Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240709

white house that has taken a massive hit in the poll numbers and struggled mightily to push through his big spending legislation in congress. here is the president. >> president biden: we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death if you're unvaccinated, for themselves, their families and hospitals they'll overwhelm. omicron is here and start to spread more rapidly at the beginning of the year. the only real protection is to get your shots. >> harris: so is the public going to stick with me on this? new fox poll -- fox business poll shows 47% of voters approve of president biden's handling of coronavirus so he is underwater there. 49% disapprove. that is a huge shift from may of this year when his covid approval rating was 30 points higher than his disapproval. critics like south dakota governor christie nome say the president needs to take a much different approach now. >> i think the president's outlook is focusing on the negative. this country needs hope. we are always concerned. we're doing the hard work of taking care of people, letting them use personal responsibility to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. and then focusing on how we can get through challenging times together. >> harris: science, that's what matters. dr. marc siegel is here on what the fight against covid and this latest variant will look like in the months ahead. let's go to rich edson reporting live outside the white house. >> good morning, harris. white house officials say they're closely watching this latest variant. how quickly it spreads, how severely it affects people. fewer americans say they think this pandemic is under control. the numbers on that. only 8% say it is completely under control compared to 10% in october. fewer than 1 in 5 say it is mostly under control. 44% say somewhat, more than a quarter 28% say not at all. president biden's top medical advisor dr. anthony fauci said americans should get boosted and be careful in crowded indoor space and new covid rules may soon on the way. >> if the counts keep going up and the test positivity keeps going up we may need to be more restrictive. but for right now people who are vaccinated and boosted should feel reasonably comfortable. >> fox business poll found it is even for local mandates. 49% favor. 47% oppose. cities and towns requiring -- when it comes to the federal government more than 2/3 favor the mask mandates for travelers on planes, trains and buses. president recently extended this requirement through mid-march. by a five-point margin voters favor president biden's order requiring testing and vaccines for employees in p businesses. jen psaki addressed the reporters a couple hours ago saying the white house is going to double down on what she says works. masking, vaccines and testing. though as for any types of requirements on that level or any new announcements on that she says not now for the time being. back to you, harris. >> harris: thank you very much. dr. anthony fauci with this warning about the omicron variant. >> it is the most transmissible virus of covid that we have to deal with thus far. when you look at the pace of the infections now, that things will get worse as we go into the depths of the winter. with omicron breathing down our back, things could get really bad particularly for the unvaccinated. >> harris: the cdc is projecting 1.3 million new cases by christmas, next weekend. more than 15,000 people are expected to pass away from covid per week by january 8th. dr. marc siegel is in "focus" now. fox news contributor. dr. siegel, you always present more than one side of the story and there always is one. so it's really catchy, omicron, we get it. how dangerous is it? >> well, let's start and thanks for the compliment, harris. let's start with the fact the fear messaging is not working. if there is anything americans are tired of it's the constant fear messaging. and also single note, right? mask, vaccine, it's testing. we don't have the testing. we don't have the rapid testing we need. i find testing very comforting because if you had a rapid test in your home, you could tell if you were exposed or if you had it. we don't have that. but the masking getting mixed up with vaccines when vaccines are much more effective is also that single note of fear. now, what is the reality regarding omicron? what is the reality? well, we are getting a lot of data out of south africa and united kingdom that shows it is milder. it appears to be a lot milder. that's good news. but the other issue is that it is affecting mostly people who are already infected or had the vaccine already. so the number of hospitalizations in south africa was 10 times greater for delta than this. it seems to spread more easily and seems so far to be milder. it doesn't mean it's a cold. it means it is more like a severe flu so far. >> harris: so people who have already had it and people who are unvaxxed, is that what i heard you say are more likely -- you said people already infected. what does that mean? >> let's clarify that. if you've had a previous variant or you've had the vaccine and are not boosted you can get a reinfection. this variant breaks through the vaccine and it breaks through prior variants. if you've been boosted the chances are a lot less that you are going to get it. if you have been boosted or had a prior variant the chances are you will get a very mild case. that is the key. if you've had neither the vaccine nor the booster, nor a prior variant, that's when you are at risk for a moderate case. >> harris: i want to clear something else up and thank you. what are we to know about all of these mask mandates and how they figure in? the one thing you have taught us over the last two years of dealing with it, it is grouping and large groups of people unmasked because you don't know what everybody's status is in the room. i don't mean vaccinated or unvaccinated, i mean positive/negative and where we the end to get into trouble. what will we do this holiday season when people are grouping together? >> you just simplified it. william shafner mixed this up. i think you just gave the right answer. if you have are going into a very large place and there may be a number of people there who could be super spreaders, that is when you wear a mask. if you go into a home where you know everybody is vaccinated or there is no or little risk you will ruin your holiday gathering with a mask. don't need to do that. masks are for large public places where you don't know. >> harris: why won't the white house tell us that? it's so basic. >> i bet they watch us. maybe we can help. >> harris: let's move to this. the cdc is reporting new nationwide covid numbers with cases up nearly 40% from just last week. some of this we anticipated, doctor, because people are inside now. it has been nice in new york, it's about to get cold. the more we group indoors again. are we going down a road where it will get even more? >> yes, we are. that's the second time you said that really important point that no one else is saying. it has to do with the idea it's a respiratory virus. it spreads indoors the most. with this pandemic it has been spreading anyway. the reason it will get more is because omicron is so wildly infectious and a lot like measles in that regard. a lot of us feel it will crowd out delta and we'll have milder infections. that don't mean it's over with but again if you had a test, if you get a milder case and finally most importantly if that pill ever gets approved by the fda i could say you have omicron, let me give you the pill, bang, you feel better. >> harris: you said the same thing about tamiflu and it was a game changer. >> it was a game changer for the 2009 swine flu. this is the change. it looks tremendous keeping people away from severe illness. let's get it approved. it's before the fda now and they should approve it right away. >> harris: some things to hang our hope on there. omicron could actually crowd out delta. not making it a hero of any sort but delta is definitely as far as we know right now a lot more deadly and those are the details that people really need to know. those who are on the fence about getting vaccinated or those who say i won't go to the big crowd this weekend because i don't really know who is there, it helps people make their own decisions. dr. siegel, thank you very much. >> always great. thank you, harris. >> harris: the white house is insisting president biden and vice president kamala harris will run together in 2024. but kamala harris says they haven't talked about it. oh my goodness. you can't make it up. she couldn't come up with something else to say like i'll update you when im. speculation is swirling as to a possible biden successor. maybe she sees herself as that. then there is this. >> they don't do anything about getting gas prices down, food prices down. they've done nothing on the supply chain. they have not done anything. it's not what any american wants. >> harris: critics are tearing into president biden as inflation goes up. he is still pushing his spending bill. marc thiessen fox news contributor is in "focus" next on this fine friday. ♪♪♪ veteran homeowners- you made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. 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democrats multi-trillion dollar social spending bill stalled in congress. the president all but confirmed it will not pass by the democrats' self-imposed end of year deadline. it was supposed to be by christmas. now not by the end of 2021. a quote. we'll advance this work together over the days and weeks ahead. leader schumer and i are determined to see the bill successfully on the floor as early as possible. we will, we must get build back better passed even in the face of republican opposition and he is facing pushback within his own party on the size and scope of that bill from senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. our own sean hannity called out biden last night and praised manchin for standing his ground. >> the administration's build back better new green deal socialism, well that spending spree is now stalled in congress in large part thanks to joe manchin of west virginia. biden's christmas present to the poor and middle class in this country is pay more. >> harris: the "wall street journal" out with this opinion editorial titled taking joe manchin seriously and arguing democratic leaders have never believed he meant what he said. oh but he did. marc thiessen former white house speech writer and fox news contributor is in "focus." so why did democrats not believe joe manchin? is there something politically going on that we just don't get? >> i just think it's a pure miscalculation. democrats don't seem to understand joe manchin is not just one of 50 democrat senators whose views need to be taken into account. he is the deciding vote. if you don't get his vote you get nothing. manchin has made clear repeatedly he is comfortable with nothing. if you know that seft facts, then what do you do if you want to get a bill passed? what biden and schumer should do is go to manchin and say what are you willing to support? when he tells you say okay, let's do that and pass it and then you have a bill. instead what they are trying to do is jam him up. okay, 1.-- >> harris: congresswoman ocasio-cortez's head will pop off if that happens. she doesn't want -- >> if she wants anything in her priorities then joe manchin is in charge. what they are doing is trying to jam him up and set a cap of 1.75 trillion. they are saying okay, let's set fake deadlines and so on paper we're underfunding all of our programs. we'll fund all of them for two or three years and it looks like we're under 1.75. joe manchin isn't stupid and he can do math. in west virginia they can do math. he knows the bill, if it's funded for 10 years is 3.9 trillion. cbo said 3.4 trillion. he won't vote for a 3.4 trillion dollar bill period, end of story. >> harris: he knows the voters know it, too. it makes him smart and sticky issue for the democrats. >> i can negotiate a deal in five minutes. simple. >> harris: you said something before we move onto the next thing you said something that i thought was particularly obvious there that people may be missing on the hill. that is in the progressives really want this, you said if this is what congresswoman ocasio-cortez really wants she will have to look across chamber at the senators and watch them get this done on manchin's term. what if it really isn't? what if they want is so much more and they don't want to settle? >> they have no choice. politics is the art of the possible. and there is a deal to be had, harris. it can be negotiated in five minutes. joe manchin said he supports the expansion of the child tax credit. that according to the cbo will cost over 10 years. he wants it funded for 10 years. 1.6 trillion. almost his entire 1.75 trillion. 150 billion left to play with. according to cbo expansion of the rnd income tax credit is $135 billion. but those two together and you accomplish something major. expanded the child tax credit which they say is important in fighting poverty and the income tax credit. if you did that you might get a few republican votes if you limited it to just that. joe manchin will support that. have a signing ceremony and try to get the rest of your stuff next year. they aren't willing to compromise and accept reality. ocasio-cortez and up to them it's biden and schumer they are not accepting reality that joe manchin means what he says when he says no to a 3.4 trillion monstrosity. >> harris: now i know why they wanted you in the white house for the president and for the ideas that go into the messaging. that would have been a compromise. didn't take five minutes. you could get it done in two. "new york post" op-ed argues the bbb we'll call it that, build back better freeze puts a bow on biden's -- that has a lot of b, bad year. build back better declined in size but never ascended in approval no matter the propaganda effort to claim its provisions were popular just so long as nobody was asked how much the provisions they liked would actually cost. it doesn't really matter why biden went down this stupid path. what matters is the result. and the fact that was more bs than harris faulkner could handle. >> i couldn't have said it, either. look, we've got a huge problem in this country, which is inflation every american is paying for it when we go to the grocery store and gas pump. every american feels it. the 1.9 trillion bill he passed at the start of the year, social spengd disguised as covid relief is the why we have the inflation and supply crisis. we had a $300 billion hole in the economy and they poured 1.9 trillion into it. americans got stimulus checks, they got expanded child tax credit and unemployment supplements and the savings rates soared. americans had lots of money to spend but no incentive to go back to work. demand soared and supply side couldn't keep up and why we have inflation now. if you know that, why would you pass another 3.5 trillion and pour that into the hole in the economy. that's what joe manchin's point is. it will drive up inflation and exacerbate the problems and he is comfortable with not doing anything. democrats should be happy he is willing to support 1.75 trillion rather than complaining he won't support the whole thing. >> harris: he is a politician, too. he knows that that kicks the can down the road, too, and gets them into 2022 and makes fewer and fewer democrats likely to want to fight on the president's side because people want to get reelected. i give manchin that much credit. i think it's obvious he is also playing that game. quickly you mentioned the word inflation and a lot of people are thinking about their bills right now. in addition to all of the other things that are going on as crisis like crime in this country. it is a top concern along with crime for a majority of americans now. 84% say they are extremely or very concerned about inflation. 63% say they're extremely or very concerned about being able to pay their bills. mitch mcconnell leader of the republicans in the senate placing the blame on democrats and tearing into the biden administration to want to build back better. >> that additional debt particularly given the aftermath of the rescue -- so-called rescue package back in march and the inflationary results of that, to double down on a similar strategy is a big mistake for the country. a 40-year high inflation rate has everybody's attention. we need to quit doing the wrong things. >> harris: last word marc thiessen. >> he is right. the american people agree by 43 to 15 margin they say build back better will make inflation worse. the important stat. in west virginia, 59% of voters oppose build back better. 73% say inflation is hurting their families, 64% say build back better will make inflation worse. that's why joe manchin is not in a hurry to pour all this money into the economy right now. his voters don't want it. >> harris: thank you very much. it looks like democrats have a retirement problem as another long-time congressman plans to step down. that's 20 lawmakers stepping away from the house and it could spell trouble for dems just in 11 months. plus surging crime rates leaving voerts on the edge as more and more stores get ransacked, looted, mobs of people showing up. they are connecting some of them on social media. causing millions of dollars in merchandise loss. florida's attorney general says the state is working to insure that repeat offenders get their due justice. she has some ideas about the crime that the nation is facing. she is "focus." ty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed only pay for what you need. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. 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why now? >> great to see you and thank you for having me on. florida has always said we will stand behind law enforcement and support law enforcement because we know that their efforts are vital to a successful, prosperous state. so when we've seen the rash of organized thefts across the nation, we've been working diligently to ask law enforcement how can we be helpful and work with the businesses that are victims in order to provide the right information so that you can put the pieces together and go after these folks? we can be pro-active. so i was proud to stand with law enforcement here in florida, have the support of our great governor ron desantis to announce a new database, interactive database where we work with businesses pro-actively to tamp down on flash mob theft. so we will continue to do that and continue to do that in florida. we won't let crime run florida. we'll run crime out of our state. >> harris: i'm sure that many people might wonder and again i started with why now. this seems like the kind of idea that lets the criminals know who is in business as you just said. so why work with the businesses? is this intimating that law right now through judges and prosecutors, that they aren't keeping track of when these things happen? >> it is not just working with a business, it is working with the victim of a crime. and that is common practice. i have been a prosecutor, federal prosecutor and served as a judge and law enforcement is in place to protect victims. and when you see a crime surge, crime increase really drastic increase across our nation, you are seeing 50% murder increases, violent crime going up. where and why is that happening? people are looking all over the place. pelosi admitted there is a crime surge but she won't admit why it is happening. it is happening in liberal-run cities where you have pro-crime prosecutors, pro-criminal policies that they implement and as a result of that they are advocating defund the police, criticize law enforcement as a whole. we don't need more law enforcement but more social workers, do away with bail. compare that approach to florida. florida says we are going to protect victims. we aren't going to say the criminals are victims. which is absurd. we'll protect victims. we'll put in place common sense policies that alou law enforcement to do their job. in florida governor desantis and aproposed $5,000 bonuses for folks that move here to become law enforcement officers. statewide troopers a 25% increase in pay. compare that to other states. i will tell you today i'm going over to a law enforcement agency and swearing in law enforcement officers that moved here from new york. they are fleeing the liberal run cities that don't support them. in order to have a vibrant, stable society and rule of law you have to have leaders that support their cause. >> harris: i look at this and almost say you are putting up a firewall because in your line of work and in mine, i'm covering it on the other end after it happens and the lives that crimes change, and you are advocating. when you look at it crime doesn't know a zip code it just wants to get to the next delicious play to happen. criminals will migrate. this is like a firewall in florida. >> against crime and we're sending up a flair to other folks across the nation. watch who is being put in place as your prosecutor. do they care more about the criminals than they do the law-abiding citizens? you just saw in california where d.a. came out when someone was brutally murdered and said the system didn't give that murdererer the resources they need. you saw the chicago mayor come out and say when their businesses were overrun with mobs that were stealing items the chicago mayor said well, the businesses didn't have enough security. or secure their merchandise. they make the criminals the victims. you just had president biden just now this morning brag on national television in a speech that he has appointed more criminal defense attorneys to the bench than any other administration in history. as we're seeing a crime surge in murder and violent crime across the nation. they are tone deaf. >> harris: that's interesting because in effect what you are saying he technically owned it. he put the people in place that made this happen but he thinks it's a good thing he is hiring people, i guess. >> he thinks it is a good thing he puts criminal defense attorneys on the bench while murder rates are surging. >> harris: thank you for letting us know what's happening in florida. that $5,000 for cops moving there, that sort of thing rolling in now. attorney general moody, come back to the "focus." we look forward to an update. thank you. more and more house democrats are calling it quits as their political party is trying to hold onto its slim majority in 2022. how confident should the party be heading into the mid-terms? and then there is this. >> i can't speak to a conversation that the vice president and the president had. i can only say and reiterate what jen has said and the president said himself he is planning to run for reelection in 2024. >> harris: the white house says the president will run again in 2024. but his presumed running mate, vice president kamala harris, says they haven't actually discussed it. what is the story there? a democrat, a republican as we always play it here, power panel next. ♪♪♪ [uplifting music playing] ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! or high blood potassium. i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? 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a recent poll found half of registered voters disapprove of the vice president. some critics say democratic voters would likely prefer a clean slate. >> i think problem is that the democrats have sort of wokeed themselves into a corner here. with joe biden and kamala harris no democrat in their right mind would want either of these two anywhere near a presidential ticket because they have done a terrible job leading our country. you see they have basically destroyed america in less than a year in office. >> harris: power panel now. matt gorman and crystal knight. and founding executive director of emerge tennessee. crystal, i will start with you. you know, our fox news contributor there lara trump was making it about policy. when it comes to it we look at things like ability of the candidate, popularity of a candidate and what you have with an incumbent are numbers, fresh numbers at all times. the numbers are horrible for kamala harris and for joe biden right now. so where does that put them actually running? >> well, it is still the first year of the first term, harris. we have to let this process play out. i don't think it's unusual that press secretary psaki stated the president fully intends to run in 2024. there is a legislative agenda this administration is trying to get through the senate right now and so that seems to be the focus more so than what is going to happen over the next three years. we also have to get through the mid materials as well to look and see what the field will look like. >> harris: it don't look like it will get much cheerier. every president is upside down in the mid-term elections. this one could be quite remarkable in the numbers from what we're seeing right now. matt. >> you're right. these comments couldn't come at a worse time for joe biden during his presidency. they will sew doubt among democrats and elected officials and voters across the country. look as we go to 2022. we are only a year in. what positive momentum does joe biden have on any part of his agenda? he promised he would shut down covid. it is here. the voting rights bill is completely d.o.a. build back better is stalled in the senate and inflation is running rampant. it couldn't come at a worse time. these comments from kamala harris, another gaffe by her i believe, to really sew doubt among the party in general. >> harris: let's talk about that. is it a gaffe? that's problematic politically speaking that you might not be on the same page about something as important as running again together and certainly she knows the country is watching the palace intrigue, whatever you want to call it. it is still news that she has had problems behind the scenes with her own team. >> yeah. i think she should be speaking in one voice with whatever the press secretary. >> harris: why do you think it is not happening? >> there are many speculations why it could be happening. what we also don't know is if the press secretary and the office of the president have asked her to make a blanket statement just to put reporters in news commentators at bay. i fully believe they are having conversations about the future of this country. >> harris: wait a minute. i think you broke news there. are you saying the white house would ask her to lie? >> no, i didn't say that. >> harris: if you are sure they are having conversations because it would make sense they would be if the white house will make a statement and then they want her to make a blanket one that it's not happening maybe it's accident sli they're asking her not to tell the truth. >> i'm saying we don't know. we aren't in the rooms when they are having these conversations. >> >> harris: two different things are being said. is it a problem? >> i think it's challenging. public facing that the press secretary is saying one thing and then the vice president is saying something else. i don't believe that they aren't in concert about the future of this country and the future of the party. >> harris: one last one for you. is there concern honestly about kamala harris and fitness for the job among democrats that you talk to? >> i don't think so. i think the challenge is that we have, you know, there seems to be a concerted effort among liberal and conservative media to tear her down and not give her the opportunity to lead in her first year in office. >> harris: wow. >> and to prove herself to the american people. >> harris: last 10 seconds to you, matt. >> just one thing. kamala harris has never been tested. underwem manying in whatever she did. we're seeing it here. >> harris: great conversation, thank you for joining "the faulkner focus". "outnumbered" is next. frequent heartburn? not anymore. the prilosec otc two-week challenge is helping people love what they love again. just one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. because life starts when heartburn stops. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. >> fox news alert. you are about to listen to testimony from kim potter, former minneapolis area police officer who is charged with first and second degree manslaughter in connection with dante wright's shooting death. she faces up to 15 years in prison, if convicted of the most serious count and recall, potter says she mistook her handgun for her taser when she shot and killed the 20-year-old during a traffic stop in the minneapolis suburb of brooklyn center. she and other officers including a trainee were attempting to arrest him when he tried to get back into his vehicle as video shows. she is now beginning her testimony. let's listen. >> yes. >> is your husband in the courtroom? >> yes, he is. >> what's his name? >> jeff potter. >> and how long have you been married? >> over 25 years. >> when did you first meet your husband? >> when i was 15. >> in high school? >> yes. did you reunite much later? >> yes, when i was in college. >> and what does your husband do? >> he works for health care system now. >> is he a retired police officer also. >> where was he a police officer? >> fridley, minnesota. >> was he a member of a drug task force? >> yes, he was. >> with respect to your children, do you have children? >> yes. >> and what are they, two boys? >> i have two boys. >> what are their names? >> nicolas and samuel. >> and are they in the courtroom? >> no, they're not. >> where is nicolas? >> he is active duty marine. >> and where's that at? >> currently stationed in florida. >> and your other son, where's he at? >> he's in college in north dakota. >> are they going to be home for the holidays? >> yes, they will. >> is your mother in the courtroom? >> yes. >> and your sister? >> no, she's not. >> but is your brother in the courtroom? >> yes, he is. >> besides your brother and your mother, your father is deceased? >> yes. >> do you have any other siblings? >> i have another sister and a brother. >> do you know what their ages are? >> my sister, my oldest sister is in her 50's. and my other brother is in his 50's, also. >> what do they do for a living? >> my sister works for a medical device company. my oldest brother works for a parking company and my other brother works for retail. >>

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240709

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white house that has taken a massive hit in the poll numbers and struggled mightily to push through his big spending legislation in congress. here is the president. >> president biden: we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death if you're unvaccinated, for themselves, their families and hospitals they'll overwhelm. omicron is here and start to spread more rapidly at the beginning of the year. the only real protection is to get your shots. >> harris: so is the public going to stick with me on this? new fox poll -- fox business poll shows 47% of voters approve of president biden's handling of coronavirus so he is underwater there. 49% disapprove. that is a huge shift from may of this year when his covid approval rating was 30 points higher than his disapproval. critics like south dakota governor christie nome say the president needs to take a much different approach now. >> i think the president's outlook is focusing on the negative. this country needs hope. we are always concerned. we're doing the hard work of taking care of people, letting them use personal responsibility to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. and then focusing on how we can get through challenging times together. >> harris: science, that's what matters. dr. marc siegel is here on what the fight against covid and this latest variant will look like in the months ahead. let's go to rich edson reporting live outside the white house. >> good morning, harris. white house officials say they're closely watching this latest variant. how quickly it spreads, how severely it affects people. fewer americans say they think this pandemic is under control. the numbers on that. only 8% say it is completely under control compared to 10% in october. fewer than 1 in 5 say it is mostly under control. 44% say somewhat, more than a quarter 28% say not at all. president biden's top medical advisor dr. anthony fauci said americans should get boosted and be careful in crowded indoor space and new covid rules may soon on the way. >> if the counts keep going up and the test positivity keeps going up we may need to be more restrictive. but for right now people who are vaccinated and boosted should feel reasonably comfortable. >> fox business poll found it is even for local mandates. 49% favor. 47% oppose. cities and towns requiring -- when it comes to the federal government more than 2/3 favor the mask mandates for travelers on planes, trains and buses. president recently extended this requirement through mid-march. by a five-point margin voters favor president biden's order requiring testing and vaccines for employees in p businesses. jen psaki addressed the reporters a couple hours ago saying the white house is going to double down on what she says works. masking, vaccines and testing. though as for any types of requirements on that level or any new announcements on that she says not now for the time being. back to you, harris. >> harris: thank you very much. dr. anthony fauci with this warning about the omicron variant. >> it is the most transmissible virus of covid that we have to deal with thus far. when you look at the pace of the infections now, that things will get worse as we go into the depths of the winter. with omicron breathing down our back, things could get really bad particularly for the unvaccinated. >> harris: the cdc is projecting 1.3 million new cases by christmas, next weekend. more than 15,000 people are expected to pass away from covid per week by january 8th. dr. marc siegel is in "focus" now. fox news contributor. dr. siegel, you always present more than one side of the story and there always is one. so it's really catchy, omicron, we get it. how dangerous is it? >> well, let's start and thanks for the compliment, harris. let's start with the fact the fear messaging is not working. if there is anything americans are tired of it's the constant fear messaging. and also single note, right? mask, vaccine, it's testing. we don't have the testing. we don't have the rapid testing we need. i find testing very comforting because if you had a rapid test in your home, you could tell if you were exposed or if you had it. we don't have that. but the masking getting mixed up with vaccines when vaccines are much more effective is also that single note of fear. now, what is the reality regarding omicron? what is the reality? well, we are getting a lot of data out of south africa and united kingdom that shows it is milder. it appears to be a lot milder. that's good news. but the other issue is that it is affecting mostly people who are already infected or had the vaccine already. so the number of hospitalizations in south africa was 10 times greater for delta than this. it seems to spread more easily and seems so far to be milder. it doesn't mean it's a cold. it means it is more like a severe flu so far. >> harris: so people who have already had it and people who are unvaxxed, is that what i heard you say are more likely -- you said people already infected. what does that mean? >> let's clarify that. if you've had a previous variant or you've had the vaccine and are not boosted you can get a reinfection. this variant breaks through the vaccine and it breaks through prior variants. if you've been boosted the chances are a lot less that you are going to get it. if you have been boosted or had a prior variant the chances are you will get a very mild case. that is the key. if you've had neither the vaccine nor the booster, nor a prior variant, that's when you are at risk for a moderate case. >> harris: i want to clear something else up and thank you. what are we to know about all of these mask mandates and how they figure in? the one thing you have taught us over the last two years of dealing with it, it is grouping and large groups of people unmasked because you don't know what everybody's status is in the room. i don't mean vaccinated or unvaccinated, i mean positive/negative and where we the end to get into trouble. what will we do this holiday season when people are grouping together? >> you just simplified it. william shafner mixed this up. i think you just gave the right answer. if you have are going into a very large place and there may be a number of people there who could be super spreaders, that is when you wear a mask. if you go into a home where you know everybody is vaccinated or there is no or little risk you will ruin your holiday gathering with a mask. don't need to do that. masks are for large public places where you don't know. >> harris: why won't the white house tell us that? it's so basic. >> i bet they watch us. maybe we can help. >> harris: let's move to this. the cdc is reporting new nationwide covid numbers with cases up nearly 40% from just last week. some of this we anticipated, doctor, because people are inside now. it has been nice in new york, it's about to get cold. the more we group indoors again. are we going down a road where it will get even more? >> yes, we are. that's the second time you said that really important point that no one else is saying. it has to do with the idea it's a respiratory virus. it spreads indoors the most. with this pandemic it has been spreading anyway. the reason it will get more is because omicron is so wildly infectious and a lot like measles in that regard. a lot of us feel it will crowd out delta and we'll have milder infections. that don't mean it's over with but again if you had a test, if you get a milder case and finally most importantly if that pill ever gets approved by the fda i could say you have omicron, let me give you the pill, bang, you feel better. >> harris: you said the same thing about tamiflu and it was a game changer. >> it was a game changer for the 2009 swine flu. this is the change. it looks tremendous keeping people away from severe illness. let's get it approved. it's before the fda now and they should approve it right away. >> harris: some things to hang our hope on there. omicron could actually crowd out delta. not making it a hero of any sort but delta is definitely as far as we know right now a lot more deadly and those are the details that people really need to know. those who are on the fence about getting vaccinated or those who say i won't go to the big crowd this weekend because i don't really know who is there, it helps people make their own decisions. dr. siegel, thank you very much. >> always great. thank you, harris. >> harris: the white house is insisting president biden and vice president kamala harris will run together in 2024. but kamala harris says they haven't talked about it. oh my goodness. you can't make it up. she couldn't come up with something else to say like i'll update you when im. speculation is swirling as to a possible biden successor. maybe she sees herself as that. then there is this. >> they don't do anything about getting gas prices down, food prices down. they've done nothing on the supply chain. they have not done anything. it's not what any american wants. >> harris: critics are tearing into president biden as inflation goes up. he is still pushing his spending bill. marc thiessen fox news contributor is in "focus" next on this fine friday. ♪♪♪ veteran homeowners- you made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. 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democrats multi-trillion dollar social spending bill stalled in congress. the president all but confirmed it will not pass by the democrats' self-imposed end of year deadline. it was supposed to be by christmas. now not by the end of 2021. a quote. we'll advance this work together over the days and weeks ahead. leader schumer and i are determined to see the bill successfully on the floor as early as possible. we will, we must get build back better passed even in the face of republican opposition and he is facing pushback within his own party on the size and scope of that bill from senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. our own sean hannity called out biden last night and praised manchin for standing his ground. >> the administration's build back better new green deal socialism, well that spending spree is now stalled in congress in large part thanks to joe manchin of west virginia. biden's christmas present to the poor and middle class in this country is pay more. >> harris: the "wall street journal" out with this opinion editorial titled taking joe manchin seriously and arguing democratic leaders have never believed he meant what he said. oh but he did. marc thiessen former white house speech writer and fox news contributor is in "focus." so why did democrats not believe joe manchin? is there something politically going on that we just don't get? >> i just think it's a pure miscalculation. democrats don't seem to understand joe manchin is not just one of 50 democrat senators whose views need to be taken into account. he is the deciding vote. if you don't get his vote you get nothing. manchin has made clear repeatedly he is comfortable with nothing. if you know that seft facts, then what do you do if you want to get a bill passed? what biden and schumer should do is go to manchin and say what are you willing to support? when he tells you say okay, let's do that and pass it and then you have a bill. instead what they are trying to do is jam him up. okay, 1.-- >> harris: congresswoman ocasio-cortez's head will pop off if that happens. she doesn't want -- >> if she wants anything in her priorities then joe manchin is in charge. what they are doing is trying to jam him up and set a cap of 1.75 trillion. they are saying okay, let's set fake deadlines and so on paper we're underfunding all of our programs. we'll fund all of them for two or three years and it looks like we're under 1.75. joe manchin isn't stupid and he can do math. in west virginia they can do math. he knows the bill, if it's funded for 10 years is 3.9 trillion. cbo said 3.4 trillion. he won't vote for a 3.4 trillion dollar bill period, end of story. >> harris: he knows the voters know it, too. it makes him smart and sticky issue for the democrats. >> i can negotiate a deal in five minutes. simple. >> harris: you said something before we move onto the next thing you said something that i thought was particularly obvious there that people may be missing on the hill. that is in the progressives really want this, you said if this is what congresswoman ocasio-cortez really wants she will have to look across chamber at the senators and watch them get this done on manchin's term. what if it really isn't? what if they want is so much more and they don't want to settle? >> they have no choice. politics is the art of the possible. and there is a deal to be had, harris. it can be negotiated in five minutes. joe manchin said he supports the expansion of the child tax credit. that according to the cbo will cost over 10 years. he wants it funded for 10 years. 1.6 trillion. almost his entire 1.75 trillion. 150 billion left to play with. according to cbo expansion of the rnd income tax credit is $135 billion. but those two together and you accomplish something major. expanded the child tax credit which they say is important in fighting poverty and the income tax credit. if you did that you might get a few republican votes if you limited it to just that. joe manchin will support that. have a signing ceremony and try to get the rest of your stuff next year. they aren't willing to compromise and accept reality. ocasio-cortez and up to them it's biden and schumer they are not accepting reality that joe manchin means what he says when he says no to a 3.4 trillion monstrosity. >> harris: now i know why they wanted you in the white house for the president and for the ideas that go into the messaging. that would have been a compromise. didn't take five minutes. you could get it done in two. "new york post" op-ed argues the bbb we'll call it that, build back better freeze puts a bow on biden's -- that has a lot of b, bad year. build back better declined in size but never ascended in approval no matter the propaganda effort to claim its provisions were popular just so long as nobody was asked how much the provisions they liked would actually cost. it doesn't really matter why biden went down this stupid path. what matters is the result. and the fact that was more bs than harris faulkner could handle. >> i couldn't have said it, either. look, we've got a huge problem in this country, which is inflation every american is paying for it when we go to the grocery store and gas pump. every american feels it. the 1.9 trillion bill he passed at the start of the year, social spengd disguised as covid relief is the why we have the inflation and supply crisis. we had a $300 billion hole in the economy and they poured 1.9 trillion into it. americans got stimulus checks, they got expanded child tax credit and unemployment supplements and the savings rates soared. americans had lots of money to spend but no incentive to go back to work. demand soared and supply side couldn't keep up and why we have inflation now. if you know that, why would you pass another 3.5 trillion and pour that into the hole in the economy. that's what joe manchin's point is. it will drive up inflation and exacerbate the problems and he is comfortable with not doing anything. democrats should be happy he is willing to support 1.75 trillion rather than complaining he won't support the whole thing. >> harris: he is a politician, too. he knows that that kicks the can down the road, too, and gets them into 2022 and makes fewer and fewer democrats likely to want to fight on the president's side because people want to get reelected. i give manchin that much credit. i think it's obvious he is also playing that game. quickly you mentioned the word inflation and a lot of people are thinking about their bills right now. in addition to all of the other things that are going on as crisis like crime in this country. it is a top concern along with crime for a majority of americans now. 84% say they are extremely or very concerned about inflation. 63% say they're extremely or very concerned about being able to pay their bills. mitch mcconnell leader of the republicans in the senate placing the blame on democrats and tearing into the biden administration to want to build back better. >> that additional debt particularly given the aftermath of the rescue -- so-called rescue package back in march and the inflationary results of that, to double down on a similar strategy is a big mistake for the country. a 40-year high inflation rate has everybody's attention. we need to quit doing the wrong things. >> harris: last word marc thiessen. >> he is right. the american people agree by 43 to 15 margin they say build back better will make inflation worse. the important stat. in west virginia, 59% of voters oppose build back better. 73% say inflation is hurting their families, 64% say build back better will make inflation worse. that's why joe manchin is not in a hurry to pour all this money into the economy right now. his voters don't want it. >> harris: thank you very much. it looks like democrats have a retirement problem as another long-time congressman plans to step down. that's 20 lawmakers stepping away from the house and it could spell trouble for dems just in 11 months. plus surging crime rates leaving voerts on the edge as more and more stores get ransacked, looted, mobs of people showing up. they are connecting some of them on social media. causing millions of dollars in merchandise loss. florida's attorney general says the state is working to insure that repeat offenders get their due justice. she has some ideas about the crime that the nation is facing. she is "focus." ty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed only pay for what you need. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. 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why now? >> great to see you and thank you for having me on. florida has always said we will stand behind law enforcement and support law enforcement because we know that their efforts are vital to a successful, prosperous state. so when we've seen the rash of organized thefts across the nation, we've been working diligently to ask law enforcement how can we be helpful and work with the businesses that are victims in order to provide the right information so that you can put the pieces together and go after these folks? we can be pro-active. so i was proud to stand with law enforcement here in florida, have the support of our great governor ron desantis to announce a new database, interactive database where we work with businesses pro-actively to tamp down on flash mob theft. so we will continue to do that and continue to do that in florida. we won't let crime run florida. we'll run crime out of our state. >> harris: i'm sure that many people might wonder and again i started with why now. this seems like the kind of idea that lets the criminals know who is in business as you just said. so why work with the businesses? is this intimating that law right now through judges and prosecutors, that they aren't keeping track of when these things happen? >> it is not just working with a business, it is working with the victim of a crime. and that is common practice. i have been a prosecutor, federal prosecutor and served as a judge and law enforcement is in place to protect victims. and when you see a crime surge, crime increase really drastic increase across our nation, you are seeing 50% murder increases, violent crime going up. where and why is that happening? people are looking all over the place. pelosi admitted there is a crime surge but she won't admit why it is happening. it is happening in liberal-run cities where you have pro-crime prosecutors, pro-criminal policies that they implement and as a result of that they are advocating defund the police, criticize law enforcement as a whole. we don't need more law enforcement but more social workers, do away with bail. compare that approach to florida. florida says we are going to protect victims. we aren't going to say the criminals are victims. which is absurd. we'll protect victims. we'll put in place common sense policies that alou law enforcement to do their job. in florida governor desantis and aproposed $5,000 bonuses for folks that move here to become law enforcement officers. statewide troopers a 25% increase in pay. compare that to other states. i will tell you today i'm going over to a law enforcement agency and swearing in law enforcement officers that moved here from new york. they are fleeing the liberal run cities that don't support them. in order to have a vibrant, stable society and rule of law you have to have leaders that support their cause. >> harris: i look at this and almost say you are putting up a firewall because in your line of work and in mine, i'm covering it on the other end after it happens and the lives that crimes change, and you are advocating. when you look at it crime doesn't know a zip code it just wants to get to the next delicious play to happen. criminals will migrate. this is like a firewall in florida. >> against crime and we're sending up a flair to other folks across the nation. watch who is being put in place as your prosecutor. do they care more about the criminals than they do the law-abiding citizens? you just saw in california where d.a. came out when someone was brutally murdered and said the system didn't give that murdererer the resources they need. you saw the chicago mayor come out and say when their businesses were overrun with mobs that were stealing items the chicago mayor said well, the businesses didn't have enough security. or secure their merchandise. they make the criminals the victims. you just had president biden just now this morning brag on national television in a speech that he has appointed more criminal defense attorneys to the bench than any other administration in history. as we're seeing a crime surge in murder and violent crime across the nation. they are tone deaf. >> harris: that's interesting because in effect what you are saying he technically owned it. he put the people in place that made this happen but he thinks it's a good thing he is hiring people, i guess. >> he thinks it is a good thing he puts criminal defense attorneys on the bench while murder rates are surging. >> harris: thank you for letting us know what's happening in florida. that $5,000 for cops moving there, that sort of thing rolling in now. attorney general moody, come back to the "focus." we look forward to an update. thank you. more and more house democrats are calling it quits as their political party is trying to hold onto its slim majority in 2022. how confident should the party be heading into the mid-terms? and then there is this. >> i can't speak to a conversation that the vice president and the president had. i can only say and reiterate what jen has said and the president said himself he is planning to run for reelection in 2024. >> harris: the white house says the president will run again in 2024. but his presumed running mate, vice president kamala harris, says they haven't actually discussed it. what is the story there? a democrat, a republican as we always play it here, power panel next. ♪♪♪ [uplifting music playing] ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! or high blood potassium. i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? 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a recent poll found half of registered voters disapprove of the vice president. some critics say democratic voters would likely prefer a clean slate. >> i think problem is that the democrats have sort of wokeed themselves into a corner here. with joe biden and kamala harris no democrat in their right mind would want either of these two anywhere near a presidential ticket because they have done a terrible job leading our country. you see they have basically destroyed america in less than a year in office. >> harris: power panel now. matt gorman and crystal knight. and founding executive director of emerge tennessee. crystal, i will start with you. you know, our fox news contributor there lara trump was making it about policy. when it comes to it we look at things like ability of the candidate, popularity of a candidate and what you have with an incumbent are numbers, fresh numbers at all times. the numbers are horrible for kamala harris and for joe biden right now. so where does that put them actually running? >> well, it is still the first year of the first term, harris. we have to let this process play out. i don't think it's unusual that press secretary psaki stated the president fully intends to run in 2024. there is a legislative agenda this administration is trying to get through the senate right now and so that seems to be the focus more so than what is going to happen over the next three years. we also have to get through the mid materials as well to look and see what the field will look like. >> harris: it don't look like it will get much cheerier. every president is upside down in the mid-term elections. this one could be quite remarkable in the numbers from what we're seeing right now. matt. >> you're right. these comments couldn't come at a worse time for joe biden during his presidency. they will sew doubt among democrats and elected officials and voters across the country. look as we go to 2022. we are only a year in. what positive momentum does joe biden have on any part of his agenda? he promised he would shut down covid. it is here. the voting rights bill is completely d.o.a. build back better is stalled in the senate and inflation is running rampant. it couldn't come at a worse time. these comments from kamala harris, another gaffe by her i believe, to really sew doubt among the party in general. >> harris: let's talk about that. is it a gaffe? that's problematic politically speaking that you might not be on the same page about something as important as running again together and certainly she knows the country is watching the palace intrigue, whatever you want to call it. it is still news that she has had problems behind the scenes with her own team. >> yeah. i think she should be speaking in one voice with whatever the press secretary. >> harris: why do you think it is not happening? >> there are many speculations why it could be happening. what we also don't know is if the press secretary and the office of the president have asked her to make a blanket statement just to put reporters in news commentators at bay. i fully believe they are having conversations about the future of this country. >> harris: wait a minute. i think you broke news there. are you saying the white house would ask her to lie? >> no, i didn't say that. >> harris: if you are sure they are having conversations because it would make sense they would be if the white house will make a statement and then they want her to make a blanket one that it's not happening maybe it's accident sli they're asking her not to tell the truth. >> i'm saying we don't know. we aren't in the rooms when they are having these conversations. >> >> harris: two different things are being said. is it a problem? >> i think it's challenging. public facing that the press secretary is saying one thing and then the vice president is saying something else. i don't believe that they aren't in concert about the future of this country and the future of the party. >> harris: one last one for you. is there concern honestly about kamala harris and fitness for the job among democrats that you talk to? >> i don't think so. i think the challenge is that we have, you know, there seems to be a concerted effort among liberal and conservative media to tear her down and not give her the opportunity to lead in her first year in office. >> harris: wow. >> and to prove herself to the american people. >> harris: last 10 seconds to you, matt. >> just one thing. kamala harris has never been tested. underwem manying in whatever she did. we're seeing it here. >> harris: great conversation, thank you for joining "the faulkner focus". "outnumbered" is next. frequent heartburn? not anymore. the prilosec otc two-week challenge is helping people love what they love again. just one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. because life starts when heartburn stops. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. >> fox news alert. you are about to listen to testimony from kim potter, former minneapolis area police officer who is charged with first and second degree manslaughter in connection with dante wright's shooting death. she faces up to 15 years in prison, if convicted of the most serious count and recall, potter says she mistook her handgun for her taser when she shot and killed the 20-year-old during a traffic stop in the minneapolis suburb of brooklyn center. she and other officers including a trainee were attempting to arrest him when he tried to get back into his vehicle as video shows. she is now beginning her testimony. let's listen. >> yes. >> is your husband in the courtroom? >> yes, he is. >> what's his name? >> jeff potter. >> and how long have you been married? >> over 25 years. >> when did you first meet your husband? >> when i was 15. >> in high school? >> yes. did you reunite much later? >> yes, when i was in college. >> and what does your husband do? >> he works for health care system now. >> is he a retired police officer also. >> where was he a police officer? >> fridley, minnesota. >> was he a member of a drug task force? >> yes, he was. >> with respect to your children, do you have children? >> yes. >> and what are they, two boys? >> i have two boys. >> what are their names? >> nicolas and samuel. >> and are they in the courtroom? >> no, they're not. >> where is nicolas? >> he is active duty marine. >> and where's that at? >> currently stationed in florida. >> and your other son, where's he at? >> he's in college in north dakota. >> are they going to be home for the holidays? >> yes, they will. >> is your mother in the courtroom? >> yes. >> and your sister? >> no, she's not. >> but is your brother in the courtroom? >> yes, he is. >> besides your brother and your mother, your father is deceased? >> yes. >> do you have any other siblings? >> i have another sister and a brother. >> do you know what their ages are? >> my sister, my oldest sister is in her 50's. and my other brother is in his 50's, also. >> what do they do for a living? >> my sister works for a medical device company. my oldest brother works for a parking company and my other brother works for retail. >>

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Gathering , Places , Masks , Won T The White House , Let S Move , Doctor , Some , We Group , New York , 40 , Idea , Road , Point , No One Else , Most , Reason , Feel It , Respiratory Virus , Regard , Measles , Crowd Out Delta , Fda , Pill , Game Changer , Bang , Change , Swine Flu , Keeping , 2009 , Sort , Details , Hero , Hope , Crowd , Fence , Kamala Harris , Haven T , Oh My Goodness , She Couldn T , 2024 , Nothing , Speculation , Swirling , Food Prices , Gas Prices , Im , Successor , Wants , Supply Chain , Inflation , Marc Thiessen , Spending Bill , Homeowners , Smart Move , Fine , More , Peace Of Mind , Values , Veteran , Highs , Newday 100 Va Loan , Equity , 0000 , 100 , 60000 , Veterans , Value , Rates , Advantage , Home Equity , Lows , Pool , Grandkids , Kitchen , Calling Newday , Bank , Security , Amount , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Parents , Enbrel , Joint Pain , Psoriatic Arthritis , Players , Artists , Designers , Friends , Do It Yourselfers , Ability , Damage , Clearer , True 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, Intention , Fire , Aened , Burlington , Safe , Police Chief , Kids , Tik Tok , New Jersey , 75 , School , Threat , Event , Child , Consequences , Department Of Education , Futures , Crime Crisis , Latest , Language , Breakdown , Onomy , 21 , Crime Surge , Penalties , Police Funding , Gun Availability , Surveys , Retail Thefts , Criminality , Other , Rise , Smash , Common , Los Angeles , Database , Streets , Example , Progressive Bail Policies , Action , Looters , Repeat Theft , Offenders , Law Enforcement Recruits , Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody , Florida Hero Initiative , Support , Thefts , Efforts , Rash , Businesses , Folks , Victims , Pieces , Information , Ron Desantis , Interactive Database , Flash Mob Theft , Let Crime Run Florida , Criminals , Judges , Kind , Law , Intimating , Prosecutor , Prosecutors , Victim , Practice , Track , Judge , Crime , Increase , Crime Increase , Murder Increases , Pelosi , Happening , Liberal , Policies , Workers , Bail , Whole , Advocating Defund The Police , Common Sense , Law Enforcement Officers , Bonuses , Troopers , Aproposed , 000 , 25 , 5000 , Swearing , States , Law Enforcement Agency , Liberal Run Cities , Don T Support Them , Firewall , Rule Of Law , Society , Line , Cause , Vibrant , It Crime , Zip Code It , Play , End , Crimes Change , Advocating , Flair , Watch , Mayor , The System Didn T , Citizens , Murdererer , Chicago , D A , Merchandise , Overrun , Items , Bench , Television , Criminal Defense Attorneys , Murder , Speech , History , Effect , Cops , What S Happening , Defense Attorneys , Murder Rates , Update , Attorney General Moody , Conversation , Mid Terms , Reelection , Planning , Running Mate , 2024 Harris , Power Panel Next , Music , Dream , Fly Away Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , One Million , Entresto , Angioedema , Hospital , Ace , Baby , Harm , Arb , Aliskiren , Ace Inhibitor , Blood , Potassium , Blood Pressure , Kidney Problems , Side Effects , Gonna , Mom , Show , Mommy , Promises , Snow , Angie , Lou , Phone , Yep , Mobile , 400 , 00 , Cost , Network , Moon Christmas Special , Go , Smart Kid , Gotta , Courtroom Seal , Breaking News , Switch Squad , Kim Potter , Gun , Vehicle , Area , Minneapolis , Force , Daunte Wright , Taser , Video , Hands , Stand , Reaction , Tears , Shock , Defense Team , Attorney , Defense , Police Officer , Stay , We Haven T , Press Secretary , Admission , Middle , Assertion , Washington Examiner , Incumbent , Rumor , Season , Running , Lying , Donors , Nomination , Slate , Wokeed , Mind , Corner , Ticket , Office , Power Panel , Executive Director , Crystal Knight , Matt Gorman , Candidate , Policy , Crystal , Popularity , Tennessee , Lara Trump , Agenda , Process Play , Materials , The Field , Couldn T , Cheerier , Elections , Doubt , Presidency , Momentum , It Couldn T , Down Covid , Voting Rights , Gaffe , General , Comments , Politically , Let S Talk , Intrigue , Page , Palace , Scenes , Speculations , Voice , Conversations , Office Of The President , Blanket Statement , News Commentators , Don T Know , Bay , Sense , Wait A Minute , Rooms , Statement , Accident Sli , Blanket One , Truth , Being , Concert , Something Else , Media , Fitness , Opportunity , Wow , Great Conversation , Underwem Manying , Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , 24 , Zero Heartburn , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Zero , Boost , Testimony , Count , Shooting Death , Handgun , Connection , Degree Manslaughter , Prison , Recall , Trainee , Officers , Video Shows , Traffic Stop , Suburb , Brooklyn Center , Husband , Courtroom , Yes , Name , Jeff Potter , College , High School , Health Care System , Drug Task Force , Member , Minnesota , Fridley , Boys , Nicolas , Names , Samuel , Holidays , Marine , Duty , Son , North Dakota , Sister , Brother , Mother , Father , Deceased , Siblings , Ages , Brother Works For Retail , Living , Device , Oldest Brother Works For A Parking ,

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