Transcripts For FOXNEWS MediaBuzz 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS MediaBuzz 20240709

bought tickets for protecting himself by getting a booster shot and as the former president who not only pushing operation work speed said during the saints show we saved tens of millions worldwide by creating the vaccine. good for donald trump, but why did it take a question from o'reilly for trump to announce he had gotten the third shot? was he worried about that negative reaction from part of his base? o'reilly said trump called him after the event and the commentator insisted it was good for him and now that trump is defending the vaccines and i hope he keeps doing it, the network should play those clips because many of his supporters are vaccine evident-- hesitant. it's hard to fathom how we reach the point where a simple yes by the former leader of the free world is calls for catcalls. this is media buzz. >> the press reaction was largely negative even on msnbc when president biden announced the government would deal with a drastic shortage of covid test by buying 500 million at home test >> what is your message to americans trying to get tested now and are not able to get tested and who are wondering what took so long to ramp up testing. >> what took so long? >> i'm hearing that from people that are trying to get tested before the holidays. >> well, what took so long-- didn't take long at all spewing empty shelves, no test kit, is that a failure? >> i don't think it's a failure, you could argue we should have known a year ago, six month ago, two months ago, a month ago. >> you cannot only blame it on the virus, every expert we have spoken to the last two years have talked about variance and the concern of increase of transmissibility and the need for protection we should've seen this coming. howard: tv experts are constantly changing their omicron forecast and pendants are divided as usual. >> i think the next two to eight weeks will be as i have said before a global blizzard and this virus. >> this pandemic movie is about over. a lot of us will have omicron. we will be fine. howard: joining us now to analyze the coverage in milwaukee emily, cultural editor of the federalist and in new york polyp larry, co-author of politicals playbook. the press is usually sympathetic to president biden. why is there such strong pushback, his argument that two years into the pandemic no one could possibly have known a highbred virus variant was coming and stockpiled a bunch of tests. >> it's an interesting case study in one of the best patterns in terms-- i always say when it's snowing in new york snowstorms become a mate-- major story and i think that's what happened with omicron is that it hit new york and dc hard and a lot of journalists are concentrated in dc and new york and because of that, because there was this wave hitting the coast, they really really were critical of biden because in washington dc where i was over the course of the last week, you would see long lines and because it was so visible to them i think that actually where they had sort of had the first hand experience what was happening, i think that translated into coverage of biden. howard: the first of the half-million test won't even be available at least for several weeks we now have 200,000 daily cases in the united states. terra, jen psaki was challenged by some reporters, one who asked if she regretted her tone when she said a couple weeks earlier sarcastically what do you want us to do, send home test to everyone in america. >> that's not a terrible idea; right? and it seems like that's what they would need to catch up with the pace the way omicron spreading, but ultimately i think joe biden ran on the promise that he would professionalize this covid response and that there would be enough tests, that there would be-- they would be readily available so people would know before they leave that house if they carry covid or not and that just hasn't happened yet. in the press, we use these promises as metrics and he didn't just say it a few times on the campaign trail, over the past year he's said it over the dozen times that he would make sure covid test were readily available and easy, the take-home test you can buy at cvs or just lining up side-- lining up, so the press is holding him to his own words and i think that is fair. howard: i think that's fair. how did we reach the point where part of an audience booze when donald trump and bill o'reilly say they committed the horrible sin of booster shots? >> you know, i think it speaks to something that gets misunderstood about trump a lot in the press, which is so many things are actually deeper than donald trump itself so like this institutional distrust, which is where you get booze and as former president trump says in the corner, i don't know how many people it was, but the reason it still happens is it speaks to institutional distrust and donald trump was sort of part of that like a vehicle for a lot of people of the institutional distrust and some of those things are deeper than trump. interesting, went back and looked at the clips and donald trump has actually said some of these things in the "washington post" put together a video compilation over the course of the last year and so to see this week the press latch onto the o'reilly experience, this o'reilly conversation was just fascinating. howard: well, you know biden mentioned in his televised speech the other day, that trump had gotten the booster aced on the video we just saw and also credited the previous administration for helping develop the vaccine so quickly with the drug companies and based on that, trump is now getting extremely rare media praise for speaking out. he did it again a day or so later with candace olds-- owens of the daily wire pushing back against question saying if you are vaccinated you won't be hospitalized or face the prospect of dying and some pundits say it's way overdue, but he's getting more attention now, for his stance. >> right, maybe it's a bit of christmas a civility coming from president joe biden to the former president, but i think ultimately what he is saying is he's speaking to a group of vaccine hesitant americans or resistant americans who still listen to president trump. there's a portion of them and what happens to them is still reflected on the biden presidency. if they end up in the hospital, if they i-- died they are numbers that reflect on biden's management of the crisis and so if donald trump is the messenger for that, i think he's keen to use him in the other point is it could be a subtle dig or reminder to the american public that actually this all started with president donald trump and that he is just carrying on-- he inherited the covid mess and he thanks him, but also mentally it's still a problem and it's partially his fault as well. howard: you know, maybe the distrust of the vaccines by some is so deeply embedded that even donald trump can convince people todesh who otherwise support him to get the shot, but i think it's a good thing that the media plays this up. now, in his speech, emily, biden said it's affected by dangerous misinformation on cable tv and social media. okay, but here msnbc joey read went way further than that. let's take a look. >> the most vaccinated company in america is a fox news. they are all vaccinated. they will live through this and let their viewers and fans and die. they don't give a damn. it's just clicks it to them. they don't care what happens. howard: joy read it says fox news wants you to die. what? >> the right said this, it would be a huge story because it so outrageous, so extreme and it's a great example of why the left, why the biden white house and why democrats actually struggled to get vaccine numbers up. i'm not just blaming them. you can't scapegoat this information instead of grappling with the institutional distrust and even the reason supporters of former president trump are booming him that if you don't deal with that you will never get the numbers up and i think it's a huge lesson when you see people scapegoating with this hyperbole, fox news, fox news viewers and it's not helpful to anyone at all. howard: i get fox's a big target for the left, but not even anyone on the show pushed back. last year when the pandemic hit, some prominent pundits went on tv and said they had gotten this unknown at dangerous disease and now, we kind of have a new wave where commentators who are fully vaccinated are getting the so-called breakthrough infections. let me play a couple starting with triple vaccinated jim cramer of cnbc. >> i had covid. i came down with covid tuesday night. >> i tested positive for covid-19. i have the coronavirus. thank god i got the vaccine because had it not been for that i would probably be much worse. howard: how does it affect public perception when these people and others come out and say thank god i got the vaccine clinic i think it's a public service and they are trying to spread awareness for the fact their cases are mild enough for them to be on television and be able to speak to their viewers and tell them it is a spreading and even i got it and this is the way to really counter a serious infection is to be vaccinated. also, on top of the it's a story and something to talk about on tv and makes them more reliable-- relatable to their viewers and it's something we have seen since the beginning when chris cuomo fully documented his covid experience in his basement. it's become a story that people share over the christmas table, what their experience was with covid. i know our family did as multiple people in our family got it and talked about it. seems like another segment and way to share information, public service, but also to be relatable. howard: for each of you on this question, some of the omicron coverages oh my god this is terrible and others, it's not that big a deal, is the media spreading confusion with the mixed messages, emily? >> absolutely, and i think again even the people that the media is supporting on and when you are sort of taking information from sciences and from the medical field, that speaks to how split that even is. even journalists as they try to take that message , they are split. it speaks to the split there. howard: kara? >> i think this virus is evolving and changing at every-- we didn't know about omicron a few months ago so as we collect information and we see the cases and how they play out, the number of hospitalizations, deaths as we evaluate what impact this has on public health and omicron might be less than verlyn if you had the vaccine and i think that's the message out there that as long as you are vaccinated you should not end up in the hospital and that needs to be communicated because it also promotes vaccination. howard: it's hard to have a single message when even experts can't make up their mind and the evidence keeps changing. >> they are still learning as well. howard: it's a problem. when we come back as one senator pulls the plug as president biden's $2 trillion spending bill and why the press is roughing up joe manchin (woman) wow, that's something. 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>> this is a no on this legislation. >> is what, i'm from west virginia, not from where they are from where they can beat the living crap out of people and be submissive. mac. >> i think joe manchin has all of the leverage here. it's not fair. it's not right. it's not really democratic. >> the fact that one senator can do this is evidence our democracy is imperiled. >> democrats go after joe manchin for giving their spending spree a reality check. howard: what to do you make of the media really just unloading on joe manchin and accusing him of undermining democracy. last time i checked he gets a vote, he's a senator and you need 50 votes to pass. >> the coverage about democracy, because of one vote in the senate has been outrageous and that's simply not how our system work in the other point that it speaks to the media's need to grasp onto a much more complicated narrative and an easier narrative which as you have one person holding this up and "politico" has a story about the senate parliamentarian and also kristen cinema and all these other things going on not to mention the squad getting absolutely betrayed by biden who promised after his years of decades in the senate that he could negotiate this. there's much more going on so to grasp onto this simple narrative is not doing a service to the public. howard: very different coverage when john mccain was the maverick on killing obamacare. that white house statement accused joe manchin of the trail and we heard him come back and talk about right half-- white house aides tried to beat the living crap out of here and suddenly we had the wrestling match the media loves to cover. >> it's been an easy narrative to grip onto as emily said, and it works for both of them. i think they are leaning into it because for senator joe manchin elevates him and it's good for his base in west virginia, which is more right leaning constituency. it helps president joe biden he can really use biden as a foil to the progressives-- howard: you mean mansion. >> yes, joe manchin-- joe manchin, sorry. ultimately at the end of the day the press may be overreacting because they felt the rug was pulled out from underneath them. they were listening to the white house, the progressives, and they believed it was inevitable and suddenly they are also saying wait, what, so i think that's another reason you've seen this harsher treatment of joe manchin because of the progressives in the white house that made it seem like the bill was inevitable. howard: that's a great point because i was constantly saying that they would say it will pass by christmas, by next year, but no, it doesn't necessarily have to pass and what i don't see as much of, emily is commentators and journalists saying it was pretty major political miscalculation by the vented or senator-- veteran senator now president pushing for the three naturally and dollar bill with earlier emergency spending without knowing if they were close to getting joe manchin on board knowing full well you need every democratic votes. >> absolutely. i think that's the headline because joe biden promised the progressives in his caucus that this would get done if they voted for the first part, the bipartisan part and a lot of them did not buy that, but in other reason it's a blow to biden's because it will cause huge divide in the democratic party for years to come. this is going to be very difficult thing. if nothing it passes for the establishment wing of the democratic party and i have seen so very little coverage of that part of this despite the fact that it's a huge angle and the huge implication. howard: yes, easier to kick joe manchin around. tara, the counter market-- argument in the media is that mansion was the attention and it's difficult to get him to yes, but the bill is complicated and it's hard for the press to keep track of what's in, what's out and so therefore i think it's more tempting to focus on the food fight, with both sides. >> exactly. it's a more compelling story and i think the press has been sort of used in the whole game as well through channeling you know different policy ideas, floating yes and no and votes and ultimately at the end of the day they really kind of bought into it and i feel like they came off feeling flat-footed by the whole thing falling apart yet, the press always is used in these negotiations and an easier story to cover his two men having a personalized issue over what is really a policy disagreement and a reflection of what their voters want. howard: i would say the more compelling story is what kind of federal aid is actually going to pass or not passed as opposed to the beltway politics, but we know how that goes. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. howard: next kamala harris train wreck interview with charlemagne the god and joe biden on abc about a potential rematch against donald trump. ♪♪ their only friend? 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[laughter] sure, why would i not run against donald trump, that would increase the prospect of running. howard: what else is he going to say. >> is he running or isn't he, that's the favorite parlor game and the longer i think that joe biden remains on fully committed to a second run the latter the voices get over a harris challenge or someone else amid the presidents slide in his poll numbers for you losing the american people support with inflation and crime in a number-- immigration. howard: biden says he's fully committed if he's in good health, but the press is skeptical and that helps us turn local stories. griff jenkins, good to see you and next on "media buzz" from the coverage of andrew cuomo to afghanistan a look at the news coverage of 2021 >> m>> man: what's my safelite story? i spend a lot of time in my truck. it's my livelihood. ♪ rock music ♪ >> man: so i'm not taking any chances when something happens to it. so when my windshield cracked... my friend recommended 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allegations against andrew cuomo, the very story that months later forced the governor to resign? >> because i think they were invested in cuomo as the anti- trump hero of covid. they were so excited about that narrative, look at this great governor of new york doing the opposite things of trump, so pro- science, good at communicating and when it turns out he had a huge scandal on his hands involving covid, something they still play down and they didn't really want to address that and they certainly shut it off to the site until after the election and then the walls started to cave in and the whole thing collapsed on andrew cuomo. howard: and of course the political scandal led cnn to fire chris cuomo for two aggressively helping his butt-- brother. gillian turner, was the media to an outward of andrew cuomo when he was the emmy award winning covid briefing governor and was that a major factor in your view in maybe some of these organizations hoping the whole story would go away until more women came forward with serious accusations? >> in my view, this was a classic example of the media choosing to cover her style over substance and it happens all the time. the media became collectively enamored of the governor back in the early days of covid when he was giving press conferences every day. they like not just what he was saying, but how he was saying and they decided to cover that to the exclusion of all else and what ended up being sacrificed which fell by the wayside. it was his policies he was implemented at the time which is sort of what enabled the media to have this collective amnesia stay where they failed to realize what he was implementing in nursing homes and how that was actually you know impacting new yorkers lives. howard: one wonders if a republican governor would have gotten the same treatment. let me turn to afghanistan which is pretty much out of the news as i predicted at the time the us withdraw would quickly happen. to give you the flavor of the coverage at the time of the us pull out, here is one of the comments from nbc's richard engel. >> you can look at this is a tremendously humiliating moment of american humiliation, weaving, forced to leave on the towel bands clock and with the taliban. i think history will judge this moment as a tart-- dark period. howard: guy, it was such a debacle that there was a lot of negative media coverage including all the big mainstream organizations towards president biden. were you surprised at the degree to which the press was hammering biden when this happened? >> may be a little bit because it was really relentlessly negative, but deservedly so. i think a lot of conservators are so used to the media putting spin on behalf of the democrats and even if it's a terrible story, they will go after them just a little bit for a few days and then move on. this stained it deeply negative coverage and the biden administration earned every single piece of it and i think what may have been flame -- inflamed the coverage was the continued insistence that things were going quite well, a huge success, extraordinary success to quote the president himself. when you gaslight that hard even journalists who might lead to the left at some point say enough, we can't put lipstick on this pig and sugarcoat this and they didn't for a period maybe two or three weeks it was really brutal coverage and i think that was the start of a really significantly downward trajectory for this president, his approval ratings from which he still has not recovered. howard: julian, some pundits at the time said the american people support the withdrawal, but of course they did withdraw -- support the way the withdraw happened with the bombing at the airport and so forth, does it trouble you that basically you turn and see basically nothing about the situation in afghanistan now? >> yeah except if you turn on fox news channel we have covered in the news division what's going on through this day. we have continued to cover the humanitarian crisis confronting afghans and all kinds of international citizens who are still there on the ground including some americans who-- we have continued to cover what's happened on the remains of the shell of the embassy that is there. not all of the networks choosing to do that, but what's interesting also about the case of the botched afghanistan withdraw is the degree with which the white house really falls the media for the terrible outcome here. from day one, the white house has always insisted as guide pointed out it was a huge success and everything went swimmingly and the media got it wrong, but it didn't stop there. we had senior administration officials actually hammer individual journalists for covering the negative things that were unfolding as if the fact of the coverage was what made them real. the helicopter rescues or should not of been covered. threats against americans in the days leading up to the bombing shouldn't have been covered, but that does not make those things go away. they still happen to. howard: that's it touched now on covid. 20 and 2021 obviously overriding story. president trump got so much negative coverage and one of the turning points, i think, was when he later told bob woodward about why he handled it initially the way he did. take a look. >> i think bob really to be honest-- >> i want you to be. >> i wanted to always play it down. i still liked playing it down because i don't want to create a panic. howard: guy, so clearly donald trump got so much negative coverage over the handling of covid-19 and probably was a major factor in his losing the election. now biden is getting a lot of negative coverage as the pandemic drags on. do you think the cat-- coverage is of the same intensity as it was with trump to know, and covid is probably the biggest story of my lifetime overall from a news consumer and news engaging perspective, maybe 9/11 would be up there, but i think president trump deserves some of the negative chris it is-- criticism and coverage he received. some of course is way over the top and a lot of it was politically motivated and the democrats used it as a call and jewel against him to beat him and they did it so successfully, but i find it interesting now that president biden is sort of getting a bit more magnanimous, let's not play the blame game and credit trump a little for the vaccines. it might be easy to do that when you are the guy taking the arrows and when your body count in covid is higher than the last guy in the media is criticizing biden because i think they mishandled this in some ways, but the volume, the tenor is nowhere close what it was under the previous president. howard: quick thoughts? >> i think it's one of the ironies of donald trump's presidency that is both responsible for getting the united states the best vaccines in the world, getting them quickly, but then he was also responsible for sort of downplaying how crucial it was for americans to actually sign up, show up and get the vaccines. the media decided to completely ignore the former and cover the latter. i think that shows us another sort of bias failure inherent in the news landscape today. howard: and of course even president biden still has not been able to get that 40% of americans who have not got the shots to get vaccinated. more the panel in a moment as we look at crime coverage from kyle whitten house-- kyle rittenhouse. ♪♪ where everything just seems to go your way. ♪ ♪ you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. what do we want for dinner? you're in good hands with allstate. burger... i want a sugar cookie... wait... i want a bucket of chicken... i want... ♪♪ it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win. howard: the media sometimes is interested only in selective justice as in the jussie smollett case back when the kyle rittenhouse trials dominating cable news many liberal pundits accused him of being guilty of homicide in the fatal shooting of two people in kenosha even after he was acquitted. >> the fact that white supremacists roam the halls of congress freely and celebrate this murderous white supremacist and the fact that he gets to walk the streets freely let you know these people have access to instituting laws. they represent the legislative branch of this country. howard: guy, the coverage of the kyle rittenhouse trial was really a turning point because so much of the media convicted this 18-year old of homicide before the trial even got started and then after that they seem to ignore the evidence that was presented in the jury in kenosha that he acted in self-defense. >> some of the narratives they were promulgating made no sense and didn't fit the facts of the case at all and i think this is one of the real criticisms that people have of the press that they treat major national stories or trials like this is almost passion plays or morality plays where there are larger truths at stake and there are good guys and bad guys in this tri- band that tried and you can sort of clear out all of the annoying details about what actually happened. there's a something more important that they were trying to get out and i think that's a very dangerous thing. it's absolutely not the way to cover a trial ever, but we saw that repeatedly during the rittenhouse saga and unfortunately the jury paid more attention to the details and i think demonstrating more wisdom than many of our colleagues, the press throughout the entire ordeal. howard: gillian, the worst part by far was after kyle rittenhouse was acquitted and liberal commentators continued to call him a murderer and continued to call them a white supremacists as if jury verdicts don't matter if you disagree with them. >> yes, but to be fair there were also conservative journalists and conservative pundits who continue to hurl him as a hero and i think the reality as guide pointed out so ably a moment ago is that these cases are full of details, pesky little details and they tell their own story and reveal their own truths and so a narrative like this bolstering someone who is on trial or trying to denigrate them before the jury has had a chance to consider the facts before them is always a hopeless undertaking and everyone loses a. howard: i said many times kyle rittenhouse is not a hero but he also deserved a fair trial and if you are acquitted i think all the people who piled on earlier need to recognize that. look at the contrast with the coverage of the jussie smollett verdict when joy read in these other msnbc nighttime host decided to completely ignore the fact that even if found guilty of this terrible hate crime that he had claimed you know trump sympathizers and just okay now, we are going to cover it. >> two words, narrative is one i have used it several times on the show today because i think it really does explain what drives us so much of the news coverage these days, a larger story people see with tunnel vision and they will stick to it no matter what so narrative and embarrassment. i think a lot of these people got behind jussie smollett and they wanted to believe he was a victim of a hate crime and believe that trump supporters would do this in the middle of the night in freezing cold chicago even though it made absolutely no sense from the get-go and because it turned out that of course he lied and of course he made it up and of course their rush to judgment was a shockingly and embarrassingly wrong, they now i think have a sense of humiliation that they got caught up in this and rather than make amends and correct in the opposite direction, a lot of them simply averted their eyes and that is certainly a choice they made and we have noticed a. howard: i don't blame journalists initially, gillian, for reporting on the attack as chicago police were investigating and even donald trump called it a horrible attack and president biden denounced it and kamala harris called it a modern-day lynching, but once more facts come out, doesn't not just the media people, but the politicians who had capitalized on this, don't they have some responsibility to set the record straight? >> yes, and i don't think any viewing members of the american public really anticipate that the media are future seekers and can lay out the future before it happens, but there's a certain allegation to sort of repent and at least correct the record when they get things so glaringly wrong. what the media did here was get out ahead of the trial, get out ahead of the facts and that really did a disservice to everybody and rather than go back and correct the record they decided to sort of brush it all under the table and pretend nothing had happened and there was no trial. you know, a lot of networks it didn't even go-- i was on the air when the verdict was breaking that night or sort of on standby in the studio and i was watching other networks coverage and a lot of them did not go to live to the courthouse to take the verdict in real time like fox news channel did. i think the reason for that is because they want to pretend this trial wasn't going on because no one wanted to account for the truth. howard: i like-- >> the good news is the jury saw through it got it right so the scoreboard in my mind is jury two points and media zero. howard: all right, gillian turner and guy benson, thank you for joining us. still to come, tom freeman of the "new york times", does he have a conflict of interest problem? buzzworthy is up next. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't 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"new york times" columnist tom friedman has a conflict of interest even if his paper is in denial and i have great respect for him, but the washington post has favorably consulted conservative international and quoted many times without revealing that his family foundation has donated nearly $6 million to the environment a group same is true with the aspen institute and the seed foundation. it's not the usual conflict since he's donating the money and a spokesperson is quoted as saying since he's not receiving a benefit we see no ethical concern, but tom friedman is promoting groups that his foundation is trying to help succeed. $28 million in donations over the years. how hard is it to disclose that? so readers can decide for themselves. if tom friedman is proud of his donations he should come out and defend his stance rather than declined to comment. the sex in the city reboot is out and features mr. big, sarah jessica parker fictional boyfriend and he's now facing allegations of sexual assault from four women. we have been told he assaulted them, wanted 2004 and the other 2015. he called the accusation of false and said they were consensual encounters. third woman told the daily beast he sexually assaulted her as well. the three cast members who have returned with the new parker, kristin davis and cynthia nixon did not stand by their man, quote we are deeply saddened to hear the allegations and we support the women who have come forward and share their painful experiences. we know it must be a very difficult thing to do and we commend them for it. cbs has pulled him from its series the equalizer. fox news is ending 2020 as the top rated network in all cable tv, but what you may not know is it has the largest audience of independence , 46% tuning in with compared to 3% for msnbc in 23% cnn. get this, fox as the second largest liberal audience 29% behind msnbc 46%, but ahead of cnn 25%, so the critics who try to dismiss the operation of some kind of right wing bubble are really underestimating the diversity of the audience. that's it for this edition of "media buzz". hope you are all having a great christmas weekend. see you on facebook and twitter. you might want to try my podcast. you can subscribe at apple, itunes. back here with the first show of the new year sunday. autoglass came right to . with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. america is blessed with countless service men and women who have bravely fought on our behalf. they've paid the price in body and spirit so we can enjoy our freedom. - by joining the military during a very active period of war, i absolutely went into it with the idea that i could die. both of my legs were amputated due to an ied that i sustained while i was deployed to iraq. i mean, i'm still here. so, there must be something more. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS MediaBuzz 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS MediaBuzz 20240709

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bought tickets for protecting himself by getting a booster shot and as the former president who not only pushing operation work speed said during the saints show we saved tens of millions worldwide by creating the vaccine. good for donald trump, but why did it take a question from o'reilly for trump to announce he had gotten the third shot? was he worried about that negative reaction from part of his base? o'reilly said trump called him after the event and the commentator insisted it was good for him and now that trump is defending the vaccines and i hope he keeps doing it, the network should play those clips because many of his supporters are vaccine evident-- hesitant. it's hard to fathom how we reach the point where a simple yes by the former leader of the free world is calls for catcalls. this is media buzz. >> the press reaction was largely negative even on msnbc when president biden announced the government would deal with a drastic shortage of covid test by buying 500 million at home test >> what is your message to americans trying to get tested now and are not able to get tested and who are wondering what took so long to ramp up testing. >> what took so long? >> i'm hearing that from people that are trying to get tested before the holidays. >> well, what took so long-- didn't take long at all spewing empty shelves, no test kit, is that a failure? >> i don't think it's a failure, you could argue we should have known a year ago, six month ago, two months ago, a month ago. >> you cannot only blame it on the virus, every expert we have spoken to the last two years have talked about variance and the concern of increase of transmissibility and the need for protection we should've seen this coming. howard: tv experts are constantly changing their omicron forecast and pendants are divided as usual. >> i think the next two to eight weeks will be as i have said before a global blizzard and this virus. >> this pandemic movie is about over. a lot of us will have omicron. we will be fine. howard: joining us now to analyze the coverage in milwaukee emily, cultural editor of the federalist and in new york polyp larry, co-author of politicals playbook. the press is usually sympathetic to president biden. why is there such strong pushback, his argument that two years into the pandemic no one could possibly have known a highbred virus variant was coming and stockpiled a bunch of tests. >> it's an interesting case study in one of the best patterns in terms-- i always say when it's snowing in new york snowstorms become a mate-- major story and i think that's what happened with omicron is that it hit new york and dc hard and a lot of journalists are concentrated in dc and new york and because of that, because there was this wave hitting the coast, they really really were critical of biden because in washington dc where i was over the course of the last week, you would see long lines and because it was so visible to them i think that actually where they had sort of had the first hand experience what was happening, i think that translated into coverage of biden. howard: the first of the half-million test won't even be available at least for several weeks we now have 200,000 daily cases in the united states. terra, jen psaki was challenged by some reporters, one who asked if she regretted her tone when she said a couple weeks earlier sarcastically what do you want us to do, send home test to everyone in america. >> that's not a terrible idea; right? and it seems like that's what they would need to catch up with the pace the way omicron spreading, but ultimately i think joe biden ran on the promise that he would professionalize this covid response and that there would be enough tests, that there would be-- they would be readily available so people would know before they leave that house if they carry covid or not and that just hasn't happened yet. in the press, we use these promises as metrics and he didn't just say it a few times on the campaign trail, over the past year he's said it over the dozen times that he would make sure covid test were readily available and easy, the take-home test you can buy at cvs or just lining up side-- lining up, so the press is holding him to his own words and i think that is fair. howard: i think that's fair. how did we reach the point where part of an audience booze when donald trump and bill o'reilly say they committed the horrible sin of booster shots? >> you know, i think it speaks to something that gets misunderstood about trump a lot in the press, which is so many things are actually deeper than donald trump itself so like this institutional distrust, which is where you get booze and as former president trump says in the corner, i don't know how many people it was, but the reason it still happens is it speaks to institutional distrust and donald trump was sort of part of that like a vehicle for a lot of people of the institutional distrust and some of those things are deeper than trump. interesting, went back and looked at the clips and donald trump has actually said some of these things in the "washington post" put together a video compilation over the course of the last year and so to see this week the press latch onto the o'reilly experience, this o'reilly conversation was just fascinating. howard: well, you know biden mentioned in his televised speech the other day, that trump had gotten the booster aced on the video we just saw and also credited the previous administration for helping develop the vaccine so quickly with the drug companies and based on that, trump is now getting extremely rare media praise for speaking out. he did it again a day or so later with candace olds-- owens of the daily wire pushing back against question saying if you are vaccinated you won't be hospitalized or face the prospect of dying and some pundits say it's way overdue, but he's getting more attention now, for his stance. >> right, maybe it's a bit of christmas a civility coming from president joe biden to the former president, but i think ultimately what he is saying is he's speaking to a group of vaccine hesitant americans or resistant americans who still listen to president trump. there's a portion of them and what happens to them is still reflected on the biden presidency. if they end up in the hospital, if they i-- died they are numbers that reflect on biden's management of the crisis and so if donald trump is the messenger for that, i think he's keen to use him in the other point is it could be a subtle dig or reminder to the american public that actually this all started with president donald trump and that he is just carrying on-- he inherited the covid mess and he thanks him, but also mentally it's still a problem and it's partially his fault as well. howard: you know, maybe the distrust of the vaccines by some is so deeply embedded that even donald trump can convince people todesh who otherwise support him to get the shot, but i think it's a good thing that the media plays this up. now, in his speech, emily, biden said it's affected by dangerous misinformation on cable tv and social media. okay, but here msnbc joey read went way further than that. let's take a look. >> the most vaccinated company in america is a fox news. they are all vaccinated. they will live through this and let their viewers and fans and die. they don't give a damn. it's just clicks it to them. they don't care what happens. howard: joy read it says fox news wants you to die. what? >> the right said this, it would be a huge story because it so outrageous, so extreme and it's a great example of why the left, why the biden white house and why democrats actually struggled to get vaccine numbers up. i'm not just blaming them. you can't scapegoat this information instead of grappling with the institutional distrust and even the reason supporters of former president trump are booming him that if you don't deal with that you will never get the numbers up and i think it's a huge lesson when you see people scapegoating with this hyperbole, fox news, fox news viewers and it's not helpful to anyone at all. howard: i get fox's a big target for the left, but not even anyone on the show pushed back. last year when the pandemic hit, some prominent pundits went on tv and said they had gotten this unknown at dangerous disease and now, we kind of have a new wave where commentators who are fully vaccinated are getting the so-called breakthrough infections. let me play a couple starting with triple vaccinated jim cramer of cnbc. >> i had covid. i came down with covid tuesday night. >> i tested positive for covid-19. i have the coronavirus. thank god i got the vaccine because had it not been for that i would probably be much worse. howard: how does it affect public perception when these people and others come out and say thank god i got the vaccine clinic i think it's a public service and they are trying to spread awareness for the fact their cases are mild enough for them to be on television and be able to speak to their viewers and tell them it is a spreading and even i got it and this is the way to really counter a serious infection is to be vaccinated. also, on top of the it's a story and something to talk about on tv and makes them more reliable-- relatable to their viewers and it's something we have seen since the beginning when chris cuomo fully documented his covid experience in his basement. it's become a story that people share over the christmas table, what their experience was with covid. i know our family did as multiple people in our family got it and talked about it. seems like another segment and way to share information, public service, but also to be relatable. howard: for each of you on this question, some of the omicron coverages oh my god this is terrible and others, it's not that big a deal, is the media spreading confusion with the mixed messages, emily? >> absolutely, and i think again even the people that the media is supporting on and when you are sort of taking information from sciences and from the medical field, that speaks to how split that even is. even journalists as they try to take that message , they are split. it speaks to the split there. howard: kara? >> i think this virus is evolving and changing at every-- we didn't know about omicron a few months ago so as we collect information and we see the cases and how they play out, the number of hospitalizations, deaths as we evaluate what impact this has on public health and omicron might be less than verlyn if you had the vaccine and i think that's the message out there that as long as you are vaccinated you should not end up in the hospital and that needs to be communicated because it also promotes vaccination. howard: it's hard to have a single message when even experts can't make up their mind and the evidence keeps changing. >> they are still learning as well. howard: it's a problem. when we come back as one senator pulls the plug as president biden's $2 trillion spending bill and why the press is roughing up joe manchin (woman) wow, that's something. 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>> this is a no on this legislation. >> is what, i'm from west virginia, not from where they are from where they can beat the living crap out of people and be submissive. mac. >> i think joe manchin has all of the leverage here. it's not fair. it's not right. it's not really democratic. >> the fact that one senator can do this is evidence our democracy is imperiled. >> democrats go after joe manchin for giving their spending spree a reality check. howard: what to do you make of the media really just unloading on joe manchin and accusing him of undermining democracy. last time i checked he gets a vote, he's a senator and you need 50 votes to pass. >> the coverage about democracy, because of one vote in the senate has been outrageous and that's simply not how our system work in the other point that it speaks to the media's need to grasp onto a much more complicated narrative and an easier narrative which as you have one person holding this up and "politico" has a story about the senate parliamentarian and also kristen cinema and all these other things going on not to mention the squad getting absolutely betrayed by biden who promised after his years of decades in the senate that he could negotiate this. there's much more going on so to grasp onto this simple narrative is not doing a service to the public. howard: very different coverage when john mccain was the maverick on killing obamacare. that white house statement accused joe manchin of the trail and we heard him come back and talk about right half-- white house aides tried to beat the living crap out of here and suddenly we had the wrestling match the media loves to cover. >> it's been an easy narrative to grip onto as emily said, and it works for both of them. i think they are leaning into it because for senator joe manchin elevates him and it's good for his base in west virginia, which is more right leaning constituency. it helps president joe biden he can really use biden as a foil to the progressives-- howard: you mean mansion. >> yes, joe manchin-- joe manchin, sorry. ultimately at the end of the day the press may be overreacting because they felt the rug was pulled out from underneath them. they were listening to the white house, the progressives, and they believed it was inevitable and suddenly they are also saying wait, what, so i think that's another reason you've seen this harsher treatment of joe manchin because of the progressives in the white house that made it seem like the bill was inevitable. howard: that's a great point because i was constantly saying that they would say it will pass by christmas, by next year, but no, it doesn't necessarily have to pass and what i don't see as much of, emily is commentators and journalists saying it was pretty major political miscalculation by the vented or senator-- veteran senator now president pushing for the three naturally and dollar bill with earlier emergency spending without knowing if they were close to getting joe manchin on board knowing full well you need every democratic votes. >> absolutely. i think that's the headline because joe biden promised the progressives in his caucus that this would get done if they voted for the first part, the bipartisan part and a lot of them did not buy that, but in other reason it's a blow to biden's because it will cause huge divide in the democratic party for years to come. this is going to be very difficult thing. if nothing it passes for the establishment wing of the democratic party and i have seen so very little coverage of that part of this despite the fact that it's a huge angle and the huge implication. howard: yes, easier to kick joe manchin around. tara, the counter market-- argument in the media is that mansion was the attention and it's difficult to get him to yes, but the bill is complicated and it's hard for the press to keep track of what's in, what's out and so therefore i think it's more tempting to focus on the food fight, with both sides. >> exactly. it's a more compelling story and i think the press has been sort of used in the whole game as well through channeling you know different policy ideas, floating yes and no and votes and ultimately at the end of the day they really kind of bought into it and i feel like they came off feeling flat-footed by the whole thing falling apart yet, the press always is used in these negotiations and an easier story to cover his two men having a personalized issue over what is really a policy disagreement and a reflection of what their voters want. howard: i would say the more compelling story is what kind of federal aid is actually going to pass or not passed as opposed to the beltway politics, but we know how that goes. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. howard: next kamala harris train wreck interview with charlemagne the god and joe biden on abc about a potential rematch against donald trump. ♪♪ their only friend? 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[laughter] sure, why would i not run against donald trump, that would increase the prospect of running. howard: what else is he going to say. >> is he running or isn't he, that's the favorite parlor game and the longer i think that joe biden remains on fully committed to a second run the latter the voices get over a harris challenge or someone else amid the presidents slide in his poll numbers for you losing the american people support with inflation and crime in a number-- immigration. howard: biden says he's fully committed if he's in good health, but the press is skeptical and that helps us turn local stories. griff jenkins, good to see you and next on "media buzz" from the coverage of andrew cuomo to afghanistan a look at the news coverage of 2021 >> m>> man: what's my safelite story? i spend a lot of time in my truck. it's my livelihood. ♪ rock music ♪ >> man: so i'm not taking any chances when something happens to it. so when my windshield cracked... my friend recommended 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allegations against andrew cuomo, the very story that months later forced the governor to resign? >> because i think they were invested in cuomo as the anti- trump hero of covid. they were so excited about that narrative, look at this great governor of new york doing the opposite things of trump, so pro- science, good at communicating and when it turns out he had a huge scandal on his hands involving covid, something they still play down and they didn't really want to address that and they certainly shut it off to the site until after the election and then the walls started to cave in and the whole thing collapsed on andrew cuomo. howard: and of course the political scandal led cnn to fire chris cuomo for two aggressively helping his butt-- brother. gillian turner, was the media to an outward of andrew cuomo when he was the emmy award winning covid briefing governor and was that a major factor in your view in maybe some of these organizations hoping the whole story would go away until more women came forward with serious accusations? >> in my view, this was a classic example of the media choosing to cover her style over substance and it happens all the time. the media became collectively enamored of the governor back in the early days of covid when he was giving press conferences every day. they like not just what he was saying, but how he was saying and they decided to cover that to the exclusion of all else and what ended up being sacrificed which fell by the wayside. it was his policies he was implemented at the time which is sort of what enabled the media to have this collective amnesia stay where they failed to realize what he was implementing in nursing homes and how that was actually you know impacting new yorkers lives. howard: one wonders if a republican governor would have gotten the same treatment. let me turn to afghanistan which is pretty much out of the news as i predicted at the time the us withdraw would quickly happen. to give you the flavor of the coverage at the time of the us pull out, here is one of the comments from nbc's richard engel. >> you can look at this is a tremendously humiliating moment of american humiliation, weaving, forced to leave on the towel bands clock and with the taliban. i think history will judge this moment as a tart-- dark period. howard: guy, it was such a debacle that there was a lot of negative media coverage including all the big mainstream organizations towards president biden. were you surprised at the degree to which the press was hammering biden when this happened? >> may be a little bit because it was really relentlessly negative, but deservedly so. i think a lot of conservators are so used to the media putting spin on behalf of the democrats and even if it's a terrible story, they will go after them just a little bit for a few days and then move on. this stained it deeply negative coverage and the biden administration earned every single piece of it and i think what may have been flame -- inflamed the coverage was the continued insistence that things were going quite well, a huge success, extraordinary success to quote the president himself. when you gaslight that hard even journalists who might lead to the left at some point say enough, we can't put lipstick on this pig and sugarcoat this and they didn't for a period maybe two or three weeks it was really brutal coverage and i think that was the start of a really significantly downward trajectory for this president, his approval ratings from which he still has not recovered. howard: julian, some pundits at the time said the american people support the withdrawal, but of course they did withdraw -- support the way the withdraw happened with the bombing at the airport and so forth, does it trouble you that basically you turn and see basically nothing about the situation in afghanistan now? >> yeah except if you turn on fox news channel we have covered in the news division what's going on through this day. we have continued to cover the humanitarian crisis confronting afghans and all kinds of international citizens who are still there on the ground including some americans who-- we have continued to cover what's happened on the remains of the shell of the embassy that is there. not all of the networks choosing to do that, but what's interesting also about the case of the botched afghanistan withdraw is the degree with which the white house really falls the media for the terrible outcome here. from day one, the white house has always insisted as guide pointed out it was a huge success and everything went swimmingly and the media got it wrong, but it didn't stop there. we had senior administration officials actually hammer individual journalists for covering the negative things that were unfolding as if the fact of the coverage was what made them real. the helicopter rescues or should not of been covered. threats against americans in the days leading up to the bombing shouldn't have been covered, but that does not make those things go away. they still happen to. howard: that's it touched now on covid. 20 and 2021 obviously overriding story. president trump got so much negative coverage and one of the turning points, i think, was when he later told bob woodward about why he handled it initially the way he did. take a look. >> i think bob really to be honest-- >> i want you to be. >> i wanted to always play it down. i still liked playing it down because i don't want to create a panic. howard: guy, so clearly donald trump got so much negative coverage over the handling of covid-19 and probably was a major factor in his losing the election. now biden is getting a lot of negative coverage as the pandemic drags on. do you think the cat-- coverage is of the same intensity as it was with trump to know, and covid is probably the biggest story of my lifetime overall from a news consumer and news engaging perspective, maybe 9/11 would be up there, but i think president trump deserves some of the negative chris it is-- criticism and coverage he received. some of course is way over the top and a lot of it was politically motivated and the democrats used it as a call and jewel against him to beat him and they did it so successfully, but i find it interesting now that president biden is sort of getting a bit more magnanimous, let's not play the blame game and credit trump a little for the vaccines. it might be easy to do that when you are the guy taking the arrows and when your body count in covid is higher than the last guy in the media is criticizing biden because i think they mishandled this in some ways, but the volume, the tenor is nowhere close what it was under the previous president. howard: quick thoughts? >> i think it's one of the ironies of donald trump's presidency that is both responsible for getting the united states the best vaccines in the world, getting them quickly, but then he was also responsible for sort of downplaying how crucial it was for americans to actually sign up, show up and get the vaccines. the media decided to completely ignore the former and cover the latter. i think that shows us another sort of bias failure inherent in the news landscape today. howard: and of course even president biden still has not been able to get that 40% of americans who have not got the shots to get vaccinated. more the panel in a moment as we look at crime coverage from kyle whitten house-- kyle rittenhouse. ♪♪ where everything just seems to go your way. ♪ ♪ you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. what do we want for dinner? you're in good hands with allstate. burger... i want a sugar cookie... wait... i want a bucket of chicken... i want... ♪♪ it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win. howard: the media sometimes is interested only in selective justice as in the jussie smollett case back when the kyle rittenhouse trials dominating cable news many liberal pundits accused him of being guilty of homicide in the fatal shooting of two people in kenosha even after he was acquitted. >> the fact that white supremacists roam the halls of congress freely and celebrate this murderous white supremacist and the fact that he gets to walk the streets freely let you know these people have access to instituting laws. they represent the legislative branch of this country. howard: guy, the coverage of the kyle rittenhouse trial was really a turning point because so much of the media convicted this 18-year old of homicide before the trial even got started and then after that they seem to ignore the evidence that was presented in the jury in kenosha that he acted in self-defense. >> some of the narratives they were promulgating made no sense and didn't fit the facts of the case at all and i think this is one of the real criticisms that people have of the press that they treat major national stories or trials like this is almost passion plays or morality plays where there are larger truths at stake and there are good guys and bad guys in this tri- band that tried and you can sort of clear out all of the annoying details about what actually happened. there's a something more important that they were trying to get out and i think that's a very dangerous thing. it's absolutely not the way to cover a trial ever, but we saw that repeatedly during the rittenhouse saga and unfortunately the jury paid more attention to the details and i think demonstrating more wisdom than many of our colleagues, the press throughout the entire ordeal. howard: gillian, the worst part by far was after kyle rittenhouse was acquitted and liberal commentators continued to call him a murderer and continued to call them a white supremacists as if jury verdicts don't matter if you disagree with them. >> yes, but to be fair there were also conservative journalists and conservative pundits who continue to hurl him as a hero and i think the reality as guide pointed out so ably a moment ago is that these cases are full of details, pesky little details and they tell their own story and reveal their own truths and so a narrative like this bolstering someone who is on trial or trying to denigrate them before the jury has had a chance to consider the facts before them is always a hopeless undertaking and everyone loses a. howard: i said many times kyle rittenhouse is not a hero but he also deserved a fair trial and if you are acquitted i think all the people who piled on earlier need to recognize that. look at the contrast with the coverage of the jussie smollett verdict when joy read in these other msnbc nighttime host decided to completely ignore the fact that even if found guilty of this terrible hate crime that he had claimed you know trump sympathizers and just okay now, we are going to cover it. >> two words, narrative is one i have used it several times on the show today because i think it really does explain what drives us so much of the news coverage these days, a larger story people see with tunnel vision and they will stick to it no matter what so narrative and embarrassment. i think a lot of these people got behind jussie smollett and they wanted to believe he was a victim of a hate crime and believe that trump supporters would do this in the middle of the night in freezing cold chicago even though it made absolutely no sense from the get-go and because it turned out that of course he lied and of course he made it up and of course their rush to judgment was a shockingly and embarrassingly wrong, they now i think have a sense of humiliation that they got caught up in this and rather than make amends and correct in the opposite direction, a lot of them simply averted their eyes and that is certainly a choice they made and we have noticed a. howard: i don't blame journalists initially, gillian, for reporting on the attack as chicago police were investigating and even donald trump called it a horrible attack and president biden denounced it and kamala harris called it a modern-day lynching, but once more facts come out, doesn't not just the media people, but the politicians who had capitalized on this, don't they have some responsibility to set the record straight? >> yes, and i don't think any viewing members of the american public really anticipate that the media are future seekers and can lay out the future before it happens, but there's a certain allegation to sort of repent and at least correct the record when they get things so glaringly wrong. what the media did here was get out ahead of the trial, get out ahead of the facts and that really did a disservice to everybody and rather than go back and correct the record they decided to sort of brush it all under the table and pretend nothing had happened and there was no trial. you know, a lot of networks it didn't even go-- i was on the air when the verdict was breaking that night or sort of on standby in the studio and i was watching other networks coverage and a lot of them did not go to live to the courthouse to take the verdict in real time like fox news channel did. i think the reason for that is because they want to pretend this trial wasn't going on because no one wanted to account for the truth. howard: i like-- >> the good news is the jury saw through it got it right so the scoreboard in my mind is jury two points and media zero. howard: all right, gillian turner and guy benson, thank you for joining us. still to come, tom freeman of the "new york times", does he have a conflict of interest problem? buzzworthy is up next. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't 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"new york times" columnist tom friedman has a conflict of interest even if his paper is in denial and i have great respect for him, but the washington post has favorably consulted conservative international and quoted many times without revealing that his family foundation has donated nearly $6 million to the environment a group same is true with the aspen institute and the seed foundation. it's not the usual conflict since he's donating the money and a spokesperson is quoted as saying since he's not receiving a benefit we see no ethical concern, but tom friedman is promoting groups that his foundation is trying to help succeed. $28 million in donations over the years. how hard is it to disclose that? so readers can decide for themselves. if tom friedman is proud of his donations he should come out and defend his stance rather than declined to comment. the sex in the city reboot is out and features mr. big, sarah jessica parker fictional boyfriend and he's now facing allegations of sexual assault from four women. we have been told he assaulted them, wanted 2004 and the other 2015. he called the accusation of false and said they were consensual encounters. third woman told the daily beast he sexually assaulted her as well. the three cast members who have returned with the new parker, kristin davis and cynthia nixon did not stand by their man, quote we are deeply saddened to hear the allegations and we support the women who have come forward and share their painful experiences. we know it must be a very difficult thing to do and we commend them for it. cbs has pulled him from its series the equalizer. fox news is ending 2020 as the top rated network in all cable tv, but what you may not know is it has the largest audience of independence , 46% tuning in with compared to 3% for msnbc in 23% cnn. get this, fox as the second largest liberal audience 29% behind msnbc 46%, but ahead of cnn 25%, so the critics who try to dismiss the operation of some kind of right wing bubble are really underestimating the diversity of the audience. that's it for this edition of "media buzz". hope you are all having a great christmas weekend. see you on facebook and twitter. you might want to try my podcast. you can subscribe at apple, itunes. back here with the first show of the new year sunday. autoglass came right to . with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. america is blessed with countless service men and women who have bravely fought on our behalf. they've paid the price in body and spirit so we can enjoy our freedom. - by joining the military during a very active period of war, i absolutely went into it with the idea that i could die. both of my legs were amputated due to an ied that i sustained while i was deployed to iraq. i mean, i'm still here. so, there must be something more. 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Variant , Story , Journalists , Dc , Snowing , Snowstorms , Mate , Washington Dc , Course , Wave , Lines , Coast , Experience , First , Hand , Happening , 200000 , Cases , Everyone , Tone , Reporters , Home , Jen Psaki , Terra , Omicron Spreading , Ran , Idea , Promise , Pace , Press , Covid 19 , House , Hasn T , Promises , Response , Metrics , Times , Lining Up , Test , Side , Campaign Trail , Words , Booster Shots , Audience Booze , Sin , Something , Things , Distrust , Booze , Reason , Some , President Trump , Vehicle , Corner , Washington Post , Interesting , Video Compilation , Press Latch , Speech , Video , O Reilly Conversation , Media , Administration , Drug Companies , Candace Olds , Pundits , Attention , Stance , Bit , Prospect , Daily Wire Pushing , Saying , Portion , Civility , Numbers , Hospital , Presidency , Crisis , Messenger , Management , Covid Mess , Public , Dig , Reminder , Problem , Well , Fault , Thing , Cable Tv , Social Media , Misinformation , Fox News , Company , Take A Look , They Don T , Viewers , Care , Damn , Democrats , White House , Example , Left , Vaccine Numbers , Information , Lesson , Show , Target , Hyperbole , Commentators , Tv , Breakthrough Infections , Disease , Hit , Charlamagne Tha God , Triple Vaccinated , Cnbc , Jim Cramer , 19 , Public Service , Others , Perception , Fact , Infection , Television , Awareness , Cnn To Fire Chris Cuomo , Basement , Top , Table , Family , Segment , Oh My God , Omicron Coverages , Messages , Confusion , Emily , Big A Deal , Split , Sciences , Field , Kara , Number , Hospitalizations , Public Health , Deaths , Verlyn , Evidence , Experts , Vaccination , Mind , Needs , Joe Manchin , Senator , Spending Bill , Plug , Farmers Policy Perks , 2 Trillion , Trillion , Quote Today , Bum , Farmers , Bum Downy , Pa Dum , Freshness , Softness , Wouldn T , Airport , Shipgo , Luggage , Shipping , Dad , Shipgo Com , Fast , Interview , Bill , Bull , Conduct , Verbal , Priority , Fox News Sunday , Bret Baier , Everything , No , Piece , Legislation , Media Attacks , Wall , Crap , West Virginia , Leverage , Mac , Democracy , Spending , Spree , Votes , Vote , Reality Check , 50 , Narrative , Senate , Grasp , System , Person , Parliamentarian , Politico , Squad , Cinema , Service , Maverick , John Mccain , Killing Obamacare , Wrestling , Trail , Half , Aides , Both , Him , Grip , Progressives , Mansion , Biden , Constituency , The End Of Day , Foil , Underneath , Wait , Rug , Treatment , Doesn T , Dollar Bill , Miscalculation , Vented , Three , Emergency Spending , Headline , Divide , Caucus , Blow , Nothing , Wing , Establishment , Implication , Angle , Counter Market , Track , Tara , Sides , Game , Policy Ideas , Food Fight , Men , Issue , Kind , Policy Disagreement , Voters , Aid , Reflection , Negotiations , Kamala Harris , Rematch , Next , Beltway Politics , Charlemagne , Abc , Friends , Friend , Chuckles , Open Road , Matter , Lack , Progressive , Jeremy , 79 , 9 , Joint Pain , Psoriatic Arthritis , Players , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Artists , Designers , Parents , Do It Yourselfers , Enbrel , Infections , Damage , Doctor , Clearer , True Self , Skin , Ability , Reactions , Events , Nervous System , Cancers , Tuberculosis , Blood Disorders , Lymphoma , Sores , Cuts , Heart Failure , Have , Bruising , Hepatitis B , Bleeding , Paleness , Flu , Fever , Patients , Visit Enbrel Com , , 5 , Rail Interview , Radio , Comedy Central , Director , Madam Vice President , Correspondent , Aide , Griff Jenkins , Vice President , Case , Boss , Politician , Confidence , Strap , Secretary Of State , Republican , Tim Russert On Meet The Press , Answer , Staff , Heresy , Heels , Relationship , Exodus , 28 , Interviews , Stretch , Means , Face The Nation , Bubble , Mistake , Restrictions , Covid Travel , Sunday Show , Touch , Guatemala , El Paso , Border Czar , Agenda , Job , Build , Strides , Capitol Hill , Cbs , Beginning , Access , Stone , Rebranding , Health , 2024 , Isn T He , Running , Laughter , Someone , Presidents , Latter , Poll Numbers , Voices , Parlor Game , Challenge , Run , Stories , Andrew Cuomo , Crime , Inflation , Immigration , News Coverage , To Afghanistan A Look , 2021 , 2021 M , Rock Music Man , Man , Chances , Livelihood , Safelite , Truck , Girl , Expert Service , Windshield , Singers , Safelite Repair , Governor , Sexual Harassment , New York Times , Performance , Charlotte Bennett The Second Woman , Evening News , Cnn , Sentences , Anything , Item , The Today Show , 142 , Four , Guy Benson , Gillian Turner , Podcast , Ben Cardin , News Organizations , Fox Radio Show , Allegations , Cuomo , Anti Trump Hero Of Covid , Hands , Scandal , Science , Election , Walls , Site , Butt , Led , Cave In , Factor , View , Organizations , Brother , Emmy Award , Covid Briefing , Women , Accusations , Substance , Style , Press Conferences , Exclusion , Policies , Amnesia , Stay , The Wayside , News , Afghanistan , Nursing Homes , Lives , Wonders , Humiliation , Comments , Flavor , Pull Out , Richard Engel , Nbc , Guy , Towel Bands Clock , Weaving , History , Tart , Debacle , Taliban , Degree , Media Coverage , Mainstream Organizations , Conservators , Behalf , Spin , Insistence , Flame , Success , Pig , Lipstick , Enough , Start , Trajectory , Approval Ratings , Julian , Bombing , Withdrawal , Kinds , News Division , Situation , Afghans , Networks , Embassy , Shell , Citizens , Ground , Remains , Who , Guide , Day One , Outcome , Officials , Didn T Stop There , Helicopter Rescues , Shouldn T , Threats , Turning Points , Bob Woodward , 20 , Handling , Negative , Panic , Perspective , Intensity , News Consumer , Lifetime , Cat , 9 11 , Jewel , Criticism , Body Count , Little , Arrows , Credit , Blame Game , Let S , Ironies , Volume , Ways , Tenor , Thoughts , Sort , Bias , Landscape Today , Times Kyle Rittenhouse , Crime Coverage , Panel , Kyle Whitten , Shots , 40 , Allstate , Way , Auto Rate , Dinner , Burger , Chicken , Win , Sugar Cookie , Bucket , Cheesiest , Kraft , Trials , Jussie Smollett , Cable News , Justice , Homicide , White Supremacist , Supremacists , Shooting , Halls , Kenosha , Congress , Country , Streets , Laws , Turning Point , Kyle Rittenhouse Trial , Old , Branch , 18 , Trial , Jury , Self Defense , Facts , Sense , Morality Plays , Truths , Passion Plays , Criticisms , Narratives , Promulgating , Didn T , Details , Guys , Tri Band , Stake , Wisdom , Rittenhouse Saga , Jury Verdicts , Ordeal , Colleagues , Murderer , Hero , Reality , Chance , Undertaking , Hate Crime , Contrast , Joy , Jussie Smollett Verdict , Msnbc Nighttime Host , Trump Sympathizers , Embarrassment , Middle , Victim , Tunnel Vision , Wrong , Cold Chicago , Get Go , Rush To Judgment , Eyes , I Don T , Direction , Choice , Amends , Attack , Police , Reporting , Lynching , Record , Politicians , Viewing Members , Responsibility , The American , Allegation , Repent , Seekers , Everybody , Brush , Disservice , Verdict , Studio , Air , On Standby , Courthouse , Truth , Wasn T , Points , Scoreboard , Zero , Buzzworthy , Conflict Of Interest , Tom Freeman , Symptoms , Back , Xiidra , Relief , Eye Drop , Eye Drops , Eye Disease , Inflammation , Signs , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Eye , Taste Sensation , Vision , Container , Contacts , Side Effects , Eye Irritation , Discomfort , Surface , 15 , Holiday , Umph , Midler , Conservatives , Liberties , Liberal , Constituents , Depths , Being , Forward , Ace Population , Brooklyn , Out , Estate , Hillbillies , Poor , Insults , Tom Friedman , Family Foundation , Respect , Paper , Denial , Conflict , Benefit , Seed Foundation , Spokesperson , Environment , Money , Aspen Institute , 6 Million , Million , Help , Donations , Groups , Foundation , 28 Million , 8 Million , Big , Readers , Boyfriend , Sex , Reboot , Mr , City , Sarah Jessica Parker , Accusation , Sexual Assault , False , Encounters , 2015 , 2004 , Cast Members , Woman , Beast , Cynthia Nixon , Kristin Davis , Experiences , Series , Equalizer , Audience , Rated , Independence , Tuning , 2020 , 46 , 23 , 3 , Critics , Operation , 29 , 25 , Edition , Diversity , Facebook , Twitter , The New Year , Itunes , Apple , Cough , Works , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Nerd , Liz , 12 , Coughs , Body , Freedom , Spirit , Price , Mucinex Dm , Military , War , Legs , Ied , Iraq , Disabled American Veterans , Lifesaver , Music , I M Still Here , Sacrifice , Struggle , Members , Frustration , Heroes , Ages , Purpose , Veterans , Donation , Nick Koulchar , 63 , 100 , Support , Benefits , Fighting , Daughters , Assistance , Sons , Narrator , Pledge , Dav Blanket , Gift , Impact , Helpdav Org , Time , God Bless You , Gain Flings , Jaycee , I Swear , Gain , User , Holiday Travel Nightmare , Fox News Alert , Airlines , Passengers , Plans , Julie Banderas , Fox News Live , Anita Vogel , Consolation , Staffing Shortages , Hundreds , Cancellations , Omicron Driven Spike ,

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