court failed to overrule a federal mandate. and this is a mandate to either get vaxed or tested. so i think, listen, we've got to be smart about this, we've got to be pragmatic, we have a blizzard coming at us and we have to do everything we can to educate people and cautious about mandates, but the truth is, private companies have a right to do this. i don't think that we-- do any of the three of us want to take away the right of private companies to do this. that's the balance we'll have to strike here. >> well put, david. you lead me into the next point. paul, let me bring you back in. david mentioned the high court and we'll learn on the 7th of january, i think in particular the attention focused perhaps on the latest three supreme court justices to join the bench. we're talking justices gorsuch, kavanaugh and amy coney barrett. david is right, frankly, at least at this point, private enterprise has been able to maintain this particular rule where they can require their employees and now, it's getting-- it's getting more gray when we're talking about having the government mandate. your thoughts. >> it's a slippery slope for government and i think our justices will look at this as such, that it's complete government overreach. it's directly attacking the freedom. look, we have the hipaa regulations. and when in some states they're showing the vax cards, and their personal right without it being known. and i hope our government does the right thing and the supreme court does, that it's it's government overreach and violating rights to privacy and our general basic freedom. that's what concerns me. we've got to stop this slippery slope in its tracks. kevin: a slowdown in the separation of powers argument. gentlemen, thank you as always, happy new year to both of you. >> thank you, you as well. kevin: anita. anita: kevin, great discussion. 2021 showed the power of parents pushing back with school boards over everything from critical race theory to remote learning. our panel debates it next. thanks for bringing me with you guys today, mr. and mrs. lopez. not a problem, josh. hey, you two. check out all these camera views in my silverado i can see in front of me, behind me, on either side of me. and it has this cam, so i can see if there's any funny business going on. you see any funny business going on? 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you looked at now energized americans were over taxes or obamacare and their fight for that. now today, you have ordinary, average soccer moms, dads, getting up in their school boards, getting engaged, making public comments, but now, taking it a step further and actually running for these offices across this country. it begins with our kids, as a father i've got four kids, my wife and i love raising them and we put a lot of trust into the schools to do the right thing and we've got to elect the right people with the right experience with a passion and concern for our kids to get elected and that's why you see the parents having this revolution at the school boards. anita: david, your thoughts on that quickly, so many parents, we've seen school board members been there for a long time being ousted, new parents coming in. what are your thoughts? >> it's a rather moment when i agree with paul on fox news channel. the magic of america is works locally. at franklin said, it's a republic, and states rates and local political rights. inge that's part of the solution, like congress, the senate can't get much done. we can't get stupid stuff passed, right? this has got to be driven down to the local level. we have to do a better job at fighting covid-19 and not each other. get past conspiracy theories, social media and the hatred fueled politics that can bring america down. we have to work together and that's what we've done in crises in the past. let's begin again, it's omicron, let's hope it's less deadly. anita: the case for vaccine mandates, was headed to the supreme court in the new year, january 7th. pointing the a health care workers, and do you agree with that and what do you expect the court to do now? >> i do agree, three times on the mandates. i think they'll uphold it again, remember, osha, which is controversial for some people, but osha says over six months these mandates will save six and a half thousand lives, 250,000 hospitalizations and that's not nothing if they're right. so because private sector companies have stricter mandates, and because this is a mandate to either get a vaccine or to get tested, i think the supreme court is going to weigh on the side of a national mandate, at least in this temporary blizzard of viral infection that we're facing, but we'll see. anita: yeah, we will see. paul, let me get your take on that on the supreme court and their upcoming decision. >> yeah, you know, while they may, however, i would hope that they would not and here is the reason why. this is a very dangerous slippery slope for america. you look where we are in today's times. all the talk is about the vaccine and the mandate, and if we begin to go down this road, mandating that employers do certain things to their employees especially in regards to their health. what's next? right now it's covid, but what is the next block and that's where the supreme court needs to look at and say look, our constitutional right to privacy and freedoms must come first despite all dangers, perceived, real or unreal. anita: a lot of people are worried about a slippery slope there. we're also seeing now, a number of school districts across the country, and i want to bring up a map, that are talking about going remote or closing up shop for a little while. these are just some states and some districts in these states. so, maryland, new york, new jersey, ohio, illinois, and i just read this morning also georgia. some districts in those states either closing for a little while or going remote. we have yet to see the data and we may not see it for years about the negative effects of keeping kids out of school. could education and government officials have handled this differently? david, to you first. >> well, i think that paul has kids and i have a two and three quarter-year-old in the other room. remote learning doesn't work very well. we pay a big cost and our kids even worse pay a big cost of that and i've been supportive of 99% of schools back full-time and in person, but the truth is covid-19 has its own reality and omicron has its own reality and if we see 20% of health care workers being infected and school systems. like airlines, eventually if people get infected you start canceling flights. if school workers get infected that's the dynamic. i lean hardaway from remote learning because we pay a cost, but the reality of covid-19 will have its own reality and story to tell over 2022. anita: paul, 10 seconds to be fair. >> the common denominators, they're democratically controlled. and unions have huge for teachers and kids at home and masked up. kids have got fob in a classroom. let's get back to common sense. the kids for the most part of extremely resilient and so are our military troops who we're firing and not giving religious exemptions. we've got to wake up. anita: big topics, thank you so much, david and paul. happy new year to you both. >> happy new year, anita. kevin: the sights and sounds ringing in the new year. that's coming your way next. e. 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. >> happy new year, 2022. 53 minutes after the hour. from fireworks at the iconic sydney harbor bridge to the eiffel tower. and our ryan chillicothe is in london. and i trust yours was safe and fun? >> absolutely. happy new year to you. muted is right. although you wouldn't have said that 18 hours ago in the suburbs of london and my entire neighborhood erupted in a cauphony of fireworks. and people even if they wanted to go to the thames and watch the display this year because of covid you weren't allowed to. people were little out and 61 degrees a record, so was yesterday. omicron setting records. 190,000 cases in u.k. reported on new year's eve. on a per capita basis, double the number in the u.s. so many cases they've run out of pcr tests in the u.k. and they're concerned what's going to happen after all of the families mixed over the holidays. sydney, australia is where the first big new year's celebration kicked off. it's already shy of 6:00 in the morning january 2, 2022 in some parts of australia right now, but tens of thousands of people turned out to watch the fireworks there. not as many as people as before the pandemic, but not far off. and not one to be outdone, dubai, too, went for it and they were gunning to get in the guinness book of world records with the scale of their celebrations. dubai is hosting expo 2020x. it's expo 2020 even though we're in 2022 after covid delayed the event by more than a year. and in rome, st. peter's square pope francis sent a message of peace, to mary, joseph and jesus on christmas day. so, a semi normal new year's eve although i don't think, kevin, any of us would have imagined that we would be celebrating new year's eve as we did just yesterday just a couple of years ago. kevin: i don't think there's any doubt about that. ryan, as always, appreciate it myself. happy new year, we'll see you again soon. aleet at that. anita: well, actor daniel craig has more in common with his character james bond. the actors share names and titles. we'll be right back. al. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ >> it is 1:00 p.m. in the east, welcome to fox news live and welcome to 2022. the world celebrating the new year in style with fireworks, fanfare and fresh hope for the future. and we welcome you and everybody, i'm kevin corke here in washington, pleased to be joined from my good friend from the south, anita. anita: great to be with you from across the country. i was just thinking when you were saying 2022, i will have to get yous today saying that. kevin: and writing it on everything else, right? i don't know about you but we have family traditions for new years. black-eyed peas, some people like tamales, what do you do? anita: we have an 8-year-old and we pop confetti and had a shot of campaign. that's our big tradition. kevin: las vegas to seattle, america, indeed, ringing the new year and new year of hope obviously for all of us. anita: yes, indeed. kevin: new year of christmas and unfortunately new year's eve celebration by surging cases, in fact, several states as you can well imagine pushing back against president biden's vaccine mandate. we welcome senior correspondent rich edison in wilmington, delaware. >> happy new year, kevin. the holiday season coming to a close here. working schools are trying to navigate folks heading back as you have the omicron power surge that's going through the country making covid levels hit unprecedented periods here. we have all of that with the administration and businesses and schools are now facing. many americans finished 2021 in long lines trying to get tests, the administration is working to buy 500 million at-home tests to send out for free. it's unclear when those tests will be available. the president acknowledges he should have moved on more testing a couple of months ago. cdc cut recommended isolation period from ten days to five as long as those with the virus have no symptoms athis latest surge leads to staff shortages across the economy. the administration also has several upcoming court challenges, federal judge blocked mask mandates and case likely continues in the federal court system. this friday the supreme court is scheduling today hear challenges to the biden administration's vaccine or testing mandates for employees of larger companies and certain healthcare workers. the president also faces challenges abroad, russia has amassed tens of thousands of troopers in ukraine and appears poise to invade the country for the second time in eight years, in a phone call thursday with russian president vladimir putin, the white house says president biden warned unprecedented sanctions in response. >> i'm not going to negotiate here in public but we made it here that we cannot, emphasize, you cannot move on ukraine. thank you. >> in a week and a half senior american and russian officials are schedule today meet in geneva and they'll discuss security issues and officials say they do not expect president biden and vladimir putin to be directly involved in the conversations. kevin back to you. kevin: great to see you, my greened. rich edison from wilmington, delaware, happy new year, buddy. anita. anita: new cases breaking new daily records and just in the last week alone health officials have confirmed more than 2 million cases. our charles watson is live with more details. he's live in atlanta, hello, charles. charles: hi, anita, the u.s. reaching record levels of covid-19 infections, of course, fueled by the omicron variant. this is the backdrop as millions of americans get set toga back k to school and uncertainty as to what comes well as the u.s. clocks well over 300,000 new cases a day and hospitalizations among children surge, most of the nation's schools are sticking with plans to welcome kids back for in-person learning while a handful of school districts are opting to ease back into things. georgia's largest school district, they will go virtual rather when they resume classes next week and transition to in-person learning in days to follow. seattle publish schools are pushing first day of class in an effort to test the district securing 60,000 testing kits and will determine whether classes will stay open. >> we will temporarily pivot to online remote learning if necessary, that's not necessary right now. it could be with a class, it could be with a school. there are to many scenarios to talk about reasonably, but we will take any measures necessary all under the guidance of public health. charles: a rough situation in the northeast with the federal strike teams arriving in pennsylvania to assist hospitals overwhelmed with covid patients and neighboring delaware, the governor declaring a state of emergency allowing the national guard to act as nursing assistance comes monday and with more people vaccinated health officials are hoping relief is on the way following word from south african officials who say the country has surpassed its omicron peak without major spike in deaths. >> omicron has reached a peak. having reached the peak with clinical manifestations that have not caused any alarm in the hospital situation. charles: not entirely clear when the omicron surge will peak and medical professional predicts it will happen within the next few weeks. anita: can't come too soon, charles. charles watson in atlanta. while more jobs are available, but who will do the work? according to most recent data from the labor department, their october numbers show, get this, there's about 1 and a half jobs for every worker available. that's great if you're looking for a job but it's prompting concerns about a continuing economic recovery. joining us now to weigh in is job creator's network president and ceo alfredo ortiz. alfredo, thanks for joining us on this new year's day. >> thank you, good afternoon, happy new years to you, anita. anita: same to you. the president says the economy is fantastic. take a look at the tweet i believe it's from the 29th, we are ending 2021 with what one analyst described as the strongest first year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years. let's keep the progress going. now he's saying that but according to the bureau of labor statistics i want to put up some numbers here, inflation is at a 39-year high, lack at that. food costs up 6%, energy costs up 33% and gas up 58%. i'm certainly not an economist but common sense tells me that inflation is affecting the economy and the overall job market, what are you seeing? >> anita, you don't have to be an economist to figure this one out. it's not at all what president biden said in his tweet about being the strongest economic records in the past 50 years. look, the american public isn't buying this malarki as he calls it. a recent gallup found out that two-thirds of americans say that the economy is actually getting worst and 80% rate the economy as poor or fair. look, basically president biden is ending 2021 basically the same way he started 2021 lying to the american public about the economic record and the american public is just not buying it anymore. anita: he does like to use that word malarky. you're right. how much is vaccine mandates affecting certain industries? we still see the supply chain struggling, not enough workers to keep the normal pace. how long would that take to correct itself? >> yeah, i mean, this is a real concern and it's been a concern the entire year, 2021, for small business owners in particular. remember, anita, two-thirds of new job growth is in the hands of small businesses. when these small business owners start getting worried about the economic future not only the economy and businesses, they will start pulling back and to your point, we -- president biden has claimed that he created the 6 million plus jobs, he didn't create these, these are just jobs that basically were put on hold because of covid and people are coming back to work. we are still $4 million below pre-pandemic level. there's no cheering that should be coming from the white house. we have a lot of work to do and policies putting in place which is driving inflation through the roof, we are almost at 7% on consumer price index which basically what consumers pay for goods and services, record levels and the producer price index which is what producers pay for their input is almost 10 10% and that's a precursor to the producer price index, next month we are looking at numbers 7 to 8% on the consumer price index. anita: small businesses are the backbone, the economic backbone of the country. so it certainly seems like it is an mr.'s market right now with lots of job openings, but how hard are employers having to work and how much more are they having to pay to get the workers in the door and then keep them there? people were used to getting the government checks during the last two weeks of the pandemic. >> yeah, a real concern is something called the labor forced participation rate, anita. when you look at 25 to 54-year-olds, record level lows and that's a real concern because that's where most of our workforce comes from. and so people are just not coming back to the workforce and a lot of it really was driven by basically a cultural shift, driven by, you know, the democrats and the biden plan and basically overstimulating the economy and frankly people again just don't want to go back to work. they're living off of their savings. if you look at savings rates pre-pandemic, about 8%, right now high 20 to low 30's, people saved up so they didn't have to work and employers are really finding hard time again, small business owners in particular, especially in the hospitality industry are finding almost impossible to get workers back and in many cases impacting the amount of hours they can open, the number of stores they can open and it's hurting the industry overall. anita: hospitality for certain. you can feel that when you go to restaurants and hotel. what is one thing the biden administration can do to help business as cross the country? >> one to have things is we really need to encourage people to get back to work. we have to not make it basically economically viable for people to basically just stay at home and work and we have to make sure the policies that are put in place really come back and are really focused on driving inflation down which is a major issue for small business owners. things like the build back better act don't pass because in there you talk about raising taxes, increasing regulations and that's the last thing that our employers across the country need and things like the build back better act do not pass and we have to make sure that we stand up and the small business owners in particular stand up because they know what's working and what's not working. anita: alfredo ortiz we have to lever it there, thank you so much for your insights today and happy new year to you. >> thank you, you too. anita: kevin. kevin: interesting conversation, anita, thank you, 12 minutes, a manhunt in minnesota after two people shot and wounded at the mall of america. the shooting occurred around 4:30 in the afternoon on new year's eve and sent shoppers scrambling for safety. the incident resulting in temporary shutdown of the massive mall, thought to be the largest in the country, one of and police are searching for the suspect who fled the scene after the shooting. ♪ ♪ kevin: beijing warning it will make moves. >> speaking from a shopping mall in beijing on new year's eve, chinese communist leader xi jinping says country well on its way to becoming world leader on 2029, he also made this dubious claim about taiwan. >> the complete reunification of motherland is an aspiration shared by the people on both sides of the taiwan strait. >> taiwan's president disagrees and warned beijing against any, quote, military venturism and two u.s. navy aircraft carriers, ronald reagan and carl vinson sail together in the western pacific which beijing viewed as prerogative. friday china warned wal-mart against removing products made in xinxang, a region where the u.s. government accuses china of running forced labor camps in the countries northwest home to millions of muslim minorities. in a statement beijing said to take down products from a region without valid reason is alter your motive and reveals stupidity and will surely have its own bad consequences n. recent interview, biggest national security challenges facing the u.s., vice president harris said our democracy and the climate, she did not mention china. the washington post reports china is ramping up its mining of western social media including facebook and twitter in an effort to boost its propaganda efforts, happy new year, kevin. kevin: lucas tomlinson, interesting stuff. we appreciate that. anita. anita: hundreds of americans in colorado are spending new year in shelters or through rubble of their home after devastating wild fires near denver, we are live on the ground next. ♪ ♪ ♪ when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. anita: wild fires rip through colorado leaving devastation, hundreds of homes started by fires by unknown source. hi, jeff. jeff: first we had massive wild fire burn through the area, now we have the first major snowfall of the season, while it is helping reduce the risk of fires, happening again in this particular spot it is creating other headaches especially for the recovery effort, a lot of folks just want to go into some of these fire damaged neighborhoods to see if their home still stands but authorities right now say it's just too dangerous in certain spots, however, we did get a chance to go to one of the hard hit areas and this is what we found. despite all the snow falling there's little fires, you can smell the smoke and you can hear the wood crackling, all of the snow does nothing to hide the devastation that this community will be feeling for months on end. massive wild fire destroyed a thousand homes and tens of thousands forced to evacuate and some still cannot return to see if home is still standing, the other concern is the frigid and snowy weather with temperatures dipping into the single digits. folks are worried their pipes will freeze and if they have a home to return to it'll be a different disaster on their hands but despite all of the challenges, people out here are not losing sight of what is most important. >> it's a pretty profound loss to lose a house but my wife and i are safe and uninjured and at the moment i'm glad she didn't take the drive over with me this morning because i think it's breaking my heart. i'm sure it would break hers too. >> still no reports of any confirmed deaths despite all of this destruction and so many homes burning, we know around 7 people were injured and minor injuries and we are following closely reports of two people who are possibly missing, investigators are looking into that. we will keep a close eye on that anita. anita: jeff paul, good to hear the perspective that you can always build another house but you can't get another life. thank you so much for the live report, kevin. kevin: thank you, anita. america's growing crisis 2022 as you can imagine is bringing mix bag of new reform laws as such states are tightening police reform and bail laws. ethan, it's great to have you, happy new year and i don't want to put this all on your shoulders, i understand that there are a number of municipalities and a number officials back in 2020, that sort of got swept up in the emotion of defund the police, change the system, turn over the tables and now there are unfortunately living with the consequences some of these policies, is that fair to say? >> well, i think there's a much broader set of issues that are happening across the country right now and happy new year, kevin. so good to talk to you in 2022 here. but look, the laws are much more moderate and modest in terms of what the reforms are that are taking effect here in 2022 even in states like california which probably that's the most dramatic changes in policing laws that have happening at the state level. there are still over things regarding choke holds, regarding police accountability and public availability of those records when something happens with the police officer. those are the types of laws that we were seeing as opposed to defund really failed to materialize but reforms are definitely happening including in red states like kentucky which is modified its no-knock law that requires to be no knock by police and there needs to be suspicion of a violent criminal behind that door before they do a no-knock warrant enforcement. so it's pretty moderate across the board. kevin: it would seem moderate and in particular if you sort of point out in particular certain cases like in kentucky, but i think the overarching field and in many municipalities that did happen and for the citizens they recoiled and we saw the pushback into 2021 and into 2022 as you mentioned the new laws. in particular here out west, you get this more than perhaps most americans that don't have to live with the news each and every day. when you're dealing surge in violence, in particular when you have massive numbers of people coming over the border and you have the existing circumstances of crime, i noticed in san francisco, for example, some petty crimes, not even being prosecuted, you're seeing band of individuals, this is the sort of thing people talk about the idea of defund the police, for lack of a better description really seem to backfire, your thoughts? >> what's going to happen is you will see the district attorneys are the ones under fire -- kevin: good point. >> even the mayor of oakland, excuse me, the mayor of san francisco said we need better police enforcement. we need more police on the street particularly neighborhood in san francisco, they are ramping up enforcement on drug dealers, skid row, significant crack-down on the drug dealers coming in when government checks are distributed. it's going to be the district attorneys who are under a lot of fire both in los angeles and in san francisco because they are the ones who make the decision on whether or not to prosecute these types of crimes. that's not -- that's not the citizens being angry at police, that's now the citizens looking at the district attorneys and their recall efforts. kevin: ethan bearman, great points about the da's because ultimately a lot of decisions are made. let me dovetail, if you will, we do need more support despite what they were saying in 2020. let me share a bit of sound from san francisco's mayor london bri. >> it's time that the rain of criminals for destroying our city, it's time to come to an end and it comes to an end when we take to be the steps to be more aggressive with the law enforcement, more aggressive with changes in policy and less tolerant of all the -- that hass destroying our cities. kevin: the idea of not prosecuting perhaps some, quote, low-level crimes. you can end up with all sorts of problems if you're a da because, again, the result is thugs and individuals breaking the law, lawlessness run ramp it and finally has reached the ears and the eyes of the mayor of san francisco, ethan. >> it is upsetting, look, there are plenty of liberals in these cities who don't want to feel unsafe when they're walking the streets and i'm not sure if they are just bands of criminals but organized crime rings that are being targeted now in california that are a significant problem and those should be the priority of police, is to track those down. but, yeah, any time that we have parents and families feelings unsafe going out, that's going to be a significant problem and you'll see some changes and we already have seen that because the level of laws that past in california are not what people were worried about in 2020 and hasn't materialized that way. the mayors - oakland, san francisco, los angeles, you're seeing a new approach for these lower-level crimes going back to some of the broken window theories of the 1990's so we can go out safely with our children on the streets and they are not taken over and by the way, we really do need to take another look at how we are approaching handling and housing those on the streets as well. kevin: yeah, no question about that and obviously these people will remember what lori lightfoot the mayor of chicago said about not wanting federal intervention back in 2020 and now she's saying, hey, listen, maybe this is a circumstance where the fed can actually help us and that may be one of the strategies moving forward because the cities need help and as you pointed out, ethan, the people deserve to be safe in their communities. ethan bearman, real pleasure, my friend. usually you and i chat at 12:30 in the morning, nice having you. >> happy 2022 to you, thank you. anita: ladies better listen up to this segment. actor daniel craig has more in common with iconic role james bond. two share the same honors and titles as part of queen elizabeth's new year's honors. craig was made a companion in the order of st. michael and sts outstanding contributions. well, thank you for being our friend for nearly 100 years, hollywood remembers betty white coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i'm not going to let you do that. i've been doing a lot of thinking and if after all the years of love and companionship, fernando and are meant to part company, i will have to accept it. there's nothing that you can do about it. i guess there's a lesson to be learned here. sometimes life just isn't fair, ,kiddo. kevin: just delightful. today many thinking truly life isn't fair with the news that actress and comedian actor betty white died shy of her 100th birthday. great betty white. we are thrilled to be joined by laura ingle, more on the many tributes and what a better person than to do the story than laura. i know that you appreciated betty white as much as i did. >> oh yeah, how many nights watching golden girls and betty white as you mentioned, so close to the age of 100 but she, of course, will be the close in so many people's hearts as we remember her today. she died yesterday on new year's eve and when she did a part of americana went along with her in the history books of 2021, what a way to end the year and today the icon is being remembered with love and with laughter as we look back on her career. the 99-year-old actress who had a career in television for 7 decades passed away in her home in los angeles friday and while her resident is very long, many knew white playing suan evans, rose on golden girls and most recently hot in cleveland. white was married 3 times and never had any children and along with acting betty was passionate about animal welfare. she spent more than four decades with the animal foundation and the president of the united states to fans and fellow actors who loved her like family, tributes are now pouring in. the academy emotion arts and sciences tweeted in part she was a legend, trailblazer who blessed generations with her talent and humor, she will be truly missed and a humorist tweet from meyers, rip, betty white, standing ovation at the after party. a party at which she ordered a vodka and a hot dog and stayed till the bitter end. you have to love that. white died weeks before 100th birthday and people magazine had gone print celebrating upcoming milestone and huge nationwide celebration, plans for her and waiting what will happen with that. more tributes coming up at the top of the hour. kevin: laura, great stuff, thank you, real appreciation, i know for betty white for so many of us, thank you so much. laura ingle. anita. anita: more on the golden lives of the golden girl betty white is kevin mccarthy, entertainment reporter at fox 5 in washington. kevin, so great to see you, you know, it seems like betty white would live forever but now she's gone too soon close to her 100th birthday, what are your thoughts on this amazing actress? >> happy new year to you and honor to be on with you this morning. i was telling you during the break, one of the things about the situation while it is very sad clearly that she passed away weeks before 100th birthday what i've been noticing love and support that has come out about her, we knew and loved betty white but to see all of the incredible people talking about her timing and how brilliant she was but you have to understand, when somebody has a 7-decade career plus, 7-decade career and you're dealing with different generations that are emotionally invested in betty white in certain times of their lives. people who grew up golden girls and showing the same shows to their own kids. i've been reading so many stories of friends of mine who grew up and their parents would show them these shows and they would have the great memories together and for me personally, you know, growing up in my first initial kind of love for betty white was the proposal. i know that sounds crazy and could be a generational for me. i didn't watch the golden girls, the proposal was ryan reynolds and sandra bullock and she transcended different genres. she was in the wrestling world, the movies and everything she did and almost felt like she was your friend. i never met betty white but i felt like i was genuinely knew her and that's because all of the country and all of the world was touched by her work at some point and that's kind of the real beauty to what she did for a living, anita, the idea that her work, she will live on forever. she's not really gone. she will be here forever with the work, we can go back and watch the incredible performances of her. she hosted snl, 17 nominations, 7 wins, she was accepted in all types of entertainment and all over the world and as laura mentioned the animal rights activism. she did so much with local shelters and helping animals. she would talk in the interviews, half of my life show business life and the other half is animals. i love that she used her name to bring that support, so to me it's a huge loss, of course i would love to have seen her turn 100 year's old and hopefully the fathom event which would be an event that would take place on her birthday, but if you haven't seen proposal, that's my favorite. anita: i agree, the proposal was hysterical and betty white was classic in there. and it is so interesting to see how many platforms she succeeded at in her 7 decades in hollywood and, you know, one of the things that i find so enduring and interesting about betty white she really from everything that we hear appears to be the same lovely person off screen as she was on screen. >> right. anita: have never heard a bad word about betty white and she was so grateful winning awards and she seemed so heart felt, a lot of the actresses get so jaded after a while, not betty white. >> there was such a positivity to her presence on screen anywhere she was and the idea of her keeping that positivity and you're right, i never heard a single bad thing about betty white in terms she was a professional to work with, every actor that takes about working with her, her comedic time was spot on. there was a way she delivered her dialogue that had the tone to it that only betty white could get away with and when she would say things that were profane or cursing and joking around, she was always funny. i just always -- i watched the clip of her the other night on the wrestling, wwe and the way she delivered this line to the crowd, everyone was chanting betty white. it was so cool. everyone loved betty white and i think that's what we are seeing in the celebrations. i love that i get to talk and talk about it today because honor the celebrate such a legacy in the hollywood entertainment business but also such a great person not just the great legacy entertainment wise, i'm honored to be onto talk about her. thank you. anita: we are honored to have you on and you made such interesting points. i agree, she was a comedy genius. thank you so much, kevin mccarthy. >> shout-out to my mom. i love you mom and dad. love you, guys, thank you very much. >> very lovely tie. thank you, kevin. now to the other kevin. [laughter] kevin: give them credit. nice tie. they drink a little whiskey and our chad has more on scotch, a man after my own heart. ♪ ♪ ♪ kevin: welcome back to fox news live, 45 minutes after the hour. you all know chad knows a bit or two about capitol hill, senate rules and congressional history and the like, he's the guy that explains congress to us and our viewers. he also knows about scotch whiskey, he holds certificate from scotch school he attended a few years ago. as he would have it and luck, chad has a few ideas for the new year. >> it's hard to travel right now so we will take you on a virtual tour of scotland to try some new scotch whiskey for the new year. we will start in north western islands in glen morangie, the tale of winter, a lot of clove, cinnamon and people go into a store and they would buy a bottle based on if they like the label. this label you will love. if you feel it kind of feels a little bit like a cable knit sweater, distillery owned by louis vuitton, you will see around in the new year. also you might want something that's kind of smoky to go with meat in the new year or maybe sour crout as well. we will go to whiskey isle. southwest of scotland, sister distillery of glen morangie, you will have medicinal notes on this, brian, seaweed, very warm. on the other side, you will find brokalti, this is dark vader looking bottle, heavily whiskey in the world. there's a farm just down the road called octamoore, it comes from brooklade. the other direction here, this is going to have a lot of smoke to it but also sweet and savory, so if you like the balance there, if you're not as much into the smoke and maybe just want a rib into the smoke, bulmoore, this is pretty balanced if you like just a little bit of smoke with your whiskey there. now, if you want something that's really warm, something with a long finish, obviously you're going to get that from whiskeys that have been aged in cherry, very well-known for that, they are in the highlands, that's one, another one that you're going to get, you will see this around, this is abrabaluor, 59% alcohol, very heavy, long finish and i found that bourbon lovers actually really like this. i don't want you to be scared if you go into the whiskey store and you see something that's younger. you will start to see things that are 5 year's old, 8 year's old. they are actually pretty good, some of it because of tariffs and some because of supply chain issues, they are having trouble getting bottles, things that were much younger. this is something from ardmore in the highlands, 4 year's old, it punches like it is 17 year's old and another thing that we will go back to big this is 5 year's old, younger whiskeys out there. don't be intimidated. happy new year, drink responsibly, don't drink and drive. i'm chad pergram, fox news. anita: chad, man of many atalents and turns out quite the whiskey collection too. thank you, chad. well, it is one of the most beautiful floral displays each new year back after being cast last year due to covid. more up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ learn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. anita: welcome back after being canceled in 2021 due to covid the tournament of roses parade is back in action today in pasadena, california, for more on the event we are joined by the tournament of rose's parade ceo david, david, we meet again on new year's day, we met here last year, same time, same place, january 1st, we talked about how the first time in history i believe the rose parade was held virtually now here we are one year later things look like they are much better, the parade went on but i'm sure there were still some challenges. >> certainly there were challenges but we like to say it was one parade two years in the making. [laughter] >> it was an awesome parade that we were able to bring to america and the world this year. and we are just to happy that we are back and we were able to bring the sense of hope and joy to people all across the country and across the world that really need it at a time obviously when the pandemic is surging at this time. anita: yeah, they surely did need to see the parade. i agree, covid obviously not gone, so what accommodations did you have to make this year with omicron and delta still out there. did people have to wear masks, did you have to limit people, what did you have to do to get the parade on? >> we work closely with the pasadena health department. there was a health order that was passed back in october and so in order to attend the parade in one out of our grand stand seats you had to show proof of vaccination or proof of a 72-hour negative covid test. so anybody in the grand stands had to have one of those two proof of id, obviously masking was required for everybody over the age of 2 and then we obviously, you know, tried to limit interaction with people just to keep people as safe as possible. anita: yeah, well, this year's theme is dream, believe and achieve and i know that you talked about how people really needed the parade, it kind of symbolizes the beginning of a brand-new year, people tune in every year. what do you think the parade means to people across the nation? >> yeah, i think, it's part of the family tradition. you know, families here in pasadena gather, you know, multigenerations to watch the parade. i grew up in the midwest so it was part of family tradition on new year's day to get up and watch the rose parade on new year's day and watch the rose bowl game in the afternoon. and the whole family gathered together in the household, so that really is what this is, it's continuing that legacy that we've had for 133 years and really bringing that back to america after obviously we were not able to do so last year due to the pandemic. anita: happy to see it again and happy to see you. david eats, hope to see you again right here next year. >> sounds good, happy new year and thank you. anita: happy new year. kevin. kevin: terrific stuff there and we thank all of you for spending time on fox news live, julie banderas and william i'm kevin corke. anita: and i'm anita vogel, thank you very much for watching. happy new year. kevin: happy new year. ♪ ♪ps ♪ >> we are following major stories this new year's day. president biden entering 2022 under much pressure on multiple fronts here at home and overseas from the pandemic to high inflation and tensions with russia. the crisis are piling up on his watch. happy new year's everyone, thanks for spending the first day of 2022 with us. welcome to fox news live. i'm julie banderas. >> the two big stories that we are following covid taking no

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Nursing Assistants , South African , Situation , Hospital , Show , Deaths , Couple , Manifestations , Signs , Spike , Alarm , Studies , Reason , Friend , Others , Damage , Throat , Lungs , Pandemic , Family , Program , Emergency Medicine Physician , 0 , Place , Doctor , Form , Person , Number , Variants , Everywhere , Skyrocketing , Tools , News , Matter , Death Count , Symptoms , Trend , Wall Street Journal , Peak Hospitalization , Suffering , Delta , Demographics , Record Number , Reports , Peak Hits , Decline , Hospital Beds , Ventilators , Numbers , Record , Variant , Lives , Booster , Question , Haven T , Dose , Thing , Course , Risk , Areas , Ventilation , Conditions , Access , Accessibility , Production , Availability , Therapeutics , Monoclonals , Visions , First , Persistence , It , Second , Center Of The Universe , Bustling , Thriving , Talent , Crises , Will , Reminder , Border Crisis , Control , Charge , Nature , Sad , Anyone , Answer , Crime , Commitment , City Back , 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Miss , Row , Town , Pageant , Scatter Brained Rose , Olaf , 23 , Animal Welfare , Lifetime Achievement Award , Morris Animal Foundation , Jayne Goodwin Institute , Los Angeles Zoo , Career , Honor , Show Business , Animal Business , Super Bowl Commercial , Renaissance , Kind , Hosting Gig , Girlfriend , Saturday Night Live , Snl S Highest Rated , Rating Record , Pilot , Hot In Cleveland , Tvland Network , Actor , Screen Actor S Guild Award , A Grammy Award , Dozen Emmies , Legacy , Great Stuff , Personality , Timing , Fox 5 , 5 , Ice , Migrants , Border Patrol , Chief , Acting Director , Wave , Tide , Protein , Pay , Someone , Liberty Mutual , Turn , Hang On , Ooo , Energy , Health , Nutrients , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Punch , Silversneakers , Classes , Thousands , Internet Connection , Seniors , Cost , Locations , Dot Com , Visiting Getsilversneakers , Xfinity , Entertainment , Nice , Sports , Cheering , Bag , Binge Watching , Voice , Apps , Touchdown , Irish , The Hits Won T Quit , Peacock Premium , Crisis , Form Director , Variety , 21 , Distance , Interactions , The Border States , Who Don T , Stunning , Ron , Thoughts , Activity , History , Record Numbers , Apprehension , Apprehensions , Modicum , 1 7 Million , Ground , Pace , Signal , Doesn T Change , Two Million , 1 7 , Del Rio , Policies , Haitians , Border Surge , Augmenttation , Preparation , Policy , No End In Sight , Places , Mind , Chaos , Acts , Overcrowding , South Texas , Many , Cartels , Most , Opportunity , Self Inflected , Reins , Coming , Idea , Gentleman , America Harm , Yemen , Consequences , Line , Department Of Homeland Security , Order , Terrorism , Law , Nobody Patrolling , Cartel , Custody , Threat , Person Coming For A Better Life , Department , Harm , Attention , Sort , Victims , Exploitation , Pennsylvania , Governor , Flight , Keystone State , State Lawmakers , Wolf , Transparency , Wilkes Barre , Safety , Statements , Security , Example , Border Security , Continuum , Portion , Interaction , Stats , Experience , Men , Another , Connections , Women , October , Rank And File , 384000 , Policy Statement , Policy Changes , Rule Of Law , Raid Businesses , Set , Priorities , Officers , Morale , Removal , Responders , Agents , Proceedings , Pushback , High Protein , Immune Support , Project Managers , Projects , Boost , 16 , Job Criteria , Candidates , Shortlist , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Td Ameritrade , Markets , Weekend Trip , Take Off , Thirteen , Fifteen , Thanks , Thinkorswim , Position , One Last Look , Dashboard , Mobile , App , Investing Style , Smart , Texas Attorney General , Tweeting , Judge , 32 , Mandate , Vax , Suit , David Morey , Masks , Vaccines , Point , Overreach , Both , Perspective , Happening , What In The World , Fine Line , Let S Begin , Problem , Conversation , Doesn T , Red , Color Rendering , Middle , Blizzard , Health Care System , Danger , 30 , 44000 , Times , Politics , Fighting Covid 19 , Conspiracy Theory Meets Polarization , 20 , What David , Ne Don T Want , Everybody , Message , Bodies , Red States , Decisions , California , Clients , Blue States , Totalitarianisms , Attorney General , Victory , Idaho , Paul Points , Stat , Jobs , Vaccine Mandates , Restrictions , Veterans , Jab , States , Polio , Resistance , Pox , Lately Chicken Pox , The Truth , Cognitive Dissonance , 50 , 7 , January 7th , Right , Truth , Balance , We , Jeff Paul , Justices , High Court , 7th , Bench , Amy Coney Barrett , Kavanaugh , Justices Gorsuch , 7th Of January , Rule , Enterprise , Freedom , Slippery Slope , Government Overreach , Hipaa , Some , Regulations , Vax Cards , Privacy , Rights , Tracks , Slowdown , Gentlemen , Powers , Argument , Separation , Power , Great Discussion 2021 , School Boards , Race Theory , Panel , Mr , Guys Today , Mrs , Lopez , Josh , Side , Funny Business , Silverado , Going On , Camera Views , Front , Cam , Stream , Demand , Tv , Views , Anywhere , Chevy Silverado , Sir , Directv , Serena Williams , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , 15 , Matrix , Best , My Name Is Cherrie , Hi , Oregon Coast , 76 , Sam , Memories , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Taking Prevagen , 53 , Memory , Puzzle Pieces , Click , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Debates , Virginia , Ground Zero , Zero , Concern , Welcome Back , Move , Gm Global , Congress , Taxes , Fight , Tea Party , Obamacare , Wife , Comments , Offices , Father , Step , Soccer Moms , Dads , Passion , Revolution , Trust , School Board Members , Paul On , Works , Rates , Magic , Republic , Solution , At Franklin , Senate , Inge That , Level , Stuff , Conspiracy Theories , Social Media , Hatred , Case , America Down , Osha , Court , Nothing , Sector , 250000 , Infection , Decision , Employers , Talk , Road , Block , Freedoms , Dangers , Districts , Shop , Map , Data , Remote , Closing , Maryland , Ohio , New Jersey , Keeping , Effects , Education , Reality , Remote Learning Doesn T Work , Room , School Workers , School Systems , Flights , Airlines , Hardaway , Story , Dynamic , 10 , Denominators , Teachers , Unions , Military Troops , Classroom , Firing , Exemptions , Common Sense , Sights , Topics , Quote Today , Forgiveness Ness , Woman , E , Farmers Policy Perks , Bum , Farmers , Pa Dum , Family Safe Browsing , Pause Wifi , Peace Of Mind , Xfinity Xfi , Iconic Sydney Harbor Bridge , Ryan Chillicothe , Eiffel Tower , Neighborhood , You Wouldn T , Fun , Suburbs , 18 , Display , Cauphony , Thames , New Year S Eve , Covid You Weren T , Omicron Setting Records , Basis , Capita , 190000 , 61 , Families , Pcr Tests , Australia , Sydney , U K , Parts , Big New Year , 00 , January 2 2022 , 6 , 2 , Dubai , Scale , Expo 2020x , Guinness Book Of World Records , Outdone , 2020 , Event , Rome , Square , Peter , Peace , Think , On Christmas Day , Mary , Jesus , Joseph , Pope Francis , Daniel Craig , Doubt , Aleet , Actors , Titles , James Bond , Names , Throwback , Car Insurance , Al , Nutrition , Strength , Mission , Woo Hoo , Liberty Okay , Vitamins , Minerals , 27 , Hope , East , Fanfare , Kevin Corke , 1 , South , Great To Be With You , Everything Else , Family Traditions , Confetti , Tamales , Shot , Black Eyed Peas , 8 , Tradition , Campaign , Las Vegas , Close , Correspondent , Rich Edison In Wilmington , Businesses , Folks , Power Surge , Making Covid , Lines , Economy , Surge , Shortages , Cut , Virus , Ten , Court Challenges , Friday The Supreme Court , Mask Mandates , Federal Court System , Troopers , Sanctions , Poise , White House , Geneva , Security Issues , Conversations , My Greened , Buddy , Records , 2 Million , Live In Atlanta , Charles Watson , Backdrop , Details , Hello , Toga Back K , School District , Children Surge , District , Securing 60000 Testing Kits , Nursing Assistance , State Of Emergency , Teams , Strike , Worker , Recovery , Concerns , Labor Department , Alfredo Ortiz , Job Creator , Tweet , Track Record , Analyst , 29 , Inflation , Lack , High , Food , Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Progress Going , 39 , Economist , Job Market , Gas , 33 , 58 , Malarki , The American Public Isn T , Rate , Gallup , 80 , American , Word Malarky , Workers , Industries , Supply Chain Struggling , Owners , Small Business , Job Growth , Hands , Hold , 6 Million , 4 Million , Million , Consumer Price Index , Consumers , Record Levels , Goods , Services , Roof , Producer Price Index , Producers , Input , Precursor , Backbone , Market , Job Openings , Lots , Checks , Door , Labor , Workforce , Participation Rate , Lows , 54 , 25 , Shift , Biden Plan , Democrats , Savings , Savings Rates Pre Pandemic , Stores , Hospitality Industry , Industry , Amount , Business , Hospitality , Restaurants , Hotel , Cross , Inflation Down , Build , Issue , Act Don T Pass , Act , Shooting , Insights , Manhunt , Mall Of America , Minnesota , Police , Largest , Shoppers , Mall , Shutdown , Incident , 4 , Suspect , Scene , Which Beijing , World Leader , Leader , Chinese Communist , Moves , Shopping Mall In Beijing On New Year S Eve , Xi Jinping , Sides , Aspiration , Reunification , Motherland , Claim , Taiwan , Taiwan Strait , 2029 , U S Navy , Military Venturism , Ronald Reagan , Carl Vinson , Products , Sail , Prerogative , China , Western Pacific , Wal Mart , Region , Statement Beijing , Xinxang , Minorities , Labor Camps , Muslim , Harris , Interview , Democracy , Climate , Motive , Stupidity , National Security , Washington Post , Propaganda Efforts , Mining , Twitter , Western Social Media , Facebook , Lucas Tomlinson , Fires , Hundreds Of Americans , Shelters , Rubble , Colorado , Denver , Homes , Devastation , Hundreds , Jeff , Unknown Source , Wild Fires Rip , Wild Fire , Area , Season , Headaches , Snowfall , Recovery Effort , Fire , Chance , Spots , Neighborhoods , Hit Areas , Authorities , Smoke , Snow , Wood Crackling , Community , A Thousand , Weather , Return , Temperatures , Digits , Pipes , All Of You , Loss , House , Sight , Disaster , Heart , Drive , Homes Burning , Injuries , Destruction , Report , Investigators , Eye , Reform Laws , Laws , Ethan Bearman , Municipalities , Police Reform , Shoulders , Bail , Fair , System , Tables , Emotion Of Defund , Got , Reforms , Changes , State Level , Policing Laws , Effect , Types , Police Officer , Police Accountability , Choke , Criminal , No Knock Law , Knock , Suspicion , Kentucky , No Knock Warrant Enforcement , Board , Field , Citizens , Violence , Don T Have , Crimes , Individuals , San Francisco , Band , Circumstances , Attorneys , Ones , Description , Defund , Kevin , Street , Police Enforcement , Oakland , Drug Dealers , Crack Down , Enforcement , Skid Row , District Attorneys , Fire Both , Whether , Points , Recall Efforts , Da , It S Time , Support , Bit , Sound , Bri , Rain , Criminals , Steps , Cities , Law Enforcement , Hass , Sorts , Thugs , Result , Ears , Da Because , Lawlessness Run Ramp , Lori Lightfoot , Streets , Liberals , Don T , Eyes , Organized Crime , Down , Feelings , Approach , Hasn T , Window , Need , Handling , Theories , 1990 , Listen , Intervention , Circumstance , Saying , Chicago , Fed , Strategies , Help , Real Pleasure , Segment , Ladies , Honors , Companion , Queen Elizabeth , Share , Order Of St , Michael , Contributions , Hollywood , 100 , I Love You , Companionship , Thinking , Company , Fernando , Lesson , Life Just Isn T Fair , Kiddo , White Playing Suan Evans , Thinking Truly Life Isn T Fair , Tributes , 100th Birthday , Laura Ingle , Girls , Age , Hearts , Americana , History Books , Icon , Resident , Acting Betty , Cleveland , 3 , Animal Foundation , Fans , Emotion Arts , Trailblazer , Humor , Sciences , Rip , Meyers , Party , Birthday , Bitter End , Vodka , Hot Dog , People Magazine , Standing Ovation , Real Appreciation , Waiting , Top , Entertainment Reporter , Golden Girl , Somebody , Friends Of Mine , Shows , Reading , Proposal , Generational , Wrestling , Movies , Genres , Ryan Reynolds , Sandra Bullock , , Living , Beauty , Performances , Wins , Nominations , Animals , Show Business Life , Interviews , All Over The World , Animal Rights Activism , Fathom Event , Favorite , Platforms , Screen , Awards , Positivity , Presence , Actresses , Professional , Dialogue , Night , Clip , Cursing , Tone , Crowd , Wwe , Hollywood Entertainment Business , Legacy Entertainment Wise , Love You , Mom , Guys , Comedy Genius , Shout Out , Mom And Dad , Whiskey , Tie , Chad Pergram , Scotch , Like , Guy , Know Chad , Senate Rules , Capitol Hill , 45 , Scotch Whiskey , Scotch School , Ideas , Certificate , Viewers , Luck , Tour , Scotland , Glen Morangie , North Western Islands , Bottle , Label , Store , Clove , Cinnamon , Tale Of Winter , Smoky , Distillery , Cable Knit Sweater , Meat , Louis Vuitton , Sister Distillery , Southwest , Sour Crout , Whiskey Isle , Notes , Seaweed , Brian , Farm , Brokalti , Dark Vader , Bulmoore , Octamoore , Brooklade , Rib , There , Finish , Whiskeys , Cherry , Highlands , Whiskey Store , Bourbon Lovers , Alcohol , Abrabaluor , 59 , Supply Chain Issues , Trouble , Tariffs , Bottles , Ardmore , Chad , Don T Drink And Drive , Whiskey Collection , Atalents , Being Cast Last Year , Floral , Questions , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 317 , 833 , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , Action , Tournament Of Roses Parade , David Eats , More , Tournament , Rose S , Pasadena , Parade , Time , January 1st , Making , Sense , Joy , Health Order , Accommodations , Pasadena Health Department , Proof , Vaccination , Stands , Grand , Grand Stand , 72 , Masking , Safe , Id , Dream , Beginning , Theme , Family Tradition , Rose Parade On New Year S Day , Multigenerations , Household , Back , Afternoon , Rose Bowl Game , 133 , William I , Julie Banderas , Sounds Good , Watching , Ps , Pressure , Tensions , Watch , Fronts , No ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

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>> happy new year, kevin, how has it been so far? >> so far so good. like a lot of people i wanted to see what the celebration might be like and i took it in on television, how about you? >> exactly the same and we did the early version on the west coast. >> yes, as you take a look there, celebrations all over the globe from rio to london to auckland, to hong kong as the world brings in 2022. >> beautiful pictures there, look at those fireworks. >> yeah, really something. i watched, obviously, our coverage over in nashville, which was a tremendous time last night, but from vegas to seattle, new york city. for a lot of americans, this is the one time where hope springs eternal, truly when you think about what the new year might be. we want to leave 2021, a lot of us want to leave 2021 behind and never look back and let's all look into 2022 in a positive way and let's work to make it a better world. >> absolutely. and good hopes for a new start this year. i agree, kevin. >> absolutely, meantime, anita, this is a fox news alert. eric adams was just sworn in a few minutes past midnight as the 110th mayor of the great new york city. after taking the subway to city hall this morning he's about to layout his vision for america's largest city and we'll have a clans to hear what he has to say when his speech begins, anita. >> all right. well, several states, meanwhile, pushing back on president biden's vaccine mandate as the omicron cases surge around the nation. and this comes as biden issues a warning to russia over their military presence along ukraine's border. our rich edison is live in wilmington, delaware, rich happy new year to you. >> happy new year, anita. and president biden's second year in office, a lot of challenges, covid-wise. and made testing a priority. he has caught criticism for not pushing more testing early, in particular ahead of this massive omicron surge and ahead of the holidays as the holidays now come to a wrap. the administration is ordering 500 million at-home tests and they were stuck at-- many many americans were stuck trying to get tests ahead of the holiday season and these were sent out for free and it's unknown when they will be available. even the president admits he wished he would have moved on more testing a couple months ago. federal judge blocked mask and vaccine mandates in a texas head start program and the federal ruling means it likely continues throughout the court system. this friday, the supreme court is scheduled to hear challenges to the biden administration's vaccine or testing mandates for employees of larger companies, and for certain health care workers. the president also faces challenges abroad. russia has amassed tens of thousands of troops along the border with ukraine and appears poised to invade the country for the second time in eight years. on a phone call thursday with vladimir putin, the president warned a response to any invasion. i'm not going to negotiate in public, but we made it clear that he cannot, emphasize, cannot move on ukraine. thank you. >> senior american and russian officials are expected to meet in geneva in a week and a half to discuss the issues and also, president biden is expected to have a phone call with the ukrainian president today to discuss this as the u.s. officials are speaking with hosts of countries that are involved in this, and in particular in europe. back to you. >> the work does not end on new year's day for the president it seems. thank you. >> rich, thank you. thank you, anita. omicron cases are surging throughout the country. some experts are saying the peak may end up being much higher than previously anticipated. joining us from the atlanta bureau, the home of the c.d.c. down there in atlanta. he has the latest, hey, charles. >> hey, kevin, happy new year, not the best start for the country as the u.s. reports record levels of covid-19 infections, fueled by the omicron variant as millions of americans get set to return to school and work and uncertainty in terms of what comes next. 300,000 new cases a day and hospitalizations among children served. much of the nation's schools are sticking with plans to welcome kids back for in-person learning while a handful of school districts are opting to ease back into things. four of georgia's largest school districts say they'll go virtual and transition to in-person learning in the days to follow. seattle public schools who are pushing back the first day of class in an effort to test, the district securing 60,000 testing kids for students and staff which will determine whether the classrooms stay open. >> we're prepared to temporarily pivot to online remote learning if necessary. that's not necessary right now. it could be with a class. it could be a school. there are so many scenarios to talk about reasonably. the fact is that we will take any measures that are necessary, all under the guidance of public health. >> and the northeast still sticking out as hot spot to assess hospitals overwhelmed with covid patients. and the national guard are acting as nursing assistants on monday and with more people vaccinated health officials are hoping that relief is on the way following word of south african officials who say the country surpassed the omicron peak without a spike in deaths. >> and omicron having clinical manifestations that have not caused alarm in the hospital situation. >> and some positive signs from a couple of studies that show that the omicron variant may not be as severe as others we've seen in the past. the reason being it primarily attacks the nose and throat and spares the lungs from severe damage. >> happy new year, my friend. >> happy new year. >> anita. >> for more on omicron and the pandemic, we're 0 joined by family and emergency medicine physician and good friend to the program. doctor, happy new year to you, it's great to see you. >> thank you, you, too. >> i guess it's another year where we are starting off dealing with some form of covid. although it certainly seems like we're in a better place than we were last year, even though as we heard from charles' report omicron seems to be everywhere. >> yes, omicron is one of the most contagious variants that we have to date. it's extremely contagious spreading from person to person although we see the number of cases skyrocketing, the good news the death count is going lower. it's going down and that's what we want to see. we know it's contagious, it's just a matter of managing your symptoms and controlling spread and we have the tools to do that. >> that's certainly good news. yesterday the wall street journal stays we're looking at the downward trend in south africa as good news for us and cases could peak mid january? >> we hope so. we looked at south africa, they weekend four weeks after the highest cases and the good news as well their peak hospitalization was half of what it was when they were suffering from delta. so even more good news to show us less virulent, less dangerous, half the number of hospitalizations. here in new york city, the demographics are different, we're more congested and ours may last longer, but i hope we have a rapid decline once our peak hits. >> that would be terrific, even though we're seeing a record number of cases it doesn't seem like from what we're hearing from reports, we're not running out of hospital beds or ventilators like we were a couple of years ago. people are not dying in record numbers because of the variant, like you said. so how are you advising your patients who want to live their normal lives, but keep omicron at bay? how should they go about their daily lives? given that the variant could peak soon? >> that's the best question. the best way to protect yourself if you haven't already, get the vaccine, get the third dose, get the booster. if you're in crowded public areas, indoors, wear a mask to protect yourself. if you're high risk, if you have underlying medical conditions, if you feel like you've been exposed, get tested. if you have symptoms stay at home and of course, making sure you're in areas where there's good ventilation and i think the other important thing is working on ramping up production and accessibility and availability of the therapeutics, the monoclonals, and that's important as well as easy access to your booster. we have the tools and it's a matter of using them and having more improved accessibility to them. >> we have many more tools this year than we had last year at this time. doctor, thank you so much again, and happy new year to you, we'll see you soon. >> happy new year. >> happy new year. >> and thank you, this is a fox news alert. 110th mayor of new york city eric adams laying out his visions for the big apple. let's listen in. >> the world could be reminded of two things, right away as my administration begins. first, despite covid-19 and its persistence, new york is not closed. it is still open and alive because new yorkers are more resilient than the pandemic. and second, that new york can and should be the center of the universe again, bustling, thriving, and shopping it, shaping it, leading it to something better through the sheer will and talent. we all need that reminder right now. we have lived through two years of continuous crises and that itself our very nature of new yorkers. the crisis tells us that it is in charge, that it is in control, the crisis wants to tell us we can be happy, when we can be sad, when we can work and how we can enjoy our city. the crisis wants to tell us how to live. but there's one thing everyone knows about new yorkers, we don't like anyone telling us what to do. yet, unemployment remains high, crime is high, covid cases are high again, so how do we get our city back? my fellow new yorkers, the answer is simple. we will get our city back by making a commitment to each other right here, right now, beginning today. this will be our new year's resolution. we will not be controlled by crisis. and instead, we'll make this city better every day through actions, big and small, getting vaccinated is not letting the crisis control you. enjoy a broadway show, sending your kids to school, going back to the office, these are declarations of confidence that our city is our own. of course, government must do its job to allow new yorkers who make these choices safely, and government must do better. our government has been dysfunctional for far too long and it created its own crisis long before covid. whether it was crime ridden communities, poor schools, economic inequality, racial injustice, our problems have been normalized for generations while new york government struggled to match the innovation of new yorkers. that changes today. i promise you one thing, new york, i will make our city better every day by making our city government better every day. that does not just mean-- >> listening to the new mayor of new york city, eric adams. he says he will make this city each and every day. he said it was dysfunctional long before the pandemic. many new yorkers would certainly agree with that. he comes in on the heels of bill deblasio. eric adams, the new mayor of new york city, anita. >> well, kevin, america loses one of its most beloved entertainers right on new year's eve. beloved actress and comedian betty white. fox news correspondent jonathan hunt takes a look back at the life of betty white who passed away friday at age 99. >> betty marion white was born january 17th, in oak park illinois. and during the depression her parents move with their own child to los angeles, she attended hollywood high school and later got a start on local tv. her break in 1949 with hollywood on television, a variety show that ran five hours a day and six days a week and that led to a sit com. >> betty white in "life with elizabeth", and the betty white show. ♪ after that she took a job na would change everything. as a celebrity contestant on the game show password, she met the man she said was the love of her life. host allen ludden. >> i'm give that to betty white. >> she landed the first of two lapped landmark rolls. >> i'm sorry i can't do a chocolate souffle with anything, but two cameras. >> and she was on the mary tyler moore show. >> and it was supposed to be a guest appearance, but it became a full-time job and earned her two emmy awards. in 1980, husband allen was diagnosed with stomach cancer, he died the following year. betty never remarried and never had children. she continued taking guest starring rolls and game shores until she once again found a perfect part. >> i got a call from a lois nyland. >> that's rose, rose, as in a series of seats in a movie theater. >> on golden girls, betty's character was the opposite of sue ann, the kind-hearted scatter-brained rose. >> giving stories from her town. >> lost the miss st. olaf's pageant? >> 23 years in a row. [laughter] >> along with acting, betty was passionate about animal welfare, she spent more than four decades working with the morris animal foundation and the los angeles zoo and won a lifetime achievement award from the jayne goodwin institute. >> my life is half show business, half animal business and do anything i can as i've said. >> our guest of honor, betty white. >> her career enjoyed a renaissance, appeared in a heart-hitting super bowl commercial. >> your kind of like betty white out there. >> that's not what your girlfriend said. >> and then a hosting gig on "saturday night live" and it became snl's highest rated show in nearly two years. >> now i'm here because you wanted me to be. >> and then new show "hot in cleveland", premiered the pilot was a rating record for tvland network. she had half a dozen emmies, a grammy award, a three actor's screen actor's guild award. the highest honor of my life. >> would her timing and personality, betty white leaves behind a lasting legacy of love and laughter. jonathan hunt, fox news. >> great stuff, jonathan. thank you, coming up more on the life and legacy of the great betty white. we'll speak with kevin mccarthy, an entertainment reporter with fox 5 in washington. how hollywood is celebrating her great life. >> and kevin, 2021 saw a massive wave of migrants crossing our southern border. we'll find out if anything is done in 2022 to stem the tide with a former acting director of ice and the former chief of the border patrol coming up next. with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. >> biden's border crisis, 21 minutes after the hour. our southern border crisis is not slowing down, while the variety of countries that the migrants are coming from is expanding. joining me the form director of ice and chief of border patrol. ron, when we talk about the incredible numbers we've seen interactions along the border, it's beyond stunning and i think for those who don't live in the border states, it's something that you can maybe watch at a distance or maybe pick up on television, but in particular for the americans who are living in these border states, it is galling to see what is happening. your thoughts? >> yeah, we went from, in less than a year, think about it, in less than a year, went from record numbers of low activity, low apprehension, low activity at the border, a modicum of control to the worst it's ever been in the history of the border, 1.7 million apprehensions last physical year. i heard from people on the ground now that they're above pace for 1.7, so we'll get close to probably two million this year if this doesn't change and unfortunately, there's no signal that it's going to change. this administration holds back what was effectively the tools that ended the last border surge and did away from all of them. all at the same time without any preparation, without any augmenttation, we saw what it looked like in del rio when the haitians were there and when they rescinded the policies, overcrowding in places like south texas, there's no end in sight until congress acts or something unfortunately, something bad happens, maybe they'll change their mind, but they're pursuing an open border policy and encouraging people to come to the border and chaos reins. the cartels are in control of most of the southwest border. it's unfortunate because this is all self-inflected. >> well, you hit on something that's important, in particular, when you think about the people who are coming, many of them may be looking for a better opportunity or a better life, but there are obviously going to be people among them who are here to do america harm. i mean, we have no idea where some of these people are coming from and i remember reading a piece last week, a gentleman was picked up, i'm not sure from yemen or some other country and yet, you wonder, are we going to suffer the dramatic and devastating consequences of this particular policy down the line? >> well, the department of homeland security and border patrol, they exist in order to protect us from what's happening on this border. you're right to call out, people apprehended at the border, they're much in terrorism, they're in with those seeking a better life and what the law allows for. when they're encountering two million people, word from the chief of del rio, he goes an entire eight hours where there's nobody patrolling the border in del rio because they're forced to care and comfort the people in custody. that allows the cartel to cross freely. if you're catching 1.7 million in a year and how many are getting away? it's a terrible situation and puts us at risk. they don't stay at the border, if they're come to go do us harm, the border patrol is less capable and the department is less capable to find them and source them from the threat on the border. kevin: every person coming for a better life, who knows, the cartels, a lot of exploitation happening for innocent victims along the border and this is the sort of thing that perpetuates itself down the line. very quickly before we go, i want to draw your attention to what happened in pennsylvania. you may have heard about it, overnight flight happening on christmas night and now the governor there, governor wolf says listen this flight was sort of passing through, and yet there are some state lawmakers now in the keystone state that says, wait a minute, we need to know when you fly in and out of wilkes-barre. >> and the people need to know, full transparency regarding this is necessary to ensure that the health and safety of the communities is adequately protected. when i look at statements like this, i want to know if people are flying in and out of my communities, if they're migrants, are they covid tested? we're talking americans need to be. are they doing the same from the migrants coming here from all over the globe? >> no, i agree with you. transparency is important here, this is another example of where what happens at the border affects the entire country. so, border security is the same thing as national security and the government owes the people they're sending into the communities, they owe the people living in the communities what's happening. where are the people coming from? what portion of the continuum are they going to be in? all of that is necessary for us to have confidence that they're doing the right thing. >> lastly, i want to share some numbers. you talked about them moments ago, they're stunning. the stats show look at the interaction. nearly two million in fiscal year 2021, already since october, another 384,000, i'm curious based on your experience and your connections, obviously, with the men and women who are on the rank and file, they're working. what are they telling you? >> they're demoralized. we're in a situation where the policy changes have encouraged people to come to the border in large numbers and every time that this administration has gone out to make a policy statement, they've backed away from the rule of law, they've told people in the country illegally not to worry about ice coming after them. they've told them they're not going to raid businesses that people are working illegally in. they set up a set of priorities unless you're a threat to public safety and you just crossed the border that ice is not allowed to approach you let alone removal for proceedings. the morale is terrible because they're in a situation they can't walk away from. those first responders, those agents, officers and agents at ice, they're responsible to protect us. the people come to the border and they have to heal from it the form director of ice, thank you for being here. >> good to be with you kevin, happy new year. kevin: anita. anita: and pushback against the biden administration's vaccine mandate. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? 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>> the problem is covid-19 doesn't have a red or blue color rendering-- kevin, happy new year, in the middle of this conversation. we're entering a viral blizzard, 44,000 deaths are predicted the next 30 days, and health care workers would get infected and collapse the health care system, that's the danger. the answer is vaccine. you're 20 times more protected. there's conspiracy theory meets polarization, and politics, and we have to get much better at fighting covid-19 and not each other. kevin: let me dovetail on what david just said, many americans don't mind getting the vax. ne don't want to be told they have to put something in their bodies if they don't want to. >> that's loud and clear, and we got the message from this administration, everybody's got the message. but they're forgetting they're talking to americans. we don't like to be talked to that way. we want to make personal choices and decisions based on ourselves. i have clients that are moving out of blue states to red states and they don't like the totalitarianisms in california and new york, and they're looking to move to texas and idaho, and they're looking at texas and the victory that the attorney general had. absolutely, america, we've got we heard that we should get the vax, there's no mandate. that's un-american and i'm glad there's a pushback. kevin: and david, let me bring you into this part of the conversation, paul points out there are americans saying i'm out of here and enough already with the mandates. let me show you a stat. people are probably going to be stunned by this. the number of americans moving all over the country, in particular to the states that have fewer restrictions is incredible. take a look at this, too, the number of people losing their jobs, due to vaccine mandates is stunning. we're talking at a time when we obviously need military veterans with experience, and an at a time we need hospital and health care workers with experience. a lot of americans worked in the jobs before we had a vaccine and now losing their jobs because they don't want to take the jab. >> listen, i think that kevin, the truth is that mandates have always been problematic and i worry they'll increase resistance and cognitive dissonance. they've worked across 50 states in small pox, polio, lately chicken pox. there have been complicated supreme court decisions going back and january 7th, they're going to hear this again, a federal mandate. and three times since august, the supreme court failed to overrule a federal mandate. and this is a mandate to either get vaxed or tested. so i think, listen, we've got to be smart about this, we've got to be pragmatic, we have a blizzard coming at us and we have to do everything we can to educate people and cautious about mandates, but the truth is, private companies have a right to do this. i don't think that we-- do any of the three of us want to take away the right of private companies to do this. that's the balance we'll have to strike here. >> well put, david. you lead me into the next point. paul, let me bring you back in. david mentioned the high court and we'll learn on the 7th of january, i think in particular the attention focused perhaps on the latest three supreme court justices to join the bench. we're talking justices gorsuch, kavanaugh and amy coney barrett. david is right, frankly, at least at this point, private enterprise has been able to maintain this particular rule where they can require their employees and now, it's getting-- it's getting more gray when we're talking about having the government mandate. your thoughts. >> it's a slippery slope for government and i think our justices will look at this as such, that it's complete government overreach. it's directly attacking the freedom. look, we have the hipaa regulations. and when in some states they're showing the vax cards, and their personal right without it being known. and i hope our government does the right thing and the supreme court does, that it's it's government overreach and violating rights to privacy and our general basic freedom. that's what concerns me. we've got to stop this slippery slope in its tracks. kevin: a slowdown in the separation of powers argument. gentlemen, thank you as always, happy new year to both of you. >> thank you, you as well. kevin: anita. anita: kevin, great discussion. 2021 showed the power of parents pushing back with school boards over everything from critical race theory to remote learning. our panel debates it next. thanks for bringing me with you guys today, mr. and mrs. lopez. not a problem, josh. hey, you two. check out all these camera views in my silverado i can see in front of me, behind me, on either side of me. and it has this cam, so i can see if there's any funny business going on. you see any funny business going on? 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you looked at now energized americans were over taxes or obamacare and their fight for that. now today, you have ordinary, average soccer moms, dads, getting up in their school boards, getting engaged, making public comments, but now, taking it a step further and actually running for these offices across this country. it begins with our kids, as a father i've got four kids, my wife and i love raising them and we put a lot of trust into the schools to do the right thing and we've got to elect the right people with the right experience with a passion and concern for our kids to get elected and that's why you see the parents having this revolution at the school boards. anita: david, your thoughts on that quickly, so many parents, we've seen school board members been there for a long time being ousted, new parents coming in. what are your thoughts? >> it's a rather moment when i agree with paul on fox news channel. the magic of america is works locally. at franklin said, it's a republic, and states rates and local political rights. inge that's part of the solution, like congress, the senate can't get much done. we can't get stupid stuff passed, right? this has got to be driven down to the local level. we have to do a better job at fighting covid-19 and not each other. get past conspiracy theories, social media and the hatred fueled politics that can bring america down. we have to work together and that's what we've done in crises in the past. let's begin again, it's omicron, let's hope it's less deadly. anita: the case for vaccine mandates, was headed to the supreme court in the new year, january 7th. pointing the a health care workers, and do you agree with that and what do you expect the court to do now? >> i do agree, three times on the mandates. i think they'll uphold it again, remember, osha, which is controversial for some people, but osha says over six months these mandates will save six and a half thousand lives, 250,000 hospitalizations and that's not nothing if they're right. so because private sector companies have stricter mandates, and because this is a mandate to either get a vaccine or to get tested, i think the supreme court is going to weigh on the side of a national mandate, at least in this temporary blizzard of viral infection that we're facing, but we'll see. anita: yeah, we will see. paul, let me get your take on that on the supreme court and their upcoming decision. >> yeah, you know, while they may, however, i would hope that they would not and here is the reason why. this is a very dangerous slippery slope for america. you look where we are in today's times. all the talk is about the vaccine and the mandate, and if we begin to go down this road, mandating that employers do certain things to their employees especially in regards to their health. what's next? right now it's covid, but what is the next block and that's where the supreme court needs to look at and say look, our constitutional right to privacy and freedoms must come first despite all dangers, perceived, real or unreal. anita: a lot of people are worried about a slippery slope there. we're also seeing now, a number of school districts across the country, and i want to bring up a map, that are talking about going remote or closing up shop for a little while. these are just some states and some districts in these states. so, maryland, new york, new jersey, ohio, illinois, and i just read this morning also georgia. some districts in those states either closing for a little while or going remote. we have yet to see the data and we may not see it for years about the negative effects of keeping kids out of school. could education and government officials have handled this differently? david, to you first. >> well, i think that paul has kids and i have a two and three quarter-year-old in the other room. remote learning doesn't work very well. we pay a big cost and our kids even worse pay a big cost of that and i've been supportive of 99% of schools back full-time and in person, but the truth is covid-19 has its own reality and omicron has its own reality and if we see 20% of health care workers being infected and school systems. like airlines, eventually if people get infected you start canceling flights. if school workers get infected that's the dynamic. i lean hardaway from remote learning because we pay a cost, but the reality of covid-19 will have its own reality and story to tell over 2022. anita: paul, 10 seconds to be fair. >> the common denominators, they're democratically controlled. and unions have huge for teachers and kids at home and masked up. kids have got fob in a classroom. let's get back to common sense. the kids for the most part of extremely resilient and so are our military troops who we're firing and not giving religious exemptions. we've got to wake up. anita: big topics, thank you so much, david and paul. happy new year to you both. >> happy new year, anita. kevin: the sights and sounds ringing in the new year. that's coming your way next. e. 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. >> happy new year, 2022. 53 minutes after the hour. from fireworks at the iconic sydney harbor bridge to the eiffel tower. and our ryan chillicothe is in london. and i trust yours was safe and fun? >> absolutely. happy new year to you. muted is right. although you wouldn't have said that 18 hours ago in the suburbs of london and my entire neighborhood erupted in a cauphony of fireworks. and people even if they wanted to go to the thames and watch the display this year because of covid you weren't allowed to. people were little out and 61 degrees a record, so was yesterday. omicron setting records. 190,000 cases in u.k. reported on new year's eve. on a per capita basis, double the number in the u.s. so many cases they've run out of pcr tests in the u.k. and they're concerned what's going to happen after all of the families mixed over the holidays. sydney, australia is where the first big new year's celebration kicked off. it's already shy of 6:00 in the morning january 2, 2022 in some parts of australia right now, but tens of thousands of people turned out to watch the fireworks there. not as many as people as before the pandemic, but not far off. and not one to be outdone, dubai, too, went for it and they were gunning to get in the guinness book of world records with the scale of their celebrations. dubai is hosting expo 2020x. it's expo 2020 even though we're in 2022 after covid delayed the event by more than a year. and in rome, st. peter's square pope francis sent a message of peace, to mary, joseph and jesus on christmas day. so, a semi normal new year's eve although i don't think, kevin, any of us would have imagined that we would be celebrating new year's eve as we did just yesterday just a couple of years ago. kevin: i don't think there's any doubt about that. ryan, as always, appreciate it myself. happy new year, we'll see you again soon. aleet at that. anita: well, actor daniel craig has more in common with his character james bond. the actors share names and titles. we'll be right back. al. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ >> it is 1:00 p.m. in the east, welcome to fox news live and welcome to 2022. the world celebrating the new year in style with fireworks, fanfare and fresh hope for the future. and we welcome you and everybody, i'm kevin corke here in washington, pleased to be joined from my good friend from the south, anita. anita: great to be with you from across the country. i was just thinking when you were saying 2022, i will have to get yous today saying that. kevin: and writing it on everything else, right? i don't know about you but we have family traditions for new years. black-eyed peas, some people like tamales, what do you do? anita: we have an 8-year-old and we pop confetti and had a shot of campaign. that's our big tradition. kevin: las vegas to seattle, america, indeed, ringing the new year and new year of hope obviously for all of us. anita: yes, indeed. kevin: new year of christmas and unfortunately new year's eve celebration by surging cases, in fact, several states as you can well imagine pushing back against president biden's vaccine mandate. we welcome senior correspondent rich edison in wilmington, delaware. >> happy new year, kevin. the holiday season coming to a close here. working schools are trying to navigate folks heading back as you have the omicron power surge that's going through the country making covid levels hit unprecedented periods here. we have all of that with the administration and businesses and schools are now facing. many americans finished 2021 in long lines trying to get tests, the administration is working to buy 500 million at-home tests to send out for free. it's unclear when those tests will be available. the president acknowledges he should have moved on more testing a couple of months ago. cdc cut recommended isolation period from ten days to five as long as those with the virus have no symptoms athis latest surge leads to staff shortages across the economy. the administration also has several upcoming court challenges, federal judge blocked mask mandates and case likely continues in the federal court system. this friday the supreme court is scheduling today hear challenges to the biden administration's vaccine or testing mandates for employees of larger companies and certain healthcare workers. the president also faces challenges abroad, russia has amassed tens of thousands of troopers in ukraine and appears poise to invade the country for the second time in eight years, in a phone call thursday with russian president vladimir putin, the white house says president biden warned unprecedented sanctions in response. >> i'm not going to negotiate here in public but we made it here that we cannot, emphasize, you cannot move on ukraine. thank you. >> in a week and a half senior american and russian officials are schedule today meet in geneva and they'll discuss security issues and officials say they do not expect president biden and vladimir putin to be directly involved in the conversations. kevin back to you. kevin: great to see you, my greened. rich edison from wilmington, delaware, happy new year, buddy. anita. anita: new cases breaking new daily records and just in the last week alone health officials have confirmed more than 2 million cases. our charles watson is live with more details. he's live in atlanta, hello, charles. charles: hi, anita, the u.s. reaching record levels of covid-19 infections, of course, fueled by the omicron variant. this is the backdrop as millions of americans get set toga back k to school and uncertainty as to what comes well as the u.s. clocks well over 300,000 new cases a day and hospitalizations among children surge, most of the nation's schools are sticking with plans to welcome kids back for in-person learning while a handful of school districts are opting to ease back into things. georgia's largest school district, they will go virtual rather when they resume classes next week and transition to in-person learning in days to follow. seattle publish schools are pushing first day of class in an effort to test the district securing 60,000 testing kits and will determine whether classes will stay open. >> we will temporarily pivot to online remote learning if necessary, that's not necessary right now. it could be with a class, it could be with a school. there are to many scenarios to talk about reasonably, but we will take any measures necessary all under the guidance of public health. charles: a rough situation in the northeast with the federal strike teams arriving in pennsylvania to assist hospitals overwhelmed with covid patients and neighboring delaware, the governor declaring a state of emergency allowing the national guard to act as nursing assistance comes monday and with more people vaccinated health officials are hoping relief is on the way following word from south african officials who say the country has surpassed its omicron peak without major spike in deaths. >> omicron has reached a peak. having reached the peak with clinical manifestations that have not caused any alarm in the hospital situation. charles: not entirely clear when the omicron surge will peak and medical professional predicts it will happen within the next few weeks. anita: can't come too soon, charles. charles watson in atlanta. while more jobs are available, but who will do the work? according to most recent data from the labor department, their october numbers show, get this, there's about 1 and a half jobs for every worker available. that's great if you're looking for a job but it's prompting concerns about a continuing economic recovery. joining us now to weigh in is job creator's network president and ceo alfredo ortiz. alfredo, thanks for joining us on this new year's day. >> thank you, good afternoon, happy new years to you, anita. anita: same to you. the president says the economy is fantastic. take a look at the tweet i believe it's from the 29th, we are ending 2021 with what one analyst described as the strongest first year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years. let's keep the progress going. now he's saying that but according to the bureau of labor statistics i want to put up some numbers here, inflation is at a 39-year high, lack at that. food costs up 6%, energy costs up 33% and gas up 58%. i'm certainly not an economist but common sense tells me that inflation is affecting the economy and the overall job market, what are you seeing? >> anita, you don't have to be an economist to figure this one out. it's not at all what president biden said in his tweet about being the strongest economic records in the past 50 years. look, the american public isn't buying this malarki as he calls it. a recent gallup found out that two-thirds of americans say that the economy is actually getting worst and 80% rate the economy as poor or fair. look, basically president biden is ending 2021 basically the same way he started 2021 lying to the american public about the economic record and the american public is just not buying it anymore. anita: he does like to use that word malarky. you're right. how much is vaccine mandates affecting certain industries? we still see the supply chain struggling, not enough workers to keep the normal pace. how long would that take to correct itself? >> yeah, i mean, this is a real concern and it's been a concern the entire year, 2021, for small business owners in particular. remember, anita, two-thirds of new job growth is in the hands of small businesses. when these small business owners start getting worried about the economic future not only the economy and businesses, they will start pulling back and to your point, we -- president biden has claimed that he created the 6 million plus jobs, he didn't create these, these are just jobs that basically were put on hold because of covid and people are coming back to work. we are still $4 million below pre-pandemic level. there's no cheering that should be coming from the white house. we have a lot of work to do and policies putting in place which is driving inflation through the roof, we are almost at 7% on consumer price index which basically what consumers pay for goods and services, record levels and the producer price index which is what producers pay for their input is almost 10 10% and that's a precursor to the producer price index, next month we are looking at numbers 7 to 8% on the consumer price index. anita: small businesses are the backbone, the economic backbone of the country. so it certainly seems like it is an mr.'s market right now with lots of job openings, but how hard are employers having to work and how much more are they having to pay to get the workers in the door and then keep them there? people were used to getting the government checks during the last two weeks of the pandemic. >> yeah, a real concern is something called the labor forced participation rate, anita. when you look at 25 to 54-year-olds, record level lows and that's a real concern because that's where most of our workforce comes from. and so people are just not coming back to the workforce and a lot of it really was driven by basically a cultural shift, driven by, you know, the democrats and the biden plan and basically overstimulating the economy and frankly people again just don't want to go back to work. they're living off of their savings. if you look at savings rates pre-pandemic, about 8%, right now high 20 to low 30's, people saved up so they didn't have to work and employers are really finding hard time again, small business owners in particular, especially in the hospitality industry are finding almost impossible to get workers back and in many cases impacting the amount of hours they can open, the number of stores they can open and it's hurting the industry overall. anita: hospitality for certain. you can feel that when you go to restaurants and hotel. what is one thing the biden administration can do to help business as cross the country? >> one to have things is we really need to encourage people to get back to work. we have to not make it basically economically viable for people to basically just stay at home and work and we have to make sure the policies that are put in place really come back and are really focused on driving inflation down which is a major issue for small business owners. things like the build back better act don't pass because in there you talk about raising taxes, increasing regulations and that's the last thing that our employers across the country need and things like the build back better act do not pass and we have to make sure that we stand up and the small business owners in particular stand up because they know what's working and what's not working. anita: alfredo ortiz we have to lever it there, thank you so much for your insights today and happy new year to you. >> thank you, you too. anita: kevin. kevin: interesting conversation, anita, thank you, 12 minutes, a manhunt in minnesota after two people shot and wounded at the mall of america. the shooting occurred around 4:30 in the afternoon on new year's eve and sent shoppers scrambling for safety. the incident resulting in temporary shutdown of the massive mall, thought to be the largest in the country, one of and police are searching for the suspect who fled the scene after the shooting. ♪ ♪ kevin: beijing warning it will make moves. >> speaking from a shopping mall in beijing on new year's eve, chinese communist leader xi jinping says country well on its way to becoming world leader on 2029, he also made this dubious claim about taiwan. >> the complete reunification of motherland is an aspiration shared by the people on both sides of the taiwan strait. >> taiwan's president disagrees and warned beijing against any, quote, military venturism and two u.s. navy aircraft carriers, ronald reagan and carl vinson sail together in the western pacific which beijing viewed as prerogative. friday china warned wal-mart against removing products made in xinxang, a region where the u.s. government accuses china of running forced labor camps in the countries northwest home to millions of muslim minorities. in a statement beijing said to take down products from a region without valid reason is alter your motive and reveals stupidity and will surely have its own bad consequences n. recent interview, biggest national security challenges facing the u.s., vice president harris said our democracy and the climate, she did not mention china. the washington post reports china is ramping up its mining of western social media including facebook and twitter in an effort to boost its propaganda efforts, happy new year, kevin. kevin: lucas tomlinson, interesting stuff. we appreciate that. anita. anita: hundreds of americans in colorado are spending new year in shelters or through rubble of their home after devastating wild fires near denver, we are live on the ground next. ♪ ♪ ♪ when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. anita: wild fires rip through colorado leaving devastation, hundreds of homes started by fires by unknown source. hi, jeff. jeff: first we had massive wild fire burn through the area, now we have the first major snowfall of the season, while it is helping reduce the risk of fires, happening again in this particular spot it is creating other headaches especially for the recovery effort, a lot of folks just want to go into some of these fire damaged neighborhoods to see if their home still stands but authorities right now say it's just too dangerous in certain spots, however, we did get a chance to go to one of the hard hit areas and this is what we found. despite all the snow falling there's little fires, you can smell the smoke and you can hear the wood crackling, all of the snow does nothing to hide the devastation that this community will be feeling for months on end. massive wild fire destroyed a thousand homes and tens of thousands forced to evacuate and some still cannot return to see if home is still standing, the other concern is the frigid and snowy weather with temperatures dipping into the single digits. folks are worried their pipes will freeze and if they have a home to return to it'll be a different disaster on their hands but despite all of the challenges, people out here are not losing sight of what is most important. >> it's a pretty profound loss to lose a house but my wife and i are safe and uninjured and at the moment i'm glad she didn't take the drive over with me this morning because i think it's breaking my heart. i'm sure it would break hers too. >> still no reports of any confirmed deaths despite all of this destruction and so many homes burning, we know around 7 people were injured and minor injuries and we are following closely reports of two people who are possibly missing, investigators are looking into that. we will keep a close eye on that anita. anita: jeff paul, good to hear the perspective that you can always build another house but you can't get another life. thank you so much for the live report, kevin. kevin: thank you, anita. america's growing crisis 2022 as you can imagine is bringing mix bag of new reform laws as such states are tightening police reform and bail laws. ethan, it's great to have you, happy new year and i don't want to put this all on your shoulders, i understand that there are a number of municipalities and a number officials back in 2020, that sort of got swept up in the emotion of defund the police, change the system, turn over the tables and now there are unfortunately living with the consequences some of these policies, is that fair to say? >> well, i think there's a much broader set of issues that are happening across the country right now and happy new year, kevin. so good to talk to you in 2022 here. but look, the laws are much more moderate and modest in terms of what the reforms are that are taking effect here in 2022 even in states like california which probably that's the most dramatic changes in policing laws that have happening at the state level. there are still over things regarding choke holds, regarding police accountability and public availability of those records when something happens with the police officer. those are the types of laws that we were seeing as opposed to defund really failed to materialize but reforms are definitely happening including in red states like kentucky which is modified its no-knock law that requires to be no knock by police and there needs to be suspicion of a violent criminal behind that door before they do a no-knock warrant enforcement. so it's pretty moderate across the board. kevin: it would seem moderate and in particular if you sort of point out in particular certain cases like in kentucky, but i think the overarching field and in many municipalities that did happen and for the citizens they recoiled and we saw the pushback into 2021 and into 2022 as you mentioned the new laws. in particular here out west, you get this more than perhaps most americans that don't have to live with the news each and every day. when you're dealing surge in violence, in particular when you have massive numbers of people coming over the border and you have the existing circumstances of crime, i noticed in san francisco, for example, some petty crimes, not even being prosecuted, you're seeing band of individuals, this is the sort of thing people talk about the idea of defund the police, for lack of a better description really seem to backfire, your thoughts? >> what's going to happen is you will see the district attorneys are the ones under fire -- kevin: good point. >> even the mayor of oakland, excuse me, the mayor of san francisco said we need better police enforcement. we need more police on the street particularly neighborhood in san francisco, they are ramping up enforcement on drug dealers, skid row, significant crack-down on the drug dealers coming in when government checks are distributed. it's going to be the district attorneys who are under a lot of fire both in los angeles and in san francisco because they are the ones who make the decision on whether or not to prosecute these types of crimes. that's not -- that's not the citizens being angry at police, that's now the citizens looking at the district attorneys and their recall efforts. kevin: ethan bearman, great points about the da's because ultimately a lot of decisions are made. let me dovetail, if you will, we do need more support despite what they were saying in 2020. let me share a bit of sound from san francisco's mayor london bri. >> it's time that the rain of criminals for destroying our city, it's time to come to an end and it comes to an end when we take to be the steps to be more aggressive with the law enforcement, more aggressive with changes in policy and less tolerant of all the -- that hass destroying our cities. kevin: the idea of not prosecuting perhaps some, quote, low-level crimes. you can end up with all sorts of problems if you're a da because, again, the result is thugs and individuals breaking the law, lawlessness run ramp it and finally has reached the ears and the eyes of the mayor of san francisco, ethan. >> it is upsetting, look, there are plenty of liberals in these cities who don't want to feel unsafe when they're walking the streets and i'm not sure if they are just bands of criminals but organized crime rings that are being targeted now in california that are a significant problem and those should be the priority of police, is to track those down. but, yeah, any time that we have parents and families feelings unsafe going out, that's going to be a significant problem and you'll see some changes and we already have seen that because the level of laws that past in california are not what people were worried about in 2020 and hasn't materialized that way. the mayors - oakland, san francisco, los angeles, you're seeing a new approach for these lower-level crimes going back to some of the broken window theories of the 1990's so we can go out safely with our children on the streets and they are not taken over and by the way, we really do need to take another look at how we are approaching handling and housing those on the streets as well. kevin: yeah, no question about that and obviously these people will remember what lori lightfoot the mayor of chicago said about not wanting federal intervention back in 2020 and now she's saying, hey, listen, maybe this is a circumstance where the fed can actually help us and that may be one of the strategies moving forward because the cities need help and as you pointed out, ethan, the people deserve to be safe in their communities. ethan bearman, real pleasure, my friend. usually you and i chat at 12:30 in the morning, nice having you. >> happy 2022 to you, thank you. anita: ladies better listen up to this segment. actor daniel craig has more in common with iconic role james bond. two share the same honors and titles as part of queen elizabeth's new year's honors. craig was made a companion in the order of st. michael and sts outstanding contributions. well, thank you for being our friend for nearly 100 years, hollywood remembers betty white coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i'm not going to let you do that. i've been doing a lot of thinking and if after all the years of love and companionship, fernando and are meant to part company, i will have to accept it. there's nothing that you can do about it. i guess there's a lesson to be learned here. sometimes life just isn't fair, ,kiddo. kevin: just delightful. today many thinking truly life isn't fair with the news that actress and comedian actor betty white died shy of her 100th birthday. great betty white. we are thrilled to be joined by laura ingle, more on the many tributes and what a better person than to do the story than laura. i know that you appreciated betty white as much as i did. >> oh yeah, how many nights watching golden girls and betty white as you mentioned, so close to the age of 100 but she, of course, will be the close in so many people's hearts as we remember her today. she died yesterday on new year's eve and when she did a part of americana went along with her in the history books of 2021, what a way to end the year and today the icon is being remembered with love and with laughter as we look back on her career. the 99-year-old actress who had a career in television for 7 decades passed away in her home in los angeles friday and while her resident is very long, many knew white playing suan evans, rose on golden girls and most recently hot in cleveland. white was married 3 times and never had any children and along with acting betty was passionate about animal welfare. she spent more than four decades with the animal foundation and the president of the united states to fans and fellow actors who loved her like family, tributes are now pouring in. the academy emotion arts and sciences tweeted in part she was a legend, trailblazer who blessed generations with her talent and humor, she will be truly missed and a humorist tweet from meyers, rip, betty white, standing ovation at the after party. a party at which she ordered a vodka and a hot dog and stayed till the bitter end. you have to love that. white died weeks before 100th birthday and people magazine had gone print celebrating upcoming milestone and huge nationwide celebration, plans for her and waiting what will happen with that. more tributes coming up at the top of the hour. kevin: laura, great stuff, thank you, real appreciation, i know for betty white for so many of us, thank you so much. laura ingle. anita. anita: more on the golden lives of the golden girl betty white is kevin mccarthy, entertainment reporter at fox 5 in washington. kevin, so great to see you, you know, it seems like betty white would live forever but now she's gone too soon close to her 100th birthday, what are your thoughts on this amazing actress? >> happy new year to you and honor to be on with you this morning. i was telling you during the break, one of the things about the situation while it is very sad clearly that she passed away weeks before 100th birthday what i've been noticing love and support that has come out about her, we knew and loved betty white but to see all of the incredible people talking about her timing and how brilliant she was but you have to understand, when somebody has a 7-decade career plus, 7-decade career and you're dealing with different generations that are emotionally invested in betty white in certain times of their lives. people who grew up golden girls and showing the same shows to their own kids. i've been reading so many stories of friends of mine who grew up and their parents would show them these shows and they would have the great memories together and for me personally, you know, growing up in my first initial kind of love for betty white was the proposal. i know that sounds crazy and could be a generational for me. i didn't watch the golden girls, the proposal was ryan reynolds and sandra bullock and she transcended different genres. she was in the wrestling world, the movies and everything she did and almost felt like she was your friend. i never met betty white but i felt like i was genuinely knew her and that's because all of the country and all of the world was touched by her work at some point and that's kind of the real beauty to what she did for a living, anita, the idea that her work, she will live on forever. she's not really gone. she will be here forever with the work, we can go back and watch the incredible performances of her. she hosted snl, 17 nominations, 7 wins, she was accepted in all types of entertainment and all over the world and as laura mentioned the animal rights activism. she did so much with local shelters and helping animals. she would talk in the interviews, half of my life show business life and the other half is animals. i love that she used her name to bring that support, so to me it's a huge loss, of course i would love to have seen her turn 100 year's old and hopefully the fathom event which would be an event that would take place on her birthday, but if you haven't seen proposal, that's my favorite. anita: i agree, the proposal was hysterical and betty white was classic in there. and it is so interesting to see how many platforms she succeeded at in her 7 decades in hollywood and, you know, one of the things that i find so enduring and interesting about betty white she really from everything that we hear appears to be the same lovely person off screen as she was on screen. >> right. anita: have never heard a bad word about betty white and she was so grateful winning awards and she seemed so heart felt, a lot of the actresses get so jaded after a while, not betty white. >> there was such a positivity to her presence on screen anywhere she was and the idea of her keeping that positivity and you're right, i never heard a single bad thing about betty white in terms she was a professional to work with, every actor that takes about working with her, her comedic time was spot on. there was a way she delivered her dialogue that had the tone to it that only betty white could get away with and when she would say things that were profane or cursing and joking around, she was always funny. i just always -- i watched the clip of her the other night on the wrestling, wwe and the way she delivered this line to the crowd, everyone was chanting betty white. it was so cool. everyone loved betty white and i think that's what we are seeing in the celebrations. i love that i get to talk and talk about it today because honor the celebrate such a legacy in the hollywood entertainment business but also such a great person not just the great legacy entertainment wise, i'm honored to be onto talk about her. thank you. anita: we are honored to have you on and you made such interesting points. i agree, she was a comedy genius. thank you so much, kevin mccarthy. >> shout-out to my mom. i love you mom and dad. love you, guys, thank you very much. >> very lovely tie. thank you, kevin. now to the other kevin. [laughter] kevin: give them credit. nice tie. they drink a little whiskey and our chad has more on scotch, a man after my own heart. ♪ ♪ ♪ kevin: welcome back to fox news live, 45 minutes after the hour. you all know chad knows a bit or two about capitol hill, senate rules and congressional history and the like, he's the guy that explains congress to us and our viewers. he also knows about scotch whiskey, he holds certificate from scotch school he attended a few years ago. as he would have it and luck, chad has a few ideas for the new year. >> it's hard to travel right now so we will take you on a virtual tour of scotland to try some new scotch whiskey for the new year. we will start in north western islands in glen morangie, the tale of winter, a lot of clove, cinnamon and people go into a store and they would buy a bottle based on if they like the label. this label you will love. if you feel it kind of feels a little bit like a cable knit sweater, distillery owned by louis vuitton, you will see around in the new year. also you might want something that's kind of smoky to go with meat in the new year or maybe sour crout as well. we will go to whiskey isle. southwest of scotland, sister distillery of glen morangie, you will have medicinal notes on this, brian, seaweed, very warm. on the other side, you will find brokalti, this is dark vader looking bottle, heavily whiskey in the world. there's a farm just down the road called octamoore, it comes from brooklade. the other direction here, this is going to have a lot of smoke to it but also sweet and savory, so if you like the balance there, if you're not as much into the smoke and maybe just want a rib into the smoke, bulmoore, this is pretty balanced if you like just a little bit of smoke with your whiskey there. now, if you want something that's really warm, something with a long finish, obviously you're going to get that from whiskeys that have been aged in cherry, very well-known for that, they are in the highlands, that's one, another one that you're going to get, you will see this around, this is abrabaluor, 59% alcohol, very heavy, long finish and i found that bourbon lovers actually really like this. i don't want you to be scared if you go into the whiskey store and you see something that's younger. you will start to see things that are 5 year's old, 8 year's old. they are actually pretty good, some of it because of tariffs and some because of supply chain issues, they are having trouble getting bottles, things that were much younger. this is something from ardmore in the highlands, 4 year's old, it punches like it is 17 year's old and another thing that we will go back to big this is 5 year's old, younger whiskeys out there. don't be intimidated. happy new year, drink responsibly, don't drink and drive. i'm chad pergram, fox news. anita: chad, man of many atalents and turns out quite the whiskey collection too. thank you, chad. well, it is one of the most beautiful floral displays each new year back after being cast last year due to covid. more up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ learn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. anita: welcome back after being canceled in 2021 due to covid the tournament of roses parade is back in action today in pasadena, california, for more on the event we are joined by the tournament of rose's parade ceo david, david, we meet again on new year's day, we met here last year, same time, same place, january 1st, we talked about how the first time in history i believe the rose parade was held virtually now here we are one year later things look like they are much better, the parade went on but i'm sure there were still some challenges. >> certainly there were challenges but we like to say it was one parade two years in the making. [laughter] >> it was an awesome parade that we were able to bring to america and the world this year. and we are just to happy that we are back and we were able to bring the sense of hope and joy to people all across the country and across the world that really need it at a time obviously when the pandemic is surging at this time. anita: yeah, they surely did need to see the parade. i agree, covid obviously not gone, so what accommodations did you have to make this year with omicron and delta still out there. did people have to wear masks, did you have to limit people, what did you have to do to get the parade on? >> we work closely with the pasadena health department. there was a health order that was passed back in october and so in order to attend the parade in one out of our grand stand seats you had to show proof of vaccination or proof of a 72-hour negative covid test. so anybody in the grand stands had to have one of those two proof of id, obviously masking was required for everybody over the age of 2 and then we obviously, you know, tried to limit interaction with people just to keep people as safe as possible. anita: yeah, well, this year's theme is dream, believe and achieve and i know that you talked about how people really needed the parade, it kind of symbolizes the beginning of a brand-new year, people tune in every year. what do you think the parade means to people across the nation? >> yeah, i think, it's part of the family tradition. you know, families here in pasadena gather, you know, multigenerations to watch the parade. i grew up in the midwest so it was part of family tradition on new year's day to get up and watch the rose parade on new year's day and watch the rose bowl game in the afternoon. and the whole family gathered together in the household, so that really is what this is, it's continuing that legacy that we've had for 133 years and really bringing that back to america after obviously we were not able to do so last year due to the pandemic. anita: happy to see it again and happy to see you. david eats, hope to see you again right here next year. >> sounds good, happy new year and thank you. anita: happy new year. kevin. kevin: terrific stuff there and we thank all of you for spending time on fox news live, julie banderas and william i'm kevin corke. anita: and i'm anita vogel, thank you very much for watching. happy new year. kevin: happy new year. ♪ ♪ps ♪ >> we are following major stories this new year's day. president biden entering 2022 under much pressure on multiple fronts here at home and overseas from the pandemic to high inflation and tensions with russia. the crisis are piling up on his watch. happy new year's everyone, thanks for spending the first day of 2022 with us. welcome to fox news live. i'm julie banderas. >> the two big stories that we are following covid taking no

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Same , He S My Brother , Style , Brothers , Hair , Mothers , Italian , Everyone , Coast To , Fox Business , Tune , 12 , World , One , Fireworks , Hopes , Five , Music , Alicia , 2022 , Two , Three , Four , U S , Anita Vogel , Washington , I Ll Be There , Los Angeles , Fox News Live , People , Lot , Look , Kevin Mccarthy , Happy New Year , Television , Celebration , Version , West Coast , Yes , Something , Celebrations , Globe , Pictures , Rio , London , Hong Kong , Auckland , 2022 Beautiful , New York City , Coverage , Where , Vegas , Seattle , Hope Springs Eternal , In Nashville , 2021 , Way , Mayor , Eric Adams , Fox News Alert , Subway , City Hall , 110 , City , Vision , Speech , Clans , Biden , Border , Omicron , Cases , Nation , Vaccine Mandate , Military Presence , Warning , Ukraine , President , Office , Delaware , Wilmington , Small Business Owners In Particular , Administration , Tests , Challenges , Testing , Holidays , Omicron Surge , Priority , Covid Wise , Criticism , Wrap , 500 Million , Holiday Season , Vaccine , Mandates , Mask , Ruling , Head Start Program , Federal Judge , Texas , Supreme Court , Health Care Workers , Companies , Employees , Tens Of Thousands , Russia , Court System , Country , Phone Call , Troops , Vladimir Putin , Eight , Public , Response , Invasion , Cannot Move On Ukraine , Issues , Officials , Countries , Half , Hosts , Work , New Year S Day , Rich , Europe , Home , Peak , Bureau , Experts , Start , Charles , Latest , Atlanta , Cdc , Omicron Variant , Levels , Millions , Infections , Uncertainty , 19 , Kids , Schools , School Districts , Children , Learning , Hospitalizations , Plans , Terms , Much , Handful , 300000 , Things , Class , Effort , Test , Seattle Public Schools , Georgia , District Securing 60000 Testing Kids , Classrooms , Students , Staff , 60000 , School , Wall , Measures , Public Health , Fact , Guidance , Scenarios , Patients , Hospitals , Spot , Guard , Word , Health Officials , Relief , Omicron Peak , Nursing Assistants , South African , Situation , Hospital , Show , Deaths , Couple , Manifestations , Signs , Spike , Alarm , Studies , Reason , Friend , Others , Damage , Throat , Lungs , Pandemic , Family , Program , Emergency Medicine Physician , 0 , Place , Doctor , Form , Person , Number , Variants , Everywhere , Skyrocketing , Tools , News , Matter , Death Count , Symptoms , Trend , Wall Street Journal , Peak Hospitalization , Suffering , Delta , Demographics , Record Number , Reports , Peak Hits , Decline , Hospital Beds , Ventilators , Numbers , Record , Variant , Lives , Booster , Question , Haven T , Dose , Thing , Course , Risk , Areas , Ventilation , Conditions , Access , Accessibility , Production , Availability , Therapeutics , Monoclonals , Visions , First , Persistence , It , Second , Center Of The Universe , Bustling , Thriving , Talent , Crises , Will , Reminder , Border Crisis , Control , Charge , Nature , Sad , Anyone , Answer , Crime , Commitment , City Back , Unemployment , Other , Actions , Resolution , Big And Small , Confidence , Declarations , Broadway , Government , Job , Choices , Communities , Problems , Injustice , Inequality , Generations , Innovation , City Government , Listening , Betty Marion White , Actress , Entertainers , Heels , Bill Deblasio , Life , Jonathan Hunt , Fox News , Oak Park , 99 , January 17th , 17 , Parents , Hollywood High School , Break , Child , Depression , Hollywood On Television , Illinois , Local Tv , 1949 , Variety Show , Life With Elizabeth , Sit Com , Betty White Show , Led , Six , Everything , Love , Man , Celebrity Contestant , The Game Show Password , Allen Ludden , Two Lapped Landmark Rolls , Anything , Cameras , Chocolate Souffle , Mary Tyler Moore Show , Guest Appearance , Emmy Awards , Part , Guest , Husband Allen , Game , Stomach Cancer , Rolls , 1980 , Character , Seats , Rose , Opposite , Movie Theater , Series , Golden Girls , Call , Lois Nyland , Sue Ann , Laughter , Stories , Acting , Miss , Row , Town , Pageant , Scatter Brained Rose , Olaf , 23 , Animal Welfare , Lifetime Achievement Award , Morris Animal Foundation , Jayne Goodwin Institute , Los Angeles Zoo , Career , Honor , Show Business , Animal Business , Super Bowl Commercial , Renaissance , Kind , Hosting Gig , Girlfriend , Saturday Night Live , Snl S Highest Rated , Rating Record , Pilot , Hot In Cleveland , Tvland Network , Actor , Screen Actor S Guild Award , A Grammy Award , Dozen Emmies , Legacy , Great Stuff , Personality , Timing , Fox 5 , 5 , Ice , Migrants , Border Patrol , Chief , Acting Director , Wave , Tide , Protein , Pay , Someone , Liberty Mutual , Turn , Hang On , Ooo , Energy , Health , Nutrients , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Punch , Silversneakers , Classes , Thousands , Internet Connection , Seniors , Cost , Locations , Dot Com , Visiting Getsilversneakers , Xfinity , Entertainment , Nice , Sports , Cheering , Bag , Binge Watching , Voice , Apps , Touchdown , Irish , The Hits Won T Quit , Peacock Premium , Crisis , Form Director , Variety , 21 , Distance , Interactions , The Border States , Who Don T , Stunning , Ron , Thoughts , Activity , History , Record Numbers , Apprehension , Apprehensions , Modicum , 1 7 Million , Ground , Pace , Signal , Doesn T Change , Two Million , 1 7 , Del Rio , Policies , Haitians , Border Surge , Augmenttation , Preparation , Policy , No End In Sight , Places , Mind , Chaos , Acts , Overcrowding , South Texas , Many , Cartels , Most , Opportunity , Self Inflected , Reins , Coming , Idea , Gentleman , America Harm , Yemen , Consequences , Line , Department Of Homeland Security , Order , Terrorism , Law , Nobody Patrolling , Cartel , Custody , Threat , Person Coming For A Better Life , Department , Harm , Attention , Sort , Victims , Exploitation , Pennsylvania , Governor , Flight , Keystone State , State Lawmakers , Wolf , Transparency , Wilkes Barre , Safety , Statements , Security , Example , Border Security , Continuum , Portion , Interaction , Stats , Experience , Men , Another , Connections , Women , October , Rank And File , 384000 , Policy Statement , Policy Changes , Rule Of Law , Raid Businesses , Set , Priorities , Officers , Morale , Removal , Responders , Agents , Proceedings , Pushback , High Protein , Immune Support , Project Managers , Projects , Boost , 16 , Job Criteria , Candidates , Shortlist , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Td Ameritrade , Markets , Weekend Trip , Take Off , Thirteen , Fifteen , Thanks , Thinkorswim , Position , One Last Look , Dashboard , Mobile , App , Investing Style , Smart , Texas Attorney General , Tweeting , Judge , 32 , Mandate , Vax , Suit , David Morey , Masks , Vaccines , Point , Overreach , Both , Perspective , Happening , What In The World , Fine Line , Let S Begin , Problem , Conversation , Doesn T , Red , Color Rendering , Middle , Blizzard , Health Care System , Danger , 30 , 44000 , Times , Politics , Fighting Covid 19 , Conspiracy Theory Meets Polarization , 20 , What David , Ne Don T Want , Everybody , Message , Bodies , Red States , Decisions , California , Clients , Blue States , Totalitarianisms , Attorney General , Victory , Idaho , Paul Points , Stat , Jobs , Vaccine Mandates , Restrictions , Veterans , Jab , States , Polio , Resistance , Pox , Lately Chicken Pox , The Truth , Cognitive Dissonance , 50 , 7 , January 7th , Right , Truth , Balance , We , Jeff Paul , Justices , High Court , 7th , Bench , Amy Coney Barrett , Kavanaugh , Justices Gorsuch , 7th Of January , Rule , Enterprise , Freedom , Slippery Slope , Government Overreach , Hipaa , Some , Regulations , Vax Cards , Privacy , Rights , Tracks , Slowdown , Gentlemen , Powers , Argument , Separation , Power , Great Discussion 2021 , School Boards , Race Theory , Panel , Mr , Guys Today , Mrs , Lopez , Josh , Side , Funny Business , Silverado , Going On , Camera Views , Front , Cam , Stream , Demand , Tv , Views , Anywhere , Chevy Silverado , Sir , Directv , Serena Williams , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , 15 , Matrix , Best , My Name Is Cherrie , Hi , Oregon Coast , 76 , Sam , Memories , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Taking Prevagen , 53 , Memory , Puzzle Pieces , Click , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Debates , Virginia , Ground Zero , Zero , Concern , Welcome Back , Move , Gm Global , Congress , Taxes , Fight , Tea Party , Obamacare , Wife , Comments , Offices , Father , Step , Soccer Moms , Dads , Passion , Revolution , Trust , School Board Members , Paul On , Works , Rates , Magic , Republic , Solution , At Franklin , Senate , Inge That , Level , Stuff , Conspiracy Theories , Social Media , Hatred , Case , America Down , Osha , Court , Nothing , Sector , 250000 , Infection , Decision , Employers , Talk , Road , Block , Freedoms , Dangers , Districts , Shop , Map , Data , Remote , Closing , Maryland , Ohio , New Jersey , Keeping , Effects , Education , Reality , Remote Learning Doesn T Work , Room , School Workers , School Systems , Flights , Airlines , Hardaway , Story , Dynamic , 10 , Denominators , Teachers , Unions , Military Troops , Classroom , Firing , Exemptions , Common Sense , Sights , Topics , Quote Today , Forgiveness Ness , Woman , E , Farmers Policy Perks , Bum , Farmers , Pa Dum , Family Safe Browsing , Pause Wifi , Peace Of Mind , Xfinity Xfi , Iconic Sydney Harbor Bridge , Ryan Chillicothe , Eiffel Tower , Neighborhood , You Wouldn T , Fun , Suburbs , 18 , Display , Cauphony , Thames , New Year S Eve , Covid You Weren T , Omicron Setting Records , Basis , Capita , 190000 , 61 , Families , Pcr Tests , Australia , Sydney , U K , Parts , Big New Year , 00 , January 2 2022 , 6 , 2 , Dubai , Scale , Expo 2020x , Guinness Book Of World Records , Outdone , 2020 , Event , Rome , Square , Peter , Peace , Think , On Christmas Day , Mary , Jesus , Joseph , Pope Francis , Daniel Craig , Doubt , Aleet , Actors , Titles , James Bond , Names , Throwback , Car Insurance , Al , Nutrition , Strength , Mission , Woo Hoo , Liberty Okay , Vitamins , Minerals , 27 , Hope , East , Fanfare , Kevin Corke , 1 , South , Great To Be With You , Everything Else , Family Traditions , Confetti , Tamales , Shot , Black Eyed Peas , 8 , Tradition , Campaign , Las Vegas , Close , Correspondent , Rich Edison In Wilmington , Businesses , Folks , Power Surge , Making Covid , Lines , Economy , Surge , Shortages , Cut , Virus , Ten , Court Challenges , Friday The Supreme Court , Mask Mandates , Federal Court System , Troopers , Sanctions , Poise , White House , Geneva , Security Issues , Conversations , My Greened , Buddy , Records , 2 Million , Live In Atlanta , Charles Watson , Backdrop , Details , Hello , Toga Back K , School District , Children Surge , District , Securing 60000 Testing Kits , Nursing Assistance , State Of Emergency , Teams , Strike , Worker , Recovery , Concerns , Labor Department , Alfredo Ortiz , Job Creator , Tweet , Track Record , Analyst , 29 , Inflation , Lack , High , Food , Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Progress Going , 39 , Economist , Job Market , Gas , 33 , 58 , Malarki , The American Public Isn T , Rate , Gallup , 80 , American , Word Malarky , Workers , Industries , Supply Chain Struggling , Owners , Small Business , Job Growth , Hands , Hold , 6 Million , 4 Million , Million , Consumer Price Index , Consumers , Record Levels , Goods , Services , Roof , Producer Price Index , Producers , Input , Precursor , Backbone , Market , Job Openings , Lots , Checks , Door , Labor , Workforce , Participation Rate , Lows , 54 , 25 , Shift , Biden Plan , Democrats , Savings , Savings Rates Pre Pandemic , Stores , Hospitality Industry , Industry , Amount , Business , Hospitality , Restaurants , Hotel , Cross , Inflation Down , Build , Issue , Act Don T Pass , Act , Shooting , Insights , Manhunt , Mall Of America , Minnesota , Police , Largest , Shoppers , Mall , Shutdown , Incident , 4 , Suspect , Scene , Which Beijing , World Leader , Leader , Chinese Communist , Moves , Shopping Mall In Beijing On New Year S Eve , Xi Jinping , Sides , Aspiration , Reunification , Motherland , Claim , Taiwan , Taiwan Strait , 2029 , U S Navy , Military Venturism , Ronald Reagan , Carl Vinson , Products , Sail , Prerogative , China , Western Pacific , Wal Mart , Region , Statement Beijing , Xinxang , Minorities , Labor Camps , Muslim , Harris , Interview , Democracy , Climate , Motive , Stupidity , National Security , Washington Post , Propaganda Efforts , Mining , Twitter , Western Social Media , Facebook , Lucas Tomlinson , Fires , Hundreds Of Americans , Shelters , Rubble , Colorado , Denver , Homes , Devastation , Hundreds , Jeff , Unknown Source , Wild Fires Rip , Wild Fire , Area , Season , Headaches , Snowfall , Recovery Effort , Fire , Chance , Spots , Neighborhoods , Hit Areas , Authorities , Smoke , Snow , Wood Crackling , Community , A Thousand , Weather , Return , Temperatures , Digits , Pipes , All Of You , Loss , House , Sight , Disaster , Heart , Drive , Homes Burning , Injuries , Destruction , Report , Investigators , Eye , Reform Laws , Laws , Ethan Bearman , Municipalities , Police Reform , Shoulders , Bail , Fair , System , Tables , Emotion Of Defund , Got , Reforms , Changes , State Level , Policing Laws , Effect , Types , Police Officer , Police Accountability , Choke , Criminal , No Knock Law , Knock , Suspicion , Kentucky , No Knock Warrant Enforcement , Board , Field , Citizens , Violence , Don T Have , Crimes , Individuals , San Francisco , Band , Circumstances , Attorneys , Ones , Description , Defund , Kevin , Street , Police Enforcement , Oakland , Drug Dealers , Crack Down , Enforcement , Skid Row , District Attorneys , Fire Both , Whether , Points , Recall Efforts , Da , It S Time , Support , Bit , Sound , Bri , Rain , Criminals , Steps , Cities , Law Enforcement , Hass , Sorts , Thugs , Result , Ears , Da Because , Lawlessness Run Ramp , Lori Lightfoot , Streets , Liberals , Don T , Eyes , Organized Crime , Down , Feelings , Approach , Hasn T , Window , Need , Handling , Theories , 1990 , Listen , Intervention , Circumstance , Saying , Chicago , Fed , Strategies , Help , Real Pleasure , Segment , Ladies , Honors , Companion , Queen Elizabeth , Share , Order Of St , Michael , Contributions , Hollywood , 100 , I Love You , Companionship , Thinking , Company , Fernando , Lesson , Life Just Isn T Fair , Kiddo , White Playing Suan Evans , Thinking Truly Life Isn T Fair , Tributes , 100th Birthday , Laura Ingle , Girls , Age , Hearts , Americana , History Books , Icon , Resident , Acting Betty , Cleveland , 3 , Animal Foundation , Fans , Emotion Arts , Trailblazer , Humor , Sciences , Rip , Meyers , Party , Birthday , Bitter End , Vodka , Hot Dog , People Magazine , Standing Ovation , Real Appreciation , Waiting , Top , Entertainment Reporter , Golden Girl , Somebody , Friends Of Mine , Shows , Reading , Proposal , Generational , Wrestling , Movies , Genres , Ryan Reynolds , Sandra Bullock , , Living , Beauty , Performances , Wins , Nominations , Animals , Show Business Life , Interviews , All Over The World , Animal Rights Activism , Fathom Event , Favorite , Platforms , Screen , Awards , Positivity , Presence , Actresses , Professional , Dialogue , Night , Clip , Cursing , Tone , Crowd , Wwe , Hollywood Entertainment Business , Legacy Entertainment Wise , Love You , Mom , Guys , Comedy Genius , Shout Out , Mom And Dad , Whiskey , Tie , Chad Pergram , Scotch , Like , Guy , Know Chad , Senate Rules , Capitol Hill , 45 , Scotch Whiskey , Scotch School , Ideas , Certificate , Viewers , Luck , Tour , Scotland , Glen Morangie , North Western Islands , Bottle , Label , Store , Clove , Cinnamon , Tale Of Winter , Smoky , Distillery , Cable Knit Sweater , Meat , Louis Vuitton , Sister Distillery , Southwest , Sour Crout , Whiskey Isle , Notes , Seaweed , Brian , Farm , Brokalti , Dark Vader , Bulmoore , Octamoore , Brooklade , Rib , There , Finish , Whiskeys , Cherry , Highlands , Whiskey Store , Bourbon Lovers , Alcohol , Abrabaluor , 59 , Supply Chain Issues , Trouble , Tariffs , Bottles , Ardmore , Chad , Don T Drink And Drive , Whiskey Collection , Atalents , Being Cast Last Year , Floral , Questions , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 317 , 833 , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , Action , Tournament Of Roses Parade , David Eats , More , Tournament , Rose S , Pasadena , Parade , Time , January 1st , Making , Sense , Joy , Health Order , Accommodations , Pasadena Health Department , Proof , Vaccination , Stands , Grand , Grand Stand , 72 , Masking , Safe , Id , Dream , Beginning , Theme , Family Tradition , Rose Parade On New Year S Day , Multigenerations , Household , Back , Afternoon , Rose Bowl Game , 133 , William I , Julie Banderas , Sounds Good , Watching , Ps , Pressure , Tensions , Watch , Fronts , No ,

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