Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

the far left, progressives want to fight the west virginia moderate altogether. carley: terrifying update on the border crisis, a saudi with ties to terrorism was just caught trying to sneak into the country. todd: that is not good. you are watching "fox and friends" on tuesday morning. carley: president biden will address the nation as cases of the electron variant continue to rise. the white house says the speech will be a stark warning to the unvaccinated. >> good jenkins with more on what we can expect from the president. >> reporter: the cdc says the omicron variant is now the most dominant strain in the country accounting for 73% of new cases, the first death reported out of houston, the president's peach this afternoon now the administration is handling it. biden took to twitter to preview his remarks saying we are working around the clock to increase testing capacity, vaccine availability and support for our hospitals. i will have more to say on this tomorrow. in the meantime get vaccinated, get boosted, wear a mask and keep the faith, we will get through this together. the speech will build on his winter plan and address access to testing, booster shots. no lockdowns. key point. mask mandate and risk to the unvaccinated. that is an area jen psaki hit hard yesterday. >> those who choose remain unvaccinated he was a stark warning and make clear unvaccinated individuals will continue to drive hospitalizations and deaths. >> this after the chief white house coordinators in a dire warning that the unvaccinated are looking at a, quote, winter of severe illness and death. meanwhile vice president harris breaking from white house script blaming the unvaccinated for the spike in cases. >> it is the fault of the unvaccinated? >> i don't think this a moment to talk about fault. it is no one's fault the virus hit our shores or hit the world. >> reporter: don't what the president to take questions today, jen psaki says that depends on what is asked of him and will want to ask why he's not quarantine after close contact with a new staffer. >> former white house advisor doctor scott accesses the biden administration and doctor anthony fauci have proven time and again they are not trusting the science. >> there is a disconnect between the cases and the serious illness or death. that's good. there's a lot of cases, projected to be more cases but there is not going to be, we've not seen -- look at south africa, they had it for over a month they are seeing this is very mild. this is good news. this is how pandemic end. what is stunning is there is no word of this, is expected good thing happening at the end of the pandemic from doctor fauci. the leaders of public health here instead keep repeating what they've said before which is keep blocking down, keep issuing restrictions and mandates and those policies were implemented widely across the entire country and failed to stop the infection. they obviously don't eradicate the virus. >> doctor fauci gave the vaccinated his blessing to travel this holiday season. he also thinks masks on planes may be here indefinitely. todd: senator manchances white house response to the decision not to support the social spending agenda is inexcusable. todd: jackie ibanez here with the details as they scramble to salvage the bills back better agenda. >> after voting against the bill back better plan senator joe manchin said he expected the white house to come back strong but manchin said the white house staff is taken it too far after leaking what he says are absolutely and excusable things about him. manchin did not specify what the white house staffers leaked that make clear he will not be bullied by fellow democrats. >> surely to god we can move one person. i'm from west virginia, i'm not from where they are from. >> reporter: maintenant president biden met to discuss the legislation and manchin suggested a new deadline of march or april with no pushback from the white house. a longtime ally and friend of senator manchin wrote an op-ed in hell saying joe and joe were pulling in the same direction. there would be no the bb gift under the christmas tree but no one would get cold in their stockings either but then bank, the white house released a statement blaming manchin for the delay. when i saw manchin's name and the president of statement i knew he would perceive it as a breach of process, a breach of joe and joe working the south, politicians from scranton and charleston could find a way to align with those from brooklyn and san francisco. jen psaki says they aren't playing the blame game, they are calling it an update. >> i've not read the article. it has been a busy day but i will tell you our intention was to provide an update on the future of bills back better. >> reporter: leaders on the left are so frustrated with manchin's hard stance they are calling on democrats to ignore him entirely. across the aisle there are lawmakers warming up a seat for manchin in the republican party. >> yesterday the senator went back on his word was the lack of integrity is stunning in itself where people say the only thing you have is your word. it is abundantly clear we cannot trust with senator manchin says. >> it doesn't sit well over there but that decision, we certainly welcome him to join us if you are so inclined. >> a lot of folks ask is manchin going to become a republican? i hope it does. i have asked him to. >> a lot of questions and a lot to talk about. manchin has not indicated if he would join the gop. >> dc fun. thank you very much. there is this notion on the left that if you beat, chain, cancel people into submission they will do what you want them to do but look at what joe manchin did over the last 48 hours and you look at what people have been doing in society in general over the course of the last year, fighting back against this cancel culture notion, you see it happening more and more, that's a great sign going forward, joe manchin will not be been into submission and when you look at what the american people ultimately once joe manchin made the right call. look at this new poll, he's doing what the american people want. not following president biden and his agenda, 41% only approve of president biden, 55% disapproved. if you are running in an election you want to be on the side that is bigger, you don't want to be aligned with president biden, that is what joe manchin do not a bill that could have devastating effects for our country. >> during the radio interview yesterday he said he realized progressives tried to beat him into submission and said i'm from west virginia, that's not going to happen when it comes to me. however politico is reporting he did have a conversation with the president on sunday after he made this announcement that he was a no phone and now it appears there could be a talk to reengage in bills back better and try to get something passed into the new year so where all this stands and why this happened when we could still be having a conversation anyway is yet to be determined but these poll numbers you just showed, the reason it is important as it shows another historic low for the president and there was a foxbusiness poll that showed 70% of the country says this has been a bad year, 19% said it has been a good year. the biden administration felt they could try to sail through their first year in office because they weren't going to tweet but when you look at all the catastrophes whether this crime, afghanistan, border, crt in schools, people are buying it. >> taken together if you thought the dems were panicking about 2022 before they have reached a whole new level, this anonymous house democrat blaming biden illustrate that, quote, this is an indictment of the senior leadership in the white house, they don't understand the american people want results, they don't want drama and rhetoric. everyone has been necktie and try. i can see everyone vulnerable democrats specifically fleeing for the hills at this point. it started with afghanistan, nobody was held accountable for the chaos the afghanistan withdrawal constituted. it allowed everyone to get a pass, it sent a message the president will stick by you, so do whatever you want. i think biden needs to clean house if we have any chance of salvaging 2022 there have to be consequences and this gives to another point in addition to the obvious 2022 fears among democrats, nobody elected the white house staff but you have a white house staff it seems, that feel they run the country, president biden was elected, he is in charge, the people in the white house you are not in charge, you take your orders from the president, not the other way around. carley: there's a focus on white house staff. the reason joe manchin decided to pull out of talks with the president, because white house staff told joe manchin they were going to release a statement saying that the president accept the fact that they weren't going to reach their christmas dublin unbuilt back better and manchin so you can really set statement the just leave my name out of it because my family is getting attacked. when the statement went out his name was included in it and that is apparently why he decided to go on bret baer sunday and said i am sick of this, i have had enough, they pushed him to his limit so that story as to why he decided to do what he did on sunday all unfolded yesterday. build back better, there could still be talks on the record with bills back better. i don't know what these conversations are going to look like but apparently the president is still interested in trying to get something passed. todd: the number of senators you still need staying the same. carley: keeping on the manchin topic. alexandria ocasio cortez appearing to get the facts wrong in her latest disavowal democrat joe manchin while dismissing his reason for asking the president's and agenda the congresswoman had big claims about her power in dc. >> the idea that joe manchin said he can't explain this to his people is a farce. i represent more people than joe manchin does, perhaps more. >> senator manchin represents 1.8 million people in west virginia well ocasio cortez represents 800,000 in her new york city district. will: you can do math, aoc, don't. yuma border patrol agents apprehend a potential terrorists trying to enter the us through the southern border. >> could explaining the breach of security on the border policy. >> reporter: border agents nabbing a 21-year-old migrant from saudi arabia, the man is linked to several yemeni subjects of interest, trying to cross into yuma, arizona. images show the jacket with an american flag patch on one sleeve and the other reading central volunteer ambulance corps but the upstate new york volunteer organization denies knowing the migrant and says we don't know how he got one of their older model jackets. retired ice director and fox news contributor tom homan is blaming the biden administration for the porous border. >> it takes half the border patrol off the line you open up to criminals, human trafficking and terrorism. how many of that 400,000 can get arrested? >> reporter: texas listening dan patrick is calling out biden for issuing statements on the laquan variant. >> this is a plan. what he should be addressing an issue as serious as the border, terrorists coming into the country. we call it one today. how many more do you think of come in? >> the carolina congressman murphy will join us in the next hour to discuss the national security problem at the border. todd: amid multiple crazies the president will coming a new dog named commander into the white house. the purebred german shepherd is a gift of the president from his brother james. carley: the first family is promising they were latter cat to their family in january as well. there rescue dog major will live in a quieter environment after months of discussion with experts. do you remember in june when jen psaki said they would wait for a bad news day 20 money to that? the day is here. todd: after the week they had, good timing, got to give them credit. >> that is on tape, jen psaki saying if we ever announced a cat is coming to the white house, because we are trying to circumvent the bad news. the time is 14 after the hour, this might be one of the best videos you will see all day. a good samaritan takes down a criminal in the middle of the grocery store parking lot. we have that baxter coming up. we to shocking data, california lost 90,000 school days and just one month because of force quarantine. our next guest says educators were really following the flight school should never have closed in the first place. coming up on "fox and friends first" on tuesday, joe concha. ♪♪ [engine humming] [clapping] “we will rock you” by queen ♪ the new gmc sierra with hands-free driving offers the most advanced and luxurious pick-up in its class. ♪ yeah, it rocks. when we started our 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possibilities. >> the military todd: the loser is not granted religious exemption request from the covid victory mandate saying they have a massive back log, 12,000 servicemembers across all branches of applied to the exemption but the defense department says there is a lengthy review process and an overwhelming number of requests. the dod says 30,000 servicemembers of not been vaccinated but some have gotten medical or administrative exemptions, so far no religious exemption requests have been approved. supreme court justice brett kavanaugh is putting the white house on notice 27 states and a slew groups like biden's vaccine mandate on private businesses, giving the administration until december 30th to respond to the losses challenging the controversial policy. biden wants businesses with 100 or more people to mandate the covid 9 vaccine or force employees to test regularly. todd: going to be a busy week for this christmas lawyers. california education group slamming state educators for not following the signs, this comes as the new cdc report shows la county public schools lost 90,000 and person schooldays thanks to strict quarantine rules. joining me now is the founder of reopen at california schools, thanks for being here. that 90,000 number, you say that number could be higher. why do you say that? >> that 90,000 number is just a small fraction of today's loss. we had a report issued to the state legislature november 30th showing chronic absenteeism which is missing 10% of schooldays went from 11.5% in 2019 to 28.6% in 2020. when you calculate based on the 6 million schoolkids we have it is millions of additional schooldays are lost this year. todd: some california schools and political policy called test to stay, allowing in vaccinated students to stay in school exposed to someone infected, students must wear a mask and undergo two tests and student first remain asymptomatic during the test to stay period. is that the solution? >> that would have been a solution a year and a half ago. it is great the cdc and la public health has come around to recognize it is safe to be in school full-time but what we know now is we don't need to test, we can just stay. la public health data shows only a.2% transmission rate during a similar timeframe the other study was going on meaning for every thousand and close contact that's two positives which could easily be done through symptom watching. todd: is there any other part of your plan if you were in charge of putting these covid rules and regulations and to practice? >> even with the test to say we have problems with school district locally and across the country doing this, coming up with their own policies outside us. one need to pay attention to what the science is instead of listening to fear and stay leadership needs to take into account and stop doing the opposite of what is going on in florida. there is a problem where the florida, ron desantis does it, for some reason in california we went to the other, recognize what works well and keep kids in the classroom. >> when florida is seeing pretty good numbers all around it doesn't make sense to do the opposite without looking into what florida is doing, you mentioned these numbers. i want to put them back on screen because they tell a story, chronic school absenteeism in 2019, 11.5%, that's not a good number but it is the number we had in 2019 but look at this number this year alone, that is close to 30% of california public school absence, 10% or more of the days. and a lot of learning going on when doing that. are california kids going to compete not just on the national stage for the world stage when they are not getting an education right now? >> they are not in that the frustrating part. after schools have been closed almost a year we ranked fiftieth out of 50 by far in person education so just as these kids get in person education they have been sent home with no instruction. in some cases were sent going for multiple times over and over. these policies the school district implementing are not just quarantining close contacts been entire classrooms and it is still us the kids are in this situation and we need state leadership to say no more, we need to keep kids in the classroom. >> i ever understand why the education establishment doesn't focus on education as its number one priority. you can follow reopen california schools@reopen schools on twitter. we appreciate your time this morning, appreciate your time, thank you. >> 24 after the hour. listen to this, 5 lowlifes cognitive destroyed homes of kentucky tornado survivors, we are talking to the sheriff's office coming up and kyle rittenhouse's trial captured the nation's attention, his choice words for the prosecutors next. >> i'm not an attorney but don't think you go down there and ask somebody that. >> do you think they were trying to throw your case? these folks don't have time to go to the post office they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. laura: kyle rittenhouse claims the prosecution treated him unfairly. he spoke about his trial during turning point usa's america first. >> do you think they were trying to throw your case? >> absolutely i think so. they knew they were losing and wanted a mistrial. >> reporter: rittenhouse questions why he was asked about his postarrest silence on the stand. he gave emotional testimony his own defense saying he wanted people to know the truth about what happened in kenosha. he was acquitted on all charges in the contentious trial. jurors will deliver the fate of jeffrey epstein's accomplice ghislaine maxwell who is facing 70 years in prison. the prosecutor argued maxwell helped traffic minus for sex and recruited underage girls for epstein. the defense attacking motivations of women who testified about the abuse. and maxwell will face another file in two count the perjury. >> authorities have arrested 5 suspects for looting from devastated neighborhoods. in a statement on friday the kentucky attorney general said looting and theft will not be tolerated. the full force of the law be brought against anyone who tries to take advantage of kentuckians. joining me now, sergeant chris mincing her. tell us what happened. >> good morning. after the tornado that occurred on friday, we had approximately 22 people lost their lives as a result of the storm. since the initial loss, all of the residents have been accounted for. we've noticed is segments of people moving to the community or coming into the community, attempting to exploit what is going on with stretching of resources, those led to numerous arrests. >> we understand 5 people were arrested for looting, what do they take and how did you catch them? >> the 5 you are referring to come into one of the storm damaged areas and they were stealing vehicles, stealing copper products, stealing any type of scrap metal they could easily fence. >> user the five i'm referring to, does that mean there have been more of this happening? >> yes. >> how big a problem is this? . a call we're dealing with people who just lost their homes, a lot of families lost their loved ones and people are trying to exploit this? >> yes. it hasn't been a huge issue since the initial report of it. we that may be another handful of folks who have been arrested as a result of this. neil: just read the statement from the kentucky attorney general saying the full force of the law will be brought against anyone who tries to take advantage of kentuckians. somebody does something like this, what's the present time are they looking at? >> as far as the outcome i couldn't tell you what type of prison term they would be looking at or what type of charges they would be looking at in general. that would be determined more by the attorney's office. carley: you guys are doing such good work. your message this morning, if you are thinking about doing this, don't? >> that is correct. carley: it has been 11 days since the deadly tornado struck. how is everybody on the ground, how is the cleanup effort been going? >> people working on the grounds right now are working themselves to the bone. the majority of power has been turned back on. basic utilities like sewer and water have been reestablished. homeless -- homelessness at this time is still a number but it is coming down significantly since people are finding longer-term shelters to hold up until they can find something longer-term. >> every american watching right now, we are praying for you. thank you for joining us this morning and shedding light on this important issue. thank you for joining us. todd: 33 after the hour. the cop killer convicted for murdering the first female nypd officer is quietly released on parole. one force and outraged. we are talking to a family friend of that fallen officer. borders are kamala harris has been criticized for not doing enough as vice president, one media outlet says she's the most powerful vp since richard nixon. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? we sold our 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they release 22 cop killers and governor cuomo on his way out the door gave clemency to david gilbert, where three people died and just to show how these defund the police, justice reform people are connected david gilbert is the father of the district attorney of san francisco who doesn't want to hold anybody accountable for criminal actions. it is really tragic. >> a lot of people have seen her picture on the air over the past two days. what was she like? >> she was a wonderful person. i was in the 20 fourth precinct enjoy every police unit with her and her brother jimmy. he left in october of 81. i ran into her in summer of 84 and she told me she was assigned to plainclothes unit and working her way towards detective shield, she was working in anticrime and in september she was killed while trying to arrest mister jeter. todd: what message does this send to police officers, what message does this send to the bad guys? >> as far as new york's criminal justice reform program is going, making it harder for the police to do their job, making it easier for the criminals to do their job. carley: if you look at the numbers of police officers fatally shot in the line of duty this year 2021, 48, up 5 from last year which is 43 which is still 43 too high, what's your reflection on the state of policing today and how do you make communities safer? >> it's becoming very difficult, the public needs to take a hard look at what is going on and officials that is dedicated towards keeping our communities safe. we've had many progressive politicians elected that are not interested in public safety plain and simple. >> let's pop up the nyc the president on this cop, being release, quote, this is a. every cop, who puts her life on the line to stop criminals from preying on innocent new yorkers. we continue to urge governor hoagland the state legislature to fix our broken parole system before another hero sacrifices dishonored, fingers crossed the new governor hears that and does something about it. >> i would just like to say when this whole thing happened in 1984, mayer and koch commented on the parole system then because the cover was on parole for a robbery. carley: it was 36 years ago and we are having the same conversation. thank you for joining us. carley: incoming county executive on long island standing up against new york governor's statewide mask mandate. take a listen to this. >> i have determined i'm not going to enforce the mask mandate because it is not necessary. we are not in crisis in nassau county. i don't want to do anything that would interrupt our ability to get back to normal, get people shopping, get people going to restaurants and with respect to our children the mask mandate for school age kids i feel is wrong, we are stealing their childhood. >> the new mandate comes with $1,000 fine for noncompliance. >> two more democrat congresswomen announce they will not seek reelection in a major. their party, they include longtime california representative lucille allard and democrat stephanie murphy who made the announcement in a video posted twitter. 23 house democrats will not seek reelection, those position to retake the majority of the outpaced democrat and fundraising. last month the rnc brought in $10.7 million compared to the dnc's $9 million. >> did you catch this? but you didn't? praising the veep, writing kamala harris is the most powerful vice president since richard nixon. is harris casting a record number of tie-breaking vote since taking office, she cast 15, for vice president mike pence casting six tie-breaking votes during his first year, harris is in charge of solving the border crosses, election form, share the national space council, improving access to high-speed internet and serving as ambassador to small businesses. they are talking about casting tie-breaking votes. the headline caught some people's attention. >> if you're going by the metric of the tie-breaking votes that is the numbers based argument i think there is an argument to be made but to your point do you feel in watching what has happened in the last 11 months the kamala harris is the most powerful vice president of your and my lifetime? last time i checked we were not around for richard nixon's time. >> least valuable player i would put her in that category. the salon article says the symbolic significance of a black woman with multiethnic heritage relighting over a 50/50 senate largely comprised of white men is impossible to miss. they are giving her credit there. especially when it comes to the border we are going to be talking in the next hour about the fentanyl issue on the border so she's the border czar. record number of fentanyl deaths, talk about border issues she's supposed to be in charge of, not just about illegal immigration but so much else tied to it and radio silence from the white house and the vice president. she's doing the media tour. >> the most telling thing about this article is the timing because those numbers, she had almost tie-breaking votes, that was the same amount the government what changed? the white house told the media you need to be better to us, we need more positive press accounts, you have more positive press accounts. >> i don't know if she would love to be tied to richard nixon but the word powerful is in there. >> 46 after they are, kim fox under the microscope. this is a metaphysical metaphorical, not an actual one. a major failure in the smollett case. a damning report against her. >> truckers boycotting colorado over the 110 year prison sentence for the driver involved in a deadly 2019 crash. this case getting a lot of attention across the country, a driver who supports the boycott joins us next. small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select 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a hate crime against himself. carley: boycott colorado over the state's 110 year sentence for driver who caused the deadly accident. for a half million people demanding the governor grant the driver clemency with some calling out hypocrisy assignments urges across the nation, here to discuss, and the founder of the trucking association and there's a lot to discuss. in 2019 you had a truck driver who gets into an accident, four people tragically died, he is sentenced to 110 years behind bars and truckers are boycotting the state of colorado. they say he oversentenced. where do you stand on all of this? >> a topic a lot of truckers are passionate about. number one we mourn with the families that were lost and we believed it was a victim of circumstances beyond his control. we stand for rights of the trucker community, the drivers to stand behind these people and this is an unjust sentence given there was no will clinton for premeditated malice and we are ready to march to make sure there is justice served for him and his family. >> this truck driver was 23 years old at the time going 85 miles, colorado highway, crashed into to do cars and tragically killed four people but he says his brakes failed, he was sentenced to life plus behind bars, you say this boycott, no trucks to colorado will make sure something like this doesn't happen again. how do you connect those two things? >> number one accountability. at the time, he was 23 years old, he was new to being a driver and never before had driven to colorado so if you look at the train in texas compared to colorado it is very different, colorado has a lot of mountains, a lot of hills, number 2, the company that put this man on the road failed in checking to make sure the equivalent he was driving was operating the way that it should. when you look at accountability we believe it should be placed on the company and number 2, when you look at colorado in the nation we are experiencing a lot of supply chain issues and also a lot of inflation and this is no way, the industry that was able to deliver our goods and services in the midst of the pandemic. we certainly need to do better in terms of accountability on the private sector. carley: you said something i want to drill down down in this, there's a supply-chain issue across the country so this, no trucker to colorado boycott is spreading like wildfire on social media, there are videos that appear to show truck drivers refusing to go into the state of colorado. you see the trucks lined up on a highway saying no trucks in colorado. do you think this will exacerbate supply-chain issue at all? >> there's a lot of import and export the comes to mexico so i don't think there's a supply-chain impact. i do believe that it is an opportunity for us to use the boycott to stand behind the boycott of the industry to colorado for us to bring justice to the family and for us to review this as a nation and really take a look, we really wants to do this to the drivers that are putting their lives on the line every day. carley: there's a petition to greatest clemency, 4.5 million signatures which we will follow this case. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. neil: good samaritan in ohio, a person criminal in his tracks, 87-year-old pat coins yelled for help, spring into action, taking down the fief in the parking lot, presley received an award from the butler county sheriff's office that citizens arrest, calling him her hero. carley: an anonymous house democrats put biden on blast for his failed agenda and falling poll numbers saying the downfall started with afghanistan, we will read you part of that firing executive leadership. todd: joe concha and tomi lahren joining us live, don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! .. aybe... your mom's car? you up for a little night work? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you. merry christmas, dad. ♪ ♪ hi. i'm wolfgang puck when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to 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Questions , World , Shores , Virus Hit , Contact , Staffer , Anthony Fauci , Doctor Scott Accesses , Lot , News , Science , Disconnect , South Africa , Word , Leaders , Pandemic , Thing , Public Health , The End , Policies , Virus , Restrictions , Infection , Blocking Down , Decision , Senator , Masks , Planes , Manchances , Blessing , Holiday Season , Agenda , Spending , Bill , Bills , Staff , Things , Staffers , Back , Make , Details , Voting , Jackie Ibanez , Democrats , Legislation , Deadline , Pushback , God , Maintenant , Friend , Ally , Blaming Manchin , Gift , Cold , Joe Concha , Name , Direction , Christmas Tree , Op Ed In Hell , Bank , Stockings , Delay , Industry , Article , Politicians , Breach , Update , Process , San Francisco , Joe Working The South , Charleston , Scranton , Brooklyn , Blame Game , Intention , Stance , Lawmakers , Aisle , Seat , Republican Party , People , Integrity , Lack , It Doesn T Sit , Culture Notion , Folks , Is Manchin , Dc Fun , General , Submission , Chain , Course , Society , 48 , More , Sign , Call , Poll , Doing , 41 , Side , Running , Radio Interview , Election , Effects , 55 , Politico , Announcement , Conversation , On Sunday , Something , Talk , No Phone , Reason , Poll Numbers , Stands , Low , Foxbusiness , 70 , 19 , California Schools Reopen , Post Office , It , Leadership , Afghanistan , Crime , Indictment , Results , Crt , Catastrophes , Level , Rhetoric , Drama , Dems , 2022 , Message , Point , Hills , Everyone , Nobody , Pass , Necktie , Withdrawal , Chaos , Chance , House , Consequences , Salvaging , Charge , Orders , Addition , Feel , Fears , Talks , Focus , Saying , Fact , Family , Enough , Bret Baer Sunday , Dublin Unbuilt , Story , Limit , Number , Ocasio Cortez , Conversations , Senators , Same , Facts , Record , Manchin Topic , Alexandria , In Dc , Congresswoman , Claims , Farce , Idea , Math , Will , New York City District , Well Ocasio Cortez , Aoc , 800000 , 1 8 Million , Policy , Us , Security , Terrorists , Agents , Yuma Border Patrol , Man , Migrant , Interest , Subjects , Border Agents Nabbing A , Yuma , Arizona , 21 , Upstate New York , Organization , Ice Director , Jackets , Reading , Sleeve , Model , Volunteer Ambulance Corps , Images , Fox News , Jacket , American Flag Patch , Line , Tom Homan , Border Patrol , Criminals , Statements , Many , Human Trafficking , Texas Listening Dan Patrick , Laquan Variant , 400000 , Issue , Carolina Congressman Murphy , Problem , Commander , Dog , Crazies , Purebred German Shepherd , Cat , There Rescue Dog Major , Brother James , Money , Timing , Discussion , Experts , Environment , 20 , Bad News , Tape , 14 , Videos , Criminal , School Days , Grocery Store Parking Lot , Samaritan , Data , Middle , California Lost 90000 , Baxter , 90000 , Flight School , Force Quarantine , Guest , Educators , Place , Fox And Friends First , On Tuesday , Clapping , Queen , Engine Humming , We Will Rock You , Driving , Gmc Sierra , Business , Class , Pick Up , Postage , Up Shipstation , Labels , Everything , Clicks , Leg , Arm , Seamless , Two , Shipping , Half , Choice , Sellers , Label , Order , Cut , The Box , Costs , 1 , 2 , Anything , Guests , 1200 , Network , Network Solutions , Comcast Business , Devices , Cyberthreat , Activecore Platform , Sd Wan , Anywhere , Big Day , Network Management , Business Powering Possibilities , Exemption , Request , Loser , Servicemembers , Victory Mandate , Review Process , Branches , Defense Department , Back Log , Covid , 12000 , Requests , States , Vaccine Mandate , Some , Exemptions , Groups , Slew , Supreme Court Justice , Brett Kavanaugh , Dod , 27 , 30000 , Businesses , Losses , December 30th , 30 , Force , Vaccine , Employees , Lawyers , 100 , 9 , California , State Educators , Founder , Signs , La County , Report Shows , Quarantine Rules , Thanks , Person Schooldays Thanks , California Education Group Slamming , Report , State Legislature November 30th Showing Chronic Absenteeism , Loss , Fraction , November 30th , Schoolkids , Schooldays , Millions , 6 Million , 28 6 , 11 5 , 2020 , 2019 , 10 , Test , Stay , Solution , Students , School , Someone , Tests , Student , Safe , La Public Health , Full Time , Positives , Timeframe , Study , La Public Health Data , Transmission Rate , Part , Rules , Symptom , Regulations , Attention , School District , Problems , Listening , Opposite , Florida , Account , Ron Desantis , Kids , Numbers , Doesn T , Screen , Classroom , Other , Chronic School Absenteeism , Public School , Absence , Stage , Learning , The World Stage , Education , 50 , The School District Implementing , Times , Contacts , Classrooms , Instruction , Home , Education Establishment Doesn T Focus On , State Leadership , Situation , Morning , Homes , Priority , Twitter , Lowlifes Cognitive , 5 , 24 , Attorney , Sheriff , Words , Prosecutors , Tornado Survivors , Kentucky , Kyle Rittenhouse S Trial Captured The Nation , Case , Somebody , Trial , Services , Scale , Stamps Com Tv , 4 , Kyle Rittenhouse , Laura , Prosecution , Mistrial , Turning Point , America First , Charges , Defense , Testimony , Stand , Truth , Postarrest , Rittenhouse , Kenosha , Jurors , Accomplice , Prison , Fate , Ghislaine Maxwell , Jeffrey Epstein , Prosecutor , Abuse , Looting , Women , Count , Sex , Defense Attacking Motivations , Perjury , File , Authorities , Suspects , Traffic Minus , Underage Girls For Epstein , Anyone , Advantage , Kentuckians , Law , Attorney General , Theft , Neighborhoods , Tornado , Sergeant , Chris Mincing , Storm , Result , Lives , Segments , Residents , 22 , Community , Led , Arrests , Resources , Areas , Vehicles , Type , Scrap Metal , Fence , User , Happening , Yes , Copper Products , Five , Families , Loved Ones , Big A , It Hasn T , Handful , Neil , Outcome , Office , Prison Term , Everybody , Ground , Work , Cleanup , 11 , Majority , To The Bone , Grounds , Homeless , Homelessness , Sewer , Water , Reestablished , Shelters , Cop 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

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the far left, progressives want to fight the west virginia moderate altogether. carley: terrifying update on the border crisis, a saudi with ties to terrorism was just caught trying to sneak into the country. todd: that is not good. you are watching "fox and friends" on tuesday morning. carley: president biden will address the nation as cases of the electron variant continue to rise. the white house says the speech will be a stark warning to the unvaccinated. >> good jenkins with more on what we can expect from the president. >> reporter: the cdc says the omicron variant is now the most dominant strain in the country accounting for 73% of new cases, the first death reported out of houston, the president's peach this afternoon now the administration is handling it. biden took to twitter to preview his remarks saying we are working around the clock to increase testing capacity, vaccine availability and support for our hospitals. i will have more to say on this tomorrow. in the meantime get vaccinated, get boosted, wear a mask and keep the faith, we will get through this together. the speech will build on his winter plan and address access to testing, booster shots. no lockdowns. key point. mask mandate and risk to the unvaccinated. that is an area jen psaki hit hard yesterday. >> those who choose remain unvaccinated he was a stark warning and make clear unvaccinated individuals will continue to drive hospitalizations and deaths. >> this after the chief white house coordinators in a dire warning that the unvaccinated are looking at a, quote, winter of severe illness and death. meanwhile vice president harris breaking from white house script blaming the unvaccinated for the spike in cases. >> it is the fault of the unvaccinated? >> i don't think this a moment to talk about fault. it is no one's fault the virus hit our shores or hit the world. >> reporter: don't what the president to take questions today, jen psaki says that depends on what is asked of him and will want to ask why he's not quarantine after close contact with a new staffer. >> former white house advisor doctor scott accesses the biden administration and doctor anthony fauci have proven time and again they are not trusting the science. >> there is a disconnect between the cases and the serious illness or death. that's good. there's a lot of cases, projected to be more cases but there is not going to be, we've not seen -- look at south africa, they had it for over a month they are seeing this is very mild. this is good news. this is how pandemic end. what is stunning is there is no word of this, is expected good thing happening at the end of the pandemic from doctor fauci. the leaders of public health here instead keep repeating what they've said before which is keep blocking down, keep issuing restrictions and mandates and those policies were implemented widely across the entire country and failed to stop the infection. they obviously don't eradicate the virus. >> doctor fauci gave the vaccinated his blessing to travel this holiday season. he also thinks masks on planes may be here indefinitely. todd: senator manchances white house response to the decision not to support the social spending agenda is inexcusable. todd: jackie ibanez here with the details as they scramble to salvage the bills back better agenda. >> after voting against the bill back better plan senator joe manchin said he expected the white house to come back strong but manchin said the white house staff is taken it too far after leaking what he says are absolutely and excusable things about him. manchin did not specify what the white house staffers leaked that make clear he will not be bullied by fellow democrats. >> surely to god we can move one person. i'm from west virginia, i'm not from where they are from. >> reporter: maintenant president biden met to discuss the legislation and manchin suggested a new deadline of march or april with no pushback from the white house. a longtime ally and friend of senator manchin wrote an op-ed in hell saying joe and joe were pulling in the same direction. there would be no the bb gift under the christmas tree but no one would get cold in their stockings either but then bank, the white house released a statement blaming manchin for the delay. when i saw manchin's name and the president of statement i knew he would perceive it as a breach of process, a breach of joe and joe working the south, politicians from scranton and charleston could find a way to align with those from brooklyn and san francisco. jen psaki says they aren't playing the blame game, they are calling it an update. >> i've not read the article. it has been a busy day but i will tell you our intention was to provide an update on the future of bills back better. >> reporter: leaders on the left are so frustrated with manchin's hard stance they are calling on democrats to ignore him entirely. across the aisle there are lawmakers warming up a seat for manchin in the republican party. >> yesterday the senator went back on his word was the lack of integrity is stunning in itself where people say the only thing you have is your word. it is abundantly clear we cannot trust with senator manchin says. >> it doesn't sit well over there but that decision, we certainly welcome him to join us if you are so inclined. >> a lot of folks ask is manchin going to become a republican? i hope it does. i have asked him to. >> a lot of questions and a lot to talk about. manchin has not indicated if he would join the gop. >> dc fun. thank you very much. there is this notion on the left that if you beat, chain, cancel people into submission they will do what you want them to do but look at what joe manchin did over the last 48 hours and you look at what people have been doing in society in general over the course of the last year, fighting back against this cancel culture notion, you see it happening more and more, that's a great sign going forward, joe manchin will not be been into submission and when you look at what the american people ultimately once joe manchin made the right call. look at this new poll, he's doing what the american people want. not following president biden and his agenda, 41% only approve of president biden, 55% disapproved. if you are running in an election you want to be on the side that is bigger, you don't want to be aligned with president biden, that is what joe manchin do not a bill that could have devastating effects for our country. >> during the radio interview yesterday he said he realized progressives tried to beat him into submission and said i'm from west virginia, that's not going to happen when it comes to me. however politico is reporting he did have a conversation with the president on sunday after he made this announcement that he was a no phone and now it appears there could be a talk to reengage in bills back better and try to get something passed into the new year so where all this stands and why this happened when we could still be having a conversation anyway is yet to be determined but these poll numbers you just showed, the reason it is important as it shows another historic low for the president and there was a foxbusiness poll that showed 70% of the country says this has been a bad year, 19% said it has been a good year. the biden administration felt they could try to sail through their first year in office because they weren't going to tweet but when you look at all the catastrophes whether this crime, afghanistan, border, crt in schools, people are buying it. >> taken together if you thought the dems were panicking about 2022 before they have reached a whole new level, this anonymous house democrat blaming biden illustrate that, quote, this is an indictment of the senior leadership in the white house, they don't understand the american people want results, they don't want drama and rhetoric. everyone has been necktie and try. i can see everyone vulnerable democrats specifically fleeing for the hills at this point. it started with afghanistan, nobody was held accountable for the chaos the afghanistan withdrawal constituted. it allowed everyone to get a pass, it sent a message the president will stick by you, so do whatever you want. i think biden needs to clean house if we have any chance of salvaging 2022 there have to be consequences and this gives to another point in addition to the obvious 2022 fears among democrats, nobody elected the white house staff but you have a white house staff it seems, that feel they run the country, president biden was elected, he is in charge, the people in the white house you are not in charge, you take your orders from the president, not the other way around. carley: there's a focus on white house staff. the reason joe manchin decided to pull out of talks with the president, because white house staff told joe manchin they were going to release a statement saying that the president accept the fact that they weren't going to reach their christmas dublin unbuilt back better and manchin so you can really set statement the just leave my name out of it because my family is getting attacked. when the statement went out his name was included in it and that is apparently why he decided to go on bret baer sunday and said i am sick of this, i have had enough, they pushed him to his limit so that story as to why he decided to do what he did on sunday all unfolded yesterday. build back better, there could still be talks on the record with bills back better. i don't know what these conversations are going to look like but apparently the president is still interested in trying to get something passed. todd: the number of senators you still need staying the same. carley: keeping on the manchin topic. alexandria ocasio cortez appearing to get the facts wrong in her latest disavowal democrat joe manchin while dismissing his reason for asking the president's and agenda the congresswoman had big claims about her power in dc. >> the idea that joe manchin said he can't explain this to his people is a farce. i represent more people than joe manchin does, perhaps more. >> senator manchin represents 1.8 million people in west virginia well ocasio cortez represents 800,000 in her new york city district. will: you can do math, aoc, don't. yuma border patrol agents apprehend a potential terrorists trying to enter the us through the southern border. >> could explaining the breach of security on the border policy. >> reporter: border agents nabbing a 21-year-old migrant from saudi arabia, the man is linked to several yemeni subjects of interest, trying to cross into yuma, arizona. images show the jacket with an american flag patch on one sleeve and the other reading central volunteer ambulance corps but the upstate new york volunteer organization denies knowing the migrant and says we don't know how he got one of their older model jackets. retired ice director and fox news contributor tom homan is blaming the biden administration for the porous border. >> it takes half the border patrol off the line you open up to criminals, human trafficking and terrorism. how many of that 400,000 can get arrested? >> reporter: texas listening dan patrick is calling out biden for issuing statements on the laquan variant. >> this is a plan. what he should be addressing an issue as serious as the border, terrorists coming into the country. we call it one today. how many more do you think of come in? >> the carolina congressman murphy will join us in the next hour to discuss the national security problem at the border. todd: amid multiple crazies the president will coming a new dog named commander into the white house. the purebred german shepherd is a gift of the president from his brother james. carley: the first family is promising they were latter cat to their family in january as well. there rescue dog major will live in a quieter environment after months of discussion with experts. do you remember in june when jen psaki said they would wait for a bad news day 20 money to that? the day is here. todd: after the week they had, good timing, got to give them credit. >> that is on tape, jen psaki saying if we ever announced a cat is coming to the white house, because we are trying to circumvent the bad news. the time is 14 after the hour, this might be one of the best videos you will see all day. a good samaritan takes down a criminal in the middle of the grocery store parking lot. we have that baxter coming up. we to shocking data, california lost 90,000 school days and just one month because of force quarantine. our next guest says educators were really following the flight school should never have closed in the first place. coming up on "fox and friends first" on tuesday, joe concha. ♪♪ [engine humming] [clapping] “we will rock you” by queen ♪ the new gmc sierra with hands-free driving offers the most advanced and luxurious pick-up in its class. ♪ yeah, it rocks. when we started our 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possibilities. >> the military todd: the loser is not granted religious exemption request from the covid victory mandate saying they have a massive back log, 12,000 servicemembers across all branches of applied to the exemption but the defense department says there is a lengthy review process and an overwhelming number of requests. the dod says 30,000 servicemembers of not been vaccinated but some have gotten medical or administrative exemptions, so far no religious exemption requests have been approved. supreme court justice brett kavanaugh is putting the white house on notice 27 states and a slew groups like biden's vaccine mandate on private businesses, giving the administration until december 30th to respond to the losses challenging the controversial policy. biden wants businesses with 100 or more people to mandate the covid 9 vaccine or force employees to test regularly. todd: going to be a busy week for this christmas lawyers. california education group slamming state educators for not following the signs, this comes as the new cdc report shows la county public schools lost 90,000 and person schooldays thanks to strict quarantine rules. joining me now is the founder of reopen at california schools, thanks for being here. that 90,000 number, you say that number could be higher. why do you say that? >> that 90,000 number is just a small fraction of today's loss. we had a report issued to the state legislature november 30th showing chronic absenteeism which is missing 10% of schooldays went from 11.5% in 2019 to 28.6% in 2020. when you calculate based on the 6 million schoolkids we have it is millions of additional schooldays are lost this year. todd: some california schools and political policy called test to stay, allowing in vaccinated students to stay in school exposed to someone infected, students must wear a mask and undergo two tests and student first remain asymptomatic during the test to stay period. is that the solution? >> that would have been a solution a year and a half ago. it is great the cdc and la public health has come around to recognize it is safe to be in school full-time but what we know now is we don't need to test, we can just stay. la public health data shows only a.2% transmission rate during a similar timeframe the other study was going on meaning for every thousand and close contact that's two positives which could easily be done through symptom watching. todd: is there any other part of your plan if you were in charge of putting these covid rules and regulations and to practice? >> even with the test to say we have problems with school district locally and across the country doing this, coming up with their own policies outside us. one need to pay attention to what the science is instead of listening to fear and stay leadership needs to take into account and stop doing the opposite of what is going on in florida. there is a problem where the florida, ron desantis does it, for some reason in california we went to the other, recognize what works well and keep kids in the classroom. >> when florida is seeing pretty good numbers all around it doesn't make sense to do the opposite without looking into what florida is doing, you mentioned these numbers. i want to put them back on screen because they tell a story, chronic school absenteeism in 2019, 11.5%, that's not a good number but it is the number we had in 2019 but look at this number this year alone, that is close to 30% of california public school absence, 10% or more of the days. and a lot of learning going on when doing that. are california kids going to compete not just on the national stage for the world stage when they are not getting an education right now? >> they are not in that the frustrating part. after schools have been closed almost a year we ranked fiftieth out of 50 by far in person education so just as these kids get in person education they have been sent home with no instruction. in some cases were sent going for multiple times over and over. these policies the school district implementing are not just quarantining close contacts been entire classrooms and it is still us the kids are in this situation and we need state leadership to say no more, we need to keep kids in the classroom. >> i ever understand why the education establishment doesn't focus on education as its number one priority. you can follow reopen california schools@reopen schools on twitter. we appreciate your time this morning, appreciate your time, thank you. >> 24 after the hour. listen to this, 5 lowlifes cognitive destroyed homes of kentucky tornado survivors, we are talking to the sheriff's office coming up and kyle rittenhouse's trial captured the nation's attention, his choice words for the prosecutors next. >> i'm not an attorney but don't think you go down there and ask somebody that. >> do you think they were trying to throw your case? these folks don't have time to go to the post office they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. laura: kyle rittenhouse claims the prosecution treated him unfairly. he spoke about his trial during turning point usa's america first. >> do you think they were trying to throw your case? >> absolutely i think so. they knew they were losing and wanted a mistrial. >> reporter: rittenhouse questions why he was asked about his postarrest silence on the stand. he gave emotional testimony his own defense saying he wanted people to know the truth about what happened in kenosha. he was acquitted on all charges in the contentious trial. jurors will deliver the fate of jeffrey epstein's accomplice ghislaine maxwell who is facing 70 years in prison. the prosecutor argued maxwell helped traffic minus for sex and recruited underage girls for epstein. the defense attacking motivations of women who testified about the abuse. and maxwell will face another file in two count the perjury. >> authorities have arrested 5 suspects for looting from devastated neighborhoods. in a statement on friday the kentucky attorney general said looting and theft will not be tolerated. the full force of the law be brought against anyone who tries to take advantage of kentuckians. joining me now, sergeant chris mincing her. tell us what happened. >> good morning. after the tornado that occurred on friday, we had approximately 22 people lost their lives as a result of the storm. since the initial loss, all of the residents have been accounted for. we've noticed is segments of people moving to the community or coming into the community, attempting to exploit what is going on with stretching of resources, those led to numerous arrests. >> we understand 5 people were arrested for looting, what do they take and how did you catch them? >> the 5 you are referring to come into one of the storm damaged areas and they were stealing vehicles, stealing copper products, stealing any type of scrap metal they could easily fence. >> user the five i'm referring to, does that mean there have been more of this happening? >> yes. >> how big a problem is this? . a call we're dealing with people who just lost their homes, a lot of families lost their loved ones and people are trying to exploit this? >> yes. it hasn't been a huge issue since the initial report of it. we that may be another handful of folks who have been arrested as a result of this. neil: just read the statement from the kentucky attorney general saying the full force of the law will be brought against anyone who tries to take advantage of kentuckians. somebody does something like this, what's the present time are they looking at? >> as far as the outcome i couldn't tell you what type of prison term they would be looking at or what type of charges they would be looking at in general. that would be determined more by the attorney's office. carley: you guys are doing such good work. your message this morning, if you are thinking about doing this, don't? >> that is correct. carley: it has been 11 days since the deadly tornado struck. how is everybody on the ground, how is the cleanup effort been going? >> people working on the grounds right now are working themselves to the bone. the majority of power has been turned back on. basic utilities like sewer and water have been reestablished. homeless -- homelessness at this time is still a number but it is coming down significantly since people are finding longer-term shelters to hold up until they can find something longer-term. >> every american watching right now, we are praying for you. thank you for joining us this morning and shedding light on this important issue. thank you for joining us. todd: 33 after the hour. the cop killer convicted for murdering the first female nypd officer is quietly released on parole. one force and outraged. we are talking to a family friend of that fallen officer. borders are kamala harris has been criticized for not doing enough as vice president, one media outlet says she's the most powerful vp since richard nixon. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? we sold our 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they release 22 cop killers and governor cuomo on his way out the door gave clemency to david gilbert, where three people died and just to show how these defund the police, justice reform people are connected david gilbert is the father of the district attorney of san francisco who doesn't want to hold anybody accountable for criminal actions. it is really tragic. >> a lot of people have seen her picture on the air over the past two days. what was she like? >> she was a wonderful person. i was in the 20 fourth precinct enjoy every police unit with her and her brother jimmy. he left in october of 81. i ran into her in summer of 84 and she told me she was assigned to plainclothes unit and working her way towards detective shield, she was working in anticrime and in september she was killed while trying to arrest mister jeter. todd: what message does this send to police officers, what message does this send to the bad guys? >> as far as new york's criminal justice reform program is going, making it harder for the police to do their job, making it easier for the criminals to do their job. carley: if you look at the numbers of police officers fatally shot in the line of duty this year 2021, 48, up 5 from last year which is 43 which is still 43 too high, what's your reflection on the state of policing today and how do you make communities safer? >> it's becoming very difficult, the public needs to take a hard look at what is going on and officials that is dedicated towards keeping our communities safe. we've had many progressive politicians elected that are not interested in public safety plain and simple. >> let's pop up the nyc the president on this cop, being release, quote, this is a. every cop, who puts her life on the line to stop criminals from preying on innocent new yorkers. we continue to urge governor hoagland the state legislature to fix our broken parole system before another hero sacrifices dishonored, fingers crossed the new governor hears that and does something about it. >> i would just like to say when this whole thing happened in 1984, mayer and koch commented on the parole system then because the cover was on parole for a robbery. carley: it was 36 years ago and we are having the same conversation. thank you for joining us. carley: incoming county executive on long island standing up against new york governor's statewide mask mandate. take a listen to this. >> i have determined i'm not going to enforce the mask mandate because it is not necessary. we are not in crisis in nassau county. i don't want to do anything that would interrupt our ability to get back to normal, get people shopping, get people going to restaurants and with respect to our children the mask mandate for school age kids i feel is wrong, we are stealing their childhood. >> the new mandate comes with $1,000 fine for noncompliance. >> two more democrat congresswomen announce they will not seek reelection in a major. their party, they include longtime california representative lucille allard and democrat stephanie murphy who made the announcement in a video posted twitter. 23 house democrats will not seek reelection, those position to retake the majority of the outpaced democrat and fundraising. last month the rnc brought in $10.7 million compared to the dnc's $9 million. >> did you catch this? but you didn't? praising the veep, writing kamala harris is the most powerful vice president since richard nixon. is harris casting a record number of tie-breaking vote since taking office, she cast 15, for vice president mike pence casting six tie-breaking votes during his first year, harris is in charge of solving the border crosses, election form, share the national space council, improving access to high-speed internet and serving as ambassador to small businesses. they are talking about casting tie-breaking votes. the headline caught some people's attention. >> if you're going by the metric of the tie-breaking votes that is the numbers based argument i think there is an argument to be made but to your point do you feel in watching what has happened in the last 11 months the kamala harris is the most powerful vice president of your and my lifetime? last time i checked we were not around for richard nixon's time. >> least valuable player i would put her in that category. the salon article says the symbolic significance of a black woman with multiethnic heritage relighting over a 50/50 senate largely comprised of white men is impossible to miss. they are giving her credit there. especially when it comes to the border we are going to be talking in the next hour about the fentanyl issue on the border so she's the border czar. record number of fentanyl deaths, talk about border issues she's supposed to be in charge of, not just about illegal immigration but so much else tied to it and radio silence from the white house and the vice president. she's doing the media tour. >> the most telling thing about this article is the timing because those numbers, she had almost tie-breaking votes, that was the same amount the government what changed? the white house told the media you need to be better to us, we need more positive press accounts, you have more positive press accounts. >> i don't know if she would love to be tied to richard nixon but the word powerful is in there. >> 46 after they are, kim fox under the microscope. this is a metaphysical metaphorical, not an actual one. a major failure in the smollett case. a damning report against her. >> truckers boycotting colorado over the 110 year prison sentence for the driver involved in a deadly 2019 crash. this case getting a lot of attention across the country, a driver who supports the boycott joins us next. small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. todd: south dakota's governor banning the teaching of critical race. the state. noem saying schools should teach children our nation's true and honest history, she went on to say they should teach about our successes in establishing a country that is a beacon of freedom to the world. the governor joined 17 other states that introduce legislation that would ban security and as schools, newly released documents, kim foxx failing and operations of the handling of the jussie smollett case, prosecutor ifx drop chart engaging in finger-pointing, misleading statement and substantial abuse of discretion. however no evidence was found to support criminal charges against foxx. there were 5 of 6 disorderly conduct charges, staging a hate crime against himself. carley: boycott colorado over the state's 110 year sentence for driver who caused the deadly accident. for a half million people demanding the governor grant the driver clemency with some calling out hypocrisy assignments urges across the nation, here to discuss, and the founder of the trucking association and there's a lot to discuss. in 2019 you had a truck driver who gets into an accident, four people tragically died, he is sentenced to 110 years behind bars and truckers are boycotting the state of colorado. they say he oversentenced. where do you stand on all of this? >> a topic a lot of truckers are passionate about. number one we mourn with the families that were lost and we believed it was a victim of circumstances beyond his control. we stand for rights of the trucker community, the drivers to stand behind these people and this is an unjust sentence given there was no will clinton for premeditated malice and we are ready to march to make sure there is justice served for him and his family. >> this truck driver was 23 years old at the time going 85 miles, colorado highway, crashed into to do cars and tragically killed four people but he says his brakes failed, he was sentenced to life plus behind bars, you say this boycott, no trucks to colorado will make sure something like this doesn't happen again. how do you connect those two things? >> number one accountability. at the time, he was 23 years old, he was new to being a driver and never before had driven to colorado so if you look at the train in texas compared to colorado it is very different, colorado has a lot of mountains, a lot of hills, number 2, the company that put this man on the road failed in checking to make sure the equivalent he was driving was operating the way that it should. when you look at accountability we believe it should be placed on the company and number 2, when you look at colorado in the nation we are experiencing a lot of supply chain issues and also a lot of inflation and this is no way, the industry that was able to deliver our goods and services in the midst of the pandemic. we certainly need to do better in terms of accountability on the private sector. carley: you said something i want to drill down down in this, there's a supply-chain issue across the country so this, no trucker to colorado boycott is spreading like wildfire on social media, there are videos that appear to show truck drivers refusing to go into the state of colorado. you see the trucks lined up on a highway saying no trucks in colorado. do you think this will exacerbate supply-chain issue at all? >> there's a lot of import and export the comes to mexico so i don't think there's a supply-chain impact. i do believe that it is an opportunity for us to use the boycott to stand behind the boycott of the industry to colorado for us to bring justice to the family and for us to review this as a nation and really take a look, we really wants to do this to the drivers that are putting their lives on the line every day. carley: there's a petition to greatest clemency, 4.5 million signatures which we will follow this case. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. neil: good samaritan in ohio, a person criminal in his tracks, 87-year-old pat coins yelled for help, spring into action, taking down the fief in the parking lot, presley received an award from the butler county sheriff's office that citizens arrest, calling him her hero. carley: an anonymous house democrats put biden on blast for his failed agenda and falling poll numbers saying the downfall started with afghanistan, we will read you part of that firing executive leadership. todd: joe concha and tomi lahren joining us live, don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! .. aybe... your mom's car? you up for a little night work? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you. merry christmas, dad. ♪ ♪ hi. i'm wolfgang puck when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to 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