Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

really going on at the border. and we have a special tuesday edition of "seen and unseen." raymond arroyo reveals the only biden to ever be held accountable for anything. but first, back on the campaign trail, biden promised to shutdown the virus but not the economy. so how is that working out? despite 73% of eligible americans being vaccinated, cases have shut up 20% just in the last two weeks. hospitalizations and deaths are also out. colleges are completely locked down. finals online. you can get blue cities and states will try to shutdown schools as well. at the top it all off, kamala harris just admitted to the "los angeles times" that the administration didn't see any of this coming. gee, you mean biden's scientific brain trust, ouchi and collins couldn't foresee any of this? why must unsurprised? after all, these are the same clowns that ought funding dangerous experiments on bat viruses was a grand idea. with the economy lacking in the virus spreading like wildfire again, biden announced a new two pronged plan to get the pandemic under control. prong one, vilified the unboxed. >> if you are not fully vaccinated, you have good reason to be concerned. you are at a high risk of getting sick. you are putting other people at risk. your loved one, your friends, neighbors. and your choice can be the difference between life or death. >> jesse: prong two, more testing. >> one of the other things we knows that has to be done is more testing. we are going to continue to add federal testing sites. we also need to do better with at-home testing. so i'm announcing today the federal government will purchase one half billion, not million, billion with a b additional at-home rapid tests. we are producing as many tests and as quickly as possible. >> jesse: f biden giving free tested every -- who demands one is a good idea, i have a bridge to sell him. i have no fear, they've apparently learned their lessons from the disastrous obamacare website. >> we have arranged for it to be easier you to find a site on google. just enter "covid testing me" to the google search bar and you can find a number of different locations nearby where you can get testing. >> jesse: thanks, joe. google it. we got it. what could go wrong? we know with the end result is going to be. thousands of asymptomatic positive cases that will cause more panic and more despair. which of course means more restrictions, masks, mandates, and possibly lockdown. no wonder the left and their media outlet love this plan. that includes outgoing nih had frank collins who by the way gave a totally nutso interview last night. the mad scientist doesn't even begin to describe his insane ramblings. take a look for yourself. >> the laboratory is also potentially a cathedral because what we are doing is to learn how to be even more amazed. foul at what we have been given as human beings surrounded by a beautiful world. >> jesse: more like a cathedral of missouri. remember, most likely likely origins of covid is in the on lab. then there was a totally bizarre response to this. >> is there something you would wish that could have emerged from nih? >> maybe we under invested in research on human behavior. i never imagined a year ago when those vaccines were just proving to be fantastically safe and effective that we would still have 60 million people who had not taken advantage of them because of misinformation and disinformation. >> jesse: americans not wanting to take a vaccine, it is nothing new. factoring the doubts owed by the democrats because it was created under trump. and of course you're going to have hesitancy. unless you thought this was about public health and not controlling your life. let's not forget that collins along with fauci and others spent the better part of two years dismissing potential treatments to covid that could have saved many, many lives. in fact, if they truly cared about public health, they would have urged biden to launch an operation warp speed for his own therapeutics instead of doubling down on more the same policies that clearly aren't working. so why aren't fauci, collins, and the rest of the medical bureaucrats pushing or effective therapeutics to fight covid? my next guest recently went on joe grogan's podcast to unveil what he thinks is really going on joining me now is daughter dr. peter. what is going on? >> what we have seen is a focus on lockdowns, masks, and a giant focus on what has been left out his treatment. we knew and sick patients are treated early we reduce the period of done -- go down to three or four days per that's what happened in joe grogan's case. he got state of the art treatment with supplements, monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, steroids. he was over with it and basically threw four days and he reviewed that with me. i told him that is the protocol i drew up for america and for the world last year. sadly, what has happened, as we've actually a chilling effect on early treatment. a chilling effect on hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin. we have not had any featuring of monoclonal antibodies in the national discussion, nor any focus on steroids, high-quality drugs like -- shown in the largest treated only clinical trial to reduce ohmic reduce hospitalizations and death. no if there be from iser that -- when they're sick, they don't want to hear anything about vaccines paid with or they are vaccinated or not, they went early treatment. >> jesse: covid pills, a lot of people like pills better than needles. i can count myself as one of those people. so you see now the president has tried to backs his way out of this thing. now is trying to test his way out of this thing. do you think testing your way out of this winter is going to be an effective strategy? >> we have plenty of tests right now. i patients are less in practice getting test on a daily basis. they are widely available. we just need to make sure the threshold limit is less than 28 following the cdc standards. in the gin testing testing. i think think if we formally tests in the household, we're going to end up with more asymptomatic false positives. but test should be only used in cutely sick people as a diagnostic aid in making the diagnosis of covid-19. >> jesse: so this is a guy who hid during the pandemic and abasement and then he went from the basement to the white house and his mandates fired all the essential workers who were working while he was hiding in his basement. says he is a catholic guy and then tells who can go to christmas with their family or not. do you think he has any credibility as a messenger left with the american people on covid-19? >> we heard the darkest message i think ever americans have heard before on the holidays about a long and deadly winter for the unvaccinated. and i have to tell you, my message for america is one that is positive. it is joyous. we have learned so much about covid-19. our treatment of covid-19 is causing large numbers of individuals to avoid the hospital, avoid death, recover, and then have natural immunity. it is a very positive story as we are working our way through the pandemic, americans have suffered enough. and in my view, they don't need a strong negative message moving into the holidays. >> jesse: that's a great message and i think everybody should take that to heart except it is hard to absorb that type of positive message when you have fearmongers on cnn like this dr. who says he wants to form a task force that would attack the unvaxxed. listen. >> antiscience aggression is probably not one of the leading killers of young adults in the united states paid will be hafted to his rated task force t brings homeland security, the commerce department, the justice department, we are to bring the state department and really take a hard look at how we dismantle the anti-vax and antiscience empire. >> jesse: the antiscience empire. get homeland security involved, doctor. >> all doctors do is way, way out the risks and benefits. all forms of therapies and vaccines have risks and benefits. and i think those who are proposing the vaccines need to give us a fair and balanced review. should of had a on a monthly basis on one of the risks and benefits of the vaccine, how are they doing, and to give americans an intelligent choice in terms of whether or not they take a vaccine. but it's exactly that. the choice of a therapy is always belonging to the individual. we cannot have that circle of medical freedom broken by external forces. >> jesse: couldn't agree more. thank you so much. despite the return of masked mandates, travel ban's, and colleges locking done, even professional sports or canceling games. biden once you believe we are not taking a huge backward step in the country. >> the question folks are asking is are we going to march 2020, not this last march 2021, but march 2020 when the pandemic first hit. that is what i keep getting asked. the answer is absolutely no. no. >> jesse: joined me now is not, i'm a conservative union chairman and charlie, "washington times" opinion editor and fox news contributor. charlie, what was your assessment of the president's tone and posture today as he talked about this very, very dark winter? >> i think he just touched on it. at a point where biden has never been at a lower level of credibility, you still still using the bully pulpit to harangue americans and vilify americans for the choices that they are making about their health care. and it is not helpful, it is ridiculous, and i think it is probably only hurting him politically. you have to remember the entire biden campaign is based on two lies. based on the fact that they claimed that donald trump was a racist and then claimed that covid was all trump's fault. what we are seeing now and seeing especially with the emergence of the omicron variant, which kamala harris and joe biden have both said took them by complete surprise. at a time when it pandemic takes use i know mike by surprise. which you never take you by surprise as they are going to be variants. that is the one guarantee here. so the fact that they are admitting that the variant took them by surprise is proof that their entire campaign was a lie, is a lie, and i think the democrats will pay an egregious price for next year. >> jesse: the taliban taking over afghanistan so quickly, also took joe and come a lot by surprise, didn't it? >> his presidency is just a story of the self-inflicted wound. when they went out on the campaign trail and they blame to donald trump and republicans for a pandemic, it was quite outlandish. exactly what he said, they are suffering the consequences of if you somehow elect joe biden you will be protected from a virus unleashed on us by the communist in beijing and wuhan. this is a serious threat. but let's keep our heads, jesse. why does it take you to talk about therapeutics and not all the doctors? why people like me -- we have a portable, dirt cheap therapeutics for people who get sick. also have great news. most of us who get covid recover. terrible thing unleashed on us but we are the american people. we have to keep our heads. we can get through this. and joe biden, i am afraid is now part of the problem because he is turning americans against america and that is not the way we do things here. >> jesse: he needs to borrow some hope from his former boss, barack obama because he needs that and he needs an hour before the winter hits. charlie. this guy has latched his political fortunes on the covid cases. and covid cases they go up and they go down in different parts of the country. different times of the year. this guy has no control over covid cases. he doesn't understand this virus. he needs to change the message fast because there is no defeating this virus. you have to live with it and live with a positive spirit about it. >> and all of that goes back to the fact that they built the entire purpose of their presidency on this lie that somehow the pandemic itself was donald trump's fault. and when you start with that premise, this is what you wind up with. but one thing i think that is really fascinating about this effort that biden want to put into testing, testing is a perfect socialized medicine solution to a problem like this. therapeutics and vaccines are perfect market solutions to a crisis like this. and what does joe biden want to fall on? he wants to fall back on this whole idea of testing because of course these tests get taken, the information goes back to the central planners, and they solve no problems whatsoever. meanwhile, we have the free market coming up with these therapeutics which apparently works very well in the government has no interest whatsoever in trying to promote them and trying to encourage them because they actually solve the problem. joe biden and his doctors, all they want to do is just gather information and talk about how bad it is and scare the out of people. >> jesse: i'm afraid that everybody this winter is going to get a runny nose and get a little ache in the lower back and they're going to run out and take a test and all of a sudden oh, my gosh, i have covid. they didn't even feel that bad but they have covid and it's going to shoot the case numbers sky-high and that is going to freak out all the politicians and the politicians are going to go oh, my god, we have to do something. we had to shut down again. we have to mandate this, mandate that. i know where sliding back into 2020. >> as if that's a bad thing. >> i was outside of washington, d.c., where they are already starting to shut down schools again and i want to speak up for the defective terrorist, these are the parents, i'm the father of five girls, literally they are encased in masks. they've been doing this now for two years. football games, basketball games, dances, all at risk of being canceled all over again. this is a dehumanizing childhood for our children. where is the balance here? enough is enough. what i like the american people to do is say stop it. we're going to use some common sense. i am the parent. i will govern my kids all care decisions. i want my kids to go to a school that allows him to have a mostly normal environment and we will deal the consequences of this virus when it hits our families. it is time for the american people to get a little ron desantis and say no more. >> jesse: if i see another photograph of fourth-graders in below freezing temperatures sitting outside 6 feet apart having lunch, i am going to lose it. i think every parent would lose if they saw their kid like that. >> yeah, because government bureaucrats care about our children more than we do. really? >> jesse: matt, five daughters, sorry to hear that. good luck with everything. we have to go. you better start now. and you, guys. matt and charlie. it isn't just covid that is dragging democrats down in the polis. larry elder is here and moments to highlight the avalanche of issues hurting the left. that is next. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: when it comes to the economy, americans think biden is doing a worse job of any president since 1977. must have heard seen then to report this, but they said the average of joe biden's december polls it is not approval on the economy at negative 13 points. for perspective, carter's economic approval in '78, just negative eight. that is not all. biden's approval also underwater on crime, foreign policy, and of course, the southern border. add it all out, and is no wonder biden's overall improving is abysmal. a new pbs pole release monday put it at just 41%, which is a new low from that survey. jenna me now is larry elder post of larry elder show and former california gubernatorial candidates. larry, it is bad, but how bad is it? >> jesse, it is real bad. particularly when you start looking at the hispanic vote. since the midterm election of 2018, there is been a 40-point shift among hispanic voters in favor of republicans. now among hispanic voters, generic house republican will beat a generic house democrat. this is earth-shattering. this is a major earthquake within the democratic party because the whole reason that the democratic party has porous borders is because they've always assume that illegal aliens turned citizens turned to voters would pull that lever for the democratic party. if that weren't the case, the borders would be closed tighter than a -- behind. a greater number hub hispanic voters are moving towards republicans. and even among black voters, donald trump improved a percentage of black voters of the presidential level from 8% to 12% from 2016 to 2020. that is a 50% improvement. that is going in the wrong direction. why? the economy, crime, school choice. urban parents one school choice, particularly among black parents. they know they are getting the worst teachers come the worse. krantz, and the worse outcomes. i ran for governor as you know and prepend them, 75% of black boys in california could not read and state levels of proficiency in the math score was even worse. half of all third-graders in our government schools cannot read at state levels of proficiency. and again, math scores are even worse. so school choice, which was used in virginia, republicans are gaining ground among so-called voters of color and the democrats are scared sleepless and they should be. >> jesse: the democrats usually get at least 70% of the spinning photo. if they are only getting 30% of that they will never win another election and that is math. i guess math is racist, but that is math. fox news alert, the biden justice department is allowing some prisoners were let out during the pandemic to remain in home confinement. the move never says a trump-era decision that would have set many of the thousands of mates released to home confinement during the pandemic back to prison. but now, larry, the prisoner just get to stay home. thanks to joe biden's justice department. permanent pandemic. >> right. it's a continuation of the overall soft on crime attitude on the part of the democrats. cashless bail. soft on crime d.a.s pier the governor of california oversaw the release of 20,000 convicted felons early, many of them violent offenders. barbara, the former senator got mugged in oakland. her cell phone got taken. i shouldn't be laughing. a few months before that coming gavin newsom was attacked by mentally ill homeless guys. a whole bunch of people who are out to all to be in present. d.a.s that are not imposing what are called crime enhancement so that bad guys go into prison to the fullest extent of their time. and this is another continuation and the people who are mostly affected by this, mostly heard, are the black and brown people living in the inner-city that the left prides themselves on caring. >> jesse: it sake. i think this is going to happen with the ballots also. permanent pandemic. omicron, going to have to do universal mail ballots again. i can see it coming and i and hope i am wrong. i am never wrong, but this time i hope i am. thank you. last night, we told her about the saudi national with potential teratology was caught trying to sneak across the southern border. but here's a question. how many suspicious characters like that don't get caught? generally now is tom, former acting ice director and fox news contributor. this is alarming, tom. this guy has some fake uniform on. looked all official except the flag was upside down. thank god we got him but could you imagine how many guys we don't catch? >> i think there's a lot we didn't catch. i've been saying for a year when you open the border up to illegal immigration, that drives border patrol off the line, that is what is happening right now. that makes it very vulnerable. border patrol has artie arrested 15 people on fi screening databases. this is just the latest. what we have remembered. there is over 400,000 got a ways. these are illegal aliens that weren't arrested by border patrol and that is based on traffic they could respond to because they were busy elsewhere. 400,000 got a ways. how many of them were suspected terrorist? i'm afraid someday we are going to find out. >> jesse: this guy would terror ties, just a dreamer. so wet he is a dream to blow things up here? give him some scholarships and may be some health care subsidies, that is the mentality. all the people that are crossing urges good people looking for jobs except the ones on the fbi watch lists. it now looks like some crazy footage out of orta. the illegals are coming in in boats. they have boats coming in they are filled with illegal immigrants per they grow right up to the shoreline and drop them off and then they come on and now we are hearing that trooper drivers are responding. they got a call, oh, we have 20 people need to be picked up here. hello. cooper will just pick you up and take you wherever you want in the country. >> maritime smuggling is picking up. we are seeing how well they are the southwest border. they are not going to be detained because i.c.e. detention has been decapitated. even if they lose your case in court, i.c.e. can't -- being in the country illegally, on its face, is not enough for i.c.e. to make an arrest. so the cartels are using our own policies, the biden administration policies -- you won't be detained, can beat immigration court if your shop and i.c.e. can't remove you because they can't remove anyone. the cartel and the caribbean are taking advantage, maritimes smuggling is out. i want to make something clear. why is it the southwest border vulnerable? if you are someone who wants to come to this country and harm us, you can't go on a plane because of all the database checks, you can't get a visa because the visa security unit do a myriad of databases. if there is any derogatory information and any database, you can't get a visa. he can get a plane ticket. so if you are a terrorist, i do come to the united states do us harm? the same way 20 million others did across the southwest border. the same way 600,000 more were released this year, 400,000 got a ways. because half of the board ritual is off the line. that is how you get into the united states and that is what is make this a national security issue. >> jesse: just fly to cancun from anywhere in the country and take a little trip up north and for law. you are in the promised land. tom, everyone. thank you so much. coming up, biden turns to our rescue dog, and the boy bent to save his agenda. harry potter's favorite sport is about to change its name. raymond arroyo explains it all in "seen and unseen" next. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: it is time for rsp 21 segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. for that we turn to author of the spider who saved christmas, raymond arroyo. ray, the president's agenda is on the rocks and so are his approval numbers. but his plan -- >> he does have a plan. and as he reported earlier, there is that new npr pbs bowl that has by didn't own a 41%. 29% with independence. 33% with hispanics, which is awful. and when your performance is not low, there is only one thing to do. >> hey, how. how are you doing? ♪ ♪ >> so predictable. they also just brought in a new cat. jesse, as a refresher for you and the audience, as they welcome commander, they are dumping the last new first dog, major. remember major? major was literally dining out with white house staffers and secret service people. they tried to retrain him, but they should have released him on the senate. that color might have passed build back better. but instead, major is being "re-honed." >> we heard about nature being re-honed, and a white house cat. so is this like the worst week ever? >> the pack, commander, we can call him by his name. he is very adorable. going to bring joy to the president, the first family, and all of us as well. >> if he doesn't eat you all first. jesse, call him by his name, commander. >> jesse: i don't no. when bill clinton got in trouble, didn't he bomb a bunch of factories in africa or afghanistan. i guess the dog is other than launching missiles into the middle of nowhere. but commander. >> pour joe biden, he needs more than just a dog. given the president's performance of the pressing of the day, the distraction of a new dog seems almost necessary. speak out among the vaccinated -- among the vaccinated, dozensf assistance to new york in may because covid is spreading very rapidly. the end vaccinated have a significantly higher risk of ending up in hospital or even dying. still too many. excuse me -- >> i'm glad the triple vaccinated people are okay. he doesn't need pets. this man needs a roaming medical unit and a rescue inhaler. what is with the cough? >> jesse: you're supposed to go like this into your elbow. even my children know that, raiment. into the elbow, not to the hand. don't shake anybody's hand if you like to do that after that. >> you are right. >> jesse: the jonas brothers recently visited the white house and they cut a little video to commemorate their visit. >> are you vaccinated? yes, sir! >> who is the president? >> byron. >> take me out to dinner here >> did we? >> we got it. >> this is so sad, jesse. he doesn't know the jonas brothers from the osmonds. which one is donnie? that bizarre audio in the video actually comes from viral interview with a homeless man. how this convinces anyone to get vaxxed is beyond me. they tried it -- they even dragged out poor old bill nye. all of this is an admission that the president has no influence of the american people, but the strength of celebrity endorsements with this agenda item or that, it shows one thing -- there is only one thing lefts credible than biotin trying to make us do something, that is random celebrities. >> jesse: i think they send the jonas brothers to west virginia. that is the only thing that is going to convince him to go to for bill back better. these guys are so influential. only the jonas brothers could twist at. >> send jonas and major out there, manchin it might move. this could well ruin a few christmases. the u.s. major league quidditch teams have made a big announcement. this is the sport created by j.k. rowling in her harry potter series. >> jesse: yeah, the leaks are hoping this name change can help continue to distance themselves from the work of j.k. rowling who is retracing the come under scrutiny for her anti-transposition in the years. raiment, what the heck is going on here? speak of a member, rowling has repeatedly stood up for biologic woman and some say that his anti-trans. but have you seen these people who play quidditch? they literally run around on a field on broomsticks pretending to be wizards, jesse. you cannot separate the sport that was created by j.k. rowling from j.k. rowling. this is crazy. and by the way, they don't know what they're going to name quidditch yet. they have been quite up with a right turn. i have an idea for them. you have heard -- this could be nerd swabs on broomsticks. that could be a perfect name for this board. who needs this? it is absurd. >> jesse: i am actually speechless. i didn't read harry potter. i don't know what quidditch is paired this looks like field hockey for like some sort of "dungeons & dragons" game of lacrosse. i have no idea what i'm looking at. one arm. >> they ride around on the broomstick like they are wizards in the movie. it is crazy. when you read this to jesse jr., you will figure out what quidditch is and how important it is to the harry potter universe and nerds everywhere. >> jesse: all i'm reading is a spider who saved christmas to jesse jr. that is all the kids assignments these days. did this together. raymond arroyo, experts in quidditch and all sports surreal. thank you so much. and we are going to see raymond tomorrow night when he hosts "the ingraham angle." on the new year's eve from new orleans, don't miss that. still ahead, this week in kamla. what is rvp extraordinaire up to now? we will tell you in a few moments. stay right there ♪ ♪ >> jesse: in the last week, kamala harris has once again proven why her proven ability is at 34%. let's start with the disasters interview with charlamagne tha god which was just one embarrassment after another. when the going got tough, kamla kept going. here is how her outgoing chief advisor tried to throw her a lifeline. watch. >> i want to know who the real president of this country is. it's a joe biden or joe manchin? speak out so sorely -- >> she can hear me. >> can you hear me? >> sorry to interrupt. >> they are acting like they can't hear me. >> jesse: how awkward was that? second, after >> jesse: earpiece magically started working again, she tried going on the attack against the host. >> who is the real president of this country? joe biden or joe manchin? >> come on, charlemagne. it is joe biden. >> -- >> no, no, no. don't start talking like a republican about asking whether or not he is president. and it is joe biden and i'm vice president and my name is kamala harris. >> jesse: it is like once black if you don't poke for me. moving past that dumps her fire, she went on cbs where she gave the chinese communist party a total pass for unleashing this virus on to the world. >> i don't think this is a moment to talk about the fold. it is no one's fault that this virus hit our shores or head the world. but it is more about individual power and responsibility. >> jesse: the only good thing you can say about that is she didn't blame on faxed americans. her terrible week in start there. she blamed fauci and other scientist for not seeing the delta and omicron variance coming. while dr. doom himself fired back. >> we did. we definitely saw variances coming. i think what one referred to, what was not anticipated was the extent of the mutations in the amino acid substitutions and omicron. >> jesse: joining me now is rachel, author of all-american christmas which is topping "the new york times" best seller list. rachel, let's start at the top with the charlamagne tha god thing. she is the vice president of the united states, and she has a handler interrupts the interview and say no, no, no. you can't ask that question. interview is over. if she really needs to get bailed out like that -- .>> she does. she has a team of p.r. and communication experts were working around the clock to try and improve her image and they can't do anything about it. >> jesse: i need a team like that. >> the reason they can't help her is because she should have never had this job. the only reason she became vice president is because she meant two qualifications, she was the right gender and the right color. and democrats have thoughts that that would be enough. it turns out, it is not enough. you have the hispanic vote literally cratering. and the only good news for democrats and all of this is that may be, just to may be, i doubt it, but may be, they might start to rethink this obsession with identity politics. and using that as a way of tricking people for very important jobs. she is not some low-level staffer on a committee or something. she is the vice president of the united states with a very sickly likely already experiencing dementia president. she is not qualified for this job. part of the job is being likable and being able to sell your ideas paired the second has to have good ideas. and as they can see from the economy, from her response on china which was disgusting, she is giving china our greatest enemy who through the entire world into extreme poverty is at the highest level it's ever been in history because of that virus. her policies make a difference. they are hurting america. they handed the rain to the socialist wing of the party when they promised to govern from the middle and unite the country and a lot of americans including democrats feel like they have been tricked. they have huge -- >> jesse: he hasn't officially been diagnosed with dementia although a lot of people do see him up there at the podium and have a lot of questions. >> i will say this. you are right. he has not been diagnosed. nobody has told us, we have not seen the reports for his medical reports but i know plenty of people who have family members who have dementia and say many of the things that you are seeing, these weird things you are seeing on camera. >> jesse: there are a lot of people who have lost confidence in his ability to execute the office. and then she is thrown a total soft ball down the middle. just a big meatball. who's fault is this virus? i don't know, china, anybody? and she whip. this i politics 101. you unite the country against the country that unleashed this thing instead of going after unvaxxed americans like her boss does. at least she didn't attack the unvaxxed. maybe her pr team is showing little bit of promise, we can give her that, right? >> may be, but may be what is doing is pleasing her boss, joe biden, but i believe is compromised by the chinese government. all your to do is look at hunter biden's laptop. so -- in that moment, i think she is appeasing her boss. >> jesse: she could be hunting all night running interference for us would be because his son, i guess a lot of his other family members are allegedly totally invested with the chinese. they say hunter i guess sold the stake in the chinese communist company. i haven't seen any evidence of that, but we know what that is about. rachel campos duffy and her husband have been number one book out. in the country and she put her name first on the book. and i think sean is upset about appearance of everybody go check that out. >> you keep trying to start this fight. it's not going to work. >> jesse: we have to go. thanks, rachel. final thoughts when we come back. that's it for us tonight for eight if you want more of me which i know you do, watched tucker tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. if you need another christmas gift for someone you love or even for someone you hate, order a copy of my book how i saved the world. visit they ingraham and graham tomorrow night when raymond arroyo sits in the chair. greg gutfeld takes it from here ♪ [cheers and applause] >> i am grinning. happy glorious tuesday my precious friends and fans, last sunday america's media suffered a tragic loss. no cnn didn't lose its fever, i happen on fox news sunday. >> if i can't go home

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U S , Sean , Thanks , Audience , Correspondent , Twitter , Jesse Watters , Jesse , Night , Hearts , Mentor , Hannity , Laura Ingraham , Instagram , Ingraham Angle , Record , Eagles , Winning , Man On The Street , New York City , 11 , Country , Tom Isn T , Democrats , Border Patrol , Terror , Polls , Realtor , Jimmy Carter , Joe Biden , Border , Anything , Campaign Trail , Raymond Arroyo , Special Tuesday Edition , Virus , Cases , Harangue Americans , Economy , Hospitalizations , Deaths , Shutdown , Two , 20 , 73 , Los Angeles Times , Kamala Harris , Colleges , States , Shutdown Schools , Administration , Cities , Didn T , Finals , Coming , Off , Wall , Bat Viruses , Experiments , Collins Couldn T , Clowns , Gee , Ouchi , You Mean Biden S Scientific Brain Trust , Pandemic , Idea , Plan , Control , Prong , Wildfire , Unboxed , One , People , Risk , Loved One , Reason , Sick , Neighbors , Prong Two , Things , Death , Choice , Difference , Life , Testing Sites , Tests , Government , Home , At Home Testing , Every , Fear , Lessons , Bridge , Obamacare , Number , Site , Website , Google , Covid Testing Me , Google Search Bar , It , Joe Grogan , Result , Thousands , Locations , The End , Last Night , Course , Mandates , Masks , Left , Wonder , Restrictions , Lockdown , Frank Collins Who By The Way , Despair , Panic , Media Outlet , Nih , Doing , Look , Cathedral , Mad Scientist , Doesn T , Laboratory , Ramblings , Covid 19 , Human Beings , Origins , Beautiful World , Missouri , On Lab , Something , Response , Research On Human Behavior , Vaccines , Advantage , Misinformation , 60 Million , Vaccine , Nothing , Disinformation , Doubts , Trump , Health , Hesitancy , Part , Fact , Many , Others , Aren T Fauci , Treatments , Public Health , Lives , Therapeutics , Policies , Operation Warp Speed , Rest , Bureaucrats , Aren T Working , Dr , Guest , Daughter , Podcast , Focus On Lockdowns , Peter , Treatment , Done , Patients , Case , Monoclonal Antibodies , Ivermectin , Supplements , Focus On Steroids , State Of The Art , Three , Four , World , Effect , Protocol , Hydroxychloroquine , Discussion , Ohmic , Drugs , Clinical Trial , We Didn T Catch , Pills , Iser , Covid Pills , President , Way , Thing , Winter , Needles , Strategy , Test , Basis , Gin Testing , Limit , Threshold , Practice , Standards , Cdc , 28 , Household , Diagnosis , Positives , Aid , 19 , Guy , Basement , Essential Workers , White House , Abasement , Hiding , Family , Credibility , Holidays , Messenger , Message , Unvaccinated , Story , Hospital , Numbers , Individuals , View , Immunity , Everybody , Task Force , Cnn , Heart , Negative , Fearmongers , Type , Unvaxxed , Aggression , Adults , Killers , Hafted , Task Force T , His Rated , Homeland Security , Antiscience Empire , State Department , Justice Department , Anti Vax , Commerce Department , Doctors , Risks , Benefits , Therapies , Doctor , Therapy , Whether , Terms , Review , Couldn T , Travel Ban S , Forces , Individual , Freedom , Circle , Return , Question , Sports , Games , Step , Folks , 2021 , March 2021 , 2020 , March 2020 , Charlie , Answer , Hit , Opinion Editor , Washington Times , Conservative Union Chairman , Contributor , Fox News , Posture , Assessment , Tone , Choices , Level , Point , Americans , Bully Pulpit , Racist , Donald Trump , Campaign , Health Care , Lies , Fault , Surprise , Emergence , Omicron Variant , Variant , Variants , Guarantee , Lie , Price , Afghanistan , Taliban , Republicans , Presidency , Wound , Consequences , Threat , Virus Unleashed , The Communist In Beijing , Wuhan , Heads , Dirt , Portable , News , Get Covid , Most , Problem , Boss , Hope , Winter Hits , Barack Obama , Times , Parts , Fortunes , Spirit , Purpose , Premise , Effort , Solution , Medicine , Market Solutions , Information , Planners , Crisis , Free Market , Interest , Problems , Politicians , Back , Nose , Ache , Gosh , Charlamagne Tha God , Parents , Terrorist , Schools , Washington D C , Girls , Father , Five , Children , Childhood , Football Games , Balance , Dances , Dehumanizing , Basketball Games , School , Kids , Parent , Care Decisions , Common Sense , Environment , More , Photograph , Families , Feet , Ron Desantis , 6 , Daughters , Lunch , Kid , Matt , Government Bureaucrats , Just Covid , Larry Elder , Polis , Everything , It Isn T , Luck , Guys , Avalanche , Issues , Job , Approval , Points , Average , Perspective , 1977 , 78 , 13 , Crime , Foreign Policy , Wonder Biden , Improving , Southern Border , Pbs Pole Release , Eight , Low , Survey , Show , Candidates , California , 41 , Voters , Hispanic Vote , Election , Favor , Shift , Midterm , 40 , 2018 , Earthquake , Shattering , Earth , Hispanic , House Democrat , Borders , Aliens , Lever , Weren T , Citizens , Greater Number Hub , Improvement , Percentage , 50 , 2016 , 12 , 8 , School Choice , Teachers , Direction , Outcomes , Worse , Krantz , Governor , Proficiency , Levels , State , Government Schools , State Levels , Half , Math Score , Third Graders , Boys , Prepend Them , 75 , Color , West Virginia , Math Scores , Ground , Math , Spinning Photo , 70 , 30 , Decision , Prisoners , Fox News Alert , Mates , Move , The Biden Justice Department , Home Confinement , Continuation , Prisoner , Prison , Attitude , Barbara , Release , Offenders , Cashless Bail , Soft On Crime D A S Pier , Convicted Felons , Oakland , 20000 , D A S , Bunch , Cell Phone , Crime Enhancement , Gavin Newsom , Inner City , Extent , It Sake , Ballots , Mail , Don T , Tom , Characters , Teratology , Saudi , Official , Acting Ice Director , Flag , Line , Immigration , Drives , Got A Ways , Latest , Screening Databases , Artie , 15 , 400000 , Someday , Traffic , Busy Elsewhere 400000 Got A Ways , Mentality , Dream , Scholarships , Dreamer , Health Care Subsidies , Terror Ties , Crossing , Immigrants , Jobs , Watch Lists , Footage , Boats , Shoreline , Ones , Illegals , Fbi , Orta , Trooper Drivers , Call , Cooper , Ice Can T , Smuggling , Court , Ice Detention , Ice , Cartels , Face , Arrest , Anyone , Immigration Court , Cartel , Shop , Caribbean , Maritimes , Someone , Visa , Plane , Database Checks , Databases , Database , Plane Ticket , Myriad , Visa Security Unit , 20 Million , Security , Ritual , Issue , 600000 , Trip , Law , Anywhere , Land , Coming Up , Cancun , Sport , Name , Agenda , Rescue Dog , Boy , Seen And Unseen , Harry Potter , Next , Stories , Segment , 21 , Spider , Pbs Bowl , On The Rocks , Approval Numbers , Saved Christmas , Ray , Npr , 41 , Performance , Hispanics , 29 , 33 , Major , Commander , Dog , Cat , Refresher , Staffers , Re Honed , Build , Senate , Secret Service , Pack , Nature Being Re Honed , First , Him , I Don T No , Joy , Middle , Factories , Missiles , Trouble , Nowhere , Bill Clinton , Africa , Vaccinated , Distraction , Dozensf , May , Man , Unit , Roaming , Pets , Rescue Inhaler , Anybody , Hand , Elbow , Raiment , Cough , Don T Shake , Jonas Brothers , Video , Visit , Sir , Yes , Dinner , Byron , The Osmonds , Audio , Admission , Strength , Agenda Item , Influence , Celebrity Endorsements , Bill Nye , Celebrities , Biotin , Jonas , Bill , Joe Manchin , Rowling , J K , Teams , Christmases , Announcement , Leaks , Major League , Name Change , Anti Transposition , Heck , Work , Member , Scrutiny , Woman , Anti Trans , Broomsticks , Field , Say , Quidditch , Turn , Board , Nerd Swabs On Broomsticks , Broomstick , Sort , Field Hockey , Arm , Game Of Lacrosse , Dungeons Dragons , Everywhere , Reading , Nerds , Movie , Harry Potter Universe , Saved Christmas To Jesse Jr , Experts , Sports Surreal , Kamla , Miss , Raymond , New Orleans , Rvp , Ability , Another , Embarrassment , Disasters , Tough , Chief Advisor , 34 , Lifeline , Watch , Second , Earpiece , Host , Attack , Come On , Charlemagne , Vice President , My Name , Cbs , Fire , Fold , Chinese Communist Party , Shores , Responsibility , Virus Hit , Power , Faxed Americans , Variance , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

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really going on at the border. and we have a special tuesday edition of "seen and unseen." raymond arroyo reveals the only biden to ever be held accountable for anything. but first, back on the campaign trail, biden promised to shutdown the virus but not the economy. so how is that working out? despite 73% of eligible americans being vaccinated, cases have shut up 20% just in the last two weeks. hospitalizations and deaths are also out. colleges are completely locked down. finals online. you can get blue cities and states will try to shutdown schools as well. at the top it all off, kamala harris just admitted to the "los angeles times" that the administration didn't see any of this coming. gee, you mean biden's scientific brain trust, ouchi and collins couldn't foresee any of this? why must unsurprised? after all, these are the same clowns that ought funding dangerous experiments on bat viruses was a grand idea. with the economy lacking in the virus spreading like wildfire again, biden announced a new two pronged plan to get the pandemic under control. prong one, vilified the unboxed. >> if you are not fully vaccinated, you have good reason to be concerned. you are at a high risk of getting sick. you are putting other people at risk. your loved one, your friends, neighbors. and your choice can be the difference between life or death. >> jesse: prong two, more testing. >> one of the other things we knows that has to be done is more testing. we are going to continue to add federal testing sites. we also need to do better with at-home testing. so i'm announcing today the federal government will purchase one half billion, not million, billion with a b additional at-home rapid tests. we are producing as many tests and as quickly as possible. >> jesse: f biden giving free tested every -- who demands one is a good idea, i have a bridge to sell him. i have no fear, they've apparently learned their lessons from the disastrous obamacare website. >> we have arranged for it to be easier you to find a site on google. just enter "covid testing me" to the google search bar and you can find a number of different locations nearby where you can get testing. >> jesse: thanks, joe. google it. we got it. what could go wrong? we know with the end result is going to be. thousands of asymptomatic positive cases that will cause more panic and more despair. which of course means more restrictions, masks, mandates, and possibly lockdown. no wonder the left and their media outlet love this plan. that includes outgoing nih had frank collins who by the way gave a totally nutso interview last night. the mad scientist doesn't even begin to describe his insane ramblings. take a look for yourself. >> the laboratory is also potentially a cathedral because what we are doing is to learn how to be even more amazed. foul at what we have been given as human beings surrounded by a beautiful world. >> jesse: more like a cathedral of missouri. remember, most likely likely origins of covid is in the on lab. then there was a totally bizarre response to this. >> is there something you would wish that could have emerged from nih? >> maybe we under invested in research on human behavior. i never imagined a year ago when those vaccines were just proving to be fantastically safe and effective that we would still have 60 million people who had not taken advantage of them because of misinformation and disinformation. >> jesse: americans not wanting to take a vaccine, it is nothing new. factoring the doubts owed by the democrats because it was created under trump. and of course you're going to have hesitancy. unless you thought this was about public health and not controlling your life. let's not forget that collins along with fauci and others spent the better part of two years dismissing potential treatments to covid that could have saved many, many lives. in fact, if they truly cared about public health, they would have urged biden to launch an operation warp speed for his own therapeutics instead of doubling down on more the same policies that clearly aren't working. so why aren't fauci, collins, and the rest of the medical bureaucrats pushing or effective therapeutics to fight covid? my next guest recently went on joe grogan's podcast to unveil what he thinks is really going on joining me now is daughter dr. peter. what is going on? >> what we have seen is a focus on lockdowns, masks, and a giant focus on what has been left out his treatment. we knew and sick patients are treated early we reduce the period of done -- go down to three or four days per that's what happened in joe grogan's case. he got state of the art treatment with supplements, monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, steroids. he was over with it and basically threw four days and he reviewed that with me. i told him that is the protocol i drew up for america and for the world last year. sadly, what has happened, as we've actually a chilling effect on early treatment. a chilling effect on hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin. we have not had any featuring of monoclonal antibodies in the national discussion, nor any focus on steroids, high-quality drugs like -- shown in the largest treated only clinical trial to reduce ohmic reduce hospitalizations and death. no if there be from iser that -- when they're sick, they don't want to hear anything about vaccines paid with or they are vaccinated or not, they went early treatment. >> jesse: covid pills, a lot of people like pills better than needles. i can count myself as one of those people. so you see now the president has tried to backs his way out of this thing. now is trying to test his way out of this thing. do you think testing your way out of this winter is going to be an effective strategy? >> we have plenty of tests right now. i patients are less in practice getting test on a daily basis. they are widely available. we just need to make sure the threshold limit is less than 28 following the cdc standards. in the gin testing testing. i think think if we formally tests in the household, we're going to end up with more asymptomatic false positives. but test should be only used in cutely sick people as a diagnostic aid in making the diagnosis of covid-19. >> jesse: so this is a guy who hid during the pandemic and abasement and then he went from the basement to the white house and his mandates fired all the essential workers who were working while he was hiding in his basement. says he is a catholic guy and then tells who can go to christmas with their family or not. do you think he has any credibility as a messenger left with the american people on covid-19? >> we heard the darkest message i think ever americans have heard before on the holidays about a long and deadly winter for the unvaccinated. and i have to tell you, my message for america is one that is positive. it is joyous. we have learned so much about covid-19. our treatment of covid-19 is causing large numbers of individuals to avoid the hospital, avoid death, recover, and then have natural immunity. it is a very positive story as we are working our way through the pandemic, americans have suffered enough. and in my view, they don't need a strong negative message moving into the holidays. >> jesse: that's a great message and i think everybody should take that to heart except it is hard to absorb that type of positive message when you have fearmongers on cnn like this dr. who says he wants to form a task force that would attack the unvaxxed. listen. >> antiscience aggression is probably not one of the leading killers of young adults in the united states paid will be hafted to his rated task force t brings homeland security, the commerce department, the justice department, we are to bring the state department and really take a hard look at how we dismantle the anti-vax and antiscience empire. >> jesse: the antiscience empire. get homeland security involved, doctor. >> all doctors do is way, way out the risks and benefits. all forms of therapies and vaccines have risks and benefits. and i think those who are proposing the vaccines need to give us a fair and balanced review. should of had a on a monthly basis on one of the risks and benefits of the vaccine, how are they doing, and to give americans an intelligent choice in terms of whether or not they take a vaccine. but it's exactly that. the choice of a therapy is always belonging to the individual. we cannot have that circle of medical freedom broken by external forces. >> jesse: couldn't agree more. thank you so much. despite the return of masked mandates, travel ban's, and colleges locking done, even professional sports or canceling games. biden once you believe we are not taking a huge backward step in the country. >> the question folks are asking is are we going to march 2020, not this last march 2021, but march 2020 when the pandemic first hit. that is what i keep getting asked. the answer is absolutely no. no. >> jesse: joined me now is not, i'm a conservative union chairman and charlie, "washington times" opinion editor and fox news contributor. charlie, what was your assessment of the president's tone and posture today as he talked about this very, very dark winter? >> i think he just touched on it. at a point where biden has never been at a lower level of credibility, you still still using the bully pulpit to harangue americans and vilify americans for the choices that they are making about their health care. and it is not helpful, it is ridiculous, and i think it is probably only hurting him politically. you have to remember the entire biden campaign is based on two lies. based on the fact that they claimed that donald trump was a racist and then claimed that covid was all trump's fault. what we are seeing now and seeing especially with the emergence of the omicron variant, which kamala harris and joe biden have both said took them by complete surprise. at a time when it pandemic takes use i know mike by surprise. which you never take you by surprise as they are going to be variants. that is the one guarantee here. so the fact that they are admitting that the variant took them by surprise is proof that their entire campaign was a lie, is a lie, and i think the democrats will pay an egregious price for next year. >> jesse: the taliban taking over afghanistan so quickly, also took joe and come a lot by surprise, didn't it? >> his presidency is just a story of the self-inflicted wound. when they went out on the campaign trail and they blame to donald trump and republicans for a pandemic, it was quite outlandish. exactly what he said, they are suffering the consequences of if you somehow elect joe biden you will be protected from a virus unleashed on us by the communist in beijing and wuhan. this is a serious threat. but let's keep our heads, jesse. why does it take you to talk about therapeutics and not all the doctors? why people like me -- we have a portable, dirt cheap therapeutics for people who get sick. also have great news. most of us who get covid recover. terrible thing unleashed on us but we are the american people. we have to keep our heads. we can get through this. and joe biden, i am afraid is now part of the problem because he is turning americans against america and that is not the way we do things here. >> jesse: he needs to borrow some hope from his former boss, barack obama because he needs that and he needs an hour before the winter hits. charlie. this guy has latched his political fortunes on the covid cases. and covid cases they go up and they go down in different parts of the country. different times of the year. this guy has no control over covid cases. he doesn't understand this virus. he needs to change the message fast because there is no defeating this virus. you have to live with it and live with a positive spirit about it. >> and all of that goes back to the fact that they built the entire purpose of their presidency on this lie that somehow the pandemic itself was donald trump's fault. and when you start with that premise, this is what you wind up with. but one thing i think that is really fascinating about this effort that biden want to put into testing, testing is a perfect socialized medicine solution to a problem like this. therapeutics and vaccines are perfect market solutions to a crisis like this. and what does joe biden want to fall on? he wants to fall back on this whole idea of testing because of course these tests get taken, the information goes back to the central planners, and they solve no problems whatsoever. meanwhile, we have the free market coming up with these therapeutics which apparently works very well in the government has no interest whatsoever in trying to promote them and trying to encourage them because they actually solve the problem. joe biden and his doctors, all they want to do is just gather information and talk about how bad it is and scare the out of people. >> jesse: i'm afraid that everybody this winter is going to get a runny nose and get a little ache in the lower back and they're going to run out and take a test and all of a sudden oh, my gosh, i have covid. they didn't even feel that bad but they have covid and it's going to shoot the case numbers sky-high and that is going to freak out all the politicians and the politicians are going to go oh, my god, we have to do something. we had to shut down again. we have to mandate this, mandate that. i know where sliding back into 2020. >> as if that's a bad thing. >> i was outside of washington, d.c., where they are already starting to shut down schools again and i want to speak up for the defective terrorist, these are the parents, i'm the father of five girls, literally they are encased in masks. they've been doing this now for two years. football games, basketball games, dances, all at risk of being canceled all over again. this is a dehumanizing childhood for our children. where is the balance here? enough is enough. what i like the american people to do is say stop it. we're going to use some common sense. i am the parent. i will govern my kids all care decisions. i want my kids to go to a school that allows him to have a mostly normal environment and we will deal the consequences of this virus when it hits our families. it is time for the american people to get a little ron desantis and say no more. >> jesse: if i see another photograph of fourth-graders in below freezing temperatures sitting outside 6 feet apart having lunch, i am going to lose it. i think every parent would lose if they saw their kid like that. >> yeah, because government bureaucrats care about our children more than we do. really? >> jesse: matt, five daughters, sorry to hear that. good luck with everything. we have to go. you better start now. and you, guys. matt and charlie. it isn't just covid that is dragging democrats down in the polis. larry elder is here and moments to highlight the avalanche of issues hurting the left. that is next. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: when it comes to the economy, americans think biden is doing a worse job of any president since 1977. must have heard seen then to report this, but they said the average of joe biden's december polls it is not approval on the economy at negative 13 points. for perspective, carter's economic approval in '78, just negative eight. that is not all. biden's approval also underwater on crime, foreign policy, and of course, the southern border. add it all out, and is no wonder biden's overall improving is abysmal. a new pbs pole release monday put it at just 41%, which is a new low from that survey. jenna me now is larry elder post of larry elder show and former california gubernatorial candidates. larry, it is bad, but how bad is it? >> jesse, it is real bad. particularly when you start looking at the hispanic vote. since the midterm election of 2018, there is been a 40-point shift among hispanic voters in favor of republicans. now among hispanic voters, generic house republican will beat a generic house democrat. this is earth-shattering. this is a major earthquake within the democratic party because the whole reason that the democratic party has porous borders is because they've always assume that illegal aliens turned citizens turned to voters would pull that lever for the democratic party. if that weren't the case, the borders would be closed tighter than a -- behind. a greater number hub hispanic voters are moving towards republicans. and even among black voters, donald trump improved a percentage of black voters of the presidential level from 8% to 12% from 2016 to 2020. that is a 50% improvement. that is going in the wrong direction. why? the economy, crime, school choice. urban parents one school choice, particularly among black parents. they know they are getting the worst teachers come the worse. krantz, and the worse outcomes. i ran for governor as you know and prepend them, 75% of black boys in california could not read and state levels of proficiency in the math score was even worse. half of all third-graders in our government schools cannot read at state levels of proficiency. and again, math scores are even worse. so school choice, which was used in virginia, republicans are gaining ground among so-called voters of color and the democrats are scared sleepless and they should be. >> jesse: the democrats usually get at least 70% of the spinning photo. if they are only getting 30% of that they will never win another election and that is math. i guess math is racist, but that is math. fox news alert, the biden justice department is allowing some prisoners were let out during the pandemic to remain in home confinement. the move never says a trump-era decision that would have set many of the thousands of mates released to home confinement during the pandemic back to prison. but now, larry, the prisoner just get to stay home. thanks to joe biden's justice department. permanent pandemic. >> right. it's a continuation of the overall soft on crime attitude on the part of the democrats. cashless bail. soft on crime d.a.s pier the governor of california oversaw the release of 20,000 convicted felons early, many of them violent offenders. barbara, the former senator got mugged in oakland. her cell phone got taken. i shouldn't be laughing. a few months before that coming gavin newsom was attacked by mentally ill homeless guys. a whole bunch of people who are out to all to be in present. d.a.s that are not imposing what are called crime enhancement so that bad guys go into prison to the fullest extent of their time. and this is another continuation and the people who are mostly affected by this, mostly heard, are the black and brown people living in the inner-city that the left prides themselves on caring. >> jesse: it sake. i think this is going to happen with the ballots also. permanent pandemic. omicron, going to have to do universal mail ballots again. i can see it coming and i and hope i am wrong. i am never wrong, but this time i hope i am. thank you. last night, we told her about the saudi national with potential teratology was caught trying to sneak across the southern border. but here's a question. how many suspicious characters like that don't get caught? generally now is tom, former acting ice director and fox news contributor. this is alarming, tom. this guy has some fake uniform on. looked all official except the flag was upside down. thank god we got him but could you imagine how many guys we don't catch? >> i think there's a lot we didn't catch. i've been saying for a year when you open the border up to illegal immigration, that drives border patrol off the line, that is what is happening right now. that makes it very vulnerable. border patrol has artie arrested 15 people on fi screening databases. this is just the latest. what we have remembered. there is over 400,000 got a ways. these are illegal aliens that weren't arrested by border patrol and that is based on traffic they could respond to because they were busy elsewhere. 400,000 got a ways. how many of them were suspected terrorist? i'm afraid someday we are going to find out. >> jesse: this guy would terror ties, just a dreamer. so wet he is a dream to blow things up here? give him some scholarships and may be some health care subsidies, that is the mentality. all the people that are crossing urges good people looking for jobs except the ones on the fbi watch lists. it now looks like some crazy footage out of orta. the illegals are coming in in boats. they have boats coming in they are filled with illegal immigrants per they grow right up to the shoreline and drop them off and then they come on and now we are hearing that trooper drivers are responding. they got a call, oh, we have 20 people need to be picked up here. hello. cooper will just pick you up and take you wherever you want in the country. >> maritime smuggling is picking up. we are seeing how well they are the southwest border. they are not going to be detained because i.c.e. detention has been decapitated. even if they lose your case in court, i.c.e. can't -- being in the country illegally, on its face, is not enough for i.c.e. to make an arrest. so the cartels are using our own policies, the biden administration policies -- you won't be detained, can beat immigration court if your shop and i.c.e. can't remove you because they can't remove anyone. the cartel and the caribbean are taking advantage, maritimes smuggling is out. i want to make something clear. why is it the southwest border vulnerable? if you are someone who wants to come to this country and harm us, you can't go on a plane because of all the database checks, you can't get a visa because the visa security unit do a myriad of databases. if there is any derogatory information and any database, you can't get a visa. he can get a plane ticket. so if you are a terrorist, i do come to the united states do us harm? the same way 20 million others did across the southwest border. the same way 600,000 more were released this year, 400,000 got a ways. because half of the board ritual is off the line. that is how you get into the united states and that is what is make this a national security issue. >> jesse: just fly to cancun from anywhere in the country and take a little trip up north and for law. you are in the promised land. tom, everyone. thank you so much. coming up, biden turns to our rescue dog, and the boy bent to save his agenda. harry potter's favorite sport is about to change its name. raymond arroyo explains it all in "seen and unseen" next. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: it is time for rsp 21 segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. for that we turn to author of the spider who saved christmas, raymond arroyo. ray, the president's agenda is on the rocks and so are his approval numbers. but his plan -- >> he does have a plan. and as he reported earlier, there is that new npr pbs bowl that has by didn't own a 41%. 29% with independence. 33% with hispanics, which is awful. and when your performance is not low, there is only one thing to do. >> hey, how. how are you doing? ♪ ♪ >> so predictable. they also just brought in a new cat. jesse, as a refresher for you and the audience, as they welcome commander, they are dumping the last new first dog, major. remember major? major was literally dining out with white house staffers and secret service people. they tried to retrain him, but they should have released him on the senate. that color might have passed build back better. but instead, major is being "re-honed." >> we heard about nature being re-honed, and a white house cat. so is this like the worst week ever? >> the pack, commander, we can call him by his name. he is very adorable. going to bring joy to the president, the first family, and all of us as well. >> if he doesn't eat you all first. jesse, call him by his name, commander. >> jesse: i don't no. when bill clinton got in trouble, didn't he bomb a bunch of factories in africa or afghanistan. i guess the dog is other than launching missiles into the middle of nowhere. but commander. >> pour joe biden, he needs more than just a dog. given the president's performance of the pressing of the day, the distraction of a new dog seems almost necessary. speak out among the vaccinated -- among the vaccinated, dozensf assistance to new york in may because covid is spreading very rapidly. the end vaccinated have a significantly higher risk of ending up in hospital or even dying. still too many. excuse me -- >> i'm glad the triple vaccinated people are okay. he doesn't need pets. this man needs a roaming medical unit and a rescue inhaler. what is with the cough? >> jesse: you're supposed to go like this into your elbow. even my children know that, raiment. into the elbow, not to the hand. don't shake anybody's hand if you like to do that after that. >> you are right. >> jesse: the jonas brothers recently visited the white house and they cut a little video to commemorate their visit. >> are you vaccinated? yes, sir! >> who is the president? >> byron. >> take me out to dinner here >> did we? >> we got it. >> this is so sad, jesse. he doesn't know the jonas brothers from the osmonds. which one is donnie? that bizarre audio in the video actually comes from viral interview with a homeless man. how this convinces anyone to get vaxxed is beyond me. they tried it -- they even dragged out poor old bill nye. all of this is an admission that the president has no influence of the american people, but the strength of celebrity endorsements with this agenda item or that, it shows one thing -- there is only one thing lefts credible than biotin trying to make us do something, that is random celebrities. >> jesse: i think they send the jonas brothers to west virginia. that is the only thing that is going to convince him to go to for bill back better. these guys are so influential. only the jonas brothers could twist at. >> send jonas and major out there, manchin it might move. this could well ruin a few christmases. the u.s. major league quidditch teams have made a big announcement. this is the sport created by j.k. rowling in her harry potter series. >> jesse: yeah, the leaks are hoping this name change can help continue to distance themselves from the work of j.k. rowling who is retracing the come under scrutiny for her anti-transposition in the years. raiment, what the heck is going on here? speak of a member, rowling has repeatedly stood up for biologic woman and some say that his anti-trans. but have you seen these people who play quidditch? they literally run around on a field on broomsticks pretending to be wizards, jesse. you cannot separate the sport that was created by j.k. rowling from j.k. rowling. this is crazy. and by the way, they don't know what they're going to name quidditch yet. they have been quite up with a right turn. i have an idea for them. you have heard -- this could be nerd swabs on broomsticks. that could be a perfect name for this board. who needs this? it is absurd. >> jesse: i am actually speechless. i didn't read harry potter. i don't know what quidditch is paired this looks like field hockey for like some sort of "dungeons & dragons" game of lacrosse. i have no idea what i'm looking at. one arm. >> they ride around on the broomstick like they are wizards in the movie. it is crazy. when you read this to jesse jr., you will figure out what quidditch is and how important it is to the harry potter universe and nerds everywhere. >> jesse: all i'm reading is a spider who saved christmas to jesse jr. that is all the kids assignments these days. did this together. raymond arroyo, experts in quidditch and all sports surreal. thank you so much. and we are going to see raymond tomorrow night when he hosts "the ingraham angle." on the new year's eve from new orleans, don't miss that. still ahead, this week in kamla. what is rvp extraordinaire up to now? we will tell you in a few moments. stay right there ♪ ♪ >> jesse: in the last week, kamala harris has once again proven why her proven ability is at 34%. let's start with the disasters interview with charlamagne tha god which was just one embarrassment after another. when the going got tough, kamla kept going. here is how her outgoing chief advisor tried to throw her a lifeline. watch. >> i want to know who the real president of this country is. it's a joe biden or joe manchin? speak out so sorely -- >> she can hear me. >> can you hear me? >> sorry to interrupt. >> they are acting like they can't hear me. >> jesse: how awkward was that? second, after >> jesse: earpiece magically started working again, she tried going on the attack against the host. >> who is the real president of this country? joe biden or joe manchin? >> come on, charlemagne. it is joe biden. >> -- >> no, no, no. don't start talking like a republican about asking whether or not he is president. and it is joe biden and i'm vice president and my name is kamala harris. >> jesse: it is like once black if you don't poke for me. moving past that dumps her fire, she went on cbs where she gave the chinese communist party a total pass for unleashing this virus on to the world. >> i don't think this is a moment to talk about the fold. it is no one's fault that this virus hit our shores or head the world. but it is more about individual power and responsibility. >> jesse: the only good thing you can say about that is she didn't blame on faxed americans. her terrible week in start there. she blamed fauci and other scientist for not seeing the delta and omicron variance coming. while dr. doom himself fired back. >> we did. we definitely saw variances coming. i think what one referred to, what was not anticipated was the extent of the mutations in the amino acid substitutions and omicron. >> jesse: joining me now is rachel, author of all-american christmas which is topping "the new york times" best seller list. rachel, let's start at the top with the charlamagne tha god thing. she is the vice president of the united states, and she has a handler interrupts the interview and say no, no, no. you can't ask that question. interview is over. if she really needs to get bailed out like that -- .>> she does. she has a team of p.r. and communication experts were working around the clock to try and improve her image and they can't do anything about it. >> jesse: i need a team like that. >> the reason they can't help her is because she should have never had this job. the only reason she became vice president is because she meant two qualifications, she was the right gender and the right color. and democrats have thoughts that that would be enough. it turns out, it is not enough. you have the hispanic vote literally cratering. and the only good news for democrats and all of this is that may be, just to may be, i doubt it, but may be, they might start to rethink this obsession with identity politics. and using that as a way of tricking people for very important jobs. she is not some low-level staffer on a committee or something. she is the vice president of the united states with a very sickly likely already experiencing dementia president. she is not qualified for this job. part of the job is being likable and being able to sell your ideas paired the second has to have good ideas. and as they can see from the economy, from her response on china which was disgusting, she is giving china our greatest enemy who through the entire world into extreme poverty is at the highest level it's ever been in history because of that virus. her policies make a difference. they are hurting america. they handed the rain to the socialist wing of the party when they promised to govern from the middle and unite the country and a lot of americans including democrats feel like they have been tricked. they have huge -- >> jesse: he hasn't officially been diagnosed with dementia although a lot of people do see him up there at the podium and have a lot of questions. >> i will say this. you are right. he has not been diagnosed. nobody has told us, we have not seen the reports for his medical reports but i know plenty of people who have family members who have dementia and say many of the things that you are seeing, these weird things you are seeing on camera. >> jesse: there are a lot of people who have lost confidence in his ability to execute the office. and then she is thrown a total soft ball down the middle. just a big meatball. who's fault is this virus? i don't know, china, anybody? and she whip. this i politics 101. you unite the country against the country that unleashed this thing instead of going after unvaxxed americans like her boss does. at least she didn't attack the unvaxxed. maybe her pr team is showing little bit of promise, we can give her that, right? >> may be, but may be what is doing is pleasing her boss, joe biden, but i believe is compromised by the chinese government. all your to do is look at hunter biden's laptop. so -- in that moment, i think she is appeasing her boss. >> jesse: she could be hunting all night running interference for us would be because his son, i guess a lot of his other family members are allegedly totally invested with the chinese. they say hunter i guess sold the stake in the chinese communist company. i haven't seen any evidence of that, but we know what that is about. rachel campos duffy and her husband have been number one book out. in the country and she put her name first on the book. and i think sean is upset about appearance of everybody go check that out. >> you keep trying to start this fight. it's not going to work. >> jesse: we have to go. thanks, rachel. final thoughts when we come back. that's it for us tonight for eight if you want more of me which i know you do, watched tucker tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. if you need another christmas gift for someone you love or even for someone you hate, order a copy of my book how i saved the world. visit they ingraham and graham tomorrow night when raymond arroyo sits in the chair. greg gutfeld takes it from here ♪ [cheers and applause] >> i am grinning. happy glorious tuesday my precious friends and fans, last sunday america's media suffered a tragic loss. no cnn didn't lose its fever, i happen on fox news sunday. >> if i can't go home

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