Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

dried up christmas tree an electrical problem with the tree lights. it happened very early on christmas morning in quakertown pennsylvania. when crews arrived on the scene the two-story house was fully engulfed, they tried to enter through the front door but were pushed back by the flames when they finally got inside they discovered three bodies all upstairs. killed in the fire 40-year-old eric king and his two youngest son 11-year-old liam and 8-year-old patrick, his wife kristen and oldest son brady were able to escape with minor burns. friends and neighbors were shocked by the tragedy. >> it's horrible hearing about this. we have four kids and two biological and two stepchildren, it is horrible to think about this on christmas. >> the quakertown school district put out a statement saying this news is devastating for the district community and the quakertown area at large eric and kristen are active in the community and the kind of people who make this a special place to live and attend school the school district sends its sympathy to the king family and the many friends and relatives. community member set up a gofundme page $500,000. it's continue to work on coming up with the exact cause of the fire. griff: a heartbreak for the king family in that community. thank you. >> another socially distance christmas for many airlines canceling thousands of flights globally due to another surge in covid cases while some major u.s. cities apple that more mandates, we have fox team coverage with charles watson and david lee miller on the latest on the surge, charles let's start with you from the hartsfield jackson atlanta international airport. >> the travel nightmare continues for thousands of people flying this holiday weekend, we see a lot of cancellation so far today more than 2200 flights canceled amid a rapid spread of the covid-19 variant. it's been quite the nightmare for holiday travelers caught in the middle of this cancellation thousands of passengers left stranded across the country including one woman says she was stranded here in atlanta and forced to spend christmas eve with her two sons inside of atlanta hotel because their flight was dropped. >> we had a delayed flight yesterday which made us miss our flight to columbia which i to order doordash and it was impossible i hate making people work but i was with two little boys and we needed to have a dinner. >> delta and united airlines lead the pack among the american carriers with the most cancellations the two calling off a combine 781 flights between christmas and today and a large part due to staffing shortages united airlines saying in a statement the nationwide bike in omicron cases has had a direct impact on our flight, crews and people who run our operation as a result we had to cancel flights and notifying impacted travelers and advance coming to the airport. dr. fauci said higher vaccination rates would help out quite a bit. >> anything that could get people more vaccinated would be welcome but with regard to the spread of virus in the country i think if you look at wearing a mask in the filtration on planes things are reasonably safe. >> with the new cdc guidelines in place for essential workers that allow for them to return to work seven days after testing positive airlines are hoping that'll help deal with the staffing shortages and flight cancellations that were seen, it's hard to tell with the answer the launcher but i can tell you that flight cancellations are not as robust as we have in the final week of the year. >> bring your patients to the airport for traveling today, charles watson in atlanta. thank you. >> omicron is surging across the country, some states are seated record breaking number daily covid infections, david lee miller is live from new york city were a staggering number of cases are being reported. >> and what we see now are more and more cities imposing vaccine mandates including new york city, starting tomorrow it is going to impose what many consider to be the most demanding more from mandate of them all, almost all private sector workers in the city must be partially vaccinated unless they working from home, the ruling affects 184,000 businesses testing, not an option, some employers say it's too burdensome it requires them to keep vaccination records on workers and the violations started a thousand dollars more than 90% of new york city adults are vaccinated and it shows 14000 new covid cases. according to infectious disease expert, people to keep her classes should not worry about getting together for the holidays. >> i think people should get a test before they get together especially with high-risk people, unfortunately we have plenty of vaccine supply, that is not a problem but unfortunately we do not have enough test. >> meanwhile in the coming weeks we can expect more vaccine mandates to take effect, 12 states including ford, kansas and texas have been some vaccine mandate for employees. and doctor anthony fauci has indicated today he expects to see the number of the omicron variant cases to continue to increase in his words every day it goes up and up and while he acknowledged the variant is less severe, he warned americans not to be complaining. griff: david lee miller live in new york city, thank you. for more on the latest vaccine mandate and restrictions we are joined by communication ceo laura fink and ashley davis white house official founding partner laura and ashley, thank you for taking the time after christmas to join us let's dive into where david lee was talking about the new mandates coming in new york whether the strictest hitting 180,000 private businesses no option for testing, now you must be vaccinated, let me start with you is this going to be a political challenge for democrats? >> i certainly hope not, we know the vaccine should not be politicized even with president trump bragging about getting his booster the other week which is great, i don't think it is too burdensome we know vaccine mandates work, right now north of 70% of americans have gotten at least one shot the vast majority of americans and now in order to battle this virus we need to up the number and vaccine mandates by well-meaning and dedicated employers, not unlike fox news has one, they said we need to get these vaccines in arms before they come back to work. now cities are getting involved and we see it being very effective from the ranks of municipal police and firefighters all the way to customer service agents. we need to get this done and vaccine mandates are a part of that. griff: ashley, what is your take more immensity that former president trump was talking about being vaccinated and getting the booster, but conservatives continue to attack dr. fauci. >> i think we are two years into the pandemic i think they know exactly what you're going to do the vaccines are the right way to go poop, people made up their mind it is a matter president trump with the grandmother or grandfather get the vaccine card the extreme mandates going into effect will have about impact on people going into work. i also think that you see the rhetoric again of kids not being able to go back to school in early january it'll become a huge political problem from your first question that you asked at the beginning of the show. griff: we saw this past week the president, bidens administration getting 500 million rapid test at home but were not going to get them until sometime in january, a lot of criticism, they really should've seen this coming is that a problem legacy as january comes. >> we should've seen omicron variant coming we would've been differently prepared, the answer is can we get these in the hands of americans as soon as possible can we encourage americans to use this and have become part of regular life so we can put down the virus as soon as possible. i've a few test kits at home i know people are seeking them we have to get the distribution out there and what you talking about half a billion test, this administration is certainly dedicated to doing that. >> even dr. fauci on the fox news we have to do better saying perhaps they let their guard down in terms of forcing this problem and it could be a political issue for the administration going forward. >> even the president said he made a mistake of not having enough test. the problem is what's been happening of the administration whether it's from the mask mandate in the vaccine mandate in the booster mandate, the rollout from the administration has been so confusing that the american people are tired of hearing from you. if you go to the bubble, washington, d.c., new york, l.a. or boston and go to rural america, what the people are talking about is how the buy the groceries or get the children christmas presents. they're not talking about the mask mandate to the devil he not talk about the new variant, actually it's as common as the common flu, thank goodness. i'm not diminishing it at all, i think it's very concerning but people have to move on with their lives. griff: you mentioned the bubble which is a great opportunity to transition to a second topic which is former vice president kamala harris on "face the nation" this morning with margaret brennan talking about what she perceives as her biggest failure. watch. >> when you think the biggest failure at this point to knock it out of d.c. [laughter] >> my biggest concern i don't ever want to be in a bubble when it comes to being aware of and in touch with, what people need any given moment in time. griff: your reaction to that, we should point out the vice president has an interview with the charlemagne the god that was heavily criticized. but she tried to sort of answer a better setting and set up for her to be question but i'm not sure the bubble is the answer that would reassure people that she's getting things done here. >> sometimes it's about being straight with the american people, this is a moment of candor and courage, she did not try to dodge the question and asked directly about a failure and she spoke to the question directly, i think it is true, the pandemic has limited this administration ability to get out and be a part and after a choice to a certain degree. but they acknowledge that and it's really the road to recovery, the vice president has blocked and tackled for the body to administration in many vice president stu. she is looking to do it again here. really embracing, they have low poll numbers and they need to build that trust with the iraqi people and this is a part of that. griff: i have 30 seconds left, actually let me give you the last word. >> it was the decision the vice president or president were the first in the world practically to be vaccinated. it was their decision not out talking to the iraqi people about the crisis that is unbelievable in this country. and the crime is the heist is been in the decade. inflation is horrible in a decade as well. i just to understand how you do it. >> ashley davis, laura fink, what a great conversation thank you for taking the time today. border officials still fighting to keep up with the surge of migrants, more on what we've been seeing down there after the break. ♪ season's greetings from audi. ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle 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of slowing down. the next guest says our cities are more dangerous because the positive bidens policy. let's bring an arizona attorney general mark burbage, thank you for taking time. i hope you had a wonderful christmas, we vow to get right to the border. ages of longer arizona border were working on christmas and you've had an explosion coming across your area and yuma any given day 2000 plus migrants for more than 30 countries over a recent weekend, what is the situation what are you doing about it? >> thank you for having me on today the folks that are serious women had a day off all year because the biden administration is systematically allowing the cartels to seize control of our border. last week we held a press conference in scottsdale police department where we work together to seize more than 1.7 million that no pills no more than 20 pounds of fat no powder which is enough to make 4 million pills, you're talking about a drug that is highly addictive, to more could kill and just one bust we got more than six and a half million fat no pills, this is not going to be a problem that will stay in arizona this is coming to every neighbor addresses country, also we have lawsuits tried to force the biden administration to build the wall and stop incentivizing people coming here. the u.s. supreme court with the biden administration is giving public benefits, we seen a record number of people coming into our country more than 2 million people and as a result decriminalizing and we are seeing a dramatic impact that is going to affect not only arizona and texas but the entire country. griff: last week and i was on the texas border were texas is building its own wall, the governor in the dps agents trying to prosecute, what you doing in arizona. >> you know that it is the federal government's job, the president with the apex of power with national security and border security and statue authority and he is failing been doing his job, as a result the field by them policy i record amount of people crossing, record diploma, rising gas prices and the biden administration was to collect unvaccinated to the press conferences. they have a totally misplaced and it's not fair that governor abbott should have to build a wall on his own in arizona and texas taxpayers have to pay for this because it's in federal government's responsibility and it's a matter of will they have to enforce existing wall that's why we see president biden in his administration and the failure to deport people in deportation orders in the ice to do his job and joe biden kamala harris and ultimately to build the wall. if you been down to the border you know in hartsville arizona there is literally concrete rebar sitting there and we're paying peel under people taxpayers and we are paying people not to build a wall which already been paid for. it is madness and chaos and global climate change in demand is a disaster it's a man-made disaster that joe biden is doing on our southern border speed will not be asking who's coming across i followed your numbers with crossings very closely in arizona and talk to agents on the ground there in the number of got a ways is that a record level and we don't know who they are, is this in your opinion and national security issue as we've heard from some of the border patrol agent. >> absolutely the terror watch list that has been apprehended, recently someone came over saudi arabia and adjust the first responder uniform. there's literally 2 million people that we know that are coming across a sickly surrendering, they come across to give up. what keeps law enforcement up at night is the god awaits, these are people trying to evade detection, the tucson sector is the number one sector the united states. these are people that are usually young males 18 - 30 dressing camouflage and black, wearing slippers shoes, we know the number of pursuits and are border counties is more than doubling, sometimes tripling these are the folks that want to evade detection and we believe they need to do us harm and bringing crazy amount of drugs the cost and also who knows what they're going to do once they get to chicago and detroit in minneapolis and all these other cities. griff: let me turn to another topic before i run out of time that is the surging crime in your nearby california golden state. noblewoman carrying a pickax with rite aid yelling at customers, what are you doing and how bad is the situation in neighboring arizona? >> i spent much of my career as a game prosecutor and a federal prosecutor, we know when you incentivize and decriminalize activity you see more of it. in places like california where three of the top ten cities organize retail theft are, what california has done they're not prosecuting people engaged in property crimes. i would submit to you this is a generational issue for the progressive left is undermine religious institutions and law enforcement and then you elect prosecutors and city officials and places like chicago and san francisco that basically delegitimize and stigmatize law enforcement and they will not prosecute crimes. you see more and have more of it. this is all part of the neo-marxist agenda to undermine our institutions and our respect for property rights. that's why we see the surge of crime and that's why as a prosecutor, we cannot turn a blind eye we cannot say this is okay, it is not okay and undermine the very fabric of our society and i worry will have a long hot spring. griff: i hope you don't will check back in, they stand for taking time mr. attorney general, we appreciate your time. the u.s. and russia moving closer to top, the fears of a potential russian invasion of ukraine, we want more on that next. if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can 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sovereignty of ukraine, we must stand up and we are standing up for its territorial integrity. >> over 150,000 russian troops have been running drills near ukrainian border is signal to u.s. intelligence officials that russia was gearing up for an attack, president vladimir putin has denied this file we do talk with president biden earlier this month, putin said he is weighing his options that the u.s. does not give into the security guarantee alongside commitment to halt nato's expansion into eastern europe, representative from russia, europe and u.s. are continuing discussion sometime next month in geneva. president biden said he'll give clues no guarantee. here is former secretary state mike pompeo weighing in on "sunday morning features". >> the actions that you see them taken in the word you saw him say today and russia are consistent with this belief that we are weak leadership in the absence of resolve and he will persist as far as he can. >> the vice president added that if russia does invade the ukraine they risk sanctions unlike anything expensed before. >> alexandria hoff former financial time in moscow qualified to talk about this talking about a 10000 troop withdrawal instantly to the frontline it is an indication putting pressure on the west to make in sections under no circumstances that should make. it is a game of intimidation and the plato before, it's not the first time that they've massed troops along the ukrainian border is not something the west should base policy on, there is a big, big difference between threatening to invade and actually invading. threatening to invade cost them nothing and they are trying in this way to wring concessions from the west, concessions that the west is not really in a position to make. griff: that's a great point whether concessions that putin clearly wants is to stop ukraine from joining nato here is what president putin said on thursday this past week, take a listen. >> above all we should acknowledge the collapse of soviet union was a major geopolitics disaster of this country as for the direction and became a genuine drama tens of millions found themselves outside of russian territory. moreover the migration infected russia itself. >> we must understand how our safety will be insured, that is why without any tricks openly said there could be no more moving eastward. they have to give us an answer. >> we rule differs what is from 2005 talking about the collapse, but the more recent soundbite we. was confessed thursday saying ukraine cannot be allowed to join nato, is this a redline of sorts for him? >> he may say it's a redline, in fact there is no move right now for ukraine to join nato. there hasn't been for many years. why he's bringing this up at the present time is known best to him, he has his own reasons for creating a crisis when there was none. the nato succession to nato, ukraine's at the present time simply not on the agenda. in giving a guarantee that it will never be on the agenda is not the american national interest, is not in ukraine's national interest. we do want to give russia veto over american alliances. as for the geopolitical tragedy of the follow the soviet union the russians love using the were geopolitical because they avoid using the word moral. in fact the soviet union while that existed was put to death maybe 20 million people, it is collapsed with not a tragedy in fact it was the end of a very dark era it was just an attempted intimidation. and outta be resisted. griff: our viewers will recall what you live through and covered on christmas day 30 years ago, president stepping down, the b piggyback to alex's report, she played that sound by a vice president harris saying we must stand up, the standing up sounds like it'll look like the form of tough sanctions, the toughest ever. will sanctions ultimately stopped russia from invading if they are intent on doing so? >> nothing american sanctions are the most important factor in preventing russia from invading. we have to bear in mind that ukraine is quite a tough enemy, russia in the years since the fall of the soviet union has instigated a number of wars but always against extremely weak enemies. ukraine is no longer a weak enemy, in 2014 when russia seized crimea and launched a war in eastern ukraine there were 6000 battle ready ukrainian troops. ukraine now has 400,000 men under arms and a very high percentage of them are bad already. any invasion of ukraine will be a real slaughter. even if russia occupies a country, the next step will be guerrilla war. >> we have to leave it there and hope it does not happen. thank you very much for taking time today. >> imagine being able to launch a missile without moving a finger, new intelligence suggesting that's what china is working to develop, jennifer griffin has the latest from the pentagon. >> it would be later really putting the device into your brain that could launch a missile. >> is on second sci-fi thriller new intelligence shows china is using technology like gene editing and brain machine interfaces to enhance military capabilities and control of some people, machines that could allow a chinese commando to discharge a weapon with just a thought now to trigger finger. >> that's what they mean control technology, it's a new field. >> divided administration targeted the emerging threat by levying sanctions on 37 chinese biotechnology companies that have ties to this research. experts say include so-called mind control weapons. former dni ratcliffe joins against u.s. to keep up with unscrupulous efforts. >> were not going to place our own soldiers, sailors and airmen at risk which is what the intelligence tells us that the chinese are willing to do they want advance at any cost including those that are harmful to their own population. >> the u.s. has no scruples about smearing china by every means. >> the pentagon says beijing already uses these technologies including biometric surveillance tools and facial recognition to track journalist into suppressed uighurs. >> broadly speaking we see that china and her militaries continue to develop advanced technology and capabilities which are clearly designed to reinforce the very coercive and aggressive behavior. >> republican lawmakers have called on congress secretary gina raimondo his department levied the latest sanctions against dozens of chinese biotechnologies to do more, senator marco rubio has proposed a bill to restrict u.s. investment and more chinese military companies that may one day produce mind control weapons. at the pentagon jennifer griffith, fox news. griff: nobel peace prize activist from south africa died at the age of 90. more on his legacy coming up. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so 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("this little light of mine") - [narrator] in the world's poorest places, they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call or visit now. thousands of children are waiting. griff: isis claiming responsibility for an explosion your passport office in kabul afghanistan premeeting reports a suicide bomber approached the gate of the office with exposes but did not reach their intended target. arch bishop desmond tutu in south africa nobel peace prize winner has died. he was 90 years old, trey yingst has more on his legacy from jerusalem. >> good afternoon archbishop desmond tutu has died at age 90 he leaves behind it and accomplish in person under purposeful life, the nobel peace prize winner was the driving force of ending the part-time system in south africa. tutu was known for interstate religious services and fighting against racism in all forms. he was described today by south african president as a man of extraordinary intellect, integrity and invincibility. reactions and condolences are pouring in from around the world. british prime minister boris johnson tweeted he was deeply saddened by tutu's death, the president emmanuel said to to dedicated his life to human rights and equality between people. pope francis released a statement after offering his condolences to his family. former president barack obama calls him a friend today and described him as a universal spirit, its rate of 70 world leaders agreed upon the same topic the desmond tutu was a force for good. >> the outpouring of condolences across the spectrum politically really tells a lot about who the man really was. trey yingst in jerusalem. thank you very much. one organization is bringing smiles to the faces of foster kids across the nation. more on their inspiring mission after the break. once-weekly oc ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. griff: one organization is begin american together by hundreds of thousands of kids in the foster care system. we are joined by the founder and executive director of one simple wish danielle, they get for taking time such an important cause, i just want to start with what does this organization do and why are you doing it. >> thank you for having me, one such simple wish does exactly what we say we make wishes come true for children and young adults that have been impacted by our nation's foster care system. we do this up because we believe every child in human b deserves to experience love, hope and joy in living i became a foster parent many years ago it became clear to me this is an area we did not talk about in our country and something i wanted to help people not only learn about also give them something really tangible to do, way to brighten 70s day. griff: how does it work? >> it's really simple just like in our name, anybody can go to our website one simple and they can browse through wishes starting at $10 and going up to $500 these wishes come in on behalf of young people that are currently in the foster care system, those that are being overseen by a childcare system or those who have aged out of the system which means they turn 18 or 21 without being adopted or reunified or now on their own and still needed a little bit of support let's talk about some of these wishes, their memorable ones for you, what can you tell us. >> what are the greatest things that i love about our program, wishes are truly as unique as the people who make them, wishes run the spectrum from a pair of shoes with assistance with different art classes or sports equipment it's really about asking our young people what it is that will bring you the most joy in putting that out there for the world. i have seen everything it's been 13 years and i have to say for me, my favorite wishes are always the things that i can connect to myself the things as a child it meant a lot to me. for example we had a young girl who entered her group home for children who have been affected by sexual abuse and is a very intensive program. in this program one of the social workers always tells the kids when they come in that once they reach a certain level they can make a wish, hers was for a red bands not just any pair shoes or a new pair shoes but the vans that were her favorite color. those types of wishes that year-over-year hit home most with me. it is about the choice that were giving our kids, when you give people choice you give them dignity and her ability to ask for something that she actually wanted versus something that was offered to her at a next door left over, those sorts of things stay with me. we also had really interesting ones like scuba diving lessons and day trips, to really interesting places, to me it's about the fact that the individual their kids in humans just like all of us. griff: i have to ask you was there ever a wish that you got in youth all my goodness i'm not sure how were going to deliver this one? >> a couple of times the bigger wishes are hard but even though the program does kappa $500 for the website we do allow kids and young adults to make wishes that exceed that and then we crowd source for them. there was a wish that came in a couple of years back i young woman who was accepted into college, unfortunately a few much before she graduated she had a really dramatic incident happened in her family and she was no longer able to live safely at home and she still wanted to go to school but in order for her to go she needed a hefty down payment enter social worker came to us and asked if we could help raise close to $20000 and we only had a couple of months to do it. it was astonishing how people rallied around this young woman to send her to school, they did and she ended up going to the school that she wanted to go to and remain with a friend of hers. all worked out but it was a moment where that is a big ask. fortunately it's a very big village of people that want to help. griff: you could see at the bottom of the screen one simple, you mentioned that you started this 13 years ago, what happened or was there a moment 13 years ago that caused you to found this organization? >> it was actually about 15 years ago my husband and i had just gotten married and we decided we wanted to start a family we decided we wanted to become foster parents there was a program in new jersey at the time in the foster care system, we have no idea that half a million kids, we did not know just how a normal childhood experiences, a versatile boy who came to our home showed up with literally just an oversight of mixed matched close and we were just pulled away by the fact that there wasn't more coming with him. we recognize at that point and as we invited more children enter homes and got involved with two local group homes that these were really children without voices and i decided i wanted to create an organization that was going allow people to see not statistics about foster care but actually hear their story. when people go to her website they're not inundated with a bunch of numbers, the really able to read about an individual child or young adult, their journey in the system and one thing they could do to help, it was in that moment that i felt not everybody can be a foster parent, not everybody can be a mentor or an advocate that everybody can go into something that would brighten these children's lives, kids have experienced trauma that most of us can imagine, that moment i launched one simple wish about two years later out of my house in new jersey and is now grown to supporting kids nationwide. we helped close to half a million children at this point and we've expanded our services to do things like scholarship programming and a resource for h.w. it is been incredible. >> thank you so much for coming on all. one simple if you want to get involved and help out thank you for taking time and great work with the foster children. griff: some of her headlines in the report from the united kingdom suggesting pfizer in the journal boosters are less effective against omicron variant several weeks after receiving it, during a boosters are 70% effective for nine weeks will pfizer boosters only 45% effective ten weeks after receiving the job. a laker star lebron james stirring up controversy online with a name that implies that there is little difference between covid, the common cold and the flu, the provocative post comes amid the omicron spike that is posted on several nba games. the covid surge now hitting our navy warships, an outbreak aboard the uss milwaukee forcing the ship to remain in ports at naval station guantanamo bay delaying its deployment to south america. the navy stated a statement that the crew is 100% immunized and those who have tested positive are being sequestered away from the rest of the crew. that is going to do it for us this hour of "fox news live", my colleague and friends for "fox news sunday" today, extrusive interviews with democratic senator and republican missouri senator roy blunt, that is coming up next, i'm chris jenkins, thinking of having us home. some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! such tree-mendous views. i'm at a moss for words. all are of... various: ahhh... when a cough tries to steal dad's punchlines, he takes robitussin naturals powered by 100% drug-free ingredients. are you gonna leaf me hanging? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

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dried up christmas tree an electrical problem with the tree lights. it happened very early on christmas morning in quakertown pennsylvania. when crews arrived on the scene the two-story house was fully engulfed, they tried to enter through the front door but were pushed back by the flames when they finally got inside they discovered three bodies all upstairs. killed in the fire 40-year-old eric king and his two youngest son 11-year-old liam and 8-year-old patrick, his wife kristen and oldest son brady were able to escape with minor burns. friends and neighbors were shocked by the tragedy. >> it's horrible hearing about this. we have four kids and two biological and two stepchildren, it is horrible to think about this on christmas. >> the quakertown school district put out a statement saying this news is devastating for the district community and the quakertown area at large eric and kristen are active in the community and the kind of people who make this a special place to live and attend school the school district sends its sympathy to the king family and the many friends and relatives. community member set up a gofundme page $500,000. it's continue to work on coming up with the exact cause of the fire. griff: a heartbreak for the king family in that community. thank you. >> another socially distance christmas for many airlines canceling thousands of flights globally due to another surge in covid cases while some major u.s. cities apple that more mandates, we have fox team coverage with charles watson and david lee miller on the latest on the surge, charles let's start with you from the hartsfield jackson atlanta international airport. >> the travel nightmare continues for thousands of people flying this holiday weekend, we see a lot of cancellation so far today more than 2200 flights canceled amid a rapid spread of the covid-19 variant. it's been quite the nightmare for holiday travelers caught in the middle of this cancellation thousands of passengers left stranded across the country including one woman says she was stranded here in atlanta and forced to spend christmas eve with her two sons inside of atlanta hotel because their flight was dropped. >> we had a delayed flight yesterday which made us miss our flight to columbia which i to order doordash and it was impossible i hate making people work but i was with two little boys and we needed to have a dinner. >> delta and united airlines lead the pack among the american carriers with the most cancellations the two calling off a combine 781 flights between christmas and today and a large part due to staffing shortages united airlines saying in a statement the nationwide bike in omicron cases has had a direct impact on our flight, crews and people who run our operation as a result we had to cancel flights and notifying impacted travelers and advance coming to the airport. dr. fauci said higher vaccination rates would help out quite a bit. >> anything that could get people more vaccinated would be welcome but with regard to the spread of virus in the country i think if you look at wearing a mask in the filtration on planes things are reasonably safe. >> with the new cdc guidelines in place for essential workers that allow for them to return to work seven days after testing positive airlines are hoping that'll help deal with the staffing shortages and flight cancellations that were seen, it's hard to tell with the answer the launcher but i can tell you that flight cancellations are not as robust as we have in the final week of the year. >> bring your patients to the airport for traveling today, charles watson in atlanta. thank you. >> omicron is surging across the country, some states are seated record breaking number daily covid infections, david lee miller is live from new york city were a staggering number of cases are being reported. >> and what we see now are more and more cities imposing vaccine mandates including new york city, starting tomorrow it is going to impose what many consider to be the most demanding more from mandate of them all, almost all private sector workers in the city must be partially vaccinated unless they working from home, the ruling affects 184,000 businesses testing, not an option, some employers say it's too burdensome it requires them to keep vaccination records on workers and the violations started a thousand dollars more than 90% of new york city adults are vaccinated and it shows 14000 new covid cases. according to infectious disease expert, people to keep her classes should not worry about getting together for the holidays. >> i think people should get a test before they get together especially with high-risk people, unfortunately we have plenty of vaccine supply, that is not a problem but unfortunately we do not have enough test. >> meanwhile in the coming weeks we can expect more vaccine mandates to take effect, 12 states including ford, kansas and texas have been some vaccine mandate for employees. and doctor anthony fauci has indicated today he expects to see the number of the omicron variant cases to continue to increase in his words every day it goes up and up and while he acknowledged the variant is less severe, he warned americans not to be complaining. griff: david lee miller live in new york city, thank you. for more on the latest vaccine mandate and restrictions we are joined by communication ceo laura fink and ashley davis white house official founding partner laura and ashley, thank you for taking the time after christmas to join us let's dive into where david lee was talking about the new mandates coming in new york whether the strictest hitting 180,000 private businesses no option for testing, now you must be vaccinated, let me start with you is this going to be a political challenge for democrats? >> i certainly hope not, we know the vaccine should not be politicized even with president trump bragging about getting his booster the other week which is great, i don't think it is too burdensome we know vaccine mandates work, right now north of 70% of americans have gotten at least one shot the vast majority of americans and now in order to battle this virus we need to up the number and vaccine mandates by well-meaning and dedicated employers, not unlike fox news has one, they said we need to get these vaccines in arms before they come back to work. now cities are getting involved and we see it being very effective from the ranks of municipal police and firefighters all the way to customer service agents. we need to get this done and vaccine mandates are a part of that. griff: ashley, what is your take more immensity that former president trump was talking about being vaccinated and getting the booster, but conservatives continue to attack dr. fauci. >> i think we are two years into the pandemic i think they know exactly what you're going to do the vaccines are the right way to go poop, people made up their mind it is a matter president trump with the grandmother or grandfather get the vaccine card the extreme mandates going into effect will have about impact on people going into work. i also think that you see the rhetoric again of kids not being able to go back to school in early january it'll become a huge political problem from your first question that you asked at the beginning of the show. griff: we saw this past week the president, bidens administration getting 500 million rapid test at home but were not going to get them until sometime in january, a lot of criticism, they really should've seen this coming is that a problem legacy as january comes. >> we should've seen omicron variant coming we would've been differently prepared, the answer is can we get these in the hands of americans as soon as possible can we encourage americans to use this and have become part of regular life so we can put down the virus as soon as possible. i've a few test kits at home i know people are seeking them we have to get the distribution out there and what you talking about half a billion test, this administration is certainly dedicated to doing that. >> even dr. fauci on the fox news we have to do better saying perhaps they let their guard down in terms of forcing this problem and it could be a political issue for the administration going forward. >> even the president said he made a mistake of not having enough test. the problem is what's been happening of the administration whether it's from the mask mandate in the vaccine mandate in the booster mandate, the rollout from the administration has been so confusing that the american people are tired of hearing from you. if you go to the bubble, washington, d.c., new york, l.a. or boston and go to rural america, what the people are talking about is how the buy the groceries or get the children christmas presents. they're not talking about the mask mandate to the devil he not talk about the new variant, actually it's as common as the common flu, thank goodness. i'm not diminishing it at all, i think it's very concerning but people have to move on with their lives. griff: you mentioned the bubble which is a great opportunity to transition to a second topic which is former vice president kamala harris on "face the nation" this morning with margaret brennan talking about what she perceives as her biggest failure. watch. >> when you think the biggest failure at this point to knock it out of d.c. [laughter] >> my biggest concern i don't ever want to be in a bubble when it comes to being aware of and in touch with, what people need any given moment in time. griff: your reaction to that, we should point out the vice president has an interview with the charlemagne the god that was heavily criticized. but she tried to sort of answer a better setting and set up for her to be question but i'm not sure the bubble is the answer that would reassure people that she's getting things done here. >> sometimes it's about being straight with the american people, this is a moment of candor and courage, she did not try to dodge the question and asked directly about a failure and she spoke to the question directly, i think it is true, the pandemic has limited this administration ability to get out and be a part and after a choice to a certain degree. but they acknowledge that and it's really the road to recovery, the vice president has blocked and tackled for the body to administration in many vice president stu. she is looking to do it again here. really embracing, they have low poll numbers and they need to build that trust with the iraqi people and this is a part of that. griff: i have 30 seconds left, actually let me give you the last word. >> it was the decision the vice president or president were the first in the world practically to be vaccinated. it was their decision not out talking to the iraqi people about the crisis that is unbelievable in this country. and the crime is the heist is been in the decade. inflation is horrible in a decade as well. i just to understand how you do it. >> ashley davis, laura fink, what a great conversation thank you for taking the time today. border officials still fighting to keep up with the surge of migrants, more on what we've been seeing down there after the break. ♪ season's greetings from audi. ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle 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of slowing down. the next guest says our cities are more dangerous because the positive bidens policy. let's bring an arizona attorney general mark burbage, thank you for taking time. i hope you had a wonderful christmas, we vow to get right to the border. ages of longer arizona border were working on christmas and you've had an explosion coming across your area and yuma any given day 2000 plus migrants for more than 30 countries over a recent weekend, what is the situation what are you doing about it? >> thank you for having me on today the folks that are serious women had a day off all year because the biden administration is systematically allowing the cartels to seize control of our border. last week we held a press conference in scottsdale police department where we work together to seize more than 1.7 million that no pills no more than 20 pounds of fat no powder which is enough to make 4 million pills, you're talking about a drug that is highly addictive, to more could kill and just one bust we got more than six and a half million fat no pills, this is not going to be a problem that will stay in arizona this is coming to every neighbor addresses country, also we have lawsuits tried to force the biden administration to build the wall and stop incentivizing people coming here. the u.s. supreme court with the biden administration is giving public benefits, we seen a record number of people coming into our country more than 2 million people and as a result decriminalizing and we are seeing a dramatic impact that is going to affect not only arizona and texas but the entire country. griff: last week and i was on the texas border were texas is building its own wall, the governor in the dps agents trying to prosecute, what you doing in arizona. >> you know that it is the federal government's job, the president with the apex of power with national security and border security and statue authority and he is failing been doing his job, as a result the field by them policy i record amount of people crossing, record diploma, rising gas prices and the biden administration was to collect unvaccinated to the press conferences. they have a totally misplaced and it's not fair that governor abbott should have to build a wall on his own in arizona and texas taxpayers have to pay for this because it's in federal government's responsibility and it's a matter of will they have to enforce existing wall that's why we see president biden in his administration and the failure to deport people in deportation orders in the ice to do his job and joe biden kamala harris and ultimately to build the wall. if you been down to the border you know in hartsville arizona there is literally concrete rebar sitting there and we're paying peel under people taxpayers and we are paying people not to build a wall which already been paid for. it is madness and chaos and global climate change in demand is a disaster it's a man-made disaster that joe biden is doing on our southern border speed will not be asking who's coming across i followed your numbers with crossings very closely in arizona and talk to agents on the ground there in the number of got a ways is that a record level and we don't know who they are, is this in your opinion and national security issue as we've heard from some of the border patrol agent. >> absolutely the terror watch list that has been apprehended, recently someone came over saudi arabia and adjust the first responder uniform. there's literally 2 million people that we know that are coming across a sickly surrendering, they come across to give up. what keeps law enforcement up at night is the god awaits, these are people trying to evade detection, the tucson sector is the number one sector the united states. these are people that are usually young males 18 - 30 dressing camouflage and black, wearing slippers shoes, we know the number of pursuits and are border counties is more than doubling, sometimes tripling these are the folks that want to evade detection and we believe they need to do us harm and bringing crazy amount of drugs the cost and also who knows what they're going to do once they get to chicago and detroit in minneapolis and all these other cities. griff: let me turn to another topic before i run out of time that is the surging crime in your nearby california golden state. noblewoman carrying a pickax with rite aid yelling at customers, what are you doing and how bad is the situation in neighboring arizona? >> i spent much of my career as a game prosecutor and a federal prosecutor, we know when you incentivize and decriminalize activity you see more of it. in places like california where three of the top ten cities organize retail theft are, what california has done they're not prosecuting people engaged in property crimes. i would submit to you this is a generational issue for the progressive left is undermine religious institutions and law enforcement and then you elect prosecutors and city officials and places like chicago and san francisco that basically delegitimize and stigmatize law enforcement and they will not prosecute crimes. you see more and have more of it. this is all part of the neo-marxist agenda to undermine our institutions and our respect for property rights. that's why we see the surge of crime and that's why as a prosecutor, we cannot turn a blind eye we cannot say this is okay, it is not okay and undermine the very fabric of our society and i worry will have a long hot spring. griff: i hope you don't will check back in, they stand for taking time mr. attorney general, we appreciate your time. the u.s. and russia moving closer to top, the fears of a potential russian invasion of ukraine, we want more on that next. if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can 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sovereignty of ukraine, we must stand up and we are standing up for its territorial integrity. >> over 150,000 russian troops have been running drills near ukrainian border is signal to u.s. intelligence officials that russia was gearing up for an attack, president vladimir putin has denied this file we do talk with president biden earlier this month, putin said he is weighing his options that the u.s. does not give into the security guarantee alongside commitment to halt nato's expansion into eastern europe, representative from russia, europe and u.s. are continuing discussion sometime next month in geneva. president biden said he'll give clues no guarantee. here is former secretary state mike pompeo weighing in on "sunday morning features". >> the actions that you see them taken in the word you saw him say today and russia are consistent with this belief that we are weak leadership in the absence of resolve and he will persist as far as he can. >> the vice president added that if russia does invade the ukraine they risk sanctions unlike anything expensed before. >> alexandria hoff former financial time in moscow qualified to talk about this talking about a 10000 troop withdrawal instantly to the frontline it is an indication putting pressure on the west to make in sections under no circumstances that should make. it is a game of intimidation and the plato before, it's not the first time that they've massed troops along the ukrainian border is not something the west should base policy on, there is a big, big difference between threatening to invade and actually invading. threatening to invade cost them nothing and they are trying in this way to wring concessions from the west, concessions that the west is not really in a position to make. griff: that's a great point whether concessions that putin clearly wants is to stop ukraine from joining nato here is what president putin said on thursday this past week, take a listen. >> above all we should acknowledge the collapse of soviet union was a major geopolitics disaster of this country as for the direction and became a genuine drama tens of millions found themselves outside of russian territory. moreover the migration infected russia itself. >> we must understand how our safety will be insured, that is why without any tricks openly said there could be no more moving eastward. they have to give us an answer. >> we rule differs what is from 2005 talking about the collapse, but the more recent soundbite we. was confessed thursday saying ukraine cannot be allowed to join nato, is this a redline of sorts for him? >> he may say it's a redline, in fact there is no move right now for ukraine to join nato. there hasn't been for many years. why he's bringing this up at the present time is known best to him, he has his own reasons for creating a crisis when there was none. the nato succession to nato, ukraine's at the present time simply not on the agenda. in giving a guarantee that it will never be on the agenda is not the american national interest, is not in ukraine's national interest. we do want to give russia veto over american alliances. as for the geopolitical tragedy of the follow the soviet union the russians love using the were geopolitical because they avoid using the word moral. in fact the soviet union while that existed was put to death maybe 20 million people, it is collapsed with not a tragedy in fact it was the end of a very dark era it was just an attempted intimidation. and outta be resisted. griff: our viewers will recall what you live through and covered on christmas day 30 years ago, president stepping down, the b piggyback to alex's report, she played that sound by a vice president harris saying we must stand up, the standing up sounds like it'll look like the form of tough sanctions, the toughest ever. will sanctions ultimately stopped russia from invading if they are intent on doing so? >> nothing american sanctions are the most important factor in preventing russia from invading. we have to bear in mind that ukraine is quite a tough enemy, russia in the years since the fall of the soviet union has instigated a number of wars but always against extremely weak enemies. ukraine is no longer a weak enemy, in 2014 when russia seized crimea and launched a war in eastern ukraine there were 6000 battle ready ukrainian troops. ukraine now has 400,000 men under arms and a very high percentage of them are bad already. any invasion of ukraine will be a real slaughter. even if russia occupies a country, the next step will be guerrilla war. >> we have to leave it there and hope it does not happen. thank you very much for taking time today. >> imagine being able to launch a missile without moving a finger, new intelligence suggesting that's what china is working to develop, jennifer griffin has the latest from the pentagon. >> it would be later really putting the device into your brain that could launch a missile. >> is on second sci-fi thriller new intelligence shows china is using technology like gene editing and brain machine interfaces to enhance military capabilities and control of some people, machines that could allow a chinese commando to discharge a weapon with just a thought now to trigger finger. >> that's what they mean control technology, it's a new field. >> divided administration targeted the emerging threat by levying sanctions on 37 chinese biotechnology companies that have ties to this research. experts say include so-called mind control weapons. former dni ratcliffe joins against u.s. to keep up with unscrupulous efforts. >> were not going to place our own soldiers, sailors and airmen at risk which is what the intelligence tells us that the chinese are willing to do they want advance at any cost including those that are harmful to their own population. >> the u.s. has no scruples about smearing china by every means. >> the pentagon says beijing already uses these technologies including biometric surveillance tools and facial recognition to track journalist into suppressed uighurs. >> broadly speaking we see that china and her militaries continue to develop advanced technology and capabilities which are clearly designed to reinforce the very coercive and aggressive behavior. >> republican lawmakers have called on congress secretary gina raimondo his department levied the latest sanctions against dozens of chinese biotechnologies to do more, senator marco rubio has proposed a bill to restrict u.s. investment and more chinese military companies that may one day produce mind control weapons. at the pentagon jennifer griffith, fox news. griff: nobel peace prize activist from south africa died at the age of 90. more on his legacy coming up. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so 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("this little light of mine") - [narrator] in the world's poorest places, they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call or visit now. thousands of children are waiting. griff: isis claiming responsibility for an explosion your passport office in kabul afghanistan premeeting reports a suicide bomber approached the gate of the office with exposes but did not reach their intended target. arch bishop desmond tutu in south africa nobel peace prize winner has died. he was 90 years old, trey yingst has more on his legacy from jerusalem. >> good afternoon archbishop desmond tutu has died at age 90 he leaves behind it and accomplish in person under purposeful life, the nobel peace prize winner was the driving force of ending the part-time system in south africa. tutu was known for interstate religious services and fighting against racism in all forms. he was described today by south african president as a man of extraordinary intellect, integrity and invincibility. reactions and condolences are pouring in from around the world. british prime minister boris johnson tweeted he was deeply saddened by tutu's death, the president emmanuel said to to dedicated his life to human rights and equality between people. pope francis released a statement after offering his condolences to his family. former president barack obama calls him a friend today and described him as a universal spirit, its rate of 70 world leaders agreed upon the same topic the desmond tutu was a force for good. >> the outpouring of condolences across the spectrum politically really tells a lot about who the man really was. trey yingst in jerusalem. thank you very much. one organization is bringing smiles to the faces of foster kids across the nation. more on their inspiring mission after the break. once-weekly oc ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. griff: one organization is begin american together by hundreds of thousands of kids in the foster care system. we are joined by the founder and executive director of one simple wish danielle, they get for taking time such an important cause, i just want to start with what does this organization do and why are you doing it. >> thank you for having me, one such simple wish does exactly what we say we make wishes come true for children and young adults that have been impacted by our nation's foster care system. we do this up because we believe every child in human b deserves to experience love, hope and joy in living i became a foster parent many years ago it became clear to me this is an area we did not talk about in our country and something i wanted to help people not only learn about also give them something really tangible to do, way to brighten 70s day. griff: how does it work? >> it's really simple just like in our name, anybody can go to our website one simple and they can browse through wishes starting at $10 and going up to $500 these wishes come in on behalf of young people that are currently in the foster care system, those that are being overseen by a childcare system or those who have aged out of the system which means they turn 18 or 21 without being adopted or reunified or now on their own and still needed a little bit of support let's talk about some of these wishes, their memorable ones for you, what can you tell us. >> what are the greatest things that i love about our program, wishes are truly as unique as the people who make them, wishes run the spectrum from a pair of shoes with assistance with different art classes or sports equipment it's really about asking our young people what it is that will bring you the most joy in putting that out there for the world. i have seen everything it's been 13 years and i have to say for me, my favorite wishes are always the things that i can connect to myself the things as a child it meant a lot to me. for example we had a young girl who entered her group home for children who have been affected by sexual abuse and is a very intensive program. in this program one of the social workers always tells the kids when they come in that once they reach a certain level they can make a wish, hers was for a red bands not just any pair shoes or a new pair shoes but the vans that were her favorite color. those types of wishes that year-over-year hit home most with me. it is about the choice that were giving our kids, when you give people choice you give them dignity and her ability to ask for something that she actually wanted versus something that was offered to her at a next door left over, those sorts of things stay with me. we also had really interesting ones like scuba diving lessons and day trips, to really interesting places, to me it's about the fact that the individual their kids in humans just like all of us. griff: i have to ask you was there ever a wish that you got in youth all my goodness i'm not sure how were going to deliver this one? >> a couple of times the bigger wishes are hard but even though the program does kappa $500 for the website we do allow kids and young adults to make wishes that exceed that and then we crowd source for them. there was a wish that came in a couple of years back i young woman who was accepted into college, unfortunately a few much before she graduated she had a really dramatic incident happened in her family and she was no longer able to live safely at home and she still wanted to go to school but in order for her to go she needed a hefty down payment enter social worker came to us and asked if we could help raise close to $20000 and we only had a couple of months to do it. it was astonishing how people rallied around this young woman to send her to school, they did and she ended up going to the school that she wanted to go to and remain with a friend of hers. all worked out but it was a moment where that is a big ask. fortunately it's a very big village of people that want to help. griff: you could see at the bottom of the screen one simple, you mentioned that you started this 13 years ago, what happened or was there a moment 13 years ago that caused you to found this organization? >> it was actually about 15 years ago my husband and i had just gotten married and we decided we wanted to start a family we decided we wanted to become foster parents there was a program in new jersey at the time in the foster care system, we have no idea that half a million kids, we did not know just how a normal childhood experiences, a versatile boy who came to our home showed up with literally just an oversight of mixed matched close and we were just pulled away by the fact that there wasn't more coming with him. we recognize at that point and as we invited more children enter homes and got involved with two local group homes that these were really children without voices and i decided i wanted to create an organization that was going allow people to see not statistics about foster care but actually hear their story. when people go to her website they're not inundated with a bunch of numbers, the really able to read about an individual child or young adult, their journey in the system and one thing they could do to help, it was in that moment that i felt not everybody can be a foster parent, not everybody can be a mentor or an advocate that everybody can go into something that would brighten these children's lives, kids have experienced trauma that most of us can imagine, that moment i launched one simple wish about two years later out of my house in new jersey and is now grown to supporting kids nationwide. we helped close to half a million children at this point and we've expanded our services to do things like scholarship programming and a resource for h.w. it is been incredible. >> thank you so much for coming on all. one simple if you want to get involved and help out thank you for taking time and great work with the foster children. griff: some of her headlines in the report from the united kingdom suggesting pfizer in the journal boosters are less effective against omicron variant several weeks after receiving it, during a boosters are 70% effective for nine weeks will pfizer boosters only 45% effective ten weeks after receiving the job. a laker star lebron james stirring up controversy online with a name that implies that there is little difference between covid, the common cold and the flu, the provocative post comes amid the omicron spike that is posted on several nba games. the covid surge now hitting our navy warships, an outbreak aboard the uss milwaukee forcing the ship to remain in ports at naval station guantanamo bay delaying its deployment to south america. the navy stated a statement that the crew is 100% immunized and those who have tested positive are being sequestered away from the rest of the crew. that is going to do it for us this hour of "fox news live", my colleague and friends for "fox news sunday" today, extrusive interviews with democratic senator and republican missouri senator roy blunt, that is coming up next, i'm chris jenkins, thinking of having us home. some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! such tree-mendous views. i'm at a moss for words. all are of... various: ahhh... when a cough tries to steal dad's punchlines, he takes robitussin naturals powered by 100% drug-free ingredients. are you gonna leaf me hanging? 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Little Light Of Mine , Visit Enbrel Com , , Child , Pain , Narrator , Outcast , Suffering , Children , Love , Surgery , Act , Waiting , Operationsmile Org , 45 , Passport Office , Suicide Bomber , Afghanistan Premeeting , Isis , Desmond Tutu , Winner , Office , Gate , Target , Exposes , Trey Yingst , In Jerusalem , Man , Force , Services , Forms , South African President , Person , Fighting , Racism , Condolences , Boris Johnson , Intellect , Invincibility , Emmanuel , Around The World , British , Friend , Pope Francis , Barack Obama , Human Rights , Equality , Spectrum , Good , Rate , World Leaders , Spirit , Outpouring , Organization , Mission , Nation , Foster Kids , Oc Oh , Smiles , Don T Take Ozempic , Oh , Weight , Cv Risk , Zone , 7 , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Disease , Heart Attack , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Stroke , Isn T , 1 , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stomach Pain , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Share , Needles , Pens , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Help , Swelling , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Pancreatitis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Provider , Prescription , Type 2 Diabetes , Health Care Provider , 25 , 3 , Wish , Foster Care System , Begin American , Executive Director , Founder , Hundreds Of Thousands , Wishes , Hope , Foster Care , Human B , Joy , Foster Parent , Living , Name , Website , Anybody , Childcare System , Behalf , 10 , 0 , 500 , Support , Ones , Reunified , 21 , Program , Shoes , Pair , Art Classes , Assistance , Sports Equipment , 13 , Girl , Group Home , Sexual Abuse , Example , Types , Vans , Bands , Color , Hit , Dignity , All Of Us , Humans , Day Trips , Scuba Diving Lessons , Couple , Times , Goodness , Youth , Kappa , College , Few , Incident , Social Worker , Down Payment , 0000 , 20000 , Simple Wish Org , Ask , Village , Bottom , Husband , Idea , New Jersey , Boy , Childhood , Experiences , Oversight , Half , A Million , Homes , Group Homes , Wasn T , Statistics , Story , Voices , Bunch , Everybody , Thing , Adult , Journey , Mentor , Advocate , House , Trauma , Scholarship Programming , Resource , H W , Boosters , Controversy , Will Pfizer Boosters , Laker Star , Lebron James , Nine , Omicron Spike , Navy , Games , Post , Warships , Cold , Ship , Outbreak , Nba , Milwaukee , Crew , Naval Station Guantanamo Bay , Positive , South America , Deployment , Ports , 100 , Interviews , Colleague , Fox News Sunday , Senator , Thinking , Missouri , Roy Blunt , Dad , Cough , Intensity , Whoa , Moss , Naturals , Ingredients , Punchlines , Ahhh , Listerine , Tree Mendous Views , Robitussin , Me Hanging , Td Ameritrade , Innovation , Interfaces , Trading Experience , Thinkorswim , Trading Platform , Trading , Charts , Education , Orders , Perspective , Style , Trade Desk , You Trade Forever , Mom , Tam , Merry Christmas , Car , Response , Plan , 2020 , Tests , Many , Concerns , Holiday Gatherings , 120 ,

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