Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

of the virus. that is free for the taking. now the big question, who will take him up on it. welcome. i'm neil cavuto. this is "your world." right now omicron is all the rage in all the world. as you just heard, the nhl is not sending hockey players to the olympics in china. it could be the first. there might be others. we'll detail what organizations, broadway shows, venues and cities and states and countries and how they're dealing with the latest surge. it's certainly a contagious variant. that is without doubt. what we don't know is exactly how dangerous it is. the president making it clear today that this does appear to be less dangerous than other variants. but again, people are being cautious and the world health organization among those saying even when it comes to getting together for christmas, the better part of valor is to not get together for christmas is. that a business extreme? jacqui heinrich has more from the white house. >> hi, neil. the president has been increasing increasingly stark wantings to unvaccinated americans telling them their chances of getting psych and dying if they remain unvaccinated. he encouraged people to get their shots, calling ate patriotic duty and obligation to country. despite break through cases amooning vaccinated people, the president is still saying that it's safe to celebrate christmas and have holiday get togethers with family even if you've had your shots. it's criticism from health experts. folks like the world health organizations say cancel your christmas plans. it's safer. they believe the white house -- critics believe the white house and cdc should be updating guidance. biden said by and large, omicron is mild among the vaccinated folks and this is not march of 2020. the administration certainly prepares like it's march of 2020. they're sending medical -- military personnel to overrun hospitals. fema teams to six states. prepositioning supplies across the country and sending at-home rapid tests to anyone that wants one. the president defended their vaccine mandates. >> i know vaccination requirements are unpopular for many. they're not even popular for those that are anxious to get them. my administration has put them in place not to control your life but to save your life. the lives of others. >> some news on the travel front. the president announced just a few moments ago, he may lift the ban on south africa and neighboring countries that was intended to slow the spread. listen. >> does the travel ban work and will you reverse it now that omicron is so prevalent here in the u.s.? >> i'm considering reversing it. i'm going to talk with my team the next couple days. look, remember why i said we put the travel ban on. to see how much time we had before it hit here so we can begin to see what we needed by what happening in other countries. we're past that now. it's something being raised with me by the docs now. >> jen psaki said in the briefing, there will soon be additional focus on therapeutics in addition to this renewed focus on making testing widely available, neil. >> neil: all right, jacqui heinrich at the white house. the move is fast and sweeping across the grobe with countries as diverse as germany, switzerland, all reimposing some restrictions. some going so far as to impose quarantines. that's happening in thailand. might not end there. jonathan serrie keeping track of it all in atlanta. jonathan? >> hi, neil. the omicron variant has been detected in every u.s. state except for oklahoma and south dakota so far. and texas has confirmed the first omicron-related fatality. this one involving a man in his 50s, lived in the houston area. he was unvaccinated and had underlying health conditions. take a listen. >> of course we're going to have hospitalizations tragically deaths like what we see now. but the evidence shows that for those vaccinated and with the booster is much less likely. >> with holiday gatherings around the corner, many americans are waiting in long lines. many live shows like the rockettes and hamilton have cancelled performances. today major bill de blasio announced a $100 incentive for everyone getting a booster shot before the end of the year. >> the biggest booster incentive program, i want to see new yorkers respond. >> in the new york suburb of mount vernon, officials announced all students will go back to virtual learning that will last through mid january. back to you, neil. >> neil: thanks, jonathan. moderna has indicated that a third booster shot, its own, seems to be very effective in gaining the antibodies you need for fighting off omicron. doctor, where are we with omicron? it's contagious. it's growing up to 90 countries worldwide. it appears to not be as dangerous as other variants. where are we on this? >> we've gotten more information over the last couple weeks to gauge the threat level of omicron. this is something that most people will have experience with. they're able to get around the protection that our anti-bodies provide. it's unclear how severe it is. it is going to be something that can kill people, especially those unvaccinated and with high risk conditions. what we have to really learn to separate now is the break through cases that are mild and vaccinated people and the severe cases which are largely restricted to the unvaccinated. >> i apologize for that, doctor. i want your sense of how you think some governments and businesses are responding to this. you heard that an nhl team is not going to the olympics. many have cancelled the christmas shows and shelved for the rest of the season. i can go on and on about quarantines in thailand, restrictions in europe. is this an overreaction to you? >> i do think there's some overreaction going object. as president biden said earlier today, this is not march of 2020. this is december of 21. we have many tools that are able to blunt the impact of a variant like omicron without going back to those overly broad restrictions that we saw in the early days of this pandemic. so what we have to do is type people how to risk calibrate. if you're fully vaccinated, you'll be spared from severe consequences. that's what we're aiming for with this virus. we're trying to make it tamer. that's what it is for vaccinated people. we have this swath of the population that is not vaccinated that holds our hospitals hostage. that's the problem here in the united states. >> neil: among the unvaccinated, they say if the vaccinations are so promises why are there so many break through cases? why is it expanding to the virus variants? it's hardened their resistance to getting vaccinated. what do you tell them? >> it's the opposite of what the vaccines are doing. when you look and see what is dying, it's unvaccinated individuals. it's not people that are fully vaccinated that are in the hospital. vaccines are not bug zappers. they're meants to stop any vaccination that you get from being severe. by that standard, they're off the charts. that is the path to normalcy. that's how we get our lives back. so we don't have to worry about for those that do need the hospitalization. >> neil: thanks, dr. adalja. with us right now, the new hampshire governor, chris sununu. the president outlined a plan that would include eency teams that would go to states where there's a spike in cases. that's not been the case in new hampshire. if there were, what do you think of that? >> well, the emergency teams out of the federal government can be very helpful. we haven't gotten any confirmation that they're sending them here. i've been talking to fema. they've been sends more anti-bodies and paramedics teams. our cases are elevated because in northern new englander we're at the tip of the spear when it comes to winter. so you're going to see it kind of innees in the mid-atlantic states and ultimately in the southern states as it gets cooler in january and february. we're all in it. we're in it for the long-term. that's the most important message that i true to lead with. whatever we do isn't for the next six weeks. might have to be the next six months or six years. we're not sure. people say you should put in more mandates. when are we going to stop it? you can't use the state of emergency like a light switch. you have to move forward with your lives, smart, understand that covid is dangerous. make sure the information is out there. you have to let people live their lives and hopefully make good decisions and getting vaccinated and boostered. you can't start shutting everything down when we didn't have deals in the tool box. we have all of these tools to help us manage as governors and leaders. we have to let people make choices. >> neil: so governor, you're not entertaining any mandates or any limitations or new widespread restrictions in new hampshire as things stand now? >> no, nothing is being contemplated right now. again what are the metrics when we stop it? omicron is not the last variant. i hope it is, but i have to plan nor the worst. so my thought is we could see variants again, another tough winter next year. whatever it might be. we have to plan for the long-term. if you start with the mandates now, it's never going to end and start and stopping your communities and the economies. has dire effects taking kids in and out of school. that's not how we move forward. let governors have the flexibility to manage. the states have to have the flexibility to move forward. >> neil: if i could switch gears, governor. you probably heard joe manchin of west virginia has opted to reject the build back better program. the president wants to re-visit that. chuck schumer wants a vote on it next year. what do you think of the anger of the party that has thrown back at senator manchin for his decision? >> i think the biggest shock is that people are surprised that an individual is trying to be cautious with pending $3.5 trillion. five or ten years ago, this would have been unheard of. now the democratic party is acting i can't believe we're not doing it. in their heads some of them are thanking. they didn't have the courage to stop it like joe manchin did. they're probably thanking joe nor putting the brakes on. this federal government has not taken up how we're going to balance a budget, how we're going to management healthcare, how we're going to deal with immigration. there's all of these other issues and we're talking about is this one big government spending bill. there's so many other things as a governor that i think that washington really needs to be taking up. there's other pressing issues a they are than bloating government. >> neil: you opted not to run for senate. you're running again for governor. looking at the dynamics, what's going on in washington right now, do you regret that? >> oh, god no. are you kidding? the more people that tried to convince me to run for the m more and more clear that i can defend my state, design an innovate more systems as a governor. that's what we do. look at your last question. the fact that all washington is doing is talking about this one bill and getting nothing done in the meantime. they're fine doing that. i don't work like that. i'm a ceo, a manager. people hired me, elected me to create opportunities for them. that's what you get to do as governor every day and engage and act with your constituents. that's the number 1 problem in washington. always have an excuse not to talk to someone on the street or talk to someone dealing with these issues. they work in this bubble without understand the implications of what they do and don't do. i love the challenge of a governor. that's how i work. this do nothing stuff in washington d.c., that's not my style. >> neil: got it. all right. i thought you would change your mind on the air that doesn't appear to be the case. >> maybe next time. >> neil: maybe next time. thanks, governor. of course, we keep talking about omicron. it pops up in the weirdst things. did you hear about this royal caribbean ship that came in to port with nearly 50 cases on omicron. we're on that after this. 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>> neil: got it. incredible. madison, thanks very much. before i get to my next guest, look at the corner of wall and broad. the dow was up slightly. all the major averages were on the notion that we're getting ahead of ourselves. depends on the day. let's get the read from art hogan from the national securities corporations. markets less worried today. i never like to take a leap that that is the new posture and position. what do you think? >> yeah, you put it perfectly right, neil. it depends on the day. we had three of the worst days in a row for the s&p 500 since september. i'd argue that we've been selling consistently since the day after thanksgiving when omicron was the new head went. clearly investors are trying to get their heads around that. and certainly this is all happening in a time where professional investors are squaring up portfolios for year end. people are less tech harvesting. you come into a holiday shortened week and you have larger or outside moves. i would say that it feels as to that we overdid it and arguably over the last two weeks. that's very stretched in the selling of equities and the buying of treasuries. we're seeing that pull back as the bargain hunters got the courage up to get there today. >> you know, art, the president commented on the collapse of build back better yesterday with the news that joe manchin wasn't going to be a yes vote on it by referring to the market drop off yesterday as that. i want you to respond to the president's comments on that. listen. >> goldman sachs and others say if we don't pass build back better, we're in trouble. it's going to grow the economy. without it, we're not going to grow. >> neil: we're not going to grow. part of the sell-off was based on that. what do you think? >> goldman put out a piece talking about gdp we'll likely lose if not for having some form of build back better. but you have to balance that against of what we're not going to have against capital taxes changed and a tax on buy backs was a part of this. the pay for. so i think it's a push. it's hard to know just how stimulative this is. it's a longer term plan. we don't they it was inflationary or stimulative in the first three years. right now it's in limbo. likely something that we address next year. probably in the first quarter, come back to the table and shrinks insize and addresses less than the administration wants. but something will get done here. there's plenty of important things in the bill. we need to get it right sized and figure out a way to pay for it. that's where we are right now with that. and i think the market was really reacting to the fact that we're seeing amazing case count discovery of omicron. that's what the market is worried about. fortunately or unfortunately, appears while this spreads quickly, seems like it's more mild in symptoms. that's good. i think -- we look at the new variants since the beginning of the pandemic. each one has had a diminishing economic impact. this will be the case with omicron as well. >> neil: yeah, you hope that we calm down. that's what the markets freak out about. when we don't or when they fear that we can. we'll see how that sorts out. if i don't talk to you again, have a merry christmas. >> you too. >> neil: thanks, art. all the major averages up today. bond market holding its own. so if this fickle response that has more like a civil response depending on the day. markets up on the idea that they got too far on this. we told you about the change of joe manchin and the wrath of democrats and where things are going. the fall-out from that a after this. ♪ (man) still asleep. 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. >> neil: had it with rising prices at the grocery stores? elizabeth warren session they're gouging you. more after this. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> neil: well, now we've done it. joe manchin has excited the wrathed of progressive in his own party. aishah hasnie has the latest with the fallout on capitol hill. aishah? >> good afternoon, neil. progressives don't trust senator manchin. president biden said that he is still willing to work with the west virginia senator. watch. >> so did senator manchin break his commitment to you? >> senator manchin and i will get something done. thank you. >> "we're going to get something done." that may not be enough for some on the left that are still angry. squad member ayanna presley and bernie sanders pressing the senate for a vote immediately to force moderate senators to get on the record with this bill. leader schumer is on board with a vote early in the new year. meantime, aoc taking things a stuff further putting pressure on biden saying that he needs to lean on his executive authority. he's been underutilizing it so far far talking about climate and student debt. among all the pressure, the manchin camp quiet. we don't know if he will join the big conference can call for democrats to talk about how to move forward with build back better even though the president came out ready to work with him. this has gotten personal. a lot of back and forth in the press between the senator and the white house with manchin blaming white house staff for allegedly leaking stories about him. >> they figure surely to god we can move one person. surely we can badger and beat one person up and get enough protesters to make that person uncomfortable enough. guess what? i'm from west virginia. i'm not from where they are from where they can beat the crap out of people and be submissive. >> the on thing we know on the record what senator manchin would have done. we have not heard anything from kyrsten sinema or john tester. all of this is happening with the backdrops of even more democrats now saying that they will not run for re-election. three more in just the last day. that brings the total now to 24 democrats as opposed to 17 on the republican side. the last time we saw a mass exodus was in 2012. 29 democrats retired back then. they kept the senate in the mid-terms but weren't able to flip the house. we'll see what happens in november. neil? >> neil: getting pretty crowded to your point. aishah on capitol hill. let's go to republican congressman tom cole on this from oklahoma. congressman, what do you think of the back and forth over joe manchin's decision? >> well, i think the democrats are looking a gift horse in the mouth. if he wants to become a republican, we would welcome him with open arms. he represents a republican state. the politics would be easier. but i don't think he's a republican. i don't think that's what he wants to do. frankly democrats are not appreciating him enough. he voted for the american rescue plan. no republican did. he voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. majority of republicans didn't vote for that. he signals he's willing to open up the 2017 tax cut bill for review. that is not the republican position. so again, i think he's an old-style conservative democrat. the real signal here is there's no place for those people left in the democratic party. if they run out a guy that is honestly doing what the voters in his own state, a state that president trump carried by almost 40 points want him to do. that's what elected officials are supposed to do, respond to their constituents, not be brow beaten by their peers. >> neil: congressman, the president did seem to intimate that he and joe manchin will continue to talk and that they might sort of rebuild build back better next year. what do you think of that? >> look, i think there's some things that they can find common ground on. if the democrats would act in a bipartisan fashion, we have to fund the government. that has to be bipartisan. you can't do that by reconciliation. there could probably be some republican support for elments of build back better. if you take the whole package, an explosion of debt and spending, taxes, no way any republican can support that. i don't think senator manchin is alone. i think he's been the most visible. this idea of forcing every democrat to vote on a bill that is not going t there's a half a dozen democratic senators that will be telling the leaders that a bad idea. why would you want to go on the record in montana or new hampshire or arizona, you know, on something like that. that is stupid politics. tells you that the democrats right now are reacting out of recrimination, bitterness and anger and not what is thoughtful. >> neil: thanks, congressman very much. fair and balanced read from a michigan democrat where we go from here and what the party chances next year. stay with us. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. this holiday season, give your family the gift that keeps on... going? 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>> well, i don't get mad. i get mad when people whack me on the ice rink playing hockey. i don't understand where senator manchin is coming from. west virginians benefit from this. a west virginia family with two young kids that earn $40,000 a year would say $10,000 a year under build back better on healthcare, child care and more. west virginia has more old people than the average state, more child poverty than the average state. i don't get where he's coming from. he represents about 40% as many people as levin in the metro area. so that one senator is holding up this train of progress for our country. we'll have to deal with him. what i think we need to do is have the president begin to take executive action now on some things that he can while we continue to negotiate to get this done early in the new year. for example, he could negotiate -- he could take executive action to lower prescription drug prices now. he could take multiple executive actions on climate change now. he could give a christmas present to the millions of people that owe student debt and eliminate a lot of student debt right now by a stroke of the pen. that's what -- >> neil: or he could reduce the whole measure, right? there's talk that he might re-visit talking to joe manchin again about, you know, build back better, more focused program where you get rid of the things or put a priority on the things that you want, maybe the three items you mentioned. what do you think of that? >> well, you know, the problem is that we have oneshot at this. not a single republican is going to vote to provide child care for all american families and they may no more than 7% of their income. not a single republican will vote to give pre-k to all three and 4-year-olds. they're not going to vote for the climate change measures and go down the list. so we have to do this through reconciliation and we have to get the votes of all 50 senators, democratic senators. so we'll have to put it together in one package. >> real quickly. there had been talk and obviously things got frayed and tempered pretty frayed, congressman. a lot of fellow democrats said of joe manchin that he's not a real democrat. seem to be a quasi threat that he might leave the party maybe as an independent. caucus with democrats. how would you feel about that? >> i don't know. each legislator can do what they want. i hope joe manchin remains a democrat. i think he is to be lauded for having to biggest spread of any senator or representative, neil, between his votes and trump's votes. so hats off to him for that. but you know, he proved in his proposal for voting rights that he will stand up for a lot of democratic priorities. we just need him to come through and stop changing his position all the time on build back better. you know, come to an agreement and pass this thing for the sake of the american people. >> neil: we'll watch it closely. congressman levin, very good having you. thanks for taking the time. >> thank you so much. merry christmas. >> neil: to you as well. meantime, we're focusing right now on these soaring prices. one of the reasons why joe manchin mentioned he was not keen on this build back better plan. along elizabeth warren says it has little to do with the government spending and everything to do particularly at the grocery store with the supermarket giants. food for thought or food fight in the making after this. feel stuck with student loan debt? 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(muffled, distorted) ...43... not better. earn about covid-19, (muffled, distorted) ...43... the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. >> neil: all right. every time you go to the grocery store, you're probably heaving at the higher prices there. along comes senator elizabeth warren to target the supermarket chains themselves for rigging the prices. if this rings a bell, this might harken back to the administration's call for the ftc to look at rigging oil prices and a separate investigation into meat packers and the like for rigging meat prices. phil wegman with what appears to be a pattern. what do you make of it? >> critics will say that elizabeth warren and democrats are untoo accessory -- unrealistic. the stores are providing the services. you go to a kroger or a publix so you don't have to go to butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker. where senator warren and democrats might have a better chance at sniffing out inflation and time will tell because of the investigations you mentioned is some industries where you have a relatively few number of producers like the meat packing industry. so far, you know, we've seen a lot of allegations and it will take time for them to sort of sort through what is the cause of the higher prices. >> neil: it could be supply and demand. it takes a lot to rig across an entire industry and world for that matter. at least if you can throw it out there, don't blame it on the white house or us, the party in charge, what is happening at the gas station and what is happening at your local retail store and grocery stores, even if you just throw it out there that there might be another villain out there, it does mitigate some of the finger pointing exclusively at the party in power, doesn't it? >> it does mitigate some of the finger pointing. the thing is this white house has pointed fingers at a lot of folks, whether it's opec for higher energy prices, whether it's grocery stores, with allegedly higher prices. i saw a press release going to thanks giving from senator warren's office saying that big poultry was jacking up the price of turkeys. >> neil: i remember that. >> the problem with this is if you're a consumer and you're a voter, you're looking at democrats who are trying to sort through the macroeconomic end trails of whatever is going on and who is to blame. meanwhile, republicans can sit back and borrow an argument from senator joe manchin and they can say, we're not to blame for higher prices. the market isn't to blame for higher prices. instead it's democrats that have spent more on combatting covid than the united states spent on the second world war and rebuilding europe. that is a much easier argument to make. as consumers and voters are frustrated, you know, i doubt that they take their anger out on, you know, a grocery store or some of these invisible people behind the scenes running these alleged cabals. they're more likely to say, i'm going to hold whoever is in power accountable. >> neil: it's as simple as you see in a booming economy, supply and demand comes to roost. democrats might want to make lemonade out of lemons that way. but we're still early in this game. we'll see what happens. phil wegman, thanks very much. if you have had it with these higher prices, you know, there's ways to get around it. they call this next woman the crazy coupon lady. nothing crazy about how much money she saves. she will share her secrets with you. say that three times fast after this. new patients, start tody with a full exam and x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at (burke) with farmers auto multi-policy discount, the more policies you have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. (man) hey, hon! (wife) hi, honey! (man) like what? (burke) well, you'd get a discount for insuring your jet skis... and ...home and more. you could save up to forty-five percent. (man) that's a whole lot of discounts. (burke) well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (kid) sup, dad! (burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? you up for a little night work? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you. merry christmas, dad. ♪ ♪ thanks for coming. now when it comes mto a financial plan. this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? as in free? just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab. (vo) with verizon business unlimited plans, you can get 5g, truly unlimited data, and more hotspot data. because every business deserves better. and with plans as low as $30, better costs less than you think. visit us in store or book an appointment to save time and money. ♪ ♪ >> neil: already. tired of paying the sky-high prices? you have probably seen in stores will look like a crazy man or woman with -- holding coupons and paying a fraction of what you are. you probably present them for it but you shouldn't resent some of the ideas because a lot of it is common sense. the crazy coupon lady. she calls herself, that is not me calling her that. very good to have you. >> thanks so much for having. great to talk with you today. >> neil: let's explore some of the things you look at it. first of all, when you shop in general, you obviously are looking to get a better price than what is out there. how do you do that? >> okay. the first thing that is important to me this year's i don't really want to have to leave the house very often, and so i'm looking for places that are going to ship to me. and we are in luck because amazon, there are still tons of products that you can get in time for christmas without even leaving your house. that is best-case scenario. the thing that i was lead to the last minute, i do know about you, but are the stocking stuffers. there is so tricky to find. but amazon has a ton of stocking stuffers on sale still that you can get in time for shipping. so we are seeing a lot of toys like lol surprise, captain america, lego sets, kinetics end. and again, it's going to ship in time for christmas. i saw a pen earlier -- about 50% off as well. revlon hair dryer for 50% off. and again, all of these are going to ship in time for christmas. but, if that is something that is making you a little nervous, you don't want to be waiting for the shipping times, you can still do in-store pickup or drive up at places like target and walmart. and we are seeing -- these retailers are still releasing so many deals. airpods under $100 for the second generation on target. you can do the pick up so you don't even have to go in-store if you don't want to. there's an air prior for 40% off the target. there is an iced coffee machine for mr. coffee for $23. but again, all of these you can do without even going into the store which is my very favorite way to do it. >> neil: but then again, a lot of people -- at this time of year, you can get some quite a bit off, right? >> yes, gift cards are another great little secret. there is a company called and they offer discounted gift cards so you can get a gap gift card for example for 15% off the price. plus right now they are offering an extra 15% off for anything that you purchase. most of these are digital gift card so it's not like you have to wait for it to ship to you. as soon as you check out, you'll get a code in your email. you can print that off, stick it in and christmas card and give it to whoever is on your list. >> neil: that is very cool. these are great ideas, heather. nothing crazy about anything you just mentioned. save you a lot of money there. nothing crazy about saving money. heather, thank you very much. just some ideas. we are here to help you. we will look at them and get your responses as to whether those ideas made sense. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, and jesse watters along with dr. nicole saphier, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. ♪ ♪ >> another huge day breaking news. we a lot to get to. president biden giving his big speech on covid and getting very defensive over the surgeon omicron cases. kamala harris stepping in it again after contradicting the white house on a key issue. and after biden's agenda went u

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, Ten , 3 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Budget , Courage , Management Healthcare , Brakes , Wall , Issues , Government Spending Bill , Washington , Immigration , Senate , What S Going On In Washington , Bloating , Dynamics , State , More , Innovate , God No , Is Doing , Question , Manager , Bill , Someone , Number , Constituents , Opportunities , Street , Act , Excuse , 1 , Progressives Don T Trust , Implications , Challenge , Bubble , Blame It , Air , Doesn T , Style , Mind , Washington D C , Woman Vo , Ship , Royal Caribbean , Anywhere , Weirdst , Stuff , Hotspot Data , Data , 5g , Business Expert , Verizon , Clients , Concourse , Blue Line , Bakery , Cupcake , 5 , Money , Store , Low , Appointment , Crowd , 0 , 30 , Engine Humming , Queen , Clapping , We Will Rock You , Gmc Sierra , Pick Up , Class , Driving , Binders , Broker , Planning Options , Consultant , Help , Options , Page , Schwab , Uhhh , Uh Carl , 188 , House , Plan , Planning , Retirement Plan , Son , Clerk , Sore Throat 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Legislator , Voting Rights , Trump , Representative , Proposal , Agreement , Sake , Priorities , Reasons , Grocery Store , Government Spending , Food , Supermarket Giants , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Food Fight , Making , Sofi , 1000 , 000 , Ho , Gifts , Credit , Oh No , Mercedes Benz Winter Event , Priceline , Month , Comment , Payment , Models , Airport Announcers , Flight , Gate , Muffled , Ooh , 43 , Questions , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 833 , 317 , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , Supermarket Chains , Call , Ftc , Bell , Rigging Meat Prices , Rigging Oil Prices , Meat Packers , Phil Wegman , Like , Pattern , Stores , Kroger , Accessory , Services , Chance , Baker , Publix , Candlestick Maker , Industries , Meat Packing Industry , Investigations , Producers , Inflation , Allegations , Demand , Least , Cause , Sort , Matter , Gas Station , Retail Store , Charge , Finger , Pointing , Fingers , Villain , Energy Prices , Office , Press Release , Opec , Big Poultry , Price , Voter 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Company , Gap , Secret , Called Raise Com , Code , 15 , Stick It , Card , Heather , Email , Responses , Hello , Jesse Watters , Nicole Saphier , Dana Perino , Greg Gutfeld , Agenda , U , Issue , Surgeon , Speech , Kamala Harris ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

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of the virus. that is free for the taking. now the big question, who will take him up on it. welcome. i'm neil cavuto. this is "your world." right now omicron is all the rage in all the world. as you just heard, the nhl is not sending hockey players to the olympics in china. it could be the first. there might be others. we'll detail what organizations, broadway shows, venues and cities and states and countries and how they're dealing with the latest surge. it's certainly a contagious variant. that is without doubt. what we don't know is exactly how dangerous it is. the president making it clear today that this does appear to be less dangerous than other variants. but again, people are being cautious and the world health organization among those saying even when it comes to getting together for christmas, the better part of valor is to not get together for christmas is. that a business extreme? jacqui heinrich has more from the white house. >> hi, neil. the president has been increasing increasingly stark wantings to unvaccinated americans telling them their chances of getting psych and dying if they remain unvaccinated. he encouraged people to get their shots, calling ate patriotic duty and obligation to country. despite break through cases amooning vaccinated people, the president is still saying that it's safe to celebrate christmas and have holiday get togethers with family even if you've had your shots. it's criticism from health experts. folks like the world health organizations say cancel your christmas plans. it's safer. they believe the white house -- critics believe the white house and cdc should be updating guidance. biden said by and large, omicron is mild among the vaccinated folks and this is not march of 2020. the administration certainly prepares like it's march of 2020. they're sending medical -- military personnel to overrun hospitals. fema teams to six states. prepositioning supplies across the country and sending at-home rapid tests to anyone that wants one. the president defended their vaccine mandates. >> i know vaccination requirements are unpopular for many. they're not even popular for those that are anxious to get them. my administration has put them in place not to control your life but to save your life. the lives of others. >> some news on the travel front. the president announced just a few moments ago, he may lift the ban on south africa and neighboring countries that was intended to slow the spread. listen. >> does the travel ban work and will you reverse it now that omicron is so prevalent here in the u.s.? >> i'm considering reversing it. i'm going to talk with my team the next couple days. look, remember why i said we put the travel ban on. to see how much time we had before it hit here so we can begin to see what we needed by what happening in other countries. we're past that now. it's something being raised with me by the docs now. >> jen psaki said in the briefing, there will soon be additional focus on therapeutics in addition to this renewed focus on making testing widely available, neil. >> neil: all right, jacqui heinrich at the white house. the move is fast and sweeping across the grobe with countries as diverse as germany, switzerland, all reimposing some restrictions. some going so far as to impose quarantines. that's happening in thailand. might not end there. jonathan serrie keeping track of it all in atlanta. jonathan? >> hi, neil. the omicron variant has been detected in every u.s. state except for oklahoma and south dakota so far. and texas has confirmed the first omicron-related fatality. this one involving a man in his 50s, lived in the houston area. he was unvaccinated and had underlying health conditions. take a listen. >> of course we're going to have hospitalizations tragically deaths like what we see now. but the evidence shows that for those vaccinated and with the booster is much less likely. >> with holiday gatherings around the corner, many americans are waiting in long lines. many live shows like the rockettes and hamilton have cancelled performances. today major bill de blasio announced a $100 incentive for everyone getting a booster shot before the end of the year. >> the biggest booster incentive program, i want to see new yorkers respond. >> in the new york suburb of mount vernon, officials announced all students will go back to virtual learning that will last through mid january. back to you, neil. >> neil: thanks, jonathan. moderna has indicated that a third booster shot, its own, seems to be very effective in gaining the antibodies you need for fighting off omicron. doctor, where are we with omicron? it's contagious. it's growing up to 90 countries worldwide. it appears to not be as dangerous as other variants. where are we on this? >> we've gotten more information over the last couple weeks to gauge the threat level of omicron. this is something that most people will have experience with. they're able to get around the protection that our anti-bodies provide. it's unclear how severe it is. it is going to be something that can kill people, especially those unvaccinated and with high risk conditions. what we have to really learn to separate now is the break through cases that are mild and vaccinated people and the severe cases which are largely restricted to the unvaccinated. >> i apologize for that, doctor. i want your sense of how you think some governments and businesses are responding to this. you heard that an nhl team is not going to the olympics. many have cancelled the christmas shows and shelved for the rest of the season. i can go on and on about quarantines in thailand, restrictions in europe. is this an overreaction to you? >> i do think there's some overreaction going object. as president biden said earlier today, this is not march of 2020. this is december of 21. we have many tools that are able to blunt the impact of a variant like omicron without going back to those overly broad restrictions that we saw in the early days of this pandemic. so what we have to do is type people how to risk calibrate. if you're fully vaccinated, you'll be spared from severe consequences. that's what we're aiming for with this virus. we're trying to make it tamer. that's what it is for vaccinated people. we have this swath of the population that is not vaccinated that holds our hospitals hostage. that's the problem here in the united states. >> neil: among the unvaccinated, they say if the vaccinations are so promises why are there so many break through cases? why is it expanding to the virus variants? it's hardened their resistance to getting vaccinated. what do you tell them? >> it's the opposite of what the vaccines are doing. when you look and see what is dying, it's unvaccinated individuals. it's not people that are fully vaccinated that are in the hospital. vaccines are not bug zappers. they're meants to stop any vaccination that you get from being severe. by that standard, they're off the charts. that is the path to normalcy. that's how we get our lives back. so we don't have to worry about for those that do need the hospitalization. >> neil: thanks, dr. adalja. with us right now, the new hampshire governor, chris sununu. the president outlined a plan that would include eency teams that would go to states where there's a spike in cases. that's not been the case in new hampshire. if there were, what do you think of that? >> well, the emergency teams out of the federal government can be very helpful. we haven't gotten any confirmation that they're sending them here. i've been talking to fema. they've been sends more anti-bodies and paramedics teams. our cases are elevated because in northern new englander we're at the tip of the spear when it comes to winter. so you're going to see it kind of innees in the mid-atlantic states and ultimately in the southern states as it gets cooler in january and february. we're all in it. we're in it for the long-term. that's the most important message that i true to lead with. whatever we do isn't for the next six weeks. might have to be the next six months or six years. we're not sure. people say you should put in more mandates. when are we going to stop it? you can't use the state of emergency like a light switch. you have to move forward with your lives, smart, understand that covid is dangerous. make sure the information is out there. you have to let people live their lives and hopefully make good decisions and getting vaccinated and boostered. you can't start shutting everything down when we didn't have deals in the tool box. we have all of these tools to help us manage as governors and leaders. we have to let people make choices. >> neil: so governor, you're not entertaining any mandates or any limitations or new widespread restrictions in new hampshire as things stand now? >> no, nothing is being contemplated right now. again what are the metrics when we stop it? omicron is not the last variant. i hope it is, but i have to plan nor the worst. so my thought is we could see variants again, another tough winter next year. whatever it might be. we have to plan for the long-term. if you start with the mandates now, it's never going to end and start and stopping your communities and the economies. has dire effects taking kids in and out of school. that's not how we move forward. let governors have the flexibility to manage. the states have to have the flexibility to move forward. >> neil: if i could switch gears, governor. you probably heard joe manchin of west virginia has opted to reject the build back better program. the president wants to re-visit that. chuck schumer wants a vote on it next year. what do you think of the anger of the party that has thrown back at senator manchin for his decision? >> i think the biggest shock is that people are surprised that an individual is trying to be cautious with pending $3.5 trillion. five or ten years ago, this would have been unheard of. now the democratic party is acting i can't believe we're not doing it. in their heads some of them are thanking. they didn't have the courage to stop it like joe manchin did. they're probably thanking joe nor putting the brakes on. this federal government has not taken up how we're going to balance a budget, how we're going to management healthcare, how we're going to deal with immigration. there's all of these other issues and we're talking about is this one big government spending bill. there's so many other things as a governor that i think that washington really needs to be taking up. there's other pressing issues a they are than bloating government. >> neil: you opted not to run for senate. you're running again for governor. looking at the dynamics, what's going on in washington right now, do you regret that? >> oh, god no. are you kidding? the more people that tried to convince me to run for the m more and more clear that i can defend my state, design an innovate more systems as a governor. that's what we do. look at your last question. the fact that all washington is doing is talking about this one bill and getting nothing done in the meantime. they're fine doing that. i don't work like that. i'm a ceo, a manager. people hired me, elected me to create opportunities for them. that's what you get to do as governor every day and engage and act with your constituents. that's the number 1 problem in washington. always have an excuse not to talk to someone on the street or talk to someone dealing with these issues. they work in this bubble without understand the implications of what they do and don't do. i love the challenge of a governor. that's how i work. this do nothing stuff in washington d.c., that's not my style. >> neil: got it. all right. i thought you would change your mind on the air that doesn't appear to be the case. >> maybe next time. >> neil: maybe next time. thanks, governor. of course, we keep talking about omicron. it pops up in the weirdst things. did you hear about this royal caribbean ship that came in to port with nearly 50 cases on omicron. we're on that after this. 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>> neil: got it. incredible. madison, thanks very much. before i get to my next guest, look at the corner of wall and broad. the dow was up slightly. all the major averages were on the notion that we're getting ahead of ourselves. depends on the day. let's get the read from art hogan from the national securities corporations. markets less worried today. i never like to take a leap that that is the new posture and position. what do you think? >> yeah, you put it perfectly right, neil. it depends on the day. we had three of the worst days in a row for the s&p 500 since september. i'd argue that we've been selling consistently since the day after thanksgiving when omicron was the new head went. clearly investors are trying to get their heads around that. and certainly this is all happening in a time where professional investors are squaring up portfolios for year end. people are less tech harvesting. you come into a holiday shortened week and you have larger or outside moves. i would say that it feels as to that we overdid it and arguably over the last two weeks. that's very stretched in the selling of equities and the buying of treasuries. we're seeing that pull back as the bargain hunters got the courage up to get there today. >> you know, art, the president commented on the collapse of build back better yesterday with the news that joe manchin wasn't going to be a yes vote on it by referring to the market drop off yesterday as that. i want you to respond to the president's comments on that. listen. >> goldman sachs and others say if we don't pass build back better, we're in trouble. it's going to grow the economy. without it, we're not going to grow. >> neil: we're not going to grow. part of the sell-off was based on that. what do you think? >> goldman put out a piece talking about gdp we'll likely lose if not for having some form of build back better. but you have to balance that against of what we're not going to have against capital taxes changed and a tax on buy backs was a part of this. the pay for. so i think it's a push. it's hard to know just how stimulative this is. it's a longer term plan. we don't they it was inflationary or stimulative in the first three years. right now it's in limbo. likely something that we address next year. probably in the first quarter, come back to the table and shrinks insize and addresses less than the administration wants. but something will get done here. there's plenty of important things in the bill. we need to get it right sized and figure out a way to pay for it. that's where we are right now with that. and i think the market was really reacting to the fact that we're seeing amazing case count discovery of omicron. that's what the market is worried about. fortunately or unfortunately, appears while this spreads quickly, seems like it's more mild in symptoms. that's good. i think -- we look at the new variants since the beginning of the pandemic. each one has had a diminishing economic impact. this will be the case with omicron as well. >> neil: yeah, you hope that we calm down. that's what the markets freak out about. when we don't or when they fear that we can. we'll see how that sorts out. if i don't talk to you again, have a merry christmas. >> you too. >> neil: thanks, art. all the major averages up today. bond market holding its own. so if this fickle response that has more like a civil response depending on the day. markets up on the idea that they got too far on this. we told you about the change of joe manchin and the wrath of democrats and where things are going. the fall-out from that a after this. ♪ (man) still asleep. 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. >> neil: had it with rising prices at the grocery stores? elizabeth warren session they're gouging you. more after this. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> neil: well, now we've done it. joe manchin has excited the wrathed of progressive in his own party. aishah hasnie has the latest with the fallout on capitol hill. aishah? >> good afternoon, neil. progressives don't trust senator manchin. president biden said that he is still willing to work with the west virginia senator. watch. >> so did senator manchin break his commitment to you? >> senator manchin and i will get something done. thank you. >> "we're going to get something done." that may not be enough for some on the left that are still angry. squad member ayanna presley and bernie sanders pressing the senate for a vote immediately to force moderate senators to get on the record with this bill. leader schumer is on board with a vote early in the new year. meantime, aoc taking things a stuff further putting pressure on biden saying that he needs to lean on his executive authority. he's been underutilizing it so far far talking about climate and student debt. among all the pressure, the manchin camp quiet. we don't know if he will join the big conference can call for democrats to talk about how to move forward with build back better even though the president came out ready to work with him. this has gotten personal. a lot of back and forth in the press between the senator and the white house with manchin blaming white house staff for allegedly leaking stories about him. >> they figure surely to god we can move one person. surely we can badger and beat one person up and get enough protesters to make that person uncomfortable enough. guess what? i'm from west virginia. i'm not from where they are from where they can beat the crap out of people and be submissive. >> the on thing we know on the record what senator manchin would have done. we have not heard anything from kyrsten sinema or john tester. all of this is happening with the backdrops of even more democrats now saying that they will not run for re-election. three more in just the last day. that brings the total now to 24 democrats as opposed to 17 on the republican side. the last time we saw a mass exodus was in 2012. 29 democrats retired back then. they kept the senate in the mid-terms but weren't able to flip the house. we'll see what happens in november. neil? >> neil: getting pretty crowded to your point. aishah on capitol hill. let's go to republican congressman tom cole on this from oklahoma. congressman, what do you think of the back and forth over joe manchin's decision? >> well, i think the democrats are looking a gift horse in the mouth. if he wants to become a republican, we would welcome him with open arms. he represents a republican state. the politics would be easier. but i don't think he's a republican. i don't think that's what he wants to do. frankly democrats are not appreciating him enough. he voted for the american rescue plan. no republican did. he voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. majority of republicans didn't vote for that. he signals he's willing to open up the 2017 tax cut bill for review. that is not the republican position. so again, i think he's an old-style conservative democrat. the real signal here is there's no place for those people left in the democratic party. if they run out a guy that is honestly doing what the voters in his own state, a state that president trump carried by almost 40 points want him to do. that's what elected officials are supposed to do, respond to their constituents, not be brow beaten by their peers. >> neil: congressman, the president did seem to intimate that he and joe manchin will continue to talk and that they might sort of rebuild build back better next year. what do you think of that? >> look, i think there's some things that they can find common ground on. if the democrats would act in a bipartisan fashion, we have to fund the government. that has to be bipartisan. you can't do that by reconciliation. there could probably be some republican support for elments of build back better. if you take the whole package, an explosion of debt and spending, taxes, no way any republican can support that. i don't think senator manchin is alone. i think he's been the most visible. this idea of forcing every democrat to vote on a bill that is not going t there's a half a dozen democratic senators that will be telling the leaders that a bad idea. why would you want to go on the record in montana or new hampshire or arizona, you know, on something like that. that is stupid politics. tells you that the democrats right now are reacting out of recrimination, bitterness and anger and not what is thoughtful. >> neil: thanks, congressman very much. fair and balanced read from a michigan democrat where we go from here and what the party chances next year. stay with us. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. this holiday season, give your family the gift that keeps on... going? 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>> well, i don't get mad. i get mad when people whack me on the ice rink playing hockey. i don't understand where senator manchin is coming from. west virginians benefit from this. a west virginia family with two young kids that earn $40,000 a year would say $10,000 a year under build back better on healthcare, child care and more. west virginia has more old people than the average state, more child poverty than the average state. i don't get where he's coming from. he represents about 40% as many people as levin in the metro area. so that one senator is holding up this train of progress for our country. we'll have to deal with him. what i think we need to do is have the president begin to take executive action now on some things that he can while we continue to negotiate to get this done early in the new year. for example, he could negotiate -- he could take executive action to lower prescription drug prices now. he could take multiple executive actions on climate change now. he could give a christmas present to the millions of people that owe student debt and eliminate a lot of student debt right now by a stroke of the pen. that's what -- >> neil: or he could reduce the whole measure, right? there's talk that he might re-visit talking to joe manchin again about, you know, build back better, more focused program where you get rid of the things or put a priority on the things that you want, maybe the three items you mentioned. what do you think of that? >> well, you know, the problem is that we have oneshot at this. not a single republican is going to vote to provide child care for all american families and they may no more than 7% of their income. not a single republican will vote to give pre-k to all three and 4-year-olds. they're not going to vote for the climate change measures and go down the list. so we have to do this through reconciliation and we have to get the votes of all 50 senators, democratic senators. so we'll have to put it together in one package. >> real quickly. there had been talk and obviously things got frayed and tempered pretty frayed, congressman. a lot of fellow democrats said of joe manchin that he's not a real democrat. seem to be a quasi threat that he might leave the party maybe as an independent. caucus with democrats. how would you feel about that? >> i don't know. each legislator can do what they want. i hope joe manchin remains a democrat. i think he is to be lauded for having to biggest spread of any senator or representative, neil, between his votes and trump's votes. so hats off to him for that. but you know, he proved in his proposal for voting rights that he will stand up for a lot of democratic priorities. we just need him to come through and stop changing his position all the time on build back better. you know, come to an agreement and pass this thing for the sake of the american people. >> neil: we'll watch it closely. congressman levin, very good having you. thanks for taking the time. >> thank you so much. merry christmas. >> neil: to you as well. meantime, we're focusing right now on these soaring prices. one of the reasons why joe manchin mentioned he was not keen on this build back better plan. along elizabeth warren says it has little to do with the government spending and everything to do particularly at the grocery store with the supermarket giants. food for thought or food fight in the making after this. feel stuck with student loan debt? 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(man) hey, hon! (wife) hi, honey! (man) like what? (burke) well, you'd get a discount for insuring your jet skis... and ...home and more. you could save up to forty-five percent. (man) that's a whole lot of discounts. (burke) well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (kid) sup, dad! (burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? you up for a little night work? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you. merry christmas, dad. ♪ ♪ thanks for coming. now when it comes mto a financial plan. this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? as in free? just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab. (vo) with verizon business unlimited plans, you can get 5g, truly unlimited data, and more hotspot data. because every business deserves better. and with plans as low as $30, better costs less than you think. visit us in store or book an appointment to save time and money. ♪ ♪ >> neil: already. tired of paying the sky-high prices? you have probably seen in stores will look like a crazy man or woman with -- holding coupons and paying a fraction of what you are. you probably present them for it but you shouldn't resent some of the ideas because a lot of it is common sense. the crazy coupon lady. she calls herself, that is not me calling her that. very good to have you. >> thanks so much for having. great to talk with you today. >> neil: let's explore some of the things you look at it. first of all, when you shop in general, you obviously are looking to get a better price than what is out there. how do you do that? >> okay. the first thing that is important to me this year's i don't really want to have to leave the house very often, and so i'm looking for places that are going to ship to me. and we are in luck because amazon, there are still tons of products that you can get in time for christmas without even leaving your house. that is best-case scenario. the thing that i was lead to the last minute, i do know about you, but are the stocking stuffers. there is so tricky to find. but amazon has a ton of stocking stuffers on sale still that you can get in time for shipping. so we are seeing a lot of toys like lol surprise, captain america, lego sets, kinetics end. and again, it's going to ship in time for christmas. i saw a pen earlier -- about 50% off as well. revlon hair dryer for 50% off. and again, all of these are going to ship in time for christmas. but, if that is something that is making you a little nervous, you don't want to be waiting for the shipping times, you can still do in-store pickup or drive up at places like target and walmart. and we are seeing -- these retailers are still releasing so many deals. airpods under $100 for the second generation on target. you can do the pick up so you don't even have to go in-store if you don't want to. there's an air prior for 40% off the target. there is an iced coffee machine for mr. coffee for $23. but again, all of these you can do without even going into the store which is my very favorite way to do it. >> neil: but then again, a lot of people -- at this time of year, you can get some quite a bit off, right? >> yes, gift cards are another great little secret. there is a company called and they offer discounted gift cards so you can get a gap gift card for example for 15% off the price. plus right now they are offering an extra 15% off for anything that you purchase. most of these are digital gift card so it's not like you have to wait for it to ship to you. as soon as you check out, you'll get a code in your email. you can print that off, stick it in and christmas card and give it to whoever is on your list. >> neil: that is very cool. these are great ideas, heather. nothing crazy about anything you just mentioned. save you a lot of money there. nothing crazy about saving money. heather, thank you very much. just some ideas. we are here to help you. we will look at them and get your responses as to whether those ideas made sense. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, and jesse watters along with dr. nicole saphier, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. ♪ ♪ >> another huge day breaking news. we a lot to get to. president biden giving his big speech on covid and getting very defensive over the surgeon omicron cases. kamala harris stepping in it again after contradicting the white house on a key issue. and after biden's agenda went u

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Place , Many , Travel Front , Travel Ban Work , Spread , Ban , South Africa , Team , Travel Ban On , Something , Happening , Docs , Jen Psaki , Focus , Therapeutics , Addition , Briefing , Restrictions , Quarantines , Move , Grobe , Thailand , Switzerland , Germany , U S State , Keeping Track , For Oklahoma , Jonathan Serrie , Atlanta , South Dakota , Texas , Omicron Related Fatality , Man , Course , Listen , Hospitalizations , Health Conditions , Area , Houston , His 50s , 50 , Booster , Vaccinated , Holiday Gatherings , Evidence , Deaths , Lines , Corner , Rockettes , Shows , Hamilton , Booster Shot , Everyone , Incentive , Performances , Bill De Blasio , 100 , Learning , Officials , Booster Incentive Program , Students , Suburb , New Yorkers , Mount Vernon , Neil , Moderna , Anti Bodies , Doctor , Fighting Off Omicron , 90 , Information , Threat , Level , Protection , Experience , Risk , Conditions , Break , Governments , Sense , Businesses , Season , Overreaction , Europe , Rest , Impact , Tools , Object , Pandemic , Problem , Consequences , Hospitals Hostage , Swath , Population , Virus Variants , Vaccinations , Vaccines , Resistance , Opposite , Hospital , Dying , Individuals , Zappers , Lives , Vaccination , Path , Charts , Standard , Normalcy , Governor , New Hampshire , Dr , Hospitalization , Adalja , Chris Sununu , Rescue Plan , Case , Spike , Government , We Haven T , Emergency Teams , Confirmation , Paramedics , Cases , Tip , Englander , Spear , Innees , Mid Atlantic , Whatever , Message , Isn T , Mandates , Covid , State Of Emergency , Light Switch , Smart , Everything , Deals , Decisions , Tool Box , Boostered , Governors , Leaders , Limitations , Choices , Things , Nothing , Metrics , Thought , Worst , Long Term , Kids , Flexibility , Effects , Economies , Communities , School , Senator Manchin , Build , West Virginia , Program , Gears , Vote , Party , Anger , Decision , Shock , Chuck Schumer , Democratic Party , Some , Individual , Acting , Of , Five , Ten , 3 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Budget , Courage , Management Healthcare , Brakes , Wall , Issues , Government Spending Bill , Washington , Immigration , Senate , What S Going On In Washington , Bloating , Dynamics , State , More , Innovate , God No , Is Doing , Question , Manager , Bill , Someone , Number , Constituents , Opportunities , Street , Act , Excuse , 1 , Progressives Don T Trust , Implications , Challenge , Bubble , Blame It , Air , Doesn T , Style , Mind , Washington D C , Woman Vo , Ship , Royal Caribbean , Anywhere , Weirdst , Stuff , Hotspot Data , Data , 5g , Business Expert , Verizon , Clients , Concourse , Blue Line , Bakery , Cupcake , 5 , Money , Store , Low , Appointment , Crowd , 0 , 30 , Engine Humming , Queen , Clapping , We Will Rock You , Gmc Sierra , Pick Up , Class , Driving , Binders , Broker , Planning Options , Consultant , Help , Options , Page , Schwab , Uhhh , Uh Carl , 188 , House , Plan , Planning , Retirement Plan , Son , Clerk , Sore Throat Pain , Honey Lemon Chill , Wooo Vaporize , Sore Throat Relief , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon , Weight , Insulin Resistance , Most , Reason , They Don T Work , Starvation , Release , Stress , Fat , Golo , Sugar Cravings , At Last , Eating , Customers , Pain , Way , Cruises , Cruise , Boat , Madison , Members , Passengers , Crew , Tampa , Norwegian , 48 , Times , Masks , Mask , Drinking , Feet , Difference , Vacation , 12 , Investigation , Waters , 36 , 19 , Industry , Set Back , Seeing Postponements , Agents , Holidays , Ruse , Point , Line , Hope , Announcement , Itineraries , None , Covid 19 , 2022 , Latest , Light , 2019 , Cruise Industry , Step , Averages , Broad , Guest , Notion , Dow , Incredible , Position , Markets , Leap , Posture , Securities Corporations , Art Hogan , Row , S P 500 , Three , 500 , Investors , Portfolios , Head , Heads , Holiday , Moves , Tech Harvesting , Two , Art , Bargain Hunters , Selling , Treasuries , Buying , Equities , Yes , Comments , Collapse , Market Drop , Wasn T , Economy , Goldman Sachs , Trouble , Form , Piece , Gdp , Pay , Tax , Backs , Capital Taxes , Against , Push , Quarter , Term , Limbo , Plenty , Table , Figure , Insize , Market , Count , Discovery , Quickly , Beginning , Symptoms , Idea , Response , Change , Bond Market , Wrath , Greetings , Audi , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Zone , 2 , Cv Risk , Adults , Stroke , Events , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , 7 , Type 1 Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Death , Reuse , Share , Pens , Needles , Side Effects , Changes , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Neck , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , 25 , Prices , Elizabeth Warren , Grocery Stores , Prescription , Gouging , I Don T , Liberty Mutual , Bull Rider , Car Insurance , Turn , Hang On , Tex , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Record , Liberty , It , Progressive , Wrathed , Fallout , Aishah Hasnie , Senator , Watch , Capitol Hill , Ayanna Presley , Left , Commitment , Senators , Leader Schumer , Bernie Sanders , Camp Quiet , Executive Authority , Aoc , Student Debt , Climate , Conference , Press , Stories , Staff , Forth , God , Person , Protesters , Badger , Enough , Thing , Anything , Backdrops , John Tester , Crap , Kyrsten Sinema , Republican , Side , Re Election , Total , Mass Exodus , 17 , 24 , Weren T , 29 , 2012 , Tom Cole , Gift Horse , Oklahoma , Let S Go , Politics , Mouth , Arms , Infrastructure Bill , Majority , Tax Cut Bill , Conservative Democrat , Signal , Review , 2017 , Voters , Points , Guy , 40 , Congressman , Rebuild Build , Peers , Ground , Fashion , Support , Reconciliation , Package , Debt , Spending , Explosion , Taxes , Elments , Visible , Half , Montana , Arizona , Bitterness , Recrimination , Michigan , Powerful , Age , Stay , Retinol , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , Skin , Wrinkles Results , Gift , Holiday Season , Energizer Bunny , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Snowball Splat , Windshield Wiper , Power , Wish List Event , Aa Battery , Sanctuary , Subway , Eat Fresh , Gotta Eat Fresh , Lincoln , Bounce , Body , Shampoo , Baja Chicken , Bacon , Baja , Assets , Nature , Gold , Protector , Asset , Reward , Element , Enabler , Delta Air , Ceo , Airline Industry , Advantage , Quarantine Team , Infections , Airlines , Bookings , Notice , Win , Torpedoing , Progressive Angry , Congressman Levin , Deputy Whip , Pleasure , Congressional Progressive Caucus , Don T Get Mad , Ice Rink Playing Hockey , 40000 , 0000 , Child Care , Healthcare , Child Poverty , 10000 , Train , Executive Action , Progress , Example , Actions , Climate Change , Prescription Drug , Pen , Millions , What , Talk , Measure , Priority , Items , List , Families , Measures , Income , 4 , Votes , Quasi Threat , Caucus , Independent , I Don T Know , Legislator , Voting Rights , Trump , Representative , Proposal , Agreement , Sake , Priorities , Reasons , Grocery Store , Government Spending , Food , Supermarket Giants , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Food Fight , Making , Sofi , 1000 , 000 , Ho , Gifts , Credit , Oh No , Mercedes Benz Winter Event , Priceline , Month , Comment , Payment , Models , Airport Announcers , Flight , Gate , Muffled , Ooh , 43 , Questions , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 833 , 317 , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , Supermarket Chains , Call , Ftc , Bell , Rigging Meat Prices , Rigging Oil Prices , Meat Packers , Phil Wegman , Like , Pattern , Stores , Kroger , Accessory , Services , Chance , Baker , Publix , Candlestick Maker , Industries , Meat Packing Industry , Investigations , Producers , Inflation , Allegations , Demand , Least , Cause , Sort , Matter , Gas Station , Retail Store , Charge , Finger , Pointing , Fingers , Villain , Energy Prices , Office , Press Release , Opec , Big Poultry , Price , Voter , Consumer , Trails , End , Turkeys , Market Isn T , Argument , Consumers , Combatting Covid , The Second World War , Scenes , Power Accountable , Cabals , Supply , Lemons , Lemonade , Coupon Lady , Woman , Secrets , Ways , Exam , Treatment , X Rays , Patients , Payment Solutions , 20 , Discount , Burke , Farmers , Book Today At Aspendental Com , Smiles , 800 , Policies , Auto Insurance , Wife , Jet Skis , Hon , Forty Five , Dad , Bum , Discounts , Sup , Garage , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Kid , Pa Dum , Seventeen , Car , Mom , Tam , Mto A Financial Plan , Business Unlimited Plans , Shouldn T , Ideas , Coupons , Holding , Fraction , Common Sense , General , Places , Products , Luck , Amazon , Stocking Stuffers , Scenario , Lead , Shipping , Ton , Sale , Toys , Kinetics End , Captain America , Lego Sets , Lol Surprise , Hair Dryer , Revlon , Shipping Times , Pickup , Retailers , Walmart , Coffee Machine , Generation , Mr , Airpods , Coffee , 23 , Gift Card , Gift Cards , Little , Company , Gap , Secret , Called Raise Com , Code , 15 , Stick It , Card , Heather , Email , Responses , Hello , Jesse Watters , Nicole Saphier , Dana Perino , Greg Gutfeld , Agenda , U , Issue , Surgeon , Speech , Kamala Harris ,

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