Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

but first, they are not listening. that's the focus of tonight's angle. biden and the congressional democrats end having failed on almost every front. inflation is skyrocketing. violent crime is on the rise. there is a needless omicron freak out and tens of thousands of illegals are flooding across the border every week and the left's hideous agenda is stalling out but americans are fed up with it, they are fed up with all of it. every week it seems biden hits new lows in the polls. hispanics are moving to the republican party in droves and among young people biden has fallen 50 points and the beginning of the year. last night i was in the holiday spirit so the angle gave biden and the dim sum sound advice, research in the new year, work with republicans in good faith, moved to the middle, forget the trillions and spender, stop dividing the country along racial lines and drop the covid hysteria and mandates. from what happened today i can report that it is obvious the white house plans to doggedly stay the course. apparently they've gotten so accustomed to failing they just can't stop themselves. after doing unfathomable damage to our children and families with previous lockdown since covid restrictions the administration is threatening them again all because of the amazon variant which data shows to be overwhelmingly miles. >> if you are vaccinated your family is vaccinated and you have friends or vaccinated and hopefully also boosted you can still enjoy a social gathering generally in a home but you've got to follow what is going on. of the accounts keep going up and test positivity keeps going that we may need to be more restricted. >> when anthony fauci says may need to be more restricted there are going to be more restricted, this is literally insane and every one of you needs to say hell no. according to a new poll almost 70% of americans do not support any new restrictions even with the new variant. they've just had and remember that candidate joe biden, pledged to bring unity to america after four years of trump. instead today he doubled down on division with the anti-american forces that see america as a nation life with racism by celebrated the season by trashing trump and referring to the well of charlottesville and january 6th. with the agenda collapsing his speechwriters have to be out of ideas so they send biden out to repeat a lie, that somehow or id or mail in ballot verification is racist. >> i've never seen anything like the assault on the right to vote for this new sinister combination of voter suppression, and election subversion is an american, it is undemocratic and sadly it is unprecedented since reconstruction. laura: we made no progress, america. obama and biden were elected twice without the democrats new so-called voting rights legislation, that fact is lost on biden. none of this is working. so much of it is toxic and negative, it's depressing, defamatory and counterproductive. a man who pledged to lift us up drag this down. a man who pledged to shut down the virus has prolonged the pain. a president who promised to make is respected around the world has turned this into a laughingstock and administration that downplayed inflation has refused to lift a finger as it gobbles up family income. i fully expect the white house will roll omicron into 2022 to justify the push for national mail in voting, internet voting and whatever else they can pull off to read the next election and of course the -- be wearing masks at the convention if they have a convention of knowledge i'm doubtful of that. but this theater of the covid absurd will not work. we are going to be the next year and there's a landslide in the making of republicans play their cards right but until then we should all go on with our lives, enjoy your holiday, sing some christmas carols, just be without covid and tell your kids about how the party of fdr destroyed itself under president biden and that is the angle. joining me now ari fleischer, former white house press secretary, fox news contributor, tom benson, founder of real clear politics and harmeet dhillon, founder of the center for american liberty. it has been a weird year in so many ways but incredible for one year of biden and he has left the country in a far worse state than when he stepped into office. >> let's start with the big picture. i stole this from tom bevan's webpage when joe biden was elected president, came in on january 20th, 2001, his job approval was 56%. today it has dropped to 44%. his job disapproval was 36%, up 51% today. up 22 down 7. and the reason is what you just walked through. it began with afghanistan. that broke the dams. president biden was given a pass by the american people, wanted to accomplish what was withdrawn from afghanistan, bipartisan support and did it terribly and that opened up the doors to all the other boxes starting with covid. he made the most irresponsible promise any politician has ever made when he is that i will shut down the virus. he hasn't come close on the issue many people care so much about. he has made things worse so on issue after issue, inflation, the southern border, afghanistan, the virus, crime, this country is off on the wrong track and people are blaming the president forward. laura: vaccines, we were told, in the spring, summer, and the fall, were going to set us free but not according to biden's cdc. watch this. >> we have the tools to protect ourselves against covid 19, we have vaccine, we have boosters, we know multilayer prevention strategies, masks and public indoor settings, practicing physical distancing are vitally important especially as we prepare for more omicron and even if you are vaccinated. laura: this is why people are still hesitant to get the vaccine, because you get the vaccine, you get boosted and according to the cdc you should socially distance and still wear masks most of the time when you are indoors. no wonder people said we are not doing it anymore. >> certainly a great amount of covid fatigue out there and that is one of the reasons the biden administration has settled on this strategy that the only way out of this is to vaccinate out, mandate vaccines and by doing that even though some of the numbers where there's 80% or 85% in the armed services 98.5% folks are vaccinated you continue to see biden and fauci saying that's not enough. we have to mandate, we have to continue to put people out of jobs so that strategy is not worked. everybody who wants to be vaccinated probably is vaccinated. it has been a divisive strategy and that is why we've seen the president's ratings drop across the board but particularly on his handling of covid i don't think the american people are with him, he got ratings early, by this point they've lost trust and faith in him on that. >> devastating numbers on covid, you're on the west coast and even some of the more far left leaders on the west coast like your mayor in san francisco and the governor of colorado they are smart enough to see as much as we would like to hold on to this narrative about how cops are all corrupt and so forth and have to have no virus to be successful they are backing off and the biden administration and the white house press office keep spinning this as we just need to start socially distancing again and so forth so they are not getting what even some of the lefties are getting in california and colorado. >> i don't think the mayor in san francisco is smart enough to get the point. i think she got so angry phone calls from national democrats who came from san francisco including diane feinstein and nancy pelosi and gavin newsom, former mayor of san francisco telling her what the blessing on the television screens is going to be a campaign problem for democrats in the midterms and please clean it up but i'm sitting here in san francisco and look down on the street, i see a handful of cops, i don't see any shoppers. it isn't working and most people in san francisco without the ability or ability have left the city, the tech companies of left the city, their workers are gone for restaurants that supported them are gone and we are in for a long hard several years in the city before it bounces back but the reality is even democrats in california, middle-class people with children who care about quality-of-life are angry, dissatisfied, signing petitions to recall liberal district attorneys and demanding more police on the streets and accountability in their schools. this is a problem for democrats politically. a problem for our culture and right now with covid mandates and vaccination mandates that are making our hospitals understaffed and quality-of-life and businesses unable to function, the fabric of society -- laura: it is a virus and it is going to virus and we have to be careful and all the things we know but everyone has to move on or you lose the country. i have to read some recent headlines. this is from newsweek because you can sense the history building. omicron variance dominant in wastewater in florida county, disney, universal from the la times a perfect storm for delta, omicron to overwhelm hospitals within weeks and my personal favorite, from the brave souls at the atlantic i canceled my birthday party because of omicron. everyone who was going to be there is fully vaccinated and most of them, myself included, have been boosted. come on. this is just, people have driven themselves and most of saying america into just throwing up their hands. they are beyond. >> if you are suggesting the press thinks it's job is to scare the hell out of people, yes, that is what they are doing, that is what they have always done but it is a worldwide virus going around. the virus, omicron leaves most of the people who catch it with either no symptoms or very mild symptoms. is in the logical thing that especially if you are young, healthy, don't have a comorbidity just move forward through the virus. if you catch it most people will be asymptomatic or it is going to have very little impact on you and you just keep living your life, shut everybody down, scare the hell out of everybody over this, this is what is wrong with the media and it is what is wrong with the government, the media, most people sensible enough, they get it. laura: public health sector has done themselves an enormous amount of damage during the entire covid mania, canceled the university of maryland, graduation and gave people only a few hours notice. that is all canceled. all sorts of events around washington dc and maryland being canceled just in time for christmas. that is the christmas present. moving off of covid the white house has a new line of attack against the report. >> republicans are actively seeking to hurt the pandemic response, exquisitely rude for inflation to get worse, they are blocking what we are trying to do for the american people which is bringing down costs and doing work on behalf of the american people. laura: does this seem like it has legs, that this will work? >> blaming the republicans for inflation, i don't think the american people is to do that. it is the main concern on the americans mind, gas prices, food prices, skyrocketing costs across the board administration continues to insist spending more money and passing legislation is going to tap down inflation they made that argument repeatedly. it flies in the face of twentieth the data and economist and history that suggests spending more money will increase inflation so it seems this attack will not bear the fruit democrats are looking forward to blame this on republicans, it's not going to fly. laura: they tell me i'm out of time but i have an important question to ask you. did unit that sweater you are wearing? >> i did knit it. it is one of four i needed this year so far. laura: harmeet has many talents, wins all these court cases, incredible litigator, incredible person, incredible talented and i have seen all her stuff, she's give me gifts over the years in your unbelievably talented. merry christmas, happy holidays, you have been great this entire year. why was a large study in ivermectin suddenly paused. the man who invented himrna vaccines is something sincerity fishy. he explained that moment. after airline ceos admitted masks on planes were performed white house medical advisors media went to work to scare everyone back into submission, details next. >> the case >> the case is very strong masks don't add much of anything in the air and environment. it is very safe, high-quality compared to any other indoor setting. >> it is true of all of our aircraft with the same airflow. laura: if we could only put tv doctors under oath perhaps we would get the same message. and said the media trotted out the white house chief medical minion to denounce and solve facemask heretics. >> when you get in a plane without a mask? >> know. we have data from the national academy of sciences, a systematic review and randomized clinical trial designs done in bangladesh by stanford and yale. some of them have the emotional intelligence of the doorknob. i don't know why they would say that kind of thing. laura: joining the zardari wrist, professor of epidemiology at yale school of public health. doctor rich, what your response to these wild claims and how alarming is it that he's advising the white house on covid? >> it is very theatrical. saying disparaging emotional intelligence when we are talking about and intellectual aspect that needs to be discerned based on science is irrelevant. i hope you use -- on the basis of emotional intelligence. >> the cato institute just published a review of all the mask studies out there and they said be available clinical evidence of facemask efficacy is of low quality and the best available clinical evidence is mostly failed to show efficacy with 14 of 16 identified randomized controlled trials comparing facemasks to know facemask controls, failing to find statistically significant benefit in the attempt to treat populations. this goes through all the studies including the one he is referencing and isn't this consistent with what we know about the influenza viral studies with cloth over-the-counter masks, it is all consistent, is it not? >> we been looking at masking for decades and there's also, whether we are talking about benefit for the wearer or the surrounding people, so-called source control, very few studies of source control, they don't show any benefit and that circumstance. that the only one there is any policy things to be worried about to be concerned with for personal protection each person has a choice to wear a mask or not so that's not a policy issue. >> the atlantic had one really smart writer who completely debunked the study currently being used by the cdc to push masks at school saying you can't learn anything about the effects of school mask mandate from this study the public health economist at arizona state, he said the co-author of the systematic review of covid 19 mitigation policies call the research so unreliable that it probably should not have been entered into the public discourse at all. the cdc standards and their credibility are just completely in the toilet at this point and get everyone is supposed to jump when they say jump. jump up when they say jump, how high our guests? >> the cdc has injury picking studies through the whole pandemic to make claims that the science is the way they wanted to be instead of doing objective reviews of all the relevant studies so it is difficult to believe things they say. laura: the ceos for the airlines were assaulted by the so-called public health community after their testimony, one of the background:is covid but not clear he got covid on a plane. you've been so terrific on this show all year long and we appreciate you so much. thank you for everything you contributed. for two years the medical establishment has engaged in what we call a slash and burn campaign against potential cover therapeutics which when we learned that major ivermectin file in the uk was halted due to, quote, supply issues we got a little suspicious and we were even more so when we saw the statement from ivermectin's manufacturer merck, the company said it concluded the probability of ivermectin providing a potentially safe and efficacious treatment option for covid is low and prioritize development of alternative candidates that provide a higher probability of success. probably more money. doctor robert malone is the original inventor of the mrna vaccines the platform used by pfizer or moderna, the chief regularly officer the unity project which was your thinking on the ivermectin study being caused? >> thanks for having me on again. this is an interesting situation. first off the assertion that the reason they pause the study was clinical trial supply was basically medical malpractice for people in my business, clinical research. the first thing you do before you launch the studies lockdown your trial supply, so that one fails the sniff test. he they are grossly incompetent at the university of oxford where they are lying because worldwide supply of ivermectin is enormous and there is no way that a competent clinical research team would not have locked down their trial supply. what i did in preparatn for the second was called my good friend tess lori who wrote the definitive meta-analysis for ivermectin at the university of bath. she's been tracking the city closely and she raised a series of points i would love to go over with you. her point is that this is a highly regular study. it was designed last february. the dosing of ivermectin is extremely low and extremely short was only three days of treatment at 300 micrograms per kilogram. there is all kinds of from those with the study. they are recruiting up to 14 days after onset of disease. if you want to treat with ivermectin all the dots i work with at our various organizations including unity all agree you have to start treatment early and ivermectin is part of a multitenant staged protocol:early treatment keeps people out of the hospital and keeps them from dying mortality rate if you do this -- laura: we might not be able to go through all of her concerns but to translate, a study almost designed to fail which a lot of physicians thought about hydroxychloroquine trials as well, designed to fail. >> designed to fail and it is full of errors, stopped it for logic that is completely, fails completely any logical test. laura: i to move on this omicron hysteria. they don't want you to travel. doctor fauci, is leaning toward redefining what it is to be fully vaccinated. >> it is on the table and open for discussion. i'm not sure exactly when that will happen but people should not lose sight of the message that there is no doubt that if you want to be optimally protected you should get your booster. laura: given your knowledge of these vaccines what is your response? >> tony is being really careful with his word smithing, guarding himself, he says optimally protected. what he is not saying is fully protected. omicron blows right through the vaccines and through the triple jab. omicron is very infectious and the data are already in, the double and triple vaccination is not protecting you from omicron. in your prior sick when you pointed out this is more fear mongering on the part of the press, your debt on. the number of deaths from omicron worldwide is less than 10 to my last count and the thing about this is this, if you believe in a god this looks an awful lot like a christmas present. omicron apparently according to recent data from hong kong university has shifted the targeting of where it infects, delta and prior variances were affecting deep lungs which we know from influenza is a great way to cause severe disease in humans and it shifted to the upper airway, the bronchus and we know from influenza when viruses do that they are much less pathogenic and much more infectious so the good news with omicron is very low disease, highly infectious, it looks an awful lot to the experienced effects of knowledge is like a live attenuated virus vaccine that you might design for purpose. it is going to elicit a strong immune response. this is about as good as we could possibly want right now in terms of outcomes. laura: this is news you are not going to see anywhere else on television today tonight. you are saying what is happening with omicron from what we know now is good news and yet the media establishment, the political establishment are freaking out to shut things down again to do untold damage to children and communities. it is stunning to me, absolutely stunning. >> i think they are disappointed with the good news. >> i think they're really disappointed because this is a way to move into the climate lockdowns at this point. i want to thank you for your input on this program. you have been invaluable and make it easy to understand, thank you so much. biden commencement goes off the rails and spectacular fashion, why michelle and bill clinton are back in the spotlight, raymond arroyo explains it in friday follies. ♪♪ other paperwork that's preventing you from doing what matters most? then get the all new epson rapidreceipt smart organizer to scan, digitize and organize your documents and receipts. receipts go in, and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices. and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform paper documents like contracts, tax records, warranties, wills, even recipes into searchable pdfs. so the information is always right at your fingertips, safe and secure. you can even turn business cards into digital contacts, and it scans up to 100 pages at a time. even different sizes in one batch. with this exclusive tv offer, you'll 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rapidreceipt smart organizer delivered right to your door. i .. epson rapidreceipt - visit or call. piece of cake baby! laura: >> welcome to fox news live. river appeals court upholding the vaccine mandate scheduled to take effect january 4th reversing lower court ruling suspending requirements that republican-led states will continue to appeal. the mandate affects companies that employ at least 100 people, 84 million americans. this comes as new york state set a new single a record for new covid infections, more than 21,000 new cases were reported friday and the final is took the stand on friday in the human maxwell sex trafficking trial. after 12 days of testimony the defense rested its case, maxalt is of helping jeffrey epstein sexually abuse four teenage girls. i'm ashley strohmeyer. logon to laura: it is friday, time for friday follies of the christmas variety. we need christmas decorations on that follies was raymond arroyo with all the details. the spider who saved christmas father, author extraordinaire raymond, this last friday follies together this year, not together forever but biden give a commencement address i referenced briefly in the angle. you heard some interesting things. >> it is instructive. watch. >> i know the family justice act and policing acts collided fairly well. that is the difference between a black entrepreneur and a white entrepreneur x of the black entrepreneur usually doesn't have a lawyer. this very area is very arena. is america going to be all right? this is troublesome time but significant opportunity. >> a lot of democrats think it's a significant opportunity, that is why they're elbowing each other in pop culture to establish themselves as a replacement to biden in the democratic party. people like elizabeth warren are now making wild overtures to progressive. >> this court has lost the respect of the american people and the only way i believe we are going to rebuild that is to bring in more justices, we need to get some balance back in the court. >> george bernard shaw was absolutely wrong. wrote a play called mrs. warren's profession about a prostitute. he never imagined mrs. war and would use the court to sell herself but apparently she is. laura: what i can't believe, she thinks she's going to tangle with one of the smartest guys on the planet, elon musk and come out, the gal who has to lie her way to the upper echelons of academia by saying she was native american and then this as she sidling up to the progressives. >> even the biden commission says they had no opinion on whether they should stack the court, they thought it was a bad idea. this will be the justice raced from the pentagon who is in power, they will demote or raise up the number of justices and another democratic ghost of christmas past has arisen in prime time. >> week by jesus. >> the new season finale of blackish, michelle obama is a guest star. they released some pictures of the historic appearance and i think i know why this is taking place, stacy abrams gotten any nod for doing a voiceover so i think she's trying to get her do here. laura: obama in one year won the nobel prize, the grammy, oscar, the enemy and the randy, all of it. >> then michelle obama showed up on rachael ray looking like a daytime talk show host. >> as public figures home is the only safe place you have, you're in a position to turn that upside down and re-create a production studio in your home and let people in. talk about what that was like for you. >> oprah in waiting. laura: oprah better be watching. did they have a falling out, oprah and michelle? maybe we know why. >> she definitely slipped into the chair. like jacob marley, there are figures this time of year you hope never show up even if they are teaching a new master class. >> hardly anything worth doing can be done alone. i will teach skills i developed in using challenging leadership positions. >> some compromising positions i might add. i wonder if there will be an isolating intern us in plan. how to do quite instruments heard by your enraged wife. for bill clinton to do this. laura: i had to look down for a moment and heard the voice and i said promoting the next mister magoo christmas special. he sounds like mister magoo. >> he and hillary were two for one on the master class deal. laura: time for the real versus fake debate, you start. >> for the first year i feel i don't have to defend my artificial tree preference but just so viewers can understand this is new video out of south africa. this is an unexpected garland out of the tree. it is a venomous snake. this is what happens when you bring these things home. mold spores, ants, rodents of different variety, stick with the box artificial tree, it is always safer. laura: i hate snakes for the poisonous ones in australia -- >> went right forward. >> i told everybody, i have a tall ceiling and it is maybe 9 feet and i went to get a real tree and i seem to have measured or they measured or someone measured it wrong and i have effectively a tree that is about this tall. it is cute. >> charlie brown is blushing, houston, texas tomorrow signing books, >> you have a merry christmas, you, rebecca, and the kids, posting a few shows for me next week and we have a special christmas eve show for the folks at home, you will look forward to that. it is hilarious and next, why are cities in california and new york looking to ban natural gas? what will that mean if democratic politicians have control over our electrical grid under those circumstances. we will explain it in moments. >> ♪ ♪ >> laura: now the climate crusaders could come for your gas stoves now. new york city became the largest in the climate crusaders could be coming for your gas stove now. new york city became the largest us city to ban new natural gas hookups in order to serve the climate, this comes after 50 california cities of already restricted or banned natural gas hookups meaning say goodbye to your gas stoves and your ovens but is this really about helping the climate. one eco-radical may have let it slip what the real goal is telling the la times if we take away those new customers in the pipeline to limit becomes even more expensive for the gas industry to maintain its infrastructure. it becomes a death spiral. jointly does michael shellenberger, environmental activist and author of apocalypse never which is in stores now. natural gas is an extremely clean fossil fuel so i have to ask what is this about? >> it is not about climate change because natural gas is the main reason the united states reduce our carbon emissions 22% since 2005 which is the most of any nation in the world so if climate activists were about solving climate change they would be in favor of natural gas. that's not what is going on. the agenda is to promote scarcity, to promote higher energy prices, to promote reduction of overall consumption particularly among poor and working-class people who are punished the most when you make electricity expensive and unreliable. it's notable that this is happening at a time when we are having electricity blackouts in california for 3 years in a row because the activists keep shutting down nuclear power and natural gas plant so clearly what's going on here is an effort to strangle economic growth, make consumers feel the pain. this is nihilism here that goes beyond that. >> is not about controlling the end because taking the last nuclear power plant off-line which is been incredibly safe, completely clean, had no problems, correct me if i'm wrong, that's gone. we are not building anymore nuclear power plants which is mindnumbing we stupid and now let's say they decide to pause the grid for a day or two. they've done -- so people are not going to have any way to heat their homes or have any way to drive their electric cars, then it is complete control. >> exactly right. the -- our last nuclear power plant in california was the model for the horror film china syndrome. it has operated perfectly well. there is abundant file around it. even elon musk who literally sell solar panels for a living has come out in favor of keeping diablo canyon over there moving to shut it down at a time of increased diesel burning because of the electrical grid shortages. i think you're right this is an effort to control every aspect of people's lives. at some point in the future we may have electric stoves that are low-cost but right now induction cooking is extremely expensive and we are having electricity shortages. that is why we've seen in california our electricity prices increased 7 times more than electricity prices and the rest of the united states the last 10 years which california gives you a preview and what progressives want the rest of the country. >> look what is happening in europe at the price of electricity and the cold snap that are going to be hurting the elderly and the poor. but they always wanted us to be like europe and here we are. great to see you. thank you so much and another edition of joe don't know his next, stay tuned for the last bite. i will bless those who bless you here in israel and across the former soviet union there are thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile. you can save a life, just like ramzia. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. they're helping abandoned holocaust survivors. we want to be with them in their time of need and you can do that with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. a life-saving 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"i will save a life today". wherever in the world the jewish people have the greatest need our spiritual mandate is to feed the hungry and to care for the widows and orphans. please call or go online now and say, "i will bless his people israel". >> biden at this point is so desperate for supp biden is so desperate for support is reaching for new demographic, boy crazy teenage girls. >> you vaccinated? yes, sir. who is the president? byron. what is up, baby? >> do we get it? >> we got it. laura: that is it for us tonight finally. never forget to show you understand was at stake by wearing your usa made freedom matters year. it is awesome, my favorite color blue, as you know, there is great other gear, totes, camo hats, pink for the ladies, i carry it in airports and get lots of payments. all the proceeds go to the bigger branch, great cause. thank you for watching lawyer long, it is america now and forever. have a very merry christmas, happy holidays and wonderful happy and free new year. greg gutfeld takes it all from here. ♪ >> here we go. happy friday, everyone. first encouraging news about th pandemic, as sampling this week from wastewater facilities in florida found that 100 percent of them contained the omicron strain meaning it was in

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Laura Ingraham , Merry Christmas , Interview , Fox News , Holiday , The Ingraham Angle , Us , Bill Rising Star , Weekend , Next , Themrna , Study , Ivermectin , On Covid , Man , Shutdown , Washington , Bill Clinton , Cover , Cash , South Carolina Didn T Go , Why Plus My Naps Commencement , Angle , Focus , Joe Biden , Omicron , Inflation , Democrats , Crime , Border , Skyrocketing , Freak , Front , Rise , Illegals , Flooding , Tens Of Thousands , Wall , Agenda , It , Left , Polls , Lows , People , Points , Droves , Hispanics , Beginning , Republican Party , 50 , Country , Research , Faith , Mandates , Lines , Hysteria , Sound Advice , Middle , Spender , Trillions , Dim Sum , Children , Course , Restrictions , Damage , White House , Plans , Families , Lockdown , Administration , Data , Variant , Amazon , Home , Family , Test Positivity , Vaccinated , Friends , Accounts , Gathering , One , Restricted , Poll , Anthony Fauci , 70 , Life , Nation , Unity , Forces , Trump , Season , Division , Racism , Candidate , Four , The Well Of Charlottesville , Speechwriters , Trashing Trump , January 6th , 6 , Election , Mail , Anything , Voter Suppression , Id , Ideas , Lie , Ballot Verification , Combination , Assault , Subversion , Progress , Reconstruction , Michelle Obama , None , Voting Rights Legislation , Fact , Virus , President , Pain , Finger , Down , Family Income , Laughingstock , Around The World , Masks , Convention , Internet Voting , Voting , Push , 2022 , Knowledge , Will , Theater , Making , Landslide , Cards , Kids , Lives , Carols , Founder , Contributor , Center , Real Clear Politics , Harmeet Dhillon , Fdr , White House Press Secretary , Ari Fleischer , American Liberty , Tom Benson , State , Office , Ways , Tom Bevan , Webpage Realclearpolitics Com , The Big Picture , Job Approval , Job Disapproval , 2001 , 36 , January 20th 2001 , 44 , 22 , 56 , 7 , 51 , 20 , Reason , Dams , Pass , Afghanistan , Support , Doors , Politician , Boxes , Promise , Things , He Hasn T , Issue , Track , Vaccines , Cdc , Forward , Spring , Summer , Tools , The Fall , Multilayer Prevention Strategies , Boosters , Settings , 19 , Distancing , Amount , Wonder , Covid Fatigue , Way , Strategy , Some , Mandate Vaccines , Vaccinate Out , Mandate , Numbers , Folks , Armed Services , 85 , 98 5 , 80 , Everybody , Jobs , Point , Ratings , Handling , Board , Trust , Mayor , Leaders , San Francisco , Governor , Colorado , West Coast , Cops , Narrative , California , Lefties , National Democrats , Phone Calls , Diane Feinstein , Down On The Street , Campaign Problem , Blessing , Gavin Newsom , Television Screens , Midterms , Nancy Pelosi , City , It Isn T Working , Companies , Ability , Restaurants , Handful , Shoppers , Workers , Problem , Vaccination , Angry , Police , Reality , Schools , Streets , Accountability , Culture , Petitions , District Attorneys , Covid Mandates , Dissatisfied , Everyone , Laura , Hospitals , Businesses , Society , Function , Fabric , Newsweek , Florida County , Variance , La Times , Headlines , Wastewater , History Building , Universal , Disney , Birthday Party , Favorite , Souls , Perfect Storm For Delta , Atlantic , Most , Come On , Hell , Press , Hands , Job , Doing , Thing , Symptoms , Healthy , Don T Have A Comorbidity , Impact , Everybody Down , Media , Government , Enough , Public Health Sector , University Of Maryland , Graduation , Sorts , Events , Covid Mania , Attack , Line , Report , Maryland , Washington Dc , Response , Rude , Work , Costs , Behalf , Legs , Food Prices , Gas Prices , Concern , Mind , Money , History , Legislation , Face , Economist , Argument , Fruit , Unit , Sweater , Talents , Question , Person , Talented , Court Cases , Stuff , Incredible Litigator , Holidays , Details , Advisors Media , Something , Airline Ceos , Submission , Planes , Sincerity Fishy , Himrna , Case , Environment , Setting , Air , Add , Message , Tv Doctors , Aircraft , Airflow , Oath , Chief Medical Minion , Mask , Plane , Know , National Academy Of Sciences , Facemask Heretics , Review , Randomized Clinical Trial , Emotional Intelligence , Claims , Yale School Of Public Health , Doctor , Doorknob , Kind , Professor , He , Epidemiology , Wrist , Stanford , Yale , Bangladesh , Aspect , Science , Cato Institute , Basis , Evidence , Mask Studies , Facemask Efficacy , Efficacy , Benefit , Trials , Facemask Controls , Facemasks , Attempt , Populations , 14 , 16 , Studies , Influenza , Cloth , Isn T , Source Control , Over The Counter Masks , Masking , Wearer , Policy , Circumstance , Choice , Writer , Policy Issue , Protection , Effects , Policies , School Mask Mandate , Public Health Economist , Co Author , Arizona State , To Push , Standards , Public , Discourse , Credibility , Toilet , Guests , Injury Picking , Ceos , Public Health Community , Reviews , Pandemic , Airlines , Testimony , Background , Everything , Show , Due To , Establishment , Ivermectin File , Campaign , Therapeutics , Slash , Uk , Two , Supply , Little , Treatment , Probability , Company , Merck , Statement , Candidates , Development , Option , Thinking , Project , Robert Malone , Ivermectin Study , Inventor , Officer , Chief , Success , Platform , Moderna , Mrna , Pfizer , Trial , Situation , Thanks , Malpractice , Assertion , Business , Trial Supply , Sniff Test , Clinical Research , Clinical Research Team , University Of Oxford , Tess Lori , Meta Analysis , Series , University Of Bath , Preparatn For The Second , Disease , Kinds , Dosing , Onset , Dots , 300 , Three , Protocol , Part , Organizations , Hospital , Multitenant , Concerns , Mortality Rate , Lot , Well , Physicians , Errors , Test , Logic , Omicron Hysteria , Discussion , Doubt , Table , Sight , Tony , Booster , Word Smithing , Jab , Number , Double , Deaths , Debt , Fear Mongering , Count , God , Omicron Worldwide , 10 , Delta , Lungs , Targeting , Variances , Hong Kong University , News , Viruses , Humans , Bronchus , Airway , Purpose , Outcomes , Terms , Anywhere , Media Establishment , Television , Communities , Michelle , Biden Commencement , Program , Climate Lockdowns , Input , Spotlight , Fashion , Rails , Raymond Arroyo , Digitize , Smart Organizer , Paperwork , Follies , Epson Rapidreceipt , Receipts , Stress , Documents , Invoices , Market , Solution , Software , Contracts , Warranties , Tax Records , Information , Paper Documents , Wills , Fingertips , Recipes , Turbotax , Quickbooks , Searchable Pdfs , Organizer , Tv Offer , Value , Business Cards , Epson , Batch , Sizes , Contacts , Rapidreceipt Smart , Act , 100 , 00 , Difference , Files , Losing , I Don T Misplace , Household , Move , Taxes , Expenses , Matter , Receipt , Laptop , Desktop , Go , Door , Baby , Piece , Visit Buyrapidreceipt Com , Court , Fox News Live , River , 4 , January 4th , New York State , States , Record , Infections , Court Ruling , Single , Requirements , 84 Million , Defense , Cases , Is , Stand On Friday , Human Maxwell Sex Trafficking Trial , Maxalt , Helping Jeffrey Epstein , 12 , 21000 , Girls , Ashley Strohmeyer , Logon To Foxnews Com , Variety , Extraordinaire Raymond , Decorations , Spider , Saved Christmas Father , Justice , Watch , Commencement Address , Lawyer , Entrepreneur , Policing , Arena , Area , Acts , Opportunity , Pop Culture , Overtures , Replacement , Progressive , Elizabeth Warren , Justices , Respect , Balance , George Bernard Shaw , Mrs , Profession , Play , Prostitute , Warren , War , Gal , Elon Musk , Planet , Academia , Echelons , Guys , Progressives , Biden Commission , Idea , Opinion , Power , Prime Time , Pentagon , Ghost Of Christmas Past , Jesus , Place , Stacy Abrams , Of Blackish , Guest Star , Pictures , Appearance , Nobel Prize , Voiceover , Nod , Randy , Oscar , Talk Show Host , Rachael Ray , Production Studio , Position , Falling Out , Oprah , Oprah In Waiting , Worth Doing , Master Class , Chair , Jacob Marley , Leadership Positions , Compromising Positions , Skills , Plan , Wife , Instruments , Voice , Master Class Deal , Mister Magoo Christmas Special , Mister Magoo , Tree , Real , Video , Preference , Debate , Viewers , South Africa , Snake , Garland , Mold Spores , Box , Snakes , Stick , Ants , Rodents , Ones , Australia , Ceiling , Feet , Someone , 9 , Blushing , Houston , Charlie Brown , Texas , Shows , Books , A Special Christmas Eve , Rebecca , Natural Gas , Grid , Cities , Politicians , Circumstances , New York City , Gas Stoves , Largest , Climate , Hookups , Gas Stove , Order , Customers , Fossil Fuel , Author , Gas Industry , Death Spiral , Stores , Ovens , Limit , Infrastructure , Pipeline , Apocalypse , It Slip , Eco Radical , Goal , Environmental Activist , Michael Shellenberger , World , Favor , Climate Activists , Carbon Emissions , Climate Change , 2005 , Electricity , Energy Prices , Consumption , Reduction , Scarcity , Effort , Off Line , Plant , Nihilism , Activists , Consumers , Electricity Blackouts , Row , Growth , Nuclear Power Plant , End , 3 , Plants , Problems , Homes , Control , File , Model , Cars , Horror Film China Syndrome , Diablo Canyon , Living , Solar Panels , Diesel , Shortages , Price , Rest , Electricity Prices , Stoves , Times , Induction Cooking , Electricity Shortages , Preview , Europe , Elderly , Poor , Cold Snap , Joe Don T , Bite , Edition , Ramzia , Need , Jews , Thousands , Food , Destitute , Holocaust Survivor , Israel , Soviet Union , Refridgerator , Help , Gift , Others , Comfort , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , 5 , 25 , Smile , Save Lives , Survivors , Holocaust , Yael Eckstein , Survival Food Box , Volunteer , One Dollar , I Will Save A Life Today , Orphans , Widows , People Israel , Demographic , Supp , Sir , Yes , Byron , Made Freedom Matters Year , Color , Stake , Lots , Blue , Gear , America Now And Forever , Airports , Totes , Payments , Ladies , Great Cause , Branch , Proceeds , Camo Hats , Greg Gutfeld , Th Pandemic , Wastewater Facilities ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

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but first, they are not listening. that's the focus of tonight's angle. biden and the congressional democrats end having failed on almost every front. inflation is skyrocketing. violent crime is on the rise. there is a needless omicron freak out and tens of thousands of illegals are flooding across the border every week and the left's hideous agenda is stalling out but americans are fed up with it, they are fed up with all of it. every week it seems biden hits new lows in the polls. hispanics are moving to the republican party in droves and among young people biden has fallen 50 points and the beginning of the year. last night i was in the holiday spirit so the angle gave biden and the dim sum sound advice, research in the new year, work with republicans in good faith, moved to the middle, forget the trillions and spender, stop dividing the country along racial lines and drop the covid hysteria and mandates. from what happened today i can report that it is obvious the white house plans to doggedly stay the course. apparently they've gotten so accustomed to failing they just can't stop themselves. after doing unfathomable damage to our children and families with previous lockdown since covid restrictions the administration is threatening them again all because of the amazon variant which data shows to be overwhelmingly miles. >> if you are vaccinated your family is vaccinated and you have friends or vaccinated and hopefully also boosted you can still enjoy a social gathering generally in a home but you've got to follow what is going on. of the accounts keep going up and test positivity keeps going that we may need to be more restricted. >> when anthony fauci says may need to be more restricted there are going to be more restricted, this is literally insane and every one of you needs to say hell no. according to a new poll almost 70% of americans do not support any new restrictions even with the new variant. they've just had and remember that candidate joe biden, pledged to bring unity to america after four years of trump. instead today he doubled down on division with the anti-american forces that see america as a nation life with racism by celebrated the season by trashing trump and referring to the well of charlottesville and january 6th. with the agenda collapsing his speechwriters have to be out of ideas so they send biden out to repeat a lie, that somehow or id or mail in ballot verification is racist. >> i've never seen anything like the assault on the right to vote for this new sinister combination of voter suppression, and election subversion is an american, it is undemocratic and sadly it is unprecedented since reconstruction. laura: we made no progress, america. obama and biden were elected twice without the democrats new so-called voting rights legislation, that fact is lost on biden. none of this is working. so much of it is toxic and negative, it's depressing, defamatory and counterproductive. a man who pledged to lift us up drag this down. a man who pledged to shut down the virus has prolonged the pain. a president who promised to make is respected around the world has turned this into a laughingstock and administration that downplayed inflation has refused to lift a finger as it gobbles up family income. i fully expect the white house will roll omicron into 2022 to justify the push for national mail in voting, internet voting and whatever else they can pull off to read the next election and of course the -- be wearing masks at the convention if they have a convention of knowledge i'm doubtful of that. but this theater of the covid absurd will not work. we are going to be the next year and there's a landslide in the making of republicans play their cards right but until then we should all go on with our lives, enjoy your holiday, sing some christmas carols, just be without covid and tell your kids about how the party of fdr destroyed itself under president biden and that is the angle. joining me now ari fleischer, former white house press secretary, fox news contributor, tom benson, founder of real clear politics and harmeet dhillon, founder of the center for american liberty. it has been a weird year in so many ways but incredible for one year of biden and he has left the country in a far worse state than when he stepped into office. >> let's start with the big picture. i stole this from tom bevan's webpage when joe biden was elected president, came in on january 20th, 2001, his job approval was 56%. today it has dropped to 44%. his job disapproval was 36%, up 51% today. up 22 down 7. and the reason is what you just walked through. it began with afghanistan. that broke the dams. president biden was given a pass by the american people, wanted to accomplish what was withdrawn from afghanistan, bipartisan support and did it terribly and that opened up the doors to all the other boxes starting with covid. he made the most irresponsible promise any politician has ever made when he is that i will shut down the virus. he hasn't come close on the issue many people care so much about. he has made things worse so on issue after issue, inflation, the southern border, afghanistan, the virus, crime, this country is off on the wrong track and people are blaming the president forward. laura: vaccines, we were told, in the spring, summer, and the fall, were going to set us free but not according to biden's cdc. watch this. >> we have the tools to protect ourselves against covid 19, we have vaccine, we have boosters, we know multilayer prevention strategies, masks and public indoor settings, practicing physical distancing are vitally important especially as we prepare for more omicron and even if you are vaccinated. laura: this is why people are still hesitant to get the vaccine, because you get the vaccine, you get boosted and according to the cdc you should socially distance and still wear masks most of the time when you are indoors. no wonder people said we are not doing it anymore. >> certainly a great amount of covid fatigue out there and that is one of the reasons the biden administration has settled on this strategy that the only way out of this is to vaccinate out, mandate vaccines and by doing that even though some of the numbers where there's 80% or 85% in the armed services 98.5% folks are vaccinated you continue to see biden and fauci saying that's not enough. we have to mandate, we have to continue to put people out of jobs so that strategy is not worked. everybody who wants to be vaccinated probably is vaccinated. it has been a divisive strategy and that is why we've seen the president's ratings drop across the board but particularly on his handling of covid i don't think the american people are with him, he got ratings early, by this point they've lost trust and faith in him on that. >> devastating numbers on covid, you're on the west coast and even some of the more far left leaders on the west coast like your mayor in san francisco and the governor of colorado they are smart enough to see as much as we would like to hold on to this narrative about how cops are all corrupt and so forth and have to have no virus to be successful they are backing off and the biden administration and the white house press office keep spinning this as we just need to start socially distancing again and so forth so they are not getting what even some of the lefties are getting in california and colorado. >> i don't think the mayor in san francisco is smart enough to get the point. i think she got so angry phone calls from national democrats who came from san francisco including diane feinstein and nancy pelosi and gavin newsom, former mayor of san francisco telling her what the blessing on the television screens is going to be a campaign problem for democrats in the midterms and please clean it up but i'm sitting here in san francisco and look down on the street, i see a handful of cops, i don't see any shoppers. it isn't working and most people in san francisco without the ability or ability have left the city, the tech companies of left the city, their workers are gone for restaurants that supported them are gone and we are in for a long hard several years in the city before it bounces back but the reality is even democrats in california, middle-class people with children who care about quality-of-life are angry, dissatisfied, signing petitions to recall liberal district attorneys and demanding more police on the streets and accountability in their schools. this is a problem for democrats politically. a problem for our culture and right now with covid mandates and vaccination mandates that are making our hospitals understaffed and quality-of-life and businesses unable to function, the fabric of society -- laura: it is a virus and it is going to virus and we have to be careful and all the things we know but everyone has to move on or you lose the country. i have to read some recent headlines. this is from newsweek because you can sense the history building. omicron variance dominant in wastewater in florida county, disney, universal from the la times a perfect storm for delta, omicron to overwhelm hospitals within weeks and my personal favorite, from the brave souls at the atlantic i canceled my birthday party because of omicron. everyone who was going to be there is fully vaccinated and most of them, myself included, have been boosted. come on. this is just, people have driven themselves and most of saying america into just throwing up their hands. they are beyond. >> if you are suggesting the press thinks it's job is to scare the hell out of people, yes, that is what they are doing, that is what they have always done but it is a worldwide virus going around. the virus, omicron leaves most of the people who catch it with either no symptoms or very mild symptoms. is in the logical thing that especially if you are young, healthy, don't have a comorbidity just move forward through the virus. if you catch it most people will be asymptomatic or it is going to have very little impact on you and you just keep living your life, shut everybody down, scare the hell out of everybody over this, this is what is wrong with the media and it is what is wrong with the government, the media, most people sensible enough, they get it. laura: public health sector has done themselves an enormous amount of damage during the entire covid mania, canceled the university of maryland, graduation and gave people only a few hours notice. that is all canceled. all sorts of events around washington dc and maryland being canceled just in time for christmas. that is the christmas present. moving off of covid the white house has a new line of attack against the report. >> republicans are actively seeking to hurt the pandemic response, exquisitely rude for inflation to get worse, they are blocking what we are trying to do for the american people which is bringing down costs and doing work on behalf of the american people. laura: does this seem like it has legs, that this will work? >> blaming the republicans for inflation, i don't think the american people is to do that. it is the main concern on the americans mind, gas prices, food prices, skyrocketing costs across the board administration continues to insist spending more money and passing legislation is going to tap down inflation they made that argument repeatedly. it flies in the face of twentieth the data and economist and history that suggests spending more money will increase inflation so it seems this attack will not bear the fruit democrats are looking forward to blame this on republicans, it's not going to fly. laura: they tell me i'm out of time but i have an important question to ask you. did unit that sweater you are wearing? >> i did knit it. it is one of four i needed this year so far. laura: harmeet has many talents, wins all these court cases, incredible litigator, incredible person, incredible talented and i have seen all her stuff, she's give me gifts over the years in your unbelievably talented. merry christmas, happy holidays, you have been great this entire year. why was a large study in ivermectin suddenly paused. the man who invented himrna vaccines is something sincerity fishy. he explained that moment. after airline ceos admitted masks on planes were performed white house medical advisors media went to work to scare everyone back into submission, details next. >> the case >> the case is very strong masks don't add much of anything in the air and environment. it is very safe, high-quality compared to any other indoor setting. >> it is true of all of our aircraft with the same airflow. laura: if we could only put tv doctors under oath perhaps we would get the same message. and said the media trotted out the white house chief medical minion to denounce and solve facemask heretics. >> when you get in a plane without a mask? >> know. we have data from the national academy of sciences, a systematic review and randomized clinical trial designs done in bangladesh by stanford and yale. some of them have the emotional intelligence of the doorknob. i don't know why they would say that kind of thing. laura: joining the zardari wrist, professor of epidemiology at yale school of public health. doctor rich, what your response to these wild claims and how alarming is it that he's advising the white house on covid? >> it is very theatrical. saying disparaging emotional intelligence when we are talking about and intellectual aspect that needs to be discerned based on science is irrelevant. i hope you use -- on the basis of emotional intelligence. >> the cato institute just published a review of all the mask studies out there and they said be available clinical evidence of facemask efficacy is of low quality and the best available clinical evidence is mostly failed to show efficacy with 14 of 16 identified randomized controlled trials comparing facemasks to know facemask controls, failing to find statistically significant benefit in the attempt to treat populations. this goes through all the studies including the one he is referencing and isn't this consistent with what we know about the influenza viral studies with cloth over-the-counter masks, it is all consistent, is it not? >> we been looking at masking for decades and there's also, whether we are talking about benefit for the wearer or the surrounding people, so-called source control, very few studies of source control, they don't show any benefit and that circumstance. that the only one there is any policy things to be worried about to be concerned with for personal protection each person has a choice to wear a mask or not so that's not a policy issue. >> the atlantic had one really smart writer who completely debunked the study currently being used by the cdc to push masks at school saying you can't learn anything about the effects of school mask mandate from this study the public health economist at arizona state, he said the co-author of the systematic review of covid 19 mitigation policies call the research so unreliable that it probably should not have been entered into the public discourse at all. the cdc standards and their credibility are just completely in the toilet at this point and get everyone is supposed to jump when they say jump. jump up when they say jump, how high our guests? >> the cdc has injury picking studies through the whole pandemic to make claims that the science is the way they wanted to be instead of doing objective reviews of all the relevant studies so it is difficult to believe things they say. laura: the ceos for the airlines were assaulted by the so-called public health community after their testimony, one of the background:is covid but not clear he got covid on a plane. you've been so terrific on this show all year long and we appreciate you so much. thank you for everything you contributed. for two years the medical establishment has engaged in what we call a slash and burn campaign against potential cover therapeutics which when we learned that major ivermectin file in the uk was halted due to, quote, supply issues we got a little suspicious and we were even more so when we saw the statement from ivermectin's manufacturer merck, the company said it concluded the probability of ivermectin providing a potentially safe and efficacious treatment option for covid is low and prioritize development of alternative candidates that provide a higher probability of success. probably more money. doctor robert malone is the original inventor of the mrna vaccines the platform used by pfizer or moderna, the chief regularly officer the unity project which was your thinking on the ivermectin study being caused? >> thanks for having me on again. this is an interesting situation. first off the assertion that the reason they pause the study was clinical trial supply was basically medical malpractice for people in my business, clinical research. the first thing you do before you launch the studies lockdown your trial supply, so that one fails the sniff test. he they are grossly incompetent at the university of oxford where they are lying because worldwide supply of ivermectin is enormous and there is no way that a competent clinical research team would not have locked down their trial supply. what i did in preparatn for the second was called my good friend tess lori who wrote the definitive meta-analysis for ivermectin at the university of bath. she's been tracking the city closely and she raised a series of points i would love to go over with you. her point is that this is a highly regular study. it was designed last february. the dosing of ivermectin is extremely low and extremely short was only three days of treatment at 300 micrograms per kilogram. there is all kinds of from those with the study. they are recruiting up to 14 days after onset of disease. if you want to treat with ivermectin all the dots i work with at our various organizations including unity all agree you have to start treatment early and ivermectin is part of a multitenant staged protocol:early treatment keeps people out of the hospital and keeps them from dying mortality rate if you do this -- laura: we might not be able to go through all of her concerns but to translate, a study almost designed to fail which a lot of physicians thought about hydroxychloroquine trials as well, designed to fail. >> designed to fail and it is full of errors, stopped it for logic that is completely, fails completely any logical test. laura: i to move on this omicron hysteria. they don't want you to travel. doctor fauci, is leaning toward redefining what it is to be fully vaccinated. >> it is on the table and open for discussion. i'm not sure exactly when that will happen but people should not lose sight of the message that there is no doubt that if you want to be optimally protected you should get your booster. laura: given your knowledge of these vaccines what is your response? >> tony is being really careful with his word smithing, guarding himself, he says optimally protected. what he is not saying is fully protected. omicron blows right through the vaccines and through the triple jab. omicron is very infectious and the data are already in, the double and triple vaccination is not protecting you from omicron. in your prior sick when you pointed out this is more fear mongering on the part of the press, your debt on. the number of deaths from omicron worldwide is less than 10 to my last count and the thing about this is this, if you believe in a god this looks an awful lot like a christmas present. omicron apparently according to recent data from hong kong university has shifted the targeting of where it infects, delta and prior variances were affecting deep lungs which we know from influenza is a great way to cause severe disease in humans and it shifted to the upper airway, the bronchus and we know from influenza when viruses do that they are much less pathogenic and much more infectious so the good news with omicron is very low disease, highly infectious, it looks an awful lot to the experienced effects of knowledge is like a live attenuated virus vaccine that you might design for purpose. it is going to elicit a strong immune response. this is about as good as we could possibly want right now in terms of outcomes. laura: this is news you are not going to see anywhere else on television today tonight. you are saying what is happening with omicron from what we know now is good news and yet the media establishment, the political establishment are freaking out to shut things down again to do untold damage to children and communities. it is stunning to me, absolutely stunning. >> i think they are disappointed with the good news. >> i think they're really disappointed because this is a way to move into the climate lockdowns at this point. i want to thank you for your input on this program. you have been invaluable and make it easy to understand, thank you so much. biden commencement goes off the rails and spectacular fashion, why michelle and bill clinton are back in the spotlight, raymond arroyo explains it in friday follies. ♪♪ other paperwork that's preventing you from doing what matters most? then get the all new epson rapidreceipt smart organizer to scan, digitize and organize your documents and receipts. receipts go in, and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices. and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform paper documents like contracts, tax records, warranties, wills, even recipes into searchable pdfs. so the information is always right at your fingertips, safe and secure. you can even turn business cards into digital contacts, and it scans up to 100 pages at a time. even different sizes in one batch. with this exclusive tv offer, you'll 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rapidreceipt smart organizer delivered right to your door. i .. epson rapidreceipt - visit or call. piece of cake baby! laura: >> welcome to fox news live. river appeals court upholding the vaccine mandate scheduled to take effect january 4th reversing lower court ruling suspending requirements that republican-led states will continue to appeal. the mandate affects companies that employ at least 100 people, 84 million americans. this comes as new york state set a new single a record for new covid infections, more than 21,000 new cases were reported friday and the final is took the stand on friday in the human maxwell sex trafficking trial. after 12 days of testimony the defense rested its case, maxalt is of helping jeffrey epstein sexually abuse four teenage girls. i'm ashley strohmeyer. logon to laura: it is friday, time for friday follies of the christmas variety. we need christmas decorations on that follies was raymond arroyo with all the details. the spider who saved christmas father, author extraordinaire raymond, this last friday follies together this year, not together forever but biden give a commencement address i referenced briefly in the angle. you heard some interesting things. >> it is instructive. watch. >> i know the family justice act and policing acts collided fairly well. that is the difference between a black entrepreneur and a white entrepreneur x of the black entrepreneur usually doesn't have a lawyer. this very area is very arena. is america going to be all right? this is troublesome time but significant opportunity. >> a lot of democrats think it's a significant opportunity, that is why they're elbowing each other in pop culture to establish themselves as a replacement to biden in the democratic party. people like elizabeth warren are now making wild overtures to progressive. >> this court has lost the respect of the american people and the only way i believe we are going to rebuild that is to bring in more justices, we need to get some balance back in the court. >> george bernard shaw was absolutely wrong. wrote a play called mrs. warren's profession about a prostitute. he never imagined mrs. war and would use the court to sell herself but apparently she is. laura: what i can't believe, she thinks she's going to tangle with one of the smartest guys on the planet, elon musk and come out, the gal who has to lie her way to the upper echelons of academia by saying she was native american and then this as she sidling up to the progressives. >> even the biden commission says they had no opinion on whether they should stack the court, they thought it was a bad idea. this will be the justice raced from the pentagon who is in power, they will demote or raise up the number of justices and another democratic ghost of christmas past has arisen in prime time. >> week by jesus. >> the new season finale of blackish, michelle obama is a guest star. they released some pictures of the historic appearance and i think i know why this is taking place, stacy abrams gotten any nod for doing a voiceover so i think she's trying to get her do here. laura: obama in one year won the nobel prize, the grammy, oscar, the enemy and the randy, all of it. >> then michelle obama showed up on rachael ray looking like a daytime talk show host. >> as public figures home is the only safe place you have, you're in a position to turn that upside down and re-create a production studio in your home and let people in. talk about what that was like for you. >> oprah in waiting. laura: oprah better be watching. did they have a falling out, oprah and michelle? maybe we know why. >> she definitely slipped into the chair. like jacob marley, there are figures this time of year you hope never show up even if they are teaching a new master class. >> hardly anything worth doing can be done alone. i will teach skills i developed in using challenging leadership positions. >> some compromising positions i might add. i wonder if there will be an isolating intern us in plan. how to do quite instruments heard by your enraged wife. for bill clinton to do this. laura: i had to look down for a moment and heard the voice and i said promoting the next mister magoo christmas special. he sounds like mister magoo. >> he and hillary were two for one on the master class deal. laura: time for the real versus fake debate, you start. >> for the first year i feel i don't have to defend my artificial tree preference but just so viewers can understand this is new video out of south africa. this is an unexpected garland out of the tree. it is a venomous snake. this is what happens when you bring these things home. mold spores, ants, rodents of different variety, stick with the box artificial tree, it is always safer. laura: i hate snakes for the poisonous ones in australia -- >> went right forward. >> i told everybody, i have a tall ceiling and it is maybe 9 feet and i went to get a real tree and i seem to have measured or they measured or someone measured it wrong and i have effectively a tree that is about this tall. it is cute. >> charlie brown is blushing, houston, texas tomorrow signing books, >> you have a merry christmas, you, rebecca, and the kids, posting a few shows for me next week and we have a special christmas eve show for the folks at home, you will look forward to that. it is hilarious and next, why are cities in california and new york looking to ban natural gas? what will that mean if democratic politicians have control over our electrical grid under those circumstances. we will explain it in moments. >> ♪ ♪ >> laura: now the climate crusaders could come for your gas stoves now. new york city became the largest in the climate crusaders could be coming for your gas stove now. new york city became the largest us city to ban new natural gas hookups in order to serve the climate, this comes after 50 california cities of already restricted or banned natural gas hookups meaning say goodbye to your gas stoves and your ovens but is this really about helping the climate. one eco-radical may have let it slip what the real goal is telling the la times if we take away those new customers in the pipeline to limit becomes even more expensive for the gas industry to maintain its infrastructure. it becomes a death spiral. jointly does michael shellenberger, environmental activist and author of apocalypse never which is in stores now. natural gas is an extremely clean fossil fuel so i have to ask what is this about? >> it is not about climate change because natural gas is the main reason the united states reduce our carbon emissions 22% since 2005 which is the most of any nation in the world so if climate activists were about solving climate change they would be in favor of natural gas. that's not what is going on. the agenda is to promote scarcity, to promote higher energy prices, to promote reduction of overall consumption particularly among poor and working-class people who are punished the most when you make electricity expensive and unreliable. it's notable that this is happening at a time when we are having electricity blackouts in california for 3 years in a row because the activists keep shutting down nuclear power and natural gas plant so clearly what's going on here is an effort to strangle economic growth, make consumers feel the pain. this is nihilism here that goes beyond that. >> is not about controlling the end because taking the last nuclear power plant off-line which is been incredibly safe, completely clean, had no problems, correct me if i'm wrong, that's gone. we are not building anymore nuclear power plants which is mindnumbing we stupid and now let's say they decide to pause the grid for a day or two. they've done -- so people are not going to have any way to heat their homes or have any way to drive their electric cars, then it is complete control. >> exactly right. the -- our last nuclear power plant in california was the model for the horror film china syndrome. it has operated perfectly well. there is abundant file around it. even elon musk who literally sell solar panels for a living has come out in favor of keeping diablo canyon over there moving to shut it down at a time of increased diesel burning because of the electrical grid shortages. i think you're right this is an effort to control every aspect of people's lives. at some point in the future we may have electric stoves that are low-cost but right now induction cooking is extremely expensive and we are having electricity shortages. that is why we've seen in california our electricity prices increased 7 times more than electricity prices and the rest of the united states the last 10 years which california gives you a preview and what progressives want the rest of the country. >> look what is happening in europe at the price of electricity and the cold snap that are going to be hurting the elderly and the poor. but they always wanted us to be like europe and here we are. great to see you. thank you so much and another edition of joe don't know his next, stay tuned for the last bite. i will bless those who bless you here in israel and across the former soviet union there are thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile. you can save a life, just like ramzia. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. they're helping abandoned holocaust survivors. we want to be with them in their time of need and you can do that with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. a life-saving $25 gift helps send a volunteer with one urgently needed survival food box. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. for less than one dollar a day you can say, "i will bless and comfort the jewish people". "i will save a life today". wherever in the world the jewish people have the greatest need our spiritual mandate is to feed the hungry and to care for the widows and orphans. please call or go online now and say, "i will bless his people israel". >> biden at this point is so desperate for supp biden is so desperate for support is reaching for new demographic, boy crazy teenage girls. >> you vaccinated? yes, sir. who is the president? byron. what is up, baby? >> do we get it? >> we got it. laura: that is it for us tonight finally. never forget to show you understand was at stake by wearing your usa made freedom matters year. it is awesome, my favorite color blue, as you know, there is great other gear, totes, camo hats, pink for the ladies, i carry it in airports and get lots of payments. all the proceeds go to the bigger branch, great cause. thank you for watching lawyer long, it is america now and forever. have a very merry christmas, happy holidays and wonderful happy and free new year. greg gutfeld takes it all from here. ♪ >> here we go. happy friday, everyone. first encouraging news about th pandemic, as sampling this week from wastewater facilities in florida found that 100 percent of them contained the omicron strain meaning it was in

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