Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

thousands of travelers whose christmas holidays were canceled, disrupted as they were left scrambling at one of the biggest travel times of the year. charles watson is live at one of america's busiest airports, hartsfield jackson in atlanta. hi, charles. reporter: good afternoon. the wave of holiday flight cancellations continues today already airlines canceling more than 2200 flights globally amid the rapid thread of the covid-19 and omicron variants. united and delta airlines lead the pack among american carriers with the most cancellations with the two having a combined 775 flights between christmas day and today and in large part due to staffing shortages. saying in a statement quote, a combination of issues including, but not limited to inclement weather in some areas of the country and the impact of the omicron variant is bringing cancellations and potential delays and it's been quite the nightmare for holiday travelers caught the middle of the wave of cancellations as a thousands of passengers left stranded across the country including a woman here in atlanta who said she was forced to spend christmas eve with her two sons inside an atlanta hotel because her flight was disrupted >> we had a delayed flight yesterday, which made us miss our flight to columbia. i ordered doordash and it was impossible to get doordash. i hate to make people work, but it's like i'm standing here with two little boys and we needed some type of dinner. reporter: again, you may recall earlier this month delta asked cdc to shrink its quarantine guidelines for essential workers that test positive and the cdc did that releasing new guidelines allowing critical workforce to return to work seven days after receiving a positive test. dr. anthony fauci said airline passengers will remain safe to fly. >> we want to make sure people keep their masks on and i think the idea of taking masks off in my mind is really not something we should even be considering. that's what we meant bite weed-- it depends on what the goal of getting people vaccinated before they get on a domestic flight. reporter: all of this airport drama happening as holiday travel returns to near pre-pandemic levels. so far, nearly five and half million people have gone through tsa checkpoints. julie: charles watson reporting from hartsfield jackson airport. thank you, charles. anita: unprecedented maxine mandate where private businesses goes into effect tomorrow and as the variant spreads around the country other major cities are set to impose a similar mandates requiring proof of vaccination for most indoor activities. david lee miller is live in new york city with more on that hell. reporter: the clock is now taking and as of tomorrow morning nearly all workers in new york city must be at least partially vaccinated. that's when outgoing mayor bill the blowsy zero axing mandate through the private sector takes effect. the city's mandate will apply to a roughly 184,000 businesses and those that don't comply can face fines starting at a thousand dollars per violation, this does not include testing options. workers have 45 days to show proof and they have received a second dose. workers can request a medical or religious exemption and they may continue to work while the mandate is pending pick some business owners say the mandate is too burdensome and requires employees key vaccination records for staff. latest data shows 91% of all adults in the city have had at least one shot also, starting tomorrow in new york city a partial vaccination no longer sufficient for kids 12 and older to take part and many indoor activities. other cities are also implementing their own mandates. in chicago next month prove awful vaccination for those five and older will be required to enter restaurants and many indoor settings and later in the month the nation's capital will phase in their own vaccine mandate, partial vaccination is okay to start, but by mid february, full vaccination will be required for those 12 and older to enter it most indoor facilities. cdc says now that nearly three quarters of all new covid cases have been caused by the omicron variant. johns hopkins is reporting that to date as of now, the virus has claimed a total of 816,000 lives in the united states. anita. anita: outstanding number. david lee miller live in new york city. thank you for that report and ahead we will speak with fox news medical contributor on the newly authorized covid-19 antiviral pill, that's coming up later in the hour. julie: fox news alert now, christmas day tragedy for one paint-- family in pennsylvania. a father and his two sons killed in a house fire early yesterday morning, christmas morning. the man's wife and his oldest child to both escape the flames with injuries. dan springer is live with more. reporter: julie, incredible sad story especially with the timing. it happened in quakertown pennsylvania in the very early morning hours of christmas. authorities as a fire broke out in the family home just after 1:00 a.m. saturday, and it killed erica king and his two young sons. king's wife and the oldest son of the couple were able to escape. officials say the fire started near the family's christmas tree. the two young boys killed were liam and patrick. the two family dogs also died in the fire. people who know the family are devastated. >> it was horrible hearing about it because we have four kids, two biological kids and two stepchildren, horrible to think about this on christmas. reporter: local school district put out a statement that reads: the news is devastating for the district community in the quakertown area at a large eric and christin are active in the community and the kind of people who make this a special place to live and attend a school. the school district sends its heartfelt sympathy to the king family and their many friends and relatives. a gofundme page has been set up two of the family. as of an hour ago it had nearly raised $500,000. the investigation into exactly what caused this tragic fire is ongoing. julie. julie: dan springer, thank you. anita. anita: julie, when we first had vaccines and then boosters and now to newly approved antiviral pills could have a major impact in the fight against covid-19. that's coming up next. ♪♪ to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone 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that these antiviral treatments could be ultimately the real silver bullet? >> that's part of the conference of approach for this outbreak. vaccines and boosters, masks and now very importantly a highly effective therapy is really going to make a major major difference. anita: dr. anthony fauci saying at-home treatments could be a game changer in the fight against covid-19 with the comments coming after the fda approved two new covid antiviral pills from merck and pfizer for emergency use and join me now fox's medical contributor and family and emergency medicine physician. this is really great news. it's a game changer. this could potentially turn the pandemic into an pandemic. what will home with treatment therapeutics being for this pandemic? >> it means less loss of life and exactly what you said ultimately it will be the beginning of the end of this pandemic. these medications we now have our truly incredible and just a blessing because what it does is it stops the virus from replicating and if you started early within 72 hours at home he could keep you out of the hospital and it could reduce your risk of death by up to 90% so amazing medication and that's not all we have we also have monoclonal antibodies and also medications for those who are immune compromised, for example, they weren't able to mass a robust immune response to the vaccine so we have medicine to help them with that, so lots of tools to fight this virus and we are definitely making tremendous progress and it's just a matter of time before we see them actually working and we get them in hand. julie: so, you and the vaccines obviously the monoclonal antibodies, antiviral pills, hospital medications ect., all of these meds available to you, but how critical is it how important, how necessary is it to be vaccinated in order for all these other medicines to really take effect as sufficiently as possible? >> that's exactly right, number one is prevention and it begins right now with getting your vaccine and getting the third dose because we have a shortage of these medications we are going to used to treat covid so in the meantime, we want to make sure we reduce the number of severe debt, complications so the best thing you can do right now to protect yourself is get your vaccine, get the booster , get the third dose and until we have an increase in the amount of supply, this is the best thing we can do to protect ourselves. julie: you were saying, which is interesting into one of our producers before the show that this is actually very similar now to what you would see as one of your patients that may have come in with the flu, which is incredible to compare this to the flu right now. >> exactly. if i'm able to test a patient and diagnosed them with either covid or influenza i will write a prescription for a five-day course of an antiviral and to my patients to go home, rest until you get better, take some zinc, vitamin c and it works great and i'm hoping we get to the point where that's what we do with coronavirus that i can write you a prescription if you test positive and i can tell you to go home and make sure you are deficient in vitamins and hopefully in a few days you feel better and you can go back to the workforce. julie: what about meds to treat the immunocompromised like those with renal transplantation and cancer patients ect.? how critical is it for these patients to be vaccinated for the medicines to work? >> great question. sometimes julie, the vaccines don't work or won't work on them because their immune system is strong enough to create antibodies on their own, so for example astrazeneca has a medicine that is a shot that leaves immunocompromised patients can take so if you have a kidney transplant or if you are undergoing chemotherapy for cancer you can get this shot propellant-- preventively, not when you are sick, but you get it so we can naturally give you this medication and give you these antibodies in your system when you can't produce antibodies yourself, so definitely will make an impact because we have over 7 million americans in this country who are immunocompromised so it will definitely save a lot of lives. julie: the issue you have pointed out is that our country is dealing with playing catch up, i mean, we have been playing catch up essentially going into a third year of this pandemic. theirs is still a shortage of supplies. in florida, for example, the antibody infusion, they are actually running out so people don't even have that option, so what needs to be done so we can stop playing catch up? >> we need to focus on manufacturing production monoclonal antibodies especially now, julie, that two out of the three we have are not so assessable. we have one that is effective and we need to ramp up production and assess ability to that monoclonal antibody in addition to paxlovid and molnupiravir which are the two antivirals that were just approved by the fda so that should be our focus, not just vaccinations or mandate of mask use or testing, it needs to be on everything collectively so we can fight this virus, fight this pandemic can be done with it. julie: now, went to get to the point no children being vaccinated because the majority of the country the children are not vaccinated and there's been a lot of debate over whether or not to vaccinate your child if your child is between the ages of five and 11 and the fear of possible issues, hard inflammation, myocarditis ect., maybe you can ease the fears of appearance at home like myself-- i have not vaccinated my children. i will be perfectly honest, i have been vaccinated and boosted, but i'm sort of waiting and watching. why don't you speak to the parents right now. >> sure. i would say it's completely normal to have concern and be hesitant, but the best thing to do is speak to your pediatrician. it's not a one-size-fits-all. there will be some children who are at higher risk of severe complications from coronavirus. for example right now in new york city we see an increase in the number of hospitalizations and children, so please keep in mind that the vaccines have been studied with thousands and thousands of participants and showed to be safe. they have shown to be effective. incidence of myocarditis is rare so it's important to look at the risk and the benefit and talk to your pediatrician, but ultimately, i think, it's important for parents and adults and those that are older to really take the responsibility of it being vaccinated and being a role model for the younger population and not put the burden of protection on our children. julie: and i just want to make it clear that fax & say there have been about a dozen or less cases like myocarditis, for example, in a couple million children vaccinated with at least one shot so i want to throw that out there to be clear. dr. janette nesheiwast, thank you for talking to us. merry christmas. >> thank you. you two. anita: great information there. the us looking to set up more talks with russia with tension still high over vladimir putin amassing tens of thousands of troops along the ukraine border. is there a path for diplomacy? north carolina congressman hawthorne joins us with his take straight ahead. 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(carolers) ♪better♪ (kate) because everyone deserves better. anita: in the us and russia working to schedule a date and place for talks on ukraine next month. moscow has been messing tens of thousands of troops along its ukrainian border prompting warnings from the us against any plans to invade. alexandria is live for mike just today president vladimir putin said he's weighing his options if the west does not give in for demand for security guaranteeing that a commitment to halt nato's expansion into eastern europe. this comes alongside a report that more than 10000 russian troops have withdrawn from the ukrainian border, according to a reuters sighting what russian military officials call the interfax news agency. if so, it still leaves tens of thousands of russian troops near ukraine that have been there for months equipped with tanks and heavy artillery sparking concern moscow is gearing up for an attack. the kremlin denies this and vladimir putin claims his aim is to defend russian border saying quote american partners tell us they are ready to start this discussion. these talks in the very beginning of next year in geneva representative from both sides have already been appointed. of course earlier this month president biden spoke with vladimir putin in hopes of easing tension while the white house said president biden will offer no guarantees the us and europe are said to negotiate with the kremlin next month. former secretary of state mike pompeo on sunday morning futures. >> not in america's best interest and we can't give the kind of guarantees that vladimir putin is asking for. i don't think he expects we will, but i think he believes he can coerce this administration and cause them to give him things just by showing force and power and resolve in a way that this administration has not demonstrated its willingness to do. reporter: vice president kamala harris said this week that the administration has been clear russia should not invade the sovereignty of ukraine and if they do, she said the us is ready to impose sanctions unlike ever seen before. julie. julie: thank you very much. anita: for more on this let's bring in north carolina congressman madison cawthorn. he sits on the house veteran affair and education and labor committees. congressman a thank you for joining us on this holiday weekend. we so appreciate it. let me ask you, what you make it this announcement of the withdraw of 10000 troops coming to weeks after president biden and president putin spoke over the phone? in the phone call according to the white house the president warned vladimir putin against invading ukraine saying there could be severe economic consequences as we heard in the report from alex just now. do you think that's causing vladimir putin to back down or playing games here for an eventual invasion of ukraine? what you think? >> anita, great to be on with you and i want to make it very clear that when we see this 10000 troop withdraw from the russian ukrainian border, this is nominal at best. nearly 100,000 russian troops there with heavy artillery armed, many say it could be used against ukrainians with overwhelming force. if the biden administration was serious about trying to prevent any form of invasion they would go back to the 2019 trumpet you're a policy and imposes sanctions on the company whose building the nord stream 2 pipeline. i know it seems abstract when we talk about military force but the reason why the russians feel so emboldened to push past the crimean peninsula and further into ukraine is because they no longer have to rely on the ukrainians and their infrastructure to get their natural gas to market and fuel their economy in germany. now they can use the nord stream 2 pipeline completely cutting the need for ukraine out of the equation. julie: you mentioned it's a nominal withdraw of troops and it certainly is. much of this seems to center around the idea that ukraine and georgia will one day join nato and move away from military ties with those former soviet republic, something we know president putin does not support and feels threatened by us and russian officials are set to meet in geneva next year. how much is at stake for the administration, for the biden administration >> so much is at stake, i mean, they have been made a mockery on the world stage and is clear this administration is completely inept when it comes to foreign policy and really i believe it's the time to show strength. is the time to put russia in their place and make sure we have no military action we are hearing a bipartisan call for the idea we could put troops on the ground and that our fleet could rain down destruction on the russians. this is asinine at best. when these people believe we are there fighting in the late 1900s against the ussr who were prostrated not capable of defending themselves, we would be fighting right against their doorstep. we have been fighting in a sandbox and caper the last 20 years and meanwhile they have been creating hypersonic missiles that could sink our fleet. julie: we heard that news just over the weekend that they launched a hypersonic missile. they have one. china has one. the us, well we are still working on one. let me turn to another topic here, vice president kamala harris and her perception of what her biggest problems are telling face the nation in an interview wearing this morning that her biggest failure as vice president is not getting out of dc more. now, we know she's been overseas a number of times in the last year, europe, southeast asia, central america and she visits her home in california quite often pick we get the traffic alert, so congressman, is that really her biggest problem? what you think? >> again, she has been overseas is so much. this administration and the whole federal government should be focused on the problems we have here at home. we shouldn't be trying to be the police of the world. we should use sanctions against the russians and the number one problem with kamala harris and her tenure as vice president is not that she has not gotten out of washington dc enough, it's just where she is gone. she needs to be at the southern border as she has been appointed the sort-- border czar. i don't care that much about the ukrainian conflict until we get our own border under control and i believe that is the belief of most americans. anita: she also seems to have a number of problems inside her office with unhappy staff leaving and complaining of her management style and as you mentioned she's the border czar, but we have only seen her visit the border once. do you know of any other plans that she has to go back there? i mean, i think there is still a problem there; right? >> there's a major problem. we see a full-scale invasion and who knows now with this hotbed of really about homegrown terrorists, these terrorist base that can be launched from afghanistan, how many terrorists could enter our southern border? she's been to the border once, but i think the closest she will, is a texas roadhouse outside of washington dc. anita: we will be watching for another possible trip to the border them new year and in the meantime congressman madison cawthorn, thank you for joining us and have a great rest of your holiday weekend. >> anita, it's an honor. thank you. julie: and then there is china which gets this, appears to be working on thought -controlled weapons. fox national security correspondent jennifer griffin has the story. >> it would be like putting a device in your brain that would launch a missile. reporter: sounds like a sci-fi thriller, new intelligence showing china is using technologies like gene editing and brain machine interfaces to enhance military capability and control its own people, machines that could allow a chinese commando to discharge a weapon with just a thought, not a trigger finger. >> that's what they mean by brain control technology. reporter: this month the biden administration targeted the emerging threat by levying sanctions on 37 chinese biotechnology companies that have ties to this research that experts say includes a so-called mind control weapons. former genre-- dean ron radcliffe warns against trying to keep up with china's unscrupulous efforts. >> we are not going to place our own soldiers at risk, which is what the intelligence tells us the chinese are willing to do. they want to advance at any cost including those that are harmful to their own population. >> the us has no scruples about smearing china by every means. reporter: pentagon says beijing already uses these technologies including biometric surveillance tools and facial recognition to track dissidents and journalists and to suppress the uighurs. >> broadly speaking we see that china and the room military continues to develop advanced technology and capabilities which are clearly designed it to reinforce their very coarse and very aggressive behavior. reporter: republican lawmakers have called on congress secretary whose department levied the latest sanctions against dozens of chinese biotech of an more. senator marco rubio has proposed a bill to restrict us investment in more chinese military companies, companies that may one day produce mind control weapons. jennifer griffin, fox news. julie: jennifer griffin, thank you. senator joe manchin opposition to build back better doesn't just a damage a key part of president biden's agenda, it could also have a major impact on the midterms next year. our next guest says democrats should think twice about trashing the west virginia moderate. ♪♪ bill, mary? 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>> there is unanimity in our caucus that we want to get a bill to the president and we are working to see what that bill will contain president biden's directly involved in these negotiations. julie: senator ben cardin signaling democrats are not about to get up on build back better after one of their own moderate joe manchin said he cannot support the bill as it stands right now with a razor thin democratic majority his vote is crucial to say the least republicans have appraised joe manchin for effectively sinking the massive spending plan. watch. >> are there any parts of build back better that you could see republicans potentially supporting? >> of course there are things in there that you could be for, but i don't see how anyone could in good conscious support a bill that if you take all the gimmicks out of the bill, you will be putting another $5 trillion into the economy over a decade and an awful lot of that goes into the economy immediately. julie: our next guest says frustrated democrats have passed joe manchin at their pearl. lauren, thank you for talking to us on this holiday weekend. the state of west virginia, as you know, is one of the most conservative in the country. democrats there are trashing joe manchin, ignoring the fact that if he wasn't there they would obviously get nothing that they want, nothing done because he would almost certainly be replaced by a republican, so they are almost making a death wish here by bashing him repeatedly. what are these politicians as you call them single-minded seekers of reelection missing? >> that's a great point, julie. they are missing the fact that democrats won all these agenda items and they went to enact more of the democratic priorities that they are talking about. they need to win more seats, not attack an established moderate who frankly probably has a better finger on the pulse of swing voters and many of his colleagues. julie: what kind of impact is joe manchin's opposition possibly going to have on the midterms especially next year with the democrats opposing him so strongly just in general? >> it's probably more indicative of what's to come with the democrats very likely to lose control of one or both chambers of congress then necessarily something that will spark a change, but again, the point here is joe manchin is operating in a very different political environment and many of his progressive colleagues, even many of his moderate colleagues and so the point is to pick a couple of these priorities and this is joe manchin's point, he supports for instance the child tax credit and supports other items of build back better, but he thinks democrats are spreading themselves sin rather than prioritizing a couple of these items that pulled well in west virginia and having them be funded for many years into the future. julie: i think you would agree, i mean, it would be an democrats best interest to somehow try to find common ground and you mention the fact that joe manchin is not just fully against bbb, build back better. child tax credit, the expand of child tax credit as you mentioned and he also supports lowering the cost of prescription drugs, which also makes a huge amount of sense given west virginia is a high poverty state where accessing rural health is difficult for a lot of people and also remember: natural gas also account for some of the highest paying jobs in west virginia. how much anxiety is there in west virginia about all of these things and about decarbonization. >> there is anxiety and that's not to say west virginia is exempt from the exempt-- effective climate change. for instance they face disastrous flooding in the case of severe weather so climate change is important everywhere, but it's clean energy measures that don't pull well there. if there's not a lot of perceived benefit among the voters that are keeping joe manchin in office, then that is just a political consideration that needs to be prioritized. joe manchin is very well aware of this. that's why he still has his job. julie: democrats have a slim senate majority. you have heard mitch mcconnell come out publicly on television, behind the scenes, you name it welcoming joe manchin to switch parties saying we will treat you better and it goes without saying that would be a disaster for the democratic party. joe manchin has not hinted at the thought of ever switching parties and he believes he can probably do more good for democrats as opposed to giving all the power to republicans, but what you make of mitch mcconnell's proposition, if you will to joe manchin and how devastating could that be for the democrats if he actually took them up on it? >> that would be a problem, but i don't think it will happen. joe manchin, as the president has said, both democrat most of the time and that's better than they will ever do with republican. julie: princeton university political scientist lauren wright, thank you very much for talking to us. anita. anita: julie, as we look ahead to the 2022 midterm election there are growing complaints about the redistricting that occurs every 10 years. william explains that. reporter: across the country minority transgender, even iraqi immigrants complain redistricting discriminates against them. >> we are not going to be split up to meet special interest group needs and wants. reporter: every 10 years estates redraw political maps based on the census. how those lines are drawn inevitably a verse one party over the other >> democrats took southside of chicago and connected it with central illinois farmland and tried to erase many republican seats as they could. reporter: republicans complained democrats are gerrymandering districts in illinois, oregon, maryland and new mexico. >> democrats are trying to gerrymander their way to protect the nancy pelosi majority formic example, oregon, democrats are using liberal voters in portland to loop conservative areas to lockdown for congressional seats. >> in a lot of states you see the party controlling the process really trying to shore up their majorities. reporter: that's true in texas where republicans are protecting 23 seats and hope to add two more at the expense, democrats say, of minorities. >> it's telling you, not only do you have to sit at the back of the bus, but we will take all the seats out also. reporter: democrats complain about ohio, a swing state, yet redistricting gives republicans majority in 13 of 15 districts, but in nevada democrats like themselves. i totally got f by the legislature said the legislator. republicans arguing gerrymandering to cut out democrat seats but they did not have to in this state, we did it to ourselves pick seven states adopted commission to avoid partisan bickering with mixed results as both parties manipulate. the question is about power, power is about control, controlling congress means you control the agenda. that's why redistricting matters. in los angeles, fox news anita: thank you very much, william. and we will be right back. re an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. scan the code on screen to try for free. is now a good time for a flare-up? 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[cheers and applause] reporter: joe biden becomes the 46th president of the united states, the socially distant inauguration taking place under a cloud of uncertainty. also, in january, the covid death toll passes 2 million around the world. it would grow to more than 5 million by the end of the year as the pandemic grinds on. the containment effort largely focused on the delta variant. a new strain more contagions and deadly than the original health officials making a big push for vaccinations and boosters as the best way to stop the spread. shots from pfizer, moderna and johnson & johnson all getting the green light from the fda millions signed up immediately, but the demands soon tapered off as vaccine hesitancy set in. the biden administration responded with a series of mandates including a requirement for federal workers and contractors to roll up their sleeves or lose their jobs and a nationwide vaccine mandate for all private businesses with more than 100 employees. 2021, also seeing a racially charged murder trial starting with eric eric shawn when the former police officer seen in a video kneeling on george floyd's neck for more than nine minutes. eric-- derek chauvin was sentenced to more than 22 years behind bars. in surfside, florida, a 12 story apartment building collapses in the middle of the night with no warning leaving at least 98 residents dead. afghanistan was changing rapidly and president biden sticks to an august 31, deadline to withdraw us troops, but the taliban was on the march making a lightning for the country eventually taking the capital city of kabul on august 15. the pentagon forced to deploy about 7000 troops to secure the airport in the final days of the evacuations. with just four days before the deadline, and isis bomber hitting one of the main airport gates killing 13 american service members and dozens of afghan civilians. back in the us, hurricane ida slamming into louisiana as a category four storm. it was the second most damaging hurricane in the states history. the remnants also cause massive disruption throughout the northeast. at least 115 dead and more than $65 billion worth of damage. in wisconsin, kyle rittenhouse is charged with first-degree intentional homicide after shooting three people during the civil unrest in kenosha last year. >> not guilty. reporter: rittenhouse self-defense is eventually acquitted on all charges and just two weeks before christmas a series of tornadoes devastating parts of the midwest causing dozens of deaths and billions of dollars in damage to the hardest hit state, kentucky, where the sheer level of destruction was nearly unprecedented. looking forward in 2022, covid they dominate the headlines again depending on new strains like omicron. we are also keeping a close eye on the supply chain issues in inflation and the midterm elections where republicans hope to take back congress and of course, we will be here for all of it. until then in new york, bill hemmer, fox news. anita: wow, what a year of news, julie. it's almost hard to believe that all of those things happened this past year; right? julie: hard to believe also we are still in a pandemic because 2020 even seems like it was not that long ago. actually, feels like a sentry but who's counting. anyway thanks for watching. we are back at 4:00 p.m. eastern. anita, great working with you. anita: you to did you just spike the footlong? sorry, i didn't want the delay of game. save big. order through the app. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ save big. ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective. and a dedicated trade desk of expert-level support. that will push you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. clerk: hello, how can i? ♪♪♪ sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. >> fox news alert tragedy striking a pennsylvania family on christmas morning after house fire killed the father and two of his sons, welcome to fox news live i am chris jenkins the mother and oldest son escape the blaze with minor injuries but the rest of the family trapped inside the cause of the fire is being investigated but believed to be sparked by christmas tree lights. dan joins us live with more kicking office our. >> the investigation into this tragedy appears to be focused on two sources of accommodation and

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Reporting , Levels , Checkpoints , Tsa , Five , Vaccination , Businesses , Effect , Cities , Unprecedented Maxine Mandate , Mandates , Spreads , Proof , Activities , New York City , Clock , David Lee Miller , Hell , Workers , Mandate , City , Bill , Sector , Mayor , Blowsy Zero Axing , Zero , Dose , Testing Options , Violation , Fines , Don T , A Thousand Dollars , A Thousand , 45 , 184000 , Adults , Staff , Vaccination Records , Have , Pick , Employees , One Shot , Data , Exemption , Business Owners , 91 , Kids , Chicago , 12 , Capital , Vaccine Mandate , Nation , Restaurants , Settings , Mid February , Quarters , Facilities , Three , Virus , Total , Johns Hopkins , 816000 , Report , Number , Fox News , Contributor , Pill , Family , Man , Father , Wife , Tragedy , Paint , Quakertown Pennsylvania , House Fire , More , Child , Story , Injuries , Dan Springer , Escape , Flames , Timing , Incredible Sad , Fire , King , Home , Couple , Officials , Authorities , Son , Saturday , Christmas Tree , 1 , 00 , Biological Kids , Liam , Patrick , Hearing , Stepchildren , Four , News , Place , School District , Statement , Kind , Community , District , Area , Christin , School , Gofundme Page , Friends , Sympathy , Relatives , 00000 , 500000 , Vaccines , Boosters , Investigation , Pills , Fight , Vitamin C , Zinc , Immune System , Centrum , Defenses , Body , D , Routine , Look , Support , Helen , Exercise , Diabetes , Season , Ace , Way , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Activity , Libre 2 , Glucose , 2 , A1c , Medicare , Cost , Phone , Xfinity , Angie , Mom , Lou , Internet , 5g , Yep , Mobile , 5 , 400 , Store , Network , Switch Squad , Savings , Moon Christmas Special , Go , Smart Kid , Gotta , Holiday Season , Trump , Sanctions , Talks , Deal , Concerns , Ron Radcliffe , Vienna , 2018 , Russia , China S , Uranium , Hiatus , Agreement , Germany , France , Uk , Iran , Path , Treatments , Silver Bullet , Emphasis , Major , Therapy , Conference , Approach , Outbreak , Difference , Pfizer , Fda , Comments , Merck , Game Changer , Pandemic , Emergency Use , Emergency Medicine Physician , Medications , Life , Loss , Treatment Therapeutics , The Beginning Of End , Risk , Medication , Death , Hospital , Replicating , Blessing , 72 , 90 , Vaccine , Medicine , Example , Monoclonal Antibodies , Response , Lots , Tools , Progress , Matter , Hand , Medicines , Order , Meds , Hospital Medications , Shortage , Prevention , Number One , Thing , Increase , Complications , Booster , Debt , Saying , Amount , Supply , Producers , Show , Patients , Course , Prescription , Patient , Flu , Influenza , Point , Antiviral , Cancer , Immunocompromised , Vitamins , Renal Transplantation , Antibodies , The Vaccines Don T Work , Question , Work , Astrazeneca , Won T , Shot , Shot Propellant , Kidney Transplant , Preventively , Chemotherapy , Sick , System , 7 Million , Lot , Playing , Supplies , Issue , Dealing , Lives , Catch Up , Production , Antibody Infusion , Option , Florida , Manufacturing , Ability , Monoclonal Antibody , Paxlovid , Addition , Vaccinations , Everything , Antivirals , Testing , Mask Use , Molnupiravir , Focus , Children , Majority , Debate , Ages , Myocarditis , Fears , Fear , Appearance , Hard Inflammation , 11 , Watching , Concern , Parents , Pediatrician , Waiting , Hospitalizations , Benefit , Participants , Incidence , Safe , Population , Role Model , Responsibility , Protection , Burden , Fax , Merry Christmas , Janette Nesheiwast , Vladimir Putin , Troops , Tension , Ukraine Border , Amassing Tens Of Thousands , Great Information There , Congressman Hawthorne , North Carolina , Diplomacy , Take , Kate , Holiday , Verizon , Guy , Iphone 13 Pro , 13 , Everyone , Carolers , 000 , 1000 , Tens Of Thousands , Moscow , Ukraine , Options , West , Warnings , Demand , Alexandria , Border Prompting , Mike Just , Border , Commitment , Security Guaranteeing , Sighting , Nato , Eastern Europe , Reuters , 10000 , Interfax , Artillery , Tanks , 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Perception , Topic , Traffic Alert , Times , Dc , Failure , Southeast Asia , California , Problem , Police , We Shouldn T , Government , Tenure , Enough , Washington Dc , Control , Care , Office , Border Czar , Belief , Conflict , Americans , Management Style , Czar , Terrorists , Terrorist Base , Hotbed , Afghanistan , Rest , Holiday Weekend , Trip , Texas Roadhouse , Jennifer Griffin , Weapons , Honor , Fox National Security , China , Technologies , Brain , Showing , Gene Editing , Device , Sci Fi Thriller , Thought , Machines , Brain Machine Interfaces , Commando , Weapon , Trigger Finger , Military Capability , Brain Control Technology , Mind Control Weapons , Levying Sanctions , Biotechnology Companies , Experts , Threat , Research , 37 , Soldiers , Intelligence , Efforts , Genre , Dean , Smearing , Scruples , Pentagon , Beijing , Capabilities , Technology , Surveillance Tools , Recognition , Military , Dissidents , Journalists , Uighurs , Room , Dozens , Marco Rubio , Biotech , Behavior , Lawmakers , Department , Republican , Congress Secretary , Companies , Investment , Chinese Military , Democrats , Joe Manchin , Agenda , Guest , Opposition , Midterms , Doesn T , West Virginia , Our Schwab Financial Consultant , Broker , Carl , Mary , Nina , Plan , Planning , It , Calls , Goals , Hm , Schwab , Sleep Number , Sleep , Bed , Smart Bed , Prices , Cold , Temperature Balancing , Movements , 360 , Our New Year , Science , Special , Night After , Ends January 3rd , 3 , January 3rd , January 2025 , 2025 , Archbishop , Desmond Tutu , Position , Legacy , Inequality , South African Apartheid , Nobel Peace Prize , Cape Town , History , Figure , Jerusalem , Racism , Services , Forces , Winner , South Africa , Reactions , Condolences , Boris Johnson , Intellect , Integrity , Around The World , Dalai Lama , Pope Francis , Barack Obama , Friend , Equality , Human Rights , Statement Offering , Universal Spirit , Many , Earth , World Leaders , Mark , Unanimity , Caucus , Ben Cardin , Build , Negotiations , Vote , Least , Watch , Spending , Razor , Parts , Gimmicks , Anyone , Trillion , 5 Trillion , State , Lauren Wright , Conservative , Pearl , Trashing , Fact , Nothing , Death Wish , Agenda Items , Politicians , Reelection , Seekers , Seats , Moderate , Colleagues , Priorities , Swing Voters , Finger , Pulse , General , Indicative , Congress , The Point , Change , Chambers , Environment , Items , Child Tax Credit , Instance , Bbb , Poverty State , Sense , Prescription Drugs , Health , Anxiety , Jobs , Some , Decarbonization , Everywhere , Case , Climate Change , Flooding , Voters , Consideration , Energy , Job , Mitch Mcconnell , Parties , Disaster , Television , Behind The Scenes , Good , Proposition , Princeton University , Redistricting , Complaints , Election , Political Scientist , 2022 , 10 , Transgender , William , Immigrants , Special Interest Group Needs , Wants , Maps , Census , Verse , Lines , Party , Southside , Gerrymandering Districts , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

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thousands of travelers whose christmas holidays were canceled, disrupted as they were left scrambling at one of the biggest travel times of the year. charles watson is live at one of america's busiest airports, hartsfield jackson in atlanta. hi, charles. reporter: good afternoon. the wave of holiday flight cancellations continues today already airlines canceling more than 2200 flights globally amid the rapid thread of the covid-19 and omicron variants. united and delta airlines lead the pack among american carriers with the most cancellations with the two having a combined 775 flights between christmas day and today and in large part due to staffing shortages. saying in a statement quote, a combination of issues including, but not limited to inclement weather in some areas of the country and the impact of the omicron variant is bringing cancellations and potential delays and it's been quite the nightmare for holiday travelers caught the middle of the wave of cancellations as a thousands of passengers left stranded across the country including a woman here in atlanta who said she was forced to spend christmas eve with her two sons inside an atlanta hotel because her flight was disrupted >> we had a delayed flight yesterday, which made us miss our flight to columbia. i ordered doordash and it was impossible to get doordash. i hate to make people work, but it's like i'm standing here with two little boys and we needed some type of dinner. reporter: again, you may recall earlier this month delta asked cdc to shrink its quarantine guidelines for essential workers that test positive and the cdc did that releasing new guidelines allowing critical workforce to return to work seven days after receiving a positive test. dr. anthony fauci said airline passengers will remain safe to fly. >> we want to make sure people keep their masks on and i think the idea of taking masks off in my mind is really not something we should even be considering. that's what we meant bite weed-- it depends on what the goal of getting people vaccinated before they get on a domestic flight. reporter: all of this airport drama happening as holiday travel returns to near pre-pandemic levels. so far, nearly five and half million people have gone through tsa checkpoints. julie: charles watson reporting from hartsfield jackson airport. thank you, charles. anita: unprecedented maxine mandate where private businesses goes into effect tomorrow and as the variant spreads around the country other major cities are set to impose a similar mandates requiring proof of vaccination for most indoor activities. david lee miller is live in new york city with more on that hell. reporter: the clock is now taking and as of tomorrow morning nearly all workers in new york city must be at least partially vaccinated. that's when outgoing mayor bill the blowsy zero axing mandate through the private sector takes effect. the city's mandate will apply to a roughly 184,000 businesses and those that don't comply can face fines starting at a thousand dollars per violation, this does not include testing options. workers have 45 days to show proof and they have received a second dose. workers can request a medical or religious exemption and they may continue to work while the mandate is pending pick some business owners say the mandate is too burdensome and requires employees key vaccination records for staff. latest data shows 91% of all adults in the city have had at least one shot also, starting tomorrow in new york city a partial vaccination no longer sufficient for kids 12 and older to take part and many indoor activities. other cities are also implementing their own mandates. in chicago next month prove awful vaccination for those five and older will be required to enter restaurants and many indoor settings and later in the month the nation's capital will phase in their own vaccine mandate, partial vaccination is okay to start, but by mid february, full vaccination will be required for those 12 and older to enter it most indoor facilities. cdc says now that nearly three quarters of all new covid cases have been caused by the omicron variant. johns hopkins is reporting that to date as of now, the virus has claimed a total of 816,000 lives in the united states. anita. anita: outstanding number. david lee miller live in new york city. thank you for that report and ahead we will speak with fox news medical contributor on the newly authorized covid-19 antiviral pill, that's coming up later in the hour. julie: fox news alert now, christmas day tragedy for one paint-- family in pennsylvania. a father and his two sons killed in a house fire early yesterday morning, christmas morning. the man's wife and his oldest child to both escape the flames with injuries. dan springer is live with more. reporter: julie, incredible sad story especially with the timing. it happened in quakertown pennsylvania in the very early morning hours of christmas. authorities as a fire broke out in the family home just after 1:00 a.m. saturday, and it killed erica king and his two young sons. king's wife and the oldest son of the couple were able to escape. officials say the fire started near the family's christmas tree. the two young boys killed were liam and patrick. the two family dogs also died in the fire. people who know the family are devastated. >> it was horrible hearing about it because we have four kids, two biological kids and two stepchildren, horrible to think about this on christmas. reporter: local school district put out a statement that reads: the news is devastating for the district community in the quakertown area at a large eric and christin are active in the community and the kind of people who make this a special place to live and attend a school. the school district sends its heartfelt sympathy to the king family and their many friends and relatives. a gofundme page has been set up two of the family. as of an hour ago it had nearly raised $500,000. the investigation into exactly what caused this tragic fire is ongoing. julie. julie: dan springer, thank you. anita. anita: julie, when we first had vaccines and then boosters and now to newly approved antiviral pills could have a major impact in the fight against covid-19. that's coming up next. ♪♪ to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone 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that these antiviral treatments could be ultimately the real silver bullet? >> that's part of the conference of approach for this outbreak. vaccines and boosters, masks and now very importantly a highly effective therapy is really going to make a major major difference. anita: dr. anthony fauci saying at-home treatments could be a game changer in the fight against covid-19 with the comments coming after the fda approved two new covid antiviral pills from merck and pfizer for emergency use and join me now fox's medical contributor and family and emergency medicine physician. this is really great news. it's a game changer. this could potentially turn the pandemic into an pandemic. what will home with treatment therapeutics being for this pandemic? >> it means less loss of life and exactly what you said ultimately it will be the beginning of the end of this pandemic. these medications we now have our truly incredible and just a blessing because what it does is it stops the virus from replicating and if you started early within 72 hours at home he could keep you out of the hospital and it could reduce your risk of death by up to 90% so amazing medication and that's not all we have we also have monoclonal antibodies and also medications for those who are immune compromised, for example, they weren't able to mass a robust immune response to the vaccine so we have medicine to help them with that, so lots of tools to fight this virus and we are definitely making tremendous progress and it's just a matter of time before we see them actually working and we get them in hand. julie: so, you and the vaccines obviously the monoclonal antibodies, antiviral pills, hospital medications ect., all of these meds available to you, but how critical is it how important, how necessary is it to be vaccinated in order for all these other medicines to really take effect as sufficiently as possible? >> that's exactly right, number one is prevention and it begins right now with getting your vaccine and getting the third dose because we have a shortage of these medications we are going to used to treat covid so in the meantime, we want to make sure we reduce the number of severe debt, complications so the best thing you can do right now to protect yourself is get your vaccine, get the booster , get the third dose and until we have an increase in the amount of supply, this is the best thing we can do to protect ourselves. julie: you were saying, which is interesting into one of our producers before the show that this is actually very similar now to what you would see as one of your patients that may have come in with the flu, which is incredible to compare this to the flu right now. >> exactly. if i'm able to test a patient and diagnosed them with either covid or influenza i will write a prescription for a five-day course of an antiviral and to my patients to go home, rest until you get better, take some zinc, vitamin c and it works great and i'm hoping we get to the point where that's what we do with coronavirus that i can write you a prescription if you test positive and i can tell you to go home and make sure you are deficient in vitamins and hopefully in a few days you feel better and you can go back to the workforce. julie: what about meds to treat the immunocompromised like those with renal transplantation and cancer patients ect.? how critical is it for these patients to be vaccinated for the medicines to work? >> great question. sometimes julie, the vaccines don't work or won't work on them because their immune system is strong enough to create antibodies on their own, so for example astrazeneca has a medicine that is a shot that leaves immunocompromised patients can take so if you have a kidney transplant or if you are undergoing chemotherapy for cancer you can get this shot propellant-- preventively, not when you are sick, but you get it so we can naturally give you this medication and give you these antibodies in your system when you can't produce antibodies yourself, so definitely will make an impact because we have over 7 million americans in this country who are immunocompromised so it will definitely save a lot of lives. julie: the issue you have pointed out is that our country is dealing with playing catch up, i mean, we have been playing catch up essentially going into a third year of this pandemic. theirs is still a shortage of supplies. in florida, for example, the antibody infusion, they are actually running out so people don't even have that option, so what needs to be done so we can stop playing catch up? >> we need to focus on manufacturing production monoclonal antibodies especially now, julie, that two out of the three we have are not so assessable. we have one that is effective and we need to ramp up production and assess ability to that monoclonal antibody in addition to paxlovid and molnupiravir which are the two antivirals that were just approved by the fda so that should be our focus, not just vaccinations or mandate of mask use or testing, it needs to be on everything collectively so we can fight this virus, fight this pandemic can be done with it. julie: now, went to get to the point no children being vaccinated because the majority of the country the children are not vaccinated and there's been a lot of debate over whether or not to vaccinate your child if your child is between the ages of five and 11 and the fear of possible issues, hard inflammation, myocarditis ect., maybe you can ease the fears of appearance at home like myself-- i have not vaccinated my children. i will be perfectly honest, i have been vaccinated and boosted, but i'm sort of waiting and watching. why don't you speak to the parents right now. >> sure. i would say it's completely normal to have concern and be hesitant, but the best thing to do is speak to your pediatrician. it's not a one-size-fits-all. there will be some children who are at higher risk of severe complications from coronavirus. for example right now in new york city we see an increase in the number of hospitalizations and children, so please keep in mind that the vaccines have been studied with thousands and thousands of participants and showed to be safe. they have shown to be effective. incidence of myocarditis is rare so it's important to look at the risk and the benefit and talk to your pediatrician, but ultimately, i think, it's important for parents and adults and those that are older to really take the responsibility of it being vaccinated and being a role model for the younger population and not put the burden of protection on our children. julie: and i just want to make it clear that fax & say there have been about a dozen or less cases like myocarditis, for example, in a couple million children vaccinated with at least one shot so i want to throw that out there to be clear. dr. janette nesheiwast, thank you for talking to us. merry christmas. >> thank you. you two. anita: great information there. the us looking to set up more talks with russia with tension still high over vladimir putin amassing tens of thousands of troops along the ukraine border. is there a path for diplomacy? north carolina congressman hawthorne joins us with his take straight ahead. 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(carolers) ♪better♪ (kate) because everyone deserves better. anita: in the us and russia working to schedule a date and place for talks on ukraine next month. moscow has been messing tens of thousands of troops along its ukrainian border prompting warnings from the us against any plans to invade. alexandria is live for mike just today president vladimir putin said he's weighing his options if the west does not give in for demand for security guaranteeing that a commitment to halt nato's expansion into eastern europe. this comes alongside a report that more than 10000 russian troops have withdrawn from the ukrainian border, according to a reuters sighting what russian military officials call the interfax news agency. if so, it still leaves tens of thousands of russian troops near ukraine that have been there for months equipped with tanks and heavy artillery sparking concern moscow is gearing up for an attack. the kremlin denies this and vladimir putin claims his aim is to defend russian border saying quote american partners tell us they are ready to start this discussion. these talks in the very beginning of next year in geneva representative from both sides have already been appointed. of course earlier this month president biden spoke with vladimir putin in hopes of easing tension while the white house said president biden will offer no guarantees the us and europe are said to negotiate with the kremlin next month. former secretary of state mike pompeo on sunday morning futures. >> not in america's best interest and we can't give the kind of guarantees that vladimir putin is asking for. i don't think he expects we will, but i think he believes he can coerce this administration and cause them to give him things just by showing force and power and resolve in a way that this administration has not demonstrated its willingness to do. reporter: vice president kamala harris said this week that the administration has been clear russia should not invade the sovereignty of ukraine and if they do, she said the us is ready to impose sanctions unlike ever seen before. julie. julie: thank you very much. anita: for more on this let's bring in north carolina congressman madison cawthorn. he sits on the house veteran affair and education and labor committees. congressman a thank you for joining us on this holiday weekend. we so appreciate it. let me ask you, what you make it this announcement of the withdraw of 10000 troops coming to weeks after president biden and president putin spoke over the phone? in the phone call according to the white house the president warned vladimir putin against invading ukraine saying there could be severe economic consequences as we heard in the report from alex just now. do you think that's causing vladimir putin to back down or playing games here for an eventual invasion of ukraine? what you think? >> anita, great to be on with you and i want to make it very clear that when we see this 10000 troop withdraw from the russian ukrainian border, this is nominal at best. nearly 100,000 russian troops there with heavy artillery armed, many say it could be used against ukrainians with overwhelming force. if the biden administration was serious about trying to prevent any form of invasion they would go back to the 2019 trumpet you're a policy and imposes sanctions on the company whose building the nord stream 2 pipeline. i know it seems abstract when we talk about military force but the reason why the russians feel so emboldened to push past the crimean peninsula and further into ukraine is because they no longer have to rely on the ukrainians and their infrastructure to get their natural gas to market and fuel their economy in germany. now they can use the nord stream 2 pipeline completely cutting the need for ukraine out of the equation. julie: you mentioned it's a nominal withdraw of troops and it certainly is. much of this seems to center around the idea that ukraine and georgia will one day join nato and move away from military ties with those former soviet republic, something we know president putin does not support and feels threatened by us and russian officials are set to meet in geneva next year. how much is at stake for the administration, for the biden administration >> so much is at stake, i mean, they have been made a mockery on the world stage and is clear this administration is completely inept when it comes to foreign policy and really i believe it's the time to show strength. is the time to put russia in their place and make sure we have no military action we are hearing a bipartisan call for the idea we could put troops on the ground and that our fleet could rain down destruction on the russians. this is asinine at best. when these people believe we are there fighting in the late 1900s against the ussr who were prostrated not capable of defending themselves, we would be fighting right against their doorstep. we have been fighting in a sandbox and caper the last 20 years and meanwhile they have been creating hypersonic missiles that could sink our fleet. julie: we heard that news just over the weekend that they launched a hypersonic missile. they have one. china has one. the us, well we are still working on one. let me turn to another topic here, vice president kamala harris and her perception of what her biggest problems are telling face the nation in an interview wearing this morning that her biggest failure as vice president is not getting out of dc more. now, we know she's been overseas a number of times in the last year, europe, southeast asia, central america and she visits her home in california quite often pick we get the traffic alert, so congressman, is that really her biggest problem? what you think? >> again, she has been overseas is so much. this administration and the whole federal government should be focused on the problems we have here at home. we shouldn't be trying to be the police of the world. we should use sanctions against the russians and the number one problem with kamala harris and her tenure as vice president is not that she has not gotten out of washington dc enough, it's just where she is gone. she needs to be at the southern border as she has been appointed the sort-- border czar. i don't care that much about the ukrainian conflict until we get our own border under control and i believe that is the belief of most americans. anita: she also seems to have a number of problems inside her office with unhappy staff leaving and complaining of her management style and as you mentioned she's the border czar, but we have only seen her visit the border once. do you know of any other plans that she has to go back there? i mean, i think there is still a problem there; right? >> there's a major problem. we see a full-scale invasion and who knows now with this hotbed of really about homegrown terrorists, these terrorist base that can be launched from afghanistan, how many terrorists could enter our southern border? she's been to the border once, but i think the closest she will, is a texas roadhouse outside of washington dc. anita: we will be watching for another possible trip to the border them new year and in the meantime congressman madison cawthorn, thank you for joining us and have a great rest of your holiday weekend. >> anita, it's an honor. thank you. julie: and then there is china which gets this, appears to be working on thought -controlled weapons. fox national security correspondent jennifer griffin has the story. >> it would be like putting a device in your brain that would launch a missile. reporter: sounds like a sci-fi thriller, new intelligence showing china is using technologies like gene editing and brain machine interfaces to enhance military capability and control its own people, machines that could allow a chinese commando to discharge a weapon with just a thought, not a trigger finger. >> that's what they mean by brain control technology. reporter: this month the biden administration targeted the emerging threat by levying sanctions on 37 chinese biotechnology companies that have ties to this research that experts say includes a so-called mind control weapons. former genre-- dean ron radcliffe warns against trying to keep up with china's unscrupulous efforts. >> we are not going to place our own soldiers at risk, which is what the intelligence tells us the chinese are willing to do. they want to advance at any cost including those that are harmful to their own population. >> the us has no scruples about smearing china by every means. reporter: pentagon says beijing already uses these technologies including biometric surveillance tools and facial recognition to track dissidents and journalists and to suppress the uighurs. >> broadly speaking we see that china and the room military continues to develop advanced technology and capabilities which are clearly designed it to reinforce their very coarse and very aggressive behavior. reporter: republican lawmakers have called on congress secretary whose department levied the latest sanctions against dozens of chinese biotech of an more. senator marco rubio has proposed a bill to restrict us investment in more chinese military companies, companies that may one day produce mind control weapons. jennifer griffin, fox news. julie: jennifer griffin, thank you. senator joe manchin opposition to build back better doesn't just a damage a key part of president biden's agenda, it could also have a major impact on the midterms next year. our next guest says democrats should think twice about trashing the west virginia moderate. ♪♪ bill, mary? 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>> there is unanimity in our caucus that we want to get a bill to the president and we are working to see what that bill will contain president biden's directly involved in these negotiations. julie: senator ben cardin signaling democrats are not about to get up on build back better after one of their own moderate joe manchin said he cannot support the bill as it stands right now with a razor thin democratic majority his vote is crucial to say the least republicans have appraised joe manchin for effectively sinking the massive spending plan. watch. >> are there any parts of build back better that you could see republicans potentially supporting? >> of course there are things in there that you could be for, but i don't see how anyone could in good conscious support a bill that if you take all the gimmicks out of the bill, you will be putting another $5 trillion into the economy over a decade and an awful lot of that goes into the economy immediately. julie: our next guest says frustrated democrats have passed joe manchin at their pearl. lauren, thank you for talking to us on this holiday weekend. the state of west virginia, as you know, is one of the most conservative in the country. democrats there are trashing joe manchin, ignoring the fact that if he wasn't there they would obviously get nothing that they want, nothing done because he would almost certainly be replaced by a republican, so they are almost making a death wish here by bashing him repeatedly. what are these politicians as you call them single-minded seekers of reelection missing? >> that's a great point, julie. they are missing the fact that democrats won all these agenda items and they went to enact more of the democratic priorities that they are talking about. they need to win more seats, not attack an established moderate who frankly probably has a better finger on the pulse of swing voters and many of his colleagues. julie: what kind of impact is joe manchin's opposition possibly going to have on the midterms especially next year with the democrats opposing him so strongly just in general? >> it's probably more indicative of what's to come with the democrats very likely to lose control of one or both chambers of congress then necessarily something that will spark a change, but again, the point here is joe manchin is operating in a very different political environment and many of his progressive colleagues, even many of his moderate colleagues and so the point is to pick a couple of these priorities and this is joe manchin's point, he supports for instance the child tax credit and supports other items of build back better, but he thinks democrats are spreading themselves sin rather than prioritizing a couple of these items that pulled well in west virginia and having them be funded for many years into the future. julie: i think you would agree, i mean, it would be an democrats best interest to somehow try to find common ground and you mention the fact that joe manchin is not just fully against bbb, build back better. child tax credit, the expand of child tax credit as you mentioned and he also supports lowering the cost of prescription drugs, which also makes a huge amount of sense given west virginia is a high poverty state where accessing rural health is difficult for a lot of people and also remember: natural gas also account for some of the highest paying jobs in west virginia. how much anxiety is there in west virginia about all of these things and about decarbonization. >> there is anxiety and that's not to say west virginia is exempt from the exempt-- effective climate change. for instance they face disastrous flooding in the case of severe weather so climate change is important everywhere, but it's clean energy measures that don't pull well there. if there's not a lot of perceived benefit among the voters that are keeping joe manchin in office, then that is just a political consideration that needs to be prioritized. joe manchin is very well aware of this. that's why he still has his job. julie: democrats have a slim senate majority. you have heard mitch mcconnell come out publicly on television, behind the scenes, you name it welcoming joe manchin to switch parties saying we will treat you better and it goes without saying that would be a disaster for the democratic party. joe manchin has not hinted at the thought of ever switching parties and he believes he can probably do more good for democrats as opposed to giving all the power to republicans, but what you make of mitch mcconnell's proposition, if you will to joe manchin and how devastating could that be for the democrats if he actually took them up on it? >> that would be a problem, but i don't think it will happen. joe manchin, as the president has said, both democrat most of the time and that's better than they will ever do with republican. julie: princeton university political scientist lauren wright, thank you very much for talking to us. anita. anita: julie, as we look ahead to the 2022 midterm election there are growing complaints about the redistricting that occurs every 10 years. william explains that. reporter: across the country minority transgender, even iraqi immigrants complain redistricting discriminates against them. >> we are not going to be split up to meet special interest group needs and wants. reporter: every 10 years estates redraw political maps based on the census. how those lines are drawn inevitably a verse one party over the other >> democrats took southside of chicago and connected it with central illinois farmland and tried to erase many republican seats as they could. reporter: republicans complained democrats are gerrymandering districts in illinois, oregon, maryland and new mexico. >> democrats are trying to gerrymander their way to protect the nancy pelosi majority formic example, oregon, democrats are using liberal voters in portland to loop conservative areas to lockdown for congressional seats. >> in a lot of states you see the party controlling the process really trying to shore up their majorities. reporter: that's true in texas where republicans are protecting 23 seats and hope to add two more at the expense, democrats say, of minorities. >> it's telling you, not only do you have to sit at the back of the bus, but we will take all the seats out also. reporter: democrats complain about ohio, a swing state, yet redistricting gives republicans majority in 13 of 15 districts, but in nevada democrats like themselves. i totally got f by the legislature said the legislator. republicans arguing gerrymandering to cut out democrat seats but they did not have to in this state, we did it to ourselves pick seven states adopted commission to avoid partisan bickering with mixed results as both parties manipulate. the question is about power, power is about control, controlling congress means you control the agenda. that's why redistricting matters. in los angeles, fox news anita: thank you very much, william. and we will be right back. re an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. scan the code on screen to try for free. is now a good time for a flare-up? 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[cheers and applause] reporter: joe biden becomes the 46th president of the united states, the socially distant inauguration taking place under a cloud of uncertainty. also, in january, the covid death toll passes 2 million around the world. it would grow to more than 5 million by the end of the year as the pandemic grinds on. the containment effort largely focused on the delta variant. a new strain more contagions and deadly than the original health officials making a big push for vaccinations and boosters as the best way to stop the spread. shots from pfizer, moderna and johnson & johnson all getting the green light from the fda millions signed up immediately, but the demands soon tapered off as vaccine hesitancy set in. the biden administration responded with a series of mandates including a requirement for federal workers and contractors to roll up their sleeves or lose their jobs and a nationwide vaccine mandate for all private businesses with more than 100 employees. 2021, also seeing a racially charged murder trial starting with eric eric shawn when the former police officer seen in a video kneeling on george floyd's neck for more than nine minutes. eric-- derek chauvin was sentenced to more than 22 years behind bars. in surfside, florida, a 12 story apartment building collapses in the middle of the night with no warning leaving at least 98 residents dead. afghanistan was changing rapidly and president biden sticks to an august 31, deadline to withdraw us troops, but the taliban was on the march making a lightning for the country eventually taking the capital city of kabul on august 15. the pentagon forced to deploy about 7000 troops to secure the airport in the final days of the evacuations. with just four days before the deadline, and isis bomber hitting one of the main airport gates killing 13 american service members and dozens of afghan civilians. back in the us, hurricane ida slamming into louisiana as a category four storm. it was the second most damaging hurricane in the states history. the remnants also cause massive disruption throughout the northeast. at least 115 dead and more than $65 billion worth of damage. in wisconsin, kyle rittenhouse is charged with first-degree intentional homicide after shooting three people during the civil unrest in kenosha last year. >> not guilty. reporter: rittenhouse self-defense is eventually acquitted on all charges and just two weeks before christmas a series of tornadoes devastating parts of the midwest causing dozens of deaths and billions of dollars in damage to the hardest hit state, kentucky, where the sheer level of destruction was nearly unprecedented. looking forward in 2022, covid they dominate the headlines again depending on new strains like omicron. we are also keeping a close eye on the supply chain issues in inflation and the midterm elections where republicans hope to take back congress and of course, we will be here for all of it. until then in new york, bill hemmer, fox news. anita: wow, what a year of news, julie. it's almost hard to believe that all of those things happened this past year; right? julie: hard to believe also we are still in a pandemic because 2020 even seems like it was not that long ago. actually, feels like a sentry but who's counting. anyway thanks for watching. we are back at 4:00 p.m. eastern. anita, great working with you. anita: you to did you just spike the footlong? sorry, i didn't want the delay of game. save big. order through the app. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ save big. ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective. and a dedicated trade desk of expert-level support. that will push you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. clerk: hello, how can i? ♪♪♪ sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. >> fox news alert tragedy striking a pennsylvania family on christmas morning after house fire killed the father and two of his sons, welcome to fox news live i am chris jenkins the mother and oldest son escape the blaze with minor injuries but the rest of the family trapped inside the cause of the fire is being investigated but believed to be sparked by christmas tree lights. dan joins us live with more kicking office our. >> the investigation into this tragedy appears to be focused on two sources of accommodation and

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Manufacturing , Ability , Monoclonal Antibody , Paxlovid , Addition , Vaccinations , Everything , Antivirals , Testing , Mask Use , Molnupiravir , Focus , Children , Majority , Debate , Ages , Myocarditis , Fears , Fear , Appearance , Hard Inflammation , 11 , Watching , Concern , Parents , Pediatrician , Waiting , Hospitalizations , Benefit , Participants , Incidence , Safe , Population , Role Model , Responsibility , Protection , Burden , Fax , Merry Christmas , Janette Nesheiwast , Vladimir Putin , Troops , Tension , Ukraine Border , Amassing Tens Of Thousands , Great Information There , Congressman Hawthorne , North Carolina , Diplomacy , Take , Kate , Holiday , Verizon , Guy , Iphone 13 Pro , 13 , Everyone , Carolers , 000 , 1000 , Tens Of Thousands , Moscow , Ukraine , Options , West , Warnings , Demand , Alexandria , Border Prompting , Mike Just , Border , Commitment , Security Guaranteeing , Sighting , Nato , Eastern Europe , Reuters , 10000 , Interfax , Artillery , Tanks , Attack , Kremlin , Partners , Aim , Discussion , Sides , Representative , Quote American , Joe Biden , Mike Pompeo , Hopes , White House , Europe , Administration , Interest , Guarantees , Sunday Morning Futures , Kamala Harris , Power , Things , Force , Willingness , Resolve , Sovereignty , Congressman Madison Cawthorn , On The House , Let , Education , Committees , Congressman A , Veteran , Labor , Announcement , President , Consequences , Phone Call , Invasion , Games , Ukrainians , Troop , Say , Armed , 100000 , Company , Policy , Trumpet , Form , Nord Stream 2 Pipeline , 2019 , Economy , Russians , Natural Gas , Reason , Infrastructure , Crimean Peninsula , Much , Need , Equation , Nord Stream , Georgia , Ties , President Putin , Soviet Republic , World , Stake , Foreign Policy , Mockery , Stage , Ground , Fleet , Military Action , Call , Strength , Rain Down Destruction , Fighting , Doorstep , Ussr , 1900 , Hypersonic , Missiles , Weekend , Sandbox , 20 , Problems , Interview , Perception , Topic , Traffic Alert , Times , Dc , Failure , Southeast Asia , California , Problem , Police , We Shouldn T , Government , Tenure , Enough , Washington Dc , Control , Care , Office , Border Czar , Belief , Conflict , Americans , Management Style , Czar , Terrorists , Terrorist Base , Hotbed , Afghanistan , Rest , Holiday Weekend , Trip , Texas Roadhouse , Jennifer Griffin , Weapons , Honor , Fox National Security , China , Technologies , Brain , Showing , Gene Editing , Device , Sci Fi Thriller , Thought , Machines , Brain Machine Interfaces , Commando , Weapon , Trigger Finger , Military Capability , Brain Control Technology , Mind Control Weapons , Levying Sanctions , Biotechnology Companies , Experts , Threat , Research , 37 , Soldiers , Intelligence , Efforts , Genre , Dean , Smearing , Scruples , Pentagon , Beijing , Capabilities , Technology , Surveillance Tools , Recognition , Military , Dissidents , Journalists , Uighurs , Room , Dozens , Marco Rubio , Biotech , Behavior , Lawmakers , Department , Republican , Congress Secretary , Companies , Investment , Chinese Military , Democrats , Joe Manchin , Agenda , Guest , Opposition , Midterms , Doesn T , West Virginia , Our Schwab Financial Consultant , Broker , Carl , Mary , Nina , Plan , Planning , It , Calls , Goals , Hm , Schwab , Sleep Number , Sleep , Bed , Smart Bed , Prices , Cold , Temperature Balancing , Movements , 360 , Our New Year , Science , Special , Night After , Ends January 3rd , 3 , January 3rd , January 2025 , 2025 , Archbishop , Desmond Tutu , Position , Legacy , Inequality , South African Apartheid , Nobel Peace Prize , Cape Town , History , Figure , Jerusalem , Racism , Services , Forces , Winner , South Africa , Reactions , Condolences , Boris Johnson , Intellect , Integrity , Around The World , Dalai Lama , Pope Francis , Barack Obama , Friend , Equality , Human Rights , Statement Offering , Universal Spirit , Many , Earth , World Leaders , Mark , Unanimity , Caucus , Ben Cardin , Build , Negotiations , Vote , Least , Watch , Spending , Razor , Parts , Gimmicks , Anyone , Trillion , 5 Trillion , State , Lauren Wright , Conservative , Pearl , Trashing , Fact , Nothing , Death Wish , Agenda Items , Politicians , Reelection , Seekers , Seats , Moderate , Colleagues , Priorities , Swing Voters , Finger , Pulse , General , Indicative , Congress , The Point , Change , Chambers , Environment , Items , Child Tax Credit , Instance , Bbb , Poverty State , Sense , Prescription Drugs , Health , Anxiety , Jobs , Some , Decarbonization , Everywhere , Case , Climate Change , Flooding , Voters , Consideration , Energy , Job , Mitch Mcconnell , Parties , Disaster , Television , Behind The Scenes , Good , Proposition , Princeton University , Redistricting , Complaints , Election , Political Scientist , 2022 , 10 , Transgender , William , Immigrants , Special Interest Group Needs , Wants , Maps , Census , Verse , Lines , Party , Southside , Gerrymandering Districts , Farmland , Oregon , Central Illinois , Illinois , Formic Example , Maryland , New Mexico , Nancy Pelosi , States , Texas , Loop Conservative , Majorities , Lockdown , Process , Portland , Hurricane Ida , Ohio , Expense , Minorities , Add , Bus , Democrats Say , 23 , Districts , Legislator , Legislature , Nevada , 15 , Gerrymandering , Commission , Bickering , Results , Redistricting Matters , Los Angeles , Owner , Future , Access , Advice , Ray , Vacations , No , Vanguard , Code , Screen , Crohn S , Flare Up , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Relief , Intestine , Inflammation , Serious , Treatment , Surface , Uc , Infections , Infection , Doctor , Tb , Pres , Lung Inflammation , Brain Condition , Remission , Sores , Symptoms , Skin Growths , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Sing 2 , Sing , Tunes , Movie , Theaters , Sing Karaoke , , Members , Rewards , Tickets , App , Thanks , Fandango , A Million , Stories , Start , Bill Hammer , 2021 , Uncertainty , Headlines , Unrest , Go Away , Security , Supporters , Breaches , American History , Rally , Speech , January 6 , House , Building , Floor , Speaker , Hiding , Senate , 6 , 2020 , Impeachment Trials , President Of The United States , Cheers , Inauguration , Cloud , Applause , God , 46 , Containment Effort , Death Toll , Delta Variant , 2 Million , 5 Million , Contagions , Shots , Millions , Light , Big Push , Spread , Moderna , Series , Contractors , Sleeves , Vaccine Hesitancy Set , Requirement , 100 , Police Officer , Murder Trial , Racially , Video Kneeling , Neck , Bars , Derek Chauvin , Surfside , Eric Shawn , George Floyd , 22 , Nine , Residents , Warning , Story Apartment Building , 31 , 98 , August 31 , Capital City , Airport , March Making A Lightning , Taliban , 7000 , August 15 , Service , Evacuations , Civilians , Bomber , Isis , Airport Gates , Remnants , Storm , Northeast , Hurricane , Louisiana , Disruption , 115 , Damage , Homicide , Kyle Rittenhouse , Kenosha Last , Wisconsin , 65 Billion , 5 Billion , Hit State , Billions , Charges , Deaths , Self Defense , Midwest , Tornadoes , Rittenhouse , Kentucky , Level , Omicron , Supply Chain Issues , Destruction , Strains , Eye , Inflation , Elections , Bill Hemmer , Counting , Great Working With You , Sentry , Who , Footlong , Eastern , 4 , Save Big , Game , Delay , Innovation , Interfaces , Td Ameritrade , Charts , Trading Experience , Thinkorswim , Trading Platform , Trading , Orders , Style , Perspective , Trade Desk , You Trade Forever , Sore Throat Pain , Sore Throat Relief , Honey Lemon Chill , Clerk , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon , Wooo Vaporize , Pennsylvania , Chris Jenkins , Kicking Office Our , Blaze , Cause , Sources , Accommodation , Dan ,

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