Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

forced. the new executive memo issued by president biden i had no legal effect. speaking of the president will be ringing in the new year at home in wilmington, delaware, as americans spend countless hours and long lines testing for covid. the administration scrambles to distribute home testing kits around the country for the demand. the cdc director michelle is taking heat tonight for suggesting the agency new quarantine isolation guideline for asymptomatic cases more closely follows behavioral science. >> it really had a lot to do with we thought people would be able to tolerate. >> leading to more confusion help officials in michigan announcing the state will not follow the updated cdc guidance opting to keep current recommendations while they wait for more information from the cdc. we began tonight with ghislaine maxwell sex trafficking trial period and found guilty on five oh six federal charges against her including recruiting teenage girls to be sexually assaulted by jeffrey epstein. correspondent alexis mcadams has the latest outside of the courthouse in new york city, good evening, alexis. >> mike, six days of jury deliberation in new york and jury finding ghislaine maxwell guilty of 5 of 6 charges. deliberations going on 40 hours before that verdict. when the verdict was read, she faced forward in the court as she walked out of the courtroom, she did look at the siblings and appeared pretty much expressionless. following the verdict for the southern district praising the women who came forward. >> the road to justice has been far too long, but today justice has been done. i want to commend the bravery of the girls now who stepped out of the shadows and into the courtroom. they were courage and willingness to face the abuser made today's result and case possible. >> they firmly believe in the clients innocence as they left the courthouse. >> we firmly believe in ghislaine's innocence. obviously, we are disappointed with the verdict. we already started working on the appeal, and we are confident she will be vindicated. everyone, be healthy. >> claim facing child sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. prosecutors say she groomed and trapped underage girls sexually abused by former boyfriend jeffrey epstein. within two weeks of testimony, the court heard from for women who were all underage when maxwell tricked them to be sexually abused. the lawyers telling her that she should not be the scapegoat for epstein's case. a jury for several cases said in a statement, this is the right verdict. without ghislaine jeffrey would have been a sexual predator without his crimes. she created the monster that hurt so many people in this jury finally delivered those victims. maxwell facing 65 years behind bars, no word when she will be sentenced, mike. >> mike: alexis, many thanks. more ahead on the ghislaine maxwell verdict with legal panel brian claypool coming up. as new covid-19 case rates hit record single day records in the united states wednesday the cdc directors allowing new guidance recommending a cut in half five date isolation period for asymptomatic cases factored in what americans are willing to tolerate right now. correspondent matt finn taking a closer look at the behavioral science tonight. good evening, matt. >> good evening cdc director is making headlines explaining the new decision to shorten its guidelines from ten-day to a five date isolation period for people with covid asymptomatic. the decision came after delta air lines executive signed a letter asking the cdc to reduce isolation period to prevent worker shortages. in a interview the doctor was asked why the cdc advised ten day quarantine all along if the science showed a five date isolation period was sufficient. here are some of that exchange. >> what will people actually need to do when they need to get back to work if we can get them to isolate, we want to make sure the first five days. >> what you are saying, this decision has just as much to do with business as it did with the science. >> it really had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate. >> also dr. anthony fauci said indications point to the oma cron variant less severe than delta is urging americans to have a vaccinated boosted home related new year's eve. >> if your plans to go to 40 to 50 person new year's eve party with all the bells and whistles and everybody hugging, kissing, pushing each other, wishing each other a happy new year, i would recommend this year we do not do that. >> canceled holiday plans and canceled flights for u.s. nightmare has stretched into six days. more than 900 flights canceled wednesday. airline worker shortages combined with winter weather. >> it was a disaster. a lot of families super inconvenienced and here at the nye airport until 9:00 p.m. i'm ready to get home. >> the parent across europe and backlash over covert restrictions in several countries including slovenia and germany. speak with the michigan of health issued a new cdc quarantine guideline of five dat the department of health says iw evidence behind the cdc's decision before making any changes. we will keep you updated on that, mike. >> mike: matt van, many thanks. president biden back home in wilmington, delaware, where expected to stay through the new year. his biggest challenge has 2022 don's soaring covid-19 infections in the u.s. and managing that changing guidance that may be providing more questions than answers right now. correspondent david spunt with the president earlier today and rachel good beach. >> one day after the highest number of daily cases since the beginning of the pandemic, the president's covert response team announced national guard troops and ventilators on the way to states. >> and move reminiscent of the early date pandemic. >> governors around the country is simple. if you need something, say something. >> the administration preparing to send out 500 million free at home tests in a matter of weeks to help prolong lines that in some cases last not one or two but three or four hours. earlier this week, the president admitted his team is behind the eight ball on testing. >> not enough, it's clearly not enough. had i known, we would have gone harder, quicker if we could to. >> to make matters more complicated, the fda on tuesday expressed concerns about effectiveness of rapid test, no swab test that results in minutes. according to early data, those tests are less effective in detecting oma cron. meanwhile, the president is under increasing pressure to make a decision about whether he will mandate vaccines for the millions of people who get on a plane or train to travel. after a brief walk on the beach tuesday with the first lady and his new commander, the president was asked about travel vaccine mandates. critics say don't do it. >> when you have a leader overstep their authority especially in a time of crisis, that is when you break the country. >> today dr. anthony fauci said he's not inclined to recommend travel vaccine, but that can always change. mike. >> mike: david spunt, thanks a lot. chicago's teachers union is demanding more action for lori lightfoot before returning to classrooms after winter break going so far to ask teachers in a survey if they would walk out if demands not met. in chicago, they are not alone. many mental health experts worry return to remote learning would mean for students well-being. senior correspondent mike tobin reported tonight from chicago. >> the return to normal seems to be out of reach for some students with winter break almost over and the oma cron. causing to search and parents must face schools returning to remote learning. >> something has got to give. we are scared to start on january 3rd without testing and protection that we need in place. >> the chicago teachers union told rank and file an overwhelming majority supported a shift back to remote learning. teachers had been demanding mayor lori lightfoot provide more testing, get more access to contact tracing and expressed concern with teachers getting sick, there were not enough adults in school. >> this is serious and the mayor has dropped the ball and failing our students. there are not enough adults. we need to go remote. >> teachers in new york city expressed similar concerns, but the mayor said kids need to be in school. >> we talk about the needs of the kids, physical, mental, nutritional needs, social, academic needs, the schools need to be open. >> in new jersey and new mexico, some schools will go remote instead of returning a person next week. in fact 1,000 schools in two dozen states facing disruption to in-person learning. but the chief of pediatric clinical care at children's medical center says with omicron that illness less severe with kids. however, when experts noting everything from social development to physical and mental health, even nutrition, he says the negatives of staying home are also severe. >> so, i think it is a good idea to keep schools open as best as we can. the best way to do this is use proper vaccination and mandating. >> at the schools opening on time but require students and faculty to produce a negative test before attending class. in chicago mike tobin, fox news. >> new census data shows people moving out of the nation's capital at the highest percentage compared to the 50 states. while washington, d.c., officials refused to i hypothesize about the exodus, some current residents have their own theory. correspondent mike meredith. >> from the majestic monument to diverse neighborhoods, washington, d.c., has a lot to offer, but new data from the census bureau shows where people actually want to live in the nation's capital. >> what is so different than 2018. very different place right now. so it's not the best. >> the residence percentagewise than any other state in the last year. the government doesn't speculate as to why people are leaving but residents tell us it is no mystery. >> actually know people who went to maryland, virginia, where it's more safe and there is more jobs there. they want to be with their families. >> recently, d.c. and other major cities face challenges. and rising crime and social unrest. but last year the mayor said that people were fed up and moving out. >> people are leaving d.c. in droves but still one of the highest places to live in america. >> the city will carefully review and validate the census data and argue washington, d.c., will be robust. it is not just washington, d.c. the government said trailing also new york, hawaii and california. but the biggest population, 5% western states, idaho, utah, arizona, the popular assumes group this last year. the government reports the u.s. population overall is still growing, but at the slowest rate of growth ever recorded in american history, at the official said the pandemic is partially to blame, mike. >> mike: mark meredith, thanks a lot. let's discuss the great pandemic migration and aftereffects on big cities like new york from the pandemic policies of progressive political leaders. as we bring in tonight's panel, arkansas senate candidate james beckett, gentlemen, welcome. >> thank you for having me. serious question, where is the secretary and to be clear, no disrespect to him but i found him to be a effective communicator and cannot think of the last time we heard from the second secretary of health of human services during the pandemic? >> it is a good question mike and i work for secretary azar in the bush days and i don't know where he is. i hear he is going to smaller markets and doing local media, but he's not at hhs as the visible front to this response. we still don't have fda commissioner. he's not the one it seems to me publicly leading the way on the operational warp speed for testing, let's say as paul manko, the architect for senator hayes are on warp speed. i don't know where he is, but i think the nation need sam as a political leader in hhs. >> mike: from "the wall street journal" editorial board, huge shifts out of the lockdown states and a closer look at the numbers from the census bureau, d.c. shrinking 2.9% new york 1.6%, illinois .9% interest behind those three, hawaii and california, jake, what do you make of it? >> what the people are rejecting is the failed blue state policies. they are voting with their feet. it is a phenomenon not relegated to coastal states but blue states in middle america. in arkansas, it is exciting because some people want to see more business investment and read state of arkansas. i'm hearing from voters as well that they are concerned people will forget these blue state refugees, if you will forget the policies and politics. we have to preserve red state culture has great leadership up and down the ballot and not just the governor level but the state legislature, county sheriffs, school boards, mayors but we have to preserve red state culture independent from the blue state refugees who may forget. >> mike: check is a former senior health and human services official, a surgeon general and raising concerns of federal government has actively preventing the effective distribution of monoclonal antibiotic treatments and monoclonal antibiotic with removing health care providers the ability to decide the best treatment options for their patients in this state. what have you heard from your contacts? >> i've been talking to my contacts the last few days and heard the surgeon general from florida talking about this. this is a really serious issue. one of the most popular states in the nation, they know that it works and they are not getting it. it goes to the bigger issue of why is this administration not prioritized monoclonal antibodies and also generally therapeutics? when the pfizer news came out and fda promoted it. you set a couple of times on the show, the white house has been silent and i don't know why. the fact is therapeutics go hand-in-hand with vaccines to beat pandemics. >> basketball superstar look on james comparing covid to the flu. james defend himself last night stating you saw the post and read the tag and you know literally i'm on a honestly saying help me figure it out and we are trying to pick up this pandemic out, jake, what is your take? >> first on the monocle antibodies, several doctors with those concerns, they are furious and angry because they can't get their hands on life-saving treatment. the federal government has known since september there has been a shortage. we have trillions of dollars of spending and where is the money going? we can't get monoclonal antibodies. but the emperor has no clothes. all of these rosters are fully vaccinated and the highest case numbers in the past two years. but we have to get back to sanity and stop testing asymptomatic players. i commend aaron rodgers, these players on the line, phil nicholson to speak the truth. hopefully, there can be critical mass for these who can restore sanity to the discourse of dealing with the covid to. >> as we head to the new year the biden administration to give it to a new strategy. with that jake beckett, many thanks. >> thank you. >> thanks, mike. >> mike: northern georgia and for carolina under a tornado watch as line of severe storms produce a twister in the southwest georgia town and continues trekking eastward. meanwhile cleanup efforts are already underway and where we have reports of trees and electricity out in structural damage to buildings in the wake of likely tornado there. we will keep tracking severe weather tonight. coming up a perfectly executed downward dog and classic car equipped with the flamethrower option. we are counting down the best viral videos of 2021 next. ♪ ♪ for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to - [narrator] gift yourself a hairclub consultation and get 20% off your personalized hair solution. head into the new year with life-changing hair solutions. not forgettable resolutions. hairclub. love your hair. live your life. when you really need to sleep you reach for the really good stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? -easy? switch your xfinity services to your new address online in about a minute. that was easy. i know, right? and even save with special offers just for movers. really? yep! so while you handle that, you can keep your internet and all those shows you love, and save money while you're at it with special offers just for movers at ♪ ♪ >> mike: time for top five viral moments of 2021. let's go, from november 23rd show a russian motor enthusiast modifying his sudan to claim what is the world's first flamethrower car. check it out. the headlights with a large stream of fire. i would say don't try this at home. that could come in handy if ever a zombie apocalypse. moving on from december 7th, drivers in illinois running into a bit of unusual traffic jam. and commuters to a complete halt. animal handlers and pleas to join forces to round up the large bovine. the event kept them occupied for two hours. fortunately no one and no cow was injured during the event. now this, the harrowing moment at a utah a reptile petting zoo caught on camera august 17th. we covered this awful accident. an alligator clamping down on a handlers hand in performing the infamous death role, ouch! fortunately a bystander jumped on top of the gator to free the woman. the zoo posting on facebook that the handler is doing well and in recovery. from april 16, check out the stunning slow-motion footage of a 4-year-old australian shepard when given the order by his owner, simply falls back without any hesitation. does your dog trust you this much? my guy jeter doesn't. what a bond between the two. and finally... >> can you say mama? >> mama! [laughter] >> mama, mama! >> 16-year-old month irish baby also known as a jake cracking up the internet in may with surprising voice. little a.j. is still saying "mama" what a hoot. a great time for viral content. hit us up at mike emanuel fox or "fox news @ night" on social media if you have a video you want to share. ♪ ♪ it is a challenge shared by so many families. autism met diagnosed one in every 50 children. but one nonprofit organization is teaching autistic adults to live independent lives. correspondent laura green has that story tonight from new york city. >> [overlapping voices] >> it is a simple canola recipe. these were keys workers are extraordinary. >> we won't give them to people who want them. >> but sounds like a cinderella story, wow, you are doing so great. but the fact is we did not do this to develop a canola sweatshop here and speak creator of "love michael" dedicated to employing, educating and training artistic results. and the heart of the trifecta neighborhood with her devotion to her son who was born with autism. >> one of the challenges we see how does a person on this spectrum have an opportunity to live an independent life? >> when michael was a teenager he and lisa volunteered southampton orthodox church kitchen. that is when she discovered michael had incredible skills. >> she said, we did in one day what would normally take us three days. >> she would teach mike to do prep work in their home as if a real professional kitchen. eventually, they made granola and then began selling granola pier that grew to nonprofit granola business with sales to starbucks and major grocery stores. >> the church's kitchen is the cooking classroom as well as the school teaching basic skills. >> of the church is building a network of homes to independently and build friendships. it has transformed the entire community. >> they have helped the members of this church family learn how to give those spiritual gifts of love, of acceptance, of forgiveness. >> the hope that love michael was bringing the holiday season is twofold, preparing those with autism to work in the world and also preparing the world to welcome them. mike. >> laura green in new york city come i love this story, thank you so much. ♪ ♪ first up around the world russian president vladimir put vladimir putin hitting the ice with belorussia leader today in a friendly hockey match. the two leaders announced joint military drills for 2022 amidst rising tension between the neighbor ukraine and russia. president biden set told a phone call in a matter of hours with vladimir putin to discuss diplomatic engagements. also in russia a court shutting down human rights organization. the memorial human rights center closed the day after russia's supreme court room revoked the legal status of sister organization. the move is part of a sweeping crackdown on russian rights groups, independent media and opposition supporters. in hong kong, the democracy website standard shut down after the police raided headquarters and arrested several senior employees claiming using media work as a tool to pursue their political purposes. the outlet was one of the last openly voices in hong kong as the city crackdown on dissent. greek diapers discovering wreckage of italian submarine from world war ii and it sank july 5th, 1941 in gnc after being torpedoed by a british submarine. and in columbia, the first albino, pub found in the wild in that country route to conservation park but the 1-month-old cat not be left where it could hide from predators. jeffrey epstein's longtime confidant ghislaine maxwell found guilty of sex trafficking. will she be a sentence and what will she say now? our legal analyst will break it all down next. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! ♪ ♪ >> mike: first step in tonight's news roundup, warning residents to park at fireworks and not shoot their gun in the air for new years. it is apparently a regular issue at the city's annual celebration. here is mr. mayor. >> you can have your guns, but shooting these guns, firing these guns new year's eve, new year's day is illegal inside the city of houston. >> mike: for all use mash and out there, irs warrant 2021 publication requires you to report any income from things you shouldn't be doing anyway. so it can be taxed. according to the irs, illegal activity such as money from dealing illegal drugs must be included in your income if you steal property, report fair market value. if you steal it unless you return it to the rightful owner in the same year. a semitruck just drove 80 miles on open road to arizona with no humans on board and no human intervention according to economist trucking company. the loan truck advocated name changes, traffic signals, on and off ramps, and accompanied by monitoring vehicles and unmarked police cars ready to intervene if necessary. as we told you at the top of the choke ghislaine maxwell found guilty wednesday on 5 of 6 federal sex trafficking charges and one of the most public accusers was not a part of the trial. but regina jeffrey who has also accused prince andrew of sexual assault reacted to the verdict today tweeting "i hope today is not the end but rather another step of justice being served. maxwell did not act alone. others must be held accountable. i have faith that they will be. let's get the expert legal reaction to the verdict now from former justice department jim trusty in defense attorney brian claypool, gentlemen, welcome. >> hi, mike. >> how are you doing? >> mike: today's conviction what will maxwell get at sentencing? >> great question. they will be a lot of fighting about the sentencing guidelines. we gravitate to the maximum penalty and say, she might get 50 or 65 years but the reality of the starting point is a calculation, sorry academic calculation of the offense. and by doing a quick skim of that she could easily be in the neighborhood of 12, 13, 15 years before aggravating factors kick in. of course, the judge is not bound by the guidelines. she is looking at a big sentence and asked to do damage control between now and that sentencing. >> mike: brian what is key to convincing the jury she was guilty? >> without question her failing to testify. this has to be one of the biggest colossal mistakes by criminal defense team in the next decade, mike by not having her testify. there was testimony in the case as follows. she was the lady of the house palm beach and she told people don't make eye contact with jeffrey epstein. she told people in the house -- he told and said don't tell anybody what's going on. she gave foot massages to epstein. at trial, you had victims come into the court, four victims testifying as follows "she transported me to epstein's house. she'd actually touched me and molested me as well and watched us engage in acts. you tell me, this was her defense, mike. >> she didn't even walk in front of the jury. >> mike: there was some thought maxwell would open up black book. could she still cooperate? >> she actually still could end there was a couple of open questions we don't know. the first whether she tried before. if she sat in the u.s. attorney's office and laid out information they dismissed as being false, she is probably done. but the mechanism federal rule 35 allows for essentially post-verdict, post sentencing, cooperation. you might decide now is the time to finally go in and talk and narrate the next case against some of the john's and some of the men that utilize the epstein enterprise that she was so important to. >> mike: very interesting. brian what did we learn about maxwell's role and operation? >> great question three of the church is found guilty of, mike work conspiracy, conspiracy to entice minors. conspiracy to transport minors and engage in sex trafficking. why is that important? that means the jury found that she had an agreement with jeffrey epstein to do this. that is what the jury found. those two are in cahoots. she should have walked in the courtroom and testified. she could have been the victim will mike fifth victim to say the monster in this case is eps. he manipulated me and guess what, he is dead. she might have been acquitted. >> mike: the defenses argument the women went after her for money but it didn't work, did it? >> no, they had a lot of different things that they would call defense. i'm not sure any prosecutor wouldn't salivate at the idea of cross-examining maxwell for all of the things she would have a hard time explaining. so i don't know if there was any great defense to win the day. you had victims who said she didn't only entice them but physically participated in the sex abuse. that is devastating stuff to hear from four different voices. >> mike: brian what do you look forward to the sentencing? >> i think there will be aggravating factors. i think that a judge is going to hit her hard. my, these are serious charges. they involve minors. i handle sex abuse cases. this is sex trafficking involved minors and epstein could have never got away with this but for her allegedly grooming the minors and delivering these kids to his bed to. >> mike: fascinating discussion. >> she will face a lot of a lot of years. >> mike: thank you jim trusty, brian claypool, very interesting perspective. thank you very much. >> you bet, mike. >> thank you. >> mike: 2021 variance, supply chain bows and from afghanistan, it wasn't all bad. "fox news @ night" shannon bream helps us ring and the new year. that coming up next. ♪ ♪ (gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective. and a dedicated trade desk of expert-level support. that will push you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. i'm amber. since starting golo and taking release, ♪♪♪ i've lost 128 pounds, 21 inches around my waist. went from a 26 plus size to a 12 regular. it works so well. it's amazing, and i absolutely love it. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. ♪ ♪ >> mike: this is our final "fox news @ night" before the ball drops 2022 in times square. tonight, we take a look back at the stories that kept us busy and up late with the wonderful viewers out there. fox news night anchor shannon bream. ♪ ♪ >> a rocky start to 2021. [chanting] >> a riot at the u.s. capitol january 6th pier the day the presidential election was supposed to be certified. resulting in at least five deaths and dozens of injuries. the event sparked president trump's second for which he is later, banishment from facebook and twitter. trump get to return to social media platforms. in a congressional commission to investigate what exactly happened that dark day. two senior members of president trump staff steve bannon mark meadows with charges that could result in jail time and pesky fines. >> i do solemnly swear. >> later that month president biden sworn in and takes the home in the fight against covid-19. it is a new year, but the same vicious virus. >> we are closer than ever to declare independence to a deadly virus and no longer controls our lives. it no longer paralyzes our nation. it is within our power to make sure it never does again. >> in many respects 2021 is right where it started to. >> many know this will be the first or second christmas where you look across the table with an empty kitchen chair there. >> a tough adversary. speak with the return of masked mandates and the scientific community about whether vaccines will be successful against fire experience. more than 800,000 americans dead from covid-19 by the middle of december. despite what feels like a step forward and to those steps back, there have been many breakthroughs. >> good evening, my fellow americans. >> president biden picking up where president trump left off and eligible for a coronavirus vaccine by may 1st. >> that is much earlier than expected. >> convincing americans to get the job is a more typical job for the president who changes 2022 mandates. >> i wouldn't demanded. >> it requires more citizens to get it by executive order. first, health care workers, than federal employees and contractors. then finally private businesses employing more than 100 people, businesses have testing as an option. all three of federal mandates are tied up in court. >> consumer prices surge in november. >> the economy faces an uncertain future and in new territory at many points this year. record unemployment numbers and record job openings for simultaneously. the supply chain hits a blinding slow down my prices on consumer goods to new heights and a flood of money $1.9 trillion paid out to americans as part of president biden's american rescue plan. a stimulus administration immense contributed to a level of inflation not seen since early '80s. another $1.2 trillion of spending approved with the top legislative priority infrastructure. part 2 aimed at social and climate issues unable to get past the finish line with high-profile democratic senator with the fatal blow. all of this contributing to lower and lower whole numbers for the president as he approaches the end of the first year in august. and botched ending to america's longest war as americans and allies mad dash for the international airport in kabul with taliban take over for all of the span. >> may be august 31st is not due to arbitrary deadline. it's designed to save american lives. >> more than 60,000 afghan allies who work with u.s. troops are still stuck in that country. many wood targets on their back. >> we need to completely dismantle the police department. >> it wasn't just 2020 pandemic problems and academic downturn that spilled into 2021, racial unrest for years prior divided the country once again. derek chauvin, the officer charged with killing george floyd convicted. kyle rittenhouse who killed two men at a police brutality protest acquitted on self-defense purity was 17 at the time of the shooting. and convictions against three georgia men who shot and killed our mod armory a man of for a job -- ahmed armory a man up for a job. >> we will secure our border. >> immigration with headlines this year and as first order of president, scrapping plans to build a border wall. estimated illegal border crossings into the u.s. from mexico in fiscal year 21 represent the highest number reported in a single year. >> the best way i can help now is if i step aside and let government give back to governing. >> a couple of other americans, and cnn anchor chris cuomo found themselves stuck in a different way in 2021. the powerful pair to ask -- for sexual harassment and chris for alleged efforts to discredit the victims, both lost their jobs. with all the negative news from 2021, there were also happy times in monumental moments, all of which were covered on the show. the pop star britney spears regained freedom after rocky 13 year conservatorship. the space race in july with richard branson becoming the first person to slide to the edge of space. days later, amazon founder jeff bezos with his own rocket for another successful orbital flight. tiger woods who was injured in a car crash early in the year recovered and returned to the green. >> i'm not going to postmortem on something. >> we are 50/50 and we don't have to pick up a lot to get back and the majority. >> now we push ahead to 2022. will there finally began end to the pandemic? which party will take control of the house in the senate. that remains to be seen. >> mike: some good news before was a good night. washington, d.c., elementary school kathleen fitzpatrick going viral after putting hot chocolate on the line. making a vow to the students if she could make a three-pointer during recess, they would celebrate a cocoa. she did just that. dozens of kids cheering her on at the ball game and nothing but net, but low, nice skills, kathleen college hoop up in new jersey and of course commission made the shot. she does not mess around. i hope you enjoy the hot chocolate. good night from washington, mike emanuel and a pleasure filling had for fox news in night team. a healthy and safe new year. . - [woman 1] oh my god! - [woman 2] wow. - [woman 3] best gift ever. - [announcer] gift yourself a hairclub consultation and get 20% off your personalized hair solution. love your hair. live your life. clerk: hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. will cain filling in for tucker. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." i am will cain in for tucker. we have breaking news tonight. a verdict has been reached inne the trial of ghislaine maxwell. maxwell was found guilty on 5 count for her role in the sex trafficking minors for her lover jeffrey epstein. she faces a max

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U S , Thanks , Laughter , Dr , Kat , Drew , Fox News Night , Correspondent David Spunt , Behalf , I Love You , Emily Compared , Greg Gutfeld , Mike Emanuel , Breaking Tonight , In Washington , Shannon Bream , Administration , Policy , Trump , Supreme Court , Asylum , New Mexico , Federal Appeals Court , Biden Set , My Fellow Americans , Wilmington , Home , Lines , Effect , Ringing , Delaware , Executive Memo , Country , Cdc , Michelle , Quarantine Isolation Guideline , Soaring Covid , Demand , Agency , Heat , People , Lot , Cases , Behavioral Science , Confusion , State , Help , Guidance , Recommendations , Officials , Information , Ghislaine Maxwell Sex Trafficking Trial Period , Michigan , Charges , Jeffrey Epstein , Teenage Girls , Outside , Correspondent Matt Finn , Alexis Mcadams , Six , Five , Ghislaine Maxwell Verdict , Courthouse , New York City , Ghislaine Maxwell , Evening , Jury Deliberation , Deliberations , Jury Finding , 40 , 5 , 6 , Court , Women , Courtroom , Justice , Road , Siblings , Southern District , Girls , Out Of The Shadows , Courage , Willingness , Abuser , Bravery , Case , Result , Innocence , Clients , Conspiracy , Child Sex Trafficking , Everyone , Appeal , Claim , Testimony , Maxwell , Prosecutors , Two , Jury , Ghislaine Jeffrey , Statement , Lawyers , Predator , Scapegoat , Victims , Monster , Crimes , Word , Bars , 65 , Brian Claypool , Case Rates , 19 , Directors , Cut , Taking A Closer Look , Decision , Headlines , Science , Guidelines , Director , Matt Van , Ten , Interview , Worker Shortages , Doctor , Letter , Delta Air Lines , Covid Asymptomatic , Day Quarantine , Exchange , Business , Saying , Anthony Fauci , Plans , Indications , Oma , Cron Variant , Delta , Vaccinated , Party , Each Other , Holiday Plans , Bells , Whistles , Kissing , Everybody Hugging , 50 , Families , Flights , Nightmare , Airline Worker , Winter Weather , Disaster , 900 , Countries , Backlash , Parent , Restrictions , Nye Airport , Europe , Slovenia , Germany , 9 , 00 , Health , Changes , Quarantine Guideline , Iw Evidence , Department Of Health , Don T , Challenge , Infections , Biggest , 2022 , Questions , Number , Beach , Rachel Good , One , Pandemic , States , Way , Troops , Beginning , Ventilators , Covert Response Team , National Guard , Something , Matter , Governors , 500 Million , Testing , Ball , Team , Four , Eight , Three , Test , Concerns , Results , Swab Test , Matters , Effectiveness , Fda , On Tuesday , Vaccines , Millions , Data , Pressure , Tests , Plane , Train , Oma Cron , Commander , First Lady , Travel Vaccine Mandates , Brief Walk On The Beach , Leader , Crisis , Authority , Critics , Lori Lightfoot , Teachers Union , Chicago , Travel Vaccine , Action , Thanks A Lot , Students , Teachers , Learning , Winter Break , Return , Mental Health Experts , Classrooms , Demands , Well Being , Survey , Mike Tobin , Parents , Reach , Schools , Place , Protection , 3 , January 3rd , Majority , Access , Shift , File , Tracing , Chicago Teachers Union , School , Adults , Concern , Sick , Kids , Nutritional Needs , New Jersey , Social , Mental , Academic Needs , Fact , Person , Chief , Omicron , Care , Disruption , Children S Medical Center , 1000 , Experts , Everything , Idea , Mental Health , Development , Nutrition , Negatives , Vaccination , Mandating , Faculty , Nation , Washington D C , Class , Fox News , Capital , Percentage , Census Data , Residents , Offer , Neighborhoods , Exodus , Monument , Theory , Correspondent Mike Meredith , Best , Residence , Census Bureau , Nation S Capital , 2018 , Doesn T , Maryland , Virginia , Mystery , Cities , Jobs , Unrest , Challenges , Crime , City , Census , Places , Population , Utah , Hawaii , California , Idaho , Official , Group , Rate , Growth , Popular , Arizona , American History , Mike , Migration , Aftereffects , Mark Meredith , Policies , James Beckett , Leaders , Senate , Panel , Arkansas , Gentlemen , Secretary , Question , Communicator , Human Services , Disrespect , Media , Markets , Secretary Azar In The Bush , We Still Don T Have Fda Commissioner , Warp Speed , Front , Paul Manko , Response , Hayes , Wall Street Journal , Look , Numbers , Interest , Shifts , Illinois , Editorial Board , Lockdown , 1 6 , , 2 9 , It , Blue State Policies , Blue States , Phenomenon , Jake , Feet , Voting , Refugees , Blue State , Business Investment , Voters , Level , County Sheriffs , Leadership , Politics , Governor , Ballot , School Boards , Red State Culture , State Legislature , Government , Surgeon General , Red State Culture Independent , Health And Human Services , Antibiotic , Treatments , Treatment Options , Distribution , Ability , Patients , Health Care Providers , Issue , Contacts , Florida , Monoclonal Antibodies , Therapeutics , News , Couple , Show , Times , White House , Therapeutics Go Hand , I Don T Know Why , Pandemics , Pfizer , Post , Tag , Flu , Basketball Superstar , Doctors , Hands , Life Saving Treatment , Take , Monocle Antibodies , Money , Spending , Wall , Shortage , Emperor , Clothes , Rosters , Trillions , Line , Sanity , Players , Case Numbers , Stop , Aaron Rodgers , Phil Nicholson , Discourse , Truth , Dealing , Covid To , Critical Mass , Storms , Strategy , Carolina , Tornado Watch , Northern Georgia , Jake Beckett , Efforts , Twister , Electricity , Trekking , Trees , Southwest Georgia Town , Car , Tornado , Damage , Buildings , Weather , Dog , Wake , Flamethrower Option , Videos , 2021 , Autism Spectrum , Hairclub Consultation , Hair Solution , Head , Hair Solutions , Narrator , Resolutions , 20 , Hair , Life , Hairclub , Zzzquil Ultra , Stuff , Habit , Makers , Nyquil , Handful , Moving , Kidding , Offers , Movers , Services , Address , Xfinity , Yep , Internet , Save , Xfinity Com Moving , Motor , Russian , November 23rd , Let S Go , Enthusiast , 23 , World , Headlights , Fire , Stream , Flamethrower , Sudan , Animal Handlers , Commuters , Pleas , Bit , Drivers , Traffic Jam , Halt , Zombie Apocalypse , December 7th , 7 , Event , Cow , Bovine , Forces , Handlers , Hand , Alligator Clamping , Death Role , Camera August 17th , Reptile Petting Zoo , Accident , August 17th , 17 , Woman , Zoo Posting , Top , Handler , Recovery , Footage , Facebook , Gator , Bystander , 4 , April 16 , 16 , Order , Owner , Back , Dog Trust , Guy Jeter Doesn T , Hesitation , Bond , Mama , Irish , Baby , Time , Content , Voice , May , Hoot , Mike Emanuel Fox , Hit Us , Little A J , Autism , Children , Video , Social Media , Story , Lives , Correspondent Laura Green , Nonprofit Organization , Overlapping Voices , Workers , Canola , Recipe , Keys , A Cinderella Story , Love Michael , Neighborhood , Opportunity , Spectrum , Creator , Sweatshop , Trifecta , Devotion , Heart , Son , Kitchen , Skills , Lisa , Teenager , Orthodox Church , Southampton , Pier , Selling Granola , Prep Work , Sales , Granola Business , Church , Cooking Classroom , Grocery Stores , Church S , School Teaching Basic , Members , Network , Community , Homes , Family , Build Friendships , Gifts , Love , Holiday Season , Acceptance , Hope , Forgiveness , Vladimir Putin , Ice , Belorussia Leader , Around The World , President , Military Drills , Hockey Match , Tension , Phone Call , Ukraine , Part , Status , Move , Human Rights Organization , Sister Organization , Engagements , Memorial Human Rights Center , Supreme Court Room , Crackdown , Police , Supporters , Headquarters , Rights , Opposition , Groups , Website , Hong Kong , Democracy , Employees , Last , Tool , Outlet , Purposes , Dissent , Submarine , Wreckage , Diapers , World War Ii , British , July 5th , Italian , Greek , Gnc , Columbia , 1941 , July 5th 1941 , Albino , Pub , Cat , Wild , Country Route To Conservation Park , 1 , Sex Trafficking , Sentence , Confidant , Predators , Analyst , Cold , Cold Shortening Brand , Love Zicam , Medicine Cabinet , Must , Unique Zinc Formula , Zifans , It Shortens Colds , Mr , Fireworks , Air , First Step In Tonight , Warning , News Roundup , Celebration , Gun , Guns , Use , Mash , Warrant , City Of Houston , Guns New Year S Eve , Irs , Income , Things , Publication , Activity , Doing , Drugs , Shouldn T , Human Intervention , Humans , Property , Semitruck , Fair Market Value , 80 , Loan Truck , Economist Trucking Company , Traffic Signals , Ramps , Name , Sex Trafficking Charges , Police Cars , Vehicles , Choke , Accusers , Step , Trial , Regina Jeffrey , Andrew , Sexual Assault , Tweeting , Others , Reaction , Accountable , Faith , Department Jim Trusty , Sentencing , Mike Today S Conviction What Will Maxwell , Sentencing Guidelines , Fighting , Hi , Calculation , Offense , Point , Reality , Penalty , Say , Skim , Judge , Course , Factors , Damage Control , 12 , 15 , 13 , Criminal Defense Team , Failing , Mistakes , In The House , Eye Contact , Lady , Anybody , What S Going On , Palm Beach , Massages , Acts , Defense , Book , Mechanism Federal Rule 35 , Don T Know , U S Attorney Office , Men , Some , Cooperation , John , Epstein Enterprise , 35 , Role , Mike Work Conspiracy , Operation , Minors , Agreement , Mike Fifth , Eps , Cahoots , Guess What , Prosecutor , Didn T Work , Defenses Argument , Sex Abuse , Cross Examining Maxwell , Wouldn T Salivate , Voices , Sex Abuse Cases , Sex , Perspective , Variance , Bed , Supply Chain Bows , You Jim Trusty , Fascinating Discussion , You Bet , Ring , Afghanistan , Wasn T All Bad , Gasps , Spider Man , Liberty , Pay , Theaters , December 17th Thinkorswim , December 17th , Td Ameritrade , Trading Experience , Trading Platform , Innovation , Charts , Interfaces , Trading , Education , Orders , Support , Style , Trade Desk , Thinkorswim , You Trade Forever , Release , Amber , Waist , 128 , 21 , Size , 26 , Recording Artist , Recording , Elodia , 10 , 10 Million , Comcast , Tools , Possibilities , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion , Stories , Viewers , Times Square , Election , Chanting , Riot , U S Capitol January 6th Pier , January 6th , Second , Dozens , Deaths , Certified , Injuries , Banishment , Twitter , Mark Meadows , Commission , Social Media Platforms , Steve Bannon , Fight , Fines , Virus , Controls , Independence , Power , Know , Kitchen Chair , Table , Tough Adversary , Mandates , Fire Experience , Steps , Middle , 800000 , May 1st , Breakthroughs , Man Up , Executive Order , Wouldn T , Citizens , Businesses , Contractors , Health Care Workers , Option , First , 100 , Economy , Record , Unemployment Numbers , Consumer Prices , Points , Territory , Job Openings , Supply Chain , Prices , Flood , Blinding , Heights , Biden S American Rescue Plan , Consumer Goods , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , Inflation , Priority Infrastructure , 1 2 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Contributing , Senator , Blow , Climate , Finish Line , The End , 2 , Ending , Airport , War , Dash , Taliban , Allies , August 31st , 31 , 60000 , Wood Targets , It Wasn T , Downturn , Pandemic Problems , Police Department , 2020 , Kyle Rittenhouse , Derek Chauvin , Police Brutality Protest , Killing , George Floyd , Three Georgia Men , Job , Man , Convictions , Mod Armory , Self Defense Purity , Shooting , Border Crossings , Border Wall , Border , Immigration , Chris Cuomo , Pair , Governing , Cnn , Sexual Harassment , Both , Conservatorship , Pop Star , Space , Edge , Space Race , Richard Branson , Britney Spears Regained Freedom , Tiger Woods , Jeff Bezos , Flight , Green , Rocket , Car Crash , Amazon , Control , Night , House , Vow , Elementary School , Hot Chocolate , Kathleen Fitzpatrick , Cocoa , Recess , Low , Net , Ball Game , Nothing , Pleasure Filling , Shot , College , Night Team , Safe , Gift , Announcer , Oh My God , Sore Throat Pain , Clerk , Sore Throat Relief , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon Chill , Wooo Vaporize , Honey Lemon , Will Cain Filling In For Tucker , Count , Sex Trafficking Minors , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Tucker , Lover , Max ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

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forced. the new executive memo issued by president biden i had no legal effect. speaking of the president will be ringing in the new year at home in wilmington, delaware, as americans spend countless hours and long lines testing for covid. the administration scrambles to distribute home testing kits around the country for the demand. the cdc director michelle is taking heat tonight for suggesting the agency new quarantine isolation guideline for asymptomatic cases more closely follows behavioral science. >> it really had a lot to do with we thought people would be able to tolerate. >> leading to more confusion help officials in michigan announcing the state will not follow the updated cdc guidance opting to keep current recommendations while they wait for more information from the cdc. we began tonight with ghislaine maxwell sex trafficking trial period and found guilty on five oh six federal charges against her including recruiting teenage girls to be sexually assaulted by jeffrey epstein. correspondent alexis mcadams has the latest outside of the courthouse in new york city, good evening, alexis. >> mike, six days of jury deliberation in new york and jury finding ghislaine maxwell guilty of 5 of 6 charges. deliberations going on 40 hours before that verdict. when the verdict was read, she faced forward in the court as she walked out of the courtroom, she did look at the siblings and appeared pretty much expressionless. following the verdict for the southern district praising the women who came forward. >> the road to justice has been far too long, but today justice has been done. i want to commend the bravery of the girls now who stepped out of the shadows and into the courtroom. they were courage and willingness to face the abuser made today's result and case possible. >> they firmly believe in the clients innocence as they left the courthouse. >> we firmly believe in ghislaine's innocence. obviously, we are disappointed with the verdict. we already started working on the appeal, and we are confident she will be vindicated. everyone, be healthy. >> claim facing child sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. prosecutors say she groomed and trapped underage girls sexually abused by former boyfriend jeffrey epstein. within two weeks of testimony, the court heard from for women who were all underage when maxwell tricked them to be sexually abused. the lawyers telling her that she should not be the scapegoat for epstein's case. a jury for several cases said in a statement, this is the right verdict. without ghislaine jeffrey would have been a sexual predator without his crimes. she created the monster that hurt so many people in this jury finally delivered those victims. maxwell facing 65 years behind bars, no word when she will be sentenced, mike. >> mike: alexis, many thanks. more ahead on the ghislaine maxwell verdict with legal panel brian claypool coming up. as new covid-19 case rates hit record single day records in the united states wednesday the cdc directors allowing new guidance recommending a cut in half five date isolation period for asymptomatic cases factored in what americans are willing to tolerate right now. correspondent matt finn taking a closer look at the behavioral science tonight. good evening, matt. >> good evening cdc director is making headlines explaining the new decision to shorten its guidelines from ten-day to a five date isolation period for people with covid asymptomatic. the decision came after delta air lines executive signed a letter asking the cdc to reduce isolation period to prevent worker shortages. in a interview the doctor was asked why the cdc advised ten day quarantine all along if the science showed a five date isolation period was sufficient. here are some of that exchange. >> what will people actually need to do when they need to get back to work if we can get them to isolate, we want to make sure the first five days. >> what you are saying, this decision has just as much to do with business as it did with the science. >> it really had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate. >> also dr. anthony fauci said indications point to the oma cron variant less severe than delta is urging americans to have a vaccinated boosted home related new year's eve. >> if your plans to go to 40 to 50 person new year's eve party with all the bells and whistles and everybody hugging, kissing, pushing each other, wishing each other a happy new year, i would recommend this year we do not do that. >> canceled holiday plans and canceled flights for u.s. nightmare has stretched into six days. more than 900 flights canceled wednesday. airline worker shortages combined with winter weather. >> it was a disaster. a lot of families super inconvenienced and here at the nye airport until 9:00 p.m. i'm ready to get home. >> the parent across europe and backlash over covert restrictions in several countries including slovenia and germany. speak with the michigan of health issued a new cdc quarantine guideline of five dat the department of health says iw evidence behind the cdc's decision before making any changes. we will keep you updated on that, mike. >> mike: matt van, many thanks. president biden back home in wilmington, delaware, where expected to stay through the new year. his biggest challenge has 2022 don's soaring covid-19 infections in the u.s. and managing that changing guidance that may be providing more questions than answers right now. correspondent david spunt with the president earlier today and rachel good beach. >> one day after the highest number of daily cases since the beginning of the pandemic, the president's covert response team announced national guard troops and ventilators on the way to states. >> and move reminiscent of the early date pandemic. >> governors around the country is simple. if you need something, say something. >> the administration preparing to send out 500 million free at home tests in a matter of weeks to help prolong lines that in some cases last not one or two but three or four hours. earlier this week, the president admitted his team is behind the eight ball on testing. >> not enough, it's clearly not enough. had i known, we would have gone harder, quicker if we could to. >> to make matters more complicated, the fda on tuesday expressed concerns about effectiveness of rapid test, no swab test that results in minutes. according to early data, those tests are less effective in detecting oma cron. meanwhile, the president is under increasing pressure to make a decision about whether he will mandate vaccines for the millions of people who get on a plane or train to travel. after a brief walk on the beach tuesday with the first lady and his new commander, the president was asked about travel vaccine mandates. critics say don't do it. >> when you have a leader overstep their authority especially in a time of crisis, that is when you break the country. >> today dr. anthony fauci said he's not inclined to recommend travel vaccine, but that can always change. mike. >> mike: david spunt, thanks a lot. chicago's teachers union is demanding more action for lori lightfoot before returning to classrooms after winter break going so far to ask teachers in a survey if they would walk out if demands not met. in chicago, they are not alone. many mental health experts worry return to remote learning would mean for students well-being. senior correspondent mike tobin reported tonight from chicago. >> the return to normal seems to be out of reach for some students with winter break almost over and the oma cron. causing to search and parents must face schools returning to remote learning. >> something has got to give. we are scared to start on january 3rd without testing and protection that we need in place. >> the chicago teachers union told rank and file an overwhelming majority supported a shift back to remote learning. teachers had been demanding mayor lori lightfoot provide more testing, get more access to contact tracing and expressed concern with teachers getting sick, there were not enough adults in school. >> this is serious and the mayor has dropped the ball and failing our students. there are not enough adults. we need to go remote. >> teachers in new york city expressed similar concerns, but the mayor said kids need to be in school. >> we talk about the needs of the kids, physical, mental, nutritional needs, social, academic needs, the schools need to be open. >> in new jersey and new mexico, some schools will go remote instead of returning a person next week. in fact 1,000 schools in two dozen states facing disruption to in-person learning. but the chief of pediatric clinical care at children's medical center says with omicron that illness less severe with kids. however, when experts noting everything from social development to physical and mental health, even nutrition, he says the negatives of staying home are also severe. >> so, i think it is a good idea to keep schools open as best as we can. the best way to do this is use proper vaccination and mandating. >> at the schools opening on time but require students and faculty to produce a negative test before attending class. in chicago mike tobin, fox news. >> new census data shows people moving out of the nation's capital at the highest percentage compared to the 50 states. while washington, d.c., officials refused to i hypothesize about the exodus, some current residents have their own theory. correspondent mike meredith. >> from the majestic monument to diverse neighborhoods, washington, d.c., has a lot to offer, but new data from the census bureau shows where people actually want to live in the nation's capital. >> what is so different than 2018. very different place right now. so it's not the best. >> the residence percentagewise than any other state in the last year. the government doesn't speculate as to why people are leaving but residents tell us it is no mystery. >> actually know people who went to maryland, virginia, where it's more safe and there is more jobs there. they want to be with their families. >> recently, d.c. and other major cities face challenges. and rising crime and social unrest. but last year the mayor said that people were fed up and moving out. >> people are leaving d.c. in droves but still one of the highest places to live in america. >> the city will carefully review and validate the census data and argue washington, d.c., will be robust. it is not just washington, d.c. the government said trailing also new york, hawaii and california. but the biggest population, 5% western states, idaho, utah, arizona, the popular assumes group this last year. the government reports the u.s. population overall is still growing, but at the slowest rate of growth ever recorded in american history, at the official said the pandemic is partially to blame, mike. >> mike: mark meredith, thanks a lot. let's discuss the great pandemic migration and aftereffects on big cities like new york from the pandemic policies of progressive political leaders. as we bring in tonight's panel, arkansas senate candidate james beckett, gentlemen, welcome. >> thank you for having me. serious question, where is the secretary and to be clear, no disrespect to him but i found him to be a effective communicator and cannot think of the last time we heard from the second secretary of health of human services during the pandemic? >> it is a good question mike and i work for secretary azar in the bush days and i don't know where he is. i hear he is going to smaller markets and doing local media, but he's not at hhs as the visible front to this response. we still don't have fda commissioner. he's not the one it seems to me publicly leading the way on the operational warp speed for testing, let's say as paul manko, the architect for senator hayes are on warp speed. i don't know where he is, but i think the nation need sam as a political leader in hhs. >> mike: from "the wall street journal" editorial board, huge shifts out of the lockdown states and a closer look at the numbers from the census bureau, d.c. shrinking 2.9% new york 1.6%, illinois .9% interest behind those three, hawaii and california, jake, what do you make of it? >> what the people are rejecting is the failed blue state policies. they are voting with their feet. it is a phenomenon not relegated to coastal states but blue states in middle america. in arkansas, it is exciting because some people want to see more business investment and read state of arkansas. i'm hearing from voters as well that they are concerned people will forget these blue state refugees, if you will forget the policies and politics. we have to preserve red state culture has great leadership up and down the ballot and not just the governor level but the state legislature, county sheriffs, school boards, mayors but we have to preserve red state culture independent from the blue state refugees who may forget. >> mike: check is a former senior health and human services official, a surgeon general and raising concerns of federal government has actively preventing the effective distribution of monoclonal antibiotic treatments and monoclonal antibiotic with removing health care providers the ability to decide the best treatment options for their patients in this state. what have you heard from your contacts? >> i've been talking to my contacts the last few days and heard the surgeon general from florida talking about this. this is a really serious issue. one of the most popular states in the nation, they know that it works and they are not getting it. it goes to the bigger issue of why is this administration not prioritized monoclonal antibodies and also generally therapeutics? when the pfizer news came out and fda promoted it. you set a couple of times on the show, the white house has been silent and i don't know why. the fact is therapeutics go hand-in-hand with vaccines to beat pandemics. >> basketball superstar look on james comparing covid to the flu. james defend himself last night stating you saw the post and read the tag and you know literally i'm on a honestly saying help me figure it out and we are trying to pick up this pandemic out, jake, what is your take? >> first on the monocle antibodies, several doctors with those concerns, they are furious and angry because they can't get their hands on life-saving treatment. the federal government has known since september there has been a shortage. we have trillions of dollars of spending and where is the money going? we can't get monoclonal antibodies. but the emperor has no clothes. all of these rosters are fully vaccinated and the highest case numbers in the past two years. but we have to get back to sanity and stop testing asymptomatic players. i commend aaron rodgers, these players on the line, phil nicholson to speak the truth. hopefully, there can be critical mass for these who can restore sanity to the discourse of dealing with the covid to. >> as we head to the new year the biden administration to give it to a new strategy. with that jake beckett, many thanks. >> thank you. >> thanks, mike. >> mike: northern georgia and for carolina under a tornado watch as line of severe storms produce a twister in the southwest georgia town and continues trekking eastward. meanwhile cleanup efforts are already underway and where we have reports of trees and electricity out in structural damage to buildings in the wake of likely tornado there. we will keep tracking severe weather tonight. coming up a perfectly executed downward dog and classic car equipped with the flamethrower option. we are counting down the best viral videos of 2021 next. ♪ ♪ for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to - [narrator] gift yourself a hairclub consultation and get 20% off your personalized hair solution. head into the new year with life-changing hair solutions. not forgettable resolutions. hairclub. love your hair. live your life. when you really need to sleep you reach for the really good stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? -easy? switch your xfinity services to your new address online in about a minute. that was easy. i know, right? and even save with special offers just for movers. really? yep! so while you handle that, you can keep your internet and all those shows you love, and save money while you're at it with special offers just for movers at ♪ ♪ >> mike: time for top five viral moments of 2021. let's go, from november 23rd show a russian motor enthusiast modifying his sudan to claim what is the world's first flamethrower car. check it out. the headlights with a large stream of fire. i would say don't try this at home. that could come in handy if ever a zombie apocalypse. moving on from december 7th, drivers in illinois running into a bit of unusual traffic jam. and commuters to a complete halt. animal handlers and pleas to join forces to round up the large bovine. the event kept them occupied for two hours. fortunately no one and no cow was injured during the event. now this, the harrowing moment at a utah a reptile petting zoo caught on camera august 17th. we covered this awful accident. an alligator clamping down on a handlers hand in performing the infamous death role, ouch! fortunately a bystander jumped on top of the gator to free the woman. the zoo posting on facebook that the handler is doing well and in recovery. from april 16, check out the stunning slow-motion footage of a 4-year-old australian shepard when given the order by his owner, simply falls back without any hesitation. does your dog trust you this much? my guy jeter doesn't. what a bond between the two. and finally... >> can you say mama? >> mama! [laughter] >> mama, mama! >> 16-year-old month irish baby also known as a jake cracking up the internet in may with surprising voice. little a.j. is still saying "mama" what a hoot. a great time for viral content. hit us up at mike emanuel fox or "fox news @ night" on social media if you have a video you want to share. ♪ ♪ it is a challenge shared by so many families. autism met diagnosed one in every 50 children. but one nonprofit organization is teaching autistic adults to live independent lives. correspondent laura green has that story tonight from new york city. >> [overlapping voices] >> it is a simple canola recipe. these were keys workers are extraordinary. >> we won't give them to people who want them. >> but sounds like a cinderella story, wow, you are doing so great. but the fact is we did not do this to develop a canola sweatshop here and speak creator of "love michael" dedicated to employing, educating and training artistic results. and the heart of the trifecta neighborhood with her devotion to her son who was born with autism. >> one of the challenges we see how does a person on this spectrum have an opportunity to live an independent life? >> when michael was a teenager he and lisa volunteered southampton orthodox church kitchen. that is when she discovered michael had incredible skills. >> she said, we did in one day what would normally take us three days. >> she would teach mike to do prep work in their home as if a real professional kitchen. eventually, they made granola and then began selling granola pier that grew to nonprofit granola business with sales to starbucks and major grocery stores. >> the church's kitchen is the cooking classroom as well as the school teaching basic skills. >> of the church is building a network of homes to independently and build friendships. it has transformed the entire community. >> they have helped the members of this church family learn how to give those spiritual gifts of love, of acceptance, of forgiveness. >> the hope that love michael was bringing the holiday season is twofold, preparing those with autism to work in the world and also preparing the world to welcome them. mike. >> laura green in new york city come i love this story, thank you so much. ♪ ♪ first up around the world russian president vladimir put vladimir putin hitting the ice with belorussia leader today in a friendly hockey match. the two leaders announced joint military drills for 2022 amidst rising tension between the neighbor ukraine and russia. president biden set told a phone call in a matter of hours with vladimir putin to discuss diplomatic engagements. also in russia a court shutting down human rights organization. the memorial human rights center closed the day after russia's supreme court room revoked the legal status of sister organization. the move is part of a sweeping crackdown on russian rights groups, independent media and opposition supporters. in hong kong, the democracy website standard shut down after the police raided headquarters and arrested several senior employees claiming using media work as a tool to pursue their political purposes. the outlet was one of the last openly voices in hong kong as the city crackdown on dissent. greek diapers discovering wreckage of italian submarine from world war ii and it sank july 5th, 1941 in gnc after being torpedoed by a british submarine. and in columbia, the first albino, pub found in the wild in that country route to conservation park but the 1-month-old cat not be left where it could hide from predators. jeffrey epstein's longtime confidant ghislaine maxwell found guilty of sex trafficking. will she be a sentence and what will she say now? our legal analyst will break it all down next. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! ♪ ♪ >> mike: first step in tonight's news roundup, warning residents to park at fireworks and not shoot their gun in the air for new years. it is apparently a regular issue at the city's annual celebration. here is mr. mayor. >> you can have your guns, but shooting these guns, firing these guns new year's eve, new year's day is illegal inside the city of houston. >> mike: for all use mash and out there, irs warrant 2021 publication requires you to report any income from things you shouldn't be doing anyway. so it can be taxed. according to the irs, illegal activity such as money from dealing illegal drugs must be included in your income if you steal property, report fair market value. if you steal it unless you return it to the rightful owner in the same year. a semitruck just drove 80 miles on open road to arizona with no humans on board and no human intervention according to economist trucking company. the loan truck advocated name changes, traffic signals, on and off ramps, and accompanied by monitoring vehicles and unmarked police cars ready to intervene if necessary. as we told you at the top of the choke ghislaine maxwell found guilty wednesday on 5 of 6 federal sex trafficking charges and one of the most public accusers was not a part of the trial. but regina jeffrey who has also accused prince andrew of sexual assault reacted to the verdict today tweeting "i hope today is not the end but rather another step of justice being served. maxwell did not act alone. others must be held accountable. i have faith that they will be. let's get the expert legal reaction to the verdict now from former justice department jim trusty in defense attorney brian claypool, gentlemen, welcome. >> hi, mike. >> how are you doing? >> mike: today's conviction what will maxwell get at sentencing? >> great question. they will be a lot of fighting about the sentencing guidelines. we gravitate to the maximum penalty and say, she might get 50 or 65 years but the reality of the starting point is a calculation, sorry academic calculation of the offense. and by doing a quick skim of that she could easily be in the neighborhood of 12, 13, 15 years before aggravating factors kick in. of course, the judge is not bound by the guidelines. she is looking at a big sentence and asked to do damage control between now and that sentencing. >> mike: brian what is key to convincing the jury she was guilty? >> without question her failing to testify. this has to be one of the biggest colossal mistakes by criminal defense team in the next decade, mike by not having her testify. there was testimony in the case as follows. she was the lady of the house palm beach and she told people don't make eye contact with jeffrey epstein. she told people in the house -- he told and said don't tell anybody what's going on. she gave foot massages to epstein. at trial, you had victims come into the court, four victims testifying as follows "she transported me to epstein's house. she'd actually touched me and molested me as well and watched us engage in acts. you tell me, this was her defense, mike. >> she didn't even walk in front of the jury. >> mike: there was some thought maxwell would open up black book. could she still cooperate? >> she actually still could end there was a couple of open questions we don't know. the first whether she tried before. if she sat in the u.s. attorney's office and laid out information they dismissed as being false, she is probably done. but the mechanism federal rule 35 allows for essentially post-verdict, post sentencing, cooperation. you might decide now is the time to finally go in and talk and narrate the next case against some of the john's and some of the men that utilize the epstein enterprise that she was so important to. >> mike: very interesting. brian what did we learn about maxwell's role and operation? >> great question three of the church is found guilty of, mike work conspiracy, conspiracy to entice minors. conspiracy to transport minors and engage in sex trafficking. why is that important? that means the jury found that she had an agreement with jeffrey epstein to do this. that is what the jury found. those two are in cahoots. she should have walked in the courtroom and testified. she could have been the victim will mike fifth victim to say the monster in this case is eps. he manipulated me and guess what, he is dead. she might have been acquitted. >> mike: the defenses argument the women went after her for money but it didn't work, did it? >> no, they had a lot of different things that they would call defense. i'm not sure any prosecutor wouldn't salivate at the idea of cross-examining maxwell for all of the things she would have a hard time explaining. so i don't know if there was any great defense to win the day. you had victims who said she didn't only entice them but physically participated in the sex abuse. that is devastating stuff to hear from four different voices. >> mike: brian what do you look forward to the sentencing? >> i think there will be aggravating factors. i think that a judge is going to hit her hard. my, these are serious charges. they involve minors. i handle sex abuse cases. this is sex trafficking involved minors and epstein could have never got away with this but for her allegedly grooming the minors and delivering these kids to his bed to. >> mike: fascinating discussion. >> she will face a lot of a lot of years. >> mike: thank you jim trusty, brian claypool, very interesting perspective. thank you very much. >> you bet, mike. >> thank you. >> mike: 2021 variance, supply chain bows and from afghanistan, it wasn't all bad. "fox news @ night" shannon bream helps us ring and the new year. that coming up next. ♪ ♪ (gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective. and a dedicated trade desk of expert-level support. that will push you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. i'm amber. since starting golo and taking release, ♪♪♪ i've lost 128 pounds, 21 inches around my waist. went from a 26 plus size to a 12 regular. it works so well. it's amazing, and i absolutely love it. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. ♪ ♪ >> mike: this is our final "fox news @ night" before the ball drops 2022 in times square. tonight, we take a look back at the stories that kept us busy and up late with the wonderful viewers out there. fox news night anchor shannon bream. ♪ ♪ >> a rocky start to 2021. [chanting] >> a riot at the u.s. capitol january 6th pier the day the presidential election was supposed to be certified. resulting in at least five deaths and dozens of injuries. the event sparked president trump's second for which he is later, banishment from facebook and twitter. trump get to return to social media platforms. in a congressional commission to investigate what exactly happened that dark day. two senior members of president trump staff steve bannon mark meadows with charges that could result in jail time and pesky fines. >> i do solemnly swear. >> later that month president biden sworn in and takes the home in the fight against covid-19. it is a new year, but the same vicious virus. >> we are closer than ever to declare independence to a deadly virus and no longer controls our lives. it no longer paralyzes our nation. it is within our power to make sure it never does again. >> in many respects 2021 is right where it started to. >> many know this will be the first or second christmas where you look across the table with an empty kitchen chair there. >> a tough adversary. speak with the return of masked mandates and the scientific community about whether vaccines will be successful against fire experience. more than 800,000 americans dead from covid-19 by the middle of december. despite what feels like a step forward and to those steps back, there have been many breakthroughs. >> good evening, my fellow americans. >> president biden picking up where president trump left off and eligible for a coronavirus vaccine by may 1st. >> that is much earlier than expected. >> convincing americans to get the job is a more typical job for the president who changes 2022 mandates. >> i wouldn't demanded. >> it requires more citizens to get it by executive order. first, health care workers, than federal employees and contractors. then finally private businesses employing more than 100 people, businesses have testing as an option. all three of federal mandates are tied up in court. >> consumer prices surge in november. >> the economy faces an uncertain future and in new territory at many points this year. record unemployment numbers and record job openings for simultaneously. the supply chain hits a blinding slow down my prices on consumer goods to new heights and a flood of money $1.9 trillion paid out to americans as part of president biden's american rescue plan. a stimulus administration immense contributed to a level of inflation not seen since early '80s. another $1.2 trillion of spending approved with the top legislative priority infrastructure. part 2 aimed at social and climate issues unable to get past the finish line with high-profile democratic senator with the fatal blow. all of this contributing to lower and lower whole numbers for the president as he approaches the end of the first year in august. and botched ending to america's longest war as americans and allies mad dash for the international airport in kabul with taliban take over for all of the span. >> may be august 31st is not due to arbitrary deadline. it's designed to save american lives. >> more than 60,000 afghan allies who work with u.s. troops are still stuck in that country. many wood targets on their back. >> we need to completely dismantle the police department. >> it wasn't just 2020 pandemic problems and academic downturn that spilled into 2021, racial unrest for years prior divided the country once again. derek chauvin, the officer charged with killing george floyd convicted. kyle rittenhouse who killed two men at a police brutality protest acquitted on self-defense purity was 17 at the time of the shooting. and convictions against three georgia men who shot and killed our mod armory a man of for a job -- ahmed armory a man up for a job. >> we will secure our border. >> immigration with headlines this year and as first order of president, scrapping plans to build a border wall. estimated illegal border crossings into the u.s. from mexico in fiscal year 21 represent the highest number reported in a single year. >> the best way i can help now is if i step aside and let government give back to governing. >> a couple of other americans, and cnn anchor chris cuomo found themselves stuck in a different way in 2021. the powerful pair to ask -- for sexual harassment and chris for alleged efforts to discredit the victims, both lost their jobs. with all the negative news from 2021, there were also happy times in monumental moments, all of which were covered on the show. the pop star britney spears regained freedom after rocky 13 year conservatorship. the space race in july with richard branson becoming the first person to slide to the edge of space. days later, amazon founder jeff bezos with his own rocket for another successful orbital flight. tiger woods who was injured in a car crash early in the year recovered and returned to the green. >> i'm not going to postmortem on something. >> we are 50/50 and we don't have to pick up a lot to get back and the majority. >> now we push ahead to 2022. will there finally began end to the pandemic? which party will take control of the house in the senate. that remains to be seen. >> mike: some good news before was a good night. washington, d.c., elementary school kathleen fitzpatrick going viral after putting hot chocolate on the line. making a vow to the students if she could make a three-pointer during recess, they would celebrate a cocoa. she did just that. dozens of kids cheering her on at the ball game and nothing but net, but low, nice skills, kathleen college hoop up in new jersey and of course commission made the shot. she does not mess around. i hope you enjoy the hot chocolate. good night from washington, mike emanuel and a pleasure filling had for fox news in night team. a healthy and safe new year. . - [woman 1] oh my god! - [woman 2] wow. - [woman 3] best gift ever. - [announcer] gift yourself a hairclub consultation and get 20% off your personalized hair solution. love your hair. live your life. clerk: hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. will cain filling in for tucker. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." i am will cain in for tucker. we have breaking news tonight. a verdict has been reached inne the trial of ghislaine maxwell. maxwell was found guilty on 5 count for her role in the sex trafficking minors for her lover jeffrey epstein. she faces a max

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Road , Siblings , Southern District , Girls , Out Of The Shadows , Courage , Willingness , Abuser , Bravery , Case , Result , Innocence , Clients , Conspiracy , Child Sex Trafficking , Everyone , Appeal , Claim , Testimony , Maxwell , Prosecutors , Two , Jury , Ghislaine Jeffrey , Statement , Lawyers , Predator , Scapegoat , Victims , Monster , Crimes , Word , Bars , 65 , Brian Claypool , Case Rates , 19 , Directors , Cut , Taking A Closer Look , Decision , Headlines , Science , Guidelines , Director , Matt Van , Ten , Interview , Worker Shortages , Doctor , Letter , Delta Air Lines , Covid Asymptomatic , Day Quarantine , Exchange , Business , Saying , Anthony Fauci , Plans , Indications , Oma , Cron Variant , Delta , Vaccinated , Party , Each Other , Holiday Plans , Bells , Whistles , Kissing , Everybody Hugging , 50 , Families , Flights , Nightmare , Airline Worker , Winter Weather , Disaster , 900 , Countries , Backlash , Parent , Restrictions , Nye Airport , Europe , Slovenia , 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Members , Network , Community , Homes , Family , Build Friendships , Gifts , Love , Holiday Season , Acceptance , Hope , Forgiveness , Vladimir Putin , Ice , Belorussia Leader , Around The World , President , Military Drills , Hockey Match , Tension , Phone Call , Ukraine , Part , Status , Move , Human Rights Organization , Sister Organization , Engagements , Memorial Human Rights Center , Supreme Court Room , Crackdown , Police , Supporters , Headquarters , Rights , Opposition , Groups , Website , Hong Kong , Democracy , Employees , Last , Tool , Outlet , Purposes , Dissent , Submarine , Wreckage , Diapers , World War Ii , British , July 5th , Italian , Greek , Gnc , Columbia , 1941 , July 5th 1941 , Albino , Pub , Cat , Wild , Country Route To Conservation Park , 1 , Sex Trafficking , Sentence , Confidant , Predators , Analyst , Cold , Cold Shortening Brand , Love Zicam , Medicine Cabinet , Must , Unique Zinc Formula , Zifans , It Shortens Colds , Mr , Fireworks , Air , First Step In Tonight , Warning , News Roundup , Celebration , Gun , Guns , Use , Mash , Warrant , City Of Houston , Guns New Year S Eve , Irs , Income , Things , Publication , Activity , Doing , Drugs , Shouldn T , Human Intervention , Humans , Property , Semitruck , Fair Market Value , 80 , Loan Truck , Economist Trucking Company , Traffic Signals , Ramps , Name , Sex Trafficking Charges , Police Cars , Vehicles , Choke , Accusers , Step , Trial , Regina Jeffrey , Andrew , Sexual Assault , Tweeting , Others , Reaction , Accountable , Faith , Department Jim Trusty , Sentencing , Mike Today S Conviction What Will Maxwell , Sentencing Guidelines , Fighting , Hi , Calculation , Offense , Point , Reality , Penalty , Say , Skim , Judge , Course , Factors , Damage Control , 12 , 15 , 13 , Criminal Defense Team , Failing , Mistakes , In The House , Eye Contact , Lady , Anybody , What S Going On , Palm Beach , Massages , Acts , Defense , Book , Mechanism Federal Rule 35 , Don T Know , U S Attorney Office , Men , Some , Cooperation , John , Epstein Enterprise , 35 , Role , Mike Work Conspiracy , Operation , Minors , Agreement , Mike Fifth , Eps , Cahoots , Guess What , Prosecutor , Didn T Work , Defenses Argument , Sex Abuse , Cross Examining Maxwell , Wouldn T Salivate , Voices , Sex Abuse Cases , Sex , Perspective , Variance , Bed , Supply Chain Bows , You Jim Trusty , Fascinating Discussion , You Bet , Ring , Afghanistan , Wasn T All Bad , Gasps , Spider Man , Liberty , Pay , Theaters , December 17th Thinkorswim , December 17th , Td Ameritrade , Trading Experience , Trading Platform , Innovation , Charts , Interfaces , Trading , Education , Orders , Support , Style , Trade Desk , Thinkorswim , You Trade Forever , Release , Amber , Waist , 128 , 21 , Size , 26 , Recording Artist , Recording , Elodia , 10 , 10 Million , Comcast , Tools , Possibilities , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion , Stories , Viewers , Times Square , Election , Chanting , Riot , U S Capitol January 6th Pier , January 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Derek Chauvin , Police Brutality Protest , Killing , George Floyd , Three Georgia Men , Job , Man , Convictions , Mod Armory , Self Defense Purity , Shooting , Border Crossings , Border Wall , Border , Immigration , Chris Cuomo , Pair , Governing , Cnn , Sexual Harassment , Both , Conservatorship , Pop Star , Space , Edge , Space Race , Richard Branson , Britney Spears Regained Freedom , Tiger Woods , Jeff Bezos , Flight , Green , Rocket , Car Crash , Amazon , Control , Night , House , Vow , Elementary School , Hot Chocolate , Kathleen Fitzpatrick , Cocoa , Recess , Low , Net , Ball Game , Nothing , Pleasure Filling , Shot , College , Night Team , Safe , Gift , Announcer , Oh My God , Sore Throat Pain , Clerk , Sore Throat Relief , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon Chill , Wooo Vaporize , Honey Lemon , Will Cain Filling In For Tucker , Count , Sex Trafficking Minors , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Tucker , Lover , Max ,

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