Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240709

was senator manchin only on fox news sunday. then. >> we expect to see the cases of oma krohn variance here in the united states continue to grow the coming coming weeks. bret: , first delta net oma krohn hitting hard head of the holidays causing concern for healthcare systems impacting schools and the nfl paired with national institutes of health director doctor francis collins about what some are calling becoming a viral blizzard. and set out the governors of two states to discuss how they are getting ready. larry hogan of maryland and democrat phil murphy of new jersey. then it very. >> the president said himself he spun to run for reelection 2024 per. >> suite the white house with president biden's plan to run for second term had left her sunday pan about current calls for him to officially announce whether he is in or out. plus, a solemn mission to lay read this at arlington national cemetery for three decades. >> we need to honor those people and remember. >> all right now on fox news sunday. ♪ ♪ and hello again from fox news in washington for the country is facing the swift spread of oma krohn now and 44 states. just as americans prepared to celebrate the holiday season. hospitalizations are on the rise right to more than an average of 100,000 cases. a federal perils court's rent said the president's vaccine and task a mandate for businesses that employ more than 100 people and they could all go all the way to the u.s. supreme court. in a moment last west virginia center joe manchin about this development and is ongoing talks on the biden agenda. but first let's turn to mark meredith traveling with the president of wilmington, delaware with details with the president plans to tell americans an address to say about new steps to fight covid, mark. >> a brett, the white house of the presence going to be held on how the federal government can help communities dealing with the rapid rise in covid cases. he'll double down on his message on vaccine americans now's the time to get the shots. >> unvaccinated you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death. >> person fighting along with health experts are warning the pandemic is far from over. >> our message to every american is clear, there is action you can take to protect yourself and your family. >> was 61% of the u.s. population is fully vaccinated the virus continues to disrupt daily life are in york the radio city rockettes had canceled remaining performances. i handle a professional football, basketball and hockey games have been postponed. and multiple schools are moving classes back online before winter break. on friday federal appeals court ruled the president's vaccine or test a mandate for large businesses can go into effect. the white house celebrating the news writing it is critical we move forward with vaccination requirements. tricks of the mandate plan to take the case to the supreme court. meantime the white house is scrabbling to find a path forward for the president social and climate agenda. senate democrats remained deadlocked over the "build back better" proposal with moderates warning the country cannot afford to spend trillions more. >> the white house at its word to wait until after the holiday break to reengage with congress on a few things including spending as well as efforts to address voting rights. both midterm elections looming bret time is running out for democrats to deliver on their key campaign promises very. bret: mark mark meredith reporting thank you. joe manchin west virginia, senator welcome back to fox news sunday. >> good to be with you, bret. bret: you are at the center of this negotiation with the president over social spending and tax bill. the "build back better" bill that is not coming up in the senate before the new year. in part largely because of your reservations are without you the leadership does not have the votes it needs. so today, right now, what does the play? >> this is a mammoth pizza piece of legislation i have my reservations when i heard about a five and half months ago. i have been working diligently every day and every minute of every day i have been working on this. meeting with weatherby the president biden, majority leader schumer and his staff, whether it be with nancy pelosi or my colleagues from all different spectrums of the political spectrum if you will from the right to the left. i have that everything humanly possible. and you know, my concerns i had and i still have these concerns. where i'm at right now is the inflation i was concerned about it is not transitory it is real, it is harming every west virginian. it's making it almost difficult for them to continue to go to their jobs, the cost of gasoline, the cost of groceries. the cost of utility bills, all these things are heading in every every aspect of their life. and you start looking and then you have the debt we are carrying $29 trillion. you have also the geopolitical unrest that we have. you have the covid variant, and that is wreaking havoc again. people are concerned i'm there with my family i know everyone is concerned. you have these things coming at you the way they are now i have always said this, bret, if i cannot go home and explain it to the people of west virginia i cannot vote for it. and i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i have tried everything humanly possible i cannot get there. bret: you are done this is a no. >> this is a note. on this legislation paid i have tried everything i know to do. the president has worked diligently, he has been wonderful to work with. he knows i have had concerns and the problems i have had. the thing we should all be as directing our attention towards the variance, covid we have coming back at us in so many different aspects and ways. it is affecting our lives again. we have inflation that basically could harm, really harm a lot of americans. especially those most needy and have a hard time struggling right now. i think that is where our attention needs to be directed towards immediately. this is been going on for five and half months. bret: you are getting all the focus, senator. are there other democratic senators who are concerned about this bill like you are? have you talked to them? >> i am not going to speak, i respect -- they know the difficulties i have been having with this. i have been very concerned about this. when i first got to the senate back in 2011 i was having a meeting on armed services. at that time admiral mike mullen was the head of the joint chiefs of staff. i will never forget, in this hearing he was asked a question what's a grace threat of the united states of america faces? i am thinking i'm going to hear something basic in the military threats we might have around the world. without blinken an eye he said the debt of our nation is the greatest threat. the debt was 14 chili and then, bret, it's 29 trillion now. inflation is real it's not going away anytime soon. we do not know when the end will come there's a lot of people hurting right now. this covid we are fighting on a daily basis it's coming different angles at us if you will. these are serious, serious things. there's a lot of good with that bill is a mammoth piece of legislation a mammoth piece. and it's not even through regular order. as a tremendous huge undertaking. bret: said democrats are frustrated in your caucus progressives especially. they been point to what they've been doing since the first part of this. the senate, the conventional wisdom is the longer it goes it was going to be trimmed down. but the house passed the bill at two-point to trillion down from bernie sanders $6 trillion the initial pitch which was lowered to 3.5 trillion. now comes in at just under 2 trillion. your at the beginning was 1.7. where's the disconnect you are now and no, you can't get a yes? >> bret, first of all, when this all came about and i went and spoke to the leader, schumer at that time i explained him in the concerns i had. 1.5trillion is where i thought the most we could do if we just did it and basically took care of the things our highest priorities. bernie started at 6 trillion i think he was sincere what he thanks needs to be done and the changes he would like to make our social changes. they went to three and half trillion. that one down to two-point to from the house that even 1.75. the thing that never change, bret, was basically the same amount of things they're trying to accomplish by just changing if you will the amount of time we can depend on it. so, if you're going to do something to think where priorities are like most people do in their families or their businesses and you find them for ten years and you make sure they deliver the services for ten years. it is hard to deliver service for one year or three years or five years. and how are we going to continue them? it's going to have a burden unless we go back and make adjustments. but we should be upfront and pick our priorities that is the difference. so it has not shrunk and desire. the intent is always there. what we need to do is get our financial house in order and be able to pay for what we do and do what we pay for pre- >> the president put out a statement friday you still supported 1.7 trillion you need more time to finalize negotiation. reporters asked about that and you said the president put out that statement it is his statement not mine. so now what you're saying today makes a lot more sense of why you said that. you are a no. >> will bret, here's the thing. i tried a really did. the president was trying as hard as he could party has an awful lot of irons in the fires right now. he needs for this to continue and i'm having difficulties i am having an basically the challenges we have from different parts of our party pushing in different ways. everyone has the aspirational things they want to do. can we still make this fit? we will just cut it down to two years versus ten years. we'll cut this went on to four years versus ten years or one year versus ten years. that is not being genuine as far as i am concerned with my constituents in west virginia. if i cannot explain it it is the bipartisan, bret, congressional budget office. they are upwards 4.5 trillion. 4.5trillion. everything is still the bill today even though they said they cut it down, still in the bill will be paid for in full? you are in the 4.5 trillion. again i am telling you we have covid at us and we have not tackled that and finish that. we have inflation which we do not know when it's going to end. that is going to take a tremendous toll that is what we are concerned about that's where effort should be right now. bret: last thing on this before we move on congresswoman alexandria cortez ivory went once to manchin everyone to death but learned helplessness is not a disposition that inspires confidence or support. the president has tools at his disposal of its one or two votes they should force a vote on "build back better" understanding stage one or two votes is 51 potential what is she talking about? it without your vote this vote dies, right? >> the bottom line i did not have the first or the start when you said something i missed the cut out i did not get the first part. bret: she was too but manchin everyone to death but learned helplessness is not a disposition that inspires confidence or support. >> okay, i have got you. just vote i have been saying that just vote. at that as a people need to show her they are than vote. i've been trying to say i don't know how many different ways i can say it. the frustration from my colleagues, friends of mine on both sides of the album my democratic colleagues were frustrated. this has been strung out for so long five and half months were trying to make this adjustment, this adjustment, they're just trying to make the adjustment for the time to fit the money or the money to fit the time. not changing our approach not targeting things we should be doing. making sure people who truly need it get it by making sure we do things in a much better fashion. we have things we need to do and bipartisan way the way the senate is supposed to work if we just let it happen. just go to the committee's just work it. bret: couple of things first miss a lot of criticism saying biggest critics say west virginia rely on coal industry and you personally profit from investments in the family coal brokerage you founded, what is your response of that? >> i hear all of the sinks and i understand where they're coming from. basically the trying to get an agenda they wish to have. the main thing we need is dependability, reliability. if not you'll have what happened in texas and california. notes on what the defense of our country we had a committee hearing on do we have the energy we need to defend our country conflict or were all of these things the reliability and the affordability. as chairman of the natural resources committee working in a bipartisan bill, billions of dollars in clean energy technology. we are doing everything humanly possible were doing more than has ever been done in the past we are continuing to do that. you cannot let technology be behind basically the needs. if technology is that there we've got to make sure that we are able still to rely on united states of america. we have been energy in independent for many times in 67 years or more. we should not have to depend on other parts of the world to hold us hostage for the energy or the foreign supply chain we need for the products we use every day. bret: alright center that is essentially dead as written without your vote. this another for voting rights change the filibuster in some way to get voting rights reform referred through. are you up to changing the rules or the structure of the filibuster to do that? >> well, first of all voting, joseph voting is the bedrock of democracy. we should all be concerned about that, bret, it should not be democrat or republican. as an american and the democracy of the freedoms we enjoy come because we have an open process of electing our officials and believing and making sure it is secure. we should be working on that together. next of all you can make the senate work better the rules we've changed over the years 232 years there's been rule changes. there's never been a change with the filibuster the rights of the minority. and i make no commitment or promises on that i am working on trying to make the senate work better, bringing bills to the floor, amending them, having debates, understanding, being transparent to the public. bret: the 60 vote threshold states robert burke of west virginia 60 vote stays maybe some reforms is that what i'm hearing? >> what you're hearing is basically can work on the rules that make this senate work rather than the deadlock we have right now. everyone thanks the end all do all is basically in the filibuster. it's basically in how we operate and proceed every day of the senate which we are not doing braid that is what needs to be changed. >> last thing a vaccine mandate. you had friday a ruling from the sixth circuit court of appeals allowing president biden's vaccine requirements for larger private employers to move forward per you have been clear, you have been against mandates on businesses what is your reaction to that? what you think is going to happen? >> first of all my reaction is to do everything humanly possible to make sure people understand how serious this is but had all of my vaccine shots in my booster to my whole family has. i recommend and plead with every west virginia in an american to do so. with that i've said first public dell as are working for your tax dollars the government employs the military should be the mandate i agree 1000% with him. i did not agree on the employees of a business or more they have done or what did it and keep their employees healthy it should not be the government has to make every decision in the private arena. that is all. now the courts have spoken, that is the law. i pray the good lord everyone abides by this law and get vaccinated please get vaccinated. >> hundred manchin is always good to talk to you and merry christmas. cooks good to talk to you merry christmas to you and your family and all those watching, god bless. >> up next states are seeing will get the latest on the state of the pandemic and talk with governments on both sides of that what this means first schools travel in mandate ♪♪ helping them discover their dreams is one of the best parts of being a parent. one of the most important is giving them ways to fulfill them. for over 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life. because life insurance can help protect and provide for the financial futures of the ones we love. talk to a financial professional about pacific life. snacking can mean that pieces get stuck under mike's denture. talk to a financial professional but super poligrip gives him a tight seal. to help block out food particles. so he can enjoy the game. super poligrip. kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. want to save on your home internet? 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>> i cannot say that for the u.s. i have seen a data as recently as yesterday from south africa. let me say the south african scientists have been incredibly transparent about everything they know. what i saw it yesterday does seem to indicate that in south africa there is less hospitalization and the people getting hospitalize are less likely to be in icu. but remember that it's a different population it is generally younger. most people in south africa already had delta so some immunity from that. they do not have boosters there so we have that on our side. if got to be careful not to extrapolate what we have seen. i am hopeful while that's an indication incredibly contagious this virus may be a bit less likely to make people sick and obviously that is something we have got to hope for or health systems are going to be overwhelmed. >> the nfl is the ncaa, they are changing things the nba the nhl has postponed they have vaccination rates 95, 97 almost one 100%. some of those are boosted no many players are already boosted. what happened to vaccination being the solution to get back to normal life? >> i'm glad you're asking that does not greatly reduces that you're somewhat productive and since he break their infection if you have a booster you're much better protected up there around 85 -- 90% rate. part of the solution everyone should take advantage of them but they are not perfect people talk to anecdotes even though they have been vaccine see it does not work. that is way too simplistic. if you have gotten sick after vaccination the chances are you going to have a pretty mild case you'll have the sniffles maybe are sick for a day or two with a fever. we will not be in the icu. against severe disease we should all take advantage of them. this countries all of its technological advance about 50 million people ignited got started on vaccination how did that happen how do we get mixed up something for me on my last thing of the director if i'm particularly frustrating science observation and experimentation and explanation lot of health policymakers have been trying to silence opposing views in a newly released set of e-mails but the freedom of information act between you and dr. fauci in october of 2020 we noticed a great burlington rec claymation. does ep dullness and public health scientists who wrote we have grave concerns with the damaging physical and mental health impacts a prevailing covid 19 policies can turn continuing current lockdown policies are devastating effects on short and long-term public health. this e-mail to dr. fauci this proposal from three french epidemiologists seem to be getting a lot of attention should be a quick and devastating takedown of its premise. i don't say things like that online yet, is it underway? francis did you write that? >> i did write that. and i will stand by that. let me explain. what was been proposed there was basically let's just let this virus rip. this was of course before we had vaccines. basically i'll call them french epidemiologists who really did not have the credentials to be making such a grand sweeping statement or sink just look the virus front of the population and eventually everyone will have had it and we will be okay. hundreds of thousands of people would have died if we had followed that strategy. the basis of pseudoscience that is to be called out. >> downplaying or try to discredit the lab theory from wuhan why spend the time doing that now since the lab leak is a real possibility i'm sorry the lab leak has become a distraction for so many people because frankly we still don't know there is no evidence we think that is a possibility of far more likely this was a natural way in which the virus left a bat may be travel to some other species and got to human child has not done shame on them for that. this is been a huge distraction. bret: basically everybody should take this seriously is your bottom line message. >> yes. we've got to remember this is the enemy. it is not the other people in the other political party. it is not the people on facebook or posting all sorts of crazy conspiracies. this is the enemy. we, in this country of somehow gotten all fractured into a hyper polarized politicized view that never should have been mixed with public health. it has been ruinous and history will judge harshly those people who have continued to refocus the effort and focus on conspiracies and things that are demonstrably false shame on all this of gotten into this kind of pickle. we can still turn this around. but it is christmas so let's think about that. let's think about let's talk about the world could be rejoicing have a gift coming to us on christmas day that ought to be better than any of the things we are talking about right now. but boy do we need to get together. bret: doctor collins merry christmas, happy holidays thank you for your service to the country. >> thanks bret, merry christmas to you too. >> joining us here in washington larry hogan welcome back to fox to send a big. >> you just heard that conversation you are seeing covid spikes in maryland. are you considering a major changes and other lockdown possibilities? >> no, we are concerned about the rising cases are taking steps to have more support pushing monoclonal anti- bystander everything we can triple as nine-point to percent of our population vaccinated. we are encouraging boosters but we are not anticipating any lockdowns at all probe or not considering them. bret: what is the stat you look at party of hospital officials and 93% of hospital beds across your state are full. it's not cold it is not the dominant condition there but still affecting things. what do you look at? people are looking at cases bridge you look at hospitalizations? >> the main thing we have focused on, bret, from the very beginning nearly two years knows hospitalizations and deaths. that is really what we are trying is not just about case rates and positivity rates. it is about hospitalization keeping people safe. that is her main job. the extra ten to 15% were not that shortages and summer hospitals were working to address that. look, honestly we are pretty concerned about this omicron variant. it seems to be less severe and less dangerous it seems like four times more contagions. the percentages we are still seeing we are anticipating the next three to five weeks the worst surge we've seen her hospitals throughout the entire crisis. we don't expected to last for long roping and starts to taper off very quickly. were facing a pretty rough time. >> prince georges county school district friday the first to announce the extended wide it shifted back to remote learning. which is a big deal but. >> it is a big deal at a terrible mistake. something were very opposed to. we are duly elected school boards in these counties have the power to make those decisions unfortunate i do not have the power's governor but were going to make it very clear we think it's a mistake party want to keep safe of their protocols in place. there is a particular outbreak in a classroom we want to ramp up testing my should keep this people safe by shutting down an entire school system of kids that are already struggled with distance learning for nearly a year, it is just outrageous and wrong. bret: what is your take on the federal appeals court ruling on the mandate for vaccines for businesses with more than a 100, where do you think it goes what you do with it? we are one of the most vaccinated states in america with 90.8% 18 and older is vaccinated in our state 99.9% of her seniors without mandates. i focused on convincing people to see a great way to keep yourself and your neighbors safe mandates are not working they're sort of have the opposite effect people are digging in their heels saying you can't do it would rather encourage people to gluttony vaccinated. it seems to be working in our state in nearly every category. bret: i want to talk a couple other issues one is crime baltimore ten seconds consecutive years with more than three and her homicides pages had a police officer ambushed wednesday on life support. some of your tough crime proposals face resistance the democrat majority state legislature. baltimore city state attorney marilyn maultsby has called to renew call to action a political stunt. asking how has he been unwilling to develop a long-term solution to address the root causes of crime in our city. wise's only solution a crime or police and mandatory minimum sentences for you have been in office since january 15, how do you respond to that? >> i would say she is completely wrong she's a big part of the problem. we have a prosecutor involved that refuses to prosecute violent carmichael sets at the root of the problem. we have put massive amounts we've invested over $1 billion unto public safety in baltimore city. i'm not the mayor i'm not the prosecutor but have started a national refund the police initiative defining the police is the idea i've ever heard. mosby was in favor of that he more police people investment. we have and dusted state and local police progressive tough crime bills the leaders in baltimore city have been opposed to for tougher mandatory sentences for those who commit violent crimes who commit crimes and was been promised tara senate 70% democrats. our statehouse has refused too. we are going to continue to put pressure on them. of 17 people shot in baltimore city. spent about 15 seconds a former president trump runs or doesn't do you consider running for president? >> i'm going to be january told governor of 20 throughout take a look at the options are after that. bret: do you think republicans will with president trump at top of the ticket? what to think and be bad for the party about her president trump and back for the country don't pick is going to run. my advice to be he did not run. >> governor hogan we appreciate your time. cap next we'll talk with new jersey governor phil murphy is taking stock after serving a surprisingly tough reelection bid there. migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. dad: hey boss. you okay? ask about ubrelvy. son: i said i'm fine. ♪ put me to bed ♪ ♪ see you in the morning ♪ ♪ with the frosted ♪ ♪ superman, but it wasn't honest ♪ ♪ and we lost it ♪ ♪ m.i.a., m.i.a., m.i.a. ♪ ♪ where you at ♪ ♪ ándale, m.i.a., ahhh ♪ dad: hey son. son: hey pop. dad: you know you can talk to me. son: yeah. bret: some 13 democrat governors her sucking reelection 2022 with covid precautions overshadowing much of their time in office and midterms coming as opposition to more mandates across the country is on the rise. joining us though governor phil murphy of new jersey who will take over as chair of the democratic governors association's in 2023 post midterms. governor, welcome back to fox news sunday. >> good to be with you bret thanks for having me. >> governor hogan just mention the spiking hours in maryland, u in new jersey have a spike in covered cases as well. you have said everything on the table these numbers continue to rise, what does that mean for new jerseyans? >> this virus has humbled all of us. every time you think you've got it figured out, takes a turn you do not expect an eight out of ten are negative. you've got to leave all those options on the table. right now we think we have the right package in place in terms of a layered approach. but our numbers are going up. the omicron variant is real. we have already been battling the delta variant. this is unrelenting. there is an enormous amount of fatigue out there as it relates to the virus spread by the way i get it, i have got that same fatigue. but we've got to stay vigilant and we will stay vigilant. >> you have locked down before. this is serious would you consider locking down the state of new jersey again? >> you have to leave it on the table but i do not see it, brick, honestly. among other reasons a very high degree of vaccinations. folks are getting boosted which clearly gives another layer of protection i was an biggest mall in north america yesterday very high rate of masking which is a good thing. we largely have folks as fatigued as they are they are largely accepting of what you need to do to push back. and for the time being that it's going to work for us. >> emission the fatigue and frustration. now we have federal courts weighing in on new vaccine mandates for businesses over 100. your reaction to that and where you think that is going? >> my reaction is not destroyed and perhaps as others. the notion you've got to get vaccinated or have a testing option is what we have right now for state employees. for educators and they take up is very high. the rate of transmission, thank god so far has been low. i do not think this is as radical as others may think. and, for the most part, i think it is consistent with what with been standing for as a state. >> governor asked governor logan about trends and had the second deadliest year on record tells a total of 37 murders in 2013, three less than last year's record of 40. the transcendent mayor said is a national trend. some 30% increase in violent crimes. how do you get a hole of it? >> i would see a couple of things. number one it is a national trend we are not immune to that. secondly, i separate very clearly violent crimes from common sense gun safety and gun safety laws. we are hyper- aggressive, unrelenting on the violent crime front whether it's legislation, whether it's a law enforcement or a combination of each. on the other hand, we cannot continue to see kids with guns shooting at other kids and open loopholes we know we can close. i think we have to separate those and we do in new jersey and we will continue to be bearing down on both fronts. bret: two quick things governor adventure going to head up the dj in 2023. this follows the close call in november for your election. what message did you take from how close that was in traditionally blue new jersey with 1 million more democratic voters than republicans. >> number one thing out of the policies in place what we did but we built the coalition we did. otherwise it would have been swept away with other democrats. i think the message for me is who got the right substance but we have to get into kitchen tables much more deeply than we have gotten into. folks it got to understand why we stand for what we stand. how it impacts their lives, their kids lives, their future. that is where the gap is. i'm committed in new jersey to closing that gap pretty think nationally the races gun 2022 we've got to make sure folks understand why government is a force for the good white policies we stand for our good for them personally and for their families but. >> nationally present by an cannot deny pretty weak for every poll if you get on the issues understanding the president said is going to run for reelection in 2024. if he didn't, would you consider running? >> my nose is pressed against the new jersey glass morning, noon, and nights. i am honored to be will help out in the governor's races around the country. but my commitment and my focus is entirely new jersey. bret: alright i'll take that is no for now. governor murphy thank you for talking with us. >> good to be with you, bret, thanks for having me mccartt steckel bring in our sunday group to talk about the newscenter joe manchin just made on fox news sunday doing a lethal blow to the president's signature social spending bill i cannot go home to explain to people of west virginia i cannot vote for. i cannot devote to continue with this piece of legislation. bret: that is a no center joe manchin breaking news on this program just moments ago the massive social spending bill, tax bill, "build back better" is dead as written. national news correspondent, of the wall street journal, institute of politics and public service and former rnc communication directors doug. jeremy, moments ago we had bernie sanders way in, calling for a vote on the floor of the senate on the "build back better" act. let mr. manchin explain to the people west virginia why he does not have the guts to stand up to powerful special interests. >> big that is big news. •-middle-dot manchin set i'm happy to have a vote now we know how he would vote. does not mean they cannot deconstruct and reconstruct "build back better" next year but in fact that's probably what will happen i would guess. what has become clear and perfectly clear today senator manchin's problem is a comic thanks it is inflationary by definition and be he thanks there's too much budget gimmickry. there's got to figure how to make that second problem with her going to reconstruct this that will be the effort now. >> this is a big blow to the administration but how big politically? they tied these two bills together. they did have eight went on infrastructure but they're going to have a loss here as written. >> if you track the approval number over the first year of the first half he was doing great he had tangible things he could point to shots in arms, money in your wallet referring to the relief packet. they were getting ready to add the third leg of that jobs in your communities with the infrastructure package about them that got delayed. that got tied to this. suddenly they lost track of the narrative that suddenly became an argument over a big pile of money. most people did not know what was in the bill was a big pile of money. they got the infrastructure bill. they cannot focus on those three legs of success as they head into the new year. this is a below this is something they did not want to see happen. but they still have the elements there of a message of producing results of the american people. and take some of the popular elements of "build back better". reintroduce that as the next step. then they've got something they can sell to the american people. >> that's going to take time to break all of that up the meantime the present, the united states facing upside down poll numbers and covid it surge and a mandate concern around the country. >> a mandate concern but i think if i could follow-up this could be a shot of adrenaline for the senate. there are statistics have not been debating these bills where they spent only 12% of the first year in office debating these bills. people do not know what wasn't it. they need to get back to debating, break up the bill they're very popular elements of the bill. family paid leave a child tax credit you heard joe manchin say he would be in favor of those he just does not want one big omnibus bill. bret: it hasn't happened for long time regular orders not been regular for a long time. >> worked in house leadership in 2012 through 14, regular order something talked about a lot but did not always happen. with manchin and we centered sanders comments today whether he has the willingness to stand up to special interest he spent a lot of time on special interest. about what happens in the building behind you here is the reality. joe manchin represents west virginia 29% of west virginia voters supported joe biden. 60% supported donald trump there is your answer at least for now. bret: the other realities pushing their massive piece of legislation with this slant of a majority is just not feasible paid the question is on voting rights whether there is some change and there we tried to get to the specifics of what he is for. >> i don't see a lot of budgeting for joe manchin or senator sinema on change in the filibuster aim for voting rights. i think one of the lessons here and it's been true of both parties as there is a tendency to overreach. you think you have a bigger mandate than you do you act accordingly then you pay a price pretty think of seeing a cycle of both parties repeating that mistake over the last decade or so. bret: how do they sell this coming out of the loss how was it sold? >> that got to go back to what were talking about. focusing on the court popular elements of the bill, repackaging and putting it out there. talking about that again they lost a month's of controlling the narrative by allowing it to be over a number over a price tag instead of what the proposals were. the democrats on the hill did not help with that. that is what they're fighting with the white house was trying to get back to messaging. they've got an opportunity to start fresh in the new year. >> the presidents going to give a big speech to stay on cove and what is coming next. it's interesting he's waiting for tuesday if it's that urgent why not do it tomorrow? the mandate as we mentioned before is a big political issue. >> big political issue i want shots make its way to the pentagon the military kicked us out her not getting vaccinated the courts seem to be backsliding with the secretary of defense i've seen some cases that will go to the supreme court but right now the pentagon whole holding firm and those mandates are standing for a. >> panel thank you see you next month sunday. up next a bandit on the family amanda found a singular way to honor our nation's veterans. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? 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(crowd) business! ho ho ho! not again. oh no. for the gifts you won't forget. the mercedes-benz winter event. 1 out of 5 young people struggle with disorders like depression, dyslexia, adhd, ocd, eating disorders, and anxiety. every one of us knows and loves one of these kids. for expert information and free resources, visit >> for the past 15 years we've made it a tradition here to share the story of the man who created a quiet movement to honor service members every holiday season. this year he is the one being honored. and we were invited to take part. >> it is an iconic image during the holidays at arlington national cemetery. a vivid green wreath laying on a humble white headstone. it is a tradition that began when worcester reads owner, found himself with a surplus around christmas in 1992. he decided to donate to a place he has a cherished since a childhood visit, arlington. >> they are not just tombstones those are people. >> that's worcester will meet met him 15 years ago has tribute had gone viral inspiring troves of volunteers to help lay wreaths at arlington and cemeteries in their hometown. >> where would it be if it were not for the military that had our backs? we need to honor those people and remember. >> it was to turn this outpouring into a nonprofit called read this across america helping support ceremonies and thousands of cities and an american battlefield cemeteries around the world. >> is going to be that one time thing it was so well received us and we are going to do that as long as we can. and here we are 30 years later pre- >> this year worcester will mark his 30th year donating. >> my grandfather. >> he was honored in this week in washington. >> we just barely scratch the surface. >> did you ever think of watching all these people stream and it was going to be this? >> and no, not at all. i knew we had kind of struck a chord. now you go anywhere in the united states and ask about wreaths across america and somebody will know that. >> how long you think this tradition continues? >> it will continue for as long as america is free. bret: we hope so, it was powerful predictors volunteers laid 2.4 million read this and 3100 cities. worcester made it to d.c. despite a recent struck a powerful illustration of his commitment to this annual we hope he continues to feel better but that is it for today, torment weeknights at 6:00 p.m. eastern for special report on fox news channel. we'll have much more reaction tomorrow to senator manchin's big news this hour and its reverberations around washington. have a great week and we will see you next fox news sunday. f, have a great sunday, go to church. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us. welcome to "sunday morning futures," i'm maria bartiromo. today the white house is predicting a stark winter for some ahead of new restrictions expected to be announced on tuesday as the omicron variant spreads. coming up, christmas in florida. freedom, liberty and a whole lot of jobs. we're taking you to the sunshine state this morning where the economy is thriving with tens of thousands of new jobs. the lowest covid infections and the highest construction of new

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Bret Baier , Fox News Sunday , Thanks , Watching , Fox News , Mike Emmanuel , 1 , 00 , President , State , Nation , First Delta Net Oma Krohn , Pandemic , Biden Set , Senate , Agenda , Floor , Rise , It S Time , Setbacks , Omnibus Bill , Senator Manchin , Vote , Voting Rights , Spending , Center , Moderate , Stalemate , Holdouts , Nuclear Option , One Arm , One , Cases , Variance , United States , Governors , States , Holidays , Francis Collins , Concern , Healthcare Systems Impacting Schools , Blizzard , National Institutes Of Health , Nfl , Two , Phil Murphy , New Jersey , Democrat , Per , Larry Hogan , Maryland , 2024 , Biden , Term , Plan , White House , Arlington National Cemetery , Pan , Suite , Plus , Mission , Calls , Three , Wall , People , Hello Again , Country , Vaccine Americans , Hospitalizations , Washington , Holiday Season , Spread , Average , Swift , 44 , 100000 , Way , Mandate , Vaccine , Businesses , U S Supreme Court , Rent , Perils , 100 , West Virginia , Plans , Talks , Traveling , Steps , Development , Details , Biden Agenda , In A Moment Last , Wilmington , Delaware , Address , Government , Covid , Presence , Message , Communities , Mark Meredith , Death , Shots , Winter , Health Experts , Unvaccinated , Illness , Person Fighting , Virus , Family , Life , Action , U S Population , York , Radio City Rockettes , 61 , Schools , Winter Break , Games , Performances , Basketball , Hockey , On Friday Federal Appeals Court , Football , Classes , News Writing , Case , Effect , Path , Tricks , Mandate Plan , Scrabbling , Vaccination Requirements , Climate , Things , Proposal , Congress , Holiday Break , Trillions , Word , Moderates , Elections , Promises , Efforts , Reporting , Campaign , Tax Bill , Negotiation , Senator , Legislation , Part , Leadership , Reservations , Pizza Piece , Play , Meeting , Majority Leader Schumer , Staff , Nancy Pelosi , Weatherby , Five , Everything , Inflation , Concerns , Colleagues , Spectrum , Spectrums , Left , Jobs , Cost , Utility Bills , Aspect , Groceries , Gasoline , Debt , Unrest , Covid Variant , 9 Trillion , 29 Trillion , Everyone , Home , Wreaking Havoc , Piece , Note , No , Thing , Problems , Lot , Ways , Attention , Lives , Aspects , Focus , Needy , Senators , Difficulties , Hearing , Mike Mullen , Armed Services , Head , Joint Chiefs Of Staff , 2011 , Something , World , Question , Threat , Chili , Threats , Grace , Eye , Blinken , 14 , End , Basis , Angles , Order , Good , Undertaking , Bernie Sanders , Bill , Progressives , Caucus , Wisdom , Pitch , 6 Trillion , Trillion , Yes , Disconnect , 3 5 Trillion , 2 Trillion , 1 7 , Most , Leader , 1 5trillion , Half , Priorities , Changes , Needs , Care , Amount , House , Bret , Never Change , 1 75 , Service , Families , Services , Ten , Difference , Adjustments , Burden , Statement , Intent , Desire , Pre , 1 7 Trillion , Will Bret , Sense , Reporters , Party , Parts , Fires , Irons , Fit , Four , Constituents , Congressional Budget Office , 4 5 Trillion , 4 5trillion , Effort , Toll , Life Support , Disposition , Helplessness , Confidence , Tools , Congresswoman Alexandria Cortez Ivory , Votes , Disposal , Stage One , Build Back Better , Potential , 51 , Wasn T It , Bottom Line , Cut , Sides , Frustration , Friends , Album , Money , Approach , Adjustment , Committee , Criticism , Fashion , Critics , Investments , Coal Brokerage , Coal Industry , Reliability , Response , Dependability , Sinks , California , Texas , Energy , Defense , Conflict , Committee Hearing , Notes , Chairman , Natural Resources Committee , Affordability , Billions , Clean Energy Technology , Technology , Times , 67 , Hostage , Supply Chain , Written , Products , Rules , Filibuster , Voting , Another , Structure , Democracy , Joseph Voting , American , Bedrock , Freedoms , Republican , Change , Work , Rule Changes , Officials , Rights , Process , 232 , Bills , Commitment , Understanding , Debates , Minority , Public , Threshold , Reforms , Robert Burke , 60 , Deadlock , Braid , Reaction , Mandates , Vaccine Mandate , Employers , Vaccine Requirements , Ruling , Sixth Circuit Court Of Appeals , Booster , Amanda , Tax , Dell , Military , Business , Employees , 1000 , Courts , Law , Arena , Lord , Decision , Merry Christmas , Hundred Manchin , Cooks , Governments , Seeing , Latest , God Bless , Dreams , Parent , Important , Generations , 150 , Life Insurance , Pacific Life , Strength , Futures , Stability , Ones , Super Poligrip , Food Particles , Pieces , Game , Snacking , Seal , Mike S Denture , Kim , Congestion , Mucinex , Save It Slimeball , Australia , 3 , 12 , Bye Mom , Sleigh , Helpers , Wishes , Toys , Mountain , Bridges , Roads , Fun , Job , Internet , Homes , United States Postal Service , Anyone , Holiday Deliveries , Program , Xfinity , Credit , Internet Service , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , 0 , 50 , Store , Call , Equipment , Value , Click , Xfinity Mobile , 5 , 15 , Fatigue , Calorie Counting , Help , Stress , Weight Loss , Optimize Insulin Lev , Repair Metabolism , Meals , Bs , Music , One Golo , Enoudiet , Female Carb Cutting , Weight , Release , Body , Dieting , Millions , Golo , Golo Com , Pfizer , Chief Vaccine Makers , Director , To Be With You , Election , Institute Of , Doctor , Omicron , Stop , Variant , Mutations , Delta , Challenge , 57 , Rate , South Africa , Terms , Variants , Exponential Curve , Comparison , Alpha Beta , Europe , Situations , Trouble , Freight , Pair , Boosters , Masking , It Big , Curveball , Data , Scientists , Population , Hospitalization , Icu , Side , Immunity , Health Systems , Bit , Indication , Ncaa , Vaccination , Some , Nhl , Nba , 97 , 95 , Solution , Players , Infection , 90 , 85 , Advantage , Anecdotes , Chances , Sick , Fever , Sniffles , Countries , Disease , 50 Million , Science , Health Policymakers , Experimentation , Set , E Mails , Views , Observation , Explanation , Public Health , Dr , Dullness , Fauci , Freedom Of Information Act , Great Burlington Rec Claymation , October Of 2020 , 2020 , Policies , Mental Health , Lockdown , E Mail , Effects , 19 , Epidemiologists , Takedown , French , Premise , Francis , Vaccines , Course , Credentials , Virus Rip , Grand Sweeping , Front , Thousands , Hundreds , Strategy , Downplaying , Pseudoscience , Lab Theory , Possibility , Lab Leak , Wuhan , Distraction , Bat , Evidence , Shame , Species , Human Child , Enemy , Everybody , Bottom Line Message , Sorts , Facebook , Hyper , View , History , Crazy Conspiracies , Conspiracies , Talk , Pickle , Kind , On Christmas Day , Gift , Rejoicing , Doctor Collins Merry Christmas , Big , Thanks Bret , Conversation , Lockdown Possibilities , Covid Spikes , Lockdowns , Probe , Nine , Stat , Hospital , Hospital Officials , Condition , 93 , Rates , Positivity Rates , Deaths , Hospitalization Keeping People Safe , On , Summer Hospitals , Shortages , Surge , Percentages , Contagions , Hospitals , Prince Georges County , Crisis , Roping , School District Friday The First , Governor , Deal , Mistake , Power , Counties , Learning , School Boards , Decisions , Place , Outbreak , Safe , Protocols , Classroom , Kids , School System , Distance Learning , Federal Appeals Court Ruling , Neighbors , Seniors , 90 8 , 99 9 , 18 , Heels , Category , Issues , Police Officer , Crime Proposals , Pages , Homicides , Resistance , Crime , Marilyn Maultsby , Root , Baltimore City , City , Causes , Stunt , Call To Action , Majority State Legislature , Problem , Police , Office , Prosecutor , Wise , Sentences , Sets , Violent Carmichael , January 15 , Mayor , Safety , Amounts , Initiative , Refund , 1 Billion , Billion , Favor , Leaders , Mosby , Idea , Investment , Crimes , Statehouse , 70 , Options , Pressure , Running , President Trump Runs , Doesn T , Take A Look , 17 , 20 , Republicans , Pick , President Trump , Advice , Ticket , Top , Country Don T , Ubrelvy , There , Migraine Medicine , Stock , Reelection Bid , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Cap , Migraine , Dose , Tracks , Pill , Cause , Cgrp Protein , Older Medicines , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Side Effects , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Son , Dad , Boss , Wasn T , It Mia , M I A , Frosted Superman , Bed , Pop , Andale , Midterms , Opposition , Precautions , 13 , 2022 , Chair , Democratic Governors Association , 2023 , Numbers , Table , Jerseyans , All Of Us , Spike , Package , Turn , Eight , Delta Variant , Folks , It , Vaccinations , Brick , Reasons , Degree , Protection , North America , Mall , Layer , Emission , Others , Educators , Testing Option , State Employees , Notion , Transmission , God , Trend , Record , Trends , Murders , Increase , Total , Transcendent , 37 , 40 , 2013 , 30 , Couple , Hole , Gun Safety , Gun Safety Laws , Law Enforcement , Combination , Each , Common Sense , Guns , Loopholes , Hand , Fronts , Bearing , Adventure , Dj , Voters , Coalition , 1 Million , Kitchen Tables , Substance , Gap , Gun 2022 , Force , Poll , Cannot , Reelection , Nose , Races , Sunday Group , Mccartt Steckel , Blow , Newscenter , Breaking News , Doug , Public Service , News Correspondent , Institute Of Politics , Wall Street Journal , Rnc , Act , Mr , Guts , Jeremy , News , Interests , Fact , Dot Manchin Set , Budget Gimmickry , Definition , Loss , Infrastructure , Administration , Approval Number , Relief Packet , Wallet , Arms , Pile , Narrative , Track , Infrastructure Package , Leg , Argument , Infrastructure Bill , Success , Legs , Elements , Results , Step , It Surge , Statistics , Shot , Adrenaline , Child Tax Credit , Debating , Orders , It Hasn T , 2012 , Interest , Comments , Willingness , Building , Realities , Reality , Donald Trump , Answer , Least , Slant , 29 , Specifics , Majority , Budgeting , Filibuster Aim , Parties , Both , Tendency , Price , Lessons , Cycle , Repackaging , Court , Democrats , Month , Number , Price Tag , Proposals , The Hill , Presidents , Messaging , Opportunity , Cove , Speech , Issue , Backsliding , A Panel , Secretary , Firm , Bandit , Experts , Veterans , Windshield , Safelite Autoglass , Retirement Income , Broker , Girl , Singers , Safelite Repair , Carl , Schwab Intelligent Income , Fee , Penalties , Portfolio , Schwab , Simple , 5g , Hotspot Data , Anywhere , Vo , Cool , Wealth Management , Blue Line , Verizon , Bakery , Concourse , Business Expert , Team , Clients , Stuff , Appointment , Cupcake , Low , Crowd , Ho , Oh No , Gifts , Eating Disorders , Disorders , Ocd , Dyslexia , Depression , Adhd , Anxiety , Winter Event , Mercedes Benz , Resources , Expert Information , Childmind Org , One Of Us , Tradition , Story , Movement , Man , Image , Vivid Green Wreath , Owner , Worcester , Cherished , White Headstone , 1992 , Childhood , Will , Visit , Tribute , Volunteers , Cemeteries , Hometown , Backs , Troves , Lay Wreaths , Cities , Battlefield Cemeteries , Nonprofit , America Helping Support Ceremonies , Outpouring , Grandfather , Donating , Surface , Wreaths , Chord , Somebody , Illustration , Predictors , 2 4 Million , 3100 , Reverberations , Torment Weeknights , Eastern For Special Report On Fox News Channel , 6 , Go To Church , Sunday Morning , Maria Bartiromo , F , Restrictions , Sunday Morning Futures , Omicron Variant Spreads , Sunshine State , Construction , Freedom , Infections , Economy , Coming Up , Florida , Liberty , Tens Of Thousands ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240709

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was senator manchin only on fox news sunday. then. >> we expect to see the cases of oma krohn variance here in the united states continue to grow the coming coming weeks. bret: , first delta net oma krohn hitting hard head of the holidays causing concern for healthcare systems impacting schools and the nfl paired with national institutes of health director doctor francis collins about what some are calling becoming a viral blizzard. and set out the governors of two states to discuss how they are getting ready. larry hogan of maryland and democrat phil murphy of new jersey. then it very. >> the president said himself he spun to run for reelection 2024 per. >> suite the white house with president biden's plan to run for second term had left her sunday pan about current calls for him to officially announce whether he is in or out. plus, a solemn mission to lay read this at arlington national cemetery for three decades. >> we need to honor those people and remember. >> all right now on fox news sunday. ♪ ♪ and hello again from fox news in washington for the country is facing the swift spread of oma krohn now and 44 states. just as americans prepared to celebrate the holiday season. hospitalizations are on the rise right to more than an average of 100,000 cases. a federal perils court's rent said the president's vaccine and task a mandate for businesses that employ more than 100 people and they could all go all the way to the u.s. supreme court. in a moment last west virginia center joe manchin about this development and is ongoing talks on the biden agenda. but first let's turn to mark meredith traveling with the president of wilmington, delaware with details with the president plans to tell americans an address to say about new steps to fight covid, mark. >> a brett, the white house of the presence going to be held on how the federal government can help communities dealing with the rapid rise in covid cases. he'll double down on his message on vaccine americans now's the time to get the shots. >> unvaccinated you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death. >> person fighting along with health experts are warning the pandemic is far from over. >> our message to every american is clear, there is action you can take to protect yourself and your family. >> was 61% of the u.s. population is fully vaccinated the virus continues to disrupt daily life are in york the radio city rockettes had canceled remaining performances. i handle a professional football, basketball and hockey games have been postponed. and multiple schools are moving classes back online before winter break. on friday federal appeals court ruled the president's vaccine or test a mandate for large businesses can go into effect. the white house celebrating the news writing it is critical we move forward with vaccination requirements. tricks of the mandate plan to take the case to the supreme court. meantime the white house is scrabbling to find a path forward for the president social and climate agenda. senate democrats remained deadlocked over the "build back better" proposal with moderates warning the country cannot afford to spend trillions more. >> the white house at its word to wait until after the holiday break to reengage with congress on a few things including spending as well as efforts to address voting rights. both midterm elections looming bret time is running out for democrats to deliver on their key campaign promises very. bret: mark mark meredith reporting thank you. joe manchin west virginia, senator welcome back to fox news sunday. >> good to be with you, bret. bret: you are at the center of this negotiation with the president over social spending and tax bill. the "build back better" bill that is not coming up in the senate before the new year. in part largely because of your reservations are without you the leadership does not have the votes it needs. so today, right now, what does the play? >> this is a mammoth pizza piece of legislation i have my reservations when i heard about a five and half months ago. i have been working diligently every day and every minute of every day i have been working on this. meeting with weatherby the president biden, majority leader schumer and his staff, whether it be with nancy pelosi or my colleagues from all different spectrums of the political spectrum if you will from the right to the left. i have that everything humanly possible. and you know, my concerns i had and i still have these concerns. where i'm at right now is the inflation i was concerned about it is not transitory it is real, it is harming every west virginian. it's making it almost difficult for them to continue to go to their jobs, the cost of gasoline, the cost of groceries. the cost of utility bills, all these things are heading in every every aspect of their life. and you start looking and then you have the debt we are carrying $29 trillion. you have also the geopolitical unrest that we have. you have the covid variant, and that is wreaking havoc again. people are concerned i'm there with my family i know everyone is concerned. you have these things coming at you the way they are now i have always said this, bret, if i cannot go home and explain it to the people of west virginia i cannot vote for it. and i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i have tried everything humanly possible i cannot get there. bret: you are done this is a no. >> this is a note. on this legislation paid i have tried everything i know to do. the president has worked diligently, he has been wonderful to work with. he knows i have had concerns and the problems i have had. the thing we should all be as directing our attention towards the variance, covid we have coming back at us in so many different aspects and ways. it is affecting our lives again. we have inflation that basically could harm, really harm a lot of americans. especially those most needy and have a hard time struggling right now. i think that is where our attention needs to be directed towards immediately. this is been going on for five and half months. bret: you are getting all the focus, senator. are there other democratic senators who are concerned about this bill like you are? have you talked to them? >> i am not going to speak, i respect -- they know the difficulties i have been having with this. i have been very concerned about this. when i first got to the senate back in 2011 i was having a meeting on armed services. at that time admiral mike mullen was the head of the joint chiefs of staff. i will never forget, in this hearing he was asked a question what's a grace threat of the united states of america faces? i am thinking i'm going to hear something basic in the military threats we might have around the world. without blinken an eye he said the debt of our nation is the greatest threat. the debt was 14 chili and then, bret, it's 29 trillion now. inflation is real it's not going away anytime soon. we do not know when the end will come there's a lot of people hurting right now. this covid we are fighting on a daily basis it's coming different angles at us if you will. these are serious, serious things. there's a lot of good with that bill is a mammoth piece of legislation a mammoth piece. and it's not even through regular order. as a tremendous huge undertaking. bret: said democrats are frustrated in your caucus progressives especially. they been point to what they've been doing since the first part of this. the senate, the conventional wisdom is the longer it goes it was going to be trimmed down. but the house passed the bill at two-point to trillion down from bernie sanders $6 trillion the initial pitch which was lowered to 3.5 trillion. now comes in at just under 2 trillion. your at the beginning was 1.7. where's the disconnect you are now and no, you can't get a yes? >> bret, first of all, when this all came about and i went and spoke to the leader, schumer at that time i explained him in the concerns i had. 1.5trillion is where i thought the most we could do if we just did it and basically took care of the things our highest priorities. bernie started at 6 trillion i think he was sincere what he thanks needs to be done and the changes he would like to make our social changes. they went to three and half trillion. that one down to two-point to from the house that even 1.75. the thing that never change, bret, was basically the same amount of things they're trying to accomplish by just changing if you will the amount of time we can depend on it. so, if you're going to do something to think where priorities are like most people do in their families or their businesses and you find them for ten years and you make sure they deliver the services for ten years. it is hard to deliver service for one year or three years or five years. and how are we going to continue them? it's going to have a burden unless we go back and make adjustments. but we should be upfront and pick our priorities that is the difference. so it has not shrunk and desire. the intent is always there. what we need to do is get our financial house in order and be able to pay for what we do and do what we pay for pre- >> the president put out a statement friday you still supported 1.7 trillion you need more time to finalize negotiation. reporters asked about that and you said the president put out that statement it is his statement not mine. so now what you're saying today makes a lot more sense of why you said that. you are a no. >> will bret, here's the thing. i tried a really did. the president was trying as hard as he could party has an awful lot of irons in the fires right now. he needs for this to continue and i'm having difficulties i am having an basically the challenges we have from different parts of our party pushing in different ways. everyone has the aspirational things they want to do. can we still make this fit? we will just cut it down to two years versus ten years. we'll cut this went on to four years versus ten years or one year versus ten years. that is not being genuine as far as i am concerned with my constituents in west virginia. if i cannot explain it it is the bipartisan, bret, congressional budget office. they are upwards 4.5 trillion. 4.5trillion. everything is still the bill today even though they said they cut it down, still in the bill will be paid for in full? you are in the 4.5 trillion. again i am telling you we have covid at us and we have not tackled that and finish that. we have inflation which we do not know when it's going to end. that is going to take a tremendous toll that is what we are concerned about that's where effort should be right now. bret: last thing on this before we move on congresswoman alexandria cortez ivory went once to manchin everyone to death but learned helplessness is not a disposition that inspires confidence or support. the president has tools at his disposal of its one or two votes they should force a vote on "build back better" understanding stage one or two votes is 51 potential what is she talking about? it without your vote this vote dies, right? >> the bottom line i did not have the first or the start when you said something i missed the cut out i did not get the first part. bret: she was too but manchin everyone to death but learned helplessness is not a disposition that inspires confidence or support. >> okay, i have got you. just vote i have been saying that just vote. at that as a people need to show her they are than vote. i've been trying to say i don't know how many different ways i can say it. the frustration from my colleagues, friends of mine on both sides of the album my democratic colleagues were frustrated. this has been strung out for so long five and half months were trying to make this adjustment, this adjustment, they're just trying to make the adjustment for the time to fit the money or the money to fit the time. not changing our approach not targeting things we should be doing. making sure people who truly need it get it by making sure we do things in a much better fashion. we have things we need to do and bipartisan way the way the senate is supposed to work if we just let it happen. just go to the committee's just work it. bret: couple of things first miss a lot of criticism saying biggest critics say west virginia rely on coal industry and you personally profit from investments in the family coal brokerage you founded, what is your response of that? >> i hear all of the sinks and i understand where they're coming from. basically the trying to get an agenda they wish to have. the main thing we need is dependability, reliability. if not you'll have what happened in texas and california. notes on what the defense of our country we had a committee hearing on do we have the energy we need to defend our country conflict or were all of these things the reliability and the affordability. as chairman of the natural resources committee working in a bipartisan bill, billions of dollars in clean energy technology. we are doing everything humanly possible were doing more than has ever been done in the past we are continuing to do that. you cannot let technology be behind basically the needs. if technology is that there we've got to make sure that we are able still to rely on united states of america. we have been energy in independent for many times in 67 years or more. we should not have to depend on other parts of the world to hold us hostage for the energy or the foreign supply chain we need for the products we use every day. bret: alright center that is essentially dead as written without your vote. this another for voting rights change the filibuster in some way to get voting rights reform referred through. are you up to changing the rules or the structure of the filibuster to do that? >> well, first of all voting, joseph voting is the bedrock of democracy. we should all be concerned about that, bret, it should not be democrat or republican. as an american and the democracy of the freedoms we enjoy come because we have an open process of electing our officials and believing and making sure it is secure. we should be working on that together. next of all you can make the senate work better the rules we've changed over the years 232 years there's been rule changes. there's never been a change with the filibuster the rights of the minority. and i make no commitment or promises on that i am working on trying to make the senate work better, bringing bills to the floor, amending them, having debates, understanding, being transparent to the public. bret: the 60 vote threshold states robert burke of west virginia 60 vote stays maybe some reforms is that what i'm hearing? >> what you're hearing is basically can work on the rules that make this senate work rather than the deadlock we have right now. everyone thanks the end all do all is basically in the filibuster. it's basically in how we operate and proceed every day of the senate which we are not doing braid that is what needs to be changed. >> last thing a vaccine mandate. you had friday a ruling from the sixth circuit court of appeals allowing president biden's vaccine requirements for larger private employers to move forward per you have been clear, you have been against mandates on businesses what is your reaction to that? what you think is going to happen? >> first of all my reaction is to do everything humanly possible to make sure people understand how serious this is but had all of my vaccine shots in my booster to my whole family has. i recommend and plead with every west virginia in an american to do so. with that i've said first public dell as are working for your tax dollars the government employs the military should be the mandate i agree 1000% with him. i did not agree on the employees of a business or more they have done or what did it and keep their employees healthy it should not be the government has to make every decision in the private arena. that is all. now the courts have spoken, that is the law. i pray the good lord everyone abides by this law and get vaccinated please get vaccinated. >> hundred manchin is always good to talk to you and merry christmas. cooks good to talk to you merry christmas to you and your family and all those watching, god bless. >> up next states are seeing will get the latest on the state of the pandemic and talk with governments on both sides of that what this means first schools travel in mandate ♪♪ helping them discover their dreams is one of the best parts of being a parent. one of the most important is giving them ways to fulfill them. for over 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life. because life insurance can help protect and provide for the financial futures of the ones we love. talk to a financial professional about pacific life. snacking can mean that pieces get stuck under mike's denture. talk to a financial professional but super poligrip gives him a tight seal. to help block out food particles. so he can enjoy the game. super poligrip. kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. want to save on your home internet? 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>> i cannot say that for the u.s. i have seen a data as recently as yesterday from south africa. let me say the south african scientists have been incredibly transparent about everything they know. what i saw it yesterday does seem to indicate that in south africa there is less hospitalization and the people getting hospitalize are less likely to be in icu. but remember that it's a different population it is generally younger. most people in south africa already had delta so some immunity from that. they do not have boosters there so we have that on our side. if got to be careful not to extrapolate what we have seen. i am hopeful while that's an indication incredibly contagious this virus may be a bit less likely to make people sick and obviously that is something we have got to hope for or health systems are going to be overwhelmed. >> the nfl is the ncaa, they are changing things the nba the nhl has postponed they have vaccination rates 95, 97 almost one 100%. some of those are boosted no many players are already boosted. what happened to vaccination being the solution to get back to normal life? >> i'm glad you're asking that does not greatly reduces that you're somewhat productive and since he break their infection if you have a booster you're much better protected up there around 85 -- 90% rate. part of the solution everyone should take advantage of them but they are not perfect people talk to anecdotes even though they have been vaccine see it does not work. that is way too simplistic. if you have gotten sick after vaccination the chances are you going to have a pretty mild case you'll have the sniffles maybe are sick for a day or two with a fever. we will not be in the icu. against severe disease we should all take advantage of them. this countries all of its technological advance about 50 million people ignited got started on vaccination how did that happen how do we get mixed up something for me on my last thing of the director if i'm particularly frustrating science observation and experimentation and explanation lot of health policymakers have been trying to silence opposing views in a newly released set of e-mails but the freedom of information act between you and dr. fauci in october of 2020 we noticed a great burlington rec claymation. does ep dullness and public health scientists who wrote we have grave concerns with the damaging physical and mental health impacts a prevailing covid 19 policies can turn continuing current lockdown policies are devastating effects on short and long-term public health. this e-mail to dr. fauci this proposal from three french epidemiologists seem to be getting a lot of attention should be a quick and devastating takedown of its premise. i don't say things like that online yet, is it underway? francis did you write that? >> i did write that. and i will stand by that. let me explain. what was been proposed there was basically let's just let this virus rip. this was of course before we had vaccines. basically i'll call them french epidemiologists who really did not have the credentials to be making such a grand sweeping statement or sink just look the virus front of the population and eventually everyone will have had it and we will be okay. hundreds of thousands of people would have died if we had followed that strategy. the basis of pseudoscience that is to be called out. >> downplaying or try to discredit the lab theory from wuhan why spend the time doing that now since the lab leak is a real possibility i'm sorry the lab leak has become a distraction for so many people because frankly we still don't know there is no evidence we think that is a possibility of far more likely this was a natural way in which the virus left a bat may be travel to some other species and got to human child has not done shame on them for that. this is been a huge distraction. bret: basically everybody should take this seriously is your bottom line message. >> yes. we've got to remember this is the enemy. it is not the other people in the other political party. it is not the people on facebook or posting all sorts of crazy conspiracies. this is the enemy. we, in this country of somehow gotten all fractured into a hyper polarized politicized view that never should have been mixed with public health. it has been ruinous and history will judge harshly those people who have continued to refocus the effort and focus on conspiracies and things that are demonstrably false shame on all this of gotten into this kind of pickle. we can still turn this around. but it is christmas so let's think about that. let's think about let's talk about the world could be rejoicing have a gift coming to us on christmas day that ought to be better than any of the things we are talking about right now. but boy do we need to get together. bret: doctor collins merry christmas, happy holidays thank you for your service to the country. >> thanks bret, merry christmas to you too. >> joining us here in washington larry hogan welcome back to fox to send a big. >> you just heard that conversation you are seeing covid spikes in maryland. are you considering a major changes and other lockdown possibilities? >> no, we are concerned about the rising cases are taking steps to have more support pushing monoclonal anti- bystander everything we can triple as nine-point to percent of our population vaccinated. we are encouraging boosters but we are not anticipating any lockdowns at all probe or not considering them. bret: what is the stat you look at party of hospital officials and 93% of hospital beds across your state are full. it's not cold it is not the dominant condition there but still affecting things. what do you look at? people are looking at cases bridge you look at hospitalizations? >> the main thing we have focused on, bret, from the very beginning nearly two years knows hospitalizations and deaths. that is really what we are trying is not just about case rates and positivity rates. it is about hospitalization keeping people safe. that is her main job. the extra ten to 15% were not that shortages and summer hospitals were working to address that. look, honestly we are pretty concerned about this omicron variant. it seems to be less severe and less dangerous it seems like four times more contagions. the percentages we are still seeing we are anticipating the next three to five weeks the worst surge we've seen her hospitals throughout the entire crisis. we don't expected to last for long roping and starts to taper off very quickly. were facing a pretty rough time. >> prince georges county school district friday the first to announce the extended wide it shifted back to remote learning. which is a big deal but. >> it is a big deal at a terrible mistake. something were very opposed to. we are duly elected school boards in these counties have the power to make those decisions unfortunate i do not have the power's governor but were going to make it very clear we think it's a mistake party want to keep safe of their protocols in place. there is a particular outbreak in a classroom we want to ramp up testing my should keep this people safe by shutting down an entire school system of kids that are already struggled with distance learning for nearly a year, it is just outrageous and wrong. bret: what is your take on the federal appeals court ruling on the mandate for vaccines for businesses with more than a 100, where do you think it goes what you do with it? we are one of the most vaccinated states in america with 90.8% 18 and older is vaccinated in our state 99.9% of her seniors without mandates. i focused on convincing people to see a great way to keep yourself and your neighbors safe mandates are not working they're sort of have the opposite effect people are digging in their heels saying you can't do it would rather encourage people to gluttony vaccinated. it seems to be working in our state in nearly every category. bret: i want to talk a couple other issues one is crime baltimore ten seconds consecutive years with more than three and her homicides pages had a police officer ambushed wednesday on life support. some of your tough crime proposals face resistance the democrat majority state legislature. baltimore city state attorney marilyn maultsby has called to renew call to action a political stunt. asking how has he been unwilling to develop a long-term solution to address the root causes of crime in our city. wise's only solution a crime or police and mandatory minimum sentences for you have been in office since january 15, how do you respond to that? >> i would say she is completely wrong she's a big part of the problem. we have a prosecutor involved that refuses to prosecute violent carmichael sets at the root of the problem. we have put massive amounts we've invested over $1 billion unto public safety in baltimore city. i'm not the mayor i'm not the prosecutor but have started a national refund the police initiative defining the police is the idea i've ever heard. mosby was in favor of that he more police people investment. we have and dusted state and local police progressive tough crime bills the leaders in baltimore city have been opposed to for tougher mandatory sentences for those who commit violent crimes who commit crimes and was been promised tara senate 70% democrats. our statehouse has refused too. we are going to continue to put pressure on them. of 17 people shot in baltimore city. spent about 15 seconds a former president trump runs or doesn't do you consider running for president? >> i'm going to be january told governor of 20 throughout take a look at the options are after that. bret: do you think republicans will with president trump at top of the ticket? what to think and be bad for the party about her president trump and back for the country don't pick is going to run. my advice to be he did not run. >> governor hogan we appreciate your time. cap next we'll talk with new jersey governor phil murphy is taking stock after serving a surprisingly tough reelection bid there. migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. dad: hey boss. you okay? ask about ubrelvy. son: i said i'm fine. ♪ put me to bed ♪ ♪ see you in the morning ♪ ♪ with the frosted ♪ ♪ superman, but it wasn't honest ♪ ♪ and we lost it ♪ ♪ m.i.a., m.i.a., m.i.a. ♪ ♪ where you at ♪ ♪ ándale, m.i.a., ahhh ♪ dad: hey son. son: hey pop. dad: you know you can talk to me. son: yeah. bret: some 13 democrat governors her sucking reelection 2022 with covid precautions overshadowing much of their time in office and midterms coming as opposition to more mandates across the country is on the rise. joining us though governor phil murphy of new jersey who will take over as chair of the democratic governors association's in 2023 post midterms. governor, welcome back to fox news sunday. >> good to be with you bret thanks for having me. >> governor hogan just mention the spiking hours in maryland, u in new jersey have a spike in covered cases as well. you have said everything on the table these numbers continue to rise, what does that mean for new jerseyans? >> this virus has humbled all of us. every time you think you've got it figured out, takes a turn you do not expect an eight out of ten are negative. you've got to leave all those options on the table. right now we think we have the right package in place in terms of a layered approach. but our numbers are going up. the omicron variant is real. we have already been battling the delta variant. this is unrelenting. there is an enormous amount of fatigue out there as it relates to the virus spread by the way i get it, i have got that same fatigue. but we've got to stay vigilant and we will stay vigilant. >> you have locked down before. this is serious would you consider locking down the state of new jersey again? >> you have to leave it on the table but i do not see it, brick, honestly. among other reasons a very high degree of vaccinations. folks are getting boosted which clearly gives another layer of protection i was an biggest mall in north america yesterday very high rate of masking which is a good thing. we largely have folks as fatigued as they are they are largely accepting of what you need to do to push back. and for the time being that it's going to work for us. >> emission the fatigue and frustration. now we have federal courts weighing in on new vaccine mandates for businesses over 100. your reaction to that and where you think that is going? >> my reaction is not destroyed and perhaps as others. the notion you've got to get vaccinated or have a testing option is what we have right now for state employees. for educators and they take up is very high. the rate of transmission, thank god so far has been low. i do not think this is as radical as others may think. and, for the most part, i think it is consistent with what with been standing for as a state. >> governor asked governor logan about trends and had the second deadliest year on record tells a total of 37 murders in 2013, three less than last year's record of 40. the transcendent mayor said is a national trend. some 30% increase in violent crimes. how do you get a hole of it? >> i would see a couple of things. number one it is a national trend we are not immune to that. secondly, i separate very clearly violent crimes from common sense gun safety and gun safety laws. we are hyper- aggressive, unrelenting on the violent crime front whether it's legislation, whether it's a law enforcement or a combination of each. on the other hand, we cannot continue to see kids with guns shooting at other kids and open loopholes we know we can close. i think we have to separate those and we do in new jersey and we will continue to be bearing down on both fronts. bret: two quick things governor adventure going to head up the dj in 2023. this follows the close call in november for your election. what message did you take from how close that was in traditionally blue new jersey with 1 million more democratic voters than republicans. >> number one thing out of the policies in place what we did but we built the coalition we did. otherwise it would have been swept away with other democrats. i think the message for me is who got the right substance but we have to get into kitchen tables much more deeply than we have gotten into. folks it got to understand why we stand for what we stand. how it impacts their lives, their kids lives, their future. that is where the gap is. i'm committed in new jersey to closing that gap pretty think nationally the races gun 2022 we've got to make sure folks understand why government is a force for the good white policies we stand for our good for them personally and for their families but. >> nationally present by an cannot deny pretty weak for every poll if you get on the issues understanding the president said is going to run for reelection in 2024. if he didn't, would you consider running? >> my nose is pressed against the new jersey glass morning, noon, and nights. i am honored to be will help out in the governor's races around the country. but my commitment and my focus is entirely new jersey. bret: alright i'll take that is no for now. governor murphy thank you for talking with us. >> good to be with you, bret, thanks for having me mccartt steckel bring in our sunday group to talk about the newscenter joe manchin just made on fox news sunday doing a lethal blow to the president's signature social spending bill i cannot go home to explain to people of west virginia i cannot vote for. i cannot devote to continue with this piece of legislation. bret: that is a no center joe manchin breaking news on this program just moments ago the massive social spending bill, tax bill, "build back better" is dead as written. national news correspondent, of the wall street journal, institute of politics and public service and former rnc communication directors doug. jeremy, moments ago we had bernie sanders way in, calling for a vote on the floor of the senate on the "build back better" act. let mr. manchin explain to the people west virginia why he does not have the guts to stand up to powerful special interests. >> big that is big news. •-middle-dot manchin set i'm happy to have a vote now we know how he would vote. does not mean they cannot deconstruct and reconstruct "build back better" next year but in fact that's probably what will happen i would guess. what has become clear and perfectly clear today senator manchin's problem is a comic thanks it is inflationary by definition and be he thanks there's too much budget gimmickry. there's got to figure how to make that second problem with her going to reconstruct this that will be the effort now. >> this is a big blow to the administration but how big politically? they tied these two bills together. they did have eight went on infrastructure but they're going to have a loss here as written. >> if you track the approval number over the first year of the first half he was doing great he had tangible things he could point to shots in arms, money in your wallet referring to the relief packet. they were getting ready to add the third leg of that jobs in your communities with the infrastructure package about them that got delayed. that got tied to this. suddenly they lost track of the narrative that suddenly became an argument over a big pile of money. most people did not know what was in the bill was a big pile of money. they got the infrastructure bill. they cannot focus on those three legs of success as they head into the new year. this is a below this is something they did not want to see happen. but they still have the elements there of a message of producing results of the american people. and take some of the popular elements of "build back better". reintroduce that as the next step. then they've got something they can sell to the american people. >> that's going to take time to break all of that up the meantime the present, the united states facing upside down poll numbers and covid it surge and a mandate concern around the country. >> a mandate concern but i think if i could follow-up this could be a shot of adrenaline for the senate. there are statistics have not been debating these bills where they spent only 12% of the first year in office debating these bills. people do not know what wasn't it. they need to get back to debating, break up the bill they're very popular elements of the bill. family paid leave a child tax credit you heard joe manchin say he would be in favor of those he just does not want one big omnibus bill. bret: it hasn't happened for long time regular orders not been regular for a long time. >> worked in house leadership in 2012 through 14, regular order something talked about a lot but did not always happen. with manchin and we centered sanders comments today whether he has the willingness to stand up to special interest he spent a lot of time on special interest. about what happens in the building behind you here is the reality. joe manchin represents west virginia 29% of west virginia voters supported joe biden. 60% supported donald trump there is your answer at least for now. bret: the other realities pushing their massive piece of legislation with this slant of a majority is just not feasible paid the question is on voting rights whether there is some change and there we tried to get to the specifics of what he is for. >> i don't see a lot of budgeting for joe manchin or senator sinema on change in the filibuster aim for voting rights. i think one of the lessons here and it's been true of both parties as there is a tendency to overreach. you think you have a bigger mandate than you do you act accordingly then you pay a price pretty think of seeing a cycle of both parties repeating that mistake over the last decade or so. bret: how do they sell this coming out of the loss how was it sold? >> that got to go back to what were talking about. focusing on the court popular elements of the bill, repackaging and putting it out there. talking about that again they lost a month's of controlling the narrative by allowing it to be over a number over a price tag instead of what the proposals were. the democrats on the hill did not help with that. that is what they're fighting with the white house was trying to get back to messaging. they've got an opportunity to start fresh in the new year. >> the presidents going to give a big speech to stay on cove and what is coming next. it's interesting he's waiting for tuesday if it's that urgent why not do it tomorrow? the mandate as we mentioned before is a big political issue. >> big political issue i want shots make its way to the pentagon the military kicked us out her not getting vaccinated the courts seem to be backsliding with the secretary of defense i've seen some cases that will go to the supreme court but right now the pentagon whole holding firm and those mandates are standing for a. >> panel thank you see you next month sunday. up next a bandit on the family amanda found a singular way to honor our nation's veterans. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? 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(crowd) business! ho ho ho! not again. oh no. for the gifts you won't forget. the mercedes-benz winter event. 1 out of 5 young people struggle with disorders like depression, dyslexia, adhd, ocd, eating disorders, and anxiety. every one of us knows and loves one of these kids. for expert information and free resources, visit >> for the past 15 years we've made it a tradition here to share the story of the man who created a quiet movement to honor service members every holiday season. this year he is the one being honored. and we were invited to take part. >> it is an iconic image during the holidays at arlington national cemetery. a vivid green wreath laying on a humble white headstone. it is a tradition that began when worcester reads owner, found himself with a surplus around christmas in 1992. he decided to donate to a place he has a cherished since a childhood visit, arlington. >> they are not just tombstones those are people. >> that's worcester will meet met him 15 years ago has tribute had gone viral inspiring troves of volunteers to help lay wreaths at arlington and cemeteries in their hometown. >> where would it be if it were not for the military that had our backs? we need to honor those people and remember. >> it was to turn this outpouring into a nonprofit called read this across america helping support ceremonies and thousands of cities and an american battlefield cemeteries around the world. >> is going to be that one time thing it was so well received us and we are going to do that as long as we can. and here we are 30 years later pre- >> this year worcester will mark his 30th year donating. >> my grandfather. >> he was honored in this week in washington. >> we just barely scratch the surface. >> did you ever think of watching all these people stream and it was going to be this? >> and no, not at all. i knew we had kind of struck a chord. now you go anywhere in the united states and ask about wreaths across america and somebody will know that. >> how long you think this tradition continues? >> it will continue for as long as america is free. bret: we hope so, it was powerful predictors volunteers laid 2.4 million read this and 3100 cities. worcester made it to d.c. despite a recent struck a powerful illustration of his commitment to this annual we hope he continues to feel better but that is it for today, torment weeknights at 6:00 p.m. eastern for special report on fox news channel. we'll have much more reaction tomorrow to senator manchin's big news this hour and its reverberations around washington. have a great week and we will see you next fox news sunday. f, have a great sunday, go to church. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us. welcome to "sunday morning futures," i'm maria bartiromo. today the white house is predicting a stark winter for some ahead of new restrictions expected to be announced on tuesday as the omicron variant spreads. coming up, christmas in florida. freedom, liberty and a whole lot of jobs. we're taking you to the sunshine state this morning where the economy is thriving with tens of thousands of new jobs. the lowest covid infections and the highest construction of new

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Bret Baier , Fox News Sunday , Thanks , Watching , Fox News , Mike Emmanuel , 1 , 00 , President , State , Nation , First Delta Net Oma Krohn , Pandemic , Biden Set , Senate , Agenda , Floor , Rise , It S Time , Setbacks , Omnibus Bill , Senator Manchin , Vote , Voting Rights , Spending , Center , Moderate , Stalemate , Holdouts , Nuclear Option , One Arm , One , Cases , Variance , United States , Governors , States , Holidays , Francis Collins , Concern , Healthcare Systems Impacting Schools , Blizzard , National Institutes Of Health , Nfl , Two , Phil Murphy , New Jersey , Democrat , Per , Larry Hogan , Maryland , 2024 , Biden , Term , Plan , White House , Arlington National Cemetery , Pan , Suite , Plus , Mission , Calls , Three , Wall , People , Hello Again , Country , Vaccine Americans , Hospitalizations , Washington , Holiday Season , Spread , Average , Swift , 44 , 100000 , Way , Mandate , Vaccine , Businesses , U S Supreme Court , Rent , Perils , 100 , West Virginia , Plans , Talks , Traveling , Steps , Development , Details , Biden Agenda , In A Moment Last , Wilmington , Delaware , Address , Government , Covid , Presence , Message , Communities , Mark Meredith , Death , Shots , Winter , Health Experts , Unvaccinated , Illness , Person Fighting , Virus , Family , Life , Action , U S Population , York , Radio City Rockettes , 61 , Schools , Winter Break , Games , Performances , Basketball , Hockey , On Friday Federal Appeals Court , Football , Classes , News Writing , Case , Effect , Path , Tricks , Mandate Plan , Scrabbling , Vaccination Requirements , Climate , Things , Proposal , Congress , Holiday Break , Trillions , Word , Moderates , Elections , Promises , Efforts , Reporting , Campaign , Tax Bill , Negotiation , Senator , Legislation , Part , Leadership , Reservations , Pizza Piece , Play , Meeting , Majority Leader Schumer , Staff , Nancy Pelosi , Weatherby , Five , Everything , Inflation , Concerns , Colleagues , Spectrum , Spectrums , Left , Jobs , Cost , Utility Bills , Aspect , Groceries , Gasoline , Debt , Unrest , Covid Variant , 9 Trillion , 29 Trillion , Everyone , Home , Wreaking Havoc , Piece , Note , No , Thing , Problems , Lot , Ways , Attention , Lives , Aspects , Focus , Needy , Senators , Difficulties , Hearing , Mike Mullen , Armed Services , Head , Joint Chiefs Of Staff , 2011 , Something , World , Question , Threat , Chili , Threats , Grace , Eye , Blinken , 14 , End , Basis , Angles , Order , Good , Undertaking , Bernie Sanders , Bill , Progressives , Caucus , Wisdom , Pitch , 6 Trillion , Trillion , Yes , Disconnect , 3 5 Trillion , 2 Trillion , 1 7 , Most , Leader , 1 5trillion , Half , Priorities , Changes , Needs , Care , Amount , House , Bret , Never Change , 1 75 , Service , Families , Services , Ten , Difference , Adjustments , Burden , Statement , Intent , Desire , Pre , 1 7 Trillion , Will Bret , Sense , Reporters , Party , Parts , Fires , Irons , Fit , Four , Constituents , Congressional Budget Office 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Burke , 60 , Deadlock , Braid , Reaction , Mandates , Vaccine Mandate , Employers , Vaccine Requirements , Ruling , Sixth Circuit Court Of Appeals , Booster , Amanda , Tax , Dell , Military , Business , Employees , 1000 , Courts , Law , Arena , Lord , Decision , Merry Christmas , Hundred Manchin , Cooks , Governments , Seeing , Latest , God Bless , Dreams , Parent , Important , Generations , 150 , Life Insurance , Pacific Life , Strength , Futures , Stability , Ones , Super Poligrip , Food Particles , Pieces , Game , Snacking , Seal , Mike S Denture , Kim , Congestion , Mucinex , Save It Slimeball , Australia , 3 , 12 , Bye Mom , Sleigh , Helpers , Wishes , Toys , Mountain , Bridges , Roads , Fun , Job , Internet , Homes , United States Postal Service , Anyone , Holiday Deliveries , Program , Xfinity , Credit , Internet Service , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , 0 , 50 , Store , Call , Equipment , Value , Click , Xfinity Mobile , 5 , 15 , Fatigue , Calorie Counting , Help , Stress 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Great Burlington Rec Claymation , October Of 2020 , 2020 , Policies , Mental Health , Lockdown , E Mail , Effects , 19 , Epidemiologists , Takedown , French , Premise , Francis , Vaccines , Course , Credentials , Virus Rip , Grand Sweeping , Front , Thousands , Hundreds , Strategy , Downplaying , Pseudoscience , Lab Theory , Possibility , Lab Leak , Wuhan , Distraction , Bat , Evidence , Shame , Species , Human Child , Enemy , Everybody , Bottom Line Message , Sorts , Facebook , Hyper , View , History , Crazy Conspiracies , Conspiracies , Talk , Pickle , Kind , On Christmas Day , Gift , Rejoicing , Doctor Collins Merry Christmas , Big , Thanks Bret , Conversation , Lockdown Possibilities , Covid Spikes , Lockdowns , Probe , Nine , Stat , Hospital , Hospital Officials , Condition , 93 , Rates , Positivity Rates , Deaths , Hospitalization Keeping People Safe , On , Summer Hospitals , Shortages , Surge , Percentages , Contagions , Hospitals , Prince Georges County , Crisis , Roping , School District Friday The First , Governor , Deal , Mistake , Power , Counties , Learning , School Boards , Decisions , Place , Outbreak , Safe , Protocols , Classroom , Kids , School System , Distance Learning , Federal Appeals Court Ruling , Neighbors , Seniors , 90 8 , 99 9 , 18 , Heels , Category , Issues , Police Officer , Crime Proposals , Pages , Homicides , Resistance , Crime , Marilyn Maultsby , Root , Baltimore City , City , Causes , Stunt , Call To Action , Majority State Legislature , Problem , Police , Office , Prosecutor , Wise , Sentences , Sets , Violent Carmichael , January 15 , Mayor , Safety , Amounts , Initiative , Refund , 1 Billion , Billion , Favor , Leaders , Mosby , Idea , Investment , Crimes , Statehouse , 70 , Options , Pressure , Running , President Trump Runs , Doesn T , Take A Look , 17 , 20 , Republicans , Pick , President Trump , Advice , Ticket , Top , Country Don T , Ubrelvy , There , Migraine Medicine , Stock , Reelection Bid , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Cap , Migraine , Dose , Tracks , Pill , Cause , Cgrp Protein , Older Medicines , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Side Effects , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Son , Dad , Boss , Wasn T , It Mia , M I A , Frosted Superman , Bed , Pop , Andale , Midterms , Opposition , Precautions , 13 , 2022 , Chair , Democratic Governors Association , 2023 , Numbers , Table , Jerseyans , All Of Us , Spike , Package , Turn , Eight , Delta Variant , Folks , It , Vaccinations , Brick , Reasons , Degree , Protection , North America , Mall , Layer , Emission , Others , Educators , Testing Option , State Employees , Notion , Transmission , God , Trend , Record , Trends , Murders , Increase , Total , Transcendent , 37 , 40 , 2013 , 30 , Couple , Hole , Gun Safety , Gun Safety Laws , Law Enforcement , Combination , Each , Common Sense , Guns , Loopholes , Hand , Fronts , Bearing , Adventure , Dj , Voters , Coalition , 1 Million , Kitchen Tables , Substance , Gap , Gun 2022 , Force , 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