Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

will they rethink their anti-cop policies? you are watching "fox and friends first". ashley: good morning and i guess merry christmas eve eve. benjamin: merry christmas to everyone watching. ashley: the president a rematch against donald trump would increase the likelihood he runs in 2024. benjamin: americans widely disprove his first year in office. griff jenkins joins us with more. >> nevermind the midterms, let's go to 2024. is he in or out? the president says he's leaving that to fate which is intervened many times in his life but add in trump and that ups the ante. >> president biden: if i'm in health i'm in now, in good health, then in fact i again. >> reporter: and if it means rematch against donald trump? >> president biden: you are trying to tempt me now. sure. why what i not run against donald trump? that would increase the prospect of running. >> reporter: voters are not feeling as polymers climate. you see in the latest marist poll, 41% approve while 55% disapprove. on the economy, 17% strongly approve, 40% strongly disapprove as inflation is surging across the nation, producer prices up 9.6%, consumer prices up 22%, a near 40-year high. meanwhile at the white house, they are celebrating their bosses come to christmas*you. >> the president just met with a number of business leaders and industry leaders about efforts to address bottlenecks in supply chain, you saw him give remarks on that as well but as the new york times said today christmas gifts are arriving on time with you. good news, we saved christmas! >> reporter: republicans are not buying it and blasting the president's first year accomplishment. >> the american people want affordable gas and freedom, the biden that ministration has given us record crime, record inflation and doctor fauci. >> asked about biden running again donald trump says his numbers stronger than ever telling fox news it is a question for biden and his vice president to answer. benjamin: showdown in 2024, may be a repeat. griff jenkins, thanks. and here is newt gingrich on biden's 2024 chances. take a listen. >> what choice does he have? you can't go out there and say i am doing so badly and my administration is so stupid i think i will quit three years from now. he's already in many ways deeply weakened and joe manchin we can tell a little more last week. the economy is weakening them, covid is weakening them, the border is weakening him, go down the list. for him to not pretend he is eager, he's excited, he wants to keep doing things, he is in a box, he has no real choice. the question for the american people and the democratic party is the really believe president biden given this performance in his first year is likely to get reelected? >> biden is the oldest president to be sworn into office, he will be in his early 80s in 2024. the crime crisis at home for two democrat lawmakers who called the police reform in the past. ashley: marianne rafferty has details as they become victims of violent crime. >> reporter: two democrat who wanted to be for the police were carjacked at gunpoint within hours of each other in two different states. pennsylvania congresswoman mary kay scanlon had left the meeting in philadelphia when she was held at gunpoint by two black men according to police who demanded her key and took off. 5 people were later caught driving her vehicle to state police in delaware interested. scanlon releasing a statement, quote, the congresswoman was physically unharmed, she thanked the philadelphia police department for swift response and appreciate the efforts of the sergeant-at-arms in dc and her local police department. philadelphia mayor jim kenney also tweeting everyone deserves to feel safe in our city and that hasn't always been the case this year. it is disheartening that criminals are important to commit such a reckless crime in the middle of the day and that backs up the mayor and sentiments, 540 murders so far this year, up 13% from last year and just under 4000 shootings, a 5% increase over a year and despite the uptick city leaders deny there is a crime problem. >> there is not a big spike in crime. there is not true. there is not exciting violent crime. neither of these things is true. we don't have a crisis of lawlessness, we don't have a crisis of crime, we don't have a crisis of violence. >> hours after scanlon, another lawmaker carjacked in a chicago suburb this time illinois senate majority leader julie lightford and her husband robbed at gunpoint. she says i'm thankful my husband and i are alive and physically unharmed. i'm trying to process the trauma of what happened. i want to thank the broadview police department for their quick and thorough response. >> james craig says democrats should not be surprised by the outcome of their program of policies. >> this is about politics. these are individuals or political servants, not public servants. we know how important police officers are but when they've been demonized, demoralized, not supported, you back off of the defense, the so-called moderates are moving away from defund the police to, you've heard the san francisco mayor, all of us a she is now pro hiring police, the problem is how are you going to support the men and women who do the job. how are we going to encourage young people to join the forces? >> the city of san francisco will vote on whether to continue a state of emergency in response to surging drug debts, the mayor making the declaration last week. >> it is time that the rain of criminals or destroying our city, time for it to come to end. and it comes to a end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement, more aggressive with the changes in our policies and less tolerant of all the [bleep] that is destroyed our city. >> drug debts in the city soaring past 500 this year, the order to suspend zoning laws allowing officials to have shelter for people suffering from addiction. benjamin: is in court will hear oral arguments against the vaccine mandate next week, the high court setting an excellent timeline on lower court split over whether the mandates are constitutionally sign. biden's mandates with private business of 100 employees or more or healthcare workers will be considered. the arguments will begin on january 7th. the time is now eight minutes after the hour. from san francisco to philadelphia to milwaukee woke prosecutors are under pressure for their bad policies and we are talking to the contract out the wisconsin official who freed the waukesha parade suspect. >> what drove to illinois firefighters to throw down their gear and walk off the job. switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. get $200 off a new eligible 5g phone when you switch to xfinity mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. >> all three firefighters with a volunteer illinois of a walk off the job after a convicted arsonist is appointed there chief video from a community meeting shows one of those first responders throwing his gear down on the table and then quitting. the newly appointed fire chief pleading guilty to arson over 20 years ago. he has since been pardoned by the state as governor. firefighters are calling for an investigation into the new fire chief's appointments. criminals taking advantage of fewer police on the streets of windy city. two high end luxury stores are robbed in chicago. police say the thieves had a product store, one thief pepper sprayed a security guard and a man was trying to snatch merchandise, the guard wasn't seriously hurt and no arrests have been made. benjamin: calling on tony evers to remove milwaukee district attorney, the waukesha parade suspect was led on low bail days before the tragedy. a member of local group milwaukee citizens for responsible government. thanks for being with us. you've been quite active in the past, we know you care very much and are pushing for the removal of the prosecutor, john chisholm. he was let out on bail, $1,000 bail despite having a rap sheet many pages long. i want to read from the letter you have written for the governor. it reads the devastation resulting from chisholm's their religion of duty to protect the public has reached outside the borders of milwaukee county. therefore it is incumbent upon you as governor of the state of wisconsin to investigate milwaukee county district attorney john chisholm. i if you can tell us about your campaign, what drove you to write this letter. >> quite simple. there are six people dead including in a-year-old boy all of which could have easily been prevented if john chisholm and his staff were just requested a much higher bail and hold this guy in jail instead of letting them out easily. >> we are looking at those scenes right now and every time you see it it is quite horrifying. i want to place and sound from john susan. he said this in 2007, he said when he tried to reform bail reform he said is there going to be an individual i put into a treatment program who is going to go out and kill somebody, you bet. guaranteed. it is guaranteed to happen. it does not invalidate the overall approach. bail reform under the spotlight right now but when you hear that what do you think? >> it is obvious he knew something bad was going to happen, i don't think anticipated something this bad would happen but he knew people would die. in milwaukee county right now 60% of felony cases are not prosecuted, not 6%, 60% are not prosecuted. a lot of criminals walking the streets who should be in jail. carley: what do you want to see change? >> i went to the john chisholm fire resign and get a prosecutor who will prosecute these felony cases and hold people accountable. >> have you heard from the governor? he has the power to make the decision? >> he said he has got to verify all the people who signed the petition milwaukee county residents. he had the petition on monday. i've not heard from him yet. carley: the media often referred to the waukesha attack as a car crash, they don't mention brooks or his background initially. why do you think that is? how do you explain that and how would you categorize what happened that day? >> it is clearly a massacre in the media is trying to downplay it because they -- it is a wolf media situation. that has got to change, we need immediate that is going to be -- take these crimes seriously. benjamin: what would you say to people who support your campaign, even if they care about this become politically active and working the way you are doing? >> i would ask them to call the governor's office. his number is 608-266-1212. easy to remember. benjamin: overall when you look at the statement the prosecutor's office, the da, what are your thoughts about the direction it is going? >> it is going downhill very quickly. the primary responsibility of government is key keep the republic safe. when you're not prosecuting 60% of the cases felony cases, serious criminals we have a problem. we have a serious problem. i met you are a member of milwaukee citizens for responsible government, appreciate you coming on this morning, appreciate you joining us. thank you. ashley: president biden freezing student loan payments but the squad says it is not good enough. we will tell you their latest demanded is america losing their faith? the number of adults who identify as christian dropped significantly. we are talking to pastor robert jeffress about that and his christmas message next. i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. benjamin: a college dean in california openly mocks what she calls the stench of conservative agendas tweeting just so we're clear on the rights of gender, race is in good, abortion bad, money good, women dad, white people good, nonwhite people bad. stench indeed. they are defending those remarks saying the school will, quote, not censor professors for exercising free speech and sharing their perspective. students at a virginia school district are suing over critical race theory. the suit claimed the antiracism policy is racist at its core and indoctrinate children into radical ideology. the school has not commented. the effort to push back against the are the helped propel governor younginto the governor's office. ashley: a new poll revealed 12% drop in the number of those who identify with the religion. pastor robert jeffress is here. thank you for being with us this morning. i have to say is a question myself this saddens me to see the 12% drop in these numbers are you confident? do you have faith that this can be reversed? >> i'm not sure it can but i hope it will be. you can attribute a number of things, the secularization of our country, failure of parents to pass on their faith to children but i think the pandemic has played a role in this. it hurt the spirit of america. we have been disconnected from one another, other christians, disconnected from our churches and that takes a toll on people's spiritual health. christianity wasn't designed to be practiced in isolation. it is a team sport, hebrews chapter 10 of the new testament says we need the encouragement that comes from one another. i encourage christians who may have been disconnected from their church sees christmas to reconnect with their houses of worship. we need the encouragement that comes from other christians. >> you say without christianity and without christ there would be no hospitals, no orphanages, they've gotten away from that and forget about that but christmas is the time we can remember that because you always carry to all these places you can donate to one christmas and hopefully that will bring the christmas message back to get to this. you referenced luke 211 in your christmas message, tell us about that. >> that is right. there are a lot of consequences had there been no christ, no benevolent organization like the red cross or the salvation army, we would even have to get rid of our calendars. when we write 2022 it has been 2020 years since the most important life that ever walked the face of the earth but the most devastating consequence of no christmas would be nobody to offer us the forgiveness of our sins, somebody set of man's greatest need was for many god would have sent an economist. of our greatest need was for education god would have sent as a teacher but our greatest need was for forgiveness and that is why god sent a savior and in luke 2 the angels said to the shepherds and he was important this day in the city of david a savior and that is the real message of christmas. >> thank you for being with us and giving us your christmas message this morning and mary early christmas to you. >> merry christmas to you, thank you. benjamin: here's our fox weather forecast, good news? bad news? might we expect some snow? white christmas? >> it is not horribly white christmas, look at this, 46 degrees early this morning in kansas city, and away christmas there but rounds of moisture attacking the pacific northwest to the southeast and this is the forecast the next couple days. some of these areas will be happy, a couple feet of snow and other elevations and once it hits the west coast as you are seeing it do, your forecast highs for the day, a system that will sweep across the country not just today but getting closer to christmas eve and through the weekend and snow in the upper midwest makes the move and maybe a little bit of snow in interior new england in the higher elevations was otherwise to the south of that it is just going to be too warm to see a lot of rain in the midwest not turning into a lot of snow. i will leave this south of that line, a little bit of christmas warmth, temperatures in the 70s and 80s across the southeast, warmer than you typically see this time of year. ashley: after spending my first year in new york for winter i wouldn't mind those 70 degrees temperatures. i'm not going to lie. benjamin: let's take the show on the road. a shocking report out of america's border towns. illegal immigrants using ubers to take them further into the us. tom homan is next. benjamin: more from the exclusive interview next. ashley: we are back with a fox news exclusive, donald trump says senator joe manchin is saving biden from himself i opposing the social spending agenda. benjamin: biden claims there is still hope for his built back better plan. >> reporter: president biden saying he's not ready to give up his social spending plan because moderate democrats senator joe manchin declared himself the know. >> haven't given up on this. haven't given up on it. i want to get as much as i can possibly get done. i still think we will be able to get a significant amount of what we need to get done done. >> reporter: in an exclusive interview this week donald trump told me manchin may have done biden a favor saying he thinks manchin is helping biden from himself pointing to the build back better plan trump said look at what was potentially going to be past. trump suggested manchin could change his mind with told me of the biden plan is approved it would blow this country up. republicans on capitol hill say they are still ready for a fight if the bill does come back to life. >> we are still fighting for this bill to die but progressives will do that for us. i don't think there is any way they can accept what joe manchin will insist they do in the senate. >> reporter: senate minority leader mitch mcconnell says man switching is welcome to join republicans after being blasted by democrats all week long. >> i suggested a good solution to his problem would be to come across the aisle and join us where he would be treated with respect. >> reporter: was virginia governor defending manchin and the people of his state after bet midler called the poor, illiterate, and strong out. >> the people of west virginia are hard-working people, the people of west virginia know what the country is founded around. it is not found around socialism. joe manchin we are proud of his vote to stop this terrible terrible carnage that is happening from washington. >> reporter: bet midler apologizing but accused manchin and his family of being part of a criminal enterprise. ashley: interesting stuff. 6 republican senators demand the biden administration provided over the report on afghan refugees, they want details on immigration status and evacuees and overseas bases. they also wants to know about any evacuees flagged as potential security risk. at the same time biden's treasury department has authorized financial transactions with the taliban, the agency says it is necessary to get humanitarian aid to the war-torn town. carley: texans have had enough as the lone star state begins building border walls without federal funds. the security announcement that they will fill gaps in the border wall after president biden stopped its construction. >> enough open borders policy, enough of a record spike in violent crime and drug smuggling in border communities in texas but we will take matters into our own hands. carley: joining ms. tom homan, thanks for being with us today. two different dishes, what is texans going ahead, building the wall using their own funds and the other is dhs apparently seeming to admit walls do work. let's bring those two down. what do you make of texas building its own wall? >> i think the government is doing the right thing for the state of texas and the nation because i have been on the border numerous times, 90% of these people come across illegally and get released into the united states in every city and town and state. doing the right thing. governor abbott did something the biden administration refused to do. he looked at the data the data clearly shows every place they built a border barrier illegal immigration declines, lives are saved. the family groups to an area to arrest them and take care of them. the biden administration, it is a joke, they will fix some gaps but they won't built miles of wall even though they got millions of wall materials riding on the grounds. they should put it back in taxpayers coffers because texas is building the wall in texas and readers who donated later sick of the crisis but one more thing. a lot of land was seized through eminent domain to build a wall. the biden administration is clear we are not going to build a wall so that land needs to be returned to texas and the rangers of texas so the governor can build even more wall. benjamin: fascinating to see them defend their own borders, every amount of wall saves lives, decreases illegal immigration and certainly a positive thing there but your views on something else which is remarkable, these reports that illegal immigrants regularly take ubers to travel from the border to destinations in the united states and we have a soundbite about illegal immigrants. >> notification, a group of 20 plus immigrants on the corner waiting for ubers and go where they are going. benjamin: this is what the mayor said about illegal immigrants, this is not something that is a moral standard operating procedure. the micro protection protocols or remain in mexico program coming back online is correlated to roughly where this happens. what do you make of this? get in and uber, cross the border and to be taken to their destination in the us. >> it is incredible. the secretary of homeland security says the border is secure, it is false. here's the problem. so many illegal aliens crossing the border, to apprehend him, last week talking about you mark so many people in detention overflowing, to relieve the overflow, hundreds of miles of border unguarded. hundreds crossing the line unimpeded, not being arrested were talking about border patrol walking to the city in yuma and calling ubers, direct result of biden's open policies with a surge of the border we've never seen before. more illegal aliens cross the border than any time in the history of this nation, the most secure border, when immigration was at 35 year low and turned around, the most historic entry in the nation's history within 9 months on purpose. they got rid of policies that worked, this is open borders and a free for all. carley: border patrol checkpoints, since to the border. you say this is by design. explain what the implications of that are. >> they should an interior important, more checkpoints are shutdown. once you get past the border you are home free. isis has been decapitated. a policy director to i said this. being in the country illegally is not enough to be arrested. the cartels are using this to get people across the border into the united states so they know the consequence. benjamin: we hope this changes. thank you for your service and have a merry christmas. thank you. >> merry christmas. ashley: times 5:41. it is being called a game changer and it couldn't come at a better time. pfizer's new covid pill to cut the stamp of approval from the fda and on top of all of that that we have seen from this administration want biden to cut another blank check, details next. ♪♪ better get this party started ♪♪ ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. where's mom? 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(cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 >> good morning. coming up on "fox and friends," the nightmare before christmas when all through the land all the store shelves remain empty and holiday shopping lists expand but while the white house is praising its handling of the supply chain crisis, businesses big and small say president biden is turning a blind eye. we speak to the owner of pet food pantry who is struggling to supply food for our furry friends. plus the ceo of the american association of port authorities who met with president biden at the white house yesterday talking supply chain, but ladies and gentlemen, that's all. laura trump and mike rowe are on deck for the thursday edition of "fox and friends" that kicks off 13 minutes from now on the channel you trust for your morning news. benjamin and ashley, back to you. benjamin: let mike know that in the whole household in the uk santa has a dirty job and it is going global. >> the question about that song is whether there are too many beats per minute to make it an unsafe song to drive to and that is why we have the exclusive with him coming up on the show. >> the white house declares president biden saved christmas saying gifts are being delivered. ashley: truckers are losing their jobs over the vaccine mandate. lauren simonetti here with more. >> reporter: merry christmas eve eve. 100 container ships off the california coast but press secretary jen psaki says take that, scrooge, the grinch and all the doubters that this could happen. stocks are at 90%. progress has been made in the past month with containers at the california forest, they cut 140% but as you say there's the issue moving those unloaded goods out of the port area. >> to repeal your vaccine mandate, they thinkable harm the supply chain recovery. what do you say? >> president biden: i say no, thank you. >> 16,000 drivers traveling into canada would be dismissed because of that requirement and that is happening next month and going back to the board's, $230 million in grants to build up and out their operations, that's an improvement but we won't see it now, we will see it in the future. benjamin: a covid treatment from pfizer. >> it was approved to treat covid 19 and reduce hospitalization and death by 90% with limited side effects. it is not a home run yet. you need a test before you can get the prescription, tests are hard to find and the pill itself hard to find. >> president biden: we purchased several million already, but right away, it may be 20 million. a lot of pills. all they can make so far. >> the government has spent $5 billion for 10 million doses. 180,000 will be ready this month but the us is reporting 100,000 infections each day with omicron. >> ashley: they want to cancel student loans for all americans. >> reporter: the biden administration is going to extend that positive federal student loan repayments through may. $400 a month for two years. now the squad makes more. alexandria ocasio cortez says thank you. nonstop cancellations and congresswoman elon omar says can sell it. the president, the far left is mad they did not give their version of build back better. they give this right off because it would cost the government $1 trillion, canceling 50,$000 per borrower. this is popular. democrats are worried about the midterms, canceling student debt and free money, got to pay for it. it is popular with voters and that's how they do it. >> the squad throws a fit, they do what they want essentially so there is that too. thank you. ashley: president biden revealed the one thing that could keep them from seeking reelection, speculation is swirling about 2024 but what about the midterms. i met we are talking to joke on russia coming up next. we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to . . ♪♪ the only thing a disaster can't destroy is hope. ♪♪ donate now at ♪♪ fresh flavors... classic dishes... ♪♪ and a new seat at the table. ♪♪ if i'm in good health then i would run again. >> if that includes a rematch against donald trump. >> now you are trying to tempt me now. sure. why wouldn't i run against donald trump that would increase the prospect of running. >> teasing he would run for re-election in 2024. while running against former president donald trump. >> joe concha weighs in. we have never had a president this old but is it unusual to have a president just tease to a potential rerun and not just come out and say i'm going to run again? >> right. i would say absolutely 100 percent i'm running again, of course i am. i have much work to do. clearly. instead, when you hedge that way, it leaves that possibility open. but, the president should seriously consider here, guys, if he wants to work into his 80's because his work schedule reflects that of someone who does not want to put in the work. which is fine if you are the copy guy running the supply room but not if you are the president of the united states. here is president biden's 9:30 a.m. receives the president's daily brief. 10:30 a.m. meets with disruption supply chain task force that was it today 93506:78:90 a.m. receives the briefing, 3: 30 p.m. bill signs. i get there is phone calls in between. i would expect everything going on in dhun tri a little bit more of a schedule than two items on it as for a rematch with trump. i could see why biden would embrace that in this sense. the incumbent would make the entire campaign about trump's personality, january 6th. race and racism. in other words, he wouldn't have to the media would greatly assist him on this. make it solely about trump again. and the i that are absolutely impacting americans most that you guys talk about today inflation, gas prices, worker shortage, skyrocketing crime, education, the border, afghanistan, those would be a complete after thought it would all be about trump and it wouldn't be about this president and his record that he has to run on and that record so far per the polls ain't good. >> ben: to your point here is what president trump said on potentially facing president biden in 2024. i don't know whether or not he is going to run we will see. my numbers are strong, stronger than i have ever had them. that's a question you will have to ask them and then you will have to ask that to the vice president also. he has effectively said that president biden is doing his work for him already. when you mentioned all the supply chain issues and everything else, i want to just bring you to another point which is the messaging from the white house yesterday. jen psaki came out as did president biden and just effectively said that they didn't exist anymore. there was no supply chain crisis. the shelves are stocked again. that everything was fine. the delivery was fine. in fact, the delivery better than pre-pandemic. later on jen psaki she tweeted a "new york times" articles as if all the research they had done came from the "new york times" article. and that headline was christmas gifts are arriving on time this year. that seems to be where they are getting their news from. what do you make of that. >> oh, benjamin, i'm willing to bet if the press secretary has a briefing today, i think she will that she will not quote the "new york times." because they had something else to say that the white house won't like that much. for jen psaki to say that the white house saved christmas, i mean, who says that? is this paw patrol? jen psaki does not have much to say about supply and demand. i was watched a lot of paw patrol saving christmas lately. she does not have much to say regarding covid testing. she did end zone dance two days ago regarding the white house sending out, what, 500 million at home tests? of course, she is not going to mention this today. the "new york times" reporting, quote: president biden promised 500 million free coronavirus tests but help is weeks away if not longer. the administration hasn't signed a contract to buy the tests nor has it said how quickly they will be shipped once they begin to be available next month. is that saving christmas because it sounds like we are well into january and these cases are exploding. so, yeah. we won't hear the press secretary quote the "new york times" today. that's my bet. >> ben: go ahead, ashley. ashley: i will say even people i have ordered from they have put things out online saying hey, if you have not gotten your gift or purchase by x date send us email we will send you essentially an ioo. we have to go. thanks for being here with me this morning "fox & friends" right now. >> ben: my pleasure, ashley. merry christmas to everyone at home. here is "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ ♪ rocking around the christmas tree ♪ at the christmas party hop ♪ mistletoe hung where you can see every couple tries to stop ♪ rocking around the christmas tree ♪ steve: well, if that doesn't put you in the spirit, i don't know what is going to. miley cyrus singing about the christmas tree as we look at the all-american christmas tree on fox square on this eve

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President , Gifts , Thing , Agenda , Re Election , Record Inflation , News , Approval Ratings , Thread , 2024 , One , Benjamin , Ashley , Democrats , Gunpoint , Americans , White House , Policing , Carjacking , Miracle , Two , Merry Christmas , Policies , Fox And Friends First , Donald Trump , Rematch , Likelihood , 2024 Benjamin , Office , Griff Jenkins , Midterms , Fate , Let S Go , More , Nevermind , Biden Running Again , Reporter , Trump , Life , Health , Fact , Times , Ante , Add , Voters , Running , Prospect , Climate , Marist Poll , 41 , 55 , Economy , Disapprove , Strongly , 40 , 17 , Inflation , Nation , Bosses , Producer Prices , Consumer Prices , High , 22 , 9 6 , New York Times , Efforts , Remarks , Number , Supply Chain , Industry Leaders , Business Leaders , Bottlenecks , People , Crime , Record , Gas , Republicans , Accomplishment , Freedom , Ministration , Doctor Fauci , Vice President , Question , Numbers , Fox News , Thanks , Chances , Listen , Repeat , Newt Gingrich , Administration , Joe Manchin , Choice , Ways , Three , Border , List , Covid , Things , Box , Performance , Home , Lawmakers , Police , Crime Crisis , Reform , 80 , Details , States , Victims , Pennsylvania Congresswoman , Marianne Rafferty , Mary Kay , Scanlon , State Police , Men , Meeting , Philadelphia , Vehicle , Delaware , 5 , Police Department , Quote , Statement , Congresswoman , Response , Jim Kenney , Philadelphia Police Department , Sergeant At Arms In Dc , Swift , Criminals , City , Everyone , Hasn T , Case , Safe , Middle , Mayor , City Leaders , Murders , Increase , Sentiments , Shootings , Uptick , Crime Problem , Big Spike In Crime , 540 , 4000 , 13 , Crisis , We Don T , Lawlessness , Violence , Lawmaker Carjacked , Senate , Suburb , Illinois , Chicago , Husband , Julie Lightford , Trauma , Broadview , Program , Servants , Politics , Outcome , Individuals , James Craig , Police Officers , Demoralized , Moderates , Defense , Defund The Police To , Problem , Women , Hiring Police , All Of Us , San Francisco , Job , Rain , Drug Debts , State Of Emergency , Declaration , Forces , Steps , Law Enforcement , Wall , Bleep , Changes , Order , Zoning Laws , 500 , Vaccine Mandate , Mandates , Arguments , Timeline , Officials , Court , Shelter , Addiction , High Court , Lower Court Split , Business , Healthcare Workers , Employees , January 7th , 100 , 7 , Eight , Contract , Milwaukee , Prosecutors , Pressure , Official , Suspect , Wisconsin , Waukesha Parade , Firefighters , Gear , Xfinity , Carriers , Squad , Bill , Store , Experience , Switch , Phone , Carrier , Info , Xfinity Mobile , Switch Squad , Save , 5g Phone , 00 , 200 , Walk , Arsonist , Table , Fire Chief , Video , Responders , Community Meeting , Younginto , State , Streets , Stores , Advantage , Arson , Appointments , Investigation , 20 , Man , Product Store , Security Guard , Thieves , Thief , Bail , Member , Guard Wasn T , District Attorney , Merchandise , Tragedy , Arrests , Calling On Tony Evers , Local Group , John Chisholm , Government , Citizens , Removal , Letter , Pages , Rap Sheet , 000 , 1000 , Borders , Incumbent , Religion , Milwaukee County , Public , Devastation , Duty , Campaign , Milwaukee County District Attorney , Six , Guy , Staff , Jail , A Year Old Boy , John Susan , Bail Reform , Sound , Scenes , 2007 , Somebody , Treatment Program , Approach , Individual , Kill , Spotlight , Guaranteed , Something , Lot , Felony Cases , 60 , 6 , Carley , John Chisholm Fire , Petition , Power , Residents , Petition Milwaukee County , Decision , Media , Attack , Background , Car Crash , Waukesha , Brooks , Crimes , Change , Massacre , Wolf Media Situation , Way , Secularization , 266 , 608 266 1212 , 1212 , 608 , Direction , Thoughts , The Da , Cases , Responsibility , Felony , Republic Safe , Faith , Adults , Christian , Enough , Student Loan Payments , Biden Freezing , Robert Jeffress , Message , Help , World , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Gasps , Pay , Groceries , Theaters , Spider Man , Etta James , I Got You Babe , December 17th , Joy , Guests , Waiting On , Receipts , Invoices , Paperwork , Solution , Digitize , Smart Organizer , Stress , Data , Epson Rapidreceipt , Documents , Market , Tax Records , Contracts , Information , Wills , Paper Documents , Software , Recipes , Warranties , Fingertips , Quickbooks , Turbotax , Searchable Pdfs , Organizer , Tv Offer , Epson , Business Cards , Batch , Sizes , Contacts , Rapidreceipt Smart , 300 , Everything , Value , Act , Difference , Files , I Don T Misplace , Money , Move , Household , Losing , Matter , Receipt , Expenses , Go , Taxes , Laptop , Desktop , Both , Door , Baby , Piece , Beauty , Visit Buyrapidreceipt Com , Skin , Bond , Crepe Corrector Lotion , College Dean , Stench , California , Race , Money Good , Professors , Agendas , Perspective , Rights , School Will , Speech , Gender , White People Good , Abortion Bad , Nonwhite , Women Dad , Antiracism Policy , Students , School , Suit , Race Theory , Core , Virginia School District , Indoctrinate Children Into Radical Ideology , Drop , Governor , Effort , Poll , 12 , Saddens , Country , Parents , Children , Role , Pandemic , Spirit Of America , Christians , Christianity Wasn T , Another , Toll , Churches , Isolation , Team Sport , Hebrews , Encouragement , Testament , Church , Chapter , 10 , Hospitals , Christianity , Christ , Houses , Worship , Orphanages , Organization , Consequences , The Salvation Army , Red Cross , 211 , Calendars , Face , Earth , 2022 , 2020 , Saved Christmas , Education , Need , Consequence , Forgiveness , God , Economist , Somebody Set , Sins , Nobody , Savior , Angels , Shepherds , Teacher , Luke 2 , City Of David , 2 , White Christmas , Snow , Bad News , Fox Weather Forecast , Southeast , Kansas City , Rounds , Away , Moisture , Pacific Northwest , 46 , Some , Elevations , System , Forecast , Areas , Forecast Highs , Feet , West Coast , Bit , Weekend , Upper Midwest , South , Interior , Midwest , Temperatures , Line , Warmth , New England , 70s And 80s , 70 , On The Road , Winter , New York , Immigrants , Report , Ubers , Border Towns , Tom Homan , Interview , Spending , Fox News Exclusive , Plan , Senator , Amount , Know , Haven T , Favor , Me Manchin , Build , Plan Trump , Mind , Fight , Biden Plan , Capitol Hill , Progressives , Mitch Mcconnell , Man Switching , Respect , Aisle , West Virginia , Virginia , Bet Midler , The Poor , Carnage , Vote , Accused Manchin , Socialism , Washington , Bet Midler Apologizing , Senators , Family , Part , Enterprise , Evacuees , Immigration Status , Bases , Security Risk , Biden S Treasury Department , Afghan Refugees , The Agency , Town , Texans , Aid , Transactions , Lone Star State Begins Building Border Walls , Taliban , Policy , Funds , Security Announcement , Gaps , Construction , Spike , Border Wall , Texas , Hands , Drug Smuggling , Ms , Border Communities , Dishes , Work , Walls , Other , Dhs , 90 , Immigration , Lives , Declines , Place , Groups , Area , Care , Millions , Grounds , Joke , Wall Materials , Land , Readers , Taxpayers , Coffers , Eminent Domain , Rangers , Views , Something Else , Notification , Group , Destinations , Soundbite , Corner , Micro Protection Protocols , Moral Standard Operating Procedure , Mexico , Aliens , Homeland Security , Uber , Secretary , Destination , The Border , Hundreds , Miles , Overflow , Detention Overflowing , Border Unguarded , Calling Ubers , Surge , Hundreds Crossing The Line Unimpeded , Border Patrol , Yuma , History , Entry , 9 , 35 , Design , Implications , Border Patrol Checkpoints , Checkpoints , Being , Policy Director , Important , Shutdown , Isis , Cartels , Service , Couldn T , Game Changer , Pfizer , Blank Check , Approval , Stamp , Top , Covid Pill , Fda , Party , Ingestion , Pepto Bismol , Upset Stomach , Heartburn , Coating , Action , Diarrheaaaa , Relief , Soothing , Don T Worry , Mom , Gig , Tv , Speed , Sweetie , Shot , Woah , Wifi , Nice , Call , Holiday , Whole , Click , Nightmare , Shopping Lists , Store Shelves , Handling , Supply Chain Crisis , Owner , Food , Pet Food Pantry , Businesses , Turning A Blind Eye , Big And Small Say , Friends , Laura Trump , Ceo , Who , Deck , Edition , American Association Of Port Authorities , Ladies And Gentlemen , Mike Rowe , Back To You , Morning News , Channel , Song , Santa , Uk , Exclusive , Truckers , Jobs , Lauren Simonetti , Jen Psaki , Take That , Grinch , Merry Christmas Eve , California Coast , Scrooge , Containers , Goods , Progress , Port Area , Issue , Doubters , Stocks , California Forest , 140 , Supply Chain Recovery , Drivers , Requirement , Board , Grants , Canada , 30 Million , 230 Million , 16000 , Operations , Improvement , A Covid Treatment , Tests , Prescription , Pill , Test , Hospitalization , Death , Side Effects , Home Run , 19 , Pills , 20 Million , Infections , Omicron , 5 Billion , 180000 , 10 Million , Billion , 100000 , Student Loan Repayments , Student Loans , May , Cancellations , Alexandria , Elon Omar , Ocasio Cortez , 400 , Right , Left , Version , Student Debt , Per Borrower , Trillion , 50 , 1 Trillion , Fit , Speculation , Autism Spectrum , Kinder , Russia , Autismspeaks Org , Hope , Disaster , Seat , Fresh Flavors , Wouldn T , Joe Concha , Course , Potential Rerun , Someone , , Work Schedule , Guys , Copy , Supply Room , Disruption Supply Chain Task Force , Daily , It , 78 , 30 , 93506 , Briefing , Dhun Tri A Little Bit More , Phone Calls , Schedule , Bill Signs , Items , 3 , January 6th , Racism , Sense , Words , Gas Prices , Thought , Worker Shortage , Afghanistan , Point , Polls , Ben , Ain T Good , Whether , Messaging , Shelves , Issues , Delivery , Research , Articles , Article , Pre Pandemic , Headline , Supply , Paw , Demand , Paw Patrol , End Zone , Covid Testing , Sending Out , 500 Million , Reporting , Coronavirus Tests , Bet , Exploding , Gift , Email , Purchase , Ioo , My Pleasure , Christmas 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

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will they rethink their anti-cop policies? you are watching "fox and friends first". ashley: good morning and i guess merry christmas eve eve. benjamin: merry christmas to everyone watching. ashley: the president a rematch against donald trump would increase the likelihood he runs in 2024. benjamin: americans widely disprove his first year in office. griff jenkins joins us with more. >> nevermind the midterms, let's go to 2024. is he in or out? the president says he's leaving that to fate which is intervened many times in his life but add in trump and that ups the ante. >> president biden: if i'm in health i'm in now, in good health, then in fact i again. >> reporter: and if it means rematch against donald trump? >> president biden: you are trying to tempt me now. sure. why what i not run against donald trump? that would increase the prospect of running. >> reporter: voters are not feeling as polymers climate. you see in the latest marist poll, 41% approve while 55% disapprove. on the economy, 17% strongly approve, 40% strongly disapprove as inflation is surging across the nation, producer prices up 9.6%, consumer prices up 22%, a near 40-year high. meanwhile at the white house, they are celebrating their bosses come to christmas*you. >> the president just met with a number of business leaders and industry leaders about efforts to address bottlenecks in supply chain, you saw him give remarks on that as well but as the new york times said today christmas gifts are arriving on time with you. good news, we saved christmas! >> reporter: republicans are not buying it and blasting the president's first year accomplishment. >> the american people want affordable gas and freedom, the biden that ministration has given us record crime, record inflation and doctor fauci. >> asked about biden running again donald trump says his numbers stronger than ever telling fox news it is a question for biden and his vice president to answer. benjamin: showdown in 2024, may be a repeat. griff jenkins, thanks. and here is newt gingrich on biden's 2024 chances. take a listen. >> what choice does he have? you can't go out there and say i am doing so badly and my administration is so stupid i think i will quit three years from now. he's already in many ways deeply weakened and joe manchin we can tell a little more last week. the economy is weakening them, covid is weakening them, the border is weakening him, go down the list. for him to not pretend he is eager, he's excited, he wants to keep doing things, he is in a box, he has no real choice. the question for the american people and the democratic party is the really believe president biden given this performance in his first year is likely to get reelected? >> biden is the oldest president to be sworn into office, he will be in his early 80s in 2024. the crime crisis at home for two democrat lawmakers who called the police reform in the past. ashley: marianne rafferty has details as they become victims of violent crime. >> reporter: two democrat who wanted to be for the police were carjacked at gunpoint within hours of each other in two different states. pennsylvania congresswoman mary kay scanlon had left the meeting in philadelphia when she was held at gunpoint by two black men according to police who demanded her key and took off. 5 people were later caught driving her vehicle to state police in delaware interested. scanlon releasing a statement, quote, the congresswoman was physically unharmed, she thanked the philadelphia police department for swift response and appreciate the efforts of the sergeant-at-arms in dc and her local police department. philadelphia mayor jim kenney also tweeting everyone deserves to feel safe in our city and that hasn't always been the case this year. it is disheartening that criminals are important to commit such a reckless crime in the middle of the day and that backs up the mayor and sentiments, 540 murders so far this year, up 13% from last year and just under 4000 shootings, a 5% increase over a year and despite the uptick city leaders deny there is a crime problem. >> there is not a big spike in crime. there is not true. there is not exciting violent crime. neither of these things is true. we don't have a crisis of lawlessness, we don't have a crisis of crime, we don't have a crisis of violence. >> hours after scanlon, another lawmaker carjacked in a chicago suburb this time illinois senate majority leader julie lightford and her husband robbed at gunpoint. she says i'm thankful my husband and i are alive and physically unharmed. i'm trying to process the trauma of what happened. i want to thank the broadview police department for their quick and thorough response. >> james craig says democrats should not be surprised by the outcome of their program of policies. >> this is about politics. these are individuals or political servants, not public servants. we know how important police officers are but when they've been demonized, demoralized, not supported, you back off of the defense, the so-called moderates are moving away from defund the police to, you've heard the san francisco mayor, all of us a she is now pro hiring police, the problem is how are you going to support the men and women who do the job. how are we going to encourage young people to join the forces? >> the city of san francisco will vote on whether to continue a state of emergency in response to surging drug debts, the mayor making the declaration last week. >> it is time that the rain of criminals or destroying our city, time for it to come to end. and it comes to a end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement, more aggressive with the changes in our policies and less tolerant of all the [bleep] that is destroyed our city. >> drug debts in the city soaring past 500 this year, the order to suspend zoning laws allowing officials to have shelter for people suffering from addiction. benjamin: is in court will hear oral arguments against the vaccine mandate next week, the high court setting an excellent timeline on lower court split over whether the mandates are constitutionally sign. biden's mandates with private business of 100 employees or more or healthcare workers will be considered. the arguments will begin on january 7th. the time is now eight minutes after the hour. from san francisco to philadelphia to milwaukee woke prosecutors are under pressure for their bad policies and we are talking to the contract out the wisconsin official who freed the waukesha parade suspect. >> what drove to illinois firefighters to throw down their gear and walk off the job. switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. get $200 off a new eligible 5g phone when you switch to xfinity mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. >> all three firefighters with a volunteer illinois of a walk off the job after a convicted arsonist is appointed there chief video from a community meeting shows one of those first responders throwing his gear down on the table and then quitting. the newly appointed fire chief pleading guilty to arson over 20 years ago. he has since been pardoned by the state as governor. firefighters are calling for an investigation into the new fire chief's appointments. criminals taking advantage of fewer police on the streets of windy city. two high end luxury stores are robbed in chicago. police say the thieves had a product store, one thief pepper sprayed a security guard and a man was trying to snatch merchandise, the guard wasn't seriously hurt and no arrests have been made. benjamin: calling on tony evers to remove milwaukee district attorney, the waukesha parade suspect was led on low bail days before the tragedy. a member of local group milwaukee citizens for responsible government. thanks for being with us. you've been quite active in the past, we know you care very much and are pushing for the removal of the prosecutor, john chisholm. he was let out on bail, $1,000 bail despite having a rap sheet many pages long. i want to read from the letter you have written for the governor. it reads the devastation resulting from chisholm's their religion of duty to protect the public has reached outside the borders of milwaukee county. therefore it is incumbent upon you as governor of the state of wisconsin to investigate milwaukee county district attorney john chisholm. i if you can tell us about your campaign, what drove you to write this letter. >> quite simple. there are six people dead including in a-year-old boy all of which could have easily been prevented if john chisholm and his staff were just requested a much higher bail and hold this guy in jail instead of letting them out easily. >> we are looking at those scenes right now and every time you see it it is quite horrifying. i want to place and sound from john susan. he said this in 2007, he said when he tried to reform bail reform he said is there going to be an individual i put into a treatment program who is going to go out and kill somebody, you bet. guaranteed. it is guaranteed to happen. it does not invalidate the overall approach. bail reform under the spotlight right now but when you hear that what do you think? >> it is obvious he knew something bad was going to happen, i don't think anticipated something this bad would happen but he knew people would die. in milwaukee county right now 60% of felony cases are not prosecuted, not 6%, 60% are not prosecuted. a lot of criminals walking the streets who should be in jail. carley: what do you want to see change? >> i went to the john chisholm fire resign and get a prosecutor who will prosecute these felony cases and hold people accountable. >> have you heard from the governor? he has the power to make the decision? >> he said he has got to verify all the people who signed the petition milwaukee county residents. he had the petition on monday. i've not heard from him yet. carley: the media often referred to the waukesha attack as a car crash, they don't mention brooks or his background initially. why do you think that is? how do you explain that and how would you categorize what happened that day? >> it is clearly a massacre in the media is trying to downplay it because they -- it is a wolf media situation. that has got to change, we need immediate that is going to be -- take these crimes seriously. benjamin: what would you say to people who support your campaign, even if they care about this become politically active and working the way you are doing? >> i would ask them to call the governor's office. his number is 608-266-1212. easy to remember. benjamin: overall when you look at the statement the prosecutor's office, the da, what are your thoughts about the direction it is going? >> it is going downhill very quickly. the primary responsibility of government is key keep the republic safe. when you're not prosecuting 60% of the cases felony cases, serious criminals we have a problem. we have a serious problem. i met you are a member of milwaukee citizens for responsible government, appreciate you coming on this morning, appreciate you joining us. thank you. ashley: president biden freezing student loan payments but the squad says it is not good enough. we will tell you their latest demanded is america losing their faith? the number of adults who identify as christian dropped significantly. we are talking to pastor robert jeffress about that and his christmas message next. i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. benjamin: a college dean in california openly mocks what she calls the stench of conservative agendas tweeting just so we're clear on the rights of gender, race is in good, abortion bad, money good, women dad, white people good, nonwhite people bad. stench indeed. they are defending those remarks saying the school will, quote, not censor professors for exercising free speech and sharing their perspective. students at a virginia school district are suing over critical race theory. the suit claimed the antiracism policy is racist at its core and indoctrinate children into radical ideology. the school has not commented. the effort to push back against the are the helped propel governor younginto the governor's office. ashley: a new poll revealed 12% drop in the number of those who identify with the religion. pastor robert jeffress is here. thank you for being with us this morning. i have to say is a question myself this saddens me to see the 12% drop in these numbers are you confident? do you have faith that this can be reversed? >> i'm not sure it can but i hope it will be. you can attribute a number of things, the secularization of our country, failure of parents to pass on their faith to children but i think the pandemic has played a role in this. it hurt the spirit of america. we have been disconnected from one another, other christians, disconnected from our churches and that takes a toll on people's spiritual health. christianity wasn't designed to be practiced in isolation. it is a team sport, hebrews chapter 10 of the new testament says we need the encouragement that comes from one another. i encourage christians who may have been disconnected from their church sees christmas to reconnect with their houses of worship. we need the encouragement that comes from other christians. >> you say without christianity and without christ there would be no hospitals, no orphanages, they've gotten away from that and forget about that but christmas is the time we can remember that because you always carry to all these places you can donate to one christmas and hopefully that will bring the christmas message back to get to this. you referenced luke 211 in your christmas message, tell us about that. >> that is right. there are a lot of consequences had there been no christ, no benevolent organization like the red cross or the salvation army, we would even have to get rid of our calendars. when we write 2022 it has been 2020 years since the most important life that ever walked the face of the earth but the most devastating consequence of no christmas would be nobody to offer us the forgiveness of our sins, somebody set of man's greatest need was for many god would have sent an economist. of our greatest need was for education god would have sent as a teacher but our greatest need was for forgiveness and that is why god sent a savior and in luke 2 the angels said to the shepherds and he was important this day in the city of david a savior and that is the real message of christmas. >> thank you for being with us and giving us your christmas message this morning and mary early christmas to you. >> merry christmas to you, thank you. benjamin: here's our fox weather forecast, good news? bad news? might we expect some snow? white christmas? >> it is not horribly white christmas, look at this, 46 degrees early this morning in kansas city, and away christmas there but rounds of moisture attacking the pacific northwest to the southeast and this is the forecast the next couple days. some of these areas will be happy, a couple feet of snow and other elevations and once it hits the west coast as you are seeing it do, your forecast highs for the day, a system that will sweep across the country not just today but getting closer to christmas eve and through the weekend and snow in the upper midwest makes the move and maybe a little bit of snow in interior new england in the higher elevations was otherwise to the south of that it is just going to be too warm to see a lot of rain in the midwest not turning into a lot of snow. i will leave this south of that line, a little bit of christmas warmth, temperatures in the 70s and 80s across the southeast, warmer than you typically see this time of year. ashley: after spending my first year in new york for winter i wouldn't mind those 70 degrees temperatures. i'm not going to lie. benjamin: let's take the show on the road. a shocking report out of america's border towns. illegal immigrants using ubers to take them further into the us. tom homan is next. benjamin: more from the exclusive interview next. ashley: we are back with a fox news exclusive, donald trump says senator joe manchin is saving biden from himself i opposing the social spending agenda. benjamin: biden claims there is still hope for his built back better plan. >> reporter: president biden saying he's not ready to give up his social spending plan because moderate democrats senator joe manchin declared himself the know. >> haven't given up on this. haven't given up on it. i want to get as much as i can possibly get done. i still think we will be able to get a significant amount of what we need to get done done. >> reporter: in an exclusive interview this week donald trump told me manchin may have done biden a favor saying he thinks manchin is helping biden from himself pointing to the build back better plan trump said look at what was potentially going to be past. trump suggested manchin could change his mind with told me of the biden plan is approved it would blow this country up. republicans on capitol hill say they are still ready for a fight if the bill does come back to life. >> we are still fighting for this bill to die but progressives will do that for us. i don't think there is any way they can accept what joe manchin will insist they do in the senate. >> reporter: senate minority leader mitch mcconnell says man switching is welcome to join republicans after being blasted by democrats all week long. >> i suggested a good solution to his problem would be to come across the aisle and join us where he would be treated with respect. >> reporter: was virginia governor defending manchin and the people of his state after bet midler called the poor, illiterate, and strong out. >> the people of west virginia are hard-working people, the people of west virginia know what the country is founded around. it is not found around socialism. joe manchin we are proud of his vote to stop this terrible terrible carnage that is happening from washington. >> reporter: bet midler apologizing but accused manchin and his family of being part of a criminal enterprise. ashley: interesting stuff. 6 republican senators demand the biden administration provided over the report on afghan refugees, they want details on immigration status and evacuees and overseas bases. they also wants to know about any evacuees flagged as potential security risk. at the same time biden's treasury department has authorized financial transactions with the taliban, the agency says it is necessary to get humanitarian aid to the war-torn town. carley: texans have had enough as the lone star state begins building border walls without federal funds. the security announcement that they will fill gaps in the border wall after president biden stopped its construction. >> enough open borders policy, enough of a record spike in violent crime and drug smuggling in border communities in texas but we will take matters into our own hands. carley: joining ms. tom homan, thanks for being with us today. two different dishes, what is texans going ahead, building the wall using their own funds and the other is dhs apparently seeming to admit walls do work. let's bring those two down. what do you make of texas building its own wall? >> i think the government is doing the right thing for the state of texas and the nation because i have been on the border numerous times, 90% of these people come across illegally and get released into the united states in every city and town and state. doing the right thing. governor abbott did something the biden administration refused to do. he looked at the data the data clearly shows every place they built a border barrier illegal immigration declines, lives are saved. the family groups to an area to arrest them and take care of them. the biden administration, it is a joke, they will fix some gaps but they won't built miles of wall even though they got millions of wall materials riding on the grounds. they should put it back in taxpayers coffers because texas is building the wall in texas and readers who donated later sick of the crisis but one more thing. a lot of land was seized through eminent domain to build a wall. the biden administration is clear we are not going to build a wall so that land needs to be returned to texas and the rangers of texas so the governor can build even more wall. benjamin: fascinating to see them defend their own borders, every amount of wall saves lives, decreases illegal immigration and certainly a positive thing there but your views on something else which is remarkable, these reports that illegal immigrants regularly take ubers to travel from the border to destinations in the united states and we have a soundbite about illegal immigrants. >> notification, a group of 20 plus immigrants on the corner waiting for ubers and go where they are going. benjamin: this is what the mayor said about illegal immigrants, this is not something that is a moral standard operating procedure. the micro protection protocols or remain in mexico program coming back online is correlated to roughly where this happens. what do you make of this? get in and uber, cross the border and to be taken to their destination in the us. >> it is incredible. the secretary of homeland security says the border is secure, it is false. here's the problem. so many illegal aliens crossing the border, to apprehend him, last week talking about you mark so many people in detention overflowing, to relieve the overflow, hundreds of miles of border unguarded. hundreds crossing the line unimpeded, not being arrested were talking about border patrol walking to the city in yuma and calling ubers, direct result of biden's open policies with a surge of the border we've never seen before. more illegal aliens cross the border than any time in the history of this nation, the most secure border, when immigration was at 35 year low and turned around, the most historic entry in the nation's history within 9 months on purpose. they got rid of policies that worked, this is open borders and a free for all. carley: border patrol checkpoints, since to the border. you say this is by design. explain what the implications of that are. >> they should an interior important, more checkpoints are shutdown. once you get past the border you are home free. isis has been decapitated. a policy director to i said this. being in the country illegally is not enough to be arrested. the cartels are using this to get people across the border into the united states so they know the consequence. benjamin: we hope this changes. thank you for your service and have a merry christmas. thank you. >> merry christmas. ashley: times 5:41. it is being called a game changer and it couldn't come at a better time. pfizer's new covid pill to cut the stamp of approval from the fda and on top of all of that that we have seen from this administration want biden to cut another blank check, details next. ♪♪ better get this party started ♪♪ ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. where's mom? 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(cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 >> good morning. coming up on "fox and friends," the nightmare before christmas when all through the land all the store shelves remain empty and holiday shopping lists expand but while the white house is praising its handling of the supply chain crisis, businesses big and small say president biden is turning a blind eye. we speak to the owner of pet food pantry who is struggling to supply food for our furry friends. plus the ceo of the american association of port authorities who met with president biden at the white house yesterday talking supply chain, but ladies and gentlemen, that's all. laura trump and mike rowe are on deck for the thursday edition of "fox and friends" that kicks off 13 minutes from now on the channel you trust for your morning news. benjamin and ashley, back to you. benjamin: let mike know that in the whole household in the uk santa has a dirty job and it is going global. >> the question about that song is whether there are too many beats per minute to make it an unsafe song to drive to and that is why we have the exclusive with him coming up on the show. >> the white house declares president biden saved christmas saying gifts are being delivered. ashley: truckers are losing their jobs over the vaccine mandate. lauren simonetti here with more. >> reporter: merry christmas eve eve. 100 container ships off the california coast but press secretary jen psaki says take that, scrooge, the grinch and all the doubters that this could happen. stocks are at 90%. progress has been made in the past month with containers at the california forest, they cut 140% but as you say there's the issue moving those unloaded goods out of the port area. >> to repeal your vaccine mandate, they thinkable harm the supply chain recovery. what do you say? >> president biden: i say no, thank you. >> 16,000 drivers traveling into canada would be dismissed because of that requirement and that is happening next month and going back to the board's, $230 million in grants to build up and out their operations, that's an improvement but we won't see it now, we will see it in the future. benjamin: a covid treatment from pfizer. >> it was approved to treat covid 19 and reduce hospitalization and death by 90% with limited side effects. it is not a home run yet. you need a test before you can get the prescription, tests are hard to find and the pill itself hard to find. >> president biden: we purchased several million already, but right away, it may be 20 million. a lot of pills. all they can make so far. >> the government has spent $5 billion for 10 million doses. 180,000 will be ready this month but the us is reporting 100,000 infections each day with omicron. >> ashley: they want to cancel student loans for all americans. >> reporter: the biden administration is going to extend that positive federal student loan repayments through may. $400 a month for two years. now the squad makes more. alexandria ocasio cortez says thank you. nonstop cancellations and congresswoman elon omar says can sell it. the president, the far left is mad they did not give their version of build back better. they give this right off because it would cost the government $1 trillion, canceling 50,$000 per borrower. this is popular. democrats are worried about the midterms, canceling student debt and free money, got to pay for it. it is popular with voters and that's how they do it. >> the squad throws a fit, they do what they want essentially so there is that too. thank you. ashley: president biden revealed the one thing that could keep them from seeking reelection, speculation is swirling about 2024 but what about the midterms. i met we are talking to joke on russia coming up next. we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to . . ♪♪ the only thing a disaster can't destroy is hope. ♪♪ donate now at ♪♪ fresh flavors... classic dishes... ♪♪ and a new seat at the table. ♪♪ if i'm in good health then i would run again. >> if that includes a rematch against donald trump. >> now you are trying to tempt me now. sure. why wouldn't i run against donald trump that would increase the prospect of running. >> teasing he would run for re-election in 2024. while running against former president donald trump. >> joe concha weighs in. we have never had a president this old but is it unusual to have a president just tease to a potential rerun and not just come out and say i'm going to run again? >> right. i would say absolutely 100 percent i'm running again, of course i am. i have much work to do. clearly. instead, when you hedge that way, it leaves that possibility open. but, the president should seriously consider here, guys, if he wants to work into his 80's because his work schedule reflects that of someone who does not want to put in the work. which is fine if you are the copy guy running the supply room but not if you are the president of the united states. here is president biden's 9:30 a.m. receives the president's daily brief. 10:30 a.m. meets with disruption supply chain task force that was it today 93506:78:90 a.m. receives the briefing, 3: 30 p.m. bill signs. i get there is phone calls in between. i would expect everything going on in dhun tri a little bit more of a schedule than two items on it as for a rematch with trump. i could see why biden would embrace that in this sense. the incumbent would make the entire campaign about trump's personality, january 6th. race and racism. in other words, he wouldn't have to the media would greatly assist him on this. make it solely about trump again. and the i that are absolutely impacting americans most that you guys talk about today inflation, gas prices, worker shortage, skyrocketing crime, education, the border, afghanistan, those would be a complete after thought it would all be about trump and it wouldn't be about this president and his record that he has to run on and that record so far per the polls ain't good. >> ben: to your point here is what president trump said on potentially facing president biden in 2024. i don't know whether or not he is going to run we will see. my numbers are strong, stronger than i have ever had them. that's a question you will have to ask them and then you will have to ask that to the vice president also. he has effectively said that president biden is doing his work for him already. when you mentioned all the supply chain issues and everything else, i want to just bring you to another point which is the messaging from the white house yesterday. jen psaki came out as did president biden and just effectively said that they didn't exist anymore. there was no supply chain crisis. the shelves are stocked again. that everything was fine. the delivery was fine. in fact, the delivery better than pre-pandemic. later on jen psaki she tweeted a "new york times" articles as if all the research they had done came from the "new york times" article. and that headline was christmas gifts are arriving on time this year. that seems to be where they are getting their news from. what do you make of that. >> oh, benjamin, i'm willing to bet if the press secretary has a briefing today, i think she will that she will not quote the "new york times." because they had something else to say that the white house won't like that much. for jen psaki to say that the white house saved christmas, i mean, who says that? is this paw patrol? jen psaki does not have much to say about supply and demand. i was watched a lot of paw patrol saving christmas lately. she does not have much to say regarding covid testing. she did end zone dance two days ago regarding the white house sending out, what, 500 million at home tests? of course, she is not going to mention this today. the "new york times" reporting, quote: president biden promised 500 million free coronavirus tests but help is weeks away if not longer. the administration hasn't signed a contract to buy the tests nor has it said how quickly they will be shipped once they begin to be available next month. is that saving christmas because it sounds like we are well into january and these cases are exploding. so, yeah. we won't hear the press secretary quote the "new york times" today. that's my bet. >> ben: go ahead, ashley. ashley: i will say even people i have ordered from they have put things out online saying hey, if you have not gotten your gift or purchase by x date send us email we will send you essentially an ioo. we have to go. thanks for being here with me this morning "fox & friends" right now. >> ben: my pleasure, ashley. merry christmas to everyone at home. here is "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ ♪ rocking around the christmas tree ♪ at the christmas party hop ♪ mistletoe hung where you can see every couple tries to stop ♪ rocking around the christmas tree ♪ steve: well, if that doesn't put you in the spirit, i don't know what is going to. miley cyrus singing about the christmas tree as we look at the all-american christmas tree on fox square on this eve

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Tree , Rocking , Couple , Christmas Party Hop Mistletoe Hung , Doesn T , Spirit , Fox Square , All American Christmas Tree , Steve , Miley Cyrus ,

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