Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240709

which includes a $137 million contract for a new testing strip factory. the facility won't be finished for another three years. while americans right now are forced to wait for hours in line for a covid test. republican senator rick scott calling out the president. >> joe biden is a hypocrite. first he says that -- he wants these mandates. this guy is a complete hypocrite. so they need to treat all the seats the same. >> the white house covid response coordinator says the free at-home test the president wants to send to every american won't start shipping for weeks. >> on testing in the half billion tests bought by the u.s. government to be distributed for free the department of defense and hhs are executing on an accelerated contracting timeline. companies are submitting information and expect the contracts to be completed late next week. that means that the first deliveries from manufacturers will start in january. >> former surgeon general giroir slams the biden administration. a lack of prioritization. it reflects the failure of the administration to take this seriously and prioritize the virus the way they told us they would. jason chaffetz fox news contributor and former congressman from utah joining us now on all of this. jason, great to see you today. what do you make of the president's remarks that there was no federal plan to fight covid? isn't this exactly what he accused donald trump of, no consistent national response? do you think it was a moment of candor or complete goof? >> the results are demonstrating he has no plan. if you think back over the year that nearly the year that he has been the president, you know, he came into office, ran against donald trump saying he had a plan. but it is painfully obvious he has no plan. as my former colleague jim jordan says if biden has a plan and it works how come it doesn't work. the results are stunning in terms of the numbers. it is just not good enough to say hey, i forgot to order the tests. i've heard a lot of doctors and a lot of scientists also make the case, anita, that what the white house should be doing are targeting the most vulnerable. instead of just blanketing the entire united states and why are we sending kits to people that are asymptomatic, the really aren't necessarily in the high-risk area? let's take care of the people in nursing homes or have comorbidity issues and the most vulnerable. you can't get a test when you send somebody who is 22 years old, healthy, not vulnerable. so there are a lot of questions here. you know what the one common denominator is, dr. fauci. until he gets rid of dr. fauci i think we'll continue to have these problems. >> we'll get to him in a moment. you're right. there may not be enough tests to go around so perhaps send them to the most vulnerable or sickest people first. let's put up this headline from the "new york post." the headline says biden washes his hands of covid. not my problem despite my promises. more people died in biden's first year than in trump's last. his signature move ordering the come pull sorry vaccinations. nothing accrues power to politician's hands faster than panic. a sign of this administration's ineptitude it can't sew panic proficiently. it is a cynical surrender to the states. there is a biden plan but the same one as ever. the covering of the biden posterior at all costs. i think that's a long way of saying cya. i remember president trump said the states should negotiate rates for ventilators and people accused him of leading states to fend for themselves. how is this any different? >> i think donald trump was right. look, he was dealing with something that was brand-new, emerging. donald trump took all kinds of heat for trying to shut down the travel from china. but fortunately he understood the relationship. a private partnership with the private sector to generate these vaccines, which were a really good thing and probably has done more to help america and save lives than anything joe biden has possibly dreamed of. unfortunately i think america is realizing that joe biden and kamala harris are not leaders. they are just sitting by and watching. sort of a place holder just watching this go on and there really is no plan. president biden promised he would shut down the virus, not the economy. in july he was declaring victory that he had solved this problem but obviously he has not. we're all suffering for it. it is a difficult situation but they are not targeting the issues that need to be targeted. >> that sentiment is reflected in a number of headlines. i want to put up another one from "the washington examiner" with an op-ed saying the covid narrative is changing and to not let dems get away with it, quote, it turns out viruses don't care about your morality. if you are a human being covid will infect you. not a matter of if but when. the only reason democrats are starting to admit it now is because it is politically not -- the officials who support them. president biden won the he loek shun on the promise of a federal solution. that solution seems to include putting out the vaccine mandates and sending out these test kits that americans won't get for weeks, omicron could be on its way out by then. >> and you add to that list i think also the mask mandates. i think the idea that you need to mask a 4-year-old on an airplane with some of the cleanest air there is. the way they've been treating kids at schools, keeping them at home and forcing kids to sit outside in 32 degree weather not sitting by their classmates while they eat a meal on the cold cement. it is a very cold-hearted approach. fundamentally what they've done they came out with these policies instead of letting -- scramble to find the science. they should have put the science out there first and then put out the policy. the biden administration has never done that. >> all right. we are hoping for better things in the new year and wishing you a happy new year as well jason chaffetz. thank you so much for joining us today. >> happy new year, thanks. >> alerting to this now. president biden pivoting from the messy covid response to foreign policy. he is scheduled to speak with russia vladimir putin today. their second known call this month. senior administration officials say president biden is prepared to offer a diplomatic solution as tensions boil over. russian troops are amassed along the ukraine border. dan hoffman says the president needs to show strength. >> we're framing the narrative as putin would wish in terms of de-escalation. he will charge us for that make no mistake. by framing it that way we're lending credence to vladimir putin's unrealistic demands. the biden administration first and foremost needs to reframe the narrative in terms of russia's aggressive threats toward ukraine and stopping those. >> rich edson is live in wilmington, delaware with all on this. >> president biden is at his home in delaware scheduled to take the call with russian president vladimir putin this afternoon around 3:30. the president according to the white house has russian president vladimir putin is the one who requested this call. one white house official says that it is a moment of crisis now between russia and the west. has been that way for a few weeks as russia has deployed 100,000 troops to its border with ukraine. russia invaded and annexed parts of ukraine in 2014. putin invaded neighboring georgia in 2008. top biden administration officials say the united states is prepared to hit russia with sanctions that the kremlin has never before seen. >> we are having direct conversations with russia. we're very clear that russia should not invade the sovereignty of ukraine. that we must stand up and we are standing up for its territorial integrity. >> republicans have criticized the white house for its russia policy including the decision to waive congressionally mandated sanctions against a kremlin backed pipeline project germany. it would strengthen russia's position in europe at the expense of american allies like ukraine and poland and they want more weapons sent to ukraine. >> president biden has to make clear there will be costs and consequences to whatever putin does with the ukraine. a lot of people saying that these warmongers are trying to get us into war. hold off a little bit. there is a lot of options between doing nothing and in between war. >> "wall street journal" reports the administration is considering redirecting weapons to ukraine once meant for the now dispanneded afghan army. senior white house official says the u.s. is prepared to provide ukraine further assistance to defend its territory though the specifics on that are unclear. american and russian officials are expected to meet and discuss this and other security issues on january 10th. white house official says direct involvement between president biden and president putin is not expected in those january 10th discussions. anita. >> we'll tune in to see what comes out of that call later today. thank you so much. rich edson live in delaware. well, from what we've seen the past couple of years, you've got to think anything can happen. why some are saying even this is possible. yes, you are looking at it. trump/obama 2024. buckle up. >> think about the democrats 0 for 6. they've been wrong on afghanistan, crime, border and inflation. they can't get anything right. >> critics saying 2021 couldn't have been worse for president biden and his party. whether the president and democrats will be comeback kids or lame ducks. we debate it next. veteran homeowners, if you've been dreaming about improving your home but think your dream is out of reach, think again. you can make it happen with your va home loan benefit and the newday100 va loan. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value, you can take out up to $60,000 or more, and lower your payments by an average of $615 every month. no one knows veterans like newday usa. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. matching your job description. can it one up whatever they're doing? for sure. seriously? one up the power of liquid, one up the toughest stains. any further questions? uh uh! one up the power of liquid with tide pods ultra oxi. >> think about the democrats 0 for 6. we've then wrong on everything. now covid. they can't get anything right. the majority is coming. the american people have had it and they'll stand up and speak out loud and clear just like they did in virginia two months ago. they'll do it again in november. you can feel it coming. >> how much, congressman jim jordan tearing into democrats and predicting a red wave in 2022 despite holding majorities in the senate and house, 2021 proved pretty disappointing for democrats possibly the worst of it a hard fail when it comes to biden's signature social spending bill. aishah hosni is live in washington with the latest. democrats are hoping to revive the bill in the new year. >> they will try their hardest. their darn hardest. good morning. democrats have razor thin majorities, hard to get anything done in a 50/50 senate but also had a lot of interparty fighting going on between progressives and moderates. at times it got very personal. it has been a tough year to get anything done. here is a look at the democrat wins this year. three big ones at the top there. they passed the 1.9 trillion american rescue plan alone. and the 1.2 trillion dollar bipartisan infrastructure bill and the national defense funding bill. they got those two done with the help of republicans. a list of what democrats failed to accomplish and there are so many things we'll have to go through it quickly here. let's start with the president's massive tax and social spending plan. one of their own senator joe manchin blew that up right before christmas. that bill has eaten up a lot of the left's focus this year. democrats also have not passed any voting rights legislation yet. they haven't raised the minimum wage. any negotiations around police reform, gun reform. those have failed not to mention they couldn't extent an eviction moratorium or cancel student debt or how to work out how to pass immigration reform. that brings us to the mid-terms around the corner. the left is feeling the pressure to give the president some kind of win and they will try to start with build back better. >> we know there is still work to be done and why we want to pass this important initiative to help families in the ways we've just talked about. also we're pushing ahead with the freedom to vote act. we are working at a caucus to try to make sure we get all 50 of our members to find a path to getting this done. and january will be the make or break month for doing that. >> bottom line a lot of their issues lie within their own party so they need to compromise if they will see any action. anita. >> a lot to do still on their to do list. >> a lot. >> aishah, thank you for the live report. some head scratching and outrage from this tweet from biden. we end 2021 with one one analyst described as the strongest first year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years. let's keep the progress going. social media users having a field day many calling out the single unnamed analyst and one users saying our wallets don't agree. another joe biden is gas lighting you. here is fox news contributor liz peek on "the faulkner focus" from yesterday. >> wages are going up but prices are going up even faster. what's wrong is that those price increases are eating up wage increases and making people less well off. everybody knows it and in terms of the biden response to this, what response? >> some brutal year-end headlines. the president -- for the president. "the washington examiner", biden's terrible first year and the hill liberals disappointed after biden's first year. "new york post" op-ed titled biden's 2020 to do list if he wants to avoid a red wave. the list includes firing fauci and walensky, bringing all americans home from afghanistan, and reigning in a far left radicals. ted harvey former colorado state senator and laura fink from rebel communications and democratic campaign consultant join us now. ted, let me start with you. is there a bit of a disconnect with the president touting the economy with record high inflation and out of control virus, immigrants flooding the border and we're still dealing with the fallout from afghanistan? >> yeah, like your one tweet had that he is trying to gas light the american people, i hope he does run on this because inflation is at a 40-year high at 6.8%. you have automobile prices at a 33% increase, you have gas prices higher. knowable by the american people. they aren't stupid people. the more this administration tries to gas light them the more they'll push back against this administration and you just can't cover it up when consumer prices are going through the roof. >> let's take a look at some recent polls. the real clear politics average puts biden's popularity at 43%. he started his presidency in the mid 50s and a recent fox business poll found that 70% of people thought 2021 was a bad year. 54% say they are not hopeful for the country. laura, to be fair the "wall street journal" is reporting this morning that the u.s. did add a record number of jobs in 2021. layoffs have fallen to a half century low. perhaps that is biden's silver lining despite everything else falling down around him he has the good numbers to tout. do you agree? >> i agree and in september we were critics of biden saying you have to worry about unemployment. guess what? unemployment is at a 50-year low right now. look, an honest person will say it is a mixed bag in the economy now. we're creating jobs, people back to work but we need to look at inflation. you can't discount the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed with 19 republicans. something that he promised on the trail. schools are open, vaccines are in more than 70% of americans' arms and as we look into 2022, 10 months out we could see some very different things come election time. biden is counting on that. in those poll numbers if you dig into them you'll see independents are trickling back to biden. if we see this trend continue as we see inflation recede, those wages will stay there and americans are going to start to feel a little better about this pandemic. let's agree it's depressing. even though biden got christmas presents under the tree by unclogging some of the supply chain issues americans aren't 100% happy but it is reasonable. expect to see those numbers improve. 10 months is a long time from now. >> one question for both of you. does biden get another swing at build back better in the new year? ted, quick answer to you first. >> no. we had this very discussion about two weeks ago and laura said they would get it passed by the end of year and i said no they won't. i would say they won't get it passed before the next election cycle either. >> i may have been wrong about that but i know joe manchin is committed getting parts of that see. you'll see elements of it. ted may criticize it when that happens but he will get it done. >> some say we'll see the bill broken into smaller bills. we'll see. let's turn to another topic. not even 2022 yeet. 2024 predictions are in full swing. senator lindsey graham with this take last night. >> there is something come out of left field i don't see coming. his nomination if he wants it. the republican base appreciated him. we don't appreciate all the things he does sometimes. but from a policy point of view he was most successful president. from a conservative's point of view since ronald reagan. it is his nomination if he wants it and he will be in the white house in 2024 if he runs a disciplined campaign. >> as for the democrats american conservative union president matt schlapp agrees with joe rogan who we might see on the top of the 2024 ticket. >> you have the identity politics picking central kamala harris now they have the problem they have to kamala harris and she is terrible. they have to look to the identity politics. michelle obama fits that type of thinking. another woman of color who has good poll numbers. a very interesting idea. >> oh boy, ted, a trump and michelle obama match up? do you think that's in the realm of possibility. >> in donald trump wants to run it is his for the taking and be the nominee of the republican party. it is rather insulting to say a former first lady should win the nomination of the democratic party. who will they look to? they won't bring in kamala harris or andrew cuomo, or -- they won't bring in terry mccauliffe. they have no bench. who will they bring in? i'll make a prediction. i bet one person will be at the top of the list is the governor of colorado because he does check one of the boxes and he is a very successful businessman, very successful governor and i think you will be interested to see jared police be at the top of the list. -- polis. >> if the dems replace kamala harris with michelle obama what would the reaction be among progressives. still a popular figure in the united states. >> as a former first lady and someone an independent leader in her own right michelle is intensely popular. when women run for political office they lose 10 points on their approval rating even if nothing else changes. women seeking power often are judged more harshly by the electorate. something every woman whoever had her name on the ballot had to face. expect to see her immense popularity may look different looking for the high oeft office in the land. she said she doesn't want to run. i don't believe she is running and i think joe biden will be on the ticket again in 2024. as to donald trump, bring it on. come on in. i hope his name is on the ballot. >> we'll see. it is going to be interesting no matter who runs. ted harvey and laura fink, thank you for the analysis. all right. happy new year. critics tearing into a left wing commentator for his rude and very personal comment about a republican lawmaker's large family. plus there is this. >> d.c. came clean. the guidance has been confusing, contradictory and leadership chaotic. i do agree with the fact this is not a simple infection control exercise. >> the cdc with a new admission on why it changed its covid quarantine guidance and the critics are pouncing. dr. nicole saphier is here to sort it all out. >> covid cases are hitting new highs as the omicron variant surges. 2 million new cases this week. three new cases every second. dr. anthony fauci is advising americans to skip the large gatherings this holiday weekend. >> if your plans are to go to a 40 or 50 person new year's eve party with all the bells and whistles and everybody hugging and kissing and wishing each other happy new year i would strongly recommend this year we don't do that. >> maybe a quiet new year this year. steve harrigan is live in atlanta with more on this. hi, steve. >> at least 15 u.s. states have set records for the number of new covid cases this week alone. seven day average is more than 300,000 per day and yesterday's total reached almost a half million cases. a new record. cdc says hospitalizations still remain comparatively low when it comes to one hospital in wisconsin, a doctor on the front lines there said it is the unvaccinated who are paying the heaviest price. >> some can't breathe. it is scary for them. many will be unvaccinated and they'll have regrets. some ask if they can be vaccinated tonight but i have to let them know it's too late. >> the whole policy of using new case numbers to generate policy is coming under more questions especially since millions of people are now taking home tests and not reporting the results anywhere. tennessee has now begun to report its test results weekly instead of daily. and michigan so far is rejecting new federal guidance that calls for covid patients to isolate for five days instead of 10. michigan will keep with the 10-day isolation. death tolls in michigan have been double the national average. anita, back to you. >> thank you so much for that live report. let's bring in dr. nicole saphier board certified radiologist and fox news contributor. always good to have your medical analysis. new case rates for covid are hitting record levels here in the u.s. hospitalizations, we heard from steve's report and deaths are rising at a much slower rate. i guess that's some good news here, right? >> that's right and yes, we are at record high new cases throughout the pandemic. new case levels have exceeded that as we saw last winter but similar to what south africa continues to report, we are seeing reduction in clinical -- in the -- the number dropped to 14% during the delta wave and less than 5% with omicron with a population that has a less than 40% vaccination rate. in the united states we're seeing the same thing. we have a drastic rise in cases and while there is a slight rise in hospitalizations, that is being driven by the sheer high trance missability and contagiousness of this but not that it is a more severe strain. >> many people going out to get booster shots because they're concerned about getting omicron and dr. fauci is saying hold on, that might not be enough. take a listen. >> it is conceivable in the future we might need an additional shot. we're hoping we will get a greater degree of durability of protection from the booster shot. we'll take one step at a time. >> take one step at a time. he dangles ideas out there and a few weeks later it becomes a guideline and then a mandate. when is a person vaccinated enough? >> that's a great question. what is enough? is enough when we get to zero risk of infection? that will never be the case. maybe it will never be enough for certain people. i can tell you pre-print of lab data that came out this week offered good news. the t-cell response another component of your immune system following two doses of the vaccine or following previous infection are able to combat the omicron variant. and why we are likely also contributing to the decreased severity of cases. while t-cell immunity will keep people out of the hospital, essentially turning sars covid two into a cold or mild flu in individuals to really stop a person from getting infected that's when those antibodies of the innate immune system comes in. the reason people get recommending boosters is that decreases your chance of getting infected. it doesn't bring it to zero and it will never get to zero. targeting the high-risk populations, those over the age of 50 or around those immunocompromised is where we need to focus the boosters and where you'll see the best advantage from coming from the boosters. >> what about what dr. fauci said. does it fly in the face of shortening the quarantine time from 5 to 10 days? cdc director said it was backed by science and what americans could tolerate. listen. >> it really had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate. we really want to make sure we have guidance in this moment where we were going to have a lot of disease that could be adhered to, that people were willing to adhere to and that spoke specifically to when people were maximally infectious. it spoke to both behaviors as well as what people were able to do. >> that statement lighting up twitter. some saying so not safety then, got it. and if we're basing decisions on what americans can tolerate, then i highly advise walensky and fauci to resign. wow, okay, dr. nicole. what is your take on what the cdc director said. >> they're highly qualified scientists. they are poor communicators. a lot of -- what should have been done is dr. walensky should have said we're moving away from risk elimination and getting to a state where we want to focus on risk reduction. we should have been there for a long time. in my opinion these changes are overdue. for the general population data supports in the first five days of infection 80 to 90% of the trance missability occurs. after the five days there may be mild very low level trance missability but it is much lower and so to balance that with getting people back to work, helping with the worker shortages and knowing that we are not going to get to zero covid we have to get to an acceptable level of risk. with that i do believe we will get there. i can tell you that this should not correlate for everyone specifically those around high-risk individuals. cancer patients, you want to do everything you can to protect those. if you are around a loved one or someone you know are highly vulnerable i wouldn't go with the five days. i would go with the longer period up to 10 days. >> it is an individual timelinement speaking of time lines do you have any idea when omicron will burn itself out across the country. what do you think ?oo >> south africa and other countries that saw a sharp rise and then a quick decline. my birthday is toward the end of january. i will say january 26th. that's when it will be over. i think that we're seeing the rise right now from the holidays but by mid-january, end of january you'll start seeing the decline in cases and so i think it is a great way to celebrate my birthday. i think that will be the end and we can move on. the virus will become endemic. get vaccinated and boosted if you're high risk and let's move on. >> a great birthday indeed if that happens. doctor, thank you for your time today. >> thanks so much. >> a few moments ago we misidentified dr. anthony fauci in a graphic on the screen using the wrong first name and we apologize for that mistake and try not to do it again. a liberal news anchor calling herself a fauci groupy and as you might expect critics with some brutal mocking. wait until you hear how much taxpayers will fork out for his retirement package. alexa told a 10-year-old child to try something potentially fatal. jimmie fiala up next. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. >> keith oel berman getting heat for -- old berman responded with somebody give these people some vasectomies. big reaction on social media. one user called him a lonely childless boomer. another tweeting he has no children, just an empty penthouse near central park where he yells at people about vaccines all day like the scrooge. jimmy failla host of fox across america joining us now. jimmie, good of you to be with us. you know, is this where we are attacking someone for having a large family and offering a bible verse? if it were a democratic senator posting a family picture would we see the same vitriol or some adoration? >> to be clear this is not where we are. this is where keith oelber man is. he is a sad guy. he hates himself. as disgusting as the comment is a lot of his bile isn't nearly as harsh because we realize he is a sad guy. he is operating from a place of emotion that is denying him the self-awareness that would otherwise tell him he looks crazy for tweeting something like this. but this is what twitter is. it is a fight club for people who don't want to get hit. it incentivizes the harshest takes imaginable and you sit there road raging all day with someone not on the same highway as you and that is keith right now. >> keith and the democrats lauded mitt romney when he was voting in favor of the impeachment. >> a lot of people who rightfully chastise keith use the quote that every child is a gift. as a parent every child is a gift but there are some instances where we wish we held onto the gift receipt if we're honest. the whole keith thing as this thing is we know this. he is one of the most unlikeable human beings in this business, that's a high bar. at this point when he lashes out no one is taking it seriously so much as we almost get a kick out of how ridiculous he sounds. if you have ever gotten on the subway with a guy yelling insults into the night sky there comes a point after a fourth or fifth stop it's do me. that's where we are with him. >> social media users mercylessly mocking nicole wallace. >> i'm a fauci groupy. kn95 masks by the caseload. i wear them everywhere except when i sit down. >> twitter users are saying shamelessly neurotic. dr. fauci is set to rake in the highest ever federal government retirement package in u.s. history with his annual payment exceeding $350,000. is this a good look for nicole wallace to call herself a fauci groupy? >> it is embarrassing. in terms of journalistic integrity we're living in the death of shame for someone to declare that. the only thing i will defend her on is this. every one of us has agreed with dr. fauci at some point because he has taken every position social distancing issue in the country. first no masks, some masks, two masks, i can't believe it's not mask. when you hear fauci is getting a $350,000 pension it is $1 for every time he was wrong about covid. >> what about what she said about stocking up on n-95 masks? is she projecting fear? >> unintentionally. what she is trying to project is a sense of moral and intellectual superiority. that's what msnbc has become. people tune in to know they know better and smarter than the dumb right wingers taking horse dewormers. no one was doing that. there is a human use for that. they aren't there for an honest confirmation but confirmation bias, we know better even when they don't. >> let's switch to this. amazon saying it has reprogrammed alexa after a mother's story about a major malfunction went viral. her 10-year-old asked alexa to come up with a physical fitness challenge for her. the device said plug a phone charger into the hot left halfway, a tik tok challenge circulating online and super dangerous. this seems like all kinds of wrong. >> it is not good. if people haven't figured it out by know alexa is not your friend. what alexa probably deduced from this challenge is the kid didn't know about this challenge which has been all over tik tok for a better part of two years. alexa is basically scrolling the internet for challenges giving them to your kid and alexa probably took away the fact if the kid doesn't know the challenge she stole information. this is the problem. being so reliant on digital devices for entertainment and sustenance. i grew up poor. one of the perks is we didn't have an alexa to spy on it. we had a magic 8 ball. do you remember those? >> my daughter got one for christmas this year. >> you shake it and gives you a nonsensical answer. the magic 8 ball will never get you killed. i am pro-8 ball. anti-alexa. >> no electricity with the 8-ball. thank you so much. amazon put out an apology. we have to add that in there. all right. thanks, everyone, for watching "the faulkner focus". i will see you on "outnumbered" right after the break. ran homeoa financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. . the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. with our unique tub over tub installation in just a day, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your busy schedule. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? it just fits. bath fitter. call now or visit to book your free consultation. priceline can help you make the most of your budget, saving up to 40% on your flight. ooh, we have a comment from the airport announcers. (muffled, distorted) ...gate 43. what? (muffled, distorted) ...43... not better. >> ♪ ♪ >> the white house is under fire as americans wait hours to get tested for covid. the u.s. breaks a new record for cases and a deal for 500 million tests the president promised won't be sign until late last week while biden is in delaware vacationing. this is "outnumbered." i am

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240709

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which includes a $137 million contract for a new testing strip factory. the facility won't be finished for another three years. while americans right now are forced to wait for hours in line for a covid test. republican senator rick scott calling out the president. >> joe biden is a hypocrite. first he says that -- he wants these mandates. this guy is a complete hypocrite. so they need to treat all the seats the same. >> the white house covid response coordinator says the free at-home test the president wants to send to every american won't start shipping for weeks. >> on testing in the half billion tests bought by the u.s. government to be distributed for free the department of defense and hhs are executing on an accelerated contracting timeline. companies are submitting information and expect the contracts to be completed late next week. that means that the first deliveries from manufacturers will start in january. >> former surgeon general giroir slams the biden administration. a lack of prioritization. it reflects the failure of the administration to take this seriously and prioritize the virus the way they told us they would. jason chaffetz fox news contributor and former congressman from utah joining us now on all of this. jason, great to see you today. what do you make of the president's remarks that there was no federal plan to fight covid? isn't this exactly what he accused donald trump of, no consistent national response? do you think it was a moment of candor or complete goof? >> the results are demonstrating he has no plan. if you think back over the year that nearly the year that he has been the president, you know, he came into office, ran against donald trump saying he had a plan. but it is painfully obvious he has no plan. as my former colleague jim jordan says if biden has a plan and it works how come it doesn't work. the results are stunning in terms of the numbers. it is just not good enough to say hey, i forgot to order the tests. i've heard a lot of doctors and a lot of scientists also make the case, anita, that what the white house should be doing are targeting the most vulnerable. instead of just blanketing the entire united states and why are we sending kits to people that are asymptomatic, the really aren't necessarily in the high-risk area? let's take care of the people in nursing homes or have comorbidity issues and the most vulnerable. you can't get a test when you send somebody who is 22 years old, healthy, not vulnerable. so there are a lot of questions here. you know what the one common denominator is, dr. fauci. until he gets rid of dr. fauci i think we'll continue to have these problems. >> we'll get to him in a moment. you're right. there may not be enough tests to go around so perhaps send them to the most vulnerable or sickest people first. let's put up this headline from the "new york post." the headline says biden washes his hands of covid. not my problem despite my promises. more people died in biden's first year than in trump's last. his signature move ordering the come pull sorry vaccinations. nothing accrues power to politician's hands faster than panic. a sign of this administration's ineptitude it can't sew panic proficiently. it is a cynical surrender to the states. there is a biden plan but the same one as ever. the covering of the biden posterior at all costs. i think that's a long way of saying cya. i remember president trump said the states should negotiate rates for ventilators and people accused him of leading states to fend for themselves. how is this any different? >> i think donald trump was right. look, he was dealing with something that was brand-new, emerging. donald trump took all kinds of heat for trying to shut down the travel from china. but fortunately he understood the relationship. a private partnership with the private sector to generate these vaccines, which were a really good thing and probably has done more to help america and save lives than anything joe biden has possibly dreamed of. unfortunately i think america is realizing that joe biden and kamala harris are not leaders. they are just sitting by and watching. sort of a place holder just watching this go on and there really is no plan. president biden promised he would shut down the virus, not the economy. in july he was declaring victory that he had solved this problem but obviously he has not. we're all suffering for it. it is a difficult situation but they are not targeting the issues that need to be targeted. >> that sentiment is reflected in a number of headlines. i want to put up another one from "the washington examiner" with an op-ed saying the covid narrative is changing and to not let dems get away with it, quote, it turns out viruses don't care about your morality. if you are a human being covid will infect you. not a matter of if but when. the only reason democrats are starting to admit it now is because it is politically not -- the officials who support them. president biden won the he loek shun on the promise of a federal solution. that solution seems to include putting out the vaccine mandates and sending out these test kits that americans won't get for weeks, omicron could be on its way out by then. >> and you add to that list i think also the mask mandates. i think the idea that you need to mask a 4-year-old on an airplane with some of the cleanest air there is. the way they've been treating kids at schools, keeping them at home and forcing kids to sit outside in 32 degree weather not sitting by their classmates while they eat a meal on the cold cement. it is a very cold-hearted approach. fundamentally what they've done they came out with these policies instead of letting -- scramble to find the science. they should have put the science out there first and then put out the policy. the biden administration has never done that. >> all right. we are hoping for better things in the new year and wishing you a happy new year as well jason chaffetz. thank you so much for joining us today. >> happy new year, thanks. >> alerting to this now. president biden pivoting from the messy covid response to foreign policy. he is scheduled to speak with russia vladimir putin today. their second known call this month. senior administration officials say president biden is prepared to offer a diplomatic solution as tensions boil over. russian troops are amassed along the ukraine border. dan hoffman says the president needs to show strength. >> we're framing the narrative as putin would wish in terms of de-escalation. he will charge us for that make no mistake. by framing it that way we're lending credence to vladimir putin's unrealistic demands. the biden administration first and foremost needs to reframe the narrative in terms of russia's aggressive threats toward ukraine and stopping those. >> rich edson is live in wilmington, delaware with all on this. >> president biden is at his home in delaware scheduled to take the call with russian president vladimir putin this afternoon around 3:30. the president according to the white house has russian president vladimir putin is the one who requested this call. one white house official says that it is a moment of crisis now between russia and the west. has been that way for a few weeks as russia has deployed 100,000 troops to its border with ukraine. russia invaded and annexed parts of ukraine in 2014. putin invaded neighboring georgia in 2008. top biden administration officials say the united states is prepared to hit russia with sanctions that the kremlin has never before seen. >> we are having direct conversations with russia. we're very clear that russia should not invade the sovereignty of ukraine. that we must stand up and we are standing up for its territorial integrity. >> republicans have criticized the white house for its russia policy including the decision to waive congressionally mandated sanctions against a kremlin backed pipeline project germany. it would strengthen russia's position in europe at the expense of american allies like ukraine and poland and they want more weapons sent to ukraine. >> president biden has to make clear there will be costs and consequences to whatever putin does with the ukraine. a lot of people saying that these warmongers are trying to get us into war. hold off a little bit. there is a lot of options between doing nothing and in between war. >> "wall street journal" reports the administration is considering redirecting weapons to ukraine once meant for the now dispanneded afghan army. senior white house official says the u.s. is prepared to provide ukraine further assistance to defend its territory though the specifics on that are unclear. american and russian officials are expected to meet and discuss this and other security issues on january 10th. white house official says direct involvement between president biden and president putin is not expected in those january 10th discussions. anita. >> we'll tune in to see what comes out of that call later today. thank you so much. rich edson live in delaware. well, from what we've seen the past couple of years, you've got to think anything can happen. why some are saying even this is possible. yes, you are looking at it. trump/obama 2024. buckle up. >> think about the democrats 0 for 6. they've been wrong on afghanistan, crime, border and inflation. they can't get anything right. >> critics saying 2021 couldn't have been worse for president biden and his party. whether the president and democrats will be comeback kids or lame ducks. we debate it next. veteran homeowners, if you've been dreaming about improving your home but think your dream is out of reach, think again. you can make it happen with your va home loan benefit and the newday100 va loan. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value, you can take out up to $60,000 or more, and lower your payments by an average of $615 every month. no one knows veterans like newday usa. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. matching your job description. can it one up whatever they're doing? for sure. seriously? one up the power of liquid, one up the toughest stains. any further questions? uh uh! one up the power of liquid with tide pods ultra oxi. >> think about the democrats 0 for 6. we've then wrong on everything. now covid. they can't get anything right. the majority is coming. the american people have had it and they'll stand up and speak out loud and clear just like they did in virginia two months ago. they'll do it again in november. you can feel it coming. >> how much, congressman jim jordan tearing into democrats and predicting a red wave in 2022 despite holding majorities in the senate and house, 2021 proved pretty disappointing for democrats possibly the worst of it a hard fail when it comes to biden's signature social spending bill. aishah hosni is live in washington with the latest. democrats are hoping to revive the bill in the new year. >> they will try their hardest. their darn hardest. good morning. democrats have razor thin majorities, hard to get anything done in a 50/50 senate but also had a lot of interparty fighting going on between progressives and moderates. at times it got very personal. it has been a tough year to get anything done. here is a look at the democrat wins this year. three big ones at the top there. they passed the 1.9 trillion american rescue plan alone. and the 1.2 trillion dollar bipartisan infrastructure bill and the national defense funding bill. they got those two done with the help of republicans. a list of what democrats failed to accomplish and there are so many things we'll have to go through it quickly here. let's start with the president's massive tax and social spending plan. one of their own senator joe manchin blew that up right before christmas. that bill has eaten up a lot of the left's focus this year. democrats also have not passed any voting rights legislation yet. they haven't raised the minimum wage. any negotiations around police reform, gun reform. those have failed not to mention they couldn't extent an eviction moratorium or cancel student debt or how to work out how to pass immigration reform. that brings us to the mid-terms around the corner. the left is feeling the pressure to give the president some kind of win and they will try to start with build back better. >> we know there is still work to be done and why we want to pass this important initiative to help families in the ways we've just talked about. also we're pushing ahead with the freedom to vote act. we are working at a caucus to try to make sure we get all 50 of our members to find a path to getting this done. and january will be the make or break month for doing that. >> bottom line a lot of their issues lie within their own party so they need to compromise if they will see any action. anita. >> a lot to do still on their to do list. >> a lot. >> aishah, thank you for the live report. some head scratching and outrage from this tweet from biden. we end 2021 with one one analyst described as the strongest first year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years. let's keep the progress going. social media users having a field day many calling out the single unnamed analyst and one users saying our wallets don't agree. another joe biden is gas lighting you. here is fox news contributor liz peek on "the faulkner focus" from yesterday. >> wages are going up but prices are going up even faster. what's wrong is that those price increases are eating up wage increases and making people less well off. everybody knows it and in terms of the biden response to this, what response? >> some brutal year-end headlines. the president -- for the president. "the washington examiner", biden's terrible first year and the hill liberals disappointed after biden's first year. "new york post" op-ed titled biden's 2020 to do list if he wants to avoid a red wave. the list includes firing fauci and walensky, bringing all americans home from afghanistan, and reigning in a far left radicals. ted harvey former colorado state senator and laura fink from rebel communications and democratic campaign consultant join us now. ted, let me start with you. is there a bit of a disconnect with the president touting the economy with record high inflation and out of control virus, immigrants flooding the border and we're still dealing with the fallout from afghanistan? >> yeah, like your one tweet had that he is trying to gas light the american people, i hope he does run on this because inflation is at a 40-year high at 6.8%. you have automobile prices at a 33% increase, you have gas prices higher. knowable by the american people. they aren't stupid people. the more this administration tries to gas light them the more they'll push back against this administration and you just can't cover it up when consumer prices are going through the roof. >> let's take a look at some recent polls. the real clear politics average puts biden's popularity at 43%. he started his presidency in the mid 50s and a recent fox business poll found that 70% of people thought 2021 was a bad year. 54% say they are not hopeful for the country. laura, to be fair the "wall street journal" is reporting this morning that the u.s. did add a record number of jobs in 2021. layoffs have fallen to a half century low. perhaps that is biden's silver lining despite everything else falling down around him he has the good numbers to tout. do you agree? >> i agree and in september we were critics of biden saying you have to worry about unemployment. guess what? unemployment is at a 50-year low right now. look, an honest person will say it is a mixed bag in the economy now. we're creating jobs, people back to work but we need to look at inflation. you can't discount the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed with 19 republicans. something that he promised on the trail. schools are open, vaccines are in more than 70% of americans' arms and as we look into 2022, 10 months out we could see some very different things come election time. biden is counting on that. in those poll numbers if you dig into them you'll see independents are trickling back to biden. if we see this trend continue as we see inflation recede, those wages will stay there and americans are going to start to feel a little better about this pandemic. let's agree it's depressing. even though biden got christmas presents under the tree by unclogging some of the supply chain issues americans aren't 100% happy but it is reasonable. expect to see those numbers improve. 10 months is a long time from now. >> one question for both of you. does biden get another swing at build back better in the new year? ted, quick answer to you first. >> no. we had this very discussion about two weeks ago and laura said they would get it passed by the end of year and i said no they won't. i would say they won't get it passed before the next election cycle either. >> i may have been wrong about that but i know joe manchin is committed getting parts of that see. you'll see elements of it. ted may criticize it when that happens but he will get it done. >> some say we'll see the bill broken into smaller bills. we'll see. let's turn to another topic. not even 2022 yeet. 2024 predictions are in full swing. senator lindsey graham with this take last night. >> there is something come out of left field i don't see coming. his nomination if he wants it. the republican base appreciated him. we don't appreciate all the things he does sometimes. but from a policy point of view he was most successful president. from a conservative's point of view since ronald reagan. it is his nomination if he wants it and he will be in the white house in 2024 if he runs a disciplined campaign. >> as for the democrats american conservative union president matt schlapp agrees with joe rogan who we might see on the top of the 2024 ticket. >> you have the identity politics picking central kamala harris now they have the problem they have to kamala harris and she is terrible. they have to look to the identity politics. michelle obama fits that type of thinking. another woman of color who has good poll numbers. a very interesting idea. >> oh boy, ted, a trump and michelle obama match up? do you think that's in the realm of possibility. >> in donald trump wants to run it is his for the taking and be the nominee of the republican party. it is rather insulting to say a former first lady should win the nomination of the democratic party. who will they look to? they won't bring in kamala harris or andrew cuomo, or -- they won't bring in terry mccauliffe. they have no bench. who will they bring in? i'll make a prediction. i bet one person will be at the top of the list is the governor of colorado because he does check one of the boxes and he is a very successful businessman, very successful governor and i think you will be interested to see jared police be at the top of the list. -- polis. >> if the dems replace kamala harris with michelle obama what would the reaction be among progressives. still a popular figure in the united states. >> as a former first lady and someone an independent leader in her own right michelle is intensely popular. when women run for political office they lose 10 points on their approval rating even if nothing else changes. women seeking power often are judged more harshly by the electorate. something every woman whoever had her name on the ballot had to face. expect to see her immense popularity may look different looking for the high oeft office in the land. she said she doesn't want to run. i don't believe she is running and i think joe biden will be on the ticket again in 2024. as to donald trump, bring it on. come on in. i hope his name is on the ballot. >> we'll see. it is going to be interesting no matter who runs. ted harvey and laura fink, thank you for the analysis. all right. happy new year. critics tearing into a left wing commentator for his rude and very personal comment about a republican lawmaker's large family. plus there is this. >> d.c. came clean. the guidance has been confusing, contradictory and leadership chaotic. i do agree with the fact this is not a simple infection control exercise. >> the cdc with a new admission on why it changed its covid quarantine guidance and the critics are pouncing. dr. nicole saphier is here to sort it all out. >> covid cases are hitting new highs as the omicron variant surges. 2 million new cases this week. three new cases every second. dr. anthony fauci is advising americans to skip the large gatherings this holiday weekend. >> if your plans are to go to a 40 or 50 person new year's eve party with all the bells and whistles and everybody hugging and kissing and wishing each other happy new year i would strongly recommend this year we don't do that. >> maybe a quiet new year this year. steve harrigan is live in atlanta with more on this. hi, steve. >> at least 15 u.s. states have set records for the number of new covid cases this week alone. seven day average is more than 300,000 per day and yesterday's total reached almost a half million cases. a new record. cdc says hospitalizations still remain comparatively low when it comes to one hospital in wisconsin, a doctor on the front lines there said it is the unvaccinated who are paying the heaviest price. >> some can't breathe. it is scary for them. many will be unvaccinated and they'll have regrets. some ask if they can be vaccinated tonight but i have to let them know it's too late. >> the whole policy of using new case numbers to generate policy is coming under more questions especially since millions of people are now taking home tests and not reporting the results anywhere. tennessee has now begun to report its test results weekly instead of daily. and michigan so far is rejecting new federal guidance that calls for covid patients to isolate for five days instead of 10. michigan will keep with the 10-day isolation. death tolls in michigan have been double the national average. anita, back to you. >> thank you so much for that live report. let's bring in dr. nicole saphier board certified radiologist and fox news contributor. always good to have your medical analysis. new case rates for covid are hitting record levels here in the u.s. hospitalizations, we heard from steve's report and deaths are rising at a much slower rate. i guess that's some good news here, right? >> that's right and yes, we are at record high new cases throughout the pandemic. new case levels have exceeded that as we saw last winter but similar to what south africa continues to report, we are seeing reduction in clinical -- in the -- the number dropped to 14% during the delta wave and less than 5% with omicron with a population that has a less than 40% vaccination rate. in the united states we're seeing the same thing. we have a drastic rise in cases and while there is a slight rise in hospitalizations, that is being driven by the sheer high trance missability and contagiousness of this but not that it is a more severe strain. >> many people going out to get booster shots because they're concerned about getting omicron and dr. fauci is saying hold on, that might not be enough. take a listen. >> it is conceivable in the future we might need an additional shot. we're hoping we will get a greater degree of durability of protection from the booster shot. we'll take one step at a time. >> take one step at a time. he dangles ideas out there and a few weeks later it becomes a guideline and then a mandate. when is a person vaccinated enough? >> that's a great question. what is enough? is enough when we get to zero risk of infection? that will never be the case. maybe it will never be enough for certain people. i can tell you pre-print of lab data that came out this week offered good news. the t-cell response another component of your immune system following two doses of the vaccine or following previous infection are able to combat the omicron variant. and why we are likely also contributing to the decreased severity of cases. while t-cell immunity will keep people out of the hospital, essentially turning sars covid two into a cold or mild flu in individuals to really stop a person from getting infected that's when those antibodies of the innate immune system comes in. the reason people get recommending boosters is that decreases your chance of getting infected. it doesn't bring it to zero and it will never get to zero. targeting the high-risk populations, those over the age of 50 or around those immunocompromised is where we need to focus the boosters and where you'll see the best advantage from coming from the boosters. >> what about what dr. fauci said. does it fly in the face of shortening the quarantine time from 5 to 10 days? cdc director said it was backed by science and what americans could tolerate. listen. >> it really had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate. we really want to make sure we have guidance in this moment where we were going to have a lot of disease that could be adhered to, that people were willing to adhere to and that spoke specifically to when people were maximally infectious. it spoke to both behaviors as well as what people were able to do. >> that statement lighting up twitter. some saying so not safety then, got it. and if we're basing decisions on what americans can tolerate, then i highly advise walensky and fauci to resign. wow, okay, dr. nicole. what is your take on what the cdc director said. >> they're highly qualified scientists. they are poor communicators. a lot of -- what should have been done is dr. walensky should have said we're moving away from risk elimination and getting to a state where we want to focus on risk reduction. we should have been there for a long time. in my opinion these changes are overdue. for the general population data supports in the first five days of infection 80 to 90% of the trance missability occurs. after the five days there may be mild very low level trance missability but it is much lower and so to balance that with getting people back to work, helping with the worker shortages and knowing that we are not going to get to zero covid we have to get to an acceptable level of risk. with that i do believe we will get there. i can tell you that this should not correlate for everyone specifically those around high-risk individuals. cancer patients, you want to do everything you can to protect those. if you are around a loved one or someone you know are highly vulnerable i wouldn't go with the five days. i would go with the longer period up to 10 days. >> it is an individual timelinement speaking of time lines do you have any idea when omicron will burn itself out across the country. what do you think ?oo >> south africa and other countries that saw a sharp rise and then a quick decline. my birthday is toward the end of january. i will say january 26th. that's when it will be over. i think that we're seeing the rise right now from the holidays but by mid-january, end of january you'll start seeing the decline in cases and so i think it is a great way to celebrate my birthday. i think that will be the end and we can move on. the virus will become endemic. get vaccinated and boosted if you're high risk and let's move on. >> a great birthday indeed if that happens. doctor, thank you for your time today. >> thanks so much. >> a few moments ago we misidentified dr. anthony fauci in a graphic on the screen using the wrong first name and we apologize for that mistake and try not to do it again. a liberal news anchor calling herself a fauci groupy and as you might expect critics with some brutal mocking. wait until you hear how much taxpayers will fork out for his retirement package. alexa told a 10-year-old child to try something potentially fatal. jimmie fiala up next. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. >> keith oel berman getting heat for -- old berman responded with somebody give these people some vasectomies. big reaction on social media. one user called him a lonely childless boomer. another tweeting he has no children, just an empty penthouse near central park where he yells at people about vaccines all day like the scrooge. jimmy failla host of fox across america joining us now. jimmie, good of you to be with us. you know, is this where we are attacking someone for having a large family and offering a bible verse? if it were a democratic senator posting a family picture would we see the same vitriol or some adoration? >> to be clear this is not where we are. this is where keith oelber man is. he is a sad guy. he hates himself. as disgusting as the comment is a lot of his bile isn't nearly as harsh because we realize he is a sad guy. he is operating from a place of emotion that is denying him the self-awareness that would otherwise tell him he looks crazy for tweeting something like this. but this is what twitter is. it is a fight club for people who don't want to get hit. it incentivizes the harshest takes imaginable and you sit there road raging all day with someone not on the same highway as you and that is keith right now. >> keith and the democrats lauded mitt romney when he was voting in favor of the impeachment. >> a lot of people who rightfully chastise keith use the quote that every child is a gift. as a parent every child is a gift but there are some instances where we wish we held onto the gift receipt if we're honest. the whole keith thing as this thing is we know this. he is one of the most unlikeable human beings in this business, that's a high bar. at this point when he lashes out no one is taking it seriously so much as we almost get a kick out of how ridiculous he sounds. if you have ever gotten on the subway with a guy yelling insults into the night sky there comes a point after a fourth or fifth stop it's do me. that's where we are with him. >> social media users mercylessly mocking nicole wallace. >> i'm a fauci groupy. kn95 masks by the caseload. i wear them everywhere except when i sit down. >> twitter users are saying shamelessly neurotic. dr. fauci is set to rake in the highest ever federal government retirement package in u.s. history with his annual payment exceeding $350,000. is this a good look for nicole wallace to call herself a fauci groupy? >> it is embarrassing. in terms of journalistic integrity we're living in the death of shame for someone to declare that. the only thing i will defend her on is this. every one of us has agreed with dr. fauci at some point because he has taken every position social distancing issue in the country. first no masks, some masks, two masks, i can't believe it's not mask. when you hear fauci is getting a $350,000 pension it is $1 for every time he was wrong about covid. >> what about what she said about stocking up on n-95 masks? is she projecting fear? >> unintentionally. what she is trying to project is a sense of moral and intellectual superiority. that's what msnbc has become. people tune in to know they know better and smarter than the dumb right wingers taking horse dewormers. no one was doing that. there is a human use for that. they aren't there for an honest confirmation but confirmation bias, we know better even when they don't. >> let's switch to this. amazon saying it has reprogrammed alexa after a mother's story about a major malfunction went viral. her 10-year-old asked alexa to come up with a physical fitness challenge for her. the device said plug a phone charger into the hot left halfway, a tik tok challenge circulating online and super dangerous. this seems like all kinds of wrong. >> it is not good. if people haven't figured it out by know alexa is not your friend. what alexa probably deduced from this challenge is the kid didn't know about this challenge which has been all over tik tok for a better part of two years. alexa is basically scrolling the internet for challenges giving them to your kid and alexa probably took away the fact if the kid doesn't know the challenge she stole information. this is the problem. being so reliant on digital devices for entertainment and sustenance. i grew up poor. one of the perks is we didn't have an alexa to spy on it. we had a magic 8 ball. do you remember those? >> my daughter got one for christmas this year. >> you shake it and gives you a nonsensical answer. the magic 8 ball will never get you killed. i am pro-8 ball. anti-alexa. >> no electricity with the 8-ball. thank you so much. amazon put out an apology. we have to add that in there. all right. thanks, everyone, for watching "the faulkner focus". i will see you on "outnumbered" right after the break. ran homeoa financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. . the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. with our unique tub over tub installation in just a day, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your busy schedule. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? it just fits. bath fitter. call now or visit to book your free consultation. priceline can help you make the most of your budget, saving up to 40% on your flight. ooh, we have a comment from the airport announcers. (muffled, distorted) ...gate 43. what? (muffled, distorted) ...43... not better. >> ♪ ♪ >> the white house is under fire as americans wait hours to get tested for covid. the u.s. breaks a new record for cases and a deal for 500 million tests the president promised won't be sign until late last week while biden is in delaware vacationing. this is "outnumbered." i am

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