Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709

seat, turning point u.s.a. spokesman and iraq war veteran rob smith. fox is on the front lines of this crisis as we get video of a dozen migrants appear to be held together by rope attempting to cross the rio grande river. but they're certainly not the only ones that come here illegally as southwest land border and counters hit more than 164,000 last month. and taught more than 1.7 million in this fiscal year. plus, illegal drugs are also a huge problem with border agents seizing $3 million worth of meth at the u.s.-mexico border. in texas, the border crisis is being blamed for even more serious crimes. with a human smuggling suspect hit with a slew of charges including murder. after police say the teen ran a stop sign while fleeing from border agents. and t-boned a car driven by a 59-year-old missionary and her 22-year-old daughter killing both instantly. the lieutenant governor of teas saying the blood of these american citizens is on the hands of president biden and vice president kamala harris. rob smith, what are your thoughts on the unfolding tragedy day after day after day in this monumental crisis facing us? >> emily, i think one of my first thoughts is that it's so unfortunate that we only have these conversations about what's going on at the border if we talk about the violence, we talk about the drugs, if we talk about the sex trafficking, things like that. that is only sort of conservative leaning outlets and conservative people that talk about this because this is purely an american issue, right? so this is an issue that affects all of us. and i think that the left is doing a big disservice by not having this conversation. i think that they do not want to have this conversation, and when you talk about voting patterns here, there's this idea that the latino and hispanic americans are just all in on biden's mass immigration plan, right? now, that's not exactly true. there's a wall street journal poll that said that if the election were held today and it was biden and trump running, that 43% of hispanics would vote for biden as opposed to 44% for trump. that is very, very close, right? and now you have a lot of congressional districts that are going heavily hispanic for republicans. so i think that the left is very much missing the mark when they do not talk about this issue, it is making americans feel less safe and that is americans of all colors. >> that's exactly right. and tommy, it's a humanitarian issue as well. it's even larger than this country as people flooding the border are subject to squalid conditions in the camps that we have been holding them under this administration. they are subjected to everything from sexual assault to injury to death by these human smugglers and this administration, while doing nothing about it, is fielding silence from the left and enjoying silence from the left who seem to cry about humanity for every other issue other than this one affecting millions every day. >> i also want to be careful when we talk about the conditions at the border. we all have seen them, you know, what little we've seen of them and been able to see of them. i want to be careful, though, about demonizing our border patrol agents. they are doing the absolute best that they can. they are overburdened and i think that that when we talk about the conditions oftentimes, americans hear that and they want to point the finger at those border patrol agents. they need help and resources. they don't have room for these people to go. they do the absolute best that they can. they treat them and from what i have seen personally they treat them exceptionally. i want to discuss, we're talking about the drug bust and the human smuggling. this is the smuggling and drug busts that were caught. they're having to be glorified babysiters and i think the american people need to think what else is coming into our country is that undetected and unbusted? what is coming into our communities? i think the solution to this because the biden administration will not do anything. the solution is leaders, true leaders like governor ron desanity is taking a stand and making his state an example of what should be the rest of the country saying we're going to take the illegal minors and send them to delaware and martha's vineyard and make sure we have protections for legal americans and legal immigrants to make sure they're being put first in our communities especially at the state level. that's what the governors need to step up and doing. because the biden administration are not going to do it. >> 100%, we support law enforcement and these conditions have been created under this administration not by law enforcement at the border. harris, you've had multiple really engaging interviews with political officials, governors as well and border states as well as throughout the country and law enforcement representatives. what are your greatest themes that you've seen? >> i've been really fortunate to talk with a large group of sheriffs along the way who have gathered more than once at the border to figure out how they can support the very people that they're talking about, the border patrol agents. remember, their job is an extension of the federal government's job to protect all of us. the government has one job. i know it says it has a lot. it has a lot of responsibilities but the singular job is to keep us all secure and safe. if they're not able to do their job because they're being outnumbered, forgive the term, overrun at the border, then that makes all of us less safe. and so tommy, you asked what else is coming? i ask who. not just what else is coming across the border? because we know there are a lot of drugs coming, fentanyl, so and so forth. it's the who that i'm concerned about when you can go on snapchat and get 100 strangers to hit a home depot. like when you can cause a flash mob of crime and we know that the cartel and we know that they have phones. we know that they have privy to social media, right? and we know that they like to show up at a crime. so i'm concerned with merging crises here, that the wave of crime that we're already seeing because we seem to not want to adjudicate the cases of the criminals the way that we want to point a finger at the victims. buy more security cameras. along with those that would naturally want to do crime coming across our border. that's not everybody, of course not. there are people that want to be here for dream furthering, for asylum, for all of that. but when they illegally cross into this country, and want to do harm, they now have maybe a new network to hook up with. i'm concerned about a collision of crises. >> at the end of the day, all of these crises have been either created or festered under the watch of joe biden and americans have started to see that. >> no doubt! really interestingly, the way harris put it about a collision of crises and yet, within one crisis, which is immigration, there's an umbrella of crises. a trifecta of crises within that one issue, if you will, there's the humanitarian crisis. there's the drug crisis that tommy speaks to. as harris puts it, the security crisis. all three of these are so important. the humanitarian crisis, look at that. two u.s. citizens killed. things like this happened all too often in our country. in mexico, 55 migrants killed as they're out of human smuggling operation with 200 in a tractor-trailer, 55 killed in a crash. when joe biden incentivizes illegal immigrants to come, things like this happen be it in mexico or our side of the border. you move to the drug crisis, texas department of safety say they've received enough sentinels to kill 200 million americans. that's nearly 2/3 of our country. coming at a time when we know overdose deaths eclipsed to their highest point last year going through april in history over 100,000 deaths. and then the security component, who is coming in? people are coming from outside of just latin america, central america. we know that screening, congress has been saying how are you screening the minors that are being dropped off in new york state. >> we can't even covid test them. >> they dropped the interview component of spouses of refugees. this is just a swirling mess, a trifecta of crises. what is joe biden doing? he's asleep at the wheel. >> all of this incompetence and tragedy was predictable, right, we've talked about when compassionate policies become cruel. this is incompetent capitulating policy and it has been cruel for a long time. remember, vice president kamala harris campaigned in part on the fact that she would fix the immigration system. joe biden has had 50 years to work on it and neither of them have done anything. they've made it worse. coming up, he's not seeing the bad poll numbers. president biden's rosie prediction for the midterms despite tanking on so many key issues. >> i want to tell my republican friends, get ready! you're going to have a problem. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® is a pill that lowers blood sugar in three ways. increases insulin when you need it... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. veteran homeowners- you made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. >> president biden bullish on democrats' chances in the 2022 midterms. this, despite poor polling on many key issues. the president told the crowd at the d.n.c. holiday party. >> i want to tell my republican friends, get ready, you're going to in for a problem! as democrats, we know what we're for where republicans don't seem to be for anything. name me something they are for. we have to keep making the case and if we do, i believe we're going to win. let me say this again for the press. we're going to win in 2022! >> talk about not reading the tea leaves. tough words. maybe the president needs a reality check, you think? wide range of issues.e is on a sometimes by a 2-1 margin on immigration, the economy, crime, and on inflation which is rising at its fastest pace in nearly 40 years. those words are so departed from reality when you have cnbc, republicans ahead by 10 points. abc news/"washington post" poll republicans ahead by 10 points. that's the highest since the poll has recorded since 1981. i mean, this is not good for biden even the mainstream polling organizations see that. >> i think my favorite part of his little speech is when he said he doesn't know what republicans are for. well, just send him a few things. law and order. border security. affordability. freedom! just a few things that we're for, limited government. you know, basically everything that's going wrong, we're against all that and for things that actually work as they did during the trump administration. but here's what i fear. i do believe that there is going to be a massive red wave coming in 2022. but i do believe before then, the democrats will distance themselves from joe biden. they're going to say you know what? he's not really doing a good job and not coherent. they'll throw him under the bus and pretend he's not attached to the very agenda he's promoting. i think most people would believe that joe biden really isn't in charge of his agenda anyway. it's the democrat party and the d.n.c., those heavy hitters and puppeteers that are forming his entire policy. so to now be able to step back and say it was just joe biden but the democrats, we still have your back and we can make this country back, that's a lie and sham. you're already doing it and you're failing. be careful for democrats trying to distance themselves and pretending they're something different than the biden administration. they are the biden administration. >> it's true and harris, take a look at some of these headlines. biden may think he's going to do great. mainstream media doesn't think so. "new york times", how bad is it out there for democrats? democratic support has plunged nationally in recent months. "washington post," why the generic ballot is so ominous for democrats? cnn, why the 2022 midterms look like the opposite of 2018. liberal media has seemed to have woken up. >> he lost "the new york times" and "washington post"? oh, my goodness. look, tommy has a really important point. the salients there cannot be missed. it's a warning to republicans now, right? if the party splits, and he's one side and everybody else is on the other, that means that there might be some unification of those far progressives with the moderates. we don't see that now. right? but if it becomes about their political survival, they might do that and stick him out there, everything sticks to him like goo, he might not even run again. and then something else comes out. might not be kamala harris. might be somebody else. and tommy, you're absolutely right about this! it's a strategy, that could work! and if republicans don't get ready for that, they've got to make this now about a wide swath of policies across the board. take a look at those areas where things are not working out. look at those cities that lead the nation in homicides for the first time in history with those numbers for those cities. i mean, it's got to be -- if they're going to wage the real type of red wave that has sustainability, they'll have to do it with more than look at biden, look at biden. it's a very interesting point that she made. i just wanted to add on to that. >> yeah, like newt gingrich like contract with america, republicans have the opportunity to do that on a wide range of issues, rob, you mentioned immigration. and not to ignore it. and salient issue to the american people last block. and you are so right! take a look at this wall street journal poll, right? most important issue to voters. look what's on top. immigration at 13%. above the economy at 11% and inflation at 10%. again, these top three issues republicans are very good at. health care, where democrats tend to succeed in the messaging battle, that's the fourth ranked issue. rob, immigration is key here! >> yeah, immigration is key. and look, this is what a lot of people are going to be talking about leading into the midterm elections and beyond. so look, when i look at joe biden, i call it the biden bot. seems to have about three settings. one of the settings is the creepy whisper they keep us up at night. other setting is the utter confusion where he doesn't really know where he is or what nap he's on his way to. in the third setting of the biden bot is this righteous anger that's yelling. and so when i look at that speech at the d.n.c. holiday party, there's this yelling, there's this righteous indignation. oh, the republicans, better get ready, pal. there's this tough talk. this is supposed to project authority. i actually sense that it projects the exact opposite. it projects an insecurity and a weakness because they know that they are underwater on so many issues including immigration that the american public really care about. when the american public looks at these handling of these issues, they see the biden administration and the people that are in charge are failing. now, they're about 19 house democrats that are either departing the house or moving on to new things next year. i do not think that you would see these numbers if there was some big red wave coming or excuse me, if there was a big blue wave coming. >> biden bot, you may have the answer of the day, rob smith. contrast that to white house press secretary who had a hard time when asked to name president biden's greatest foreign policy achievement. take a listen. >> what does the administration going to say is your biggest achievement in foreign policy in the first year? >> you know, this is a great question and i want to be thoughtful about it and talk to the president about it and i'm happy to do that. >> emily? >> oh, man, i loved rob's setting three because that's exactly the kind of interaction that biden has shown towards foreign policy leaders. the issue with what she said is twofold. number one, there isn't any foreign policy accomplishments that this administration can tout whatsoever. secondly, she failed on the messaging to have one in the big pocket. you know it better than all of us but you have something prepared. you would think an administration that's been in office for 12 months would have something prepared for that question. there you go. there has to be something one would think that she can point to. the fact that she literally couldn't underscores the incompetence of this administration and how much they make it worse. if she asked specifically about russia, setting three is what the biden bot used before they met privately but let russian state media come in. the big talk, i'm talk to prove him wrong, really? what happened out of that you shut our pipeline and let theirs go on. what about the president that said we're good friends. campaign wise, he said i'll show them who is boss. afghanistan and this administration can't think of one policy accomplishment. >> let me ask emily a quick follow. you don't buy the line, technically is circle back. didn't say it that time. you know she meant it. with the president to come up with that one, you're not buying that? >> i respect the fact that she said i'd like to have a thoughtful answer with you and meet with him. but it is ridiculous that she didn't have one prepared for a foreign policy achievement. like a basic fundamental question. it wasn't something nuanced where we understand. >> that's the problem. >> yes, one of the easiest softball questions you can get is what did the president do best on this issue and she didn't have an answer. maybe because china is developing hypersonic weaponry and that's the real answer. coming up, one democratic mayor changing course on policing as crime runs rampant in her own backyard. and across the country. that major reversal next. it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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crackdown on crime. big change of heart. when she said that she would redirect those dollars from the police budget and then just the past few months, we've seen countless videos of violent smash and grabs in the bay area. cause and effect. meanwhile, the lapd is searching for four men linked to this terrifying armed robbery in hollywood. police say the suspects followed the two victims to an apartment complex, and made off with a pair of expensive watches. chicago now, 49-year-old dad, beaten to death while stringing christmas lights with his youngest daughter. the community is in shock and pain. and they are now setting up a neighborhood watch to try to keep their own streets safe. but when you can't rely on those in charge to uphold the law, people start to get angry. last hour, i spoke with james smallwood who leads hundreds of thousands with the fraternal order of police, the national organization. watch. >> i think the biden administration is looking at the same numbers that we are. and quite frankly, americans are tired of the violent crime in this nation and they're tired of being victimized across our country. we have to do something different. the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and continue to expect a different result. that's what we're doing. >> smallwood is the treasurer and along with their team at the f.o.p. 364,000 police officers so you know they are getting the facts on the ground. >> they are getting the facts on the ground and so to, too, are the members of the community. one thing that stood out to me was the attack on the father, 49 years old hanging christmas lights with his young daughter. he's described as hard working and a good father of three leaving behind a wife and three kids. his daughter is kneeling on the ground by him and a neighbor runs over to her, and the girl says my dad is hurt. my dad is hurt. he died four hours later. now, what struck me so much about this absolutely awful story was the aftermath. the neighbors have literally said we're taking matters into our own hands. we're coming together. we're going to have a neighborhood watch. we're going to exchange contact information. you know, more needs to be done. they said this is supplementing the peace effort. when you have americans literally saying we as a close knit neighborhood are going to bond together and fill the deficit that liberal policies have created and fix the crime, that's a big place to be at. >> look and the unions are taking a call now, too, because we just saw smallwood with the f.o.p., i also had on of the seattle police union there, he said look, we're building a situation where all of these unions work together much like a neighborhood watch. they're going to have to do that. they'll have to pull plus i would imagine it pumps up their morale to be together, right, because they're not getting that from the rest of the country's leadership particularly in those blue cities where the homicides are spiking. >> you hit the nail on the head. where they are lacking, this is where people are rising up and filling that void. that's a major part of the tragedy, too. so, for example, in san francisco, the district attorney said to the police union there, do your jobs. there is an antagonism between these elected officials and los angeles, in the same presser where he held a moment of silence for homicide victims there in los angeles, he also called the sheriff a pig. how is that -- >> he says he didn't mean it. what i say is well, that's not a word that drips from your lips unless you're having bacon for breakfast. >> here's the thing. if he didn't mean to call him that pig in terrible association of law enforcement, he still said you don't wrestle with a pig. all do you is get dirty. no matter what it was highly offensesive, disrespectful and illustrates the fact that these rank and file officers, all of this law enforcement trained desperately to keep our citizens safe have zero support from the progressive left and people in positions that duped american citizens to vote for them because they ran on criminal justice reform with the pendulum swinging to the far left eroding all public safety. we sit and mention names every single day and the like over and over again. and yet, this administration does nothing and when jen psaki was asked about it, she referred the reporter to the d.o.j. and local law enfenforcement. ridiculous. >> one thing they want to do is throw more of our money at our situation. it takes more than that. our money won't compete with the policies that are already in place. they want to put more resources. so basically, they're going to refund what they took away. that doesn't change activist judges. that doesn't change d.a.'s and prosecutors who look at a criminal and say what gascone says, he doesn't want a punishment based situation for the criminals! >> yeah, there's not a problem in this society that the left doesn't try to answer by throwing more money at it. and look, very quickly, what we're going into right now is we're going into what i'm calling the post woke era. so there's a lot of the far left activists on twitter and progressives said a lot of things and they made people think that they had a lot of clout, whatever. a lot of these local officials decided to put these things into play, these policies are awful. they are hurting the citizens. it is making these places more dangerous. and now they are backing up on that. and you talked about london brie being fully present earlier. what you said is a good point. she was completely there. this wasn't dead behind the eyes like lori lightfoot talking politics. london breeds were actually there. we'll need 100 more who are running these cities to stand up and say enough is enough and get back to better policy and more policing in these communities. >> i mean, you know, tommy, i want to get to this. former detroit police chief james craig who we know is also running for governor now as a republican in the state of michigan called on police chiefs to stand up to the leaders and express themselves in democrat-led cities. he's saying look, don't stay silent. >> recognize many of these chiefs in these cities that are run by these progressive mayors, they're going to have to start standing up, stepping up and speaking out boldly. these chiefs have got to stand up and reject their mayor's assessments. >> tommy? >> they do! and that leadership needs to come and i think a movement can be built on that because the public needs to hear from law enforcement and many times law enforcement feel like they can't say anything but it is up to those leaders in those departments to do that. but i think, you know, real quickly, what every american can do to help solve a little bit of this problem, we've got such a problem with the demoralization among police departments and our law enforcement agencies. what every american can do although we can't impact policy right away, we can go up to the officers and say thank you but something else very important. we can say we need you. they need to hear that. not only that we thank them for their service but that we need them! because that is only going to inspire them to do their job even better. for those that are thinking about retirement and don't want to be in this profession anymore because they're so demoralized it might change their opinion and perspective if we show a little bit of gratitude and show them how much we need them. >> so beautifully said. one of the reasons why i wanted to do that hour today, "america's crime crisis" and have so many members of our law enforcement on it. because, as you say, we need you to them. i say we hear you to them. all right. actions speak louder than words. the democratic party tries to distance itself from socialist policies. one senator seems comfortable handing out awards to self-proclaimed communists. that's next. this is an important mortgage 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[ clicks tongue ] i don't know. i think they look good, man. mm, smooth. uh, they are a little tight. like, too tight? might just need to break 'em in a little bit. you don't want 'em too loose. for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. -okay. think i'm gonna wear these home. -excellent choice. >> if you are not already part of the communist party, we invite you to participate and contribute and join. there's more and more people talking now about socialism in this country as it becomes more and more clear that capitalism is not going to work for our future. >> wow! guess who was at that event. democratic senator richard blumenthal spoke at that communist awards ceremony in connecticut. blumenthal presented certificates of special recognition to members of a communist party affiliated organization. the senate also touting president biden massive spending bill that would drastically expand social programs in the united states. this comes as top democrats have repeatedly tried to distance themselves from socialist policies. including president biden who said this of bernie sanders after winning the democrat nomination in 2020. >> i beat the socialists, that's how i got elected and got the nomination. do i look like a socialist? look at my career, my whole career. i am not a socialist. >> well, your party seems to be. rob smith, i mean, senator blumenthal, one estimate has his net worth at $100 million. seems to be doing quite well based off the capitalist system. should we expect biden to come out and dismiss him? >> probably, i mean, you know what? they probably won't have biden do that. it's absolutely insane to me that a sitting democratic senator is literally speaking at some communist event. honestly, to tell you the truth, it shouldn't be that surprising because when you look at what is going on with the left right now, when you look at what is going on with the democrats, all of the energy is among this sort of socialist and communist leaning right now. you've got the most popular democrats, a.o.c., the squad, all of these people, they can only get energy and they can only get attention when they are pushing for these socialist beliefs. and there's this weird footsie going on among the left right now. you have biden on one hand with the student loan debt repayment so he's backed off from that. that was one of the socialist things that we were pushing for. so a.o.c. and the squad and all them try to act very upset about that when they're touting build back better which is basically socialism in its form right now. you've got cradle to grave government interventions which is exactly what the build back better plan is about. so honestly, to tell you the truth, they say a lot about the republicans. they say a lot about conservative fractions in this party. but their party is being taken over by the socialists and communists right now and for the love of god, any democrats who believe in the future of this country, need to start standing up against that right now and stop being so afraid of the squad and what their mobs on twitter will say about it. >> no doubt, tommy, this is a sitting democrat senator speaking at an affiliate of communist party u.s.a. who is saying come join the communist party. how does this make sense? >> it doesn't make sense and i got to tell you, when i hear that woman talking about communism and how that should be the future of our nation, it makes the hair on my back of neck stand up. i can't imagine what cubans and venezuelans and other people that have lived under socialism and communism and tried to escape it have risked their lives to escape it. i can't imagine how they feel when someone in the united states of america talking about communism that way, and this is not just some fringe person. we're talk about a sitting senator who was there to present awards! the fact that we're in this place, the democrat party needs to have a reckoning as rob is discussing, they need to have a reckoning within themselves and saying are we going to be socialists and communists or the true moderates that we proclaim to be to win elections? i'll also say going back to my earlier point, this is why it's so important we hold the democrats' feet to the fire. they'll look at joe biden, as i said, they'll say this man is incoherent and hasn't done anything. his poll numbers are horrible. we're not joe biden. you still are. you still let people like a.o.c. lead your party. you still coddle the far left policies and the far left politicians, it's time to have a moment of reckoning and tell the american people what you're for so we can make an honest and intellectual decision about the way we want to vote. >> and rob, you mentioned latino voters potentially coming to the republican party. look at this, nbc news reporting some 4 in 10 latinos that voted in 2020 are concerned about democrats embracing socialism. that's a report from equis lab and biden voters, latinos that went for biden, 30% saying they're concerned about this. there's a day of reckoning with the democratic party with latino voters in particular. >> it's coming. you talk to a cuban and someone from south america, they see the socialism coming from a mile way and turning them off in droves. the polling number that you see we'll see more and more like that definitely leading up to the midterms and past that. they have missed the mark to how they're going to talk to voters. they're not here for socialism. they have seen it. they fled it and they want to warn the rest of us against it. >> republican party becoming the party of the big 10. we're seeing it every day. coming up, a public school is hosting family of color playground nights. filling the unusual event as being about inclusion, diversity and unity. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed only pay for what you need. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. mom, hurry, our show's gonna start soon. won't be too long. i'm leaving work now. ♪ people around ♪ ♪ christmas ♪ oh no. seriously? oh, don't worry. mommy'll be back soon. besides, we can record the show for her. it's not the same if she's not here. ♪ christmas ♪ ♪ the snow's coming down ♪ what the? oh my goodness. don't worry, i'm a nurse. we're on in 30 seconds. i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ deck the halls ♪ ♪ but it's not like christmas at all ♪ mommy? that's mommy. whoa. ♪ and all the fun we had last year ♪ ♪ pretty lights on the tree ♪ ♪ i'm watching them shine ♪ watch the full story at >> president biden touring two hardest hit areas of kentucky after last weekend's tornadoes today. we have a live report on the damage plus following his movements on the ground there plus biden blaming the meat industry now rather than his own policies when it comes to inflation. katie pavlich on deck to react. officials pressuring officials to get tough on crime following that deadly parade incident. we'll have a wisconsin state representative on the community's message. join us as "america reports" top of the hour. >> all right. are you ready for this? a public elementary school in denver, colorado is getting pushback for holding what some are calling racially segregated event called and they put it on the sign. can we show it? family of color playground night. the school says that black families actually requested the event. manhattan institute senior fellow and city journal writer christopher russo flagged it unusual project after finding an advertisement for it. but a denver public school spokesman says the event was put on in the name of diversity, equity and inclusion. explaining "the school leaders at centennial received a specific request from families to create a space of belonging. efforts like these are about uniting us, not dividing us." rob smith? >> over 50 years after brown vs. board of education we fought so hard to get rid of segregation. now we have it in the name of wokeness. we have woke segregation. that's what's going on here. i say this all the time, you know, if you have the opportunity, get your kids out of public school. they're nothing but indoctrination factories in some cases. if you go to a twitter handle, they do a good job of exposing some of the indoctrination that happens. this is further indoctrination and more segregation. this is bad news . >> i have a quick follow for you. the way it hits me as a person of color, i want to know how it was asked. we want to support you in some way, if we do this, what do you think? go home, brain storm and come up with ways that will make you feel more comfortable. i think the question is important here. >> i think that question is important, i don't think that we know at this point. i would say honestly knowing how this stuff works, knowing how the wokeness has taken over basically every aspect of education nowadays, i would think that this is something that probably came from the school. and for me, as somebody who is a public school kid, i went to public school my entire life, and i have great respect for it. but i do not think that it is sending the right message to these kids to separate them from, you know, to separate them in groups based on black, white, etc. >> i would say that not all schools are created equally. so you know, we can't say it's running rampant in every school. but tommy, they were bold enough to put that up on a sign. this is something that they were proud of and my question is like for me, with biracial kids, do they have like the half white, half black night? >> when we're talking about this, i'm glad rob pointed it out, generations of americans of all colors and all political affiliations fought to end our horrible past in our nation. now that they're trying to bring it back especially at that age for students, that's what really gets me. if you can pull your kids out of public school, the problem is the people that really need that true inclusion and true diversity and sense of belonging regardless of race or socioeconomic status or what have you are the people that can't afford to go to private school. they're the ones that need the most and need to have these lessons even more strongly preached that we need to come together. that we are all equal, that we need to work together towards a common goal. and it's disturbing to me at a young age, they're teaching young people that's not the solution but rather coddling and separating and dividing them. it doesn't bode well for their future. >> i love the idea of meeting for playground and doing all of that, everybody is welcome. we'll just get to this because we're bringing everybody together. millennials, gen-zers, we have a question for them. a new survey says, yes, details next. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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(crowd) business! >> a new poll finds more than half of millennials have used aid minor illness to get out of doing adult duties. to avoid doing laundry and to avoid buying groceries and cleaning their room or their apartment leading these chores to their roommates, parents or partners and will take a sick day off of work versus 74% of mill enials. the millennials on the couch. kayleigh mcenany. >> we have three on this couch. we defied expectations. >> you are the exceptions. >> yes, i know i look like a generation-x person but i am millennial. i give my millennial wills tough love. we are the most spoiled and lazy generation. stop being lazy. do your work. show up. stop giving us all a bad name. >> [laughing]. everyone is laughing right now. >> yes, the sickness in laziness. it doesn't prize me. i know the man cold which men of every age get the sniffles and you would think the world is coming to an end. that's for men of all ages. >> we are gen-xers. i don't know what that means. the study did not look at us. >> [laughing]. >> i am on the panel and honored to be here. >> thanks to everyone for watching. all of you. thank you and now here's "america reports." . >> ♪ ♪ >> sandra: thank you. "america reports" with an fox news alert. president biden's efforts to fight covid running legal road blocks as his approval numbers on the handling of the pandemic in a brand new tank. >> john: and states and institutions pushing back against mandates of the pandemic about to entering a third year. even amtrak. more coming up on. >> sandra: now also this fox news alert. president biden is on the ground in kentucky visiting hard hit communities there.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709

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seat, turning point u.s.a. spokesman and iraq war veteran rob smith. fox is on the front lines of this crisis as we get video of a dozen migrants appear to be held together by rope attempting to cross the rio grande river. but they're certainly not the only ones that come here illegally as southwest land border and counters hit more than 164,000 last month. and taught more than 1.7 million in this fiscal year. plus, illegal drugs are also a huge problem with border agents seizing $3 million worth of meth at the u.s.-mexico border. in texas, the border crisis is being blamed for even more serious crimes. with a human smuggling suspect hit with a slew of charges including murder. after police say the teen ran a stop sign while fleeing from border agents. and t-boned a car driven by a 59-year-old missionary and her 22-year-old daughter killing both instantly. the lieutenant governor of teas saying the blood of these american citizens is on the hands of president biden and vice president kamala harris. rob smith, what are your thoughts on the unfolding tragedy day after day after day in this monumental crisis facing us? >> emily, i think one of my first thoughts is that it's so unfortunate that we only have these conversations about what's going on at the border if we talk about the violence, we talk about the drugs, if we talk about the sex trafficking, things like that. that is only sort of conservative leaning outlets and conservative people that talk about this because this is purely an american issue, right? so this is an issue that affects all of us. and i think that the left is doing a big disservice by not having this conversation. i think that they do not want to have this conversation, and when you talk about voting patterns here, there's this idea that the latino and hispanic americans are just all in on biden's mass immigration plan, right? now, that's not exactly true. there's a wall street journal poll that said that if the election were held today and it was biden and trump running, that 43% of hispanics would vote for biden as opposed to 44% for trump. that is very, very close, right? and now you have a lot of congressional districts that are going heavily hispanic for republicans. so i think that the left is very much missing the mark when they do not talk about this issue, it is making americans feel less safe and that is americans of all colors. >> that's exactly right. and tommy, it's a humanitarian issue as well. it's even larger than this country as people flooding the border are subject to squalid conditions in the camps that we have been holding them under this administration. they are subjected to everything from sexual assault to injury to death by these human smugglers and this administration, while doing nothing about it, is fielding silence from the left and enjoying silence from the left who seem to cry about humanity for every other issue other than this one affecting millions every day. >> i also want to be careful when we talk about the conditions at the border. we all have seen them, you know, what little we've seen of them and been able to see of them. i want to be careful, though, about demonizing our border patrol agents. they are doing the absolute best that they can. they are overburdened and i think that that when we talk about the conditions oftentimes, americans hear that and they want to point the finger at those border patrol agents. they need help and resources. they don't have room for these people to go. they do the absolute best that they can. they treat them and from what i have seen personally they treat them exceptionally. i want to discuss, we're talking about the drug bust and the human smuggling. this is the smuggling and drug busts that were caught. they're having to be glorified babysiters and i think the american people need to think what else is coming into our country is that undetected and unbusted? what is coming into our communities? i think the solution to this because the biden administration will not do anything. the solution is leaders, true leaders like governor ron desanity is taking a stand and making his state an example of what should be the rest of the country saying we're going to take the illegal minors and send them to delaware and martha's vineyard and make sure we have protections for legal americans and legal immigrants to make sure they're being put first in our communities especially at the state level. that's what the governors need to step up and doing. because the biden administration are not going to do it. >> 100%, we support law enforcement and these conditions have been created under this administration not by law enforcement at the border. harris, you've had multiple really engaging interviews with political officials, governors as well and border states as well as throughout the country and law enforcement representatives. what are your greatest themes that you've seen? >> i've been really fortunate to talk with a large group of sheriffs along the way who have gathered more than once at the border to figure out how they can support the very people that they're talking about, the border patrol agents. remember, their job is an extension of the federal government's job to protect all of us. the government has one job. i know it says it has a lot. it has a lot of responsibilities but the singular job is to keep us all secure and safe. if they're not able to do their job because they're being outnumbered, forgive the term, overrun at the border, then that makes all of us less safe. and so tommy, you asked what else is coming? i ask who. not just what else is coming across the border? because we know there are a lot of drugs coming, fentanyl, so and so forth. it's the who that i'm concerned about when you can go on snapchat and get 100 strangers to hit a home depot. like when you can cause a flash mob of crime and we know that the cartel and we know that they have phones. we know that they have privy to social media, right? and we know that they like to show up at a crime. so i'm concerned with merging crises here, that the wave of crime that we're already seeing because we seem to not want to adjudicate the cases of the criminals the way that we want to point a finger at the victims. buy more security cameras. along with those that would naturally want to do crime coming across our border. that's not everybody, of course not. there are people that want to be here for dream furthering, for asylum, for all of that. but when they illegally cross into this country, and want to do harm, they now have maybe a new network to hook up with. i'm concerned about a collision of crises. >> at the end of the day, all of these crises have been either created or festered under the watch of joe biden and americans have started to see that. >> no doubt! really interestingly, the way harris put it about a collision of crises and yet, within one crisis, which is immigration, there's an umbrella of crises. a trifecta of crises within that one issue, if you will, there's the humanitarian crisis. there's the drug crisis that tommy speaks to. as harris puts it, the security crisis. all three of these are so important. the humanitarian crisis, look at that. two u.s. citizens killed. things like this happened all too often in our country. in mexico, 55 migrants killed as they're out of human smuggling operation with 200 in a tractor-trailer, 55 killed in a crash. when joe biden incentivizes illegal immigrants to come, things like this happen be it in mexico or our side of the border. you move to the drug crisis, texas department of safety say they've received enough sentinels to kill 200 million americans. that's nearly 2/3 of our country. coming at a time when we know overdose deaths eclipsed to their highest point last year going through april in history over 100,000 deaths. and then the security component, who is coming in? people are coming from outside of just latin america, central america. we know that screening, congress has been saying how are you screening the minors that are being dropped off in new york state. >> we can't even covid test them. >> they dropped the interview component of spouses of refugees. this is just a swirling mess, a trifecta of crises. what is joe biden doing? he's asleep at the wheel. >> all of this incompetence and tragedy was predictable, right, we've talked about when compassionate policies become cruel. this is incompetent capitulating policy and it has been cruel for a long time. remember, vice president kamala harris campaigned in part on the fact that she would fix the immigration system. joe biden has had 50 years to work on it and neither of them have done anything. they've made it worse. coming up, he's not seeing the bad poll numbers. president biden's rosie prediction for the midterms despite tanking on so many key issues. >> i want to tell my republican friends, get ready! you're going to have a problem. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® is a pill that lowers blood sugar in three ways. increases insulin when you need it... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. veteran homeowners- you made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. >> president biden bullish on democrats' chances in the 2022 midterms. this, despite poor polling on many key issues. the president told the crowd at the d.n.c. holiday party. >> i want to tell my republican friends, get ready, you're going to in for a problem! as democrats, we know what we're for where republicans don't seem to be for anything. name me something they are for. we have to keep making the case and if we do, i believe we're going to win. let me say this again for the press. we're going to win in 2022! >> talk about not reading the tea leaves. tough words. maybe the president needs a reality check, you think? wide range of issues.e is on a sometimes by a 2-1 margin on immigration, the economy, crime, and on inflation which is rising at its fastest pace in nearly 40 years. those words are so departed from reality when you have cnbc, republicans ahead by 10 points. abc news/"washington post" poll republicans ahead by 10 points. that's the highest since the poll has recorded since 1981. i mean, this is not good for biden even the mainstream polling organizations see that. >> i think my favorite part of his little speech is when he said he doesn't know what republicans are for. well, just send him a few things. law and order. border security. affordability. freedom! just a few things that we're for, limited government. you know, basically everything that's going wrong, we're against all that and for things that actually work as they did during the trump administration. but here's what i fear. i do believe that there is going to be a massive red wave coming in 2022. but i do believe before then, the democrats will distance themselves from joe biden. they're going to say you know what? he's not really doing a good job and not coherent. they'll throw him under the bus and pretend he's not attached to the very agenda he's promoting. i think most people would believe that joe biden really isn't in charge of his agenda anyway. it's the democrat party and the d.n.c., those heavy hitters and puppeteers that are forming his entire policy. so to now be able to step back and say it was just joe biden but the democrats, we still have your back and we can make this country back, that's a lie and sham. you're already doing it and you're failing. be careful for democrats trying to distance themselves and pretending they're something different than the biden administration. they are the biden administration. >> it's true and harris, take a look at some of these headlines. biden may think he's going to do great. mainstream media doesn't think so. "new york times", how bad is it out there for democrats? democratic support has plunged nationally in recent months. "washington post," why the generic ballot is so ominous for democrats? cnn, why the 2022 midterms look like the opposite of 2018. liberal media has seemed to have woken up. >> he lost "the new york times" and "washington post"? oh, my goodness. look, tommy has a really important point. the salients there cannot be missed. it's a warning to republicans now, right? if the party splits, and he's one side and everybody else is on the other, that means that there might be some unification of those far progressives with the moderates. we don't see that now. right? but if it becomes about their political survival, they might do that and stick him out there, everything sticks to him like goo, he might not even run again. and then something else comes out. might not be kamala harris. might be somebody else. and tommy, you're absolutely right about this! it's a strategy, that could work! and if republicans don't get ready for that, they've got to make this now about a wide swath of policies across the board. take a look at those areas where things are not working out. look at those cities that lead the nation in homicides for the first time in history with those numbers for those cities. i mean, it's got to be -- if they're going to wage the real type of red wave that has sustainability, they'll have to do it with more than look at biden, look at biden. it's a very interesting point that she made. i just wanted to add on to that. >> yeah, like newt gingrich like contract with america, republicans have the opportunity to do that on a wide range of issues, rob, you mentioned immigration. and not to ignore it. and salient issue to the american people last block. and you are so right! take a look at this wall street journal poll, right? most important issue to voters. look what's on top. immigration at 13%. above the economy at 11% and inflation at 10%. again, these top three issues republicans are very good at. health care, where democrats tend to succeed in the messaging battle, that's the fourth ranked issue. rob, immigration is key here! >> yeah, immigration is key. and look, this is what a lot of people are going to be talking about leading into the midterm elections and beyond. so look, when i look at joe biden, i call it the biden bot. seems to have about three settings. one of the settings is the creepy whisper they keep us up at night. other setting is the utter confusion where he doesn't really know where he is or what nap he's on his way to. in the third setting of the biden bot is this righteous anger that's yelling. and so when i look at that speech at the d.n.c. holiday party, there's this yelling, there's this righteous indignation. oh, the republicans, better get ready, pal. there's this tough talk. this is supposed to project authority. i actually sense that it projects the exact opposite. it projects an insecurity and a weakness because they know that they are underwater on so many issues including immigration that the american public really care about. when the american public looks at these handling of these issues, they see the biden administration and the people that are in charge are failing. now, they're about 19 house democrats that are either departing the house or moving on to new things next year. i do not think that you would see these numbers if there was some big red wave coming or excuse me, if there was a big blue wave coming. >> biden bot, you may have the answer of the day, rob smith. contrast that to white house press secretary who had a hard time when asked to name president biden's greatest foreign policy achievement. take a listen. >> what does the administration going to say is your biggest achievement in foreign policy in the first year? >> you know, this is a great question and i want to be thoughtful about it and talk to the president about it and i'm happy to do that. >> emily? >> oh, man, i loved rob's setting three because that's exactly the kind of interaction that biden has shown towards foreign policy leaders. the issue with what she said is twofold. number one, there isn't any foreign policy accomplishments that this administration can tout whatsoever. secondly, she failed on the messaging to have one in the big pocket. you know it better than all of us but you have something prepared. you would think an administration that's been in office for 12 months would have something prepared for that question. there you go. there has to be something one would think that she can point to. the fact that she literally couldn't underscores the incompetence of this administration and how much they make it worse. if she asked specifically about russia, setting three is what the biden bot used before they met privately but let russian state media come in. the big talk, i'm talk to prove him wrong, really? what happened out of that you shut our pipeline and let theirs go on. what about the president that said we're good friends. campaign wise, he said i'll show them who is boss. afghanistan and this administration can't think of one policy accomplishment. >> let me ask emily a quick follow. you don't buy the line, technically is circle back. didn't say it that time. you know she meant it. with the president to come up with that one, you're not buying that? >> i respect the fact that she said i'd like to have a thoughtful answer with you and meet with him. but it is ridiculous that she didn't have one prepared for a foreign policy achievement. like a basic fundamental question. it wasn't something nuanced where we understand. >> that's the problem. >> yes, one of the easiest softball questions you can get is what did the president do best on this issue and she didn't have an answer. maybe because china is developing hypersonic weaponry and that's the real answer. coming up, one democratic mayor changing course on policing as crime runs rampant in her own backyard. and across the country. that major reversal next. it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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crackdown on crime. big change of heart. when she said that she would redirect those dollars from the police budget and then just the past few months, we've seen countless videos of violent smash and grabs in the bay area. cause and effect. meanwhile, the lapd is searching for four men linked to this terrifying armed robbery in hollywood. police say the suspects followed the two victims to an apartment complex, and made off with a pair of expensive watches. chicago now, 49-year-old dad, beaten to death while stringing christmas lights with his youngest daughter. the community is in shock and pain. and they are now setting up a neighborhood watch to try to keep their own streets safe. but when you can't rely on those in charge to uphold the law, people start to get angry. last hour, i spoke with james smallwood who leads hundreds of thousands with the fraternal order of police, the national organization. watch. >> i think the biden administration is looking at the same numbers that we are. and quite frankly, americans are tired of the violent crime in this nation and they're tired of being victimized across our country. we have to do something different. the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and continue to expect a different result. that's what we're doing. >> smallwood is the treasurer and along with their team at the f.o.p. 364,000 police officers so you know they are getting the facts on the ground. >> they are getting the facts on the ground and so to, too, are the members of the community. one thing that stood out to me was the attack on the father, 49 years old hanging christmas lights with his young daughter. he's described as hard working and a good father of three leaving behind a wife and three kids. his daughter is kneeling on the ground by him and a neighbor runs over to her, and the girl says my dad is hurt. my dad is hurt. he died four hours later. now, what struck me so much about this absolutely awful story was the aftermath. the neighbors have literally said we're taking matters into our own hands. we're coming together. we're going to have a neighborhood watch. we're going to exchange contact information. you know, more needs to be done. they said this is supplementing the peace effort. when you have americans literally saying we as a close knit neighborhood are going to bond together and fill the deficit that liberal policies have created and fix the crime, that's a big place to be at. >> look and the unions are taking a call now, too, because we just saw smallwood with the f.o.p., i also had on of the seattle police union there, he said look, we're building a situation where all of these unions work together much like a neighborhood watch. they're going to have to do that. they'll have to pull plus i would imagine it pumps up their morale to be together, right, because they're not getting that from the rest of the country's leadership particularly in those blue cities where the homicides are spiking. >> you hit the nail on the head. where they are lacking, this is where people are rising up and filling that void. that's a major part of the tragedy, too. so, for example, in san francisco, the district attorney said to the police union there, do your jobs. there is an antagonism between these elected officials and los angeles, in the same presser where he held a moment of silence for homicide victims there in los angeles, he also called the sheriff a pig. how is that -- >> he says he didn't mean it. what i say is well, that's not a word that drips from your lips unless you're having bacon for breakfast. >> here's the thing. if he didn't mean to call him that pig in terrible association of law enforcement, he still said you don't wrestle with a pig. all do you is get dirty. no matter what it was highly offensesive, disrespectful and illustrates the fact that these rank and file officers, all of this law enforcement trained desperately to keep our citizens safe have zero support from the progressive left and people in positions that duped american citizens to vote for them because they ran on criminal justice reform with the pendulum swinging to the far left eroding all public safety. we sit and mention names every single day and the like over and over again. and yet, this administration does nothing and when jen psaki was asked about it, she referred the reporter to the d.o.j. and local law enfenforcement. ridiculous. >> one thing they want to do is throw more of our money at our situation. it takes more than that. our money won't compete with the policies that are already in place. they want to put more resources. so basically, they're going to refund what they took away. that doesn't change activist judges. that doesn't change d.a.'s and prosecutors who look at a criminal and say what gascone says, he doesn't want a punishment based situation for the criminals! >> yeah, there's not a problem in this society that the left doesn't try to answer by throwing more money at it. and look, very quickly, what we're going into right now is we're going into what i'm calling the post woke era. so there's a lot of the far left activists on twitter and progressives said a lot of things and they made people think that they had a lot of clout, whatever. a lot of these local officials decided to put these things into play, these policies are awful. they are hurting the citizens. it is making these places more dangerous. and now they are backing up on that. and you talked about london brie being fully present earlier. what you said is a good point. she was completely there. this wasn't dead behind the eyes like lori lightfoot talking politics. london breeds were actually there. we'll need 100 more who are running these cities to stand up and say enough is enough and get back to better policy and more policing in these communities. >> i mean, you know, tommy, i want to get to this. former detroit police chief james craig who we know is also running for governor now as a republican in the state of michigan called on police chiefs to stand up to the leaders and express themselves in democrat-led cities. he's saying look, don't stay silent. >> recognize many of these chiefs in these cities that are run by these progressive mayors, they're going to have to start standing up, stepping up and speaking out boldly. these chiefs have got to stand up and reject their mayor's assessments. >> tommy? >> they do! and that leadership needs to come and i think a movement can be built on that because the public needs to hear from law enforcement and many times law enforcement feel like they can't say anything but it is up to those leaders in those departments to do that. but i think, you know, real quickly, what every american can do to help solve a little bit of this problem, we've got such a problem with the demoralization among police departments and our law enforcement agencies. what every american can do although we can't impact policy right away, we can go up to the officers and say thank you but something else very important. we can say we need you. they need to hear that. not only that we thank them for their service but that we need them! because that is only going to inspire them to do their job even better. for those that are thinking about retirement and don't want to be in this profession anymore because they're so demoralized it might change their opinion and perspective if we show a little bit of gratitude and show them how much we need them. >> so beautifully said. one of the reasons why i wanted to do that hour today, "america's crime crisis" and have so many members of our law enforcement on it. because, as you say, we need you to them. i say we hear you to them. all right. actions speak louder than words. the democratic party tries to distance itself from socialist policies. one senator seems comfortable handing out awards to self-proclaimed communists. that's next. this is an important mortgage 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[ clicks tongue ] i don't know. i think they look good, man. mm, smooth. uh, they are a little tight. like, too tight? might just need to break 'em in a little bit. you don't want 'em too loose. for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. -okay. think i'm gonna wear these home. -excellent choice. >> if you are not already part of the communist party, we invite you to participate and contribute and join. there's more and more people talking now about socialism in this country as it becomes more and more clear that capitalism is not going to work for our future. >> wow! guess who was at that event. democratic senator richard blumenthal spoke at that communist awards ceremony in connecticut. blumenthal presented certificates of special recognition to members of a communist party affiliated organization. the senate also touting president biden massive spending bill that would drastically expand social programs in the united states. this comes as top democrats have repeatedly tried to distance themselves from socialist policies. including president biden who said this of bernie sanders after winning the democrat nomination in 2020. >> i beat the socialists, that's how i got elected and got the nomination. do i look like a socialist? look at my career, my whole career. i am not a socialist. >> well, your party seems to be. rob smith, i mean, senator blumenthal, one estimate has his net worth at $100 million. seems to be doing quite well based off the capitalist system. should we expect biden to come out and dismiss him? >> probably, i mean, you know what? they probably won't have biden do that. it's absolutely insane to me that a sitting democratic senator is literally speaking at some communist event. honestly, to tell you the truth, it shouldn't be that surprising because when you look at what is going on with the left right now, when you look at what is going on with the democrats, all of the energy is among this sort of socialist and communist leaning right now. you've got the most popular democrats, a.o.c., the squad, all of these people, they can only get energy and they can only get attention when they are pushing for these socialist beliefs. and there's this weird footsie going on among the left right now. you have biden on one hand with the student loan debt repayment so he's backed off from that. that was one of the socialist things that we were pushing for. so a.o.c. and the squad and all them try to act very upset about that when they're touting build back better which is basically socialism in its form right now. you've got cradle to grave government interventions which is exactly what the build back better plan is about. so honestly, to tell you the truth, they say a lot about the republicans. they say a lot about conservative fractions in this party. but their party is being taken over by the socialists and communists right now and for the love of god, any democrats who believe in the future of this country, need to start standing up against that right now and stop being so afraid of the squad and what their mobs on twitter will say about it. >> no doubt, tommy, this is a sitting democrat senator speaking at an affiliate of communist party u.s.a. who is saying come join the communist party. how does this make sense? >> it doesn't make sense and i got to tell you, when i hear that woman talking about communism and how that should be the future of our nation, it makes the hair on my back of neck stand up. i can't imagine what cubans and venezuelans and other people that have lived under socialism and communism and tried to escape it have risked their lives to escape it. i can't imagine how they feel when someone in the united states of america talking about communism that way, and this is not just some fringe person. we're talk about a sitting senator who was there to present awards! the fact that we're in this place, the democrat party needs to have a reckoning as rob is discussing, they need to have a reckoning within themselves and saying are we going to be socialists and communists or the true moderates that we proclaim to be to win elections? i'll also say going back to my earlier point, this is why it's so important we hold the democrats' feet to the fire. they'll look at joe biden, as i said, they'll say this man is incoherent and hasn't done anything. his poll numbers are horrible. we're not joe biden. you still are. you still let people like a.o.c. lead your party. you still coddle the far left policies and the far left politicians, it's time to have a moment of reckoning and tell the american people what you're for so we can make an honest and intellectual decision about the way we want to vote. >> and rob, you mentioned latino voters potentially coming to the republican party. look at this, nbc news reporting some 4 in 10 latinos that voted in 2020 are concerned about democrats embracing socialism. that's a report from equis lab and biden voters, latinos that went for biden, 30% saying they're concerned about this. there's a day of reckoning with the democratic party with latino voters in particular. >> it's coming. you talk to a cuban and someone from south america, they see the socialism coming from a mile way and turning them off in droves. the polling number that you see we'll see more and more like that definitely leading up to the midterms and past that. they have missed the mark to how they're going to talk to voters. they're not here for socialism. they have seen it. they fled it and they want to warn the rest of us against it. >> republican party becoming the party of the big 10. we're seeing it every day. coming up, a public school is hosting family of color playground nights. filling the unusual event as being about inclusion, diversity and unity. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed only pay for what you need. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. mom, hurry, our show's gonna start soon. won't be too long. i'm leaving work now. ♪ people around ♪ ♪ christmas ♪ oh no. seriously? oh, don't worry. mommy'll be back soon. besides, we can record the show for her. it's not the same if she's not here. ♪ christmas ♪ ♪ the snow's coming down ♪ what the? oh my goodness. don't worry, i'm a nurse. we're on in 30 seconds. i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ deck the halls ♪ ♪ but it's not like christmas at all ♪ mommy? that's mommy. whoa. ♪ and all the fun we had last year ♪ ♪ pretty lights on the tree ♪ ♪ i'm watching them shine ♪ watch the full story at >> president biden touring two hardest hit areas of kentucky after last weekend's tornadoes today. we have a live report on the damage plus following his movements on the ground there plus biden blaming the meat industry now rather than his own policies when it comes to inflation. katie pavlich on deck to react. officials pressuring officials to get tough on crime following that deadly parade incident. we'll have a wisconsin state representative on the community's message. join us as "america reports" top of the hour. >> all right. are you ready for this? a public elementary school in denver, colorado is getting pushback for holding what some are calling racially segregated event called and they put it on the sign. can we show it? family of color playground night. the school says that black families actually requested the event. manhattan institute senior fellow and city journal writer christopher russo flagged it unusual project after finding an advertisement for it. but a denver public school spokesman says the event was put on in the name of diversity, equity and inclusion. explaining "the school leaders at centennial received a specific request from families to create a space of belonging. efforts like these are about uniting us, not dividing us." rob smith? >> over 50 years after brown vs. board of education we fought so hard to get rid of segregation. now we have it in the name of wokeness. we have woke segregation. that's what's going on here. i say this all the time, you know, if you have the opportunity, get your kids out of public school. they're nothing but indoctrination factories in some cases. if you go to a twitter handle, they do a good job of exposing some of the indoctrination that happens. this is further indoctrination and more segregation. this is bad news . >> i have a quick follow for you. the way it hits me as a person of color, i want to know how it was asked. we want to support you in some way, if we do this, what do you think? go home, brain storm and come up with ways that will make you feel more comfortable. i think the question is important here. >> i think that question is important, i don't think that we know at this point. i would say honestly knowing how this stuff works, knowing how the wokeness has taken over basically every aspect of education nowadays, i would think that this is something that probably came from the school. and for me, as somebody who is a public school kid, i went to public school my entire life, and i have great respect for it. but i do not think that it is sending the right message to these kids to separate them from, you know, to separate them in groups based on black, white, etc. >> i would say that not all schools are created equally. so you know, we can't say it's running rampant in every school. but tommy, they were bold enough to put that up on a sign. this is something that they were proud of and my question is like for me, with biracial kids, do they have like the half white, half black night? >> when we're talking about this, i'm glad rob pointed it out, generations of americans of all colors and all political affiliations fought to end our horrible past in our nation. now that they're trying to bring it back especially at that age for students, that's what really gets me. if you can pull your kids out of public school, the problem is the people that really need that true inclusion and true diversity and sense of belonging regardless of race or socioeconomic status or what have you are the people that can't afford to go to private school. they're the ones that need the most and need to have these lessons even more strongly preached that we need to come together. that we are all equal, that we need to work together towards a common goal. and it's disturbing to me at a young age, they're teaching young people that's not the solution but rather coddling and separating and dividing them. it doesn't bode well for their future. >> i love the idea of meeting for playground and doing all of that, everybody is welcome. we'll just get to this because we're bringing everybody together. millennials, gen-zers, we have a question for them. a new survey says, yes, details next. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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(crowd) business! >> a new poll finds more than half of millennials have used aid minor illness to get out of doing adult duties. to avoid doing laundry and to avoid buying groceries and cleaning their room or their apartment leading these chores to their roommates, parents or partners and will take a sick day off of work versus 74% of mill enials. the millennials on the couch. kayleigh mcenany. >> we have three on this couch. we defied expectations. >> you are the exceptions. >> yes, i know i look like a generation-x person but i am millennial. i give my millennial wills tough love. we are the most spoiled and lazy generation. stop being lazy. do your work. show up. stop giving us all a bad name. >> [laughing]. everyone is laughing right now. >> yes, the sickness in laziness. it doesn't prize me. i know the man cold which men of every age get the sniffles and you would think the world is coming to an end. that's for men of all ages. >> we are gen-xers. i don't know what that means. the study did not look at us. >> [laughing]. >> i am on the panel and honored to be here. >> thanks to everyone for watching. all of you. thank you and now here's "america reports." . >> ♪ ♪ >> sandra: thank you. "america reports" with an fox news alert. president biden's efforts to fight covid running legal road blocks as his approval numbers on the handling of the pandemic in a brand new tank. >> john: and states and institutions pushing back against mandates of the pandemic about to entering a third year. even amtrak. more coming up on. >> sandra: now also this fox news alert. president biden is on the ground in kentucky visiting hard hit communities there.

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Cradle To Grave , No Doubt , Love Of God , Mobs , It Doesn T Make Sense , Communism , Affiliate , Woman , Communist Party Usa , Someone , Back , Lives , Hair , Cubans , Venezuelans , Reckoning , Person , Rob , Saying , Feet , Fire , Politicians , Hasn T , Latinos , Nbc News , Decision , Report , Particular , Lab , Equis , Cuban , 30 , South America , Droves , Polling Number , Public School , Big 10 , Color , Diversity , Inclusion , Car Insurance , Cowboys , Unity , Ooo , Liberty Mutual , Tex , Pay , Liberty , Turn , Record , Hang On , Hello , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Interest , Heart , Cooking , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Show , Won T , Seal , Mom , Gonna , Mommy , Same , Snow , Oh My Goodness , Don T Worry , Deck The Halls , Nurse , Tree , Fun , Damage , Hit Areas , Tornadoes , President Biden Touring Two , Kentucky , Movements , Meat Industry , Parade Incident , Katie Pavlich , Wisconsin , Colorado , Elementary School , America Reports , Message , State Representative , Pushback , Holding , Denver , Families , Manhattan Institute , School , Sign , Senior , Playground Night , City Journal , Christopher Russo , In The Name Of , School Leaders , Advertisement , Project , Denver Public School Spokesman , Belonging , Efforts , Request , Space , Segregation , Education , In The Name Of Wokeness , Brown Vs , Indoctrination , Indoctrination Factories , Handle , News , Go Home , Brain Storm , Somebody , Stuff Works , The School , Aspect , Public School Kid , Wokeness , Public School My Entire Life , Groups , Black , Respect , Etc , Schools , Biracial Kids , White , Generations , Half , Affiliations , Students , Private School , Socioeconomic Status , Most , Lessons , Race , It Doesn T , Age , Goal , Separating , Equal , Millennials , Playground , Meeting , Gen Zers , Survey , Details , Boost , Walking , Joints , Psoriatic Arthritis , Hurt , Hiding , Psoriatic Arthritis Move , Feeling Good , Woooo , Back Pain , Stop , Joint Swelling , Tenderness , Move , 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