Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

but first, it's truly been a long year of constantly changing restrictions, new mandates and of course hypocrisy from democrat leaders. >> president biden: if you've been fully vaccinated, you know longer need to wear a mask. >> it is important for everyone, regardless of vaccination status to wear a mask. >> we are implementing the strongest vaccine mandate in the country. >> i'm leaving my mask down while i'm enjoying my food. i'm not putting it on and taking it off, putting it on. the fact that this is even a story is sad. >> lisa: let's not forget the year of deception after we were promised this promised this. >> president biden: i'm not going to shutdown the economy. i'm not going to shutdown the country, but i'm going to shut down the virus. >> lisa: but instead we got this. of >> president biden: there is no federal solution. this gets solved state-level. >> lisa: and of course this gem. >> president biden: you're not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations. >> lisa: that didn't age well, did it? so in a few months we will have been living with covid for two years. we know so much more now than we did then i'm a but we are still instituting these ridiculous restrictions like requiring a vaccine just to go to work or eat in a restaurant. and we are forcing young kids to mask up and get vaccinated. then there's the school shutdowns. "the ingraham angle" spoke with one new jersey mother who said her 7-year-old broke down in tears when she told him he couldn't go back to school next week. virtual learning is not helping her children, and it is heartbreaking what we are forcing them to go through. but it's not just young kids, we are robbing older ones too. take a look at princeton university. they require vaccines, boosters, even a negative test, just to return to campus, and now we're learning that they are restricting students' travel, forcing them to stay in the immediate area. they can even leave the county that the school is in. people want to get on with their lives. and they don't want the political punk from a so called experts to dictate it. enough is enough. the same experts are now letting it slip that some of the rules weren't totally based the science. you don't say? here's what they say lead to the decision to recently cut down on the quarantine time in half for asymptomatic people. >> there was the danger that there would be so many people who are being isolated who are asymptomatic for the full ten days that you could have a major negative impact on our ability to keep society running. so the decision was made of saying that's get that cut in half. >> it really had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate. >> lisa: joining me now is arizona congressman who sits on the house judiciary committee. congressman, it's really bizarre how these changes are coming right as we start 2022, a midterm year. what do you make of this drastic change in the quarantine time? it sounds like we don't have andy biggs right now. congressman? nope. all right, well, hopefully we get the congressman back in just a moment. so after a lot of speculation, new york city's incoming mayor eric adams announced that he is keeping de blasio positive as private sector vaccine mandate, which means that basically anyone working in new york city needs to be vaccinated. and that's not all. his team brought us this new year's eve message. >> we will also study the need for what we are calling the up-to-date mandate, which would require new yorkers to have their booster shots under the vaccine mandates currently in place. >> lisa: so team adams must have not gotten the message that you can still get covid even if you're vaccinated. new york city doesn't report numbers on breakthrough cases. i'm sure that's just an oversight. but we know they are happening. let's take a look at massachusetts, whose population is just slightly smaller than new york city. last week alone, 40% of all total cases were from people who had already been vaccinated. joining me now is dr. harvey risch, yale school of medicine professor and epidemiologist and dr. marty makary, professor at the john hopkins school of medicine and the author of the price we pay. we see eric adams is now saying he's going to keep this vaccine mandate in the city, but new york is getting crushed. we saw 74,000 cases today alone. new york city saw the biggest day of cases than any major city in the entire world, yet we have a state that has mask mandates, we have a city of new york that has a vaccine passport, you got to be vaccinated just to go to restaurants, or to basically live among society. up at this point, why would any city, why would any business, why would any university be forcing a vaccine that doesn't stop the spread of covid? >> welcome to be frank, we ain't seen nothing yet that this omicron virus, we're likely to see at the beginning of next week or by tuesday or wednesday a million cases per day in the united states. this is where it's going. this is not frightening, this is good news because it's generating a lot of population immunity. we should not be looking at the cases, and unfortunately, the health commissioner in new york city is still mired in the past looking at case numbers. if he should be looking at hospitalizations and mortality from omicron. that's what tells you what to do about policy moving forward, and he's not doing that. >> lisa: now that we're starting to see -- we are seeing so many people get covid at this point, do you think the government will be forced to recognize natural immunity? >> welcome of the public is smart enough to realize you cannot ignore it indefinitely. >> lisa: but why hasn't the government though? >> there's 141 studies, at this point, any more research is not going to convince them. they clearly have an entrenched political interest and to them it threatens the vaccinated everybody message, and at the bottom line. and i think eventually where there's going to be so much pushback they are going to have to at some point just recognize that people are not going to tolerate dishonesty in science. >> lisa: to his point, why do we have this push to get the vaccine when it's clearly not stopping the spread of covid? >> well, at some point we thought that it might, but that is long in the past already. there is so much evidence around the world that it doesn't, and our own evidence that it doesn't that we have to reevaluate, but we have entrenched interests. this whole pandemic was sold to us as wait for the vaccines, the vaccines will cure it, so there's been a push from economic push to sell vaccines to every arm and the planet. it's not an -- if not in the country. and that's what we're facing. we are facing a push from above the government to do this and not from the science. if >> lisa: and it goes even beyond that now with these boosters. i mean, we are seeing some universities push boosters for students. it looks like the fda might improve the pfizer booster 12-15-year-olds. what science is there behind that for booster in young and healthy people? >> the science on boosters for young and healthy people points to the recommendation that young and healthy people should not get a booster. that's where the data lives right now, and that's why the fda a posthumous experts, they sit on an advisory committee and its routinely convened with any authorization decision the fda does. that's why the advisors voted against boosters for young people and then the fda made a second internal push and simply circumvented those experts, they decided not to convene the meeting and rumor is now "the new york times" is reporting that they are about to authorize boosters for 12 through 15-year-olds, again without convening their experts. that's unconscionable and if we have any journalism left in the united states, they should ask how are they getting away with this. >> lisa: how do you think they are getting away with this? >> this has been the modus operandi of the cdc and the fda for the last two years, that the review committees on hydroxychloroquine and remdesivir were loaded with pharma people, 11 out of 20 in the second committee. this has all been orchestrated from the top of nih and pharma. >> lisa: doctor, what kind of therapeutics are you seeing? is there anything promising that you've been looking at that we should be embracing now that we know that the vaccines aren't stopping the spread of covid? >> yeah, there's a whole bunch of them, and immediately when omicron emerged, our public health officials immediately start talking about additional vaccine boosters. where are now learning ten weeks after booster, that immunity goes down to 35%, the efficacy goes down to 35 and 45% depending on the vaccine you've got. there's -- it's been fda approved, there are solid, randomized controlled data. it noted against. i've never once heard dr. fauci say the word. many universities, including my own, included on its recommended therapeutics on their covid websites and there's of course the merck and pfizer pills, which we hear little about, but they are ready to go and they are at pharmacies now. >> lisa: well, really looks like our government is failing us miserably. doctors, thank you so much for joining me tonight, appreciate it. so we're going to try again with arizona congressman andy biggs. congressman, you just heard what the doctor said about why we are not pushing these treatments, it's this vaccine or else policy. what do you think is behind that, congressman? >> thanks, lisa, good to be with you. i think he's right, two reasons. number one, when he talks about big pharma having other economic interests, they got on a path and they want to keep this path there and these other therapeutics aren't really going to make them a lot of money, so you've got to look at the money angle for short. but then you also have to look at the efficacy of big government married to big pharma here and what you see is kind of this power, this control, this move for that. that's also what's going on, in my opinion. >> lisa: what kind of controlled his big pharma have over congress do you think? how much control? >> well, lisa, if you look at the federal elections commission report, you're going to see that it contributes to a lot of members of congress and they contribute a lot of money. they may be the biggest lobbyist organization there. and so they do have a lot of swag. in some of its necessary of course, because we need that information in congress, but other parts of it make you wonder, this epidemic of covid has really called a lot of those relationships into question and i think they need to be explored a whole lot more. >> lisa: why do you think there's not a lot of talk about natural immunity because there's no natural immunity lobbyists on capitol hill? >> [laughs] that's exactly what it is. i mean just think about it. so you know, donald trump poisoned the well basically saying he thought hydroxychloroquine might work. okay, so nobody is going to go where and pharma is not going to go there because it costs $0.05 appeal. the new that ivermectin, no, no, there may be a nobel prize that came with that one. all of that stuff indicates to me that there was a focus on new product, new sources of revenue, and then you married that up with government and the nougat folks like fauci, i mean, who is all over the ballpark. let's not kid ourselves. dr. fauci has been all over the place. you know, everything from "you should never wear a mask" to "you should always wear mass, double mask." you get those together and you get the confused messaging we've seen out there over covid. >> lisa: speaking of dr. fauci, i want to play this clip of him on msnbc and i want to get your take on the other side. >> people are vaccinated but not boosted as the same risk of those who are not vaccinated at all. and that's because right now with omicron, there's a great deal of difference in the level of protection that you get from being boosted following vaccination versus following vaccination alone. >> lisa: you know, congressman, we are seeing boosted people still get covid. are they ever going to link relinquish control? isn't what this is all about, just control? >> well, it seems like it's all about control. i don't know that there ever going to give it up. i just saw today that for instance the netherlands is talking about having a total of one underlying shot and then five boosters in about an 18 month period and you begin to wonder, what is that all about? and you see what's going down with the move to lockdowns or shutdown schools in some states again over omicron and i say to myself, this -- we are reliving this, we didn't learn anything and then you have president biden saying well, you know, the feds really can't solve this problem. well, that's what he beat up president trump for, because he felt like he could come in as a federal government and mandate and lockdown and it turns out the states are the best way to control this and bring it into harmony with our lives and our freedoms, and i love what greg abbott, governor of texas, said, we are going to do the texas way, no mandates and we are going to let people take personal responsibility, and that's really what this administration and dr. fauci is against. >> lisa: right. they are against freedom. we are literally seeing marines purged from the military for not getting the vaccine, but that's not stopped the spread of covid, it's just a political purge and it's disgusting. thank you for joining me tonight, i appreciate it. so dr. robert malone, who was involved in the mrna vaccine platform was permanently suspended from twitter yesterday over what they say his repeated violations of their covid misinformation policy. twitter wouldn't provide "the ingraham angle" with which specific tweet violated this policy and dr. malone tells us that he doesn't even know. and while you can't see his tweets anymore, you can still see the interview that he did with laura right here, right now, watch this. >> this omicron hysteria that is now sweeping the united states, people want christmas canceled, concert's canceled, they don't want you to travel, et cetera, et cetera. dr. fauci seems to be leaning towards redefining what it means to be fully vaxed. watch. >> whether or not the cdc is going to change that, it certainly is on the table and open for discussion. i'm not sure exactly when that will happen, but i think people should not lose sight of the message that there's no doubt that if you want to be optimally protected, you should get your booster. >> giving her knowledge of these vaccines, what is your response? >> so tony is being really careful with his wordsmithing now, increasingly so. he's guarding himself. he says optimally protected. what he's not saying is fully protected. omicron blows right through the vaccines and through the triple jabbed. omicron is very, very infectious and the data are already in that both the double and triple vaccination is not protecting you from omicron. here's the good news. in your prior segment, you pointed out that this is more fearmongering on the part of the press. your dad on. okay? the number of deaths from omicron worldwide is less than ten, to my last count. and the thing about this is -- so if -- if you believe in a god, this looks an awful lot like a christmas. omicron apparently, according to recent data from hong kong university, has shifted the targeting of where it infects. at the delta and the prior variances were infecting the deep long, which we know from influenza is a great way to cause severe disease in humans. and it shifted to the upper airway, and we know from influenza, when viruses do that, they are much less pathogenic and much more infectious. so the good news with omicron is very low disease, highly infectious, it looks an awful lot to the experienced backs and allergist like a live attenuated virus vaccine that you might design for purpose. it's going to elicit a strong immune response. this is about as good as we could possibly want right now in terms of outcomes. >> so dr. malone, this is just news you're not going to see anywhere else on television today, tonight. if you're saying what's happening with omicron, from what we know now, is good news and get the media establishment, the political establishment are freaking out to shut things down again, to do untold damage to children and communities. it's -- it's stunning to me. absolutely stunning. >> i think they're disappointed with the good news. >> i think they are really disappointed because this is the way to move right into the climate lockdowns at this point. again i want to thank you for your input this year on this program. you've been invaluable and you make it really easy to understand. thank you so much. >> lisa: coming up, she just won't go away. hillary clinton is acting like we are about to hit doomsday. charlie hurt and matt schlapp are here to pour water on that. stay with us. ♪ ♪ [upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music throughout] ♪ ♪ >> lisa: so despite holding a majority in both the senate and the house, capital democrats don't have much to show for it. they passed the infrastructure bill but their listed failures outweigh their compliments. fox news congressional correspondent is here to take us through all of them -- there's a lot. >> hey, lisa, good evening to you. so democrats had razor-thin majorities, it's hard to get anything done with a 50/50 senate but they also had plenty of interparty fighting going on between progressives and moderates that sometimes got very personal. so let's start with their wins this year. the big three, the $1.9 trillion american rescue plan, the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, and the national defense funding bill. the list though much longer for what democrats failed to accomplish, starting with the president's massive tax and social spending plan, build back better, which by the way, one of their own, senator joe manchin, blew up right before christmas. still no voting rights legislation, no immigration reform, police reform or gun reform, leaving them facing a lot of pressure to deliver in the new year, and they plan to get right back into it with bill back better. >> we know that there is still work to be done. that's why we want to pass this important addition to help families in the ways we just talked about. also we are pushing ahead with the freedom to vote act. >> meanwhile, all of this has republicans feeling pretty good about the midterms. >> i feel pretty confident about it, especially now with the far left controlling a lot of the democratic agenda. remember, these people all ran on being moderate, and if you look at their actual voting record, there isn't a moderate among them. >> bottom line, lisa, it's not republicans. democrats need to figure out their own issues if they want to get anything done in the new year. lisa. >> lisa: great job, my friend. >> what do you see is the biggest national security challenge confronting the u.s.? what is the thing that will keep you up at night? >> frankly, one of them is our democracy. [laughs] >> lisa: yes, our democracy is in danger, the left never seems to get tired of that trope and no hillary clinton is jumping on the bandwagon. she's acting like this new year's eve is y2k all over again, trying to stoke fear and panic about what she says is the inevitable death of our democracy. doom and gloom. >> if i were a betting person right now i would say trump is going to run again. i think that could be the end of our democracy. i want people to understand this is a make or break point. if he were or someone of his ilk were once again to be elected president, and if especially he had a congress that would do his bidding, you will not recognize our country. >> lisa: wow. so disturbing. joining me now is charlie hurt, fox news contributor and opinion editor for "the washington times" and matt schlapp, chairman of the american conservative union. i mean, it seems a bit dramatic if you ask me, but more important, is this woman running again? has she no shame? >> actually, believe it or not, i think she's nosing herself back into this race as joe biden clearly doesn't have the mental and the physical ability to run again. it certainly seems likely he won't run again and then kamala harris, so unpopular she's more unpopular than a disease. they don't even put her out at all. you just don't see her and so i think what's interesting is hillary clinton is saying that it will be the end of our democracy if in a free and open election the american people vote for donald trump again. i mean, it's just insane. this is the same woman that concocted the lie in the team that trump only got elected the first time with russian collusion, she's never really accepted her loss. she loves to pal around with stacey abrams, who believes she is the governor of georgia, and they're going to lecture me on democracy. i think i'm not going to listen. >> lisa: yeah, it's a little rich coming from the woman who actually colluded with the russians. charlie, what do you think this means for joe biden. if you already have hillary clinton sort of waiting into the 2024 waters, what does it say about joe biden and where he stands right now heading into the midterms and 2024? >> well, obviously he's in a bad situation to begin with just for exactly what matt just spelled out, but if you listen on, if you played farther into that clip from hillary clinton -- in my goodness, she sounds so bitter. she sounds so angry. whenever she brings this stuff up, especially when she starts talk about donald trump and his supporters, talking about his ilk, it's kind of like sort of -- that's the shorthand for the basket of deplorables. but what i think -- if you play on that clip, what she goes on to say is that she doesn't want her party to take a deep left turn and go left-wing crazy. well, you know it's kind of interesting about that, she's basically talking about is exactly what joe biden and kamala harris have done. and so i think that in that sort of remarkable sit down right there, not only -- i don't think she's just nosing her nose back out onto the campaign field, i think she's -- she is sliming the sitting democratic president and trying to soften him up in order to make way for herself yet again. >> lisa: i mean, it really is unworkable. the woman has absolutely no shame whatsoever. so i also want to ask you guys about this call with -- biden's call with putin today. they spoke for the second time this month about ukraine. after the call, jen psaki said this. she said biden made it clear to boot and that the united states and its allies and partners will respond decisively if russia further invades ukraine. i mean, does anybody actually believe that after what we saw in afghanistan? joe biden has lost any credibility whatsoever. >> look, i know, lisa, this is a tough topic because on these questions of joe biden as our commander-in-chief, i want him to project strength and i want him to defend us but you've got to wonder what vladimir putin thinks about our seriousness and are national security when in across this country, the branches of our military are literally kicking people out of the military if they don't follow the vaccine mandate role. we are literally kicking brave marines out of the marines and joe biden gets on a phone call with vladimir putin and says we are ready to take you on? it's a joke, and if they want to keep americans safe, why don't you start projecting strength and why don't you defend and grow the brave men and women who want to be in our armed services, especially those who are healthy enough to not worry about this virus. >> lisa: charlie, actually to his point about this political purge we are seeing from the military over a vaccine that doesn't stop the spread of covid, what impact do you think that's going to have on our military moving forward? i mean, it is a political purge, right? >> without a doubt, and i think it's devastating and i think -- of course the worst part of all of it is you go back, you know, even further than just the covid -- the pandemic, but this whole notion that we are going to turn our military into the world's policeman and we are going to go around and fight these -- to protect people's borders all over the world while we don't even protect our own borders and that kind of fuzzy mission that politicians, and quite frankly we've seen it from both parties, but nobody has been a bigger war hawk than hillary clinton herself, and of course joe biden, who is the grandest expert on the political -- on the world stage going back for 50 years he's been in washington, and nobody has been more wrong about everything that he gets into, and so what i worry about -- i think matt is exactly right. at the very least, please, start projecting an america first policy, look at the world in terms of what benefits us and regular americans before you make the decisions, don't go starting fights in order to protect other people's borders when you don't even protect our borders. >> yeah, it also -- >> lisa, can i just a -- >> lisa: real, real quick. real quick. >> real quick, we had generals that are going in saying that our biggest problem is white rage among those who serve in our military. that makes vladimir putin licked his chops. we have to stop this insanity. >> lisa: they are just sitting back like they don't have to do anything, we're just destroying ourselves, it's insanity. tanks, guys, i appreciate your time. so next, the return of the worst in the media, kurt schlichter and harmeet dhillon are here with the tape, you don't want to miss it, that's next. >> lisa: it is very easy to become numb to media bias these days of "the ingraham angle" is keeping track of the worst offenders of the year. joining me now is kurt schlichter, senior columnist and harmeet dhillon, ceo of the center for american liberty and rnc national committee woman for california. you guys, let's begin with what the media said about kyle rittenhouse. >> in wisconsin you're rittenhouse, a white teenager who crossed state lines with an air 15 style rifle. >> he crossed state lines with an error 15, threw himself in the middle of all this started shooting people. >> lisa: kurt, there's this little thing about how he actually did not cross state lines with an air 15. >> i love how they are stunned about all of this. that americans actually cross state lines, although he didn't. at that americans actually have ar-15s, which they do, i shot one myself this week, and how they are stunned -- stunned i say -- that an american might defend himself against, for example, a convicted child rapist. just a hair, as the jury said. >> lisa: they really slandered this poor kid. it was just disgusting, what they did to him. >> absolutely, and that was just one of the many lies that the media told repeatedly, then they never went back and corrected us, so i don't know where kyle goes to get his reputation back, but i suspect we're going to hear more about that in the coming months. >> lisa: hopefully he sues the pants off of them and i think you could probably offer some good advice on that. i also want to turn to the virginia governor's race. the media says there's only one reason that glenn youngkin won. watch. >> glenn youngkin played the race card for a reason. because he knows it works on certain white voters. >> he did stoke white grievance politics to mobilize the republican base. >> some republican candidates are perfectly willing to use race as a motivating factor for their base. >> lisa: yeah, it was there nothing to do with terry mcauliffe insulting parents or the dems failing agenda. harmeet dhillon to? kurt -- >> i lost the audio. >> lisa: no worries, kurt, what you make of that? artist who they are trying to shift blame away from a terrible candidate. >> welcome of course they are, lisa. look, for the left and its minions in the media, racism is the swiss army knife. it's the answer to all your problems. you know, voters don't like you, welcome of the voters are racist. you're not able to get your bills passed in congress. congress is racist. no one loves you and you live alone and you die and you are eaten by your cats, racism. everything is racism and it's all ridiculous and i think americans are getting tired of it. >> lisa: i think they are as well and i think that's what we saw with the virginia governor's race. you know, there's also -- here is msnbc rachel maddow reacted when the cdc guidance didn't quite fit her narrative anymore. watch. >> if you are vaccinated, it's okay to take off your masks now indoors and out. really? [laughs] are you sure? how sure are you? >> lisa: kurt, how sure are you? >> well, look, there's something for everybody to hate with the cdc's mask guidance since they literally had every position. first we had don't wear a mask, then you have to wear one mask, then you have to wear to masks and then no masks, now you have to wear a mask again, now it's an n95 mass, who knows what is going to be tomorrow, maybe it will be an entire plastic suit. i don't know. the fact is the cdc has no credibility. in that way it's very similar to the media. >> lisa: harmeet which got you back now. what you make about all the flip-flopping from the cdc, all the different things we've heard from media figures as well? everyone has been all over the map about pretty much everything. >> well, the cdc and the media have completely failed here to provide a consistent message to the american public for public health reasons that would actually enable us to protect ourselves against covid and i think the inconsistencies in the messaging and the flip-flopping have really undermined american confidence and that's very dangerous because this isn't going to be the health crisis -- only health crisis that we have and i hope that the media takes a long, hard look at how they have distorted guidance, they have condemned people who have now come forward with information that has now turned out to be true, they have actually even turned on the cdc at times, so they really need to take a look at whether they've made the situation worse in america by providing inconsistent and wrong information to the american public regularly. >> lisa: good point. and everywhere in this year and 2,021, critical race theory being taught in our schools. here's what the media wants you to think about that. >> critical race theory is not being taught in virginia public schools. it's not being taught in any public schools in america because it's a legal scholarship that's taught as an elective in law school. >> lisa: 15 seconds. >> critical race theory is not being taught. it's also essential that it be taught all at the same time. again, it's the solution to every problem. it just lie, that's what the media does. >> lisa: harmeet, 15 seconds he was well, my friend. >> absolutely, critical race theory is the latest level for a package of propaganda, including about gender and transgender issues that's being forced onto our children. it is absolutely true, it needs to come to an end. >> lisa: well done, thank you both and happy new year. so democrats want you to think that they had a wildly successful year, but we all know that's a crock. up next, the truth with lisa boothe, that's me, victor davis hanson, plus what we can expect in 2022, see you right there. ♪ ♪ >> they're pretty good reasons to feel like we are on a much better path, this recovery is actually in pretty good shape. >> lisa: as we wrap up 2021, your two of the pandemic, the economy for the most part was on fire. >> lisa: democrats trying really, really hard to make you believe that we are ending 2021 on a high note. biden is bragging about the economy while we faced the highest inflation in nearly 40 years. the left claims the border is closed, and it's not a crisis, but a record 1.7 million migrants were arrested at the u.s.-mexico border this year and covid is raging after multiple promises to shut it down. joining me now is victor davis hansen, hoover institution senior fellow and author of "dying citizen." victor, if this is what democrats consider a successful year, we are in for a wild ride in 2022, but looking back, we are almost at your two of covid here. i don't know if i'd ever seen the government you something, use this fear, to really reshape our society. you look at the role the government has played shutting down businesses, denying the ability to go to church. we've seen societal division as well, the blaming of the unvaccinated. what you think the damage is long term from what we have seen over the past couple of years through all this? >> yeah, i think that's considerable because i don't think it's going to cease. and by that immune we all -- we say please let means disasters from afghanistan to energy, to the border into inflation, but the people who enacted them are ideologues, and they would rather see their agendas enacted and fail than they would the correctives are the opposites are the antithesis be enacted and succeed, so they are going to go full speed ahead. you have to be insane to think that you can ask for million federal workers or soldiers, many of them who have had covid and have natural immunity, that they have to be vaccinated or they're going to be fired well at the same time you are letting in 2 million foreign nationals without vaccinations and without tests in a time of pandemic and their coming in illegally, or you have to be insane to think that you can print $2 trillion in back-to-back deficits when you are almost 30 trillion in debt, and you are running a 7% at least an annual inflation and you have limited supply and in norma's demand, and you're still doing it. and they know it's going to blow up and it's kind of like musical chairs. they feel that maybe they'll be out, they'll find a chair when the blow up comes in somebody else will take the blame, maybe joe biden well. i don't know. and same thing with crime, if you don't prosecute crimes, or ud funds the police or you prohibit bail, you know that the crime is coming up, but what to do if they are an ideologue? do you say i renounce all my former positions? and then when you see your neighbor broken in or your son assaulted or your car hijacked, you just keep quiet and take one for the team? so they've created these paradoxes where the policies don't work and yet they are going to continue them because they don't want to correct because they feel it would be contrary to their base or their visions of a socialist utopian and it's going to be -- and what are they going to say, lisa? they're going to say just what hillary clinton said, that democracy is threatened by free and fair election, or democracy, the generals wrote and said we might have a coup by donald trump. or you know, the senate is unfair, so they're looking at the system because they didn't get the results they wanted and they won't change. >> lisa: but meanwhile they are trying to blow up the system, right? they want to pack the supreme court, they want to fundamentally change our elections to nationalize and federalize them, so they say they are trying to protect the systems while simultaneously trying to blow them up. >> they are the greatest revolutionaries we've seen in a generation, whether it's packing the court or ending the filibuster or bringing in two more states or ending the electoral college and the national voting law, or hillary clinton's collusion, hiring a foreign national to get dirt on the presidential opponent, candidate opponent or what we saw with the fisa abuses, so they are revolutionaries and they are projecting their own pathologies on other people because they have no alternate agenda. if they don't ever say to themselves here's a contract for america that's going to work, and anybody in the democratic party who thinks that is not going to last very long or they are going to retire. so this is a revolutionary movement, i think everybody saw that in 2021, and i think they fear rightly that it's going to continue in 2022, even if it explodes and takes us with it. but they're not going to change on their own. >> lisa: i don't think they will but we do have elections, so everyone needs to get out and demand a better project refer this country, thank you for joining me and happy new year. so up next, it's time for me to finally admit this. a man is the reason i left new york city for florida. i reveal who it is next. >> lisa: shortly after the ball drops in times square tomorrow, eric adams will be sworn in as mayor, so tonight, as we end 2021, i'm going to say a fond goodbye to those one man who you can all blame for making me leave new york city. >> think of this when you think of vaccination. vaccination. >> lisa: so now that you've seen that, i think we can all agree that 2022 will start on a high note and i made the right decision. that said for us tonight, i'm lisa boothe in for laura ingraham. check out my podcast and tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. eastern, watch fox's all-american new year featuring will cain, pete hegseth, rachel campos duffy and our own raymond arroyo will be there on bourbon street. that's something i want to see. thank you so much for watching the special edition of "the ingraham angle." greg gutfeld is next, happy new year! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [scattered applause] >> i know what you're thinking. greg has never looked this good in a dress, and is even shorter than normal. even with 6-inch heels, and he is smiling! surprise! it's me, emily! [scattered applause]

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

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but first, it's truly been a long year of constantly changing restrictions, new mandates and of course hypocrisy from democrat leaders. >> president biden: if you've been fully vaccinated, you know longer need to wear a mask. >> it is important for everyone, regardless of vaccination status to wear a mask. >> we are implementing the strongest vaccine mandate in the country. >> i'm leaving my mask down while i'm enjoying my food. i'm not putting it on and taking it off, putting it on. the fact that this is even a story is sad. >> lisa: let's not forget the year of deception after we were promised this promised this. >> president biden: i'm not going to shutdown the economy. i'm not going to shutdown the country, but i'm going to shut down the virus. >> lisa: but instead we got this. of >> president biden: there is no federal solution. this gets solved state-level. >> lisa: and of course this gem. >> president biden: you're not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations. >> lisa: that didn't age well, did it? so in a few months we will have been living with covid for two years. we know so much more now than we did then i'm a but we are still instituting these ridiculous restrictions like requiring a vaccine just to go to work or eat in a restaurant. and we are forcing young kids to mask up and get vaccinated. then there's the school shutdowns. "the ingraham angle" spoke with one new jersey mother who said her 7-year-old broke down in tears when she told him he couldn't go back to school next week. virtual learning is not helping her children, and it is heartbreaking what we are forcing them to go through. but it's not just young kids, we are robbing older ones too. take a look at princeton university. they require vaccines, boosters, even a negative test, just to return to campus, and now we're learning that they are restricting students' travel, forcing them to stay in the immediate area. they can even leave the county that the school is in. people want to get on with their lives. and they don't want the political punk from a so called experts to dictate it. enough is enough. the same experts are now letting it slip that some of the rules weren't totally based the science. you don't say? here's what they say lead to the decision to recently cut down on the quarantine time in half for asymptomatic people. >> there was the danger that there would be so many people who are being isolated who are asymptomatic for the full ten days that you could have a major negative impact on our ability to keep society running. so the decision was made of saying that's get that cut in half. >> it really had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate. >> lisa: joining me now is arizona congressman who sits on the house judiciary committee. congressman, it's really bizarre how these changes are coming right as we start 2022, a midterm year. what do you make of this drastic change in the quarantine time? it sounds like we don't have andy biggs right now. congressman? nope. all right, well, hopefully we get the congressman back in just a moment. so after a lot of speculation, new york city's incoming mayor eric adams announced that he is keeping de blasio positive as private sector vaccine mandate, which means that basically anyone working in new york city needs to be vaccinated. and that's not all. his team brought us this new year's eve message. >> we will also study the need for what we are calling the up-to-date mandate, which would require new yorkers to have their booster shots under the vaccine mandates currently in place. >> lisa: so team adams must have not gotten the message that you can still get covid even if you're vaccinated. new york city doesn't report numbers on breakthrough cases. i'm sure that's just an oversight. but we know they are happening. let's take a look at massachusetts, whose population is just slightly smaller than new york city. last week alone, 40% of all total cases were from people who had already been vaccinated. joining me now is dr. harvey risch, yale school of medicine professor and epidemiologist and dr. marty makary, professor at the john hopkins school of medicine and the author of the price we pay. we see eric adams is now saying he's going to keep this vaccine mandate in the city, but new york is getting crushed. we saw 74,000 cases today alone. new york city saw the biggest day of cases than any major city in the entire world, yet we have a state that has mask mandates, we have a city of new york that has a vaccine passport, you got to be vaccinated just to go to restaurants, or to basically live among society. up at this point, why would any city, why would any business, why would any university be forcing a vaccine that doesn't stop the spread of covid? >> welcome to be frank, we ain't seen nothing yet that this omicron virus, we're likely to see at the beginning of next week or by tuesday or wednesday a million cases per day in the united states. this is where it's going. this is not frightening, this is good news because it's generating a lot of population immunity. we should not be looking at the cases, and unfortunately, the health commissioner in new york city is still mired in the past looking at case numbers. if he should be looking at hospitalizations and mortality from omicron. that's what tells you what to do about policy moving forward, and he's not doing that. >> lisa: now that we're starting to see -- we are seeing so many people get covid at this point, do you think the government will be forced to recognize natural immunity? >> welcome of the public is smart enough to realize you cannot ignore it indefinitely. >> lisa: but why hasn't the government though? >> there's 141 studies, at this point, any more research is not going to convince them. they clearly have an entrenched political interest and to them it threatens the vaccinated everybody message, and at the bottom line. and i think eventually where there's going to be so much pushback they are going to have to at some point just recognize that people are not going to tolerate dishonesty in science. >> lisa: to his point, why do we have this push to get the vaccine when it's clearly not stopping the spread of covid? >> well, at some point we thought that it might, but that is long in the past already. there is so much evidence around the world that it doesn't, and our own evidence that it doesn't that we have to reevaluate, but we have entrenched interests. this whole pandemic was sold to us as wait for the vaccines, the vaccines will cure it, so there's been a push from economic push to sell vaccines to every arm and the planet. it's not an -- if not in the country. and that's what we're facing. we are facing a push from above the government to do this and not from the science. if >> lisa: and it goes even beyond that now with these boosters. i mean, we are seeing some universities push boosters for students. it looks like the fda might improve the pfizer booster 12-15-year-olds. what science is there behind that for booster in young and healthy people? >> the science on boosters for young and healthy people points to the recommendation that young and healthy people should not get a booster. that's where the data lives right now, and that's why the fda a posthumous experts, they sit on an advisory committee and its routinely convened with any authorization decision the fda does. that's why the advisors voted against boosters for young people and then the fda made a second internal push and simply circumvented those experts, they decided not to convene the meeting and rumor is now "the new york times" is reporting that they are about to authorize boosters for 12 through 15-year-olds, again without convening their experts. that's unconscionable and if we have any journalism left in the united states, they should ask how are they getting away with this. >> lisa: how do you think they are getting away with this? >> this has been the modus operandi of the cdc and the fda for the last two years, that the review committees on hydroxychloroquine and remdesivir were loaded with pharma people, 11 out of 20 in the second committee. this has all been orchestrated from the top of nih and pharma. >> lisa: doctor, what kind of therapeutics are you seeing? is there anything promising that you've been looking at that we should be embracing now that we know that the vaccines aren't stopping the spread of covid? >> yeah, there's a whole bunch of them, and immediately when omicron emerged, our public health officials immediately start talking about additional vaccine boosters. where are now learning ten weeks after booster, that immunity goes down to 35%, the efficacy goes down to 35 and 45% depending on the vaccine you've got. there's -- it's been fda approved, there are solid, randomized controlled data. it noted against. i've never once heard dr. fauci say the word. many universities, including my own, included on its recommended therapeutics on their covid websites and there's of course the merck and pfizer pills, which we hear little about, but they are ready to go and they are at pharmacies now. >> lisa: well, really looks like our government is failing us miserably. doctors, thank you so much for joining me tonight, appreciate it. so we're going to try again with arizona congressman andy biggs. congressman, you just heard what the doctor said about why we are not pushing these treatments, it's this vaccine or else policy. what do you think is behind that, congressman? >> thanks, lisa, good to be with you. i think he's right, two reasons. number one, when he talks about big pharma having other economic interests, they got on a path and they want to keep this path there and these other therapeutics aren't really going to make them a lot of money, so you've got to look at the money angle for short. but then you also have to look at the efficacy of big government married to big pharma here and what you see is kind of this power, this control, this move for that. that's also what's going on, in my opinion. >> lisa: what kind of controlled his big pharma have over congress do you think? how much control? >> well, lisa, if you look at the federal elections commission report, you're going to see that it contributes to a lot of members of congress and they contribute a lot of money. they may be the biggest lobbyist organization there. and so they do have a lot of swag. in some of its necessary of course, because we need that information in congress, but other parts of it make you wonder, this epidemic of covid has really called a lot of those relationships into question and i think they need to be explored a whole lot more. >> lisa: why do you think there's not a lot of talk about natural immunity because there's no natural immunity lobbyists on capitol hill? >> [laughs] that's exactly what it is. i mean just think about it. so you know, donald trump poisoned the well basically saying he thought hydroxychloroquine might work. okay, so nobody is going to go where and pharma is not going to go there because it costs $0.05 appeal. the new that ivermectin, no, no, there may be a nobel prize that came with that one. all of that stuff indicates to me that there was a focus on new product, new sources of revenue, and then you married that up with government and the nougat folks like fauci, i mean, who is all over the ballpark. let's not kid ourselves. dr. fauci has been all over the place. you know, everything from "you should never wear a mask" to "you should always wear mass, double mask." you get those together and you get the confused messaging we've seen out there over covid. >> lisa: speaking of dr. fauci, i want to play this clip of him on msnbc and i want to get your take on the other side. >> people are vaccinated but not boosted as the same risk of those who are not vaccinated at all. and that's because right now with omicron, there's a great deal of difference in the level of protection that you get from being boosted following vaccination versus following vaccination alone. >> lisa: you know, congressman, we are seeing boosted people still get covid. are they ever going to link relinquish control? isn't what this is all about, just control? >> well, it seems like it's all about control. i don't know that there ever going to give it up. i just saw today that for instance the netherlands is talking about having a total of one underlying shot and then five boosters in about an 18 month period and you begin to wonder, what is that all about? and you see what's going down with the move to lockdowns or shutdown schools in some states again over omicron and i say to myself, this -- we are reliving this, we didn't learn anything and then you have president biden saying well, you know, the feds really can't solve this problem. well, that's what he beat up president trump for, because he felt like he could come in as a federal government and mandate and lockdown and it turns out the states are the best way to control this and bring it into harmony with our lives and our freedoms, and i love what greg abbott, governor of texas, said, we are going to do the texas way, no mandates and we are going to let people take personal responsibility, and that's really what this administration and dr. fauci is against. >> lisa: right. they are against freedom. we are literally seeing marines purged from the military for not getting the vaccine, but that's not stopped the spread of covid, it's just a political purge and it's disgusting. thank you for joining me tonight, i appreciate it. so dr. robert malone, who was involved in the mrna vaccine platform was permanently suspended from twitter yesterday over what they say his repeated violations of their covid misinformation policy. twitter wouldn't provide "the ingraham angle" with which specific tweet violated this policy and dr. malone tells us that he doesn't even know. and while you can't see his tweets anymore, you can still see the interview that he did with laura right here, right now, watch this. >> this omicron hysteria that is now sweeping the united states, people want christmas canceled, concert's canceled, they don't want you to travel, et cetera, et cetera. dr. fauci seems to be leaning towards redefining what it means to be fully vaxed. watch. >> whether or not the cdc is going to change that, it certainly is on the table and open for discussion. i'm not sure exactly when that will happen, but i think people should not lose sight of the message that there's no doubt that if you want to be optimally protected, you should get your booster. >> giving her knowledge of these vaccines, what is your response? >> so tony is being really careful with his wordsmithing now, increasingly so. he's guarding himself. he says optimally protected. what he's not saying is fully protected. omicron blows right through the vaccines and through the triple jabbed. omicron is very, very infectious and the data are already in that both the double and triple vaccination is not protecting you from omicron. here's the good news. in your prior segment, you pointed out that this is more fearmongering on the part of the press. your dad on. okay? the number of deaths from omicron worldwide is less than ten, to my last count. and the thing about this is -- so if -- if you believe in a god, this looks an awful lot like a christmas. omicron apparently, according to recent data from hong kong university, has shifted the targeting of where it infects. at the delta and the prior variances were infecting the deep long, which we know from influenza is a great way to cause severe disease in humans. and it shifted to the upper airway, and we know from influenza, when viruses do that, they are much less pathogenic and much more infectious. so the good news with omicron is very low disease, highly infectious, it looks an awful lot to the experienced backs and allergist like a live attenuated virus vaccine that you might design for purpose. it's going to elicit a strong immune response. this is about as good as we could possibly want right now in terms of outcomes. >> so dr. malone, this is just news you're not going to see anywhere else on television today, tonight. if you're saying what's happening with omicron, from what we know now, is good news and get the media establishment, the political establishment are freaking out to shut things down again, to do untold damage to children and communities. it's -- it's stunning to me. absolutely stunning. >> i think they're disappointed with the good news. >> i think they are really disappointed because this is the way to move right into the climate lockdowns at this point. again i want to thank you for your input this year on this program. you've been invaluable and you make it really easy to understand. thank you so much. >> lisa: coming up, she just won't go away. hillary clinton is acting like we are about to hit doomsday. charlie hurt and matt schlapp are here to pour water on that. stay with us. ♪ ♪ [upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music throughout] ♪ ♪ >> lisa: so despite holding a majority in both the senate and the house, capital democrats don't have much to show for it. they passed the infrastructure bill but their listed failures outweigh their compliments. fox news congressional correspondent is here to take us through all of them -- there's a lot. >> hey, lisa, good evening to you. so democrats had razor-thin majorities, it's hard to get anything done with a 50/50 senate but they also had plenty of interparty fighting going on between progressives and moderates that sometimes got very personal. so let's start with their wins this year. the big three, the $1.9 trillion american rescue plan, the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, and the national defense funding bill. the list though much longer for what democrats failed to accomplish, starting with the president's massive tax and social spending plan, build back better, which by the way, one of their own, senator joe manchin, blew up right before christmas. still no voting rights legislation, no immigration reform, police reform or gun reform, leaving them facing a lot of pressure to deliver in the new year, and they plan to get right back into it with bill back better. >> we know that there is still work to be done. that's why we want to pass this important addition to help families in the ways we just talked about. also we are pushing ahead with the freedom to vote act. >> meanwhile, all of this has republicans feeling pretty good about the midterms. >> i feel pretty confident about it, especially now with the far left controlling a lot of the democratic agenda. remember, these people all ran on being moderate, and if you look at their actual voting record, there isn't a moderate among them. >> bottom line, lisa, it's not republicans. democrats need to figure out their own issues if they want to get anything done in the new year. lisa. >> lisa: great job, my friend. >> what do you see is the biggest national security challenge confronting the u.s.? what is the thing that will keep you up at night? >> frankly, one of them is our democracy. [laughs] >> lisa: yes, our democracy is in danger, the left never seems to get tired of that trope and no hillary clinton is jumping on the bandwagon. she's acting like this new year's eve is y2k all over again, trying to stoke fear and panic about what she says is the inevitable death of our democracy. doom and gloom. >> if i were a betting person right now i would say trump is going to run again. i think that could be the end of our democracy. i want people to understand this is a make or break point. if he were or someone of his ilk were once again to be elected president, and if especially he had a congress that would do his bidding, you will not recognize our country. >> lisa: wow. so disturbing. joining me now is charlie hurt, fox news contributor and opinion editor for "the washington times" and matt schlapp, chairman of the american conservative union. i mean, it seems a bit dramatic if you ask me, but more important, is this woman running again? has she no shame? >> actually, believe it or not, i think she's nosing herself back into this race as joe biden clearly doesn't have the mental and the physical ability to run again. it certainly seems likely he won't run again and then kamala harris, so unpopular she's more unpopular than a disease. they don't even put her out at all. you just don't see her and so i think what's interesting is hillary clinton is saying that it will be the end of our democracy if in a free and open election the american people vote for donald trump again. i mean, it's just insane. this is the same woman that concocted the lie in the team that trump only got elected the first time with russian collusion, she's never really accepted her loss. she loves to pal around with stacey abrams, who believes she is the governor of georgia, and they're going to lecture me on democracy. i think i'm not going to listen. >> lisa: yeah, it's a little rich coming from the woman who actually colluded with the russians. charlie, what do you think this means for joe biden. if you already have hillary clinton sort of waiting into the 2024 waters, what does it say about joe biden and where he stands right now heading into the midterms and 2024? >> well, obviously he's in a bad situation to begin with just for exactly what matt just spelled out, but if you listen on, if you played farther into that clip from hillary clinton -- in my goodness, she sounds so bitter. she sounds so angry. whenever she brings this stuff up, especially when she starts talk about donald trump and his supporters, talking about his ilk, it's kind of like sort of -- that's the shorthand for the basket of deplorables. but what i think -- if you play on that clip, what she goes on to say is that she doesn't want her party to take a deep left turn and go left-wing crazy. well, you know it's kind of interesting about that, she's basically talking about is exactly what joe biden and kamala harris have done. and so i think that in that sort of remarkable sit down right there, not only -- i don't think she's just nosing her nose back out onto the campaign field, i think she's -- she is sliming the sitting democratic president and trying to soften him up in order to make way for herself yet again. >> lisa: i mean, it really is unworkable. the woman has absolutely no shame whatsoever. so i also want to ask you guys about this call with -- biden's call with putin today. they spoke for the second time this month about ukraine. after the call, jen psaki said this. she said biden made it clear to boot and that the united states and its allies and partners will respond decisively if russia further invades ukraine. i mean, does anybody actually believe that after what we saw in afghanistan? joe biden has lost any credibility whatsoever. >> look, i know, lisa, this is a tough topic because on these questions of joe biden as our commander-in-chief, i want him to project strength and i want him to defend us but you've got to wonder what vladimir putin thinks about our seriousness and are national security when in across this country, the branches of our military are literally kicking people out of the military if they don't follow the vaccine mandate role. we are literally kicking brave marines out of the marines and joe biden gets on a phone call with vladimir putin and says we are ready to take you on? it's a joke, and if they want to keep americans safe, why don't you start projecting strength and why don't you defend and grow the brave men and women who want to be in our armed services, especially those who are healthy enough to not worry about this virus. >> lisa: charlie, actually to his point about this political purge we are seeing from the military over a vaccine that doesn't stop the spread of covid, what impact do you think that's going to have on our military moving forward? i mean, it is a political purge, right? >> without a doubt, and i think it's devastating and i think -- of course the worst part of all of it is you go back, you know, even further than just the covid -- the pandemic, but this whole notion that we are going to turn our military into the world's policeman and we are going to go around and fight these -- to protect people's borders all over the world while we don't even protect our own borders and that kind of fuzzy mission that politicians, and quite frankly we've seen it from both parties, but nobody has been a bigger war hawk than hillary clinton herself, and of course joe biden, who is the grandest expert on the political -- on the world stage going back for 50 years he's been in washington, and nobody has been more wrong about everything that he gets into, and so what i worry about -- i think matt is exactly right. at the very least, please, start projecting an america first policy, look at the world in terms of what benefits us and regular americans before you make the decisions, don't go starting fights in order to protect other people's borders when you don't even protect our borders. >> yeah, it also -- >> lisa, can i just a -- >> lisa: real, real quick. real quick. >> real quick, we had generals that are going in saying that our biggest problem is white rage among those who serve in our military. that makes vladimir putin licked his chops. we have to stop this insanity. >> lisa: they are just sitting back like they don't have to do anything, we're just destroying ourselves, it's insanity. tanks, guys, i appreciate your time. so next, the return of the worst in the media, kurt schlichter and harmeet dhillon are here with the tape, you don't want to miss it, that's next. >> lisa: it is very easy to become numb to media bias these days of "the ingraham angle" is keeping track of the worst offenders of the year. joining me now is kurt schlichter, senior columnist and harmeet dhillon, ceo of the center for american liberty and rnc national committee woman for california. you guys, let's begin with what the media said about kyle rittenhouse. >> in wisconsin you're rittenhouse, a white teenager who crossed state lines with an air 15 style rifle. >> he crossed state lines with an error 15, threw himself in the middle of all this started shooting people. >> lisa: kurt, there's this little thing about how he actually did not cross state lines with an air 15. >> i love how they are stunned about all of this. that americans actually cross state lines, although he didn't. at that americans actually have ar-15s, which they do, i shot one myself this week, and how they are stunned -- stunned i say -- that an american might defend himself against, for example, a convicted child rapist. just a hair, as the jury said. >> lisa: they really slandered this poor kid. it was just disgusting, what they did to him. >> absolutely, and that was just one of the many lies that the media told repeatedly, then they never went back and corrected us, so i don't know where kyle goes to get his reputation back, but i suspect we're going to hear more about that in the coming months. >> lisa: hopefully he sues the pants off of them and i think you could probably offer some good advice on that. i also want to turn to the virginia governor's race. the media says there's only one reason that glenn youngkin won. watch. >> glenn youngkin played the race card for a reason. because he knows it works on certain white voters. >> he did stoke white grievance politics to mobilize the republican base. >> some republican candidates are perfectly willing to use race as a motivating factor for their base. >> lisa: yeah, it was there nothing to do with terry mcauliffe insulting parents or the dems failing agenda. harmeet dhillon to? kurt -- >> i lost the audio. >> lisa: no worries, kurt, what you make of that? artist who they are trying to shift blame away from a terrible candidate. >> welcome of course they are, lisa. look, for the left and its minions in the media, racism is the swiss army knife. it's the answer to all your problems. you know, voters don't like you, welcome of the voters are racist. you're not able to get your bills passed in congress. congress is racist. no one loves you and you live alone and you die and you are eaten by your cats, racism. everything is racism and it's all ridiculous and i think americans are getting tired of it. >> lisa: i think they are as well and i think that's what we saw with the virginia governor's race. you know, there's also -- here is msnbc rachel maddow reacted when the cdc guidance didn't quite fit her narrative anymore. watch. >> if you are vaccinated, it's okay to take off your masks now indoors and out. really? [laughs] are you sure? how sure are you? >> lisa: kurt, how sure are you? >> well, look, there's something for everybody to hate with the cdc's mask guidance since they literally had every position. first we had don't wear a mask, then you have to wear one mask, then you have to wear to masks and then no masks, now you have to wear a mask again, now it's an n95 mass, who knows what is going to be tomorrow, maybe it will be an entire plastic suit. i don't know. the fact is the cdc has no credibility. in that way it's very similar to the media. >> lisa: harmeet which got you back now. what you make about all the flip-flopping from the cdc, all the different things we've heard from media figures as well? everyone has been all over the map about pretty much everything. >> well, the cdc and the media have completely failed here to provide a consistent message to the american public for public health reasons that would actually enable us to protect ourselves against covid and i think the inconsistencies in the messaging and the flip-flopping have really undermined american confidence and that's very dangerous because this isn't going to be the health crisis -- only health crisis that we have and i hope that the media takes a long, hard look at how they have distorted guidance, they have condemned people who have now come forward with information that has now turned out to be true, they have actually even turned on the cdc at times, so they really need to take a look at whether they've made the situation worse in america by providing inconsistent and wrong information to the american public regularly. >> lisa: good point. and everywhere in this year and 2,021, critical race theory being taught in our schools. here's what the media wants you to think about that. >> critical race theory is not being taught in virginia public schools. it's not being taught in any public schools in america because it's a legal scholarship that's taught as an elective in law school. >> lisa: 15 seconds. >> critical race theory is not being taught. it's also essential that it be taught all at the same time. again, it's the solution to every problem. it just lie, that's what the media does. >> lisa: harmeet, 15 seconds he was well, my friend. >> absolutely, critical race theory is the latest level for a package of propaganda, including about gender and transgender issues that's being forced onto our children. it is absolutely true, it needs to come to an end. >> lisa: well done, thank you both and happy new year. so democrats want you to think that they had a wildly successful year, but we all know that's a crock. up next, the truth with lisa boothe, that's me, victor davis hanson, plus what we can expect in 2022, see you right there. ♪ ♪ >> they're pretty good reasons to feel like we are on a much better path, this recovery is actually in pretty good shape. >> lisa: as we wrap up 2021, your two of the pandemic, the economy for the most part was on fire. >> lisa: democrats trying really, really hard to make you believe that we are ending 2021 on a high note. biden is bragging about the economy while we faced the highest inflation in nearly 40 years. the left claims the border is closed, and it's not a crisis, but a record 1.7 million migrants were arrested at the u.s.-mexico border this year and covid is raging after multiple promises to shut it down. joining me now is victor davis hansen, hoover institution senior fellow and author of "dying citizen." victor, if this is what democrats consider a successful year, we are in for a wild ride in 2022, but looking back, we are almost at your two of covid here. i don't know if i'd ever seen the government you something, use this fear, to really reshape our society. you look at the role the government has played shutting down businesses, denying the ability to go to church. we've seen societal division as well, the blaming of the unvaccinated. what you think the damage is long term from what we have seen over the past couple of years through all this? >> yeah, i think that's considerable because i don't think it's going to cease. and by that immune we all -- we say please let means disasters from afghanistan to energy, to the border into inflation, but the people who enacted them are ideologues, and they would rather see their agendas enacted and fail than they would the correctives are the opposites are the antithesis be enacted and succeed, so they are going to go full speed ahead. you have to be insane to think that you can ask for million federal workers or soldiers, many of them who have had covid and have natural immunity, that they have to be vaccinated or they're going to be fired well at the same time you are letting in 2 million foreign nationals without vaccinations and without tests in a time of pandemic and their coming in illegally, or you have to be insane to think that you can print $2 trillion in back-to-back deficits when you are almost 30 trillion in debt, and you are running a 7% at least an annual inflation and you have limited supply and in norma's demand, and you're still doing it. and they know it's going to blow up and it's kind of like musical chairs. they feel that maybe they'll be out, they'll find a chair when the blow up comes in somebody else will take the blame, maybe joe biden well. i don't know. and same thing with crime, if you don't prosecute crimes, or ud funds the police or you prohibit bail, you know that the crime is coming up, but what to do if they are an ideologue? do you say i renounce all my former positions? and then when you see your neighbor broken in or your son assaulted or your car hijacked, you just keep quiet and take one for the team? so they've created these paradoxes where the policies don't work and yet they are going to continue them because they don't want to correct because they feel it would be contrary to their base or their visions of a socialist utopian and it's going to be -- and what are they going to say, lisa? they're going to say just what hillary clinton said, that democracy is threatened by free and fair election, or democracy, the generals wrote and said we might have a coup by donald trump. or you know, the senate is unfair, so they're looking at the system because they didn't get the results they wanted and they won't change. >> lisa: but meanwhile they are trying to blow up the system, right? they want to pack the supreme court, they want to fundamentally change our elections to nationalize and federalize them, so they say they are trying to protect the systems while simultaneously trying to blow them up. >> they are the greatest revolutionaries we've seen in a generation, whether it's packing the court or ending the filibuster or bringing in two more states or ending the electoral college and the national voting law, or hillary clinton's collusion, hiring a foreign national to get dirt on the presidential opponent, candidate opponent or what we saw with the fisa abuses, so they are revolutionaries and they are projecting their own pathologies on other people because they have no alternate agenda. if they don't ever say to themselves here's a contract for america that's going to work, and anybody in the democratic party who thinks that is not going to last very long or they are going to retire. so this is a revolutionary movement, i think everybody saw that in 2021, and i think they fear rightly that it's going to continue in 2022, even if it explodes and takes us with it. but they're not going to change on their own. >> lisa: i don't think they will but we do have elections, so everyone needs to get out and demand a better project refer this country, thank you for joining me and happy new year. so up next, it's time for me to finally admit this. a man is the reason i left new york city for florida. i reveal who it is next. >> lisa: shortly after the ball drops in times square tomorrow, eric adams will be sworn in as mayor, so tonight, as we end 2021, i'm going to say a fond goodbye to those one man who you can all blame for making me leave new york city. >> think of this when you think of vaccination. vaccination. >> lisa: so now that you've seen that, i think we can all agree that 2022 will start on a high note and i made the right decision. that said for us tonight, i'm lisa boothe in for laura ingraham. check out my podcast and tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. eastern, watch fox's all-american new year featuring will cain, pete hegseth, rachel campos duffy and our own raymond arroyo will be there on bourbon street. that's something i want to see. thank you so much for watching the special edition of "the ingraham angle." greg gutfeld is next, happy new year! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [scattered applause] >> i know what you're thinking. greg has never looked this good in a dress, and is even shorter than normal. even with 6-inch heels, and he is smiling! surprise! it's me, emily! [scattered applause]

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, Agenda , Moderate , Voting Record , Ran , There Isn T A , Issues , Security , Challenge , Friend , Democracy , Left , Trope , Bandwagon , Fear , End , Break Point , Death , Doom , Panic , Gloom , Person , Make , Ilk , Someone , Bidding , Wow , Woman , Editor , The Washington Times , Important , American Conservative Union , Race , Shame , Nosing , Mental , Kamala Harris , Lie , Election , Collusion , Time , Governor , Stacey Abrams , Loss , Pal , Russians , Georgia , Waiting , Waters , 2024 , Situation , Stuff Up , Goodness , Sort , Supporters , Shorthand , Basket , Deplorables , Party , Turn , Crazy , Campaign Field , Sit , Nose , Call , Order , Jen Psaki , Partners , Allies , Ukraine , Anybody , Credibility , Questions , Commander In Chief , Topic , Afghanistan , Vladimir Putin , Strength , Branches , Seriousness , Phone Call , Vaccine Mandate Role , Joke , Men , Why Don T , Armed Services , Women , Americans Safe , Doubt , Borders , Notion , Expert , Politicians , Parties , Mission , War Hawk , Political , Stage , Washington , Decisions , America First Policy , Don T Go Starting Fights , Generals , Rage , Real , Insanity , Tanks , Chops , Harmeet Dhillon , Kurt Schlichter , Tape , Columnist , Keeping Track , Offenders , The Center For American Liberty And Rnc National Committee Woman , Kyle Rittenhouse , State Lines , Teenager , You Guys , Rittenhouse , California , Wisconsin , Rifle , Middle , Error , Ar 15s , Child Rapist , Example , Hair , Kid , Lies , Jury , Reputation Back , Advice , Pants , Voters , Reason , Virginia , Glenn Youngkin , White , Grievance , Race Card , Candidates , Base , Politics , Factor , Terry Mcauliffe , Dems , Parents , Audio , No Worries , Racism , Blame , Artist , Candidate , Minions , Swiss Army Knife , No One , Bills , Problems , Answer , Cats , Masks , Rachel Maddow , Narrative , Something , Position , Mask Guidance , I Don T Know , Suit , Plastic , N95 Mass , Media Figures , Map , Flip Flopping , Health , Inconsistencies , Health Crisis , Guidance , Long , Confidence , Look , Cdc At Times , Schools , Race Theory , Everywhere , Virginia Public Schools , Critical Race Theory , Scholarship , Law School , Elective , Transgender , Package , Gender , Propaganda , Know , Up Next , Crock , The Truth , Recovery , Shape , Better , Fire , U S Mexico Border , Inflation , On A High Note , Crisis , 1 7 Million , Senior , Promises , Hoover Institution , Dying Citizen , Back , Ride , Term , Businesses , Well , Role , Unvaccinated , Blaming , Division , Church , Because , Disasters , Afghanistan To Energy , Agendas , Antithesis , Opposites , Correctives , Speed , Ideologues , Many , Workers , Nationals , Soldiers , 2 Million , Tests , 30 Trillion , Trillion , 2 Trillion , Chair , Musical Chairs , Supply , Demand , Debt , Norma , Crime , Blow Up , Police , Somebody , Bail , Crimes , Ideologue , Ud , Positions , Neighbor , Son , Paradoxes , Car , Policies Don T Work , Visions , Utopian , System , Results , Coup , Supreme Court , Them , Systems , Revolutionaries , Court , Generation , Electoral College , Voting Law , Filibuster , Pathologies , Dirt , Opponent , National , Candidate Opponent , Abuses , Fisa , Contract , Movement , Work , Everybody Saw , Project , Man , It S Time , Florida , Goodbye , Ball , Mayor , Times Square , Note , All American New Year Featuring Will Cain , Podcast , Bourbon Street , Raymond Arroyo , Rachel Campos Duffy , Pete Hegseth , Eastern , 00 , 10 , Greg Gutfeld , Applause , Emily , Dress , Scattered Applause , Surprise , 6 ,

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